#i cant strip it of its history
bulbabutt · 4 months
not to still be all up in arms about the transformers religion but holy fuck, robots having religion is nothing new, they can have theology! that makes sense! robots who are fully sentient seeking out a reason for their souls is totally fine! im not saying the transformers shouldnt believe in primus or the all spark or believe in the 13 primes that whole thing works, it just bothers me that the canon of their religion is canon to the story. why is their planet LITERALLY their god. why is their religion based in literal history. i shouldnt even call it their religion, its just their canonical history. thats the problem! it comes from the perspective of writers who see religious doctrine as real history!
it also sucks for the nature of the robot as a concept! instead of being machines so advanced they are sentient, they are now fully formed beings granted souls by their god. thats no longer synthetic life conceptually, is it? that is a higher being creating life out of nothing. the concept of robots comes from slave labour, machines created by man to further their own advancements. machines created by organic life, not machines granted life by an ethereal being. they were created as commentary on capitalism. it asks the question "if this life is created synthetically, but it forms sentient thought, it is alive?". most other stories containing robots do this. think about overwatch's omnics, mass effects geth, star trek characters like data and the doctor, we the audience see them as alive but people in their worlds have to debate about it. that is the point of science fiction, to have theological discussions about robots.
what disappoints me about transformers isnt the changing of the lore, but the fact they couldnt conceive of anything more interesting to say about robots. i was watching g1 thinking "i cant wait to see future adaptations take this concept and flesh it out", and watching these adaptations strip the nature of the robot entirely from the lore in place of some all powerful god really sucks! imagine if their theology was the same, but their history was not. imagine robots who believe their planet is their god in spite of not actually knowing that to be true. wouldnt that be conceptually more interesting? wouldnt that say something?
instead of a unicron who is just a cosmic horror, a rogue planet who hungers for other worlds to sustain itself, unicron now represents all evil in the universe. hes a being of pure evil, existing as the equal and opposite to the canonically good god primus, the planet of cybertron. that ruins the concept to me. theyre taking the fun of science fiction out of it, turning it into basic "all good in the universe comes from god". it takes the choice of being good or evil out of it. giving them literal souls takes them choosing to say they have souls out of it. it takes the choice of valuing biological life away from the robots themselves to say that it is simply evil to not.
maybe some adaptation i havent gotten to yet will say something else, but as it stands right now im just so disappointed that this is the route it took.
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nerdylilpeebee · 3 months
nevermind! have just seen your stance on gazan genocide. racial conflict and racial power dynamics are above you, white supremacy eludes and/or invisibly benefits you, you have no qualms depicting palestinians as barbaric terrorists colluding to lie about thousands upon thousands of civilian casualties and deliberate famine reported straight from the strip by independent journalists watching their native communities being blown apart by fascists simply because theyre arabic, you have no grasp of israel's/the idf's continued bloody history of settler violence for generations before you and i were born, the humanity of gazans who have lived their whole lives enduring this deep suffering and humiliation, this soul-deep degradation, is just drivel and sob stories to you, and most crucially,
you lack the conceptualization to engage in discourse beyond fandom. so dont.
human lives arent 'discourse'. this isnt online drama. its not trendy, its not mascot horror, its not problematic fanfic, its not animation, its not a trope, its not a callout post. you cant understand the human elements of the palestinian genocide, you just see your gracious, god-sent mighty white murderers exterminating the brown vermin in a faraway land. my inlaws who have their house shot at every other day arent human to you. my fiance who shakes uncontrollably when they hear thunder isnt human to you. they are not afraid of hamas bombing their apartment. hamas flies no planes over their building, hamas sets off no raid sirens, hamas deprives them of no aid. the dignity of protest and resistance is not afforded to the average palestinian because the moment they speak out theyre threatened with loss of jobs, scholarships, expulsions from their schools. theyre immediately branded as unstable terrorists, dangers to society- that is, their israeli, white supremacist society. consider who benefits from you believing that ONLY a babykilling jewhating subhuman psychopath could ever POSSIBLY oppose and protest palestinians being sexually assaulted and humiliated in detention centers, murdered and treated as second class citizens in their own homes. it was never about religion (let me ask you if you have found it in your hollow heart to even read this far: do you truly think it is impossible for jewishness, for jewish joy and community to flourish without the blood of arabs on their hands? is that so outlandish to you, that you are so hellbent on seeing a word where jewish people are constantly that unsafe, that they lack homes, communities, safe havens, or the basic ability or agency to reach out for help and connection? do they really need to be sealed away in israel to shelter them from the rest of the nations where millions have already established meaningful lives? do you really think all jews are zionists and those who dont want to see palestinians killed for simply being born here are selfhating and deluded? do you think that zionists really care about holocaust survivors and nonwhite jews? again, please research before speaking on matters that may be out of your usual scope of fandom content...). it was just about eliminating as many palestinians as possible while the world turned a blind eye. israel was built on the mass killing and exodus of palestinians and the sustained oppression of the native population, and youll probably never understand this. but we can see. more than ever, we can see. if you did actually manage to read this youve already done more than most zionists ever have to understand how the average innocent palestinian suffers. i dont expect to have changed your mind on the conflict at all, really, but i do hope youll at least stop trying to tackle global conflicts the same way you post about media consumption. this is inconceivably real blood being shed, lives being ruined, and youre posting about it like youre giving your take on a cartoon or videogame. you dont even have to respond to this ask. just please consider stopping and sticking to fandom.
That is one HELL of an essay that I have no intention of reading given you started it talking about the "Gazan genocide" (a genocide is not happening) and tried to say I painted all Palestinians as barbaric terrorists who colluded to lie about thousands of civilian deaths.
You literally ignored what I actually said to create a straw man that supported your idea that I don't understand racial conflict and racial power dynamics (Israel vs Palestine is not a race issue, you freak, they're literally two groups of POC, their race means nothing, at MOST their nationality is the issue. XD) so yeah, fuck off. :P I'm not wasting my time on a straw-manner who is also a big fucking racist. :P deny that if you want, but you wouldn't be trying to argue "power dynamics" if it was someone being racist to black people, even if it was taking place in Africa.
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dorkicon · 2 months
thingie i wrote about a tf au i mentioned a while back 😐👍 thanks to my pals on discord who had to hear me prattle on about this. questions welcome. etc.
the autobot gang (optimus hound bee jazz prowl ratchet and skids) are a team of rescue vehicles sent down to earth alongside cybertronian drones to help rescue people. optimus is a first responder/fire truck, ratchet is an old hippy ambulance, prowl stays at the base as their intell guy, hes a pre established package deal with jazz, who is a search and rescue copter, bee is a hardened foot soldier/scout, skids is a scientist interested in humanity, hound is our pov character, a rough and tumble upstart.
megatron is also planetside with his team. megatron is a keenly loyal general to straxus, the leader of the decepticons, soundwave is his long suffering 2ic, astrotrain is the strong silent type...he does whatever hes told, but he has a bit of a soft spot, seeing earths technology as wildlife to be respected, starscream is starscream, he has some history with bumblebee, making it his goal to snuff out the scout personally! thundercracker is hounds counterpart, and stars protégé. theyre on earth in search of devastator, a lost combiner megatron is convinced will be the secret weapon that wins the war for straxus. nevermind that the constructicons are scattered across the planet after being hurtled across space a kajillion years ago...and wont be too keen on battle once theyre reactivated...
so the cons and bots butt heads on earth, ignorant to the larger war until word gets out that the prime, sentinel, has killed straxus, causing an immediate power vacuum and knocking the decepticons off balance. good news for optimus' team right? well...
sentinel sent them to earth as an invasion! hes using those drones i mentioned to strip earth of its energy as a last surge to squash the decepticons and win the war. and who cares if optimus' team gets caught in the destruction? cant make an omelet without destroying a few nameless autobots right?
(hey i couldnt find a place to fit this but alpha trion is the real leader of the autobots. hes more of a figurehead though)
well at the same time, megatron learns that straxus has been murdered. before he can get it in his head to get revenge for his fallen leader, megatron learns frm his source that straxus was killed after going to alpha trion with peace talks. his leader, who megatron has been devoted to for millions of years...gave up! well megatron dismisses it as propaganda. hes going to kill sentinel prime.
the issue here is that the autobots are the only one with a ship...and those drones going haywire arent exactly helping things, bc theyve begun to attack anything that threatens them indiscriminately. so...the only solution is to aid the autobots in disposing of them, in return for use of their ship.
megatron and optimus come to a shaky truce, that no ones really happy with, besides maybe tc and hound, with their already budding friendship. bumblebee and starscream are like lowkey trying to sabotage it, until they realize they make a pretty good team. to their horror. for example. megatron, for his part, respects his side of the deal, trusting optimus to do the same. he slowly comes to turn that loyalty he had for straxus onto prime, who isnt exactly sure what to do with it--hes no soldier!
of course, they also have to work together to get the ship back online as well, since it was kicked offline back when sentinel activated the drones. thats...pretty much where im at atm. also i think shockwave is megatrons source on cybertron. loyal in any universe baby.
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Maiden, Mother, Crone - The Archeron Sisters as reincarnations of the Three Faced Goddess
Part 1
Elain, Ferye, Nesta. Three humans, turned Fae. Made magic. Or perhaps only awoken?
No I will not be normal about this, it is you who should be more weird about this.
It has always been clear to me that the three Archeron women have magic in their human blood. They are descendants of an acient deity, that once ruled over the lands alongside The Bone Carver, The Waver, and perhaps many other Deathless and Nameless gods. It is very much so confirmed by the Bone Carver themself that Feyre resembles and old god, powerful and cunning, who sought to hide herself and her magic, for reasons of a mysterious nature. This is just contextually picking up on the inherent meaning of the statement. In book 1, a big plot detail is that Feyre can taste and smell magic. She uses it to her advantage a few times during the events of book 1. This isn’t something that normal humans can do, seeing as how a lot of the village folk live in fear of magic and cant understand its working. The Human Lands are baren, cold, and stripped of all magic, and yet- Feyre can taste and smell it. And yet, Nesta remains of sound mind, immune to glamours, a type of magic that effects the mind. Elain only needs a little push to snap out of its influence.
These women are of magic descent, and to me this was a well established plot point. I interpreted the events above as the author just plainly telling this; although its entirely possible that i have been overthinking this because i have never been normal about these books, not once since i started them.
Feyre is the Mother, she is Mother Life, vindictive and vengeful; aggressively protecting her own kin, going and hunting down threats. She is the Mother; passionate and inclined towards the arts. Calm in the face of fear, and with a strong sense of duty. She claws, bites and rips out throats. A wild mother wolf, a wild beast. Feyre has always been inclined to go nuclear on her revenge plans. Sabotaging and undermining a religious leader, Ianthe, and plotting and successfully executing her revenge over an entire court of - lets be honest here, entirely innocent people, is very Aelin Galathyneus of her. Standing up to a magic wolf, with her throat exposed, she stood her ground and bargained. In the face of the heinous lie about her pregnancy, she was calm and brave and coping, only so that her son would not feel those things as he grows inside her womb. It is my headcanon that she went scorched earth on Rhysie’s ass afterwards.
Elain is the Maiden. She is Mother Nature. Ambivalent, and yet omniscient. Seeing all, reacting only just so.
When it comes to Elain, I don’t have much to work with; she has yet to have her books after all. However, I am confident in saying that he is not as mentally checked out of reality as I originally thought. She is a seer, one who sees the future. But this must also come with the immense strength to resist altering it. She either must not intervene, or do so incredibly delicately. She does also see the reality of what their situation was, in regards to the Archerons loosing their money, but she is rather unbothered by it. I hesitate to say she does not care, because again, we have not see her perspective yet, but she is aware how bad it was for them. In book one, there is a distinct moment when after Feyre comes back fro the Fae Land, Elain remarks on how the rich people treat them as if they didn’t loose all of their money, as if the last however many years did not happen. Its either cognitive dissonance, or Elain just does not.. care? Again, we have not seen her story, so I am speculating; and also resisting hating her for being docile and passive, and seemingly disinterested. Altho she is not a favored character of mine, I shan’t repeat history and hate on her as I did Sansa Stark.
That being said, her ambivalence and lack if action reminds me on nature and of natural disasters. Elain, the gardener, Elain the Mother Nature, The Maiden. A storm does not care if the levies might break and cause a flood, a mountain does not want anything, does not act on changing the outcomes of future events. Elain is a living being, who loves her sisters very much, so of course she reacts and saves them. But she was to be a young bride, in love and idealistic, yet she never consummated the marriage. Never got to be the bride, in fact. She seems to be stuck in this perpetual state of maidenhood, not quite moving on, remaining innocent, and maybe not yet ready to do anything else but ignore the happenings in front of her. She ignores Lucien, perhaps still grieving the loss of her old life and her old love.
Nesta is the Crone, The Mother Death. She is Lady Death. Meeting the Lord of Bloodshed at every step, a loyal companion to her friends, she is always there, inevitable as a rising storm. She is passive. She stays and guards. A mirrored image to Feyre in every way. She Makes objects of immense power. She creates and yet her power is pure death. But she creates. She does not want power. She creates, she seeks peace. What is more peaceful than Death’s embrace? Nesta has the power of the eternal flame. Her power coming out in silver flames perfectly encapsulates the power of fire: giving and taking life. Nesta is not vindictive. Don’t misunderstand me, she is actively cruel in Book 1, and a whole part if her journey was owning up to that. She recognized where she was wrong and made amends.
She is not nice, she was never taught to be nice. Her mother taught her how to read and manipulate people, not how to be kind and nice to them. She learns those things on her own. And again I ask, is Death nice and kind? It is peaceful and passive. A power that inspires awe. She is broken and rebuilds her self. She is Made, and i suspect that in order to be Made, she needed to die first. She inherits the most power out of all three sisters. Her dying during her Making means that she inherits Death itself. She experiences it, so she wields it because she understands it. She has lived many lives and appears older than she is. I personally thought that she was 30 in ACOSF, not 26, only 5 years older than Feyre. The narrative presents her to us as The Crone. She reads as someone older, harsher, someone who is also Death herself.
Where Feyre, Mother Life, is active, Nesta, Mother Death, is passive. Feyre hunts, Nesta guards. A mirrored image of eachother, they represent the cycle od life. The symbolism attached to them shows just how connected life and death truly are. Feyre and Nesta are always invoked in each other’s inner monologue. It is also entirely plausible that they each had an almost pathological need to keep Elain safe and innocent, because that was the only way to show that one cares for the other. Nesta loves Elain, but she keeps her safe because that is what Feyre would want. This fact, that Nesta would do anything to keep Elain safe, is very clearly stated by Feyre in both book 1 and 2. They both love Elain, no doubts about that. But Nesta’s and Feyre’s relationship was so burdened and volitale, that the only way for them to show affection was through the unspoken rule that Elain stays safe, is kept safe, at all costs. Nesta and Feyre, Death and Life, two sides of the same coin.
For me, it has always been reasonable to assume that the sisters represent one of the three faces of The Three Faced Goddess. Its buried in metaphor and vague statements, but it is there regardless. The more I read the books, the more obvious the comparison was. Having read Throne of Glass as well, the sisters also remind me of the Three Faced Goddess worshiped by the witches. After all, it was an ancient Witch God that hid her power and herself in the human lands; a place without magic and entirely mundane.
I intend to elaborate further in part 2 of this essay, but for now, let us enjoy quite a unique take on the Goddess Hecate. The Greek goddess has had many a modern interpretations, but I have not seen one done as subtly as this one. Having three separate people represent her faces, and therefore phases of a woman’s life, is new to me at least. Maas doesn’t really reimagine the old greek myths in a 1-to-1 recreation, but rather a loose inspiration taken from the core of the story. I quite enjoyed placing it all together.
More on how Nesta is the one to Bless Aelin’s blood line, and even how she might have started said bloodline in part 2.
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
You know, im not going to be this kinda guy who “oh i know everything and i know how to do better” when it comes to the White Fangs and faunus stuff that going on in this series. I dont think i know how to fix this or rewrite this...race parallel story and i will not sit there and lie to people or most importantly to myself that i know better in this topic. And frankly, MK openly already admit that they themselves dont think that they doing great job (but im not sure that say shit like “oh we was young and we both just white dudes” will...make this situation better? Like...im white af and pretty far away from knowing american history or black culture history, but if i really want to write parallel between my fantasy race and some real situations and\or movements from real life - i first will at least spend more that hour to think about this and read history about this?).
Why i write this post? Seeing those post about “Yang buying the best tuna for Blake :)”, how fans treat sometime this topic (faunus specifically) or how this everything was written in the show - started with how Yang trying to get Blake attention in vol2, treating her like literally a cat and portrait this as a joke moment, stuff from chibi R/WBY, “oh she dont like dogs”, Marrow WHOLE character (love him, but he just “dog joke”) or how “faunus dont like when people call them just animals” transform into “blake, you can be human or just a cat”, jokes like “ask a cat to another cat” or how one of the compliments from Yang was “you have a cute cat ear” (OFFTOPIC - I still cannot believe that this was one of the things in confession scene...you telling me that those two never talk about what they like in each other and so basic stuff like “cute ears” even when they was a friends? Fucking really? Not even as a non romantic thing? If yes then HOW DE FUCK THEY EVEN DATING NOW???) - i wish there was never parallels with black history.
This is not i dont want to see stories like this or parallels like this. I love sometime read rewrites about this topics. I just wish its never was a thing in the show because from what i can see a lot of fans of this show have more interest in “cute animals interactions” that on analysing how bad this whole faunus and White Fang story was written. Not even that but the writers and directors not even have that much interest in this outside of “make one group look evil and do evil stuff”. From what i can see, most of the time people who have interest in this or try to work with this topic is people who think that “this topic was written without any nuance/accidentally (or not) extremely racist and i want to do rewrite about this” or to just make this into “omg Yang can be ally for Blake and she can support her and” and this all just transform into this one scene, when Weiss just drop some racist guy into trashcan. Just to make people who is not faunus look good in this picture and save sad small Blake(9((( (we all collectively will forget that she was in White Fang since childhood and was pretty good enough to fight with people like this but oh boi now she need help from people to deal with this).
And listen, i get it. A lot of people love cute animals or characters with animals traits. Im a cats owner and love dogs a lot, even if i cant have one. I have a characters with animal traits myself and im werewolf fan. People transforming into animals and who can have some kinda activity with all this? Oh hell yeah, give me more. We love cute cat girls and bois and everyone inbetween. This fandom is also LOVE stuff like this and the writers are no different either
But...its cant just work like this, when literally From Shadow, song that was in trailers, that we know before we even got first chapter of this series, tell us stuff like this: 
Treated like a worthless animal, Stripped of all rights, Just a lesser being, Crushed by cruel, ruthless Human rule
I cant just sit there and be like “omg cute Blake omg she a cat girl uwu” when before volume 9 calling someone just by they animal traits was equals to just dropping racial slur. Imagine volume 1-2 and someone call Blake literally a cat? She would just “destroy” this person on the spot and most likely this person deserved it.
And you cant just...drop this idea and be like “its never was about racial discrimination.” You cant just sit on two chairs at the same time and tell us that Blake soo easy about people calling her just a cat or her calling herself just a cat person with just cat ears when for 8 volumes its was about “dont treat us like we just animals”. You cant. You ether can continue this race parallel further, but having studied this topic better even with all the mistakes that was already done or try somehow find the ways to rewrite what you already have done at least for a little bit, or just...at least dont fucking touch this whole “ahah cute ears and tails” stuff and pretend that there are no problems.
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Woweeee another with pureblood lover!! *grabby hands*
I wanted to said so much more things, but brain brain cells just went on vacation while I was writing the first sentences sorry.
Anyway, I m just really happy to have meet another 🍅 person since a long time.
*ppsssst!! Any thoughts on the culture etc before the Dark Jedi arrives and it become the Sith Empire we knows under swtor era?* 👀
HELLO HELLO HIIIIII its an honor and a pleasure to have you here!!! hoping someday i. actually post any of this lore. that would be amazing. but my dms and ask box are always open if you ever wanna prod me!
um. so i have a story set around tenebraes birth, so about 5000bby ish. at least 2k years before the swtor story, anyway - and i draw a lot from purebloods encouraging polyamory as a means of fertility and diversity, also because there is no reason to be Stuck With One Person.
but you are expected to be reasonable, fair, and courteous to your existing partner(s) and they must agree to enter a relationship with the new partner being courted. having an undue affair is punishable by probably death.
regarding children - all marriages are officiated with a borne child who will wear the combined named of their biological parents. being a deadbeat is punishable by death and having your name stripped from that child and also from history.
ummmmm. before the dark jedi, the castes werent so Widely defined; everyone had their jobs but there was no reason to cause strife and division. the dark jedi came in and said NOOOO YOU BELONG HERE AND THEY BELONG THERE AND YOU CANT MIX NOOOOO HARMONY IS SUCH A JEDI TRAIT and now theres inter-species racism, thanks,
oh my personal fave, ofc the zuguruk have five-fingered hands. then its stated that the purebloods hybridized w the dark jedi. to me, that is false - the purebloods hybridized through the dark side of the force over time because they were no longer the dominant threat on their planet. this can be observed on ziost as well, with an increased number of mirialans in recent years and newborns are already starting to exhibit heightened flexibility and agility reminiscent of the mirialans.
(tagging the gang @reconstructionlegacy @serenofroses SOMEONE TAG IO PLEASE AND MADS TOO)
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years
We would like to hear your thoughts on animation and capitalism
its mostly about animation BUUUTTTTT
on one of the last days of 9th grade, me and two friends somehow got into a conversation about how far strawberry shortcake has fallen.
like, for one, 75% of the characters were gone. there were like 5 characters remaining by 2018. we joked they were just dead. and the designs were getting much more mediocre and or bad, and were rarely actually good anymore.
lets look at the history of the designs, actually. shall we?
I want to not beforehand, she apparently existed as far back as 1973, but i cant actually find ay good pictures of it :(
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Back in the 80s, long before I was born, she and her friends were mostly used in greeting cards. I think the character designs match this pretty well! Even back then they had cute yet creative designs, like PERFECT for greeting cards. They look like they would greet you as they ride their bikes to school in the morning. They look like they help their parents pick the best apples to use in a pie. I'd say its all a solid 8/10. i like strawberrys design the most tbh
she also had a tv series and there were actually more characters but this picture had the most
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In the 90s I guess strawberry got a redesign? cant find any other info about other characters lol
this one is like a 7.5/10. only cuz theres like a LITTLE less personality
and heres my favourite! 2003!
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This was one of the ones I grew up watching, besides the godforsaken Version That Will Be Named Later. Already you can see that these are pretty good. Look at that variety! The personality! Literally the only thing samey about them is the faces, but tbh that doesnt matter too much. The only one I feel is medicore is Huckleberry Pie because he looks like most of the guys at my school now.
This one? Like a 9/10 probably.
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Heres 2007, with bits of redesigning!
Apple Dumplin (the shorter one) grew up a little, Huckleberry looks worse and now just looks like every guy in my neighbourhood, but other than that not THAT much of a difference, besides some hair style changes.
7.5/10 purely for Huckleberry (sorry ]:)
(Addendum: Strawberry got another design in 2005 but i wont talk about it. its a 7.75/10)
And now... we've arrived. 2009.
Prepare yourselves.
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Jesus Christ, where do I begin?
First, let's tackle this new evolved form of Same Face Syndrome. You know how back in previous years they had very similiar facial features but it didnt really matter that much? This is just Same Goddamn Character syndrome. Literally they all look the same. Long hair, sleeved shirt, skirt, stripped leggings, shoes, headwear/hair accesory, with some minor aditions to set them apart in some way. There is no personality. Just sameness.
Second, their age appearance. They are supposed to be kids. They portrayed this well before now. The oldest she was back then was 16, and that was because there was a time skip during the 2003 series. Here? They are supposed to be 17-19. And I don't know why. It's weird to me. I didn't notice this as a kid tho because i was like preschool age when the 2009 series came out. Tbh it WOULD be okay for me now if they didn't look like Swifties or whatever. I want kid them back.
My third problem is what they did to the character Orange Blossom, but to talk about that would require a bit more detail into her own character design history, which I kinda wanna get into on its own post, so I'll just get into my fourth problem: the worsenning of Huckleberry.
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I don't even know who or what he looks like. He's just some fucking teenager. His design tells me NOTHING about him at all.
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2017 series that IDK anything about, or even if it was made in the first place. There was a 2018 series too but considering it was just the 2D version of the 2009 one I choose to ignore it.
This one, despite looking kinda generic, is an upgrade from the 2009 "series". Everyone still has like the same body type, but they also have different hair and clothing! You actually have an idea of what they may be like! They also temporarily killed Huckleberry Pie and ended his eternal torment in design hell.
6/10 from me.
We have reached the final stage.
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This one is the 2021 Netflix(?) series. I don't know anything about it and only recently heard of it. It's a small upgrade from 2017, but an upgrade nonetheless.
They, for once, have different face shapes. Secondly, theres more variety to the clothes again! Huckleberry Pie (guy who kinda looks like Five Glitch Techs) finally has a decent character design. The only one I don't like is Sour Grapes, the purple haired girl with the white shirt. She realy does look like someones niece Ashley tbh.
And that's all! I wanna tackle the character design histories of just one person, mainly Orange Blossom and Plum Pudding (and possibly Strawberry herself) but that's too much to tackle in one post so I'll leave it here for now and make separate posts about them at a later date.
In summary, Strawberry Shortcake started out with good characters designs that got better as time went on, until 2009 when they went downhill on a 75 degree angle, but they seem to be coming back.
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salora-rainriver · 2 years
Its really funny and weird how, of all the european pagan mythologies, greek is the one white ppl know the most of by far.
Like, of course it makes sense, greco-romans were hailed as the peak of civilization by white european elites at least like, twice in history, but it’s still really wild like. We’ll know the names of every olympian and what exactly their deal is, know like 20 different random greek monsters who only appeared in like One Story,
but then u ask abt the british isles, site of a people who would eventually colonize the fucking world, and its like “uhhhhhh theres morrigan? Also some fairies. Is morrigan a fairy? I think there were some tree worshippers. Some dudes put blue paint on their body and had big shields i think?” and a book’s gonna claim there was an irish potato god and you’re going to believe them bcs you’ll be so wrapped up in the potato famine thing that you’ll forget potatos were IMPORTED FROM THE ANDES MOUNTAINS.
And then like folks will be familiar with like 4 norse gods maybe 5, know some words like asgard and ragnarok, but ask them who fenrir is and theyll be like “Is he important?”
Also if you ask them about germanic mythos they will draw a fucking blank bcs even tho the general public are familiar with at least a few germanic mythos things, we completely stripped out the germanic origins from them when we called them generic “fairy tales.” Same for france and the iberian penninsula i think. Also dont ask me which fairy tales come from where bcs i am a prime example of this, i do not fucking know, i just vaguely remember that they came from certain places and then spread from there.
Oh And absolutely FORGET about anything east of germany fucking forget about it. The slavic regions have a rich mythos and even ppl who are pretty knowledgable abt the stuff i said above won’t know shit about it, case in point, me! Go ahead! I know a bunch abt celtic stuff and norse stuff and a lill bit of german stuff, but ask me to bring up ONE slavic story! The only thing my brain is cookin up is that one about the lindwurm, and even that one i cant remember if its actually slavic!
Now Think abt how many white people claim heritage from places in europe that arent greece and italy. Think about how little those same ppl know abt their ancestor’s prechristian stories and beliefs. Im hispanic i know like one thing abt pre-christian spain and its that they had a funny word for fairies (i don’t even remember the name!), just as an example. Like isnt that fucking insane? You’d think a buncha colonizing douches competing with each other to take over the world would put a bit more effort into educating ppl abt the ancestral stories that set these guys apart from each other, but no, not really. And like dont get me wrong its not like this doesnt make sense. It does. The roman empire and later christianity overtook like all these myriad cultures years before colonialism and white supremacy was even a pipe dream, to say nothing about the internal strife that happened in the iberian peninsula and the british isles.
But at the same time, in recent years there’s been massive pushes to recover this lost culture (especially in those british isles places that arent england), and even with this effort, so much is unknown to a fuckton of people who, i repeat, claim heritage from these places. (In fact, one of those efforts probably set us back bcs it got caught up in bullshit ideology and mysticism and grabbed stuff from totally different people to support a bullshit point. Looking at you, nazis.) and it’s just kind of insane. Overall this is just a peak example to me of the hollowness and artificiality of the concept of whiteness. The master race can’t even remember their own ancestors, and ancient history had to be wiped away or made generic in order to support the notion that these people have something in common, and thus, something setting them apart from everyone else.
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wzuplovely · 8 months
ok so i just wanted to explain how what israel is doing is genocide.
genocide means, according to the UN, "a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part" not including political party.
Although the Hamas, (a group who doesnt believe Israel should exist- thus a political group) in the gaza strip, commited a terrorist attack against Israel this does not allow Israel to ethically deprive them of natural resources such as food, water, and trade. Israel is attacking looking for the defendants while killing, destroying property, and halting trade to all of the Gaza strip. Although they are looking for justice they are depriving others of basic human rights. (When people cant get water because of a brute military force that is depriving them.) This is deemed very colonistic since Israel is an entity who has been expanding their country the past generation and has been unethical. They are literally taking over the Gaza strip by controlling their trade and affecting civil resources. As well of reducing the population- this act is genocide due to the demographic of inhabitnents and the recent history in the treatment of those specific inhabitnants.
Given the facts I believe there is a direct connection to genocide. The best case scenario is they are accidentally commiting genocide.
Israel treats people of different ethnicities differently. Although palestinians have been in the region before Israel became its own government in 1949 , Israel is reluctant and refuses to give palestinians civilianship. Denying original bloodlines to the area and their families to original homes. The country has done nothing to improve this, thus making itself discriminacy among palestinains.
The above is basic information dispersed in basic media. Once you find the sources to my information and you find the sources to my argument you will have the truth. I know this is very lazy and simple but read these background and related informational articles.:
"Jewish residents of former Mandatory Palestine at the time of Israel's establishment were granted Israeli citizenship on the basis of return, but non-Jewish Palestinians were subject to strict residency requirements for claiming that status." -wikipedias, and the spurce in below
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Its cold and its dark and im thinking about fathers and what it means to love. Because the first person who taught me the shape of love crushed me in his fist and now im scared that every one i fall for will die with claw marks in their chest. Im worried that i don’t know what it means to love without destruction.
I will cling and i will claw my chest open and ask if you think my lungs are beautiful. I will lie on a concrete floor and bleed and hope it’s pretty. Suffering is like art if you do it right. 
Tell me who left first, because in the haze i cant quite remember. If it was you, i forgive you. If it was me, i hope you hate me for it forever. 
I’ve spent more years trying to reach into the mirror and reshape my skin even if the broken glass cuts me than i ever did finding it beautiful. And sometimes i look at the blue in my eyes and the scars on my stomach and think “someone could love this” and sometimes i think i’ll only find peace beneath a gravestone. 
And if i did, would you write my epitaph? Would it be kind? Would you claw into the stone with your nails and tell the world i lived and someone loved me for it? 
Would you forgive me for leaving? It would be easier than forgiving me for what i did to stay. 
The strings tying me to life are tangled these days, they fray and twist and tighten around my wrists like restraints. 
Sometimes i scream at the sky like it’s my fathers ghost and i ask who was I supposed to be? I ask where are you? Why aren’t you here? 
I hate flying. I hate getting too close to the stars. 
There are a million poems about people being made out of stardust. Hell hath no fury like a poet with a science metaphor. We love to strip the world bare and claw through the dirt looking for something beautiful. How long have humans stared at the sky and found home? How long have we buried our friends in the dirt. How long have we looked up and down and found more? How long have we traced shapes into the stars and told their stories? When does it end? 
Should it? 
We climbed our way to the moon and never went back. A checkmark on a list to prove something to a god that doesn’t exist. A challenge. How dare he think anything is out of reach. 
The universe is expanding, did you know that? Did you know that every second the edge of life gets further away? There will always be something we can't see. There will always be places we can’t go. There will always be rocks we can’t claim, stick our flag into, and pretend to own. 
One day the sun is going to collapse in on itself. Did you know how fragile life is? Did you know we live every day on the precipice of destruction? This is not poetry. There is nothing beautiful about mortality. There is nothing pretty about death. One day the sun will cave in on itself and burn everything we’ve built, one day ozymandias crumbles to dust. Atlantis sinks. The stars burn out. Checkmate. 
We claw life out from the jaws of death and think we’ve won something. We haven’t. 
To live is to suffer, did you know that? 
I don’t know who im talking to. The sky doesn’t answer your questions. It doesn’t matter how many telescopes you send to ask the stars why we’re here. Sound doesn’t travel in space.
Do you know how much we made out of nothing? How much of our history is purely a riot against insignificance? How much blood spilled, temples built, statues carved, wars fought and lost and won and bones buried to prove we were here? How much of the past is just a teenaged nobody screaming that something happened here, something mattered here. How much time do we spend begging our descendants to listen to us? 
There is something violent about fading out of existence. There is peace in it too. Aristotle will never rest, and Shakespeare will be studied by people he never knew until the world ends. 
What is more cruel? To be forgotten or remembered? 
I don’t know who i’m talking to. 
One day the sun will cave in on itself. One day we will fall through a crease in the center of the galaxy. Nothing is immortal. Why do we beg for it to be? 
I don’t know who I’m talking to. None of us do. We talk anyway.
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
Thank you @countesspetofi for tagging me to share my 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms!
(Cuz adhd im just gonna not rank, just a random assortment of my obsessions)
Pam Poovey (Archer)
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Pam saved me from a bad relationship so ill always love her. Im basically Pam irl but classier and not as physically tough (also shes literally fucked everything and everyone on the show minus ray, not for not trying, so shes cooler than me). She says the most inappropriate things (as above) but she tells it like it is
Jane (from Daria)
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Jane was so cool. Jane is more who i am as an adult vs as a teen, as a teen i was all sourpuss daria wishing i was quinn. She has some of the best lines in the show, she always rebelled against authority, and was just a bamf. I love her
Lisa Simpson (the Simpsons)
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Cant tell im an animation geek? While simpson finally lost me in s33 but Lisa raised me. Im not sure i could ever meet Yeardley Smith, id prbly snot cry
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I love him. Hes a damaged hottie whos a murder and a softie (much like Guillermo). I cried when he was in the blanket for. Taika seems to be immensely annoying as a person rn (blackfish wife and not apologizing for terf ass shit from 2013-14) but ill always love his acting in this. Thanks Kayvan for teaching me to separate the character from the actor
Miss Fisher (Miss Fisher)
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I dunno why i took so damn long to watch this show given i love feminists, 1920s, and sassiness. She is the og bamf. And id kill for any part of her wardrobe
Val (Uncle)
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Val is so awesome (nvm gorgeous con o neill with his titties out owning a male strip club and being a good dad). Val isnt a main character and you can tell by the end they were figuring reasons to keep him (Val identifies as male) around. His relationship with Andy is really great too. Starts out pure hatred, for bothering his daughter (Andy’s ex). Ends with them being good buds
Laszlo Cravensworth (WWDITS)
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Much like ofmd this list could be pure wwdits if not per fandom. Im going with Laszlo. Id fuck him today. Id also fuck matt berry today good god that man is sexy af. Believe it or not pre wwdits i hadnt really heard of him (i hate it and im american so most of it passed me by). Hes a good dad, unlike nandor he found a way to grow even if small. Hes a loving husband, and beyond that he doesnt give a fuck about anyone. Just fucking and sucking, loving his wife and his son
Franklin Sherman (The Critic) (shame on tumblr having no gif)
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Franklin is what u get when u mash Frank Reynolds with Pam Poovey. The Critic was a brief but shining star and its Simpsons crossover gave us some great lines. Franklin was rich as piss, former govenor of new york, and completely well despite being a weirdo (theyd tell ppl he had a stroke to explain his personality like nandor). I love Franklin
Peter (The Great)
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I call The Great straight Ofmd. Same loose history as ofmd about Catherine the Great. Irl she killed Peter. In the show she imprisons him. He starts as an enemy and does shit as dumb as Nandor (kills her lover cuz she actually loved him despite peter fucking everything). BUT then he takes a Laszlo turn: hes deeply excited to be a dad and is actually a good dad to the point other rich ppl are like ew wtf? Hes also extremely wtf?
Roger Smith (American Dad)
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Wonder why Guillermo doesnt bother me? Been watching this dude since 2005. Hes an alien the smiths take in while playing every gender and sexuality he can think of (to the point the world falls apart without him unless the illuminati have killed him). Hes also a serial killer, commits many acts of violence, says he hates sex back home on his planet cuz its ‘all consensual.’ Hes also fucked and been many celebrities real and imagined
I dont think i got 10 active mutuals on here but ill try a few: @hotdiggitydollie @pundromeda @liliam4066 @cookinguptales @mulderscully @ritahayworrth @elite-earthbender
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vvh0adie · 5 months
ngl chaeok from gyeongseong creature should be in a sapphic relationship (maybe bisexual poly?)
ugh idk (stick with me)
maybe i would feel different if her love story wasn’t unfolded in the course of three episodes
like that’s all it took for them to fall in love?
is it the demisexual/romantic in me? cuz i feel like to should have been slower😭
i say this because on the surface level her archetype is just a butch lesbian (i don’t think that’s a good thing cuz there’s obviously more complexity to butch/studs)
it felt forced but the writers had to force shit for a miniseries
but i was also thinking of those times when she was more fem presenting in terms of clothing and she seemed comfortable
so then i’m like could it be that since she had such a hard ass life she wasn’t afforded that? cuz when you take that into consideration that’s a common thing with WOC when faced with colonialism
in order to not fit in with the status quo and do revolutionary work she is stripped of that by design cuz she and her father could have very well decided that the missing people where pointless and became somebody like taesang
they had become dirty sleuths which in a way proves the japanese ill conceived notions about koreans “right” but it also gives koreans an upper hand because if someone already expects something of you then you have nothing to loses. you are free from respectability politics and that makes wanting freedoms much more valuable to you
cuz take taesang, although korean, he tried to assimilate and this man was really worried about losing material things at first instead of not having his freedom because he was so caught up in appearances. “if they think i’m one of them, they won’t hurt me.” WRONG. THE JAPANESE HURT EACH OTHER POOKIE😭
but i will say that doesn’t negate his trauma. he was trying to survive by playing capitalism’s game when it wasn’t designed for him. hell its not even in the japanese best interest either.
do yall see how much chaeok and jungwon kept putting their lives at risks? they did not give two fucks. it’s either freedom or die trying.
so like before she was a sleuthy butch, a lot of her flashbacks are her in traditional hanbok but also she never comments on not feeling uncomfortable in her baby blue pants suit when they infiltrate the hospital.
had they flushed out her character more in that regard, that would have actually made a conversation with taesang about
“do you not enjoy nice things?”
“yeah, but i would have preferred the suit.”
cuz let’s be honest, i was not feeling the love radiate off taesang until he was crying over her dead body. like yeah he saved her a couple times.
but also the whole hand holding thing😭 SHE DID NOT INITIATE AT ALL and had that man sweating about if he should hold her hand. I THOUGHT YALL WAS IN LOVE. YOU CANT EVEN HOLD A BITCH HAND. WE ARE AT THE FINAL HOUR!!!
but back to chaeok. her father made taesang promise to take care of her and provide a life that wasn’t sleuthing. basically he said “give my daughter a soft life.”
we can’t deny that taesang is a traditional man. he would have her dressed in the finest clothes. she would not have to walk around like a hard ass man anymore.
but i’m stuck at a cross roads where i’m like i see the potential for her to be butch but also keep femme. and i also see potential for her to have something meaningful with taesang but also a woman
in black culture we have stems (stud + femme) so that’s how i imagine her
but really none of this matters because honestly i don’t even think there should have been romance in this at all or at least not as heavily. (the ending pissed me off, they just opened the tropes chest and grabbed shit)
i wonder why they felt nobody would want to watch the show without a romance. it’s a historical fiction with so much history, it could have done without.
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joligarcon · 1 year
i cant possibly go over every single thing that bothers me about the whole hogwarts legacy debacle but one of the most annoying and hurtful things about it is the way cis people are seemingly incapable of Not making it about themselves and whether they are Good or Bad people for buying the game and playing it. like has it ever occurred to them that not everything in the world is about them? that maybe its not about whether they get to be Good People and feel like Good People or whether they are Ontologically Evil No Matter What? that maybe i have better things to do then to waste my fucking time and energy reassuring them that they are Good or convincing them that they are Bad? that maybe just maybe this is about the IMPACT of what they are doing when they line the pockets of one of the most notorious transphobes in recent history and help her maintain cultural relevancy by continuing to engage with her creative property? because yeah, when you do that, you ARE contributing to a culture of transphobia, and you ARE complicit, because JKR isn't some rando celebrity with views that happen to be problematic, she is literally using her money and influence to empower shitheads who have the means to strip us of our human rights, and to normalize their transphobia as well as that of the public who remains passive and complicit at best. and if me saying that makes you feel guilty or like i'm calling you a bad person, maybe sit down and reflect on it for a bit. because what you're experiencing is called cognitive dissonance and it's not my fucking problem to deal with. and if you're still going to play the game in spite of all of that, at LEAST have the decency to do it in secrecy and shame and not come begging your trans friends and acquaintances for validation that youre still Totally A Good Ally uwu because i promise you we don't care to listen to you justify why the nazi terf game is Fine Actually and that youre Totally Engaging With It Non-Problematically we really truly dont. trans people aren't the catholic church, we aren't here to give out indulgences. so either play another game or fuck off.
all of this applies to your jewish pals too btw, they don't want to hear about it either. because yeah, apparently it wasn't enough for JKR to be a terf, she also had to be a raging antisemite to spice things up!!
i dealt with cognitive dissonance and a LOT of guilt before i went vegan so it's not like i don't know what thats like. but you know what i did? i boycotted animal products instead of making it everybody's problem. i was privileged enough to have the option not to fund animal abuse so i stopped doing it. and i'm not saying i'm a bastion of animal rights and good virtue, quite the contrary. i know i'm not actually doing anything amazing by simply Eating Different Food, but that's kind of my point. even with just that the stakes were much higher than with a video game boycott- i had to give up the food that had kept me alive for 20 years. whereas with a video game there are NO stakes at all, you're not actually sacrificing anything by not playing it but yall cant even fucking do that. you don't need any level of privilege whatsoever to partake in the boycott and yet. it just makes me think yall are the absolute lousiest people on earth if you cant even bring yourselves to do 1/10th of the lousy stuff ive been doing for other causes because "but my childhood uwu"
it hurts so much because it feels like betrayal. or rather thats straight up what it is. thing whole thing sheds an ugly, ugly light on the pervasiveness of performative allyship and it makes me think the future of the trans rights movement is looking bleak as FUCK if all our supposed "allies" are willing to abandon us over a video game. a fucking video game.
and maybe some people just dont realize the extent to which JKR has a direct impact on the state of human rights for trans people and they think shes just a kooky problematic fave but i don't think that's an excuse either because we have been SCREAMING at you guys for YEARS about what kind of person she is and what she does so at this point if you're still not aware it's like, where the fuck have you been?
i just. i just cant wait until the day we move on from harry potter as a society and let it and JKR fade into obscurity forever. im sick and tired of having to hear and talk about her.
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butch-bakugo · 2 years
I mean... This whole "issue" of people using names of cultures they dont belong to dose have some merit. Like i get that you dont want someone appropriating cultures or fetishizing others or using things they dont understand and i fully agree
It comes from 4 weird places. First off, you cant just assume someone isnt a part of the culture their using the name from. Like people can look nothing like some of their races and you habe no idea what culture someone could of been adopted into and raised in. You have no right to tell someone who isnt ethnically/racially chinese who was raised in chinese culture after being adopted by chinese parents that they cant connect with the culture they were raised in. Ur a fucking idiot.
2nd off, dont just assume anyone who uses a name from a different culture is doing so unknowingly, fetishly, appropriatively or without full comprehension. Like idk man, some people are actually informed and know the origins of the name they want to go by. Some people can genuinely like a name and culture and it dosent make them a "fetishist" if they are respectful. Names are not an appropriative property. You cant pretend your something just by having a name outside of your culture/race. There are many bellas in the world and no one automatically assumes they're italian. There are many levis(oh look! The name most people know me as and is listed as my main name!) And no one assumes they're Hebrew/jewish. To automatically assume anyone who uses a name is an idiot and dosent know its origins or meaning is very pretentious. You dont know that person. You dont know their life or their amount of research, if done at all.
3rdly. This is the internet. Who gives an actual shit??? What fucking sociopath in 2022 gose by their actual irl name on the internet? Thats how you die. Thats how you get swatted and doxed. Its so dangerous to go by your legal name on the internet. Not to mention that names on the internet mean fuck-all. Anyone could be behind the screen of any gender, sex, ethnicity, culture, history, etc and you have no idea if they are what they say they are. An internet persona is a mirage and you have no proof or idea if any info ive said about myself is correct, hell, you have no clue if any info anyone on the internet said about themselves is correct.
Given, for clarities sake, I'm not lieing about the shit ive been through or what i am. Thats a pretty elaborate, complex and detailed lie to keep up and id perfer to not give myself the stress associated with that.\gen
But seriously. I could actually be asian. Or not. I could be an a.i for all you know. Cut the crap, you dont genuienly care who uses what name from what culture. The only people who care are American white liberals with brainrot.
4th and most importantly, and imma put on big text for this cause its real fuckin important
The idea that people can/should only use names from the cultures they originated from is based in ethnic cleansing and segregation.
It was made to make the "enemy"(see:poc) visable. To notice them on job applications or in doctors offices. The idea is if they feel they must name their child by their culture that they can be more easily spotted then oppressed. So many poc parents, especially those who are black or immegrants, admit to choosing to give their babies whiter names so they are less likely to be picked on and more easily blend into english and/or American society. By taking away the notion that "x culture sounding name means your automatically x", we take away the power of assocation that racists rely on. We remove the assumptions and force people to be more racially open and aware.
Im not saying names should be completely stripped of their culture significance,obvs but saying "black people can only have black names and white people can only have white names and asian people can only have asian names" sounds racist as fuck to me. Sounds segregative, isolating and like some half hearted attempt at "ethnic name-al purity" which is gross. Its like assigning genders to clothes or pronouns to objects, it makes no sense to force it to only be one thing when it is innate.
Thats my more in-depth take and i utterly refuse to acknowledge this stupid conversation again. Seriously. Saying "only x people can have x cultural names or else your a fetishizing appropriative racist" is fucking stupid and weird and have some racistly sterotypical undertones all delivered by a as usual, white knight, someone who has no say in the game.
Your free to disagree but i speak as a native american and inuit person that i Litterally dont give a shit if someone uses cherokee or inuk names as long as their informed and respectful to its origins. And neither should you for any race as names are no exception,
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I am here to ask about the 2b2t headcanons (as somebody who actually played there 4 years ago and on other servers like 9b9t, 0b0t and constantiam) because it absolutely will piss off some people and that's always funny
so i have a lot but therye very scattered and not always the most important. the main cool headcanon i have about 2b2t stuff actually ist directly 2b related, its hack client related and how i speciffically made it so a hack client would function in a for realistic written setting.
so the tldr of it is that it becomes fucked up magic tattoos.
so basically, hack clients are enchantments for a living person, tattoo ink with lapis for stability and whatever goo is inside bottles of enchanting. they can really fuck up your player code (weird mix of like. dna and your soul) if you do it wrong or even just is you use it a lot. like overclocking a computer but its your soul and weird magic.
obviously not everything in a client is actually like, translatable into a written setting (like how the hell are you supposed to turn anti afk into a real world thing anyways) but yknow, a surprising amount can be. now bc theyre tattoos you can kinda pick and choose which ones you want, and i have a little bit of lore for the tattoos themselves, which is that obv hack clients are banned in a lot of places, so if youre trying to hack on say, hypixel, your would have your client hidden in the designs of a normal tattoo. also jsut cause its cool the different runes of the client glow depending on which ones are in use. this is optional ultimately but it looks sick so... why wouldnt you?
i have other lore also! so obv 2b players go through lots of totems, and theres a common headcanon of popping totems giving you gold scars and slash or a strip of gold hair, so my headcanon basically is that its really common for 2b players to appear to be blond. they have full heads of totem gold hair and its equally common for folks to dye it. some folks like to show it off as a mark of survival, some like to hide it so its hard to tell theyre from 2b or so you cant tell how many totems theyve popped, or just cause they like a different look. its also an easy way to tell new players from older players, because if youre walking around with their actual natural haircolor and only a strip or two of gold they obviously havent been here long. some folks have the gold scars and some dont, thats more of a personal design preference, i tend to say the combined regen from the totems and from everyone chugging god apples tends to wipe the worst of them away
beyond that, honestly its mostly just a matter of taking existing 2b2t history and culture and tweaking it to for a less videogamey setting. honestly one day id lost to run a oneshot of something with 2b as the setting. theres the obvious stuff like melons and signs on highways, though the melons make more sense now bc theyve been specifically bred over the years to still grow in absolutely dogshit conditions from lack of water to salt water, freezing weather, little, poor, or otherwise nasty soil (i imagine a lot of earth in the greater spawn region is unusable due to withering and explosives), while still providing ample fruit for wandering souls.
its also of course, kinda hard to turn things like backdoor drama and nocom into written lore, and thats something im currently working on but well. i havent needed it for lore so its been on the backburner.
i think culturally, theres not too much knowledge about 2b2t outside of anarchy circles, though i think theres probably enough for there to be occasional suspicious about it if youre like. naturally blond and have a sleeve, not that most folks would say anything.
more 2b2t things, i think like, 2b2t 'fashion' tends to learn toward things that are durable and easy to move in, less about looking good, but looking good is a bit of a status symbol. if youre wearing delicate clothes, things you cant/shoulder get dirty like suits and silks and the like, then like, youre doin good if those things are clean and intact. kinda the same with jewelry, its mostly just a statement about yourself rather than a show of wealth, it shows youre doing well enough you can take the time to look good rather than survive. cause yknow. rampant inflation bc of duping. also a bit of a statement about clothes being like, if youre in something restrictive like a suit (which is fairly common on skins i notice) it implies youre either good enough at pvp you dont need that extra movement, or that you just dont need/want to pvp. theres also a decent amount of copycatting, trying to dress like well known players but that mostly just outs you as being newer and less experienced.
now actually getting to 2b2t and actually leaving is a little bit harder, ive thought about this a lot and really, in the end it comes down to what the lore youre currently doing is like. the story im in currently doesnt have a server hopping mechanism, everything is just like, places on a map. 2b is almost like... its own dimension? or like the backrooms. you can go there on purpose and leave on purpose, but you can also end up there on accident at times.
i almost imagine 2b2t to be like... a scary story? like a lot of people arent really convinced its real. its like an urban legend almost, a myth kids whisper about at sleepovers after trying to summon bloody mary in a bathroom
i could probably go on about stuff but this is really long tbh
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angstics · 1 year
austin powers vs james bond is my favorite epic rap battles of history. ive got a license to kill you cant even get a learners permit. after 24 films im still reaching new heights your third movie died i guess you only live twice. spell my name the ladies wanna be B ON D any sex appeal you might have is beyond me . you look a lot more blonde in your movies baby that’s alright lets keep it groovy baby YEAH!!! ive never seen such a miserable spy ive also never seen a man with glistening thighs i mean you cant shag properly with that waxed tush . birds flock to the musk of my chest bush YEAH!!! i hypnotize you with a little strip tease then i JUDO CHOP im swinging on you like it’s the sixties YEAH!! you’re like all the sex ive ever had unprotected YEAHH!! maybe q can craft some new plot lines youve made thunderbolt two bloody times! im one of a kind you’re always getting remade you cant touch me DOUBLE OH BEHAVE!! i can’t believe im wasting time with this clown i should be on a island with a fucking model by now sipping dry martinis and peeling off bikinis not rapping against swedish penis pomping weenies (now thats-) I DIDNT SAY I WAS FINISHED im the original model that your frilly ass mimicks . i wouldnt exactly call you the original. ITS THE MOST PROMINENT DOMINANT BOND SO PAY HOMAGE HANDING OUT ASS WHIPPINGS IM ON SOME REAL JAMES BONDAGE I SEE YOUR MODERN GADGETS AND I PISS ON THEM ALL! I DONT NEED A CUE TO BREAK YOUR BALLS (after a decade i finally understand this one). youre so far up my nuts i should call you bond. gold bond. um yeah can i get back to my rap please SLAP rap THESE you velvety hack (jeez..) its the movie business nd youve had your six the world’s got enough rug wearing misogynists. yeah you are a bit rapey i mean i like to swing but dr no means no baby. im a gentleman im DISTINGUISHED if i had a mini me theyd cast peter dinklage or maybe they should cast a bond who’s actually english SLAP WHY PUSSY ARENT YOU THE CUNNING LINGUIST? AS A MATTER OF FACT I GOT A KNACK FOR LICKING OLD CUNTS AFTER I BEAT YOU ILL KICK THE SHIT OUT THE MAN WHO DOES YOUR STUNTS WELL YOU LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE DUCK FACED RUNT IM ALLLL IN IM READY TO DIE ANY DAY THAT YOU WANTTTT WHO WON (WHO WON) WHO’S NEXT (WHO’S NEXT) YOUUUUU YOU DECIDE!!! (DECIDEE)
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