#grrm martin
quinntamsin · 2 years
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"So your the Lady of House Ceallach?" the Castellan asked as they sat in a wheelhouse on the way to Kingslanding. "Yes," Denna Ceallach replied with a smile. "But your wife-" "Is the Lord of my House," replied Denna. "That's obscene." The foolish Andal replied. "What that two women are in love, or that her family was willing to maintain the succession without worrying about someone's cock or maidenhood?" she replied. "Uhhh." The man stared at her and made a sign of the Seven. Denna cackled, she was a Dornish woman living in the North. THe Blood of the Rhoynar and the First Men would flow their her children's veins, and they would grow up free of the Seven's corruption.
House of the Dragon S1E9 "The Green Council". The Dance has begun, a waltz which will result in the fall and death of the House of the Dragon as it withers away from its own poisoned heart. We are reminded that the King told the Queen a broken version of the Song. And, thus he died, and so now we are set as the two Dragon's start the dance. The Chamber is open and the orchestra is ready to start the opening. The blood of Dragons and Oldtown will flow. We open in the darkness of the throne room, the line of swords leading to the Iron Throne is far darker and bereft without light. The King is Dead. Mourning has come to the SEven Kingdoms as a young boy, I'mm assuming this is one of Daemon's sons or mayhap Aegon's son, leaves the room. Servants appear to be doing something and pay no mind to the kid dressed in finery. This isn't a son this is a servant boy who is informing someone that the King has died. In the royal chambers as she gets dressed and informs her father who seems truly saddened by Viserys death. He asks who knows the King is dead and they discuss who knows. If the Princess finds out she will fly to Dragonstone to claim the throne. A meeting of the Small Council is called and they inform them. THe Greens are preparing to make their move. Otto informs them of the "Final Wish" of the King and how Aegon II second must rule. Lord Beesbury calls it for what it is as the rest called for Treason. Criston Cole appears behind him who thrusts him down and kills him. The Lord Commander calls for his Cloak and Criston refuses. This incel bastard kills a fucking Lord of the Small Council and they refuse to deal with the body. Otto calls for it to continue and the Queen calls out their bullshit. Good thing she actually refuses to kill them because knowing Ottos incompetent one would have survived and ensured a bloodied Dance. Lord Westerling calls out their bullshit since Otto wants to use them to assassinate a member of the Blood Royal. He walks away, and Criston of course steps up because not is murder of innocent gay folk and elders but families is on the menu as well. The man is a fucking monster. Alicent goes to talk to her daughter and I think she knows that Aemond is nearby and her fate is coming. The Knights of the Kingsguard prepare to attack and now they have to find the King. Because Aegon the False is such a shitty King he is going to walk off. All of the servants who know the King is dead are tossed into the Brig under the fucking Rat of Whispers. Aemond the Beast offers to go with the Incel-Knight to find the newly to be anointed King. Meanwhile, they have locked Rhaenys in her apartments. Aemond shows them where he could be and we see how Criston considers  himself a "Lover of Women". So the Prince isn't going to street of silk and Aemond gets hit on by the courtesan. And the Lords of the realm of gathered a Lord refuses to bend the Knee. Many LOrds and Ladies keep their oath as those who refuse are taken away. All the while Larys is watching the little rat. In Flea Bottom the Twins are searching hard as well as Criston and Aemond. This race to find the King as a girl is following the Twins and as we draw near to some sort of Loud crying we see a fighting pit.Where they are tossing in -Children- Seriously, what the fucking fuck Aegon is a monster. WE see a fucking silver haired child. The Prince is just going to be a bad King. When one of the Nobles moves to leave we switch again to Aemond who is right. He is the more workable of the two, as the TWins discuss how the King is unfit. The girl offers to take them to the Prince as yes, the White Worm is making her damn move. Our escaping Lord is taken away since he was caught by Larys (who I am happy to die horribly). Meanwhile we switch to the Silent SIsters preparing the body of Viserys I, and the Queen sitting in her mourning. All she had to do was talk to Rhae and this could have been avoided. But Otto and the Hightowers are so set on playing Kingmaker that they are willing to burn the entire realm over it. ALicent is truly grieving for Viserys death, this poor woman, while yes a Karen, has been in the middle of it all. She then tries to make a play to the Queen-Who-Never-Was, and wow. This woman is not really smart. Bringing up Rhaenys possible rule is a hard attempt. This woman is doing her best, but she doesn't get it. RHaenys admits that the Queen is rightly put in her place as she is in a gilded cage. Conditioned by her father and groomed to appease the King and constantly bombarded by men like Criston and Larys. She's in a prison that will prevent her from making choices really that do anything but benefit her Uncle and Father's terrible ambition. Back in Flea Bottom we see the White Worm meeting with Otto. Aemond and Criston catch the Hand speaking as the WOrm calls for an end tot he corruption of the Gold Cloaks. THe WOrm makes a point she is a superior Spymaster, and honestly if Otto wasn't a misogynist he would have snapped her up and put her in place of Larys. If you can get this woman aligned to the Crown then fuck yeah she'd own it. The TWins find the drugged Prince in the Great Sept as the Hand. THe Brothers we can see in this moment are considering his death. Just as they move to take him Cole and Aemond find him and the King moves to run away. Honestly, if Otto had killed the King and put Aemond we would have gotten another Maegor the cruel. Eryk is being smart in refusing to take part. Arryk loses his sword and we can see they decide to ignore the Hand in favor to the Queen. The Queen goes to talk to her father as she has won the Game so far. This is a well acted passive aggressive discussion. Alicent is standing up for herself finally. "A sacrifice has made for the stability of the realm." Please, for once, I'm not sure if either are correct. Cole is named Lord Commander, a bad idea. She's trying for strength, but she doesn't get it. She should have called for Rhae and let her see her father. she could have sat down and told her what her father said. Asked what it meant and Rhae would have had a chance to fix things. And yet as she walks away into her room there's that fucking COnfessor. He's here to snitch on the Hand, and inform the Queen Mother of the White WOrm. This is the move which he wants to seize the spy network from a WOman so he can be Master of Whispers. Anyone notice how this series is about shitty men taking power from women? Like seriously? Or shittier men killing fine men because they speak for justice? And then we get a scene to Larys fapping to the Queen's feet. FOR FUCKING SAKE THIS WAS UNECESSARY. LIke really. This entire episode has a nice layer of intrigue to it. One of the twins comes for the Princess and they head to the Dragon Pit as she stops to stare at what appears to be a fire. I think this is a moe to get the Princess killed. Is this a move to get the Princess killed or is it something else. WE see a purge of fleat bottom happening as Rhaenys is lost in all of the chaos. In the Great SEpt the Iron Crown is being prepared as the Drunk King is being sent to be crowned. Aegon admits his father didn't like him. I mean this is Aegon the Failure we are talking about. The King reveals the Dagger from earlier, as she doesn't know what it is All that' is a Valyrian artifact. He asks her if she loves him and she replies "You imbecile." THe point here is that yes, she loves her child she loves enough to literally try to drag him back from a live of literal depravity. Otto just hid Aegon's shitty life. Rhaenys along with all the citizens of the city are pushed into the Great Sept to see anointment of a new King. The announcement of the former King's death comes in the Great Scept where all gather. Otto Hightower play's up the bullshit as the GOld CLoaks march in to form a line for the foolish boy that is to be King. Aegon walks down in this somber occasion, people watch his passage, and we can see he doubts himself. I can see they studied some English coronations because the entire set up is very similar to what I've Westminster Abbey and English coronation imagery is very similar to this. The High Septon begins his blessing of the Seven while anointing him in oil. Rhaenys makes a getaway to the lesser part of the Dragon Pit. So this isn't Baelor's Sept okay that makes sense. As they all stand in this very literally awkward moment each bowing in a way to the new King Otto smiles. High Septon starts the call for the King and as the False King stands there and we see his own self assurance questioned. WE know something is about to happen. The din of the crowd roars in the background as those darker cello tunes slide in. He lifts Blackfyre and yup, he's accepted his future death and that of his entire branch. The fool. Aegon II bathes in the adoration of the people, and the Queen smiles. A massive explosion happens as a DRagon, Meleys breaks free. Many people die as the Dragon with its rider atop it  moves stare at the Greens. Alicent puts herself in front of the Dragon, and awaits the call of Dracarys. Meleys roars as the Dragon makes its way free and off to Dragonstone. Yes, oh yes, the fools, you must take Rhae's hand for the dance is now in swing. Gay Canon There is a lot to unpack here, from how Alicent decides she has enough heart to not murder an entire family. To how the White Worm is seemingly "exterminated" by Larys. As I watch and think, I see another possible ship here. That between Mysaria and the Queen, or more appropriately, Mysaria and Helaena. Yup, a good story here wold be Mysaria saving Helaena from her future fate and spiriting her away to be kept safe. I'm calling this Hysaria for now but others should jump on this as a rare ship. Thoughts on Alaenyra, so, I think right now my current idea is based on a few elements taken from the Empire of the Dawn theory as well as the Dragondreamer ability. I'll try to spin up a story in the future, but it may not be for some :D Hottakes:
First, this entire episode continues to paint most of the men including Aegon in Alicent's life as shitty people. Otto is in full swing here being the misogynistic shit as well as Criston murdering without a second thought.
Beesbury's death was uncalled for and brutal, I want Criston to die horribly. Westerling, who btw is Graham McTavish aka Dwalin, just owns it as he walks away from the corruption of the Green Council.
The Hightower Hand murdering all the Lords who don't agree with him really just shows how he's a terrible Tywin impostor as well as a mad King sit-in.
This makes me SOOOO Happy when the Hour of the Wolf will happen.
The Child fight was fucked up, and the fact that all of Flea Bottom might see slaughter over one ask is shitty.
Larys isn't master of whispers since the actual position doesn't appear to exist.
Larys is a literal manchild who deserves to be impaled ala Dracula.
Mysaria is definitely not dead, you don't get THAT much power without having backup spies in place to prepare for contingencies.
Rhaenys should have killed the Greens. Yes, it would have been Horrendous, but it would have ended the war.
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the-walrus-squad · 3 months
Any Writing Professor: Do not name any two characters with the same letter, it will confuse your audience.
George RR Martin and Hidetaka Miyazaki: This is Radagon, who married Rennala, mother of Ranni who likes to pose as Renna, enemy of Rykard and Radahn. He is really Marika, Maliketh's Goddess, mother to Morgott (AKA Margit) Mohg, Malenia mother of Millicent, Miquella, possibly Melina and now Messmer, and she had them after she raised Godwyn and Godefroy with Godfrey, from whom Godrick is descended.
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irlplasticlamb · 6 months
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but, our stories aren’t over yet.
prints + merch + commission info
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martellspear · 6 months
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i'm so normal about this (crying screaming shaking throwing up pulling out my hair)
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bestofgrrm · 10 months
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Grrm watching the barbie movie, sourced from his instagram
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"Greens did this" and "Blacks did that." Shut up this is feudalism; everyone sucks. You don't side with who's the most moral, you side with who you think is the hottest. GOD, I THOUGHT WE UNDERSTOOD THIS.
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shutupcrime · 11 months
Show Jaime:
“I know I just slept with Brienne who I have a deep attachment to, and I’m about six seasons deep into a redemption arch but Ima peace out and get crushed by rocks with my sister wife”
Book Jaime literally in the middle of reading a letter from Cersei begging him to come and save her:
“I wonder what brienne is doing right now”
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driften-sea-snake · 1 year
level 1 fantasy author: what if you could fuck your clone lol?
miyazaki and grrm: your clone ceases to be an exact copy of you a second after it enters existence. the subjective nature of consciousness means that a different experience of reality is created. a unique history inevitably results in a different person with their own memory and desires. you and your clone would immediately be separated by the vast, lonely distances of individual consciousness. and even if you were to merge again, you would not find the comfort of yourself but the horror of being known by another. holding your hammer before the ring of life, the same strike would express contradictory yearnings for rebirth and stagnation
also miyazaki and grrm: just to be clear, in this scenario you're still fucking your clone, you're both getting divorces to do it, you're making clone babies, you're making your clone bark like a dog,
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>>Neil Gaiman and George R.R. Martin mention their shared love of Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones and Lucifer Morningstar in The Sandman).<<
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winterprince601 · 6 months
very funny to me that grrm went "here is my geopolitical fantasy epic loosely based on the war of the roses. i've elevated the fraught family dynamics, elaborated the dynastic tensions and imbued the entire thing with a magical dimension that pushes the action into the mythic. what are the names of the feuding houses that started it all? uhhhh (looking at smudged writing on hand that reads: york vs lancaster) stark and lannister. one of them is in the north. another features a vilified disabled man but ohoho it's not the one you'd expect!"
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cthaehart · 2 years
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There’s a lot of ways to make someone drop a knife
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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She smiled, her long cloak floated around her as she chuckled. The words of the great council all around her made her laugh. A child there with her father, a minor lord of the North, but still. Watching the works made her eyes turn toward Princess Aemma's belly. A strong dragon will soon be born.
--- Alright yes, Episode 1 of HoD "Heirs of the Dragon" has a solid opening featuring Jaehaerys calling the great council. Then switching to Rhaenyra after seeing Rhaenys lose it (thus setting the stage). The opening shot of young Rhaeynra on Syrax was a great one. It really shows us what a high fantasy setting with Dragons can feel like. Aka, bring your fucking A-Game Disney when you make Eragon! So this opening is important, watching Rhaenys getting set aside is what will eventually set a precedent conversation is hard for me to hear.  for Rhaenyra turning on her friend Alicent. This story will no end well. Everyone of import will either survive or die and this is something if you want to watch this show you need to accept. Now, with the mention of the Triarchy, we see Rhaenyra exploring with her friend Alicent. She meets with her uncle, Daemon, who seems intent on showing his claim to the throne. Again more set up for the war of succession which will weaken the House of the Dragon. It appears that Viserys is also ill to some level as he's seen with maesters not long after. Rhaenys is back in the tub and we see her dealing with her pregnancy again more of a lead-up to the work of the Hightowers. When Viserys mentions that dragons need the heat it reminds me of an old theory. That it was the Citadel and the Hightowers which conspired to eliminate the Dragons from Westeros. Honestly, it's a theory that works quite well. And honestly this particular scene is hard for me to watch. It reminds me of things that have happened to friends and worse. Suddenly, switching to this shows us more brutality as the watch goes on a literal purge of all of the criminals in what appears to be either flea bottom or another shitty part of King's landing. The Hand appears intent on pushing Daemon on edge. Lord Corlys himself backs it as Master of Ships so yeah even more bickering it seems on the small council. And here we come to the required GoTverse fucking scene, I kid you not. WE get Daemon getting spied on him a whorehouse. Daemon is obviously unsure of what to do. He is not happy with his wife andMuch more. Tournament opens with the mention of Aemma in labor. The knights are fighting fiercly at the joust and we see numerous Houses representative. Rhaenys gives favor to a Baratheon, and the Hand seems to be wanting to pull a fucking Lannister and cut out his tongue. Poor Baratheon loses the joust proving the King's favor. Heh, no we get Daemon in full Dragon Regalic Armor. yup, this show is leaning hard into the high middle ages of history. Some of these designs I could see in the old 1960s medieval movies. Now, Hightower vs Targaryen which is the challenge for this entire fucking show.  And, as we switch to Aemma who is having a bad birth. We can see really how the sexism of Westeros is at play here. The Masters are so intent on saving the baby they won't bother helping her more than opium. We switch back and forward between what is likely the Queen's death and the melee occurring in the Tournament. Alicent is important here as well as her father is intent on putting her on the throne. Sacrificing the Queen though, goddess, I hated this shit. And they show us - wow - seriously. THey aren't going to actually show her getting cut open are they. The fucking torture of being killed in a c-section for a shitty Maester. This was an unnecessary scene! Thanks GoTverse for continuing the trend of gender trauma :D FFS - they actually showed the gore of the c-section. This scene is - heartbreaking and honestly.....again. Unnecessary. I think this is going to be one thing that turns me off this fucking episode. His father's son died, and it was because of his hubris. Rhaenyra here knows that she will never inherit with Agnatic Primogeniture (aka only the boys can succeed) in place. Watching Rhaenyra choke up before ordering Syrax to burn her mother's remains. Back at the Small Council, we can see these fools are intent on just being shitty. Viserys is obviously regretting his decision and is in deep anguish. I mean he made a decision and now he's feeling the repercussions. Honestly, Viserys is a pretty gullible man, I would say I lay most of this blame on the Maesters. hey were the ones who made a to of assumptions. I also blame Viserys for killing his wife. You reap what you sow. We can already see the Hand in talking with his daughter trying to prepare for becoming Queen. She meets with the King as he works on his models. Meanwhile, Daemon is in a fucking Whorehouse again trying to work through all the shit the Council said about him. I wonder if he feels terrible of his sister-in-law's death. He and the Watch were so intent on fucking. He opens his mouth and had to open his damn mouth. Yup, way to go fuck boy. Fuckboy gets banished from court. Yup, and he did have a point Viserys is easily manipulated. By the Old Gods, the Iron Throne cut him, which means he is weak. And now we see Rhaenyra raised as the future Queen. Yup, this will become even more problematic when Alicent is turned against her later on by the Hand. Watching people swear before Rhaenyra reminds me of the foolishness of Empress Mathilde. Oh shit, Mysaria is Dragon Seed, she can touch a fucking Dragon without problems. Shit, they are really setting this up to have an epic conclusion. Oh nice way to weave in the mention of the OG series name. That Aegon foresaw the Long Night and the Nights King. Well done writers, you actually did your fucking reading this time! The ending with Daemon on Caraxes was pretty epic. I like how he has webbing along his legs. Gay Thoughts: An Alicent x Rhaenyra story where they must come back together in he end would be pretty solid. All I got for now. Hottakes:
Syrax is a fucking adorable Dragon! She's such a good girl and I like how she's gentle compared to say Caraxes!
Daemon is definitely shown to be complicated and has a strong fuckboy bent going on.
Otto is a snake I never trusted the Hightowers.
That goes for the High Maester as well.
I like the use of ASOIAF later on in the stories.
Having the story treat Rhaenyra as wronged rather than just ambitious is a good choice (I watched the inside episode).
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a brooding bastard (affectionate)
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Wow… who would have thought… definitely not me…
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Happy Birthday Grandpa!!
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guys there's a happy george photo with rainbows and stuff captioned something like hbd germ but i couldn't find it :( send me if you have it
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baelontargaryen · 2 months
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Illustrations by Darryl Elliott of Daenerys Targaryen for The Iron Throne Saga by George R. R. Martin
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