#horror noise maybe
doublegoblin · 9 months
Some kind of monster noise
Wanted to challenge myself into making something using only the sounds I could make with my mouth...and some audio editing. Is it anything? Idk, but I had a blast messing around and having a good time. The only thing not made with my own mouth is the splashing sound. That was a moving water between two cups.
Maybe to set the mood~
You and your buddy are out fishing late at night, you swear they bite better. One of you it doesn't matter who, remarks on how loud the swamp is. As you get in your boat you realize however, the sound isn't ambient, it's coming from over there. A sudden splash in the distance catches your attention.
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sparticus2000art · 26 days
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Here’s the bad sanses as team rocket (with nightmare as Giovanni)
It was originally going to be a bit of a shit post but I got a little too into it
Based on a joke from a cjdoesva stream
Nightmare by jokublog
Killer by rahafwabas
Dust by ask dusttale
Horror by sour apple studios
Cross by jakei
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marclef · 3 months
so uhhhhh. that Noise update huh?
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great job there buddy, you've given the dang frog anxiety!
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
Poor angsty lil oreo 😟 maybe he could need a reboop of his installment... or preferably a nice comforting hug from New Rat friend?? UwU seriously, would be sooo cute omg! 2 cuties hugging it out is just soo awww~ pls?? ✨🥺🙏
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Well, the rat is me (hello!), so I guess I could give Cross a hug if he needs!
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But he should be warned, I am a bear hugger >:3c
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And while I'm here hugging skeletons, if I could be serious for just a second (because any longer and I'll die of sillyness deficiency)
This is the anniversary of a really sad day for me, and if I hadn't had undertale to be obsessed with and distract myself I can't imagine how much worse it would have been. So I just wanted to say thank you for letting me jump into the fandom and make stuff and have fun, it really means a lot <3
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party-tower-au · 2 months
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you guys voted for us to post about fake tower! so heres a sneak peek - some works in progress in order of completion ^_>^ way back when this au was first made (march 2023), i had only made fakes of noise and noisette !! sal made a fake pizzahead, who you'll be seeing soon ... anyway i realized i never made fakes for any of the other characters (oops) so these are what i've come up with now - besides noise, this is just an alternate design for him i'm thinking ill post about each character individually before compiling all the lore into a google doc at the end, but we'll see what works best - jeb
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an-army-of-nightmares · 7 months
So you made an little nightmares/the glass scientists au story about how Frankenstein killed Jekyll, and became a nightmare. Can I see more of the nightmare Jekyll? Like a doodle?
So fun fact, nightmare Jekyll didn't actually have a design before this ask. He was pretty much just. Porcelain Jekyll, in Henry's normal outfit.
This design was fun to work with! I believe it could be better, but yknow, I can imagine him in the game somewhere well enough. The Little Nightmares color palette feels muted and warm to me, so that's what I went with!
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He did have a face when I started working on this, but it got lost in the sketch at some point lol
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angelicalacrimae · 4 months
my issue with most horror games is the fact that you HAVE to rely on sound for most of them (sound cues, like fnaf 4 and hearing the animatronics breathe. or in doors and the "pssst" guy) and i am very sensitive with noises, so it makes me more stressed.
the noise by itself it's okay, i can handle that, but why must the jumpscare itself be so loud? can't you just make it less of a pain????
and don't get me started in the flashing lights, girl i am not epileptic but it gives me headaches stop the flashing.
back to the noises though, i do want to enjoy doors but the noise is just too much to handle, it's not even the fact that it's a SCREAM it's just the fact that i don't know it's coming and the upcoming loud noise itself is what makes me suffer
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
Hope is CANCELLED the horrors have returned
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ectopuppy · 2 months
tomorrow is homestuck....
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binders-and-beanies · 2 months
Doin bad again folx
#might delete later I’m just wide awake and miserable#summer bill came out today and it’s $7100 not including housing which will be $2400#literally dunno how im gonna pay for that and my dad is. adding to the emotional turmoil of it all#not able to get a loan at least not before the bill is due#able to get aid luckily but again who knows when or how much#my bday is tomorrow and for months I’ve been like please just let my bday be a good day i need one#i need some hope. not that I haven’t had good experiences lately bc I have. but nothing that lasts#nothing i get to feel good about for more than a day before a new problem drops#I need to enjoy my birthday without feeling this deep dark dread and fear and fucking guilt and hopelessness#I have fun plans for today And tomorrow and I’m grateful but honestly stressed about that too#bc it’s gonna be a lot + bc of all I need to do outside of that#+ I don’t get to spend my bday w friends the way I want like I have one friend Maybe coming w me#my bday is supposed to feel celebratory and instead it feels like absolutely forcing some illusion of choice or joy in my life#on top of it all. the most peaceful I usually ever feel is in bed w my partner and now my body won’t even let me hold or be held by them#currently laying next to them not touching them so I at least don’t keep them up w how physically miserable I am rn#I’m literally always physically miserable at this point and it feels like spring is never gonna come and provide any relief#but it’s like can I at least be cozy w them. nope instead I’m wide awake facing various horrors#despite being permanently exhausted and falling asleep in class after 40 ounces of coffee#Im just. so fucking unhappy in life rn dude I don’t want life to be like this forever with the constant threat of it getting much worse#fucking shred of joy in this godforsaken world: the sleep noises they r making rn#mine#txt#vent post#suicidal ideation tw#<- cry for help
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sleepygaymerdisease · 9 months
i cant sleep because i just remembered how like 3 years ago i went and bought starbucks for myself and like im always vaguely confused my fuckin bad but starbucks in particular confuses the shit out of me because i dont know a single damn thing about coffee. and anyway i remember standing around waiting for my drink right but somebody took mine without realizing and they bitched with their friends about the drink being slightly-Not What They Ordered and their name being spelled wrong (it wasnt. it was my name.) and i was too overwhelmed to say anything because it was loud as shit in there so i just took the girl's drink and had that in defeated silence but idk i guess something about my general demeanor made the girl suddenly connect the dots and her friend group started giggling and laughing at me? as if i fucked up? and one of them was mocking my name like ooooohhh THIS must be "ani" ahahahaha!! and like god damn i just walked out and did my best to pretend that i didnt hear all that. even though this whole situation was their fault. idk why this was so haunting to me but its keeping me up.
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iknowicanbutwhy · 1 year
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a lil more soinc design demo-ing, a lil guy missin' some of him quills (and lacking some very necessary defense), and a wondrous Walking Dead AU that @munchiebeetle casually released into the air only for me to snatch it up and hoard it desperately (because THEY ARE BROTHERS AND SAD)
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needsmorewlw · 2 years
I wonder if there's any reason that Eliza's ghost talks to specifically Abi, Laura, Dylan and Jacob. She doesnt talk to any of the others but those four characters, she says their names repeatedly and talks to them, follows them around.
I'm feeling the headcanon itch and it is ghost hunting/medium related
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askjerrydandridge · 2 years
(( Man rlly just wanna sit down and use the great powers at be to revive the entire Fright Night fanbase right now ))
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wander-wren · 1 year
are we gonna talk about how dabi’s quirk definitely should’ve burned more than his skin off like. body horror territory, more than his usual. there’s no logical reason for his scars to be where they are but it looks cool so i’ll allow it.
anyway ummm i’m just thinking about dabi’s dance again. endeavor said the fire on sekoto was over 2,000°C. he also said the only thing they found of touya was part of a jawbone.
crematoriums burn at around 1,000°C. you know. the things that turn bodies (bones and all!) to ashes. i mean we all knew dabi is a walking crematorium already but still.
basically do we think dabi has a fake lower jaw bc i do! p sure that thing burned right off. which is why i say his other burns (arms particularly) don’t make sense but maybe he just fell face-first into a burning bush or something.
someone gets into a fight with him and punches him in the jaw expecting it to be weak bc scars but nope! nope thats titanium bitch. idk how replacing bones works. do you think he can pop his lower teeth out and if so how often does he freak people out with it.
i also learned about contractures which is when the tissue around a joint tightens and pulls it into a permanent bend. happens a lot w burns scars. you can fix it a bunch of different ways! and it can also come back! tossing around a fic idea about that may bee *stares at WIP Mountain*
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icarus-suraki · 1 year
I made the mistake of watching the short film “Heck” because I want to see Skinamarink and it’s the same director and a very similar style but now I can’t stop crying because of “Heck” fuckingg .gglaskdjflksfasdflkjer
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