#but huh! I’ve never thought ‘if I do this then Ken will be proud of me’
oh-surprise-its-me · 8 months
As much as I love Roos, I can't get over how protective Jav is if Jake. Like!!! He gets all serious when the jokes takes a serious turns, and holds back Roos before he cam jump at him.
So--! Married. Jake's dads know, so does javys mom and sister. Hell, they secretly had bets on who would make the first move and everything, javy is basically family since forever. But the daggers don't know (and okay, they both are very good at keeping secrets, Jake kept his whole family a secret ever since flight school!), they find out when one of them is hurt and the other just panics because fuck. Fuck close call how am I supposed to react there?? Sir? Mr compacflt how do you react to your admiral husband getting hurt Sir??? (Yeah, well, whoever of them it is, the answer never changes, and Tom never reacts well).
Could be random training/mission, could be the dagger training before bird strike, could be after Jake takes off as dagger spare but shit goes wrong...could be anything, but the daggers thought those two were just friends, close friends, and messing up with them about having a house together, and plans, and the rings too...
I live for Jake x Javy. I desperately need more of it. It’s like I’m 8 again and sticking two ken dolls together to kiss. I love this.
When Jake slammed out of his plane they all could only watch. Javy can’t believe he just had to watch Jake eject. He’s never seen Jake eject before.
“Mav what’s happening! Why did Jake just go out???”
“His plane wasn’t responding to any controls Coyote. He ejected. Everyone come back now. No arguments.”
Javy scans the sky for the med helicopter. “Mav where is med.” “still coming Coyote. Return back to base.”
Javy can’t leave him out there. What kind of husband would that make him. Oh fuck Jake’s dads. They’re on base today. Javy is going to have to tell them their son is dead.
He snaps out of it at Tom’s voice. “Sir?” “Oh thank god Javy. It’s fine. Jake will be fine. Come back down. You hear me son?”
Javy opens his mouth and closes it. “Sir…?” Tom sighs. “Kid your husband and my son will be fine. He’s resilient. Bounced back as much as Ron does. Come home.” Javy obeys, he trusts Tom with anything. If he says Jake is fine then he’ll be fine.
When Javy lands he falls out of the cockpit. Somehow Ron is there to catch him. He takes him all the way to the ground with his weight. “Jake?” Ron nods. “Hospital. He’s fine though.”
The daggers are all standing on the side watching this unfold. Tom makes his way over. “Hey kiddo? Ready to go see him?”
Javy shakes out another sob. He can’t help it. He can’t lose Jake.
They slowly make their way up to the med bay.
There’s Jake. His incredible husband Jake.
“Javy!” Javy blinks. Apparently Jake is awake. That’s a good sign. He’s got blood in his blond hair but otherwise a soft cast on his wrist looks to be the worst.
“Broke my nose again tata! That might get me close to beating Papa’s record!”
Tom laughs and sits next to the bed after shoving Javy into the other chair, “baby not something to be proud of.” Jake grins. “So you called me husband across the entire radio huh? Is that why my phone is blowing up?”
Javy blinks. Whoops. He rubs the back of his neck and doesn’t look Jake in the eyes. “Yeah. Sorry.”
Jake laughs. “Baby I can’t wait to hold your hand while being out. But you know the daggers are going to as so many questions.”
Ron kisses Jake’s head and brushes a hand across Tom’s shoulders. “We’re going back to our room. We’ll see you in the morning okay boys?” The two younger men nod, “good. Love you both.”
Phoenix and Rooster slip into the room a few minutes later. “How’s he doing?” Javy shrugs from where he’s holding Jake. “Fine. Nothing lasting. Got lucky.”
Rooster nods. “Canwe ask you something?” Javy sighs, he knew this would be coming.
“Are you two happy like this?”
Oh fuck Javy wasn’t expecting that.
“Extremely. Never been happier. I’ve spend so much time with him already I wouldn’t know how to live without him.” Phoe nods and pats a hand on Jake’s hair. Roo claps a hand on Javy’s shoulders. “For the record I’m very happy for you both.”
“Thanks I’m happy for us as well.”
When Jake wakes up he’s warm. Javy must be in bed with him. He starts to wiggle to break free but remembers his wrist and hip are fucked up. He slowly just starts petting Javy’s hair. It’s like having a puppy right there in front of him at all times.
Jake voiced that thought once and got a spanking of a lifetime. He hasn’t said that out loud again (yet..)
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legendheroes · 1 year
have the local heroes ever talk about their experience with dark digivolving their partners?
i feel like they need to have that talk
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Ken: So, Daisuke asked me a favor which is helping you to talk about… Something important.
Ken: *Ahem* Your experiences with negative digimon evolution.
Ken: I say it by experience. Taichi-san from my world knows why.
Little Ken knew that Takato was aware of the reason as well.
Tagiru: Um… Why should we talk about those?
Taichi: I think it’s a good talk, I’ve talked about this before with Daisuke and the others, Ichijouji too.
Tagiru: What do you mean by ‘negative evolution’?
Takato: It’s when you dark-evolve your digimon, right? At least it’s what I know.
Tagiru: That didn’t help much, Takato-san! How do you do that? Why are we having this talk?
Haru: Oh, I think I know. It’s when you raise your digimon incorrectly and get an uncontrollable form for your digimon, right?
Takato: Yep! But how do you know that?
Haru: I… I had an Agumon once…?
Tagiru: There’s a ton of Agumons in this group…
Masaru: Do ya have a problem with it!?
Tagiru: [panicky] N-NO-NOT SIR!
Taiki: Hmm…
Taichi: Here's some wise advice: Never risk your life in order to force a digimon to evolve. Actually, never force a digimon to evolve. I did it. I put everyone and Agumon in danger.
Taichi: And please, don’t kidnap other people digimon and force them to evolve, either.
Ken: [laughs nervously]
Takato: Ah, I knew this was the case. Daisuke-san never had this issue, but Ichijouji-san did.
 Ken: It’s not something I’m proud of, I admit it was a mistake.
Takuya: Uh, I don’t think I had this problem before… I mean had no control over Vritramon at first and almost hurt everyone… But I’m not sure if I had dark-evolved before. Maybe it was when I turned into a human-beast hybrid digimon for a while?
Taiki: Hm… I never experienced it either. But Shoutmon and the others had been brainwashed twice before.
Tagiru: Gumdramon was a naughty digimon before meeting me, but I don’t think he was that bad…?
Masaru: If we’re having this talk… I used Burst Mode incorrectly once, I put everyone in danger because of my rage, made my Agumon suffer and cry out of pain until he reverted into a digiegg.
Takato: Rage… I had my own wrath and…
Takuya: It’s OK kiddo, we won’t judge you. spill those beans!
Takato: We witnessed a friend’s digimon be killed in front of our eyes, and I wanted to beat Beelzebumon so badly that I dark-evolved Guilmon into a terrible monster. I hope I never make Guilmon evolve into that digimon again…
R!Taichi: I never raised my Agumon incorrectly, I think. But the closest to those experiences was when we were dealing with Devimon and there was dark miasma around the place. But… I don’t remember much of what happened. I was… Eaten.
Tagiru: What!? like, the evil guy chomped you alive?!
R!Taichi: Yes. I don’t know how I survived though…
Taichi: If turning into a keychain is the closest thing to dying… Wait, I got literally erased from the world once.
Takuya: Huh, Hiro’s too quiet. Hey dude, tell us something!
Tagiru: Yeah, did you do something wrong before??
Hiro: Uh… I can’t say I’m raising Gammamon wrongly. But…
Tagiru/Takuya: But!?
Hiro: There’s another side of Gammamon we don’t know well. But he knows me somehow.
Masaru: What do ya mean?
Hiro: I don't think it’s a dark-evolution, based on what it was said about it… GulusGammamon is not an uncontrollable beast. So I thought maybe I have nothing to add here.
Taichi: Then Daisuke, Haru and Hiro never experienced it?
Ken: Seems like to be it.
Takuya: No offence Takato, but how do you know Daisuke never experienced it?
Takato: Uh… He told me. Actually he told me he’s not good at being evil.
Everyone but Taichi & Ken: What do you mean?
Taichi: Ah… Should we tell them?
Ken: It’s not like Daisuke would mind, if he told someone already…
Tagiru: Spit it out!!?
Taichi: You see, there was a time Daisuke tried to really impress girls and tried dark-evolving himself into a copy of the Digimon Kaiser, but…
Ken: He tried and failed at it. That’s all.
Taichi: The only bad thing in him is his head.
Daisuke: A-ATCHOO!
V-mon: What’s wrong? Did you catch a cold?
Daisuke: Maybe… Hey, better not buy more than one chocolate bar this time, V-mon!!
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kyuublu · 3 years
Quick Thrills [2]
Kyoutani Kentaro x reader
Underground Fighter AU
Part Two
Song rec: Bad religion - Frank Ocean
After we got out of the Bus and into the busy streets, I noticed how tired Kyoutani still was. His body only moving when necessary and his eyelids daring to fall at any second. Thankfully we found a restaurant that wasn’t too busy like the others that seemed to be buzzing with fashionable young adults.
“I’m starving.” I held a hand against my stomach and looked dreadfully out the window we sat by. I had to admit that I was pretty done too. Before I could even think about any other troubles of mine, Kyoutanis long silence grabbed my attention. This kind of silence was something different than usual. “Hey, stop giving me the cold shoulder. You haven’t talked since we got here.”
The man still held his gaze on the table as his shoulders hung low. He wasn’t just thinking, I could tell he was concerned about the upcoming fight. I leaned forward and tried to meet his eye. “Don’t think about it for now okay? And if you do then at least say it out lout. You know you can always talk to me.” The fighter didn’t budge. Sighing I leaned back again, taking the menu in my hand. I scanned through the pages until I found something for my taste.
“Iwaizumi and I used to go to the same school.” My eyes quickly wandered back to Kyoutani as I lowered the menu. “He was a better athlete than me in any way you could imagine. Fuck it, he was the best athlete in the whole school.” He huffed out a chuckle and finally let me look him in the eye.
“I thought you guys met through fights?” I furrowed my brows in confusion. My friend only shook his head until he turned to the window. “I didn’t even know he fought until someone randomly had told me I went to school with one of the best upcoming fighters. I shouldn’t have been so suprised but I mean he looked like a pretty decent guy.”
His eyes focused on something in the distance but mine stayed locked on him. “I didn’t think he would end up like this.”
Suddenly a foreign emotion took over me. I couldn’t quite place if it was anger or sadness. “You didn’t think he���d end up like you.”
Kyoutanis demeanor didn’t change after what I said, but it was clear to me that I hadn’t been wrong. I shrugged off the weird tension that was building up and took the menu again. A brow lifted when I saw one of my friends’ favorite sweets.
“Oi Ken, they got donuts here too.” Kyoutani grunted at the nickname I frequently used to tease him. Nonetheless the fighter still was quick to add the donut to his order at the end. After we ate it had already started to get dark again. Before we had to linger around the big city at night, we decided to get to the next motel. Another Bus took us to the nearest station and from there on we walked a couple of minutes again. When we saw the motel from afar it was obvious that it had been a more rundown, cheap one which my partner wasn’t too happy about.
“Are you kidding me?” He sighed as he took in the flickering neon lights that seemed weak against the other enormous signs that were plastered on the streets buildings.
As we entered the motel, a familiar voice rung through the hallway. Suddenly a look at the reception made it awfully clear who it was.
“Don’t let it be-“ Maddogs’ frustration only worsened once the figure casually turned around until his eyes met ours. I could only mumble a quick “Oikawa...” before the man could greet us from afar with an enthusiastic smile.
“Oh hey guys! What a nice suprise!” As we slowly stepped closer, I decided to play nice and give him the attention he usually needed.
“Yes, it’s definitely suprising.” Before I could say another word, I could feel Kyoutanis wandering eyes and his constant fidgeting. I knew he was nervous to meet the fighter Oikawa was accompanying. “So, y/n how-“
“Let me just check in real quick.” I cut the brunette off quickly before talking to the receptionist and getting our keys. After the exchange, I put the keys into my partners hands. “You can go ahead already. I know you’re tired.” He only gave me a short nod before walking of with his bag in hand. My eyes catched Oikawas again for a minute before he couldn’t stop himself from talking again.
“He still doesn’t say a word does he? I thought it would get better one day but it seems like he’ll never become a big talker.”
I let out a chuckle. The tall man stepped away and took a seat at one of the couches in the hallway.
“Oh and of course another thing hasn’t changed either.” He made a dramatic pause to coerce me into speaking again. “And what could that thing be, Oikawa?”
He gasped before putting a hand over his chest. “Since when have you stopped using my first name?”. I rolled my eyes at his childishness but stepped closer, only to rest on the seat opposite of him. “We’ve only met twice Oi-“
His pout made me visibly cringe but I went along with his stupidity. “Toru.” A proud grin spread across his face as he crossed his arms. “I’d consider us close enough. I mean you are a dear friend of our little Maddog.”
I chuckled at his antics again until I could feel my fellow colleagues’ eyes on me. “You still didn’t notice it though, did you?”
“What?” I asked with genuine curiosity.
“He’s head over heels for you, honey.”
My eyes stayed a little longer on his this time, struggling to find a normal response I could give. “What hasn’t changed therefore is; that he’s still a coward.”
I blinked my eyes, perplexed at his sudden statement. Toru only leaned back on the couch, satisfied by my flustered state. The only thing that came to my mind now was the question I had been asking myself since we first got here.
“Where’s Iwaizumi? You usually stick to him at all times..” I tried casually breaking eye contact to look around the lobby. Toru let out laugh, letting me know that he found my question, to turn the conversation, a bit blunt. “He’s resting in his room. That’s what he told me but I’m guessing he’s watching the video of his last fight again.”
I nodded slowly. “Wow, we’re up against a real professional this time, huh?”. A small smile was spreading across my face until Toru suddenly stood up, stepping next to my seat.
“You knew what you’re getting yourself into. Now we just have to find out if he can keep his word.” My brows furrowed as the brunette walked past me, until his footsteps couldn’t be heard anymore. These two did have more history with each other than I had previously thought.
“Ken, I have a question..”
I looked at my hands as he entered our shared room after taking a shower. The room did thankfully have two separate beds, which made me feel a bit at ease after the confession Toru had just thrown at me out of nowhere. But there wasn’t any time for this type of thing.
“Okay, what’s up?” The fighter came closer and sat down on the bed opposite of me, rubbing his short hair with a towel. “Did something happen between you and Iwaizumi?”
Our eyes met for a moment until his flickered down to his feet.
“He told me I wasn’t good enough.”
“Good enough for what?”
A big sigh escaped the mans lips. He awkwardly turned to lean against the headboard of his bed. “The last time we fought was just for training. He had given me a couple of tips and when I asked him if he’d be down to fight, he gave me this serious look.” Kentaro spaced out again, as if he was reliving the moment again in his head.
“‘You’re not good enough to beat me.’ Was the last thing I heard from him. After that day he was very, i don’t know, distant- I guess?”. The fighter watched his own hand fiddle with the hem of his shirt. His casual tone seemed to drown out the hurt he had probably felt til today.
I noticed he had a weird place in his heart for this childhood ‘friend’ of his. I had never seen him this willing to talk about his past before.
2 am
I stared at the digits on my phone in frustration. My stomach had started rumbling an hour ago, when I had been staring at the ceiling because of my insomnia. It wasn’t unusual for me stay up late or not get sleep at all before a fight. Eventhough I wasn’t the one who’d be going into the ring, I had to admit that I was always nervous about Maddog hurting himself real bad one day.
I shuffled around until the hunger had gotten the best of me, making me drag myself out of the bed. I decided to go to the vending machine in the lobby, grabbed my wallet and left as quietly as I could. Hopefully Kentaro would be able to get the rest he needed for tomorrow. Once I entered the lobby I quickly recognized another person standing infront of the vending machine. I shrugged and came to a halt until I catched a glimpse of the mans face when he quickly glanced behind him.
The fighter turned completely this time, a uncertainty hidden behind his eyes once I had his full attention. “I’m y/n, Maddogs’ Manager.”
Iwaizumi shook his head with somewhat of an embarrassed smile. “Ah- I’m sorry, I’m really bad at remembering people and their names.”. I waved him off quickly. “It’s fine. I get people mixed up all the time, especially in this business.”
There was another awkward feeling lingering until Iwaizumi stepped aside, pointing towards the vending machine. “You probably wanted to- uh-“
“Oh yes, my stomach was killing me.” I stepped forward and took a look at the options behind the glass. After luckily finding one of my favorite snacks, I tapped in the needed number. My curiosity rose again once I noticed Iwaizumi leaning against the wall next to the machine and swiping away on his phone.
“Aren’t you gonna get some rest before tomorrow?” He glanced at me before taking another bite off of his chocolate bar. “I’m not trying to sound harsh here but this fight has already been decided for me, so.. There really isn’t a need for extra caution.”
My mouth almost dropped at his words. I’ve always taken Iwaizumi as a fighter that was humble and well calculated, not this.
“So... You think Kentaro is weak then?” I side-eyed him as I heard the snack tumbling down. A dry chuckle escaped the fighters lips, making me fully turn towards him after grabbing my snack.
“He’s not weak per say. The boy is just not strong enough to beat me yet.” My brows furrowed while my body stiffened at his response. He continued shortly once he felt the weird tension in the room. “Like I said, my intentions aren’t to be rude. I’m only trying to make him understand that he can’t just rush his way up without structure or hard work.”
I was still growing mad at the points the brunette made. He didn’t know anything about the Maddog that I’ve seen all these years.
“I’m sorry but you don’t know shit about his determination. Kyoutani worked his ass off to get where he is now. It’s sad to hear that one of the people he used to idolize says this kinda crap about him.” We held eye contact for a minute, seemingly waiting for one of us to break the silence, until the man let out a long sigh. Iwaizumi didn’t say another word as he walked away.
He didn’t have to, to me he had already said enough.
3 am
Once I entered our shared room again I was met with a harsh glare. Kentaro sat on his bed, only in his boxers and some old white tshirt. I kinda wanted to laugh at his demeanor, the way he crossed his arms made him look like my mom when she was about to scold me. I actually wasn’t to far off with that comparison, he really seemed just as furious.
“Did you fuck him?” His eyes stayed glued to me while I closed the door. I turned slowly with confusion written all over my face.
“What?” I blinked at him until the blonde spoke up again. “Did you or not?”
A laugh that had been stuck in my throat suddenly revealed itself. He had to be kidding.
“What are you talking about?”
“I know you talked to Iwaizumi and I know how you get before fights, so...“ He shrugged, dragging his hand across his face in frustration. I chimed in before he could even finish his stupid question. “So what if I did, huh? Why does it matter so freaking much to you?”.
Finally he snapped. “Just answer the damn question, y/n.” I stared at him in disbelief, taking in a deep breath to calm myself down. “No, of course not. Why the fuck would I do that?”
Suddenly the man chuckled harshly and looked back up at me again. “I don’t know, you tell me.” My brows furrowed again as I walked towards him. We both knew this was deeper than what it seemed but, neither of us wanted to face it.
“I do it with guys that could be potential partners for future matches, we talked about this. I would never go as far as-“
“-fuck my rival?” His eyes never left mine, as if he was trying to read my thoughts. Both of us were tired at this point.
“You know what?” I turned towards my bed, taking off my pants. I slowly pulled back the blanket. “Think what you want, but I told you the truth already and I’m getting tired so...”. Looking back at the fighter I noticed that his face had changed. He was no longer frowning, he just seemed disappointed.
“Get some sleep, Ken. Stop overthinking stupid stuff.” I rolled around, my back facing him now. The sleep didn’t come to me until I could hear Kentaro shuffling around and turning off the lights next to his bed. God, we were more than tired.
Me and Kyoutani haven’t talked for the whole day. He was pretty good at staying silent but I was itching to say something as soon as we entered the lockers before the fight.
“Are you gonna stay and watch?” Kentaro mumbled as he dropped his bags next to some bench. I let out a chuckle to lighten the mood.
“I mean it’s not like I haven’t seen you changing before.”. He turned towards me with his stupid stoic face, but I knew he was relieved to hear me joke around again. The fighter nodded his head towards the door.
“Get the hell out, you creep.” I let out a gasp, only to follow his order. After closing the door I began walking toward sthe fighting area. More people were starting to come in, the noises making my headache only worse.
The fight between me and Ken wasn’t over, it was merely put on hold, but I didn’t want to think about that. We pushed it aside just like we usually would, until one day it would all be carshing down on us. Until then, we could only hope that things wouldn’t get worse.
“....Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!”
The crowds noise fainted into one loud beeping in my ear. Like bees that were humming so loudly that I couldn’t even think straight. The only thing I saw was Kentaros body on the ground and then another fighters fist raising in triumph.
I couldn’t even let out a cry.
When I regained my composure I started frantically moving through to my partner. Suddenly I noticed a speck of blood on the floor of the ring. He still wasn’t moving.
“Oi! Is he breathing? Did you check if he is breathing?” The referee stepped closer to me at the sound of my voice. The man peaked down at me and then back at Kentaro. “Yeah, he’ll be fine. We got a guy who’s pretty good with these kind of things.”. I stared at him in disbelief until I couldn’t hold myself back anymore. I jumped onto the platform and went straight to the body that was still laying on the floor.
“Ken! Kentaro!” My hands were shaking as I shaked Kenators shoulder in an attempt to get some form of sign from him.
“Stop messing with me, dude!” My eyes began watering, I knew he was breathing but the image of him laying here, his defeated form, was just unbearable.
“Just let me-“. He mumbled to himself.
“Please let me be, y/n, please-“
The boy grimaced when the pain started to hit him for good. I only watched as he propped himself on his arms. He didn’t once look at me.
“Kentaro, stop being a bitch and just let me help me you.”. I grabbed the blondes’ arm and put it over my shoulder until he pulled it away with all the force he had left.
“Leave me the fuck alone.”
He sneered, walking off the ring with a limb. I could only think about how defeated he had looked. Ken and I fought alot, sure, but he had never used a tone like this towards me. It was a sound of utter disgust. I just wasn’t sure if it was aimed at me or himself.
I realized how quite it had gotten, most people had started to leave the underground club.
Now it was just me, alone in the ring.
I didn’t dare to go into the lockers. Even after saying goodbye to Oikawa, I didn’t have it in me to face him yet. Waking back and forth infront of the club entrance, I began feeling the cold wind rippling through my clothes. It felt like hours since I’ve seen my Ken.
Suddenly the metal door creaked open, revealing a pretty busted looking Kyoutani. He still didn’t look me in the eye, but only turned to walk ahead of me.
“Ken?” My hoarse voice rang through the dark alley. The man stood still, his back still facing me. “You okay...?”
Kyoutani POV
Silence. I put my hands in my pockets as I looked forwards towards the busy street that was ahead of us. The street I was so desperate to get to. I just wanted us to arrive at the motel, pack our bags and move on from all of this bullshit. But no, of course y/n had to pull one of these again. Even if I tried to avoid all of my anger from spilling, she just had to make it worse.
“What am I supposed to say to that, y/n?” My eyes were still focused on the cars passing until I heard her quiet footsteps move closer. I quickly turned with anger. “Can’t you just let it fucking go for once? You always act like you care about me but do you really give a shit? At the end of the day you only need the money from these fights.” Eventhough I wanted to desperately seem unbothered, the tone in my voice said otherwise.
“Shit.” I cursed to myself when I finally saw y/n’s face, full of worry and tears daring to spill. She still had to be my biggest weakness.
“Kentaro, I know this means more to you than you wanna admit right now. This isn’t about you just losing some fight or that you think I’m some kind of gold digger.” I shook my head frantically. She didn’t need to adress it, she really didn’t have to open up this wound again. “I’m fine, okay? Just-“
“I know it hurts to face your past, especially when you feel like you couldn’t close the chapter how you intended it to.”
Stopping my movement, I only looked down in shame. My sight began to blurr.
No, I couldn’t do this again.
“You don’t know shit.” As the harsh words left my mouth, I immediately felt another wave of regret that I didn’t think I could bare.
“I’ll meet you at the motel.”
My body felt like it moved on his own when I turned and finally met the streetlights at the end of the alley. If I dared to look at the one person my heart bled for so much, it would’ve probably broken me.
8 am
Kyoutani hadn’t come home for another hour after I arrived. Even after thousands of attempts to call him, he didn’t budge. I sighed, looking up at the ceiling until I heard a ruttling at the door. Getting off the bed, I rushed to the door and peaked through the peephole. I didn’t think he could look even more busted than before; I thought as I opened the door.
“I didn’t have the-“ A hiccup escaped the disheveled man infront of me as he awkwardly attempted to pass through me towards his bed. My eyes never left his figure, since I was still processing that he was in fact: drunk.
“I thought you stopped drinking.” Kentaro rolled his head to the side, giving me a half ass grin. “Stop acting like my mom.”
Of course he would ignore the whole situation again. That’s what he always did.
I sighed, deciding to not give into his attempts to distract me this time. “I’m being serious, did you drink or not, Kyoutani?”
My eyes met the fighters’, even though he seemed unfocused as his smile faltered. “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep going like this with you around. You don’t really give a damn about me, we both know that. You just want to fuck around and get money to get by, you get off by that thrill i swear.”
“Is that really what you think about me? This’ all you see in me?”. The disappointment was clear in my voice as I stared him down.
“I don’t know... Sometimes you give in and give me those looks... thats the only thing keeping me going. But if i’ll let you walk all over me after every single time i get out the ring, it will kill me one day.” His eyes began to water until the droplets began to hit the white motel bedsheets.
“I think we should part ways.”
There it was again, the silence. The ignorance. The avoiding gaze. The disappointment.
“Please let me help you, just- just once. Let’s talk about this.” I shut my eyes in frustration. The panic suddenly overcame me. Maybe he was serious, maybe this was the end.
“You don’t know how much it hurts to be around you. To know that you could never-“. He stopped his sudden outburst.
“Stop acting like we’re strangers Kentaro. I’ve been by your side for years now and even if you think you’re good at hiding your thoughts and emotions, you’re really not. Your face is so easy to read for me by now, I feel like I know you better than you know yourself.” I stepped closer to the bed, trying as hard as I could to get through to him.
“I know about the anxiety you get before a fight, the nightmares you get every so often and all the shit that you hide behind your words. I know you have feelings for me.”
His head snapped back to me. Then the fighter moved back to sit on the edge of the bed. He looked like a kid that got caught stealing. “Since when did you...”
A dry chuckle escaped from my lips. “I feel like I’ve always known deep down. At first I just thought you kind of admired me or something.” Kyoutani let out a lighthearted snort. Finally a sign of him acting like his normal self again. His demeanor changed again, into uncertainty.
“I wanted to deny it for a long time. Not because I don’t like you, it was just that I thought it would complicate things. What if it doesn’t work out? Would we have to give up everything that we built?”
I let out a sigh as I watched his fingers twitch nervously. “Kentaro, can we try again? Without us hiding everything from each other. Communicating with each other like normal people.”
I practically stared holes into his figure that sat infront of me. Suddenly I felt his hands cautiously moving around my waist as he pushed my body closer to him. Perplexed by his sudden reaction, a faint blush spread across my cheeks.
“Yes, please. I don’t want to hide shit anymore.” His head rested on my stomach as his arms tightened around me. Relaxing into his hold I began to think back to the fight. I couldn’t let this slide. “And one more thing.”
Kentaros figure drew back until his gaze fully landed on me. “This wasn’t the last chance for you to face him. If you want to try again, I’m always willing to try to help you. I hope you know that.”
A small smile spread across his face as he took one of my hands. For the first time in forever, he didn’t seem to hold anything back anymore.
“Let’s kick his ass next time then.”
A giggle escaped my lips at his new found enthusiasm.
“Let’s just pray that he has a new manager until then because I feel like you’re gonna kick Toru’s ass too when you see him again.”
Kyoutani groaned at the thought of the brunette until his eyes peaked up at me again. “Toru? Since when are you guys on first name basis?”
I quickly turned to free myself from his grip as I rolled my eyes playfully. “Here we go again. We’ll really have to work on my boyfriends’ jealousy problem.”
The mans cheeks turned red as he began frowning again. “I hope you’re talking about me there.”
I chuckled as I came closer, leaving a kiss on his cheek. “Oh come on, it’s always been me and you from the beginning, right?”
Last part of this AU but i hope u enjoyed it. :))
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frostedfaves · 4 years
I Don’t Feel Alive (4)
Pairings: Jake Peralta x sister!reader (platonic), Rosa Diaz x fem!reader (romantic), Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago (also romantic)
Summary: Jake shows up for your big moment and you’re there to comfort him for his.
Warnings: drug mentions and use, anxious reader, a bit of angst
A/N: so sorry for the wait on this part, but I hope it was worth it! I did a time jump because I needed to move forward a bit, not only for the sake of the addiction part of the storyline, but also because I need to introduce Rosa and Amy soon. anyway, lemme know what you think!!
Previous part
To say you were nervous was an understatement. You were about to host your very first art show featuring your own paintings, something that you’d wanted for a long time, but you didn’t expect it to feel this overwhelming when you finally got it.
“Hey, there’s my celebrity sister!”
You turned away from the mirror at the sound of the familiar voice, a relieved smile falling onto your features at the sight of Jake coming toward you.
“You came,” you breathed out as his arms enveloped your frame.
“Of course! I’d never miss this.” He pulled away from the hug and grabbed your hands with a grin. “So how does it feel?”
“Oh, it’s the worst! My head is spinning, and I can’t feel my feet anymore. Not to mention the heavy weight on my chest reminding me that this is all I’ve ever wanted since I realized that art is the one thing in my life that consistently made me happy and if I mess this up I could ruin my chances at a career--”
“Okay, okay.” His thumbs lightly rubbed across the back of your now shaking hands. “Before we go out there, why don’t we just take a moment to breathe?”
You nodded in acceptance of the idea, and he led you through a few cycles of inhaling and exhaling. By the sixth cycle your mind felt a bit quieter, and the knots in your stomach seemed to loosen.
“Feeling better?”
“Much better, thank you.” You leaned forward to sink into his hold again, smiling when his hands began to rub your back.
“You’re not going to mess anything up, by the way. You’ve already impressed so many people with your art, and when they realize how awesome of a person you are, they’re going to love you even more!”
“I hope you’re right, Pineapples.” A heavy sigh escaped you. “God, I wish Grandma was here to see this. How’s living at her apartment, by the way?”
“Weird, but it feels right at home at the same time. You’re welcome to visit anytime, you know, when you get a break from being a famous artist,” he teased you and you laughed, poking him a bit.
“Whatever. I guess I should stop by one day. And now that I can legally drink, I can visit that bar you like so much and meet your detective friends.”
“Oh yeah!” He pulled away quickly and you met his eyes that somehow seemed even brighter than before. “You have to meet my friend from the academy! She’s super scary at first and she doesn’t talk about her life so everything I know about her is purely based on observation but she’s great!”
“Sounds like someone I might like to know,” you told him with a chuckle. “Is she the detective that just transferred?”
“No, that’s Amy.”
“In love with her already, huh?”
“Wh-what?! Don’t be ridiculous. Yeah she’s intelligent, gorgeous, and an insanely great detective but it just wouldn’t work. We’re too different.”
Before you could tease him further about his instant “heart eyes”, an announcement came over the PA system that reminded you the art show was starting soon. You suddenly wished you could fast forward through the night, which Jake instantly picked up on and offered you a reassuring smile.
“Everything’s going to be fine, Little Carrot. I’m willing to bet all of my money on it!”
“You’re in crushing debt. That doesn’t make me feel better.”
“Damn, you’re right. Well, see you soon!” He dropped a big and obnoxious kiss on your forehead before scurrying out of the room.
“For a first timer, this was incredibly successful, Y/N!”
“Thanks, Ken!” You smiled gratefully at the guy who helped you pull everything together as he approached you. “I can’t believe how many pieces I sold tonight!”
“I can believe it. You’re talented, and the world is finally getting to see it. Speaking of the world…” He grabbed your shoulders and turned you until your line of vision focused on a man on the phone in one of the doorways. “That well-dressed and extremely successful guy wants to hire you for a project and I would recommend accepting because he has connections to help you with your Paris goal.”
Your eyes widened at this, and you turned back to Ken. “Wait, seriously?! What are we waiting for?! Let’s go over there!”
After finding out the details of the project and gratefully accepting the job, you made your way to the back room to make sure you weren’t leaving anything important behind, briefly remembering your spiraling moment and feeling thankful that you were able to move past it. You were just about to turn off the lights and leave when the door opened and Erica entered.
“Congrats on tonight, N/N! I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks, E.” You hugged her with a wide smile. “Have you been here the whole time?”
“Yeah. I would’ve approached you earlier but you were either talking to buyers or with your mom and detective brother, and I didn’t want to get too close with this.” She pulled out a little baggie holding a joint, bringing it into your line of vision. “Wanna celebrate properly?”
“Damn, I wish I’d had that earlier. But yeah, just give me a second to text Jake and then I’ll be ready.”
She left the room as you pulled out your phone, sighing when you saw Jake’s text wondering if you were coming down to Shaw’s. After wrestling with your conscience a bit, you ultimately decided to stick with your original plan. Today was super successful but incredibly draining, and you needed to wind down properly.
I’m pretty tired so I’m going to head home but maybe we can meet tomorrow so I can tell you about my new job! Thanks for coming tonight and I love you.
It was just a regular night for you, sitting in your apartment and painting whatever came to mind while music played softly in the background. You were so lost in your atmosphere that if your phone had been on vibrate, you wouldn’t have noticed the text from Jake come in.
need you to come to the precinct asap
You were on your feet in no time, sliding on shoes and grabbing a hoodie on your way out the door, pulling your arms into it and zipping it as you waited for your cab. Within minutes you were arriving at the 99th precinct, getting out of the car and approaching the building as Jake walked away from a brunette woman while holding a box.
“Thanks for coming,” he greeted you while placing the box on the ground to hug you, pulling away to start typing something on his phone. “I just got fired and I really needed to see you.” He turned his phone to you and you read the screen.
its part of a plan for me to go undercover in the mafia for the fbi. could be gone for six months.
Tears instantly filled your eyes as you took in the message. Jake always made being a detective sound so fun that you forgot there were real dangers tied to his line of work. He’d be working among people that could kill him quickly or torture him slowly with one wrong move, and the thought made you feel sick. Not wanting to worry him further, you grabbed his phone and typed a response.
please be careful.
You hugged him after he read the words, both of you holding each other tightly as if you thought the world would collapse when you let go. You were quick to wipe away any escaped tears, smiling at him when you pulled away and gripping his hands in the same way he does to calm you down.
“I know it seems like it now, but this isn’t the end. You’re going to find something that makes you happy, and be just as good at that.”
“I hope so.” He squeezed your hands before pulling away to pick up the box again. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to drop this off at home and go drink away the sadness!”
He left you with one of his signature goofy grins, and you worked hard to burn the image into your memory, hoping it’ll last until you see it again six months later. Before you could decide what to do with yourself, your phone rang and you sat on the nearest bench as you answered.
“Y/N, hi! You don’t know me yet but I’m hoping we can change that soon! Tony Palmer here, and I saw your work on the HST project. Just wondering if you would be interested in spending a few months in Paris?”
“Absolutely I am,” you managed to answer, once the shock wore off a bit.
“Awesome! We can talk more about it in my office tomorrow.”
You saved his information in your phone, immediately heading over to your text thread with Erica when the call ended because you were curious about whether she knew any dealers in France. You weren’t sure you could handle being sober while worrying about Jake and living alone six time zones away for half a year.
Tags: @beeblisss @marie-03 @gaulty74 @xetherealbeautyx @makapaka11 @rosadiazswifey @ochrythum @halfofwhatisayismeaningless @hip-hopphile
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Starting Over Chapter 22 ~The Tale of the Night Part One~
Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!  
Claire's heart started to beat a little faster as their hired Bentley slowly inched closer to the Hilton Hotel Glasgow. They were following a long line of fancy cars waiting for their turn to pull up, step out and parade themselves. She felt Jamie's gentle squeeze on her hand, but it didn't help quash the feeling of apprehension. She'd promised Jamie to stand by him but seeing the throngs of excited fans and reporters behind the installed barriers, made her want to curl up in a fetal position and not leave the car.
"Sassenach, are ye alright?"
Huh?  She turned and looked at him and saw the worried lines etched on his face. She gave him a feeble smile. "I'm fine," she lied, trying to convince herself as well as him. "I know events like this draw crowds ... it's just that I didn't realise it would be as crazy as this. I-it's one thing seeing it on TV or pictures, but this ..." She leans forward and waves a hand, the frenzy screams and shouts, giving her jitters. "There's a bloody mob out there. It's insane!"
Jamie gently drew her sideways against him, tucking her in under his arm. "Some people from the movie industry will be there too, that's why. Events like this like to invite big names to attract the media. And Prince Harry will be making an appearance as well, most probably to promote the Invictus Games."
"Invictus wot?" she asked absentmindedly, her attention fixated on the excited crowd outside.
"It's a paralympic-style sporting event for injured military servicemen and women. It's a foundation launched by Prince Harry," he explained, following her gaze.
Only half-listening, Claire closed her eyes and tried to breathe normally, focusing on Jamie's hand on her arms. It helped a bit to soothe her nerves. For a split second of weakness, she thought of suggesting to let her slip into the back entrance and meet him inside the hotel lobby after his pap-walk but remembered her promise to stand by him tonight and dropped the idea. "Does this get any easier for you?" Claire asked, glad for the darkened windows that hid them from the flashing camera lights.
"What? This?" He puffed out his cheeks and blew out air. "No. The public looks like the giant scary monster, but truthfully, I dinnae mind the fans. The problem is the media. The media isnae journalism as ye know it anymore. They turn everything into a bloody circus show."
She shuddered, remembering her indirect first-hand experience with the reporters and how they've made her looked like the cheating fiancée and Frank, the virtuous, pillar of the society, who could do no wrong. "Tell me about it," she whispered.
"Stations and news will gobble up anything - the more sensational the story, the better, anything for the ratings. Ratings are everything. Ratings mean money and lots of it. Perhaps it really is just a matter of time before they're funding the nefarious for the consumption of the people. There's nae more moral compass, only the most immoral become the victors in this industry, and so on. Morality is for losers, winners are the ones who "pushed the envelope." He looked at her, and she didn't miss the subtle change in his demeanour. "As I told ye before, the tabloids will feed the public some shite by publishing pictures, and when it's captured at a right angle, it could be taken in any context ye want. The news' outlets delight on that because the fans can make up their own stories and they write articles based on their speculations."
"Has it ever happened to you?"
"What? Speculations? Aye. Many times. With my reputation, I'm fodder for other celebrities' publicist, especially when movies or projects need to be promoted. I tend to get used for that end. I'm not saying my reputation was a made-up lie. I'm not proud of it, but I own my shit. The problem with this industry is when ye want to use their platform or be part of it, be prepared to whore yersel' literally or figuratively." He lets out a short laugh. "Thanks to them and the publicity stunts, I've increased my followings on social media, which of course, opened other avenues such us modelling for big-name products even if I've never done that line of work before. The upside - it made me loads of money."
"So, you reckon the network will want something from you?"
"Aye, most probably. But ye'll have yer say in it, Sassenach. This is nae longer just about me," Jamie's mouth pressed into a determined line. "This concerns ye too."
"But, this job means the world to ye, Jamie."
He twisted around to face her, and his hand stroke her cheek. "Dreams and priorities change over time, Sassenach. Ye come first now because I'll need someone who will hold on to my soul in that crazy world out there. But I'm warning ye. If ye agree to let me take on the job, there'll be a lot of things ye'll not like and perhaps disappointments. Whatever happens tonight, I'll need ye to trust me in this. Ye dae trust me, aye?"
Claire squeezed his hand. "Yes, of course, I trust you." She nervously glanced through the windshield and saw there was only one car left in front of them before it was their turn to get off. "I meant to go over things with you, Jamie. What do you need from me out there?"
His face softened. "Just be yourself and smile. Ye dinnae need to answer questions from the press if ye dinnae feel like it. If ye do though, dinnae reveal anything personal and give them an arsenal for future use." He leaned in and gave her a kiss. "And thank ye for being here with me. It means a lot."
She nodded and smiled weakly, still dazed from the surreality of the upcoming moment when they would step out as a couple. It was quite apparent they were both not looking forward to going out there, and for Claire, it was one hell of a circus show to go through just for a presenting job.
"Ye sure ye'll be okay?" Jamie asked. "There's still time to turn around if ye wish. There'll be nae hiding once we step out." His tone was guarded and tinged with concern. "I ken I asked ye to stand by me. But I can go out there by myself, present the award, listen to what the network has to say and if I dinnae like it, I'll leave, and we can enjoy Glasgow for the rest of the evening."
The suggestion was too tempting, and it would be an easy way out. But Jamie could lose out on his dream job because he would choose her. She didn't want that. Claire turned and saw him looking at her thoughtfully, earnestly waiting for an answer, as the ghost of past heartache resurrected in her head. When James Fraser loved, it was scary. The man put his entire heart out with the expectation that it would be crushed. Sometimes she worried at the way he looked at her and at the way she felt for him. It seemed too precious and too rare to explore knowing if it didn't work out between them, the heartache would be greater. If she ever lost this man, she would never recover. If he ever lost her, she feared for the man that he would become. She could only hope that their relationship would survive Jamie's new career.
Swallowing the odd lump in her throat, she gave him her best smile and summoned the courage. If he's willing to sacrifice his dreams, she was prepared to at least try and take this on too before he gave it up altogether. "Hey I'm a big girl, remember. I can tough this one out," she whispered, attempting to sound cheerful.
His handsome face lit up. Grinning, he leaned in for a final kiss before grabbing the handle of the car's door. "Weel, let's do this then, Sassenach.".
Ah, bloody hell, here goes nothing!  
Claire inhaled deeply and took Jamie's hand as she stepped out of the car. She felt like entering into another realm as she was greeted by frantic screaming, knowing it had more to do with Jamie's appearance than her stepping out. It was very loud, more than she'd imagined it would be with a crowd such as this, and the deafening noise was reinforced more by all the shouting, cheering, camera flashes, instructions yelled out by photographers at celebrities, and security and ushers barking orders.
"Jamie! Jamie!"
"We love ye, Jamie!"
"Jamie, please sign this!
"Jamie! This way, please!
"Jamieee, selfie please."
Jamie's hand tightened and tugged her forward, her eyes blinking and squinting against the flashing of bulbs and set of lights beaming down on them. He leaned down to say something, but she couldn't hear over the screams of hysterical fans. Although she'd been a fan of Jamie for years, she couldn't understand the over-the-top hero-worship and grown women shrieking whenever Jamie smiled, winked or waved. People crying and all these hysteria for a retired rugby player was simply just beyond her.  Heaven forbid Jamie ends up becoming an actor. Unbelievable!
Jamie led her to the top end where the broadcast outlets were, namely BBC, ITV as well as UKSC, the network Jamie might one day work for. He subtly reminded her when to stop and where to look as the photographers furiously took their pictures. His eyes were on her the whole time, a knowing upturn tugging his lips and his hand always pulling her against him. He kissed her for the cameras as if it was his way of announcing she was his, and although Jamie ignored requests from the journalists to introduce her, she obliged them, despite herself, by smiling for their lenses instead. Claire was surprised not one of the photographers had recognised her as the infamous  Runaway Bride . She hoped her unknown status would remain for the rest of the evening, but she knew reporters were like a dog with a bone and it was only a matter of time before they caught on.
"Hey, Jamie, who's the pretty lady with ye?"
"Can we have a name, please?"
"The dress is gorgeous. Who designed it?"
"Jamie, a quick interview, please?"
"Sorry ye lot, time for us to go in," he deflected, pretending to look disheartened while putting one hand dramatically over his chest and another, tugging her elbow and leading her away from the crowd and into the double doors of the hotel. 
What a charmer!   Despite Jamie loathing the media, he had a way with the reporters, whether they were women or men. Not once he showed a hint of annoyance even if she could feel it pulsing from his aura. He was evasive when people asked questions but somehow managed to get away with it with a smile or a wink, lending them a sense of mystery. Maybe Jamie was born for this. He did everything with ease and was full of self-confidence in front of the watchful eyes of the public. Whereas, her, she felt like she was caught up in a current, whirled and tossed in every direction. Her face hurt from endless smiling, hand numbed from Jamie's constant hard grip and her feet already throbbed from the ridiculously high stilettos. She hoped Jamie's charms would be enough to tide her over when the media finally finds out who she was.
One hurdle down, a million more to go!  Once they made it through the hotel's lobby, her first thought was to grab a flute of champagne from a passing waiter, but Jamie kept walking and steered her through groups of people, nodding and acknowledging with a smile those who glance their way. 
"It wasnae so bad, was it?" Jamie murmured against her ear as they positioned themselves at the least populous area of the lobby. "Ye look so beautiful tonight, and everyone thinks so too. Ye've captivated the press and the fans." He took a couple of champagne from a passing blonde waitress who was beaming up at him, but he didn't notice the awed gaze.
"Captivated? More like inquisitive," she replied, taking a huge gulp from the bubbly Jamie gave her and scanning the crowd. "The press is probably running my picture through some facial recognition software as we speak. I hope with the amount of makeup Geillis plied on my face, they'll fail at their attempt."
"That's not how facial recognition software work, Sassenach. The app distinguishes a person based on the person's features and shape."
"I was afraid you were going to say that. Let's just hope the software they're using is crap or dated."
Jamie laughed, taking a step closer in her direction "Dinna fash. Sometimes media exposure can work to yer benefit."
Claire looked up and saw the amusement in his eyes. "What do you mean?"
"Weel, for one, Frank will surely leave ye alone now. He wouldnae want to jeopardise his career in case ye talk to the press. I'm presuming he'd be thinking, ye've been considerably unpredictable ever since ye jumped out of the church's window. Controlling people don't like unaccounted for surprises. And ye're likely to do something spontaneous."
"I guess you have a point ..." She sipped her drink and quickly changed the subject. "What happens now?" she asked, watching the elite and sports' celebrities rub shoulders together, exchange air-kisses and posed for the cameras with subdued interest.
Claire had never seen so much pretentiousness in one room, and she'd mingled often enough in Frank's circle to make that distinction. The need to impress was so palpable in the air when, in actual fact, almost every individual present was talented and gifted in their own way. It was too showy and flashy for an event that was supposed to be all about honouring sportsmanship and sports in general. The only thing that seemed genuine was the designer clothes they're wearing and their expensive perfumes wafting through the air. It seemed like the long tentacles of the world of celebrities have crept into the world of sports, blinding them with glitz and glamour. It was definitely not a scene she could get used to, and she felt, Jamie couldn't either no matter how much self-confidence he exuded and wanted the job.
"We're just waiting for Forbes," Jamie explained. "I told him I'd meet him here and he's supposed to update me on his talks with the network." 
"Forbes is your agent, right?"
"Aye. And speaking of the devil, he appears." Jamie gestured toward the tall, blonde and handsome man in a dark blue business suit, walking confidently through groups of celebrities. "Showtime," he whispered, shifting on his feet.
She downed her champagne in two mouthfuls and watched Forbes stopped and shook hands with Andy Murray, Scotland's professional tennis player. It was apparent Jamie's agent knew a lot of famous people and appeared comfortable around them as he greeted and addressed a few more.
"Jamie!" Forbes strode towards them in a way a famous person might. His smile Hollywoodesque as he shook Jamie's hand. He was younger than Claire thought, midway through his thirties and almost as tall as Jamie. "Sorry to keep you waiting," Forbes apologised. "Got held up in the office and then stuck in the traffic."
Jamie nodded. "Nae bother. We haven't been here for too long." He put an arm possessively across her shoulders and pulled her in. "Forbes, this is Claire, my girlfriend." Forbes took her hand and kissed it, smiling over it when she blushed. She felt Jamie stiffened, indicative of his lack of credence towards his agent. 
"Call me Gerald. Forbes is my surname. I'm a long time friend and confidante of Jamie. I'm surprised he hasn't introduced you sooner, but I've seen you in the papers. Have to say you caused quite a stir in Edinburgh, and the pictures that were published haven't done you any justice at all. You're even more beautiful in person." He dipped his head as if his next words were meant only for her ears. "Jamie's reputation precedes him. As we all know, he has a keen eye for beautiful women."
Claire swallowed and yanked her hand back. "A keen eye for beautiful women, you say?" She glanced up at Jamie before looking at Forbes squarely in the eyes. "Too bad it doesn't extend to his instinctual perception on human nature. Jamie is too trusting for his own good."
Taken off guard by her reply, Forbes stared at her for a few seconds, trying to gauge her meaning. When she didn't smile, he was left with no other choice but to give out a fake laugh that was so over-the-top and loud, a few people glanced their way. Jamie disguised his choke with a cough.
"That's sports agents for ye," Jamie remarked, squeezing her shoulder. "Cannae live with 'em ..."
"Can't sign a deal worth a damn without them," Forbes added, plastering his toothpaste advert smile back on his face and dragging his attention away from her. "Well, Jamie, shall we go somewhere private and talk business?"
"No. We can talk here," Jamie said smoothly, releasing Claire to grab more glasses of bubblies from a passing waiter. "It's simple, really," he started, passing a glass to her and then to Forbes. "It's either the network and I are on the same page or not. So which is it?"
The mega-watt smile on Forbes dimmed, as he cast a quick glance at Claire before looking back at Jamie again. "I reasoned with the directors, and they've invited both of you at their table for further talks."
Forbes tugged at his tie. "They still want you to do a pap photo with Geneva tonight. And it would be wise if we told the press Claire is your PA in case her identity leaks out."
"I'll do a promotional photo with Geneva if that's what they want," Jamie said firmly. "As for Claire's identity, the press or some random fan has probably already figured it out who she is. The fans aren't stupid." 
"Fine, so what if they've figured it out," Forbes sighed, lifting a hand in the air. "Just release a statement saying Claire's working as your PA while she's out of a job or something. Or a close friend who came with you as your plus one for tonight. Or just say nothing at all, and I'll release a statement to the press for you."
Noticing the tension between the two men, Claire placed a hand on Jamie's arm. "Shall I leave you both alone. I'll be just right over there," Claire intervened. She knew how important this job was for Jamie, and she was more than willing to remain hidden from the public if that's what it took.
"No," Jamie replied, grabbing her hand, in case she did walk away. "Please stay." He gave her a pleading look. She couldn't say no, so she simply nodded hoping they would come to some kind of resolution. Satisfied she wasn't going anywhere, Jamie turned his attention once more back to Forbes. "You will not release any statement on my behalf, and I will not discuss my personal life to the press. I've never had, and I'm not about to start now. Anyone who's got eyes knows Claire is with me and hundreds of pictures have already been taken when we arrived. The only thing I am willing to talk to the press about is my work."
"Jamie, there won't be any work if the directors found out you are with the  Runaway Bride  and even more so if the word gets out," Forbes argued impatiently. "We can make those pictures disappear, and nobody has to know about Claire. And it's for her own good too."
Claire tried not to flinch, but both men noticed. Forbes gave her an apologetic look and Jamie squeezed her hand.
"The directors said they specifically wanted that?" Jamie asked in disbelief.
Forbes sighed. "They want an unattached Jamie."
"And yet, they want me to parade myself with Geneva? That doesn't make any sense at all," Jamie countered.
"Look there's something I need to tell you about Geneva. And you can't tell another soul ..." Forbes paused and eyed Claire.
Jamie noticed Forbe's hesitation. "Claire won't say a word. She's a doctor and has a duty of confidentiality to her patients. So this won't be any different," Jamie reassured his agent.
Forbes nodded and lowered his voice. "There are rumours within the IOC that Geneva used performance-enhancing drugs during the Commonwealth Games and Beijing World Championships and she may be consequently be stripped off her medals ..."
"And how is that my problem?" Jamie challenged.
"Well, this is where you come in. You know that Geneva's dad, William, is one of the directors of the network, right?" When Jamie nodded, Forbes resumed. "The IOC isn't the problem, and the majority of the committee can be bought, but it won't stop the rumours circulating. So daddy dearest wants to paint a nice picture of Geneva for the public by giving her a few stints on the sports network. They want you both to host the London World Championship during rugby off-season. Her exposure will unveil her to the public as a clean-living athlete, and so when the rumours grow its head, the public will dismiss it as mere gossip. And also, they want the public to perceive you both as a couple. There'll be no need for you to announce you both are. A few pap photos here and there and the fans will do the talking. You're the ideal person for the partnership with Geneva because well, you know ... you were well-known for your discipline in rugby. No drugs, no alcohol, five times best player of the year, Scotland's national treasure and all that shit. Get my drift?"
"And why me?" Jamie asked warily. "Surely, there are other candidates with the same background in sports as I have, a better reputation and could talk comfortably and eloquently in front of the camera. I can think of five on top of my head, and they're all living nearer to London."
Forbes shook his head as if he couldn't comprehend why Jamie still hadn't understood yet. "You come from an old family, Jamie. A family with a solid background, good reputation and the public is more forgiving with your past indiscretions compared to your peers. And that alone carries a lot of weight in William Dunsany's eyes."
Jamie gave a burst of short mirthless laughter. "And here I thought I was being considered for the job because they saw a potential in me." He shook his head in disbelief and slapped Forbes on the shoulder. "Sorry mate, thanks but no thanks."
"Jamie! We're talking about a million-pound contract here and a place in the network for two years. That's an incredible amount of money for someone who doesn't have experience in mass media. No one is asking you to break up with Claire. Just keep things between the two of you under wraps. That's not difficult, is it?"
"Aye, it is! Have ye lived under the watchful eye of the press? Claire will be living with me. How am I suppose to keep our relationship under wraps? The answer is no. I'm not putting Claire under that pressure."
"William Dunsany is desperate. Maybe I can arrange a better deal for you," Forbes offered.
Jamie arched an eyebrow. "Why is he desperate?"
"William Dunsany is about to be bestowed a knighthood by the Queen, and he can't afford any scandal or gossip tainting his family name. He thinks Geneva being linked to you would shift the focus away from the rumours."
"Sorry, Forbes. It's one thing piling this whole shite on me but ..."
Forbes raised both his hands and gestured to both of them. "Talk about it, the two of you. And I'll go and talk to Dunsany and get you a better deal. I'll give you both half an hour to decide." And then he turned and strode away before either of them could say a word.
Jamie took Claire's glass and set it on the nearby table and faced her. "Do ye want to talk about this, Sassenach?"
"I think we should," she whispered.
Without another word, Jamie took Claire by the elbow and led them to an empty conference room. Once alone and away from the crowd, they sat on a nearby table facing each other.
Claire spoke first. "Jamie, I totally get it. The money doesn't mean anything to you, and I know you love me, and I also know you're willing to walk away from all of this because of me, but ..."
"Sassenach ..."
"No, Jamie, hear me out first, please," she insisted, wringing her hands as she searched for the right words. "You're here because you want to be part of that sport you love so much and want to start your own rugby academy with the money you'll earn. I know we talked about this in the car before we got here, but I don't want to be the reason for giving up your dreams. I can't live with that. When two people love one another, they nurture and support each other. I want you to do this thing in London and build your academy."
He smiled and took her hands from across the table. "Sassenach, I appreciate what ye're saying but it doesnae matter. Besides, I get the feeling ye dinnae like London much and the whole palaver with the paparazzi, and I cannae do it on my own if ye decide to send me away. I'd miss ye terribly."
It was true what Jamie said. She hated London, but she'd also hate it if she didn't get to see him every day and see where their relationship go. Maybe this was a test and opportunities like this only come once in a lifetime. Of course, they could make their own opportunities, but more often than not they are sprung on you like a dare to test your skills, to see if you could take that leap of faith to make whatever it was a success. To continue to be dictated by fear, an excellent opportunity might slip away. Frank already took away so much by inspiring self-doubt in her, and she didn't want to be afraid anymore. She needed to take that leap first, for the sake of both of them. And although Claire didn't like the idea that William Dunsany could get a knighthood from her life-changing decision, Claire had a feeling Geneva was being manipulated by her father. She wanted to be beside Jamie to make sure it wouldn't happen to him and at the same time reach out to Geneva and help her.
Confident she made the right decision, she stood up, walked over to him and sat on his lap. Linking her arms together around Jamie's neck, she planted a kiss on his lips and smiled. "What if I said I want to come to London with you, would that change your mind?"
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livwwe1 · 5 years
My Best Friend
Jon Moxley x Amber (requested by @wwesarahjaneroszko)
Summery: Jon Moxley has recently gone through a divorce with, Renee Young. Cody’s sister, Amber, has just joined AEW after coming from WWE. Cody and Jon are best friends and both Amber and Jon’s feelings for one another resurface.
Warning: Swearing, lil angst, fluff.
Word count: N/A
A/N: @wwesarahjaneroszko I hope you like this one!!
*Requests are closed*
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*2 months prior to joining AEW*
‘Listen Vince, I just don’t like the way I’ve been treated recently. It’s been Becky this, Charlotte that! I’m done, ok. I’m asking for my release. I am grateful for the last 5 years, but it’s my time to go’ You exclaimed to Vince. You have been in WWE for 5 years, but recently you’ve been shelved and haven’t appeared on tv for 2 months. You have been really pissed with the authority and creative recently. I mean, being a former 4x Raw women’s champion and a 2x Smackdown women’s champion isn’t a small accomplishment, hell you’ve had more reigns than Becky Lynch.
‘Amber, hey! You alright?!’ You look behind you and see Alexa running towards you. ‘Hey Lex. I’ve been better. I just asked Vince for my release’ You explained to Alexa. ‘What?! Why. You can’t leave! You’re amazing and I’m gonna miss you like hell’ Alexa pleads with you. ‘I wish I could Lex, but I’m not gonna be treated like a dickhead and my brother has offered me a contract with AEW’ You whispered the last part quietly, as WWE was their revival company. ‘Damn. Joining the enemy, huh. I will respect any decision you make. Just don’t forget about me, ok. I love you so much Ambs’ Alexa says whilst giving you a massive hug ‘I will never forget about you Lex. We will always see each other’ you reassure her and let go of the hug. You smile at her once again and walk out the arena
‘Oh and Amber’ you hear before leaving ‘Don’t forget to give Jon a big hug’ she says and winks. You roll your eyes and leave.
You and Jon have had a complicated relationship. Before getting with Renee, you two were best friends. You did everything together. You ate together, roomed together and even road together. However, that all changed when he got with Renee. You two slowly stopped hanging out and that’s when you realised you had feeling for him. You were silently praying they would end their relationship, but they did the complete opposite in 2017. They got married. That’s when you knew you had to stop all feelings for him. You actually did. You started a relationship with Finn Balor a couple of months after they got married, and you really liked Finn. However, that ended a couple of months ago, when he got drafted to Smackdown and got stayed on Raw. The only con about joining AEW was seeing Jon. Cody and him became really close friends, and you were happy that Jon was happy their and was making friends. But, you knew you were gonna be treated correctly at AEW.
*Present day*
Today was the day you were debuting at AEW. News broke out 3 weeks ago that you were released from WWE, and everyone was hoping and praying you join AEW. You were currently sitting backstage in front of a screen watching Brandi vs Allie’s match. It was ‘Fight for the fallen’ tonight, and you were going to debut at the end of their match. The plan was for Brandi and Awesome Kong to beat up Allie, and you were gonna save her. Starting your feud with Brandi.
‘Hey sis. You ready for tonight?!’ Cody sits next to you and hugs you ‘Yeah I can’t wait. Thanks again for giving me this opportunity. I love you’ you smile and hug him. ‘No worries. I know how much wrestling means to you, and you deserve all the recognition you get. I mean it’ he relies. You look at the screen and see Brandi about to pin Allie. ‘I guess what’s my queue’ you say and stand up ‘You got this sis!’
‘One. Two. Three’ ring the bell!! ‘The winner of this match, Brandi Rhodessss’ Justin announces ‘awww come on Allie. Get up girl. What’s wrong bitch? Huh’ Brandi shouts at Allie. Her and Kong start to kick, punch, throw her around the ring. ‘This is unacceptable. Brandi won the match. She doesn’t have to do this!’ Jim Ross exclaims on commentary
*Amber’s theme song*
‘Oh. My. God. Is that Amber?!’ Jim Ross exclaims as you run down the ramp to the ring. ‘That sure as hell is here. What is she doing here?!! The crowd is going nuts!’ Alex says. It’s true, when you ran out, the crowd was going nuts. They were chanting ‘Holy Shit!’ ‘This is awesome’ ‘Amber!’ You dropkick Kong our the ring and went straight to work on Brandi. You do your signature move on her and go and check on Allie. ‘You alright?!’ You ask. ‘Yeah I’m good. Thanks Amber’ she smiles and stands up. You look around the arena and see everyone standing up, cheering. ‘I’m back baby’ you wink at the camera.
You and Allie walk backstage and are greeted by your brother, Cody. ‘That was fucking amazing. Great job, sis. They fucking love you!’ You hug him ‘thanks Cody. I’m gonna go to the locker room and freshen up. I’ll see you and Brandi tonight?’ You ask. You and Brandi were really great friends. I mean she was your sister in law after all. It was funny being in a feud with one of your family members. ‘Yeah definitely. See you then’ he replies.
Jon’s POV:
‘I’m back baby’. Jon was watching your match. All of it. He was in his changing room and couldn’t believe you joined AEW. He thought you were happy in WWE but he couldn’t deny the happiness he felt inside him when he saw you in that ring. Him and Renee got divorced 3 months ago. After joining AEW and her still being in WWE, it was too much for them and long distance wasn’t his thing. He always had a special place in his heart for you. When you were best friends, he did have feelings for you, but Renee happened and he did fall in love with her.
He left his changing room and made his way to catering. He didn’t have a match tonight, but he still liked coming to the arena. ‘Shit, I’m so sorry’ he hears a girl say from the floor. ‘No, I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going’ he replies and looks down. Only to see you on the floor. His heart just stopped.
Amber’s POV:
You start walking to the locker room looking at your phone. You got a text from Alexa, saying how proud she was with your debut. You were happy that her and you managed to stay close friends. That was until you walked into what felt like a brick wall. ‘Shit, I’m so sorry’ you exclaim. ‘No, I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going’ you hear the guy say. You look up and see Jon. Your heart just stops.
‘Amber...h-hi. How are you?’ He says and puts his hand out to pick you up. ‘Yeah I’m good. How are you?’ You smile and take his hand. The hand with the stupid, tattooed wedding ring. You never understood why he got his wedding band tattood. Why not buy a regular wedding band? What if you get divorced? The feelings you felt before just resurfaced. Stupid feelings. ‘I’ve been better. You know. Going through a divorce isn’t the best thing, but I feel better now’ he smiles. Wait divorced. Did he just say, he got divorced?! ‘Yo-you got divorced? Why didn’t you tell me? I mean I know he haven’t spoken to each other in a while, but I’m still your friend. I could’ve helped you’ you ask. ‘I know but you were in WWE. She was there too. I guess, it would’ve triggered me too much. I’m sorry, Amber. I really am. I’m glad your here tho. I really am’ he smiles and hugs you. ‘Me too Jon’ I say. Little did you know, Cody and Brandi were standing not that far away seeing this. ‘You know they’re meant to be right?’ Brandi tells your brother. ‘I know. I hope she goes for it’ he replies.
*Later that night*
You, Cody, Brandi, Jon and some others decided to celebrate the success of the PPV and went our for a couple of drinks. You felt so much happier being here than at WWE. Everyone around you was so friendly. Kenny was amazing and sweet. He helped show you around the arena, and you guys became friends quite quickly. ‘Hey, Amber. You want me to get you another drink?’ He asks you. ‘Uh, yeah sure. Thanks Ken’ you smile. You could see Jon shift in his seat in front of you, looking a little disoriented. ‘You alright Jon?’ You ask him. ‘Yeah I’m good’ he drinks his drink. You didn’t want to toot your own horn, but you thought he seemed a little jealous. I mean, come on. Kenny is great and all, but he’s no Jon. You were so relived when he said him and Renee got divorced. You may have sounded like a bitch, but you really loved him. Like a lot. Kenny came back with your drink and sat next to you.
The night went on. Everyone got a little tipsy, expect for you and Jon. You guys were the designated drivers for tonight, and you knew you couldn’t get drunk. You guys had one drink and that was it. ‘Hey Amber. You want to go out tomorrow?’ Kenny asked you. Right after he said that, Jon stood up and left to go outside ‘for some air’. ‘Oh uh...I would love to but I have training tomorrow. Maybe another time’ you say. You didn’t really have training tomorrow, but you didn’t want to lead him on. You stood up and followed Jon outside.
‘Hey. You alright?’ You ask him. ‘Yeah I’m good, doll. Looking forward to your little date with Kenny tomorrow?’ He smirks. You could hear the tint of jealously coming out of his mouth. ‘There’s going to be no date tomorrow, actually. Why, you jealous Jon’ you smirk back. ‘Why would I be jealous for? Were best friend remember. It’s all good’ he replies back. Best friends. Right. Nothing more, nothing less. ‘Just messing with you’ you sigh and sit on the bench outside the pub. You wish you two could be more than friends. Renee isn’t in the picture, it would be perfect. However, you knew he didn’t like you like that. It was obvious. ‘I’m gonna head back in. See if the guys are ready to leave’ you say and just as you were about to get up, Jon pulls your arm to sit back down. ‘Why did you think I was jealous for?’ Jon asks. ‘I didn’t. I was joking remember’ I whisper. ‘I don’t think you were joking’ he whispers back. You looked into his eyes. ‘Look Jon, it was just a silly jo-‘ you were then cut off by his lips onto yours. It took you a couple of seconds to realises what was happening, until you started kissing him back. ‘I really like you Jon’ you say into the kiss. ‘I really, fucking like you too, Amber’ he replies back. You break apart and smile at each other. ‘Let me take you on a date tomorrow’ he smirks. ‘I would love that’ you smile and kiss him again.
‘Hey g-guys leets go ho-‘ Cody says walking out the pub, but stops when he sees you and Jon. He stands there and smirks. ‘I told you she would go for it’ he smirks at Brandi.
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alphabees-writes · 4 years
Glee - S1 E1 (Pilot)
Is it a smart idea to rewatch glee again? No.
Am I going to do it anyway? You bet your sweet bippy I am!
Am I going to liveblog my garbage monkey brain thoughts along the way even though nobody asked for it? Hell yeah.
Here goes!
Wow. The first frame of this entire show is literally of a woman who looks like she’s about 10 years above the natural lifespan of a Cheerio. Then again, I’m sure Sue’s not above holding back her best recruits for multiple years because Ohio high schools are apparently just Like That™
I also never notice this opening song was a remix of Keep Me Hangin On, wow. That’s actually kind of interesting foreshadowing of sorts, like, kind of smart. I’m glad I’m watching the part of Glee that was kind of smart.
This scene also doesn’t feature any of the Unholy Trinity as far as I can see. Are they a JV squad? Am I putting too much thought into this?
Sign #1 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: Really, my guy? Driving around with your muffler dragging on the ground so bad it’s making sparks? That’s not very Road Safety of you. Fuck off. 
Sign #2 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: Wow, there’s going to be a lot of these, huh? Anyway, anybody with working eyes would clearly see how scared Kurt is right now. “Making some new friends Kurt?” Fuck off. 
KURT. FIRST SIGHTING OF THE BOY. What a delight. But also, not a delight, because he’s being bullied and he deserves better. Look at his outfit. Iconic from day fucking one. 
Finn, you’re a himbo. What’re you doing with these assholes?
Puck’s first line in the whole series is “It’s hammer time!” What a fucking dork? Who made this boy popular. 
I paused while they were tossing Kurt in the dumpster and, wow, got the most hilarious frame where the guy who isn’t Puck is getting a meticulously polished boot to the face. Netflix let me take screenshots, you coward.
The first shot of Quinn... My wlw bones are shaking.
Why would they use that photo for Lillian Adler...? WHO WAS BORN IN 1937, MIGHT I ADD. THAT’S NOT A REAL YEAR. 
It’s weird to see Mr Schue actually speaking competent Spanish. Why did they veto that later? The ONE likeable thing about him was his competence as a school teacher, and they really threw it out the window huh?
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THE MEMBERS OF SANDY RYERSON’S GLEE CLUB??? This kid seems to really like singing. Also, welcome to the beginning of Ryerson being annoying as all hell.
Oh my gosh, the background choir stuff. This show really had style back in the day!!!
R A C H E L B E R R Y Y O U R M A K E U P ! ! !
Ken Tanaka walked so incels could run.
Jane Lynch you beauty. You absolutely impeccable beauty. 
“Since when are cheerleaders performers?” Uh... Emma...? I get that Sue’s going ham on her budget but, like, be nice to the students? They perform their butts off!
Sue really just BRAGGED about having an iPhone. I was 9 when this came out. Why do I feel old...
Sign #3 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: He hears his coworker, presumably of several years, just got fired and doesn’t even ask why. He just jumps on the glee club like a frog on hot asphalt. 
He really wants to Make The Glee Club Great Again, huh? 
MySpace was really a thing, huh? And why does this grown-ass male teacher know so much about the students having them?
I know nothing about actual American schools, but I do know that they sure as shit don’t work like this. Why does a club have to win EVERY competition to be considered an asset?
Mr Shoe really lying awake at night half-naked next to his wife thinking about the glee club already? Yeah sounds about right. Also, of course you’d think up Nude Erections for a name, you asshole. Put some clothes on.
Brad the piano player was really here from day ONE... Icon.
Cellophane, Mr Cellophane... Yes Kurt bby you killed it. 
Chris Colfer looks so YOUNG here!!! 
The hair fix... I C O N I C !
Tina really wrote her stutter down, huh? And nobody ever saw through it? Amazing. 
The goth Tina look, too... Perfect... Never change...
Say what you want about Rachel Berry being generally insufferable, but I really fucking feel it when she sings On My Own. The monologue kind of kills The Drama of it, but they really solidly established her character by layering them. She really is a gold star right now.
The first-ever on-screen slushie!
The way she walks down that hall. My God you can just see how terrible she is to be around.
Never forget Rachel staring at photos of her with two men who turned out to not be her dads. Who are they? What are their stories? We’ll never know.
God, I love this stupid scene of Quinn, Santana, and a bunch of Cheerios cartoonishly typing hate comments on Rachel’s MySpace video and laughing like knock-off Disney villains. 
I like watching season 1 Artie because season 1 Artie was a good character. Mostly. And he KILLED Sit Down, You’re Rocking The Boat. Rachel wasn’t asking for a male lead who could keep up with her vocally, she was being straight up ableist and that’s a fact. I love Cory, but Kevin McHale was always a better singer.
Mercedes picking up and spinning Rachel for this little routine is something I never really appreciated before, it’s cute even though they don’t like each other yet!
I really don’t get why Rachel says they suck. Yeah, sure, she’s gunning for a solo, but the vocals were solid there. The choreo was just a little janky, possibly because it’s their first EVER rehearsal?
“There is NOTHING ironic about show choir!” Incredible.
How long did it take Mr Shoe to find Rachel out on the bleachers? Did he search the whole school first?
I never understood Rachel quitting so soon. How long was she in the old glee club for? Surely they were never popular either?
Ah, the first “My hands are tied” for the series. Mr Figgins is a garbage principal. 
Not going to advise the principal against referring to Artie as a cripple, William Shoestir? Alright. 
How did the Schuester marriage last as long as it has? Do Will and Terri’s insufferable personalities just cancel one another out?
Sandy Ryerson really just openly brags about cheating the system for medical marijuana and dealing it? 
Matt Morrison 100% has lip fillers. Nobody’s smile curls like that naturally.
“Terri and I are trying to get pregnant” What a weird way to phrase it. What is it, a race? Who’s going to get knocked up first!
A FIFTH OF BEETHOVEN, HOW I’VE MISSED YOU... The sound design of this show at this point is just... *Chef hand kiss*
“What you’re doing right now is called blurring the lines” Oh just wait until season 4, Sue... Just you wait.
WHY is Mr Schuester so ridiculously sweaty? I didn’t need to think about that?
EVERYONE on the football team is 30.
Hearing Cory sing this always makes me emotional. What a talent!
Sign #4 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: I don’t think I need to say why using the weed to blackmail Finn is a shitty thing to do, do I?
“I’ll pee in a cup! ...I’ll pee...” I love Cory’s delivery. 
PRIORITY #1: HELP THE KIDS Oh season 1... I love you so.
Mr Schue you WISH you were anything like Finn Hudson. You never will be.
Ah... Finn’s first monologue. He’s such a sweetheart. AND SO IS CAROLE. Carole is a queen I will stan forever. YOU THROW THAT MILK BB!!!
All Finn wants to do is make his mom proud. What a sweetheart. Mr Schue you do NOT deserve him.
These POV shots really enhance things, why the fuck did they stop using them?
Subtly having Kurt look at Finn in the same shot as Rachel was a nice touch indeed!
Terri’s a straight up hoarder, huh? Like a raccoon but instead of collecting edible garbage, it’s monogrammed garbage.
Surely you can’t just... BECOME an accountant, right? You need some serious qualifications for that right?
Also say what you want about how insufferable Terri is but her actress is ridiculously talented and absolutely steals every scene she’s in.
Now the background choir is doing Soul Bossa Nova and I am L I V I N G why didn’t they keep that motif!!! It was so ICONIC!
I don’t need my prostate removed. RIP Carole Hudson but I’m different :/
NO MEANS NO, KEN! TAKE THE L AND MOVE ON! Way to take out the fact that a girl won’t date you on everybody else around you! Toxic bastard. The absolute stench of melodrama on this bastard is noxious.
I was going to ask why Rachel didn’t know about Finn and Quinn if they’d already been together for 4 months, but then I remembered gossiping requires friends...
“Terri rides me. Hard. And I’ve always appreciated it!” Why don’t we talk about how this line sounds more. Why doesn’t Emma bat an eye at it oh my god
HERE COMES VOCAL ADRENALINE!!! And Jesse St. James is nowhere to be seen. How convenient. Also, they’re all 30. I’m sensing a pattern.
Sorry VA, all songs popularised my Amy Winehouse legally belong to Santana Lopez
Puck, if you were stupid enough to fall for the prostate excuse, that’s on you. Or maybe it’s on the education system...
You can do better that Mr Schue, kids. Don’t mourn him.
Ok, what the fuck is this scene where he’s filling out the job app to become an accountant? There’s a dude in the row in front off him just throwing crisps around? What is this place?? Why are you here sir??? 
“Accounting is sexy” shut up you horrible married man
The Cheerios sure did have straight ponytails for like, one episode, huh?
Finn is such a good boy. He doesn’t know it yet, but he is, and saving Artie from that portapotty is his first step to figuring it out.
This shot of Finn just wheeling Artie out of there... Ugh. My HEART.
Pee balloons. Nailing the lawn furniture to the roof. Finn, you’re better than that!!! Stop your dudebros. 
They really had Artie be a guitar player, and a pretty good one at that, but they never mentioned it again? Artie had such potential SMH. (Also, Netflix subtitles are telling me it’s Arty, but I categorically refuse to spell it that way.)
Whyyyyy didn’t he go to KURT for the costumes as well? Look at his outfit, Finn. He clearly wants in on that job. 
Will Schuester really is just desperately clinging to his glory days in high school. I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t such a creep about it. 
Emma, meaningfully: Do you know who that is? That’s you, Will... [FRANTIC DISCO MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND]
I find it hilarious how the audio of Don’t Stop Believin’ just DOES NOT match the characters except for the solos... Also wow, autotune city. Am I awful for genuinely not liking this cover? 
I like watching them perform it though. Kurt’s adorable little shimmy... Rachel and Tina smiling at each other like that... Everybody having a blast... I’m here for it
Ok the way Rachel and Finn look at each other here is making me FEEL
I know Puck’s about to join anyway but WHY is he there watching... Just to have a mysterious bad boy moment? Lol you dramatic bastard
Please let them win nationals without you, Will.
So, yeah! There’s that! Those are my thoughts and feelings, basic though they may be. Episode one is fantastic, the kids are fantastic, and William Schuester can suck a toe. 
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vigilantobserver · 4 years
My friend asked me to make this for her. I take only half the responsibility.
Warning: I have only watched the 2 first seasons of Tokyo ghoul and it was years ago so please, don’t attack me. Also this fanfic includes people with animal features and behaviors (I pity the person monitoring my search history)
Disclaimer: I do not own Tokyo ghoul or it’s characters. The only thing I do won is this fanfiction.
For those brave enough to read: please enjoy this mess of a fanfic
Mismatched colours
Mismatched. It was the only way that Touka could describe the quiet, white haired boy. You’d think that she was talking about his difference in behaviour when he was a hungry, hunting ghoul compared to when he was being a relatively normal, meek citizen, but that wasn’t quite it.
Sure, the boy was truly not made to be a ghoul and was obviously suffering under his situation. She had a feeling that if he got hit by more tragedies, he would someday lose himself completely.
 But that wasn’t what truly caught her attention. No, what actually made him so mismatched to her was his appearance. And she did not mean him being a one eyed ghoul either. It was his fur.
Kaneki was a hare with deep black ears and tail. The boys ears were big and flopped at the side of his head to lay on his shoulders (only ever standing up when he was in a fight), the white hair contrasting starkly with the deep coloured ears. Normally hybrid’s fur either matched their hair colour perfectly or there was at least some of their hair colour on their extra body parts, whether in form of stripes, intricate patterns or dots. She herself was an example of having multiple colours. Her own smaller, constantly perked up, vigilant ears where a purple at the roots that faded into the purest white.
It was an unusual sight to see, but for some reason it both fit the boy and at the same time didn’t at all. One the one hand, some people tend to look at him weird. Confused by his fur they keep their distance, like he was some diseased person. Something wrong in the world.
On the other hand, the mismatched fur was aesthetically pleasing, even almost alluring.  The strange and unique colouring bought him a lot of, most of the time unwanted, attention from women and men alike (the eyepatch really did not help here).
The perfect example for this where a group of girls giggling in one corner of the café. A Canary and a blue-Russian cat where teasing the ferret of the group, urging the red faced girl to go talk to Kaneki. It quite honestly raised her hackles. Couldn’t they see that he did not want to be bothered?
She was about ready to put a claim on him herself, to release her pheromones and invite him to chase, to dance, just so that people would finally leave the poor teen be. A bit of her scent would be enough to keep most people away. And the more persistent ones could answer to her. She wasn’t afraid to fight for her claim. Not that she truly wanted him as a mate, or anything…
Ok, that’s a lie, she kind of actually did. She just couldn’t help but be protective of him. She couldn’t help but want him. He was unique, kind and strong when the situation called for it. The perfect mate, that would be able to both make her feel needed and be there when she needed him. But many hybrids mate for live nowadays and she was not sure if she was ready to make such a decision.
Cheering broke her train of thought. She looked up from where she had been cleaning a table, for probably already way too long, and her tail raised a bit as she saw the ferret girl move towards Kaneki. To think that she would actually try her luck. Touka had to give her credit for her bravery. Or maybe it was just foolishness.
After all, Touka was not just going to let this slide. No matter how cute and small the ferret was, no matter how good she would look next to the one eyed boy, Touka would not just let her fellow bunny be seduced.
Not wanting to be caught snooping, Touka moved to clean another table closer to where Kaneki was drying glasses behind the bar. She kept her ears on attention to listen to every word. She wasn’t going to interfere immediately. It wasn’t her place after all to scare pursuers of Kaneki. In the end it is his decision who he wants to be with, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t save him if he got uncomfortable.
“Hi! My name is Misa. Can I know your name?”
Touka scoffed. The tone the ferret girl used had such a fake sweetness it made her sick.
“Ah… It’s Kaneki. Kaneki Ken.”
„Ken, huh. Such a nice name! Ah, can I call you Ken? I’d really like to.”
“Um, I’d actually prefer if you didn-“ 
“Yes? Ok, good! Say, let’s go on a date.”
Touka’s head snapped up. Did that girl really just do that? Sure, other people had been blunt before but this was a new level. It was almost offensive.
“Uh-um, I’m sorry but I don’t think-“
“Aw, come on! It’s only a date. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
He was uncomfortable. His ears had moved from their comfortable position over his shoulders to pinned behind his head. Kaneki was extremely uncomfortable and she couldn’t blame him. The audacity of that girl! Touka watched as the hare tried to back away from the flirty brunette girl, only for her to grab onto his arm tight. (When had she moved behind the bar?)
That was the last straw. Like hell would she let that persistent bitch force him into anything. Touka took a deep breath and made her way over to the pair. Kaneki spotted her over the ferrets shoulder and his pleading, anxious, hopeful gray eye met her purple ones. She nodded her head slightly and watched as relief took over his whole being.
Touka cleared her throat loudly, catching the girls attention. Brown, annoyed eyes focused on her and a sharp mouth snapped rudely.
“What do you want? Can’t you see we are busy?!”
Touka raised an unimpressed eyebrow and crossed her arms.
“The only thing I see is you harassing my coworker, so I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
Brown eyes widened, only to immediately narrow.
“The fuck?! I’m not harassing shit! Mind your own damn business!”
Touka could feel her temper rise. She took a look around to see other customers watching the scene with anger and incredulously in their expressions. Seems like they all feel the same.
“Listen here, bitch. You are obviously not only making Kaneki but everyone here uncomfortable. So, I’m gonna give you two options: 1. You leave right now without making a fuss and never come back, or 2. I throw you out myself.”
“Ha! You and what army?”
The girl hissed this while baring her fangs and showing off her claws.
Touka bared her teeth and smirked.
“I don’t need one.”
With a grunt Touka attacked. Before the ferret could react she was in the air as Touka lifted her over to the front door by her collar. The girl began to struggle and tried to claw at Touka’s hands. But it was to no avail.
“What the hell are you doing?!”
“Taking out the trash.”
And with that Touka threw the girl outside of the café, making her land painfully on her sorry ass. She then turned to the ferrets friends.
“Yo, dumbasses! You are her friends aren’t you? Get out before I make you!”
The two girls seemed to be smarter than their friend was because they only flinched and scurried out silently.
“And don’t come back.”
Touka said decisively, slamming the door. There were a few seconds of silence before sudden loud cheering rang out. 
She turned around in surprise and smiled at what she saw. Everyone in the café was applauding her. The bunny looked towards Yoshimura, who was giving her a proud and satisfied smile. He nodded at her and indicated to Kaneki with his head and then to upstairs. Touka looked at Kaneki and saw that while his ears had moved back to their calm position, he was still ever so slightly shivering.
She nodded at her boss in thanks and moved slowly towards Kaneki, so as not to startle him. Carefully she took his hand. He flinched but didn't pull away.
Kaneki only hesitated for a moment before letting himself be pulled along. Once in her room, Touka let go of the hares hand. The one-eyed ghouls fingers twitched, as if he wanted to reclaim her hand. She bit her lip to stop from smiling. This was still serious after all.
"How are you feeling?"
Kaneki looked up from their hands with wide eyes.
"I- I'm fine. Thank you for helping me, Kirishima-san."
“It’s no problem. To be honest that girl was making me angry anyways.”
Kaneki chuckled nervously.
“She was a bit rude, wasn’t she?”
Touka scoffed.
“A bit is an understatement. She was basically sexually harassing you! Anyone could have smelled her pheromones from a mile away.”
Kaneki looked down at that, but gave a slight nod of agreement. He was obviously still bothered by what happened and Touka had a feeling there was more to it too. With a carefully controlled tone, she decided to ask something she had been meaning to ask for a while now.
“Does this happen often? I mean I’ve seen people approach you before but never like that and you are shaking.”
The hare looked up, wide eyed and startled. His ears raised just a bit.
“No, no, no! While people have tried to curt me before they usually gave up pretty fast when I didn’t react like they wanted. The only one who was ever that bold before was…”
The white haired teen trailed off, but she did not need for him to finish. She had heard of how he became a ghoul and could imagine who the other person was. Her ears lowered a bit at the thought of the betrayal and fear Kaneki must have felt. He had been honestly interested in the women after all.
Would he ever be interested in her, too? The purple and white bunny had seen his reactions to her, had been observing closely for a while now. She had seen the curiosity and a certain amount of attraction, but would that be enough? As she watched Kaneki Ken, the one eyed ghoul, the meek hare with mismatched fur who could have anyone he wanted, she decided that the only way to ever truly know was to make a move.
Touka took a deep, audible breath. Kaneki focused on her in curiosity and watched with rapt attention as she began to move. She slowly started to circle the hare who’s eyes widened in surprise as he recognized the traditional courting behaviour of their kind. The female bunny paid close attention to the one she wanted to curt and felt relief wash over her as she saw his eyes shine and ears lie back slightly in submission. With the knowledge that she wasn’t being rejected she increased her speed a bit.
Then after a while of circling she moved close and gave a playful nip to the hares right ear. Kanekis ears stood up and he moved towards her. The chase was on. 
They proceed to spent the next half an hour chasing each other playfully through the small room. Always nipping the other gently to say ‘You’re it!’ and making sure to never start circling too close. They did not want conflict. No, they were enjoying their little game of tag, their dance, their courting way too much to let it become bitter. It was exhilarating. To finally be able to act how they were supposed to, to realize that they weren’t alone, that there was someone who understood them, someone who acknowledged their boundaries and didn’t overstep.
Touka's heart swelled as she looked over her shoulder at her partner. She could tell that he was letting go of his inhibitions. He was acting on instinct and happiness. Realizing this her tail gave an involuntary flick. A single grey eye widened at the flirty move and before Touka could react was she being pressed down to the floor. She gasped at the feeling of being mounted and nipped in the back of the neck.
It wasn’t sexual. If anything it was romantic. A small chatter of happiness escaped her as she realized the full meaning her partner wanted to convey. It was a sign of possessiveness, of protectiveness. The hold wasn’t forceful and the nip gentle. This was Ken (when had he become Ken in her mind?) saying: ‘You’re mine!’. This was a claim.
The black hare moved off her to lie beside her, allowing her to lie on her side and mirroring her position. Another move that such a clear sign of closeness that it nearly brought tears to her eyes. Deciding that it was her turn to return the favor, Touka made her own move. She raised her hands and softly began grooming Kens hair and ear. Grey eye widened and locked with calm purple.
With a honestly beautiful smile the male bunny scooted closer and moved his arms to wrap around her and started to groom her windswept tail in return. Both bunnies closed their eyes in bliss and purrs of joy filled the air.
They both knew that they had a lot to talk about, but for now the ghoul bunnies decided to let themselves be swept away by their instincts and pure joy at a successful start to courting.
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After the Rain
After the Rain
Hikaru yawned, making his way downstairs, still pretty out of it from the night before. As comfy as it was, sleeping in a pile with his family… he did not find waking up with the family dog laying across all of them to be very appealing. He was the last one out of bed, once Ken woke up and shot off like a rocket.
He was relieved, though. The dream therapy was working well, it seemed. Ken was back to his usual energetic self.
What time is it even?
It was Saturday, that much his half asleep mind was aware. He just didn't care what time it actually was.
"Morning, Hika!" Hideki called, looking over from the stove, a bright smile on his face.
Hikaru smiled tiredly, walking by his brother, ruffling up his hair.
"Mornin, Deki."
"Hey, you." Eiji greeted, stirring a pot on the stove. "Hope you're not sick of our little weekend tradition."
"Nope." He sniffed the air, sighing happily. "Is that broth with the leftover fish bones from yesterday's supper?"
"Well, yeah, can't let a good aji head go to waste."
"You're the best, Dad." He smiled before going to sit down.
"Anything for my boys."
Hideki gave his brother a confused look before a smile came to his face.
Awww Hika. I'm proud of ya.
Ken tugged on Hideki's night shirt, giving him a puppy eyed look.
"What do ya need, Kenny?" Hideki asked, looking up from his whisking.
He was just glad the power had come back on by the time they had all woken up.
"Can we play in the pool again?"
Hideki grinned.
"But of course!"
Eiji chuckled, looking behind him at his family. Carmen and Hikaru were talking quietly while Ken was trying not to get in Hideki's way too much.
It was looking to be a good day… until Eiji looked behind him to where his duffle bag of soaked equipment was.
His shoulders sunk, sighing heavily.
He still, had to fix that. It wasn't that he couldn't afford to replace it but he didn't WANT to. A good few of those pieces weren't under warranty anymore… He would worry about that later, though.
Just focus on your family.
That, was how Hikaru found him a few hours later. Eiji had his tool kit spread out on the family room floor, several pieces of equipment strewn about on a tarp. He was sitting cross legged in front of the coffee table, tinkering at one of the cameras.
He watched him silently, mostly out of sheer curiosity.
Eiji wasn't an expert at tech repair. He knew enough to keep his equipment from failing, enough to repair a great deal of it…
But after awhile, Hikaru was uncomfortable because it was clear Eiji had no idea what to do with this amount of damaged equipment.
"Oh Titan-Move!" He hurried over, nudging him aside. "Let me!"
"I got this, you can go have fun-" Eiji tried to insist.
"Nope." Hikaru looked up, smiling. "This is my fun."
Eiji decided to work at a different piece of equipment, keeping an eye on Hikaru out of the corner of his eye.
The boy's hands were quick and precise, repairing the SLS camera in his hand with ease. His posture was relaxed and calm as he tinkered, a smile ever present on his face.
Eiji smiled before going back to his own work. If this was what he wanted to do, he was happy for the company.
"Did you get any sleep last night?"
Hikaru smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck for a moment.
"Actually… that was the best sleep I've had in over a month." He admitted before going back to work. "Okaa-san and Otou-san, we used to sleep in piles like that sometimes before. Especially when we were living underwater for awhile… Namely, when we first came to the states."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mm-hm." Hikaru was nostalgic as he turned the camera over in his hands. "It was fun but I missed having stuff like my games or my toys that ran on electricity. Can't exactly plug that stuff in under the waves."
Eiji chuckled before a thought came to him.
"You have all that equipment in your room and those little things you're always tinkering with… you ever consider joining the school robotics club? When you're ready to go back, of course."
Hikaru froze up a little before frowning.
"I used to… I think I've been away enough that they'd kick me out." He murmured, looking back down. "No one wants the guy who was basically dead."
"I doubt that. You got skills, kiddo. Serious skills that any robotics team would want for themselves." Eiji squeezed his shoulder. "I'm not pressuring you… but think about it."
HIkaru smirked a little.
"Are you going to go to every competition and be a total embarrassment?"
Eiji smirked.
"I'll be doing my darndest to be the most embarrassing dad ever."
"Then I'll think about it." He frowned a little. "Will I have to go to a school counselor too?"
"Only if you're comfortable. No one's gonna make you do anything you're not okay with."
"Okay, Dad."
Eiji's heart warmed, hearing that once more.
"Love you, Son."
Hikaru smiled.
"Love you too. Think we could have tinker time together more often?"
"I don't see why not. You having fun?"
"I like this. It helps my mind quiet down more." He replied. "I like fixing things… and making new things."
Eiji reached over, ruffling his hair, earning a small laugh from the boy.
"And I like, hanging out with my son and working on things too." He smiled softly. "This can just be our thing."
Hikaru perked up, joy coming to his eyes.
"I'd really like that."
"Than it shall be."
"Heee! Up again, again!"
"Alright, up you go!"
Carmen looked up from her laptop as Ken emerged from the water, giggling up a storm before trying to climb on top of Hideki to make him go under the water, trying to dunk him in since he couldn't throw him into the air.
Even in his powerful, tiger shark form, Hideki was still as gentle as ever with his little brother. He was just content, to be able to change and swim any time he wanted to without issue.
"Mommy, Mommy!"
Carmen was snapped out of her train of thought, seeing Hideki swim by with Ken on his back, the youngest waving to her.
"Hey, Mijo!" She waved, giggling a bit. "You two having fun?"
Hideki lunged up as Ken was knocked back into the water with a large splash.
"EEP!" He popped up, grinning playfully. "Hey!"
"Gotcha." Hideki grinned. "Alright, how about you work on that butterfly stroke huh?"
Ken swam off as Hideki floated to the other side of the pool, content to relax for a bit.
Carmen set her laptop aside, going over to the side, sitting over the edge.
"So, be honest, is he driving you crazy?" She whispered.
Hideki chuckled, leaning his head back.
"Nah, never. It's nice to be the older brother. Been the "youngest" my whole life - even if it's just by five minutes." He replied. "I honestly love every second of it."
Carmen smiled softly, stroking his head fin, eliciting a loud churr from him.
"You are too cute." She chuckled.
"Even for a shark?"
"You are the cutest, shark ever."
Hm… I wonder…
She poked his snout, eliciting a squeak from him.
He blinked before laughing, shaking his head.
He smiled up at her.
"You're so silly, Mom."
Carmen's eyes widened a little, smiling.
"That's just how it is. You got a silly mom and a massive dweeb for a dad."
"And I love you both." Hideki reached up, hesitating a bit. He knew this form wasn't exactly the cuddliest.
She probably doesn't want a hug while I'm like this. Later.
Before he could lower his arm, Carmen pulled him halfway out of the water in an embrace, kissing his head.
"Never think I don't want a hug, okay?" She moved him a bit to arm's length, giving him a gentle look. "I'll always want one. Claro?"
"Claro…" Hideki's eyes were misty before hugging her again, churring up a storm.
Carmen kept him close, nuzzling the top of his head. His tail swished in the water below them as he curled up a little.
"This really okay?"
"Always." She gave his snout another poke as he squeaked.
She hugged him tightly, tucking his head under her chin… trying to hide the tears of joy welling up in her eyes.
He called me mom… He's calling me mom…
"I love you, Deki."
Hideki relaxed against her, hugging her tighter.
"I love you too, Mom."
Carmen was content to be right there. Work could wait. She wanted to savor every moment of this.
Ken quietly snuck up by them, tapping Hideki's tail to get his attention. He blinked. giving him a confused look.
He motioned as if he was pushing someone before pointing to their mother, a smirk on the six year old's face.
Hideki smirked.
"Hey… How much do you love us?"
Carmen didn't like how that voice sounded. That tone reminded her too much of her husband when he was being sneaky.
"... A lot. How much is it gonna cost?"
The boys snickered before Hideki threw himself backwards… pulling Carmen into the water with him as she let out a shriek of shock.
The boys swam backwards as Carmen rose out of the water, her hair sticking to her face, her clothes totally soaked.
She grinned wickedly.
"I'm gonna get you! C'MERE!"
"EEP! MERMAID MOMMY!" Ken squealed, climbing onto Hideki's shoulders. "Dekii-nii haaaalp!"
"Mermaid Mom's gonna get her two little pups!" She swam after them.
Their laughter was echoing off the walls. She could care less about her clothes.
Her children were happy… and so was she.
"What the heck are you three doing?"
They froze up, looking up as Eiji and Hikaru looked down in the pool.
"Do you have any tech on you?" Hideki asked quickly.
"No? We left all that upstairs, even our phones-Oh no." Hikaru trailed off as his twin grabbed his ankle. "Dad-DAD HELP-"
Eiji grabbed his arm two seconds too late as Hikaru was yanked into the water, his form shifting immediately… the extra weight of his tail causing Eiji to stumble forward into the water as well.
"Well, now you both HAVE to take a break." Carmen swam up to Eiji, pecking him quickly on the cheek. "C'mon you."
"Yeah! Come play with us, Dad! Mom is!" Hideki grinned.
Eiji was very, very glad he was already covered in water, the happy tears already welling up.
"Sure… Why not?"
Work could wait.
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fromkenari · 5 years
When you're thinkin' you're a joke and nobody's gonna listen
Michael plunked down on his parents’ modest-sized couch in Chicago as the whole world moved around him. His sister was decorating the dining room, the living room, and virtually the whole house because that evening was going to be his second birthday party. This time with his family. His mother was setting out food as she and his grandmother took turns yelling Greek which Michael rolled his eyes over because he could vaguely understand that they were arguing which plates to use for the cake. His dad was the one actually cooking the food, which smelled like heaven to Michael.
With a sigh, Michael tried to shut most of the noise out, but it wasn’t working so when he finished thumbing through his phone for Tyler Blackburn’s number, he got up and went to his childhood bedroom. Still complete with a double bed and the Ken Griffey Jr. poster on the wall, he got a little nostalgic and grabbed a baseball that had fallen from his nightstand. The phone was ringing before he could drop onto the bed and he was startled when it was answered almost immediately.
“Michael?” came Tyler’s careful tone and Michael had to laugh. Perched on his bed and tossing the baseball up in the air, he smiled.
“Hey, Tyler man, what’s up?”
“Nothing, really,” Tyler replied. “Catching up on Doctor Who with my dog.”
Michael gave a knowing nod despite the fact that Tyler couldn’t see him. “Thinking about your next project? Going for a Companion, hmm?” He laughed when Tyler gave a soft snort.
“No. I’m not always working, you know.”
“Uh huh, like you don’t have the next two years booked solid?” Michael accused him.
Tyler made a noncommittal sound. “Not two years...” he trailed out. Michael snickered in knowing. “How’s the hangover?” Tyler pushed in slyly and Michael caught the baseball and pushed the fist to his head.
“Oh man. You guys did not have to do that.” Referring to the birthday party he had a few days prior. “But I didn’t do too bad. I didn’t swear off drinking like I have after most birthdays.”
Tyler chuckled but it was more like a hum, a sweet sound that Michael enjoyed eliciting from the other man. At about the same time, Michael winced because he heard a crash on the other side of the house and decided this was more important because...
“I got your text,” Michael said in one breath and, “Sorry I didn’t see it until late. That’s why I’m calling now.”
“Yeah...” Tyler softly responded like it took strength to not add a hundred other words to it.
Michael’s brow furrowed and he kicked back on the bed and continued tossing up the baseball and catching it as a distraction.
Call me when you get this. Real important. Have a safe flight.
“So, what’s going on? Something to with Roswell? You just now learn that Nathan is following questionable accounts on Instagram? Don’t worry, I’ve gotten the messages from fans, too.”
There was a pause, too long for Michael to stand.
“Tyler man, what is it?” he said with some legitimate concern. He caught the baseball and held it above him, waiting as Tyler cleared his throat.
“I did an interview,” Tyler said, voice somewhat hollow but also heavy with a burden. “And I told them something that I haven’t told many people. I wanted you to know before it’s released because I feel like I have the responsibility to tell you -- as my scene partner, as my friend.”
Michael frowned deep and didn’t try to lead Tyler on. He wanted Tyler to tell him when he was ready. “Yeah?” Michael simply said as he sat up and crossed his legs. He was making a mess of the sheets. His grandmother would be hot.
“Michael, I’m bisexual.”
The baseball fell from Michael’s hand that was already reaching to grip his hair. Bouncing with thunks, the ball rolled away and Michael couldn’t form words.
“I’m not going to ask you to not tell anyone, but I would hope you wouldn’t. I want to come out in my own way and I think the Advocate is a good way.”
Michael’s still stunned and just listening as Tyler became more robotic with each sentence, which was likely because Michael wasn’t responding.
“I’ve known long enough to have boyfriends, but not public ones. Obviously, I’ve had girlfriends, too. But I wanted to you because--”
“Holy shit,” Michael finally breathed, still not caught up from Tyler coming out.
Tyler stopped talking before getting a little flustered. “Are you -- are you freaking out about this?”
Michael finally snapped into his wits and got off the bed to pace. “No. Tyler, no. That is not what I meant. I’m sorry. ‘Holy shit’ should not have been the first thing I say when you share something that personal with me, okay?”
“You don’t have to apologize--”
“Of course, I do. With all the joking around and shit that I do? I love you, man, and I never ever meant to make you uncomfortable.”
“Because you thought I was straight?”
“I mean, look, you are the coolest and hottest dude I have ever met. And we have had some intimate moments on set. I would be stupid to not have at least some sort of feelings toward you.”
“What are you saying?”
Michael huffed. “You’re a sex symbol, dude! You’re the guy that millions of girls fantasize about. That’s some serious pressure and image to uphold. And -- and I’m sorry if I made that pressure worse by being an asshole with the homoerotic stuff.”
Tyler took a moment to respond. “I accept your apology -- as long as this doesn’t change our dynamic on set.”
“Dude! Of course not. Though, I may have some questions since Guerin is bisexual and all.” A pause. “I’m kidding, but also not. This is -- wow. I am proud to be someone you felt comfortable with coming out to. Thank you.”
Tyler cleared his throat again, his voice came out feathery like he might be on the verge of crying. “The article comes out in April. Then, you can tell people. Then, I want everyone to know.”
“Of course! You hot, sexy, beautiful, artistic, and wonderful bisexual, you. I will tell anyone who asks me about you.”
With a chuckle, Tyler gave a gentle sniff that Michael could barely make out. “You’re a good guy, Michael. We’ll have to double date sometime.”
“Yeah, when you’re not filming,” Michael joked before he bent down to pick up the baseball he’d dropped. “So what’s up next anyway.”
“I’m going to the Dominican Republic at the end of April.”
“Dude, no way!”
“Yes. Yes way, actually. I think I can tell you what it’s about. It’s for the Discovery Channel.”
“Hot. Lay it on me, Blackburn.”
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owlish-peacock36 · 5 years
Never Doubt I Love: Part 7
Tumblr media
Whew. This one took forever to get right... Enjoy
Warning: NSFW! J/J/C! Threesome!
John found himself in a field. More of a meadow, really, with bright wildflowers and a wall of trees along the perimeter. The air was pleasantly brisk, and the sun warmed the bite of the wind.
Taking stock of his body, he found himself completely unclothed. Despite his modest nature, this fact didn’t bother him. Quite contrary, he languished in it, stretching his stiff bones against the prickles of the grass.
Gentle caresses tickled his bare skin, the delicate wings of dragonflies beating upon him. He watched them, multicolored and graceful as they descended down his body. First his lips, then his chest, then his stomach… Slowly dipping in pleasurable waves.
The swarm metamorphosed, clinging together as they transitioned: A fox took their place, unusually large and glistening crimson.
I’m dreaming, he thought as the world around him became less real. The trees were too large, too green. The sky was midnight, but bright light still glowed.
Garnering his attention, the beast rested his head upon John’s navel, peering at him with almond eyes. He opened his jaw, flashing rows of perfect fangs. But, no growl or hiss exited the creature’s mouth. Instead, a voice rumbled through him, deep and warmly familiar.
“Will ye no wake?”
The vibrations from the beast’s throat shook John’s body, and his eyes shot open toward the streaming sunlight.
A dream…
Not completely, though, as his fox companion had turned into another red-haired creature gently kissing his stomach.
John’s eyes flitted around the room. The Fraser’s bedroom. And he was tangled in the Fraser’s sheets, with Jamie Fraser himself upon him.
He mentally crossed himself, and thanked whatever deity had led him to this moment.
John threaded his fingers through Jamie’s curls, enjoying their soft, springy texture. With that encouragement, the redhead kissed his way up the blond’s body until their noses touched. John could feel every line of Jamie as he rested against him. Strong and solid and undoubtedly ready...
“Good morning to you, as well.”
The two men smiled at each other, lips stretched as they kissed. John reached his hand to the right, searching, but found the bed empty.
“Where’s Claire?”
“She’ll be downstairs, making breakfast. She woke early, and decided we could all use a hearty meal… Canna fault her observations.”
“Should we go help?”
“Nay. She told me we have to stay here. Ordered me really. I’m no help in the kitchen. I suppose it’s good one of us kens how to make a meal.”
Us. The three of them. That simple word brought about flitters in his stomach, and a heavy beat in his heart.
“Besides,” Jamie interrupted John’s thoughts. “I had other plans for this morning.”
Warm mouth and soft curls tickled John’s torso as his companion slowly descended his body.
“Shh…” His breath blew the hair around John’s navel, causing him to twitch at the sensitivity. But such movements did not stop Jamie, as he ventured lower, lower…
He was engulfed by warmth, the dampness of Jamie’s mouth sending shockwaves through his spine. Threading his hands through amber curls, John arched up, straining for friction. For release. Jamie’s tongue swirled around John’s cock, and his length twitched with every lick and bob. Jamie sucked hard on the tip, his lips puckering. A moan rose from John’s chest, threatening to tear him apart. Jamie mirrored the sound, causing pleasurable vibrations to fill John’s body from tip to temple.
He wasn’t sure how much longer he could last.
Fingers joined mouth in a dangerous dance. One hand pumped him slowly, while the tongue continued its pattern along his length. Up. Down. Up. Down. Suck. Lick.
“Ye taste so good.”
John felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest. He needed more. Now.
He felt rather than heard Jamie’s chuckle. “O’ course.”
His efforts doubled. One arm braced John’s hips against the bed, holding him in place. The other continued stroking John.
“Look at me.”
He couldn’t. Couldn’t open his eyes, so overwhelmed with sensation as he was. But that would not do for Jamie.
“Look at me!”
John’s eyes flew open at the roughness in his voice, and stared into the icy eyes at his hip. Slowly—so slowly—Jamie lowered his mouth once more upon him.
It was too much—tongue, fingers, eyes—and John strained against the hand at his waist. His peak came, hard and loud and quick, finishing in Jamie’s throat. He swallowed quickly before stretching himself next to his satisfied companion.
Fingers trailed over John’s chest as his heart regulated itself.
“Good morning to ye,” the redhead teased.
John gasped for air before responding. “Yes. Indeed.”
The door creaked open as the two men lounged nude on the bed. Claire entered, her hair extra disbelieved, and a translucent dressing gown sashed around her waist. In her arms she held a tray—breakfast. Bannocks and honey, ham, eggs, potatoes…
She noticed the two relaxing, and a grin spread across her face.
“Well, don’t you two look like cats that got the cream.”
“I dinna ken what ye’re talking about, Sassenach.”
“Uh-huh.” She didn’t believe him at all. “You look like you could use some sustenance.”
John’s voice piped: “Yes, please,” while Jamie teased: “But I’ve already eaten…”
She scoffed, but placed the tray in John’s lap nonetheless. Sitting beside him, she bumped their hips together to get him to make room. He found himself sandwiched between the Frasers.
“Did you sleep well, John?” Claire asked, her mouth full of bread.
“Best night’s sleep I’ve ever had.” It was the truth, too. He had never been more exhausted or more comfortable than he was the night before.
“Worn out, were ye?” John tossed a bannock right in Jamie’s smirking face, causing a laugh to burst from Claire’s chest. “Weel, that wasna verra nice…”
“Here,” Claire offered. “I’ll kiss it to make it better.” She stretched across John’s body to plant a short, chaste kiss on Jamie’s lips. He feel her breasts against his chest through her thin clothing. “There.”
After the three cleared the entire tray, Jamie threw it on the floor and out of the way.
“I’ve been thinking…” He stood, as proud and as bare as the day he was born.
“Yes…?” Claire popped onto her knees in curiosity
The large man circled the bed, stalking. A predator. His muscles were taut and poised: fists clenched, thighs thickened, stomach dimpled. Dawn light glistened off the hair on his head and body, glinting scarlet and gold like a candle. He was about to strike, his heels lifting from the ground, eyebrows furrowed in concentration…
And then he turned, making his way toward the chair across from the bed. Sitting heavily, he steepled his fingers and spread his legs.
“I want to watch. The both of ye.” His voice was husky and demanding.
John’s heart spiked at his words. Did he mean…?
“Watch us do what?” Claire shrugged a shoulder, allowing her dressing gown to fall partially. One ivory breast peeked out from the cloth, nipple hard and straining.
“Ye ken fine what I want.”
They did, indeed.
John, feeling powerful from the morning’s activities, began to run his lips along Claire’s exposed shoulder. He could hear the catch in her breath.
“Aye. Like that.”
John chanced a glance at Jamie, whose fingertips were caressing his cock. He groaned at the sight, pressing his teeth against Claire’s neck. She moaned in response, her hand reaching backward to grasp John’s thigh.
Needing more of her skin, John fumbled with the sash around her waist. Loosened, the thin fabric fell open and pooled around her waist. His hands roamed the newly exposed flesh, caressing and groping. So lost in Claire’s body, John almost forgot about the set of eyes upon them.
Small, muffled grunts emitted from the redhead’s mouth as he lightly touched himself.
John flipped Claire around, pressing her back upon the mattress. Her legs opened freely at the nudge of his knees. Her bore down on her, attacking her lips.
Mouths opened. Breath mingled. John could feel her heartbeat beneath her breast; it echoed within his own chest. Her body grew warm beneath his, and slickness began to pool between them.
John descended Claire’s body, his tongue dancing upon the velvet skin of her neck, her shoulders, her breasts… He pulled a nipple into his mouth, teasing it gently with his teeth. Her back arched off the bed, taut as a bow string. Encouraged, he dipped further, tickling her navel and kissing her hip bones. Even further still, his face was level with her center. Glancing up, he found Claire looking at him, propped up on her elbows. Her eyes were glassy and heavily-lidded. Behind her, Jamie began pumping his length in earnest, his mouth half-open. John felt himself harden further.
Lowering himself upon Claire’s body again, John pressed a small kiss on her pubic bone. And then again, a bit lower... A needy cry burst from her chest, and she pushed her hips upward. Happy to oblige, John drug his tongue up and down her slit, making sure to pay careful attention to where she needed him most.
She was salty and slick and all encompassing, and John was at her precipice. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and he could feel her moans as they vibrated down her body.
Unable to control himself any longer, John crawled up her body, positioning himself to enter her…
“No.” Jamie’s voice rang loudly across the room. He was still gripping himself tightly, almost purple with want. “Flip over, Claire. I want to look ye both in the eye.”
She did as she was told, landing on all fours. He arse arched upward, rubbing gently on John’s cock.
Jesus, her arse was round…
Gripping the pliable flesh, he entered her from behind, and three separate moans echoed simultaneously.
Claire and John raised their heads, looking into Jamie’s eyes; they were glazed and intently watching them. The sensory overload spurred John, and he began rocking his hips against Claire. She squeaked. John chuckled at the sound, and continued to pound against her.
Doing as he was bid, he grasped a handful of her curls, tugging gently at the scalp, and slammed into her once. Twice. Three times.
And she cried, her walls quivering around him. Her arms shook as she tried to keep herself upright, but the intensity of her climax made her unsteady and she fell to her elbows.
John was straining against his own pleasure, wanting to make this last.
Large, slick hands caressed John’s back; he hadn’t realized Jamie had moved. He was behind him now, cock hard against his back as his lips trailed down his shoulder. John writhed at the new sensation. Jamie’s oiled fingers tickled down his spine to end at his arse; his palm flexed against the skin, his fingertips bruising.
“Is this alright?”
Did he mean--?
Jamie’s fingers drew circles on his buttocks, an unspoken answer to an unspoken question.
“God, yes! Please, yes!” John’s vocabulary has been reduced to monosyllables.
“Thank God.” It was merely a whisper, but John felt the words caress his hair. “Hold still for a moment.”
John’s hips had been quivering, his cock still inside Claire. Against all instincts, he stilled.
Jamie was oiled and ready, his stiff length wedged in the cleft of John’s arse. He moved closer, his tip teasing John.
“Bend over.”
John curved until his chest was flush with Claire’s back. He felt Jamie, centimeter by centimeter, as he pushed slowly…carefully. John sunk his teeth into Claire’s shoulder as discomfort gave way to pleasure; she moaned at the sharp bite on her skin.
Enveloped and enveloping, he was crushed between the bodies of the Frasers. Like links on a chain, they connected perfectly.
John moved first, his hips slowly thrusting into Claire as his body adjusted to the simultaneous penetrating and penetration. Claire met him thrust for thrust, the flesh of her arse smacking against his hip bones.
Then, Jamie joined with his own gyrations. With John’s every inward thrust, Jamie’s hips tilted backward. And when John pulled out of Claire, Jamie slammed into him. He couldn’t stop the scream that came from his chest.
It was a dance, choreographed for their pleasure. The movement of one affected the others, like dominoes. Jamie’s left hand remained on John’s hip, while the other reached for Claire’s breast; her body vibrated at the new sensation. John’s hand flew backward to grasp Jamie’s flank.
He couldn’t last much longer, not with the myriad of sensations that overtook his body. Hoping to take the two with him, he began swinging his pelvis in abandon: his hip bones bruising Claire’s rear and his haunches slamming against Jamie’s legs.  
He stretched his arm around Claire’s body, landing between her legs. Caressing her there, she bucked wildly against him, another climax taking her over. John followed soon after, spilling himself into her while his moans echoed off the walls.
Two more thrusts from Jamie, and he exploded behind him, beads of sweat dripping into John’s back.
The three disentangled their slick bodies, collapsing on the bed. Jamie was the first to rise, searching for towels to aid in the clean up. He threw squares of linen on the bed for them.
Messes abated, they slumped against the pillows.
“Can we just lie here awhile?” Jamie breathed through gasps.
And so they did, snuggled spoon fashion with Claire in the middle. Her small arms gripped him tightly to her front.
“I’m so glad you found us John.” Claire’s voice whispered in his ear. It was the last thing he heard before exhaustion took over.
115 notes · View notes
kariachi · 5 years
Okay, because I’m proud of what I’ve got so far and don’t know when or if it’ll get finished- have 3400 words of WIP.
Kevin is getting married off, they’re still working on the ‘to whom’ portion.
It all began, as these things do, with dinner at his mother’s. Nothing special, just Kevin, his mother, his girl, which really, he supposed, was why this was when things started getting serious.
“So,” his mother had said, midway through the meal, “I’ve been thinking that we should try for Looma.” It hadn’t come out of nowhere- fuck, his last birthday had included the line ‘there’s applications by the door, if you want to marry him get yours back to me by the end of the week’- but still Kevin paused in his eating, going so far as to set down his fork. Gwen paused at his side, eyes narrowing.
“Mom, I’d have to fight Looma to get her. And win.”
“You could win easy.” She, meanwhile, had not stopped eating and took a moment to finish a bite of stew before turning to Gwen. “You’d like her, she’s a good kid, competitive.”
“Looma is intense to say the least,” Kevin countered, “with a short fuse and strong ego.” His mother shrugged.
“Okay, she’d learn to like her.” Glancing Gwen’s way, Kevin rolled his eyes and groaned in the traditional ‘mothers, can’t live with ‘em, invested too much money to kill ‘em’ manner. Gwen just looked confused, face scrunched like she thought someone was up to something. Which was probably true, but that had nothing to do with the conversation at hand.
“Can I just clarify,” she asked, glancing between them, “what are we talking about?”
“Marriage candidates, Gwendolyn, keep up.”
“Mom, be nice.” One of the greatest remaining issues of his life, somehow his family liked Gwen less than Gwen’s mother liked him- and he’d set her son up with Argit! As if to prove this fact, his mother rolled her eyes much like he just had.
“Alright. We’re discussing who Kevin’s marrying.” And attention back to Kevin. “Looma’s a catch, even Luka and your cousins agree.” Kevin huffed.
“What if we don’t want to move to Khoros? You know she’d expect it.”
“It’s a great planet, wonderful food.”
“Lots of sand.”
“Rich culture.”
“Also giant spiders.”
“Stop! Stop.” Hands held between the two, palms outward, Gwen looked between them, eyes still narrowed and lips set in a frown. Eventually her gaze settled on Kevin’s mother. “What am I, chopped liver?” There was an opening there, and Kevin glared at his mother before she could take advantage of it. She continued on like she’d never planned to.
“You didn’t get an application in,” she said simply. “If Kevin wants to marry you it’ll have to be on his own time. Meanwhile, we’re getting him some good spouses.” Now Gwen was the one huffing.
“You can’t really have expected me to fill that out, it was over Christmas, and my birthday right after!” And foot, mouth, the snowball of disapproval ever grew. Kevin’s face fell into his hands as his mother finally set her spoon down with a glower.
“Oh, I’m sorry, is my son not worth wasting two hours of your precious holiday time-”
“I cannot believe your mother, and you just went along with it!” This was the struggle he faced when it came to spending time with Gwen and his relatives together- in the end, he had to deal with all of them.
“Babe, I’ve been expecting my family to be involved in my love life my entire life. If anything the fact they’re looking to get me multiple spouses this young says a lot about my desirability. At my age Kay had like five offers. And she included you in the conversation! Forward progress!” Kevin flashed a grin that was met with nothing but pure scowl.
“And you were going to discuss this with me, when?” Wait, stop, what? Huh? Kevin’s face scrunched in confusion.
“I have? Multiple times?” Gwen continued to scowl. “When we started dating I told you my family was going to arrange at least one marriage for me and you’d have to share, you were cool. I told you when they started getting offers, you were cool. You were there while three of my siblings got married off, you were cool. My family passed out marriage applications at my last birthday. You were cool. Excuse me for assuming, you know, you were cool. We need to hash out details, but that wasn’t really a priority until now and I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we’re busy people.” The scowl remained, but she stopped aiming it directly at the side of his head. Instead she leaned back in her seat and turned it out the passenger window.
“I wasn’t even on her damn list.” It took effort for Kevin not to sigh, something he was half sure would get him killed.
“You can’t be surprised,” he said, “my family doesn’t like you and you didn’t fill out an application.” The scowl deepened and came for him again.
“It was due over Christmas!” This time he didn’t even bother trying to hide the groan.
“Gwen, please, you just finished arguing with my mother over this.”
“It’s true! I was set up to fail!”
“G. Babe.” He was this close. “I swear to Zak, if you try to have this argument again I will drop you off at Feli’s. She will gladly spend the next three hours telling you how big a fuck-up you are and how you don’t deserve me.”
“She’ll gloat.” Gwen scowled at him for another long minute, then turned back to the window.
“Have I mentioned how much of a bitch she is?”
“Nearly as often as she says that about you.”
“So, your ma made a very nice offer-”
“Oh fuck.” Kevin groaned, going limp under his car. “Don’t tell Gwen.”
“Aw, but Earthboy, I was hoping to rent a billboard and everything. ‘Kevin Ethan Levin-Jones’s mother offered him to me’ in big bold print. Was down to choosing the color.”
“Do not,” he repeated, sticking a pointing finger out in Argit’s direction, “tell Gwen. She’s already in enough of a mood about this whole thing. Surprised I haven’t heard from Ben yet.”
“Give them time.” Kevin returned to his tinkering with another groan.
“What’d you say? When she offered?”
“I told her I was flattered- I mean look at you- but I’d have to talk to Ken about it before I made a decision.”
“Okay,” Kevin said, nodding, “that makes sense. Things going good with him?”
“Great.” He couldn’t see it, but he could hear and practically feel the smile on his old friend’s face. “He might say yes you know. Feels guilty about it ‘cause you’re dating his sister but he does think you’re a nice piece.” Chuckling, Kevin shook his head.
“Of course he does. Fuck that’d make it worse- not only does my family like you more than her, but her brother gets a chance at a hunk of me via you?”
“Well in your family’s defense, I don’t like Red either.”
“Yeah, because you’re incompatible brands of asshole.”
“Come on, Kev, you can’t blame them. If nothing else this is the girl whose immediate reaction to Feli was passive-aggressive implications of attempted boyfriend snatching.” Fuck, if there was a moment he never wanted to remember.
“You don’t know pain until you’re trying to get a word in edgewise for introductions, and your girlfriend is unwittingly accusing your sister of incest, and your sister is just letting her dig her own grave.” He heaved a short, tired laugh. “You shoulda been there though, the look on Gwen’s face when I finally got to tell her who she was talking to- Priceless.” Argit chuckled.
“Oh I know, Feli has described it to me in detail. She’s described it to a lot of us in detail. I think she’s gonna get a painting done of it, hang it above her mantle.” That, sounded like something just about any of his sisters would do, and a few of his brothers. Kevin silently vowed to keep an eye out for such things.
“Just, give me a heads up when you two come to a decision, before you talk to anyone.”
“Sure thing, Kev.”
Alan appeared to be having some sort’ve crisis, laying on his couch, staring up at the ceiling. He’d been like this since before Kevin’d showed up, looking forward to an afternoon with his niblings, and the only sign he’d moved in the hours since was the half a sandwich he knew nobody else had made for him. In true younger sibling fashion his brothers and sister didn’t seem to much notice, just rolling their eyes when they saw he was still there and dispersing through the house.
Kevin was so proud.
“Alright, Shortstack,” he asked, leaning over the back of the couch, “what’s eating you?” It took a moment for Alan to respond.
“I’m next.”
“Once you’re married off.” Ah. Okay. That explained that. Kevin purred at him.
“You’ve got time you know. Not like wedding bells are ringing tomorrow.”
“Yeah, it’s just…” Alan sighed. “The future. It looms. College and marriage and kids-” Finally he moved, hauling himself up on his elbows just enough to have to crane his neck to look Kevin in the eye “-do I even want kids?” Kevin shrugged.
“Do you?”
“I don’t even know right now.” And there he went, collapsing back down. “Guess I should figure that out.”
“Don’t rush yourself. Like I said, you’ve got time.” What had been a soft smile turned toothy. “Don’t think Cooper’s figured that out either.” Alan looked at him, lips tugging into a smile.
“You guys are going to try to get Cooper for me? He’s not exactly…” He gave a little half shrug, which Kevin mirrored.
“Oh we’re gonna have much higher standards for everyone else, trust me, but the kid’s going places, he gets on with the family, and the two of you have been practically melting every time you’re around each other for over a year.”
“What can I say,” Alan said, smile morphing into a grin, “he lights a fire in me.”
“Boooo.” Kevin gave the pun a solid two thumbs down, followed by a quick exchange of raspberries. Puns or no, it was always nice to see one of his niblings smiling. “At least make puns based on each other, damn.” Alan blew another raspberry and shook his head.
“How are you not freaking out?”
“Honestly, Shortstack,” Kevin answered with a shrug, “I think I might just be numb to change at this point.”
He wasn’t really. Numb to change. He just had a million different ways to distract himself from the potential negatives of a situation, especially when the situation was like this, where he knew those negatives were unlikely to come to pass. After all, his family loved him, was maybe a little too overprotective if he was honest, and even if they did mess up and get him somebody awful, he’d have other spouses to turn to and also eviscerating would probably happen.
His mom was really good at eviscerating.
She was where he got it from.
But one’s brain never listened to logic if it could try to panic, especially not if you were mentally ill, so distractions it was. Such as, for instance, baking, his favorite form of cooking for it’s more exacting, technical requirements. Today he had Manny keeping him company while he worked. Ostensibly he was there to taste test things, make sure they weren’t poisoned, which Kevin had warned him was a bad move because he had various breads and pastries with long proofing times planned, but he’d insisted.
In the end Kevin had made a batch of maple blondies for him to munch on, something Manny was doing with gusto while watching him force bagel dough to submit to his will.
“‘ey ‘ev?”
“I know it’s good, dude, but swallow before you choke.” He couldn’t see the man sat behind him, but he heard him swallow and blow a raspberry at him before continuing.
“How’s the marriage arranging going?” And there went plans of distractions.
“It goes. Why, what’s up?”
“Nothing much, just, heard there was some drama going on.”
“What? No. There’s some Tennyson Drama trying to horn in on Levin Drama territory, but I have five older sisters hovering, there will be drama only over their dead bodies.” Manny chuckled.
“Thank fuck, was worried for a minute there. I, uh, may have filled out an application, so...” He didn’t stop kneading, not immediately, but Kevin turned that information over in his head. Manny had filled out an application. Manny, who had known him since they were babies and so really should’ve known better, had applied for a position as his husband. His girlfriend had not.
Kevin half-collapsed over the counter, shoulders shaking as he struggled not to laugh.
“Hey!” He was glowering at him when Kevin turned to look at him, and the Ossy raised his hands in surrender.
“Not laughing at you, promise!” he said. “Wasn’t expecting you to be the only person I know of who put in an application.” Though in thinking about it he certainly wasn’t against the idea. He just, hadn’t known there was any interest there. And his siblings and parents liked him, especial Val, so maybe he was in with a shot…
Manny shrugged.
“You’re smart, you cook, and sometimes, if you squint, you’re almost cute. Figured I may as well give it a shot.” He bit into another blondie, pointedly chewing and swallowing before he continued. “Who else is on the list?”
“Don’t know.” Kevin shrugged as he spoke and returned to his work. “Right now I know of three people who’ve been options, including you, and to hear some of my family speak it’s a long list. Family’ll pick out who they think are the top candidates, then I’ll get to say which ones I like the sound of, and then they’ll see about making final choices and getting things arranged based on that. Unless of course you’re Argit or Looma, at which point you apparently just get handed me on a plate.”
“Argit’s my competition? I’m a shoe-in.”
“Argit and Princess Looma.”
“…well fuck.” Grinning toothily, Kevin looked over his shoulder at him.
“Luckily, you’re almost cute too, that’s gonna earn you some points.”
Manny proceeded to drown himself in the blondies.
“Alright, all your options, ready to go!” To say Kevin was nervous, sitting there watching Luka reenter the kitchen with a stack of files, would’ve been a serious understatement.
Today of all days he was keenly aware of where he was- in a home he’d seen more of, when his father was alive, then he’d seen his mother’s, talking to a man who’d had more a role in his early raising than anyone related by blood. Luka was his father’s longest standing spouse, the only one who had followed him to Earth, and it was no secret that half his siblings had been given the information on their potential spouses right where he sat now. Right where things felt most like home. At an old, old table stained, scorched, scratched by the use of every child from his eldest brother to his youngest nephew, files were placed down by the same clawed hand that carded through so many’s hair.
Kevin tamped down his nerves to exchange a smile with him.
There were a lot of files. Some traitor part of his brain said it wasn’t that many, but he shut it down before it could give him a number. It was more than four, it was too damn many.
“I take it I’m popular,” he half-asked half-nervously chuckled, fidgeting with them. Luka took a seat next to him, tail resting supportively against his leg.
“Well, you know a God, you hang out with a Hero, your father was a High Prince and a Hero, you’re a Hero and also one of the most powerful members of our species even at your young age. So, yeah.” He nodded. “You could say you’re a little popular. We narrowed it down to the best prospects and the ones we thought you’d enjoy the most.”
“Huh.” Kevin nodded back. Letting out a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding, he began to sort through the pile.
“Remember, you don’t need to make a decision today. Take some time, weigh your options.”
“I know…” He did not recognize the majority of these people, though he supposed that was to be expected. Despite not having his attention, Luka carried on in the calm tone of someone who had been through this ten times counting his own experience in Kevin’s shoes.
“We haven’t heard back from Argit, so we’ve kept him in there just in case. And that one, Prince Hunter Alba Rhon, very well bred, supposedly has a great sense of humor, loves to read.” More nodding from Kevin.
“Looma and Manny are still in, huh?” Luka chuckled, not unkindly, and leaned back in his chair.
“He doesn’t have much to his name, but he’s a good kid from some good families, and he’d complement you well. Looma, well she’s just you with a shorter fuse, more limbs, and an inheritance.” Taking a moment to blow a raspberry at his, fuck what number was it at this point? at his not-first-father, Kevin set Looma’s file off to the side. Whether that was his keep or discard pile he didn’t know yet.
“I really don’t want to move to Khoros. All my stuff is here.” With a fond look, Luka ruffled his hair.
“We don’t want you to move to Khoros either, but Eva will do what she can to get you the kingdom she thinks you deserve. Plus, your father is proof enough that long distance marriages can work.”
“Dad was a fucking miracle.”
“Language.” Kevin opened his mouth- “Don’t you dare.” -and closed it again. He took and released another deep breath.
“How am I supposed to do this, anyway,” he asked. The pile of files felt… daunting.
“Listen, Little Monster-” Kevin rolled his eyes at the old nickname, it’d bothered him for a while, but he’d mellowed back into it. “-don’t worry about anything to do with their clans, breeding, connections. That’s for the rest of us to worry about. All you have to do, is read the files and pick the ones you think you would get along best with.” The look Luka got was suspicious, but he smiled on.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
There were too damn many files there. Kevin had time, but he didn’t feel like he did and there were too damn many files there. For a third time, he sighed, and moved Argit and Manny’s files onto Looma’s.
“Alright, where should I start?”
He’d gone through the files. It’d taken him five thousand years (two weeks) but he’d done it.
“Managed to cut the list down by seventy-four percent!” Helen raised a brow at him, then looked back at the stack of files on his desk. Kevin could see her doing the math in her head.
“You had twenty-three options?” Her tone was incredulous, like she couldn’t believe her math. Kevin didn’t blame her.
“Yeah. But! I have it down to six now!”
“Damn.” In a flash Helen had stood up, grabbed the files, and returned to her spot on his bed. “How many are you supposed to narrow it down to?” With a shrug, Kevin flopped onto his back.
“There’s not really a set number. One to three to start with, maybe? And I should probably run them by Gwen.”
“I think,” Helen said, “she would toss all of them.” It was a good bet. “She feeling any better about all this?”
“I, really don’t think so? She keeps changing the topic when I bring it up, but she’s been moodier than normal. And I haven’t heard anything from Ben about it.” That was the scary part. He’d expected Ben to call him and bitch him out on his cousin’s behalf weeks ago, but no. Things had been, not really normal but there’d been less ‘you’re being an asshole’ then he normally got when Gwen was upset about something involving him.
He’d have to ask Argit if Ken talked to them.
Either way, Helen did not look enthused by his answer.
“Yeah, that can’t be a good sign.” Kevin tossed her a shaky grin.
“Cross your fingers for me?”
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kyuublu · 3 years
Quick Thrills
Kyoutani Kentaro x reader
Underground Fighter AU
Part One
Song rec: Monks - Frank Ocean
The smell of booze and smoke was a thing I got used to pretty quickly, did I ever grow fond of it? Not really.
“Y/N, take out the trash wouldya?” My boss approached me from the side before taking the glass I had previously cleaned. “Yes, Sir.” I gave him a quick nod, making my way towards the back door of the small bar.
With the trash in both hands I leaned against the door, pushing my way into the cold night air. A couple of barking dogs could be heard in the distance. As I approached the garbage containers, another sound got my attention. Heavy breathing.
I turned to look at the alley behind me. A figure was uncomfortably slumped against the wall, panting like their life depended on it. Oh, its him again. After recognizing the stranger, I carelessly threw the trash into the container and decided to approach him.
“Got your ass beat again, huh?” I was a little cockier than usual, probably due to a couple of shots I had to share with some customers. The boy looked up, a bit taken back from the sudden encounter. He huffed out a chuckle and looked back to the ground.
“You should’ve seen how they looked like.”
If you looked close enough, you could make out a small glimpse of a smirk, hidden behind his harsh frown. “What a shame, I would’ve loved to see that. I only ever see you around here, all beaten up.” The boy was shaking slightly. After effects of the adrenaline probably.
“I don’t have anywhere else to go, so...” He declared, not once meeting my gaze. I only hummed in response and quickly looked at the watch on my wrist.
“My shift ends in 10 minutes. You can come over to my place after that.” His brows furrowed even more at the last comment, making me laugh a bit. He didn’t even look flustered. “I’m pretty good at handling wounds, ya know. My dad was a nurse.” Finally he turned to meet my eye. Silence.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
A grin plastered across my face, I always liked people who didn’t talk too much.
As I applied yet another coat of the clear liquid across my lips, my confidence visibly rose. A quick look in the mirror only confirmed my thoughts. I looked ready to manipulate yet another man.
After leaving the mess of a bathroom I was in, I quickly spotted my partner in crime.
“Is this really necessary again?”
Kyoutani Kentaro.
One of the new upcoming fighters in the underground scene in tokyo. After years of training and beating himself to the top (literally), he has finally reached the potential of becoming the best of the best. Of course, he didn’t get that far all on his own though.
“Yes Kentaro, you know how we play.” I gave him a side glance before walking up to the bar to get another drink. “Wasn’t your plan to play fair? When did that change?” He grumble as he began leaning against the counter. His eyes were wandering around the crowd until they focused on a certain spot in the VIP section. “Oh come on, that was years ago!” I waved off his attempts at leaving the club early. I knew only wanted to get out of here as fast as possible.
“Making connections, knowing your crowd. That’s what will get you even further than any of those fools that you fight against.” Holding his gaze for a minute I turned back to look for the VIP section. “You mean, milking rich guys for their money.” His brow perked up in expectation. He knew what I was doing, but he also knew it worked everytime.
“How about this? I go and get the big bad rich guys to bet on you-“ I walked infront of my dear friend as I poked his chest playfully. “And you introduce yourself, act nice for a bit and then excuse yourself because you need some rest before the game tomorrow.” The man only let out a dry chuckle before shrugging “That was my plan from the start.”
After introducing ourselves to most of the investors that were lingering around the VIP section, one caught my eye specifically. It was always the same type of guy. I could already feel the disgust of my working partner when the man shook my hand with the biggest smirk.
“Please tell me you’re going home with that guy. Anyone but him.”
“Come on ken! You know the guys I go for... And he’s one of the biggest investors for-“
Before Kyoutani could listen to any more of my drunk bullshit he stopped me with a pat on the shoulder. “Just call me if this idiot pulls some funny shit.” I giggled and nodded my head like a little kid, only to so him roll his eyes. He knew what I was getting myself into again, and he’d let me do it again.
The apartment I was currently in must’ve been huge. As soon as the investor guy, that had previously introduced himself as Atsumu, and I had entered the place there was a huge glass wall. It provided a view of the whole city. The rest was just a blurr due to his lips crashing on mine as soon as we stepped in.
“So you and Kentaro.. Is there something serious between y’all?” His voice only sounding like a whisper next to my ear. I put my head back for a second and looked him dead in the eye.
“Are you serious? I’m his manager.” I grabbed his face closer before he could make another dumb comment. Suddenly Atsumu backed away again with a smirk. “So what? Just because ya work for somebody doesn’t mean it can’t become more.”
I noticed pretty quickly that his while personality seemed to revolve around teasing people. He got off on making people visibly uncomfortable.
“Don’t compare my working ethics with your flings at the office.” The fake blonde only scoffed before guiding my hips against his more forcefully. This was gonna be a long night.
“Ya really think he’s gonna win?”
“I don’t think so, I know it.”
[Kyoutani POV]
She always does this shit. That was the first thing I thought as soon as I heard the door open at 9 am. My eyes snapped shut as she wandered around the room, clumsily getting out of her clothes and looking for the couch in the dark. The smell of alcohol filling the room caught my attention as I peaked through my barely shut eyes.
She often slept in underwear, but I still didn’t get used to the feeling it gave me when I saw her walking around so carelessly. Y/n finally found the end of the couch and slowly sprawled herself onto it. I could only see her feet peaking out from the side. I hated when she came home like that. At this point it wasn’t just reckless, she just seemed pathetic.
1st Fight
“Aran! You looking fine as always, I see.” The man held out his arms invitingly at the sight of me. “And you haven’t changed a bit, y/n.”
After letting go from the crushing hug, I frowned at his response. “I hope that’s a compliment.”
“I would never mock you, my friend.” He patted me on the shoulder until his eyes met Kentaros behind me. The fighter wore his usual frown, which was only accentuated by the black eyeliner under his eyes.
“I’m guessing you’re the infamous Mad dog I’ve been hearing about.” Aran held out his hand but was only met with another cold stare and somewhat of a grunt. I only sighed at his behavior. He always gets weird around new people, or just almost anyone besides me in general actually. I pushed his figure towards the door Aran had previously opened for us. “Sorry, he’s always a little grumpy before a fight.” The old friend only nodded and gave Kentaro a quick glance before entering after us. He was probably weirded out like most people who met him.
“You always seem to know someone, any place we go.” Kyoutani was trudging beside me now as we headed towards the lockers.
“Well yea, you always get to know some people when you work at a bar.”
“You quit like 2 years ago.” He huffed out.
“Like I said, you gotta know your crowd and thankfully I did enough research before we entered this scene.” My friend didn’t seem to convinced as he side eyed me. Poking his side I teasingly grinned up at him.
“Just appreciate my efforts, you big baby.”
[Kyoutani POV]
After hitting my last punch I knew it was over for the guy. His eyes only showing fear before I could draw out another swing to his face. I could feel the excitement taking over me when his body landed on the floor. I knew what was coming next.
“The Winner is... Maddog!”
The referee held up my hand before the guy could even stand up properly. At this point even the small crowd of people surrounding the ring weren’t paying attention to the guy who was knocked out. Everyone seemed ecstatic.
My eyes immediately found y/n’s. Without a doubt this was the best thing about winning a fight. The cheering from the crowd was nothing against the look she gave me every single time I won. Just for a moment, it felt like I was the only one she had eyes for. A genuine smile began forming on my lips when I saw her chanting with the crowd. Sadly the moment was over way too fast.
A sudden pat on the shoulder pulled me back into reality. The referee and I spoke a quick word and then I headed out of the ring. Back at the lockers I had just calmed back down again. The adrenaline usually stayed for a couple more hours after a fight but this time it didn’t seem to go down until a certain y/h/c came into view. She held out a big chunk of money in her hand and waved it around proudly. I couldn’t hold back my smile.
“Look at my boy taking big money home tonight.” Tossing the money on the spot next to me, y/n began to come closer. “I’m proud of you.” Her smile was wholeheartedly this time again until her gaze focused back on the money.
“But don’t get too cocky for now. You know who’s coming up next.” I nodded slowly in acknowledgement. “Come on, let’s get outta here.”
After walking for what felt like hours, we finally ended up at a bus stop where a bus was already waiting for us. Not just for us though.
“Really? One of those travel buses again?”
The woman beside me sighed again at my clear frustration. “Kyoutani, you know we can’t afford some freaking limousine.” Rolling my eyes at her exaggeration, I trudged after her into the vehicle. “We could’ve at least took a train or something.” This time she didn’t reply but only showed the driver our information. After handling that, we made our way towards our seats.
I was beat after this fight, but I sure as hell wasn’t to happy about having to sleep on an uncomfortable bus seat.
“Hey, I’m sorry dude but we just can’t spend the money on whatever we feel like.” It was clear that she genuinely felt bad about the situation. I shrugged as I took the seat next to her and threw my head back.
“It’s alright, I trust you with the organizing and stuff. You’re the boss after all.” The woman suddenly perked up at the ‘boss’ remark.
“Uhh so I’m your boss now, huh? I thought I was just your little assistant that takes care of you.”
My cheeks almost began to turn red until I pushed her shoulder playfully. “Sh-Shut up ya idiot.” Her giggles filled the rustling inside the bus and made my knees weak simultaneously.
Thank god I was already sitting.
Kyoutani was out in minutes after the bus left the station. I looked over his awkwardly placed form. His arms were crossed over his chest and his head was slightly tilted to the side.
My brows furrowed once I took in the current state of his body. He had scratches and blue spots here and there but that couldn’t compare to the pure exhaustion that was emitting from him. I knew this routine took a toll on him but everytime he came out of a fight I just felt bad. It was always a mystery to me why he had started fighting in the first place. The only thing I knew was his background of causing a lot of trouble in high school until he got kicked out of his home.
Thankfully our paths crossed pretty soon after and I took him in after finding him all busted on the streets. The idea of being his manager came when I first saw him fight in an underground competition.
My job at the bar only kept me somewhat afloat and my life seemed to be spiraling into a continuous cycle of depression.
Back then his fascination with fighting might have been out of pure need for thrill, but I was truly amazed by it. His drive shook me awake from that weird state I was in.
But it was still strange to me, what did he keep doing it for?
This guy got me way too worried. I shrugged off my thoughts, carefully placing my head against his shoulder. I slowly lulled my way into sleep as I took in the scenery of the drive to our next destination.
Hope u guys enjoyed another AU fic. Also Part 2 is coming pretty soon!
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whiskynottea · 6 years
An interruption in the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Previously, Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33
@wunderlichkind, thank you so much for being my beta for this chapter!! ❤️
Chapter 34. Lingering Smiles
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Lingering smiles are sly creatures. Reluctant to leave your face, they tug up the corners of your lips until you’ve forgotten they’re there.
Clueless, you keep going on, proud that no one can understand what’s hiding under your skin; until that lingering smile betrays you, disclosing information you believed camouflaged.
Jamie had been gone by the time Lamb came back home, but a soft smile was still changing the shape of my mouth, lighting up my face. Lamb’s glance traveled from me to the chemistry book in my hands, and a raised eyebrow accompanied the glint in his eye. I didn’t know what he’d thought or had guessed, for he didn’t talk – thank God. He leaned over me and planted a kiss on my forehead, saying, “Hello, lamb.”
His hands ruffled my hair, something that he hadn’t done in years. “Welcome home!” I said, and swallowed my self-consciousness as I sat up on the couch, carefully placing the book on the coffee table. Lamb moved to the kitchen, opened the fridge absentmindedly, and stared at its contents.
“How’s it going?” he asked in a casual tone and nodded to the coffee table. The air tightly held in my lungs left my chest in a sigh of relief, and I started talking about my studying plans, thankful for escaping an awkward conversation.
Two days later, I found out that I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t stop smiling on Friday.
“So?” Jenny appeared next to me the moment I entered the courtyard, pursing her lips as if she was trying to keep tons of questions inside.
“Good morning to you too, Jenny,” I said with a yawn. I’d overslept after staying up until late to study, and all I wanted was to get back into my bed. My pillow… my soft duvet… I had already closed my eyes, stretching my neck, when Jenny’s voice dragged me out of my dreams again.
“Good morning, Claire. So?”
“So what?” I opened my eyes to see Jenny Fraser looking back at me, expectant, her blue eyes slanted from the slight smile on her lips.
“So, my wee dolt of a brother came back home on Friday night, wi’ the broadest smile I’ve ever seen on him.”
“Did he now?” I asked, feigning ignorance, while a similar smile was curving up my lips.
“Mmmph,” Jenny rolled her eyes, but decided that the Scottish noise wasn’t enough – she needed to say more. “Claire Beauchamp, d’ye think I’m a bloody fool? I know ye two did it! I was almost sure when I saw my brother, but I actually know it because Jamie told Ian!”
“He did? Oh, cool. Glad we are all up to date then.” I looked around, searching for Jamie, not sure what I’d do to him once I found him. Ian was his best friend – of course he’d tell him. “Oh, wait.” I felt my eyes go wide and turned my attention to Jenny again. “Does Murtagh know, too?”
“Ah, I dinna ken. I guess so. When Jamie arrived, Murtagh let out one of his unexplained grunts, shaking his head, but I think I saw him smiling under that thick castaway beard of his.”
Oh my God, Jamie. You could have at least tried to be a little less obvious.
“He couldn’t help it, Claire,” Jenny said as if she’d read my thoughts. “The lad was positively shining.”
“So, what else do you know?” I asked, wondering whether I really wanted to know the answer.
“Not much. No details, at least… Just some rubbish about ‘making love’ – as he called it – being magical and him being the happiest man in the world.” Jenny batted her eyelashes, mocking her brother, but she suddenly stopped. “You did use a condom, right?”
“We did,” I rolled my eyes, but my cheeks soon burned crimson with the memory of how we came to use that first condom.
“Oh my god, you’re blushing, too! Ian told me Jamie’s face looked like a ripe tomato when he told him ye’d had sex! You’re both insufferable.” Jenny linked her arm with mine through mine and we started walking towards the building.
“So how was it?” she asked, he voice now caring and serious.
“Good,” I said, nodding to emphasize the single word that didn’t even begin to encompass the experience; something surpassing words and meanings.
“Just good?” Jenny asked, worried. “Did he do anything stupid or – ”
“No, no. Jamie was perfect,” I interrupted her, smiling at the thought of him. I hadn’t lied, he was everything I could ever ask for. “The first time was okay, I guess… The – ”
“The first time?” It was Jenny’s turn to interrupt me, and I could hear the smile in her voice. “How many times did ye bang? Couldn’t stop after trying it, huh?”
I chuckled and shrugged. “Well, the second time was more than fun… I can’t even imagine how good it’s going to be from now on.”
“Good… Fun… Are you going to tell me the truth, Claire, or am I just losing my time here instead of… doing nothing but wait in the classroom?”
We both laughed, and I felt an easiness softly spreading around us like a comfortable, warm sheet in the crisp winter morning. It kept the emotions safe, close to our bodies, protecting them from roaming freely around the courtyard.
“It was amazing, Jenny.” I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. “The way we felt, the way we connected, it was so different from anything else. We were really one.”
“That sounds wonderful,” Jenny said and sighed, squeezing my arm. “Lucky you!” she continued with a pout. “And I’m with Ian for so long and still nothing.”
“Oh come on… You never know when it’s going to happen. It came out of the blue for us – and we had the whole place to ourselves. It’ll happen, don’t worry.”
“Yeah, sure. Ian thinks too much, in my opinion. He keeps saying that we can’t just do it and keep living under the same roof with Murtagh and Jamie!”
“It’ll be weird, you think?”
“Hmm, I dinna ken. But Ian definitely thinks so. I’m sure he’s afraid of Murtagh. Deflowering his niece and all.”
“Deflowering!” I burst out laughing.
“Ridiculous, aye?” Jenny joined me. “Anyway! I’m so happy for you two!”
“Thanks Jenny. Really.” We were just outside my classroom and I turned to face her, wondering how this amazing woman could be my friend. “I love your brother, you know that.”
“I do.” She smiled broadly and winked at me.
“Where is he, by the way?” I asked, while searching around for a glimpse of him.
“Oh… Right.”
Monday. Morning session in the pool.
A few hours later, I saw Jamie Fraser entering the cafeteria and stopping short by the door, gazing around.
Searching for me.
I was sitting at our usual table, and his eyes didn’t leave mine as he was walking towards me, the curls on his forehead bouncing slightly with each step, his lopsided grin making me go weak in the knees. It was a good thing I was sitting down already. I smiled at him with my mouth closed, full of chicken, and my heart full of love.
He was like oxygen. Breathing him in was necessary to keep me alive. Having more of him made me light-headed; lost in a haze, never wanting to find my way out. It was always different between us, but this time I felt like nothing could break the bond we’d created. Something made by the two of us, for the two of us.
“I’ve missed ye so much,” he murmured when he sat next to me, pulling me to him and placing a kiss between my curls.
“Mmm, I missed you too.” I inhaled him deeply, his body’s musky scent mixing with the pear, nutmeg and driftwood of his shower gel - not that I could recognize the odors, but I’d read the description on the bottle when we bought it together.
“I’m sorry I couldna see ye during the weekend, Sassenach,” he said, lowering his head as his forehead came to meet mine.
“Power cleaning – I know.” I kissed the tip of his long, straight nose and he raised his head to look at me. “Is the house perfect to accept the Queen, now?”
Jamie chuckled, a hand moving from my hip to reach for my food. “Aye, ‘tis. Though I dinna think it’s the Queen. I’m pretty sure Murtagh regrets having his house full of people, sometimes.”
“He has someone?” I asked, raising both eyebrows and feeling happy for this grump, wonderful man.
“Mmm, I think so,” Jamie said, wiggling his eyebrows. “What are we eating?”
“I am eating chicken wings, Jamie Fraser, and you take your hands off my food!”
“Ye’re not going to share a wee bite wi’ the love of yer life?”
“The love of my life?” I asked, feigning shock. “That sure, are you?”
Jamie looked at me, seemingly deeply betrayed with a pout on his face and his eyebrows dropping low above his clear blue eyes. Before I had enough time to consider if he had taken my words to heart, a cocky smile changed his demeanor completely. “Aye,” he said, and his hand on my waist gripped me tighter. “And I intend to prove that to ye every day, until ye’re finally convinced as well.”
“Well now, that’s rather interesting.” Placing my elbow on the table, I cupped my cheek, ardently looking at him.
“I canna do it if ye dinna feed me, Sassenach.”
I sighed dramatically and pushed my plate towards him. “Here you are, my poor, starving lad.”
He gave me a cheeky grin and dipped a chicken wing in the tabasco sauce, almost emptying the container. “Hey!”
“You wanted that?” he asked, chewing. “Come, take some back.” He pursed his lips, full of tabasco sauce, and leaned in to kiss me.
“You fool,” I laughed and pushed him away. “Take it. It’s all yours.”
He licked his lips and came closer to me, bending his head so I could almost taste the tabasco on his breath. “I can’t stop thinking of you – of us.”
His husky words became images, dancing in my mind, and my body tightened in response. I breathed in deeply and gulped, trying to find something coherent to say in reply, but not a single thought in my mind made sense. Instead, I covered the small distance between us and kissed him, trying to share the fire he’d lit inside me before it would eat me whole.
“I didna ken that hot sauce is an aphrodisiac, Angus. D’ye think ‘twas written in Cosmo?” Rupert’s voice carried from a few feet behind us and we broke apart with silly, shy smiles on our throbbing lips.
“Ye’re the one who reads Cosmo, Rup,” Angus replied as he sat down across from us, but neither Jamie nor I had turned to look at him, still suspended between our precious bubble and reality. Angus lowered his voice and coughed, trying to sound more sophisticated. “Actually, tabasco peppers are grown in Mexico, not Africa.”
“What?” Rupert’s confusion was obvious in his voice. Jamie and I turned our heads in slow motion to face them, our initial frowns gradually transforming into wide smiles with understanding dawning on us.
“Aphro-disiac?” I asked, trying to suppress my laughter, already feeling Jamie’s body shaking against mine.
The next moment all three of us burst into laughing, with Angus looking at us confused. His furrowed eyebrows and the questioning grimace on his face made it even more difficult for us to stop. I had tears rolling down my cheeks when Ian and Jenny arrived at the table.
“What?” Ian asked, only to trigger another episode of uncontrollable, boisterous laughter.
I was in my room, with my chemistry notes spread over every inch of my desk, when my mind traveled back to the cafeteria and Angus’ dumbfoundedness. Chuckling quietly to myself, I did a quick search on google and reached for my phone.
Sassenach: So it seems that tabasco sauce actually is an aphrodisiac! And I found a Tabasco Chocolate Fudge Pudding recipe that we can keep in mind…
I turned my attention back to my notes, trying to focus, but the letters blurred, and the lines danced in front of my eyes. My gaze trailed back on my phone. No response from Jamie.
Sassenach: Hmm… Are you thinking about the pudding or would you rather have the chicken wings?
I put my phone to the side and grabbed my pen, deciding to concentrate on my homework on redox. A moment later, I reached for my phone again, realizing that he hadn’t been online for the last 30 minutes. Once in Oxford, I thought longingly, we wouldn’t have to deal with nights apart. We’d sleep together every night, whispering goodnights into each other’s skin with our eyes already closed.
But before that, we had our Easter holidays to look forward to. After Jamie’s win in the Scottish Schools championship, his coach had asked him to stay in Edinburgh during the break, not to miss his training sessions - which meant that he would stay with me, instead of going to Lallybroch for two weeks. And with Murtagh, Ian and Jenny gone, we’d have his place all to ourselves.
I looked again at my phone’s black screen. I missed him.
Sassenach: Do you think I can come to your place to study chemistry during the break? We could study together? 😎 😏
Sassenach: Where are you?!?!
It had been too long. It never took Jamie more than fifteen minutes to text me back. Moving from my desk, I lay in my bed and turned up the volume on my phone to distract myself.
“So if you're lonely
You know I'm here waiting for you
I'm just a cross hair
I'm just a shot away from you
And if you leave here
You leave me broken, shattered, I lie
I'm just a cross hair
I'm just a shot, then we can die”
Sassenach: Baby?
He must have fallen asleep. There was no other explanation.
I was already half asleep myself, when fifteen minutes later, my phone buzzed against my pillow. In my rush to grab it, I hit it with my hand, making it fly halfway across my room, where it hit a chair and fell down on the carpet.
I rushed to retrieve it, praying not to see the screen broken. Making sure that it wasn’t, I let out the breath caught in my chest and unlocked the phone, fully awake again.
Scot: I’m here.
Sassenach: You okay?
Scot: No.
With my heart in my mouth once again, I dialled his number and waited, only to have him reject my call.
Scot: Can’t speak right now.
Sitting on my bed, I texted him back.
Sassenach: What happened?
The next messages came one after the other, in a success that made my teeth borrow deep into my lip.
Scot: Spoke with my da.
Scot: I’m not allowed to stay in Edinburgh during the break.
Scot: He said, I’ll have to stop swimming if my grades don’t get better.
Scot: MacMahon called him today.
Sassenach: MacMahon? Why?
I couldn’t understand why our maths teacher had called Jamie’s da, instead of sending a formal letter to him – no matter the reason behind sending the letter.
Scot: They know each other.
Sassenach: And?
Scot: He told him that I failed the last test.
Sassenach: Shit. I’m sorry, Jamie.
Sassenach: But come on! Failing one test doesn’t mean you have to stop swimming!
Scot: Tell that to my da.
Sassenach: It’s just one test! You’ll do better next time. I’ll help you!
Without waiting for a response, I texted again, typing words I’d already sent earlier, but truly meaning them this time.
Sassenach: We’ll study together.
Scot: I’m going to bed, babe.
Sassenach: Jamie…  
Scot: Sorry to fuck up our holiday plans.
Sassenach: Stop this!
Sassenach: You didn’t fuck anything up.
Scot: I’m going to Lallybroch for the break.
Sassenach: It’s just two weeks – and you can study there! Then you’ll be back, and you’ll rock both tests and the races.
Scot: I don’t know if I can. It’s getting too much.
Sassenach: Can I call you?
Scot: Ian is in the room. We’ll talk tomorrow, Sassenach.
Sassenach: Okay. We’ll fix this, Jamie. Promise. Sending a huuuuuuuuuuuge hug.
Scot: I wish you were here.
Sassenach: Me too.
Lingering smiles are sly creatures. When you think them gone, they’re still there; when you need them most, they disappear.
Chapter 35
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cubot · 5 years
I’m 22 years old. Perpetual virgin because I’m not interested in forming relationships or anything really like that.
But like.... sexual active in a solitary way. AKA I masturbate, kinda. I have since I was young.... Probably too young because of reasons that might make others uncomfortable (I’ll share at the bottom).
Anyways, never wore a tampon. It freaks me out and it wasn’t easy to put in (never actually did) and I only tried twice and cried both times (including when I was 17 years old, so like...... mature. I was yelled at by my mom because she bought cheap tampons so I could try and my other sister wouldn’t take the box because she uses plastic applicators and so my mom wasted money....)
I’ve been masturbating since I was around 11? First “fantasy” when I was around 9. Uh, weird kinks, some.... that existed well before (well, considering my past, maybe not) I started feeling sexual and others because of movies and the internet.
ANYWAYS, point being! I am so ashamed of this all. I’m getting better all the time, but do you know how tiring it is to feel ashamed? I’m an adult. And above all that, DO YOU KNOW WHAT FEELING ASHAMED DOES TO YOU WHEN YOU FEEL ASHAMED EVERY TIME YOU MAKE YOURSELF FEEL GOOD?! YOU GET WEIRD KINKS THAT YOU FEEL ASHAMED OF AND SO ON.
I’m sharing because I want to be better.
Um, anyways, just bought my first sex toy because I was like. HUH, I can’t fit more than a finger in without it hurting and even one finger is uncomfortable. All these years, I’ve just been pushing down on my clit while laying on my stomach. Maybe change will be good. I’ll be slow, maybe it’ll feel super good and I can finally push something in.
BUT GUESS WHAT. I can’t fit it in. Not even playing for awhile, lube, whatever. Nope, nothing. I can’t. It doesn’t even feel that good on the outside. Every time I thought it would hit a good spot, the feeling would go away in less than a second.
It’s such a fucking bummer. Like, why does it hurt so much? I just wanted to feel more confident and try new things and grow emotionally and physically and just explore, but I can’t even do that.
Anyways, I’m fucking tired. At least I’m asexual because if I wanted to have sex with people, this would probably be a worse hurdle. I hate vaginas. 
So my early sexual “awakening”.
My parents split, so my dad had custody of me, my older brother, and my older sister every other weekend. I shared a room with my sister and when I got too big for the little bed, I shared the queen size with my sister. When I was about seven or eight, my sister (five years older than me) decided to start humping me through clothes. She would press down on me and it made me have to go to the bathroom, so I would get up and go. She’d get annoyed. I’d go back to bed and she would continue and I’d have to get up again and so on.
(you want to know what’s real sad. honestly the worst? at home, i can usually key my arousal with how much i have to use the bathroom. if i feel aroused, whoops, i probably just have to go pee. :) )
I didn’t know what she was doing. And when I finally did..... I was embarrassed and grossed out. And yet, I touched myself to my own thoughts (NEVER THINKING OF HER), and afterwards I would feel so bad.
Maybe that’s why I am so grossed out by sex now. I conditioned myself to think it’s so bad. And like logically, now I can go, yo! Body positivity, explore, be safe! But when it comes to me, no, no, no, not you, Josie, you’re a disgusting monster. Even writing this makes me grossed out. Sorry if you read this and your opinion of me changes. I guess we’re all well-rounded people with odd edges.
Back to the point.... This is ignoring the fact that my brother, sister, and friends sexually explored each other, um, and this weird memories of playing burglar with my brother when I was like five (him six) and I had to lick his hand to get him to take his hand off my mouth and the times with my friend we’d play train robber and she’d cover my mouth with a bandanna... Or the naked Ken doll (played by the same friend) that would run around the Barbies, proud and aggressive....
Is this normal? Or was my childhood fucked by being surrounded by other children who also had fucked sexual thoughts?
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Forget Me Not Chapter 27 ~Obsessions~
"Claire! There ye are!"
She spun around in her chair to face Geillis. "Hey! Right on time. Just finishing."
Geillis crossed her arms, took a step back and studied her face. "Mmm ...ye look great. Nae dark circles under yer eyes, ye gained a bit of weight, and ye're no' cranky. Sleeping better?"
She grinned. The last few weeks had been perfect. She was finally sleeping without the nightmares and eating properly. Her work schedule had finally loosened up after the arrival of her new assistant, Mary McNab, a widower in need of a part-time job. And to her relief, her nauseousness and fainting spells seemed to have ebbed. 
Then there was Jamie.
The thought of him made her smile. Since that night in the stable, they had been together almost every day and most nights. And when he wasn't with her, he was either busy rehabilitating Donas or overseeing and working on the renovation of the house he bought a while back. Although she had offered money from her inheritance to finance their eventual home's restoration, he was too stubborn and proud to accept. He was persistent and adamant that it was a man's job to provide for his family with his own sweat and hard work. Slightly annoyed but not wanting to disturb the peace, she conceded, thinking her money could be put to use for other things in the future. She really couldn't complain much about his stubbornness. After all, it was this particular trait that got him through his ordeal.
Although aware of the changes in her body, her pregnancy was still not visible, which was a great thing, since her rushed wedding was only a couple of weeks away, a few months before Jenny's. And for the first time in a very long time, she felt relaxed, and her spirit was light, and she wasn't about to stress over their upcoming nuptials. After what happened in the last few months, she realised life was too precious to be worrying. Whatever worries and expectations she had for the future, she had shoved them away and focused on the present. She did precisely what Ellen had advised her.
Take it one moment at a time. One day at a time.
Let your sense of control go and give it up to the higher power.
Believe you will be guided to the right path and have faith.
As for Jamie, pending fatherhood had changed him a lot. He had been slightly going overboard with baby proofing the house and buying heaps of reading materials on first-time parenthood. And slowly, despite protests from the family, he had also eased his way back to work in the hotel, doing only half-days so as not to compromise his recovery. 
She refocused on Geillis. "Thank you. I'm finally sleeping through the night, so I'm more energetic."
"That's great, chick. It's about time. We don't want ye looking all gaunt and stressed out on yer big day."
"After what happened with Annalise, I think I have my priorities straightened out by now. Call it an awakening or whatever. I'm determined not to be one of those bridezillas. I'll just go with the flow. I'm just happy Jamie is on his feet and thriving even if he's back to being his stubborn self. But I must say, he's obsessing way too much about the baby to a point he was wondering if there was some sort of daddy boot camp around this area."
Geillis laughed. "Aye, weel, that's quite normal. He's definitely looking better too. He looks like a man truly well-loved. If ye ken what I mean." She winked to make a point.
"Ha, ha! Anyway, enough of me. How're things with Willie?"
Geillis rolled her eyes, feigning exasperation over the topic. But Claire knew her friend's feelings ran way deeper. "Weel, ye ken it took a while before he convinced me to go out to dinner with him ..." She paused to check her cuticles. "I tried to be all cool about it by telling him that I'm a big girl, and I could handle one night stands and that he didn't need to take me out to dinner as a thank ye. I was convinced I was some sort of transitional. Weel, he was appalled with my assumptions. But whatever ...I'm done fighting my feelings. Like ye, I'm just going with the flow. I like the lad, Claire but sometimes, I cannae forget that time when he called out yer name on our first night together. It keeps coming back."
"Oh, Geillis." Claire stood up and hugged her friend. When she finally pulled away, she looked at her friend in the eyes. "Listen. He announced to the family that you're his girlfriend, and he hasn't done that for years. Besides, how many times did he ask ye out before ye relented? That accounts for something. He must like you a lot to pursue you; otherwise, he wouldn't have been persistent. Stop worrying. He cares for you, and you know fine, Willie is not that sort of bloke, ok?"
"Aye," Geillis shrugged. "It's just that the Fraser lads are known for their gallantry, so ye never know if Willie was just trying to do right by me."
Claire shook her head. "Now, don't be daft. Willie hardly goes home to Lallybroch now. He's always in our house, and that's because he wants to spend more time with you. And that reminds me, I think he better start coughing up some cash for the rent. That man can eat!"
"Weel so does yer, Jamie. What's with men and midnight snacks?" 
They looked at each other and giggled.
"Come on, lass, let's get ye out of here before more work is piled on yer desk." Geillis started to pull her hand as she grabbed her satchel. "I don't want to be late for our appointment."
Claire almost forgot about their appointment at a beauty salon. They were planning to have their nails done, including facial and Brazilian wax treatments. It was Geillis' advance bridal gift to her. "Erm Geillis, don't ye think I can skip the Brazilian wax part? It sounds like it's going to hurt. And aren't we supposed to do this before the wedding? You know all this pampering and stuff."
"Ach, shush. This one's on me. Jenny arranged the pamper session before the wedding already. And as for the Brazilian wax, Jamie will be please, and ye can consider it an early wedding present for him. And besides, I've wanted to do this for a long time, just ye and me. Even though we live in the same house, we hardly spend time together anymore," Geillis chattered as she continued to pull Claire along. "Ye ken what they say, no pain, no gain. Trust me ...men love it. It will be worth it."
"Well, Jamie has never complained before..."
"Of course, he hasn't complained. He doesn't know any better. Wait till ye see the look on his face when he sees yer fanny."
Self-consciousness crashed over her, and she yanked her friend by the arm. "Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ! Pipe down will you! Don't want the staff knowing what we're about to do."
"Don't want the staff to know what?" a deep voice came from behind them. The girls jumped as Willie approached them. After a quick kiss to Geillis, he eyed them both suspiciously. 
"Aaah, a wee bit of a trim and some pampering. Girls' afternoon out, ye ken. Will be home before dinner," Geillis explained hurriedly. She stood on tiptoes to give Willie a quick peck before pulling Claire roughly.
"Wait ..." Willie called after them.
"We're late, sorry," Claire looked at him apologetically. "See you at home."
Damn Geillis! He will find out soon enough what they have been up to.  Claire cringed at the thought as she allowed her friend to pull her away from the baffled looking Willie.
It was early evening when Claire finally made it through her door. She had dropped off Geillis at the hotel for her impromptu dinner date with Willie before heading home. Other than the funny feeling between her legs after the Brazilian wax treatment, Claire felt shiny and brand new from her pampering session. Sneaky as her friend was, she appreciated their time together since it was long overdue and she very much needed some girl-talk.
"In here, Sassenach," Jamie's voice called out as she heard utensils and pans clacking. She inhaled deeply, and she smelled food.
Dropping her satchel and laptop on the coffee table, she made her way to the kitchen. "Oh, hi ...Whatever you're making, I hope you didn't make loads. Geillis and I were served snacks at the beauty salon."
She was just about to go over to Jamie when he stopped her on her tracks. "Stay where ye are, Sassenach. I need to blindfold ye."
Jamie waved a hand in the air. "A wee degustation. It's straightforward - I blindfold ye, and ye let me know how each of the things I made taste. It's sort of a trial for a full course menu I'd like to make and suggest to Murtagh."
"Huh? Taste-testing? I don't know if I could go through a whole set of menu, Jamie. I might have loads of appetite these days but don't you think it's a bit late for that?" She eyed the paper bags on the countertop with suspicion. "And why do I have to be blindfolded?"
Jamie smiled. "They're just wee bite portions, Sassenach. I just want to know how the components go together, and ye have a great taste palate. As for the blindfold, I think one has a more open mind when ye can't visually peg the ingredients. Allows yer taste buds to take over as the primary sensory perception."
"Aaah, is that so, Chef Fraser?" she teased, grinning.
"Aye, it is so. Weel, are ye helping me out here or not?"
Her skin tingled with anticipation. "Fine, let's do this."
He lit up, pushing up the sleeves on his casual shirt as if prepping for something big. He put on Claire's girly pink apron hanging from the hook, which only made him look more masculine than ever, and dragged a chair for her to sit on.
"I can sit on the stool," she pointed out.
"No. A chair is sturdier, trust me."
Sturdier for what?  She shrugged. "Alright, so what do I do?"
He pulled out a scarf from the back pocket of his jeans, grinning, a wicked gleam lighting his eyes. "First this."
"Oooh, kinky."
"Aye, I can do kinky," he whispered as he gently placed the scarf over her eyes and tied a loose knot, before planting a kiss on her cheek. "So, can ye see anything?"
"Right, sit tight and give me a few secs."
She heard cupboard doors open and close, and the rustle of bags. She smelled the scent of freshness and a variety of herbs, all mixed up. The refrigerator door squeaked, and then it went silent. Jamie's shuffling around the kitchen slowly relaxed her, and she allowed her mind to drift while she waited for the first taste.
Moments passed before she sensed him kneeling in front of her as a rush of his warm breath hit her lips. "Are ye ready for yer first taste, Sassenach?"
She twitched her nose and smiled. "Yes."
"Open up ...aaahhh."
Her lips parted. She expected the cool, smooth touch of the spoon, but Jamie used his fingers instead. He placed something small and soft on her tongue. The flavour of earth tickled her taste buds, and the firm bite against her teeth exploded juice in her mouth.
"Dumpling? With truffles and wild mushroom." A smile touched her lips as she caught the last bite of mirin. "Ooooh, the balance is incredible."
He wiped a trickle of moisture from her bottom lip. "Good lass. It was dumpling filled with porcini, chanterelles and truffle oil. Did you like it?"
She grinned, licking her lips. "Uh-huh. It was yum."
"Alright, next one." She waited, her senses going on high alert. "Open for me."
Her body relaxed as if trying to respond to the command. Before she could take a whiff of what's coming next, Jamie pushed the morsel into her mouth. She tasted something creamy, thick cheese combined with a hint of garlic, olive oil, sweet basil and crisp tomato.
"Mmmm," she moaned. "Mozzarella cheese, my favourite. And tomato ...so fresh and so good, like it was recently plucked from the vine. And basil ...this is so heaven!"
He chuckled, and his hand began stroking her cheek, soothing her into a more relaxed trance. The simplicity of the flavours flowed through her, and she allowed herself to lean back. "Ye're very good at this, Sassenach and the faces ye're making, is making it hard for me to concentrate," he said in a low voice, his finger trailing down her throat. "Do ye want more?"
She nodded eagerly this time. "Uh-huh."
"I want to take off yer top."
She was caught off-guard by his request. His outrageous demand was over the top, aware that there's a possibility Willie and Geillis could walk in on them anytime even though she knew they went out for dinner. But still, the whole scenario was turning her on and she felt brazen. "Do it for me, then."
Not saying another word, he unbuttoned her blouse with deft fingers, and the cool air rushed at once over her exposed skin. For her, it felt so outrageously decadent to be sitting in the kitchen, blindfolded and having Jamie feed her. As her mind began to wander and ponder what was going to come next, he took her by surprise when his mouth suddenly clamped on her nipple and started sucking through the lace fabric of her bra, flicking his tongue back and forth. She gasped and automatically arched toward him. Before her hands could grip his shoulders, he was gone, and she was grasping air. Next, she heard a clatter of utensil hitting the countertop, the rustle of paper and Jamie whistling. Each second twisted the tension in her stomach to another knot.
She tried to even out her breaths as she felt him come closer, but he spoke quite calmly. "Ready for yer next bite, Sassenach?"
She nodded.
She did and bit down. It was flaky and smelled of the river. There was a hint of teriyaki sauce and spring onion, but it didn't overwhelm the natural flavour of the fish.
"Salmon! Oh ...and it's beautifully cooked."
"Mmm, very good." As she chewed and swallowed, he unhooked her bra, and her breasts spilt free into his waiting hands. The combination of his touch and the lingering flavour of food in her mouth made her shiver. Coasting his finger over her stomach, he traced the waistband of her skirt. "Lift yer hips, Sassenach, this is coming off."
Her inner rational voice wanted to tell him absolutely not, but her body had a mind of its own as her hips lifted to their own accord.
She heard his sharp intake of breath. "Beautiful ...so beautiful. It never stops, does it? The wanting ye?" he whispered as he stroked and caressed her calves and upward, gently parting her legs. She hissed, unable to get a word to pass her mouth. "We have two tastes left. Let's get ye something to wash it down with."
She could only whimper at the loss of his touch as he stood up and made his way back again in the kitchen. A cupboard door slammed, and the sound of liquid being poured into a glass echoed in her ears. "Just a wee sip because it's alcohol. Let me know what ye think."
He cupped her chin and tipped the glass to her lips. The wine trickled down her throat, the scent of blackberries drifting to her nostrils and soaking her mouth. She relished the intense tannins and boldness of flavour. "Red wine. I can taste berries. Cabernet Sauvignon?"
"Aye, it's Cabernet Sauvignon. Pregnancy has definitely heightened yer senses. Have a little more and then that's enough. It's not good for the baby."
As she took another sip, his palm cupped her between her thighs, taking her by surprise.
Her hips shot up, and the wine slid down her throat. "Stunning," Jamie murmured as if she was one of his scientific experiments.
A choked laugh escaped her throat. She thought they had both gone bonkers acting out a foodie sex scene, yet she didn't want him to stop and needed him to finish where he'd taken her. "Stop teasing me, Jamie," she said hoarsely. "I need ..."
"Hush, I ken what ye need, Sassenach. Lift up."
And she did, and he carefully slid down her panties.
She waited for his hands or his mouth, but there was only cold air. "Jamie?"
"Oh, holy Christ!"
Oh, holy Christ, what?  She was confused for a moment and then she remembered the Brazilian wax treatment she had from earlier. All of a sudden, her face heated up and she tried to squeeze her legs together in embarrassment. "I guess I've gone over the top. Y-you don't like it?" she asked stammering.
He didn't answer her question. "Legs apart, Sassenach, I want to see," he demanded in a low voice.
She obeyed, completely helpless, wishing she could see his reaction. There was a long moment of silence.  Jesus, why isn't he saying anything? 
He didn't utter a word, as she felt him move away from her. Every muscle in her body was locked with tension as she waited for him to say something. Anything. Instead, when he came back, his fingers pushed past her lips and laid a sample on her tongue.
Chocolate truffle!  Bittersweet, rich and creamy. The chocolate coated her tongue and melted in her mouth, making her smile. "Oh God! That's lush," she said huskily.
Without warning, the blindfold was suddenly ripped off, his mouth taking hers in an urgent kiss. Then his tongue slid in to taste the residual flavours in Claire's mouth while his fingers slid between her legs.
It didn't take long, and she came hard, bucking against the chair, a dozen sensations pulling her in different directions. Jamie muttered something incoherently, hiked her up against him and stumbled into her bedroom. In a few seconds, he dropped her on the bed and shed his clothes.
She was still shaking from the after-effects of her orgasm when he pushed her knees back and took her in one full, deep thrust. Sweat dripped from his brow as he locked gaze with her. At that moment, her heart burst open, filling her with light and immense love flowing out of her and surrounding them.
"You've always been mine," he whispered.
Her body welcomed him as her inner walls clamped hard around his cock. He took her wildly, and she gave it back to him, with the sting of her nails, with the ragged cries of his name and the thrust of her hips. And when they both exploded together, he wrapped his arms tight around her body, keeping her safe within the circle.
Racked with pleasure, he collapsed on top of her, muttering her name like a litany of prayer and worship.
It took a while before they got their heartbeats and breathing back to normal and reality broke through. Then Claire started to laugh against his chest, and he smiled down at her. "Wow, Jamie, what just happened there?"
"I dinna ken. I did plan on a slow seduction, but after I saw ye bare down there, I just lost it. I kinda feel like a dirty old man liking it, but I must admit, it looks verra pretty. Was I too rough?" he asked, pressing a kiss on her forehead.
She found it endearing how his accent became more pronounced when he was sex-drunk. Smiling, she propped herself on her elbow, her finger tracing the whorl of hair on his chest. "No ...it was everything, Jamie."
"Good. Now that mama is well-fed and satisfied, it's the baby's turn," he laughed, pulling her out of bed.
He was full of surprises of late, and she was only too happy for him to lead. "What did you have in mind?"
Scooping her up in his arms, he bit her earlobe gently. "First shower. Then I'll make us hot cocoa. And how about a film afterwards?"
"Sounds grand to me," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck, as he walked them to the bathroom.
An hour later, they were settled with their mugs of steaming hot cocoa in front of the television. Dressed in his t-shirt, she cuddled next to him under the blanket. 
They were just getting to the exciting part of the film when there was a loud knock on the door, making Claire jump.
She was about to get up when Jamie pulled her back. "I'll get it."
"It could be Geillis and Willie. She sent me a message earlier that she left her keys in her office."
He nodded and made his way to the door. The next consecutive knocks were louder and more urgent. "Coming ..." Jamie's loud voice called out as he hurried, the limp still slightly evident in his stride.
Claire put down the mug on the coffee table and got up from the sofa. She had an unerring instinct it wasn't Geillis knocking on the door.
"Isobel! What are ye doing here?"
It was Geneva's sister looking stressed and worried. "Is Claire here?"
Claire walked up to them, a niggling sensation starting to stir in her belly. She knew the girl, but they had hardly exchanged a full sentence since coming back to Lallybroch. Confused, she wondered why the girl was asking after her. "Isobel, what's the matter?"
Jamie waved Isobel in and closed the door behind her, worry etching his brows. "Is it Donas?"
Isobel shook her head, her eyes filled with panic and dread. "No, no, Donas is fine. I-i-i-it's my sister. She plans to do something terrible. I-i found her diary and a lot of awful things are written about y-you and the things she wants to do. It's so horrible, I c-c-can't even say it, " she stammered, glancing at Claire. "A-and yesterday I found a bottle of sulfuric acid under her bed. At first, I didn't think much about it because my father uses it to clean metals on the farm. B-but earlier I looked it up and found articles about it being used in acid attacks. A-a-and I started to wonder why she had it under her bed."
Jamie ran a hand through his hair, ragged breath whooshing out of him.
Claire suppressed her panic, not wanting to jump to false conclusions. "Isobel, maybe she's just ranting in her diary. There has to be an explanation for the acid under her bed ..." She knew instantly her rationalisation sounded lame the moment it came out of her mouth.
"N-no, she's been obsessing about you ever since her job application at the hotel was turned down by Brian. I c-can't stand back and do nothing ...and ..."
Their conversation was interrupted by another knock on the door, making them all jump.
"It must be Geillis," Claire sighed as she looked at Jamie.
Before Jamie could respond, Isobel turned around and opened the door. Then everything happened in a blur. One minute they were all standing there, expecting Geillis to come in and in the next, Isobel was on the floor howling in pain as she clutched her upper body.
Standing in the doorway was Geneva holding an empty bottle, and her eyes widened in horror as she watched her sister collapsed. "No, no, Isobel ...no, no ...I'm so sorry. Oh my God, what have I done," she cried as she fell to her knees beside her sister.
It must have been adrenaline, fear or her heightened instinct but Claire didn't take any chances as she grabbed a decorative vase on the console table and smashed it on Geneva's head. Numbly, Claire watched her crumple beside her sister as she slowly backed away.
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