#i feel like i just got hit by a truck but my daughter is ok and that's what matters
slasheru · 3 months
hey guys. normally I wouldn't say anything under any other circumstance but I literally just blew my entire life's credit line & savings on my cat's emergency surgery and I have no fucking clue what to do besides ask for help. She's my best friend in the entire fucking world and I'd do it all again at any point but right now I owe the vet an insane amount of money. I basically owe them $400 a month and I make about $800-$1000 a month so I can't like. you know. eat food or anything any more so any little bit helps!
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themultifandomgal · 8 months
Matt Casey- Fight For Us Pt5
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"Im worried about Matt" I tell Kelly leaning on his desk in his office "he's got all of this anger at the moment"
"Well he nearly hit Voight"
"What when?" I practically yell
"This morning. Said something about him pulling you over. He loves you both so much he'd be willing to go to jail for you. Hell hed probably die for you"
"I know. I just can't wait for this to be over"
"I might have an idea about helping him through the anger.  My buddy as a gym. We could head over there after shift"
"Would be nice for you to talk things through. Ella misses all of us hanging with each other"
"I'll talk with him"
"Ambulance 61, truck 81. Gunshot victim. 25 east halsted street" the alarm sounds. Gabby and I jump into the ambulance and make our way to the victim.
On arrival there's a bunch of cars around honking there horns and yelling. We make our way to the bus where the victim is, but the shooters gone
"Shot to the neck, not breathing, weak pulse" I tell Gabby
"Guys we need your help" she says as Cruz and Mills enter
"Down here will be good" I tell them as they lift the man up. They place him down allowing Gabby and I to get to work. I start doing compressions, but then see blood coming from his mouth "we've got to get an open airway or we're gonna lose him right now"
"Here, open this.
"We can't tube him, too much mouth trauma" Gabby tells me
"All right. Surgical cric" I sigh
"We can't" Gabby says "it's not allowed"
"Either that or he dies Dawson"
"Ok. I'll do it" I nod my head and allow Gabby to get on with it. Mills and Cruz help us to lift him out of the bus and carry him to the ambo
"I'll pick Ella up from school" Matt says. I frown as close the doors
"Ok?" I reply getting into the seat and shutting the door behind me feeling confused since neither of our shifts end till late.
The following day I come home to pick some things up for Ella
"You know maybe we should go away for a while. You me and Ella. You and I both have holiday saved and I'm sure we won't get in to much trouble if we take Ella out of school for a little bit"
"And what about when we get back? What then YN?"
"I..." there a knock at the door which makes us both frown
"Stay there" Matt tells me. I stand in the kitchen listening to the conversation
"Matthew Casey?"
"We have a warrant to search your home"
"We got a tip that says your in possession of cocaine. Eiether we can search your house or you can produce the cocaine" I hear the police officer say. I look around the kitchen and by sheer luck I find a package under the kitchen table, hiding it the best I can in the short amount of time
"By law you can stay in the house as long as you cooperate"
"I'm a fire fighter at 51 my wife is the PIC at 51. We have a daughter. Do we really look like cocaine users to you?"
"If you could please both go and wait in the front room. Now"
"Antonio Dawson. He's a detective in Vice.
He'll tell you we're being harassed by this cop. have Antonio's number on my cell. Will you please just take a second and talk to him?" one of the officers holds her hand out to take Matts phone. A few moments later she comes back handing Matt his phone back telling the other officer were clean. They both leave making my finally breathe. I take out the package and show Matt
"It was under the table. God Ella could have been here when he broke in"
"She wasn't though. Go flush it down the toilet" Matt tells me which I do, but when I return Mary's gone. Probably to Voights to do something stupid.
"I'm sorry" Matt says walking through the door "I'm going to trust the system" I wrap my arms around him letting tears run down my face
"Daddy?" Ella says walking downstairs "daddy why's momma crying?"
"It's happy tears baby. Promise. Why don't you let daddy take you back up to bed"
"I'll read you a story"
"Ok" Ella funds back upstairs with Matt not far behind
"You ok?" Kelly asks
"I will be. Let's hope this doesn't last much longer"
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petra608 · 2 months
I noticed that my Robocar Poli content has been the most popular on Tumblr so I wanted to share my own as human/origin au. I wrote this quite a bit ago on Wattpad and just reposted it on ao3 so forgive me for any bad writing or mistakes. Thank You!
~Trigger Warning~
~Death, suicide, illness, sensitive topics-
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January 26
New York
General Hospital
In the Children's Ward of General Hospital there was a 6 year old boy named Danny. He was lying in his bed with a nasogastric tube in his nose. Danny has been in and out of the hospital for about 4 months suffering from a cancerous brain tumor.  Even after the surgery, even after traveling across the country to get the proper help, even after the radiation therapy, even after they had to shave his long hair off, he still seemed like the happiest kid in the world or at least he pretends to be to make everyone feel better.
His mother, Valerie Cooper, was reading him stories and entertaining him.  His father, David Cooper, has just gotten back from getting him ice chips.  As broken-hearted as they were, they were still determined to make everyday a good day for Danny since they didn't know which one would be his last. But before all hope was lost, the doctor came in with the biggest smile.
"Good news Danny! We got your blood results,  the cancer is officially gone.  You can go home!" The doctor said with glee. 
A wave of relief has washed over Val and David.  He's going to be okay.  There baby boy, is going to be ok!  He can go back to school, and hang out with his friends again, he can live his life the way he deserved to.  They could barely hold back their happy tears.  Danny was happy about being able to go home he couldn't contain the excitement. 
"So, when can we take him home?" Valerie asked
"That's the thing, you can take him home today!" The doctor answered
And that's what they did.  They quickly got there stuff together and Danny got to ring the bell saying he completed his treatment.  The hospital staff all clapped for him and on their way out one staff member gave Danny a high five. 
On their drive home, they were so happy that all of this was behind them and they can look forward to the future.  Danny was bouncing and being a little goofball in the back.  His mother was in the front seat and playing with him and the dad, the dad just looked at him through the rear view mirror.  He was just so relieved that everything was going to be ok.  That he wasn't going to lose his son.  He just thought about how Danny was going to be able to live a full, long, life.  He didn't need to worry about not waking up the next morning.  He was going to be ok. 
Everything was going to be ok. 
...or so he thought. 
That's when the truck came.  It all happened so fast, nobody had time to react.  The truck hit their car on the side where Danny and David were.  Both cars stopped moving shortly after the collision but it was still really bad, and messy.  Nobody in the car was moving, the driver of the truck called the police and help arrived 5 minutes later. 
The ambulance rushed to the hospital.  The same hospital Danny was just discharged from.  As the family was rushed inside the staff saw them and were just, heartbroken.  It's truly heartbreaking seeing an innocent kid, that was just discharged, back in the hospital, the same day! 
All the Doctors and Nurses did everything they could to save them, to keep them alive.  But it was all for nothing.  Danny didn't make it.  Neither did David.  But Valerie did, however she still lost her husband and her own son.  And she'd have to live with that. 
One Week Later
"Come on sweetie, would you please come out?"
Valerie's father, Mr Musty, had come to visit her after the accident,  with Valerie so distraught, she couldn't take care of her daughter, Who was with her grandfather the day of the accident. 
Maggie was her name, but everyone called her Mini.  She was barely 5 and just lost her father and her only brother.  She, surprisingly, took it a lot better than Valerie did, but she's probably still to young to fully understand what has happened.
"Can you at least let me in" Musty has been trying to talk to Valerie for over an hour. It's been days since she last stepped foot outside of the master bedroom
Valerie hasn't said a thing. Normally, Musty would just let her be since she is still grieving but something didn't feel right. He decided to open the door himself and check on her. He checked the bedroom but she was nowhere to be seen. So he went to check the master bathroom. As he got closer to the bathroom he could see the door was slightly open. When he pushed it open he saw his daughter. On the floor. With an empty pill bottle next to her.
With panic in his eyes, he knelt down to check her pulse. He needed to call for help. He also needed to keep Mini from seeing this. Mini already lost so much she didn't need to lose anyone else.
So, help arrived and rushed her to the hospital. Musty had to stay behind to take care of Mini. He didn't know how he was going to tell what was happening. And if they aren't able to save Val, how is he going to tell Mini she has lost her mother too? Even if she does make it, she is probably gonna have to go to a Mental Hospital to get better so this doesn't happen again. Either way, Mini is going to suffer from this.
Thankfully, she was ok. Bad news is she does have to go to a Mental Hospital. And the closes one is a few towns over.
That means Mr. Musty has been left with Mini. Besides her mom, she has no other family that's able to take care of her. Musty lives in the city, that's where his business is, that's where Mini would be safest because the city he's from has a far better first-responders than BroomsTown does. But if he moves Mini, then she would be losing her friends and have to start a new school and all of this is just to much for her after everything that has happened. So, he ignored all his doubts, and decided to move to BroomsTown with Mini. That seems like the bast decision.
2 Months Later
Mr. Musty has been Taking care of Mini ever since the incident with Valerie and it has been getting difficult. In BroomsTown it is very common for kids to be running around town without adults. Mini is always run around with her friends and Musty has some trouble keeping an eye on her. He couldn't always keep up with her since he has to use a cane whenever he has to walk any long distances.  This has caused Musty to worry about her safety a little to often. 
As a distraction, Mr. Musty went out to lunch, he is currently waiting at the park for some old friends of his. 
"Hey, Old Guy!" Mr. Musty had heard from someone behind him.  When Musty turned to see who it was, he saw his friend, Hudson. Hudson and Mr. Musty had been friends since freshman year of college and were currently business partners for an insurance company back in the city.
"Hudson!  How have you been old friend?" Musty say as he goes to shake Hudson's hand.
"Why I'm doing well friend," Hudson replied
M "That's good to hear, and the business?"
H "The business is fine. Don't you trust me?"
M "of course I do, I didn't mean anything by it-"
H "Relax Musty, I was only kidding...are you alright?"
M "Yes, it's just that a lot has happened this past year and it's just hard to process.."
A moment of silence between the two before another man had broke said silence.
"Sorry I'm late you two, their was a problem at the store."
M "Mr. Wheeler! It's no problem, it's just good to see you."
W "..and it's good to see you out and about, how are you and Mini holding up?"
M "I'm fine and Mini is taking everything a lot better than I thought."
H "where is the little pipsqueak anyway?"
M "oh Mini is running around town with her friends... which, Mr. Wheeler I must ask, is it safe for kids to be running around town unsupervised like that?"
W "oh of course! It happens all the time.  I kids are almost always safe running around town by themselves."
M "almost?"
W "Well.. Due to the recent budget cuts to the towns first responders, accidents are becoming more..frequent."
With that there was another pause washed over the group as worry had start to overcome Musty once again.
"I'm sure Mini is fine." Hudson says in a reassuring tone
M "I know, I need to get my mind of this. Hudson, how is your granddaughter doing?"
H "Jin? She's doing well, she has gotten a new job in the city."
W "A job? I swear it was just yesterday that Jin had you running around town playing 'rescue',"
M "rescue?"
H "do you not remember?  Jin and I would make some sort of rescue team and 'save people'. I think she got you involved as a 'medic' one time."
W "kids grow up so fast don't they?"
Hudson and Wheeler had continued their small talk while Musty had gotten lost in thought. 'A Rescue Team?'
A Couple Days Later
Its been a couple days since the three men had lunch. Musty had went MIA and Hudson thought it would be best to check up on him.  That's how he found himself knocking on Mr. Musty's  door.  When nobody answered the door, Hudson had tried opening the door and was successful. 
"Musty?" Hudson yells out as he walks into the house.  "I find it funny how you complain about Mini's safety but still left your door unlocked."
"Hudson!" Mini yells out as she runs up and hugs the old man. 
H "It's good to see you munchkin.  How have you been?"
Mi "I've been great! I've made a new friend!  And I saw a grasshopper!  It had lost it legs.  My friend stepped on it.  Then a cat came and ate it- speaking of which,  why don't you come over anymore?"
H "Oh my god.  Your right.  I have betrayed you by not coming over more.  Please forgive me your majesty..".
Mi "....your a drama Queen."
H "I'm a drama Queen!?  Your one to talk little lady."
Mi "well I get away with it because I'm cute!"
H "...Touché"
H "where is your grandpa anyway?"
Mi "he's in his office,  he has been in his office a lot recently."
H "Has he been ignoring you?"
"no, he comes out when he needs to.  Besides I get to eat all the cookies I want when he's busy."  Mini say as she runs off to Musty's office.
"That's my girl." Hudson say with a chuckle as he follows her. 
A couple seconds later Hudson is walking into Musty's office, looking for the old man.  The office has a warm and cozy feeling when you enter.  A fireplace sits on the back wall with bookshelves on either side of it.  The Office also has a big desk, the top covered in papers. Musty is currently sat at the behind the desk looking down at the papers.  "Musty?", he calls out, closing the door behind him. 
The sound of his name caused Musty to look up for his current work and stand.  "Hudson? What are you doing here?" Musty had said as he made us way around the desk and towards Hudson. 
"I haven't heard from you, I just wanted to make sure you were ok."
"Oh.  I'm sorry I've been busy."  Musty says as he walks back to the desk and starts gathering some papers. 
"What are you doing?" Hudson asked taking a few steps towards him. 
"..When we were at lunch the other day you mentioned that game you and Jin use to play, and it gave me an idea.  I thought of a way for the town to get the first responders it needs, but in a more affordable way."  Musty says grabbing some folders and starts walking back towards Hudson again.  "I have already thought of a few that are perfect for the job."
"Roy Williams,  he is a firefighter in a nearby town.  I'm friends with his family, I've seen how he works and I'd say he is the best at that station." Musty says handing Hudson a folder with 'Roy Williams' on the tab. 
The Musty hands Hudson the other file he is holding and starts to speak again.  "Amber Smith, she is a doctor in New York.  She helped treat my grandson before he passed.  She's great at her job and kids love her."
"And with you consent, I'd like to get Jin involved with this too."  Musty says walking back to his desk. "Her skills with tech could really help this team." 
"I still need to find a few more people but I have everything planned out." Musty takes a pause "..so what do you think?"
Hudson glances at the folders he was handed and takes a second to process what was just said.  "Are you sure about this? I mean, what if one of these people aren't good enough for the job? Or what if this whole project blows up in your face and you have wasted your money and time?  I'm not saying it's a bad idea I'm just asking if your sure about this?" 
Musty takes a second to answer, looking over the papers on his desk.  "I'm confident that this will work." 
Hudson let's put a sigh.  "...your a crazy old man.  But I support you."
Next Day
Mayor's Office
Mayor Renolds was the Mayor of BroomsTown.  He was currently in his office checking over records.  The office was basic and cold, no personality could be seen in this office.  As he was was going through the records he heard a knock on his offices door.
"Come in"
Mr. Musty had walked into the office and was now walking to the desk the mayor was sitting at. Causing Mayor Renolds to look up.
"Musty. Back so soon. Should've known you'd be back to complain about something." Mayor Renolds says coldly, putting his work away. "What can I do for you this time?"
"I heard you cut back on the town first responders, is that true?"
"Yes. Mr. Musty it is true. The town's funds are getting low and we couldn't afford it."
"Are you sure that was wise? The town needs their first responders."
"What do you expect me to do? Unless you have a better idea, this visit was pointless."
"That's why I'm here, I have a proposition for you."
"What are you going on about Musty?"
"I came up with a way for the town to get the first responders and the protection it need, but more affordable for a town of our size."
Mayor Renolds lays out a sigh and adjusts his glasses. "Alright. I'll humor you"
"what was this idea of yours?"
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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A bit later, after Athena and Akva went back inside, they caught Paisley on the couch, looking devastated. Nobody else was inside, June and Damian were playing with little Swati in the kiddie pool, so what was she doing here?
Akva: Paisley? Paisley: I’m a horrible person. Akva: Why? What’s going on. Paisley: It’s just...I’m now realizing I’m setting up my daughter to hate herself one day. Akva: Once again, why? Paisley: Well, you know, it’s no secret I had a lot of plastic surgery. I hated myself growing up, and the worst part is I looked perfectly fine. I’m not saying I regret it, but that’s an awful example to give to Saraswati. I hated my curly hair, and the only reason I cut my hair and don’t straightened them anymore is because, and I am not joking, I got a chewing-gum stuck in them a few weeks ago. Everything about me is fake, even my legal name is Peneloppe, I just go by Paisley cause I constantly got called Penis-slope as a kid.  Athena: Well, according to me, if someone doesn’t like their name, they should be allowed to just change it...Maybe I think that because my parents named me fucking Sanjayson when my older sisters are named Asha and Phoebe but you know...I don’t think it should be controversial of a take.
Not only that, but having a lot of surgeries for purely cosmetic purposes was one thing, but then, she had to have surgery for health purposes, and it hit her like a truck she used to go below the knife so often.
Paisley: Like...I’m not actually infertile. I’m sterile, I don’t have a uterus anymore. I have never told my audience so far, I don’t feel comfortable revealing it publicly. Athena: Holy fuck, how??? Akva: You could have asked that in a more tasteful way. Paisley: It’s fine, you can know, I adopted your kid after all because of that. In short, I found out I have endometriosis in my late teen. But then, it got so bad I was nonfunctional, which is why I took an hiatus in 2018. As a last resort, I had to get a total hysterectomy, and no joke, the gyno said it was the worst case she had ever seen in her 30 years career. I’m as barren as they come, no womb, no ovaries, nothing. In my family, women tend to have a lot of kids and as soon as they get married, which you can guess as I got married at 21, tends to happen pretty young. And here I am, 27 years old and unable to to that. I feel like a failure of a woman. Akva: It’s ok Paisley, you’re not a failure, it’s not your fault. And you’re an amazing mom for Saraswati and I know you’ll stay one. Athena: And we were talking about that outside, there is more to being a woman than the ability to have babies! Paisley: You’re a guy, stays out of this please. Athena: Yeah um...I have an annoucement to make...
That was a strange surreal feeling, seeing the vulnerable side of the girl who tried so hard to be the wellness influencer with a perfect life online. Also weird to see that all three of them were not so different after all.
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whenmondaycomes · 2 years
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Victoria had just picked up Faye from her Mom's, because Walter had just got a new lead in his case, when the accident happened. She had looked away from the road for half a second, to talk to Faye, when impact happened. "Watch out!", Faye shouted right before the back drivers side of Victoria's car was hit. The car spun off the road until it finally stopped after hitting a tree.
Walter's POV
I had just gotten out of the interrogation room when Harper told me he needed to talk to me. "Yeah?", I asked. Harper sigh then said "There's been an accident.", he said with concern in his voice. "You mean like a car accident? That's not really in my area of expertise.", I said. "I know, but I just got a call from officers on the scene and they got the names of the victims.", Harper said. Then with a concerned and, slightly sad expression, he said "Victoria and Faye were in one of the cars." "What!", i yelled before running out of the building and getting in my truck. Once I got the location of the accident I drove like a bat outta hell.
Normal POV
Once Walter arrived, and he saw the state of the car, he yelled. Then he noticed Faye sitting in the back of an ambulance covered by a shock blanket. He ran to his daughter, who started to bawl her eyes out when she saw him. "Dad!", she yelled. Walter gave his daughter a big hug before asking where his fiancee was. "She was just taken to the hospital, they said that she took the brunt of it Dad.", Faye sobbed. Walter started crying when he heard that. His baby, the love of his life, took the brunt of the accident. 'She must be in so much pain.' He thought. Faye informed her father that she had already called Angie, Faye's Mother, so Faye wouldn't be alone while Walter stayed with Victoria. After kissing his daughter's forehead he went to speak with a paramedic still on the scene. "What are Faye and Victoria's injuries?", he asked. He was afraid of the answer, but knew that he needed to know to prepare himself to make sure that both of his girls are able to be healthy again. "Miss Marshall has a broken wrist and a minor concussion. We don't know all of Miss Schneider's injuries yet, but when we found her, she was unconscious, which tells us that she most likely has a concussion too. She also had lacerations from the seatbelt when the car hit the tree and stopped. She was stabbed by a piece of metal as well. That and her concussion were her most serious injuries so my colleagues rushed her to the hospital. That's all the information I have Detective Marshall. Sorry.", the paramedic said before getting Faye into the ambulance. Walter got back into his truck and followed them to the hospital. He waited in the waiting room for an hour and a half when a doctor came out. "Anyone here for Victoria Schneider?", the doctor asked. "Me.", Walter said as he shot up out of his chair. " How is she?", he asked. "She's recovering. We were able to stop the bleeding from the wound. She's gonna be just fine Detective." Walter let out a sigh of relief. Angie had arrived 45 minutes after he did, so she was with Faye, and his woman was gonna be ok. He felt so grateful. "Can I see her?", Walter asked. The doctor nodded his head and motioned for Marshall to follow him. He got to the door and opened it and went right to Vicky's bedside.
Victoria's POV
I woke up to the sound of beeping and my mouth feeling dry. I felt a weight in my right hand, and when I turned my head I saw my fiance. He had his head down so I moved my fingers to let him know I was awake. "Oh, thank God. How are you feeling baby?", Walter asked. I motioned to my throat with my other hand. Walter understood and grab the cup of water on the table by the bed and tipped it towards my lips. "Don't drink too fast", he said gently. After I had enough he put the water back on the table and sat back down. "What happened", I croaked out. Walter sighed. "You had an accident. The other driver was drunk and swerved over the lane. When you tried to swerve out of the way, he hit the back drivers side and you spun out. You kept spinning until you hit a tree.", Walter explained. " is everyone ok? Where's Faye?", I asked, feeling panicked. "Faye's fine. You were the most injured actually.", Walter said. "What about the other driver.", I asked. "They're fine. Gonna go away for a long time, I'll make sure of it, but they didn't get hurt that badly.", Walter growled. "I love you", I whispered. "I love you too baby.", Walter said affectionately. He didn't leave my side even after I got released. He's the best man I could ever ask for. I'm so grateful.
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inajahteyahking · 6 months
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dearwriting · 8 months
Abigail's pancakes
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Just breathe, it’s fine, everything’s going to be Just fine.
 Maybe I’ll just throw it out. Yeah, Yup that’s what I’ll do. Throw it out. The Garbage truck will pass by later and they’ll deal with it. And all those memories will be out of my life for good.
“MOM!” “The pancakes are burning!” I turn around quickly, to see my 6 year old daughter, almost 7 in a few months,  Abigail. Gosh, they grow up so fast, Don’t they? “Umm. The pancakes”?
 “Oh shit”
 I grab the hot pan and throw it into the sink. Welp, there goes breakfast. So much for mother of the year. Opening the pantry, I see a box of brown sugar pop tarts and hand it to Abby. “Here, Just eat this fast and get dressed. Or we’re going to be late for soccer practice.”
“I’m already dressed.”
“Ok, then let’s get going.”
“ Get 50% off on your next purchase. Older online or in Stores!!! Sale ends Soon!!!”
My body jolts up. U know what they say when u get older your body starts to feel like u just got hit by a truck. I rub one of my hands on my face. Oh great, I forgot I was wearing mascara. Now I’m going to look like a raccoon.
After turning off the TV, I go to reach for my phone in my pocket. I must’ve misplaced it. I walk to the cabinet and pour myself a glass of water. Damn, that must have been one good nap, if I’m this thirsty. I put the glass into the sink and see the pan from earlier.
Then it hits me. I forgot to throw it out. Maybe this is a sign, I should just keep it. Maybe It’s time I look through it. No. But it’s like my body is on autopilot and it leads me upstairs to the hallway closet. I reach for the light, Damn, I make a mental note that I have to get  new light bulbs, these are fading. 
In the corner, I see it, the chest,  and in some way it reminds me of why I tucked it away all those years ago. Fuck it, now or never, Just breathe. I reach for it and lay it down at my feet. I get down on my knees because if I keep standing, my legs will give out.
 I brush my hands against the brown leather straps that have slowly faded throughout time. I pull at the golden latch and I hear the click and I just can’t do it. I look up and start praying to that stupid ugly, yellow colored lightbulb. So much for 50% off.
I open it and look down into it and then I see a picture of my little Abigail, who was 6 almost 7 years, sitting on the couch, eating her pancakes, smiling back at me.
All I hear is silence now. Wait, no. There’s beeping. I see the smoke. I lift my head up, I can feel something warm dripping down my face, I reach my hand up and see its blood. I look up at the car mirror and I see her. She looks like she’s sleeping. Did practice tire her out? 
“MISS! U ALRIGHT!” a man shouts. Why is he so loud? My head is spinning. He better not wake Abby up, she seems tired.
“Don’t worry Miss. Help is on the way.”
Help. It never came fast enough. Abby stayed asleep. It’s been 10 years now.  My therapist says that I should try to move on and keep her memory alive. But how? I’ll tell you how. I wrap a photo of my happiest memory of her in her baby blue blanket and tucked her away.
And then I just breathe. It's fine. Everything’s going to be just fine.
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6/15/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Psalm 134, Psalm 146 - 150
Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I’m China. Today is the 15th day of June, welcome. So glad that you are here today. We get to read the word of the Lord together. Today we are doing a very small light bounce and this Psalms. We're in Psalm 134 and Psalm 146 through 150 and we continue on with the Christian Standard Bible for this week.
And this is, this Psalms just like make me so excited And I'm like, yes, my soul, praise the Lord. I’ll praise the Lord all my life. I'll sing to my God as long as I live. And you know, we can read all these things and we're like, OK, like can't super relate to that. That's not what's going on in my life. That's not what's going on in today's time. But, I can claim this as goodness and truth because this was true. This was somebody else's story. And if you can't think of one, then yeah, absolutely. Like, cling on to the word of God for sure. But I feel like once we can just start with is something simple yet so profound is like, God, I'm alive today. Thank you for another day. I praise you for that, because you're the one who wakes us up. God, you're the one who gives us breath in our lungs. I praise you that I have, You know, just start going over the things that you're really thankful for that could only be the Lord's hand. And just start seeing what comes out of your mouth and seeing what that shifts and changes and you know. I've started to get into a practice, a routine. I heard it from something that was just so encouraging, where it was like he practices thankfulness, like naming things he's thankful for 70 times a day and you know, he worked his way up there. But he was just talking about like it's you can't Like you can sometimes come up with 70 things and sometimes you can't always, you know, But you just start thinking of the the practice is is to put you into practice thankfulness and gratitude and to praise the Lord. And you know as I was thinking about this. I was thinking about like, no, what was the last thing that I really praised God for? And I was like, Oh my goodness, it was a few days ago when this I was driving on the highway and this truck, his passenger tire had blown off and so he. I'm sure he was in panic mode. I'm sure of it. How could you not be? And he was like in the fourth lane, and I was in like the slow lane, that's where I like to drive, and just for that time. But he was cutting over but he had no signals on of like, hey, I'm getting over like no turn signal. No like flashers no horn. No, like I'm an emergency like I got to get over. And so he just cuts into my lane and I break and thank God.That the car was behind me was like, far enough back because I was almost hit twice. And it was just really scary. And so I immediately just was like, wow, thank you, Lord. Like that was your hand. Because I didn't know what to do. I don't know that I handled it the right way. But you kept me safe. You kept my family safe, and that could have only been you. And just started to like instead of panic and think about like what could have went wrong, you know, because that's really easy when you're trying to process that. I just was like, man, I thank you. God that like, You kept me safe and I pray that you keep that man safe and also give him a little bit more of a understanding of how to correctly signal people on the highway that he's in danger needs help. But you know what I'm saying. Like I share that to say, When we have praise and Thanksgiving on our lips, it is just a heart response. It's so natural. And you know, my daughter, she's two right now, but we been and I call her our little parent because she repeats everything that we say. And so it's a great, you know, check to be aware of what's coming out of your mouth, but also when she says those things that just make your heart burst. I can't help but think that like, that's how the Lord feels about us too. And so I just think it's a great practice for us to to be in. And so I just encourage you. There's a worship song that I that came to mind while I was reading all this, and so I want to play it. And I just also would so encourage you to either just verbally out loud, say the things that you are thankful for and praise the Lord for it, all those things. Or if you'd rather write them down. There's so many different ways of expression and I think they're all powerful and beautiful and hold their value and so I just encourage you to do that.
So Father, I thank you that you are worthy of praise. You are worthy of our honor and our glory, and God, I just thank you that you've given us tools that we can praise you with, whether it's our voice, our words, our silence, our hearts, our movement, our time, our expenses, our gifts, whatever it is, thank you that it all can point back to you and then it all should point back to you. So I just pray that we would be people who are mindful of what's coming out of our mouths. And Lord, I pray that it would be praise and honor towards you. And it’s in your name we pray, Amen.
Song: King of Kings - Chandler Moore
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thelittlethings66 · 1 year
Moving On
After I have calmed down I decide to talk to Carol. 'Hi Carol'. She just looks at me. I just wanted to see if you were ok. I'm sorry I punched him, I just wanted him to stop, I hope I haven't made it worse for you'. 'It's ok don't worry I know you were only trying to protect me, I hope your hand is ok'. She quietly says. 'Its fine i'll heal, anyway I will  leave you be'. As I leave Andrea calls me over saying dinner is ready she managed to catch some fish with her sisters help. 'This looks amazing well done ladies'. 'Its no problem our dad thought us well'. Says Amy. 'He sure did.' Says Lori as she started to eat.
A few hours has passed now and it was dark out. We were all sat around talking keeping warm by the fire. Carol, Ed and their daughter Sophia were sitting way behind us keeping out the way. Mostly away from Shane I think. 'Where are you going?' Andrea asks Amy. 'I have to pee, try to be discreet around here'. She walks to Dale's RV.
Suddenly we hear a scream. A Walker is attacking Amy biting on her arm. Everyone starts to panic they start to appear from everywhere swarming on the camp. Screams everywhere people being eaten. Shane starts shooting them telling everyone to get to the RV and hide. Jim is bashing them in the head with a bat I notice one biting him so run over stabbing them in the head with my knife. I help him over to the others. I then see an arrow fly past me and hit one straight in the eye to my right as Daryl and the guys start shooting what's left.
After a while it goes quiet and all we can hear is the sobbing of the survived. Crying over the loss of their families.
Throughout the night and as the sun rises we clean up camp making sure the dead are fully gone. Burning their bodies. And burying their loved ones. I stand still looking over camp thinking about my brother and that I never got to put him to rest. About my family on the other side of the world if this is happening to them too.
I then hear a gunshot and see that Andrea has shot Amy. After staying up all night with her. Crying. Carol is hitting Ed clearly letting out some anger and pain.
After alot of discussion we all decide to go to the CDC to try and get some answers. To see if we can help Jim.
After I have packed up I walk over to Daryl who is packing his stuff. 'Hey'.'Hey'. 'Merle?'.' He weren't there'.' He got off the roof?' Yeah, son of a bitch chopped off his hand, after you left him there!. He shouts to the rest of the group. I smile. 'What you smiling for?' 'Nothing I just think he will be alright, he's tough. You will meet again someday I'm sure' He chews his lip. ' I thought you'd be happy'. 'Why?' 'Nobody liked him'. 'He was a dick yeah but he is your brother you love him that's enough, plus he wasn't that bad to me.' He scoffs. 'Ya hand what happened?' 'Um I punched Ed'. He scoffs again. ' Good.' 'Come on let's go!' Shane shouts. 'Hey, you wanna....um...ride with me in my truck?'. 'Really?' 'Yeah, you don't have to..'. I chuck my stuff in the back of his truck next to his bike. 'Come on then Dixon'.
We dont talk much on the drive it's quite nice actually. The peace and quiet after last night. I just lay my head back with the breeze in my face and try to relax. Somehow I manage to fall asleep waking up when the car stops. As I step out the car I notice Rick putting Jim against a tree at the side of the road. He is in too much pain. He waves me over. 'I'm so sorry Jim I tried to help'. 'You did, you gave me another day, I am grateful for that, I will be with my family now.' He looks at peace. I walk away and we all drive off once more. I don't fall asleep this time with my mind racing too much. I notice Daryl keeps looking at me but not saying anything. Which is fine by me, not in the mood to talk.
After a while with the sun getting lower we finally arrive at the CDC. We all grab our stuff and slowly walk towards the building. Daryl right by my side. There are bodies everywhere the smell is so strong I can nearly taste it, I feel like I am gonna be sick. When we reach the door we realise no one is there Rick keeps banging on the door. Making too much noise. The walkers notice and slowly start to wander our way. ' The camera it moved!'. He shouts. 'No it didnt man your seeing things'. Shane replies. 'Let us in! My family! My son! Your killing us!'
Then the doors start to rise. The light is bright. And we all slowly walk in.
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Prompt: Requested by nonny
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Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, degradation (name calling), flirting, daddy kink, sir kink, age gap
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @ziasaph , @theworldofotps , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @wickedsunfire , @akiko-tanaka , @aerynscrichton , @sassymox , @waywardwrestlewritingwaif , @reigns-5sos , @lustyromantic , @auawdo , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @nicolewoo , @writtingrose , @bayley-no-friends
Notes: Disclaimer - For respect purposes, I’ll be using a fictional name for Roman’s daughter on this fic. If you’d like to check out my other works, you can find them on my Masterlist
It’s finally Senior Year - and what a fucking relief that is! No more stressful and endless studying hours, no more busting our asses off for mediocre grades, no more shitty frat parties “and last - but certainly not least- no more breaking up with asshole boyfriends at said crappy parties!
I don’t like younger guys. They’re inexperienced, get flustered easily, and don’t care whatsoever about reciprocating pleasure towards their girlfriends or hookups! I like older men...there's something about them that’s just perfect. “When I first met Amber Reigns, I never imagined that I would be blessed with such an amazing best friend. That’s why I knew it was wrong to have the hots for her father, but c’mon! Have you seen the man? He’s delicious! And I’m made of flesh and blood, therefore I have my weaknesses too. And Mr. Reigns is one of my biggest weaknesses.
“Y/N” Amber peeked her head inside my dorm room “Are you ready? My dad’s waiting for us in the parking lot”
“Yeah, I got everything I need” I said while putting on my backpack
“Do you mind going to the car? I’ll be right behind you, I just need to leave some books at the library, because if I don’t they’ll fine me like twenty dollars” She rolled her eyes in annoyance
I giggled “Sure. But don’t take too long flirting with the library boy” I responded in a teasing tone
She stuck her tongue out and left.
I made my way towards the parking lot and saw him standing there, leaning sexily against his pickup truck. He was wearing an extremely tight black tank top, which did nothing but accentuate his rippling muscles and tanned skin that were on full display. The intricate patterns of his tattoo could be seen from afar, the way the black lines molded to his skin like a shield never failed to turn me on, and a pair of black joggers caressed his strong thighs beautifully. His long, black, silky hair was tied up in a tight knot at the back of his head....the man was a fucking sight for sore eyes!
“Hello, Y/N” He greeted with a smile
“Mr. Reigns” I said shyly
He grabbed my backpack and placed it in the trunk of his car “How are you?”
“I’m good, sir. How are you?”
“Better now” He winked and smirked. And I almost came in my pants
“Where’s Amber?”
“She went to the library to return some books, sir”
“Don’t I get a hug?” He smiled
I awkwardly hugged him as I felt the smell of his cologne filling up my lungs and this weird feeling of wholesomeness took over me
“Let’s get inside the car, it’s too hot out here” He laughed
Amber had invited me to spend this holiday weekend with her family, and since I wasn’t feeling much in the mood to go home, I said yes. The only thing I didn’t know was that she planned on going to Mr. Reigns’ house instead of her mom’s house. Before I could fantasize in my daydreams for too long, Amber had returned from the library and hopped into the vehicle.
“Who will be spending the weekend with us?” Amber asked as she fastened her seatbelt
“Your uncles will be coming tomorrow afternoon with your cousins. Your brother decided to go to his girlfriend’s parents, and your sister is coming over on Sunday” Mr. Reigns replied as he turned onto the highway leading to his home.
During the two hour long ride, Mr. Reigns and Amber spent most of the trip conversing animatedly, occasionally asking me a question or two to keep me from feeling too left out, but I let them mostly catch up amongst themselves.
When we got to his place it was the end of the afternoon, and Mr. Reigns went to the kitchen to cook us dinner. I took the opportunity to shower and change into some clean clothes, nothing fancy though, just a pair of yoga pants and a gray tank top. While Amber was taking one of her famously long baths, I got bored and decided to go downstairs to see what Mr. Reigns was cooking.
“Y/N, to what do I owe the pleasure?” He smirked
“Amber is taking a bath” I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance
“Oh great” He grunted, but a smile danced on his lips “That will be quick” He joked, and I laughed in response
“So when is your girlfriend coming?” I asked nonchalantly and leaned against the kitchen island as he chopped some carrots
“Girlfriend?” He chuckled “I know nothing about that”
“How is that possible?” I asked in disbelief
“I don’t need someone in my life in order to be happy, Y/N”
“I’m not saying you do, Mr. Reigns. I’m just saying I find it hard to believe that a man like you doesn’t have a girlfriend”
“And why aren’t YOU spending the holidays with your boyfriend?” He teased
“Boyfriend? I know nothing about that” I mocked
He cackled “And why not? Maybe a boy in college wants to be your boyfriend?”
“I don’t like young guys” I shrugged
“Oh really?” He scooted closer “What do you like then?”
“I like older men”
“How old?” He flirted
The vixen part of my brain woke up once I saw the fire in his eyes “Around your age”
“My age?”
I nodded
“And what does a twenty two year old little girl like you know about men my age?” He licked his lips
“Oh Mr. Reigns...I know a lot” I smirked
We went to sleep late that night, so the next morning I didn’t even hear Amber calling for me so we could go to the grocery store. When I slowly opened the door of the guest bedroom, I heard Mr. Reigns saying:
“I’ll stay here with her and you go to the store, because God forbid if I forget to buy whatever is your addiction at the moment” He chuckled
“Dad, stop!” She giggled “You’re making me sound like a terrible person, AND it’s Twinkies, ok?”
“Again? I thought it was chocolate with nuts”
“Nope, it’s Twinkies now, and just for that, I’ll buy an extra box just to piss you off” She laughed deviously and left out the door.
When her car left towards the highway, I saw Mr. Reigns going up the stairs and coming towards my guest bedroom. I quickly went to the bathroom so I could brush my teeth.
Mr. Reigns slowly opened the door of my room as I was leaving the bathroom.
“So you’re awake?”
“I woke up when Amber was leaving”
“Why didn’t you go to the store with her?”
“Wasn’t feeling like it. Why are you in my room, Mr. Reigns?”
“I came to check on you”
“Why? Do I need someone watching over my sleep?” I laughed
“I just wanted to make sure you were ok, Y/N”
With a smirk on my lips, I said “So you had no other intentions AT ALL?”
“Would you like me to have other intentions?” He chuckled
“Who wouldn’t?”
“You know this is wrong, right?”
“If I heard it correctly, Mr. Reigns, you were the one who wanted to stay behind, and you are the one who came up here” I shrugged
“Touché” He pushed me down on the bed, and covered my body with his
“If it’s so wrong, why are you doing it, sir?”
“Because” He licked his lips “Everything that is forbidden tastes sweeter, don’t you think?”
I giggled while my hands dipped inside his white t-shirt “That’s your shitty excuse?” And chuckled “C’mon, I know you can do better than that”
He cackled “Maybe...or maybe it’s the truth” His hands pulled my satin shorts down “I’ve thought about this ever since I first saw you”
“So why did it take you so long to do something about it?”
“I wanted to make sure you felt the same” His lips brushed against mine
“We better hurry up before someone gets here”
“It takes two and a half hours to get to the store and back, baby. We’ve got plenty of time” He smirked and kissed my lips deeply.
His full lips tasted like caramel coffee, something he drank every morning without a fail. I undid his perfect bun and let his black, silky hair fall upon his shoulders as we kissed. Moaning into the kiss, I pulled his hair while I wiggled my hips, which made him groan.
“So eager” He slapped my ass “I like that. Makes me wanna fuck you even harder”
He took my wrists and locked them on top of my head while rubbing his bulge against my core.
“Please, daddy” I moaned “Please fuck my pussy”
He growled at my pleading and pulled his joggers down quickly. Roman teased my clit with his tip, sliding it up and down my folds, applying more pressure every time he hit my little nub.
“No more teasing, Mr. Reigns... Please...”
Roman smirked and slid in me with one soft thrust.
“Fuck” We moaned together
My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he filled my core like nothing else. His size was beyond perfect to me and I couldn’t hold back my moans of pleasure any longer.
“That’s my good little slut, moan for the one who owns this pussy” He pulled all the way out, until just the tip was in, and then he went in again with a rough thrust
“Oh yes, Mr. Reigns. Keep going please” I moaned loudly
He gripped me by the neck and chuckled “Such a needy whore! I love seeing what I can do to you. The power I have over you...How you lose yourself while I fuck you” He slapped my ass vigorously “You’ve been waiting a long time to have me in you, haven’t you, my sweet whore?”
“Yes, sir” I panted
“Then tell me! Who’s my filthy little slut?”
“Me, daddy”
He snarled before fucking me faster “Say it!”
“I’m your filthy little slut, sir” Tears started to gather in my eyes, as I could feel overstimulation being so close
“Then cum for me, like a filthy, little, slut” He whispered in my ear, while pinching my clit.
It didn’t take him long to reach his high, and Roman quickly pulled out and spilled his seed on my mound.
He leaned down and captured my lips in a sweet kiss
“C’mon, let’s get cleaned up” Roman looked up at the clock and continued “And if we’re quick enough in the shower, we can have another round before someone gets here”
He picked me up in his arms, bridal style and whispered
“I still need to taste this pussy or else I’m gonna become a mad man” He smirked when I gasped
And ran towards the bathroom.
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated ❤️😘
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perksofbeingjune20 · 2 years
Pt 2 Spooky x adoptive daughter
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Spooky's Pov
Me and Cesar are sitting in the hospital waiting room waiting on the doctor to tell us about Kiara. The ambulance got her to the hospital just in time and the doctors had to emergency surgery on her. I just pray that she be ok. I called Ray, Kiara's boyfriend Alex, and Isabel.
I told Isabel that I'll keep her updated while Ray and Kiara's boyfriend Alex are coming to the hospital. Cesar let his friends know what happened and said that they're on the way. I even called Sad Eyes's girlfriend Mia from a private number and told her to let Sad Eyes know that his niece has been shot.
Then Ray came running in the waiting room saying
"Is she ok?"
I sighed shaking my head saying
"I don't know yet, we're waiting on the doctor to let us know something"
Ray shook his head ok as he looked at me upset and asked
"What happen? Who did it?"
I looked down at the ground saying
"It happened so fast, me and Kiara was talking to Cesar in the house of how he was put off  and we was telling him that it's time to change his life around so he agree to come with us to Poland. So we decided to have a drink before we left , we went outside walking to the moving truck to get something to drink real quick and while I'm on the phone with Isabel and Cesar was in the house then we saw this car suspicious so I hung up the phone. Next thing you know, Kiara push me on the ground screaming look out as I hear gunshots go off. When the gunshots stop, I see Kiara on her back bleeding badly like my heart literally dropped to my stomach seeing her like that"
I looked at my dad upset fighting the tears that was trying to come out and said
"I can't lose my daughter, I can't lose her, she motivated me to get my life right so it can be right for her regardless if she's not my blood daughter, I love her with my whole life like this is a hurtful feeling knowing that my daughter is fighting for her life during surgery right now"
Ray put his hand on my shoulder comforting me and said
"I know, She's going to be ok, she's a fighter"
I sighed as I continue waiting for the doctor to get done with Kiara's surgery. Then Kiara's boyfriend Alex came into the waiting room along with Cesar's friends as Alex sat next to me saying
"Is she ok?"
I sighed looking at him and said
"I don't know yet, we're waiting on the doctor to let us know something"
Alex nods his head ok as we all waited for the doctor to give us an update on Kiara. Then after some hours, a doctor came into the waiting room and said
"Family of Kiara Diaz?"
We stood up from our seats as the doctor looked at us and said
"Who's the father of Kiara Diaz?"
I raised my hand saying
"I am"
The doctor looks at me and say
"The surgery went well"
Everyone sighed a breathe of relief as the doctor continue talking
"We was able to get the bullets out, luckily it didn't hit or damage any internal organs so she should have a speedy recovery" giving me a comforting smile.
I let out a sigh of relief looking at the doctor saying
"Thank you so much Doc, can we see her?"
The doctor gave soft smile as she say
"Yes, you guys can see her, she's awake and alert, Follow me"
So we all follow the doctor to Kiara's room.
Kiara's pov
I'm laying in the hospital bed after I just had emergency surgery looking at the tv that was on low volume while a nurse was checking my breathing and my pressure when I hear a soft knock on my door as the doctor that did my surgery pop her head in saying
"Kiara, you have some people they'll like to see you" as she open the door showing my dad Oscar, Cesar, my grandpa Ray, and my boyfriend Alex standing there. My dad, Cesar and my boyfriend walked over to me in a rush while the others came into the room. My dad gives me gentle hug being careful saying
"I'm so glad you're ok, you had me so scared when I saw you on the ground bleeding, what were you thinking?"
I looked at him as tears start to form in my eyes saying
"I couldn't let you get hurt, I just couldn't Dad, you literally worked hard to better your life after the gang especially when mom could give birth at any time, I couldn't let that be taken away from you like that, I love you so much dad.
My dad looks at me with tears in his eyes saying
"Oh mija" placing a soft kiss on my forehead.
I smiled as my dad said
"I love you so much even if you're not my blood daughter, I still love you sweetie. You're the reason that I better my life, you know that? I wanted you have a good childhood and live your dreams, I'm so glad to have you as my daughter" smiling at me
I gives him a soft smile as I looked over at Cesar who was trying not to cry, I grab his hand and said
"Don't cry Ces and don't even think about saying it's your fault cause it's not"
Cesar gives me a sad look as he say
"But it is my fault Kiara, you almost died today, I thought lost you"
I gives Cesar comforting smile saying
"I'm not going anywhere beside who's going to beat your ass in Call of Duty if I'm gone?"
Cesar chuckles as he gives me a soft hug and sat down in a chair.
Then Monse, Ruby, Jasmine, and Jamal came over to me giving me a soft hug being careful as Monse looks at me with a soft smile saying
"I'm glad you're ok Kiara, you scared us when Cesar called saying you got shot"
I give her a soft smile as I say
"I know, I know but I'm ok now"
I notice Ruby trying not to cry causing me to grab his hand saying
"Ruby, don't cry"
Ruby looks at me with tears in his eyes and said
"Kiara, we almost lost you today, you're like a sister to us, you even helped us get back to talking and being friends, you was there for us when we was feeling down. If you would've died, our lives would have been so terrible without you"
I gives him a soft smile saying
"I'm ok now, i promise I'm not going anywhere, beside who's going to keep you guys in check, my dad already had enough of you guys craziness"
Everyone laughed softly as I continue talking
"Well I'm ok now you guys head back home and get some rest for school tomorrow ok?"
They nod their heads as they gave me hug and headed home.
Then Ray came up to me giving me hug telling me that he was glad that I was ok and never to do that again cause I almost gave him a heart attack. I laughed softly telling him that it won't happen again no time soon.
Then my boyfriend Alex came up to giving me a peck on the lips holding my hand saying
"You missy scared me, I thought I lost you"
I lifted his hand placing a soft kiss on it saying
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise" giving him a peck on the lips causing him to smile.
I looked at Alex saying
"Oh Alex this is my dad's brother Cesar and my dad's dad Ray, Cesar and Ray this is Alex my boyfriend"
Cesar stands up looks at him and say
"Nice to finally meet you Alex, you better be treating her right"
Alex looks over at me smiling then back at Cesar saying
"I am, I wouldn't dare to hurt her, I love her so much to do that, She's the light to my universe."
Ray looks at him walking up to him getting in his face which made Alex nervous as Ray said
"You better treat her right or I'm coming after you, I will hunt you down and hide your body in abandoned building where no one will find you" causing me to gasp looking at Ray and say
"Stop, you're making him nervous see?"
Ray chuckles looking at him saying
"I'm just teasing"
Alex let out a breathe of relief calming his nerves down. All of sudden we hear a knock on the door as the door opened and walked in my uncle Antonio aka Sad Eyes. My dad looks at my uncle Sad eyes saying
"Antonio, what are you doing here?, you're going to get in trouble with the gang if you is seen with me"
My uncle Sad eyes looks at him saying
"Oscar you know we still care about her and make sure she's safe regardless if you're not in the gang no more" as my uncle walked over to me and said
"How are you feeling?"
I gives him a soft smile saying
"A little in pain but I'm ok"
Antonio nod his head as he looks at me and say
"I'm going to find who did this"
I looked at my uncle and said
"I don't want you to get in trouble, Uncle Antonio"
Sad eyes smacked his lips and chuckle saying
"You know I never gets in trouble"
I chuckled as Sad Eyes looks at me giving me a kiss on my forehead and said
"Don't scared me like that again, ok?
I nod my head yes as he gave me one more hug and left to head back home to let the gang know that I'm ok.
After the incident, Me, my dad, Cesar and my boyfriend Alex move to Poland for a better life.
Mom finally gave birth to my baby sister Lydia which was the best moment of my dad life like he was crying and everything.
Cesar is now in college for architecture, he ended up breaking up with Vero and started dating Monse again which Vero was mad at first but understand that he still had feelings for Monse and ended up dating Alex's best friend Lucas.
Then we had to go back to Freeridge because unfortunately Ruby's grandma Abuelita died which hurt my heart so we had a marijuana party in her honor instead a funeral which was her wish.
My uncle Sad eyes found out who shot at me and my dad which was 19th street (actually don't know who shot Spooky) and got revenge for it.
Cesar's friends does come to visit us when they get a chance and tell us how their life is going as well as college like Ruby forgave Latrelle for what happened a while back , Monse is going to write her first book, Jasmine is making clothes for and is a fashion designer and Jamal got a job at the best tech company.
My dad finally opened up his own restaurant which is getting a lot of attention now for his amazing food.
As for me and my fiancé Alex, we moved in together in this beautiful apartment couple blocks down from my parent's place.
Kiara and Alex's apartment↓↓↓
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We also graduated from college which it was the best day of my life to see my family and friends cheering me on as I get my diploma.
Quick Flashback↓↓↓
I'm standing in line on the side of the stage with my cap and gown on waiting to get my diploma that I worked hard for.
The dean looked at the paper and said
"Next, Kiara Diaz"
I walked on stage towards the dean as I heard my family and friends cheering me on so loud.
I shook the dean head as he handed me my diploma, I looked at my dad who had tears in his eyes smiling which made smile and cry knowing i made him proud.
End of flashback↓↓↓
And so me and Alex went on to pursue our dream for music so we ended up doing performances at a little plaza downtown where music producer saw us and signed us to her label Star Dreams.
We became a singing duo called Whisper Hollow and went on tour around the world as our songs got number 1 on the music chart. We even got some awards for best music duo and album of the year and got to work with some amazing artist.
But my life got even better when Alex proposed to me on November 28 which was our anniversary.
Proposal Flashback↓↓↓
Me and Alex was at the beach watching the sunset on a little picnic blanket that Alex surprise me with.
Alex looked at me with a soft smile causing me to look at him confused saying
Alex chuckled softly he said
"What? I can't look at my beautiful girlfriend"
I blushed hard as I give him a peck on his lips saying
"Sure you can" laughing softy
Alex smiles as he grabs my hand looking at me and said
"Kiara, there's something that I'll like to say"
I looked at him saying
"Sure, What is it?"
Alex got up from the ground pulling up with him as he looked at me and say
"Kiara, we've been together since high school, when i first met you, you was little shy to talk but opened up once you got to know me. You have brought so much love and joy into my life, I don't know how my life would've been if I hadn't met you. I love you so so so much and so that's why asking you this right now"
I looked at him confused a for second but gasped when I saw him get on one knee pulling out a box with a ring in it, Alex looked at me with a soft smile saying
"Kiara, you're everything to me. You are the light to my universe. You make my life feel complete so Kiara Nicole Diaz, will you do me the honor in becoming my wife?"
I looked at him with a soft smile and tears in my eyes and said
"Yes, Yes" nodding my head
Alex smiled getting up from the ground and put the ring on my finger as he gives a peck on my lips.
End of flashback↓↓↓
After Alex proposed to me, we had a paris theme wedding which was amazing, the best moment from my wedding was having the father and daughter dance. Just seeing my dad cried because his baby girl grew up living her dreams.
Few years later me and Alex are parents of three children which is one two boy and one girl.
First we have our son Fabian Diaz, He is 1 years old, Fabian is a cheerful and playful child, he loves play with his dad a lot where I can them the troublemakers.
This is Fabian below↓↓↓
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Then we have our second son Noah Diaz, he's 5 years old. Noah is a shy but loving child. Noah loves to dance a lot even to our music like I call him our little dance bug.
This is Noah below↓↓↓
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And last we have our beautiful 9 month baby girl Noelle. Noelle is the most joyful baby in the world. Fabian and Noah loves their sister a lot like they will feed her sometimes or play with her. They will fall asleep with her sometimes.
This is Noelle below ↓↓↓
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Now we're living our live as we continue to make music and be a big happy family.
Hey everyone, it's your girl June, hope you enjoyed this imagine, this is my first imagine so bear with me
Next is Ruby Martinez
I can try to do a request imagines,
i do not do dirty imagines sorry
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anagentinwriting · 3 years
Lifeline - Part 1
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: ~1800
Warnings: Car accident, angst
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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A line ringing over your headset notifies you another emergency call is coming in. You cleared your head, preparing for anything, and clicked the spacebar, answering it, “911, what’s your emergency?” 
“Bro, that was insane,” the male voice said over the phone. “You’re gonna be famous on YouTube.” 
“Excuse me, sir? What seems to be the problem?” you asked, letting out a sigh. 
“My friend is having trouble breathing, and his throat feels like it’s on fire.”
“What’s the address?”
“576 Rose Lane in Westwood.” 
You typed the address into your computer, signaling the nearest available unit to the caller's location. “First responders are on their way. Can you tell me what he was doing before this happened?”
“We were doing the cinnamon challenge.” You rolled your eyes. “I thought it was harmless. Then, he was gagging, and then he coughed, and a puff of cinnamon came out of his nose. It was awesome; he looked like a dragon.” It's been a while since you got a call about an internet challenge gone wrong, but it's been forever since you got a cinnamon challenge one. You didn't even know that challenge was still around.  “Oh fuck!”
“Is everything okay? What happened?” 
“He collapsed. He’s not moving. Should I shake him awake?”
“He probably passed out, but paramedics are only a few minutes away. Is he still breathing?”
“I don’t think so,” he panicked.
“Remember to stay calm, I’ll help you through this the best I can, okay? Okay, now I am going to have to ask you to administer CPR. Do you know what to do?” 
“Sort of. I learned it in health class a few years ago.”
“Perfect. It's 30 chest compressions followed by two breaths going to the rhythm of the song Staying Alive. You can do this.”
“Ok---okay. Yeah. Right, right,” he mumbled. Hearing him set the phone down on the ground, he started counting and doing chest compressions.
The responding unit was about a block away, and once they arrived, you could hear the sirens coming through the phone call.
“Odinson, take over compressions,” a lady’s voice commanded. “Kid, come with me.”
“Is he going to be...” the line went dead as he hung up his phone.  
You leaned back in your chair, rubbing your eyes. This wasn’t anything new; when help arrives, people hang up, and you don’t get to know how it ends, but maybe it was for the best. You sit back up, seeing your reflection in one of the many screens in front of you. At least, you knew most of the firefighters from Station 107 at the scene, including your brother Thor, if you ever wanted to know how it ended.
It's tough, taking call after call, emergency after emergency with little to no recovery time in between. It’s a stressful job that is emotionally and physically taxing. It requires extreme focus, patience, and puts you under a certain kind of pressure. The pressure of wanting to help and do everything you possibly can when this person you never met puts their life in your hands. You never know what the outcome will be, but you try to help them get through what might be the scariest moment in their life. It’s those calls, the ones you were able to save, that keep you coming back to work.
You stepped away from your command center and headed towards the kitchenette, spotting Luis rummaging through the fridge. It wasn’t unusual, but it did always bring a smile to your face. It was hard to believe he was one of the dispatchers who showed you the ropes after relocating to Los Angeles three months ago. 
“Hey, Luis.” He turned around with a doughnut in his mouth, quickly removing it and shooting you a carefree smile.  
“Hey, Chica, get any weird calls yet? You know I love hearing about those weird ones, right.” 
“Nothing out of the ordinary, but a guy called earlier saying his whole body hurt everywhere he poked. I told him to drive to the emergency room and get his finger looked at because it’s probably broken. Oh, and there was another cinnamon challenge victim.”
“Another one, I thought that craze was over.” He shook his head. “But I did hear about this crazy call that came in last night, right. It wasn’t so much crazy, but one of those nuisance calls, you know what I’m saying, the kind where you’re like, ‘why are you calling, this isn’t an emergency type of situation?’ Anyways, Cameron Klein took the call; you know the dude with the great hair, the kind you just want to run your hands through. It has the perfect fluff to curl ratio. I mean, I touched it once, and it was like a cloud. I asked him what products he used in his hair, and he was like…” 
“Luis, how does this relate to the call?”
“Oh, right. Sorry, sorry, sorry, so there was this lady caller, right. She was telling Great Hair how she couldn't leave her car because there was a hostile raccoon outside her door. So then, Great Hair was like why don’t you go out a different door. And this caller says ‘yo I tried, but it’s like this trash panda can read my mind, right. He follows me when I move to the other side, and he’s like crazy, stupid fast like a rocket.’ And here comes the best part, Great Hair was like, ‘Hey girl, you better run fast then,’ and hung up,” he beamed with a slight chuckle.
“Oh my god, people really need to learn what an emergency is,” you chuckled, shaking your head. 
“You know that’s right, but duty calls.” He tilted his head towards the door, carrying two doughnuts and a huge mug full of coffee. 
“Later, Luis.”
Years ago, you never would have imagined you would be working as a dispatcher in Los Angeles. You preferred helping people hands-on, which is why you became an ER nurse. It was the feeling of never knowing what was going to come charging through those doors next that excited you. But being a dispatcher gave you a whole different kind of thrill because you could only use your voice to help.
The rest of your shift flew by until you were on hour eight of your ten-hour shift. A pileup involving a semi jackknifing on the highway forced a huge collision of cars. All the units in the area along with a few on the outskirts came in to assist. It was the same call coming in multiple times, and all you could say was help was already on the way.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“Send help,” the woman cried, telling you her address.
“Ma’am, I am going to need you to tell me what is going on?”
“A power line…a power line fell into our pool, and my daughter is trapped on her unicorn floaty in the water. I don’t…I don’t know what to do.”
“Stay calm, ma’am. My name is YN, and I’m dispatching a unit to your home now.” You switched lines to the highway accident, getting on a line with Captain Danvers from Station 107, who was sending three individuals to the scene right away. You switched back to the caller. “Okay, I will need you to stay calm. What is your daughter’s name?”
“Morgan, she’s five years old.”
“Please, whatever you do, make sure Morgan stays on the floaty because it is protecting her from the water. There is a good chance the power line is sending more than 5000 volts through the water.”
“Okay, okay, I can do that, “ the mother breathed. “Honey, please stay on the tube.”
“I'm going to try to get in contact with the power company to turn it off.” You looked up the power company in the area, and someone slid next to you. You glance over, seeing Bruce get to work on calling the power company. You nodded at him, staying on the line with the mom. “Ma’am, has help arrived yet?”
“No, but I can hear the sirens.” You peeked at Bruce, but he shook his head, still trying to get a hold of the power company. “They are coming through the back gate now.”
“Ma’am, can you hand the phone to one of the firemen?” You bit your lip, studying the layout of their home on one of your monitors. There were flowers all over their backyard, and you got an idea. 
“Hello, this is Fireman Rogers.”
“Hi, Fireman Rogers. This is 9-1-1 dispatcher, YN, how is it looking there?”
“Well, on the drive-in, we saw that a truck hit the power line pole, which caused the pole to fall into the pool. The driver isn’t in any serious condition, but one of our EMT’s is looking him over,” he informed in a deep voice. “Then, we have a pool vibrating with energy, but I assume you already know that part.”
“Do you have a plan in place? We are still trying to get a hold of the power company.”
“There are a few more floaties by the pool. I could ride one over to Morgan and pull her to safety?”
“Really? Where did you get that from the macho man handbook?”
“I don’t think that book exists, YN,” he added, making you scoff.
“I may have an idea.” You narrowed your eyes, playing out the idea in your head. 
“What did you have in mind?”
“I can view the whole home on one of my monitors, and there are a ton of flowers. So, I can only assume a garden hose must be nearby.”
“Yup, I see it.”
“Okay, perfect. Grab the hose and cut off the metal ends; it's rubber, so it won't conduct electricity. Then, have you and another fireman take the hose and walk along the opposite sides of the pool. Have Morgan grab ahold of it and carefully pull her back to the edge."
“That’s genius, YN. Thanks for your help,” he acknowledged, making you crack a side smile. Few people said thank you in this job, but when they did, you appreciated it. “Here’s your phone back, ma’am.”
Morgan’s mother's breath was shaky and staggered through the phone. She was scared and had every right to be. If you were in that situation, you would be, too. “Oh my god, it’s working. It’s working,” the mother shouted into your ear. “Are you okay, honey? Are you hurt?”
“I am okay, Mommy,” Morgan replied before the phone line went dead.
You smiled at yourself in one of the now blank screens. It was these moments why you loved what you were doing; a happy ending. Some calls never get a happy ending, but when they do, those are the ones you try to remember when a stressful call comes in.
AN: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. There is a long way to go and I promise things will definitely get more interesting. This was just a quick intro to some of the many characters that will make an appearance/cameo. Comments always welcome! Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll stick with me! 
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas - Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Sinking Friendships
Dad!Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader, Rosie Holland x Henry Osterfield
-Warnings: Language, Blood, Car accident, hospital scenes/talk, small talk of religion (sorry it just felt right for the story), angst, fighting, typos
-Words: 5.6K
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Author note: Sorry for the shit writing, it was so hard to write the car accident. Tried to make it as medically accurate as possible. Most knowledge derived from Grey’s Anatomy/WebMD. Sorry this chapter is long. Feel free to leave comments or message me directly your feelings while reading the chapter. Every message I've received is so sweet thank you all.
*Anytime 3 dots/ellipses (…) its a sob/breath and a moment of reflection during dialogue.
Chapter 8: Sinking Friendships
Words: 5.6K
Sirens, flashing lights and screams were the only thing Henry remembered. It all happened so fast. One minute Henry and Rosie were laughing together getting lost in each other’s eyes and the next they were both unconscious awaiting their death.
There was no time for Henry to react in anyway. No swerves or movements were made to prevent the impact. A maroon truck had collided Roise’s side, jolting her entire body. Her door was dented beyond belief.
From the forceful impact caused their car skid on the pavement, wearing the paint job away, and crash into the street pole. Henry’s entire body screamed out in pain, his injuries weren’t as bad as Rosie’s though.
“Rosie? Rosie! Rosie!!” Henry called out, desperately wanting to hear her lovely voice. Panic and heartbreak ensued when he saw blood dripping down the side of her head.
Rosie wasn’t moving. How could she be full of life one minute and the next, not? Henry reached over and placed two fingers below her jaw searching for a pulse. He felt he was able to breathe once her felt her few and far between heartbeats, it was faint but it was still there.
“Darling, wake up. Rosie, wake up! Open your eyes for me.”
Henry could feel himself fading by the moment. He used his last breaths to tell the girl he loved he was sorry. Her life was hanging by a thread and in that moment Henry was utterly useless. Praying that she would wake and he would get to hold her again, as everything faded to black.
It had to be about 15 minutes. 15 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. 15 minutes that Henry and Rosie had been unconscious for. 15 minutes of complete stillness, as everyone outside the vehicle panicked. The witness had called 911 multiple times and the other driver was unconscious at his wheel.
After those brutal and possible life ending minutes, help finally arrived. They pulled Henry from the wreck, putting him on a gurney.
“Sir, can you hear me?” called out the paramedic. “Yes. My girlfriend, help her please,” Henry was pleading for his life. How could he be so careless, it was only an accident? “Sir, just lay back. Let us take care of you,” the paramedic uttered, putting her hand on his shoulder to hold him down.
“No. I need to make sure she is okay.”
“Sir, you need to restrain yourself. The other paramedics have got her.”
“ROSIE! Just please let me know if she is okay,” screamed Henry.
“Sedate him please. I’ll go check on the girl,” said the paramedic. Henry faded into a deep sleep a moment later.
“Hey, how’s the girl? Her boyfriend won’t stop asking,” asked the paramedic to the one attending to Rosie. “Unresponsive. She has head trauma and a pulse, thank god,” he murmured. Henry was sent along with Rosie to Kingston Memorial hospital. The hospital was 20 mins away, so much can happen in that time.
Everyone else was sleeping soundly within the walls of the Holland Manor. It started to become a common theme that phone calls in the middle of the night usually meant someone was hurt. This time it was Harrison calling.
“Haz? It’s so late why are you calling?” You asked, jolting awake.
“There’s been an accident and Tom didn’t answer when I called. It’s Rosie and Henry. It sounded bad, Y/N.”
“Oh my god. I’ll see you there,” you responded, barely forming the words as tears started to fall.
“TOM WAKE UP!” you screamed, shaking him awake.
“What?… I’m up. I’m up.”
“There’s been accident.” No more words were said, they just hopped in the car and drove as fast as possible. Tom knuckles grew white clutching around the steering wheel. He couldn’t even begin to fathom a world with his Rosie in it. Harrison was already there, pacing in the waiting room.
“Haz. Where is she?” you said, tears begging to fall.
“I don’t know they won’t tell me anything because I’m not family,” Harrison answered.
“Fuck that, you are our family. How’s Henry?” Tom exclaimed.
“He’s ok. Just a minor concussion and dislocated shoulder, he’s in there right now. They are putting his shoulder back in its socket. He was really lucky but, I am worried about Rosie.” Haz said, just as a doctor dressed in surgical scrubs approached them.
“Are you here for Rosie Holland?” asked the doctor, Tom just nodded in response.
“Mr. and Mrs. Holland, I presume,” continued the doctor
“Yes, that’s us,” Tom replied, clasping your hand in his. He tried to put on a brave face for his wife. You couldn’t both be a mess.
“Ok, Rosie is still in surgery. With extensive injuries like hers we like to keep the family updated as much as possible. Your daughter was the nearest point of impact. She came in with a puncture wound to the abdomen, a severe concussion, massive internal bleeding, many cuts caused by broken glass and severe trauma to her head.”
“Will she be okay?” you asked, accidentally interrupting the doctor.
“Let him finish darling,” Tom said, his grip on her hand tightening.
“It is still too early to know. I have to get back.”
“Alright Doctor, thank you,” Tom acknowledged. You just fell into Tom’s arms, letting all the tears you were holding back fall. You broke into a fit of sobs in his embrace.
“Tom, I don’t want to lose her. I can’t lose her. She’s our baby,” you whimpered, your tears staining his t-shirt
“Shh, darling. She’ll pull through. Remember she is just like her strong mother.”Tom whispered, rubbing a soothing hand over your back.
“Have you gotten in touch with Parker?” Asked Tom as he continued to comfort you.
“No, I’ve been trying. Leaving message after message… Why fuck isn’t he picking up?” yelled Haz. Just then, Henry had walked up, sporting a cloth sling His heart nearly broke as he saw you crying your eyes out buried in Tom’s arms.
“No. No, no, no. Don’t tell me she didn’t make it.” Henry cried as his knees started to buckle at the thought of losing Rosie.
“Henry no, she’s still in surgery. Hey, come here.” Harrison said trying to calm down his son.
“Henry, what the happened?” Tom asked, scared for his daughters life.
“What were you doing with Rosie anyway? It’s late.” Tom questioned again after Henry stood silent, growing louder.
“Hey, Tom. Back off,” Harrison said, standing in front of Tom.
“No. I want to know the reason why my daughter is in there fighting for her god damm life.” Tom screamed. Henry was like a deer caught in headlights. He couldn’t lie his way out of this one. His eyes just shifted between Tom, you and his dad.
“A truck hit Rosie’s side when I was driving, I’m sorry, it was an accident.” Henry cried, barely able to get the words out.
“Son, we know it was an accident. It wasn’t your fault,” Harrison said, comforting Henry.
“Where? Where were you guys?” Tom pestered on.
“Umm, we were on our way back from… from a date. We are dating.” Henry muttered, his eyes glued to the floor.
“What? Y/N did you know about this?” Tom asked, ready to throw hands.
“Yes, Tom,” you murmured, avoiding Tom’s disappointed glare.
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” Tom screeched.
“And for you. Who the fuck said you could date my daughter?” Tom bellowed, pointing his finger at the poor boy.
“I did kind of give them permission by keeping their secret. In your own time frame though you were supposed to ask Tom,” you muttered, bouncing between Henry and Tom.
“Wait. For how long? For how fucking long?” Tom cursed.
“2 months.” Henry whispered.
“2 months. 2 fucking months. You were lying to me?” Tom screamed, he was livid at you.
“I don’t want you dating her,” Tom growled with an unchanging expression.
“I’m sorry, sir. What?” Henry asked, dumbfounded by Tom’s response.
“Tom, what?” Haz faltered.
“Tom don’t do this, he is a good kid,” you begged.
“Break up with my daughter or there will be hell to pay,” Tom declared and with that he walked away.
“Tom, you can’t do that to them,” you yelled after Tom.
“Really Y/N watch me” Tom said, ignoring his family. His heart had been broken too many times tonight. First when he heard about the accident, another when he had learned of Rosie’s injuries and another when he found out that you had been lying to him. His mind needed to be on one person right now, Rosie.
Tom managed to cool off, but immediately changed the subject anytime you would start to apologize. He didn’t have the energy to focus or listen, all he cared about was Rosie. Parker had showed up 10 mins later, he was off doing god knows what.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Tom yelled, as he saw Parker come through the sliding doors.
“Sorry. I just got your message. Is she okay?” Parker explained.
“We don’t know she is still in surgery,” you whispered, trying to hold back tears.
“What I went out for a bit and shut my phone off. What’s the big deal?” Parker asked.
“The big deal is that I didn’t know where you were. I couldn’t get in touch you. Rosie was in a car accident and I couldn’t call you,” screamed Tom, still angry from the conversation that just perspired
“And Henry?” Parker question, ignoring Tom’s scolding.
“He’s ok. Haz is with him right now, they went to get some coffee,” you informed him.
“Are you okay, mom?” Parker asked, remembering the conversation they had the night before.
“I’ve been better. Just glad you are here,” you said, bringing him into a warm embrace. As they all stood together as a family, Rosie’s doctor came to update them.
“She is out of surgery and stable. Her heart did stop and we were able to resuscitate her, she’s in the ICU now…”
“Can we see her?” Tom asked, interrupting the doctor. A huge weight had just been lifted off his shoulders, his baby girl was going to be okay.
“Yes, but you need to know something. Her brain started to swell in surgery so we had to put her in a medically induced coma to bring down the swelling. We don’t know when she will wake up or if she will at all,” explained the doctor.
All the Hollands stood like statues, unable to process the news. You felt as though you had been punched in the stomach, you wouldn’t be able to handle losing your baby girl.
Minutes, hours and days had melded together. It had been 6 days since the accident and Rosie was still the same, laying unconscious in a hospital bed hooked up to various machines. All of you stayed at the hospital expect for Harrison and Henry. Harrison was running the mob for Tom, for the time being.
You refused to leave her side, spending every waking and sleeping hour right beside her. Seeing your daughter like this was killing you. You weren’t getting any sleep and your hair started thinning.
Rosie looked pale and lifeless, the only thing guaranteeing she was alive was the incessant heart monitor. Her bruises had started to heal, changing from a vibrant purple to an opaque yellow. Everyone prayed she would wake up.
Henry tried to visit everyday but Tom wouldn’t allow it. He was still furious his daughter was dating him and everyone else knew about it except him. Tom’s heart ached for Rosie to wake up and be his funny, sassy, brave girl once again. Tom, however couldn’t stand how the waiting was making you feel.
“Darling. Wake up!” Tom whispered, gently shaking you.
“What? Did something happen? Is Rosie ok?” You exasperated, jolting out of your sleep and trying to catch your breath.
“No, she’s fine. It has just been a while since you had gone home and cleaned up. It might do you some good, baby,” Tom pleaded.
“Tom, I can’t leave her,” you whispered.
“Y/N, it’s ok. Let me take you home and Parker will be here in case anything were to happen,” Tom explained.
You were hesitant at first but eventually agreed, it had been awhile since you had showered or had a decent meal. Living off of the same sweatshirt and hospital cafeteria snacks for the past couple days. All your energy had been put into watching Rosie.
While Tom took you home, Parker was tasked with watching his sister. As kids they were both active and had gotten hurt, only most ever being a broken bone, never a life or death situation. Not only was Rosie Parker’s sister, but she was his twin.
His built in best friend. There had never been a time where he didn’t know her, maybe the first 5 mins of his life, but Rosie soon followed. Sure they fought and argued like all siblings do, but they couldn’t imagine their life without each other. He needed her sarcastic comments and infectious laughter to brighten his day. He needed her warm, slightly awkward hugs and her bitchy attitude once in a while. Parker didn’t know what he’d do without her.
“Rosie, I don’t know if you can hear me but mom is a mess, dad has barely said to word and everyone just needs you to wake up. I need you to wake up…. We all do, especially Henry,” Parker whispered.
“God, he secretly loves you. He hasn’t had the balls to tell you yet, but if that it is what you need to wake up, then do it….Let that be it…. That he loves you, Rosie…. He loves you.”
“I know what it is like to lose someone you love. Charlotte didn’t have a choice, but you do. You can fight and come back to us…. Come back to Henry. He needs you. He calls me every night asking if you had woken up yet. Dad banned him from visiting the hospital. Really fucked that one up didn’t you Roo…. You should’ve told him about you and Henry, but that’s beside the point…. The point is let today or tomorrow or next week be the day I tell him you did…. Just promise me you will wake up ok. I know I don’t say it often but I love you.” Parker got everything he needed to say off his chest. Tears had managed to escape from his eyes as he held her hand. Henry was standing in the doorway, when Parker poured his heart out.
“Hey mate. Mind if I have a minute with my girl?” Henry spoke.
“Not at all. Perfect timing, my parents just left,” Parker said, getting up from his crouched position.
“Yeah, I know. I was parked in the parking lot, waiting for them to leave.”
“How much of that did you hear?”
“Oh, none. None what so ever.”
“So practically all of it?” Parker said in response.
“Yeah,” Henry just nodded along.
“I’ll leave you guys alone,” Parker said as left the room.
Now it was just Henry and Rosie.
Tom had forbidden Henry from seeing her, he hasn’t even gotten to hold her hand. Henry tried to hold back tears as he saw the girl he loved looking half-dead. Her skin had lost its color and her necklace, the one he had given her, was stained with blood sitting in a bag on her bedside.
“Hey Roo. I’ve missed you…. Life hasn’t been the same these past few days. I’ve missed all your good night and good morning texts and your smile.” Henry started.
“Everyone wants you to wake up. They need you to wake up. Can you just open your eyes and flash that smile for me? I need it and I need you…. Rosie,… here it goes,… I love you. I couldn’t stand the thought of you never knowing I love you. So there it is, I love you.”
“I love everything about you…. Your eyes, your laugh, even that weird snort you do. I love you and that has to be enough. It has to be enough for you to wake up and come back to me…. Don’t just do it for me, do it for Parker and your dad and your mom. They have all been losing their minds without you.”
“Rosie, please baby. I love you and that has to be enough,” Henry concluded as tears streaked his face. He moved to press a chaste kiss to her forehead when all of a sudden machines starting going off and beeping left and right.
“Rosie? Rosie stay with me!” Henry didn’t know what was happening. All he knew as that she was still alive and prayed to god he wouldn’t hear her flatlining.
Rosie’s body started to jerk and shake, involuntary. The room filled with nurses and doctors, rolling Rosie on to her side. Her muscles spasming everywhere.
“Sir, you need to leave,” said the nurse, prying Henry away from Rosie.
“No, please let me stay with her,” Henry cried, refusing to avert his eyes from Rosie.
“You need to leave. Let us help her.”
Henry stood crying, peering through the glass doors at the love his life slipping before his very eyes. Her seizure only lasted about 8 minutes but, minutes bleed to hours as tears refused to stop.
“Henry? What happened?” Parker said, running up to Henry crouched on the floor with his knees to his chest and head buried.
“I don’t know. They forced me to leave. Her body started shaking violently, I don’t know what happened,” Henry sniffled, titling his head up. His eyes were beet red and his face was riddled with tears. Parker just stood there dumbfounded. He only left for 10 minutes to get some water. How could so much go wrong in that time.
“Young man, are your parents here,” asked the doctor as everyone came out of Rosie’s room.
“No, they went home to grab some things. Why?… Is she dead?” Parker questioning, pulling at the roots of his hair.
“No, she’s alive, but we can’t share any further information till they get here,” explained the doctor. Parker just nodded in response and Henry was able to breath again, exhaling the breath he was unaware he was holding.
Parker was about to make the call he dreaded. This was the entire reason you refused to leave, in case anything were to happen.
“Parker, what’s up. Is Rosie okay?” Tom said as he answered the Parker’s call.
“Dad, no, you need to get to the hospital. Something happened with Rosie but, they won’t tell me anything,” Parker said, his voice wavering.
“Oh my god, I’ll be right there,” Tom said, hanging up the phone. He had been refusing the chance to break down, he felt as though he had to be strong for everyone else.
“Y/N! Y/N!!” Tom screamed through the house. The one time Tom tries to do something good everything gets screwed up.
“Tom, what?” You exclaimed, startled by his screams
“Something happened with Rosie,” Tom said, a fews tears dripped down his face.
“What? No. No, no, no. I wasn’t there. I’m her mom and I wasn’t there. Why the fuck did you make me leave?” You cried, feeling like a terrible mother. You never should’ve left.
“I’m sorry. Be mad at me later, let’s just go,” Tom said, grabbing his car keys.
Tom’s reckless driving was not the problem at the moment, you just need to be there for Rosie. At the hospital, Tom barely parked properly before they were running through the halls. He came upon Parker in the waiting room, looking disheveled as fuck. His eyes were puffy eyes and hair stood up, he could tell his son was tugging on it in frustration.
Tom needed something to take his mind off Rosie. He needed to punch something or beat someone up or even just take his angry out with words.
“Parker, what happened? Is she okay?” You said, scared for Rosie’s life.
“I don’t know. No one has come out of her room,” Parker explained and you just nodded in response, trying not to cry again.
“Parker, what the fuck is Henry doing in here?” Tom demanded.
“Umm,” Parker mumbled.
“I’m sorry sir, I needed to see her,” Henry said profusely, apologizing
“I don’t care what fuck you needed to do. You are the reason she is dying. You were the one driving,” Tom screamed.
“Tom it was an accident,” you said, trying to reassure yourself in the process.
“Y/N I don’t understand how you can take his side when he almost killed our baby girl.”
“Like, I said it was an accident!” you explained.
“Nurse! Nurse!” Tom yelled.
“Yes, sir. Do you need the doctor?” asked the nurse, worried someone was bleeding.
“No. I want to know who the fuck let this boy in here.” Tom thundered.
“I don’t know sir, I’m so sorry. This won’t happen again,” she explained.
“Tom he can stay. If he is telling the truth about loving Rosie this concerns him as much as it concern us,” you said. This must be killing Henry like it was to you.
“No, he fucking can’t. Now get out, before I have you escorted out of here in a body bag,” Tom threatened.
“Alright, I’ll go. Just please, tell me if she wakes up,” Henry pleaded, slowly walking away. He wasn’t going to go home, he couldn’t. He couldn’t leave, not when Rosie was still in that state.
They all saw the doctor come out of the room and quickly cornered him. A grim expression draped across his face created uneasiness in everyone.
“I’m Y/N Holland, I’m her mother. What happened? I just left for twenty minutes,” you asked, tears streaming down your face as you barged in the room.
“We put her on a ventilator, the seizure was caused by lack of oxygen to her brain,” the doctor said.
“I’m sorry, what? She had a seizure?” Tom said, trying to put the puzzle pieces together.
“Yes. Her brain function has remained unchanged for several days now. In my expert opinion, her outlook isn’t very good. I would prepare yourselves. We can keep her comfortable if you would like or we can arrange her to be moved to a facility where she will possibly heal in the future,” explained the doctor.
“What are you saying? She’s brain dead?” asked Parker chiming in.
“It’s too still early to give a definitive diagnosis, but most likely, yes. I’m sorry for your loss.” The doctor said, exiting the room. You wanted to die right in that moment. A piece of you died the second those words slipped out, you were inconsolable.
“Y/N. Baby, come here,” Tom whispered. Trying to reach out for you, his broken wife.
“Don’t fucking touch me. I should’ve never let you convince me to leave,” you cried.
The guilt was enormous for everything. You were the one who let Rosie and Henry date, without that they would have never been driving together. Never gotten in the accident, you couldn’t help but feel responsible.
It was always the same feeling, you felt walking into Rosie’s hospital room. The feeling of drowning or being burned alive. It’s indescribable. A feeling felt by those who lose their children. You put them on this earth and for them to leave it before you was wrong.
“Rosie, I’m so sorry I left baby. I’m here now and I’m never leaving,” you said, combing your hand through her brown locks.
“But its okay if you need to. It’s okay. I’ll be alright, we all will be…. You can let go…. I love you so much sweetheart, don’t every forget how much mommy loves you…. You can rest now,” you said, moving to Rosie’s side to take her hand in yours. Seeing Rosie like this was tearing you apart from the seems.
It wasn’t long before all tears had put you to sleep. Tom had covered you up with a blanket. You talked to Rosie as though she could hear you. Maybe she could, maybe not but, you definitely wished she could. Tom hadn’t had the chance to break down like you. You needed him to be the strong one, but he was human too.
“Rosie, it’s dad. Everyone besides me has gotten the chance to talk to you, so here it goes,” Tom started.
“I know your mother said that is was ok to leave, but it is not. You hear me. Don’t you dare leave…. Rosie, darling you need to fight. Fight whatever it is that will bring you back to us. You are so much stronger than you lead on baby.”
“I love you so much, please come back to us…. I don’t know if your mother can take losing you. Also that boy you secretly hid from me. Once you wake up you are grounded. I don’t know why you fell for that scruffy looking kid but he needs you, baby. We all do,” Tom concluded. There was no easy fix to this problem. He couldn’t go out and torture somebody or beat them til they broke. Not even money could fix this. He felt completely and utterly useless.Tom reached out to the only thing that could help his daughter, God.
“Hey, god above, I don’t really have a name for you. You are just the one who watches over people, you could be from any religion. I don’t know,” Tom said, clasping his hand together as he spoke to the heavens above.
“I know we don’t talk often and I’m sorry for that and I’m sorry for the despicable acts I’ve committed but I need you help…. My daughter needs your help. She was in a car accident and she hasn’t woken up yet. She’s so young, she has her entire life ahead of her and I want her to experience it all…. I’d really like to walk her down the aisle someday. Can you just bring her back to me? That’s all I ask, just bring her back.”
“Thank you. Shit, I’m believe I’m supposed to say amen and I’m sorry for cursing a second ago. Just remember what we talked about, do this for her not me. God knows I don’t deserve it,” Tom said, ending his plea to the god or gods above.
Tom couldn’t of imagined better timing, with his speech, Rosie’s fingers started to twitch in his hand.
“Y/N wake up?” Tom yelled.
“What, I’m up. Is she ok?” You asked, confused by his outburst.
“Better than ok, her hand moved,” Tom explained.
“Oh my god, really? Parker go get the doctor,” you said, moving towards Rosie.
“Rosie?” Tom said as she started to stir.
“Rosie, baby. I’m here” you said, holding her hand. Rosie eyes fluttered open as she choked on the intubation tube, which gave her oxygen.
“Shh, you’re ok. You were in a car accident with Henry. You’re ok,” you said, softly. The look on Rosie’s face broke your heart. She looked so confused and overwhelmed all you wanted to do was hold her and never let go. Yes, she was a teenager but she will always be your baby girl.
Parker quickly brought the doctor in and he conducted a neurological exam. He removed the tube down her throat, allowing her to breath normally.
“Rosie, you’re awake. Don’t try to talk, it will feel weird for a while. I can get you something for the pain. I’m going to have you do a few tests. Blink once for yes and twice for no, ok?” The doctor explained. Rosie followed his instructions and blinked once. You and Tom were holding each other, praying Rosie didn’t have any brain damage.
“Follow the light for me please. Good. Squeeze my hand. Good grip… These are all amazing signs. Everything looks good. No neurological deficits, but I still would like to get an MRI for her. In the meantime, just rest. It’s going to feel weird as your brain has basically been sleeping for a week,” the doctor concluded, leaving everyone alone to rejoice.
“Mom?” Rosie said, her voice extremely hoarse.
“Yeah, honey. Take it easy,” you said. Words couldn’t describe how you were feeling, you got your daughter back.
“Where’s Henry?” Rosie croaked out.
“He’s ok Rosie, I believe he is outside. Would you like to see him?” You asked, much to Tom’s dismay. Rosie just nodded in response, trying to make everything seem less hazy.
“Rosie,” Henry said with a biggest smile on his face. Nothing could bring this boy down from cloud 9, she was ok. The love of his life was ok.
“Hi,” she said with a half-smile. That’s all she could must her up with her energy.
“Thank god you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Henry said, kissing her forehead.
“We will give you two a minute,” you said, pulling Tom and Parker out of the room. Tom was giving you a bunch of harsh glares, he knew what you were doing. However, he too ecstatic that Rosie was awake to be mad at Henry.
“Are you okay? How do you feel?” Henry asked concerned.
“I’m okay. Henry, I have to tell you something,” Rosie responded.
“I love you…. Walking up in the hospital bed just made me realize who cares if it’s too soon or if you don’t feel the same way, I just had to tell you. I love you,” Rosie declared. This was his chance, break her heart and walk away, she didn’t deserve to be here in a hospital bed. Tom was right, Henry knew what he had to do.
“Rosie, I think we should break up,” Henry said, already feeling like he made the biggest mistake of his life.
“What, why? Did I do something wrong? I thought we were happy. Just yesterday you said you were falling in love me. What the fuck happened?” Rosie faltered, confused by everything.
“Rosie, it’s just not working,” Henry exclaimed with the lamest excuse.
“Fine. Leave,” she said, trying to not let tears fall.
“Roo, we can still be friends.”
“Don’t fucking say that to me. You don’t get to call me that anymore,” Rosie screamed.
“Rosie, I’m sorry,” Henry tried to say something else but was cut off.
“Just get the fuck out. I’m serious, FUCKING LEAVE!!” she thundered as he left. Henry felt like literal shit and an asshole and a fucking idiot all at once. He had just broken the heart of the girl he loves. It was never supposed to happen this way.
“Henry? What’s wrong?” You asked as you saw Henry storm through the halls.
“Are you happy Tom? I did it,” Henry barked.
“Glad she’s awake. Y/N you should go in there, she needs you,” Henry exclaimed, before leaving for good this time.
“Tom, we need to talk about Rosie and Henry,” you said, furious at Tom and his decision to break them up.
“He’s gonna fucking break her heart and I won’t allow it,” Tom yelled.
“You can’t keep them apart and you already did that,” you said sternly, you couldn’t believe the nerve on your husband.
“Y/N end of fucking discussion. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. We don’t keep secrets from each other. For fucks sake, how fucking stupid are you? Letting our daughter whore around with that kid, just like you did,” he vociferated.
“Whore around like I did? Really? Why don’t you look in the fucking mirror?” You screamed, zero fucks were given.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Tom barked.
“I know about you and Jazz.”
“You went to a hotel and met her there. Tell me I’m wrong,” you interjected. Tom was too furious to explain his actions, he let you believe he cheated on you.
“Your silence answers my question,” you remarked, wanting to break down inside.
“Tom, just so you know you're sleeping on the couch tonight,” you said. You had your answer now. How could Tom do that to you. I didn’t matter in that moment all that mattered was consoling your daughter who Tom broke.
“Real fucking mature Y/N,” Tom yelled, as you walked away.
“Rosie?” You asked, knocking on her door.
“Mom… he broke up with me,” Rosie said as tears fell.
“Oh, baby. I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t know what I did wrong…. I swear to god if he met some other chick while I was in a coma.”
“No, nothing like that,” you said, trying to comfort your daughter. There is nothing like a first heartbreak.
“There has to be a reason. One minute I was in love with a boy who loved me back and now, I’m not.”
“Shh, it's okay,” you said, rubbing you hand down Rosie’s back as you pulled her into your arms. How could Henry actually do that to her and flee the scene like a coward. Parker managed to chase him down in the parking lot.
“What the fuck Henry?” Parker called after him
“I did it because I love her,” Henry exclaimed, continuing to walk away.
“Bullshit,” Parker yelled as he punched Henry square in the jaw.
“I said, I’d fucking hurt you if you broke her heart.”
“Yeah, I know. It was still a shitty threat, but I deserved that.”
“I don’t understand what happened Henry. One minute you tell me you love her the next you don’t…. I don’t know if I will ever understand but you can’t come by the house for awhile,” Parker pleaded, wanting to know the truth.
“Alright. Just tell her I’m sorry mate.” Henry concluded, feeling like literal shit and an asshole and a fucking idiot all at once. He had just broken the heart of the girl he loves. It was never supposed to happen this way.
Author note: I'm sorry for all those who love Rosie and Henry. Don't be afraid to call me a bitch for breaking your heart, my brother did when he read it. Also Tom is a literal asshole in this chapter.
I really can't wait for you guys to read the next ones, even if you don't ask for it. I will post hints for the next chapter with emojis because it's fun.
Guns, Glamour, Goodfellas Masterlist
Taglist: @thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @dummiesshort @bi-lmg @allthisfortommy
81 notes · View notes
beauvibaby · 4 years
love you like I used to - a.beauvillier
Tumblr media
requested [] yes [x] no
song: love you like I used to - russell dickerson
Tito stood at the foot of the bed, his suitcase freshly packed, his eyes landed on your finally sleeping figure, your hand hanging over the edge of the bed and into your son's bassinet. He smiled at the sight, moving to place the card he had written for you on the nightstand, right underneath the monitor to your daughters room so he was certain you’d see it. He carefully grabbed your hand, moving it onto the bed, “bye, my love.” Tito whispered, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead. “It’s time already?” You whispered, peeking your eyes open at him. He nodded softly, pressing a kiss to you pouted lips, “I’ll be back before you know it.” He mumbled, “I love you.” He added, hushed, not wanting to wake Nick, the one month old finally being asleep. “I love you.” You responded sleepily, “don’t forget to say bye to Grace.” You called softly, he rolled his eyes teasingly at you in the doorway, you knew he wouldn’t but all last night Grace kept telling him to say goodbye to her in the morning, even though you both knew she’d sleep through it, you considered yourself lucky to have such a heavy sleeper for a toddler. You watched him walk into her room on the monitor, carefully squatting down beside her toddler bed, he moved her frizzy hair back, kissing her little forehead. “I love you, baby girl.” He mumbled, and just like you thought, she didn’t even budge, he stood to his full height and blew a kiss to the camera knowing you were watching. The second you heard the front door shut behind him, you were back to sleep, knowing you’d need as much of it as you could get.
Finally when Nick woke you up, you spotted the envelope on your nightstand, you furrowed your eyebrows as you reached over to get it, cradling your son to your chest. You pulled it open, sliding the card out and you could already feel the tears building in your eyes just from the cover. “I didn’t forget” printed in bold red letters on the front, you flipped it open,
“happy anniversary, ma chérie, I’m sorry I won’t be there, and no amount of sappy words I could write in here would make up for that. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try! I didn’t think I could love you anymore than I did, but then you agreed to be my wife, and then, when I thought my heart couldn’t grow anymore, you gave me two of the best little blessings. Everyday I love you more than I did the day before, and I’ll continue to love you more everyday for the rest of our lives. Thank you for doing all that you do and being the most amazing wife and mother to our kids, I’ll see you when I get back… I love you.”
You scrambled to grab your phone, praying you’d catch him before the plane took off, you quickly dialed the FaceTime call, you had a rule, once you had Grace and he was nervous something would happen when he was away, you only did a normal call if there was an emergency, otherwise it was FaceTime. He answered almost instantly, “Y/N?” He questioned, concern evident on his face, you never called him this early on in a roadie, let alone with tears in your eyes. “I love you, and the card was perfect.” You spoke, his worries melting away when he realized that’s why you were crying. “You scared me.” He chuckled softly, smiling when you adjusted the phone to show Nick laid in your arm. “We won’t keep you, good luck tonight, we’ll call before the game.” You told him, smiling down at the baby, your bedroom door creaked open, “mommy, I don’t feel good.” Grace called, speaking as well as she could for her young 3 year old self, her little voice trembling, you held in a sigh. “Come here baby.” You waved her in, “did you want to say bye to daddy again?” You questioned, hoping it would distract her for a moment, she nodded eagerly, but still sluggishly climbing into the bed. You allowed her to hold your phone out in front of her face, “daddy!” She grinned, Tito mirrored her face, “hi, princess.” He laughed, Mat popping his head in the frame. “Hi, little lady.” He smiled, Grace squealed in excitement, “mommy, it’s uncle!” She gasped, showing you the phone, you looked up from Nick who was beginning to get fussy. “I see, but they need to go to work, so say goodbye.” You told her with a smile, she went to speak but instead, she threw up, all over you, and Nick. Instantly both of your kids started crying, “oh boy, I’ll let you go, babe, love you.” Tito rushed to get off the phone. “Love you too.” You had to force yourself to laugh under your breath, knowing the four days he would be gone would suddenly be a whole lot longer. “I’m sorry!” Grace cried when you looked at her, “no, baby it’s ok.” You assured her, trying to decide where to start with this mess.
“Seems like Y/N is gonna have her hands full.” Mat commented once the plane took off, “don’t remind me, I don’t know how she does it by herself, I can barely do it with her there.” Tito sighed, glaring at his friend, wondering why he’d even make such a comment. “Sorry.” Mat put his hands up in surrender, “I bet, uh, you know what, nevermind.” Mat started to speak but when Tito gave him a warning glance he decided against it. “Isn’t it your anniversary tomorrow?” Mat couldn’t help but blurt out, Tito sighed, leaning back in his seat. “Yes, Mathew, it is.” He grumbled, “I already handled that.” He added, Mat nodded with pursed lips, “you didn’t have to use my full name you know.” Mat muttered, rolling his eyes as he stopped the flight attendant, asking for some waters. Her eyes lingered on Tito for a moment too long, “that’s all.” Tito spoke since Mat decided to go silent in that moment. “Great, I’ll be right back.” She walked, with a definite sway in her hips, Tito rolled his eyes at the sight, making sure he took his water with his left hand, steel ring on full display.
You chewed your lip, carefully setting down Nick on his boppy to sleep, Grace curled into your other side, finally having cried herself to sleep after a few more times of being sick, you placed a hand on her forehead, frowning when you could clearly tell she has a fever. “Oh, baby girl.” You sighed, sliding out from under her, replacing your lap with a pillow, she didn’t stir, and you quietly rushed to the kitchen, phone in tow to call Tito while you got a cold rag for her. You propped the phone up on the counter while it rang, “hey, love.” His voice came over the screen, his face popping up a moment later and you sighed in relief, his voice alone calming you down. “Hi.” You sighed, giving him the look, the tired mom look. “How is everything?” He questioned softly, you shook your head, the wave of nausea hitting you like a truck. “She’s thrown up four times, she’s got a fever and I’m fairly certain I’ve caught whatever she has and how am I not going to pass that on to the baby? Tito, oh my god I can’t get the baby sick.” You rambled, words mixing together as you leaned on the counter, “I’m sorry, we’re fine, don’t worry about us.” You added quickly, eyes focusing on the way he was looking at you, “I’m sorry, baby, I’ll be home in three days, and I promise then you’ll get to rest for as long as you want.” He sighed, giving you a lazy smile, “I know, thank you.” And just like clock work, Grace came padding into the kitchen. “Come here, Gracie Lou.” You sighed, holding your hands out for her, she smiled at the nickname, one your father had dubbed on her.
She wrapped her little arms around your neck, legs squeezing your sides. “Hi, baby girl.” Tito mumbled, smiling as she lazily looked at him, “daddy.” She pouted, the tears building in her eyes. “Grace, don’t cry princess, I’ll be home in three days, you won’t even know I’m gone.” He spoke soothingly, you rubbed her back, “I want daddy.” She cried into your shoulder, “I know honey.” You sighed, this trip was starting out terribly, and it wasn’t so much what was happening at home that bothered you, it was how Tito was having bad phone call after bad phone call. “I’ve gotta go.” He sighed, running a hand over his face, as he held up a finger to whoever had just walked into his room. “Grace,” he spoke and she looked at him with a snotty nose and red eyes, “I need you to do something for me baby.” He told her and she nodded suddenly intrigued by having a task. “Can you be a good girl for mommy? And if your extra good, we’ll go for ice cream when I get back.” He smiled, you rolled your eyes but smiled as she happily agreed, already having more spunk in her attitude. “I loooooooooove you.” She spoke, this was their game, she would drag out the word, challenging him to do it longer, and we all know who won every time, but she loved it no matter what. “I loooooooooooooooove you.” Tito responded, smiling in success when she hid back in your shoulder, “and I loooove you too, mama.” He spoke to you, “I love you too.” You smiled, ending the call so he could get back to getting ready for the game.
You all but ran down the steps, baby monitor in hand, both of the kids were asleep, which meant you got some glorious time alone with Tito, he was opening the door as you bounded off the last step. “Tito!” You whisper shouted, running over to him, he dropped his bags in record time, arms outstretched as you reached him. “I love you so much, god I’m so happy to be back.” He mumbled into your hair, all but squeezing the life out of you as you cried into his shoulder. “I missed you.” You sniffled out, moving to pull him in for a kiss. “I love you, the card was all I needed, but thank you for the flowers.” You spoke barely pulling away from him. He chuckled against you, kicking the door shut softly behind him, “you deserve way more than flowers, baby.” He assured you, pulling you back in for a hug. “Now let me go see my babies.” He finally leaned away, hearing them rustling on the monitor. “Go, please it’s your turn.” You teased, still following him up the stairs, not wanting to miss the look on Grace’s face when she woke up to him. He tiptoed into her room, kneeling beside her bed, “Grace.” He whispered, tugging the blanket down, she whined stirring, “Grace, hi baby.” He spoke again, resting his hand on her stomach lightly, rubbing her softly. Her eyes fluttered open, she looked around in a sleepy haze, her eyes landing on him, she smiled, and then it hit her, “daddy!” She shouted, shooting up, clinging to him. “Grace!” He mimicked her, lightly tickling her sides, “daddy, no!” She threw her head back in giggles, “I missed you, little lady.” He smiled, peppering her face in kisses, grinning as her laughter continued filling the room. “Come on, let’s go get your brother.” He stood, dramatically groaning when she hung off of him. Anything to make her laugh.
His greeting to Nick was much more subdued, as he cradled the small baby to his chest, “oh, my sweet boy.” He grinned, Nick looking up with wide eyes. The sight in front of you was one you’d never get used to, Grace in his lap, while they sat holding Nick together, her asking a million questions about his trip while he happily answered. Neither of you loved each other like you used to, this, this was just so much better.
Taglist: @softstarkey​ @literarycharleton​ @wtfkie​ @mtkachuk​ @kempe​
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Hi, I know you’re a fan of namjoon so I wanted to ask your thoughts on this ring thing? I’m kinda new and assumed all these namjoon is married with kids stuff were a joke. But some people seem to totally believe that. I mean where he’d get the time to see a partner and kids is beyond me but who knows? Anyways I was looking at some of their recent pics and he doesn’t wear it all the time - which if it was a couples ring - wouldn’t he? I thought maybe he would only wear it if they were appearing on Run or Korean shows, but he didn’t have it on for either of the new shows they’ve been on recently, as they may not have been as widely watched. I mean I guess it’s none of our business - but I’m trying to rip of my delulu hat for making me think Seokjin gave it to him 🙈
Hi anon, I hope you don’t mind that I’ll combine my answer for you with my answer to another ask since I feel like they fall into the same kind of category, as in people taking things too far and/or blowing things out of proportion. And, coincidentally, both have something to do with rings.
I’ll start with your question though and give you another example that followed a very similar trajectory as the omg namjoon is married with kids because ring narrative/theory. Some months ago, Namjoon posted a few pictures on twitter and among them was a picture of him with another guy wearing a green sweater. His face though was covered. At first ARMY didn’t think much of it, but then, eventually, someone started a joke that “remember that sweater Joon wore for BV4? The guy is wearing the same one, what if that's his boyfriend?” and it went viral.
It started out completely harmless with hundreds of positive and funny tweets made in good humor, no one taking it that seriously knowing that we’d never find out even if it were true. But, as the jokes started to simmer down, everyone had their laugh, the next wave came in and this one decided that this isn’t a joke at all but serious matter. Quickly this harmless fun turned into a witch hunt of “ARMY” trying to figure out who the guy might be, if he is Namjoon’s mysterious friend that once sent him a coffee truck with custom drawn designs on it, perhaps the same one with whom Namjoon already once posted a picture sitting on this garden porch swing type thing, some even trying to prove that the guy is either Seokjin (in which case, what would be the need to cover his face?) or Florist Isaac whom they met during that one RUN episode.
So, very quickly a few idiots turned harmless fun into something almost malicious and got into fights with ARMY who were trying to tell them to stop.
The ring thing followed a similar story. It was once a harmless joke based on the fact that Namjoon wants to have kids one day, so some made jokes about what if he’s already married but we just didn’t know etc. But very quickly that got out of hand as well, going as far as people claiming the little girl in his pictures which he posted around his birthday or something is his daughter (even though it was said it’s probably the child actress from BTS WORLD) and that him making jokes (during a BangtanB while trying on glasses before their MOTS7 press con) about his child being able to read/write hangul at a very young age wasn’t jokes at all but solid proof of the fact that he is married with a child (despite the fact that he would’ve had to have gotten married and his wife pregnant not long after their debut for the timeline to even work out somehow which makes it seem even more ridiculous). This even went as far as people spamming the comments during this vlives with questions about it, flooded his selcas on twitter with questions and “jokes” and, again, attacked anyone who told them to stop.
In all of this, watching it happen from the sidelines as someone whose bias is Namjoon, I was confused why these particular rings (which I don’t even think were the same ones each time) caused such a reaction. The members have all worn so many different rings over the years, on all fingers, sometimes even like eight at the same time, and yet it wasn’t until 2020 and their KBS interview after their first BBH100 #1 that things went bonkers. All because Namjoon decided to take the ring off before they started filming or something.
In all of this I see two things that make me wonder:
When would he have the time to find a girl (since same sex marriage is not a thing in Korea) with whom he would have enough time to befriend her, trust her (considering who Namjoon is, that one is a major thing), fall in love, date and be together for a few years, and then get married? From Seokjin we know they have maybe two or three days off a month and work at least ten hours a day on their BH regulated schedules. Add to that the time they spend in the studio working on music outside of schedules, gym time, a few hours of sleep, and perhaps a few scarce hours of free time to (in Namjoon’s case) go to a museum or ride his bike, does that really leave enough time for romance (with an outsider) that leads to marriage (and a child)?
Is age 26 at the height of their career really the time for marriage? Even more so when you are someone like Namjoon, the leader of the world’s biggest group with more responsibilities than we can likely imagine as outsiders. Sure, he said he wants kids, but he can still have those in his thirties, he can also get married in his thirties, after all, life does not end once you hit thirty despite what some teens believe.
Lastly, I actually think that if it were true, Namjoon, or really anyone from the hyung line, would be the ones who wouldn’t have to hide it, at least not when compared to the maknaes. You could argue that “it would threaten their career” but would it really? Perhaps if the ring were from a man (some namjinists did make jokes that it’s like his promise ring from Seokjin or whatever, but it was all in good fun, nothing more than that), then yes, but connected to a woman? That one member from EXO also came out and said he’s getting married because his fiancé was pregnant and all it did was cause a few fansites to close and a handful of people to “protest” in front of the SM building. 
Little correction about my comments about that EXO member, though even with this my point still stands:
From anon: Re: your last post about namjoon’s rings! I agree with everything you said but just a small correction. I’m not an EXO stan but it wasn’t just a a few “protests” or fansites closing. From what I read online, he his fiancée and later wife, and his child were harassed, threatened and stalked to the point where he enlisted early just to give his family some relief. We all know there are people like this in every fandom and I know BTS would be aware of these things, so they’ll be extra careful.
Would there be delulus like this who’d go crazy if Namjoon were to say “ARMY, I’m (getting) married”? Of course. Would it ruin BTS’ career? I seriously doubt it. Do I think Namjoon would actually come out and say it if it were the case? No, but not because it’s bad idol etiquette or because BH wouldn’t allow him, but because people are insane and who knows what they would do.
It’s the same with times when people argue “I wish X ML members would just say he has a girlfriend so the ship wars would end” without taking into consideration the girl’s safety and the fact that a partner different than the one X member is shipped with has never been that big of an obstacle for some before. Just create a conspiracy theory about the company forcing this upon them and voila problem solved. We’ve seen that before when the tattoo scandal happened, and people thought JK might be dating that tattoo artist and therefore it would mean he isn’t in a relationship with Jimin or Tae.
Whatever happens in the members private lives, it is safer for all parties involved if it stays private, even more so if their romantic partners were non-idols, or non-celebrities, or another member.
Now onto the second ring question:
From anon: I am a young army and I am slowly losing my bearings. I've seen Vlive S, H and V. Many say it was a Tk*ok day (?) And all three emphasized it, and the V even wore the friendship ring for Jungkook. Is it true? I don't understand anything about it, I don't see it. After the last BTS interview on TV, I thought Vmin are best friends, not Tk*ok. I thought V said he didn't want Tk*ok and yet he was so happy during Vlive because it was Tk*ok day? Help!
Now this one, I was curious if we’d get an ask about this, even more since, if you’re a reader of our blog, you likely already know what I’m going to say.
Let’s start where you usually do—at the beginning. The day of the vlive coincided with what T*ek*okers have decided on is T*ek*ok Day, based on how supposedly some years ago this was the day Tae and JK named their subunit like this. I tried to find where exactly this happened, as in in which piece of official content, but I couldn’t find anything except for a screenshot. Anyone have a clue or a link?
Side note: T*ek*okers love using the “ship” naming as proof that not only are they real but also proudly showing it off by giving themselves a name but continently forget that they are not the only ones who gave themselves subunit names. After all Jimin and Namjoon named themselves MiniMoni, or Yoongi and Jimin who are MiniMini, Namjoon and Seokjin calling themselves RJRJ last year, or that one vlive with JK, Jimin and Seokjin where they also put together their names the way you build ship names. At the end of that vlive Tae, thanks to come prompting from the chat, named their trio vsope, so does that mean they are a romantic ship now too?
If you were watching that vlive as it was happening, and decided to look at the chat, then you know what was happening. For those who did not, basically the chat was flooded with comments about T*ek*ok Day, asking where JK is whom Tae loves, where his boyfriend JK is, congratulating Tae for T*ek*ok Day etc. Basically shippers took their shipping into a space where it doesn’t belong, into a space where the members can see it, and therefore purposefully broke one of the shipping rules (I even saw some tweet about how they were proud of themselves for literally spamming the chat with T*ek*ok comments which is so wrong, and I mean that regardless of which ship we talk about). In between those were the usual other comments like speak English or say hello to XYZ or say XYZ in whatever language, and very few comments that actually reacted to what the members were doing on screen. Like when Tae said he didn’t shave, instead of telling him that it’s fine, which it is, it’s his face after all, some decided to tell him he should shave more often, basically telling him what to do, which he saw and read out. Great job.
But all the madness came to a “climax” when Hobi was reading comments and among some other ones read out T*ek*ok, just the word not the T*ek*ok Day ones, and unfortunately we all knew he wasn’t reading out the Korean word for Thailand, which sounds the same though it is spelled a little differently. In that moment all hell broke loose. Focus cams of Tae’s facial expression in that moment went viral among shippers, most of course claiming he looked so happy, while other non-shippers claimed he didn’t look happy at all. It’s a micro moment so I won’t get into it, who knows what Tae thought in that moment and what his facial expression meant and if it even had any connection to the word and Hobi reading it out loud at all.
Because he read that comment, Hobi was basically crowned the new leader of the T*ek*ok shippers (I thought that role already went to Jimin?) and twitter basically had a meltdown.
As for the ring, I know this is something a lot of ships have, with romantic connotations according to their shippers, so I was curious how these rings supposedly look like in T*ek*ok’s case and if they even match the ring that Tae wore in the vlive. If it would, fine, if not, well…
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If it’s not clear from the picture, the “supposed couple” or friendship rings are very delicate and thin, and sure enough I did find a lot of pictures in which both Tae and JK wore them, usually at different times, I will admit that. But the ring Tae wore during their vlive recently was much thicker and had some kind of design on it, therefore it’s a completely different one. Sorry. Why he wore it, if he bought it for himself or received it from someone, what emotional connotation to may or may not have, those are things we won’t know anything about unless he would tell us, so there's no point in speculating.
“Many say it was a Tk*ok day (?) And all three emphasized it” now this is curious to me since I watched the vlive as it was happening, and I didn’t see that at any point in the vlive. Sure, Hobi read that one comment, but if 95% of comments were about that, I wasn’t even surprised by it. Perhaps he thought that it would get people to stop? Perhaps he just read whatever comments his eyes landed on? Perhaps something else entirely? We have no way of knowing it so there is no point in trying to fixate on it. But besides that, they were talking about many other things and having fun making their smoothies, decorating them and just having a good time together with each other and with ARMY. 
So, this way of presenting the vlive basically comes down to shipper perception, confirmation bias, and simply, almost, rewriting history.
Rings do not determine who your best friend is (according to a quick google search, wearing a ring on your index finger simply means friendship or self-esteem/authority), after all many of the members have rings either from each other or ones that match, like Namjoon buying Jimin a Cartier ring for his birthday a few years ago which Jimin proudly wore since it’s really pretty, or pink and blue rings (there are several different ones, actually) that Namjoon has worn with Seokjin in the past (which fits into the Namjinist pink and blue agenda), or the rings Jimin and JK have together according to their shippers, and many more. Jimin and Tae have a whole plethora of matching jewelry in form of necklaces, rings, bracelets, even contact lenses (as in wearing one of each pair to match each other), some which were chosen by their stylists and others they bought themselves for themselves (which are all conveniently “forgotten” by those who ship either big ML ship). Though we’ve seen that even with clothes given by their stylists they were still the ones to choose their own accessories, like Namjoon choosing a pair of glasses from a whole box of different ones, or the members choosing rings from two big boxes before going on stage.
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Tae himself said, on multiple occasions across multiple years, that Jimin is his best friend, even his one and only best friend, and that he’s the one he likes most which he even proclaimed on national TV. As long as Tae doesn’t say that this has changed in the last, what, two weeks and suddenly JK is officially his new best friend, those who claim otherwise are basically nothing but shippers pushing a narrative that willfully ignores Tae’s own words. Just like they ignore and twist his Weverse comment about how T*ek*okers should get out of their imagination. What doesn’t fit is ignored or adjusted until it does fit.
Lastly, sure enough, Tae really was happy during that vlive but I’m fairly certain (though neither you, them or I will ever know for sure, we’re not in Tae’s head) it had absolutely no connection to T*ek*ok Day, something shippers created and not Tae and JK themselves, seeing as Tae has been in a very good and happy mood for a few months now. Whatever makes him so happy, I truly hope it’ll continue making him happy and I wish shippers (and solo stans) would stop trying to force a reason (which fits them) upon his emotions.
I know it’s easy to get confused by how loud shippers are online, especially as young ARMY (in this case both ARMY who are young age wise but also young in the sense of being new to the fandom), but shipper opinions, in many cases, are just noise, and also noise twisted and skewed a certain way to suit them. If you kept to OT7 spaces on the day of that vlive, no one really paid attention to the ring, most were annoyed by and furious at the shamelessness of the shippers in the comments, and tried to just focus on how fun the vlive was instead.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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Ch 18-Home Run
Summary: Frank’s competitive side comes out to play during an event at Mary’s school, and then he and Fliss get their first child free evening in well over 6 months.
Warnings:  Bad Language words, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N:  Special thanks to @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ for her little drabble which was posted as part of her Birthday Celebrations which I used in here.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 17
Taking more than her share, had me fighting for air, she told me to come, but I was already there 'Cause the walls start shaking, the Earth was quaking, my mind was aching and we were making it. And you shook me all night long, yeah, you shook me all night long
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February 2020
Fliss watched as Frank adjusted the blue Red Sox hat on his head slightly, the baseball bat hanging loosely in one hand before he took up position, turning slightly to the side, his long fingers curling around the handle.
"Five bucks says he misses..." Bill spoke and Fliss gave him a dig in the ribs.
"No chance Poppa B" Mary laughed from where she stood in front of Fliss "Frank's got a wicked swing."
Fliss saw Frank who was laughing at something that one of the school teachers who was current performing the role of catcher before his face suddenly warped into one of utter concentrate as the pitcher wound up. Sure enough, a second or so later Frank swung the bat forward and with a satisfying cracking sound he connected with the baseball and set off at a sprint. Fliss and Mary cheered along with the rest of the crowd who had gathered to watch and Frank rounded first base, then onto second as the other guy positioned there had also started to make his way home. Frank made it to 3rd easily, and then Fliss spotted the expression on his face change as he glanced around and set off at a sprint clearly going for home. The gathered crowd started to yell as the ball came flying in towards the catcher but Frank was there just that little bit faster, dropping into a slide and his boot hit the little square marked out as home before the ball. He jumped up, a huge grin on his face as the other parents on the team all cheered and congratulated him, various other yells ringing out around the little playing field, Fliss, Mary, Bill and Verity joining in. 
"Told ya!" Mary shouted as she jumped up and down. "Home run!"
Fliss looked up at her dad who was chuckling as he watched Frank who was now doubled over, hands on his knees, catching his breath. He wiped at his dirty jeans, which were covered in the orange dust from the school playing field and glanced over towards them, shrugging playfully. 
"Well considering he said he would rather stick hot pins in his eyes than play in the Staff v Parents game he looks like he's enjoying himself." Bonnie grinned as she gently placed a hand on Fliss shoulder, leaning over to pull a face at Alex. The 6 month old baby grinned and waggled his arms furiously letting out a loud giggle, a stream of drool trickled down his chin and Fliss wiped it away with the bib round his neck.
"Well Mary called him a chicken." Fliss snorted, gently running a hand down Alex's flushed cheek, thankful he seemed to be in a temporary respite from his teething pain. "Said he was only refusing to take part because he was scared he wasn't good enough. And let's face it, he's not one to back down from a challenge is he?" 
Bonnie laughed and then someone called her away. Apologising she headed off and the family turned their attention back to the game. It finished about 20 minutes or so later when the last batter was caught out, but it didn't matter as the Parents had won anyway. They all let out a little cheer, before the two teams congratulated one another and dispersed, Frank making his way back over to where his family was stood. He chuckled as Mary ran towards him and he swung her up with a little huff and she tipped his hat back to look at him. 
"You're all sweaty." She pulled a face and Frank rolled his eyes as he set her down.
"Yeah, well it’s in the 70s and I've been running." He shrugged, dropping a kiss to Fliss' cheek.
"Hey babe...Ruth. She teased and Frank chuckled before he smiled at his baby boy.
"How's he feeling?"
"He seems OK." Fliss shrugged, looking at him. "Mind you, I've not tried putting him down yet since he stopped crying."
"Let me take him for a bit." Frank said and Fliss passed him over, Alex immediately reached up for his cap. Frank jerked his head out of the way and Alex let out a noise of protest until Fliss handed him his teething ring from his buggy. They baby grabbed it and instantly jammed it into his mouth, chomping away whilst babbling to no one in particular. Frank dropped a kiss to his head as they walked over the field, making their way to the little refreshment tent where a few if the other parents all turned and cheered as Frank walked in. He grinned, flushing a little at the attention and nodded to Rosie's mom and dad as they wandered over to talk to them. Fliss glanced around and caught the eye of one of the other moms who she recognised as being the one who'd been chatting shit about Frank and Mary last June. She narrowed her eyes a little, staring the bitch out and the other woman hastily averted her gaze and making Fliss smirk.
"Stop it." Frank warned in her ear and she turned to look at him, her best innocent expression in her face.
"Stop what?"
"You know full well what." He arched an eyebrow and Fliss shrugged.
"She's a bitch." she offered as justification and Frank merely rolled his eyes, adjusting Alex slightly in his arms, turning the baby so his back was pressed to his chest, one strong arm under his butt, the other hand pressed over his little belly so they small boy could look round the tent. He waggled his arms and legs excitedly as he saw Bonnie who waved her fingers towards him and smiled as she passed with a box in her arms, heading towards the small table set out at the front. 
The rest of the gala passed fairly quickly. It had been pulled together as a way for teachers and parents to bond, a little bit of fun one Friday afternoon in February. And according to the Principal as she spoke, it was going to be a yearly thing from now on. The Staff V Parents Baseball Trophy was handed to the captain of the parents’ team, a tall dark haired man whose daughter was in first grade who grinned and teased the staff members about how good it would look in the cabinet in the entrance hall with the word Parents engraved on the plate for at least the next 12 months, and then there were a few individual trophies handed out. One for best catch which went to the 3rd grade tutor, best display of acrobatics which went to Rosie's dad for his specular trip over his own feet as he ran to 3rd base, most animated player which went to the school's janitor who had been ferociously rallying his team all afternoon and then finally the Top Slugger trophy which to Fliss' delight was awarded to Frank for his absolute peach of a hit and home run. Frank let out a little groan as his name was called and everyone in the tent turned to face him. He accepted his trophy with one hand, Alex still held easily to his chest with the other and declined to say much other than he'd had fun and it has been a nice afternoon, thanking everyone who has organised the day, before cheekily quipping it was about time Bonnie did some actual work, which earned him a slap upside the head when she was walking past him later. 
Eventually it was time to leave and they made their way back to the cars. Mary retrieved her stuff from Frank's truck, handing it to Bill who tossed it into his Range Rover before Frank then handed Bill a changing bag for Alex as Fliss picked him up from the stroller so Bill could collapse it.
"Sure you don't mind dropping Mary off at Roberta’s?" Frank asked as Bill popped the stroller into the trunk and closed it.
"Not at all, it's on the way." Bill smiled watching Mary give Fliss a hug goodbye before she turned and did the same to Frank. 
"Behave." He said sternly and she rolled her eyes.
"I always do."
"Huh must be just us you're a pain in the ass for." Frank shrugged, earning him a little dig in the stomach from Mary. He huffed a breath, grinning as she clambered into the back of the car. 
"One down...one to go." Bill muttered to where Fliss was holding Alex to her, gently kissing his head.
"Yeah and something tells me this one's gonna be a little more awkward to get in your car." Frank sighed and Bill chuckled. Frank turned to him "I know I don’t need to ask but..."
"He'll be fine." Bill smiled "travel cot and baby monitor all set up."
Frank gave a nod as Bill clapped him on the shoulder and they both turned to Fliss who was now talking to her mother in a worried tone as Alex was starting to grumble.
"You know, I'm not sure..."
"Stop. Now." Verity looked at Fliss, giving her a significant look and Fliss knew why. Her mom and dad taking Alex overnight was a trial run for a few weeks’ time when she was planning to take Frank away for the weekend as a birthday gift. It was more a trial run for her than Alex, mind, as she was still ridiculously clingy to him, a fact she knew and was actively trying to get over. 
"He's teething Fliss, not dying." Bill looked at her. 
"I know that" Fliss replied hotly "but he's a little grouchy and he's in pain..."
“So we'll dose him up with medicine, give him cuddles and let him sleep." Verity responded simply.
"Love, we've done this before remember? And we had 2 of them with Charlie and Joel." Bill chuckled as Fliss chewed on her lip.
"But what if he won't settle? I mean he's only just cut his first one and..."
"Honey, we're 15 minutes away." Frank soothed. 
“Yup, any issues we'll call and bring him straight back." Verity nodded. Frank looked at Bill who gave him a small wink which he understood perfectly. There was no way Alex was coming back tonight, even if he was grouchy. Frank knew Bill and V would just take it in their stride to give them their first child free night in well over 6 months. 
Fliss took a deep breath and nodded. "Ok, I know I'm flapping...I'm sorry..." 
She moved to the car and gently placed him in the car seat before Frank stepped forward to take it from their truck to Bill's. Once it was secured, he dropped a kiss to his head and moved so Fliss could so the same.
She stepped back, closing the door and Frank gently pulled her right hand away from her left where it had begun to worry at the knuckles, the way she always did when she was a little panicked. He laced his fingers with hers, thumb gently stroking the back of her hand in slow, comforting arcs, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Ok, we'll see you tomorrow." Bill smiled as he opened the driver’s side door. "And try to enjoy your night alone yeah? Ill permit one text an hour to check up otherwise I'll sever all communication."
Fliss rolled her eyes but stayed silent. Frank didn't miss the way her fingers squeezed around his as they waved goodbye to Bill's car as it pulled out of the space next to theirs. 
"So, what do you-" Frank stopped dead as he looked down at Fliss who has just burst into tears. "-oh honey!" He chuckled, as she pressed her face into his t-shirt, his arms wrapping around her, gently rubbing her back over her pale blue top. 
"I know I’m being stupid but I can't help it." She sobbed "He's my baby Frank and he has a sore mouth and he's been all grouchy and..."
"Yes he is, yes he does, and yes he has." Frank pulled back, cupping her face in his hands, wiping her tears away with his thumbs "But your mom and dad will be fine. The last few nights after his feed and some Orajel he's settled right down, and if he doesn't they've got the Tylenol. He'll be fine, I promise." 
Fliss nodded and Frank dipped his head, giving her a soft kiss. "Now, we got the rest of the afternoon and the entire night to ourselves...and dare I say it a lie in tomorrow morning." He grinned, turning to open the passenger door for her. "Do you wanna go out for a few drinks or..."
Fliss wrinkled her nose "is it bad I just wanna do nothing?" Frank laughed as Fliss shrugged "I mean I have a book that I haven't opened in like a week, I've got a bottle of pinot in the fridge..."
"So you wanna curl up on the window seat and not be disturbed?" Frank arched his eyebrow.
"Well, not all night." Fliss shook her head "but maybe for an hour or so when I finish the yard."
"Ok, well, let's make a deal." Frank's hand dropped to her hips "We take our own time till say 7 ish and then sit down for dinner and a movie."
"Oh my god, perfect" Fliss groaned. Frank shook his head as he snorted.
"When did we get so pathetic that we get our first child free evening in 6 months and you're gonna spend it reading about some lame ass British Detective and I'm gonna be screwing with boat parts?"
"Ok first off there is nothing pathetic about Detective Super Intendant Roy Grace and second off...will you be greasy?"
Frank's head fell back as a loud rumble of laughter erupted from his chest. When he looked back at Fliss she shrugged and he arched an eyebrow.
"You're terrible, you know that?"
"Not my fault you're such a dirty boat daddy."
"Dirty boat daddy?" Frank scoffed as he raised an eyebrow. "What the fuck..."
Fliss grinned as she traced Frank's bicep with the fingers of her right hand "You're my baby daddy...and you get dirty on boats..."
"You don't half talk some shit at times." He snorted and Fliss poked her tongue out, catching it between her teeth as she smiled.
"You love it."
 "I love you." He bent down pressing his lips to hers before he stepped back "Now come on, I got some grease to smear up my arms."
"Can you wipe some on your face too?" Fliss asked as the climbed in the truck. Frank merely rolled his eyes with a smirk in response.
 Fliss stretched her legs out as she reached the end of her chapter, Thor giving a little annoyed huff as she jostled his head from where it was laying in her lap as they sat curled up, snuggled into the cushions on the large window seat.
"Sorry boy." She chuckled, scratching behind his ears as she glanced outside over the garden. It was dark out, the various garden lights strung up on the fence illuminated the panels which separated their private space to the large garden that belonged to the next house along. They’d really lucked out on this property. The house itself was set into almost 2 acres of land, and not to mention the 8 that now belonged to Sandybrook Stables after they’d purchased the additional 3 at the back. Which reminded Fliss, she really should get the architect onto the re-design.
Reaching for her phone she gave a yelp as she realised what time it was. Almost 8pm. They’d gone well over an hour later than they’d agreed, and given that there was no sign of Frank, he too had clearly forgotten. She stood up, fired her mum a quick message and then called their favourite Italian, ringing through an order for delivery. The guy on the phone was apologetic, saying it would be at least 45 minutes before it arrived but Fliss assured him it was no bother. No sooner had she put the phone down than her mom sent her a message back which was a picture of Alex fast asleep in the crib at her parents, his little cheeks still slightly red, but he looked peaceful. Satisfied everything was ok, she bit her lip before she smiled to herself and pulled open the fridge, tossing a 6 pack into a cool box. Instructing Thor to stay she headed out the back door and round the side of the pool and out of the garden onto the main front area. The garage door was open, the light from inside streaming onto the gravel driveway and the low tones of AC/DC hit her ears as she approached along with Frank’s curses.
The reason for his cursing was simple. No matter how much digging into the boats engine, or twisting his hand at impossible angles, the mother fucking part still wouldn’t come out. Snarling in frustration, he yanked his hand out, and grabbed a wrench, hitting the metal against it, cursing “You son of a bitch, you’re coming out of there whether ya wa like it or not. I’ve been fahking with you all God damn night!”
Fliss climbed the ladder next to the boat and snorted as she set down the cooler on the boards of the deck, arching a brow. It wasn’t often that Frank lost his cool, but when he did, he usually turned a bit Boston.
“You alright Sailor or should I be worried?” she spoke, perching on the edge. Frank fell back on his heels, grabbing a rag to wipe at his grease-covered hands and looked round at her, his brow beaded with sweat.
“If you got a beer in that cooler there, then you got nothing to worry about.” His eyes were hopeful and Fliss leaned forward, popping open the top and drawing out the six-pack. Smiling, Frank pushed himself to a stand and took one, removing the cap and draining a good third of it in one go. “Confirmed, nothing to worry about now Cowgirl!”
Fliss grabbed herself a beer and watched as Frank stepped closer, his hands resting either side of her thighs as she sat perched on the edge of the hull. “You get bored reading already?”
“Well I’d read enough anyway, but then realised the time. Baby its gone 8.”
“Seriously?” Frank frowned and then sighed as Fliss nodded. “Shit, sorry, I lost track o’time.”
“It’s ok, I did the same.” Fliss shrugged “Guess a child free few hours really is a treat.”
Frank smiled softly “We should probably order dinner.
Fliss smirked “Already done, we got like…40 mintues.” she wrapped her hands around Frank’s neck and tugged him closer.
“Whoa whoa baby, I’m covered in shit.” He gave a laugh as he protested slightly.
Rolling her eyes, she snorted. “No, if you were covered in shit, it would be because I worked you for a day at the stables. You Frank…” Her voice lowered, and her eyes turned hooded, leaning up to his lips, whispering against them. “You are covered in grease, and that makes me so unbelievably hot for you, that if you don’t fuck me on this deck, I won’t forgive you.”
“Enough said, consider yourself fucked on deck Baby,” Frank smirked, catching Fliss’ lips. At that point the music changed and flicked over from Whole Lotta Rosie to You Shook Me All Night Long, Frank’s favourite song and he smirked against her mouth as he began to sing the first verse, all the time keeping his lips a mere centimetre or so away from hers.
“She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean, she was the best damn woman that I ever seen, she had the sightless eyes, telling me no lies, knocking me out with those American thighs…”
“Err British thighs, thank you.” Fliss corrected him. Frank simply arched an eyebrow and pulled her easily off the edge of the boat she was leaning against. She giggled as she wrapped her legs around his slim waist, leaning in to press her lips to his in a slow kiss as he walked them over to the benches at the rear of the boat. The kiss remained soft, teasing licks, a slow pace, but it was no less intense than a furious one, if anything it felt more powerful than normal, the pair of them truly alone for the first time in months. With each steady, deliberate tangle of their tongues, Fliss could feel everything. The heat, the spark, the butterflies swarming inside of her stomach.
In an easy, graceful moment Frank turned and sat on the edge of the bench, his hands letting go of Fliss’ hips as she straddled him, reaching up to cup the sides of her face, holding her still while his mouth had its way with hers. Pulling back a little he softly bit her lip, drawing a groan from her mouth and he grinned, resting his forehead against hers.
“What the fuck was in that book you were reading?” he asked and Fliss laughed
“Rape, murder…” she pondered, before she grinned wickedly “A police man in a uniform with handcuffs…”
“So is it the Uniform or the handcuffs that have got you all worked up Pretty Girl?”
“Neither, it’s the dirty, boat Daddy that I’m currently straddling”
At that Frank tipped his head back in a loud laugh, his hands brushing Fliss’ hair back off her face. “I fahkin love you.” he chuckled, as she pressed her lips to his again.
“Good job.” She mumbled against his mouth “Seeing as you’re the father of my kids…and you’re marrying me.” She added as somewhat of an afterthought.
Kids. Plural.
Frank glanced at her, her eyes shining against the lights of the garage and he smiled softly, his chest tightening a little with emotion. Mary’s adoption had only been finalised a few weeks prior, the ink probably still wet on all the documents but in their mind it had been a done deal months ago, from the moment they’d made the decision. Still, it stirred all kinds of warm feelings in his chest when he heard her say it. She smiled, reaching up to brush her hands through the longer strands of hair on his head before her fingers delicately danced down over his shoulders, his strong arms before she gripped at the hem of his T-shirt. He raised his arms allowing her to pull it off, before she dropped her head and chained open mouthed, warm kisses across his collar bone.
Happy to let her take charge for a moment, Frank tipped his head back sighing as she nipped up his neck to his jaw, her mouth skating over the stubble of his beard before she met his mouth again and this time the kiss was fierce. In a flash, Frank fisted his hand in the loose t-shirt she was wearing, yanking it over her head, giving a soft groan as he realised she was wearing no bra. His large hands spread over her back, pulling her snug against his chest, his fingers sliding up and down her spine causing her to shiver a little, letting out a soft moan that morphed into that oh so familiar whimper he knew and loved.
“I could listen to you make that sound for days,” he muttered and Fliss smiled against his mouth, kissing him again. A few seconds later, deciding to push things a little as Fliss seemed to be in a demanding mood, Frank pulled back, his bright blue eyes almost icy with intensity and issued a single word instruction. “Strip” Fliss felt her stomach bottom out with excitement when his demand registered. She swallowed and stood between his legs, slipping down the shorts she was wearing, Frank’s eyes watching her as she then slid down her panties, her gaze never once leaving his face. When he finished looking her up and down as she stood naked in front of him, his eyes met hers a look of pure, unadulterated wonderment and appreciation on his face.
And it was all for her.
“Like what you see sailor?” she bit her lip, her skin tingling with excitement as Frank arched an eyebrow.
“Like you wouldn’t believe…” his hands reached out and grabbed her hips as he stood up, pivoting them so that the back of Fliss’ legs pressed against the bench he had been sat on. His hands slid up, thumbs brushing the underneath of her breasts as he kissed her once more, softly, before he pulled back, his lips gently sucking at that spot on her delicate neck, his teeth nipping at her skin.
“Wanna turn around and get on your knees for me baby girl?” he whispered his question. Fliss looked at him, wide eyed, and he noted that where there had at one time been a slight apprehension in those deep browns at being put in such a position, now there was nothing but excitement, and he wasn’t quite sure when that had changed. But it had, and he loved it. He loved the fact she trusted him, that she was happy to simply be pliant in his hands.  She nodded and turned, kneeling on the bench in front of him, bending over, gripping the back with her hands. Frank reached out, gently manoeuvring so she was positioned where he wanted her to be and then stepped back, biting back the groan that bubbled in his throat at the site of her there, ready and waiting.
Fliss’ head was spinning. She couldn’t see him, but could feel him behind her. He wasn’t touching her yet, but he didn’t have to. Just the fact she could feel the heat of his gaze and his presence was enough to send her into a freefall. Every inch of her skin felt like it was on fire, the ache between her legs intensifying with each passing second. Then she heard a soft thud—Frank dropping to his knees, she assumed, but the gentle press of his mouth to the inside of her left thigh was still a shock, even though she knew it was coming. She inhaled sharply and Frank paused, his hands sliding up the outside of her thighs.
“You okay?” He asked, his voice low with desire. “Yeah.” Fliss’ breath was equally loaded and she let out a sigh as his mouth traced a line of kisses up her thigh, then he moved to do the same to the inside of her right. Her eyes closed, Fliss breathed in slowly in an attempt to steady herself, to stay calm and collected. She was ridiculously close already and his mouth hadn’t even touched that part of her body yet. When his tongue finally made contact, she lost all semblance of cool. Her eyes flew open and she let out a loud cry as the tip of his tongue swirled against her made. It was mere seconds but she was already panting, her hands curling around the back of the bench, the feel of his beard scratching against her was almost too much. Frank fucking her with his mouth, from behind, on the deck of the boat, in their garage was the single hottest thing she had ever experienced, and she wanted it to last as long as possible. Frank however, seemed to have other ideas. Whilst he kept the slow, steady rhythm with ease, he let out a low hum, something he knew would send her wild.
“Fuck,” she whined. “Frank, I…” His tongue swirled faster, his hands gripping the outside of her thighs tightly as she felt the pressure inside her turn white hot. When he slipped his finger inside her she gasped, his mouth matching every gentle but firm thrust his hand made.  It all resulted in a sensation so heavenly, it was agonizing and it spread from between her legs to the farthest reaches of her body, until she could take it no more. With a loud cry she came, hard, pushing back onto his face and her knees buckled slightly, her hand slipping on the wooden rail of the bench, her body and mind completely gone. Frank stood up, giving her a moment as he quickly shed his jeans and boxers before his hands gripped her hips and he bent over to kiss her neck. “You good?” he asked and she gave a hum of satisfaction as she turned her head to look at him, her brown eyes meeting his as she nodded. “Jesus Frank…” she stuttered and he smirked, his grin slipping slightly as she reached back and gripped him in her hand, a choked little grunt escaping his own mouth as her palm tightened around his now throbbing cock. His hands dropped to her hips and he pulled her backwards and up slightly, manoeuvring her so she was exactly where he needed and with smooth, fluid thrust forward he slid slowly into her, the deliberate languid pace allowing her to feel every glorious inch of him. “Lissy,” he growled, and that was the last word he uttered as he thrust into her over, and over, screams and cries and grunts filling the air in the large garage, echoing slightly off the walls. As his hands tightened on her hips, Fliss knew he was close and so was she. He let go with his right hand, dropping it round between her legs to palm her clit and the warm press of his hand combined with the steady rhythm of his thrusts sent Fliss over the edge again and just as a low growl ripped from Frank’s throat, orgasm number two spiked through her. Only this time when she lost it, she was a complete mess.  Every single muscle in her body cramped and quivered as she tensed in front of Frank, bucking violently until she sagged forward, her sailor’s arms wrapping around her as he gave a few more deep thrusts before he shuddered, his arms tightening their hold and he groaned loudly, his hips faltering as he came with a surge that brewed right from his feet. They both remained still for a second until Frank slowly and gently pulled away. He pressed his lips to Fliss’ lower back, showering her in gentle kisses, as he made his way up her spine before he reached the crook of her shoulder. Fliss’s eyes were still closed but her face sported a sated smile as she let out a hum of satisfaction.  Picking her up, Frank sat down on the bench so she was cradled in his lap, reaching for the tartan blanket that was draped over the seat a few down and he wrapped it around them both, kissing her hair line.
“Suppose that’s one way to christen the boat.” She eventually spoke and Frank chuckled.
"God bless the good lady Felicity...and all who sail in her." He retorted, giving a little salute. Fliss snorted and slapped his arm.
“You’re such a wanker.” She shook her head and Frank laughed, kissing her gently”
“You love it, honey.” “No, I love you. Which means I put up with all your wanker-ish traits because I have no choice.”
 Once Frank had showered he made his way downstairs dressed comfortably in a pair of sweats and t-shirt. Fliss had already laid the take-out boxes on the counter so he parked himself down on one of the stools as Fliss handed him a beer, taking a glass of wine for herself. They talked as they ate, Fliss teasing Frank about getting him a display cabinet for his baseball trophy to which he snorted and told her he wasn't intending on making it a habit. Once they'd finished their food, they cleared the dishes and Frank made his way to the sofa whilst Fliss let Thor out into the yard as he was pawing at the door. 
Frank absentmindedly flicked through the news channels, pausing at a report on Trump's latest activity and the reaction to a stupid tweet he had made regarding guns and he shook his head, scoffing in disgust.
"I dont know why you watch anything about him." Fliss called as she shut the door "it just winds you up."
"His brain is a fucking scribble" Frank retorted, "I mean...just look at him Fliss!"
"I'd rather not!" She called back, shooing Fred down from where he had hopped up onto the kitchen counter. 
"President of the free world and he's an absolute tool." Frank continued his chunnering as he stretched out, his legs on the coffee table and his arms extending quite forcefully behind his head as he yawned. Unfortunately, Fliss had chosen that exact moment to cross the room ready to wrap her arms around him from behind and as she bent to do so the back of Frank's closed left fist connected with the top of her left cheekbone, just in the outside corner of her eye, and she gave a yelp of surprise. As soon as it happened Frank jerked his head round and as he saw Fliss recoiling from the accidental blow his blood ran cold.
"Shit..." he sprang over the back of the couch, ignoring Thor who was now growling furiously at him. "Oh my god, Lissy, I'm so fahkin' sorry..." 
She straightened up blinking, her hands falling to his biceps as he gently cradled her face. "Frank its fine, you just caught my eye a little that’s all, it won't even bruise."
"Well, maybe not but..."
"Did you-Thor!" Fliss yelled at the dog, turning to look at him "Stop!" The German shepherd fell silent and flopped his butt down on the floor, his dark amber eyes still fixed on Frank, as Fliss turned back to him. "Did you mean to do it?"
"No, of course not..."
"Then there you go. It was an accident." She smiled, "it wasn't even hard enough to bruise, trust me, I know."
"That's not funny." Frank said quietly and Fliss sighed.
"It wasn't meant to be." She shook her head as Frank's eyes roved her face, utter dismay across every inch of his own. "Frankie..."
"Baby, I'm so..."
"Stop apologising." She said softly "it was an accident. Nothing more." Frank looked at her again before she stood on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. "Please don't."
"Don't what?" He asked
"Worry that you've hurt me, or scared me. Because you haven't." She shook her head "would you be this bothered if I didn't have the history I did?"
Frank hesitated. Of course he'd be bothered about hitting his girl, regardless of it being accidentally, but she was right. He wouldn't feel the concern he did has she not been subjected to the abuse she had suffered previously. He gave a little sheepish shrug and Fliss shook her head again, smiling.
"I'm not made of glass Sailor, I'm not gonna shatter over something like this. Not anymore." She took his hand in hers, pressed a kiss to his knuckles and then let go. Frank dropped it to his side, curling both hands on her hips as her arms slid up round his neck. "Can we forget this now and snuggle up with a movie?"
Frank nodded "ok, sounds good..."
After a little deliberation and poking around the channels Fliss’ eyes lit up when she realised that one of the channels was now dedicated to James Bond, the next movie showing being Skyfall, one of her favourites.  However, fifteen minutes in Frank felt her head growing heavy against his chest as they lay sprawled on the sofa. He glanced down to see her eyes closed, her lids fluttering slightly, lashes laying against her cheeks as she slept. With a smile he pressed a kiss to her head, his hand gently resting around her back as she lay snuggled into him. It can’t have been much more than twenty minutes later when he too felt his eyes growing heavy, the exertion of the day finally getting to much for him and he nodded off, both of them waking with a jolt when the music for the end credits kicked in and Fred hopped up onto the back of the sofa before landing on Frank’s chest by Fliss’ head with a loud purr.
“Jesus Fred…” Frank grumbled, pushing him off as Fliss sat up, blinking. “Fucking one eyed bastard.”
Fred glared at him and slunk off, jumping up onto the armchair where he curled up, his tail flicking.
“What a rock and roll lifestyle we lead.” Fliss stretched slightly as she yawned and Frank shrugged.
“Well we had a busy day.” “Even busier evening.” She quipped and Frank chuckled, his hand rubbing at her back before she stood up, her hands rubbing at her eyes. With a heave Frank swung his legs off the couch and he too stood, pulling his girl into a hug.
“You go up, I’ll sort Thor check the doors.”
She gave him a quick peck and then left him to it, padding tiredly up the stairs. She headed into the bathroom to clean her teeth and was just climbing in between the soft sheets when Frank walked into the room, Thor behind him, the dog flopping down with a sigh into his basket. Fliss’ eyes fell to the empty bassinet and she suddenly felt a little pang for her missing baby, but she knew from the various texts and the conversation she’d had with her parents earlier that he was perfectly fine so she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
It wasn’t long before Frank joined her in bed and she shuffled over to him, tossing her leg over his as he kissed her forehead, his hand sliding up the back of her sleep cami, palm warm against her skin.
“Love you.” He yawned and she smiled.
“Love you too.” She sighed contentedly, her eyes closing as they both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
Frank woke the next morning to an empty bed. With a stretch he rubbed his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. Of course it would be too much to hope Fliss would be able to lay in. And then he turned over to check the time and did a double take. It was almost 10 am.
“Fuck!” he gave a little chuckle. Guess he’d been a lot more tired than he thought. Swinging his legs out of bed he padded into the bathroom, sorted his bladder out and went about the rest of his normal morning routine before he grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of sweats and headed downstairs. He paused in the doorway to the large family area, watching as she was stood at the stove, dressed in one of his button downs. It skimmed the curve of her ass, ending in the middle of her thighs and he smiled as he watched her move. He couldn’t quite remember the last time he saw her like this in the kitchen, it was certainly before Alex was born, most likely on one of their kid free Friday nights that had abruptly halted when he’d arrived, not that Frank would change a thing about it mind, but it was still nice to have it back, even it if was just for one morning.
He thought back to the first time he saw her dressed in one of his shirts. It was a Saturday in his old apartment, not long after they'd started dating. He found her in the kitchen much like she was now, making a coffee having woken early and not wanted to disturb him. He remembered thinking it was the first time a woman had ever done that, made herself at home, because in fairness she was the only woman that had lasted longer than a night in 8 years. It had stirred something in him then, a feeling of contentment, much like the one he was feeling now. His life had changed dramatically since she’d walked into it approximately 2 and a half years or so. In some ways the time had flown by, in others it felt like a life time when he considered everything they’d been through, both of them so far from the people they had been, yet so similar too.
With a smile he stepped into the room and walked over to her, and the fact she didn’t jump when he wrapped his arms aroud her from behind told him she’d been well aware of his presence in the doorway for a while.
“I thought we were supposed to be having a lazy morning complete with lie in” Frank’s hand gently brushed Fliss’ wild locks off her neck before he pressed a kiss to her skin
“I did.” Fliss smiled “I didn’t wake up until 8:30. Normally your son has me up at 6.”
“Our son.”
“When he wakes me up at 6 am he’s your son.” She turned her head to glance at him. “Dad’s gonna collect Mary and drop them both off at half past midday ish.”
“Well then, you really could have stayed in bed.” He pouted and she chuckled.
“Once I’m awake I’m awake…” she shrugged “No point staying there.”
“You should’a woken me up, I could’a given you a good reason to stay put.” His lips pressed more kisses to her neck and Fliss laughed, swatting at his head playfully.
“I’ll burn breakfast.”
“I’m hungry.”
“So am I.”
“I meant for food.” She turned in his arms and he shrugged playfully giving her a deep kiss.
“Morning honey.” He smiled against her lips and she let out a little chuckle.
“Morning hot shot.” She grinned, patting his chest “you wanna set the places and pour us a coffee each? This is nearly done.”
Doing as he was told, Frank stepped back, grabbing cutlery and placing it on the breakfast bar before he made them both a coffee and grabbed the orange juice and a couple of glasses. As he set it all down on the side, Fliss dropped two plates of pancakes, bacon and eggs on the place mats and Frank gave a little groan of delight.
“You didn’t have to do this.” He looked at her.
“It’s just breakfast” she shrugged “Plus, thought it would be nice, just the two of us. And I wanted to talk to you.”
“Sounds ominous.” He arched an eyebrow as she sat next to him.
“No, not really.” She shrugged “I was just thinking yesterday a little. I wanna go back to work Frank, like full time. I’m ready.”
“Okay.” He nodded, “That’s fine. Did you think I was gonna protest or something?”
“No, I just wanted to discuss it, remember, we said we would do that after last time?”
“Liss, this is different.” He said, shaking his head as he cut into a pancake. “He’s almost 6 months old now, we’ll be weaning him soon.” “Yeah, I was thinking I can start pushing up the hours and then when he’s fully converted onto solids, which by the way, I’m not looking forward to those nappy changes…” she wrinkled her nose and Frank laughed, popping a piece of his breakfast into his mouth “well, when all that’s done then I’m back to full time.”
“Like I said, if you’re ready then fine.” Frank looked at her, hi hand dropping to her knee. “Guess we should start looking for a childminder huh?”
“Mum said she’d help out but I don’t want her to have him all the time, she’s got her own life. But I was thinking she could maybe have him two days a week, as she’ll sulk if I don’t let her have him some time.” Fliss shrugged “The other days, I thought we could speak to the one that Bonnie’s sister uses. She’s not far from Mum and Dad.” “Yeah, ok. Get her number and we’ll go meet her.” Frank agreed, shovelling more of his breakfast into his mouth.
“I also wanna call the architect that Steeby knows” Fliss added, taking a bite of food “Start getting the plans drawn up for the expansion. I’d really like to have that completed by the wedding. We got nearly 7 months. I think it’s doable. The additional stables won’t take long, or the lunging pen and the paddock move. The big job is gonna be the extension to the office and tack room but…again, a couple of weeks and Dad reckons it’ll be done. He doesn’t think that it’ll be much over 12 weeks in total if we get the right guys on the job.” Frank nodded “Well, the land is already ours so, go for it.”
“Yeah?” Fliss smiled and Frank returned the gesture, squeezing her knee.
“Yeah, let’s do it. Get the designs drawn up and some quotes for the work.”
“I love you.” Fliss beamed, leaning over to kiss him softly and he smiled, his nose bumping hers slightly.
“That’s because I’m a very lovable guy” he grinned and Fliss snorted, pulling back.
“Suppose so.”
They ate their breakfast and once the dishes were over they both retired to the sofa, Frank flicking on the news channel, Fliss picking up her book again, Fred curling up behind her head on the sofa back, Thor jumping up beside her. Frank gave a grunt and a huff, pushing the dog’s huge paw off his thigh before he flopped down, head in his lap. It was lazy, comfortable and remained that way until at midday, Fliss headed upstairs to pull on something a little more substantial than Frank’s shirt, much to his chagrin. When she came down dressed in a pair of breaches and a polo shirt little over 20 minutes later he smiled at her.
“You got a class this afternoon?”
“Yeah I’m taking Mary’s one at 2.” She said. “But I need to ride Cap  beforehand and then Bronson needs working and Heidi could do with a walk round the trail too, her back leg keeps swelling up.” “Still bad?”
Fliss wrinkled her nose as she crossed to the fridge “Nothing unusual for her age, the vet said it’s a touch of arthritis which is why I don’t school her any more. It tends to go down when she’s done a bit of walking. If I take her for half an hour hack round she’ll be fine. It’s when it stops going down that I’ve got a problem, but I don’t even want to think about that.” She shook her head, pulling the water out of the fridge. “I can’t imagine my life without her.”
“She’s certainly been with you a long time.” Frank looked at her and Fliss nodded
“20 years this year.” She sighed “Hard to believe really. She was the first horse I ever owned, best one I could have hoped for.”
“How long do you think Mary has with Monty?” Frank asked, declining Fliss’ offer of a glass of water. “I mean till she outgrows him.” “She won’t” Fliss shook her head “I can still ride Monty, he’s a welsh cob. Chunky, she’ll be good with him until he drops. But I do think she’ll be looking for something a little more advanced as well in a couple of years, when Monty needs to slow down again, but we can cross that bridge when we get there.”
“Oh, great.” Frank rolled his eyes and Fliss laughed as she sat next to him.
“Behave, it’s not like it costs anything to keep another.” “I’m referring to the advanced bit.” Frank looked at her “Still scares the crap out of me when she sails over those damned fences.”
“She’s good at it.” Fliss shrugged “If she gets placed in the final competition next month she’s got third place over all. She wins it, then she’s gonna take second. Not to mention the fact that she’s basically already won the Junior Rider class. Not bad for a first season.”
Frank smiled proudly, but before he could say anything else the back door opened and Mary skipped inside, her voice carrying over the room.
“That’s just not true Poppa B and you know it!” She sing songed and Bill rolled his eyes as he carried Alex’s car chair inside.
“Is so.” He nodded “I know someone it happened to.”
“Nah ah!” she shook her head “When you swallow gum it can’t physically wrap around your ribs as when you eat it goes down to your stomach. It’s impossible.”
“Smart ass.” Bill chuckled as Fliss stood up, crossing the room.
“Hi!” she smiled, before she beamed down at Alex who grinned and started to thrash his legs and arms about at the sight of his momma, screeching. “Hi baby, I missed you!”
“What am I? Chopped liver?” Mary looked at Fliss who laughed, and pulled her into a hug.
“And you, dur!”
“You have a good time?” Frank asked as Mary flopped next to him.
“Yeah, we had fish tacos.” Mary smiled “They were well nice.” “Fish tacos.” Frank made an approving noise in his throat.
“Yeah and then we watched some more of The Mandalorian. And I had hot chocolate and went to bed.” Fliss, who now had Alex cradled in her arms, turned to face them both. “Sounds better than my night.” She quipped giving Frank a wink as he raised an eyebrow.
“Oh does it?”
“Why does something tell me I don’t wanna know?” Bill asked and Fliss turned to look at her dad, an innocent look on her face.
“I don’t know what you mean.” She chuckled “I just helped Frank with some stuff on the boat.”
“Sure you did.” Bill rolled his eyes before his eyes twinkled cheekily “Hope you scrubbed the deck afterwards.”
**** Chapter 19
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