#how would that help them...and what issues would they still have that their friend/acquaintance doesn't know about. hm
auncyen · 5 months
Me: Ok my brain is going back to normal after ISAT. I will focus on my schoolwork and then sneaky santa now. The Part of My Brain That Got Taken Over By ISAT: But what about an AU where Siffrin went to Dormont sooner and got taken in by the House of Change and grows up there? Can we make something out of that? Me: BRAIN, PLEASE.
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saey707 · 7 months
Hii! Can I request Heartsteel Kayn having a big crush on reader (who is really close friends with all of them and helping Alune with managing them) and thinking the feeling is one sided when it’s not? If you don’t want to write this I totally understand and respect your decision!! Have a lovely day/night<3
✿ Prompt: Kayn feels his crush on you is one sided ✿
♡ champion focus: kayn ♡ tw: npd ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: Hi! Thanks for your request ૮₍。´ᴖ ˔ ᴖ`。₎ა I tried to give this one more headcanons with other HEARTSTEEL members to play a bit into Kayn's jealousy. This will also be a bit of a shorter request. I tried my best with it! Hope you like it! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
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Kayn doesn't have a problem with you being well-acquainted and close with the people in his band. Sure, Ezreal could be a bit annoying to deal with, especially when he throws those cheeky, flirtatious comments your way. Kayn has never taken it to heart before. He knows you don't like Ezreal that way... So why is it bothering him so much now?
You'd often help Alune out with band management: Making sure everyone was doing their parts behind the scenes, assuring the band was always prepared for any occasion to pop up, and making sure all of the boys were well packed whenever you'd all hit the road to go to the next city.
But that didn't stop you from helping out the other boys! You served as Aphelios' sign language interpreter and sometimes gave your opinions on outfits K'Sante designed. You'd point out minor flaws to ensembles Sett sewed so the boys can always look their best, and even would allow Yone to vent his frustrations to you while you made him cold brew. These were all minor things Kayn overlooked and had no issues with.
What got to Kayn was seeing how you interacted with Ezreal. The way you two would share jokes with one another made Kayn sick to his stomach. What could Ezreal be saying that was so funny anyways? Kayn was ten times more clever than him! You should be laughing at his jokes!
Sometimes, Kayn feels like he is in the shadows, watching you from the outside. It was expected for you to help out the others, yes, but in a way, Kayn felt like he deserved more attention.
You should be looking his way, but instead, you turn your attention to everyone other than him. It makes Kayn feel like his admiration for you was one-sided, which can hurt someone who believes firmly that everyone likes him!
In a way, it's Kayn's fault. He never made an effort to get close to you. It was his fault for being so broody and distant. It was his fault for never reaching out for help, let alone your attention.
It's when Kayn decided that he had to be a little selfish if he wanted to get anywhere with you. While he still believed you should have been looking his way from the beginning with adoration and starstruck eyes, he supposed he could make an effort to get you to see how hot and amazing he was!
It will come as a pleasant surprise to you when Kayn slowly becomes more forthcoming! While he sometimes comes off as a jerk, interrupting your time with others in order to have you all to himself, you knew he had good intentions and just wanted to get closer to you- As a friend, of course~
Even though you won't immediately reciprocate Kayn's feelings, that won't stop him from trying to win you over. He can accept things as they are for a while longer. And if anything, it will only make him more desperate with time!
So long as you reserve that sweet smile for him, he'll keep doting over you until you grow to love him on your own terms.
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❀ synopsis: you introduce your friend/unofficial sibling to your lover. What could possibly go wrong? everything... pt.2 is here!
❀ pronouns: they/them
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Traveler/Aether: 7/10
Enjoy that passing score because that will be your only passing score from here on out. While he does respect the traveler, he wouldn't hesitate to threaten him with another battle if he ever raises his hand on you. Though the threats would be told in private since Scaramouche is what you can call a Tsundere, initially he despises you when the two of you first met and wasn't scared to show it.
You were persistent in at least being his acquaintance, which he thought was foolish for a god like you. Aren't you supposed to be all-knowing? You would know by now that it's hopeless to be his friend. And you would know the reasons why.
But surely enough, you grew to be a stigma in his everyday life. Now he can't go through the day without at least seeing you once. And he loathes that fact. But what can he do? His emotions got the better of him again, he can't bare the thought of losing you and he'd be damned if some blonde with a dull blade is going to hurt you when he's around.
But out of everyone in Teyvat, he tolerates Traveler the most despite being on rocky terms with him. Because he is your first host, and through the traveler, you two met. And that will be the only thing he will thank the traveler for. Every time you greet him with a hug he will be there in the background with arms crossed boring his eyes on the back of their skull. Ahem, excuse me (Y/N), where is his hug? He's here too y'know...
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Venti/Barbatos: 3/10
Hopefully, you don't tell the secret of Venti being one of the archons because he despises them. But even with Venti's disguise he still wouldn't like him, why are you dating an alcoholic bard? Don't you know you can do better than this? (It's not like he will approve of it even if you bring a girl/boy straight out of a fairytale) Just like with Aether, he threatens Venti with what will happen if he ever breaks your heart. Venti just laughs off his threats, reassuring him that he wouldn't dream of it.
Scaramouche sulks and mumbles curses under his breath every time he witnesses Venti serenading you in public. His jealousy flares whenever he sees Venti clinging to your arm as he tries to persuade you to move into Monstadt, he would sometimes invade your conversation to tell him that you're already happy living in Sumeru (living with him) and that you won't move in Monstadt.
Venti would catch on quickly that Scaramouche was jealous, and would sometimes find amusement in provoking the child (Because in Venti's eyes, he is one) by kissing you on the cheek when he knows Scaramouche is looking. When the two are alone, Venti would tease him. Saying how he's planning to propose to you and that the both of them should try to get along since he will be your future husband. At those times Scaramouche wanted to murder him right then and there.
Despite the teasing, Venti does try to gain Scaramouche's approval since you and Scaramouche have a bond like siblings. Though I don't see him fully liking Venti, he would learn to tolerate him more as time passes. Scaramouche is protective (possessive even) with you, and has certified abandonment issues. He can never learn to accept that you have other people in your life. Because you're the only person he has left in his life.
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Kamisato Ayato: 5/10
He didn't like him before and he doesn't like him now, knowing that he is loyal to Ei. The only thing he likes about him is that he's not always with you, which gives the both of you some time together. But when he is with you he can't help but eyeball him from a distance, observing how he acts towards you.
He knows Ayato is a cunning and unpredictable man, so whenever he approaches you Scaramouche would linger in the background. Though he knows Ayato is a gentleman and wouldn't sink low enough to hit you. So he gives him that. Doesn't mean he won't get jealous though.
On the occasion when Ayato does have time with you, he would stalk and follow the both of you to make sure nothing suspicious happens. Whenever the two of you kiss he has to stop himself from gagging, especially if it's a long and slow kind of kiss. The moment the date is done and Ayato leaves he acts like a 5-year-old wanting to spend time with their oldest sibling.
"You spend more time with him than me..." He would tell you while leaning on your shoulder. Scaramouche, sweetie, they just spoke with you this morning for 5 hours straight what do you mean they spend more time with Ayato-
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Tartaglia/Childe: -1/10
He has warned the Fatui to not go make contact with you by any means necessary. And if they did then they would be severely punished. Not only has Childe talked to you, but has the audacity to court you, and you accepted! Don't you know how dangerous he is? He's part of the Fatui!
So is he? W-well he's different ok?! (he's not like other Fatui members✨) At least Scaramouche didn't pretend to be your friend, and he protects you now! So does Childe? He's better than Childe! You don't need him when he's already here with you!
His envy skyrockets after this discovery. What does Tartaglia have that he doesn't? The thought lingers in his head as he surmises what could be the reason for you accepting Childe's love.
But he couldn't find one. He doesn't understand, how can you love him? He scrutinizes Childe every time he approaches you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, he scoffs at Childe's attempts to get closer to him and ignores him whenever he asks Scaramouche if he can take you out on a date. He will never trust Tartaglia with you. He doesn't care how many times you tell him that you love him. The moment Childe turns his back on you, he wouldn't hold back.
"I'm the clingy one? Pfft! Yeah right, if anything you're the one who- hey! When did I tell you to stop holding my hand?"
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cyanide-latte · 4 months
So for him I want to know the following:
What relationship does he have with 🐺 (big giants with soft hearts are my weakness 🙈)
what relationship with 🔥?
And lastly what relationship with 🍄?
Thank you so much!! Gonna put this one under a "read more" cut since my answers get a little wordy.
🐺 what relationship does your oc have with Jack?
This one made me think, as I hadn't entirely explored the idea before of their interactions with one another! While I think there would be a healthy mutual respect between them, I can see Jack being on-edge around Wei Renqiao for a while. He's probably one of the only people who realizes right away that while WRQ comes across as a gentle giant, that gentleness is a deliberate choice on his part. Until they have an opportunity to get to know one another better, that would probably make Jack just a little bit wary of him. Doesn't help that when Leona and WRQ pass each other in the halls, there's a vicious charge in the air indicating the two of them are beefing. But I think for his part, WRQ respects and admires how much Jack knows what he's about and sticks to his own personal code, despite being a freshman. In time, I could see them being casual good buddies.
🔥 what relationship does your oc have with Idia?
Oooh, strap yourself in, this is going to be a slightly longer answer. The short version is that they're best friends.
The not-so-short version begins with the fact that Wei Renqiao was technically accepted to multiple arcane academies but he chose Night Raven College specifically because he'd heard Idia was attending, and he notes Idia as one of his inspirations to improve his own tech and ideas. He was hoping that perhaps even attending the same school would continue to spur him to improve, only to wind up in Ignihyde himself with Idia as his upperclassman a year ahead of him. Exciting to be sure, but he didn't make an effort to seek Idia out and introduce himself (what if that came across as rude, or worse, aggressively competitive? That wouldn't be any good.)
Ultimately they became friends when, midway through the year, the smartfridge in the lounge got a little too smart and attempted a hostile takeover. The two of them were the only ones to come up with a solution by bouncing a couple of ideas off one another and completely dismantled the thing (yes, literally; WRQ has no issue completely pulling apart tech with his bare hands if he's confident he can repair it even better.) And it was during the attempts to repair and reprogram the fridge that their friendship was born.
WRQ still admires Idia a lot but now considers him his best friend and their relationship is fairly comfortable. WRQ is used to adapting to and accommodating others' disabilities and subsequent needs, and that works out well for Idia because it puts little-to-no demand or strain on him. Idia's more willing to open up to him as a result, and when the two of them work on a project together, they balance each other out well. They're a fairly strong team when they're both motivated, and Idia is one of the only people who has stated permission to address WRQ by the nickname "Ren" due to that closeness.
🍄 what relationship does your oc have with Jade?
I'm delighted you asked about this one because while I've not said anything about it on here yet, there IS an amicable sort of acquaintance between Jade and Wei Renqiao! So, when WRQ gets a little overwhelmed sometimes and doesn't have the patience to try to decompress in the Ignihyde dorm (because his dormmates can and do often frustrate him,) he'll go into the mountain trails and just kind of chill up there. It's familiar to him since his own people settled in a mountain a couple centuries back and built their township there, so he's more at ease there sometimes.
Naturally this means he's run into Jade a few times since Jade goes up to the mountains for club activities, and they've had very polite and friendly conversations. They're definitely amicable acquaintances, and I think Jade also understands there's a lot more to WRQ than meets the eye, and they both hope they'll eventually become friends (though Jade pulls some shit in their junior year that opens a bit of a rift between them for a while.) They typically refer to one another as "Mr. Leech" and "Mr. Wei", and while WRQ has thus far politely turned down joining the Mountain Lovers Club, Jade is fairly confident he'll convince WRQ to join in time.
(WIP) Taglist: @thehollowwriter
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laurapalmerz · 1 month
tumblr hates me for trying to post this so here i go again. polycule au, more under the cut;
laura and bobby are already in an established relationship. they're pretty happy together, but nothing is without its issues, of course. regardless, it's going pretty steady as far as the two are concerned. donna's had a huge crush on laura for years, but keeps it mostly to herself because of both internalized homophobia and because of the fear that her best friend would hate her if she ever said anything. however, laura also feels the same, but feels conflicted due to already being in a relationship with bobby.
she sits bobby down one night and confesses these feelings toward donna, hoping in part that he doesn't hate her for harboring feelings for another girl while also reassuring him that she still wants to be with him. he's confused, why doesn't she just leave him for her then? why does she continue going out with him if her heart isn't completely devoted? it takes a bit for laura to eventually get across that she still loves him deeply but also wants to be with donna, essentially confessing she doesn't want to choose and desires both of them. bobby takes a while to come around to this idea but ultimately supports her, wanting more than anything for her to be happy.
a few weeks go by before eventually laura confesses to donna and the two get together. laura helps donna through her internalized homophobia, gradually assuring her that being bisexual and into a girl isn't like the propaganda that she's been shown all her life. it takes time, but she soon becomes comfortable in her own skin. the three are inseparable, melded to laura's hips at school and at home during study sessions or while out and about in the town. bobby and donna steadily start to fall for each other over the course of time, starting at first as just close acquaintances through laura, but eventually find themselves liking one another just as equally.
then comes james. it starts with laura spotting him out in the halls, remembering they have mutual classes together. they go out on rides on his bike sometimes, where he takes her to his favorite spots around twin peaks. her heart can't help but yearn for him at night and thus she initiates a meeting with both bobby and donna. once again, it takes a while to talk it through. donna does confess her eye wandered his way too, his small smiles and kind demeanor caught her attention pretty quickly. so he gets brought into the polycule in the end.
laura and donna are thrilled beyond belief to have james around, they take every opportunity to plan dates and outings on his bike. bobby is the slowest to take to him. a fear crept into his heart that the two were abandoning him for another boy, another hotshot who could easily woo them with a flashy bike and quiet personality despite the bad boy persona he presented. it gnawed at him, made him insecure whenever one of the two were out on dates. one day he was going to be dropped, he just knew it. he began to pull back, which the two noticed. how could they show him that james wasn't a replacement? and soon a plan began to form. one evening, laura and donna spontaneously went out to the bookhouse together, leaving just james and bobby to themselves in bobby's basement. it was confusing, since they had originally planned for a study session but they didn't question it too much. laura did what she wanted to do, there was no stopping her. awkward small talk ensued, attempts at getting to know one another better. the tension gradually began to melt the more the two shared about mutual interests. they traded stories about teachers they shared or cute moments with laura or donna, finding themselves physically and emotionally getting closer. in the morning, they were found entangled in each others limbs on the couch, a blanket thrown over them at some point. mission accomplished.
the four were tight knit, which didn't bode well for the rumor mill spreading lies about the nature of their relationships to one another. but that didn't bother them too much, they were far too happy to care.
the honeymoon didn't last long. laura was found dead on february 24th, 1989. bobby heard first given he was brought in for questioning by the police. then came the announcement over the speakers. james and donna found bobby after school and huddled together, breaking down in the company of one another, held close, remembering the girl they loved who struggled right in front of their eyes. they did nothing for her, they let her die. it eats away at them for the rest of the day.
after the news spreads that special agent dale cooper has started to investigate laura's death, the three decide to take action. once the funeral has passed, they come together, along with laura's cousin maddy, and begin their own separate investigation. they will avenge her death at all costs. laura palmer deserved the world. the perpetrator isn't going to get away scott free, not if they can help it.
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momotonescreaming · 7 months
I'm absolutely obsessed with your latest story. This was exactly how I imagine those two would interact.
I don't get the notion why people insist Nancy would be a good teacher and tutor the others. I mean she is smart, but also too literal. She follows things to a tee and if you question anything she says she would blame it on you not getting it. She's not someone who thinks too much out of the box, which is required for being a good teacher. And with Eddie struggling so hard to graduate, she would make things worse lol. Both wouldn't get the other, which would lead to a huge fight.
And I don't mean that to hate on Nancy, in fact I might be heavily projecting here because I'm kinda the same. I was above average in school but I could never teach anyone anything because I had only one way and if people didn't get it I couldn't really help. Tho I wouldn't make passive aggressive comments like Nancy I would apologize all the time for not being more helpful lmao (bc I'm a people pleaser lol)
But yes also if you think Nancy would like Eddie after witnessing his probably daily speeches in the cafeteria that we live in a society? Girl would run out before Eddie set his first foot on the table. (Also again heavily projecting here because I would run out because Eddie would be too much to handle for me. Robin I could handle because she is like my best friend but Eddie? He would drive me insane lmao) Those two are polar opposites and I love reading about the tensions. <333
thank you so much for the ask nonnie! and thank you for reading and liking my lil ficlet 🥺🥺🥺 every time someone says thats exactly how they picture eddie and nancy I get a little bit stronger
I feel like a lot of people automatically assume that smart= good teacher, when you're right, that couldn't be further from the truth. You need to be adaptable, have creative thinking, you need to admit that you can't be right all the time in order to be a teacher. And Nancy does not have that. You're 100% right that Nancy is a steamroller, she is on train tracks. If you don't follow her way (the right way, according to her) then you're wrong. You're not getting it. You're just not trying, because there's no way that she's admitting that she can be wrong.
That's not automatically a bad thing! Thank you for sharing! I totally understand you're not trying to hate on Nancy. Neither am I. You can like a character, can think they're interesting, and point out their flaws at the same time. She's a teenager! She's very particular! She likes things in order! And that's not bad! It's what you do with it, and how you let it affect your life - that's where the issues arise.
And oh my god the cafeteria speeches. She'd hate him. She'd think he's annoying and unhygienic, standing on tables like he does. Putting his shoes where people eat? Ew. She'd sit there silently judging and hoping for him to shut up and sit down. She'd hope he graduates already so he can get out of her hair. (Then of course they get lumped together with the Upside Down).
When Eddie was deep in his high school hierarchy bullshit - he'd think Nancy was a suck up conformist for getting good grades and going after the most popular guy in school. But in S4 he changes! He realises that he's been making assumptions based on nothing! He gets along with Steve! And idk I don't see Nancy changing that much. At least, not with the way canon has her at the moment. Because she doesn't lol. Yeah, she has guns now, but she's still a steamroller of a woman who can't see any other way than hers.
Idk they're very different people! They're complicated! And I think the upside down would make them end up as friendly acquaintances, but that's it
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0kid0g1 · 1 month
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Gave Cal an overhaul because I've been meaning to redesign them honestly-
Decided to make them a self-insert instead (mainly because I had another sona similar to them and just decided to merge the 2 together).
Agender and they/them pronouns.
Demiromantic asexual.
Cal is 5'8''.
50% chance for them to spawn on the Button Competition floor. The other 50% spawns Buck instead.
Lowest health of the NPCs, having 50 HP and can break into many pieces if the ceiling lowers (or really anything that involves them being squished or falling). They don't enter floors like the Slide 4 Admin floor because of this.
Not immune, but is heavily resistant to fire. Because of this, MR breaks them into many pieces instead.
They are mostly hollow on the inside, say for their brain and skeletal structure. Both of which are not natural but rather from an unknown source.
They cannot eat or drink. If they do, said thing would probably sit in there and mold.
They have a MASSIVE crush on Frank and was even friends with him. After the Gnarpian attacks, Spud! forgot about most of this and became oblivious to their obvious crush on him, much to Cal's distraught. Regardless, they still really like him and wants to help him, but they don't know how to.
At some point, they became acquainted with Sarah and that's how they discovered what happened to Frank.
Super close with Infected and even approaches him with his illness (Cal can't get sick anyways, but they find it gross he doesn't cover his face when he sneezes). They just think its a cold and not a more serious issue.
Lampert, on the other hand, does not like Cal and vice versa (mostly unresolved arguing which was petty to begin with).
Despite wearing clothing containing the axosun eye, they don't trust floors or people who have it on them. They would find another job in a heartbeat if they could, but it's difficult due to their disability.
Been repaired via kintsugi multiple times (hence why a pair of their whiskers are missing)
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implied-divinity · 11 days
So, I'm a transfem, but I feel like forced masculinization and forced feminization kinks are similar enough in content and context that my perspective if we pretended your post was about the latter might be worth something, which is: I think your post was fine, and that's speaking as someone who doesn't like egg breaking culture. You very sweetly offered maybe being a trans man as a gentle suggestion in a space where people were already discussing roleplayed forced transitioning. I think that's like, the gold standard for that kinna thing. Being transfem you're free to disregard my opinion formed through transfem egg discourse and you should devinitely always prioritize the opinions of transmascs on transmasc issues. But like I said, I think the issues are close enough that it might be worth chiming in on.
hi there, your opinion is super appreciated and valuable here! something i do try to look out for in my posts is not trying to demean femininity or imply that masculinity and men are superior. in my forcemasc posts that are more coerced sounding, i make sure that femininity is something that isnt BAD, just not something that suits the reader. outside of the kink, i think femininity is wonderful for anyone. hell i still own makeup and most of my ""girl"" clothes. i know theres so many tboys who are just scared to let go of femininty because i was and am like that. the kink has helped me take a deeper look at what really would make me happy beyond how im used to living my life. i hope the transfem version can help in the same way, although i havent been on those tags so i dont know.
i havent really heard much discourse about egg breaking besides a couple posts referencing things i havent seen. in my opinion every situation and relationship has its own boundaries. its important when youre talking to friends and acquaintances about whether they might be trans to be respectful and responsive to their emotions. if theyre someone youre really close to, a deeper conversation can happen. but for a lot of people a small nudge, suggestion, or observation can be more than enough. you shouldnt have to convince them. to let them know its an option and that you support them however they choose to be is the most important part. if they transition, its gonna have to be something they figure out for themselves. people arent as responsive to forced masc/fem as they are in the kink believe it or not LMAO
and for strangers id say tht same- a small suggestion is fine. you also arent obligated to say anything! or they may already be thinking it! just being respectful of the fact that people dont like getting told what to do- for queer reasons or anything else!
basically do what you want forever. thanks for your thoughts i appreciate it ^_^
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liar-remastered-2011 · 5 months
sometimes i think about how my biological father was half the age of my mother and she was friends with his brother so she was well-acquainted with him before he was 18 and how she already had three other kids and he left before i was born so i was given up for adoption and my mother insisted i was given to a catholic family who would raise me to follow religion and my adopted parents were only adopting because they tried for a decade or so to have children but the mother was deemed infertile but after i was adopted they had a biological child about a year later which means their attention was turned from me to them and i ended up physically and emotionally neglected throughout my childhood and infancy because they developed a stronger connection to their biological child and i developed personality and attachment disorders because the people in my life i was supposed to be able to trust betrayed me in ways i can't talk about and didn't form a reliable sense of selfhood because i was always held to higher standards than my sister and they forced me into their religion even though i never expressed any belief or interest and they'd hit and berate me whenever i thought or did something they didn't approve of and there's no way of telling if it was myself or their pushing that got me deemed a gifted kid but that set the expectations for my entire life even though i really can't live up to it anymore but anyways somehow they thought it was okay to give me unrestricted internet access before i was in school and the internet became the only place i could figure out who i was in a sense and that was where i learned everything i know about the real world but there's some things you really shouldn't know and if you're exposed to it at a really young age it does irreversible damage to your development and it happened to me and it's happened to thousands of other people too and i was one of the kids who didn't get help and by the time i was taken to therapy as a teenager it was already too late and at that point i'd developed OSDD stemming from the lack of selfhood which was a complication of CPTSD as well as various other mental issues and i was put on dozens of medications over the course of the remaining years of teenagehood which restricted all further physical and sexual development essentially fucking over the remaining potential that i had and they wrote reports to CPS multiple times but nothing was ever done and the worst part about it all is that they keep trying to kick me out of the house but they chose me. they chose me. i was adopted, they chose me. and they want me gone because i didn't turn out how they expected. i was a child. i did nothing wrong. and i'm being punished for things that they did.
and i also think about since i'm physically and mentally disabled i'll never be able to work a normal job but i can't live off disability and i'm not even getting that at the moment and my parents don't support me and i have no other family or friends i can go to and i still need to transition but i'll never afford it and life isn't even worth living and i'm beginning to doubt it ever was and i wish i would have killed myself when i had the chance all those years ago and i hope someday soon i'll have another opportunity but the human body is surprisingly durable and i'm not about to go do anything reckless that doesn't have a high chance of killing me instantly so that severely limits my options
it's not like this is the full story, either. i can't remember all of it. memories come and go and i can't tell what i remember until i try to talk about it, but then it doesn't make sense since i leave out important details. i know some of the most significant events are left out, but i can't remember what they are. i know i'll remember later. i've cried about it before, and i will in the future, and i'm crying right now even though i don't know why. i wish i could talk about it, but i can't even tell my therapist. how do i know you won't use it against me. you'll treat me differently. i just want to be normal. please treat me like normal.
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nyplayz · 7 months
our heir - generation two
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miloe williams (she/they), 5'9", pansexual.
(tw: passing of a parent)
unlike her father, miloe was born to two parents prepared to love her for the rest of their lives. they provided her with any and every thing she could ever need or want. stability was in their life from the beginning, which is exactly what cyrus wanted to provide for his children.
growing up, miloe was temperamental and hot-headed, quick to jump to conclusions and have explosive emotions. however, their father understood them. he had experienced similar issues when he was a child, and his were worse considering his situation and instability. he helped her learn how to express herself in positive ways, such as writing in her journal, and became the guide he never had. her mother, fatima, however, did not understand her, and they developed a strict family dynamic. although everything fatima did was out of tough love, miloe found themself growing more and more anxious around their mother. yes, they loved her, but wished to do so from a distance.
miloe was always a decent student, remaining on the a-b honor roll for most of elementary school and middle school (except fifth and eighth grade, when she got a couple c's). they never really had a lot of real friends, people they trusted, but had many acquaintances and always had someone to sit with at lunch. she was afraid people would respond the way her mom did when she had emotions she couldn't really handle, so just decided to not get to close. they figured if they didn't get too emotionally involved with anyone, nothing would even provoke such intense emotions in the first place.
a mother-daughter tragedy
during the summer after freshman year of high school, when miloe was only fifteen years old, fatima passed away. they always knew the day would come, and was aware her mother was on the older side of the spectrum. but for any daughter, the loss of their mother is a tough pill to swallow, whether they are close or distant. in addition to no longer having her mother there, their dad was also sinking deeper and deeper into a pit of depression. he loved fatima, and wasn't ready to accept the fact that she had passed away. miloe lost her main support system, and then had to become a support system for her little brother, caleb. now she had to take on the responsibility of consoling him and helping him work through the loss. luckily, he was able to be there for her, too, even at a younger age.
still, it was a lot, and miloe's grades began to slip. she started skipping classes, going to detention, failing tests, and ignoring her homework. she was expelled, making her feel even more lost. who was she? what kind of student did they become? why did they feel like a mother instead of a daughter? and why did it feel like her dad hated her all of a sudden? they developed a strict family dynamic and drifted apart, especially after tonya moved in. how did her dad move on so fast? only three years had passed before he literally fell in love again and had an entire child. did he even ever love her mom?
miloe felt like her world came crashing down.
aspiration(s): mind and body (child), public enemy (teen +ya).
original traits: active, hot-headed, loyal, dastardly.
discovered trait(s): evil and clumsy.
reward trait(s): top notch infant, high self-esteem, responsible, expelled from high school.
career(s): simfluencer - nano-simfluencer (1), criminal - felonious monk (4).
children: none.
partner(s): maren celmard (they/them) (currently girlfriend).
since her mother's passing and being expelled from high school, miloe has become a criminal. she realizes that perhaps it isn't the most admirable carerr choice, but she doesn't care. all they know is they have to be able to take care of her brother and (new) little sister, farah (cyrus' daughter with tonya). they have learned that nothing is permanent, and people are guaranteed to leave. the only person they can control is herself, and they plan on staying for as long as possible.
cyrus has also passed away, which means that one day, farah will end up being miloe and caleb's responsibility. miloe knows that caleb has big dreams, and that he wants to make up for her failures. they want caleb to not have to worry about farah. she wants caleb to be free.
although it is the last thing miloe is worried about, they also have some romance in their life. miloe and maren met in high school and started off as two friends with crushes on each other. they've slowly nurtured their relationship, and milow can confidently say maren is the only person outside of her brother that she truly trusts.
overall, miloe is content with the way their life is going right now. they've reached equilibrium. life isn't great, but it also doesn't suck. what will happen next? milow knows it can't stay too stable for long...
note: i'm going to try to start taking more photos in-game to add to these posts. i feel like it could be more engaging that way because some people prefer just pictures. i just forget because i get so into it.
thank you guys so much for reading! let me know what you think in the comments! sending love. <3
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of-naboo · 7 months
—    BASICS.
▸     IS  YOUR  MUSE  TALL  /  SHORT  /  AVERAGE? Short | 5'3
▸      ARE  THEY  OKAY  WITH  THEIR  HEIGHT ? Yes, she's never really seen her height being an issue with the jobs / task needing to be done.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE? Brunette, silky, always taken care of and always being placed up in different designs to fit her current attire for whatever situation it may be.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING? YES, honestly seeing and reading the amount of effort she as well as her handmaidens put into her hair and just looks in general was mind blowing to me, but it also makes sense given where she came from and what she feels is to be expected from her.
[[Also, this is pretty long so I’m adding the read more.]]
▸      DOES  YOUR  MUSE  CARE  ABOUT  THEIR  APPEARANCE  /  WHAT  OTHERS  THINK ? Yes, in her line of work there is a means to keep a sense and look of professionalism at all times when in the eyes of her peers and the public.
▸     INDOORS  OR  OUTDOORS? Outdoors, there is a sense of freedom and beauty outside of walls of a building.
▸     RAIN  OR  SUNSHINE? Sunshine.
▸     FOREST  OR  BEACH?   Beach, it gives a sense of home on Naboo, especially at the lake house.
▸     PRECIOUS  METALS  OR  GEMS? Gems are for appearance, outside of that, she doesn't really have a preference on this. She holds what means something to her no matter what it looks like / or is made of.
▸     FLOWERS  OR  PERFUMES? Truth be told, despite the smell goods, she loves flowers. They remind her of her father's garden and takes her back to more simpler times where she would help plant / water the plants with her family.
▸     PERSONALITY  OR  APPEARANCE? Personality is preferred, appearances are a b o n u s.
▸     BEING  ALONE  OR  BEING  IN  A  CROWD? Crowds.
▸     PAINFUL  TRUTHS  OR  WHITE  LIES? Painful truths, a lesson she learned from her own mistakes as well as personally down the line. A truth means more, even if it hurts.
▸     SCIENCE  OR  MAGIC? Science, it has a line of basic understanding, though she isn't opposed to what people would call 'magic.'
▸      PEACE  OR  CONFLICT?   Peace, all she craves and wants for the galaxy and others is peace.
▸     NIGHT  OR  DAY? Day.
▸     DUSK  OR  DAWN? Dawn.
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ? Warmth, it brings a sense of comfort.
▸     MANY  ACQUAINTANCES  OR  A  FEW  CLOSE  FRIENDS? A few close friends.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME? Reading.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS? I feel to some degree, based on movie / show and books, she can be too trusting of those who don't entirely deserve it. And also my girl wears those rose colored glasses when it comes to certain people and certain behaviors.
▸      HAS  YOUR  MUSE  LOST  ANYONE  CLOSE  TO  THEM?  HOW  HAS  IT  AFFECTED   THEM? Yes, there have been many who took up the job offer as handmaiden and lost their lives in the process. It led to forms of trauma regarding situations that could have easily played out but didn't. The thought still there, and the constant fear of it playing out again. Others didn't even lose their lives, it was a matter of being distant in the end. The life Padme lives isn't open to the public, even to those she wished it could be. So it takes a toll on her from time to time, but she tries not to show it in order to keep herself focused on whatever is her current target.
▸      WHAT  ARE  SOME  FOND  MEMORIES  YOUR  MUSE  HAS? The bonding with her friends/handmaidens. First interaction with Anakin Skywalker. Saving Naboo with help from others. Marriage. Pregnancy. Many things, but I'm answering this pretty late and have it queued for later.
▸      WHAT’S  IT  LIKE  WHEN  YOUR  MUSE  BREAKS  DOWN? Denial, tears, heart ache. Wondering if it could have been different.
▸      IS  YOUR  MUSE  CAPABLE  OF  TRUSTING  SOMEONE  WITH  THEIR  LIFE? Yes, canon. In AUs set for her, however, not as much.
▸      WHAT’S  YOUR  MUSE  LIKE  WHEN  THEY’RE  IN  LOVE? Over the moon, starstruck, flaws are nonexistent {for the most part}, laughter, talks about the future.
Tagged by stolen from old blog
Tagging: @rush-to-greatness @clairophant @citadel-survivor @mutatiio @mayxthexforce @acoldsovereign & anyone else interested in doing it!
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isfjmel-phleg · 9 months
Chris wasn't around long enough to make very many friends or join a team like Kon and Jon do, but he did have a brief acquaintance with the much older Tim.
In Superman #668, Clark brings Chris with him on an errand to the Batcave.
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While their fathers talk, Tim (who at this point is sixteen or seventeen) takes it upon himself to entertain their young guest, and he and Chris compare notes about being adopted and having powers. Or not, in Tim's case. Chris is currently struggling with having to hide his powers in public, and Tim shows him that it doesn't have to be such a limiting experience.
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And he teaches him some acrobatics.
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They hit it off quite well.
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For context, this takes place not too long after Tim meets Damian, who is about four years older than Chris, and they of course didn't get along at all. So Tim is struggling with insecurity about his adopted position now that Damian has shown up and flaunted his blood son status, and multiple people close to him have died recently. He's not in a great place, as will become evident in the "Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul" arc, which happened right after this issue.
So it's good for him to interact with a child who is happily adopted and sees no shame in it. His interactions with Chris read a bit like how it should have gone between him and his new brother. Meanwhile, it's also good for Chris to be around a hero closer to his age (...still significantly older but broadly they're both kids) who is kind to him. He's had very few positive relationships and no contact with other people most of his life, and school's been a difficult adjustment.
And this meeting leaves an impression on him. When Chris says goodbye to Clark before going back to the Phantom Zone, he lists meeting Robin among the things he's grateful to have had during his time on Earth.
When he returns to Earth, aged up to an adult, and needs some non-Kryptonian help, Tim is the one he turns to (in World's Finest 2009 #1). Unfortunately, he happens to catch Tim at the worst time possible--in his Red Robin era.
At first, Tim excitedly mistakes Chris for Kon when he shows up and uses TTK (a recently acquired power) to help him in a fight.
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But his smile fades when it turns out to be Nightwing. And not even the one he knows. So Chris reveals himself and invokes their old acquaintance.
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Tim's not overly impressed, and he requires an explanation. Chris's girlfriend Thara (Flamebird) needs help that he can't provide on his own, and Chris doesn't know where else to go.
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At first Tim turns him down. Rather harshly, too. "Helping other people isn't my job anymore," he claims and refers him to Batman and Robin because "I don't have time for this."
This is not a normal response for Tim. This is the grief and depression talking. But Chris finally wears him down by telling him how much Thara means to him. Tim has lost people he loves too. He can't say no now.
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Between him and Chris, they manage a successful rescue, and Chris is very grateful.
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Even so, their friendly acquaintance is never quite rekindled, and Tim leaves Chris and Thara abruptly. He of course doesn't explain what's going on with him, but Thara is concerned about him.
And yet apparently Tim expressed concern about them! Deflection, perhaps?
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Chris doesn't get the chance to meet Tim again once things are better. Another instance of a friendship that never got to go anywhere.
(Chris and Damian would have been an interesting contrast, too, but obviously that never happened either.)
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sevilemar · 1 year
okay, here is a very long list of random things that I thought of
Let's do this!
- I am pretty confident I'm a prep-work secondary; it drives me crazy that my roommate/best friend doesn't think ahead whatsoever. what if you forget something? don't you want to make things easier on future-you???
You can't really predict the future, though, so why invest time now that might turn out to be wasted later? Better to just look at how things are now and work with that 😉.
Yeah, prep-work secondary sounds about right.
- I have ADHD (among other issues) and executive dysfunction problems, and the way I've found best to cope with this is by doing things immediately; doing the dishes immediately after using them prevents food from getting stuck, they won't sit in the sink with food on them, and I only have to do a few dishes now rather than a bunch later
I admire anyone who can keep this up consistently. I tried so many times, and it only worked for a day or so. The only way I can keep my dishes from taking over is to limit them. If I have only one plate for everything, I either use it dirty, or I have to clean it before using it again. Same with bowls, glasses, etc.
- I collect various "tools" (interests, hobbies, skills, people) for fun and/or maybe it'll come in handy later? and I have a really hard time learning things when I HAVE to, even if I want to for practical reasons (this is related to the point above)
Hello there, birdy.
- I used to try to join or build communities; I was THE person who would see separate friends/acquaintances with things in common and introduce them to each other and end up making a group that way. I think I still have inclinations to do this, but I barely interact with people outside my circle anymore due to lower social energy
And badger's here, too, welcome!
- I have been described as "collecting interesting people"; I've also been described as "knowing everyone" and "being able to get government secrets out of an fbi agent" (semi-related to the point above)- people used to trust me very easily and see me as non-threatening (and project onto me/romanticize me, which I wanted?)
Know-a-guy bird? Courtier badger?
- I (both conscious and not) shift(?) my personality based on who I'm talking to, usually by exaggerating specific traits; I try very hard to stay consistent across people I talk to but it feels like I can't help splitting up my identity into more digestible pieces, usually based on what I think the other person is expecting from me (my ulterior motive is that I want to be liked so badly)
I don't think that's shifting. The way you describe it sounds more like a courtier badger highlighting different parts of yourself. But it's not a happy process for you, not something that feels right. I'm comfortable saying you're not snake sec, and you said yourself you don't think you're lion either. Maybe it helps if you think about it as actor bird's masks? Masks you can put down if you want to.
- I have a habit of making sideblogs for specific aesthetic, purposes, and have a hard time not separating "inconsistent sides" of me like that. could be considered a bird collecting (though I think tags are more for that) or actor bird thing?
Yes, collections are a classic bird thing, and I think that's what's happening here. I don't think it's wrong to have separate sides like that, though. Why do you think it's a problem? Where does this fear come from? And if you want to integrate them more, how would you go about it?
- when faced with a problem, I start trying to strategize a solution, or at least a temporary band-aid. I'll think of the resources I have and what options are available. my biggest example is when we got into an accident and no longer had a vehicle; are there areas we can walk to nearby? what people do I know who are able to give me a ride somewhere? is there a taxi available, or uber? back when we had little money, I'd keep track of who I was able to ask for money for help with groceries. etc etc etc.
I'd say that's bird. I would do the same.
- I avoid asking the same person for help repeatedly during a short period of time because people will grow tired and resentful towards you
That's just good people management 😉.
- However, I've relied on others basically my entire life; I don't feel like I've ever accomplished anything important without the assistance of others. I was only able to move out of my family's house because I'd look for friends who'd be able to take me in- another example of a time I solved a problem: when we needed to get passports within a specific period of time, I had to devise an incredibly shaky plan: our ride was going to take us somewhere, so I asked if he'd take us to a passport application appointment instead (he is hard to ask to do things as it is). we had to go to the library, and I also didn't know if they'd accept cash, and we didn't have enough money on our debit card. we also didn't know if we'd even get our passports in time. I hated how unsure everything was, but everything worked out and I was incredibly relieved and proud of myself
I get Know-a-guy bird vibes from this. It could be badger, but something about the planning and the stressing out just says bird to me.
- previously mentioned ride can be hard to convince to do things and my first inclination is to bribe him using gas money or fast food
- my wrists have been having issues for months, causing my roommate to have to do all my chores, and my go-to when asking her for things is also bribery via fast food...
Know your ressources, and how to manage them, right? 😉. Also, hope your wrists get better.
- negotiation is a Big tool I use incredibly often, but try not to unless I feel like it's the best choice to make. is sacrifice or making deals a tool?
I think they are tools, or as I would call them, strategies.
- I've never worked hard at anything important, like pursuing a career (I've never had any ambitions for the future and wish I didn't have to work at all), but when I get into hobbies like speedrunning, I poured hundreds of hours into repetitive practice (this is partially what injured my wrists...)
That's really alien to me. It sounds like badger hard work, but it could be bird planning, too? I really don't know.
- speaking of my wrists, it's been incredibly stressful not being able to do things and only being able to rely on my roommate and others; I much prefer being able to do things myself, as I can trust them to get done and I don't have to constantly ask for help and be a burden. I've come up with some tools to help me cope though; I can use my elbows to do things like turn faucets and door handles, as well as navigate my computer via touchpad, and I can use a combination of Google assistant, voice to text, and my nose to navigate my phone, which at least stresses me out less
You're describing them as tools, which is a bird thing to do, but I would handle it just the same, and I think everyone would? If you have to, you get creative, whether you like it or not.
- another example of a time I solved a problem: I used to not know how to use art programs, but I DID know how to use HTML and I had fun doing it, so I'd use that to make transparent borders for my streaming setup.
It's an I-move thing, I think. So more bird (or snake).
- I also want to get into fostering kittens in the future, and I know it will be a lot of work and responsibility and heartache, but I really want to. I even bought a feral cat trap, and wrote an article for my mother's online newspaper for some money about the TNR program. unfortunately at the moment I don't have the money or energy to pursue this, but I'm excited to in the future
And I bet you've already researched all about it, right? 😉
- speaking of hobbies, I enjoy some grindy things like shiny hunting in Pokemon, since you get to show off how much effort you put into it. however, while I aspire to be able to do hard stuff like SRing for a shiny starter or hunting full odds without a method that makes it easier, I often give up
Trying to be badger but are not? ADHD getting in the way?
- another example of when I solved a problem: we asked a family friend to watch our cats while we went on vacation (another problem I solved), and when we got back we learned that our nervous cat had been hiding the entire time and we couldn't get her to come out, and after we decided to give up temporarily, on the drive home I remembered that I have the aforementioned feral cat trap, so we gave it to the family friend and two mornings later she was caught and brought home!
Resourceful. And more I-move stuff, I think?
- I have a discord server just for myself where I store various things, such as important things (college programs, recipes, etc) as well as mostly hobby related things like speedrunning references and animal crossing inspiration/ideas. I also have a reminder bot in here I use to remember things
That's so birdy, my friend <3
- I feel like I'm bad at coming up with original ideas, but I'm very good at modifying or improving things to make them even better, such as editing an image or tumblr theme. I also tend to learn things by messing around with something someone's made and using their work as a reference
I also can't make something from nothing and need something to react to and work with. But references are really not my jam, I just do the thing and see how it comes out. Difference between a bird and a snakebird, I think.
- I like to keep track of/remember little details about people and use that to surprise them with things they like, like posts or gifts if I'm able to
I could never manage it. It just slips right out of my brain if it's not about my people. I'd say this is badger, but I don't have much experience with know-a-guy birds, so it might also be that
- My boyfriend is definitely a badger secondary, and I feel like he is a lot better than me at working hard at things. I always think that people who are able to work hard at things and accomplish things are very enviable, and I wish I was more like them
I think you're more bird than badger, nonny, but you definitely like the badger way.
my current theory is that I'm either a burned badger with a bird model (as a coping mechanism?) OR a bird with a badger model that I use as a tool
I think you're a know-a-guy bird with either a badger model or performance, who really likes badgers.
- 🍵🐍
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shhss i’m sorry but
I can’t get thought of Yandere Hondo and Dragon fighting over their s/o out of my head 😭 super self-indulgent ik 😭
This is going to be interesting exciting!
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💙Dragon Chan💙
💙 he already thought you working with other boxers was bad enough with his jealousy but now Hondo Batman can charm anyone and that pissed him off you were his and only his
💙 this will cause an even more downward spiral jealousy will definitely be a problem between you two especially Hondo whenever he would have to train with him it would be mostly very violent on his end maybe he'll even feel his shoes up with rocks because some extra damage you won't love him with his face being broken :)
💙 but that caused drift between you two when you saw the damage that he had done to Hondo you instantly tried to help him he stepped back for a bit thinking about what his next plan should be
💙 the fact that you were so kind was a blessing and a curse mostly blessing but he wished that you were only kind to him only him
❤Piston Hondo❤
❤ he knew about dragons jealousy but it made him laugh he knew what he was doing when he filled his rocks with shoes but he knew that you would step in the way but you wouldn't stop being that man's friend
❤ although he respects your friendship with dragon he doesn't like dragon dragon gone forever but he knew how bad that would affect you so he does nothing if you did not care for him that would be no issue to get rid of him but alas you do
❤ honestly after the Rock's incident you both became distant to both of them it honestly made him sad and he didn't understand why he hate to do this but he asked Dragon what was going on of course blame was exchanged between both of them
❤ alas they became acquaintances mostly enemies but they discovered a plan if they had found you if they would discover a plan to share you if that was possible
❤ once Honda had finally found you he hugged you really tight and you hugged back but you pushed away and asked what he was doing here since you were obviously taking a break from this whole... situation
💙 both of them exchanged glares but they both Express concerned about you especially after the incident you said that you just needed a break from the wvba because of what happened you couldn't stand between all the fighting
❤ it dawned on both of them they were separating you from each other with their unnecessarily fighting so they struck up a better acquaintance ship
💙 they would share you but it was still a very bad rivalry whether you like it or not you're not leaving anymore you're staying between them and you're going to watch some fight for the rest of the eternity
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chipstertool · 1 year
Idealizing Chris's Background
So we all have heard of Chris Thorndyke (who could be easily mistaken as Eggman's younger self if you haven't seen the Project Shadow arc or saw comparisons between Eggman and Chris) and how much negative reception he gotten till the Metarex Arc, give or take.
Although, while the anime + the studio tried to give reasoning, what if we add and change some stuff to make it more believable in a sense that it makes the studio's attempt seem fruitful and reasonable to the point where anyone could understand.
Point One: Give him Milan Ramada as his only childhood friend. This character was featured in an Sonic X issue 36 where she is a wealthy daughter of the owner of Ramada Refineries Inc and showcases a snobbish personality towards others. In this case, Ramada and Thorndyke were set up be friends due to their parents (their dads) knowing and interacting each other as good acquaintances or partners. Later on, Milan starts being possessive towards Chris as she boasts about how they're the most richest kids in Town Square that everyone will "gaze down upon them". This can contrast Milan's pride will Chris's humility since (in this scenario) he helps his maid and butler/learns from them as he wants to grow to be someone who is capable for themselves without too much dependence or be viewed as a stereotypical rich kid from down the block. Milan would also try to gatekeep or gaslight Chris into his fear of being hated because of his background as she would keep telling him that "these people will wait for your downfall and when that time comes, nobody will give their sympathies". Point Two: Introducing Sonic an Co. as his close interaction to normal friends. Chris will develop self-doubt about his status as a wealthy person and the views from people who are ordinary. By the time Sonic is notable in the eyes of the press, he can see that while Sonic is famous towards the human populace, he's still himself and keeps it that way, not changing his attitude for being a celebrity in Sonic X context. With humans such as the people around his age, he's distant towards them since he has a fear of being interpreted as a spoiled, privileged rich boy who whines about first-world problems to the point he avoids any contact with those who live in mundane lifestyles. This aspect introduces another point.
Point Three: Helen. Yes, the character everyone talked about that should've been the main human character. For a refresher, she was born with a condition that puts her in a wheelchair for most of time. With Helen, she could be the introduction towards another viewpoint for Chris: an ordinary life or the feeling of mundane normalcy. To make sense, in Chris's view, he envisions her to have a grudge against Chris's lifestyle as a rich person and wishes for downfall but in Helen's views, she envisions him as potential friend since she can see the contrast between him and his childhood friend. Despite her condition, she doesn't envy those who are successful or wealthy since she focuses on her life and her love for her parents based on her nature in the anime. This could potentially introduce Chris's secret envy of Helen, a person who got a very mundane life filled without a luxurious status and gets to be around her parents (he doesn't know that her parents are working hard for her medical condition).
Point Four: Chris's Parents/Parental Love. Now both of his parents are loving towards their son but with their jobs taking up their schedule, they have little time. I can add in this little scene for the original dub: Chris Deleted Scene, to why 4Kids decided to delete this specific scene is beyond me. With this context, we can observe why Chris feels that way about his parents as he knows they love him dearly but decides to distance himself at the same time since he doesn't want to experience seeing them or himself sad/hurt if they leave for their jobs. He keeps it up by telling them he's doing fine at home as he doesn't want to emotionally hurt them and thinks that by saying he wants them home would be selfish of him just like Milan. He keeps up this act from Christmas day to present day where it fooled even his parents and himself but not Ellen, Tanaka, or Chuck as they've been around him while growing up.
"Why in the fresh hell are you doing all of this for a character that most people don't like?" The reason I'm doing this is due to how some of ya'll state that "Helen should've replaced Chris" and call it a day without going in on HOW to change the aspects of Chris's involvement in the anime. Plus, it's fun in imagining of what a character that has missed potential could've have in my opinion. (Plus I would make them both go through the portal in the Metarex Arc since two people with slight similarities but different backgrounds seems fun)
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about to open up about some personal stuff briefly. the purpose of doing so, is so that others who feel similarly have a positive reminder or just like, idk not feel alone about it. but I guess it's also cuz I don't always talk about it, but it's on my mind at times.
anyway. Growing up into my teens and even after, I had low self esteem and thus, didn't think I'd ever have like...any kind of steady relationship that would build up into marriage and it gave me a lot of bad and negative emotions. (Which, idk I'm pretty sure my parental issues were super evident, especially once I really figured things out later.) Thoughts like, "I'm never enough. No one's going to love me like the way I'd love them. I'm no good, I don't deserve it. What's wrong with me?"
Those are all some pretty self-deprecating thoughts. Especially when you look around and feel like everyone's got it figured out more than you do- which to say, might not always be the case as much as you think it is. Which, sometimes can be hard for me a lot of my acquaintances and friends, either younger or older are in serious relationships or married.
That's some of the difficult stuff, because you're wondering why you don't have that. I've mostly kind of come to terms with being single currently, it's not what I envisioned for my age. But like, there's probably reasons why it's this way, and not necessarily for negative reasons. I now understand there's nothing wrong with me, I choose to remain this way. Maybe we don't always feel like we choose that. But frankly I'm not settling for anyone who doesn't take me seriously or share important values/goals as I do.
There's underlying reasons as to why I wanted companionship while I was depressed. A lot. self worth and esteem issues, problems with home life, work, and perspective on life and circumstances. The main thing I was missing was the foundation I've found through my faith, as well as having the help to understand /why/ I was feeling how I did. I've needed true friendship in my life. I've started really building on that in the last couple of years and it's helped me a lot.
NGL I doubt it's going to go away entirely, cuz it's natural. I still would like to marry, but I'm a lot more accepting of the fact if it doesn't happen. But now that things are more stable in my life, and I've got a clearer head... I do want that. And that's okay. But doesn't mean there's something wrong with me if it doesn't happen. We just have expectations because of perspective and when we look at what others have or don't have. Everyone reaches goals or attain things at different paces, and when you do, hopefully you're able to look back and appreciate the growth you've made.
so like, hope you find strength and support in your family and friends that you have.
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