#cobra kai a/b/o au
gemini-sensei · 10 months
Alpha!Hawk x Omega!LaRusso!Reader Blurb
Fem!Pregnant!Reader ○ a/b/o au ○ @sensei-venus
CW: pregnancy, nothing more than that. (unedited)
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After finding out about the pups, Hawk hardly ever left Reader's side. He never went home after that, just basically moved into Reader's room so they could be together even more of the time. After a few days, his parents called and asked where he was, to which he told them where and that they should come over because he's not coming home, and that he's not sorry about it. They'd understand if they came to the LaRusso's.
So they do, if only to try and bring their son home, but as soon as the door opened and they were welcome in by Amanda, the overwhelming scent of a pregnant omega hit their senses. The house was practically bathed in it. When they walked into the living room, that was where they found Hawk and Reader, as he fawned and fussed over her belly. It was pretty obvious to them what the ordeal was at that point.
He introduced them to Reader properly and the his dad took him aside to ask of he was sure about this, sure about anything. Hawk was firm in his response, eager to tell him even, that he loves Reader and their pups.
"Sure, we're young, but I know the most important thing right now is her and those pups."
They had a little more of that serious father-son talk while Mrs. Moskowitz and Reader were gushing over the pups. She had a little ultrasound photo showing off the three little dots she had growing in her belly, holding her belly with her other hand the entire time. It was no wonder she'd begun to show so early, triplets needed a lot of space and soon.
However, midway through her conversation with Hawk's mom, Reader grew needy. She looked around and chirped for her mate, hearing his voice somewhere in the house but unsure of where he was. He came to her with a rushed excuse me to his father, urgently needing to be by her side immediately.
When he asked her what was wrong, she just opened her arms and he smiled. The worry melted away and he sat on her other side and let her cuddle up to him. All was well. For the couple at least.
Hawk's parents were still a little started by the whole situation and his father was worried. Daniel ended up approaching him and they talked, talked about everything.
"I'm sorry he's been here this whole time, I'll play you back for it," his father said, taking a glance back at Hawk and Reader on the couch. The pair were gushing about the pups with his wife, who found the bright side of any given situation. "We had no idea about most of this. I mean, we knew he'd found a mate, but we didn't know they were this serious this soon."
"That would be the result of a synced mating cycle they somehow found themselves a part of," Daniel huffed. He had his arms crossed over his chest sternly, but as he watched the young mated pair from the next room over, it loosened. "I didn't like him for that. I still don't like him very much."
"It must be different to have omega children," Mr. Moskowitz mused.
Daniel appreciated the other alpha's attempt to see it from his perspective. "As their father, you try to do everything to protect them. You forget that at some point that job goes to their partner...
"Don't worry about paying us back. I'd rather them be here than trying to find their own place."
Mr. Moskowitz let out a sort of scoff, something between disbelief and astonishment. "I couldn't imagine sending them out into the world yet. Sure, they're not kids anymore, but they just graduated. They're still so young... they wouldn't know what to do in a place of their own yet, let alone with pups..."
"I know," Daniel sighed. He stared at Reader, watched the way she smiled and laughed. It was the happiest he'd seen her in a long time, probably since she first presented as an omega, and it was all because she was laying in Hawk's arms. "Part of me just wants to keep her close, the other part..."
"Might actually realize my son isn't as bad as you first thought he was?"
"Eli's not a bad kid... sure, he had some misguidance along the way, but he's a fine young man."
Mr. Moskowitz smiled proudly as he turned to watch the young couple for a moment. "I worked a lot, so maybe I let him stray away a bit, but he found himself. I couldn't have given him that. And now he's here, with your daughter, the happiest I've ever seen him."
"You know, I didn't ship him out of this country just because of that smile on her face, right?"
Moskowitz laughed. "I'm glad I never had an omega pup. I don't know if I could've handled the extra stress suitors give."
"I have two," Daniel signed. He turned his eye to Sam, who was helping her mother prepare dinner. "Funnily enough, she's the one I thought I'd have to worry about."
They shared a laugh though the atmosphere around them and their hearts were tense. All of the omegas and Hawk were happy, but the alpha fathers were stressed. They just hit it well.
The happy couple on the couch were blissfully unaware of what they were in for. It was going to be hard, especially for a pair so young. Three pups on the way. No home of their own. There was going to be a lot they were going to learn, but in that moment they enjoyed it all. Everyone around them were there for them, though they didn't say it out loud. Reader and Hawk had a lot of support around them.
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sensei-venus · 3 months
Kinda digging the idea of Omega!Reader who is pregnant but doesn’t know it just yet.
She starts nesting a lot more. The small nest in her and her mates room doubles in size within days. More and more clothes seem to find their way out of their closet and hampers. All of it going straight into her nest. It’s made into the flooring and sides, blankets cover most of it and bulk up the inside. Pillows are thrown all over the place but at the same time for her they are perfectly positioned.
She doesn’t even notice she is doing it and finds herself sitting inside of it.
Never thinking much of it after that but the nest just keeps growing until it just stops.
Then it’s her lazing around in the soft fortes for hours. Some times it’s just long naps other times it’s her just sitting or laying down. It’s not something that is normal to her but it just feels right.
Then comes the part where she’s more clingy and begging her mate to stay with her. Allowing them to come in to her nest. Something that it privet and personal to an omega. Even for a mate. All she wants is for them to stay in the nest with her for long periods of time. To hold and cuddle her, or just sit with her at the very most.
It’s only a matter of time before her mate starts to really question what is going on with her.
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zerrah · 1 year
Next chapter of my ABO lawrusso fic is up!
Love Me Mercilessly (5899 words) by Zerrah Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: Cobra Kai (TV), Karate Kid (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence Characters: Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, Terry Silver Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Alpha Johnny Lawrence, Omega Daniel LaRusso, Smut, Dubious Consent Summary:
Johnny said something else, but Daniel didn’t hear it. He swayed again, weak in the knees. Okay, he hated to admit it, but Johnny was right. There was something off. He didn’t feel great.
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msfbgraves · 1 year
So obviously Kreese is an Alpha in the Omegaverse (as if he'd be anything but lmao). So if he with Betsy in this world or...? Would she be an Omega or a Beta? How does he feel about the whole Daniel-situation? Does he think Terry is thinking with his brains or his dick?
Oh, what a lovely thought, John Kreese and his Betsy! I am being very classist in this verse about who gets to have an omega; but I think rich Alphas do hoard them and John Kreese doesn't really care about money too much, so a likely scenario for me is that John Kreese is devoted to his lovely beta girl Betsy, and anyone who even suggests he could have done better can expect to get their skull bashed in. Untypically for an Alpha, he doesn't even really react to an omega. Sure, unsatisfied ruts hurt, but he's had worse, and he is absolutely ride and die for his girl.
He thinks omegas are trouble on the best of days, so this is trouble, and though he's not above a scheme when necessary, the whole situation is giving him a headache. He has his girl, Betsy, and his baby girl, Tory, a strapping little Alpha he'll have enough trouble stopping from launching herself straight into the sun. Anyone who wants more, in his eyes, is a feckin eejit. John Kreese wants his family fed, safe, warm and loved, and working with the Silvers is the best way to go about that. He's incredibly fond of them but can't always predict them, and it does worry him, but Terry has a knack for getting out of sticky situations so he'll go with it.
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zamoimagines · 2 years
Emergency Commission Announcement
Hey ya'll, I have to catch up with some bills so let the emergency commissions commence! I only have one big commission in my queue at the moment, but I will be taking as many smaller commissions as I can! Any bit of money helps, and you are welcome to request anything you like so long as ya'll give me details and I'm writing for a fandom I have some background with. I will do aus, canon, ocs, and self inserts, so feel free to request whatever your little hearts desire! (Please note; my specialty is wlw/nonbinary romance. Any heterosexual romance will cost an extra two dollars simply because it is hard for a lesbian such as myself to get into that headspace.)
Below are prices for whatever word counts interest you and a list of fandoms I will write for. If there's something you don't see, feel free to ask about it!
Emergency Commission Prices:
500-750 Words: $8
1,000 Words: $10
2,000 Words: $15
Thank you so much and I look forward to writing for ya'll!
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(Under the cut is a list of fandoms I will write for)
Note: I will not be taking commissions over 2,000 words at this time
Disney "Z-O-M-B-I-E-S"
Disney "Descendants"
The Pixie Hollow franchise
Pixar/Disney films in general
American Horror Story
The Owl House
Star vs The Forces of Evil
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Dead by Daylight
Ocean's 8
Resident Evil Village
Run (2018)
Big Little Lies
What We Do In the Shadows
Will and Grace
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
The Devil Wears Prada
Anything involving middle aged actresses (Cate Blanchett, Sarah Paulson, Sandra Bullock, Jessica Lange, etc.)
Cobra Kai
Dead to Me
Mean Girls
Good Girls
Mad Men
RHPS/Shock Treatment
Stranger Things
The Addams Family
Gilmore Girls
Monster High
Ever After High
FATE: Winx Saga
Harry Potter
Gravity Falls
Jim Henson's Labyrinth
Russian Doll
Sofia the First
High School Musical
Once Upon a Time
Any movies from the Barbie franchise
The Quarry
If you don't see the fandom you're looking for, please feel free to shoot me a message and I'll see if I can write it up for you!
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thorniest-rose · 2 years
🐝 me again! hope you dont mind! i absolutely LOVED the show but now have no idea what to watch next to fill the void! i mean, i can see you are in the midst of a stranger things meltdown so should i give s4 a go? s3 was a bit hit or miss for me, plus the eps are so long!
re: yellowjackets au. you CANT say the word mate without me instantly thinking of a/b/o! which would make things even more nightmarish for poor daniel. esp if he either hadnt even presented yet or was hiding it then his medication finally runs out and the jig is up and the hunt truly is on. oh the delicious possibilities than can spiral from there. (image of the other cobras holding daniels head to the side so johnny can bite him. eek! this whole scenario is consuming me!)
hi!!! I don't mind at all, sorry for the delay while I've been losing my mind over Stranger Things and Eddie Munson!!!! I'm SO happy you enjoyed Yellowjackets, the ending was crazy right??? And how amazing was Christina Ricci? I felt blessed to see her in something good again. God I'm so excited for S2, I really hope it's on this year!! As for other shows I can rec, I'm really enjoying the latest season of Barry, which ends on Monday... it's very dark but very funny too, not sure if you've seen that. Plus I loved the latest season of Better Call Saul recently... can't remember what else I've watched haha, tbh I'm pretty selective when it comes to shows, there's so much I don't watch too.
And as for Stranger Things, I would say YES definitely give S4 a go if you haven't started it yet. I also thought S3 was just okay. Like I loved the storyline with Steve, Robin & Dustin but I felt like the show in general was running out of steam a bit. S4 has been amazing though, like I think it's the strongest season so far. The episodes are long, but it's needed for the number of characters and storylines there are now. Some bits aren't as interesting, like the Hopper in Russia storyline, but everything in Hawkins that explores the Satanic Panic; the new character Eddie who's accused of murdering kids and is based on Damien Echols from the West Memphis Three; Will's feelings for Mike; and the actual villain of the season and what he does to teenagers in Hawkins is all SO GOOD. Like I found it really fun and emotive and riveting!!! The only thing I want now is for Steve to come out as bi!!!!
God and as for the a/b/o Lord of the Flies / Yellowjackets idea I'M SO OBSESSED WITH IT I WANT TO CHEW GLASS. Like I know I've been going on about ST non-stop the past few days but this has been at the back of my head too. Like maybe Daniel's been taking his blockers, like Lottie on her medication in Yellowjackets, but it runs out a week or so after they've been stranded and it becomes more and more obvious. Like his scent gets stronger and he feels a heat coming on, and of course all the Cobras are Alphas because you can't be in Cobra Kai unless you're one, so he tries to avoid the others and hide it as much as he can, but eventually they find out.
And I'm just like. imagining Daniel going into his heat, slick running down his thighs, running from all the boys, but it doesn't matter where he goes because they can smell him even miles away, and they hunt him deep into the forest until they find him. And YES omg like you said... the others can play, but Johnny would be the only one who's allowed to knot him and claim him. Like the thought of them all holding Daniel's face to the side so Johnny can bite him on his mating gland is so hot. And Daniel tries to resist, hoping his body will reject the claim and the bite will heal, but it doesn't because Johnny's a compatible mate, and the bite quickly scabs over into a scar, showing everyone that Daniel belongs to him now.
And Daniel's terrified too, because he knows if Johnny comes inside him and knots him, he could get pregnant, and the last thing he wants to do is get pregnant while they're in the middle of the wilderness and have no idea when they'll be rescued, but Johnny doesn't care, he just wants to breed Daniel for as long and as hard as possible because Daniel is his and he's wanted to do this to him ever since they met. (Bonus points too if all the Cobras get to fuck Daniel during his heat because he can't control how his body reacts to them and it means Johnny gets a rest between his own bouts of fucking <3)
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overlookedfile · 1 year
Intro & Archive
Names: “Overlook”, “File”, or “Zemi”
Age: 30+ (aka old AF)
Gender/Pronouns: Whatever (not my problem, but she/her if you can’t decide)
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Drawing, Technology, Psychology
Other blogs: overlookedficrecs
Ao3 - Overlookedfile
Below the cut are links to additional master posts for my works (Last Updated 2024.06.03) -
Actors -
If I’ve written for an actor across 3 or more unique characters, or I expect to, they will have their own page. If not, they’ll be under the specific fandom.
Alfred Molina - last updated 2024.06.03
Saul Rubinek
Eddie Marsan
~ ~ ~
Billions - Chuck Rhoades Jr
Velvet Rope - WiP (not posted)
~ ~ ~
Blue Bloods - Danny Reagan
Untitled 1 (A/B/O AU) - WiP (not posted)
Untitled 2 (A/B/O AU) - WiP (not posted)
Blue Bloods - Miscellaneous Characters
A Trail of Insecurities (Lead Me to You) - Anthony Abetemarco / Erin Reagan-Boyle - Posted 2023.07.23
~ ~ ~
Criminal Minds - David Rossi
Hold My Name - WiP (not posted)
Untitled (Werewolf AU) - WiP (not posted)
~ ~ ~
Fear - Steve Walker
Untitled - WiP (not posted)
~ ~ ~
Forged in Fire - David Baker
Risk & Reward - WiP (not posted)
~ ~ ~
Gamers, The - Leo Lamb
House Rules (tentative title) - WiP (not posted)
~ ~ ~
Horizon - Erend Vanguardsman
No Good Goodbye - WiP (not posted)
~ ~ ~
Karate Kid / Cobra Kai - John Kreese
Lay Your Hands on Me - WiP (not posted)
~ ~ ~
Lost Girl - Fitzpatrick 'Trick' McCorrigan 
WeaponBorn - WiP (not posted)
~ ~ ~
Magnificent Seven, The - Josiah Sanchez
The Penitent Man - WiP (not posted)
~ ~ ~
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar - Sheriff Dollard
Until the Hurt Goes Away - WiP (not posted)
~ ~ ~
Tumblr Prompts / Requests
(place holder for now)
AO3 / Tumblr - AO3 is a Master List with details. Tumblr is a list linking to original Tumblr post for each prompt.
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savagequeenie · 1 year
Please refer to this post for any requests you have. Thank you.
✰ - confident in writing
✫ - confident in some writing
✩ - not confident
What I will write:
- General Headcanons,
- Canon x Canon / Canon x OC / Canon x female reader (not comfortable with male reader)
- AU's (red string/soulmate, fantasy/youkai, a/b/o, etc)
- Comfort/Angst/Fluff
- NSFW content (warning: some of my writings for certain ships may fall into non-con/dub non-con territory and everything surrounding that. Please check the below section to see what I specifically won't write). For a more in-depth list of what I'll write, please ask.
What I won't write:
- Major character death,
- Suicide/Self-harm,
- Lolicon/Shotacon,
- Furries
- Specific NSFW content (inflation, vore, diapers, watersports, scat, guro, necrophilia, zoophilia, paedophilia, ect).
Fandoms I write for:
- Kuroko no Basket ✰
- Fate series ✰
- Naruto ✰
- Cobra Kai/Karate Kid ✫
- Star Wars ✩
- My Hero Academia ✩
More fandoms may be added as we go along, but for now I'm keeping the list short.
Ships I write for:
- KnB: AkaKuro, HanaKuro, ImaHana
- Fate: GilKidu, GilHaku , MeduSaku
- Naruto: OroAnko, SasoDei, SasoSaku,
- CK/KK: Cobra Husbands, Silverusso
- SW: AniSoka/VaderFul
- MHA: ChronoHaul
If a ship is not listed here, but the fandom has a ✰/✫, then I may attempt a request for that ship. But I also may decline it as well. Also, if you see a ship here you do not like, please do not attack me just because I ship it. I'll simply block you and move on.
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lulamadison · 2 years
Get to know me!!! I got tagged by @backinblack-80 Thank you!
Favourite colour:  Red
Currently reading: Um... a whole lot of fanfic lol! Also the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks YET again
Last song:  Def Leppard Undefeated
Last series: Chicago Fire. If you'd asked me an hour from now it would have been Cobra Kai as I'm rewatching the last 2 episodes in a bit 🤣
Last movie: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent - I thought it was cute. Definitely loved the relationship between Nic Cage and Pedro Pascal's character
Sweet, spicy or savoury: Savoury - I can't stand spicy food. Even KFC is a bit much for me 😬
What I'm working on: I am currently hopping between about 6 different Cobra Kai WIP fics - a couple of AUs, a couple of short Johnny Whump fics, and another Zombie fic, but the one closest to completion is an absolutely horrific A/B/O fic.
I'm about 14,000 words into this one and I still have no idea whether I'll even get the guts to post it because it's probably the most disturbing thing I've ever written. When I was working on it last it made me so miserable I decided I needed to stop and write a comedy instead - which is how I ended up writing For Richer, For Poorer.
I tag @wicked-jade @pohjanneito @secondclassfangirl @marycontraire No pressure though! 
Also anyone else who wants to do this and hasn't been tagged yet, consider yourself tagged now ;-)
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gemini-sensei · 9 months
One Plus One Makes Three | Alpha!Hawk x Omega!LaRusso!Reader Pt. 5
Domestic Fluff ○ Fem!Chubby!Reader ○ a/b/o AU
Idea: Reader gives birth to the pups, and she & Hawk have their happy little family <3
CW: going into labor, brief mention of birth,
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Hawk watched from the doorway as Reader waddled around the nursery. It was hard to keep her out of the room ever since her dad had put it together, which he'd done in an effort to surprise the her when the couple had spent a day out of the house. It was a marvel, exceeding their wildest dreams. Mr. LaRusso had gone above and beyond, or as he'd put it, "only the best for my grand-pups." It was everything Hawk wanted to give Reader and more, and he was thankful for it all.
That look of wonder and happiness on her face was all he wanted to see. He guessed that was where he and Mr. L had a common interest; nothing else mattered as much to them as Reader's happiness.
"You coming to bed?" he asked, smiling at her.
Reader chirped sweetly, her sweet scent permeating the room as she turned to look at him. "Can't I just sleep here?"
"Do you really want to build a nest right now?" he asked.
She shook her head softly, then let out a big yawn. Her hand rubbed circles on her belly as the pups rolled about and kicked, far more energetic than their mama was. She'd been on her feet quite a bit today, helping where she could to get the last minute preparations finished before the pups arrived. So while a nest in the nursery sounded wonderful, she was too tired to make it.
Hawk walked into the room and out his hand out to her. She took it and he kissed her knuckles, making her giggle. "Come on, you can make a nest tomorrow. I'll even help you."
"You will?" she asked, knowing that nesting wasn't much of an 'alpha thing.'
He nodded and started leading her to her/their room. Mr. L still didn't like a few things about him "hanging around," refusing to accept the fact that Hawk had unceremoniously moved into his home. They were working on getting along with each other, if only for Reader and the pups' sake, but it was a slow process. Hawk felt that if Mr. L had let him help with something like the nursery, they could be closer, but that had to be a bygone. It was what it was, and they could only make things better from there. It wasn't as if Hawk was just living there and not giving back.
Hawk had started working with Mr. L at the dojo as well as opening his own small side business fixing people's computers. As it would turn out, a lot of older alphas didn't know what they were doing with the damn things and Hawk just so happened to be better at it than any "professional" business. He had great reviews, which brought in more customers and inquiries, which made him more money.
The best part of it was that Mr. LaRusso wasn't making him pay him for living there, but rather letting him put the money away for a place where he and Reader could eventually move into. When the triplets needed more space, he promised Hawk that whatever he had saved up, he'd match it and help find them a nice house. It put a lot of Hawk's worries at ease, especially since Mr. L was taking care of a lot of other financial needs they had - doctor's visits, the upcoming hospital bill, diapers, bottles, clothes. It was a lot off of his shoulders, especially since they needed three times the amount of everything.
Reader smiled as Hawk helped her lay down, but it didn't last very long. As soon as she settled, she frowned and whined. "Why is it when I want to relax, they choose to be so active? One of them keeps kicking my bladder and I just used the bathroom not thirty minutes ago."
Hawk crawled onto the bed, but stopped to pull a pillow down to where he decided to rest his head, which was right beside her rounded belly. He propped his head up on his arm and used his other hand to rub her big belly. "Hey now," he said softly, but with a jokingly stern tone as well. "You're mama needs rest. We've had this conversation before."
One of the babies kicked his hand and he melted, leaning close and pressing three kisses to her stretched skin.
"Aw, you know I mean well," he said. He continued to rub circles against her belly. "But I mean it, you're mama needs a lot of rest. She's doing so much for you three and this is how you show it?"
"I think they're excited," Reader giggled. Her hand came up to play with Hawk's hair. He looked up at her and smiled. "I also think they're fighting over who gets to be born first."
"That could be it," he agreed with her.
She smiled, but then winced sharply and started rubbing another area on her belly. "That didn't feel nice."
"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.
She nodded. "I think they like your voice more than mine," she said, laughing through the pain as it began to ease. "Why don't you tell them a story or something? Maybe they'll calm down if you do."
"I don't know what to tell them," he admitted, feeling a little dumb.
"Make something up," she said softly, smiling at him. Her hand came down to caress his face and her thumb brushed over his scar. "You read a lot of comic books and stuff like that, so I know you've got something in there for these three."
He smiled, her faith in him - though a little high - was all he needed to hear. So he turned his attention back to her belly as he racked his brain for an idea, deciding the best thing to do was to start simple with the little ones. "So the story begins in a big city..."
And as he went on, Reader fell asleep to his soft and whimsical tone, smiling gently as she envisioned the hero in his story as none other than her amazing mate.
Hawk was startled awake when he heard a low whine. The house was dark, the moon was still hanging in the sky, and the bed was empty beside him. He was on high alert from the moment he realized Reader wasn't there and it was as if he'd never been asleep to begin with.
He got up from the bed, ready to go in search of his omega, when he caught a whiff of stress in the air and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. He called out for Reader, voice gruff and protective, "Omega?"
She squeaked back, "I'm in here..."
He followed the soft whimpering and her scent to the adjacent bathroom, her parents having moved them into the guest room for that convenience alone. The door was slightly opened, but the lights were dimmed. He pushed it open only to find his omega bent over, her elbows braces on the counter and her head rested on her arms. She was whining, trying to keep herself quiet while also trying to do some deep breathing.
The alpha was put on further edge. He went to her, trying to pump out a comforting scent in hopes it would help her. "Are you okay?"
He carefully put a hand on her back and the other on her hip. She looked like she needed support of some kind, but he had no idea what it had to be. The room was full of musky air and a strange smell he didn't recognize, which stressed him out but he did everything to hide it for her sake.
"I'm having contractions," she whimpered.
Hos eyes widened. "I thought you weren't due for another week."
"Doesn't matter. They make their own schedule."
"Couldn't it be those fake contractions," he said, looking around for something that wasn't there.
She shook her head as another contraction hit, gritting her teeth and groaning loudly. He held her, rubbing her back as it happened and passed. However, before wither of them could say something to further their conversation, Reader felt felt a rush of liquid down her leg. She couldn't see past her belly, but she knew her water just broke.
"Go get my dad," she said.
"Now, please!"
After an exhaustive birth, Reader and Hawk had their three little ones. They were resting on Reader's chest, as she refused to let them be too far away from her. She was already a protective omega, only allowing Hawk to take one of the all-girl triplets from her as she held the other two. She kissed their little heads and smiled at them as they snuggled up to her.
Hawk took their oldest child and held her close. She grabbed ahold of his shirt instantly and nuzzled into him. He let out a calming scent that filled the room, keeping his little family at ease, especially Reader as she started recovery. He kissed his daughter's head and smiled, rocking her back to sleep before sitting with her.
Reader watched him for a moment before speaking softly. "I love them so much."
He chuckled lightly, keeping it short. "I know. I do too." He looked up. "I love you so much."
She giggled. "I love you too."
There was a gentle knock on the door before it opened a crack. Daniel poked his head in. "Can I come in now?"
He was trying his damnedest to hide his excitement, keep it curbed so he wouldn't wake the babies, but it was very evident in his voice. Even though he whispered, it was more like whisper-yelling.
Hawk looked at Reader and she nodded, so he nodded to her father. So Daniel walked in and Amanda was behind him, quietly making their way into the room. As soon as they saw the babies, they awed softly, hearts melting. Surely, this was the most amazing thing they'd witnessed in a long time, though Daniel could do without Hawk's scent stinking up the room - but that's no longer here nor there.
All that mattered were those three little babies who were a part of their family. Three beautiful baby girls, the youngest and smallest of whom was curled up on the left side of Reader's chest listening to her heartbeat. The middle girl was on her other side, suckling on her thumb. They were all asleep, feeling safe and secure in their parents arms.
"They're so adorable," Amanda said sweetly, coming to stand beside Reader's bedside. She smiles down at the two babies in her daughter's arms. She still couldn't believe she was a grandmother. "You did a great job, honey."
"Thanks, mom," Reader said tiredly.
Daniel was standing between Reader and Hawk, looking at his grand-babies proudly. He patted Hawk's shoulder. "Not bad."
Hawk chuckled. "Thanks."
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sensei-venus · 1 year
I'm so bad for this but @gemini-sensei I can't stop cackling over this.
Imagine Pregnant!Omega!Reader having an undying craving for doughnuts thought the whole pregnancy. Like that is what she wants 24/7. She's waking her alpha/a up every other night to go to the 24-hour doughnut place. Shes all teary eyed as she begs them go please go get her some or to please take her.
Two in the morning and the sun isn't even up. The poor street lights mixed with the bad doughnut place lighting, and there is just a huge pregnant Omega!Reader stuffing her face sitting on the curb as her alpha/s are buying her another dozen to take home. She passes out on the way home in the back seat, half-eaten donut in her hand.
But it isn't just any kind of doughnut she wants.
She wants cream and custard-filled ones.
Something about the gooey inside makes her and the pup/s go crazy. Her insides get all kinds of flutters once the warm cream hits her tongue. If she let herself she could probably eat them every day. But of course, she paces herself and her alphas pry them out of her fingers every chance they can when it gets to be too much. She whines and moans but she gets over it.
It's not until she's laying on their bed eating some when one of her alphas jokingly says-
“You sure do like those Boston cream doughnuts, we should start calling you our little cream puff at this point.”
It's a light-hearted joke that has Reader pouting as she devours her last doughnut. Her alphas always have a way of teasing her ever so slightly. Just to rile her up a little bit.
That little nickname only made a huge change when once again Reader was laying in bed whining about not having any more of her sweet cravings in the house. The alpha makes the joke again and laughs a little. Reader just rolls her eyes as she looks down at her big bump, her hand caressing her swollen belly.
“Yeah well I wouldn't be “stuffed” if it wasn't for you at this point. I'm full of cream at this point.” the statement is made out of annoyance but the alpha doesn't take it that way. Suddenly he's smirking at the clearly oblivious omega.
Cut to Reader face down in her pillows doggy style while she squeals and screams out. Her poor pregnant cunt was pounded wide open by her alpha. Her whole body is shaking as they thrust into her spasming pussy. Legs shaking and thighs clenching. Heavy belly being held up by a mount of pillows underneath her. She bits into her pillow and her eyes roll back as she creams around the alpha's fat cock. Squeezing like a vice.
Next minute the alpha is thrusting one last time and spraying a nice warm load into her little pussy. After their done and every fat drop is done they slowly pull out, thick dick covered in a nice layer of mixed cream. The head leaves with a nice pop and her hole winks at them. Reader whimpers, the feeling of nice thick cum starting to spill from her abused hole has her shivering. She whimpers louder.
“See now your “double stuffed” , full and fat with pups and a nice fat creampie in that fat little pussy~” they chuckle in her ear before kissing her neck.
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arcturion-the-joke · 1 year
*le gasp* yall...I got the perfect AU's for my characters.
Kaida and oliver & mighty med (or elite force, not so sure yet): jack and the cookoo clock heart
Faith and kamran & ms marvel: ella enchanted
(not sure if faith should have the "gift" of obedience or if she should get a "gift" that gives her a version of scream. Or maybe neither. Idk)
Rebel and anthony & Cobra kai: mirror mirror
Zahhak and a-li & z-o-m-b-i-e-s: Mr. Right (such an amazing movie)
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pilvimarja · 2 years
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Drabble | Ficlet | ●●● | teen Lawrusso | adult Lawrusso |
This is going to be the final entry in this collection of drabbles and ficlets. I had such a great time writing them throughout 2021 and I hope you enjoyed reading them! Happy New Year and enjoy season 4 of Cobra Kai!
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Prompt used: “Stop staring.” - “I’m not.” - “Oh, sure you aren’t.”
Part 3 of the A/B/O AU (1=10, 2=13), alpha!Johnny, omega!Daniel, fing3ring, wet and messy, pre-heat, fluffy, instinctually protective Johnny, scenting, bickering, Johnny and Daniel spend the summer alone at Mr. Miyagi's house.
“Stop staring.” - “I’m not.” - “Oh, sure you aren’t.”
Daniel knew how important it was not to overwater Mr. Miyagi’s plants (only fish are meant to swim, Daniel-san), but his eyes kept drifting away from the water hose, across the garden, to a sunny spot by the fence where Johnny dragged his paintbrush up and down the sun-bleached wood.
Daniel’s own fence painting days were behind him, but his wrist ached with phantom pain just from looking.
Johnny stood out like a sore thumb in the zen calm of Mr. Miyagi’s garden, bobbing his blond head and singing along off-key to whatever song he was listening to on his Walkman.
Daniel bit the inside of his cheek to keep the smile tugging at his lips at bay. He was still struggling to understand how he and Johnny had gone from mortal enemies in a karate tournament to doing chores while their sensei (yes, plural) was off in Okinawa for family stuff.
Johnny was like a stray. One rainy afternoon of tentative peace and suddenly the guy was like a permanent fixture in Daniel’s life. He had no idea what Mr. Miyagi had said to Johnny that first time he’d pulled him into his tea room, closing the shoji doors right in front of Daniel’s nose (rude!), but Johnny’s eyes had been red when he’d walked out, and he’d become a regular guest soon after.
It was almost midday and the sun hung high above the garden, frying Daniel’s brain inside his skull. And he may have been on scent blockers, but Johnny sure as hell wasn’t, because his alpha stink kept drifting into Daniel’s nose with every little breeze that blew through the garden.
It was like gasoline. Pungent and overpowering and impossible to resist, even when you knew you weren’t supposed to inhale it.
And did Johnny really have to wear such a ridiculously tiny pair of shorts? The scrap of denim barely covered his thighs. At least he’d worn a shirt today. Not that it mattered because it was just as revealing as the one he’d worn yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that and—Daniel’s lashes fluttered against his cheeks as he caught another whiff of Johnny’s musky scent, and Christ, he was pretty sure he could taste Johnny on his tongue.
“You’re still doing it wrong,” Daniel called out. “You gotta use your entire arm.”
Johnny lowered his paintbrush and lifted one orange Walkman speaker off his ear. “I know how to paint a fence, LaRusso.”
“You do realize that this isn’t actually about painting the fence?” Daniel pointed out, cocking his hip. “It’s about—”
“Muscle memory, I know,” Johnny said, rolling his eyes. “I’m not dumb.”
Daniel dragged his gaze over Johnny’s beefy arms and blond head. “You definitely look the part…”
“Shut up, LaRusso,” Johnny groaned, pointing his dripping paint brush at Daniel. “And stop staring.”
“What? I’m not staring,” Daniel sputtered.
He’d definitely been staring.
Johnny’s mouth stretched into a smug sneer. “Oh, sure you aren’t.” He dabbed his face with the hem of his too-revealing top, giving Daniel an eyeful of his stupid washboard abs.
What an asshole.
“Whatever, man,” Daniel muttered, turning his eyes back on the boxtree pot. The very overflowing boxtree pot. “Oh no, no, no!”
Johnny was at his side before Daniel could even register his mad dash across the garden. “What? What is it?” He hovered behind Daniel’s back, their shadows melding together on the flat stone path. And he’d been doing that a lot lately. Hovering and breathing down Daniel’s neck like some overbearing meat head.
“It’s nothing!” Daniel snapped, rushing to direct the flow of water into another pot. “I overwatered the damn boxtree.”
“Jeez…” Johnny blew out an amused snort and set his headphones back on his ears. “You’re so dramatic, LaRusso.”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t you have a fence to paint?” Daniel grumbled, digging his elbow into Johnny’s stomach.
They spent the rest of the scorching day in relative peace, but nights were always a challenge as they tried to co-exist in Mr. Miyagi’s tiny home, Daniel in the guest room and Johnny in his own makeshift space only a few screen doors away.
Johnny had made himself right at home, lining the walls of his nook with pictures of muscle cars and beefy action stars. He’d even got himself a tiny portable TV, and Daniel pursed his mouth into a jealous knot as he listened to the muffled laughter of a late night talk show audience.
He kind of wanted to evict Johnny from the premises at least twice a day, but Mr. Miyagi had made it very clear that Johnny was as welcome in his house as Daniel.
And maybe having Johnny around wasn’t that bad. It would have been a lonely summer with his Ma in Fresno and Mr. Miyagi in Okinawa.
Sure, things got a little heated from time to time, either because of Daniel’s big mouth or Johnny’s short fuse, but Johnny hadn’t laid a finger on him since the tournament, and even the bickering was kind of fun without the threat of violence. There was a strange thrill to it, a heady pinch of nerves Daniel hadn't felt since his early days in California, back when he and Ali had circled each other in a tentative game of flirtation.
Not that he and Johnny were flirting.
His stomach lurched at the thought. Or maybe it was the Sloppy Joes Johnny had made for dinner. He’d been feeling a little off-kilter all day, wound up with restless energy and strange anticipation for some nebulous thing he couldn’t even name.
He wandered into the kitchen for a cup of Mr. Miyagi’s herbal tea, hoping it would settle his queasy stomach and jittery limbs.
He’d tried to be a good houseguest, but the same couldn’t be said about their stray from Encino. The kitchen looked like a bombsite from Johnny’s attempt at cooking dinner, emphasis on attempt, and it was painfully obvious that housework and cleaning up after himself was a completely foreign concept to him.
If Daniel ever had kids of his own, he’d make sure they grew up humble and unspoiled.
He put the kettle on the burner and studied the postcards Mr. Miyagi had sent him from Okinawa as he waited for the water to boil. There was a small collage of them on the fridge door, idyllic pictures of a lush coastline, beautiful shrines and crystal blue waters.
Daniel brushed his thumb over the glossy paper, his smile a little wistful. He’d wanted to see it all with his own eyes, but omegas weren’t allowed to travel without their legal guardian or a bonded mate. Which was total bullshit. He was eighteen, he could take care of himself. And Johnny was an alpha, but the guy could barely boil water, so how was he automatically more qualified to breeze through life without stupid restrictions.
Daniel jumped at the high-pitched whistle from the tea kettle. He rushed to the stove, grabbing the handle with his bare hand. The searing pain from the hot metal punched the air out of his lungs.
“Ow, ow, ow!”
Johnny appeared in the kitchen like a genie. “What happened? You okay?”
“I’m fine,” Daniel whined, rushing to stick his hand under the faucet.
Johnny grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the handle, lifting the kettle off the burner. “You’re such a klutz, LaRusso,” he admonished, but there was no bite in his voice. “Here, let me take a look at that.”
“No, it’s okay, you don’t have to—”
“Daniel, let me look,” Johnny insisted, a hint of authority in his voice. He brushed his fingers over Daniel’s pink palm, his touch uncharacteristically gentle. “I don’t see any blisters.”
“I told you, I’m fine.”
Daniel’s nose twitched at the sudden shift in Johnny’s scent. It was...
Something alphas put out for a distressed omega. He’d read about it in one of the books his Ma had bought for him after his presentation. Johnny’s was excessively thick and a little salty, like a fresh breeze from the Pacific. Daniel closed his eyes and let himself breathe it in, just for a moment.
It was like submerging in warm water, the sting in his palm fading into a dull ache.
“I can get you some ice if it hurts?” Johnny said, trailing his thumb over Daniel’s lifeline in an unconscious caress.
Daniel blinked his eyes open, yanking his hand away. “I’m okay, Johnny, really.”
The air between them felt charged, like a single match would make the room combust. Daniel avoided Johnny’s eyes as he prepared his cup of tea the way Mr. Miyagi had taught him, the spoon clattering against the porcelain as he stirred the steaming water.
“I don’t know how you drink that stuff,” Johnny said, wrinkling his nose at the green powder dissolving in Daniel’s tea water, “it smells like feet.”
“Who cares what it smells like, as long as it helps.” Daniel took the cup of tea to his room, but Johnny followed on his heels like a shadow.
“Hey wait, what do you mean ‘it helps’?” Johnny asked. Daniel ignored him, closing the shoji door in his face. “Helps with what?” Johnny called through the screen.
Daniel tuned him out, sipping on his tea, and yeah, it did kind of smell like feet, but there weren’t many ailments Mr. Miyagi’s tea couldn’t cure.
He’d barely taken two sips when his stomach twisted with a strange cramp.
It felt like someone was rearranging his intestines and he doubled over, dropping the cup on the tatami with a sharp clatter of porcelain.
Johnny’s bulky shadow reappeared behind the door a second later. “Hey, uh, you okay in there, LaRusso?”
“Go away, Johnny,” Daniel groaned through gritted teeth. His pores pushed out fat drops of cold sweat, the edges of his vision blurring like he had lint in his eyes.
“I know something’s up,” Johnny continued, pressing his palm against the paper screen, “I can smell it.”
“You what?” Daniel limped to the door, pushing it aside just enough to glare at Johnny with narrowed eyes. “I’m on scent blockers. You’re imagining things.”
Johnny shook his head and made a show of flaring his nostrils as he scented the air between them. “Come on, Daniel, you’re distressed as hell. What’s going on?”
“I told you, you’re imagining things,” Daniel insisted, ignoring the rivulet of sweat running down the bumpy trail of his spine.
Johnny let out a frustrated growl. He curled his fingers around the door frame and gave it a push, forcing his way into the room.
“What the hell, Johnny?” Daniel snarled, “you can’t just barge into my—” He clutched his stomach as he was hit with another cramp. “Ow.”
“Hey, hey,” Johnny pawed at Daniel’s shoulders with his big, stupid, hands. “Where does it hurt?”
Daniel didn’t plan on answering, but it turned out it didn’t matter. His body did it for him.
He felt a trickle of something wet on his inner thigh. Johnny’s nose twitched as he, too, became aware of it and his gaze wandered down to the cut hem of Daniel’s shorts.
“What the hell is that?” Daniel sputtered, staring at the thin trail of slick on his inner thigh.
Johnny made a weird gurgling sound, his pupils expanding like spilled ink over the blue of his irises. “You-you don’t know?” he asked, letting out a nervous snort of laughter.
Daniel shook his head, blinking at Johnny. “No?”
“No? How the hell is that even possible? Were you asleep during sex ed or something?”
Daniel frowned, a little embarrassed. “I mean, I guess I coulda paid a little more attention, but gimme a break here. I thought I was a beta for the first seventeen years of my life, man.” He reached down and ran his fingers through the trail of fluid. It felt warm and viscous and, “wait a minute. Is this…?” He wiped his fingers on the front of his shirt like he’d dipped them in acid. “Am I in—” He couldn’t even bring himself to say the word, too busy blushing beet red.
Johnny took another whiff, his throat bobbing around a labored swallow. “No, it’s more like, uh, pre-heat? I’m pretty sure the real thing is still a few weeks away.”
“You can smell that?!” Daniel squeaked, a little incensed that Johnny seemed to know more about his body than he did. He slapped his fingers against the green band-aid on his bicep. “What about these stupid patches I wear?”
Johnny shrugged, looking just as baffled as Daniel. “Bobby said those things aren’t one-hundred percent effective if there’s a bond. Kinda like rubbers.”
“A bond? What bond? There’s no bond between us,” Daniel sputtered, poking his finger into Johnny’s chest. “You’re crazy.”
Johnny’s stance turned defensive. “Okay, well, I guess it’s more like a connection? Tomayto, tomahto, doesn’t change the fact that I was there when you presented, and you were all over me, man.”
Daniel shook his head, but Johnny wasn’t wrong. And maybe it hadn’t been such a bright idea to spend the summer under the same roof with an alpha. And not just any alpha, but the asshole responsible for his shift and this whole mess of a situation.
“This is all your fault,” Daniel grumbled under his breath.
“How is this my fault? You’re the one who’s going into heat.”
“Because you’ve been stinking up the place with your alpha stench all summer!”
“Hey, I don’t stink.”
Daniel crossed his arms over his chest, pursing his mouth into a sulky pout. “My life would be so much easier if it weren’t for you and the stupid tournament…”
Johnny crowded Daniel against the dresser, exposing his canines in an angry snarl, and yeah, maybe it hadn't been such a bright idea to bring up the All Valley.
“You mean the tournament I let you win, with an illegal kick?”
Daniel opened his mouth to argue, but the words froze on his tongue as his stomach bloomed with heat, another wet trickle running down his thigh. He knocked his knees together and cowered away from Johnny.
Johnny dropped the scowl and held his hands up, clearly able to smell Daniel’s discomfort. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m not gonna, you know, do anything.”
Daniel pointed his finger at the door. “I want you out of my room.”
“I didn’t mean—”
“Right now.”
Johnny didn’t argue, backing away from the room. “Sorry, LaRusso—Daniel.” He slid the door closed, the shape of his shadow drawing away slowly.
Daniel dropped to his knees, pressing his clammy forehead against the tatami. “Oh Christ.”
Why the hell did this have to happen now, with his Ma in Fresno and Mr. Miyagi on a whole different continent. Even Ali wasn’t around, vacationing in Europe with her parents, and Mr. Miyagi would have a nasty surprise in his next phone bill if Daniel tried to explain his problem to her over the phone.
He got up on shaky legs and pressed his palms together, hoping some kata and zen breathing would clear his mind.
“Breathe in and breathe out, just like Mr. Miyagi taught you.”
He filled his lungs with the smell of lacquered wood and faded incense, a salty scent of sea breeze that lingered in the room in Johnny’s wake, familiar and tempting and… dangerous.
Daniel rushed to open the window, sucking in the night air like a fish on dry land.
“Boy, am I in trouble…”
Most of his things were back home in Reseda, but his Ma had slipped a couple of guide books into his bag for some light summer reading. Daniel had done his best to ignore them, like hiding them under the bed made the mess that was his life seem a little less real, but maybe it was finally time to give them a read.
He sat down on the tatami and leafed through A Young Omega’s Guide to Presentation and Let’s Talk About the Birds and the Bees, taking in the overly detailed illustrations.
He wondered if things were as awkward for alphas, if they had to go through the same messy changes and inconvenient hormones. The book made it sound like a pretty rough ride, and Daniel thought of Johnny in the throes of his first rut, panting like some beast of burden, desperate for an omega.
It was almost eighty degrees in the room, but his nipples went stiff like someone had dumped a bucket of ice on him, his groin flaring with heat.
Daniel pushed the books away and stumbled to his futon, hiding under the blankets like he was five years old and scared of the closet monster. He knew he was still slick, but he refused to touch himself, curling his fingers against his clammy palms.
His dreams that night were restless, full of looming shapes and torrid ache. He ground his hips against the futon, back arched into a pliant curve, a position that felt as natural as breathing.
He didn’t know if he was awake or still dreaming as he tiptoed through the quiet house a little after midnight, past the tea room and Mr. Miyagi’s personal space. Everything felt hazy and a little disconnected, like he was a few inches left of his own body. but he knew exactly where he was going, the beacon of Johnny’s scent growing stronger as he approached the back of the house.
The dressing screen in front of Johnny’s nook had been pushed aside, almost like an invitation, and Johnny lay on his cot with a comic in his hands, bathed in a warm glow of light from his reading lamp.
Johnny put his comic down and sat up. He watched Daniel for a few tense heart beats, expectant, like he was just waiting for him to voice his need.
“I tried to ignore it, but I… Daniel swayed from foot to foot, his fingers clutched around the hem of his shirt. “Johnny, can I—can you—” He blew out a stuttering breath. What was he even asking for? “This is stupid. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing here.”
Johnny stood up and took a gentle hold of Daniel’s hand. “Come on, it’s okay.”
Daniel let himself be reeled in, his hand trembling in Johnny’s grip.
“That bad, huh?” Johnny moved to sit on the edge of the cot and pulled Daniel between his long legs. “It’s okay.” He stroked his thumb over Daniel’s pulse point, the salty edge of his soothescent filling the air like a fine mist. “I’m an alpha. I know what you need.”
Daniel’s alarm bells went off at the words. Johnny couldn’t be talking about…
“Johnny, we can’t, you could get me— It’s not safe.”
Johnny let go of Daniel’s hand like he’d been burned by it. “Hey, hey, no, we don’t have to do that,” he sputtered. “I mean that I know how to take the edge off in a completely safe way. And it wouldn’t have to, like, mean anything or change things, okay?”
Daniel curled his toes against the worn tatami. The whole thing was absurd, Johnny Lawrence in Mr. Miyagi’s house, Daniel in the cradle of his thighs, how soft and disarming he looked, clad in a pair of sweatpants and a rumpled Kiss shirt.
Johnny arched his brows. “Okay?”
“Okay,” Daniel repeated, feeling like a parrot. “But I haven’t done this before.” His cheeks flared at the confession, but most omegas didn’t go all the way in high school and those who did would often end up as a cautionary tale.
It was a low-hanging fruit, an easy opportunity for Johnny to make fun of him, but Johnny’s expression turned almost solemn. “I’ll make it good for you, I promise.” He slipped his thumbs into the belt loops on Daniel’s shorts and gave them a tug. “These are gonna have to come off.”
Daniel nodded, staring at the dark grains in the wood paneling behind Johnny’s cot as he let Johnny drag his shorts and underwear down his thighs.
He had never made it beyond first base with any of the girls he’d dated, all two of them. He’d been naked around other guys before his presentation, but a stuffy school locker room didn’t really compare to being undressed by your former nemesis.
The universe sure had a funny way of messing with you.
“Part your legs for me,” Johnny said, dragging his palm up and down Daniel’s inner thigh, his voice a husky murmur. “Yeah, that’s good.”
Daniel bit his lip at the praise, Johnny’s calloused caress revving up the need in his belly. The air between them flared with something intimate and Daniel breathed it in, rubbing his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Arousal. Johnny’s arousal, his mind supplied.
Daniel leaked at the taste of it.
Johnny pushed his fingers between Daniel’s cheeks, sliding them through the copious slick.
“You’re so wet.”
Daniel let out a self-conscious whine. “Johnny.” His stomach burned with an incessant need and he threw his head back, his mouth falling open in a slack O as he tried to sink down on Johnny’s hand.
“Hey, hey,” Johnny looked up with wide-eyed amusement, tightening his grip on Daniel’s hip, “hold your horses, LaRusso.”
“Please, Johnny, I need it.” Daniel flushed at the whiny edge in his voice, how easily the pleas fell off his tongue.
“I know, I know,” Johnny murmured, fitting his middle and ring finger over Daniel’s hole. “I’ll give it to you.”
Daniel breathed out a quiet wail as Johnny sank them inside, and it felt so good, his thighs locking around Johnny’s forearm as he trembled with relief.
“You okay?” Johnny rasped.
Daniel buried his hands in Johnny’s hair, his belly roiling with molten arousal. His cock was pink and stiff, poking out under the hem of his shirt, but Johnny ignored it, almost like touching it would cross some unspoken boundary and make their midnight tryst about more than taking the edge off.
“You’re so warm. And soft,” Johnny said, his voice a little reedy. “Ali never let me—I mean, I never…did this before.”
Daniel smiled down at Johnny, something possessive blooming under his ribs. “Good.”
Johnny added another finger, and Daniel accepted the stretch with ease, needy and open, his body shaking from the power of Johnny’s thrusts.
“You’re taking them so well,” Johnny murmured, his knuckles digging into Daniel’s ass cheeks, “like a good omega.”
Daniel gave a frantic nod, and why the hell hadn’t they been doing this all summer, because this was fantastic, Johnny was fantastic with his big hands and musky scent that compelled Daniel to expose his throat, allow Johnny to claim him and—
Daniel sank his nails into Johnny’s sunburned shoulders as his cock pulsed out a wet spatter of come. It dripped down Johnny’s shirt in pearly white trails, leaving a wet tang of salt in the air.
“Fuck...” Johnny croaked, staring at the mess on his chest.
And Daniel knew it wasn’t over, could feel something in his belly winding tight as Johnny continued to work his fingers in and out of his slick hole.
“Johnny, I think I’m gonna—ah!” The coil in his belly snapped loose and he clamped his thighs around Johnny’s wrist, gushing all over his fingers.
“Whoa, hey, hey!” Johnny caught Daniel in his arms as his legs lost their ability to support his meager weight, cradling him against his chest.
And it just kept coming, the overwhelming flood of Daniel's pleasure wetting Johnny’s entire hand and the tatami under his feet as his hole clenched like a hungry mouth, desperate for something only an alpha could give him.
Johnny massaged him gently, forcing out a couple of more squirts until Daniel was too sensitive to take it. “No more,” he whined, tugging Johnny’s fingers out.
He glanced down, blushing at the small puddle absorbing into the yellowed straw of the tatami. Even Johnny’s arm looked soaked in the exposed bulb of the reading lamp, rivulets of Daniel’s slick rolling down his thick forearm like sap.
Daniel’s scalp tingled with absolute embarrassment. “Johnny, I’m sorry, I had no idea that would happen and—”
Johnny let out a choked moan. He brought his hand up and Daniel let out a shocked yelp as he watched Johnny shove his fingers into his mouth, licking at Daniel’s slick like he was savoring a special treat.
It should have been gross, but the open, shameless, desire on Johnny’s face was the hottest thing Daniel had seen.
The springs of the cot wailed under Johnny’s bulk as he settled against the wall, shoving his hand into his sweatpants. “I gotta touch myself. You got me so hard.”
Daniel’s gaze was fixed on Johnny’s hand, the way it stretched the front of his sweatpants as he fisted his cock. His hole pulsed at the sight, leaking out a needy drop of slick.
“Fuck, Daniel.” Johnny licked his lips, watching Daniel with heavy-lidded eyes. “Please, can you kiss me? It—it doesn’t have to change anything,” he said, repeating his earlier promise.
But everything between them had changed, months ago, and the unwitting connection they’d formed on the sparring mat felt more like fate. Inevitable. Necessary.
Most of all, it felt right, and Daniel settled onto Johnny’s lap, licking into his mouth, imperfect and wanting.
“Can I touch you?”
Johnny’s hand froze in his pants. He blinked at Daniel like the offer was some great sacrifice. “Really? You want to?”
Daniel lowered his hand to Johnny’s waistband, his lips curling up in a lopsided smile. “Yeah, Johnny, I want to.” He slipped his hand into Johnny’s sweats, blinking at the humid heat. He knew of the differences in their anatomy, in theory, but he’d never touched anyone so intimately.
He dragged his fingers through coarse hair and curled them around Johnny’s knot, the skin silky smooth and hot to the touch, a detail the illustrations in his books had made no mention of. And there was also the heady scent of Johnny’s arousal, the pinch of his sun-bleached brows as he thrust into Daniel’s fist, his fingers clutched around the bedding in a white-knuckled grip.
“Fuck, Daniel, I’m so close,” Johnny whined, his knot pulsing against Daniel’s palm. “It’s gonna be messy.”
Daniel knew it was meant to be a warning, but his bonding gland pulsed at the words, some primal part of him wanting to risk it all for a moment of shared pleasure, but his Ma would ground him for life if he went and got bonded fresh out of high school.
Johnny’s cock strained in Daniel’s grip, his knot almost as big as an orange. “It’s expanding,” Daniel gasped.
“It means I’m gonna come.” The room flooded with the scent of Johnny’s release a moment later and he sank his nails into his bonding gland in a feeble imitation of a bite.
Daniel’s hand grew wet as Johnny trembled on the cot and, “boy, you weren’t kiddin’ about the mess, huh?”
Johnny rubbed at his bonding gland, his head lolling on his shoulders. He wasn't in a rut and the whole thing was over in a couple of minutes, the hard swell of his knot shrinking like a deflating balloon.
Daniel nuzzled his nose against Johnny’s sweaty temple. “You okay, Johnny?”
Johnny exhaled a shaky gust of air. “I’m good.” He ran his fingers through Daniel’s coarse hair and settled his palm against his nape. “How about you? Was I any good?”
Daniel’s mouth curled up in a teasing grin. “Eh, not bad.”
“Not bad?” Johnny snorted. “Screw you, LaRusso. I blew your mind!”
“Maybe. A little.” Daniel let out a winded laugh, splaying his palm against Johnny’s chest. “Thank you, Johnny.”
Johnny shrugged, his smile a little sheepish. “Any time.”
Daniel watched Johnny through his lashes. He walked his fingers up to his shoulder and let the tips brush against Johnny’s bonding gland. “How about every time?”
“You mean–” Johnny blinked at Daniel, wrinkling his sun-freckled nose. “With me?"
"Yeah, Johnny, with you," Daniel snorted.
"Are we talking about bonding here or...?"
“Hey, hey, hold your horses,” Daniel said in an imitation of Johnny’s earlier words. "How about you take me out on a date first, Casanova?"
The stunned expression on Johnny's face gave way to a delighted smile. “How about Golf N’’ Stuff this Friday? I bet I can kick your ass in air hockey."
Daniel leaned in, grinning against Johnny’s lips. “Maybe, if I let you.”
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auntieclimactic · 2 years
I, S, & U for the fanfic ask meme!
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
God help me, I love Pride and Prejudice AUs. So, so much. I don't care that they all follow the same exact plot. I don't care that I know exactly what's going to happen. I click that link so fucking fast.
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
What starts as a marriage of convenience blossoms into true wuv! Will also accept fake-dating fics, which are the modern-day version of said troupe.
Enemies to lovers? Can't get enough. I wanna wallow in that shit.
And... A/B/O fics. I know. I KNOW. I can't help myself. The troupe is full of filth, and I'm weak.
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven't tried yet.
There are many! I wanna write Mandalorian fics (Din/Luke, Din/Cobb, Din/Cobb/Luke) SO BADLY, but Star Wars jargon is intense, yo. I also want to write a Cobra Kai fic (Johnny/Daniel) because they are so stupid and I love them. Then there's my Witcher OT3 (Geralt/Yen/Jaskier) and my newest love, Abbott Elementary (Jacob/Gregory). But I've gotta finish this current Ted Lasso WIP before I can move on. My brain can't handle multi-fandom work.
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roleplayermeet · 3 years
Hi all! On the lookout for rp partners on discord. 25+/f looking for 20+ partners. Looking for over a few sentences reply wise and long-term would be great. I’m open to all gender pairings and nsfw content. I’m pretty relaxed when it comes to reply times, this is a hobby and life is a thing. I’m gmt+13 time zone wise so patience is a must. Not just open to romantic threads but seems to be what gravitate towards.
I’m open to canon/oc, ocxoc and canonxcanon pairing wise, and I love doubling to balance things out. Would prefer switch muses or dom. 
Fandoms I’m looking for:
-Hannibal : My genderbent or canon Will Graham against Hannibal. Though also open to playing against Margot/Bedelia/Alana
-Cobra Kai: Would love to write my OFC against Johnny Lawrence but open to writing against others
-DC: I can play Harley or my Batgirl OC. Am open to writing Diana. Open to all pairings though would love a Batman or Dick Grayson (Titans live action)
-Star Wars: Would love some Reylo (would prefer writing Rey but open to Kylo/Ben)(or me as OC against Ben or Poe) or would love to write against a Din Djarin in some Rough Day-esque goodness.
-Marvel: Would love to play my Stark OFC against Peter Parker/ Steve Rogers/Wanda/Natasha Am also open to playing Matt Murdock.
-Detroit Being Human: Would love to play Connor or an OC.
-Witcher: Open to playing Jaskier(m or f) or an OC against Geralt/Triss/Yennifer (or OC/Jaskier)
-Umbrella Academy: Would love to write against Diego/Vanya/Klaus
-Lucifer: Would love to play my angel OFC against Lucifer
-OUAT: Can play Tilly Jones and fem!Henry.
For ocxoc I’m a sucker for cliche storylines (meet-cutes, enemies to lovers, best friends to more, soulmate au) and would be open to modern royalty, medieval, etc.Am also open to a/b/o.
Anyway feel free to add: xbelievingxkingdomx#5793
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gemini-sensei · 10 months
Daniel: What if I leave him in the middle of nowhere and make sure he never comes back again. Amanda: Daniel, think realistically. Daniel: Out of the country!
*Meanwhile, LaRusso!Reader and Hawk cuddled up on the couch all cutesy and sweet, his hand on her pregnant belly, sharing kisses*
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