#gemma vega
sammyshuno · 7 months
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Character(s): Sage Solara, Vega, Leona, Tessa, Gemma, and Adora
From: Star Darlings
Representation: Indian (Sage), Asian (Vega), Black (Leona, Tessa, Gemma, and Adora)
Their Importance: Star Darlings was a rather obscure and short-lasting Disney franchise starting as a book series before becoming a web cartoon. It focused on Sage Solara, Leona, Libby Rose, Vega, Scarlet Maroon, Cassie, Piper Dream Soule, Astra Torch, Clover Molensa, Tessa, Gemma, and Adora, 12 teenage girls from the planet Starland, and their missions to grant wishes on Earth. Most people don't notice, but many of them are POC. Sage, who is the main character (at least in the cartoon), is Indian (as revealed in one of the books, her mom is named Indira), which is very rare, as even other POC main characters are usually from other places. Sage is bright and hopeful, always looking forward to spreading as much good luck and granting as many wishes as possible. Leona is an aspiring pop star and the lead singer of her own band. Vega is practical and tends to think about things before doing them, and is revealed to be Asian from her Earth disguise. Tessa is an aspiring cook, and her younger sister Gemma is a supportive sister with dreams of also being a great wish granter. Adora is a combination of a nerd and girly girl, being into both science and fashion.
Issues: While in the books, each girl gets an equal time to shine, the cartoon only focuses on Sage, Leona, and Vega (as well as Scarlet and Libby) while all the other girls, including S=Tessa, Gemma, and Adora, are practically left behind except for them getting one 2 minute short each and the finale episode. They don't even get real focus in the pilot.
Thanks to @thedisneytardblr for the write-up!
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docpiplup · 10 months
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scorpiotrait · 2 years
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Vega has been trying to get close to her distant relatives recently and has invited over Alexander Goth the 4th, as well as Zoe and Damon Charm
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thearchercore · 5 months
an eventful weekend! here's the official lestappengate 2023 conspiracy round up of what happened in vegas: • charles was very outspoken during media day today about the ticket accessibility (prices), he also seemed to be more outspoken after his DSQ and DNS -- the last time a ferrari driver started being more open with criticism it was because he was no longer under contract. ferrari is usually known for their tight PR control
• after getting pole, charles did NOT point at the ferrari shield logo, his signature pose, the last time he did so was at COTA
• charles was only wearing ferrari merch when necessary, during his post race debrief, he wore his friend's brand and they had to blur it out
• charles did not repost anything from ferrari, including the new livery, race suits, or merch. carlos did
• charles is not tagging ferrari on his ig posts now
• gemma from red bull racing PR took pictures of charles and max during their joint impromptu interview
• when max was reminiscing about how he always thought charles and him would end up in f1 together, he took a dig at ferrari when he said you need to have the right team around you to do well in f1
• rbr posted charles' and max's car during their race post and did not post about checo, charles' car had its own slide
• rbr tagging and engaging with charles NUMEROUS time on their social media
• no new info about charles' contract renewal at ferrari
• max and charles being on first name basis during their team radios
• max and charles having multiple arguments on track, but max "i never apologize" verstappen ran to apologize to charles, and admitted the penalty was correct. they were, again, much friendlier that they were before the triple header
• no ferrari mention in charles' post race post, he mentioned though that racing max made him smile lol
• ferrari stopped interacting with all red bull social posts featuring charles that they got tagged in. they also made sure to cut out any max mention/cameo in all content they have posted
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little-big-fan · 5 months
Imagine com Harry Styles
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Vegas Love
n/a: Como o Harry ganhou de lavada na nossa enquete, aqui está o imagine dele haushd Quem votou no Tae, não precisa ficar triste, segunda feira o imagine dele estará esperando por vocês aqui <;3
— Tá pronta, linda? — Harry perguntou ao entrar no quarto bagunçado. 
— Quase. — Falei tentando enfiar a necessaire de maquiagem dentro da pequena mala. 
— Você sabe que é só um final de semana, certo? — Perguntou rindo. 
— Sei. Também sei como você é quando acaba animado com alguma coisa, nas suas últimas férias disse que íamos passar três dias nas montanhas e acabamos parando em Paris e eu precisei comprar roupas lá. 
— Vai dizer que não gostou? — Ergueu uma das sobrancelhas. 
— Foi um gasto desnecessário. — Dei de ombros. — Eu já tenho muita roupa, não preciso de mais. 
— Anda logo. — Resmungou. 
— E você, terminou a sua mala? 
— Sim senhora. 
Quando finalmente consegui fechar a mala, Harry a pegou pela alça, descendo as escadas com animação para colocá-la no carro. 
Chegava a ser engraçada a sua reação á um final de semana em Las Vegas. Eu sabia muito bem que o que Harry esperava tão ansiosamente não eram os hotéis luxuosos ou as noites nos cassinos e sim o tempo de qualidade que teríamos com os nossos amigos depois da longa turnê. 
Meu namorado era do tipo que adorava passar suas folgas rodeado por aqueles que amava, mas com a loucura de viajar o mundo inteiro por meses a fio, isso quase nunca era possível. 
Sentei no banco do passageiro enquanto ele terminava de colocar a rota no GPS. Depois de passar alguns minutos escolhendo minuciosamente a playlist que nos acompanharia, seguimos rumo à nossa viagem. 
Liam e a nova namorada, Kate nos acompanharam. As horas passaram rápido, cantando, conversando ou fazendo piadas. Podia ver no sorriso que não se fechava no rosto do meu namorado o quão feliz ele estava com aquele momento. 
Largamos as malas no quarto de hotel e tomamos um banho rápido. Brad avisou por mensagem que já nos esperava no saguão, acompanhado por Gemma e Michal. Abraçamos a todos, decidindo em uma conversa barulhenta para onde iríamos primeiro. 
O cassino no andar de baixo do hotel foi nosso primeiro destino. Depois de mais perder do que ganhar dinheiro, e tomar a péssima decisão de provar os coquetéis oferecidos sem ter nada em nossos estômagos, Liam sugeriu irmos à uma festa que estava tendo em um outro hotel próximo. Não era difícil conseguir entrar em algum lugar, por mais lotado que estivesse quando se está acompanhado de Harry Styles e Liam Payne. As portas praticamente se abrem sozinhas. 
No sétimo drink, meu corpo já não me obedecia mais, dançando abraçada na minha cunhada uma música que sequer conhecíamos mas tentávamos cantar a plenos pulmões.
Harry e Liam travavam uma queda de braço desajeitada, sendo ovacionados pelos desconhecidos. Kate se juntou a nossa dança estranha, demonstrando ser tão descoordenada quanto nós.
Mais duas festas entraram na nossa rota, dezenas de drinks com gostos diferentes. Naquele momento, nem era mais possível sentir o gosto do álcool, ele descia lindamente, nos deixando ainda mais loucos para aproveitar a noite. 
— Vocês. — Liam disse apoiado no ombro da namorada enquanto saímos pela rua cheia de gente rindo e conversando. Apertando os olhos para focar em nós ele usou o indicador para apontar para mim e Harry. — Nós estamos em Vegas! — Gritou.
— É mesmo? — Coloquei a mão na boca, fingindo estar chocada. Harry, que já estava com o riso mais solto,  precisou sentar no chão, achando muito mais engraçado do que realmente havia sido.
— Não, sua tonta, você não entendeu. — Revirou os olhos. — Por quê não vamos a uma capela? 
— Tá querendo confessar seus pecados, Liam? — Debochei. Gemma colocou ambas as mãos na boca, dando um gritinho de animação. 
— Genial! 
— O que é genial? — Falei tentando tirar o meu namorado do chão, que fazia força para permanecer como um sem-teto. 
— Vocês dois! Deveriam se casar. — Esclareceu a morena. 
— Casar? — Harry perguntou, finalmente se levantando da calçada. 
— Sim! –  Liam concordou. — Estão juntos há anos! Parem de enrolar. 
— O que você acha? — Harry perguntou me olhando. 
— Você não está levando isso a sério. — Falei desacreditada. 
— Por que não? A gente se ama! — Cruzou os braços. — Você não quer casar comigo? — Projetou os lábios para a frente, como uma criança fazendo birra.
— Claro que quero. 
— Ent��o vamos! — Abriu um sorriso enorme. 
Por algum motivo, a ideia começou a fazer completo sentido. Harry e eu namorávamos e morávamos juntos há anos, já havíamos falado sobre casamento e filhos várias vezes. O que poderia dar errado? 
Depois de achar uma capela não muito longe, como um bando de loucos caminhamos até lá. Liam e Harry demonstraram que suas habilidades de canto não eram das melhores quando misturadas com bebida, cantando aos berros uma versão estranha da marcha nupcial.
Para a nossa surpresa, a única documentação necessária eram nossas identidades e de mais duas testemunhas, que acabaram sendo Liam e Gemma. 
Dentro da própria capela havia um tipo de lojinha, onde conseguimos um vestido branco e um véu curto. Kate retocar minha maquiagem com o que havia em sua bolsa e eles me arrastaram para a ponta do tapete vermelho. 
Tive uma crise de risadas ao ver Harry parado do outro lado do altar. A única mudança em sua roupa havia sido adicionar uma gravata roxa sobre a camisa estampada. Mas o motivo do meu riso foi o celebrante. Elvis Presley indicou que a música poderia iniciar, e em passos lentos, sendo capturados pelas câmeras do celular dos meus amigos, caminhei em direção ao meu futuro marido. 
Acordei com o toque estridente de um celular. Tentei abrir os olhos, sentindo dor demais na cabeça para fazê-lo.
— Pelo amor de deus, desliga isso. — Resmunguei. 
Murmurando algo sem muito sentido ele se moveu na cama, desligou o celular e voltou a me abraçar. Mas os segundos de silêncio não duraram muito, pois o toque infernal voltou a tocar. 
— Atende logo. — Harry bufou, ainda com os olhos fechados, arrastou o ícone de ligação para o verde.
— O que é? — Falou com mal humor. — Hã? Você tem certeza? 
— Fala mais baixo. — Pedi quando seu tom de voz se ergueu. Harry se sentou na cama de forma brusca. 
— Leslie, se eu tivesse casado com certeza sabe… puta que pariu. — Harry puxou minha mão esquerda com força, encarando com olhos arregalados o anel dourado que nunca esteve ali antes. — Leslie eu vou desligar. — Disse rápido, jogando o celular em algum canto da cama. — Amor, você lembra do que aconteceu ontem? 
— Não muito. — Resmunguei sentando. — Que papo estranho foi esse de casamento?
— Parece que nós casamos ontem. — Disse baixo, apertando as têmporas com as pontas dos dedos.
— Como é? — Perguntei já desesperada, sentando na cama sem me importar com a dor.
— Alguns fãs nos viram sair de uma capela de madrugada, você estava de noiva e agora está usando uma aliança. — Apontou para o meu dedo. 
— Harry não é momento de piada. — Avisei. 
— Acha que eu ia brincar com uma coisa dessas? 
Tateei a cama atrás do meu próprio telefone. As quase trinta chamadas perdidas de pessoas da minha família e alguns amigos eram um alerta. Abri o aplicativo do instagram, entrando na aba de busca, centenas de publicações com a mesma foto. Harry e eu, nos beijando em frente á uma capela 24 horas. 
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— Ai meu deus. — Sussurrei.
— Achei. — Ele disse, pegando algo na calça jogada no chão. 
— Achou o que? 
— A certidão. — Me estendeu. Li o documento pelo menos cinco vezes. Nossos nomes, o número do documento. 
Harry e eu havíamos realmente nos casado.
E nenhum de nós lembrava de ter feito isso. 
— O que vamos fazer? — Perguntei em desespero.
— Como assim? 
— Harry, nós casamos! — Gritei. 
— Eu sei, porra! — Passou a mão pelo cabelo, nervoso.
— Minha mãe vai me matar. — Coloquei as mãos na cabeça. 
— Essa é a sua preocupação? O seu pai vai arrancar o meu pau fora, S/N!
Batidas na porta fizeram com que nossa discussão ridícula fosse apaziguada. Nos vestimos com os roupões do hotel e Harry abriu a porta. Liam entrou em um estado tão deplorável quanto o nosso. 
— Já estão sabendo? 
— É verdade mesmo? — Perguntei ajoelhada na cama, ainda torcendo para que fosse apenas uma piada idiota. 
— Olha isso. — Me estendeu seu telefone. 
No vídeo curto, Harry e eu seguramos as mãos um do outro, rindo de bêbados e dizendo “aceito” ao cara fantasiado de Elvis Presley, e então selando a união com um selinho desajeitado. 
— Meu Deus. – Falei chocada. 
— Eu falei com um advogado. — Liam murmurou. — Ele me disse que os casamentos em Vegas são realmente válidos e vocês vão precisar esperar uns 90 dias para cancelar. 
— Cancelar? Tipo divórcio? — Harry disse sentando ao meu lado. 
— É… — Nosso amigo murmurou, coçando a nuca. — O casamento seria meio que cancelado.
— Você quer cancelar? — Perguntou me olhando. 
— Você não quer? 
— Eu não queria que tivesse sido dessa forma, mas não me arrependo de ter casado com você. — Segurou a minha mão esquerda com a sua, o par de alianças combinando brilhando e deixando tudo ainda mais real. 
— Mas… e as nossas famílias? 
— Podemos fazer outra cerimônia. — Sorriu. — Se quiser, podemos cancelar, eu vou entender. 
— Eu não me arrependo de casar… — Murmurei. — Mas eu queria pelo menos lembrar. — Fiz uma careta. — Sempre imaginei que ficaria bêbada depois do casamento, não antes. — Harry soltou o ar pelo nariz, antes de tocar minha testa com a sua.
— Vamos fazer outra cerimônia então, esposa.
— Se vocês me dão licença, eu preciso de um banho. — Liam falou, nos relembrando da sua presença. 
Harry fechou a porta depois de se despedir do amigo, me empurrando para deitar novamente. Nos encaixamos em uma conchinha, encarando nossas mãos com as alianças.
— Ainda é inacreditável. — Falei rindo fraco. 
—Será que fizemos algo na noite de núpcias? 
— A gente tava pelado. — Lembrei. 
— Acho que a gente só dormiu. — Comentou. — Estávamos bêbados demais. 
— Que começo de casamento… 
— Prometo não deixar você esquecer do próximo. — Deixou a parte de trás do meu ombro. — Vamos dormir mais um pouquinho, mais tarde resolvemos todos os problemas. 
— A internet deve estar pegando fogo.
— Deixe que pegue. 
Taglist:@cachinhos-de-harry / @nihstyles / @lanavelstommo / @say-narry
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mrsfilipchibstelford · 7 months
Soooo, this doesn't have a title and im not sure if I'm even going to finish it but here it is. All the appreciation and love to @darqchilddaydreamz for helping me with this
Chibs sat on the plane quietly and bit his lip. He glanced over to where Fiona and Kerrianne were and while he was happy to have them around and spend time with them again, especially his daughter, he was worried about Y/N's reaction. They had fought for weeks before he left for Ireland and he hadn't really talked to her while he was gone. She had no idea he was bringing them back with him and that his family were now going to be living in Charming. Y/N  was going to lose her fucking mind and he could only hope to be able to talk her down. She was highly insecure about the situation with Fiona and she also couldn't stand the woman for what she had done to Chibs years back. She wasn't one to forgive and forget.
"You ok sweetheart? You've been really quiet since we left." Gemma's voice drew him out of his thoughts and he threw a weak half smile at her.
"Aside from the fact that Y/N is probably gonna leave me? I'm fucking great," he sighed. The last thing he wanted was to lose her, but he had to make sure that his family was safe. And now thanks to that bastard O'Phelan, Ireland was no longer safe for them.
 Gemma nodded over to where his family was sitting.
"You think Fiona is gonna start shit?"
"I think Y/N is. We were barely on speaking terms before I went to Ireland and I am not looking forward to any of what's waiting for me when we get home."
"Maybe if you start with the fact that you're now divorced she'll be okay."
"I fucking doubt it. I'm pretty sure I'm about to lose the only good I have in my life. Don't get me wrong I love the club and my brothers and you too of course but Fiona's always had a special talent for ruining my life and if I lose Y/N…”, his voice trailed off. “I don't want to live without her Gemma."  
Y/N watched as everyone reunited, she was about to go to Chibs when she spotted Fiona and felt her heart drop. Y/N could feel his eyes on her as she turned towards the garage and walked away. It seemed pretty clear to her where her relationship with Chibs stood now that he had brought his wife and daughter back with him. She had found out while Chibs was in Ireland that she was pregnant and had planned to tell him when he got back but now she wasn't sure she should. She also wasn't about to stand there and listen to whatever excuses he had come up with on the plane ride home so she grabbed her bag from her brother's workstation and headed towards her car. She went to open the door when she felt it shut. Without looking, she knew it was Filip.
"Can we talk, love? I promise it isn't how it looks."
She shook her head and swallowed back her tears. "I don't wanna hear it."
"Y/N, let me explain before you do something we both regret. Please."
Chibs could feel the tears coming and it was getting difficult for him to breathe. He was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack and it didn't look like there was anything he could do about it. He knew her brother was watching them to see how it played out and he also knew that if Y/N began to cry, Tig wouldn't hesitate to start throwing punches.
"You don't need to explain anything. I'm not stupid so can I just go now?"
He thrust papers into her hands as soon as she turned around to face him.
"I'm divorced now, my love. Only reason they are here is because it's not safe for them to stay in Ireland anymore. Trust me darlin', Fi is just as pissed off about being here as you are. I know things between us haven't been good for a while but I love you more than anything. I don't want to live without you. I can't. You're the only good in my life aside from Kerrianne. Can we please just go back to how it was before? We could ride to Vegas and get married. Or do something here. Whatever you want."
"Getting married isn't going to solve our problems, Filip."
Chibs grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him and hugged her like it was the last time he'd be able to touch her. He buried his head in her hair and whispered that he was sorry.
"I'll fix whatever I have to. Just tell me what to do."
Y/N didn't really want to be in Charming anymore and she knew if he knew about her being pregnant he would never allow her to leave. But she also didn't want to keep him from their child, and especially after what had happened with Kerrianne.
"I want to go home. Clearly, I don't belong here anymore" she gestured towards his girls.
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toasttt11 · 1 month
my au’s favorites and facts
august crosby
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blueberry waffles
blueberry muffins
sidney’s banana bread
tea, any kind
tacos! specifically street tacos
her moms blueberry pie
favorite season is spring
favorite color is soft orange like the sunset
she loves sunflowers or roses
always loved anything to do with baking, tends to stress back when feeling overwhelmed, any free time she enjoys using it by baking, especially with her diet she can’t eat all of what she bakes she ends up donating most of it or bringing it for the staff of the arena.
loves starting her day off with a run, especially outside and getting some fresh air.
is a big gift giver and is always giving gifts to the ones she cares for.
genuinely adores being a godmother and is always looking for presents and trinkets to bring or send to them, she also makes sure she had everything for them at her house when they come to visit her.
loves when she has free time to explore around outside and find hikes she likes, she has found a lot of trails in vegas that she loves.
brinley matthews
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peanut butter M&Ms
peanut butter and bananas
steak, loves anything that is grilled
s’mores with peanut butter
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
peanut butter and chocolate workout shakes
favorite season is summer
favorite color is yellow
favorite flower are baby’s breath especially the rainbow ones
hates being cold, always on the ice is wearing a long sleeve compression shirt under her jersey to not be cold.
has some thing peanut butter before every game no matter what.
crochet has been something she has done most her life, it’s what she always has with her during travel.
always had curly hair and has always hated it, never likes trying to style it and ends up getting it straighten and getting treatments for it stay that way.
has always been very tall and was used to he taller than most of her teammates even though she is a girl.
loves animals specially dogs, and has always wanted to have her own dog.
maleah barzal
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grilled cheese and tomato soup
french fries
anything dark chocolate and raspberry
favorite season is winter
favorite color is lilac
lavender is her favorite sent and flowers
she hates to cook but is very good at, Malakai loves his moms cooking and makes him mom not hating cooking as much.
rarely ever drives and one of the first things she bought for herself was hiring a driver.
always has some kind of sketchbook or tablet with her in case she gets an idea.
she always carries her big purse that’s filled with work, her sons toys and always snacks for him.
maleah could of easily continued her hockey career and without a doubt would of been an amazing player but she never had the passion for it like others do.
always enjoys designing clothes for people she cares for and has lines of clothes in honor of some of the people she is closest with and the lines are inspired by their styles.
carina knies
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anything coffee, she needs it to survive
lettuce wraps, anything for the filling
salmon bowls!
not the biggest sweets person but loves sweets that are lemon flavored
favorite flowers are orchids
loves summer
favorite color is purple
during a trip to her grandparents when she was younger she tried pottery and fell in love with it, she continued to do pottery since then and it’s something she’s loves to do to de stress and something completely away from hockey.
Joseph and Carina had to build many sleeves and bookcases for all of the legos he has given her and the ones he no doubt will continue to give her.
carina is not a big jewelry person but she has a few pieces that she really loves.
she is quite protective of her little brother matthew and he is probably one of her more soft spots, not that she lets anyone know that.
is a big dog person.
gemma fantilli
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cesar salads are one of her absolute favorites
spring rolls and any type Chinese food
chocolate chip cookies
favorite flowers are periwinkles
loves winter especially if there is snow
favorite color is green and yellows
she loves vintage jewelry, her favorite piece is a heart locket her grandmother had given her, sadly when her grandmother passed away she left all her jewelry for her Gemma.
snowboarding is her absolute favorite thing to do outside of hockey, if she had tried snowboarding before she did hockey she most likely would’ve pursued a career in snowboarding instead.
macklin and gemma are always finding new shows to watch together, and while they can’t always watch all the episodes together they watch most of season together.
always wear her beaded bracelet that she had matching with Macklin.
phoenix zegras
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any type of crepes especially with nutella
big coffee person, loves chocolate in it
chocolate crossiant
favorite color is orange
likes just red roses
summer is his favorite season because he’s see his family more.
favorite thing to do other than hockey is playing his electric guitar.
he’s the oldest sibling and his siblings use to always follow his him around like little ducklings.
he really likes to watch sunsets.
he spends a lot of his free time with his godsons.
viola hughes
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caramel coffee is her favorite
anything with caramel
ice cream
favorite flowers are sunflowers
favorite season is summer
favorite color is purple
she has the biggest sweet tooth and is always having something sweet even with her diet.
likes to be in the passenger seat when she’s in the car, doesn’t like to drive after her accident.
she loves wearing fun sunglasses and tends to always have them on her face or in her hair in the summer.
likes to find new hiking spots and arizona has a lot she can try.
livia drysdale
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chocolate chip cookies
pizza is one of her favorite cheat meals
hummus and pita chips
doesn’t have a favorite flower she loves all of them
favorite color is green
favorite season is winter
always wears gold jewelry.
when she was younger she would beg for her brothers or parents to make her cookies.
she use to hate her all of her freckles but seeing how much wyatt loves them she grew to like the.
always has some type of plants in her house and her parents have so many at their house from her, jamie also has some in his house from her.
willa smith
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loves anything lobster
her moms protein smoothies
most of her meals are chipotle
favorite color is blue
favorite animal is dogs
favorite season is definitely summer
favorite animal are dogs
most of the time her music is always playing taylor swift.
she really wants a golden retriever.
since she was a kid she’s always had some type of braids in her hair.
blue has always been her favorite color and almost always she boys something it’s in blue, she always gets her hockey stick blue.
has a gold necklace with her initial on it, she gets a smaller necklace with gabe and ryan’s initials and starts wearing that one too.
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foxes-that-run · 7 months
2024 Haylor timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
1 January - 17 HSleaks - Guess I’m alright, One and only Voice note, Spanish Girl.
3 January - Harry in the Caribbean with TR. Taylor LA.
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6 January - By your side lately leak on anniversary. Rumour H LA.
7 January - Taylor at Golden Globes in LA.
11 January - Harry bought stake in SS Daley. Taylor in NY zebra top & sunglasses at night
12 January reports Travis and Taylor are fighting after Christmas Day, (helmet throw).
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15 January - HS too much sauce leaked. Iheartradio posted it.
17 January - Deux Moi H LA 6 - 16 January
19 January - a photo of TR with Jeff at LOT Wembley last June.
20 January - Joe, TR and Zayn at Loewe show at Paris FW, some guy gives TR a neck rub. Stalker arrested at Taylor’s NY apartment
22 January - a stalker was charged for harassing Harry :( after he came back to  London earlier. TS stalker on the same day
29 January - inappropriate viral deepfake images of Taylor. X bans ‘Taylor Swift’ search. TK kiss Back to Nashville after 10 hours.
30 January - Taylor search on now kiss viral. 
1 February - Harry’s 30th birthday.
4 February - Grammys, LA TTPD announced
5 February - Joe Alwyn whinging he dated TS. Joe liked tweet
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7 February - eras Tokyo, Holy Ground/Dear Reader. Says “I’ve been working on Tortured Poets since right after I turned in Midnights …I’ve been working on it for about two years, I worked on it throughout the US tour” Tyler share snippet of music
9 February - Travis Kelce hasn’t spoken to Taylor in a week since the Grammy’s, didn't know rest of line in Karma or what country she was in said he felt the power of his beard.
11 February - TK wins Super Bowl. Taylor fly's Tokyo-LV-Melbourne to be there and drunk dances. TK yelled at and pushed coach then partied after kids killed at parade for Chiefs. Harry wears packers beanie. Taylor makes ick face when TK screams 'Viva Las Vegas'
14 February - Harry and TR photographed leaving dinner at night. Blind item that TR is calling paps, they are then not seen together again for a month.
15 February - Daily Mail: “Put the beer down, Travis - it's not IF Taylor dumps you... but WHEN: After the coach bashing, drunken disorder and tone-deaf post-shooting selfies, image-obsessed Swift will now shake off brand Kelce”
16 February- Melbourne,  Red and YLM
17 February - rumors Joe cheated in October 2021. Taylor said “a song to match the moment” and played a medley of "Getaway Car", "August" and "TOSOTD" , then TIMT
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18 February - Taylor “Melbourne, you are the love of my life”. Surprise songs - CBBH (3rd ever play) and Daylight mashup then teardrops on my guitar on piano. Harry then went to a Man U football game (in pants without elastic!!) smiling!!!! With Sony CEO.
20 February - Taylor dinner in Sydney. Harry train London - Paris, bodyguard Paddy indicates work. FW next week
23 February - Travis comes to Australia, not for the 4 days Taylor had off but when she went back to work. Taylor fly's jet back to the US to bring Travis and friend to Australia. Taylor goes to the Zoo twice, once with the band and once with Travis. Travis rents a silver Lamborghini and drives it too fast and runs red lights in the Sydney CBD. Travis comes to one concert. Scott swift again lined up TK for a photo ops to kiss Taylor. Surprise songs HYGTG and White Horse/Coney Island mash up with Sabrina Carpenter.
24 February -  Gemma has a baby! 8 months after Harry sung Sweet Creature at Wembley. 💚 Travis flys back to the US to attend a Chiefs party, left noon the day after the show. His total flight time was 26+ hours to spend 51 hours in Australia. Counting return time for the jet the time in air was longer than he spent in Australia. IION/IWYW and Haunted/exile.
26 February - Columbia records shares a TikTok of empty as it was scene ‘where you want to go?’ Maroon
27 February - Scott swift punches a pap in Sydney. Harry at trader Joes in la.
2 March - Taylor plays IDWLF/Dress and Mine/Starlight. At the Brit awards Roman Kemp pranks Calvin Harris to drink a drink called Harry Styles Bath water, a Saltburn joke. This all happened almost on the anniversary of the Shake an Apple of a Tree Tweet
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3 March - TR play opens in NY, Harry doesn’t go. He was in LA.
6 March - DBATC/Babe surprise songs. TKs BFF unfollows Taylor
7 March - blind item rumor boybander and GF seeing other people.
8 March TK at the Singapore show, brings a friend and manager, TK texting during IKYWT. Sparks fly/ gold rush and false god/slut surprise song. Harry back in London, TRs play from 3-31 in ny and not seen attending. Pleasing ‘Single at last’. Jacks album released, Taylor didn’t mention.
9 March - TK at last eras for 2 nights looks bored, a bit dazed with glasses in dark, phone taken off him, no kiss at end.
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10 March - twitter users say x, x highly publicised that Taylor and Travis attended exclusive Gucci post Oscar’s party where photos are banned, Taylor not seen. 5 days later a photo of Travis holding an Oscar inside the Gold party…. No Taylor… TK liked photo with trump
12-14 March - TK no Taylor at gym, Justin Timberlake concert and lunch. Taylor hasn’t been seen since Singapore.
14 March - Eternals 2, a marvel movie starring Harry was cancelled because the studio is focusing on movies that are assured success.
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14 March - Harry backstage at Mitch’s show in NY!! TRs play was on 10 mins away, she came after, arriving at 9:30/10, they left before encore with TR look to be arguing, Harry was walking alone an hour later. First time seen in a month. New leaked angle of MSG Karaoke with Harry and Taylor - maroon added as a surprise song to eras film
15 March -Harry walking around NY with TR and separately with Maxwell Ritz. And at the white cube gallery.
16 March - page 6 reports Bob Iger who paid Taylor $70m for the eras movie, says saw TS & TK in no photo event.
17 March - Harry in Brooklyn at townhouse with TR with bag, last sighting for another month+. Taylor repeats Joe in Bahamas holiday with TK for beach. 300 photos from Backgrid drop at once and TMZ video.
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19 March - Harry returns to London. Seen carrying a white rose with James Cordon.
20 March - on his podcast TK talked about babies life&style. Blind item that Taylor doesn’t appreciate narrative contribution.
22 March - Harry in UK studio RAK. Taylors flight goes via KC>LA. TK Cleveland funeral
24 March - Taylor seen for the first time in a week at Nobu with Travis, Taylor stern words. TK sweatpants with holes. The 300 Bahama's photos all drop the next day.
26 March - TR VF article where she says “My work is the most interesting thing to me, so that’s what I’ll say about that.” And talks about finding safety for herself, in August she talked about safety within a relationship.
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28 March - Harry swan lake London, later hosts football party and runs from paps
1 April - TK and umbrellor arrive in LA, plane flew L.A.-Nashville-Philli (his brother)-La for Easter, Taylor not seen for a week, not at iHeartawards. TR Columbia
5 April - Taylor barnies diner no LK
6 April - Taylor releases Apple Music playlists of her own songs in stages of grief. Video emerges of Joe saying his costars Alison’s name in a sex scene (in the Final Cut of CWF episode 3, (at 11:55 in) Character name is Frances (and Joe says F Frances at 12:10). He threw a party in Taylor’s house with the co star on 19 April 22, Taylor’s 22 Brit award is in photo. One tweet Harry in LA Aiport.
7 April - rumour Taylor’s jet went to Nashville. Photo of TR Columbia.
8 April - LT Larry denial got him lots of media.
9 April - Taylor seen in a car LA TK dinner
10 April - second sighting of Harry in LA
11 April - Harry pictured at Masters golf torment, Niall also there! Taylor “recently” with Selena, Sabrina. TK graduation, blind drinking too much.
12 April - DM: “Taylor Swift must be getting sick of this about TKTK & Taylor sushi park in the evening.
13 April - Taylor and TK at Coachella, watch bleachers and ice spice, TK very possessive manhandling, picking her up, shaking and smothering her. Taylor looks out of it, happy
15 April - Harry Japan w/GF Twitter sighting. Also sightings in Hampstead.
19 April - TTPD, Harry seen in Japan. Taylor posted short with TK included
20 April - Harry seen in Japan with TR, still there 24th
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The Camorra Chronicles
[Cora Reilly]
Falcone Brothers - Las Vegas
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#1 | Twisted Loyalties - Fabiano & Leona ⭐️⭐️⭐️
"She’s seen me at my worst, and she’s still here.”
#2 | Twisted Emotions - Nino & Kiara ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Try to scare her as little as possible.”
“I can be pleasant and gentlemanly if I try,” he said.
Fabiano laughed. “Sorry, Remo, but that’s the best joke I heard in a while.”
“Before you, there was calm. There was order and logic.”
I remembered the beginning of his song, that perfect composition. “And now?” I let out a hoarse exhale.
“Now,” he growled and his expression twisted, “now there’s chaos.”
#3 | Twisted Pride - Remo & Serafina ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“I’m fairly sure God designed your body to drive men into insanity,” Remo said darkly.
Stifling the excited thrill Remo’s words sent through me, I retorted, “You believe in God?”
“No. I don’t. But looking at you, I could turn into a believer.”
#4 | Twisted Bonds - Nino & Kiara ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Remo touched my shoulder looking from the baby up to my face. “You are going home and talking to Kiara.”
#5 | Twisted Hearts - Savio & Gemma ⭐️⭐️⭐️
He became still. “You’re asking me to cancel your promise to my brother?”
I merely nodded. “Then he’ll be free to do as he pleases, and I can find someone who really wants to marry me.”
#6 | Twisted Cravings - Adamo & Dinara ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
“The role of Ken and Barbie in the family are already taken so we had to settle for the emo couple,” I shot back before I could think it through.
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twopoppies · 4 months
Harry isn't in the us anon💀 last time he ws seen in Italy, then there's multiple sightings of him in London lol. Also tomorrow is literally Christmas, he always spent this time with his family and they have Christmas dinner together. Plus this year might be special for Gemma if the rumors are true
I tend to agree with you, but none of us know anything for sure.
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sammyshuno · 7 months
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forest-enchantress · 5 months
I make period drama style gifs for free. If you use gif packs, please like and reblog them. Most of my projects are already ready, but every day I post no more than 190 gifs. Because that was the reason why my previous account was blocked.
I tried to make gif packs in a format more familiar to you with a link to a separate page. However, unfortunately, I did not succeed because of the large format of high-quality gifs.
I want to explain about color processing. Usually, I improve the contrast, brightness and saturation, but leave the naturalness of the film. I don't make the contours too sharp because I like the aesthetic of it looking like a natural image.
Actors in alphabetical order: part 1(A-D), part 2, part 3
The arrangement of names may not be alphabetical
▶Page 1
Anne Hathaway Anya Taylor-Joy Asia Argento Astrid Berges-Frisbey Boran Kuzum Camille Rutherford
▶Page 2
Carla Juri César Domboy Cate Blanchett Charity Wakefield Charlie Rowe Chiara Mastroianni Christian Bale Christoph Waltz Ethan Erickson
▶Page 3
Dagmara Dominczyk Dan Stevens Ella Purnell Emily Blunt Ezra Miller Raffey Cassidy Rebecca Emilie Sattrup Rose Byrne Roxane Duran
▶Page 4
Frances O'Connor Gemma Arterton Hannah Taylor-Gordon Hattie Morahan Hugh Dancy Isabelle Adjani
▶Page 5
Izzy Meikle-Small James Norton Jane Birkin Joanne Whalley Lucy Boynton Léa Seydoux Monica Keena Nicolas Duvauchelle Sally Hawkins
▶Page 6
Adriana Tarábková Dakota Fanning Gaia Weiss Kirsten Dunst Pia Degermark Roxane Mesquida Rosamund Pike Samantha Gates Sophia Myles
▶Page 7
Annabelle Wallis Carey Mulligan Guy Pearce James Frain Olivia Cooke Rachel Hurd-Wood Soko Sujaya Dasgupta Tom Cruise
▶Page 8
Adèle Exarchopoulos Anna Maxwell Martin Charles Dance Emma Williams Gillian Anderson Natalie Press
▶Page 9
María Valverde Paz Vega Frédéric Noaille Catherine Mouchet Déborah François Joséphine Japy
▶Page 10
Ben Whishaw Clémence Poésy Elliot Grihault Emilia Fox Joseph Morgan Lambert Wilson Michelle Dockery Phoebe Fox Sophie Okonedo Tom Hiddleston Tom Hughes Tom Sturridge
▶Page 11
Charlotte Gainsbourg Felicity Jones Fu'ad Aït Aattou Greta Scacchi Helena Bonham Carter Holliday Grainger Michelle Pfeiffer Rupert Friend Christina Giannelli
▶Page 12
Danylo Kolomiiets Katie McGrath Keeley Hawes Maria Bonnevie Marta Gastini Miriam Giovanelli Olivia Hussey Oscar Isaac Peter Plaugborg
▶Page 13
Ben Barnes Ben Chaplin Bill Skarsgård Iben Akerlie Jakob Oftebro Jo Woodcock Lily-Rose Depp Reese Witherspoon Ruth Wilson Samantha Soule Tess Frazer Virginie Ledoyen
▶Page 14
Cary Elwes Colin Firth Daniel Day-Lewis Emilia Verginelli Hannah James Jonah Hauer-King Loli Bahia Lorenzo Balducci Rebecca Hall Robin Wright Rupert Everett Willa Fitzgerald
▶Page 15
Annes Elwy Claire Danes Eliza Scanlen Kathryn Newton Maya Hawke Romola Garai Samantha Mathis Trini Alvarado Winona Ryder
▶Page 16
Douglas Smith Eric Bana Gizem Karaca Jessica Brown Findlay Kenneth Branagh Millie Brady Natalie Dormer Poppy Delevingne Rachel Weisz Rosy McEwen Sam Claflin
▶Page 17
Aubri Ibrag Christina Hendricks Connie Jenkins-Greig Guy Remmers Henry Cavill Imogen Waterhouse Josie Totah Mia Threapleton Olivia Hallinan
▶Page 18
Fahriye Evcen Jim Caviezel Justine Waddell Penelope Cruz
▶Page 19
Emma Stone Francesca Annis Jasmine Blackborow Louis Cunningham Mélanie Thierry
▶Page 20
To do list:
Léa Seydoux - under development (Roses à crédit 2010, Belle Épine 2010, Mistérios de Lisboa 2010, The Beast 2023, Dune: Part Two) Kelly Macdonald - under development (Elizabeth1998, Nanny McPhee 2005, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 2011, Boardwalk Empire) Emily Mortimer - under development (Elizabeth1998, The Glass Virgin 1995, Leonie 2010)
All of these gifs were made from scratch by me for roleplaying purposes. Feel free to use them as sidebars and reaction gifs. PLEASE DON’T CLAIM THEM AS YOUR OWN.
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masterenigmaart · 2 months
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Finally! I drew ALL of my 16 D&D characters~ 💖
Lorelai Fine Rudy (Lory) - Human/Artificer
Gemma Stealhead - DwarfDragonborn/Paladin
Cassandra Vega (Cassi) - Shifter/Blood Hunter
Wasabi Kassanda - Satyr/Bard
Antonio van Kohm - Eladrin/Barbarian
Nicksy - Centaur/Monk
Inari - ???/???
Kamala Farro - Tiefling/Barbarian
Elvalmaqua Seashore - Sea ElfTriton/Cleric
Karma Drodid - Reborn Tiefling/Artificer
Erizo - Hedgehog Homebrew/Fighter
Kara - Warforged/Fighter
Serina - Human/Fighter
Jesaja (Rimorn Nailo) - DrowElfHuman/???
Erdan - Firbolg/Ranger
Seraki - Kalashtar/Sorcerer
Damn, I got a lot XDDD
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lgspears · 2 months
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here's my redo Street Fighter fancast with new actors, Noah Fleder, Andrew Koji and Ross Butler as Ryu, Trevor Logan, Cody Christian and Lucas Till as Ken Masters, Gemma Nguyen, Selina Lo and Jade Xu as Chin-Li, Kellan Lutz and Alan Ritchson as Gulie, Vanessa Kirby and Wallis Day ad Cammy White, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson and Braun Strowman as Zangief, Brandon Vera as Sagat, Sebastian Rulli and Alex Perea as Vega, Robert Christopher Riley and Mustafa Shakir as Balrog.
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auseyre · 2 months
Twelve Thoughts About Laws of Attraction
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These people brutally and bloodily killed a kid and a dog in the first 3 episodes...damn! And look, I love a hot, service top bodyguard and his bratty misunderstood charge story as much as the next person but Tan? Had a dog killed so, he’s not getting that much sympathy from me here. 
Maya and Rose are so hot I want to cry. The very specific vibes they are giving, Maya -Pink and Rose -Gemma Atherton in St Trinians, push all my buttons. Sorry Charn and Tinn but every time they are on the screen my brain melts and I don’t know what else is happening. 
Charn needs to be on Game of Thrones, House of Cards, or Succession(I have watched none of these shows but I assume he would fit right in)something fitting his wicked grin and scheming soul. Like the show tells me he was a sweet and naïve do-gooder until the big bad thing happened, but that was clearly his good twin who died in the woods. His mother might be ashamed but Jimmy Ford would buy him an ice cream. (Found out his nickname is Chaos Gremlin and I can’t think of anything more suitable than that.)
The shirt game in this series is fire.
Also fire? The chemistry. 4A fire. Like I get now why people are obsessed with acting pairs(I hate the toxicity involved but I get the love). It’s like fanfic. I would watch these two as a couple in a 100 different a/u stories as long as Rose and Maya (and Nawin) were along for the ride.  
Between this and The Sign, I realized that every story needs a grandmother(or more than one) to tell these characters to get their ish together. KP desperately needed a grandmother. 
Pretty predictable plot (elevated way, way up by the performances) and toooooo many flashbacks. Seriously, please stop with the flashbacks, especially since they are mostly Charn’s dead mother or Tinn’s dead niece. Be more depressing, I dare you.  (I would pay good money to see Nawin meeting completely feral Charn for the first time and falling head over heels though --that’s  the flashback we need folks)
Rich kids with crappy parents need to learn how to hustle and embezzle money from them so they can get gone. Seriously, just buy a ton of jewelry and designer clothes and resell it all. Will they even notice? I’m guessing not. 
Look, I know the Senator is evil like the fru -ets of the devil but he reminds me of a young Temuera Morrison, so he’s also kind of hot? 
 I just really want a KP/LOA crossover where Charn and Vegas have a wardrobe and smirk off competition and Nawin brings all the violent himbo energy to visit the Threepanyakuls -- especially Tankhun. 
The goons did not sign up for all this relationship drama.
Okay, but I need a new Leverage international team with Charn, Rose, Maya, Tin, Thee, and Nawin. 
Bonus -genuine kudos to them for not going the “Charn is a completely redeemed angel now ” route and for not making that something that was required for Charn and Tin to work as a couple. Tin fell in love with chaos gremlin Charn, not the one he was before. 
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