#he’s laugh in my face tbh
parkersbliss · 1 year
I would die for kaz brekker and he would gladly let me
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cj-kenobi · 11 months
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a wild otter-wan has appeared!
do you:
- fight! - give him a little pat!
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judgement-rizzy · 2 months
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Come to Badonkadonko Island! There's cake!
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hakusins · 2 months
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great hawk the adorable the terror doodles!
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ohitslen · 1 year
This is incredibly important to me actually
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futurewife · 8 months
one thing about me I love a guy with CHOMPERS
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void-botanist · 2 months
Thade Adventures: Parkour
OCs: Thade Orech-Pabat, Caladea Ores-Pabat, and Pirianus Orech-Pabat
Words: 500
Content warnings: heights, getting kinda made fun of in front of your crush
Taglist: @vacantgodling
“Do you think it’s possible to parkour all the way down to the ground floor from here?” Thade said, leaning against the railing at the edge of the open space that cut all the way down to said ground floor.
“Maybe,” Caladea said, barely looking up from her phone.
He grinned.  “You think I should try?”
She looked up for real.  “No, you can’t parkour.”
“I can totally parkour,” he said, pushing himself up on his arms so that his hips rested against the top of the railing.  He brought one sandaled foot up between his hands—he wasn’t going to go further than crouching on the rail, because he couldn’t parkour, but his foot slipped out from under him and his arms betrayed him and he found himself bent double over the railing, clinging to the slats, his feet barely skimming the carpet.  The fourth floor suddenly looked very high up.  
“Okay, I take it back,” he said.  “Can you help me?”  If he’d been with anyone but Caladea, they probably would have left him there to think about his actions for a while, but she came over right away to haul him back up by his pants waistband.  Which would have worked if he hadn’t chosen this moment to be wearing sweatpants.  Instead of helping, she just pulled down his pants, and he suspected also his boxer briefs.
“Oh no, I’m sorry,” she said like it was an accident, but she was also giggling.  
“Callie, you better not be filming this.”
“I’m not.”  Giggle giggle.  She must be, because she certainly wasn’t helping him.  He kicked his legs a little bit and felt a cold rush of fear as he shifted forward on the rail.  Well, this was fine.  He could just work his way back up the slats with his hands, and he would eventually slide back onto the floor.  It wouldn’t be easy, but it would be faster.  He’d hardly started when he felt familiar rough-edged hands on his hips and he was ungraciously pulled back upright.  As his blood stopped pooling in his head, he beheld Pirianus standing there, frowning as always.  That is, until Caladea showed him something on her phone, and he cracked a tiny blue-edged smile.
“Thanks,” Thade said with zero gratitude, pulling up his stupid sweatpants.  Before he could escape these two chucklefucks, though, Caladea turned her phone on him, and he was met with a photo of himself stranded over the rail, his panicked face looking through the slats, and his hairy asscrack surrounded by ironic hearts and sparkles.  Across the top was the word PARKOUR flanked with party poppers and flames.
“Great, thank you,” he said with a fake smile.  It should have been funny.  He should have been laughing—he could take a joke at his expense any day of the week—but instead he felt his cheeks burning.  “I’ll get that put on my calling cards.”  
He didn’t look at her or Pirianus as he walked away.
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idk i just don’t trust ppl who say “billy is a racist abusive piece of shit” but then turn around and reblog jason content like. okay if u have that opinion that’s your prerogative but it’s MY prerogative to point out that it’s weird af to feel that way abt billy and NOT abt jason
#d speaks#st#billy hargrove#jason carver#like if u hate billy that is your prerogative esp as a black person. that said#these are white ppl i’m seeing who’re like billy is so racist!!!! btw here’s my blorbo jason#it’s just like ??????? does not compute#like if we’re comparing things that got said in canon. saying ‘there are types of ppl u stay away from and that boy is one of them’ and#saying to a black kids face ‘i thought u were one of the good ones’ like. those are. very on par with one another#like there are 4 characters on this show who made racist comments: troy. mike. billy. jason.#as far as i remember at least those are the Big Ones#and while i understand not liking billy and having his racism be one of your driving reasons behind that#i do NOT understand turning around and liking jason?????#mike okay! yes he was fully microaggressive to lucas but yeah he’s a protagonist#and the show does a lot to try and make u like him. he was younger than billy & jason and they also played that moment off for laughs so#like i get if you can sit there and be like i have no reason to dislike mike wheeler for his racism#troy tbh just doesn’t get any talk in the fandom so idk how ppl feel about him. he IS the only one to fully use a slur but#he’s also 13 and i’ve seen many ppl in the fandom who define morality based on this middle schoolers are learning high schoolers should have#already learned and should be better narrative so i wouldn’t be surprised if i saw ppl defending troy#but billy and jason are. very on par with one another in terms of the micro aggressions they committed and the level of antagonism#so i am just very thrown by seeing ppl hating one and praising the other like#it’s almost like they…… don’t actually care about racism and are in fact nowhere near as anti racist as they believe themselves to be#and instead just use the term ‘racist’ as a trump card to try and win arguments abt characters they don’t like without ever actually#putting any critical thought into this show and the way racism is intertwined into every aspect of it#because surprise!!!! it was written by blatant racists lmfao#fandom wank#i suppose lmao. wank in the tags at least#also to clarify. i think both billy AND jason are compelling and interesting multifaceted characters#they’re both good antagonists and they both present very good looks at The Type Of White Boy You Meet In Small Towns#stranger things
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rintoki · 10 months
SIX SIX SIX FORBIDDEN ANGSTY ROMANCE WITH KAVEH?! Inspired from the song shameless by camilla cabello. Reader and kaveh are spies from opposing agencies and they encounter each other at a party (for one of the missions) inside a huge hotel.
When they both reach a VIP room to get their mission done, the owner of the room comes in and so they have to hide in a secret corner. Bodies touching, eyes searching for each other in the light sneaking in and breaths competing in speed.
All their previous encounters, rough words, soft touches and whispering conversations along their gazes come back like a bitter memory to them. They want to touch each other. Melt into one and fuck this forsaken life. But they cant. Their hands are just wandering over one another, fearing to touch another yet burning inside because of the intensity. So their glazed eyes try to satisfy what their heart and bodies cannot.
Anyways hows your day?🤩🤩
ok this took me a while to answer bc i was thinking about how i feel about this LMAO
mmm despite being on opposing agencies you two are on amicable terms, in fact you quite enjoy his company. and of course because your bosses hate each other, they would send their best to try to secure this highly classified and lucrative mission away from their rival.
and so all dolled up you get, in your best dress as you make your way into the ballroom, an intricately designed mask on your face as you scan the crowd for your target. but instead of the objective your eyes land on a familiar figure, one whose eyes are already looking at you.
despite the sea of people between you two and the mask covering half your face, you still managed to find each other. and maybe you could blame his brilliant red eyes for being hard to miss, but you have no excuse for how your legs start to walk towards him, nor the smile that graces your lips at the thought of meeting him once again.
kaveh can’t lie and say that he didn’t first think about possibly crossing paths with you again when he received this mission. knowing the importance his boss placed on it, it was obvious that part of the reason why was because his rival agency—your agency—would be competing for it as well. would it be unprofessional of him to be excited for a mission just because he might run into you? kaveh doesn’t spare it a second thought as he makes his way into the party, he himself dressed to the nines as per the dress code. though that isn’t the only reason he’s put in the extra effort to look nice.
his breath catches when he finally spots you, even with the mask on he knows it’s you. from the way you walked to your dazzling smile, kaveh feels his heartbeat quicken as you approached him, his own two feet taking him to you and meeting you halfway.
pleasantries and smiles exchanged as you spoke, keeping a comfortable distance between each other despite the small tug in your heart to take another step, lean a little closer. but you easily quash such thoughts, your mission still in mind as you spot your target out of your periphery.
with sharp eyes, you observed your target, disappearing behind a door with a lady on his arm. it doesn’t take much to piece together that they are looking for a more private spot, and if you were to get close you needed to blend in. a plan quickly formulates in your mind, your eyes shifting back to the man in front of you.
it doesn’t even take a second for kaveh to catch on, spotting the target of the mission and putting two and two together. in his mind he knows what you’re doing, he knows that as you take a step forward, closing the distance between you two, and your eyes softens and your body language takes on a more flirtatious undertone. he knows you’re just putting on a show, in a party full of masked people, it’s not uncommon for two people to meet and follow each other behind closed doors.
and so he lets it happen; he lets you lead him by his hands, your smile pulling him in and soon you find yourselves in a hallway right behind the same door the target has entered. just as quickly your body language changes again, now more professional and serious. although kaveh knows this mission is just as important to his agency as it is to yours, right now he just can’t find it in himself to care about it all. he’ll gladly let you take it, and face the consequences later.
he watches as you navigate your way in the unknown space, trailing behind you while still maintaining a keen eye of his surroundings—a skill that was drilled into him since his early days on the job. the hallway leads down several doors and prior reconnaissance of the building telling you which doors lead to what. if your target is as high-ranking as you were told, an intelligent guess leads you down the hallway, deeper into the building.
the further you go the less doors there are, now just a long continuous hallway turning into a corner. the carpeted floor helps to silence your steps, but in turn muffles the steps of waiter you can’t see just around the bend, exiting the room after serving an important guest that you can only assume to be your target.
with no where to hide in the empty hallway, getting caught sneaking around where you aren’t supposed to be would be detrimental to the mission. the server’s trolley was already turning the corner and you needed to do something now, something that no one would question what two people in a secluded hallway are doing. you’re quick to think your feet, an apologetic look in your eyes when you turn to kaveh before pushing him gently but as quickly as you can against the wall.
without a word you kissed him, hands finding its way to his cheeks as soft lips pressed against each other, albeit a little rough and messy. kaveh doesn’t need a word; his hands wrapping around your waist and he pulls you close, easily keeping up with you as the server lets out a shocked gasp when he finally turns the corner. you hear a flurry of sounds as the poor worker scurries past you two making out against the wall, apologising profusely with his head down.
out of the corner of your eye, you make sure the server was gone before pulling away, taking a generous step away as you compose yourself. not the most graceful kiss but you needed it to look believable. you bowed your head a little, muttering a stiff apology before continuing on your way, as if it was all in a day’s work.
kaveh doesn’t say a word, his eyes merely following your figure as you walked away. the wall behind him was cool in contrast to how hot his body felt, supporting him in such a crucial moment where he felt his legs turn to jelly with you so close to him, invading his senses so suddenly. no amount of providence could have possibly prepared him for how good it felt to have you close, how your body felt pressed against his. how right it was.
and he can’t say it doesn’t sting when you march on forward, seemingly unaffected with only the mission in mind while he was left reeling, a little out of breath and his mind a mess. what is a man to do? does he run after you? and what then, what could he possibly say to you? or does he leave quietly and give up probably the closest chance he has to learning how you feel? the seconds tick by as you get further and further from him, and kaveh makes up his mind.
a/n: i think it’ll be funny if the bosses of the opposing agencies are actually like lovers to enemies and that’s why they hate each other LMAO also i hope that everyone that read through this whole thing was jebaited by suggestive angsty romance and instead got soft pining and longing YIPPEEE
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attractthecrows · 5 hours
irritated that i made revallen's worldstate a mahariel self-sacrifice one cuz that means i can't have laure waltz into skyhold and pass on the ancient elvhen secrets she picked up in the Brecilian forest by shoving her tongue down revallen's throat right in front of cullen
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pyromaniac-cyndaquil · 9 months
pmd chatot for blorbo bingo? ^^
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He's a silly rabbit. I love him
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deus-ex-mona · 4 months
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s. s ave me, meoto…
#n o t me clinging to meoto to retain my sanity bc g o o d l o r d today was the worst#today was truly a very bad; very horrible day indeeeeeeed#man. today truly was a comedic tragedy in every way possible. i’d laugh if i were anyone else tbh#first i couldn’t start my workstation bc we were out of this cleaning acid thing.#t h e n this other branch lab sent over a precise amount of [reagent] that we needed to make the cleaning acid thing#*and* what’s worse was that they also demanded like. 1/5 of the acid we mixed. like bro. make it yourself mans.#but the worst part was when i tried to use a dropper to poke this sediment out of [tube i was supposed to be cleaning]#bUT THEN HALF OF THE DROPPER MELTED BC THAT BUGGER CAN’T HANDLE HIGH TEMPERATURES AAAAAAAAAAAAAA#stupid new droppers man. the old droppers could handle 100 degrees just fine. s o now the tube is clogged with melted plastic and it’s just.#life’s *really* great sometimes yk~~~~? (ʘ‿ʘ)#and so the night shift dude who came to take over the workstation against expectations seemed kinda pissed that i hadn’t started anything#and im just there. with my intestines wriggling about like internal abdominal worms. tryin not to cry in the face of my mistake.#while he’s fumin’ away like a freakin’ chimney or sth. like. man. no one asked you to take this workstation. you came here on your own. :(#anyway i ditched him and left for my break to calm myself down only to be approached by some random terribly lost middle aged to old lady#who was looking for directions to *somewhere* but she only spoke chinese aaaaaaaa#and i can’t read maps/i don’t even live in the area of my workplace so i have no idea if the lady managed to make it safely#but. lol. the lady showed me her message screen when she asked me for directions to her destination#and by pure coincidence the person she was texting is apparently related to someone with the same first name as me#the cons and cons of having common names man. i hope the lady managed to find her friend with the same name as me though lol#anyways. pls hw im begging. pls drop the crossfade for lxl birthday tmr i n e e d more meoto to carry on—#s o b s this is what im living for now ig. meoto………..
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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Press (X) for doubt, a moodboard.
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jrueships · 1 year
sauce was fighting a dude in a boxing ring and then dragged him all the way to the pool and drowned him. in gta i guess is should specify.
the way i would 110% still take your word as bond if you left out the gta part
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you see it in his face...
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evansbby · 1 year
y’all are gonna hate me saying this but…
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troutpopulation · 9 months
wee wee wee i loooove matt :) im so into him my orc bf
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