#but i also think this falls into line okay within the terms of how the game chapters are set up
aparticularbandit · 4 months
given the length of these dr1 end rewrite fic chapters, this one is maybe halfway done, too.
which feels about right. this scene is about wrapping up, and then when it's done, there should be one with. the people hiro would get while he's panicking.
and then that should be the end of this set of chapters i think.
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am-i-interrupting · 2 months
Alastor ideal type in partner headcanons? I've been thinking about this and your one of the few writers I see that write alastor as close to canonly possible as can be and I really appreciate that in your writing so I knew I'd get a pretty close and accurate answer on this😭 hopefully you can get to this when it's okay for you but when you do thank you so much!!❤️
Aw, thank you, I’m so flattered!
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Now, we know Alastor is for sure in the ace spectrum in canon and potentially on the aro spectrum as well and as someone who is on both of those, I have thoughts.
I think that Alastor would fall under the aegosexual category and be slightly sexually repulsed. He’s not completely thrown off by the idea of sex but I don’t feel like he would be very comfortable viewing himself in a sexual light and even others.
As someone who relates to Alastor on several levels, I feel like he would have a similar view to sex as I do. Kind of the opposite of projection here because I do think it makes sense for his character. Where it’s less about the act of getting yourself or someone off and not even about pleasure but about the ability to cause a reaction from someone that not everyone can cause. That will obviously play into any sex life you may have and thus you’d have to be okay with him not viewing you sexually even within a sexual context and more like a test subject.
Then his possible aromantic orientation. Whoever would be with him would have to be okay with him saying the words “I love you” and not being able to describe what that means. Once again, less projection and more if I feel like this thing about me also fits him. The lines between romantic and platonic in society are so rigid and the things he feels fluctuate. He knows he loves you differently than say Niffty, Rosie, or Charlie but it wouldn’t necessarily be romantic, more so bordering on it, if that makes since. Again, hard to describe.
Now in terms of a partner, some absolute musts:
Must be willing to cause chaos.
Must test his limits/challenge him occasionally.
Must have a similar moral code to his own.
Must be able to find entertainment outside of modern technology.
Must be alright with not knowing everything about him.
Some preferences:
Enjoy jazz.
Knows how to dance or be willing to learn.
Join him in hunts/killings.
Be strong headed.
Have traditional manners.
I think generally he would like someone who is very stubborn which will both provide him with entertainment and cause him to become his own. To be challenged in how to do things or how he sees things.
He’d need someone who would be willing to indulge and encourage his behavior. But perhaps due to that stubbornness be able to also reel him in.
Alastor has been described several times I believe as having a moral code to his killings. Obviously this will be a strong moral code as it tells him who to kill. This is not something he would budge on and if you do not agree with his moral code you can say goodbye to being romantic with him.
Being able to find entertainment outside modern technology isn’t as hard as some people believe. Whatever happened between him and Vox was at least the final nail in the coffin for him about modern technology and it would not be allowed in any of his spaces or when he’s trying to be intimate with you in any form being emotionally or physically.
He will not tell you everything. Some things (like his emotions towards you) he cannot describe. Other things (like his deal) he will refuse to elaborate on if you even know at all. The same is true for you. He knows when to not push. He’s good at reading people but he also trusts you to come to him if you need help and he expects you to return the sentiment.
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ardenigh · 5 months
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additional notes in varying order of importance
- idk yet how i want the white accents to show up so it changes every time. is he redhood or not? none of my business yet
- eule-vos as a revan sort of functions as a morally chained and regulated version of whatever was going on with the revan anecdotes in kotor 2. he's still a win-at-all-costs type of guy. he'll still look at people in terms of what they can do to further his goals. he's the butcher on a leash. he's toeing the line for now because bastila and carth get weird when he doesn't but he'll also swan dive past it once they are out of line of sight.
- so ig, like, the butcher on a leash but he can step out of it whenever. he just doesn't want you getting nervous because that will be a whole nother issue to handle. he can heel just fine alright
- its like 1 am and i'm thinking about that post compilation that's like. guard/attack dog metaphors applied to people. or like how the devotion between an attack dog and the one holding its leash is as tenuous, sometimes, as the leash itself i don't know man whatever that's about. eule has shades of that. i think it's hard for any revan to not be a little unnerving on this front
- smth smth hk voice to give the illusion of control until the end comes or smth you know? like master like droid is all i am saying
- if, to solve a problem, a guy has to die - but he's with someone he values and who would disapprove of an outright murder - eule isn't above puppetmastering a circumstantial rube-goldberg execution machine yk. like, after a point does culpability even lead back to you? not really right? it's okay he will make it happen don't worry he can work within your moral constraints. you don't have to feel bad about it and you especially won't if you don't know
- (with all this in mind, outings with hk and canderous are also great times to cut loose a little)
- i don't think he struggles to love per se so much as i think that he can't do it conventionally it's always going to be built with an undertone of implacable duty or something like pity. and if he loves you he'll do it to death, only it won't be his and it might be yours. no single person is worth letting the galaxy fall, not to him
- everyone who has taken darth revan ever and smushed them together with the entire concept of having loved rome more... genius
- as is par for the course he is not a romancer he is barely a crusher alright the only remotely similar thing he's ever felt was for yuthura ban for about .4 minutes and looking back it might have just been that she's amiable and understands the shedding of morality for a goal but also, like, she's really purple and that's super eye catching (read: kev eule-vos is my walking excuse to never not bring up yuthura ban)
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raayllum · 9 months
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TDP has always been a show with a lot of emphasis on strength vs weakness, supplemented by a theme of genuine strength together and limited strength in isolation, and how that falls along Human-Xadian relation lines, i.e. Xadia is far more isolationist and so are the villainous humans who have wanted to destroy them. There's exceptions of course (Viren's original and Kasef's legitimate plan was strong arming the Pentarchy to be allied forces) but that is generally where we see that divide fall (reinforced by Rayla and Amaya's scene later, as far as teaching/passing on lessons goes).
Which like okay, great - but why the fuck am I bringing up all that here? Well... Karim's views Togetherness as a sign of weakness, and we see isolationist fracturing more within our Xadian families than otherwise. We've seen far more elven families willingly tear themselves apart (Karim and Janai turning on each other, Lain and Tiadrin leaving Rayla, Rayla splitting off from Runaan and even Runaan fighting Rayla) with far less interpersonal angst displayed than say, compared to the Viren-Claudia-Soren mess, or how hard Callum works to keep him, Ez, and Rayla together in particular. This is reinforced by Karim ultimately thinking that Janai is weak and uncertain precisely because of her love of Amaya extending to other humans living in New Aurea as well, and of course, it's something that Finnegrin comments on as well: All that talk about how love makes you Stronger, but the second you see that elf girl in pain [and it makes you Weak]. (Which also informs the hostage deal Karim sets up later, because he knows Amaya as well as he knows Janai, which is basically not at all, anymore.) And adds another layer to Karim's statement that dark magic (evil) is tethered to weakness/powerlessness, and being driven to it was what led to their expulsion.
Which ties together Karim's second statement, that what Viren (who was the biggest believer in "weak choices" equalling "bad choices" in 1x06) wanted in terms of humans returning to Xadia has begun to happen, just due to the movement that opposed him and not by his own means.
So weakness led to dark magic - the expulsion of the humans in the past and the corruption of the sun forge in the more recent premise and then wrapped back around to reunification. (Looking meaningfully at Aaravos rn -- after all, what is Darkness/dark magic if not the absence of Light - Aaravos - and primal magic?)
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ardenrabbit · 2 months
Do you have any tips on how to be more confident in what you write? I feel like no matter what or how I write, it could always be better, and I fall into the trap of comparing my writing to others.
I also feel like my lack of confidence is very apparent and worry that it annoys others or makes for a self fulfilling prophecy.
Ahh pls always take my writing advice with a block of salt! 😅 I'm by no means the most well-equipped writer out there, but I'm happy to share what I've learned.
I truly understand this feeling. It fluctuates for me, like, some days I feel like I'm a writing god, and then some days I feel like everything I touch turns to incomprehensible, structureless, stale, and poorly researched gibberish. Unfortunately, my confidence is largely at the mercy of a personality disorder. 😅 BUT! There are some habits and rules that I've set for myself that make it easier!
Your writing could always be better, and that's okay! You will frequently read back on something you wrote a year ago and wish you had written it differently. That's inevitable and normal. Most of the time, that's just a great indicator of progress that you've made in your writing skill. The important part to remember is that there is no perfect way to write, so cut yourself some slack and just write what you enjoy at the time. Yeah, endeavor to do your best and present a product that you're happy with, but don't ever expect it to be flawless. Embrace imperfection and keep going. It's the only way to practice and get better.
Everyone writes differently, and that's good too! It can be hard to see your own writing as good enough after you read the kind of content that makes you think, "That. That's how I want to write." There are works that have me screaming into my hands and wanting to hold myself to a higher standard, but I can't afford to let that paralyze me and keep me from writing to the best of my ability. The best I can do is take a deep breath, come to terms with the tragic fact that I will never have written Boomchick's No Water Is Enough, and take notes on what I liked about their writing and how I can learn from it. Don't do content that you admire the disservice of letting it make you feel bad about yourself. That's not why its author wrote it.
Do not show weakness. I definitely don't always follow my own advice here, but it's just like in art school: don't point out the flaws in your work to your audience, or it will be all they can see. Resist the urge to type out anything self-deprecating in the author's notes. If you start, hit that backspace key. You can trick yourself into thinking you were more confident when posting it, too.
If you feel like your writing doesn't come across as confident within the work itself—why? Are you pulling punches with narrative decisions to avoid confrontation? Are you leaning into patterns that you've already seen written because you're hesitant to branch out? Find out where and why you're doing it and rework it! Take risks! Ride the adrenaline! Be free!!
Periodically reread your own stuff and take note of what you like about it. Don't just nitpick at it; consciously and deliberately point out to yourself the things you think you did well. It doesn't have to be perfect or the best! Also take note of the things you had the most fun with. What lines of dialogue made you happy to write? What event made you happy to see executed? Example: I'm proud of how I handle characterizations and dialogue, and I have the most fun when there are big turns in events!
Along with that, pick a technical weakness you want to work on. Don't beat yourself up about not being the best in that area; instead, keep it in mind and put a little more effort into that when you write. Again, it's okay if it's not perfect. Don't agonize or let it get you stuck, but gently acknowledge that you want to get better at that specific thing. Shoring up your weak spots will make you feel more confident about the work as a whole, and it's reassuring to feel like you're strengthening your skills. Example: I feel like my weakness is scenery/environment, so I stop and try to add a little more detail about that in each scene that needs it (otherwise I will just breeze right over it and only write dialogue lol). It helps me feel like I'm taking control of my weak spots and improves the scene from the bottom up.
Above all, WRITE FOR YOURSELF. You won't make everyone else in the world happy, and you won't write anything you like if you don't write what you want to read. Be selfish when you write and just do what makes you happy! Dance like nobody's watching and all that.
I hope there was something helpful here for you! The best advice I can give is to be patient with yourself, keep practicing, and write what you're excited about. You've got this!! I believe in you!!
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sk-lumen · 3 months
When asking my partner (long term) to drop old habits and love me the way I desire, how many opportunities should I give them to grow as a person?
I don't want to give up straight away but l also feel that allowing old negative behaviours to continue is counter productive to my glow up.
Hi dear,
Firstly, I'm proud of you for committing to your glow up journey! 💖
This is a tricky one. Because there's a fine line between changing how someone is intrinsically, and asking them to get their % together. The two can even be mixed up by the other person, where you're asking (for years on end) to let go of a toxic habit, but they view it as an attack to their person because it's so ingrained in them.
The truth is, you can't change other people. You can't scold, chastize, persuade or pressure them into changing. And even if they do, they'll be resentful for it and switch back soon enough. The only authentic change is when the choice comes from within them, because they genuinely want to. And that happens by communicating your needs, stating your boundaries (read below for that) and leaving the topic alone. See if he improves by the end of term, and if he doesn't, leave.
But to give a clear answer, if this is indeed a long-term, committed partner that deserves your time: I would suggest up to 3 chances, and a maximum of 1 year. Yes, that's it. I think one year is more than ample time to give up gambling, drinking, or starting a fitness journey, or going to therapy to remedy some toxic behaviour, or anything else of the sort. And when that year is up and the results aren't there, actually be 100% ready to end things.
Anything beyond 1 year is just giving him a pass and enabling bad behaviour and making excuses for him. All of which are at the expense of your youth and energy and time. Not to mention, you lose their respect; you're teaching them it's okay to mistreat you and that they'll get away with anything.
I stayed 4 years too long in a committed relationship because I thought he would change toxic habits - he never did, it was just a vicious cycle of me detaching, them begging and promising to change, showing good behaviour for some months, and then falling back into old habits. There's no point for regrets, I didn't know any better.
It's part of my story and experience and I learned a lot of things from it. But don't repeat the same mistakes, or learn this lesson the hard way.
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intersex-support · 1 year
hi, sorry if something along the lines of this has already been asked! i was born with poland syndrome which is a chest deformity that leads to variations in how one's chest grows. i personally have one boob on one side and am completely flat (Which is admittedly rare w poland syndrome since it can be concave) on the other. does this count as intersex? i've always had a complicated relationship with gender because of it.
Hi anon!
First off I want to make it clear that I am not an authority on who is or isn't intersex, and that my perspective is just one perspective.
I'm going to copy out a few definitions of intersex that I think are helpful for conversations like these:
“The term intersex is an umbrella term that refers to people who have one or more of a range of variations in sex characteristics that fall outside of traditional conceptions of male or female bodies. For example, intersex people may have variations in their chromosomes, genitals, or internal organs like testes or ovaries. Some intersex characteristics are identified at birth, while other people may not discover they have intersex traits until puberty or later in life. ” -InterACT
This includes both primary and secondary sex characteristics such as hormones, genitalia, and chromosomes that fall outside of what is typically considered “male” or “female.”
Intersex activist Hans Lindhal also adds on that these traits are usually "significant or noticeable enough to cause stigma and violence in a person's life."
Traditionally, poland syndrome hasn't been considered an intersex variation--the medical world doesn't consider it a difference in sex development. I haven't really found resources from intersex organizations explicitly including it either. Conversations about poland syndrome seem to usually be operating under chronic illnses/disability frameworks rather than biological sex and intersex frameworks. I also think that because poland syndrome can apply to people regardless of chromosomes, hormones, genitalia, and internal organs, that it hasn't really been understood as an intersex variation because the rest of the components of biological sex are still fitting within the "typical" definitions. However I can absolutely see the argument that breasts are considered a secondary sex characteristic, and could understand that perspective. I think that the terminology of intersex is always shifting, and as our understanding of the sex binary, our bodies, and the political context we live in grows, definitions expand beyond just what doctors think are intersex variations.
All this is to say although poland syndrome hasn't been considered an intersex variation, I don't think there's anything wrong for seeking support from intersex resources if those experiences resonate or overlap with your experiences as a person with poland syndrome. I've had conversations with people before, especially other disabled and chronically ill people who don't have intersex variations, but might sometimes describe themselves as having "intersex adjacent" experiences and have that solidarity with intersex community. I think it's perfectly okay for people in those circumstances to seek support with intersex community and just be honest about the fact that although you might not have an intersex variation, you have some overlapping experiences and are looking for welcoming community spaces. As long as people are considerate of not speaking over intersex people on their personal experiences or understandings of intersex oppression, I personally feel like there's so much room for intersex and disabled solidarity, especially when it comes to people who experience disability/chronic illness of reproductive anatomy and sex characteristics.
I'm just one intersex person and cannot speak on behalf of the whole community, so if other intersex people want to add on their perspectives please feel free!
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kisstuals · 2 years
au revoir. jisung x gn!reader wc 1.2k | fluff, bff2l | no warnings
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“So… you’ll come visit me, right?” Jisung finally breaks the silence, his soft voice speaking from beside you. 
You stare at the gravel underneath your battered sneakers, moving your feet to kick a few pebbles. The pavement feels hot underneath your body, as you're seated with your best friend of five years on the sidewalk, waiting for his cab to arrive and take him away.
You want to say yes, you really do, but frankly you are not sure if you’ll be able to. Seeing Jisung move away is difficult as it is, but your sadness has been exacerbated by the unexpected and unwelcome realization that you’re hopelessly in love with him.
Only recently have you come to terms with it, thanks to the help of numerous coffees and reassuring promises to call from Jisung. Your adoration for him has been safely and soundly tucked away, something you do not want to uncover any time soon. So while meeting him in his new city would be wonderful, you don’t doubt that, having to say goodbye all over would only make all those feelings come rushing back.
Jisung’s expectant smile tugs at your heart and you cannot avoid his glance any longer. Yet, his smile is not enough for you to let a lie slip between your lips. “I- I don’t know.”
Just as his smile falls from his face, the evening sky morphs into darkness, pricking your skin with the cool breeze. “(Name)… please.” For your own sake, you pretend as if you do not hear his voice break. “I just- I just want to know that I’ll be able to see you again.”
“Your cab is here,” you tell him, seeing a vehicle pull into your street. He doesn’t budge, poking your arm once, twice, and thrice before you finally look at him again. 
“Can you at least think about it?” You know he only means well and that he wouldn’t force you to meet him, but you realize that just like you, he is holding onto this friendship as best as he can. Only his way of dealing with it is facing it head on, while you simply want to run away. 
“I will,” you assure him, your eyes locking with his own as you feel bumps forming on your forearms. His gaze would always have that effect on you.
The cab finally parks in front of his house, where you and him slowly stand up. He grabs his suitcases, ready to leave, but turns back to you one last time. “(Name),” your name drops from his lips like a sweet melody. “You’re my best fri- you’re really special to me. I’m going to miss you, a lot.” 
You smile back at him, unable to form a proper goodbye yourself, choosing to wave at him instead as he gets into the cab. You could not put into words how much you’d miss him as well, your best fri—
He hesitated from calling you his friend.
Pondering over Jisung’s choice of words, you quickly drop your hand. You have a tendency to overthink, perhaps an unhealthy amount, but as you watch Jisung’s cab disappear from your line of vision, you wonder if you also mean something more to him. 
But it is too late now, he is gone and even if you manage to let him know, leaving is inevitable. You could never ask him to stay anyway, especially not for you. At least, that is what the more rational part of your brain says.
Elsewhere, the inner workings of your mind are doing wonders to convince you that going after him was the best thing you could do. That you have nothing to lose at this point, and that you should at least let him now.
So, before you can rationalize any further, you reach for your phone and quickly tap on Jisung’s contact. 
He answers within a second. “Hey, is everything okay?” 
Well, no, nothing is okay, but you cannot really tell him that. Maybe you should have actually thought about what you would say before calling him. Then at least you would be freezing up, racking your brain for an appropriate way to confess your feelings for him.
“Um, well yeah, but…” Gosh, you sound unbelievably stupid when you’re nervous.
“(Name)?” Jisung chuckles, but you can hear the concern lacing his voice.
“You, um left something behind.” 
“What? What did I leave behind? I thought I grabbed everything…” He murmurs, and you can almost imagine him scratching his head while looking around. 
Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it—
“... my heart?” And you said it. You had managed to sound even more stupid, if possible. Regret washes over you as you wince at your own words, dreading Jisung’s reply. If he had any feelings for you earlier, they must be gone after that.
“No, don’t worry, I have it.” He pauses, before lowering his voice. “But I left mine behind for you.” You let out an embarrassingly audible gasp, wondering if you heard him wrong, if he actually reciprocated your confession. 
“What?” He repeats your words before you hear the line go completely blank, leaving you in pure confusion. You ignore how your hands are shaking as you wait in complete silence under the twilight sky, hoping that Jisung will call you back or at least text you.
He doesn’t do either. Instead, you look up to find his cab pulling back into the street. The door swings open, revealing a red-faced, huffing and puffing Jisung with the brightest smile on his face. His hair is a disheveled mess, wondering what you put him through in the three minutes you had been apart.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you gonna be late for your flight—”
“Can I kiss you?” He says between breaths, eyes not leaving your lips for even a second.
You get over your shock fairly quickly, knowing that if you did not take up his offer now, perhaps you’d never get a second chance. Here he was, the love of your life and your best friend, standing in front of you to ask you the question that had been lingering in your mind for weeks now.
“Yes, please.” And without skipping a beat, his lips find your own. His palms are pressed firmly against the back of your neck, as if you might slip away, and you can’t help but melt into his touch. 
You unknowingly smile into the kiss, and you feel Jisung doing the same. “Gosh, I’ve been wanting to kiss you for quite a while now,” you say against his lips, before pulling him into another quick kiss.
“Me too,” he reveals as he wraps his arms around you in a hug.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner, you idiot?” You whine into his sweater. “I can’t believe you’re going to leave me now after kissing me like that.”
“Well, why didn’t you?” He counters amusedly, before changing his tone to match yours. “I can’t believe you’re going to let me go after kissing me like that.” Jisung laughs as you pinch him in the waist, tightening his grip around you as you continue to whine. Now that you are in his arms, he is sure that he will never let anything separate you.
Except, the honking of the cab of course. You had almost forgotten about the poor driver who was probably tired of waiting around for him. Jisung looks at the cab, before glancing back at you with a sad smile. 
“Go on.” Jisung nods at your words, kissing you one last time before getting into the cab. “I’ll be right here, waiting for you.”
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© kisstuals, 2022
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - Decent Line Up, Actually
Sept 2022 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Eclipse (Fri YT) Ep 4 of 15 - It’s a good thing the two leads are excellent at loooooooooooong ... pauses.... and.... the.... longing.... look..., since GMMTV seems to be bent on using them for that 90% of the time. Akk is learning teachers are bullies too, which Aye already knew of course. The single tear was s nice touch. Multiple “crash into mes” this episode. Who does Thailand think they are, Taiwan?
My Only 12% (Fri iQIYI) Ep 4 of 15 - these two put the codependent back in codependent and I don’t see how this can possibly end well. Ho boy are we in for a rough ride. I do get Love Sick vibes off this show on occasion, New discovering his roots. PAIN iS COMING! Also, second lead syndrome strikes again! Also baby noona romance side dish action. Yay!!! Also what a pleasure to see Earth stretch his acting chops again, it’s seems like forever since UWMA. Also what an identity crisis to see ones self on screen. But also THIS IS WHY WE NEED WIDELY distributed queer entertainment. So kids can see themselves on screen. Did his sister know, of course she did.  
The movie Eiw and his sister watch is The Love of Siam from 2007, widely regarded as Thailand’s first BL (it’s not BL, it’s a queer coming of age movie but it is a precursor to BL). It’s about childhood friends who grow up together and fall in love, but do not end up together. It’s sad. For anyone confused during that section. This does not bode well for out heroes. 
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Vice Versa (Sat on YT) Ep 8 of 12 - I’m actually getting pretty bored with this one now, the movie within the movie plot line doesn’t jive with me. And I’m just frustrated by Tun intentionally keeping his real identity secret from Talay. I’m starting to watch it on speed and a half, which honestly I rarely do with GMMTVs products. Hi Perth! The time has come, Thailand, for us to have a conversation about 90s fashion. Here’s the thing, if you put an already small person in oversized clothing they just look smaller and even more childlike. Perth looks 12 in this ep. It’s an okay kiss. Presumably, now that Tun got what he wanted in terms of “somebody liking him for who he really is inside and not for his actor cred or appearance” he should tell Talay who he really is now. RIGHT? 
21 Days Theory (Sun YT ) Ep 4fin - The coming out to friends thing was cute and well handled. The reason for the split was also good and the resolution was logical with Frank being the one seeking an explanation. Why it didn’t end with a dash to the airport and a kiss, I will never know. This would have jumped high in my rating if they had bothered to finish it like the YA romance it clearly was. But this ending was ultimately disappointing. 6/10 I’m not mad, but I’m not happy either.
Coffee Melody (Mon Viki) Ep 7 of 10 - Jean is full of snark and I love him. But I feel like Yi has had no character growth whatsoever. He just gets what he wants or reacts badly to not getting what he wants. That’s it, that’s his whole personality. He hasn’t matured at all and he hasn’t learned anything from his prior experiences, it just makes him frustrating and childish. Not innocent but immature. He is another one of those characters that I don’t understand why anybody likes him. He only thinks and talks about himself and his own feelings, and he’s never depicted being kind or generous as a friend or sibling or anything. I really am only watching this one for Jean and his bf: Mr. magical pink hair. 
Love in the Air (Thurs iQIYI) Ep 3 of 13 - Continues it’s odd liguistic Dom gaslighting MAME agenda apace. DUMPSTER FIRE TRASH WATCH ALONG HERE.
Unforgotten Night (Weds on GaGa) Ep 11 of 12 - i moved it to double bill with Love in the Air for drinking purposes and this is a good idea. Just really boring this week but I was so tipsy I barely noticed. TRASH WATCH HERE!
Check Out (Sat IQIYI) Ep 12fin - Well Tee & Ice were cute. I liked the other guy better though. And that’s all I got. 4/10 FATALLY FLAWED NOT RECOMMENDED 
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What If (Mon WeTV) Is on WeTV but for VIP only (pay wall). Neighbors who grew up together and have special feelings for each other but keep it to themselves. And then... university. Still on my TBW. 
Work from Heart (Thurs WeTV? YouTube?) from DV8 an office BL featuring lots of other couples. Stars Love With Benefits pairing Gameplay & Folk. It isn’t even listed on WeTV streaming in my territory, but it is airing to WeTV Thailand. No word on distribution. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Minato’s Laundromat (Japan Weds GaGa) Ep 10 of 12 - I just love how gentle this series is with its characters and with us. Japan can be so harsh about both. SQUEE WATCH ALONG 
About Youth (Taiwan Mon GaGa) Ep 1-2 of 10 - It’s truly great. Taiwan's Love Sick featuring a modern queer take on AePete: popular but painfully lonely rich kid, Guang (complete with evil pressure-cooker tiger parents) meets and is basically adopted by poor nerdy (secret rockstar) Qizhang. HE EVEN HAS AE’S TOTE!!! Secondary couple is Guang’s adorable bestie Ray and a cafe boy (we think). Lots of BL trope drops but also this is seriously queer and very Taiwan with an earnestness I haven’t seen since My Ride. it’s got the charm of Takura but with more depth to it, less surface cute and more real world authenticity. Not that I normally like that in my BL, but I’ll forgive Taiwan (and the Philippines) for their sticky almost dirty style if it is this endearing and engaging (see Gameboys). I didn’t even mind the singing, and that’s saying a lot.  Did you see our boy Wilson Liu (H3:MODC & H4) showed up? 
Takara-kun and Amagi-kun (Japan Thurs GaGa & Viki) 3 of 8 - also really flipping good. It’s just so great with both of them liking each other, and already in a relationship, and both so nervous about what to do. It’s just completely and totally high school first love. I have no good reason for loving it as much as I do. The twist of Amagi admitting to everything and his confusion over sex was absolutely brilliant, especially as we can all understand Takara’s reaction (leave the room) except poor Amagi. Also Takara’s dead pan “this boy is fucking killing me” expression is brilliant. Can’t wait until we get his POV next week.
Papa & Daddy 2 (Mon GaGa) Ep 5 of 8 - This was mostly the dads being dads and dealing with dad problems. And since that’s the name of the show, I’m not too upset about it. Honestly, I would’ve ended the series on this episode. 
Want to See You (Vietnam YT) Ep 14fin - And now it’s suddenly slapstick and comedic? Tonally, this show was all over the place, hugely inconsistent in characterization and motivation. No clean narrative through line. Nothing anyone did actually ever made sense. As a VBL it probubly should get a 6, but it gets 5/10 out of pure frustration. WATCH ONLY IF YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO 
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In Case You Missed It
Kiss X Kiss X Kiss - Perfect Scandal can be found on Billibi, these are SHORT 5-8 minutes sample pack micro-romances: 2 feature BL-ish setups. The one with the idols I got excited about last week (Idol Kiss) and another featuring a reluctant boss and flirty subordinate (A Sweet Kiss). Both are cute but mostly just, ya know, kissing. (Reminds me a bit of Korea’s early Triple Do You Want). The interesting thing about the idol one, is one of the leads is ALSO in a het installment. He gives great chemistry with both his partners. And I think he’s a good example of an actor being just, ya know, an actor about the physical part of a romance. Which I take about in terms of never assuming queerness based on performance, here. 
BL Express posted a review of Fudanshi Bartender no Tashinami (AKA Accomplishment of Fudanshi Bartender). It sounds A LOT like another kind of Absolute BL thing from Japan, but focused on the fudanshi side of the equation and I could not be less intersted so I will not be watching. 
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New Pinoy BL from OXIN Films (Rainbow Prince) announced, called Tie The Not.
Semantic Error the movie (with a re-edit + added footage) aired for Korean, Taiwanese, and Vietnamese audiences. No idea on further distribution. 
EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Strongberry's upcoming romantic-comedy Choco Milk Shake will be 8 episodes with total run-time around 80 mins! A full length KBL from Strongberry!!! Yay! 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Ending: Unforgotten Night thank effing heck. 
I posted a full September line up here! 
This week’s best moments?
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Ironic much? (Check Out reviews itself) 
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Supportive friends are the best (21 Days Theory). 
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The brave little tote bag that could LIVES!!!! It is reborn. It has crossed oceans! (From Love By Chance to About Youth.) 
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More guest cameos for Taiwan! 
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The Viki translations won, this week on Takara & Amagi’s weekly sub-off (no D/s pun intended) 
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Noona romance side in My Only 12%!
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Perceptive boy. (The Eclipse) 
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Way better if it’s just: I’d eat it right from your face. (Vice Versa) 
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Just such a classic series of yaoi shots (visuals) to end this week’s ep of Minato’s Laundromat. 
(last week)
current earworm? Jang Woo Hyuk’s Echo
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xmaudx · 1 year
im too delusional for using a tollywood movie to give me a bakugou x reader headcannon but hear me out. Okay so in a past fantasy au life where deku bakugou and the rest of them either own a realm within asian or work for their king/queen. bakugou is prince of the dragon rhealm (obvs) with kiri being his personal dragon. And then there’s you gonna make the reader indian cus why not do it for my south asians but your the princess of a much smaller realm. I’d like to think how the two of u meet is cus suki is travelling around asia as a punishment by his mum for idk fucking something up ( maybe beating up someone from the todoroki family lol ) and so when he’s visiting india he’s near ur realm. And whilst we’re outside your kingdom there’s a few bandits being menaces to a nearby village tryna rob families of their gold and hurt the women. And suki thinks of interrupting but kiri stops him for a moment saying this could cause a fallout with the realms cus apparently this intefers w other peoples business ( crazy ik ) so whilst suki is like arguing w kiri he hadn’t noticed your carriage door open. Only when a shawl sort of waves up and down attracting many of the bandits does he start to focus on you. He sees how the rich silk dresses your skin,the gold jewellery shining under the sun. But damn that shawl he cant see your face. Until a sword pierces through the shawl stabbing three of the bandits. From the cut on ur shawl he sees ur eyes first ( if you guys havent clocked this is devasenas entrance from baahubali i usggest yall watch it ) and from then on he sees your whole face as you fight against the bandits successfully winning.Long story short yall fall in love u find out hes this big prince. sick. except suki gets a message back from his mum telling him to bring you back for dabi so that you can be his wife before he is to return shortly. Ofc u get pissed suki knows his mum however does not have a choice if she is to maintain the peace amongst all realms of else it can cause a huge war. he says he will only bring u as a guest back to his home to which u agree. again long story short baahubali 2 story i suggest yall watch it. but yeh no so basically u go to sukis as a guest not as a potential wife, yell at dabi for his misogynistic view of love, find yourself being the catalyst for a major war w basicaally all the league of villains againt mha main cast. Someway along the line ur kidnapped by dabi raped horribly, tortured blah blah blah. when everyone meets at the battle, youre thrown to the floor for all to see your state. bakugou swears to kill dabi which u both do together, ur given basic soldier clothing after suki coaxed u to take rest instead u reply with “ i fight” but as your both walkign to each other near the end of the battle shiggy crushes bakugous heart. suki falls on top of u, u cry like how wanda did over her brother falling to ur knees before being shot by arrows and dying too. PAST LIFE DONE. so now in the current mha world u and suki r both well known heroes but ur like also top 2 in india but ur now moving to japan for a long term mission at a hero conference ur hand brushes against suki which reminds him a bit about his past life tho he cant see ur face from his memory. when he turns to see who brushed his hand he finds himself in a crowd with so many possibilities. u guys can take it from there
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granulesofsand · 7 months
Complexity Scale
Examples are a good way to clarify meaning. I haven’t had to pull this out in a while, but it’s still good to have down.
🗝️🏷️ this section contains details of possible scenarios
Complexity of trauma is a simplified explanation for how we think people would generally react to an event. Growing up with neglectful parents has different effects than getting into a car crash, but neither of them are less valid forms of hurt.
Long term maltreatment tends to have more impact on the worldview of a victim and the kinds of flashbacks they have. In the ICD, these differences are categorized into PTSD and C-PTSD.
We expect details to change based on the experience of a victim. A child whose parents are emotionally abusive will likely not present like a child whose parents were sexually abusive.
These children may have some similar issues with shame and reluctance to disclose, but the stigma around sexuality in current culture is more pervasive. That doesn’t mean that the emotionally abused child can’t have stronger avoidance tendencies, it just isn’t the expectation.
Similarly, people who were trafficked and have more frequent and intricate incidents of abuse are expected to have more or worse symptoms than those who survived a single attack.
Even within trafficked populations, those noting use of coercion and manipulation are expected to be markedly less functional than their counterparts who did not have these.
When It Helps
It’s okay for a baseline, something to prevent carers from starting from scratch every time someone new shows up, but your care team should not be using a generalized scale over your own experience.
As long as you’re receiving adequate care, the scale can be helpful to see which aspects were present in your trauma and find a walked trail towards recovery. Not everyone needs the same things, and you should be able to get care no matter where your trauma falls in complexity.
Again, it is possible for any of these expectations to have exceptions, and even very similar events can cause wildly different results. You don’t have to use the scale at all if it isn’t helping you, and that’s just as well.
When It Doesn’t
Not every tool fits the job, but that doesn’t mean the tool has no use ever. It’s a fine line determining if something we can’t use is useful at all, and noticing when a tool is harmful is also important. While trauma sometimes muddies the current, you are never required to tolerate abuse.
If you still find that the complexity scale is a detriment to healing, you deserve a voice in calling for its downfall. I hope this makes clearer how the scale is used and makes the decision easier for whether it benefits you.
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mlmxreader · 10 months
Hey! As always, I hope you're doing well.
Okay, first off, thank you once more for gracing us with the beautiful picture that is your dog! Goodness gracious he's so flipping cute, I absolutely can not, CANNOT!!
Secondly, happy birthday? Belated, upcoming?! Either way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY🥳!! And congrats on the good work in digging those trenches. Your boss' comments and your response made me chuckle 😆.
Third, I just saw that you posted Run Away with Me ... if I could put a gif in these anonymous asks I would and it would be a stream of tears and a slow clap. The way you incorporated those lines into this piece was *chefs kiss*.
The additon of Missus Solomons being the first person he came out to and her being so fully supportive and pointedly using masculine terms had me crying with joy!! Because even in the mess that is all the bigotry, we can't forget that there are people who genuinely care about the person and I just cannot even rely how heartwarming it was for me to read that. This in addition with this line:
"He kept it all the way to the front lines. Alfie promised once. He didn't need to promise again."
Literally the feral energy you have elicited within me with this because my heart is just so incredibly full. When I requested this, I think I expected the lines to be in a comedic, fluff piece but this... yeah this was excellent!! On the backdrop of the dark reality that is being at war, you still managed to have a moment of reprieve for these two, even if the only way they can hold one another is under the guise of keeping warm. Alfie constantly thinking about his partner and wanting to make that journey to Germany, even if it could all be a hoax, regardless of the risks it could have on his person, he'd take them all because that's how much he loves his husband 😢🥹.
Thank you so, so much for writing this, you have no idea how grateful I am for this and for you!! Seriously 🤍🤍🤍!
hi!!! I'm doing alright, thank you 🫶🏻
yeah, he's dopey too lmao he does this thing called land sharking where he lies down and his lips fall out of place so his teeth are bared and he'll fall asleep like that 😅 but he did also steal a triceratops teddy bear which he now cuddles into when he's in the other dog's (Flash's) bed
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also, thank you. I don't really celebrate it anymore, but it was on the 20th - so I'm now 22 and I honestly just don't really care lmfao I'm more worried about whether or not I can get enough money to survive the month 😅
third: I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT!!!!! honestly any excuse to write WW1 stuff I am taking it and I am happy w it shfksjfkdkf
WE LOVE MISSUS SOLOMONS IN THIS HOUSE!!!! SHE'S AN ABSOLUTE ICON!!!! it's a shame we never got to see her in the series, but if Alfie's anything to go by, I think it's safe to say that she's a "do no harm but take no shit" type and would 100% be more inclined towards the socialism side of things as opposed to anything else - so she's an icon!!!
the early 1900s were, admittedly, a shitty time for trans people - almost as bad as it is now and even though he was far from perfect and he didn't get everything right, Magnus Hirschfeld did open the first gender affirming clinic in 1919 (along w some other colleagues), so there WAS very much a safe place for trans people at the time.
but anyways shfkajfkajfja thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I'm genuinely so, so glad that you enjoyed it!!!
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
cancel culture is when ppl criticize folkists and fascists and neonazis
Just factually speaking.
That might be the story people sell but that's not how it plays out in practice.
Cancel culture is a spectrum of behaviors from punishing, harassing, threatening, cutting people off socially, demanding elaborate performances of "accountability" that aren't rooted in restoritive reparation, preventing people from accessing resources they need, to physically harming someone.
Sometimes people do that to neonazis and fascists.
And a lot more of the time people do it to people within their own community who don't fall neatly into line and get social cover for destroying someone else by branding them as a neonazi or fascist.
Cancel culture is also a good name for what it's like to live in a culture where your whole social circle and material support might evaporate the minute you're even so much as unsure about something and hang back to think about it. It's a very real occurrence, especially for folks who primarily have to find their support online.
When I've asked people, okay what would you call this instead, they either say they don't know or "gatekeeping" - which ironically is a term borrowed from the trans and disability communities to describe people from outside the community (like doctors) who determine whether people can access care they need by whether they're disabled or trans enough by their own standards, not the community's. The watering down of this term has had real impacts on the ability to name that phenomenon.
Which pretty clearly shows me that people to who really rail against cancel culture as a term don't exactly have their own community's best interests at heart. They're just reacting to conservative dogma.
As someone who is both trans and disabled, watched that process happen, and saw the real changes the loss of that word brought - I ain't gonna cosign that. Cancel culture captures it way better anyways.
All the best, Anon.
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Hello again. It’s the anon who messaged you about red flags with regard to mentorship scamming. I should clarify, I listened to your podcast about lifestyle trainers. That’s not what I’m asking about. Specifically, I am asking about other subs who take on the role of mentor, and have their own agenda, therefore making things inconsistent, confusing and causing doubt in oneself. Sorry if I wasn’t clear in my original ask. Thanks!
Thank you for the question Anon and since people reading this will not be able to see your first message, I will put a short version here to make it easier for others to understand the your question:
Please accept my ask using this method, rather than on your podcast link. I’m anxious about enabling my mic. I’m enjoying your podcast so much. I’ve learned a bunch and have even figured out how to explain things about myself more concisely. My ask is related to your episode that focuses on red flags. I’ve been on and off Tumblr over the past 4 years. I leave when I get spooked and rejoin when I learn enough to navigate more responsibly. Most recently, I left because I found a group that I considered my friends. However, both the individual and the group organizer, in my opinion, had a selfish agenda and tried to lead and mentor, but were hypocritical, inconsistent and pretty closed-minded when it came to others. So my question is, would you, please, address red flags when it comes to choosing a qualified mentor? I know you’ve touched upon this, using your background as an example. But I wonder if other subs fall prey to bad mentorship when it doesn’t involve a Dom or partner, but rather when it involves someone who acts as a friend. This, too, has a negative effect on one’s confidence and makes moving forward with trust more challenging. Thank you for taking time to read this and for your podcast.
Bad or unproductive mentorship can happen both professionally and personally so it is important to find the right mix of people to be mentors.
So here are some of my thoughts on mentors within the lifestyle but I think these will also help with mentors in the vanilla world as well.
Mentors, I believe most people think of as a personal relationship with a more experienced person that is long-lasting but mentors can come in groups, for example, a group of d-types a person feels comfortable asking a question to. Additionally, mentors do not have to be a long-term 'commitment’. They can be very situational, offering advice and sharing wisdom on a specific situation rather than
When you are getting to know a mentor(s), it is important that the person seeking the mentoring be clear about what they are seeking along with your goals.
It is also important, I believe, to find mentors who will be comfortable with sharing different viewpoints and/or opinions that might be divergent from yours. This does not mean they should be condescending or “put your thoughts/ideas down”, that would be unacceptable but a mentor should challenge you to see things differently.
Do not expect someone to volunteer to take you under their wing, instead be assertive by reaching out, getting to know them, and ask for their mentorship.
Finally, the last bit of my advice on mentors, make sure to be grateful to those who mentor you. With the world always in a big hurry these days, it is very easy to overlook letting a mentor(s) know you appreciate them.
Okay, now on to the question, red flags.
The first one that comes to mind is to avoid Cool Hand Luke’s. In the movie Cool Hand Luke, there is the famous line “What we have here is a failure to communicate.” And this is a red flag. Communication styles may mismatch meaning the mentorship would not be good or a prospective mentor simply does not respect you by communicating/answering your inquires.
What’s in it for the mentor? I feel that a mentor should want nothing in return, other than to see a person grow. So in the lifestyle, if a “mentor” wants to lay hands on you or otherwise have you do things ‘for them’ then it is a red flag in my book.
As I mentioned above, mentors should encourage you even if you see things differently than they do. There are some wrong and/or dangerous things in the lifestyle, there is no true way to practice the lifestyle. So look out and endeavor to avoid a mentor or group that wants, expects, or discourages you from approaching things differently than they do. I think that a good mentor will at times play devil’s advocate challenging you to see other methods or ideas. So lack of diverse thoughts/opinions would a red flag.
If you are looking at a group for mentoring, be a fly on the wall for a bit before jumping in with both feet while watching for this next red flag. Look at how happy the collective is. I understand that some may feel this is overly simple but if you notice that the group is made up of unhappy individuals, the group will more than likely not be helpful (or happy). There is the old saying birds of a feather flock together and life has taught me that grumpy folks love the company of other fuddy-duddies. So unhappy people is a red flag.
If a mentor causes you to feel stressed, anxious or even depressed this is another warning sign. Yes, sometimes a discussion with a mentor can be a bit stressful as perhaps it causes a bit of stress to ask something a second time or say that you did not understand their answer. But these are little stress things if they cause stress other than perhaps worrying that you will feel ‘silly’ for asking the question. A mentor or group should never make you feel anxious, depressed, or truly stressed. If you feel any of these, it is another red flag.
Are they trustworthy? A mentor should foster the building of trust. I know I have said it before but a mentor should not belittle, be selfish, or have any hidden agendas as these do not create a safe space. If you do not sense a safe, and trusting environment this is a red flag.
Finally, just in case anyone is curious about my podcast that Anon mentioned, this link will take you to all the info.
I appreciate the question and I hope you did not mind my delayed reply. I hope my thoughts help and thank you again for asking.
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yue-muffin · 2 months
So, I already blogged a bit about Omniscent Reader’s Viewpoint a while back, but recently I was looking for playlists to listen to and found a really neat cosplay stage play/musical (with very catchy songs!), which THEN led me to another stage play/musical the group did for another novel/manhwa series, Return of the Blossoming Blade/Return of the Mount Hua Sect.
Really do not need to obsess over another series right now, haha. I have a terrible habit of never finishing anything. But it scratches a particular itch I have for that genre. It also doesn’t seem to have romance as a main focus which finally.
Only thing actually stopping me from reading the novel is the fact that the translation out there chose not to translate certain terms of address (the equivalent of shixiong, shijie, etc.) and I do not have the brain power to learn those terms all over again for a different language. Also, the site I found it on had no footnotes?? So I just have to guess. A very minor reason, yes, but I need an excuse not to fall down another rabbit hole anyway.
Also, a nitpick as an amateur translator myself, but I don’t like it when terms that have an English translation are left in the original language. If you leave too many untranslated, it just gets confusing for the uninitiated. I mean, it’s okay to a degree. But at some point it’s like why even translate if you’re going to leave so much untranslated? (For example, I’ve seen Japanese novels where the translator straight up did not translate “tadaima” and other such phrases…why??) Not everyone in your audience is reading to learn a new language. Some people just want to enjoy the story the same as readers of the original version. Localizing to hell and back (as happens with video games and old anime…4kids era stuff) is not my preference either, but your reader shouldn’t have to whip out a dictionary.
Same with awkward wording. More understandable if it’s a fan translation because that’s a lot of work for no pay. But when we move into the realm of more professional publications, the language had better read smoothly. Some say it reads more “authentically” if it’s a little stilted, but I don’t think one should sacrifice readability for that. Because in the original language, that line was not stilted or unnatural at all. It read like a normal sentence in that language.
Also, funny side story: believe it or not, reading Japanese extensively actually once impacted my writing in English (on my thesis no less!). I started flipping clauses within longer sentences because that’s how Japanese is read. To my brain, it wasn’t an unnatural order because I became so immersed in the Japanese sentence order. Needless to say, I had a lot of editing to do, but at least it was easy.
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moodsandthingz · 7 months
Your Musical Theme: Heartbreak
Regret In Your Tears by Nicki Minaj - Nicki Minaj - Regret In Your Tears - YouTube
Pray You Catch Me by Beyonce - Pray You Catch Me - YouTube
Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac - Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way (Lyrics) - YouTube
Whiskey and Rain by Michael Ray - Michael Ray | Whiskey And Rain (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Kill Bill by SZA - SZA - Kill Bill (Audio) - YouTube
Take a Bow by Rihanna - Rihanna - Take A Bow - YouTube
My theme for this assignment is Heartbreak. These 6 songs are from 4 different genres on the list: rock, hip-hop/rap, country, and folk. Heartbreak is a feeling of great sadness or disappointment. It can be caused by disturbing events such as death, and breakup. The songs that I choose focus on breakups. Personally, I never experience a heartbreak when it comes to love, however I have loose people close to me. So, I know how hard heartbreak can be. Heartbreak is something everyone in the world has to go through. It's not a good and pleasing feeling. Sometimes, we don't know how to deal and overcome a heartbreak. We can get our heart broken by the person we trust the most, and that can cause us to develop trust issues. Heartbreaks can be so tough and hard that we might have to go to therapy, in order to heal. Like I said previously, I haven't experienced that type of heartbreak, but I don't expect not to go through it in the future. Because we all go through heartbreak in our life. 
The first song "Regret in Your Tears" by Nicki Minaj" is a rap song. This song is about the rapper herself. She is singing/rapping about a heartbreak that she experienced from her long-term boyfriend that cheated on her. The background beat of the song has a slow and soft melody. It's a mix of singing and rapping. She started the song with singing, and then switched to rapping, then back again with singing. In the song, she's describing how her boyfriend gave her hope. she stated, "you said you would save me; you said you would save me." In the music video, after she said that line, she laughed a little, and at that moment the pain could be seen from her eyes. She also shows confidence. she said, "you don't even know what you just lost, you don't even know what you just had, you don't even know, and that's what's bad." She's basically saying she's the price, and he's going to regret what he did to her. It's his loss not hers. The song has a high degree of consonance, because it sounds pleasing and soothing to the ears. I think the message in the song is that it's okay to be hurting after a heartbreak, but also know your worth.
The second song is "Pray You Catch Me" by Beyonce. The song is about her husband Jay Z. It was rumored that he was not loyal to her, so she decided to jump into this song to really tell her fans/audience what's really going on. In this song, she is singing about how she's suspicious of her husband. In the song she said, "Pray to catch you whispering I pray you catch me listening I'm prayin' to catch you whispering I pray you catch me." She's basically saying that she wants to get caught snooping around, so her husband notices how she's hurting. The song has a high consonance. Almost at the end of the song, she makes her voice go high pitched. I think that is a way to express her pain in the song. 
The third song is "Go your own way" by Fleetwood Mac. When the band was writing this album/this song, many relationships within the band were falling out. You can hear the acoustic guitar in the background. In this song, the singer is explaining what he does for his partner. However, his partner is not really into it. In the song he said, "If I could baby, I'd give you my whole world, how can I when you won't take it from me?" His partner doesn't want all the nice things he's doing for her. So, he thinks it would be best for her to go her own way. I like the part where there were no lyrics, it was only the acoustic guitar playing. That part was nice. I think the message in this song is that sometimes we have to let go of people we are not compatible with. If it doesn't work out, it's okay to let them go, even though it might hurt. 
The fourth song is "Whiskey and Rain" by Michael Ray. In this song, he's going through a heartbreak, and he's at the club drinking whiskey and bourbon. He described the environment, it was raining. There's guitar playing in the background. It's a slow and soft song. 
The fifth song is "Kill Bill" by SZA. In this song SZA is singing about taking revenge on her ex that betrayed her. She's basically being toxic about the whole situation. She mentions on the song how she might kill her ex and his new girlfriend. At the end of the video, you can see her holding a heart in her hand, and in the lyrics, she said "Oh, I just killed my ex, not the best idea (Idea) Killed his girlfriend next, how'd I get here? I just killed my ex, I still love him though (I do) Rather be in hell than alone." Even though she still loves her ex, she has to kill him, because he betrayed her, and she doesn't want him to be happy with someone else. "The song’s production consists of a basic piano melody and a detuned, yet groovy rhythm" (Genius). The song has a high degree of consonance.
The sixth and last song is "Take a Bow" by Rihanna. In this song, Rihanna is singing about not wanting to take her ex back, after she found out that he was unfaithful. In the music video we can see that he's begging for Rih to take him back. She also talks about how he had her fooled and led her on. In her lyrics she said, " but you put on quite a show really had me going." The song is not too fast or too slow, I think it's in the middle. It has a pretty high degree of consonance. It sounds nice, and I think that there's a piano playing in the back. The lesson in this song is that you need to know your worth. Don't give second chances to liars and cheaters.
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