#ethan basta
When you got a request and know what u want to write but CANT FCKN WRITE IT FOR NO REASON AHHH.
honestly I think it might be the heat
Anyways here's ethan to tide u over till I release it
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 months
Familia (Ethan x f!MC)
Book: Open Heart, beyond
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey and MC (Lilac Allende)
Word Count: 2.7K
Rating/Warning: T/ Some Language
Summary: Ethan meets her family over a traditional meal of tamales.
Note: In which Lilac's Mexican mother teaches him how to make tamales. Translations at the end :)
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The usually cold, pristine kitchen of his apartment appeared like a different place entirely that afternoon. For one, it was crowded as Lilac's family bustled about, the sounds of music, laughter, and lighthearted conversation filling the space. Every inch of the counters was covered in a colorful mosaic of ingredients, each meant for a different dish and each tended to by a different Allende. Tendrils of steam swirled into the air as Mrs. Allende stirred the contents of a sizzling pan, the aroma nothing short of mouthwatering. 
It had never felt so inviting or close to a real home and Ethan felt momentarily stunned. 
He paused at the threshold to admire it, his attention finally resting resolutely on Lilac. She, too, appeared entirely transformed as she cooked and joked with her siblings in both of her languages. Sparkling green eyes creased at the edges, more alive than ever, as she dodged a dusting of flour sent her way by her younger brother. 
“You'll pay for that,” she told him mid laugh, followed by more vows of retaliation in Spanish. 
Ethan basked in the sound of her voice and how her native language made it sound different— like a soft melody that swelled pleasantly with every word. Something soared within him as he watched this version of her, taking root in his chest and blooming very much like the first time he saw her at Edenbrook. 
“Ya basta, muchachos,” Mrs. Allende chided over the hiss of the frying chilis. “Jaime, look at the mess you made all over Dr. Ramsey's kitchen. Clean up all this flour and go keep your dad some company in the living room.”
“Sí, señora,” Jaime Allende said with a mock salute that made his mother roll her eyes lovingly. Once her back was turned, he smirked at his sisters. “See you later, feas. I'll be in the living room enjoying the game.”
Laurel, the eldest, shoved him with her shoulder as he passed. It looked almost comical to Ethan since she was significantly shorter than him.
 “Hey, you better clean this shit up,” she called out after him. When the warning fell on deaf ears, Laurel shook her head and murmured to Lilac, “Twenty four and he still knows how to trick his way out of doing any real work.”
“Typical,” Lilac returned cautiously, eyes on her mother's back. 
Ethan took that opportunity to rejoin his girlfriend at the kitchen, his arms banding around her waist as he quickly kissed her temple. 
Lilac let out a pleased little laugh, her body relaxing against him. 
“How's my dad?” 
“Quiet,” he replied, trying his best not to take it personally. Still, the nerves he felt about meeting her father had tapered into a fine point when the man had spoken less than five words to Ethan. 
“That checks out,” Laurel commented knowingly from beside them. 
Lilac threw her sister an unappreciative look which did nothing to help with his anxiety. She swiveled in Ethan's embrace, her scowl softening when their eyes met. “My dad's just a quiet person at first. Once he gets to know you, he's the goofiest marshmallow imaginable.”
Ethan remained unconvinced, afraid that her father was less than thrilled about their relationship. Then again, if Ethan had a daughter, he would absolutely take issue with the bastard who was both her boss and boyfriend. 
“We found a football game on TV that he likes,” he commented, unsure of what else to say. 
“As long as it's real fútbol, he'll love you already.”
“Yes, he can excuse sleeping with his daughter but he draws the line at American football,” Laurel mused with a wicked laugh, already dodging the slap Lilac sent her way. 
Their mother caught the end of that exchange and sent them a single, silencing look that made both sisters cease at once. Then her eyes swiveled to Ethan and at once, her expression softened. Mrs. Allende straightened her spine and cleaned her hands against her apron. 
“Doctor,” she said cheerfully in Spanish. “Thank you again for inviting us into your lovely home.”
“Es un placer,” he returned as he studiously avoided Laurel's gaze. It would no doubt silently communicate “Kiss ass.”
“Thank you for making dinner,” Ethan said to Mrs. Allende, who waved this away dismissively, though she looked thoroughly pleased. 
“No thanks necessary. I hope you like tamales, Doctor. It's my mother's recipe.”
“I'm honored to try them. How can I help?” 
This was evidently the right thing to ask because Mrs. Allende lit up with pure admiration and approval. If he didn't have her blessing before, he was convinced he did now.
 Waving her daughters aside with fluttering hands and instructions in both languages, Mrs. Allende led Ethan to the part of the counter Jamie formerly occupied. She spent the next few minutes teaching Ethan how to prepare the masa. 
“Muy bien,” she praised minutes later when Ethan had caught on to the technique quickly. “Ya está listo para casarse, Doctor.”
You're ready to get married now. 
Three reactions occurred at once: Lilac coughed, Ethan felt his ears flare with heat, and Laurel all but cackled. 
“It's just a saying, mi vida,” her mother returned innocently, finding her way back to the stove. “Why don't you start on the filling?” To Ethan she added, “My Lilita makes the best green salsa, did she tell you?” 
Ethan paused his movements, the sticky dough beneath his palm melting against his skin. 
“She didn't.”
Lilac was studiously avoiding his gaze now, cheeks as red as the tomatoes she rinsed. For as long as he had known her, Lilac had made a show of professing her lack of culinary skills. 
“You're missing out, Doctor,” her mother proclaimed proudly. “Her chilaquiles are the best too.”
Ethan quietly assessed his girlfriend, who gave him a fleeting, embarrassed look. 
“You didn't tell me you could cook.”
Cheeks brighter still, she refused to look at him for longer than a moment. 
“Nothing anyone I know would like.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Mostly obscure Mexican food my grandma taught me how to make.” 
The words were an embarrassed mumble. 
“Your friends and I would love it.”
“Yeah, well…” 
Something about the shame in her expression and the tension in her shoulders opened little fissures along the surface of his heart. With a pang, he began to comprehend that every time his Lilac said, “I can't cook!” it was the simpler alternative. Feigning incompetence was easier than explaining the dishes she loved so much to people who often looked down on them. Not that Ethan or her friends ever would, but all it took was one asshole to look down on her customs with disgust for a protective barrier to emerge.
When Mrs. Allende busied herself with the oven, Ethan moved to encircle his arms around his girlfriend, careful not to get any of the dough still coating his hands on her. 
“Make it for me someday?” 
She blinked at him in surprise and when he smiled, she relaxed against him, nodding quietly. The grateful smile she gave him made his heart skip. 
“Dad's team is losing,” Jamie announced a
minute later as he reentered the kitchen, closely followed by his father. “He's mad. So he'd rather come in here and help wrap the tamales.”
Mr. Allende rolled his eyes at his son. “They have the ref bought, mijo. It's a waste of time to even watch.”
Unbeknownst to him, Laurel and Jamie silently mouthed their father's words in perfect sync behind his back. Ethan almost allowed a smile, unable to resist the infectious laughter that proved to be an Allende family trait. Before he could join in the myrth, however, Mr. Allende's eyes met Ethan's. The older man's expression was an impenetrable mask and it made Ethan's nerves buzz with a start. 
It was only when Mr. Allende's eyes fell down to Ethan's hands, clasped securely around his daughter's waist, that he realized he still held Lilac in a rather close embrace. 
Without thought, Ethan released her, almost shoving her away instinctively. 
Lilac, slightly affronted, shot him a funny look. She was no doubt incredulous that a man Ethan's age was still afraid of his girlfriend's father like some kind of hormonal teenager. A cheeky part of his mind mused that when it came to Lilac, he was much like a juvenile version of himself. 
“You're almost forty,” she teased in a whisper when her family was too preoccupied with an argument over what music to play. 
Ethan threw her a dry, unappreciative glare. He couldn't add anything more because at that moment, the notes of an upbeat and unmistakably eighties song drafted from the small Bluetooth speaker. 
All three Allende siblings groaned in unison, the sound dropping lower still when Mrs. Allende began to dance unabashedly to the beat. 
“Not Luis Miguel,” Laurel sighed. “Our mother's crush.”
“Luis Mi Rey,” their mother corrected with a lovestruck sigh. 
“I'm standing right here,” their father returned, arms crossed.
 Ethan could see, however, that the faux stern expression threatened to break as he watched Margo singing happily. His wife pulled him close, singing lyrics about falling in love under the sun on a beach. 
“I really lucked out,” Mrs. Allende said, voice sing-song and eyes fixed adoringly on her husband. “I ended up with someone better than El Sol de México himself.”
The sun of Mexico belted a high note from the speaker. 
“Yeah, you ended up with the entire solar system with Dad,” Jaime teased, a wicked gaze falling on their father's generous belly. 
“Don't body shame my dad,” Laurel returned sternly, though she looked on the verge of laughter. 
The family dissolved into a good-natured argument. 
Ethan watched them in silence, admiring the small pocket of chaos they occupied as they each spoke over one another. Even in doing so, they laughed and joked until all that could be heard was a chorus of mirth that made his heart ache. 
“The sun is a solitary star,” Ethan found himself saying through the cheerful chatter. 
Everyone fell silent, casting him glances that ranged from curious to downright confused. Only Lilac glanced up at him with a brilliant, knowing smile. 
“Many astronomers believe it once had a companion. As it stands now, it's an anomaly because it's alone in the universe.”
Still, no one said anything. 
Ethan was beginning to wonder if he overstepped and interrupted a family moment with his nonsense. Before panic could settle over his insides like a sheet of ice, his girlfriend wrapped an arm around his waist, settling into his side. 
“In other words,” he continued, eyes moving to a quiet Mr. Allende. “You don't want to be like the sun. You and your wife are more like binary stars, who are gravitational bound forever.”
More silence followed his words and Ethan had half a mind to retreat from the room. 
Finally, when the pause was almost unbearable, Mr. Allende chuckled. 
“You hear that, viejita? I'm better than Luis Miguel. I'm a star.” 
“Made of gas,” Jaime supplied. 
In the chaotic symphony of their laughter, Lilac reclaimed Ethan's attention with a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Ethan Ramsey,” she murmured, impressed. “You are a bit of a poet after all.”
It's how I feel about you. 
“I could've come up with that.” Jaime said loudly. 
“No way,” Laurel returned at once. “You literally said Dad was as vast and old as the solar system.”
“Old?” her father asked in mock offense. “No one said anything about old before.” 
After that brief glimmer of Mr. Allende's approval in the kitchen, the awkward edge in the air lifted. By the time Mrs. Allende promptly sat all of the men at the kitchen table to wrap the tamales, Ethan had proudly earned himself a smile from Lilac’s stoic father. His eyes crinkled at the edges as he watched Ethan studiously wrap the corn husks.
“My wife is going to favor your tamales, Doctor. You’ll make us look bad,” Mr. Allende commented. 
“We do that all on our own, pops,” Jaime returned without missing a beat. As though to prove this point, a glop of dough fell from the corn husk he haphazardly wrapped. 
Ethan paused, concerned. “Am I doing it wrong?”
“Not at all. They’re nearly damn perfect,” Mr. Allende chuckled. 
“Ethan does everything with mathematical precision,” Lilac commented as she approached, placing a kiss on Ethan’s forehead. 
Laurel muttered something from behind Lilac. Whatever it was scandalized her sister. 
Luckily, Mr. Allende missed this because he grinned at Jaime. “See, mijo? You should put your degree to use, too.”
“I was too hungover the day they covered tamal wrapping in my engineering classes,” Jamie returned. 
“Cabrón,” Mr. Allende laughed. 
As it turned out, Mr. Allende was correct. His wife adored the neat work Ethan made of the task she assigned. Bursting with pride and delight, she squeezed Ethan’s shoulder. “Excellent work, mijo!” 
Ethan’s heart felt weightless at the term of endearment.
“Ma, don’t go replacing me as the favorite son,” Jaime joked. 
“About time,” Lilac muttered. 
Jaime and Laurel rolled their eyes, exchanging a look. 
“Middle child,” they chanted in unison. 
They dissolved into a melody of voices and laughter once more. As the tamales steamed, they found themselves locked in a boisterous and heated game of Lotería. Ethan proved to be exceedingly good at it, much to everyone's delighted surprise (except Lilac's). After winning a particularly dramatic and fast-paced round, everyone flashed him an impressed smile.
 Everyone except Laurel. 
“Looks like you met your match, Lau,” Mr. Allende laughed. 
“I only lost because I was calling them,” Laurel responded, red in the face. “It slowed me down.”
“Then let me call them,” Ethan returned, matching the challenge in her voice. 
Lilac smacked an excited hand against the table. “This I have to see!” 
Mrs. Allende, looking just as delighted, proclaimed, “Have him call out the personalized cards too, mija.”
“La Doctora,” Laurel said pointing at Lilac. “Mine is La Maestra and Jaime's is El Ingeniero.”
“Your parents don't have one?” 
“Dad's is already in the original deck,” Jaime began with a devilish grin. “El Borracho.”
Mr. Allende responded with a string of curse words and hearty laughter. 
“Ethan needs one, too,” Mrs. Allende said, kind eyes surveying Ethan. “We need to think of what his will say and I'll ask your cousin Natalia to make it.”
The group erupted into suggestions of what to name Ethan's card but he remained silent. His throat felt inexplicably tight as he watched them, thinking of ways to include him. 
“How about El Anciano?” Lilac whispered close to his ear, her warm hand atop his under the table. 
Ethan smiled at her jab but it was half-hearted. 
“They love you already,” she said reassuringly, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. 
For once, Ethan was speechless. 
“Alright, alright,” Lilac called out through the jovial clamor of voices. “We can decide on Ethan's card over the tamales and the bottle of tequila he bought for tonight.”
Jaime let out a loud cheer, his hands rubbing together in exaggeration. Lilac rose from her seat to retreat the bottle. When she returned, she raised it over her head like a trophy to the cheers of her siblings. 
“Good choice, Doctor,” Mr. Allende commended as he caught sight of the label. “How did you know that was my favorite?” 
Lilac telling him that morning is how Ethan knew. 
“I just knew you had good taste and went with that.”
The smile Mr. Allende gave him left little doubt that he had effectively won him over too. 
Laurel scoffed quietly, flicking a finger to the tip of her nose and spearing Ethan with a look that basically shouted “brown-noser.” On a whim, he flashed her a swift middle finger, careful to keep it hidden from her parents. 
Jamie howled with laughter, Laurel looked impressed, and Lilac grinned, looking far more in love than he'd ever seen her. 
It was then that Ethan realized that the foreign warmth coursing through him, welcoming and comforting as a morning sun, was a sense of belonging. 
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Masa: Dough
Tamales: A Latin American dish made of dough and filling. It is steamed in corn husks or banana leaves.
Chilaquiles: a traditional Mexican dish consisting of corn tortillas cut into quarters and lightly fried. Usually topped with cheese, cream, and other ingredients.
Mijo/Mija: Term of endearment meaning "son" or "daughter"
El Sol de Mexico: The Sun of Mexico. A nickname dubbed to singer Luis Miguel.
Viejita: Affectionate way of saying older lady
Loteria: a traditional game of chance, similar to bingo, and is played on a deck of cards instead of numbered ping pong balls.
Maestra: Teacher
Ingeniero: Engineer
Borracho: Drunk
Anciano: Old Man
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Note: Hi. Lots of apologies to give out. First off, sorry it's been literal months! I'm back. Sorry this is long. Sorry this is long overdue (I wrote it two years ago and held it close to my chest.) Sorry I still have other fics to finish!
And thank you so much if you're still here and read this!
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marrziy · 3 months
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Esse cantinho é um atalho para todas as minhas obras. Encarem como uma prateleira de imagines e fanfics. Os links para as histórias serão adicionados sempre que eu postar. Está tudo separado por fandom, personagem e gênero. Tem até um padrão de cor para cada tipo de trama:
Bem vindos ao meu quartinho da bagunça! Caso esse post se perca no meio de muitos outros, basta passar no meu fixado, vou deixar o link da masterlist por lá. Aqui tudo é misturado – série com filme e filme com série – mas quando o conte��do for mais vasto, vou criar listas separadas com diferentes categorias.
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• Rafe Cameron
"Entre tapas, ciúmes e fodas"
Parte 1 (drama/sad)
Parte 2 (drama/dark)
Parte 3 (hot)
"Assopre o pavio" (drama/dark)
SCREAM (franquia)
• Ethan Landry
"Eu tirei a virgindade de um assassino?" (hot/um dark de leve)
• Billy Loomis
"Pertença e obedeça" (dark)
• Stu Macher
"Pertença e obedeça" (dark)
• Wes Hicks
"O que acontece à meia-noite?" (hot)
• Billy Hargrove
"Ebulição" (hot/romance)
• Jim Hopper
"Delinquente" (hot)
AHS (série)
• Kyle Spencer
"Ele aprendeu a sentir tesão" (hot com alguns poucos elementos sombrios)
• Tate Langdon
"Doente" (romance/terror/dark)
MARVEL (franquia)
• Peter Parker
"Vem relaxar de ladinho" - Tom Holland (hot)
• Tony Stark
"HotShort #1" (hot)
• Jack Marrowbone
"Decisão de não deixar partir" (sad)
• Brahms Heelshire
"Os bonequinhos de Brahms" (terror/dark)
• Lucifer Morningstar
"Afago ao rei deprimido" (romance/sad)
THE BOYS (série)
• Antológicas
"The Boys x Male Reader" (hot)
Homelander/Hughie/Billy x MaleReader!super-ass
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Outras listas:
HOT | masterlist
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orcaofmyheart99 · 2 years
It was a bright, sunny, unusually hot summer day. There was a terrible heatwave sweeping the country. People were finding small relief in the shade as well as swamping the beach. You were one of the beach goers, hoping to cool off in the ocean. As you set up a towel on the beach you looked around you. Children were digging in the sand, parents reading nearby and seagulls stealing food when the opportunity arose. You pulled off your blue-pink flower sundress, exposing a teal bathing suit. Before heading down to the water, you put some sunscreen on. Work took up most of your life, not allowing you to be outside often. As you walked down to the water, gently putting a toe in to test the temperature, you heard a laugh. A girl with shiny blonde hair and piercing blue eyes in a red bathing suit was in the water, almost up to her knees. She was splashing three other people who were replying in what you believed to be Italian. 
“Basta, Basta, Vic” A young man with black hair down to his waist said jokingly mad, splashing the water back at her. 
Another lanky young man with blonde hair and one with shorter dark hair covered in tattoos were splashing each other. All appeared to be having a great time. 
You walked out a little further, feeling the sun beating relentlessly down on you. You stumbled over something which felt sharp and slimy causing you to completely fall in the water at once. Embarrassed, you dragged yourself up, completely soaking wet. Your hair was sticking to your face. The blonde girl appeared by your shoulder
“Are you ok” she asked touching your shoulder 
“Yes, yes I am. Just pretty embarrassed” you admitted smiling a little, feeling a little nervous. 
“Good” replied the blonde, blue eyed girl. 
She held out her hand, to shake yours.
“I’m Vic”
“I’m Y/N. You are the talented, amazing bassist for Maneskin right?” 
Vic blushed looking away. 
“If you think so” she laughed a little.
“Do you want to go swimming?” She suggested.
“You can help me get back at the boys. They hid my book and won’t tell me where it is. I am pretty sure it was Damiano but Thomas and Ethan aren’t saying anything.”
You followed her out to where Damiano, Ethan and Thomas still were, following Vic’s lead. After a few minutes of bothering the boys, Damaino admitted he hid Vic’s book under a bundle of towels. 
“I’m getting kinda tired, Y/N. How about we head back to shore? I saw a smoothie bar close by we could head to if you want”
“That sounds great!” you replied thinking to yourself how could someone not agree to go get smoothies with Victoria De Angelis? 
You ordered a raspberry banana smoothie while Vic got a coconut pineapple one. As you drank your respective smoothies Vic smiled at you, blue eyes twinkling. There was a little bit of smoothie above her red lips. 
“What?” She said, giggling.
You grabbed a napkin and leaned forward. She let you wipe her lips, grinning at you. You asked her questions about her music, when she started playing instruments and her love for playing live. Vic talked excitedly, her eyes lit up from excitement. The next hour flew by, as the two of you talked. As the sun began to set over the ocean causing a red and pink glow to appear, Vic looked at her watch. 
“I better head back to the hotel” She commented
You felt a little sad, having loved the time you spent with her and didn’t want it to end so soon. She noticed your changed expression. 
“How about we meet up for dinner? The boys already have other plans.”
You instantly smiled. 
“I would really like that” 
As you parted ways Vic gave you a hug, pulling you close. You could smell the ocean on her hair. Somehow a spontaneous trip to the beach turned out to change your life forever.
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projectrevolutionff · 18 days
Sombras del Ayer: Chelsea I
Chelsea sintió serias dudas sobre si fue correcto aceptar la invitación a la boda; la idea de comida gratis pronto se agotó, dando paso al terrible baile de sentimientos encontrados, dolor de pies y bebés en su vientre moviéndose todo el tiempo. Para peor: era la boda de su ex mejor amigo, antiguo amante y otro hombre que le rompió el corazón. Pero ¿nerviosa de qué? Dennis ya no era de su preferencia y ni siquiera eran tan cercanos como en su día. No estaba enamorada ni tampoco podía verlo a la cara sin sentir un deje de desprecio. ¿Entonces? Posó la mano sobre su enorme tripa al tiempo en que el bebé A pataleó inquieto. Ethan condujo tranquilamente en la soleada tarde de sábado; salieron más temprano de lo habitual para asistir al mismo Club de Campo donde ellos se casaron, lugar que los novios eligieron. Miró al hombre de su vida. Su perfil se le antojó exquisito; lo vio tranquilo, apuesto y mascullando la letra de una canción. Keane sonó por los parlantes, al ritmo de “Your Eyes Open” y favorita del rubio. Pero nada la preparó para las palabras que le hizo en un semáforo, tomándole la zurda con amor y sin quitar la vista del camino. —Se que soy lindo, pero tampoco para que me observes tanto. ¿Está todo bien? Chelsea fingió modestia, pasándose la mano por la elegante coleta de cabello castaño. —¿No puedo admirar a mi Marco Antonio? —No, son quince dólares y el asiento de la ventana en el avión en el próximo viaje. —La hizo reír—. Tú estás inquieta, y quiero saber por qué. Chelsea se sorprendió, tosiendo un poco debido a un escozor en la garganta. Ethan soltó una risita cómplice. —Yo… No tengo puta idea, si te puedo ser honesta. ¿Será el ver a la novia? ¿Que algo malo pase? ¿Los niños? ¿Qué mi mamá los cuide? Eso sí que es terrorífico. La aceleración del coche empujó los cuerpos hacia los asientos, la canción terminó e inició algo más alegre en el repertorio. Un rayo de sol le dio directo a los ojos ámbar. —No estoy tan seguro de eso, por ese lado no va la cosa. Nada malo va a pasarnos a nosotros ni a los niños, y tu mamá no va a convertir a Meghan o Dylan en clones suyos. No voy a dejar que eso pase. —Un suave apretón en su mano le infundió ánimos—. ¿Quieres decirle al viejo Ethan que te pasa? —Realmente no lo sé, cielo —suspiró frustrada—. Mi sexto sentido me dice que algo va a pasar. Algo que me disgustará mucho, pero no se bien qué. ¿Estoy enloqueciendo? ¿O son las hormonas? En el aire quedó flotando la verdad oculta. Ethan desvió brevemente la mirada hacia ella, incitándola a continuar. —No, no estoy celosa ni triste de que se casen. Tu ya sabes eso: para mí lo mío con Dennis está muertísimo y apenas si mantenemos una relación. Por mí que vivan felices comiendo putas perdices, pero creo que me molesta la idea en sí del compromiso. En especial cuando me llegaron rumores… —Hablamos de eso y decidimos dejarlo correr —rememoró el rubio levantando el índice—. Está por casarse, las malas lenguas siempre corren más rápido. —¿Y si realmente es así? ¡Estamos hablando del mismísimo Dennis “me voy porque tengo miedo a comprometerme y quiero coger a cuanta persona encuentre” Atkins! —redobló ella—. Tiene veintisiete años, un futuro en la política, ¿y sigue comportándose así? Ethan meneó su diestra natural, rascándose la afeitada barbilla a continuación.
—Cariño: ya está. Si él hizo esas cosas, es su problema y va a tener que enfrentar las consecuencias cuando llegue el momento. —No es eso, Eth. Es que el maldito tarado la lastimará y no quiere aceptarlo. —Se adelantó un poco en el asiento y lo miró—. Yo estuve ahí, se lo que es que Dennis Atkins te ponga el cuerno una y mil veces. ¿Y ahora a Kelly? ¿Quién verdaderamente lo ama? —Chels, basta. Si él se quema con fuego, que se queme. Tu ya eres una hermosa mujer con una vida estable, un marido perfecto que te adora con la vida y unos hijos preciosos que te verán mañana en la mañana. —Chelsea resaltó el auto halago—. Soy divino y agradable, eso es indiscutible. Ahora: vamos a ir a esa boda, comeremos lo que nos den y nos iremos. ¿Feliz? —Si, mi “marido divino y agradable” a quien yo también amo con locura. Se entretuvieron cantando por un rato. De Keane pasaron a Coldplay, luego a Taylor Swift y finalmente a Franz Ferdinand. Arribaron al destino con tiempo de anticipación. La crema y nata de la política norteamericana se reunió, sumado a los amigos de toda la vida y familiares. Elegancia, perfumes importados al igual que excesiva falsedad: el paquete completo para una cuestionable celebracion. De la mano se hicieron presentes en la enorme terraza. El Club de Campo era un anexo al complejo principal, el Club de Golf de Washington DC, y era un precioso salón con enormes ventanales blancos hacia un complejo de tres niveles de terrazas. Cada una era separado por un puñado de escalones, finas decoraciones con agradables ornamentos; el tercer nivel era el lugar donde los invitados fueron conducidos, lindero al cuidado césped del campo de golf. El dúo pudo ver en la distancia el decorado nupcial: arco con forma de corazón y ornamentos florales, sillas plegables de blanca madera, tul y telas colgantes sobre las sillas, mecidas por la suave brisa de la tarde. Vaporoso, veraniego y con tintes románticos de película. Descendieron con calma hacia el sector de recepción; para desconcierto de la castaña un fuerte tirón la sorprendió en su lado izquierdo del abdomen. ¿Y eso? La pareja saludó s su grupo de años, ahora con dos nuevos integrantes: Sam con Andrew, Delaney junto a su novia Ally, Collin del brazo de Fawkes. El risueño equipo intercambió amorosos recuerdos entre abrazos y sonrisas de oreja a oreja. Todos elogiaron sus vestimentas formales, pero quien más aplausos se llevó fue la futura madre. Su vestido color azul profundo con escote corazón, mangas cortas y ceñido a su figura; la longitud fue correcta para un evento formal; zapatos de tacón cuña, de gamuza negra y boca de pez, con una fina hebilla ajustándolo al tobillo. Maquillaje suave y peinado de coleta con trenzas uniéndose en la cola de caballo. Ethan, fiel a la tradicional figura elegante masculina, vistió un pantalón negro con saco a juego, camisa blanca y moño negro. En las muñecas usó los gemelos que su suegro le regaló, un pañuelo en el bolsillo del pecho y un guante cubriendo su mano biónica. Zapatos color nuez de cuero, de punta redondeada y cordones a juego completaron su atuendo. Bebieron, comieron algunos aperitivos y saludaron a quienes se acercaron. La señora Atkins les dedicó unos cuantos minutos con mucho afecto y cariño, agradeciéndoles por estar presentes en la boda de su hijo. Les estrujó las mejillas (con más cuidado a las mujeres) y las vestimentas. Repentinamente se puso seria. —Se que todo está algo raro entre ustedes, pero les agradezco mucho que hayan venido. —Cruzó sus manos delante del fastuoso vestido gris con falda plisada—. A Dex y Kelly le hacía mucha ilusión tenerlos aquí en su día especial, y quería compartirlo sin importar que hayan tomado caminos separados. Chelsea enarcó una ceja, Ethan le pellizcó el muslo. Quizá no se llevaba tan bien con ella, pero con Delaney y Andrew seguía llevándose razonablemente bien. Trató de mantener rostro de póquer hasta que la emocionada madre se alejó. Se miraron entre todos, conteniendo las respiraciones al igual que los chismes.
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queerographies · 2 months
[Ethan Venner ha qualcosa da dire][Livia Federico]
Clicca qui per acquistare il libro Titolo: Ethan Venner ha qualcosa da direScritto da: Livia FedericoEdito da: AffioriAnno: 2024Pagine: 256ISBN: 9791255790631 Ethan Venner fa l’infermiere e vive con il marito Adam a San Francisco. Quella che all’apparenza sembra una vita felice e perfetta, però, cela milioni di piccole bugie e indicibili segreti, che minacciano la sua serenità. Basta una breve…
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I really wanna write some more fanfiction but I’m currently in the process of transitioning between obsessions but it currently seems like I'm stuck between the two of them? And the problem is I don't have the motivation to write for the first one but don't know enough yet to write for the second one. It's so frustrating. So I mean I'll force myself to write for the first one but only if people request. (Maneskin btw please request)
What I might do is write some short ones or some preferences and post those to get more people to request. Honestly though, it's so hot right now (32-34 degrees celsius) and my brain is mushed because I'm not accustomed to this heat. I’m going home in four days though but unfortunately I won’t have time to write because I’m going out with friends and also I’m gonna be studying (for exams) because I currently have three Es (i think it’s that) and really want to actually go to college.
As well as the fact that I managed to go this whole time just tanning and then somehow sunburnt so goddamn bad I look like a tomato. I’m going to try and write through the year but my entire schedule is prolly gonna be school —> home —> studying then on weekends a mix between studying and going out and to gigs and stuff.
Anyways i've been working on my italian (yes ik i should already be able to speak it but my nonni gave up ok) and I can still barely speak it. My comprehension is defo better though.
Anyways, buongiorno/ goodbyeee (not a direct translation btw)
also im begging u guys to please request so i can give you content
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baeksu-krp · 10 months
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Nome: Mo "Ethan" Hyunwoo Faceclaim: Sunghoon, Enhypen Data de nascimento e idade: 17.03.2001 — 22 anos Gênero: Masculino Etnia e nacionalidade: Sul-coreano, Austrália
Moradia: Seodaemun-gu Ocupação: Policial, Agência de Policial de Migeun-dong Qualidades: Inocente, Sensível Defeitos: Otimista, Sociável User: @bks_ethan
TW: Manipulação
Os Mo já tinham dois filhos quando Hyunwoo veio ao mundo de forma repentina. Os pais não esperavam ter outra criança depois de Julie, ainda mais quando ainda eram um casal jovem, percebendo que com o nascimento do caçula e uma fertilidade alta, era a hora de fechar a fábrica. O menino batizado como Ethan foi o último e mais novo filho dos Mo, sendo mais mimado do que pressionado pelos pais por isso. Nascido em Brisbane, apesar dos pais serem coreanos, Ethan cresceu inserido naquela cultura, falando mais inglês do que coreano e pouco se esforçando para entender mais do país natal dos pais, o que o deixou um tanto distante dos avós e do irmão mais velho. Ainda tinha a irmã, o qual criou uma grande dependência durante os anos. Ethan sempre foi muito inocente e mimado, frequentemente sendo manipulado por pessoas mais velhas, e precisando da presença da irmã para se defender e entender que havia sido bobo. Apesar de ter amigos, começou a se sentir atrasado devido à própria personalidade, decidindo dar um basta quando entrou na adolescência. Os filmes, séries e livros policiais começaram a inspirar o australiano a entrar naquele ramo, achando que assim nunca mais poderia ser usado por outras pessoas. Quando terminou o ensino médio, conseguiu iniciar uma graduação rápida em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas ainda na Austrália para ficar perto dos amigos, mas decidiu ir para a Coreia se juntar aos irmãos assim que terminou, percebendo o quanto se sentia sozinho sem a presença de Julie - e na esperança de se aproximar melhor de Dongmin. Chegou aos 20 anos na Coreia, formado e depois de praticar seu coreano, onde fez o concurso público para entrar na Polícia. Foram 34 semanas de treinamento até finalmente conseguir terminar e recentemente iniciou o trabalho como policial na agência policial de Migeun-dong, conseguindo iniciar a primeira fase do seu sonho.
OOC: +18 Triggers: palhaços (inclui emojis), maus tratos aos animais, zoofilia, incesto, jumpscare, acrofobia (visuais), incesto, zoofilia e maus tratos (citação também) Temas de interesse: Todos
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kyghq · 1 year
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Você já ouviu falar sobre o ETHAN WRIGHT? Ouvi dizer que é uma pessoa… interessante. Ele estuda lá no Departamento de Música, acho que tá no 2º ano do curso de Guitarra, já fez 24 anos, mas acho que não faz parte de nenhum grupo. Ainda não sabe? Bom, não sei muito mais sobre. Ele realmente tem um rosto pra fama, até se parece com aquele Doyoung, do NCT. Ah! Acho que tenho o twitter dele aqui, é @wethankyg. Às vezes, quando falamos assim, eu penso que queria ser uma formiguinha porque morro de curiosidade para saber como foi a entrevista dos outros. Você consegue imaginar?
Como você já deve saber, na Kyonggi University prezamos conhecer bem e manter uma relação próxima com o nosso corpo estudantil, então por que você não me conta um pouco de como você chegou aqui? Começando por seu interesse pelas artes. Você descobriu esse interesse sozinho, tem familiares no ramo, teve alguma influência? Algum professor, colega…
Venho de uma família artística, minha mãe sendo uma famosa atriz enquanto que meu pai é o pé que tenho na música, um produtor musical. Cresci aprendendo a tocar instrumentos, aulas de canto, então o meu destino já era muito claro. Kyonggi é, sem dúvidas, a melhor opção pra pessoas como eu, que possuem essa conexão de sangue com as artes. Foi por isso que a escolhemos. 
E como você acabou aqui hoje? É um desejo próprio? Um sonho, talvez. Ou você quer sair correndo por essa porta agora? [risos] Não se preocupe, você não seria o primeiro artista que sonhava em ser advogado, por mais estranho que isso soe.
Ser artista é algo que gosto, almejo. Seja nos palcos, ou talvez por trás de uma mesa de som, produzindo e compondo. Eu me vejo seguindo esse caminho que eu já tô trilhando.
Certo, certo. E você já teve algum treinamento profissional, ou a Kyonggi será sua primeira experiência? Somos um ótimo lugar pra começar, você sabe, vários dos nossos alunos chegam até nós apenas com seus talentos brutos. Você diria que é natural no que faz, ou do tipo que precisa de muito esforço, ou uma mão forte para te guiar? Como você descreveria sua personalidade, no geral?
Tive treinamento prévio, mas meus pais dizem que meu talento é natural e que por isso que insistiram tanto em meu estudo na área. Sobre a minha personalidade, sou reservado e muito convicto do que quero e gosto. Introvertido, não tem quem me faça me misturar com pessoas com quem não me identifico, a minha cara fechada já serve pra não dar muita brecha pra qualquer um. Mas apesar disso, eu sei que sou uma pessoa bastante amigável, basta conseguir me conquistar primeiro.
Tudo okay então, candidato. Essa fase é mais uma conversa do que um teste em si, só para te conhecer melhor, perceber onde você se encaixa na nossa instituição. Temos espaço para todos, de qualquer forma! Nós vamos nos encontrar novamente, fechado? Te vejo nos palcos!
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umtiquinhodeamor · 1 year
Estou muito chateado, apesar de tentar sempre evitar que esse sentimento apareça ou retorne, mas não tem sido fácil. Tenho tentado relevar tudo isso, por que sei que as coisas são muito difíceis pra você, mas, apesar de estar muito feliz de você estar seguindo sua vida, parece que eu estou deixando de fazer parte dela. Sinto como se eu fosse apenas algo que está flutuando ao redor mas que não está mais inserido. Tenho pensado muito sobre isso esses dias, infelizmente isso tem me afetado muito. Eu tenho tentado ser uma pessoa que não se afeta muito mas eu não vou dizer que minha vida tá uma maravilha, na real tá tudo uma merda e eu só evito de contar (por que de ruim já basta a sua). Sinceramente, não sei o que será do nosso relacionamento, já que você não aparece nem aos finais de semana, e, quando você vem, eu já sei que você só vai ficar por menos de 10 minutos. Vejo que os momentos que nós passamos juntos agora só não passam de recordações que às vezes amargam por que eu sei que não poderemos passar por isso de novo e não se trata só de turno. Eu sei que tenho falhado muito também, tenho tido o ânimo de uma pedra, justamente por que eu só fracasso, inclusive, no nosso relacionamento. Sinto muito por não ser aquilo que você esperava e por sempre ficar sentido por essa merda de assunto, mas isso me afeta e eu não consigo esconder. Não consigo fingir que isso não me machuca demais. Acho que acabei me apegando demais e agora não consigo lidar com a sua ausência. — Para você, Ethan.
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Hey guys so basically, my new obsession is f1 but I'm still writing for må but I am currently not accepting for f1 as I do not know much about it right now. When I do I will accept requests (I'll make a post abt it) and then I will also be accepting requests for f1 as well as må.
Have a great day :)
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abatelunare · 2 years
Due sconsigli cinematografici
Avrei due film da sconsigliarvi. Perché non è che mi siano piaciuti granché.
Il primo è Granchio nero. Futuro distopico. La Svezia è sotto attacco da non si capisce chi. Una donna cui è stata portata via la figlia viene incaricata di una missione di quelle che decimano i partecipanti. Infatti sopravvivono lei e un altro e basta. Il finale è a dir poco pessimistico, oltre che immerdevole. Le scene d’azione ci sarebbero anche. Ma la pellicola manca di quella leggerezza che caratterizza gli action. Non solo è troppo cupa, ma si prende troppo sul serio. Ed è credibile come il sottoscritto che trinca della tequila da un secchio. La presenza di un’attrice come Noomi Rapace non basta. Non a me, ecco.
Il secondo è Adverse. Ethan è uno che ha fatto la galera. Lavora per una roba tipo Uber, quello che porta in giro la gente. Ha una sorellina di sedici anni la cui occupazione è quella di finire nei guai. Tanto è vero che alla fine ci lascia le natiche. Il fratello allora si vendica. Ecco, questo fa involontariamente ridere. Vorrebbe essere drammatico ma non lo è. Forse perché di nazionalità tedesca. Non è né thriller, né noir. Un ibrido che funziona male, insomma. L’unica cosa da segnalare è la presenza di due attori come Mickey Rourke, dal volto sempre più deforme, e di Lou Diamond Phillips, poco credibile nei panni d’uno psichiatra. Il resto francamente lo butterei. Insieme a loro due.
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deliriumofendless · 3 years
Did you see this?
Damiano being a dork and Ethan cool af with a braid
(Damiano says "Basta" = "Enough")
ksdjlsjdw yeah i follow that account on insta and the shuffling of his feet as he goes off frame makes me laugh so hard
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miastellina · 3 years
“EThaN, bAsTa. BASta etHan. ETHAN”
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