#but since he didn't benson had to step in. like he HAD to. so there he goes to get the fucking shotgun LMAOOO
barklikeagod · 2 months
there is something so crazy in the way benson had chris right up in his face trying to intimidate him into shutting up (which wasn't really doing shit) but a slight shake of randy’s head and benson lets it drop……. for .3 seconds
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little-diable · 2 months
My Greatest Fear - Dean Winchester (smut)
Don't say I didn't warn y'all. Inspired by Benson Boone's new song "My Greatest Fear". Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Dean broke things off with the reader years ago, the biggest mistake of his life. But when Sam tells his brother that (y/n) is getting married, Dean knows it's time to make things right. He won't leave this life behind without being able to call her his once again.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, ex-lovers to lovers, some angst, lots of fluff tho, reader is a runaway bride
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader (3k words)
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Got a lot on my mind that keeps me up at night, I’m tossing and turning, thinking that my life’s gone to waste
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Dean shot the waitress a big smile as she placed his breakfast down, blushing as the handsome man winked at her. The older Winchester brother was too focused on his food to pick up on the uneasiness radiating off Sam, to focus on the sadness swimming in his brother’s pupils. 
“Fuck, that’s good.” Dean’s moans rumbled through him as he ate the greasy deliciousness, sipping on his coffee every now and then. It took him a while to lift his gaze, to allow his green eyes to focus on Sam’s untouched breakfast, forcing Dean’s eyebrows to furrow in confusion. “Not hungry? Shouldn’t you eat something after a long run?” 
“Mhm,” Sam’s eyes were focused on the window, unable to look at his brother any longer. His heart clenched in his chest, his mind was racing faster than it had in the past months, struggling to part his lips. 
“Sam,” Dean’s raspy voice forced Sam’s eyes back towards his older brother, unable to hold eye contact for long. “What’s wrong?” 
Dean had put down his breakfast burger while taking another sip of coffee. He patiently waited for Sam to speak, to spill whatever was visibly plaguing him. But Sam kept quiet, deeply inhaling as if he had to muster the strength to speak. Dean repeated his brother’s name, much quieter this time around, gentle almost – as if he had finally realised that whatever Sam was about to speak would hurt them both. 
“I received an email this morning.” It was a whisper, nothing more, words so obscurely simple that Dean couldn’t help but laugh. But Sam didn’t give in, killing Dean’s hope that Sam was simply fucking with him. Something heavy was about to claw through Sam, something heavy that could determine the outcome of this very day. “It was from Mary, (y/n)’s sister.”
Now it was on Dean to freeze, not expecting his brother to speak her name. Their eyes met, urging Sam to keep on speaking, to tell his brother about the email he had opened with shaky fingers, freezing in his step as he read the words she had written to him. 
“(Y/n)’s getting married, Dean.” Sam was forced to watch Dean sink back into the seat, arms crossed in front of his chest, uneasy eyes staring down at the table. And for a moment, neither of them spoke, letting the words sink in – words that had been Dean’s greatest fear ever since he had left her all these years ago. 
He had been stupid back then, too childish for his own good. Guided by his father’s words, he had dropped (y/n) and the life they could have lived together. His father had made pretty promises, telling his young son of women awaiting him, women he shouldn’t miss out on because of a marriage that would only tie him to (y/n), away from all the fun he could experience. The greatest mistake of his life, a mistake he hated himself for every single day. 
“That’s good for her. I’m happy she found somebody who treats her right.” The words pained Dean to speak, rolling off his tongue with a sharp edge that left Sam cringing. His hand found Dean’s forearm, gently squeezing his brother’s arm in a gesture so unfamiliar, Dean had to stop himself from shaking off Sam’s hand. 
“Dean, I’ve always loved her like a sister, I only want what’s best for her. But you’re my brother, I know how much not having her around scars you, I see it every day on your face. Get her back, try it at least.” 
Of all the things that I've been afraid to lose, my greatest fear of all is losing you
“I shouldn’t do this.” They were parked in front of the small church, eyes watching the big crowd of unfamiliar faces. Both Dean and Sam were wearing a suit, knowing that they had to blend in with the wedding guests to find their way to (y/n). “Why should she take me back? Why should she even listen to me?”
“Dean, if there is one thing I know it’s that she still loves you. Let’s get your girl back.” Sam was first to step out into the warm morning, eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses as they walked up to the crowd. He felt Dean close, not daring to speak up with his choked-up throat, with his heart pounding in his chest, knowing that this would be his only shot to make things right for once in his life. 
“Mary!” Sam’s voice echoed through the air, eyes focused on the frame of (y/n)’s sister. The young woman flung herself into Sam’s open arms, chuckling into his neck as he held her close for a moment. A moment too long for Dean who was growing more antsy with every passing second. 
“Thank you for coming. She’s making a mistake, Sam. You’re my only hope with this.” The words left Dean frozen, confused eyes flickering between his brother and Mary. He hadn’t read the email Mary had sent to Sam, hadn’t asked any further questions about the man (y/n) was about to marry, trusting that he was somebody she loved. “Come, I’ll bring you to her.”
“What the fuck man?” Dean growled the words at Sam as he followed them through the crowd and towards a small house built near the church. Sam fell into pace with his brother, watching Mary lead them towards the place where (y/n) was currently getting ready. 
“Well, you didn’t think I’d let you do this without knowing (y/n) would willingly leave her fiancé, did you? I wouldn’t destroy her happiness just like that, Dean.” Realistically, Dean should have known that Sam wouldn’t just push him into this without knowing that there was a chance to get her back. Sam had hated him for a while after he had left (y/n), punishing Dean for breaking her heart at any given chance, a broken bond that had needed months to be repaired. 
“(Y/n)? I brought two special guests.” Mary’s voice echoed through the small cabin, ringing in the brother’s ears as they waited outside. Dean felt his hands tremble, forced to let go of deep exhales as Mary opened the door for them, allowing them to step inside. His eyes were drawn to (y/n)’s like a moth to a flame, and his world stopped spinning, unable to focus on anything but her.
It took (y/n) a second to react, seemingly confused about the appearance of the two hunters she hadn’t seen in years. She was pulled into a hug by Sam, giving Dean another moment to admire her, the white dress she wore – a sight he had only seen in his dreams, imagining this very day, with him waiting at the altar for her. Dreams that had evaporated into a hazy nothingness the day he had left her. 
“Hi, sweetheart.” She sank into Dean’s grasp, clinging to him as if he hadn’t been the man who had broken her heart all these years ago. He watched his brother and Mary leave the cabin, giving the two some time alone as they kept on holding one another. 
“What are you doing here, Dean?” (Y/n) mumbled the words against the fabric of his suit jacket, not caring about smudging her make-up, not caring about anything but the way Dean held her close – as if he hadn’t ever stopped holding her. Carefully, Dean let her go, needing to give them some distance for the words he was about to speak, knowing that this could escalate any moment now. 
“I can’t let you marry another man without telling you that leaving you was my greatest mistake. A life without you has always been my biggest fear, I was stupid, so fucking stupid, sweetheart. I shouldn’t have listened to Dad, I should have married you right that day. And I hate myself for not doing it, for letting you go when you have always been my whole world. I know there is no chance for me to make things right, and even though Sammy and Mary hope that I will sweep you off of your feet and bring you back home to us, I know I can’t.” Tears dripped from her eyes, tears (y/n) didn’t care to wipe away. 
“I hated you for years, you broke me, Dean. You took away my life, my friends, the people I had grown to love. You ripped my heart right out of my chest, and even though I tried to fight for it, to regain its strength, I miserably failed. I should curse you, should tell you to fuck off and never show your face to me again. But I can’t. For Christ’s sake, Dean. What are we doing here?” He cupped her face with shaking fingers, letting his forest-green eyes run over her gorgeous face. 
“I want to kill him for getting a chance to love you, time that has been wasted because of me. But I don’t want to take another choice from you. If you want to marry him, I will watch from the first row, hell, I’ll even carry your veil.” His voice shook as he whispered the words, growing tense as (y/n) rested her hands on top of his, still cupping her cheeks.
“And if I don’t want to marry him?” 
I'm scared to take another picture of you, 'cause I'm scared to have another thing that I can lose, oh, dear, who am I without you here?
“I thought you were taking me home, where are we going?” Her laughter echoed through Baby, eyes set on Dean’s grinning features. They had left the church a while ago, running away like she had secretly hoped they would. (Y/n) had always been a dreamer, a dreamer who had pictured that very moment since the day it had dawned on her – about to marry a man she didn’t love. A man who wasn’t Dean Winchester. 
“We’ve got another thing to take care of first, I am not losing any more time.” Baby screeched to a halt in front of a pink church, a sight that left (y/n) confused, and Dean and Sam chuckling. They made their way into the church, with her fingers interlaced with Dean’s, with her white wedding gown clinging to her frame, with his suit hugging his frame. 
“Dean, Sam, I didn’t think I’d ever get to see you two around here!” An elderly man greeted them with a big smile. His brown eyes were drawn to (y/n)’s almost instantly, with a knowing smile growing on his lips – a smile that had an almost proud touch to it. “That’s her, huh? Took you quite some time, didn’t it.” “(Y/n), that’s Danny, an old friend of ours we met on a hunt. He could wed us, with Sammy as our witness, if you’ll have me.” Her heart had stopped beating, skipping a few beats as Dean’s words sank in. Her teary eyes found his and with a laugh clawing through her, she pressed a kiss to his lips, drawing a groan out of Dean, who tried to prolong the kiss for as long as possible. 
“I will always have you, Dean.” She was pulled towards the altar, unable to stop her tears from dripping as Danny began speaking a prayer she paid no attention to. All (y/n) could do was study Dean, the love swimming in his pupils, the way he looked at her as if she was his sun, alighting the darkest days with her mere presence. A soul crafted for his to hold onto, to love till their time together would eventually run out. 
“Do you have any rings?” Danny’s soft voice ripped (y/n) out of her thoughts, about to whisper a soft, disappointed “No”, but before she could even part her lips, Sam excitedly spoke up. Her eyes watched the tall Winchester brother, how he reached for his breast pocket to expose a small envelope to her glassy eyes. Wordlessly he pushed it towards Dean, who opened it with an unwavering smile stuck to his lips. 
“I bought these rings years ago, sure to eventually push yours down on your finger. I am sorry it took me this long.” Her sob left Dean chuckling, exposing his also teary eyes to hers. She had held onto all these longings for years, mere dreams that were now finally turning real – as if she was just sleeping through another longing. 
But, you're here, now, and that makes it better, somehow
“Let me.” Dean’s soft voice filled his bedroom. He was standing behind (y/n), carefully helping her out of her wedding dress with his gaze focused on the ring clinging to his finger. The past hours had flown by all too quickly, turning her from a runaway bride into his wife. His wife. A title so unfamiliar, Dean had to fight against the urge to pinch himself.
His for eternity. His to love. His to worship. 
“I love you, Dean.” (Y/n) whispered her words as she stepped out of her dress, exposing her underwear-clad frame to his hungry eyes. She was pulled into a teeth-chasing kiss, a kiss dripping with emotions that made her feel all too dizzy, having to hold onto Dean before she could be ripped into another dimension. 
“I love you too, sweetheart. And I’m so fucking sorry for missing out on this for years.” He pressed her down on the mattress, giving her a show as he slowly undressed. Her body was aching for him, needing to feel Dean close after all these long years apart. 
“Stop apologising with words and show me that you truly mean them.” His lips kissed her chest, the valley between her breasts as he undid her bra, exposing her hardening nipples to his twinkling eyes. Dean could cum just from the sight of her naked frame, a sight he had only seen in his dreams for the past years, not daring to imagine being this fortunate again. 
“God, you’re so beautiful. I promise to worship you for as long as you want me to.” Dean’s raspy words vibrated on her skin, covering her body with goosebumps as he kneaded her soft flesh. His cock was pressed against her clothed heat, drawing moans from her whenever he moved against her heat, desperate for the kind of friction that left them both trembling.
“I need you inside of me, Dean.” Her raspy whispers left him groaning against her skin as she raised her hips to help him pull her damp panties down her legs. Just this morning, (y/n) had imagined this very moment, knowing that she’d think of Dean when her husband touched her, a loveless marriage she would have been trapped in. 
“Are you still on birth control?” (Y/n) could only nod her head, mind taken up by the feeling of his wandering hands, keeping her pressed against him. Dean's cock twitched against her naked cunt, brushing through her arousal-covered folds to coat himself, “I love you, and I’ll do my best to prove it to you for the rest of our lives.”
“I love you too, Dean.” He pushed into her with a groan, forehead falling against hers as she fluttered around him. It felt as if he had entered paradise, falling to rest on clouds covering his body. She was his Elysium, his safe haven, the one where Dean could be the truest version of himself. 
He moved slowly at first, both needed some time to adjust to one another after all these years, but the second their bodies relaxed, properly enjoying one another’s closeness, Dean began to move faster. Their bodies met with every thrust, eyes holding a contact so intense, (y/n) feared her heart would explode right in her chest. 
Dean was taking his time with her, this wasn’t a rushed fuck to make up for all the time lost, no, it was so much more. This was the purest form of love, a one-of-a-kind love both had clung to in lonely nights, with wandering minds and trembling hands. This is what they had been destined to have, years ago – a love they were now rediscovering. 
“You feel so good, baby.” He felt her clenching around his cock, drawing another gritty sound out of Dean. (Y/n) was long gone, pushed into another dimension where she only knew Dean, nothing but his love, his touch, his irrevocable longing for her. Sensations she was taken hostage by, unable to shake them. 
His warm fingertips found her pulsing bundle, circling it with just enough pressure to draw his name out of her. (Y/n) could feel her orgasm slithering its way up her body, whispering to her to hold onto her husband, and with her fingernails clawed into Dean’s shoulders, she came. He followed her right down the edge, moaning against her lips as their bodies were moulded together. 
“Fuck, we’ll have to do that all through the night, husband.” (Y/n) whispered the words as a few heavy pants left her, making a laugh claw out of Dean who chased her slightly swollen lips for another kiss. 
“Trust me, I won’t let you leave our bed for weeks, wife.” 
Don't know how the broken pieces fit together if you leave it, so, don't go, don't go, I would take your hand if I could reach it
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prentisssgf · 2 months
| forget me knots
| law and order svu
| casey novak x reader
| 100% just pure angst
| DNI if you’re 18, there’s themes of violence, guns, stalking and death threats, I am not responsible for the content you chose to read
| also this is my first time writing for svu so like go easy on her please
| 2189 words
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"Case? can you come here for a second?" you looked up from your desk at the office, you had been busy all day that you hadn't even had a chance to thank your girlfriend for the flowers she gave you.
"What's up?" Casey replied nonchalantly as she and Olivia walked over to you.
"Oh hey Liv" you smiled at your boss gently.
"Hi Y/N is everything okay?" she smiled at you.
"Yeah I just wanted to thank Casey for all the flowers she's given me these past couple of weeks, it's just been so hectic I haven't had a chance to properly thank her" you looked over at Casey who sat on your desk next to you, you noticed she had slightly tensed up but you figured it was because she was too embarrassed that you admitted that in front of Olivia, you knew Olivia longer though and you knew that Olivia would be happy for you.
"Oh um yeah for sure" Casey leaned down to kiss the top of your head before walking back to her office.
You turned around to look at Olivia who just shrugged "I'm gonna make coffee does anyone want any?" you announced.
Only Olivia said yes but you made one for yourself and Casey anyway.
"Detective Benson, can I speak with you for a moment alone in my office please?" Casey stepped out of her office to ask Olivia, she nodded and made her way there.
You finished making everyone coffee, you left yours on the desk and brought the remaining two coffee to your girlfriend's office when you heard slightly muffled arguing? no it wasn't an argument? it was worry.
"Casey, Casey I need you to calm down" Olivia worried.
"Olivia, you don't get it" Casey sighed.
"Then explain it to me then" Olivia returned with the same sigh.
"I didn't send her the flowers" Casey almost sobbed.
"You-but who?-"
"I don't know" Casey shuddered a deep breath "look Liv, something's been going on but you can't tell Y/N that I know, you can't even tell Y/N alright?"
"I can't promise you that, if it's beneficial-"
"She has a stalker" Casey said point blankly.
You shifted quietly so that you could hear them slightly better.
"She's been getting letters from someone she arrested" you could see through the glass that Casey was rubbing her temples with her fingers and Olivia was perched on her desk "Frank McCool"
"Him?" Olivia shouted causing you to almost spill the coffee "we arrested that son of a bitch years ago"
"Yeah well he got out of jail 4 months ago, ever since then he's been sending her flowers, death threats, Y/N is a heavy sleeper and I'm not, so sometimes I could hear him come to the house and call for her, I would look through the window but-" Casey sobbed.
"The contradiction between the romantic gesture of the flowers and the death threats is kinda odd don't you think Case?" Olivia started to pace around Casey's office.
"Yeah I thought so too, until one day when Y/N was out getting groceries I had a good look at the flowers, that son of a bitch stuffed Lillies in there"
"Allergic yeah"
"He would obviously know that if he was stalking here, I think Frank's trying to kill her, Liv come on help me here?"
"Shit" you muttered a little too loud. as your coffee was getting cold
"Honey? you out there?" Casey called out.
"Yeah but I accidentally dropped your coffee I'll get you a new one" you said hoping she wouldn't catch you in a lie.
"Y/N it's okay, just come in here for a second" Olivia called out, you put the two coffees in the bin outside her office and walked in.
"Hey is everything okay? am I in any trouble here" you half joked knowing exactly what was about to come.
"No, you're not in any trouble but you might find yourself in some" Olivia smiled.
"Huh?" you and Casey turned to face her at the same time.
"You have a stalker Y/N, it's Frank McCool, and he's dangerous, he's out to kill you" Olivia smiled as Casey grabbed your hand from the other side of the desk.
"What Olivia was trying to say is that we need to stay here, where he can't see us" Casey replied.
"You don't think I'll leave you on your own now would you?" Casey smirked.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath "so the flowers weren't from you?"
"Honey no" Casey called out "they were from Frank and he stuffed Lillies in there"
"I'm allergic" you locked eyes with Casey for the first time in that office today.
"We need to get the FBI here" Olivia nodded "if he's trying to kill you"
"Okay, Case will you stay with me I don't know if I can do this by myself"
"Sure" Casey smiled as she sat you down on her couch in the office.
A few minutes later you heard two FBI agents come in to Casey's office to talk to you, you looked up as your hand was still interlocked with Casey's.
"Hi Y/N, I'm Elle Greenaway and this is Jennifer Jareau, we're with the FBI, we just wanted to ask you some questions really quick alright?" the tall brunette smiled.
You hesitantly nodded as the blonde made her way over to you "tell me what happened" Jennifer smiled gently as she knelt down in front of you.
"I've noticed I've been getting a lot of flowers lately and I've been so busy that I forgot to tell Casey" you all looked over at Casey at the same time "my girlfriend, thank you for the flowers but then my boss, Olivia Benson, spoke with Casey and I overheard that she didn't send the flowers it was from the man who I arrested years ago"
"You did great Y/N" JJ smiled gently once more before she stepped up.
"Wait" Casey stopped her, JJ and Elle looked at each other before she carried on "She's been getting death threats too, he's also been stalking her and coming to her house in the middle of the night when she's sleeping, I'm not a heavy sleeper but Y/N is so when I'm there I can hear him knocking, he's never broken in but the reason I called the FBI in is because we think he's trying to kill her" Casey replied.
You looked at Casey dumbfounded before you had the chance to say anything Elle spoke up.
"What makes you think that he's trying to kill her?" Elle replied sternly.
"The threats on the letters are so disturbing and the flowers"
"Do you have the letters?" JJ replied "do you by any chance know who's doing this?"
"Um yeah I do, his name is Frank McCool and the letters, they're in my bag" Casey stood up and walked over to her bag that was over the other side of the room and took out a huge pile of letters, you flicked through the pile, some of them nonchalant but one or two describing in excruciatingly detail of how much he wanted to kill you, Casey put these two directly in the middle so you wouldn't see it.
"Casey" you whispered "why didn't you show me these?"
"I didn't want you to see" Casey replied honestly "these are too disturbing Y/N the first time I read them I threw up and I couldn't imagine how you would feel"
You nodded slightly, smiling at the fact that Casey wanted nothing more than to protect you.
"And the flowers?" JJ replied with a furrowed brow.
"When Y/N was out one day getting groceries, I took a deeper look at the flowers and he stuffed Lillies in there, Y/N's allergic"
"Okay, thank you guys, Y/N you did great" JJ repeated once more.
Casey sat back down on the couch and you didn't waste a second wrapping your arms around her waist, even though you knew Casey and your squad would do everything to protect you, you still felt like there would be a way you wouldn't come out of this alive, you thought of all the possibilities and it just made you spiral, you couldn't help but sob.
Casey managed to get you through your panic attack a while later, she stayed in the same position, even when Olivia walked through the door.
"They're doing everything they can right now Y/N but I'm afraid that you're gonna have to stay here for tonight I'm sorry" Olivia shook her head "just for one night honey I promise"
"I'll stay" Casey whispered to you.
"Thank you" you looked up at her and smiled.
You woke up to a knock on you Casey's office door, you jumped slightly as you tightened your grip around Casey's waist, you looked up at her and she was already awake.
"Casey?" you noticed a hooded figure staring at you "Casey is that?-" realization set in as you were inches away from Frank McCool.
"Baby I need you to be really quiet right now can you do that for me?"
You nodded profusely before Casey got up to text Olivia telling her it was a life or death emergency.
"Come on, I know you're in there Y/N Y/L/N, I just want to talk to you" he drawled.
You squeezed your eyes as much as you possibly could before you felt a pair of hands around your waist, kicking and punching it you didn't even realise it was Casey, you sobbed even harder as she just told you that everything was fine and that the whole squad and the two agents you had met previously were on their way to you and would be there any minute.
You tried to apologize to your girlfriend for kicking and punching her, but she understood completely, luckily there was no injuries as you had missed her completely.
"Y/N I know you and your girlfriend are in there I want to give these to you" he held up probably the biggest bouquet of Lilies that was humanly possible.
"Oh God" you sobbed as you fell into Casey, her arm protecting you, her free hand was texting Olivia to hurry up.
"Fuck, Casey" you replied as she started slamming his hand against the glass of the door, seconds later he finally broke the glass and he let himself in as he twisted the doorknob on your side.
"Hi" he smiled at you sinisterly as he started walking closer to you, with a gun in his hand.
"Leave me alone please" you cried.
"But I just wanted to give you these" he pouted as he pointed back to the lillies.
"You think it's smart to come in to a police station and threaten a detective, when there's 6 other detectives and two agents here too?" Casey replied.
"Well I don't see them" he tilted his head as his gun was inches away from Casey's face.
"Turn around" Olivia shouted.
"Now you see them" Elle pouted.
"Come any closer and they both die" he announced to everyone.
"I don't wanna die" you looked over at Casey.
"You won't, I'll make sure that doesn't happen I promise" Casey smiled.
"I wouldn't make promises I can't keep" he turned around and aimed his gun at your head.
You didn't get to see who killed him but you saw his lifeless body on the floor, too shaken up to stand, Casey got up first and carried you out bridal style.
"Take her home Case, I'm giving you both 5 days off, that's a direct order"
Casey nodded, she started walking out and then saw JJ and Elle on her way out.
"Take my card, and talk to me when you're home" JJ smiled.
"Thank you both, for everything" Casey smiled.
You woke up several hours later around 2pm on your couch as with Casey on the other end, she was on the phone to someone but you weren't sure who, Casey opened her arms out for you to lie on her lap, you did that while she was still on the phone, she played with your hair in one hand while holding her phone with the other.
"Who was that?" you looked up and smiled gently.
"Agent Jareau, I called her to thank her and Agent Greenaway for everything they've helped us with on the case" she explained.
"Casey I don't know what I would've done without you today" you sighed interlocking your fingers.
"Hey no, don't go there" she placed her phone down and tapped your temple making you both laugh slightly.
"I'm really sorry for hurting you earlier" you worried.
"It was a fight or flight response, I would've done the same thing, but you didn't hurt me I promise" she leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"I love you Casey Novak" you chuckled.
"I love you too, more then you know" Casey smiled at you once more.
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geodenes · 3 months
how do u think mordeson get together 👀
1FIRST  OF  ALL  THANK  YOU  SO  DEARLY  FOR  THIS  ASK.  I  HIGHLY  APPRECIATE  YOU  FOR  THIS  😭😭‼  if  i'm  totally  honest,  it's  not  something  i've  thought  about  in  great  depth  but  now  since  (  bc of  u  )  i  have  the  chance  to  do  so  it's  !  pretty  cool  !!!  so  i  really  hope  that  whatever  i  write  now  can  make  some  sense,,,  again  huge  thankyou  for  this,  it  makes  me  soooo  so happy<3
i  like  2  think  that  their  relationship  is  *not*  one  that  comes  together  quickly,  i  believe  the  correct  term  would  be  'slow-burn'.  i  was  just  talking  about  this  a  moment  ago  but  i  do  feel  that  the  main  reason  they  bond  is  'cause  they  decide  to  give  themselves  a  chance  2  get  to  know  more  about  each-other  when  they  discover  /  share  something  in  common  (  it  could  be  issues,  it  could  be  experiences,  it  could  be  interests:  in  my  mind,  it  feels  right  &  comforting  if  it's  something  music-related  )  thus  realizing  that  they're  not  as  different  as  they  used  to  think,  and  the  perception  they  had  of  one  another  shifts  !  as  a  result,  the  two  of  them  come  to  like  each  other  more  &  would  look  for  each-other  more  often  because  their  presence  provides  a  sense  of  well-being  that  wouldn't  be  found  in  another  person  (  despite  the  adversities,  they  have  an  understanding  !  getting  to  know  each-other  leads  to  a  positive  impact  on  their  lives  !  they  learn  &  heal  )
repeating  this  for  like  the  thousandth  time,  but  being  familiar  with  mordecai  would  lead  to  benson  loosening  up  a  bit  &  not  feeling  so  stressed  out,  making  him  able  to  go  through  his  daily  life  with  more  ease.  mordecai  would  try  to  improve  not  only  for  benson,  but  also  for  himself,  and  become  someone  more  cooperative  and  responsible  ^__^ 🫶
now,  in  terms  of  who  confesses  i  don't  have  the  slightest  idea.  there  are  so  many  probabilities  &  most  of  them  seem  plausible???  i  should  go  re-watch  the  series  2  give  a  more  specific  analysis,  but  in  my  heart  i  feel  that  at  first,  benson  wouldn't  want  to  acknowledge  that  his  feelings  for  mordecai  have  changed  &  would  avoid  doing  anything  about  it,  fearing  to  ruin  whatever  they  have  going  on.  instead,  i  rather  think  mordecai  would  be  the  one  to  take  that  step,  he'd  simply  feel  the  urge  &  need  to  let  him  know  because  (  by  the  very  same  advice  benson  gave  him  )  he  would  at  least  then  have  the  solace  of  knowing  that  he  gave  it  a  try  &  won't  be  sorry  that  he  didn't  do  anything  when  he  had  the  chance.  yeah  !
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2ctheocean · 1 year
Hot take: EO is not ready to be together, no matter how much the fandom is ready for them to be. Elliot has barely acknowledged any of what had happened to Liv in the last 10 years. He hasn't asked. The one time he did, he fixated on her dating life. Not her kid, not her cases, not her trauma or how she made captain. Her dating life.
Doing all of that would mean admitting to her face that he was wrong to ghost her for a decade and that he regrets how much he missed (more than the half-assed version we got). Which will be hard for Stabler, who has a tough time being honest about his emotions anyway (the therapy is a FANTASTIC first step). Until he gets ALL of that information and tells her that, she's not going to be convinced he won't ever leave her again.
There's so much that's a part of her now that Stabler just doesn't know about.
And the one thing the fandom keeps forgetting is that Liv was traumatized by him leaving. One could argue Lewis was the peak of that truama on top of being his own hellbeast.
They were joined at the hip for 12 years. And then he just ghosted her. And for those four days when Lewis had her, she was forced to rely only on herself.
She's kept everyone else at a distance since he left. There have been dozens of moments in the last decade where she's been reminded of him-"did you really think he was going to look over one day and realize you were the woman he couldn't live without?"- But the last part of her that believed she wouldn't always need to save herself took a fatal blow when she saved herself from Lewis. Up until that moment, a small part of her geniunely hoped Elliot'd smash through the door and save her. She was thinking about him the entire time he was there.
But Stabler stayed gone, and she stayed alone, and she had to learn to be okay with it. His silence indicated to her that she wasn't in his thoughts, that everything she thought she knew about their bond wasn't real.
And then it was affirmed by Kathy's letter.
And then thrown off all over again by Elliot saying "In a parellel universe, it will always be you and I."
So. Many. Mixed. Signals.
Now he's back, and she's unwilling to take that wall down again because it's such a big risk. Ed was the only one after Elliot who even partially got through, and she did eventually shut him out when he got too close. Elliot has not earned his way back into her heart. He might have taken his first steps, but it's going to be a long road.
Or Benson is going to get abducted or something and Stabler's going to burst in and save her like he should have done a decade ago and it's going to make her understand that she can trust him again (this feels cheap to me as a social worker, but as a writer, it will make for great television)
This is all compounded by the fact that People. Keep. Walking. Out. On. Her.
The moment she forms what feels unbreakable, they're gone. The moment she feels safe and comfortable with them, they're gone. Munch, Craegon, Nick. Chief Dodds and his son. Barba. Stone. Kat. Garland.
And then Amanda almost died. And then Benson had to give her up too. Amanda, the closest thing she's ever had to a sister. Who's kids she's godmother too. The woman her son calls "Aunt" and has known since day one. Who has similiar problems and truamas, who was there for the worst moments of her life and went through her own with Liv right there.
I suspect the only reason Liv didn't take it even harder is because of Carisi. As long as she has him, Amanda's close by and she hasn't lost her completely. Amanda and Carisi are a packaged duo now (yet another set of partners Liv has watched get the happy ending she should have gotten with Elliot but that's another post).
She's still in a freefall though. It's why she's suddenly scrambling for reassurance from Fin that he's not leaving too. He's all she has left, the only one who's stayed. Ironically, he's the longest relationship she's ever had with a man now. Her brother in every way that matters.
Notice that while Fin struggles with Amanda leaving, he doesn't take it nearly as hard, at least that we've seen. He has Phoebe, after all. His partner- the one that mattered most, the one that came back. (All of this is being said before the Fin centeric episode in a week or two)
I've digressed here. Fin grounds her enough that she can keep working. He gets her to fill Amanda's desk. But she's still reeling. She's in no place to trust anyone new right now, or love anyone new.
And anything with Elliot she started right now would be new. Uncertain. And while she may know in her heart of hearts that he'll never leave her again, you cannot blame her for being tired of being hurt. That's what was happening when she stepped back from him to lean on the fridge. She wants to lean on him, fall into him, but she's so emotionally exhausted that she just can't risk it. She's Not Ready because she won't survive loving him again and then losing him again (too).
TLDR: I will defend Liv's reluctance to trust again to my dying breath and it's justified no matter how impatient I or the rest of the fandom get.
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maggie32432 · 11 months
Rafael Barba Imagine - Wrong Place Wrong Time (Part 4)
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 You are a detective for NYPD’s SVU under lieutenant Olivia Benson. In Season 17 Episode 10 you are abducted as a hostage with Olivia and Rafael is outside the scene. 
Kailyn falls into Rafael, hardly able to stand on her own at this point. The paramedics try to get to her, but she shoves them off as Rafael holds her tighter than ever before. One of his arms is around her shoulders and the other is against the back of her head. "I've got you, I've got you," He repeats as he helps her back toward the van.
"Rafa," She mumbles against his clothes.
"You're staying with me tonight," He says and I just nod, glancing around his apartment, though feeling incredibly numb throughout my entire body. "I-" That's when I feel myself crumble for the first time since it all happened. Tears run from my eyes as Rafa holds me close to him, helping me to sit down on the bed. "Why were you at the scene? You're normally just needed after," I joke, though my voice incredibly small and weak, and he smiles, wiping the tears from my cheeks but then looks away, "I knew you were in there. I couldn't not be there," He says and my heart softens.
"H-he had the gun against my head the entire time," "I know," he says, voice as soft as butter at this point, "All I could think of was that I would never have gotten to tell you how I feel...I have wasted so much time being afraid of my own feelings," I whisper and he looks at me, now his eyes softening too.
"Well now we have all the time in the world. You wanna use the bathroom to wash your hair?" He says and I smile, for a lawyer he sure is not direct right now. "Yes," "I'll run you a bath," he says, kissing my temple before walking into the bathroom as I take off my jacket and kick off my shoes. I hear him come back into the room and even the sound of his footsteps made my heart skip a beat. "Breathe, you're safe now," He says, coming back to me and I feel my heart racing now, but for a different reason. He takes my hand and I feel my body shaking again as he leads me into the bathroom.
I walk into his large bathroom and see the tub filling up with bubbles and warm water. My body feels weak. Weaker than I care to admit as I feel Rafa behind me. "Would like me to wait outside?" He asks breath against my shoulder, but I shake my head, "Stay," "Te cuidaré" he whispers as I hesitantly pull my top off. I did not think that the first time Rafael would see me naked is him helping me wash blood out of my hair. I pull the rest of my clothes off before stepping into the warm water, still not quite feeling like myself.
The water surrounds my skin as I sit down, wasting no time to curl into a ball. Rafael sits beside the tub, ready to wash my hair and be careful to not touch my stitches. I glance up at him to see him staring at me with a more loving look than I've ever seen before. "I wish he didn't die. I wanted him to suffer the consequences," I mumble against my knee and Rafa nods, "I know, I'm sorry," He says and I just continue to look down at the water.
His hands massage my head and I lay back contently, now feeling slightly more comfortable to show my breasts. The water quickly turns pink, but Rafa never stops. After letting me sit for a while, he helps me out of the tub, letting me borrow some of his clothes.
Rafael holds her as she stumbles from the tub. The towel is wrapped around her body loosely, but even for the experienced ADA it's hard to watch her in such a rough shape. The stitches in her forehead ache as she looks more exhausted than he thought possible. After having a gun held to anyone's head for hours that entails therapy and a psychologist note in order to go back to work, but he's sure that Kailyn knows all of that.
"Come to bed, cariño," he says as he helps her lay in his sheets. "Rafa, why have we spent all those nights going over notes in my apartment when you live in a place like this?" she asks, eyes already closed against the pillow, He chuckles to himself, "I'll go to the guest room," "No!" she exclaims, eyes opening and perking up as she grabs his hand. He realizes through this how traumatized she really is, "Okay, okay. I'll stay," He whispers and she nods, body relaxing back against the mattress.
Barba's phone buzzes with a text from Carisi, Sonny: How's McCann doin? Have you talked to her? Barba: She's fine. Staying with me for a while. Sonny: Take good care of our girl for us
Rafa turns his phone off to look back at Kailyn. "I was thinking the same thing today," "Hm?" She asks as he crawls into bed on the other side, laying beside her. "I thought that-well, if I lost you then I never-I never would've been able to tell you," He says, "Tell me?" She asks, now opening her beautiful blue eyes, "Te amo," He whispers and her eyes widen, "I love you," she whispers back, putting her hand on the side of his face.
His eyes close at her touch, "I thought I was going to lose you today," "I'm here," His eyes shut as he holds back the tears he didn't know where coming.
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darknight3904 · 2 years
Sober - Eddie Munson
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Chapter 5 - Rebound
You might ask why is there a gif of Steve in this chapter and not our beloved Eddie? Well the answer dear readers is because Steve finally makes his debut in the story!!
"Y'know I just do not understand why you don't just get on the damn phone and yell at him to get his ass back to Hawkins." Marguerite sighed sipping at her lemonade
"Johnathan is different. And I don't want to upset him by doing that. Besides there's always Spring break." Nancy said
"You're so nonconfrontational it makes me physically ill." Marguerite groaned
"Who's nonconfrontational?" A voice asked
Fred Benson welcomed himself to the table by loudly setting his tray down. A year ago, Marguerite didn't even know who Fred was but now she found him sitting next to her every day at lunch. He was an interesting boy a little jumpy though. Billy would've made fun of her for even looking at a boy like Fred Benson. Marguerite wondered what Billy would've said about her sitting and talking with him everyday.
"Nancy says Johnathan isn't coming to Hawkins during winter break." She explained
"Oh. Well that's alright I guess." Fred shrugged
"Y'know you're really clueless about relationships Fredward." Marguerite smiled
"I am not. I'm sure Nancy's Johnathan issues will be fine." He said straightening his glasses
"Whatever. I'm gonna run to the bathroom quickly." She excused herself.
Marguerite spent the rest of the day hiding red eyes from her teachers and dozing while they talked about whatever they seemed important. Immediately after school she found Robin and followed her to Steve's car.
"Those eyes look pretty red, Marguerite..." Robin said
"It's not even that bad." Marguerite dismissed
"Really let's see what Steve has to say?" Robin bargained
They reached the car and found Max already sitting in the backseat, headphones on with music playing.
"Jesus you look like shit, Marguerite." Steve said
"You can't just say that to pretty girls, Steve." Marguerite said as she slipped into the passenger seat.
"Who said I was talking to a pretty girl?" Steve teased
"You. You said it like...a million times when you were mine. Like that one time after we-"
"Okay that's enough about what you and Steve have done!" Robin cut her off
"I was just gonna say after we watched Terminator!" Marguerite exclaimed
Robin shook her head as Steve pulled out of the parking lot ignoring the way her friend was giggling in the front seat.
"You and I both know that's not what you were gonna say." Steve shook his head
"So you hung out with Eddie Munson last night and then fell asleep in his room?!" Robin practically screamed
"Yeah...it's really no big deal. Nothing happened I did find out he used to have his head shaved though." Marguerite replied
"Uh it is a big deal. You can't use Munson as your rebound from me. That's a huge step down." Steve pointed out
"Steve stop pretending you're some untouchable God." Robin groaned
"Yeah you literally are best friends with a 15 year old." Marguerite laughed
"You like Henderson just as much as I do." Steve shook his head
"Yeah but you're like some dad figure to him little Stevie." Robin said
"Mmm I was thinking more like mom figure." Marguerite interjected.
"I'm not a mom figure to Henderson." Steve said
"You literally drove him to that middle school dance. Plus you literally gave him girl and hair advice." Marguerite pointed out
She had been walking with them along those train tracks while they looked for Dart. Steve had admitted to his hair secrets being sponsored by Farrah Fawcett herself. And then she had to listen to Steve talk about lions and agression.
"Whatever, Marguerite." Steve said turning away from the girls and continuing to stack VHS tapes.
Family Video was quiet on a Thursday afternoon. Business didn't really ramp up until the weekend began and everyone had time to screw around. Marguerite didn't actually work at the movie rental place, she hadn't had a job since Starcourt had closed. Instead she just hung with Steve and Robin as they organized tapes and avoided Keith and his strange attempts to ask her out.
"What if we just caught a movie this Friday?" Keith asked munching on those cheese curls
"Nope. I got plans." Marguerite said not looking up from her book
"Plans? Plans with who?" Steve asked
"None of your business Steve." Marguerite sighed
"Betcha its with Eddie!" Robin yelled from the back of the store
"It is not with Eddie." Marguerite glared
No Eddie in this chapter sorry everyone :( but on the Bright side he will be back next chapter. I hope you are enjoying so far.
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Sinnin on a Sunday Night
Flashback to my heavy partying days. Not quite sure when they really stopped come to think of it. Did they stop?
Besties: Charlie Jade x Sunny Kim
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It was a productive Sunday, one Charlie used to get her hectic life together. There was so much to reconcile. Firstly, she was back in the United States--the A to be specific. She'd spent most of July to December which included her 19th birthday in Santiago, Chile. It was her first birthday away from home. On top of that, this spring would be her final semester at Spelman. Second, Reggie was out telling anyone who'd listen that his daughter was a world traveler with money. She didn't even have a job. Lupe said to ignore Reggie's siblings if they somehow got her number. They were Reggie clones looking to bring her down a peg and make Reggie out to be a liar in the process. Charlie had gotten a taste of that when she was young. Her aunt Regina was an evil bitch.
Reggie hit Charlie for photos of her trip and she'd sent a few without her in them. Aside from that nonsense, she had her commitment to the step team which demanded she give more time and energy now that she was back, her romantic roster of past dates drizzling in texts and calls to catch up and go out, her studies, and the condition of the dorm room. It had been a mess all week. Charlie couldn't focus so she started cleaning her side of the room which went quickly. Miranda’s took more time along with the bathroom, floors, and laundry sorting. Luckily they had an SVU marathon.
Olivia Benson had finally gotten the solemn gothic teen prostitute to open up when Miranda's ranting overtook the scene causing Charlie to miss the most satisfying part of the exchange. "The oceans are getting warmer and no one seems to care!" She was laying on her bed going on and on with gusto while Charlie sorted their combined and overflowing laundry. Looked like SVU was out.
"What are you talkin' bout," Charlie dropped the pair of red hot-pants from the basket to the floor, placing her hands on her hips. "You're talking and I don't know what the fuck you’re saying."
"Jo-er, No me escuchas de todos modos."
"You're annoying."
"The OCEAN. It's heating."
"And that's bad..."
Miranda slapped the bed she'd been restricted to in frustration. "Pretty soon our sea life will be no more! Or certain species will be extinct at the least!"
"Hija de puta." Her irritation was palpable, payback for itching Charlie's nerves. "This affects you too. Evaporation intensifies as temperatures rise, and so does the transfer of heat from the oceans to the air. As the storms travel across WARM oceans, they pull in more water vapor and heat. That means hurricanes. Tropical storms. Severe storms."
The mere thought of more severe storms made Charlie anxious. She took the laundry to get away from the conversation already having enough on her mind. Next up was to meet Taylor from the step team for their weekly Sunday brunch. Miranda wasn't into church but Taylor was raised in it and Charlie found that it was soothing. She'd tag-along and they'd make it a weekly thing chillin platonically at Rosie's Cafe in the West End.
"Do you mind swinging by Target? I need to get a few things."
Charlie had to hit up Lupe for the money since she didn't have a paying job yet. "You better find a job soon," she warned but Charlie was well aware of her thinning patience and had one lined up for post-grad. Until then.. she needed things for the dorm like a new dish brush, a new toilet brush, tampons, dish soap, deodorant, a toothbrush, and some food. Taylor checked out first and went to take a call outside, then Charlie rushed to the register where a Korean cashier stood waiting with eyeliner and cuts in his eyebrow.
"Hi, how are you."
Charlie was torn on whether to flirt as she was being conscious of Taylor's time with items already spilling on the belt. "Good thanks."
He scanned each item quickly giving her a total while he bagged them, waiting for her to say something before hitting her with the "Enjoy your day." The strong eye contact following her even on her way out pulled her right back to him. She couldn't just leave. "Yes, ma'am," he leaned forward.
"I almost left something.. Your number."
Instantly he blushed into a small smirk raising a subtle brow while keying his number into her phone. "Sunny," Charlie read aloud.
"Your name is?"
"Charlie. You single, Sunny?"
"Hell yeah," he smiled shyly, following Charlie's finger as it trailed down his red uniform polo.
"Anyone who'd be pissed to hear you say that?"
"Why," he squinted, "You can't fight?"
"Maybe you can show me," Charlie smiled on her way out.
"Call me. I'll show you."
Charlie smiled all the way to Taylor's car. He was exactly her type. His haircut and piercings told her that.
Back at campus, Charlie took a long nap in an empty dorm as Miranda was with her sorority sisters. After a mental reset she responded to her messages and responded to a call from Miranda's older brother Carmello. He couldn't reach Miranda because her phone was probably on do not disturb. "I can pass a message," Charlie offered after a brief chat about school. Turned out their mom was having a surprise birthday party and they wanted both Miranda and Charlie there. "Oh hell yes, finally a party!" Charlie made a note to get with Miranda on a gift.
The next call she got was an invite to go out for the night with some students. While Charlie's Sunday afternoons were often filled with the quiet peace of church, the evenings were often filled with loud clubs. Classy clubs. Ratchet clubs. Strip clubs. Dance clubs. She wasn't old enough to legally drink but she was old enough to build a roster of potential dates. Unbeknownst to all but Miranda, she had a digital list of all her dates in order. There were fifteen names exactly. Each person had anywhere from zero to five stars rating attractiveness, kissing skills, and personality. A girl named Valeria had the highest scores to date with perfect scores of five. The number in parenthesis (3) stood for the number of times they kicked it.
Charlie was still searching for that special someone who could make her heart do jumping jacks. What did it feel like to be in love, or at least infatuated? She explored her curiosity through nights out on Sundays and Friday nights where she could practice risky flirtation. She'd always been outgoing and now that she had friends on campus to invite her out to the heavy clambakes and meetups as she liked to call them, she had a decent social network and knew her way around the small chunk of Atlanta. The more she went out, the more popular she became and the more Atlanta became like a second home.
She texted Sunny since she had his number. He texted back within 20 minutes that he wouldn't make it out which was a little disappointing, but she moved on and enjoyed her night as usual dancing and getting drunk off drinks ordered by her people. She returned to the room at 3 AM smelling like liquor, knocking over things in the room she'd just cleaned, and giggling--typical Sunday night.
"Oh! Carmello called you," she slurred leaning over Miranda who woken up to the noise.
"I know I read your note." She turned over trying to get back to sleep.
"I left a note," Charlie pointed to herself in confusion before letting it go. "Miranda, you know you're my best friend here, right? I don't feel like I tell you enough but I love you. You're important to me and I'm so glad we-"
"Charlie, but for the love of God shut the fuck up and go to sleep. It's 3 fuckin AM."
"I know, I know I just--Hey.. did you see the video of that mom who, her baby-like.. fell. Wait he almost fell because he dived forward head first to the floor but she caught him! She dropped her grocery bags and he caught the bags mid-air, he was so sm-"
"CHARLIE," Miranda groaned. "Go to sleep.. Ok? We have class in the morning."
"Yeah," Miranda mocked.
"Oh SHIT.."
"Uhuh, somehow you always forget."
Charlie stripped on the spot in a rush to shower. She woke up the next morning in the shower still naked. She only woke up because Miranda opened the shower to step in and nearly jumped out of her skin.
"Hm.." It took a few fuzzy seconds for Charlie to come to herself and wake up fully. The hangover was nothing nice and Miranda was good enough to make sure she had her things like a mother checking her child before school.
It wasn't until a couple weekends later that Sunny would text and by that time Charlie had plans, but she gave it one more shot the next weekend on a Sunday after church and brunch. He didn't have a car but he had access to a car to borrow. He picked her up at the school taking her to a nearby art gallery with local pieces. Together they walked side by side through the art-lined aisles listening to the low indie music in comfortable silence exchanging an occasional smile. He was taller by an inch or two she noticed as she walked. He had long legs and nice style. Nice shoes.
"Do you know this song," Charlie asked.
"Nope, you?"
An art gallery was an interesting choice. It was free and a no-effort date. If things didn't go well he wasn't losing anything. Neither was she.
They continued to stroll, stopping to admire paintings and sculpted works, giving each piece its respective moment of thought and admiration. They were all pieces for sale, but expensive for a college kid's budget.
"So you're an art student," he nodded. "What pulled you into art?"
"Um," Charlie giggled, "Fuck you talkin bout, I'm not an art student I'm a psychology major."
Seven flavors of confusion cross his attractive features. "So.. wait wait.. why did I see you with the art people? They always buy art shit when they come to target."
"You can't just like art? To be fair, it's my minor but because I just like art. Is that why you brought me here? ..Do you even like these paintings," Charlie smirked.
"Hell nah, I was doing it for you! These paintings are shit."
"They are shit," Charlie laughed going back by the one they'd passed a few steps back. "This one looks like it belongs in the great depression with an old white woman named Lois eating water pies."
"That one and the one beside it. It's so boring. $750 to look at dirt and an old barn. That's serial killer shit."
"Nebraska.. we're in fuckin Atlanta.. Look at this shit," Charlie pulled him arm to the next one. "What the fuck is that?"
"Chaos. Someone just said fuck it and threw up on it."
"Then sealed it in cement."
They went through the entire gallery roasting the art before they were thirsty enough to grab drinks with Sunny showing his ID for a mojito. He was freshly 21 it seemed. "You're not drinking," he eyed. "I'm not 21," Charlie shrugged.
"Get the fuck out are you 18?"
"I'm 19."
He visibly relaxed which made Charlie laugh.
"Gimme some of yours."
"You gotta be 21," he teased making it look good as red kool-aid by closing his eyes. She pecked him on the cheek so they opened. "Gimme a lil bit," she whispered and he complied letting her drink half through his straw.
They spent the the rest of that evening getting to know one another until 9 PM when he'd dropped her back at Spelman with a date scheduled for the next week.. a restaurant and Ripley's museum. She was excited having never been. It was something she'd wanted to do and hadn't thought to. It was perfect.
All through that week, she couldn't wait to talk to Sunny. Luckily he called on a Wednesday. Apparently he felt a similar feeling, they'd fucked around and matched personalities to the point that he had to call and keep calling. On breaks and slow moments--calling and texting. Weeks later it hadn't slowed.
"That another young man? Sounds like a young man," Miranda teased when Charlie was on the phone at 12:30 AM.
"It's Sunny. Say what's up to my roomie, Sunny."
"Supp Gworrrrlll!"
"Okay you're done," Charlie chuckled taking him back off speaker. Talking to Sunny was like talking to an old friend. It was like talking to Miranda in a way, but he was a guy and he was fine. "I wanna take you clubbing," Charlie smiled listening to him flex like he could outdance her if given the chance. "Ok then this Sunday night. Don't bitch out," she threatened.
What Charlie didn't know that night on the phone was that Sunny would open her up to a brand new world of safe exploration. He was into some serious things that she had yet to imagine--and he'd teach her... gradually. Then they'd learn together.
Out of Sunny came his powerful and dominant altar ego Stormy and from Stormy, King Jade was born.
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Why did you elbow me? 200
Achilles Castle part 102
Lemonade and lies Part 45
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 9
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov did you get enough sleep last night because you still look tired you even feel asleep on the sofa while talking to Castle last night. Kate says sometimes she is just tired, well our meeting is in a little bit so you should start getting ready.
Kate/Stana: pov turns out he already showered, I grab my stuff and jump in the shower. As soon as I'm done we hit the road. The traffic isn't bad on the way, once at the place Spencer asked Nick and me to meet, to discuss business. Spencer wants to buy some products from us. Nick tells him that production is still behind and it will take a bit before there is enough to sell him but the both of us are willing to buy from others like him to branch out our business. He offers to sell us some of his drugs. Me and Nick are carefully keeping track of everything, that way there is enough evidence to arrest the drug dealers. Esposito and Ryan had a brilliant idea: they are going to have an officer on traffic duty sit in his cruiser and when the drug dealers pass by they are going to have them pulled over for speeding. Including us to make it legit.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov after our meeting we meet up with Kovitch at the warehouse after discussing a few things it's decided that me and Kate will come back tomorrow to pick up some boxes of drugs. In the car on the way back home Kate says she has to call Dr Burke to apologize for postponing her last appointment. Let's get some gas on the way home. How about the both of us walk around the apartment building to see if we notice anything out of the ordinary. It will also give us a chance to meet our neighbors.
Kate/Stana: pov The walk through our apartment building is nice, except for the stairs which i’m struggling with for some reason, i didn't do too much today. 2 floors up I notice a pregnant woman carrying a laundry basket. She has bruises on her body that don't look normal to me. I elbow Nick softly to get his attention. He offers to carry the basket for her knowing I probably would have issues carrying it since I seem to be struggling. In the laundry room she loads the washing machine, I have a feeling she is being abused. So Noelle while the washing machine is going, how would you like to have some tea and chat? Me and Nick are trying to get to know our neighbors better.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov it's obvious this is a domestic violence situation. After talking for a bit Kate asks about the baby's father and is he in the picture and how does he feel about the baby. Noelle says he doesn't want the baby and that he has an anger problem on top of his drinking problem. Turns out he is hitting her and she is afraid for the baby but has no were to go and no one to help and she loves Draquan. Kate steps out of the room for a minute to call Captain Benson from the SVU. It's our only option to get this woman help.
Kate/Stana: pov Noelle i know there are some resources to help you i called Captain Benson of the SVU she will be over in a few minutes to talk to you, I whisper to Nick tell Kovitch what is going on that way if the drug dealers are watching our place they won't be suspicious.
Olivia benson: pov when I arrive at Stana and Greig's apartment which is on the bottom floor Kate opens the front door which is a nice surprise. In the apartment Greig is making tea and getting a snack ready. I ask Noelle to tell me what is going on she says Draquan has a drinking problem and anger issues but they got worse when he found out I was pregnant he doesn't want any kids he made it clear that i’m his and only his and he also didn't want me to keep it the pregnancy because I should only love him. I brought a camera so Kate/Stana can take pictures of the bruises. Noelle doesn't want to go down to the station in case Draquan finds out or something else happens.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov me and Kate already discussed that it was okay for Noelle to stay the night or until she could find somewhere safe. Her clothes have to be put in the dryer. Liv says let's go to your place and pick up a few things you will need. Kate says I will go with Noelle and Liv to get her stuff. Captain Benson says I doubt it's a good idea to bring Greig if Draquan shows up it might make him angry. As I was about to protest about Kate going she whispers into my ear that she and Liv are both captains and Olivia Benson has a gun so she is very safe. I mean you seemed to be struggling on the stairs earlier, she says haven't done stairs in a bit that's all.
Kate/Stana: pov her apartment isn't that big me and Liv help, Noelle pack very quickly Liv tells her to only pack the necessity or important things. Nick is waiting at the bottom of the stairs, Noelle is already downstairs in our apartment. Me and Liv are passing him the bags. Once everything is down stairs the 3 of us headed back to the apartment. Nick has a timer set so he knows when the clothes are done in the dryer it's all the husband's clothes Liv offers to pick it up and will Drop it off on the way to get lunch with Fin since she has the keys to the apartment. Her and Fin will be waiting in the apartment to arrest the husband when he gets home.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov after parting ways with Liv, me and Kate get Noelle comfortable at the minimum she will be spending the night with us. Do you want me to cook while you are talking with your therapist and Noelle is watching TV? To be continued. ……….
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wildflowerswildhorses · 10 months
I get the feeling that if they really are planning for EO to get together, Liv would have to be the one to make the first move. Like how it was with Rollisi.
Rollisi made an attempt to kiss in WV, but Rollins wasn't ready yet and pulled away.
3 ½ years later, it was Rollins that decided to make the first move to kiss Carisi after gathering all the courage, feelings fully realized and the mood was perfect
Stabler made an attempt to kiss Benson after Bx9 arc, but Benson wasn't ready yet and pulled away.
One can't help but wonder if history will repeat itself?? Hopefully not another 3 years though....
Honestly at this point in the game, I feel like it has to be Liv who makes the first move; but it can't until she's ready. I hope to god the show doesn't go on for another 3 years though so I hope it's sooner.
But like, since I've been rewatching the show, I can't help but wonder if Liv thought something might have happened while he was separated from Kathy - but nothing ever did - but she was never gonna make that move then (as Amanda said in 24x09 "Kathy was the boundary) - cause she was never gonna be the one to get in the middle of that. But then he dropped that bomb on her that Kathy was pregnant.
And so she shoves down whatever she thought she was feeling and probably just thinks it was all in her head and continues to ignore whatever it was. Then Elliot fucking left (bts drama and WL's ooc writing aside) without telling her, just left his papers with Cragen and she was fucking hurt - girl had to have gone though the 5 stages of grief with his leaving and even years later, probably didn't know how to really feel about it and thats why she says what she says that bullshit to Nick in the season 16 finale (Warren could you be any more obvious that you hate Elliot for no reason).
And somewhere in the next decade, she probably tried to come to terms with the fact that it was never gonna happen, that he was gone. It's why she tried dating (but nothing ever worked out). Like Cassidy once said "she was never gonna bare her soul to him" or whatever; because (probably subconsciously) she's probably comparing every relationship to whatever the one with Elliot was.
But now he's back and literally came back exploding into her life after a decade worth of ghosting (bc of shitty showrunners/writers) they had too much of a back and forth in that first year that he came back, not to mention Kathy just died - and look, whatever problems they did have, Elliot did love her, he just wasn't in love with her. But they had thirty years and 5 kids, there's history there and he's not just gonna move on immediately (and you shouldn't want him to because it's not fair to anyone).
Then Elliot "leaves" again, in the sense that he went undercover and didn't tell her. But didn't help this inner turmoil in her mind. She literally tells Amanda in 24x09 that "he left, Amanda and I'm still not over it" or whatever bc let's be real that Liv, like Amanda, is known to ignore her problems and so she's not actually dealing with it.
But, I think the movement after bx9 on Elliot's part was probably a step in the right direction - it shows that maybe it wasn't all in Liv's head and that maybe Elliot is there too - even if it wasn't the right time because Liv isn't ready and she's also terrified; because right now, the only thing standing between Liv and what she wants is herself.
But now we have Elliot going to Liv's office, verbally telling her that he's going away on a case and for roughly how long he's gonna be gone (such a change from what she's experienced), they have a little of their old back and forth banter from their partner days, he breaks off the E in the ornament and makes it say Liv, Laugh, Love - saying you can always fix things and that he'll treasure it.
He gives her that compass because it'll "lead her to happiness". This man is actively making an effort to prove to Liv that he's not going anywhere this time, that he'll be here in whatever capacity she allows him to be; whether that's just as her friend/old partner or something more.
They're literally right on a precipice of something more. Elliot's done his part and now it's just on Liv to tip over that edge completely an make a decision one way or the other. and I swear to god, this show better not be baiting anymore.
Sorry I completely hijacked your asked and turned this into a spiral on EO
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marchtomydrums · 2 years
If possible could you do a Olivia benson x wife reader where reader is a NYPD officer who gets hit by a car while chasing a suspect and almost dies in the process
Hope this is what you had in mind. ☺️ Thanks for the request.
Six Days
Olivia Benson x Reader
It's been six days since I last stepped foot out of this hospital. Six days since I got the call from Fin. Six days since I've seen Noah, six days since I've heard you speak, or smile, or laugh or open your eyes. For six days I've sat in this chair near your bed praying to anyone who would listen for you to wake up. The doctors keep telling me to give it time but it's been long enough. I've cried so many tears I doubt there's any left. I sigh as I go over every detail from that night over and over again.
Six days earlier:
The elevator doors barely have a chance to open before I'm running out of them. Racing down the hallway I stop when I see Fin and Amanda in the waiting area. “Where is she? What happened?!” I asked them in a panic. Amanda is in tears “I'm sorry Cap. We had a plan and then the car came out of nowhere.” she cries. “And she..”
“She what?” I asked. The younger woman says nothing as her sobs increase. “Rollins!” I shout. Fin steps in dragging me off to the side. “She was hit. Head on. It didn't look good Liv.” he says tears pricking his eyes. My legs suddenly feel heavy as I fall back against the wall. Tears rolled down my face. “No,” I whispered. “How did this happen?”
“I'm guessing our suspect had a getaway car lined up. Y/n and two other officers were on foot while Rollins and I were in the car. When she came out of the ally the car hit her. They were driving off as we pulled up.” he explained. “I'm sorry Liv,” he whispered.
The doctor walks over asking if for the family. I push myself off the wall walking towards him “I'm her wife.” I tell him waiting for him to continue.
He nods. “ There is a lot of damage. Several broken bones and some swelling around the brain. She's in surgery now once she comes out I recommend we put her in a medically induced coma. This will allow her body and brain a chance to rest. ”
“Will she wake up?” I asked. He sighs “I'm not sure. Only time will tell. I'll let you know when you can see her.” he says. “Thank you,” I whispered. Fin quickly steps behind me as my legs give out holding me as I sobbed.
“Liv,” Amanda calls out to me bringing me out of the flashback. I look up to see her standing in the doorway. “Noah is asking for you,” she says. I sigh looking over at you “He can't see her like this.”
“I know. But he's scared and he wants his mom,” she explained. I sighed bringing your hand to my lips placing a gentle kiss. “I'll sit with her.” the young woman smiles. I smile walking out to the waiting area to find Noah. Reaching the room I see uniforms everywhere. My squad, your squad all lined up with flowers and warm smiles. I smile at them as I make my way to Noah. “Momma.” he squeals running to me. I kneel down picking him up placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Is mommy going to die?” he asked tears welling up in his brown eyes. I sighed trying to hold back tears of my own. “I hope not sweetie,” I whispered. “I made her something,” he says struggling out of my arms. Placing him on the ground he runs back to Fin grabbing the piece of paper. Running back he holds the paper up for me. I smile reaching down to grab it. It's a simple white piece of paper folded to resemble a card. The front reads get well soon while the inside has a special drawing made by Noah and the card is signed by what looks like every officer in the state of New York. I smiled leaning down to kiss his cheek. “I'll hang it in her room okay?” He nods giving me a toothy grin.
I walk over to Fin giving him a small smile. “They all waiting for her?” I asked. He nods “Lot of love in this room. You know how it is when it's one of our own.” he says. I nodded smiling at him. “How are you holding up?” he asked. I sighed brushing my hair back “It's been six days Fin. I know they said it will take time but it's been six days.” I mumbled trying to hold back my sob. He nods “She’s strong and stubborn as hell. You know she fighting to come back.” he chuckled. I smiled nodding my head.
“Liv!” Amanda calls to me. “She's awake.” she smiles. Without hesitation, I take off down the hallway into your room. Sure enough there you are eyes open searching for me. I can't help the tears that roll down my face as I walk towards the bed. “I’ll go get the doctor,” Amanda says taking off behind me. Bending down I take your hand in mine. “Hey, sweetie,” I whimpered. “You scared the hell out of me.” I chuckled. You smiled. “Noah?” you asked. “He's in the waiting room with more than half of the NYPD.” I chuckled.
The doctors come pilling in the room checking your machines and crowding you. “Y/n can you hear me?” the young man asked. You nod “Yes.” “ Can you tell me what year it is?” he asked. “2022,” you stated. “Good. Now, do you remember why you're here?” he asked. “Because some jerk off hit me with his car,” you stated dryly earning a few chuckles in the room. The doctor smiles “Yes ma’am I'm afraid so.” he says shinning the light in your eyes.
“Alright. She seems to be doing okay. Of course, we will have to monitor her for a few more weeks. Plus, with the broken bones she will need physical therapy once they're healed. Other than that it's just a touch and go from here.” he says with a smile. I smiled “Thanks Doc.”
“No problem. You’re a very lucky young woman” he smiles at you before walking towards the door. “Doctor?” you called to him. He turns “Yes?” “Can I see my son now?” you asked. He chuckled “Of course.” I nod towards Amanda as she goes off to retrieve the young boy. Once everyone is gone I lean down to place a gentle kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss pulling back slightly when you felt my tears. “Liv?”
I sighed wiping my face. “I'm sorry. I just... I was so scared y/n. I thought I was never going to see you smile again or laugh or talk. I was so scared.” I whispered looking down at you. You chuckled pulling my hand to your lips. “You really think I'd let you off the hook that easy?” you asked. I laughed shaking my head “Not a chance.” You smiled. “I love you,” I whispered kissing you once more. You smiled “I love you too.”
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smartycvnt · 2 years
Second Chances Aren't Easy
pairing: Olivia Benson x Reader
summary: You join Olivia's squad, which is the second chance you never realized you needed.
Somehow, the NYPD managed to have both a shortage and an overflow on their hands. Specialized units were scrambling to find qualified officers, and that was how you had found yourself being transferred out. As Lieutenant of your precinct, you were practically in charge. At least you had been since your captain had "retired" just before a big Internal Affairs bust had been made. It was a position that you absolutely didn't want, so you had very kindly asked 1PP if you could be put somewhere else, somewhere that you'd feel useful. And that was how you found yourself walking into Olivia Benson's precinct.
It was scary as hell for you. Surely, she'd remember you from the academy. The two of you had gone through it together and after Rebecca had left, Olivia had found solace with you. Things didn't last very long though, the two of you went to different precincts and your relationship dissolved into thin air after that. It was a shame because you had been certain that you could have spent the rest of your life with Olivia Benson. Nobody else had been able to compare to her for you. She had, essentially, ruined you in the few months you'd been together.
"You must be the new lieutenant. I'm Amanda Rollins. This is Seargent Fin Tutola." Amanda held her hand out and you shook it.
"Y/n Y/l/n," you introduced yourself. Amanda nodded and stepped aside as Fin stood up. "Seargent, really?"
"I was reluctant to even take the exam, but Liv insisted," he told you. You smiled as you hugged him, glad that he was still around. Everyone else who you'd worked with at this precinct before was gone except for him and Olivia. You weren't complaining about Stabler, but you had always liked Cragen and Munch, they were good guys. "She's in her office if you wanna go see her."
"You guys got a case yet?" you asked. Amanda looked at you puzzled for a moment, but Fin just let you keep going. He didn't know specifics, but he had seen enough over the few times you'd come around before to just sort of know what was going on. Olivia got weird around you anyways, but it was just the guilt of letting things end how they had.
"Perp's just been put in central booking. We're waiting for his lawyer to get here and our ADA," Fin informed you. You knew that meant you had plenty of time to sit down and talk with Olivia. So, that was what you did. You walked straight into Olivia's office, shut the door behind yourself, and sat down in a chair across from her desk.
"Captain Benson," you greeted. Olivia looked up at you, a conflicted look on her face. She wanted to smile and pull you in for a hug, but she didn't. Instead, she sat there across from you and just sort of stared.
"Lt. Y/l/n, welcome to Special Victims. Fin's been excited about you coming here, says it's a long overdue."
"What do you think?" you asked her.
"I don't know what I think. I'm glad that you're here, I really am, but you deserve to have your own squad. You should be captain, and I can't help but wonder if it was my fault that you aren't."
"That was a long time ago Liv. If you can't work with me, then I'll go somewhere else. No hard feelings, I mean it," you told her. Olivia shook her head and you relaxed a bit. "Good, it was either this or narcotics in Coney."
"I requested you when I saw your name in the email. I want you here, and I want to apologize. You deserved better than to be abandoned." You held your hand up to stop her. You knew where this was going, and you didn't have the energy to hash it all out now. "Y/n, please."
"That was in the past. No need to hash it out again now. This is a second chance, a new start. Just know I've got your back and I hope you've got mine."
"Of course, but can I ask something of you?" Olivia asked and you nodded. She took a moment to collect herself before speaking again, "I'd like to be a part of your life again. It doesn't have to be romantically, but it's been too long since I've had someone who gets me like you did."
"If you're free after work, there's a bar I like to get a beer at after work. We can go together, just like old times," you suggested.
"I, um, have to pick up my son after work."
"Even better, we can hit the Dave and Buster's instead. I can kick your ass at that basketball game instead of darts. My eyesight isn't what it used to be."
====tag list====
@hbkpop @rosiewritesagain @dalexandriag16 @wandas-wife @crimeshowjunkie @svushots @bookpillows @blu3berrykiss3s @imlike-so-gaydude @arigotssomekinks
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Hold My Hand- Illumi x Reader
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OMG thank you! My first international fan! Thank you for this wonderful prompt! This was requested by @illucilfer .
Summary: Today’s story takes place in a 1950s diner by a frequently used Interstate; Interstate 95. We know this dinner for its delicious hamburgers, hot dogs, milkshakes, and jukebox records, but every night one Patreon never returns home. A few men who were angry about your recent arrest have shot you both. As you both stare at each other exchanging mental signals, everyone around you tries to help you to the hospital. Y/N is narrating the story. I seem to have fewer grammar errors that way. FYI, Bold and italicized font will reference a thought or flashback.
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Let’s get started!
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The leaves have turned bright yellow and orange, fluttering every second to the ground. I could hear little children a while away laughing and playing in the community park; throwing up the leaves, jumping into piles, and throwing them at each other. The smell of freshly baked donuts brightened everyone’s mood. All you had to do was take one bite and your face would brighten and crack a smile. Dining at Cupid’s Kitchen will always have your heart and interest.
Interstate 95 was always heavy with traffic during this time of year. The folks of Dallas celebrated mulch annually. The “Mulch Fest” was a street fair that stretched 1.5 miles to the east that contained music, drinks, farmer panels, homemaker Q&A, and other activities that southerners enjoy. Illumi and I are only here because of an unfinished assignment. We have worked night and day for countless days trying to catch Jack “Da Hamor” Gilberton, but he was nowhere to be found. Eventually, I allowed my anger to get the best of me and made the executive decision to take a day off. I barred Illumi from searching, tracking, or any form of hunting for our target. The life of a bounty hunter and an assassin can thrill, but it can drive you insane if you allow it.
Ironically, Illumi and I both enjoy fall. It is perfect for cuddling (although he acts as if he’s too good to cuddle), wearing creative hoodies, going to pumpkin patches, and attending apple orchids. I tend to “lose my cool” when we have dates there. When I was a child, my family did not go on trips like these because they were over an hour away from our home and I had 5 siblings. But once I made money for myself, I made it my mission to go to one at least 5 times out of the year. Illumi enjoys the different fudge, hot cider, and candy apples. He almost broke a tooth on one!
“Say cheese snag-a’-tooth!”
“Stop it. It’s not funny!”
“It is! Could you imagine if you lost your two front teeth? You’d look almost adorable as you did in the 1st grade!”
“How did you know about that?”
“Duh! It happens to everyone, but your mother showed me the pictures, of course.”
Illumi’s sweet tooth is just like Killua’s; both have a weakness for chocolate. Except, Killua will admit defeat while his older brother keeps denying it.
Cupid’s Dinner has been in Dallas for over 55 years. A black woman established it in 1945 by the name of Mary-Lou Benson. Since then, Mary’s family has been running the shop, making sure all of her customers are happy with the service. During the turn of each season, Cupid’s Dinner gives its customer's food options based on the season. The fall options include donuts, candy apples, different flavored cider, fudge, and hot coffee specials. As much as everything looked appetizing, I could not order it all. Our server, Little Ben, placed our drinks in front of us and handed us the menu. I could tell he was happy with his line of work, just as I was to be with Illumi.
“You all take your time. I’ll be back in five.”
Ilumi glanced on both sides of the room, scanning for Jack Gilberton, already forgetting the agreement we established.
“Illumi, what are you doing?”
“You keep looking around like you’ve seen Da Hamor. Eat your donut and relax, sweetheart.”
“I cannot relax. I must stay on alert.”
“If I can relax, so can you. It’s not that hard.”
“Fine. If I die, it’s on your head… literally.”
The jingling bell rang almost every second when a customer walked in. It was a joy to everyone's ears; the spirit of Mary Lou-Benson was alive and well. An overwhelming feeling of love seemed to have overtaken the diner. After examining the bistro for quite some time now, each customer had been using their cellphones at the table instead of chatting with their families. Many traditional families hated that about this generation but they should be open to new traditions forming. Illumi dislikes using cell phones or tablets at the table unless we use them for missions. He has emphasized how rude it is to be surfing the web about utter nonsense while someone is speaking. This is a pet peeve of his, something I’ll never step on his toe about. Although I think that is overdoing it, I respect it.
Little Ben served our table quickly, leaving us with two dishes of a classic chicken sandwich, kettle chips, one chocolate, and vanilla milkshake. Milkshakes were my weakness; I nearly foam at the mouth when I see one. When I found out that Illumi had NEVER had a milkshake, I almost fainted.
“No. I’ve never had a milkshake.”
“Huh? You’re missing out, pal.”
“What’s the big deal? Isn’t it frozen milk?”
“Not just frozen milk. You can add many flavors, toppings, and whip cream!”
“Well, then. You’ll have to show me sometime.”
We thanked Little Ben for his service as he clocked out for the day.
“I have to admit these sandwiches look very appetizing.”
“You can say that again!”
Before I nibbled on my sandwich, I wanted to take a moment and adore the man before me; Illumi Zoldyck. A man full of mysteries, professionalism, skill, and talent. His enormous eyes were immersed in the large pieces of chicken in between the sourdough bread. He licked his index finger vigorously; allowing the homemade honey mustard to drip enough from the bread to the plate in between licks. Just the sight of him actually relaxing for once has blown me away. For once, Illumi Zoldyck could be himself and I had the privilege to witness it.
“Um… why are you staring at me? Do I have food on my face,” he asked; violently wiping his mouth off with a provided cloth napkin.
“Oh! Ha, ha; no reason. I wanted to see your reaction after drinking your milkshake. That’s all.”
“Why? It’s just a drink.”
“Whatever you say, babe.”
“Babe? What happened to LuLu or Illumi-Lu?”
I gasped and pretended to be surprised… although I was a little.
“I did not know that you liked those pet names. I assumed it mortified you.”
“Who told you that? That never rolled off my tongue. “What I said was” — He bent closer to the table and to me; glancing both to the right and left to ensure no wandering ears were around — “I prefer Illumi-Lu to be said in the bedroom and LuLu when we’re alone, like how we are right now.”
“Aww…. ok,” I yelled in excitement.
“Don’t blow it out of proportion, alright?”
“Yes, sir.”
As we ate, Illumi hummed along to the tune that played a few times on the restaurant's jukebox. Illumi and I were born in the mid-90s, but listening to 50s music was a part of his aesthetic. I was told that he had an “old soul” which sounds romantic at first until you realize how men were during that era. His raging temper was a noticeable toxic trait, but it has drastically improved. Nonchalantly sipping on his milkshake and then eating more of his chips, he grazed the soft part of his left hand over mine as he continued to hum.
“What’s the name of this song? You seem to know it rather well.”
“Put your head on my shoulder, a famous song from the 60s. I heard my parents sing it once and since then, they have addicted me to it. Do you like it?”
“Yes, in fact, I love it. All of this is—”
“A surprise to you? Well, enjoy it while it lasts because once I find Jack Gilberton, this side of me will hide for a while.”
Damn! I was just feeling connected to him again!
The music swelled; everyone seemed to be happy. Not an evil spirit insight to disrupt this beautiful moment. For once in my life, my raven-haired beauty actually held my hand tight, stole a few of my barbecue kettle chips, and gazed into my eyes harmlessly. His lips brushed against both of my hands, ever so lightly placing kisses on both sides of them. Illumi’s gentle smile warmed my heart as my lingering thoughts of hope stayed intact.
The welcoming bell jingled again. Two men in black leather jackets, stone-washed blue jeans, and tattooed all over their arms came into the diner. The men seemed to be bikers who had just left their own “spot” but one thing struck me as they continued to walk towards the staff. They both wore sunglasses when the sunset for the day. Not to mention that the lights were not dim in the diner and the moon was as bright as ever. The second man had his eyes glued in my direction. My heart beat faster as I wondered if Jack Gilberton had found us. Could you imagine?
Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh-so-tight
Show me you love me too
I am used to coming in contact with enemies on my hit list, but given Jack’s criminal history; I felt like I may not survive his attacks. Illumi will survive, but just barely. Both men approached the checkout, crowing over Little Ben’s sister. She was a short woman but full of might, and I could tell by the shakiness in her voice she was frightened. I wanted to step in so badly, but I didn't want to blow my cover just in case it was, in fact, Jack Gilberton. After I assume, ordering food, both men stood by the entrance, blocking it from others from entering and leaving. The sound of their old, beat up-lighters crackled as one lit a joint and the other lit a cigarette. This horrid smell ruined the atmosphere because they were not in a designated area and it drowned out the lovely aroma of the food being served.
“If you gentlemen would like to smoke, you need to go outside. There is no smoking in here.”
“What? You think you’re better than me because you don’t smoke?”
“Huh? I never said that, sir. I asked for you to go outside. Not all of our customers can deal with it.”
They did not move a muscle. The sound of their mucous laughter made everyone’s stomach turn. They laughed at the young girl and called her many slurs. Little Ben’s sister didn’t flinch, nor did she cry; she remained still, staring at the men. I had just enough of their obnoxious behavior.
“If you do not leave, I will call the police.”
“The hell you won’t.”
Put your lips next to mine, dear
Won't you kiss me once, baby?
He drew a gun from his left side. He aimed it at Little Ben’s sister and demanded that she emptied the drawer. She refused. Her stone, iron will reminded me of Illumi; no matter the circumstance, they remained intact, determined to fight until the end. Bravery is always encouraged, but too much will cause your life to be taken away. Little Ben’s sister grabbed a fake till that they kept under the real one and threw it at both men. Fake money fluttered everywhere in the small diner, mimicking confetti. Gunshots rang in all directions as the imbeciles recklessly shot, aiming for Little Ben’s sister. Everyone threw themselves on the ground to avoid being shot, but luck cannot spread itself throughout an entire room of people. A young child, an older man, and another worker were shot in their lower leg. Blood reflected from the ground as it continued to seep. Ignoring injured civilians is a jackass move and continuing to deny the fact would prove that the oath I pledge to meant nothing. Sure, bounty hunters must remain hidden, but if someone is injured, I must help them.
The child was lying lifeless on the polished marble floor. He would not respond to my shaking or my silent whispers. When I rolled him over, my heart broke into a million pieces. This child had no chance of survival; a few bullets struck his chest, one just inches away from his heart. A tear rolled down my cheek.
“Why must the good die young,” I whispered to myself.
“... Because snitches get stitches.”
Before I could gain sight of who stated this utterly corny response, I felt an overwhelming amount of pain in my lower back. It felt like a million tiny needles were jabbed so far through my skin that they entered my intestine. I could still hear, but my body would not move. I tried and tried, but my brain would not signal my legs.
Move! Move, damn it!
It’s odd; I could hear myself talk, but my body would not move at all. The sound of another thudding body made my mind jump. My heart had already been pounding enough to try to resuscitate my organs to move, but a familiar semi-blurring sight of none other than Mr. Illumi Zoldyck cleared my sight. My brain went wild. I didn’t know if Illumi died or if he became paralyzed, but one thing is for sure. We finally made eye contact that felt special; something I hadn’t felt since the day I met him. Our contact felt like magnets; an unbreakable bond. Suddenly, my icy hand felt warmth around my palm and fingers. Illumi simultaneously fell in a way that connected our hands. Our unbreakable bond, the warmth of his fingers laying on top of mine, and the gaze we shared somehow made me feel like it was just the two of us alone. I could hear his thoughts loud and clear; thoughts that came from the heart.
“Please help me. Before it’s too late, LuLu,” I cried, thinking I was going insane. “I don’t want to leave if it means leaving you behind.”
“I’m not going anywhere. Not without you.”
“Please! I want to live a life. Life as a bounty hunter, build a support system to our children, and a good lover is all I want to be.”
“You are a warrior and so am I. We have been through worse. This is nothing.”
Mere eye contact is all we need to exchange wandering conversations. The bond that we’ve created is something so strong that I haven’t realized it until now. The warmth emitted from his loose grasp seems to lose its effectiveness. It blurred my vision beyond recognition, leaving Illumi as a near figment of my imagination.
“Oh no. I guess this is it.”
My vision darkened. Illumi was slipping away as my lingering thoughts almost made my heart give out from exhaustion. I was ready to accept my fate, but it seemed like fate had other plans. My vision was still darkening by the second, but my sense of touch remained there. Smooth fingers outline my arms, torso, and chest. I heard muffled voices yelling and screaming about calling for assistance, but I didn’t care if they came or not. I made peace with my life’s end. Bit by bit, my breathing slowed down, but my sense of touch remained heightened. I felt a rubber glove touch my face and neck, examining it for any damage.
The jukebox continued to play Illumi’s favorite song, Put Your Head on my Shoulder. I remembered the day I laid my head on his shoulder; boy, what an endearing moment that was. It was something I took for granted, something I should have savored, for I never knew that this moment would have happened. The song grew muffled by the second verse. That verse repeated every time I tried to force myself to take what felt like my last gaze at my raven-haired beauty.
Just a kiss goodnight, maybe
You and I will fall in love (you and I will fall in love)
A/N: Since you’ve made it to the end, I’ll say something. The reader did not die in the end. They were later revived at the hospital.
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OTP/Romance Prompts: 1/? AKA Verse AU's @storieswrittcn
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"Are you positive about that?" Lee asked almost in disbelief hearing the news her CI had just given her. The girl was never wrong when it came to tips for the detective; Lee paid too much money for her to ever risk being wrong. The confirmation had the brunette's feet slowing to a stop.
No harm list...global level...death to anyone who tried...Petrova crime family...
"Check your bank account in about an hour," Lee mutters lost in thought as she hangs up the phone still standing in one the hallways of NYPD. The SVU-- she'd been offered a spot in Organized Crime more than once but she always denied the transfer for personal reason's-- Detective's life had been chaos for the last month and a half. Ever since that day she'd decided to go into that bank before work.
The day had started like any other; oversleeping, rushing toward PD with traffic being horrible, calling Olivia Benson--her partner-- to tell her she'd be late, and desperately stopping for coffee to try and bring some form of sanity back to her (Really, Lee was sure her body held more caffeine than it did actual blood at this point). After paying for her coffee, Lee had realized she didn't have anymore cash on her, glancing across the street she'd found a branch of her bank. Why not grab some cash from the ATM? Her eldest brother Damon had drove it into her head growing up that it was always smart to have some cash on you. 'You never know when you're going to need it, when your card won't work or somewhere can only accept cash.'
So really what happened next was Damon's fault, it always was right?
As if to prove to Lee her day was not going to go smoothly, the ATM outside was out of order causing her to walk inside. She'd taken maybe less than twenty steps inside when the first gunshot had gone off and screams followed. Instinct had her ducking down for cover, one hand reaching for her cell phone while the other went to the gun holstered on her hip. Quickly, she'd sent out an SOS with her location to Olivia with three words attached; robbery inside gunpoint. Once that was taken care of, Lee glanced around the small counter to see just how many gunmen there were; five that she could see. She couldn't let anyone get hurt though, it wasn't in her nature.
Everything that happened next somewhat happened in a blur. The gunman had been getting everyone down, the leader at the main counter tossing bags to cashiers to fill with money, while another beside him tried to keep everyone calm; the usual of if everyone cooperates no one will get hurt, we just want the banks money not to hurt you. But the way his voice cracked told Lee that wasn't exactly true. So regardless of consequence she's stood up, badge in her hand.
Then her horrible day just got weird; the closest gunman had started to shake with fear, muttering a soft 'Oh Shit'. His eyes telling her that he almost seemed to recognize her. The next one's face paled as he looked at her and he stumbled a few steps back, signaling to get the other three's attention. Their reactions didn't fair much better. All five appeared to forget what they were doing, why they were here in the first place, and run out the door as if their pants had been on fire or Lee had been the Grimm Reaper himself. It didn't make sense--yes, she was a cop but that reaction, the way they almost recognized her? It didn't fit.
So after hours with Internal Affairs, questioning by Robbery and Organized Crime detectives---Lee had contacted her CI to try and get answers. It'd taken the girl a month to find them and another half a month to verify her information.
No harm list...global level...death to anyone who tried...Petrova crime family...
Petrova was a last name she hadn't heard since she was twenty-one, eight whole years ago. It was the reason she denied any transfer to Organized Crime. Katerina Petrova (as most of the world knew her Katherine Pierce) had been not just her childhood crush or high school sweetheart, but the love of her life; the one person she would truly love until the day she took her last breath. Lee's heart, soul, and body still belonged to the brunette all these years later. The detective blamed her lack of a love life on her work, but the true reason was she'd never wanted anyone but Katerina.
The two had grown up together, meeting in Kindergarten, and formed an unbreakable bonds. They'd been with each other through everything; Lee's horrible home life caused by her parents, Katerina's own home life complications being the daughter of mobsters, both never seemingly good enough or as good as their respective twins, their parent's deaths (Well, Lee's mother and both of Katerina's). By middle school they were a couple; possessive/territorial, protective, and madly in love. High school, they were each other's first everything. Katerina not hiding how her life was changing at the young age of sixteen; after her parent's death, she'd started the takeover of the Petrova Crime family while Elena got to play normal high schooler. When Katerina had dropped out, Lee had almost followed suit--planned to be right there at Katerina's side to help her no matter what it was or how dark her soul would become. But her girlfriend had stopped Lee from doing that, she wanted one of them to at least graduate and Lee to have a chance to go to the art school of her dreams.
Then Lee had graduated, plans of art school gone mainly because the Salvatore hadn't wanted to leave Katerina---by eighteen, she'd gained full control of her dead parents empire, caused it grow and was working on a plan of opening a business for cover; exotic dancing, with more than a few illegal activities inside. Lee hadn't batted an eye at the plan, her possessive and jealous nature that normally would have shown through didn't; all because she loved Katerina, trusted her, and knew the woman would never betray her--the small engagement ring on her finger proof of that.
But Lee had wanted to do something to help, anything to make her future wife's life easier. So she'd followed Stefan's example and applied for the academy, going in with the mindset to help those she could but also be as corrupt as needed to help Katerina. But then Katerina had switched up their plans, had made a choice of her own---she'd broken Lee's heart. There hadn't been a fight, hadn't been begging, Katerina hadn't given her that option. Katerina packed up her things and just left, gone before Lee had come home and nowhere to be found.
Lee had hunted, spent weeks out on the streets and going everywhere she could think the woman would have gone. She'd worked herself into a mess of a depression, anxiety, and malnutrition. What had stopped it was when Damon had committed her for her own safety. She'd spent half a year locked away to get herself back. And when she'd come out she'd never looked back. There was no hatred toward the woman she loves, no vendetta, or ill will. Lee had just moved on with the parts of her life she could.
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Finding the address of one Katherine Pierce had been difficult, Lee had used every off the book resource she could (Lee may have kept the plan to be slightly corrupt in place) and it had taken almost all day to do so, but she'd done it. Lee had half the mind to stop by the woman's club, 'Katherine's' but the detective had ultimately decided that would be too public for this reunion and the topic they needed to discuss. So she'd waited. And really? Lee probably should have known the address she'd received would be where Katerina had bought. But it still surprised her. It was a large old plantation estate that the two had always dreamed of one day owning, their goal home for their future and however many children they could fill it with.
So she'd given Olivia the barest of explanations on where she was going, muttering something about needing to take the rest of the day off for personal reasons--same to Cragen the same line--and she's out the door.
Lee had parked her silver Jeep outside the closed gate and stepped out. Eyes taking in the property she hadn't driven by in almost a decade--she wonders briefly why Katerina had bought it, how she'd done it too. Sadly it seems she isn't going to be getting inside thought, unless she climbs the brick wall (which she's tempted to do). With a sigh she pulls her phone out to call her darkerweb tech guy, "Hey...I need you to get a cell phone number fo---" The words die on her lips though as she hears the engine of a rather luxurious Lamborghini as it pulls up toward the gates. "Nevermind." She's hanging up the phone as she turns to face the approaching car.
The Salvatore's nerves are high, hands slightly shaking but she's come this far, she won't let her nerves stop her now.
"Katerina," The Bulgarian accent rolling perfectly off her lips even after all these years, "We need to talk..."
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Kipo x Reader Part 2
Summary: Kipo is finally able to turn you back into a human along with her mom. Season 3 final episode with two different endings.
Warnings: Light cursing? Spoiler if you haven't watched Season 3.
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After capturing Scarlemagne and retuning to the Timbercats forest, Kipo immediately started working on a way to deal with Emelia and to turn you and her mother back to normal. It was lonely inside your head, it was just you and your panther, if this was what it was like for Song for all those years it must have been terrible. It also sucked to be so close yet so far from Kipo. At least you got to watch Lio question Kipo about your relationship and laugh at how much she blushed and went over some details of what had happened in the last months. It did sadden you however, where after talking about a memory with you, she started crying. You wanted to just turn into a human and hug the crap out of her.
You were stuck as a panther all through Kipo trying to make HMUFA and would try to go everywhere you could with her. Most days were boring since you weren't allowed inside the Timbercat's home and some days Kipo couldn't come and visit you and tell you about her day. It had been a few days since you've seen Kipo but when she turns up she's not alone. Following Kipo is her father and your friends. She seemed to be holding this small pink dart and was walking slowly, making sure not to drop it. You knew from how careful she was with it that it was very important and stepped back to let her go to her mom first. You watched as Kipo hugged her mom's finger and stuck the dart into it, taking it out once it was half way empty. You watched for a few seconds in silence before you watched, in shock, as Song slowly turned back into a human and got to meet Kipo as a human for the first time in years. You were smiling so wide at the happiness that was radiating off of Kipo and her family.
You almost forgot that Kipo still had half the dart left but remembered when she walked up to you. You're heart was beating out of your chest, you were about to be able to hug Kipo again, hold her, kiss her, love her. Sadly, you would lose the mute side of you but you didn't have an anchor or anything so it wasn't the big of a loss. You leaned down as Kipo got closer and held your paw to her. Seeing her up close made you realize that she had been crying, tears of happiness of course. You flinched a little as she stuck the needle into your skin but froze as she took it out. There was another second of intense silence before you felt weird and felt yourself start to shrink.
After a couple of seconds you were almost eye level with Kipo, you are taller than her. You look down at yourself for a couple seconds in shock before looking back up at Kipo, who had the biggest smile on her face and even more tears running down her face. "Kipo..." You whisper, your voice cracking some after not using it for a while. Kipo immediately launches into your arms and you spin her around some holding her just as tightly. You put Kipo back down and put your hands on her cheeks with a big grin before pulling her into a kiss. You almost forget anyone else is there until you hear Lio clear his throat. You pull back with a blush in your face and turn to look at your friends and Kipo's parent with a smile. You walk up to them with Kipo still wrapped around you and greet everyone. "It's great to talk to you guys again.
*Boop Boop Time Skip*
"Kipo! You gotta get up!" Lio yells as he held Song close to him. "Emilia's lost it!" You yell in concern as you watch the mute version of Emilia hold a building over her head. "We gotta do something!" Benson says in concern. You hear some rummaging and look to over to Lio and Song just in time to see Scarlemagne take off in his flamingo car. "What is he doing?" You ask in concern as you watch him get closer and closer to Emeila. "Holy..." Your eyes get big as you watch Scarlemagne hit Emilia causing her to fall and for him to go flying through the sky.
You notice that Kipo is slowly waking up and run to her as she changes back to normal. You help her stand and watch as Mute Emilia runs away. "Where... Where's Scarlemagne?" Kipo asks after she catches her breath. You watch as Lio and Song look over to where smoke was coming from the ground. "No." Kipo says as she collapses into your side and puts her hand over her mouth. Lio reaches out and outs a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It'll be fine, me and Song will go check on him. You guys should probably go deal with Emilia." You nod your head as Kipo turns into a Mute again and let's you, Benson, and Wolf hop on.
"There she is." You say and point towards a cowering Mute Emilia. You all hop off of Kipo and let her turn back to normal. Kipo takes the last dart from Wolf and walks up to Mute Emilia. You debate silently whether or not to follow Kipo as she walks up to Mute Emilia.
(I'm being extra so there is two ends depending on what you do. I'm also not writing in Hugo's death or the flash forwards because I feel like I'm making this run on too much😅.)
You don't follow Kipo:
You stand with Wolf and Benson with your arms crossed. "I guess it's over after this... huh." You say as you all stare ahead and watch Kipo interact with Mute Emilia. "Yeah it's been a crazy ride." "Seriously." Wolf said agreeing with Benson. "What are you guys gonna do after this?" You say looking over to Benson and Wolf. Benson shrugs, "Probably do something with Troy, maybe take a vacation." "Yeah I could dig that." You all stand in silent as you watch Kipo turn Emilia back to normal. Then you all run up as you watch Kipo push Emilia, causing her to fall into a kid like goo. "Holy..." You say as you stand behind Kipo. "It's over... it's officially over." She says as she leans back into you, exhaustion finally seeming to set in. You turn her around to wrap your arms around her and hug her. You give her a kiss on the side of her head before speaking. "After checking on Hugo, you and I are going on a long vacation... Or sleeping for a week straight." You feel Kipo chuckle against your collar bone before nodding her head. "I'm good with either as long as I'm with you."
You follow Kipo:
You follow behind Kipo a little, taking time to take in how big Emilia's mute form actually is. "And to think... She turned into what she wanted to get rid of just to take you out." You say thinking out loud. "She definitely got desperate." Kipo doesn't respond and has a quick conversation with Mute Emilia before finally pricking her finger with the dart. You watch as Emilia slowly turns back to normal and sits on the ground. You make sure to stand next to Kipo to seem more intimidating in case Emilia tried something. "Why did you change me back?" Emilia asks with some confusion in her voice. "No one deserves to be stuck like that." Kipo sticks out her hand to Emilia. "You've been stuck in the dark for a long time Emili, but you have a choice. You can stay there or fight through it."
You watch as Emilia seemingly thinks for a minute, weighing her choices. You watch warily as Emilia grabs Kipo's hand. Something about this doesn't feel right to you. You watch in slow motion as Kipo pulls Emilia up, only for her to lunge at Kipo with a piece of glass. Your body goes into immediate protection mode and you push yourself in front of Kipo. As Emilia stabs you, you punch her across the face. Emilia flails for a moment, off balance, before falling back and over the edge. You let out a breath of relief before feeling an intense pain in your stomach. You look down to see a large glass shard sticking out of your stomach with blood coming out fast.
You stumble back a little and start to fall as Kipo catches you and lowers you to the ground. "No no no no." Kipo says as she cradles the upper half of your body. You hear Wolf, Benson, Dave, and Mandu run up. "Oh no..." You wince as Kipo puts pressure on your wound, mumbling like crazy to herself in worry. "Ow... Kipo. Kipo stop!" You say as you grab her hand away from your wound. "It's okay, everything will be okay." You say trying to reassure her. You knew you were too far away to get help from anyone and were losing to much blood to make any sort of journey. "It's not okay! It's over we won! You can't give up now!" Kipo says as she's sobbing. You put one of your hands on Kipo's cheek and cringe a little when you see blood on your hand.
"You're right we did it, we won. And I couldn't be any more prouder of you." Kipo leans down and puts her forehead against yours. "It's not fair I just got you back, I can't lose you again. Especially not permanently." You close your eyes tightly trying not to let any tears spill over. You look over to see Benson hugging Dave and Wolf hugging Mandu. "You'll be okay, maybe not immediately but one day. You still have our friends by your side and I'll be watching over you. I promise." Kipo just shakes her head not wanting to respond. You can feel yourself slipping away and hate it. It wasn't supposed to end like this, after all the work you did, why couldn't you get a happy ending. "I love you so much. All of you. I am so glad I got to meet such amazing people and to fall in love with one of them." You pull Kipo's head away from yours to look into her eyes one more time. "I love you so much." You say as the world around you blurs and you close your eyes for the final time.
Lio and Song watch as Kipo in Jaguar form walk up to the building there at, kneeling next to Hugo. They watch as her friends slide off her back and are confused when they don't see you. Before they could open there mouths and ask, they watch as Kipo turns back to human form and is carrying you in her arms, tears still streaming down her face. "Oh no."
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Fresh start part 9
Loved writing this part. It is long, but worth it.
Warning: This does talk about reader being kid napped. 
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It had been a few weeks since that night out after the win. Everything just seemed to have fallen into place. You both knew the demands of your jobs but you still made it work, you both knew soon you would have to tell Liv, it was getting harder and harder to hide it. If he was still at the office when you finished, you would swing by with dinner, or he would come past your place on his way home for a cuddle. On weekends he took you out on the most romantic dates. Granted most of those times lead to heavily making out and extremely heavy petting, but you guys were taking things slow, enjoying each other. You both felt so deeply about each other you wanted to make it work.
You had just finished an afternoon shift with Nick on Friday. You were slowly getting used to afternoon and night shifts at SVU. He was going to Amanda's and you were headed to Rafael's for the weekend, secretly hoping this was the weekend you guys would take everything to the next level, you would have too soon, things were getting too intense and it was getting hard for you both to stop when it got to that point.
8.05 pm-You: Just finished my Rafi! On my way to get a taxi! Can't wait to see you xx
8.09 pm- Rafael: OK mi Hermosa, see you soon! Promise this weekend won't disappoint xx
You stood outside the priciest for a few minutes waiting for a taxi to drive past. But it wasn’t unusual that there were no taxis this time of night on a Friday. You started to walk up to the next block which met a cross street hoping for better luck. “Not many people around” you thought to yourself as you walked. Your mind was filled with happy thoughts, about what the weekend may hold and butterflies flying around your tummy just thinking about it. Rafael treated you so well, sometimes you wondered if you really deserved him after all. You had seen a completely different side to him, a side you were falling in love with, and a side that was just for you.
You had just about walked past the ally and about to step up on the side walk, when you felt an arm grab you around your middle from the back, pinning your arms to your side and before you could scream, cold metal to your temple.
"A pretty little Detective like you shouldn't be walking around by herself this time of night. Didn't Benson teach her squad better?" You were frozen in place not knowing what to do. 
"Sweetheart, you’re going to come with me now on a little adventure, and if you scream I'm going to put a bullet in that pretty little head of yours".
 Tears starting rolling down your face. The man, who you hadn't seen his face yet, pushed you towards a car parked down a bit in the ally, still holding the gun to your head. He opened the back door and threw you in on the back seat. It was so dark you couldn't see his face; he got rope and tied your hands to the door so you were forced to lay down across the seat. He grabbed your bag, opened it, pulled out your phone, threw it on the ground smashing it and then stomped it with the heel of his foot. He then pulled out your wallet, pulled out the cash and handy card and then threw the empty wallet and your bag with your badge in it to the side. He got in the driver's side and started to drive.
Finally through the tears and the street lights, you managed to get a look at the guys face in the review mirror. You almost passed out in shock....William Lewis...... how was he out of jail? What was he doing with you?
You didn't know much about what happened between him and Liv. Only what you had seen and read, it was before your time at SVU and never came up in conversation, so you never asked.
“Don’t worry yourself Detective, as long as Benson does what she is told, you'll be fine, and you’ll get to see that ADA boyfriend of yours again."
Rafael was so excited for the weekend he had planned. A Romantic dinner and theatre show tomorrow night, breakfasts in bed, and hopefully something more. He was finding it hard to control himself, and he knew you were too, but he didn’t want to ruin it. He was enjoying himself with you and was starting to fall hard for you, but it was too soon to say anything like that just yet. You understood him; you liked him the way he was. You knew his fears about relationships after everything that had happened to him in the past, always being pushed aside for someone else or just there for a root and boot. He knew and understood your fears as well, your last relationship really took a lot out of you. You were different and he knew that. He was worried about the age difference, you weren't. He was worried you might meet someone younger and leave him. But you reassured him in ways he had never been before. He just wanted to be with you whenever he could. He looked at his phone, 9 pm and you still weren't there. Even on busy nights, it never took this long to get to his place.
9.01-Rafael: Where are you Hermosa?
10 minutes later, still no reply. That's odd he thought, but he let it go for 10 more minutes, maybe there was traffic or your phone battery had died. He picked up his phone and called, straight to voice mail. This was strange; he had never heard your voice mail before, you always answered.
 9.30 with another text sent and couple more calls, still nothing, straight to voice mail. He looked through his phone, he didn't want to call Liv, she didn't know about you guys yet and he didn't want to put his foot in it just in case your phone battery had died. He kept looking through his contacts and came to Nick’s. He didn’t get along with your partner at all, not since the Alex case, but he needed to know you were safe and he knew Nick did care about you. You guys had this weird bond. He dialled the number, it rang out and went to voice mail so he called again, after 4 rings Nick answered;
"Barba, it's Friday night, I'm off duty"
"Have you heard from Y/N? She messaged me saying she was on her way, she still isn't here, I have messaged and called her, just goes to voice mail."
“She left when I did, maybe her phone has died, relax Barba" and he hung up.
Call after call, message after message, you still weren't there and still going to voice mail! He went into his contacts and called Liv
"Barba, everything ok?"
"Uh....Y/N was meant to be here around 8.30, she still isn't, she isn't answering messages and it's going to voice mail. Something has happened, I'm worried."
"Oh, OK! Let me try and I'll call you back."
Liv hung up and tried to call you, straight to voice mail. This wasn't like you, even on weekends and early hours of the morning you answered your phone, this was the first time she even heard your voice mail.
Liv called Barba back,
 " Meet me at the predict."
Liv called Fin on the way and filled him in and asked him to come in.
Rafael rushed down into the bullpen straight into Liv's office. Fin was on the phone to TARU, who was tracing your phone. Liv walked in behind him and put her hand on his shoulder;
 "It’s going to be OK" he huffed back at her frowning.
Fin got off the phone, "Her cell phone last pinged from the ally at the end of the block, let's check it out."
The 3 of them walked out of the building down to the ally, Fin and Liv had a police torch each, they knew how dark that ally was at night. They turned them on as they rounded the corner into it.
"Oh No" said Liv, she looked down and seen your smashed phone, Rafael almost threw up. “Over here" yelled Fin, there was your bag, badge and empty wallet. Rafael walked over to a wall and lent on it so he had support in case he fainted. Next minute Liv's phone was ringing via video from an Unknown number. Fin put the torch up to her face for light and she answered,
"Hello Olivia, I've missed you!" It was Lewis, "I ‘am disappointed in you Olivia, don't you teach your new pretty detectives night street skills?" He flipped the camera around to you in the back seat with your hands bound to the door, and your mouth ducked tapped. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying. Fin caught Liv as she lost her balance like she had all the air knocked out of her; tears came to Rafael’s eyes.
"Do as I say Olivia, or she will enjoy me as much as you did." And he hung up.
Fin grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialled Amanda, “You and Nick need to get the station now, Lewis has Y/N".
Nick and Amanda ran into the station, into Liv’s office,
"What do you mean Lewis has Y/N? He's been locked up." Said Nick
"He escaped." Said Liv, "he tricked everyone and got away. He grabbed Y/N as she walked down the block to get a taxi, we have the footage. He held a gun to her head. We found her phone smashed; he took her money and handy card with them, and left the empty wallet, her badge and bag in the ally. We have a trace on the card, but no hits yet. He called while we were in the ally, he has her tied up to the car door and mouth ducked tapped, he used a burner cell that can’t be traced and we are still trying to work out what car he is driving"
Rafael was sitting on Liv's couch with his head in his hands trying to hold it together as much as he could, Nick started to walk towards him.
“I’m sorry Barba, I should have taken you more seriously", Rafael raised his hand to stop Nick from talking,  
“You have the be the worst person to be partnered with in the whole of the NYPD! WHY DIDN'T YOU DRIVE HER TO ME? Instead of letting her catch a cab" he yelled, Nick walked out before he lost his cool.
Liv followed him out, Amanda was close behind,                                             “You two need to get to the prison now and find out how the hell this happened." Nick and Amanda both walked out headed to where Lewis escaped from.
Liv walked back into her office to Fin and Rafael, her phone buzzed with a new message from an Unknown number. It was a video, Liv gasped, Fin and Rafael rushed up to her side. It was a video of you, you looked like a mess;
 “Liv, William wants me to tell you; you know what you have to do, tell the truth" You said through tears. “William said you have 48 hrs" you sobbed. “Tell....tell Rafael, I love him." 
And the video ended! Fin and Liv both looked at Rafael with their mouths opened and they seen he had tears rushing down his face. 
The next 48 hours was a blur, Lewis moved you around so much and kept giving you vodka, you didn't even know where you were. Liv had made a live confession that what she said during the trail was false and she was sorry for what she did to Lewis. Liv finally had enough when Lewis sent her a photo of you being hung up on a metal frame by your hands at what looked like a quarry.
She didn’t have to the heart to show Barba, he was already a mess as it was, but she knew you were still alive, which was the main thing for now. Liv had a soft spot for you, you reminded her of her young self. She was so glad she had you on the team, and you knew how to keep Nick in line and how to handle Barba at the best of times. She couldn’t bear to see what happened to her, happen to you now you and Barba were a thing. What happened to her, cost her, her relationship. She was older and married to the job, you were young with your whole career ahead of you and had a man that she knew adored you by the way he reacted to the video. She couldn’t let this affect your future like it had hers.  She did what he wanted and came to him when he told her too.
 He brought her into the room where you were tied up, Liv rushed over to you and put her hands on your cheeks and kissed your forehead. 
“It’s going to be ok Y/N, I’m here now Sweetie”, before he pushed her away from you and tired her to the table in the corner of the room.
 Nick, Amanda and Fin knew something was wrong when Liv didn't turn up the next day and she wasn’t answering her phone. They traced her phone and the GPS last pinged at the quarry.
What felt like forever was finally over, you remember Liv and Lewis fighting, and click sounds back and forth, you had been forced fed vodka and you were that dehydrated everything was blurry like a dream. Your eyes shut most of the time, falling in and out of sleep and your whole body ached from being tied this way for far too long. You remember hearing a gunshot, yelling and then Nick’s voice telling you everything was OK and that he was here now. He held up your body while Fin untied your arms and you blacked out as soon as you hit his shoulder.
"I have heard a lot about you two! Haven't done a very good job of looking after her have you. You should both be ashamed of yourselves." You slowly opened your eyes, the room was dim, and you let your eyes adjust.
 Your Mum was standing next to you holding your hand; which had a cannula in it, Nick was standing at the end of the bed with his head down and Rafael on your other side looking at the floor next to him. None of them saw you waking up.
"Don’t be like that Mum, they may not be perfect in your eyes but they are in mine." You said with a little smile.
"Oh sweetheart" your mum lent down and kissed you on the forehead.
"My Raf" you looked over at him with tears in your eyes, he put his forehead to yours, and you felt his warm tear drops land on your chest on top of your hospital gown neck. He stepped away and brushed your cheek with the back of his hand with a small smile.
You let go of your mum's hand and reached out for Nick, he walked around, grabbed it and kissed your knuckles. You looked at him, 
"Next night shift we do, you need to drive me where ever I need to go when we clock off, even if it’s to Brooklyn." You said with a giggle.
 “I’m so sorry, I completely understand if you want a new partner". You squeezed his hand, 
“Don’t be silly partner. I need you now more than ever" he gave you a small smile back.
“I’ll go and call Liv, tell her you’re awake." He kissed you on the top of your head and turned to your mum, 
“How about I take you to a late lunch, I'll drop you back at Y/N apartment so you can shower and rest?" 
Your Mum looked at you, “Go mum, I'll be fine, Raf is here."
Your Mum walked over and kissed you on your cheek. "I’ll be back later, you look after her".  Looking at Rafael, and she walked out with Nick.
You adjusted yourself to sit up in your bed. Rafael helped. You needed water; your mouth was so dry and felt like sand paper. You patted your hand on the bed so he could sit down across from you, and he took both your hands in his, careful of your hand with the cannula in it. You had a lump in your throat, but you swallowed it down, tears came to of your eyes,
 "I thought I would never see you again Rafael. I meant what I said in the video, I love you Raf, so much! I know it's too soon and I understand if you don't feel the same...."
He didn't give you a chance to finish, his lips were on yours. This was the sweetest most loving kiss he had ever given you; he pulled away and put his forehead to yours.
"I love you with my whole heart mi Hermosa."
 You looked up at him, “He didn’t do anything to me Raf, and it was more emotional stuff really. He knew about us and he used that against me, but I can’t work out how he would have known. I don’t think I’ll be able to ever drink or smell vodka again” you crinkled up your nose just thinking about it.
 He looked at you with his jaw clenched.
“He’s gone now mi amor. He can’t hurt anyone anymore. You will never see him again, and I promise to keep you safe as long as I live.”
Rafael filled in the blanks, you didn’t remember much after you took the video; He didn’t do anything to you, other than making you drink vodka for nearly 3 days and emotionally torment you. While he was talking to you, a nurse came in and put a new bag of fluids, which started to make you feel better. You asked if you could use his phone to call your mum so she could pack a bag for you so he could go and pick it up and bring it back to you. You were lying on your left side in bed, and he was sitting right next to you on a chair, holding one of your hands, and his other hand running it through your hair.
 “I have never been as frightened as I have been the last few days. I was with Liv when the video call came through the first time, you looked so scared and I couldn’t do anything, and then when she got the video I was there as well.” He paused “When I seen Nick’s call this morning, I nearly didn’t answer because I’m so mad at him that he let this happen to you, but something made me pick up and he me told that they had found you and Liv, Lewis was dead and you were both on your way to Belleview and to meet them here.”
 “Raf, it’s no one’s fault. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time; it could have easily been someone else. You need to not be so hard on Nick, he tries his best. He has trouble keeping up with me” you giggled
 You both didn’t even hear the door open, “Hey Guys. Sorry to intrude.”
 You both looked up to see Liv standing there with a big bunch of flowers and a medium size paper bag. She sat them both on the small table and started to walk towards Rafael. He gave her a big hug and then lent back down and gave you a kiss on your forehead.
 “I ‘am going to go home and shower. I’ll pick up your stuff on the way back. I won’t be long.” And he walked out the door, after giving Liv’s arm a squeeze and a smile.
 Liv sat on the chair he was on and grabbed your hand. She looked better then you remember seeing her. She had showered and had different cloths on. She had bags under eyes. You guessed that no one would have had much sleep the last few days.
 “How are you feeling?”
 “This is my second bag of fluids, I feel good now, are you OK?” you squeezed her hand and she nodded back.
 “I ‘am sorry you got pulled into this. I shouldn’t of have left it that long to come and get you. He didn’t......he didn’t do anything to you did he?”
 “Liv, don’t be sorry, you came that’s the main thing. No, he didn’t. Other than making me drink vodka nonstop and emotionally hurting me, he somehow knew about me and Rafael and he used it against me. I ‘am sorry about the video. I didn’t want to do it, but he told me if I didn’t he was going to shoot me, I don’t remember much after that.”
She stood up and pulled you into her arms and then kissed your forehead and sat down.
“At least I hold the record for the most eventful start at SVU.” You both laughed and wiped away tears.
 “The next couple of weeks are going to be busy and hard. We have both been called to make statements to IAB and 1PP. But know, I’ll be beside you every step of the way, and if this goes to trail, you will have all the support you need.” You nodded and gave her a small smile.
“So.... You and Barba hey.” You went red.
“I ‘am sorry I didn’t tell you Liv. We were going too but.....” she held up her hand to stop you from talking
“I’ am happy for you both. As long as it doesn’t interfere with work it’s all good with me.” She looked in your eyes and you and smiled. “I think you are good balance for him. You make him human, not just an ADA for sex crimes......OH” she stood up and grabbed the paper bag off the table and handed it to you.
“What’s this?” you said,
“Open it.” You opened the top of the paper bag and pulled out a new phone in a box, your badge and new wallet.
Tears came to your eyes, “Liv you didn’t.”
“It’s the least I can do, the sim card is tapped to the box, it’s the same number as your old one, you just have to set it up.” 
“Thank you so much Liv.” You reached your arms out to hug her; she lent down and hugged you back.
 Next minute, in walked Amanda, Fin and Nick.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” Nick smart mouthed, Fin and Amanda laughed, then rush other and hugged you.
“We brought your favourite sandwich and an iced latte. We called before and asked the Doctor If you can eat now.”
You all sat in your room and laughing and mucking around. Everything that happened of the last couple of days faded away for a little while. You knew the next couple of weeks would be hard, knowing you had to go to IAB and 1PP, and then most likely go to trial, but you could do it. You had the best support system money could buy.
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