karluhsworld · 1 year
Cute date idea: looking at the stars and planets through a telescope 🔭 ✨️
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hadeslegacyhephgirl · 2 months
Thief!Nico and Premed!Will
Decided 2 change doctor 2 uni student at the last minute, it fits better
This is literally shit help me comment prompts pls
Nico was a thief. 
And a good one too, from the years of pratice. 
Untill one day he was caught, sort of, and his world turned upside down and sideways. 
His target for the night was a two-story country house. He waited in the bushes until all the lights were off, waited another hour, then snuck into an open window into a kitchen.   He crouch-crept around the counter, silent as a ghost, then froze as he rounded it. 
There was a boy there, about his age, leaning over the sink, peering out of the window, blonde curls flipping slightly in the breeze. 
Nico waited, breathing quietly. 
The boy straited, turned around and stared directly at Nico. 
Celeste blue eyes found black ones and Nico nearly stopped breathing, expecting all hell to break loose. 
But somehow, it didn't. 
The boy grunted and beckoned. 
"You want a coffee?" 
Nico crinkled his nose. 
What in the actual fuck. 
The boy sighed and ran a hand down his face. 
"Well, don't just sit there, c'mon up. I ain't gonna kill you, Sunshine."  Nico bristled and stood up slowly  "I'm not that easy to kill, weirdo." 
The boy smiled, pearly white teeth flashing in the dark kitchen.  "He speaks! Thank gods. I thought you were gonna run away or stab me or something. You wan' a coffee?"  Nico crinkled his nose. 
"I literally just broke into your house and now your offering me coffee? The fuck is wrong with you?" 
"Eh, I don't think I could stop you from robbing us blind, but at least you could steal something other that’s worth it. Like coffee... and food. You look like you haven't eaten in weeks, which, dude, not healthy."  "Oh really. You a doctor or something?"  "Gonna be. Pre-med in University of Olympus. You ever go to college?"  "No. Couldn't afford it- why the hell am I telling you this?"  The boy grinned.  "I'm just the kind of person you can't help but spill your guts too. Will. Will Solace. And you are?"  Will held out a hand.  Nico looked at it.  Will laughed, throwing his head back. It was surprisingly musical. 
"It isn't poisonous, Sunshine."  Nico shook it.  "Nico."  "Cool. You Italian?"  "...yeah?"  "You wanna coffee. In fact... yes, you do, because your eyebags are fucking enormous and I don’t think your gonna last much longer. A flat white okay for ya?"  Nico blinked.   What the fuck. 
Who did this guy think he was. 
Will was already moving to the coffee machine and starting it up.  "Aren’t you scared of someone waking up?"  "Nah. It's, what, three in the morning? My family sleep pretty heavy. Moms gotta get up at four anyway to get ready for work, Kayla tends to wake up with Mom anyway and Austin, well, let's just say you can't wake Austin up before seven anyway."  The machine squeaked and started pouring out shots into the mugs Will had positioned under the spout. As it did that, Will rummaged in fridge and produced milk, then grabbed a tin of sugar from the cupboard. 
Soon there was two mugs of flat white coffee and a plate of cookies sitting on the bench. 
"'lright, dig in, c'mon. It's an insult if you refuse to eat my mom's choc-chip cookies."  Nico grabbed the coffee. He hadn't it for ages, and the sweet flavour hit his tounge in an explosion. He quickly drained it, then grabbed a cookie and bit into it. 
Will leaned on the bench, munching his own cookie. 
The stairs creaked, and Nico jumped. 
Will laughed and peered up the staircase.  "Morning Kayla. We got a visitor"  A female voice, rough from sleep, came back  "Another one? Seriously Will? When are you gonna learn it's gonna get you killed?"  "Oh, please, Percy wasn't dangerous, or Piper, for that matter. And where are they now?"  "At Olympus Uni, I know, I know. So who’s it this time?"  Kayla emerged, looked at Nico, then back at Will, then grunted. 
"'Course you didn't make any coffee for me." 
She walked to the coffee machine and set it running with another mug, then turned back to Nico, who was processing this new information. Finally, he blurted out 
"You knew Percy?"  Will laughed again, and Nico's heart did this weird jump-flip thing.  
"Yup. This ain't my first rodeo, Sunshine." 
"So you wanna go out somewhere?"  "like friends or like a date?"  Kayla snorted  Will lit her lightly  "What do you want it to be?" 
Nico blinked. 
"um. I don't know."  ~*~ 
And that’s how a theif and pre-med student met  ~*~ 
Shitty ending, I know, but I couldn't keep it going. 'm tiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrred and I wanted 2 get it finished 
Ur welcome 
someone give me prompts
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A confident femxian!!! It was meant to be just a doodle and as always I lost control... Also it's my first fanart and I'm proud of myself!!!🥹
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btsx50states · 2 years
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Jin (@/jin) on Instagram 20221006
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🔆 Am I too late? Yes… should I be punished by the law of memes? Yes… but you’re in fact a delight to see around, always brimmed with sparkles and fairy dust and all the cute things. And robin? French kisses👌🏻
((JOOOOOO STOP!!!! That's such a high compliment coming from you!!! You have so much detail within your blog its something I can only wish to reach one day! I read through all of your posts because I am absolutely enamoured with how you write and compose your dialogue--aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I really can't stop smiling, thank you!! Sett may kiss Robin to his hearts content AGH you're such a dear!
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upperranktwo · 1 year
Would you and Douma adopt a cat?
YES OMG!!!!!!!
I've spent my entire life with cats and i'm really good with them so I'd definitely (force) make him agree to getting one 🥺
Asks me questions/headcanons about my self ship ♡
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locosquif · 2 months
Here are some random pixel art sprite gifts I made for your au :) (My apologies for making a lot)
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Along with pv laying down on a random grass or just a nest.
No need to apologize!!! I cherish every single drawing !!!!! :-))-))/)/):7).!28: YUEIOEPEPEPEE
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imkazz · 7 months
I read your seven hashira won’t train inosuke fic, it’s so cutttteee my poor boy just wants to spar, it’s his love language!!
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yessss he just loves them so much
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hadeslegacyhephgirl · 3 months
I'm fading away, anchor me with your light
Percy Leo Maria Bianca
The names swirled around him, stabbing. A re-opening of wounds. Achlys stood, hunched, watching, a cold smile gracing her twisted, sobbing features. "So much misery- a perfect specimen"
Nico wanted to scream. He couldn't. His throat was closed and tears refused to come. All he could do was thrash at the smoky name-bonds, as they cut and bruised him, over and over.
"And yet- and yet-"
Faster than he thought possible, Achlys was right there, latching onto his chest and pulling back to reveal anther smoke-name
Nico thrashed harder. He wanted to scream, to cry, to kill Achlys where she stood.
"Another one, hmm? How much longer will he last until he cracks too? How long 'till he realises that your mine, unlovable and perfect in misery? Tell me, my dear, can a heart still break once it's stopped beating?"
Everything went black, but echoes remained and they were stabbing him and there was no-one who loved him and he was being shaken and it was a monster- a monster - and his fingers were digging into flesh - wait. Flesh?
Nico opened his eyes to a mop of blonde hair and a face set in a grimace of pain. He let go of Wills arm and rolled off the bed, avoiding looking at Will. He was still frustrated at the nightmare, and all the dread and worry and anger bottled up directed itself to both himself and Will, the only living things in the Cabin
"I don't want to talk about it." Nico knew he was being sulky, but right now, he couldn't care less
"Sunshine" "What?" "We agreed that we wouldn't do this anymore"
Nico's anger exploded
"Oh, WE don't do this anymore do we? We talk about things, do we? We eat three square meals, we get the proper amount of sleep, we go to training, we don't practice self harm?
No. WE don't, Will, I don't. And I'm SICK of EVERYONE trying to CHANGE me so it just suits THEM better. I'm sick of it! Take me as I am or leave. And DON'T EVER CALL ME SUNSHINE AGAIN!"
Nico ran out, not thinking to grab his jacket or his sword, disregarding all thoughts except for get away.
He found himself at his personal favorite spot. A secluded clearing on a hilltop, surrounded by boulders.
A tree had fallen in the middle of the clearing, providing a hiding spot that Nico took gladly, collapsing behind it, facing toward the inky black forest, curled into himself against the cold air and icy grass, sobs racking his body
Well done Nico. You just lost Will. Just when he was beginning to be your friend. What hope do you have with him?
Nico cried harder, untill all he felt was empty and all his tears were gone, simply laying there, drained of everything except exhaustion and sadness.
Eventually the first streaks of light began to grace the sky Taunting him.
A crunch of footsteps.
A voice
Will climbed over the log. Of course it was Will.
Will crouched and ran a hand over Nico's arm. Nico was too tired to register the flutter of his heart. Too drained to muster anything but exhaustion and vague sadness as Will pulled him up, still curled into a ball and wrapped him in a blanket that he had magically produced from his pocket.
Will sat and pulled Nico into his lap, cradling Nico against his chest.
"Jason said you might be out here. Well. Either here or at - well- you know."
Bianca's grave The words hung unspoken
Nico sniffled and curled deeper into Wills chest, inhaling the warmth that Will constantly emitted.
Wonderful Apollo powers
He was too tired to insult Will right now.
"You wanna talk about it?"
It was a few seconds before Nico spoke, his voice frail and cracked in the cold pre-dawn air
"It's just- everyone I love- leaves me- and- I just- I can't- don't want to lose you too-" Nico felt Wills arms tighten around him, and a ghost-like kiss pressed to his forehead "I'm not going anywhere Sunshine. Promise" "You can't- make that sort of promise-" "Well, the world can change its rules, 'cause I just did"
At that, Nico broke down again, sobbing into Will's jumper, shudders racking his small frame.
"I-I'm s-sor-rry" "Shh, you don't have to apologise, it's okay. Shh" Will continued to whisper reassurances, rocking them back and forth slightly, brushing Nico's hair.
Soon, Nico's sobs had turned back to sniffles and the sun had finally peeked out from the horizon, illuminating the forest below, making the dewdrops shine in the dawn light.
Will finally broke the silence
"We should get back. Before- you know, they start to worry"
Nico nodded. Will scooped him up and began the long trek back to camp.
Nico buried his face in Wills shoulder, closing his eyes. The steady heartbeat in Wills chest and the slight even rocking of Wills steps soon sent the exhausted demigod to sleep.
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maiiuelle · 28 days
giggling kicking my feet omgggg STOP i'm actually honored to be your first anon! btw your theme is so cutttteee!!
ah thank uuu!! u deserve bragging rights as the first emoji anon 👑
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f1uckinghell · 1 year
Omg if Charles is pack alpha, that would mean Michael is pack omega? 👀 I’m slightly obsessed. And Charles & Max’s relationship!! Charles being the only one Max would allow near Dan?
ohhhhh cutttteee I love the idea of omega michael! the softest, cutest, sweetest!!!
and Max and Charles having such a good bond, they trust each other so much
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humans are so cutttteee
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foreverisntenough · 29 days
im not a fan of the name teddy, maybe because a stupid boy was in my class when i was in middle school, or idk, im not having classy vibe from this name, anyway but i like that she has the same initials as her daddy, TAA the 2nd, love that!!! 🥹🥹😍
also, i like the name winnie 😚
HAHA! Stop 😂 Put the boy aside I think her name is cutttteee.
Teddy girl 🥹 I think the name fits them. I thought about this for a while. In the fic, Trent’s very like modern/ current where Y/N’s family background has some sort of old money vibe to it. It’s a classic Americana name which is important to her upbringing but she switched it up obviously having a girl named that. It also has kind of a vintage/ old school vibe as well which I feel like is kind of on brand for them. Not Trent saying he wants to live in the 20’s 🥴 but it’s adorable regardless IMO. Cute & cuddly 🧸
(In my head Y/N’s mum has like connectionnnns in the US which I think makes her leaving home more interesting but why she doesn’t totally abandon her old life.)
- TAA #2 is really cute to me too. If they have more babies I have the names picked but idk if we’d get that far. It would be repetitive lol
-Im with you about Winnie!! I couldn’t decide for the longest time if I wanted to bring the sister in but once I found a name I felt like it fit her role well 🥰
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upperranktwo · 2 years
💪: id fight someone if they talked shit about you
That is so cutttteee!!! You have a lot of people to fight but it would be a lot of fun watching them be fought 🥰
Send me an emoji
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ask-the-grian · 1 year
*hands you a canary plush dressed up as a sheriff*
He's so cutttteee
I miss him.
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misakiusui07 · 4 years
🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨💛 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
Thank you!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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