#cinéma français
blacknarcissus · 11 months
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Jane Birkin in La Piscine (1969)
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 5 months
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Returning to Paris, I had to pay. With rage in my heart and often tears in my eyes (the makeup artist Chakatouny lamented each morning my poor appearance, and couldn't make me look any better), I made one film — just one — to guarantee the freedom of a person I loved. I was ugly, terrible; everything in me refused to be. I still remember the look of my [screen] partner Raymond Rouleau (who knew Igor and the causes of my breakdown) studying me and trying in vain to give me a little encouragement!
— Edwige Feuillère reflecting on the making of Mam'zelle Bonaparte (1942) and aiding the escape of her fiancé (named here as Igor) from Nazi-occupied France
(From Les Feux de la mémoire by Edwige Feuillère, 1977. Translated by me. ♡)
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mnetn · 6 months
l'herbier king il fait des dingueries à chaque fois (slay forfaiture, le mystère de la chambre jaune, l'argent et tant d'autres)
si tout les anarchistes étaient comme lui 🤭
quand j'ai entendu c h a k a l j'étais morte de rire (je m'amuse d'un rien)
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Parlez de versatilité au cinéma autant que vous voulez mais pour être capable de jouer le prof dans les choristes et Adolfo Ramirez dans Papy fait de la résistance, il faut être bon acteur
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lejournalfaitmain · 3 months
La Belle et la Bête, réalisé par Jean Cocteau, 1946, France
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le-reseda · 1 year
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Alain Delon in "Plein soleil", directed René Clément, 1960
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proustianlesbian · 7 months
3 movies i saw this week and why you should watch them.
(this is my 260th post but the first one i use a title for.)
i hesitated to write this in french but i choose english to be understood by more people.
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i'm starting with the first movie i have seen on monday evening with my mom : "kuolleet lehdet" by aki kaurismäki. so at first, we went there not really knowing what to expect, she had read me the summary just before we left and i almost didn't want to go. however, this movie is amazing. the cinematography and the colors are gorgeous and the characters really endearing. there are a lot of songs in finnish (both sang by characters and outside of the film) that gave this already slow and melancholic art piece several moments outside of time. what i love too is the reality of the characters, the situations : they are just two proletarian workers yet they are shown to be deserving to be the main characters. we see them working, being friendly with their colleagues, having fun with them but also facing exhaustion at the end of the day as well as being seen as negligible quantity and easily replaceable by their bosses. the relationship between the two main characters is really sweet as well as their relationships with their own friends and it shows love in a way i particularly love : there is no need to know the name of the other or to do romantic things, just being together and feeling happy with eachother is enough.
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the second film i saw on wednesday night was "anatomie d'une chute" by justine triet, it had won the palme d'or at this year's cannes festival. so my mom and i went to see it, again i didn't really know what to expect except that there was actors i love in it and that it was a trial movie also about medias and how they make people percieve things. and this prize was so deserved, every actor and actress was incredible, some scenes were so well made, especially a play with sound and image as well as what we see, what movements did the camera and what it showed us. it sometimes got so close of a documentary more than a fictional movie. i have so many thoughts about it, truly one of the best movies of the year but many people talked about it so i can't really add anything new to say. but if you can, go watch it.
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the last film i have seen this week was "le procès goldman", directed by cédric kahn. i saw it just yesterday, alone and i already knew pierre goldman's story very well, i learned about this movie in may in a french tv emission about cannes and have been really waiting to see it since. it is most certainly my favorite but for very personal reasons. the story seems very niche : it is a huis-clos, set in 1976, of the second trial of a far-left activist, son of jewish partisans from poland (and step-brother of a very popular singer, who is still the favorite personality of french people and has been so for years) who was accused of several robberies as well as the murders of two pharmacists, but if he admits the robberies, he claims his innocence for the murders. this movie is not only showing the faillures of the racist police and racist judiciary systems in france but also has very interesting conversations between the characters about being jewish and therefore racialized. but it also touches a subject that is so specific and personal, i never saw a movie talk about it : the feeling that when you come from a family that suffered and/or fought so much, you feel like no matter how much you fight, it will never be enough to live up to this history, even if you're not asked to. you feel like you never deserved to be born and live when you know what your family went through. there is a sentence he said that marked me : "i was born and died on the 22th june 1944.". to me, it is one of the best way the jewish experience in a racist society and racist country like france has ever been represented. and i really urge you, jewish or not, to go see it and especially if you are not so you can understand what it feels like a little bit more. the acting of everyone is superb, showing so well the intensity that reigns in this room, but the main actor, arieh worthalter, is phenomenal. the actors are well casted and look like their real life counterparts. the realisation is really beautiful even if there are around three or four places shown in the movie. i love how everything about the movie is simple : a basic white writing font on a black background giving us the contexte and the title, i think there is no music as well. the costumes are gorgeous too and i love how many details were put into the fabrics, patterns. i really want to meet the director to tell him how this movie made me feel so seen.
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picturessnatcher · 1 year
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Tih Minh (Louis Feuillade, 1918)
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Dans le film “La Crise” de Coline Serreau sorti en 1992, l’actrice Maria Pacôme se rebelle contre ses enfants, joués par Vincent Lindon et Zabou
Maria Pacôme est morte le 1er décembre 2018 à l’âge de 94 ans
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ainsi que l’a annoncé son fils François. Si les plus jeunes ne connaissent pas forcément le nom ou le visage de cette comédienne qui fit les belles heures du théâtre de boulevard, beaucoup se souviennent de sa bonne humeur et de ses rôles dans « Les Tribulations d’un Chinois en Chine », de Philippe de Broca, « Les Sous-doués », de Claude Zidi ou « Le Gendarme de Saint-Tropez ». Mais c’est la réalisatrice Coline Serreau qui offrit son plus beau rôles à Maria Pacôme qui, en quelques répliques et une apparition furtive, aura marqué pour toujours de son empreinte ce film dans lequel, en mère de Vincent Lindon, elle crève l'écran, et qui qui lui valu sa nomination aux César 1993 comme meilleure actrice dans un second rôle. « J'ai repassé vos chemises, lavé vos slips, surveillé vos études. Je me suis fait des monceaux de bile, je n'ai vécu que pour vous, qu'à travers vous. »
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« Tes problèmes de boulot, tes problèmes avec ta femme, tes problèmes de fric, tes problèmes en général et en particulier, moi ta mère, je m'en fous comme de l'an quarante, tu m'entends ? Je m'en fous, mais alors je m'en fous, je peux pas te dire à quel point je m'en fous. Je n'en ai vraiment rien, rien, rien à foutre. » Dans ce films aux dialogues brillants, Maria Pacôme, sexagénaire fraîchement séparée après des années de charge mentale familiale, fait elle-même sa crise. Pour la première fois, elle balance à ses enfants son ras le bol de mère au foyer à laquelle on ne confie que ses problèmes sans se soucier des siens. Les courses, le foyer, son mari..., la senior nouvelle génération envoie tout valser pour vivre, enfin, sa propre existence. En 1993, la tirade fait mouche, et restera culte tant elle choque les uns en même temps qu’elle libère bien des frustrations enfouies chez les femmes en pleine émancipation.
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« Pendant trente ans je vous ai torchés, nourris, couchés, levés, consolés, tous les trois. J'ai repassé vos chemises, lavé vos slips, surveillé vos études. Je me suis fait des monceaux de bile, je n'ai vécu que pour vous, qu'à travers vous. J'ai écouté toutes vos histoires, vos problèmes et vos chagrins, sans jamais vous emmerder avec les miens. Alors maintenant, je prends ma retraite. Toi, il te reste une longue vie devant toi pour résoudre ta crise ; moi il me reste très peu de temps pour résoudre la mienne. Alors tu permettras que pour une fois je m'occupe de mes affaires avant les tiennes
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J’ai vu Les Trois Mousquetaires : D’Artagnan hier soir et c’était trop bien j’ai envie de retourner le voir genre tout de suite maintenant like the obsessive bitch that I am
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la culture française c'est de détester les voix originales de tous les films qui sont des classiques de quand t'étais gosse et de détester les doublages en français de tous les films qui sont des classiques que t'as vu en VO une fois adulte
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blacknarcissus · 10 months
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Le Combat dans L'île (1962)
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 7 months
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La vie à deux (1958), dir. Clément Duhour
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mnetn · 6 months
ivan 🀄
la dernière fois en cours d'analyse de séquence on a vu un extrait de ce film, ma pote et moi on s'est regardé en ricanant et j'étais très heureuse de voir monsieur jouvet sur grand écran !
purée quelle présence !!! ses grandes jambes qui dépassent du ptit fauteuil mdrrrr. @faisonsunreve (je pense que tu vas aimer)
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reasons why everyone should love Hibernatus:
everyone is chaotic af
the guy fake-dating his own wife
the music is neat
vaguely scifi, or at least intending to be, but from 1969 and it aged rather well
a guy who's younger than his granddaughter and thinks she's his mother. Gets overly protective of her much to the dismay of her actual son, who he wants to throw out of the house because he doesn't know him
wakes up from 50 years long coma, immediately starts flirting with the first girl he sees, then steals another guy's fiancée
they put the whole neighbourhood, if not city, back to its 1905 state, BUT they still left the TV in the living room because why not
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Daaaaaali ! Quentin Dupieux
Chronique d'un film loufoque et drôle !
FAN-TAS-TI-QUE aurait ponctué Daaaaaali en visionnant le film de Quentin Dupieux ! Que ces deux-là étaient faits pour se rencontrer ! Absolument pas autobiographie, mais un vrai hommage à ce comédien, cet hurluberlu narcissique, mégalomane mais complètement esseulé que fut cet artiste prodigieux ! Jeune journaliste (Anaïs Demoustier) décide de réaliser une interview de Daaaaaali qu’elle…
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