#i think thats why i love 12 so much tbh
wayward-wren · 23 days
I'm hoping episode 3 let's Ruby see the dark side of the Doctor. I feel that adds a very important dynamic to a Doctor-companion relationship, when they see how dark he can be and still choose to travel with him early on.
Rose watching Nine drag Cassandra back to die. Eleven yelling at Amy "Nobody human has anything to say to me today!" Donna begging Ten to stop drowning the spider babies, and then again to go back and save someone in Pompeii.
Fifteen has been FUN and I know he can do emotional range, I've seen his fear and his tears already. But I want to see him dark, and I want to see Ruby respond to that. I think it would add a LOT of depth to their relationship and is something missing.
Plus showcasing the Doctor's flaws (selfishness) will make him a much more interesting character. I want to see some conflict between the Doctor and Ruby.
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majorproblems77 · 3 months
Hello LU fans! I'm back with another LU update analysis! :D
Are you ready cause there's so much to unpack I'm gonna be here a while. Like last time I'm gonna put a timer on lmao, see how long this takes me.
As always grab your popcorn and drink of choice, cause we need hydration in this life.
all art belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, and if I pull panels from any other pages I'll let you know where it's from! :D
Obviously spoilers for Dawn 8 :D
And a note, I've not played TP or WW, you'll see why thats important later.
Let us begin, shall we!
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Man, Poor wild, he's probably beating himself up like there's no tomorrow right now. He looks HORIFIED.
Probably because in technicality, he failed.
I love how he's holding his sword here too. Kinda acting as a shield to the conversation.
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Same expression as wild. He also looks horrified. Infact the resemblance between these two in uncanny.
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Man time really is the dad isnt he. Unimpressed dad look at 12'oclock. Jokes aside he doesn't look angry about it. He looks like he now gathering information from those who finished the fight. As we know once he left with Twilight he was the only other one to not make it back to the fight.
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Thats a fair sentence, thinking about it, I think the only other game where Iron Knuckles appear is in one of Hyrule's games? I'm surprised he's not mentioned anything about it.
Most of the others do have armoured enemies though. So while the others dont have direct experience I assume they have the basics.
All but, Sky and Wars None of them fight armoured enemies like that in their games.
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I assume because he's defeated this thing like it was a guardian (Stasis and then wailing on it cause that's what i would do lmao) He assumed it was defeated when it exploded into pieces. Like guardians are prone to do. tbh he was probably gonna go back to look for loot at some point.
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You tell them Wind. The small hero, underestimated by everyone BUT Time. Was correct thank you.
Justice for the windy boy.
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God Wild really is beating himself up about this. I love the fact that we see four's reaction to this statement. As to be honest. Over the last few nights, Four and Wild have had plenty of bonding moments. These guys are gonna become best friends.
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And now we get Time.
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The way he's looking over these panels. That look. He know's he's the leader of this group but something that Time isn't used to is making Permanent mistakes.
He has the Ocarina of Time, and when he was back in Termina every time something went wrong he could just play the song of Time and restart the three-day cycle with no trouble at all.
Time, as a person. Isnt technically used to failing.
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This panel is stunning. It's what I assume is going on inside his head. It's so pretty. It's so detailed it's just oh man easily one of my favourite panels.
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now you know i had to talk about panels with my beloved blorbo in.
first off he's so pretty. Jojo has really outdone herself with just how amazing these updates have looked. The lighting the shading its all just so incredible.
The first half of this panel with Sky's face. He, He is beating himself up about the injury. He had nothing to do with it but he cares so much about the rest of the group he feels bad. He kinda looks like he's thinking about it. Like he can see it. Like time did but we dont see inside Sky's head.
Makes me think about what exactly he saw.
And Twilight's face, he looks so sad. His little pout. Poor wolf boy, which we can now call you properly as the rest of them know now.
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And to be honest I'm glad he's standing his ground. Mr, My injury isn't that bad before falling over. the stubborn ranch hand strikes again.
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The parallels from this frame and the one from later have been mentioned elsewhere but I'm just gonna post the frame here as it's turned up. Run you coward lizard. Run.
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Captain link is back. Poor warriors, he's still showing signs of being stressed. He's one of the only one's who hasn't been able to rest over the downtime that they've had. He's been busy being in charge of the group while Time was out.
I can only assume it's only a matter of time before this comes back to get him. Maybe he is next on the chopping block? (Pun kinda intended) Something could happen and he messes up and gets hurt of causes someone to get hurt.
oh and also
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None of us did, Hyrule.
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The boys ever, I'm glad they are talking about this like this. And that it's legend who's starting to throw ideas out there like this. As the one who's got the most experience in the group, it makes sense that he would be the one to start offering ideas as to Why not just how.
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Because you pissed it off Sky. Because half of you pissed it off. In fact I do believe he had a bunch of panels in Shifting Shadows pt2 where you indeed pissed it off.
The entire reason it started running from you and Twilight had to track it was because of FI's reaction to his sword.
Wait... that explains the guilt. It is actually potentially Sky's fault. Or if he's anything like I think he is. He remembers that fight with the shadow and knows.
He knows.
Also, with clenched fist Sky is ready for a fight. Next time the shadow turns up I assume he's gonna go after it when it's inevitablebly goes after Twilight/Wild. Maybe he'll jump in after being told not too because the Master sword appears to be the only thing as of right now that can fight the red stuff that comes off the shadows sword.
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did you hear Warriors shiver? I did.
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And you'd know all about that wouldn't you Four. :D
Mandatory Sky appreciation picture
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Him's my beloved blorbo. He's wonderful. Such a lil guy. Bestest bean. My beloved. /pl
Anyway moving on
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Oh yeah, the amount of power that the items list contains We've seen the arsenal that they have between them (in the December art).
We saw what just Time could do.
Now add the rest of them and the enemies dont stand a chance. They've just gotta figure out how to either avoid the weapons of each other or work as a team with the arsenal in hand to fight better.
Like imagine if Twilight used his gale boomerang to send Wild into the air.
(Writer brain go brr, gonna write that down)
It's basically Revalis Gale.
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This man is so damn dramatic I love him
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And here's the parallel frame
the shadow running towards Warriors vs running away from Twilight.
You know thinking about it... Shadow didn't shapeshift until Twilight did. The push towards Warriors was when shadow thought they were on level footing.
But when Twilight went after Dink, he was the one who had to flee because he lost his advantage.
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The man is pissed that Shadow hurt Twilight. He is so damn mad and I think that he is saying what he would assume Fi would. (With more emotion because well, Fi)
Also that last frame.
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time is looking towards the master sword. And he looks angry. This will absolutely have gone unnoticed by the others because if they saw he was angry it was probably just because of the conversation topic.
god I love the dynamic here and I'm excited to see if it goes anywhere
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Him's I love his simple way of agreeing its wonderful.
I approve to wind let's go blow some stuff up!
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Hyrule shows the group why he is called the traveller. The man just wants to go on his adventures let him go!
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Sky is so proud of himself
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this face says 'Look guys I didn't give it to the weird toilet hand! :D'
I love this man a healthy amount.
One last thing before I go
I love this update as a whole, seeing the group gear up and getting to see the layers of the armour and straps and fastenings being put on while they are having this discussion is amazing.
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I'd give you a collection of pictures but Tumblr is being rude and I can't post more than 30. So you can have these as all four panels show what I'm talking about.
Twilight adjusting his gauntlets warriors adjusting his scarf.
Hyrule attaching his shield to his back and putting his sword strap on.
God, I love this update so much. It was amazing and I very much enjoyed it. Let me know what you think! :D
Thank you as ever for reading my rambles i appreciate you :D
Have a wonderful day and dont forget to hydrate! See you next time!
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juyomiao · 9 months
Only ONE - sung hanbin x gn!reader
17 ☆ love bomb
< prev | masterlist
chapter warnings : boring , chae threatens hanbin's life at some point , ynbin being so sweet n healthy its sickening
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☆ note: aaand with this very boring n underwhelming chapter , only one finally comes to an end (not all hope is lost , tho , as much as i hated writing it at times im so emotionally attached to this series i might consider a little epilogue/spin-off chapter) . AND i managed to squeeze in the haoyn beef explanation ?? tbh when i first posted it i kind of expected it to do fairly well (the boys planet smau writers demographic was like 10 ppl at best back then) but i did not expect it to do this well n singlehandedly gain me almost 500 followers . thats crazy insane bonkers . why am i getting kind of emotional writing this i dont think listening to light the way by cravity was a good idea . anyways , im sorry by the end of it i kind of lost the 'spark' that made this fic good - i couldn't even get to 20 chapters ffs - writing it was more of a chore than a fun little hobby for me n at times it made me genuinely anxious to the point of crying/getting nauseous . yes user li juyomiao is fucking insane but hey ! im alright now i promise ! jumping right into another series is probably not the smartest thing to do but im so excited abt it n i really really want to branch out into writing for other groups n the idea i had was so so good ,, i'll learn from my mistakes n write a few chapters in advance so i can take it easy n not pressure myself , tho :] thank u to everyone who supported only one until its very last chapter !! this authors note is long asf so if u read it all heres a dumpling for u my lovelies 🥟 thats it , li out‼️‼️ (im fr getting emotional good lord help me)
☆ SYNOPSIS: sung hanbin is everyone's dream guy: perfect grades, perfect looks, perfect personality, he has it all. he's even class AND student council president! everyone loves him, and you, as his vice-president, are no exception to that. having been in love with him since you were 12, you try to tone down your feelings "for the sake of professionalism" and claim it's simple admiration for someone who objectively has no flaws. but there is one small detail you missed, in all these years admiring him: he has an even bigger crush on you.
☆ TAGLIST: (italics = couldn't tag) @hananovi @soobeaniee @idkwatodoanymore @huipinkhair @homohoons @rikitachquita @lethalvenus @sunoksunny @tocupid @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @winteringdream @ikeryn @ilovechanhee @thesiriusmap @heelanat @baekstans @blaycke @vernonfernandez @8turning @yeolsbestie @asteroidchenle @hvnyujiq @hikyeom @r4innoms @enhypen-scholarship @sulkygyu @meowrinz @rikimylove @ridinhyuck @lumixen @neohyxn @ceanairy @beomibeom @cherriegyu @sunwcloud @k4hzuhas @annoyingbitch83 @stickersim @dreamyyn @anawesomeaquatic @softforjungwoo @utopiakys @247hrs @sunswoonie @minhui896 @chanhee-hee @nxurxn @peachysohn @kpoprhia @haesunflower
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(vibrates) it's slug time
loving the slang... "tightness all day long" "today is toasty". also love that "babes" survives way into the future. 15 this is ur legacy. "that woman was her sister" incest implication??? 2 minutes in
TURN LEFT /triggered
the design in this is impeccable.
this is so sims coded.... from the creators of "doctor who is a tv show" theory we bring u-> "doctor who is a videogame"
if u were disappointed with the focus on magic this ep this ep is rlly giving classic scifi parody lol
there's a lot of wordsmith-ing in this ep….eyes emoji
i love ruby sm now she's so resourful in every ep
this episode is like "this is how an anniversary multi-doctor multi-companion multi-master webcam special could still win"
ok but seriously. ppl are gonna be like "phones bad is dumb of course people look where they are!!!" bro. they dont. and yeah it can have deadly consequences. there's a reason "dont text and drive" campaigns happen.
ruby has done SO many callcenter type jobs forreal.
this episode is amazing
"is that thing something to do with you?" bitch (i got a bit spoiled that she's a racist (damn "looking at tumblr for 2 secs to vibe check" habit) so im looking at this with more hindsight than u are supposed to sdlkfjd)
bluie light celeste and gold motif in ruby and the doc's backdrops? also fifteen in orange <3333333 my beloved
the interior design is ON POINT this ep "you dont know how to walk without the arrows?" "condescending much?" bitch
this episode is so fun lol
"fifteen nd ruby react channel" realness (WHICH…..HEY…….DO U KNOW WHAT PPL REACT TO………………………. T V SH O W S (clown make up fully on))
ruby has done so much service calling jobs forreal lol the sheer patience
the doctor really wanting to lose their minds here but having to hold it together is peak doctor sdkjfsd (also very realistic of the struggles i expected a black doctor to work thru)
there's a bit of a theme of instinct vs programming going on here.
"surrounded by this woodland forest thing. it's like, really natural"
hashtag obsessed with it the catharsis im feelin tbh. 2 ppl being like "yo mass killing is rlly wrong" while the cacophony of the internet ~fun goes on and on. where's the [fiction]
ITS LIKE LOVE ISLAND THE PLANET. BRO. bro im so WIRED IN /clown make up intensifies
penny pepper bean still strong holding the 12 ppl still in the tory party together in the year something something
"ruby and the doctor struggle to lie in the moment" is my favorite recurring trope
the doctor using the sonic as a remote right there……………….. im running out of clown make up ya'll
"you did NOT just "@everyone" realism
no one ever listens to the goths….
until its too late…
its interesting that there's no cameras in their feeds, tho. right? like. that's the layer i think it's profoundly different to irl in this satire / social crit. ppl are *locked out* of the real world bc they're looking at their screens, but they do that bc the screens are a constant waterfall of billions of camera footage either of individuals or coporations or institutions. always producing "content". so like is not that ppl dont "see" anythign irl but they see it all thru a filter or thru editing,,,, but its fine i get what the satire is going for slkdfj but yeah. i think thats why it may feel a bit "not quite capturing" of the current ~digital ethos
fifteen so close to losing it- fifteen if u want to go for a bit of a timelord victorious i wont judge. u can have it. as a treat.
doctor who is a videogame energy bbc merch idea -> zombies run type podcast but it's the doctor and ruby telling u where to go for a job so u dont die. (russel get on this)
"this is your fault!" iconic. classic who
so many ppl have presumably died so far. god bless. we needed an ep like this. proper high body count who feels good. feels organic.
rip the au where these were the beatles. thats 1 theory im really gonna mourn for the rest of the series lol
plaza 55…… orphan 55 reference???
great abrogation sounds important.
"i will get out out of here. i promise" obligatory doctor mirroring moment.
oh shit.
"thi iss SO manual"
"hands off" I LOVE THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The doctor x companion x some bland guy love triangle DREAM omg
"he says they're saving us to eat for last (snob voice)maybe we're the most tasty" scream. this ep is so fun.
pentecost's style was so on point.
wasnt her battery running out? (i may have missed something sldkjf)
bro stop hitting the fucking gas pipes oh my goddddd
that was brutal.
racists are gonna hate this episode so much lol
fifteen getting to experience all the microaggressions/outright aggressions thirteen didnt. yay progress(???) "thats voodoo" holy shi t
"maintain the standards of finetime" rtd was pissed when writting this lol
fifteen is not doing all rightkids.
ncuti's "who's my doctor? he's a black man" prophecy comes FULL CIRCLE
fifteen looking at US tho…………… this is a tv show man. this is a tv show. this is - *im struggle against my straight-jacked as im graddged back to the cushion-walled cell*
the plot twist of this ep………… phones good actually. thank u phones. u are doing a service.
so there's a lot of ways to chop this one…
"racism and capitalism still exists in the future" is a trope that it's kind of limiting / always grates me in some ways (it feeds into the anti-racism of ppl whose politics doesnt trascend idealist philosophy -> that is, it is an anti-racism that can't conceive of an end to racism bc it doesn't actually have a political project that address the material causes of racism and just tries to fix the "natural prejudices" away with "education". in other words, it cant portray a word without racism bc it cant *conveive* of one.) . however i think im more open to it this time / this series since s11 onwards the focus has been so much on telling stories about the present with scifi make up on. and i think this one manages to do that rlly well. ___
another vertice to look this one on is whether... is it really "doing anything" to have racism portrayed on screen (and other bigotry) in a scifi story? if u already experience racism or understand it happens, who is served by this? it's hurtful to watch and it's like missing the chance to "show a different world" is possible thru scifi. and the counterargument to that is on a """""color blind"""""" 2020s world it is rlly cathartic and re-affirming to have stories that *show* the realities of the world, and that dont shy away from showing those realities in fear of them coming off as "over the top" (bc they arent. some ppl will still walk away from this ep thinking "haha fun satires" but like. this is literally how White Rich People Talk. in real life.......) and again in this one time i think it works really well bc doctor who has… probably never done this? lol there's moments with martha and ryan for example, but never going this hard on it. but im open to discussion tbh. i think the angle of "is this a story about racism for white people to learn or is it a cathartic for *black / brown people to experience catharsis in" is gonna be one for fruitful discussion in the future. ___
besides the socio-political points,,,, bro this episode was a thrill ngl sdlkjf like so many simple, excellent moments like the girl walking into the light post. the made up slang and the real slang!!!!. the excellent interior design. "ruby and fifteen react to doctor who". just lots of fun little details. the execution was really inspired.
character point -> tbh fifteen at the end feels like a bit of Growth from like, ten at his worst moments -> "he's not the person you would have chosen to survive, but if you could decide who lives or dies, doctor, that would make you a monster"
also kinda wonder how this episde will hit for newbies / Not Us. i think a lot of its gut punch comes from dw never doing this before and so the strenght of subverting those expectations. is this an story that stands on its own w/o all the 60 years of context? we'll have to show it to our normie friends and see lol
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hello~ wensday prompt: what happens if alec was 6-7 years older. he wouldn't be parabatai with jace because he will be 18 and jace like 12 ? or he start date magnus much earlier before clary show up?
I hope you doing great! also have you seen "bodies bodies bodies"? great comedy horror. recommend to see it~
thank you for writing all of these prompts 💕
Hello! you are not the only person to be interested in that idea and i love it! in my opinion, an alec who was 6-7 years older than izzy wouldn't be raised by maryse and robert. alec and jonathon were born during the circle, after they left. so this is part of a universe called walls of adoration, claws of desperations
there is another porition of this written and jsyk it's alec and magnus secret relationship.
also valentine wants soldiers and experiments, he'd encourage his soldiers to keeps the kids, maybe even convince them. but maryse wouldn't take a toddler or a baby with her, it would be a tactical error and distraction.
in my opinion and headcanon, alec is left with the trueblood or lightwood grandparents and if i'm going to go with either, i'm gonna go with the trueblood tbh. i'm biased cause i like maryse better than robert. alec has been living in idris with the disgrace of circle member parents because this is before its hidden. he's about to get his first rune and he's been raised loyal and to disdain his parents because they're traitors.
he's going to refuse to go with them and he's about to get his first rune and maryse is pregnant and will have another heir and the truebloods need one.
so yeah, thats kinda my meta for the background and hows and whys of this.
i am doing great! thank you so much for asking and today has been lovely and i have so many prompts i'm excited about.
I really am enjoying them so you're welcome and thank you for sending in a prompt
also i have not but it is now on the list!
<3 lumine
Alec prefers the parts of his life that are him living in the outskirts of Alicante. His grandparents have passed and while he is sent to train hunters at Institute’s across the world, he’s had no real interest or reason to officially be called to serve as a Commander.
At least until now.
With Maryse and Robert Lightwood being recalled to Idris, Alec is the only one related who has the qualifications and the right background for it. Robert and Maryse won’t be able to claim the clave is trying to strip the Institute from their family, not when Alec is heir to one of them.
Which is fine, it’s not the worst thing Alec has done and while he dreads the tedium of bringing an entire Institute full of hunters up to his personal standards, it’s not the worst thing he’s done.
It’s a bit annoying to have to stop his current study and projects and while Aline promised to keep him updated, Alec hopes that Sebastian will help remind her. Otherwise, he’ll be hearing about things once every six months.
Alec isn’t interested in politics the way his parents are.
He’s seen what they did to Maryse and Robert and now that he’s older, he understands things better and dislikes them more.
So, it’s with indifference that he goes to New York and it’s with prejudice that he kicks shadowhunters back to New York.
Izzy thinking she’s a shadowhunter informant at fifteen and that she can seduce information from seelies is the ridiculous thing Alec’s ever heard and while she wails and begs, he ignores her petulant whining. She’s her parent’s princess and he knows she’s rarely been told a ‘no’ that she didn’t ignore.
Jace is just as stubborn and the third time he gets himself and other shadowhunters injured, Alec has him with Izzy, Starkweather, and about a fifth of his Institute ready to be shipped back to Alicante.
“It’s a conflict of interest.” He tells Jia with a smirk over the video call that night. “They’re my precious little siblings, Jia. How could I put them through the same kind of training as the others?”
“You just don’t want to deal with them.” Jia accuses, having apparently already found out how much of a headache the two are.
Alec merely raises a brow because it is a conflict of interest and Jia knows it. Everyone knows it, which is why it’s hilarious that she’s still trying.
“Fine. But did you have to send us Starkweather? This is a mess, Trueblood.”
Alec simply hums and signs off, because at least now it’s not his mess.
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mobblespsycho100 · 2 days
I'm so self aware sorry. It's just that my self awareness is so sexy it makes me hyperfocus on my flaws and think that they make me the worst person in the world. Then I proceed to hyperfocus on my strengths and admirable qualities and start to think that I was born to be on Top of The World. It's truly a cycle, a Sisyphean Task if you will. Again and again, the World Revolves Around Me. It doesn't matter if I have to keep climbing up and up and up and up and up and fall all the way back down as long as I can get up and up and up and up again. It feels so ... lonely. So excruciatingly awful. This is why Mob Psycho(logical) 100 really helped a lot with my mental health. I think it was so revolutionary to see a hopepunk-- optimistic nihilism media about how Nobody is special because if Nobody is special You can be whatever You want to be.
What I want to say is thank you Mob Psycho 100, for helping me. I'm not fixed. I don't know if the symptoms will get better with age as most people say or if it will only get worse now that I am becoming more of an . Adult, and moving into a different phase of my life but I just wanted to thank ONE tbh for creating such a good story. Is it perfect? of course not, but it's real and it exist and has helped so many people realize things about themselves. Mob Psycho 100 is a killer show, and it's a love letter to people and The Golden Rule.
The Golden Rule is of course -> precept in the Gospel of Matthew (7:12): “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. . . .”
Anyway, Live. We must live, and continue living, however difficult it may be. Our actions, however small, have the potential to change the world in ways that we may never fully understand. We will make a mark, we will make a stand, whether it be a helping hand to a random stranger on the street, or an ear to lend to a friend who needs advice, or saving a life and donating your blood and organs for them.
We will continue to live, so we must continue to fight. "There's no use, what can I do?" You can do so much, because we are creatures of power. We are apex predators, we have evolved, for better or worse. So we must make the conscious decision to be Better. Why be mean when you can be kind ? Why disrespect boundaries when you can give people space to breathe ? Why alienate others when you can be their Lighthouse.
I don't think I would feel this ... terrible need for controlling the way others react to everything I say and do if I didn't have NPD. However, MY Narcissistic tendencies also makes me kind. It makes me protective of others that I care about and their self esteem. It makes Me want to Advocate and be the Voice for billions of strangers that can't do so on their own. I would not be this way if I did not have this disorder, which is kind of twisted but now that I think about it, PDs do affect someone's personality. Wow. who would've thought, right?
Tl;dr : Be kind to others because even if thats "all you can do" sometimes, all you can do is enough. Your best is enough. Your not good enough is enough. Your awful... is sometimes enough ! Let it be known that life gets easier when you acknowledge that you're not the most important being in the universe and people care about you more than you think. Stop self-deprecating, let's all watch Mob Psycho 100 Forever ♾️✨🪷❣️ . Peace and Love on Planet Earth (Wind, and Fire)
🫶💞☮️✌️🏳️🕊️ Anyway, this Pride Month, remember to be kind. Remember to keep people in your prayers, donate to causes and people who require monetary aid to save themselves, be a lantern or the Female Anglerfish's Esca in someone elses lives. You deserve to rest too though, rest and remember, get angry but also use that anger to fuel your love for other people. That is enough, I promise. That will be enough.
Anywho, I'll end this on a cool quote, because why not:
“ The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas. ”
— Hermann Hesse, Demian (1919). Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend.
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threestripeslider · 1 year
*(Stumbles through the door so quickly I trip and fall on my face)*
Hello! I’ve started ‘03 pretty recently (like, within the past two weeks or so) and I have been enjoying it immensely! I’m currently on about early-to-mid season 4
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on the show! For starters, who’s your favourite character(s)?
oh my stars I LOVE SEASON 4 it's like. my favorite season of TMNT03, mostly bc of Leo since he is. my favorite in TMNT03 lmfao
tbh it's kind of hard to pick a favorite?? mostly bc i IMMENSELY enjoy all of the brothers in this iteration, similar to Rise, but i gotta admit that i always had a slight penchant for Mikey in almost all TMNT iterations – except the 07 movie and Bayverse (Bayverse Donnie my beloved). anyway. i enjoy the dynamic of the boys SO MUCH in 03, like, it's duking it out with Rise for first place in my heart, i just love it that much. they have SO much sibling energy, especially Mikey and Raph, the way they hurl insults at each other is fucking HILARIOUS bc Raph always goes for Mikey's intelligence (or lack thereof in his opinion) meanwhile Mikey just gleefully says Raph is butt-ugly AND STICKS TO IT. LIKE HIS GO TO INSULT FOR RAPH IS TO CALL HIM UGLY IDK WHY THATS SO DAMN FUNNY TO ME AJHHJD.
also i just really like how there isnt really a whole singular duo dynamic in 03 bc i remember in 12 they had this Team A and Team B thing going on, which i wasnt a huge fan of. the boys get to mix it up pretty regularly and i enjoy their different dynamics so much, such as Raph & Donnie (the twinsies) and Leo & Mikey (big bro & lil bro combo). dont even get me started on the characterisation; 12 Donnie really left a bad mark on him bc the writers bungled him up so much, and while i adore Mad Scientist Donnie in Rise, there is something so endearing about gentle and soft-spoken nerd Donnie in 03 (and Bayverse). Raph really gets to show off his more protective side in this iteration too, which i LOVE!! and everyone knows i have a huge bias for Mikey and i absolutely adore him here bc while im a fan of lil baby bro Mikey (12 and Rise) i fucking love how much more boyish and innocently insensitive he is in 03, like yeah thats a teenage boy who would sneak out to attend a rowdy party LMAO. 12 also kind of made me dislike Leo a little (again. what were the writers thinking especially with KARAI HIS SISTER??) but i loved him in Rise, so again, i was surprised that i LOVE 03 Leo, who's a lot more traditional but also has super endearingly dorky moments. and s4 Leo is just. [SCREAMS].
yeah im so normal about TMNT03 i promise i promise im so normal yeah you can stick your hand into the bars of my cage haha i wont do anything i promise im normal–
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darkduck80 · 9 months
4AM and Morro needs a parent figure
its 4 am and i relized ther is a lack of redeemed morro au with Morrro actullying having a parent figure i dont care what you think but thats a child! and it needs some parent figure like anyone ecxept for WU like i dont hate Wu it just he dossent deserve Morro you saw what Wu did to him when he took care of him. exactly so he needs anyone else and idc if Morro is fucking 70 years old. ghosts dont age and he clearly died from age 12 to 15 a minor a child and dont forget the Queen of the cursed realm yeah pretty sure she fucked Morro up more than Wu over here so child at heart brain looks NOW moving on resones why he deserves a parent figuers
1- he needs someone who has a brain
2-he is full of truama and needs help
3- he needs someone to love him
4-parents are the best and everyone deserves a good parent
5-because i said so
6-whos going to get him out of trouble and if you say Wu that old man ass only sits in his room drinking tea and medteting half the time annd other times he says oh i forgot to tell you something like no 100% he has 0 idea whats Morros doing
7-idk look at this poor truama baby dossent he deserves a good parent that will actully help him and not fill his head with lies *coughs Wu coughs the Queen of crused realm*
Now who is the best for this mission
for me it Cole here ill tell you why
1-Cole is the best dad
2-he can actully relate to some stuff when Morro is talking about being a ghost
3-Cole chould ground Morro better then everyone since earth and whateverand keep hhim from troubles
4-Cole would do Morros hair in the moring (i like the hc that cole knows how to take care of hair and braid since he did thay to his mother)
5-cole would check on morro every now and then since he care
6-Cole would help morro getting used to human body again and would learn alot about morro(good things)
7-hes the best option between the ninja tbh
8-Morro would propbly have alot of nightmare of every single shitty thing in his life about propbly his whole life and would propbly will be scared so much he will have the guts to go to the most trusted ninja between them Cole and he would stand outside Coles room opening the door waiting to Cole to see that hes here and cole would wake up to see 2 pupils of eyes looking at him from his door frame propbly shaking and when he askes if Morros okay Morro will deny it saying that hes not scared and just making sure Coles not scared amd cole would just say mhm(clearly knowimg morros scared) get in and make room for morro to join him
9-okay belive me i have more but by brain is not working anymore now its 4:33Am and im siting in the bathroom typing in my small ass phone so yea heres why Morro should have a parent figeur thank you for reading
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adanaac · 1 year
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tierlist of my favorite color pages and stuff
gushing abt them below ⬇️
i did top 4 and not top 5 bc a lot of the 5th place for these is like a 5 way tie
Double page
ch102: what ive learned from this is i really like full scenes. cmon!! who doesnt!! also man the colors are really good. hatanaka really has a deceptively good character design, once again proving to be senseis blorbo
ch88: sorry principal color page u have been dethroned as my fav i still love u so so so much tho. love the umbrella and plum blossoms, and also obviously principal is really hot. im pretty sure i know the umbrella asset on clip studio and actually have it downloaded. also i just personally love the paper cranes bc my sona is based off paper cranes
ch60: culture fes arc has some of my favorite color pages and b&w pages and my favorite aesthetic in general really. also i owe hijita my life for proposing the chinese dress theme. haru looks so so so good in chinese clothes and the combo with hatanaka's hoodie in the underground culture fes is top tier. also my favorite non-cover color page and volume promo are from this arc too
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the color palette is also so good i basically stole all the colors for that halloween art i did (still love it so much). now u might be thinking. if i have so much to say abt this one why is it only 3rd. tbh its bc this one is the oldest of the 4 so ive had more time to savor it. also i just like the principal one better than this one, and i like the hatanaka one better than the principal one. (but i dont actually necessarily like the hatanaka one better than this one?? its a rock paper scissors situation)
ch79: 2 harus. im sold 👍 also makuragaeshi arc just means everything to me also i consider this color spread a package deal with the vol 12 inside color page which makes me like both of them more
at this point the seimeiliker part of me is yelling WHATT THE 2 SEIMEI COLOR PAGES ARENT EVEN HERE??? THE AME ONE ISNT EVEN HERE??? FAKE FANNN theyre tied for 5th!!! maybe even tied for 4th!! i just really like the ones that are full scenes!!!
Single page
ch25: this one isnt getting dethroned anytime soon its just so good. the COLOR PALETTE the LIGHTING AUGH ITS SO GOOD. and of course haruaki looking sexy as always 👍 this might be one of the sexiest harus tbh. i think its also one of my favorite official arts in general i cant think of many that i would confidently say i like more than this one. ITS NOT EVEN ATTACHED TO SOME DRAMATIC CHAPTER ITS THE PTM CHAPTER LMAOOO
ch46: miki pretty privilege.... i think miki arc has my 2nd favorite aesthetic, behind culture fes. tbh i like the 2 b&w cover pages from this arc just as much as the color page (maybe bc theyre more angsty by virtue of being black and white??)
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ch33: i am so married to this chapter. one of if not my number 1 fav chapter. tbh this one is tied for 2nd with the miki one, its just bc i like how colorful the miki one is. this is the only time haru gets drawn with just solid black hair and its very pretty 😳 this one is also a package deal with the 2018 october gfantasy cover in my head bc theyre both teacher trio, not really in their usual outfits, from around the same time, and gets made as merch together often
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ch75: im not exactly married to this one like i am with the top 3 but its just good art good composition good colors!! its just such a... cozy and normal scene contrasted with it being a color page. (wait fuck thats what the arc was about)
u may be wondering. why are all the single page ones sort of old. this is actually bc recently all the color covers are double pages (from 76 to 102 there's 1 single page and 9 double page covers)
vol 13: aughhh seimei...... punches walls etc im so normal about it hahahahah god i love the parallel with vol 1. sensei insane for this. i have nothing else to say this cover just fucks so hard i spent days oogling it why is seimei so hot. also aughh the unused draft for it would have been so good too but the vol 1 parallel was probably the right choice....
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vol 10: this one stockholm syndromed its way into being my number 2. ok not really its a really good cover everyone is rly pretty and its a very fun composition and u know i love culture fes. but also it was the thumbnail on a lot of manga sites for the longest time so it ended up being the cover i associate with yohaji in general the most, maybe even more than vol 1
vol 14: i am easily swayed by principal 👍 i see principal and i neuron activation. its so funny its like the most blantant spoiler cover
vol 9: i am also easily swayed by ebisu 👍 sensei sure loves her red and blues huh. also sano in the black shirt is really hot. can u tell i also love when theres parallels
vol 8 is tied with vol 9 tbh rintarou and ibara are so pretty
Cover flaps
i didnt do the back covers bc theyre all alright to me tbh theres not standout amazing ones that make me lose my mind. ok maybe the vol 6 and vol 8 one. i am easily swayed by seimei and ebisu
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now the cover flaps on the other hand. oh ym god
vol 14: WOOF WOOF BARK BARK BARK WHITE HAIR HARU WOOF WOOF THIS ONE MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME......... normal harus expression is soooo good...... the mini harus...... and Him... my cat..... sobs.... tanaka mai is a cruel god how dare she pull out this design and concept for 1 chapter and we're probably never gonna see it again..... UNLESS??? (<- mentally ill) anyway heres this promo art for no real reason other than i wanted to oogle him more
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v7 and v5: lumping these together bc theyre both harusanos. can u tell i love parallels. and vol 5 has the harusano handholding and vol 7 has the sano confession under the moon.... wow......
v13: i love animal trio they mean so much to me. also just look at weasel hatanaka i wanna squeeze him like a squeaky toy
Inside color page
for a while i was like "how come my fav inside color pages all seem to be from recent volumes" it turns out its bc sensei only started doing full scenes for them starting at vol 10
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the vol 11 one IS really good but its up against such bangers as "has principal" or "has haru" or "has seimei" sooooo
vol 10: look this one has principal and is culture fes of course its my favorite. easiest decision in my life. i think for all these categories the top 1 spot was super easy and 2-4 could all be shuffled around. it may not make me as mentally ill as the other 3 but its straight up good art i would set this as my phone screen any day
vol 13: hi this one makes me mentally ill. its so cool it has such cool imagery and its also so inscrutable. what does it all mean. why is saturn there. this one (and also all of kyoto arc tbh) makes me want a anime so bad
vol 12: you KNOW im a sucker for makuragaeshi arc aughhhh this one makes me mentally ill in a different direction from the vol 13 one. the fact he wore a blazer uniform when he was actually in high school and him wearing a gakuran in this arc. fucks me up every time
vol 14: aughhhh...... tanaka mai is out to GET me...... i care them so much.... so so much......
5th place probably still isnt the vol 11 one LOL sorry renpapa thats gotta go to vol 6 (the one with haru in the bath)
in conclusion. i am easily swayed by haru/seimei/principal/ebisu and i will never recover from white hair haru
and also culture fes has my no. 1 favorite aesthetic and miki arc is no. 2. time travel arc will probably prove to dethrone miki arc to become number 2 but idk if itll dethrone culture fes
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chubearr · 2 years
》 you have been warned ⚠️
》 to start off, WHAT A RIDE THIS SEASON WAS!!! theres lots of opinions, like the finale pacing etc, but tbh; with 12 episodes i think they did pretty well ending the show with the time they had! to me personally it didnt feel rushed at all, i actually wanted everything to pick up the pace so the kids could be happy and safe again 😭 with that out of the way, lets get to it!
》story & mr.kon
- s5 continues off right from the end of the previous season, where the camp fam meet Mr. Daniel Kon, Kenji's father!!!
- right off the bat mr.kon seems pretty trusting and relieved to see his son, but theres still hesitancy to trust him from the kids and quite frankly, the fandom as well. the kids out kash on all of his BS and mrkon rightfully so punishes him, and gets the kids to safety with food and SHOWERSSSS YESSSSS THEY CAN FINALLY SHOWER!! (kenji shaved and also brooklyn redyed her hair idk how) but at what cost.... its just too good to be true! ep1 is pretty tame, it gives the kids a break FINALLY and mae gets patched up!
- the story from then on goes to the kids doing their thing, sussing mr.kon out, rightfully so, while being torn on breaking kenjis heart abt the truth abt his dad and saving dinos, usual jwcc shenanigans ensue.
- I THINK MRKON WAS WELL DONE. his manipulation game is off the charts and he knows how to act fr, the way he can flip sides when hearing things he does not like in a second, he does it to kenji too. and hes not unhinged like kash, mr.kon IS the mastermind, hes very smart and knows how to manipulate kenji— its so heart breaking. in my s5 predictions post i said it could go two ways; mr.kon as an ally to the kids against kash, or mr.kon being the real enemy. LOOKS LIKE THE LATTER...
- my only gripe is i wish they showed more abt how mr.kon got this way— like was it the mothers death, or is it a trait that got passed down by his own father, or is it just simply greed?? who knows. its never really answered if he does care for his son or not? to me i think it was just convenient at the time for kenji to be around— i didnt see any signs mrkon ever showed affection for kenji when it didnt benefit him 😭😭 which is DEVASTATING. mrkon was out of the parenthood game fr...
- as usual, all the adults die fr but theyre badguys and death-by-dino is sick asf so i love it! EVEN KASH GOT GOT and that was sooo satisfying. mae was safe tho and as she should!!
- ok so apart of me really wanted mr.kon to get a redemption arc or smth— like a bigger bad makes him ally with the kids and he really bonds with kenji.. but then kash dies so im like "WELL there goes that possibility" and then i had hope for the investors to turn on mr.kon— nope they all died except for the lady IN WHICH the antagonist from jw:dominion comes in (the guy who runs biosyn i forgot his name) but then obv cant be possible bc they cant kill him off since he has to appear in his own movie... IN THE END, no redemption for mr.kon and fine. thats fine im fine.
- OK ill be honest MR.KON IS KINDA.. BAD OK? LIKE.. 😳 HELP  IM SORRYYYY its just the way he grabbed kash by his the back of his neck and was "go back to whatever hole u came from" IT MADE ME FEEL SMTH A LITTLE OK.. he lookin for a stepmom for kenji or... 🤭.... IM SORRY HES AN ATTRACTIVE SINGLE DAD ALSO A VILLAIN, WHAT DO U WANT FROM ME 😭😭 i was taking notes while watching the season and if you see them its just me simping for mr.kon HELp
- ok ANYWAY the fact that he was legit willing to let the kids die and even LET DARIUS GET KILLED in front of kenji i knew... it was over..
- final confrontation between kenji and mrkon was sad😭 HE LEGIT JUST LEFT HIS SON ON AN ISLAND THAT HE BELIEVED WAS GONNA GO TO SHIT... apart of me wants to be like "oh he probably thought kenji was better off with them" but its pretty much apparent ig that he does not give a shit abt kenji— which is why i wish theyd spent some time showing kenjis history w/him bc we know mrkon was not present most of his life, but there SEEMED to be something more. oh well. bye bye mrkon!! AND HE GETS ARRESTED OFFSCREEN TOO, which is just sad for kenji 😭
- THE LAST EPISODE is absolutely my favorite and the ENDING is amazing ill tell u why in a sec just u wait!!
》kenji vs campfam
- to start off I THINK BOTH SIDES HAD THEIR FAULTS AND RIGHTS BUT ohh my godd kenji deserved a break ok.. i may be biased bc he is my favorite son
- IT WAS SO OBVIOUS HE WAS MANIPULATED and has daddy issues, and im so glad brooklyn saw that. I WAS PISSED that no one else did, like ur telling me ben and yas couldnt see it? i think they were a bit dramatic on their hatred for kenji but ig its understandable bc out of everyone they arent that close w/ him....  BUT STILL. messy.
- I WAS SO PISSED AT SAMMY AT FIRST FOR BEING INDECISIVE bc shes torn between her bestie kenji, and her other besties+yasmina. tho i do believe she never blamed kenji by the way their reunion went (she was just happy he was back w/them) so ill give her a pass.
- IM CONFLICTED ABT DARIUS bc i thought originally he was just too heartbroken abt kenji yet hes not used to talking abt his feelings hence needing the dinosaur interaction. but he just said he didnt care??? like bro... why r u lyin.
- darius at least shouldve stepped up a little bc other than brooklyn, he knows kenji had issues with his dad... oh well.. dino lovers are crazzzzy
- im at least glad he was the one who stayed mad at kenji for the longest #payback my broken boys... BUT it paid off when darius forgave kenji THEY BOTH CRIED?! i cried. it was so sweet and idc if anyone thinks "kenji was forgiven too early and it was rushed", bc truth is hes a kid with dad issues and the others are kids and they are family and they! need! each other!!
》yasammy (& kenlynn)
- yasminas whole crush arc was just adorable and so fitting for her to open up to ben 😭 bc ben is like so chill right
- i like how they didnt make it a big deal, it was just abt yasmina figuring herself out and when she made her move, IT WAS REWARDING!! i screamed at the kiss... they r so adorable.. silly gfs 💖
- im so glad they didnt shy away from shoving it in our faces bc THOSE GIRLS DESERVE ITTTT FRRR,, THE KISS!!! THE KISSSSSSSSS
- as equally cute as kenlynn, they both have equal screentime which was a blessing!
- kenlynn pained me so bad when brooklyn was broken abt kenji 😭 its what i love, angst, but gdi i wish she held on a little longer but understandble bc kenji was kinda wack himself for staying with his dad that long...
- AND YET IT WAS HEARTBREAKING...he got stood up... smh... its fine.. it all got healed when he gave her the flower fr <3
- THE LAST EP KISS... i cried and threw up i love my kids... HOW COULD U HATE THEM THEYRE SO SOFT AND SWEET im holding them both in my arms 💖💖
- THIS IS LEGIT ALL I WANTED, A TIMESKIP TO END THE SHOW (u can see my previous posts i mention this shit a lot and i even have my own au and older designs for them..)
- YASAMMY IN TEXAS THIS IS SO TRUE.. STAY SAFE GFS... im so mad sammy didnt change her clothes HELP shes still wearing thay goddamn shirt and has similar length hair but its fine yasmina being gorgeous made up for it 👍
- KENLYNN GOIN STRONG longdistance relationship goals, i love their designs so much😭😭 kenji w/his hair down AND brooklyn short hair?!?! short haired women rights its all i wanted 💃
- in my timeskip au i had darius work with dinos back on the island but its more fitting that ben has that role (working w/mae) which is so adorable...
- IM GLAD I PREDICTED BENRIUS WOULDNT HAPPEN bc theyre too innocent and busy being dino obsessed obv!! we didnt get timeskip benrius but theres still hope 😌 theyre just both aro-ace theyll work smth out..
- they fact they keep in touch is so sweet HELPP in my au they all drifted apart 💀 it was for the angst im sorry
- KENJI GETS ADOPTED INTO THE BOWMAN FAMILY SO TRUE... its so sad that with no mom or dad (jail) hes p much an orphan but at least he got darius,, it was so sweet when the mom hugged him at the mainland reunion 🥲 ALSO KENJI STILL OWNS MANTAH CORP?? OR SMTH LIKE IT BC ITS MENTIONED HES KEEPING THE PRIVATE ISLAND RUNNING so mae n ben can work there... SO TRUE
ok so from my research since the show goes alone the movies timeline, s1 takes place in 2015!! fallen kingdom is 3yrs after, and dominion (which i assume begins when darius sees the dinosaur outside his house) is 4 years later making the year 2022.
》so its like jwcc s1 age/ fallen kingdom(s5 timeskip) age/ dominion age
• darius: 12/15/19
• brooklyn: 13/16/20
• ben: 14/17/21
• sammy: 14/17/21
• yasmina: 15/18/22
• kenji: 15/18/22
- me sobbing.. they grew up so fast.. i love my kids... my age theory also may be sooo wrong but it makes more sense if theyre all in their 20s by the end! livin the adult life #goodluck
》final thoughts and thanks
- from s1 to the end i never got tired of it or it never swayed from my interests, i drew fanart so quick, more than ive done for a lot of other fandoms i was in 😭💖
- i wouldnt mind a sequel with the older camp fam, but if its thats it thats okay too!! lets not get greedy guys...
- EXPECT GIFSETS AND FANART IN THE FUTURE!! my life is so busy crazy rn but i will make time for jwcc shit if its the last thing i do!!!
- lastly, thank you for joining me on this ride! jwcc brought me lots of new tumblr followers which was a surprise! 💖
i know somehow toxicity will find its way to this season, but what else would i expect LMAO idc i will fight with all ive got as usual 😉
- lets all take this W fr, this show was so good. also, sorry for any spelling and grammar errors in the review!
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ heartbeat (chapter 12)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 6k
chapter warnings- smut lol, cockwarming, swearing, pregnancy talk, some angst, fluffy fluff, I think thats all?
a/n- Hey babes, I hope you like this chapter, and again Im sorry for absolutely SLACKING with the request drabbles, Ive had a bit of writers block and it took me a while to even finish this chapter, so just bear with me a lil- I love you so much! mwuah! sorry for any typos
"hey little lady, you single?"
You rolled your eyes as you walked back out to the car from your apartment, "sorry im taken" you giggled at your boyfriend as he winked.
"what time is the appointment?" Taehyung mumbled as he checked the gps
"uh," you checked your phone, "12, so we have 15 mins to get there"
"hm" he smiled and began to drive once you were in and buckled. "I am really excited, actually"
"I am too, just a little nervous as well"
"how come?"
"it just feels all so real, especially after denying it for so long"
He carefully reached over and grasped your hand in his, voice low, "Y/N, remember what we talked about, it will all be ok, I just want you to enjoy this with me, its okay to let go and enjoy things"
"I know"you sigh softly, looking at the other cars on the road.
Once the two of you had actually arrived there, he quickly got out and went around to the side of the car, opening the door for you. "Thank you honey" you mumble, suddenly wishing you had not worn a sweater in the may heat.
He smiled and closed the car, locking it before taking your hand and walking in with you. He loved it so much, the idea of being here with you, being a father.
He had no idea how he went from trying to compete with kaito, to all of a sudden getting to have a child with you. Its crazy how life turns out, but he wouldnt trade it for anything, and the cute glances he gets from other people in the waiting room when you walk in only makes himself more prideful.
"Hello" you quietly speak, walking up to the front desk as taehyung stands behind you, hands on your hips. "appointment for Y/L/N, Y/F/N,?"
The lady working quickly types into the computer before smiling, "yup! Doctor Goe will be out to call for you in a few moments, please take a seat and fill these out" she hands you 2 clipboards with multiple questions written on them, along with a pen.
Taehyung leads you to a quiet seated space away from the other, older couples as you look over the paper work. "this is so awkward"
"why?" he smiled, peaking over your shoulder to see whats on there.
"its asking me if im sexually active, no shit" you whisper, making him laugh and immediately cover his mouth.
"shh" you giggle
"well maybe its like a virgin Mary type thing" he spoke, making you try not to laugh loudly. "you should check off no"
"stop, I cant, I have to be truthful" you begin to fill in the questions for a few moments, giggling and joking with tae before a nurse walked in and called for your name.
You followed her, bringing taehyung in behind you.
"Hello, Ms. Y/L/N, Doctor Goe will see you soon, but I just want to grab your vitals quickly, hop on the scale for me!"
You pouted a bit, handing your purse to tae as he leaned against a wall to give you privacy.
"ok...dont tell me the weight please" you whispered, the nurse nodding apologetically as you stood onto the scale.
"perfect, now lets go into the room so I can check you blood pressure and temp"
You and taehyung both sat as she did so, exchanging soft and silly glances once in a while. "okay, your doctor will be in momentarily"
You nod as she leaves, handing you a paper gown to put on.
"i hate these"
"its pink though!"
You giggle, "turn around"
"why?" taehyung pouted
"because I have to change!!"
"i have seen you naked before, you know that"
"thats different, corner. now."
He huffed and turned to look at the wall until you told him he could turn around.
"is it sexy or what?"
He smirked and folded your previous outfit into a pile on the chair, "you always look sexy"
"whatever" you sat up onto the bench when you heard your doctor walk in.
"hello Y/N, how are you?" she cheerfully spoke, setting her stuff down and looking over her charts.
"im good" you grew a bit nervous.
"who is this you brought with you?" she gestured to taehyung before opening her laptop.
"oh thats my boyfriend, taehyung" you smiled softly at him, his cute face blushing as he greeted her.
"Nice to meet you, and congratulations on your pregnancy, when you called me to set up an appointment I was so surprised"
"yeah, us too" you nodded, smiling.
"so today our goal is to get some labs done, do a little bloodwork, and then we will get you an ultrasound" she smirked, knowing that most parents are always excited to see their baby for the first time.
"sounds good to me"
She begins asking questions about your symptoms, before ordering a blood draw and urine test, which taehyung found funny for some reason.
"I really didnt have to go" you spoke afterwards, getting dressed again.
"so what did you do?" he snickered
"I had to concentrate and I didnt even fill the cup" you shrugged, throwing your sweater on before walking into the hall with him to head towards the ultrasound room.
Once you laid onto the bed, you began to feel excitement for the first time in a while, the nurse putting some cold gel onto your stomach, making you giggle a little as taehyung sat and held your hand tightly.
"so this is your first ever ultrasound?" the technician asked, smiling
"well no, ive had one before when I had a cyst or something, but this is my first pregnancy ultrasound, so obviously its under a bit better circumstances" you laugh, making tae kiss your knuckles softly.
She nodded, grabbing the probe and gently running it over your tummy as she watched the screen light up, "okay, okay" she smiled, waiting a moment to find what she wanted.
Taehyung kept his eyes down on you, hand holding yours as he felt his heart pickup with excitement, this really did solidify the situation.
The nurse offers a sweet smile, getting up to turn the screen towards the two of you, "are you ready to see baby?"
You feel your chest tighten a bit, but you nod and exchange a glance with taehyung, his expression matching yours: happiness and nervousness.
Once the screen was lit, you could have sword the world had stopped just for you.
There it was, the tiny little blob that was ever so slightly moving around. It was impossible not to tear up, especially for taehyung.
"oh..." he whispered, eyes stuck to the monitor as if he was in a trance, "thats our baby?"
"mhm" you finally look back at him to see small streaks of tears "Thats ours" you take a breath before the nurse spoke up
"want to hear the heartbeat?"
"yes! yes please!" he happily cut in, wiping his eyes and returning to squeeze your hand.
She nodded, turning the machine on so both of you heard a small but quick thump...thump...thump..
You closed your eyes blissfully, knowing that the babies presence was made, it was heard and it was there for everyone to see.
"princess..." taehyung pressed his forehead to yours, kissing the side of your face, "that is incredible"
"I know, baby" you smiled brightly as the nurse jotted some stuff down
"so the baby looks healthy, growing perfect, placement is good, and it looks about 2 months along, almost 3...so you are in the first trimester"
You nod as she begins to help wipe off the gel, sitting up a little.
"first trimester symptoms often occur as morning sickness, which doesnt mean just morning, it can be any time" she giggles softly as she reads her papers, "you may also have mood swings, sore breasts, food sensitivity, and fatigue"
"damn" you mumble, looking at tae as he listens to her, mentally jotting down everything she says.
"and have you been taking any prenatal vitamins? any medications?"
You shake yours head, "no I just found out I was pregnant this month"
"okay" she writes something down, "here is a list of recommended vitamins that I would get started on, good for baby and good for mom" she nods, "you guys can get situated and I am gonna grab the sonograms for you, how many would you like?"
You look at tae, "maybe 4? one for both of us, and the others for our families"
He nods "perfect, we will have just 4" he clarifies to the woman, as she goes to process them for you.
Taehyung moved your sweater to cover your stomach, helping you sit up before bringing you into a soft hug. "I love you....thank you"
You giggled quietly, hugging him back, "I love you too, but thanking me for what?"
"for this" he mumbled, pulling away to see your face, "going through this just for our baby, youre so strong"
You smiled gently, "not really anything has happened yet, the fun experience is when I start getting a giant ass stomach and swollen feet" you sarcastically spoke
"hey maybe you can get to use those mobility scooters in the grocery store now" he teased
You burst out laughing, shaking your head, "no!...im not doing that, I dont care if im on the verge of popping, I will be walking to the isles on feet"
He giggled and helped you stand to your feet now, "but for real...Im really excited about this" he looked at your intertwined fingers, "please let me know if you need anything, im here to support you, I dont care what the time or place is"
"taehyung youve already been so supportive, you are doing good, I promise" you kiss his knuckles
"well, thank you, but-"
"okay here you guys go, congratulations again!" the nurse spoke with a wide grin as she entered, handing us the 4 photos of the little baby.
"thank you so much, you've been so kind" you chirp, smiling at the pictures
"of course honey, and remember to check out the vitamins" she added as you agreed, walking out of the hall and back to the waiting room.
"went really well, huh?" you giggle, pushing the door open and walking into the parking lot with taehyung. "here you go baby"
you handed him the sonogram as you gently placed the other three in your purse.
He took it into his hands as his eyes softly grazed over it, Taehyung almost couldn't believe it.
It was all hitting him in this moment, the baby, the fact that you were actually pregnant, and you both were gonna need to change a lot of things in your lives, as well as probably moving into a larger apartment. Was it stressful? oh yeah, but did he yearn it, with you, more than anything? of course.
He was going to be a father, him
His heart jumped as he stared at the tiny photo in his grasp, how could he love someone hes never met? someone he knows nothing about? is it reasonable to be ready to devote your entire life to someone who has yet to enter the world?
"you coming?" you turn to see him standing, your voice knocking him out of his trance.
"o-oh, yeah" he smiled, being brought back to reality for a moment as his legs carried him to the parked car, getting into the drivers seat.
"its so early, do you wanna go shopping?" you ask, pulling your seatbelt over your body.
"mm that sounds nice, but we just went grocery shopping yesterday" he spoke softly, pulling out of the parking spot, checking the rear view mirror.
"well I was gonna say we can just walk down the strip of stores downtown, theres a pharmacy and I can grab the vitamins she recommended, then I think there is a baby shop somewhere around there as well.....for funsies." you shrug, looking out into the road.
His head turned to glance at you, God, you were so fucking beautiful. How did he ever deserve to be here in this position with you?
His hand crept up into yours, squeezing it affectionately, "youre so cute, baby" he smiled, watching as your hair gently blew from the cracked window, sun hitting your skin just right. "we can do that, we can do that" he whispered, eyes now on the road.
Taehyung never knew used to understand why parents bought so much fucking baby clothes for a newborn that was just gonna grow out of it in less than a month, it was a waste of money and it wasn't worth it.
Boy oh boy...you can say he gets it now.
"look how cute" he whispered, eyes boggling the tiny shoe isle inside the baby store, there was so many small items and it made his heart swell.
"im back!" you mumbled, walking into the store and immediately finding your boyfriend, his arms full of things.
"what do you have?" you giggled
"did you find the vitamins?" he retorted
"yes- now, what is in your hands?" you smiled brightly, watching the way his cheeks turn a dark shade of red.
"we obviously dont have to buy all of these, I just kept 'em with me to show you...look" he held up a fuzzy duckling blanket that came with a hood, it was stupidly adorable.
"aww...." you coo, taking it to examine it, "is it a towel or a blanket?"
"i think a blanket, I found it over there" he gestures, "I think we should get it, plus its gender neutral" he smiled
"hmm...Kim Taehyung, always tempting me" your voice was teasing, "fine...."
He grinned cheekily and held it for you, allowing you to walk past him and lead the way throughout the entire store.
"im thinking...I know its early...but when we do create the nursery we can make it like...a soft yellow?" you looked back to make sure he was following you
He nodded, "sounds good baby"
To be honest- Taehyung didnt care
Taehyung didnt care what color you chose for the nursery, or what clothing you picked, or what toys and decorations, as long as you were happy doing it, he had no problem agreeing to every decision you made. You could say he is your 'yes man'.
If it meant he could see you smiling all the time, he would let you get away with murder even.
"tae tae" you whispered, walking over to the shelf of stuffed animals, "can you reach up there and grab that?" you shyly asked, making him laugh as his eyes caught onto the small elephant.
He led his arm up and grabbed the one you wanted, handing it to you, "I had a stuffed animal like this when I was a baby, in fact its still at my moms house, I saw it when we were there" you gently explained.
"then lets get it" he quickly responded, his hand rubbing your lower back.
"we are such impulse buyers" you snorted, glancing around a bit more
"we will recover, im sure" taehyung teased, following you to the cashier to check out.
"We need to leave before we buy the store" you joke, placing the items onto the desk.
The both of you soon left with your bag of items, smiles on your face as you held each others hands, your feet leading you down the sunny sidewalk.
"what do you say, pretty girl? wanna head back home so I can make you something to eat?"
You squeezed his hand and nodded, suddenly excited at the idea of eating buttered toast, weirdly enough its the first and only craving youve had. "that sounds nice"
Taehyung walked closer to your apartment, he sent you inside as he made a quick run to the grocery market down the street by himself when you told him that you wanted to buy something pre-made for dinner tonight so neither of you would need to cook.
His eyes scanned the frozen foods section, opting to just pick up a small veggie pizza to share with you, knowing that is what you wouldve picked anyways.
He made his way over to the cashier, grabbing some mint gum for you as well as youve been extremely nauseous lately.
"is this all?" the man spoke, looking down at the items
"yeah....thats all-" taehyung looked up at the cashier and froze, it was Kaito.
they havent been this close since the party.
What is it with taehyung always running into kaito at his work?
"oh..." kaito quickly checked his items out and bagged it, shoving it to him. "$9.02, dickface"
"whats that?" taehyung glared, his voice filling with anger
"isnt that what you are? a fucking dick? hows y/n?"
"dont do this shit right here" tae looked behind him, "theres a line waiting" he whispered, pulling his wallet out.
"you dont have a right to be mad, youre the one who pulled her away from me" kaito bit, voice quiet but mad
"and arent you the one who hit her? you dont know the situation, stop assuming shit" taehyung pointed. "also- cut the spreading of rumors bullshit, really fucking childish kaito, even for you" He went to pull out his $10 bill
"plea-..." kaito stopped talking when some of the contents in taehyungs wallet fell onto the register, "whats that?"
the sonogram.
Taehyung swallowed, grabbing the picture along with his other credit cards and shoving them away, quickly tossing him the money so he can leave.
"is that y/n's......" his voice was shaky as his finger remained pointed at his wallet, "did you.....is that..."
"can you guys please cut the chit chat and hurry up? I have places to be" the middle aged woman holding her toddler behind them cut in, sounding impatient.
Taehyung kept quiet out of fear in admitting anything, so he just made sure he got the cash, grabbed his bag and left.
Although now thinking about it, mightve given off the idea that, yeah, that is yours. Perhaps he shouldve made some excuse.
"what took you so long, baby?" you smiled, walking into the kitchen holding Yeontan as taehyung opened his bag.
"sorry, it was crowded. pizza okay?"
"yes, thank you and sorry for making you run out again"
"its okay sweetheart" he whispered, placing the pizza into the freezer for later tonight.
Putting the puppy down, you walked over and hugged him from behind, head resting on his back.
He slightly jumped, startled by your actions.
"whats wrong?" your voice was soft, gentle.
"you seem kind of shaky, did something happen?"
he shook his head, turning to hold your hands
"tae I know when youre lying...what happened, talk to me" your hand gently crawled up to his cheek, rubbing the skin softly.
"its stupid, and not worth worrying about. Stress isnt good for you or baby so just drop it" he smiled, hands holding your stomach now.
You still protested, "im fine- just tell me"
He saw in your eyes that you werent going to let up, so he sighed before speaking. "um...kaito...he might know about...this" he circled his finger on your abdomen, watching as your eyes shot wide in fear,
"he was the cashier and of course I took his lane, anyways, i open my wallet to pay and the sonogram flies out" he whispered, guilt in his voice
Your hand squeezed his, shaky, "and what did you say?"
"and what did he say?"
"he kind of asked me about you and I was just too scared to speak so I paid and left"
"taehyung!!" you ripped away and walked into the living room, "hes gonna assume that its mine"
"well it is" he countered
"but he doesnt need to know!!!" you tried to calm yourself but it was too late. "our fucking parents dont even know and my ex boyfriend does?"
"We dont know what he might be thinking!"
"taehyung....hes gonna go tell everyone, like he did before, calling me a ... a whore" your voice cracked.
"hey...hey" he walked towards you, rubbing your back "its okay..."
"thats easy for you to say!"
"listen, I know my words mean little to nothing right now, but I do know that it will be okay, he might not tell anyone, and we cant freak out before anything has happened? yeah?" he whispered, "im so sorry baby, I really am"
You took a deep breath as his arms wrapped around you, "its just....this situation isnt planned but ive been feeling kind of excited recently, and everytime I let myself do just that, be optimistic, something happens."
"be happy, enjoy this, I wont let anything happen, I promise to take care of you both" his voice was guilty as you leaned into him. "i promise"
"do you think we should start thinking of telling our families?" you interrupt the silence after a moment.
He pulled away with wide eyes, "what? now?"
"soon" you nodded
"taehyung, they will have to know eventually....and if this does get out, kaito is friends with my moms social media page, all he has to do is text her and then everything is ruined. If she or anyone close to us is gonna find out, its gonna be from you and me."
He sighed, "okay.....I understand that, sorry I just got a little nervous....not entirely used to this whole thing yet"
"and thats okay, but we need to be there for eachother, because I honestly just want to try and make the best of the situation"
"me too...me too" he sighed once more, feeling the spot you were coming from. "we'll be okay" he promised once more, kissing small pecks all over your face to distract you.
You never knew you were able to have this much sex.
Before, you two usually had it whenever your schedules allowed fit, or if you were lucky, taehyung would give in the week before your period started if you hounded him enough. (although he didnt mind it at all)
but within the past two weeks, its like your body is seeking dick non-stop, leaving taehyung the poor victim of the situation.
when he gets home from literally anything? sex.
when you two shower? oh yeah, sex.
when you both are watching tv on the couch? you guessed it, sex!
its all the time...
"fuck, taehyung.....you feel so good" your voice was breathless as you rocked your hips on his lap, head thrown back as his cock fit inside you deliciously.
it was nearly 4am and you had woken him up because you were so horny, despite you two having it out just before you went to sleep.
"doing so well baby" taehyung closed his eyes and leaned his head against the headboard, groaning as you rode him, "oh, shit, just like that- yeah..."
"mmm" you wined, hands gripping his shoulders as he began to thrust his hips beneath you, making your mouth fall open as you silently scream. "shit, shit, oh my god-"
"dont stop moving, baby, keep your hips- yeah just keep doing that, oh god baby you feel amazing" he instructed you as his hands rested on your sides, assisting your movements. "gonna fucking cum" he groaned tightly.
"ah- im so close" you bounced your hips a bit, suddenly hiding your face into his neck as your climax approached. When he came, his hands squeezed your skin as he whispered your name over and over again, not stopping his movements until you came around his dick. He spilled into you freely, something he didnt know he would enjoy until you told him he didnt need to use a condom, at this point- it became an addiction to feel you.
"cum for me baby, its okay, I love you" he whispered in your ear, feeling you clench around him before releasing, a desperate moan escaping your lips.
"oh my fucking- oh god, tae...please, ohhh" you rocked your hips, riding out the last yet strong waves of your orgasm
He waited a moment until you both calmed down, he tried to pull your head back so he could see you, his hand pushing away your sweaty hair.
"you okay, baby?" he chuckled quietly, "why you hiding, hm?"
You remained silent, arms gently holding his waist as he heard a sniffle.
"what wrong? are you crying?" he began to grow more concerned, he moved you both so he could actually be face to face. "what happened? did I hurt you?"
"no- no you didnt do anything" you wiped your eyes, "i just feel like im using you"
"what?" he frowned, eyes looking into yours, "you arent using me, I dont feel that way at all honey, why are you saying this?" he trailed his hand to grab yours, entwining your fingers together.
You shrug, "i dont know...I feel bad because I just woke you up to do this, and then yesterday I did it too when you were busy putting together that new table I ordered, and then I felt guilty about the fact I made you put the table together in the first place because im the stupid one who ordered it and I feel like im irritating you and I want you to know its okay to say no to me, my hormones are just really crazy right now and-"
"y/n" he stared at you, a soft yet slightly amused expression, "stop"
You sniffled again and swallowed
"You arent bothering me in the slightest, if you think sex is bothering me you are crazy" he softly giggled, "and I know you are probably feeling a lot of things right now and its okay, I wont ever make you feel guilty about that, its normal."
he squeezed your hands, continuing
"and the table was hard to put together anyways, you would have been super confused, we need to stop ordering from ikea" he smirked.
"but they have cute stuff" you countered as he handed you a tissue from the bedside counter.
"I know but so does other places, If we decide to order baby shit from Ikea I refuse to assemble them by myself" he teased
"i'll help" you smiled softly, leaning back onto his chest as he rubbed your back.
"love you" he whispered
"I love you too"
the room was silent for a moment before he helped you up, gently rubbing your sore thighs before grabbing more tissues so that you could wipe yourself, his cum dripping out of you.
"see, im not used to that" you giggled, "kinda feels gross not gonna lie"
"we dont have to do it raw, I can wear a condom if its too messy for you" he offered
"meh" you shrug, walking to the bathroom to pee, "it feels good its just the cleanup I hate, you know?"
He smiled and cleaned himself up before you came back out, opting to grab one of his shirts from the closet and sliding it on and getting back in bed with him.
He hummed contently, turning the light off again and squeezing you close to him.
"I think I want to do online classes" you softly spoke, head against his chest.
"hm? what was that?" his eyes were shut, arm draped over your waist.
"college classes, I think its good if I switch to taking them online at home next semester"
"because of the baby?"
you hum, "yeah but also just the stress...I already feel nauseous a lot and walking to classes and seeing my old friends makes me sick to my stomach."
"too much drama" he added, "no I think thats good sweetheart" he yawned
"yeah?" you fluttered your eyes closed, tiredness setting in
"mm...stay home with me, i'll take care of you" he whispered before holding you tight and falling asleep not too long before you do too.
This morning you sat on the bathroom floor, grabbing a facecloth and wiping your mouth after you felt sure enough that there was no more vomit coming up.
out of all the changes you had recently, you wish this one would disappear the most.
"hey, you alright?" taehyung gently whispered, knocking on the door
"im fine." you stood up and washed your face as you felt the door move, his body pushing through to get next to you.
"why didnt you wake me?" he spoke, hand on your back as you quickly began to apply makeup.
"because Ive ben dealing with it for a bit now, and I can handle it" you shrugged, eyeing him in the mirror.
Your tone of voice suggested you were in a mood again this morning, so taehyung simply nodded, choosing to leave you alone instead of arguing. "okay, baby"
He wants to think hes been doing okay recently, regarding taking care of you. Taehyung knows that sometimes you just are angry or pissed for no reason, and unfortunately he is often the one who takes some of it, but at the same time he knows its not your fault and you feel awful about it, so he decides on just agreeing with whatever you say or do.
when you do come out of the bathroom, you are fully dressed and ready to leave, "I have to go to a job interview" you smile shyly
"oh the daycare place?" he looks over at you while he makes the bed
"yeah...I usually see college girls working there so I dont see why they wouldnt hire me" you shrug, gathering your stuff.
"what time is it at?" he asks, eyes taking in how cute you look in your red puffy sleeved shirt and jeans.
"um..." you check your watch, "holy shit, I have to get over there in 10 minutes, I have to run, bye baby" you kiss him quickly and began to walk away, speaking fast "dont forget to do the laundry please, also wash yeontans bed as well, its begining to smell like dirty dog in the living room okay byeeee!" you shut the door and began to run to the elevator, leaving taehyung alone in the bedroom.
"well buddy, its just you and me, huh?" he smiled, looking down at the puppy as he wagged his tail happily. "wanna help daddy clean?" he picked him up as he walked into the laundry room, tossing the dirty clothes into the washing machine.
Yeontan took no interest in helping, but he was fascinated by the black sock on the floor that took him no time to run away with.
"hey!" taehyung shook his head as he poured detergent, "I thought this was teamwork, huh?"
"honestly, you seem like a great fit, I think you would get along with the main teacher nicely"
Your eyes widened at the daycare leaders words, smiling a bit "really? thank you, oh my god"
The older woman smiled, nodding "yes, youre young, nice from what I can tell, and you said you have experience with children?"
"yes! when I was in high school I volunteered with the pre-school kiddos, super cute and I loved doing it every week"
"perfect" she wrote something down, "and how far away do you live?"
"oh I live not too far, I walked here today and it took about 7 minutes"
"oh thats great! and how do you feel about hours? we are open monday-friday, 8am to 3pm"
You thought for a moment, "well I just finished up my semester in college for the year, but I will be taking classes again in the fall, so what I choose now may change" you giggle softly, "um, right now I think about 3 days a week will be good, I should probably mention that I am pregnant too"
She smiled widely, "oh my God, congratulations, youre so young?"
"thank you, and yeah I know" you shyly smile, "um but..yeah 3 days I think is good, my boyfriend is also getting a job so he will work on the days I dont"
She nodded, finishing writing things down, "if you dont mind me asking, how far along are you?"
"oh just about 3 months, so no maternity leave until like..October or September."
"okay okay.." she put her clipboard down and smiled, standing to shake your hand, "well, Y/N, you are hired, I think you will be amazing here"
"I seriously cannot thank you enough!" you shook her hand and collected the papers, reciprocating the gentle hug she gave you before handing over the shirt you will wear.
"I'll see you next week"
you nodded and thanked her again, turning to head home as fast as you could so you can tell taehyung.
juggling with everything in your arms, you manage to take your key out and open the door, calling out his name "tae!! Im home!!'
when he didnt respond you gently placed everything on the kitchen island and walked through the hall, "baby? you home?"
"in here"
you listened to his muffled voice coming from his bedroom, "you can come in" taehyung added
You twisted the handle and opened the door, eyes wide as you gazed around at the room. "taehyung....what is all this"
He sheepishly smiled, "I know its early, like, really early, but I wanted to start by clearing some stuff out" he walked over "this can be the nursery"
Your face softened, "baby...you didnt have to- what about your bed? where is all this stuff gonna go?"
"we can sell the bed, and the old desk, I never even sleep in here anymore and your room is the bigger one anyways, this is perfect for the baby"
You looked at everything on the walls now in boxes, the bed stripped and everything pushed into one corner of the room, "baby....thank you, but are you sure?" you whispered
He nodded, pointing at the other corner "i put some of the things we bought over there, we can just toss it all in this room until we actually begin to decorate. youre okay with me bringing some of my things into your room?"
You smile, "yeah honey, thats ok" you look up at him and hold his arm lovingly. "youre so sweet....the baby will probably be with us for the first few months, in our room, you know that right?"
"yeah, but still they need a place of their own" he shrugged, kissing your forehead. "how did the interview go?"
You giggle, pulling away to jump around, "I got the job, I start next week and im working Monday through Wednesday, it pays super well"
"baby!" he smiled and picked you up, spinning around a little "im so proud of you, I knew you would get it, they would be crazy not to hire you!!"
He kissed you a bunch of times, making you smile even wider. "I love you sweet girl, so much"
"I love you too, I love you soooo much" you kissed him back, gently swaying in his semi-empty bedroom.
"we are doing good so far, like if we just paid attention to us and the situation....things arent too bad" he shrugged
"I agree, lets just hope it stays that way" you press a soft kiss to his neck.
"oh and 2 things, one, my check from the art show finally came in, they gave me 3k"
"holy shit, tae"
"I know I know but I think its a good idea to put it aside for a bit, life isnt that pricey right now but we know things will change, so lets make it emergency money."
You nod, "okay thats fine, thats a lot of money though, god"
He chuckles, "I know, oh and the other thing" he walks and sits on his mattress. "I think we should go on our Paris trip soon....I know you were feeling iffy about it, but almost everything is paid for, it'll just be a little one week thing....one last big trip before-" he glances down at your stomach. "hotel is already paid, and the food is too if we eat there. only thing we need to pay for is things we decide to purchase, and transportation"
You sigh and sit next to him, "hmm....I dont know...I mean I wanna go to Paris soon too but I also told my mom we, or I, would be with her this summer in Gwangju, but now that I have a job it will just have to be a short visit. Besides I thought we booked the Paris trip for August."
He frowned slightly, "I mean the trip isnt really booked unless I call them, but I was just thinking maybe its better to have it sooner, so youre not like 6 months pregnant when we go, and that way you can relax for a week or so with your mom after."
"hmm" you ponder, resting your head on his shoulder. "lots of traveling, I hope my work doesnt get mad at me"
"i mean....I guess we can try to go next month" you look at him, "but I would like to tell our parents before we go, because I think if I see my mom after she will definitely be able to tell if im 4 months pregnant"
He nods and kisses you gently, "okay baby, we will tell our families"
"dont worry...Im nervous too" you held his hand, eyes dragging to the small collection of baby things the two of you had bought.
"one way or another we will get through it."
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
23 notes · View notes
weirdcat1213 · 9 months
volume 12 already? damn that went fast. just yesterday we were crying about vash drinking in a church
anyway :D volume 12 thoughts time
chap 1:
-chronicaaaaaaaaa :3
-these quiet panels are the fucking best/worst thing that have ever happened to me
-too many memories :c
-YES LINA IS THERE THANK GOD (at the same time this is heartbreaking as fuck)
-all the enemies after all the people he has ever loved/helped
-im gonna go cry now
-i wonder what "anti plant" entails...is it a special material?
-ok fine, chronica can call knives a terrorist. she gets a pass
-oh sweet geesus
-oohhhhhh.....ok fuck
-nothing can stop the hatred of this man. kinda admirable but as the song says "your misery and hate will kill us all"
chap 2:
-"corrosive thunder", love the title
-OH SHIT DOMINA NO, pls dont let him get to you
-the plants kinda look in pain there....
-for pain purposes, i choose to believe that when they resonate they hum like vash did in stampede
-aaand shes gone
-oh god, the end of evangelion flashbacks
-tbh everything in your ship just being consumed by someone else so quickly must be scary af. nothing belongs to them anymore and soon, chronica could even loose herself
chap 3:
-oh shit oh fuck oh shit
-oh shit not thors hammer
-omg look! the laws of physics!
-noooo :c we dont get to know domina too much but its still sad
-ohhhhhhh okok i get it
chap 4:
-childish is a good word for it cuz knives just doesnt want to accept hes wrong and scared
-is vash pausing cuz even though his plan was to kill knives hes kinda sad that knives wants to kill him? i may never know
-let him use his fucking gun ok? hes an expert. also i like to think he uses it to stay grounded. like to stay with the people hes fighting with. hes not superior or anything
chap 5:
-omg right it hated this. hes just a baby :c
-so vash left with a stranger? i forgot about that
-honey just be glad YOU ARE ALIVE
-BECAUSE HES VASH THE STAMPEDE- i should rewatch that episode huh
-tbh vash, you should have. then and now
-tbh i would also think thats enough to break the chain. hmm
-"stay with me" vash pls i cant jump into the void rn
-GEESUS CHRIST, the cleanest cut in the west
-also you think vash made that face cuz the last time he made someone bleed was rem-
-"we dont belong in the future of this planet" dont fucking say that
chap 6:
-actually wanting to humans to talk with plants is a great step for improving their relationship but sure knives, whatever
-ive said this before but as someone who was mocked by wanting context before judging people, vash is so...reassuring. like it wasnt wrong of me to want to know all the sides of one story. im glad
-also i completely forgot about that town and radiation. how tf radiation happens in that planet, what am i missing
-oh nvm, thanks nightow
-WHY IS IT THEN? HUH KNIVES?- oh shit what
-yknow what, ill give knives the fact that humans are ignorant and we are repeating history etc etc, but im done. finish him vash
-for some reason this reminds me to that scene with the soldiers in ep 12. my man really cant catch a break
-"you've been abandoned" maybe by some but not by everyone. and thats the whole point
-awww :c
chap 7:
-ofc the military would be like this
-i literally cant say whos bleeding
-ah fuck ok
-ugh no...pls dont tell me hes fucking bleeding through his eyes...pls dont (if i see stampede vash bleeding like that i will eat my pc piece by piece)
-chronica :c
-OMG YES, YES, IM SO HAPPY. quoting 98 "and i know in my heart he would have done the same"
-oh well thats not fair, hes too cool
-wait why is knives not wanting to kill vash bad?
chap 8:
-considering the blockers chronica has, entering a fused entity must be scary but also exciting
-ngl i dont get the spikes on the screen thing
-wait no i want to see whats happening with vash- and its livio time
-oh hes alive thank god (this is my 2nd read why am i surprised)
-i hate seeing his eyes like that if im being honest, its scary
-OH SHIT its my wife
chap 9:
-omg its the legato episode
-what is happening, what am i looking at
-oh oh shit
-what is happening?
-ok flashback time
-yeap. its that time. shit
-geesus fucking christ. tbh ofc legato would think knives is right. there was nothing to prove him wrong
-yeap. i would do the same actually. stomp on his head
-oh honey...honey thats gay-
-is that why he has short hair...cuz knives gave him a name AND A HAIR STYLE??
-damn son
-also i may be wrong but where do people get the idea he inserted metal in his own brain to have those powers?/gen
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a-scummy-hybrid · 9 months
So ive decided to restart my Pikmin playthrough in favor of moving it to my Desktop rather than have it on my laptop.
So, i will be playing Pikmin 1 on GameCube via legitament means, why not choose the Wii Version? Well, mainly because im unsure as to how to properly connect the Wii Remote to the PC and do all the things necessary, but also because i'd rather not exert myself in trying to figure all that out tbh. But i do know that Pikmin's Wii version has some QoL improvements such as being able to switch color pikmin on the move. I also do understand the Switch version is cheaper but... iunno.
However, besides all that, back to the main topic at hand, i have a battle strategy as to how to approach the game now.
Day 1
Obtain enough Red Pikmin that are obtainable, then complete the tutorial.
Day 2
Go to The Forest's Navel and get the Yellow Pikmin, but also amass enough Red Pikmin using the red pellets and smallest bulborbs nearby the Red Onion.
Once having reached a sufficent amount, fight the biggest bulborbs but also open the passage to the Yellow Onion.
Fight the final big Bulborb then approach Yellow Onion to obtain my first Yellow Pikmin.
Then amass enough yellow Pikmin to pick up the defeated Bulborbs to feed to the Onion to amass a sufficent amount of Yellow Pikmin.
Day 3
Resume exploration at Forest of Hope.
Perform demolitions with the Yellow Pikmins and obtain the Extraordinary Bolt (to gain access to Forest's Navel for Blue Pikmin) & Radar (for being able to see Treasure on the Map).
Day 2 might mesh into Day 3 depending upon how Day 2 goes considering its 13:30 per day.
And hopefully by Day 4, i will be able to get Blue Pikmin at the Forest Navel, which will open access to the rest of the areas in Forest of Hope.
Day 4
Be at Forest's Navel and do all the things i can do with Blue Pikmin's, although mainly probably just amassing Blues.
Day 5
Return to Forest of Hope to obtain the rest of the items that are there now using the Blue Pikmin.
Granted, i dont spend Day 5 in Forest's Navel again if there are things that are interesting there (like ship parts). Or if I had lost a bunch of Blue Pikmin and i wanted to replenish my troops.
It may be a bit messy, i might lose a few Pikmin, honestly i might mess up horribly, but what i do know is that there are only 3 Pikmin Types to obtain, and once i have access to all of them, im pretty much open to explore and collect the ship components i need. I also have 5 to 6 hours to complete the game because its a very short game but with lots of replayability. I want to get all the ship parts and aid the Pikmin in surviving.
Something else i want to do is save the second ship part thats at the Impact Site for last, if thats an option.
I know there are:
2 Ship Parts at Impact Site (First is obtained for the Tutorial)
8 Ship Parts at The Forest of Hope (Some are locked off and can only be accessed with Blue Pikmin, but Extraordinary Bolt & Radar, mainly Extraordinary Bolt, as it grants me access to Forest Navel which then lets me obtain Blue Pikmin)
9 Ship Parts at The Forest's Navel (from what i recall seeing on Day 6 there, was a lot of those Flamethrower Creatures, whifh means ill most likely need Red Pikmin with me as i do reconnaissance and then some mushroom creature, which i think is very bad news for my Pikmin if i am not careful).
So if anything, that means there is 17 Ship Parts to collect in total for the first two exploration areas. Which likely means I'll probably be spending quite some time there before i go anywhere else.
Anyway, i now conclude this blog with this.
I dont know where i got this, i think it was from the pikmin subreddit. Regardless, i found it very silly, and i just love animation intended for humanoid models applied to models that are not of the humanoid shape.
ADDENDUM (updated at 12:06 PM 9/5/2024)
If i am unsuccessful with Day 2 in obtaining enough Yellow Pikmin and i go into Day 3 with not enough Y. Pikmin, i will most likely instead perform a B-Line for the Extraordinary Bolt instead and save the Radar for later if i have enough time to do so. As Bulborb's are weak in the back, i will need to be "stealthy" in my approach and hope i do not lose all too much pikmin on Day 2 nor spend too much running back and forth to amass more Pikmin/replenish Pikmin lost in battle.
I think the only "time wasters" that are to be concerned about are losing Pikmin while tackling Bulborbs & the Walls that you have to break down with sheer numbers and the bomb walls, which sometimes just take a lot of bombs to bust down which is sorta annoying.
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kindofsortofmaybe · 1 year
Gustholomule with 002 for the ask game!!
hi anon i'm so sorry i meant to answer this ages ago but i was swamped with finals all week! finally free though :)
when i started shipping it: pretty early in my watch through! i remember watching something ventured, someone framed and thinking hmmm... these bitches gay ?? and then once i got into the fandom and saw there was a following for it i really started shipping it! actually my first toh fanart was gustho haha
my thoughts: i don't think dana & co ever meant for us to ship them tbh, so even though i was disappointed that they didn't interact in the finale, i wasn't super surprised. but i think they have such an interesting dynamic!! gus is so cool and matt is not but also theyre both SO lame in the best way and they both have trust issues and also theyre like 12 and like... they are just so special to me
what makes me happy about them: how goofy they are. while i do think there's so much potential for their dynamic, i also think they're just two silly guys who hang out and i like the simplicity of that
what makes me sad about them: their lack of screen time :( (together and separately)
things done in fanfic that annoy me: hmmm tbh i've only read gustho fanfics that i've really enjoyed... i've never really had a negative experience with a gustho fic! all our writers are so talented! but i guess something that sometimes bothers me in fanon is when the hexsquad is rude to matt/don't give him a chance. i see why they might be wary, but Luz is the king of Befriending Everyone, willow is naturally very compassionate, and hunter/amity have both had their fair share of second chances! so even if they wouldn't get along right off the bat, i'm not a fan of scenarios where they just never warm up to him/consistently dislike him
things i look for in fanfic: i love when gustho fics have them just hanging out being teenagers. thats the vibe i think fits them best!
who i'd be comfortable them ending up with if not each other: hmmm i don't really have other ships for either of them! there's no one that comes to mind but i think if either of them were implied in the finale to be in a relationship with a hexside student we've met, i'd be like 🤷‍♀️ sure ig
my happily ever after for them: they continue to get close and become besties throughout high school, move in together after grad, and are so close that eventually they realize they've basically been dating for years and just kinda shrug like kay guess we're a couple and then theyre in love forever <33
who is the big spoon/little spoon: i think it depends! the both fill both roles at different times. though i do think that depending on when they get together, matty would totally be like "I'M the big spoon cause i'm MANLY" and gus is like "okay manly man" and makes him the little spoon anyway and he actually loves it
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: i'll bfr they're sex-neutral aces to me anyway so <3 (i don't really think about their feelings about sex since they're like 12 for most of the show, i just love to project my identity onto blorbos) so ANYWAY to actually answer the question, i headcanon that they LOVE to game together. video games and board games both - they just both get so competitive and have a lot of fun with it. their game nights are VERY loud and high-energy
thank you sm for the ask! i love thinking about these losers :)
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inhumanliquid · 22 days
Okay so I love the fact that the channel itself is like 12 years old or something and not only is it still going but there's like INTENSE LORE that wasn't there when it started
Like imagine watching from the start as he slowly gets better editing skills and tools and watching the content go from Mario 64 bloopers to episodic little mini-stories to wait holy shit there's continuity?? An arc??? MULTIPLE ARCS!?
And the fact that once the r word started being considered a slur he not only stopped using it in videos but he also REMADE some of his R64 series (which as you can probably guess the full title was [r word]64) and renamed it to REMASTERED64 which is not only removing the word but its also a pun is just. Aough
Rewatching some of his old videos (m. maybe not Snowtrapped though) i get so nostalgic bc smg4 (character) DIDN'T HAVE VOICE ACTING and just. wow. Also with the stuff like the addition of voice acting and the redesigns you kinda know just by watching any particular video roughly when it was made even without looking at the description
Speaking of, I remember I didn't like the redesigns at first (at least those of 3 and 4) bc like they've been Mario recolors for so long. It's like the new minecraft piston sound. But after the second redesigns im fine with it. Actually I think he did comment about the fact that redesign 1 was like. cocomelon looking or something
Also he made the redesigns kinda. Canon?? He put them in the lore kinda
And at the start when it was still bloopers he collabed with a bunch of other yt'ers about the size of his channel like X and FM, but once he got big they kinda stopped showing up but the crazy thing is HE HAD A LORE EXPLANATION FOR THEM DISAPPEARING
Spoilers for uhh i forget either the Genesis or Revelations arc, skip to the bold green text if you want to watch first (you should tbh as long as you're not scared of what I'm scared of)
So Zero was actually the reason the Mario recolors disappeared, which is interesting bc that was back when 3 and 4 were still Mario recolors but around then it's also found out that SMG doesn't stand for SuperMarioGlitchy like the channel implied up to that point (iirc it was even called SuperMarioGlitchy4 for a bit), but it actually stands for Super Meme Guardian, and if Mario dies the universe will end bc Mario is the Avatar, explaining why 3 and 4 (the meme guardians of that universe) look like recolors of him. Also one of my favorite lines from the whole series was in that arc, "Killing us won't fix what happened to you!", said by smg2. Oh yeah there's other universes and smg1 and smg2 are from one where the Avatar was a guy named Spudnick, who smg2 looks like a recolor of. ough the DETAIL i love that arc despite. what happened to Axol..
spoilers for those arcs over
And there was like. If Mario was in video games that would have Mario be transported INTO the games CANONICALLY not just start with him there
And the recent arcs. OH THE RECENT ARCS
spoilers again. this time for the It's Gotta be Perfect arc, Western Spaghetti and really the whole Showgrounds era
Okay so smg4 goes crazy and wants to make the Ultimate Video or whatever. And he gets this keyboard from an ad with a TV mascot... (important later)
Thats part of a whole arc where smg4 is missing for Mar10 Day bc he can't stop working on the video, but it's revealed that Mario wanted smg4 there for a specific event that smg3 has to be there for instead, but after that which i think was one of the redesign announcements, Mario REALLY needs smg4 for something but he's not leaving his work so eventually the wifi router ends up being knocked over and THEN smg4 comes out, but he's oNLY YELLING ABOUT THE WIFI, he kicks everyone out, puts the router back and goes back to work again. Yknow what Mario needed him for? HE FUCKING WANTED TO GIVE HIM A BEST FRIEND AWARD
And yknow what really started this ultimate video insanity? Smg3 got millions of views on a livestream. That might not sound like much but one of his running jokes is that he NEVER gets more than like 3 views, one of which is always either Eggdog (his pet) or a Ugandan Knuckles that lives with him
But he didn't do anything special or different that one stream. SO WHO GOT HIM THE VIEWS HUH??? (This is my theory, but it's. The same TV guy from the keyboard ad i thgink. You'll see why I think that soon)
So at the end of the IGBP arc, the main crew loses their home (oh yeah have i mentioned they were living in Peach's castle this whole time) due to a giant Eldritch abomination that was released/summoned by smg4 using the keyboard
So they have to search for a new home. But when they go to the house market, Boopkins (one of the main characters) is working there and mentions he hasn't seen the listing before. And there's a mysterious logo next to the listing, titled The Showgrounds. Tbh i didn't notice that the first time i watched bc there wasn't any known significance to the logo at that point. But remember that.
So they get to the Showgrounds, build their new castle and. there's a boarded up room? That never gets addressed?? Also the castle looks SICK AF seriously google "smg4 Showgrounds castle" it looks AWESOME
Holy shit i just realized i don't think the second floor of the castle has been shown yet-
uh. Anyway they have an arc at this place called Western Spaghetti (which Mario seemed very eager to go to for obvious reasons) and on the train everyone starts acting like cowboys and time freezes. And there's actually an official gmod map that was made for this arc, where some lore stuff is idk I don't play gmod
But anyway yeah they go to Western Spaghetti because they want to find Meggy's idol, One Shot Wren. But as it turns out, Wren is a villain and the whole place is a SIMULATION that was.. gifted to him. And guess what cloddamn logo was on the letter Wren got. YEP THATS RIGHT THE SAME ONE FROM THE SHOWGROUNDS
And they only get out because Tari has experience with simulations before (this connects to lore of Meta Runner, a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SERIES MADE BY THEM)
and THEN. Another arc happens, the Marty arc, where Mario makes a cardboard guy named Marty who inexplicably is super fucking resistant to being moved when he doesn't want to. Mario drew Marty into existence bc he didn't want to work at his pizza shop bc he didn't realize running a pizza shop rneant giving OTHER people the pizzas
But after Mario stole all the money Marty made to pay for the castle (yes this is a bit out of order sorry) there was this big arc that started with the printer at the pizza shop being hijacked to print something that basically said if Marty was able to open smg3's secret notebook uhh i forget what exactly would happen but it would be good for Marty. But wait. The printer glitched when it was hijacked and you'd NEVER GUESS what logo appeared when it glitched.
Mario helped Marty steal and try to open the notebook and this caused War of The Fat Italians (shortened to WOTFI) 2023 to happen which was the end of the arc
and hold on. 2023? Yes that's right the first appearance of the one known only at the time as "TV Adware" was in the IGBP movie, which premiered MARCH 18TH 2023 and according to my theory his influence goes all the way back to SMG4... Are You Ok? Which happened FEBRUARY 18th
The movie where this mega arc ended premiered APRIL 20TH OF THIS FUCKING YEAR. NOT EVEN A MONTH AGO
Anyway the ending of WOTFI 2023 was when we got to see what "TV Adware" really looked like, which. woah he looks cool
Spoilers over lol I have a lot to say about those arcs
Yknow what. As much as I want to im not going to ramble about the Puzzlevision arc bc I don't want to spoil it for you. I can't recommend enough that you go watch it because HOLY SHIT, also why im not spoiling it. Start from WOTFI 2023 and skip to No TV Make Mario No Okie Dokie if you need to. It honestly won't take that much time, maybe like a day at most so you absolutely should go watch it all
Hough. Sorry this took so long to type and [tumblr] I swear if you fail to send this fucking ask-
anyway this has been Me Rambling About SMG4
Wow. I will absolutely go watch Puzzlevision, then. Holy shit.
Feel free to come infodump about anything you want to whenever, by the way. I like listening to people rant about things. /gen
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likesunsetorange · 25 days
Eren! 12 - 21 & 23
character ask game
i think you meant 12 through 21? either way the more the merrier LOL (also feel free to send me other characters besides em LOL from any show thats in my lil pinned post tbh!!!)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
in canon — i think eren harbors a lot of self loathing and when him and mikasa go to the cabin, he finds it really hard to believe that she truly forgives him for all of his transgressions, so it's hard for him to accept that a lot of it is real (kind of makes me think of the real/not real thing in thg but in a different way - everlark is so engraved into me lol) so he's just a big weepy sap lol
in a modern au — he's probably a music lover, he makes playlists a lot and makes them for everything. i bet he makes mikasa playlists all the time too
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
i feel like eren would love this emoji 🧍🏽
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
eren would only have a sense of style bc of mikasa and carla LOL he probably wears solid color tshirts and/or the occasional nice graphic tee and jeans/basketball shorts and some typical sneakers that are moderately trendy lol. he doesn't look frympy but he's not a fashionista by any means
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
eremikaaaa clearly
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
i feel like this is obvious lol
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
im clearly an eremika truther but i can see why ppl like erejean LOL it's giving typical shonen homoerotic vibes (e.g. bakudeku)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
i love eren and levi's relationship so much bc of the mentor/mentee relationship, and honestly levi was like the closest thing eren had to a paternal figure following grisha's death. like those tiktoks where it's like s1-s3 levi saying "i'm not your dad" then it's s4 eren saying "you're not my dad" UGH I CRY!!!!! but levi being so hurt/disappointed by eren in s4 just gets to me and i think if we could hear anyone else's paths convo with eren i would wanna hear his and levi's. also bc i wanna see if levi beats his ass again lmao
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
i wouldn't say i hate annie, but at one point i used to lowkey be an annie hater LOL (now i actually love annie), so i guess in s1, i really enjoy eren and annie's dynamic (prior to the ft arc), especially bc you can see how much eren clearly admires her. i think it's funny how even tho she clearly beats his ass he still wants to learn from her, i think thats kind of noble of him tbh! also i think bc he admired her sm and considered her a friend it sucks to see him so hurt by the reveal of her betrayal
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
armin and eren are platonic soulmates and there's nothing you could ever say that could change my mind about that tbh
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
favorite — i love writing eren's dynamic with carla, i think it's really special bc of what happened in canon. i imagine eren as such a mama's boy (in an endearing way) so it's so sweet to get to write their bond and imagine how that dynamic would be as eren would've grown up
least favorite — i think in a canon universe, i don't like writing some of the more sad scenes, like in the ema au, when i think about eren harboring all the pain of the memories to himself, it literally makes me so sad LOL like im genuinely such a fucking sap so i just cry and cry bc i hate thinking about it 😭
23. Favorite Picture?
canon & fan art (once again im biased)
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