#finn hudson: mention
sscrambledmeggss · 1 year
Nothing will ever be funnier than Jesse being named Jesse only for Finn to sing Jessie’s girl
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jamesbutnotreally · 14 days
Glee Furt Bros Fanfic
Does anyone have a fanfic where Kurt and Finns brotherhood is the main plot. A fic that explore their daily house life and interections.
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mdverse · 2 years
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happy halloween to these sillies only
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talkwith-kvrthvmmel · 6 months
So, when was I going to be notified of your grand resurrection? Or do we not just tell me anything anymore because making me feel like the heat made me see things is more fun for you? You didn't think to correct the false assumption sooner? You know we had a funeral. You know I had to comfort everyone in our family, and even gave your jacket to Santana only for it to be stolen which only caused further problems. But I'm sure none of that matters, right? @talkwithfinnhudson
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rookie-critic · 1 year
Rookie-Critic's Top 20 Films of 2021: Honorable Mentions - Ghostbusters: Afterlife (dir. Jason Reitman)
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This may be a controversial pick. I know there is a large subset of people who thought this was just a giant fan-service cash grab that acted more as a "Ghostbusters Greatest Hits" than a new, original film. However, I had a ton of fun with it. Sure, it borrows a lot from the original film, but it's not as much of a rehash as The Force Awakens, and people seem to love that (I don't dislike TFA, by the way, just an example). McKenna Grace and Paul Rudd are excellent in it, and I felt it was a wonderful ode to Ghostbusters and Harold Ramis and a perfect endcap for the franchise.
Score: 9/10
Currently available to stream on Starz.
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thumperking · 2 years
🍝 — favorite food(s)?
🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)?
🍰 — favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)?
1. fried chicken. there’s nothing sexier than a well made piece of fried chicken. mcdonald’s french fries. if I were cooking myself I’d make some mexican rice and some tinga , spicy & comforting. orrrr roast and potatoes w carrots 🤘🏼
2. butter crunch ( it tastes like butter finger ) , vanilla , rocky road , banana split ( there’s a flavor called banana split ) , I’m not picky when it comes to ice cream tho. the only flavor I actually hate is mint chocolate chip.
3. m&m cookies or white chocolate macadamia nut, I love sweets tbh 🥴 the only dessert I don’t care for is cheesecake.
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thebestbreadbowl · 6 months
The thing I like most about Adventure Time is the pacing, it's a lot slower than shows today, and really fleshes out every tiny character and detail.
There was so much room for Adventure Time to keep going, but it got cut short by Cartoon Network.
If we went on for a few more seasons we could've gotten good endings for a lot of the character arcs instead of bitter lessons.
Betty could've found a safe way to bring Simon and Margles back (and AGGG I wish we got more of King Man and his wifeeee). Simon would actually see (Alive!) Betty and they could TALK and FIX the problems with their relationship.
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If Simon wasn't brought back on the final episode, we would've had normal AT episodes with him and Marcaline actually TALKING about their lives (Who wouldn't want an 'I Remember You' 2, Electric Boogaloo?)
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Fern could've ended his curse without dying, or at least learn to accept himself. Fern and Jermaine brotherhood was RIGHT THERE for the taking, they're both overshadowed by their more popular counterpart and they're basically siblings by relation
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Marcaline and Princess Bubblegum would have some more time to become an official relationship, instead of the sudden kiss after PB gets slammed into the ground.
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Anything. With. The. Ice Thing. What the hell is it? What happened to Gunter and Oorgalorg for that matter? Why did it *fuse* with the crown? And is there anything more on his relationship with Turtle Princess? (How the hell did he even get her to marry him?)
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There's so much more I could add to this list; Uncle Gumbald and PB, Finn and Minerva, Hudson Abadeer and Simon, that stretch of time where Simon was serving the Empress, Huntress Wizard and Finn
This isn't even MENTIONING smaller characters like Neptr, Lemongrab, LSP ect
I know more than half the stuff I said was covered in Obsidian or Fionna and Cake, but those pieces happen AFTER the important stuff, they're less story pieces and more 'loose end ties', and almost every episode is split with an entirely new main character, and/or setting
Luckily, most of the fandom creates art and stories to fill these gaps that AT left, and I'm very happy for it, but I wish that AT could've ran on for a few more seasons to really lock in ideas
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embodyingchaos · 10 months
Hi! Since you are writing for Finn could you please write about the gaga episode including the reader and they help him with his red outfit or the rocky horror episode? Thank you!
❥ hi sweetheart! MY FIRST GLEE REQUEST AAAAA im so excited, i hope you like this! (so sorry this is so late!)
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theatricality rewritten pairing: finn hudson x gn!reader genre: platonic, fluff, sorta angst(?) warnings: finn being sortaaa homophobic, mention of the f slur, finn being a jerk, this is like so bad im so sorry word count: 1.9k
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the halls of mckinley were filled with students roaming around, conversing with one another while someone was just trying to put their books back into their locker. y/n swore as the books inside their locker fell out and plopped onto the floor, “how the hell does this even happen, i put them sideways for god’s sake.” they whispered to themselves, bending down to grab them before rearranging their positions. as they were putting their books back in, finn hudson had approached them.
“hey, y/n.” they looked up, “oh, hey finn. what’s up?” y/n asked as they closed their locker, “so many things are up. so many damn things.” he exasperatedly said, leaning his back on the wall. 
finn and y/n had been friends ever since pre-school, they used to be best friends but some things change. they both reconnected when they joined the glee club around the same time. “what is it now? rachel? quinn? puck?” “kurt.” y/n whistled lowly, “that’s a new one.” they started to walk down the hallway to head to the glee club. “what about him?” “well, my mom made us move in with him and his dad, and now- now, i’ve got to share a room with him! like the dude’s fine and all, sure, but i need my privacy and he kinda makes me feel, i don’t know, uncomfortable?” finn rambled, stuffing his hands into his pockets as his flannel brushed to the side.
y/n only chuckled, “why on earth does he make you uncomfortable?” their question makes finn fidget a bit, “he just… i’m so sure he likes me. it’s obvious. sharing a room with him is like sharing a room with a girl that likes me.” y/n gave him a weird look, “okay, i’ll pretend you didn’t just compare kurt to a girl and that you think he likes you-” “i’m not thinking it! he does!” they sighed, “right. look, if it bothers you that much, sleep in the living room. it isn’t that complicated, finn.” finn huffed and nodded as they entered the choir room.
he sat beside tina, who was looking a little off today and that’s when it clicked. “you aren’t wearing your usual goth look, t. what happened?” y/n asked her as they sat beside finn, “figgins thinks she’s a vampire and said if she wore goth any time soon, she’d get suspended.” mercedes explained, “what.” y/n deadpanned, in disbelief that their principal actually believes vampires are real.
“it’s so weird.” “this so isn’t you.” artie and finn commented, “i feel like an asian branch davidian.” tina expressed woefully, will frowned at her state. “tina, are there any other looks you can try?” mr. schuester’s question started a plenty of suggestions. “biker chick?” “cowgirl?” “hood rat.” “computer programmer!” “cross-country skier.” “catholic schoolgirl?” “a happy-meal, no onions… or a chicken.” everyone looked at brittany with concern before tina had enough of their ideas.
“look, i appreciate it, guys, but it just isn’t me. i know who i am, and i’m not allowed to show it. it’s like communism.” she begrudgingly comments before rachel stomped into the room, fervent as always.
“guys, we have a serious problem. you know, i’ve been doing some deep background on vocal adrenaline-” “isn’t that against the rules?” artie asked her, “no, not at all- or, probably. whatever!” schue shook his head at her answer, but rachel didn’t really seem to care. “anyway, what i figured out, i rooted through the dumpsters behind the carmel auditorium and i found 18 empty boxes of christmas lights.” tina’s eyes widened, “oh, no.” “which led me to joelle fabrics. i asked them about red chantilly lace and they were sold out!” rachel exclaimed and now the girls and kurt looked entirely worried. “oh, sweet jesus.” “oh, my.” mercedes and him commented, a few of the guys looked confused.
mr. schuester looked at rachel, “what?” “they’re doing gaga.” kurt explained while mercedes and rachel expressed how screwed they were. “we should have guessed it. they’re going full out theatricality. they know it’s the easiest way to beat us. damn them!” y/n took a deep breath in, they were definitely screwed.
“what’s up with this gaga dude? he just dresses weird, right? like bowie?” puck’s question made rachel scoff, “lady gaga is a woman! she’s only the biggest pop act to come along in decades! she’s boundary-pushing! the most theatrical performer of our generation, and she changes her looks faster than britt changes sexual partners.” “that’s true.” she agreed as kurt went on a rant about how amazing lady gaga is.
“it makes sense that vocal adrenaline would pay homage. it’s a brilliant move. she’s a perfect fit for them.” artie muttered, “now, hold on a second.” schue spoke up, “we might be able to kill two birds with one stone here. we can help tina find a new look and find a competitive number for regionals.” tina smiled as y/n held her hand encouragingly.
“this week, your assignment: gaga.” a round of whispers filled the room as the girls and kurt began to plot, rachel announced the ideas were coming to her, needing a pen and paper before mr. schuester pointed at his office. the boys, however, didn’t look too happy about it. y/n was pretty neutral on the topic. 
after the glee meeting, both finn and y/n walked side-by-side in the hallway as they headed to class. they turned to finn, “you look excited about gaga.” they commented sarcastically but finn didn’t catch that. “what? i’m not-” “i know. i was being sarcastic, you big doof.” y/n smiled, “come on, it isn’t so bad. lady gaga’s got some catchy hits, like just dance.” finn tilted his head, “of course, you don’t know that song. why did i even mention it?” they muttered to themselves, looking around the hallway with a bored expression.
finn let out an annoyed grunt, “why are we always doing the things the girls wanna do?” he wondered out loud, y/n pressed their lips into a firm line. “well, if that’s how you feel, then why don’t you express it to mr. schue? i’m sure he’ll understand your point of view. sometimes.” the tall boy nodded, slowly smiling. “maybe i will.” he simply said before turning back around to head to mr. schuester’s office. “aaand there he goes.” y/n quietly commented, continuing their journey to history class.
gaga week had gone extremely well, other than karofsky and azimio picking on tina and kurt, and rachel finding out that vocal adrenaline’s coach was her mom. finn had also convinced mr. schue to allow the boys to do a song by the band kiss instead of lady gaga.
y/n was getting text spams and long rants every five minutes from finn about how much of a hassle it was to live with kurt, it was honestly starting to get on their nerves. they didn’t care about it much until they got a text from the quarterback saying he had called kurt a slur when he was blinded by rage. 
finn drove to their house and was immediately met with an upset face. “i cannot believe you called him that!” they yelled as finn fell onto their bed with his hands on his face, “i know, dude. i feel really bad about it, too.” he groaned in frustration, mad at himself for being such a jerk.
“i wanna make it up to him, but i just don’t know how.” finn muttered, staring up at their bedroom’s ceiling. y/n fiddled with their oversized t-shirt before their eyes lingered on a specific costume that was hung on their closet door; their gaga costume. y/n smirked, “i have an idea.” they slyly turned towards their best friend who raised his head up with a questionable look on his face.
with that, they spent the entire night fashioning up a theatricality costume for the boy as a way to show his support for kurt and that he was different from the other guys on the football team who would judge and scrutinise everything the glee club did.
the next day, since it was the end of the week, everyone had decided to go to school in their costumes. y/n didn’t mind but it was a bit uncomfortable to get to and from class in white latex tights.
“woah! guys, why are you all in your theatricality costumes?” mr. schue asked as he walked into the choir room, “it’s the end of the week. we were kind of hoping to learn what the lesson of the assignment was.” artie told him, “well, um, you guys have had some great numbers this week but i’m not sure that i know either.” he confessed and the rest of the club chuckled with him before a voice spoke up.
“i do.” tina walked into the room in her usual goth attire, “goth tina! you’re back!” y/n exclaimed, beaming at her. the girl smiled at their enthusiasm, “i refuse to dress like somebody i’m not to be somebody i’m not, and i learned it’s good to be a little theatrical.” she said before taking a bow as everyone applauded. “there she is! she’s back!” mr. schue encouragingly announced, patting her on the back.
artie looked around amidst all the cheering, realising that two people were missing. “wait, where’s kurt? and where’s finn?” his question made everyone look around, before the revelation hit y/n. “guys, we need to go find them. now.” the entire club ventured out together through the hallways to find the two guys, which they did.
“oh my god.” “what is finn wearing?” santana stated and quinn asked, in shock. “he wanted to make up for something he did to kurt so i helped him with his gaga costume.” y/n explained, “problem was that we could only use this old shower curtain i found in my attic.” they added, snickering at the sight of their friend wearing a red, rubber-looking dress. they walked towards them as they noticed karofsky and azimio were once again bullying them. “‘cause i’m pretty sure we can take the both of you.” “yeah, but can you take all of us?” puck quipped as they backed finn up.
“okay. okay, i get it. i took biology. you know what, karofsky? we done disturbed the freak hive! the worker freaks is trying to protect the queen freak.” azimio mocked, “next time, we’ll bring some friends, too.” karofsky threatened before the two jocks walked away from the group.
rachel took off her shades, “i’m tired of everyone calling us freaks.” she complained, “well, look at us. we are freaks.” mercedes joked as everyone laughed along. finn smiled at this, “but we’re all freaks together, and we shouldn’t have to hide it.” he told them before sudden clapping attracted their attention. 
“nice job, finn. think you just figured out what the lesson was, kinda makes me wish i’d planned it.” mr. schue joked, “but mercedes is right, you do all look incredibly insane.” y/n smiled and turned to finn, high-fiving one another. “told you my plan would work.” they whispered to him as he rolled his eyes, “yeah, yeah. you’re always right, i get it.” y/n only punched him lightly on his shoulder as they all began to walk back to the choir room.
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soupandsauce · 2 months
OCD with Finn Hudson
Finn Hudson x Female Reader
I got back into my teenage obsession with Glee ever since I found out it's on Hulu and so I will now be writing for Glee characters! Requests are super welcome!
Summary: How Finn helps and supports you during your OCD episodes
This is mainly for my own comfort as I am really struggling with my OCD now.
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Having contamination OCD is a debilitating disability. Not to mention suffering through it during high school. Your first week was comforting once you met with the counselor, Miss Pillsbury who also struggles with all things germs. She encouraged you to dive into a club to try and socialize with people. Thats what a club is after all, a group of people coming together for a period to support one another.
So you did, or rather, you ignored her idea until someone very handsome came up to you during a rather germs time.
it was lunch, and you were sitting alone in an empty classroom far away from the floating particles of the high school cafeteria. You sat down with a sigh as you opened up your bento box full of healthy and colorful food. after sanitizing your dried out hands, you started to eat. A few laughs and voices occasionally decorating the silence as students walked the halls.
One of those students was Finn Hudson, the quarterback for McKinley high as well as one of the guys known to be in glee club. He was rather tall, couldn't be shorter than six foot four and had soft brown hair. You had seen him in passing as you walked in the halls in between classes. he always had a smile on his face and seemed to be a very gentle and friendly person despite his popular status.
Finn saw you as you ate alone in the classroom. He saw how you were wiping off your fruits and the way that the table underneath you was still partially wet from what must have been a lysol wipe. It reminded him of Miss Pillsbury and how she struggles with OCD. He smiled at your cute frame, no taller than five foot two. He wanted to say hello but for some reason, he felt himself get nervous. As if your beauty enthralled him.
But before he could look away, you looked up from your lunch to see him. He tried to act normal.
"Why are you eating alone? We'd love to meet you." he says as he walks inside the classroom.
"Oh, um, Hi." I say as I blush softly, still stiff.
"Hi." he says softly as he walks over to the table you're at and sits down across from you. So he is incredibly kind.
"I'm Finn." he says "You're new right?"
I swallow a bite of food.
"Yeah, I'm Y/N" you say.
he smiles
"So why are you all alone in here?" he asks again.
You swallow again out of nervousness, you might as well be honest.
"Oh, I have a germ problem." You start
Finn's face softens even further if that's even possible as he listens.
"I'm guessing you've met the counselor?" He says with a cute smile
"You two have a lot in common."
You smile softly and blush again
"Yeah, she's encouraged me to join a club. She says it might help." You say.
Then, Finn smiles. again like he has an idea.
"Do you like music?" He asks
"Yeahhh?" you say, drawing your word out as if you know he's up to something.
Finn giggles a little before saying, "Join glee club! Or just stop by today after school to see what it's like. I'll be there." he says.
You smile softly and blush again.
"Okay" You whisper.
after school, you pack up your bag and put some hand sanitizer onto your hands, grimacing slightly as you see how dry your hands are becoming from the over use. As you stand at your locker, you see Finn walking the hall too and he gives you a smile and a wave. You smile back and wave as well before you turn back around to your locker.
Then, from behind you, a couple of football players are snickering as they both hold slashes in their hands and walk towards you. Finn watches and his usual smile quickly drops into a look of dread and worry. Finn quickly runs over to you and you turn around to see Finn, as well as these two football players all coming towards you, you flinch as they all three get so close, worried that they will touch you.
"Hey new girl, welcome to McKinley." One of the football players says with a smirk on his face as if he's up to no good.
"Don'y even think about it, dude." Finn says.
"Says you, you faggot. Everyone knows that Glee club members are all losers. She associates with you, so therefore, she's a loser too. And you know what losers get." The football guys says as he throws the contents of the slushy into the air towards you.
"No! Stop!" Finn says as he tries to block it, but he's too late. The cold, wet, and sticky slushy splashes all over your face, hair, clothes, and skin and you gasp so loud that Finn think it's a scream.
"Finn looks furious as the two guys who walk away with a strut. And for a moment, you think that Finn is going to run after them and punch em, but instead, Finn turns back to you with a terribly sorry look on his face.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry... I tried to stop them... I know you..." But he can't even finish his sentence before you start breaking down into a panic as you feel the blue slush all over you, CONTAMINATING you.
Finn watches in fear as you shrivel to the ground in a ball and cry as you hyperventilate and panic, unable to move.
"Here" Finn says as he takes you gently by the shoulders and walks you away from the large, watching crowd and into the empty football locker room.
"I-I-its- I..." You try to speak, not only about what just happened, but the fact that the locker room only worsens your situation due to the sporty, sweaty smell.
Finn is quick to fetch his duffel bag from his locker and rummage inside of it to hold out a hoodie and a pair of joggers.
He runs with a towel over to you and wipes off your face as you cry, barely registering the close proximity or how kind he is being to you for a moment. But after a few minutes of him wiping your face and hands clean, you start to catch your breath, hiccuping every so breaths s you sniffle.
"I know it's not the best place in the world, but there's showers around the corner if you wanna wash up a little. I have these clean clothes too if you wanna change." he says in the most gentle voice.
You sniffle as you look at his sorry expression, like he somehow caused it, and suddenly really start to feel for him. You start to tear up again and Finn sees it.
"N-No I didn't mean to make you cry again, im so sorry." Finn says as he stands up straight and puts his hands on his eyes.
"No Finn, you're just so sweet." You say.
"Thank you"
You then decide to take a quick shower while Finn waits right outside the locker room door, making sure that no one comes in. After about 20 minutes of scrubbing and washing, you finally come walking out slowly. Finn turns around to see you, 5'2, with damp hair, all while wearing HIS hoodie and HIS joggers which, mind you, swallow you whole. He smiles.
"How do you feel?" He asks
"better, thank you." You say with a quiet and scratchy voice from all the crying and hyperventilating.
Finn smiles back
"Do you still feel good enough for Glee club or do you want to try another day?" He asks, not wanting to pressure you after such a traumatic thing.
You feel some sort of pull to Finn, almost as if you want to be near him always.
"Only if you sit beside me, Finn" You say softly with a smile.
Time went on and Glee club was the thing that really helped you feel more normal, more accepted. And as promised, Finn sat by you each and every time. Almost everyone in the club, including Mr. Schue, were convinced that you and Finn were dating but the both of you denied it until the night of regionals. Before the show, behind the curtain, you two had a rather short conversation.
"Break a leg" You said to Finn
"I love you." he quickly gets out right before the music starts.
Since then, you two have been happily dating.
On nights where he spends the night, or a full weekend over, he always respects your boundaries and little rituals. Finn smiles as he takes off his outside clothes and changes into his inside clothes for you, giving you little winks here and there as he unbuttons his shirt. He helps you by wiping down the counters with lysol wipes after he cooks anything and helps you with the laundry.
But there are times when it gets so bad that Finn tries to help you refrain from doing your cleanings.
Often times, he sees how chapped your hands are from all the hand washing and hand sanitizer so he sits you down and rubs lotion on your hands, whispering softly how you have to take care of them. or he will challenge you to only wash your hands for a minute as he stands next to you. He praises you when you do well.
Mr. Schue really likes you and Finn because he sees himself and Miss Pillsbury in you two. he can tell that you two are going to last based off how you treat each other. And that's the main reason why you two commonly get to sing all the ballads. After performance nights, Finn and you have sleepovers where you clean the trophy while watching a movie together, it's really sweet.
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katzmultiverse · 4 months
Cast ! :: 2019 - 2026
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If a piece of media already exists in this reality and I do not include the entire cast, all is the same besides the mentioned roles, or I have not chosen the rest yet.
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Gravity Falls live action (2019)
- Mabel Pines : Me - Dipper Pines : Lily Athena (my sister) - Wendy : Sadie Sink - Robbie : Finn Wolfhard - Candy : Haerin - Pacifica : Leena Scobell - Ford : Dad - Stan : David Harbor - Bill : Alex Hirstch - Soos : Rico Rodriguez - Abuelita : Rico Rodriguez (in a wig) - Lazy Susan : Jennifer Coolidge - Durland : Paul Rudd - All of Sev’ral Timez : Justin Bieber - Gabe Benson : Walker Scobell - Hot Elf : Luke Eisner - Xyler : Christian Martyn - Craz : Logan Lerman - McGucket : William H Macy - Grenda : Daniella Baltodano
A-Force (2021)
Dazzler : Sage D'Lynn Captain Marvel : Alexandra Laurie Medusa : Me female Loki : Aleah Covington Nico Minoru : Megan Liu She-Hulk : Dior Goodjohn Singularity : Emmelyne Laurence
Percy Jackson Series (Season 2 & 3)
Rachel Elizabeth Dare : Me Thalia Grace : Aleah Covington
Infinity Train live action (Season 1 : 2024 + Season 2 : 2026)
Tulip Olsen : Me Mirror Tulip/Lake : Me The Cat : Kate Mulgrew Atticus : Ernie Hudson Jesse Cosay : Aryan Simhadri Grace Monroe : Yara Shahidi Simon Laurent : Nico Greetham
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ijustlovefiction · 1 year
Cars/Planes Headcanons!!!!
Lightning - he would definitely listen to all the songs from the whole Cars Series like "Real Gone", "Life is Highway" or "Ride". Personally, I think he would be a fan of Imagine Dragons and The Score.
Mater - in my opinion, our lovely tow truck would listen to country songs, most often from Brad Paisley, possibly a few songs from musicals
Sally- Personally, I think she would be a huge ABBA fan. Just imagine her singing this band's songs as she works
Doc - I don't think our legendary Hudson Hornet would be addicted to music, but I know he wouldn't despise "Everybody Wants To Rule World" and "Nothing else matters" (he would despise today's music, saying that the 80's was the best)
Luigi -he could certainly be a fan of jazz and swing. I feel like this music brings back memories for him
Guido - in the case of a pit stop champion, I believe he would listen to some accapella. I don't know why, it just seems that way to me
Ramone- seems to be a guy who listens to rap/punk (I don't know what to call it) Something like "Gangsta's Paradise" or "Punk Tactics"
Flo - The Rolling Stones. She. is. Just. Big. Fangirl. Of. It.
Red-well, our sensitive guy could listen to lofi music, which always helps him to organize his thoughts and calm down
Fillmone -would be a fan of Michael Jackson. He would love his voice and his favorite song would be "Heal the World"
Sarge-I don't think he would have any fun with music. He would listen to whatever is playing in the background
Lizzie-like some hits from the 30s. She'd definitely mention Stanley on "It's been a long long time"
Mack- he would have a lot of fun listening to Skillet. Every time he goes somewhere, he'll vibe to one of these songs
Sheriff- he wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he loves musical songs. Especially "From now on" from The Greatest Showman
Cruz - QUEEEEENN!!! SHE WOULD BE A HUGE FAN OF THIS BAND! I even have a vision of her excitedly sitting at the premiere of "Bohemian Rhapsody" (her favorite song is "Show must go on")
Finn: Did you think Mack was a big Skillet fan? Look at this agent. He would go to every concert because he thinks this band is badass. Just like Fall out Boy. He plays these songs EVERY TIME when he's on some mission (in one earphone of course) Sometimes he'll listen to "Warriors" by Imagine Dragons
Holley - I think she would like to listen to Katy Perry. It was her childhood idol and now her songs help Holley to cheer her up
Chick-probably would listen to typical rap
Strip - our king would be a fan of The Weekend. His favorite song would be "Pray for me"
Cal- Like his uncle, he would love The Weekend, but he wouldn't disdain Imagine Dragons
Bobby-would listen to Pitbull. I don't know, somehow I see him enjoying his music
Jackson - I think he would love Panic! At The Disco. He would most like "Let's kill tonight"
Francesco- he would be a fan of Kesha. I know it's weird but I just see him dancing to "Blow" or "Timber"
Prof Z - he would probably turn up a villain playlist on YouTube and enjoy it. He would also feel like a boss listening to "Crazy=genius" by Panic! At the Disco
Miles- Maneskin would be glad. Once for laughs, he sang "I Wanna Be Your Slave" to Prof
Sterling - That son of a bitch (I hate him, sorry) probably wouldn't like music :V
Tex - our favorite Dinoco owner would probably listen to jazz, which would calm him down and give him satisfaction, because he believes that "jazz is music for successful people"
Acer and Germ - these two are die-hard fans of Eminem. I imagine them driving to their "work" listening to one of his songs
Dusty-When Doc said "Today younglish don't know anything about music" he certainly didn't mean our favorite plane. Ozzy Osbourne, Electric Light Orchestra, Guns N Roses, Queen, Metallica, Nirvana or even single tracks like "Let's Grove Tonight" are like a piece of cake for him. He has music from the 70s, 80s or 90s in his little finger. (also fandom songs for ex. "Build our Machine", "Get Out" or "Hero Forms")
Dottie- Personally, I think she would be a fan of Arcane songs. She often listens to them while she works, which gives her a really cool vibe (especially "Playground" or "Snakes")
Chug - a fan of the opening credits of various series or cartoons and more (and also fan of Disney/Dreamworks songs) For sure, while watching "Ninjago" or "Monkie Kid" together with Dusty, he would sing it out loud (I'm not surprised :V)
Skipper - Personally, I think Skip would love to hear songs from "Sweeney Todd" (Highly recommended)
Sparky-Weezer fan. Definitely
Mayday-I personally think he would listen to songs about courage and sacrifice for example
El Chu - romantic songs are for him the rhythm of his heartbeat. I guess I don't need to explain this 😅
Bulldog -anthem of Great Britain. Just kidding, he would probably listen to Avicii while still grieving over the death of that artist
Ishani-I think Ishani would be a Lady Gaga fan. She'd have no problem dancing to "Bad Romance" or "Americano"
Rip - our emo plane would probably be a huge fan of Slipknot. He really gives me the vibe of someone whose favorite song is "People=Sh!t" from this band
Rochelle - She's Swiftie. I JUST SEE IT as he listens and vibes to "Anti-hero", "Welcome to New York" or "ME!"
Ned and Zed - they even have the same taste xd. I think they would both enjoy listening to Halsey or Billie Ellish, sometimes even Melanie Martinez
Franz -our favorite German would not have a favorite genre. He would just listen to whatever he wanted
Echo-this fighter wouldn't mind listening to Twenty One Pilots. The song "Stressed Out" is his favourite
Bravo - his favorite artist would be Rob Zombie. "More human than human" always accompanies him on his patrol
Blade- Well, at first our favorite helicopter wasn't a big music fan, but when Dusty showed him the song "Gladiator" by Jann, he started listening to it addictively
Windlifter-dude seems to me to be the type of person who listens to action movie soundtracks (for example Avengers) It gives him strength and motivation to train and fight fire
Lil'Dipper - anime intros can sing like no other. She is such a big fan of Britney Spears and Blondie. She also won't despise K-Pop.
Maru- Our fireman mechanic would be a huge fan of AC/DC. He loves to listen to them while working and often asks Patch to put on one of these songs during the action (it was even in the movie :V) He would also love "You're the best" or "Eye of the tiger.
Dynamite- For sure her favorite song would be "Black Widow". She would also like to listen to punk rock like "I Am A Poser"
Pinecone -she would 100% listen to fantasy songs like "Willow Tree March" because it brings the world to life in her head (in headcanon, I think she's a sensitive person with a vivid imagination)
Blackout-N.I.R.V.A.N.A totally. I don't know, I have the impression that he would listen to this band since he was a child and would go to every concert if he could
Avalanche - as with Rip, he would listen to Slipknot. It helps him release his emotions
Drip-I personally think he would be a Bruno Mars fan. Imagine him in sunglasses, chilling to "The Lazy Song"
Cabbie-Fan Rag N Bone Man. He would love the vibe of these songs and would relax to them
Patch-The Runways would be the band she fell in love with after watching Guardians of the Galaxy (basically, she listens to all the songs in that movie)
Cad - in my opinion, he wouldn't listen to music except for the song "I'm Awesome"
Nick- He would feel great joy while listening to Metallica. Once Blade walked into his dressing room and saw him singing and jumping to "Master of Puppets"
Leadbottom - this old man would complain about today's music even more (and more annoyingly) than Doc. He'd think 50s music was the best
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klaine-a03-feed · 7 months
The Witches of Lilibury
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/p32thHc by sarkyblueeyes Kurt Hummel is in a rut. Having inherited the role of coven leader from his mother earlier than planned, he struggles to find balance between his responsibilities as a witch, and his personal life, in the small town of Lilibury, New England. Then Blaine Anderson moves in across the street. Between planning the annual Halloween Festival, running the family-owned apothecary, and seeing to the needs of the coven, is there room in his life for love? Words: 7736, Chapters: 2/26, Language: English Fandoms: Glee Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Santana Lopez, Mercedes Jones, Brittany S. Pierce, Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert, Jeff (Glee), Sugar Motta, Lauren Zizes, Kitty Wilde, Burt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Finn Hudson, Artie Abrams, Sue Sylvester, Quinn Fabray, Original Characters Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, klaine AU, Klaine, Fantasy, Witchcraft, Mystery, Comedy, oblivious idiots, witch! Kurt, bumbling flirting, Misunderstandings, mentions of grief, coven leader Kurt, Halloween, Mutual Pining, witch klaine, Magic, Angst, Neighbors! Klaine, witchcraft! Klaine, magic! Klaine
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very-kurtious · 1 year
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Klaine 3-2-1 Prompt Bang Fic: Final Getaway
Author: @very-kurtious​
Artist: @riverance​
Prompt Provided by: N/A
Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Rating: Everyone - though warning for dark themes
Word Count: 5,000
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel. Mentions of Finn Hudson and Carol Hudson.
Summary: Kurt had never been to the beach. It was a simple thing, really, something most people did as kids. When Blaine finds out, he decides that he needs to take him, before he can’t anymore. 
Genre/Tropes: fiancés, alone time, running away, beach holiday
Warnings: illness, terminal illness, sickness, major character death, passing out, anxiety, funeral mention
Author’s Notes: This was a lot of fun to write, there was no prompt, just the artwork and as soon as I saw it I got this idea. I also wanted to challenge myself more with this piece by having no dialogue throughout the story. I hope you guys enjoy, and thank you to everyone for setting the prompt bang up and dealing with my hectic schedule and everything else that went wrong for me. 
Sorry it’s shorter than 7,500, but I got as close as I could without overcrowding the story and the format I’d challenged myself with didn’t help haha. Also, beautiful artwork by Riverance, so go give them some love!
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tuiyla · 1 year
btw, do you already dislike Xander? I'm kinda hoping you're going to start writing rants about how much he sucks lmao, but tbf his worst moments are yet to come. I also hope you'll end up hating another male character that most people love, much to my chagrin.
Alright! No more letting this ask sit. Anon, I hope you're around and doing well because we're finally gonna talk about Xander Harris.
I wanted to answer this at different points during my Buffy journey and now, towards the end of season 5, I have to say that... Xander's fine. I totally get where your hope comes from, my notorious Finn posts and all and though I'll get into aspects of Xander I dislike in a moment, I'm afraid I can't be the manhater you need on this occasion. From what I've seen though he's not that well-loved? In my limited experience anyway. So the Finn Hudson effect doesn't apply in that sense, either.
Where I would be frustrated with Xander in similar ways I am about Finn's ch is that sometimes he is framed in an annoying way. He never gets even just called out for lying to Buffy at the end of season 2 or acting like a major asshole in 3x02. All the Scoobies are coming at Buffy there, sure, but none with such vehemence and in such a self-righteous way. Self-righteous hypocrites really piss me off. Had I answered this at the start of season 3 I probably would have been much harsher on Xander than I'm gonna be now. His Angel hatred was so irrational and not worthy of an "I told you so" upon Angelus' turn and it's irritating how entitled he is to Buffy's decisions. Not to mention, I don't care if him sulking about Buffy's rejection is realistic teen boy behaviour, it's tedious and embarrassing. She made it clear that she was not interested and Xander was such an ass about it. His crush on Buffy was a pain to get through and frankly, I don't think Xander deserved either of the girls he's been with since. Cordelia most definitely not and I think Anya deserves better, too, because she's genuinely devoted whereas it really feels like Xander's with her just because it's convenient for him.
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His latest really, really annoying moment was his Riley speech to Buffy but honestly I'm just so glad Riley's gone so I'm gonna swiftly move past that. Whatever, Xander tried helping Buffy and luckily she was too late to act on his advice. What stupid advice, anyway, as if Riley was one in a million. Hon, he was literally the 999,999 in a million.
And I said I wouldn't go hard on the guy, huh? Lmao well that was pretty much the list of my grievances. In general? Xander's... fine. He's not gonna be my favourite Scooby in any scenario, no way, but I think since mid-season 3 he's been a lot more tolerable and even enjoyable on occasion. He does feel sort of useless at times but that's acknowledged and a part of his journey so I appreciate that. I don't fully buy into him being the Heart of the group as that position is something that I hold precious, see Katara in ATLA. And no way Xander can even touch what someone like Katara represents within her group dynamic. But I also see that being the Heart is mostly about courage here, loyalty, and as much as he makes mistakes I gotta give Xander that.
Even in that interpretation I struggle with the guy because a) he does have these icky sexist moments that are just not funny and they're meant to be and b) he's not... that full of heart. I just think pettiness gets in the way too often and, compared to someone like Willow's flaws his are more annoying and in general, more. He's not quite the Nice Guy syndrome because he is general a genuinely good friend to Buffy and the others but I wish he wasn't such a teen boy. Or, if he was, cause ya know they unfortunately do exist, that he was framed just a little more critically. I get that that's too much to ask of Whedon's late 90s feminism but it would make Xander an easier character to vibe with. I mean, I'm guessing there must be a reason I had zero idea about his existence prior to watching the show but had a vague idea of most other Scoobies. I knew so many things about Willow and was aware of chs like Oz, Cordy and Tara, but I was half-expecting Xander to only last a season or two. Because surely, if he was there for the whole show I would have heard people talk about him already.
So, yeah, it might not sound like it because I more so talked about the negatives than positives but I don't hate Xander by any means. He's not frustrating enough to be loathed or ranted about but he's also not nearly engaging enough to be on the level of the other Scoobies. He has his moments, though, and more often than not I find myself enjoying Xander-centric episodes. Soooo... is that anything? I hope I don't disappoint but now that I'm at the end of season 5 maybe you can share more about your Xander thoughts, I'd be happy to listen.
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
Stick Season (5/14)
Summary: After Finn dies, Kurt leaves everything he knows behind without a trace. His hometown, his family, his boyfriend. When his dad has a medical scare, he returns to Lima, one year after breaking Blaine’s heart with no explanation.
Tropes/Genres: Angst, Reconciliation, Grief, Alcoholism, Mentions of Major Character Death
Track 5: Come Over // Day 5: You’re The Best Thing
Words: 632
A/N: Can I offer y'all some fluff in these trying times?
“Kurt! The guy you’ve got a big fat stupid crush on is here!”
“Oh, my god, shut up, Finn!”
As Kurt trots down the stairs, his brother gives him a sly smirk. 
“You’re the one who invited him over, anyway,” Kurt scoffs, stepping to the circular mirror in the doorway to check his reflection.”
“Yeah, because it was getting pretty pathetic watching you pine over the new kid every time he sang a solo in glee club.”
“You are so annoying. I am not pining.”
“Right, so you’re fixing your hair because you totally don’t care what he thinks about you.”
Kurt freezes for a moment before tossing Finn a sharp glare. “Shut up,” he mutters, as the latter opens the door for their guest.
“Blaine, my man!” Finn calls out, greeting the newest member of the New Directions with a hi-five and brotherly hug. “How’s it going?”
“Great! I’m so excited, I can’t believe they’re showing A New Hope at the theaters again, after all these years! Thanks for the ticket, by the way, I really appreciate it.”
Finn gives a grimace that Kurt can tell is facetious. “Yeeeeah, about that…”
Blaine looks like a kicked puppy already, and Finn hasn’t even finished explaining. Kurt has to stop himself from letting out an audible “Aw,” at Blaine’s expression.
“I forgot that Rachel’s dads invited me to a wine tasting over in Westerville, some sort of fancy pants thing that happens once a year.”
“Oh, okay,” Blaine mumbles sadly. Kurt furrows his eyebrows. In no world does Finn Hudson opt for a wine tasting over a Star Wars showing.
“But!” Finn continues, “The tickets are already paid for and everything, so… why don’t you go with Kurt?”
Kurt’s stomach drops at the veil of invisibility being torn from him, and he straightens his posture as Blaine turns to him, amber eyes lighting up.
“Kurt loves Star Wars.”
“That’s a bold faced lie.” Kurt corrects him, face heating up.
“Okay, yeah, but you like cute single guys, so,”
“Finn!” Kurt buries his hands in his face as Finn heads out the door. “You are the worst!”
“You love me,” he says with a cocky grin as he closes the door behind him. 
“Have fun, you two,” he calls out, leaving the two boys alone in the house.
Blaine chuckles and shakes his head, hands deep in his pockets. “What… just happened?”
“I am so, so sorry,” Kurt apologizes. “That was my idiot brother’s attempt at playing matchmaker. You’d think the family business was matchmaking instead of a tire shop.”
“It doesn’t sound like the worst business model,” Blaine banters.
“The only business I’m in is losing your interest, surely.” 
“Oh, is that so?” 
“Yeah, and I turn a profit every time I stick my foot in my mouth.” 
“Kurt…” Blaine smiles, taking a step forward to grab Kurt’s hand in his. Kurt sucks in a breath at the electricity passing through them. “You’re a terrible businessman.”
Face flushed red, he says, “Well… I suppose this is one of the only instances that’s a compliment.”
“You’re honestly the best thing about Glee club. I mean, its fun, but I like… you.”
For as long as he remembered, Kurt’s fantasized about being somebody people actually wanted. He’s been alone for so long that he wasn’t sure he’d even know how to react when or if it ever actually happened. 
Kurt may not like Star Wars, but he likes Blaine. A lot. 
So,he grabs his coat and his keys. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”
Finn brings him back a bottle of strawberry wine from Westerville (even though Kurt doesn’t even like drinking) as an quasi-apology. When he finally tastes it a few weeks later, lying in bed with Blaine draped over him, though, it's the sweetest thing.
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bearcreekhq · 3 months
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Full Name → Finn Christopher Hudson
Age → 33
Birthday → August 24th, 1990
Order & Type → first, solo
Gender & Pronouns → cis man, he/him
Sexuality → heterosexual/bi-curious
Occupation → p.e. teacher & glee club director at Bearcreek Junior/Senior High School
(tw: death mention) Being a military kid was never something Finn loved. He hated always moving and never being able to stay in one place. In his eyes, it seemed like every time he really started making friends he was gone again. It was mostly due to this that Finn found his love for music. Far and away the most musically inclined kid in the family, becoming a rock star was a little Finn's biggest fantasy and dream. So much so that it wasn't long before he was begging his mom for drum lessons. No matter how much the family moved, the music would always be there and Finn could always turn to his drums for entertainment and to be those times where he could pretend he was a big-time musician rocking out at his own shows.
Despite his misgivings at his family's constant state of mobility, Finn had a very happy childhood all in all with two parents that loved him very much. And it would be an understatement to say that Finn's life came crashing down when he was sat down with his siblings when he was only thirteen and informed that his father had passed away. Finn was devastated to say the least. As much as he wished his dad could be around more growing up, he still idolized him and thought he was the coolest dad he could ever have.
It was ironic when the family moved back to Bearcreek. Finn finally got what he wanted in a stable hometown but at a big cost. The start of school was tough with him being the new kid in school yet again, on top of frequent meetings with the guidance counselor to help him cope with his dad's passing. Finn seemed to find a good way to do that all on his own fairly quickly, though - football. Being the active, rambunctious kid he was, Finn figured trying out for football was right up his alley and it seemed his coach agreed. Finn made the team with virtually no issues, given the prized position of quarterback and suddenly, despite his world being shaken as much as it had been, he found himself feeling on top of the world with his newfound popularity.
One of the biggest parts of his high school years had to be the fateful day he'd joined the school's glee club. Being young and impressionable as he was, Finn admittedly was horrified by the idea of it at first. It was far from being considered cool. If anything, the kids of the club were actively bullied because of it. But, after a particular rough semester where he struggled in class, his teacher in said class had also picked up being the director of the club and gave him the ultimatum of joining so he wouldn't fail.
Despite his ups and downs throughout the years, Finn stayed in glee club his entire high school life and largely considers it the best thing to happen to him. Senior year eventually came, though, and in Finn's mind, his future was already decided. He'd get a football scholarship and ride that wave to college after graduation. But that all came crashing down when the scout came to their game and completely dismissed Finn, instead choosing one of his teammates instead. Finn truly didn't know what to do with his life anymore. And it was in this lost time that his dad started to overwhelm his thoughts in a way he hadn't since he'd first died. Namely, Finn had started to think of ways he could honor the father he'd lost.
It was riding this train of thought that led to Finn enrolling in the army shortly after his high school graduation. It had been a controversial decision in his family to say the least, but at the time, Finn felt in his heart of hearts that it was what he needed to do. Unfortunately for him, though, it was short-lived as he found himself being semi-honorably discharged after an incident in which, as he was cleaning his rifle, he accidentally shot himself through his thigh.
Finn was, once again, lost and upon returning to Bearcreek once again, lamented the fact that now he truly didn't know what to do with his life. However, after sulking around his old high school, he connected more with his former mentor in the glee club. And he gave Finn a purpose: helping as a assistant of sorts with the kids. Finn loved it, finding a joy in helping the kids that he didn't realize he had before. It's now been years since and his former glee club teacher has fully passed the torch to Finn. Finn finally feels like he has a purpose in life and he loves being a mentor to his kids, also getting to occasionally indulge in his more athletic side as well while running the school's PE classes during the school day.
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