#enotional abuse
nothing0fnothing · 1 month
After my sister and I moved out of her house, my mother became a foster parent. She had started the process to begin fostering when we were children but pulled out when she was informed it would mean an increased presence of social services in the home while her and her husband were abusing us. We were moved out now though, and she thought this was the best way to make a buck off of our empty bedrooms.
It was a shit show. I watched from the sidelines as my mother welcomed vulnerable children into her home, love bombed them for a few weeks, then turned cold and distant once she grew bored of them. The older kids were used to it, and moved on quickly enough. The younger ones stayed, and would just spiral into problem behaviours and mental distress to try and elicit some level of care and compassion from her that would never come. She absolutely thrived off of it. She loved that the kids had nobody else and she loved that she had all the power to make them lose their absolute minds. Once she was done with that, they became "too much" for her, she'd have them moved on, expressing to her case workers that she just wasn't prepared for this level of challenge.
I never saw her hit them, but I watched how after the phase of intense care and attention, she'd switch up and exclude and ignore them. What I didn't witness directly, she'd tell me when we'd catch up, as if she was proud of her behaviour.
She'd be dismissive of their wants and needs, she'd roll her eyes or remind them that she had more important things to deal with than them. They'd cry sometimes and she'd leave them in the room alone.
Being only 20, it was like watching my own childhood play out in front of me and it hurt my heart so much. I'd tell her that she was being heartless, that she was hurting people who had already been through enough, that she needed to stop. Eventually, I started encouraging her to stop fostering entirely "this is more effort than it's worth for you." "You've raised your kids there's no reason you should be responsible for raising everyone else's." Literally anything I thought she might take on board so nobody else had to go through what I did.
She doesn't foster anymore. She did for 3 years consistently, but the agency she worked for fired her and she's never told anyone the full truth about why. Too little too late in my opinion, she had too many kids get emotionally fucked up because of her behaviour, but I'm glad she will never get paid to take an already vulnerable kid into her care again.
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twocakesinacup · 6 months
Why do you like Enot x Saint so much? Just wondering what like jump started your fascination
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Its honestly pretty silly how it started for me. I started off with shipping and pairing my slugcats one by one, pretty much falling into the popular ones (ArtiHunter, SpearRivulet, NightcatSurv), but then I got to Saint and thought "Hey wouldn't it be funny if I shipped Saint with Enot as like 'lol they would hate each other.' opposites attract kinda thing."
But then my writer brain kicked in and said "Lets make a huge convoluted and complex lore where they're both spirits of major karma concepts and really flesh out their personalities." I ended up with Enot being this quirky and super sociable type that tends to be overbearing, while Saint is this more reserved and quiet type that creeps people out, with neither of them really fitting in anywhere else because of this. I really clung to this dichotomy that despite being very different people, they still loved each other for who they were, as self admittedly its the basis for my own relationship.
On top of that, I started to see all this art where people just bully and abuse the hell out of Enot. I have played their campaign (haven't won yet, damn sky islands), watched the dating sim, and I know they're a joke character, but it seems that many people in the fandom really just harshly dislike them. It really just made me love them even more, as in "Oh you poor thing let me hug you Cake will protect you from the mean people" kinda way. I know people got their own opinions but it was how my brain worked.
At the end of the day it really boils down to me seeing someone who is spunky and ridiculous who perhaps doesn't quite understand social cues and everyone just hates them for it, and I have been there, so I relate so hard. I also see Saint as someone who is quiet and strange in a way that unnerves most people, another thing I relate to. I just want these two idiots to find some peace and happiness in someone who understands their quirks and loves them for it, as so often it feels like romance requires people to change who they are.
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isnt-a-blog-blog · 4 months
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OwO? whats this?
Enot just...legitimately just appeared 1 day? i dunno all attempts i had at asking him he just replied with nonsense and completely inconsistent answers and i guess he's just been trying to flirt with everyone (well, mostly people anyway) ever since
Enot is perhaps a bit TOO friendly? if you dont mind the excessive affection and sweet talk then you'll enjoy his company but uh...there's a reason so many others kinda hate his guts
Fun fact : Enot's tail is super flexible and can twist and bend in several ways not possible by other slugcats (he could tie a knot in his tail if he wanted to) but does he ever use it for anything useful? of course not
likes : other people, hugs, kisses, pats on the head, all sorts of affection, giving affection, fantasizing about having a significant other dislikes : being rejected, being abused (but not the person abusing them oddly enough), being hungry
relationships survivor : "people keep saying we're opposites? i dont see it" monk : "he helps me practice how to take care of children...what do you mean he's the same age as his brother?" hunter : "oh god not the rot! yikes!" nightcat : "eh, not my type" gourmand : "hope he dosnt catch me taking his food, he's insanely powerful and BOY i dont want to catch his wrath" artificer : "oh such burning passion, she lights up my world like a firework~" rivulet : "oh such incredible dexterity, their playful antics i could enjoy my entire life~" spearmaster : "i can fix them, cry no more sweet spearmaster~" saint : "...oh god....the horrors"
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akronus-the-redeemed · 3 months
a are you ok?
No, my mother and sister act like I’m in anyway like my abusive father for wanting to be able to emote negative enotions at louder volumes than a whisper
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t4tdanvis · 4 months
Please share your headcanons and thoughts on Gene! I wanna hear them!
i have too many i have one million billion thoughts about gene every second its like this every day:
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anyways. gene!!!!! i will give a few thoughts/headcanons/paragraph-long rants about him weeeeee
for mystreet specifically:
-gene is a wof fan, dante is a wc fan. gene is quickly outnumbered bc vylad, zenix, and sasha all also like wc, and he is forced (read: willingly does so bc their friends like it. not that she'll Ever admit that tho) to read wc. it actually ends up liking the books (he heavily relates to ivypool... i wonder why... such a mystery... /j)
-gene is very tall and towers over most of the people they know bc theyre 6'3 (he took all of the available height when he was born so now dante is 5'2 /j). she feels very self-conscious about her height at times but usually finds it very entertaining to scarily lean over people (even though none of their friends are scared by that at all bc theyre super skinny and they have the energy of a sopping wet kitten /j)
-during high school, gene is too stressed to deal with gender or sexuality or anything but that does not stop it from hitting him like a truck. and then backing up to run her over again. repeatedly. they are genderfluid and use any pronouns, and they are bi, polyam, sapphillean, demiromantic, and asexual :)
-seems very intimidating to strangers but the second u actually start talking to them they just. arent intimidating at all? he can be a little rude at times (due to the Autism) and is very quiet and closed off, but really hes just shy and bad at talking to people. unless u hurt any of her friends then she WILL murder u
-gene can and will kill fascists. be gay do crime, death to america <3
-gene has freckles :) she also has a ton of piercings, and has heterochromia (one blue eye and one brown eye)
-their first friend ever was sasha. the two of them met whenever sasha was being bullied in elementary school and gene stood up for her. zenix became friends with them later whenever it just... came over to them at lunch in like 7th grade and started sitting with them (it straight up just said "idk where to sit and you both look gay"). the three of them have been inseparable ever since
-gene is very protective over dante (and by extension, travis as well). no one ever messes with dante or travis bc if u do dante is 100% telling his sibling and ur Dead if gene finds out
-scarily good at video games. her favorite game is rain world and she plays it all the time (they managed to beat enots campaign. somehow?????)
-huge crywolf fan. discovered crywolf when her dad was still at home a lot of the time (he ends up being put in jail for life after attempting to murder his wife. so uhhhhh at least hes gone now?? his family still has to deal with the Trauma but hey) and its been a huge comfort for her ever since
-very high spice tolerance. eats carolina reapers for fun <3
for mcd:
-gene was killed via being burned at the stake. he is now terrified of fire (although he pretends he isnt). he was only 18 when he was executed
-while mys gene is transneufem, mcd gene is transmasc. he uses he/they and is a gay trans man :)
-"but how is her gay if he was canonically in love with a woman" WELL! he suffered from the very common transmasc experience of "i knew i was gay but i didnt know i was a man yet so i thought i was just a lesbian". and also bc of the BPD + trauma making him super attached to this one girl
-speaking of that: gene tried to kiss the girl, and she ran off bc she turned out to be homophobic. they tried to erase her memory so she would go back to being their friend, but dante caught them and she ran off while gene was trying to explain (dante thought what was going on was much worse than it was, and didnt realize until it was too late to apologize)
-growing up, genes entire village was very conservative. the abuse he went through went ignored and shoved under the rug, and he wasnt able to come out until he died and became a shadow knight
-fully turned into a shadow knight after murdering their father. he also set his home village on fire and erased everyones memory of him and dante for good measure (in his mind, he thought he was helping dante)
-gene is 6'8. he used to be 6'6 but grew two inches when he became a shadow knight. also they used to have really long hair (bc he wasnt allowed to cut it) but now they have very fluffy hair that ends around their shoulders
-the color red is a huge trigger for him, he hates it
-was launched out of one abusive relationship (his dad) right into another (shad). he didnt realize shad was abusive for a long time bc, well, shad is nice to him a lot of the time, sure he forces gene to commit murder and torture people and gene really feels iffy about that, but he lets gene cut his hair and and wear masculine clothes so he cant be that bad right hahaha? (<- gene is in denial)
-oh nooo now hes getting sent to the Torture Chamber oh nooooooooo oh well (vylad ends up saving him but not before he gets More C-PTSD)
-he tried to use his powers to forget his entire past. it didnt work well. now his memories are just very fragmented and come back/disappear randomly
-he has DID (dante does as well). due to the Trauma
ANYWAYS that is all i have. for now. i have a billion more hcs but i have typed way too much so here u go
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CHAOS! Here we go!
Now, I'm not explaining the entire family, just the powers. You may be wondering WHY it's so much? Scandals! Good LORD.
Okay, here's the full tree right here, underneath goes in depth, generation by generation, and explaining their powers and magic. It DOES give names. Sorry if it gets a little confusing.
WARNING: Mental Magic is NOT a good thing, in these cases. The primary creation of them was for abuse. It's less of magic and more of a curse. Read at your own risk. It will be sectioned, and it can be skipped.
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Lovely, okay.
Music Magic: this concept is by @bluetorchsky , using music to conduct magic around. There are two types listened, this being 'Instrument' and 'Voice'. Specifically, Memory and Harley, Damen's Great-Grandparents from the woods, have these two seperate. Voice music magic is similar to a sirens voice, while instrument magic uses instruments to achieve the samething!
Faeriy: While Jill wasn't a full fea folk, her abilities allowed her to talk more with plants and animals directly, to the point of being called a fea.
Earthbender: Now, I think we know what this means. Full blown earth magic and earth bending to the user's will.
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Mental Magic. Now, if you can tell, there are three main types: Voice, Manipulation, and Emotion. Each of these have a different effect.
Voice: Similar to a siren, the user uses their voice to conduct people to what they want to do. But, unlike music magic, it's considered mental as the victim, once listening once, cannot unhear their voice and is stuck under a spell. Their voice will be heard in the victims mind, telling them what do to, even if they're miles away. It gets weaker the father apart.
Manipulation: Breaking down mental walls, this type mainly uses body motions to fully put someone under their magic control. Batting eyes, fake promises and words, fake emotions- It's a whole bombshell of BAD. Once trapped under their magic, it's almost impossible to get out.
Enotion: This one is the weakest, as it relies on the fragile mental and emotional state if someone. If they can be broken easily, your stuck. Once you're stuck, it's.. Hard, but not impossible to break out. Most that use emotional mental magic learn that getting the person to soloy rely on them got a better results.
Now, there are also combinations of them. The effects only get stronger, and the ways they get in to someone's mind only expands. The strongest being a combination of them all at once.
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6th Sense with animals is different to the faeriy's abilities. They cannot hear plants and animals, but their instincts around them are MUCH stronger. They know when somethings wrong and when somethings not.
Earth Faeriy is a combination of Earthbending and Faeriy just as that.
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Now, if you notice: Music (Voice - Bad). Kristen did NOT use her magic voice for good, like people expect.
And now, for the names:
Liam is Kyro's biological name
Kiro is said 'Hero' with a K
Chee is their younger brother
Xavier is Damen's older brother, who's now named 'Valley'
Rodriguez III is Damen's biological name
Marshall is Damen's younger brother
Chicago is another half-brother of Damen, but he is not known.
All of the children listed were born with a natural immunity, aside from: Damen and Marshall
Marshall HAS immunity, but it's not the only thing he's born with.
Okay, I'm done rambling. If you need any clarification, do not be afraid to ask.
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peroxidesoakedrag · 4 months
barely slept. don't want to sleep.
i keep getting bothered by the fact that i relate to this one character i saw for the first time in a game that i heard was "cute". because she's one of these cutesy insecure waah waah characters.
i kind of hate them because everyone who looks at them and says they must be protected always turns around to people like me who think they're worthless realistically instead of cutely and treat them like dirt
yuri might be the one exception to me. because at least she's allowed to act like a human would if they were legitimately that insecure. the flip flopping between "i'm worthless don't bother with me" and "you're going to treat me poorly so i'll treat you poorly first", the tendency towards self harm, the fascinations with the strange.
at least she isn't anime girl who just goes waah waah i'm sad and insecure and fragile come comfort me #87654346786
but unfortunately the "mental me", the way i imagine myself in my mind and express my enotions and reactions, has been that little anime girl waah waah cute and insecure since i saw her because i still get it
unfortunately unlike her my insecurities are not coddled by everyone, beyond when i become so utterly fragile that someone takes enough pity to take a second to help or at least behave a little less rudely. if they were maybe they'd be manageable already instead of a huge monster eating everything in me. maybe that's why i find those girls so frustrating, who would stay that insecure if everyone is legit nice to them? that shit is always born and kept from huge amounts of either abandonment, abuse, or both.
it's not like no one is ever nice, it's just that i can count in one hand the people who took that second to say "no don't worry so much you're good at this, you're not worthless". otherwise, i end up being too much effort so people don't bother until i look so pathetic they can't look away.
i don't like being negative towards others, but it is a fact that most people won't actively try to help you improve or comfort you when you're sad because either it's too much effort or they're not emotionally intelligent enough to be able to help. you can only expect it from close friends. and i have exactly one. who accidentally made fun of me after a teacher berated me because he wanted to lighten the mood. so i'm afraid all my training with diffusing my own crying and panic attacks will keep on being useful for a while longer
i don't know. i just mourn who i could've been if someone had put a little effort into understanding me
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the-courage-to-heal · 4 years
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sallykie · 6 years
Is it some form of emotional manipulation/gaslighting, when you call someone out on their bullshit (running a scam, cheating, lying, some other form of assholery or rule/law-breaking) and they turn it into your fault because you should have handled the bullshit-callout in a more more polite/classy/discrete/collected way?
"Hey this is really suspicious and this evidence here makes i look like you've been trying to scam money from me"
"You HURT MY FEELINGS with the way you worded the accusation, also you should have NOTIFIED ME IN ADVANCE to tell me that you've noticed my scam attempts and are going to ask me to stop, and EVERYONE SOMETIMES MAKES THE MISTAKE of accidentally scamming money from people, and you pointing it out like this was in SUCH A POOR TASTE and OF COURSE I WOULD'VE STOPPED THE SCAM if you had NOTFIED ME IN ADVANCE but you DIDN'T"
Like it seems like blatantly moving the goalposts/reframing what the actual problem is and who caused it...
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nothing0fnothing · 21 days
I want to tell a story about financial abuse and how I experienced it at different points in my life while being abused by narcissistic unfit parents and later my abusive ex partner.
This instance happened when I was 20 years old and freshly graduated from university.
I was living with my mum in the short term while I worked and waiting for my graduate course to begin. I only agreed to stay with her because she had told me she was in active therapy and she promised me living with her would be different this time.
It lasted for less than two weeks before we were back to her rage outs and her vile comments. But I'd just moved all my stuff in and it was only 3 months so I decided to stick it out.
One of her promises when I first agreed to move in was that she didn't expect me to pay rent. It's a massive faux pas in our culture to expect your adult children to pay rent to live with you and its not like my mother was hurting for money, so I believed her.
Four weeks before I was set to leave I lost my job. It wasn't a big deal. I had enough savings to get me to uni and a little extra for the short term.
My mum started to ask when I planned on getting another job. I told her probably after I enrolled in my course since I would only be in the city a few weeks now. She didn't like that. She told me that she had changed her mind, and now rent was expected in return for me living with her, and if I didn't have a job by end of week she'd evict me.
Obviously this was a fucking nightmare. Nobody was willing to hire somebody for 3 weeks and the jobs that would were scammy and predatory as fuck. My mum took my savings as "back rent" and made clear that the rent was not enough, I needed to be in 40 weekly hours of employment to live in her house.
Then, after days of constant abuse and horrible-ness she came to me with a new ultimatum. She had just joined a MLM scam and needed a downline. I could agree to be her downline or I could move out tomorrow.
I spent the last of my savings on the cheapest "starter kit" she offered and the next part of the job was to reach out to everyone on my Facebook friends list to offer them product. It was embarrassing and demeaning. It felt like I was begging people for money.
Over the last weeks I lived with my mum my routine was to be up into the early morning on facebook watching "inspirational" livestreams that the company broadcast from the other side of the world. I'd then sleep till no later than my mother's alarm to "network" (ie, sit on Facebook joining community groups) eat lunch, run errands then log back into Facebook to advertise the product to strangers until the companies started it's livestream at midnight my time. Where I'd take notes for my mother who'd gone to bed.
According to my mum I made £700 of sales that week. I never saw a penny of it. I was exhausted and I felt horrid about the whole situation, but it's not like I had a minute free to process my feelings. I was even expected to cancel my own therapy sessions while this was happening.
Three days before I was set to leave, my mum had a massive blow up at me and my sister. I'd "done something wrong" on the marketing side, caused Facebook to freeze our accounts.
It started at 7am. My mum screaming at my sister and slamming doors woke me up. Then the sound of her stomping down the corridor, punching the walls on her way down. Then she was in my room calling me a cunt and a bitch and stupid and god knows what else. I sat up and looked at her sleepily, but I could tell all she wanted was for me to be terrified like I was as a little girl, and I wasn't going to give it to her.
"You've stopped all the work" she raged at me "we can't work now we can't sell and it's all your fault."
"So what do you want me to do about it?" I said.
To be honest, I didn't and still don't accept that it was my fault. I think we were just joining a mass number of Facebook groups and advertising tat in them, obviously enough people had reported me for Facebook to take action. I wasn't going to jump through hoops to apologise for what any MLM scammer will tell you is a risk of the trade.
"What can you do? You've lost your own job, you've cost me mine, you're swanning off to university this week and you've left me with all this."
"Well if there's nothing I can do there's nothing I can do." I said plainly.
She mimed smacking me then said in a snarl I know she tried her best to seem menacing "you're not too old for a beating you know."
I laughed in her face.
She'd tried to beat me 2 years before when I was 18. I defended myself and she didn't like that, she came out of it just as bruised as I did and she never tried it again. She obviously thought that me being broke and sleep deprived would change the situation in her favor. We never found out because she stormed off angry.
I spent the last two days there with my sister. We went shopping and drinking and had a good time. I told her my flat would be waiting for her when she was 18 and legally able to move out. It was a good send off, all things considering.
When I left I left behind the untouched starter pack. My mum sold it for £15 on ebay. She never apologised to me, she never admitted she was in the wrong. If the attempted beating when I was 18 put us on the path to the relationship we have now, this 3 month experience living with her cemented it. I was open to an apology for years afterwards, but she didn't think I was owed one. Eventually I just stopped expecting it to come. I'm not going to forgive someone who isn't sorry.
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trans-axolotl · 3 years
anyway i can laugh about a lot of things from that relationship now because there was litearlly so much. there was so much. like it fucking kills me looking back on some of the shit that i was just like okay im putting up with this i guess but my ex was litearlly so fucking pathetic lmao that now im just like oh my god. what a pitiful little man
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battling-my-demons · 4 years
I've been so emotionally numb in the last couple of weeks that when I saw your kind messages, I broke down last night. I only sobbed for a little bit, but it helped sooth me a little. I just want to thank each and every one of you. I may not answer sometimes, but just know that your support is what keeps me going. I love, y'all ♥️!
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kaguraspetsims · 7 years
So I just got over a really bad panic attack that even Valium barely helped me get through.
My dad decided that my mom and I have lost his three tape measures, so he came upstairs to yell at us. This immediately makes me panic, so I tell him to stop screaming.
He's like "no bc you guys lost my tape measures"
We say we didn't and he accuses us of lying to him. While still yelling mind you.
Now, I've already been mentally unstable the past two weeks. I'm bipolar, and I've been having manic and depressive episodes all over the place. He knows this and yet he still decides to yell specifically at me and accused me of fabricating the story that we didn't use them.
So now I feel really unsafe mentally and his voice is making me panic. Valium has barely got me thru this and I still feel too scared to go back downstairs in case I get yelled at again.
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gxnya · 5 years
I just wanna say I'm super happy for you leaving your abusive partner!!!!! I went through a similar thing w family and I know things are probably hella scary and enotional right now, but this is all going towards a happier future for yourself, you got this! 💖 - captain-yeet
thank you so much! im sorry you went through that I hope everything’s okay now 💗 honestly every kind word is helping me I appreciate it more than I can say
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eclogues · 4 years
wdym by "they just do not have morals"? like my campus has a group of like Annoying Trans People who constantly talk abt sex even when other people are visibly uncomfortable if that's what u mean (also i'm saying this as a fellow trans person)
literally this group of ppl comprises of a known emotional abuser and have contributed to enotional abuse of one of my friends and are hella shady people and all they do is stay at home and be evil and play video games and dungeons and dragons because they refuse to engage with reality...also contributed to the trauma my ex put me through and likely encouraged them through it!! literally they are just horrible people who literally put one of my friends into the mental hospital....evil!!!!!!!
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the-courage-to-heal · 4 years
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Today I cut off contact with my abuser, and I made a thread online detailing the emotional and physical abuse I survived. It took me a very long time to break through the trauma bond we shared and do the right thing for my mental health.
All of you gave me the strength to do this, and saved me in so many ways. I can never thank you enough for being there for me when I needed support. There are so many times that knowing I wasn’t alone or the only person that’s gone through these experiences kept me from breaking down and giving up.
My abuser is currently working as a communications/policy director for congressional candidate David Kim. (Twitter handle @davidkim2020)
If anyone is able to encourage Mr. Kim to read this thread on twitter it would be massively appreciated, although not necessary by any means. It means so much to me that I have a safe space with other survivors to talk about this and work through my healing. That alone means the world.
I don’t think my abuser deserves to be canceled. But if he isn’t held accountable he can and will use his platform to harm others. I have the right to speak out about what I went through and ask for accountability. I want to do everything in my power to try to stop this from happening to anyone else and maybe in some small way publicly speaking out was cathartic. David Kim, may ignore this. My abuser may continue to cultivate a position of authority and power. He might continue the cycle with a new victim; but at least I will know I did everything in my power to try to help him and stop the cycle.
It’s going to take a long time to heal from this. But we all have the courage to heal. This relationship was one step in my journey. Not a setback; but a lesson and a chance to work through a lot of unresolved trauma. I wouldn’t trade the growth I experienced for the world. Even if it was a painful process.
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