#i can make a version of it for us with mostly store bought items and just combine them in fun ways
jedi-bird · 2 years
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How to piss off my side of the family in one easy picture. Instead of going to a barbecue or even cooking one ourselves, we decided to have a late afternoon tea. My side of the family, if I cared enough to send this pic, would be furious. "That's not how you celebrate independence day!" It's not like there's a lot to celebrate, this year and many before it. And besides, it's just fun to do different things. My in-laws would probably just laugh and remind us that we could have gone to their party and that they'll send over a food package later.
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
He's a cult leader (part 7) (kai Anderson x fem reader)
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Summary:y/n moved back to Michigan after her college degree in music where she reunites with an old lover kai Anderson
Chapter warnings: planning of a murder and terror to ally, apart from that it's mostly fluff we get soft kai today 😊🥰
Part 6 here
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As the weeks progressed kai was a step closer to winning, it was one of the last meetings before everyone finds out who wins, you sat on the chair of the room where the meeting was held as kai rambled on about the changes he will make.
You got dragged here for your support, which was listening to what he has to say then once that's over doing whatever we need to do to put the fear of God in Michigan which was killing people and tormenting ally Mayfair Richards, that's when Sally keffler announced that she will also be running for senator even thought it was a bit too late to do so.
You glanced at kai noticing his cool demeanour but you can tell in his eyes he was pissed, but you didn't care all you could think about was getting out here for a cigarette, as for you and kai, you kept telling yourself that it was over but by the end of every argument you both would have you'd end up in his bed again which made you give up on lying to yourself.
You would purposely tease him when the cult members were around, which led you both having sex upstairs whilst everyone was downstairs especially Meadow, knowing it would hurt her that it wasn't her up there getting railed by kai.
After the meeting you and kai went outside the rest of the cult that came following you both, you fished out your cigarette packet from your jacket, pulling out the stick placing it between your teeth, lighting it up taking a drag, Sighing at the relief it gave you.
Kai walked by yourside to the car, "we need to pay her a little visit" kai said fir only you two hear, "she's fucking up the whole plan" you replied getting in your car turning the engine on cigarette still in hand rolling your window down smoking while you drove.
The aux in your phone since the radio was boring, 'Sunday bloody Sunday' by u2 playing you sang along not paying attention to kai who was staring at you, his mind racing at how pretty you looked making plans about your future that you didn't know of.
"Sunday bloody sunday" you hummed along to the song your fingers tapping the steering wheel, "Hey pull over to the store for a minute" kai said, you nodded pulling over to the store, "what are you going in there for?" You asked.
"Just need to get a few things that's all" he said getting out the car and into the store, you pulled out your phone flicking through your playlist putting on 'when the stars go blue' the corrs and bono from u2 version, you sang along to the melody waiting for kai.
He finally walked out the store a bag with items inside, you wondered what he had bought as he entered your car, "What's in the bag" you asked intrigued on what he had purchased, "it's a secret" he said you smirked holding your pinky up.
"No I'm not doing pinky power" he said, "boring" you teased driving back to kai's house, once you had arrived you both got out the car locking it, kai was first to enter the house with the mystery bag in hand you followed locking the door behind you, "now can I know what's in the bag?" You asked the anticipation eating you up.
"Fine since your so impatient" kai sighed with a smile, "you have one cheek to talk" you replied with a joking scoff even though it was true you and kai are inpatient, he told you to close your eyes as he pulled each item out the bag, "okay open".
You opened your eyes to find sweets and treats from popcorn, chocolate, candy, potato chips, and face masks ect, "What's all this?" You asked scanning the products, "I've been an asshole to you and you've been by my side through everything when I was in the hospital and looked after your divine ruler so I wanted to treat you to a movie night like we used to do" he shrugged.
"Oh kai" you smiled kai never really did nice thing apart from your birthday that's the only time but that came with a cost, you wrapped your arms around his neck thanking him, "you better do a face mask with me" you said making kai chuckle "I'll think about it".
You didn't know what came over kai for him to be kind he wasn't kind not the way he used to be, you still love him, the good, the bad and the ugly you always cherish the moments with him even though you weren't back together now.
"We'll have a meeting early today then tonight is your night sound good?" He asked as you went to get a glass of water, "sounds great kai thank you" you smiled which kai returned, a genuine smile, it made your heart flutter that's one of the thing you love about him his smile it was rare to see it now.
A few hours later the rest of the cult came for the meeting, everyone gathered around, you stood by kai's side   going over the plan, "we kill Sally tomorrow night Meadow I need you to go to ally and pretend your going to be killed by us, and Meadow you baby sitting but when Meadow comes you flee" kai instructed as everyone listened.
You wanted this to be over with you felt excited for after the meeting to spend time with kai alone be normal for once,  you missed it like a lot of things you missed about kai.
After the meeting everyone left leaving you and kai to do what he had planned for you both, "will you do a face mask please kai you owe me it" you said with puppy eyes kai couldn't say no when you made those eyes at him, he always grew weak at the knees for you.
"Fine then" he chuckled you beamed grabbing the face masks and skin care products, also the treats, "put music on" you said your hands full with items.
"What song do you want on?" He asked flicking YouTube on the tv, "play johanna by Bobby mackie" you requested setting the products on the sofa pulling the table closer to you both setting everything on it.
The song played the guitar riff at the start before going on to an acoustic guitar, "where did you here this?" Kai asked.
"There's actually a cool backstory behind the song" you started, "so the singer bobby mackie owns this place names after him and it's actually haunted with all sorts of shit, and johanna is one of the spirits that haunt the place there's also a devil's portal I'm sure were back in the olden days the did rituals I saw it on ghost adventures" you ranted kai listened then scoffed.
"You don't believe that shit do you?" He asked you shrugged "I don't know but I think her story is so romeo and Juliet she was a real person I kinda want to visit there someday seems cool" you replied.
"It is a cool song I guess" he said as you opened the cleansing water pouring some on a cotton pad, "here wipe your face with that" you informed doing the same with your own.
"Now put the face mask on" you said giving him the sheet face mask, "why is it so cold" he shrieked making you laugh "because it helps with depuffing the face" you informed.
"I can't believe I'm doing this" kai chucked leaning his head back relaxing letting the face mask work it's magic you did the same, after munching on some candy.
"Well because you owe me and plus who doesn't want to spend time with me I'm awesome" you smirked making kai glance at you rolling his eyes, "guess your right" he replied.
"Anyway what's with all this there's a reason behind it- not that I'm complaining it makes a change from arguing then fucking" you asked, "well I want you back as my other half I know I've done what I did and I promised you but y/n I don't beg but right now I'm begging take me back" he said.
"Fine but on my terms, no more fucking Meadow or anyone else if we're together it's you and me" you stated kai nodded, "can I take this off now" he then asked making you giggle, "yes".
The next morning you woke up feeling kai's arm around you holding you close to him like you will slip away at any given moment, it made your heart flutter.
You felt soft lips on your shoulder from kai, "morning" you smiled turning to face him, "a very good morning" he smiled back his arm still draped over you, "you ready for tonigh?" He asked you just nodded still half asleep.
"Kai erm Meadow wants to talk to you she's downstairs" winter said the door was already open, you felt mad that she wants to talk to kai, even though it could purely be about the cult, "tell her I'll be down in a minute" he replied.
He let out a sigh turning back to you, "wanna come with?" He asked you nodded getting out the bed and downs in only one of his sweaters, kai in his grey sweatpants, Meadow was in the kitchen waiting on kai hoping it was just him.
"Meadow what can we do for you" you asked first one into the kitchen pouring yourself a coffee, "I wanted to speak to kai alone" she bitterly said, "whatever you need to say you can say it here" kai shrugged as you handed him a cup of coffee, he placed a lingering his on your lips his hand resting on your ass.
"Thank you" he mouthed taking a sip of the beverage, "I don't think the plan will work kai" she sighed you let out a scoff, "what do you mean it won't work of course it will your divine ruler thinks everything through" you said sitting on the island of the kitchen, "fine" she huffed leaving the house.
"She didn't come all the way over here just to say that" you said looking over at kai, "nah she didn't but she looked upset when I kissed you" he smirked moving closer to you, "really?" You giggled, "uh huh" kai placed a kiss on your lips only to turn into a heavy makeout session.
"I really do love you" he mumbled against your soft lips, "I love me too" you grinned teasing him, "Oh really then I guess I'll fuck the love back into you" he stated picking you up and on to the living room sofa.
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cloudy-cranium · 7 months
What kind of wish list do you have? That'd be a great idea for me but I'm not sure how to organise one.
Oh I have several systems I use to make this time of the year less of a nightmare, I'd love to share! Unfortunately I do not have a "succinct" setting so here, sorry :) here's the short version, too much under the cut.
TL;DR: Steps to an easy gift list:
1, REUSE your lists each year.
1b, LONG LISTS! Yeah no. Longer than that.
2, Categories can help
2b, Steal gift ideas from others!!
3, for REAL change your options up
4, Be specific about what you actually want
Wishlists were a pain for me for a long time. Eventually I got lazy and then I got smart. I also listened to complaints people had about others' wishlists, and tried to avoid their issues. I've used like one list for I think the last 4 years now, just refreshed. I have it in categories mostly to help me.
Tip 1: Refresh it every year. Instead of starting from scratch every season, when people start asking for my new list I just pull up last year's and delete everything I received/bought myself/just don't really need anymore.
Tip 1b: Make your list long!! Too long to be able to get everything. That lets you refresh next year, but it also gives people more options to choose from (vital) and reduces their anxiety about getting you the same thing as someone else.
Tip 2: This is optional but I use categories. They help me get more specific ideas, organize my thoughts, can help people narrow ideas down or help with off-list gift inspiration, and can also help people add to their own lists.
**Categories: these are arbitrary and all include miscellaneous items automatically. It's just a tool. Mine are Dog Things, Hobby, Home/Personal, and Kitchen - the dog things are on their own because they don't fit anywhere else; 'Kitchen' has its own category because it's one of my biggest categories personally. Other than that, personalize it: Art Supplies. Programming. Sports & Outdoors. Tools. Books. Games. Whatever's good for you**
Tip 2b: ask all your family/friends to give you their list and then steal their ideas :) works like a charm. I'll add some of mine at the end.
Tip 3: VARIETY. IT'S IMPORTANT. Some people want to be able to drop a lot of money on something you'll definitely like - maybe all your siblings want to buy you that gaming system together. Include it (at least for inspiration). Ask for that weighted blanket you really want. Don't feel bad for including expensive options. Some people want less expensive things - you want a LOT of these, especially easy ones: candy or treats, bath bombs/nails/face masks, candles/wax melts/incense you like, stickers, fun note pads, socks etc. (When gifting, these are helpful to add with a smaller item so it brings a little extra bonus.)
Some people want to buy you something useful. Some people want to buy you something FUN! Some people want to help you by buying something you need anyway; some want to gift you something you can't justify buying yourself but still really want. Include all of these! Give people options!!
TELL PEOPLE WHERE TO GET GIFT CARDS YOU'LL ACTUALLY USE!!! These are such a helpful inclusion!!! Some people are just gift card people. If you don't want generic amaz*n/walmart/fast food gift cards, TELL PEOPLE what stores & restaurants you already go to, especially for things you enjoy. If they can give you 5 nice boba teas one one card, or gift you clothes by putting $50 on a piece of plastic for you instead of actually trying to pick out something you want themselves, they'll do it!
Tip 4: Specificity. Some things speak for themselves, but if you write one word per item on your list, expect to get some things that are technically what you wrote but definitely not what you wanted. To avoid this, list scents/colors/brands/qualities you like ('over-the-ear squishy headphones [noise-canceling?]' is better than 'headphones,' where once I got gifted a new pair of the exact set I hated and was trying to replace); the specific use of the item you need ('spice/food organizers,' 'room organizers,' 'closet organizers,' and several other things can't be substituted for each other); A LINK to an option you like (!!! I learned this from my sister-in-law, where every list item has "like this:" and a link to a model that she already likes. The links will also sho similar items, stores she trusts, more details than you could ever write down & more); okay I got tired of writing. You get the gist. BUT If you include CLOTHES YOU MUST INCLUDE SIZES. NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS. SIZES. Styles too if you don't wanna get fucked over (or!! gift cards!!!!)
Those are the things that do the most for making my life easier. I'll drop a list of examples to steal! Sorry this got away from me lol thanks for coming to my TEDtalk!!
Examples of things in my categories: Dog Stuff (toys she likes, sweater size, things like a better leash or big toy or bed); Hobby (DICE. game accessories. yarn & fibre tools. hair dye things, hard-to-find niche parts, nice markers/paper, art tools, materials, fan merch, new hobbies you want to try, instruction books, instruments, cards, GIFT CARDS to places I already go); Home/Personal (speakers/headphones/other tech, books [please god be specific here], albums, decor/organization, a new vacuum, tools you find yourself needing, stuff for your window/deck/garden, along with clothes I might want and relevant sizes, yoga mat, coats/hats/clothes for the weather, memberships or subscriptions); Kitchen (replacement dishes, nice appliances, accessories, high-quality ingredients, more tools I'd like but can't afford)
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chapmanmurdock87 · 1 year
driver sandboxie
1) Ubuntu: Ubuntu (for your basic user) is the easiest entry point into the wonderful (and mostly free) world of Linux. If you find yourself a quite a while Windows user and hate paying the cost for an upgrade every time a new operating system comes out you might give vid shot. Carbohydrates download it or order a free disc they will ship to a person. The only downside is that it is much more hard to run programs you purchase in local store on Ubuntu (or any Linux build for that matter), though it is still possible one does take period to uncover to use programs pertaining to example Wine. First things first. Clean up your programs and personal files. When you go to certain websites, they may leave cookies behind. You may have used three different printers and two different cameras since you bought your PC; those items require programs to rush. You may have downloaded some programs that you thought looked really cool, but in fact never take. Get rid of all this bits and pieces. Go to your control panel and employ the delete programs approach to get rid of all outdated or unused programs. Call at your Internet tools option and clean increase Internet as well as delete cupcakes. Click the start button and point to manage Panel. For the Control Panel window, click System and Security and subsequently navigate to Administrative Tools, System Layout. If prompted, enter your admin password and then click the Continue button. Alternatively, you can click start off button and kind 'msconfig' (without quotes) on the Start Search box. Do not hit the Enter key and look in the listings. Nancy what puts you showing us one of the most money making programs? Truth that is that you simply could spend years purchasing programs this internet and waste a fantastic amount of one's hard earned money. Achieve is to save you money and time, the same money and time I wasted hottest. I have obtained over 50 some successful programs, slim down these programs I purchased did seriously have A reimbursement Guarantees! Whenever i downloaded the actual making ebook they were worthless. You think I prospective smarter than that, but i got "taken." It is a bad feeling; especially a person have are not in employment to throw money in the market. To some extent, this can be done by tweaking some settings, like adding more room to your partition. If you opt to try the Mac cleaner to clean-up some drive space on your own Mac, which will in turn help from the CPU and RAM era. You'd be surprised how often this you will save from for almost any get additional storage, RAM, or even CPU renovations. However, sandboxie Crack 2023 to your RAM sandboxie might still be needed eventually. I always find certain freshness in my computer after i reinstall the Windows. This is probably because the application of the computer results in accumulating a number of rubbish data in the memory. Feel the first thing to do is to format the C drive and reinstall Windows periodically, once in six months or 1 yr. You can then reinstall the programs stored in the D motivation. The latest versions of Skype, Adobe reader and Irfan view downloaded from impact on your F drive, are quickly installed of having them fresh on personal computer without the interference among the earlier updates. There furthermore the possibility that may a Windows 7 Pro system running the FAT32 file system instead of NTFS. The FAT32 file system does not have the in-built security of NTFS and will not allow in order to definitely allocate Deny permissions on files, folders or opportunities. You can however, easily convert the FAT32 file system to NTFS though using tools in XP. To uncover out how, do a Google search for "convert FAT32 to NTFS".
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trustcall · 2 years
Get friendly for facebook from other than app store
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Telegram features all of the main communication features of Facebook’s DM service, such as text chats, voice calls, fun stickers (up you can make. One of the main reasons for this increase in popularity is its focus on privacy. That's probably why there's no "lite" version. Telegram is one of the fastest-growing messaging apps and boasts over 500 million active users as of January 2021. Would I buy it again now that I've used it? Nope. The most useful feature is the side bar mode where it takes up maybe 20% of my screen on my 17" MBP. If you’re just getting started with a new store or looking to enhance your existing site, then this list is for you.
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However these are mostly things that may be added to your web browser by free extensions. 24 best Shopify apps for your ecommerce store. The wrapper gives you a nice sidebar mode, the pictures zoom larger when you mouse over them, ads are slightly greyed out if you choose "Enhanced Browsing Mode" and you get drag and drop for photos and links.
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In a nutshell, it is little more than a wrapper around an HTML browser, meaning that you get the same page you would if you'd used Safari. How to Find Facebook Live Videos > How to Download Someone Elses Facebook.
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It seems that the developer is more interested in the desktop version and a Pinterest app.īut I went ahead and gambled the US$4.99 and bought the mac desktop version. Was being that it has serious problems that haven't been fixed. It is a simple video creator that allows you to capture short videos, apply filters, and add special effects and background music. Purpose: Zoomerang is one of the most popular apps right now. Since Google (and therefore Google Maps) is blocked in China, this is the best way to properly navigate around town. Other great apps like Facebook are Diaspora, Gab, Mastodon and VK. The best alternative is Minds, which is both free and Open Source.
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My favorite iPad Facebook app was Friendly. Check out our list below of potentially dangerous apps for kids: 1. Autonavi Navigation is China’s most popular in-car GPS with maps iPhone app. There are more than 100 alternatives to Facebook for a variety of platforms, including Online / Web-based, Android, iPhone, Self-Hosted solutions and Android Tablet. I admit it, I spend far too much time on Facebook. Also, be sure to checkout my post on how to browse and search Instagram using the desktop website. All downloads were scanned with VirusTotal to make sure they are malware/spyware free.
Enhanced Facebook: zoom by just mousing over images, download albums, pin to Pinterest and more! In this list, we take a look at three best desktop apps available and explain what their positives and negatives.
Notification Center: friend's birthday & notifications in menu bar or app icon.
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violetsystems · 2 years
I quit overwatch awhile ago but just reading they took it offline completely. I wonder how that works with the switch version. I almost bought a switch at the Nintendo store in New York a couple of years ago. It was around my birthday one fashion week in 2020. The COVID one I think. They declined my card, held the items then declined my other card when I returned. Felt like nerd rage. That’s what I get for running a blog. So I never bought a switch or overwatch for it. Probably better off. Gundam Evolutions is enough overwatch for me. I rewatched Halloween kills last night. Better once you are used to the characters. It definitely reminds me of modern Illinois. Culturally diverse but backwards, proud and petty through and through. The gay couple are probably the most redeemable in that movie. Aside from moving into a serial killer’s home. At least they were good hosts? I play host to a lot of controversy. People deep diving into my personals and my fall collection choices from last year. Good streetwear over the years doesn’t really age. Especially when people are just modeling the same old techwear in a mud pit. What is this Woodstock, Illinois? NASCAR looks for when they turn Michigan avenue into a monster truck rally for abortion. They used to picket outside the museum at my old work. A different kind of monster rally. The pro lifers. Speaking of nerd rage? I got targeted by them over the years so much that they just follow me around in statement shirts at the Costco thinking I’m part of their Christian performance piece. Kanye did speak to the president of my old job three floors down from my old office. Way before he wanted to start his own schools with NDA’s. Nice idea. Where you come up with that one? The same president I told at art basel Miami one year I thought China was the future for our school. Maybe he went down there to get me fired. He was gonna let me finish my retirement? Maybe you people just never called the elderly out on their bullshit? Too busy pointing the finger at the boogeyman. What am I Michael Myers? I’m Columbo. I’ve got a nose for these things. They’re always running. Mostly from the truth. I’m always here to remind you. Chicago knows. Don’t make me write a eulogy for this city. I only am qualified to run a blog unless you’d rather me receive a cash settlement. How can you help? Maybe by completing the police report I filed online a week ago. That’s union speak for double u tee eff. 💰
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bankelorenzen71 · 2 years
Classic Louis Vuitton Baggage
Outfitted with a leather or chain strap, the Pochette Accessoires is large enough to fit a Zippy Wallet and other small essentials. While you presumably can still store this bag on the Louis Vuitton website, this style is a extremely sought-after vintage piece. Thus each bag you buy has an actual leather-based tag that has a number and their signature. Last summer season I bought the Louis Vuitton speedy 30 in Damier ebene. When you log in the first time utilizing a Social Login, we gather your account public profile data shared by the social community, based mostly on your privateness settings. We also get your e-mail tackle to mechanically create an account for you on PurseBlog. Once your account is created, you'll be logged in to this account. Just try TrustPilot's buyer critiques, where Ann's Fabulous Finds has a 9.7 excellence score out of 10. [newline]They promise 100 percent authenticity and so they always have a ton of Louis Vuitton items in stock. Once you click on this purse, the display screen will show a picture of your bag on the left, and other information on the right. On the off likelihood that you don't love your LV purse, it's okay. You can return it by way of mail or in individual at an LV store or boutique, together with receipt and authentic tags hooked up, and you will get a full refund if you return it within a month of purchase. A brand’s artistic director can even steer its id. Marc Jacobs, one of many architects of the collectable runway handbag market, arrived at Louis Vuitton in 1997 and transformed the storied baggage brand into the blockbuster style home it's right now. Twice a year, Louis Vuitton releases a runway collection of handbags. Known as present baggage, these pieces are produced in extremely restricted portions and solely made obtainable to VIP clients within the largest Vuitton stores worldwide. Louis Vuitton 'Alize 1 Poche' travel bag crafted in timeless monogram canvas with genuine leather-based trim and handles. This limited version "Fall in Love" Coeur Heart bag is in monogram canvas with golden tone hardware and options an adjustable leather-based strap which can be used for crossbody or shoulder wear and zip high closure and a removable lipstick charm.... With these aspects in mind, it’s simple to see why Louis Vuitton handbag kinds have been thought-about one of many blueprints of luxurious purses for over a century. Few brands have had the staying energy and influence on the style world today like this iconic French fashion home. In this publish, we’ll be exploring the history of this model and what makes their hottest designs so particular. Of course, a classic Louis Vuitton bag is a foolproof possibility. The iconic French style home has been designing time-honored trunks and purses because the late nineteenth century. wikipedia handbags An LVMH spokeswoman interviewed by New York Magazine mentioned that Louis Vuitton were pressured to take legal action when Plesner did not respond to their original request to take away the contested picture, nor to the subsequent cease-and-desist order. In October 2008, Louis Vuitton declared that the corporate had dropped its lawsuit but have since reopened it along with a new €205,000 declare because of a painting by the same artist. In May 2011, the court docket in The Hague present in favour of Plesner's proper to freedom of expression. A reference guide of past and present Louis Vuitton handbag names. Think about buying these beautiful bags secondhand, or think about a rental choice, from one of many sources listed above. Ann's Fabulous Finds is a luxury consignment shop that will get rave reviews. Depending on the type, the scale, and the era of the purse, Louis Vuitton Noé baggage range from £192 to £700, with some exceptional items fetching higher prices. Occasionally the Speedy bag could be found for lower than £100, however, costs usually vary from $200 to $3,000 for restricted editions, such as the World Tour or Monogramouflage. A few years ago, Louis Vuitton launched the Haute Maroquinerie service. This offers the brand’s prime purchasers the chance to design their own bag based mostly on preselected shapes, leathers and hues. Customers are invited into special design rooms to create the bag nearly completely to their specs. The traditional shape remains the same; the design has been untouched for the previous eighty years. When contemplating funding items corresponding to Louis Vuitton purses and purses, as a rule, basic kinds such because the Louis Vuitton Neverfull or the Louis Vuitton Speedy will all the time be in demand and preserve their value more than seasonal bags. For example, the restricted edition show baggage are extremely sought after, whereas exotic leathers similar to crocodile, alligator, ostrich and snakeskin are the ultimate prize for any collector. The condition of the bag may even significantly affect its value. phoenet.tw louis vuitton replica Inspired by the brand’s hatbox design, these mini bags continue Louis Vuitton’s development of incorporating their iconic types from the past into modern-day type. A relatively new style on our record of the most popular Louis Vuitton luggage is the Twist bag. Released in the summertime of 2017, this bag is quite completely different from the classic styles of the previous. It’s named for the place the first shop was situated – Rue des Capucines in Paris, France. Adjust the shoulder strap to search out your most snug fit and you’re able to go. This Limited Edition Bluebird bag from Louis Vuitton's 2009 Spring/Summer line is an attractive bag that has been created to exude the most effective of luxurious style. This superb Keepall Bandoulière forty five bag is all made in leather with a Damier checkerboard pattern in turquoise blue and white. Its leather-based high handles, side bands, and nametag are als... The Montsouris are in style at public sale and can fetch between £300 for a monogram version to over £1,500 for a limited version. Came across this blog because was on the lookout for answers why Lv has all of a sudden become scarce. To add to it, resellers selling it for double the prices. I imply for a similar quality of monogram you may get it at coach for cheaps. I actually am more impressed with quality of Celine, Saint Laurent. Through our love of fashion and our painstaking authentication process, we let you store with confidence and enthusiasm.
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today i have spent far too much time thinking about aa characters' coffee mug collections (both at home and at work)
-Phoenix: Phoenix Wright owns maybe five or six coffee mugs mostly because this means that he does not have to clean them immediately and can go about a week before he really, actually has to do the dishes. The one thing these mugs have in common is that they are all chipped. All of them are at least five years old--there's an Ivy University mug, a couple plain-colored ones from the thrift store, and a cheap Steel Samurai mug that Maya bought
-Apollo: Apollo is the epitome of the intersection between "will attend university events for free stuff" and "only keeps what's functional." He's got a fairly curated mug collection that also includes a few travel mugs and thermoses, mostly branded with logos from clubs/organizations he didn't actually participate in. He probably still has a Gavin Law Offices mug somewhere, which he feels very conflicted about keeping but it's functional and it's not like he didn't work there and really would it be weirder to give it away to a thrift store where someone who didn't know would buy it?
-Trucy: Trucy's mug collection (separate from Phoenix's, at least at first) includes a variety of trick cups and also the most brightly-colored magic-themed mugs she can find. She has a handful with truly awful puns and slogans in comic sans on them. These are all mostly used for drinking hot chocolate.
Athena: Athena doesn't really have a mug collection--she's got three coffee mugs and a travel thermos. One of the mugs is bright yellow with a quote about positivity scrawled across it, one of them has a print of sunflowers, and one of them has some sort of awful psychology joke on it that she's the only person that understands.
The Wright Agency: The Agency's mug collection is an unwieldy representation of the office's many occupants. There are a couple old Fey and Co. mugs still lingering; there's a series of comedy mugs Maya keeps buying Phoenix with increasingly specific phrasing ('World's Okayest Piano Player,' 'Dad to a SUPER AMAZING magician daughter who KNOWS WHEN YOU'RE LYING'); there's about five old Gavinners merch mugs that Klavier keeps leaving behind whenever he visits; there's at least one trick mug that will dump your coffee on your lap if you overfill it; and there's one single, solitary fine china teacup that lives on a high shelf and doesn't get touched except for when the Chief Prosecutor visits.
Edgeworth: Miles Edgeworth has a matching set of fine Wedgwood teacups, saucers, and teapots. He has a distinct set for the office vs his home. Anyone who visits his office lives in fear of breaking them.
Klavier: In addition to just using his own merch (look, I fully believe that whenever Klavier needed a new household item he'd just pester the Gavinners merch people to make him a personalized, themed version. they would sell this as "merch" but really it only exists because Klavier wanted a new shower curtain or toaster or something), Klavier has a series of mugs with absolutely awful legal jokes on them. He also has a basic four-piece mug set in deep purple for any occasion where he needs to be Professional, but these are shoved to the back of the cupboard because he usually reaches for the novelty mugs before anything else. Klavier also has a variety of shapes/sizes of mug for lattes/cappuccinos/espresso/etc because he has a super fancy espresso machine at home.
Blackquill: He's got both anime mugs and a series of bird-themed mugs that he got in return for recurring yearly donations to the Audubon Society (bird conservation)
The Prosecutors' Office: The office has its own branded mugs for the breakroom. Unfortunately they keep getting stolen and/or lost, and the prosecutors continue to leave their own personal mugs in the common area, slightly ruining the professional aesthetic that's being aimed for
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chapmanmurdock87 · 1 year
sandboxie web browser
1) Ubuntu: Ubuntu (for your basic user) is the easiest entry point into the wonderful (and mostly free) world of Linux. If you find yourself a quite a while Windows user and hate paying the cost for an upgrade every time a new operating system comes out you might give vid shot. Carbohydrates download it or order a free disc they will ship to a person. The only downside is that it is much more hard to run programs you purchase in local store on Ubuntu (or any Linux build for that matter), though it is still possible one does take period to uncover to use programs pertaining to example Wine. First things first. Clean up your programs and personal files. When you go to certain websites, they may leave cookies behind. You may have used three different printers and two different cameras since you bought your PC; those items require programs to rush. You may have downloaded some programs that you thought looked really cool, but in fact never take. Get rid of all this bits and pieces. Go to your control panel and employ the delete programs approach to get rid of all outdated or unused programs. Call at your Internet tools option and clean increase Internet as well as delete cupcakes. Click the start button and point to manage Panel. For the Control Panel window, click System and Security and subsequently navigate to Administrative Tools, System Layout. If prompted, enter your admin password and then click the Continue button. Alternatively, you can click start off button and kind 'msconfig' (without quotes) on the Start Search box. Do not hit the Enter key and look in the listings. Nancy what puts you showing us one of the most money making programs? Truth that is that you simply could spend years purchasing programs this internet and waste a fantastic amount of one's hard earned money. Achieve is to save you money and time, the same money and time I wasted hottest. I have obtained over 50 some successful programs, slim down these programs I purchased did seriously have A reimbursement Guarantees! Whenever i downloaded the actual making ebook they were worthless. You think I prospective smarter than that, but i got "taken." It is a bad feeling; especially a person have are not in employment to throw money in the market. To some extent, this can be done by tweaking some settings, like adding more room to your partition. If you opt to try the Mac cleaner to clean-up some drive space on your own Mac, which will in turn help from the CPU and RAM era. You'd be surprised how often this you will save from for almost any get additional storage, RAM, or even CPU renovations. However, sandboxie Crack 2023 to your RAM sandboxie might still be needed eventually. I always find certain freshness in my computer after i reinstall the Windows. This is probably because the application of the computer results in accumulating a number of rubbish data in the memory. Feel the first thing to do is to format the C drive and reinstall Windows periodically, once in six months or 1 yr. You can then reinstall the programs stored in the D motivation. The latest versions of Skype, Adobe reader and Irfan view downloaded from impact on your F drive, are quickly installed of having them fresh on personal computer without the interference among the earlier updates. There furthermore the possibility that may a Windows 7 Pro system running the FAT32 file system instead of NTFS. The FAT32 file system does not have the in-built security of NTFS and will not allow in order to definitely allocate Deny permissions on files, folders or opportunities. You can however, easily convert the FAT32 file system to NTFS though using tools in XP. To uncover out how, do a Google search for "convert FAT32 to NTFS".
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cafecourage · 3 years
Thy....... ok here you didn't give me an AU so I just f***ed around and found out.
Vio headcanons (for all Au’s and general)
General HC:
- Vio crochets. People can fight me on this!!! He crochets and knits. He does it to calm his thoughts, just to slowly zone out. Catch him plotting his own story in his brain while doing so.
- Speaking of stories, this man is probably an Author. He most likely had written a fluffed-up version of their adventure. There wasn’t really a point of him doing so but it did get all of his feelings out on paper.
- Out of all the colors I feel like he would get the most night terrors. It will lead to him having bad insomnia.
General Love HC:
- Indifference. That’s the base emotion he is feeling towards a Reader that ended up traveling with the chain. He does like you! Don’t get that wrong. It’s just the situation calls for his attention to be on the goal. The other colors are better at social interactions then him.
- Reader in a normal traveling with the chain au, would be from a more modern timeline. Not fully but like one of that mixed technology and Medieval fantasy-based era.
- It honestly was weird that you just hang out with Four with him in control. You seem like you just gain energy from just talking or interacting with the others and Vio isn’t…really… that social.
- It was a slow bonding experience. It started as you sitting nearby when he was reading or working on a project. Nether talking nor really minding the other's company.
Isekai HC:
- This man is super anxious around you. The sobs when you were also convinced, he killed green, along with your cries from his betrayal still ring in his ears even now. He hates knowing that you might not trust him anymore because of that. The other Colors think he is just overthinking it because you did welcome him back with open arms after.
- Vio is kind of just dancing around you when they finally realize you’re the voice and presence that they felt during their adventures. While the other colors jumped on to the opportunity to get to know you better. He just… can’t?
- You’re his and the other’s anchor. They consider you their (ex. Imaginary) friend. The one person that was always by their side. Cheering them through the toughest of times, and Vio feels like you would leave them if he even tries to get close.
- He really, truly wants to standby you. He wants to not feel guilty enjoying your hugs. He just… wants you to be happy.
Divide and conquer. That’s normally how Four dealt with supply runs. Four was accompanied by you today. Which meant the others were in town. So, Four decided to let the colors stretch their legs. It was nice for each of them to actually speak to you one on one. However, they had limited time and still needed to get the items before sundown.
With five people it should go a lot quicker than normal. So, with the promise of being able to hang out after. Each Color and you went their separate ways. Vio was almost done with his list of items. The last thing he needed was some more personal items.
“Sneak attack!!” A warmth from behind engulfs the purple hero. Picking him up briefly to give a small squeeze. You were smiling brightly down at Vio. “Hi again.”
It was a miracle that his brain didn’t just short circuit just looking up at them. “I- Hello??” One of the many things you’ve said on their journey came out as, Vio was scrambling for a sense of, for the lack of better words, ground to root himself to. “Why are you here?”
“Is it against the law to hug someone I am closed to?”
“No, but…” he didn’t understand why you wanted to shower him, in affection and love. But how can he ask you that? You’re always giving Four hugs and small platonic kisses. He didn’t want you to stop. He and his brothers loved and craved that warmth you brought with your presence.
Vio didn’t know if he was deserving of it. The others were, that’s for sure. Despite how rough blue is, how bossy Green could be or how much Red cried in their adventure. You always had the patience of a saint. It was him that tested that and found how far that patience went. “Viiiioooooo, earth to my favorite grape color hero!” He was finally put back down on his feet. “Are you ok?”
“Define ok.” He was quick to answer, after finally getting some semblance of his ability to think back. He took his chance to back away from your presence.
That wasn’t the right thing to say apparently as your face slowly twisted to a pout. “Are you mad at me?”
“Mad… at you?” He repeated to confirm he heard you correctly. You gave a small nod now doubting your assumption. “Why?”
Your shrug didn’t give him much of an answer. “Well, it just seems when Four is influenced by you he is more distant.” You paused trying to figure out what to say next. Vio on the other hand was mortified that you were able to read his body language so well. Actually, he should have expected it. That’s how you knew that the colors exist in the first place. “If I did anything-“
“No, it’s not you!” It was him. It was all him. Vio knows logically being still hung up about the past was ridiculous. Emotions are annoying. He isn’t built to deal with them. “I just thought.” There was no nice way to explain this to you though. “You were still mad at me.”
“Oh.” Well, this got awkward really fast. Vio kept up his indifferent front hoping that his cheeks weren’t still as red as his brother’s tunic. “But I like you a lot!” You took his hands suddenly. “Don’t get me wrong I was mad. But I know you’re a good person Vio! I like you; I like your brothers and I like Four!”
Ah. There he goes.
- The first of the Colors to realized he loved you in this AU. Which just makes everything even worse for him. Since he knows the other colors feel the same but are in denial because of your connection with Four.
- He could help the others…..Nah…. Vio wants to watch them suffer.
Cafe HC:
- Coffee? If he feels like death. Yes. Tea mostly though. He tends to get the blunt of the headaches. Tea also helps with his ability to sleep.
- He is the type of customer that comes in and stays for hours. In his case just writing and/or reading. You’ve only ever spoken to him a few times before. Mostly to get his order and asking about his day. Small talk!
- Slowly you learn more about him. You learn that he has brothers. Is an author, (you’ve bought his book and teased him about having it signed now.) Had traveled around the world a few times before.
- You’ve met some of his siblings before. They actually come as often as he does. Striking up more of a conversation than him. Sometimes even getting him to talk to you more…
It’s has occurred to you how much time has passed since you last saw a Vio. It was a long time. A few months honestly. It kind of hurt that he and his brothers just up and left without giving you a fair warning but, it’s their personal business and not yours. Yet…
You thought you five were close.
It’s fine. Maybe Link was around! They were his siblings and you could just go to the forge and ask. Though you weren’t too close to Link so maybe it would be a bit awkward to ask him about his brothers.
They are probably fine.
There is no need to worry, they are all seasons’ adventurers!
It seems like this day was just going to be a slow one. Where you couldn’t get your mind off of your friends. It was almost closing time so another day without any word from your favorite color-coded brothers.
You decided to clean the shelves early tonight. Leaving some smaller bits for the Minish that may or may not be inside your small cafe. Lifting the chairs onto the tables to clean the floor. Making sure they get every nook and cranny. To make your life easier the next morning.
As you picked up the finally empty tray off of the counter you were heading into the back. Until the door to your small shop swung open and a group of similar-looking Adventurers comes stumbling in. “(Y/n)!”
“Vio?” You turned around quickly, only to see him helping to keep one of his brothers up. They looked like they ran through ten monster camps just to get to your sleepy little shop. You felt dread came in full force as the empty tray slips from your grasp. You bolt to his side ordering the others to get in the store. “You lot are staying over here.” You didn’t ask it was a demand. No room for argument. “There are potions in the back. You can use what you need.”
“Thank you, Ms.” a larger man with a scar across his eye went in the direction you pointed.
You gather the knocked-out brother to help Vio. “Thank you.” He said sheepishly.
“It’s no problem,” You smiled back at him. “Let’s make sure your brothers are safe. I was about to get dinner ready. How does something hearty sound?”
“That sounds lovely thank you.”
- You might have not known Vio and his brother for long but they really do consider your small little cafe as a safe space. A little heaven that they don’t need to be a Hero.
- Now when he stops by on this adventure you tend to give him packs of supplies and a bunch of treats for the road.
- You also started writing him letters and care packages when you can. Now that you know that he is traveling around. Though you don’t know how the mailman knows where he is… that’s… not something your gonna question really.
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hometownrockstar · 3 years
ok now that i have played happy home paradise for 3 or 4 days i think i can say my opinion of it so far (coming from one of the biggest fans of happy home designer of all time)... its SOOO good and originally i was annoyed by it being paid dlc but i think its worth it and it works very well as dlc and wouldnt be as good as a stand-alone game like hhd was, specifically with how it integrates with the full acnh game with the stores and facilities u can buy items from, while not being paylocked entirely bc u can still get all that stuff in the full game thank goodness (one neat detail that happened to me was that i bought the pro camera from the nook miles abd, and after i got the dlc mr nook sent me a letter saying he refunded the original miles spent)
the facilities having more of a use in that manner makes them feel more lived in and worth building and visiting, unlike hhd where i didnt really go back to the facilities that often. im not far enough to have many of them built yet, but i have read abt the stuff u can get from them. the other stuff added that differs it from hhd, like partitions, lighting and room size adjustments, roommates, outdoor settings and customizable season/weather/time are all really nice but i dont like the partitions as much as i want to bc they only really work as just sticking out of the wall, instead of sectioning off little boxes, but thats just a personal nitpick that i like to do for bathrooms lol. also the graphics look AMAZING, this game is really really beautiful and i KNEW upon seeing the trailer for new horizons that the possibilities for hhd-type interior design and pictures would be SO good and better from the ds graphics
my problems are mostly little things that i wish were added, like being able to choose the tree color in fall (like why is it always yellow? why cant i make them have red or orange leafs like on my island?) the ability to have two accent walls at once, the first-person camera (god i wish i could walk through walls while its on) and maybe even brand new additions like being able to move windows around the walls, or moving the doorway position, or adding a floor version of the partition so u could add layer steps. also a nitpick is that i think the array of new furniture is a LITTLE small, understandable bc of all the new food items tbh.
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77 Minutes | Five Hargreeves
✦ pairing — Five Hargreeves x Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 1.7k
✦ summary — you’re not having a good day — Five isn’t either and things only seem to be getting worse.
✦ warnings — spoilers for season 2, some angst, mentions of blood and violence, mentions of death, language, a little bit of fluff.
You were having a bad week, and that day only proved that it would get worse if you didn’t find a solution quickly.
Luther and Diego had been in the middle of threatening to kill a lady through the phone when you arrived, Elliot was dead, you didn’t know where Five was, and you were on a time limit to save the world.
There was also the fact that you hated your temporary job, but that was a petty complaint. People were the worst, honestly, you were still getting used to being around them after years only around Five.
Five sadly stared at Elliot, covering him with the sheet Luther had draped over him again.
“Are you okay?” he asked you, eyes analyzing your face and body in search for injuries.
“I wasn’t here when it happened,” you assured him, observing the curling and uncurling of his blood-stained fingers around the handle of the briefcase he was carrying.
Unfazed by the familiar sight before you, slightly bothered by the fact that taking blood off white clothes had never Five’s most developed skill, you rummaged through the belongings you had bought hours ago.
He stored the briefcase in a safe spot, immediately trying to shimmy his blazer off.
Walking into the bathroom as Diego and Luther questioned him, he gave you a thankful nod when the clean shirt caught his attention.
It wasn’t like you could blame them for being shocked by the sight of Five covered in blood, but you didn’t want to partake in the interrogatory. You knew better. They should have known better, too.
“Five,” Luther pressed, “what did you do?”
Five cursed, shaky hands worsening the red splotches on his shirt as he tried to take his vest off.
You gently removed his hands, helping him to slide the item off and dropping it to the side.
He grunted in acknowledgment, not in the mood to anger you by ignoring your actions. As attractive as he found your angry version, he was tired.
He made a motion with his finger for you to turn around. You did so, facing Diego and Luther as you heard him run more water.
The shuffling behind you helped you guess what he was doing. You rested your head on the doorway, watching Luther fumble with his luggage as he struggled to open it.
“You can face me again, sweetheart.”
The uncharacteristic soft tone caught you off guard. Five could get to be extremely sweet if he wanted, but there was something off this time. He was a private person, not the type of person to use pet names in front of his siblings.
“So I found a way home,” he announced, putting his tie back on.
“What?” Luther inquired, too surprised to be able to hide it. “How?”
“All the details are irrelevant, but... I made a deal to get back to our timeline.”
The shakiness in his voice got on your nerves. Five wasn’t one for getting antsy, much less when solving a problem. And what kind of deal was he talking about?
“What about doomsday?” Diego asked the important question.
“Won’t happen.”
“And the 2019 apocalypse?” Luther followed Diego’s example.
“Everything will be back to normal. All right?” Five glared at his brothers. “Now, no more questions.”
Feeling as though the latter statement was directed at yourself, you followed him and his brothers.
Five put the blazer back on, declaring, “We gotta go. We have to find the others, right?”
He gave clear instructions. Luther would get Allison, Diego would get Klaus, he would get Vanya, you would bury Elliott.
“Now, we meet back in the arrival alley in 77 minutes.”
You frowned. Time limits when it came to time travel had never been a good sign.
He handed you and his brothers synchronized watches. You reached for your gloves, putting them on before clasping the watch on top.
Diego was skeptical. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. You show up drenched in blood and expect us to believe everything’s gonna go back to normal if we go home now?”
“Elliot just got killed because of us,” Five sneered.
“What about dad? What about JFK?”
Here we go again...
“Diego, we have a chance to go home and make things right. We are taking it.”
“I have to say goodbye to Lila.”
“Lila doesn’t give a shit about you, Diego! She never did.”
You winced. That had been harsh, even for being something coming from Five. You could tell Diego really cared, he was failing miserably to hide his hurt.
“Lila is one of them. She’s a member of the Commission.”
“Not possible.”
“She was just using you to get to me.” Condescendingly, Five added, “You’re the Oswald of this story, my friend. The goddamned patsy.”
Raising his voice, Diego said, “Just because you found someone who is insane enough to want to be with you, doesn’t mean that everyone wants you.” He turned to look at you briefly, “no offense, you’re lovely, but in—“
Five interrupted his brother, approaching him and hissing, “If you don’t do this, I’ll kill you myself. Got it?”
You were truly worried now. That had been unprompted. Before you could say or ask anything, Five teleported. The whooshing sound made you cringe for the first time since you met him.
With a sigh, you kept yourself from entering in a self-absorptive moment. Everything would be okay in less than 70 minutes, there was no use in focusing on things that would only make you lose time.
Walking towards Elliot, you double-checked to make sure you had taken the car keys already.
Diego stopped you from carrying Elliot. “I’ll bury him after getting Klaus. He’s not far away from here.” You were about to deny him, but he pleaded in a low voice, “Please, (Name).”
Damn Diego and his puppy eyes. Nodding, you slid your hand into your pocket and withdrew the keys.
Five paced. From left to right, from bottom to top. Luther shifted in his spot, checking his watch every few seconds.
Diego was nowhere to be seen, Vanya and Allison were late too. Five was shocked by the fact that a seemingly hangover Klaus had gotten there in time yet his more responsible siblings couldn’t be bothered.
The briefcase charged, Luther and you cursed sadly along with Five who threw the item off. As the briefcase disappeared, Five got angrier.
Sighing, he angrily lamented, “We were that close. That close!”
“Now what?”
“Now nothing, Luther. All right? Make your peace with God.”
Luther’s confusion would’ve been endearing in any other circumstance, but you were sure Five was about to explode.
“What about Allison and Vanya?”
“Screw them both! They should have been here.”
“What about Diego?” Klaus chimed in.
“Screw Diego, all right? Screw everybody!” he yelled. “(Name) and I were better off on our own in the apocalypse.”
You looked down, avoiding Luther and Klaus. Five didn’t mean it, he would never mean something as brutal as that — not toward his siblings whom he had missed so deeply throughout those years.
Five tended to be hyperbolic, adrenaline got the best of him nine out of ten times. It had always worked in your favor until now. And even now, he must’ve been planning something else already.
“Five, come on!”
“You know what, Luther? It’s every sibling for himself now. How ‘bout that?”
Turning around, Five pulled the door open, slamming it shut after crossing the doorway.
Klaus whimpered, “Did Five just get meaner?”
“I’ll handle Five,” Luther assured. “You two go get the others.”
You shook your head. “It’s my fault that Diego isn’t here, I’ll talk to Five. You two follow the plan to get the others and I’ll see you here later.”
Walking up the stairs, you perked your ears to assess where Five could’ve been. He was being dramatic, and he wanted to be found, perhaps even followed — you knew because he would’ve teleported if that wasn’t the case.
Five was still pacing in the bedroom. He didn’t acknowledge you as you entered, too busy mumbling things to himself.
You weren’t interested in deciphering whatever he was saying under his breath, you wanted him to tell you what was really going on.
And he knew, after so many years together he had to know. Resting your back on the wooden door, you patiently waited for him to be done.
His pent-up frustrations had never bothered you. Perhaps because you had met him in a stressful situation, but mostly because you loved him.
“I’m going to do the unthinkable.”
“Of course you are.”
Five stared at you through his eyelashes. “We don’t have time for this.”
“Then what do we have time for, Five?”
“I don’t want to fight. Not right now.”
“You just want to break the most important rule of time travel,” you deadpanned, mocking him.
“I killed The Board for nothing, (Name)!”
“We can fix it!”
“You’re not surprised? I wasn’t supposed to kill anymore!” He kicked the bed, huffing out of his nostrils.
“Oh, come on,” you breathed out, getting rid of the uncomfortable watch and leaving it on the first surface you found. “We will always be assassins, Five. The difference now is that we’re doing it on our own terms.”
Sitting down on the edge of the bed with his head between his trembling hands, he let out a sob.
God, what a fucking awful day. You pushed yourself off the door. Walking towards him, slowly in case he wanted to have space, you discarded your gloves.
Taking the spot on the bed beside him, you placed your hand on his back and rubbed it. When he didn’t make a move to push you away, you wrapped your arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. “It’s okay. I’m here with you.”
Shifting, he wrapped both arms around you as he buried his face in the joint of your shoulder and neck. His shaky frame under your embrace broke your heart.
“The Handler tricked me — there wasn’t supposed to be a time limit.”
If he wasn’t so distressed, you would’ve punched him for making a deal with The Handler from all people.
“Vanya tried to fight me earlier,” he sniffed, resting his cheek on your shoulder. “Then after promising she’d be here she couldn’t do a simple task.”
“Have you considered the possibility that something happened to her, Allison, and Diego?”
“Who knows,” he grunted. “We have other things to worry about now.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled. Closing your eyes, you rested your head on top of his.
You just wanted a few minutes of silence in his embrace, holding him close like you used to after rough missions. And by the way his arms tightened around you, you asserted that he wanted the same.
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emmies-archives · 3 years
The Misadventures of Secret Santa
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Kirishima Eijiro X Reader (Did I mention I reallly love to write for Kirishima…)
 Warnings: None
 Genre: Pure Fluff, soo much cute fluff. There is literally one line of veryyyyyyyy mild Angst, that is all then straight back to fluff.
 Summary: You bought Kirishima two gifts for Christmas, one genuine one for class 1a’s Secret Santa because you pulled his name. And the other a gag gift that was part of an inside joke between the two of you. You realized you brought the wrong one to the Christmas party at the exact moment you gave it to him, and it was a very embarrassing gift.
 A/N: I had an increasing amount of wine while writing this, please forgive any spelling or grammatical errors.
         You swept open the heavy curtain for what seemed like the millionth time. You and the girls from your class had planned to spend the day Christmas shopping. What you didn’t expect was Mina making you try on every single item of clothing that caught your eye. Even though you were going to buy yourself something new to wear for the Christmas party your class was holding, you weren’t exactly excited to spend hours trying on outfits.
 “Y/n! This looks so cute on you!!” Mina squealed, excitedly jumping up and down next to you.
 “It is a very beautiful dress,” Momo said.
 You looked at yourself in the mirror and you couldn’t disagree. It was a mid-length black dress, that flared out slightly at your waist. The top was fitted and sleeveless with a mock neck. The dress was simple but very flattering on you. “I think you guys are right,” You said turning to them, “I’m going get this one.”
 “Are you going to wear it for the party? It would look so classy I think” Momo spoke again with a finger on her chin. “I saw some simple necklaces that would pair well with it near the front of the store too.”
 “Yeah, I am planning on wearing it for the party. We’ll see though because I always seem to change my mind right before.” You said moving back into the dressing room to change into your clothing.
 “Did you find a gift for your secret Santa yet?” Mina asked once you pulled the curtain back again.
 You shook your head and laughed, that was the whole purpose of the day and you forgot.
 “Shoot, not yet. I completely forgot because someone started shoving me into every item of clothing they found.”
 “I wonder who that could be.” Mina grinned and you shoved her laughing again. “Okay, I’ll help you look around.”
 “Whose name did you pull?” Momo asked, “Mine is Sato, and I know exactly what I’m looking for. A nice white tea variety that pairs well with his baked goods!”
 “That’s perfect Momo,” Mina said and started to dig through the basket in her hands. She looked around for a second then pulled out a light purple record player. “I got Jirou, doesn’t this fit her so well. I think I am going to get her a couple of records too. What about you, Y/n?”
 Both girls’ gifts were picked so well for their Secret Santas, you didn’t know if you could top
 “I pulled Kirishima.” You said quietly, blushing slightly when they gasped. Just a couple of weeks ago you had spilled your secret crush on Kirishima to the girls in a game of never have I ever.
 “Ooooh, Y/n this is going to be so exciting!”
Momo had offered the idea of a girl’s night one Friday after classes had ended. Of course, everyone had agreed right away, it had been a while since you all had hung out without the boys in your class. It wasn’t like the boys were annoying or not fun to spend time with, it was just sometimes it was nice to get away from all the testosterone and have a night to gossip without fear of any of the boys hearing juicy secrets.
 The night started with Mina begging Ochako to let her do her makeup. It didn’t take that much convincing; Mina was good at doing other’s makeup. Everyone was crammed into
Mina’s dorm room; she had insisted it everyone stay the night in hers.
 It wasn’t long before someone had thrown out the idea to play never have I ever. You guys played a different version of the game though. One person would say something they’d never done, and then the whole group would vote on one person out of everyone who had done the thing to do a dare.
 “Hmmm never have I ever…… gave myself a haircut,” Tsu said. Only Ochako and Hagakure spoke out that they had given themselves a haircut.
 “Wait, Hagakure how did you give yourself a haircut? You’re invisible.” You deadpanned at her, confused. She just laughed at your question.
 “I can see myself, it’s just that others can’t see me.” You always forgot that part of her quirk.
 “Alright, guys, who vote that Ochako should get a dare?” Tsu asked the group, getting everyone’s attention. All but Ochako raised their hands and she groaned. 
 “Ughhh come on, I was on a no dare streak,” Ochako whined. “Okay, what do I have to do?’
 “Ooh! I got one.” Mina said clapping her hands excitedly. “I dare you to text Midoriya goodnight!”
 “What?!” Ochako broke out in a bright blush. “Really?”
 “It’ll be so cute, Ochako!” You said nudging her arm with your elbow, her blush didn’t waver, but she pulled her phone out of her pocket. Her hands were shaking slightly but she had a smile on her face. You couldn’t help but wonder if Midoriya would match her blush when he received the text.
 “Okay, it's done.” She said and it seemed like her smile was a little bigger than before. “Now please someone else go, I need a distraction from my phone.”
 “I will go.” Momo set down her teacup and squinted for a second in thought. “Never have I ever had a crush one someone in our class.”
 Your heart jumped. So far, all the never have I ever were not juicy, the dares were a little bit, but you had been safe. Silence fell in the room and everyone just looked at each other. Ochako sighed again and shook her head.
 “This isn’t fair.” She said and raised her hand to say she had done it. Nobody was surprised at that one.
 Jirou raised her hand slowly too, “You guys already know, I don’t know why I’m so nervous still.”
 Hagakure jumped up and squealed. “I don’t know if I have a crush on anyone but all the boys are just so handsome! Does that count?”
 “No, I don’t think so.” Momo shook her head. “I hope you don’t count Mineta in that one.”
 “No, definitely not Momo.” Hagakure said seriously and sat down.
 You sighed; you had no more time to stall. Putting up your hand slowly trying to not get attention on it, but it failed. It was like all the girls had a radar on you because they all saw you at once.
 “Y/N!” Mina squealed.
 “Oh my goodness, I wasn’t expecting this,” Momo said with her hand to her mouth.
 “You have to tell us who.” Tsu smiled at you.
 “No. I can’t.” You shook your head and picked at your fingernails trying to get them to change the subject.
 “Okay then, I dare you Y/n. Tell us who you like!” Ochako said abruptly.
 “Hey! This is not how the game works.” You said back to her.
 “Does everyone agree on this dare?” Ochako asked looking around gaining a nod from all the girls. You groaned and laid down onto your back grabbing the pillow neck to you covering your face. “C’mon Y/n! You have to.”
 You mumbled into your pillow hoping they would take it as the answer.
 “Nope, not gonna work. You’ve got tell us outright.” Hagakure reached over and tugged on the pillow. Tsu also poked your side to get you to sit up, you yelped and sat up shoving her hands away.
 “Okay fineee. It’s Kirishima.” You mumbled grabbing onto your knees and pulling them close.
 “Did you hear what she said?” Mina asked Ochako, and she shook her head.
 “I didn’t either, Mina.” Momo agreed with them. They all stared at you waiting.
  “Kirishima.” You said louder this time. Just like Ochako, your face erupted in a blush.
“WHAT!?” Mina was the first one to scream.
 It was no doubt everyone was shocked. The two of you were really good friends, he was one of the first ones you had made in the class. He was hilarious and caring the two of you always had fun when you were together. You could say he was nearly your closest friend out of everyone in your class.
        Almost every weeknight you and Kirishima did your homework together, mostly it was you answering his questions and helping him with anything he didn’t understand. You would take breaks periodically, eating dinner together when the class didn’t make a big one, playing video games if you were in his dorm.
 Sometimes others would join your studying and you would take it to one of the common rooms in the building. A lot of times after both of you finished your homework, you’d watch Netflix or a movie, occasionally you’d play board games. It was some of your favorite times to spend with him.
 Kirishima told you one time after finishing your homework pretty late when you were watching his favorite Anime together that he loved to cuddle. You could tell that he was getting very tired, and so were you.
 “I didn’t want to say anything too soon because I didn’t know if you liked that. But I love to cuddle. Especially when I get really tired, it's my favorite thing to do.” He told you and yawned.
 “What do you do when you can’t cuddle with anyone? Do you spoon your pillows?” You laughed when he shoved your shoulder slightly.
 “Actually yes, I do.” You burst out laughing at his answer, he started laughing too. “Hey, don’t knock it till you try it Y/n.” He defended himself and pointed at his pillows. “It's comfortable snuggling into them.”
 “Okay, I trust you.” You said after shaking your head, and you noticed him staring at you with literally almost puppy dog eyes. “Do you want to cuddle, Kiri?” 
 “Oh my gosh, yes. I thought you’d never ask.” He immediately wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to him, leaning back into the wall behind you. You wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your head on his shoulder. Kirishima was right, it was very comfortable. Especially he was, you had thought that he’d be kind of hard considering his quirk and his muscles, but he was incredibly good at cuddling.
 “Kiri, you’re so comfy.” You said after a few minutes, and you felt his arms squeeze you closer.
 “So are you. It’s so nice to have someone to cuddle with that’s not a pillow.” You laughed again and he rested his chin on your head lightly, “You think we could work this into our
homework routine?”
 “Yes. Every night.”
 “What if we’re studying with someone else?” He asked and you moved to look up at him.
 “Hmmm, pretend we’ve never studied before so then we can just cuddle instead.” You said and cuddled back into him.
 You could feel his chest vibrate when he laughed at your answer, “Okay, that works for me.”
      The girls made you spill everything after your dare. They completely ditched the game and started asking you questions. You told them about the cuddling and the homework nights. About the times Kirishima had helped you train your quirk. The girls didn’t spare any questions at all.
 “So when did you realize you had a crush on him?” Momo asked.
 You had to think for a second. “Maybe it first happened when we started to cuddle, but I don’t think I realized it until a little bit ago. I started to get excited to study or train with him. Or spend time with him at all, but then I started feeling nervous too. I think it was butterflies, and one weekend we went shopping together, I don’t know what for but I remember in one of the stores looking at him and I could hear my heartbeat. Kirishima was so cute, he was looking at Crimson Riot merch and he was so excited about finding something new. I’d say I realized that day, that I liked him.”
 “Oh my god. Y/n that is so cute I could die!” Hagakure squealed and Ochako hugged you laughing. Soon after that everyone decided to go to sleep for the night, the excitement had worn everyone down and it had gotten very late, it was past midnight.
 You curled up in your sleeping bag and picked up your phone. You had put it on silent so it wouldn’t annoy any of the girls during the games you played. A few notifications were on the screen, and you saw Kirishima texted you.
 The first one said, “Hey! A new season of my favorite Anime was just released!”
 Almost immediately after that a second one he sent read, “Whoops I forgot you’re having a girls night. Sorry! Have fun.”
 A couple of hours later he sent a final one, it was a picture of his pillows along with a text, “I miss cuddling with you, my pillows don’t laugh at my jokes :( Goodnight y/n, see you tomorrow!”
 He was so cute you thought you were going to melt.
       The night of the Christmas party came faster than you expected, your last present for Kirishima finally arrived that morning and you barely had any time to pick it up after classes ended. The whole day went by in a blur, and you were left with just enough time to get ready and wrap the presents. You had gotten Kirishima two because you couldn’t resist once you saw the second one.
 The gift for the Secret Santa was a nice gift, and you were excited to give it to him. The other one you were going to hold off until after the party, it was a little bit out there, but you knew he’d find it hilarious.
 After wrapping the gifts, you got ready. It didn’t take long until you did the finishing touches to your hair and makeup, then you put on the dress you bought with Mina and Momo. Then you thought maybe you wanted to wear something else. That caused you to change in and out of four different outfits several times, it was almost time to go down for the party.
 Kirishima had texted you before you got ready if you wanted to go down to it with him since both of your dorms were luckily on the same floor. Of course, you said yes, you were excited. But because of your rushed idea to change outfits at the last second, you missed his text saying he was outside your door, and you also didn’t hear him knock on it either. You finally picked the first dress you put on and as you started to pull it up, your door opened. You froze when you locked eyes with Kirishima as he stepped into the room. After a second of staring his brain registered what he saw, and his hands flew up to cover his face.
 “Oh my god, I am so sorry!” He exclaimed, turning around and you yanked the dress up, trying to zip it in the process. “I texted you and knocked, but I got no answer, so I got worried!”
 “No! It’s okay! It’s my fault I missed it.” You tugged at your zipper again, but it stuck in place. You paused for a second and kicked yourself, if you hadn’t switched your dress a thousand times you wouldn’t be in this, and Kirishima wouldn’t feel guilty. “Um, Kirishima?” Your voice cracked at your nervousness.
 “Yeah?” He said, still facing the other way.
 “Can you help me with my zipper, I got it stuck.” You could feel your face burning as you asked him.
 “Oh, um, yeah.” He stood facing the wall for a second, “Can I turn around now?”
  “Okay, let me help you.” He took his hands away from his face and turned around. You spun around once he got to you, you didn’t want him to see your face flushed. The warmth of his hands went through the thin fabric at your waist and you shivered at it. He was so gentle pulling the zipper loose from where it was stuck and pulling it up all the way, being careful to move your hair out of the way. “All done.”
 You smiled and turned to face him; the blush felt less than before. Hopefully, he didn’t hear your heart racing now though. “Thank you. I’m sorry for before, I should’ve looked at my phone. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
 “Hey,” Kirishima grabbed your tense shoulders and smiled softly, “It’s not your fault, it was mine.” He pulled into him and wrapped his arms around you. All the awkwardness drained
from your body at the hug. “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
 You laughed and hugged him back, “You didn’t, Kiri don’t worry.”
He squeezed your shoulders and brought his head close to your ear and whispered. “Good,
because you looked really good, Y/n. So beautiful.”
 Chills went down your body and you felt your blush come back. Kirishima pulled back like it was nothing and walked to the door. He opened it and held out his hand towards you.
 “Wanna go to the party now that we’re all dressed?”
 You couldn’t believe what just happened, but Kirishima’s grin towards you caused you to giggle. “Okay, yeah let’s go.” Grabbing his hand, you began to leave your dorm. At the last second, you remembered the gift you were supposed to bring and you quickly grabbed it before you left.
     The party went by very smoothly, the food was so good, and the decorations were fantastic. Bakugo and Sato prepared dinner along with a few other classmates. Momo, Jirou, and Sero had put up the decorations. Everyone went through a game of Candy Cane Olympics, Bakugo was the winner and he had nearly trampled Midoriya for the title. Kaminari and Jirou won the Karaoke competition. It was nearly time for everyone to pass out presents.
 You were so excited to give Kirishima his gift. You had been getting butterflies the entire time, especially every time you caught him staring at you and then one time that he winked while smirking. It was a good thing you were sitting down for that one, it hit you hard. You were not expecting it, but it was a good surprise.
 After a bit you sat on one of the couches by the tree with a few of your classmates, setting your gift on the table next to you. Not long after you did, Kirishima came up and plopped onto the couch next to you. Immediately he put his arm around your shoulders and squeezed you close to him.
 “You’re so warm, did you swap quirks with Todoroki?” You asked quietly, nestling into his side.
 “Hah, maybe I did on accident.” Kirishima laughed.
 “Good, I like it warm.” You said.
 “Oh, you like his quirk? Are you cuddling with someone else?” He pretended to be shocked.
 “Maybe… You didn’t know?” You feigned innocence, “Dang, I thought this was a multi-person cuddle thing. My bad.”
 Kirishima moved his mouth close to your ear, whispering deeply “Well, we’ll have to change that, won't we? I don’t like to share.”
 Before you could say anything back to him you caught Mina staring at you grinning and nudging Jirou. That couldn’t be good.
 “Okay, everyone! It’s time for Secret Santa exchange!” All your classmates started moving excitedly, and you were confused when Kirishima didn’t move.
 “Don’t you have a gift for someone?” You asked him.
 “Oh, yeah I had Tsu. I gave her my gift for her earlier this week. It was a couple of really cool wool sweaters I found, and it got really cold this week I figured she could use them.”
 “Awe, you are such a sweetheart. Who would’ve known Kiri.” You laughed at his fake offended face.
 “I am hurt that you think so little of me, Y/n.” Kirishima laughed.
 “I’m just kidding, you’re the nicest person I know.” You said and his expression softened.
 “Shouldn’t you give your gift out? I don’t want to be keeping you stuck here.” He started to get off the couch. You grabbed his arm, stopping him from moving.
 “I got you for Secret Santa.” You grabbed the present from the table beside you and handed it to him.
 “Awe really?! That’s so cool, y/n.” He smiled at you and looked down to the present in his hands, then it hit you, you grabbed the wrong gift. The one that was meant for him to open in front of everyone during the party was up in your dorm still. The present he was holding was bigger and more square than the actual gift. You had given him the gag gift, the inside joke one. Your stomach dropped to the floor. You must’ve grabbed the wrong one when you hurried out of the door.
 “Wait! Kirishima, don’t open that.”
 “What do you mean, of course I’m going to open it.” He didn’t waste a second and tore into the green wrapping paper. This was going to be embarrassing. It didn’t take long at all for him to open the gift at all. Your nerves were soaring when he finally turned it over to the front side.
 “Oh my god, Y/n…..” Kirishima said staring at the gift. It was a pillow. You wished that was the only thing, but the pillowcase over it was the best part of the gift. It was black, and a picture of you in the middle of it. You held up peace signs and your tongue stuck out. The words ‘hug me’ under the picture of you. He was so quiet, you realized he probably hated it.
 “I’m so sorry! That wasn’t the right gift… I-“
 Kirishima cut you off, with a loud bark of laughter. “Holy crap this is amazing! How did you even do this?”
 You looked at him in shock. “What?”
 “Y/n this is so fricking cool, now I can sleep with you every night!” He said very excitedly. That gained your classmate's attention. Mina stared at you with wide eyes and your cheeks flamed. You jumped up and grabbed his hand pulling him up.
 “Follow me.” You said quickly and rushed towards the elevators.
 “Where are we going?” Kirishima laughed trying to keep up with you.
 Once you made it to the floor of your dorms, you went straight to yours. “When we had our little incident earlier I grabbed the wrong gift. I got you that one to give to you in private.”
 “Oh, you don’t want others to know about our cuddle sessions.” He said smirking.
 “That’s not it at all,” You spoke coming to your door and going it. Kirishima followed you, still holding onto the pillow. You were glad that he didn’t leave it on the couch next to him.
 “When I pulled your name for the Secret Santa I was a little disappointed.” His smile faltered a bit, “No! Not like that, I just was excited to get you something special for Christmas. I wanted you to open that in private because it is really special to me. The time you spend with me.”
 “Y/n,” He said softly and walked closer toward you. “I know, it is really special to me too.”
Your chest warmed when he said that. You reached to grab his other gift. “This was the one I wanted you to open for the Secret Santa. I think you’ll really like it, but I didn’t want you to think I just got you something because I pulled your name, Kiri.”
 He took the gift from your hands, looking at you before opening it. His hands were so gentle pulling apart the wrapping paper, very different than downstairs. The first thing he saw was the manga set of his favorite anime the two of you had watched every night together.
 “Wow, thank you.” He said smiling up at you.
 “There’s something else, open the little box.” You said the butterflies in your stomach had flown to your heart now. Kirishima slowly took the lid off the white box. You heard him gasp slightly when he saw what it was. Inside the box were two things, a necklace, and a small keychain. “The keychain is the first-ever merch for Red Riot.”
 He looked stunned. “How did you get this?” His voice was so soft, and quiet.
 “A few months ago right after your first patrol with Fatgum that went viral, I looked up to see if you had merch. There was a preorder for a small company that produces Fatgum’s and Suneater’s merch. It was this keychain, I bought it right away.”
 The key chain was the R from his hero costume. It was red, there was a thin outline of black and an outline of white around the R. Inside the R was his name and hero name.
 “I didn’t know if you’d be interested in it, but there are matching keychains of Fatgum and Suneater. I got them too for you if you want them.’
 Kirishima ran his hand around the R, admiring the keychain. “Y/n. This is perfect. I can't even tell you how much I love it. What’s the necklace? Is it merch too?”
 “Oh. No, I made that one. My mom helped me with it, she makes jewelry.” You said you could feel tears pricking the back of your eyes at his reaction. “I, um. It’s made out of ruby beads, and black chain.”
 It was a necklace with a black chain, in the middle was a red RR pendant, on each side of it were three glass black beads.
 “I wanted you to have something else that no one would have. Something only from me. Because both you and Red Riot are one of the most important people in my life.” You whispered; your hands were starting to shake from the butterflies fluttering wildly inside you. “I have a matching one too. It’s a bracelet though, so it’s not the exact same.”
 You took the bracelet out of the bowl on your nightstand, showing him.
Kirishima was completely quiet for a moment, just staring at the necklace. You began to get worried.
 “Kiri? Do you like it?” He didn’t answer your questions. “You don’t have to keep it! I can take it back if you don’t like it. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t-“
 You were interrupted when his hands softly grabbed your face. Then he kissed you. It was slow at first, you were caught off guard. When you realized what was happening you kissed him back. His arms moved to wrap around your waist, and he deepened the kiss. You could feel your flush. Your arms moved on their own and wrapped around his neck, once buried in his hair, the Santa hat on his head fell to the floor.
 He pulled back very slightly for a breath and went back in for a kiss again. It was breathtaking and you felt like you were floating. After a few more seconds you pulled back to breathe. Kirishima rested his head against your forehead. His red eyes staring into yours, the butterflies in your bodies felt like they were breaking free.
 “Y/n. Don’t ever apologize for a gift again.” He said pulling you to sit on the edge of your bed.
 “Do you like it?” You asked hopefully.
 “I am not kidding when I say this is the best gift I have ever gotten in my life. I can’t even believe you got all this for me. There are so many meanings within these few things. I love them.” He cupped your face again and reached for something in his pocket. It was a small white box with your initials on the left corner of it.
 You took it from him when he held it out to you. “What is this?”
 “So, I don’t have the skills to make you something special, and also you don’t have any merch out yet. Sorry, this is awkward…” He laughed and rubbed his neck.
 “Hey, no it’s okay.” You said, moving your free hand and placing it on his cheek. You opened the box, inside was a ring. In the middle of it was a small gemstone of your birth month, on each side was a small clear crystal. Tears pricked your eyes once again, “Kiri..” You whispered you took it out of the box and it was a perfect fit. You looked up at him once again, “I love it. Thank you!”
 “Y/n, you are so welcome. You deserve so much more than I can give you right now.” You leaned in to hug him and he returned it immediately. His large arms wrapping around you, warming your whole body. When you both pulled away he grinned at you, “I also got you a year membership for your favorite café, it’s one drink or food item free a day but I think it’s worth it.” He laughed and laced his fingers through your hand. “I want to take you there for the first day though.”
 You waited a second before you got the courage, “Kiri?”
 “Do you want to go there as a date?” You could practically see the butterflies from your stomach in the room now.
 “I was just about to ask that,” He said grinning again, “Are you psychic, y/n.”
 “I am actually, I didn’t think you’d ever find out!” You gasped, Kirishima laughed at your response.
 “I may not be book smart, but I can read you like a book.” He said, “Wait, don’t say anything that didn’t make sense.”
 “I like you so much Kiri, I wanted to tell you for a bit but I didn’t know if you liked me back.” You said looking down at your hands, when he squeezed your hand you looked up again. “But I don’t know how I didn’t see it this whole time, how much you meant to me, and how you feel about me too.”
 “Y/n, I have never felt so many feelings for someone before,” Kirishima said, his eyes seemed to sparkle when you met them. “I care so much about you, more than anyone.”
A huge yawn ripped from your throat breaking the trance the two of you were in. You laughed and stood up, pulling Kirishima along with you. “I’m really happy that you liked my gifts.”
 “I loved them; they were all so special to me in a different way.” He said looking softly at you, “Just like you, y/n. The pillow though was so great where did you even find it?” You just grinned and shrugged at him. He shook his head leaning down to the floor, he grabbed the pillow you gave him. “Can you stay in my room tonight? I really want to cuddle with you right now, more than ever.”
 “Let me change first.” You said smiling at him.
 Without missing a beat, he leaned in placing a kiss on your lips again. You deepened it, grabbing his shirt pulling him closer. After a second, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the door. “You can wear my clothes, I can’t help myself you’re too cute. He then pulled you out of your room. You left the butterflies behind in your room, no longer nervous just very excited to wake up in his arms, not having to pull yourself from his grasp at the end of the night like before.
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4dtk · 4 years
red, orange, green
@dalkomhanchocolateicecream: “heyhey :) i have a “angst” request hehe. usually i try to write these types of longer blurbs but end up cringing & not finish. pitch is soft jae/john/ty/dy but goes through flashbacks while y/n is moving into her new place to have a fresh start. the flashbacks that match up to her present are when she moved in the last apartment (with one of the boys). pls do your fluff magic for renovation flashbacks & the mopey postbreakup for present. sprinkle in that breakup too. ur so talented ty <33” helllooo!!! this is long af LOL. italics are flashbacks, enjoy dear! <3
ps this is a non idol au!
scouring through the store, you sighed for the umpteenth time in the past hour as you look back at the offer on your phone.
the big red numbers glare back at you, signalling a big sale at the local IKEA a bus stop away. and so, on a free day, you made your way down.
throughout your hike around the store, you struggle to find the sale items, although noting down that there were one or two things that you needed to purchase.
as your eyes meet the showroom bedroom setups, however, your mind sinks into thoughts you rather not remember, dancing and evading the peace that your heart wanted.
despite the different hues and layouts, your thoughts fill out one by one, and there was one you can’t help thinking about.
“no way, you’re picking that one?” you furrow your eyebrows, feeling over the cushion to give your verdict.
jaehyun grins as he lifts up the cushion printed with an orange design, “what? i think it’s cute; fruit cushions.”
you roll your eyes with a smile as you set down the watermelon version, dragging him to another showroom to admire the bedroom.
“we’re here for a new cupboard and you’re cooing over fruit cushions,” your expression pans when he gives a cheeky smile, hoping you’d cave in eventually.
“well, we’ll think about it when i actually pick out a cupboard.”
jaehyun shows his fist in triumph over your feigned pondering, knowing you’d buy it in a heartbeat.
to your dismay, the two cushions remained there, but the colours of the room have changed to match the fruits. your feet bring you there unconsciously, taking in the red and orange display like a child.
there was hints of green around—on the cupboard and on the rug. the desk light and the stationeries posed as various shades of green as contrast to the passion around you.
your fingers trailed over the furniture like it was yours, feeling each texture and groove of a potential room. a potential room that you could’ve shared with jaehyun.
ridding your distraction, the passion and strength of red and orange faded just as it came, and you were back to your mission: to get a fresh start.
although, you won’t forget the passion and strength of your relationship any time soon.
you didn’t get much work done in finding your sale items, mostly getting distracted by CD cabinets, curtains and plants.
“i don’t think we could fit all our CDs in that,” you mutter, measuring the dimensions diligently, “plus it won’t fit in the space that our current one is in…”
“you mean your CDs,” jaehyun mindlessly says, glancing around the other cupboards.
“oh right, i forgot your ass only collects vinyl records. sorry for disrespecting, sir jung jaehyun,” you bow down to him mockingly, making fancy gestures with your hand that you eventually get your karma.
“ow- ow! my bone just cracked,” your boyfriend laughs, taking your hand into his as he places butterfly kisses onto your fingers.
“that’s not even the place where it cracked,” giggling, you yank your hand back to take a picture of the tag, set on purchasing it even if it didn’t fit.
rack 1, section 25.
those numbers stayed in your head even when you wished it wouldn’t, plaguing your mind of the countless trips you made to IKEA.
one time, jaehyun bought the wrong set of curtains for the living room.
another, you had forgotten to buy the filling for cushions, too drawn to the design of the cushion set on display.
the next time you two had laughed your ass off whilst assembling the table in your apartment, because you hadn’t realised you were sitting on the missing piece the whole time.
like earlier, your feet carry the weight of your body and heart, heading straight to rack 1, section 25.
the product laid there just as it was like before, mocking the hesitation and dilemma within you. passers-by gave you a few looks, seeing as you haven’t moved an inch in the past few minutes.
initially, you had chickened out on the shared apartment with jaehyun, opting to buy your own set of furniture to avoid seeing the male’s face.
with a stiff body, you walked away deciding against it. your bravery returned for a few moments when your mind settled on collecting the CD cabinet from the apartment, heading forth to pay for your items.
what you didn’t expect, was to hear jaehyun.
the same smooth voice you had dreaded and, at the same time, desired to hear for the longest time.
there’s a upbeat tone to his voice, accompanying a friend he had introduced to you a few months back, johnny.
rack 1, section 25.
the words echoed in your mind, somehow wishing jaehyun could read your mind one way or another.
all pales when jaehyun comes into view, ignoring the way johnny speaks to the camera, ignoring the wails from someone’s daughter and ignoring the loud chatter of customers.
everything, every sound and person fades away, albeit, not in a good way.
you’re instantly brought back to the first time you had met eyes at a party and hell, the same feeling of anticipation and unease repeats.
this time, before jaehyun can reach out, you grab the self-assembled CD cabinet in haste, leaving the place with trembling breaths and the soft call of your name on his lips.
for your own indulgence, you turn back one last time, meeting his downturned and crestfallen eyes with your own as you fight against the hot tears threatening to fall.
“you’ll never leave, right?” jaehyun mutters into your hair as the record plays, getting used to the apartment and your new bed.
you shake your head, leaning up the kiss him as the finished shelf stood at its place.
in the midst of turning back, all you can focus on through your blurry vision were the fruit cushions you had bought the second time.
red, orange, green. red, orange, green.
although now, those hues seem like nothing, seeing as your world had dulled without jaehyun in it.
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poem-today · 3 years
A poem by Tiana Clark
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I once made a diorama from a shoebox for a man I loved. I was never a crafty person,
but found tiny items at an art store and did my best to display the beginning bud of our little love,
a scene recreating our first kiss in his basement apartment, origin story of an eight-year marriage.
In the dollhouse section, I bought a small ceiling fan. Recreated his black leather couch, even found miniscule
soda cans for the cardboard counters that I cut and glued. People get weird about divorce. Think it’s contagious.
Think it dirty. I don’t need to make it holy, but it purifies— It’s clear. Sometimes the science is simple. Sometimes
people love each other but don’t need each other anymore. Though, I think the tenderness can stay
(if you want it too). I forgive and keep forgiving, mostly myself. People still ask, what happened?
I know you want a reason, a caution to avoid, but life rarely tumbles out a cheat sheet. Sometimes
nobody is the monster. I keep seeing him for the first time at the restaurant off of West End where we met
and worked and giggled at the micros. I keep seeing his crooked smile and open server book fanned with cash
before we would discover and enter another world and come back barreling to this one, astronauts
for the better and for the worse, but still spectacular as we burned back inside this atmosphere to live
separate lives inside other shadow boxes we cannot see. I remember I said I hate you once when we were driving
back to Nashville, our last long distance. I didn’t mean it. I said it to hurt him, and it did. I regret that I was capable
of causing pain. I think it’s important to implicate the self. The knife shouldn’t exit the cake clean.
There is still some residue, some proof of puncture, some scars you graze to remember the risk.
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Tiana Clark
Copyright © 2021 by Tiana Clark. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on October 14, 2021, by the Academy of American Poets.
Tiana Clark writes: Some poems tattletale on us before we are ready to admit what we don’t know about ourselves. I started writing a version of this poem years before I knew I was ready to write the poem until it spilled out almost fully formed after a season of false starts. My process needed to let the messy content spill out in scribbles and scraps. I needed more time, space, empathy, forgiveness, healing, and distance to access the essential truthiness to write about my divorce. The poet’s gaze can be ruthless, so it was vital to implicate the ‘self’ in these couplets.
More poems by Tiana Clark are available through her website.
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dokidokivisual · 4 years
Gochiusa BLOOM episode 1 impressions
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Ok, now that some time has passed let’s look at the long awaited first episode of the third season of Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka? aka Is the order a rabbit? in detail. I spent a lot of time on this, so any feedback would be appreciated.
The opening scene of the season is a sendback to opening scenes of the first two seasons. The episode starts as usual with a several establishing shots of the setting, which is based on various European towns, mostly in Alsace region. This shot in particular is based on Little Venice area in Colmar which I have visited a few years ago.
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Then we see Aoyama Blue Mountain going through the town and ending up by the Rabbit House sign. Previously Cocoa and Chino were shown in a similar situation. However the road seems to have been repaved between season 2 and 3 (probably because a different studio is making the backgrounds now).
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After the opening sequence ends, we see the title card and... no opening? Well, this is different. Anyway, the story starts and as was expected it’s based on the first chapter of volume 5. We see the staff of Rabbit House trying various measures to resist summer heat, and eventually deciding to create new, less stuffy uniforms.
On the way to the store Rize has to carry everybody and then fight through the crowds. Understandably even she has her limits. But then, a wild Sharo appears! I thought this scene had pretty cool animation.
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Then the girls go to acquire fabrics for the vests, however they can’t find Cocoa’s signature pink color. Cocoa proposes this sequin fabric, which might be the sparkliest object I’ve seen in anime. It’s quite impressive how it was animated too. Unfortunately Chino hates it.
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After that Chino’s concept for the summer uniform is revealed. What I find interesting here is that in manga this drawing was black and white, and the label “pink” was actually useful, but now it’s colored and the label is redundant.
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Shortly after we get introduced to a new character? Which happens to be just a random background girl playing as Phantom Thief Lapin. An interesting bit of foreshadowing, but possibly confusing for those who only follow the anime?
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The scene that follows features an amazing ad-lib (perhaps?) from Cocoa
なんとかなーる (somehow it will happen) どこかにあーる (somewhere it exists)
In the manga Cocoa only says the first line, but now it rhymes and allows the characters to think about where it might be. A sudden realization comes to Cocoa and she starts rummaging through Rabbit House’s storage room.
Here the story naturally links up with volume 5 chapter 9 (the brocante/flea market chapter), as Cocoa discovers various items that junk up the place. Anyway she finds up the exactly right fabric and we get a glimse at “nice body Cocoa” 10 years in the future, as though she will still be wearing the same outfit and working in Rabbit House for 10 years. By the way, the manga will reach 10 years of continous publication in May 2021, so at least from our point of view she has been working there for almost 10 years.
After a brief intermission with Takahiro and Tippy (I actually laughed at the bake-usagi joke) we move on to the B part. At the flea market (with 100% female attendance for some reason), Cocoa, Chino and Rize set up a stall. Sharo is also there, and her obsession with ceramics is recalled, while Chiya helps her carry the purchases. This scene is expanded compared to the yonkoma version with Chiya displaying some gray (green?) morality by blaming Sharo for caring more about the cup than Chiya. The original joke in the manga was that Sharo desperately jumps for the cup despite saying how she can’t be unladylike in the presence of fine china just before that.
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Next scene is a bit of a cultural reference to “tataki-uri” sale. Here’s a video of a guy selling bananas in this style with a help of harisen in Osaka. Harisen is an important prop in Manzai-style comedy, where “straight man” of a duo (tsukkomi) often slaps “funny man” (boke) with it. Seeing as Sharo is usually in tsukkomi role, her lack of “my harisen” is surprising to Chiya.
One of the most impactful scenes of the episode is when Chino meets a lost child and makes her stop crying using her old rabbit toy. This is another scene that got expanded compared to the manga, showing how Chino overcomes her shyness and how compassionate she can be. The fact that she gives away the toy for free is also original, the mother actually bought it in the manga.
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Next there’s a scene about Chiya trying on a shirt she bought from Rize. This scene is interesting because the anime adaptation cuts some dialogue from the manga where it was revealed that the clothes Sharo wears are actually hand-me-downs from Chiya. As a result Cocoa tries to give hand-me-downs to Chino, and then when she asks for Chino’s clothes to wear, Chino’s reply that “it would be just an exchange” actually makes sense. Is it just me, or the same reply doesn’t make sense when all hand-me-downs dialogue is cut out?
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Now we move on to the final(?) scene where Cocoa reveals that she bought the magic set herself. Cocoa even tells us the moral of the story about how things have their own history. Cut to the scene where she demonstrates her magic skills for the first time. Even those who didn’t read the manga probably expected her to fail at this point, and she does indeed fail the cane trick. But then... something magical happens.
We see Chino (still wearing Cocoa’s hand-me downs) staring enthralled as Cocoa prepares her next trick, with other girls chatting in the background. We now see Chino’s point of view. Everything but Cocoa disappears, she’s now in a magical BLOOM dimension where it’s only two of them. Flowers spring from Cocoa’s magic hat, petals flutter in the air and the camera zooms on Chino, who is absolutely amazed by it all.
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And then it transitions onto the opening sequence! Wow, I did not expect that. Mostly because the flowers trick failed in the manga. But also such a strong allusion to Cocoa kind of being like a mother figure for Chino. In this moment Cocoa is Saki (=BLOOM). I mean, you can interpret it differently, I don’t know.
But this is not all. After the opening there’s a C part, which is really a continuation of the A part. Such “sandwich” composition has been employed before in season 2 episodes 1 and 12 for example. Cocoa shows off her summer uniform which is pretty similar to the original uniform to the point where I’ve seen people saying stuff like “hope they’ll show the summer uniforms in the next episode”. This is it, this is the summer uniform:
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This is also a callback to when Cocoa wears the uniform for the first time in season 1 episode 1, with Rize and Chino’s responses being the same. This is lampshaded in the episode itself though.
Since the opening theme serves as the ending theme for this episode, the actual ending theme (Nakayoshi! Maru! Nakayoshi! by Chimame-tai)  will likely be shown in the next episode. Not to break from the tradition, the next episode “preview” is a scene with Takahiro and Tippy, who deploy some amusing meta-commentary this time around. The next episode seems like it might have Phantom Thief Lapin in it, based on the title, so I better get my Lapin figure ready.
So that was the event-packed first episode of Gochiusa BLOOM. I think it might be one of the best episodes in the series so far, and the key drawings by the new studio are so beautiful, I couldn’t stop screenshotting it on my first watch. What did you think of the episode? It’s kinda hard to find any decent Gochiusa discussion out there... Please look forward to the next episode and my review of it!
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