#i had my dad help me sell my old car Lucifer at the end of last month
voices-ringing-out · 3 years
just the usual semi-regular psa letting y’all know i’m alive lmao, things have been going on and i keep getting busier but i’m itching to write so when i have the time and energy i’ll be popping in and doing stuff when i’m able! i found out i can bring my chromebook to work and do stuff on it so i’ll try and do that as well
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brodependent · 3 years
Sam loves Dean as much as Dean loves Sam: a meta
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Much as I love reading good meta, I don’t often write meta. Thus please accept my apologies if this is mediocre, and let me start with a simple topic sentence:
Sam loves Dean as much as Dean loves Sam.
A little longer, now: Sam is even better at loving Dean than Dean is at loving Sam because of Dean’s profound and abiding love for Sam.
Confusing, right? But not really.
We all know how Dean lives and breathes SammySammySammywatchoutforSammy. It’s his defining mission, his ultimate purpose, or, as a therapist might say, his “core belief.” But sometimes I think that we allow adult!Dean too little autonomy. We assume that he can’t help himself: he’s locked into this single-minded focus, on loving and protecting the only family he has left.
That sells Dean short. (Hang in there, I promise I’ll get to Sam in a moment.)
Even people who have been forced into a certain way of life have choices. Even people who have been told who they are all their life have choices. Dean tells us, in Season 14, I’m good with who I am--and I, for one, believe him. Whether we follow canon all the way to 15x17, when Dean is finally brought back from the edge of his desire for revenge against Chuck by his love for Sam (the only thing that’s “real”), or whether we keep to season 1 when Dean said--that’s all we have...that’s all I have... and I want us to be a family again and as long as I’m around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you--Dean has always accepted his role as Sam’s big brother. Dean’s life is unabashedly Sam-centric. He’d change a lot of things, but in the end he’d change nothing, because he wouldn’t change that. 
Some fans get very het up about the codependent aspect of this. Others (in my opinion, rightly) defend it. There’s scads of meta on why the Winchester dynamic IS necessary for their mythic role in the narrative, and their human role in the narrative (more importantly), so I won’t write that meta now. All I’m saying is what I think you already know: Dean lives for Sam, his baby brother, and despite the grief, the growing pains, the occasional cruelty of desperate love, Dean said it all when he told Sam (and us), Don’t you ever think that there is anything, past or present that I would put in front of you.
So where does that leave Sam, and his love for Dean? Let’s start with that line I just quoted. Building on the above, Dean’s goal in life is to give Sam a life. He wants Sam to be happy. He wants him to be free. He also wants to keep him by his side forever, to control him for safety and comfort’s sake, and sometimes those instincts of a frightened-child-turned-traumatized-man win out. Dean isn’t perfect. Dean’s full of contradictions. But time and again he goes back to stone number one: what he can do for Sam. What he can offer Sam, by being the grunt, by standing in harm’s way. 
When we begin the story, Sam has succeeded in the path Dean helped carve for him. I’m not taking all the credit from Sam here, and giving it Dean: merely pointing out that Dean stepped into traditional parental roles and helped send Sam into adulthood, even though that meant Sam leaving him. We know that the night Sam left for Stanford was one of the worst of Dean’s life, but even in mid-season 1, Dean tells Sam he’s proud of him. You always know what you want. You stand up to Dad. Hell, sometimes I wish I--
(this, of course, is beautifully echoed in the series finale itself)
Dean is telling Sam what so many parents tell their children: you have gone places I never could, accomplished goals I never could, grown in grace and understanding like I never could. At least, I like to think that’s what the best parents tell their children.
To Dean, Sam is always the one with more hope. More wholeness. More options. To Sam, Dean is stone number one. 
You asked how Sam loves Dean, and my answer is: just look. Look at how Sam goes out into the world young, stands up to their father, makes his own decisions, fights back against Dean’s own nihilistic narrative through their primary losses and setbacks. Dean gave Sam the safety to build a better worldview than Dean himself has, and Sam turns that right back around and tries to give it to Dean. 
What do you think my job is? You’re my big brother--there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. 
I can’t lose you.
You’re not a grunt, Dean, you’re a genius.
This is my life. I love it. But I can’t do it without my brother. I don’t want to do it without my brother.
I am going to save my brother. And then I’m going to kill you dead.
If you ever need to talk about anything with anybody, you got somebody right here next to you.
I believe in us.
This is just a small collection of Sam quotes showing his love for Dean. A small collection showing the persistent theme of Sam’s persistence. He knows that pushing chick-flick moments and emotional conversations can get jokes for a dime a dozen, and even the occasional punch thrown his way. He keeps at it anyway. When Sam knows Dean’s hurting, he wants to help. He’d do anything to help. He won’t sit around and see his brother turn into an embittered killer (season 2), go to hell for saving his life (season 3), take on the Trials (season 8), be irrevocably corrupted by the Mark of Cain (seasons 9-10), let him despair (seasons 11 and 13), let him sacrifice himself to an archangel’s grave (season 14), or let him lose his goodness to the whims of a vicious god (season 15). Sam fights for Dean with full use of his considerable gifts--intelligence, rationality, resourcefulness, and yes, the occasional blind rage. Sam looks to Dean, first as a leader, then as a judge, and finally as an equal. Sam has been looking up to Dean since he was four, yes, but over the course of the show he comes to look at Dean. With love, peace, understanding, humor, pain...whatever their inimitable connection requires.
The quotes I noted above also reveal Sam’s own conflicts rear up. Sam and Dean (again, in my opinion) are equally developed characters. Both have flaws and inconsistencies. Both have struggles inherent to their personalities and upbringings, distinct from those imposed on them by supernatural forces. 
Sam had a glimpse of a different life, once. He had the smarts, he had the drive, he had the sheer stubbornness to live a different life than John or Azazel or hell, even Lucifer had planned for him. But also in Sam--innate in Sam--is his core of goodness and compassion and the principle of doing right, which leads him back into the life and to soul-crushing sacrifice again and again.
Sam breaks and is broken. Sam suffers and ages and spends more time in hell than even Dean, who went to protect him.
But what keeps Sam going? Dean. Dean can’t live without Sam. We know that. The flip side is that Sam doesn’t want to live without Dean. Importantly, I think, he has more choice in the matter. Dean focused his whole childhood identity on giving Sam a life that meant he had choices, even if Dean didn’t know he was doing that. Sam can move through more crowds, more roles, more relationships. He has a better education, he has a more powerful ability to intellectually reason and detach. He would have made a great lawyer. Yet he casts all this aside out of sheer willpower, choosing instead to love Dean and live with Dean through the chaos of their lives, and to go near mad when Dean is gone. Consider Sam in season 4, Sam in season 10...Sam in season 8 trying to atone for the very choice that Dean (the best part of Dean) wanted him to make, even if the real muddle of Dean’s psyche couldn’t forgive him, for a time, for making it.
All of this leads us to the finale. 
You said you wish Sam had said I love you back to Dean in the finale. I argue that he did. He made his love perfectly clear to Dean in that moment by holding his hand, by looking in his eyes. He said, you can go now, when all he wanted was for Dean to stay. 
The best part of Dean wanted Sam to have happiness and freedom. At the end of his life, Dean was finally able to communicate that without fear or reservation. 
But the bittersweet brilliance of that moment is that Sam--the Stanford boy who went to hell and back, who saved the world, brought down one god and raised another--no longer wanted any kind of happiness or freedom that didn’t include the one person who’d been by his side all along. Dean was giving his blessing for a path that didn’t beckon Sam anymore. And yet: Sam said yes to it out of the love for Dean. Sam went out of that barn, out of the bunker, out of that day and that year and that decade and into the next and the next, out of love for Dean. Sam loved Dean by living. He loved Dean by raising another Winchester. He loved Dean by holding all their contradictions, flaws, and heroisms in his heart (in their car), until he’d done what he set out to do many times over. 
Then he met Dean on a mended bridge, dressed in old clothes that said: I was happiest at the beginning. I was happiest when we could be brothers again. I took my time getting here anyway, because I know that was what you wanted. I took my time so that we could be happiest now.
If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is.
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samclownchester · 4 years
The day is June 15 2020
The time is 3 am
The situation is that the world has fallen into a pandemic of Covid-19, and my job closed down in March, leaving me with lots of time on my hands. Despite my doubts, I fell back into Supernatural, deep into it, and I am now rewatching it. I thought it would be fun to try and see how much I could remember from earlier seasons before I watch them all
I have watched up to 1x14 at this point, so those episodes are fresh in my mind, but lets see what else I remember
Season 1
“Dad’s on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days”
“Saving people, hunting things, the family business”
Sam’s girlfriend dies just like his mom did
Their dad is the point of the season but is only actually in like 3 episodes
Sam and Dean break up but get back together
Sam has VISIONS and moves things with his MIND
Meg is a demon, Sam has a bit of a crush on her
They find their dad, but don’t kill the demon
Season 2
Dean dies in a car crash, John sells his soul for him and dies
Bobby Singer is best dad
Ellen and Jo and Ash exist
Purple Nurple
Lots of psychics! Sam can make friends??
Jk, it’s the hunger games
Sam gets stabbed in the back
Dean sells his soul for him
They kill Azazel I think??
“I have … demon blood in me?”
Season 3
Saving Dean from his demon deal
Groundhog day episode where Dean dies everyday
Gabriel?? (trickster)
Blonde Ruby (let’s hear it for Laurel Lance!)
Very short because there was a writers’ strike that year
Hell hounds
Season 4
Dean was “gripped tight and raised from perdition” by Castiel
Sam has a new gf! (Surprise, it’s Ruby in a new body! :o)
Why does she pretend to not know Dean when he first shows up? Is she lying to Sam about who she is this whole time?? Hmmm I wish I remembered
Time travel?? (Sam doesn’t get to come ☹ )
Demon blood
Demon blood detox ☹
Let’s kill Lilith
“Because it had to be you Sam”
“The boy with the demon blood”
Season 5
Dean is the Michael sword
Sam is messed up, trying to quit demon blood
Cas rebelled, and he did it, all of it, for Dean
Adam Winchester is a person who exists
Also I think this is the season with Jesse the antichrist who never shows up again it’s fine.
He only existed so they could have important conversations about nature vs nurture which honestly they should’ve just saved from when Jack was born but they didn’t know that was gonna happen
More time travel??
Cas likes drugs
Team Free Will
Fall into the cage
Dean goes to live with Lisa and Ben
The end?
Season 6
Cas is working with Crowley and spying on Dean but not talking to him like the pining idiot that he is
Dean can’t help but inspect monster happenings in town
Dean finds Soulless Sam
Hanging out with some old dude?
Get Sam’s soul back
Meet Death?
Find out Cas is working with Crowley
 O: Ultimate betrayal
Season 7
Godstiel?? Why?? Idr
Please give Sam therapy
Sam goes to an asylum
Cas takes Sam’s trauma??    
More leviathans
Garth? Did we know him before. Idk, we know him now
Dean and Cas go to purgatory!
When does Cas die and walk into the lake? That’s before they go to Purgatory, right? Hmmmm but how does he come back
 Cas is Emmanuel and has a wife? Is that in this season?
Season 8
Dean gets out of purgatory!
But no Cas
Sam had a girlfriend and a dog! Nice!
Not nice, he ignored Kevin and didn’t look for Dean
Like they agreed on, but whatever ok sue him for trying to be happy
Dean has a vampire boyfriend
Not so high and mighty about killing every monster are we now, huh Dean?
Right? I don’t remember, this is a conversation that happens though
He does end up killing Benny though, doesn’t he? huh
Cas is back from Purgatory! But he’s got Secrets ™
“I’m gonna become a hunter”
Then he stays in the old folks home and next time we see him he’s all wacky and likes to watch the bees?
You’re just playing sorry
Am I right?? I don’t remember, but all of this happens at some point
Who even is the big bad? What are we fighting? Idk
Oh we have to save Kevin from Crowley and he reads the demon tablet. Only eats hotdogs, doesn’t shave. I love him please keep him safe.
Spoilers, they don’t
Right! The trials, Sam does the trials, they “purify” him
The angels fall, but Sam doesn’t complete the trials and almost dies.
Season 9
Sam almost dies, Dean is like “right, nonconsensual possession is clearly the best answer for this”
Human!Cas, he drinks lots of water. Steve.
§  “you can’t stay here” :o
Abaddon I think?? What was the point
Crowley is sort of our friend now and I think we meet Rowena? Idr
Kevin dies ☹
“What is the upside to me being alive” – Sam
§  Maybe in this season, maybe not. Who knows?
Cas is a cannibal (eats grace) and becomes and angel again at some point
§  Hannah exists
We all hate Metatron
Metatron stabs Dean and Sam puts his dead body on the bed
Season 10
Demon!Dean and Crowley are living it up!
Sam and Cas try to cure Dean
Charlie and Rowena interact a lot I think
Book of the Damned
When did they find the bunker? Men of Letters? All that? Idr, anyway they have it at this point
Dean kills lots of people
Charlie dies ☹
Dean blames Sam which is unfair and I hate it
They get the mark off and The DarknessTM is release
Season 11
The Baby episode exists
Really weird sexual tension between Dean and Amara while she’s still kind of a child, no one knows why. Please stop.
Cas gets called expendable and then makes poor life decisions
Lbr, though, Misha is the only other one who can play Lucifer with the same spirit as Mark Pellegrino. Sorry Jared, it’s the truth.
Eileen!! <3
Chuck is God :o
Let’s kill Amara!
Except we don’t kill her, she just needs to bond with her bro.
Here, have your mom back
Season 12
British Men of Letters
Lucifer F*cks
Boy I didn’t think this would turn into what it did, let me tell you
Winchesters escape from Federal Prison
Cas says “I love you”
But like, the plural you. No homo.
Sam admits he lost his drive to lead, then finds it again and leads hunters against the dang brits! Hooray!
Oh shoot Lucifer wants custody of his kid!
Fatality – Castiel
Fatality – Mary
Oh no wait she didn’t die she’s just trapped.
Season 13
Jack jack jack jack jack
3 dads, all at various levels of dadding
Actually 2 excellent dads, one dad who is too emotionally damaged to dad but he tries sometimes
Yeah Cas pisses of a cosmic entity. That won’t come back to bite him
Jack just wants to be good
Wayward sisters was not picked up which sucks
Apocalypse world
Rowena is our friend now
Custody Battle!!! Who wins? Not Lucifer
We saved the day! And a ton of people
Literally they made a whole deal of the people being like “We won’t leave our home or our cause” and then they got back to Sam and Dean’s world, didn’t have archangel grace and were just like “meh, actually this place is cool. We don’t have to worry about going back”
Psych! We’re not done yet! Luci wants his kid
And Michael wants his planet
Season 14
Michael! Dean
Jack dies
But it’s ok, we fixed you, just don’t use your powers
Oh shoot he used his power
Nick is somehow alive
In love with Lucifer
Burn his ass!!
Oh Mary disapproves
RIP Mary
RIP Dean being a father, now he’s gonna murder
Hi Chuck, nice of you to show up
Oh no.
Season 15
Chuck sucks
Dean and Cas break up ☹
Sam has visions again
But he’s not psychic, it’s just the piece of his soul inside Chuck
Resurrect your girlfriend! Yeah!!
Jack is eating hearts, but it’s ok, Death told him to do it.
Garden of Eden?
Get your soul back boy!
 And cry
Honorable mentions (Aka these happened but idr when)
Sam falls in love with a werewolf and then has to kill her and MAN Jared really brought the tears
AU where Supernatural is a TV show
Finding out Supernatural is a book series and the author is Chuck!
Crowley becomes helpful mostly
Crowley has a son??
 Meet grandpa
Ellen, Jo, and Ash die
Bobby dies
literally everybody dies
Kill Hitler
They meet that Jewish guy with the Golem who pretended to flirt with Dean at some point.
Jimmy Novak was a devout man who deserved a lot better than he got
Claire Novak is so cool
She moves in with Jody
When do we meet Jody? She’s just always kinda been there?
Gabriel, I don’t remember anything about Gabriel
The council of the Gods’ happens and then I think Gabriel dies in that episode?? Idr
The Four Horsemen
Death, Pestilence, War, Famine
“You’re not hungry Dean”
 I literally do not remember what was happening with these guys
Also, they killed Death, killed a reaper, that reaper became the new Death. I remember when all that happened I just didn’t feel like putting it in the timeline.
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Doomed | Dean Winchester  (2/5 part 1)
Her first night at the bunker wasn’t as glamorous as Cordelia had hoped. The mattress was hard, the room cold and there was this constant - and very annoying - buzzing noise from the always-going air circulators. She had been tempted to turn them off with one snap of her fingers, but it would’ve rapidly made the bunker feel stuffy.
Finishing with a coat of lipstick, the redhead stood from the bed and smoothed her dress before walking out of her assigned bedroom. She followed the voices coming from down the hall and walked through the wooden door frame that led to the kitchen, finding both Winchesters.
Dean looked up as she entered, the clicking of her shoes selling her presence. ‘’How are you not hungover?'' he asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee. ''You drank all of the bottle.’’
‘’Not all…’’ The blond gave her a look and she rolled her eyes. ‘’Witch’s brew,’’ she explained, crossing the concrete floor and joining Dean behind the counter. ''May I?''
Dean gave her the carafe, just enough left in it, and joined his brother at the table with his coffee, waiting for his toasts to pop from the toaster. He usually counted on Sam to make him eggs and bacon, but he hadn’t offered this morning so, toast it was.
‘’Found anything, yet?’’ Dean asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
Sam shrugged, laptop opened in front of him, doing some type of research. ‘’Possible shifter in Illinois, but Garth is on it.’’
‘’Anything else?’’
‘’You’re looking for a case? What about my mother? And, Lucifer? You’re giving up?’’ Cordelia asked, belligerent.
‘’We’re putting it aside, for now,’’ Sam corrected, trying to remain calm despite the redhead’s tone. ‘’I know we need to find Rowena, but we don’t have any lead on where she could be at the moment. Crowley and his demons are looking for her as we speak. He’ll call us when he finds her. For now, all we can do is wait.’’
Wait? Cordelia huffed. Easy to say when you’re not the one who’s getting married to Lucifer...
Into the evening, Cordelia decided to do some exploring to pass time. There wasn't much else to do inside the bunker, being first and foremost a safe place, not a house. She pushed open a door and climbed some stairs, revealing a room filled with old cars and a few motorcycles. A sort of garage.
She walked through the large room, admiring the perfectly aligned cars, noticing how none of these models were from the current century. She didn’t know much about cars, but Cordelia had been alive longer enough to recognize some of the models.
A noise of metal hitting the floor echoed through the room, catching the redhead’s attention. She looked around, alert, ready to use her magic on whoever was hiding in here.
Cordelia's blood ran cold at the mere idea of him being here. The chances of him knowing where she was hiding were very small, but it was still a possibility.
A familiar black car was parked at the far end of the garage with its hood up as someone was leaning into it, working on the mechanic.
Her defence instincts calmed down, no longer feeling a threat. She coughed, grabbing the blond's attention. ''Something wrong with the car?'' she asked, her voice echoing through the garage.
Dean shook his head, shutting the hood. ''Just doing a check up.''
Cordelia hummed. ''Are all these cars yours?''
‘’No. Only this one,’’ he pointed at the black Impala, a smug smile on his lips, ‘’Or, as I like to call it, my pride and joy.’’
‘’A car?’’ she said with a hint of mockery, not understanding how a car could be someone's pride and joy. It’s just...an object.
‘’It’s not just a car,’’ Dean defended. ‘’Baby isn’t just a car. This was my dad’s car and he passed it on to me. My brother and I have been conceived and grew up in that same car. I learned to drive in this car. We travelled the country in it. Hell, I spend more time in this car than any other places. This car is...home.’’
It sounded absurd and idiotic to associate a vehicle with the feeling of home, but, somehow, Cordelia was fascinated by Dean’s story behind the car. How he gave a whole story to an object.
‘’I thought the bunker was your home?’’
‘’Yeah, but home doesn’t always have to be a house. The idea of home is relative and can change from people to another. What I consider home might not be the same for you. No matter where I reside, Baby will always be my first home. I’ve lived at the bunker for less than two years, while I’ve spent my life in that car.’’
Dean’s speech brought Cordelia into a deep thinking. What was her home? Since she was a child, Cordelia never had a permanent place to live. She and Rowena had been on the run, squatting in abandoned apartments and houses, hiding from the Grand Coven during her whole childhood. It wasn't until she joined the Coven that she finally found a place were she felt safe, a place she wouldn't have to run from, a place where she belonged.
‘’The Coven was my home,’’
To her, the Coven was more than a gathering of witches. Those witches were her sisters of magic. Unfortunately it all turned to dust after being exiled. Her sisters were now forbidden to contact her due to her betrayal. She was completely cut off from the magic world - except for her powers.
Dean flashed her a short sympathetic smile, pushing aside his personal hatred for witches and showing compassion for Cordelia’s loss. He had come across a handful of witches in the past, but, despite her haughty attitude, Cordelia had nothing of a wicked witch. She had been under their roof for a whole day and hadn't tried to hex them - yet - which was good. Maybe Dean had been wrong for putting all of them in the same bag.
‘’Wanna go for a ride? Sam’s busy with his books, doing intellectual things.’’
After living here for over a year, Dean quickly got to know the best places in Lebanon. The best burger place, the best liquor store - he needed his whiskey - and, lastly, the best bars.
The place had a classic, old vibe to it and Dean loved it. They had a pool table and Dean was anticipating the moment he'd teach Cordelia how to play, using his pool skills to impress her, but tables turned when she picked up the cue and he was the one who was impressed. She could play.
Dean reached for his glass of whiskey, taking a sip. ''I have to admit, I'm impressed. Most girls can't hit a ball on their first night, let alone score three in a row.''
''I’ve been on the earth for far longer than you, Winchester. A woman needs to entertain herself,'' Cordelia explained, taking another shot but missing the hole, hitting the border instead. ''Your turn.''
She had two balls left and Dean had three, it was close.
Dean picked his cue and bent, visioning his shoot and succeeding, pocketing the blue ball. ''Yes!'' he whistled, a fierce grin on his lips. ''We're even now.''
Cordelia passed in front of Dean and smirked, placing herself on the right side of the table and shooting. She hit the orange ball and brushed Dean's red one. The way she was leaning on the table gave Dean the perfect angle for a view, his green eyes going down from the sheer, lacy sleeves of Cordelia's dress to the slit on her thigh.
Those damn witches. Dean bit his lip, fighting the temptations and effects Cordelia had on him. Getting involved with a witch had gotten him in nasty situations in the past, but looking won't hurt. Right?
''Where did your lucky hand go? You missed your last two shots,'' Dean teased with an amused smirk.
Rolling her eyes, Cordelia deposited her cue on the nearby table where their drinks were, downing the last of her drink, ice clinking at the bottom. ''I'm gonna get another one. This scotch tastes like water. Nothing like the real thing.’’ Cordelia wrinkled her nose. How dare Americans call that scotch? ‘’Don't cheat while I’m gone,'' she warned, pointing an accusing finger at Dean.
''Won't need to. I'm confident about my skills.''
''Afraid to get your ass kicked by a woman, uh?'' the redhead taunted.
Dean laughed as he watched her leave, studying the table before going in for his shot. He poached himself and was tempted to pull the white ball out while Cordelia was gone, but didn't.
Glancing ahead in the bar's direction, he spotted Cordelia waiting and making conversation with the barman who was clearly trying to flirt - and failing grandly. It was amusing to watch, the man having no chances with the redhead witch.
Since they had arrived, the barman hadn't stopped staring at Cordelia which irritated Dean. As the bar's owner, he should have some respect for his clients - more so women. He better watch out. If she catches him looking down her decolleté, a hex bag is so quickly slipped inside a pocket...
When the two returned from the bar, Sam was in the library, a book open in front of him, reading something that could be helpful in the future. It was almost 2am, but the brunet insisted on waiting for them, needing to knock some sense into his brother because, sometimes, older doesn’t mean wiser.
‘’Had a good night?’’ Sam asked, catching the two inebriated ones the second they made it in.
‘’We did.’’
Sam narrowed his eyes at Dean, watching as he descended the staircase, Cordelia on his heels, her manicured hand holding onto the railing as she walked down.
‘’You should’ve come along,’’ Dean said, car keys still in hand. ‘’She’s impressive at pool. Even beat me once!’’
‘’Twice,’’ Cordelia corrected.
Sam raised an eyebrow. ‘’I thought you were invincible at pool?’’
Dean shrugged. ‘’Blame it on the whiskey.’’
‘’Yeah, I can smell it from here...’’ Sam pointed, a pinch of disapproval in his voice.
A frown crease on Dean’s forehead. Sam hadn't told Dean off about his drinking habit since he was a boy and started stealing beers from Bobby or their dad's stash. He knew that he didn't approve of him downing so much alcohol so regularly, but Sam never had a problem with him drinking. Or, if he had, he never voiced it. Why was he suddenly sounding like it was one?
The blond sighed, not feeling like playing guessing games or listening to Sam turning around the pot, just wanting to go wash up and crash on his bed. ‘’If you have something to say, just say it.’’
‘’How can you be so irresponsible? I'm not talking about the drinking. It's going to the bar with her. You could've very well drank whiskey here instead of parading in town in plain sight and risking her cover. I thought we agreed on helping Cordelia and protect her from Lucifer, but you did the exact opposite.'''
‘’She needed fresh air. You should have some too,’’ Dean suggested, walking past the table. ‘’Maybe you’d be less of a grumpy old man if you didn’t have your nose stuck into old books all the time.’’
‘’She’s wanted by Lucifer, Dean!’’ Sam reminded his brother. ‘’She can't wander around town with you and go to bars. What if one of Lucifer’s minions sees her in town with you and tell their boss? They’ll come straight to the bunker and it isn’t arcangels-proof. I get that your intentions weren’t bad, but we can’t assure her safety if you are being reckless.’’
‘’You know, I can hear you when you talk about me.’’
‘’And that goes to the both of you,’’ Sam added. He glanced at Cordelia. ‘’I know we agreed to help you, but you can’t do whatever you please either. You need to stay hidden in the bunker. I know it sucks, but it’s the only solution we have for now.’’
Cordelia huffed, her temper filtering through her slightly slurred words. ‘’I’m not taking orders from anyone.’’
‘’Little reminder, you’re the one who asked us for help.’’
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dossypet · 4 years
Memories at Christmas - Lucifer Fanfic Secret Santa Gift
My Secret Santa was @unicorn-vibes-99 ! I hope you like it! :) 
Lucifer was so over Christmas. Don’t get him wrong, he loved the idea of gifts and spending time with people he actually liked, he just hated that whole all about DAD part. I mean the man already had his followers worshiping him year round, did he really need a whole season? Besides His actual birthday would be about July 17th on the Earth calendar. So that is why, when asked what fun things he would be doing for Christmas by one favorite, female detective, Lucifer’s reply was, “Bah Humbug I say. Who needs that silly old holiday? Now Valentine’s day is really where it’s at!” 
Chloe shook her head. Of course the man who had “God” Dad issues would take offence to the happy season. “Oh come on Lucifer, it’s not that bad! There’s parties with friends, giving the people you love gifts, being cozy around the fire?” She gave him a half grin, “But before we can properly celebrate we have to finish this case.” She grabbed her coat and as they walked out to the car Chloe filled Lucifer in on the case.
Unknown to Chloe as they were walking away, Lucifer wasn’t listening to a single thing she said. His mind was stuck on something she had said way before. “Giving the people you can actually stand gifts, wild parties, and cuddling by a fire.” Well maybe not her exact words but most of the main idea was there. If he got the detective a gift she liked, well then clearly that would mean actually fun, Adult, partying ending in a night of bliss. Lucifer was over the moon. Was his Detective finally opening up for him? Letting loose? Well he was not going to let this chance pass him. Determined, Lucifer mind raced with ideas as they finally arrived at the crime scene. 
As they passed the police line, Ella greeted them with a smile. “Merry Christmas guys! Well, maybe not so merry for this poor guys.” She grimaced with a chuckle. “Meet Jacob Marley. A wealthy business partner to Accounting Credit Firm. Sign show foul play. Strangled to death by this Christmas decoration chain. 
She was cut off by Lucifer, “AHA! Christmas! See Detective? If this poor man had not celebrated Christmas, he would probably still be alive.” 
Chloe rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively. “Any Witnesses or suspects yet?” 
Ella gave a quick nod, “A couple people saw him last night, we found them from the security cameras and called them in. A couple of people asking for charity donations, Jacob’s nephew, and his business partner John Albert. They’re all over there if you want to question them.” Chloe nodded her thanks and started heading over when Lucifer called out to her. 
“Ah- I’ll be there in just a second detective! I just need to uh ask Miss Lopez over here a quick… hmm private! Yes. Private question.” Both girls gave Lucifer a weird look but used to his antics, Chloe rolled her eyes and walked on. Now that the Detective was gone Lucifer grinned. “SO! Miss Lopez you know female things, mostly and you’re rather close to the Detective yes?” 
Ella Smirked at him, “yes? I like to think Chloe and I are close, why?” 
Lucifer checked to make sure they were out of earshot before asking, “I’m rather stuck on what to get the detective for the holidays. Do you have any clues on something she would love? Normally I would just ask what she desires but that doesn’t work on her. Maybe some expensive jewelry, or a car?” 
Ella raised an eyebrow at him, “Oh come on Lucifer, as much as Chloe would like those things, Christmas is about giving from the heart! She doesn’t care about how much money a gift costs, she cares about the thought behind it. Hey! An experience is always a fun gift and it can come from the heart! What about volunteering together at a soup kitchen?”
Lucifer wrinkled his nose in disgust. “If I wanted to bring the Detective somewhere with less class than she deserves, then I would bring her to Detective douchebag's house. You’re no help.” With that he walked after the detective who was currently interviewing the deceased man’s nephew.
“I just popped over to invite him to our family dinner. I mean he never comes, but he was family so even if he stood us up every single year, no one deserves to be alone on Christmas.” The nephew, Fred Clifford seemed distraught as he mournfully informed Chloe on why he was there the day before. 
“Inviting the old man even after he turned you down over and over again? That must have really hurt, unless it was something else you were after hm?” Lucifer grinned popping in, “Your uncle over there was a very wealthy man and after all Christmas is a very expensive time of year, so tell me, what was it that you truly desired?” 
“I… I..” Fred studdered then finished suddenly, “I wanted us to be a family again.” Suddenly snapping out of Lucifer’s gaze. “I just wanted us to be together again and for him to be happy.” Fred mumbled lowering his gaze. 
Lucifer and Chloe shared a look. The nephew was clearly not busy plotting murder for the holidays. Chloe nodded her head and replied, “I’m sorry for your loss, thank you for your time and we’ll be in contact if we have any further questions. 
“Well that was a waste of time.” Lucifer grumbled as they headed over to their final witness, the victim’s business partner John Albert. 
“Well at least we know it’s not him. They donation collectors just said the victim wrote him a check for zero dollars, laughed, then slammed the door shut. After insulting the victim more the collector told me he went to the next house and the neighbors confirmed this with a different officer.”
“Hmm, might be an easy case then with only one visitor left.” Lucifer commented. He grinned. Perfect. Solve the case quickly and he could start looking for gifts for the Detective. Everything would work out perfectly. He grinned as they reached their final witness 
“Hell-” Chloe tried to say before being rudely cut off. 
“I’m not saying a THING until my lawyer gets here.” John Albert grumbled looking snidely at the pair. 
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “Well that’s not reason to be so cross.” He humphed. 
The old man laughed crossly and waggled his finger at Lucifer, “Christmas is a bunch of nonsense. All people do is spend money they don’t have to get more things they don’t need. It’s a bunch of greedy nonsense if you ask me!” 
“AH! Now that IS something we can agree on! But besides that we can agree that you murdered your partner. Case closed let’s go Detective.” 
“You have no proof.” John argued looking smug. “You can’t pin anything on me! I know how this works! Christmas is a big joke just like you two!”
Chloe held up a hand as Lucifer was about to argue back, “What were you doing here last night? The cameras pin you here within the time of the murder.” 
“Working a deal of course! Jacob had some nonsense in his head about selling his part of the business and giving it to his nephew. I talked him out of that nonsense and left! Now I won’t say anything else until my lawyer gets here!” 
Chloe pulled Lucifer aside. “Maybe John didn’t like the thought of possibly losing money to Jacob’s nephew so he killed him so he could keep the entire business?” Lucifer nodded. Seemed simple enough. “I’ll go get a warrant to look at his records.” Meet back at the station in an hour?” Lucifer nodded and they split ways. 
Lucifer took a cab to a high end mall. As he walked the stores he frowned thinking of what Miss Lopez had said and shook his head. If The Detective didn’t want an expensive gift, and he refused to make her do some lowly servitude job, what could he get her? Lucifer paused as he looked into a music shop. He froze when his eyes landed on a small children’s piano as memories flooded back to him. 
It was back when he was but a fledgling of an angle, long before humanity was created. Dad had picked him up told him he had a surprise for him. It had been his first piano about the size of the one he saw in the shop. Lucifer had played that piano until he had gotten an adult one. But that was all back before Dad had betrayed him and everything had fallen apart. 
Lucifer blinked several times coming out of that memory. He hummed in thought. He had almost forgotten that memory of happier, joyful times. He then thought back to the third witness from their case. Lucifer’s frown deepened. Just because he didn’t want to celebrate his father did not mean he had to become a self centered curmudgeon like John Albert. With a nod and his determination renewed, Lucifer prowled the storefronts for the perfect gift.
Finally he decided on two gifts. The first was clearly the favorite. It was a Glass centerpiece that was lavashed in jewels and gold, something one might find in a millionaire's house.  The second, Lucifer got only because of Ella’s words about coming from “the heart” It was a small framed photo of Lucifer, Chloe, and Trixie from their game night. Lucifer secretly smiled every time he saw it and embarrassed wondered if he should even bother giving it. The frame wasn’t flashy or big. The photo wasn’t classy nor eye catching. Nevertheless, Lucifer dutifully wrapped it along with the centerpiece and was about to head to the station when his phone buzzed. Chloe had texted him stating, “Forget about the warrant, found DNA on Victim belonging to John Albert, plus destroyed camera in neighbor’s trash that Ella found that has video of the murder. Meet at John’s house for arrest. 5847 Sunride AVE. NW” 
With a chuckle Lucifer headed out holding onto his two gifts for Chloe. He arrived late as Chloe’s car was already there. Lucifer shrugged and started to head in when suddenly -
B A N G! 
The door Lucifer was about to go through had slammed open and John Albert himself was trying to escape. Unfortunately, He had slammed right into Lucifer making him drop and break the expensive centerpiece. With a rage, Lucifer grabbed the man and picked him up. 
“You owe me several hundred dollars and the perfect Christmas gift!” Lucifer growled
“Lucifer! You got him! Easy. I’ll cuff him.” Chloe grinned putting her gun away and grabbing the cuffs. She quickly put him in the back of her car while Lucifer glumly threw the broken present away. “Ready to go?” She asked him confused as he looked miserably as a small square package.
“Er… I wanted to give this to you Detective.. Sorry I know it’s not a very good gift..” He frowned and held out the teal package. Curiously, Chloe took it and slowly opened it.
“Oh Lucifer!” He looked up and instead of disappointment on her face she glowed with a huge smile on her face, “I love it! Thank you!”
“You… you love it?” Lucifer asked incredulously. 
“Yes!” Chloe laughed, “And I’m sure Trixie will too! Why don’t you come over tonight and join us for some hot coco and Christmas movies?” She asked 
“Well… It’s not the adult party I was hoping for…” Lucifer grinned, “But It’ll have to do. Come on Detective! This murderer isn’t going to bring himself to jail! We have hot coco to drink!” With that he hurried into the car. Maybe this whole Christmas thing wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
(Merry Christmas! Hope you liked it!) :) 
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yayneloveart · 5 years
Good Omens/Lucifer 5
They pulled up to massive gaudy mansion which the Dowlings currently called home. Valets were taking keys from anyone who didn’t bring a chauffeur which didn’t go over well when they tried to collect Crowley’s keys from him. One whispered threat and an unseen glare later and he finally gave them over to the now terrified valet.
‘I think that was a bit much,’ Chloe commented.
‘I don’t like other people driving my car,’ Crowley gritted his teeth as he pulled a large wrapped present from the backseat of the car. They approached the front doors and were greeted by a doorman.
‘Names?’ he asked as he held up a guest list.
‘Ashtoreth, plus one,’ Crowley switched to his soft old lady voice. The doorman checked them off and let them inside. Most of the other guests had already arrived and the rooms were full of important people having drinks and talking about whatever politicians talk about at parties. Crowley dropped the present at a table covered in boring looking gifts.
‘Let’s start with Mr. Dowling and work our way around from there,’ Chloe suggested. Crowley craned his neck and looked around the crowd for the politician, his height and heels giving him a good vantage point.
‘Over there, probably on his third glass of wine,’ Crowley lead Chloe through the crowd until they made it over to the birthday boy’s father. ‘Good evening, Mr. Dowling.’
‘Nanny Ashtoreth! So nice to see you!’ He bellowed, handing his wine glass to Mrs. Dowling so he could give Ashtoreth a bear hug. Crowley tensed up and tried to subtly worm his way out of his grasp.
‘Honey, you might be crushing her,’ Mrs. Dowling pulled him off and had a server take away their drinks. She turned back to Crowley and gave him a gentle hug. ‘It’s nice to see you, Warlock was very happy to hear you were coming.’
‘I’m glad, I can’t wait to see him again. And let me introduce you to my niece, Chloe,’ Crowley gestured to his undercover partner who shook hands with them.
Chloe immediately started to talk with the guests, learning who was working on the campaign and how they knew the victim. After a while she realized that Crowley wasn’t with her and she was forced to go look for him.
‘Please tell me he’s not doing something Lucifer would do...’ she mumbled to herself as she sneaked through the empty rooms looking for him. She followed the sound of clacking heels on the floor and eventually found him wandering through a deserted hallway.
‘What are you doing?’ She asked.
‘I’m looking for Warlock, he wasn’t anywhere at the party,’ he explained.
‘I get you care for him and want to catch up, but we’re also here on a mission and I need you to help me identify anyone suspicious at the party, like anyone who smells like that cologne.’
‘Dowling was wearing it, so the killer was with him right before the murder. Now, I think I’m getting close,’ Crowley walked to a door and slowly opened it. Chloe walked up beside him and saw that it was a large linen closet with a window. At the window was a young man lowering a rope outside, the other end tied to a large exposed pipe.
‘And what do we have here?’ Crowley laughed as Warlock quickly turned around, looking terrified.
‘I wasn’t doing anything, I swear!’ he yelled as he tried to stand in front of the rope. ‘Nanny?’
‘Master Warlock, nice to see you again.’
‘Oh thank God you’re here,’ he ran up to him and gave him a hug. ‘I don’t know anyone here, my dad invited his friends and their asshole kids.’
‘Well that’s a shame, a young mans birthday should be about him,’ Crowley sighed.
‘Hey, are you helping me up or not?!’ a voice yelled from the open window. Warlock quickly let go of Crowley and ran over to the window to pull someone up. Another young man covered in twigs and leaves tumbled through the window to the floor.
‘This is a friend of mine, my dad didn’t let me officially invite him because hes a ‘troublemaker’, so we decided to sneak in,’ Warlock pulled his friend up and started pulling leaves out of his hair. ‘Adam, this is my nanny from when I was a kid, Nanny Ashtoreth, and her friend...?’
‘My niece, Chloe.’
The young man brushed his long blond hair out of his eyes. He looked up at Crowley and Chloe and had to choke back a laugh. ‘Nice to meet you, Ashtoreth.’
Chloe saw Crowley stiffen, then relax. ‘Nice to meet you, Adam.’
‘It’s his birthday too, and since hes so far from his family I figured I could share some of my party with him.’
‘I’m looking forward to getting some rich people food,’ Adam laughed. ‘Oh, I almost forgot,’ he leaned back to the open window and called out, ‘Dog, stay down there out of sight, I’ll be out in a bit.’
‘Maybe we should get back to the party before anyone notices we’re missing,’ Chloe shifted on her feet nervously.
‘I could stay out of the party the whole night and no one would notice until they brought out the cake,’ Warlock scoffed, but still started to walk back towards the guests. Chloe started to follow him but stopped when she heard some harsh whispering. She turned and saw Crowley and Adam having a heated conversation, Adam looking very amused while Crowley gripped his arm.
‘What are you doing?’ she whispered to Crowley and he released the young mans arm. Adam smiled and jogged to catch up to Warlock.
‘I know him,’ Crowley said cryptically. There was a beat between them as Chloe waited to him to elaborate, but he never did.
‘How do you know him? What’s going on?’
‘It’s complicated.’
She realized that she wasn’t going to get much more out of him and had to accept that anyone related to Lucifer had their secrets. They arrived back at the party just in time for the cake to come out. It was gigantic with fondant sculptures of the Dowlings on top with the campaign logo on the side. There was also the logo for UCLA and some fondant books, to squeeze in something related to Warlock. Pieces were cut and passed out by servers to guests.
‘Could you wrap this up for me? We’ll be leaving soon,’ Crowley told a server and handed his cake to them. ‘And have the valet bring my car around.’
‘We are?’ Chloe asked.
‘Once Warlock has opened my gift.’
‘... Oh no.’
Chloe had a feeling that Crowley was more like his brother than she realized. This was proven once Warlock started to unwrap his gifts, the first few being boring things like Burberry ties and fancy cuff links. He looked bored until he saw the large colorful box Crowley brought in and decided that one probably had something fun in it. Crowley started to slowly walk backwards towards the front door while also tugging Chloe with him.
‘Crowley, what’s about to happen?’ Chloe asks him nervously.
‘I thought Warlock might want to have some actual fun on his birthday,’ Crowley chuckled.
‘What is that?’ They could hear Mrs. Dowling asking. ‘Is that a nerf gun?’
A pillar of fire erupted from where Warlock was standing and the crowd yelped in surprise, Warlock laughing at his new toy. The flames hit a curtain and it caught fire, setting off the sprinklers. The crowd got soaked as Crowley and Chloe ran through the front door down to where his car was idling.
‘What did you buy him?!’ Chloe yelled at him.
‘That flamethrower Elon Musk started selling,’ Crowley laughed. ‘I thought it would liven the party!’
‘You are exactly like Lucifer!’
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hellafiction · 5 years
Raise a little hell.(Michael x reader x Lucifer)Ch.4.
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Plot: (Y/n) is a 19yr. Old witch with some serious daddy issues who despite everything,is like a sister to the Winchester’s and risks her life to free Michael and Lucifer from the cage.Desperate times, desperate measures,right?
Warnings: Blood,violence,it’s supernatural? Self destructive coping mechanisms,swearing,at times nsfw.Mostly comedy though.
Note: I’m sorry for this very late and short,angsty chapter!I had a lot going on,but i finally finished it and I must say,I included some very uncomfortable things like past underage prostitution.Its very fucked up and Im so sorry if anyone has gone through it themselves,you can talk to me any time!
..chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3
It had been a week since the horrifying experience,it had been the last god that the Winchester’s had encountered.It had put everyone on edge.
We were staying in another dingy motel,this time accompanied by Deans paranoia that another twisted god will sneak up and chop my tits off for information.Just the thought made them hurt.A cold chill ran down my back,making me pull at my hoodie sleeves in the dimly lit diner.
The diner was small,with wooden tables that had been clearly worn away with time.I was sitting by the window towards the back.The window showed a dark,gloomy scenery-rain pounded on the streets,cars whizzing over puddles and splashing the sidewalks.
‘God-did I love this weather.’
I turned back to what I was doing before a voice nearly made my astral body jump out of my physical one.
“We need to talk.”
My (e/c) were met with Michael’s brown ones.
“I-“I didn’t know what to say,I knew what he wanted to talk to me about.It was impossible for me to bring myself to reply.So instead,I busied myself with rearranging my work so he couldn’t see what I was doing.
“What did you mean by ‘soft spot’?”He questioned me,his stoic face betraying nothing,yet,his richly brown eyes told a different tale.
I shifted in my seat,feeling completely off guard and like it was too soon to talk about it.He deserved to know about it.I knew he could see my internal struggle.
Michael leaned back,but somehow he still looked ‘proper’.He was gazing at me expectantly.
I took a deep breath before letting my eyes wander to the window.”I’ve met him before-a long time ago.”I struggled to push the words out of my mouth,”I was in the system,one of my foster parents ended up being a single ‘dad’.Back then I was around fourteen when it happened,we were broke.So he suggested we sell my virginity.”My hands shook now,”I agreed immediately,I tried to tell myself that I didn’t care,it was the least I could do.He had been the best foster parent I had,I called him dad!”My voice shook and I had tears in my eyes.
Michael listened to me rant,his face had softened and he had leaned forward subconsciously.Suddenly,without a warning he gently took my hand in a comforting gesture.
I didn’t pull away,I detected no judgement from him.”He was the one who taught me witchcraft.”I whispered.”I could have refused,he would have been okay with it,I just saw that we were at rock bottom then.”
Michael sensed that I was done before I had realised it myself.Then,he did something that shocked himself,he had slid to the booths long,soft seat next to me and embraced me without computing what he was about to do before it was too late.
That’s how I ended up with my mascara and eyeliner dripping down my face clutching an angel once set to destroy earth.I could have never guessed that such a cruel angel could have such gentle arms.
“You humans are such flawed beings who I once thought were weak,but I was wrong,in fact,humans are strong and brave,and you’re the most bravest-strongest one I’ve ever seen.”His words were heavy,filled with unusual warmth and sincerity.
He tightened his arms around me and for more than a split second,I felt embarrassment,such humiliation for my weakness,vulnerability.I pulled away,avoiding any eye contact I apologised for making a scene.My hands shook.
It was not supposed to be this way,how could I ever look him in the eyes again?
I took a deep,shaky breath,”I’m sorry,forget I said anything.We do not mention this ever again.”I attempted to make my words as icy as I possibly could.
Michael sighed,he had a feeling that every person close to the Winchester’s would be emotionally inept as well,it was truly tragic.
Was there anything he could do?
I felt Michaels gaze on me,it was intense and uncomfortable.I couldn’t look him in the eyes.I fidgeted in my seat,Iching to pretend like it never happened and try to get back to my work.I knew it was impossible though.
The awkward silence made time drag.
Michael contemplated what to do now,he was at a loss,So he decided to give me some space and left.He knew I didn’t want him there anymore.
I nervously looked around the diner,thankfully it was empty and the chances of someone seeing my little show slim.I stared across from the table,where Michael had been a minute ago and couldn’t help but feel guilty on top of my burning shame.My head collapsed into my arms.
It was time for me to leave,so I put my work along with the laptop into my bag and hurriedly left the nice diner.The sky was dark.
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bestiesandagents · 5 years
Not a Hallmark Movie
Sam Winchester is a big shot lawyer in New York City whose life is made until his high school crush shows up at Christmas time to derail everything.
Dean Winchester is a mechanic in Lawrence, Kansas, but his holiday plans take an unexpected turn when the CEO of his company needs a place to stay.
Today’s chapter follows Sam, tomorrow’s will follow Dean, and then on Christmas I’ll post their Christmas celebration.
Word Count: 4661
Sam watched from his office window as Christmas lights lit up the city below. His boss had said he could get a Christmas tree for his office, but he’d declined. He didn’t need another reminder that he couldn’t be with his family on Christmas.
“What are you thinking about?” Ruby asked, her arms wrapping around his shoulders from where she stood behind his chair.
He forced a smile as he placed a hand over hers. “How much work I have to do,” he sighed.
“Well, that’s what you get for being so important to the firm.”
He made a noncommittal noise. This particular law firm had never been his end goal. It had been a good, starting position when he had gotten out of law school, but in his opinion, the firm more emphasis on making money than helping people, and that had never been what he wanted. But then he had met Ruby. She was the owner’s daughter, and Sam highly suspected that his relationship with her was one of the reasons he had been promoted. And now he was stuck. He was working for his girlfriend’s father, and if he ever left, his relationship would be ruined. But he was making good money and was certainly more successful that most people were at his age, so he supposed he shouldn’t complain.
The door opened and his secretary stepped inside. “Sir, your four o’clock is here.”
He nodded. “Thank you, Karen. Send him in.” He turned to Ruby as Karen stepped out. “Guess that’s my cue to get back to work.”
“Fine.” She leaned down, pressing a lingering kiss to his lips. “Don’t let daddy work you too late.”
“Yeah,” he scoffed. “Because I have control over that.”
She gave him another kissed, then made her way out of the office.
As the door was closing behind her, someone else caught it, and Sam looked up to see that his four o’clock was immediately familiar. Castiel. His stomach did a backflip, he was pretty sure his heart was trying to beat out of his chest, and he had no idea what his face was doing. He hadn’t seen the guy since high school. How did he still have this effect on him?
“Castiel,” he said in surprise.
Recognition lit his eyes and he smiled. “Sam.”
He chuckled lightly at his surprised tone. “You didn’t know it was me?”
“I called into the firm to make an appointment,” Castiel explained. “They didn’t tell me who I would be meeting with. If I had known you worked here, I would have requested you, of course.”
“Well, I’m glad they put you with me. How’ve you been? Are you… living in New York now?” he asked, hope creeping into his voice.
“No. Just visiting family.”
He felt his heart sink slightly, irrationally. “Right. I guess that’s why I had the name Chuck down on my schedule.” He sank back down into his chair. He needed to remember that Castiel was here for business, it wasn’t an opportunity for him to catch up with his high school crush. Not that he needed that, anyway. He was perfectly happy with Ruby.
Castiel nodded as he walked forward to take a seat across from him. “That’s my father. I made him an appointment, but something came up.”
Sam frowned. “What’s going on?”
“My brother is stealing from him, and as my father gets older and his health declines, I know Lucifer is going to take even more advantage of him than he already is. I knew things had been bad for a while, but I didn’t realize how bad until I came for the holidays.”
“Do you have evidence?” he asked, picking up a pen and beginning to scribble away on his note pad.
Castiel explained the situation to him as he took notes. By the end, he was sure of three things: One, Castiel was right about what was going on. Two, it would be a very difficult case to win. Three, the case wouldn’t make the firm that much money, unless he vastly overcharged Castiel, which he refused to do.
Sam stared down at his desk. He wanted nothing more than to help him. This was exactly the kind of thing that he had wanted to do when he became a lawyer – help people in tough situations – and not to mention, Castiel was, or had been, his friend. But he knew what his boss would say if he even suggested taking the case. There was no real money in it and success wasn’t a guarantee. They would look at him like he was insane.
“Cas…” he began hesitantly. “I-I would love to help you out here, I really would. But… it’s just not the kind of thing our firm handles.”
Castiel nodded, looking down. “Of course. I understand.” He offered him a small smile that didn’t touch his eyes. “Thank you for your time, Sam.”
He rose to his feet, and Sam followed his lead, reaching out to shake his hand. “It was really good to see you again,” he said fervently.
“You too.” He started to turn to go, but then he glanced back at him. “You know, your office could really use a Christmas tree. I feel it would suit you more.”
He laughed. “Why? Because I’m so Christmassy?”
He shook his head. “It just feels cold in here, and you’re a very warm person. You brighten every room you enter, much like a Christmas tree.”
Sam could feel his cheeks heating up and he really hoped he wasn’t as red as he felt like he was.
“Have a Merry Christmas, Sam,” Castiel continued as he turned away and started walking for the door.
“Cas, wait,” he found himself saying before the thoughts had fully formed in his mind. He didn’t know what he was doing, he just knew that he couldn’t bear to send Castiel away to deal with his situation on his own, he couldn’t bear to watch him walk away period. “I could take your case pro bono.”
Castiel’s eyes were wide as he turned back to him, shaking his head. “I could never ask you to do that.”
“You’re not. I’m offering.”
“Are you sure?” he checked.
He nodded, a smile spreading over his face. “I’m sure.” This was the most like himself that he’d felt since he’d moved to New York.
Castiel returned his smile. “Thank you, Sam.”
The next day Sam and Castiel met up over his lunch break to discuss the case.
“You really don’t have to pay for my food,” Sam insisted after Castiel instructed the waiter to bring him the check.
“You’re helping my family. It is the least I can do.”
He sighed but relented as the waiter set the check down on the table and Castiel snatched it up before Sam could do anything about it.
Once the check was paid, they bundled up, and Castiel fell into step beside Sam as he walked back to his office.
“So, what have you been up to since high school?” Sam asked.
“I’ve done a few different things,” he said with a shrug. “But I’ve been working with Dean for about a year now – as a clerk, not a mechanic. You know how I am with cars.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I remember when Dean tried to teach you.”
“I am never allowed to touch his car again.”
He swayed with his laughter, brushing against Castiel. “I didn’t realize the shop had gotten big enough to hire a clerk,” he said once he sobered up.
Castiel frowned at him, his steps slowing. “You do know what happened, don’t you?”
Sam came to a stop, turning to face him. “What do you mean?”
“Dean had to sell the shop. Crossroads owns it now – it’s part of their auto shop chain.”
“Wha…? He never said….” He shook his head. His and Dean’s father had started the auto shop when they had been kids, and they had done a fair share of helping out there when they were growing up. After their dad had passed away, Dean had immediately stepped up to take over the shop; it was all he had ever wanted to do, after all. He couldn’t believe that had been taken away from him. And Sam was familiar with Crossroads – they owned pretty much half of Kansas, at this point, dabbling in just about everything. Their CEO was a real piece of work, from his understanding. “If he needed money, he could have called.”
“You know Dean,” Castiel sighed. “He never wants to ask for help.”
“I know, but… he never even told me.”
“Well, to be fair, the two of you did sort of drift apart since high school. I mean, when was the last time you went to see him?”
He looked away. Too long, he knew that. But he’d felt bad enough leaving Dean in the first place, seeing him just made everything harder.
“Sam! There you are!” Ruby came darting out of the office building in front of them. “Where have you been?” Her gaze slid to Castiel. “Who’s this?”
“Oh, this is Castiel – he’s a friend from back home,” Sam explained, feeling more than a little uncomfortable. He had always kept his old life from Kansas and his current life in New York very separate from each other. It was weird to be experiencing both at the same time. “He’s in town for the holidays, so we were just grabbing lunch together. Cas, this is my girlfriend, Ruby.”
Was he just imagining it, or was that disappointment that flickered in Castiel’s eyes? It was gone just as quickly as it had appeared. “A pleasure to meet you,” he said with a small smile. “You have a really great guy here.”
“Yes, I do,” Ruby gushed. “I bet you can’t believe how far he’s made it since high school.”
“Ruby, stop,” Sam muttered.
“Oh, come on, Sam, be proud of your achievements! You’re impressive.”
“Right…” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “So, you were looking for me?”
“Yes. My father’s invited us over for dinner tonight. I thought, you know, if there was anything you were wanting to talk to him about, it would be a good opportunity.”
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Ruby had been dropping not-so-subtle hints like this for months. At least it had made Christmas shopping easy – he had bought her a ring just a couple weeks ago. “Sounds great.”
“Good.” She pulled him into a kiss. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“She seems… interesting,” Castiel said once she had walked away.
Sam chuckled. “Yeah, she can be a little much sometimes. She’s really great, though.”
“I am glad you are happy,” he said, but there was something in his expression that Sam couldn’t quite put a name to. “You seem to have made quite a life for yourself here.”
“Yeah, I guess I have.” His expression faded slightly. “But maybe I should’ve kept in better touch with my old life. Maybe if I’d talked to Dean more, I could’ve helped him.”
“And maybe if I had kept in better touch with my family, things wouldn’t have gotten as bad as they are,” Castiel pointed out. “Everyone makes mistakes, Sam. You can’t beat yourself up over it.”
“At least you can do something about it, though. It’s too late to save the shop.”
“You can still call Dean. I know he would love to hear from you.”
Sam looked skeptical. “I’m not so sure about that…”
“He’s not mad at you for moving away,” Castiel assured him. “He just misses you.”
He looked down, his guilt weighing on him. “I should get back to work. I’ll be in touch about your case.”
He sighed and nodded. “I’ll look forward to your call.”
Sam and Castiel kept in pretty consistent contact over the next week, and Sam knew that he was putting more time into his case than he devoted to his paying clients, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop. Even on Christmas Eve, after he had finished up the rest of his work and was ready to leave the office, he found himself pulling Castiel’s file over to tie up a few things before he left for the day.
“I thought you decided not to put up a Christmas tree,” Ruby commented as she entered the office, looking at the tree Sam that had put up shortly after Castiel’s first visit.
Sam shrugged, only looking up briefly from the file. “Thought it made the place look warmer.”
She turned back to him, pouting slightly. “You haven’t forgotten about dinner, have you?”
He almost laughed at that. How could he forget? He had had an engagement ring burning a hole in his pocket all day and his stomach was twisted into a thousand knots. But it was normal to be nervous before proposing. And these were just normal nerves, right?
“Of course not.” He smiled up at her. “I’m just finishing this up real fast.”
She walked around behind the desk, perching on the edge of it, and glanced down. “Castiel? Isn’t that the name of your friend? I didn’t know he was a client.”
“He’s, uh, not exactly. At least, not through the firm. I’m just helping him out.”
She stared down at him. “You’re giving away free legal services? Aren’t you better than that?”
He looked up at her, his expression incredulous. “Better than helping people who need it?”
She sighed exasperatedly as she hopped of the desk. “Look, Sam, I know you have a heart of gold, and I love that about you, really. But when someone’s as good as you are, you should be making money off of everything.”
He shook his head. “I’m not in this for the money, Ruby. I never have been. And if you don’t know that about me-”
“I know, I know, you want to help people – whatever. But you work to profit. When you start giving people hand-outs, they’ll start expecting it.”
“I have plenty of money-”
“But you could have more. And you can’t just think about yourself anymore, Sam. You have to think about our future. Okay, I shouldn’t be telling you this, but daddy’s going to retire eventually, and someone’s going to have to run this company. He wants it to be you. But if he knows you’re giving free legal advice, he’ll change his mind – the firm has an image to maintain, after all.”
He stared at her. His boss wanted him to take over the company…. But it was one thing following policies that he disagreed with, there was no way he’d be able to live with himself if he enforced those policies. And here was Ruby looking at him so expectantly. This was the future she had always imagined for herself, he realized – married to someone who made enough money to support her and who didn’t care whose toes they had to step on to do that. But that wasn’t him. How had it taken him so long to realize that?
“Ruby…” he said slowly as he rose to his feet. “I don’t want to run this company.”
Disbelief colored her expression. “But… think about how much money-”
“I don’t care about money! All I want to do is help people, and if that means I’m poor, then that’s fine by me.”
“But you can be so much more,” she insisted.
“I don’t know what you think more is, but whatever it is, I don’t want to be it.” He shook his head. “Is that all you see when you look at me? Someone with the potential to be successful and give you everything you want?”
“Sam, you’re being ridiculous.”
“No, I don’t think I am. I think I’m seeing things clearly for the first time in a while.” He grabbed Castiel’s file off his desk and started towards the door. “Goodbye, Ruby.”
“Might I remind you that that’s my house you’re living in?” Her voice was raising, going shrilly with anger.
“Don’t worry, I’ll find someplace else to stay.” He didn’t look back as he walked out the door, walking quickly through the halls and stairwells until he walked out the front door, taking a deep breath of fresh air, the reality of what had had just done hitting him.
He was heartbroken – he had thought that he had a future with Ruby, that what they had was real – but he also felt almost… free. For years now, his career and his girlfriend had been so closely tied together that they locked each other in place. But now… he could do whatever he wanted. It was an odd sensation, but not entirely unpleasant.
His phone began to ring and he pulled it out of his pocket. “Hello?” he answered, his voice slightly gruffer than usual.
“Hello, Sam,” Castiel’s voice greeted him. “I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas Eve.”
He managed a small smile at that. “Thanks,” he muttered. “You too.”
There was a pause. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you at your office? I can come by.”
“I don’t want to pull you away from your family…”
“We’ve already wrapped everything up. I’m not far, I’ll be there in five minutes.”
He sighed. “Thanks, Cas.”
“I just thought things were different with her, you know,” Sam said a half hour later. He and Castiel were seated at a coffee shop, mugs of hot coffee in their hands. “But maybe I’m not meant to be with anyone.”
“You can’t really think that,” Castiel protested.
“Well, I mean, it’s not like I’ve had the best luck.” He shook his head with a sigh. “Everyone who ends up interested in me only wants something from me.”
“That’s not true,” he said firmly.
“Oh, yeah?” he challenged. “Name one person who ever actually liked me for me. And you better not say Becky,” he added quickly.
“No, not Becky,” he muttered, his gaze sliding down to his mug. “But there have been… others.”
“Who?” he pressed.
Castiel took a drink of coffee at the same time that he spoke, so it ended up sounding more like a garbled hum than an actual name.
“What was that?” Sam asked.
He set his mug down on the table, staring at it intently as though it was about to do something important. “Me,” he finally said, and Sam realized that the blush on his cheeks wasn’t just from the cold.
He stared at him in disbelief, unable to quite comprehend what Castiel had said. “Y-You?” he stammered.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be inappropriate, but you asked and-”
“When?” he demanded, cursing himself for missing his shot. Because no matter what, they had definitely liked each other at the same time. He had liked Castiel pretty much from the moment he had met him, and the more time he spent with him now, the more he realized he had never quite gotten over him.
Castiel continued to stare down at his coffee, but he didn’t answer.
“Cas…” he began hesitantly, afraid to hope. “You don’t… I mean, do you still…?”
“I should go.” He stood up from the table, but Sam shot up, grabbing hold of his arm.
“Please don’t. I…” But what could he say? He had been suppressing his feelings for him for so long, he wasn’t entirely sure what they were anymore. He knew that he had once loved him, but then Ruby had come along. Besides, Castiel hadn’t said anything about loving him, so even if he did still feel that way, now wasn’t the time to drop that bomb. So instead he did the only other logical thing he could think of, and he kissed him.
Castiel went still for a moment before he returned the pressure of his lips, hesitantly at first, and then with more insistency. By the time they broke apart, they were both a little breathless.
Sam rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “You, uh… you want to go somewhere more private to talk?”
He nodded, a light in his eyes that Sam was sure hadn’t been there before. “I think that’d be good.”
“Great. I just… let me go to the bathroom, then we can leave.”
Sam couldn’t decide if he wanted to take his time or move as quickly as possible. On the one hand, he had just kissed Castiel, and he felt that he needed to take a minute to process that, but on the other hand, he wanted to get back out there to him. Now.
In the end, he had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself and then he walked back out to see Castiel standing beside the door, Sam’s coat draped over his left arm and staring down at something he held in his right hand.
“Ready to go?” he asked.
Castiel looked up, but that joyous light was no longer in his eyes; instead, he looked sad. He held out the thing in his right hand – it was the ring box that held Ruby’s engagement ring. “This fell out of your pocket when I picked up your coat.” He took a deep breath as he looked up at him. “Sam, I care about you a great deal, but clearly things were more serious between you and Ruby than I thought, and I have no desire to be a rebound.”
“You’re not-”
“I’m sorry, Sam, but I really do need to go.” He shoved the coat and ring box into Sam’s hands, then he fled from the building.
Sam tried to catch him, but he was already speeding away in a cab before Sam could do more than walk outside. He had a moment of blind panic, wondering what he was supposed to do now, but he knew the answer to that – he had already given up one chance with Castiel, he was not about to give up another.
He hammered on the door insistently until it was opened by Castiel’s father. “You’re not a Christmas caroler.”
“No,” Sam said, breathless. “I’m a friend of Castiel’s. Is he here?”
Chuck frowned. “He left over an hour ago. He’s flying back to Lawrence tonight.”
“What? What time is his flight?”
“Um…” He checked his watch. “In about half an hour.”
Unable to care about being rude, Sam spun around and ran off the front porch. The airport was about half an hour away from where he was, but maybe…
He was too rushed to even check the time as he ran up to the counter. “The flight for Lawrence, Kansas,” he gasped out. “Has it left, yet?”
The attendant looked at him in surprise before turning to her screen. “Yes, I’m sorry. Two minutes ago.”
Sam’s heart sank for just a moment, then determination stole over him once again. “When’s the next flight?”
She paused to look something up. “Tomorrow. Six A.M.”
He nodded resolutely. “I’d like to buy a ticket.”
He didn’t have anywhere else to go, so he slept in the airport. He couldn’t believe he was going back to Lawrence. He’d gone back for a week or so after he’d graduated from Stanford, but then he had moved to New York. Sure, he’d talked to his brother on the phone a few times – less and less as the years went by – but he hadn’t been back to his hometown to see him since he’d moved.
Of course, as soon as he stepped out into the Lawrence airport, he realized his problem – he had no idea where Castiel lived. He could call Dean, but… he so rarely spoke to him, and he felt bad calling on Christmas morning to ask where Castiel lived and adding, ‘Oh, I’m in town by the way – here to see your best friend, when I haven’t come to see you in years. I’ll probably stop by, though, if you aren’t busy.’
He sighed as he pulled out his phone, calling the person he always called when he needed someone tracked down off the record.
“What the hell are you doing working on Christmas?” Charlie demanded the second she picked up the phone.
Sam laughed. “Sorry to bug you, Charlie. I just need you to track someone down for me really fast.”
“Aw, and I didn’t get you anything. What’s the name?”
“Castiel Novak.”
She paused. “Why? What’s he involved with?” she asked worriedly.
He frowned. “Do you know him?”
“He’s a friend. And my friends come before my work. So, if he’s in trouble-”
“He’s not. I… I’m not working. This is personal.”
“Personal how, Mr. Sam No-Last-Name?”
Sam rolled his eyes. When he had started working with Charlie, he’d been very careful not to reveal too much to her. The work she did wasn’t exactly legal, so he did not need his name tied to her, just in case. “I screwed up, and I just need to talk to him.”
“Wait a second… are you…? Oh, you are, aren’t you?”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I’m what?” he asked hesitantly.
“You’re Dean’s little brother, aren’t you?”
Well, so much for that. He should have figured when she said that she knew Castiel. “Look, could you give me Cas’s address, please? I really need to talk to him.”
“Oh, definitely! Let me just pull it up. So, are you coming to Dean’s Christmas party tonight?”
“Um, I… maybe,” he said uncomfortably. Dean was throwing a Christmas party?
“You better make that a yes, mister,” she said sternly. “Alright, I got the address.”
Sam took a deep breath before he knocked on the front door of Castiel’s apartment. This had been so much easier when he had been rushing the night before. Now that he’d had all night and morning to think about what he was doing, he was nervous as hell.
The door opened and Castiel’s eyes grew wide in surprise as he saw who was standing on the other side. “Sam. What are you doing here?”
“I needed to talk to you. Look, you need to know that you’re not a rebound. I would never do that to you. I’ve been falling in love with you since the moment I met you, but I always thought you just thought of me as Dean’s little brother, so I pushed it down. It was easier after I moved away to convince myself that I was over you. Hell, I was so determined to move on that I didn’t even realize I don’t actually love the woman I was planning to propose to. I just thought it was what I was supposed to do. Settle down, get married, put you in my past because that was the only way I’d be happy. But then you came into my life again and I remembered what it was like to be in love, and I didn’t feel that with Ruby. I’ve only ever felt it with you.” The words had just come spilling out of him in a flood, and now he was breathing heavily, as though he had just run a mile. “So… yeah. That’s it, I guess.”
Castiel’s expression was amazed. “You came all the way to Lawrence just to tell me that?” he asked slowly.
He shrugged. “What else was I supposed to do?”
A brilliant smile was spreading over his face, seemingly despite himself. “I have a phone, you know.”
He shook his head. “That wasn’t good enough.”
“Well…” He took a step back. “Would you like to come in? I’m afraid I don’t have any food, as I’ve been out of town, but Gabriel did send me home with some Christmas cookies.”
Sam smiled. “That sounds great.”
“Oh, and Sam?” he added as he shut the door behind him.
“Yeah?” he asked, looking back at him.
“I love you, too.”
Sam couldn’t help himself. He grabbed Castiel by the shirt and pulled him into a kiss.
13 notes · View notes
dean’s first crush read here on ao3 based on this post
Sam’s beginning to understand his brother’s vitriolic hatred of witches now. Not that he’d liked very many witches to begin with. They were generally more troublesome than helpful and a pain in the ass to boot. This though? This really takes the cake. They’d taken a case a few hours away in Laverne, just over the border into Oklahoma. It hadn’t seemed like their thing, originally. Adults were disappearing more than they normally did with nothing left behind at the site. Sam hadn’t thought much about it until he spotted an article a few days later that claimed one of the adults had returned as a child. Testing had confirmed that it was the exact same person, so Sam pulled Dean and Cas into the library and showed them the article. They’d had their bags packed and were in the car twenty minutes later.
They hadn’t reached Laverne until late that night, so they settled into the motel room and went over the news articles again.                                                          ✤ “Could be a witch.” Castiel pipes up, crossing his arms over his chest. “A powerful one, at least. Didn’t you run across a witch who could take years from people?” Dean grimaces at the reminder but nods. “Yeah, let’s not bring that up. Bit of a sore spot.” Sam snorts. “Not for me.” Dean turns a glare to his brother but Castiel simply rolls his eyes and continues. “If it is a witch, we need to figure out who it is and why they’re turning adults into children. What benefit are they getting?”
Both Winchesters shrug and agree to work on that problem in the morning once they’ve gotten enough sleep. Cas joins Dean in bed, a sight Sam still isn’t entirely used to. Ever since the shit with Michael, Cas and Dean had just kind of… been together. Dean hadn’t told and Sam hadn’t asked, but his brother was happier than Sam had seen in a long time and Cas was sticking around, so Sam really didn’t have any complaints. Morning came way too early, but Sam was used to it at this point. He walked down the street to the nearest café, grabbing a few different things for breakfast and coffees for each of them. Dean and Cas are both dressed and ready by the time he returns, so Sam drops the food and coffees on the table and takes the opportunity to shower. An hour later, they’re all in their Fed suits, piling into the Impala and heading to interview a few of the victims. Their attempts are… unsuccessful, to say the least. Not only are they in a child’s body, it appears that their minds were reverted to their childhood state. Most of the victims are now somewhere between five and eight, so they don’t get a whole hell of a lot from them. They grab a quick lunch before heading to the police station, which turns out to be another dead end. They’re more baffled than the Winchesters are, and they’ve got no evidence to go on. One of the officers pulls them aside on their way out of the building and swears it’s the work of the devil. The three of them glance at each other and Sam catches the corner of Cas’s mouth quirking upwards, almost as if to say yeah, like Lucifer would give a shit about this even if he was alive. Since they don’t have to go to the morgue, they grab a quick dinner at a burger joint in town. It’s crowded and noisy, so their theories about the case blend in with the chatter easily. “Maybe it’s a curse?” Dean suggests, shoving a few fries in his mouth as he glances between his brother and Castiel. The former shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. “No, I don’t think so. I think Cas’s suggestion that it’s a witch might be right.” “What’s the motive, though? The witch you encountered that was taking years from people was keeping himself alive. No matter what age you were after you met him, though, you retained your mental state, so it can’t be magic of that sort.” “Maybe it’s just a witch that likes fucking with people.” Dean says, shrugging and finishing off his dinner. Sam and Cas exchange a weary glance. “Let’s hope for our sake that it’s not. A witch that likes fucking with people is the last thing we need.” Sam says, paying the bill and following his brother to the car. The ride back to the motel is nearly silent, aside from the quiet music coming from the radio. Cas is the first to speak, just as Dean pulls into a parking spot. “Do we have occupations for the victims?” Sam raises an eyebrow as he shakes his head. “No, but I can get it. Why?” Cas hums and follows them into the room. “Just a hunch. Can you get me their occupations and then I’ll explain?” Sam glances over at his brother, who simply shrugs and motions toward the laptop. Instead of questioning them, Sam drops into a chair and pulls the laptop toward him. It takes him a few minutes to get a list of the victims and their occupations but, once he does, he passes the laptop to Cas. The angel settles at the table and reads them over quietly before nodding once, seemingly to himself. “Care to explain?” Dean questions, tugging his tie off and tossing it in the direction of his duffle. “I think whoever it is may be stealing knowledge.” Sam and Dean both raise their eyebrows at Cas, but he doesn’t seem to notice as he continues. “All of the victims were in fairly knowledgeable jobs. A doctor, a psychiatrist, a few professors and teachers, and an astronomer.” Dean raises an eyebrow, sitting in the only empty chair at the table. “Can they do that? Take someone’s knowledge?” Castiel shrugs, pushing the laptop back toward the Winchesters. “I don’t see why not, if they have the proper spell for it. Sam sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Great, so we’re looking for a witch that’s stealing knowledge from people. How’re we supposed to beat that, exactly?” Dean hums, shrugging. “Witch-killing bullet usually does the trick.”                                                     ✤ Of course it doesn’t go according to plan. Nothing ever does for them. They find the witch pretty easily, all things considered. A guy in town had recently had a few breakthroughs in various fields despite having no previous knowledge of those subjects. They also find evidence of him visiting each of the victims before they were de-aged, so as soon as night settles over the town, they pile into the Impala with their guns and spare witch-killing bullets. They park a block from the guy’s house, using the darkness of the night conceal their entry.  It’s a simple place, given the recent success the guy’s had. No flashy car out front, no weird collectibles in the house. There’s a creak from their right just as Dean and Cas enter the threshold of the living room and before either can manage to get their guns up, there’s a blindingly bright flash of light. Sam ducks behind the wall, covering his eyes quickly and trying to regain his senses so he can get a shot off. He stops dead in his tracks when he opens his eyes again, though. Instead of Dean and Castiel standing next to him, there’s two toddlers in their place. They’re unmistakably Dean and Cas; they’ve got the same features and Sam vaguely remembers seeing pictures of Dean around this age. He thinks about trying to fire a shot, but if this witch is stealing knowledge, he’s got all of Dean’s hunting knowledge and knows what their plan is. So instead, he picks up both toddlers and hightails it back to the Impala. “Well that didn’t go well.” Sam startles as Cas speaks. The voice isn’t the same; this one’s much higher-pitched and way more gentle than Cas’s normal tone. “Wait, you… how can you still talk like that?” He manages to get out, setting both toddlers in the back and climbing behind the wheel. “I’m clearly immune to the spell.” He can hear the snark in the angel’s voice, but he doesn’t comment on it as Cas continues. “My knowledge is contained within my grace. The witch only gained Jimmy’s knowledge which is… mostly selling advertisements.” “Ah.” Sam says intelligently. If he’s being honest, he’s more than a little startled by this turn of events. He glances at his brother and Cas in the rearview mirror. Dean still hasn’t said a word and his gaze is currently glued to his hands. All of a sudden, it dawns on Sam. “Hey, uh, Cas? How old would you say you guys are?” Cas glances at Dean quickly before answering. “Around four. Maybe shortly before five? I’m not entirely sure. Why?” Sam clears his throat quietly, pulling into the motel parking lot. “If that witch took all his knowledge… he’d only remember what had happened up until whatever age he is, right?” Castiel nods along but doesn’t elaborate, so Sam presses on. “Which means Dean’s right around the age that Mom died…” He lets the sentence trail off, but Cas doesn’t seem to see where he’s going with this. He’s not entirely surprised Castiel doesn’t know. It was a dark time in Dean’s life, one Sam can’t even hope to remember. He knows a bit from reading John’s journal, but John’s view of things was… distorted, to say the least, so he’s not sure how accurate it is. Nonetheless, both Castiel and Dean follow him into their motel room, the latter staying silent. Sam sighs and turns his gaze to Castiel. “After Mom died, Dean didn’t talk for about a year. According to Dad’s journal, anyway. He just… stopped communicating. Not that he needed to with me, since I was a baby, but he didn’t say a word for a little more than a year.” Castiel frowns and the gesture looks so out of place on such a young face. “Oh. That… explains why he hasn’t been talking. He also won’t remember me.” The angel turns to Dean, sitting next to him on their bed. “Dean? My name’s Castiel. You can call me Cas if you want to.” Dean nods, but his eyes stay glued to the floor and he doesn’t say a word. Sam sighs and runs a hand through his own hair. “The witch has all of Dean’s hunting knowledge now, which means he knows all of our plays. We’re gonna have to find a new way to deal with him.” Castiel nods in agreement, stifling a yawn and sighing. “Dean and I will have to sleep, unfortunately. My grace is occupied at the moment, so I’m at the whims of this vessel. I’m sure Dean’s tired as well.” Sam and Cas both turn to look at Dean, who nods slightly. Cas hums his approval and pushes himself onto his feet. “Come on, Dean, let’s go get ready for bed. We can figure everything out in the morning.” Dean doesn’t say anything, but he does follow Cas to the bathroom and get ready for bed, so Sam’s counting it as a win.                                                       ✤ The next morning is a flurry of movement. Sam gets breakfast for the three of them and settles in at the table. Dean eats, thankfully, and Cas helps him get ready while Sam looks for a way to take down the witch. “Um, Sam? I hate to be a bother but… Dean and I don’t have any other clothes. And we’re going to need car seats if you’re planning on not getting arrested.” Sam blinks at his screen for a moment before turning to Castiel. “I… right, yeah. Didn’t even think about that. Um… let’s go now. I think there’s a Target nearby, we can get both for pretty cheap.” Castiel nods and motions for Dean to follow him. Sam stays where he is, allowing himself a moment to just watch his brother. He’s never seen Dean from this angle. Dean’s always been the stronger older brother. It’s… strange and utterly disconcerting to see him like this. Quietly and mostly to himself, he says, “We’ll get you back to yourself, Dean. I promise.” Dean doesn’t acknowledge him, but Sam hadn’t really expected him to. The ride to Target is silent. Castiel doesn’t have anything to say and Sam’s not going to push his brother to talk if he doesn’t want to, so silence remains. He parks as close to the entrance as he can, ushering both kids inside and grabbing a cart. The car seats are the closest, so they get those first. He picks up the least expensive, most functional ones, since they’ll hopefully only need them for the duration of this case. Not that they’re paying for them anyway, since new credit cards had just come for them a few days ago. With the car seats picked out, they move on to the kids clothing section. Sam gets a few looks from people, but for the most part they’re left alone. He lets both of them pick out clothes for themselves. Dean picks out an overabundance of blue shirts, which… okay. Cas has an armful of clothes that match in no way whatsoever, but Sam just shakes his head and lets the two continue. Much to his surprise, though, Dean walks over to Cas and ducks his head as he holds out the shirts to Castiel. The angel turns to glance at Sam, the confusion on his face painfully evident. That’s when Sam finally realizes: all the shirts are nearly the same color as Castiel’s eyes. Sam shrugs and Castiel accepts the shirts with a murmured “Thank you, Dean.” Dean picks out some clothes for himself and, once everything’s been tried on and loaded into the cart, they head back to the front of the store to check out. Sam winces at the final bill, but he won’t be paying for it anyway. He swipes the card, breathing a sigh of relief when it goes through without a problem. He takes the receipt from the cashier and heads back out to the car. He loads the clothes into the trunk before turning to stare at the car seats. He’s never actually had to put a car seat in, so he sends a silent prayer to Chuck, hoping instructions are included. He doesn’t realize, but sometime in the midst of him installing the car seats, Dean wanders off to a grassy patch of the parking lot and plops down on the ground, carefully picking all the flowers within his reach. By the time Sam turns around to load them into the car, Dean’s approaching him and Castiel with the stems of the flowers clutched in his small hand. Castiel watches him with wide eyes, taking the flowers gently when Dean offers them, though the Winchester’s eyes are pointedly glued on the ground. “Thank you, Dean.” Dean nods, and Sam can see a slight flush on his brother’s cheeks. It brings a grin to his lips, despite the current situation. “I think he’s got a little-kid crush on you, Cas.” A blush colors the angel’s cheeks and Sam finds his grin widening. He gets both of them settled into the car seats, looking for a place for lunch on his phone. They have a quick lunch at a local restaurant before heading back to the motel. As they’re walking into the room, Dean taps Cas on the shoulder gently. “What’s wrong?” Cas asks as he turns to look at Dean. Dean holds his small fist out toward Cas, so Castiel holds his hand out, palm up. Dean opens his hand and drops a necklace into Cas’s. Sam steps forward to take a closer look, eyes widening when he sees a sapphire. “Dean, did you take that from the store?” Dean shakes his head but doesn’t elaborate further. “Is… is there something you want me to do with this, Dean?” Castiel asks gently, glancing down at the necklace. Dean’s lips move a few times before he looks up to meet Cas’s gaze. “’S a pretty color, like your eyes. Want you t’have it.” Castiel and Sam glances at each other with wide eyes. Dean flushes and looks down at his feet, clasping his hands together in front of him. Castiel rests his free hand on Dean’s, his voice gentle. “Thank you, Dean. It’s lovely.” “Where’d you get it, Dean?” Sam asks, turning to sit on the bed. Dean chews his lip a moment before answering. “The house we were in las’ night. Was on the floor.” Castiel furrows his eyebrows and is turning to Sam before Sam even has a chance to speak. “This is an instrument of his magic, Sam. Perhaps, if we can find the right spell, we can undo what he’s done and return everyone to their rightful selves.” Sam raises his eyebrows, glancing at the necklace. “Great. Point me in the direction, what kind of spell am I looking for?” Castiel hums in thought, brushing a thumb over the sapphire. “The spell he recited was Celtic, so some sort of undo spell in the Celtic language. Perhaps Rowena could be of service? I’ve heard her perform several Celtic spells.” Sam nods and pulls out his phone, dialing Rowena’s number as he moves to the small table in the room. She picks up on the second ring. “Samuel. Nice to hear from you outside of apocalypse times. What can I do for ya?” He runs a hand through his hair, chuckling softly. “Hey. So, uh, slight problem.” He can picture Rowena rolling her eyes as she speaks. “There always is with you three. Merry band of misfits, I swear. What can I help you boys with?” Sam chuckles and rubs a hand over the back of his neck. “So we’re working a case in Laverne, Ohio. Turns out it was a witch who was de-aging people so he could take their knowledge.” Rowena sighs. “Let me take a guess: Castiel and Dean got hit with the spell and you need me to come undo it.” Sam chuckles nervously. “I, uh… could you?” “Of course, Samuel. Charlie and I are only a few hours away, we’ll be there soon.” He hears the click on the other end that signals Rowena hanging up, so he sets his phone on the table. “Alright, so Rowena’s on her way. How do we get the other people turned back? They’re in the custody of CPS, it’s not gonna be easy to get to them.” “We may not need to.” Castiel says, sitting on the bed next to Dean. “We may only need a sample of their DNA, like some hair or something left over in their houses. Ask Rowena, we can collect it while she’s driving.” Sam snorts. “We? No offense man, but I don’t think you two are gonna be much help. You can barely reach the doorknob.” Castiel rolls his eyes. “I’m more than capable of opening a door, Sam, and I’m sure Dean is. We-” Castiel stops himself and turns to look at Dean, frowning. “Perhaps you’re right. I’d forgotten that Dean’s lost all of his hunting knowledge.” Dean huffs, squirming in his seat. “Why d’you talk ‘bout me like ‘m not here?” “Apologies, Dean. It’s just… there’s a lot you don’t remember right now.” Dean stays quiet, but he shifts closer to Castiel. Sam sends Rowena a quick text asking what she needs, bringing up the victim’s addresses just in case. Sure enough, all they need is a sample of DNA. He knows he shouldn’t, but he leaves Dean and Cas in the motel room as he goes to collect it. It’s dark enough that he can get into the houses unseen. It takes him less than an hour to get a sample from all the victims. Rowena and Charlie are there by the time he gets back. He shoulders the door open, smiling gratefully at them. “I brought dinner.” Charlie grins. “Mm, real food. I’ll never get enough of it.” She grabs one of the Styrofoam containers, dropping onto the bed with Dean and Cas. “I can’t believe you let your brother and best friend get turned into little kids.” Sam scoffs. “I didn’t let them, they were ahead of me!” Rowena simply rolls her eyes, holding out a hand. “I presume you’ve got samples from the other victims?” Sam nods and motions to the various bags on the table. “One from each, yeah. Do you know how to fix it?” Rowena looks mildly insulted, snatching the bags off the table. “I’m a centuries old witch, Sam, reversing a simple de-aging spell is easy. I could do it in my sleep.” She motions for Charlie to help her, grabbing a book, the necklace, and a few spell ingredients. Everything gets set on the ground in an orderly pile before she walks over to Dean and Cas and plucks a few hairs from their heads. Cas winces but Dean full-on flinches away from her, which is concerning to say the least. He seems to relax once Cas’s hand finds it’s way onto Dean’s knee, though. It’s remarkable how much Dean relaxes with just a simple touch from Cas. Rowena’s done with the spell a few minutes later. It’s silent for a moment, and Dean and Cas are still in the bodies of five-year-olds. Sam turns to ask her what the hell went wrong when the blindingly-bright light from the witch’s house fills the tiny motel room. He and Charlie both cover their eyes while Rowena sits there unfazed. When Sam opens his eyes again, Dean and Cas are sitting on the bed as their normal, age-appropriate selves. Sam breathes a sigh of relief and pulls both Rowena and Charlie into a hug. “Thank you guys so much, I was at my wit’s end.” Rowena brushes off the thanks, chuckling. “Can you boys handle this witch on your own or do I need to take care of that too?” Sam flushes, glancing at Dean and Cas, who simply shrug. “I-I… you’re welcome to stay if you want to. We know where he lives, and he won’t be expecting us.” Rowena raises an eyebrow. “I’m certain he felt the reversal of his magic. If he isn’t already, he’ll be on his way here. Sooner, rather than later.” The sound of the door’s lock clicking open has them all turning to face the door. Dean and Cas both dive for their guns as Sam pulls his from his waistband, training it on the door. Charlie pulls a gun from her waistband as well, copying Sam and aiming it at the door. It all happens in an adrenaline-fueled blur. The four of them pull the trigger before the witch can even get a word out. Rowena doesn’t even flinch, just crosses her arms. “Well that certainly wasn’t the smartest. We’re in a motel, not the woods.” The four of them glance at each other, eyes wide. Clearly, none of them had thought of that. Rowena sighs and rolls her eyes, collecting her things. “Idiots. Get the body and let’s get the hell out of here, I’ll wipe you from the security tapes.” Sam smiles sheepishly at her, helping Dean and Cas load the witch’s body into the Impala’s trunk. Dean grumbles about the bloodstains, but for the most part goes along with it. They’re gone in five minutes. Charlie and Rowena go their separate way not long after leaving the motel. They boys pull off when they get to a particularly woody area, finding a clear spot and digging a pit before doubling back for the body. They’ve got it salted and burned in a few minutes, Dean and Cas both rubbing at their eyes as the flames blaze in front of them. The walk back to the car is silent, save for the chirping of a few crickets and a wolf howling in the distance. They agree to clean the trunk once they’re back at the bunker and Sam offers to drive home so Dean and Cas can rest. He can’t resist, though, as they’re climbing in the car. “So, Dean, you think Cas’s eyes are a pretty color?” Dean’s face grows bright red and he fixes his brother with a glare over the hood of the car. “You shut your mouth and get in the damn car.” Sam laughs, grinning to himself as he slides behind the wheel. Dean and Cas both climb in the back and the ride is silent for a few moments before Dean speaks again. “Look, you can’t tell me his eyes aren’t pretty. Especially when they do the whole glowing thing when we’re-” Sam knows exactly where this is going, so he switches the radio on and turns it up, drowning his brother out. His brother and Castiel are both snickering in the back seat and, despite nearly being scarred for life, Sam’s got a content smile on his face as well. Their laughter is contagious, though, and soon Sam’s snickering right along with them. The three of them haven’t laughed like this since they brought everyone through the rift, nearly a year ago now. Sam can’t help but enjoy the moment, even though it was borne of his brother very nearly letting Sam in on some things about their relationship he’s very content not knowing. All in all, the case wasn’t too bad. And, despite seeing Dean so vulnerable, it was actually pretty entertaining. Not to mention the fact that he’s got plenty of blackmail material for future use. A glance in the rearview mirror shows that Dean and Cas are both sound asleep just as they cross the border into Kansas. Castiel is curled into Dean’s side, with Dean’s arm loosely slung around the angel’s shoulders. It’s such a soft sight, and certainly not something Sam had ever expected to see from his uber-macho, ladies-man older brother. It’s cute, he thinks to himself. He’s happy for them. They’re good for each other. That doesn’t mean he’s ever letting Dean live this down.
108 notes · View notes
13x04 watching notes
TBH that is my exact strategy when I am tired and want to go home.
it's 2am and I just woke up after a lengthy power nap/full REM cycle because going to bed at 9 is for cool kids so uh I'm watching the episode but also it's 2am. I didn't do it deliberately but here I aaaam.
Getting right in there with Dean telling the the truth in the recap - is he really gonna spill it all to a therapist? experts have been awaiting it ever since 1x10 so
"experts" being me, I am an independent judiciary body
*grief grief grief* *Jack angst*
Oh yeah Cas recap because Cas is back
Should I even write expectations for this episode? I'm a bit late since I already started watching :P Blah blah Glynn blah blah probably going to be fine, blah blah swear I saw someone say she's "never written Cas before" but uh we just had recaps from 12x19 so I mean who wrote that?
this guy has a weird reaction to the dead wife coming back
like, oh, okay, that happened. guess we say hello
Is this the "understated" reaction when Cas comes back
Oh we're doing regular old stabbing? Is this a shapeshifter thing or a revenge curse thing? Is it all going to be romantic couples? because lol pls don't
Also the recap did expressly list off 2 dead moms and a dead crowley along with a dead Cas who is also a brother and father to active main characters
Sam like "hey"
Dean like >.> Are you trying to be friends after I yelled at you?
Sam being remarkably cool about Dean's netflix and holy oil suggestion
Dean being extremely less cool about Sam's suggestion
They're sort of recapping the argument from the end of last episode for us, which is good because it wasn't in the recap unless it was but it's 2am and my brain randomly discarded that
oh my god it was
okay these are not meta notes
Sam's trying to play at grief counsellor and it's super not working because he's using it as their fight. You don't get in a snappy comeback about "oh so you want to move on"
Dean looks extremely murderously done with all this because How Dare etc
"For me"
God damn puppy dog eyes.
awww Jack's watching The Clone Wars. Because he is a wee new baby and this is his star wars generation I guess.
mittensmorgul pffft. (I have never seen Clone Wars so I have no idea what that even means)
elizabethrobertajones It's the adventures *drum roll* of Darth Vader when he was still Anakin, before he went evil Ashoka or however you spell it is his Padawan
mittensmorgul aahhh
elizabethrobertajones Jack's identifying with her and not with the pre-evil but still getting the Imperial March music layered over his bad decisions Anakin the entire show is 10000 episodes just an endless "we can't make him go evil because that happens in the movie but we can tease basically everything up to that" stuff
mittensmorgul At least he's iffy about Anakin...
elizabethrobertajones yeah good choice, basically it's also brand new he found the non-dinosaur version of Star Wars of the previous generation :P and it's less political than the prequels I think The Clone Wars is generally well-liked whereas nerd rage dictates the Prequels are the Worst and I guess it's Too Soon to get into the newer Star Wars films since we don't know how the arcs of the new kids pay off
[side note: I haven't watched it per se because there's tons of it but I've been in the same room as my brother watching it, and seen a lot of pop culture general knowledge that I've sponged up so I could be wrong about some little details as I mostly know how it's been described to me]
Also Jack's identifying with the female character, because fuck off toxic masculinity, she seems awesome and he has no idea he isn't “”supposed”” to. She also is one of the aliens with the huge tentacle things on her head so idk if it's a good idea for him to get too into this without  meeting more of the general population - Sam's probably right
Uhoh, Jack kinda does a snarky eyebrow about "you're the good guys" - Did Sam fail to sell it or is Jack really just starting to have trust issues now he's watching TV with black or white morality (literally a dark side and a light side - hrm.) and given his experience of the Winchesters yelling their very shades of grey takes on him at each other
Well he hasn't learned to be cagey about overhearing that
*blink blink blink* *sigh*
"You're *using* me"
Oh no, poor Jack :(
He also implicitly trusts Dean's judgement more than Sam's bonding, despite how Sam has made all the movements towards him. As people have been meta'ing, Dean's being extremely honest and Jack's setting his markers by that, even if it's horrific to the point of deciding he has to be evil because Dean thinks so.
Sam says he, Dean and CAS closed the rift - hey, Cas got knocked out by Lucifer in round 1 of that as a distraction and Crowley helped you close it.
They probably have not explained Crowley to him at all.
At least Sam is being honest now about what happened with the rift, and that it's their mom
and Jack speaks the language of lost moms. Now HE looks at SAM with sympathy.
Probably also explains Dean...
I think Jack is defaulting back to thinking about Dean way more than Sam's opinion of him, although perhaps he may like Sam more now he was upfront and some of why "so uh yeah I was KINDA using you" is on the table
Jack was wearing a darker henley, which tbh with Dean wearing them again all of a sudden makes it blurry to me if this is not about his Dean-alignment more than colour coding his feelings on being evil (like how Amara's nail polish started off black and got right down to light grey by the end of the season). Now he's swapped to being the Cas Intern.
and aww all the fake IDs. There's a lot to take in about these guys :P
Oh no Dean said "loony toons" on the episode which may or may not be an exact use of 8x08 for Cas, for Jack. Jack's a bit more of a trial run about wanting to BE a hunter since he is mostly just curious. Also amused Dean has to rephrase for Jack because he actually knows he's a week old or so, and he's not going to enjoy repeating himself or explaining, while he always found it kind of funny to just say a whole string of incomprehensible pop culture at Cas without slowing for a breath.
Not funny now, is it Dean?
Wait have they never actually fought a revenant aka, idk, it sounds like a naturally occurring zombie? They mention it from time to time but as far as I remember they've never actually called zombies revenants because they're one of the shows where they just embrace the horror movie tradition about zombies completely, so it always seemed like revenants were something slightly different, at least, in the sense that they get named like a different category. And they just lumped them in with ghosts here, as restless spirits but i guess this time *with* the body?
Dean tells Jack to sit, like he was a dog being kept in the car.
Unlike dogs he knows how to work the door handle.
Jack no don't touch the blood
oh good Dean stopped him
Aw no he's still wearing the dark henley under the tan jacket. That's awful :D
Pfft Dean's like immediately "it's a revenant" because they know what those are really well after a billion years hunting and we've never watched them ever name anything on screen a revenant before with that vocab, and they're really sticking with not crossing them over with zombies exactly...
I mean Dean said he wasn't a revenant after he got back from hell and I think they've chattered about them before
if I check this on superwiki it's way too early for there to be a spoilery "so it's not a revenant" line from later in this episode highlighted when I hit the search :P
Oh good, I'm glad I'm right.
A revenant is a visible ghost or animated corpse that returns to terrorize the living, usually people it knew in life. Unlike the zombie, a revenant is not under another person's control, and has returned from the grave on its own for a specific and often personal purpose. In 4.01 Lazarus Rising, Bobby accuses Dean of being a shapeshifter or a revenant. Dean proves he's neither by cutting himself with a silver knife. In 8.06 Southern Comfort Garth takes a call from a hunter asking how to deal with a revenant. Garth tells him to get a casket and some silver spikes, then nail it in and bury it. He also warns that getting bit will hurt like hell, but will not turn you into one.
I wonder if those were revenants in 4x07 and I only ask because it was like almost exactly an anniversary to it in OUR time :P It's still May or maybe June for them in-show
Okay Dean left Jack to dig but Sam chased after Dean rather than it being a synchronised Winchester ditching of Jack :P
Little on the nose about "You're starting to sound like dad!" :P
"Is that a bad thing" Oh Dean, no.
Fortunately the theme of this season is fathers so I suspect you're gonna have to deal with this at some point or another
Sam like "the drill sergent thing won't work on Jack" to the sound of Jack merrily digging in the background because Dean told him to
I really hope that wasn't an on-set hazing that they actually left him to dig :P
I love my smol gravedigger son
I love how Jack did all the digging anyway because Sam's still not actually dirty and Jack's still standing in the hole
Lol not a revenant, well there's a surprise. I'm glad I double-checked the lore anyway because I have the time to so I'm not going to spend the rest of the episode like "wait what IS the difference between them and zombies anyway and why have we never seen one?"
I mean it's not gonna be a ghost either, we're 9 minutes in and they're salting and burning because it makes more sense to Dean to do that than not to - I guess a precaution for accidentally angering her spirit for digging her up...?? :P I mean no he still thinks she's a ghost but I mean maybe it's not a total waste of salt.
OH NO Jack don't ask about if Kelly is a ghost, that's very painful.
OH NO I thought he was going to ask about Cas but instead Dean said "what gets burned, stays dead" and that hurts a lot
FORTUNATELY for me the viewer as opposed to Dean the grieving ball of angst over there, I can go check up on Cas immediately.
He doesn't seem to be doing too good but more in an existential way since he's at least up and walking about.
I like how Jack woke him up but it's probably got to be like a baby bird has to hatch itself.
He's using up all his "hellos" on the void. Save one for Dean.
You know if the MotW is imitating dead loved ones I have to say I am not exactly looking forward to this :P I didn't say earlier but the cold open gave me 11x13 vibes and honestly I don't want a repeat of the stress of waiting for Cas to show up for Dean but it not happening... Okay, belatedly 10 minutes in, there's a baseline expectation for the episode that that doesn’t happen. Then again I forgot to check the names at the bottom of the screen except for being happy to see Misha's there so they could spring anyone on us
Throw a real curveball in just like bring some random dead loved one from the first 3 seasons back :P
Or waste Jim Beaver's season 13 appearance on it and he's never even in the AU with Mary :P
Anyway Jack is waiting patiently in the car.
(or, well, not so patiently.. He's starting to get an idea of how the job works, and that Dean is usually repeatedly wrong about everything as he throws spaghetti at the wall about the case...)
Anyway, dead son, dead wife, so that's quite a neutral combination.
Asking what they had in common probably means the grief counsellor, but Dean says that and then we go back to Cas right when I've been musing on the loved ones coming back for them thing and honestly it's like Dean's words are just summoning Cas right now.
....... 8x08 used flashbacks to summon Amelia for Sam, just saying
I hope Cas finds Billie and hopefully a bar immediately and they can become drinking buddies.
I don't even think she's in this one?
I like those assertive footsteps though. "I have no clue where I am, I am just going to walk in this direction like I mean it"
Lol they're in Madison i was KIDDING about bringing back a dead loved one from like season 2 or something. Oh well, if it's her, it's her. I'm still bitter about Sarah because I only just re-watched it with my mum the other day.
I should probably stop bringing up Sam's dead or lost girlfriends because it's just bumming me out on his behalf.
Teehee "he's not our intern"
"I asked you to keep an eye on him" "I can see him"
It's amazing Dean didn't volunteer just to get away from Jack
Sort of weird existing in a post That Declaration world where I can just canonically know Dean staring at Jack is making him think sad things about Cas without any fear whatsoever
Oh boy killer grief counsellor probably. "Mia is promising to provide the catharsis I've been craving for so long" and then she gets ripped to shreds by her son.
I feel a little bad reading this woman's diary, but the first line is about not "getting over" it and learning to live with it. Blah blah heal and rebuild yourself, blah blah whole again but never the same
"Shrinks... Snake oil for the mind." "Or how healthy people deal" Pfft
Jack being baffled by the issues of customer vs hot dog guy without understanding it's an ancient war fought across the world
Dean equates "catharsis" to "happy ending" - I can't tell if he's innuendo-ing or accidentally revealing too much and being mournful about it.
The house has a great fence - its parts are all misaligned. Very visually uncomfortable :D
Awww someone said "hello" to Jack and Jack was like !!!!! another person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO! :D :D :D
how can you possibly think he's bad
Anyway I was about to type that Dean hates it because of course he feels the most vulnerable talking about his feelings all the time, either for performing Dean reasons about needing to keep up a facade of strength (LET YOURSELF CRY, MAN) or because feelings for Cas being inconvenient to him
UHoh Dean grabbed Jack's shoulder - he did it to Mick to be threatening last year in a Glynn episode, while Mick was wearing a long tan coat. And called Jack "Spock" which is not really accurate characterisation at all. Jack's pretty much nothing but a bundle of emotions, he's just not used to using them around other people. Now CAS on the other hand.....
I do like that Mia decided to see them because Jack is sweet and was upfront about losing his mother and he's just adorable.
They bluff their way in by losing a collective mother, Sam once again lining them up as family and siblings.
Play it cool, man. You’ll scare Jack off.
I'm starting to think we haven't seen Cas between scenes for a while because Dean hasn't said anything angsty enough
But idk if we trust her or not. She has a lot of alcohol stashed on that shelf.
Jack wisely doesn't sit on the sofa with them all.
"Oh well Mom was great and now she's dead so what's the deal with catharsis" Dean, no.
Sam continues with what should be the pre-arranged plan of spill closed truths like well we don't journal but our dad did
also I am so annoyed that confirms they don't keep hunter journals??? grarghgh
Google has ruined this generation
And Dean makes fun of journaling as being for little girls, even though Sam literally just said that about John. Last year in 12x04 he said he was a 13 year old girl when trying to text Mary so he's actually regressed even further backwards at losing her again >.>
"I'm good with death, closure, the whole friggin bottle of Jack"
it's a shame he would never put a bumper sticker on Baby, because that...
Oh boy we're still having this fight. "My brother's delusional..." yeah oh dear.
Is this going to be one of those things where I basically just want to transcribe the whole thing?
Dean calls out Sam for not being able to even admit that Mary's gone so he hasn't even moved past denial - which to be fair, Sam IS right she's not dead and that they DO have a means of getting her back and everything... Was thinking about how last season was a "Dean is right about everything" season and this time is clearly a Sam is right about everything one... but of course both only to a certain degree, and in this case it's much blurrier about approach and how these fights are going because of course Sam's not being a perfect Saint Sammy that Dean is being unfairly awful to in the entirety of what's going on here. Sam IS struggling and resisting confronting things in his own way and adopting Jack as a pet project is definitely a form of avoidance or at least wanting to get concrete closure on Mary's death before he will fully mourn. Which makes Sam and Dean existing in the same place terrible because they're only in the same physical location
anyway Dean's about to yell  about how hard this all is for him too so I better unpause once I'm holding a stuffed toy again
"At least you had a relationship with mom" WAHEY
I mean that was awful but I'm delighted Sam yelled that because there's ALWAYS something else going on underneath Sam, and I've been waiting for more Sam and Mary angst, since I spent so much time on them last season and at least obliquely referred to this... Talked a lot about how hard Sam had it to reconnect with Mary... That Words with Friends scene from 12x07 was basically floating along waiting to come back up at some point or another, but it took Sam a long time to reach out to Mary personally, and really only in 12x14 (hi Berens, I just accept you and Glynn are brain twins these days) did he pick a side in THAT fight and picked Mary. And we said it was to get closer to Mary but he made it all about the BMoL instead of just confronting that he wanted a relationship with her, and the BMoL ended up just keeping them apart ANYWAY and tl;dr am I going to have to write the reverse version of A World Without Monsters from Sam's POV or can we just agree that my subtext in that fic was exactly what just bubbled up here? :P
I just spent the entire length of that paragraph trying to work out when I wrote the meta about how Sam felt about Mary and it took me until that last point to realise it was not a meta, it was a fic where I roundly abused poor Sam for the sake of making that point.
Dean's like hey therapy is great! *eyebrows at Jack* *snarky smile at the doc*
Sam is like *anger-drinks water*
*refuses to cry as well*
That sign was down earlier
is this the poor receptionist?
Or... ew, shifter gunk?
LOL Dean just takes a flask out of his pocket in the middle of their appointment
Mia asks him to look at Jack, which is the last thing he wants to do, but blah blah meta about 12x22 and how he needs to "see" Jack, and she's pointing out that Jack is terrified which is exactly what Dean needs to see about him
She actually points out his anger issues as well so I think Dean's getting homework whether he has to write it in a journal or not :P
*suddenly everyone is pointing guns*
Hey if she's a a shapeshifter why does she live in an all-white house when shifting makes bloody goo stains everywhere?
Or her assistant, I guess. They haven't had eyes on him :P
Ooh that explains why the guy was not surprised to see his wife. Well, kind of surprised, but not nearly horrified enough.
Sadly if she is telling the truth that means someone else is using her method to get their guard down to kill them for kicks...
Also shades of 9x13 because they had that spa where the monster would use their unique skills to help, but then of course another of their kind - a sibling - had to go and ruin it...
Oh hey, it's Cas! I guess the time ran out on a good transition from Dean, so we go over here on "I'm telling you the truth"
Lol it's another Cas... Who ever would have expected it. /Misha being the worst at spoilers
Or something with a very silly voice. "Friendly neighbourhood cosmic entity" that sounds like that and won't show its face is either someone pranking Cas or about to go very bad.
Cas is like "do I look like that" "I'm getting a new coat as soon as I'm alive again"
if this thing is The Empty itself it's probably kinda crazy after eons being nothing
Oh NO Cas's face when he says "every angel that ever died is here?" because oh boy did you put like 90% of them in here yourself. There's about 3 faces you'd be happy to see again of the entire lot. Hey, it's never too late to give Cas that guilt all over again that made him stay in Purgatory out of penance.
I mean among other things but it's probably worth mentioning there are a whole bunch of lil purgatory parallels here in the loosest sense of it being a hostile other realm, and the way Cas is basically Dean in Purgatory in here.
Cas has been back for like 5 minutes of screen time and I want to protect him and wrap him in blankets
there's no need to be mean, The Empty, just because you got woken up... I say... at nearly 4am... because I woke up when I didn't want to...
you know what, The Empty's being mean to Cas probably kind of justifiably, even if it's a dick.
pretty clever to use a shifter as the motw in this episode too
oh, poor Cas is horrified to think Sam and Dean made some sort of deal for him
he says "I don't know" which is ironically what Jack's saying all the time
like father like son
last episode we had James keeping memories of Missouri, who he had cut out of his life, in a box. Now Mia has a box still dedicated to "Buddy" her asshole ex who hurt her, and good on her for leaving him. He's another shifter, we're halfway through the episode, so we probably need to find him now, and also have a good 10 minutes more of whatever's going on with Cas. :P
She also owns up to have done much worse things in her past with Buddy, although presumably not killing people, and probably because they were super toxic together, and she had the sense to get out and try and help people now.
Jack said "I'll come with" which is adorable. He's learning to be like them :D
Wheeeee he's riding shotgun! Guess Dean couldn't make him stay in the back without Sam around.
Sam's plan's don't always work out :< Oh no, Dean, you still don't have much faith in Sam's ability to handle himself.
Fortunately this does seem to be a mostly Sam is right season, and I think of all the overwhelming reasons why you don't trust Jack, not trusting Sam to trust Jack is probably relatively low on the list underneath the Cas stuff or you'd have just yelled that at Sam the other day instead.
Uh, why do I feel like the shifter just phoned Sam and somewhere between here and there something went really wrong?
Oh god I'm going to have to watch the face peeling scene with my own two eyes at 4 in the morning, aren't I?
Meanwhile Mia explains why her catharsis works to Sam - I hope he doesn't sneak back at the end of the episode for a chat with "Mary" because that would be AWFUL.
Oh it was that other guy - wait, also, Sam was already doing this before Dean phoned? Seems like he doesn't trust Dean's methods either :P
I love how Cas is so practical like, "will you pay me $200 to stop annoying you and go away?"
UHOH guess we're getting right into it. "You don't want to go back" "Sam and Dean need me" You don't want to be needed, you want to be wanted!
Wheeee text on that and also wheee over on the other side of the story last week Dean finally made the i/we distinction about Cas. Now we just need to get them alive and well and actually dealing with crap
oh boy I shouldn't have paused there except that i suppose for the sake of meta-ing remotely clearly it was probably a good idea not to watch straight through from that into the empty accusing Cas of having feeeeelings and "I know *what* you hate, I know *who* you love, what you fear." especially since Cas hates being needed but not wanted and uh Dean made the i/we distinction at long last over on the other side of the story so um does Cas fear something related to all that?
I mean to be fair Cas has been through this exact thing before with "he's in love... with humanity" / "all of it for one man" which was an "i/we" distinction of planetary proportions :P Of course he just mutely responded to it there because he was sad Dean was dead, and had no idea Metatron had accused him of being in love in any form, so that was Metatron's private joke to himself.
The Empty telling Cas there's "nothing for him back there" also makes like next to no sense if you take season 12's family read at surface value and has the bonus of being, I'm pretty sure, a line Elrond tells Arwen in the movie when he's trying to make her leave Aragorn and go across the waters to the undying lands.
I know they're just starting with it in a long selection of terrible things that happened to Cas but starting with his grace being stolen really sucks :P
Especially when I am still daily haunted by his season 9 arc.
See above: Metatron and "in love with humanity"
More miscommunication of the "didn't bother to call you" variety (I hope this doesn't blow up in Sam's face, although of course trying to nurture Jack is slow mo doing that, especially if he and Dean are meant to swap stances on the kid >.>)
The intern pulls Mia aside for a chat.
OH NO Jack wants to see his mom. OH NO OH NO
I will be so upset if that happens...
Oh nooooooo
he's crying.
Who can say no?
This is extremely awful.
I guess Glynn didn't want to let Kelly go like that. I'm glad if Mia was going to do this for anyone it would be for Jack and not Sam and Dean's cycles of nonsense.
I REALLY hope the bad shifter doesn't burst in here and try to/actually kill Mia right now. Jack doesn't need that in his life.
In the mean time, Mia better friggin HUG Jack even if it's technically hollow and he would know it.
Also did she do the whole disgusting skin thing or can she transform on the spot?
They look so much alike :')
Oh no Jack you probably don't feel anything because they made you horribly depressed within 2 days. Also you have angel grace. Historically not good for helping you feel things. You're sweet and cry about your mom and feel bad about stuff in other ways so I think you have a heart no matter what, like Cas does.
Mia gets some catharsis from getting to hug Jack and reassure him that even if he's a monster and what makes him in-human isn't letting him emote how he's supposed to, he can still be good. She's got a monster soul, after all. There's a lot of good monsters out there.
I was about to say lol is this now Sam not on the phone because he actually is a shifter now mostly to tease past!Me but then they panned down and Dean's unconscious, which makes sense because they probably still want to show us Dean tearing his own face off at some point and honestly I'd rather just get it over and done with because if it's still to come after this D:
"that was too friggin easy" though - Dean getting overwhelmed in another fight. He's really not had a great rate of success... He only beat the wraith last episode with Patience's warnings, and other than that it's been a terrible track record even if he fights back as hard as he can when he gets jumped
shifter!Dean2 better not go in and try and kill Jack
Not gonna have much luck, I just don't want to watch it :P
Shifters are gross
Oh no don't call Cas a disappointment, The Empty, we're so proud of him!
He just told him to "save yourself" which is probably going to have the direct opposite result to what he wants while I'd hope Cas goes and does exactly that
"I'm already saved" blah blah Cas insults The Empty and I love him, "because somehow I'm awake, and I'll stay awake" - exactly how many times can I use "i love him" as punctuation in one sentence?
Where is that gif of the woman banging the pots and pans about not getting any sleep so they're not getting any sleep
that's something I ought to have saved :P
Someone almost certainly has made a post already.
Cas is the literal embodiment of "fight me"
This Buddy guy is a total douche. He says in this world everyone uses everyone. Which is a theme of the season I guess - Cas feeling used, Jack feeling used... He's the villain with the most negative version of the theme in his mouth right now
Dean's got to pep talk Jack if he wants to save the day or Jack goes and saves the daaay - I'd prefer Jack does it
Look, Mia's getting hurt and she was kind to you and in the most literal use of character mirroring in 1000 miles is an actual stand in for your mom!
Ooh is Jack gonna save Sam instead? Dean just pep-talked him specifically about how Sam believed in him which was having to start to admit that Sam, well, believes in Jack. Which Dean couldn't even accept last episode when he was saying that he was just using Jack
Yay thanks Jack, kinda figured Sam wouldn't get shot :P Jack's powers are fascinating - he's definitely bending time... from Sam and Dean's perspectives last time they were caught in it they were at least sort of aware of things, but Jack pretty much works in bullet time.
I also like how he kind of had a ridiculous "NooooO" because he's been watching Star Wars. I don't know if there's a "Nooooo" in the Clone Wars but I mean have you met a Star Wars
Anyway good riddance douchey ex with extra douchey powers.
I love the shot of them all standing together and Jack has that benign :3 face on again. He's really insufferably cute.
Ewww the Bunker sink is gross. I assume that's from decades of lying in disrepair and that those are stains Dean could not get out.
I guess Jack's getting a glass of water and Dean's midnight snacking. I have no other explanation for this encounter despite the fact it could theoretically happen at literally any point of the clock :P
Oh gosh, is he going to give Jack a beer
Yay, actions helped
Aw, the other beer is for Sam. Guess this doesn't have to be midnight after all. I thought he might have a longer chat with Jack
oops is this the beginning of the slide in the other direction? Sam's been undermined and even though he was proven right to Dean's eyes and Dean's had to grudgingly hand Jack the win in the case and admit it to Sam, Sam's like, "I guess"
And they don't know what Jack asked for from Mia because patient confidentiality! Argh!
Oh no Sam don't start wondering if Dean is right.
AAAH they're actually talking about things really well. Dean's like "don't say that" - even if he can't believe it he doesn't want to HURT Sam and rob him of his hope... Sometimes yelling about things does make them get better in the long run once you get it out there >.>
And Dean deputises to Sam for the feelings. And admits how HE has been feeling, because he believes in nothing, because all his faith has been taken away because there was only one thing he ever ended up believing in no i didn't see the next scene transition before i hit pause what are you talking about
Again, though, if this is Cas back in the mortal plane after annoying his way back to life (worrisome, since he's 2 episodes out of reuniting with them and where's Billie? Oh gosh is Billie back for reals too if he IS back? Whaaaat.) then that's another awfully convenient moment to transition scenes from. Dean finally using "i" instead of "we" about Cas and making it abundantly clear that he and sam didn't feel the same about that, was, whether the direct reason or just narrative karma they chose to bestow on Dean, what made Jack reach out to Cas. Now he admits out loud that he doesn't believe in anything with the implication when you look at Dean vs belief that this is about Cas, and we go over to Cas definitely at least in an improved situation.
Goddammit that's the new coat which means he didn't come back naked but wait! Lizzy's hope wasn't the same as everyone else's at all! Although that was a shallow moment of defeat :P Mwa ha ha, I was hoping Cas would come back and be gifted a whole new Cas get up and lo and behold unless he chose to manifest these clothes onto himself and there's noooo ulterior motive at all going on here (uh... probably not going to get more than 1 per show and we used it up on Mary :P) but he's confused and waking up and the last time we saw him he was in the clothes he died in... So of course if he's being sent back to earth then someone else chose the battle armour he'd be returned in. One Cas, fit for purpose.
Also, realising once he sat up more it was the new coat makes me pretty sure he is back on Earth.
Also he looks happy to be here and I think he can tell :P
Same, Cas. Same.
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roxy-davenport · 7 years
Candy Bars and Bad Boys
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,025
My awesome beta:
A/N: This was written for @impala-dreamer. I was your secret valentine. Happy Valentine’s Day hun. :D Hope you like it.  Fluff
Also on AO3
“Goddamn it. Fuck you, you stupid machine!” You spat at it.
You had no luck today. The first vending machine ate all your quarters. Then, you had to supplicate yourself to some ass for change for a five. And when you do get change, the machine refused to give you the candy bar you really want. You saw it right there, stuck hopelessly against the glass taunting you. You ended up kicking the stupid machine hoping that somehow you’d get the bar. But so far, all you got was strange looks from passersby.
All Dean saw was an attractive woman struggling with a machine and being the chivalrous gentleman he was, he decided to step in and help. Dean shook the machine hard making a Twix fall along with two bags of chips.
“Wow, how very gallant of you and my are you strong.”
“You have no idea.” He whispered to you, a smirk on his face as he looked you up and down.
“Well, now I have a different problem.” You stated in a playful tone, licking your lips.
“Hmm?” Dean responded, his gaze drawn to your lips.
“Yeah, I have all these things to eat and only one mouth. Any thoughts? Want to help me eat them?” You held up the snacks shrugging your shoulders.
Dean’s smirk grew exponentially. He closed and opened his mouth a bunch of times, not sure what exactly to say.
“Dean, come on,“ Sam yelled.
Dean looked at Sam motioning to give him a minute. Dean turned back around to you with an apologetic look on his face. You stopped him from leaving by grabbing his arm.
“Wait a minute. Dean? Green eyes. Flirty. Has a brother who I’m guessing is Sam? You’re on a job aren’t you?”
“Yeah, I am,” Dean said hesitantly, not sure where this was going.
“Any relation to John and Mary Winchester?”
Dean’s eyes widened. “How do you know them? The confusion and nervousness present in his voice.
“You are Dean Winchester! Oh shit, you guys are on a case, my case may I add. Hey, I’m happy to share. The more the merrier with a werewolf case. I was just getting food and steeling myself for the coroner.”
“You’re a hunter?” The incredulity obvious in his voice.
“Since I was a kid.”
“You’re too hot to be a hunter.”
“And you’re too cocky to get the job done. You’re spending way too much time flirting. Stop selling me and start showing me what you can do.”
“Dean! Come on.” Sam called out.
With a bounce in your step, you walked over to Sam, shaking out your hair and pushing up your breasts. You wiggled your eyebrows at Dean. “Trust me. You need me there. The coroner is a hound. He won’t answer your questions without yours truly being in the room.”
You stood next to Dean while the boys talked to the coroner and took point. The coroner, as predicted, only looked at you and your chest when answering questions.
Dean tensed and balled his hands into fists at the coroner’s continued gaze. You in turn, subtly took your hand and slowly lifted up the back of Dean’s shirt, your hand caressing his skin. The simple gesture made Dean calm down. You were into him, not the coroner and the gesture itself was soothing. There was no need for anger or jealousy.
When the meeting was over, Sam made a point to thank you for stepping in. He expected you to leave and they’d continue on with the case, but you weren’t leaving. You walked into a case with the Winchesters. That was like every hunter’s dream. You ran ahead so they couldn’t stop you and ran to the Impala, gliding your hand over every inch of the amazing car.
“I heard you guys were driving this but wow, it’s incredible. You keep her looking so amazing.”
“You like old cars?” Dean inquired curiously.
“I love old cars. I sometimes worked at my dad’s garage, when he wasn’t hunting, that is. And I love “Fast and Furious”.”
“Who’s your dad?”
“Oh sorry I never introduced myself. I’m Y/N L/N.”
“Oh yes the L/N’s. My father talked about your family.”
“It seems we’re both famous.”
Sam tried to get in to sit by Dean but Dean shook his head and pointed to you. Sam let out a long sigh, rolling his eyes. Dean wiggled his eyebrows at you before you all got into the car.
Dean was about to put on an AC/DC song on when you stopped him. “If you like rock do you have, “Enter Sandman” by Metallica by any chance? That’s my favorite song!”
“I do actually.”
“You’re letting the passenger choose the music? You don’t even let me choose!”
“It’s not my fault you like sucky music.”
“Sam’s right, though. Driver chooses the music. It’s only fair.”
“It’s OK, really Y/N. “Enter Sandman” on Metallica’s fifth album, it is.”
Dean’s hand came down on your thigh. He didn’t even realize it was there until he heard your breath hitch. He turned to you and his eyes darkened. You looked at him and bit your lip. Keeping eye contact with you, his hand continued to creep up your thigh and under your skirt. He watched you, closely drinking in your reaction. Your eyes closed and you arched your back against the leather seat. Pleased with your reaction so far, his fingers ghosted over your panty covered core. Dean was effortlessly teasing you with Sam here in the backseat. Your breath was ragged, mind lost in lust. When Dean’s hand lightly touched your clit, you let out a very soft whimper as you bucked your hips trying to urge him to press down harder against the fabric. His smirk got even bigger. He slowly shook his head at you.
“Patience, sweetheart. Where are you staying?”
“Wherever you are.”
“Good girl.” Dean whispered in your ear.
Sam cleared his throat.
“Don’t worry Sammy, we’ll get two separate rooms.”
What a night it was going to be. The first of many, because you were never leaving Dean’s side.
Forevers: @purgatoan, @killerofthesouth, @charliebradbury1104, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @chelsea072498, @everday-supernatural-af, @kalliravennee, @toogardenenthusiast, @winchesterprincessbride, @one-shots-supernatural, @take-me-tonirvana, @hellsmother, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @faegal04, @deals-with-demons, @mamaredd123, @atc74, @hamartiamacguffin
Dean Folks from my list: @buckymetallicstump, @faith-in-dean, @bennyyh, @ruprecht0420 @supernatural-jackles, @jesspfly, @webcricket
@aprofoundbondwithdean, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @dr-dean, @nichelle-my-belle, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @thegreatficmaster, @salvachester, @blushingsamgirl, @bkwrm523, @whispersandwhiskerburn, @lipstickandwhiskey, @impala-dreamer, @samsgoddess, @frenchybell, @scorpiongirl1, @for-the-love-of-dean, @cici0507, @fiveleaf, @deansleather, @curliesallovertheplace, @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname, @waywardjoy, @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious, @kayteonline, @supernatural-jackles, @idreamofhazel, @wevegotworktodo, @ilovedean-spn2 , @quiddy-writes, @wi-deangirl77, @deantbh, @mysaintsasinner, @chelsea-winchester, @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki, @fandommaniacx, @teamfreewillimagines, @deanwinchesterforpromqueen, @castieltrash1, @supernaturallyobsessed, @memariana91, @writingbeautifulmen, @captain-princess-rose, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @idreamofhazel, @revwinchester, @supermoonpanda, @ageekchiclife, @i-dont-know-how-to-write, @vintagevalentinexx, @ohwritever, @ruinedbydestiel, @winchester-writes, @mysupernaturalfics, @thinkwritexpress, @sammit-janet @bowtiesandapplepie, @itsemmyb, @ezauraemmaline, @matteson-crazed, @castielspahdehrah, @charliesbackbitches, @crzcorgi, @gryffindorable713, @deerlululucy, @walkingencyclopediaoffandom, @MrsJohnSmith, @manawhaat, @growleytria, @thegleegeneration, @samtomydeanwinchester, @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki, @i-never-said-a-pilot, @thewinchestielboys, @supermoonpanda, @sis-tafics, @amaranthinecastiel, @kittenofdoomage, @samanddeanwinchester67, @prettyxwickedxthings, @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien, @myfand0msandm0re, @olitzisbae, @iridianuniverse, @the-morning-star-falls,  @shortandlongstories, @strange-inhumanity-blog, @ackleslaugh @noisilyyoungpuppy, @fangirling-instead-of-working, @eyes-of-a-disney-princess, @chrisatplay, @kayteonline, @spnsimpleman, @faith-in-dean, @gimmethepieandnoonegetshurt, @for-the-love-of-dean, @mamaimpala, @zanthiasplace, @sleep-silent-angel, @pada-ackles-reads, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @gadreelsforbiddenfruit, @trenchcoats-and-bees, @curliesallovertheplace, @jencharlan, @not-so-natural-spn, @skybinx-blog, @thebunkerismyhome, @feelmyroarrrr, @beachy2014, @fandom-book-nerd, @tia58, @sams-little-toy, @sunriserose1023, @saving-things-hunting-family, @winchesterswoonathon, @jotink78, @lucifer-in-leather,  @babypieandwhiskey, @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave, @supernatural-jackles, @avasmommy224, @angelwingsandsupernaturalthings, @mysaintsasinner, @chelsea-winchester, @besslincoln-bruh, @wheresthekillswitch, @maraisabellegrey, @notnaturalanahi
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