#i also considered transferring and then my dad got mad at me < 3 but that's another story lol
tahdashi · 2 years
sayuuuuuuu you’re such a sunshine ily
if you’re alright w it could you spare a few tips to get into a good college ? ive been aiming for some ivies and i’m super nervous that i’m not gonna be good enough
whaaaat ily you're so sweet >.<
omg DUDE THIS IS LITERALLY MY JOB AT SCHOOL ofc i will !!! i think everyone (or maybe most people hhahsd) applying to top schools/ivies think they're not gonna be good enough :,) like in high school, I SUFFERED from imposter syndrome (i still do grrrwjhsef). i always saw myself as just an average student because i didn't cure cancer or get involved in 28384 different things, but i still ended up at a school i love and am proud of! i think the biggest tip i can give you is to have a good balance of extracurriculars and good grades. you don't need a 4.0 to get into an ivy (trust me i... did not have a 4.0 when i was applying). do ECs that show your interests! i did a couple (like 3 i think) that i was really passionate about and did them all throughout high school! also omg your essays. THOSE ARE A BIG DEAL don't half ass them >.< i asked all my teachers to read them 2x just so i wouldn't sound unlike myself yk?
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
The alluring charm of Henry Cavill - Chapter 3
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Summary: During a trivia game, Adelaide impresses people with her knowledge.
Henry Cavill x Adelaide Park (ofc)
Wordcount: 3.5k
Warnings: None
A/N: For the people who have send in character asks and I haven’t answered it yet: I’m working on it 🤗 Because of school, I haven’t gotten to it yet. But somewhere this week I’ll answer them. Also: I love the responses to this fic. I want to let you know that these comments make my day 💕 Also, did I use the twitter accounts from the characters of my other fics for the tweets at the end? Yes, I did.
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Why am I in bed?
I look around and see that I’m in the middle of the bed that Henry and I share back on the show, but the improvised wall between us is gone.
Back when I was growing up, we had one bedroom and one bed, where we had to squeeze in if we happened to be all home. That rarely happened. It was usually just me, or later on my dad joined, when he got back from work. On mom’s days off, she’d be in bed all day, resting from all those hard days at work. Sharing beds isn’t something that I really mind, even if the person I’m sharing with, is Henry Cavill.
‘You’re awake,’ I hear Henry’s deep voice and I look to my left, to see him standing up from a chair. He sits on the edge of the mattress, sinking into the soft material. ‘How are you?’
‘I don’t know,’ I mumble, pushing myself up straight. I’m not in the muddy clothes anymore and I look at Henry again, slightly worried and ashamed. Did he undress me?
‘Don’t worry,’ he calmly says, ‘Jennifer went with us. She changed you.’
I clear my throat, as I start fidgeting my hands, one of the many nervous ticks I have. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Why?’ Henry asks.
‘We were leading and then…’ I sigh deeply, trying not to think about what happened to me. I never learned how to swim, but I always avoided waters like the plague. During my acting career, I only had to swim once, but I was with David Castañeda, who played my love interest. I let him know that I was scared of water. He promised me he wouldn’t let go and the director actually loved the twist we gave to that swimming pool scene.
However, David knew I was scared of water, but didn’t know I couldn’t swim. Now I told Henry and in a matter of days, the rest of the world will know too, when this episode will air.
Henry doesn’t say anything. I bet he is mad, I think to myself. Fuck, I really let him down, didn’t I?
‘I’m sorry,’ I say, ‘that I let you down.’
His gaze softens. ‘You didn’t,’ he tells me. ‘I shouldn’t have pushed. I should’ve calmed you down. It was obvious that it really scared you.’ Henry sighs deeply. ‘But Adelaide… Why can’t you swim?’ he asks.
I could tell him. The whole world will know I can’t swim in the near future, why not tell them the entire story? ‘We didn’t have the money back when I was younger to go for swimming lessons,’ I say. ‘And I haven’t had the chance to do it now.’
Henry nods. ‘There is a pool in the backyard,’ he says, a telling smile toying on his face. ‘How about, over the course of these two weeks, you and I try it. It’s not deep and I’m there with you every second.’
He shrugs, as if he is a little embarrassed that he offered, but he shouldn’t be. It’s just that I’m surprised, because the last time someone offered something like that to me… That was so long ago. I think it was when I still lived at home. I always do everything myself and people on set know that I tend to be very independent, so they don’t try. But Henry doesn’t ask or offer, he just does it. In the days that I’ve come to know him, he has been nothing but a gentleman. He made me breakfast and when we were cooking dinner, the oil was splashing over the pan. Before I could step aside, Henry grabbed another pan to shield me from the hot oil. The way he lifted me up during the obstacle course when I couldn’t reach the bars and how he caught me when I fell.
‘Well,’ he says, ‘because I think everyone should know how to swim.’
I smile and say: ‘Well, let’s consider it,’ I say. ‘We finished last, didn’t we?’
‘Yeah, we did,’ he says. ‘But don’t apologize for it, please. I don’t want you to feel bad about it. We were really great during this first challenge, so we’ll climb our way back to the top.’ Henry sends me a dashing smile and I can’t help but blush a little bit. ‘How about you get ready for tonight, then I’ll go and make you something to eat.’
‘Ready for tonight?’
‘Trivia night,’ he says.
I nod. I can’t seem to tear my eyes from him, as I look into his soft eyes. When I first met him, I thought he had that stern look in his face and I still did think that from time to time, but in those days that we spend together, it never looked like this. ‘Right, I’ll get myself ready.’
After a fifteen minute shower, I get dressed in a jeans skirt, with a simple black shirt that I tugged in. I paired it with the same white sneakers I wore the first day. I keep my hair and make-up pretty simple.
Henry made some sandwiches. I never knew that I thought it was attractive that a man could cook, but I sure do know now. Come to think of this, I never really thought about what I wanted for traits in a man.
My parents were happy with one another, but I feared that one day, I ended up like them. Poor, overworked, with two kids and a husband, who maybe felt—just like my dad—that he had to take care of us. Besides, I never experienced love. I never fallen in love, I only had on stage kisses and sex scenes. It was never real.
Maybe I’m way ahead of myself, but I feel something. I feel cared for. I feel noticed. I feel appreciated. Like I’m worth it. And that’s all thanks to Henry Cavill.
◎ ◎ ◎
Everyone seems concerned about me, but after I reassure everyone I am okay, we take place at three different tables, one for each duo. I take a seat on the chair. It’s a little colder than I imagined and I curse myself for not bring a jacket with me. I rub my upper arms as the crew is setting everything up, checking if our mics are working well enough, making sure the screen works.
Henry stands up as he wiggles out of his cosy vest, before placing it without a word on my shoulders.
‘Oh, that’s not necess— uh… needed,’ I say to him.
‘I’m not cold,’ he tells me, as he sits down next to me again. I want to stop my smile, but I can’t help it.
‘Thank you, Henry,’ I say in a soft tone, as if I don’t want him to hear me, but seeing how the corners of his mouth curl up, I know that he heard me.
The game is pretty simple: there is a host who asks a question and you have to answer it. It’s fairly easy and I almost feel like they are taking it easier because of me.
Every team has a button in front of them and ours meows like a cat.
‘What country won the first FIFA World Cup in 1930?’ the hosts asks.
Meow. ‘Uruguay,’ I answer, as I retract my hand from the button. .
Even the host seems impressed. ‘That is correct.’ On the screen behind him, I see that we are actually first now, with only one point, but it feels nice to be ahead of someone else, because of what I did. ‘Okay, next question. Which boxer was known as “the Great—’
Meow. That is not because of me, but because Henry slammed the button a little harder. Guess he doesn’t know how strong he is. ‘Muhammed Ali,’ he answers.
‘Correct.’ Why does the host not seem impressed now? Okay, this is nothing to be surprised about, so I should stop letting the subtle differences in reaction get to my head. It’s true, I’m pretty stupid according to the public.
And besides, we only had two questions and I had one right.
‘What animals have the longest gestation period?’
No one presses the button and I tap Henry on his leg. He looks at me and I usher him closer. ‘What is a gestation period?’
‘Pregnancy,’ he whispers, his hot breath against my lips, that start to tingle as a response. I shouldn’t get distracted because of that.
Meow. ‘An African Elephant,’ I answer.
We are ahead now with three points. I can’t help but beam with pride. Maybe the public will think a little more highly of me now.
‘What does HTTP stand for?’
Meow. ‘HyperText Transfer Protocol,’ Henry says with a smile.
‘What year was the first model of the iPhone released?’
Meow. ‘2007,’ Henry answers with ease.
He knows a lot, I think to myself. I look to the side for a second and I wonder what goes on in his head, right now and basically every single time we’re just alone. He can look at me in a way that I can’t explain and I don’t even understand why he looks at me like that.
We continue to answer multiple questions correctly and the meow is one of the only sounds that we hear. By the time we reached ten points, I discovered that Charlie and Jennifer’s sound is a bark and when we reached fifteen points, I found out that the Biebers’ sound was a chicken.
Who were the founders of Adidas? (Rudolf and Adolf Dassler—I knew this one.) Some Greek mythology questions that I knew nothing about, but Henry did and he seemed so giddy to explain it all to us, though no one seemed cared, besides me probably, because I could listen to this man for days on end. Together we knew the seven world wonders, who the Danish author was who wrote many fairy tales and they even asked us what Superman’s birth name was…
While Superman is in the room.
We are way ahead of everyone with twenty points, Charlie and Jennifer have ten (who knew that babies weren’t born with kneecaps—for knowing that alone I feel like they should win) and Justin and Hailey have nine. But the next question we can think about for a few seconds and it’s worth fifteen points. So we either become second or first, depends on how well we do.
‘Name these chemical elements of the periodic table. Ge, Sn, Rf, K and Ba.’
Henry places his arm on the back of my chair and leans over. Gosh, he is really close. Not that I’m complaining, but feeling his body heat so close to mine and it’s not even acting… Why does that make me feel all sorts of things?
‘Ge is Geranium,’ he whispers, ‘and Ba and Barium.’
‘K is Potassium,’ I say in a soft tone. ‘So we only have Sn and Rf left. Sn is Tin.’
‘You know a lot,’ he says with a smile.
Does he mean that? Did he just say I know a lot? Me, the Hollywood ditz? ‘Rf is Rutherfordium,’ I whisper.
Meow. Henry presses the button and he looks at me, non verbally asking me if I want to answer this, but I simply shake my head. He names them in order and everyone seems impressed, but before they can give him a compliment (I know the host is desperate to call him ‘Handsome Henry with a Brain’ again. He did it seven times already and it was annoying the first time, let alone the seventh time), Henry says: ‘I only knew Geranium and Barium. Adelaide is the real genius here.’
◎ ◎ ◎
It’s twelve ‘o clock when Henry and I are in bed, both staring at the ceiling. Normally I’m in bed long before he is, but today we’re awake in the bed together. The only reason why I get into bed early, is that I hope I can fall asleep before he gets in.
But not today.
‘I have something I want to ask you,’ Henry says. ‘I’ve been thinking about this for awhile.’
‘Are you dyslexic?’
He could’ve given me a slap across my face and that wouldn’t have shocked me as much as this question. I push myself up, so I’m sitting. ‘Why?’
‘Just wondering.’
I simply shrug. ‘I don’t know. I never got tested back in school.’
‘Why not?’ Henry sits up straight as well and from the corners of my eyes, I see him placing his pillow on the headboard. That one curl covers part of his forehead and it’s almost a signature look when we are in the cottage.
‘The teachers didn’t care and we didn’t have a lot of money,’ I explain. It feels weird and uncomfortable to open up to him, however on the other hand, it feels right to have this out in the open. ‘And I don’t want to get tested now,’ I whisper. ‘I’m an adult, I can manage.’ I finally force myself to look over my shoulders, only to see that same soft look in his eyes, that I almost grown accustomed to. ‘What?’
‘Nothing,’ he whispers. ‘I just want to say to you that I underestimated you and—’
I can’t help but chuckle. ‘You are not the only one,’ I interrupt him. ‘It’s okay.’
‘No, Adelaide, it’s not okay.’
The sternness in his voice, make me turn around on the mattress completely, so I can look at him. ‘I did it myself, Henry. Really, it’s okay, don’t worry about it.’
Henry moistens his lips, before he clears his throat. ‘Then I won’t worry about it. Just know that I—now—think very highly of you.’
‘You don’t need to,’ I say as a frown appears between my brows. ‘Henry, what is really the case?’
He rubs his face, resists even and he actually looks really frustrated. ‘It’s just that I’m trying to figure you out, but I can’t seem to actually get to know you.’
‘There is not much to know,’ I say, but he shakes his head and says: ‘There is. You are so intriguing, Adelaide, you don’t even know it.’
I don’t really know what to say. He thinks there is much to know about me and that I’m intriguing? ‘Oh.’
‘And I get that it can be hard to open up, truly, I know, but… We have to work together. Wouldn’t it be better if we knew something about each other?’
Okay, that’s a fair point. ‘You tell me something first,’ I say to him.
‘Like what?’ he says, genuinely looking relieved that I’m going along with it.
I tilt my head as I look in his eyes as I take in the brown spot on his left eye, that is surrounded by a beautiful blue. ‘You want to win?’
Henry frowns, probably confused by my question, but when he sees I’m dead serious, he nods. ‘Of course,’ he says, ‘I’m competitive. Why was that your question?’
‘Because now I know that I have to work extra hard not to let you down. It doesn’t really matter to me if I win or not.’
‘You won’t let me down, Adelaide.’
‘I did already,’ I say, ‘and don’t try to convince me otherwise. Now, what do you want to know about me?’
He tilts his head and says: ‘You have a nickname?’
And he thought my question was a bit weird? I snort. ‘My parents called me Dasom. That’s my Korean name.’
‘Really?’ he asks. ‘I didn’t know that.’
No one knows that. ‘But other than that I don’t really have a nickname. People call me Park every now and then, but that’s it.’
‘What does Dasom mean?’
‘Love,’ I whisper. ‘Because, as my parents always say: I was born out of pure love.’ I roll my eyes, because I hate the cliché, but thankfully I was born out of love. It meant that I was welcomed in their lives, though they were poor and barely had anything.
‘That’s sweet,’ he says. ‘So, no one called you Addy for example?’
‘Come to think of it, Keanu Reeves called me Addy every now and then. Especially when we were doing stunts for the movie and he had to encourage me.’
‘Can I call you Addy?’
The fact that he asks me if he can call me Addy, shows me that he is so much more than the news outlets let him to be. Of course, he is handsome, but there is more than just looks. He is intelligent, caring and a real gentleman. Though he can look slightly intimidating, he is a big softie. ‘I would like that, Henry.’
As much as I want to sleep, I can’t. I’m too awake for that, maybe because of the thrill that we are actually ahead of the others now. Who knows how long that will last…
‘You want to do something?’ Henry suggests. ‘I’m not as tired as I figured I would be.’
‘Like what?’
‘You want to swim?’
◎ ◎ ◎
Henry is already swimming laps in the pool, as I try to build up the courage to actually walk out of the door to the pool. I have a large towel wrapped around me, to hide my red and white striped bathing suit.
I can do this, I think to myself. I wore a skimpy bikini for a movie, I’ve been naked on sets with the crew around me. This isn’t too hard.
I walk out of the cottage and see that Henry leans with his under arms on the edge of the pool, placing his chin on one of them. ‘There you are,’ he says with a smile.
I dip my toe in the water and start to shiver, goosebumps appearing on my entire body. ‘It’s cold,’ I mumble. ‘And it looks too deep.’
‘It’s not. It’s only one meter sixty.’
‘I’m one fifty,’ I retort. ‘What if I drown?’
‘I’m not letting that happen,’ he says. ‘I promise you, Addy.’
The use of that nickname, makes my feel all sorts of things. Normally I’m not too keen on nicknames, but I could get used to this.
I fold the towel, before I place it on the floor and I sit on the edge of the pool, as my legs dangle in the cold water. Henry bumps his elbow against the side of my thigh and he asks: ‘Ready?’
Maybe it’s because of the dim lighting of the lanterns outside, or the reflection of the water, but he looks even more ethereal than other times. My eyes fall on his beautifully formed lips, that curl up in a smile.
‘I am,’ I say.
He stands in front of me and I place my hands on his broad and tight shoulders. I shimmy myself off the edge, into the cold water. Despite the fact that his large hands in the dips of my waist, makes me all warm from the inside, the water is really cold. Henry starts to laugh, probably because I scrunch up my entire face like I’m a Sharpei dog. ‘Maybe you should keep breathing, because I can’t have it that you pass out on me twice within one week.’
‘Shut up,’ I shiver, as I hold on tightly to his shoulders. ‘You’re not going to let me go, right?’ I ask, just in case.
‘Of course not,’ he whispers.
For a second I envision we’re having a moment together, but then I realize that’s not the case, because he takes a step backwards and we are further away from the edge. I can still reach over to my left, so I’m directly at the other edge, but it does terrify me a bit.
‘Henry,’ I say.
‘I’m scared.’
‘I know,’ he tells me, squeezing my waist to let me know that he is there. ‘But there is no need for you to be scared. You just have to grow comfortable in the water and that takes time.’ Henry’s voice is soft and I have to take a deep breath. ‘You’re doing great.’ He slowly takes more steps backwards and smiles at me, as if he knows that that comforts me.
After two laps of him walking backwards and me moving my legs (I don’t know why I do that, but it just happens), I feel more and more accustomed to the water. Still, I don’t want to let go of Henry for one single second, because the fear that I might drown is still there. For the other two laps, he wraps his arm around my waist, as I hold onto the edge and my other arm around his shoulder.
Henry lifts me on the edge, before he hoists himself next to me. He reaches behind him to grab my towel and wrap it securely around my shoulders. ‘How was it?’ he asks.
‘It was good,’ I admit. ‘I mean, I still don’t want to swim myself, but it’s not that scary anymore.’ I look to the side, only to discover that he was already looking at me. From the looks of it, he is looking at my lips, but I must’ve hallucinated that. ‘Thank you,’ I say, to break the silence between us.
‘You’re welcome,’ he says, his voice low.
I smile, before I stand up and hurry back inside. I was making that up, wasn’t I? He wasn’t totally staring at my lips?
Or was he?
◎ ◎ ◎
After the first episode was aired, showing the first few days of the duos together, these were the favorite tweets of the producers of ‘the Celebrity Project’
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Taglist: @thelastsock​ // @jolly-polly​ // @henrythickcavill​ // @maan24​ // @diegos-butt​ / @agniavateira​ // @onlyhenrys​ // @turkish276​ //
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meandmypagancrew · 4 years
Maybe What You Think Of Me Won’t Change
Did you guys know that in addition to being a gifmaker and a dollmaker, I’m also a writer? I know! I am a woman of many talents most mediocre and useless. Anyway, I wrote this little fic about Clark and Farrah from We Are The Tigers, so if you’re into that kind of thing, give it a read under the cut!
It wasn’t super uncommon for Farrah to suddenly come to and not know where she was or how she got there. So when, in her drunken haze, she had a sudden moment of clarity and found herself outside by a dumpster, she groaned. In the dim light from a streetlight, she took stock as she pushed one of her braids over her shoulder. Clothes? Still on. Phone? Not dead. Purse? There. There wasn’t any vomit or blood or anything. All in all, not the worst night she had ever had.
As she got on shaky feet, she tried to remember what had happened. Marissa had picked her up, and they went to a house party at Rich’s. She had a few flashes of the party, a red solo cup in her hand, Liz doing a keg stand, Kayla and Jason trying to subtly sneak upstairs- but then nothing. Fuck. There was no one around, so how was she supposed to get home? She pulled out her phone again and clicked the home button, being greeted by a picture of Tom Holland as Spiderman- her favorite celebrity crush- and the time 3:42. It was a Thursday, but still summer, so thank God she didn’t have to worry about being up for school. 
She pushed that thought to the back of her mind. First she needed to get home. She unlocked her phone- her home screen was a picture of her and her mom when she was born, which caused her to squint, both because of the lighter color scheme being brighter and the memory of her mom- and clicked to her contacts. Family was strictly out of the question, Annleigh would kill her for waking her up, her stepmom hated her, and her dad wouldn’t be mad but he’d be so disappointed he would probably cry the entire way and making your dad cry is a soul crushing experience.
She sat back down as she scrolled through her contacts. Party friends. A guy who was her partner for a chem project last year. Former Captain Kimberly, future Captain Riley. A guy who was rumored to be a drug dealer, but was only her contact for buying alcohol. Her first try was Marissa- she got her into this, it seemed only natural she’d get her out, but it went straight to voice mail. She kept looking, her drunk mind trying to think. Her finger tapped on Bridget, a girl who had been a cheerleader at Giles Corey but transferred back to public school after her dad had been laid off. They weren’t close, but Bridget had shown her the ropes when she joined the team, and she was a night owl so she should still be awake.
Before the first ring even finished, her usual deadpan voice answered. 
“What.” She said, and Farrah struggled to not sound as drunk as she was as she responded.
“Bridged?” Despite her best efforts, her speech was a little slurred. “Canyou comeaaand git mee?”
“Farrah, it’s almost four AM.” Her voice still had no inflection. Even when sober, it was very difficult to discern where Bridget was standing, and if you were getting anywhere with her. Drunk? It was pretty much impossible.
“Yeeeeaaaaaaah… but Imm stuuuuuuck.” 
“No.” Was the response, unusually harsh for Bridget. 
“Whaa…?” She asked, though she was pretty sure she heard her correctly. It just didn’t seem right. Bridget wouldn’t just abandon her like this, right? As she had so astutely noted it was almost 4 AM- she was the only person who would be awake.
“No. I’m not your babysitter, Farrah. You got yourself into this mess, take some goddamn responsibility for your actions.”
“Buuu… butMarissa took meee dribking-“
“Did Marissa force the alcohol down your throat?” Bridget asked, a little too abruptly and Farrah didn’t respond. She knew she was right, and Bridget knew from her silence she had hit the nail on her head. “You made a choice. You deal with the consequences.”
The line went dead. Bridget’s words were true, but how the hell was Farrah supposed to get out of this? Buses weren’t running this time of night, she didn’t even know where she was, let alone how to get home- she needed help.
As she resumed scrolling through her contacts, a very depressing thought hit her. She didn’t have anyone to call. She was the girl you call for a party, not the girl you depend on when you need help. She didn’t have a single true friend she could depend on right now. There were no clutch friends. To put it quite frankly, she was completely fucked.
As she settled in against the dumpster to wait for daybreak, hoping the sun would bring with it some ideas, a memory she didn’t know she had came to the forefront of her mind. 
“I think she’s asleep.” A voice that must have been Annleigh’s said in her memory. 
She was lying down, but her eyes were closed. From the lights that occasionally shone through her eyelids, the soft rumbling, and the feeling of movement, she must have been in the backseat of the car.
“Okay.” Came another voice, male- Clark. “I’ll carry her in when we get there.”
“You don’t have to do that!” Annleigh immediately replied, and Farrah could picture the heart eyes she was almost undoubtedly making. “You’ve already done so much, helping me come get her.”
“Don’t mention it.” He replied. “I’m happy to help.”
“You must get tired of it.” Annleigh replied with a sigh. “I mean, she’s not even your family.”
“Well, first off, we are all sisters and brothers in the eyes of our Heavenly Father,” She could hear the smile in his voice, and a gentle sound of contact as if Annleigh had playfully hit his arm. When he spoke again, though, the smile was gone. “In all seriousness, though, your family is my family. I will always be there for Farrah, because I love her like a sister.”
The conversation turned to some boring bullshit about theology, so she had tuned it out. But her mind kept coming back to that promise. Did he mean it? Did he say it just because he thought it would win him brownie points? Either way, it was her last possible option, so she navigated to his contact and hit call.
After a few rings, his groggy voice answered.
“Clark?” She asked, and she could almost feel him snap awake.
“Farrah? What’s happening? Is Annleigh okay? Are you okay?”
“Iiii’m fiiiiine. I need a riiide.”
Clark exhaled, and she felt a little bad for waking him up. He was probably going to do thing Bridget had. This was a speculator waste of time for everyone.
“I’m…. I don’t knoooow…”
“Do you see any landmarks?” He asked, his voice patient even though she could hear him moving about, probably grabbing his keys and heading out.
“Let me… check…” She stumbled a little bit, struggling to hold the phone and climb to her feet. “Oof, okay…”
“Farrah, what’s going on?” He asked, and she waved it off before realizing he couldn’t see her as she meandered out of the alley to the street.
“Iiiit’s fiiine. You worry too much!” 
She put a hand on the wall to steady her as she took stock of her surroundings. Sure enough, she was at a bar, but she didn’t recognize the name and found it highly unlikely Clark would either. Most of the storefronts were dark, and even the ones that weren’t, she felt like the words were spinning in front of her. 
“What do you see?” He asked, and she scrunched up her face.
“Uhhh…” She stalled but then she saw it. She thought it was maybe the most beautiful building she had ever seen in her life, down at the end of the street. “There’s a castle…”
“A… castle?” He asked, confused.
“It’s all white. It’s so pretty. It has flowers.”
“An all white building?” He tried to clarify. “The hospital?”
“No… there’s a man on the building…” She had to squint, but sure enough.
“A man on a castle that’s white with flowers?” The skepticism in his voice was so evident that even in her state she could pick up on it and it annoyed her.
“He’s golden!” She insisted, just wanting him to believe her, that she wasn’t hallucinating.
“A golden man on- the Mormon temple?” He asked, which Farrah couldn’t say for sure, but it seemed like the best bet. “Farrah, are you at the Mormon temple?”
“Nooo… I’m in front of a bar down the street…”
“Okay. Okay. Hold on.” Clark said as Farrah leaned against the wall, already feeling a hangover starting to set in. “I’ll be there in five minutes. Can you hang on for five minutes?”
“Yeah…” She replied, closing her eyes against the light filtering through the bar’s windows.
“Okay. I’ll see you soon.”
Once he hung up, she pocketed her phone after making sure it was on vibration in case something happened. She had considered doing something on her phone while she waited, but even on the lowest setting, it seemed so bright it might burn her. Out of sheer boredom, she started to undo her braids. After all, even if she slept in them, she’d have to redo them tomorrow, because they’d be messy. 
Just as she was relocating her second hair tie to her wrist, and shaking out the braid, the door to the bar opened, and a man walked out. Farrah didn’t notice him at first, busy combing her hair out, but he sure noticed her.
“Oh, hey, pretty girl.” He said and she looked up into eyes that looked at her like she was less of a person and more of a meal. Ugh. She had met so many predatory men like this, and she really wasn’t up to it right now. “What are you doing out here all alone?”
“My ride is coming.” She said, both as an answer to the question and a way of informing him that there was someone who knew where she was supposed to be, so he better not try anything.
“I can take you wherever you need to go, baby.” He was almost purring, which was about as unsettling as being called baby by a stranger twice her age. “Especially if where you need to go is back to my place.”
That statement was punctuated with a wink, and she felt like she needed a shower.
“No, thank you.” She replied, trying to walk the line between being polite enough that he didn’t think she was a cunt and murdered her, but not so polite that he thought she was into him and when she rejected him, didn’t think she was a cunt and murdered her. 
“Aw, come on, I can make you feel reeeeal good.”
He started to advance towards her and Farrah took a step back before she realized that would just back her into an alleyway, which was a dead end. She had no option but to stand her ground.
“I said no!” She almost yelled, and he grabbed her arm.
“Come on, baby, don’t be like that.” She tried to struggle against his grip, but he tightened his grip, which only scared her more. He was so much more powerful than she was.
“Get off of me!” Now she was yelling, a hint of desperation in her voice and he grabbed her other arm as well, which she continued to try to resist, but he was too strong.
“I said don’t be-“
“Get away from her!” She heard a car door slamming and while she couldn’t see who it was, she recognized his voice. The dude’s attention was fractured by the interruption, and his grip loosened as he looked over his shoulder. Farrah took advantage of that to pry herself from his grasp, running straight at Clark, throwing her arms around him and clutching the back of his shirt as tightly as she could, squeezing her eyes shut as she buried her face in his chest. He immediately wrapped one arm around her, holding her close.
“What are you, her boyfriend?” He sneered, and the fear in Farrah’s heart didn’t subside much. What even could Clark do? This guy, he looked like he could be a stunt double for Thor. And Clark? Clark could be the stunt double for Captain America- pre-serum.
“I’m her BROTHER!” He said, his voice taking on a hint of fierceness that Farrah had never heard before, and somehow she knew that he was going to protect her, whatever it took. “And she clearly said no, not to mention the fact that she’s 15! Take one more step towards us and I’m calling the cops on you, you pervert!”
There was a very tense moment, a pregnant pause where Farrah could feel Clark’s heart pounding against her forehead. He talked a big game, but he was terrified. If he called their bluff? The two of them together couldn’t even come close to taking him on, especially in her state. But he must have moved away, because she felt Clark exhale.
“Whatever. She’s a fat bitch anyway.” His voice was moving away, but Clark continued to hold on for several moments. He put his other arm around her before pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“Oh, Farrah…” 
She pulled away and looked up at him, furrowing her eyebrows at the soft murmur, confused about what he meant. Before she could ask, he pulled away even more to open the door of the car for her.
“Let’s get you home.”
She obediently climbed in, again running a hand through her hair as she checked in the mirror her reflection. Her makeup was a mess and she had definitely seen better days, but the wave in her hair was gorgeous. As Clark got into the car next to her and immediately locked the door, she expected him to say something, but he stayed silent. Even as he started the car and some sort of Christian rock- Switchfoot, maybe?- started filtering through his car speakers, a little distorted because the bass was ruined. If Farrah recalled correctly, that was because when Greatest Showman came out, Annleigh adored it so much that not only did she make Clark take her to go see it in the theatres at least six different times, it was the only thing she would listen to and she would play it whenever he drove her anywhere and was not afraid to blast it.
She expected a lecture, some kind of explosion, but instead he just stared straight ahead, clutching the wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His silence was agonizing, and when she finally recognized their surroundings as he turned into their neighborhood, she braved speaking.
“Are you mad?”
“No.” He answered quickly. It wasn’t snapping at her, just a decisive statement.
“Are you sad?”
“No.” It was said the same way and she exhaled in frustration, feeling like she had to get to the bottom of this before he dropped her off, which would be soon despite the meandering streets of the neighborhood that made little sense- Clark was an expert and could navigate it like nobody’s business.
“Are you hungry?”
“Are you annoyed?”
“Are you disgusted?”
“Farrah, I’m worried.” He said as he pulled in front of the Victorian manor replica that she called her home. 
She was surprised that he cared so much, and surprised at herself that she also felt defensive. As he unbuckled his seatbelt to turn and look at her, she crossed her arms.
“You’re only saying that because of Annleigh. You don’t care about me. Or at least you only care about me as Annleigh’s sister.”
“Farrah, look around.” He said, and she furrowed her eyebrows, turning to him. Look at what? The dark buses that lined the pathway up to the front door? The neighbors across the street who’s porch light was green instead of normal? The empty McDonalds bag at her feet? The little pop figures from whatever weeb shit he was into on the dashboard?
“Do you see Annleigh anywhere?” Her brows still furrowed, she shook her head. Of course Annleigh wasn’t here, she would be inside asleep, like the good little girl she was. “This isn’t an act for her. I’m not even planning on telling her this happened. I’m worried about you because I care about you. Not the Farrah who’s Annleigh’s sister, but the Farrah who’s an amazing flier, the Farrah who knows all the words to Princess Bride and watches it every year on her birthday, the Farrah who hasn’t taken ballet in four years but still sometimes twirls when she thinks no one is looking. I care about the Farrah who goes horseback riding and even if she’s in a skirt refuses to ride side-saddle. I care about the Farrah who hides books in her backpack because she loves to read but would hate for anyone to find out. I care about the Farrah who sits on her phone and pretends not to pay attention to whatever’s on TV but when her dad falls asleep during the middle of an episode and then when he wakes up and asks what he missed, always knows exactly what’s going on. I care about the Farrah who found an abandoned kitten in a rainstorm and took him home and took care of him until she could be rehomed despite the fact that she’s very allergic. I care about the Farrah that named that cat Aaron Purr. I care about that Farrah a whole lot more than I care about Annleigh’s sister.”
She didn’t have a response to that. Clark had only been actively in her life for about a year, since her dad got married, but in that time he had been paying attention. She had gone through the mortifying ordeal of being known by him and she didn’t even realize. But at the same time, even though those things were all true, they all seemed so far away. When was the last time she had danced? Finished a book? Gone horse riding at all? The person he described sounded like such a nice person, she wanted her back. When she realized that, she started to cry.
“Oh- oh, no, no, Farrah, please don’t cry-“ Clark started to panic, placing a hand on her back as she dropped her head into her hands as he continued to move around as if looking for something. “I didn’t mean it as a bad thing, I just think you’re an amazing young woman and if you keep getting into bad situations like you did tonight, I don’t know what’s going to happen-“
“Help me.” She managed to get out through her sobs, and he suddenly stilled.
“Help me. Please.” Once she started, it seemed like she couldn’t stop, even though the plea had to be filtered through sobs and snot. “I know I’m in trouble, but I don’t know how to stop- I can’t stop. I know everyone hates me, even my friends, and I know that it’s gone too far, but I’m scared, Clark, I’m so scared-“
“Hey, hey, shhh…” His voice brought her to an immediate halt, bringing her back to earth. She looked up at him, and even with her smeared mascara, snotty nose, tear stained cheeks, and red, puffy eyes, he didn’t turn away. He didn’t recoil in disgust. He offered her some napkins from a fast food chain he must have found somewhere with an encouraging smile. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll talk to your parents with you about it. If you have to go to rehab, I’ll visit you there and write. A bunch of my friends have sisters about your age, I’ll introduce you to them and maybe you’ll really hit it off and find some better friends. It won’t be easy, but I promise you don’t have to do it alone. Just say when.”
She accepted his offering and transferred her makeup from her face to the little caricature of the Grecian from the Little Ceasers logo, thinking hard about it. Right now was not an option, even with the sun beginning to appear on the horizon, she didn’t want to wake anyone up. But she also knew if she waited too long, she would lose her nerve. She was already starting to waver as she pulled herself back together. Surely things weren’t that bad, right? She could handle it on her own. But Clark was still looking at her for an answer.
“The day after tomorrow.” She finally said, and he seemed a little confused about the random time, so she explained. “The cheer sleepover is tomorrow night. You’re picking Annleigh and I up in the morning. When you drop us off, my parents should be home.”
Understanding the timeline, he nodded. It would give him enough time to research how to be a support system for her, and it would give her enough time to figure out how to backtrack, and tell Clark she didn’t really mean it and she was actually fine. That decided, she sling her purse over her shoulder and opened the car door to get out.
“Farrah?” He asked as she put her foot on the sidewalk, and she turned a little to look at him.
The light in the interior turned on when she opened the door, so she could see him clearly for the first time all night. He looked tired, but still as charismatically cheerful as ever, the human equivalent of a golden retriever. 
“Chin up, buttercup.”
He gave her shoulder a playful punch and she couldn’t help but smile back before fully getting out of the car. As she walked up to her door, she thought that maybe it wouldn’t be too bad after all. Maybe he could help her find the girl he saw again, and she could be better. As she opened the door she looked back. He was still waiting and gave a small wave. She waved back before taking a deep breath and stepping inside, hearing his car start up again and drive off as the door closed behind her.
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Hidden Lives ~ Winn Schott
Chapter 3 - Supergirl
"This is the D.E.O., the Department of Extranormal Operations," Hank spoke, turning Kara's attention to him. "We specialize in monitoring and neutralizing otherworldly threats. That means you."
Alex visibly flinched at his choice of words, her masks crumbling by the second. Hank motioned to the door, and Alex tried to help Kara sit up but again Kara shrugged her sister off. The three of them followed Hank to the door and down a long hall to the central room where Kara's pod was kept.
"Your ship." Hank gestured to the object, like a bored tour guide. "And others." He pointed to various ships visible through glass walls and on monitors. Kara's pod was still the only one they had positively identified.
Kara's gaze halted on one of the pods, sleek and slender with a coat of arms on the side. "That's a Daxamite ship." Disgust dripped from her voice.
Lily looked at Alex questioningly, hoping for an explanation. Alex just shrugged, clearly as confused as she was. Kara clearly refused to elaborate, untrusting of the three agents. Alex most of all...
Hank looked nonplussed, seeming unsurprised by her outburst. When it became clear that Kara wouldn't say anything else, he continued.
"We keep your ship here as a reminder of the day you crashed. It was actually you're arrival that showed us the need for this organization."
Kara blinked, speechless. Lily couldn't blame her, it was a lot to take in. Eventually regaining her wits, Kara said, "I don't understand. My cousin was here two dozen years before me."
Hank nodded. "He may have been the first, but you proved that there were more coming. A lot more in your case." Hank pressed a button on the vast array of computers and a photo of a familiar Kryptonian prison popped up. "When your ship escaped the phantom zone, you pulled Fort Rozz with you. Unleashing the worst convicts in the galaxy on Earth." He pressed another button and the mugshots they'd been able to retrieve from the prison's computer popped. "For over a decade they've stayed hidden. But in the last year, many have been emerging, making themselves known. They're planning something. We're just not sure what it is yet."
Kara gasped, the gears grinding in her head before she whirled on Alex. "Your plane! Your plane wasn't an accident. They must've been trying to kill you."
No one spoke. It was an avenue they'd considered. But there wasn't enough evidence, and at the end of the day, it didn't matter. The Fort Rozz escapees would be hunted down, either way, they were too dangerous to be loose on Earth.
"I can help you stop them," Kara was grasping at straws. Pleading for a chance to prove herself. Lily winced, painfully reminded of herself when she'd started at the DEO.
"Maybe—" Lily started, glancing at Hank, but he shut her down instantly.
"How?" He openly scoffed at Kara, "you couldn't even stop us from capturing you."
"I'm...still learning," Kara replied, her voice small.
"Look, Ms. Danvers. Our job is to keep people in the dark about alien life on Earth, and nothing says 'covert operation' like a flying woman in a red skirt."
Kara's temper had clearly been ignited, her next words were much stronger. "They know about my cousin, and they don't fear him." Kara was painfully naive. As Lily and Alex knew there would always be people who hated and feared things that were different.
Hank voiced what neither of them had the heart to say, "Plenty of people do, just not popular to admit it. You wanna help? Go back to getting someone's coffee."
Hank walked away leaving no room for discussion.
Alex immediately began to plead with her sister, "I know you're mad and you're hurt. I wanted to tell you every single day." She held out her hands placatingly trying to stem the coming flood of anger.
Lily moved off in the same direction Hank had, giving them the space they needed. She waited by the transport, just wanting this day to be over already.
Her phone buzzed.
Incoming call from Lena Luthor.
Lily picked up on the first ring. "Hey, Kiera."
Her sister laughed. "I missed that. You know you're the only one who calls me that."
"What can I say? I'm special."
They bantered back and forth lightly for a few minutes before her sister finally said why she was calling.
"I want to rebrand the family company."
Lily's breath hitched, memories of herself and her sister tied up in chairs while Lex wreaked havoc on their city flashed before her eyes.
"Lily?" Lena asked uncertainly.
She didn't answer at first, taking shuddering breaths as she reigned in her emotions.
"Why do you have to ask me? It's your company."
"Lily." Lena sighed. "I know that you don't want anything to do with the company and I don't blame you. But you still own half of it."
After Lex's arrest, with their father dead and their mother in the wind, the company had been divided between the two of them. Lily had promptly fled Metropolis and never come back. Choosing to ignore her newfound responsibility.
"I don't want it." She breathed to her sister, her voice small.
"I knew you'd say that. I had my lawyer draw up the papers to transfer ownership. You can look them over tonight."
Lily nodded. "Yeah. Ok."
"It really was nice talking to you." They'd talked only a few times since Lily had left. Never for very long and never about anything of much substance. This was the first deep conversation they'd had in years. Even if it had gone straight for the kill shot and brought up Lex and the company he'd dragged through the mud.
"You too, Kiera. If you ever take a break from your empire, come visit me." This single conversation had been enough to remind her how much she missed the only family she had left.
"Love you, Kóri." It was automatic, once upon a time, Kiera had said it to her every day. But this was the first time she'd said it since Lionel's funeral.
There was silence on both ends of the line.
"I love you too, Kiera." Lily hung up quickly.
She wiped a tear from her eyes choosing to focus on the happy memories that name generated.
Lily had been only five, but she remembered it clear as day. Lionel had just gotten back from work at his company. He'd pick her up as he came through the front door, swinging her around like a superhero as she giggled madly.
"How is my Kóri today?"
She'd made a face at the unfamiliar word. "Silly, my name is Lily." She had explained with all the seriousness a five-year-old could muster.
Lionel laughed, a great booming laugh that filled the room. "I know. Kóri is an old word, it means daughter. And every time I say it, I'm proud that you're my daughter."
She'd beamed up at him, as he spun her around once more before setting her on the ground.
But a five-year-old's emotions were fickle.
She shook her head petulantly as he set her down. "I don't like old stuff." She'd stuck her tongue out, hating the idea of anything remotely old.
"Is that right?" Lionel crouched down until he was eye level with her. "I guess you don't want your present then. It's really old."
She was scandalized at the thought of being cheated out of a present. "No." She shook her so fiercely that she almost fell over. "Gimme."
He pulled a small gold necklace out of his pocket. It glittered in the light, not looking nearly as old as he'd claimed. She reached out both hands, stretching on her tiptoes trying to grab it.
Lionel held it just out of reach. "What's the magic word?"
Lily pouted and Lionel almost caved. Finally, she said, slightly annoyed, "please."
He set the chain into her hands. It weighed more than she expected and she nearly dropped it. She looked at it with wonder, proud of the shiny object that was now hers.
"Promise me you'll always wear this." She'd been taken aback by his serious tone, even at five she'd sensed something was wrong.
So, she nodded seriously. "I promise."
Lionel smiled. "I love you so much." He kissed her forehead before moving on to his study.
She rubbed the pendant. The familiar grooves of the engraved lettering brought her comfort. "I promise, dad." She murmured, her words echoing across the years.
Alex arrived a few minutes later. Slightly out of breath, as though she'd been shouting. Lily opened her mouth to ask how things went with Kara, but something in Alex's expression made her old off. Besides, it wasn't hard to infer that Kara had been angry.
The ride back to the base in the city was even quieter than the ride coming here. An awkward silence stretched between the three of them.
Lily practically jumped out of the van when it finally parked in the garage. She headed straight for the locker room, not having the energy to change but also not willing to be in the DEO another second.
She stuffed her uniform into her locker, not bothering to fold it like she normally did. She slammed her locker shut. Her forehead rested against it for a moment, and she closed her eyes. Trying not to think of all the things that seemed to be crashing down around her today.
She was bone tired as she walked back home. And it was midnight and she had no patience to revel in the city's sights tonight. She knew the walk from the DEO to her building by heart, so she paid little attention to the sidewalk in front of her until she crashed into something and warm.
A cardigan.
And in that cardigan, Winn.
"Hey." It was all she could think of, the last thing she wanted right now was a conversation. Even with a nice guy, but she couldn't just say nothing after she'd crashed into him headfirst.
"Hi." He replied. He seemed just as distracted as she was. Glancing up and down the street as he spoke. "Great night for a walk isn't it." He rubbed the back of his neck, though it seemed more out of frustration than awkwardness.
She shrugged. "I wouldn't know. I got off work like five minutes ago."
He half-nodded. His gaze wandering again.
"What are you looking for?"
"Just a friend of mine. We were talking and now I can't get ahold of her. She's probably just at her apartment, but I thought I'd check." He waved casually, trying and failing to make it seem like no big deal.
Her stomach knotted, Kara. He's out here looking for her. Her worry was alleviated by the fact that Kara would most likely be home when Winn got there. She tried to keep her face lightly concerned. As though she wasn't one of the people responsible for kidnapping his friend.
"It's nice of you to check on her." She offered, trying to ease a bit of the tension on his face.
He nodded, trying to smile, but it came out forced.
They both moved to walk down the sidewalk in the direction they'd been going before.
"Uh, Winn." She called, making him turn. "Text me when you get home, so I can make sure you weren't killed or anything."
He nodded, a real smile ghosting his lips this time.
A couple of the city sights finally appealed to her as she continued walking. A bit of the crumbling weight she'd been carrying had eased.
She tried to keep awake for Winn's text, just to be sure nothing bad happened, but exhaustion eventually one out and she fell asleep.
She rolled out of bed late the next day. The alarm clock on her nightstand sleepily blinking, 10:37. She yawned widely, she happened slept that long in a while. Memories of Lex kept coming to the forefront, turning her nights restless and terror-filled.
She grabbed her phone from the nightstand, pleased to find a message from Winn waiting for her.
Winn: I'm fine, but my ghost would have been happy to join you for coff
Lily smiled at the half-finished last word, sleep had clearly caught up with him as he wrote. It warmed her heart that he'd still written even though he'd been dead tired. She shot a quick response.
Lily: Glad to hear it :)
She moved through the kitchen, taking her time, no need to rush on a Saturday. After turning the coffee maker on, she moved to counter. She sat down and booted up her laptop, prepared to look over the papers Kiera had sent the night before.
An unfamiliar logo greeted her as she pulled up the documents. She smiled at the name her sister had chosen, L-Corp. Getting as far away from the Luthor name as it could, was the best move the company could make.
She scanned the documents, trusting her sister not to throw in any confusing loopholes and crazy legal jargon. Satisfied, she signed the papers electronically, before sending them back. She fired a quick text to Kiera to let her know what she'd done.
Lily: Congrats on being the solo queen of L-Corp. I just sent the papers. I like the name :)
She'd just opened the fridge, her hand inches from the egg carton when there was a knock on the door.
"Coming." She shouted, setting the eggs on the counter. She grabbed sweatpants off the stool and shrugged them on.
"Hi," Alex said awkwardly.
"Hey." Lily had absolutely no idea what to say. Words were generally easy with Alex, but she was on rocky ground at the moment. She let Alex have the first word.
"I won't apologize for being mad, but I shouldn't have hit you, and I'm sorry for that. I...get it now. When I talked to Kara last night. We keep all these secrets in the name of our job, and sometimes people get hurt. You did it to me and I did it to Kara. I know you didn't do it to hurt me." Alex shifted uncertainly as she finished. Not sure what to do now that she'd finished.
"I was about to make pancakes." Lily opened the door wider, unspokenly inviting her friend inside.
"And cinnamon rolls?" Alex asked, her face lighting up.
Lily nodded and they both smiled. The awkwardness quickly dissipating as Alex stepped inside.
"I'll even let you use my blender to make your nasty vitamin drink." Alex laughed at her words. Now that Alex had tossed Lily a line, the words came much easier. Soon they were wrapped in conversation like nothing had changed.
"So tell me more about this cute guy you met the other day," Alex said. Reaching around Lily to steal a strawberry that she had chopped for the pancakes.
Lily smacked her hand away, no one got between her and strawberry pancakes. "There's not much to tell really. I ran into him again last night, we talked again. It was nice." Lily shrugged. About to skate around the how of her meeting with Winn, but she stopped. No more secrets.
"There's something I should tell you." Alex nodded, miraculously holding another strawberry. Lily rolled her eyes. "His name is Winn, and I met him because I was doing a threat assessment on Supergirl's allies." The name felt odd rolling off her tongue, Supergirl. Catco had coined the name that morning, other news stations jumping on the bandwagon. It suited her though, Alex clearly agreed, as she smiled at the word.
"So on your first meeting with prince charming, you lied your socks off?"
"Shut up." Lily brandished the chopping knife threateningly, but Alex only laughed. "How was I supposed to know he'd be so cute?"
"Stop it," Lily reprimanded, Alex had sneakily reached for another strawberry. "Keep that up and I won't make you cinnamon rolls."
Alex gasped, "you wouldn't dare."
"Then keep your hands off my strawberries." Lily moved the bowl to the far side of the corner before turning away to grab a skillet for the pancakes. "Go make your smoothie." Alex's hand paused inches away from the strawberry bowl and she pouted before sliding off the barstool.
"Fine, fine." Alex raised her hands in defeat. "Do you even have vegetables in this apartment?"
"I do." Lily looked offended. Alex rolled her eyes.
Alex opened the fridge, reaching for the plastic container with her name on it. Lily kept it there for Alex's smoothies like Alex kept a jar of coffee for Lily in her fridge.
Lily flicked on the radio and soon they were both jamming out as the small kitchen filled with the smells of breakfast.
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Hey y’all, author here (still feels weird calling myself that ngl) I was inspired by @meetthefundies​ post about pose making from a while back and decided I’d take the dive and finally get into cc making for the sims 4. It’s always something that I’d thought about, and with corona basically shutting everything down I’ve had ample time to try and learn how to do things. The whole of last month was basically a bunch of trial and error, YouTube watching, and Tumblr scrolling (coupled with my parents asking why I have pictures of random white people saved onto my google drive almost every other night 😂💀)
In the middle of august my dad caught corona, and so the government isolated my whole family and I in the house (he’s all better now thankfully) for 2 weeks, meaning I had 14 uninterrupted days of just coming up with different designs and trying to make things work. So this post is to basically just put out there what I’ve been working on, a few have made it into my game to be play tested, but so far only one has actually left CAS 😂 I know these are definitely major works in progress, but my anxiety means that I’d keep redoing things over and over again in an attempt at perfection while the rational side of me tells me that everyone has a starting point - this one is just mine. Anyway, I’m rambling (as usual), so let me just post the damn picture so I can go back to actually working on these pieces 😂😂
I’ll start with the casual clothes,
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This is what I’m working on right now, ironically it’s the easiest thing I’ve done so far. This is essentially one of those ‘Snoga’ sports skirt things that fundies wear, this is the second round because the first had annoying clipping that meant I had to go in and change the design. If this one turns out fine enough then I will make different skirt/legging length combinations, but for now I just need this to be usable enough in game to warrant making different styles. 
Sleeveless frumper dress thing (I’ll sit down and come up with names for these later 😂) 
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This was inspired by Anna Marie Maxwell and her #fabulous frumpers as well as the frumpers the Maxwells used to wear in the 2000s, I stalked the Maxwell blog right back to the beginning and just started saving pictures 💀 This is so far the only thing that’s made it into an actual game save, and you’ll be seeing a sim or two wearing this in different swatches in around a month since my queue is now below one month long. This dress is probably between the 8th and 10th attempt at making a basic frumper as this is what I started trying to make as I was trying to learn everything I could about making cc.
Basic short sleeved cheap looking dress (like I said, official names will come later 😂)
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This your basic average amazon dress that fundies love ( a la bates sisters boutique style) I’m at that point where my instagram explore page thinks I’m a 14 year old Apostolic girl or a baptist mother of 8 looking to change my style, so I have a wealth of inspiration to choose from 😂 This is something I made and forgot about because I got excited about the exercise skirt almost working in game, meaning that this hasn't even made it into blender yet. 
Now we can move onto the formal stuff:
Ruffle mother of the bride/groom dress
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This is my attempt on that blue ruffle dress that Kelly Jo Bates wore to Erin and Zach’s weddings. I initially tried to make it exactly like the dress she wore, but then I realised I was falling into the tendency of making things hard on myself unnecessarily 😂 This has made its way into CAS but there was some awkward clipping around the arms which I need to fix in blender, and will fix the textures before I can try and test it again.
Fishscale type dress 
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Yup, you guessed it, this is my take on that dress. This made it into blender, but seeing the uv_0 layout made me go “eek” and distract myself with something else 💀 I’m probably going to go in and change the design, take some creative license and change the ‘fishscales’ around because there's only so much space in the uv map. 
Wedding Dress 1 aka the ‘Anna Marie’
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I’ve highkey been calling this one the ‘Anna Marie’ in my folders because this wedding dress is directly inspired by hers (fyi: this link does take you directly to the Maxwell family blog, that web archive website is banned where I live and I’m not sure how to upload an archived link with my vpn on cause sometimes my laptop starts moving mad) This dress is one step away from being tested in game, and was so far the easiest dress to ‘design’ because there's literally nothing on it. I have been watching some more advanced texturing tutorials and want to try and make this look a bit better than it came out in my initial texturing attempts before I bring it I game to test.
Wedding Dress 2 aka the ‘Elissa’
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This dress was inspired by Elissa Maxwell’s wedding dress, there's not many close up details of her dress so at some point I just got creative and probably the only thing I can really lend to her dress is the gathering on the side. The bolero came in as an idea after I had attempted doing these cute sleeves but was defeated after a while, so I changed things up so as not to frustrate myself 😂 This dress also has a bit more texturing needed before I can attempt to see how it looks in CAS, but I think I'll just see what happens with this one.
Wedding Dress 3 aka the EBP
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In my head this dress was meant to resemble what Erin Bates Paine wore to her wedding, as in, a dress that is fine and would be considered modest (albeit a bit dated) but is chopped and skewed to make it EVEN MORE modest. The kind of changes that are obvious so the whole world knows you’re extra special and extra modest. This dress was an experiment as I played around and attempted to construct a corset back for this dress and the ruched tacked on sleeves, which turned out alright but it needs a bit of tweaking here and there, as well as an overhaul of the initial texture I'd tried out for this dress. In the notes app on my phone the initial look I was going for with this dress was “EBP overly frilly disaster” because that’s what I thought her wedding dress was like, but when I found pictures I decided I’d save the overly frilly disaster for when I was slightly better at the whole cc making thing.
Anyway, this is what I’ve got for now, I’ve got a swim dress thing next on my list which might be slightly easier to bring from start to finish? Not sure, at this point its hit and miss with how the weights transfer which affects the end result. I do have to say, seeing all these unfinished things laid out has sort of reinvigorated me to try and finish what I’ve already started before making something else, especially since a lot of them just require me to play around with the texture.
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zukofenty · 4 years
day 25: mona lisa
➜ Summary: The one where Zuko and Katara make a pact to (fake) rush Asian Greek life because they were giving out free tacos.
“Whoever becomes an official sorority sister or frat brother wins!”
“Can the prize be health insurance?” Zuko doesn’t have the energy to muster his patented glare.
➜ Genre: Modern!AU, humor, FratBrother!Zuko, SororityGirl!Katara, scamming, dildo stealing 
➜ Words: 6.6k
➜ Warnings: they stay in an airbnb instead of a hotel bc who has the schmoney for a hotel room😩
AO3, @zutaramonth hi!!!
Zuko’s grabbing at Katara’s arm while she’s carefully sipping water (only water, she swears) out of a red solo cup. She’s in her “whore fit” (her words) with larger than life fake eyelashes that could propel her into the sky a la Icarus if she blinked a little too quickly. She was in the middle of readjusting her crop top for the umpteenth time that night, because of course she forgets her strapless bra chicken cutlet contraption at home, so of course she does the most reasonable thing and takes a regular bra and just tucks the straps in. Because as much as she is a proponent of #freethenipple, her nipples could probably slice open a radiator with how fucking cold Ba Sing Se was. 
 “Please take this shot for me,” Zuko reasons with her, trying to make it seem as though he was handing off a shot to a clueless lightweight sorority rushee he was hoping to nail later in the night. For reputation’s sake, Zuko could not afford to fuck up tonight. He was in too deep. “Please, my Pepsin hasn’t kicked in yet. Asian glow is not the look we’re going for tonight.”
 “I hate you.” Katara munches on her (free) taco, and effortlessly throws back the shot: no chase. Zuko looks back and sees active members of Pi Alpha Psi giving him a thumbs up, hooting, hollering, being dumb. One salaciously thrusts his hips to the beat of “Big Bank,” pathetically hoping he could emulate YG in support of Zuko supposedly getting some Deltas pussy. 
 Asian Greek life was fucking stupid. 
 Tonight was the night of the Deltas Sorority and Pi Alpha Psi Fraternity rush party, the most important party so far during rush week. Because Greek life was entirely stupid , of course they had to hold the fucking party on a Tuesday night, when Zuko had an econ pratice set to get done by midnight, and Katara needed to get to Ochem at 8am the next morning. It was their fault, really. A punishment from God herself (Rihanna) for trying to scam the Greek system. 
 It all started because Zuko and Katara had no fucking friends. 
 Besides each other, but that was also up for debate most days. Especially the days when Zuko would remind Katara whenever her foundation didn’t blend down her neck. He always thought he was being helpful. Katara’s long given up the urge to slit his throat. 
 After high school, when you still believed you were going to do something with your life and be important and make a difference and didn’t know about income tax, they had kept the dream of Ba Sing Se University alive while they attended community college. Uncle Iroh and Hakoda weren’t exactly rolling in tuition money, and financial aid was a stingy bitch. While Zuko had considered reaching out to his estranged father, the owner of a multi billion dollar pyramid scheme, he suddenly remembers the time his dad tried to burn his face off after a particularly heated episode of Maury , and then books another therapy appointment. 
 It was the top university in the nation, promising a gateway to accounting jobs and selling your soul to work for immoral tech companies to pay off your student loans in a timely manner. They had prayed for the day they could call the school home. The day they could leave their small town and finally make it in life. Katara and Zuko were inseparable growing up, even if at the surface they bumped heads. They were at each other’s throats whenever the going got tough, slinging petty insults at each other. 
 “I told you this was a bad idea. They don’t have fucking non-dairy options. Wait until my anus starts beatboxing in the bathroom in 20 minutes. Then you will see,” Zuko grumbled. Katara was always doing this, dragging their group of friends to “fun” places whenever Yelp sends her a notification a new restaurant opened up in their shithole of a town. It’s always some boba shop that was secretly a front for a Scientology cult’s money laundering scheme. 
 But Katara’s the only one who is able to scare Zuko (dairy induced) shitless. She’s always able to send him a glare that screams don’t you dare fuck with me, I know you masturbate to Hatsune Miku moan compilations. And he instantly starts sweating .
 At the same time, she was the only one to truly get him. Even if their friends were perfectly content to stay in their town, doing the same things, being the same people, Katara and Zuko always knew there was so much more out there. So much more to the world than what they had grown up in. So they kept the dream alive. Even if their friends had rightfully doubted them. No one made it out of their town. You find a partner from the same people you grew up with, have kids you grow to hate, hide your husband’s infidelity, and either choose from two options. Grow old with him and resent him and then have a kid to try to save the marriage. Or, go Gone Girl on his ass. 
 “Women really need to go back to poisoning their men. Like the good old days,” Katara’s eyes were narrowed into slits as she focused on taking clandestine photos of Mrs. Kim’s cheating, rat-faced husband. For a few months, she was under the tutelage of the town’s private investigator, June. It paid well, and she felt she was contributing to the feminist movement at the same time. 
 “Uh-huh, right,” Zuko eyed her warily. Dubbed lovingly “Katara’s Uber Driver,” he also got paid by June to drive the Nyla Mobile around during their late night ops. 
 He couldn’t wait to leave this shit fuck of a town. 
 While their friends and family were tearfully embracing them on their final days at home, a patented group hug forced upon them, they shared a secret smile. Their dream was coming true. They were going to a school in the city with minimized debt. Plus, though neither of them would ever admit it, they also had each other to rely on.
 “What the fuck do you need? I swear to Rihanna, you only text me when I’m trying to masturbate. Please, make other friends,” Katara nearly screams into the phone. Her roommate, Suki, groans at the volume coming from Katara’s side of the room, but doesn’t get up. Her stomach is still sensitive from the Blue Razz Four Loko she downed at some frat house Katara had to drag her back from. 
 Zuko had the decency to sound sheepish. “What are you doing tomorrow?” 
 “I hope you understand, I am too tense right now to pretend I like you. Go. Make. Friends.” 
 Because Zuko is a fucking child , he starts groaning and Katara could hear him petulantly slamming his Amazon memory foam mattress with his fist. He’ll get angry that the mattress is preventing any real satisfaction from hitting it, and then hit it a few (approximately 3) more times. She hears the pounds, and smirks. She doesn’t know whether or not to feel disturbed that she knows him so well. 
 “I miss you,” he whines.  
 “I don’t.” 
 Zuko gasps dramatically. “How could you say that? Sandbox love never dies!” He wants to yell into the darkness of his room when she hangs up on him. It was valid, of course. But that doesn’t mean his feelings can’t hurt. He’s always sensitive during the Mercury Retrograde. 
 Being a transfer student is hard, as much as he hates to admit it. There’s only two years to pad your resume and make lifelong friends and learn how much cocaine is too much cocaine for your body. College was hard. While Katara’s roommate was able to introduce her to people and Katara made a group of friends almost instantly, Zuko wasn’t nearly as pleasant to be around. It wasn’t his fault he was nervous . When he’s nervous he looks more mean than usual, and his roommate, Jet, was wary around him since the day he moved in. He couldn’t even be mad when he spotted Jet hiding his box cutter’s accessibility. 
 “Katara!” Zuko rolls his eyes at her lack of response. “Katara!” He repeats. “I know you’re just listening to “Like a G6” on a 10 hour loop. Don’t pretend to look so concentrated.” 
 She glares at him. “Let me have this one thing to myself.” She still begrudgingly takes out her airpods.
 Katara wants to throttle his long ass neck. “Zuko, be honest with me.” 
 “Ok, yes! When you put your hair in a ponytail you look like a cage free egg.” Zuko stares at her in confusion when she starts playing with her hair. “What are you doing?” 
 “I’m trying to hand over my wig. You fucking scalped me, and I had nothing to say back. Just take it. You deserve it.” He smacks her hands from messing with her hair. Other patrons in the cafe near campus glanced over in amusement, as Katara pokes him in the neck and he yelps. 
 While he rubs at his neck to lessen the sting from Katara’s acrylics, she worries at her lip. “Be honest. Do you think Suki hates me?” 
 Katara slams a hand on the table, causing his croissant to quake in fear. “You’re supposed to be comforting and trying to console me! Do it over, say no.” 
 “Zuko, do you know how close I am to biting your nipple right off?” 
 He rolls his eyes. Katara specialized in empty threats (most of the time). “Don’t get mad at me just because Suki refuses to talk to you.” He relishes in her frustration. “Again, whose fault is it that Suki has to go to court for reckless driving?”
 “She was the one at the wheel!” Katara throws her hands to the air, before petulantly slapping them into her thighs, for emphasis of her point.
 Zuko pinches his nose bridge. “Well, you were the one who convinced her that she shit herself!” 
 Katara takes a neat, clean sip from her iced coffee before calmly responding. “She was the one doing 88 in a 65 trying to get to the bathroom. How was I supposed to know she did anal the day before and it was just cum!” 
 Zuko smacks his forehead in frustration after seeing identical blushes on the sea of patrons, now very much intune with the turn of the conversation. “You really don’t know how to act in public, do you? Like you think all the shit coming out of your mouth is important enough for it to just be said. You couldn’t have let that be a passing thought? Or learn how to fucking whisper?” 
 Katara sighs, closing her eyes and folding her hands over each other, because she’s dramatic. “All I had today for lunch was lip gloss. Let me be.” 
 “Again, if you, I don’t know, learned how to apologize to someone and admit you’re wrong then maybe Suki wouldn’t have hidden all your stress snacks. And, I don’t know. Maybe if you knew how to say ‘sorry’ she wouldn’t hate your fucking guts.” Katara simply turns her head into the air at Zuko’s words, refusing to acknowledge them. He’s itching to take a hit of his Phix with how on edge he was, and then remembers Katara had sold it on the school Facebook sell and exchange page as revenge. Apparently, Katara snaps if you send her one too many Tom Holland and Nicki Minaj fanfiction stories. Not that he’s speaking from personal experience. “You know what, you’re almost as stubborn as Wendy Williams when she refuses to pronounce Dua Lipa’s name correctly.” 
 She petulantly swivels her gaze to Zuko, nose still pointed to the sky. “Dula Peep is iconic for that reason.” She breathes out, letting her body go lax. “Please, shut the fuck up. I’m sad. Why would she leave me alone in the middle of the Mercury Retrograde like this? I didn’t think she hated me that much.” She drops her defensive stance, and rolls her shoulders, eyes focused only on the table. “I thought, what we had. It was real friendship you know? I made a joint for her using the orientation leader recruitment flyers because we were out of rolling papers. That’s true love. That’s sisterhood.” 
 “Please, I can’t poop right now! I can’t poop when I’m scared. I’m poop shy!” 
 Zuko audibly groaned. “Then why the fuck would you take a shit at my apartment? Yours is literally a 4 minute walk away, according to motherfucking Google Maps. 5 minutes if you use Apple Maps.” 
 “I don’t know, ok! I saw the baby wipes and I just kinda went with the flow, sue me!” Damnit, she knew she tasted real milk in her strawberry banana smoothie. God, the price of being ethnic in this dairy filled world. 
 “I called you over here to explain the plan! So I don’t bother you mid masturbation! And you just had to take a dump, didn’t you? On the plan, and my fucking toilet, too!” 
 She was weary after her back to back classes from 9-5 when Zuko excitedly called her up to come to his place. As much of a bitch baby Zuko could be, Katara tries to visit his place as much as she can. His apartment was just upgraded, meaning he had a state of the art microwave. One that doesn’t third degree burn her ham and cheese Hot Pockets, but rather cooks them perfectly to the tune of the package instructions, and makes them all fluffy and culinary excellence. Plus, he lives further from the heroin infested park she lived right next to, meaning his building smelt like a Clinique cosmetics counter (or: old lady) rather than pure urine like hers. And he didn’t have to run home in fear of being chased. 
 Besides, he’s all she’s got right now. He explained his plan as the roof of her mouth is assaulted by the gooey cheese of the Hot Pocket. Zuko eagerly handed over the flyers that were shoved into his hands as he was walking to campus. 
 “Do you see the funds these bitches got? We have to go! We need to become part of Asian Greek life!” 
 Although Katara did enjoy seeing the copious amount of free food potential, she was skeptical. “This is all free?” 
 “Yes, oh my god! Read the damn flyer! They’re living it up while we try to fit spinach in our budget to buy White Claw. Free alc, and free tacos! C’mon, we don’t even have to get into the sorority or frat. Just go through the rush process, and try to get as much free food as possible.” Zuko sits on his bed beside her, and even shakes her by the shoulders for emphasis. She swats his hands away while he chuckles.
 Katara side eyes him. “Aren’t you already behind on your lectures? I don’t know, do we really want to waste time doing this?”
 Zuko sends her a sheepish smile, but grabs her hand. For reassurance purposes, of course. “It’s just one week. Let’s just let loose. Maybe we could walk away from this with a few friends. So I don’t bother you mid beating your meat.” Katara can’t help but laugh. 
 On the first night, she was nervous. Zuko was clearly his indifferent self, but deep down she knew he was scared, too. Katara and Zuko weren’t exactly Greek life material . 
 “They thought you were hot, that’s why they flyered you!” Katara yelps while digging through his closet. Zuko ignores the blush growing on his face. “Let’s find a fit that emphasizes that bad boy aesthetic.” 
Katara never did anything half assed. That’s why if they were going to play hot, ignorant Asian Greek lifers, they were going to be the goddamn best. Academy Award nominated and then played by Scarlett Johansson in a biopic type of acting. 
 “What’s wrong with what I usually wear? Is the leather jacket not, quote unquote, bad boy enough?” Zuko runs his hands through his shaggy hair, which Katara had encouraged him to not style. She’d never admit it, but maybe her sexual awakening coincided with Zuko growing his hair out. Maybe. 
 “Yeah, yeah. Maybe to Tumblr , but not for fuckboys.” She groans because of course Zuko has good fashion taste. Maybe him being hot helps with how clothes looked, but they all screamed fashion and not basic fuckboy . Which was the vibe of the night. “God, do you have the entire Forever 21 Black t shirt aisle in here?” 
 Before he could retort, Zuko’s interrupted by Jet coming into their room to grab his dumb Hydroflask. It’s dumb because it’s so goddamn big, for no good reason. 
 “Hey, Katara,” Jet is smirking. Ew . 
 Zuko feels jealousy, the type that makes your body grow all hot and makes you want to punch a mattress and Jet’s pleasantly symmetrical face. God, why is he so fucking pretty? He reminds himself that Katara was entirely off limits , and schools his face. He gets these types of pangs of envy once in a while, usually during the Mercury Retrograde. Ever since they were kids, he knew Katara was going to be in his life forever. He wasn’t about to fuck that up. Not with emotions or anything. 
 “Hey, Jet!” Katara chirps. She couldn’t help it, her pussy is weak for pretty men. She knew that look on his face. The eyes that roamed her body clad in the tight top and jeans that made sure her ass looked like she paid for it. Thank you, Fashionnova. 
 He gives her a hot guy half hug, and she’s melting. Calm down, girl Katara warns her pussy. “See you around. Zuko, I’m going to Target, do you need anything?”
 Zuko frowns at the sight of a fangirling Katara. “Nope.” Jet nods, and even offers up a smile. He hates that he smiles back. 
 Katara swoons. She flops on Zuko’s bed, eyes all dreamy and starry. “That’s the vibe you need to give off!” 
 “What, that I have HPV?” 
 “Exactly! See, that’s the type of fuckboy you need to be. You can have the same pussy clenching effect with the right, basic clothes. You’re hot, and you have a badass scar. You just need a striped Guess shirt and white Nike Air Force 1s to complete the getup.” 
 So, Zuko digs through his closet from his hypebeast phase to find a pair of white sneakers (“Reeboks aren’t basic enough!” Katara protests) and borrows the Guess shirt from Katara, and they were ready to scam.
 Fuck. The damn tacos. And then it was all you can eat Korean food. Then it was free avant garde ice cream at that one place that cost you an ovary to even sample the vanilla bean flavor. 
 The first night of rushing, all you can eat Korean food, and they were already putting on the pounds. 
 “ Holy fucking cheese dick! I think I gained the weight of a Kardashian ass filler in just today alone! I can’t breathe. Zuko, hold up.” She puts her hand out, halting their walk back to her place. “I need to unbutton my pants.” She had one too many plates of kimchi spam fried rice.
 Zuko burps graciously. Goddamn kimbap. He swallowed that shit whole, choking a few times throughout the night. “Me fucking too! Oh my god, I can’t breathe.” 
 “In through your nose. Out with your dairy shits.” 
 As soon as they got back to her apartment, they immediately reached for Lactaid, and then went over the events of the night. 
 “What do you think of Ty Lee? All the guys were drooling over her,” Zuko asks. Katara ditched her elaborate makeup, scrubbing her face clean and was in one of Zuko’s t shirts he’s long given up trying to get back from her. She’s twirling an expensive mechanical pencil between her fingers, the kind that has super precise lead and matches her pencil case and laptop. For the aesthetic. 
 “She’s the type of bitch to eat salt and vinegar chips at 9 in the morning.” 
 “What’s the difference between girls who eat salt and vinegar chips in the morning, and girls who eat Hot Cheetos in the morning?” Zuko’s scratching at his head, brain still foggy from all the Doritos he’s practically inhaled. He’s topless, and has one of the many sweats he leaves behind at Katara’s because their sleepovers were some of his favorite memories growing up. Even if they have to squeeze Zuko’s six foot tall ass in twin beds now. 
 “One has class. The other needs therapy.” 
 He squints from his spot at her desk, typing interrupted to push up his round glasses. “I see.” 
 “I saw you really hit it off with Mai,” Katara made sure to keep her voice even. “She was really into you.” 
 Zuko whips his head around to her. “Really?” He yelps. “Stay out of my business!” Katara throws her hands up in mock surrender. “...Did she say anything about me?” 
 “She said she was so tired of medium ugly frat brothers and that you showing up sent her cooch into anaphylactic shock,” Katara deadpans.
 “Really!” Zuko’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. 
 “No, she just said you were handsome. And then I told her ‘don't call him handsome unless he's about to hand some money over,’ and then she laughed and then thirst followed you on Instagram.” 
 Zuko scrambles to check his phone. “Oh my god, she’s so cute,” he whispers, eyes enraptured by her Instagram feed. Katara rolls her eyes when he jumps into her bed, knocking her work aside to shove his greasy iPhone 6s in her face. 
 Katara slaps it right out of his hand. “Ugh, not the 6s.” 
 Zuko practically melts. “You said she thinks I’m hot, right?” Katara pokes at a man tit before curling up at his side. 
 “You’re annoying.” 
 Zuko grabs Katara's hand, playing with the tiny fingers. “I’m adorable.” 
 She snorts. “You know, we should make a pact. If we’re getting this invested into the whole process. Whoever becomes an official sorority sister or frat brother wins!”  
 “Can the prize be health insurance?” Zuko doesn’t have the energy to muster his patented glare with Katara cozied up next to him. 
 The second night, ice cream night, and Katara was slipping. 
 “What do you usually look for in a guy?” 
 “I usually just look away,” Katara admits, shrugging. She doesn’t forget to plaster a well practiced, non threatening smile on her face. 
 “Preferred places for guys to cum?” Another sorority girl asks. Other rushees are nodding enthusiastically, carefully preparing their answers. 
 “To his senses,” Katara huffs. 
 “I usually like a backshot!” Ty Lee says enthusiastically, despite the other sisters eyeing Katara warily. Ty Lee insisted that Katara would be a good fit for the sorority. She looked like the only one on her side.
 While the girls were excitedly dancing along to the music playing in the shop, Katara’s eye twitches. It was the feminist in her. “If you still like Chris Brown, you’re ugly,” Katara is adamant, not relenting despite the incredulous, wide eye stares from the gaggle of sorority girls. 
 “Well, I guess I’m ugly then!” Mai yelps, hands crossed over her chest defiantly. 
 Katara smiles carefully. “You sure are, bitch!” 
 Fuck Katara was messing this up. She needed to make sure that they were convinced Katara was sorority girl material to move onto the next level of the secret invite only event. Fuck, fuck, fuck . 
 She wasn’t about to let Zuko win at anything!
 Mai squints at her. “Are you a clit being handled by a frat brother? Because you’re really rubbing me the wrong way.”
 Ty Lee gasps. “Please excuse her, Indica makes her grumpy.” 
 Katara glares. “None taken.” 
 She likes Ty Lee, that much she’s gathered. And, it seems as though Ty Lee had grown to like her back, making sure Katara gets enough ice cream throughout the night, even turning her head when Katara pulls out a Tupperware from her backpack to bring back the dessert to her apartment. 
 That was until Ty Lee remembered she had a flask hidden up her skirt, a necessity post fuckboy cheats on you .  “I-I just called to say I don’t miss you! And that your dick smells like a stapler that has been microwaved for 25 seconds. Like, you can block me all you want. But you can’t uneat this ass. Sorry, I don’t make the rules!” Katara does damage control, and dutifully snatches the phone from her hands.
 Crossing her arms like a mother disciplining her child, she levels Ty Lee with a concerned look. “What the actual fuck do you think you’re doing?” 
 Ty Lee gets up and stumbles on her way to hug Katara. “I can’t leave him! I love him so, so much. He’s my fucking ride or die, the Quavo to my Saweetie! The pitchy singing to my Selena Gomez! The Marlene to my Rosa! The badly glued fake eyelashes to my Asian sorority girl,” Ty Lee is crying and loud and her anime like tits are bouncing with every sob that comes. 
 Katara takes the flask of peach vodka from her trembling hands, and shakes the girl. “Look, bitch. You’re better than this.” 
 “No, I’m really not!” 
 Katara pokes the girl in the forehead. “Yes, bitch you definitely are. You’re a bad bitch that got adicktated. But that’s ok.” She tilts the red faced girl’s head back, making sure the cup of water goes down her throat. “So what if you fell in love a little? You’re in your bag bitch, you don’t need provolone smelling dick to dicktate your life!” 
 She rubs at her snot filled nose, and then wipes her fist on her mini skirt. “You really think so?” 
 “Bitch, I know so . Go be a slut, forget about Chan’s ass flake. Now hand over your phone. Drunk yelling over the phone is not the move for the night.” The other active Deltas sisters were running back from a group bathroom visit, after realizing it was Ty Lee’s bad decisions o’ clock . They came back to see the chastised girl determindly eating Ube flavored ice cream, without a phone to do dumb shit in her hands. Mai can’t help but start liking Katara. 
 The third night, and it’s the Deltas Sorority and Pi Alpha Psi Fraternity rush party, the most important party so far during rush week. IT was a slam fucking dunk. They had gotten catering from everybody’s favorite taco place at the Pi Alpha Psi frat house. And a fucking DIY boba bar. A boba bar! A goddamn boba bar. Katara had a ziplock baggie filled with the tapioca pearls in her left jean pocket. 
 All Deltas rushees were meant to be socializing with Pi Alpha Psi brothers. The active sisters were trying to see who were the classy whores in the group. They didn’t want admitted whores, just subtle ones. After fending off another medium ugly brother from trying to stare at her tits, Katara corners Zuko, who hands her another shot to take for him. “Why was that guy dressed like an uninvolved father?” 
 “What’s that supposed to look like?” 
 “Sweaty, and smells vaguely of disappointment.” 
 Zuko coughs. “I’m sad that hit way too close to home.” 
 Katara looks devastated for a split second, until Zuko starts laughing at his own joke. Then, she smacks him upside the head. “You know, you should be thankful for me. I got you looking exactly like a Pi Alpha Psi brother. Even down to the shoes.” Katara glares ahead. “God, I hate that we have to wear shoes on in this house. I hate looking at Haru’s Black Air Force 1s. Anything but those. Anything but those .” 
 The fourth night and they had successfully scammed the Greek system. 
 “Zuko!” Katara screams, bursting through his door without preamble. “Look what Ty Lee sent—wait a minute. What the fuck are you doing?” She pauses in shoving the phone in his face to see him face down in his calculus textbook. 
 “I’m trying to find a natural way to stay focused.” 
 Katara crosses her arms. “Have you considered adderall?” 
 Zuko snorts, clearly annoyed. “That’s literally prescription meth.” 
 “And what about it?” She slams her body, face first into his bed. “‘ Hey get ready tomorrow because we have an exclusive, invite only clubbing invite and the girls and I really really want you to come! ’” Katara reads the Instagram message verbatim from her phone, her chest swelling with unbridled pride. “I deserve an Academy Award.” 
 Zuko plops his body right on top of hers, relishing in how she groans under his added weight. “Run me my Golden Globe because according to Chan, my ‘ass better be ready to get nasty at Club Nyla .’” 
 “Shut the booger sugar up!” 
 So (on a Thursday night ) Katara and Zuko crowd in the party bus the generous Asian Greek system had funded in the name of “cultural bonding.” She can barely breathe, tits pushed in the most fuckable way possible, and she feels her face heating from the shots forced down her throat because her (potential) sisters had insisted on heavily pregaming. 
 While the frat brothers were perfectly content to sitting and not making any sort of movement whatsoever in the name of looking cool , the girls on the other hand were having the time of their lives. 
 “Oh my fucking god, for the last time Ty Lee, I cannot join the grind train, I do not have mental stability to keep my balance and shake my ass at the same time,” Katara lightly chastises, shoving the drunk girl gently off of her. Ty Lee simply shrugs, and then continues to gyrate on the gaggle of girls. The music was pounding, everyone was sweating from the amount of unrestrained dancing happening, and Katara’s pretty sure some girl just bruised her pussy after accidentally smacking it (hard) on the bus’s stripper poles. Disco lights bathe the entirety of the vehicle, enveloped in the screams and squeals of Asian girls trying to twerk and scream along to lyrics at the same time. 
 It was pure fucking chaos. But so goddamn fun . The girls kept constantly grabbing her hips in an attempt to yike on her helpless ass, which Katara abruptly stopped by flicking off their hands. All to the tune of “The Box” by Roddy Rich. 
 “Let me hear everyone loud and clear! ‘Fuck 12!’” Katara screams to a crowd of bewildered frat brothers. 
 “Katara, no,” Zuko’s laughing too hard, the alcohol making him feel lightheaded. Heavy rap music permeated the walls of the bus, and he feels a headache building. But he feels a little better seeing Katara having fun, nearly choking to death after taking a hit from some brother’s joint. 
 “Don’t laugh, I don’t smoke that often!” She insists. 
 Zuko throws his arm over her shoulder, pulling her close to him. “If you die, at least it was in a party bus while Travis Scott was playing.” 
 “I’d rather die in an Acura!” Katara yelps, getting up in mock frustration. While Zuko is simply losing his mind at her attitude, she accidentally stumbles as the bus comes to an abrupt stop, and lands in Zuko’s lap. 
 She’s chortling, moving about to get up. Zuko tries his hardest not to let his heart pound impossibly loud. 
 After IDs were checked, and a Drake song was forcibly requested by the obnoxious group of frat brothers, the clubbing event was in full swing. Yet, it paled in comparison to the fun and chaotic energy of the party bus. Frat brothers were attempting to dance, Asian girls were trying their hardest to twerk. 
 Katara is doing her duty as the most sober one out of the bunch and pushes random guys away before they could grab at her sisters’ hips. “You know, God gives flat asses to his strongest soldiers,” she mumbles, lips dangerously close to his ear. They were sitting down in the private seating area near the dance floor, exhausted beyond belief and watching the sorority girls’ attempts at clapping what little cheeks they did have. 
 Ty Lee clumsily grabs at Katara, screaming about having to piss and call her ex. Her cue to save the day. She gives Zuko an apologetic look, and whispers “I’m gonna win” before grabbing Ty Lee’s hand. 
 While he’s checking on his Neko Atsume cats, Chan’s Pepto Bismal smelling self is sidling up to his side. “Bro, you should fuck her. She’s got amazing tits.” 
 Zuko smirks, before schooling his features. That was already an observation he made when he was 16. Nice try, fuckboy. Chan continues, not caring if Zuko responds to him. “Pound that pussy like rent is due tomorrow! You have to get at that big, fat, moose sized pussy at the Airbnb we’re headed to after this.”
  Ty Lee is blubbering, snot running freely down her face as though she was a 5 year old at Chuck E. Cheese realizing they didn’t have enough tickets to afford a beaded necklace. “Every time he goes down on me, it feels like my pussy’s getting colonized. Is that what love is supposed to feel like.” 
 Katara paused in rubbing her back. “Oh my god.” 
 Ty Lee grabs at Katara’s shoulders, toilet and unsteady stomach forgotten. “Please, for the sake of the female population. Fuck Zuko. We need to know if he’s packing that schmeat.”
 Katara gasps. “No fucking way, we’re just friends!” 
 The inebriated girl clutches Katara’s face in between her sweaty palms, lowering her voice in a volume she thinks counted as a whisper. It was more of a scream than anything else. “We always try to get the hottest rushees to fuck each other at the Airbnb. Then, you’ll definitely make it into Deltas. Because if anyone deserves to throw that neck back on Zuko, it’s you.” 
 “Well gee, thanks. I’m touched.” 
 “Moan harder! Don’t sound like I’m forcing you to fuck me! This isn’t no 90 Day Fiance shit! I thought you were an actor. Where is the commitment to the craft? You sound like you’re a dying tractor. Do better!” Katara continues jumping on the bed, trying to emulate a good old fucking. Zuko breathes in, before an unrestrained groan comes from his lips. Katara’s cooch instantly quakes.
 Their shoes were off, at her insistence, sheets already strewn about to make it believable. She could hear the snickering behind the door she’s triple checked to make sure it was locked and unable to be seen through the keyhole, her thong shoved in front of it to ensure their privacy.  
 “Zuko, Zuko, Zuko!” she pants, makine her voice sound as fucked out as possible. “I can’t!” 
 He continues smacking his arm, trying his best to replicate the sound of cheeks being clapped. “Baby, yes you can. You’re taking me like a fucking champ.” 
 Katara almost couldn’t hold back her giggle. This was all so fucking ridiculous. Taken straight out of a Larry smut scene. But they had a job to finish, a lifestyle they needed to live out, a pact to win. She whines, he lets out a moan. They bite their fist before they lost their minds and ruined the scam. She could imagine the title to their terrible porn video: college girl takes BEC (big emo cock). 
 “So, so good!” Katara made sure to make her voice sound as strained as possible, jumping even harder on the mattress. Zuko is ashamed to say his dick twitched in his pants the slightest. “So goddamn big. I feel so full!” 
 “Thanks for thinking I have a big dick,” he mutters, before letting out another wanton cry. 
 “Please be quiet!” Her little faux whimpers are simply killing Zuko, a blush creeping on his neck. He may or may not be jerking off to a sound now burned in his memory. 
 “Ready for the grand finale?” Zuko’s bewildered, pausing in his erratic jumping on the mattress. Katara jumps as hard as she can three times, before landing a punch square into Zuko’s stomach. It’s unexpected, and he doubles over, wheezing and pathetically gasping for air. 
 “Baby, cum in me!” Katara mewls, a devious smile on her face. 
 Zuko frowns, rubbing at his sore stomach. “Really? You’re that invested in this role? You would hurt your bestest friend in this world?” 
 “Shut up! Let me bully you.”
 They leave the room, ensuring their hair looked as disheveled as possible, clothes put on backwards, and Katara’s lip gloss smeared across his face. It tasted like Starbursts and scams. 
 The pair were suddenly enveloped in violent cheers. Muscled frat brothers were taking their beefy arms and slapping Zuko’s chest in celebration. Zuko could see Katara blushing, acting bashful and even tucking a strand of hair behind her ear for emphasis. He rolls his eyes, and deftly decided his heart was indeed forever stolen by the bat shit crazy bitch. 
 “My man!” Chan howls, grabbing Zuko in a signature bro hug. “Any other Deltas you want to raw dog tonight?” 
 Zuko’s gaze was focused on Katara’s smiling face. “This dick belongs to one woman.” 
 They sorority and fraternity wearily climbed back into the party bus in the wee hours of the morning, needing to make the trek back in time for classes. Everyone was to stop by the Psi Alpha Psi house to collect their stuff, and then make their way home. 
 Zuko’s nodding off, too tired to continue breathing when Katara pokes him expertly in the arm. “What?” 
 “We’re going to steal the house trophy when we get back.” 
 He gasps. “Not Beatrice.” 
 “Yes, Beatrice!” 
 “Why do you want a $9 dildo from Amazon anyways?” 
 Katara sighs. “I overheard them this morning. The Deltas and Psi Alpha Psi. They were running through photos of girls and guys that rushed that didn’t make it through the process. And they were so fucking mean , Zuko. Like I almost cried, and they didn’t even roast my ass. Like Co-Star level bullying. They don’t deserve Beatrice. We do.” 
 “So, bet’s off?” He cracks his knuckles in anticipation. She simply nods. 
 “You bitch. You didn’t have to slam me so fucking hard!” Katara reprimands. Zuko silences her with a passionate kiss that has every emotion she could possibly feel tingling throughout her whole body. She’s pushed up against the fireplace, clutching the wall behind her as though finding something to grind her against Zuko’s fiery passion. They were simply mimicking the rest of the group coming back, girls pressed against the frat brothers, trying to make the most of their remaining high instead of heading to class. 
 They pause to take a breath of air, (they could hear Mai mock gagging in the back) before sending each other a secret nod. 
 “You feel that pucker in your asshole? You know shit’s about to get real,” Katara says in a low voice. 
 Zuko’s slamming her against the fireplace once more, this time Katara’s hand now finding contact with Beatrice herself. In a flash she’s shoving the phallic toy in her jacket, sprinting for the door. 
 Chan, eagle eyed as ever, and experienced in the art of recognizing dildo thievery, instantly shoves Ty Lee off his lap. “Don’t you dare take the fucking house trophy, bitch!” He barely finishes his sentence, before he’s shoved to the ground by an enthusiastic Zuko, who grabs Katara’s hand and breaks into a run. 
 They run, run, run until they reach Zuko’s apartment, collapsing on the patch of fake grass at the front of the building. He still has his hand intertwined with hers, her other hand having a vice like grip on the sex toy. 
 “You know what, I don’t care about making other friends. You’re all I need.” 
 “I know.” Katara can’t stop the smile from growing on her face. 
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
Juvenile Delinquents Part 2
Previous Part: Part 1
Next Part: Part 3
Author’s Note: I just moved, and I currently have no internet, which seems like the perfect time to work on my many unfinished fanfics! So this is unedited because I had to go to the library to post and it closes soon, but hope you guys enjoy!
Word Count: 3600
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“Sanchez, you’re up.” A guard calls out gruffly. Logan nods, appreciatively taking the payphone offered. Logan tries to remember the number he’s supposed to call in this situation. He’s not calling the shop. Right now, the police currently have nothing definitively tying him to the Mercy Park Crew, and nothing trying the Mercy Park Crew to the unassuming Kaneko autobody shop located in South LA. So, this is a situation for Kaneko’s burner cell phone.
Logan tentatively dials in the numbers, not quite remembering if the last digit was a 6 or an 8. He really hopes he’s not blowing his one phone call.
The phone rings several times, before an unfamiliar voice picks up.
“Hello?” The voice calls impatiently.
“Umm… is this T. K’s phone?” Logan asks, knowing this conversation is no doubt being recorded.
“Who wants to know?” The voice is suspicious.
“Logan.” He replies, narrowing his eyes as he leans against the wall, trying to turn away from the other inmates in line for the phone listening in.
“Oh, Pop’s former protégé.” The voice mocks. “Thanks for getting yourself locked up. Opened up a spot for me.”
“Colt.” Logan growls. He’s never met Kaneko’s son, but from what he’s heard from the crew that must be who he’s talking to.
“What’s up Logan. How’s juvie?” Colt returns.
“That’s enough Colt.” Logan hears Kaneko admonish his son in the background. There’s a slight shuffle as the phone is handed over. “Logan, what did they book you on?” Kaneko asks.
“Public endangerment. Speeding. I’m looking at three to four months.” Logan had been surprised at the leniency of his sentence. But as his public defender explained, he wasn’t driving the stolen car. The police couldn’t prove he was actually in the Mercy Park Crew, not beyond a reasonable doubt. So, they could only charge him with what they knew he was guilty of.
“Glad to hear it. I knew the juvenile courts would be lenient.” Kaneko responds.
Logan absently tugs on the phone cord. “So, what happens when I get out? Can I come back?” Logan asks worriedly.
“Of course, Logan. I’m not one to abandon someone who’s loyal to me.” Kaneko insists.
“What about Colt?” Logan questions. For someone who doesn’t abandon those that are loyal, Kaneko sure seems to have replaced him pretty quickly.
“Colt is finishing out his senior year here, after being expelled from his high school in Texas, but he’ll be heading to college by the time you are released. Your place is secure.” Kaneko reassures.
Logan doesn’t 100% believe Kaneko, but he’s currently in no position to question anything he’s told. “Did you guys get my car?” He asks, treading back to lighter waters.
Kaneko chuckles. “We did. X picked it up, and Toby has already started on the repairs.”
Logan lets out a sigh of relief. He was more worried about his precious Devore GT than his own injuries. He’s been in jail overnight, and the bleeding has mostly stopped. But he still has a bandage wrapped around his forehead.
“Sanchez, times up.” The guard warns.
“I’ve gotta go. See you in a couple of months.” Logan hangs up as the guard shuffles him into the waiting line for transfer. He’s headed to the juvenile facility today, processing now complete.    
He’s shuffled onto a bus with several other juvenile delinquents. They already seem to be jockeying for position, trying to prove themselves the biggest, the toughest as they shove and fight for seats at the back of the bus. Logan ignores them, taking a seat up front as the guards try to call for order.
A fist is thrown in back, and the guards rush back to break up the fight as the teenage boys yell out and egg the combatants on. Logan leans back in his seat, eyes closed. This is going to be a long couple of months.
When they arrive at the juvenile facility located fairly far inland an hour later, the boys are taken to an orientation of sorts. The guards force Logan and the others to strip as they check them for weapons. It’s dehumanizing, but Logan has had worse experiences. Like when one of the girls in the group home got lice, and then the administrator cut all their hair short, threw away all their pillows and bedding, and made them all submit to lice inspections.
Logan is given a grey sweatshirt, a grey t shirt, and unflattering grey sweatpants. But he tells himself at least it’s not orange as he tries to focus on the bright side. Once they’re all dressed in their grey jumpsuits, they’re forced into a single file line as they head toward the dormitory portion of the facility.
Logan is surprised to see a line of girls being walked past them to a neighboring dormitory. One of the young female guards seems to note his surprise. “Budget cuts. Weren’t enough girls to justify a separate facility, so they just tossed them in here. As if our jobs weren’t hard enough.” She grumbles. “Alright inmates, keep moving!” She shouts once the girls have passed by.
They’re assigned to their rooms. Logan’s roommate is a boy named Gabriel Hernandez. Gabriel asks if he plans to join the Latin King gang, and Logan emphatically says no. Gabriel stresses that Logan will need the protection, but Logan says he’ll take his chances.
Part of being in juvenile detention means that they’re all forced to go to class, something most of them probably don’t do on the outside. The teacher is a volunteer, and although she obviously means well, she’s clearly ill equipped to deal with juvenile delinquents. Most of the class spends the time sleeping, while the few who are awake are disruptive and make it almost impossible to learn anything.
Despite the setbacks, Logan tries to work through the handouts diligently without instruction. If he has to be here, he might as well do something productive. Maybe he can even test for his GED.
It’s a full week before Logan earns yard time for his good behavior. He has been good, keeping to himself, going to class, doing his work, reading to pass the long hours locked in his cell. It’s already starting to get monotonous though, and Logan is itching for a break in the routine.
He’s walking the track when Eleanor jogs up to him. She’s also dressed in the facility issued grey jumpsuit, but she’s rolled up the sweatpants at her waist, making the fit more flattering. She’s tied the t-shirt, exposing her midriff in a way that’s very distracting for a teenage boy who’s been surrounded by nothing but other teenage boys for the last week.
She smiles at him. “Logan, we meet again.”
“Eleanor.” He returns, and her nose wrinkles.
“No one calls me Eleanor except my Dad when he’s mad at me. Which is most of the time now-a-days.” She lets out a short laugh, and he feels the corner of his lips curving into a smile. It’s been a while since he heard anyone laugh, let alone anyone with a laugh as melodious as her’s. “My friends call me Ellie.” She informs him.
“Are we friends?” He questions as she falls into step with him, making slow progress along the track.
She smirks at him. “I have a feeling we’re going to be. Besides, you definitely need someone to show you the ropes around here.”
“And you’re a veteran, right?” He asks.
Ellie smirks. “Tour number 3. First time, I just got a week for shoplifting. Which I think normally wouldn’t have even gotten time, but my Dad was trying to scare me.” Ellie rolls her eyes. “The second time was for check fraud, when I tried to cash my dead grandfather’s social security check to put down a deposit on an apartment. That time I got a month, which I think would have been longer, but my Dad pulled some strings. But now he’s done pulling strings apparently, and I’m looking at 6 months for selling prescription drugs at school. Which doesn’t that seem unfair to you? They’re trying to discourage my entrepreneurial spirit.” She spits out all this very personal information flippantly, to almost a complete stranger.
She stops suddenly, standing in front of him to prevent him from continuing with his slow walk. “So, now that you know my story, you owe me yours.” She insists.
“But I didn’t ask for your story.” Logan argues.
Ellie smirks. “But you wanted to know.” She counters, stepping into his personal space, almost as if she’s going to kiss him.
“Wheeler, do you want to go back inside? You know the rules!” A guard shouts irritably, coming towards them from the basketball courts.
Ellie rolls her eyes and steps away from him, putting approximately a foot of space between them. “Ughh, the one foot between boys and girls rule. It’s 6 inches for same sex, which seems kind of stupid when you consider how many more same sex relationships happen in jail.” She mutters.
“Seems like it would have been easier to just keep the separate facilities.” Logan murmurs.
“Budget cuts.” Ellie reiterates what the guard told him. “There aren’t enough bad girls to justify a whole facility.”
“You’d think with your rap sheet you’d be able to single handedly keep that female juvenile facility in business.” Logan jokes, and to his relief Ellie doesn’t seem offended based on her laugh.
“Too bad they’re not all like me.” She says flirtatiously, winking at him. She stretches up to put her hair into a messy bun, and his eyes fall unbidden to her pierced belly button which is exposed from the action.
“You’re trouble, aren’t you?” He breathes out softly, raising his eyes to look into her twinkling brown orbs.
“Only the good type of trouble.” She insists.
“Hey.” Ellie greets as she sits next to him at his previously completely unoccupied library table.
She startles him out of his studying. “Hey.” He returns.
“What are you doing?” Ellie asks, glancing at his open algebra textbook.
“Math.” Logan responds shortly. He’s not really annoyed with her, although that’s how it might be coming off, he’s mostly embarrassed. Over the last three weeks of being incarcerated with her, he’s learned how smart she is. He’s sure she’s never had to study basic college algebra, it probably just came to her completely naturally.
“So, I’m guessing you didn’t get one of the few competent juvie teachers then?” Ellie questions, sounding sympathetic.
“She’s nice, but I don’t think she’s cut out for juvie teaching. She’d be better at kindergarten.” Logan answers.
“What are you having trouble with? I can tutor you.” Logan looks hesitant to accept her help, so she adds. “Come on, it will look great on my Langston College application.”
Logan leans back in his chair and looks at her curiously. “Langston College? Isn’t that super competitive? You don’t think your record is going to get in the way of that?”
Ellie waves off his concern. “Juvenile records are sealed, so they won’t know. I intend to be good once I turn 18.” Logan looks at her skeptically, and Ellie laughs. “What?! I can be good! I was good for 14 whole years.” She insists.
Logan grins. “I’ll believe that when I see it troublemaker, but I could use your help if you’re offering. Let’s start with systems of equations, I’m totally lost.”
An hour later, Ellie has managed to teach him what the volunteer teacher has been unable to get him to comprehend over the three weeks he’s been in her class.
“How’d you get an iPod in here?” Logan asks when Ellie shows him her contraband item a few weeks later as they sit on the bleachers, halfheartedly watching the basketball game going on during yard time.
Ellie grins at him, looking awfully proud of herself. “I have my ways.” She answers.
Logan glances out at the guards patrolling the yard. “You could get in a lot of trouble for that.”
Ellie rolls her eyes. “They should have more important things to worry about. Like gang violence. How am I hurting anybody by listening to a little Justin Bieber?”
Logan just shakes his head, smiling at her fondly. “Of course, you’re a Bieber fan.” He says with mock disgust.
“Oh yeah? What do you listen to? No, let me guess.” She gives Logan a long look, as if she’s deciphering him. It honestly makes him a little uncomfortable. “Something not well known, you’re one of those ones who’s all proud of liking a band before they become big and popular. Hmm…. RINI fan?”
Logan’s eyes widen. “How could you possibly guess that?!” He wonders.
Ellie smirks, shrugging nonchalantly. “I’m very observant. I have ‘Meet Me in Amsterdam’ on here.” She holds out an earbud to him, waving it at him in a tempting manner. “Come on, you know you want to.” She sing-songs.
Logan shoots another look at the guards before quickly taking the earbud from Ellie and putting it into his left ear.
She smiles as she puts the remaining earbud in her right ear, covering it with her hair. She reaches over to move some of his own long hair in front of his earbud, concealing it from prying eyes. Her hand lingers for a beat afterwards, and Logan has to fight down his blush. Eventually, she drops her hand and starts the song. She smiles when he starts to bob his head along with the beat.
Logan frowns when he spots Ellie across the cafeteria hall. He excuses himself from Gabriel and the rest of the non-gang affiliated Latinos he’s fallen in with. Jail, even juvie, forces people to generally stick with their own, and the whites wouldn’t accept Logan because he was clearly half not white. So, he found himself with the Latinos. The bright side is that over the 2 months he’s been incarcerated, his Spanish has gotten way better.
When he reaches her, Logan cups Ellie’s bruised face tenderly, running his thumb over the shiner she’s sporting. “What happened?” He questions worriedly.
“Nothing.” Ellie insists. “I’m just not everybody’s favorite in here. Dad being a celebrated LAPD detective and all.”
“Sanchez, you know the rules!” A guard shouts, and he quickly drops his hands from Ellie’s face. They both take a step back to put the required one foot of space between them. Logan’s fists clench at his sides.
“Who hit you?” He demands to know.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it.” Ellie replies, turning away from him to wait in line for the sludge they call food in here. Logan falls in line behind her, although he already got his food and it’s currently going cold (well, colder, since their food is never really as warm as it should be in here) at his table.
“I am worried about it. Was it Piper?” Piper’s been in juvie for two years now, for a violent crime. Some of the inmates insist she has a murder charge, but the record is sealed so there is no way to know if Piper is actually as dangerous as she claims to be.
“No, just drop it Logan. I promise you I have it handled. Trust me.” She presses, looking at him pleadingly.
Logan sighs, but reluctantly gives her a nod.
Ellie smiles, giving his hand a quick comforting squeeze before any of the guards notice. “Thank you.”
A week later, Logan is returning to his cell from his new part time juvie job at the library when he notices Ellie’s roommate being forcefully removed from her cell.
“We turned up not only drugs, but a shank under you pillow during the sweep Johnson. You’re getting at least a month in the SHU for this.” The guard holding her arm informs her.
“That’s not mine! Why would I leave that shit right under my pillow?! That bitch framed me!” She gestures to Ellie, who’s sitting on her bunk reading a book.
Ellie looks up innocently. “Me? Why would I want to frame you?” She feigns surprise in her tone.
Johnson glowers. It’s not like she can admit that she beat Ellie up last week in front of the guards. She’s ushered away to the segregated housing unit, where she’ll spend a month in solitary with no yard time.
Ellie plops herself down on a nearby table as Logan restocks books, eating her Doritos cheerily.
“You know you’re not allowed to eat in here, right Troublemaker?” Logan asks.
“But when you’re on library duty, I can get away with it, because you like me, right?” Ellie teases, tossing another Dorito into her mouth.
Logan blushes at that, wondering if she knows just how much he likes her. He’s nursing quite a crush on Ellie. He’s never met anyone like her before, and he has a feeling he won’t be meeting anyone like her in the future.
“Plus,” She adds when he stays quiet, “I always share my commissary goods with you, so you really can’t complain.” She stands from the table and pops a Dorito into his mouth, grinning as he chews on the treat.
“Well, we don’t all have daddy putting a generous amount of money into our commissary accounts. Some of us have to make do with our 10 cent an hour job.” Logan teases.
“It’s really the least my Dad can do. If he wasn’t so overbearing, I never would have ended up in here in the first place.” Ellie insists.
Logan doesn’t argue with her. He’s tried that before, telling her there are worse things than having a father who cares about you. She wouldn’t talk to him for a full week and being that she’s the only bright spot in his day, it was a pretty terrible, lonely week. So instead of mentioning Ellie’s responsibility in her current predicament, he says “Can we get some more twinkies later?”
Ellie smiles. “Of course, we can! We deserve twinkies.”
Almost three months into his incarceration, the juvenile delinquents earn a movie night for making it one whole month with no fights (that the guards know about.)
There had been a vote on which movie to watch, but they’d been given very few options. Nothing with sex, violence, drugs, or anything fun really, was allowed. They’d settled on Little Rascals.
Ellie yawns, leaning her head against his shoulder as they sit in the back of the cafeteria, which has been converted into a makeshift theater.
“Wheeler, do you want a shot?!” A guard asks, waving his infraction citation pad around threateningly. Ellie rolls her eyes, sitting up to put more space between her and Logan.
“Don’t they have anything better to do?” She mutters under her breath.
“I think they actually take a lot of pleasure in being able to deny us any chance of fleeting happiness.” Logan theorizes.
“Why else would they go into corrections? It’s definitely not for the money. It’s the sense of power, being able to tell people what to do. They get off on it. My Dad clearly missed his calling becoming a detective. He’d be much happier working in a prison.”
Logan chuckles. “As much as being in here sucks, I’m really glad I met you Ellie.” Logan admits.
Ellie smiles, burrowing into his shoulder again. “I’m glad I met you too.” She reveals.
“Wheeler, Sanchez, if I have to say it again, you’re getting kicked out of movie night!” The guard yells.
“Logan!” Ellie calls as he comes back in from the yard. He’s surprised to see her dressed in the Langston college and jeans from take-in instead of the standard issued juvie uniform he’s used to. She rushes towards him, about to leap into his arms before she notices the way the guards are looking at her and thinks better of it, stopping just in front of him. “I’m getting out!” She says excitedly.
“So soon, I thought you had 3 more months?” He can’t quite keep the dismay of her leaving out of his voice.
“I thought so too, but I think my Dad ended up pulling some strings. I guess he figures I learned my lesson.”
“Did you?” He questions, brow quirked.
Ellie smirks. “Not a chance.”
Logan smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “I’m happy for you Troublemaker, I really am. I’m definitely going to miss you though.”
Ellie’s eyes soften. “I’m going to miss you too. More than you know.”
And then, she’s kissing him. Hands in his hair, tongue in his mouth. His hands falls to her waist, hauling her against him as he deepens the kiss.
“Hey! Break it up you two!” A guard yells.
Ellie pulls away, smiling up at the stunned expression on his face. “Something to remember me by.” She whispers, raising up on her tip toes to kiss him again.
This time, a guard forcibly grabs her arms and pulls her away from Logan. “If you want more time here Wheeler, I can easily make that happen. Trust me.” He threatens. He turns his attention to Logan. “And Sanchez, that’s a week of no yard time.” He doles out Logan’s punishment.
Ellie casts him a sympathetic look, but he just grins at her. “Very worth it.” He tells her.
Ellie offers him one last smile before the guard pulls her away to be processed out.
Logan immediately feels her absence. He doesn’t know how he’s going to get through another month here without her.
Taglist: @choicesarehard​​ @ifyouseekheart​​ @brightpinkpeppercorn​​ @regina-and-happiness​​ @drakexnadira​​ @flyawayboo​​ @fairydustandsarcasm​​ @alesana45​​ @umiumichan​​ @maxwellsquidsuit​​ @lahelable​​ @god-save-the-keen @mrsmckenziesworld @paisleylovergirl​​ @iplaydrake​​ @sinclaire-made-me-sin​​ @choicesgremlin​​ @lovehugsandcandy​​ @desiree-0816​​ @cora-nova​​ @justdani14​​ @emceesynonymroll​​ @emichelle​​ @badchoicesposts​​ @client-327 @riverrune​​ @liamzigmichael4ever​​ @princessstellaris​​ @mskaneko​ @anxious-arliah​ 
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sasuhinasno1fan · 5 years
The ultimate change
I kinda hate this but have no time to rewrite it. I'm sorry there isn't much klance except for a bit of bonding. Cannon Divergance
How did it come to this? It seemed like a week ago, Lance was just trying to prove he deserved his place in the fighter pilot program, though a certain asshole named James liked trying to prove he didn’t. he and Hunk had planned on grabbing Pidge and just going to town. Instead they found Pidge on the roof searching for something and hearing about Voltron. Then, Shiro came crashing down in his escape pod. Alive, with a bit of white and a new arm, but alive. But the Garrison wasn’t interested in listening to what had happened to him. they wanted answers on Shiro’s arm more. Lance lead them down to try and stop them only to see his own cousin Adam knocking Iverson to his ass.
“I thought you said you didn’t like him anymore?” Lance asked as he helped Adam drag the unconscious pilot to a nearby Jeep to get away from the Garrison.
“Not the time Lance.”
“I’m just saying. You two were engaged and you weren’t over him when he left and you’re risking your job to save him.”
“Lance, be quiet!”
Adam drove them to the house of an old Garrison professor, who apparently had a lot of secrets.
“He married an alien? Like an actual alien?” Lance asked, even as he looked at the picture in his hands. He also noticed the young baby in the woman’s arms.
“He told us that his wife had come here trying to make sure no one found this ship. We don’t exactly know where it is, just nearby.” Shiro explained. “In order to make sure no one found it, she had to leave and she took their kid with them. We could tell it still affected even though she promised he’d be safe. He made us promise that if something happened, we’d make sure this ship wasn’t taken. And I’m sure this ship we was talking about is part of Voltron.”
“Luckily for us,” Pidge said, looking at the paperwork that Adam had located that they were scanning into their laptop, “he left us with a lot of clues.”
“Plus with the info Pidge had in his diary,” Hunk started, ignoring the fiery glare he was getting from Pidge, “I can track the energy.”
So they followed Hunk’s tracker to the cave and after Lance activated the seal, found the Blue Lion. He had flown it from Earth and away from the Galra as Blue wormholed her way back to the castle. They then awoke Princess Allura and Coran and found out what was actually happening. Then Adam dropped more surprises on them.
“This woman, the one you said found the Blue Lion, was Galra?” Allura asked, her voice hard.
“Princess look, I get that you are angry with the Galra for what they’ve done, but you can’t tell me that the idea that a rebel group within their ranks isn’t too hard to believe?”
“The Galra are all the same.”
Adam looked frustrated. “Here’s a history lesson for you. Earth had a guy almost as bad as Zarkon. Believed that his race was superior to everyone and was responsible for thousands of deaths through genocide. But not everyone in his ranks were on his side. There were people who would be killed for hiding those people he believed were less than them but they did it anyway because they knew that man was wrong. Don’t stand there and tell me they’re all the same when what you’d considered to be a primitive race managed to look past that.”
In the end, the princess agreed to give them a chance and paired them up with a lion. Lance and Hunk got the Yellow Lion, Shiro and Pidge found the Green and Adam stayed with the Princess, who still couldn’t locate the Red Lion. Once they were back at the castle, they decided to leave Arus.
“That ship that was after the Blue Lion will no doubt still be tracking us and I don’t think 3 Lions is enough to take it out, judging from it’s size.” Adam pointed out.
“You’re right. The Black Lion is still under lockdown until we can find the Red Lion. My father was its Paladin. It’s possible that Zarkon could have taken it.”
“Well let’s hope it’s not on his ship then. The Blade of Mamora might be able to help us track it.” Shiro said, Allura still looking sour at the thought of having to work with Galra.
So here they were, on a set course to the coordinates that was left in that pile of papers the former professor left. God, he didn’t even know his name. Adam and Shiro said that he told them to call him Texas, never giving his real name. after he left being a professor, he’d become a fire fighter but died saving a family. Did his wife and child even know? Did they keep contact after they left? This was making Lance truly think about relationships. He never had a stable one, people calling him clingy and immature. He’d idealized Adam and Shiro’s relationship, but he saw how Adam’s worried made Shiro think Adam didn’t trust him and they split. He knew they still had feelings for each other; Adam had been inconsolable when the news about Shiro and he’d seen Shiro staring at Adam when he wasn’t looking. Their love was real but they weren’t trying to fix it. Texas obviously loved his wife, despite she was from a completely different planet. He loved her enough to let her go, so she could keep him safe. Lance didn’t want to take risks that would cause him to lose the person that mattered the most to him, whoever that might be. If he had the chance to be with that person, then he was going to take it. He was involved in a war now and now more than ever was no reason to be scared of taking chances.
Allura had been mad when the Blade on the other line said only one lion could come in, even more so when they decided Shiro would go with Blue and by default, Lance.
“I should be the one to talk to them.”
“Princess, I’m sorry, but you haven’t exactly shown a good spirit about this. We need their help and if you stand there spitting at them for something they can’t control we won’t get anywhere. You said the Black Lion would pair with me so that makes me leader and I’m doing this for the good of everyone. Lance is a good pilot. I trust him to get us there safely and I know he can provide support if I need it.”
Allura didn’t look too convinced. “Fine.”
They were on the path when Lance thanked Shiro.
“I know you and Adam aren’t really together anymore, but it’s nice to know you still trust me.”
“My relationship with Adam isn’t going to change your skill. You earned your place amongst the fighter pilots Lance. Blue choose you out of everyone and I think that counts for something. Besides, like your cousin, you have an open mind and the ability to make people feel comfortable around you. I feel like we’re going to need that.”
“You know, you could use this as an excuse to make up with Adam.”
“Lance, I appreciate it, but no. I don’t think Adam and I have a chance.”
“Even though this is a war, you’re not even going to try?”
Shiro smiled down at Lance. “You really want everyone to have a happy moment, don’t you?”
“I mean I think at the very least we deserve it.”
They reached the base and walked in carefully cautious. They entered a hall filled with masked beings of different sizes and builds.
“You claim to be Voltron, but what I question is how you ended up finding us?” the one in the middle asked.
“We followed coordinates left by one of your members. She crash landed on Earth and met someone who protected her. It was because of him we found out where the Blue Lion was.” Shiro explained.
“One of our members?”
“Yes, I believe her name was Krolia?”
One of the members moved away from their rank. They were much smaller than the rest of the group. Lance and Shiro watched as the mask dematerialized and a human face stared back at them, purple marks on either side of his cheek. Lance had only seen Krolia’s picture fully once but he could tell this person was almost her carbon copy.
“How do you know about my mother?”
Keith, as he told them, stared at the picture Lance had known. Shiro thought they should at least take it from the cabin so they had proof of who Krolia was. Lance sat next to him quiet, glancing over at where Shiro stood speaking with the head of the Blades, Kolivan. Another Galra, Ulaz, was also nearby. Ulaz had been the one to get Shiro out of capture from the Galra and sent him to Earth.
“My mother told me about my dad but I never knew him. I was still a baby when we left.” Keith said.
“According to Shiro, he talked about you a lot. He could tell your dad missed the two of you.”
“I wish I could have met him.” Keith said, eyes trained on the man he never knew. “Can I keep this?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Thanks. It’s just, my mom gave me the only photo I have of him but I keep it on me and got hurt during a mission. It was pretty soaked with blood.”
“Keep it.” Lance insisted. Keith was certainly different. For one, he seemed to fight against everything Kolivan said, so he had a rebellious streak a mile wide. Lance wasn’t gonna deny he seemed pretty and really fit. He also seemed like he needed a friend. The Blades seemed protective of their members but the way Keith fought against Kolivan, something told Lance he kept to himself.
“So why haven’t we heard about anything from Voltron until now?”
“Well, we’re still missing one Lion, which in turn keeps the Black Lion locked up still.” Lance confessed.
“What colour?” Keith asked.
“What colour is the Lion?”
“Red, why?”
“My uncle, well he’s not actually my uncle but my mom grew up with him so their like siblings and he helped raise me so-”
Lance cut him off, crying to stop a smile from coming on his face. For a guy who seemed pretty serious, he rambled on a lot. It was really cute. “It’s ok, I get it trust me. Your uncle?”
“Right, he’s in Zarkon’s ranks as a spy right now. He said that he heard the Red Lion had been transferred onto Commander Sendak’s ship as a way of trying to track the other lions. I don’t think it worked since he never found the others except the Blue Lion from what we heard.”
“Then he must have been the guy chasing after us when I got Blue off Earth. He’s been chasing after us and he had what we needed this whole time. Does Kolivan know this?”
“Yeah, Thace only told me because I asked. If Kolivan’s smart, he’d send some of us with you guys to get it.”
And he did. The plan was that Lance and Hunk would distract Sendak and Pidge, who implanted the training mazes invisibility into the Green Lion, would take Shiro and the small group of Blade members onto Sendak’s ship. As Lance piloted Blue in the direction of Sendak’s ship, a private line came onto his coms.
It was Keith.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’m just…nervous I guess and I trust you and wanted to talk a bit.”
The fact that Keith trusted him after such a short amount of time made him feel good. “Hey, your going to be fine.”
“I know, it’s just, I have this weird feeling. Like something’s gonna happen.”
“Something bad?”
“No, not bad exactly. Something big is gonna happen. I can feel it and I feel like it’s gonna change everything.”
“Well be careful ok? You said your mom was undercover as well, I think she’d like to come back to you in one piece. I know I would.”
Keith laughed a bit, brightening Lance’s mood more. “I’ll try my best. I do have a habit of getting into trouble.”
“Well try to curb the desire.”
“We’re at the ship.” Keith announced the jokes in his voice disappearing.
“And we’re nearby. Good luck.”
“You too.”
He’d been piloting Blue away from the fighters, waiting for an answer on where the Red Lion was when she burst out of the ship, quickly taking out fighter ships.
“Keith? Wait, are you?” Lance asked looking as the Red Lion flew near Blue.
“Yeah. Let’s get to the castle to get the Black Lion first ok?”
While Allura certainly wasn’t happy about a member of the Blade being the chosen pilot, they quickly released the Black Lion and in a feat of desperation, were able to form Voltron and destroy the ship.
Lance found Keith in the hanger for the Red Lion.
“Well, you are certainly full of surprises, aren’t you?” Lance asked in a teasing voice.
“That’s one word for it.” Keith said, patting the ground next to him. “I guess I was right when I said I felt like everything was gonna change.”
“Change is good. It’s scary as hell yeah, but sometimes you just have to go for it. Kinda like love, the ultimate change.”
Keith got a wistful smile on his face. “My mom would say how she could have turned her back on almost everything if it meant staying with my dad. She loved him that much that she questioned her mission as a Blade. Just for those few years of happiness. Part of me wondered if it was worth it but now being a Paladin, I know it is. I’ll be doing something good and learning as I go and that makes me pretty happy.”
“I’m glad. You’re gonna do great.”
“Thanks. So, I’m gonna need some help figuring all this Paladin stuff out. Think you can help me?”
“Get ready for you first lesson in human culture Keith, the person you know and love who won’t leave you alone.”
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br4inm4gg0ts · 5 years
i’m trying to recover
**triggar warning: mentions of suicide** ooooof this is kinda hard to talk about and i’ve been super private about it except with my close friends but i’m making progress so i wanna do a subtle flex and also urge other people to get help because it really is necessary. all through february and march i was at my lowest. in those two months i attempted suicide three times and was hospitalized twice. the first time i was hospitalized was in february and i lied to the psychiatrist so i wouldn’t have to go to a psychiatric unit, which i heavily advise you not to do because then it only got worse and worse. i attempted twice after that. i got hospitalized again on march 22nd because i attempted and my dad found my suicide note. i was mad at the time but now i’m kinda glad. i was honest with the psychiatrist, and i was in the ER for 4 days waiting for a bed at baptist, the place where i’d be transferred to because our hospital didn’t have a unit for adolescents. after i was transferred i talked to a nurse practitioner and he prescribed me meds. i talked to a therapist daily. i went to all the groups (mostly). and i was genuinely focused on getting better because everyone was hounding me to, even though i wasn’t sure i really wanted it. obviously even in the hospital i had my low days sleeping all day and such but after a bit i was feeling relatively okay. it was only a stabilization unit and the average time there was 3-5 days and i was there for 11. they considered putting me in long term but i told them i didn’t need that which honestly i probably did and still do but anyways,,,, i’ve been on the meds about a month and it’s really helping. i obviously still have low days and they are still very low but not quite as low and definitely not as frequent, i’m going to therapy once a week and i love my therapist and for once in four years i’m being HONEST which is a big deal. we figured out i had major depressive disorder and major anxiety but it’s all getting better. i’m not nearly as suicidal as i was a month ago!!!! my anxiety is still super severe and they’re going to up my meds a bit but the point is that ily guys and if i can get help so can you !!! please try i promise it will help . also i’ll post updates if you guys want or maybe just if i want because i’m proud of myself which i feel kinda bad about it but i know now that i’m allowed to be proud of myself .
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ptw30 · 6 years
VLD Season 7 Reactions: Part 2
Hi, @dreamworksanimation and @voltron! Hope you had a great holiday weekend. I received more asks since the last time I sent you a post. Please give these a read, as these are the reviews sent to me from the fandom. Best - ptw30
Anonymous said: Voltron is all build up and no follow up. They teased us with a very cool premise and then slowly went away from it till they finally went to "nope don't remember didn't happen". And the EPs even seem proud of that. I wonder if they ever watched the show :(
The EPs lack the ability to bring a resolution or closure. We never find out Haggar’s motivation or reasoning about Operation Kuron. We never find out who the “other one” was in the pilot. We never find out Shiro’s bayard form. Lance’s insecurities are never resolved. We never find out the limitations of Allura’s powers - she can transfer souls but can’t find the Black Lion galaxies away? There’s just so much left out of the story. 
Anonymous said: Sometimes I think about all of voltron’s loose threads and how this next season is the last and am then transported back to my high school days of putting off projects until the last second, throwing something together, aiming for at least a passing grade. 
The EPs failed a long time ago, if that’s the case. When they decided to kill off one of the main characters without allowing the team to grieve, forced the most popular paladin off the team, demoted the leader of the team to a soldier, and abandoned its own lore, including breaking the strongest paladin-lion bond without any explanation - they failed to give the viewers any satisfying conclusion to this story. No matter what the next 13 episodes include, it won’t make up for the middle 39 episodes that literally brought tragedy after tragedy, especially to the team’s only LGBTQ+, multiple-minority character. 
@sweet-rabbit​ said: You know, if the EPs wanted us to not like, nay, LOVE AND ADORE Shiro as much as we do, it was probably a huge misstep on their or whoever's part that they hired a man who voiced a freakin' DISNEY RENAISSANCE CHARACTER to voice Shiro. The blasted fools, the lot of them!
Josh Keaton is a consummate professional, and no doubt, Andrea Romano nailed it when working with him and the team. If there is one thing that is absolutely, without a doubt, above reproach with this show - it’s the voice acting. It is outstanding.
@safeautistickeith said: Damsel Shiro aaaaalways felt Suspect ™ for me. Like. Keith can say, ”we saved each other” (whoever wrote that bless them) But, lbr Shiro’s sidelining was a slowburn that started from his damsel-dom. S1: S and K each got a Big Save. K saved S when he came back to Earth. S saved K when K went after Zarkon (Shiro voice: I’ve got you, buddy) S2: K saved S in Across the Universe. S saved K in Marmora. Equals? Yes. Truly. Then s3 comes along and it’s not longer this beautiful, mutual thing, but Shiro becomes a Damsel in Distress. Which Yikes ™ Asian man demoted to damsel? Unfortunate implications. He’s arc has been about leading up until then? Unfortunate implications. He’s a gay male( the reveal planned in s2??) un for tu nate implications. There’s a line between, ”you can be masc and also need help” and just making him a damsel. Big Yikes. 
Voltron originally broke tropes, which was awesome. Allura wasn’t a princess locked away in a castle-ship but a knock-out, drag-out warrior who wasn’t afraid to get into the fray. Shiro, the strong-willed leader, wasn’t afraid to accept help. Keith, the loner, felt perhaps the most for his team. “Loverboy” Lance was actually the heart of the team, rather than a female character playing that part. Hunk, too, was strong but scared, and Pidge was not the stereotypical girl figure. 
In Season 3, the story began to fall into the traps of the tropes it had broken, and it’s been a demoralizing and disappointing journey ever since.
@melissa18999 said:The lack of characters being challenged emotionally is why everything after season 2 bothers me. Kuron’s arc didn’t test the characters on an emotional level given how after the arc is over everyone just moves on. It’s there only to write actual shiro out of the show for a bit rather than seriously affect the cast. Same thing with Keith’s [crap] and every other character. Nothing tests them emotionally. (Maybe Allura with Lotor)
VLD misses a lot of emotional beats. One of the biggest failures was not showing when the team learned about Keith’s Galran heritage. Then we never see the emotional fallout with the clone, other than the team referring to him as “evil.” The clone fought alongside with the team, perhaps longer than Shiro, and the team never mourned him. Sendak and Shiro’s fight? Shiro never says a word, and then Keith kills Sendak, taking away Shiro’s right to fight back against his one-time captors. 
Lotor had Pidge’s dad and didn’t even try to make her a traitor to Team Voltron? Narti could control minds and not one of the paladins was ever brainwashed by her? Haggar did it to a clone, not even Shiro. 
Even Allura and Lotor’s relationship - Allura’s anger was the stereotypical  “woman scorned.”
So much potential, and it’s just wasted. 
Anonymous said: An ask or two doesn't have enough room to describe how much Shiro means to me, how much strength I draw from him, how many dark places he's helped me out of. But s6's treatment of kuron/shiro left me in tears and nearly dissociating for hours, and it's the only season I haven't rewatched. And here's the kicker: Everything I've read about s7 has made the thought of watching it feel identical to an urge to self harm. I want the EPs to think about that. I want them to think hard about people like me, because I doubt I'm the only one who's been affected like this. And I want them to really, really consider if this is the story they wanted to tell. If this is the effect they wanted their story to have.
Shiro is important to many people in terms of representation, and I’ve read many posts about people who identify with him. I’m glad he’s had an impact upon your life, and I hope you can still take comfort in the earlier seasons. Please take care. 
Anonymous said: I think I'd be okay with the "Shiro had a degenerative disease" if that was it alone. Like, it's a really good explanation of why everyone so readily accepted the pilot error thing despite Shiro being an absolute legend of a pilot. But it was tied together with his gay reveal and then the story he was shoved into and... I cannot like it, or accept it.
Shiro was revealed to be LGBTQ+, have a degenerative disease, and lose his place in Voltron - all in one season. The juxtaposition of the reveals is reprehensible, and it sends a horrible message to people who have mental and physical struggles, are LGBTQ+, and minorities. 
Anonymous said: So, here's why the "it's a show abt war so you have to suffer watching, bc there's only tragedy" excuse is weak: It’s a show about space robots, a space robot called voltron. It's not a show about drama, about people dying and it never was. It was supposed to be a show about teamwork (supposed bc that premise has left the building a long time ago) with war comes death? Yes, absolutely, but its not an excuse to kill all of the lgbt characters 
That’s the issue - it’s not an excuse to kill all the LGBTQ+ characters. A show about war that has death and handles appropriately is one thing. Mourning the clone, mourning Shiro, mourning Narti - all those things should have happened, and they didn’t. (These characters were also all with physical and mental disabilities, DreamWorks.)
Showing children closure, helping them to understand death - is a good lesson to learn. But excluding Shiro from his only family, killing his one-time SO in a “fringe” move, and then killing the other LGBTQ+ couple in the show - not to mention killing Shiro four times - that’s a message DreamWorks should not be sending children. 
Anonymous said: The one thing I wanted from Voltron Season 7: Shiro getting to reunite with the team, and work with them again as a part of the team - also, the one thing the Voltron EPs refuse to allow.
Not to be technical - but that’s actually two things. Shiro did reunite with the team, but unfortunately, he wasn’t a part of the team. In fact, he was excluded to the point of no longer even being called a paladin, according to “The Journey Within,” and I agree. I wanted that in Season 7 as well. 
Anonymous said: I'm still lowkey [mad] that Sincline, made of the same material as Voltron, was not sentient, but the MFE fighters and Atlas, which are reverse-engineered galtean tech and run off... idk what they run off, magic low-charge batteries maybe... are implied sentient.
I’m not sure, but I can say - I am sad that didn’t pan out, either. I wanted to see what Lotor and his generals could do in Sincline. I’m sad that Atlas, clearly built for Allura, didn’t talk to Allura first. Instead, she will always be Blue’s second choice, Lance Red’s second choice, and Keith left to Black because Shiro...didn’t not to fly Black anymore? I’m not quite sure why. The story never tells us. 
Rounding back - Sincline had so much more potential than was realized. 
Anonymous said: In not committing to a specific black paladin, or even a specific direction and endgame, the story failed to stay together. It fell apart in the same manner a soft cheese does when pressed to a fine-hole cheese grater.
There are a lot of things that failed to keep the story together. The first and foremost was - you need to keep the team together, or at the very least, not lose two of your main characters in one 26-episode batch, one character for 24 episodes, another for 12.  
Anonymous said: If the EP's have treated Shiro as an equal instead of a 'problem' they had to put up with, would VLD have not have gone downhill? It does feel like their dislike for one character and their stubbornness to stick to their original plan is what dragged the show down. It really does feel like what happened behind the scenes has become a cautionary tale on what you shouldn't do when writing a story and its characters.
I can’t say for sure, but what I can say is - the moment the EPs saw Shiro not as a character but as a plot device, is the moment the story began to unravel. 
cc: @netflix
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woodenwedges · 6 years
1 through 100. Let's go! Answer em aaaalll!
Omg Kate you’re absolute mad!!! Thanks tho’ I love answering these things ❤️😁Hoo boy here we go!1. What is you middle name?Don’t have one! Neither does my brother.2. How old are you?203. When is your birthday?The 15th of may 🌸4. What is your zodiac sign?Taurus ♉️🐃5. What is your favorite color?Baby pink! 6. What’s your lucky number?Dunno about lucky number but my favorite number is 77. Do you have any pets?Yep! Two dogs.One sweet, blonde girl named Emsi (based on the danish word Emsig meaning officious)And a neurotic chihuahua named Henry. We got them both cause their owners no longer could take care of them and I love them to the moon and back ❤️8. Where are you from?Hirtshals in Denmark! I love my town to death9. How tall are you?Uuuh around like 1,65 m10. What shoe size are you?3911. How many pairs of shoes do you own?Too many.... we get a lot of free stuff so I have a lot. Probably around 10 pairs?12. What was your last dream about?The only thing I remember from my last dream was that I got a pimple on my forehead lol13. What talents do you have?I’m good at art, dancing and just performing in general and I’m getting pretty good with makeup!14. Are you psychic in any way?Nope15. Favorite song?Right now it’s brain damage and eclipse from The Dark Side of The Moonby Pink Floyd. They remind me of my mom ❤️16. Favorite movie?Don’t actually have one! But the last film I think I saw was carol and I absolutely loved it.17. Who would be your ideal partner?Just someone who’s intelligent and kind I guess! And has a similar sense of humor18. Do you want children?I do, but I’m probably never gonna birth any cause I have an illness I don’t want to risk transferring and also might be going on T soon!!19. Do you want a church wedding?I don’t really care20. Are you religious?Nah. I’m a spiritual atheist21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Only as a visitor. I’ve gone to the emergency room but I’ve never been admitted.22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Nope23. Have you ever met any celebrities?My cousins a model who’s dating one of the Danish x-factor judges so yea.24. Baths or showers?BATHS25. What color socks are you wearing?White. I prefer just plain whites rn, but there’s was a time in my life where I always wore fun, colorful socks and never matching them26. Have you ever been famous?Lol no but a stranger did come up to me last week and told me she’s a huge fan of my work ❤️ a lot of the locals like my watercolor portraits27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?Honestly yea I do fantasize a lot about it 28. What type of music do you like?Music is a huge part of my life! My main Spotify playlist is 161 hours now and it’s all extremely diverse!The only music I don’t particularly like is blues and trap cause i find it boring. Right now I’m really into old grungy rock, punk, experimental stuff, rap and disco 💃🏼 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?Sure have! I did it countless times this summer at the beach. There’s nothing more freeing than swimming naked in the ocean 💙30. How many pillows do you sleep with?Just one, but it’s a really good one. Oh and sometimes and extra one just to cuddle 31. What position do you usually sleep in?Fetus position is my fav but I’m trying not to do that cause it’s bad for your back32. How big is your house?Pretty big. Two stories plus a garage where my friends and I hang out. And also a two bedroom annex33. What do you typically have for breakfast?Toast or oatmeal with nuts and berries34. Have you ever fired a gun?No35. Have you ever tried archery?I tried it a couple of weeks ago and it was really fun! 36. Favorite clean word?I like words like clean and crystal and chemical 37. Favorite swear word?Fuck.38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?Don’t remember. Pretty long. But I’ve started to be very careful with sleep cause my mental health REALLY depends on it39. Do you have any scars?Lots. Anything from self-harm to getting burned by a marshmallow lmao40. Have you ever had a secret ?Bitch my whole personality used to be a secret. So yea a lot41. Are you a good liar?Yup. I’m very creative and anxious so if I feel like I’ve done something I shouldn’t I immediately have a good lie ready. Also I’ve had some problems with compulsive lying whoops42. Are you a good judge of character?Nooo not really cause I always feel bad for disliking ppl so I force myself to keep an open mind. But I’ve learned to just follow my instincts a bit more43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?I’m pretty good at like southern American accents and also an American accent In Danish is so fun and cute. 44. Do you have a strong accent?It’s pretty strong. I used to fake a British accent out of embarrassment but then I started feeling pretentious so I let it go45. What is your favorite accent?I love a Colombian accent and French ofc. Also Indian and Chinese. Oh and a lot of African ones too, especially the ppl from Congo! But I love accents in general. They’re literally my go to ASMR trigger46. What is your personality type?INFP47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?My winter jacket... my mom wanted to buy me one that was new and when we finally found one that didn’t give me dysphoria I was so excited I forgot to look at the price tag... and she just bought it for me anyway.48. Can you curl your tongue?Yea and I can stick it between my tooth gap49. Are you an innie or an outie?Outie all the way50. Left or right handed?Right51. Are you scared of spiders?No, I used to have pretty severe arachnophobia but i worked through it and now I actually really love them! Also I don’t care how scared you are of them, don’t you dare kill them in front of me! That makes me so uncomfortable. Just let me know there’s a spider and I’ll get it safely outside for you 52. Favorite food?Love sushi with crab meat or fried shrimp!53. Favorite foreign food?Well probably sushi? Lol. Or anything Italian!54. Are you a clean or messy person?Super messy but I’m trying my best!55. Most used phrased?“Bid I det sure æble”. Basically “bite the bullet” in English 56. Most used word?Probably bitch. I use it in an affectionate manner towards friends lmao57. How long does it take for you to get ready?Very, very long58. Do you have much of an ego?Yea I think so59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Suck60. Do you talk to yourself?Nope. 61. Do you sing to yourself?Yes!62. Are you a good singer?I’m decent. Think I could get good if I got a vocal coach63. Biggest Fear?Getting ridiculed, being misunderstood and being unwanted 64. Are you a gossip?I love gossip...65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?I don’t really know sry!66. Do you like long or short hair?Love all hair. I love running my fingers through long hair. I prefer short hair for me tho67. Can you name all 50 states of America?LOL NO68. Favorite school subject?I really liked art and foreign language classes69. Extrovert or Introvert?HUGE introvert!70. Have you ever been scuba diving?No but I’d love to try it!71. What makes you nervous?Public embarrassment is a big one. But racism, homophobia, transphobia and misogyny will also make me very, very nervous.72. Are you scared of the dark?Not at all73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Depends on the mistakes? Never on like grammar and stuff like that.74. Are you ticklish?Very. I can tickle myself. But then again I am schizophrenic lol75. Have you ever started a rumor?Once in high school my friends and I started a rumor that I was “a hermaphrodite” and we kept it going for years. At first it was just to fuck with people but then I started getting like a kick from it. For some reason I loved the idea of people thinking I was intersex. Aaaand that was the start of me getting gender identity issues lol76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?I used to teach dancing lessons for kids at a local church lol does that count?77. Have you ever drank underage?Only a couple of beers. But the drinking age is here is 15 so that’s not a huge problem 78. Have you ever done drugs?a couple of times. Done ecstasy and Valium once which was really fun. And I’ve tried speed a couple of times but it has no effect on me. I also love weed if you consider that a drug 79. Who was your first real crush?Had a huge crush on a guy at my boarding school. And also a girl at the school... they became a couple and I remember wanting to die asdgsa80. How many piercings do you have?None! Had a septum once, but I never had my ears pierced as a child or anything 81. Can you roll your Rs?“Yea82. How fast can you type?Pretty fast!83. How fast can you run?I’m not a great runner but I’m getting better84. What color is your hair?Blonde85. What color is your eyes?Green86. What are you allergic to?Nothing. Tho I do get allergic reactions to extreme swifts in temperature 87. Do you keep a journal?Yup!88. What do your parents do?Both retired now but my dad used to be a fisherman and my mom ran a daycare and later worked with elderly people who suffered from dementia. 89. Do you like your age?Yea?90. What makes you angry?It takes a lot to get me angry but unnecessary hate and harassment usually gets me to tick91. Do you like your own name?I really like it actually! 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I have but I don’t remember them... think I repressed those daydreams when I decided never to bear children :(93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?Idc94. What are you strengths?Intellectuality, kindness, curiosity, creativity and bravery. Also I get a lot of praise for being so open and aware of my mental illnesses and for fighting so fiercely to get healthy. 95. What are your weaknesses?Bad self criticism, naïvety, laziness and having trouble asking for help and taking initiative 96. How did you get your name?My brother decided it.97. Were your ancestors royalty?Pff highly doubt it98. Do you have any scars?Already answered this99. Color of your bedspread?That really popular, white IKEA one with flowers100. Color of your room?White, although I cover them up with posters, drawings and sometimes literal trash when i get psychotic cause white walls make me hallucinate like crazyThis was a fucking blast!!! Thanks Kate 😚❤️
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
Honor Before Reason
Honor Before Reason Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Pairing: Kidge Summary: He had known that there would be consequences for his actions, but hadn’t cared much. It was a matter of honor and protection, as he saw it, and those things came first. Standard Disclaimer: If you read and enjoy this, please give it a like/ reblog so I know if I should write more. AN: There isn’t much of them being a couple in this, but I think it still counts as Kidge content. :3 
He growled lowly at the hands balled tightly along the back of his shirt, keeping him from getting too far away. He had known that there would be consequences for his actions, but hadn’t cared much. It was a matter of honor and protection, as he saw it, and those things came first. His captor gave him a shove between his shoulder blades, forcing him to look up again. “Which one is it, kid?” They growled at him angrily.
He glanced over at them, trying to glare in defiance but the task difficult with how his right eye hurt, before spitting a bit of blood on the ground beside him. The other gave him a rough shake and he winced. He lifted his head to figure out how to mislead him from his home but his heart leapt into his throat. “Mom,” He choked out, trying to run forward but being held up by the middle-aged man clutching at his shirt.
There, arms crossed and a look of pure murder on her face, stood his mother, on the sidewalk leading to their house. “Get your paws off my kid, bub, or we’re going to have ourselves a real issue,” She snapped, taking a step forward.
“Considering what your little brat did? Beating the tar out of my kid?” The man barked back.
Her steps were measured and controlled, her arms unfurling as she strode to them. “From what my other kids are telling me, it sounds more like you don’t know how to keep you’re too lazy to keep your aggressive little monster on his leash. Now let go of my kid before I bust your nose,” She snarled lowly.
The guy growled and shoved him away, letting him stumble to short distance into his mom. She wrapped her arms around him to help steady him, being careful with him. He glanced up and swallowed nervously. “Mom, listen,” He stared to say but she gave his shoulders a squeeze and nudged him to move past her.
“Kaden, go inside and wash your face. I’ll be in shortly to take care of you,” She said. Despite the calm quality of her tone, he knew it was a façade. She hadn’t turned her head to look at him, instead holding the other adult’s eye with a steely determination he typically only saw when she was developing new security technology or helping him build model planes.
He scowled before darting down past the neighbor’s house and to the front door. He could see his younger brother and sister, their faces pressed up against the glass of the front room window, watching the two adults with acute interest. He growled, walked inside, and slammed the door behind him. “I told you I could handle it, Newt!” He shouted at the two of them angrily.
Newt dropped from the windowsill to sit properly on the couch, eying his brother with a small scowl. “Uh, you’re welcome. That could have been a lot worse if me and Aria didn’t come back to tell Mom what happened! If he just showed up at the door and started yelling, she would never have believed the truth about what happened!” He barked back, using more logic than the average six year old tended to in an argument. Then again, he had inherited their mother’s keen intellect and their father’s poor timing on when to put his positive qualities to use.
“Do you really think I’m stupid enough to lead that guy back to our house?” He growled.
“Uh, considering you were willing to throw yourself at a guy two times bigger and dumber than you? Yes, I do! Mom said that if there were other kids bothering us to tell her or Dad and they’d deal with it. And where would you have led him to anyway?” Newt questioned, his own voice starting to rise in his frustration.
“I would have figured something out! That kid deserved what he got!” Kaden snapped back angrily.
“Your face is all bloody, though,” Aria chimed in, her bright green eyes wide in a mix of horror and guilt. She clutched her precious plush dinosaur, Muffin, tighter to herself as she curled further into the couch. “I’m sorry, Kaden. This is all my fault.”
“It’s not your fault another kid decided to be a jerk and needed to get his butt handed to him! He shouldn’t have shoved you off your bike in the first place!” He insisted, wiping at his nose and upper lip with one hand. It came back covered in a scarlet smear, come of it wet and some of it flaky and dried.
“If I hadn’t been so close to their house, though, they wouldn’t have gotten mad at me. And then you wouldn’t be all banged up,” She said meekly.
“Ari’s right. I mean, have you seen yourself? You look like they dragged you around by a rope on their bikes!” Newt chimed back in, indicating Kaden’s form with a flail of his arm.
“I may have gotten a couple of bumps and bruises of my own, but I messed them up even worse. That’s part of the reason their dad was so mad,” He scoffed back flatly.
The younger boy sighed and flopped back against the couch, throwing his arms out dramatically as he did. “Nice going, Kaden! You should have just gotten Mom, like I told you!”
Kaden growled, fists clenched at his side, then darted up the stairs. He slammed the bathroom door and clicked the lock into place before setting to the task of cleaning up his face. He grabbed one of the little wash clothes hanging from the towel rank next to the tub in a dark green color, simply so that he wouldn’t have to see how badly the rag would be stained. He then pulled a small step stool over so he could more easily reach the sink.
He glanced at himself in the mirror and froze up. There was a bump starting to appear on the left corner of his forehead, skirting along the edge of his hairline. There was a decently sized scrape between the developing bump and his left eyebrow; not deep enough to leak blood but enough so that the blood almost seemed to just hover over the damaged area  His right eye was already swelling up pretty bad and he expected he’d lose sight from it for a good couple of days. He knew that his bottom lip was split, was pretty sure his nose was bruised but not broken, and there were scrapes all along his cheeks and chins. He sighed and turned on the tap to hot, testing the water and mixing it with the cold water to make it lukewarm. Scrubbing his face with the wash cloth wasn’t completely miserable, but he ended up reopening a couple of the deeper scrapes and cuts as he did.
He had just set the wash cloth down on the edge of the counter when there was a knock on the door. “You still in there, hun?” His mother called.
He took a deep breath as he prepared himself to be read the riot act for his disobedience. He unlocked the door then went and sat down on the toilet while she let herself in. He glanced at her briefly, then scowled and glared down at the white bath mat beside the tub. She watched him for a moment before walking over to the sink and rummaging through the shelves behind the mirror.
She settled on the edge of the tub, a first aid kit in her lap, and motioned that he turn to face her. He lifted his head but kept his eyes anywhere but on her. “So,” She said, her tone much softer than it had been outside, “Newt and Aria already told me what happened. Anything you want to add?”
“I’m not saying I’m sorry to anyone. If Chad had just left Ari alone I wouldn’t have had to do anything,” He said, refusing to let his tone waver in front of her.
“Newt says you’ve had beef with this kid before,” His mother said, still calm, as she popped open the first aid kit and started looking through for whatever she needed. She pulled out a small bottle of peroxide and a few cotton swab.
“He’s a jerk with a big mouth but that doesn’t mean I wanted to fight him. Newt is a jerk with a big mouth and I don’t want to fight him. At least not on a regular basis, anyway,” He said, mumbling the last part a bit quieter.
She laughed as she carefully dampened the cotton swab with the peroxide, causing him to look at her for the first time in surprise. “Well, you aren’t wrong, but we’ll keep that to ourselves. Now, tell me the whole situation with this Chad kid? I want to make sure that telling off his dad was well warranted,” She said, reaching up and starting to lightly wipe at some of the smaller cuts on cheeks.
Chad was a bigger kid with a mouth to match. He was twelve years old but he acted more like Kaden’s bossy friend Raya, who was eight just like Kaden himself. Unlike Raya, who had the redeeming quality of being a good sport about teasing and genuinely caring about the others around her. Chad, however, seemed to only like having his friends around so he had someone to show off to. He’d tried picking fights with Kaden and his friends before, but he seemed to know not to push him too much.
While he wasn’t a thug by any stretch, Kaden knew how to defend himself. Both his parents had a lot of experience with hand-to-hand combat and knew that, sometimes, getting physical was the only way to get bullies to back off. As such, they had taught him some defensive moves and techniques. Newt had just started to learn himself, but Ari was too young at the age of four and also lacked any kind of interest in learning. The boys had been forced to transfer schools a few months prior due to Kaden breaking the nose of an older kid that was bullying Newt after the school staff refused to do anything to help the younger boy. The taunting had gone on for weeks and multiple incidents had occurred in front of playground monitors, but nothing had been done.
His parents had taught Kaden the moves with the point being made that he should only use those moves when absolutely necessary. He had gotten a playground monitor every time something happened between Newt and his bully, but they never listened. It was on that fateful day, when the bully had shoved Newt off of a swing and caused him to smack his head hard against the ground, that he had launched himself at the older boy for justice. The school had planned to suspend them and their father, furious when he found out what happened, had instead transferred them to a new school. Their mother, equally furious but wanting to make sure the school saw justice on a more social level, had given the full details of the story to a friend of hers who worked for a parenting blog.
Within one week, every parent in town was aware of the school’s negligence, through reading the blog themselves or simply word of mouth.
When they transferred schools, they ended up going to the same school as Raya. They had always known Raya and her family, as her dads were friends with their parents, and she decided to look out for them once they transferred in. She spread the rumor of Kaden’s actions, but had bolstered the story up to make him seem even more skilled and impressive. There were so many different versions of the story with so many different claims that he had no idea how to necessarily keep all the details straight himself.
Regardless, he had himself a reputation as being the Batman of eight year olds in their area.
Chad had wanted to test those claims multiple times. Up until that day, Kaden had resisted the urge to attack the other kid. The most he’d done was threatening to rough him up and sling insults back and forth. That day, however, as they were out riding their bikes, Chad had done too far. He saw Aria riding past, leading their little group with an excited smile on her face, and then shoved a decently sized stick into one of her wheels as she rode past. She’d been sent toppling over, her knees and hands scraped up from catching herself, and started crying immediately. Halfway back to their house, his anger had boiled over. He told Newt to take Aria home to their mom and then went back to deal with Chad himself.
The fight hadn’t lasted long; he pinned the other down and just kept wailing away on him until Chad’s dad had hoisted him off.
His mother hummed as he regaled her with the full history of what had been going on with he and Chad over the last couple weeks. “Any reason why this is the first I’m hearing about all of this?” She asked as she placed a bandage over the scrape above his eyebrow.
“I handled it myself so I didn’t see a point in worrying you about it. I mean, you worried all the time because of the bullying from Frankie before,” He said quietly.
“Sweetheart, I’m your mother; it’s my job to worry. And finding out about these things after they’ve escalated only makes me worry more, because that makes me think you don’t trust me with these things,” She said with a small sigh. She then started closing up the first aid kit.
His stomach dropped at her words and he looked down, staring at the toe of his sneakers as she returned the first aid kit to its shelf. He had been keeping this to himself because he didn’t want her to worry too much. “Do you hate me now?”
She looked at him in surprise before kneeling down to look at him, reaching up to push some of his wild dark tresses out of his face. ‘Why would you think that?” She asked gently.
“Because I made a bad choice. Because I got in a fight when I didn’t need to. Because I made you worry even more,” He mumbled, voice choked up and his eyes starting to water.
She smiled softly at him, reaching up to cup both sides of his face. “Kaden, baby, I don’t hate you. I could never hate you,” She said. He sniffled a little bit but met her gaze. “I may not always like the choice you make, but that doesn’t mean I like or love you any less. You are my son, my first baby, and I’ll always love you with my whole heart.”
“Really?” He sniffled.
“Cross my heart,” She said, moving one hand to make a small X over her heart for added emphasis.
“Even if I did something really bad? Like if I killed someone?” He asked, a small smile starting to turn up on his lips.
She laughed back, glad to see a bit more of his usual spark back. “If it was someone that I liked, I’d be a little upset, but I’d get over it. If it was someone I didn’t like, either, though… Well, I’d help you hide the body. And your dad would probably offer us an alibi if he didn’t like them either,” She teased, pulling him into her arms for a tight hug.
He giggled back, burrowing into her happily, and letting the tense leave his body.
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woodsens · 4 years
Where to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities on fireinsidemusic.com
Correction Appended
On an album of bittersweet childrens tracks that she wrote greater than ten years in the past, the lady who arrived for being acknowledged only as being the piano Trainer offered what, in hindsight, seems like an eerie glimpse of her possess foreseeable future.
Im shifting away right now to a place so far-off, where by nobody is aware my identify, she wrote while in the lyrics of a tune known as Relocating.
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When she wrote that music, she was young and vivacious, a piano teacher and freelance songs writer who beloved Beethoven and jazz, sunsets and river Seems, extended walks and every little thing about New York.
On a type of beloved walks, by means of Central Park in the bright sun of a June working day in 1996, a homeless drifter beat her and tried to rape her, leaving her clinging to everyday living. Once the assault, the terms to her track came legitimate. She moved away, away from New York City, away from her previous lifestyle, and all but her closest mates didn't know her identify. To the remainder of the planet, she was — much like the additional famous jogger attacked in Central Park 7 many years before — an nameless symbol of the urban nightmare. She was the piano Trainer.
Now, over the 10th anniversary of your assault, she is celebrating what appears to be her entire recovery from brain trauma. She's 42, married, with a small child. She's Kyle Kevorkian McCann, the piano teacher, and she or he wants to notify her story, her way.
Her health care provider informed her it will choose 10 years to Recuperate, and Sunday was that talismanic anniversary. I experience my life is redefined by Central Park, she claimed many days in the past, her voice comfortable and hopeful. Just before park; immediately after park. Will there at any time be described as a time After i dont think, Oh, This can be the tenth anniversary, the eleventh anniversary?
She spoke in her modest ranch home in a very wooded subdivision within a Ny suburb. She sat in a eating home strewn with toys, surrounded by photos of her cherubic, darkish-haired two-year-outdated daughter. A Steinway grand stuffed fifty percent the space, and at one particular point she sat down and played. Her enjoying was forceful, but she seemed embarrassed to Participate in quite a lot of bars, and shrugged, as an alternative to answering, when questioned the title from the piece. She asked that her daughter and her town not be named.
She calls that working day, June four, 1996, the working day Once i was harm.
Hers was the first in a very string of assaults by a similar man on four Women of all ages around 8 days. The final victim, Evelyn Alvarez, 65, was crushed to Dying as she opened her Park Avenue dry-cleansing store, and ultimately, the assailant, John J. Royster, was convicted of murder and sentenced to everyday living in jail.
But the attack over the piano Instructor may be the just one persons look to recollect quite possibly the most. A part of the fascination should do with echoes of your 1989 attack around the Central Park jogger. But In addition it frightened individuals in a means the attack to the jogger did not mainly because its situation had been so mundane.
It didn't happen inside of a distant Portion of the park late at nighttime, but near a favorite playground at three during the afternoon. It might have took place to any one. The tension was heightened with the mystery with the piano lecturers identification.
For 3 times, as police and Physicians attempted to discover who she was, she lay in a coma in her clinic bed, nameless. Her mothers and fathers were on getaway and her boyfriend, also a musician, was in Europe, on tour. Last but not least, one among her learners regarded a law enforcement sketch and was ready to identify her from the healthcare facility by her fingers, since her deal with was swollen further than recognition. The police didn't launch her name.
The very last thing she remembers about June 4, 1996, is supplying a lesson in her studio condominium on West 57th Street, then putting her extended hair in a very ponytail and heading out for the stroll. She doesn't keep in mind the assault, although she has read the accounts with the police and prosecutors.
To me its like a reality I realized and memorized, she claimed. As though I were being a pupil at school researching historical past.
She will not consider the man who did it. I might need been angry for any minute, although not much longer than that, she stated. How could I be indignant at John Royster? He was declared not crazy, but I guess by our standards he was.
Dr. Jamshid Ghajar, her medical doctor at New York Clinic-Cornell Professional medical Heart, as it was identified in 1996, explained to reporters that she had a ten % potential for survival. Medical professionals had to get rid of her forehead bone, which was later changed, to produce space for her swelling Mind. When her mother made a community attract pray for my daughter, thousands did.
Immediately after eight days, she arrived away from a coma, first within a vegetative state, then within a childlike condition. As she recovered, she slept small and talked continually, at times in gibberish. I was receiving mad at people after they didnt respond to these terms, she mentioned.
Like an Alzheimers individual, she experienced minor brief-term memory and would fail to remember readers the moment they left the place.
More than many months, she needed to relearn tips on how to wander, dress, read and compose. Her boyfriend, Tony Scherr, frequented every single day to Participate in guitar for her. He encouraged her to play the piano, from the advice of her Actual physical therapists, who believed she could be disappointed by her incapacity to Participate in just how she once had. Mr. Scherr performed Beatles duets along with her, enjoying the left-hand element though she played the right.
That was my finest therapy, she said.
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In August, she moved back again property to New Jersey, together with her father, an engineer, and mother, a schoolteacher. She visited aged haunts and called good friends, hoping to restore her shattered memory. I was incredibly obsessive about remembering, she reported. Any memory reduction was to me a sign of abnormality or deficit.
Her therapists considered her development was fantastic, but her two sisters protested that she wasn't the deep thinker she had been.
What bothered her most was that she experienced dropped the ability to cry, just as if a faucet within her brain had been turned off. One particular evening, 9 months following she was harm, she stayed up late to observe the John Grisham Motion picture A Time to Eliminate. Just immediately after her father had long gone to mattress, she watched a courtroom scene of Samuel Jacksons character on trial for killing two Adult males who experienced raped his young daughter.
The faucet opened, along with the tears trickled down her cheeks. I thought about my mom and dad, my father, and the things they went by means of, she mentioned. Minimal by very little, my experience returned, my depth of mind returned.
Urged by her sisters, she went back to high school and acquired a masters diploma in new music education.
Not everything went effectively. She and Mr. Scherr break up up 5 years after the attack, though they remain good friends. She dated other Adult males, but she often informed them concerning the attack immediately — she could not support it, she explained — they usually under no circumstances called for a second date.
We've got to search out you anyone, her Good friend David Phelps, a guitar participant, said four many years ago, ahead of introducing her to Liam McCann, a computer technician and newbie drummer. For as soon as, she didn't say just about anything concerning the attack right up until she bought to learn Mr. McCann, after which you can when she did, he admired her energy.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, who had usually frequented her at her bedside when she was during the healthcare facility, married them in his Situations Square Business. She wore a blue dress and pearls. Whilst she was pregnant, inside a burst of creativeness, she and her pals recorded Even though Have been Youthful, an album of childrens tracks that she had created prior to the attack, including the song Transferring. Her ex-boyfriend, Mr. Scherr, developed the CD. On it, her spouse performs drums and he or she plays electrical piano.
Is her existence as it absolutely was? Not precisely, however she's reluctant to attribute the differences to her injuries. Her final two piano students remaining her, without contacting to explain why, she explained. She has resumed taking part in classical new music, but basic pieces, because her daughter won't give her the perfect time to apply. As for jazz, I dont even check out, she stated.
She wish to push much more, sensation stranded within the suburbs, but she is easily rattled. She tries to be information with keeping dwelling and caring for her daughter.
Dr. Ghajar, a clinical professor of neurological surgical treatment at exactly what is now termed Ny-Presbyterian Medical center/Weill Cornell Health-related Centre, who operated on Ms. Kevorkian McCann after the assault, reported previous week that her level of recovery was scarce. Shes essentially typical, he said.
Other industry experts, that are not Individually knowledgeable about Ms. Kevorkian McCanns case, are more careful.
Regaining a chance to Participate in the piano may perhaps require an Virtually mechanical procedure, a semiautomatic remember of what the fingers have to do, said Dr. Yehuda Ben-Yishay, a professor of scientific rehabilitation drugs at Big apple College College of Drugs. As soon as brain-hurt, you are often brain-injured, For the remainder of your life, Dr. Ben-Yishay reported. There isn't a get rid of, There is certainly only intense payment.
The greater telling Element of a Restoration, in his look at, is psychological, and on that score he counts Ms. Kevorkian McCanns relationship and youngster as a major victory.
For her aspect, the piano Instructor knows she has adjusted, but she has produced her peace with it. I had been type of a hyper —— I dont know if I used to be a kind A, but I used to be formidable, she states. Why was I so ambitious? I had been a piano Trainer. I dont know what the ambition was about. I actually did return to the person Im designed to be.
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15 Up-and-Coming best keyboard for beginners
Correction Appended
On an album of bittersweet childrens tracks that she wrote over ten years ago, the lady who arrived to get acknowledged only because the piano teacher offered what, in hindsight, looks as if an eerie glimpse of her possess upcoming.
Im transferring absent now to a location so distant, exactly where nobody is familiar with my identify, she wrote from the lyrics of a music named Shifting.
When she wrote that music, she was young and vivacious, a piano Trainer and freelance music writer who liked Beethoven and jazz, sunsets and river Appears, lengthy walks and every thing about Big apple.
On one of those beloved walks, via Central Park in the intense Solar of a June day in 1996, a homeless drifter defeat her and attempted to rape her, leaving her clinging to lifetime. Once the attack, the text to her song came real. She moved absent, from Ny city, away from her aged everyday living, and all but her closest good friends didn't know her name. To the remainder of the world, she was -- just like the extra well known jogger attacked in Central Park 7 decades previously -- an nameless symbol of the urban nightmare. She was the piano Trainer.
Now, within the 10th anniversary on the attack, she is celebrating what seems to be her whole recovery from Mind trauma. She is 42, married, with a little kid. She's Kyle Kevorkian McCann, the piano Trainer, and he or she wishes to convey to her Tale, her way.
Her medical doctor informed her it would consider 10 years to Get well, and Sunday was that talismanic anniversary. I sense my life has long been redefined by Central Park, she explained numerous days back, her voice delicate and hopeful. Prior to park; just after park. Will there at any time be a time After i dont Imagine, Oh, This can be the 10th anniversary, the eleventh anniversary?
She spoke in her modest ranch household inside of a wooded subdivision in a very Ny suburb. She sat within a eating home strewn with toys, surrounded by photos of her cherubic, dark-haired 2-calendar year-outdated daughter. A Steinway grand stuffed fifty percent the home, and at one particular position she sat down and played. Her participating in was forceful, but she appeared humiliated to Engage in more than a few bars, and shrugged, in lieu of answering, when asked the name on the piece. She asked that her daughter and her town not be named.
She phone calls that day, June 4, 1996, the day Once i was harm.
Hers was the initial inside a string of attacks by exactly the same man on 4 Gals over 8 times. The final sufferer, Evelyn Alvarez, sixty five, was overwhelmed to Demise as she opened her Park Avenue dry-cleaning store, and in the long run, the assailant, John J. Royster, was convicted of murder and sentenced to existence in jail.
Yet the assault on the piano teacher may be the 1 persons look to keep in mind the most. Element of the fascination should do with echoes of the 1989 assault about the Central Park jogger. But Additionally, it frightened individuals in a way the assault to the jogger did not since its circumstances were being so mundane.
It did not take place inside of a distant Element of the park late at nighttime, but around a well known playground at three inside the afternoon. It could have occurred to anybody. The tension was heightened via the secret from the piano lecturers identification.
For 3 times, as police and Health professionals tried using to find out who she was, she lay inside a coma in her healthcare facility bed, nameless. Her moms and dads were being on family vacation and her boyfriend, also a musician, was in Europe, on tour. Last but not least, one of her learners recognized a police sketch and was able to recognize her in the clinic by her fingers, due to the fact her face was swollen over and above recognition. The law enforcement did not release her name.
The last thing she remembers about June four, 1996, is providing a lesson in her studio condominium on West 57th Avenue, then putting her long hair inside a ponytail and heading out for a stroll. She isn't going to don't forget the attack, Though she has read the accounts on the police and prosecutors.
To me its similar to a fact I learned and memorized, she claimed. As though I were a scholar in class learning background.
She does not consider the man who did it. I might need been angry for your moment, although not much longer than that, she said. How could I be offended at John Royster? He was declared not insane, but I guess by our criteria he was.
Dr. Jamshid Ghajar, her medical doctor at Ny Healthcare facility-Cornell Professional medical Heart, as it was known in 1996, told reporters that she experienced a 10 % chance of survival. Medical practitioners experienced to get rid of her forehead bone, which was later replaced, to produce home for her swelling Mind. When her mother created a general public appeal to pray for my daughter, 1000's did.
Immediately after eight times, she arrived away from a coma, initially within a vegetative state, then within a childlike state. As she recovered, she slept small and talked continually, in some cases in gibberish. I had been obtaining mad at people when they didnt respond to these text, she claimed.
Like an Alzheimers patient, she experienced minor quick-time period memory and would ignore guests when they left the place.
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Over a number of months, she had to relearn the best way to wander, dress, read through and compose. Her boyfriend, Tony Scherr, visited every single day to Participate in guitar for her. He inspired her to Engage in the piano, towards the advice of her Actual physical therapists, who thought she can be disappointed by her incapability to play the way she once experienced. Mr. Scherr played Beatles duets along with her, enjoying the left-hand aspect even though she played the ideal.
Which was my finest therapy, she stated.
In August, she moved again home to New Jersey, together with her father, an engineer, and mother, a schoolteacher. She visited outdated haunts and named mates, making an attempt to revive her shattered memory. I was extremely obsessed with remembering, she said. Any memory decline was to me an indication of abnormality or deficit.
Her therapists considered her development was great, but her two sisters protested that she wasn't the deep thinker she were.
What bothered her most was that she had missing the ability to cry, just as if a faucet inside of her Mind were turned off. One particular night, 9 months after she was damage, she stayed up late to view the John Grisham Film A The perfect time to Eliminate. Just soon after her father experienced gone to bed, she watched a courtroom scene of Samuel Jacksons character on demo for killing two Adult males who had raped his younger daughter.
The faucet opened, and the tears trickled down her cheeks. I thought about my moms and dads, my father, and whatever they went by, she reported. Small by small, my sensation returned, my depth of head returned.
Urged by her sisters, she went back again to high school and got a masters degree in music education.
Not every thing went nicely. She and Mr. Scherr break up up five years following the attack, however they remain buddies. She dated other men, but she usually advised them about the assault instantly -- she couldn't help it, she stated -- plus they in no way identified as for just a 2nd day.
Now we have to discover you a person, her Mate David Phelps, a guitar player, said four many years ago, just before introducing her to Liam McCann, a pc technician and novice drummer. For at the time, she did not say anything in regards to the attack until eventually she acquired to find out Mr. McCann, then when she did, he admired her toughness.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, who had normally visited her at her bedside even though she was within the healthcare facility, married them in his Periods Sq. Workplace. She wore a blue gown and pearls. Though she was Expecting, in a burst of creativity, she and her friends recorded When Were being Younger, an album of childrens songs that she experienced written before the assault, such as the song Transferring. Her ex-boyfriend, Mr. Scherr, produced the CD. On it, her husband plays drums and she plays electrical piano.
Is her everyday living as it was? Not exactly, even though she's hesitant to attribute the dissimilarities to her accidents. Her final two piano pupils still left her, with out calling to clarify why, she reported. She has resumed participating in classical music, but basic items, because her daughter will not give her time and energy to follow. As for jazz, I dont even consider, she mentioned.
She would like to travel extra, sensation stranded from the suburbs, but she is well rattled. She attempts to be content material with staying dwelling and caring for her daughter.
Dr. Ghajar, a scientific professor of neurological surgery at what on earth is now referred to as NewYork-Presbyterian Clinic/Weill Cornell Clinical Middle, who operated on Ms. Kevorkian McCann following the attack, claimed previous week that her standard of Restoration was rare. Shes basically typical, he mentioned.
Other industry experts, who are not personally aware of Ms. Kevorkian McCanns situation, tend to be more careful.
Regaining the opportunity to Participate in the piano may possibly entail an Pretty much mechanical system, a semiautomatic remember of what the fingers must do, stated Dr. Yehuda Ben-Yishay, a professor of scientific rehabilitation medicine at New York University College of Medicine. As soon as brain-wounded, that you are generally brain-injured, for the rest of your lifetime, Dr. Ben-Yishay stated. There is no treatment, there is only intense compensation.
The greater telling Component of a Restoration, in his look at, is psychological, and on that rating he counts Ms. Kevorkian McCanns relationship and baby as a major victory.
For her section, the piano Instructor knows she has altered, but she has manufactured her peace with it. I was form of a hyper ---- I dont know if I was a Type A, but I used to be ambitious, she suggests. Why was I so formidable? I had been a piano Trainer. I dont know very well what the ambition was about. I actually did return to the person Im speculated to be.
Correction: June thirteen, 2006, Tuesday An short article on Thursday about Kyle Kevorkian McCann, a piano Instructor who was beaten and sexually assaulted ten years ago in Central Park, misstated the title of her album of childrens songs. It truly is Whilst Ended up Younger, not When Had been Younger.
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littledonkeyburrito · 7 years
I need to start coming up with more creative titles for these.
Ever kissed anyone with a nipple piercing? Not that I’m aware of, but there’s a couple of people that I’ve made out with and never seen shirtless, so who knows
What about a lip piercing? No
Nose piercing? I don’t think so
Did you sleep alone last night? Yep
How are you sitting? Cross legged on the couch
Where is your family? Probably in their respective homes
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? Always
What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Sleeping
Waiting for something? A call back from any of the companies I’ve sent resumes to
How many people did you kiss last summer? I think it was only one actually, but there was a couple more that were summer adjacent.
Was yesterday terrible? Yesterday was fine
Did you reject or accept your last friend request? I accepted it but I probably shouldn’t have bc tbh I think she’ll get pretty annoying on my facebook (ex work colleague)
Do you like pretzels? They’re fine but they’re totally overrated by america
Do you wait until you’ve completely finished a certain makeup product before you buy a new one? I don’t buy makeup products
Would you say that people consider you a major flirt? I don’t know. You would have to ask “people”
Do any of your friends have children? Not yet
If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, how long have you been together? I do not
Did you wake up before 8 AM this morning? I sure as fuck did not.
Do you wear eyeliner? Nah
Whose wall have you wrote on today? Nobody
Would you rather cry in public or make someone else cry in public? Neither, both are super awkward for me
Would you rather sleep for 3 days or stay awake for 3 days?

 I feel like I’ve done both before. Depending on what I’m doing, both have their pros and cons
Would you rather be just rich or rich and famous? Just rich
Who will you be sleeping with tonight? Nobody
Last person to make you laugh? The internet
Do you look at older pictures and laugh? Depends on the picture
When will your next kiss be? no idea
Have you ever truly thought you knew who you were going to marry? No
Do you have anything that belongs to a partner or an ex partner? No
What would you say if someone told you they were in love with your sister? That I don’t have a sister
Has anyone called you babe or baby in the last two days?  No, I’m not sure anyone’s called me that ever and I’d prefer it stay that way
Do you still talk to the person you last kissed? Currently waiting to see how long it’ll take him to message me first for once. So, kinda I guess
Who was the last person of the opposite sex to be in your bedroom?

 Um well technically my apartment is a studio and my landlord was here like 20 minutes ago so I guess it was him. But the last dude to go in the actual bedroom area was the guy who stayed with me a few weekends ago from Madrid.
Did you see your best friend today? No. We live on different continents
Are your ears pierced more than once, if at all? Just the one in each ear
If you wear skirts, are you more likely to wear leggings, or go bare? I don’t wear skirts
Are you addicted to texting? No, but I do prefer to message at least one friend every day
How many times do you knock on the door? I don’t. I stand outside and text them and wait for them to open it.
If you could move somewhere else, would you? Well I’ve sent a couple of resumes to companies in Panama and if I get offered a good job with a decent salary then I’ll definitely consider moving there.
Did you kiss or hug anyone recently? No
Does your phone ring in the middle of the night? Not since I left Australia. Was a pretty common occurrence there with my job though. The worst was when I was really tired but had to take the work phone home with me and one of my staff would call just after I’d fallen asleep and I’d still be confused as fuck when I answer but have to try to play it cool and not let them know they woke me up. Was even worse when it was a client calling...
Is there anybody you’re really disappointed in right now? No..?
Is there someone you will never forget? Many people
Can you live a day without TV? Yeah
Do you swallow gum when you’re done with it? I don’t like chewing gum
Any plans for this weekend? Nope
Have you seen anyone lately that you don’t get along with? No. There’s nobody that I don’t really get along with, especially not in this country.
Who was the last person you rode in a car with that’s not family? I think the last time I was in a car was my transfer to the airport in panama. I don’t have a car here and nobody I know has a car. I always just walk or get the metro. I don’t even usually get cabs here.
Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Nah
Is there anything stressing you out currently? My bank balance is gradually getting lower and lower and I don’t have a job yet.
What kind of mood are you in today? Average. Not happy, not sad
How late did you stay up last night and why? Maybe 10 or 11. I was pretty tired from doing nothing all day
Have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed? I think the longest I ever actually slept with him was like 4 hours. Always had to go sneak back into my room before anyone woke up.
Are you mad at anyone? No
Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings? No
What is the name of the last band you discovered? Not a band but I came across Alvaro Soler and I really like his music
Would you rather go to a Katy Perry or Taylor Swift concert? No thankyou
What pattern do the sheets on your bed have? The sheets are white. The doona is white with blue diamond patterns on it
Are your days full and fast-paced? Only when I travel
Do you call any of your friends by their last name? Yeah, my old flatmate usually goes by his last name. Made it a little weird when he had family visiting because I could either 1) refer to him by his first name, or 2) use his last name and have everybody he’s related to turn around and look at me
Have you ever gotten lost in a department store? El Corte Ingles. The floors are too big. I usually end up giving up which isn’t necessarily a bad thing because it’s kind of expensive there.
How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? A few years I guess. I don’t remember when I bought it
Are you a slut? Depends on definition
What happened last time you got drunk? I drank beer with people from the office and then I went back to their apartment which was kind of like a staff apartment and a couple of the bosses lived there too. Drank some more beer, did some cocaine, patted a dog and cut my thumb on a beer can.
When’s the last time you straightened your hair? I don’t think I ever have. My hair is pretty straight on its own.
What do you want right this second? I wouldn’t mind a glass of coke
What were you doing at 10:00 this morning? Sleeping
What cell phone company do you use? Vodafone
Do you wear a bath robe? No
Do you know anyone autistic? Yeah, a few
How about someone bipolar? I think so
What do you want your job to be when you’re older? Please offer me suggestions because I have no fucking idea
What are you listening to? Nothing in particular
Does the last person you texted smoke pot? Idk. Probably, a lot of people here do bc it’s legal. He’s my landlord though so it’s not like he’s going to tell me that information
What did you wear to bed last night? My pyjamas
Who’s in the room with you? Just me
Have you ever liked someone older than you? They’re generally older than me
Do you like men with beards and goatees? Stubble is goooood. Depends on the guy though
Where do you live? Spain
Do you always lock your door? Yes. It auto-locks anyway, but I deadbolt it too.
Do you smoke cigarettes? No
Is your birthday in a winter month? In Australia, yes. Here, no.
Do you have siblings over the age of 21? Yes.
What is the last letter of your middle name? L
Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? I skipped plenty of lectures at uni in favour of sleep. Probably a contributing factor to the failing of classes and dropping out.
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Yep
When was the last time you were told you were cute? Probably in Panama
Do you like Chinese food? Yes. The food when I was travelling in China was insanely good.
Have you ever trusted a guy when you shouldn’t have? Yeah I guess so
Do you have a brother? What’s his name? Sam
What time is it? 7:44pm
Is your phone close to you? It is under my left thigh (almost my buttcheek) so I can feel if anyone messages me.
What woke you up this morning? I suppose I had enough sleep
When did you last use a straw? I have no idea but you just reminded me that I bought straws recently and haven’t used any yet so I’m gonna start drinking my alcohol with straws now. Well, not right now bc I don’t want to drink tonight, but whenever I next drink at home I’ll use one.
Have you ever driven without a license? I originally learned to drive in a Mini Moke in my Dad’s backyard (he had 3 acres) when I was maybe 10 years old. So obvs I didn’t have a licence then. Also the brakes in the car didn’t work so we basically had to make sure the dogs weren’t near us 
What color shirt are you wearing? Grey. With a red/black checked hoodie over it
Do you have a ceiling fan located in your bedroom? No
What are you most looking forward to tomorrow? My life is super boring so the only thing I’m doing tomorrow is going to the post office to pick up whatever I was left a slip for.
Have you cuddled with someone today? No
Have you spoken to a relative on the phone today? No
Do you use the toilet paper with the colorful designs on it? I use the cheapest toilet paper that doesn’t feel like sandpaper. I’m not going to pay extra for colourful designs when I’m literally just going to wipe my ass with it.
What was the first thing you ate today? Spicy noodles
Do you have anything more important you should be doing right now? No
Have you set an alarm today? No
Do you keep up-to-date with current news and events? I don’t. I made a decision during a low point a few years ago to cut negative things out of my life. So I unfollowed a bunch of people on tumblr and I stopped keeping up with news because it was just making me depressed. Occasionally I google to see what’s up with my province and that’s about it. Otherwise I see what I really need to see on facebook/tumblr.
When was the last time you visited relatives? I visited my dad a few days before I left Australia
Is chapstick a necessity for you? Sometimes, yes. But if I stay hydrated enough then it’s not really an issue.
Name the last 6 people you texted/messaged:
Maggie @aturinfortheworse
Anna @intimidatethevoid
(this is a slightly unusual bunch since only half of them are people I regularly message)
How did you meet #3? Highschool
What’s #6’s middle name? No idea
Who have you known the longest out of your 6? Maggie
Who have you known the least out of your 6? Anna 
How do you know #5? Through the group chat we’re in with Maggie and Bear
Where does #1 live? Somewhere nearby. I don’t know exactly
Is #1 your best friend? No, he’s my landlord
Who on your 6 doesn’t have a job? Maggie I think..? Not sure about Bear and Anna. Also not 100% sure on João
Does #5 have their drivers license? I believe so
Would you ever live with #2? Lmao I almost do. He’s my next door neighbour.
Why did you text #4? Because he messaged me first so I replied obvs
Do you miss #3? Yeah, come to Spain you loser
Is #6 a stoner or alchie? Not anymore I don’t think
Have you ever danced with #2? No, I’ve met him like twice for us to pay our bills (our apartments run off the same metre for water and electricity)
Have you ever done anything sexual with any of them?                           Well Aman is my ex so yeah
What would your life be like without #1? I would probably live somewhere else
Is #2 your best friend? No
What do you love about #3? So many things
What do you dislike about #3? So many things. (kidding)
What is #5’s weakness? Difficulty sleeping?
What kind of car does #4 drive? I remember it’s a little black sedan but I don’t remember what type of car it actually is
What would you do if #3 & #6 were dating? Uhhh nothing probably. I’d be surprised but they’re both good people so I’d let them go for it.
Does #2 have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No idea
Have you ever seen #1 cry? Fuck no that would be weird
Have you ever kept a secret from #5? No
What is something special about #4? He’s very attractive.
Does #2 have any special talents? No idea
In one word, describe #6. Teddy
Has anyone in your top 6 hurt you? Who? Uhh no..?
Have you ever fought with #6? No
Is #1 a musician? Not that I’m aware of
How old is #4? He’s 27
Would you ever kiss #5 (if you haven’t already)? Probs not, soz bro
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boloorsportsmania · 5 years
#760 SEVEN CHEERS for The Iron Lady as she turns SEVENty... :-)
Just as my mom Smt. Sanjeevini Rao turns 70 tomorrow ,here are 7 special moments which makes me feel proud of her. I call her The Iron Lady for these very special qualities. A gritty , focused and tough lady had a very special 70 years.
Moment 1 : Period 1984. Place Bhadravathi. Dad was in transferable job as he had moved to marketing role. We got transferred from Bangalore to Bhadravathi. Me and Seema joined St Charles school.  Mom and Dad were curious to see how we would fare in school considering change of school is not always easy to adapt. I was in 2nd standard and Seema in 5th  standard. St Charles was a very competitive school with loads of bright students. In mid term exams, we did well. Results were to be announced after festival holiday break.  Mom had put in a great effort to get me accustomed to new syllabus and new school. St Charles had a tradition of announcing top 3 ranks of each class in morning assembly. This was to encourage the students. I was literally chatting my friend Ashit during the assembly when all of a sudden something shocking happened. They announced my name for 2nd rank. In our class, we had 2 students by my name. They had not announced initials. They again announced my name with Boloor tag to it. I was shocked more than surprised.  My hands were almost trembling when I ran towards the stage. I had shock expression in my face even when I received marks card from principal. Seema also came 2nd in class in that exams. Mom was thrilled . Dad was even more as he felt a bit guilty of being transferred to Bhadravathi. He literally picked me and threw into the air. My head almost touched the roof the hall in the house. Well, fun just started here. Seema was always a student who would excel consistently. I was like Ravi Shastri, happy in hitting a few sixes and then get out of form 😉 In Nov exams, my rank dipped to 10th and in Dec exams to 23rd. During this period, my aunt Sharath was in Bhadravathi. As soon as I showed my marks card to mom, lecture started as expected from mom. I expected that as her oratory skills was like legendary Indira Gandhi. Hard hitting words with spot on points. I had my face covered in hands as I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. She made a comment “ Your marks has fallen off the mountain, from the peak to the bottom. In next exam, I guess you would dig the ground and go further down !!”. Sharath aunty felt bad and tried to calm mom. I started getting a bit nervous. Things calmed post that. The way she expressed her opinion, I know she was more hurt that I scored less marks.  Mom then didn’t say a thing for a week. She then prepared a daily time table of what to read. Seema on the other hand had secured first rank in both the exams. Mom never pressurized me by comparing to Seema. She knew both are of different mould. In today’s sporting world, She was Virat Kohli and I was a mere Rishab Pant with a few sixes here and there. I put in loads of effort post that. I managed to get 5th rank in final exams. This was my first face off with mom’s anger. I can relate to this anger even now. I am a bit tempered. Beneath anger, I knew she wanted me to do the best.
Moment 2 : A couple of years later,  mom felt the need to work as it would improve the financial state of the house.  She was always fond of teaching. She had done B.Sc in Maths and was even a rank holder. She decided to pursue B.Ed which would open up teacher roles for her. Unfortunately, there was no college in Bhadravathi which had this course. She enrolled into a college in Shimoga which was about 1 hour drive from Bhadravathi those days. So at the age of 38, she decided to do B.ED which was remarkable since she had to do on top of normal household work. She would get up at 5 AM, get household work done, then leave to Shimoga at 7 AM. She would return by 5 PM. She would have some assignments too. She would help me in my homework as well. This routine would go for 1 full year.  It needed a lot of guts and determination to do this. By the time, she completed her B.Ed, dad came to home with news of being transferred again. Mom had the expression in her face which would say “ When one challenge is completed, other follows like a shadow!!”.  We moved to Bangalore again !!!.
Moment 3 :  Period 1988 to 1990. This was a phase we led a rapid life. I was super happy as our house was right in front of massive APS college ground. Mom happen to be teacher of the same school where Seema studied. Infact,  she was Maths teacher of Seema for 9th and 10th standard. I was busy playing. The moment I return from school, I would rush to the ground.  Mom and Seema would return from school together. This was period where Seema would win loads of awards. Mom was super proud of her. She won 2nd price in Hindi debate competition for whole of Karnataka which was splendid achievement.  She won loads of awards in school competitions too. 2 moments brought maximum happiness to Mom during this phase. One was Seema winning Hindi debate competition and another was me winning 3rd prize in science exhibition. I enrolled my name at the last moment and didn’t have any idea what to present. Mom gave the idea of liquids getting heated faster than solid. Example was simple. Have a stand to place a cardboard box. Fill the box with water. Place a candle under the box with enough distance between them. Its observed that water catches fire faster than cardboard box. Mom gave me explanation points around it too which revolved around some molecular theory. I memorized it well as I had a knack of doing it. Judges were some college professors. 70 students had participated in it. Judges heard each student’s explanation. There were some interesting ones too like volcanic effect by my classmate Niranjan. I explained my part well. My only worry was that I had just 2 cardboard boxes. I had to use it smartly. I had to start the experiment just a few minutes before judges came to my seat.  I did that well. Judges were impressed. I felt relieved. Post lunch, one of the teachers came and made 2 announcements. One was that parents and teachers would come around to see the displays between 3-5 PM IST. 2nd was the 3 winners. I was shocked more than surprised when they announced my name as 3rd place winner. It made my day. Mom couldn’t come to watch my experiment since she would return from school only 430 PM. I had a bigger issue in hand. I didn’t have any cardboard box left. I went around sweet shop near my house. He spared me 4 old boxes without charging a penny. We would constantly buy veg puff there. So he knew me well. Post 5 PM, I ran to house to announce my results. Mom was super happy. She couldn’t control her wide smile. She and Seema came for prize distribution later too. Actor Srinath was the chief guest that year. It was cool to receive the prize from him. Mom made science and Maths simple for me which helped a great deal in later years to come.
Moment 4 : In 1990, we got transferred again. This time to Madras. It took ages to get settled in the TN capital. I used to call it MAAADDDras with specific emphasis on Mad. I made good friends though but life style was so different. In school too, focus was all on studies. In the school I studied, there was no sports period as well. That’s when we as a family got really close. We literally became friends for each other. To top the pain, our TV had gone to maker’s factory for insurance claim. For 6 months we didn’t have TV.  I literally followed 1990 world cup soccer on news paper only. Due to this, we had loads of time though. We used to go for long walks post dinner. We used to live in  Ashoknagar which was really a good place. Mom got her job in school pretty fast. She directly approached principal of Jawahar Vidyalaya. They had a post open at that time. Her career really picked up from there. In initial years of tough life in Chennai, mom held us together. This was very critical since we led next 10 years of life in Madras.
Moment 5 : I had a crazy way of studying for my exams. I liked to read while walking. I walked around the house as if it is a temple. This is not just it. I had to have TV on with some sports channel on. I would constantly focus on scores as and when I come in front of TV. When I study, others don’t get to watch TV !! . Mom somehow managed to bear my crazy style of studying. The pace at which I would walk would increase as and when I get further in studies. Infact, I even studied Maths like this. I studied Maths also mentally rather than practicing it. During engineering days, books would get heavy. So I would tear books into 3-4 parts !!! Any other mother would lock their kid in a room and make them study if they study in such a idiotic way. She always smiled when I walked with an expression “ You are one unique specimen !!! “ . She kept saying to his students who came to tuition though that this is exactly NOT the way to study !!! 😊 . What she couldn’t say to me she said to her students. Speaking of making your point in a unique way !!
Moment 6 :   I had met with a major accident 2 months before my XII board exams. I was bed ridden for almost 2-3 weeks. It was critical phase for XII as all revision exams and tuitions was scheduled during that phase. Any other parent would have panicked. But mom being mom, she just told me to give it all once I am fine. She did sound a bit nervous though. Mom and dad didn’t want to make me nervous though. Once I recovered, I just had a little more 4 weeks left for exams to start. I decided not to go final revision as well as that would reduce time for preparation for final exams. Though it was a bold move, mom felt that would be the best as well. I prepared a strict timetable. In X board exams even though I did well, I just managed to score 80% marks. Any such dip would make dad’s life difficult as management engineer quota was expensive. I just put my mind out of all this and just focused on studies. I still watched TV and still walked around the house though !!!. I did reasonably well in exams. When the day came for the marks to come, mom decided to stay back home and took off from school. She was a bit nervous but didn’t show it. My marks was like Bulls eye for engineering seat. I got 96.5% in PCM which mattered. I just got 85% in rest. But that was enough. Infact, I was topper in the class in PCM% which was a shocker for me. Had mom not given the freedom to study the way I did, I would not have fared so well. It mattered a lot as management quota seat would cost 40-50K per year but free seat would just cost 6.5K per year. I managed to get the later. Dad was so thrilled that he too came back from office earlier than scheduled with a box of sweets. I finally had a moment which made mom and dad proud and I was proud of it !!!
Moment 7 : Well, this has got to be Singapore trip . Mom, dad, Seema and Sanjay came to Singapore when I was posted there for an onsite assignment. We really had good time there. Mom had a wish to visit a foreign country and she was smiling all through the trip.
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Cheers to Mom for her “ Never say die “ spirit. Though there were few moments where our thoughts didn’t match , it was negligible when compared to the respect we have for each other. Mom rocks at 70 !!! 7 cheers to the IRON Lady who turns 70 tomorrow !!!!!
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