#have fun with ghost trick!!!! good luck :)
hey! what do you think is the better ghost trick experience, the ds version or the remake on pc? I own the ds version and plan to play it soon, but I would also be willing to buy the pc version if that one adds any significant quality of life features or is just an even better way to play or whatever
Honestly? Both have their pros and cons, most being just ‘well… depends on prefrence.’
For Example: The pc version has cleaner graphics and (imo) the better music score, but there’s a certain charm to the old crunchy ds style.
I will say for actual differences that may be cared about, the pc remake has bonus sliding puzzles at the end. Its good if you like sliding tile puzzles. (i cannot commentate on how smooth it is to use in main game vs the ds as i played the original on an emulator as i simply did not have the hardware to play it. unfortunate!)
Meanwhile, the original ds version’s top screen will display what an object you are possessing can do. (this is incredibly useful! the remake doesnt have this as it doesnt have a second screen. it. might tell you what you can do with an object but uh… if it does i must have not been paying attention close enough. hahaha. apologies if so)
So… really its do what you want. I cannot think of any major qol updates in the remake beyond the extra content, graphics, and score. You already own the ds version so it would honestly be best in my own opinion to go ahead and play that than spend more money on two versions.
but again. i am not the boss of you. do as you wish.
others are free to chime in the comments and reblogs with their own opinions. :)
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ddejavvu · 1 year
yk that scene of morgan and elle in the car where he says “that must be the boyfriend 😏” and when she answers its gideon
could i request a blurb with that prompt but with hotch?
say when reader picks up the phone dereks shocked (the facial expression he pulled with elle) and he thinks the reader was joking. but she really wasn’t and her and hotch are in a secret relationship 🤗 and derek ends up catching them making out in the conference room later on and says “i thought you were joking 😨”
thank you! :-)
You love riding along with Morgan, because the two of you engage in banter so foul that Strauss's head would explode. There's no shortage of bickering, swear words, and insults between the two of you, but there's also no shortage of laughter, and riding with Derek anywhere is guaranteed to be fun.
Lately, though, he's had a leg up in the teasing game. He's caught you acting odd, and he's insistent that he's discovered your secret relationship.
If only he knew.
Your phone rings while you're on the highway, and he looks over at you smugly, "Aw, that must be the boyfriend."
You glance at the phone, seeing Aaron's contact there, and smiling wickedly.
"It is." You nod, and he slaps the steering wheel in victory while you answer, "Hey, Hotch."
"Y/L/N," Aaron greets you, sure to use your last name on working hours. As quick as Derek had celebrated his guess he retracts it, grimacing in horror as you stick your tongue out at him.
Aaron's only calling to tell you that there's been a new lead uncovered, and that JJ and Reid are investigating. It means you're still on track for an interview you're conducting with Derek, and as you hang up, settling back into your seat, Derek whistles lowly.
"You got me good," He shakes his head, "Would'a veered right off the road if you were dating the big man."
"Oh, you'd flip," You agree, laughing to yourself, "Just be glad you haven't caught us making out."
Derek's luck doesn't last. Hopped up on adrenaline from kicking both doors and ass, he struts into Hotch's office two days later to turn in his report on the case you've just closed. But what he finds behind the closed door stops him dead in his tracks, the file falling from his hand and landing in a messy heap at his feet.
You're making out with Hotch. You're- you're making out with Hotch!
"You're making out with Hotch!"
The two of you were both a little too wrapped up in each other's presence to notice the click of the doorknob, but Derek's bewildered shout does the trick. You jolt away from Aaron, standing were you'd been straddling his lap on the couch. He tries straightening his tie, as if that's the biggest issue and not the lipstick smeared over his face.
"Morgan, close the door." Hotch commands, and the agent tries to escape with it. "Not-! Get back here."
He steps square on the folder he'd dropped when coming in, standing there looking close to tears as you stand with your hands behind your back.
"You two have been," He lowers his voice, glancing around at what you presume are ghosts in Aaron's office, "Fooling around together? Really?"
"In my defense," You smile sheepishly at Derek, "I told you yesterday. You just didn't believe me."
"Yeah, because-!" Derek motions between you frantically, "I- I didn't know you were robbing the grave, Y/N! And Hotch! You're- ah, man, how long?"
"Two months." Aaron states, expression neutral although he's fiddling with his fingers at his sides, "We need your discretion."
"Discretion? Discretion?" Morgan ogles Aaron, "You expect me to walk out of here like I didn't just see her tongue down your throat?"
"Yes," You nod, "We do."
"Well-!" Morgan stammers, throwing his hands up in defeat and letting them slap his thighs on the way back down, "I- ugh, that's- that's gross. How am I supposed to know you'll work together if we leave you at the precinct, and not canoodle in the bathroom?"
"You don't." Aaron muses, and Derek's face scrunches in disgust, "But if you learned how to knock, Morgan, you won't be witness to any more."
"I am gonna walk out of that door," Derek decides, leaving the files where they are in preference of his peace of mind, "And we are never gonna talk about this again! Never, I won't tell anyone, I swear, but never let me catch you doing that shit again, you hear?"
"Loud and clear," You promise, calling after him as he heads out the door, head ducked and shoulders shivering slightly, "Have a good weekend, Morgan!"
"Don't talk to me!" He snaps back, yanking the door shut behind him. He's only halfway down the stairs from Hotch's office when he hears the lock click into place and his face warps in discontentment once more.
"Oh, come on guys, really? I'm not even out of the building!"
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sterekweek-2023 · 9 months
Sterek Week 2023 Kick Off!
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Somehow it's already that time of year again! Join your admins @halinski, @boymeetswerewolf, @justjimedits and @kcfriedchicken as we prepare for Sterek Week 2023.
As always, we have a variety of themes to inspire you, but this year we have added something new! Going along with each theme will be a selection of bonus content to you to enjoy. Some of it will just be extra themes to think about adding into your posts, some of it will be interactive, and some we will need your help putting together!
Stay tuned for more information around the bonus content in the coming weeks, but for now enjoy your first look at this years themes.
Wednesday, October 25th: "Only Just Begun" What better way to kick off Sterek Week then the theme of beginnings. The beginning of what you ask? Well that part is up to you! Whether it be the beginning of their relationship or the beginning of a new adventure, whatever beginning inspires you is the one we want to hear about!
Thursday, October 26th: "Seasons & Holidays" Christmas? Halloween? Summer? Fall? What time of year speaks to you most? Maybe you have a local holiday that is only celebrated in your hometown? That's what this theme is all about! Throw Stiles and Derek into your favorite tradition and see how it plays out for them!
Friday, October 27th: "Worlds Collide" Barbenheimer anyone?! Show us your best opposites attracts situation and watch the chaos unfold. Or maybe you are more interested in a crossover of some sorts. This is your opportunity to really mix up the Teen Wolf universe!
Saturday, October 28th: "Whole of the Moon" We are in luck! The October full moon will happen on October 28th this year, so of course we had to have a moon based theme! Do you want to explore the full moon traditions of the Hale pack? Or maybe you want to add in the concept of outer space? The whole galaxy is yours to explore!
Sunday, October 29th: "Sacrifice" What is Sterek without one of them trying to sacrifice themselves for each other or the greater good. With the events of the Teen Wolf movie or even the events of Season 3, there are plenty of canon sacrifices to choose from. But maybe you want to branch out! Make up your own reason for the boys to try and sacrifice themselves or maybe go the happier route and explore the idea of them sacrifice sleep for fun or other reasons!
Monday, October 30th: "Myths & Legends, Fairytales & Folklore" We want to hear about Stiles and Derek experience all your local legends! Are they traveling the world because Stiles wants to meet every mythical being there is? Maybe it is a Beauty & the Beast AU or retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. This is your chance to explore all of your favorite stories through the lens of Sterek.
Tuesday, October 31st: "Haunted & Bewitched" It wouldn't be Sterek week without our favorite holiday - Halloween! Is the pack throwing a Halloween party? Maybe Stiles and Derek have little ones of their own to take trick or treating? Or maybe you want to go the complete opposite direction and think about the ghosts and ghoulies that come out to play.
We cannot see what you all come up with! And we are so excited to share this years extra content with you!
-KCFriedchicken, Halinski, JustJim & BoyMeetsWerewolf
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tanoraqui · 1 year
key elements of Crownless (the Young Aragorn show that lives in my head and heart) season 1:
(Note that I will play a little fast and loose with timelines and for the sake of a better story. And/or take ruthless advantage of canonical slow Dúnedain aging to spread the timeline out over several decades)
First episode(s) is Aragorn (age 21, functionally late teens) leaving Rivendell to start wandering the wilds with the Rangers. I would do Elrond & his people dirty and say that Aragorn has been kinda sheltered growing up, a little because Elves tend to baby Men, especially young Men, and mostly because everyone wanted to be sure Isildur’s heir was safe as darkness grew in the world, especially after his father was killed when he was 2.
So Aragorn starts with significant book smarts, homely peace smarts—historical knowledge, animal friendship, herblore, diplomacy skills, technical sword/knife/bow skills…but he doesn’t know the dirty fighting tricks that win a fight. His tracking, hunting, forest stealth, etc. skills…suck at first. He’s prone to freeze in urgent healing (or combat) situations, because he’s never done this on his own before—though he has a natural talent for the ‘calling people back from death’ thing we see in LotR.
(This gives Aragorn obvious skills to pick up that demonstrate his character growth as a leader, while also establishing from the start that his real talent in kingship is, always was, diplomacy, strength of character & connection with his people, literal and metaphorical healing. Also, weirdass plans, often based on things he read, with success resting on luck/prayer/hope more than any reasonable thing…including a willingness to trust strange new and/or sketchy people…and they work.)
Maybe eps 1-2 is a double-length episode: opens with newly widowed Gilraen arriving in distress with a toddler 18 years ago, then first half is mostly restless late teen!Estel in Rivendell, ending with Elrond revealing his true name, broken sword, time to go forth… Smash cut to Aragorn tripping in the forest and falling in a stream while 2 other baby Rangers laugh at him and whoever’s stuck training these new recruits sighs heavily. There’s a lot of “this is the new Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Isildur’s heir?”
Format: 22ep 44min monster of the week (like GOD INTENDED) focused on the newest young Rangers: Aragorn, Halbarad, Dúnawen (OC: “maiden of the west”, don’t @ me for naming), as they range throughout Eriador learning how to be badasses guarding the boundaries of civilization. Monsters include orcs, wargs, mortal bandits, trolls, giant spiders, a small ice wyvern that made its way to northern Dale, barrow-wrights, unhoused fëa, rival clans of Men or maybe Dwarves who are about to go to blood feud war…
…and a slowly mounting season plot of the trouble of 3 Nazgúl reoccupying Dol Goldur, after the White Council forced the “Necromancer” out 15ish years ago. (Riling up ghosts throughout the countryside? Something something themes of moving on from the past. Also, can’t go wrong with an episode in which heroes must confront their literal personal ghosts.)
Repeat cameos from Elrohir & Elladan, cousins of all Mannish Dúnedain (and kind of older brothers to Aragorn in particular.) Are they helping him? Are they harder on him than on the other new recruits? Are they good cop/bad cop-ing it?
Arwen! Meet briefly ep1 and/or she’s a key feature of midseason finale; return in season finale to be badass. “Tinúviel! Tinúviel!” scene in Lothlórien casts a hiccup in a fledgling romance between Aragorn and Dúnawen
All combinations of Aragorn/Halbarad/Dunawen ARE welcome, nay, encouraged. They’re functionally in college and they’re all hot, and constantly in near-death situations. I advise the writers to have fun. Bisexuality is free.
Gandalf introduction early, ep2? Probably also in finale (something of a large team-up).
Late season bottle episode, maybe just before a 2-parter finale, in which due to a thunderstorm/mudslide/cave-in incident, Aragorn, Halbarad and Dunawen are trapped in a cave/small series of caves with a random assortment of other travelers on the road west of Bree: a pair of Dwarvish merchants, a few men, 1 elf (journeying to the Havens to Sail?), and 1 hobbit, Mr. Drogo Baggins of Hobbiton, who was making a perilous journey to Bree and back in order to fetch his beloved, very pregnant wife a particular kind of cheese she was craving. No loss of air threat, but they’re stuck. Obviously getting Drogo home is of utmost importance (and everyone else needs to get home safe, too). Tempers run high! Only once the Junior Rangers sort out their late-season interpersonal drama can Aragorn rise to the occasion and organize/mediate this microcosm of Middle Earth’s populace to dig their way out of this cave.
Aragorn is exceptionally good at facing down Nazgúl and their weaponized despair because he has—indeed, he is, by name!—hope. This show is about hope first and teamwork second, and looking badass in a beautiful landscape while Howard Shore music swells third.
[s2 in notes]
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shovelbug · 6 months
Could you perhaps write an Amethio x Ghost Specialist! Reader,?
(Reader probably can communicate with them kinda like the gym leader Alister-? Idk, I think it'd be intresting as Amethio has a Ceruledge,)
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a/n: combining these two reqs since they’re so similar.
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Amethio x Ghost Specialist! Reader
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you’ve always found solace in the presence of your ghost-type friends, as they’ve always been there to keep you company.
perhaps because of that, you developed a similarity and particular affinity for ghost-types in battle.
like you said, Amethio has some (limited) knowledge of ghost types because of his Ceruledge, so he’s not as put off by you as some would be.
(Though, that may be because he’s more interested in having a battle with you.)
If you’re particularly shy or cover your face with a mask, he’s not the type to make a big deal of it.
He’ll definitely want to have a match if you also have a Ceruledge.
You do give him a heart attack sometimes, though. You and your pokemon are deadly silent and oftentimes he swears you pop out of nowhere behind him.
He gets used to it after a while though, but he’s still a little unnerved.
Your pokemon probably play tricks on him. It’s a little annoying but at the same time endearing.
He’s also baffled you can communicate with them but adjusts eventually.
Now waking up in the middle of the night with you in the corner of the room, shrouded in total darkness while you mutter back and forth with a Banette that wandered in? That, he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to.
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Spinel x Ghost Specialist! Reader
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Good luck scaring this man. Even if he can’t keep track of you like he normally would, he has a sixth sense for when you’re skulking about.
You try to sneak up to him while he’s busy working and he just says “Hello, my dear,” without even turning around to look at you.
Also, his Umbreon is also constantly aware of your presence.
You were a bit worried about how your pokemon would take to his, due to the type difference, but after the initial wariness wore off they get along pretty well.
Every so often Spinel will send you a photo of your Mimikyu and his Umbreon cuddling.
He finds it fascinating that you can speak to your companions. He kind of wishes he could do the same with his.
He might tease or make a comment if you hide your face, but it’s lighthearted, and he’s quick to stop if he thinks he’s genuinely upset you.
Spinel’s not unnerved by any of your more unusual behaviors, but he’s also not the most normal guy himself, despite the facade he presents to others.
“Spinel, Gengar says he wants to go on a walk in the graveyard.”
“That’s nice, dear. Have fun.”
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Spooky Season (for another 72-ish hours, though you'll probably get to this when we're firmly in /Holiday Season/ 😝)
Hob takes Robyn trick or treating in their new neighborhood; they ring the doorbell of the big gothic manor at the end of the street.
Robyn: Is it haunted daddy?
Hob: I don't know little bird, do you want to knock on the door together?
Vampire Costumed Dream opens the door, handing out candy and holding back a curious costumed Orpheus - there aren't that many kids in the neighborhood.
Happy Spooky Day friends!!!!
Omg. Hob and Robyn go as Batman and Robin!!!! They're not having a lot of luck trick or treating, since there aren't many families with kids celebrating Halloween in the area. But Hob promised, and hey! At least this house looks spooky.
As it turns out, Dream and Orpheus (mostly Orpheus) have been waiting in all evening to give out candy! Orpheus is very scared of the dark so Dream has been making a big deal of Halloween and spooky stuff being a fun and not scary thing. Having two superheroes come to the door is ideal!
Orpheus peeps out from his ghost costume to admire Robyn's bright costume and pumpkin shaped candy basket. Within 30 seconds they're pretty much best friends - Robyn offers a candy necklace from his basket, and Orpheus gives him a ring pop in return. Hob is trying not to coo over how adorable they both are, so he ends up looking at Dream instead... and just then realises how incredibly hot he is.
Meanwhile Dream is wondering how on earth he's managing to feel sexual attraction to a man in a batman mask and cape... he obviously needs to get laid. He awkwardly asks if Hob lives nearby and whether he'd be willing to arrange a playdate at the park for the boys? Hob agrees, and they exchange numbers.
Next day Dream sees Hob without his costume on at the park, and knows that he's absolutely screwed. Hob looks even better a flannel shirt and jeans than he did in stupid fancy dress. And Dream definitely sees Hob’s eyes lingering on him, too.
But of course the first thing Dream says is "I liked you better with the tights on."
And Hob just grins and nudges him. "And I liked you with the fake fangs. All the better to bite me with."
Robyn and Orpheus are about to see a lot of each other. Good thing they're already besties!
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dndadsfanweeks · 8 months
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[img ID: A light orange poster with a darker orange design in the background with film reel and tentacles. In a purple blocky font, the title of the poster reads: "Dungeons and Daddies 2023 Halloween Week", followed by the prompts for every day in black text (detailed in the post below). At the bottom of the poster, in the same purple font, the post reads: "October 25th thru October 31st". /end ID]
All of our prompts for Halloween Week have been decided on, thank you to everyone who sent in submissions and/or boosted our initial post asking for suggestions! If you have a question about any of the prompts or about our fanweek in general, don't be afraid to reach out and send an ask, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Oct 25: Vampires / The last days of summer / Watching horror movies Oct 26: Witches / Costumes and dressing up / A surprising shop Oct 27: Werewolves / Visiting a farm / Things left abandoned Oct 28: Free day! Oct 29: Demons / Baking / Nightmares Oct 30: Ghosts / Leaf piles / Visiting a haunted house Oct 31: Mummies / Trick-or-treating / Halloween party
Any sort of fanwork is okay to fulfill these prompts: fan art, fanfiction, cosplay, anything! You do not have to participate every day, and also do not need to fulfill all three prompts; you can try to include all three if you want to, but we just wanted to provide multiple options for participants. Once we reach October 25th, just use the tag #dndads halloween week 2023 to show off your work, and we will share everything we can.
With all of that covered, good luck to everyone with their fan creations! Though this event doesn't properly start until October, keep an eye on the blog because we have plans for some fun stuff in the meanwhile. Once again, our asks are open for any questions, and thank you so much for your excitement so far!
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takusan-no-ai · 1 year
Sparring Match
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PAIRING: Freya x Male Reader, Kratos/Heimdall/Thor/Baldur x Female Reader (Romantic) (Separate)
SUMMARY: (Y/N), their crush, beats them in a sparring match.
Freya loves sparring with you since she sees it as a time to bond and help train each other. However, you always lose to her. You say it’s because she was the Valkyrie Queen, but she says it’s just bad luck.
Eventually you’ve had enough and plan out how to win against Freya by confessing your feelings to her. You even got help from her brother, Freyr, who gave you advice on how to be a “man worthy of Freya’s love” as he put it.
In your next sparring match, you used Freya’s mutual crush on you to your advantage. Flirting with her, playfully teasing her, making her lower her guard. All so that you can win against her and ask to be her boyfriend. Safe to say, Freya didn’t complain about losing to you.
If you instead win with pure strength, strategy, and willpower, Freya will be very impressed and congratulate you for your victory.
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Even if you’re on par with Kratos, he will still hold back. The Ghost of Sparta wouldn’t dare go full out against you. This doesn’t mean that he lets you win; he wants you to be able to protect yourself.
There are two ways you can win, and one of them is quite cruel. You could pretend to be hurt by one of Kratos’ punches. This will cause him to frantically look over you for any injuries, and it will be your moment to overpower him.
Another way is to seduce Kratos. You’re an attractive woman and Kratos is very much in love with you. If you play your cards right you could trick him in a nicer way to lowering his guard, effectively giving you a chance to win.
If you instead win without playing tricks Kratos will momentarily congratulate you and then suggest that he up the challenging combat.
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Heimdall is an obstacle not just anybody can overcome. He won’t go easy on anyone, not even you. The only difference is that he’ll humor you and won’t actively try to kill you.
No trick can work on Heimdall. If you have to think, then he’s already seen it coming. He won’t even give you the handicap of not reading your mind. You could try and seduce him, but it’s less likely to work since it won’t be a spur of the moment action; You’re a beautiful woman, but you’re also a scheming one, and he’s already prepared for that.
The only possible way you could defeat him is by going blank. Act purely on instinct, clear your mind, and let your body do the fighting on its own. Even better if you’re capable of fighting with your eyes closed.
If you beat Heimdall either with this strategy or just by fighting like you usually do he’ll congratulate you, but he’ll be a bit upset if you didn’t even do the mind blank strategy. It’ll cause him to think he’s losing his touch and convince him to train even harder.
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Thor is incredibly strong; He even posed a challenge for Kratos. There is no doubt that unless you’re incredibly strong yourself Thor will have to hold back against you.
He doesn’t really care for sparring, he’s always kind of just been strong. But he’d rather up his chances of you becoming his girlfriend by getting closer to you than losing you to someone else.
Thor doesn’t mind giving you as many handicaps as you want. The fact that you’re capable of at least holding your own up to him means you’re already able to protect yourself good enough.
If you do beat him he’d opt to celebrate with a fun outing, just you and him. He might also consider confessing afterwards; seeing you best him made Thor fall in love all over again.
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If Baldur hasn’t been cured of his curse then you’re going to have to “kill” him in order for it to count, since he can’t feel anything. This is the handicap he gives you, which he will boldly state is because he loves you.
And if Baldur has been cured then all you need to do is win in a normal spar against him. However, in both of these situations you’d have to be really strong to take him since Baldur doesn’t really know his own strength.
This doesn’t mean that he won’t try his hardest to hold back though. He’d even give you some minutes to get as many hits as you want in. As he puts it, “I don’t want my lady to struggle against me.”
In the event that you do defeat Baldur, wether it was with the handicaps or none at all, curse or not, he’d be very impressed since he’s still quite strong. He will once again confess his love for you and go on and on about how strong you are.
- Fin
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enm-enthusiast · 7 months
Halloween Spirit Stripping
I thought when they told me it was a haunted house party, that it was just a theme party in an abandoned old house in the neighborhood. I was proven oh so disastrously wrong when upon arriving, after hanging out with my friends in my business suit costume I started feeling strangely horny...
I couldn't quite explain why but I suddenly felt like tearing my best friend's clothes off and riding his cock until he came inside me. I had to get away and calm down so I excused myself from the group and found an empty old bedroom. I locked the door behind me and my strange and sudden horniness was passing, when suddenly the room got very cold.
Suddenly, I felt something tug on my left suit sleeve and I heard and felt a loud rip that tore open the sleeve! I couldn't believe my eyes, I was so stunned that I almost missed another tug at my other sleeve that ripped open as well. I was starting to feel really scared now, but that strange horny feeling returned and I could feel my cock starting to get hard in my pants.
I was starting to feel little tugs and pulls all over my body, distracting me so I couldn't prevent more rips and tears at my clothes. Before I knew it, my suit jacket was torn to shreds and my belt was undone, and next I swore I felt a presence akin to someone's face directly pressed against mine. I then felt invisible hands grab the front of my shirt and pulled, a loud ripping sound tore it open exposing my bare chest to cold.
I tried to pull up my pants when I noticed they were being ripped away from me, and my cock was fully hard inside my gray boxer briefs but I was too distracted by the invisible hands that kept trying to pry away my pants. It was all in vain as what was left of them fell to the floor, heat flooded my face as I felt something tap my bottom and turned around.
My suit jacket was in shreds at this point, and all that I had left was what remained of my shirt and my underwear. As I turned to try and face whatever had seemed to slap my ass those invisible hands reached at the back collar of my shirt and before I could react they pulled and ripped straight down, exposing my bare back.
They weren't done yet as I felt something tugging at the waistband of my underwear and before I knew it, I felt cold air around my bare ass cheeks, I turned to see who it was that was stripping me but again no one was there. It seemed this place truly was haunted, and tonight on Halloween they decided the trick was on me. I tried to save what was left of my underwear but all the invisible hands pried them away from me, leaving me completely naked! As my cock flopped around in the open I swore I felt one of those hands wrap around my shaft and softly stroke the organ.
I threw my head in the air and bit my lip to suppress my moan of pleasure. My cock quickly started to get hard again, but then just as swiftly as they came, the presences around me seemed to vanish, all except for one as I heard someone whisper in my ear:
"Good luck out there sexy, happy Halloween"...it said before giving my bare ass another slap, and then suddenly it was gone too, leaving me there, standing fully naked with a very obvious erection. I heard a knock at the door and heard my best friend asking if I was alright, and I looked down at myself and chuckled weakly as i thought to myself "it's going to be a long night...hopefully it will be a fun one at least".
The end.
Author's Note:
I hope you all enjoyed this short little story to go along with the photoshoot of me being 'stripped' by some naughty Halloween ghosts. Yes that is me in the photos, fully naked and exposed for you all to see 🙈
I hope you enjoyed seeing the author get a taste of his own medicine, and have a happy Halloween everyone!
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an-au-blog · 6 months
The glimpses we got of Jeff Ward in the opla blooper reel fill me with brain worms because now I am thinking about young Buggy not really being able to control his devil fruits ability for a while and Shanks doing his best to help him train. I can just see Buggy holding his own head between his legs before then faceplanting onto the floor and Shanks laughing his ass off, before offering to spot his friend doing more elaborate tricks like bouncing it from shoulder to shoulder so he can catch it before it hits the deck again when he messes up.
„ UGH! You’re supposed to CATCH me not bash my skull in!“ „Sorry.“ „God you suck. I only cant do this because you distract me so much.“ Shanks snorts and grins down at the upside down pouting clown head in his hands. „I don’t know. I just think you’re unlucky.“ „CAN IT.“ „Nah, you need all the luck you can get.“ With a swift motion Shanks raps his knuckles three times against Buggies forehead, to which his crewmate reacts with angry screams of pain and indignation „KNOCK ON WOOD!“ „FUCK YOU!!“ Buggys world twirls in a flash and for one second his body looses his balance just from the whiplash his head is experiencing. When he catches himself he’s upright and face to face with his insufferable Bunkmate who gives him a toothy grin. „Hm what else?“ „DONT“ „Fingers crossed.“ The clown let’s out yet another undignified squawk as Shanks crosses his fingers and mimes dropping him in the process for a second. Buggies body is now trying to grab at Shanks who’s easily sidestepping his friends strangling hands. „I’LL KILL-„ „Maybe it’s like one of those dice you have to blow on for good luck.“ Buggys world once again turns topsy turvy as the redhead flips him upside down once more, his chopped neck exposed upwards and any screams of protest die in his throat as he sees Shanks face getting closer to his neck just at the edge of his vision. Once again he feels thrown off balance, but not because of the sudden movement but because for a single second, he’s met with the faintest feeling of lips on his neck and a slight touch of air as Shanks exhales on the part that usually is connected to his own body. It’s almost unnoticeable and entirely too short to be on purpose, but Buggy still lets the almost kiss happen in shock and mentally thanks whatever sea deity he can think of that Shanks can’t see the look on his face right now. The room spins yet again and he moves his arm upwards almost like a reflex, his head colliding with his own wrist and rolling downwards from one shoulder to the other till it reaches the other wrist and with a flick of his elbow his head bounces off himself and reattaches itself to its neck. His mind clears mid and he realizes Shanks is cheering for him „LOOK AT YOURSELF! THAT WAS SO COOL!“ And all Buggy can do is turn away with faux annoyance and pretend his flush is from being overly embarrassed by his friends happy outburst and hope he doesn’t notice that his fingers keep ghosting over the part where his neck head usually detaches.
I cannot be more serious when I say that I have been thinking about this all day. This is so on point, like... I had a silly little smile on my face while reading this, it feels like it's ripped out of a fic I need more!
I really wanna add something but idk if I can?? it's just so perfect???
Though talking about holding bodily parts, I can imagine Shanks holding Buggy's hand for no reason, even if it's just detached. He'll just be out and about, minding his own business on the ship, and someone will ask him "Buggy, where's your other hand? Why're only with only one?"
To which he'll just make a grumpy face, which the other shipmates quickly learn mean that Shanks is just pocketing random parts for tun again. Bonus points for if he does it with also for fun, just Buggy waking up with one less leg and searching for it while Shanks giggles. Buggy would probably "beat him up" with his severed leg later, but it's too funny to him to not do it once in a while.
OH! Bonus bonus points for when they meet again and Shanks is one arm lighter than Buggy remembers, he accidentally sadly murmurs "You can't hold me like you used to..." under his breath. When Shanks asks him to repeat, he panics and goes "It's like karma from when you used to tease me" or something like that.
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amrass · 2 months
Fanfiction updates and excerpts 04.01.24
Guess who's back after 40 days of fast! I've tried to come up with an April's Fools joke, but nope, seems my brain is reeling from going from very little internet and then a lot of internet at once. I am currently knee deep in Fear & Hunger and Silent Hill walkthroughs, and am in a nice mood despite a tension headache.
Thank you to those who have supported my work in these weeks, it means a lot, especially during dopamine withdrawal 💙
Here is the list with the works I am focusing on in the coming month(s). So much Micah lol ... And blanket warning for NSFW.
Main works:
Colm/Micah, sugar daddy precanon AU, dark content. Currently at part 9, in Arc 2, soon to go over in arc 3. Ohh this SOB of a fic ... Not because it's hard to write, quite the contrary, it just grows and grows. I'm having fun with it though. Part 10 should be up this weekend :) It's going to be like 80% smut. Here is an except from it:
"Last round. Your fourth, yeah? Remember to keep it in."
"I can't," Micah said like an amateur ventriloquist, cum tricking out of his mouth.
"You wished me good luck," Colm said, faking disappointment. He dug his nails in where shaved skin ended and unshaven skin began.
Micah visibly steeled himself; he seemed to expect another harsh handjob. He ceased breathing when Colm bent down between his legs, face hovering above his poor, half-erect cock. 
"Tell me no," he said slowly, his grin opening, mouth filling with spit.
Micah could only stare.
The Damned and the Redeemed
A motorcycle gang AU set around 1990-2010, like in GTA 4: The Lost and the Damned, with the RDR2 main cast as bikers and their horses as smaller pets. While out riding, Arthur gets tasked with recovering Micah, who has been missing from the clubhouse for a few days. /// I am currently sulking because it's kind of hard to recreate Fast & Furious in text form, but about half of this is written.
"Easy, boy. Easy. It's just me," he said as he put his helmet down on, and carefully opened the door. "You remember me, don't you?"
About a third of the orange lamps inside the RV worked, but he saw the shadow of the Pitbull, the muscles breathing under thin black and white fur, like a miniature motorcycle no less vicious in its ability to break bones. The dog stood still, quieter than the police radio, sounding like ghosts due to the RV being far underground. If Arthur hadn't had experience with Baylock, spending time in the clubhouse kennel, he might've mauled him through the MC protection. 
"I'm just here to check up on Micah. Easy, easy," Arthur kept on repeating, keeping his voice friendly, moving into a crouch. He removed his glove and presented his hand.
Baylock did not move to sniff it.
Cata Doxa
Set in the same AU as TDatR, as a kind of epilogue. My attempt at a realistic, redeemed!Micah/Arthur. The motorcycle gang has disbanded, and Arthur and Micah live together in an old safehouse with a dog named the Duchess and a cat named Patrick (Bateman). Part 1-2 is filthy domestic Morbell smut, but ends on a bittersweet note. Part 3, which is unwritten, is hurt/comfort, and includes the cookies actually getting baked in a nonsexual sense, more Duchess & Patrick, and a talk on how it is like to grow older when one did not expect to survive. OLD MAN YAOI ALL THE WAY --
"You stirring?"
Arthur tried. There was something laughably pathetic about those small jerks of the wooden spoon against the wet dough and bowl. He laughed at himself, his shaking hands. "Shit," he said.
Micah pulled away, and the air was cold on Arthur's ass. Biting his lip to stifle a needy sound, he looked over his shoulder. Micah was still on his knees, looking up with a lewd grimace. "Shit? I sure hope not."
Arthur frowned, then did an intense eye roll. "Are you four years old?"
"Point blank range," Micah said, giggling, "But I guess," he drew out the words, savoring them, "I like to live dangerously …"
When Arthur rolled his eyes again, they stayed up, vanishing beneath his lids. The mouth had returned with a vengeance, thumb fucking into him while Micah licked around it. It slid deeper, and Arthur nearly dropped the bowl.
Same universe as TDatR, but is standalone, and far darker. NONCON & VIOLENCE. Four parts, O'Driscoll Gang/Micah, Colm's brother/Micah, Colm/Micah. Includes foursome, duct tape, spider gags, drugs, vibrators, gang rape, forced feminization, circle jerk, bukkake, boot worship, overstimulation, watersports, mindfuck ...
Micah is caught when robbing a O'Driscoll Gang hideout, disguised as a derelict gas station. What follows is six hours of horror, varying in intensity and depravity. He tries to manipulate the power structures within the gang in order to survive - when he's not screaming, that is.
Micah reached for his guns, only to be pulled backwards until he was flat. Leather fingertips dug into the hair roots and the swollen flesh beneath as more men swarmed him. They held his arms and legs down using thick gloves and thicker boots, applying pressure until he stilled. He swore his bones creaked under their combined weight. He looked up like he was stargazing among neat hills, and not in a ditch surrounded by helmets and with the stars hidden by city smog. 
"Let me," said a second voice from above him, and another face came into view, so pretty it was near angelic, covered in a halo of reddish blonde corkscrew curls. Upside down, he looked to be smiling, friendly if not for the baseball bat hovering between them, covered in rusty nails. "Let me kill the little thief."
"Not yet. Bosses are near. Wanted to have a look."
And that's what I'm focusing on! But other fics might appear sporadically, like my Morbell fic Anhedonia did.
Hope everyone is having an alright Easter, if they celebrate, or otherwise just having a good time :)
Of all the seasons I dislike spring the most, so sending some extra love to those going through a tough time, April and May can be cruel.
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samwinchestersbf · 1 year
{ The Ghost of Beacon }
Chapter 1. "Do you really believe in ghosts?"
A RWBY x reader
warnings: small language, maybe ooc?
small authors note: I just created this idea on a whim, I am open to criticism. The gender neutral reader will be using they/them so anyone is welcomed to read. I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors in advance, I also have a small concept on how tumblr works beware! Please enjoy :) More chapters to come. (This takes place along with the original storyline with a few tweaks. I might toss in some romance when the time comes but who knows.)
Short Summary: The ghost of Beacon was thought to be a legend however with the recent spikes of activity, the school has grown unsure. The students with no idea of the story behind it all have determination to find out...
Reblogs are appreciated!!<3
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At first it was...difficult to come to terms with your death in the first couple of years. It's not like anyone noticed anyways, with all the speculation and lies.
Your days passed by very quick to say the least, you grew bored of it all. You craved to have fun if you were going to be a ghost trapped forever, right? Especially with new fresh students coming in.
Now here you were, amongst them all without their knowledge. These new students definitely piqued your interest, as did the last ones but there was something about them. You couldn't put your finger on it, perhaps it was just their behavior so you brushed it off.
You were too stuck in your thoughts to hear the headmaster's speech, along with his colleague. "Are there any questions?" He asked smoothly before taking another sip from his mug.
"Yeah...uhm sir?" You turned your attention to the timid blonde boy before he was cut off. "Good! Now take your positions." You let out a simple laugh and observed the group of teens ready themselves, the boy not aware of what was about to happen. "Uh sir...I've got a question" He still raised his hand.
Students were being flung into the air and he was still on rambling with his question as Professor Ozpin answered calmly. You walked over to him, "Good luck" You whispered into his ear before he was being launched at full force.
"My bets are on the energetic redhead" You tried to joke before realizing again no one can hear your remarks. You watched the collective group in the air, giggling a bit to yourself.
Professor Oz and Glynda pulling out their scrolls to watch on the surveillance system. "Hey! Let me get a peek" You tried to watch over Glynda's shoulder, she let out a little shiver. "Sorry, just let me see real quick" You attempted to take it before the tablet swung out of her grasp, her eyes widening.
You were able to see the students landing strategies before she scoffed, picking up the tablet from the ground. "Slippery fingers I see." Ozpin let out his own remark. "Oh shush, I don't even know how that happened." Her tone a little irritated. She walked off to go somewhere more private to observe.
You were a little shocked to say the least from your power. You didn't know you could do that? You decided to try again on the headmaster, you swatted at his mug, yet nothing happened. "Maybe if I- aha!" You hit the mug as he was about to take a sip, a majority of the drink spilling on him, before the mug took a tumble to the ground.
Glynda looked over her shoulder as she was walking away, "Now you've got slippery fingers" She mocked him, he seemed amused with his furrowed eyebrows. He glanced down at the mess, "Ignore that please." You bursted out in a laughing fit, feeling satisfied you now have the power over objects.
You recovered from your prank, thinking about it more now. If you were a stereotypical ghost, you could do much more than that. You could possibly try light tricks or even talking to someone finally. You yearned for conversation, sure you loved to be alone but you wished deep down for someone to hear your opinions and jokes.
You just wanted someone to know you were there, you wanted to be noticed.
You stood there, ruminating to yourself. It's not like Ozpin could see you, if anything he thought he was alone.
Soon enough Glynda spoke up again after quite some time, walking up to him. "Our last pair has been formed sir," She continued on swiping the scroll to a different perspective. "Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren...poor boy, I can't possibly imagine those two getting along." You peered over her shoulder watching Nora be quite silly.
"They seem alright to me." You muttered, Glynda turned to Ozpin. "What did you say?" He looked up from his scroll, a look of confusion on his face. "I didn't say anything." He cocked an eyebrow before Glynda returned back to watching with a small eye roll following. So you could talk to people, if you really tried of course.
"But still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos." Ozpin replied with a small hum. "I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat."
You wondered for a bit, it was possible to forge your way into any academy. You've seen it happen before besides no school is perfect.
Glynda put away her scroll, "I guess we'll find out soon enough" which in this case meant they were going to be finishing soon, you did want to test tricks on the new students. It'll maybe finally give you your own entertainment instead of listening and watching.
The collected woman walked off yet again, "At their current pace they should reach the temple just in a few minutes." She turned a little, she was truly a professional woman. As if you always knew that's who she's always been.
"Speaking of which; what did you use as relics this year?" She turned her full attention to him and called out his name again. He seemed too focused on his scroll, watching the kids from earlier have an argument. You believe he heard her because all he let out was another responsive hum.
He always did this, his little hums. Anyone was lucky if they had a full conversation with him.
All of a sudden you started to feel an intense pain in your stomach and throat, if ghosts could even feel a phantom kind of pain. You fell to your knees, trying to scream for help except not a single word came out. You coughed into your hand, pulling away to see your transparent hand stained with blood.
Get up. Get up. Get up
You blacked out and went dormant before waking up in a new scenery. You were in the academy now? You were still on the ground and quickly returning on your feet. An overwhelming confusion as you finally calmed down, realizing the pain beforehand was completely gone.
You woke up in that secluded spot you would go to clear your mind, a special place to your heart. It was dark outside and you could hear a faint commotion of people down the corridor.
You walked down there, walking through the door as you saw a sea of people surrounding the stage with four new students and Professor Ozpin. Everything must be over now, he's giving the new teams publicly.
"Oh shit, I missed all the fun." You sighed in defeat, still trying to figure out how that could've happened. You listened to Ozpin, making your way through the people to hop on stage.
"Looks like things are shaping out to be an...interesting year" He turned around, walking right through you. "Ow! You know that hurts right?" You hissed holding your stomach but he didn't notice.
He entered off stage as the girls and crowd cheered. You were obviously quick to follow right behind him.
He exited the room, Glynda waiting outside for him to talk to him. "I want to talk about what happened earlier today." He stopped in his tracks, and looked down at her. "Earlier?" He questioned before she took a breath in, "Earlier today, what happened wasn't ordinary. Stuff just doesn't come flying out of our hands and there wasn't any wind if I recall."
He raised an eyebrow before clicking his tounge to speak. "Yes that was quite odd but-" he was going to dismiss it all before a couple of students came to talk to him, surrounding him and Glynda. He politely answered some of their questions.
You saw the new team RWBY come out of the room, they seem to be having fun so you decided to follow them. They were chatting and walking to their brand new dorm.
After a while they finally made it there and you decided it was time to do what you originally wanted to do. Everyone was about to head to bed anyways so it was perfect for you.
The students said their goodnights to each other and were fast to fall asleep, now was the time to strike.
You went to team JNPR's dorm, knocking on their door and frantically shaking the door handle. "I'm coming..." Jaune's tired voice croaked before opening the door to absolutely nothing.
"Oh?" He looked down the halls with no sign of people whatsoever.
You decided to do it again every random hour of the night and you would follow him all day tomorrow to torment him.
The next morning he came off as very tired, explaining what happened and how no one has that much dedication to a joke like that. He believed it was a ghost, he was practically accusing you without knowing your name.
"Jaune cmon, maybe you were just restless all night from homesickness" Nora commented, she definitely had a heavy sleep effortlessly. Her friend Lie Ren was meditating on his bed.
He snapped his eyes open and whipped his head, drawing his teammates attention. He glared down where you were standing specifically, he must be able to tell you're there. He stopped before realizing he couldn't see you and apologized to them, "I thought I could sense something.."
Nora tilted her head and questioned the situation to the two boys "Do you really believe in ghosts?"
Jaune nodded desperately, "If it wasn't a ghost then it was most likely a student" Pyrrha suggested. "No it wasn't, I would've caught them!" Jaune rubbed his eyes, you did feel a little sorry.
"Then you should talk to Professor Ozpin about it later today" Ren replied, he was back to his calm meditation. The rest of the team agreed before you all heard team RWBY speeding out of their dormitory.
The four kids peeked out, falling onto the ground and catching up with the other team.
Hopefully this year would be interesting.
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alainapaloosa2 · 8 months
Okay, Glorbieween prompts are done!
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So, this is kind of the basic *insert word*-tober prompt list of Halloween and fall things, but for Glorbie! Made of various 1-2 word prompts that I thought either fit the theme or would be fun for the two of them! A lot of the prompts are more specific while the other are up to interpretation, so go feral!
Obviously, you don’t have to participate everyday and can pick and choose, unless you actually want to do them all (props to you). Any kind of media is good too! Art, fics, etc!
Also, if you’re gonna participate, tag your posts #glorbieween23 if you want so they’ll all be together. You can add it to the Ao3 collection as well!
Good luck and have fun!!! <3
Prompt list in written form:
Pumpkin Patch
Fall Hike
Halloween Movie
Carving Pumpkins
Black Cat
Apple Picking
Haunted House
Hot Chocolate
Scary Movie
Corn Maze
Trick or Treat
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bunnyai · 12 days
do you have any favorite horror movies? in general i mean
i'm. picky about horror i watch. quite possibly a bunch of it is cult classics, indie films, or just really obscure things i don't really think people have seen
for example, outside of like. the child's play movies and the latest scream movies, i don't particularly care for any horror mainstays like jason, freddy, leatherface, ect ect. they're just not interesting to me
i have Varrying different favorites depending on catagory because i am a freak
favorite anthology;
trick r treat. this has been MY MOVIE since i saw it back when i was a kid. sam is my son boy allowed and i am one sidedly fighting his va for who has the most sam merch (don't ask me about the supposed sequel that's been announced for over a decade i hate the director)
runners up;
the v/h/s series and the abcs of death movies. v/h/s is fun and i LOVE the later instalments (especially 98 and 99) but the first 3 were kinda weak?? and god i hated the first ones wrap around story arc. abcs of death are honestly just really fun!! love seeing all the different ways people can interpret their word they got and can get silly with it (SHOUT OUT TO W FROM THE FIRST ONE AND P FROM THE SECOND I LOVE THE SILLY SHORTS SM)
favorite found footage:
paranaormal activity. i'm normal about it (is not) pa1 changed my brain chemistry idk what else you want me to tell u kjnKJD. i however am very insistant on watching it IN THE CORRECT ORDER, which means i more often then not have to watch it alone. don't ask me about "next of kin" i hate it it's bad it's worst then ghost dimension. pagd actually stayed on story and gave us closure and a finale!! nok just feels. like they said "oh pa is just about recording a demon obsessed with a woman" NO IT'S NOT YOU BOZOS I'M HOLDING YOU HOSTAGE TO WATCH THE MOVIES AGAIN
runners up;
quarentine. let it be known i AM AWARE this is a remake of rec, i just ended up seeing quarentine first and havent had the time to see the rec movies. i definately want to though, quarentine was a fun zombie movie
favorite mockumentary:
ABSOLUTE TIE BETWEEN SAVAGELAND AND THE RISE OF LESLIE VARNOM. savageland is just Really solid and i love the inclusion of the photos and the 3d map and everything OOOOO I LOVE IT!! behind the mask is a favorite for another reason and that is leslie varnom my little freak. i know he's a serial killer but he's so SILLY! i'm putting him in a bug cage to study him as we speak thank you. a bit upset they took away the found footage bit near the end but that ending has me holding out my wallet ready to fund a sequel movie <3
runner up;
the tunnel! it's only a runner up cause i just recently watched it, i know in my HEART if i had watched it longer ago it would've been a top favorite
favorite foreign horror:
i'm grabbing gonjiam haunted asylum LIKE A SQUEAKY TOY. it's basically a korean grave encounters but the difference here is that it's good /lh
runner up:
ONE MISSED CALL. i originally watched the eng remake with my dad but gave the original japanese version a go after finding out it exists and OOHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHH!!!!!! /pos literally the only reason it's not my favorite is because my father (derogatory) set the ringtone from the movie as HIS ringtone. any time his phone went off he would look at us all worried like "that's not my ringtone..." my dad's a jackass
and because i'm on a roll legally i can say anything by eli roth fucking SUCKS. granted this man is a zionist so he fucking sucks in the moral department, not to mention his movie "green inferno" is his adaption of "cannibal halocaust" but like. his movies are just. so Mean, and for no good reason either. i dunno man i watched hostel too young so anything with his name attached gives me bad vibes
anyways i'm sorry for rambling you unleashed the autism curse urself good luck
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Snarry Recs: 2022 Fest Fics
So much good content comes out of fests, and I really do have so much love for the Snarry fests out there! Really doing the work to spread the Snarry agenda, and we have to love and respect it. Plus...how can a gal say no to more Snarry content?? She can't.
I chose 3 from each fest to keep it even and fair, and also to keep it from getting out of hand. But I do recommend checking out the other fics from each fest if you find yourself wanting more! So many excellent fics were posted this year! Please feel free to binge-read them all. (But start with my list because I have most excellent taste 😉) (Also because I really love these fics and need people to love them with me!!!! 😍)
Snarry Adopt-a-Prompt
Certain Dark Things
by LilaDiurne (@liladiurne.) Rated E. 50k. AU. Slytherin!Harry. 1st person POV. Pining. Seduction. Manipulation. Brief Harry/other. Gorgeous, gorgeous work.
In which Severus takes a trip to Italy, thinking he'll have a quiet time at the Malfoys' villa, but Harry has other plans.
Written for prompt #182: AU. Harry never lived with the Dursleys. He was adopted by the reformed Malfoys as an infant. He is secretly in love with his adopted father's best friend, Severus Snape.
Ghosts of Christmas
by PinaNaponi (@vulnerasanenturmyprince.) Rated E. 45k. Fluff & smut. Hurt/comfort. Found family. Mental health issues. Probably my favorite Nina fic. Really heartwarming and lovely but tinged with sadness and bits of angst.
Prompt #53: Harry visits a recuperating Severus at Spinner’s End at Christmas and ends up learning quite a lot from Eileen, who has been taking care of him.
A story about recovery, ghosts of the past and forgiveness.
Before the Police Were Told
by salazarinadress. Rated E. 24k. Muggle AU. Crime. Witness protection. Homophobia. Angst.
Severus is tired. He doesn’t want to work for Tom, and he doesn't want to be a Death Eater, either. The only thing he wants is for his decades-long ordeal to be over... so it’s just his luck that when the Aurora taskforce asks him to testify and put Tom away forever, it’s for the one crime he can never speak of. The crime that has haunted him for thirty five years.
A fic about Severus; the choices he made, and the ones he never had. About redemption, and deservedness. Also about kissin’.
The Potter Phenomenon
by ines_iz. Rated E. 31k. Romance. Homophobia. Coming out. Idiots in love. Coworkers to lovers. Pining. Angst, with a happy ending.
When Harry Potter, queer star of the Wizarding World, returns to Hogwarts as the new Defence professor, Severus Snape is not happy. In fact, he is positively outraged. Not only does Severus have to endure the man's obnoxious behaviour (not to mention his ridiculous sense of fashion), but he also ends up being dragged into Potter's attention-seeking plans — and, ultimately, is forced to face a few demons of his own. Or: Harry Potter Goes Gay (and the entirety of Hogwarts Goes Gay with him)
A Trick of the Mind
by PinaNaponi. Rated E. 40k. UST. Pining. Legilimency. Enemies to lovers.
Ever since the horcrux in his head is gone, Legilimency comes easy to Harry. It’s nearly laughable how easy it is, considering how much he used to struggle with it back in his fifth year. But he reckons half of that had been Snape’s fault anyway. Who on earth would enjoy the nasty git invading their mind?
But as life as Harry has known it changes, Harry’s opinion on the matter changes with it ― rather drastically so if he’s being perfectly honest.
With Aloha
by silvereye5 (@silvereye5.) Rated E. 26k. Fluff. Hawaii. Fun!
Severus and Harry are booked on the same gay singles cruise.
Snarry AUctober Fest
by avioleta (@avioleta.) Rated E. 16k. Postwar. Domestic fluff. Developing relationship. Naked swimming!!!! Sweet & sexy.
The night of the Battle of Hogwarts, Severus Snape disappears and is presumed dead. One day, however, Harry Potter finds him in Italy and...stays.
When Dreams Come True
by maraudersaffair (@maraudersaffair.) Rated E. 10k. Pining. Secret crush. Injury. Bondage. Light d/s. Hurt/comfort. Fun & sweet!
Harry is a world famous Quidditch star and Severus is his biggest fan (in secret). He is also desperate for Harry to dominate him.
The Boy
by themoonandstars1989. Rated E. 2k. Dead dove. Underage. Non-con. Somnophilia. Curses. Imprisonment. Dark Snape. Dark fairytale vibes. Bad dirty wrong!
The boy had grown beautiful — alabaster skin and dark red lips. Snow White personified, waiting for a prince's kiss to wake him up. 
Or was it Sleeping Beauty?
Severus paid no mind to his mum's ramblings. He did not waste his childhood on fairy tales and wishes.
Maybe he should have.
Secret Snarry Swap
by BlueSundayCake (@bluesundaycake.) Rated E. 11k. Drug use. Murder. Minor character death. Trafficking. Morally gray Harry. Angst. Sad start, hopeful ending. Gritty and real and I loved it so much.
After Harry takes on a strange case, everything begins to fall apart. Nothing makes sense, and he only has one person he can trust. Unless—? In which Harry doesn't cope very well with life after the war and keeps slipping.
Spy Glass
by suitesamba (@suitesamba.) Rated E. 18k. Seeker Harry. Spy Severus. Voyeurism. Hilarity. (Genuinely, so so funny, oh my god, I love it so much.)
England wants to insure star Seeker Harry Potter and his fabulous broom. Enter Severus Snape, wizarding investigator extraordinaire, ready to calculate risk and assess value. Tailing Harry Potter turns out to be the job of his dreams, though he wishes it could be done without the disguise. A tale of a man’s obsession, another man’s obsession, and a heartwarming ending where everyone ultimately gets what they want – or what they need.
Friends of Dorothy
by Writcraft (@writcraft.) Rated E. 22k. Bi!Harry. Self-discovery. Fun OCs. Magical creatures. Really enjoyable and happy story.
When Harry Potter sees Severus Snape on a date with another wizard it sets him on a journey of self-discovery that leads to the Friends of Dorothy Detective Agency and a Niffler called Toto.
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sidhewrites · 5 months
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21! Who even knows! but we're having fun! Also i forgot to establish that only kaz can read the fancy spell book so just kind of accept it for now.
Project Info
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[Action and rising tension. Make the next scene shorter]
From our hiding place, Josie opens the book, and turns it towards me. "You're the one who bled on it, so you get to read it. What does it say?"
"I don't know -- I can't--" I fumble, looking everywhere but the book.
"You have to," Josie insists.
"You can do it," Lucy says gently. She reaches out, putting a hand near my shoulder. Not close enough to touch, but enough that I feel a certain coolness prickling on my skin. My heart flutters, and I'm grateful she doesn't say the quiet part out loud. Because if I can't do this, the entire town is doomed to be sucked off into the afterlife to be tormented by ghosts for the rest of eternity.
I swallow hard, squeezing my eyes shut, and let out a long, steadying breath. When I open them again, the page is exactly the same as before, but I understand the symbols on it now, as easily as if it were written in English. Ending the visitation of unwelcome Guests, it reads, which, I suppose, is the polite way of putting it.
I read aloud, desperate for Josie to understand the directions better than I do. Lucy's presence is a reassuring balm, keeping me as focused as I ever could be under potential-apocalypse-induced stress. And I think I do pretty well, since Josie's face goes from fear to confusion to bemused acceptance as I read. Once I'm done, I turn to her and say, "What's the SparkNotes version, teach?"
"We need to create a cage," she says. "Something made of this world to trick him into thinking we've given him a new bodily host, one stronger than the skeleton he's haunting now."
"Cool," I say, and then say it a few more times for good luck. "So the locks of hair or pieces of ourselves? Just -- you know, making sure I understand."
"That's to create the body."
"Cool," I say again, because I am a font of eloquence in even the most trying of times. "So what goes into a body?"
"Uh...The spell didn't clarify. Usually, though, it's kind of just..." She mimes cutting her hand open.
"If you say blood sacrifice out loud I'm going to go join the ghosts."
"It's just that it's the most powerful! You know, the blood is the life and all that. It contains an intrinsic piece of you."
"Don't use my love of Bram Stoker's Dracula against me." I hug Renfield closer. He's still unconcious, but his breathing is even, and getting stronger by the minute. If she even thinks of getting close to him with a knife, I'll -- okay, I won't kill her, but I'd do something drastic.
"We could do other things. Saliva, a personal valuable, a hair clipping."
"That one. We do that one."
Josie sighs, but ultimately agrees. "Okay. A lock of hair from all of us with a physical body.
"Aw, no witchcraft for Lucy," I say, and pull the multi-tool out of my pocket and pulling out the tiny scissors while Josie looks around for something to use. She settles on a nearby metal urn meant to hold flowers, long-since rusted over and dented. "How much hair do we need?" [Establish a bit earlier in the story kaz always has a multi-tool on her in one of her pockets, and also that she wears cargo shorts. ]
Josie shakes her head, expression tight. "Some. I don't know." I wonder if this is the first time she's ever done real witchcraft like this. I know she's done chaos magic in the past -- rituals coupled with intent that help you with things you're already doing, like study for a test or get the job she wants. But I have a feeling this is more than even she ever imagined doing.
Rather than sitting around in discomfort, I let Renfield go just long enough to cut off a three-inch-long piece of my hair, faded pink and sad-looking. My side-shave is growing in unevenly as well, but I don't know if I've ever cared less about my hair than right now.
Josie takes it from me, and places it carefully in the urn. I snip off a bit of Renfield's fur as well, and do the same. Then I hand the tool over to Josie, who adds her own hair to the urn. She pauses, looks at me, and doesn't even give me a chance to say please no before switching the scissors for the multi-tool's tiny knife and drawing it along her hand, just enough to draw a bit of blood. She hisses, but holds her hand out, letting a few drops fall into the urn before flexing her fingers and handing the tool back to me.
"Thank you for the biohazard," I say, stashing it in my pocket.
"I'm sorry."
I pause, fighting every urge to be sarcastic at her about apologizing, and nod at the spell book. "What's next?"
"We have to perform an invocation. A chant," she adds, glancing at me pointedly. I don't like that she knows I don't know the meaning of the word invocation, but whatever. "I'll write it down. Kaz, can you read it again?"
As I reread the magic words (invocation, ugh), Josie transcribes it into her notes app, much to Lucy's fascination. She leans over Josie's shoulder, watching Josie's hands fly across a digital keyboard, barely holding in her questions about how the touch-screen works.
"Okay. We have to say it together," Josie says. "Power of three. Just trust me."
I do. We both do. Josie puts one hand over her heart, and the other on the urn. Our chanting is uncertain and unsteady, and we have to pause when Josie's phone times out and goes dark.
She fumbles with the settings so it won't do that again, and we start over. It's clumsy, and I feel like this would work better if we were speaking in perfect unison, but Josie had always told me magic was as much about intent as it was the ritual itself. I don't know how this works, and I have to fight to stay focused on reading the words, rather than whether or not my intentions are strong enough or whatever. I picture a psychic beam of make this work at the urn.
After long enough, it works. A faint blue light spreads out from our hands, lighting up the old rusted metal until it glows.
I stop chanting for a second, looking around to cheer on our success, but Lucy and Josie keep going, shooting glances my way. I fumble and rejoin them, going over the last few lines and desperately hoping that I didn't fuck up everything. But the glowing doesn't fade, and we finish more or less confidently.
"Okay," Jose says. "Let's go get this guy." But when she glances up, any hint of confidence fades. "Well. Um. Hm."
Lucy and I follow her gaze, though we don't have to look up very far. Our work has attracted the attention of other ghosts around the cemetery -- half-formed specters, shapeless auras. The dead stand around us in a circle. And above us, the sky has turned a sickly green, reflecting off the clouds and giving the world an evil look.
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