#i cannot begin to imagine how devastating it must be to lose a son the way that henry did
uncannydanny666 · 1 year
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300yearschallenge · 4 months
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Shortly after the fiasco at the priest's house, a letter arrived for Charles Elias written by his mother.
It read:
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Dear Charles Elias,
My darling son! Thank you so much for your response to my letter, I was so happy to hear from you again.
I am, sadly, writing to you today with sad news.
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Your great uncle Josef Olafsson has died.
He was getting on in years, and I'm told he didn't suffer before passing.
But it's still a great loss for us all.
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We held the funeral for him a few days ago, and everyone who could come was there.
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Both of Josef's children were there, and this is the first time in a long while that Anna has been back in the village since she moved away years ago.
I cannot imagine how hard it must be to lose a parent who you couldn't visit very often, and I hope she doesn't feel too devastated by the loss.
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I think, however, that the one who is taking the loss the hardest is poor uncle Vilhelm.
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He is now the last surviving sibling of seven, and I cannot begin to imagine how painful that must be.
Losing one sibling was painful enough for me, the pain of losing six must be devastating. How do you cope with such a loss?
I hope none of you ever have to lose a sibling for a long, long time to come.
But enough of my fretting! I will continue to pray for your continued well-being, and please give Theodore my regards.
Please do not feel bad about not being able to come to the funeral. I am sure that Uncle Josef understands, and you may send him your love by lighting a candle for him at your new church.
With love,
Théodora Park
Rest in Peace Josef Olafsson
1729 - 1783
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nct-oli · 3 years
I understand Phupha. I really do. And I desperately want to ramble about his motivations through this story, so read on if you want to go through the journey of Phupha’s character depth with me!
(Note: I haven’t opened the tags or anything yet since watching the episode because I genuinely wanted to get all of my own thoughts written out before I bring in influences from other people, so if someone made a post like this already, I apologize and I promise I didn’t see it!!)
Let’s look at Phupha’s decisions and thought processes right now. He received an order from Tian’s dad to protect Tian in the village. When he received that order, he had never met Tian. Of course he wasn’t going to say no, and of course he was going to assume that Tian was a rich kid with poor intentions coming to the village. How many rich kids before Torfun had come to the village and abandoned ship when things got tough? Plus Phupha cares about the kids; he probably hated seeing these teachers enter and exit their lives so often. Not to mention, it probably would have made Phupha’s life easier to not have to take on this extra duty of caring for Tian.
But then Tian showed up, and things changed so quickly. Sure, maybe Phupha helped him extra at the very beginning out of duty, but in doing so, he got to know him even more quickly. And through that, feelings developed so fast. Let’s look at Tian bathing, for example. Phupha knew Tian had a bathhouse at his home, and yet, he took him to the waterfall. Why? Was that not wasting his own time? He so easily could have said, “You need a bath? Behind the house.” And yet, he took him to the waterfall anyways, for no real reason. Perhaps it was to test him, but more than anything, I think he was just trying to tease him and spend time with him. And when he slept at his house, sure, maybe it could have just been to protect him out of duty, but asking Tian what he had for dinner just because he wanted to talk to him was never in the order given by Tian’s dad. That was solely because he enjoyed Tian’s company.
We all know that Phupha’s care for Tian was never just out of duty. It may have started that way, but it so quickly progressed past that. Which is why Tian finding out his father was involved must have been so devastating. It completely contradicted what he was so certain was true. I mean, hell, drunk Phupha even confessed to Tian. He knew Phupha’s feelings were not out of duty, but he was still lied to (which is a whole rant on its own).
I’ve been thinking a lot too about Phupha’s love language. From what I can see, his top love language is acts of service, and more specifically, through his protection. Phupha loves the village. He loves the forest. And he loves Tian. When Tian started to understand Phupha’s love language, I think he recognized that as being Phupha’s expression of love toward him. And because Phupha protected him so strongly, Tian read that as Phupha’s love for him being so fierce (which it absolutely was, of course).
As their relationship blossomed, Tian continuously thanked Phupha for protecting him. And on surface level, yes, he was genuinely thanking him for keeping him alive and safe in the village. But digging deeper, he was thanking him for loving him, because he recognized Phupha’s expression of love is told through his dedication to keeping the people he loves and the forest safe. So when Tian was sitting by Phupha’s bedside begging him to wake up and continue protecting him, it wasn’t just him wanting Phupha to keep him safe. He was literally begging him to wake up and continue loving him.
Hence why, when the bandaid was ripped off and he found out his father had ordered Phupha to protect Tian, he started questioning where the line was between duty and love. And then Phupha wouldn’t admit to Tian that what Tian perceived as acts of love and not duty were exactly that, acts of love, that he hadn’t been imagining it. Not only that but when the emotions got high, Phupha lied to him, saying it was never personal and that it was all for just his job, breaking Tian’s heart.
Do I agree with the way he handled it? No. I think the saying harsh words to make Tian hate him rather than communicating properly was absolutely the wrong way to go. But do I understand it? Yes.
Before going any further into that though, let’s talk about Phupha’s reasoning for siding with Tian’s father over Tian. First of all, the obvious is that Tian’s father is a well-respected authority figure, who also easily has the connections to ruin Phupha’s career (not that he necessarily would but he could if he wanted to). As much as we all want Phupha to disregard Tian’s father’s orders, we all know he’s in a tough spot. He doesn’t just love Tian; he also loves the village and the forest, and he dedicated his life to protecting them. He has to weigh that into his decision too.
But beyond that, Phupha has so much respect for his late father. A lot of the lessons he did not understand when his father was alive were lessons he came to understand as he carried on his father’s missions. He said earlier in the show that he did not understand his father’s dedication to the forest until he dedicated his own life to it. He recognized the wisdom his father tried to pass on to him that he was hesitant to accept.
And so to have Tian’s father telling Phupha that Tian has a good life back in Bangkok, of course he’s going to project some of his respect for his own father onto Tian and Tian’s father, failing to recognize that the two situations aren’t the same. In addition to that, he probably does have a feeling of “if my father was still alive...” And knowing Tian’s father is there wanting to take care of Tian and see his life progress, of course he’s going to respect that. That’s why Phupha even told Tian he shouldn’t think less of his father.
Plus we’ve seen how watching Phupha’s mother grieve affected him personally. When Tian’s father mentioned how his mother hadn’t seen her son, and knowing how she almost lost Tian, I’m sure there was also some guilt for wanting to keep Tian to himself when he watched his own mother grieve. Of course, Tian hadn’t passed away like Phupha’s father, but the feeling of loss is similar enough.
I also assume there are some cultural differences regarding family dynamics and respect that I cannot speak to given I am not Thai.
So from that perspective, of course he started to believe that Tian’s father knew best. He didn’t know how miserable Tian was in Bangkok; he didn’t get to see the way Tian’s frown turned to a smile or how suddenly bright his world became when he came to the village. He never saw any of that.
And if we move on past Phupha’s family history, we all know Phupha is fearful of vulnerability. He’s closed himself off his entire life, it seems, from love. And by the time he hit 30, he probably accepted that would be his life: protecting the forest and returning to an empty bed. Opening himself up to Tian was not easy for him, and now when he finally allowed himself to dream of a less lonely life, it’s been threatened. And to avoid being hurt any further, he’s choosing to throw it away himself. It gives him the false perception that this was his own choice, not someone else’s. I’d even go as far as to say him losing his father is an example of a time when he had pain thrown at him that was not his own choice, and there’s probably some trauma from that that he still has to work through. Then he similarly lost Torfun and has had to work through that pain as well. Is it healthy to push his own happiness away at the first sign of trouble? Absolutely not. Plus it hurts Tian. But does it make sense given everything we know about him? Absolutely yes.
(Side note: Tian did the same thing before the surgery. He was wreckless because it gave him a sense of power regarding his own fate when it felt like his pain was being controlled by someone or something else.)
So now here we are, episode 9, Phupha is trying to do the right thing. Of course this story is showing us Tian’s perspective mostly, and so we empathize with Tian more. But I think it’s really important to acknowledge how Phupha is a character with so much depth, who will make mistakes just as Tian did and who deserves to receive the same forgiveness and consideration we give Tian.
When we look at Phupha, we know his intentions are good. He genuinely loves Tian, and especially throughout the events of this episode, he finally started to see how the guilt Tian felt about Torfun was eating him alive, how he was trying to live his life to make up for the life she had lost rather than for the life he had been given. And because he loves Tian so much, he wanted better for him.
That’s why he made him promise to value himself and to live his life for himself from now on. Of course, we all know there’s a disconnect between what he wants for Tian and the options he’s presenting Tian to pick from.
But just like Tian had a bandaid ripped off, Phupha did too. Tian thought Phupha’s intentions were purely out of love and started questioning why he made the decisions he did. Phupha thought Tian’s love for the village and even for him were straight from his own heart, and then when he found out Tian was purposely living his life as Torfun did, he didn’t know what to make of his intentions anymore. Of course, just as Tian was never wrong about Phupha acting out of love when he was protecting him, Phupha was never wrong about Tian acting out of love when interacting with the children and the rest of the villagers.
Yet he doesn’t know that. In his mind, Tian was always living someone else’s life. In his mind, Tian’s life must have been back in Bangkok because suddenly it didn’t seem like it was here. Suddenly the life he was living here in Pha Pun Dao was Torfun’s. And then when Tian starts insisting he’ll stay if Phupha tells him his feelings, of course he’s going to suddenly feel like it would be selfish to do so. Like I said, now he believes Tian’s life really is back in Bangkok. And he has Tian’s father telling him that too.
And we know he always believed that to some extent, given his response to the rangers when they wanted Tian to extend his stay. He told them he had college to finish and a bright future ahead of him. He hadn’t believed his future would be in the village and certainly not with him. It was when he allowed himself to be more vulnerable that he gave in and asked Tian to stay. But now with everything that happened since then, no wonder he felt selfish not wanting Tian to leave.
Acts of service. Phupha showing his love through protection. This right here is Phupha trying to protect Tian once again. This is Phupha trying one last time to show Tian his love language. Even if he’s hurting Tian in the process.
All of this is to say, is Phupha in the wrong right now? Yes. Of course. I’m going to write a separate post about Tian and how I believe this story will end, but we can clearly see how Phupha is contradicting himself right now. He wants Tian to choose himself and live his life for no one else, and yet he isn’t giving Tian the option to stay in the village for himself. He immediately threw away the idea that that was even a possibility, and it’s hurting both him and Tian.
But Tian has been in the wrong many times before, despite having a heart of gold and good intentions. And that’s where Phupha is too. He wants to do the right thing, but his own guilt and fear are keeping him from even seeing the true right thing.
Like I said, I’m going to write an entirely separate post about how I believe this story will end and why I think the ending will be beautiful. But I’m not worried. I think this is a test of not only Tian and Phupha’s relationship but also the two of them as individuals. I genuinely really love Phupha as a character, and I respect the way he tries so hard. He’s allowed to be wrong too sometimes.
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four-loose-screws · 3 years
FE8 Novelization Translation - Chapter 7, Section 2
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I call this a “section” because it is not a separate part of the chapter in the book, but divided from the rest of the chapter by a scene break.
Chapter 7: The Girl With Wings (con’t)
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The trip back took many less days than the trip out, and in the end, Eirika’s army returned to the Frelian capital.
Compared to the devastation of the rural regions, Frelia’s prospering capital did not show even a sign of the darkness that was clouding the continent. Life there was as rich and refined as ever. Along the capital city’s main street were shops overflowing with high quality goods, and men and women in sophisticated dress laughed and conversed with each other as they came and went.
When Eirika’s army saw such glory, their days fighting monsters and attacking bandit hideouts felt as far away as a dream. 
When they returned to the palace, the person to come rushing out to greet them was none other than Tana herself.
The moment she received the news, she could not wait patiently in the reception hall any longer, and ran all the way to the gate. 
And when she saw Ephraim riding his horse next to Eirika, she blushed. "Ephraim! Um, you are Ephraim, right…? You're safe!"
Ephraim jumped down from his horse and walked over to her.
She clasped her hands together and looked up at him. "I prayed every day that you two would be safe. I prayed harder than I ever have in my entire life."
"Sorry for making you worry, Tana."
“It’s okay now, since you two made it home safe! I’m so happy! And that’s not all! We finally received the message from Brother that says he’s coming home soon!”
“From Innes?” Ephraim’s face hardened for a split second.
He and Tana’s older brother, Prince Innes, had never gotten along. It was likely because their personalities were the complete opposite. Ephraim was big-hearted and cheerful, and would never sweat the small stuff, whereas Innes was serious and uptight about every little detail. Even as a child, he rarely smiled.
Whatever Ephraim did, Innes found fault with it. And because Ephraim would pay no attention to what he said, while they wouldn’t fight, even the smallest disagreement would further drive an unrepairable wedge between them.
Prince Innes returned to the castle before long. Eirika and Ephraim went with Tana to greet him.
Tana looked happy, but she did not show her excitement like she did when Eirika and Ephraim returned, as Innes did not like it when she made too much of a commotion. She looked up to her serious brother, but also feared him a little bit.
“Welcome home, Brother! I’m so happy you’ve returned home safely….”
Innes glared at her.
Though he had just returned from a harsh battle and a long journey, he did not look even slightly tired. He was as prim and proper as ever, with not a wrinkle in his clothing nor a hair out of place.
“Of course I have. Did you really think that Grado riff-raff could hurt me?”
“N… No. Of course I didn’t. But still…”
“Don’t say “but.” It’s such a nuisance.”
“I’m sorry.” Tana looked down at her feet. 
While Eirika felt bad for Tana, Innes’ manner of speaking and attention to detail was the same as ever, and made her feel nostalgic.
His personality was in no way malicious, and he did not mean to bully his little sister, rather, he actually doted on her as much as Ephraim doted on Eirika. However, because he was so serious, he almost always behaved like a strict teacher with her. Eirika remembered him always searching for her with his brow furrowed the moment she disappeared from his sight when they were children.
Ephraim smiled awkwardly and extended a hand towards Innes. “Long time no see, Innes.”
“...Ephraim.” Innes’ expression slowly hardened, and his tone became increasingly sharp as he continued to speak. ”I have received word of Renais’ fall. It is shameful to see it be occupied by Grado.”
Ephraim’s expression was just as stern and determined not to falter nor lose to Innes.
But Innes' tone did not soften. “I warned you of this in the past. Your defenses were too weak for a country boarding a large nation like Grado. I think this was always the obvious outcome.”
Tana could not simply stand by. “Brother…!” She cut in. “You don’t have to speak like that, even if it is true! Imagine how much Ephraim and Eirika must be suffering… Their father is gone!”
“What happened to King Fado is a pity.” Innes’ expression softened for a moment, but his eyes stared at Ephraim just as harshly as before.
“However, there is no time to grieve. Defeating Grado and ending this war is likely the best way to honor his memory. I apologize.” Knowing that saying anything more would be meaningless, Innes turned his back on everyone and walked away.
Tana stayed behind and apologized sadly, “I am sorry, Ephraim, Eirika. Brother… I’m sure he didn’t mean anything wrong by what he said, but he was still too harsh…”
“It’s fine, Tana.” Ephraim said with a sigh. His stiff facial expression softened and returned to normal. “I know he hates me. I’ve already gotten used to how he speaks.”
“He doesn’t really hate you! He just thinks of you as a rival!” Tana whispered. “He’s been like that ever since he was a child. As a warrior, a human being, and a man, he almost always puts all his effort into never losing. And his way of speaking is just…” 
“Not another word.” Innes had amazing hearing. Even though he was seemingly far enough away from them, he overheard their conversation and walked back over.
Tana jumped and hid behind Ephraim.
Just as he was about to yell at Tana, Innes decided against it, then turned towards Ephraim and said bluntly, “A meeting is about to be held in the hall. You and your sister should attend.”
“Understood. There is something that I need to tell everyone..”
“I will go as well.”
After Eirika and Ephraim responded, Tana poked her head out from behind Ephraim. “Then me, too!”
“This has nothing to do with you.”
“It does too! I’m the princess of Frelia…”
“A war meeting is no place for a child. Go to your room.”
“I told you to stop saying that, didn’t I?”
There was nothing she could do. Tana was visibly frustrated, but she had no real argument and couldn't fight back against her brother.
The princess returned to her room, and Eirika and Ephraim went with Innes to the hall.
The generals and chief vassals gathered together, and when the king entered the room to start the meeting, the tone was very cheerful.
That did not mean that the current state of the war was unquestionably good, but that Innes and Ephraim's return brought hope to the anxious people in the city. King Hayden's expression was also much brighter than when Eirika had first left.
First, the king expressed his words of gratitude to the two princes. After that, he tried to extend his blessing to the chief vassals, but Innes, who preferred to be concise no matter the situation, stood up.
"I don't want to waste time. Allow me to get straight to the point."
King Hayden frowned, but nodded slightly to his son. "Very well. Then let us begin. Innes, please give us your report of the current state of battle to the south."
"The Frelian Army is continuing to fight the Grado Army near the border. As it currently stands, our army has the upper hand. We also have soldiers to spare, so I believe that we do not have any reason to worry."
Expressions of relief spread across the row of chief vassals.
King Hayden nodded, satisfied, and also seemed to be in deep thought. "...However, I still cannot believe it. Invading suddenly and without warning, goes against everything we’ve ever known the Grado Empire to do. The emperor is praised across the continent for his virtue. Such a barbarian act would be unthinkable for him.”
Eirika mustered up all of her strength and stood up, gathering the attention of everyone present. "There is something I would like to say about this. While fighting to save Brother, I came close to people from Grado many times, and discovered the answer. They said that the Grado emperor’s true motive is to destroy the Sacred Stone in each country.”
As she had already explained this to King Hayden, he was not surprised, however, the same could not be said for his vassals. Many gasped, some nearly jumped out of their chairs, and the entire room broke out into a commotion.
The king raised his hand, quieting everyone. “Upon receiving this report, we strengthened the defense around Frelia’s Sacred Stone. We would be able to intercept the Grado Army even if their elite Wyvern Knight unit attacked. There is no need to worry.”
Hearing that calmed Eirika for the time being.
‘If Renais had been able to prepare beforehand, then…’ A pang of regret made her chest feel heavy. Prince Innes’ harsh words had been right. They’d become too used to peace. What happened was their punishment for neglecting their country’s defenses. Now, even if she regretted what happened, it was no use.
“Still, even knowing that, there is something that I do not understand. What does Grado stand to gain from destroying the Sacred Stones…?”
“Perhaps they are plotting to destroy all of the other nations’ Sacred Stones, and weaken their defenses?” One of the generals suggested. 
But Ephraim answered, “No, that cannot be it, because the Grado emperor said that they destroyed their own stone first.”
Everyone in the room looked at each other with expressions of disbelief. It wasn’t an unreasonable response by any means. Even Eirika, who had heard the full story from Natasha already, still felt that she couldn’t believe it.
The Grado Empire’s Sacred Stone… she remembered when Lyon had told her about the wondrous power it held.
"What I think, Eirika, is that the power of the Sacred Stone should be used to make everyone live happily. It’s been said that the Demon King’s power was sealed away within it during the ancient war. The Demon King no longer exists, but the world is still full of sadness and suffering. So I thought, ‘If I use the Sacred Stones, I can seal away all of those terrible things, can’t I?’ I want to create a world where no one is unhappy, and everyone can laugh throughout their lives." He said shyly. 
As Eirika listened to him, it warmed her heart.
The ideal he told her seemed like a vague dream, and could be seen as lacking any true weight even for a crown prince. But Eirika loved the earnest look in his eyes. He always worried about those suffering from poverty and illness, and it pained his heart greatly. She loved that kindness of his.
"You'll surely become an amazing emperor." She responded.
He shook his head in surprise. “I'm nowhere near ready yet… I am still far too inexperienced…”
That memory already felt like it had happened so long ago, but only about a year and a half had passed since they last spoke as friends.
How could things change so much in just a year and a half? Lyon’s dream for Grado’s Sacred Stone had already been destroyed by the very father he respected so much. No matter what his thoughts were now, he must be suffering...
“I don’t know if these two things are related, but…”
At the sound of her brother’s voice, Eirika snapped out of her reminiscing and looked up. He was looking around at everyone as he spoke.
“I have actually heard a concerning story as well.” Ephraim waved towards the door to the hall.
He must have said something to the guards earlier, as they seemed to know exactly what he meant by the signal and opened the door, inviting in a little girl who’d been waiting outside.
It was Myrrh. She had changed out of the simple clothing she’d worn while on their journey, and was now nicely dressed. She was standing up straight now, and looked even cuter than before.
She entered the room, maintaining her polite and proper posture as she walked, then kneeled down on one knee in front of the king.
King Hayden was confused that the prince had brought in a girl he’d never seen before, and looked at Ephraim. “Who is this girl?”
“Her name is Myrrh. Myrrh, this is King Hayden of Frelia.”
Myrrh nodded and bended over slightly.
Eirika, who’d been watching the events unfold and wondering what was going on herself, gasped.
Two giant wings spread out from Myrrh's back.
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While they were traveling, she must have folded them up to make them small enough to hide. The billowing outfits made with a large amount of fabric that she’d worn must have been specifically to hide her wings.
Everyone in the room started talking all at once. Myrrh looked over at Ephraim with a nervous expression on her face as she stood back up.
“Myrrh, please explain to everyone what you told me.”
“...Could you tell them please, Ephraim?” She whispered in a voice that became quieter and quieter with each word, while refolding her wings with a light shuffling sound. Once she put on the cape she was holding in her arms, no one in the room could see any trace of them.
Ephraim started to tell the story. “She explained to me that she is a descendent of the ancient dragon tribe.”
“A Manakete…” King Hayden whispered in complete shock, and nodded slightly.
“Yes, that is correct. That is the name we use for her kind in our folklore.”
Eirika had never heard it before, but King Hayden went on to explain it.
“It appears many times in our folklore about the Sacred Stones. The Manakete are neither human nor monster, but an entirely different race."
As he spoke, the king’s eyes, full of emotion, were fixed on Myrrh. He couldn’t seem to shake off his surprise that a member of the tribe of legend was standing right in front of him.
Ephraim once again urged Myrrh to speak. She was still shy, but this time opened her mouth.
"We… lived quietly and peacefully in the Darkling Woods. But, one day, we felt an ominous energy.”
“An energy…?”
"It came from the south. We felt a very bad, scary energy."
Eirika pictured a map of the continent in her head.
The Darkling Woods was a forest region located roughly in the center of the continent. From ancient times, it was a land that humans had not entered, and was the one territory left that no country ruled over. And to the south of it was...
"Grado." Ephraim declared.
Myrrh nodded and continued. “My friends and I went to see what that energy was. But along the way, we became mixed up in the war, and were separated. After that, a group of bad people stole my Dragonstone. As they were about to capture me, Ephraim saved me.”
“I didn’t believe her story at first either. Manakete were just a thing of legend to me. However, when I saw her wings, I could not deny it. I don’t know what this “ominous energy” that she speaks of is, but I thought it might have something to do with Grado’s sudden invasion, so we decided that she would come with me.”
“Manakete were just a thing of legend to me.” ...Those words made Eirika think of the monsters she’d seen in the Za’ha Forest.
She’d thought of monsters as just a thing of legend, and would never forget her surprise when they appeared before her very own eyes. Manakete and monsters were different, but it wasn’t likely to be a coincidence that the two types of living creatures who had kept themselves hidden from humans since ancient times appeared before them at the same time...
Myrrh seemed to sense Eirika’s uneasiness, as she said, “Even now, I can still feel the ominous energy. It is the reason why the monsters that have slept for so long are beginning to awaken. I want to stop it.” Her voice was resolute.
Eirika thought of Myrrh as a mysterious girl that acted very mature of her age, but now that she knew she was a Manakete, she could believe it. Though she looked like a human, her ancient race had very long lifespans. She was surely decades… or even hundreds of years old.
 The serious and grave story they’d just heard left everyone at a loss for words. Not a single person was making a sound when they suddenly heard a loud noise.
The door burst open and several soldiers came rushing in.
The young soldiers were so worked up that they entirely forgot proper etiquette, and did not even bow before shouting at the king, “We have an urgent report, Y-Your Majesty! The Tower… The Tower of Valdi was raided, and the Sacred Stone was…!”
The moment he heard the words “Sacred Stone,” all of the color drained from the king’s face.
Eirika swallowed and looked at the soldiers.
“It was destroyed! By the Grado Army!”
“Wh… What? That can’t be!” The king panicked and stood up. “We should have had enough soldiers stationed there! We secured the defenses so well that they should have even been able to withstand an air raid!”
“They were led by two of Grado’s six generals… Tiger Eye Caellach, and Fluorspar Selena. Our army fought back, but was crushed in only half a day…!”
Eirika jumped when he said Selena’s name.
It was the name of the composed and beautiful female general she’d met in the mountain village that was attacked by bandits.
She’d said that there were no borders when it came to the lives of ordinary citizens, and given her all to try and protect the people of Renais… And Eirika remembered that she’d left their encounter with the impression that such people existed even within the Grado Army.
Seth, who’d been listening in complete silence from the back until now, quietly began to speak.
“Fluorspar Selena is the name General Dussel gave her. I’ve heard that the emperor also trusts her very much.”
“To send a main force like that… Do they really wish that strongly for the Sacred Stones to be destroyed?" A rush of exhaustion overcame King Hayden, and he collapsed in his chair. “I don’t know… What Emperor Vigard could possibly be thinking…? This ominous energy… Grado’s invasion… the destruction of the Sacred Stones… Just who is trying to do what…?”
“Father, now is not the time to stand by and watch!” Innes was the first to break out of his trance, and stood right back up. His piercing voice echoed through the room and snapped King Hayden back to reality as well.
“You’re right. Now is not the time to lament what has happened. If we do not act, things will only get worse. First, we must warn every country that houses a Sacred Stone. Renais’ and Frelia’s stones have been destroyed, so that leaves Jehanna’s and Rausten’s. We must protect their stones at all cost. We will tell them that they are in danger, and offer to fight alongside them.”
“I will go.” The first to step forward was none other than Innes. “This situation is extremely abnormal and difficult to believe. If we send a random person, then Jehanna and Rausten may or may not believe them. But if the prince of Frelia himself visited them, they would not be able to refuse us.” His words were full of pride. 
King Hayden looked at his son with eyes full of hope and trust. “But you’ve just returned from battle. Can you deploy so soon?”
“Of course. I will leave right away for the Kingdom of Jehanna, and form an alliance with them.”
“I apologize. I’m probably the one who should really go…”
“What are you saying? You cannot leave the country at a time like this. I will go.”
“Then I will go to Rausten!” Eirika shouted.
Ephraim’s eyes widened at her declaration. “What are you saying, Eirika!? We just came back, didn’t we? You can’t push yourself…”
“Inness is right. This situation is not a normal one. We can’t help being tired and in danger no matter where we are. And Rausten is closer than Jehanna. We’ll be there in no time if we take a ship up north. It won’t be dangerous.”
“...You’re right.” Ephraim realized just how serious his little sister was, and nodded. She may seem docile, but no one knew better than her twin brother that once she’d spoken, her mind would not be swayed.
“Then I will march to the Grado capital.”
“What…?” This time, King Hayden looked like he had stopped breathing. “What are you planning to do, Ephraim? Are you really going to invade Grado from here…?”
“Yes. If the capital is seized, then the war will be over. It would be best to end it as soon as possible, wouldn’t it?”
“You can’t. It is too reckless. The Grado Empire’s power is great… The force guarding the capital will be far stronger than the one that invaded Renais. And some of the other generals, particularly General Duessel, remain at the emperor’s side…”
Ephraim’s face clouded when he heard Duessel’s name, as he had once traveled to the capital to study the lance under General Duessel. The general’s sincerity had a profound effect on him, and he deeply respected him.
However, now was not the time to waver. “If they are my enemy, whoever they may be, I will have no choice but to fight them.”
King Hayden was amazed by Ephraim’s words. Hidden within his eyes, opened wide in surprise, was nostalgia for a time long gone. He relaxed suddenly and smiled.
“Please… don’t remind me of Fado. Your father was also a man known for his boldness. When he was young, he always made everyone around him so anxious…”
He was probably thinking about the old friend that he had lost. Eirika could see tears in his eyes.
But when he continued speaking, his voice was resolute. “Very well. Then I will entrust everything to you three. Innes will go to the Kingdom of Jehanna. Eirika will go to the Theocracy of Rausten. And Ephraim will go to the Grado Empire. Since you are each going in three separate directions, I cannot provide any of you with a large army. You will likely have difficult roads ahead of you…”
Ephraim nodded towards the king, then looked at Eirika and Innes. “If even one of us were to be defeated, then we would lose the war. Do not make any mistakes.”
“I wo-”
‘I won’t.’ Eirika tried to say, but Innes cut her off.
“This is me you’re talking about. Do you think I would fail?”
Ephraim shrugged his shoulders lightly. 
Eirika said, “I will fulfill my duty! You two be careful as well!”
At King Hayden's order, they each quickly began to prepare for their departure.
Though they were busy, Eirika and Ephraim managed to find time to speak to each other while slowly walking down one of the castle’s corridors.
Ephraim whispered, "If I were to be honest, I would say that I do not want you to go. Though you've gotten stronger, you are a woman, so I'd like for you to wait for me here."
"There is no need for you to worry about me."
Eirika smiled. When they were children, Ephraim had always had a habit of saying to others  “Don’t baby her just because she’s a girl!”
She also remembered when he would say to her, “You shouldn’t be quick to cry just because you’re a girl!” and drag her along with him as if she were a boy.
She wondered if that philosophy of his had changed now. But when she realized that he was just concerned about her from the very bottom of his heart, it made her smile.
“My journey to Rausten will be much easier than yours or Innes’... so much so that I want to apologize. I’m the one who should be worried about you! It’s too dangerous to face the Grado Empire head-on!”
“Me? There’s no way I would lose to Grado, is there?”
Despite his terrible relationship with Innes, they sounded just like each other. They themselves might not realize it, but they did have their similarities. They may look like total opposites on the outside, but their confidence and strong wills were exactly the same.
“You know I know very well of both your talent and luck.”
“It’s not luck. It’s all talent.”
“Of course. But Grado is just so strong that you can’t keep letting your guard down.”
“I know that. I do not pick battles that I cannot win. I will not die and leave you all alone.” Ephraim suddenly squeezed her hand.
It surprised her. His hand was warm and strong.
“Promise me that we will survive and meet again, Eirika.”
“...Yes. I promise.” She concentrated all her strength into her hand and squeezed back. When they were children, their hands were almost the same size, but now, his was far bigger. And his skin was now the hard and rough skin of the hands of a soldier.
It was not only a handshake as brother and sister, but also one of comrades in war. Eirika prayed from the very bottom of her heart that the day would come when they could hold hands like this once more.
After getting ready the next morning, Eirika came down the stairs to find two knights standing there, waiting for her in the corner of the hallway.
They were Ephraim’s most trusted men, Forde and Kyle.
“Good morning, Lady Eirika!”
“Are you going to deploy soon?”
“Yes. You are too, right? Please take care of my brother. Do your best to keep him from doing anything reckless…”
“About that...” Forde said and looked at Kyle.
Kyle proclaimed loudly, “It was decided that we would go with you, Lady Eirika.”
“...Huh?” Eirika tilted her head.
Kyle lowered his voice as he continued speaking, “King Hayden was very considerate to give Lord Ephraim the main force of the Frelian Army.”
“I… I see. He is going to be fighting the most important battle, after all…”
“‘And that’s why I don’t need you two worrying about me.’ He said. ‘I want you to go with Eirika.’ He said.” Forde grumbled.
 “But if you two aren’t at his side, won’t it make the battles more difficult for Brother? No matter how much of the Frelian Army is with him, without you two…”
“I feel the same way. But, depending on how you look at it, if he’s always worried about you, he might not be able to fight as hard as he could. If that’s how he feels, then he probably thought that telling us to go with you would allow him to relax.”
“Forde, don’t say it like that!” Kyle yelled at him, then apologized for his rudeness to Eirika. “Lady Eirika, our lord told us not to worry about him, and that we should instead protect you. As this was Lord Ephraim’s personal decision, I trust that it cannot be wrong.”
“Yeah, that is true. He’ll be fine even if we ignore him. There’s no one more tough and stubborn than him.”
Kyle glared at him for saying that, but Forde just grinned in response.
Kyle’s words resonated with Eirika. If it was Ephraim's decision, it couldn't be wrong. "I understand. Then please, come with me. You are the knights Brother trusts most… I look forward to fighting alongside you.”
"Ah, please don't bow! You've got the routine all wrong! Lord Ephraim would just say 'C'mon, let's go!'" Forde joked.
 Kyle finally could not hold back any longer, and stepped on Forde's foot, then vowed, "We will protect you, Lady Eirika!"
“For our motherland, Renais! And for Lady Eirika!" Forde chimed in, sounding serious just this once, as he was following up with what Kyle had said. But he was immediately back to his carefree self again, adding in his own words, “Let’s go! At our own pace!”
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revivedxfighter · 3 years
Retracing The Past
This is a drabble based on my headcanon for Harmony’s FF7 verse. I talked about it on my muse’s profile and headcanons pages. The focus is more on world building and Harmony taking the time to remember the ones who were lost when the people fought with Seto against the Gi Tribe. This also takes place shortly after the events of the main game and based on interactions Harmony had with other roleplayers over the years.
It’s also inspired by the song “How the West Was Lost” - Link
I hope everyone enjoys this piece. 
Streams of light pierce the darkness and pools on the cold earth and rocks. The offer the lone visitor light to a realm long forgotten from decades ago when triumph and tragedy came to a head. Her lone, silver eye lowers to find dark sprays and splotches, the blood spilled on the fateful day when her own people took their last stand. The remnants weathered through the seasons, but it is still here, hidden from the world above these caverns.
Yes, Harmony remembers that story. It seems to be only yesterday when her father was alive and told her that tale of where she came from. She is a daughter of a tribe of people who believed Cosmo Canyon was promised to them from the sun goddess. Oklahashi, the People of the Sun. Those were her ancestors who once roamed Gaia, just as the Cetra have. Her father, heavens bless his soul, told her about these ancient people, just as his father told him.
A black leather clad hand rests on the cave’s wall. The very hand that is not her own, but a construct made of metal and wires, courtesy of Shinra’s Science Department after her supposed death. Dread washes over her when she faces the fact that she has served as a soldier, only to be cast aside as fodder when a mission ended with a devastating explosion.  She fell for the lie that the company is the gateway to a bright future. All will be well, they say.
So many were lost here...
Harmony thought and her hand moves away from the rock wall and dip in her messenger bag. She pulls out several flowers from inside and continues on. Vibrant, lush petals contrast the dreary surroundings. Footsteps are her only company in this silent world that serves as a mass grave of that fateful battle that led to the demise of her people and Cosmo Canyon owned by the settlers and Shinra itself.  These steps abruptly stop by each bone fragment, each piece of flint and black spots, gently setting one flower beside the object. An offering to represent a missing soul. A quiet apology to all who suffered and died for what they saw as the right thing.
It explains everything now. Why she is among small number of Oklahashi left, why there is so much bitterness and misery.
Her heart aches for the lost that have died for the deception the tyrant that is Shinra conjured. The very company that claims they want to defend the settlers who claimed the wild land, who lied to the surviving members of the tribe they will be in good hands, and the guardians of this Planet who perished for peace.
Her trek ends before an unusual sculpture. A lion-like figure stands alone with an array of weapons protruding from its body. The ghastly sight of Seto’s resting place is the reason why Harmony came all this way. He was a key player in the fight. He stood with the settlers against the Gi and Oklahashi warriors. Carefully, Harmony approaches Seto, her gaze unmoving. Lips part to finally speak as though he was still alive. 
“I imagine I may be the last thing you want to see...I have not come here with ill intentions or disrespect.”  Harmony’s voice is soft, as though afraid to disturb the others who rest here.  “When I was young, I did not understand why you sided with the settlers. I’m...I’m not sure if I fully understand it now. It hurts to see what has happened to you and my people.” She stands just a short distance away from Seto. Her one eye taking in all the details of how his last moments were. He has stayed with the Gi and many of the Oklahashi, sealed away from the world. Her other eye, replaced with another construct hides beneath the eyepatch. She dares not show it unless she must. 
She has given most of her flowers to every sign of death she saw, but saved something for Seto. “So much has happened since you were among the living. Gaia has almost dealt with the same fate all of you. We were so close to losing everything.” Eye downcast, the bitter memories of fear, the loss of her dear friends, and the catastrophe that ended one era and birthed another. The Planet is healing, slowly but surely, but the new period of uncertainty did little to help those who grieve in light of Geostigma and the deaths of thousands at the hands of their own hopes, dreams, and future. 
“You son...I met him. I don’t think he was quite fond of me, and...I don’t blame him. I don’t. I have hope that things will change. I only want to be his ally and friend.” Her hand slides back into her bag once more. “I know what I say and do cannot change what has happened. Just as our actions, though our home was spared, cannot reverse everything.” She pulls out a second bouquet with an addition nestled among the flowers: A single olive branch. 
“But I am here to say I’m sorry for the anger, tears, and spite that brought us here. I may not understand your intentions, but I forgive you and I know...I know you never wanted hatred to drive the issue of whether to share the land. I hope you can forgive me and my ancestors...Just as i hope they have moved on, leaving their anger behind forever.”  She takes a few more steps closer to Seto. “I wish only peace for every spirit who still dwell here. This is the least I can do for you...If only...” A sad sigh escapes the woman and she lowers herself, setting the bouquet before the rocks that serve as Seto’s base. Returning to her feet, Harmony gives a silent bow before slowly turning away and begin her return to the outside world. 
“If only fate smiled upon all of us.”
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ultimaa · 4 years
About Shingeki no Kyojin 125 - Theories and ramblings.
Annie and her New Year's resolutions.
More than one we looked forward to Annie's return and I am deeply glad that our favorite blondie has already left her glass prison, but why has Annie returned? What are your purposes? Well, she makes it clear in her conversation with Hitch: go back to her father. We know that Annie appreciates her father more than anyone in the world; if she had to do all the atrocities she did to return to her father, she would do it again. It's not that Annie is bad, but, as Nietzsche said: “Whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil.” Human nature is like that, and Annie knows that she has committed unforgivable sins. She is not proud, but she will not punish herself. SnK's world is cruel, but if there is something that represents love and kindness, it is family: Eren swore to avenge his mother; Mikasa lost her parents, but found similar figures in the Jaegers; Armin lost his grandfather; Reiner wanted to become a warrior for his father to return to his mother; Connie, who lost his family because of Zeke, is willing to sacrifice Falco, a poor child, to recover his mother... Annie's motivation is deeply human and reminds me of John Marston, protagonist of Red Dead Redemption. John had only one goal: to hunt his old friends, who were outlaws, so that the Government would return him to his family. If Abigail and Jack, his wife and son, had been killed, what would have happened to John? We will never know, but when John is killed by government agents, his son Jack takes revenge a few years later, continuing the cycle of violence and death. In the end, John... loses, because his son has become a criminal.
If Mr. Leonhardt dies, something I see very possible under the circumstances, what will happen to Annie? Her great goal has vanished. Nothing makes sense anymore. If even the most sacred and beloved has died, what should Annie do? We meet like this with someone whose life has no direction. Someone who has lost beauty in a devastated and corrupted world. It is the seed of nihilism. Isayama is not characterized by fulfilling the dreams of his protagonists, not in the way that the viewer wants: yes, Armin reaches the sea, but what does this mean? It is the beginning of the end. The human being needs to cling to dreams, turn his back on reality to continue existing in it; however... What happens when nothing makes sense anymore? It is absurd, it is hopeless. It is something that could knock the strongest. According to Albert Camus, someone who has lost the meaning of his life has only three options: suicide, clinging to God or... continuing in the absurd, rebelling against it, turning life into an act of rebellion against nonsense. So, in the hypothetical case of his father dying, what should Annie do? Should he act like Jack Marston and continue the violence? I do not think so. Annie doesn't enjoy killing. Her face witnessing Marco's death is good proof of that. Annie must find a new purpose: end the violence, with that barbaric world that takes away what you love. Understand that she has lost everything, but not everything is lost. While something is at stage, we must continue fighting. In Red Dead Redemption II, Arthur Morgan knows his end is near; the love of his life has left and Dutch, the man who gave him a home and a direction, has become a mad and heartless man. However, not everything is lost. He can still save some (including John Marston and his family, as RDR II is a prequel to the first game) and he succeeds. Arthur finishes his story as a redeemed character; he, who had spent his entire life killing, lying and stealing, ends up redeeming himself. However, Arthur Morgan was not seeking self-redemption, but a future for others. It's something we can apply to Annie. His final role cannot consist in returning with his father and being happy. We know Isayama: God is more likely to come down to Earth.
Connie, Falco and a decisive meeting.
And if Annie can aspire to redemption, Connie is willing to morally condemn himself. Come on, we all know that Falco is not meant to be titan food. Connie, in addition to the prankster par excellence with Sasha, is a character with a story as tragic as any other: he lost everything, but the possibility of recovering his mother gives him hope. But sacrifice Falco? Is Connie able to do something like that? I do not think so. Connie is human; Anger and revenge are very human things, but so is understanding. Connie will abandon his plan sooner or later, when he accepts that, beyond the vessel of one of Titan's powers, Falco is just a child. A child, like his siblings. A child who is not guilty. A boy who, like him, has lost his brother and his friends. Taking into account that Connie, along with Sasha, cried when they faced Reiner during the Return to Shigansina, we must understand that he is a sensitive and empathetic character, blinded by anger and the possibility of recovering a loved one. Armin and Gabi go in search of them, but will their intervention be necessary? Mikasa warns Armin that they won't be able to reach Connie; indeed, I don't think they reach it. Armin, Gabi, Hanji, Levi, Magath, Pieck, Connie and Falco are more likely to meet. Remember that, because when it happens I will come to brag hehehe. What if they meet? The cocktail would be fantastic. They may be Paradise's last hope. Also, I want to see the reunion of Falco and Gabi; because they are very cute and deserve it. How much do we bet that Gabi ends up crying like a baby while hugging Falco? And with that confession at the last minute, I wouldn't be surprised if Isayama felt romantic and gave us a kiss between them. Imagine the faces of adults. I may be delirious, but if it happens... here I will be, again, with ‘I told you so’.
On the other hand, such a reunion can return hope to Armin. Levi, who is the strongest soldier of all time, the Messi of Paradise (yes, I had to make the comparison sorry CR7), is alive; fatally wounded, but alive. In addition, Hanji, who represents leadership, is also fine. With these two pieces again on the chess board, it is possible to trace the game. In addition, Hanji and Levi's encounter with Magath and Pieck constitutes a point of union between Erdia and Marley. In the end, it seems that yhe idea of Eren as the final and unifying enemy of humanity begins to make sense, even if he has not proposed it. After all, if you can't with your enemy... join him against something much worse.
Jean and Mikasa: replacements.
While we know that the commander and the eternal captain are alive, Jean and Mikasa believe otherwise. Well, if I were one of these two, I could only think one thing: WE'RE FUCKED. Fortunately, Isayama has wanted these two to receive the fatal (and false) news. It's not by chance. Nothing is. We know Jean Kirstein and Mikasa Ackerman well; I could say that we have grown up with them. Jean, a guy who started out as an arrogant bastard and who soon revealed his impressive leadership ability; Mikasa, a woman with a force only inferior to Captain Levi. Well, here I go: Jean must take over from Hanji and Mikasa from Levi. We have seen a practically shattered Jean, almost subjected to Folch; However, Mikasa, despite her situation, remains more or less well, keeping a level head. Don't get me wrong: she's pretty screwed, but she seems better than Jean now. During the battle of Trost there is a critical moment: the gas is running out and everyone is going to die. Then Mikasa arrived and, far from being blocked by Eren's supposed death, he tried to motivate them in her own way, you know: I am strong, much stronger than you. We already know that Mikasa is a woman of few words, but her message was enough to encourage Jean and the others. Yes, the current Mikasa is not the Mikasa of ninety chapters ago, but her character has reached a key point: she has to take the reins, think for herself. Only they can stop Folch and handle the situation in Shigansina. Their characters need it. Hanji is a leader, yes, but Jean has much more potential; Mikasa is not Levi, but she is an Ackerman, the only one capable of fighting, and in these four years she has been able to perfect her skill. If these two start working well together, they can be a lethal and decisive combo.
Louise and the scarf.
Well, if a scarf is not in your closet on a cold winter day it may not mean anything important: it may be in the washing machine, with the other clothes. However, Mikasa Ackerman's scarf is not just any scarf, but it contains crucial values ​​and stories for her... and for Eren. The scarf has taken a very important role during the last arc and has now disappeared, Louise has taken it. And it's normal, because Mikasa is her idol. Well, we all know what meanings the scarf has, which represents positive values ​​in a world like Shingeki no Kyojin. The scarf has no place in the current situation; everyone is hopeless and crestfallen, dejected and defeated. And when will the scarf return? I have read the following theory out there: Eren will find Louise's unrecognizable corpse and believe it is Mikasa, recovering the scarf and feeling like real shit. Yes, that would be a possibility of fulfilling what our boy said in chapter 50. The scarf will return when the barbarity ceases, when that beauty returns, in the words of Mikasa, who lives in a cruel world. And we know that it will return due to the first panel of chapter 1 of the manga, Eren's mysterious dream.
I'm sorry if I have grammatical mistakes: English is not my mother tongue.
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Superman Last son of Krypton: The way a Story broke the man of tomorrow (and not in a bad, but devastating way)
Superman in his most painful iteration to date I think, is the best way to describe the whole run of this series, as I sit here, shell shocked by what transpired in that comic I can’t help but contemplate a question that has never popped in my head before, “How Do you destroy a man deemed indestructible” one way would be to exploit the different variations of kryptonite ranging from green all the way to silver but that only weakens him physically, you could mix hallucinogens into an aerated version of green kryptonite and you will have succeeded in hurting him mentally but how do you break a man, this man in particular without ever having to resort to the things that make him physically weak? The answer is You take away his ability to save everybody and you make him lose everything he longs for in life, this is what happened to Clark Kent in this version, I had read articles saying that this is the saddest story line of superman ever and at first I was afraid that it would be this dark and gritty else worlds story but then I started to see the art work and honestly it felt like a normal superman comic, the usual witty exchange of banter between Lois lane and Clark Kent, a bunch of the classic villains like Zod and Brainiac and a true to his beliefs superman, a character who without having to say it embodies hope. (it’s worth mentioning that this superman bears a great resemblance to actor Christopher reeves who is not the first on screen version of superman but the most iconic) so at first glance it’s the normal cookie cutter superman, I thought to myself that the internet has once again exaggerated its views on what is clearly another classic take on the man of steel and in a span of 12 issues I was once again proven wrong (you’d think I’d have learned my lesson judging superman last stand on krypton). It may look and feel like a classic superman story but it is anything but, to delve into the hardships and eventual heart break superman experiences throughout this comic we first must understand who he is as a person in this version, in this version of superman he is older, wiser and more cautions, you can sense the age in him, he is no longer the wide eyed farm boy from Kansas, though this does not mean he has lost his touch, it only means he has different priorities after all he is in his late thirties, he has finally the woman he has longed for from afar, Lois lane, she is also aware of his secrets as well, sadly this is the version of superman who acknowledges his genetic difference from humans thus they are unable to have kids of their own, though it is hinted that Clark has insisted on other options such as adaption it seems Lois has accepted the fact that they cannot have kids and maybe even considered the possibility that are not even meant to, though I imagine it was not easy for her, she even said in a dialogue between her and Clark “we weren’t meant to have kids, I was meant to find the truth and you were meant to protect it” this line perfectly encapsulates the dynamic of their relationship where Lois has accepted the role given to the two of them but as the story progresses we can see Clark struggle with this notion  because he feels that all his life he’s been forced into a role, he was meant to save the world, to protect it from harm. To be the symbol for hope and if you’ve read my other essays you can see that this is a recurring theme in all of superman’s version, he feels like he did not choose this life but that this life chose him and if he could he would just choose to be normal, to be able to have kids with the woman he loves, to not have Lois worry every night if Luthor has found a new way to hurt him, though the art of this comic doesn’t show it, its brilliant writing highlights perfectly what kind of superman he is, a superman who is slowly getting tired of all the pain he experiences. Now I won’t go into detail the events that take place in the series because I write these to encourage fellow fans to turn their attention this comic but this struggle of superman is seen through most of the first half because of the events that take place. This is his first struggle, it’s not that he no longer wants to be superman but we feel that he is beginning to get tired of it. His second biggest struggle is the loss of his father. Now I must admit I am at a loss for words as to how to describe this part of the comic to you, it is not uncommon for Jonathan Kent to die in superman’s arc but the way they did it is a stroke of genius because they framed Jonathan Kent as an older man with his best days behind him but he still wants to feel useful so he still does his farm work, much like the Smallville version of Jonathan Kent, (as much as possible I will avoid spoiling the details) but the death of his father really was the final nail in the coffin as we in the last few pages of this devastatingly good comic book a broken down superman who has seemingly lost his will to fight and what’s worst is that’s all the series will give you, that’s it for their run on superman. It’s frighteningly a sad story with an open ending. Does Clark bounce back? Does he give up? The writer will never give you the satisfaction of knowing and I think that is the perfect way to not only destroy the man of steel but also its reader. Truly genius is frightening to us mere mortals, hats off to the writer who managed to keep me in despair the past few days, this is everything superman is in story which turned him into everything he is not, hope is such a hard thing to squander in someone but this story did it perfectly and I have to respect it for that reason though I can say whole heartedly this is not something I will read again mostly because I don’t think I even have the heart to.  
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Fanfic #2: A Halo Friendship Part 2: Ozpin's Brief Return (RWBY)
While walking through the night, yet chilly streets of Argus, Oscar begins to have thoughts about what had happened at the Arcs' household and what he said to the team. A part of him thinks that all of his words, while somewhat harsh, needed to be said back there and that he had every right to be frustrated by their actions that they displayed on the poor farm child. Yet somehow, the other part of him feels a little bad about walking out on them like that. Especially to Ruby Rose, the one person who actually treated him with actual care and kindness. While he would want to see her face to face and apologise, he knew that he couldn't come back there. Not while everyone else still thinks of him untrustworthy to the team. So for now, Oscar continues walking. Looking for a nearby bus station to get him to the nearest train station to get home to see his aunt, who he'd already missed very much. That is until a certain spirit came back to his inner conscious. A spirit know as Ozpin.
Ozpin: Oscar...
Oscar: O-Ozpin? Y-you're back!!
Ozpin: For the time being actually. But enough about me. Where on Earth are you going in the middle of the cold night? You should be inside with the others.
Oscar: ...Yeah about that... I'm actually going back to the farm...
Ozpin: W-what?! I-I don't understand... Why?! Did something happened between you kids?
Oscar: Wait....you didn't know already?
Ozpin: Oscar, I immediately disappeared from your self conscious after getting yelled at by my...former students. Of course I have little to no idea what happened after that. Now please...tell me what is going on?
Oscar: Well...I honestly don't know where to start but...
While finding a nearby seat to sit on, Oscar began to tell Ozpin everything that happened back at the house. From Jaune pinning him to a wall, Oscar calling him (and almost everyone else) out for their lack of trust and respect, all the way to actually walking out on them. After hearing what happened between them, Ozpin began to have mix emotions; between shock and sadness. He was no only shocked that one of his now former students would go as far as to attack Oscar and easily questioned his loyalties to the entire team but also how the farm boy would go as far as to walk out of them after calling them out on their misjudgements. However, he felt terrible about letting Oscar deal with all of this alone while he was dealing with his own issues himself. After regaining his thoughts on the situation at hand, Ozpin begins to tell his host:
Ozpin: Oscar....words cannot begin to describe how terrible I feel about the situation you all been through. And I am terribly sorry for leaving you to deal with this alone. Have I've known sooner I would've-
Oscar: No. I-its okay, Ozpin, really. You were already dealing with your problems back there. So there's no harm done. Even still, I've already made up my mind.
Ozpin: Oscar please. You can't go home. At least not yet.
Oscar: I'm sorry, Oz. But I refuse to go back to a team who's going keep blaming me for something I hardly even do. And I really do meant what I said back there too. So there's no point going back to them now...
Ozpin: 'Sigh' Look, I completely understand where you are coming from in all of this, I really do, but you must understand. These children has lost a lot throughout the years. Especially after everything that happened in the Beacon Academy.
Oscar: Yeah...and so does everyone else in this world, Ozpin. And believe me, I want to understand what they've been going through. Even if that were the case, that doesn't excuse any of them for acting the way they did back there, no matter how badly their loss were!
Ozpin: You're... absolutely right, Oscar. They shouldn't have let their emotions get the better of them...even if they were justified. But believe me when I say that they need us much more than ever. More specifically, they need you more than they need me.
Oscar: Why me, though?! We both know that I'm the weakest out of everyone in the group...I might as well be a lost cause at this point...
Ozpin: Oscar Pine... don't you ever let me hear you say that about yourself ever again, young man. You are absolutely not a lost cause! You achieved more than you could ever imagined. You were able hold your own fairly well against foes who seemed a little out of your league. And let's not forget the way you tried to help anyone out the best way you can. I don't think you've given yourself more credit than you should. Those two alone deserve as much praise as it could get.
Oscar: ...I guess you're right about that. I've.... really have came a long way, huh?
Ozpin: Why of course, my boy. And I can't be more prouder than I am now
Oscar: Wow, Ozpin I-...Thanks but... I'm still not sure if Ruby and the others even want me back or not...
Ozpin: I know my students can be...a handful sometimes. Especially when comes to dealing with their own personal issues, but I can assure you that they are one of the most finest young men and women I have ever met in my entire life. And knowing each and everyone them, I can tell that they would missed you terribly if you were to left home. And would possibly do everything they can to go and look for you as we speak. Especially, Ms. Rose.
Oscar: Even Ruby?
Ozpin: Well, she is the one who worries about you the most. Well, actually, Ms. Valkyrie worries about you a bit little more (considering the fact that she'd thinks of you as her own son for some reason), buuuut Ms. Rose is a close second. After all, she was the one you admired the most, yes? Imagine how devastated she would be when she realized you already left Argus.
Oscar: ............'heavy sigh' Okay.
Ozpin: Hmm?
Oscar: I'll go back and help them whatever I can. I..just can't leave them alone like that. Even if they don't fully trust me, a man never leaves a team behind.
Ozpin: Thank you, Oscar. I'm positive that you won't regret this. And on the contrary, it's me that the group doesn't fully trust. You won't be losing their trust anytime soon.
Oscar: You...really think so?
Ozpin: I know so, my boy. Now can we please get back inside before the night gets even colder?
Oscar: W-w-wait! Before we do that, could we go by a local supermarket from the other side of the street there? I need to pick up somethings.
Ozpin: Well...I suppose. But are you sure you have enough money to help get you what you need?
Oscar: Trust me, Oz. I think I have just enough.
Ozpin: Very well then. But it's straight back to the house with your, mister.
Oscar: (Soft Chuckle) Yes sir, Professor Ozpin.
And so, with all of that out of the way, Oscar began to walk towards a nearby supermarket to buy the things he needed before going back to the Arcs' household.
After getting what he wanted from there, which were a little bit of groceries, the ingredients for his homemade casserole, and some classy new clothes, Oscar heads back to the house where he spotted a bright light up on the staircase of the apartment.
Oscar: (Maybe they've already left to look for me...)
Ozpin: (Possibly...)
While they approach the staircase, the first thing he saw was a certain drunken grim reaper passed out on the first floor.
Ozpin: Should we... wake him up?
Oscar: .... Actually, I think it's maybe best if we don't... I'm honestly not ready to talk to him yet after...you know.
Ozpin: Yes...I believe I'm not ready to do so either...plus now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure the others will come back here eventually.
Oscar: Yeah. You're right about that.
Ozpin: Anyways, we should get inside before it gets freezing.
Oscar: Right.
And with that, Oscar left the unconscious Qrow alone and went inside to change and get dinner ready before the others comes back.
The farm boy has already realized that the road he took was far from simple but as long as he has people like Ruby, Ozpin, and the others by his side and have the will to never give up, he believed... that he'll be just fine.
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
To Trust is Not to Falter - 1/1 | frary fanfiction
A/N: My first frary/reign fanfiction to fix the angsty mess that was the end of 2x05 (since I was hurting when I recently watched it). Enjoy! (if you decide to read it, lol)
*Many thanks to @valeriemperez for beta’ing and @hamaheaven for reading it over and making sure it was in character and realistic. You guys are the greatest!
Synopsis: 2x05 - alternate ending - Francis confesses to Mary that Narcisse is blackmailing him. 
“There is something else going on.”
A frustrated sigh slipped out of him as he turned back to the fireplace, staring down into the flames with an intensity that did nothing to calm the storm inside of him; the need for her to just stop talking. What he wouldn’t give to just miniaturize himself enough to go down into that fiery pit, to cease to exist because then he wouldn’t have to make awful choices that went against everything he believed in. Everything Mary believed in.
He wouldn’t feel weighed down every moment of every day for the foreseeable future, not knowing if that day would be his last if Narcisse grew tired of blackmailing him and decided to take pleasure in a riot and execution instead, Mary’s head on a pike beside him as he’d foretold.
Worst possibly than all of that is that playing the puppet to Narcisse’s strings, Francis would become a mirror image of his father, tearing the country apart in violence based off on the whims of a Catholic noble who thought he knew best.
“Lately you’ve been…distant…”
And then there was that.
“…acting as though you’re haunted by something…”
He turned back around.
She knew him. She knew him so well. Everything inside of him screamed to just tell her. Who could he trust more than Mary with his deepest, darkest secrets, with the worst side of himself? No one. Bash, maybe, but he didn’t want to endanger either of their lives by forcing them to carry the burden that weighed him down every day. He already felt guilty for killing his own father, despite his conviction that it was absolutely necessary. Narcisse’s blackmail intensified his emotions in ways he couldn’t even begin to imagine.
“I need peace…and quiet…” he muttered under his breath, walking past her.
But she would not be silenced.
“You need to trust me, to share things with me.”
He trusted her with his life. But with this? How could he share this with her knowing her life might be the cost of the knowledge he bestowed upon her?
“Not everything can be solved by talking, by love, by you. There are things we cannot change, that cannot be undone; things that I don’t tell you to protect you.”
Her voice rose as she tossed the item in her hand to the side in her frustration.
“Protect me from what?”
She was relentless.
“Your death!”
The words silenced her. All he could see was that intense, confused, shocked look in her eyes, and all he could hear was her heavy breathing filling the space between them. His fingers tingled. Her skin warming and then cooling as he stared right back at her until she gathered enough thought to speak again.
It was all about to come undone.
“What are you talking about?” she asked carefully.
“Mary, please,” he begged, tears welling in his eyes.
She came to him and clutched his arms.
“Don’t make me say any more, please.”
“You have to tell me, Francis.” He shook his head, unable to form words. “You have to tell me, or the distance will grow between us, the country will fall apart. Your decision tonight cannot be undone but future poor decisions can be prevented.”
“I can’t,” his voice broke. “I can’t lose you.”
“Who has threatened me?” she demanded.
Her voice alternating between soft and imploring, between the whispers of his wife and the firm demands of his queen, told him he was going to tell her. He couldn’t think of another thing to tell her to throw her off course.
Her eyes widened, and she released him.
“This is further punishment then? For what I did to his son?”
“He is not just trying to punish you or me. He is trying to rule France with me as his puppet.” He pushed his hair out of his face, frustrated and desperate and scared.
“How can he do this? We can imprison him just for the threat alone.”
Francis’ shallow breathing finally led way to the devastating truth.
“He is blackmailing me.”
“With what?”
Mary was nearly delirious with her impatience, but it was impossible for him to speed up what he needed to say. It was so hard. He felt like he was ordering her death sentence with every breath he took.
“With the truth of my father’s death.”
Mary paused, her brows furrowed in confusion. She folded her arms against herself. Francis couldn’t look at her.
“But Montgomery killed Henry.”
Francis squeezed his eyes shut to prevent the tears from flowing and turned away from her. He clutched their bedpost and slowly sat down on the bed.
“No, he didn’t.”
Mary made her way to him and stood in front of him, waiting.
“What do you mean?” she asked gently, and he wanted to fall into her, let her hold him, just live in that moment for eternity so he wouldn’t have to face the world again.
Instead, tears streaming down his face, he looked up at her.
“I killed him.”
Her eyes widened.
He swallowed hard.
“He had gone mad.” He shook his head, remembering his anger and grief when he’d shouted his explanation at the play-acting nanny Narcisse had hired to torment him. “He was going to kill me, so he could marry you, and then kill you, so he could rule France and England and Scotland – all of it!” He took a slow deep breath and looked at her. “I couldn’t let him do it, Mary. It was the only way, I couldn’t…”
She came and sat down next to him on the bed, shock reverberating through her.
“So, after Catherine and I…”
She took a slow, deep breath.
“And how does Narcisse come to know of this? Did anyone see you?”
“He has Montgomery.”
“But there is no evidence it was you.”
With an effort of will, he pushed himself off the bed, crossed the room to grab the bloody piece of wood delivered to him earlier, and held it out to her.
“Is this…?” She held her hand out hesitantly, and he gave it to her.
“Oh, my God.” She turned to him when he sat back down beside her. “But still, there’s no way for this to prove you’re the killer. Even Montgomery’s words are nothing against the King’s. How did Narcisse know for sure?”
“The nanny.”
She straightened. “What about her?”
He sighed, tucking some of the wild locks behind his ear.
“He paid her to pretend to be my father.” Her disbelieving look pushed him to continue. “To pretend to be possessed by him, but only when I was alone with her.” Reluctantly he met her gaze again. “I didn’t believe it at first, but…she knew details about my father that a commonplace nanny in the castle would not know. And with all this talk after the plague of seeing ghosts and black riders and a reckoning…I started to believe anything was possible, even my father’s ghost coming back to haunt me for killing him.”
“Oh, Francis.”
She placed her hand on his cheek. He let himself lean into it, feel the cool softness of it, believe in that single moment that everything was okay again.
“Finally, it got to be too much…I was so convinced that when she made the accusation…I admitted to it, and conveniently – conveniently…” He lifted his head to look away, disgusted, infuriated by how he’d been manipulated and deceived. “Narcisse was in the room when it happened. I should have killed him on the spot, but I…” His shoulders slumped. “I didn’t want to be like my father.” He fisted his hand resting on his knee.
Mary covered her hand over his, willing him to relax with her there beside him.
All emotion left his voice.
“I ordered the guards to take the nanny to the infirmary and make sure she didn’t leave, but Narcisse went there later and had her released. Now he has Montgomery and the nanny to use against me. Even if we insist it is a baseless rumor…people may still believe it. I’m sure many would. The truth means nothing when people would rather believe the lie.”
Mary sighed and pulled him toward her, resting his head against her neck and taking his weight when he leaned into her.
“I’m so sorry, Mary…so sorry. I didn’t tell you because if it ever came to light, I wanted you to be able to say honestly that you didn’t know. Then only I would be executed because you would have no part in it.”
She closed her eyes at the words, at his reckless selflessness and need to keep her safe.
“Shh…it’s okay,” she soothed, rubbing her hands down his arms, over his curls, his cheeks, holding him to her.
After a long while, he lifted his head to look into her eyes, tears still streaming down damp cheeks.
“I’ve sentenced you to death.”
“No.” She cupped his face, holding it in place, forcing him to look her in the eyes and not look away. “You’ve been honest with me. If Catherine and I had killed Henry, you would have known because you found out.” She attempted a smile, but it didn’t last. “We would be in the same predicament now if that had been the cause of his death.”
He swallowed hard.
“I’m glad you told me, Francis. We will fight this together. We will beat Narcisse.”
“But how?” His voice faded in the last breath of his question.
“I don’t know yet,” she said, a tremulous smile back on her lips. “But whatever the future brings, what’s most important is that we face it together. You said that, remember?”
He nodded slowly.
“No matter what comes up against us, I will fight at your side. I will not leave you. You just have to let me.”
“I love you, Mary,” he said, watching her as she wiped his tears away.
“I love you, too, Francis,” she returned. “I always will.” She took a breath. “We may not have a solution now, but we will find one.” She stroked his face, gently brushing her fingertips over his golden locks.
"I understand now why you acted the way you did today, but if he corners you again, we will fight it. And if we must cave to his wishes until we can find a way to undermine it, then we shall do so together. We may falter as King and Queen in the beginning of our reign, but as long as we stay united as husband and wife, nothing will stand in our way.” She leaned forward and smiled genuinely. “We will be unstoppable.”
He nodded, the hint of acceptance of hope in the brief squint of his eyes when he tried his best to smile at her.
“Thank you, Mary.”
She softened, a smile on her lips as she closed the last bit of distance between them with a gentle kiss. A distraction – and a much needed one at that – Mary deepened the kiss, pushing him back onto the bed and encouraging him to touch her.
There would be no more talk tonight.
*Also posted on AO3 and FFnet.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Wonder Woman 1984: Ending Explained
This article contains major Wonder Woman 1984 spoilers for the ending of the film. We have a spoiler free review here.
Wonder Woman 1984 fits a lot of story into its 2.5 hour runtime, especially in its action-packed third act as Diana faces off against not one, but two villains: Cheetah and Maxwell Lord. While audiences have been encouraged to think of the DC blockbuster as a relative standalone, there’s much about the sequel that harkens back to the first film (Steve Trevor, most of all) and there’s much about the movie that hints at what’s to come for our eponymous hero.
If you have some burning questions coming out of Wonder Woman 1984, you’re not alone. What happens at the end of the superhero sequel? What might it mean for the future of the franchise? And which characters might be back for future installments?
We have those answers and more ahead…
Will Steve Trevor Be Back?
Coming into Wonder Woman 1984, one of the central plot mysteries was: how the hell is Chris Pine back as Steve Trevor? We now know the answer: After Diana wishes on the Dreamstone for her dead beau’s return, Steve’s spirit or soul or something is resurrected in the body of a local engineer played by Kristoffer Polaha, credited only as “Handsome Man.” While the rest of the world sees the body of “Handsome Man” when they look at the Steve-possessed body, Diana only sees Steve.
Unfortunately for Steve, Diana must renounce her wish to save the world, sending Steve back from the apparently nice place from whence he came. The movie ends with Steve once again dead, probably never to return. As he tells Diana in his final scene, “I’m already gone.” 
But will he be back? It doesn’t seem likely. Wonder Woman 1984 goes out of its ways to maintain the weight of death in its world, creating a very specific scenario in which Steve and Diana can be temporarily reunited. If Wonder Woman 3 were to bring Steve back again, it would be even harder to maintain the stakes and logic of the world and, honestly, Patty Jenkins is too good of a filmmaker to make a mistake like that.
Sorry, Steve fans. Chris Pine has to go play Dungeons & Dragons now.
Wonder Woman Can Fly Now
In her heartbreak over losing Steve (again), Diana runs. Then, she flies. Using what Steve taught her about how he understands flight (“It’s so easy, really. It’s wind and air, learning how to ride it, how to catch it,”) she uses her Lasso to snag the tail of a plane that pulls her far and fast up into the sky. She spreads her arms, and catches the wind. She uses her Lasso to snag clouds and the occasional lightning bolt to propel her forward, and then she soars.
New power: unlocked.
It’s Diana’s accomplishment, but it’s also a symbol of how much Steve has affected her life. In the beginning of the movie, we see how much Diana still thinks about Steve. She tells Barbara that she still sees him sometimes, in the sky. Later, she tells Steve that she’s always thought of flight as his gift. In this way, flight becomes Steve’s parting gift to Diana. Before, she would look up to the sky and think of Steve as a plane flew overhead. Now, she gets to be the one in the sky, thinking of Steve as she does the thing he so loved.
What is the comic book precedent for this? In her original comic book incarnation, Diana couldn’t fly, but Wonder Woman has never been a character to accept limitations. During the Silver Age of Comics, Diana learned how to glide using the air currents, but it wasn’t until after the Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot that Diana full-on flew. In her post-Crisis origin story by George Perez, Diana was gifted the ability to fly from Hermes. In Wonder Woman 1984, it’s a skill she learns in the World of Men.
Patty Jenkins told Den of Geek and other outlets during a recent press junket: “I love that she learns how to fly in this emotional way, and that that metaphor stands for something for all of us, which is you have to let go and embrace the truth and things for what they are to understand that it’s just wind and air.” 
Maxwell Lord Uses a Satellite to Grant the World’s Wishes
While Diana is going on an emotional journey about Steve, Max Lord is continuing his quest for MORE—more wishes, more power, more everything. After visiting the Oval Office, he has gained access to the government’s Atmospheric Satellite Defense program (which POTUS tells us uses Star Wars technology). Using Marine One (with Barbara in tow), Lord travels to the satellite facility where he is able to simultaneously hijack every broadcast signal around the world to deliver his message: make a wish, and I will grant it.
The logic here is all a bit hand wave-y. The Dreamstone rules require that people be touching the Stone, in this case Lord, when they make their wish. Screenwriters Patty Jenkins, Geoff Johns, and David Callaham seem to be making a statement about mass media with this plot point (which isn’t so surprising, given their professions): that media has the power to “touch” people.
Regardless of the logic, people around the world start wishing, not understanding the power of their words. A Chinese woman working in a restaurant wishes to be famous, and is immediately recognized through the window. An Irish man wishes that his partner would drop dead, and she does, only moments after she wishes that all of the Irish people in the U.K. would be sent back to “where they came from.”
Elsewhere in the world, a man wishes for nukes for his country. The world erupts in chaos. The Soviet Union launches nukes towards the U.S., in retaliation for the new weapons POTUS wished for; the U.S. fires back. It’s a mess.
Wonder Woman Faces Off Against Cheetah in Asteria’s Golden Armor
Before Diana can stop Max Lord, however, she has to get through her friend, Barbara, who has entered full-on Cheetah mode. While most people only got one wish from the Dreamstone, Dr. Minerva got two. After Barbara saved him at the White House, Max told Babs: “I’ve never been one for rules … Tell me, what do you want? I’m feeling generous.” So she wishes for even greater power: “I don’t want to be like anyone anymore. I want to be #1. An apex predator, like nothing there’s ever been before.”
Yes, friends, she is now a cat.
While Barbara pretty easily dealt with a wish-weakened Diana at the White House, tossing her around like she was nothing, Cheetah ultimately proves to be no match for Diana at her full strength, in Asteria’s Golden Armor. As we learned earlier in the film, Asteria was the Amazonian’s fiercest warrior. When the Amazons escaped to Themyscira, someone had to stay behind to keep the encroaching men at bay. That person was Asteria, wearing armor forged from all of the Amazonian armor. Diana found it when she came to the World of Men, but she never found Asteria…
Cheetah claws her way through the armor’s wings, but Diana doesn’t need those—not really. After a swinging battle, Diana gives Barbara one last chance to renounce her wish. Barbara doesn’t, and Diana uses a nearby downed power line to electrocute Cheetah into submission. Does she know this won’t kill Barbara? Honestly, probably not. Who even knows the limits of a half-human, half-cheetah creature that, by wish definition, has no precedent? It doesn’t kill Barbara, though, and Diana leaves her weakened on the ground outside of the satellite facility.
Diana Uses Her Lasso to Show the World the Truth
Midway through the movie, Diana tells Steve (and us) that the Lasso of Truth doesn’t just have the power to make people tell the truth; it also has the power to make people see the truth. This comes back in a big way in the movie’s climax, when Diana furtively snakes her Lasso around Maxwell Lord’s ankle while he is broadcasting to the world in order to speak to all of the wish-makers herself, in order to make them see the truth of what their wishes are costing the world.
“The world was a beautiful place, just as it was. You cannot have it all. You can only have the truth ,” she tells them before also recognizing and validating their pain. “You’re not the only one who has suffered, who wants more, who wants them back, who doesn’t want to be scared anymore or alone or frightened or powerless … Because you’re not the only one who imagined a world where everything was different, better … But what is it costing you? Do you see the truth?”
It’s a particularly strong message on a thematic level: the idea that we, as a world, need to see through the lies of capitalism and consumerism to the truth. That “more” doesn’t come without a cost, one that is hurting not only ourselves but the entire world. From climate change to global and domestic inequality (both complex issues that represent the devastating human cost of late stage capitalism), it’s not hard to see the real-world applications to this theme.
Max Lord is Saved By the Power of Fatherhood
With Diana’s help seeing the truth, people around the world begin renouncing their wishes. And, eventually, so does Maxwell Lord. Diana helps him see the truth of what his wish is costing him: his son, Alistair. Then, it is an easy choice for Lord. He chooses his son, over power, greed, over more. He chooses the joy and love of his present and future over the pain of his past, which we see in flashbacks: The trauma he suffered watching his father hurt his mother, from being poor, from being socially isolated growing up.
With Diana’s help, Max recognizes the truth of all that he already has in Alistair. In the film, fatherhood represents a kind of sustainable abundance that the Dreamstone could never give. Because of this, Max is finally able to be truthful with Alistair: “I’ve been lying to you. I’m a pretty messed up loser guy,” giving his son a truth that we get the impression Young Max was never granted: “You don’t ever have to make a wish for me to love you.”
In return, Alistair reminds Max that he doesn’t need to earn his preciousness. He has always been worthy of love, even when the world failed him and the people in his life weren’t able to give it to him. “I already love you, Daddy,” Alistair tells Max. “Because you’re my dad.”
Does Barbara Renounce Her Wish?
Max Lord definitively renounces his wish at the end of Wonder Woman 1984 in order to save son Alistair, but the choice is much murkier when it comes to Dr. Barbara Minerva. In her final shot of the film, Barbara is no longer in Cheetah form, but we also never see her explicitly renouncing her wish. According to Patty Jenkins, the ambiguity was intentional.
“I have my reasons for making it ambiguous, and I think it’s not clear what her point of view [is] on everything that just happened …  I love that we wrap up Max Lord’s point of view, and that you see the culmination of that storyline, I think is so important. But the truth is there may or may not be more to come [for Barbara].”
It sounds likely that we will see Cheetah again.
Why Does Wonder Woman 1984 End at Christmas?
Originally, Wonder Woman 1984 was supposed to be a summertime release. No one could have predicted the circumstances that would lead to the many delays, and an eventual global release during the Christmas 2020 season. However, the film’s final scene is very Christmas-y. Patty Jenkins told Den of Geek and other outlets during a recent press event that she had thought about re-filming it, but ultimately decided against it. Now, it works perfectly!
Interestingly, it also means that this final scene takes place roughly five months after the events of most of the movie, which takes place around the Fourth of July, as we see from the Invisible Jet scene. Emotionally, this works really well as it makes sense that Diana would need some time to get over losing Steve again, and might not be ready to fully embrace the wonder of the world around her right after having to say goodbye. In other words: this feels more truthful to the character.
The Mid-Credits Scene: Reveal of Asteria
Hopefully, you stuck around until the very end of the film, as Wonder Woman 1984 snuck a scene into its credits. In it, we see a woman who looks like Diana from the back save a baby and its mother from a falling telephone pole on a busy market street. When the woman turns, it is Lynda Carter, the actress who played Wonder Woman in the 1970s TV series. 
In the show, Carter played Diana Prince. Here, she is playing Asteria, the warrior who stayed behind when Themyscira was built in order to keep humanity from following the rest of the Amazons. Earlier in Wonder Woman 1984, Diana told Steve that she searched for Asteria when she came to the World of Men, but could only find her Golden Armor. Now, we know Asteria is still around and still saving people.
“I’ve been doing this a long time,” Asteria tells the baby’s mother in the mid-credits scene, before Carter winks at the camera. Hopefully, this isn’t the last we’ve seen of Asteria.
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The post Wonder Woman 1984: Ending Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
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lurkingcrow · 7 years
I should go to sleep. But the sugar hit from my late night cheesecake hasn’t worn off yet and my brain wants to play with more SW AUs.
I have plenty.
But the one that grabs me at the moment is purely self indulgent. I had to play with the timelines a bit but still…
Imagine an AU where it is not Obi-Wan leaving the Order, but Qui-Gon. In the wake of Tahl’s death (which happens a few years earlier here, but is no less traumatic) Qui-Gon is a devastated man on the edge of falling. There is so much anger, so much pain! But as in canon his Padawan keeps him from making a very bad mistake. Except…
Old doubts resurface. About his ability to teach, about the way he keeps managing to hurt his Padawan, about his role in Xanatos’ fall. There is Darkness in Qui-Gon Jinn and he fears that he will lead another student to his downfall. Obi-Wan would be much better off with a proper master, one not plagued by the shadows of his mistakes, teetering on the edge of madness…
He needs to leave. He has often been accused of being more grey than is acceptable, and this last incident has only shown Qui-Gon that if he is to prevent himself slipping further he will need to find a new approach. The Force is unsettled, giving him no clear direction. The choice is his alone.
It is with a heavy heart that he breaks the news to Obi-Wan. He has little doubt that his Padawan will be assigned a new, better, Master, and he has done ever in his power to ensure a smooth transition. As much as it hurts to know he will not be the one to cut the braid, Qui-Gon comforts himself with the notion that Obi-Wan will be a great Jedi one day - without his own sorry carcass dragging him down.
Obi-Wan is devastated. In some worlds he might meekly accept this latest abandonment, take another Master (it would be Yoda, full of regret at the loss of yet another of his line), but in this one sorrow turns to anger, and then determination.
He calls banthashit on Qui-Gon. How dare he think Obi-Wan would be better off without him?! How dare he try to make his decisions for him?! If he is going to leave them so be it! Obi-Wan will follow. It’s not like it’s the first time he’s given it all up for a worthy cause.
His Master tells him he doesn’t understand - Obi-Wan has a future, he can still become a Knight. But Qui-Gon’s experiences have badly shaken him - he cannot continue as is. The Order is no place for him anymore. It is time for him to walk a new path.
But Obi-Wan is stubborn, and refuses to budge. No one else wanted to take him on. No one else pleaded his case after he abandoned his post. If the Order is no longer right for his Master than it is no longer right for Obi-Wan. They argue, loudly and bitterly. Every last grievance is aired as Qui-Gon does his best to push Obi-Wan away and Obi-Wan (who is caught up in his own arguments and indignation at being left behind, again) uses biting sarcasm to slash through every lie Qui-Gon is telling himself. Their words cut like knives and leave them hurting and emotionally drained. And it is in the calm following the storm that the raw truth comes out. Neither of them is free from attachment. And Obi-Wan has just lost the closest thing he has had to a mother figure. He is not about to lose his Master as well. Their fate will be the same.      
Qui-Gon caves. Of course he does. Pride cannot overcome his own feelings for his student. What has he done to deserve such loyalty?
It is not an easy parting. Qui-Gon Jinn for all his maverick tendencies is an experienced Jedi Master, respected for his diplomatic abilities and understanding of the Force. Obi-Wan Kenobi may be considered something of a trouble magnet with impulse issues, but he is also one of their more promising padawans. Their decision to leave, together, is a deep loss to the Order. The council offers them other options, but they have made their decision now, and their path is clear. The Force is guiding them once more, and this must be done.
Yoda mourns. Lost Dooku he has, and now Dooku’s line. He can only trust that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan will continue to follow the Force, and one day find the peace that they seek.
Their first quandary after leaving the Order is working out where to go. Qui-Gon needs somewhere secluded, out of the way, to work through his pain. They wander for a bit, taking up odd jobs here and there as they search for somewhere that feels right. Qui-Gon is still struggling, going through periods of depression but Obi-Wan keeps drawing him back. Obi-Wan in turn is increasingly learning to deal with his feelings. He is still angry, but seeing how deeply Qui-Gon is hurting puts things in perspective and he is convinced that together they will get through this. They are no longer bound by the rules of the Jedi, so he can and will yell at Qui-Gon when he is being unreasonable and  revel in the hugs and praise that Qui-Gon bestows with greater frequency. They need each other, and they cannot hide from it. Slowly, things between them begin to mend.
And then the Force makes itself known.
Obi-Wan wonders how the hell someone so strong in the Living Force ends up drawn to a dustball on the edges of civilised space. Qui-Gon says it is not their place to question the will of the Force but, following a rather impressive glare pointed at him, remarks that that Tatooine provides ample opportunity for solitude, and plenty of rocks for him destroy while working out how to deal with his more difficult moods…
It’s a fair point.
So they head to the planet of great destiny, initially taking up residence in Mos Espa for a bit. It is there that they meet Shmi Skywalker, who helps them settle in. Between Obi-Wan’s taking up basic security work and Qui-Gon’s affinity for the Living Force allowing him to grow an impressive assortment of crops in his small garden for sale in the local market they get by alright. They settle a routine, finding a measure of quiet contentment in their life together. Obi-Wan comes back from his latest hire with stories about the people he has met and the ridiculous things people will pay for and Qui-Gon smiles as he hands him his dinner and chimes in with his own tale about the argument he interrupted between a Dug and one of the local merchants about the edibility of qeeka fruit. They assimilate into the local scene with ease, and after a while Qui-Gon stops correcting people when they comment on what a good son he has. They’re right after all.
Shmi is a wonder, shining brightly in the Force. She is calm and patient, showing them how to fit into their new home, lending a sympathetic ear to Qui-Gon’s issues and giving him a good kick when before his wallowing grows too great and reminding Obi-Wan to take care on his longer contracts and not let his frustrations get the better of him. Qui-Gon finds himself wondering at the Jedi she might have made as she indirectly pulls apart philosophical arguments respected Masters have been debating for centuries - she laughs and calls him an old mystic when he tells her as much, but Qui-Gon is feeling more in tune with the Force than he has in decades and treats her no-nonsense wisdom with great regard. It has certainly influenced his thoughts on the nature of emotions and attachment, and the lessons he passes on to Obi-Wan feel RIGHT in so many ways. Obi-Wan himself is growing strong in the Force, his self doubts waning as his confidence grows and he becomes more comfortable with the idea that he does not need to be ashamed of his feelings. Without a doubt they both consider Shmi to be a good friend, one who deserves so much more than she has been given.
Because Shmi is a slave. 
And oh how it burns that this amazing, bright, compassionate woman  is considered nothing more than the property of a unscrupulous Hutt. Their only consolation is that Shmi is of little interest to her Master, and while spending long days working in Gardulla’s palace, retains certain freedoms, such as living in the city proper. But then comes the day Obi-Wan returns home from a shift as a caravan guard to a raging torrent of fury, reeking of Qui-Gon’s signature, leading into the desert. He follows to find Qui-Gon standing amid a miniature sandstorm. It is only his own abilities that allow him to get close enough to talk. Shmi is pregnant. And they both know what that most likely means…
Shmi insists that there was no assault. She is certain of the pregnancy, but swears there is no father. That does not mollify them. There are many ways to modify a memory after all. Either way, it is now imperative they find a way to free her. Neither Qui-Gon nor Obi-wan is not about to let her child be born into bondage!  But their funds aren’t exactly plentiful, and they are running out of time before Shmi can no longer hide her pregnancy (and thus becomes a greater investment for Gardulla).
Obi-Wan thinks guiltily about the lightsaber hidden among his belongings. He knows how much the crystal alone would fetch. But selling it would not only break his last tie to his childhood, but would also bring unwanted attention down on them. No-one but Shmi knows about their Jedi past, and it needs to remain that way if they are to be safe out here. But still, this is Shmi’s life...
Qui-Gon is just as torn, but insists that there must be another way. Together they head deep into the desert to meditate, drawing on their attachment to one another to prevent themselves from delving too deep into the Force in their search for a solution. The answer comes in the form of an eerie scream.
Krayt dragon pearls are highly sought after by collectors in the Core - the bright nacreous layers forming slowly around the bits of sand and rock that lodge themselves within the great lizard’s gullet. Unfortunately, the pearls degrade quickly under the wrong conditions, and Tatooine’s harsh suns and piercing winds mean the only way to obtain them is to collect them fresh from the corpse of a recently dead reptile. And as there are few souls willing to take on the fierce predators in direct combat, these stones are extremely rare. And worth a fortune.
But Qui-Gon is a Master of the Living Force, and when he asks the desert reveals its secrets. The dragon they find is ancient, the scars of a hundred battles etched stark against her hide. She is dying. Together they approach her, carefully, slowly. She is in obvious pain. 
There are no words. No true communication between men and beast. And yet an agreement is reached. Together Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan reach into the Force to ease her passing. She closes her eyes for the last time, with an exhalation of relief. They wait, long enough to respect her spirit’s passing, before solemnly drawing their sabers and beginning their work.
They return to Mos Espa bloody, yet hopeful.
It is Qui-Gon who initiates negotiations, making it known that he has something of great value to sell and waiting for the rumours to capture Gardulla's attention. He goes to the palace at her summons, making sure Obi-Wan is ready and waiting to extract him ifa need be. They do their best not to let Shmi know - they do not want to raise her hopes or make her worry. 
Qui-Gon is extremely greatful for the fact that his assignments kept him largely away from diplomatic missions in Hutt space (the incident on Bandomeer notwithstanding) - this would be much more difficult if Gardulla knew who she faced. As it is he introduces himself only as Jinn, a local man whose daredevil son was lucky enough to survive a krayt dragon attack by killing the beast (who is waiting on his father's safe return, just in case) , before presenting one perfect pearl to the Hutt's covetous gaze with an offer to allow her first option to buy. Then the bargaining begins.
Backwards and forwards the delicately trade offer and counteroffer - Qui-Gon must be careful not to overplay his hand. He knows the true value of the gen but his simple does not. Gardulla will cheat him, this he knows, but money is not his true goal. The negotiations reach a standstill regarding the manner of payment until Qui-Gon "happens" to drop a comment regarding his status as a widower.
(And he is. Perhaps they never had a formal ceremony, but he and Tahl had pledged themselves to one another all the same.)
As he expected Gardulla jumps on his "slip" , her manner solicitous as she suggests that perhaps he might be willing to accept a slightly lower offer of if included an alternate form of payment. After all, he is obviously getting older and his son looking to leave the next and surely he could appreciate the value of having some female companionship again? 
Qui-Gon hides both his delight at her falling for his ploy, and his disgust at the notion of even discussing the trade in sentient souls behind a thoughtful look. He demurrs, agreeing that he is an old man, and as such has little use for a young, exhausting bedslave. This gets the expected bout of laughter, but again, Gardulla plays into his hands. Perhaps so, she suggests in a derisive tone, but theMighty Gardulla has many slaves - perhaps an older woman instead? One capable of keeping his house and cooking his food and warming his bed during the cold desert nights?
He pretends to think it over. The sum she is offering is but a fraction of what she will get for the pearl on the galactic market, and he knows her estimate of a domestic slave's value is greatly inflated (They had done their research in the beginning to the determine the extent of their financial need. Shmi, for all her talents, is not considered a particularly desirable pick - had she been a decade younger or a more exotic species it would be another matter).
 Still, it is a substantial windfall for a man in his apparent position, and he accepts, signing the offered contract after checking its terms and gently placing the pearl inside the proffered container. Their business concluded Gardulla brusquely dismisses him, waving for her majordomo to escort him to the servants' areas to pick one household slave of his choosing. He is so close now, feigning interest in several other options before pointing out Shmi (he wishes he could free them all, but the Hutts look unkindly on those who show emancipist sympathies, and he cannot risk their safety.). The majordomo hands him the necessary paperwork, including her transmitter frequency, and says he will arrange to have her delivered to him the next morning.
Qui-Gon leaves the palace at last, emotions swirling around him and swearing that the next time he does so the building will be left as rubble behind him. Obi-Wan offers to help. He's such a good boy.  
But they have won.
That evening Shmi meets them with shoulders bowed. She is to be sold, she says, to an unknown buyer in the morning, and is here to say goodbye. Her tears of happiness and incandescent smile as she hugs Qui-Gon tight after he shows her the papers and tells her she only needs to survive the next morning before they can free her is an image that Obi-Wan will treasure for the rest of his life.
All goes as planned, and Shmi is a free woman. She moves in with them, finding a job in a small mechanic shop in short time. Everything is looking up. But Qui-Gon is frequently stopped in the market place to be offered congratulations and be asked when the wedding is.
When he tells Shmi laughs and tells him it's to be expected. Risking your life in the desert to find a treasure and buy your sweetheart out of slavery is one of the most common stories told on Tatooine. Add in her now obviously pregnancy, and the way he arranged it so that her former Master never knew his goal? The story is exceedingly romantic, and their experiences will undoubtedly make it into  local mythology in no time flat. Of course they are expecting a wedding.
Also, as Obi-Wan points out in private later that night, a wedding provides a certain level of protection for both parties - slaves cannot marry and thus it serves as proof of freedom for the former slave while also demonstrating the honourable intentions of the one who bought them out. Also, there's the baby to consider - should the worst happen there need to be someone to claim the child.
And Qui-Gon thinks.
He is not in love with Shmi, and she is not in love with him. But they are good friends, comfortable in how they fit together. They already cohabit, and unofficially share parental duties for Obi-Wan. If this will assist in keeping their little family safe then perhaps it is worth considering.
Shmi agrees.
 ( Tahl would have adored Shmi, he thinks.Her spirit would never forgive him if he allowed her memory to stop him doing something that might help.)
The baby comes not long after their brief but heartfelt ceremony. The boy burns like a Nova in the Force, and for a moment Qui-Gon wonders... But there are more important matters at hand as they huddle close to the exhausted Shmi as she introduces Anakin Skywalker to his Papa Qui and Big Brother Obi. She hands him to Obi-Wan for a moment to allow her to move, and the Force sings with joy. 
Obi-Wan does leave for a while  when Anakin is a toddler. There's a bounty hunter who wants some assistance with a protection detail for some noble facing civil strife, and the Force is telling him he should go. They do not see him again for almost a year, when Anakin's excited burbling heralds Obi-Wan's return. His tale is daunting, full of trial and tribulations but Qui-Gon could not be prouder. Obi-Wan not only suceeded in keeping the Duchess safe against great odds, but also maintained his composure around the Jedi sent to assist her.
No easy task given one half of the Master-Padawan paid was Quinlan Vos, who could irritate anyone given sufficient exposure. Apparently this had rather endeared Obi-Wan to his royal charge, and based on his student's stories about their time together Qui-Gon makes a note to keep an eye on Satine of Mandalore. She may, after all, one day be his daughter in law...
Years later when a royal Naboo cruiser lands on Tatooine in search of repairs, the Jedi on board, and their "handmaiden" assistant are met by a young Anakin Skywalker who offers them his help in finding what they need. The unexpected sandstorm leads the to take shelter with their new friend where his mother greets them warmly. Her husband and stepson should be home soon, so if they can help her with the meal it would be most appreciated...
And that is how Padmé Amidala gets to witness the magical moment that Bant Eerin and Kit Fisto discover that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn are alive and well, and happy to lend them whatever assistance they can!
There are tears. There are hugs. And the course of history will never be the same.
That's all I've got! Thank you for indulging me by reading this gratuitous excuse to have a Shmi/Qui-Gon based family AU where no one is looking for the Chosen One because they all think he's Qui-Gon's and Obi-Wan gets to play bounty hunter by day and dedicated big brother my night 😁 
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queenofchildren · 7 years
I found me a hopeless case (I resolve to love)
When Benvolio is sent on a dangerous mission, Rosaline realises that she hates the thought of losing him even more than she thought she hated marrying him. Because at some point over the months they've been married, she fell in love with her Montague husband - and it's time for him to know.
[also on ao3]
Rosaline got married, as her liege decreed. She became a Montague, ran a Montague's household, and shared in a Montague's daily meals and various concerns.
And just when her Montague husband had begun to grow on her, the powers that had forced them together decided to rip them apart again.
Escalus announced it during a private audience just before another feast with the nobles of Verona, with no one else in attendance but Benvolio and their uncles. Rosaline was not invited, but Benvolio told her about it in rough strokes when they met up in the great hall's antechamber before the feast.
Her husband had taken to reporting from his meetings, asking for her opinion on the things that were discussed and decided there, and Rosaline found that she liked knowing the goings-on at the palace, in the palazzos and guildhalls around town. In fact, Rosaline had more of a mind for it than Benvolio, who'd like nothing more than to escape to his statues and churches and leave the running of the city and its businesses to others - one of many surprising ways in which they had turned out to complement each other.
Benvolio revealed what Escalus had asked of him with a resigned expression that suggested he had already accepted it, and the sight sent a hot flash of anger through her.
Rosaline had long since realised how little her husband valued himself; poisoned by his uncle's cutting words and uncaring actions. But the thing that Benvolio could not see and Lord Montague would not admit was that they were wrong: The man who had so reluctantly replaced Romeo as Montague heir, and had been resented by the Montague patriarch ever since for simply daring to survive where his son had not, was a better man than either of the heads of this city's great houses – gentle and intelligent, and much more invested in actual peace for the s city than many others claimed to be.
He did not deserve this.
“They have asked you to do what?” 
A few heads nearby began to turn at her exclamation, and Rosaline quickly pasted a vapid smile on her face – she was quite done with having people gossip about her marriage.
“Prince Escalus wants to send an envoi to Venice, to try and make some trade agreements in the hope of preventing outright war. He has asked me to be part of it.”
“To spy on them, no doubt.”
“Officially, I will be going as a member of the richest merchant family in Verona. A trade agreement with House Montague is nothing to scoff at – and perhaps something to quench their thirst for war and riches.”
“And if it will not be quenched, they have a valuable hostage right in their hands.”
“Not that valuable, I wager. At least not to my Lord uncle, let alone the prince.”
“The Venetians don't know that.”
Which, she realised even as she said it, put him doubly in danger: Benvolio risked being captured as a hostage should their relations with Venice sour while he was there, and was then likely to be abandoned by both his liege lord and patriarch, instead of rescued or ransomed back.
Hidden in the folds of her dress, Rosaline balled her fists in anger. It was only the heat that made her react so strongly to the request, she told herself, and it could very well be true. Verona had been groaning under exceptionally high temperatures for weeks now, with dire consequences: the river ran too low to carry many of the heavy merchant ships, the crops around the city threatened to dry out in the fields and make them even weaker while their enemies prepared for attack, and tensions within the just recently pacified city were running high once again. Rosaline's temper, while by no means uncharacteristic, was quicker to awaken than ever, and the mere thought of the injustice wrought upon her and her husband made it spike now.
But before she could try and find an outlet for her anger, or retreat to gather her wits about her once more, a bell rang to indicate the beginning of the festivities, and two footmen pushed open the door to the palace's feast hall.
Benvolio's hand slipped into hers, cool to the touch and enough to calm her down at least a little bit. He wrapped his hand around hers and squeezed it reassuringly, and Rosaline squeezed back without even a conscious decision to do so. It was a fairly new thing between them, this kind of comfort, and Rosaline marveled at how easily his soothing little gesture had its intended effect.
“Nothing will happen to me,” he said, low and warm, as they walked into the hall and took their seats.
“No, it will not.”
Benvolio seemed satisfied with her answer, her apparent faith in him, and Rosaline did not clarify what she actually meant: He was not going to be in danger because she was not going to let them do this to him.
Rosaline had to wait until well after dinner for the opportunity to present itself, but eventually, she managed to draw the Prince's attention.
Apparently anticipating her mood, Escalus made polite inquiries as he discreetly pulled them to a darker corner of the throne room, stowing her out of sight and sound of the other guests just before her indignation burst out of her.
"Why are you trying to get my husband killed?", she hissed, forgetting all necessary deference to her opponent's status in her ire.
"I am not doing any such thing." Escalus sounded innocently surprised by the accusation, but she imagined that there was a hint of guilt tingeing his voice.
"Venice is a dangerous place these days for any citizen of Verona, let alone the heir of its richest merchant family. You must know that. So why send him, of all people?"
Escalus schooled his features into an expression of patient suffering, then took a deep breath, no doubt to present her with an array of perfectly good reasons for his decision.
Rosaline was not in the mood to hear any of them.
“You forced me to marry the man. And just when I am beginning to find the thought of growing old with him bearable, you take him away again. Do you hate me so much? Or is there someone else that needs marrying for your schemes, and you are freeing me up for them?”
“Neither of these is even remotely true!” Escalus looked truly appalled, as he always did when she accused him of making cruel decisions – but he still made them, and in the end, that was what counted no matter his reasons.
“Do you hate him then, for getting to keep what you wanted? Because he never asked for it.”
Her words were harsh and perhaps a little crass, but she wanted to remind him that this was what he had done: passed her on like some possession of his.
“My request for your husband to travel to Venice has nothing to do with anything of the sort. It is a political decision, which I am well within my rights to make as the ruler of this city. Your ruler.”
“That you are. But your political decisions seem all too often at odds with my happiness.”
“Verona is at the brink of war! Your happiness cannot be a concern of mine.”
Rosaline felt sickened: To hear such words from the mouth of a man who had once claimed to love her was truly disquieting. If he ever had loved her, should not her happiness be his most important concern?
And yet, where such a thought would have devastated her not too long ago, now she only felt the quiet echo of a pain that had passed, the wound healed over under someone else's care. The softness on her face when her eyes sought out that someone else across the room must have given away her thoughts, for Escalus' expression hardened.
“Besides, I thought you despised the man. Has that changed so soon?”
“Soon? Benvolio and I have been married for months now. Did you expect me to hate him until my dying day?"
He had no answer at the ready, as Rosaline expected. He could not very well answer truthfully: That jealousy would have him imagine she could never love another man after him.
And yet, she did. At some point over the past months, Rosaline's very much unwanted husband had gone from being "that Montague" to being a man worth sharing her life with. She had begun to accept and even enjoy that he was the first person she saw when she woke up, and the one she was most eager to speak to in the evenings when various concerns and commitments had kept them apart during the day.
Of course, all of these were considerations that, while necessary, she had no time for in this critical moment, and thus she pushed them to the back of her mind to think of what to reply to the Prince. Telling him what she had only just begun to form in her head seemed wrong, somehow: Surely the first person to learn that she had somehow fallen in love with a Montague should be that same Montague – she owed him that.
So Rosaline kept her thoughts to herself, schooled her expression into one of calm obedience, and replied: “Benvolio is my husband. I implore you, do not send him into danger as you intend to.”
Escalus had become very proficient at concealing his emotions since he had first taken his father's throne, but in this moment, Rosaline glimpsed a hint of irritation: She was showing an uncharacteristic vulnerability of emotion just to save another man - but she would not reveal the true extent of that same emotion to him, the man who used to know her every secret back when they were young.
But his feelings were no longer any of her concern, Rosaline reminded herself – he had made sure of that himself.
"My plan is formed," Escalus said with cold finality, "and your husband will play his assigned part in it. You will simply have to do as plenty of wives of Verona have done before you, and pray for his safe return. Two days from now, my envoi makes for Venice."
He left her like that, to go and speak to someone more important and less contrary no doubt, but Rosaline did not try and hold him back. She was standing as if struck by lightning as the realisation forced by Escalus' question finally sunk in:
She really did love her husband.
The thought kept busy in her head all evening and long into another sweltering night. It had been the first time she had admitted anything like it to herself, and she wondered if it should change things between her husband and her. Over the course of their marriage, they had become comfortable around each other - but for the first time, Rosaline felt that the current, complacent state of their marriage was as much of a sham as their false exhibits of young love had been during the time of their betrothal. After all, their marriage had yet to be consummated, and their treatment of each other resembled friends more than lovers. In fact, they had shared no more than three kisses since they had been betrothed:
First, she had kissed him, some weeks before their wedding, when he had shown her their beautiful new home and promised that within its walls she need never fear those among his family who had hurt hers. She had initiated the kiss then, overcome with gratitude and hope, and had thought that perhaps there might be something to be found here.
The second time had been at their wedding, where it had fallen to him to lean closer, lift her veil and press his lips to hers, for every young lady knew it would be unbecoming to seem too eager, even on one's wedding day.
The third kiss had been hers once more, born out of impulsive spite when, some time into their marriage, there was still no sign of a Montague heir and Rosaline heard Benvolio's uncle berate and belittle him about not being able to satisfy his wife. She had sauntered over not much later, soft-footed and smiling, and had delivered a kiss to her husband's lips that should leave no doubt in any onlooker's mind that she was a very satisfied wife indeed. Benvolio had congratulated her on the well-executed little masquerade later, but had apparently been convinced that it had been for show indeed - unaware that a part of her had wondered what it would be like to kiss him like this and mean it, in the privacy of their bedroom rather than under Verona's watchful eyes. But he had never made an attempt to steal another kiss of the kind, either because he had no desire to or because he wanted to stay true to the promise he had made her on their wedding night: That he would never lay a hand on her, and that she would never have to lie in her own bed and fear unwanted advances.
He had stayed true to his promise, had shielded her from his uncle's increasingly urgent questions about the state of her health and the likelihood of celebrating a baptism soon, and she had never asked him to consummate their marriage. It would have felt like giving in, like surrendering that last little thing she had held back of herself, and the fact that he seemed to understand was just one more reason why she trusted and respected him as she did now.
They had found a different way to be around each other instead: reassuring touches to arms and backs, the occasional swift brush of lips across a cheek in greeting or goodbye, and the rare mornings they woke up tangled in each other and knew that one of them must have been ripped from troubled sleep in the middle of the night.
It was a good way to live, one not devoid of comfort and companionship. And yet she had wondered sometimes, during idle moments and sleepless nights, if perhaps there could not be something else to be found between the two of them - something more. And just when she had, by gradual procession, reached a place from which she might begin to slowly approach and explore that "something more", she was about to run out of time to do so.
The realisation filled her once more with searing anger. Would she never be done setting aside her own happiness for the sake of Verona?
It certainly seemed that way.
Her reflections left Rosaline in an ill mood all throughout the next day, irritable and distracted. The heat of the last weeks had not only increased, but had attired a humid quality that made the very air around them oppressive. Much like the rest of the city, it seemed that Rosaline was only waiting with baited breath for something to happen, and by the time she entered their bedroom in the evening to find Benvolio packing odds and ends into a leather satchel, she was a powder keg ready to go off at the slightest spark.
That spark, it seemed, was the sight of an open travelling trunk at the foot of the bed, filled with freshly laundered and pressed clothes which the maids must have prepared - on her husband's orders, it seemed, for Rosaline had ordered nothing of the sort.
"You really are going to Venice then."
"The Prince has commanded me to."
Again that same calm defeat he had shown the evening before, after being ordered to essentially offer his life to his enemy on a silver platter. Again, it succeeded in making her abandon all attempts at rational discourse in favour of heated argument.
"And if the Prince commanded you to set yourself on fire, you should do it too?"
"That is hardly the same."
"Will you never stand up for yourself then? Will you let them treat you like this until your last breath?"
She knew the accusation was unjust; knew his uncle had tried his best to threaten, belittle and beat all defiance out of him, and had still not succeeded entirely. As she had gleaned from their conversations as they grew longer and more familiar over time, Benvolio had found his own small ways to stand up to the tyrant who was supposed to be his caretaker: by drinking and whoring, by insisting, though unsuccessfully, to marry for love, and most recently by demanding he and Rosaline be granted a home of their own away from the Montague family seat.
His compliance with the Prince's new order, she knew, was less of a sign of cowardice and more the rational understanding that he had no means to oppose his ruler. But Rosaline was sure that part of it was also due to the fact that he had been taught that his own life was only valuable so far as it could be of use to others, and some part of him had begun to believe so himself.
So when he failed to reply and defend himself, it enraged her even more.
"So I am to be stuck with a spineless coward of a husband, who rolls over on his back like a dog defeated when someone asks him to lay down his life," she spat out, and now she finally did get a reaction out of him, as he whirled around and advanced on her a few steps.
"I'm nothing of the sort. But I am smart enough to know when to hold my tongue and do as my liege lord says. We cannot all be old sweethearts of the Prince, allowed to speak our minds without reproach."
She heard the bitter sting in his words, and wondered if he still thought her in love with the prince – if the thought bothered him.
"And I already did. I told him what I thought of his decision. I begged him not to send you away.”
There was a flicker of surprise on his face. But anger won out, of the same helpless kind she was feeling no doubt.
“And did your sweet words move the prince?"
There was no need to answer the question – he already knew she had failed, or they would not be having this conversation. Shame took her in its hot, hard grip: twice now her husband had protected her, even before it had been his duty to do so. And the one time she had the chance to repay him, she failed.
Still, her anger at herself found a target outside her own actions, and turned once more against the man before her, so stubbornly refusing to let himself be saved.
“You know as well as I that by the very nature of my sex I am unlikely to be taken seriously by any of them. But you could fight....”
He cut her off.
“Fight whom, the Prince? I'd be put to the sword as a traitor, and you'd be wearing mourning black before I ever set foot into Venice.” Fire flashed in his eyes. “And why would you even mind? Should not my death or imprisonment solve all your problems? You could live as you please, with no one to answer to, just as you always wanted. So why even try...-”
He did not get to finish the sentence.
So enraged was Rosaline with her husband at this point that she knew she'd have to put an end to this kind of talk, by any means necessary.
She chose the one least likely to result in bodily harm: She kissed him.
It was quick and a little too hard, an attack more than an expression of affection, but it did serve it's purpose: He fell quiet, completely stunned by her unexpected approach. But he did not push her away, and she used his startled silence to make her message clear as soon as she had drawn back:
"I would mind losing you."
And she would, she knew now, for she had since last night found a thousand little things that she would miss if he was sent away, perhaps never to return: the way he still called her “Capulet” in private sometimes, and how it felt like an acknowledgment, a reassurance that she had not lost her entire self when they had taken away her name and given her his. The little quips he made, sharp when he wanted to conceal some other feeling, outrageously silly when he wanted to make her laugh.
She would miss sitting in the garden with him on sunny afternoons, that beautiful garden he had gifted her before they were even wed, where she would be reading, or writing to her sister in Mantua, or doing some household sums as he sat and sculpted - a favorite pastime of his, though she would never have expected him to have a passion for the arts. "I have become the kind of boring old man I used to scoff at," he would jest, "the kind who stays home of an afternoon with his wife, and drinks in moderation."
But he would laugh and keep on carefully chipping away at a block of marble, and neither of them would mention that his days of drinking past moderation had been dark days after his companions had been ripped away. Instead, she would get up to fetch them both a glass of cool water, and handing his glass to him, would linger by his side a moment and let him show her where he had made progress at teasing soft human features from smooth, hard stone. His face would be alight with enthusiasm, and she would marvel at how far they had banished their darkness. Not entirely, no, but it came infrequently these days, sneaking into their dreams and making them sit up in bed with a gasp or a sob - but even then, they had each other just an arm's length away, a warm body to curl into and a heartbeat to lull them back to sleep.
Yes, she thought, she'd miss him, and then she said so once again, chin raised in defiance.
“I would mind,” she repeated, but for all the strength in her stance, her voice cracked at the thought.
His face, hardened with anger and shadowed by worry just a moment ago, now turned impossibly soft.
“We all have sacrifices to make for the good of our city."
"And you have made your sacrifice!"
She was referring, of course, to their marriage - even though they were both reasonably content with it now, she remembered well that his resistance had been just as staunch as hers.
The anger may have gone out of him once more, but she had yet to see the defiance she had hoped to inspire. She had still to make him see that he was easily worth ten of the city's noble lords.
But before she could appeal to his fighter's side once more, he lifted a hand and cupped the side of her face; a cradle for her to rest her cheek in when her anger turned soft as well.
"It turned out not to be such a sacrifice in the end."
Something fluttered in her chest at his words, and it was only once she felt it that Rosaline understood that she too had been in need of some reassurance - and that perhaps she might find it now.
“You are not terribly unhappy then?”
In response to her timid question, he laughed softly, a sound that made her throat tighten.
"No, not at all.”
“Neither am I.”
The statement was so inadequate to what she was feeling, and yet it was enough to make his face light up, in a smile she was sure not even the most talented of artists could recreate in stone.
It was strange, Rosaline found: Last night, the true extent of her feelings had been at the tip of her tongue, ready to be wielded as a weapon against the Prince. Now, she found it difficult to even form the words in her head – although now, she knew it was all the more important that they were heard.
If anyone needed to be told they were loved, it was him.
So she laid her hand on top of his where it cradled her face and turned her head to press a soft kiss into his palm.
She had closed her eyes to fortify herself, but all it took was to hear his startled little gasp and another stab of guilt ran through her. He should not be this surprised to find her approaching him with tenderness, and she vowed to herself in that moment to make it such a frequent occurrence that eventually, the idea of being loved would become commonplace to him, rather than a startling novelty.
When she opened her eyes again, they found his without delay or hesitation.
“I find I have come to love you, over time."
He let out another small laugh, one of delight rather than amusement – although amusement was lacing his voice as well when he spoke:
"And here I thought you never would."
A triumphant smirk flashed across his face, the kind that usually made her roll her eyes in a most unladylike manner. But today, she could only muster mild reproach for his cockiness.
"Don't gloat, husband. It is unbecoming.”
Again he laughed, a sound so carefree and light she had yet to make herself familiar with it - though she would, she vowed to herself, even if it required baring her usually so well-guarded heart again and again.
"What would you have me do then?”
"I would have you speak your mind as well, so we can both know where we stand."
The smile on his face faded a little, not extinguished altogether, but turned quieter so as not to drown out his words.
"You say you have come to love me, over time?" It was a rhetorical question, but she nodded anyway – she had only just decided to tell him as often as possible what he meant to her. She might as well start now. "Well, I hardly needed any time at all."
It took her a moment to understand the meaning of his words. Then she gasped as their full implication made itself clear to her, and before her eyes rose the ghosts of things that could have been: Innocent touches that could have lingered and turned into something else, to gain some hidden meaning known only to the two of them, a coded language for them to speak in the dark and the quiet.
Instead, they had lived quietly side by side, and had never attempted to create such a language for themselves.
And now more than ever, she felt that she wanted to know if they were capable of finding this new way to speak to each other – to cease their usual friendly conversation, and write stories into each others' skin with their hands and lips instead. She wanted to tell him all she could not say with words in this moment, so that he might know that he was valued, and cherished, and loved as a good husband should be. She wanted... -
She wanted.
And mirroring his earlier gesture, she slid a hand along his cheek to curl it around the back of his neck and bring him closer, intending to kiss him and then keep doing so until it was no longer possible to keep count. But before she did, she paused to look into his eyes, wide and bright, and to commit to memory how their green turned almost turquoise in the soft evening light; how their black pupils widened as her other hand joined hers around his neck.
"We have lost time to make up for then,” she said, voice so husky she found it hard to believe it was hers.
By the widening of his eyes she saw he had understood; and then he moved a heartbeat before she did, pulled her flush against him with a hand on the small of her back, and stole the kiss straight from her lips.
It was a kiss that could not have been more different from the one she had given him just moments ago – and it more than confirmed his earlier words. Benvolio had claimed to have needed hardly any time to fall in love with her, and now it became more than apparent that he must have longed for some time to kiss her like this.
There was such hunger in it, such need that it made her breathless for a moment. But it took only a few quick beats of her own thundering heart for Rosaline to feel rising within her that same need he revealed, and to match it with her every move.
For as soon as she had made the decision that this was what she wanted them to be, Rosaline knew, with every fiber of her being, that it was the right decision. Whatever had kept her from breaking down this last barrier between them – pride, defiance, fear of giving someone the power to hurt her the way she had been hurt before... it was inconsequential now, when every moment might be their last.
“I want us to lie together, as husband and wife.“
“Are you sure?”, was his careful reply – words that sounded vaguely familiar, though she could not quite place them right now.
She could answer them, however.
“I am.” There could be better ways to express her intentions perhaps, poetry designed specifically to seduce with its beauty, but Rosaline had no patience for such art right now and, judging by her husband's enthusiasm, no need for it either.
"A wise choice - after all, who would want to be widowed without enjoying the pleasures of the marriage bed first?", he jested, but Rosaline was not in the mood for jesting, nor for reminders of their impending sepratation.
"No one is going to be widowed," she growled, but did not protest in the slightest at the mention of the marriage bed – in fact, that was precisely where she was resolutely steering them right now.
The back of his knees hit the bedframe first, stopping them with a jolt, and Benvolio sat back on the bed without resistance, managing, rather impressively she thought, not to let go of her for even a second.
Having once made this one bold move, it became easier to follow it up with another one: To kiss him again and straddle him where he sat on the edge of the bed, to tug and tear at his shirt until he laughed once more and pulled it off over his head. To allow herself a moment to look at him directly and purposefully instead of only stealing glances out of the corner of her eye, the way she had done the few times he had thought her asleep and foregone a retreat behind the dressing screen – and then, after it occurred to her that she might do more than look, to gently follow the path of her eyes with her hands and lips.
Benvolio had spent the afternoon sparring with some Montague men as he did several times a week, making sure to keep his skills as sharp as his blade in case he was called upon to defend his city, and now faint bruises were littering his chest. She kissed each and every one of them, delighting when the purple constellations led her to places that made him draw in a sharp breath and shiver – some more than others, she found when she pressed a kiss to a spot just underneath his ribs and he yelped and twitched away from her.
"You are ticklish," she understood, feeling a burst of awed joy at having learned this new thing about him.
"Aye, and impatient," was his confirmation, and before she could inquire into the reason for his impatience, Benvolio had gripped her waist and flipped them both over, trapping her under his body. It was such an abrupt movement that it made her shriek in a very undignified manner – but his smile and the light grip of his hands where they pinned hers to the bed assured her that it was a playful gesture, not one of dominance, and that made all the difference in allowing herself to yield to him.
And just like when he had kissed her before, she got a glimpse at just how patient he must have been in the time leading up to her revelation – and how quickly that same patience was coming to an end now. As soon as she was spread out under him, he kissed her again, his hands undoing the front-lacing of her dress with quick, determined motions. Before she knew it, her heavy brocade dress was discarded, and Rosaline sighed with relief.
She could feel the heat of his body through her shift when she pressed up against him now, adding to the heat of her own skin, but even as beads of sweat gathered on her skin, the wind that was rapidly building up outside swept over her now near-exposed body to cool her down again. But for all its efforts, even the strongest gales of the oncoming storm could not help douse the fire that Benvolio was stoking within her now, until the thrum of her blood became so loud it even drowned out the low rumble of approaching thunder.
His hands, which she had watched often enough when he sculpted to know they were capable of shaping stone to his will, were just as deft when it came to turning her every bone into molten wax. They traced her shape as if she herself was a masterpiece of the finest marble, his touch as reverent as it was maddening.
By the time his hands freed her of her last piece of clothing and dipped between her legs to continue their worship, she was more than ready to let them do so. As his hands coaxed pleasure out of her which she had never before thought possible, his eyes never left her face, and while she thought it would have made her feel bashful to be watched like this, now it made her feel elevated, and filled with tenderness that added a pleasant ache as the pleasure built inside her, and built and built until it crashed over her to make her tremble and moan.
Of course, upon managing this feat, her husband looked altogether much too proud of himself, so Rosaline decided to try and see if she might not provoke some of the same reactions in him with her own hands.
Quickly untying his leather breeches, she slipped them off his legs to do her own exploring, her hands trembling with uncertainty. She had, after all, been taught that such forwardness would reflect badly on her virtue, and was thus likely to displease her husband. But Benvolio seemed more than pleased with her efforts, and she quite enjoyed making his self-satisfied smile turn into a blissful one and his breathing grow ragged with just a few strokes of her hand, until he groaned and stopped her movements.
With another intoxicating kiss, he rolled on top of her once more and settled in between her legs to slide his length against her, easily persuading her to go chasing after that newfound pleasure once more. And when he pushed into her to do just that, she found it was not the act of surrender she had fearfully imagined it to be – it was a completion.
By the time Rosaline became aware of anything outside of him again, the worst of the storm had passed, and the rain brought a rush of more-than-welcome fresh air with it.
Feeling sticky and overheated, and sure that the time for modesty was past, Rosaline simply remained sprawled out on the bed, foregoing the cover of a sheet in favor of letting the rain-fragrant air ripple cool and soothing across her heated skin as she waited for her gallopping heart to calm down.
“Well,” Rosaline said eventually, giving voice to a thought she felt sure would amuse her husband, “consummating our marriage was certainly much more pleasant than I was led to believe it would be.”
As she had hoped, Benvolio chuckled, then gently turned her chin up towards his face to bestow a lingering kiss to her waiting lips.
“I am glad to hear it. Although,” he added, voice growing slurred with sleepiness, “I'd quite like to have a word with whoever caused you to have such low expectations.”
“Or you could simply continue to exceed them,” Rosaline replied, with heat in her cheeks but mischief in her voice, and was rewarded with another sleepy chuckle.
“Did no one tell you it is dangerous to build up a man's pride like this?”
“Perhaps they did, and I intend to take advantage of it.”
“You'll hear no complaints from me.” Another soft kiss, this one to her forehead. “As long as you let me get some rest first.”
She was happy to grant his wish, as her own body was growing heavy as well, and it did not take long for Benvolio's breathing to even out as he fell asleep, sated and tired and, she dared to hope, happy.
Rosaline on the other hand took longer to find sleep, her mind and heart too full for rest. She drifted off eventually, lulled to sleep by the soothing rhythm of Benvolio's deep breaths and the gentle pattern of long-awaited rain falling outside their window.
Nonetheless, by the time morning dawned outside the window, fresh and clean and bright, and the early sun painted the spires of the Duomo pink and gold, Rosaline was already awake again – and her mind was racing once more, turning like the cogs on one of those clockwork machineries she'd seen on sketches Benvolio received out of Florence.
By the time she rose, Rosaline had made a decision.
Before Benvolio even stirred, she had sent the maids into a flurry of activity, until a second trunk was sitting outside in the hallway to be brought out to the carriage along with his. And when she finally bent over him to wake him with the softest of kisses, Rosaline was wearing a travelling dress and coat, to her husband's puzzlement.
“I am coming with you to Venice.”
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everythingtimeless · 7 years
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Welcome to EverythingTimeless’ Weekly Roundtable, a sprawling discussion in which your friendly neighborhood Mod Time Team breaks down episodes of our favorite show, Timeless. We can’t promise to be coherent, but we’ll try our best. 
This week: Season 1, Episode 2 - The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Sarah: Friends, family, Time Team. We are gathered here today. To talk about Robert Todd Lincoln. (Right? That’s what we’re here to talk about?) 
Kate: Can I say it is still to soon even if I was supposed to be prepared to? Because, RTL. 
Gissane: That’s exactly what I signed up for. I also think we should make a fan club. Posters. Tees. Mugs. ALL THINGS RTL.
Ann: Girls, we must be PROFESSIONALS about this now. We are SERIOUS bloggers. So we can only squee over Dreamboat Lincoln in due order of the episode conversation.(Also maybe set up a side-side RTL appreciation blog?)
Kate: Maybe? Definitely.
Sarah: Decorum is the name of the game. (What do you think - Robert Toddless? Thinkin’ Lincoln? Todd Team?)
Gissane: Todd Team. YES. Can we be the Todd Team?
Kate: Alright, perhaps we gather what is left of our dignity and start at the top of the episode. I shall begin with the brave opinion that John Wilkes Booth is a toady dumpster fire of a human.
Sarah: Opinion super sustained.
Ann: I always appreciate the complete and utter loathing he inspires.
Gissane: Agreed. Very much agreed.
Sarah:��It really does quickly pull you into the episode - something so recognizable and startling.
Ann: It absolutely does.
Kate: Like every time I see Titanic and think they will avoid the huge chunk of floating ice, I saw it and was still somehow shocked he was assassinated? Timeless knows how to deliver the drama, even when we see it coming.
Gissane: Yup, because on a show like this, we somehow hope that it can happen, but at the same time, we know that it shouldn’t. And a huge part of that drama was that amazing debate among the Time Team. It breaks me every single time.
Ann: Well and there is the *actual* chance they can change history, they could right a wrong. And even if we know that would royally fuck up so much more, a part of us still wants to save Abraham Lincoln, you know?
Kate: I love that the team members each have a voice though. Like a passionate though respectful debate about changing the entire course of history because how do you pass up the chance to save Abraham Lincoln?
Gissane: Always save Lincoln. Always.
Sarah: Well, Rufus’s point of view actually makes me cry.Because for him the ramifications of Lincoln’s death are so rooted in his oppression.
Kate: Rufus always providing such an important representation of a perspective rarely entertained.
Sarah: And seeing the hope in the soldier’s eyes as they talked about freedom - devastating.
Ann: That scene where the soldiers asked him to write letters for them? I cried.
Kate: And the whole while Rufus knows what is coming for them historically, so then when he might have a chance to save Abraham which would go a long way in saving them all? Gahhhhh. I am undone.
Gissane: It literally doesn’t matter how many times I watch this episode, I will choke up like a baby every time. I don’t think any episode has gotten to me as much as this has, to be honest.
Sarah: Right Kate - Lucy idolizes Lincoln, Wyatt sees saving Lincoln as proof that fate can and should change - which would in turn save his wife. But to Rufus, he still lives with a piece of that. 
And agreed so much, Giss. One of the soldiers - who had fought for the country, for his freedom - hasn’t seen his wife since she was sold. Timeless took this Lincoln episode seriously, and it shows. 
Kate: Rufus is the character that won’t allow us to conveniently forget the implications of history. HE IS SO IMPORTANT.
Gissane: I feel like we’ll say this every week, but I love how unapologetic this show is in regards to painting the ugliest sides of history to remind viewers of just how awful it was and essentially still is at times.
Sarah: Yes and yes.
Ann: It’s scary how much these lessons both still resonate and beg to be learned, you know?
Gissane: I love that even though we can definitely mess with history, the show still sticks to telling us truths that we may have forgotten upon learning or that may have been concealed from the textbooks.
Kate: Both, so so much Annie. 
Let us take a sojourn to another important little piece of the episode. In which the impeccable Jiya offers to help Lucy figure out what happened to her sister.
Sarah: Here. For. Lady. Friendship.
Gissane: You mean in the second episode of a show two women had a conversation that didn’t revolve around a man!?And it was done so effortlessly, you could tell right away that because both these women are incredibly kind, they’d get along perfectly with one another.
Kate: Meanwhile Conner “I have the sympathy of a plastic bag” Mason is all like, ummm sorry bout your sister maybe not really.
Gissane: Connor “No Chill, No Grace” Mason.
Sarah: Someone did not attend Mason Industries sensitivity training. 
Kate: It tickles me that every time the Time Team returns and reports a disturbance in the history force that Denise and Connor are all like, whatttt? Nooooo. How?!?!?! 
Ann: I also live for Denise’s face every time Connor speaks.
Gissane: She is all of us.
Kate: She wants to hit him so hard. Upside the head, really quickly and repeatedly.
Sarah: Can you imagine, though, finding out that not only is your sister just…not in existence…but the man who you thought was your father was, in fact, not your father…and then you are pushed into a small deathtrap and flung back to the assassination of your country’s greatest leader?
Kate: Also she is engaged to a stranger. Lucy has way more composure than pretty much anyone ever.
Gissane: And we can talk about how Wyatt slams Connor about being a little more sensitive. But in all seriousness, if I was Lucy, I’d lose my head in a heartbeat. Actual QUEEN.
Ann: Oh I would have crumbled immediately, if not sooner. I would have traveled back in time to crumble sooner probably.
Kate: This is where Wyatt really begins to take a stand for his team and I love it. First with assuring Lucy that they would fix the timeline and get her sister back. Then with Rufus, building up his self confidence.
Gissane: YES. I love his moments with Rufus too much to be able to form words.
Kate: Wyatt started becoming more than just a super pretty face with a head that rocks a hat like nobody’s business this episode.
Sarah: It also begins one of my favorite pieces of this stupid (wonderful) show - which is Wyatt helping Lucy with her seat belt. (And Wyatt’s perpetual motion sickness.) 
Ann: Sarah no.
Kate: Yes Sarah. YESSSSSSS. Yep. 
Sarah: I don’t know what I did in a past life to be punished? rewarded? thusly. But I curse and praise some deity.
Ann: I swear to god every time I put on a seatbelt now I am pissed as hell that it’s my hands and not Wyatt Logan’s adjusting the strap for safety.
Kate: Wyatt Logan is the sear belt fastener we all deserve.
But also, and finally going back to where we feverishly began. Lucy and RTL. Going to the Ford Theater. Making eyes at each other. DISCUSS.
Gissane: THE WAY HE WALKS IN. Just. I need to go lay down.On a serious note though, the thing that gets to me is how proud he is to be Abraham Lincoln’s son. He doesn’t feel pressured to live in the shadow, he appreciates it. An absolute babe with a heart of gold? I cannot handle. 
Sarah: It is a beautiful thing.
Kate: I will never get over the anguish in his face when he found Lucy outside of the theater.
Sarah: I think all of it is so lovely in setting this scene - it’s a story we (or, well, we as Americans in this chat) know well. But he helps to humanize it. All of the small details - including the mailroom and the dimly lit theatre and trying to avoid the show (or help Ulysses avoid the show).
Kate: I feel like we think of Abraham Lincoln as ours, you know? Leader of a country through one of the most tumultuous times in our history. But he belonged to others, and this show allowed us to see the imitate cost.
Gissane: Oh man. I have chills. 
Sarah: Yes, Kate. 
Gissane: KATE. SARAH. Wow.
Sarah: Even seeing Ford’s Theatre now, it’s hard to place it back to that time. But I think that Timeless really succeeds. All while weaving an interesting story and building this new relationship between our 3 main nuggets.
Gissane: The first time I ever passed by Ford’s Theatre. I couldn’t describe that feeling even if I tried.
Kate: Yes. It gives new breath and dimension to characters or stories we felt we knew, and draws us into the new stories of this team.
Sarah: There’s a Sephora about 300 feet from Ford’s Theatre now, so it really is worlds removed. It also created a high stakes mission. 
There were several moments where I thought, “Oh damn. Lucy is going to save Lincoln.” And Lucy had to make the choice (Though, in that moment, the chaos made it impossible to save him anyway. And here we see Fate in action once again.)
Gissane: But I also love that she clearly tried towards the end, but it was too late. It was just not meant to be I guess. IT HURTS. 
Kate: And considering she was in the box when it happened. How traumatic. Lucy Preston is so damn strong I cannot.
Sarah: SO strong. (Of course RTL sees that and comes to her immediately after…)
Kate: A small aside. Garcia. We don’t know him yet, his motivations, his past. It is jarring to be attached to him  now (because damnit I am) and go back and see him at his most detached.
Sarah: He was outright terrifying. He killed Lincoln point blank, no hesitation. 
Kate: But I swear there was regret in his eyes when he shot Lincoln, so this is when I started wondering just what the hell he was up to. Or maybe I imagined it because he has really pretty eyessssss.
Gissane: But I feel like Flynn is the kind of man who’d look up to Lincoln in one way or another. If there’s one president that could win even the cruelest hearts, it’s Lincoln.
Sarah: True, Giss.Which makes his desperation all that much more apparent.
Well, friends and Todd Teamers. Final thoughts? 
Kate: Other than poor Lucy, she goes from watching the president be assassinated to an engagement party to a man she is just meeting? Time Travel Whiplash, my friends
Gissane: After this episode, I became Timeless trash. There was no turning back.
Sarah: Mostly I think they’ve started to really carve a few important paths for the show: There seem to be no stakes too high for Garcia. Fate appears to be unavoidable. And time is malleable. 
I cannot wait to see what timeline our friends mess up next - and hopefully we get some Amy-related answers? P.S. I would also not cry about seeing Wyatt shirtless again
Kate: Until Atomic City, location Trash Vegas, my friends.
Gissane: Good day, darling souls! 
Kate: (On to dream about Wyatt shirtless, thanks muchly!) 
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ardett · 7 years
Description: The five times Keith forgot and the one time he didn't. (Or a 5+1 fic based around reincarnation and AUs.)
Made for the Sheith Flower Exchange on Twitter with Nekumei as my recipient. My prompt flowers were the white lily (purity, sweetness), the syringa (memory), and the pink carnation ("I will never forget you").
Dear Nekumei, I took a lot of liberties. (But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.) Sincerly, Ardett
Also, thanks to the-rf-gay for beta-ing this story :)
Check it out on Ao3
1. don’t forget
The marble floor is warm beneath Keith’s bare feet. The sun is only an hour past risen but its rays heat the whole palace. The light sparks off the gold filigrees that line the towering columns and are inlaid in the floor. The air slides smoothly down his throat, the swirl of dry desert air from the south side of the palace mixing in with the humid air that drifts in from the river and weaves through the north half of the kingdom.
The whole palace is designed to be open air and like all the other inhabitants in these marble walls, Keith has always been encouraged to take advantage of this. His feet leave his bedroom floor in favor of the window sill. The sun beats down on his skin, but the sunlight is already set so deep in Keith’s skin that it radiates in his bones. Unlike their fairer cousins in the kingdoms of ice, the sun has never hurt the people of the Land of Flame, never burned them.
Keith glances back into his room for only a second, eyes catching on the gold leaf crown and royal crest embedded in the floor. It is the only crown of any sort in his room. It’s beautiful in its design and craftsmanship: all shining metal and delicate diamonds sprawling through the veins of warm stone. But it is nothing compared to the true mark of royalty in the Land of Flame.
Keith shifts to the end of the window sill. Grabbing ahold of the wall, he swings his feet up to notch into the heated stone. The near scorching heat of the wall only sinks into his palms, absorbed into his marrow. His nails glint as he climbs, their pure gold warming his skin. It’s with the practiced ease of years that Keith hoists himself onto the roof.
He gazes out at the lands. To the south, there is a sea of red and gold sand. It’s where their riches come from. There’s no need to mine gold when it’s right there, blowing in the wind with flecks of scarlet. To the north winds the life blood of the kingdom, a vast river that feeds their farmlands.
Keith lies on his back, looking up at the sun. He’s heard that here in the Land of Flame they are closer to the sun than any other place. But he has never been anywhere else, so he cannot know.
Shiro would know.
Keith's heart aches for him. It reminds him why he came up to the roof so early today. He shifts to dangle his legs over the edge of marble, watching and waiting for Shiro's caravan to arrive.
His shadow has shifted five inches beneath the sun when he sees the first trace of fluttering blue fabric coming from the West. His breath catches in his throat and he whirls off the roof, climbing back down to his room. He throws on the proper clothes, the light silks flowing between his legs as he runs down the palace stairs.
“Prince Keith,” the guard at the front door addresses him. “The envoy from the Ice Kingdom has arrived.”
“I know.” Keith answers breathlessly as he slips outside. “Let my father know?” The guard nods but Keith only has eyes for Shiro.
“Shiro!” Keith throws himself into Shiro's arms. The envoy's skin is cold that doesn't matter as Shiro returns the embrace.
“I told you I'd be back, didn't I?” Shiro laughs as they finally release each other.
“What took you so long?”
“Just a little sickness when I got back home; nothing serious. Besides, I was only gone a couple of weeks.”
By now, Keith's​ father has made his way outside. Though court meetings are usually conducted outside under the watchful eye of the sun, in deference to the Ice Kingdom’s citizens, they move inside to discuss the imminent plans of alliance and the arrival of the Ice Kingdom's queen and prince. The conference is short, since the real decisions will be made once the other royalty arrives. Shiro is only here as an envoy, a precursor to his rulers.
But he is here all the same. Keith does not waste these days they get to spend together.
The first day, they just sit on the roof and talk. Shiro tells Keith more of the Ice Kingdom, where all the light is fractured through the skyscrapers of ice that ark over the city. Keith looks at the sun hanging over the Land of Flame. He would miss it, he thinks, if all he ever got its diluted rays.
How do you do that? Shiro asks.
Do what?
You look directly at sun. In the city, we say that to look directly at the sun is to be blinded. Keith just shrugs but he’s acutely aware of yet another difference between them. The pale eyes of the Ice Kingdom stare back into Keith’s own dark irises.
Keith tells Shiro stories of his childhood, the days he spent learning how to harvest gold from the sands with his citizens, strengthening himself by swimming upstream, the first time he climbed up to the highest part of the palace with his father.
On the second day, Keith takes Shiro to see all these things first hand.
On the third day, the last day before the Ice Kingdom’s royalty arrives, Keith and Shiro wake up early. They watch the sun rise over the glistening golden sands, sitting on the window’s ledge. Keith looks down at their intertwined hands, his nails that grow in pure gold and Shiro’s fingers that are always cold.
“Shiro…” Keith swallows. For the first time, the air sticks dry in his throat. “Can I paint your nails gold?”
Shiro blinks and Keith thinks that if Shiro refuses him, he will be more than crushed. He will be devastated. People in the Land of Flame only ever fall in love once. He can’t imagine losing Shiro.
Shiro nods. “Yeah, if you want to.”
Keith’s face lights up and he leans over to kiss Shiro. “Thank you. I love you.”
Shiro’s smile falters for a second before he whispers back a little sadly, “I love you too.”
Shiro holds out his hand next to Keith’s, his painted nails shimmering next to the ones Keith was born with. They both wear the mark of royalty now.
Lance and Allura, the ice prince and queen, are in the throne room when Shiro and Keith make their way downstairs. The queen steps up to greet Keith with a firm handshake. They all gather at the table, and Shiro sits next to Keith with a gesture from the flame prince. Queen Allura begins, “As you know, we’re here to discuss an alliance between our people. Something mutually beneficial, it would open up trade and communication between our countries. Our ancestors may have preferred their isolation, but our world is growing. We must grow with it.”
Keith’s father nods. “Yes. I believe the way your culture solidifies union is through marriage.”
“That is correct.” Allura’s eyes flicker to Keith for a moment. Shiro tucks his hands under the table. Keith wonders if Shiro feels out of place seated with all the other royalty, but surely he must know- “Lance is willing to marry into the line of the Land of Flame. Would Prince Keith consider his proposal?”
“What?” The ice prince flinches at Keith’s abrupt interjection.
“Do you not find same sex marriage suitable in your culture?” Allura asks.
The king’s brow furrows. “Perhaps there’s been a misunderstanding. My son is already betrothed.”
Shiro stiffens next to Keith, every line in his body going rigid.
“Shiro?” Keith whispers nervously.
Shiro doesn’t even look at him. “You’ve been betrothed this whole time? And we’ve- I knew it would end eventually when you had to marry into royalty, but I at least thought that all the time we spent together was… was real.” Shiro finally turns to him, hurt echoing in his eyes before he closes them. “I’m- I’m sorry. It’s not my place to speak to you like this.”
“I don’t understand.” Keith says quietly. He can barely hear his own voice.
“I shouldn’t be sitting here next to you. I- I forgot myself.” Shiro moves to push himself away from the table and Keith’s hand shoots out to grab his wrist.
“Wait! I- I don’t understand; you accepted my proposal. I thought-”
“I-” Keith swallows, eyes darting to his father for a second but the king seems just as lost as Keith. Keith lowers his voice because even though they’re before a crowd, this feels like something private. “I asked to paint your nails gold, Shiro. You know that our royalty has gold nails. I was asking you to marry into my line, to become royalty. I was asking you to marry me.”
“What? I- I can’t-” Shiro looks frantic. “You’re meant to marry Lance, I can’t-”
“I don’t see why I can’t marry you. I’d still be marrying into the Ice Kingdom.”
“I’m an envoy, Keith. I’m sorry. I know you see things differently here but that’s not how we do things in the Ice Kingdom.” Shiro turns to the queen and Keith’s heart cracks, painful and jagged. “Queen Allura, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. I meant no disrespect. You have to understand, things are conducted differently here in the Land of Flame. If anyone is to blame, it is me. I should have been more educated on their culture. Please forgive me.”
The subservience that seeps into Shiro’s tone sickens Keith. Shiro’s right. They do indeed do things differently here. No citizens of the Land of Flame, envoy or otherwise, would ever sink so low.
“I don’t blame you, Shiro.” Allura folds her hands over her lap diplomatically. “But Prince Keith, you must understand: our people would only accept an alliance between royalty. The union of you and my brother is the most viable option.”
All the air feels like it’s been sucked out of Keith’s lungs. Keith’s father seems equally unsettled as he says, “If your envoy is the champion of my son’s heart, then they should be together. Perhaps you do things differently in the Ice Kingdom, but here in the Land of Flame, we only bond once.”
Allura appears sympathetic but she doesn’t respond. Keith says he’ll think about it.
(A champion, the champion of his heart?)
(don’t forget)
Two days later, Prince Lance is sick.
It’s sudden and violent. Keith’s father calls in a doctor but it seems like there’s nothing amiss, certainly not something that could cause such a reaction. They test Keith too, since he’s the closest in age and body type, but their scans come back exactly the same. Only Lance is sick and Keith is not.
A doctor from the Ice Kingdom makes the journey between their countries in one day. He spends an hour looking over Lance, looking over the scans, before he comes back with the results.
Radiation poisoning.
Lance has it. Keith has it. Keith’s father has it.
Every citizen they test in the Land of Flame has it.
In a brief fit of consciousness, Lance mutters about how they have no elderly here. Allura asks how long the average lifespan is in the Land of Flame. She tells them people in the Ice Kingdom live well into their nineties. She has to ask twice before Keith whispers that the healthiest of them live to fifty.
It’s the sun. Like Shiro had said, they’re closer to the sun here. Closer to the ultraviolet rays, the solar radiation. Evidently, closer to death. The warmth in Keith’s bones, the piece of stolen sun in his marrow, is radiation and it’s killing him.
Shiro tells him he could come to the Ice Kingdom but Keith tells him no. He’d rather live a short and free life, where he can visit his people and climb to the roof and walk through the palace barefoot, than a long one under someone else’s rule. It’s a good life here, he tells Shiro. It’s worth it, he tries to say.
Allura looks out the window almost as if she can see Keith’s people dying. She says that if Shiro decides to stay with Keith, she will consider that an alliance between their people.
Keith whispers, Don’t stay just for this. Don’t marry me for this.
And Shiro whispers back against his lips, I’m not.
Allura and Lance leave the next day.
Shiro and Keith are married two months later.
The Land of Flame prospers under the Keith and Shiro’s rule. Trade with the Ice Kingdom accelerates both of their technologies. Knowledge and commerce flow constantly between the two countries. Some citizens move to the Ice Kingdom. Some move to the Land of Flame. People say it’s worth it either way. And yes, Keith thinks, it is.
Shiro and Keith live well and happily into their sixties.
2. Don’t forget
Keith’s soulmarks are almost always covered. Covering the first one makes sense. It's a white lily with delicate petals that bloom from his shoulder, so often hidden under shirt sleeves and jackets. The lily’s stem winds down his arm in careful curls to the second flower, a pink carnation that spreads from the back of his hand to his knuckles. It is the reason Keith always wears gloves.
When Keith was twenty, he still hadn't found his soulmate. That was okay, many people he knew hadn't either. When Keith was twenty, his soulmark changed. Its colors faded back into his flesh, a pale imitation of what it once was. The lily kept most of its vibrance, pure and white, but the carnation… It was a ghost of its former self.
He tries not to look at his hand most days. It’s just a painful reminder of what he could have loved, what he did lose. He did his research, he knows what it means.
People's marks fade when their soulmate dies.
(It’s peculiar though. Right in the middle of his upper arm, the color bleeds back into the stems, no longer faded. How odd, how very odd.)
Keith meets Shiro in his physics lab, after the teacher rotates seats in the class and Keith is forced to move to the front of the room. Keith runs on a lot of intuition, which is good for the conceptual topics, but the hard numbers are killing him. It starts casually, with Shiro just pointing out a formula to him or writing in an extra zero on his paper. Then they start working together as lab partners and texting to discuss the homework. Then texting about topics unrelated to homework.
Keith wonders who Shiro’s soulmate is.
Keith had checked Shiro’s hand for a mark automatically, despite knowing his soulmate wasn’t out there at all, certainly wasn’t in his college physics class. No, his soulmate is…
He didn’t see any soul mark, pink carnation or otherwise, only a prosthetic limb and gold painted nails. Shiro had lost his arm at war when he was eighteen and was honorably discharged soon after. Shiro painted his nails because he liked to.
The first time Shiro invites Keith to his house, he paints Keith’s nails gold as well. They match for a good three days before the polish begins to chip.
(His nails have been gold before. Painted gold? No…)
(don’t forget, Don’t forget)
The second time Keith goes to Shiro’s house, it’s for a sleepover with some of Shiro’s other friends. It’s really nice, actually. Pidge is wicked smart and hilarious. Hunk seems good natured and Lance, well, Hunk seems to temper him down but not by much. Lance is intentionally aggravational and confrontational in a way that always seems to make Keith’s hackles rise.
The hours tick by into dark lateness. Dinner passed hours ago, but with free reign over the house, they’ve gotten into the candy stores and gorged themselves. Keith can still feel the sugar buzzing in his veins. He knows the sugar crash is going to hit him hard.
“Hey, so what are your guys’ soulmarks?” Lance grins, hanging on Hunk’s shoulder.
“You already know.” Pidge protests, blinking drowsily.
“Not everyone's!”
“You mean not Keith’s.” Pidge yawns.
There’s a nervous thrum in Keith’s body, dulled, like everything, by the sugar.
“Well, we can all share. Come on, it’ll be like, a bonding thing.”
Keith fiddles with his glove and shakes his head.
Lance opens his mouth and Shiro says, “Lance. Don’t be rude.” Shiro turns to Keith. “There’s no pressure. I know it’s something personal. But you… you don’t have to be ashamed of your mark. Everyone’s is different.”
“Yeah!” Lance interjects. “Me and Hunk’s are on the top of our feet! What a weird place, am I right? Do you know how awkward it is to inconspicuously check out people’s feet? Some of my other partners thought I had a fetish-”
“Woah, we don’t want to know!” cries Pidge. “I don’t even have one, so I really don’t want to know about your relationship escapades, seriously!”
Keith smiles a little at that, before nerves get the better of him and the grin fades. Fades like…
The elastic of his glove snaps against the inside of his wrist.
Shiro goes next, shrugging off the blanket he had had wrapped around his shoulders. “I lost part of my mark with my arm. I used to have a pink carnation on my hand. My mother used to tell me that a pink carnation means I will never forget you, so I thought it might mean… my soulmate had forgotten me. Moved on. I wouldn’t blame them for not seeking out a broken man.” Keith’s nails are digging into his knees, ten pin pricks of pain. He doesn’t even notice. “I still have this part though.” Shiro pulls up his sleeve to show a white lily, just above where the metal melds into his skin. “The stem used to connect to the carnation before… Well, you know. Keith, are you alright?”
Keith looks down at his knees. There’s trickle of red where he’s drawn blood. He thinks about relaxing his muscles, letting go, but his hands spasm and his nails dig in deeper.
“Keith! Keith, stop!” Shiro grabs his hands, pulling them away from Keith’s flesh. There’s blood under his fingernails but Keith doesn’t care. He looks up at Shiro.
“I… I thought you were dead.”
Keith’s vision blurs. “I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead because my mark- my mark faded.” Keith claws at his glove. It takes him a few tries as his coordination slips and stutters but finally, it’s off. And there it is. The pink carnation. “I didn’t forget. I didn’t know I should still be looking. But I never forgot.”
Shiro stares at the flower. Slowly, he reaches out, tracing the flower and up the stem, pushing up Keith’s sleeve to see the matching white lily.
“I never forgot you either.”
The first date Shiro takes Keith out on is to the botanical gardens. The air is warm that day, full of wished-on dandelion seeds and buzzing bugs. Behind a shaded hedge bush, they steal their first kiss. It tastes like summer and pollen.
Their love is pure and lasting as their white lilies, sweet as a flower’s nectar, ever changing and ever growing as spring itself. It is unforgettable.
3. Don’t Forget
They keep Keith in a pool of white lilies. The flowers are beautiful, yes, but they’re not there for Keith to think they’re beautiful. The lilies are there to make Keith more beautiful.
They say it matches his pale human skin. They say is contrasts beautifully with his sealskin.
Sometimes they make him shift back and forth until both skins feel unfamiliar on his body. Sometimes they fill the area with water so he has to stay in his seal form or risk drowning. Sometimes they force him back into his human shape and take his sealskin away.
The legends say that if you take the skin of a selkie, they have to marry you. Keith doesn’t know if that’s true but he does know that after a few days, he would do anything, anything, to get his sealskin back. The separation feels like someone is plucking out his heartstrings one by one.
He remembers the ocean in his deepest memories. The saltwater, the filtered light, the endless expanse.
He doesn’t remember how he became this, an attraction for humans to see a selkie in the flesh, to watch the feat of him changing over and over again like it doesn’t hurt. They try to keep him happy, to placate him with the white lilies that he used to love so dearly, but every day aches a little more.
There’s a face in the crowd. It does not look at him like others. In fact, it does not look at him at all.
Someone’s holding his sealskin and he feels more than hears them compel him to grab one of the flowers. He does, putting it behind his ear in the way he knows they like it. Camera flashes bounce off the glass.
In that moment of reflected light, it is only Keith and the water and the lilies. When the glare fades, the face in the crowd is gone.
Keith glances to where he saw the face in the crowd had been looking.
He could have sworn the man was studying the lock on Keith’s door.
A week passes. Lately, they’ve been changing the color of the water in Keith’s pool. He thinks they’re trying to make it imitate the blue-green of the sea, but nothing makes up for the kind of deep color in the darkest ocean depths. Keith hasn’t seen the man again. (He misses him. Something about him reminds Keith of… someone.)
The stars are out tonight. Above him, the stars of Pisces shine bright. He arranges the flowers in the water in the same shape, white lilies in the guise of stars, thinking of the days he used to look up from the ocean and see the same fish in the sky.
(White lilies... White lilies used to mean something to him. What was it?)
(don’t forget, Don’t forget, Don’t Forget)
Something behind him clicks.
Keith whips around, sealskin sliding off his human flesh so he can more easily defend himself. A streak of white hair catches the moonlight a second before Keith makes out the rest of the man’s face. Keith’s breath catches in his throat, a throb in his gills. It is the man from before, who had looked at Keith from behind the glass.
“Come on, we’re getting you out of here.”
There is something familiar about the man, in his voice, the scar along his nose, that streak of white in his black fur. (Fur?)
He grabs Keith’s hand and drags him away from that pathetic pool. They leave the stagnant water and sticky petals behind.
They dash out of the building, weaving down dirt paths and past other exhibits before finally passing through the last metal gate. Keith throws a glance behind them as they leave that horrid place, reading the letters on the top of the gate: Zoo.
He swallows the sick in his stomach and concentrates on running.
“I’m sorry it took so long for me to come for you, Keith. I had to wait till Pisces was in the sky or I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold my human form. I tried to make sure there were people who could watch over you, but I know humans can be so cruel without even realizing it. They put you in a cage-”
“I- I know you?” Keith stumbles a bit, shaky on his human legs. His enclosure was always a little too small.
“Not in this form. I thought you might not recognize me, especially since it’s been so long-”
“How long?” The ground turns soft under his bare feet. It’s sand under his toes. “How long was I gone?”
He can taste the brine in the air and there- just over the sanddune- a glimpse of white foam. How close had he been all this time? Just a little more than a mile away from the ocean?
“A little under a year. They took you right as Pisces left the sky; none of us could come for you until now. I’m so sorry-”
“It’s okay.” Keith says breathlessly. He can feel the freedom on his skin in the ocean spray and the grains of sand. “You came for me.”
Their feet hit the water and Keith dives in. His sealskin flows easily back onto his body as he races through the waves. He twists and behind him, the outline of another selkie sharpens into clarity.
Everything falls into place. The voice, the scar, the fur. Of course it would be Shiro to come for him.
Keith whispers his name and Shiro nuzzles their noses together. The gesture, so familiar and loving, brings tears to Keith’s eyes. But the drops of saltwater are lost among all the rest that surround them.
They swim off to oceans far away from here, where the water is full of crystal and ice, where the tropical fish create a rainbow under the sea, where the depths are as black as ink and where they’re as blue as the summer sky. They travel with freedom; they travel with love. Now and forever, they travel the world together.
There is celebration tonight. In the fire nation, any celebration is always glorious. Non-benders can participate with fireworks or sparklers and every firebender there lends their flame to the sky. There are individual displays of might: manmade starbursts trying to reach their brethren, intricate swirls kept alight in feats of endurance, and unique and dazzling colors that stand out against the orange and yellow backdrop.
But the greatest moment of the night is when every citizen calls forth a fire and aims for the moon. It takes concentration and awareness to achieve, but this year, just like all the ones before, Keith watches all their flames meld together into a monstrous dragon.
It hangs in the air, frozen, and then Keith feels the tug in his gut as the dragon begins to leap and dance in the sky. Shiro grins at Keith, the flickering fire reflected in his eyes, and in this moment, Shiro is not the Avatar with the whole world hunting him, he is only Shiro who is in Keith’s home and who is here to celebrate and revel and who is here to love Keith back.
Their hands are both aflame when they link fingers and with the roaring dragon, they dance.
The celebration is to honor the last rising sun before Pisces comes to the night sky. Before firebenders’ powers diminish and dwindle like so many dying stars.
This month, under the the scales of Pisces, Shiro is learning waterbending. Keith follows Shiro to the Water Tribe, his bending too weak right now to seem threat enough for the tribe members to ban him.
During the days, he watches Shiro sway with the tides and sooth with the water. During the nights, he looks on as Shiro charts the waxing and waning of the moon. There are secrets kept within the tribe that Keith is not privy to. During these times, Keith spars with the tribe members. It’s rough, especially when the waterbenders play dirty, making the floor slick beneath his feet and dashing water in his eyes. It’s worth it when Shiro learns how to heal, smoothing the water along Keith’s skin and washing away his bruises.
It has always been a risk for Keith to travel with Shiro. Shiro is the Avatar, revered as a bringer of peace no matter what element he wields. Keith is a firebender, from a nation that many still viewed bitterly; who many wished to wipe off the map. He should have known that going with Shiro, even as his lover, even under the protection of the Avatar, was asking for trouble.
Under Pisces, he is the weakest. So when rogue waterbenders rip him from his bed, claw him out of the sheets, shove him out into the snow and cover his mouth and nose with a bubble of water, he can’t summon so much as a spark to defend himself. He feels the feeble flames die in the icy wind as his fingertips strain for anything, anything. They brush over a rock but the bitter cold is draining him and he hasn’t taken a breath in… in…
His hands go to his mouth but they slide right through the water and he’s drowning, he’s drowning. He thinks he might be crying, terror calling up tears in his eyes, but the saltwater only feeds the waterbenders. He chokes as his chest seizes. Something burns down his throat and he passes out.
“You don’t deserve him.”
“He’s the Avatar. You’re nothing.”
“No firebender should ever touch the Avatar.”
“You’re so weak, as if you could compare to him.”
Keith can feel Pisces’s laughter in the sky, mocking his weak and shivering body.
(Under Pisces, Shiro came for him once. Was he once strong under Pisces?)
(don’t forget, Don’t forget, Don’t Forget, DON’T FORGET)
Shiro will come for him. Shiro has always come for him.
“The Avatar left for the Earth Kingdom.”
“Didn’t even look for you.”
“Didn’t even notice you were gone.”
“He’s better off without you.”
Where is Shiro? It’s so cold. Too cold to think, too cold to breath. No, Shiro wouldn’t have left him behind. They weren’t supposed to leave for the Earth Kingdom for another two days. How long has it been? Where is Shiro?
Pisces falls away from the night sky, but Keith has been too cold for too long. He curls up under a layer of flame, the only thing he’s capable of now, but still, he shakes.
Someone is screaming.
Keith shakes with the cold.
Someone is screaming.
A whip of water curls around his ankle and yanks him from his corner. Keith’s fire goes out.
Someone is screaming.
His captors are saying something about hiding Keith where he cannot be found, sealing him in the ice. Keith is shaking. It is not from the cold.
Someone is screaming. What are they saying?
Keith knows that voice. Desperately, he sends out a blast of fire, his palm flashing with warmth before he’s dragged back to his knees.
I am here.
The ground trembles. Water churns. The wind roars. But it is fire that surrounds Shiro as he descends from the sky, vengeful as death.
His eyes glow blue as he waves a hand and the elements themselves rise to his beck and call. They rush past Keith, a wave of brutal air and dirt and water and flame, sweeping his captors far away from here.
The blue in Shiro’s eyes dims as he falls to his knees besides Keith, a hand going searchingly to Keith’s face. The cool touch of healing flows from Keith’s cheekbone to the rest of his body. Keith throws his arms around Shiro, burying his face in the other’s neck. He is afraid to cry, afraid to give the waterbenders more ammunition against him.
“I thought you left. Shiro-”
“I will never leave you behind. I don’t care where we are. I don’t care what they think. I don’t care what they offer me. You mean more to me than all of this, Keith. Never forget that.”
The space between them warms. Keith’s shivers subside. “I won’t forget,” he murmurs.
Shiro trains to become the Avatar. Keith stays by his side.
There are many wonders in this world. He’s seen people who can fly along the breeze, change the ebb of the ocean tides, call forth mountains from molehills, swallow flames. He has seen villages of ice and homes among the clouds. The greatest wonder he’s seen hasn’t been the boy who can control all these elements, whose eyes glow blue with power, who has a place among each nation.
No. The greatest wonder of all is getting to wake up each morning next to the man he loves. No matter what’s out the window- volcano peaks or stormy skies- he looks into Shiro’s eyes and knows he is home.
In the window of the spaceship, Keith sees his reflection. His eyes shine in the dim light, yellow as starfruit. His skin, usually a deep royal purple, is washed out to lavender. He’s been on this ship for too long without real sunlight on his skin. The only part of him that retains his previous color is the dark circles under his eyes, the contrast sharp against his pure yellow pupils.
An alarm blares. Other Galra begin to flood the halls. Keith’s claws graze his dagger before he follows.
Today they were scheduled to drain another planet of quintessence. Keith saw it beyond the glass for only a moment, when he was on the planet side of the ship. It was a beauty, thrumming with life beneath it’s jeweled mountains and diamond oceans. Most of the organisms there are composed of living crystal. The whole planet dazzles, even from this far out in space.
Yesterday, while Keith had been assigned as a guard in the throne room, he had heard Zarkon discussing its destruction. He had kept his face straight, only tightened his grip on the spear he was holding and dug his canines into his cheek.
As soon as he had been released from duty, he ran to the communication ports. With trembling hands, he had frantically contacted the Blade of Marmora, begging them to send help.
(He knows the empire has done it before. Destroyed entire planets. But he has only ever witnessed the aftermath. He has never seen the life before it’s going to be stolen away.)
He had only been able to give the Blade one day’s warning. He knew it wasn’t enough time. He knows he will watch the quintessence drain out of this planet life by life.
His communication port rings. He fumbles with it before the hologram flickers into being.
An Altean stares back at him. (There’s a split second where Keith feels like he must hide his Galra face, before he considers that this Altean must have known he was contacting a Galra since the communication signal come through the Blade’s channel.)
The Altean is a male with a scar across his nose, the edges of it just touching the glowing blue of his Altean marks. Behind him are the inside workings of a battleship and hope flares in Keith’s chest.
(Was it the Altean marks that glowed blue or was it the eyes?)
(don’t forget, Don’t forget, Don’t Forget, DON’T FORGET, DON’T FORGET)
“You have to get as far away from the weapon as you can.” The Altean starts gruffly.
Keith’s brow furrows. “You’re going to attack the quintessence weapon directly? That’s where all of our defenses are fortified, any battle fleets would be better off attacking-”
“There are no battle fleets. There’s only me. No one else is going to get there soon enough.”
“We don’t have time. You gave us the information we needed to save this planet and we will. You need to get as far away from the weapon as possible.”
“I- Okay.” Keith gets up, switching to audio communication only as he paces out of his bedroom and towards the north side of the ship. “Are- are you still there?”
“I’m still here. You’re moving away from the weapon?”
“Yeah.” He could be imagining it but he thinks he hears relief in the Altean’s voice.
“Good,” the Altean sighs. “I don’t want there to be any more casualties than there has to be.”
“Don’t talk like that. No one has to die today. Zarkon’s not going to rule forever. That’s why we’re all fighting for the cause, isn’t it?”
The Altean is silent for a moment. “They, uh- The Blade told me your name is Keith.”
“Yeah, that’s me.” Keith ducks into a dark hallway to let a sentry pass before hurrying on.
“My name’s Shiro. I just-” It sounds like Shiro chokes for a moment. Keith almost asks if he’s okay before Shiro is speaking again. “I want to say thank you. It’s nice to have someone to talk to before- Nevermind, just- thanks for staying on the line. Can you just… talk to me until it’s over?”
“Until what’s over? You’re not going to die!” Keith’s feet stall. His hand tightens on the communication port. Desperately, he looks down the southern corridor, as if he could see through it into space, into Shiro’s ship.
“It’s okay.” Sound crackles through the speaker, like Shiro is laughing. Or like Shiro is crying. “It’s just one life for a whole planet.”
Keith understands now. The Blade didn’t send him help. They sent him a suicide bomber.
“I’ll remember you, Shiro. You’re saving so many lives. You’re- you’re a hero.” Keith feels tears trickling down into his fur, but he swallows the sounds. (Guilt spears through his heart. He should be convincing Shiro to turn back, to live another day. But the Altean is right. One life for many. This is what Keith asked for. (Isn’t it?)) He concentrates on talking to Shiro. “Zarkon’s going to be defeated. We’re all going to be free one day. In this life or the next.”
“I think it’s going to have to be the next.” This time, it’s definitely a laugh. A strained one, a pained one, one that makes something in Keith’s chest twist.
“I’m sorry, Shiro. I’m so sorry.”
There are other noises coming through the speaker, whirring and screeching. He barely picks up Shiro’s whisper. “Tell me it’s worth it.”
“It’s worth it.”
The connection cuts out.
There’s a BOOM from the opposite end of the ship. Moments later, the walls shake around him. There are no flames but phantom heat blows down the hall, ruffling Keith’s hair. It dries the tears off his face.
There is no way for Keith to commemorate Shiro, no safe place for him to build shrine on Zarkon’s ship. There are only his memories. But everyday Keith remembers the Altean who sacrificed himself for a planet; the Altean who gave up his life for so many others. He believes it is enough.
+1 I Will Never Forget You
Lately, Keith hasn’t been all there. Something is throwing him off, just enough to make him feel unbalanced. He’s not sure anyone else has noticed yet.
It’s a nagging the back of his mind, like he’s forgotten something. His concentration is divided. It’s dangerous. He convinces himself that his hands can’t feel unsteady when he grabs his bayard. He can’t be the reason they can’t form Voltron. He can’t be the reason they lose a battle.
He tries to shake it from his mind. It keeps him up into the night, until dark circles haunt his eyes. He wants to tear himself apart just to find the piece of himself he’s forgotten.
He’s wanted to tear himself apart before, when he was a Galra working for Zarkon-
No, no, that’s not right. He’s only half Galra; he’s never worked for Zarkon.
(don’t forget, Don’t forget, Don’t Forget, DON’T FORGET, DON’T FORGET)
Alone in his bedroom, Keith trembles. What is he forgetting?
The Blue Lion comes to life, as seen from the window of the Red Lion. Its panels glow neon blue with a surge of power. It distracts Keith, so much so that Lance’s well aimed blast hits Red right in the side. The whole craft rocks with the force and Keith has felt blown off his feet before, when the four elements roared around him-
No, the druids can’t control the elements. He’s never been in a fight with elemental magic.
(don’t forget, Don’t forget, Don’t Forget, DON’T FORGET, DON’T FORGET)
Shiro’s voice echos through the comm, asking if Keith’s okay and if they should end training early. Keith shakes his head and grabs the controls.
Lance drinks out of Keith’s glass of water before promptly spitting it out into the sink. Expression appalled, he asks, “What the quiznak, Keith? Are you drinking saltwater?”
He’s lived in saltwater, why wouldn’t he-
No, he doesn’t. Humans don’t drink saltwater.
(don’t forget, Don’t forget, Don’t Forget, DON’T FORGET, DON’T FORGET)
Keith rubs at his forehead, ignoring the other paladins concerned questions. He can already feel the saltwater making him nauseous. He wonders if it’s making him delirious as well.
They pass a tattoo parlor while getting supplies at a space mall. Pidge jokingly suggests they all get tattoos. Keith says he already has one.
They all look at him oddly. Hunk murmurs awkwardly, “Dude, we’ve seen you in the showers. I don’t think you have any.”
Keith looks down at his hand and blinks.
Of course he doesn’t have a tattoo. He never had the money on Earth and he certainly hasn’t gotten one since.
(don’t forget, Don’t forget, Don’t Forget, DON’T FORGET, DON’T FORGET)
That night Keith dreams of crushed pink carnations. When he asks Pidge if they know anything about flower meanings, they tell him pink carnations mean I will never forget you. Keith thinks of mangled petals and broken stems and feels sick.
The light glances off Keith’s nails. They look gold in the sunlight.
Keith’s eyes go to the sky. There are no Galra battleships in sight, but still he wonders if he is going to die young again.
He doesn’t want to die young again, at least not until he’s told Shiro-
Told Shiro what?
(don’t forget, Don’t forget, Don’t Forget, DON’T FORGET, DON’T FORGET)
Keith closes his eyes.
The Galra call Shiro the Champion. He is the Champion of the Arena.
He is the Champion of something else, something more important. What is it?
(don’t forget, Don’t forget, Don’t Forget, DON’T FORGET, DON’T FORGET)
Keith searches for it, shirt wrinkling over his heart as his hand grips the material tight. He looks down to where the fabric is bunched under his fingers.
He remembers.
“Shiro, I promised you I would remember you. In this life or another. And I will never forget you.”
“Tell me it was worth the wait.”
“It was worth the wait.”
8 notes · View notes
anthonyekoehler · 6 years
Estate Information Services Harassment
Debt collectors like Estate Information Services cannot harass you over a debt. You have rights under the law, and we will stop the harassment once and for all.
If Estate Information Services violated the law, you will get money damages and EIS will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. Plus, some of our clients also receive debt relief and cleaned-up credit reports. You have nothing to lose! Call us today at 888-572-0176 for a free consultation.
Who is Estate Information Services (EIS)?
Estate Information Services is a debt collector which specializes in “deceased debt” and is based in Gahanna, Ohio. EIS serves all 50 states and D.C. and has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau since December 2006, but has received 13 complaints via the BBB in the past three years, 10 of which are for billing/collection problems.
Consumers allege harassing phone calls to debtors and debtors’ relatives, attempts to collect false debt, being informed of a relative’s death which did not occur, and wrongfully pursuing the children of deceased debtors.
Estate Information Services’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
Estate Information Services is located at 670 Morrison Road, Suite #300, Gahanna, OH 43230. The main telephone number is 855-526-9324 and EIS’s website is https://eismgmt.com/
Phone Numbers Used by Estate Information Services
Like many debt collection agencies, Estate Information Services may use different phone numbers to contact debtors. Here are some phone numbers Estate Information Services may be calling you from:
Estate Information Services Lawsuits
If you want to know just how unhappy consumers are with Estate Information Services, take a look at the number of lawsuits filed against the agency on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”). PACER is the U.S.’s federal docket which lists federal complaints filed against a wide range of companies. A search for Estate Information Services will display nearly 40 lawsuits filed against the agency in fourteen states and Puerto Rico, most of which involve violations of consumer rights and/or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Estate Information Services Complaints
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law which applies to everyone in the United States. In other words, everyone is protected under the FDCPA, and this Act is a laundry list of what debt collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt, as well as things they must do while collecting debt. If Estate Information Services is harassing you over a debt, you have rights under the FDCPA.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) protects you from robocalls, which are those annoying, automated, recorded calls that computers make all day long. You can tell it’s a robocall because either no one responds on the other end of the line, or there is a delay when you pick up the phone before a live person responds. You can receive $500 per call if Estate Information Services violates the TCPA. Have you received a message from this agency that sounds pre-recorded or cut-off at the beginning or end? These are tell-tale signs that the message is pre-recorded, and if you have these messages on your cell phone, you may have a TCPA case against the agency.
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects electronic payments that are deducted from bank accounts. If Estate Information Services took unauthorized deductions from your bank account, you may have an EFTA claim against the agency. EIS, like most collection agencies, wants to set up recurring payments from consumers; imagine how much money it can earn if hundreds, even thousands, of consumers electronically pay them $50 – $100 or more per month. If you agreed to this type of reoccurring payment, the agency must follow certain steps to comply with the EFTA. Did Estate Information Services continue to take electronic payments after you told them to stop? Did they take more money from your checking account than you agreed to?  If so, we can discuss your rights and potential case under the EFTA.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) works to ensure that no information reported to your credit report is false. In essence, it gives you the right to dispute those inaccuracies that you find on your credit report. We’ve handled many cases in which a debt collection agency reported debt on a consumer’s credit report to obtain leverage over the consumer. If Estate Information Services is on your credit report, they may tell you that they’ll remove the debt from your credit report if you pay it; this is commonly known as “pay for delete.” If the original creditor is on your report rather than the debt collector, and you pay off the debt, both entities should accurately report this on your credit report.
Several states also have laws to provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. For example, if you live in California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you may be able to add a state-law claim to your federal law claim above.  North Carolina, for example, has one of the most consumer-friendly statutes in the country: if you live in NC and are harassed over a debt, you may receive $500 – $4,000 in damages per violation. We work with a local counsel in NC and our NC clients have received some great results in debt collection harassment cases. If you live in North Carolina and are being harassed by a debt collector, you have leverage to obtain a great settlement.
How do we Use the Law to Help You?
We will use state and federal laws to immediately stop Estate Information Services’s debt collection. We will send a cease-and-desist letter to stop the harassment today, and if EIS violates the FDCPA, EFTA, FCRA, or any state law, you may be entitled to money damages. For example, under the FDCPA, you may receive up to $1,000 in damages plus actual damages. The FDCPA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. If you have a TCPA case against the agency, we will handle it based on a contingency fee and you won’t pay us a dime unless you win.
We have helped hundreds of consumers stop phone calls from Estate Information Services and we know how to stop the harassment and get you money damages. Once again: you will not pay us a dime for our services. We will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, and the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs.
What if Estate Information Services is on my Credit Report?
Based on our experience, some debt collectors may credit-report, which means one may mark your credit report with the debt they are trying to collect. In addition to or instead of the debt collector, the original creditor may also be on your credit report in a separate entry, and it’s important to properly identify these entities because you will want both to update your credit report if or when you pay off the debt.
If Estate Information Services is on your credit report, we can help you dispute it. Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly: along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or even being a victim of identity theft. If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute it, and my office will help you obtain your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information.
If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000, and the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error. The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have helped hundreds of consumers fix inaccurate information on their credit reports, and we’re ready to help you, too.
Complaints against Estate Information Services
If you’re on this page, chances are you are just like the hundreds of consumers out there being harassed by Estate Information Services. Here are some of the BBB reviews and complaints against Estate Information Services:
“I received a letter from this company telling me my son was dead. My son is in prison and if I didn’t visit him on the 5th I would have been devastated, the letter was dated 7/3/17, when I called they said an error was made. They refused to give me any information about the debt collector. I… am reporting this because I don’t want anyone else to receive such a letter. It’s hard enough living with the bad decisions my son has made but also I opened the letter after the business was closed, an elderly person could have had an attack getting a letter like this. The prison system is a dangerous place. It seems to me that they just wanted more information and it was a tactic, even though I called the places he was getting mail from to make sure they knew he was incarcerated.”
“****** ** ******* was 11 years old when his father, ****** *******, passed 19 years ago!!! He has brittle type 1 diabetes, a weak heart and eye issues and lives with me (mother) and step-dad. This seems like a scam. My son got NOTHING, even of his own or was able to stop his father’s cremation…. We were divorced and his girlfriend got the life insurance and his family raided the home as well as his girlfriend. This seems like a scam and something morbid to do after 19 years! He can’t be held accountable for his father’s debts, if in fact that’s what this is about, when he was 11 and 19 years later!”
“These people are continually calling me all hours and on Saturday & Sunday. This account had insurance protection service and has already been paid. They are not very nice on the phone and tend to get ugly. They are continually harassing. They even got my daughter-in-law’s phone number and are calling her.”
Based on four reviews on Google, Estate Information Services received a 1-out-of-5 rating. Here are two of the reviews on Google:
“These people are disgusting. They refuse to communicate except on a recorded phone line, despite my repeated requests and they continue to harass me even though they were informed that the estate does not settle until the end of December. I hope you never have to deal with these people.”
“Two letters less than a week apart with no information other than contact them. I am glad they do not have our real address and it was just forwarded. Seems very sketchy. I would let your lawyers deal with them, because they already show signs that they going to try to harass and strong-arm any living representative. Saying condolences is not the same as showing it.”
What Our Clients Say about Us
Agruss Law Firm has over 660 outstanding client reviews through Yotpo, an A+ BBB rating, and over 100 five-star reviews on Google. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us:
“Michael Agruss handled two settlements for me with great results and he handled them quickly. He also settled my sister’s case quickly and now her debt is clear. I highly recommend Michael.”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful, they helped me solved my case regarding the unwanted calls. I would highly recommend them. Thank you very much Mike Agruss!”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful to me and my veteran father! We were harassed daily and even called names for a loan that was worthless! Agruss stepped in and not only did they stop harassing, they stopped calling all together!! Even settled it so I was paid back for the problems they caused!”
Can Estate Information Services Sue Me?
Although anyone can sue anyone for any reason, we have not seen Estate Information Services sue consumers, and it’s likely that the agency does not sue because they don’t always own the debt they are attempting to collect, and would also need to hire a lawyer, or use in-house counsel, to file a lawsuit. It’s also likely that the agency collects debt throughout the country, and it would be quite difficult to have lawyers, or a law firm, licensed in every state. However, there are collection agencies that do sue consumers; for example, Midland Credit Management is one of the largest junk-debt buyers, and it also collects and sues on debt. Still, it is less likely for a debt collector to sue you than for an original creditor to hire a lawyer or collection firm to sue you. If Estate Information Services has threatened to sue you, contact Agruss Law Firm, LLC as soon as possible.
Can Estate Information Services Garnish my Wages?
No, unless they have a judgment. If Estate Information Services has not sued you, then the agency cannot get a judgment. Barring limited situations (usually involving debts owed to the government for student loans, taxes, etc.), a company must have a judgment in order to garnish someone’s wages. In short, we have not seen this agency file a lawsuit against a consumer, so the agency cannot garnish your wages, minus the exceptions listed above. If EIS has threatened to garnish your wages, contact our office right away.
Estate Information Services Settlement
If you want to settle a debt with Estate Information Services, ask yourself these questions first:
Do I really owe this debt?
Is this debt within the statute of limitations?
Is this debt on my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will Estate Information Services remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will the original creditor remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will I receive confirmation in writing from Estate Information Services for the payment and settlement terms?
These are not the only things to consider when dealing with debt collectors. We are here to help you answer the questions above, and much more. Whether it’s harassment, settlement, pay-for-delete, or any other legal issue with Estate Information Services, we at Agruss Law Firm are here to help you.
Share your Complaints against Estate Information Services Below
We encourage you to post your complaints about Estate Information Services. Sharing your complaints against this agency can help other consumers understand what to do when this company starts calling. Sharing your experience may help someone else!
If you are being harassed by Estate Information Services over a debt, you may be entitled to money damages – up to $1,000 for harassment, and $500 – $1,500 for illegal robocalls. Under state and federal laws, we will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, which means the debt-collector pays your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have settled thousands of debt collection harassment cases, and we’re prepared to help you, too. Contact Agruss Law Firm at 888-572-0176 to stop the harassment once and for all.
The post Estate Information Services Harassment appeared first on Agruss Law Firm, LLC.
Estate Information Services Harassment published first on https://agrusslawfirmllc.tumblr.com
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agrusslawfirmllc · 6 years
Estate Information Services Harassment
Debt collectors like Estate Information Services cannot harass you over a debt. You have rights under the law, and we will stop the harassment once and for all.
If Estate Information Services violated the law, you will get money damages and EIS will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. Plus, some of our clients also receive debt relief and cleaned-up credit reports. You have nothing to lose! Call us today at 888-572-0176 for a free consultation.
Who is Estate Information Services (EIS)?
Estate Information Services is a debt collector which specializes in “deceased debt” and is based in Gahanna, Ohio. EIS serves all 50 states and D.C. and has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau since December 2006, but has received 13 complaints via the BBB in the past three years, 10 of which are for billing/collection problems.
Consumers allege harassing phone calls to debtors and debtors’ relatives, attempts to collect false debt, being informed of a relative’s death which did not occur, and wrongfully pursuing the children of deceased debtors.
Estate Information Services’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
Estate Information Services is located at 670 Morrison Road, Suite #300, Gahanna, OH 43230. The main telephone number is 855-526-9324 and EIS’s website is https://eismgmt.com/
Phone Numbers Used by Estate Information Services
Like many debt collection agencies, Estate Information Services may use different phone numbers to contact debtors. Here are some phone numbers Estate Information Services may be calling you from:
Estate Information Services Lawsuits
If you want to know just how unhappy consumers are with Estate Information Services, take a look at the number of lawsuits filed against the agency on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”). PACER is the U.S.’s federal docket which lists federal complaints filed against a wide range of companies. A search for Estate Information Services will display nearly 40 lawsuits filed against the agency in fourteen states and Puerto Rico, most of which involve violations of consumer rights and/or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Estate Information Services Complaints
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law which applies to everyone in the United States. In other words, everyone is protected under the FDCPA, and this Act is a laundry list of what debt collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt, as well as things they must do while collecting debt. If Estate Information Services is harassing you over a debt, you have rights under the FDCPA.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) protects you from robocalls, which are those annoying, automated, recorded calls that computers make all day long. You can tell it’s a robocall because either no one responds on the other end of the line, or there is a delay when you pick up the phone before a live person responds. You can receive $500 per call if Estate Information Services violates the TCPA. Have you received a message from this agency that sounds pre-recorded or cut-off at the beginning or end? These are tell-tale signs that the message is pre-recorded, and if you have these messages on your cell phone, you may have a TCPA case against the agency.
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects electronic payments that are deducted from bank accounts. If Estate Information Services took unauthorized deductions from your bank account, you may have an EFTA claim against the agency. EIS, like most collection agencies, wants to set up recurring payments from consumers; imagine how much money it can earn if hundreds, even thousands, of consumers electronically pay them $50 – $100 or more per month. If you agreed to this type of reoccurring payment, the agency must follow certain steps to comply with the EFTA. Did Estate Information Services continue to take electronic payments after you told them to stop? Did they take more money from your checking account than you agreed to?  If so, we can discuss your rights and potential case under the EFTA.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) works to ensure that no information reported to your credit report is false. In essence, it gives you the right to dispute those inaccuracies that you find on your credit report. We’ve handled many cases in which a debt collection agency reported debt on a consumer’s credit report to obtain leverage over the consumer. If Estate Information Services is on your credit report, they may tell you that they’ll remove the debt from your credit report if you pay it; this is commonly known as “pay for delete.” If the original creditor is on your report rather than the debt collector, and you pay off the debt, both entities should accurately report this on your credit report.
Several states also have laws to provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. For example, if you live in California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you may be able to add a state-law claim to your federal law claim above.  North Carolina, for example, has one of the most consumer-friendly statutes in the country: if you live in NC and are harassed over a debt, you may receive $500 – $4,000 in damages per violation. We work with a local counsel in NC and our NC clients have received some great results in debt collection harassment cases. If you live in North Carolina and are being harassed by a debt collector, you have leverage to obtain a great settlement.
How do we Use the Law to Help You?
We will use state and federal laws to immediately stop Estate Information Services’s debt collection. We will send a cease-and-desist letter to stop the harassment today, and if EIS violates the FDCPA, EFTA, FCRA, or any state law, you may be entitled to money damages. For example, under the FDCPA, you may receive up to $1,000 in damages plus actual damages. The FDCPA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. If you have a TCPA case against the agency, we will handle it based on a contingency fee and you won’t pay us a dime unless you win.
We have helped hundreds of consumers stop phone calls from Estate Information Services and we know how to stop the harassment and get you money damages. Once again: you will not pay us a dime for our services. We will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, and the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs.
What if Estate Information Services is on my Credit Report?
Based on our experience, some debt collectors may credit-report, which means one may mark your credit report with the debt they are trying to collect. In addition to or instead of the debt collector, the original creditor may also be on your credit report in a separate entry, and it’s important to properly identify these entities because you will want both to update your credit report if or when you pay off the debt.
If Estate Information Services is on your credit report, we can help you dispute it. Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly: along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or even being a victim of identity theft. If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute it, and my office will help you obtain your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information.
If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000, and the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error. The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have helped hundreds of consumers fix inaccurate information on their credit reports, and we’re ready to help you, too.
Complaints against Estate Information Services
If you’re on this page, chances are you are just like the hundreds of consumers out there being harassed by Estate Information Services. Here are some of the BBB reviews and complaints against Estate Information Services:
“I received a letter from this company telling me my son was dead. My son is in prison and if I didn’t visit him on the 5th I would have been devastated, the letter was dated 7/3/17, when I called they said an error was made. They refused to give me any information about the debt collector. I… am reporting this because I don’t want anyone else to receive such a letter. It’s hard enough living with the bad decisions my son has made but also I opened the letter after the business was closed, an elderly person could have had an attack getting a letter like this. The prison system is a dangerous place. It seems to me that they just wanted more information and it was a tactic, even though I called the places he was getting mail from to make sure they knew he was incarcerated.”
“****** ** ******* was 11 years old when his father, ****** *******, passed 19 years ago!!! He has brittle type 1 diabetes, a weak heart and eye issues and lives with me (mother) and step-dad. This seems like a scam. My son got NOTHING, even of his own or was able to stop his father’s cremation…. We were divorced and his girlfriend got the life insurance and his family raided the home as well as his girlfriend. This seems like a scam and something morbid to do after 19 years! He can’t be held accountable for his father’s debts, if in fact that’s what this is about, when he was 11 and 19 years later!”
“These people are continually calling me all hours and on Saturday & Sunday. This account had insurance protection service and has already been paid. They are not very nice on the phone and tend to get ugly. They are continually harassing. They even got my daughter-in-law’s phone number and are calling her.”
Based on four reviews on Google, Estate Information Services received a 1-out-of-5 rating. Here are two of the reviews on Google:
“These people are disgusting. They refuse to communicate except on a recorded phone line, despite my repeated requests and they continue to harass me even though they were informed that the estate does not settle until the end of December. I hope you never have to deal with these people.”
“Two letters less than a week apart with no information other than contact them. I am glad they do not have our real address and it was just forwarded. Seems very sketchy. I would let your lawyers deal with them, because they already show signs that they going to try to harass and strong-arm any living representative. Saying condolences is not the same as showing it.”
What Our Clients Say about Us
Agruss Law Firm has over 660 outstanding client reviews through Yotpo, an A+ BBB rating, and over 100 five-star reviews on Google. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us:
“Michael Agruss handled two settlements for me with great results and he handled them quickly. He also settled my sister’s case quickly and now her debt is clear. I highly recommend Michael.”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful, they helped me solved my case regarding the unwanted calls. I would highly recommend them. Thank you very much Mike Agruss!”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful to me and my veteran father! We were harassed daily and even called names for a loan that was worthless! Agruss stepped in and not only did they stop harassing, they stopped calling all together!! Even settled it so I was paid back for the problems they caused!”
Can Estate Information Services Sue Me?
Although anyone can sue anyone for any reason, we have not seen Estate Information Services sue consumers, and it’s likely that the agency does not sue because they don’t always own the debt they are attempting to collect, and would also need to hire a lawyer, or use in-house counsel, to file a lawsuit. It’s also likely that the agency collects debt throughout the country, and it would be quite difficult to have lawyers, or a law firm, licensed in every state. However, there are collection agencies that do sue consumers; for example, Midland Credit Management is one of the largest junk-debt buyers, and it also collects and sues on debt. Still, it is less likely for a debt collector to sue you than for an original creditor to hire a lawyer or collection firm to sue you. If Estate Information Services has threatened to sue you, contact Agruss Law Firm, LLC as soon as possible.
Can Estate Information Services Garnish my Wages?
No, unless they have a judgment. If Estate Information Services has not sued you, then the agency cannot get a judgment. Barring limited situations (usually involving debts owed to the government for student loans, taxes, etc.), a company must have a judgment in order to garnish someone’s wages. In short, we have not seen this agency file a lawsuit against a consumer, so the agency cannot garnish your wages, minus the exceptions listed above. If EIS has threatened to garnish your wages, contact our office right away.
Estate Information Services Settlement
If you want to settle a debt with Estate Information Services, ask yourself these questions first:
Do I really owe this debt?
Is this debt within the statute of limitations?
Is this debt on my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will Estate Information Services remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will the original creditor remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will I receive confirmation in writing from Estate Information Services for the payment and settlement terms?
These are not the only things to consider when dealing with debt collectors. We are here to help you answer the questions above, and much more. Whether it’s harassment, settlement, pay-for-delete, or any other legal issue with Estate Information Services, we at Agruss Law Firm are here to help you.
Share your Complaints against Estate Information Services Below
We encourage you to post your complaints about Estate Information Services. Sharing your complaints against this agency can help other consumers understand what to do when this company starts calling. Sharing your experience may help someone else!
If you are being harassed by Estate Information Services over a debt, you may be entitled to money damages – up to $1,000 for harassment, and $500 – $1,500 for illegal robocalls. Under state and federal laws, we will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, which means the debt-collector pays your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have settled thousands of debt collection harassment cases, and we’re prepared to help you, too. Contact Agruss Law Firm at 888-572-0176 to stop the harassment once and for all.
  The post Estate Information Services Harassment appeared first on Agruss Law Firm, LLC.
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