#but i wholeheartedly agree with every single one of these points
charmedreincarnation · 8 months
When I say that this journey is real, and our struggles are not in vain, I am shouting it from the rooftops. A month ago, I woke up with my dream life. Obsessed with the "void state", I woke up one day being the same person but with an entirely new life. All because I chose it.
Your efforts aren't going unnoticed. The universe is always on your side. You are the universe. It's been a month, and I still feel overwhelmed with joy and wonder every single day.
I was once poor and battling depression, a reality many can relate to. But we found the law because we knew we deserved more. You can be ordinary, flawed, even unkind, but you can choose to transform and have it all. And I did just that. My parents, who were illegal immigrants working underpaid jobs, are now wealthy and respected figures. My last name alone garners recognition, and I am a socialite earning money just by being me.
I used to live in an attic infested with cockroaches. Now, I reside in a four-story mansion, complete with exotic cars, house help, cooks, drivers - all treated and compensated fairly. We also own three other houses across the United States.
I was once insecure, severely underweight, and bullied. Today, not only am I stunningly beautiful, but I am also praised for my fashion sense. I was once a dull person, but now I am radiant with positivity.
I attended an underfunded school where I was bullied, and teachers lacked resources to intervene. Now, I study at a prestigious private school that assures my entry into an Ivy League university. Finally, I am respected and appreciated.
I was lonely and uninteresting. Now, I am vibrant with a close-knit group of friends and a man who seems straight out of a Wattpad story. He's perfect, and he's mine.
This transformation happened overnight. And I've been on this journey since 2020. But how??? I surrendered to my imagination!
The void was overwhelming, but now I can easily navigate it. I was tired of giving my power away. So, I gave in to myself, to my dreams. I knew I deserved it. Even if I didn't believe it at times, I made the choice. If you desire something, it's already yours. It's done.
I didn't have a list or anything of my desires, just a vision of happiness. I didn't know what it looked like, but I knew how it felt. Now, I embody that feeling every day. My life is a series of plot twists. It's not perfect, but my worst days now are what I once prayed for. That old life? POOF It's gone. All I have is now, and I'm living it to the fullest.
My advice?
Stop seeking proof. If you're looking for proof, you'll never manifest your dreams because the only thing that needs to change is self. Doubt is a reflection of your disbelief in yourself. When I surrendered to my imagination, it didn't matter who was lying or telling the truth, because I had my truth. The burden of proof lies within you. It's called the law of assumption. You might harbor some doubt, but you must have faith like the devout. They believe without proof. You can too! We all can! Believe in yourself, and the universe will conspire in your favor!!!!
I agree! Your words resonated with me a lot. Faith, particularly self-faith, is such an important tool in shaping our realities. The ability to trust ourselves, our desires, and our potential is essential in manifesting our dream life, and it’s only so beautiful to slowly see yourself give yourself all your trust when you’ve never even liked yourself.
You're spot on about the issue of seeking confirmation from others. It's an unnecessary hurdle that we give ourselves but it’s human nature. Our truths and dreams should not be validated by anyone else but us. As you said, why should it matter if someone lied or told the truth? We are the creators of our own lives and thus, the only validation we need comes from within.
And I wholeheartedly agree with your point about deservingness. We don't have to earn our desires or prove ourselves worthy of them. If we want something, that desire alone makes us deserving of it.
More importantly I am very proud and happy for you !!!! You’re a testament of what our own imagination can do for us and I hope you only keep getting happier and happier <3!!!!
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sweetmilkespresso · 15 days
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Treat You Better | CS55-> ? Fic & SMAU
order: Ex!Carlos x ChronicIll!Fem!Reader x Mystery Driver
flavor: angst
ingredients: angst, chronic illness, gaslighting, hurt/comfort, and fluff
You can't help but look at your past relationship and compare it to the one you have now.
bariata's note: Hi, this is my first real fic in the f1 fandom. It's more of test to see if people would be interested in more like this. I hope you enjoy what I've brewed up for you.
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Sometimes you can't help but think about what you used to have.
Back when you and Carlos first got together you felt ontop of the world. You were in love and it felt like nothing could stop the rush you felt everytime you touched. You knew in your heart you loved him. You knew in your heart that he loved you too. Well, until you got sick.
It had started with the migraines.
They happened every few weeks coming and going like a tidal wave.
Eventually the migraines got closer and closer together until you got them daily.
They made you nauseous and every light became a potential trigger for a flare up.
You went from following Carlos from race to race to laying alone in the dark of your Monnaco apartment, in far too much pain to do anything.
That's when your relationship began to crumble.
It started with little things.
Carlos would complain about your constant rainchecks and I-Owe-Yous.
Next was the eyeroles and frowns whenever you mentioned your pain.
Overtime your body started to decline. Fatigue and exhaustion plagued your every waking moment. The aches and pains more pronounced as each day passed.
It was hard to stand and walk on your own.
As your body started to deteriorate so did your relationship.
What was originally little quips and snide remarks turned into white hot arguments.
Soon he was referring to you as:
"Too much" and "Exhausting"
You shot back that he was acting childish.
Not everything revolved around him and his needs. Things like this don't suddenly disappear because others find it tiring.
Until one day he'd had enough.
He'd locked you out of the apartment and threw out your things.
The two of you were done.
Looking back at that time you had felt so alone.
After you had broken up you moved into a little studio apartment that barely seemed fit for a person let alone a person with needs like yours.
Everything was too cramped and there was little you could do accessibility wise. You were renting the place after all.
But then he walked into your life.
It had been gradual at first.
He'd message or call you asking for an update since you'd went quiet on all your socials.
Soon enough he was inviting you over or coming to your place to visit.
It was incredibly cramped with the two of you in your little studio but you made it work.
He was so considerate of what you were feeling.
Whenever you cancelled he would just smile and say "Okay, there's always next time."
He was brazen and open about what he felt.
How he sat you down and point-blank made his intentions of "courting" you very clear.
You remember your first kiss.
You remembered how he cupped your cheek and asked permission before gently pressing your lips together in a chaste kiss.
He'd asked you to move in with him only a few months into your new relationship.
You agreed wholeheartedly. Your lease on your old studio apartment had been coming up anyways.
He happily helped you move in.
He didn't let you lift a single finger. Every little thing was taken care of. He hired a crew to move your stuff from your old studio to his place.
He was certainly full of surprises.
"Hey, y/n. Can you come over here and tell me if this is sturdy enough?" He asked you from the tile floor of the bathroom as he screwed a hand rail into the walls.
"What do you think about this one?" He asked as he passed you an ipad with plans for renovating the place.
"We can get the counters lowered and widen the space here so you can wheel your chair through and reach."
He installed ramps for all the doors.
He attached a wheel chair rack to every car he owned.
Since the house was two stories he even hired a guy to build a chair lift so you could reach the second floor.
Once your hands started shaking he would kneel down and tie your shoes for you.
Every little action was full of adoration.
He made it so easy to love him.
You're brought back to the present by a loud snore from right next to you.
Looking to your left you are met with the sleeping face of the love of your life.
You thumb over the pictures in your phone.
Smiling at the pictures you press post.
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y/ninstagram In a world of boys, he's a gentleman.
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archonsabyss · 9 months
╰─..✶. [ House Initiations ]
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❒ pairing: gojo satoru x fem!reader
❒ genre: fluff! suggestive! nsfw [mdni]
❒ warnings: lots of talk of fucking because it's Satoru and he's horny.
❒ wc: 972
─❒ authors note: 5am thots. I wish I could write for Suguru as easily as I write for Satoru, but I'm not complaining. Though you'd probably never tell I'm a Geto girl right?
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Gojo Satoru who goes house hunting with you. But while you're taking this matter seriously; carefully inspecting every detail and scrutinizing every aspect, considering the smallest components to the grand picture, you're contemplating your life trying to envision a future to determine whether the place could truly become your home.
Satoru, on the contrary, is approaching this situation with a different level of seriousness, but in a completely different manner compared to you. He's got his hand on his chin with sharp narrowed eyes glaring through his tinted glasses, looking from one end to the other, and while you're conversing with the realtor, he's doing his own kind of envisioning.
After the sixth or seventh house and Satoru's sixth or seventh declination, you're walking up to him again, this time to interrogate your picky idiot of a partner and find out the reason why he's being so damn fussy.
"I like this one" You sighed tiredly, fingers massaging your stressed forehead.
"I do too, but it just doesn't have the element I'm looking for" Satoru would argue with a miniscule of guilt upon looking at your spent expression.
You sighed for the umpteenth time, hand on your hip and swearing under your breathe before telling the realtor it was a "no" yet again.
Skipping ahead to the next house, it was a relief that Satoru appeared to be fond of this one. He enthusiastically expressed his admiration with subtle words and nods, moving through the rooms, envisioning furniture placements and scrutinizing the walls and their angles, but his unwavering attention was particularly drawn to the kitchen, where he meticulously ran his hand over the marble countertops and closely observed the kitchen table.
He'd trudge back into the living room where you stood with a proud smile, directing his gaze at the realtor before settling on you. "This is the one"
"Are you sure" You asked deadpanned, blinking to make sure you heard correctly. The sense of relief that washed over you almost felt too good to be true.
Satoru grins ear to ear and nods. "I like this one. It's perfect"
On your ride home, Satoru's hand rests on your inner thigh while he sports a sly fox-like smirk that you're inclined to question.
"How'd you know that house was the one" You inquired, still in minor disbelief. "I mean- there wasn't much difference between that one and the previous one"
"It's perfect," He utters with a dreamy tone, leaving you puzzled and bewildered as you study him closely. Satoru goes on to elaborate, "The structure was spectacular, just on point"
"Uh uh" You're prompted to agree albeit confusion.
Satoru's hand squeezes your thigh, glancing at you from his peripheral vision. "Imagined fucking you in every position possible, pushed up against every wall, bent over every table. The kitchen was particularly nice, that table─ fuck. The thought of you spread across it had me drooling. And the bathroom─ god, babe, the bathroom had a full body lengthened mirror and the shower.."
"Fucking hell" You heaved, drawing in a sharp breathe before laughter wholeheartedly erupts from your chest, "You're fucking disgusting" You muffled between laughs but you don't mean it.. Kind of.
"House initiation, babe. Don't expect any less"
"Clearly I expected too much"
"I always deliver" He grins smugly, "Besides, you knew what you were getting into when you accepted and reciprocated my feelings. " He teases, a single finger sliding past your underwear and tracing the outlines of your pussy.
"I'll have the house setup, furnished and decorated in the next few days, we'll be able to move in by Tuesday the latest. Give you sometime to prepare─"
You tug Satoru's hand out from your pussy with a small moan, and he's side eyeing you with furrowed brows. No idea where you got the strength to reject his touch over the building pleasure. "Eyes on the road" You said weakly.
"You're canceling those plans. We said we'd furnish and redecorate the house together ourselves Satoru, you promised"
"I know but-"
"But nothing" You interject sternly. "I want to make it my home with my own two hands"
"But then you're going to get all serious and whatnot─ gona be so focused on that task you won't let me touch you till you're done. And we both know once you start, your indecisiveness isn't going to allow you to quit or take a breather and I'll be left touch starved" He dramatically exerts, feigning a pained expression and a few false sniffles.
"But just think of it this way Toru. Wouldn't it be more fun to fuck during the process of it all? One couch at a time.. Trying to set up things while your hands are all over me; and you being the perfect partner you are by helping me put the shelves and tables together while I touch you" Your hand flattens against the bulge in his jeans, convincing enough.
Satoru grumbles and moans, eyes flickering from the road to you before going back to the road. The idea sounds fun. It sounds fucking amazing.. Certainly more thrill and anticipation than just fucking every corner with the house already furnished by someone else.
"Okay you have me. We can do whatever you want! However long it takes! However much money it drains from my bank account! As long as you make good on that promise baby"
"Count on it" You squeeze his bulge and fuck, Satoru speeds home. Never been more grateful for your current apartment being only a few minutes out.
And maybe a celebration is in order after purchasing your first house together.
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☣ copyright @archonsabyss all rights reserved // do not copy; steal; plagiarize; reword or repost my works to any other platform! No translations!! All credits to original owners of characters/anime/pictures that are not my own!
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Where I’m From
Top Gun: Maverick - Hangman x f!reader [no use of y/n]
3.6k | Jake Seresin could handle lots of things. He was the only naval aviator of his time to have a confirmed kill - two, actually. He kept forgetting about that second one. It was newly under his belt, and, considering the circumstances surrounding it, he hadn’t felt too inclined to brag about it. Still, the point remained. Jake could carry the weight of taking a life, of saving a life, and of putting his life in harms way. 
What he could not handle was the weeping girl in front of him, brushing away tears on their first date.
Genre: Fluff, slight angst
CW: swearing, kissing, mentions of past relationships (neglect)
Author’s Note: Is Jake slightly ooc? Yes. I just wholeheartedly believe this man would be a gentleman on a date. Also, soft!Jake >>>>>>> || cross-posted on Ao3
Part Two
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“You’re early.” You said, opening the door wider and waving him in once you realized it was Hangman (a story you were hoping to pry out of him on your date tonight) standing across the threshold. “I’m almost done, I promise. I’m so sorry.”
“No need to apologize, sugar.” Something about the careless way he slung around terms of endearment like that heated your cheeks.
Jake stepped in with that same easy grin he was wearing when he’d asked you out. You look good, but I think you’d look even better sitting across from me at dinner tonight. Cocky, arrogant. A toothpick rolling back and forth between his teeth. Not your type at all, but it had been so long since you last dated someone.
So, when the blond in a military uniform slid into the booth across from you this afternoon at lunch you agreed. Without a single care for all the alarm bells ringing and desperate reminders from your subconscious that all men sucked.
And now you were standing in front of him with a half-zipped dress, half done hair, and nerves that made your hands shake so badly it was hard to finish anything at all. “Give me 5 minutes?”
Jake nodded, then, as though remembering why he’d gotten here so early to begin with, he moved his hand from behind his back and presented a small bouquet of flowers to you. Simple and sweet. “These are yours, darlin’.”
The accent brought you back to reality. Tied you down to earth and kept you from tearing up. “Oh, you didn’t have to do that.”
“I’m a gentleman, mostly,” Jake said, “so tell me where I can find a vase and I’ll get this set up. You go get ready.”
“Under the sink.” You waved your hand off in the general direction of the kitchen eyes still a bit too wide in shock. Someone had given you flowers. A complete stranger had given you flowers.
The stranger made towards where you vaguely gestured to but came halting to a stop shortly after. “Problem, doll?” He asked, turning back towards you with slight concern. Warranted concern, really, seeing that the noise that just escaped you made you sound like you’d been stabbed in the side.
“I’m sorry-”
“You need to stop apologizing.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” You ignored the look he shot you. “I- just… can you take your shoes off? Please?”
An easy smile crossed onto his face. More human than those prideful grins his flirting game so heavily relied on before. “Yes, I can do that.” Jake laughed, but it wasn’t rude or condescending. A kind-hearted, ‘I am so glad that’s all the problem was’ kind of laugh. “Go get ready so I can make everyone in that restaurant jealous that I’m takin’ the most beautiful lady out on a date.”
There wasn’t much arguing with that. You’d tried to come up with something witty to say to him as you finished getting ready, but every time you thought of what Jake had said to you your heart would beat a little faster and your head would spin. It was pointless. You could hardly remember your name when you looked his square in the face. If you were to actually stare into those green eyes of his you’d surely melt into the floor. Exactly what happened when you finally emerged from your room, shoes in hand, and let him at the front door.
Jake had been lingering in the foyer staring at all the pictures on your wall and the decorations that comprised who you wanted the world to see you as. A bit to honestly now that your eyes followed his to the goofy selfies or the ‘boofa deez nut’ candle you’d gotten as a gag gift and proudly displayed as a middle finger to the friend that had gotten it for you. The embarrassment should have killed you, but instead it was Jake’s eyes flicking up to meet yours that did you in.
You stumbled slightly. In your attempt to cover the movement to make it seem like you were bending over to put your shoes on, you’d stumbled more. Jake moved forward almost unconsciously to steady you, let out a low whistle and said, “You clean up nice.”
“You’re only saying that ‘cause you’ve seen me looking like half a disaster.”
“If that’s half a disaster, then you truly do put the ‘hot’ in ‘hot mess’, sugar.” Jake laughed and opened the door for you. He held it open, closed it behind you, and waited as you locked it. Then walked with you to the car to open the door for you there as well.
You thanked him, short and polite and completely caught off guard. Everything he said in that short walk from your front door to his car completely escaped you. Something about how you made a casual dress look like the most elegant outfit on earth. Just another charismatic comment to deepen the warm pool in your stomach. As though there weren’t enough butterflies flapping around in there already.
“You can pick the music.” Jake nodded toward the radio.
“I like classic rock,” you said. “It’s my favorite, actually.”
Jake grinned. “After my own heart. See, I knew there was somethin’ about you.” He turned slightly to put his arm around the passenger seat as he reversed, and you caught a whiff of his cologne. Subtle. Yet entirely welcomed, up until he winked at you.
Maybe this was all a game to him. Jake seemed like the type to charm a girl and leave her heartbroken. The prying eyes at the counter back at the diner had almost confirmed that for you. Whispers and nudging that you had wished you’d seen before you agreed to go out with him. This whole evening could very well be some big bet for the hot shots in the Navy to cash out on. All at your expense.
“So.” Jake cleared his throat. “You from around here?”
Once again, an awkward reminder that the two of you knew nothing about one another besides your names and addresses. Well, just Jake knew your address. He’d insisted on picking you up.
“No,” you told him. “Midwest, born and raised.”
“Stir crazy so you moved out West?”
“Something like that.” You nodded. “I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say you’re from down south?”
Jake laughed. Your heart skipped yet another beat and if it didn’t stop doing that you were going to have to schedule an appointment with your doctor before the night was out. “You’re a good shot.” He glanced over at you out of the corner of his eye. “Texas.”
“Oh, a cowboy?”
“Hardly.” He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel to the best of the radio. “I know my way around a horse, but I like to think I belong in the sky.”
“So, I should call you flyboy instead?” You ask with a slight giggle to your voice. More nervous than anything but there’s no mistaking the way the corners of Jake’s lips pull back at the sound. You want to take a detour to base just to ask those friends of his if he normally smiles this much or if you can allow yourself to feed into the delusion that someone as stunning as him saw you in a rundown diner having lunch and was so enamored by you that he simply had to ask you out.
“Only if you put a ‘my’ in front of it.”
Conversation flowed easily after that. The drive to the restaurant wasn’t long but still let you have a good idea of who Jake was. A flirt, first and foremost. He couldn’t go thirty seconds without calling you ‘darlin’’ or ‘sugar’ and any way Jake could make a comment about how wonderful you were, he was taking it. You stared at him the entire ride, studying his profile. He was a handsome man. There was no denying that. Old-fashioned in the way where you and your friend would flip through history books and point out who you would have fallen in love with during that time period. If someone were to show you a grainy photo of a navy pilot, his was the kind of face you’d imagine.
He pulled into a spot, and you immediately set to unbuckling and letting yourself out of the car.
“Ah,” Jake said as he shut off the car, “stay where you are.” And he hopped out to jog to the passenger side. “Here you are, darlin’.” He opened the door, offering you a hand, and helping you out of the car.
“Do they teach chivalry classes down in Texas?” You ask. He’s too busy positioning your hand on his bicep and leading you into the restaurant, where he holds open the door for you again, to answer.
“Sersin. Party of two,” he tells the host, who leads you to a table with a single, unlit candle in the middle.
Jake pulls your chair out for you, then settles in across from you in a strange mimicry of earlier today. You half expect him to spew the same cheesy pickup line but instead he fishes a lighter out of his pocket to light the candle.
“That’s better,” he says and turns his full attention on you with a grin. “So, tell me everything there is to know about you.”
You laugh, genuine this time. “About me?” He nods. “There’s not much to know about me. I’m kind of boring.”
Jake shakes his head. “I don’t believe you.”
“I’m serious! My life is eat, sleep, work, repeat.”
“So is mine.”
“Yeah but you’re flying fighter jets and I’m too nervous to ask my boss for a promotion when I’m doing the work of two people.”
Jake’s eyebrows shoot up. “The work of two people, huh? You’re a hard worker, and I’m guessing you’re damn good at what you do, too. I wouldn’t call that boring.”
You roll your eyes at him, but the compliment brings a smile to your face. “I guess you could say that.”
“Okay, so, you’re hardworking, talented, and beautiful. What else is there to know about you, doll?”
“Actually, flyboy, I want to know why they call you Hangman.” You lean forward and rest your chin in your hand. “That’s what everyone was calling you earlier today.”
He nods, leaning back in his seat. You drink in the movement. The way Jake squaring his shoulders has his nice green button down straining against his muscles and how he runs his tongue over his lips as he conjures up a thought.
“The real story, Seresin.” You raise an eyebrow in his direction.
“You remember my last name?”
“I texted it to my friend just in case you were secretly trying to murder me.”
He nods slowly. “You can never be too careful now a days.”
“Well, you can tell your friend the only reason I’ll be making you scream is because my tongue is magic.” The waiter chooses that moment to appear over your shoulder asking if you and Jake are ready to order anything, leaving you a stuttering mess as you struggle to order something to drink. You can hardly form the word water to the point that Jake does it for you. “Thanks,” he tells the waiter as he walks off. Then he focuses his full attention back on you. “You held yourself together well.”
“Oh fuck off, you did that on purpose.” By the way he doesn’t deny it, you can tell you have him pegged. “Back to your true story.”
“It’s not as interesting as the one everyone else likes to tell.”
“I don’t care, flyboy. I want to know you, not everyone else.”
Interest sparks in his green eyes. “If you insist.” He leans forward, mimicking the way you’re on the edge of your seat. “In flight school we were running drills out in an old hangar when this nasty storm rolled him. Hurricane level winds and shit. Came out of nowhere. None of us were feeling too inclined to make a run for it in that kind of rain so we figured we’d hole up in the hangar for a few hours. There was an old radio that worked for a little bit, and we figured there was no time like the presence to get some maintenance on this jet done until the weather down, but the power went out.
“We had some flashlights and lanterns and things so it’s not like we were totally in the dark, but the stories ran out fast. We were bored out of minds. So, I recommended playing hangman. Something easy and simple ‘cause you can’t get too competitive with these guys. They take it way too far.”
“By them,” you cut in, “I’m guessing you mean you?”
He nods. “I won every single round and stumped them with all my puzzles.”
“Impressive,” you say, “I bet that pissed them all off.”
“Let’s just say everyone else’s version of why they call me Hangman holds a slight hint of disdain.”
The rest of the dinner flows naturally. You two talk without a single lull in conversation. He makes you laugh. He continues to compliment you every chance he can. But the real thing that works its way under your skin and lodges itself in your chest is the way he offers to switch plates with you when you take a bite of your meal and realize you don’t like it.
“No, Jake, you don’t have to. I’m a big girl. I’ll just deal with it.”
“Nonsense. It was my recommendation anyway.” Jake stares at you, jaw set, and voice firm. “I am not having you starving on this date. Give me your plate.”
And so, you swap plates with him taking a bite out of the steak he’d been raving about in the car when something in you breaks. You can hear how excited his tone of voice was. “It’s hard to get a decent steak when you’re on base.” He had told you. “The chow hall is okay if you like shoe leather and all, but now I hardly have time to make a decent cut of meat for myself.”
He gave it up so easily. The minute you set down your fork after three or four bites. Jake was telling you he’d switch. It… it was too much and you couldn’t help the sweeping off tears pushing at the back of your throat.
“Ah, shit.” He whispered. “Do you not want the steak? I can order you something else-”
You cut him off with the wave of your hand, which you quickly used to press over your mouth and stifle and unflattering sob. “No,” you whimpered, “this is perfect. Everything is perfect.”
“Are you sure?” Jake asked. “Because most ladies don’t start crying on dates when things are going well.”
You could tell he meant well. There was a joking lot to his voice and the bastard grin was back in his face but it only reminded you of how out of your element you were right now.
“I’m sorry.”
“I already told you to cut that out, sugar.”
“I know.” You sniffled, but tears kept falling. “I’m sorry. I really am.”
“It’s okay. Just take a deep breath.” Jake softened a bit. He reached out across the table, palm up waiting for you to slip your hand in his. When you did, he squeezed softly. “Want to talk about it?”
With your free hand you swiped at your cheeks. “I haven’t been on a first date in- actually, I’ve never even been on a date.”
There was no denying the way Jake’s eyes widened. “You’re tellin’ me men aren’t breakin’ down your door to take a pretty thing like you out on dates?” You shake your head. “See, that’s the issue with California folk, they’re idiots.”
He grins gently at you, which you return in full. “I wouldn’t say that.”
“I would.”
“I’ve had a couple boyfriends, but we never did relationship stuff.” Jake’s brows furrow in confusion and you rush to explain. “They would never want to leave the house. If I wanted to go out it would have to be by myself. They never asked me on dates or called me ‘darlin’’-” Jake rolls his eyes at your imitation of his accent- “or tell me I look beautiful. None of them ever held a door open for me. This is the first time I’ve even gotten flowers…” you trail off and bite down on your lip.
“I guess I should have seen it coming,” you fill the silence. “Everyone I’ve ever been in a relationship with has cheated on me. I guess I’ve always been a side chick or a rebound or whatever and you don’t really take side chicks out on dates. I always figured I wasn’t worth the romantic stuff, but there you are taking me out to a nice dinner and swapping dinners with me and… and I got overwhelmed.”
Jake is staring at you with a strange mix of anger and confusion. The gaze is lacking pity, which you appreciate. If he were to think of you as a poor girl who couldn’t land a date, you’d walk home before finishing this dinner.
He says your name so softly for the first time that night. There’s a thousand times more emotion in that name than all the pet names he’s been calling you.
“This isn’t romance.” The words make your heart sink. “This is the bare minimum. Basic kindness, sweetheart. You deserve this and nothing less. I- it makes me so frustrated to hear you talking about a relationship where some asshole let you believe you didn’t deserve to be treated like a princess.” Jake’s voice wavers slightly as he talks, anger bleeding in but not raising his voice to an unacceptable level. “Where I come from this isn’t chivalry. This is the way things are done. If I’m taking a beautiful girl like you out on a date, you better believe I’m going to make sure you know that I’m the lucky one.”
More tears prick at your eyes. Your bottom starts to quiver and when you open your mouth to apologize for getting weepy again Jake shakes his head at you. “I don’t know which one of those ducks told you that you had to apologize all the time, and I’m sure it was one of them, but you never have to apologize for things like this, doll. You’re allowed to have feelings. You’re allowed to talk about them.”
“Yeah, but it’s not good etiquette to bring up your exes on a first date.” You slip your hand from his to better wipe at your face. This sinking feeling of shame seeps into you. You probably look like just as much of a wreck as you were turning this date into.
“So this won’t be our first date, then.” Jake says it so simply. The easiest solution in the wonderful despite it not making sense in the slightest.
“We’ll call this afternoon our first date. I stole food for your plate and took a couple sips of your drink, so it counts.” Jake grins at you. “This is our second date, which means it is completely okay to talk about your exes.”
With a small sniffle you manage to meet his eye again. The intensity that he looks at you has your face warming up again. “I have to say, Jake. I think I’m the lucky one tonight.”
“You’re not sitting on my end of the table.”
Jake insisted on opening the door for you again when he pulled up to your house after dinner. The two do you had lingered as long as humanly possible, but the wait staff looked as though they were going to run the pair of you through with a kitchen knife, so you reluctantly chose to head back towards home.
“Thank you.” You grabbed his hand as you stepped out of the car.
“Gives me an excuse to walk you to your door, pretty girl.”
“Oh, so this was all part of your masterplan?”
He laughs and stops under the light of your porch light. You’re fiddling with your keys, not too eager to open the door and end the night. Jake steps closer towards you, saying your name again for the second time that night. It’s a magnet, pulling you towards him so that his hands can settle at your waist. Those green eyes of his flick down to your lips. “Can I kiss you?”
“I was waiting for you to ask that.”
Jake slides a hand from your waist to cup your cheek and he brings his lips to yours. No kiss you’ve ever had feels the way this one does. Right. Even your long-term relationships were twinged with shame or doubt. Kissing Jake feels like forgetting your own name is completely normal because you want to be washed up in this feeling of bliss for forever. He pulls away after a few seconds, resting his forehead against yours, and it takes him a moment to finally open his eyes.
“Do you want to come in?” You ask, voice cracking slightly.
“I don’t know,” he says, “I don’t want you to think I’m only trying to hook up with you.”
You smile and press another soft kiss to his lips. Once again Jake takes a few seconds afterwards to fully look at you. “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because you’re having hesitations about sleeping with me on our second date and that’s something only gentlemen do.”
Jake laughs. The sound is like the bliss of your kiss personified. You want to drown in it.
“Plus, I think you promised me that I’d have a story to tell my friend about how good your tongue is… or do you only use your mouth to talk big game?”
He nipped at your bottom lip. “Unlock that damn door right now, dollface.”
You thought he’d never ask.
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inuyashaluver · 5 months
Okay I think I need more MLT fics because that was too cute for me to handle at 7 AM
nail day - maya le tissier
maya le tissier x reader
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description: in which you and your girlfriend have your monthly nail session, resulting in silly arguments and timers being set
warnings: nothing i think, fluffy!!
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you and your girlfriend, maya find it hard to be apart from each other. the familiarity of one another’s presence was considered a necessity at this point.
a main contributor to your major codependency is the fact that you both play for england and manchester united. there wasn’t really an option to be separated and that was the way you liked it.
you and maya originally started dating when you both signed for brighton & hove in 2018, you were the same age and just stuck together like glue, your friendship short lived until you both started flirting shamelessly with each other.
through endless pining and yearning over numerous dates, you began to date when maya made the first move.
it was a cold day and maya had texted you that chilly morning that she had a little surprise for you. when she came to pick you up for training, she stood at your front door with a warm drink in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other.
“what’s all this for?” you smile, hugging the girl tightly, taking the items quickly before ushering her inside your flat.
“oh just because, look how they spelt your name on the cup” she giggles nervously, fiddling with her hands as she avoids eye contact with you.
your eyebrows furrow but you look at the cup nonetheless, you look down to see maya’s handwriting on the cup.
‘girlfriend ♡’ followed by a little ‘please x’ written under it. the smile on your face was something maya would never forget, it made her heart beat so fast, honestly feeling like a panic attack.
you put your cup down with a big smile and immediately jump on the girl, she catches you by your thighs and laughs brightly when you kiss her cheek repeatedly.
“i’d love to be your girlfriend! you’re so cute” you coo, she smiles up at you and wraps her arms around your waist to give you a tight hug. “you’re the cutest” she mumbles into your shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss there while she holds you to her.
everything felt right in that moment, like a missing piece of you was finally complete. both of you knew, this was special.
when you and maya signed to manchester united, you moved in together in a brand new flat, creating a home of your own together. a perfect reflection of the two of you in every nook and cranny.
one thing you and maya agreed on wholeheartedly was that spending time together outside of football related activities was incredibly important to your relationship.
whether it was enjoying a night in or just going out for a stroll, you both loved that quality time of just being together without a care in the world.
one of your favourite activities to do with each other was to get your nails done. every single one of your teammates at united as well as england knew how important nail day was to you and maya.
it was a time for both of you to just sit and chat with a little pampering, you would both make an effort to match in some way. whether it was the same colour or same little design, both of you would be walking out of that nail salon with matching smiles and nails.
did you get teased for it? oh god, like no tomorrow but you and maya loved it more than anything. a subtle yet extremely loud ode to your relationship.
something else you and maya also loved about nail day was your nightly back scratching session. sure it sounds weird but you and maya literally couldn’t get enough of it, becoming part of your night routing no matter where you were.
so much so, it blended into your everyday lives, the gentle scratch of nails offering a comfort the both of you couldn’t explain, it was familiar, it was home.
you and maya finally had a free weekend, both of you excited for nail day. the previous day in training, some of the girls were asking what you’re matching set will be this time, something maya took great pride in and asked for opinions to everyone that was willing.
“do you think red or white?” maya ponders to ella and millie, the girls look at your girlfriend with amused smiles as she slings an arm over your shoulder.
“hm, red goes with the kit” ella points out, millie nods along with the girls words. maya thinks about it for a moment, “true, but england camp is in a couple days and we won’t have time to change it so if it’s white then it’s universal” maya explains, at your girlfriend’s seriousness, you begin to giggle.
maya immediately looks down at you with a smile before she realises you’re mocking her, “baby, this isn’t a joke” maya huffs, “i know, lovey” you nod with a sympathetic pout before kissing her cheek affectionately, causing the girl to melt into your touch with pink cheeks.
“but if we’re wearing the away kit, you could also get blue as well” millie informs, this conversation was genuinely so serious and it was so endearing.
maya sighs, she’s frustrated. “shit, you’re right,” she tucks you closer into her side as you all conversed.
“we’ll figure it out, maya baby, don’t stress” you chuckle, reaching up to graze your nails on the back of her hand to ease her worries, maya looks at you and nods before giving you a quick kiss on your lips.
you both ended up getting both blue and white nails, maya gives you a satisfied smile when you both interlock hands after walking out of the salon. you both had the time of your life just chatting and enjoying each other’s company while getting your nails done.
when you both got back to your house, you both binge watched a bunch of movies while packing your bags for camp, which was coming up the next day.
giggling and getting distracted by maya wanting your attention. managing to tug you in her lap to lazily make out, you give into her for a couple minutes before you realise what she was doing.
“maya” you scold, she smirks at you while she squeezes your hips, “yes, beautiful?” she kisses your lips sweetly and you physically have to push her away when she keeps chasing your lips for more contact.
“the bags” you point out with a smile, she groans and rests her forehead against your collarbone, nuzzling into you while you remind her what she needed to pack, she tended to be quite forgetful when it came to packing her bag. (you think she does it on purpose to make you do it - spoiler, she does)
“you’re not listening, are you?” you huff, feeling the girl kiss your neck gently, “you sound very pretty” she mumbles into your skin, moving to kiss your jaw and giving you a teasing kiss on the corner of your mouth.
you shake your head at her amusingly, “you’re impossible” you whisper against her lips, kissing her quickly before hopping off her, receiving numerous complaints as you packed the girl’s bag for her. she gave you a big, dizzying kiss as a thank you so you weren’t complaining.
that night as soon as you got to bed, maya gives you a devious grin and you already knew what she wanted. she pushed you to lie flat on the bed while she peeled your shirt slightly upwards.
you let out a sigh of relief when the girl gently rakes her nails over the skin of your back. she kisses your cheek as she scratches your back, smiling at the way you completely melted under her touch. it was incredibly intimate for the both of you, something that you both considered your love language for each other.
after about five minutes, you and maya swap, she hums happily as your nails graze her warm skin. “i love you” she exhales, you kiss her back quickly, “i love you” you giggle at her progressively getting sleepier by the second.
you take your hand off her for a second and she immediately springs up to look at you with an offended expression. “hey! that was way shorter than what i did for you!” maya accuses, throwing you a half-hearted scowl as you look at her with wide eyes.
“it was the same amount!” you laugh, she shakes her head instantly, sitting up to face you in the bed. “no, baby, sorry but you’re wrong,” maya tutts, crossing her arms over her chest as you giggle at her.
“don’t laugh, it’s not funny!” she whines, you nod and place a hand on her thigh, your nails gently scraping the skin there.
you watch her visibly soften for a second before she points an accusatory finger at you, “don’t try and weasel your way out of this, missy” she scoffs, you laugh brightly at her and you can see her fight a smile.
“i’m not laughing” maya grits and rolls her eyes, you can see the corners of her mouth twitching as you laugh at her. “hm, i think you’re smiling though” you grin, moving closer to her and poking her cheek, she moves her head to bite your finger and you yelp as she almost catches it between her teeth.
“nope, that’s it’, we’re setting a timer” maya hurriedly grabs her phone from her bedside table and puts on a five minute timer, looking at you expectantly when she lays back down. “fine” you groan, watching your girlfriend become a puddle under your touch.
after the timer went off, she reset it and you immediately protest. “maya! no, it’s my turn!” you whine, the girl looks at you in mock confusion, “what, no? it’s still mine, look” she shows you her screen and you can see she reset the timer.
you narrow your eyes at her but give in easily, you both would do anything for each other and you both knew it.
“the deal is that you scratch your girlfriend’s back, (y/n/n), be serious!” maya exclaims after scratching your back after her 3 turns, moving to tackle you to the bed, you both lay on your sides giggling and smiling as you just look at each other. the amount of love you held in your eyes told you both everything and more.
she grins lazily at you when you push some stray hairs out of her face, she pulls you closer to her and instinctively scratches your back.
you smile and kiss her sweetly, returning the gesture and falling asleep easily that night.
when you both arrive to camp, you’re immediately asked about the results of nail day, maya boasts immediately and shows off to everyone. even showing the media team which has shown to be a new tradition in the arrival videos.
long story short, nail day is essential for both of you and everyone knows it.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
you know the drill - pretend it’s you! ily lessiiii
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liked by ellatoone and 44,232 others
mayaletissier: don’t let your girlfriend take advantage of you just because she’s cute and pretty, kids
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yourname: you don’t scratch someone’s back for two seconds and suddenly you’re taking advantage of them
↳ mayaletissier: i still love you
↳ yourname: i’m a saint because i love you more
yourname: you got way more scratches then i did!
↳ mayaletisser: i did not!
↳ yourname: 30 minutes worth!?
↳ mayaletissier: have i ever told you how beautiful you are
↳ yourname: minx
lionesses: these nails were a definite favourite!!
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teamatsumu · 11 months
: ̗̀➛ his.
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kise needs to prove to haizaki that he can’t steal you from him.
pairing: kise ryota x reader
word count: 1,887
✎ suggestive themes, self doubt, angst if you squint
knb masterlist
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Kise had known that the outcome of winning the Kaijo vs Fukuda Sogo match wouldn’t be good. But he had expected Haizaki to resort to his usual violent tendencies. In fact, he was almost hoping for it at this point, after seeing what exactly Haizaki was trying to do as part of his revenge. He hadn’t anticipated this at all.
He glared at Haizaki across the table as he conversed with you, talking about the “good old middle school days I spent with Ryota-kun”. Kise nearly barfed at the words, knowing not one sentence that left his rotten mouth was true. He didn’t expect you to know that though. You were listening in intrigue, munching on your lunch and smiling at certain points of Haizaki’s (completely fabricated) stories. Kise felt his hold on his chopsticks tighten, jaw clenching in repressed anger. His leg shook under the table to try and allay some of his anxiety. It was not working.
It was supposed to be a nice, spontaneous shopping date when he had picked you up at your place this morning. He needed new basketball shoes, and it was the perfect excuse to drag you along. He wanted to take every opportunity to spend time with you now that you were officially his. In his mind, this was your first official date after he had asked you to be his girlfriend.
Kise had liked you from the minute he saw you in his class. You had made the transition from Teiko Middle School to Kaijo High way easier for him. You had been kind and befriended him early on when he asked for your help on a particularly difficult Math question (he knew the answer, he just needed an excuse to talk to you). You had enthusiastically agreed to help him, and the rest had been history.
To Kise, you were special. You didn’t care about his athletic pursuits or his modeling career. While you supported him wholeheartedly in all his endeavors, they didn’t define him. And he loved that about you. You were different to him than the usual girls who flocked to him, attracted by the glitter and glam and unable to see the boy underneath. Had it not been so early in your relationship, Kise would wax poetic about you every opportunity he got.
But this was new. It was new and fresh and so, so delicate. He couldn’t risk unintentionally pushing you away. Not when he had just got you.
And so the fear gripped him as he watched you laugh at something Haizaki said, realizing that he could very easily lose you to the man sitting in front of you right now. He had done it before, after all. It wouldn’t be difficult for him to woo you. He had run into the two of you while you shopped, greeting Kise like a long-lost friend and introducing himself as Kise’s old best buddy before Kise could get a single word out. He didn’t even have time to process what was happening before Haizaki was inviting you two to have lunch with him, to which you excitedly agreed, claiming you wanted to know Kise’s old friend, And you were always so kind. How was he supposed to explain to you that Haizaki was a snake? How was he supposed to drag you away without coming off as an asshole? You would probably tell him that he was being too harsh. You always saw the good in people.
You had seen the good in him, hadn’t you?
Kise felt a nudge at his side, turning his head to look at you seated by his side. You were looking at him worriedly, eyes wide and lips pursed in apprehension.
“Are you okay, Ryo-kun?” Your voice was so soft it naturally made his stiff shoulders loosen. He let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.
Across the table, Haizaki was smirking dangerously on him, a glint in his eye that told Kise all he needed to know. A claw gripped his heart, throat knotting as the fears of his middle school days encroached on his mind.
Your gentle touch on his arm made him finally move, standing up so abruptly it startled you. You blinked owlishly up at him, and he felt almost bad for doing this, if not for the sweat building up on the back of his neck.
“Can we leave, Y/N-cchi? I’m feeling a bit under the weather.” He tried to keep his voice steady, pointedly ignoring Haizaki’s burning stare. You nodded hastily, standing up and giving Haizaki a smile that made Kise want to scream.
“I guess we have to cut this short, huh?” Haizaki lumbered to his feet, giving Kise a grin that was so fake it took everything for him to not roll his eyes. “We should meet up more often, Y/N-chan, I have so many other stories about Ryota you would love to hear.”
Over Kise’s dead body.
He had reached for your hand, gripping it tightly in his own before throwing a glare at Haizaki, turning to walk out with you in tow. He had used your first name, and addressed you with an endearing honorific. After just one meeting. One conversation. Was that all it took?
“Ryo-kun, slow down!”
Kise blinked and stopped walking, turning to look back at you. He gasped and dropped his hand when he realized how tightly he was holding it, feeling his neck and ears heat up in embarrassment. He gave you a sheepish smile.
“Sorry, Y/N-cchi,” he rubbed the back of his head. “I got carried away.”
You sighed and took his hand again, looking around before leading him to an empty bench down the street. You sat down and patted the spot next to you, waiting for him to seat himself before you began to talk.
“You want to tell me what’s going on?”
Kise stared at you for a bit, gulping in what he assumed was a discreet way. “What do you mean? Nothing’s going on.”
Your face was blank as you looked at him, raising a delicate eyebrow in a way that clearly said that’s bullshit. Kise almost laughed.
“You were clearly uncomfortable around Shogo-kun. From the minute we met him, you’ve been quiet. It’s not like you.”
He didn’t hear a word past Shogo-kun. How long had it taken for you to start calling him anything other than Kise-kun? Haizaki had already made more progress in an hour than he had done in months.
“Ryo-kun?” You leaned towards him, and Kise felt every muscle in his body scream. He was panicking, he knew it. It seemed like all his confidence had suddenly gone down the drain. He felt the urge to run far, far away so he didn’t have to witness you spend a single happy minute with Haizaki. And even though Haizaki wasn’t here, Kise felt like the man was hanging over him like a shadow.
“Oh, Ryota, Y/N-chan.” This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t be real. He watched Haizaki walk up to where you both sat. “You guys are still here. I thought you left, considering Ryota was feeling…… under the weather.”
That fucking tone. Haizaki was mocking him. Kise felt something simmer in his chest, feeling anger that he hadn’t felt since his last tough basketball game. You were looking between both of them in confusion, at the intense staring contest he had going with Haizaki. Kise felt bad, dragging you into this mess just because he won a basketball game. In the grand scheme of things, and compared to you, that win was nothing. Had Kise known this would ensue, he would never have provoked Haizaki or even played in the game.
“We were just leaving.” You stood up, pulling Kise out of his thoughts. Your stance was purposeful and closed off, which made Kise bite the inside of his cheek with worry. Had he freaked you out? Were you upset?
He wordlessly got to his feet and followed you when you tugged on his hand, feeling anxious that this would somehow ruin things between the two of you. A mere ten feet of walking later, you turned around abruptly, looking up at Kise with a heated stare that made him freeze.
“Kiss me.”
Kise’s mouth fell open in shock, eyes so wide he felt like they were ready to pop out of his skull. “H-huh?”
“You want to show him that I belong to you, right?” You leaned closer. “That’s what all the glaring is about. Well, do it. He’s watching.”
Kise instinctively turned his head behind you to see, and sure enough, Haizaki was standing right where you two had left him, only a few strides away, watching both of you, hands stuffed casually in his pockets. He smirked when their eyes met. Kise realized that in that moment, Haizaki probably thought you two were having an argument.
He felt his chest burn in anger.
The next second he turned back to you, one hand reaching up to hold the back of your head and the other on your waist, pulling you in until your lips were meeting in a searing kiss.
He nearly pulled away in surprise when you kissed him back just as aggressively, hands reaching up to tangle in his hair, standing on your tiptoes and tilting your head to deepen the kiss. Kise nearly moaned, winding an arm around your waist until your body was flush against his. The people walking past you two faded away from his mind, and he felt his core tighten at how good you felt.
You had never kissed like this. In the handful of times that you had, it had been soft and hesitant, testing the waters, giggling and laughing as you exchanged gentle pecks after a good date. You had never arched into him like this, never sighed and hummed or tugged on his hair until little tingles ran through his scalp. He relished in the feeling of you, in the soft give of your hips under his hands, tongue running over your lips until you opened your mouth and let him in. Kise groaned long and low into your mouth, at how pliant you were being. His cock twitched in his trousers.
He turned you slightly and opened his eyes, still kissing and licking at your lips, eyes laser focused on the person behind you. Haizaki’s mouth had dropped open, and he looked pissed off as he lifted his hand, showing Kise a middle finger before turning and walking in the other direction.
Kise smirked and closed his eyes, both arms wrapping around your frame and kissing you harder, longer, not caring at the weird looks you were attracting.
He kicked himself for ever doubting your love, for ever doubting you and your devotion to him. It took so many months, but that meant one thing; you two had entered this relationship with complete trust and comfort, and a fake, one hour conversation with some random guy wasn’t going to mess that up. Haizaki could try over and over and it still wouldn’t work. This was one thing he couldn’t steal. And the way you whimpered into his mouth when he bit at your lip proved it.
You were Kise’s. No one else’s.
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beauty-and-passion · 5 months
No pressure as always, but I’m curious if you saw Thomas’ Year in Review. He talks a lot about his struggles with Sanders Sides and why the creative process has taken so long (at least, he gives his own take on the situation.)
If you saw it, I’m very curious about your thoughts! Because I honestly don’t believe that this video discredits any criticism, especially your criticism, but I’m curious if any of your opinions changed after watching it regardless. And no judgement either way, I just love hearing your thoughts ^.^
My dear, it's always a pleasure to reply to your asks! It might take me some time, but in the end, the answer will always come.
Thank you very much for telling me about the video because, if it wasn't for you, I would've probably never watched it and missed out a lot. Extra kudos for that.
So I watched it. And I read your post about it too (HERE because more people need to read it): it was very well made and I agree with you wholeheartedly.
However, I also took a lot of notes while watching Mr Sanders' video and there are a lot of other things I want to say in addition to the ones you already said. So I will gladly expand my thoughts and feelings here.
(It might be longer than expected, so I'll put it under a "read more")
Accepting criticism
Thomas admitted he easily internalizes negative criticism
He said that people are allowed to write everything/to criticize and that he doesn't want others to get mad over SaSi criticism
First of all, I am proud of him for showing this self-awareness. From what I saw of him, Thomas looks like a very prideful person, so it probably took him a lot of time and courage to admit his faulty behaviour.
But in the end, he did it. He showed some of the maturity I've always wanted to see coming from him and he deserves recognition for that: good job, Thomas. I know it wasn't easy because it sucks to admit we're not good at something, but it was a great proof of adulthood coming from you.
However, I would like to point out that he doesn't internalize just negative criticism. What the ts critics noticed (and you can find several proofs in the #ts_criticism tag), is that Thomas tends to reply with a lot of passive-aggressiveness not just to people offending him, but also to simple and harmless questions like "Hey, where is the SaSi finale?". Which are not negative, not criticism and even less negative criticism.
So it's not that he just internalizes bad criticism: he internalizes every single question regarding the SaSi finale which is not a compliment towards him or a "take your time, bro". And he internalizes it as something bad, which is not great, nor fair.
With this video, he took a step in the right direction and showed some self-awareness, which is very good. But now he needs to learn how to distinguish between different kinds of criticism - as well as recognizing that asking him questions isn’t criticism. It’s just asking questions.
(I also hope that some people won’t follow his mentality of “saying anything that isn’t a compliment = criticism”, because this can lead to a dangerous, distorted vision of the world.)
And since we’re talking about criticism, I wish that by saying "please do not get angry over criticism" Thomas finally put an end to the stupid idea that “people are not allowed to criticize”.
I know some people don't like to hear this, but criticism is inherent to the nature of every single work. Everything that exists in this world is allowed to be criticized. Heck, it's exactly because these creations are criticized, that they exist. Do you know what work isn't criticized? The one people don't talk about.
And no, despite what the opposers of criticism think, when people criticize something it's not because they hate the product: it's because they care a lot about said product. It's because they saw something good in it and they're disappointed the product wasn't as good as it promised. It's because they are so invested, that every mistake frustrates them.
In the end, it's not criticism that kills a product: it's indifference. It's not talking about it anymore. When you don't care, the product is dead.
So the opponents of criticism should be happy people are talking about SaSi with such passion, throwing ideas, suggestions and calling Thomas out. It's because, despite the empty promises, they still give a fuck about this project and want to see it succeed.
Maybe, thanks to Thomas' works, more people will not ban every criticism as "bad" Because Yes. Heck, they might even read a couple of posts and find out that the criticism tag isn't made of hateful people: just of people who care like them.
And maybe this will also discourage pathetic losers like the anon @softestvirgil mentioned in their last post. An anon who is so strong and brave, to say they would hire a hitman to kill another person just because they criticize something the anon likes. Very mature, very clever and very bold, coming from a coward who doesn't even have the balls to show their face, while saying this.
The difficulty of writing
Thomas said he got overwhelmed by the public's reaction to SaSi "in the most wonderful and intimidating way"
When Joan left, Thomas felt the overwhelming weight of the series all on himself. He couldn't see himself doing SaSi without Joan
Roleslaying was a breath of fresh air, since it was a series with no stakes
Thomas realized he was doing his best with videos that didn't require him to write
Thomas said there have been moments when he despised everything he was writing. He spent whole days on a single interaction between two characters, only to hate everything and wonder how Joan would write them/what the viewers would think.
As always, I am a prophet. What did I say in these last years?
Thomas doesn't know how to handle this series? He admitted he couldn't see himself doing it without Joan.
Thomas prefers Roleslaying and shorter, more carefree videos because they're easier and they don't require him to write? He admitted he did his best with videos that didn't require him to write.
Thomas isn't able to write the series? He had struggles and hated what he was writing.
So, what was the result, if not Thomas postponing and focusing on other projects - thus ending up with characterization errors, mistakes and things he completely forgot? Just like I said?
But even if I'm right, I am glad Thomas FINALLY talked about it. One thing is deduce what's going on, one thing is the author himself admitting it.
So yes, I really, really appreciate him doing it. Again, it was probably very hard for him to say it out loud, but he did and deserves recognition for that.
I particularly felt for him, when he said he spent days on a single interaction, only to hate everything he was writing. I empathize with him a lot because that's exactly what I felt while writing the prologue of my story, multiple times. I spent days writing the same two paragraphs, over and over, trying to find the right way to do it, the right rhythm, the right words. And I ended up deleting everything, only to start again and try again and delete everything again, over and over in a neverending loop.
I know it must've been hard for Thomas, because it is hard. Because you feel like shit. Because you ask yourself how can you not write this right, what are you doing wrong? Maybe you did everything wrong from the start, maybe the entire thing is wrong, maybe you're just too stupid to do it - and you see other stories and other writings and they're all so good and you suck so much and you feel like an even bigger loser.
And now you may ask: how can you break this loop? How can you move forward?
We will talk about Thomas' solution in a bit.
The lack of an outline
Thomas admitted he lost connection with his characters
He said he was feeling bad for letting people down
He said he's writing the outline of the season finale by referring to notes left by Joan
He finished 3 drafts out of 4 parts. And they're still reviewed
Wow, it looks like the lack of a proper, full outline leads to characterization errors, forgetting things and taking a lot of time. Jeez, I wonder who said all of this since like, idk, forever?
As I imagined, there is still no outline at all and Thomas isn't even working on a full outline for season 3: he's working on an outline for the season 2 finale. Which means season 3 is still stuck in a limbo.
And yes, I know they're not great news, but at least they're real news. Real fucking news about the finale, not just "finished draft 3" or "worked for 8 hours" or "it will come out this year maybe yes maybe not". We finally have real news and we know how much Thomas did and what he's currently working on and how much is still left to do. So, again, he deserves recognition for finally talking about it.
Does that mean the writing is good now? Heck no, this isn't a proper way to write and my previous post still stands: the writing is still taking too long, the lack of an outline is still a problem, part 4 and the review will probably take another two years minimum and a competent writer would've helped A LOT to make the writing smoother and faster.
However, I better understand now why Thomas didn't hire one: he probably wanted to do everything by himself to not disappoint everyone and was too prideful to ask for help - considering he didn't tell anyone about his struggles either.
But what did it lead to? The outline is still missing (with all the expected consequences) and Thomas suffered for the huge weight of expectation he put on himself.
The importance of not escaping criticism
Thomas' resolutions for this year are:
to be more open and honest about his struggles
to stay away from criticism (he doesn't even want to be tagged in it)
Those are great resolutions, especially the first one. Considering he kept everything by himself and didn't tell anyone about his struggles, being more open and honest about them is a very good decision.
And staying away from negative criticism is good too, considering that 1) it's good for mental health in general and 2) he just admitted he internalizes criticism, so staying away from it can only be helpful.
However, as said before, Thomas sees as “negative criticism" everything, including people asking him about the finale. So if he escapes from all kinds of criticism, he will also escape from harmless fans who just want an update from him.
Besides, it’s never good to escape from all kinds of criticism. Criticism is essential for writing, especially constructive criticism. Sure, you might find the 12-year-old who says "You stink and your work sucks because my headcanon is not here!", but you may also find the expert who will explain some technicalities of writing. Or just someone who can offer a deeper insight into a character. Or just an interesting idea to develop into a plot point.
Also, considering how Thomas tends to label every little critic as "negative", people who want to show their love might end up feeling "forced" to use just compliments, in hopes that Thomas will notice them/know they love SaSi. Which isn’t good either, because... well, people would be forced to censor themselves and suffocate their rightful questions just to make him happy.
How to escape the neverending loop of hate-writing
Thomas said he wants to rediscover his joy in writing by working on more Asides/other projects to "stretch his brain"
He also expressed his love for short-form creation
Thomas' solution is a good one. Doing other things, focusing on other stuff, letting SaSi in the back to write different stories: this is all good and valid, I’m sure it will help Thomas’ mental health a lot.
However, writing small stuff with no stakes is also what Thomas wrote for most of his life. So by doing that, he basically reverts to something he’s already used to. And of course he loves it, it’s his comfort zone: it’s very understandable he feels at ease inside it.
Still, this is not a bad thing: it’s good to do it once in a while and it's even necessary for your wellbeing. But you can understand by yourself that this doesn’t help solve the problem. This just postpones the problem. Maybe it won’t come back now, maybe not today or tomorrow or during the season 2 finale. But the problem will eventually come back.
Why? Because SaSi still lacks an outline. Because the story should still move in a more mature, complex direction. Because there are still a lot of threads to develop and close. Because the characters still need mature development.
How do I think Thomas can solve the problem? Sure, detaching himself from it is good for a while, but he cannot do just that and escape into his comfort zone. He needs to face the problem and he can do it only by learning how to write.
And if it’s hard to do (because it is), then the best solution would be to hire a competent writer. Not because the writer will replace him, not at all. The writer will help Thomas to learn and understand the technicalities of writing especially for a project as big as SaSi: like how to develop an outline, how to connect all threads, how to move from a simple to a more complex plot, how to keep a continuative plot throughout several episodes without destroying the stakes. The writer will be an assistant for the writing of SaSi and a teacher from whom Thomas can learn everything he needs.
So, if Thomas really wants to give himself some grace this year as he said, I suggest he shares his writing responsibilities with someone competent and bias-free. A real writer from whom he can learn not just for SaSi, but for his future projects too. Not only this will benefit him in the long run, but it will also give him a more humble and mature approach to writing in general, by recognizing and accepting his limits and doing actual work to improve himself.
But this is just my suggestion. If he wants, Thomas can keep doing what he’s doing now, i.e. working on smaller stuff into his comfort zone and stepping out a little bit when he feels more confident.
Again, this isn’t a bad solution, but the problem is that it takes a lot of time. But, like, A LOT. You need to regain confidence from inside your comfort zone, then step out again to face a bigger problem - a problem you still don’t know how to face, because you don’t know how to write and you don’t even have an outline or a plan to tackle it. And what if you lose confidence again? Will you come back into your comfort zone and wait again to gain enough confidence to step out once more?
I know you will never read this post, Thomas, but let me tell you this: I also lost the spark with my characters several times in the past. The first time, it was because I still didn’t know how to write, so I was frustrated by the writing itself and how everything was dull. Then I lost my spark because the plot kept getting stuck and I had no idea how to improve it.
Both times, I left the project in the back and focused on other smaller stories, smaller projects and books to read.
After the first time, it took me a couple of years to get back on this project. But do you know how long it took me the second time? This year, it will be 8 years. The last time I wrote that project was 2016. And only now, after 8 years, I think I found the solution I was searching for.I could do that, because I never showed this story to anyone. It has always been my personal, secret project. But can you do the same? Can you really afford to spend 8+ years, doing everything by yourself? As I said in my previous post, unfortunately Sanders Sides has your face. And you cannot revert the biological clock forever.
In conclusion
Do I appreciate Thomas a little more after this video? Definitely. He still didn't apologize for his lack of organization and his take on criticism is a bit questionable, but he's improving. He showed more maturity than he did in the past three years and I appreciate that. He has my respect for doing it, for admitting his mistakes and for opening up.
Does that mean he can take forever for the finale? Heck no. I still want to see the finale before the end of time and I still want to get more frequent, honest updates coming from him. And, no that doesn’t mean he has to do 20-minute-long videos every time: even just a simple, clear tweet is enough. Just to let us know how the work is going.
I also hope he will develop better communication with his team, improve the organization and, most importantly, hire a competent writer from whom he can learn more about writing in general (and regarding SaSi).
While for the fandom, I wish we would be nicer too. It doesn't make sense for us to fight over a simple series, when there are bigger problems out there. Let's enjoy our time together instead, let's criticize if we want to, let's do fanart and write fanfictions and let's fight over silly stuff only, like which ship is the best and which Orange is the best Orange. Even if the second doesn’t even need a debate, because we all know pirate!Orange is the best ;P
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nothorses · 7 months
out of curiosity, would you happen to know of any trans women and/or trans fem tumblrs that are safe to follow as a trans masc?
it seems that nearly all the trans fems and women i was already following* have begun to post transandrophobic and/or baeddel sentiment
i want to follow more trans fems; i just want to keep myself safe in the process
*disclaimer that i know it's only a vocal minority of trans fems who dislike trans mascs, i just don't have the energy to seek out and vet a bunch of accounts myself right now
this isn't specific to transfems, but I do have a list of folks who are not transmasc but support use of the term "transandrophobia", and a good amount of those people are transfem.
I will say that personally, I usually just follow people and then unfollow/block them if I come across something shitty (or vet them if I see something that feels off), rather than try to vet every single person I follow upfront. that may not be practical for you, and that's fine, too! but just in case alternatives are helpful to anyone.
I also think it's pretty rare that anyone has exclusively bad takes, and it is, imo, entirely fine to follow and reblog the Good Stuff from someone who also has shitty takes- especially if you straight up don't know about the shitty takes yet. more than a couple people who I currently have blocked, and even some folks who vocally hate me specifically, are also people who I at one point followed for a long time, who I actively liked at one point, and who have said some good, solid stuff that I wholeheartedly agree with.
I avoid those folks now & I disagree with a lot of what they say, I think a lot of their actions are harmful, but like. it's okay to be surprised, is all. it's okay to agree with some of the stuff they say. it's also important to be critical about why, how you're interpreting it vs. how they mean it, why they believe what they do and whether that should prompt some questions about why you do, etc. but like. sometimes people with bad opinions also just have good opinions, and sometimes they even have them for the same reasons you do, and that's normal.
just to say that I hear the safety aspect you're speaking to, and of course if you say it's purely about safety for you then like, totally. I think there's also a tendency towards paranoia around the Good People I Can Follow and the Bad People I Can't Follow, and I want to encourage folks to question that, if it is where they're at.
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astrum-aetherium · 1 year
Henry's been living rent free in my head since I read TSH like four months ago- I cannot stop thinking about him and your blog is single handedly fueling my obsession with him so thank you so much really.
Anyways- I know Henry is definitely not the soft type of guy, but I do believe he could get just a tiny little bit softer than he usually is (sparingly) were he to find a person he really liked?? This is probably just my guilty and mostly out of character pleasure, but imagining him being all cold and harsh as he is for the most part and then suddenly doing or saying that one unexpectedly tender thing out of nowhere (even in a nsfw context, that's even better) and then going back to his usual self in a heartbeat makes me go uughhh
i wholeheartedly agree with you. on so many levels. it's very easy to cross the utterly restrictive OOC boundaries when speaking/writing about him, since all we seem to know is how stoic and cool and constantly displeased he is (although i could impugn this very well — take the glass shard scene or his staying at the hospital with richard as an example).
us as readers, we cannot help but crave a little softness from him sometimes, and i understand that completely. i'm always willing to indulge us all in a scenario like that. in a better world, on slightly OOC premises, he would make an evidently detached, but caring partner. coincidentally, i have been thinking about just that for the past couple of days, despite formerly being convinced it would be entirely impossible to conduct a healthy relationship with that man (which, yeah, if we strictly stick to canon, it still would be, but that's the beauty about fiction — we get to brush past and alter some things to our enjoyment).
therefore, yes — with the opportunity to alter his character just a tiny bit, i believe he would let his soft side flash every now and again. i don't think it would be in any form of physical touch, however, as he certainly isn't one to put his feelings on display, especially in public (in private, however, that'd be a completely different story). it would mostly be symbolic with him. for instance, imagine it being your birthday. as your partner, he would know you inside and out — he is highly attentive and perceptive, especially when it comes to those closest to him, and he would absolutely be well-versed in anything that you might like, or mention liking. he would know. loving is knowing. therefore, for your birthday, he would not only think of and buy you the best and most thoughtful present imaginable, but he would also buy five more to give to the rest of the group under the pretense of "i know her/him/them better than all of you combined, which is why all of your gifts have already been taken care of".
that is how his affection would shine through — acts of service. being spoiled by him is another tremendous part of that. i have already approached this topic in two previous posts, but to summarize: he absolutely would be willing to spoil you in any way imaginable, as it would be the only plausible way for him to prove the depth of his feelings for you (along with kisses and other physical endeavors, which would exclusively be saved for private settings).
in addition, i feel like he would let himself be swayed more and more despite his dogmatic position, meaning he would be willing to comply or enter compromises, especially for you. orrr... to approach the aspect of him portraying the merest smidge of sweetness and immediately reverting to his stoic self — imagine a strand of hair having fallen loose from your hairstyle, or it simply veiling your hair too much, to the point where he would press the book he might be holding under his arm mid-conversation and brush it aside for you with a light smile, only to immediately proceed with whatever it is he had been occupied by previously.
from a nsfw standpoint, his care would mostly show in his being very forthcoming and reassuring to you (asking for consent, asking if you're in any discomfort during a position, checking up on you during rougher activity), and aftercare (bringing you towels/water/a cigarette (lol), proposing to go pee, holding you on occasion if matters had been overly rough and you might still be trembling).
he would also totally be the type to run his fingers through your hair and even play with it. i don't care how OOC some people believe this to be — i need it. sometimes a girl just needs something of the sort.
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fujoshiwarrior · 6 months
limbus company 1 am (edit: now 2 am) ramblings (massive spoilers abound for canto v)
these are just some quick sleep deprived thoughts, and my analysis could be better, but i feel like talking about it anyway
i saw a post in the main tag talking about why the op really disliked canto v, and i don't wanna get into an argument and i don't want to vague the op in a way that makes it seem like im attacking them because im not, i just wanna talk about why i disagree with them
i don't think canto v was perfect or the best canto but i thought it was absolutely incredible (yes i did cry during the final boss fight), and i agree that starbuck and queequeg deserved way more screentime and development than they got (i also think the adaptation of queequeg from moby dick to limbus was woefully clumsy, which might have have been remedied by more time with her, though i still love limbus!queequeg)
however, i wholeheartedly disagree on ahab as a villain. i thought she was amazing. even if she doesn't really have any shades of gray to her, i think the point is that a lot of horrible, evil, selfish people genuinely believe what they are doing and their behavior is right and justified. furthermore, she was completely and utterly steeped in delusion and obsession to the detriment of herself and every single person remotely in proximity to her.
i need to say first that i've never read moby dick unfortunately, so i can't comment too much on limbus!ahab vs book!ahab. what i do know is that just like in limbus, ahab's obsession leads to the demise of every single crew member with ishmael as the sole survivor. since i haven't read moby dick, i had to consult sparknotes for a profile of book!ahab, and it describes him as much of a victim as he is an aggressor---however, i'll touch on that in a bit.
what i want to bring attention to is that both book and limbus ahab are characterized by sheer hubris, pride, and a god/savior complex. i want to bring attention to another classical literature character who is characterized by hubris and who also spends the entire novel on a ship: victor frankenstein.
this comparison might seem like it's coming from left field, but i promise i have a point. also, while i don't think limbus!ahab was overtly inspired by victor frankenstein, considering how obsessed pm is with literature i think there is a very low chance that kjh or at least one of the writers haven't read frankenstein. see also the parallels between angela and the monster/ayin and frankenstein in lobotomy corporation and library of ruina (especially library of ruina, where there is a direct connection between angela and lucifer related imagery, who the monster is also associated with). frankenstein ends with victor, after telling his, encouraging the sailors not to give up on trying to find a new passage channel in spite of the fact they will probably die doing so---victor has not learned his lesson, and now he's luring a group of sailors to their deaths.
ahab is so full of herself and so egocentric that even when she was facing the death of her very "self" (or...ego) she did not falter in her delusions, not even at the very, very end, and was happy to continue the cycle. the point i'm trying to make here is that a character being unambiguously bad and selfish doesn't necessarily make for a bad or uncomplicated character. i will concede though that op again has a point with the lack of screentime with ahab means that she didn't have the time to prove her complexities.
this brings me to canto v's ending. in the post credits scene, we saw the ahab somehow survived the collapse of the white whale (this is just speculation, but i think it has something to do with her ego awakening---judging off the cg art, i would guess the ego fused with the pallidification from the whale or nullified it entirely...or both maybe). i was initially disappointed by this.
however, we know very little about hermann's crew. as op touched on, and as i have touched on, ahab had little screentime and not a lot of character development. her now being a member of hermann's crew gives ample opportunity for further development of her character---i think we'll see why exactly she became so obsessed with the whale and why she is the way she is (the aspect of ahab as a victim, i imagine there's a deeply personal reason why the decided the whale was the source of all evil)
this leads to me another point op mentioned: ishmael sparing ahab.
op talks about this as a bad thing. i STRONGLY disagree.
the name of the game here is obsession. ishmael's new ego for this season is even named "blind obsession". from the 4.5 event, we saw that this obsession has been tearing her apart. several people theorized after that event, and during this canto, that she was for sure going to distort. the fact that she had a distortion effect behind her battle sprite made lots of people (including me) extremely confident that she would distort and be the boss of this chapter (outis said in part 1 that lcb doesn't need all 12 sinners to operate and you only use half in battle anyway).
if ishmael had killed ahab, she would have given into her obsession and may have *actually* distorted if she did. and she would have proven ahab completely and utterly right.
ishmael stealing away the opportunity to be the one to kill the pallid whale from ahab and leaving her to rot inside the collapsing whale with that knowledge is the best possible punishment ahab could have gotten.
that's why i didn't like the fact that ahab had survived, it felt like it defeated the point of ishmael's development and the canto itself. i changed my mind because the point of ishmael's character development was letting go of her obsession and being free from ahab, and ahab doesn't need to be dead for her to do that. and her involvement with hermann's group means an opportunity for a bigger and better comeuppance since she's probably going to have a new obsession soon enough.
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cocoabats · 2 years
omg omg i love that art SO much!! Can you tell us more about the pale white horse au??
Gladly! I'm planning to draw way more stuff for it so nice to see someone interested <3 Just keep in mind I'm not a writer so this may be a little bit chaotic and hard to read
tw for 3l typical major character death
Scar attacks Dogwarts after they kill Pizza, they get into a fight and Grian gets a cut on his face. His yell of pain actually throws Scar off and he dies calling Grians name.
Martyn wholeheartedly believes getting rid of Scar was all Grian wanted and that he's saving his friend so he talks to Ren and they agree to invite Grian to join them. Grian is... not doing good at this point, he's very much shell shocked, he managed to bury Scar but all he has left of him are his cracked sword and the Dogwarts flag Scar stole from them. He later wears that very same flag.
So Grian absolutely not dealing with his grief and all the contradicting feelings he still has about Scar decides he still owes him his green life and decides to use this opportunity to gain Dogwarts trust and strike them when they don't suspect it.
So he joins them, fights for them and rekindles friendship with Bigb who is the only person he genuinely cares about in Dogwarts till the end. They fight Crastle and Flower Husbands and they win but Grian loses his green life. He cracks just a little bit, finally coming to terms that he really cared about Scar and it's way too late to do anything about it other than finally put his plan into motion.
So after the war is over Grian goes through every single person in Dogwarts and kills them. Bigb is the only person out of all of them that he cares about and he talks to him, tries to have him on his side in some way but Bigb is too loyal to Ren so he joins the rest of his companions. Finally Grian slays Ren on the very same altar he lost his yellow life, using the very same axe Martyn has used and he's just... done.
Martyn wakes up knowing something is off, he finds all the bodies and he starts understanding what happened and he hopes he can still save Ren but when he gets there it's already too late. He immediately takes Grians yellow life in anger but he's unable to kill him completely and he lets him go. Grian decides to end it the same way he did in 3l and Martyn who only wanted to have all his friends around him is completely alone.
There's a lot more small details we talked about and a bunch of things I'm probably forgetting rn but this is the main plot of the au. Really really sad but I really enjoy the tragedy, no one here is evil, everyone is just trying their best but in the true 3l fashion their best is never enough.
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signanothername · 7 months
Burns’ family and alcohol headcanons:
Charlie: He only drinks every super blue moon. He’s not alcohols biggest fan, probably doesn’t even buy it himself, but he won’t pass a cold one on the very, very rare occasion when he’s on vacation.
Kade: Kades a character that screams that he goes to the bar to play pool with a pint. Not often though, he’s very athletic so I personally don’t see him making drinking a habit. Maybe twice a month or on special occasions. Bonus points if he’s only slightly harder to get drunk than HW.
Dani: okokok, I know that it would fit Dani’s character if she could drink the rest of her family under the table, But the irony of her being a lightweight while Blades has insane alcohol tolerance is just too good. She’d be such a Blurr about it too.
Blades: Dani, I say this as your partner that loves you, you don’t want me as a “drinking buddy”
Dani: What? You can dance, but you can’t handle a hard drink?
Blades: Know what? Fine! You asked for it
-he had to fly a very drunk Dani home, she threw up inside him, Blades will never let her live it down-
Graham: He is an engineer. He can drink. Wouldn’t be surprised if he spiked his coffee on occasion. To his credit, he’s still a responsible drinker, and when he does go a bit overboard Boulder is always there to keep an eye on him. Definitely has perfected the hangover smoothie recipe
Woody: There’s nothing in this planet or any other that can get this man drunk. Probably where Graham got his tolerance from. Definitely makes his own beer, bonus points if it’s really good and the only food the kids take from him willingly
Charlie is literally a single dad of 4 biological kids and 6 Cybertronian kids, he absolutely can’t afford not to be sober wheeze, tho I agree, he doesn’t strike me as someone who drinks a lot, he absolutely prefers drinking when on vacation
And I wholeheartedly agree with your headcanon for Kade, just like his dad he doesn’t strike me as the type to drink a lot and his athletic nature definitely contributes to that, and omg imagine HW and Kade being drunk around each other, disaster strikes
AND OH MY GOD I LOVE YOUR DANI HEADCANON, I honestly thought of her as a regular drinker but now I’m reconsidering cause this is genuinely hilarious, she’d probably be knocked out from one or two drinks while the monster that is blades is probably on his 15’th one and is still barely affected
Tumblr media
Ok but like this is SO Graham wheeze, y’know the really tired nerd gotta be a drinker, AND AW I LOVE THE IDEA OF BOULDER KEEPING AN EYE ON HIM VXVXVXGXG, also hell yeah hungover recipe for the win
And no like you’re so real for that Woody headcanon, and it’s literally so true this man tried so many different drinks and recipes aint no drink gonna actually affect him wheeze and yessss love that bonding point between him and the kids
Man thank you I love all these shzbbzbz
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lockandkeyhyena · 4 months
will alvin end up in “heaven” at the end of the story - as someone who was affected by being groomed in a uncomfortably similar situation (teacher csa), i think the idea that even if he’s trying to better himself, he gets any type of reward in the end is really really uncomfortable. i’m currently studying philosophy in uni, so i’ve been really interested in the story ! and i think that questioning if ethical judgements can wholeheartedly be made and are concrete once they’re made is interesting, but i still am uncomfortable with an abuser getting any sort of resolve, even if they’re trying to be a better person. i understand having a new normal and attempting to remedy one’s past actions, but to have a conclusive reward of heaven seems incredible wrong because no matter what happens, child abusers take every single thing from their victims and don’t feel any remorse while abusing them, only in reflection they’re able to have any sort of realization of their cruelty - in which it’s too late. i agree that abusers are scarily human but just because someone is human, doesn’t mean that they deserve any sort of relief from their guilt or shame. that despite everything you’ve done to make yourself a better person, you still destroyed someone’s life and you can never fix that and in this story, i hope that he never gets to go to heaven because it would feel like a reward for his repentance, even if it means nothing to his victims.
(this got absurdly long - i am sorry D:)
no worries for the long ask!
the short answer? no, he doesn’t end up in heaven.
here’s the long answer lol
the concrete idea of heaven and hell are concepts that have always bothered me. the idea that you can measure and define someone’s goodness to a point that they earn eternal damnation or bliss is one that just doesn’t sit right with me.
the point i want to try and make is that while you can repent and try to be a better person, it’s not a get out of jail free card, and you still have to live with your actions. the ‘instant forgiveness’ that catholicism and similar religions offer has always rubbed me the wrong way and i wanted to push against that.
at the end of the story, alvin is confronted with the fact that he will never enter heaven (something i’m not even sure of the existence of in-story) and yet he still chooses to become a better person and improve himself regardless. he will have to live with his actions forever but that doesn’t mean he can’t change himself.
hope this answered your question! i’m more than happy to elaborate
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yandere-islandvn · 6 months
Mc finds heartbeats extremely calming! Whenever mc gets the chance, they rest their hands on the boys’ chests, against their neck lightly, and sometimes on the wrist just to feel the pulse…
responding to this ask, mari could you please write a few little paragraphs with this scenario for each of the boys? 🥹 including icarus!
i just wanna hear those sweet words and how mc makes them feel, when mc does something so intimate :-)
(Sorry for the wait! Sometimes thinking of ideas takes me a while uwu ) Jacob thought his heart was going to melt with how sweet you were being. He wasn't sure what brought it on... but while he was making a decoration for his treehouse, you had come up to him... you had so sweetly, so gently moved a curl away as you brushed your hand down his face to rest on his neck. His heart was beating out of his chest... you could feel it in your touch.
"You want to what?" Markus asked, a confused little smile on his face as he held out his wrist to you. "I can help you find the pulse, if that's what you want," he offered, gently taking your hand in his. His thumb brushed along the inside of your wrist as he guided your hand towards his free one. "Right here..." he said, pressing your fingers down, "Is the pulse point... you can feel my heartbeat, right?" he asked, hoping you'd ignore how fast it was.
Oliver was a flustered mess, your hand casually pressing against his chest, right over where his rapidly fluttering heart was. You had asked if you could touch him... while this wasn't exactly what he had in mind, he was not complaining about the way your hand gently applied pressure, feeling the way his heart was pounding. He couldn't think of a single coherent thought outside of you.
Torrin couldn't help the soft look on his face as you leaned against him. You had asked if you could listen to his heartbeat, for reasons he didn't quite understand, but he had wholeheartedly agreed. Your face was pressed against his chest as his arms wrapped around you. One of your hands was right against his chest as well, right over the pounding heart you had asked to listen to. It was a soft moment... one he could lose himself forever in.
It wasn't often that Michel got flustered... this was one of those few instances though. It was something so simple; you had reached out, grabbing his wrist with two of your fingers pressed against the pulse point in his wrist. You weren't... you weren't doing anything else... just holding his hand but it was a strangely intimate feeling... he didn't know how to feel about it.
Nicolas was in a bit of a shock, your hand wrapped gently around his neck... well, not wrapped around it, but your hand was on his neck and that was the singular thought in his mind. You had just been playing with his hair... braiding it for him... when you had stopped, asking if you could feel his heartbeat. He had agreed and... your hands were gently pressed to the side of his neck... you could feel just how much your touch was making his heart race.
Icarus was... confused... You were pressed against him, your hand against his chest, right over his heart. He didn't know how to react... he almost didn't want to breathe, fearing that one movement to much would cause you to move away from him. He loved your touch, despite how strange it felt... every bit of you he could get was precious... he craved it, that feeling of you against his skin, he craved it so much that he would cry if you pulled away before he was ready.
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i won't go so far as to say they annoy me, because everyone has their own opinions, but i just CANNOT agree with any takes saying that their entire relationship has been dysfunctional or built on solely on false premises or etc. anything else in that vein. i know we've been dissecting the issues a lot to explain the breakup, but i'm going to go out on a limb and say that as a whole there's way more love than problems and there's way more good than bad. and that doesn't erase the problems or the bad or make them any less in need of fixing, i'm just saying overall the love in their relationship and the good parts of it definitely win out. plus, PLEASE cut them a bit of slack for the constraints the Heaven&Hell rigmarole put on their relationship. and i don't mean in a trauma way, i mean in a physical threat, having to do everything secretly kinda way.
further asks and response under the cut:
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hi anon!!!✨ okay won't lie, the first ask made my blood pressure rocket through the ceiling 😅 but you're good, thanks for coming back to clarify, i really appreciate it - bc tbh idk if i would have had the acuity to have answered this today otherwise!!!✨
i hear you - speaking more personally for a sec (i will actually address what you're saying in a mo!), i hope you don't mind, it is slightly exhausting when some read my ask responses or metas, and genuinely believe that im purposefully trying to find negativity in the story or the characters, especially crowley. im not at all; i truly just find the dozens of layers to them both (and the storyline - the ethics, philosophy, psychology!) really, really interesting, and i find it fun to examine. i don't take any joy in pointing out flaws or dysfunctions for the sake of it, but more that, for me, it makes the whole relationship so much more relatable, and compelling. here are two creatures that are literally as non-human as it can get, and they're making mistakes, or miscommunicating, or have 'issues' the same as a lot of us do? that's really comforting to me - to look at two characters that i treasure acutely, and be able to recognise the ways in which they're not perfect. their story, in that respect, suddenly doesn't feel inaccessible.
but braindump-that-you-didnt-ask-for over!!!✨
i agree that their relationship is ultimately rooted in love. i think that that love has taken in many incarnations over the course of their narrative, emerging from general attraction/fascination, to acquaintances, to uniquely-relatable-to-each-other-and-only-each-other colleagues, to friends, to best friends, to deeply-pining crushes, to being unrequited love interests, to being full-throttle in love with each other, to being each other's family and sanctuary... all of these at the same time, and some evolving and merging into others. i don't personally hold the belief that romantic love has been there since the beginning (but fully respect where people do see it that way!) but romantic love isn't the only love that aziraphale and crowley are built on.
there have been problems and misunderstandings amongst all of that, times where they possibly don't know each other as much as they like to think they do, where they've not been kind or gentle to each other, but that doesn't mean that none of it isn't all interwoven, in every fibre, with love (whatever form that takes). they may not be human, but they are navigating something uniquely human, and that isn't always going to be perfect.
add to that, just as you say, the literal threat that hangs over both of them where they're not allowed to acknowledge a single part of any of the above; to do so not only puts themselves at risk, but the other at risk moreso. that fear - that sword of damocles, as others way more poetically-minded than me have put it - is borne out of love, of concern, of respect, and friendship. it's not a question, again as you say (because i wholeheartedly agree with you!), of one loving the other more than the vice versa, and one always having to bend to the other until they break whilst the other doesn't get a look-in. the way i see it, sometimes you do have to bend to each other in relationships, friendships etc., but that's a mark of trust, respect, and love in and of itself; that you can feel that you can look to the other for support when you need it, feel comfortable in being vulnerable enough to do so, and be so deeply loved in return as to be the one to support when the other needs it themselves.
there are times in the narrative where one lets the other down, or hurts them, sure - but that doesn't mean that that's the nail in the coffin. it's not going to ruin them, or end them, or drive them apart irrevocably; it's causing/caused issues that they simply need to work to mend... and tbh, they're probably not even aware that some of those cracks are there! once again, i think it's fair to say that this happens in most relationships, and usually - usually - most problems such as the more human-like ones they're facing now (especially the ones borne out of wanting to protect one another!) are fixable with patience, communication, kindness, time, and continuous love!
i do think s3 is really going to upend this, though, and put it to that aforementioned breaking point; i think there is going to be stuff revealed which leaves each other completely bare for the other to see - no secrets, no smokescreen, no glamour - and prove to be the true test of that love. but let's face it (because it will happen); they will choose to love each other anyway. perhaps even because of what s3 will reveal. i don't think ive ever seen their love for each other as unconditional - like i said, i think such a 'condition'/test will be put to them both in s3 and turn their view of each other on its head - but their love for each other in, all its guise, is strong, deep, and profound enough that it will be what they choose every time✨
if you would like to come back off anon, that is entirely up to you and i'll leave that for you to decide - or message privately? - i don't mind!!! but again thank you for clarifying the tone, i find tone hard to read sometimes and i appreciate the follow-up asks!!!💕
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bellshazes · 2 months
I was going to reply on your post about C vs CC distinction but I couldn't, so I hope you don't mind me asking here - my brain wasn't cooperating today so I was struggling to read it and comprehend it properly as written. But does it basically boil down to the fact that it's difficult to create a distinction between what's considered "character" vs "creator" in the digital medium Minecraft offers for storytelling? That there's no real way to draw a distinction between "this PERSON did this in the game" and "this CHARACTER did this in the story's world" because it's told on a platform and in a way that makes it hard to find a non-fuzzy divide, and that we shouldn't necessarily try to find that line anyway? Basically that - when it's so hard to define canon when "canon" is influenced by the person both on and beyond the screen, and interactions between "characters" are often colored by the creators behind them, and when the story being told is never really fully concrete anyway, it's just...better and, honestly, more fun to just enjoy the nondefinable art form for what it is? Because if that's what you're saying, I wholeheartedly agree. ^^
When the story's medium is a sandbox game, it's much more fun to interpret canon and its connected fanon as a sandbox too, something malleable and formable and explorable in a flexible way that doesn't rely on defined boundaries to be enjoyed. It's sand. You can make a solid sandcastle for a while, but eventually the water that packed it together dries and the wind blows and things shift again, because that's what sand does. Just - let sand be sand. :3
(And if I've totally misinterpreted then I apologize, it's been a long day and like I said, my brain's not cooperating hah.)
~ Pixie
I definitely didn't get back to my original point in that rambling reblog, so I think you've gotten what I was trying for up until the idea that the SMP Thing is nondefinable. I really struggle articulating this all the time and people often do take it the way you have, so it's a failure of explanation on my part...
It's not resolvable into a single truth, but currently the dominanf response to that is to throw the baby out with the bathwater and say if there is no canon, everything is equally true no matter what the text says, because the text is as (un)real and unknowable as my own imagination. I comprehend that this is very fun and believe this approach has absolutely no moral valence. often this evolves into annoying (imo!) fandom standards that become quasi-canonical due to sheer popularity in the group sandbox but whatever.
However my patented peter bellshazes perfect world involve not this kind of overwriting being a dominant fandom mode, but people taking the lack of One Single Master Story all other pieces fit into as a joyous invitation to pick apart all the threads on their own and how they relate without forcing them into anything and seeing them more clearly. It's to me like the difference between trying to force jigsaw puzzle pieces to fit that are from different boxes and - I don't know, like a complex 3D sculpture that is one object but portrays different images at every angle its viewed from. And people discovering that instead of taking photographs to find the One True Angle in 2D, walking around to examine the previously unstudied backside.
that's abstract but in practice it means like... idk treating it more like a vivisection. I love taking different perspectives apart as standalones, and also interrelating them, but finding joy and spaces to explore and discuss and feel through in those individual examinations, and not forcing them to make sense in some master truth. It makes me appreciate different approaches to the medium more, how tone and technique contribute beyond C!Cubito Is This Trait or whatever. I like it when people articulate if we think about THIS event and how it was shown in THIS way (in terms of acting/performance, editing, cuts made or not made, ) then the story is like this and what's in the gaps or what if it extended or what would it have looked like if different choices were made from a craft perspective or how does that contrast with or contextualizes a different series or scenario. throwing nothing out but never looking for a grand unified theory of truth.
Again no moral valence but i just feel like maybe if I can articulate my brand of fandom joy people might want to give it a try! and I genuinely appreciate people who care enough to try and parse what the hell I'm getting at bc it's almost always only when I try and answer questions that I feel like I get better at explaining what I was trying to say, so!
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