#but like theyre taking so longgg
isa-ah · 7 months
how do people get the energy together to work AND draw really nice polished oc content???
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sunkissed-zegras · 22 days
hii more manager thoughts but angst bc angst with hurt/comfort is my fav trope
- i totally agree that she has some kind of mommy or daddy issues and thats why she throws herself into academics
- the only time she really was applauded or was told “im proud of you” was probably when she did really well on a test/presentation
- i feel like maybe she has mommy issues but her dad was also super busy all the time so she kind of had to take cwre of everything
- she has an older sister who taught her most things but she totally felt super lost when her sister left for college and maybe she found stability through managing and thats why she started it
- she was probably mad at her dad for years bc she was really left to fend for herself and her little sisters, but they reconnected through basketball
- theyre closer than they used to be but i think manager does still rightfully so have grudges against him
- she’s always taking care of other ppl and she forgets to take care of herself SO OFTEN
- it really scares her at first bc she isnt used to it but when she finally gets taken care of it’s like a breath of fresh air
- if shes sick, injured, or upset the team immediately drops everything to see jf they can help and tell her its okay to let herself be taken care of
- i think bc she really was alone most of her life she is super shy and a little closed off when she first meets people
- the team is really her found family and they definitely pulled her out of her shell
- i think it took a LONGGG time before she really started to be herself but the team never stopped trying
- i think as much as she loves sports it does remind her of her parents and she sometimes hates it, so she drifted to art as an escape. she loves to draw and i can also see her playing piano, guitar and other instruments
again def agreed with the whole mommy issues thing, it just makes sense. they def all reconnected through basketball but like you said there’s still some unresolved issues yk but that’s with every family, i feel like she’s still closer to her younger sister cause she doesn’t wanna feel like her to feel like she abandoned her
the team is SOOOOO her found family and they make her feel so comfortable and safe and just overall happy :) she takes care of them and they take care of her and it’s all good!!!!!!!
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swifty-fox · 9 days
wait omg pirate au?? plspls tell us more
haha i was waiting for someone to catch that :)
some notes which are mostly dms between @avonne-writes and me as well as @antiquitea and me
Gale traveling w his dad through the Mediterranean and John who boards their ship, robs it kisses Gale and then vanishes into the night cue 10 years later it happens again but this time Gale goes w him bc now john is the FEARED pirate captain lmao idk and hes broader now and tanner now, sunspots on his cheeks and it makes his eyes blue like tidepools an he has feathers and beads woven in his curls
and gale is so put together, dutiful son with a serious face and a leashed animal inside him. wants to be free wants to be wild wants to chase the stars like he'd always dreamed
Gale when that young, reckless pirate finds him hidden in the captain's quarters:
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steals from him like hes doing gale a favor and steals a kiss from him too for good measure, in the dark of Gales cabin surrounded by his stars and charts and maps bc all he wants to be is a cartographer
vanishes into the night with a grin and a wink, over the side of the ship into black water like he came from the ocean itself
"be seeing you darling"
ten years later Gale says "you stole something from me and now im taking it back" and kisses him again
YEAHH and nobody knows thta it happened except for Gale and he literally thinks about john for TEN years. And then theres rumors of this new pirate king who is the son of the devil herself and gale is cautioned against sailing the waters but he fears no man or rumor
and then lo and behold this captain is a grown version of the dashing boy from ten years ago
John who....theres not something right about him. its like the oceans listen to him. Summons wind on a dead sea, sruvived shipwrecks when everyone else has been lost. Some say he's the devil himself, some say his mother was a siren
maybe the truth is somwhere in the middle
he always knows the currents, knows whena storm is coming even if the seas are calm
it could be hes just a good sailor
could be
but sometimes theres just... no explanation
i think theres an instance where they get shipwrecked and gale is drowning and John saves him even though gale KNOWS he jumped from the other side of the ship
and proceeds to save half the crew despite the storming sea
sometimes his eyes are a bit too blue. late at night, early in the morning when its just them in bed
how he always smells faintly of salt and brine even if theyre on land
nobodys met his parents, nobody knows his lineage
he always jokes the sea itself spit him out and sometimes Gale wonders how much of a joke it really is
sea creatures never fear him, flock to him even sometimes
can hold his breath for a longgg time
gale likes that feature <3
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walkman-cat · 5 months
i’ve gotta know abt ur little guy orpheus alabaster whats his deal,,, i keep seeing ur little doodles and tags and feeling curriiooooosiityyyyyyyy
orpheus alabaster my BOY !! he's so silly <3 (also this is going to be a LONGGG post so it's under a cut) (he's my little guy i've got a lot to say about him)
He's like the city equivalent of a world-famous detective (one half of a detective agency working out of the attic of a curiosity/antique shop in the oldest part of the city)– he's a household name, and is known for taking on pretty much every case that he comes across (except, curiously, the biggest unsolved mystery the city has ever seen). Basically, Orph is the detective of the gentleman thief-detective dynamic and the watsonian narrator-detective dynamic (i love detectives <3)
He's observant, and will not rest until he's solved the case (to his detriment), and would risk his life if it meant saving the lives of others (to his detriment). He's got a terrible memory (so he writes everything down in one of his numerous notebooks) and he's not great with people (he's trying, somewhat. Cecil's usually the one who talks to clients). He's always down to work around the law/the watch (the city's law enforcement). He's very nosy (Cecil also is, they're perfect for each other).
He's also basically all those memes that are like "kinda gay to be a detective [etc etc]". While his partner (Cecil– they started the detective agency together!) has been pining over him since pretty much when they met (6 years before the story starts), Orpheus fell much harder and discovered this in the past year (he's having a Great Time. demiromantic king !!). They're so silly and devoted to each other (they call each other "Mr. Alabaster" and "Mr. Meyers" theyre sickening) and it's a whole Thing.
Also! Orph's the new incarnation of the forgotten/illegal/dead god of deceit and dreams (he's a detective and also the patron god of thieves and liars wbwbwb– this amuses me greatly). He's got a complicated relationship with his identity and personhood (which may have something to do with him taking on faces and personas at the drop of a hat) and isn't quite sure if he counts as something alive anymore.
Also to do with the fact that he's a kinda-not-really dead god, Orpheus isn't quite alive; he's a believable fascimile of something living, but he doesn't bleed when cut, he's cold to the touch, and sometimes Cecil can swear that he isn't breathing. He died not too long before he arrived in the city (and has the ligature marks on his neck to prove it) and came back, but even though he'd love to have come back wrong he came back exactly the same as he was before.
Here are some extra/funky facts about Orph:
he plays the piano!! he doesn't do it often for reasons he's never told Cecil but he's very good at it and has played for him in the past
he wanted to be a poet when he was younger, and still sometimes jots lines down in between all his other notes
his hands are perpetually inkstained, his fingertips are nearly all blackened from ink
the only times he's been truly excited for his clientele to be some of the city's richest are for hermes vetch heists. they're also the only times he's happy to have not solved the case (he's got a soft spot for the thief and misses him greatly)(he keeps reminiscing about heists to kit's face without knowing kit is hermes vetch and it's so funny to me)
he's mixed race (this isnt very important story wise, but it's important to me (also mixed race)) (so's kit)
he's non-binary!! (he/him enby times!!)
he's also a trans allegory for reasons i will not go into (they contain secretsssss)
he wouldn't like to say he has a favourite method of murder, but it's poisons. he likes to have an excuse to infodump and show off his knowledge of poisons
he probably would look real nice if he put any effort in to how he looks. he doesn't, so he looks like if a cat got drenched then blow-dried and rolled in ink
he hates having anything touching his neck, especially if they're wrapped around his neck. he will suffer and be cold if he has to be
the only times he'd overcome his need to put others before himself is when cecil (and to an extent kit/hermes vetch) is in danger (they're his best friends !!)
he often stares unblinkingly when thinking. it's a wee bit intimidating
his family is basically just matchsticks kelly (the guy who owns the antique shop who took him in), and cecil (later it'll also include kit), he doesn't talk about his family
he's known about cecil's sleeping habits and tendency to clamber over the rooftops for 6 years and still gets jumpscared by him clambering into his window in the dead of night
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herofics · 1 year
Helloo how are you doing? ❤ i have a request if thats okay...! uhm well,, sometimes i'm a slow person. what i mean is, sometimes it took me a longgg time to understand someone's words when they're talking to me. i need longer times to process someone's words,, sometimes its also difficult for me to form replies/words,, (is this too long? is this too detail? i'm sorry if it is)
what i want to request is,, could i have headcanons (since theyre easier for me to read) with hawks and a slow reader like me?
thank you very much ❤❤ much love and hugs for you!
I’ve got auditory processing disorder, so it can take some time for me to understand what people are saying to me, and if they talk super fast or quietly there’s literally no chance I’ll understand. Like the amount of times I say “huh?” during a conversation is often astronomical. Much love for you as well :D
•Hawks notices pretty quickly how much time you need to answer things and how he needs to talk for you to understand
•He usually talks pretty fast, but once he noticed you have trouble processing that, he slowed down
•He doesn’t talk to you like you’re stupid or anything, he just wants to make sure it’s easier for you to understand him
•Hawks doesn’t mind, he actually notices that him calming down his speaking style helps other people understand him better as well
•I’d say he usually speaks quite enthusiastically if that makes sense, like when he’s excited about something, he’s loud and speaks fast and he can sometimes be hard to make sense of
•Hawks gives you all the time you need to answer, if he’s in a hurry, he might just text you, even if you’re in the same room when he has to leave
•That gives you more time to answer and to make sense of what’s been said to you, since it’s in text form
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twoofcupstarot · 4 months
Hey there! I'm glad to see your back and posting again! Happy belated new year to you too and I hope this year will be one of great blessings and wish fulfilment for you! Here's to making beautiful memories! 🥂😊🌸 I got a question from you a longgg time ago and it was very accurate, alot has happened since then and I was hoping to get another reading from you whenever you are free♥️ I will like to know if M (♏ ) will finally confess to me this year and ask me to be his girlfriend? Thank you so much for doing these free readings and I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful day! 💐💞
~SRK ♉😸🌹
Thank you for your kind message! I really appreciate it. Here is the reading I pulled for you.
Ten of Wands RV (CB Wheel of Fortune RV)
Eight of Wands (CB The Hanged Man RV)
Ten of Pentacles (CB Seven of Wands RV)
BOD: Two of Swords RV
As of right now, it seems this person is struggling a lot. I'm sensing that they can feel the pull of the energy of your relationship shifting and its causing them a lot of stress. Theyre very unsure of what to do about you and I think theyre likely overthinking it or putting too much pressure on themselves. I don't know if at the moment they are ready to let go and move things forward with you. That being said, with the Eight of Wands I can see this changing fairly quickly. There may be some sort of divine intervention at play here, but in any case, I can see them gaining some sort of shift in perspective rather suddenly thatll help push them closer to taking action. With the Ten of Pentacles at the end I do think this signifies a happy, stable relationship is a possible endgame here. You just might have to be patient and traverse through a bit of bumpy and unsure territory first. I hope this makes sense!
Best of luck, and remember, nothing is set in stone, energy is always changing, and you have free will.
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midnighteloquence · 16 days
uh labels are the ones i used last time because i cba
so recently, well not recently for a longgg time now, ive been feeling like C is trying to take B away from me. not in the weird tway, in the way that they are LITERALLY TRYING TO BE BETTER FRIENDS WITH THEM THAN ME. and it literally sucks because B’s one of the closest friends of mine and also one of the reasons i havent killed myself.
idk but whenever i confront C on the fact that they so OBVIOUSLY like B more than me theyre all like “yeah i speak to rhem more but i think about you more!!” yeah fucking right. literally you deny any chance to fucking talk to me?? whenever prompted to talk to me you mock my interests. YOUVE LITERALLY SAID HOW YOU DK WHAT TO RALK TO ME ABOUT. if you care about me so much why do you never talk to me unless its to flirt??
and C’s literally claimed to be better buds to C than me like bitch no?? im the fucking reason youre even friends and youre gonna say that you two are better friends than me and B?? shut up. not even respectfully, actually shut up. they spend all their time with B and are always walking away with them and i feel like theyre trying to replace me and i just hate ittt.
theyre trying to be with one of my closest friends and i hate ittt i hate it i hate it stop it
i once screamed in their ear when they wanted to text them but hinestly i regret doing that because that was immature
“i’d pick you in a room of crowded people!!” bffr?? you’d search for B just go ahead and admit that you dont like me and want to steal B away from me
and also C bring up ALOTTTT about how me and A are always together but bitch bffr you barely talk to me even if B’s not there and just talk to them
i know all of this is super petty and mostly paranoia but stillll stop lying to me
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chal-latte · 2 years
heyy, I don't know if you are taking requests, but I had an idea:
the reader is leonardo dicaprio's daughter, and she met timothée on the set of don't look up (she was visiting leo), and they start going out or something like that.
thanks ;))
HIYA!! tysm for the ideaaa so cute sry it took so longgg this is so cute i like making it :) hope it does the job!!
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Liked by tchalamet, leonardodicaprio and 2.829.101 others
y/i/n dad asked me to visit him on set. i agreed just bcs i wanted to meet jennifer lawrence.
tagged: @leonardodicaprio
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lilamoss hi leo :)
↪️ y/i/n no lila
↪️ y/i/n no lila
fanpage28 i always love seeing her with leo’s friends they look like family 
fanpage37 thought you would say timothee lol
gisele ❤️
jessejostark U rock
arianagrande omg you didnt tell me you were visiting
↪️ y/i/n it was a quick visit :( i’ll come back for you babe
↪️ kidcudi @y/i/n be quick cause there is someone else who wants to meet you too 
↪️ y/i/n @kidcudi lol i’ll visit u too cudi dw
fanpage84 bet that someone else isnt cudi LOL 
leonardodicaprio but proceeds to hug me while shedding a tear
↪️ y/i/n i literally did not do that 
fanpage88 yall seeing timothee’s username there???
alanabc and cate. can never forget cate. 
↪️ y/i/n we didnt meet oops
fanpage29 I would die if timmy dates leo’s daughter its the epitomy of perfection
fanpage45 since when does timmy know y/n?
↪️ fanpage47 since her father is timothee’s costar? 
tchalamet posted a story!
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tchalamet 🌬
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Liked by tchalamet, lanadelrey and 1.829.019 others
y/i/n have a break feel the sun
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lanadelrey you look exceptional, miss you 
↪️ y/i/n i was literally listening to florida kilos! i miss you too :(( come to new york 
arianagrande so vibrant today🥰
fanpage90 it looks like the same park timothee posted on his story?
tchalamet okay
*Liked by @y/i/n
fanpage84 how tf do yall link things together 
chrisevans enjoy your date kids
sydneylcarlson get that bag get that head 
fanpage48 OKAY??? SO ITS TRUE???
fanpage74 two of my fav nepo babies getting together🥰🥰🥰
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Liked by y/i/n, arianagrande and 3.012.459 others
tagged: @y/i/n
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pauline.chalamet pretty girl
↪️ y/i/n two pretty best friends with ya <3
zendaya she is the moment 
arianagrande congratulations tim!! 
fanpage28 theyre rumored to be dating but i think this confirms it all
lilamoss she’s mine
↪️ tchalamet she says the otherwise 🤷‍♂️
alanabc BABYGIRL
chrisevans remember, protection! 
↪️ y/i/n CHRIS you are embarrassing!!! wait til dad heard abt it 
↪️ chrisevans @y/i/n and that’s what she always say. love you kid, be careful
↪️ tomholland2013 @y/i/n @chrisevans i agree with chris 
↪️ tchalamet @tomholland2013 @y/i/n @chrisevans you guys are something else 
y/i/n mentioned @tchalamet in a story!
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y/i/n hi there 😚
tchalamet mentioned @y/i/n in a story
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tchalamet 🌹
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threepointseven · 2 years
hello! if you're still accepting request then I'd like to send this one, but since you said you still have lots of other requests to complete and on vacation, please take your time and do not rush dear :)
the request is kaeya and zhongli comforting gn reader who got criticised for their tan/dark skin colour? at first reader tried to ignore those critism but slowly thoughts like "is this skin of mine really that ugly?" started to run around their mind, to the point where reader is insecured
by the way, please ignore those rude remarks by rude anons. its the fact that they're such a coward to stay as anon while saying rude things 🤡 you don't deserve those harsh words, dear . keep writing and dont lose motivations :)♥︎
Your insecure of your darker/tan skin color
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Type- scenario 🍄
Flowers included!🌼= zhongli x gn! Reader, kaeya x gn! Reader, (both are lowkey ooc)
Genshin masterlist
💐Your bouquet has been delivered <3💐
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You walked underneath the rays of sun in mondstat smiling happily as you walk towards the knights of favonius HQ. You walk through the alleys and the paths of the nation of people staring at you, you werent exactly a regular in mondstat, you arrived today specifically to visit your boyfriend Kaeya. Famous and revered for his strength and his charming looks, you assumed it was normal to have a slightly more colored skintone than the rest of the nation but your quick to step away from that assumption as you hear whispers and soft gossip about your appearance. Your movement was taken aback at the sounds of their gossip
“I heard they’re dating kaeya..”
“Lucky… they dont even look that cute anyways though, plus their skin’s way too dark for him.. i mean doesnt it look kinda unsettling? They would look more attractive if they were lighter”
“My thoughts exactly!”
It was bad? Was it bad to have dark skin? Doesnt kaeya have the same skintone as me? Should i feel ashamed..?
It was a foreign insecurity as you continued to walk slightly slower to the HQ, looking at your wrists and arm at your skin, was it bad?
The mere idea of your skintone being ugly from another person had your head running, and you looked at your skin in shame and fear.
Is it unattractive?
You arrive at your boyfriends office head low, your palm on your wrist, stroking it in fear.
“Hm? Oh darling you seem upset?”
The sudden voice from your smug boyfriend pulled you out of that worried haze and you stare at him with shame.
“Its nothing.”
You stutter out the excuse as you look down at your thighs.
Was your color really something to be this ashamed about..?
“You cant trick me honey.. whats up?”
He cupped your cheeks with his right hand and stared right into your eyes with a look of confidence
“Kaeya… is it really unattractive to not have snow white skin like everyone else..?”
The question made him freeze for a slight mili second before he chuckled at your worried expression.
“Darling, dont even try to listen to them, the color of your skin is beautiful, you dont have to listen to people who are jealous at how good it looks you know? Your skin color makes no difference to who you are as a person darling, if they really have the nerve to judge you based off your skin they arent worth your time-“
“But they mentioned the fact im dating yo-“
“Oh so they were talking shit because theyre jealous your dating me hm? That gives you even more of a reason not to worry. Im dating you, not them. Your skin is gorgeous alright?”
Your frown couldnt help but wiggle into a small smile and you buried your face into his chest, he didnt jump nor was surprised, he simply laid his hand on your head while the other slithered around your waist.
The streets of Liyue were always filled with elegant beauties. Ever since you moved to Liyue you felt uncomfortable and out of place with your skin. Amongst crowds and crowds of elegant women and men with clear white skin. How can you not look at the mirror in shame when everyone on the magazines and movies have that pearly like fair skin and red ombre lipstick you just cant seem to pull off?
The insecurity kept digging into your mind as everyday you had to see your lover zhongli, interact with elegant men and women with said fair skin. The skin youve longed to have ever since you realized Liyue’s beauty standard is snow white skin. The simple thought of it made you wish for it even more.
You watched as women upon women surround zhongli, he was considered extremely good looking in terms of liyue beauty standards so it wasnt uncommon. It stung your heart as the people glared at you with their soft fair skin, it was like being stabbed in the chest as you saw the crowd of gorgeous people try to have a bite of your lover.
“Thats his lover..? Wow.. i cant believe she has the confidence to live in liyue looking like that.”
A man with skin probably handcrafted by the gods whisper in front of you. You couldnt help the feeling of insecurity as you excuse yourself to
“Uhm.. i need to go to somewhere private li.”
Your feet lead to you to the nearest mirror. You keep telling yourself
“Im beautiful. I need not worry. Li has said it millions of times…”
Your words betray you as your mind reminds you of zhongli’s past lover guizhong. She was known for being beautiful… a beautiful maiden with pure white skin that shined under the sun… why am i not-?
Your mind filled with those thoughts get interrupted as you hear your lovers suave voice
“Love, you seem upset… if its about that small gather please dont wo-“
“Its not that..’uhm.. dont worry about it.”
“Dear im afraid i cant do that. Is there anything youd like to talk about?”
He glances at the mirror, getting a slight hint before approaching you and caressing your cheeks.
“Li… is the color of my skin that unpleasing? Liyue’s filled with such beautiful people with such fair skin.. am i that out of place, would i be more attractive if i had a lighter skin tone?
The sentence made your lover frown slightly and he places his arms around your waist, pulling you close to the point the tips of your noses touched.
“Nonsense, dont ever think like that. Dear, you are beautiful, your skin and all. The color of your skin doesnt matter to me, and even if it did the only comment i have on it is that it’s gorgeous.”
The words made you stare at his eyes fondly, your head lowering and snuggling into his neck.
“Dont let a few people get to you love. Your skin is beautiful. It isnt something you should be ashamed of at all, love yourself and the color of your skin, never be ashamed of it.”
He smiled before his small little lecture ended
“You sound so old saying it like that..”
You giggle before kissing his cheek and continuing to hug your lover.
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Requests open and reblogs appreciated 💕
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mochiimiiki · 3 years
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|The pillars and hugging|
{Gyomei, Muichiro, Mitsuri, Rengoku, Giyuu, Shinobu, Uzui, Obanai, Sanemi x GN! reader}
warning: spoilers for the manga possibly?
A/N: they’re individually shipped with reader!!!
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It was late after noon and Gyomei had been training all day with the the lower ranked demon slayers
hashira training had been hard on everyone especially gyomei and you
after all since it began you had barely been able to spend time with him, after all you had been relentlessly training with hashira after hashira
and now finally it came to when you when you would meet your beloved gentle giant
the other slayers had been dismissed for the day and sent to rest, so you set off in search for gyomei
you were met with him meditating by the lake side, the cool breeze of the on setting night and gentle splash of the water fall set all you nerves for the upcoming mission at ease
quietly you tiptoed up to gyomei and tackled him in a hug, although of course he was set in stone and didn’t budge an inch
a low chuckle escape his mouth “to think you couldn’t have waited until my meditation was done”
a grin creeped up your face, not that he could see
“i simply missed you my gentle giant~” you cooed sweetly purring into his neck as you hugged him tighter
after that gyomei postponed his meditation to indulge you in gentle cuddles
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he doesn’t really mind hugs, publicly or privately theyre kinda a grey zone to him
he doesn’t get the whole “this is how one expressed their feelings” concept
to him hugs are just well... hugs!
nevertheless if you’re a big hugger he’ll never dare tell you to stop, whatever makes you happy makes him happy :)
seeing the smile on your face even if he just loosely reciprocated the hug makes him smile ever so slightly
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she was actually the one searching for you for hugs!
she had just returned from a longgg mission expecting a warm welcome from her beloved in her home only to find the place empty :(
so she set off on her own private mission in an attempt to find you and retrieve her much needed cuddles
she searches high and low
and yet you were nowhere to be found
just as she had got all pouty and decided to call it a day she heard your voice drift down to while you were immersed in a conversation with shinobu
“Y/NNNNN!!” She screamed in delight tackling you to the ground and smothering you in kisses
“I missed you! I missed you!” she’d cry, on the verge of weeping in delight
after that shinobu politely excused herself from the display of affection and you could’ve sworn she was irritated by it...
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just like mitsuri he’s the one to come find you and give you hugs! and prepared to have your spine broken in half i’m afraid he doesn’t know his own strength *sigh*
rengoku uses hugs as a form of reassurance to you, whether you’re in need of attention or are doubting your capabilities about something he believes hugs are the supreme way to express the support he has for you!
rengoku would most likely find you one day after a hard day of training, palms blistering from the countless swings of your blade
you’re tired and anyone from a distance could tell, shoulders sagging as a quiet sigh left your patted lips
for once in his life he’d actually be relatively quiet and pull you back into him, holding you until you want him to let go
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oh my sweet sweet bby ily
hugs? physical touch? what’s that?
Giyuu will undoubtedly shy away from you if you try to touch him/hug him
please don’t take it personally hes just very confused as to why you’d want to hug him and very conflicted with your interest in him
he wants to hug you back he does! but he’s scared. scared of what? i’m not sure he even truly knows just scared
just be patient though and he’ll come around and once he does he’ll allow you to hug him and he’ll even hug back!
granted he’s stiff the first few times you hug and you honestly doubt if he’s had a hug ever
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I don’t think many would suspect this because she just appears so kind but shinobu is not a hugger
she doesn’t like you hugging her and she doesn’t like to hug you
she might give you a little kiss on the forehead every now and then but no hugs!
but let’s for the sake of this hc she gives in
she’s had a long hard day and she just finds you by yourself, so she comes next to you and leans her head on your shoulder
wordlessly you’d hug her because you know if you asked she’d deny it!
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the biggest hugger of them all
he’s just so touchy feely he always wants to have a hand on you, whether it’s holding your hand or on your lower back he’s just always touching you
he likes to parade you around and let everyone know youre his
now uzui wouldn’t be a jealous person, he sees no need to be jealous when he knows he’s out of almost everyone’s league
but that doesn’t stop the fact he feels the green eyed monster creep inside him while some jerk tries to effortlessly woo you
he swoops in behind you and picks you up in a hug chuckling at your squeak “my love~ whos this?” hed coo with a sadistic smirk
omg i love him help
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unlike everyone else he loves to hug but he likes to do it in private away from prying eyes
he also gives off the aura to everyone that he despises hugs especially if you hug him in front of the pillars
he’ll stand there like a block, blushing profusely under his bandages but still making no move to reciprocate ur hug
now if you’re in the privacy of his or your home you can bet he’ll have you seated in his lap, back pressed against his chest as he hugs you
he wants you to know how much he loves you and how he believes you deserve the world! but he struggles to express it so private and intimate hugs are his speciality
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surprisingly he really likes hugs
it feels like a reassurance to the fact you like him, and as much as he wants you to stop liking him and go and be safe away from the slayer corps he can’t help but selfishly indulge your hugs
most of the time you’ll have to ask for the hugs but every now and then he hugs you
it’ll be the dead of the night, he’s arrived home exhausted and youre still up, most likely relaxing in his living room
he just flops down in the seat beside you and pulls you into a hug
mumbling a “i’m glad your safe” before passing out
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troop52 · 3 years
do u !!! have any character theme songs for the troop boys? Like any songs you think really fits them (and why u think it fits)?
Before I get into it Im going to plug this collaborative Troop Playlist on Spotify, feel free to add onto it!! Continuing with my picks
I think a lot of the songs I associate with The Troop in general are just because I happened to listen to them around the same time I got into the book in the first place (So they could only be tangentially related BUT only if you squint hard) Example: Drunk by The Living Tombstone, cant really tie it into the story but in my mind its linked Some better, more fitting songs under the cut (Side note its LONGGG IM SORRY... Also its all YouTube links because some of these arent on Spotify :'^()
Disclaimer -Like 95% of my choices arent really a "These lyrics match up exactly 1 to 1" but more of an overall "the vibe/general idea its trying to capture lines up" type thing. If that makes sense.
Its Alright by Jack Stauber: Kind of self explanatory, I think its a perfect song for these guys. From "It's alright, I'm here, Everything's alright, Feels weird but calm, I wanna hear It's alright" to the whole sound of it- its all great. Equal parts distressing and sad with an almost eerie calmness to it. Despite it all theyre gonna be alright, right?
The Second Little Piggy by Worthikids: Another one that I think is sort of self explanatory- at least with the chorus. "If my brain turns to mush, If the shit hits the fan, Will you be my friend?" Kind of the falling apart of everything, specifically their relationships, in light of the incident.
Poor George by James Supercave: Another case of "listened to at the same time I read the book" BUT I was actually making a Troop PMV script with that song. I never finished it but maybe Ill revisit it... just for you
Cold Summer by Le Matos ft Computer Magic: I dont even think this takes place in the summer but the VIBES and also it came from Summer of 84, which is another good piece of murder boy media.
Treehouse by Alex G ft Emily Yacina: This is a Eef and Max type of song because they are bffs and thats final. Basic song because Im not creative, but I think its a nice heart to heart theyd have (with Eef doing the talking)
Fifteen Minuets by Nick Krol: On the flipside heres a song that goes with Eef and Maxs friendship fracturing, once again more from Eefs side than Maxs. THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTINGGG
As far as songs for the boys as individuals hmmm thats a good one that I havent thought about as much...
MAX + The Ghosts by The Real Tuesday Weld: That survivors guilt... lyrics arent like a perfect match but I think it gets that sort of hollow feeling across. Hes haunted man... + Final Girl by Electric Youth: Ok its a little funny because har har Final Girl Trope but I mean HE IS ONE. ANd dont look at me its a nice song- "Others were gone, and you kept going on, You know they never really noticed, you were always different, One by one, They're all done, And you're the last one standing" + Going Grazy by Lonesome Wyatt and the Holy Spooks: HONESTLY this could go for all the characters but Im tagging it onto Max because hes the one who has to deal with the aftermath of losing everyone (sorry survivors guilt Max again </3) "Everyone's saying my mind is unsound, 'Cause I always see you when you aren't around" "They're gonna wrap me in a jacket of white, And lock me away in a room without light" is what cements it as a Max song for me
EEF + The Existential Threat by Sparks: Once again starting sad, I link this one specifically to his paranoia about the worms- especially with lines like "Can't they see the existential threat is on its way". Kind of exasperated no one else can see the danger (he thinks) hes in. + Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother: I know I know its basic but I cant help it!!! Eef anger issues arc we are shaking hands me too + Haunted by Laura Les: Eef struggles with people seeing him as "just like his father" and I think we can get some good angst out of this track if we keep that in mind. Especially the back half of the song with lyrics like "Do you think I'm frightening?" and "Mirrors shatter when I'm passing, broken glass and crashing" since he is just a reflection of his dad (to others at least). Also song good.
KENT + Goodbye Mr A by The Hoosiers: Mfw the disillusionment with authority sets in. I think the vibe fits when he had that little epiphany about how adults are fucked- not perfect but it gets the idea across me thinks. + I'm Gonna Win by Rob Cantor: Ties into his need to "win" aka be the best at everything, be in charge, all that jazz! Hell do whatever it takes to be successful, even if it hurts. That was a little emo + Toba the Tura by Forgive Durden ft Chris Conley: Not to be emo again but "They say you're gifted, well I just see a scared kid. They must have flipped it, your skills are latent. O, you snuffed the glow. Replaced it with coals. Threw away the throne... This mess that you've made, it's a six-foot grave. It's a home for your lonesome bones that remain. We'll disappear, but you'll stay here to rot" AND SO ON AND SO FOURTH representing his fall after it was revealed he was sick. He was referred to as "the uncrowned king" and was on top of the world but then POOF that all crumbled and it was made out that he basically deserved what happened to him. It would be fun to make a pmv of him with this song (Simplifying my thoughts a bit because Ive already written a LOT)
NEWT + I Earn My Life by Lemon Demon: Ok a little Kentcore but Im actually having a hard time coming up with songs for Newton so here we are, they can share. Newt existential crisis moment time I guess + Know How by The Crane Wives: POV Newt struggles with going through with the plans he makes to keep everyone safe (stopping Max from touching Kent, going back into the cabin, etc) "I am not brave, I am not brave, I keep my focus on what is safe, You drew a line, made up your mind, And now I'm struggling to realize" And also maybe struggling with his place in the group and as a person in general- all that living through his cousin thing. "I gotta wrap my head around, What my heart is telling me, I've been trying to drown it out, Just because I know what I am, I am supposed to do now, Doesn't mean I know, Doesn't mean I know how" + On The Outside by Oingo Boingo: Idk man. Hes on the outside lookin in!! Loner nerd!! Its ok though, we still love him
SHEL + Bad Blood by Creature Feature: The lyrics speak for themselves: "I can guarantee I will do evil things, The only way that you can stop me now, Is if you put me in the ground, Somewhere I'll never be found" + Frontier Psychologist by The Avalanches: Hinges on the fact that the principal or whoever was like "Your sons a freak" and Shels mom was like "HES PERFECTLY FINE" while Shelley was like dismembering an animal or something + Johnny by American Murder Song: The songs good but theres this ONE LYRIC that sucks so the link provided is an edited version and also a lovely Warriors oc video I think you should all enjoy and support <3 Anyway Shel would be Johnny I could see this song being a scene in the book. Field trip to Shels house and they find his murder garden
If anyone wants more for Im not opposed to making another post :^)
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rosekasa · 4 years
Hi! You are my absolute favorite blog and I love checking it daily! I hope you have a wonderful day! If you wanted to maybe some ladynoir headcannons post-reveal?
awww anon thank u so much!!! youre so sweet!
• pining? pining. PINING AS HECK !!! theyd be at an interview and the interviewer will sneak in a question about whether they have a Special Someone in their civilian lives and they'll both just shyly glance at each other and be like 'haha sorry confidential info we cant tell you!!!"
• i want to believe their relationship will become much Softer once they reveal. obviously theyll have their banter and stuff but there would be more instances where they just walk along rooftops together quietly because they just enjoy each other's presence 🥺🥺
• blurring the lines between Friends and Something More. they'll do things like cup the other's cheek in a rush of affection (imagine chat noir laughing really hard and ladybug just cups his cheek because she is so Soft for him) or Subtly (not subtly) taking each other into their arms or hold each other's gazes for a longgg time
• tldr theyre basically like 'are we about to kiss' 24/7
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versti-fantur · 3 years
That Historic Glanniþro AU (part 1)
So i realise i never posted it,,, oops djsjsjs however, here it is!
some basics of the english civil war because idk a lil knowledge is necessary to understand it i guess? (it was from 1642-51 btw) so the king (charles i) was a dick, and parliament didnt like him at all so they started a war against him. the supporters of the king were cavaliers, the supporters of parliament were parliamentarians (or *roundheads* because of the shape of their helmets jsjsksksk) eventually after a longgg while the roundheads captured the king and beheaded him. also the armies on both sides kinda took over stately homes to base themselves in (which is important for the fic)
the *plot* then: glanni is a nobleman of suspicious origins - no one really knows where he came from or how hes so powerful but the king likes him so they leave him be. (he throws extravagant parties all the time and theyre *scandalous*). iþro is a high ranking member of parliament-turned-general when war breaks out, and he commands his own legion. he’s stationed in the same county as where glanni lives, and since glæpurs so notoriously wasteful and extravagant (and doesnt really treat the people living on his land very well) he thinks its a great idea to take over his stately home, and keep glanni prisoner there. glanni is, obviously, pissed off. but theyre kinda far away from where the main fighting is happening, so iþros orders are just to stay there, and over time (weeks, maybe months) the resentment between the two fades, and almost respect? glannis backstory is kinda revealed and so is iþros - theyre not as different as they thought - hell even something like friendship grows between them (and maybe something more...) until one day, maybe glanni gets too drunk, or iþro starts an argument that ends in glanni pinning him against a wall in anger and snarling something cruel and iþro can barely focus on what hes saying because hes transfixed by glannis lips, and slowly glanni realises , and stops mid-sentence, his own gaze dropping to iþros lips and for a moment that feels like forever they stay like that, breathing heavily but not *moving* and slowly *slowly* iþro leans forward, but then theres a clatter from the staircase as one of iþros soldiers drops some armour or something and they both jump apart, glanni vanishing into his private quarters leaving iþro in the hallway , craving his touch again. they dont speak about the incident for a fortnight, hell glanni doesnt even appear from his rooms for a week at least (iþro doesnt even know if he even *ate*) but when he does, they act like theyre walking on broken glass around each other, back like they were when iþro first arrived, until iþro finally cant take it any longer and one evening whist his men are out hunting or eating or something, he sneaks into glannis quarters and insists they talk about it. glanni says theyve nothing to talk about, that iþro is parlimentary scum and he wants him out of his house as soon as possible, but iþro ignores him and steps closer, resting one hand on Glanni’s arm and noticing his sharp intake of breath. “just fucking *leave me alone* íþróttaálfurinn” but its more pleading than an order, and iþro turns him around so theyre facing each other and cups glanni’s face gently, hesitantly, like he might break if he handles him too roughly, and finally, *finally* reaches up and kisses him, and glanni *melts* (he’s very loud, as he is with everythinh else) but as soon as they started theres no way they could stop and glanni’s hands fumble with the buttons of iþros doublet and then his hands are on his skin and theyre cold and they make iþro gasp, and he can feel glanni smirking against his mouth, and he never wants this to end, and eventually glanni pulls away with a hungry look in his eye and hickeys littering iþros throat, and drags him into his bedroom 👀 and then the next morning, iþro wakes up tangled in glanni’s sheets and the sunlight filtering through the open curtains, and he cant remmeber ever feeling more happy
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gutsybitsies · 6 years
things about louisa may au
was a fraught pregnancy because suzanne is in her late 40s, almost 50. 
bitty flew straight home to see her when he got the news, then came back. then flew to georgia again during the last two weeks when she was about to be due. 
he was seriously contemplating moving back to georgia for a while to help out. he’s a writer so he can do his work anywhere (his editor rosa calls LIES), and this way he can also help out financially without his parents refusing his help. 
this event helped put his mind off the fact that jack was going on dates with several beautiful women in a row
when he flew back home after louisa may was born and he made sure his mama was okay, jack ambushed him in the airport and when they reached his apartment they had loud loud sex. 
so obviously jack’s other dates went nowhere so bitty was guiltily happy about that 
bitty wants jack to find love but since it cant be with him he’d rather it take a longgg while
and meanwhile he has cute pictures of his baby sister to distract him from heartache
suzanne and coach are not getting any sleep. they’re too old for this and have no experience in this. bitty was a quiet baby. louisa may screams like she wants to destroy your soul.
coach gets in an accident where he breaks both his legs. then suzanne falls down with the flu.
they cant have the baby in the same house as someone with the flu, and bitty volunteered to take care of louisa may for two weeks while his aunt takes care of suzanne and coach. 
honestly theyre scrambling because after suzanne gets better from the flu she’ll have to take care of a literal infant and also her husband who is immobilized for six months. so two babies.
also babies grow up fast so there’s no chance of bitty keeping louisa may up north for months on end bc suzanne and coach won’t have that. 
and tbh after two weeks alone with louisa may (even with jack’s help) bitty is DONE with babies for a while. he still wants kids, but he’s not contemplating having them anytime soon. 
but he’ll still head back down and stay with his parents for a while until coach gets better just to help relieve his mama. they have a wider support network down there and he trusts his relatives more than his friends on the matter of baby caring (except for jack. jack is amazingly good with louisa may). 
which is probably going to take a few months. 
and jack visits. 
because jack loves louisa may. and helping out with her has inflamed all his paternal instincts
bitty had to stage an intervention for him with lardo and holster and ransom because jack was maybe treating louisa may as his own child and bitty had to set the record straight. otherwise it would hurt a lot more for jack when he’s not able to see louisa may every day. 
just imagine coach drawing football plays with two broken foot while suzanne is busy fixing dinner and bitty is coaxing louisa may to eat food and jack is taking pictures of the baby.  
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