#hopefully she didnt break anything...
"Benadryl tiiime" *accidentally dumps out like 20* "oh shit not that many. That's how we meet the shadow man and im not down for that tonight"
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
accidentally closed the sliding door but didnt realize the cat was behind me and got her tail. so pretty much im an evil and bad person.
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constantvariations · 1 year
I am postponing writing a very delicious scene so y’all better appreciate this ;P
Post Ep: these last 3 eps are going to be carrying so much weight but at least we might be working towards Ruby’s decaying arc
Okay, totally random thought while I was watching the OP (I always watch OPs unless they’re particularly awful. It’s a compulsion idk) but I think it’d be hella cool if the blacksmith was Alyx. Whether the real Alyx isn’t the one who made it out or she came back for whatever reason (not dying ever is appealing to some, I hear), it’d be a neat twist
I’m not into 3d animation, so I can’t say a whole lot, but are the textures supposed to be this... weird? Last episode I said Jaune’s house looked like a ps2 game and it just keeps going
“I’m late! I’m late!” Okay, that’s a decent Alice in Wonderland nod. Not overdone or wink wonked, which can be annoying to those who don’t know the joke (man, I should watch Shrek again. The first two movies are masterpieces)
Wait, was that a dammit? Jaune canonically swears now. Huh
“Right on time.” It’s obviously not a time loop so what does this mean? Did the time fruit do more than just send him back in time but gave him even more of a spotlight in Wonderland? He’s a rusted knight, he’s the white rabbit, he’s murbling like he’s the mad hatter; what next, is he gonna be Jesus?
“Hurry! People are counting on us.” Uhhh people counted on you to fight the jabberwock and y’all bailed like frightened horses. I wouldn’t count on you with my fingers, much less my life
Okay, so we’re being hit yet again with the “what are you” question, which wouldn’t be weird if it wasn’t just our protags being bombarded with it. Surely there are some critters who venture over into new areas? Or perhaps new life occurs every now and again? The repetition has been annoying for a while, but it’s venturing into just plain silly “-so that we may serve you.” What. Why. Kill me
While I do like the designs of the paper stars, I’m really not digging the vibes. Sorry stars, you will never be the plupples from the Hot Daga
“Paper pleasers” I hate that I actually like that pun
Why is the team reacting so negatively to the stars being named after them? That’s genuinely fucking sad. Yet another instance of the show zooming by actual trauma for a cheap gag
Dude has spent who know how many years without a genuine personal connection, has been spending that time exploring the area and gaining its people’s trust, AND has shared his home with these people, yet when they talk to him about anything Wonderland related, they act like he’s saying he’s going to make them into shoes or something while having the audacity to be disappointed that he doesn’t have a solid lead on getting out. These girls are deplorable
Why are RWBY so lackluster about doing literal life-saving tasks while Jaune follows a hunch? You’re Hunters, that’s your job. Quit acting like life in Wonderland is beneath you because you don’t understand it jfc
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many different visual styles in a single show before. There’s the standard 3d, the color silhouettes (solid and textured), some microsoft paint scribbles, a few 2d stills, and now this children’s book style. Feels like an identity crisis
I understand Jaune’s perception of the tree, but I really don’t like how he overrides the autonomy of the villagers. If they’re literally willing to self-mutilate in order to leave, that’s probably a sign that you should let them go
Love how Weiss’s interest in Jaune disappears the moment he shows signs of mental illness. Gives me the warm and fuzzies *smash cut to me barfing in a dumpster*
“Because I can actually protect these people!” That is definitely a response to trauma that fits well with this narrative. Let’s see how MKEK fuck it up!
Jaune kills 2 jabbers in like 0.0003 seconds. Why in the everloving fuck did y’all have to run before?
I’m just realizing this is the first fight I’ve actually paid attention to. No idea why, but every fight previous my eyes have just glazed over. But I gotta say, I think the camera is way too close to the action. There’s definitely some interesting choreography going on but it’s hard to get a grasp on where everyone is at any point, and the bland environment isn’t helping. Go watch John Wick for some pointers
Unsure as to why Ruby is a) the only one apparently traumatized to the point of nearly 180-ing her character and b) why it’s specifically Crescent Rose/combat that triggers her. MKEK know how to throw bones but they can’t dish out any real substance
Someone please give that creature a cough drop or something because I cannot understand a word this fucker says
I thought Neo’s semblance was illusions? Pretty sure it’s called Imagination, which definitely implies it’s not a physical shifting ability. So, if the jabber-Neo had taken a bite of Ruby, would that mean Neo is chomping down? Would Ruby get stabbed with semblance glass? Or did the writers forget their own rules again?
This “don’t ask me because I’m a leader” bit is really strange coming right off the several minute conversation about finding leads to getting home where not one person even looked at Ruby. Like, this was a request for supporting a platitude not a demand for a plan
“Why do I have to be the one to always pick people up?” First of all, no one asked you to, so jot that down. Second of all, bitch you have never been the sole sally sunshine, nor were you the only one helping others with emotions. Yang picked up Blake in V2, Jaune reassured YOU back in V4, Weiss talked to Yang in V5, Qrow comforted YOU in V7 and his main source of kindness was Clover (rip good boy). You’ve had your moments but don’t act like you’re the only one pulling emotional weight
Also, this voice acting is making me laugh I cannot take this seriously whatsoever
Why in the hickory dickory fuck is Blake hiding behind Yang and YANG WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE YOUR SISTER IS A FUCKING THREAT
In this scenario, it does make sense why Jaune’s the one who snaps, but holy cannoli batman I cannot stop thinking about how much better Yang would’ve been in this position, especially after the group split in V8. Sure, that conflict was contrite to begin with and its resolution unmemorable (did it even resolve? I’m not subjecting myself to V8 again), but it’d be so much spicier if the family divide grew in absence
Skipping right past Ruby’s breakdown to focus on Jaune’s. Huzzah. At least his is more interesting and grounded than hers
Genuinely impressed with Luna’s voice here. Dude should go bananas more often
I am once again asking if the team knows about Penny or if Jaune’s been keeping that juicy bit to himself. The way the camera focused on his mouth made it seem like he was about to confess, but it was a tease. I got narrative blue balls over here man, get on with it
Wasn’t it usually Yang who tried for positivity in dark times? Or did that get left at Beacon too? Blake’s supposed to be the realist, which maybe that’s what she was trying to do here but considering her track record I doubt it
And R leaves WBY behind! Please let this mean we can FINALLY focus on her shit and not cut away from it? And they better bring the cat back or Else
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 months
crying shouldnt cause headaches, thats just cruel honestly.
#the bin#i went through to figure out costs more and im most likely not gonna be abek to bring almost any of my belongings#i can probably manage to at least bring my pets. my sisters boyfriends cat cant tow and it doesnt have a lot of space in it so im not gonna#have much room for anything at all. i guess maybe its a good thing my sister wont be coming then :/#honestly. im not actually THAT upset. he seems fairly chill and respectful of my boundaries. moreso than my fuckin sister is. not that thats#hard to accomplish. if i set a boundry with her she will most likely break it repeatedly and then also refuse to apologize#im still uncomfortable with it but not much more than i was with going with her anyway. i van just keep earbuds in the whole time probably#im really upset that ill have to leave my stuff here though. with her. i hate that. and im also probably not gonna have a bed when i move#and ill be sleeping on the concrete basement floor so uh. that sucks. a lot. my aunt probably has an air mattress i casn borror for a bit#im also probably gonna see if i can convince my sister to let me take one of her beta fish and the one tank she has for it. its a small tank#so i could easily bring it. its too smalm for the poor thing but its gonna be in that if it comes with me or her so. and i wanna get it#something better. ive become pretty attached to it after taking care of it for the past 4 months. ugh the fact she just ditched me with her#fish pissed me off so much too. not to mention the snakes were supposed to be a shared pet but she just stopped dling anything ever and it#became exclusively my responsibility to care for them and pay for all their stuff. she should not have pets of any kinda#im trying blt to be really upset. i can hopefully bring my most important belongings at least. his car isnt THAT small. and then ill only#need to pay for the gas and thats it and i can definitely afford that. hhhh. ill figure it out. i hate this :/#my head hurts so bad from having a 2 hour long meltdown. im so upset over our whole relationship and everything#she just keeps doing selfish things over and over again and treating me like an idiot for not knowing things she didnt tell me#specifically treating me like im stupid for not knowing she isnt gonna be able do what she specifically told me she could#im im so mad at her for the ditching me and the repeatedly taking advantage of me specifically for money and fucking me over#wnd everything before that. our whole relationship. im seo stressed abt this. i have nobody now.#i hate her so much. im glad i can clearly see how abusive things have always been bug it doenst make it sting any less#and it doenst helo the fact she continues this behavior now too
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whoviandoodler · 11 months
a freedom in seeing several missed messages and calls (when it's about something non urgent) like yes, i was unavailable, yes, you cannot expect me to hover by my phone all day every day stop calling me stop texting me i wish to merely exist
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rafeandonlyrafe · 11 days
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words: 2.3k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, male receiving oral, aged up!rafe (28), age gap (reader is 20), reader kinda dumb and stupid tbh, breaking and entering but actually technically she didnt break anything so just entering, urban exploring
“stay away from that house.” your friend warns, following your eyesight to get light shining from only one window, the rest of the house covered in shadow.
“why?” you question, curiosity growing.
“some asshole lives there. i guess he got real rich when he was young and now he spends all his time inside hiding. the whole island hates him but nothing he did was bad enough to land him in prison…” your friend gives you a serious look. “or at least nothing they can prove.”
you're new to the outer banks, but she already knows your personality. you're defiant and confident, afraid of nothing.
it's why despite her warnings the next night you're scaling up the fence and hopping over to the other side. you note the well taken care of yard, whoever this guy is must still employ a lawn crew.
you keep your footsteps light but unhurried as you walk around the exterior of the enormous house, still just the one window with a light on, like no one else has been in any other part of the home for a long time.
you figure a house like this might have security, but you live only a block away and would certainly get to your house before any cops would show up.
you peer in a few windows, but it's too dark inside to really make out anything. you make your way into the backyard, looking down the long dock to see a yacht. you consider exploring that first before shaking your head and focusing back in on the house.
in your old city, you had a habit of breaking into places. not to steal or damage anything, just for the thrill of getting in and looking around, knowing you're not supposed to be there.
you peer in through the glass doors. it's not that late, only 11pm, but you figure the old man who lives here must already be upstairs and hopefully asleep as you grip the handle.
you wait to hear an alarm from just your touch, but when the house remains silent, you attempt to turn the handle, surprised and happy that it's completely unlocked as you slide it open.
you step into the living room, looking around at the intricate and clearly expensive decorations. your friend was definitely right about this guy being rich, but of course he is if he lives in a neighborhood like this.
“damn.” you mutter to yourself, stepping closer to a fancy vase sat on a table. you purposely leave the glass door open in case you need to make a quick escape out.
your eyes take in every piece of art hung on the wall and gold detailed lamps as you head further into the house, peeking into rooms as you quickly map out the layout. you note the stairs in the center hallway leading up, able to tell there's one light on and deciding quickly to avoid it.
you make like the rush of breaking into places, but you certainly don't like getting caught as you tiptoe into the kitchen next. out of pure curiosity, you open a couple cabinets to find them well stocked.
you focus in on the fridge next. you don't intend to steal but maybe this guy has a couple bottles of beer that won't be missed.
you frown when you realize it's mostly healthy food and energy drinks as you close the fridge, practically jumping out of your skin when you realize there's a tall man with his arms crossed, leaning against the cabinet.
“what are you doing here?” you yell, backing up and putting the island between you and him.
“bold of you to ask me that considering you're the one breaking into my house.” the man's voice is easy going and gentle despite the circumstances.
“your house?” you look the guy up and down. “i thought the guy who lived here was old.”
he moves to the island, placing himself directly in the middle so you can't bolt away, a movement you're very aware of.
“and what made you think that?” he questions. it's hard to tell in the low light, only the faint glow of buttons on the fridge and a bit of moonlight creeping in, but he looks young. your guess is late 20s or early 30s, not like the senior citizen you were picturing.
“my friend told me some asshole-” you cringe at the bad choice of words but continue on. “lives here who got rich when he was young.”
“hm, yeah that does sound like me.” the guy hums. “so what, you were gonna steal from me?”
“no.” you quickly shake your head. “i don't steal, i have no need. i just… like urban exploring.” you decide on saying.
“mmm, isn't that usually exploring abandoned places?” he questions, somehow still carrying on the conversation so naturally, like you're an invited guest rather than a trespasser.
“i thought this place was basically abandoned. like i said, thought you were old.” you shrug.
“well, im only 28, so if you consider that old.” he crosses his arms, muscles bulging.
“im 20.” you say, swallowing thickly. 
you can see the gleam in the man's teeth as he smiles. “interesting… come with me.”
his command is so effortless, you find your feet moving before your mind catches up, following him deeper into the house and up the stairs.
“what are you going to do with me?” you ask, worrying he's going to call the cops. your parents would be pissed if only a week after they move you out of the big city you get arrested again.
“did your friend happen to tell you why i stay in this house?” he hums, opening a door and beckoning you in. you quickly realize this is the bedroom with the lights always on.
“um, just that you did something and no one likes you.”
“that's exactly right, even though i did nothing wrong. i only ever wanted to protect my family.” you see anger briefly take over his features as he relieves whatever memory that made him so hated. “but still, it's hard being lonely.”
he takes a couple steps forward, swinging the door shut behind him to keep the two of you in there, alone. “it's why id like your company…”
“y/n.” you mumble your name. you don't bother to give a fake name.
“y/n.” the name rolls seamlessly off his tongue, like a purr. “im rafe.”
“what do you mean by company, rafe?” now that you're in the light and can get a good look at him, you're hoping it's what you're thinking.
“isn't it obvious?” he quirks his head to the side. “i want you to sleep with me.”
“okay.” you whisper. you're certainly not inexperienced or against sleeping with random guys, even if your friend did warn you about him. you've already gone two whole weeks without getting anything, and you're starting to feel a little high strung.
“perfect.” rafe crosses past you, placing himself on the edge of the. neatly made bed. “undress.”
his command is once again so simple and effective that your hands begin moving instantly, pulling off your tank top to reveal your bright pink bra before sliding your shorts down next to show off the matching underwear.
you turn your back towards rafe and look over your shoulder as you slide your panties down, revealing your bare ass and pussy before kicking off your sandals. 
you walk over to rafe slowly, a smile on your face as you undo the last piece of clothing covering you and let your bra drop to the floor.
“fuck, you're sexy.” rafe leans forward and grabs you, hands gripping your ass, squeezing the plump flesh there. he doesn't bother to wait for you to recover as he sits you onto his lap, cunt being pressed into his thigh as his mouth devours yours.
you can feel his need in the kiss, how starved he is from touch as you begin to kiss back, hands rubbing all over his front.
you only briefly stop the kiss to yank his shirt off. you're not surprised by his muscles, you could tell how perfectly built he was even in the dark kitchen.
rafe begins to slide your pussy against his pants, wetting his thigh as your clit drags against the material.
“fuck, you're already so wet.” rafe moans into your mouth. you don't pause to tell him that you always get a little bit wet in excitement when breaking into a new place.
“let me blow you.” you slide off, already missing the feeling on your pussy as you pull at rafes pants. he lifts his hips to help you and you waste no time, pulling his underwear down as well.
rafes cock pops up, hard and ready for attention. you push his thighs open with your hands so you can nestle between his legs, smiling as you watch a bead of precum from before licking it clean.
“god.” rafe groans, a hand fisting in your hair, tangling his fingers into the strands. “it's been so long since someone else has touched me.”
you feel bad for rafe in that moment, but it's quickly forgotten in favor of wrapping your lips around the head of his cock and giving it an intense suck, wanting to show him a truly good time.
you begin to bob your head, slowly taking more and more of his length into your mouth. he's not the biggest you've ever gotten with, but his girth certainly makes up for it as you get used to him pushing at the walls of your throat.
you'll certainly need more attention to your pussy to be able to take him as you reach down and rub your fingers against your clit, wanting to jump on his cock the second you're done blowing him.
“how are you only 20?” rafe asks, talking mostly to himself considering your mouth is occupied. “you suck dick so well.”
you don't want to comment that you've had lots of experience, but you have a feeling he won't judge you for it. so many guys sleep around yet want every girl to be a virgin, and that's certainly something you don't subscribe to.
with a final push, you're able to take rafe all the way down as you nuzzle your nose into his skin, gagging slightly but able to hold for a decently long time before you need to pull off to take a deep breath.
“come up here, baby.” rafe says, tugging your hand that isn't still playing with your pussy. “want to fuck you.”
you wipe your mouth before standing up, glad you weren't on your knees for long as you move onto the bed.
“fuck me good, daddy.” you purr out, staying on your hands and knees and swaying your ass to entice rafe as he moves behind you.
“oh, i will baby.” rafe rubs his cock through your folds, not bothering to offer to put on a condom when you so clearly don't care.
rafe teases you, pressing slightly against your entrance before going back to rubbing against you until you're frustrated and aching. you're about to open your mouth to complain, to tell him to hurry it up, when his cock plunges inside of you in one quick motion that has you screaming out.
“oh, fuck!” you squeal as rafe instantly begins pounding into you.
rafe smiles as he looks towards the window, slightly cracked. he hopes the neighbors hear your screams and moans of pleasure and learn that he's not just willing to stay inside for the rest of his life. no, rafe is crafting his revenge against the town and when the time comes, they will all regret the way they treated him.
rafe looks down at you as he thrusts into you, your head hung forward and curls bouncing with every movement as he punishes your cunt.
“shit.” rafe groans, pulling out to quickly flip you onto your back.
his mouth meets yours just as his cock reenters you, kissing you wildly while he thrusts without abandon, letting himself loose on you.
rafe can feel himself swelling inside of you and tries his best to hold back from cumming, fingers reaching to your clit to focus on your pleasure before his own, wanting to extend this as long as possible.
“god, you feel so good.” you moan out, jaw slackened even as rafe continue to kiss around your mouth, eyes glossed over in pure pleasure.
“yeah?” rafe smiles. “you gonna cum for me?”
“mhm. keep- keep rubbing.” you tilt your head back as he swipes over your clit, back and forth, building you up while his cock fills out your insides.
“come on, baby.” rafe moans out, kissing you again, unable to stop even though he wants to hear your moans. his hips move faster and faster until he can't hold back anymore, pulling out and releasing all over your stomach in long ropes.
you squeal out as he pinches your clit, triggering your own orgasm as your entire body shakes, back arching off the bed.
“fuck!” you shout. “rafe!”
you both flop against the mattress, breathing heavily as you recover, pussy dripping wet onto his blankets.
“thanks for the company.” rafe smiles, causing you to laugh.
“yeah, always happy to stick around.” you giggle, leaning into his side. there's certainly no shame cuddling up to him after what you just did.
“would you… would you come back tomorrow?” rafe asks, pushing a strand of hair off where it was sticking to your face.
“first week in a new town and i already found myself a fuck buddy? hell yeah ill come back tomorrow.” you kiss rafe quickly before standing up off his bed, putting your tanktop and shorts back on but leaving your wet panties and bright bra on the floor.
“but have pizza, im a classy girl after all, i only let you fuck me once before buying me dinner.” you walk out of the bedroom to rafes deep chuckle.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 6 months
Theyre doing angst/comfort, the fuckers </3 bad promised her everything would be fine and that he doesnt break promises, chat is pretty sure that promise will backfire on him lol
pomme asked if theres anything they can do to help him heal and bad said "Youre doing all you can by just being around me right now, youre reminding me what im fighting for. Im struggling because im fighting against a lot of things that have built up over time, but i think ive made it past the hurdle? Im not leaving if thats what youre worried about"
Pomme: I mean i know death works differently for you than it does for us, but still... its not something i want to see you go through and i know it must be painful :( BBH: ill tell you this pomme, death on one level is easy, it happens and its done. but living, pomme, living is hard.
pomme is now crying </3 bad told her shes probably just sleepy and everythings gonna be okay
Pomme: Was it hard living, before? BBH: Hmmm... its hard living sometimes. It was hardest when i was really really bored. i was locked in this deep deep hole and i couldnt get out - but i did get out! I almost drowned, which wouldve sucked, but i didnt! and i got away! and ever since then ive had a lot of adventures, but i think you guys are my favorite adventure so far and im gonna cherish it for as long as it lasts Pomme: It sucks to be trapped for such a long time BBH: Hm, yeah! In a way we're trapped here, it sorta brings back that... whats it called nostalgia? Pomme: Hopefully you can be happy here with dapper and me :') BBH: hm... yeah.. oh! Hey that flower, a yellow daf- hm! Oh pomme! is that pink? and is that yellow??? How about that! Pomme: Can you recognize this one? [passes him a cornflower] BBH: Skeppy? is this blue? OH! THIS REMINDS ME OF SKEPPY! THIS IS BLUE! Pomme: [nods vigorously] BBH: POMME! I THINK THE COLORS ARE COMING BACK AGAIN, POMME! Things are still washed out but i can tell this- this is red! and thats pink and thats green!
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So over the past few weeks, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a retelling of the OG series from Annabeth’s perspective.
I’m interested in doing this because though I loved the PJO when I was a child, as I grow older, I find myself craving more nuance from the stories and the characters than what’s already there on the page. I thought hopefully the show would fulfill me, but uhh….amazing character depth is not one of the things I’d call the show’s biggest strong suits, at least not for Annabeth.
Now, I’m aware of the “Daughter of Wisdom” series on AO3, a fanfic series that does the exact same thing. I read that fic years ago and enjoyed it; I thought at the time that the fic was well done. However, I have a lot of ideas for scenes and details that I don’t think really showed up in that fic series, and so I find myself craving to create the POV for Annabeth and certain aspects of CHB that I’ve always wanted to see. I also wanted to spend more time emphasizing emotions and growth for Annabeth in a fic like this, and actually have her challenge and address her pride, sort of like a “I’m overcoming my biggest flaw” journey. I want to write this series from a sympathetic yet honest perspective about Annabeth’s life and her traits…including the traits that are not so pretty.
And so I want input from y’all on what you think would be worth including in a fic like this, and if there’s anything from the OG books that I should change, twist, replace, remove, deepen, or add something new. Here’s a list I already have going:
- emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with Chiron and how it develops
- more emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with Grover and how they get along when Percy isn’t there. Do they talk about Percy? And what do they think of each other? Does Grover feel intimidated by Annabeth, or feel like maybe she’s not proud of him because he let her down with the Cyclops incident and Thalia getting killed? Maybe at the end of the quest in TLT, before Percy gets back from Olympus, Annabeth reassures Grover that he’s a great protector and that she doesn’t resent him at all.
- Annabeth’s view of Luke and how/why it becomes complicated; how Annabeth reconciles the objectively bad things Luke has done with her desire for his redemption
- an emphasis on Annabeth and Thalia’s relationship after Thalia returns. How has it changed, Thalia remarking on Annabeth’s growth and teasing her about her crush on Percy, Annabeth helping Thalia cope with the loss of Luke to the “dark side” and also helping Thalia cope with how much the world has changed in 5 years and how Thalia now feels so out of place, Thalia helping Annabeth cope with continuous family struggles
- an emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with other Athena children. Do they like each other? Hate each other? Are they competitive, all vying for their mom’s attention? Do they share some of Annabeth’s struggles; were their mortal parents also unimpressed about receiving a child they didn’t plan for?
- Annabeth’s relationship with other kids at camp: namely Clarisse, Silena, Beckendorf, and the Stoll Brothers (no, I don’t ship Connabeth, btw). But I also want to flesh out Katie Gardner and Pollux/Castor too.
- a proper resolution to Annabeth’s family drama that yes, recognizes how Frederick had a baby sprung on him that he didnt consent to, and how Mrs. Chase had no idea how to take care of a kid with special needs, but a resolution that also validates Annabeth’s feelings and highlights the ways in which Mr. and Mrs. Chase messed up and failed her with their poor choices.
- a new interpretation of Luke’s “did you love me”question
- An on-page apology from Annabeth to Rachel
- Annabeth’s relationship with her little brothers and how they might still try to love each other in context of their family drama, and not repeat the sins of their parents (breaking generational curses!)
- more emphasis on Annabeth and Athena’s relationship, and how Annabeth evolves from thinking her mother is this image of perfection, to realizing that Athena is just as faulty as the other gods and goddesses, and that Annabeth has a strength over Athena in that Annabeth has a bigger sense of humanity, and can change and adapt when she’s not doing something well. Annabeth can evolve in ways Athena cannot.
Anything else?
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bugboysgf · 1 year
Hate + Love
Chapter 2
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Summary: There is a thin line between love and hate but what if it's way thinner than you thought?
“Hi, im suppose to be tutoring somebody.” you told the lady at the front desk. The last 2 weeks had been stressful but out of extreme luck you managed to get all A’s but that also meant you had to tutor the people that were not doing so well in school.
“Oh yes, you must be Y/n.”
“I am.” you confirmed.
“Min Ho.” The lady calls his name and he jumps out of his seat.
“You gotta be kidding me.” you look at Min ho and he seems just as surprised as you are. “There has to be some sort of mistake, I can't tutor him.” the lady looks at her computer for a second and looks back at you.
“Sorry but there is a specific note from the teacher saying you can't switch.”
“What? Who wrote that.” you asked.
“It was your math teacher. Take a seat and get started.”
“I can't believe this.” you said sitting down.
“Do you think I want to do this? I have no choice.” Min ho rolled his eyes.
“Whatever can we just get started.”
After two hours tutoring you were done but to you i feel like 5 hours because every 10 minutes you and Min ho were arguing about something different.
“Thank you.” Min Ho says. You look at him in shock, you were never expecting those words to come out of his mouth.
“You have manners, I see. Can I get an apology too?” you asked hopefully.
“It happened almost 3 weeks ago, get over it.”
“God you're such a bitch.”
“Takes one to know one.”
“We have Alex next.” Kitty said. “Oh my god we still have to walk up the stairs.” you said, you were tired already and it was only your 2 period.
“Do you want to go to a ramen place after the 5th period?” Kitty asked.
“Im Pretty sure I don't have to tutor today, so yes.”
“How is it? By the way, you are still not getting along.”
“Nope now i have to sit with him in alex class, because he wont let me change seats.” you rolled your eyes.
“Dude you have 4 months left until winter break, at least try to stop hating each other.”
“He's the problem, not me, he won't apologize. He said thank you yesterday when i tutored him but that's it.” you explained to Kitty. You honestly don't think that you and Minho would get along every chance he gets to make fun of you. He's gonna take it and you're tired of it.
“The problem is that you are both stubborn.” Kitty grabs the handle of the door and lets you into the class, she gives you a ‘be nice look’ and takes a seat.
You walked over to your seat and to your surprise Min Ho was already sitting down, he was always late. You take a seat and don't say a word to him.
“No greeting?” he asked
“What do you want?” you say in a cold tone.
“Woah, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.” he smirks.
“I just don't have time for your bullshit today.”
Lucky Alex didn't have you guys do anything with your partner work today you didnt think you could handle it anyways.
You grabbed your things and stuffed them into your backpack.
“y/n?” you stopped in your tracks and looked at the guy that called your name. Minho also stopped and looks at him.
“Yes?” you look at him confused. You've never seen this guy in your life and you had no idea why he was talking to you.
“I'm Derek, I was just trying to see if i can get your number.” you look around to see if anybody was watching and behind him were his friends waiting to see your next move. You didn't want to seem stuck up or anything, so you just smiled and typed your number into his phone.
“Great, I'll text you.”
“Cool” you watch him walk away and turn to Min ho. “And why did you stay?”
“What does he want with you?” “What do you mean?”you asked, confused.
“His dad is literally a millionaire.”
“I honestly dont give two fuck about that.” you said.
“It had to be a dare.” Min ho shook his head.
“Oh really? Just because an attractive guy asked for my number that means it has to be a dare?” you said offended. Min ho knew he messed up, he always jokes around but he knew that what he said really affected you.
“That's not-”
“Save it.” you walked away.
For the next few weeks you continue talking to Derek, you thought he would be a jerk but turns out he wasn't. He was really nice and listened.
“Where are you going?” Min ho asked Q. “Oh the nature club is having a hike today.” Q said, putting on his shoes.
“Great i'll come” Min ho got up from the couch. “You can't.” Q said.
“Why?” “Club members only.” “Dude i went last time.” Q stayed silent and didn't say anything. “Unless you don't want me to go for some reason?” “It's not that I don't want you to go, it's just that y/n and Derek are going to be there and I don't want you messing it up for her. She told me what you said when he asked for her number.” Q confessed.
“That's not what I meant, I tried to tell her that.”
“You should have said it in the first place, are you jealous or something?” Q asked.
“What no… no”
“Yup that sounds so convincing.”
“I don't like her, I hate her.”
“You know, you can hate and love somebody at the same time.” Q said shutting the door.
Min ho stood there thinking there's no way that he loves y/n? He hates her too much.
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chroniclesofbts · 4 months
Break my Walls P. 5
Genre: A/B/O, Poly BTS and Reader
Warnings: angst, omegaspace, eventual smut, slow burn, angst, fluff, polyamorous relationship, sexual themes, implied sexual interactions.
If you’re not 18+ please, do not interact.
As always, my works do not represent BTS in any way, this is purely a work of fiction.
Part 4
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Jin's POV
Jin knew walking back to their temporary room that he had to have a serious conversation with Namjoon, and fast. So he sent Y/N with Jimin, trusting his pack member to introduce nesting to their, hopefully, new omega. She was so precious that he couldn't understand why no other packs have snatched her up yet. He has heard rumors of the Kang pack trading omegas for money, land, alphas, anything really.
Reaching his room, he is met with the distracting sight of Namjoon pinning Yoongi to the mattress. Yoongi's hair was wet and he didnt have his scent blocking stickers on yet. No wonder Namjoon was so affected. Hearing the door close, Namjoon's eyes jump up to meet Jin's, a low growl sounding through the room. Once his blown out pupils met Jin's his growl cut off. With one last suck to Yoongi's already abused scent gland, he sits up taking a breath of fresh air.
"I have exactly what we need to make her ours"
Walking into Jimin's room felt different than this morning. The air was charged with emotions I didn't want to begin to decipher. I am met with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseok on the second bed. They smile when they see me entering behind Jimin. Jimin grabs my hand in his and pulls me towards his nest as I mentally prepare to enter his nest. Remembering how the omega is supposed to invite you in, I look up at Jimin brushing noses, not realizing how close we were. He lets go of my hand in favor of placing his hands on my waist, keeping me close. My head is gettin cloudy, his eyes drawing me in and not letting me go. He walks me backwards towards the nest, whispering against my lips to enter. Next thing I know I am sprawled out in the middle of the nest, thrown over the edge so fast that I don't have time to process what happened. The sheets and blankets feel like a cloud, so soft and full of comfort. Jimin lays down beside me as I relish in the feeling. Hoseok laying on my other side. I am so focused on the softness that I don't register the scents surrounding me. I look up at Jungkook as he enters the nest, seeing that he is wearing the scent blocking stickers over all of his glands. With a quick look at the rest of the men around me I can confirm they are as well. Are the sheets made out of a special material that smells good?
"What do you think beautiful?" Hoseok asks, leaning his face into my neck.
"It's nice, feels so comfortable that I could fall asleep" I reply, taking in a deep breath. This causes the men to look at each other with a smile, pleased that you are being affected by their scents.
"Do the blankets come with different scents when you buy them?" I ask, burying my nose further into the blankets.
"Baby, did your pack alpha's ever give any omega courses?" Taehyung begins to question. I shake my head no, not understanding why I would need a course to understand myself.
"What about any books for your to learn more about omegas?" Jungkook presses, and I again shake my head no.
"They had us take classes about alphas and our place in the pack. Next month I start my training as an alpha's omega, if thats what you mean." I share with them.
"What do you mean by an alpha's omega?" Jimin questioned, dreading the answer.
"Shouldn't you know? Aren't you an alpha's omega? who are you expected to pleasure in your pack?"
"P-pleasure?" Jimin splutters
"Yeah? Like take their knots and bear their pups? Assist in ruts, or whenever the alpha wants to, like, pop a knot?" Your explanation caused Jimins heart to sink. Is this what you're expected to do next month?
"How do you train?" He asked shakily, gripping the sheets between his hands tight.
"With toys, then alpha's test you out before they decide who your main alpha is. Sometimes you become back ups to others and have a main alpha. There's only so many omegas here, so" You answer easily. Jungkook gets up in a hurry and rushes out the door, your scent begins to sour in fear that you upset him. Were you not supposed to tell other packs? Was this another test that you have failed?
Namjoon rushes into the room with Jin and Jungkook behind him.
"When does your training start?" Namjoon questions, alarm on his face.
"At the start of December, so I am assigned an alpha for rut season" I answer with the urge to bare my neck to the pack alpha.
He turns on his heal and walks out of the room, with Jin on his heals who stops briefly to send all alphas to the other room.
"Did I do something wrong?" I ask quietly, feeling Jimin shake his head.
"Do you know what scenting is?" He suddenly asked, and I shake my head.
"Can I show you? If you want me to stop at any time, I promise I will." I nod my head, wanting to see what he was talking about.
"Words, baby"
"Yes, Jimin. Please show me" I whisper
He begins to pepper kisses up my neck, reaching my gland where he begins to focus his efforts.
"Would you ever leave here" He questions around kisses
"I can't, thats not how it works. You are born here, you die here, one way or another" I whisper, wishing that wasn't the case. He continues to kiss my gland, occasionally letting his tongue trace over it.
"What are you feeling, baby?" Jimin asks, beginning to suck.
"I don't understand, I feel good, is this scenting?"
"Can I fully scent you?" Jimin whispers
"Yes" I instantly respond
"Close your eyes baby" Jimin says. Once my eyes flutter closed I am overwhelmed with the scent of orange blossoms and lilacs. As tempted as I am to open my eyes, I trust Jimin enough in this moment to keep them closed. I feel him shift on the bed, his legs coming on either side of min, his hands next to my head as he lowers himself on me. He touches my scent gland with his wrist, mixing our scents. Little did I know that it was his way of claiming me, his way of showing others to back off.
Maybe that was my first mistake. Maybe I should have said no to the scenting. Maybe I shouldn't have handed any trust over so easily. Maybe I should have tried harder to push the pack away. If only I knew what was going to happen.
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notsofunsenpai · 3 months
This is part 3 ,but it works out as a oneshot as well so no one misses out on what happens!:D
Alastor was woken up by soft sniffles along being gently shooked awake by little hands,if he was in a deep sleep he wouldn't have felt it,he opens one eye to see his daughter crying,"What is it honey?" He asked groggily,trying to wake up some.
"Bad dweamm dada.." she sobs as Alastor is now fully up,he take her in his arms, holding her close along with rubbing her back,"It's okay,you're safe, darling.." he said, hugging her,glancing at the time that read five in the morning. "You can stay in here for a bit." He said,wanting to lay back down. Charlie happily babbles,nuzzling against her father, who lays back down with her,putting the blanket over them. Alastor closes his eyes for what feels like a few seconds,ending up falling back to sleep. Charlie, who was still awake, moved off of her father,going to her mwama, who was dead asleep. She stares at him and then playfully smacks the blonde in the face,earning small groans from him. She giggles as she then pokes his chubby cheeks repeatedly before jumping on him,hearing an oof sound from him along with some movements from under the covers for him to look at her.
"Good morning, Charlotte..." he says half awake.
"Charlie!" The young blonde said, puffing out her cheeks as she playfully jumps on Luficer again.
"Okay.. im up..." he raspyly said, sitting up,hugging his daughter.
"It's so early.." he said, looking at the clock,"Why are you up?" He asked,thinkin that her sleeping schedule is gonna be fucked.
"Monsters!" She says.
"I thought i spray them away."
"I didn't spray there.. I'll do it later on." He said,truth be told there was no monsters he knows no one dares try to break into their home if they have a death wish, so to ease her worries he always spray some air freshner to make it seem like he scare the scary monsters away.
"Come on kiddo- wait did you wake your dad up?" Lucifer asked,hopefully he could hand Charlie over to his partner so he could sleep.
"Wake me up and you're a dead man love." Alastor says suddenly.
"Damn." Lucifer pouts,"Let me make breakfast for you and Char Char then.." he said,leaning over to the night stand to get his white robe and tying it around his scarred body,he was already wearing duck pajamas bottoms. He still havent gotten his other pjs out of the dryer yet so this will do,he picks his daughter up,"Do you want anything love?" He asked his partner.
"Peace and quiet. "
"You're always a terrible cook." Alastor replied back.
"Hey!.. so mean." He then gets up with Charlie in his arms,leaving the room he goes to the kitchen along with turning on the living room and kitchen lights so he doesnt trip over things again. He sits Charlie in her high chair,he goes into the fridge to get her some juice,"I'm making oatmeal this morning." He said, handing her sippy cup filled with apple juice. Charlie immediately starts drinking her juice,it's her favorite..or was it orange juice? She didnt know,they were both tasty to her.
Lucifer started making oatmeal the ones that you can just add water then microwave under 3 minutes,once it's done he tasted it to make sure it wasnt to hot for Charlie.
"I was just checking the temperature, I wasn't gonna eat it." Lucifer defended himself,setting the bowl in front of her as he happily puts her hands in the bowl and eating.
"You have a spoon for a reason.." he said as he watches her make a mess with the oatmeal.
Lucifer goes into one of the cabinets to get another bowl out and pour himself some cereal,he took the spoon Charlie was supposed to use for himself,and sat down next to her as he eats his dry cereal,realizing at the last second they need milk and two that he eating dry cereal..
He ate it like a champ,not minding it. He thought the spoon was an overkill when he could just use his hands.
Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
He was quick to finish his cereal, and he got up and put it into the sink as he got himself a bottle of water from the fridge and drank it.
Charlie was now playing with the small amount of food she had,Lucifer decided she was done and took the bowl from her as he finished off the rest by using his hand,eating the remaining oatmeal. He then puts her bowl in the sink along with washing his hands,"Come on, charlie, let's get you ready since you are fully awake." He said taking her out of the high chair,as she holds onto him,getting oatmeal onto his robe. He takes her to the bathroom where he helped her brush her teeth along with washing her up some,brushing her unkept hair along with dressing her up. She was wearing a red deer onesie with the feet being little black paws and on the backside a small red deer tail with white underneath can be seen. "Im papa!!" She beams,practically jumping up and down.
"Yes you are sweetly." He smiles,it was a habit for Alastor and Lucifer to dress Charlie up as their loved one,for an example when Charlie was first born Lucifer had put a deer beanie onto her along with a red onsies as she sleeps. He did it at first because laundry wasn't done at the time but ending up liking the idea and thought it would be cute,another reason is that he didn't want his girl to end up forgetting about them or hating them for some reason.
Alastor thought it was cute and funny so he kinda just went along with it,not really questioning Lucifer.
"Imma let you play for a bit,then after play time we gotta go to the store for some stuff."
"Oki!!" Charlie said practically running out the door.
"I hope she doesnt make a mess." He said smiling softly,as he quickly brushes his teeth along with brushing his hair,whicing ended up more poofyier than normal because he didn't want to wet or do anything with it.
He passed Charlie's room to see her talking on her toy landline,he smiles at her before going to his shared room to get dressed.
He opens the closet,going through it just picking out something to wear which he picks out blue jeans and a white shirt. "Do you need anything from the store love?" He asked,taking the robe off,showing off his scars once more before putting the shirt on. The scars were old,the ones that were on his upper arms that the shirt hid were when he went through depression. He doesn't like to talk much about it because it'll make him cry and he wants to be strong for his family.
"Get me the ingredients for jambalaya,we're having that for dinner tonight, please. I've been craving it but haven't gotten around to it." Alastor said awake,he knows he won't go back to sleep.
"Okay." Lucifer then goes over to him and kisses him," Always So beautiful when you wake up,i love you."
Alastor who felt like a zombie lets his lover kiss him. He's usually a morning person, but lately, he's been sleeping later than usual. He feels fingers run through his messy red hair, then the feeling of his ears being scratched,he leans into the touch,smiling softly.
No matter how many times Lucifer touches Alastor's ears, he always loved how soft they were. "I'll be an hour,think you can survive without me ?"
"Definitely. " The other remarks.
"Supposed to say no -"
Alastor laughs,making the blonde puff out his cheeks,"Fine, see if i care." He said, leaving the room.
Alastor counting backward from three ,"three..two..one"
Lucifer pokes his head out from the other side of the door,"Do you really mean that?" He asked,giving him his puppy dog eyes.
Alastor softly sighed,"No, i don't mean that,I'll miss you."
"Okay, good. You better." He said before going back to Charlie.
The radio demon smiles,"That's my idiot. " he softly says to no one but himself.
Lucifer gets Charlie, who reluctantly stopped playing to go to the store. She loves adventure and helping out as much as she can. He puts her in her red car seat,making sure she's buckled up, then gets inside of the red Kia Forte, then drives to the store. Charlie had her own little steering wheel. That way, she could drive along with her mama, too.
"Vroommm!" Charlie says,hitting her little horn while turning the wheel constantly,"Wook, I'm drivin!!"
"I'm very proud of you,you're an amazing driver, hon." Luficer smiles at his daughter through the mirror's view as they soon arrive at the store.
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jwirecs · 2 years
Recommended BTS Fics of October💖
hello, hello! here are my bts recs of october! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Auburn Skies || @persphonesorchid​​💕💔✅💯💯
↳ Everyone knows that if your best friend has a little sister, she’s off limits. That, and the fact that your best friend will probably kill you if you even think about going near his sister. Yoongi knows this. There’s no way he could tell Namjoon that once upon a time you kissed him, drunk in his living room after a break up. So much time’s passed since then, too much time to bring it up now, but Yoongi still thinks about it, he’s still a little hopeful. Now you’re here and you clearly have something you want to say to Yoongi. Namjoon’s gonna kill him.
Sharing is Caring || @97erstan​​💕🔄💯💯
↳ Your bestfriend is diligent in his attempts at persuading you to let him move into your house. (i feel like this is going to be a best friends to lovers type of au so its going here)
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Match Made In Hell || @ughcore​​🔞💕💔🔄💯💯💯
↳ Yoongi truly can’t imagine things getting any worse than the predicament he has found himself in now. Betrothed to a woman he hasn’t met, career on hold and his parents pressuring him into marriage with a sharp stick, ushering him to walk off the plank into the fiery pits of hell that is arranged matrimony with some poor, foolish girl.
No Kisses || @icedmatchatae​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ It's championship week! The most anticipated week of the school year; however, leading up to the events, you and your council must collaborate with the football team to promote school spirit and pride. Unfortunately, you're forced to work with your number one enemy, Football team captain and fuck boy, Kim Taehyung, known for having a mysterious "no kisses" rule.
Pick of the Patch || @taestefully-in-luv​​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ You’re a struggling artist with a strong desire to escape so when your mother suddenly calls and asks you to return home to replace her in this years Harvest Festival dance, you never said yes faster. However, she informs you that you’ll be working with another dancer, Kim Taehyung and upon meeting, you decide you do not like him…but right when you think you could grow up and move past it, Taehyung makes it clear that he does not like you either
Whatta Catch || @aredheadedmess​​​💕💔✅💯💯
↳ One, two, three strikes you’re out. When opposing opinions find you roughing it up with the university’s star pitcher, he makes it his mission to show that you’re wrong about college sports—and maybe your feelings about the player himself.
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3:27AM || @untaemedqueen​​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯💯💯💯
↳ Request: This time a Yoongi one where he wakes up in the middle of the night to his s/o’s phone ringing like crazy so he checks it and sees it’s her ex. So he answers the phone only to prove that she’s taken by having sex with her with her ex on the phone. Can the s/o be overstimulated as well? (i have no words. clearly the amount of 100s says alot)
Quiet & Qualms || @sugafreeagustd-blog​💕✅
↳ Your quiet vacation brings your qualms to the surface.
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Drabble: Apple Bobbing || @kithtaehyung​​​​💕✅💯💯💯
↳ apple bobbing at an autumn fair, yoongi looks disgustingly hot all wet (part of the three tangerines series and i just need to take a deep breath cause dam. also i didnt have a fckboy section so its going in this section for the time being)
Confident || @h0neypjm​​​​​ 🔞💕💔🔄💯
↳ After giving Jungkook the best suck of his life he’s left wondering if what you said was true. Was it really your first time? ‘Cause Jungkook thinks you might’ve lied.
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Pretty Kitty || @sweetheartjeongguk​​​🔞💕💔🔄💯
↳ never in his life would taehyung have expected the shy girl from his history class to be the sex kitten on his computer screen. (brb let me take some deep breaths)
Tears Dry || @codebts​​​🔞💔✅
↳ “he walks away, the sun goes down. he takes the day, but i’m grown. and in your grey, in this cool shade, my tears dry on their own.” (authors note said it might be just one part, but who knows)
Touchdown || @flurrys-creativity​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ Being the club manager of your all inclusive college football team wasn’t always peachy but you loved it nonetheless. Until the new recruits arrived and turned everything you knew upside down. Especially the new star Jeon Jungkook had your mind spiraling
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The Deal || @untaemedqueen​​​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ (there wasnt a summary and i suck at making summaries but like read it when you can! plus i swear i’ve read this but you know, it doesnt hurt to read this again)
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Forever, We are Young || @taegularities​​​​ 💔✅💯💯
↳ How would you imagine BTS to be in 25 years? Despite the fact that their disbandment happened half an eternity ago, there are still deep issues between the now grown-up men. Meeting after decades again, they know it’s time to settle them once and for all - but certainly not without finding each other all over again as well. (i feel like everyone needs to read this at some point, just to like idk mentally prepare them in some sort of way.)
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A Year of Sunshine || @herecomesjoon​​​​💕💔✅💯
↳ You had always talked about being parents, but you didn’t imagine it would happen like this.
An Affair of the Art || @raplinesmoon​​​💕💔✅💯💯
↳ One rainy day looking at art sets off a spiral of events Namjoon can’t control, leaving his heart for the taking (ngl i can actually picture him taking his kid to the museums. like that sht is cute af)
Daisy || @chateautae​​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ sleeping with your infuriating, unfairly attractive rival in art school? stupid. sleeping with him without protection? even more stupid. when you became pregnant with kim taehyung’s child at 21, your young lives suddenly derailed for the worst. fulfilling your parental roles early on proved difficult, but five years later, perhaps it was time to give your complicated relationship a second chance; not only for yourselves, but for your baby daughter—daisy.
Lullaby || @herecomesjoon​​​💕✅💯
↳ If Yoongi had his way, and he often did, he would stay up every night to take care of his little girl.
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Everything Falls (Into Place) || @blog-name-idk​​​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Home || @vyduan​​​🔞💕🔄💯💯
↳ Uh, the OT7 supernatural filth but like cozy and middle-aged with a passel of children that no one asked for. Blame Park Jimin’s Folio Teaser (even though he’s not even in the scene) but like fuck him and fuck me. (the “fuck him and fuck me” part of the summary, i feel you. had me cackling, but i feel you)
Little Do You Know || @yoongiofmine​​🔞💕💔🔄💯
↳ In a world where idols and actors can’t date, whether it be because of contracts, lack of time, or the dangers that involve having your personal life leaked, the market opened up for a new work field. Playmate Agencies emerged to supply the entertainment world with highly trained companions for hire. Bangtan is looking for new playmates. And you just happen to be the one all of them choose. (cant wait for s2 of this)
Lost and Found || @flowerfangz​​​​​🔞💕💔🔄💯💯
↳ y/n knew basically living in the woods she was asking for some crazy things to happen but she didn't think the thing to happen would be two hybrids at her door asking for help in the middle of the night while one is injured. (expect a few ongoing fics from this author on this months fic recs cause LORD HAVE MERCY)
The Freak || @flowerfangz​​​​​​💕💔🔄
↳ having been in the fighting ring for years, the night started like any other one but you haven't met a hybrid like him, someone made so different like you. You expected the fight to go like any other but who knew the orange eyed man was your get away?
To Be Loved || @flowerfangz​​​​​​ 🔞💕💔🔄💯
↳ after presenting late, your parents were embarrassed by you. In hopes of saving their image they arrange for you to be married to their friend's son, who turns out to make your life hell for years until you can't take it anymore. You'd rather die trying to get away then die not trying at all. As you run under the blue moon you can't help but wonder what is it like to be loved?
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Coffee || @crownjimin​​💕💔✅💯💯
↳ the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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The Comforts of Creatures || @interesting-interludes​​​​​​🔞💕💔🔄💯
↳ you’re a prisoner here, but you can’t remember why. you can’t remember much of anything. not where you came from, not who you are, not even what you are. what happens when a pack of terrifying monsters breaks into the facility where you’re being held. not to kill you, but to…protect you?
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Caught in the Crossfire || @taleasnewastime​​​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ Taehyung kills people, he isn’t ashamed to admit it (though it’s not something he shouts about). To date he has never found a reason that someone didn’t deserve to die. That the person hadn’t committed some hideous act. That the world wouldn’t be a better place without them in it. But that was before he got sent your information. (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.)
Crimson || @btsstan12​​​💕✅💯💯💯
↳ The time when the wind changes and you can feel poetry in the air is autumn. Autumn is also called fall. This time, maybe literally for Namjoon as he falls for the girl with her nose buried in a book. He navigates his small crush on her with crimson cheeks, crunch of leaves and the changing winds. (i am soft, this is so soft)
Fool for You || @btsgotjams27​​​💕💔🔄
↳ When Jungkook is finally single, you shoot your shot.
Make an Offer || @bangtanintotheroom​​🔞✅
↳ Money in exchange for companionship and fucking? It was an arrangement that you were comfortably taking part in with your current sugar daddy. But when you lock eyes with a stranger during a night out, you’re approached with an offer that could shake things up.  
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Bad and Sweet Trilogy || @helenazbmrskai​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ (no summary, three different one shots. i love)
Do check out all of the other BTS Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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sturnad · 2 months
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Pairing: y/n and Chris Sturniolo
Summary: a girl that just started working in a local cafe in her small town and a boy who just moved into her town because of his dads job.
Warnings: none
During the summer break i saw Chris a lot of times, he always or smiled or waved at me. And I ALWAYS got flustered just by his look.
Tomorrow is school.. FINALLY!! I will get to see Chris every day and hopefully we end up in the same class.
The next morning
School started at 7:30 so i got up at 5:45 to get ready. I didnt usually wake up this early but it is the first day so I kinda had to.
I rolled out of my bed and stretched. I yawned while walking to the bathroom half asleep. I turned the water on and I let my hands drown in it. It was so warm on such a cold morning, all i wanted to do is go to sleep but I couldnt so I snapped out of it and opened my eyes fully. I quickly striped my clothes off and got into the shower. I quickly showered and shaved really quickly, while I was in the shower I also brushed my teeth and cleansed the shit out of my face.
I got out and soaked up the water from my body with a clean towel. I quickly ran to my room and dressed up. *The outift*
After i dressed up i went to my vanity and did my skincare and makeup.
I put on tons of smells. Deodorant, lotion, bodymist, perfume.. It was all vanilla scented. I even showered in a vanilla scented body wash.
I packed my bags for school and took my headphones.
Before I left my house i quickly shoved a gum in my mouth before locking the door.
I sat down in the bus, listening to the music that was blasting through my headphones.
Suddenly I felt a wave of mens perfume hit me, I turned my head around to see that it was Chris. I smiled at him and waved him over.
The girls were drooling over Chris even though thats the first time they ever saw him (but who could blame them honeslty..). Some even invited Chris to sit next to them and when he sat down next to me they had the disappointed face on.
He sat down next to me and smiled..
"Hii, I love your outfit y/n" he stared.
"Thanks Chris, you look nice too" he smiled as I spoke.
While we talked i spotted a few eyes on us from behind but I just ignored them all.
After some yapping we finally arrived.
We walked together into the school and once again the girls were all over Chris. IT WAS KILLING ME INSIDE but I decided to play it off.
"I guess youre the popular guy huh?" i nudge his shoulder. He chuckles and shakes his head off.
I looked around and suddenly I felt a rush of anxiety run through my body because of all the looks people were giving me and Chris. I also heard some girls say:
"Ew does she really think he would wanna be with her?"
"Hes so hott"
"She doesnt have a chance with him hahaha"
"Do you think hes a good kisser?"
I just took deep breaths as I still felt everyones gaze on me and Chris.
Chris shruged my shoulder "you okay?"
I quickly got my mind together and responded: yeah.. im okay..
Chris nodded but still looked a bit concerned.
We got to our lockers and got our things ready for our the first class. We separated our ways since we thought were not even gonna be together in classes. I got to my class and I sat down. When a couple of minutes passed by I saw Chris walking towards me.
"What are you doing here?" i smiled as he sat down next to me
"I guess we are together" i smiled slightly even though i was filled with excitement and happiness.
Since it was a first day we didnt learn anything we just got our schedules and talked about our summer break.
1st and 2nd class finished and it was time for lunch.
I found my friends in the hallway and walked to the cafeteria with them. We sat down behind a table that was facing the table Chris was sitting behind. Chris also sat down behind his table and a group of popular boys from a soccer team joined him. He smiled even though he didnt really know what was going on. I saw some girls from a cheerleader team also sit there. I was furious. How could he be so popular i thought as i bit into my apple.
"y/n! hello!!" my friend snapped her fingers into my face.
"are you even with us?" she said.
"yeah just got a bit distracted sorry.." i replied.
"what? is it that new boy, whats his name... Chris? Right?" she smiled. "hes so fine" the other friend added.
I was so mad i just wanted to punch them all in the face but I got my act together and just nodded.
After school I was outside waiting for my bus to come.
I sat down in the same seat i was sitting in the morning and once again Chris sat down next to me. For some reason I was so mad at him i didnt even wanna talk to him but he didnt even do anything.
As he sat down i just looked at the window and didnt say anything.
"Omg I met this girl-" he started talking. I was this close to telling him I liked him but it was all gone. I thought he felt the same way about me. I rolled my eyes at him as he continued talking about that girl and I knew exactly who she was. Shes the popular girl at school that fucked almost every single boy in the school.
I nodded to Chris and didnt mention anything to him about her since I wanted him to find out himself.
The bus got to my house and I just rushed out, without a goodbye.
While I was getting ready for my ice skating practice I got a notification..
I opened it and it was from instagram. I opened the requests and saw that girl texted me.
Leave my Chris alone before I beat you up.
Your Chris? You said that about half the male population in this school that you fucked so you should be fucking ashamed of yourself, whore.
I sighed as i pressed sent. I got ready for my practice and I checked my phone for the last time before i left. That whore left me on seen. Of course thats what she always did when someone put her in her place.
I smiled to myself and left the house.
if theres any mistakes please do not mind them this was kinda rushed.
I know its not even that good im really sorry but part 4 is coming soon, ily all and thanks for the support and btw requests are open please request anything!
@imwetforyourmom @slut4mattsturn
@junnniiieee07 @uhnanix @pxndaaa
@thebottledwatersupplier @h3arts4harry
@venusxsturnio @sturdav
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chaoscriess · 2 years
hey sorry to disturb but can you maybe do a one-shot of maddyxreader where she doesn't like not eeceiving attention from -reader-? Thanks and have a great morning,after noon or night!
absolutely! I love this idea! sorry it took so long! not exactly what you asked, but I tried! got a bit carried away though. I've recently changed my preferences on writing gn reader for the girls, and I've decided that I'll only write wlw/gxg fics for female characters. thank you for understanding.
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! arguing, angst, maddy and reader being dumb and not communicating, some infidelity? maddy is kinda
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒! on mobile, format might be weird. lowercase intended, unedited, double periods intended. mentions of the song michelle by sir chloe!!! love that song.
maddy x fem!reader
you and maddy had been together for a while.
9 months, one week, and 5 days, to be exact.
you knew she was yours, you knew she would never do anything to hurt you
maddy was the same, as far as you knew
but one day, when you two were at the mall near your house, you ran into an old friend
"oh my god, y/n?! is that you?" you looked around, initially not seeing anyone you knew, but stopping when you saw a taller man that you recognized. his name was caleb, and you knew him for 7 years before he moved away. you smiled brightly before quickly walking towards him and embracing him in a tight hug. "oh my god, I never thought I'd see you again, caleb!" he smiled at you and hugged you tightly, rubbing your back slightly. "yeah well," he paused, pulling away and shifting his feet, looking to the ground sadly, "my mom got sick and my dad got into a pretty mad accident at work so now I'm here. I have to take care of both of them for a while before I can get out of here again."
you smile at him before laughing softly and shaking your head. "yeah, hopefully I'll be out of here too, pretty soon." he smiled at you and placed his hand on your shoulder. "maybe we can go together!" you chuckled at his words and muttered a 'yeah yeah', dismissing his flirty behavior. "well, I have to go, my girlfriend's waiting for me". you watched his face drop slightly as you turned around and made your way to maddy, laughing at the man.
you saw the look on maddy's unhappy face, and your smile turned into a concerned frown. "what's wrong, babe?" she rolled her eyes and turned around, leaving you standing there confused as she walked away.
maddy was super clingy for a couple days. holding onto you wherever you went, whining when you pulled away from her, and yelling at you when you called her clingy. "well If it weren't for you eye fucking that caleb guy!"
you got into a fight about it, you told her you were laughing at him for flirting with you, and she told you that she wouldn't doubt it if you had been in love with him when you were younger and still loved him.
you definitely didnt, he wasnt your type.. like, at all.
you tried to tell her that you only loved her, that you were head over heels for her and you'd never leave her, but she didnt believe you.
she stopped begging you for affection and attention, instead showing up at all the parties you went to and getting affection and attention by dancing with other people. you were upset, obviously, you two never broke up, you weren't even on a break.
you ignored her attempts to make you jealous, sitting on the couch with fezco, high as heaven, instead of giving her the attention she wanted.
you could tell she was upset, but you did nothing wrong.
it was midnight. you watched maddy dance with a girl named michelle. that girl was a monster from hell, she'd hated you since you got with maddy, you always knew she liked her. you were the first girl maddy had been with, and the one that made her realize she liked girls. it broke your heart to see her dance with michelle. you sighed and looked down at the joint in your hand before taking one last hit and handing it to fezco, standing up and walking to maddy. you smiled when you saw maddy look at you with a smile on her face, but your bright smile was replaced with a look of anger and hurt when you saw her grab michelle's hand and lead her to an empty room.
"are you fucking kidding me?" you quickly walked towards maddy and grabbed her arm, pulling her away from an angry michelle. "y/n, what the hell?! what are you doing?" you scoffed at the dark haired girl and dragged her out of the house, into your car. "what the fuck maddy? what was that?" she looked at you weird, like you were speaking a foreign language. "what was what? I was just dancing." you scoffed, chuckling lightly, you were really getting pissed off.
"maddy, that wasnt dancing, she was all over you. why were you even going into that room?" maddy sighed and looked down before speaking. "I asked her for help.. we were trying to make you jealous. youve been ignoring me, so.. I thought it would be a good idea." you frowned at her and shook your head. "maddy, why the hell would that be a good idea?!" you looked at her and you immediately felt bad for yelling at her.
"I dont know! I just.. missed you, I guess. I felt like you didnt care about me anymore.." you felt tears well up in your eyes, why the hell were you crying? wait, was maddy crying too? shit. "maddy, of course I still care about you! I'm fucking in love with you, for christ's sake!" your eyes widened, you had never said that out loud before. she looked up at you with wide eyes, they were red from crying. "oh, maddy.." you put your hands on her cheeks and kissed her gently, swiping away her tears with your thumbs, before pulling away and leaning your forehead against hers.
"I'm sorry... I should have talked to you about it instead of going to michelle." you pulled away, shook your head and let out a quiet 'no'. you couldn't stay mad at her. "it's fine, I'm not mad anymore. are you alright? I didnt mean to yell at you.." she sniffled and nodded. "and.. y/n?" you looked up at her in anticipation before she continued speaking. "I love you too."
in the end, you and maddy got over it.
this actually helped the two of you, in a way
you were more trusting, more honest
and you didnt get jealous every time one of you talked to someone.
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nonbinaryeggrolls · 11 months
Battle of the Larynx I
Miguel O’Hara x afab!reader
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4
Synopsis: Having Spider-Man as a boyfriend was becoming increasingly more difficult, and his reoccurring absence is tearing you apart
A/N: hi y’all! ik ive been so MIA with my stories lately. if im being honest sometimes i just don’t have ideas for new chapters or how to continue in progress stories, but hopefully i can get some more done soon! but for now enjoy this quick Miguel O’Hara story cuz i am OBSESSED with this man atm
Inspired by Battle of the Larynx by Melanie Martinez!
Warning: smut (fingering), toxic relationship, ANGST (yk i fucking live that shit), neglectful Miguel, LONG ASS CHAPTERS
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You knew what you were getting yourself into when he told you. You knew the nights that laid ahead for both of you filled with his crying and screaming after a failed mission led to a loss of innocent life. You knew the days would consist of hours holding your breath wondering if he was alive or not, and finally exhaling when he arrived there at your doorstep; battered and bloody but still, he was there. That was really the only promised you asked Miguel to keep— be there. You could handle him leaving randomly and not coming home until 2 in the morning, it was his obligation as a hero and that came before anything else. But he also took an obligation as your partner to be present when it mattered most, and according to him he cherished that concept with his life. So if that was the case why wasn’t he here now?
Miguel had been gone for 5 days now, longer than he’s ever been gone for. Five days of nothing, no calls, texts, emails, even an owl with a note would’ve sufficed at this point but he chose to leave you in the dark yet again. You touched up your mascara in the shiny elevator door reflection as you prepped yourself for the celebration party you and your art school classmates planned after you all landed the animation internship. What was supposed to be a chance for your friends to finally get to know Miguel was clearly turning into yet another evening third wheeling other couples. Another night of watching girls curl up with their lovers while you downed a spiked lemonade to forget about yours. This was the 26th time Miguel had abandoned an important event with no notice whatsoever (yes you’ve been keeping track). It started with simple things like picnic dates or small get togethers, then his absence gradually became more impactful. Missed family dinner’s, birthdays…anniversaries. Disappearing for days on end with no check ins, it was becoming torture. It was becoming increasingly obvious that people started to question whether or not you even had a boyfriend, and slowly you did too…
To Miggy 🧸:
please tell me you’re coming tonight, you know this means a lot to me Miguel
can you just call me and let me know youre alive at least????
i hope youre chaffing in your suit asshole
The elevator door opened letting you onto the top floor of Alchamex, it was pointless checking but you always did anyways. You crept your way into his office hoping to see his usual tired figure slumped over in his chair, ready for you to nag him like you usually do to take a break and eat something, but the only thing occupying the space was scattered papers. You looked through his window that towered over the Nueva York city streets trying desperately to hold back the tears that were fighting their way out.
Y/N: “Jess! Im- Im really sorry.” You turned your head only slightly so she couldn’t see your puffy eyes.
Jess: “Y/N, you’re part of reception you know you can get in a lot of trouble being up here without authorization.”
Y/N: “I know I know I just…I thought Miguel be here.” You mumbled between hiccups that came up from you failing to hide your sobs. Jess wasn’t stupid, it didnt take a genius to know what you were upset about, or who you were upset about, “If you um… if you see him can you just ask him to come home please.” Working through your sniffles, you wiped your face with your sleeve and made your way out of the office before she even had time to respond
Jess sighed feeling a twitch of anger brew inside her towards the young man, she scowled and muttered obscenities under her breath as she dialed Miguels number…
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The next week came and you missed the party entirely, the calls from all your friends and colleagues went unanswered. Honestly, your self esteem couldn’t take another embarrassing, lonely entrance into an event that Miguel was supposed to accompany you too. Another endless night of sympathetic looks and pity hugs. 
The clock read 7:48 pm when you arrived home from work, another day of taking calls and booking meetings for a man that wasn’t even there half of the time. With a heavy sigh you set the bags of groceries you had in hand down in order to get your keys out of your back pocket. The space was dark and cold when you walked in, it had been for the last week. You stocked the fridge with your new groceries then before taking a quick shower and finishing your nightly routine. You were in the middle of applying your night cream when you heard a loud thud causing you to finally leave the bathroom. In the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of a tall dark figure emerging from the window. You let out a shriek managing to fumble everything in hand as you scrambled to find your pepper spray.
Miguel: “Woah woah! Relax it’s just me! it’s me Y/N!” Usually you’d be used to Miguel’s late night window entrances but it had been so long since you last saw him you forgot he even did it. He turned on the living room light revealing his tired and bruised figure. He was still dressed in his spider suit, the suit you excitedly spent hours on your ipad drawing and redrawing to get the perfect design; now you hated the sight of that thing.
Y/N: “Miguel?”, seeing him gave you relief knowing it wasn’t an intruder, but the anger that’s been stirring in you for the last 2 weeks slapped you back to reality. Silence filled the space between you two, neither of you taking the initiative to speak first. It took 2 weeks for him to come back and you weren’t going to wait another second waiting for him to find the balls to say something.
Miguel: “Y/N please wait!…” he pleaded when you turned away and slammed the bedroom door behind you. You plopped down onto your mattress, you were exhausted and couldn’t stand to look at his face anymore, but you felt the empty bed space behind you dip with his weight.
Miguel: “Congratulations on your internship cariño, I knew you’d get it…” No response. “I…I got this for you. Y/N?” If you turned around you’d see the small gift wrapped box he held in his hand but you were motionless. This new silence terrified him. The possibility of you finally giving up on him made his heart sink a little
Miguel: “Y/N I’m really really sor—
Y/N: “Just shut up Miguel, shut up already…” you finally spoke through gritted teeth, “You’ve never cared about a single thing that I care about, if you did then you would’ve been there like you said you would but you weren’t! SO JUST FUCKING SHUT UP!” you sobbed and curled your legs closer to your chest
Miguel: “I know you’re angry at me… but Y/N I really am sorry. I’m sorry that I didn’t call you or text you. I’m sorry it took Jess calling me to make me realize how terrible I was being. I should’ve been there to take you to your friends party, like I promised I would. I wanna be someone you can count on and trust but I’m screwing it all up.”
At this point Miguel had already stood up from the bed, you could feel the floor thump as he paced back and forth trying to find the right words to say to you. You couldn’t help but peek over at him, he looked horrible with his head in his hands and blood and dirt still caked on his suit. Regardless of how angry you felt towards Miguel you always took pity on the poor man. He loved you with everything he was and everything he wasn’t, all he wanted was to be everything you ever needed, but you were the first woman he had ever been with since Dana and Gabriella passed. You knew loving you was like learning to walk again.
You called his name in your soft voice. His head shot up, you were finally facing him with your arms open inviting him in for a hug. Miguel practically jumped from his seat and into your arms. Words couldn’t describe how good it felt to feel your touch and even though he smelled like ash and rubble you felt exactly the same, practically crying as you melted into his hold
Y/N: “I thought you were dead Miggy, you can’t keep putting me through this I can’t take it.” He settled deeper into your embrace and rested his head into the crook of your neck
Miguel: “I know, I’ll be better for you…” You felt his lips latch onto your neck and pepper you in small kisses, “I love you Y/N. I love you so much.” He groaned against you, pushing his stiffened member against your groan and pulling out a desperate moan from your lips
Y/N: “I…I love you too Miggy…fuck!” You screamed has he drove his thick fingers into your already soaking cunt. Every curl and thrust against your plush walls pushed you closer and closer to your edge.
You cried against his shoulders. There were times when the space that was wedged between you two felt infinite then dwindled every time he came back home to you.
It was euphoria, to feel him with you again.
But every high has to come down at some point.
The sound of arguing pulled you from your sleep. It was 2 in the morning when you rolled over to see a space where Miguel was originally sleeping beside you. It wasn’t unusual for Miguel to wake up in the middle of the night to work at the kitchen table or yell to Jess about some other spider variant that messed up a mission; one named Peter seemed to come up very frequently. However it seemed like this specific conversation went on for a fairly long time, you could even begin to here Miguel’s voice shake with whoever he was speaking to.
You slipped on a new t shirt from Miguel’s drawer since the clothes you previously had on had been ripped to shreds. His voice became more and more clear as you made your way down the hall
Miguel: “Do you already have an idea on who it could be?…Fuck. Okay, I’ll *sigh* I’ll be there soon.” He hung up and pinched the bridge of his nose in a mixture of frustration and disappointment.
Y/N: “Youre leaving again aren’t you?” Your voice startled him out of his sulk.
Miguel: “…Jess suspects there’s a spider variant that’s purposely letting anomalies run loose in other dimensions. I have to handle this Y/N...”
7 hours, it took 7 hours to fall into the same old routine. It was honestly amusing at this point, all you could do was laugh. How stupid you were to think things could be any different. How stupid you were to think that HE could be any different.
Y/N: “Are you fucking serious?!” You shouted
Miguel: “Y/N Stop it, not right now please. I need you to just go back to bed and let me—
Y/N: “Let you what?! Let you leave me and come back anytime you find it convenient? How long are you gonna be gone this time Miguel, a month this time? Do you even care about the promise you kept to me? Or do I even cross your mind when you’re out there dimensions away from home playing hero for everyone else but me? This isn’t a hotel Miguel, this is our home! At least that what it fucking used to be!” You fumed. He towered above you but that didn’t stop from getting in his face, “It’s not fair Miguel! You don’t get to leave me alone for weeks and come back and fuck me thinking that’ll make it all better! You have to be better!”
Miguel: “You need to stop acting like you’re the only person in my world that needs my attention! I’m not a monster for putting the safety of the multiverse first. Im sorry I can’t be here to rock you to bed and give you a kiss goodnight all the time. Sometimes we have to put personal matters on the back burner Y/N, it’s called responsibility!” He gathered his phone and the rest of his belongings off the kitchen table
Miguel: “I have enough to worry about as it is, having you and Jess blowing up my phone to go to some party with people I don’t even know doesn’t he—
Y/N: “What?” Your tone was softer and started to become laced with hurt, it was evident in the way your voice started to shake, “Jess called you that night and it took you a week to come back?”
Realization of what he just said settles in and it makes his brows furrow in frustration and both himself and you. When he looks over at you with that same stupid emotionless face he always has you can’t help but boil with anger. His nonchalance towards your problems made you curl your fist until your knuckles turned white
Y/N: “No you’re not a monster, but you are an ASSHOLE for making me believe you could balance work and me! Why are you even with me if you can’t—
Miguel: “This conversation is over, I have a job to do and youre keeping me from doing it.” He cut you off harshly, dismissing your concerns yet again.
Y/N: “I never asked you to sacrifice your obligations! I said from the beginning that being a hero comes first, just make some goddamn time for me now and then! Why Miguel? Why do I have to beg you to see my family at Christmas?! Why do I have to beg you to meet my friends or give me an ounce of attention?! Why do I have to ask you to care about me?!”, This was frustrating him too much, your lack of understanding was infuriating. Miguel had to leave before he said something he might regret. He turned away from you and your manic sobbing and made his way to the window seal without another word, afraid that he might damage things worse than they already were by speaking
Y/N: “If we switched places I wouldn’t DARE treat you as terribly as you treat me—
Miguels eyes widened and his rampage instantly stopped. You couldn’t believe the words that had just left his mouth, and honestly he couldn’t either. He didn’t mean it at all, he wanted to take back those words as soon as the left his mouth, he just wanted to leave. Why didn’t you just let him leave? He wouldve been right back. The air was thick and uncomfortable, your combined heavy breathing was the only thing filled the space between the two of you.
Miguel: “I…I’ll be right back.” There was a shakiness in his voice and in his movement when he stepped out onto the fire escape.
Y/N: “Dont come back. If you leave tonight…don’t come back Miguel.” You spoke in a tone barely above a whisper
Miguel: “We’ve said things we don’t mean…I’ll be back later to fix things.” His suit integrated onto his body and he leapt off of the building ledge. A blur of blue and red was the only trace he left behind.
The truth was out now, how Miguel really felt towards you. You were never a first priority or even a second or third, you were nothing but a soul to fill the space where something else was missing. His wife, his daughter, you never tried to stand in their place or become what they were to him, but now you knew that’s the only reason Miguel kept you around. You were his vice
Your heavy cries carried throughout the apartment as you laid in bed cradling the maroon cardigan that was in the gift box Miguel got you.
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The spider society headquarters was empty and calm, but the office at the top floor was anything but. Miguel sat atop of his hovering platform brooding in silence in front of his computer monitors, It’d been like this since he arrived. Miguel was always stern and reserved, he never held a conversation with anyone other than Jess or Lyla so him being fairly quiet was normal. But for Miguel to not say anything at all was strange, and it didn’t take long for others to take notice of his behavior shift since leaving your apartment
Margo, Peter, and Jess were the last people at headquarters, after a long day of interrogating potential rogue variants the crew was finally successful and able to apprehend Spiderman on Earth-3360. What will happen to the young man wasn’t decided yet but catching him was a cause for celebration. The group sat around the cafeteria table sharing empanadas and Soju for a few minutes before they went back to their own universes
Margo: “Yeah Ive been in his office all day with him and Lyla and he’s barely said 2 sentences, he wasn’t even mean during interrogation. It’s like he didn’t have it in him to yell. I think he’s depressed or something.”
Peter: “I thought he was always depressed, that’s like his thing isn’t it? That’s why he’s not funny.” He joked and finished off the last empanada
Jess: “I don’t know but I need to get home, my back is killing me and I can’t deal with The Grinch any longer.” She said taking letters hand to help her up from the chair.
The group said goodnight to each other, Margo logged off and Jess went home to some much needed rest, honestly this line of work seems too dangerous for a pregnant woman. Peter made his way up to Miguel’s office, who he knew could hear the entire conversation thanks to his enhanced hearing.
Peter: “You know they’re right Miguel…” he shouted up to Miguel who was brooding on his platform
Miguel: “About what?” he asked in a condescending tone
Peter: “About you, you don’t think we’ve noticed you moping around all day. Do you wanna tell me what the deal is so you can stop pouting?” he swung onto the platform and took a seat next to Miguel, crossing his arms and sitting firm in place waiting for Miguel’s response but he was met with silence, “Is it the rogue variant? Cuz we’re not gonna let this happen again…”
Miguel: “No.”
Peter: “Miles? Gwen? Ben?”
Miguel: “No it’s none of them.” He turned his attention away from him and focused on organizing the handful of papers on his desk
Peter: “Then what is it? Is it Y/N?”
Miguel: “Did I say anything about Y/N?! Why even bring her up?!” He snapped, it was exhausting having to work and act like every terrible thing he said wasn’t weighing on his mind. Miguel couldn’t even interrogate the variant with losing focus, having to have Jess switch him out is gonna remain one of the most embarrassing points in his Spider-Man career. Peter was never a first choice for a sounding board, but it was only going to get worse for Miguel if he didn’t turn to someone for advice, because Lord knows he was terrible at handling relationship problems on his own
Miguel: “I said something bad, really really bad Peter…” he confessed. He took a seat in the chair next to him
Peter: “Do you wanna be more specific?”
Miguel: “I told her that her career was a joke. Then I called her…a replacement.” Peters eyes widened, he knew Miguel was capable of harsh words, he’d seen it first hand with Miles but this was unexpected. Especially with you, the girl he fawned over and practically stalked at work until you made the first move.
Peter: “Shit, Miguel. That’s really messed up…Did you mean it?” He asked
Miguel: “No of course not! I didn’t mean any of it, I was just frustrated. I’m not the bad guy for prioritizing my duties! She just wasn’t listening Peter, she wasn’t understanding any of what I was saying or where I was coming from. I didn’t mean what I said.”
Peter: “So why did you say it?!” Peter exclaimed
Miguel: “I DONT KNOW!”, He slouched over in his chair and cradled his head in his hands, his own words made him sick to his stomach. How he urged to tell you how guilty he was for what he said, for never being there, for making you feel like you didn’t mean anything, “I just wanted her to be quiet, everything she was saying was right but it made me feel guilty and awful. I wanted to make her feel worse than I felt. God I’m so fucking dumb…”
Peter: “You know I’m not good with this, it wasn’t long ago that I was a sad piece of shit too with a partner at home who basically couldn’t stand me. That being said, I also know that when it feels like nothing you say can make up for everything you said, and you said A LOT, maybe too much. I would never say something like that, that was insane…”
Miguel: “Peter…” he said through gritted teeth
Peter: “Sorry sorry, that being said when it feels like there’s nothing you can say that could make up for everything you said, a simple apology means more than you think it does. A real apology Miguel.” Peter looked at him, he didn’t need words to know that Peter was basically tell him to finally get his shit together.
Miguel: “What if she doesn’t accept it?”
Peter: “She will if you mean it…”
Passing buildings were a blur to Miguel, he was racing home so fast he couldn’t even focus on anything around him. While he swung from structure to structure he planned out every single thing he’d say to you, how he’s sorry for failing you in this relationship and he’d change for the both of you. He even tried to remember if there was still cinnamon in the spice cabinet so he could make you your favorite comfort drink, champurrado.
Miguel soon landed on the fire escape outside your apartment, you made a habit of leaving the curtains open for him so he could see if you were up or not and now it was an involuntary part of your routine. He peeked inside and saw you sleeping peacefully on your bed, hoping to come join you he tried to open the window but it wasn’t budging.
‘Had you locked it on purpose?’ He thought to himself, no you couldn’t have, you always left in unlocked for him. But when he saw the book you had used to block the window from being moved he panicked. Miguel knocked on your window, frantic and desperate
Miguel: “Y/N! Y/N! Unlock the window!” He pleaded. His knocking stirred you out of your sleep and you sat up in your bed, your puffy eyes on full display. When you finally looked over at him you were emotionless just as he was to you, it terrified him seeing you look at him with no longing or affection
Miguel: “Let me in…please cariño”, he begged
You were so tired, you were so tired of wondering why your boyfriend left you to question his love for you and now after tonight you know why. You stood face to face with him, the window still a barrier between you and him. It ate away at you but you couldn’t stand another night asking yourself why you weren’t getting the love you deserved. You had your answer and you didn’t need Miguel around anymore, not if you were going to be another substitute for what was missing.
Miguel: “Y/N…Y/N please wait!—
You closed the curtain in his face and went back to bed but it didn’t stop his knocking and pleading, begging for you to let him in and mend what he broke. It continued for an hour until you were convinced he eventually gave up and left. Him being gone finally gave you a chance to break down once again into your sheets, but Miguel sat on the fire escape listening to every choked out sob and hiccup you let out. Every painful cry the he caused you and now he wondered if he’d ever be able to fix it.
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kakujis · 1 year
hello! i hope u’re doing well and i really adore ur work, keep going! i was wondering if i could req chifuyu x fem!s/o who has a male friend she thought of him as her best friend until he started to hit on her and give her weird looks and stuffs /tries to flirt w her but she thought she was just thinking abt it too much and didnt want to say anything since she hates confrontations and thought she’s probably just being paranoid abt it but then chifuyu notices it so he does something about it? (i’m sorry if this is too specific or too weird, feel free not to write it if it’s too much! and if it is, i apologize for that!) have a nice day/evening<3
hi nonnie! i'm sorry this took me literally 2 months oops. please forgive me!!! anyways, here it is! i hope it's to your liking! since it's sfw minors can rb + like, but please don't follow or else i'll have to block u ):
warnings: fluff, one-sided pining, f!reader, violence (chifuyu knocks him out lol), final timeline!
wc: 1.1k
“i’m sorry, could you repeat that?” 
chifuyu cocked his head, he couldn’t help listening intently, you were only outside the store door. it was like this everyday, your best friend would show up on your break time and spend all 30 minutes with you. chifuyu didn’t mind as long as you went back to work and didn’t bother the customers, but he found himself tuning in lately, noting the troubled look on your face when you would walk in. 
“I said,” your best friend started, “you look really cute in that apron, you should wear it more often.” 
you scoffed, “you mean, my job uniform?” 
“it doesn’t have to be this apron,” he says, looping one finger underneath the strap, “it could be any. like.. a maid apron or something!” 
you step back, gently pushing away his hand. something in you flipped, you felt it in your stomach, heavy and uncomfortable. you were unsure of him lately, maybe it was the way he was calling you more often, or maybe it was the flirtatious comments. there was, however, one thing in particular that bugged you, and it was the way he’d try to hold your hand as the two of you would walk home together. but still, maybe you were just being paranoid? best friends hold hands all the time… right? 
you open your mouth, struggling to find the words to say, until a familiar head pops out from the store. 
“time’s up,” chifuyu says, shooing away your friend with his hand. “get back to work.” 
you nod, feeling a sense of relief as you give an awkward side hug to your friend and scurry back in without looking back. 
“i’ll pick you up after-” your friend tries to say, but you’re already inside, hands clammy as you take your place behind the counter.
chifuyu follows you in, noting your fiddling hands and your eyes glued to the floor. “you okay?” he asks, grabbing a dustpan and broom. 
you nod at first, before sighing and shaking your head. “can i ask you a question?” you start, before shaking your head once again. “actually, nevermind.” 
chifuyu pauses, before shrugging and giving you an “okay.”
the rest of the day moved by in a breeze, it was a slow tuesday. you spent most of your shift cleaning and taking care of the kittens. you loved your part time job. working at peke j land was the best part of your day, the little kitten licks you’d receive each day was enough to get you by the stuffy customers and otherwise long hours. you were hired as a temp worker to fill in for another employee, baji, who was stuck crunching for his college finals. 
as the sun dwindled down over the horizon, you put your apron back in your locker. before you walked out from the back room, you felt that familiar uncomfortable feeling. your best friend was going to take you home today. you texted him earlier, telling him you’d just catch the bus home since you were staying pretty late. he texted you back but you didn’t wanna see his response, leaving it unopened. hopefully, he wouldn’t show up.  you peered over your shoulder, as your boss typed away on a laptop, probably business emails. 
you wanted to ask him if he’d drive you home today, hoping to avoid your friend. but you stopped yourself, reasoning that you shouldn’t mix personal issues and work. 
“i’m heading out, chifuyu! see you tomorrow.” you said, giving a small wave to his back. 
“oh,” he says, before he swivels in his chair, grabbing his keys. “you want a ride home?” the laptop closes with a click as he gets up. 
“you don’t have to..” you start, thumbing the strap of your back.
chifuyu shrugs, “the guys have been getting on my case for staying late anyway,” he jingles the keys in his hand. “let’s go?” 
“okay,” you say, shyly moving out of the way. 
it’s not terribly awkward to walk out with him, following close behind him. it’s reassuring, until you hear a familiar voice. 
“hey, y/n!” it’s your friend, who seemed to have been waiting for you, getting up from his spot on the sidewalk. his smile falters when he sees the two of you, glancing between you both before extending a hand out which you shy away from.
he’s perplexed to say the least when chifuyu ignores him and says, “my car’s out that way.” pointing down the street. you nod, eyes glued to the floor as you mutter out, “chifuyu’s taking me home, you can go now.” 
your friend steps out, blocking your path. “you’re coming home with me, i take you everyday.” 
you shake your head harder, “no i texted you…”
“and i texted back letting you know i was coming back anyway.” he cuts you off, clear irritation in his voice. you’re shrinking, farther back as he steps forward and chifuyu’s had enough. 
he sighs, “kids like you are so fuckin’ annoying.” 
“excuse me?” your best friend asks, voice incredulous, “what did you just say?” 
“i said,” he reiterates, using his finger to push back on the other man’s chest, “kids like you are fucking annoying.” 
your friend scoffs, before grabbing your arm, “let’s go y/n, we’re leaving.” 
“wait-“ you start, trying to plant your feet so that you won’t get dragged off. but he’s much stronger than you and you stumble forward anyway. 
you feel a hand on your other wrist and turn back to see your boss holding onto you, before he steps in between the two of you. 
“back off man,” your friend warns, clearly ready to do something stupid. 
“y/n, do you wanna go with him?” chifuyu asks, eyes staring straight through you and only you, as if your friend wasn’t even there. 
you look between the two of them before you shake your head. “no, i’d like you to take me home..”  
“then there’s your answer.” chifuyu says, looking back at him. “don’t bother her anymore.” 
perhaps it was ego that fueled your friend to swing his fist, but chifuyu was faster, too many nights spent sparring with kazutora, baji, and more had him well equipped for this. you winced hearing the connection of fist to jaw, the crack of bone, and the thud of a body on the pavement. 
“alright, now we can actually go.” he starts walking off towards the direction of his car, before looking back at you. “you comin’?” 
bewildered, you look at chifuyu, then back at your friend’s unconscious body, then chifuyu once more before asking, “um, we’re just gonna leave him there?” 
chifuyu shrugs, “he’s a big boy, he’ll be fine.”
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