#dude it’ll be so hilarious can u even imagine?
padfootastic · 1 year
The fact that Sirius would use his animagus form in Azkaban is slightly hilarious to me, because like, did any of the other prisoners notice that there was occasionally a dog in his cell? I have no idea what the layout is or if the prisoners ever see each other (side-note, how are they fed? Do Dementors deliver meals? Do human guards come up for a bit with a Patronus to give them food? Is there a cafeteria where Sirius has to decide if he’ll sit with people he spent a war fighting against or does he sit alone because all non-Death Eaters think he’s guilty? Dying to know if Sirius and the Death Eaters would have to spend about an hour every day pretending they’re all civil with each other even though everyone clearly remembers Sirius nearly killing half of them because they have no other options really), but I always pictured Azkaban with cells that are in close proximity to each other, if only because it feels like the Ministry would make the prisoners watch each other be driven insane by the Dementors, further decaying the others’ minds, so like, surely someone saw the dog. If so, it leads to the interaction of “Black, you’re an animagus?! When? You’re barely in your twenties and there was a war, when did you have the time? Also, you’re not on the registry, that’s definitely illegal.” “What are they gonna do, throw me in Azkaban? I’m already here. Also, maybe you all couldn’t become an animagus in your teens, but I could.”
dude sirius in azkaban is such a huge Problem for me because we have absolutely no information about it other than it makes u lose ur whole mind and ok, on one hand i get why that is (to create such a fantastical, over the top image of this horrible, terrible place without going into mind details) but also. also!!! i just want all the mundane details ykno? everything you mentioned, i wanna know. it’s annoying.
i do think, perhaps bc of the movies, that maybe all the cells are just beside each other? like azkaban is a cliff, yeah? so the cells form a circle, all facing outward? in that case, they probably would’ve never seen sirius, esp if the place was all dark and shadow-y and stuff. and i can’t imagine someone finding out and not doing something about it? like idk what they *can* do but,,,just letting it be seems…weird. of course, it’s also entirely possible that most people inside *have* gone insane so it doesn’t even matter that they’re seeing a dog where there should be a person.
all of that aside, however, it is downright hilarious assuming all the occupants of azkaban having to socialise together for an hour when they get their designated ‘sun time’ in a day. they *have* to play nice, or else. and it’s even funnier when u picture the post-first war pureblood crowd in close proximity with all the criminals. low-key imagining bella, the lestranges, sirius, and everyone else sitting in a circle, drinking tea with their pinkies up and bodies stiffly held and barely concealed sneer on their face. ‘nice weather we’re having today, yes?’ ‘exceptional, exceptional’
and them finding out sirius is an animagus!!! it has so much potential for hilarity.
‘black, there was a dog in your cell yesterday.’
‘no, there wasn’t.’
‘i literally saw—‘ ‘—no you didn’t’
‘black, i know sanity’s the first to go in azkaban and eyesight the second, but i know for a fact i saw you turning into a huge fuckoff dog yesterday so. spill. what was that about?’
‘oh nothing, just you know, i’m an animagus.’
‘you’re a WHAT???’
‘when did you get the time?’
‘just because you’re an incompetent troll, rudy, doesn’t mean we all are.’
‘no, seriously, you’re like. a child. you’ve been in azkaban for years. how—when—‘
‘i’m just that good.’
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cactuseri · 2 years
Hi there 😊 if your asks are open, are you able to do some headcannons for room-mates Steve, Robin & Eddie?
anon i am kissing u gently on the forehead here’s some stuff i had in mind:
• first of all i declare these tags as canon:
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(via @frogs-and-lilypads and @wynnyfryd )
• i was thinking theyre in an apartment but if house makes more sense to u then godspeed bc its a small town in 80s indiana that ppl think is cursed so i cant imagine property value is super high
• incomprehensible jean-marc explanation i posted at 4 am
• not a headcanon but while i’m at it, @lilshitwayne linked this fic where they move into the creel house by fivecenturiesverse: i finally got around to reading it last night and aaa it’s very cute!! thank u for the link!
• as drawn, no one wears their own clothes lmao. they’re always stealing each other’s shirts, sweatpants, they mostly lose track of whose socks are whose
• half their furniture is just . stuff they found in back alleys & the cheapest shit they could find at a furniture store, plus some hand-me-down things from the (actual) adults. after a few months, though, especially with eddie’s hoarding habits, the place becomes pretty cluttered
• everyone tagging the art as “steddie (kinda)” is correct of course they r pining for each other
• (the first time the kids show up unexpected they ask steve “is that eddie’s shirt????” & he’s just, *sweating* “yes and? it’s comfortable”)
• im thinking robin goes to community college? it’s a bit of a drive but she wants to stay in hawkins (or more specifically: with steve and eddie and the kids)
• steve teaches her to drive over the summer. while he and robin bicker and she almost takes out 4 mailboxes and a stop sign, eddie’s in the backseat also helping (read: adding to the chaos) but he’s a bit less stressed than steve is bc lets be real he does not drive much better than her
• nancy is at emmerson or whatever that college was in canon idk. shes living her best life & calls/visits here and there. i feel like out of all of them she’d want to get out of hawkins the most idk
• uncle wayne has his own place, paid for by either those lab people or the gov or insurance or something — he visits too (and they go to his place for thanksgivings)
• the kids r over all the time of course. steve isn’t even sure how they keep getting in
• for the most part, steve cooks. one time (maybe for steve’s birthday) eddie’s like “hey robs what if we cooked something fancy for him it’ll be a surprise he’ll love it” and it is indeed a surprise when steve comes home from his shift to find a firetruck in the parking lot & the whole building evacuated. when he gets out of the car he spots robin and eddie standing awkwardly to the side of the crowd and when they see him they simultaneously point at each other
• im not actually sure what eddie’s job wld be. still dealing? housewife? tattoo artist? working part time at some store? idk
• the neighbors file a noise complaint bc of eddie’s guitar playing [eddie: “can i smear butter on his doorstep. it’ll be hilarious i promise” steve: “dude he’s like 94 we are not making him break a hip. be reasonable. we’re gonna fill his mailbox with gravel for a month”]
• all the cuddle sessions!! especially angsty ones where one or more of them has a nightmare, quite often the wake-up-screaming kind & they help each other then end up piling up in one bed for the night
• just . the joy of living away from parents for the first time. them realizing they can set their own rules. them realizing no one is stopping them from making pasta at 3 am while high and eating it straight from the pot in a circle on the floor
• especially when it comes to stuff like robin having sensory issues, for example maybe the texture of the bathroom rug bothers her. and when she mentions it steve is just like “aight” and throws it out then & there. and she just has a moment of realizing “oh. no one’s going to yell at me for not liking something. no one’s going to roll their eyes and say i’m being stupid or dramatic.” & tears up a little bit
• eddie has the same issue, to a degree. (i headcanon him as having ADHD bc i love projecting) but they both really like the feel of steve’s sweaters so they steal them a lot & when steve does have a chance to wear one he has to deal w them petting his arms for like 20 mins (and pretends to be annoyed lmao)
• them just learning to b patient with each other for the things they can’t rlly help
• oh and. the jean-marc funeral procession involves eddie reading the plant its funeral rites (the religion changes each time) as robin plays the flute and steve — who needed a lot of convincing to play along — lowers it into a small grave they dug near the property (and keep having to dig up for the next unfortunate jean-marc)
ok i should probably stop here LMAO this post is already so long 😭😭 also sorry that i took forever to answer work was killing me and im a mess in general
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
These Gotham guys asks are so fun!
What do u think are the hobbies from each of 'em? Besides plotting and destroying Gotham of course. Can u imagine how they're watchin TV, reading, caring for plants, playing cards, drawing, playing a instrument, baking, writing, etc.?
Glad you're enjoying them!! I'm always happy to talk about them!!
Butch Gilzean: Visiting the pet shop ^^ Haha. Especially if he gets to hold the pets! Any pets will work. Birds? Cats and dogs? Reptiles? He also spends an abnormal amount of time in the fish section. XD I can also see him playing cards, of course.
Headhunter: Cards, reading, following all the popular Netflix shows... He's very in the know about pop culture. Has all the social media, too. He and Vic also go out together every now and then for food and to go shopping XD Drawing, too, sometimes!
Jerome Valeska: Collecting! I dunno what he collects (Perhaps bobble heads?) but I can so see him scoring the internet for additions to his collection and stealing them from victims houses/cars (He just gets so excited when he sees one, even if he's in the middle of killing someone.) and he talks about them so animatedly ("HAT MAN WE NEED TO GO TO SYDNEY RIGHT NOW, THEY ONLY DO PICK UP!!") and no one is allowed to touch them but him. If you do, you die.
He likes to draw, too. He's not great at it, but that's not the point for him. He just likes to get out paper and crayons and get cracking- and he uses lots of red.
Mad Hatter: I can sorta see him liking to try new foods. Not, like, cooking it himself, but going out and visiting new restaurants and stuff. Fried ice cream? Egyptian cuisine? And you can bet he's visiting T2 (Or whatever the American equivalent is) anytime he can XD
Also reading, although he reads Alice In Wonderland over and over quite often.
Mr Freeze: I can see him writing ^^ I mean before Nora's death he would've wanted some kinda hobby he could do at home, close to her (And something he could share with her- she always loved to read his stuff ^^) so he started writing (I can so imagine him with an old fashioned type writer!). It took him a while after hr death to get back to it, but he eventually did Although his writing did become a lot darker.
Also video games!
Penguin: Omggggg, imagine him being really into some sport. Like he has a team and he follows it religiously (He wears a scarf with its colours and mascot with pride and he purchases a premo seat at the stadium that he always sits in when he attends games), and gets so angry when they lose and yells at the TV and- its perfect for angry Oz XD He's not a player by any means (He's disgusted at the thought) but he does appreciate the planning that goes into it. Also it just gets his blood boiling. Also I can just imagine Barb being into it too and they end up screaming at the TV screen viciously, and Tabby and Butch are just in the background being horrified and not understanding what all the fuss is about. I mean Butch keeps up with the sport stuff but he's not really into it; Its just so he can make chit chat with other gangster dudes.
Ed also walks in on this and just slowly backs out, hoping Oz didn't see him.
Its just perfect for Oz to take his frustrations out
Professor Pyg: Ohhhhh my. First of all, musicals. He loves them with his whole scummy heart. Second, he cooks obviously. Then also
G A M B L I N G.
Oh my god. He just loves to sit there playing poker with others and being his smug little self knowing he's gonna win (Or at least wigging out the others enough so it throws them off), humming show tunes.
Riddler: Puzzles obviously. But also he loves to explore new places! (Comes in handy when he has to set up some kinda treasure hunt)
Scarecrow: Okay Jon is hard haha XD Possibly farming? Cuz you know how much the Rogues like to go with their themes haha XD I don't think he's very good at it though and gets tired quick- But that's when he gets to go do the thing he really loves; SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS!! He's a mad scientist, so of course. Even just small little silly experiments like a model volcano or goo XD It'll cheer him up a tiiiiiiiiiny little bit.
Victor Zsasz: I can totally imagine Vic having some plants too XD He just really likes peaceful stuff ya know? And violent movies (+ Busting them on realism), he thinks they're hilarious XD Also BAKING.
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i know that there are rinharu shippers that exaggerate interactions and read too deeply into them, but ngl mh shippers take it to a whole new level. Like, yeah we all know Haru cares about Mako, he's his best friend, but they take soooooooo many things and twist it out of context and then try to claim it as canon. i don't get it. it's fine if makoharu is your deal, but then they use it to attack rinharu and its like not. even. canon???
Every shipper exaggerates their otp moments, I mean, it’s a normal thing. But there’s a huge difference between taking an existing moment and overemphasizing it and taking this moment and turning it completely upside down, you know what I mean? Take a canon moment and go ahead and exaggerate it, but don’t create something that didn’t happen and exaggerate it, and don’t take a canon moment and make it the complete opposite of what happened.
I think it’s perfectly okay and understandable, when you like see your ship smile at each other or smth and freak out, for example. Or like when Rin said that maybe he and Haru also gonna be in one bed together next year, like I think, I deserve to make a big deal out of this, cause... I mean, it’s right there. He said it, not me.  
Or take me, for example, after the new bnha ova, when I went like “tododeku flirted and forgot bakugou under the rocks”, which was like a hilarious scene. I’m of course exaggerating, cause I just found it funny that they started talking about getting out without even looking around for the third party, that could be crushed under rocks, but I’m just joking. I mean, you can’t help but joke at scenes like this, when it’s your otp.
Now imagine if todobaku fans for example were watching that scene in ova and be like “Todoroki only ran to Midoriya because he thought Bakugou was buried under him, and then Midoriya threw a magic dust at him so he couldn’t remember anything.” Can you even imagine such madness? Now that’s how most Makoharu fans are watching Free!
And I just want to say, that I’m normally in many fandoms are so good with people who ship something that I don’t. I mean, I absolutely love bakudeku and todobaku fans, like 90% are so sweet and they even write comments under my tododeku vids like “this is amazing, respect from bakudeku gang” and KNB fandom is very nice no matter what they ship, and etc.
But.. but makoharu, I mean Makoto fans, I in all seriousness cannot talk to. I mean, these bunch... most of them don’t even like Makoto for who he is. They sell him as some protective and secretly very dangerous dude. It’s like if I said that Haru is my favorite, cause he’s so good at communicating with people.
I mean, to create something that’s completely OOC and claim that it’s there is just utter nonsense to me. Like when someone wrote that Haru is unrequitedly in love with Makoto, I almost peed myself from laughing, but honestly at some point it all got to the point where it’s not funny anymore, cause when you read their posts, you realize that they’re serious.
I mean you gotta realize that when you change characters to the point that they’re not these characters anymore, it’s not called “all ships are valid”, it called “pure stupidity”. Because it’s not the said ship already. It’s some other characters.
And when you constantly post not in your tag and get jealous of a rinharu post that got 20k notes and screenshoot it on insta even tho it has nothing to do with your ship and wasn’t even tagged no by makoharu no by makoto, there’s clearly something not okay with you, just saying.
And I’ve seen some fandoms/ships who twist everything to the point where it gets histerical. 
Like when, for example, when Eren told Mikasa that he always hated her because she behaves like a slave without her own will, and they interpreted it as “he said it because he loves her so so much” and I’m not joking there’s a whole tumblr post dedicated to this.
And I’ve seen some fandoms/ships who twist everything to the point where I’m genuinely worried for people’s sanity.
Like when V had a live translation and someone wrote him about getting on with Jungkook (1stly, are u even ok???) and he addressed this and asked to stop being delusional, and that they’re friends. I legit thought maybe it’ll stop people, until next day I saw a post on YouTube about how Bighit tries to cover vkook with jikook and Jimin is an asshole who always hangs on Jungkook... I’m like I do not know how to react to this. I mean, do I wanna ask why Bighit would want to cover one gay BTS ship with another one? Or should we just skip to the question “are you okay?” lmao 
But I still think Makoharu fans take the cake tbh.
I mean it’s not about the ship wars, because I normally don’t mind anyone shipping anything, since everyone has their own tastes and some people, like in real life, see love in all kind of crazy shit. Like someone thinks “he treats you like shit and yells at you, means he loves you”, someone think that it’s if you’re with somebody all your life or grateful for something... ppl mistake this for love too. And hey, to everyone love means different things. Someone just settle for things, some dream big and wants to live a life. No judging. 
But like if you ship makoharu, accept it for what it is, not for something it’s clearly not. But once again, it’s mostly makoto fans, cause it’s all going from twisting a character, and pretending he’s not what he is.
But then once again, many people do not understand characters in anime in general. Like if you think Momoi is really Kuroko’s love interest and do not see what author intended, you probably need to broaden your horizons a bit.
Or like if you think that, idk, Alois is a villain, Lance is really this cheerful and Kuroko is an angel. I mean, it’s hilarious how even in some obvious situations people do not get things. Like seriously, maybe put just a tiny bits of brains into work when you’re watching, this is all I ask.
And don’t get me wrong, I won’t  generalize and say that all makoharu shippers are like that, but there are some ships and sometimes even whole fandoms whose most fans are just dumb, and makoharu is in top three of those for sure. I’m sorry, but it’s true, you saw it. I just can’t even have a normal conversation or a healthy argument with them, cause the logic doesn’t exist there.
And ones again, don’t get me wrong, you can be the smart one in the dumb fandom, too. Sometimes fandoms embarrass nice people, it happens.
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Fire Force 3
Part 1 Part 2 
“I am not sure what exactly you guys are thinking with this stuff. The captain won’t let us get away with this again.” Shinra said, looking at the clothes that the girls in station 8 had tossed to him. 
It was him, Maki, Tamaki and Iris were out shopping again. The girls had insisted that after a crappy couple of days, Shinra needed some retail therapy. Shinra didn’t really believe that this shopping trip was for him and it turns out he was right. The last time that they had gone shopping, they had bought Hinawa some bunny boy shorts, bunny ears, and a very low-cut shirt. The girls had immediately tossed Shinra under the bus when the captain found his lieutenant dressed like that.  
“But it’ll be absolutely hilarious when he wears this stuff again! You’ll definitely feel better when he wears this stuff.” Maki said, dropping a very questionable pair of shorts in the basket.
“But…when the captain finds out we did this to his lieutenant again.” Shinra said, raising an eyebrow at the bright pink shorts that had the word “juicy” written on the butt. Despite the looming fear of being chewed out by Captain Obi again, he couldn’t help but smile. Just imagining the stoic Hinawa in something like this was absolutely hilarious. 
“Go ahead, Shinra. Pick something out! We can also get you something!” Maki said and continued to look around the store.
“I’m not helping you find anything to wear. Pervert.” Tamaki said as she passed and dropped another item of clothing in the basket.
“B-but, I don’t have anything to pay for it. I just have my regular clothes for work and a couple of comfortable street clothes.” Shinra said and pulled at his shirt. He had very little clothes if he was being honest. He had his casual clothes for the station, the uniform, and maybe two streetwear outfits. Nothing too special since he didn’t really earn a lot of money being a rookie. Not that he was one to complain. Earning any kind of money was a nice change for him. 
“Oh, well, I was going to cover it for you anyways. Get yourself a new shirt or something.” Maki said and ruffled Shinra’s hair rather roughly. Shinra’s smile widened and he stumbled forward. Damn, that girl really didn’t know her own strength. 
“I couldn’t-” Shinra said before someone placed a hand on his shoulder. Iris looked at him with her wide eyes. It made him blush to think that she was this close to him.
“You will. By the almighty Sol, all of us shall be grateful for the gifts given in love.” Iris said sweetly. She squeezed his shoulder before passing him and looking at the nun section in the store. 
Shinra felt his heart squeeze a little. No one other than Ogun really ever gave him any gifts, but that hadn’t really counted either. Being in this station was just about the best thing that could have ever happened. Everyone was so nice to him, it was kind of weird. His whole childhood he had been treated as a monster…as an experiment…nothing other than a nuisance. With this crew though, it felt like he actually had friends. Even Arthur had been more friendly to him these last couple of days. 
Something about it felt wrong. Like the other shoe was about to drop or something terrible was about to happen. He couldn’t just be comfortable with everyone being nice to him. He didn’t deserve it.
The real smile that had been on his face was soon replaced by his shark-like smile because of how tense he suddenly was. He looked down in the basket of ridiculous clothing the girls were going to give Hinawa. Sure, it was all in good fun, but he probably shouldn’t be giving the lieutenant a reason not to like him. So, while the others weren’t looking, he began to put the shirts and shorts back where they belonged on their respective racks.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Maki demanded, catching him in the act of putting the shorts back. Shinra jumped at the sudden shouting and realized that he had definitely been caught in the act. 
“U-uh, well, I just thought that m-maybe the lieutenant wouldn’t appreciate being made a fool twice by us.” Shinra said, setting the shorts down. He scratched the back of his head nervously. Maki stormed over to him and took the juicy shorts and shoved them back in the basket. She looked at Shinra up and down before snatching the basket as well.
“Find yourself something too and then we’re heading back to the station. I gotta go find the rest of the stuff you put back.” Maki said before swiveling on her heel and heading back over to get the other clothes she had gotten already. 
Shinra watched her leave and the tense smile on his face widened. He definitely pissed her off. What else was he supposed to do though? It wasn’t as if he wanted to make an enemy of the captain and the second in command. 
“What are you pouting about, pervert?” Tamaki asked and poked him in the side. Shinra jumped slightly and shoved his hands in his pockets. As soon as Tamaki gets near him, something bad happens. As long as he kept his hands to himself, he could attempt to keep her lecher lure at bay.
“Uh, well, I was just thinkin’ that maybe the lieutenant wouldn’t appreciate us trying to sabotage his wardrobe again.” Shinra said, taking a couple of small steps away from his fellow crewmate. She rolled her eyes and lightly punched him in the shoulder. 
“You idiot. We’re just trying to have some fun, dude. The whole point was to make you feel better, but if you’re going to be a downer then this whole trip was a wash.” She groaned.
“O-oh. Really? The whole point of the trip?” Shinra asked, feeling his cheeks turn pink again. Tamaki pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Well, yeah. It’s super boring whenever you get like this. We all wanted to do something to get you from forming mushrooms in your room.” Tamaki said, looking over at the other girls as they scanned the clothes on the racks. 
“W-what?” Shinra asked. He almost couldn’t believe that Tamaki was actually saying something nice to him. It would be weirder if it was Arthur was saying it, but still. Tamaki took one small step forward, but that’s all it took.
She tripped over her own feet and ended up tumbling on top of Shinra. They both fell against the clothing rack and then fell to the ground. Tamaki landed on top of Shinra, and somehow his hands both landed on her breasts. Her knee ended up in between his legs, pressed up against a very sensitive part of his body. 
They stared at each other in shock for a moment before Tamaki whined and pulled herself off of him as quickly as possible.
“How did that even happen?!” Shinra groaned, shaking his hands as if to rid himself of the feeling of holding something…somethings….
“You perv!” Tamaki huffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she stumbled up properly to her feet. 
“Sir, we are going to have to ask for you to leave if you are going to be touching other customers inappropriately.” the store manager said, doing his best not to stare at Tamaki. Shinra smiled, but he didn’t mean to. The man took a small step back and away from him.
A wave of shame flooded Shinra’s mind. Right. A monster. That is what he would always be in people’s minds. Because of his talent and his stupid smile. 
“Sorry, sir,” Shinra said, pulling himself up to his feet. He gave the manager a small bow out of respect before he jogged out of the store. Once outside, he sat down on a nearby bench and put his face in his hands. What was his problem? Why couldn’t he just…be…normal?
When the girls were finished with their shopping, they all filed out with several bags set on their arms. Maki looked as if she wanted to say something to Shinra, but stopped when she saw that tense look on his face. He was smiling again, but at this point, she knew what a real smile on him looked like. Of course she wanted to help, but…she didn’t think she could do it properly. She’d just have to let the captain know. 
As they walked back to the station, Maki wondered what it must have been like for Shinra to grow up with everyone around him despising him for something he couldn’t control. It wasn’t like he had wanted everyone to look at him with such looks of disdain. 
“You guys go on ahead,” Shinra said with a small wave as they arrived in front of the station 8 building. 
“Works for me!” Tamaki said and looped her arm with Iris. “Come on, we gotta get these ready and then we have prayer!”
Maki watched the other two girls walk in, staying behind along with the rookie. She took a deep breath and put her hand on Shinra’s shoulder.
“You know, I’ve seen real monsters. All the time actually. It’s a part of the reason why I wanted to join the military in the first place after all.” She said. Shinra looked up at her in confusion. He didn’t interrupt though. “But you aren’t one of those. You’re just an annoying little newbie.”
With that, she ruffled his hair and headed inside the building. She didn’t think that helped much and she was headed straight to the captain’s quarters to let him know that they still needed to work on cheering him up. This was a rough week for Shinra and they needed to figure out how to handle this.
Shinra watched as Maki stepped into the building. He put a hand on his own head, where Maki had ruffled his hair. Just another annoying kid, huh? Not a monster? Not a devil? Huh. He could live with that.
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bomberqueen17 · 4 years
i’m not even supposed to be here today
Last night’s Witchering was brief, as the children kept getting out of bed so DF kept playing his glitter-robots shoot-em-up game until pretty late. (Witcher is... much scarier to a tiny person who is not supposed to be downstairs and may be unnoticed at the other end of the long hallway for a moment or two while the adults attempt to determine whether the noises are the pitter-patter of little feet or something needlessly atmospheric on the surround sound.)
After the 5 year old had come down to complain that it was getting dark and she didn’t like that (what she’s felt about nightfall on every other day of 1,800some days of life, we leave up to the imagination of the reader here; we’re not sure why this was a surprise) and had been elaborately shooed back upstairs, DF finally booted up the Witcher 3, and we settled in for... mostly a bunch of mopping-up of the smaller low-level quests around Velen, preparatory to going to Novigrod for More Plot Shit.
Immediately, we found a collection of Bad Dudes. “Oh,” DF said, “that’s adorable. A level 3 cannibal.” He shredded the encampment, picked up exactly two crowns from each corpse (nice of them to have split it so evenly to begin with?), opted not to loot them of their blackjacks, moved on.  Bizarrely, the game opted to do a slow-mo cinematic of every single kill? Which were all quite dramatic, as Geralt’s got a bunch of dismemberment bonuses apparently, and so he was just cutting bodies diagonally and sending heads flying and whatnot. But like, we really didn’t need to see slow-mo cinematics of every gory kill. It wasn’t... bad, it was just sort of baffling. 
So we carved our way through a bunch of low-level bandits and cannibals and deserters and whatnot.
Sometimes when you’ve cleared out an encampment of Bad Dudes, once they’re all dead you get a touching little cutscene that says something along the  lines of “Area Cleared! The Populace Can Return!” but what’s hilarious is that the cutscene is the same three burly men walking slowly toward the buildings every time. The outfits change but the character models don’t. And additionally, it happens immediately, so Geralt is going back and looting the bodies of his kills of their swords and money and chicken legs and such while children are playing around them and women are bustling by and getting offended when he bumps into them and so on. So it’s deeply bizarre, in general, as a scenario.
But you get a shitload of XP most of those times, so that’s great. It’s just bizarre. Additionally, there’s often a merchant right there immediately so you can instantly sell all the junk you’ve just looted from the dead bandits. (”Nine Novigrod Longswords for this fellow, so he can sell them to the next round of bandits...”)
“Haaay guyss,” DF lisped at one point, “we’re going to Bandit Camp.” A few moments later he was like, “Man all this hits different when you’re ten levels above your enemies. Is this what it’s like to play on Story Mode?” 
Having run out of raw meat to use as his eat-this-to-regen-health-during-combat, he perused his options of food items he’d picked up or been gifted or looted or whatever. “Hey,” he said, “I have a shitload of beer. It’s got stats, it’ll work, I should try that.” So he equipped beer into his quickdraw slot to use to rehydrate during fights. 
This gave me a hilarious mental image of a modern a/u where Geralt’s in a fight and pauses mid-melee to shotgun a beer from a can, crushes the can on his forehead, and then kills a monster with it. “Witchers can’t get drunk, can they?” DF asked. “Uhhhh,” I said, “they absolutely can and it’s plot-significant, at least peripherally.” “Huh,” DF said. “Well, we’ll see how many beers it takes to get Geralt drunk during a fight.”
One. The answer is one. Against a  bunch of level 9 deserters (Geralt is currently level 11), DF consumed the beer in the quick-use slot and instantly Geralt’s vision went dark and blurry and his reaction times slowed. “Oh this is great,” DF said. He was at that point attempting to use Igni against a shieldman and the beehive behind him, trying to line it up so he could get both in one shot. 
He succeeded.
“I guess I’ll put this dumpling I got from the cannibals into the quick-use slot instead,” DF said. “Uhhh... should we... not eat that?” MM asked. DF shrugged. “I mean, it’s already a dumpling, why waste it?” 
As we worked our way southward in Velen, nominally being led by the Defender Of The Faith quest (somebody’s vandalizing shrines and an old lady begged us to fix any we found that were damaged), we started running into things we could Not handle. A corpse with a key and a letter on it led us to an old house where a Level Red Skull Death Grave Hag materialized, so we ran away and eventually Got Into The Sea in a desperate bid to lose the thing. We swam a distance, got out of the sea, and were immediately beset by... something high-level enough that looked like a Drowner but we just ran instead of trying to read the label because it also had the Red Skull Of Way The Fuck Above Your Level on it (mucknixers, apparently), and we ran through that and found an abandoned site that didn’t seem to have any monsters in it but was... just full of freshly-dismembered corpses.
“I Did Not Ask,” said DF, and proceeded to collect all the loot before running the fuck away from an unspecified life sign that appeared off to one side. 
Something killed us, and we had to redo the Getting Into The Sea (and Then Out Of It) portion. DF cast Quen for the first time all game, preparing for a fight, and then was like oh. No, this is the abandoned campsite, where Everybody’s Dead, Dave. So he re-looted it, and the Quen expired, unused. 
We kept going, heading for a shrine, and found a shitload of Level 23 ghouls. “Hey big ghoul, hey big ghoul, hey big ghoul, heyyy byyyye,” DF singsonged as he ran the fuck away. 
The shrines were being vandalized by a trio of drunken Oxenfurt college kid Edgelord Atheists, who we were unable to pacify whilst still stopping your rampage. So the game has you fistfight them.
“If you lose this do you just fail the quest and get super embarrassed?” DF asked. “I mean... I’m the Punching Champion of Velen by now, it’d be super humiliating to go down to a trio of punkass undergrads.”
He beat them, and then looted them, but he didn’t take any of their money. He only took their booze. One of them had a lootable item called Green Mold so we took it; it’s either an undergrad science experiment or it’s just gross but either way he didn’t need that in his pockets and now we have it so later we can be like what the fuck is that?
Then, DF intended to use the nearest fast-travel point to get back to the safer neighborhoods of Velen, and realized on arrival that that was where the Level 23 Ghouls were hanging out. Like, literally touching the post. “Maybe if we run?” he said, and ran in, and it turns out that you cannot use a fast travel marker while in combat. “Well fuck,” he said, and kept running, regenerating health as fast as he could because even being fucking near those critters was bad for one’s constitution. 
A creepy house with... mm.. that’s some spectral light, those are probably wraiths, let’s see the level... Red skull of death! Keep running. Run away! Run away! “I’m not even supposed to be here today,” I wailed. (I was gonna put in a gif but it’s goofy. Listen I’m referencing the ancient move Clerks. It’s fine. Ignore me, I’m old.)
We had to cut through a pack of wolves and wargs to escape, but then we had more Raw Meat to equip to replace the long-gone cannibal dumpling. (”Maybe Geralt should be drunk for this part,” DF mused, as we kept running the fuck away.)
Finally we got to a fast-travel marker that wasn’t beset by Death Critters. Went up, visited the pellar again, bought some esoteric herbals, crafted a bunch of new recipes from various loot drops.
“All we need for Enhanced Beast Oil is bisongrass and a cockatrice heart,” DF said. He pondered it. “Is the Shrieker a cockatrice?”
It is. That’s the next quest we gotta do anyway.
So, bed.
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trulycertain · 4 years
Unpopular opinion: god, Batman v Superman had some really good ideas that it chucked down the U-bend, and there are parts of it I really enjoyed. I don’t regret seeing it (and yes, I watched the Extended Cut. All three hours). I was just discussing this with @masutrout​, and here’s a slightly abridged version of my thoughts.
Look, I know no-one sets out to make a bad film, and with so many moving parts, a film getting released at all is a miracle. I know it’s not down to one person and (I’m quite glad) it’s not up to me, because I have no idea how to make films. But if I had, say, a magic lamp and a wish for an ideal BvS and DCEU in general... Here’s what I liked; here’s what I’d magically tweak in a parallel universe; here’s a rant. A 2.2k rant. An Extended Cut rant.
I know it's all desaturated and so on, but I genuinely really love Snyder's style. Dude can set up a shot, and he knows how to use chiaroscuro. In theory, I totally get why they'd look at him and go, "his shit is like comics brought to life, pick him." I wish he'd just... allow a bit more colour into it and let people colour grade properly, because the Metropolis/Gotham Clark/Bruce contrast could've been played up beautifully with visual language and colour too. I mean, I know he can do overwrought iconography and imagery, look at how they went to the trouble of CGI'ing Clark's cape in every scene because it was such a banner, and the pop of red. 
I'll admit, I wasn't always all-in on Affleck's performance, though it was one of his best in his back catalogue (I am one of the few people I know who has zero problems with him as an actor and tends to find it more the material, but I grew up on Kevin Smith films and his shtick works for me, even if he has a manner. I'm not too discerning). But. A Bruce who's tired and broken-down and greying and has lost even more, and still in the aftermath of that, tries to find hope and "I can't let this happen to anyone else" again, in the wake of one more death? God yes give it to me. A Bruce who's taller than Clark and just plain tall in general, because maybe Kryptonian ideals are different and because it'd give Bruce one more thing to desperately play down? God yes. Just... in general, middle-aged Bruce but without a lot of the Batfam stuff (which I like, I have a love for several of the Bats, but my favourite stories are always solo) with a regimen of painkillers and who's turned Wayne from an "I'll just jump into the water feature" jackass to a schmoozer and flirt and maybe a drunk. Take out the branding. I wanted Bruce as a broken idealist, not a fascist. It's actually way more fascistic than the original Dark Knight Returns, even. But goodness, the whole idea of an established, tired Batman is good. There’s a reason the comics and animations keep coming back to it.
"Superman was just a story. Superman was just the dream of some farmer from Kansas." I forget the exact phrasing, but everything about that idea, and this idea that Superman is as much an ideal for Clark to live up to as everyone else, and he’s daunted by it? Yeah. There’s something in there.
I loved everything about Jeremy Irons' Alfred. Seriously, everything. Tech guru, little less RP, little rougher around the edges, clearly has some scars of his own. Absolutely biting, even more than most incarnations, and gets all the best lines. Yes, keep that, it'll do.
I liked the voice changer... halfway. To me it makes way more sense than putting on a voice, which is a bit daft and way more variable. I just wouldn't have gone that heavy on the processing, so that Bruce sounded less like a hacker from 1999. I also thought it was a good way of representing how Bruce desperately tries to emotionally distance himself when he’s the Bat, and how his anger has made him colder.
Batman as just a rumour or an urban legend is great, and a wonderful contrast to Superman, who’s this bright, transparent... common god. Bruce never did it for credit, he did it to get it done. It’s stretching the bounds of credulity, sure, but in this strange, semi-operatic storytelling with heavy myth feel, it makes a bunch of sense thematically.
Bruce meeting Martha Kent, and their first meeting being him saving her life. Even this broken-down Batman who thinks he’s a mess. Actually, just more Martha in the DCEU in general.  I mean, I get why they didn't lean into it so much because they maybe wanted Bruce and Clark to feel more like equal peers, rather than Bruce being too dadly, but... god, again, more Martha. In JL, in something, if nothing else. Martha who's lost a son (Jason); Martha who later has a son in another city trying to do good and is worried as hell about them (Dick's canonically in Bludhaven PD at this point); Martha who is one of about five people in the world who knows who Batman is and hasn't spilt that information; Martha who saw Bruce at the cemetery and might have some really interesting things to say to him, angry or forgiving; Martha who is one of the few people who's seen the good in the Bat (when Bruce himself couldn't)... Man, I was so, so glad that fic leaned into that. I would read a regular comic book of just Martha and Bruce Being Reluctant Friends and Worrying A Little About Their Kids, But Maybe In An Enemies-To-Friends Way Because Holy Shit You Had A Fucking Spear What the Fuck.
No, really, wait, I’m going to go on about Martha again.  The scenes in BvS where she was basically saying, "God, don't kill yourself for them, come home, if they're gonna hate you they don't deserve you..." On the one hand she could've been a contrasting voice to Jon, but this way also makes sense. "I know you want to help but please don't kill yourself..." It was always both parents in the comics who affected him equally, even if the Donner films had his father's death, iirc. It was Martha who pushed to keep him, Jon who taught him not to break people and show off, Martha who taught him how to cook and be gentle with things and in Superman: Birthright, which MoS is heavily, badly based upon (I love that miniseries, time to read it again) she researches alien sightings in the hope he won't be alone. I get why they went for a more "grounded" Kryptonian uniform thing, but Martha made his costume, in the original canon. In all canons, she was a huge help in creating the "Clark Kent" persona (yeah, sure, maybe a woman would have something to say about making yourself quiet and shrinking in a room and having to look helpful and nonthreatening all the time, but Snyder and Goyer were never gonna be the kind of people to explore that and even Waid, whom I love, barely touches on it). Every other film or comic book is crap, dead, or crap and dead dads. Clark's relationship with his mother and father is hugely important.
Getting to see Bruce doing the society beat, and just a little more philanthropy would've been great. You don't have time to build that character? Sure, OK. Take out the Flash dream sequence and the sleeping-with-random-women, maybe don't have a totally unnecessary but kinda hilarious shower scene, and replace it with some identity weirdness where Bruce and Clark are stuck interacting as civilians a little more. Or something about what the hell happened with Jason and the manor, though I don't mind most of it being unexplained. There, still building character, still serving a purpose, you can fit a brief scene into your three hour movie. Civil War had a ton of "Steve Rogers and Tony Stark brood or sit in rooms talking to each other."
If they were going to throw away all the secret-identity potential, they could at least have done it interestingly. That scene at the gala made it clear how hard they both had to act, and Jesus, the idea of Clark eventually, finally finding someone else who has to lie and cut off what they can do, who has to bumble almost the way he does... That could've been interesting and also maybe worried the shit out of him. Or made him want to talk to this crazy billionaire who goes round combat-booting people in the face and try and get what his deal was, which could've led to more interesting misunderstandings. 
And then there's Diana, who's not a bumbler but a "nothing to see here, rich eccentric" type too (no wonder she and Bruce had weird insane chemistry in that "sizing each other up/I know exactly what you are" way), and why the hell does Clark basically never see her? I actually don't mind the whole "she's only here for her photo and never meant to get involved, so she's only needing to chase Bruce," that makes sense, but after Doomsday?! In Justice League?! She understands what it is for the world to be frightened of you, resistant to you, the urge to go and hide where it's safe with your family, the loneliness. I mean, just imagine MoS!Clark meeting her and the goddamn relief of it. And the way it could've played off the whole Jonathan Kent is a creepy "kill em all" weirdo now thing, if they insisted on keeping it.
Similarly, please god please show Clark being a journalist more. Perry chewing him out more. A mild hint of office politics. That's the perfect place to leaven a rough film with a dose of humour. People wouldn't have been so bothered by "Is she with you?", which is actually not that terrible a line next to some Marvel "zingers", except for it being so tonally inconsistent. A gentle thread, a few moments of it. Maybe have Clark save someone and have to scrabble to keep his identity a secret, like in MoS - maybe a minute, you could go for some physical humour or a mild sight gag. Obviously, this'd be pre-bombing the courthouse. Relatedly... 
Take out Nairomi and the branding. They serve very little purpose, story-wise, basically never come back into the plot, and only serve to make Clark and Bruce look like dicks unnecessarily when if you want to inject flaws, you have a ton of opportunities to do it with how they deal with people and their loved ones, how they deal with perps, and their brooding moments. 
Seriously, Bruce kicking the shit out of people and investigating shipments from the Black Zero and World Engine crashes would be enough to worry and piss off Clark, as would the whole "I am the night"/lack of transparency shtick. I mean, for a start, John Byrne retconned their first meeting that way in the 80s and that issue is actually great (Clark is trying to arrest Bruce when they meet, because he's young and idealistic and maybe a little up himself and he's been Supes for about five and a half minutes). Look: Clark is being revered and hates it. He blames himself for Black Zero, at least a little. He has excellent reason to be desperately projecting brightly-coloured not-a-threat and also hate that someone else is terrorising a city and violence is being revered, especially when Metropolis and Gotham are still so raw. I mean... Snyder and Goyer did the fucking stupid offensive 9/11 comparisons. Look at how that affected people and still does to this day; emotions run bloody high, and the entire point of Clark is that he's still human and terrified and guilty. And with Wallace O’Keefe and all the threatening notes... look, there's already a good plot in there! 
Meanwhile, Luthor clearly knows Bruce has been sniffing around the K shipments and could've just tipped off Clark about that as well, saying, "He clearly is gonna use it for his own power, and with how sinister and opaque and violent he's already been, he's gonna hurt people." Having his heritage used against people is one of Clark's worst nightmares, it was implied pretty clearly in MoS, and you'd still have the righteous anger. No branding needed. Kryptonian artefacts and the entire masked violent vigilantism are already enough "this is someone who thinks he's above people and can decide their lives" to piss Clark off. He could even investigate that as himself rather than Supes. You need it to be an unanon tip-off and Keefe wouldn't have access to that information? Sure, OK, just filter it through Mercy Graves and make her a "worried confidential source." I mean, she's in the movie and completely wasted. Why not actually, you know, do something with her? Clark wants to believe the best in people, and he might dislike Luthor personally, but he doesn't know Luthor's out to get him yet - or wouldn't, if the writing was better. Again, Birthright, the text Goyer repeatedly ripped from, did this brilliantly. The brand... it's overkill. Grimdark overkill.
I actually... look, I had a really fun, if baffled, time with this movie, but goodness I’d like to see what it could’ve been. And now all the film sites are waving goodbye to Batfleck again while running DC retrospectives due to Birds of Prey, and Cavill’s blue tights are in doubt, it seemed like as good a time as any.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 4 years
my top 10 series of 2019~
aka i gush about shiz i watched this year for waaaaaay too long lol... 
i watched a lot of stuff this yr (well... it felt like a lot? there’s a lot more i wanted to watch but i’m terrible at time management lol...) so let’ssss explore that in a ~numbered list~ lol
(spoilers - there’s a lot of gay shit here lol... what can i say, twentybiteen really pulled thru lol)
10 - Stranger Things (series 3) 
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i know some people didn’t like this series, but i legit thought it was really good lol... i felt it had gone back to the style of the 1st series a lil more? (whereas series 2 had felt a lil disappointing in a way??) & i loved all the new characters introduced (robin is a personal fav, obv), & the whole splitting off into the lil groups was really effective in not just feel like it’s always the same group together, and it also allowed for some interesting character moments!
visually, stranger things always looks amazing! but i thought the whole summer/july 4th vibes really made it especially stunning tbh... as most things on this list, i’ve only seen it once, so i would like to rewatch it at some point (actually wanna do a full stranger things marathon tbh i was trying to explain what had happened in the show to my friend who stopped watching it early in series 1 & it was so difficult to remember exactly what had happened in it lool... ) 
there were obv things about it that i wasn’t as big on, like the whole evil russian-invincible guy was v cliche and kinda silly, & some of the actions scenes were a bit awkward(?) feeling... but i’m a sucker for any 80′s style media so those things just reminded me of the goonies or some shit lol
9 - Ghosts 
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actually the funniest & cutest series ever tbh!!! as someone who grew up with horrible histories with the original cast, this just made me immensely happy to see the whole team together again! the humour style is v similar to horrible histories too btw, though i feel they let themselves have a lil more ‘dark humour’ than in that (since this is more a general audience, whereas hh was definitely more aimed at kids tbh... tho they still won a comedy award for it lol! actual legends lol anyway...)
only downside is that it’s only 1 series atm & it’s pretty short... but i know there’s gonna be a new series at some point so i’m v excited for that!! i feel there’s sooooo many places they can go with the concept (i.e. exploring how/when the other characters died (like kitty!!! i need to know her story lol i love her!), maybe introducing another character who can see ghosts?? like a medium/psychic or something/etc ...) but legit, please watch this if u haven’t!!! 
8 - Good Omens
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this pretty much took over the internet this year lbr lol & tbh i’d def say it was worthy of the praise!! ineffable husbands aside, the main story is super engaging and enjoyable, with some really awesome side characters (& some of my fav character designs in anything ever tbh!!) but definitely the biggest draw was the ‘6000 years mutual pining’ romance which they did so well lol & it was something that was genuinely so lovely to watch tbh!! i also really loved the ending message of the show! i really hope to rewatch this next year when i think it’s gonna be aired on british tv at last????
downsides would be that the plot can be a bit confusing at times? but maybe that’s just me being dumb lol... but i imagine it’s a lot easier to understand if u’ve read the book lol?? i don’t have a problem w/ aziraphale & crowley not being “explicitly” gay or whatnot (i know i’ve seen some people annoyed with this?), since the whole idea of their relationship is so much larger than just them bonking or whatevs lol? (in general i think more media should have less focus on kissing/intimacy as an indication of love/romance... which is something i’ve already talked about lol)
oh, and the title sequence is INCREDIBLE lol i seriously loved it so much!!
7 - Killing Eve (series 2)
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finally finished this the other day & it was so good!!! i really love the dark comedic tone of the show tbh & i def feel there was more of it in the 2nd series then the first! i also liked the further development of villanelle & eve’s relationship, which is obv the highlight of the show tbh! there was also a nice lot of twists tbh, though i’d say it was a lil less intense than the 1st series? (overall i’d say i prefer the 1st series, but the 2nd was a fab continuation... btw i also watched the 1st series this yr lol)
negative points are that the plot wasn’t quite as interesting as the 1st series... i think cos the focus of the murders was taken off of villanelle that we lost some of that drama from the 1st? i thought the ghost was gonna be a more integral part but she was kinda weirdly pushed aside once we learnt her identity? & the creepy son dude just annoyed me lol (but i suppose that was the point lol...)... so like yh there were lil things that didn’t engage me as much as the first, but overall i still really enjoyed it lol
this is def fulfilling the hannibal-shaped hole in my heart tbh... (another series i finished this yr...)
6 - Dark Blue Kiss the series
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look, it’s no surprise this is on my list lol... i was hella hyped for this series when it was announced last yr, even though my expectations were VERY LOW after kiss me again the series (which, lbr, is a massive mess lol... like it’s My Mess tho)... but for real, this series really exceeded all my expectations... & then some! like i’m legit shook at how good it was ngl! especially morksun’s storyline, which was by far my fav in the show (as much as i’m petekao trash lol...) also, i was surprised by how genuinely pretty this show is! esp in comparison to kma (like i know i keep going on about the goddamn bruise makeup but it is so ugly in kma, but they really did a great job in dbk tbh!)
ok so there’s a lot of flaws lol... like... a lot (i’m already complained a lot so i won’t bore u with that rn lol...) but for real, the thing that i love the most about this is the discussions of coming out/homophobia/general young people struggles/etc etc which is so refreshing to see in these series! like i love that despite the cheesy tropes, it still knows when to be serious & genuine...
5 - He Is Coming To Me
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another thai series, i believe this has the same director as dbk? (don’t hold me to that tho...)... legit one of the best, if not the best, thai series i’ve ever seen tbh! so adorable, so well acted, so funny & heartwarming like... legit it’s so good!! i was already excited about it from the trailer, but the way it really delivered on the emotionality, whilst keeping it lighthearted, was truly wonderful tbh! the main actors did a brill job i gotta say, and all the side characters were amazing too (there really wasn’t a character i didn’t like i’d say tbh? i need to rewatch tbh... there’s a lot i’ve forgotten since this came out p early in the year lol)... also, visually it’s so pretty!! i swear the cinematography in these thai series just keeps getting better & better & it def improves the watching experience tbh!
a down point would be that the first ep is a bit slow/awkward to get in to... & i think it def could put someone off? but i’d say to stick w/ it since it just keeps getting better & better! i’d actually say there isn’t really anything else i didn’t like about it ngl? it’s just so good guys... u really need to watch it!
4 - Russian Doll 
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probs the only series on this list that i actually actively went to rewatch straight away lol (didn’t do a full rewatch btw)... it was SO good for real! i already loved the premise lol (it’s basically groundhog day, which is already such a great film, but they explored those ideas even more in this which i loveeeed) the leads are fantastic, and the story is generally so interesting!  plus the editing & song choices are really brill tbh... 
my one complaint would probs be that the series loses a lil momentum at certain points (esp later in the series), but it still keeps ur interest, and the ending is really well done too! i know there’s gonna be a 2nd series, so i’m really hoping it’ll be able to live up to this one, and also explore more of the characters/concepts/etc! i’m def hyped for it tbh!  
i feel like this series is simultaneously underrated and also v well known lol?? like i know everyone sees that ‘thursday! what a concept’ meme but i feel like i didn’t see as many people talk about it as much as other series this yr??? 
(for my top 3, i’d say i love them all equally/for different reasons... so the order they’re in is changeable lol)
3 - Gentleman Jack
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one of the greatest bbc series of the year, maybe even the decade lol! actually a masterpiece of cinematography, incredible acting, gorgeous costumes, beautiful depictions of love and intimacy, hilarious characterisation & just generally a wonderful series!! like i can’t praise it enough! it’s literally everything i could ever want from a series, and more!!!!!!! like everytime i think about it i just feel like ‘!!!!!’ constantly lol... like... what did we do to deserve such a series for real?? something that i esp loved was that i vividly remember not that long ago w/ people complaining about the bbc for having minor lgbtq characters in things, so to have a actual main lesbian couple series be on prime time bbc telly is kinda mind blowing lol... like.. i know we’ve got a long way to go, but it does make me immensely proud!! 
i have no complaints lol... other than - needed to be longer (i think we’re getting a 2nd series right???? i hope so tbh!!)
2 - The Untamed 
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look, i don’t make 15 piece series’ for nothing lol... this show really got to me ngl... like i knew it was gonna be amazing from seeing tonnes of mutuals start watching it & praising it.. .but ohhhhhhhh boy i wasn’t reading for the angst and heartbreak and just generally how invested i’d be in all the characters lol... like genuinely there’s so much to praise about this show! it may not be as super ‘polished’ as some of the other shows on this list, but it really has so much heart and hard work and dedication put into it which really shows in the final  product!
there’s obv issues with it, but i feel like it’s kinda unnecessary to go over them lol? there’s so much more of this series that has brought me genuine joy, the biggest being the fact they were still able to depict a really beautiful, loving and /romantic/ relationship despite the strict censor is truly incredible lol!! like w/ good omens, it just shows what you can do to depict love/romance without having to over-sexualise something...
i feel like i’m saying less for these top 3, but it’s just cos i’ve already gush to high heavens about how much i love them lol... 
1 - HIStory 3 - Trapped
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you - *pretends to be shocked that this is my number 1*
yeh... no surprises that this is in my top 3 lol... what can i say that i haven’t already screamed about for months??? this series truly surpassed any expectations i could have had for a HIStory series... the story line is complex & pretty well done (it’s not perfect... but nothing is so....), the characters are wonderful & also brilliantly acted! i think the thing that i love the most is that the director wanted to create a series that wasn’t just a cheesy gay series (don’t get me wrong, i loVE cheesy gay series’ lol... ) but also would have a more interesting, well developed & more ‘mature’ story line (i think esp in comparison to other HIStory series’ which are usually school/uni based)... it’s also one of the few lgbtq series i’ve seen that isn’t just about ‘first loves’, and doesn’t place a big emphasis on a sexuality/identity crisis... it’s just so unabashedly a mystery-romance drama, which is just so refreshing to see! & i genuinely hope we can see more series like this, where gay characters don’t need to ‘prove’ themselves in order to be in a series or to be in relationships (which it often feels like, where writers need to explain /why/ characters are gay...)...  
phew... that’s a lot of text lol, just like w/ the untamed, i feel like i’ve already talked about the negative points of the series (plot holes, awkward moments, weird editing/sound choices, bad tropey plots), but the positives of this series seriously make it worthwhile, and i’m just so so SO happy this show exists lol...
all 3 of these series have a special place in my heart of inspiring lots of my own exploration of art, as well as writing, which has been really crucial in me understanding what i wanna do with my life (i know that sounds kinda weird, but at the start of the year i really didn’t know what i wanted... and i wasn’t even sure what i was good at lol... so thru these shows i was able to discover a lot more about my own style of working & thru all of them i was able to meet some wonderful new people on here which has made 2019 actually one of my most enjoyable years on tumblr! 
this has been an...... interesting year lol... but definitely these shows made it just a lil bit better!!! 
Happy new year to anyone who actually read thru this & let’s hope 2020 brings us even more brill shows ~~~
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mejomonster · 4 years
only semi related but i love magistrate mo/mo lan
that dude was just like ‘i HAVE SEEN the most beautiful human in existence and i WILL make friends with him’
and then tried every approach known to man including bribery, flattery, invitations, compliments, and saving murong li from sucky politically charged situations with an out
and it didn’t even get him a DATE it just got him a friend somehow? cause murong li was like ‘well i definitely don’t wanna kiss You, but your king keeps giving me stuff so how about i just give u all that stuff since i don’t give a shit’
to be fair mo lan was doing very good friend behavior. they both know once zhi ming wants murong li in the palace, murong li ain’t ever gonna get to move out easily again - king’ll be clingy. and moving back out would be kinda like throwing a gift in his face. and so mo lan’s like ‘i could come up with some excuse??’ 
and that’s when murong li is probably like ‘ok screw it you ARE my friend’ because he’s like ‘thanks but nah. realistically it’ll just screw us both if u refuse the king for me. i’ll just go and get u some gifts and use this to some advantage’
and before mo lan knows it he’s lost his crush to his king, BUT now he’s got a friend and lots of riches/benefits/responsibilities coming his way
i’m sure when mo lan caught sight of murong li and immediately swooned he did not imagine that outcome. i also think its hilarious zhi ming also immediately swoons (just hides it better for like a single day before he can’t contain it anymore). like... u can tell him n mo lan were friends for a long while. same exact response to the most beautiful person they’ve ever met.
and shout out to zhi ming in ep 8 who just looks at murong li and stares from afar for like Several minutes. just gushing to his attendants like ‘murong li is the most beautiful thing in the world, he’s the sun, he’s the stars, he’s all the flowers in the world, he’s’
‘sir, don’t you want to go see him?’
‘shut up! i am seeing him, right now. wow he’s so great.’
over at murong li’s table, the attendant like ‘yo the king’s just been staring at us for a while now, you want me to invite him over?’
murong li, who’s probably secretly found it hilarious just seeing how long zhi ming can stay over there and gape - ‘ah. might as well. go ahead.’
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Music Headcanon Part One
The Chocobros listening to music feat. Insomnia and Leide Crew
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The Chocobros feat. Veritas (OC)
Music would be something like: Ice Ice Baby, Manolo and U Can’t Touch This, No Sleep ’til Brooklyn, WTF, Sabotage, etc.
All the bros would bob their heads to and fro to the sound of the beat.
Their feet would tap and stomp to the music unconsciously and quite uncontrollably so.
Noctis would sometimes do the ‘bad boy’ pout accidentally to which the bros would tease him incessantly, much to his embarrassment, but does it anyway.
Prompto would unashamedly sing to the music with Noct as his back up singer. He can actually sing, this dude. But he’d rather just blend in.
Gladio would look out into the distance as they’re driving in the car, pretending that they were making a music video of his ‘bad-assery’.
The bros and V would lip sync to No Sleep ’til Brooklyn. Every one is assigned their own parts and would try their best to sing in character. Ignis got carried away as he drummed his hands on the steering wheel. Prompto and Noctis would even stand on the car as they sang the lyrics to one another, both in their rocker state.
Ignis would deny it, but he absolutely love music like these that always get his blood pumping as effectively as Ebony can. He’d sip a can of it while chilling to the beats yoh
When in their own private company, the bros would goof around with dance moves they see from music videos. Noct would goof around but deep inside he really wanted to dance like a cool back street guy.
Prompto would be the most competitive — he’d do really sick moves and would even pose at the right moment in the song, entertaining the whole gang up to the late hours of the night.
Gladio would criticize Noct’s trying hard moves and would often tease Ignis to drop the act and just let loose; of course he doesn’t.
Ignis would be in the kitchen baking or cooking to his heart’s desire, only to sing to the lyrics all by his lonesome and ultimately busting some moves of his own while holding his spatula. V walks in and walks back out again once she sees Ignis shaking them hips as the kitchen smelled of vanilla. *I found a silly gif of Iggy dancing...but I suppose I’d leave the vision of him dancing to our imaginations. Haha!*
V likes some of the old music from ancient Eos and would often revel in the music as it was being played all around Lucis. She would dance the traditional steps and would often take Ignis’ hands and dance with him, their arms hooked around each other’s, his feet shuffling as best as he can. He let loose for a bit. It’s the wine, he’d say. But we drank root beer, Noctis said to which Prompto snickered and took a shot of a rather competitive Iggy.
Gladio’s playlist includes not just ‘bad-ass’ music but also love songs, like tons of it. He’d be bursting his lungs out, complete with emotions nobody thought they’d see on Gladio’s eyes. Then after a particularly sappy song he’d pipe down and keep to himself, just absorbing the raw emotions. Iggy sheds a tear in secret.
Noct would HATE it once V puts in her OLD MAN playlist. She likes to listen to lots of genre, but when she’s particularly vexed or just missing Ravus, she’d sneak in a short valse in the completely varied playlist. Ignis approves of this.
In Hammerhead, Cid would listen to his so-called ‘ swamp and cowboy tunes’ all day, erryday as Noctis would say. Sometimes he’d sing the wrong lines or miss the timing in the lyrics and would speed his singing up once he realizes he was out of sync. Noctis and the bros would hide beside the garage, laughing their brains out as Ignis records Cid’s singing. They would replay it every damn time as the opportunity arises. Even a stick in the mud like Cor would *giggle* each time he hears this.
Cor Leonis finds out in Leide that Dave the hunter shares the same damn good taste in music. So every night, they’d light up the camp fire and tune those guitars and blow on those harmonicas so they’d commence their good ol’ dirt road singing. Nothing like two deep voices singing gritty music while chugging a cold mug of liquor.
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Cid’s playlist: Anything from Hank Williams. Hands down his favorite.
Cor’s playlist would have a variety of genre, but these songs pop into my head each time I see the marshal : Old Before Your Time by Ray LaMontagne, Sitting on the Dock of The Bay by Otis Redding,  Universal Soldier by Donovan, Sheena-Na-Gig by PJ Harvey, Capsize by Black Delta, Through the Valley by Shawn James, etc. Basically anything that has that vintage old vibes and missing home feels and some moody ones as well.
If back in Insomnia, Cor would open the door and ask them all to keep it down. Back in his room he’d take up his guitar and sing some of his ‘cowboy’ music. Shh nobody knows.
The hall in Insomnia is vast and music echoed all over the walls each time there was a celebration or a performance by the Royal Symphony. One day, completely bored to death, Prompto and Noctis used a small audio system to start rapping in the hall, the amplifier making their voices ring all around. They sang in the silliest way possible or would imitate any person’s voice and would comment on any topic like radio DJs. Monica wasn’t pleased when she heard how Prompto imitated her voice — he got an especially grueling training in firearms the next day.
King Regis would ask any close female friend to dance with him during a celebration and would be rather dashing. Veritas noted that he’s still quite the dancer thirty years ago, much to his satisfaction.
As a young man, King Regis loves to listen to instrumental compositions. He’s not into the whole modern music of his age, moreover the ones his son loves to blast out during the mornings and midnights. He prefers the calm he gets when he listens to instrumental music and yet, despite the fast beats, he likes to listen to samba music, too. Oh dear, Queen Aulea used to tease him about it. And it was only her who got the killjoy prince to dance to it…and his lover was only too pleased with herself for coaxing him to uhh, shake those hips. If only she had taken a photo of him!
After seeing Lunafreya on television and newspaper coverage as well as hearing about her on the radio, Nyx Ulric finds himself absolutely smitten with the Oracle. Of course he denies it. There’s no way he can crush on the most loved woman of Eos. She’s way up there and he’s like, a dude who lives in a slightly shabby apartment in a not-so flashy neighborhood in Insomnia, a guy who likes dirt roads and road trips while she’s probably into posh Altissian dinners, high end hotel rooms and a mansion that smells like sylleblossoms that probably practically grows in every corner. His list goes on and on. His friends, particularly Libertus and Crowe both find it hilarious that the hero and not so innocent friend of theirs is in ‘lurve’ with the purest human being. Of course it’s a contradiction, but what’s not to love about such a tragic infatuation story? They’d tease him during their breaks or whenever she appears on the media. Their go to song to push their lovestruck friend’s buttons is ‘Uptown Girl’ from a vintage band. And boy would Nyx’s ears turn red as the two would sing along, pushing an article of newspaper with Lunafreya’s face. The song stuck and unfortunately for Nyx, it’ll play in his head even until the moment he suddenly meets the Oracle herself. Poor guy.
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blookmallow · 6 years
hey guess what i finally got working on my emulator, 
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there we GO 
these graphics are stunning. boy do i ever love featureless voids. this is gonna be loads of fun to navigate through 
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oh GOD these controls were not meant for a keyboard i m laughing fuck 
im also really, really fond of the fact that you can walk backwards
im not even joking i love it
awkwardly shuffling out of corners when my very clunky walking controls lead me in the wrong directions is already hilarious now before ive even found anything spooky to hurriedly back away from
i imagine it’ll probably be less funny when i actually need to make more precise movements but we’ll see how it goes lmao
i have no idea how much of this is just the fact that this is. what, a ps1 game, i think. and how much is that this was VERY much designed for a playstation controller and not a keyboard. ive had to rebind keys like 90 times and im still not sure ive found a system that works 
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i also couldn’t find which key was the run button for ages which led to me very awkwardly power walking through the mist to try to catch up to my ghost daughter or whatever’s going on here :’) i figured it out eventually 
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oh shit we’ve got our first blood already. nice 
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oh NICE. this is lovely already im into it 
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pardon me for a minute here sir i seem to have momentarily trapped myself in the corner. dont mind me trying to shuffle backward out of this predicament ive landed myself in
honestly my protagonist dude just being incredibly clumsy and wandering off into walls and shit is just. fucking hilarious to me at the moment i dont even care 
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oh. apparently i was supposed to get dead there :’) also the. fully rendered cutscenes are somehow actually worse than the blocky pixel graphics 
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i figured, thanks
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does that say “Study, Dammit!” 
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oooh hello 
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hhhAHahHAAAA yes, 
i also have a gun. i met a police lady and she said everyone is gone but i gotta find my daughter. then a mutated pterodactyl flew into the room and murdered the shit outta me because i couldn’t figure out how to USE said gun
the game offers you absolutely no on-screen information as far as. what controls are or any warning or anything and im also dealing with a REALLY convoluted control scheme because i dont have a controller for my laptop :’) i eventually, through a combination of looking at the in-game controls menu and the emulator keybinding menu, have sorted out most of my basic actions after. moving things around a billion different ways but im. im getting it :’) very slowly 
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after fucking with the controls some more, my second encounter with the pterodactyl thing was a complete success, though 
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i kept hearing the Enemy Near sound (which. i didnt know wtf it even was at first) and couldn’t figure out why and then i found...this guy. just. walking in place endlessly in the middle of the road. he seemed to be. doin his own thing there so i just sorta left him to his business 
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this one attacked me in the middle of the sidewalk though so fuck this guy 
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oh god what the fuck is that
are you a......fucked up dog. i really hope that’s a dog. also i dont have any more bullets so all i got is Knife now,
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ohHH MY G O D THIS IS SO HARD WITHOUT A CONTROLLER :’) i got. one of them eventually (it was, in fact, a fucked up dog) but then got murdered by the other one. i found more bullets/avoided the pterodactyls better/wasted less of them on the second attempt so i had enough to not have to engage in a very clunky knife fight with rabid zombie dogs again though
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well the road turns into the void here so i guess we’re not goin that way 
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i found a note in a blood puddle telling me to go to a dog house, which i found (it was also covered in blood), got attacked by another dog, killed it, n found a key in the dog house which let me in HERE, which. appears to be a safe house. thank u, benevolent blood puddle note. im glad i have a blood guardian lookin out for me
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watch and be amazed as i determine the contents of this fridge by merely glancing at the outside of it 
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souljournaler · 3 years
I’m gonna reach out to that cop-looking entity and channel the message
i’ll put my communications in bold
immediate update, i can’t seem to get a lock on them. i remember their outfit, but each time i try to imagine it, their form underneath the outfit shifts. sometimes they are shorter, sometimes they are tall, sometimes they are lean, sometimes they are broad. they are always quiet, but i can sense they feel something under their masks.
my bias says again, astral cops. magic fasc. the fact that their masks were so featureless and shiny, and the military-ish uniform? Black pvc is A Look, i gotta admit, but it looks so hella fasc-y & cop-ish
let’s see if i can get any of them to talk
they dont expect me to go straight for seeing through their eyes. i’ll put my feet in their feet and feel them in their own shoes and it makes them leap. i get kicked out immediately. i think it’s hilarious. i dont think they agree.
they dont even know why theyre there, they are just following orders. many are not even lucid until i disrupt them and then we both get kicked.
some of them are awake while their energy is out busting ppl’s dream bubbles! not like breaking them, but like a cop would bust someone, but literally in people’s dreams and astral spaces
they look for cracks.
oh whoops someone is getting me back!! time to channel
who is this
how did you find me
where are you
open your eyes
are you real
wow hm ok, well, they weren’t very strong, just very startled. they cant stay focused now that they’re awake. i think they felt my presence though. oops lmao
someone has been looking for me. maybe not me, but something/someone like me
they have a higher voice, dark hair, tan skin, extremely slick & neat bun, dark brown eyes. their favorite hair accessory are navy or grey scrunchies. big ROTC vibes. innate magical talent but doesn’t know how to use their power which has become more intrusive on their everyday life over the past few years. they live in a nice house post-2000s construction or remodeled then, mostly tidy, workout equipment, house plants, white walls & light tile floors. Black gym bag. didn’t have time to take their grandma’s powers & practices seriously.
who are you
why are you looking for me
i was told to find you
who told you to find me
my grandma, i think
did you bust my dream a few weeks ago?
no. what?
who are you?
i cant hear their name cuz honestly i dont want to know but i heard Lieutenant. it’s really hard to stay focused cuz im hella distracted in my workspace rn
wow you’re really strong
thanks. wait what do you mean?
you keep finding our connection again
you keep diverting
ok. that’s true. well, what can you tell me about the 
wow i got distracted, just got some kinda good news oh wow they’re pulling me back
where do you keep going
another channel
what’s that mean
you’re channeling baybee
what’s that mean
sixth sense henny
welcome to clairaudience. hearing shit.
they cut the connection
no they didn’t lol they’re back
wym hearing shit
spirit realm baybee. did u just have a weird dream?
ooh the connection has cut out again
i think they’re having a lil moment. their call feels like someone pinching my deltoids lol. they do seem kinda cop-ish the way i saw them just now. i wonder if we’re on the same earth.
woop they’re reaching again.
what do you want?
what do you want?
you first
who are you
Look, Lt. you have some powers. your grandma didn’t get to tell you about them.
sorry, i can’t tell you anything else. you seem kinda cop-ish, no offense. it’s harshing my vibe.
wym cop-ish
no offense
wym cop-ish
u ask a lot of questions i dont rly have answers to. look, i saw someone dressed like this in my dream right as i was waking up. do you know them?
[the image of the outfit from my vision]
no i don’t really recognize that.
okay, that’s all i wanted to know. i thought about them and something clicked our energy together. i wasn’t really looking for anything else.
[they showed me my image back] i don’t think i’ve seen them.
i see an image of a dream where they are wearing that outfit and they see themself in a mirror and take their helmet off. they are surprised to see themself underneath.
are you recording me?
im lying, im recording this.
i can’t do this right now
ok bye.
i tried to close the link
why the hell did you record that?
you need to be more careful about what you share on a psychic link.
i’m seeing the flash from their dream again
why is that bothering you?
i don’t know
it feels normal. but scary.
what’s scary about it?
i don’t know. just... the mask makes me faceless. and i’m taking it off because i want to see myself.
why did you redact that part?
quit asking too many questions.
who are you?
you can call me whatever.
that’s not gonna work
no it’ll be like odysseus calling himself nobody, that’s cool
i’m not doing that. that means i’m polyphemus
oh my gods you know epic poetry, that’s cool
of course, we all had to read it in school
yeah i guess that’s true.
why are you trying to trick me?
because im assuming you’re a cop. just cuz u have powers doesnt mean i can trust u.
should i not trust u either?
no u can trust me if u want. but like, honestly, it’s up to u and ur discretion.
i’m still recording this
what dude what the fuck
sorry. i’m going to close this channel now. it’s been nice! bye!
where are you going?
they’re holding the channel open
hey i’m talking to you
who are you
im closing the channel
hm. okay. well. okay. honestly i ran out of energy at the end there but they kept putting their foot in the door to the channel. ppl with innate power can be scary cuz they don’t know how strong they can be. i bet that person is gonna feel hella tired later.
they tried the channel again a couple times but i’ve closed my personal channel for a little bit so they keep hitting it like a wall.
who are you
why did you contact me like this
what am i supposed to do now?
idk fam, have yourself a lil moment tho
i’ll let yall know if i hear anything new but im gonna submit this post now
0 notes
vicioushyperbolizer · 7 years
Ok but nurseydex where Dex just poured out his gay little heart to Best Friend Chowder. Everything from realising it n hiding it up to recently, to his MASSIVE CRUSH ON NURSEY not realising that a)the bathroom door is slightly open and b) nursey just walked into the bathroom to shower and overheard the crush part and what happens after that?!?!? (Ace Dex or no thats down to u but also i always love all ur ace Dex fics) (also also no pressure to answer! Have a great day)
I wanted to do something fun, so I wrote this from Chowder's perspective :)I guess technically this is an ace!dex fic, but only in passing
Read it on AO3 here!
Chowder looked up from where he was studying. He was pretty sure that he heard a noise outside his door. It wasn’t like he believed in Jenny and Mandy, except he totally did, but Ransom never gave him the impression that they were malicious, so he couldn’t imagine them making noise outside his room. Which meant that it had to be someone else.
After another creak (definitely not a pair of lesbian ghosts, then, since ghosts don’t have weight and they couldn’t make the floorboards shift around), there was a pause, then a light tap on his closed door.
Happy to have a distraction from his ichthyology textbook, he bounced out of his chair and pulled the door open. Definitely not ghosts! On the other side of the door was a slightly distressed looking Dex. Well, distressed for Dex, which was two parts angry and one part really, really tired.
“Hey, Dex. Wanna come in? What’s on your mind?” Chowder already knew what was on his mind.
There was only one reason that Dex ever looked like that, and it made Chowder almost long for the textbook he was dying to get away from just minutes earlier. He loved Nursey and he loved Dex, but if he had to talk to Dex about Nursey or Nursey about Dex one more time, he might actually lock them in their room together so they couldn’t keep escaping to his.
Dex shuffled around for a minute like he was going to run away, probably because Dex was just about the most emotionally constipated person in the entire Haus. Eventually, he scrubbed a hand through his hair and nodded.
He made his way straight to Chowder’s bed, just like he always did when he came to talk to Chowder about his feelings, so that he could hug Sharkie to his chest. Yup, definitely a Nursey problem.
Chowder sat back down on his desk chair, facing Dex. Over the years that all three of them had been friends, Chowder had perfected how to talk to Dex and Nursey about problems. With Nursey, you had to keep pressing, because he was likely to get off topic (accidentally on purpose) if he wasn’t kept on track. Dex, though, needed a lot of silence so that he could take his time to form this thoughts.
So, that’s what Chowder did. They sat together in silence, and Chowder tried his hardest not to look longingly at his textbook, because even though this was valuable time he could be spending pretending to study, his friend was more important than that.
It didn’t take Dex long at all finally blurt out, “I have a problem.”
Which… duh. That was pretty clear from the fact that he was hugging Sharkie so tight that it looked like his eyes were about to pop out. And because that Nursey had already been by that morning and mentioned that it looked like Dex hadn’t slept in his bed last night. Chowder didn’t say that, though, because of the whole silence thing, and also because that would be super rude.
“Let’s pretend that you aren’t in a relationship with Farmer. And that you have a crush on someone, but you don’t want to make things awkward because you spend a lot of time with them, and you’re pretty sure they hate you. Oh and in this scenario, you’re also, uh… You know what, fuck it. I’m so fucking in love with Nursey, dude. And it’s seriously cramping my style. What the fuck do I do?”
Chowder was pretty sure that Shitty had stashed some emergency fireworks in the basement, and he almost felt like searching for them so that he could set them off to celebrate the fact that finally one of them admitted it. Instead, he nodded solemnly.
“Well, you… talk to Nursey about it?”
The look on Dex’s face was hilarious and Chowder had a hard time not laughing at him. His eyes were so wide they looked like dinner plates, and his eyebrows practically disappeared into his hairline.
“What? No! I can’t do that. Chowder, c’mon, man.”
Dex stood up and walked the few fee over to Dex. He put both hands on Dex’s shoulders and made sure to look him straight in the eye. “Dude, i love you. It’ll be okay. I can even moderate if you want!”
Instead of giving Dex time to respond, or think about it, or even process what he was doing, Chowder walked over to the bathroom so that he could get Nursey (boy, was it convenient having connecting rooms). Chowder resisted the urge to bang his head against the bathroom door, because holy crap his life would be so much easier if his two best friends just talked to each other for once. Instead, he opened it.
The thing was, when three 20 year old guys share a bathroom in a frat house, you learn to stop expecting anything when you went in said bathroom. Sometimes it was clean (mostly that was because of Dex), but sometimes it was full of gross dirty laundry that sometimes forgot to grab after they showered. And at least one time, someone (Chowder still wasn’t sure who it was, and frankly he didn’t want to know) had left a sex toy stuck to the wall of the shower.
So, at least a little part of him wasn’t super surprised when something tumbled out of the door when he pulled it open. He was, however, surprised to see that the thing that fell into his room was, in fact, a very naked and slightly damp Nursey, who scrambled to grab the towel a few feet away that Chowder guessed he had wrapped around his waist before he fell.
Nursey turned an amazing shade of red and blurted out, “I was showering. I wasn’t eavesdropping… on purpose?”
If it were possible, which Chowder would have said it wasn’t, except he saw it for himself, Dex looked even more embarrassed than Nursey was. Somehow he looked both incredibly pale, and bright red at the same time. It was actually really impressive. You wouldn’t know it, though, from how steady his voice was.
“How much did you hear, Nursey?”
Instead of answering right away, Nursey slowly picked himself up off the floor (and it kind of looked like he hurt himself, which wouldn’t be at all a surprise to Chowder). He carefully wrapped his towel around his waist, making sure to knot it tightly this time.
When he finally had nothing to fake distraction with, he shuffled his feet and muttered, “Uh, I definitely didn’t hear you say that you’re in love with me.”
Dex groaned and buried his face in Sharkie, then immediately pulled back and pushed Sharkie to the side, which Chowder thought was very rude. There was nothing wrong with hugging a plushie, even Bitty had one and he was one of the strongest people Chowder knew.
Chowder looked between Nursey and Dex to see who would start first, but neither of them looked like they were going to talk any time soon, which was hilarious to him, since he could barely get a minute to himself with all the talking they normally wanted to do about each other. The second they had to talk to each other, they both clammed up.
Chowder had to do everything around here!
“So, Nursey, what do you think of what Dex said about his crush hating him?”
Nursey frowned, and wow was that a weird look on him. Even when he was complaining to Chowder about how annoying Dex was, nagging about making sure his dirty laundry was in a hamper, or that his books weren’t all over the floor, or about how frustrating it was that Dex as so cute when he nagged, he never actually frowned. Nursey’s face was always chill.
“I don’t hate him. Like, at all. You’re my best friend, C, but Dex is… Dex.”
On Chowder’s bed, Dex snorted. “Fucking eloquent, Nurse. I can really hear that poet in you coming out.”
Nursey opened his mouth to respond, with something totally unrelated that would end up getting them so off topic, Chowder was sure. So, naturally, he cut off Nursey to keep that from happening.
“So if you don’t hate him, then how do you feel about him having feelings about you?”
For someone who was 6’2” and basically pure muscle, and also basically naked, he looked awfully small standing there under Dex’s suddenly very focused gaze. “I dunno. I figured he hated me, too. Which is why i never told him what a massive crush I have on him.”
Chowder beamed at them. It had only taken two years and two months, but finally they were making progress! He gave Nursey a tight squeeze, even though it meant getting a little wet, and squeezed Dex’s knee as he passed by on the way to his desk. If it were possible to look smug while holding an ichthyology textbook and a neon highlighter, Chowder was pretty sure he did.
“I’ll just head downstairs to study, while you two talk about things.”
On his way out the door, he heard dex clear his throat and say, “so, i guess i wanna date you, but the thing is, I’m ace and-”
His best friends were going to be boyfriends, soon enough, and when he got downstairs, Bitty was making vinegar pie. Man, life was good.
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christophersymes · 4 years
Celebrity Status
Celebrity Status, an ongoing L(G)B(T)+ story also on Wattpad and Quotev.
<– Previous  / Next –>
Chapter Two
masonfucker1000: hey! i cannot fucking sleep for the life of me
masonfucker1000: nosam show's today, isn't it?
familyjules: hell yes it is! im too excited to sleep too do u wanna talk for a while while i get ready
masonfucker1000: uh, yeah, arent we talking now?
familyjules: shut up i'm sleep deprived and playing bass my mind is off
masonfucker1000: playing bass? are you reallyyy playing bass? or are u playing around w ur secret bass-stripping software, wannabe christo?
familyjules: fuck you i'm actually playing, masonfucker! u want proof go here: rabb.it/familyjules
masonfucker1000: uh huh
Mason's heart was suddenly beating out of his chest as he sat up in his bunk and plugged in earphones. Was Jules gonna turn on her camera? He was already freaking out that he was in the same city as Jules, he might even see her in the crowd! The boys had already teased him plenty in the past week for being so excited for it. He took a deep breath and clicked on the link.
Elias: Show me the proof!
Jules clicked on the camera and stuck his tongue out, smiling. "Hey, dumbass," he said, internally cringing at his voice. He lifted the bass. "Proof. Right here." He started to play one of Nosam's songs, smiling while he did.
Mason had to take a deep breath as soon as Jules turned the camera on. He blushed for no reason at all as he looked down at his bare chest and SpongeBob boxers, even though she couldn't see him. Jules' voice was awesome. The first thing he noticed were her blue eyes. Mason had seen a lot of blue eyes, but these were... wow. It was as if Mason had been searching for a certain shade of blue and had just found the perfect ones.
Her hair was an absolute mess down to her shoulders, and there was glitter all over her face, and she had tattoos. Blackwork flowers covered her shoulders down to her elbows. Those flowers were framed by a thin black line that went across her collarbone and shoulders, down to the end of the flowers. He could also see a moth and red and blue outlines of a skull on her thighs. She looked good. Really good. And then she showed him the bass and started playing, and Mason was pretty sure he'd nut right there.
Elias: holy fuck. holy fuck
Elias: Jules you're gorgeous
Elias: Sorry i mean your bass playing is amazing, it is, my mind is blown
Elias: but ive heard that before. right now im looking at
Elias: your face and
Elias: you look so good
Jules continued playing a few chords while he leaned forward to see the screen. He blushed, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "You're an idiot. My hair is a fuckin' mess right now, dude." He leaned back again, the bass just barely hiding the fact that he was in a pair of boxers and a tank top and nothing else. "I'm gonna respect you not turning on your cam or mic, but damn, I wish I could see you." He laughed a little at how weird that sounded. "You're making me think you're someone famous."
Mason grinned. Jules' voice was soothing and light enough to severely tone down the dangerous words coming out of her mouth, the fact that she had casually— jokingly— guessed who he was. Sort of.
Elias: aw!! youre blushing! thats a blush!! youre cute
Elias: you're gonna make me blush. are u really that desperate to see me?
Elias: im sure u wish i was some1 famous
Jules laughed again. "Asshole. Maybe I do, you could get me a record deal or some shit. I don't sing much but my sister sure as hell can and I can harmonize okay." He plucked a string. "Also I'm not desperate. Just curious."
Elias: i would in a heartbeat
Elias: SING
Elias: you gotta sing
Elias: oh im sure its a burning curiosity
Jules blushed again, but obliged. He started singing a Nosam song. He blushed through it, then coughed a little. "I'm really not that good. Better with other people."
Mason smiled wide when Jules started singing. It was similar to Chris' range— which was really good. And her voice was different. Or maybe he was just... crushing extremely hard on her.
Elias: you're a solid Chris! and better than you think!
Elias: your voice is super smooth but it also has a nice rough edge to it and its fucking rad
Elias: you're a 1000% band material all the way, jules, I swear
Jules laughed nervously, grinning. "You're biased. Definitely just saying it." He shrugged a little. "Ugh. An hour 'til I go stand in line all day for good views."
Elias: youre good!
Elias: it'll be worth it
Elias: I hope youre at the front of the stage
Elias: ha! is that what ur gonna wear? what are those, boxers?
Elias: they are!
"Hell no!" Jules laughed. "It's way too fuckin' cold for that. And yes. They are boxers— Spongebob ones to be specific." He set his bass on the bed next to him and leaned up on his knees, so Elias could see. "I should probably get dressed actually. Turning off my camera for a minute." He turned it off and started to get dressed, keeping the mic on.
Elias: FUCK
Elias: wow u have killer thighs
Elias: now im left to imagine
Jules stopped for a second to read the messages. "Twins! And boo for you. The thighs and ass are the result of a lifetime of hockey, my friend." Jules shrugged on a flannel and started buttoning it over his tank top. "I've got a killer ass too."
Mason bit his lip at that, significantly affected by imagining Jules' killer ass.
Elias: thank fuck for hockey
Elias: oh, I believe it
Elias: i have a lacrosse bod
Mason froze after he sent it. Sure, it was in hidden corners of the internet, but it was a little-known fact he played lacrosse in high school.
Jules grinned. "Lacrosse, huh? No wonder you like Mason. He was a lacrosse player."
Elias: oh yeah? bet he wasnt as good as me
Jules pressed the camera button again after he had his jeans on, stepping back as he buttoned them. "Better? Warmer." He grinned, turning in front of the camera. He was wearing a too big flannel since he couldn't wear his binder, and ripped black jeans. "With boots. It's kinda too pop punk for Nosam but y'know."
Mason swallowed as he fixated on Jules' ass. He blushed at the screen and looked up at the bottom of the top bunk. This was ridiculous.
Elias: hotter, definitely, yes
Elias: Pop punk is rad
Elias: and you rock it
Jules sat down again and grinned. "Thanks, man." He pulled the hair tie out of his hair and started to fix it, pulling half back again. "How are Nosam concerts? I mean, I've seen videos, but I haven't ever thought about asking about like... the fans? How did people act?"
Elias: lots of hype. really loud. lots of glitter, merch, posters. as u know, nosam fans are dedicated. altho some people won't even know who they are and pretend they know the songs, which is hilarious. lots of shirtless ppl after T-Shirt Song. might be some shoving around so be careful. theres some younger teenage fans too, they might get a bit much but theyre definitely passionate. older fans are adorable
Jules took a second to read it, playing with a pillow in his lap. "Sounds fun. I— nah, I'll just take off the tank when T-Shirt Song is played. Fuck, I'm so excited. That just made me even more excited. Fuck!"
Mason grinned as he watched Jules get gradually more restless in excitement.
Elias: youre adorable
Elias: hey are u in a relationship? i cant imagine not
Jules was still shifting around a little when he rolled his eyes, plucking a string out of the pillow. He looked up at the other message sound, blushing again. "Damn, you like making me blush. No, I'm not. Haven't been in many, either, if you're gonna ask that next."
Mason pursed his lips, silencing an excited yell. He fist-pumped quietly.
Elias: you're really cute when you blush
Elias: and you're
Elias: into guys?
Jules blushed more, rolling his eyes again. He was silent for a second as he struggled to force the words out. "Yeah. I'm bi, if that helps." He focused his gaze on the pillow again, smiling a little. Elias definitely was interested. "You're more flirty than usual right now."
Elias: can't help it looking at you
Elias: i just think you're really cool
Elias: hot, too
Elias: gotta include both ends of the temperature spectrum
Jules snorted. "I think you're really cool yourself. And probably hot as hell. Can't see your face though, so I'm relying on the idea that you're not some sixty year old mouth breather flirting with me through the internet, like my parents warned me about. And if you are, you're rich, so be my sugar daddy, please and thank you."
Elias: it means shit, i know, but i swear im not 60. ur right, im definitely hot. and young. v muscular. probably the guy of ur dreams. and i would happily be your sugar daddy, baby
Jules blushed, unable to hide his grin. He blew a kiss at the camera, laughing. Being called baby had definitely felt... weird. Maybe it was the nerves. "Thanks, daddy," he teased, blushing harder when he said it. God, his face was going to be the color of an apple soon.
Mason's eyes widened at that, and he cursed himself for actually not minding being called daddy. But, hey, if it works, it works.
Elias: oh, you're into that? ;)
Elias: record for blushing goes to Jules!
Jules huffed. "Asshole. Shut up." He wanted to hide his face in the pillow, but that would get glitter everywhere. "Fuck. I should go soon."
Elias: pretty sure you like when im an asshole
Mason frowned as their alarms rang at that moment. Andrew whined loudly as he dropped himself to the floor from the top bunk. He snorted. Nice timing, Jules.
Elias: :(
Elias: you should i guess :(
Elias: its gonna be good!!
Jules sighed. As much as he loved and adored Nosam... He didn't want to go. He wanted to keep talking to Elias. "I'll message from my phone when I get there, though! And I'll take lots of pictures and videos for the site. My sister is coming with me, too, I'm so excited." He grinned, his excitement returning. "I'll talk to you later, Elías! Have a good day!"
Elias: you better
Elias: i might not answer for a bit tho ill be p busy today
Elias: talk to you later! have a good day, jules x
Mason sighed as he left Jules' room, but grinned as he thought about seeing her in the crowd. It was gonna be awesome.
Hours later, the place was packed and Mason urged the guys along, getting hyped by all the noise. "Guys, c'mon! Let's say hi to some people."
Once they reached the lines, Mason grinned, touching hands and greeting people from the other side of the cord.
"Dude! You look hardcore!" he gasped as he saw a guy with glitter, lipstick, fishnets, and a ripped Nosam tank. A fucking killer concert outfit. God, he loved fans. The guy's eyes widened, and he grinned wide as Mason gave his hand a squeeze. He scanned the crowds, looking for Jules. She had to be there somewhere.
Andrew came up behind him, muttering in his ear. "You're fucking whipped before even meeting her."
Mason smacked his back and flipped Andrew's hood up over his face to annoy him. Andrew flipped him off as he pushed it back down.
Jules stood in line with Rosaline, bouncing a little as he messaged Elías.
familyjules: in line! we're way at the front but some assholes camped overnight and froze their asses off so they deserve being here first
"Oh my God, oh my God, Jules— Jullian! Look up, holy shit, they're right there," Rosaline said, yanking at Jules' arm. He looked up, gasping a little and bouncing even more.
"Holy fuck, that's them, in person, holy fuck— Fuck, look at Austin, he's so hot- And Chris looks so good—" Jules breathed, grinning.
Andrew blinked, impressed as he noticed a girl wearing a dress that... was made of Nosam shirts? Shit. And next to her was— Andrew stopped, almost barreling into a fan, who did not seem to mind very much. According to the few pictures of Jules that Mason had shown him, the person next to that girl was either Jules or a convincing look-alike. Andrew looked to Mason, who was scanning in the opposite direction, and rolled his eyes. He elbowed Mason, "Dude, check out that dress."
Mason whipped his head in the direction Andrew was pointing, and his jaw dropped. It was a cool dress— very cool— but holy shit, it was Jules. Fuck. He started to move behind Andrew until he remembered Jules didn't know it was him. Right. Duh. His heart beat unnaturally loud in his ears as he stepped towards them. What if he was wrong and he wanted it to be Jules so badly that he'd convinced himself that's who he was looking at? Maybe Jules didn't even exist. No person could look that good.
They were coming their way. "Holy fuck and they're looking right at us aren't they? It's the glitter and your Nosam dress, you funky little designer!" Jules breathed it all, grinning wide and shaking Rosaline's shoulders.
Mason pulled Andrew along with him and puffed out a breath as he walked towards them, smiling, looking to the girl beside Jules, eyeing her dress in awe. "Hey, guys! You both look amazing. I think this is the most impressive gig outfit I've ever seen. How long did it take you to make that?"
Rosaline grinned, shrugging off her jacket so they could see it all. "Around twelve hours. It was hard as hell to put all of it together and cut the shirts. Totally worth it, though!"
Jules grinned, taking her hand and twirling her. "And the bottom is rainbow and glitter cause she's definitely not gay but an ally and as campy as a drag queen." Jules laughed a little, meeting Mason's eyes, then Andrew's. Mason's breath caught.
"Shut up, Jules," Rosaline said, shoving Jules jokingly. He lifted his hands by his shoulders.
Mason smiled happily as the smallest sliver of doubt dissipated when she said Jules. "I'm impressed. Really impressed. Right, Drew?"
Andrew had been distracted by another fan he was taking a picture with, but he turned, glancing at Jules and Rosaline a little awkwardly and nodding, smiling a bit.
Mason laughed at her words and at her sister shoving her. He took a couple of meet-and-greet passes from his pocket and offered them, grinning. "That dress is the best thing I've seen all tour, so I hope I'll see you at the meet and greet."
Jules's jaw dropped. "Holy fuck, no way!" He laughed, looking up at Mason in shock. "You're kidding me, right? Meet and greets?" He grinned, taking one when Rosaline took the other, too shocked to speak.
"Yes way!" Mason grinned wide at them.
"Holy fuck, you funky little designer!" Jules said, latching onto Rosaline and lifting her the way he always did to annoy her. "I knew that dress was good luck. You didn't fuckin' nick your finger once while making it."
He turned back to Mason after putting her down when she threatened to punch him, grinning still. "Thank you. Holy fuck, thank you. Y— We'll definitely be there. It's not like we have anything better to do than meet you guys."
Mason's cheeks hurt from smiling as Jules laughed and lifted the girl. "Don't sweat it. Completely understandable if you find something better to do. Although, I don't know what people in Michigan do. Skate on Lake Mich? Hockey?" he teased. "Just give them to someone else so they don't go to waste. Although I'll be bummed if I don't see you there," he said, meeting Jules' eyes for a second.
Jules froze a little at the hockey comment, blinking and forcing himself to breathe. He suddenly felt a lot colder than he was. Tugging his jacket tighter around him, he forced a smile and nodded. "Don't worry. We'll be there." He felt himself shaking a little and found it kind of hard to breathe. His hand found Rosaline's after a second.
"We'll definitely be there," Rosaline said, grinning at Mason. She squeezed Jules's hand, knowing exactly what was going on. It had happened before. She took the pass from Jules and stuffed it in her bag with her own, one hand still in Jules'.
Mason's smile disappeared for a moment at Jules' reaction. Oh, fuck. Did he say something wrong? He grinned again, turning to Jules' sister. "So, I hope you don't mind, but I just need a picture with you...?" he trailed off, hoping for a name.
"Rosaline," she said, grinning.
"Beautiful name," Mason smiled. Jules' twin sister seemed extremely cool.
"I—" Rosaline looked back at Jules, who nodded and let go of her hand. "Okay. Jules, do you wanna take it?"
Jules looked for a second, then nodded, taking out his phone. He still had the convo with Elías open. That gave him an idea. "Uh— this is kind of a weird question, but could you message my friend too after the picture? He'll lose his shit if he knows I met you." He grinned again at the thought of Elías's reaction.
Mason watched Jules fiddle around with the camera. He was maybe freaking out a little. He definitely said something wrong. Was it the flirting? Or did he offend her with the hockey jab?
His eyebrows rose in surprise as Jules mentioned her friend, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Of course."
Jules lifted his phone after opening the camera, taking a picture of Mason and Rosaline together. "Oh— oh, do you need it on your phone? Is it for security or something?"
"Uh, yeah," Mason took out his phone. "Actually, you should get in this too," he motioned for both of them to take a selfie with him and made a silly face, and then took another one with a smile.
Jules blushed a little at the way Mason looked at him. He stood behind Rosaline, crossing his eyes and opening his mouth, then simply grinning.
He handed his phone over to Mason afterward, then explained a little bit where the text was and everything. "Oh, his name is Elías. Accent on the 'I'. Please, for the love of all things holy, mention the username and embarrass the shit out of him. He deserves it for that."
"Gotcha," Mason took the phone carefully, wanting to laugh at how ridiculous this situation was. God, how was this gonna end? He pushed the thought aside and managed to laugh at the username.
familyjules: hey Elías! its nosam's Mason! i met your friend Jules today, im flattered you wanna fuck me, maybe we can meet up sometime? ;) x
He smiled in amusement as he showed Jules the message. "How's that?"
Jules took back the phone and grinned. "Perfect." He looked up and met Mason's eyes again. His smile was better, just still a bit forced. "Thank you. You're awesome."
"Anytime, Jules," he gave her a silly, lopsided grin eyes bright. "It was awesome to meet you guys."
He saw Austin walking by and waved him over, hopping a little. "Hey, Austin, check out this rad dress and these rad people."
Austin smiled over at them, although he was surrounded by people. "Very rad dress! Thanks for coming, guys," he gave them a thumbs up.
Jules froze again when Austin came over, for a completely different reason. He grinned, unable to speak.
Rosaline snapped in front of his face. "I— God, sorry. Jules is a mess right now." She elbowed him, but he was just staring at Austin. "Thank you for coming all the way up here. It's the only reason we could come. We tried to go to Detroit once, but our parents wouldn't let us go that far alone in just one day and night." She grinned at Austin.
"Y— You're Austin," Jules breathed.
"No problem," Austin smiled, "That's me. Jules, yeah? Would it be okay if I hugged you?" he glanced at Mason for a split second. Mason glared at him for the same amount of time. Asshole.
Austin's smile grew.
Jules nodded enthusiastically, holding up his arms and hugging Austin tight. Holy fuck, he was hugging Austin Salinas. And Mason Hill was right there. And he'd meet Chris later, and Andrew had smiled at him. This was the best day of his life. He closed his eyes and buried his face against Austin's shoulder, then realized that was weird and he was hugging too long and pulled away.
Austin grinned, laughing and hugging Jules just as tight for a second longer. "You're a good hugger."
Jules laughed. "So are you," he said after they pulled away.
That was an unnecessarily long hug.
Mason pouted, glancing at Rosaline. "Now I want a hug. Rosaline?" he grinned, holding out his arms.
Rosaline hugged him, grinning. She hugged him just a bit too long too, wishing she could have hugged Andrew but beyond happy to hug Mason.
Jules paused for a second, then hugged Mason, face against his chest. "Thank you."
Mason was surprised at the hug, frozen in place for a second before taking a deep breath and relaxing into it. He wrapped his arms around Jules and smiled contentedly. This is what a hug is, fuck every other one I've ever had.
Jules was a little too relaxed into the hug. It felt right for some reason. While Austin's hug was awesome, Mason's was warm and soft and felt incredible. Jules didn't want to let go.
Mason hugged Jules as long as he could without it being weird, and then let her go. "Alright, we should go set up. See you guys later!" he smiled. Austin said goodbye, giving Mason a mocking look, sighing wistfully at him.
"Shut up, Austin," Mason shoved at him, hands on his shoulders as they walked away.
"I didn't speak, Mason," Austin grinned, "She's really cute. I get why you've been annoying the shit out of us this whole time."
"Don't you have a girlfriend already, Sally?"
Jules smiled at them as they left, waving, then turned to Rosaline, tears in his eyes. "We just— Holy fuck, we just met Nosam and got meet and greet passes, Rosa."
Mason loved performing. He'd happily do it for the rest of his life, and that was the plan. He was addicted to the roar of the crowd, to the sound of thousands of people singing along with him, to their songs. It was always surreal, always like being in another world. It was a high. But this concert, he had been especially happy that he could see Jules at the front of the crowd the whole time, just as excited as everyone else was. Jules' proximity was especially wonderful after T-Shirt Song, because fuck, was Jules even hotter without a shirt. Who needed shirts? Nobody. That's what T-Shirt Song was all about (not really, but roll with it).
After the concert, Jules had a newfound love for Mason Hill. He'd loved him before, but not like this. On stage, he was hilarious and bounced around and was so theatrical... it was exactly how Jules wanted to be on stage. He demanded a presence, and made sure he got what he wanted. There was no doubt in anything he did, even if he did make a fool of himself at times and absolutely roasted himself. It was astounding. Mason had delivered everything Jules had hoped for and then some.
At Mason's insistence that everyone in the crowd had to, Jules had stripped off his shirt during T-Shirt Song, then threw it on stage after. Mason had made eye contact with him... a lot, actually, after that, especially during flirty songs. It was like he wanted to fuck or something, and Jules had informed Elías of this. But Elías wasn't replying, which made sense, since he'd said he'd be busy, but it made Jules a little sad.
They were in the back of the line for the meet-and-greet, sadly, but would definitely get to see them because of the passes. Jules wiped some glitter off his forehead while they waited, closer to the front now that the event was almost over, humming to himself. He was sweating after all the moving around, so he was just wearing a bra and his open flannel, bouncing on the balls of his feet next to an exhausted Rosaline. His throat hurt, and it was the best experience of his life. Rosa's throat hurt, and it was the worst experience of her life.
"Wimp," he teased, grinning at her. He coughed a little. "Oh. We're up."
When they were reaching the end of the meet & greet line, Mason grinned as he saw Jules and Rosaline. All of Nosam was shirtless, even Chris, who was rocking scars from his top surgery, still looking fairly pink after over a year. It was incredible how it had gone from cold as hell to hot as shit with all the moving around.
"Hey, Jules! Rosaline!" Mason shouted, waving them forward when the twins had gotten to the front of the meet & greet line.
"Good to see you guys again," Austin smiled at them as he ran his hand through sweaty, wavy hair and pushed his glasses up.
Andrew shot them an awkward smile through the Twizzler in his mouth. His hair was sticking to his forehead as he saluted the pair.
"How're you guys doing? You weren't kidding, that dress is wonderful," Chris stared at the dress, leaning against the table to get a closer look at the detail.
Jules grinned, dragging a tired and stunned Rosaline with him. He still had some post-concert adrenaline rushing through his veins.
"That was the best concert of my life," Jules said. "You guys are fucking awesome up there. Better than the videos I've seen online."
"Glad we made such a lasting impression," Mason teased, smirking at Jules.
"The best concert of my life was probably All Time Low," Austin muttered absentmindedly, yawning. Andrew snorted as he stuck a Twizzler in his open mouth. Austin choked on it, yanking it out of his mouth and tossing it back at him. Andrew laughed, catching it and putting it in his mouth.
Rosaline coughed before she spoke. "Thank you about the dress. And for the passes. This is amazing."
"Thank you!" Chris grinned big, "It was a long time coming. Was definitely a weight off my chest." He winked and finger-gunned them. "You're the amazing ones."
Jules laughed softly, then took a deep breath and looked at Chris. "I— Uh— Can I get a picture? Please?"
"Hell yeah," Chris got up and put an arm around Jules' shoulder for the picture, smiling.
Rosa did the same with Andrew, a little nervous. "Can—" She stopped for a second, taking a deep breath, then smiled sheepishly. "Can I get a picture with you, Andrew?"
"Yeah," Andrew replied, almost inaudible. He immediately got up, taking a picture with her and hugging her.
Rosaline hugged Andrew back happily, on the verge of tears. This was the best day of her life. He spoke to her. He actually spoke to her.
After they got their pictures, Jules grinned at Mason. "And can I get another picture with you? I don't have one on my phone of us, and no one will ever believe me if I don't get one." He handed his phone off to Rosaline, who took it gladly. "Also— Uh— Could you kiss my cheek? I've seen a lot of those online—"
Mason grinned happily as he took the pic with Jules, hand on her back. He smiled, laughing warmly when she asked for a cheek kiss. He kissed her cheek, pausing a moment with his lips on her face for the picture. He hugged her again afterwards, almost picking her up off the ground.
Jules grinned, hugging him back. He squeezed tight, then thanked Mason and took a picture with Austin.
After a few more minutes of awkward conversation about the concert and Rosaline's dress, it was announced that the meet & greet was over and they had to go. Jules pouted a little, but said bye, waving. He turned around only after a few backward steps, trying to come to terms with the fact that he'd just met Nosam twice in one day.
Mason watched Jules walk away, biting his lip and slowly leaning back in his chair, sighing in abject sadness. He was sad, and he was staring at Jules' ass, and he was thinking that it was completely unfair that even though, yes, he finally got to meet Jules, it was for such a short amount of time, and she didn't even know who he was. And, yeah, maybe he had also been staring at her ass the whole time she was walking away.
Austin thumped him on the head. "I can practically hear your thoughts right now and they're gross, Mason."
Mason only smirked.
When Mason had finally showered and eaten, he fell onto his bed. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about Jules. Which wasn't exactly new, honestly, but now it was like, multiplied times a thousand. He eagerly took out his phone.
masonfucker1000: holy shit !!! holy shit
masonfucker1000: i got a message from mason hill. you met him!
There was a knot forming in his stomach as he sent the message. The concert had affected this whole situation way too much. Mason had been stuck. It was a catch-22. He had to see Jules, but now that he'd met her everything was suddenly real, and horrifying and he was even more aware of how he was sort of catfishing, but like, next-level celebrity catfishing (that should totally be a show). And if he hadn't met her, he'd still be suffering dramatically and daydreaming about it, but at least it would have been simpler and he would have been ignorant.
Jules had passed out as soon as he got home, but woke up to messages from Elías. He grinned, rolling over in bed and rubbing at his eyes.
familyjules: FUCK YES I DID hold on i'll post the pics in the concert thread
Seven Photo Attachments
masonfucker1000: YOU GOT A CHEEK KISS? that is one hot man. and by that i mean mason. mason is one hot man. tell me the truth. who was the better hugger?
familyjules: okay look you know i love austin but mason's hug was so warm and soft i loved it. i made him hug me to compare for you and i preferred his (but don't tell austin i'm betraying him)
Mason kicked his legs, hollering. "In your face, Austin! I'm the better hugger!"
Austin rolled his eyes. "Jules is biased and doesn't even know it."
masonfucker1000: fuck yeah!!!! mason is the superior hugger! dude did u say earlier that he looked like he wanted to fuck
Mason could not fucking believe he had no self-control. She noticed that he was staring like a fucking idiot.
familyjules: yes i did he kept staring at me and he was singing all the flirty songs and looking directly at me and even kissed my hand once during one of them. i was shook. he's a flirt i knew that but it felt different. like he was trying to woo me
masonfucker1000: uhhhhh lucky bastard!!!!! you got a hand kiss and a cheek kiss! 2 hugs! lemme know when u guys fuck!!
Mason yawned, grinning as he posted the pictures with Jules and Rosaline on his Instagram. He cropped the one with him and Jules sticking out their tongues and made it his background, blushing as he stared at it.
Jules laughed again, yawning. He really wanted some more sleep.
familyjules: shut up that's not gonna happen and even if it did it would require us meeting again. i did find a new love for mason hill tonight, tho i'm not gonna nut for him all over the internet like you!
familyjules: i'm gonna get some more sleep, btw. my legs feel like they're jello
masonfucker1000: lies!!! youre definitely gonna nut for him!
masonfucker1000: aw, get some more sleep, darling jules! x
Jules smiled at the message, even though there was something a little weird about it.
familyjules: have a good day, darling elías 💙
Mason wanted to be happy about the message and the heart, but she'd called him Elias. He sighed, putting his phone aside and shutting his eyes in an attempt to sleep and not think about it, even though he suspected it wouldn't work.
0 notes
farnesca · 7 years
How do you think Farnese and Casca's relationship would develop after Casca is healed based on the current point in the manga? I wonder if Casca would keep her memories of her current state? I'd love to hear your thoughts ^o^
Oh boy, what a good question!  I, personally, will be Fucking Pissed if Casca doesn’t remember her experiences post-Eclipse and pre-healing.  That would just be way too much of an easy out.  The Eclipse was obviously the Pinnacle Of Trauma or whatever, but Casca’s been through so, so much since then.  I’m working on the assumption that she does remember given the number of phallic monsters compared to the number of times men have tried assaulting her post-Eclipse.  That and tiny Casca - imagery from these dream chapters has made it pretty apparent that tiny Casca represents Casca’s heart, and tiny Casca’s been there the whole time.  She’s just been quiiite weak.  There’s also the chapter where Casca kills a couple men even in her regressed state pretty early on, which showed that Casca is Still In There, Somewhere.  Of course this could just be my “wishful” (praying for some decent writing) thinking, but, hey.  Fingers crossed.  I’m hopeful.
This is going to be long, so here’s a cut.  This kind of ended up being a Casca post-healing character development answer more than anything, but there’s plenty of Farnesca conceptualizing in it.  ;D
I’d really like to see a rough transition.  Not that I want more Casca suffering time, it’s probably going to kill me, but for the sake of some spicy realism.  Sure, they can go in there and piece Casca back together again after all this trauma, but they can’t just Erase the fact that she’s still been through it?  She should still have to come to cope with it all.  Her experiences are what’s being shown to Build Her Character.  Her experiences are currently literally shaping and changing her.  The Eclipse is going to be one hell of a puzzle piece to adjust herself to.  If that final piece is successfully obtained (which @Miura It Best Be), I want Casca to wake up really solemn and downcast.  She doesn’t talk to anyone for a long while, and if she does, it’s short questions in a quiet, rough voice.  She only asks Schierke, at first.  She almost brushes Farnese off, which Farnese is like, a bit hurt by.  She keeps trying to help Casca with things, just on instinct, but every time she finds a sharp pair of eyes that should be so familiar but suddenly they’re not, locked with hers.  She quickly remembers the new situation and leaves Casca to whatever she’s doing.  She gets SO sad about it.  Caring for Casca is the one thing that’s forced her along to become stronger, and it had become a second nature, and now it was ripped out from under her.  She feels kinda lost.
I imagine Casca to be eating soup dinner with Schierke + Farnese + perhaps some fae folk when the boys roll in.  Casca’s eyes lock on Guts.  Guts’ one locks on her.  There’s a beat.
“Casca,” and Guts takes a step forward.  “Cas-”
Casca absolutely beams him with her soup bowl. 
Scheirke ends up in a little tizzy and tells him maybe he should keep his distance for a while yet, she’s still got a lot of settling to do- cue emo Guts time.  He understands, tho, sadly.  They eat dinner from opposite sides of the I’m assuming fire.  
It’s incredibly quiet and tense.  The fae folk, sensing the Mood, have kind of given them their space.  Guts is always looking at Casca, Casca’s on her defensive looking at Guts the entire time, Farnese keeps looking between them, like, “huh.  Unexpected and interesting”.  After Casca’s eaten, Schierke offers that she could have a bath, and they could try to find her some better clothes for her in the meantime.  “That would be nice,” Casca says, still all quiet, but Guts can hear it over the fire and basically internally nuts because holy shit he hasn’t heard her talk in FOREVER.  Schierke gets up and Casca goes to follow, but she pauses.  
“Farnese, would you help me with my hair?”
and that’s when Farnese falls in love.
Thanks for reading my one-off fanfic blurb I hope u enjoyed
No but like, imagine her surprise?  The expression on her face?  Her flustered “s-sure, of course!” It’d be so cute.  Farnese has been dealing with a free-spirit runaround version of Casca for quite a long time now, and it’s going to be Really weird for her to interact with her on a person-to-person level and basis.  It’s so awkward for the both of them- “We’ve both seen each other naked a ton of times, but only just now is it actually a reality we have to deal with” type shit.  “We’re best friends but also know very little about each other actually as people actually, only small weird habits.” It’s hilarious but oh so painful.  Farnese helps Casca wash her hair.  Casca instructs Farnese on how she’d like it cut - very short, “like it used to be.”  Like Farnese has never seen it before.  Bonding moment.
Casca has many soft moments with Farnese after her healing (Farnese helps Casca get acclimated again, Farnese fills Casca in on some things to help her better understand all the shit they’ve been thru, they tell each other about their lives, Farnese petitions Serpico to help Casca in her training b/c she wants to get back in shape, in the long-term Casca teaches Farnese about the sword and takes her turn protecting Farnese which is beautiful and gay) but hard ones with Guts.
I want Casca to be SO mad at Guts.  She does have a moment where she has a heart-to-heart with him, but it’s short.  She Understands. She’s Thankful.  She’s also Fucking Pissed, and she needs space to sort that out.  She needs space to sort a LOT out.  When she’s ready to come back and regard Guts as a friend and kick ass, it’ll be with a smile and a readied sword.
Please @Miura, I need Casca to recognize how women have been the ones to take good care of her in her time of need.  Erica, Luca and her girls (Nina kind of sucked but whatever), and Farnese have been her Best caretakers in her regressed state - treated her like a person, greatly concerned with her wellbeing and protecting her, didn’t tie her up and drag her around when she was difficult, etc.  Before her regression the only girl we saw her actually interact with was Charlotte, crybaby gf of the dude she loved for years that never loved her.  The only other scene was with all the adoring girls at that little parade thing and Casca was so cute and flustered.  Suddenly when Casca comes to she’s smacked in the face with how all these women she didn’t even KNOW cared for her the best of anyone.  She realizes how she’s just been a pawn and a plaything for all these men she’s crossed paths with.  Casca realizes this and has an inner lesbian revolution, thanks.  
Thanks so much for sending an ask!!!  I think I’ve gone on long enough.  I have ideas for the whole, “her wish may be different than yours” forewarning bullshit that I almost broke into, but I think that’s for a different time in a different place.
Reminder to anyone that made it this far that my inbox is always open~
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ase-trollplays · 7 years
-- euphoniousElite [EE] began messaging tapeFace [TF] --
-- euphoniousElite [EE] began messaging tapeFace [TF] --
EE: Evening cap✝ain ;)
TF: Sup, my new dude? B)
EE: No✝hin' much, jus✝ ✝hough✝ I'd ✝ry my hand a✝ ✝his whole MAKING NEW FRIENDS ✝hing or wha✝ever
EE: ✝here's some✝hing poe✝ically s✝range abou✝ ✝he username ✝apeFace so
TF: ∩(▰˘◡˘▰)∩ It's like a song, short and sweet
TF: My name's (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~*Cacoph*~✧』
TF: ★~(◡ω◕✿) What's your name, friendo?
EE: Lu! You can call me Lu.
TF: (⌐■ω■)b noice
TF: So how's life treating you, Lu? ( ˘▽˘)っ
EE: Well if I'm hones✝, could be a lo✝ be✝✝er :S Bu✝ ✝here's no sense in dwelling on ✝he nega✝ive!
EE: Hand I've been deal✝ as of la✝e is ✝he shi✝✝ies✝ I've had in a long ✝ime.
TF: Damn, that super sucks. (✿◕︿◕)つ
TF: ✺◟( • ω • )◞✺ I hope everything works out!
EE: I'm sure i✝ will in ✝he end. Long s✝ory shor✝, my ma✝e up and wen✝ missing and is probably dead. I ✝hink I'm coming ✝o ✝erms wi✝h i✝ ✝hough.
EE: I've made a lo✝ of new friends la✝ely, so ✝hey're all helping me adjus✝.
EE: I'm in a new place ✝oo..
TF: Oh shit, that -super- sucks. (╯︵╰,) I'm real sorry to hear that, though it's good you have friends to help you cope and move on. (´。• ᵕ •。`)
EE: Hell yeah! Cuz like wi✝hou✝ friends, wha✝'s life even for?
TF: I hear you. (´∩`。) Even the sickest pranks and hilarious jokes mean nothing if you've got no one to share the fun with.
EE: ✝hen you're jus✝ laughing by yourself... ✝ha✝'s never fun.
EE: Jus✝ kinda sad.
TF: The saddest I can imagine. 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。
EE: Wha✝ abou✝ you? How's life?
TF: Pretty good. Trying to figure out what to do with my lusus. (๑_๑)
TF: I'm getting some kinda gross chest cold, and I don't want to hurt him coughing and make his third head deaf.
EE: Oh shi✝, you would deafen him? ✝ha✝'s nu✝s!
TF: Yeah, it's not great. My handle is kinda literal. I have vocal psionics that make my voice literally painful. 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 At my loudest, I could probably pop someone's head.
TF: So to avoid accidents, I tape my mouth shut. ✧・゚:*✧・゚:*\(◕ヮ◕)/ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
EE: Alrigh✝ ✝ha✝'s less cool, bu✝ we all do wha✝ we go✝✝a do, huh.
EE: As a boring ass seadweller wi✝h no cool powers, I'm always fascina✝ed hearing abou✝ ✝hem.
TF: I'd rather have no powers than what I got stuck with. (◕﹏◕✿) It gets annoying sometimes when you can't talk. I can't even whisper.
TF: It gives people tinnitis after a while
EE: I be✝ i✝ would be real rough on me ✝hen. Go✝ super sensi✝ive hearing.
TF: oh god (⊙∩⊙) das no good
EE: I✝ comes in handy more of✝en ✝han no✝! Bu✝ some✝imes ✝hings can ge✝ overwhelming.
EE: I imagine i✝'s only worse for my sis✝er :P She's blind, so hearing is basically ✝he way she func✝ions. Her's is more sensi✝ive ✝han mine
TF: Oh man, that sounds awful
EE: Yeah probably.
TF: wait
TF: Sister? (≖︿≖✿)
TF: You actually met one of your ancestor's other descendants??
TF: Or do you mean sister in a figurative way
EE: Aaaaaahhh i✝'s kind of a long s✝ory? Or maybe no✝ really a long one, bu✝ hard ✝o believe
EE: Video game levels of weird.
TF: Lay it on me. ᕙ( •̀ ︿•́ )ᕗ I can take it
EE: OKAY. Well! I'm no✝ from ✝his ✝imeline. My ma✝e and I did a lo✝ of ✝ime ✝ravel and universe hopping, bu✝ one of our experimen✝s wen✝ awry and he wen✝ missing. I ✝ried ✝o recrea✝e ✝he experimen✝ bu✝ i✝ brough✝ me here. My sis✝er and I are ac✝ually ✝he same person, only I'm from ano✝her ✝imeline.
TF: (⊙O⊙)!!!
TF: Oh snap I'm friends with a time traveling universe hopper!
EE: ✝his nigh✝ jus✝ keeps ge✝✝ing cooler, huh.
TF: Heck yeah! I gotta tell my boi about this!
TF: Or will that cause some kinda horrible time paradox (⊙︿⊙) Like in the sci-fi movies
EE: Nah, should be fine. I ✝hink.
EE: I already me✝ ✝he me from ✝his ✝imeline, I ✝hink if some✝hing weird was gonna happen, i✝'d have happened.
TF: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~*SWEET*~✧』
TF: Also
TF: I can't believe multiverse theory was right (⊙o⊙)
EE: I know, i✝'s crazy!
TF: I wonder what alternate me is like (≖︿≖✿) I hope he didn't go the angst route after his psionics activated
TF: Or get his vocal cords removed or something (ノ◕△◕)ノ
TF: I dunno if they exist where you came from, but if you ever meet a dude named Floren Eresta
TF: R U N . (⊙∩⊙)
EE: Oh shi✝ D:
EE: I ✝ake i✝ ✝his person is bad news?
TF: Apparently dude kidnaps and tortures.
TF: Or used to, I guess? Apparently they're trying to stop being terrible, but I dunno if it'll stick. (≖︿≖)
EE: Holy shi✝.
EE: Any idea wha✝ ✝hey look like?
TF: ngl They're hella pretty. (⁄ ⁄• ⁄ ⁄_ ⁄ ⁄•⁄ ⁄)
TF: They're a seadweller with robot legs and frilly stripy fins and long flowy curlish hair and glasses
TF: Their horns also kinda curl forward and have this random spike on the side
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