#dylan is my favourite
I’ve made this edit for my TikTok but I thought I’d post it here first.
It’s basically an edit showing the fan favourites and the characters that are often treated a little unfairly in comparison.
Also just to clarify I put Laura in the “everybody lied to you” bit because I feel that she gets a lot of unfair hate for getting in the way of a ship which she doesn’t even do tbh. I ship Radioheads too but I love Laura.
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nereevio · 1 month
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Dylan is the only one who can break through Ryan's stern mask, and he helps him to loosen up, forget about his hard life and practice a bit of optimism.
At least for as long as they're with each other..
Since they're often separated, Dylan gifted his favourite hoodie to Ryan, as a reminder that they'd see each other soon again. Gladly Ryan isn't allergic to cat fur, since Schrödinger likes to make sure he's remembered as well :)
(Idk what Schrödinger looks like so I just made this out of it ^^)
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bigbrotherlouis · 8 months
i would love to hear more about mcstrome 🫡
realistically i'm sure it's the age-old story of two kids end up in the same place and become best friends because of proximity and then once they leave being in each others' presence and grow up into adults that friendship fades away but there's still fondness there.
however fictionally? alexa play ribs by lorde
you are fifteen years old. you are fifteen years old and you have been drafted to a new team in a new city in a new country. you are the youngest person on your team and you are probably the best person on your team and you are eight hours from home, granted special exception to be drafted a year early into the OHL and you are proving yourself against boys two, three, four years older than you, but despite it all your team finishes almost dead last. you are rookie of the year.
you are sixteen years old. you are sixteen years old, and the second best player in the draft, the draft that should've been yours but wasn't, is coming to your team. you know him. you meet him in the summer and you're already friends, fast friends, and you've been dreaming about being teammates again. he talks fast and he's fiercely loyal and he keeps up with you on the ice and he reminds you of home. he is not your best friend yet but he will be. he invites you home during the summers and asks if you want to play street hockey with him. you come and you sit on the sidelines, already conscious of the worth of your body enough that you know this is not something you should be participating in. he doesn't care, though, captain of a team, yelling at mitch marner who is an awful goalie and keeps letting in goals, and winning that summer. you go to the beach together, pale and stretched out on the sand, and now you are best friends.
you are seventeen years old. you are seventeen years old and they have just named you the captain of your team. you're wearing the letter with pride but people are talking about you like you're the second coming of hockey jesus. they've been talking about you for a while now, but this feels like more. this feels heavy. you break your hand in a fight in november because you are, after all, still a teenage boy. you sit out and watch as your best friend lights up the ice. he is the best person out there when you're on the bench and it shows in the stats and the points. he can tell you all the stats and the points because he's good at remembering those. he says he can remember every single play he's ever made and honestly? you kind of believe him. the haunting specter of the draft covers your entire year, looming in the corners of your vision, colouring every interaction. you are good, and he is good, and there is no chance of being drafted together, no matter how much you secretly hope. the calendar is a countdown clock towards your end, but you make him promise you will stay best friends because you don't really know what you will do without him.
you are eighteen years old. you are eighteen years old and edmonton has already made your jersey even though the draft hasn't happened yet. the graveyard of first overalls and rumors of a curse after gretzky left. you're the next gretzky and you're the next coming of hockey jesus and the entire city is waiting for your salvation. he goes third. phoenix, which is the literal opposite of edmonton. you hang off of him the entire weekend before, realising that this is the crescendo. you will never be otters together again. there's little chance you'll even be teammates again, so you cling tight even as you're so breathlessly excited for the moment your name get called first. you trip off the stage in a jersey that doesn't quite fit right but has your name on the back, and quietly ask if you can watch this next pick before you go backstage. you twine yourselves in a hug when he follows behind and it feels awfully like a goodbye.
you are eighteen years old. you are eighteen years old and your best friend is drafted number one overall. you always knew he was better. you always knew he was made for more, so it doesn't hurt. you're happy to follow in his footsteps because you are his best friend and nothing will ever change that. besides, third is still a good number. amazing, even. they send you back to erie but you expected that. no one makes it to the show unless they are exceptional or a team is desperate, and edmonton is both. he scores his first nhl point in his third game and you are named captain of the otters. life is good. he breaks his collarbone less than a month in, shattering his rookie dreams. he comes home to you, in erie, because no one else understands him like you do. no one knows how to manage him when he's broken and angry, but you have patience and a lot of love and loyalty. you lie in your big bed and take up most of the mattress, two grown boys in the dark, and you don't kiss him. you could, but you don't.
you are nineteen years old. you are nineteen years old and he is named captain of his nhl team, also at nineteen. he is the youngest captain in history. thirteen days later, you score your first point. a month after that, arizona sends you packing back to erie. this time it hurts. you were doing your best and it wasn't bad and your best friend is captain of the oilers and you are playing with your high school team again. they make you captain for the second year in a row, but it's not the oilers and it's not the coyotes, so does it actually fucking matter? you are determined to prove everyone wrong and so you drag your team to the memorial cup. you win and it feels like a fuck you and it is maybe the best moment of your goddamn life. your phone is quiet. you haven't had any texts from edmonton for months.
you are twenty years old. you are twenty years old and this is finally your goddamn year. except-- you go pointless in two games and arizona decides that's not good enough. you've aged out of the otters so you pack your bag for tuscon instead. you spend your winter bouncing between the nhl and the ahl, sometimes so fast it makes you sick. winter in the desert feels weird, feels barren. you lie on your floor under the a/c and deliberately do not think of the time you almost kissed your ex-best friend. he's your ex-best friend because he's got a new one up there, draisaitl who also went third but the year before you. he can keep up with him, even better than you can, because he's not being bounced up and down. you wonder if draisaitl ever wants to kiss him. you wonder if draisaitl ever has.
you are twenty one years old. you are twenty one years old and you are a draft bust. they've been calling you that for years but now they're right. arizona trades you to chicago for practically nothing, which is embarrassing, but it's alright because you've got an old otter, brinksy, there on your team. you're nothing special, but you're nothing bad either. if only you hadn't touched the hem of hockey jesus as a teenager. if only you hadn't known what greatness tastes like. when you face off against edmonton, he won't meet your eye. he slides out of the centre dot and draisaitl steps in and wins the draw.
you are twenty three years old. you are twenty three years old and you have a girlfriend now, a pretty one, and it's-- good. your team makes it to the weird-ass playoffs in august, because there's a pandemic now, and you get trapped in a hotel in edmonton. your girlfriend tells you that she's pregnant right before you leave, like right before, and you can barely care about anything else. you barely care that he is two floors below you and the last message in your texts was a happy birthday! three years ago. unimaginably, you knock him out of the playoffs on his home ice. in the handshake line, he offers you his palm and his eyes skate over you like you're a stranger.
you are twenty five years old. you are twenty five years old, and on yet another new team. that's good, though, even if he will always be so much better. your fiance asks if she should send an letter to an edmonton address and you hesitate. you are no longer friends anymore. you haven't been for years and years, even if you lie when the press ask. but you loved him, once. you loved him so much that you were part of him and he was part of you, and the teenager on a shared bed in the dark will not let you forget that. you put his name down on an envelope.
you are twenty five years old. you are twenty five years old and a wedding invitation arrives at your front door. you slide your fingernail under the flap and freeze when you see the faces on the front. there's a secret you will never tell anyone, not even on your deathbed, but you think of it now. it takes up so much space in your lungs that you can barely breathe. and it hurts. your girlfriend, who you love very much finds you shredding paper into a wastebasket and asks if everything is alright. you lie. you can't imagine not lying and so she doesn't catch you at it. you tell her that you've always wanted to go to manchester, england. you tell her that you should plan a trip for the summer, and you end up on a plane to a different continent while your ex-best friend is getting married back home.
you are sixteen years old. you are sixteen years old and flat on your back at the beach, listening to the water lap up on shore. beside you, he drops to the ground to stretch out too, his bare arm pressing up against your own. it dawns on you, as consuming and as present as gravity, that you are in love with him. it dawns on you that maybe you always be.
you're the only friend i need / sharing beds like little kids / we'll laugh until our ribs get tough / but that will never be enough
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dramatic-disraeli · 25 days
I drew some 101DS pilot things 💜
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Concept versions of Dalmatians 💜
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Dylan and Dawkins' big bro/lil sis dynamics 💖
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Egh... Poor Dante. And Dylan...
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Dawkins. And. Dawkins? Why not!?) 🧡
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yilinglaozu · 1 year
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Love between Fairy and Devil (2022), dir. Yi Zheng
To me, you are as precious as my life. — (insp.)
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donutdrawsthings · 2 years
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pov: Dylan finally got Ryan's number
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belle-keys · 3 months
Biographical movies and dramas about writers:
Tolkien (2019) - about JRR Tolkien
The Edge of Love (2008) - about Dylan Thomas
Set Fire to the Stars (2014) - about Dylan Thomas
Colette (2018) - about Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette
Wilde (1997) - about Oscar Wilde
The Trials of Oscar Wilde (1960) - about Oscar Wilde
My Salinger Year (2020) - about JD Salinger
Rebel in the Rye (2017) - about JD Salinger
Mary Shelley (2017) - about Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Gothic (1986) - about Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Shakespeare in Love (1998) - about William Shakespeare
Sylvia (2003) - about Sylvia Plath
Dickinson (2019-2021) - about Emily Dickinson
A Quiet Passion (2016) - about Emily Dickinson
Vita & Virginia (2019) - about Virginia Woolf
Becoming Jane (2008) - about Jane Austen
Miss Austen Regrets (2007) - about Jane Austen
Kafka (1991) - about Franz Kafka
Byron (2003) - about Lord Byron
Total Eclipse (1995) - about Paul Verlaine
Capote (2005) - about Truman Capote
Rowing with the Wind (1988) - about the Romantic Poets
Infamous (2006) - about Truman Capote
Quills (2000) - about Marquis de Sade
Neruda (2016) - about Pablo Neruda
Juana Inés (2016) - about Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Daphne (2007) - about Daphne du Maurier
Priest of Love (1981) - about DH Lawrence
Little Ashes (2008) - about Federico Garcia Lorca
Lope (2010) - about Lope de Vega
Howl (2010) - about Allen Ginsberg
The Last Station (2009) - about Leo Tolstoy
Young Goethe in Love (2010) - about Johann Goethe
Tom & Viv (1994) - about T.S. Eliot
Céleste (1980) - about Marcel Proust
Hemingway & Gellhorn (2012) - about Ernest Hemingway
Balzac: A Life of Passion (1999) - about Honore de Balzac
The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) - about Charles Dickens
Shirley (2020) - about Shirley Jackson
Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017) - about Alan Alexander Milne
Heart Beat (1980) - about Jack Kerouac
In the Heart of the Sea (2015) - about Herman Melville
Notes: Not all of the films on this non-exhaustive list are entirely “about” the lives of their respective writers to a tee. I cannot vouch for the accuracy or quality of all of these movies. I’ve only seen about 75% of these films personally. And yes, I know this list is very Westernized – I’m working on it.
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horsegirlhob · 3 months
Riz Gukgak is everything to me
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secondstar-acorn · 7 months
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pierrumin · 1 year
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kafkaguy · 5 months
character wrapped 2023 💥
tagged by @davidtennantpussytulpa ^-^ i didn't know how many to do so i copied tara and did top 10. i know the severance guys are Four Of Them but i can't separate them theyre all equally important to me
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will graham (hannibal), em haywood (nope), aziraphale (good omens), mark & dylan & helly & irving (severance), hawkeye pierce (mash), martha jones (doctor who), ivan karamazov (the brothers karamazov), kim kitsuragi (disco elysium), stewy hosseini (succession), ruescott melshi (andor/rogue one)
i will tag... @fagician @britomart @libraryfag @roadwhores @majorbaby @globuspolski @hadleyfraserfaggot @tenderscience if u want to ^-^
#and now i will explain them all in detail#cos i started watching hannibal back in like. january or february and will immediately set up camp in my head and started to settle there#*I* pay rent to *HIM*. he lives there permanently. sweating and monologuing constantly#em was not only the character of 2022 but also of 2023 and of 2024 and the rest of the decade and all decades to come#she had such an impact on me keke palmer's performance will live with me forever and i love nope so fucking much#i almost didnt include her because nope was more of a last year obsession. but she lives on#aziraphale.........no comment#severance.......i love them all so much and at first i wanted just irving and then just helly and then i realise i cried over mark this week#and then i realised i couldnt possibly leave out dylan when hes probably my favourite character. so then i settled for all of them#hawkeye is my fucking wife. enough said#martha... well i knew i had to have a doctor who character. i thought maybe the doctor but then i thought their companions mean more to me#sometimes at least. i did have a fourteen icon for a while but then i was like but Donna..... and then i thought. well#these past few months at least martha jones has been eating away at my heart. i go batshit insane when i think about her#her impact. her grace. her power. so she had to go on the list.it was a toss up between her and donna for sure though#then i figured i had to include a karamazov since reading that book took up half of my year. and ivan was my favourite of the 3. so <3#kim goes without saying. literally nothing to be said hes the character Of All Time. to me#stewy also goes without saying ive had so many Stewy Save Me moments since the beginning of season 4 all the way to the end of the year#i miss him every day. he is the moment. i wish there was more of him all the time#and the last one is a bit of a wildcard cos all my insanity abt melshi has been on my andor sideblog.#but rest assured ive been thoroughly Not Normal about him. he literally side appears in 4 episodes and has 11 total minutes onscreen#but i love him. so much. and hes occupied most of my thoughts since september. once again his impact his power his grace. his homosexuality#enough said. that's all. thanks for reading. this was a great year for autism and madness#tag game#🍪
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arthurtaylorlester · 11 months
i just want to shout out texas!michael and outlaw!ty for singlehandedly almost saving the timeline and then making it 10x worse and then dying technically because no one knows they even exist to bring them back. like ik realistically they are NEVER coming back but that doesn't stop them from being my favourite woe.begone duo ever
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tallochar · 2 months
Opened up DCUI for the first time in weeks and first thing I saw on the home is goddamn Dylan Dog and it completely brought my brain to a halt.
Goddamn now I have gotta read a comic with the Joker in it, uuuugh
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icequeen-07 · 2 years
Me before doing a playthrough of the Quarry: mm cant wait to see who is gonna be my fav!!! Prolly gonna be another girlboss to add to my little collection of shiny rock girlbosses!
Mfer named Max: 🧍
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yilinglaozu · 2 years
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Love between Fairy and Devil, dir. Yi Zheng (2022)
You’re the leader of the Moon Tribe. You’re carrying the mission of the Moon Tribe. I’m the same. Shuiyuntian is my home. 
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abandonastaroth · 10 months
my all time favourite long stream vod is either when slimecicle, condi and ranboo played the quarry or when Jschlatt played unpacking.
There is something so funny yet calming about both of them
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