#huzzah! onto the tags
futzingbarton · 4 months
someone who discarded me like a used rag showed up on my dash last night as i was about to sleep, despite them having said they were done with tumblr about 3 years ago, so that was a fun punch to the face
but the real kicker is i was so startled i closed the app and dealt with the emotional dysregulation so i don't even remember what the username was and now that means i get to either 1) go through my blog to find what their screen name is now, thereby losing my sanity to the halcyon days of nostalgic remembrance that will inevitably lead into absolute despair, or 2) sit around until they randomly post again leading to yet another surprise gutpunch
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velvethopewrites · 7 months
The sob story with this is that I wrote this yesterday and it got deleted before I could save it. I wanted to die cry, basically. Somehow I managed to re-create most of it, after working on it all damn day. (I basically ended up writing over 6,000+ words in one day. Yowza) I still feel as though the first version was better, but…no one knows that but me, I suppose. (And my partner, who got to read it right before the horrors happened). Regardless, I am proud of this and proud of myself for not giving up when it really would have been easy to. So huzzah to the fickle hand of fate and all that stuff.
For Suptober 2023 prompt “starlight”
I tag @fellshish and @canonblastedships and @clarkenting for being super cool reblog buddies, lol (which is just a thing I made up) This is the longest destiel fic I’ve written yet and it will be my first official AO3 destiel! (As soon as I remember how to do that, oy)
Edited: Now with Spiffy AO3 Link! Here!
The Starlight
There were three types of people that visited the Starlight Lounge — drunks, people desperate to score, and the employees that made their bread and butter trying to tame the other two.
Dean Winchester, unfortunately, was a member of that third group. Oh, sure, Dean had been known to put away a fair bunch of liquor in his day, and sure, Dean had definitely been known to do the Bedroom Rodeo whenever the opportunity presented itself. Hell, back when he’d first started at the Starlight he’d often been three types at once. Work, drink, get laid. Sometimes, not even in that order.
But that was past Dean. Current and newly mature Dean (hah) just wanted to work, go home, eat and fall into his bed. Working at the Starlight wasn’t that bad – it had fairly decent pay and it was often interesting. And like everyone else, Dean had bills to pay and he gave more than his fair share to Sammy. Not that Sam really needed it anymore; he was busy working as a law clerk downtown, putting himself through school. But still, Dean wanted to help as much as he could and besides it was his brotherly duty. Heh. Duty.
Tonight, due to the cold and rainy weather, the bar was fairly empty and business had been slow. There was only one of his regulars, a writer by the name of Chuck crying into his notebooks at the back of the bar. To be honest, Dean had never seen Chuck write a damn thing but the man sure could put scotch away like a pro.  There was also a young couple making out in one of the booths near the restrooms. He’d been keeping an eye on them most of the night, actually, making sure no one lost any clothing. The Starlight didn’t need a public indecency charge on the books. At least, not so soon since the last one, at any rate. 
Dean yawned and finished cleaning up the bar, hoping Chuck and the couple on their way to Soft-Porn Town would soon be leaving. Maybe Dean could even push them on their way a bit early, so he could get home at a decent time, for once.  As he walked over towards Chuck to perhaps lightly suggest the writer hit the road, the double doors of the bar blew open – bringing in the rain, the cold rush of the wind and a new customer in a beige trench coat with seriously fucked up hair. Great.
Dean sighed and turned back around as the new guy slumped onto the first stool at the bar. His dark brown, messed up hair looked even worse up close, and he had a scowl on his face as he glared down at the bar in front of him.
“Whiskey. Neat,” Messy-Hair said, voice low and very rumbly.
Dean pulled down a clean glass and poured some of their nicer whiskey into it. Dude looks like he could afford it, at any rate. He had a nice suit on under the coat, now that Dean could properly see it and his watch was one of those big clunky things that could probably tell the time on Jupiter or some shit like that. The man’s hand reaches for the glass before Dean has barely pushed it forward. He throws back the drink in record time and hits the bar with it so that it makes a loud thunk.
“Another one.”
Dean shrugged as the man kept glaring down at the bar as though it contained all the answers to life and everything else; Dean knew for a fact that it didn’t. It didn’t even have a ‘42’ scratched into it or anything. (RIP Douglas Adams)
This time the man just wraps his hand around the glass, his fingers clutching at it and woah, Dean thinks, dude’s got some huge fucking hands. They’re big and they’re strong looking. The fingers are nice and long and graceful and oh, oh, oh. Maybe it’s a kink, or maybe it’s a preference, but Dean loves hands. Manly looking mitts like Messy-Hair here and even smaller, more delicate hands like on most women, with pretty nail colors. But Dean’s not choosy.
He sees motion out of the corner of his eye and notices Chuck signaling that he’d like to pay up. Glancing at Messy-Hair he figures he has a few minutes before having to pour him another so he sets the bottle down and heads over to the other side.
“All right there, Chuck?”
“Yeah, yeah, thank you, Dean.”
The older man is flipping through his wallet and counting out his cash slowly. Dean wipes the bar and puts Chuck’s last glass into the bucket for later cleaning.
“Write anything tonight?” Dean always asks this question. It’s like a little game he and Chuck play because it always has the same answer.
“No,” Chuck says looking up at him. He places his finger to his temple solemnly, almost like he’s holding a gun. “But I did a lot of work up here.”
He always gives Dean this look as though Dean should know exactly what he’s talking about. But, of course, Dean never does. He likes to read but he sure as hell would never attempt to write. Personally, he thinks Chuck is sort of crazy, but hey, to each their own, right?
Chuck pushes his notebooks into his old canvas bag on the bar. It’s bulging with everything he carries with him and looks fit to burst. Dean supposes that writer’s block is heavy business.
Chucks nods goodnight as he slips his bag over his shoulders, buckling a bit under the weight. Dean watches as he wobbles away and he’s not sure if it’s from the alcohol or the bag. He’d normally be worried (hey, no bar can stay in business if all its clientele got themselves killed), but he knows Chuck lives nearby. He’ll be all right and probably in his same spot tomorrow evening. He puts Chuck’s money into the till and realizes he tipped Dean more than usual. He really did have had a good night, then.
He notices the couple trying to break the world record for smooches in a single night are getting up and putting on their jackets. Maybe Dean can get out early; he’s got the DVR set for Dr Sexy already, but he wouldn’t say no to catching it live for once.
Glancing over he sees Messy-Hair is now resting his head on the bar, but he lifts it as the doors bang shut behind Chuck, the cold burst of wind making his hair looking even more disheveled. Dean heads back over to see if he needs a refill and is suddenly struck dumb by the other man finally looking at him. Holy Mother of Blue, those are some eyes. The dude is handsome. Like old-time movie handsome. Strong jaw, with a smattering of scruff, pink soft lips and eyes that look like they can see into your soul, no, scratch that, not see, but pierce. Dean swallows roughly and picks up the whiskey bottle. 
“Hey, uh, it’s getting late. One more for the road?” Dean assumes the dude doesn’t know the Starlight is technically open until midnight. Assumes, hah. More like prays.
Blue-Eyes stares at him and frowns. “I thought this establishment closed at midnight.”
“Er, yeah. I suppose it does.”
“Then I’ll take another,” Blue-Eyes pauses and holds out his glass. “And keep them coming for the next forty-five minutes, barkeep.”
Dean blinks at the old-fashioned word and pours another round. They stare at each other until he hears a giggle and a clearing of a throat. He looks over to see the couple and wonders how long they’ve been waiting. Judging from the churlish look on the guy’s face and the barely contained laughter emanating from the girl, it’s been awhile. He settles their tab and takes their money (lousy tip, of course) as the two saunter past Blue-Eyes and escape out into the night. Well, at least Dean can see it’s stopped raining.
Making up his mind, he follows them from behind the bar and locks the door after them. He flips off the sign, too. He may be stuck here with Blue-Eyes, but he’ll be damned if he’ll let someone else come meandering in to make him get home even later.
He comes back to stand in front of his customer and makes a decision. Pulling down another glass, he pours some of the whiskey into it and sighs as the warmth of it hits his system. What do they always say about good whiskey? It should warm the cockles of the heart, or something like that. Not that Dean actually knows what a cockle is, but hey, it went down smooth.
He realizes Blue-Eyes is watching him and Dean decides to bite the bullet. He’s tired, bored and probably on his way to cranky town if Blue-Eyes keeps his word about the next forty-five minutes.
“So, what brings you out on a cold and rainy night like tonight, Mr, uh…what’s your name? I can’t keep calling you what I’ve been calling you in my head.”
The other man squints and tilts his head at Dean like a tiny, confused bird. And no, Dean doesn’t find that adorable at all. Nope.
“What have you been calling me in your head?”
Dean purses his lips. Sometimes he’s really an idiot. He gives Blue-Eyes a shaky laugh.
“I said I wasn’t gonna keeping doing that.”
They stare at each other again, neither one budging until Blue-Eyes releases a breath and blinks, shoulders slumping a bit more. By the end of the night Dean expects this guy to be melted into the floor.
Dean frowns. “Your name is Mr Cas?”
“No, just Cas.” Blue-Eyes, no, scratch that, Cas then holds out his hand so Dean can shake it like they’re fellow professionals meeting at a party or something. As he grips the other man’s hand in his own he realizes Cas’s hand is warm, dry, and, yep, strong. The dude is seriously ticking all of Dean’s boxes without even trying. It’s a bit unnerving, really.
“Is that short for something?” Dean asks, wondering what type of name that is.
Cas just looks at him over the rim of his glass. “Perhaps.”
Neither of them say anything else for a long moment and Dean shakes his head. “People ever tell you you talk too much?”
“Yes. All the time,” Cas says with a smirk.
Dean laughs. “Well, whatever. It’s officially nice to meet you, Cas. I’m Dean. Humble and professional barkeep at your service.”
“Hello, Dean.”
Cas’s voice is deep but there’s a warmth to it that makes Dean happy.  They chit-chat for a bit, just like Dean would do with any newbie to the bar. He pours them both another round and then tries his question again.
“So, you seemed a bit upset earlier. What brought you through my doors, Cas?”
Cas sighs and glances away. He taps his fingers lightly on the polished wood of the bar. He stares at Dean as though assessing him and then looks as though he’s made up his mind.
“My…er, the person I’ve been dating, dumped me tonight. We went to an expensive restaurant and ordered far too pricey food for the serving size and drank outrageously fancy wine. Then they ordered an expensive bottle of cognac, drank it all and then told me I wasn’t worth it.”
Dean winces. “Ouch. How long were you together?”
“Six months.”
“Well, it’s not too long for a relationship, but it’s long enough to hurt.”
Cas nods, looking sullen again.
“What special occasion was it?”
Cas stares at him. “How could you possibly know that?”
“Fancy restaurant, the way you’re dressed, the cognac. Nobody orders that unless there’s been a birth or an anniversary or both.”
“It was my birthday,” Cas says, looking down again.
“Fuck,” Dean blurts out without thinking. “And they dumped you? Seriously bad juju, man.”
Cas nods and takes another drink of his whiskey, looking miserable. Dean tops off both of their glasses and hums.
“What was his name?”
Cas whips his head up, suddenly looking confused and more than a little worried. “I never said it was a he.”
“It was your distinct lack of pronouns, dude. Always the dead giveaway. Trust me, as a guy who plays for both sides, I know. Pronouns are key. Hey, relax, Cas, this is a safe space.” Dean points to the small pride flag he keeps above the bar and watches as Cas visibly relaxes.
The silence that falls between them is comfortable now. Welcoming, even. Cas clears his throat and rests his hand on his chin, peering at Dean.
“So…you’re bi, I assume or, pan, perhaps?”
“Got it in one. Just another bisexual loser ruining the world one lay at a time.”
Dean winks to show he’s only kidding. He’s proud to be bi, but it doesn’t mean he can’t make a joke at his own expense. Of course, if Sam or his friend Charlie were here they’d both tell him what they thought of that.
“His name was Bartholomew.”
Dean snorts. “It fits him. Douche-y name for a douche-canoe.”
Cas barks out a laugh and it completely changes his face into something truly beautiful. Dean suddenly feels the need to always make Cas laugh like that. He can’t imagine anyone not wanting to – his laugh is infectious. And the light it puts in his eyes is irresistible.
Cas looks serious again as he swirls the rest of the whiskey in his glass. “To be honest, Bart was just the last in a long line of failed…connections. I’m doubting my own self-worth at this point. Everyone ends up leaving or they get fed up with me. I’m too introverted…too socially awkward to deal with, I suppose.”
“I don’t know, you seem to be doing okay right now.”
“I’ve been drinking,” Cas says, deadpan. “And also I’m paying you.”
Dean chuckles. “Not really, I decided to stop charging you as soon as I poured my first one.”
“Your hospitality know no bounds. Truly.”
Dean laughs. Cas’s dry delivery and poker-faced expressions really are the limit. He feels that familiar warmth he always gets when he meets someone new. A someone new that excites him. But he pushes the feeling aside because he knows on some level that trying to get into Cas’s pants is so not what the other man needs right now. Dean shivers as he realizes how damn mature that sounds. Next he’ll be looking into 401ks and cemetery plots.
“Well, consider them birthday drinks. Of course, this stuff doesn’t cost a small fortune or anything, but I figured you’d already paid out enough tonight.”
Cas smirks and shakes his head at Dean. “Thank you, Dean. It’s actually very kind of you to…take pity on me.”
He says it jokingly but Dean gets the sense that he means it. He reaches forward and touches Cas’s hand.
“Hey, no pity here. You are ridiculously attractive and if I didn’t have a conscience, I’d definitely be throwing out my best lines here to help you relieve some tension, if you know what I mean. And you are not awkward to me, but even if you were, it wouldn’t be enough to stop me from asking for your number or seeing if you wanted to meet up sometime. I barely know you but you seem like a decent guy, Cas. And I think all of those people that don’t get you can just fuck right off. You need to keep trying, man. Don’t give up just because a few losers couldn’t see what they had.”
Cas blinks at Dean, blue eyes getting huge. “You think I’m ridiculously attractive?”
Dean thinks back. Did he say that? Yeah, he said that. Figures that would be the only thing to register with the dude.
“What sort of line would you use on me? I mean, if you were going to, that is.” Cas shyly glances away and then back, a curious look on his face.
“Oh, uh, probably something like, well you know what they say — the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” Dean waggles his eyebrows and smirks, faking a leer.
“I’m not sure that would work with me,” Cas says, mirth clear in his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. You’d make me work for it, I know. But seriously, you need to regroup, clear out the douche-canoes from your life and find a new guy, man.”
Cas smiles at him in fondness, and nope, Dean is not going to do it. He will not break his rule about dating people just out of relationships. Not even for big huge blue eyes that make him feel sappy like a love song. Cas, however, clearly has other plans.
“This may be forward but, um, Dean would you allow me take you out for dinner? As a date, in case you were wondering how I meant it.”
“Oh, wow, Cas, um, I mean…”
Cas’s face takes an interesting journey in two seconds – from hopeful joy to miserable and wretched. Dean feels his heart break a little bit for him in that moment and mentally kicks his own ass for being a tool.
“Oh, I see. I…I’m sorry, Dean. Thank you for hospitality.” Cas fumbles with his wallet and places far too much money next to his glass. “I won’t keep you anymore. Go home and enjoy whatever is left of your night.”
Dean watches dumbly as Cas sits up straighter and then turns in his seat, his broad shoulders unyielding, suddenly. Dean knows he just can’t let it end like this.
“No, wait, Cas!”
Dean practically flings himself around the bar to reach Cas before he can unlock the door and leave without a backwards glance. He rests his hand on Cas’s shoulder, stopping him.
“It’s only because I have a rule about dating people that just got out of a relationship. It has nothing to do with you, I promise you. You need to focus on you, dude. Figure out what you’re looking for. If this one was just the last in a long line of guys who don’t understand you, try and see what people you’re going for. I mean, I’m no expert, and God knows I’ve had my fair share of jumping before looking moments, but I think you just need some Cas time right now, you know? If we ever start something I do not want to be rebound guy and you deserve something better than a one night stand.”
Cas stares at him, blue eyes half in shadow.  Dean holds his breath, hoping he didn’t just lose something. All he can hear is the clock ticking behind him and the pounding of his own heart in his ears.
“That was quite the speech,” Cas finally says. “You sound like you know from experience.”
“Cas, man. You have no idea.”
“I have some, like I said, a long line of rejections. Still…”  Cas’s eyes search his face and then nods to himself. “Maybe you’re right. I do tend to do things without thinking in this area of life despite being very practical usually. And you’re also right on anther point, Dean. You do not deserve to be “rebound guy”.”
Dean can’t help his grin as Cas makes the quotes motion with his fingers. They stare at each other for a bit longer before he unlocks the door. Cas steps out as the cold air filters in between them, causing them bother to shiver. Dean pauses, and then holds out his hand. “Let me have your phone.”
“My phone?”
“Yeah, you have one, right? Or have you moved on to something flashier like sky writing?”
Cas snorts and shakes his head. He fumbles in his pockets and then pulls out a slim, black smartphone. He unlocks it and hands it over. Of course, it’d be that kind of phone that can help you bake bread or turn off all the lights in the world with just a click or something. He finally finds what he’s looking for and puts his contact information in.
“There. There’s my number. Text me to let me know you get home, okay? And as for the rest, we’ll take it one day at a time, Cas. Let’s be friends, first.”
Cas smiles shyly as he looks down at his phone and nods. “Friends, first. I like that. Goodnight, Dean.”
“Goodnight, buddy. Be safe.”
Cas slips out and away, leaving a coldness in his wake as he takes his body heat with him. Dean watches him go, the black of the night almost swallowing him up. Cas pauses to pull his coat tighter, the glow of the streetlight lighting up his profile. To Dean he looks pure—angelic, almost, like a painting or a sculpture. With one last look at Dean, he eventually fades away, disappearing back into the world. Soon all Dean can see is his own breath in the air and the twinkling starlight from the surprisingly clear sky above. He locks up again and finishes his routine for the night. After he’s put the money in the safe and headed out back to his car, he feels happy inside. Like something good just occurred — like some new path has been cleared for him to travel. His drive home is quick and easy, there’s hardly any traffic mostly due to the earlier rain. It’s just as he’s pulling into his driveway that he feels his phone buzz in his pocket. It’s from an unknown number and his heart beats faster as he reads the message.
From unknown: I arrived home safely, Dean. Thank you, again. Would you like to get coffee tomorrow, or, perhaps I should say, later today? Oh, this is Cas, by the way. In case you didn’t know. :)
Dean saves the number and then returns to the message to reply, a grin creeping onto his face before he even realizes it.
Dean: Of course, dude. Coffee sounds great. Around 1pm?
Cas: Perfect. Do you know the Blue Java Café on Marion and Elm? It’s across from the park and one of my favorite places.
Dean: Sounds good. Can’t wait to talk to you sober, ya lush… (lol j/k hah) 
Cas sends him a sticking-tongue-out emoji as a response and Dean chuckles as he locks up his car. He has a nice, happy feeling in his heart as he thinks of Cas. Like maybe this is something special. Or maybe it’s just that it could be and has the potential to be. He knows he told Cas friends first, but Dean’s willing to see where it…where they, can go.
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carlos-tk · 4 months
Tumblr media
thanks for the tags @whatsintheboxmh @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo @carlos-in-glasses @louis-ii-reyes-strand @noxsoulmate @heartstringsduet @bonheur-cafe @lightningboltreader 💗
huzzah! I finally have a proper banner 😌 pls enjoy some extremely late wip wednesday smut to go with it. nsfw warning
His breaths are still erratic as he recovers from his orgasm muttering an, “Okay forget the dog you’re forgiven with that performance,” that has TK giggling against his lips.
TK pulls back to reply, “Forgiven am I? I thought there’d at least be some punishment involved,” he quips suggestively, waggling his eyebrows down at him, his hips pressing down into Carlos’ as he leans in for another deep kiss.
Their tongues are tangled together, before Carlos is biting at him, pulling away with TK’s bottom lip between his teeth, scraping along it until they seperate.
Carlos’ voice is hoarse with desire, his palm still groping TK’s ass, giving it a quick squeeze. “Oh I can punish you baby,” he pledges and TK let’s out an almost growl as Carlos flips him onto his back.
Carlos’ c*ck is quickly hardening again, pressed into his thigh, his own pink, wet and aching between them. His hand snakes it’s way back between TK legs, “God,” he groans, “look at you, all hard and wet just for me huh baby,” as he takes ahold of him.
“Please,” TK grits out, Carlos’ ministrations relentless as he pumps him, using his other hand to fondle his balls before releasing them, knowing TK doesn’t need the extra touch to finish.
“You’re so fucking good for me,” he swears as he quickly brings TK right to the edge again, the delicious wet head disappearing and reappearing with each stroke.
He bites down on his earlobe, a “Come for me Tyler,” whispered against it, words that have TK arching off the bed, his hips jerking into Carlos’ fist, as he spills between them, Carlos’ name like a hymn on his tongue.
tags under the cut 💗
@welcometololaland @celeritas2997 @rmd-writes @inkweedandlizards @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @three-drink-amy @reyestrandd @thebumblecee @birdclowns @thisbuildinghasfeelings @reyescarlos @firstprince-history-huh @theghostofashton @sunshinestrand @basilsunrise @orchidscript @fitzherbertssmolder @liminalmemories21 @herefortarlos @freneticfloetry @ladytessa74 @mikibwrites @redshirt2 @never-blooms @howtosingit @kiras-sunshine + open tag for YOU 💗
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stealingyourbones · 9 months
Hey um, not trying to solicit this is a genuine question:
Is it considered bad fic etiquette to send asks with links to your writing to people? Had a friend say they do this and I haven't heard anyone say whether this would be considered rude or not
Different people have different opinions on this. I’d say usually yes it is bad fic etiquette but it depends on the context. If you’re genuinely sending to a writer to get their opinion it’s a bit cheap but not the worst.
If you want another person to see your writing, simply tag them in the comments of your post and go “hey! Look I think you might like this!”. I get these quite a lot and I do my best to at least check out the post. I enjoy seeing cool stuff other people have made. It’s a far better way to show your stuff to others than a link you have to copy and paste into a search engine too. Simpler and easier.
And always, it has to be in moderation. If people send me links like this constantly (like 2-3 times a day every day), then I will block them. Don’t constantly badger other writers. It’s not cool.
If you’re doing it to say you’ve added to their post and you didn’t tag them and you’re letting them know it exists, sure why not.
But it can’t just be a “you must look at my post and write 5k about it.” Cause that’s dickish. Don’t expect them to do anything past look. If they respond to it, huzzah that’s awesome. But people are people and sometimes don’t have the inspiration to add to it or just don’t feel the energy to comment on it atm.
Other people can add onto this because this is mainly my personal opinion, but I’d say that it’s not the worst at all. It’s simply a far worse way of letting the person you’re asking know about your writing. Just tag them somewhere in it. If you’re using ao3, post the link on tumblr, then tag them. Simple.
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booblord69 · 4 months
Tag game: people you'd like to get to know better (tagged by @andlookwheremyhandwas, i feel honoured this is my first tag game LMAO)
last song: funeral gangbang by gorgasm, this song fucks
currently watching: rewatching metalocalypse for like the 7th time, rupauls drag race uk
three ships: murderface x toki, the ship ever i love them dearly, 2bd x hank (madness combat), polyklok ofc let them be old and gay
favorite color: dark purple!! And to add to the transmasc stereotype i also love green esp neon green LOL
currently consuming: just fucked up a bacon and bbq sauce roll with a beer huzzah
first ship: i've been in fandoms since i was like 10 so its hard to determine which was first, i also used to ship things that i now realise were gross so i wont include those, but i'd have to say dr.flug x blackhat or vincent x mike (i am full of shame)
relationship status: I've got a super awesome boyfriend!!! He's not on tumblr so i cant tag sighh
last movie: texas chainsaw massacre 2, rewatched for the millionth time i love tcm bubba is my muse i will never get over him
currently working on: 2 murderface drawings (im super scared about posting my art but i might post one of them here if i like it enough), kraanium patch to sew onto my WIP battle (patch) bag!!
tagging: @berteder0 @slprbmtl @fathercharlesoffdensen (completely optional ofc no hard feelings :D)
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I’ve been tagged by frequent partner in headcanons @sophiainspace for the Last Huzzah To This Hyperfixation fic meme, which is appropriate as I am also likely giving a last huzzah to the Arrowverse! (Incredibly reluctantly, kicking and screaming against my brain all the way, but what can you do)
My first fic for this fandom was Your Move, on 30 November 2019, an incredibly creepy prelude-to-Eowells/Hartley that set the stage for many of my later works
My favorite fic I’ve written is…oh so many choices. The one I go back and reread most often is If You Wanna Fight (We Can Go All Night), which is playful smutty Coldwave—with an honorable mention to With Benefits, in which aro Len and ace Mick end up doing affection at cross purposes
My fluffiest fic is probably Day In, which is a Flashpiper domestic fluff interlude in the middle of a fairly angsty series—I can throw in rest-point fluff sometimes!
My funniest fic is, hands down, Floordrobe Malfunction, which is exactly what it sounds like: Lisa/Cisco/Hartley get caught in the middle of V-polyam shenanigans and end up switching clothes
My saddest fic is Worse When It’s Late, one of only two fics I went into the knowing they couldn’t have a happy ending. (The other is At All Costs, which is just about as bad)
A fic I almost didn’t post was Worse When It’s Late, just because it was so much darker than my usual fare. I’m proud of how it turned out but I was terrified of how people might react to it
The fic I most enjoyed writing is probably still Tam Len, because I loved the worldbuilding and the characters ended up taking on a life of their own, to the point that several plotty things just…resolved themselves in the end, entirely driven by the characters!
My favorite ship is…oh boy. I have loved so many ships in my time in this fandom. Coldwave maybe? What’s not to love about Coldwave—they’re queerplatonic partners in crime who would rather die than admit a Feeling. I adore them
My favorite femslash ship is probably something with Nora West-Allen? Nora/Spencer maybe…or Nora/Spencer/Joss—all of whom I wish I’d written more of (and had more plans for, before the muse forsook me!)
My favorite OT3 is Coldwestallen, because no matter which way you slice it somebody is getting ganged up on by two people who are too similar for anyone’s good, and the resulting dynamics are impeccable
My favorite non-romantic pairing is…well. If I wanted to rules-lawyer this, I’d say Coldwave, because the aro Len headcanon remains strong. However in the spirit of the question I’m gonna say Barry and his dads, both as they interact with each other and as they interact with Barry’s partners about him. There were a lot of meaty, messy dynamics there that I wish I had explored more (and that I had plans to, before the muse evaporated)
My favorite character to write is Leonard Snart, by a long shot. I vibe with his strange strange brain. He taught me so much in my time writing him. I still want to study him under a microscope. I’m going to hold onto him for a long time even if the hyperfixation is fading
My favorite neurodiversity fic (I love that this is a category, Soph) is Pride In The Little Things, with post-diagnosis feels. It’s rueful, because I think there’s often an element of that following a diagnosis, but it’s hopeful too
The fic I most clearly remember writing is Complication, a Coldflash-to-Coldwestallen fic that was meant to have more to it and got cut down for the sake of making a deadline. I’m pleased with how it turned out, but there’s another universe where it was a much messier slow burn
My favorite written-out-of-spite fic is Unplanned, in which I took out my frustrations with the ‘Mick’s head pregnancy’ plotline of Legends s6 (feat. supportive Gideon who understands what dysphoria is)
My most read fic is No Hero (No Less Loved), one of my older Coldflash fics—one I’m not overly attached to, in truth, but benefitted from being a popular pairing and having a lot of chapters to add to the hit count
My least read fic is Pride In The Little Things, my newest fic with a very rare pair indeed (Lita/Jerrie Rathaway, my and @blueelvewithwings lil ship). I didn’t expect it to get many hits at all, so seeing it with even this much interaction is surprising
The WIP I most regret not finishing is an unpublished sequel to Complication that would have built off the ideas I cut from the original fic, including appearances by Joe and Henry, and also explained why Len was so weird all throughout Complication. I hope to force myself through finishing it eventually!
My favorite gen fic is Found, a Rogues-as-family fic that was meant to set the stage for more in-depth stories that never happened. It still stands on its own pretty well though
My crackiest fic is Critical Fail, a ‘Team Flash plays D&D’ fic written at the behest of an IRL friend (who, to my knowledge, never ended up reading it—ah well, it was still fun!)
And a bonus holiday fic is By Candlelight, with Coldwestallen celebrating both a contemplative Hanukkah and a rowdy West family Christmas
I believe my co-conspirator @blueelvewithwings has already been tagged, but I’m also going to tag @a-redharlequin who has been my instigator, cheerleader, and also partner, who I wouldn’t have found without this fandom. I love y’all and I’m so happy to have spent three years plotting together!
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badassxbirdy · 1 year
December Activity Update (pinned post)
It’s time once again for the monthly activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update includes things posted or in drafts for November. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, click here. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Housekeeping
I am BEHIND my dudes. Thank you so much for your patience while I attempt to get things under control. ❤️ I should have the weekend to myself to just relax and write. No meetings, huzzah!
The thread tracker page is pretty out of date, so I’ve not linked it this month. If you’re looking for something and can’t find it here, hmu!
The Christmas cutie avatar is in effect! You’re welcome for the adorableness.
Things are still bonkers on the family front, but should (in theory) start to calm down soon. The housing and rent situation is just beginning, so love that for me. 😅 Full explanations and general OOC mischief will be over on @birdy-ooc, important updates will probably be reblogged here.
Re: reblogged sideblog posts (link)
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
At the motel (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Starter from @demonstigma (drafted)
Angry Ty is angry (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Serial killer ghosts (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Making their escape (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
An unfortunate knife incident (link) - @diicktective
Meeting the captain (drafted) - @hvbris (Hook)
Tyler is confused. 😂 (drafted) - @hvbris (Wednesday)
At the motel with FBI!Fish (drafted) - @imprvdente
Image meme for @indyflanery (drafted)
Memes from @innerwar (drafted)
Monster encounter (drafted) - @lcbcshcart
Demon problems (drafted) - @magaprima
THE BABIEEEEES. (link) - @nightiingaled (Killian)
My apologies to Proteus tbh. 😅 (drafted) - @nightiingaled
Are you following me? (link) - @normallyxstranger (Jamie)
No such thing as too much sauce (link) - @normallyxstranger (Mason)
Low expectations (drafted) - @normallyxstranger (Jamie)
Does it still hurt (drafted) - @normallyxstranger (Mason)
Get down (drafted) - @normallyxstranger (Mason)
Lost in the compound (drafted) - @razorfst
A questionable business card (link) - @thatslayer
Kiara to the rescue! (drafted) - @thatevester
Ty meets Teine (drafted) - @timelxrd-victorious
Headcanon, dash games, crack, and assorted silliness:
Sleep deprived Tyler has ✨important questions✨ for Killian. (link)
The only acceptable ouija board. (link)
GDI, Damon, she was kidding! (link)
Killian when his girlfriend wants to murder people (link)
Ty: “I’m tough.” Also Ty: (link)
Damon has made poor life choices. ☠️ (link)
Me @ your green dots (link)
I believe that’s everything! As always, please do let me know if I’ve missed anything. Stay safe, and remember to hydrate your flesh prison. ❤️ — Em
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or something
So yesterday in the tags I asked what the Brokes were getting up to, and I actually ended up visiting them once I realized that Ruby had aged up to a teen.
But before we see the Brokes again, things did happen to Shawna, Demi, and Ali (not so much Eva, she's just kinda there at the moment).
Demi is apparently a bro, and so she got wants to go to a bar and have drinks. Since she had completed all her homework and didn't have any classes to go to that day. So she went to the Willow Creek bar at like, noon or something.
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Very bro-ish.
When she was done with that, it was a spirit day for Foxbury, and since she's a member of that club (organization?), she attended it.
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Then she came across the Servo that came to Shawna's New Year's party and became friends with him.
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Meanwhile, Ali had been going through a bit of a crisis, between her non-existent social life and her steadily dropping grades. Shawna tried to help her through the crisis, and Demi helped Ali with her school project.
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Okay, now onto the Brokes.
When I saw that Ruby was a teen, I had to check how old Flat and Flo were, and I realized that I was on the edge of missing Skip's existence, and so I quickly made sure that Flo was pregnant with him, and settled in a bit with Flo, Flat, and Ruby.
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I wanted Ruby to have the Villainous Valentine aspiration, seeing as her Sims 3 counterpoint has the "Heartbreaker" lifetime wish, but apparently teens can't have that aspiration? So for right now, she has the knitting aspiration, since a few new hats or socks never hurt anyone, right?
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I'm currently trying to have Ruby make some friends, as I usually do with teen Sims, and just like every time I try to do this, I wish there was some designated lot for teen Sims in the base game or something. I made a lot with the teen hangout trait, it's tagged as a lounge so that Sims actually go in, and either my game is filled with elders, or lounges attract elders. Idk. It's just kinda annoying.
I also very briefly visited Buck and Mary Lu, and tried to brace myself to do What Must be Done, but in the end I just got sad while looking through pictures they've taken together, and so they're still fine too.
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deadpatrol · 2 years
I finally remembered you have a tumblr and started going through your saal/knack tag and I found the playlist and can I just say. I am losing my mind over STRIKE 3 being on it. Like, physically went “oh no” out loud levels of losing my mind. It’s so perfect and I cannot believe I didn’t connect the dots sooner bc I *love* Ferry’s stuff. The playlist is *chef’s kiss* no matter how you look at it but that made me. Immeasurably happy.
(And so did You’ll Understand When You’re Older, because this is the part where I am unmasked like a Scooby Doo villain and am revealed to be ElectricBoomerang, caring far too much abt connecting music to whatever piece of fiction is on the brain. On that note it’s nowhere near perfect but a case could be made for Occam’s Razor as a saalWilbur song.)
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Huzzah! A person of culture! JOIN US. I am just collecting all the Ferry enjoyers and holding you all so close. @skaterfc and I have been making a dsmp pafl AU and it's AWESOME.
Fuck yes, I love Ferry's music so much. The songs are a bop and the story is phenomenal. I mentioned this before, but saal was actually almost named SAVE YOUR HELPLESS SPITE after STRIKE 3 by Ferry. It is such a saal!Tubbo song. I can’t even begin to describe it.
"So, I see, I found myself trying to win another inconsequential fight. Hah, my bark turned out to be much harsher than the bite."
"Hey, hey is this weird or what? This familiar feeling ties my insides up in knots. It's silly-- No! Occam, bring out The Saw! Cause I've got some doubts to cut before I grasp onto this thin straw."
"It's unlikely, you tell me. I tell you, it connects! Call it my wishful thinking, I call it common sense."
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Thanks for the tag @thatsgonnaleaveamark!!
1. why did you choose your url?
I used to lurk in the whump community from my main, essentially just every few months I'd go through some of the big blogs tags and like stuff that I wanted to look up later. One night I wandered onto @whump-my-dear-watson's blog and saw her header pic and went "oooh that's clever, I wonder if anyone has claimed that as a URL yet" and huzzah, no one had yet. And suddenly I had a whump blog.
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
From this blog I just have @myotherwhumpblog from when this blog turned into a TOG blog and I had a ton of "normal" followers and didn't want to weird them out with the whump content
And from my main (not tagging it but willing to share it privately if anyone wants) I have @all4oneone4all, a BBC Musketeers blog. I used to have a lot more, like I used to have a Loki blog like six years ago and deleted it, now I almost wish I still had it
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Oof, my main was made in like November 2011 I think? This one I made in October 2018 or so
4. do you have a queue tag?
Yeah, it's just 'Queue' lol super original, but xkit is attached to the browser rather than an account, so if I log out of here and go to my main, whatever I set for autofills here, it'll use the same stuff for my main :/
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
Pretty much cause of what I said in the first question, I was just lurking and it seemed like a great community to join (I was right) and I'd never been a part of a community on Tumblr before really
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
*Insert 'I just think he's neat' meme*
7. why did you choose your header?
asdfjkl I had to double check what my header was, but of course it's Poe and BB-8, why not?? *insert 'I just think they're neat' meme*
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
The one about the whump community and their 'fix it' fics lmao (almost 2,800 notes)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
A decent amount?? It's hard to tell cause lots of peoples whump blogs are side blogs, so it's harder to know for sure. But like. I'd say at least 50, probably more
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
I don't think so no
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Too much lol Usually the first thing I open in the morning and I pop in a lot during the day
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Not that I can remember
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Guaranteed way to make me not reblog a post. I can 100% agree with a post and then get to a "but you aren't going to reblog this, aren't you" I will swipe so hard up my screen that it disappears into oblivion, I don't appreciate guilt trips and won't subject anyone else to it
16. do you like tag games?
Yes! I love being tagged and I appreciate every single one, even if I forget to fill it out, please know I love and appreciate that you thought of me 💜💜💜
17. do you like ask games? 😊
Yes again! I'm just rubbish at answering them too haha
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don't think any of my moots are 'tumblr famous' in the way I automatically assume when I hear that term, but I definitely have moots that are popular within the whump community itself
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Not really in a romantic crush sense, but more of a squish, if people still use that term anyways haha there are many many people I would love to be friends with but I'm very bad at keeping up conversation
20. tags?
mmmmm ok, I apologize if anyone I tag has already been tagged, but it's cause I was thinking of you <3
@simplygrimly @kingreywrites @set-phasers-to-whump @aceofwhump @itsanidiom @even-after-a-millennia @flyingwolf29 @whumperflies @dontyoubleedoutonme
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shakespeareanqueer · 4 years
Welcome To The Best Culinary Experience Of Your Life (Avengers Library for the Study of Enhanced Persons and Heroes, Chapter 12)
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Pairing: Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader 📚WC: 1,499 words
Series summary: When you wake up with no memories in the Avengers compound, Tony takes you under his wing and gives you a job as Librarian and Archivist for the Avengers. What is this alpha, beta, omega stuff, and why does Bucky Barnes smell so good? 📚 Contents: Mentions of smut, food, fluff!
Chapter summary: The gang holds family dinner the night before your heat
A/N: A completely harassment-free chapter! Huzzah! Sorry it’s been so long since the last update. I’ve been in a bit of a rut, but I’m hoping to get out of it by posting more, hopefully it’s a cyclical thing you know. Anywho enjoy!
I saw advice not to include links in original fic posts for searchability, so I’ll reblog with my tag lists, citing the header pic, and with a link to my masterlist.
You were driving with Bucky, back from the post office and some other errands you had run. You liked running errands with Bucky; it felt domestic, wholesome. Since you had given up the prideful stubbornness that made you want to do all those activities alone, you very much enjoyed his company on these outings. You were just glad to get out of the compound every once in a while.
“So I think your heat’s coming super soon. As soon as tomorrow,” Bucky informed you from the driver’s seat.
You knew what he was getting at. You hadn’t agreed to sleep with him before your heat yet, and he needed to have your consent before it became the hormones talking.
You hummed your confirmation of hearing him, but didn’t respond, just gazed out of the passenger window.
He seemed relatively unfazed by your lack of response. Licking his lips, he added, “Whether you spend it holed up by yourself or with me, you’re going to be trapped in your room for a while.”
He didn’t even entertain the possibility that you’d get someone else to help you through it. He wasn’t as possessive or jealous as other alphas, that was true. He could bear to watch you dance with other people, even other alphas, but knowing someone else was helping you through your heat? Taking care of you and giving you pleasure? That might just kill him.
“So what do you say to going out tonight? We could do dinner and then something fun. Do you like ice skating?” he offered.
“I’m gonna spend a lot of time shut away from most people coming up, so can we do family dinner?” You looked up from your phone and smiled. “Then I would love to go ice skating with you.”
Bucky smiled and nodded but didn’t look at you, instead glancing into the rear view mirror before training his eyes back onto the road ahead. You hadn’t mentioned anything about spending your heat with him, but you also hadn’t said you would be spending it alone. ‘Most people’ rang out through his head on repeat the rest of the drive; a hopeful beacon.
As soon as you stepped into the compound, a wave of pleasant aromas assaulted your nose. Not the typical cocktail of pheromones emitted by the various alphas and omegas of the group, but herbs and spices and delicious things.
You turned to Bucky with a smile. “Smells like we picked a good day to have family dinner.”
The closer you got to the kitchen, the stronger the aromas became. In the kitchen, Wanda and Pietro were moving in perfect sync. Pietro was zipping around the small space at his super speed, somehow managing not to run into Wanda, probably because she was in his head.
Everything was laid out splendidly on the counter. Bucky went to reach for some kind of savory pastry puff, but found his hand being swatted away by a tendril of red energy.
“Don’t you dare, James Barnes!” Wanda hissed from her place at the stove.
Bucky put his hands up defensively and backed away. You pulled a seat for him at the table and bowed low and dramatically. He thanked you with a chuckle and a curtsy before settling in and looking expectantly at you.
But instead of sliding into the seat next to him, as he clearly anticipated, you walked around the table and plopped yourself down in the chair directly across from him. He looked a little shocked, but was pleasantly surprised when you tossed a wink his way.
Just then, Wanda piped up, “Ok so I know you just sat down, but can the two of you help me move stuff to the table?”
You scooched your chair out and called over your shoulder, “Sure thing, Wands!”
You grabbed the tray of puff things Bucky had tried to sample, while Bucky balanced a tray of meat on one hand, a tray of vegetables on the other, and a basket of bread in the crook of his vibranium elbow.
“Show off,” you muttered under your breath, knowing full well he could pick it up with his enhanced hearing. He smirked, and purposefully flexed his muscles in response.
“Why don’t you wanna sit next to me, doll?” he asked as you both set your dishes down on the table.
You shrugged. “I’d actually like to be able to smell the food the twins were nice enough to prepare,” you replied. “Be able to pay attention to my friends, you know.” You didn’t meet his eyes as you began distributing napkins to all the place settings.
Behind you, Bucky was grinning like an idiot. You had basically just admitted that his scent was so intoxicating to you that it overwhelmed even the delicious aromas of the feast being presented. That it was so distracting that it made you lose all sense of focus. That his mere proximity and the vague possibility of touch was enough to steal all of your attention.
He was thrilled he affected you as much as you affected him. Your scent was dizzying and incredible and even across the table, he knew he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on much else.
Also at dinner with you, besides the twins and Bucky, were your parents, Steve, Sam, Natasha, Clint, Peter, Rhodey and Vision.
When everything was set out and everyone was seated, Pietro zipped to the head of the table and grandly announced, “Welcome to the best culinary experience of your life! A little taste of Sokovia, and also some stuff from internet recipes we thought sounded good. Bone app the teeth!”
Bucky was right that you were entirely too distracting for him to pay much attention to anyone else. But that was all right.  Bucky was never that talkative during these large group dinners anyway. In all honesty, he rarely attended them. Everyone was secretly grateful to you for being the reason he was opening up more and being more social, even if he was spending most of the meal gazing at you longingly.
It wasn’t just your scent that got him. It was the way you were so engaged and invested in those around you; if someone was speaking, you were listening like they were the most important person in the world. It was the way you would thank the twins and compliment them each time you dug into a new dish, making appreciative groans that went straight to Bucky’s groin. It was the way you did an adorable little happy food dance when munching on the dishes you especially liked. It was the way you kept stealing glances at him and when you caught his eye, you would smile that sweet smile that made his heart race.
At some point during the evening, Steve leaned over to whisper in his best friend’s ear, “I don’t think I’ve seen you smile this much consecutively since before the war.”
That took Bucky a bit by surprise. He didn’t even think about all the time he spent smiling now that you were in his life. But it was a lot.
“She just… makes me happy,” he replied, sneaking another glance at you. You had stuck forks in two spinach puffs and were doing the Charlie Chaplin bread roll routine, much to everyone’s amusement.
Steve put his arm around Bucky’s shoulder and squeezed tight. “That’s really great, man. I’m so happy for you.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get sappy about it, punk,” Bucky teased, ruffling Steve’s hair when he let go.
At the end of the meal, Wanda poked her head in the oven only to emerge back into the dining area to announce, “So the pie isn’t quite done yet. But I figure once we clean up and maybe watch an episode of Great British Bake Off, it should be ready.”
“Save me and Bucky some!” you chirped, helping to gather dirty dishes to bring into the kitchen.
“You’re not sticking around, kiddo?” Tony asked.
“We’re going ice skating!” you answered happily.
“We don’t have to go, doll, if you want to hang out here. I know how much you love the Bake Off,” Bucky offered. “And pie.”
You deposited the dishes into the sink, then turned your entire attention to Bucky in that way you did so whoever you were speaking to couldn’t help but feel special. “No, we made plans! I’m really excited to go ice skating with you!”
“Ice skating sounds fun!” Peter piped up from where he was loading cutlery into the dish washer. “Could I- Ow!” Steve not-so-subtly stepped on his foot before he could ruin your one-on-one plans with Bucky.
You chuckled. “One day we should all go ice skating as a group. But tonight is date night.” You grabbed Bucky’s arm and beamed up at him, and he couldn’t help himself from leaning down and kissing your forehead, which made your nose crinkle in delight.
“Date night,” he repeated happily.
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niyes-lahiffe · 4 years
Soapy Decks and Flying Underwear
HUZZAH the pirates have returned!!
1 | 2 | 3
Chapter 4: Sworn Enemies
Nino wanted to scream.
No, he didn't just want to scream. He did scream. And he screamed out of pure rage. He screamed as loud as he could, so loud he was almost positive the Coral Crew could hear him. 
They better have, because their boat was no more than half a mile away.
"Why are they here?!" he shouted in unadulterated fury. "What are they doing?! They shouldn't be here!"
Adrien lifted a telescope to his eye and hummed thoughtfully. Of course he was irritated as well but he tried his best not to show it. His eye landed on the other boat's unmistakable flag: an underwater treasure chest filled to the brim with coral. He spotted a pink-haired pirate just underneath the flag, searching the seas with a telescope of her own.
He lowered the telescope and blinked. Pink hair? Peculiar.
Nino growled again, squinting at the boat angrily. "We have to do something...we can't just let them wander this close to what we've been sailing after for 5 days!" He asked Adrien for the telescope and gave the other ship a good inspection of his own.
"What do you suggest we do, cap?" Luka asked from Nino's other side.
Nino lowered the telescope and smirked. "I think I have a plan..."
The sound of rushing water was the only thing Nino could hear, and he was clutching onto his turtle for dear life (yes, he definitely felt like he could call it HIS turtle now) as it sped through the water. Did he trust that this turtle would lead him to his destination? Absolutely. Was it weird that he believed so? No. Absolutely not.
Besides, they were heading in that exact direction, anyway. When Nino told this sea creature to take him to this destination, he could've sworn there was a knowing glint in it's eyes.
Nino figured this was the best way to sneak onto the enemy's boat unnoticed. Not to mention it sounded pretty cool...not everyone could say they've ridden a turtle across the sea.
After moments that felt like seconds as well as hours, what with how long Nino had to hold his breath, they finally reached the edge of the boat belonging to the Coral Crew. He panted as he placed his hand upon the wood before looking up and sneering. He was so close.
Nino grabbed a rope hanging off the side of the boat, what reason it was there for he did not know nor did he care. He pat the turtle on the head before hoisting himself up and climbing as quietly as possible.
He carefully peeked his head over the edge once he was on top and, once he noticed the coast was clear, swung himself over the railing and onto the wooden planks.
Nino felt a sudden thrilling chill run through his body. Something about the being on the boat of his sworn enemies was so... exhilarating. And the boat itself...as much as he hated to admit it, it was beautiful. Every plank of wood was carved in absolute perfection and was smooth to the touch. He almost found himself gawking over it until he shook out of his stupor and quickly hid.
Now is not a good time, Nino.
He looked around the area, trying to decide what to do.
Sure, he may not have had any PLAN, exactly, since he was basically going in head-first, but that was definitely not going to stop him. He ultimately decided to begin silently climbing the mast he was hiding behind, in his brain coming up with possible ideas as he went.
Should he plant a deadly surprise? Rig the steering wheel so it couldn't work anymore? Steal the treasures he should've gotten in the first place?
He stopped mid-climb with a growing smirk. That last one actually wasn't a bad idea.
Nino hopped atop the wooden plank that held the sail, using attentive balance to get himself steadily across.
"Whoa, who are you?" a voice not too far off laughed, nearly causing Nino to lose his balance as he flailed his arms about. Once it was regained, he glanced up to see a spunky looking pink-haired pirate leaning out of the crow's nest, eyeing him giddily.
"I-uh-well-" Nino cursed at himself internally. Already he'd been spotted and he'd barely been here for ten minutes! Not to mention there was something familiar about her...
"This is exciting," the other pirate stated as she hopped expertly onto the same surface as he, drawing her sword and striking a playful pose. As Nino drew his own sword, she cut a rope sitting beside her. A rope holding... nothing. Nino stared at it as it fell down. What was the use of that?
"You look like you know a thing or two," she continued. He really wasn't liking her smirk. "There a reason you're here?"
He tried giving her a glare as malicious as he could. "Maybe."
Without warning, she struck at him with her sword. It caught him off guard, but luckily he was able to deflect it in the nick of time. He swung back to retaliate, driven by multiple levels of sudden anger.
"Not bad sword-fighting skills!" she praised impishly as she dodged his lunge. "You really do know a thing or two, huh?"
He hissed back, "More than you think."
"A real shame it's not quite enough."
"Huh?" A hand was harshly covering his mouth before he had time to think about what she meant. Nino attempted to fight whoever was behind him, but he realized a bit too late that there was a funky-smelling cloth over his mouth. A cloth holding chloroform.
Nino tried his best to quarrel the gases covering his mouth as his knees steadily grew weaker, but to no avail. Soon, everything grew black.
There were voices... many, many voices that soon knocked Nino out of his unconsciousness. His eyelids were heavy as he tried opening them, groaning, and the surrounding voices grew more excited. 
A few more moments passed and Nino was finally able to start getting a glimpse of what was going on. Then, he noticed he couldn't move. After blinking many times, he tried squirming, but the ropes tying him to the mast were too tight.
"Look who's finally awake," a raspy voice said cheekily. Nino growled at all the people gathered around, trying to hide his humiliation. There were many expressions present, ranging from confusion, curiosity, mischievousness, to just straight-up hatred.
"Where's the captain?" another pirate demanded. "She needs to see this!"
"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" came a voice from not too far off, and when the figure finally came into view, Nino felt his blood turn to ice. He recognized that outfit.
The orange headband in her hair matched the long piece of cloth wrapped around her waist in a way that almost made it look like a skirt, and the white frills on her breasts and sleeves were all too familiar. She had a black strip wrapped around her body that held her sword, guns, and various other weapons and gadgets from what Nino could tell. And around her neck was placed a pendant shaped just like a fox tail.
That was Alya.
She stopped short when she noticed who the intruder was and Nino wanted nothing more than to disappear when a giant smirk suddenly grew on her face.
"Well, if it isn't the cute mandolin player from the market!" Alya exclaimed as she stepped closer.
Nino tried his best to glare at her, but he wasn't sure he was succeeding as much as he wanted to be. Soon, she was standing right before him.
"So, why'd you tag along?" Alya suddenly placed either hand next to his face and leaned in, clearly delighting in the way he tried pushing farther back. In a sudden low voice, she whispered right next to his ear in a way that gave him goosebumps, "Just couldn't get enough of me, hmm?"
Nino turned his head and clenched his eyes shut, trying to get the image of her alluring hazel eyes out of his brain.
Alya stepped back and pulled out her sword, biting her lip giddily as she used the tip of it to lift his chin. Nino had to suppress a gulp. "Alright then, state your full name and business here." The Coral Crew captain used her sword to move his gag down.
Nino shook his head and smacked his lips uncomfortably for a second before turning his eyes back to Alya.
Oh, how thrilled he was at her change in expression when the next few words came out of his mouth.
"Nino Lahiffe. Captain of the Jade Crew." The entire boat exploded into various whispers and gasps. Alya's grin vanished and her eyes, though awfully surprised, turned cold as the sea. It was now Nino's turn to smirk. "And I'm here to stop you and rightfully take what's mine!"
After her brief moment of shock, Alya's malicious smile returned, one thing Nino was not entirely pleased about. "Oh? And how do you plan on doing that, exactly?" She drew herself closer to him once more and placed her hand beside his head in a way that was intentionally intimidating, as well as other things. "I've got my whole crew here and you're still tied up."
"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Alya's head whipped in the direction of the new voice. She was quiet for a moment as she gave the newcomer a good look up and down, before saying, "And just who are you supposed to be?"
The blonde bowed regally and announced, "Adrien Agreste, madam." He lifted only his head and winked. "Co-captain of the Jade Crew."
Beside her, Marinette squeaked. Alya groaned. "Don't tell me. Your crew is actually surrounding the boat right now."
"That's pretty close to accurate, yeah," came a voice from above and Alya looked up to see Kim clutching to the ratlines with a giant, smug grin. Nino knew she recognized him as the boy whose wallet was snatched by the pink-haired pirate when they were at the market.
Speaking of whom.
"ALIX!" Alya turned to her lookout indignantly, whose arms zipped up in defense. "You didn't spot these guys?!"
"Wh-hey, don't blame me; I was too busy catching this guy!" She gestured at Nino, who was shaking the rope off his arms and shoulders. Behind the mast, Juleka appeared with the knife she had used to set him free.
"Technically, I caught him," Max mumbled.
"Does it matter?" Kagami hissed, eying each intruder with serene scorn.
"It does to me..."
"Besides," Alix continued, ignoring the conversation, "Their boat was too far away when I spotted it."
"You actually spotted it?!" Alya's face was starting to grow red with frustration, and Nino was feeling an odd mix of delighted and slightly terrified.
"Whoa whoa I didn't actually know it was them! They had flying underwear as their flag so I thought it was some random boat that wouldn't be much of a threat."
Alya gave her crewmate, as well as Nino, a puzzled look. "Flying what now?"
"Huh. I guess it was a good idea to let Kim hang those boxers up for fun for a day," Nino mumbled thoughtfully.
Kim's face suddenly lit up as he looked at the pirates below him, shouting, "Hey, underwear boy himself is here! Hi, Max; thanks for letting me steal your briefs!"
The entire boat grew quiet as every pair of eyes landed on Max, who looked like he wanted nothing more than to die on the spot as he looked down in near shame.
"That's... your underwear?" Alix asked him, breaking the silence.
It took a moment for Max to respond. "No."
A snicker pierced the awkward quietness, and Alya whipped her head at the culprit, who, of course, was Nino.
She still couldn't believe it. It was Nino, the one person who she had had a blast with at the market. The one person she had sworn was her enemy for life.
And right now, he had the nerve to snicker at what was going on.
"This is your crew?" He was shaking his head and smirking, which made Alya's blood boil. "You're kidding!"
"Hey!" she snapped back with enough fury that she actually made him gawk at her, if for a moment. "You melon head! They're twice the crew yours will ever be!"
By this point he had drawn his sword, and he challengingly pointed it at her as he replied, "Oh, you wanna bet on that?"
Her glare was unwavering as she pointed her own sword with equal fervor. "Try us."
The tension became thick as ice once the words left her mouth, and each crew eyed one another warily, waiting for the first person to make a move.
Alya mustered as much hate, defiance, and unadulterated fury in her glare directed at the pirate in front of her as she could.
He was skilled in giving her an equal look, she noted.
"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time," Nino finally mumbled before charging forward.
And that's when chaos broke loose. Various yells sounded as both crews lunged at one another with years of built up rage.
Kim started throwing anything he could find at those below him. Rose basically complimented everyone she saw, throwing them off before Juleka attacked from behind. Alix gave Trixx a sword. It was madness.
Kim, Chloe, and Sabrina screeched to a halt when Trixx leaped in front of them.
"It's got a sword!" Kim yelped as Sabrina latched onto Chloe's arm.
Chloe, however, bonked the top of their heads with the hilt of her own sword. "You idiots, we've all got swords!"
The lookout glanced at his weapon. "Oh yeah." With that, they all let out war cries and chased the fox away.
Alya lifted her sword in defense against her enemy and, once his hit hers with a loud clang, she twisted and didn't waste a moment to swing back. Lucky for him, he was able to deflect her sword with his own.
They held their swords together and pushed at each other with all the strength each could muster. Just as Alya grunted, Nino leaned forward with a devious grin and said, "Heh. You called me cute."
She shoved her sword forward with a scoff. "Looks can be deceiving."
He pushed back and leaned even closer. "Still cute, though."
Alya tried swerving around him to catch him off guard but to her surprise, he used the moment to grab her arm with his free hand, turn her and push her chest against the mast that he was tied against mere moments ago. He pressed himself against her back and leaned close to her ear, whispering in a way that made her barely able to suppress her shudder, "Nice try, captain."
"Funny.." she muttered back, and before he had a chance to process what she meant, Alya managed to overpower him and swap their positions, pressing as close as possible as she continued, "I was just about to say the same thing."
Nino threw her off (but, oh, did she notice his goosebumps). He turned and glared at her as she adjusted her posture.
"Oh WOW oh my goodness it's the pirate from the market with the gorgeous necklace!" a high-pitch voice squealed. Both captains turned to Rose with wide eyes. She had her hands together gleefully as she gave Alya the most adorable look with her bright blue eyes. "How are you?"
Alya glanced at Nino. "Uh. Good?"
"And how's your fox?" As soon as the words left Rose's mouth, Kim suddenly bolted in front of her, screeching as the fox in question trailed closely behind with the sword clutched in his jaws dangerously close to Kim's rear. "Oh, never mind! He seems to be doing just fine!" Rose dashed back into the crowd of pirates with a battle cry.
Alya turned back to Nino. She looked down and noted his legs were spread wide to help with his stance and, luckily for her, he was still distracted by Rose's interruption. She smirked.
As quick as a fox, Alya stepped back and ducked between his legs, successfully rising behind his back and kicking him with enough force to knock him over, his sword sliding a few inches out of his grasp. She straddled him and pinned his wrists to the floor. "Sorry, cap, nothing personal." She impishly grinned at his quivering frown. "It's just business." She held both of his wrists in one hand as she reached for her sword with the other, lifting it to deal a blow much more powerful than the many bruises and cuts they had both received in the battle.
The boat suddenly lurched forward, however, throwing Alya off Nino with a yelp.
"Captain! We've hit land!"
"What?" Alya and Nino both looked up from their awkward positions, perplexed.
Alya suddenly gasped in realization. "We're here."
Nino's eyes snapped open wide before he scurried onto his feet and booked it to the edge of the boat as fast as he could.
"HEY! where do you think you're going?" she screeched, trailing right behind.
They both landed on the sand and took off towards the only thing in view: a cave. An obvious-looking cave at that, and they should've been perhaps a bit suspicious, but their thoughts were too focused on other things to care about that.
The moment they ran into the cave, the glimmering of a certain jewel stopped them in their tracks.
The cave itself was the most ordinary thing. Gray walls, gray floors, gray everything. But at the very back of the wide room... seemed to be the very thing the both of them had been looking for.
"The Jade Turtle..." They both whispered in awe. The only thing that knocked them out of their stupors was the voice of the other.
"Back off, I found it first!"
"As if, turtle breath!"
Nino shoved Alya to the floor and ran off, but despite her surprise, she quickly grabbed his ankle and pulled him to the floor, as well. She used his leg as a momentum to get herself back to her feet.
And, of course, he did the exact same thing.
Why did he have to be so annoying?
Together they tussled as they reached further into the cave, only two things on their minds: get rid of the other human there and grab the Jade Turtle.
Nino shoved Alya against the wall. "Gah! I'm so tired of you!"
"The feeling's mutual, captain underwear!" she retorted harshly, wiggling to get out of his grasp. One of her arms managed to get loose and she grabbed his sword and threw it as far as she could back to the entrance of the cave.
"You're gonna regret that," he hissed.
"You're gonna regret THIS!" Alya lifted her knee right into his crotch area and he yelped in pain, immediately letting her go.
She was so close... she could practically feel the smooth surface of the turtle-shaped gem right beneath her fingertips.
Unfortunately, Nino was right behind her.
Her hand finally touched the top of the Jade Turtle, but only a moment after his soon followed.
"It's mine!" she growled.
"No way!" he panted back. "Who's crew has a closer name to it anyway, huh?"
"That doesn't even-!" Alya didn't have time to finish her sentence however, because the floor beneath them suddenly opened up, sending the both of them hurtling into the dark depths of the cave below.
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thegc4life · 3 years
5 Works Tag Game
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by @prince-liest the most royal of royal beans! (Hey, look, I actually remembered to do it the day of! Huzzah!)
I don’t know how this one could possibly NOT make it on this list. I really love writing this story, and I’m pretty proud of how it’s turning out. This was my first time writing Hawks and I feel like exploring his character has made me a much better writer. Plus, alongside the joy of just writing it, this fic in particular has opened the doorway to some pretty amazing friendships (prince-liest being just one of the many wonderful people I now know and adore). I can’t believe the amount of positive things this fic has given me. People in the comments who I recognize immediately and feel such an amazing spark of joy seeing them again, all the friends I have made on Discord and how much happier my life is right now with them in it, all the people I’ve met on Tumblr who only add to that! Hawks-sensei was a self-indulgent fic to project my suffering onto someone else (sorry Hawks) and in return it somehow gave me literal truckloads of happiness. 
The Sawada Family Takes No Crap From Nobody
This is my biggest comfort fic. I literally just fill it with everything I could ever want in the world (alongside plot, angst, magical BS, and the typical ignoring of normal human limitations of course). Love in all forms, enough money to do literally whatever you want (the most unrealistic part of the whole story, and they have magic elemental flames and aliens), acceptance of all people just trying to live their lives the best they can, and all kinds of different people being kind and cool in their own ways. Just... everything I want in the world. Right here. 
Tumblr media
I drew this literally yesterday. It is also the first thing in about three years (because drawing wobbly, super iffy things for children doesn’t count as personal free time fun even if it is enjoyable) that I have drawn. This was made to showcase how I can NOT draw and my friends whipped around and showered me with love for it. Now instead of just cringing (cause I do cringe at it) I’m really happy to look at it cause it reminds me of them. So instead of throwing it away like I planned to I’m keeping it in my memory box instead.
Big Bang
Writing this was the only reason I was able to sleep that week. I was in a bad head place, life place, and over all everything place. After writing this I slept for nearly a full day. Looking back over it I actually really like the concept. This sounds like exactly the kind of crack fic I would enjoy. It’s also a fic I look at to show myself exactly how much can change in even a short amount of time. Where I was when I wrote this just a few short months ago and where I am now are completely different. It feels like years ago. This fic gives me a lot of hope and motivation. And some laughs. XD
Siren’s Origin Story
Out of everything I have written this year, this is one of my top favorites. I can’t even fully explain why. I just really love the way it turned out and the visuals it gave me as I wrote it. I don’t usually write one-shots because my brain can not control itself and just turns everything into multi-chapter stories so I have some pride for that (even if, technically, it’s not even a full on one-shot considering it’s connecting to the Hawks-sensei verse XD). I also just really love Siren. 
Loose Feathers
I love how this one turned out (even if the story itself hurts). Exploring the moral ambiguity of Commission members was fascinating and I’m really proud of how they turned out. Anything involving three-dimensional characters is always intriguing to me, whether in writing or reading, because it makes me think hard about how others view things and how our brains might try to rationalize certain decisions in certain situations that we would otherwise immediately disagree with. 
(I didn’t add it to the list because I was not the one that made it, prince-liest and all the people that joined did, but the AJ’s Aviary discord server is probably the best thing to come out of this year for me. It’s full of amazing people, talented creators, support, and just an overwhelming abundance of positivity. My extremely improved mental/emotional state is because of them. I adore them very much.)
Tagging: @everyone in AJ’s Aviary! You all have made so many amazing flipping things in the small amount of time I’ve known you, I can only imagine what else you might have made this year that you are proud of. Show off, Doves! Shout about the things you loved and did! 
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r6s-imagines · 4 years
jackal x reader >> miscommunication
requested: no
word count: 1,428
warnings: cursing, unnecessary spanish, sexual tension
summary: jackal tries his best to get you in the mood for new year’s with his heritage
side note: considering jackal’s psychological description mainly noted his continuous hunt regarding his past and lack of sleep. i went off of what that told me and added some of my own quirks based on voice line delivery. i am also fluent in spanish (mexico) as well as english, but i attempted to keep the spanish as simple as possible.
it started with a less-than-obvious gift to your doorstep. it was a small, purple gift bag stuffed with white tissue paper.  you were so unfamiliar to a gesture of kindness that you nearly called it for a bomb squad to make sure someone wasn't on your ass.
you stuck a finger into the bag, careful not to trigger anything unwanted.
you saw red, and lace.
now who the hell sent me a set of crimson lingerie? you asked yourself. clearly this had some joke or meaning.
you went straight to your computer, undergarments by your side as you played a process of elimination the further you got into your articles.
red as a symbol of lust in america, pulse would never, luck in china, you couldn't name a chinese person you knew.
new year's romance in spain? mira wouldn't—oh, that son of a bitch.
a meeting was called in the next day, something about a potential mission from the fbi. you found your marked seat at the debriefing table, conveniently text to ramírez's. reluctantly, you awaited the arrival of your coworkers, in doubt that jackal would arrive to the meeting due to his unusual sleep schedule. you smiled to yourself, knowing the little purple bag awaited to be thrown onto his desk for an ass-kicking confrontation.
your suspicions were proved correct when the seat remained cold. you lifted your hand for a brief moment, politely gesturing to excuse yourself to ash's approval. your smirk was hard to hide as you strode to jackal's housing, marked by his name. wordlessly and soundlessly, you entered his room to find him reading a book on his bed. he ceased reading his novela for only a moment, peering above the pages to meet your gaze.
"sí?" he lowly asked, a smile in his stare. you frowned.
"red panties, hm?"
he waved a hand, rolling his eyes.
"it's a—eh— tradición, y/n," he nonchalantly explained. "if it's any consolation, you could see my calzoncillos, we're matching."
"gross," you retorted. "i don't want any part of this perverted tradition of yours, ramírez. leave me out of it."
"it's all in good fun!" he protested, standing up. he placed his book on his shelf and laid a hand on you, smiling. "decade's about to end, live a little!"
"and my foot is about to end up in your ass," you spat. "unless you've got money or sweets to offer up, i don't want to know the extent to your new year partying." you spun on your heel and returned to the meeting, heated just thinking about the audacity of ryad.
lo and behold, a party was to be announced later that night. it was described as a "night away from troubles," but your stomach couldn't help but flip at the thought of confronting jackal again. surely it wouldn't be a problem, right? there'll be fifty something other people you could connect with and you'll never have to cross paths with the spaniard.
night fell during the time you took to warn yourself of other strange traditions, spanish or not. it would be your first new year's with the crew and you were unsure of just how wild everyone can be with the clash of cultures and alcohol.
you turned to your bed, noticing the bag unopened. caving in, you investigated the products inside. the price tag seemed hefty judging by the quality and consistency. you checked the back of the bra.
how did ryad know your cup size to the t?
no matter. laundry was overdue and it's not like you had time nor effort to fixate your own undergarments in time. you decided to make a good impression, donning a white jumpsuit with a misty purple jacket. your hair was down for the first time in months as opposed to your tactical pinup. makeup was minimal; you had not spent time in your life training to be a beautician, you were an operator for christ's sake!
you arrived at the party alone, later than expected but present nonetheless. smoke and mozzie welcomed you with a huzzah and a drink practically thrown into your hand. porter wrapped an arm around you and led you to the main room, covered with operators of various organizations.
mira, lesion, doc, blitz, sledge... no jackal. you found it strange, considering his reversed sleep schedule called midnight his prime work hours. you almost wanted to locate him and thank him, but you stopped yourself and took a fat swig, feeling the chilled alcohol slip down your esophagus.
"you're so cute when you're buzzed," mozzie slurred, stumbling to grab my hand. "if only i could kiss you at midnight, but you'll never know my fantasies."
"hey, max," you responded, stabilizing his balance. "how much have you had? it's only ten thirty. and for the record, i did not pregame this time."
"i'm right pissed," he admitted, laughing. "oh, that spaniard was lookin' for ya? whasisname...? martello?"
"martello is italian, pal," you replied, smiling. "d'you know where jackal is?"
"his quarters~~" max said. "probably waiting for a pretty little lady like you." you giggled and pat his back, sending him off to pester ela or dokkaebi. you snuck out of the venue area into the silence. you retraced your steps from the meeting room and into the lined up personal rooms.
"ryad... ramírez," you read aloud, noticing the closed door. you knocked twice.
"vete," he unenthusiastically replied. your hand hovered over the doorknob, ready to face him... but you paused. you recalled something from the various articles you perused. swiftly, you prepared two glasses of champagne. reaching into your jumpsuit, you exposed your necklace, the pendant being the gold ring your mother used to wear. you placed the necklace into your glass, leaving ryad's empty to use at his own discretion.
you returned to his door, knocking again. you heard a groan, followed by footsteps.
"dije ir—" he hissed, making eye contact with me halfway through opening the door. "y/n."
"just ryad. please," he opened the door further, stepping aside. "what brings you around, cariña?"
"i don't know what that means," you admitted. "is that, like, car, or something—"
"anyway, what brings you here? i thought you'd be out with that porter kid or that cabrón goose," he kicked back in his desk, beginning to type away. his weathered features became more evident through the artificial lighting and you began to wonder why a man in his late middle ages seemed to have gone through the struggles of a century old man.
"i wanted to thank you for the..." you paused, cheeks flushed.
"it suits you."
"i'm sorry?"
"you wore a red bra under a white jumpsuit."
"shit!" you covered your chest with your outerwear, face feeling hot.
"it's alright, you look nice. you know what the red means, no?" he raised an eyebrow. you nodded softly.
"were you serious about matching?" you inquired. finally handing him his glass. he chuckled, leaning back in his chair and hooking his pants with his thumb. he exposed his v-line, flashing his red boxers labeled with the same brand as yours.
"increases your chances."
"for a romantic connection. una novia."
time passed by so fast you had not heard the clamor of the other operators preparing to count down to the new decade.
"they're getting ready to count down," you observed, peeking outside. "last chance to join them."
"i'd rather go into the new year here," ryad admitted quietly. "i prefer the quieter festivities." he reached down to his hand, removing a gold ring on his middle finger. he dropped it in with a satisfying splash.
he raised his glass, nodding to you with a smile.
“i’m sorry for being a dick,” he apologized.
“it’s alright,” you answered.
“you’re just so beautiful, y/n.”
he moved in closer, and you could feel his hot breath.
your eyes flicked to his lips, then to his eyes. you nodded.
“to good fortune,” you said.
“and to romance,” ryad added, clinking your glasses.
“i love you, y/n.”
your lips collided following the cheers and shouts. he pulled away, grinning. his mouth made contact with his glass and he took it down in one swig.
“thank you for distracting me from my work,” ryad thanked, looking into your gaze. “i can be a real hijo de perra when i’m behind on personal work.”
“but you just said—“
“it’s better you than anyone else, y/n. happy new year.”
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