#i really do mean the tw really
He was so tired. All the time. He longed for deep sleep. He was no parent.
Sakumo couldn’t help but think that it might be better for Kakashi if his father wasn’t around. If Sakumo wasn’t there he would have the opportunity to start over again, be his own person. Clearly, people admired his intellect and skill, clearly they prefered to see him connected to his mother as opposed to his father. 
He still could enjoy his time with his son, out around the village or in the backyard of their way too big clan house, but the high from it only held on for so long. When Sakumo put Kakashi to bed and returned back to the darkness of the main living area, death was there again, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
Yes, Kakashi would be better off without Sakumo around. Yes, he was only making things unnecessarily hard for his son.
The world was damb and dark. The colours had faded. The sun didn’t warm his skin. Sakumo longed for relief, any relief.
Sometimes he hurt himself, just with the tip of the kunai on naked skin until it would draw blood. A countermeasure to the numbing of feelings on his inside, an outlet to let the pain drip away. He could watch the blood drip down his arm and it told him that he was still a living being, no matter what death told him. He wasn’t a walking corpse.
Injuries reminded him of a fight, it reminded him of battle. 
The habit would leave him with scars that he learned to hide well. Kakashi was smart, but still a child.
Sakumo liked the scars. Scars reminded him of his failure. Failure to protect, failure to save people he cared for. His friends, his colleagues, his wife - his son.”
For the DVD commentary! I know it’s dark. But it’s so beautifully written. This is one of my all time favorite pieces I’ve ever read.
thank you <3
this is from decay. also tw: self harm. I put my reply under cut
you are really asking for two things here, the top part which is Sakumo thinking Kakashi without him woudl have a better life and the bottom part that adresses the self harm thing. I'll answer both separately.
part 1:
I always thought that Sakumo must have felt like that, that he was a big walking bad luck charm. No matter what your hc for Kakashi's mother is, the fact is, she is not around when Kakashi is a kid, so she must have died, and we can assume that Sakumo suffered from it.
The failed mision, the fucked up reputation and then there is his son, the shining star that everyone talks about as such a genius. It's so easy to tell yourself that without you he would be free of baggage and able to fulfill his potential, that without you he could be have a happy childhood. It's a lie of course, but that is what death is there for. Its the little shadow following him around telling him lies, that monster that lives in your head when you lose sight of who you are.
It was also important to me to say yeah, he loves his son, he loves spending time with his son. He isn' egoistic about it (even tho he is!), he actually loves his son soo much, that he thinks he does him a favour. And he enjoys their time together, but it does not matter, because these things cant be saved by the smile and laughter of a child, you need a professional. Hatake Sakumo loved nothing as much as he loved his son and so he was willing to put himself out of the picture for his sake (which again, is a falsehood, but he can't really keep that apart.)
part 2:
I used to self harm for years and it was a hard struggle to stop doing it. This lower part you quoted is pretty much just my experiences written out. When I felt like i stopped existing, I called it something like a walking corpse in this fic, then I cut myself. Depression is on the inside, it is not something you can go to the hospital for and get a quick bandaid. People (including yourself) cant see it at all, but wounds, wounds exist. So seeing yourself bleed gives you a) an outlet to feel something- anything and b) something that actually marks you.
Sakumo of course here thinks about how scars stay and remind him of his struggle and yes that is me. Every summer my skin tans easily and I see the scars on my legs and they remind me of failure, because I knew cutting won't get me anywhere, it won't heal or save me, but I still did it. For years. I used to bandage them up and tell people I just hurt my arms or legs and thats that.
So yes, that part is pretty much just my memories projected on someone else. I think i cried writing this, because its very personal. But in this fic, and as well as in my real life, Sakumo and me we realise that there is more than just the grief. That there are people to care for and uh, yeah. Fuck all of that really.
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a few months after my dad died i cut myself the last time and then I was like fuck this fuck this shit it wont make it go away, the pain will always be there. so i looked at myself and said "no more".
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ruporas · 11 months
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wolfwood redraws (ID in alt text)
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moonelnone · 10 months
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Messy comic about his Intrusive thoughts
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sophiethewitch1 · 4 months
dick grayson who needs to be useful and needed to feel loved vs reader who is hypervigilant of their own fault and tries desperately not to be a burden: fight
it ends in tears. unstoppable force versus immovable object. you don't want to make his life any harder because you can see he's struggling. he's just straight up begging. i said in last post tags he'd moan if you ask him to get you a glass of water. ask him to make you a snack and he'll just straight up come in his pants.
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gin-juice-tonic · 1 year
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her parents are supportive in the most transphobic way they possibly couldve been
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gaypiratepropaganda · 5 months
Izzy's apology in the finale seems to have taken some people by surprise. During the break between seasons, I tried a few times to politely bring up the fact that Izzy was technically abusing Ed. Not because I wanted anyone to stop liking him (you can like a character who's doing abuse! it's not real. who cares), but because I was worried about the reaction when season two came out. I love this show very much and I know how tumblr can get. Most importantly, I love fucked up fictional relationships and cannot abide people making these two boring. So here we go. (I also love lists)
First. Emotional abuse can occur in intimate relationships, family relationships like father and son, or in the workplace (Ed/Izzy triple threat!). Second, it has to be an ongoing thing. Someone doing one of these things once is not abuse. Abuse is a pattern of cruel and frightening behavior in order to control the victim.
(Don't feel bad if you didn't notice this stuff! It's relatively subtle and we're kind of trained to ignore and forgive it, especially from characters like Izzy. I wasn't 100% sure I was right about this either until season two confirmed it. I think a lot of people don't even know what emotional abuse is, at least where I live.)
Below are some pretty solid warning signs (this said "criteria" before but I changed it to be more accurate) for emotional abuse, followed by examples:
•Monitoring and controlling a person’s behavior, such as who they spend time with or how they spend money.
One of Izzy's main motivations in season one was trying to force Ed to act more like his image of Blackbeard. To achieve that, he bullied, belittled, and threatened Ed. He attempted to kill Stede because Ed was spending too much time with him and he felt that Stede was a bad influence.
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• Threats to a person’s safety, property, or loved ones
He tried to kill Stede (Ed's loved one) or get him killed several times. Once trying to get Ed to do it himself with the doggy heaven situation, once directly with the duel, and once by calling in the navy.
He didn't directly threaten Ed's safety until episode ten, but he did seem to have Ed convinced that the crew would kill him if Izzy wasn't there to protect him and then when Ed did things he didn't like, Izzy threatened to leave. It's indirect, but has the same result: Ed felt he was unsafe unless he did what Izzy wanted.
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• Isolating a person from family, friends, and acquaintances
Izzy seemed to keep Ed isolated from the crew, act as a go-between, and control their perceptions of each other to a certain extent. In the first few episodes, Ed was always shown alone in his goth cabin with Izzy as his only contact. When he started to make new friends Izzy tried to make him kill them.
After Izzy was banished, he secretly sent Ed's ex in to manipulate him and get him away from his new community. Then he got them all arrested, culminating in the deal he made with the English that would have made Ed his prisoner. Not sure that was on purpose, but it was so fucked up I had to mention it.
The bit that really got me, for some reason, was when Frenchie asked after Ed and Izzy told the crew he was sick.
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• Demeaning, shaming, or humiliating a person
Izzy is often shown berating Ed and yelling at him. The way Ed reacts suggests to me that he may be used to this kind of treatment from people in general, or from Izzy in particular. He never leaves or asks him to stop, he just takes it.
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• Extreme jealousy, accusations, and paranoia
He was so jealous of Ed's relationship with Stede that he got the literal military involved. His explanation to for why Ed enjoys spending time with Stede was that he has "done something to [Ed's] brain." Like, what magic powers do you think he has, Izzy?
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• Making acceptance or care conditional on a person’s choices
Izzy made it very clear that he would only support Ed if he conformed to the Blackbeard persona. He also seemed to have Ed convinced that there was no way he could survive without Izzy's support.
I just realized that if you subscribe to the headcanon that Izzy acts as a sort of caretaker to Ed (I do not) then all of this is way more fucked up.
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• Constant criticism, ridicule, or teasing.
In season one he criticized everything Ed did, all his plans, even while telling him to come up with more plans. He ridiculed Ed and called him names pretty often: "twat, namby-pamby, insane." Even in season two when he's doing better, most of their interactions consist of Izzy teasing and making fun of Ed for being mopey or in love.
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• Refusing to allow a person to spend time alone
I didn't think of this until now, but Izzy is often around when Ed thinks he's alone. He knows about things that happen in scenes he isn't in. Izzy's always sort of lurking, though? And he does it to everyone. So I'm not sure if we should count this one.
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• Thwarting a person’s professional or personal goals
He's ok about piracy related goals, but as soon as Ed tried to do something other than that he got so weird about it. "This crew is so talented, why are we even being pirates?" is what got Izzy to threaten Ed. Which is interesting because he was fine with the retirement idea before, when he thought he'd get to be captain.
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• Instilling feelings of self-doubt and worthlessness 
"insane unpleasant shell of a man merely posing as blackbeard." "I should have let the English kill you. This... whatever it is you've become is a fate worse than death."
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• Gaslighting: making a person question their competence and even their basic perceptual experiences.
He called Ed insane and implied that the crew would mutiny if he wasn't there to stop them. This is clearly untrue, as we were already shown that his method of "massaging the crew" consisted of calling Ed half insane and pulling Fang's beard even though Fang hates that. The fact that he calls Ed insane more than once while at the same time trying to get him to act more insane seems like basic gaslighting to me. Then again, Izzy's definition of "insanity" may be like, depression, crying, showing emotions, loneliness, and enjoying softness.
[can't find a gif of this so just imagine Ed in the gravy basket with Hornigold saying "you're worried you're insane."]
Something that wasn't on this specific list but is generally considered part of emotional abuse is manipulation: the use of indirect tactics to change someone's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors in an attempt to influence them for personal gain.
I think Izzy often tries to be manipulative. He's not the greatest at it, but it's the thought that counts. He manages to be surprisingly successful through persistence and repetition.
He's got Ed convinced from the first time we see them that he is useless as a captain without Izzy. That's why Ed feels like he needs him. He tells him that the only thing standing between Ed and a crew constantly on the brink of mutiny is Izzy. Then he tells him that he will leave if he can't live up to his expectations.
He has a pattern of lying to Ed or not telling him the whole truth. He threatens him directly and indirectly in an attempt to influence him and control his behavior. He wants power, whether he gets it by becoming a captain when Ed retires or by making sure Ed remains powerful by any means necessary.
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this is what he was apologizing for, along with the years of being terrible to Ed before Stede came into the picture. I never expected him to admit it so clearly like that. He fed Ed's "darkness," poked at his trauma for so long because he needed Blackbeard. It was something they did together, and he enjoyed Blackbeard's dominance and cruelty.
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Of course there are other things that can be part of this kind of abuse, like infantilization, silence, and harassment. There are more examples of abusive behavior from Izzy at the start of season two, especially in the scene where Ed's asking Izzy to kill him. but I am not ready to get into that right now.
Anyway, Ed and Izzy's storylines in season two only make sense to me with this in mind. Ed is recovering from not only the suicide attempts but also this fucked up situation he was in, whether he realizes it or not. Izzy learns to stop being such a shitboy and admits he was wrong. ~growth~
if you interpret their relationship differently that's obviously fine. but I think this is the most interesting interpretation, as well as what was intended. It's no fun for me when people make them both equally awful to each other. I like it better as it is in the show: Ed fighting back against Izzy's emotional abuse with physical violence, which only ends up traumatizing him further. It's such a unique and fascinating story.
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gimmethemprimals · 11 months
🌊 wavecrest-confessions  Follow
whenever I see someone making fun of the tidelords disappearance I get SO angry. Its just so insensitive to water dragons, and it ALWAYS comes from a wind, earth, or ice dragon. Like I don’t think you have any ground to stand on guys, your deities are still more neglectful than the tidelord and he’s not even here
❄️ ice-ice-baby  Follow
Dude your god has been gone for so long his long lost children came back before him
🪨 freshpebble-deactivated
Aren’t you the one who carved your fanart of femboy Icewarden into the side of the pillar.
❄️ ice-ice-baby  Follow
???? You’re literally a shade apologist
💫 see-the-stars  Follow
🍃 riding-high  Follow
are we gonna just brush over the femboy icewarden thing
🦅 talonafan2477  Follow
@ see-the-stars the Arcanist is the ORIGINAL shade apologist what are you talking about
🦅 talonafan2477  Follow
btw “ice ice baby” is apart of from clan froststep that has a history of supporting the gaolers during the freezeflash war and thus the destruction of the banescales
🌑 walkingshadows Follow
Yeah but what about the femboy icewarden thing
🔥 its-gettin-hot  Follow
you can excuse genocide but draw the line at femboy icewarden?
🌑 walkingshadows Follow
im not drawing the line i just wanna see it myself
🌺 bug-claws Follow
thats fair
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jiiyawns · 2 years
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this song is really good
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johannesviii · 3 months
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Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge 3/? - To The End
Part 1 - Part 2
When your faustian pact's first killing spree suddenly hits too close to home
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bamsara · 2 years
I have covid hhhhh
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super-paper · 2 months
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afotaro is the elephant's foot of toxic old man yaoi but that's not gonna stop me from memeing on it, y'know, as a coping mechanism.
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Hi look at this cute Sun in a pretty outfit
In other news, i had a really really bad week with so many bad things happening at the same time. Cat got diagnosed with kidney problems, i got very bad migraines, we flooded our flat and all flats below and probably have to pay for all damages and one of my favourite coworker got diagnosed with cancer.
So it has been a week. I might take some more time off but i just wanted to sound off and tell you that im okay and ill come back when i can. Atleast i can actually draw again.
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m4rs-ex3 · 6 months
important question
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r4bidcherry · 5 months
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fuck you *chainships your total drama*
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laniemae · 2 months
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Shading and perspective test done with 4th anniversary Amane! Couldn’t get over the floor flowers but I absolutely loved the symbolism it implied so I had to draw something based off it.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 4 months
hmm. i'm usually not one to post about these topics but i think i've gathered enough thoughts on wilbur's abysmal apology towards shelby to form a cohesive message.
WARNING: the rest of the post will discuss abuse and also a lot of my personal experiences as someone who has hurt other people in the past. obviously not to the extent that wilbur has, but please move on it you don’t want to see it. thank you and stay safe.
being stuck in a hard place, whether it be living conditions, mental conditions, or any other factor, will naturally hurt the person going through those tough times. and hurt people hurt people. but i think there's a pretty Big Fucking Difference between doing bad things in the past and actually owning up to your actions after regretting it VS doing bad things in the past and turning a blind eye against those you've hurt to wallow in your own ego and misery.
i’ve experienced my fair share of abusive friendships, but when i was fifteen, i WAS the toxic friend. (yes, i’m aroace. friendships aren’t the same as a romantic relationship but they can be just as strong. i value my platonic bonds as much as allos value their marriages or date partners.) i was going through a huge depressive episode. it was tough for me, but during that time, i made fun of my friends' interests to their faces because i couldn't personally understand it, and i also vagueposted about the little things they did that ticked me off right where they could see it. it got to the point where they had to make a separate group chat to talk about their interests where i wouldn’t see it. i hurt all of them, and it ended in them confronting me about my actions. they put me in my place and called me out for my horrible attitude.
after seeing my friends' perspectives, i realized just how awful i was to them and sincerely apologized to each of them. i recognized their feelings towards my actions and didn't make excuses. even though i was going through a hard time myself, my abuse towards them was absolutely NOT justified. as i recovered, i made sure not to hurt them any more, and years later, our friendships are still going strong.
my experiences aren't nearly as extreme as what wilbur has done to shelby, but i think it's pretty fucking clear that his apology was flaming dog shit served on a trash dump. like, i was a fifteen year old. he's a Grown Ass Man with a big platform. he dug his own grave by talking about himself first instead of actually addressing his mistreatment of shelby first and foremost. he didn't even MENTION shelby by name. talking about his "strides to betterment" without even directing his apology towards the person he actually hurt is just pathetic. that whole spiel about how he "thought" the whole exchange was consensual is fucking wild. he didn't even apologize for that; he moved on right afterwards.
we can infer that wilbur has been struggling with being a person who has done bad things through his songs and lovejoy's music. he might have been going through a hard time and maybe even regretted it (though his apology really makes it seem like he's just doing it for damage control), that STILL doesn't validate any hurt he might have caused. the least he could’ve done is to sincerely apologize to shelby, even if she didn’t accept it. but he couldn’t even do that.
it's just disappointing that, as someone who has a platform of millions of followers, he displayed an act of shallowness. in the end, his attempt at sincerity fell flat and benefited no one, especially not the people he abused. if he had properly apologized, even if his apology wasn't accepted, it would've shown people in a similar situation how to apologize to the people they hurt in the past in a mature and sincere way.
so, yeah. FUCK wilbur soot. focus not on the fact that he has done bad, but that the one he abused didn’t get a proper apology. support shelby and other victims of abuse. listen to their experiences and spread awareness of these cautions. uplift their voices, not his.
for those who have connected to his and lovejoy's music that have gone through a similar dark time in their lives, i also extend my heart out to you. it must also be hard to see someone who reflected your struggles of betterment reveal himself to be someone who really hasn't gotten better at all.
but you don’t have to be like him. you don’t need to follow in his steps as long as you own up to your mistakes, even if you can’t talk to those you hurt anymore. in the end, what matters most is that you apologize in a sincere way and make sure you don’t repeat those mistakes going forward.
you CAN get better. if anything just so spite that british boy’s ass
thank you. kiwi out ✌️
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