hopepunk-humanity · 1 year
Most people are good is a pretty great hopepunk song! It's just got those vibes
Hopepunk recs
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twin-books · 2 years
This is an ask directly related to this and I'm finally here to answer it. Or at least part of it. Tagging @non-canon-central because they also asked for Adrien but I was unable to get to him at the time. For some reason Tumblr doesn't want me actually tagging them I guess, so hopefully this freaking works??? So let's make one thing pretty clear; I don't hate Adrien but I do hate his character. That sounds like an oxymoron, I am aware. The best way I can describe this is, it's like the opposite of liking a villain's character but fundamentally hating them as a person. Like I love the idea of Adrien. I think he has plenty of fun potential and it wouldn't take much to make him more intriguing but I just hate how he's written. I'm sure that comes as a shock to absolutely no one. I say this about almost every Miraculous character. I wanted to clear this up because a lot of people seem to believe that if you talk bad about a character, and it isn't some kind of joke, that you just hate that character entirely. This isn't the case with me. Now I mentioned a while back that the only way I believe I could ever hope to explain my frustration with Adrien's character is by comparing him to other similar characters or similar character arcs. My goal is to compare him to a few characters. I tried to keep it to characters within his age range but there are one or two on here that are adults (though I would be referencing a lot of their childhood for at least one). Since I will be comparing Adrien to these characters this means spoilers will be very hard to avoid so I'm just going to warn you now. If you don't want spoilers for the following I suggest looking into these things yourself; Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic the Hedgehog Archie comics, Sonic Universe Archie comics, Sonic the Hedgehog IDW comics, Mr Love: Queen's Choice the Gavin and Kiro story arc, Koi to Producer: Evol X Love the Mr Love: Queen's Choice anime, Ben 10: Alien Force, Ben 10: Omniverse, and Miraculous Ladybug. I was initially going to include Raven Saga from Webtoon but decided against it since it's not nearly a big enough franchise as compared to the others and the author would most definitely not benefit from it. I highly recommend reading it and then you can guess what character in there I found similarities to Adrien in but was just actively done better. I will most likely be splitting this into parts just to make it an easier read. Part 1: Mr Love: Queen's Choice and/or Koi to Producer: Evol X Love - Kiro (Helios)
One of the reasons I believe Mr Love: Queen's Choice's characters are comparable examples to Adrien (despite all the characters presented are adults through most of the story) is because it is an otome game, which means its primary focus is romance much like Miraculous. But also, much like Miraculous, it involves high actions scenes and beings with superpowers. It balances these things quite well whereas Miraculous (in my opinion) does not. And unlike Miraculous, it presents itself as a romance first and foremost, making it clear where their primary focus is whereas Miraculous doesn't really do that. In fact, most of its marketing is pointing at girl power. At least MLQC knows what it's about. Since MLQC knows exactly what it's about it may not come as a shock at all to you that they know exactly what their characters are. And there are two characters in this game that share quite a few similarities to Adrien. However a main difference is that both characters have a clear direction their headed towards but Adrien doesn't.
So let's talk about Kiro (Helios). This is the character I know the least as compared to the others. Most of what I have learned about him I got from the anime which I have learned is not entirely accurate but I will be referencing most of that (sorry die-hard MLQC fans, I am a very slow reader) as well as some scenes from the game.
Who is Kiro, exactly? And who the heck is Helios? Let's define him. Kiro is a mega popular popstar (so popular that girls practically fall at his feet) with a love for junk food and sweets (despite his agent forbids him from eating them). He's musically gifted, being able to pick up and play any instrument after a very short period of trial and error. He is also known to moonlight as a movie actor and a model. He's got a child-like wonder to him and a huge appreciation for superheroes, specifically ones without powers (Batmen, for instance). He shows affection and comfort through cute gestures and physical touch. He's, in essence, a big teddy bear. He's such a teddy bear that the narrative often compares him to one. This perfect teddy bear like nature is easily comparable to Adrien's perfect sunshine character. They both are hugely popular and beloved by their fans. They both show incredible talent, able to take on many tasks given to them such as modeling, acting, and instrument playing with ease. They both show comfort and affection through cute gestures (though Adrien's can be more grandiose) and physical touch. Pretty similar, right? Here's the massive difference; Kiro has flaws. Kiro has secrets. There are things he actively keeps from the MC and behavior one wouldn't associate with his supposedly perfect teddy bear likeness. There's actually a narrative reason why Kiro is presented to be so perfect. There's a reason why it's shoved in your face. We're gonna get into huge spoiler territory here for Kiro. This is your only warning.
Kiro is secretly a vigilante code-named Key (a name passed down to him by his father figure that taught him everything he knows). Key is an expert hacker. Able to hack through almost anything. There's very few things he cannot bypass. He likes to think of himself as a hero and loves to play the hero role (much like how Adrien took to Chat Noir so comfortably). Kiro prefers to use his own wits and hacking skills rather than his evol. That's right, he has evol, which in MLQC is the equivalent to superpowers. His evol is absolute charm. This was actually not fully a secret to us, the reader, but it's a shock to MC. It's heavily implied that Kiro used this power almost unintentionally purely because he's selfish. He longs for people to love him and his power responds to his wants. It's implied he's not aware how much he may use it but it could only be at his concerts. In fact, Kiro may have only been made aware of it when evolvers control over their evol was lost due to tampering with, I believe, electro-magnetic waves. Where, at one of his concerts, his fans began to tear each other apart to prove they loved him more. This is such a shock to him he quits being a popstar immediately because he can't bare the idea he caused that, even if it wasn't his fault he lost control. Now here's the really annoying thing about Adrien; I could totally believe he secretly has absolute charm with the way people just fall in love with him and he's just totally unaware of it but the problem is it's also pretty clear Adrien doesn't even want the attention he gets. And despite how obvious he makes that people blatantly choose to ignore it. This includes Kagami, Chloe, Wayhem, and nearly the entire class! He's not trying to hide it guys! It's pretty obvious he's unhappy with it! What is the purpose of this? To show he's so unfairly treated? How none of this is his fault? He couldn't possibly be unintentionally feeding into some of this because he's perfect and that would be too interesting of an idea. /s Ah, yeah, but I guess it ain't totally obvious because he's totally cool with Ladybug and his best friends giving him that same attention (except in season 4 I guess). Double standards much? What the freak do you want, Adrien?
But let's get back to Kiro because we aren't near done yet. Now here's a fun thing, Kiro actually possesses another evol. This evol he tends to refuse to use unless he has to. It is revealed to us and to MC at the same time. It's important to note that neither of us were aware of it until he had absolutely no choice. I'm gonna try to explain this without giving away too many spoilers because this game is awesome; Kiro refuses to use this power probably because it goes against what being a hero means to him. I should also mention that over using evol can be harmful and even deadly to the evolver. This is also why Kiro probably only ever used absolute charm. Keeping this all in mind, Kiro only decides to use it when he and MC are being chased by the bad guys and there's no way to escape. He has to painfully make the choice to use it on her when they reach the door to the heart of the issue which buys her some time while he fends them off. He risks her hating him just to buy her time so she can destroy the machine and save everyone. He also risks dying due to the sudden amplification of evol power. This self-sacrificing may slightly remind you of Chat Noir but the main difference being... Kiro actually had a reason. There is only about 2 or 3 times Chat Noir's sacrifices had ever made sense in the narrative and were presented as possibly the only action to take in that moment. I cannot stress enough to you how horrifying it is that almost every time Chat Noir self-sacrifices there are clear other avenues they could take and yet he immediately just jumps to the extreme. It makes you think Adrien just wants to die but something as serious as that is never at all focused on beyond one small comment from Ladybug in Lies! For Kiro there was no other option. If they entered the room together they would almost certainly be caught and since in this world they use guns, MC or himself could be dead before he ever got the chance to use his powers. And because MC effectively believes him to be dead after this Kiro takes on a new identity. An identity that isn't the perfect cuddly teddy bear Kiro or the heroic Key but rather someone akin to an anti-hero. Kiro becomes Helios; a cold, methodical man not afraid to use guns and his own power against the enemy. Helios even tricks MC into believing that he has no idea who Kiro is. He actively tricks her just to preserve her good memories of Kiro because there's no way MC could like this cold man, there's no way she could like who he really is. And he does state this a few times, that Helios is the real him even though he seems to almost fear this side of himself. It is MC who had to help him learn to connect Kiro and Helios and to not separate himself. He is Kiro and Helios.
This could almost be compared to Adrien's relationship to Chat Noir. Expect, rather than fearing this other side, he actively chooses Chat Noir over Adrien in most instances. He actively believes Chat Noir to be his true self and does not respond well to being turned away as Chat. This could be interesting and a great way to cause, not only outside conflict, but inner conflict. But this is not even explored. One could argue Kuro Neko did it explore it. But it really didn't. Instead of focusing on who Chat Noir is it, instead, chose to focus on how much Chat Noir loves Ladybug and how she needs him there for... no reason? No, seriously. They give absolutely no good arguments as to why she shouldn't just keep Catwalker around. The one good argument they possibly had they didn't even use. And that was that he freaking distracts her. No, instead their argument here is that he's "too perfect", whatever that freaking means. Excuse me? I believe, since your whole city is at freaking risk, that's exactly the kind of individual you'd want for the job. Never mind you want Chat Noir back for your own personal reasons (whatever those are because they do a very poor job communicating it). Why the freak would anyone turn away someone that's "too perfect"? The only reason I can think of is if she's suspicious of him but she so obviously isn't. They don't even try to explain why Adrien should even keep Chat Noir around if he's apparently only argumentive, not taking anything seriously, and effectively just another member of the team based on the visuals alone. The only thing keeping Chat around is cataclysm. That is it. And that's such a weak argument to stand on when literally anyone else could wear that ring. But no, that can't happen because we have to keep the status quo, I guess. That Ladybug is awesome and Chat is there to just make us laugh and give her an inspiring speech every season finale.
You know what's great about Kiro and Helios? That the narrative doesn't demonize Helios like Kiro does. It goes out of its way to show you how Helios is just as important as Kiro!
I don't get why it's so hard to just show that Chat Noir is just as important to Ladybug as Adrien without having to reference cataclysm or that it's because he's Adrien. How about it's because he's Adrien and Chat Noir? Why are the writers so afraid to merge these two together as if they aren't the same person. Heck, you even have one episode where you do just that but it's a what if episode so it's therefore non-consequential! And I hated Ephemeral but at least it bothered to do that despite pretty much every other episode tackling a similar issue absolutely refusing to do so! But this also required Marinette finding out he was Adrien and then only coming to love Chat that way. Which isn't entirely horrible but it just feels kind of shallow. I would have much preferred she realized she liked Chat but didn't want to "betray" Adrien in her mind so she refused to acknowledge it and then this reveal allowed her to combine the two and except that she has the best of both worlds. In many ways the romance of MLQC lends itself well to the character of Kiro/Helios but the romance of Miraculous seems to fight against the character of Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir. Probably because Kiro and MC's relationship feels like she (and the writers) have fully accepted and loved who he is where Adrien and Marinette's relationship feels like her (and the writers) love only one side of him and the other part is kind of just a small bonus. Oh, but don't worry this works the exact opposite way. Where Kiro actively loves MC, all of her (even though she can be kind of stupid), Adrien over here seems to only freaking like Ladybug. Like, yeah, he's nice to Marinette and he blushes around her occasionally but oftentimes that just feels like he's only blushing because their in oddly intimate positions often for some unknown reason. And also because he likes her as a friend. In Chat Blanc it feels like as soon as he realizes Marinette is Ladybug he suddenly recognizes this out of no where crush (that was barely hinted at). With Kiro he fell in love with MC first, before he found out she was a badass and then he fell even harder. Which makes it all the more ironic that he's willing to except all of her, even her flaws, but he can't seem to do the same for himself. In fact, Kiro even fell in love with MC in a similar way Chat did for Ladybug. MC was his hero. Someone who saved him and others by constantly being around to cheer people up despite the very dark situations of their childhood (which I won't get into because again, I'm trying not to spoil too much here). But that went from just outright admiration to genuine love. Chat's crush feels like he's just been holding Ladybug up on a pedestal the whole time except for kind of near the end of season 4 which I'm not sure why it had to take him that long.
I am not asking for Adrien to be exactly like Kiro. I am asking for him to feel like a sturdy character like Kiro. I am just trying to show that despite the similarities Kiro's character was able to find success where Adrien's character seems to only find failure. Kiro is most definitely not a perfect character. No character is ever perfect. But that's why we love them, isn't it? Because they're imperfect? So why can't the ml writer's seem to pull Adrien out of that bubble? Just let him be selfish without somehow justifying it! Also, keep in mind that this is just my interpretation of Kiro based on my experience with the game and anime. Some of this could totally be wrong or misinterpreted but it speaks volumes I am able to come up with all of this about his character based on what little I know yet for Adrien I have to compare him to characters to even try to explain why he annoys me! But that's just one of the successful characters I could compare Adrien to. The next part I'm going to talk about Gavin, also from Mr Love: Queen's Choice, and see how he also compares to Adrien.
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izzymeadows · 11 months
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!!
I just answered this exact thing lol!
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Okay for the ask game: trying
omfg so turns out finding this word was harder than i thought lol
“Let’s just say,” Jason began, “for argument’s sake, maybe Lucy really does like him or is simply trying to piss you off for some reason.”
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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robylovi · 11 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!!! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 🤗💞✨
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they trip and fell over. yep.
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parisiscanada · 8 months
i think i born in the wrong generation........
the dark academian
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It’s @chaotic-trav ‘s birthday today!
Happy birthday, hope you have a beautiful day!
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super-nova5045 · 2 years
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will's in the light because he just came out to jonathan (inexplicitly) and is about to have his main character era. mike's in the shadows because he just said ily to el, but light is slowly covering him. he grabs will's shoulder, reaching out to him - AND THE LIGHT. (creds to @chaotic-trav for the last part)
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magireco-minibang · 23 days
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Here’s an ongoing list of all the fanfiction and fanart created for the Magia Record Mini Bang! Check back throughout April (or follow @magireco-minibang) to see new stories and art as they’re posted!
Planning to enjoy these fanworks? Make sure you also check out our comment drive (which gives you a chance to earn prizes like fanart for commenting!)
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Title: A Wish to Understand
Author: @gorochuva
Artist: @puellamagiholyquintet (artwork here)
Rating: T for Teen
Major Characters: Iroha, Madoka, Homura, Kyubey
Pairings: Kaede/Rena, Sana/Ren, Homura/Mabayu
Warnings: None
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Ending, what if, Hypothetical Character Development, Musical References
Summary: "Kyubey, I have some questions about the wish you supposedly granted for me when I became a Magical Girl." What if Ui Tamaki didn't exist? What would be the truth behind Iroha's wish? As it turns out, a few simple words at the right time changed everything...
"I wish you could understand how they felt!"
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Title: Cage of Briars
Author: @chairteeth
Artist: @karinmisono
Rating: M for Mature
Major Characters: Nemu Hiiragi, Touka Satomi
Pairings: Nemu/Touka, minor/background relationships
Warnings: no archive warnings apply
Tags: Psychological Horror, Adventure, Puzzles, Eldritch Art Gallery, Medical Trauma, Aged Up Characters, Alternate Universe - Ib, Violence, Canon Typical Child Neglect, Mentions of Nemu's Past Flings, Purple Prose, Banter, Flirting, Angst, Romantic Fluff, Drama, Minor Character Death, additional tags on AO3
Summary: The primary reason that a rose grows thorns is self-defense. Nemu likes to think the same applies to herself. When her good friend Alina Gray offers entry tickets to an art gallery for her nineteenth birthday, likely out of pity, she hopes to have a quiet afternoon to herself, away from her family, only for the gallery to go empty during her visit and swallow her into its depths. Now trapped with no way home and her very life tied to a flower, Nemu is sure she can find an exit before the homicidal artwork does her in. (And if possible, Alina Gray is going to court with a broken spine for the worst prank in history.)
But inside the gallery, there is something else, someone else. A shrike. And a shrike doesn’t let its prey know when it’s watching.
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Title: Manaka★Magica : Chaotic Supper
Author: @shitposterxdxdxd
Artist: @sicksweetcreamy (artwork here)
Rating: M for Mature
Major Characters: Manaka, Ria, Tsumugi, OCs: Ichigo, Ringo, Momo
Pairings: none
Warnings: Graphic depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
Tags: Canon Universe, Action/Adventure, Magical Girls, Doppels (Magia Record), Canon: Magia Record, Being Meguca Is Suffering
Summary: Do you know "Peanut's Fast Food Restaurant"? Or Peanut's for short? You know,the restaurant that is just across the road from "Walnut's restaurant".
Well lately Peanut's has been gaining a lot of popularity and Manaka Kurumi doesn't like that at all! She is the daughter of the owner of Walnut's and she decides to investigate the recent and surprising popularity of Peanut's. Since she suspects that this is due to a special miracle that she knows very well...
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Title: Kamihama Ultra Beast Files
Author: @abarero
Artist: @kyrakyrakitty
Rating: T for Teen
Major Characters: Iroha Tamaki, Sana Futaba, Mikoto Sena, Hanna Sarasa, Mitsune Miwa, Yachiyo Nanami
Pairings: Main Pairings: Iroha Tamaki/Sana Futaba, Mikoto Sena/Hanna Sarasa, Yachiyo Nanami/Tsuruno Yui, Jun Kazari/Mitsune Miwa
Side Pairings: Rena Minami/Kaede Akino, Rika Ayano/Ren Isuzu, Masara Kagami/Kokoro Awane, Touka Satomi/Nemu Hiiragi, Momoko Togame/Mitama Yakumo/Kanagi Izumi
Warnings: none
Tags: Alternate Universe- Pokemon Fusion, Action/Adventure, Action & Romance, I put Arc 1 of the Game Magia Record story in a blender with Pokemon Sun/Moon+Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon enjoy, also there’s some Arc 2 girls here bc I love them
Summary: Welcome to the Kamihama region! Join Iroha on her Pokemon journey as she travels the land, meets new friends, encounters the mysterious Winchester Foundation, and searches for her missing sister Ui.
However, not all is as it seems. Something strange is happening in Kamihama- wormholes appearing in the sky, creatures attacking that are more beast than Pokemon, and people and Pokemon going missing. And it turns out these odd occurrences across the region are more closely connected than one might think...
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Title: 5 times Yachiyo got someone a mug and 1 time she got one instead
Author: @automatic-purification-system
Artist: @rwbypro
Rating: G for General
Major Characters: Nanami Yachiyo, Azusa Mifuyu, Anna Mel, Minami Rena, Mitsuki Felicia, Sakurako | Uwasa of the Eternal Sakura
Pairings: none
Warnings: none
Tags: 5+1, Found Family, Friendship, Yachiyo's love language is mugs, refrences to canonical character death, takes place from Yachiyo's backstory to early arc 2, Minor Angst, Fluff
Summary: After Yachiyo moved into Mikazuki Villa, the first thing her Grandmother had done was take her to buy a mug for herself. "If you're going to be living here, then you can hardly use a guest mug!"
It'd taken her a while to pick one, but after she did, the fear and trepidation from the move, and from her new modeling job all went away. Going back to her Grandmother's boarding house afterwards, she truly felt like she was going home.
Ever since then, making sure that the people who stay at her house have mugs of their own has been a topmost priority.
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Title: The Book of Wishes
Author: @enderprophet
Artist: @automatic-purification-system (artwork here)
Rating: M for Mature
Major Characters: Ui Tamaki, Iroha Tamaki, Touka Satomi, Nemu Hiiragi
Pairings: none
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Tags: Angst, Hospitals, Religious Imagery & Symbolism (But not in the first couple of chapters), Near Death, Make A Wish Foundation (Kinda), Terminal Illnesses, (Not if Iroha has anything to say about that AND SHE DOES)
Summary: Ui is saved from near-certain death, and proceeds to learn many things about the world. The beginning of a tragedy.
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Title: Calcite Connection
Author: lilaclegionnaire
Artist: @garnetsandroses (artwork here)
Rating: T for Teen
Major Characters: Ren Isuzu and Rika Ayano
Pairings: Rika/Ren
Warnings: None
Tags: canon compliant, witch shenanigans, dream logic, takes place during Arc 1, hospital imagery, implied/referenced self-harm
Summary: After an attempt to practice a new connect technique goes unexpectedly wrong, Ren finds herself waking up on a brilliant, technicolor beach. Meanwhile, Rika finds herself a new resident of a strange, colorless city. The two try their best to figure out what's going on and find their way back to one another.
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Title: Abyss of Leaves
Author: @shaymeme
Artist: @harunakonomi (artwork here)
Rating: M for Mature
Major Characters: Kuroe, Ashley Taylor, Iroha Tamaki, Konomi Haruna, Mami Tomoe
Pairings: Ashley Taylor/Kuroe
Warnings: Severe bullying and xenophobia
Tags: Alternate Universe, Crossover and Fandom Fusion, Black Clover Manga Spoilers, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: “The leaves of a clover are each said to contain one thing.”
That was what they had told her when she asked them about their magical texts, about "grimoires".
"The first three are given over to faith, hope and love. The fourth is given over to good luck, and in the fifth… there lives the Devil."
That was what they said, and that was what scared her so much. Hikari Kuroe is not from the Clover Kingdom, but tomorrow, she will receive her grimoire, and she has no idea what she will do in the future. Grappling with the love she left in her home country and her past, and the friendship she has in the Clover Kingdom and her present that is filled with difficulties and strife, but beauty of its own, Kuroe is torn between her two halves, past and present, love and hate, light and dark… abyss and ascent. What choices will she make? Where will they lead her?
If the leaves of a clover are each said to contain one thing… then what leaf is she?
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Title: Farewell, Felicia Mitsuki (Well… Not For Long-)
Author: thatcloveplant
Artist: Dinugs (art posts here and here)
Rating: G for General Audiences
Major Characters: Felicia, Sana, Iroha, Mokyu, Tsuruno and Yachiyo
Pairings: Felicia/Sana
Warnings: none
Tags: slice of life, fluff, friendship, romance
Summary: After a petty argument with Yachiyo, Felicia decides she’s had enough and ‘runs away’ from Mikazuki Villa. Sana follows her to make sure she doesn’t get into trouble, almost certain that she’ll calm down and come back home by the end of the day. After trying to calm her down and uhh many a Lesbian Moment ™, Felicia seems to come to her senses. They stay out just a bit too long for everyone else’s liking and Tsuruno is sent out to find the two of them and bring them back home.
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Title: Knight Errant
Author: @garnetsandroses
Artist: @woogie-g (artwork here)
Rating: T for Teen
Major Characters: Rena Minami, Kaede Akino, Momoko Togame
Pairings: Rena/Kaede, Rena/Momoko, Kaede/Momoko, Rena/Kaede/Momoko
Warnings: none
Tags: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Fantasy, Historical Fantasy, Chivalry, Chivalric Romance, Action/Adventure, Romance, Historical Inaccuracy, Knights- freeform, Witches (Madoka Magica)
Summary: Rena Minami is a knight fallen from grace, Kaede Akino is a scribe longing to escape her court life, and Momoko is a lady-in-waiting who just wants the two to reconnect. When Rena is sent on a suicide mission through the witch-infested forests of legend to deliver a message to the neighboring kingdom, Kaede joins her on her doomed quest.
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Title: Growing Pains
Author: @azusamifuyu
Artist: @randomartsideblog (artwork here)
Rating: T for Teen
Major Characters: Felicia, Yachiyo, Juri
Pairings: Side Pairings: Yachiyo Nanami/Azusa Mifuyu
Warnings: none
Tags: Time Skip - a couple years after Arc 2, Slice of Life
Summary: Several years after the conclusion of Arc 2, a 17 year old Felicia encounters Juri Ooba, now sporting a face full of piercings. Deciding that this look is totally badass, she endeavors to get piercings of her own, come hell or high water. The only thing standing in her way? Yachiyo Nanami. Remembering the age-old maxim, "It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission," Felicia goes and gets her first piercing without asking Yachiyo. Hijinks ensue as she tries to hide it.
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More to come! Follow @magireco-minibang to see the updates as they happen!
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acamaryseinteery · 4 days
Requests are open!
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You send me a number in asks and I choose if I:
- Draw them (doodle, comic strip)
- Write about them (Hc, short, funny scene)
- Make a quote with them
Explanations about code names:
BrynRet - is a ship with @skysiren41 's OC Brynja, one armed lass with Albinism (my art of her in an adorable mushroom overall). She is a healer like her mother but skilled hunter and a great fighter. She has a prosthetic arm that can summon: sword, crossbow and a dagger.
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Topaz: Is Brynja's Goldscale dragon. He's a lazy but temperament feisty fella who loves honey and bugs and was separated from his mother as a hatchling.
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Avalanche: A halfbreed of Shockjaw and a Stormcutter. He has a big appetite for fish but loves his rider and would never betray him. Unless you have a tuna.
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Blizzard: Eret's very first dragon. A blue Singetail he rescued from one of his traps on his journey to try to fix his mistakes before becoming a dragon rider.
Eret's cousins: He may not have a sibling, but he has 5 cousins who are just as annoying. Especially if you're the youngest.
Eret's parents:
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Dangerous roomies: What it's like for Hiccup to live with his three friends, who each are a pain in the ass of their own. Characters: Hiccup, Eret, Dagur, Viggo.
Hiccup's big brothers: Hiccup's faithful and loyal bodyguards have to deal how to live with each other on one island, without Hiccup who can tear them apart when things get messy.
Mysterious slot: Random choice from my fandom OCs.
Fandoms: ToA, Httyd, Rotg, Mdtbh(My dad the bounty hunter)
@ziggityzigg @chaotic-trav @skysiren41 @sunrisemcash @one-httyd-a-day @vibing-with-trashy-trolls @rootinteen @fanaticdragonrider @phoenix-rock-26
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Can you give me a list of the blogs you follow who love both Marinette and Adrien and generally like to be positive about the show? If that's not too much trouble of course.
I'll try to name as many as I can remember, mostly my friends/people I talk to the most here who should get a lot more attention:
@gameguy20100 (check out his fanfic if you want), @firerose, @pristinecreature, @surikat1984, @steelblaidd, @panvampirething, @tempestnoire, @stupid-for-catnoir and @stupid-for-simping, @chaotic-trav, @studyperkss and @studyywithmee, @giuliafc, @floweryotter, @eris-the-phantom-thief, @aanabear2803 (I know they write fanfic too so you can check it out too), @bshskmdbv, @the-clockwork-rebel, @catttnoir, @chickensoup1025, @seizerofdarkness, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @shootingstarssel, @crimsonflame-and-goldenheart, @sir-david-von-templo, @purrfectlypunny, @bonelesspancake, @therob28, didn't see @bugaboooooooooo that much but I think they didn't change they also make a lot of great fanfics and fan arts, also there was @ladynoir-is-taking-over-my-life but I don't see them anymore, so just in case.
I also want to find them more and more every day. Sorry if I forgot someone cuz I think I did 😅. If you guys want you can name more if you want and if you know more. Positivity and Love Square fans are always welcome ❤️
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twin-books · 2 years
Part 2: Mr Love: Queen’s Choice - Gavin
This is a continuation of this post where I compare Adrien’s character to other successful characters or character arcs. Tagging @chaotic-trav​ who’s ask I started building off of. Please be warned that there will be spoilers for Miraculous Ladybug and Mr Love: Queen’s Choice in the following. I recommend checking these things out for yourself, especially MLQC which has a beautiful story. I shall reiterate that I do not hate Adrien. I just hate how he is written. I shall also reiterate what I said in my last post where we compared Adrien to Kiro; One of the reasons I believe Mr Love: Queen's Choice's characters are comparable examples to Adrien (despite all the characters presented are adults through most of the story) is because it is an otome game, which means its primary focus is romance much like Miraculous. But also, much like Miraculous, it involves high action scenes and beings with superpowers. It balances these things quite well whereas Miraculous (in my opinion) does not. And unlike Miraculous, it presents itself as a romance first and foremost, making it clear where their primary focus is whereas Miraculous doesn't really do that. In fact, most of its marketing is pointing at girl power. At least MLQC knows what it's about. Keeping that in mind let’s talk about Gavin.
Who is Gavin? Let’s define him like we did for Kiro. Gavin is a Special Evol Task Force agent and a cop who heavily believes in justice. He’s got a very adventurous and fearless nature. He loves astronomy and is well skilled handy man, able to take apart and put anything back together with relative ease. People from an outside perspective describe him as very cold and reckless. In reality, Gavin is fiercely brave and careful. He’s a man of few words and relies on actions to convey how he feels. He’s often described as a lone wolf due to his rather unconventional methods of handling things (such as using very morally grey informants to gain knowledge). Gavin is no stranger to slander. People have talked behind his back all his life, even people at the precinct. However, he believes trivial gossip isn’t worth wasting his time on when there are real monsters out there to deal with. And when Gavin sets his mind on something or someone he remains fiercely loyal to that thing or person. This is such a huge part of his character that Gavin is often represented by a wolf or a dog in the narrative. Now, besides the loyalty and his adventurous nature, Gavin’s character seems to share very few similarities to Adrien. Gavin is a special case because rather than his character sharing any similarities to Adrien, it’s his backstory and arc that is easily comparable to Adrien. Before I go further I want to make it clear that I love the character of Gavin. He’s a character that genuinely fascinates. It helps that I have learned the most about him in the narrative so I have a lot more to go off of. It’s that narrative that made me fall in love with him as a character. My goal was to not spoil too much because Gavin is a very fun character and people should experience him for themselves. But, unfortunately, a lot of what connects him to Adrien is very spoilery. So, I am begging you to check out the game first to truly experience his and Kiro’s characters! This is your only warning for spoilers ahead! Trigger Warning: The following discusses things such as low self-esteem, bullying, suicidal thinking, child abuse (both mental and physical), and PTSD. If these things have the potential to upset you I suggest either reading with caution or not continuing.   Now let’s remind ourselves of the backstory for Adrien (which is, unfortunately, very brief since his character is rarely ever a focus in the narrative). Adrien is a boy who has been isolated most of his life. Due to this he lacks the ability to properly communicate and the understanding of social ques. He is said to have a very big connection to his mother who he unfortunately lost at quite recently. It is never stated what he believes her fate is but it’s heavily implied he believes she is dead. This sense of loss, Adrien has gone on to state, changed his father for the worst and led Gabriel to manipulate his son. It’s kind of hinted at (barely) that Gabriel may have always been like that but it was just his mother’s death that opened Adrien’s eyes a little to the bigger picture.  It’s only through becoming Chat Noir that Adrien is shown to slowly pull the wool from his eyes and begin to truly see his father for who he truly is. It’s unfortunate that every time this freaking happens it is immediately erased or forgotten about. Gabriel is shown to manipulate and beat his son if the narrative so choses. It is almost hinted at he could be descending into madness because, while he was terrible in the beginning, he was at least shown to care for his son in some small way. It wasn’t freaking love by any means however now it seems he can only treat his son as a tool to use for his ulterior motives. Due to this Adrien suffers from loss of self, believing his only purpose is to serve others (or I could honestly be grasping at straws because, again, they aren’t very good at conveying this. But I think that’s what they’re going for). Adrien is incapable of thinking of himself as separate from another person. This also leads to an unhealthy mindset disguised in the form of undying selflessness (sort of, but we’ll get to it). This means that he will sooner sacrifice himself than even just inconvenience someone he cares about. Now let’s compare this to Gavin’s backstory. Keep in mind, some of this I did get from the anime so it may not be entirely accurate. Again, I apologize to those die-hard MLQC fans. Gavin’s mother was a loving, doting woman with an unending amount of patience and a very adventurous spirit. Gavin’s relationship with his mother wasn’t hinted at, it was explicitly stated as being a loving bond Gavin cherished very deeply. They don’t just tell you that their relationship was good they go out of their way to show you, sometimes through side stories, but mostly just through his character alone. Gavin’s character was heavily shaped by his mother and it shows! She taught him that love is best shown in action which he carries with him all the way to his adulthood. She also plays another, even bigger role in shaping who he is but we’ll get to that later. Gavin’s father is a cold, calculating man. He is in direct contrast to Gavin’s mother with very little patience, very little love to offer, and a huge amount of self-righteous anger. It is no secret that Gavin isn’t close with his father at all but it is a surprise to the MC and us, the reader, just how bad their relationship was.   For most of his childhood Gavin’s father was absent due to deeming Gavin a “failure” because he did not possess any evol (MLQC equivalent to superpowers). This caused Gavin to grow bitterness for his old man, so much in fact that he doesn’t respect him enough to even call him father often referring to him as “that man”. Throughout his childhood Gavin is presented as a kid who had to grow up too fast and puts on a brave face to not appear “weak” purely for the sake of showing his father he’s worth something, even without any evol. He also wants to prove that they don’t need “that man” and he can be the man his mother needs.  The catalyst for Gavin’s character happens at age 15 (coincidentally, about the age of Adrien). A fire breaks out at his home and despite his mother screaming for help he was incapable of saving her. It is only worsened when his father inexplicitly appears back into his life just to tell Gavin he’s the reason his mother died. That he was too weak to save her. That he couldn’t even do that right.  Unsurprisingly Gavin suffers from a huge amount of survivor’s guilt and the false idea that he failed to save his mother when there was most likely nothing he could do. He also harbored large amounts of anger towards himself that he unfortunately starts to take out on his fellow classmates whenever they speak ill of his mother. This is what begins to soil his reputation. He also suffers from PTSD when presented with fire and actively avoids it which leads many to believe he only has a phobia of fire. In the anime, a confrontation on the roof of his school leads to a large fight and eventually Gavin getting pushed off the roof. It’s here where Gavin wants to give in and just let death take him but it’s a distant piano playing and the fall of the gingko leaves that leads him to the conclusion that he can’t die then. I also believe it may have something to do with reminding him of his mother but the anime does a very poor job of portraying that where I’m sure the game most likely succeeds. It is here where he discovers his evol, the ability to manipulate the wind, the irony being he gained it too late. And that beautiful piano music was being played by none other than MC. As Gavin grows he begins to take his anger out on the right people. He dedicates himself to justice and saving others as to not “fail” to save anyone again. But because of this he has a tendency to start fights which leads people to become understandably wary of them, even MC, who actually becomes friends with him a long with a few other students. It’s not clear to Gavin that a lot of them, maybe including MC, are just trying to stay on his good side. Now this is a lot that adds to Gavin’s character. Despite having a similar story to Adrien his story manages to find, and keep, intrigue. It also compliments and explains Gavin’s character without really just explaining it. This is not the case for Adrien. Now I should acknowledge that the story of MLQC is obviously intended for an older audience but I am not comparing them because I want Miraculous to be darker (on the contrary I actually enjoy it’s more light-hearted tone. As much as I love MLQC it can be too much for me which is why I take so long to get through it). I am comparing them because Gavin’s character is very clear and his backstory supports who he is.  Gavin even ends up having similar thinking to Adrien, where he believes his purpose is to help others. But instead of only ever showing this through occasional self-sacrifice it is clear throughout Gavin’s lifestyle. He hardly ever eats anything healthy, only ever eating take-out or instant noodles. This is despite the fact he makes a decent salary between his two jobs. He is constantly working out, less for himself and more to just keep himself strong and agile to better be of use. Whenever someone is in danger his immediate response is to jump into action despite points where he is unarmed and unable to use his evol. And when he is injured his first instinct is to check on the other people rather than get himself to a hospital. He only preserves himself enough to be helpful. These are clear things not just told to us but, again, shown to us! This is also clearly presented as not only a symbol of his persistence but a huge flaw! This isn’t something that presents itself as the only correct conclusion to anyone but Gavin! He is so bad that he doesn’t even bother to care for his own interests! It’s MC who has to fish that out of him! But you know what’s also great about this? It isn’t contradicting in the slightest and the change is gradual. The romantic relationship between him and MC serves to grow Gavin as a character. With Adrien it’s so conflicting. He will be self-sacrifice but only ever for Marinette and Ladybug. He is also the first to leap into action but then sometimes he refuses. He’s presented as one to keep fighting on despite the fact he has either tried or did give up his miraculous several times. None of these things are presented as even a flaw either or like it’s supposed to be a contradiction that he needs to challenge. They are just there! And the lovesquare does not, at all, help his character. Ladybug does not inspire change in Chat Noir at all, nor Marinette for Adrien. In fact, she is either discouraging him for his frankly weird advances or encouraging his unhealthy behavior. The only time she ever reprimands Chat for his incoherent need to just self-sacrifice is one passing comment in Lies! And the one character that is supposed to challenge and oppose Adrien, Felix, isn’t allowed to help him change at all! No! An akuma had to do that! Heck, Gavin also has his own Felix equivalent in his younger half-brother Shaw. They even have a similar backstory (which I will not get into, I have spoiled enough). They are constantly at odds and it’s very clear they tick each other off, yet Shaw (at least in the anime) does inspire Gavin to challenge his own beliefs. I don’t freaking understand why Adrien’s character cannot remain consistent and gradually grow. It feels like his “growth” is shoved in very last minute in season 4 (not very well mind you) because the writers suddenly remembered that the whole Agreste arc exists! These aren’t even the only similar story arcs Gavin and Adrien share I just can’t spoil freaking everything. Again, I am not asking for Adrien to be exactly like Gavin. I am just begging for Adrien’s character to be as fleshed out and consistent as Gavin’s. For his beliefs to be challenged and for how his past has affected him to be evident and not just occasionally mentioned. I actually like that opposed to Gavin, Adrien still cares for his father. I do enjoy the differences, I just with they were freaking explored. But tune in for Part 3 where I compare Adrien to Ben Tennyson or Ben 10. Again, the reason for this many comparisons is not only show how all over the place Adrien’s character feels (to me) but the many avenues that others went down with similar characters or arcs that succeeded.
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sunrisemcash · 10 months
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Thanks RenRen!
For Anakin
For Darth Vader
For Obi-Wan
For Ahsoka
For Padmé
My beloved:
@quickslvxr @justanauthorwannabe21 @thranduilswifesblog @chaotic-trav @endo-bunny @fakegingerrights @squidmccephalopod @thunderous-desperado @holonium @anemomee
@justanauthor17 I know you don't listen to songs much... but still be a part of it... 😁
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Reply with 1-5 of your favorite songs and send to 5 of your moots :)
ah jeez this will take me a minute
let's see, in no particular order:
Dandelions by Ruth B
Torn by Ava Max
Dimple by BTS
Get Out Alive by Three Days Grace
Casual Affair by Panic! At the Disco
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dragonnnfly · 1 year
Okay for the ask game, here you go:
Sky blue
Sunny D
Have a nice day, your blog makes me laugh or just cheers me up a bit everytime I open it
Pumpkin: Sorta kinda fangirl every time you post
Wholesome! Why are you out here being wholesome! Thank you!
Rouge: I think I love you? No not think. I love you
Sweet chaotic-trav, let me hug you! I am genuinely appreciative of the pumpkin and rogue, it’s so sweet❤️
Ourple: Why are you so funny it’s not fair
Now we’re getting to it! Trust me, it’s gotta be the adhd and autism, any other reasons are reasons I’m too scared to approach.
Sky blue: I’d love to know what goes on in your ###### up lil brain
Hahaaaa. no. You. Don’t🙂🙃🙂
Nah but tbh my mind just goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr httyd brrrrrrrrrr food brrrrrrrr
Writing this i realize it’s a white noise machine
Sunny d: You honest to god scare me sometimes. And that’s great
You’re right, that is great!
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