#god i love cemetery drive
mosslistic · 1 year
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bitterlyromantic · 2 years
i see a short clip of gerard talking & then cemetery drive starts & i'm crying
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lewkwoodnco · 6 months
Hii I wanted to request Anthony Lockwood×fem!reader with the song "How you get the girl." With them being friends and her being there when he opened the agency. All of them are on a case, and she almost gets ghost touched, so the drive home is very intense, then Lockwood gets mad at her for being reckless, she doesn't want to argue with him so she just goes to sleep crying, the next week Lockwood avoids her, and he sees a nightmare about her dying, so he pushes her even further away. She thinks that he is in love with Lucy because he is avoiding her and spending more time with Lucy. So she leaves the agency, and Anthony doesn't stop her because he thinks he is doing the right thing for her. Lucy and George miss the reader because they're very good friends, so they persuade Lockwood to tell the reader how he feels and bring her back, but Lockwood doesn't listen because he thinks it's for the better. Meanwhile, the reader gets very depressed because she misses them. After months of missing them, she can't do it anymore and tries to drown herself, but Lucy and George find her, so she gets angry at them and leaves. Lucy and George tell everything to Lockwood, who can't do it anymore. So he goes to the reader's house to confess and get her back.
How You Get the Girl - Lockwood x Reader
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A/N: wooooo I’ve taken a long break from angst and this fic scratched all my itches hheheheh and in honour of 1989 TV!!! TW brief suicidal mentions but I try not to go into much detail, and goodnight god I need to sleeeeep wc: 4.8k
The four of them were in a cemetery, tasked to tackle three confirmed Lurkers. They were grateful it wasn't more, what with only half of them having decent Sight, but she was starting to feel bored, prodding the pebbles in the soil like some makeshift game, penned inside her iron chains near the gate. Lucy was also inside a different set of chains, but hers was inside the cemetery, where all the action was, and where she could somewhat help to look for the Sources. She had been more than ready to be the one standing nearer to the gate, but she was better at scaling walls so it was only logical to have her be the one inside in case...in case something went wrong with the gate.
Still, if George's yelling was any indication, they'd just found the second source, so it wouldn't be much longer now. They'd find the last source, pack up, and leave this dimly lit place which made her stomach churn.
"Where's the last one? I don't -" Lucy's scream tore into the night sky, cutting Lockwood off. She nearly fell over her rapier as she stumbled to her feet, hands growing clammy as she squinted through the cemetery's fog. She had never heard Lucy scream, let alone one filled with so much terror. Her mouth felt like rubber as she listened for something, anything, but was deafened by her heart pounding in her ears. Nothing. It was eerily quiet, as if none of them were there. She called out to her friends. Still nothing. She tried not to think about the last time Lockwood had been this quiet on a case. Turns out, he wasn't quite as chatty when bleeding out from a gunshot wound. Something similar must have happened now. His knees were probably buckling under himself right now, exhaling his last breath, as she stayed behind her chains like a coward. She heard a forlorn whisper - her own, even though she didn't register herself speaking.
"Lockwood. Lockwood?"
He was dead. She didn't know why, or how, but in that moment she knew for a fact that he was dead, or dying, and no one could bear to tell her. Sod the chains.
She tentatively stepped out of the circle, swallowing as her nausea increased tenfold. The crunch of the gravel beneath her boots seemed too loud for a night as quiet as this. The silence emanating solidified with every step she took, until the absence began to feel like something tangible. Her thoughts were running ahead of her, taunting her, preparing her for the worst sight imaginable. George with his head smashed upon? Lucy with her throat slashed? Lockwood, impaled on his own rapier?
She felt a prickling at the back of her neck, the kind that comes when a Visitor is too close. She lashed behind herself clumsily, rapier suddenly as bulky and unfamiliar as it was years back. She’d been in far more life-threatening situations, and yet now was the time she chose to have all her skills fly out of the window.
She felt a harsh jerk at her left elbow, and for the second time that night, she had an unpleasant swooping sensation of uncertainty twist her stomach. Fire spluttered inches from her face and she flinched, bumping into Lockwood, whose fingers had slipped from the crook of her elbow to her wrist. He looked around wildly, pulling his rapier back defensively, before she heard an unpleasant screech as her ears popped. Panic seeped out of her as she readjusted to the real world, becoming increasingly aware of his grip on her pulse. His hair was messed up and the side of his face glittered with soot, but he seemed too busy struggling with something himself to speak. He looked just as disconcerted as she felt, but the longer he observed her with trepidation in his eyes, she felt that it had more to do with her than the Lurkers.
“They...found the source?” She asked breathlessly, anything to break the silence.
“...yes.” He bit out, and she was thrown off by the venom in his voice. There was something different about him, something surlier. George gave a shout from behind and Lockwood snapped out of it, letting go of her wrist and moving away. By the time her wits had sufficiently returned, he was already finishing up some paperwork and George and Lucy had just finished loading their supplies into the cab. She tried to catch Lockwood's eye as he walked towards them, but he seemed to be aggressively avoiding her gaze. The crushing feeling was back. The cab ride was no less easy.
“Were you ghost-locked?” Lucy had picked up that something was off and she had the foresight to sit up front with the driver, while George was stuck between them. Lockwood, being Lockwood, wasn't about to wait until they reached home to start on her.
“No.” Couldn’t even see the bloody thing, she wanted to add, but she felt it wouldn’t help her case.
“Drawn out by the visitor?”
“No.” She felt the hot prick of shameful tears behind her eyes as she cradled her forehead. What had gotten into her? She had been embarrassingly paralysed for no good reason, rapier slack in her hand like an amateur trainee who couldn’t tell one end from the other.
“You of all people should know to stay within the chains. You know how little you can see. This isn’t your first Lurker - “
“I heard noises, and some screaming, and then it was dead quiet. I thought something terrible had happened.”
"What screaming?" It was harder for Lucy to follow the conversation from the front, but she still tried earnestly.
Her response died at her lips as she caught George's equally confused glance. The realisation dawned on her unpleasantly. Of course no one knew what she was talking about. There was no screaming. She should have known better, she did know better: Lurkers were notorious for causing visual and auditory hallucinations. Lockwood didn't wait for an answer, and pressed on heatedly.
“Even if she had screamed, your first instinct is to abandon your only form of protection? You’re not a newbie, L/N. So why I am I having to spell this out for you?”
“Spell what out for me?” It was a little more vicious than what the rest were accustomed to seeing, especially since very little of Lockwood riled her up this much after working with him for so long. But he hadn’t referred to her by her surname for years, and it stung.
“You could have died! You nearly did die. Never, have I ever seen a disregard for personal safety so deplorable. Really, what were you thinking?”
She rests her head against the cold window, the rattling a welcome relief to her pounding head, her exhaustion finally catching up to her, her words like loose marbles on her tongue. “I…I don’t know. I wasn’t- I was just…I wasn’t thinking.”
As far as misunderstandings went, theirs never went this far. Lockwood was an open book to her, and where he was stubborn she was even-tempered enough to knock some sense into him before things escalated this far. But this was new territory. She had never seen him this angry before and certainly never towards her, and she was too weak to shoulder his anger bravely. She could see the irritation behind the tension in his shoulders as he stabbed his rapier into their rapier stand near the front door, and felt her heart fold within itself even more. He jerked towards her like there was something he wanted to stay. A million words and feelings raced across his face. She opened her mouth, willing her fatigued mind to say something to patch the rift.
“I’m sorry.” She held her breath. “I didn’t mean to make you worry.”
Any other day, he would have sighed, maybe held off for a second or two, before pulling her into a half hug or ruffling her hair, and dragging her to the kitchen. Because where Lockwood was smooth and charismatic, she was clunky with words and sometimes she couldn’t find the right ones. But with Lockwood, she didn’t need to. He would take one look in her eyes and pluck the thought out with devastating grace. It was her and Lockwood, Lockwood and her, forever scampering to each other’s rooms across the hallway to tell the other about their latest inane thought, until George yelled at them to quit it.
But today was not any other day.
“If you pull a stunt like this again…I don’t know if I could trust you enough to stay safe on cases.”
Her voice was an ugly croak. “…what?”
“Y/N…I cannot, in good conscience, entertain or enable you in this-this suicidal-“
“Lockwood, it was an accident. You know that, right?”
“That’s besides the-“
“You can’t possibly think I did this on purpose!”
“I don’t know.”
His eyes dropped, and she felt tears stinging her eyes again. “You...don’t...know.” She echoed him distantly, turning over each syllable on her tongue carefully, voice as hollow as his. “You don’t know…what? You don’t know…me?”
Flashes of the life they built together ran through her mind. Patiently dusting the frames that cluttered the walls. Broaching the idea of starting an agency. Standing hours in line at DEPRAC to register said agency. Going to Arif’s for the first time. Weeks of singed hair and smoky air as they relentlessly shortlisted the most cost-effective suppliers for their kits. Getting over her first breakup and watching him laugh as she swore off dating forever. Cycling indoors on a rainy afternoon just for the hell of it, while George nagged at them incessantly. Buying a cake the day their paperwork was approved and it being smeared on DEPRAC’s certificate within a minute of it being cut. Getting yelled at by Barnes for the first time. Getting injured for the first time and having him excessively fuss over the cut. Arguing about their noses while waiting for their cab in the cold after a case (he insists they’re the same, and she disagrees, partly because she isn’t sure if she could handle knowing that). Framing their first (less than complimentary) news article. Him putting the kettle on in the mornings so that it’s just the right temperature by the time she comes down to the kitchen.
Somewhere along the line, she became acutely aware that the glow she felt watching him nibble at toast in bright spirits after a long case wasn’t completely normal, but then she forgot, because it didn’t matter at the time. But now it felt like it should.
He swallowed with a resolute set to his jaw that told her he wasn’t going to change his mind anytime soon. She felt a tremor run through her hand, a sudden urge to reach out and clench the lapels of his coat, to hold on to the misty silhouette of a friend who was quickly dissolving into thin air.
And then he was gone, and she was alone, and the rift deepened and gaped its visceral jaws in front of her, threatening to swallow her whole. She numbly got dressed for bed, forgetting about the slice on her forearm until she dragged it across her sheets. It smarted, but there was a comfort in the irritation and rawness.
That night, she dreamt of bicycles rolling along on hardwood floors, the shadows the library fire cast in the grooves of Lockwood's face, and rough walls she couldn't scale. She didn't know when she started to cry.
"So we all slept like shit. Good to know."
George walked into an uncharacteristically silent kitchen. Lucy was glumly stirring her tea, Lockwood favoured the newspaper over breakfast that morning, and she had a plate of buttered toast in front of her that she kept forgetting about. "At least the two of you had the chains for, er, most of it."
"Please. It was just as bad inside the chains. I kept hearing my teammates die over, and over, and..." She covered Lucy's hand with one of her own, gently removing her spoon.
Breakfast was a sorry affair, and the rest of the week didn't fare much better either, and things reached a breaking point on Sunday. Lockwood shut himself up in the library to get their files and invoices straightened out. There we go, another first: first morning they didn't speak a word to each other. Lucy was busy with rapier practice and George went off to the Archives, so she decided to head out for some fresh air. She came home around lunchtime. George wasn't back yet, but she couldn't hear the jets going off in the basement. She crept upstairs, her stomach twisting at the sight in Lockwood's room.
He was seated on his bed, concerningly pale, talking to Lucy in a low voice. The scene looked so intimate she felt like an intruder just watching them. She tapped on his door, and their heads jumped apart.
"Everything okay?" She tried to keep her tone light, but Lucy's grave face and Lockwood still pointedly looking away didn't help. Lucy gave him a not-so-subtle kick and he grimaced. Her face fell.
"Sorry, I...didn't mean to intrude."
"No, no, it was nothing. We were just talking about yesterday's case. Right, Lockwood?"
"I'll just go -"
"Luce, mind helping me pack the chains?" He held out a duffel bag. The duffel bag he always gave her, not Lucy, to pack the chains. To her credit, Lucy didn't seem much happier than her either, and she snatches the bag from him in a huff. As Lucy walks away, she wonders what it must be like to be loved by Anthony Lockwood. He stands up and starts to shift around his room, fiddling with odds and ends; but curiously, he hasn't asked her to leave.
"I can't - " Her words failed her, but she gritted her teeth and forced them out anyway, the hard edge in her voice giving way to a weak whisper. "I can't stand this. You can't keep freezing me out."
"I don't know what you're talking about. What I do know is that we have a job at 135 Manilla Street and if you don't feel up for it..."
She didn't finish his sentence. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. She wasn't going to play into his emotionally manipulative hands like putty. Lucy awkwardly walked out of the room.
"...maybe you shouldn't come."
For the first time in nearly 18 hours, he finally looked at her, but nothing could have prepared her for the contempt he held.
"Don't be ridiculous." "Of course I'm coming."
"Actually, I was just discussing this with Lu-" A heavy boot chucked from the attic narrowly missed Lockwood's head. "I came to the decision, after talking with Luce, that maybe it's best you don't come tonight. I don't want a repeat of yesterday."
"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, because I'm coming. This is my job." Lockwood didn't seem to appreciate that in the same way she did. She was distantly aware of George calling out into the house, and Lockwood slammed the stack of books he was gathering onto his desk in response. Anger seemed to be the only emotion he could express after last night.
"Why can't you just listen for once? Why must you always be so...so difficult?"
"I'm not some possession for you to do with as you please! You yell at me, ignore me, scorn me, now lock me up just because you've decided you don't want to look at me?"
"Enough." There was a warning hidden in the tone of his voice as he started to close his door, but she wasn't done. Some fragmented fracture of Lockwood still cared about her, cared about his awful behaviour, and by God was she going to shake that out of him.
"What do I care? Keeping secrets behind locked doors is all you're good at anyway."
He froze just as the door was a fraction of an inch away from closing, a deadly quiet settling over the house. Even the rustling in the kitchen stopped.
“Look, I didn’t want to have to this.” Oh, he’s most definitely seeing red now. “But I am your employer, Miss L/N, and it is for me to decide which cases you do or do not go for.”
"So...this is just what we're going to do for the next...forever? I'll never go on a case again just because you have some weird problem with it? I'll just -" She let out a harsh bark of laughter, suddenly manic with panic. "I'll just leave then, shall I? Get out of your hair, for good?"
"I didn't say that."
“Don’t. Don’t. Don’t do this, Lockwood.” Her breath was coming in embarrassingly agitated now. Was the air thinning? Her head was spinning like she might pass out. She pushed against the door with ore force than she needed, meeting surprisingly little resistance. He was standing woodenly, eyes unseeing, and yet she felt that was the most honest he had been since the previous night. She looks at him, and for the first time, she wonders what he’s thinking about.
"Fine. Be like that, then." She wants to reach out, beg him to want her to stay, but instead she pulls herself away. She opens drawers and cabinets and pours clothes and misery into her worn suitcase. Lucy stands hopelessly in the doorway and George is whispering something furious to Lockwood, who just watches her stonily. A part of her feels stupid, as stupid as the night before, like she had lost some race in taking this long to realise she was hoping, praying, waiting for nothing. As she leaves, George searches her face and pats her shoulder awkwardly. When she reaches the front door, a movement in the shadows makes her jump.
"He's just being an arse. You know that. Just wait a few days. Please.”
Lucy. Sweet Lucy. Sweet, well-meaning Lucy who was better than the lot of them. She was going to miss her the most. She told her as much, but Lucy didn’t seem amused.
“You don't have to leave." She pulled Lucy into a hug, keeping her bitterness barely at bay.
"Oh, Luce. What else can I do?"
She lives in a cold, cramped flat at the edge of civilisation, away from anyone's eyes. Away from Lockwood's cold, dead eyes. Some days she reads the paper, and every time she tries to force herself to read it as Lockwood would. She stays in the bed for the first week, but her savings are only so little, and eventually she starts working again. Too frail to set out as an independent agent, she signs on part-time with Fittes. She doesn't bother to get to know her teammates. Kipps is unexpectedly kind to her in ways he would rather die than acknowledge. She doesn't stick around long enough to get checked up by their medics after cases.
She returns to her dimly lit cavern and clumsily bandages her cut alone with none of his attention to detail. She drags her palm weakly across her eyes and tries to remember her friends' faces. Did Lucy's bob end at her chin, or her clavicles? How big were the lenses of George's glasses? Lockwood is a mist that colours her new life. Turns out, life is a lot more depressing without George's propensity for intellectual name-calling and Lucy's aggressively positive spirit. Sometimes she catches herself taking her tea the way Lockwood does, and she wonders where Lockwood ends and where she begins.
She goes to sleep wishing she had never met him, and wakes up with a million things to tell him. She sees the occasional silhouette wandering the street as she draws her curtains and lets her heart pretend it's him. She fumbles with her love for him, not knowing where, or how, to put it down. Day in and day out, her yearning threatens to consume her entirely.
One night, after a case at a bridge over the Thames, she runs into George and Lucy, and it's the most alive she's ever felt since she left. They want to hear about her but she brushes it off immediately: she wants to hear everything and anything about 35 Portland Row and its inhabitants.
"He's bloody awful lately. He's too quiet, and he keeps staring out of windows like he's waiting for something, even at night. George had to knock him out with cough syrup to stop him from coming tonight; he's wasting away. Of course, George occasionally forces some food down his throat and wrestles him into his bed every once in a while, but..." Lucy worries her bottom lip and she feels her stomach sink. "I don't know how much longer this can last."
"I keep telling him to reach out to you -"
"Reach out to me? Do you know where I live?"
George exchanges a look with Lucy. "Well, not exactly, but it took Lockwood all but half a day to find out. Not that he'll tell us. Coherent speech is...it's becoming a bit of a struggle for him. Either way, I have no idea what's keeping him from apologising when he's clearly so cut up about it."
After they leave, she replays the conversation in her head while waiting to be dismissed, trying to extract as much meaning as she could from their words. She thinks about the dark apartment waiting for her. An empty flat. An empty life. Before she realises, she's neck deep in the Thames, a step away from walking off the sea bed. Freedom from this pain, from these shackles which bound her to earthly woes, was deliciously close. She closes her eyes and takes the final step, water rushing in to dull her hyperactive senses.
But the peace didn't last long. Suddenly, she felt hands hauling her out of her cool sanctuary, and desperate panting coupled with water splashing. The water in her lungs hurt and she felt like a sack of potatoes. After much painful gagging and coughing, she gathered her wits. Lucy was apprehensively leaning over her, and she could hear George agitatedly pacing and muttering behind them.
"I thought you looked weird. Your eyes were too bright."
"...dead man walking. I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna rip his throat out..."
"Come home with us, Y/N. Just for tonight. Please."
She looks at Lucy, suddenly furious at her for interfering. What did she know? This wasn't some small tiff where she and Lockwood could just hug and make up. She was better off without them. She dodges Lucy's concern and outstretched hand, shakily rising to her feet.
"If it was as simple as coming home, believe me - I would have returned a long time ago."
"I don't need you looking after me! I'm fine alone. Just go home, Lucy." Shame was beginning to fester inside of her. "Just go home."
Hell is beating at her windows when she wakes up. The rain comes down hard and fast in sheets, and for the first time, she feels grateful to have this roof, however old, over her head. She curls up at her window with a large cup of coffee, watching the heavens rage.
Suddenly, her head jerks towards the front door. She listens carefully for a moment, but only hears the wind howling through some hidden draft. And yet, her feet are walking her towards the door. She feels it in her bones the way she hasn't felt it since that fateful night months back. Something new is waiting for her.
She opens the door to a drenched man with his fist poised, ready to knock. It takes her a few blinks to reconcile the image of the man in front of her with the Lockwood she now only hazily remembered. They hadn't been exaggerating; he really did look awful. His skin was dull and stretched grotesquely over his bones, and his eyes look positively bruised. He was aggressively shivering in the rain, no umbrella in sight. She instinctively stepped back and he gratefully entered, rubbing his hands together for some warmth.
"Are you insane? What are you doing here?"
"I know what happened last night."
She subconsciously withdrew within herself. "George told you?"
"Lucy, actually. George and I haven't been on the best of terms lately, but, as of now, he's stopped speaking to me entirely."
"Ah." A small part of her flickered sympathetically. She remembered how much George meant to Lockwood, and vice versa, but the memory felt so unused, as if it were from a different life.
If he notices how dismal her flat is, he doesn't let on. In fact, he only seems interested in looking at her, drinking her in like a man starved. She allows it, but only for a while, and only because it's too big of a relief to have him standing here, larger than life, right in front of her. Starving, yes; sleep-deprived, yes; but very much alive.
"Come now, Y/N. Don't look at me like that."
"It's been a very long six months. I'll look at you however I want."
He sighs and shifts her chair closer to her and, as if inspired by some sudden bout of insanity, takes her hand, but doesn't seem to know exactly what to do with it.
"Lucy and George have been yelling at me to tell you the truth for ages now, but...I was too afraid. I was a coward. But after my earful from George last night...I realised you were just as scared as I was. Probably even more, all alone. And I'm trying to find it in me to be brave enough for the both of us." She listens cautiously, too burnt to fully believe.
He laces his fingers into her own, and brings it up to his face tenderly. "Remember how it used to be? Me and you, you and me. Just the two of us against the rest of the world." He fiddles with his pocket, and she hears a crinkling of brittle newspaper. It's their first picture in the papers. George, with significantly fewer wrinkles, is standing off to one side. Lockwood is trying and failing to look professional, which probably has to do with the way she's thrown her arms around his neck and is pressing a half-kiss to his cheekbone. She couldn't help it; she was just so proud of him. That's the photo to gets her to smile for the first time in months.
His own smile wobbles as he watches her, then slides off entirely, leaving behind an Anthony Lockwood that looks much older than his years.
"I don't know what I was thinking that day. I had a really bad string of nightmares that week where...where your lips would be blue and your pulse long gone by the time I reached. It was such a close shave, I can't help but think..." She wants to reach out and smooth the crease in his brow. "What if I were a second late?"
"But you weren't. Isn't that all that matters?"
A glimmer of a smile skimmed his face. "Yeah, well, Lucy told me as much."
"Smart girl."
"But I didn't listen. I tried - god, I tried - but I couldn't. I thought you would be safer without me. So when you started saying you'd leave, this awful seed was planted in my head, and I was angry, but also madly in love with you, and I didn't know how to say any of it."
A tear falls on their joined hands. "That evening really messed me up, Lockwood. It screwed with my head big time."
"I know." There was a rush in his voice that mirrored the same kind of rush that had flitted through her body for the past six months. "And I don't expect you to ever forgive me. I'll spend the rest of my life fixing the damage I've done. But...but...if somewhere down the road...you find it in your big heart to forgive me and my sins...I might just love you. No more secrets or locked doors; I'm done with them. Y/N L/N, I'm ready to love you wildly and freely."
First time she didn't absolutely hate him saying her last name.
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rel312 · 9 months
Episode 1:
(My brother actually came into my room to tell me to shut up)
Of course Aziraphale would just forgive 8 months rent
Lmao Gabriel’s just walking down the street ass naked
Gabriel just hugged Aziraphale I can’t
“James. Long for Jim, short for Gabriel”
Crowley knows Aziraphale so well, but poor guy he only calls him for 3 reasons
Poor Crowley is trying so hard not to freak out about the “naked man friend”
The conversation between Crowley and Jim I can’t
Maggie and Nina are trapped together!!
Michael and Uriel are fighting let’s gooo
Crowley just casually let the girls out lmao
Aaaaaand of course it goes immediately wrong
Episode 2:
Gabriel’s wig is atrocious
A jukebox that turns every song into Everyday like the Bentley with Queen, hmmm….
Crowley looks like a doting partner bringing his husband a drink
“Get humans wet and staring into each other’s eyes, vavoom, sorted” sir… are you telling me that’s what did it for you???
Crowley’s so confounded that Jane Austen wrote books
Crowley scaring the kids cause they were brats but not actually killing them aww
The little girl asking to be a blue lizard with her siblings she’s so cute
I cannot believe Aziraphale was the first to talk about sides I love them
Crowley and Aziraphale working together for the first time to save the kids
Aziraphale looks so shaken to have lied poor baby
Crowley babe he’s begging for you to drive him
“Our car” you can’t take it that far lol
Poor Aziraphale really thought he was gonna fall he was about to cry
Crowley was so soft in that last scene
Episode 3:
Jim’s stuff is all labeled
Aziraphale looks like a proud father to Muriel
Crowley’s moving the plants to use the car
They both look like parents I love them
Crowley brought Aziraphale to a cemetery because he thought it would amuse him, that is date behavior
Crowley is about to kill Aziraphale for changing his car
“Operation: Lovebirds” Crowley is such a dork
Aziraphale just is not getting anything lol
Crowley… shrunk himself??? And then grew himself????
Crowley tempted her to be good I love him
I love the very closed sign
Demons can’t enter somewhere uninvited???
He’s so angry Aziraphale might be hurt
Episode 4:
“His type”????
“I remember hearing that you and Crowley were an item” HOLY SHIT
“This office has gone 13 5 0 days without anyone saying ‘THE ROAD TO HELL IS PAVED’”
Glad to see Aziraphale in his magic era
Crowley’s impression is hilarious
“Someone you can really trust” and his first thought is Crowley 🥹
Aziraphale has a gun and Crowley has never shot one
Crowley was shaking he was so scared and Aziraphale was so proud of his trick
Furfur not knowing how to pronounce Aziraphale lmao
Sleight of hand!
Look at them finding a middle ground in shades of grey!
Lmao Crowley would murder him if he knew Aziraphale didn’t put the brakes
Episode 5:
They’re talking about Doctor Who
Aziraphale’s giving books and Crowley’s playing with crystal balls, I love them
Aziraphale being bad at French is so funny to me
Nina grilling Crowley on his relationship with Aziraphale is everything
Crowley was confronted with his feelings and immediately went out to get a drink with Aziraphale
Crowley’s so mad go off king
The matchbox!
Aww look at Crowley denying he’s nice
The romantic music while Crowley looks at Aziraphale with the chandelier
Oh. My. GOD. Jim’s suit!
Lol that’s not what I was expecting when they said masks will be provided
“Surrender the angle”
Gabriel’s coat!!
“T. O. S. T. E.”
“You’re a good lad” “not actually, either”
“Rescuing me makes him so happy” you can’t just say things like that and expect me to be normal about it
Episode 6:
Crowley’s just bouncing around in heaven
“I’m done with being scared” *flips them the bird*
Oh sweetie, you meant well but no
“Crowley’s emotional support angel” yes, yes that’s exactly what he is
Crowley’s little supportive punch to Muriel was so cute
Gabriel x Beelzebub confirmed??
The fact that Gabriel and Beelzebub were able to sort this out in a few years while it’s taken Crowley and Aziraphale 6000 is insane
And the fact that Aziraphale grabbed Crowley’s arm when he realized that
Crowley’s so impressed with Aziraphale bringing everyone to order
Aziraphale’s face at Crowley talking about Alpha Centauri
Aziraphale looking at Crowley with so much love in his eyes is giving me life
Aziraphale looking to Crowley for permission I can’t
Crowley knowing Aziraphale will come back and saying they need “a little us time” at the Ritz
Crowley getting antsy that Aziraphale’s not back yet
Nina taking inspiration from Crowley and calling Maggie angel my beloved
Crowley looks devastated that Aziraphale interrupted him
Aziraphale looks so incredibly happy at getting Crowley to be an angel again but there’s no way Crowley wants that
Crowley’s getting so emotional
“Just be an us” stooooopppppp
“I need you” I can’t take this!
THEY KISSED!!!!!!!!!
Aziraphale touched his lips after I’m dying
Aziraphale stop being so stupid and get him back
The- the second coming??
Please tell me there will be a season 3 I can’t handle this
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smoooothoperator · 1 month
17: Chanson Triste
Lando Norris x OC (Violet Sinclair)
same group friend, unrequited love, acquittances to lovers, ski trip, love triangle, life as lovers
Warnings: death, cemetery, angst
a/n: I'm back!!!! God, you guys have no idea how much I missed Violet and Lando, I was so excited while writing this chapter. I hope everyone is doing amazing, having good days. I came from a really really needed break and from a trip I was so excited to make, and with a lot of ideas for this story. But here you have some bad news... I can see the end of this story! Is not close yet, some things have to happen, but that means too that THE chapter is coming :)
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I knew I was going to be in the mouth of everyone. Dating him, a well known driver in Europe that drives for the second most famous team of the world, would mean that my social media would be full of notifications, of people sending requests of following, of attempts of messages. I knew that once we landed back in London, people would recognize us and follow us. 
But I have to love the present. I have to keep being who I am, I can't show a weakness because they would be attacking it immediately. If I want to be with Lando, I have to fight against the odds to make them see that I don't care what people say about me.
“I don't want to leave tomorrow…” I sighed, laying on the bed and looking through the window, observing the pyramids.
“Me neither” I heard him sigh, laying on his side and kissing my arm. “Maybe we can stay some more days…”
“You know we can't” I sighed looking at him, smiling weakly. “My worry is growing and I need to see Eloise. I'm really worried, she's not answering my texts or calls…”
“Did you call her parents too?” he smiled weakly, rubbing my back softly. 
“They decline my calls…” I whisper, sadly. “I just… What if she's really mad at me because I chose to stay with you instead of talking with her? I mean, I did explain to her why I did that, what happened… But she didn't answer, just left me on read”
“It will be okay, love” Lando sighed, kissing my shoulder. “You want me to go with you? So we can talk with her and explain to her…”
“I don't know, I think I want to do it alone” I smiled weakly. “We have to talk, many things have happened since last time I saw her and I just want to have some time alone with her”
“I understand” he nodded, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to his chest. 
“You are the best” I smiled, kissing his lips softly, cupping his jaw with my hand. “You know, I think we broke the internet some days ago”
“Oh, yeah. I know” he laughed, making me smile when I felt his chest move with his laugh. “My manager texted me saying that people just went crazy, kinda”
“I just… I don't want to be like those girlfriends that are models and influencers” I said. “I mean, they are perfect. Every time I talked with some of them I felt like an outlander, kinda. They just dressed with important brands like Gucci, Dior, Tommy Hilfiger… and the most expensive clothing I have is a dress I bought for a gala in the museum, and it's nothing compared to what they wore”
“I know you are not like them, Violet” he said, kissing my head. “And that's what I love about you. You are natural, careless. You are like a breath of fresh air for me, really. You keep my feet in the ground”
“That's cute” I smile looking up at him. “I just… I guess I want to be worth it? Yesterday I read some of the comments of the posts and they kept repeating that finally there's a girlfriend that is not famous. Like, I'm normal, I guess. Not an influencer, not an athlete, not a model”
“And that's perfect, really” he smiled. 
“But that made them think that I want you for your money” I smiled weakly. “I mean, if they say that, I can just take a screenshot of my bank account and show the money I have. But that's not what I was saying…”
“I just imagined you posting on Instagram that screenshot with a caption like… I'm not poor, I have a job. Go mind your own business” he interrupted me laughing, making me laugh too. 
“You and I both know that I'm capable of doing that” I laugh. “But what I was saying! Why are they so determined to say that every girlfriend is with their partner just because of money and fame? Why can't they think that it is because of something else, like love?”
“Because… I don't know” he sighed, brushing my hair with his fingers. “I guess they want drama, gossip. They think that a love story is not dramatic or important for a driver. They just want to make and believe their own narrative and take things out of context”
“That kinda sucks” I whisper.
“It does, yeah…” he sighed. “But I don't care about what they think. I only care that after every race I'll have someone waiting for me. I made many mistakes before, like letting them get in my mind and make me push away people that cared for me. I won't make the same mistake again, I will fight for us”
“I love you, Lando” I smiled, hugging him tight. 
“Tomorrow I will take you to a place before we leave” he said. “So I want you to take that white dress you bought the other day at the market”
“Are you going to propose?” I laughed. “Isn't that a little soon? I don't know, wait for next year maybe. We have been dating for a week!”
“No, silly!” he laughed. “But I'll keep that in mind”
“Idiot” I laughed softly.
He just held me, both of us watching the pyramids before falling asleep in each other's arms.
The next morning, after I woke up I grabbed my phone, checking if I had any answer from Eloise. But like the last few days, I didn't have messages from her.
“I'm sure she's fine, Violet” I heard Landon whisper, kissing my shoulder. 
“It's just… I feel something is wrong. We never have been this long without talking. I just want her to send me whatever…” I whispered.
I heard Lando sigh and wrapping his arms around me tightly, making me take a deep breath and close my eyes, getting comfortable in his arms.
The next morning he woke me up, peppering soft kisses all over my shoulders and neck, rubbing his hand over my back in soft circles. His smile was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes, making me answer him the same way.
“Good morning, beautiful” he whispered, making me chuckle softly and hide my face on his bare chest, pressing a soft kiss on his skin. “Ready to do one last visit?”
“Mhm” I nodded, wrapping my arm around him. 
We just got up and while the room service came with our breakfast, we put out clothes back in the suitcases, making sure they were ready and sent to the reception so we don't have to come back before leaving. 
I looked at the white dress, smiling. I have no idea what he wants to do, where are we going now. But somehow I was excited about it, I was excited because I saw him excited about being in this place. I'm excited because he was so interested in things I like. He looked at me with a smile while he nodded, paying attention to everything I explained to him. And it made me fall even more for him, if that was possible.
“You ready?” he smiled, watching how I tied my hair on a braid after hanging my bag on my shoulder. “Let's go”
I laugh softly, walking out with him and going to the main door of the hotel. A van was waiting for us, ready to take us to the place he planned to go. He held my hand all the time, rubbing soft circles on my knuckles.
“Where are we going?” I asked him, resting my head on his shoulder.
“You'll see” he whispered. “Just be patient, we are close”
I laugh softly and nod, looking out of the window and enjoying the land that surrounded us. After a few minutes, the car stopped.
“Let's go” he smiled, opening the door and getting out of the car before me.
I smiled at him, holding his hand as he helped me get out of the van. I looked around surprised, recognizing this place.
“No you didn't” I laughed softly.
“Oh yeah” he smirked, hiding my hand tightly and walking with me. “You know what this temple means?”
“It's Hathor’s temple” I nodded, looking around and smiling. “Egyptian goddess of the sky, music, joy, dance and love”
“And you told me that she was associated with Isis, right?” he said, wrapping his arm around me. “The goddess of the loyalty and the maternal love”
“Mhm” I nodded.
“Well, I want to make a promise, in front of her” he said, holding my hand and stopping right in front of one of the many statues of the goddess.
“Lando” I laughed softly, watching how he grabbed something from the pocket of his jeans, making me swallow the lump and laugh nervously. 
“I want to promise you that I will treat you how you deserve to be treated. I promise that I will never hurt you or touch you when you don't want to. I promise that I will never make you cry. I promise that I will be only thinking about you, when I wake up, during the day and at night. I promise to cherish you and make you happy and fight whoever dares to make you feel sad”
“Lando…” I smiled softly, feeling my eyes getting wet when I saw him open his hand, showing me a silver ring with two small rocks placed next to the other.
“This is my promise. I'll give you this ring to seal my promise of loving you forever. You owe my heart since the day I first saw you” he said while he put the ring on my ring finger. “This ring has our birthstones, together. Because I really think that we were born to be together, that you are my soulmate, Violet. And now that I found you I will never let you go. I won't leave you”
His words sank in my heart, filling my chest with a warm flame he only knows how to turn on. His touch is delicate, how he holds my hand while I admire the beautiful ring with both stones, topaz and and tanzanite, together.
“Idiot, you are going to make me cry and you just promised me that you won't make me do it” I laughed softly, wiping the little tears of joy that were running down my cheeks. 
“Come here” he laughed, wrapping his arms around me, holding me close to him, heart by heart.
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violetsinclair 2024 be like 🌼☕🏎️🫶🏻
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landonorris 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
mclaren it was so nice having you during the testings and the launch with us!
violetsinclair you won't get rid of me easily 
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Driving through the road that takes me to my childhood village was bittersweet. The first year I was away for my studies I was excited to come back and finally be on my childhood bed with my family again, but as years went by, that feeling started to disappear and it turned more into an obligation rather than something I used to do for pleasure.
Once my life was in order after coming back from the trip with Lando and both of us got used to living around the other, I took some days off from work and forced myself to grab my car and drive home. 
The past few days I tried to call Eloise again, as well as her family. But again, none of them answered. She only has her parents, her family is not as big as mine with grandparents that are still alive, uncles and aunts and cousins. That's why she always loved to spend time at my house during holidays, because she had more people around besides her parents.
As I drove past the signal that indicated the main entry of the village, I saw a few flowers on the ground, as well as marks of rubber of the tires that lead to the side of the road. And watching that made me feel shivers running down my spine.
When I parked my car in front of my house I looked at the house next to it, to her house. The light of her room is turned off, even the curtains are closed. Her car is not parked next to the garage.
If she's not here, then where?
I sigh, walking towards the main door of her house and pressing the doorbell, sighing when I noticed the lights were turned off.
“Hello? Eloise, I want to talk!”
Seconds later the door opened, and my smile dropped when I found her mother looking at me. I was surprised to find her wearing dark clothes, always used to see her wearing bright and neutral colors. Her gaze is not even the same, and the smile she always drew when I came to their house is no longer there.
“What are you doing here?” she frowned, her voice sounding rougher than I expected. “You are not welcomed here anymore”
“What? But… Jane, I want to talk with Eloise… I-”
“Leave this house now! You already did enough. How dare you come back here after everything you did to her? Are you insane?!”
“But… I just…”
“I don't want to see you” she groaned, closing the door on my face.
What did just happen?
I frowned, trying to call again, but I was  answered with silence. I sighed, giving up and walked to my house, opening the door and closing it behind me.
“Lottie, is that you?”
I smiled weakly and sighed when I recognized the voice of my grandma, so I walked towards the living room. She was there, on her chair next to the fireplace and whatever she was knitting. The moment she saw me I could see her face light up, smiling softly and leaving both needles on her lap and opening her arms, inviting me to a hug.
“I'm home, nana” I whispered, kneeling to be at her height and hugging her. “Did Eloise come by? It's been a while since I talked with her…”
“Oh, little Lottie…” she whispered. “You came late, my girl”
“Late? Why?” I frowned, pulling away from the hug and looking at her. 
“She's no longer here” she smiled weakly.
“What? Then where? She lives here”
Eloise's dream since she was little was to be the owner of the restaurant we always visited when we were little. Everytime we got out of school, we went to that place to have a chocolate milkshake while we did our homework. It was our place, sitting on the fourth table that is next to the door, facing the window and with views to the park. 
In that restaurant, during summer, she worked there to make money. She was a waitress, a cashier, and she cleaned the place. But what she loved the most was the moments she worked in the kitchen. She discovered her passion for cooking in the stoves of that restaurant and it helped her decide that she wanted to be a professional chef.
When we moved to London, we lived together during the first years of our studies. She went to the cooking academy while I went to the university. And when she finished her years of formation, she started working on restaurants until she gained a name, a reputation.
Her dream was always going back to our village and make that restaurant a place tourists would go to experience the gastronomy of our country. She always wanted to be a reference in the kitchen.
“Maybe she's in the restaurant” I frowned, getting up and looking around. 
Maybe that's why her car is not parked. Because she stayed longer in the restaurant, as usual.
“No, Violet”
I took a deep breath when I heard my cousin's voice behind me. Maya, the oldest one, already married and with a kid. 
“Come on, will someone tell me what is going on? Why did Jane say that I'm no longer welcomed? I'm so lost! Where is Eloise?”
“Let me take you somewhere” she smiled weakly, grabbing the keys of her car.
I frown and look at my grandma, watching how she nodded with a sad smile on her lips. Somehow, what is happening it's not good, I could tell because of the shivers that were running all over my body.
I followed Maya, getting inside her car and watching out of the window, hoping she would take me to the restaurant where I thought Eloise would be working. But when she turned to the left, going to the road that goes to the church and next to it to the cemetery, I heart skipped a beat. 
No, right? This can't be happening.
“Where are we going?” I frowned, feeling how my hands started to get sweaty, feeling how my heart was beating in my throat making me feel nauseous.
Maya didn't say anything, she only looked at me with a sad smile while she parked the car. She got out and waited for me to follow her, something that took me around a minute. But she waited for me, she stood in front of the car with her hands inside of the pockets of her black coat.
“Come on” she sighed, biting her lip and walking.
Every step I made sounded louder in my ears and it increased the anxiety I was feeling. That anxiety started to become panic and fear. 
“Here” Maya sighed, standing in front of a gravestone.
I didn't want to read what it said. I didn't want to know who was buried there. It was recent, the smell of flowers was still recent and I could see that the marble was still shining.
“No” I mumbled, feeling how I was choking with a scream. “No, no. It can't be. No. You are joking, right? This is a cruel joke. Eloise is working in the restaurant and she just wanted to play around, making me pay for something I don't even know I've done. Please, Maya…”
“I’m sorry” she mumbled. “It happened some weeks ago… But Harry came and said that you two stopped being friends and something about you betraying her”
“No!” I exclaimed, looking at her and letting my tears fall. “None of that! Why would I betray her? Just because I chose myself first? Harry is the problem! He manipulated me so many times!”
“May I remind you that you couldn't stop saying that you loved him?” she said, and somehow that made me flinch. “That he saved you from being raped? That he was always next to you and that you felt so bad and jealous because you wanted to be in Eloise's shoes?”
“That was before I knew the truth…”
“So what? Now that you are having a love story worthy of a fairy tale with that driver you think that you can forget about your family and friends?!”
I closed my eyes, breathing deeply. Maybe she's right… Maybe I was too focused on Lando and I stopped caring for my family… No. Lando has nothing to do with this. He showed me how it is to be loved, he showed me how it is to be loved by a family.
“I tried” I whisper. “I tried to call her, to talk to her. Lando told them to leave the trip because of things that happened between him and Harry. And Eloise wasn't the best friend during those days either. But I never stopped texting her and calling her. She was the one that ghosted me…”
“Look, I'm sorry, okay?” she sighed. “Eloise was a good girl, she didn't deserve this ending”
I swallowed thickly and looked at the flowers. I smiled sadly. There are roses on it, her favorite flower. 
“Can you leave me alone?” I whisper.
I heard her walk away without saying anything, and when I felt I was alone, I let out a sob. 
How on Earth could this happen? When? Why? Why her? Why did no one tell me? My own family forgot to tell me that my childhood best friend is dead. Those tyre’s marked at the entry of the village and the flowers… It happened that way? 
I felt incredibly nauseous and the need to throw up was real, making me run to a tree and bow, emptying my stomach. I tried to breathe, but the tears and the burn on my throat made it impossible.
“Just… why?” I cried, looking back at the grave. “Why? It's not fair! I didn't betray you. Did you feel like that? I chose myself first, for the first time, Eloise. I chose love first… Why did you never answer my calls and texts? It wasn't my fault Harry blackmailed Lando, it wasn't my fault at all… And still you believed him. If there was one who was betrayed, that was me”
I wanted to blame her. But… Is she the one to blame? She loved Harry, she followed him. Of course she did. I would do the same. 
“It's not fair at all, Eli” I mumble. “What am I supposed to do now? I just… God. Who am I supposed to talk with about my problems? About my life? Life is unfair, why the hell did you have to leave this way? Who am I going to tell that Lando and I are dating? That he promised me he's going to marry me? Who am I going to ask to be my maid of honor? What the hell am I supposed to do without you, Eloise?”
It hurts so bad. It hurt realizing that she's not here anymore. It hurt so bad realizing that she won't be next to me anymore, that she won't make her dreams come true.
“I'm nothing without you…”
It hurts. But what hurts the most is that for the first time I experienced what is it to lose someone you love, someone that was important for you. 
“I just… I'll miss you, Eli, so much. I already do”
I took a deep breath and just let the tears fall while I fixed the flowers on her grave, tracing with my fingers the letters of it.
“In loving memory of Eloise Taylor. Born on the 23 of October of 1999” I whisper, feeling a knot on my throat as I traced the next words of it. “Dead… The 27 of December of 2023”
I felt empty, so empty.
When I returned to London,instead of going back home, I went somewhere else.
The park where Eloise and I went to spend our afternoons together was close to the first apartment I ever lived in, with her. It was on the other side of London, in a small neighborhood. I sat on a bench, right next to a streetlight, and hugged myself. 
I didn't notice how long I stayed there until I looked at my phone, reading the notifications of messages and missed calls.
Lando🧡: how are things going? Did you talk with her?
Lando🧡: text me once you are coming back home, okay? I'll make something for dinner
Lando🧡: Babe?
Lando🧡: is everything okay? I'm worried
Lando🧡: Baby, please answer. Where are you? It's late and it's getting dark
Lando🧡 missed calls (3)
I took a deep breath and smiled weakly, pressing the call button and placing the phone on my phone.
“Violet? Thank God!”
“Where are you? Are you still in your village? You are staying with Eloise? Did you talk?”
“Lando, she…”
“God, I was so worried” he sighed, relieved.
“She's dead”
“What? What did you say?”
“Eloise” I mumble, sniffling softly. “Eloise is dead… she's no longer here. She… she died”
Silence. He was quiet. I could hear his breathing, how it got stuck on his throat. 
“Where are you”
“I… I need to be alone” I whisper.
“Violet please…”
I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath, telling him the address of where I am. He didn't end the call, he stayed on it, making me hear everything he did, how he walked out of the apartment, how he went to his car and turned the engine on. 
“There you are” he sighed, ending the call and sitting next to me.
I felt his arms wrapping me and pulling me to his chest, holding me tight.
“How did it happen?” he mumbled, brushing my hair with his fingers.
“She… she crashed” I whisper. “She was going home and the road was frozen…”
“What am I going to do without her?” I whisper “I… I feel like someone took something away from me, a part of my heart. A-and she left thinking that I betrayed her… she left and no one told me because Harry said…”
“Harry knew?” Lando frowned. “And he didn't tell you?”
“N-no…” I mumble, looking up at him. “He told her parents that we argued… That's why they didn't call me”
Lando took a deep breath and kissed my forehead. He held my hand and kissed it.  
“This just made me realize how scared I am to lose you” I said looking at him.
“You won't lose me” he said, cupping my cheek and resting his forehead against mine, closing his eyes. “You won't lose me, ever. I made a promise, remember? I promised that I will never let you go, that I will never leave you”
“What am I supposed to do, Lando?” I whisper. “I lost Eloise because of a car… How am I supposed to feel knowing that you work in one? I just…”
“You will never lose me” he repeated, squeezing my hand. “I'll make sure of that. I'll start every race and finish it to be next to you. You are my checkered flag. I'll race as much as I have to just to get out of the car and hold you”
“Just… never leave me” I whisper. “Never, okay?”
“Never” he nodded. “You have my heart, I can't live without it. Just keep it safe with you and everything will be alright”
@elisysd @racinggirl @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @landoyesrizz @lorarri @bellwhysomean @leptitlu @aphroditeisamilf @brekkers-whore @copper-boom @sideboobrry11 @alltoomaples @f1madison @elijahslover @silkenthusiasts @chonkybonky @summerslike11 @randomgirlnumber-13 @is-just-a @whentheautumnleavesfall @malynn @mycenterfold @barackosteaa @izzy-marvel @ssprayberrythings @ophcelia
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
#PL1 with Hangman. From the Angst list possibly after an accident of some sort? 19 - “Please don’t leave.”
Warnings: Car accident! Jake Seresin x F!reader. Death of reader insert. Sad boi hour.
Haunted // Jake Seresin
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“He still up there?” Rooster asked as he got out of the Bronco, removing his aviators as he strolled over to where Phoenix had been perched up against her own car. She’d called Rooster not too long ago, worried about Jake.
“Yeah–” Phoenix replied solemnly, never once taking her eyes off where Jake sat by your grave. “He just sits there, all day. Doesn't say anything, doesn't cry, doesn't sleep or eat or–” Before Phoenix could finish her sentence, Bradley interrupted, giving her the answer to all her questions in two simple but heavy words. 
“He's grieving–” Bradley and Phoenix stood by the cars they parked in the curbside spots of the carpark at the bottom of the Lakeview memorial cemetery. From the carpark they could see Jake clear as day, sitting by the fresh tombstone that had just been put in after a few months on backorder. Jake needed it to be perfect, he spared no expense in making sure it was exactly the way you would have wanted it. Not that you ever really specified what you wanted in a tombstone, but Jake knew. He knew you wouldn't have wanted anything extravagant or in your face. He knew you wouldn't want some sappy quote that wasn't what best reflected you while you were living. No.
Jake knew you would want something simple and elegant. So that's what you got. As he sat by your grave picking at the blade of grass that looked too long, absentmindedly twirling his wedding band around on his left ring finger, Jake thought about how it should have been him. It should have been him driving that night, not you. But it was you and Jake didn't understand why it had to be you. He didn't understand why he had to live the rest of his life with you not by his side. 
“He needs help, Rooster–more than we can give him.” Phoenix sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest, she'd been on Hangman watch for the better half of the day. “I really think he needs to talk to someone, a grief counselor or someone.” Deep down Bradley agreed, but he knew talking to a counselor was the last thing he wanted to do when his mother died. 
“He passed his psych eval before returning to work.” Rooster replied as he watched Jake stand from his spot next to your grave, picking up the wilted flowers he’d replaced with new ones as he did so. “He lost his wife Nix, you don't just bounce back from that.” Rooster placed his hand into the front pockets of his jeans, shrugging as he did so with a prolonged exhale. “I don't think you bounce back from that ever, you just learn to exist.” Bradley paused for a moment, he wasn't sure if he should say what he wanted to next. “Pretty sure that's what my mum did.” 
Jake was exhausted. Emotionally, physically, hell even spiritually. He was burnt out and running on empty. As he looked down at your name carved into the stone, Y/n Seresin, he swore he heard your laugh in the wind that blew around him. His mother would say it was but Jake didn't believe any God could be so cruel to take you away from him. He needed you, why the fuck did they take you away from him. 
“Happy Birthday beautiful, I gotta go, but I'll uh–I'll be back soon.” Jake sighed as he tapped the top of your tombstone with his knuckles, something he always did whenever he came to see you and always did just as he was leaving. “I love you.” He missed hearing a response to that, he’d give anything just to hear he was loved by you one final time. 
“He’s coming.” Phoenix pushed off her car. “You wanna take him or should I?” She asked as she turned to Rooster, taking her eyes off Jake for two seconds. But that was enough time for his grief to overcome his exhausted body. With each step Jake took away from you he grew weaker and weaker. Jake fell to his knees as he lost view of the world around him, Rooster didn't say a single word as he pushed off Phoenix’s car and booked it over to his best friend. 
“Hey man, you good?” Rooster cried out as he jogged up the small incline towards where Jake kneeled on the ground, noticing how Jake had never looked more broken. “Fuck” Bradley sighed to himself as he made his way over. Knowing that the events of the day Jake lost you would be playing through his mind on a loop ever since you left so unexpectedly. 
Six months earlier ~ The Hard Deck, October 31st. 
“Okay Mr Salt—“ You beamed as you rubbed your husbands back gently in small circular motions. “Let’s get you home yeah?” You had been celebrating at the Hard Deck, Halloween was and always had been one of your favorite times of the year. September 1st always brought about the decorations you meticulously decorated the house in each and every year. September 1st to October 31st saw the Seresin household dressed to the nines with fall themed decorations and filled with pumpkins spiced scented candles. Did Jake like halloween as much as you did? No–but he went along with it every year just to see you smile. He loved you too much to stop you from fishing out the old, nearly decrepit decoration box that had ‘Seasonal House Attire’ scribbled on one of the flaps out from the attic. 
He did make it a note to remind you how much of a dork you were though. But to Jake Seresin, calling his wife a huge Dork was just another loving term of endearment. 
“Yeah—“ Jake grinned through a small hiccup. “Yeah let’s get me home, lead the way Mrs Pepper.” You and Jake had gone dressed as Salt & Pepper shakers to the annual Hard Deck costume party. “I'll drive.” 
“Oh, no!” You chucked as Jake slung his arm around your shoulders. “You are in no condition to drive–” The original plan had been one or two drinks each, you'd have a big meal, water between drinks and you'd both be able to scissors paper rock to see who ended up driving home. But as the night progressed—Jake had fallen down the rabbit hole of drink for drink and shot for shot with none other than Bradley Bradshaw. “I’ll drive, here—give me the keys.”
Without so much as a second of hesitation, Jake handed you the keys after he’d fished them out from his back pocket. In Jake’s mind that moment plays out in slow motion, a decision that sealed your very fate. When Jake altered the course of what should have been his untimely demise by drinking a little more than he should have, he unknowingly unleashed death’s fatal trajectory on you, his loving and beautiful wife. 
When Jake thought back to this moment? He swears he dangles his keys above your open and awaiting hand for at least five agonising seconds. Then, the very moment that confirmed your destiny strikes.
Jake dropped the set of car keys into your palm. 
“Thank you.” You cooed, reaching up to place a quick peck against your husband’s cheek. “Looks like you get to be the passenger problem once again.” 
“Ah, I prefer passenger princess, thank you—“ Jake snickered as you walked over towards the front doors of the Hard Deck. “Good night everyone!” Jake turned momentarily. “We’re heading off—“
“Seeya guys!” Fanboy replied first as he waved in his Larry the Lobster costume. 
“Oh but the night is still so young?” Rooster sighed as he realised he was losing his drinking buddy. “Y/n, come on just one more round?” Bradley didn’t know it at the time but this would be the last time he ever saw you alive. None of the Daggers, Jake's friends, his found family and colleagues knew it. None of them knew that your doomsday clock had run out. 
“We’ve got a flight booked for Texas tomorrow, gotta be up early, Rooster.” You explained although he already knew. “We gotta get going.” 
“Alright alright—“ Rooster groaned childishly, understanding that he’d just have to go with the flow. “Go on, get outta here.” 
“I’ll text the group just before we take off!” Jake added as he walked with you outside into the chill of the fall night. Not knowing that in just a few short minutes his entire life would be turned upside down. 
“Okay okay but what if it’s not you?” Jake sighed and his fingers intertwined with yours over the centre console. “Like it could very well be me?” 
“Uh, with your genetics my dear I find that incredibly hard to believe.” You and Jake had been trying to start a family for a while now. Nothing seemed to be working, all the tracking, all the phases, all the old wives tail tricks and tips you’d both been abiding by god's law. None of it seemed to be working. “When we get back from your mum's place we should probably see a fertility specialist, just to be sure we’re doing everything we can.” 
“Yeah—Alright.” Jake turned to look at you as he smiled softly and brought the palm of your hand up to his lips. “You’re always full of good ideas aren’t you.” 
“Maybe we should have gone as brains and brawn instead of salt and pepper?” You chuckled softly as you turned your attention back to the road, you’d only briefly turned your head away from the road ahead for a few seconds to look at Jake. 
“Babe!” Jake gasped as he let go of your hand, allowing you to grip the steering wheel with both hands. “Deer! Fuck!” Jake shouted as you over-corrected to miss the deer that had run across the road in the dead of night—it must have been spooked by your headlights. 
“Jake!” You screamed as you spun out, you tried to fix your mistake by slamming your foot on the break but if anything that just made the situation worse. “Oh my god oh my god!!” You could hear the sound of your tires screeching before the car left the opposite side of the road you were meant to be on and began to roll down the embankment beside the road. Not once, not twice, not three times—the car you and your husband had been travelling home in had rolled four separate times. Glass shattered under the pressure as aluminium twisted and crumbled in something that mimicked a paper ball. Until eventually everything went quiet as you landed upside down. 
Unconscious and bleeding. Your knees had been shoved up under the steering wheel column—slicing down to the bone. The seatbelt that had meant to protect you crushed your ribs and punctured a lung. The airbag that had deployed to stop you from hitting your face against the steering wheel had broken your nose and jaw on impact. Everything hurt, everything—
Until it didn’t. 
“I’m here.” Jake was lucky or unlucky enough to remain conscious the entire accident until the car came to a halt upside down. “We’re okay—“ Battered, bloodied and bruised Jake gasped as he tried to make sense of what the fuck had just happened. 
“Baby?” Jake called out softly, Turning his head to see that you just hung there, limp and bleeding in a mess of the deployed airbag. “Baby you with me?” Again, you didn’t respond and Jake could feel himself panicking. “Oh god please don’t leave me—“ He begged. “Don’t take her away from me!” He cried out as he struggled to unclip his seatbelt. Falling to the roof of the car that was now the floor in a heap as he hissed and groaned from the glass that tore shreds into his arms face. “Fuck—Y/n, I’m here I’m here baby you’re okay aren’t you honey?” Again Jake was met with no response as he felt tears streaming down his cheeks. “Oh god, oh god this is NOT happening.” In an attempt to free you, Jake tried to reach up and unclip your seatbelt. 
But it didn’t budge—not in the slightest bit. 
“Oh god baby come on, you’re alright? Wake up for me honey come on? COME ON!?” But you just weren’t answering. You weren’t breathing. Jake tried to guide the hair out of the bloodstream that dripped down your forehead to your cheek but the gravity of being trapped upside down just made it fall straight back. “I love you so much, please don’t leave.” 
“Baby, there’s help coming—“ Jake begged you to stay, he begged you not to leave him, he tried his best to get out of that damn car but you were stuck in there good. So Jake just waited. He waited and waited and held your hand as he sobered up and remembered he was the one who gave you the keys, knowing that if he had been driving it would have been him. “You gotta hang in there just a little longer so the medics can get you out.” 
But you were already gone. 
“Jake!” Bradley shouted as he raced down the embankment he’d gotten a taxi with Bob and begged the guy to pull over as they went past red and blue flashing lights in what felt like snow motion—noticing the sandy blonde aviators crumbled car down in the ditch. “Jake! Oh my god are you alright?” Bradley couldn’t believe his eyes when he crouched down to look in the car that still remained upside down. The medics hadn’t even finished grabbing their gear from the ambulance yet, that’s just how fast Rooster had run. 
“I’m good, I’m fine—it’s Y/n, she’s trapped man, I can't get her out.” Jake shook his head as he sniffled hard, still holding your hand. 
Bradley knew just by the first glance that you were gone. There was not a more sobering sight. 
“Okay, okay we’re gonna get her outta there.” He placed a hand on Jake’s shoulder. “Gotta get you out first though.”
“I’m not leaving my wife in this car Bradshaw—“ Jake hissed. “I can’t.” 
“I really don’t think the medics are gonna give you a choice.” 
“I miss her so much—“ Jake cried out as Bradley made it over to where Jake kneeled on the grass. “So much Rooster.” 
“I know you do.” Bradley still to this day had no words that could bring Jake comfort or bring you back, but he was there for his best friend no matter what. “I got you man, I got you.”
Leah’s 4K Celebration 🎊
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lord-of-the-muses · 1 year
She Stole My Heart
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Pairings: Wednesday Addams X Female Reader X Enid Sinclair
A/N: A twist on "Be Gay Do Crime"
It was a dark and stormy night when Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, and Y/N met at the edge of the cemetery. Wednesday was dressed in all black as usual, her long black hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. Enid was wearing a bright red hoodie and jeans, her bright blue eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. Y/N was wearing a black hoodie and jeans, her blonde hair tucked under a baseball cap.
The three of them had been lovers ever since they came to Nevermore, and they had always been drawn to the thrill of breaking the rules in their own ways and committing sweet and macabre crimes together. However, this time, Wednesday had a different plan in mind. She had been feeling a void in her life, a lack of love, and she had heard of a legendary grave that had a heart that was said to bring love to whoever possessed it. She had convinced Enid and Y/N to help her steal the heart from the grave.
As they entered the cemetery, Enid turned to Y/N and said, "I'm not sure this is a good idea. Wednesday, you're talking about grave robbing. It's not right."
Wednesday shook her head, "I know it's not right, but I need this. I need to feel love again."
Y/N nodded, "I understand, Wednesday. I'll help you."
Enid sighed, "I'll help you too, but I'm not happy about it."
They approached the grave where the heart was said to be buried, and Wednesday used her tools to break the lock on the grave. They climbed down into the grave, and Wednesday used her knowledge of grave digging to locate the heart. They retrieved the heart and climbed out of the grave, but as they were leaving the cemetery, they heard a strange growling noise behind them.
"What's that noise?" Y/N asked, her voice trembling.
Wednesday's face went pale, "I don't know, but we need to move, now!"
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They ran out of the cemetery, but the growling was getting louder. As they reached the edge of the cemetery, a monster stepped out from the shadows, it was huge and had razor-sharp teeth.
"Oh my God," Y/N said, "What is that thing?"
Wednesday's eyes widened, "I don't know, but we have to fight it."
Enid stepped forward, "I'll handle this."
Enid's body began to contort and change, as she transformed into a werewolf. She lunged at the monster, her claws and teeth ready for battle.
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Wednesday and Y/N stood back, watching as Enid fought the monster. It was a fierce battle, but Enid was strong, and she managed to defeat the monster.
As the monster lay dead on the ground, Enid transformed back into her human form. "We have to go," she said, "That monster was not natural, someone summoned it, and they will be coming for us."
Wednesday nodded, "Let's go."
As they ran away, Y/N turned to Wednesday, "I can't believe you would want to steal a heart from a grave. I understand you want to feel love again, but it's not right."
Wednesday shrugged, "I know, but I didn't know what else to do. I needed something to fill the void in my life.
They were running for a few minutes when suddenly a car pulled up beside them. The driver was Tyler, a friend of theirs from weathervane.
"Need a ride?" Tyler asked.
The three of them quickly got in the car and Tyler drove them back to campus. As they were driving, Wednesday couldn't help but feel her heart beating fast. She was feeling something she had never felt before, a feeling of love. She realized that she had fallen in love with both Enid and Y/N.
As they arrived on campus, Tyler dropped them off near their dorms. "Thanks for the ride, Tyler," Wednesday said.
"Anytime," Tyler said as he drove away.
The three of them walked towards their dorms, but Wednesday was feeling anxious. She didn't know how to express her feelings to Enid and Y/N, and she didn't want to ruin their friendship.
As they entered their dorms, Wednesday said, "I'm going to go work on my book. I'll see you both later."
Enid and Y/N looked at each other, both sensing that something was off with Wednesday. But they didn't push the matter and went to their own rooms.
Wednesday sat at her desk, typing away on her book. She was trying to focus on her work, but her mind kept wandering to Enid and Y/N. She couldn't stop thinking about how much she loved them, how much she wanted to be with them. But she didn't know how to express her feelings without risking everything.
As she was typing, there was a knock on her door. It was Enid and Y/N.
"Can we come in?" Enid asked.
Wednesday nodded, and the two of them sat down on her bed.
"Is everything okay, Wednesday? You've been acting strange," Y/N said.
Wednesday took a deep breath, "I have something to tell you both. I love you. Both of you. I know it's crazy, and I don't expect you to feel the same way, but I just had to tell you."
Enid and Y/N looked at each other, surprised but also happy. Enid smiled and took Wednesday's hand, "I love you too, Wednesday. And so does Y/N."
Y/N nodded, "I do. I love you, Wednesday."
Wednesday felt her heart swell with happiness, she couldn't believe that her feelings were reciprocated
The days passed and Wednesday, Enid, and Y/N were adjusting to their new relationship. However, they started to notice that something wasn't quite right. Wednesday and Enid were plagued by nightmares, dark and disturbing visions that left them feeling uneasy and on edge. They couldn't quite understand what was causing these nightmares until one night, Y/N revealed that she had been eating the heart they stole from the grave.
Y/N's behavior began to change, she became more aggressive and volatile. She would often lose control, lashing out at those around her. Her eyes changed, becoming red, and black wings sprouted from her back, revealing her to be a rare vampire hybrid of a dark fallen angel.
Enid and Wednesday were worried about Y/N, they could see that she was no longer the same person they had known. They tried to approach her, to get her to talk to them, but she would push them away. Enid tried to flirt with Y/N, using her charm and wit to try and distract her from the darkness that was consuming her. Wednesday tried a different approach, using her intellect and understanding to try and calm Y/N down.
As they were struggling to deal with Y/N's transformation, "Thing the hand" appeared out of nowhere and drops a potion on Y/N's head. The potion slowly began to take effect, and Y/N's eyes returned to their normal color, her wings retreated back, and her aggressive behavior subsided.
"What was that potion?" Enid asked.
"It's a special potion that neutralizes dark energy, Thing the hand pointed showing how he had a feeling that something was off with them and how he followed and saw what was happening.
With regret and sadness in her eyes, Y/N stared at Wednesday and Enid. "She apologised, "I'm sorry, I didn't understand what was happening to me. I did not know that the heart was cursed."
Wednesday and Enid embraced Y/N, saying, "It's okay, we're here for you, and we'll help you through this."
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After that, they began to think twice about stealing, since they now know that their actions will have lasting repercussions. They noticed that love is more than a sentiment; it's a decision to stick with one another through good times and bad. They worked well together and always looked out for one another.
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realmermaid333 · 1 year
Weyler fluff idea: Wednesday doesn’t know how to show Tyler that she wants to hold hands, be kissed etc. And it’s not that Tyler doesn’t want to do that but it’s because he thinks Wednesday doesn’t like it that much but deep down she wants it (he respects her borders)
I had a lot of fun with this one.
It was a beautiful day, cloudy and gray with bits of rain here and there. The rain wasn’t so potent that it soaked clothes and hair, it was a perfect, infrequent sprinkle— Wednesday’s favorite type of weather. 
She and Tyler sat shoulder-to-shoulder beneath a maple tree in the Jericho Cemetery. It had become one of their favorite places to go ever since he brought her to see his mother’s grave. Wednesday loved cemeteries her entire life— especially the family cemetery back home. They were creepy, quiet, and full of history and ghosts. She could always clear her mind among the headstones, new and old, and the smell of mown grass. And she found that dead people made great company.
But right now, her mind was far from clear. It was ruminating over something silly, something she could hardly admit. It clouded her usually confident and logical brain and left her feeling horrendously frail. 
She couldn’t figure out how to hold Tyler’s hand— or really do anything else besides kiss him. It should be easy to do such a thing, all she has to do is grab his hand with hers and the rest should flow from there. But when? How? Can it be too abrupt? What if she takes his hand too roughly? Would it be weird? She didn’t usually care about people’s feelings like she did his— the hold this boy had on her was, at times, incredibly frustrating. 
She still had no idea how she so abruptly kissed him that one time at the Weathervane, it was like some sort of love demon possessed her. Ever since then, when they kissed they leaned in simultaneously. And as strange as it was they’d kissed many times, usually when saying goodbye— but never held hands. Tyler respected her boundaries a little too much for her liking. It was sweet, his gentleness was endearing, but she wished he’d just grab her hand and make it easy, she knew he wanted to.
One time when they were driving in his car, their hands touched. Tyler had his right arm resting on the middle console when Wednesday dropped her pen on the floor of the passenger seat. When she leaned down to grab it she held onto the console for support, placing her hand near his. After leaning back in her seat, she noticed the close proximity of their pinky fingers, her heart jumped. She left her hand there in hopes he’d take the next step, her heart missed another beat when his own hand gravitated towards hers, hovering over it for a split-second— but then he stopped, quickly placing it on the wheel instead. It was terrible, bad terrible. 
Tyler’s voice yanked her from her thoughts, “Are you good? You’re real quiet.”
“Yes, I am fine. I’m just thinking.”
What was she supposed to say? “About holding your hand, I’d like to hold your hand.”?? Well, that’s exactly what she’d say, but she couldn’t— it was like her mouth was a venus fly trap, and the words were but a helpless arachnid struggling to escape its marginal spikes. 
Tyler furrowed his brows while she wordlessly stared at him. 
“About… Just about— My homework assignment. I must finish it later.”
“You told me you didn’t have any homework?”
God damnit, Tyler. 
He studied her with his eyes, tilting his head to the side, “You can tell me anything, you know.”
She did know that, although telling him things was something she greatly struggled with. She wasn’t very good at talking about her feelings, in fact she was absolutely horrible at it. She was good at many difficult things— cello, fencing, lock-picking, martial arts, and archery to name a few— but she wasn’t good at being social. She couldn’t even tell her own boyfriend she wanted to hold his hand. Pathetic. 
“I’ve been thinking… That I want… I’d like,” her face felt hot. 
He seemed amused by how flustered she was, a smile was creeping on his lips. She looked down at his hands; large, warm, and resting in his lap. She wanted to grab one— No, she was going to. There was no going back, she’d been staring at them for far too long as Tyler grew increasingly confused. 
Impulsively, she grabbed his wrist, pulling his arm from his lap, and put her palm under his. Just as she hypothesized, the rest of it flowed from there. He chuckled and laced his big, warm fingers through her smaller, colder ones. It felt just as she’d imagined it, but better, his hand enveloped hers like a warm blanket— or, even better, a toasty straight jacket. 
He gently stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, and she gave into her urge to explore the skin of his hand. With her free fingers, she traced his smooth knuckles and a scar on his dorsal side from the fight with Enid months before. His hands were soft but sturdy, there was a mole on the knuckle of his thumb and another on his ring finger, his nails were freshly trimmed. 
“So, this was what you were thinking about?” He smiled cheekily. 
The corners of her lips turned upward a little, “Yes.”
“I would have done this already if I thought you’d like it.”
“You didn’t think I would?”
“No, I’ve been under the impression that you don’t like being touched.”
“I like being touched by you.”
He grinned, “Noted.”
Wednesday leaned further into Tyler, pressing their hips and shoulders firmly together, and rested her head on him. He placed his head atop of hers and gave her hand a squeeze. Soon, the sky darkened as evening approached, so they drove back to Nevermore. 
Before departing to their respective dorms, Wednesday kissed Tyler. For the first time ever, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. She didn’t understand how kissing felt so drastically better with something as seemingly miniscule as his arms around her back, but it did. The kiss felt much more intimate with their bodies pressed together— she wondered if she closed her eyes long enough if she’d be able to tell where her body ended and his started.
“Keep doing that when we kiss.” She asked when they pulled apart.
“I will.”
Wednesday entered her dorm feeling like a weight was lifted off of her chest. Holding hands was easier than she thought and she felt foolish for being so bent up over it. Her anxiety subsided, she was pleased to find that initiating touch wasn’t so bad at all. Tyler wanted it just as badly as she did. 
And, of course, Enid immediately noticed something was different about Wednesday.
“You’re nearly smiling. What happened?” She blurted out. 
She couldn’t hide anything from that girl.
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according2thelore · 1 month
do you guys think the ls boys would take the younger ones on a (normal, non-apocalyptic) hunt? bc I could see that going one of two ways:
1. smothering overprotectiveness, literally checking that es!boys guns’ are loaded correctly before they head out. es!dean can barely get a glimpse of the werewolf bc sam is literally standing in front of him the whole time.
2. LS salmondean are so used to hunting with each other and being at the top of their game and having SUCH faith in their brother’s abilities that they very much are out of step with their younger selves, like: sam tosses the lighter behind him without looking, thinking es!dean will naturally catch it & light ‘em up, but dean is fully across the graveyard swinging an iron poker. this ends up with an easy hunt being kind of a disaster and someone gets hurt (maybe es!sam — if it’s s1 sam, he’s by far the least experienced & most out-of-practice of all of them).
(it seems you guys are getting tons of asks feel free to ignore this if it’s stressful!!!! i do not need a reply i just love your thoughts)
i had to write them both because WHAT
if they go hunting, it's small, and it's unavoidable.
LS!Dean picks up a newspaper out of habit when he does the shopping that week, and on the front page in ink-smeared gory detail, lewis dalton, age 57 found dead in home, ripped to shreds. no sign of forced entry. lived alone.
ES!Sam finds the newspaper.
"hey. this is our thing, right? it's up in hastings. that's pretty close."
LS!Dean keeps trying to demur like well, no, someone else will take care of it. he can call some friends, and they'll check it out.
"are they closer?"
"well, no, but--"
"what's the harm? let me go tell the others."
and they come to a (hesitant) agreement that, yeah, they're probably best suited to it. because things that rip people to shreds don't usually stop at just one hamburger helper.
it's the quickest hunt ever because LS!Sam&Dean don't let ES!Sam&Dean even see the monster
it turns out to be the vengeful ghost of the vic's uncle.
before they even get there, LS!Sam&Dean do a full weapons check. they take practice swings with all of their iron implements, and mutter to each other about which ones have the "best balance" and the "most force." they solemnly present ES!SalmonDean with their weapons, an iron pipe and iron poker, respectively.
LS!SalmonDean keep trading worried looks the whole way to the cemetery, and ES!SalmonDean feel weirdly like they have two overprotective dads driving them to a hockey match with a notoriously intimidating team of middle schoolers.
they do a checklist when they get out of the car, and ES!Sam's eyes widen when he sees LS!Dean pull four gas cans out of the trunk.
"are we lighting the whole cemetery on fire?" he asks
"it's a back-up." LS!Dean says soberly.
"all three?"
"yes. wait until you see how many match books i brought."
he makes ES!Sam put five in each pocket.
they track it down to a cemetery outside of town, and ES!Sam&Dean don't protest too heavily when LS!Sam&Dean say they've got the grave-digging covered. it's a little condescending, but a) no physical labor is a plus and b) holy goddamn mother of good god. the sweating. the panting. the flushed cheeks. the bulging muscles. it's like a chippendales show.
when the ghost pops up, LS!Sam vaults out of the grave one-armed like an olympian and knocks it away with an iron poker before backing up towards ES!Dean, head on a swivel.
ES!Dean's picked up his iron, but LS!Sam is standing so close that he ends up having to hold it mostly out to his side. LS!Sam is circling him quickly, making sure that nothing has the chance to sneak up on him.
"two o'clock!" LS!Dean shouts from the grave, even though he's dozens of feet away, like the older winchesters had worked this out beforehand, and ES!Dean looks up, but LS!Sam's bulk is in the way. ES!Dean tries to swerve around him, but LS!Sam is already reacting, shielding dean with a single minded focus as he takes a swipe at the ghost presumably there.
LS!Sam even has a hand out behind him, making sure ES!Dean isn't going to do something stupid like help on the hunt that they came here to do.
ES!Dean feels like the president. he's pretty sure if he sneezed really hard, LS!Sam would whip out his gun and start shooting individual dust motes out of the air.
ES!Sam wants to help, as he can see LS!Sam is wedged between ES!Dean and the ghost that's coming after them doggedly. but LS!Dean whistles to catch his attention, and nods back down at the grave.
ES!Sam jumps down into the grave to help, and has been digging for a few minutes when he hears a screech--abruptly close. he startles, looking up, and LS!Dean is panting and throwing his iron weapon aside before jumping back into the grave. when the fuck did he crawl out?
"did the--why didn't you say--"
"no big deal," LS!Dean pants, wiping blood from his temple. "it was barely there for a second."
they crawl out of the grave when they're ready to salt and burn, and when ES!Sam starts to run away--about to take a swing at the ghost coming after them--LS!Dean drops the book of matches with a curse and overtakes him, swinging his iron girder shard with a strength that--if there were a baseball and not a ghost there--would have broken world records.
LS!Dean at one point literally picks up ES!Sam by the waist and puts him out of harm's way, to which ES!Sam shouts, startled, and flails.
ES!Sam manages to run back to the grave and light the matches and drop them into the grave. the bones light.
the bones finally burn completely, and the four of them stand above the grave, watching them crumple into ash.
LS!Sam&Dean are panting, covered in sweat, dirt, grass, and blood. ES!Sam has mud on his boots. ES!Dean is blinking, confused, because he's not sure what the fuck just happened.
"that was fun!" LS!Dean says, wiping sweat from his forehead. "i have never been more stressed in my life. can we go home now?"
total time seeing the ghost: Sam, 32.51 seconds; Dean, the 44.09 seconds it took for LS!Sam to run back to him with the force and single-minded killer instinct of the terminator, a sight so simultaneously arousing and frightening that dean's dick gave up in confusion
this is the worst hunt anyone has ever been on, they collapse in a heap of tangled limbs at the entrance of the house, it's a miracle they don't accidentally kill each other
as soon as they get they get a lead on the werewolf, it's followed the vic's brother--don--to the vic's house, where he's boxing up lewis's belongings.
don is already a werewolf glove when they get there--the werewolf's got one hand inside of his stomach, and his leg is torn apart below the right knee.
LS!Dean whips off his belt to use as a tourniquet, and tosses it to LS!Sam who catches it without even blinking, moving as one unit.
ES!SalmonDean run head-first at the thing, and ES!Dean gets tossed bodily through the dining table. ES!Sam sneaks up behind it and gets his gun with silver bullets knocked out his hands as the beast whirls around and tries to tackle him.
LS!Dean can't take a shot because if the bullet goes through, it will hit ES!Sam, so he jumps on its back like a madman and uses his body weight to throw them both back. it lashes out at LS!Dean, who now has no belt, and rips his pants right off. its claws tear straight through the waistband of his jeans, and leave a nasty rake on his left thigh.
LS!Dean, pantless, reassesses his strategy. ES!Dean is just now getting up, and is shocked to see his own bare legs. it takes him a full fifteen seconds to realize that those are in fact, not his own legs.
ES!Sam, taking his moment, runs back to the supply bag that's next to LS!Sam, who has effortlessly applied a tourniquet to Don's leg, and is applying pressure to his abdomen.
LS!Sam is rooting with his other hand in the bag, getting ready to help LS!Dean in the fight, but ES!Sam bats his hands away.
"oh my god. i'm dead. there are triplets with guns!" don mutters, delirious. and okay. there are only two of them. but alright. allowances can be made for hypovolemia.
"i've got it! back off!" ES!Sam shouts, knocking LS!Sam's hands away more firmly.
"dean has no pants!" LS!Sam roars, and both deans go,
"not my fault!" and "stop looking at him!" simultaneously.
a sound like a dog yelping from behind them, and they turn around to see ES!Dean and the werewolf take each other to the floor.
"did you fucking punch it?" LS!Dean screams, chasing after the tangled, tumbling ball of fur and leather that's rolling wildly across the floor.
"i panicked! i goddamn panicked!" ES!Dean screeches, shoving the leg of the destroyed table into the werewolf's mouth that it bites almost clean in half.
ES!Sam finally finds another gun buried under the chains and lock picks and assorted knives.
"i've got the silver!" ES!Sam shouts, trying to jump over LS!Sam, who sits up at that exact moment to receive a full-strength kick straight to the brain.
LS!Sam is unconscious. the vic is still bleeding out. LS!Dean is trying to bodily force the werewolf off of his younger self, who is hitting the werewolf on the head with the two halves of his now-broken table leg and shouting obscenities like the world's worst drummer.
ES!Sam yells, "dean! catch!" because someone has to hold pressure on this wound now that LS!Sam is unconscious, and slides the gun as hard as he can in LS!Dean's direction.
bad thing: there are two deans.
they both instinctively turn around to catch whatever has just been thrown, and the werewolf that had been resisting LS!Dean's arms now slams into ES!Dean underneath him at full force, who was now splayed, arms open on the hardwood.
ES!Dean now has at least two broken ribs. and slobber in his hair. he kicks out at the original crack of his fucking bones and the gun goes skittering in the other direction, so LS!Dean chases after it. as soon as he has it, he whips around and shoots all nine bullets into the werewolf's back across the room.
ES!Dean is now covered in blood, has broken ribs, and thinks--for a second--that holy shit! he just got shot!
LS!Dean has no pants.
he is also bleeding profusely from his asscheek.
ES!Sam is three inches deep in don dalton's abdomen.
LS!Sam is groggily waking up, also covered almost to the elbows in blood, and with a knot the size of a baseball on his head.
"you just committed suicide, fucker!" ES!Dean wails, before he realizes. oh. okay. he's fine.
they all shakily stand up (except for ES!Sam, who drops LS!Sam's cell phone into Don's abdomen, then wipes the blood off on his jeans while dialing 9-1-1 (thank god for face id on these newfangled cell-phones. sam's phone is a little confused, but yeah? that's the same facial structure it guesses.)).
"let's do this again" ES!Dean says, before throwing up all over his boots.
which one it ends up being i think depends entirely on what the monster is, and how far along they are in this little misadventure. i think as time goes on, they'd be able to be more reasonable about their younger selves. at first, it's hard, because it's such a shock. ES!Sam is not a baby, but to LS!Dean, that is literally his baby. it would take him a couple of weeks? months? to recognize the fact that these are adult men that have experience in the life.
personally, i favour the former because it makes me giggle and twirl my hair but practically, the latter is more likely.
and do not apologize! i love getting these asks and hearing from y'all! i worry i'm bothering my mutuals with them--i'm sorry mutuals! i love you! so much! i am kissing you!
charlotte's been busy w work, but honestly she's dodging a lizzy-sized bullet bc i am thinking abt these boys all day.
thanks again for this ask, anon! your brain! i loved your little descriptions of each scenario! brilliance!
ps, i went more humorous with the second, but oh lord. you've got me thinking about The Angst. oh gosh. i might have to...i might have to make a full narrative ficlet about it. would that be something you would be interested in?
regardless, mwah! <3
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Maybe Spider will go with his father and the squad to Paz's grave? There they could reminisce about old times and tell Spider about his mother as their friend, maybe the stories of meeting her and Miles Sr.
Here's a lil one-shot :)
Spider had never been to a cemetery before. His mom was buried on the other side of the city, an hour's drive from the McGregor's house, more with traffic. Mrs. McGregor had made promises of taking him more than once, but there was never any time.
He wasn't sure if there was a dress code, but his new uncle, Lyle, had shown up to the apartment wearing another Hawaiin shirt (this one was black and gold) and grass-stained jeans. Spider slept most of the car ride, nearly forty-five minutes with his face pressed against the leather seats. His father and uncle talked quietly in the front seat, the music thumping low in the background.
Spider was tired enough when they arrived that he hadn't even realized the car had stopped until his father opened his door. He wordlessly helped the teenager out of the car, a hesitant hand pushing some of his curls from his face. The boy yawned, following the men through the winding paths of the graveyard.
It was a big place and most of the tombstones looked identical, but his father and uncle seemed to have no trouble navigating through the maze. Maybe they'd been arranged alphabetically? Spider didn't really want to ask, it was probably a stupid question. He wondered if tree roots ever made the headstones fall over? How slowly would that even happen? And what if—
"We're here."
Oh. Spider stopped two steps away from where his father was, staring at the stone. P. Socorro, loving mother, lovely person.
Spider wondered how heavy the stone was. What if someone just broke in and started rearranging them? How would they know?
"You can come closer, son." Quaritch spoke softly, brushing leaves from the— what was that, cement? Some type of boulder?
"I don't want to step on her." He muttered, frowning down at the grass. "Kiri says it's rude to wake 'em up."
Kiri also said he should hold his breath so he didn't accidentally inhale a spirit, but he'd only lasted a few steps before inhaling.
Lyle snorted. "I think she'll understand."
Spider didn't want to risk it. He crouched down, pulling up a few tiny weeds that were starting to sprout. He mouth felt dry, like all the moisture had gown straight to his sweaty palms.
He wasn't really sure what to say. He thought about the picture he'd seen of his mom— smiling, happy. He couldn't really imagine her rotting six feet below.
"You know . . . " His father cleared his throat. "You know, when I met your mama, I kind of hated her. We were at each other's throats for the first . . . at least the first three months."
Spider raised an eyebrow, as if to ask how he'd ended up happening if such a thing was true.
"One night, we all ended up getting drunk off some shit we'd bought off the natives. Moonshine, we'd thought, but it ended up being a lot stronger." He laughed, sending Spider's uncle a look. "Your uncle Lyle ended up passed out in a bush and I think Paz was the only other one sober enough to help me carry him inside."
"Thank God for my low alcohol tolerance, really." Lyle said with a laugh.
Spider rolled his eyes. "What happened after that?"
"Well, we ended up babysitting drunken soldiers most of the night and by the end of it . . . well, I stopped hating her by the second round of cards."
"Did you two actually . . . did you actually love her?" Spider asked quietly, looking down at the grave.
"Yes." He answered without hesitation. "And I only loved her more after we had you."
Spider nodded, throat tight. He took a small step closer, almost leaning against his father. His ribs felt too tightly pressed against his organs, but he took in a deep breath anyways.
Paz Socorro. Loving mother, lovely person.
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orthodoxadventure · 4 months
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Life of Blessed St. Xenia of Petersburg February 6 (January 24, Old Calendar)
St. Xenia was the wife of Colonel Andrei Feodorovich Petrov, who served as a court chanter. At the age of 26, Xenia was widowed and, appeared to have lost her mind from grief: she distributed her possessions to the poor, dressed herself in the clothes of her reposed husband, and, as if having forgotten her own name, called herself by the name of her reposed husband - Andrei Feodorovich.
These eccentricities were not indicative of a loss of reason, however, but signified a complete disdain for earthly goods and human opinion, which places them at the center of existence. Thus, Xenia of Petersburg took upon herself the difficult podvig of foolishness for Christ's sake.
Having come to know the inconstancy of earthly happiness through the death of her beloved husband, Xenia strove toward God with all her heart, and sought protection and comfort only in Him. Earthly, transitory goods ceased to have any value for her. Xenia had a house; but gave it over to an acquaintance under the condition that it be used to shelter paupers. But Xenia herself, not having a refuge, would wander among the paupers of Petersburg. At night she would go out to a field, where she spent the time in ardent prayer.
When they began to build a church in the Smolensk Cemetery, Xenia, after the onset of darkness, would secretly carry bricks to the top of the construction, and thereby helped the masons erect the walls of the church.
Some of Xenia's relatives wanted to take her in and provide her with all necessities, but the blessed one replied to them: "I do not need anything."
She was glad of her poverty, and when visiting somewhere, would at times remark: "I am all here!" When her reposed husband's clothing wore out, Xenia clothed herself in the poorest clothing, and wore torn shoes without stockings on her feet. She did not dress warmly and forced her body to suffer from the severe cold.
Sensing the greatness of Blessed Xenia's soul, the inhabitants of Petersburg loved her, because she despised the earthly for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. If Xenia entered anyone's home, this was considered a good sign. Mothers rejoiced if she kissed their children. Cab drivers would ask permission of the blessed one to drive her a little, since after this the earnings would be guaranteed for the whole day. Merchants in the bazaars would try to give here kalach [cracknel bread] or some food; if Blessed Xenia took something from what was offered, all the wares of the seller were quickly bought up.
Xenia had the gift of clairvoyance. On the eve of the Nativity of Christ in 1762, she walked about Petersburg and said, "Bake blini! Tomorrow all Russia will bake blini!" The next day, the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, suddenly died [blini is traditionally made at someone's death]. A few days before the murder of the royal youth, John VI (Antonovich, the great­great­grandson of Tsar Alexis Michailovich), who in infancy had been proclaimed the Russian Emperor, the blessed one wept and repeated, "Blood, blood, blood." Within a few days after Mirovich's unsuccessful conspiracy, the young John was killed.
Once, Xenia came to a home where there was a grown-up daughter. Turning to the girl, she said, "Here you are drinking coffee, while your husband is burying his wife at Okhta." After a certain time, this girl married that very widower who at that moment had been burying his first wife at the Okhta Cemetery.
Blessed Xenia died at the end of the eighteenth century, but tradition has not preserved either the year or day of her decease. She was buried in the Smolensk Cemetery, where she had helped build the church.
Pilgrimages to her grave began shortly after her decease. Blessed Xenia often appeared in visions to people in difficult circumstances, forewarned of dangers and saved them from calamities. The righteous one has not ceased to show compassionate love toward all who with faith have called upon her, and many instances of her help for the suffering and those in desperate situations are known.
A civil servant, Nicholas Selivanovich Golovin, had lived in Grodno approximately until 1907. He often experienced unpleasantness at work. He came to Petersburg to put his affairs in order, but they became even more entangled. Golovin was very poor, caring for his elderly mother and two sisters. In despair, he walked along the streets of Petersburg, and, though he was a man of faith, the thought to throw himself into the Neva stole into his soul. At this moment, some unknown woman stood in front of him. He was struck by her appearance, which was reminiscent of a poor nun. "Why are you so sad?" she asked. "Go to the Smolensk Cemetery, serve a panikhida [a requiem service] for Xenia, and everything will be settled." After these words, the unknown woman disappeared. Golovin fulfilled the advice of the mysterious nun, and his affairs were unexpectedly settled in the best manner possible. He joyfully returned home to Grodno.
Emperor Alexander III, when he was the heir, became ill with a serious form of typhus. The Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna was very alarmed by her spouse's illness. One of the valets, seeing her in the corridor, related to her how Blessed Xenia helps the sick, gave her sand from the cherished grave and added that he himself had been healed from illness by the prayer of the righteous one. The Grand Duchess placed the sand under the pillow of the patient. That same night, while sitting at the head of the bed, she had a vision of Blessed Xenia, who told her that the patient would recover and that a daughter would be born in their family. She should be called Xenia. The prediction of the blessed one was fulfilled exactly.
In the Pskov province, a relative from Petersburg came to stay for a while with a landowner and recounted how they revere Blessed Xenia in the capital. Under the influence of this account, the pious landowner prayed before sleep for the repose of her soul. At night, she dreamed that Xenia was walking round her house and pouring water on it. In the morning, the hay barn on the country estate caught on fire, but the fire did not spread further and the home remained whole.
A colonel's widow arrived in Petersburg to enroll her two sons into the Cadet Corps. She did not succeed in this. The money borrowed for the trip had come to an end, and the widow walked along the street and wept bitterly. Suddenly, some woman of the common people came up to her and said: "Serve a panikhida for Xenia. She helps in sorrows." "Who is this Xenia?" asked the colonel's widow. "The tongue [that asks the way] will lead to Kiev," she answered, quickly vanishing.
Indeed, the colonel's widow easily learned who this Xenia was. She served a panikhida for her at her grave in the Smolensk Cemetery, and shortly after received the unexpected news that both her sons had been accepted into the Cadet Corps.
A multitude of similar instances of Blessed Xenia's help is known also in our days.
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just-ornstein · 2 months
15 for the Sims questions :3
15. The weirdest glitch I've ever encounter?
Oh boi... My games have a tendency to constantly break on themselves. I'll select a few of my personal favourites, cause over the years I have encountered far too many to keep track of!
For the Sims 2 it's definitely this weird glitch that both my Veronaville AND my Strangetown were thrown back in time at some point. With my Veronaville I could at least make some sense of it due to having One Drive at that time. But Strangerown... I've been playing that game on my computer specifically for Sims 2 for ages. It has no One Drive. And this was literally my back up file lol!
I am thankful for some of the gems it gave me though. As much as I'm pissed that I have to make Mambo Loa adopt a child all over again, except now she's even older and her roommate Oscar is probs gonna become the child's foster parent after her passing... Or the fact that I have to make Tristan, Optimum Alfred and Giuseppi's ENTIRE FAMILY WITH MEMORIES all over again. Plus the fact that the whole GBA/DS side of the hood got wiped but the decor is still there (and the Sims that still do exist, still have the memories to match the passing of time). OR MY DAMN STRANGETOWN CEMETERY/CHURCH... It did create a good story arc for my Strangetown which amplifies my main one about government and alien conspiracy theories plus mind wiping.
Also... Whatever the fuck happened to Loki and Circe for a brief moment. I thought their face data literally got wiped cause when I made them look in the mirror they both ended up with the corrupted faces. Yet when I exited their home and came back they were fine?? What were those two on about lol!
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Also... Squishy... We cannot forget the absolute icon that is Squishy. Thank you time machine Veronaville for giving him to me lol!
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For Sims 3 it is this weird glitch where as you play a town for a while people, especially children will eventually go missing. They'll still show up in the family trees, but their portraits take a while to load. But they're nowhere to be found and do not even show up in the relationship panels anymore. It's like they just disappeared one day and there's no way to get them back. Super freaky if you ask me!
For Sims 4, I constantly walk against game breaking glitch after game breaking glitch... The funniest one to me however was how Dominic and Duncan's baby kept showing up on the other side of town whenever they came back from work and she came back from daycare. These two dudes, as the exhausted parents they are, actually had to walk (cause God forbid we have cars) with close to no energy every damn time to pick their kid with neglected needs (cause daycare didn't even bother to look after her lol) up!
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Another one that made me crack up was how I randomly got a pop up one day that Circe's high school graduation was happening despite the fact that this woman already had both her high school AND university degree in her fucking inventory lol! I just had to go there and see what would happen... Loved seeing her go on stage with all these teens.
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Lastly I had this weird glitch that despite having my aging system follow that of the Sims 2, when I went to other households after a while of playing the Newlows and the Beakers, they just... All aged up... At once. Even those I had played for a while previously and were fine back then. This resulted in every damn elder dying at the same time and every damn Sim aging up and being depressed about a missed birthday. And since Jenny was apparently pregnant at this time she became a pregnant elder? What? I didn't even know that was possible lol! At least Patrizo and Isabella got to die together! Sims 4 is a very stable game I swear to God.
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accidentalslayer · 10 months
Word Count: 1,952
Warnings: N/A for this chapter. Future chapters will explore darker elements, though
Author's Notes: New project, who dis?? Recently fandom-switched to Vampire Diaries/Originals & was inspired to write a little piece about two OCs interacting at the Mystic Grill.
From there on, the plot took hold of my soul, and now I'm writing a fic. Again. Lol.
Pairing: Yandere!Elijah & Klaus Mikaelson x Fem!Reader (eventually)
Summary: Vincent Webb returns to Mystic Falls, Virginia after many years of avoiding his hometown. He decides to catch up with an old flame at the Grill only to be interrupted by his high school arch-nemesis: Richard Lockwood. How awkward for Vince! 🤣
Recommended Song: "Half of my Hometown" by: Kelsea Ballerini
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Chapter One: The Prodigal Son
[October 1st, 1991
Mystic Falls, Virginia]
It hadn't changed. Not one bit. More than 5 years had passed without Vincent Webb, yet Mystic Falls was the same shit hole as it'd been on the day he'd skipped town. 'Like a mosquito caught in amber', he mused to himself, a grimace on his face, 'Or something else that refuses to change despite the march of time'. God was not without his keen sense of irony when he made this place, it seemed, and Vincent was glad that he had left right after graduating from MFHS. Glad that he'd gotten out of Virginia to explore the world. Away from any monster that went bump in the night...
But now, fate had brought him back to Mystic Falls.
The first thing Vincent did when he'd crossed the town line was visit the cemetery where his father laid and took a piss on the old man's tombstone. The second thing he did (immediately afterward) was shoot off a text: 'Hey, you free tonight? Meet you at our usual spot, be there in 30 minutes,' to his ex-girlfriend, Grace. The only woman to have ever stolen his heart or gotten him to consider a future in driving a family minivan around. That's how he'd ended up here at the Grill, tucked away within its backmost lobby, nursing a scotch past twelve. Observing his high-school nemesis, Richard Lockwood, as he flirted shamelessly in front of Carol Lockwood with their young, pretty waitress two booths over. No, some things never changed in Mystic Falls.
Footsteps approached his table. A pair of heels judging from the sound of their clacking on the polished wood floor. His eyes flicked downward to spy an all-too-familiar toe ring that he'd once bought for the girl that he'd loved as a teenager. Grace had arrived. And with her arrival, the ache of nostalgia in his chest. Vincent took a gulp of his drink to steady his nerves as she slid into the seat opposite of him.
"You know," he said, tone casual, "I thought Rich was always gonna end up with that Forbes chick. Not Carol. Remember how annoying they were in sophomore year making out during gym? Blech!! But, I guess he still likes blondes. Carol, though? Awful."
Grace rolled her sapphire eyes, "It's been YEARS, Vince, and /this/ is what you wanna lead with??? Not: 'Gee golly, Grace! I'm sorry for disappearing on you when you needed me, let me clarify what happened the night I literally vanished without a trace so I can take the years of STRESS I caused you off your shoulders! Forgive me, I'm a stupid fucking piece of shit, Grace'-"
His ex's voice rose above his own, "-Grace, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness or your understanding. I'm so, so, so, sooooo very lucky that you're even talking to me right now! Grace, I'm going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, Grace-"
"-'Gracey', WHAT, Vincent?!"
Vincent looked pained when he answered her, regret etched in every wrinkle, and crease on his brow:
"You're right. I'm a piece of shit, Grace. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you the way I did back then. It's just...some family stuff happened after the accident. And I couldn't talk about it to anyone at the time. I didn't mean to hurt you. Honest truth, that wasn't my intention."
Deep, oceanic blues narrowed upon him. Grace stared at Vincent for a few breathless moments (skeptically, silently) as if attempting to bore a hole through his soul by sheer force of will.
"UGH, I can't stay mad at you!" she relented in a sudden huff, "I'm just glad you're alive. You have no clue how worried I was about you! We were all worried about you! There was a rumor that you'd died, Vince. That some kind of animal had gotten you out in the woods!"
A shadow fell over Vincent's face. He mumbled another apology to his ex, "Grace, I mean it. I'm sorry. I really truly am..."
"That's alright, Vince. It's water under the bridge now," she replied, grabbing the Grill's menu that lay on the table between them and browsing the selections, "Besides, you're going to buy me ALL the expensive booze I want tonight, anyways."
"Wait, I'm gonna WHAT??"
Grace snickered mischievously, then imitated his casual tone from before, "Payback, ya know? It's a thirsty bitch, Vince."
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When Vincent met Grace Baker, it was freshman year of high school, and he'd just gotten swirlied by Logan Fell. While he was drying his hair with a paper towel in the men's bathroom, Grace had wandered out of its corner stall, gripping a pint of (half-drunk) Jack Daniels. Wearing that same cheeky grin she was wearing now, Grace offered him some, mentioning that: 'nerds like them had to stick together'. Tonight, the two of them were completing an ancient circle. This time around, it was Vincent's turn to buy the drinks.
Grace made his wallet hurt. She chose every ale and IPA off the reserve menu, then moved onto taking shots. Vincent tried to enjoy the moment, knowing full well that he was going to regret it all tomorrow. One way or another.
Their table piled up quickly with empty glasses, cups, and pitchers. As it did, their conversation grew more nostalgic. Both of them blamed it on the quality of the liquor.
"They hired a better fucking bartender since I've been gone! Do you remember the shit that David used to make for us back in the day?"
"Oh yeah!! We called it, uhhhh, "Witch's Brew" or something like that, right? It tasted so nasty but man did it fuck us up! Jodie could NOT hold that stuff down, though. Remember when she puked all over Mrs. Bennett's rug after Prom Party at the Grill?? And then we had to clean it up before she got home?"
"How could I forget?! Hahaha! I'm still scrubbing burger chunks out of my memory to this day!"
Their conversation grew more sentimental. They blamed it on how long it had been since either of them talked...
"You know, you were the only one back then who I could ever really be myself around. You just got me somehow. It was like we were...connected or something. Oh my God, that sounds corny as all fuck now that I say it, hahaha!"
"No, no, no, noooo! Not corny. Not corny for even a minute. Grace, I felt the same way. I didn't have to pretend around you. I could just be myself..."
"Same! We had our own language."
"Pig Latin. We used to make Mr. Brown SO MAD when he couldn't read our notes to the class. He was such a nosey prick back then!"
"Haha, yeah!! Yeah, he fucking was!! Remember when you literally ate your detention slip in front of him and he nearly had an aneurysm?! The little vein in his forehead was popping out, hahaha!!"
"Is Mr. Brown still teaching?"
"Naaahhh. Fired for taking pictures of his female students."
"Ha! Called it. I knew that guy was a creep!"
Their conversation grew more dangerous. They'd both blame it on themselves (and on each other) in the morning. One of them would swear that it had never happened at all.
"Our first date: do you remember where you took me??"
"Oh man, putting me on the spot. Uuuuhh, it was Fell's Church. We went to Fell's Church because I thought I was being edgy and cool. But you. You, uhhh, you said-"
"-I said the place smelt like raw ass so we left. We went to Grove Hill afterward. To that antique Bed and Breakfast for coffee."
"Yeah! Oh jeeze, that wasn't my best moment. It was the first date I'd ever had. I didn't know what girls wanted..."
"Get out!! Really?!"
"Serious as daylight."
"Do you ever...regret it? Even just a tiny bit? Your first date being with me? I-I know how much you loved Mercy-"
"I would've married you. I would've married you right after graduation."
"Things just got in the way. Please, understand I never wanted to-"
Grace flinched. The warmth and approachability she'd possessed only a moment ago evaporated, replaced by a mask of ice. A practiced smile that didn't quite reach her eyes curved across her red lips. She put down her drink (a little forcefully on the table), feigning indifference while she spoke. But it was obvious that she wasn't happy with his heart-felt confession one bit.
"Look, Vincent," Grace said, shrugging, "We're all grown up now. We've made our own choices. You don't have to justify yourself to me, okay? Really. You don't! It's been YEARS since high school. As much as I miss it, I've moved on from ruminating about what could've been. And this surprise visit has been great, but... I really just want to get this over with so we can go back to our own lives. I'm missing Movie Night with my kids."
It was Vincent's turn to flinch now. Suddenly, he felt old. Like somehow, life had passed him by in the span of a blink.
"K-kids? You have kids??" He croaked, "When did that happen? How many do you...?"
Grace laughed, "Very first year into college! How scandalous, right?? Aaaand I've got two; an older son and a daughter. Alexander and Dawn. Dawn just had her birthday a couple of days ago. It was Beauty and the Beast themed. She was dressed up as Belle. She's been in a "princess everything" phase ever since she watched Sleeping Beauty. My son, though? He just really likes playing Street Fighter."
"Who's the-"
Vincent's mouth seemed to have trouble forming the words despite his best efforts. He pressed on valiantly, though...
"-the, ya know? The uh, father? Is he...?"
Grace flattened instantly. She sighed, rubbing at her forehead as if she had a big headache, "Just tell me why you're here, Vince. Tell me why you'd come back to Mystic Falls after all these years?? You haven't said a word to me since graduation! No, since before the accident! And you decide to appear tonight? Out of the blue? Just...randomly for shits and giggles? No, no. What's really going on, Vin-"
Two voices sliced through Grace's question and stole the moment:
"It's Vincent Webb!!"
"My, my! It IS! And with Grace Baker too!"
Both Vincent and Grace cringed as soon as they heard the sound. Memories flooded back to their previous lives in high school. And the humiliation they'd suffered together at the hands of the ones who'd just interrupted them; Richard Lockwood and his (now) wife, Carol Lockwood. Grace stood up immediately to leave. Vincent tried his best to follow suit but was stopped when Rich sat down in the empty space next to him, blocking off his escape route and locking him into the booth until Rich decided otherwise. Carol did the same with Grace.
"Well, I'll be damned!" Rich exclaimed, flashing a toothy smile at Vincent, "Aren't you a blast from the past?! I haven't seen you around my town in YEARS! And Grace, lovely to see you as always. How are your little ones doing?? What about that rambunctious son of yours?"
Carol laughed and subtly displayed the wedding ring she wore as she did so, "Oh, it's just like high school again! Isn't it, Rich?"
"Indeed," Rich agreed all too readily, "except I'm not giving this ol' boy here a flushie, hahaha! No, I kid, though. This man took his licks like a man! Isn't that right, Vince?".
Grace and Vincent exchanged helpless, annoyed glances between each other...
It was going to be a long night.
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ricegrains-n-rosess · 2 years
Little parts of mcr songs that rlly hit different
1. That soft harmonising at 1:15 in Cemetery Drive makes me tingle everytime
2. That really eerie, weird guitar part at 3:15 in I Never Told You What I Do For a Living, it’s so creepy?!
3. Oh god the lalalala in Boy Division will never not kill me 
4. Actually Cemetery Drive in general 
5. “clean me off i’m so dirrrttyy babeee” ooouughhhh that hits the awooga factor
6. That little screech thing gee does while singing “shotgun sinners, wild eyed jokers got you in my sighttss” in Hang em High just makes me feel smthn
7. Hang em High needs it’s own post, but istg the hoarse howling in “call her black Mariah would I lie to you? That girl’s not right in the brain”. Actually i’m going to make another post just raving about Hang em High bc that song SLAPPPSSSS (the whole line of “mass convulsions, strike the choir, by the grace of goddd” holy fuckkk gives me convulsions if ya know what I mean) 
8. Holy shit My Way Home is Through You, fucking breaks me. “c’mon angel, don’t you cry” makes me WEEP
9. “aw sugar” is the classic sexy line that makes everyone melt 
10. what kind of a rave post would this be without hotel bella muerta
I’m probably gonna make a part two because I love this damn band
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wowifinallywatched · 3 months
Listen...this is not my official more coherent thoughts around the Jigsaw installment of the fucking incredible Saw franchise that i normally like to post first but if you've ever wondered what it's like to watch a movie with me and my internal monologue well LOOK NO FURTHER
Coherent thoughts will be coming soon, but for now enjoy a raw reaction to whatever the FUCK THIS WAS I JUST FINISHED WATCHING AND I AKSBFKABF I JUST NEED TO SHARE THIS FEELING WITH SOMEONE HOLY FUCK-
Listen if you're gonna be bringing this iconic and amazing as fuck series back it better be Fucking at the same level
Ah yes your standard creepy detective who makes sexist jokes like they get paid for it and no one does anything about it because “it's just who they are” and it's one of the bad qualities you have to adopt in about this person uh yeah no FUCK THA-
Eleanor DYING WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT Like i can judge this would totally be me as well BEAUTIFUL??? OKAY BITCH NOW I THINK YOU'RE CRAZY
“He was my nephew” Oh my god he was his nephew I'm sorry I had to-
I'm trying to bring logic into these movies when I just watched a man get turned into a human milkshake
But this also means that someone could have taken John's body and has been using his DNA  But would the tests come back saying the DNA is dead or alive? Like someone purposely put his DNA under the guys nails to throw them off who's really playing these games I wonder if it's the OG Dr. saw bathroom who's running the show If John really is alive that would be fucking perfect This psycho mortuary girl better not have dug up John himself to fulfill her obsession I SWEAR- OH MY GOD SHE HAS THE OG SAW STOPPPP HAHAHAHAH Wait wait NO NO NO THIS IS A SET UP I SWEAR OH MY GOD THE DETECTIVE
everyone's like “oh copy cats copy cats” but it's actually the fucking detectives that study these cases of jigsaw everyone calm your tips MY TITS ARE NOT CALM WHERE IS THE DAUGHTER NO IM NOT FUCKING AROUND WHERE IS HIS DAUGHTER I SWEAR 
Listen surely those jigsaw pieces are a set up because surely not even the most dumbass of cops would keep that in their fucking FREEZER HAHAHAH
I am absolutely fucked I trust none of you bitches except daddy mortuary 
John is so fucking extra he has all these props and then uses a single shotgun
This is more trying to pick who Johns new apprentice is and i don't like any of them
Listen John sliding the door to people's eternal doom just hits different okay
Not gonna lie Daddy Mortuary was kind of hot Jesus I need to learn his real name I'm sure someone said it I was just blinded by his good looks-
AND SLIDING THE DOOR SHUT JUST LIKE JOHN LIKE JIGGY SAWY FATHER LIKE JIGGY SAWY SON SO THIS GAME HAPPENED FUCKING YONKS AND WOULD HAVE ALREADY HAPPENED BEFORE AMANDA AND BEFORE WHATEVER THE FUCK DETECTIVE FACE WAS I ALREADY DON'T REMEMBER HIS NAME I just can't I can't believe they still gave us John Kramer content while he's still fucking dead that was so fucking clever You can't have a saw movie without the original Jigsaw in it and they fucking keep it alive in a smart way, not forced, but smart WAIT DADDY MORTUARY WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK DID YOU DO WITH JOHNS BODY I GET IT THE GAMES HAPPENED TEN YEARS AGO AND SUCH BUT WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO WITH JOHNS BODY  DID HE MOVE A WHOLE ASS CASKET AND REPLACE HIS CASKET WITH ANOTHER actually he works in a mortuary he would have the skills to do that HAHAHAHAH FUCKKKKKKK Listen this movie literally gave us John content, fucking ecstatic about it, then showed it was past John and that he's not really here right now
Just oh my God okay I need to lay this out Daddy Mortuary- Okay no let me find his real name Also poor fucking Eleanor she really was just a Saw fanatic and now she's wrapped up in something she doesn't even realise IF ONLY SHE KNEW BECAUSE SHE WOULD BE LOVING HER OWN STORY RIGHT NOW LOGAN HIS NAME IS LOGAN Alright so  Logan fucked up John's test results by mislabelling (the poor other fucking dude that got those results) which i feel like was a bit of an add on instead of reveal WAIT BUT IF THIS GAME HAPPENED BEFORE THE OTHER GAMES IN THE OTHER MOVIES Oh my fuck then he would have no reason to mention it in any of his past monologues because he already faced the man that did it and seeked his ‘revenge’ OH MY GOD OKAY REDEEMED THAT WAS THE ONLY THING I HAD TO COMPLAIN ABOUT BUT HE'S BEEN REDEEMED CARRY ON So John sets up one of his classic games, with the machine that was “never used” or they never found the bodies for OH MY GOD LOGAN GAVE HER THE ANSWER. LITERALLY JUST TOLD HER. BECAUSE HE FUCKING KNEW. HE WAS APART OF THAT GAME. HE WOULD HAVE RECOGNISED THE MACHINE STRAIGHT AWAY. HE LITERALLY TOLD HER BUT OF COURSE YOU WOULD NEVER SUSPECT IT TO BE ANYTHING BUT AN ACCUSATION HAHAHAH SHITTTTT I keep trying to write this out calmly and then get really Hyped up forgive me- The game begins with everyone having their sins AND YOU KNOW WHAT I THOUGHT IT WAS SO WEIRD THE GAME STARTED WITH SOMEONE STILL UNCONSCIOUS, IT FELT VERY UNLIKE JOHN BECAUSE HE'S ALL ABOUT HAVING A FAIR CHANCE TO REDEEM YOURSELF and when we finally got to see the result of that scene where John is racing out to save him because it was an unfair start and he wanted to personally give him a second chance IM NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING- I wonder how far apart these events were to the previous movie
My brain isn’t working i literally can't stop thinking about John being a protective father to him John takes him under his wing seeing his pain, seeing his grief and to teach him its not about anger AND LOGAN TEACHING JOHN SOME THINGS TOO SOBS listen, John is the most forgiving person IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE IT I KNOW WE HAVE LIKE 8 MOVIES TO SAY OTHERWISE BUT LET ME EXPLAIN- HE GIVES THEM A CHANCE TO CONFESS AND THEN BE FREE HE'S ONLY PUNISHING THEM BECAUSE THEY WON'T CONFESS THEMSELVES NOT BECAUSE HE'S MAD Oh my god i really am protecting a serial killer  BUT HEY IT'S FICTIONAL And it is fucking wild to me that no one ever found these bodies (JUST LIKE MY BOY ADAM SOBS) and so Logan planned and waited until the perfect moment to fuck with the world Except there's one thing different from John to the other people that have tried to take his place John gives them a fair game, just play by the rules Amanda, Detective Douche, Logan - They all seemed revenge. They gave them a game, but it wasn't always fair, it wasn't always a game that could be won. Oh wait but Detective banana peel ass didn't exactly confess to freeing Logans wife's murderer so he didn't play the game right OKAY THAT WOULD BE VALID THEN It's just crazy to me that a game happened in real time and we technically got to see exactly what it would have looked like but we never saw the actual game
This was so fucking clever and i never want to stop talking about these movies oh my god
BUT OH MY GOD THE DETECTIVES FUCKING HEAD GETTING SPLICED LIKE A FUCKING BANANA PEEL I CANT- THAT WAS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL HORRIFYING AND DISGUSTING BUT SO FLUID AND BEAUTIFUL  I cannot wait to watch the new movie and see the graphics All things considered theyve really done these movies justice all through the years Like I'm so fucking happy with the ending of this movie And I fucking adore that we got to see John again But I'm not gonna lie my heart is a little broken he's not actually alive and well- I KNOW WE LITERALLY SAW HIM GET AUTOPSIED wait Was Logan the one to do his autopsy  I remember he mentioned something about John being full autopsied but I don't remember if he meant he did it himself WAIT ITS ALWAYS BEEN THE SAME MORTUARY HAND TO DO THE SAW AUTOPSIES HASN'T IT OH MY FUCKING GOD SO HE KNEW THE PLAN ALL ALONG HE FUCKING KNEW OH MY GOD I AM EMOTIONAL-
Now I need to go back and watch the other movies again, for many reasons, but to see if it was Logan all along
God I don’t drink but right now I feel like I need a drink
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applesontheground · 7 months
💘 house call 💉
sending birthday wishes to @bisexual-horror-fan! as always, utterly thankful for a great friendship, and how else to show it by making our barbies kiss each other? this was another hypothetical we had talked about a little after the last cross-canon piece -- how the triads would react to properly meeting each other -- and in my nature i ran to write it for the special day.
(btw, i def intend for this to be something that happens outside the events of prometheus/post the "oh my god they finally hooked up" moment that's still coming. it's a slow burn after all, so spoilers that they get together eventually, i suppose?)
also: just to avoid confusion since there are a severe lack of names in this, i use she/her for the TTHITOW reader and they/them for the YOP reader!
SFW | Word Count: 2,771 | Tiffany Valentine x Reader x Charles Lee Ray & Herbert West x Reader x Daniel Cain contains canon typical/injury, compliant with Through The Heart Is The Only Way and Your Own Prometheus
In the dead of night, a car went squealing down the road. Trying to get away from an audience of dark windows, clear and open like crystal eyes peering into where they were going – and more importantly, who they were.
“Stop lettin’ go of it, you’re just gonna bleed out!”
“I’m not. Tiff, don’t fuckin-! OW!”
Another yelp from the backseat made the tires squeal, causing a sharp turn being made and the woman behind the wheel to finally slam both her palms down in an aggravated motion. “I can’t drive straight if you two are screaming in my ear! I just can’t!” She cried, hands white knuckling as they returned to take control.
Chucky looked to the ceiling of the car cabin, rolling his eyes and disguising it as agony to keep both of his girls off his back. Tiffany swung around from the passenger seat, and she argued, “He’s the one that says we can’t go to a hospital, especially not with the sorry sap in the back.”
Being reminded of the body in the trunk, the waitress rolled her neck but finally gritted, “No, nope. Fuck it, I have somewhere better than a hospital. Somewhere far safer for all of us, sealed lips and all.”
“Sure, sure. Take us wherever is best right now, baby cakes.” Tiffany finally softened, an arm on the crook of her elbow. “Only thing I have t’ask is where it is.”
“…Across from a cemetery…one town over or so…” She mulled, then quickly insisted, “A friend of mine, they work as a document runner. Believe me, we can trust them-“
“Oh, that’s nice. Perfect, just what we needed.” Chucky grimaced in a sarcastic bite, but the waitress snapped, “For God’s sake, if I’m your accomplice you could let me fucking finish-” Tiffany gave a downright diabolical look to him, patting the waitress’ arm as she mustered the patience. “…They got a couple doctors for roommates.”
“Oh,” His hands came up in a shrug, “Fine, that’s actually better than I thought.
Let’s make a house call. Sure they’d fuckin’ love that at this time of the night.”
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Knock on the door.
From inside the house, the sole person in the kitchen looked up from the counter. First at the door an ocean’s away with the desolate living room seeming so vast; then at the clock on the mantle. Finally, a familiar voice hushing on the other side made them sprout up from their seat, discarding the question of a warrant before entering that had been forming in their mind. Even though no one else was on the main floor with them, they couldn’t help sneaking, the heavy quiet making them very aware of their own footsteps.
Opening the door, their eyes fell, a little disheveled in an expected way for this time of the night but growing in moments at the scene before them. Two women holding a man between them, one of them they recognized like the back of their hand. If there wasn’t a dark stain trailing down the man’s torso, they would’ve been quicker to say hello.
“Is everyone home?” The waitress asked, giving a pointed look from under one of his arms. The courier stammered, “I- They’re…” They looked to one woman, then the other. Finally, the man for only a brief glimpse as they answered more confidently, “They’re downstairs, but I can…Oh my god,come inside.” Forgetting formality, they held the door open.
“Downstairs, like in a basement?” Chucky clarified. Tiffany sighed, “What else could we be talking about, huh? Come on, you’re bleeding all over the porch.”
“Oh yeah, let’s go inside and bleed on the carpet-“ He snarked, his other girlfriend lingering by the door to catch a worrisome glance from the courier. Still, they smirked as she murmured, “I can explain, I promise. Thank you so much. We just couldn’t go to the hospital, you know.”
“Sure, of course.” They assured, nothing else needed to be said as they guided them in. One last look into the street, across it to the cemetery for a beat, then they closed the door behind them.
“Good timing. I had just been up and walking around when you pulled up.” The courier explained, ushering an open jar of peanut butter behind the toaster on the counter, one second upright and another crouched down, opening a drawer where you might expect them to keep the pots. Looking over one shoulder, they offered, “You can take a seat anywhere you’d like, by the way.”
“So, sweets.” Chucky rolled his eyes over to the waitress, and teased, “Do you have multiple pals that happen to be bangin’ a couple doctors, or is this who I think it is? Be honest.” The courier perked up, trying not to smirk. “She’s told you about me?”
Chucky shot a look towards the woman on his left. “All I’m saying is that you told me that you weren’t taking me to the Frankensteins. What do we mean by doctors, exactly?”
The waitress asked, “Do you want to be taken care of without the legal work or not?” and the courier lamented as they set some medical supplies on the counter, “Do we have to word it like that?” The gears continuing to turn in their head as they tore the seal on a bottle of peroxide, they then repeated in a confused tone: “Frankensteins?”
Seeing them busy quickly, even finding a pair of nitrile gloves conveniently stashed with the rest of the supplies and wasting no time to stretch them over their hands, Chucky scoffed, “Well, this whole household’s full of doctors, huh?” They met eyes with him and chirped, “Oh no, I’m a courier for the county, actually.” He gave a look of concern back down to the heavy tear – both through his sweater and doubling down into his skin – above his stomach.
They then hummed, “It’s alright. When you live with people in the business, you learn a little. Believe me, I may not be licensed but I know what I’m doing. I’ve patched up those doctors themselves a few times when they weren’t able to.”
“What, when they burn their hand on the stove or something?” Chucky scoffed, getting a small laugh from the courier. “Sure, or when they stub their toe on a doorframe.” They went along with it, shrugging casually but their smile slightly bent into a disguised grimace.
Chucky sighed, half from the load off he took on a barstool by the counter and half by the return of his humor. “Sure. Just like everyone here, you also know a thing or two about all that necromancy garbo, too. I know a sadist when I see one.”
The courier’s kind eyes grew wide. “Oh, did she tell you about that, or…?” They met eyes again, both confused now. He mumbled out, “…No? No, I was- I was joking, buddy.”
Before they could rewind their terrified expression, a door opening down the hall towards the right side of the house made their head snap towards it. They dropped the gauze from their hands into Tiffany’s lap. She merely watched in shock as the poor thing nearly lost balance shooting around the counter.
“The boys must be in.” Tiffany mused, one hand resuming the work they had been doing but still giving a curious glance towards the doorway where they had slipped out of sight.
Hushed conversation. The courier begging with a quiet, “please” was all they caught before they slipped back around the doorway and cleared their throat so all three people in the kitchen looked over. There were emerging figures from the hall, still shrouded in the deep dark of the corridor but still clear enough to see that one was taller, lankier while the other had a pair of metallic-framed glasses.
“These are friends of mine. They ran into some trouble and just needed the help.” The courier explained, “Friends, these are my partners.” The two men finally followed as they walked back in, the light showing their faces far better. The taller one was quick to react, giving a confused nod before his eyes settled on the blood seeping across the counter, finding the source and immediately softening in stature at the sight, concern making him antsy in how he stood behind the other two. His counterpart was far less disposed to it, still giving a close look to the courier, a raise of the eyebrows when they locked stares in a silent ask of ‘All this, and you brought them inside?’
“Oh, that one’s definitely a freak.” Chucky cringed under his breath, both of his girlfriends slapping hands over their own mouths and then his with the free ones. The courier disregarded it, ignoring the offense from one man by saying his name. “Herbert, Dan. This is a friend I meet up with every Thursday after late runs, and … her partners. Chucky and Tiffany?” Looking in a silent question to the other two just to be safe, both silently greeted in affirmation.
“Sorry about the blood, you guys. I know tricks on how to get it out of linoleum if you need.” Tiffany mentioned to them as both men tried to find their place in the scene unfolding. Dan quickly responded, shaking his head hurriedly and trying to crack an edgeless smile for her, “Oh, we got cleanup down well. I, uh- “ He gestured to the courier, “They get nosebleeds a lot, actually. Don’t you, honey?” Briefly pecking each other on the lips, the courier put a hand to Dan’s lower back and commented, “Yeah, about that. They know we do more than nosebleeds around here.”
“They what?” Herbert turned from the counter, paused in his movement to find some gauze. He even held it close to one shoulder, like he was about to abstain from the entire ordeal, but Dan quickly snatched it from him. Knowing there were more pressing matters, he came around the counter and asked Chucky, “How did you manage something so bloody? At this time of night, too?”
“Believe me, it’s better you don’t ask. What’s important is making sure I don’t die around your boyfriend over there.” Chucky grimaced, earning a suppressed glance from the man.
Herbert snorted at that, the courier cringing to themselves as Dan assured him, “Come on, you’re not doing that. You haven’t lost enough blood to die, I promise.” The courier then added kindly, “You’d need a lot more than that, actually.”
“I’m sure stranger things have happened,” Herbert warned, making Dan finally frown over at him as the courier hissed, “Enough.”
Chucky groaned, “For Christ’s sake, I think I know where this caravan is going. We all kill people, or at least know about the whole murder ordeal, so let’s stop being a bunch of pusses while we have this small talk, huh?”
“Kill people?” Dan echoed, half terrified of the mere mention but trying to disguise it as confusion.
“Oh, murder?” The word stained Herbert’s tongue, like a bad burn, “Is that what you call it?”
The courier scoffed at him, “I didn’t give them that word.” Giving a pointed look back, like they were growing exasperated from the assumptions, they silently resolved the issue and looked back to the others.
“Huh, we seem to know a little more ‘bout each other than I thought. Have you been yapping, too?” Tiffany then asked the waitress, crossing her arms to make the other woman huff, “Not…not anything specific about what you and Chuck do for a living, if that’s what you mean.”
“Well, we can understand now, can’t we?” Herbert piped up again, the courier handing him a pair of gloves as he now joined the small circle forming in the center of the room, “We don’t need to be so discrete: If you must know, I met Daniel in a morgue and the other one sneaking around two nights after they had moved in.” Even though it was a bit rude, the courier seemed tickled by the use of the other one, and when Tiffany noticed with a narrow of her eyes they whispered, “Long story.”
The right man for the job, Dan closed in as the one in charge of patching Chucky up. Herbert watched in a thinly veiled , but was soon distracted by the courier, who mosied over and took his fiddling hands. He gave them a tough look, but it was ignored in favor of peppering a soft kiss to one knuckle, whispering something that made him roll his eyes but finally release the tension in his hands and let them rest on his sides.
He fell far more content with watching, their chin on his shoulder as they mouthed, “God, he’s handsome, isn’t he?” Herbert didn’t respond, but a contemplative glance back over at Dan was all the courier needed to smile a little. They met eyes with the waitress, and they couldn’t help but feel some sort of strangely placed perfection in how they acted with the two misfits that had emerged from the depths of this strange little house in the middle of some desolate valley of silence and almost crypt-like complacency.
The waitress then turned her attention back to her own two. Tiffany had been idly speaking with Dan, but as soon as the awful gash in Chucky’s side was no longer visible under a healthy layer of gauze she was looking at him.
Dan finally gave them space, nodding one last time before walking over to the sink to wash his hands, meeting the other two there. Putting a hand on his shoulder, the waitress grinned as they shared a kiss themselves as Tiffany huffed, “Very nice work, Dan. My man’s almost good as new. If only you could fix that clunky chip on his shoulder.” Chucky made a face, and muttered, “Keep talking like that, and I’m running away with this one.” The waitress giggled, slapping him on the shoulder playfully as he pulled her into the two of them, giving her a kiss as well. A dim thought fell over her, and her smile faded as she murmured, “Well, now we just need to scrap the body that’s still in the car.”
There was a plastic clatter on the counter over by the sink, the triad looking at them while Dan slowly turned off the water. “You guys brought the body?” The courier gasped, and Chucky shrugged, “What, were we supposed to leave it out in the open with our fingerprints all over it?”
Tiffany then pointed out, “Well, we’re by a cemetery, we can just find a hole in the ground and take care of it.” She looked at Dan, who was shooting a gaze to the living room with the window pointing towards the graveyard. “You guys know a good spot for that, I suppose?”
“Body disposal?” Dan murmured, letting one of his dry hands slip around the courier’s hip, having them fit snug against him. Chucky jutted his chin towards him. “What, are any of you gonna say something?”
Tiffany then sighed, “Whether it’s burying the guy, dissolvin’ him in a bathtub like you see in those over-the-top crime shows…I dunno, we just need it gone one way or another, so we all don’t go to jail.” The courier gave a careful look to the hem of their shirt, streaked a bit with blood that had been lingering on someone’s hand while they had brushed past them.
Finally, Dan offered, “Well…we can help with that, too. I-If you want, I mean- we know how difficult…” Listening to him stumble, the courier’s arm came up to press their fingers into his back in mute support, “It can be to get rid of evid- Bodies, all of that stuff.” He finally swallowed his last thoughts, looking down at the tile floor with an almost ill look on his face.
Herbert stopped rubbing the smudges from his glasses, placing them back on his face. When he got another uncertain glance from the waitress, he then mused more to his partners than them with an amused tone.
“Yes, I think that can be arranged.”
Tiffany beamed, “Great, so it’s a double date?”
The courier looked over at the waitress, and instead of anxiety, confusion, worry… There was a glimmer of mischief on the way they pursed their lips. It was more to hide a smirk than to express discomfort, and the waitress had to put a hand over their mouth to hide the matching smile.
It was dangerous; they had a match made in Hell and they weren’t sorry about it.
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