Chronic Illness Products: Tried and Tested by a Fellow Spoonie
Hey! I’m Rain, and I have various chronic illnesses and disabilities, including: POTS, chronic migraine, chronic pain, and chronic fatigue. The following products are some that have helped me with my symptoms!
Migraine Ice Head Wrap
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This is great because it can be either heated in the microwave or cooled in the freezer. It has gel in it and it is heavy so it puts a little pressure on your head. It also has velcro closure so it can be adjusted for head size and pressure. You don’t even have to put it in the freezer if you like it cold, because if you keep it at room temperature (my house is usually between 68-71 degrees F) it will get cold by itself and it can help for a while, about 10 minutes before it gets warmed by your body heat.
Monthly Pill Organizer
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I hated having to refill my pill box every week, so I got 2 monthly organizers and use one for morning and one for night, and I only have to fill it once a month! I like this band because it is easy to open and each week comes out by itself so if you travel you can take just one week with you. I also like that they are all in a case and it closes for safe keeping.
Bed Tent
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This is more expensive, but it is absolutely worth it if you have migraines. It has 6 zippers: one on each side, one on each end, and the top part of each end flap has a second zipper that opens a mesh area if you want air or light. You can close it entirely, and it makes it dark even in daylight, but it is still breathable and not stifling. There is also a pocket at one end that can hold a TON of stuff. I keep snacks and things in there for easy access. Finally, there is a little circle hook on the top where you can hang a camping fan or light if you want!
Cooling Neck and Head Towel
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There’s a few different brands of these, and I couldn’t find the exact one I have, but any will work! My brother used this brand for when he played sports–I use mine to cool my neck when I’m nauseous lol. It stays cold for longer than just a regular rag and the water doesn't get everywhere.
Neck Pillow
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Simple, yet effective. If you have POTS or any other condition that makes it hard to sit up for long periods of time, or a condition where you have neck weakness/pain, then this is for you. Riding in a car? Recline that seat a bit and put on a neck pillow. 10/10 much better car experience.
Cane With Seat
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I have POTS, and I use a wheelchair for most places that require walking, but a lot of areas where I live are not wheelchair-accessible. So, I use this! If I feel dizzy, I can just open the seat and sit down for a bit until by body chills the fuck out.
Electric Toothbrush
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It doesn’t have to be this kind, but since I can’t stand long enough to brush my teeth very long (or at all some days), I use an electric toothbrush to get a better clean in a shorter amount of time. They cost a bit more, but less than a cavity filling.
Shower Chair
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If you feel dizzy in the shower, or can’t stand very long due to pain, or for whatever reason, and are considering getting a shower chair, this is your sign to do it!! It has helped me so much and makes showering SO much easier and way less daunting.
Bath Pillow
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I have chronic pain and laying in the bathtub in warm water can help with it, but it also hurt my neck to lay on the hard surface. Not anymore! I’ve also seen full-body bath pillows that would be GREAT but I don’t have anywhere to store it. For this one, I just keep it in the tub all the time.
That’s all I could think of at the moment, but I will reblog this with more items if I think of any! Feel free to add to this list yourselves!
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gothic-alpha · 2 years
I’m further and further convinced that vampirism is, whether intentionally or not, an allegory for chronic illness
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comicabrasions · 6 months
Constantly making a list of my symptoms for when I go to my doctor, only to never bring it up because that day I feel fine and I’m definitely just being a drama queen 🤦‍♀️
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Stupid list, it’s not real lol
Maybe I’m being a hypochondriac.
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nightinghoul · 2 years
I wrote this a long time ago, but 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻 (It bears repeating).
TL/DR: Those of us with chronic illnesses exist, and are allowed to exist, and take care of ourselves. Also, here is another explanation of Hashimoto's, because I still get blank stares when I mention it.
(Health/Hashimoto's) Recent events (very personal) led to me wanting to talk about my mental illness a couple of days ago, and now I also feel the need to explain my spooniness - not JUST for me, but for people like me, as well.
Specifically, I have Hashimoto's, and it seems like NOBODY knows what that is. Can I explain real quick?
1. It's an autoimmune disorder. The defining symptom is hypothyroidism.
2. The very most common symptom of hypothyroidism is chronic fatigue. Medication mitigates some of this, but fatigue is still present.
3. Everyone experiences this disease differently. Here are some chronic symptoms that I experience. Most of them are pretty common:
Brain fog, memory loss, dehydration (dry skin, painful constipation, excessive thirst), gluten intolerance, food allergies, frequent injuries due to muscle spasms, hypoglycemia, cold intolerance, headaches, anemia, brittle hair and nails, weight gain, puffy face/eyes, infertility...
4. Many people with Hashi's experience depression.
5. Then there are medication side effects. My medication causes me to have hot flashes.
6. I am not lazy. I work part time, and sleep a lot, because I have to. I am not stupid. I forget things because I struggle with brain fog and memory loss.
7. I can't cure Hashimoto's with will power and diet. I already work out, eat raw foods, drink tea, stay positive, play puzzle games to keep my brain active, etc. Oh, and I take my damn meds.
8. Again, I am not lazy, or stupid, or trying to get attention.
And if YOU have a chronic illness, you are also not lazy, stupid, or trying to get unwarranted attention. Being ill does not affect your worth as a person. Taking care of yourself in the manner that is best for you is your right, and I am proud of you for doing so. So, shout out to all my spoony friends: Rock on with your bad self. You are valuable.
9. We have a lot to offer to the world. I have a lot to offer to the world. So there. I'm here, I'm tired, deal with it.
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wreckitremy · 2 years
Doctors who waste my time making me late for a work meeting by talking about Keto and exercise owe me $100.
The appointment was $125 but I took $25 off for the hold music being the shire score from lord of the rings, and for confirming that the hypothyroidism we've been treating for the last 10 years is in fact, hashimotos.
Taking that nature groceries recommendation with a pillar of salt.
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selfcaresquid · 2 years
Heya! Here's a cool project! Is it about selfcare? Maybe, a little bit. It's about an autoimmune disease... Hashimoto.
Ever heard of that? No? Here's your chance to find out! :D
It would mean a lot to me if you guys were to check it out, or share this!💕💕💕
(Dutch and English links)
And as always: take care, my buddies! You're going to be allright. (Spooky Selfcare, anyone?)
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mari040503 · 1 year
Unexpected unwanted sleeping urge kicks in hits diff 💀🗿🙂
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Had a job interview today at a poorly run Dunkin. They offered me free coffee and I said as long as it's decaf. I have a heart murmur, pots, and gastroparesis so caffeine causes a real doozy for me. I ask again after she gave it to me "is it decaf" and she said yes.
And here I am 20 minutes after drinking it with a sitting HR of 110, vibrating vision, fully body tremors, shitting my brains out, trying not to vomit, while barley being able to stand up without blacking out.
10/10 would recommend that coffee.
Also didn't get the job.
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churrishhh · 2 years
When one single bad shift causes so much stress that it triggers a flare up.
Go away.
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dazaleu · 2 years
So after years of fighting with my thyroid levels- I finally got diagnosed with Hashimotos..
And just when I think I could decrease my meds, they actually got increased.
I had recently moved and after settling in and everything finally calming down, I finally found a primary care and got lab work done, etc.
She saw my thyroid levels and said “you should be in a coma right now”
I felt fine. My levels were through the roof but nothing felt off.
Now, four months later, the levels are atleast back in the double digits (I was in the triple digits before), but my meds got increased from 112mcg to 137mcg.
Talk about a pain in the ass.
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 10 months
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a vent piece about living with chronic illness
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medixic · 3 months
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क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि क्या पपीता सभी के लिए सुरक्षित है?
हाँ, पपीता अति स्वास्थ्यवर्धक है। लेकिन, हाइपरथायरायडिज्म से पीड़ित लोगों के लिए ख़तरनाक होता है ये फल😱
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comicabrasions · 2 years
Officially diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis.
Disappointed and relieved at the same time….
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nightinghoul · 10 months
Recently, I learned that it's really common for people with Hashimoto's to have sleep apnea, and sleep apnea causes chronic fatigue, because you don't get enough oxygen or sleep.
For years, my doctors have been telling me it's normal that I have trouble sleeping and am fatigued all the time. But none of them have suggested sleep apnea.
I talked to a friend who's husband has sleep apnea, and she told me the main symptom is excessive fatigue. Now I need to ask for a sleep study, but I'm so behind on medical stuff that I need. It's overwhelming.
Here's a picture of my dog:
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She found a sun spot, but she didn't fit in it.
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moniquezj · 1 year
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No importa cuanto tiempo a pasado... recuerdate por qué iniciaste... los músculos tienen memoria... y los resultados vendrán cuando encuentras la armonía entre mente y cuerpo... aún cuando la enfermedad de hashimoto te lo haga imposible ver cambios... recuerdale a tu mente y a tu cuerpo lo bien que se siente llegar a tener una armonía en tu cuerpo... aunque lleves muchos sacrificios... cada uno de ellos valdrá la pena!... Tu puedes!🥳🧘‍♀️💜 . . . . . #letsgo #makeitcount #fit #fitness #fitbomb24mx #bodybuilding #latina #girlswholift #75hard #goodvibes #hashimotosdisease #stayhealthy #staystrong (at Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn2LuihOHux/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thelittlestarlet · 2 years
Learning that my immune system is attacking my thyroid and that I have pcos is so depressing. I used to be effortlessly skinny even if I didnt work out. Now I feel like no matter what I do I can't lose like I should. I am seeing a naturopath doctor so hopefully I can get back to the weight I used to be. I have lost a few pounds since so I think it is working. The whole situation just doesnt feel fair.
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