#tw femboy
gimmethemprimals · 10 months
🌊 wavecrest-confessions  Follow
whenever I see someone making fun of the tidelords disappearance I get SO angry. Its just so insensitive to water dragons, and it ALWAYS comes from a wind, earth, or ice dragon. Like I don’t think you have any ground to stand on guys, your deities are still more neglectful than the tidelord and he’s not even here
❄️ ice-ice-baby  Follow
Dude your god has been gone for so long his long lost children came back before him
🪨 freshpebble-deactivated
Aren’t you the one who carved your fanart of femboy Icewarden into the side of the pillar.
❄️ ice-ice-baby  Follow
???? You’re literally a shade apologist
💫 see-the-stars  Follow
🍃 riding-high  Follow
are we gonna just brush over the femboy icewarden thing
🦅 talonafan2477  Follow
@ see-the-stars the Arcanist is the ORIGINAL shade apologist what are you talking about
🦅 talonafan2477  Follow
btw “ice ice baby” is apart of from clan froststep that has a history of supporting the gaolers during the freezeflash war and thus the destruction of the banescales
🌑 walkingshadows Follow
Yeah but what about the femboy icewarden thing
🔥 its-gettin-hot  Follow
you can excuse genocide but draw the line at femboy icewarden?
🌑 walkingshadows Follow
im not drawing the line i just wanna see it myself
🌺 bug-claws Follow
thats fair
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anti-endo-haven · 23 days
hey just a heads up you should probably tag anything with the word 'femboy' in it.
its a super derog term / slur for transfem folk and i dont think many want to see it just unwarrented
Forgot about that, I’ll get a tag on that for it. Just trying to move through the discourse-esc asks and just throw them. Thanks for the ask, anon.
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whoopsiedoodlez · 9 months
hi so I have a fairly large question.is the word femboy a slur? I've tried looking it up and stuff and I've seen people say that it is a transmisogynistic slur and to use the word rose boy. but I've also seen people say that it's okay to use it as long as you're not using it to purposely misgender transfemme individuals. and I honestly feel so awful if it is a slur because I thought it was just a word to describe a feminine boy. hell I've even used it to describe myself sometimes when I'm feeling feminine but still am a guy [im Fluidflux] so if any transfemme people or who is knowledgeable with this subject find this can you please give me an clear answer?
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sunkissed-mogai · 2 years
y0 0k4y 50 1 c0n51d3r my53lf 4 f3mb0y, but 1k th4t t3rm 15 pr0bl3m4t1c 50 1m trynn4 f1nd 4 d1ff3rt l4b3l f0r 1t. 1v3 h34rd "r05b0y" but 1 ju5t r34lly d0nt v1b3 w1th th4t t3rm ykn0w. (n0t th4t 1t5 b4d, 1t ju5t d035nt f33l r1ght f0r m3)
4nyw4y 1f you d0nt w4nn4 d0 th4t th3n th4t5 f1n3 lm40 /g3n
i've seen "lavenderboy," "tomgirl," and "janegirl" as well as "roseboy"!! if these don't work then send another ask and i'll do more lookin'!
also translation of the ask for those who can't figure out the typing quirk (me too sis): yo okay so i consider myself a f*mboy, but ik that term is problematic so i'm trynna find a different label for it. ive heard "roseboy" but i just really don't vibe with that term know. (not that its bad, it just doesnt feel right for me) anyway if you don't wanna do that then that's fine lmao /gen
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heartfullofleeches · 12 days
Reader: Please... Just put a bullet between my eyes now.
Kidnapper: Relax. If your family loves you, they'll pay the ransom
Reader: I'm not worried about you. My wife is a retired assassin and if I'm late to dinner one more time I'll lose my outside privileges for a year.
Kidnapper: You really expect me to believe that? I'm sure your wife's crying her eyes out to police right now.
Reader: Who said I was married to a woman?
[Knock- Knock- Knock]
Femboy Housewife Yan: Helloooo in there~ Has anyone in there seen my darling dearest spouse around? It's casserole night and they promised they wouldn't be late this evening. If it's your fault they're not at the dinner table right now [giggles] Well.... It's probably best if you open the door now than later...
Reader, squirming in their chains: Hide me!
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holysandwichkitten · 3 months
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Too sexy to be ignored dumpster.
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beefcliff · 1 year
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a little comic about gender, the forever road.
send me an ask.
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0w0tsuki · 6 months
Hey can we stop pretending like the only feasible reason that a trans woman would not like the term femboy is because she's some puritan anti-kinkster or somehow against men being able to dress femininely?
Like perhaps maybe the group of people who had to go through a phase of having to figure out and explore their femininity while being perceived by society as a man DON'T WANT to police the way men are able to present and express their genders? Like maybe WE DON'T want to make things even harder for transfem eggs. Like maybe we might have an interest in protecting transfem eggs and are speaking from the harm that we experienced as eggs ourselves?
Like maybe it might have to do with the fact that outside of Tumblr your average femboy is a trap fetishist? Like did we all forget the memes of "trying to figure out if the Astofolo icon is a trans woman or a fascist?"
Like some of us were discovering our transness during puberty in the early 2000s. You remember the early 2000s right? Where South Park and Family were at the height of their cultural influence, the R slur was a substitute for stupid, and bigotry was so common that "traps are gay" jokes could be made in polite company without having to worry about backlash. So imagine what kink spaces were like. Especially when you're a teenage trans girl just discovering herself.
I personally was so damaged by that experience that I began to believe that my gender-no my EXISTENCE was a fetish to be embarrassed and humiliated by and to be reviled for. I genuinely did not engage in relationships because I believed I was going to have to give in and tell them that they fell in love with a sex object. I did not believe that I was worthy of love. And it took YEARS of working through that for me to be comfortable with transitioning.
And after I worked through that I still have to deal with them. They haven't left kink communities they had their roots in. To this day there's a kink website I frequent that has community suggestions for tags IE: Unless the OP of the work goes back to delete this feature, anyone can "recommend" deletions or additions to the tags of the work. This is in place to make the proper labeling/searching/blacklisting of kinks easier to help curate content. In practice though it allows transmisoginists to basically graffiti any transfem artwork they come across. And let me tell you Femboy tags are getting added on right after they replace F/F with M/M on a transbians t4t work. And it happens so frequently that I have to check in about once a month to these trans tags to inform the most recent victim about what's happened to their works.
And outside of kink spaces I go into fandom spaces where I have had to deal with trap fetishists positioning themselves as fucking lore scholars when they harass trans positive folks about the Correct and Moral gender of the transmisoginistic character that they've got a fap folder dedicated. I got to see someone rise to twitch fame off the back of trap content turn into a “femboy icon” because he gave some of the trap money to trans charities and has a trans girlfriend. Who is still making trap content by the way.I've gotten to see reddit lose their absolute goddamn minds when the term Trap was banned from r/anime, shitting themselves so hard about it that they made their own separate website with transmisogynistic wojaks on the home page and everything. And then I got to see the fucking Bridget Debacle.
The reason I always talk about Bridgets trans confirmation is that it's the most widely recognized recent event where the exact shit I'm talking about was on full display. The reason why her being confirmed as a trans woman was such a big deal for trans girls was not just because she was one of the anime caricatures with her own folder in the trap enthusiasts masterbation portfolio. It was because she was GROUND ZERO for original coining of the word trap. And the EXACT same guys who deemed her a trap were now coming out in DROVES fuck EN MASS. But this time as self appointed femboys. We had so many examples of fucking Astofolo icon twitter facists trying to drudge up any type of left sounding argument using the femboy identity after having their initial arguments revolving around mistranslation were debunked. Crying that transfems were “stealing femboy representation” and trying to say that it was an “antitransmasculization force feminization trope” ironically. You know the cry of “Let men be feminine!!!!” y'all always bring out in defense of femboys. THAT'S who you're parroting! THAT'S who you got it from! We have had direct evidence of former trap fetishists dawning the term femboy when it became less cool to be openly transmisogynistic and then started appropriating leftist language to give their transmisogynistic arguments an air of legitimacy.
Like y'all need to understand that this magical space we got here is a FUCKING BUBBLE. Femboy communities in literally every other online space are former trap/sissy communities and are fucking cess pits of transmisoginy. I have seen posts by people who's only experience being around femboys was on Tumblr go out and check a place like r/mildfemboys to be horrified by the obsessiveness of the transmisogyny the femboys they interact with. And the femboys here aren't much better by treating being forced to acknowledge that these people exist and that is a still very active part of their community even if they don't personally interact with it as a personal attack on them and their gender presentation.
Y'all just want to pretend it doesn't exist and treat the idea that a Transfem might not WANT to interact with YOU(OH GOSH!!) because of it like it's some sort of personal judgement instead of something you're just going to have to accept happens when there's a large portion of people who share that title who are responsible for traumatizing them. But y'all got to go one step further. Y'all who go on about how femboys are our closest allies and about how “femboys and transfems are actually closer than transfems want to admit”. Y'all treat femboys like they're out little fucking brother in the queer community and it's our personal fucking responsibility to leave behind any personal baggage at the door in order to make them feel welcome.
Y'all can't handle the fucking idea that a trans woman might not be comfortable with sharing community with someone who's average member would call her a trap while jacking off to her selfies if he thought he could get away with it. That's she's not interested in playing the Astofolo icon game with them. Y'all gotta create a backwards narratives where she is against her own interests, where she is for making it harder for eggs in the future instead of you know. Asking for better from the communities those eggs are drawn too.
I have been forced to fucking put up with femboys in nearly every online space I've ever been in. And I
Am sick and fucking tired
Of putting up with femboys
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anti-endo-haven · 23 days
My rule of thumb is, 1) is it hurting anyone, and 2) is this something that people care about offline?
If it’s no for both, then don’t bother people about it. Examples;
Orientation labels aren’t hurting anyone; it’s the homo/transphobia. (M-Spec discourse.)
People identifying as a femboy or roseboy isn’t hurting anyone and no one outside of the internet truly cares about it. (Femboy discourse.)
While endogenics may not have people actively in real life spaces seemingly caring, they are in fact taking away resources and harming systems. (System discourse.)
“I’m so XYZ-Disorder” while displaying paper thin scraps of only one symptom may be used as quirky slang currently, but it also romanticizes and waters down the severity of disorders, causing harm to those who have the debilitating side of the disorder. (Symptoms Discourse.)
I love this little nuanced world trying to make things so black and white. ;Sarc, but also not entirely upset. It’s fun to give “hot takes” and throw in my fake chocolate pirate coins.
~ 🥀🦷
Mmm chocolate coins
All I have to say cuz I’m clearing out asks and I don’t want the discourse here cuz my brain can only take so much of the back to back asks (not mad at anyone just understand I’m the middle man that DOES have to see this and I can only do so much and I don’t like deleting asks unless it makes me uncomfortable or I just don’t see reason to).
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theoxdarthy · 29 days
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Can I be your canvas?
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identify-here · 4 days
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heartfullofleeches · 4 months
femboy creep reader would def have one of those dentist teddy bears... but with real teeth that they took found
Some boys like roses, some like plies of teeth and bones left at their doorstep to use for their special art projects.
"I've sent you flowers, meals, my credit card information, even my medical records and samples of my blood when you asked - why won't you go out with me!"
Blocked. Didn't even send a full pint like you asked. You'll never have enough blood to finish that painting tucked away in your closet at this rate. Rolling onto your side, a knock at your window weeps away the brief flicker of tranquility you felt at ridding yourself of another parasite chasing after your tail. When will they learn that sweet gestures like those just aren't enough for a boy anymore?
Crawling out of bed, you walk over to window and take a peak outside. The thick layer of glass muffles footsteps growing fainter in the distance. Unlocking the latch, you open and lean out the window in an attempt to get a better look at them - knocking over the wrapped box left on the sill in the process.
"A gift?" It's not an entirely uncommon occurrence. You're used to them being left on your doorstep, but this was new. Long as they aren't trying to break in you can't really complain. You're tempted to throw it right out, but the wrapping paper- what a gorgeous shade of red. You pick at the tape as you walk back over to your bed, intending to salvage the paper for later use. The box pops as you peel back the final piece seeming to have none taped to the cardboard itself. You look inside. A fluffy brown bear looks back. You'd like to say they were smiling, but it would be pretty hard for them to do so with that giant hole in their mouth. A note sits on its little tummy, held in place by its tiny claws. You read aloud it to yourself.
"Have fun, pretty boy~ Got more for you on the way if you're willing to keep me around.
Much Love, your secret admirer."
The box was definitely heavier than the weight of a plush bear. Lifting your new friend out of the box, another prize awaits. You run your fingers over the eggshell colored object, trailing them downwards till you reach imperfections in its smooth surface. Sockets, nostrils, teeth. You toss the bear onto the bed and pull the second object out. A pair of pliers at the bottom of the box next to a photograph builds up the excitement fluttering in your stomach. Scooping the bear up in your arms, its jaws fall slack - a second note lodged in the back of its mouth.
"Call me. ;)"
You snuggle the bear to your chest- retrieving your phone from the nightstand.
"This is more like it. Don't worry, little guy. I'll give you all your teeth back- then we'll send whoever sent you a nice thank you message."
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fkbcorrector · 10 months
I'm going to open your testosterone vial spread it all over my strap as lube so you get all of it fucked into your cunt because thats the only way testosterone should be going inside a delusional woman like you
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drunkenclown555 · 1 year
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I'm losing my grip on reality
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 24 days
I want to say this… I love the Femboy OF au. It gets me to laugh every time. My favorite part is the running gag of blood moon just getting traumatized by everyone.
He deserves to be a little traumatized.
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