#i think the few who have seen her soft side are some of her gang members + bow kid and grooves
majormeilani · 2 years
i feel as though empress hates being a softie a lot and gets really embarrassed about it but only a few people have seen her soft side before though she'd rather hide that part of herself as best she can (unless like no one else is around then whoever she feels comfortable being soft to she will more but she also is very conscious of her reputation more than she used to be so sometimes she can still be reserved)
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bellezaycafe · 5 months
Get Your Shit Together - Chapter 6
genre: 2024 Season AU
pairing: Romantic! oc x two people because y'all voted on a triangle ;). platonic! oc x literally the whole grid.
warnings: lots swearing, mentions of the accident and crimes, discussions about gangs, mentions of bars and alcohol. Paranoia and an argument. love triangle crumbs
context: Part 1 and Masterlist…
Comments: massive lore drop but I've tried to keep the story moving and interesting. I'm a sucker for small details so I hope y'all have good memories ;)
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"I'm in a witness protection program."
Sadie clenched her jaw, unsure what else to say. Lando and Max were silent.
"What did you see?" Lando's voice was so soft Sadie barely heard him over the road noise.
Her right hand flexed on the steering wheel. "I can't tell you that."
"Why did you volunteer?"
"Because I love F1."
Max chimed in. "You said it's too public, too many cameras."
"What I reported happened after Melbourne and just before SIlverstone. I- I think it would be better if I just told you, wouldn't it."
"Yes," Lando muttered, not meeting her glance.
"Okay, well. I was working a bar in Sydney and witnessed a crime. I was seen calling the cops and..." She took a deep breath. "And let's just say that I had dobbed on someone dangerous. Someone influential and known to police."
"You snitched on a gangster?" Lando's wide eyes would have made Sadie laugh in any other situation. "A real life gangster?"
"I didn't know who they were! I was cornered in an alley the next day and after that I spent all of my money on a two week stay in England. From there, I reported the attempted assault and was told to stay in England for the two weeks. The police said they could use that time to get me into witness protection and set up the right safeguards, if I anonymously testify in court. It happened to be the Grand Prix weekend, so I volunteered instead of sitting around."
"Attempted assault?" Max stressed.
Sadie glanced at him in the rear view and her silence was answer enough. You don't need to know.
"Let me get this right. You snitched on a gang, were threaten and then ran to England?!"
"Yeah, pretty much." Her tone didn't match her racing heart.
"What happened to 'too many cameras'?" Lando toyed with his silver necklace.
"Obviously I didn't consider how dramatically you were going to break your ankle in turn, whatever it was. I figured, as a medic, I’d spend a lot of time in areas with very few to no cameras.”
Sadie glanced at the phone Lando showed her and, with one hand on the wheel, swung them left and down a small side street.
“You are right, though,” Max observed. “The reporters aren’t allowed in the medical tents unless they’re unwell themselves.”
“Is that why you’re in Melbourne? Are you from Sydney?” She could hear curiosity in Lando’s voice.
“It’s complicated.” Sadie grimaced.
“It’s seems like everything is,” Max muttered.
“Oh, shush,” she joked. She knew it had landed when both boys smiled slightly. “I grew up just outside of Melbourne. I’ve been working back at that bar since I was 18. I took some unofficial leave in June to experience working in another city while we had extra staff. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have chosen Sydney.”
The boys were quiet as Sadie explained her time working at bars in Sydney and enjoying the nightlife of another city. She talked about the move up there and the sudden disappearance to England. Some of her stuff was still in Sydney, including some personal keepsakes like a bracelet from her mother. Sadie explained that Lewis and Max knew about the witness protection, but nothing further. She’d only told them when they visited her in hospital the day after the accident and after some significant convincing. She answered questions about her leg and how it had healed, which had turned out to be quite well.
“How much physio did you have to do?” There was guilt in Lando’s question.
“Just some at home things, it was quite easy,” Sadie admitted. She didn’t want to elaborate on the facts she hadn’t done any official physio because she couldn’t afford it. Australian public health care was good, but not that good. “How well has the ankle healed?”
“It was slower than I wanted but I’m cleared for next season which is good.”
Max grumbled, “but he didn’t stop complaining about it for months.”
“I was in pain, mate!”
“I know! You told me every chance you got!”
Sadie smiled at their banter, glad they weren’t holding up walls of suspicion anymore.
As she pulled up to the Piastri Family home, she cleared her throat. “I- ummm… It was good to see you again Lando, and good to meet you Max.”
“Oh no,” Lando chided. “We’re not done, I am not letting you just drive into the sunset again.”
“It’s already dark,” Sadie pointed out. “And that’s not what happened the first time.”
“And on that note, I’m out,” Max exclaimed. “It was lovely to meet you, Sadie. Thank you for what you did at Silverstone.”
He jumped out of the car before she could say anything and practically ran to the red front door of a small, low set home.
Lando undid his seatbelt and turned to face her, pulling a leg onto the seat.
“Sadie, you vanished.”
Straight into then.
“I feel better seeing that you’re in one piece, and not hearing it from news,” she murmured.
“That’s what you have to say?” he scoffed.
Sadie pushed down irritation. She might struggle to stay in one place for very long, but she was a patient person who had drawers of calm, collected masks to choose from.
When she didn’t answer, Lando shook his head and closed his eyes.
“How do you think I felt?” he snapped. “Lewis told me you had stitches. How many? I know you can walk, but how long did it take for the limp to go away? Did you need crutches? Because you know that I did, and you know how long I needed them for.”
“How much did Lewis tell you?”
“You’re focusing on the wrong thi-“
“How much, Lando?”
The panicked edge to her voice had Lando pausing, looking closer at her face through whatever haze was over his mind.
“Just that,” he breathed. “He told me you’d needed stitches but were okay. He wouldn’t tell me anything else.”
The fist around Sadie’s heart relaxed slightly as she sighed with relief. “Okay, as long as it was just that.”
“You’re scared,” he stated like he’d only just noticed. His watercolour eyes were lit slightly by a nearby street lamp. They appeared hazel in that light and it was a detail Sadie wished she hadn’t noted.
“I’m paranoid,” she replied just as curtly.
“I was scared,” he admitted, breaking the eye contact.
“That’s fair. If your ankle didn’t heal properly, your career might’ve been over.”
“No, that’s not- Well I was scared about that but I meant that I was scared for you.”
Sadie frowned. “What? Why?”
“I didn’t know if you were okay! You put yourself on the line for me, you saved my life and I didn’t know if you were okay!”
“I didn’t save your life,” she scoffed. “It wasn’t headed for your heart.”
“I rewatched the footage,” Lando confessed with a sheepish smile. “If you hadn’t put yourself between me and the track? The debris would have hit me and my career could have been over.”
“Your career, Lando. Not your life.” Her voice was the softest it had been all night. It even surprised her.
“My racing is my life, Sadie.”
“I-“ but he cut her off.
“I never got to thank you in person.”
“You can do it now.”
“Why the fuck not?” Her patience was slipping. She pulled another mask from the drawer.
“I think you’d take it as closure, or something. Then you’d leave and I would never see you again.”
He wasn’t wrong. She’d began to form a plan on how to give him the answers he needed, and then vanish again. He was a liability to her safety.
“Would that be so bad?”
“Yes.” No hesitation.
She didn’t know what to say to that. Sadie couldn’t bring herself and meet the gaze she could feel on her.
“Max almost punched a reporter,” Lando said.
That had her looking up at him, a confused smile on her lips.
“In the media pen, Max almost punched a reporter that wouldn’t stop asking about you.”
A laugh bubbled out of Sadie. Max Verstappen? Protecting the young woman who had ego-checked him at Albert Park?
“I’m serious!” Lando insisted, but his smile was widening. “The guy asked every driver, but Lewis and Max had already told everyone to say nothing. The reporter was so frustrated at getting ‘no comment’ from every driver. Max’s interview was second or third last and the reporter asked something so out of pocket. If you find the interview you can see Max trying not to hit the guy.”
Sadie laughed again, and she caught Lando grinning in her peripheral vision.
“I did make him swear on his championship,” she commented it.
“What?” It was obvious that detail was also new to Lando.
“After the incident, while we were still at the track, I made Lewis promise to hide me from the media. Max visited my hotel room a few days later, and I made him swear the same thing.”
“On his championship?” Lando was trying to hold back a laugh.
“Yeah.” Sadie couldn’t hold back her own.
They laughed for a few minutes at the absurd notion of Max swearing anything on his championship.
“Jesus,” Lando sighed. “That makes so much more sense now.”
“What does?”
“I tried to find you, after a month. Fuck, I even tried to rope half the grid into helping me find you, but Lewis and Max always shut it down. They never told my why, but I guess that’s it.”
“I’m not going to apologise for trying to protect myself.”
“You’re good at protecting,” he said.
It wasn’t the most random comment he’d made that night but it was the one that stuck out the most.
Sadie didn’t know how to reply.
She didn’t have a chance to think about it when she saw a shadowy figure moving toward the car.
“Lando, get out of sight,” she warned.
He was too shocked by the immediate change in demeanour and topic.
“Just- oh. Nevermind.”
As the figure came closer, they stepped into the lamplight and Sadie recognised Oscar Piastri.
“It’s Piastri,” she breathed.
Lando wound down his window and waved.
Oscar leant down, rested both arms across the opened window and glanced between them.
“Hey, how are you?” He began.
“Could be better,” Sadie quipped with a joking smile.
“I’m trying to convince her to stay,” Lando explained.
Oscar raised an eyebrow. “Stay the night or-“
“No, Oscar!” Lando laughed and Sadie couldn’t help but like sound.
“He means in your lives. But I can’t.”
Oscar tilted his head sideways quizzically and some of his hair fell into his eyes. “Can’t or won’t.”
“You make it sound like you don’t have a choice,” he observed.
“She does,” Lando said at the same time as Sadie’s “I don’t.”
“Lando, I-“
“No, Sadie you do have a choice. Not every part of our lives is public.”
“I’m still very confused,” Oscar added.
Sadie’s patience slipped again. “Piastri, I fucked with some dangerous people, and I can’t let them find me. Lando, you don’t have a private life. If you’re not doing Formula One, you’re doing Quadrant; if you’re not doing Quadrant, you’re partying with Martin Garrix; and if you’re not partying, you’re posting something on Instagram. You live an incredibly public life, and that’s okay, but I can’t join that in any regard.”
Lando looked at her with stunned silence. Oscar was watching her with a very concerned expression. She pointed at him with an intense stare.
"You might think your life is fairly private, but when you post on social media everyone nit-pics at it because of how rare your posts are. And every sighting of you is scrutinised.”
A smile quirked at the corner of his mouth but he didn’t say anything.
Sadie pulled in a deep breath and pulled on another mask from the drawer.
“I’m sorry, to both of you, but I’m going to vanish again. I have to.”
“Are you in witness protection?” Oscar asked.
Sadie nodded with a frown. He’d put it together fast.
“When’s the court date?” Oscar’s deep brown were intensely focused on her.
“Wednesday, next week. I will be testifying anonymously.”
“So even if they have gang members who aren’t convicted, they won’t know it was you.” Lando pressed, catching onto Oscar’s train.
“Gang members?” Oscar’s went up an octave.
Sadie waved off the question and focused on Lando. “I see where this is going.”
“Then you can see why I’m right.” His eyes were set on hers, a hand set on the handbrake between them.
Sadie sighed and closed her eyes.
“All of the members who saw my face will be going on trial. A few of them have been convicted already.”
“So after next week, you won’t be in witness protection anymore.” Lando pressed.
“That will depend on whether they’re all convicted and how long their jail time is.”
As Sadie spoke, Oscar pulled out his wallet and an old receipt. He pulled a random marker from another pocket and wrote something on the back before handing them both to Lando. He took this hint and wrote something as well.
When he handed it to her, Sadie noted both their phone numbers and tiny signatures at the end of them.
“Text when the trial is over. Just a yes or no. A yes doesn’t mean that you’re going to to be thrust into the spot light. It’s a maybe.” Oscar said, running a hand through his brown hair.
“It’s a maybe I could thank you properly." Lando added. "A random dinner or a paddock pass to which ever race you want.”
That brought a small smile to Sadie’s face.
“Everyone at McLaren would want to thank you,” Oscar added, but there was a tightness to his jaw Sadie hadn’t noticed until then.
She caved.
“Alright maybe,” she said. “I’ll keep this but I'm not promising you anything.”
Oscar's soft smile said that's enough, but Lando's slight frown meant he wasn't ready to give up. Oscar noted it.
"Lando," he interrupted whatever the older driver was thinking. "Mum made chocolate cake while you were out and wants you to try it."
"She knows about our diets right?"
"She'll insist until you fly out."
Lando sighed with an amused smile and opened his door.
"I'm not going to say thank you, not yet. I'm not even going to say goodbye."
"It might be your only chance," Sadie reminded him.
Lando shook his head as he stood, brown curls waving in the small breeze. Oscar pushed his door shut gently and ducked his head back through the window.
They watched Lando walk away, oblivious to the fact Oscar wasn't on his heals.
"I saw it happen, at Silverstone," Oscar murmured. "I saw you make the choice."
"I didn't choose. I reacted. There was no choice, or thought process, or thoughts at all, actually. It was just an action."
"An action we're all grateful for, but-" His voice dropped, as if Lando would hear him if he was any louder. "- I want to thank you for making that choice, or doing that action, whatever."
"Stop," Sadie demanded. "Stop, Piastri."
He did. The first one to stop the first time she asked.
She pulled in a deep breathe and calmly explained, "I did what I did. It happened. I know you're all grateful, but it has to stay at that. This is not a movie, where a chance meeting leads to years of friendship."
"I wouldn't call being hospitalised for being a human shield, a chance encounter," Oscar noted dryly.
"You get my point," she replied.
"I do, and I think I understand." He stepped away from the car. "You have our numbers. Call us and we will be there."
Sadie smiled slightly but didn't give him any hope.
"Go, before Lando comes back out."
"It was good to meet you, Piastri."
"Good luck, Sadie."
With that, the handbrake was off, car in gear and she was gone.
I know y'all loved the Max/Sadie dynamic in chapters 1 and 2 so how about some more Max content next chapter? ;)
Taglist; @snubug
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suugarbabe · 9 months
made for loving you | r.l. x reader
an: It's my birthday! & I had this cute little bitty one shot idea that I wanted to do about reader x remus after I heard the song I Was Made for Loving You by Kiss so I had to write it immediately. This is my first time writing marauders era so please be gentle
Warnings: mentions of drinking
word count: ~1.3k
It had been a few years since you had seen everyone, at least all together like you were going to tonight. The years after Hogwarts were very generous to you, and you couldn’t say you were mad about it. You gave another twirl in front of Lily and Marlene, the two coming over to help you pick out your outfit. You had settled on a black plaid skirt paired with a black form fitting turtleneck. The November air in London never being forgiving. 
“You look stunning, truly, y/n/n,” Lily was hyping you up but you couldn’t help the nerves that were bubbling inside. 
“You don’t think it’s too much for a pub?” Doubt written on your face. 
Marlene rolled her eyes, “It’s Sirius’s birthday. You could never wear an outfit that was ‘too much’ when celebrating that man. He’s probably going to go all out himself.” 
You laughed with her and Lilly as you pulled on some black sheer tights and slipped on your boots, “Well you would know best, wouldn’t you Mar?” You gave her a wink. 
Marlene couldn’t contain her smile, “I would know best, thank you very much. You would know more if you came around more often! I feel like we haven’t properly seen you in forever.” 
You pouted slightly, “I know, I’m so sorry. I’ve just been…adjusting to life after Hogwarts. Who’s all gonna be there tonight anyway?” You did you best to sound as nonchalant as possible, forgetting that the two girls in front of you had been your best friends for seven straight years. 
Lily wore a cheeky grin as she answered, “Oh just the old gang, me, Mar, Sirius obviously, James, Frank, Alice and…Remus.” Lily put a little extra emphasis on the last name and your body reacts before you could control it, cheeks flushing a bright red. 
You hum in response, “Oh, cool, perfect. That’ll be exciting to see everyone.” Marlene and Lily exchanged a look, causing you to shift on your feet, “What?”
Marlene rolled her eyes, “Oh nothing, just you trying to act like you’re not still infatuated with Moony boy.” Lily was giggling next to her as you pouted, crossing your arms. 
“Oh come on, y/n/n,” Lily whined, grabbing your hands, “You two have been pining after each other since literally forever, and now you look like a bloody goddess and he’s going to be there, and you know he’ll be too shy to say anything Merlin forbid do anything.” 
You shook your head, opening the door to your flat as the others followed you down the street towards the pub, “I mean yes I had a crush on him but he did not have a crush on me.” 
Marlene and Lilly both groaned. “We’re gonna get a few drinks in you and then you’re going to make a move and see how right we are,” Marlene hooked her arm through your elbow. 
“Yes and I’ll make sure James gets a couple into Remus so maybe he won’t be quite as shy,” Lily smiled, hooking her arm on your other side. 
You made a mental note to have a conversation with both of your friends about what the phrase “few” meant because multiple shots and mixed drinks were far more than a few. The boys were late, which was no surprise, but you were not wanting to be completely drunk before they got here. But presently you didn’t have it in you to be too upset as one of your favorite songs came on and you were dragging your two friends to the small dance floor in the pub. 
You could feel the guitar and drums in your veins as your hips swayed to the beat, you were having a lot more fun than you anticipated for tonight. You danced and sang the lyrics out loud with Marlene and Lily before one of them grabbed your shoulders and forced you to turn around. 
Your eyes locked onto a head of soft brown hair like you were tied to him. As they got their drinks the three boys started walking towards your group. James and Sirius went straight into dancing as Remus, of course, walked smoothly over. 
Maybe it was the amount of alcohol you had, or maybe it was Marlene and Lily’s voice in the back of your head but you had a sudden surge of confidence, pointing your finger right at Remus as you sang the next chorus to the song. 
“I was made for lovin’ you, baby. You were made for lovin’ me” 
Remus wore a shy smile, pointing to himself and cocking his head slightly. You nodded your head, wrapping your free hand that wasn’t holding your drink around his neck and singing the next line.
“And I can’t get enough of you baby. Can you get enough of me?” 
Remus’s free hand found your hip, starting to sway with you for the remainder of the song. You assumed he had had some drinks at home with his friends before coming here. Partly because of the confidence he seemed to be having with you being so forward, and partly due to his seemingly relaxed state in his eyes. 
Over his shoulder you spotted James and Lily, the latter of which sent you a thumbs up before making a shooing motion with her hand. You raised an eyebrow at her and she tilted her head towards the back of the pub. You turned slightly, seeing the back hallway she was motioning to. 
“You okay?” Remus had leaned down to whisper in your ear. Goosebumps raised on your neck and you prayed he couldn’t tell. You looked up at him through your lashes, his honey eyes filled with adoration. 
You grabbed hold of his hand, lacing his fingers with yours and dragging him to the back of the pub. The hallway was only slightly quieter but it was dimmer and just the two of you. You pulled him with you to this space with such force that you nearly slammed your back into the wall with a grip on his jumper. 
Remus stables himself with a hand on the wall behind you. He’s towering over you, looking at you like no one’s ever looked at you before. You barely see his lips tilt into a smile, about to part and say something to you. However before he can get a word out you have another surge of confidence and pull him towards you, pressing your lips together. 
He takes no time to respond, your mouths melding together. His lips on yours was a feeling you never wanted to go without again, you had essentially ruined yourself from being able to kiss anyone else in the future. His free hand found your waist, digging his fingers into the soft flesh as he took a step closer to you, deepening the kiss and pressing his body against yours. 
Your fingers are laced in the hair at the base of his neck and when he pushed close to you, you can’t stop yourself from tugging lightly on the strands in your hand. Remus nearly whimpers into your mouth at the action and you swore your knees were going to give out right there. When he finally pulls away you’re both breathless. His forehead is rested against yours and your chests are heaving. 
“Wow,” Remus was the first one to break the silence you two were holding, “I am so incredibly stupid.” Your eyes shot up to meet his, fearful that he regrets what just happened. He can see the apprehension in your face and only smiles at you, cupping your cheek and running his thumb along your lips, “I am so incredibly stupid to have been too shy to do anything like that sooner.” 
You let out a breath you weren’t even aware you were holding before pulling Remus face back to yours, connecting your lips once more.  So enthralled with each other you didn’t notice your group of friends coming down the hall until Sirius opened his big mouth, “Uhm, hello? It’s my birthday, why the hell is no one snogging me like that?” Yours and Remus' response was a simple middle finger thrown his way, not even pulling your faces apart in the process.
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Lip Service
So i dont 100% know how it starts. I just know that eddie uses the phrase "lip service" maybe he and the gang of teens are at nancys house, hanging in the basement while the kids are at school, robin and steve both had a day off, which never happens. They're talking about who knows what, eddie lounged out on the floor, his feet resting on the couch. Probably next to steve who's sitting on the couch like a normal person. Eddie keeps gently kicking his shoudler, pressing his toes behind steve when his feet get cold.
And steve keeps shoving him away, but not too far, and he always lets eddie keep his toes there for a minute before he shoves at them. And maybe nancy has said something about eddie getting sponsors for the band, and he snorts, says something about how he'd be terrible at promoting a sponsor, that he's no good at lip service. And Steve's goddamn traitorous mouth says,
"i doubt that" with a snort as he wraps his fingers around Eddie's ankle and pushes his foot away. Only he doesnt get to push the foot away, because he freezes, eddie coughs, chokes really, and he's up on his elbows, looking at steve, his eyes HUGE. and he almost winces with how hard Steve's fingers clench into the skin of his ankle. Eddie opens his mouth to say something, maybe ease some of the fucking tension thats now filling the basement, because everyone is staring at steve. But steve is up off the couch before he can manage one word.
He's up the stairs before eddie manages to get himself right side up, and on his feet again. And by the time eddie is outside, jogging down the stairs of the wheelers porch, Steve's BMW is already speeding away. And Eddie's chest ACHES. because he knows he could catch him. Eddie's not the safest driver. Or the slowest.
But his chest is also aching because of the look that had been on Steve's face. It wasn't fear, eddie had seen him afraid. It was down right horror. And Eddie's chest was aching because he didnt know if the horror was because he'd meant what he said, and had been thinking about eddie as much eddie had been thinking about him. Or if he'd been horrified that he'd implied he might have had any thoughts like that about eddie at all.
So eddie watches his car disappear, breathing heavily from just the run up the stairs. He's still trying to catch his breath when robin steps up next to him.
"What happened? What's wrong?" She asked, noting the frown on Eddie's face. He sucks in a deep breath, fights off a cough and just says,
"im alarmingly out of shape Robs" he rests his hands on his head as she chuckles lightly, her hand on his back as they go back inside. She doesn't say anything else to eddie. And he doesn't ask. But she keeps looking at him. And it just makes his brain work harder, faster, makes his palms sweat.
Its been three days and eddie hasn't seen Steve once. Not at the video store. Not at the wheelers. Not even at school to pick up the little nuggets. He'd seen his tail lights friday afternoon, dustin waving out the window at eddie as they drove away.
He bounces on his heels as he stands outside Steve's door. Not sure he should be here. Who was he kidding, steve was avoiding him, of course he shouldnt be here. But steve wouldn't answer his phone either, and robin was no help. Just told eddie to give him time. But Eddie's brain had been running wild for three fucking days and he was about to crawl out of his skin. So he bounces in place a few more times. Then knocks on the door. He presses the door bell too, for good measure. Knows Steve's hearing isnt the best. He hears foot steps and hastily puts his hand over the peep hole. He hears a muttered,
"what the hell?" Before the door swings open, revealing a frowning steve. The frown does a strange sort of summersault on Steve's face. Briefly jumping into a sort of soft smile before he realized it was eddie and then he's frowning again. And Eddie's stomach sinks. Not happy to see him then. Great. Good start.
"Hey." Is all eddie says. Steve wobbles from foot to foot, not opening the door any further.
"Hey?" He says. A question. Sounding for all the world like he has no idea what eddie is even doing at his house. Like they havent seen each other almost every day since eddie got out of the hospital. It throws eddie off. Tilts everything. Makes him stumble. He'd had a PLAN.
"I um... i thought we should talk. Maybe? About the other day?" He tries, says it gently.
"I'm gonna pass on that. Thanks though." Is all steve says, in a rush, and then he closes the door in Eddie's face.
"Hey!" Eddie squawks.
And steve smiles, despite himself, at the indignation in Eddie's voice, resting his back agaisnt the door, dropping his head lightly against the expensive wood.
"Steve! Seriously!?" Eddie bangs on the door, it shakes beneath Steve's shoulder blades but he doesn't move.
Eddie huffs, leans forward until his head is resting against the wood, he flattens his palm on the door.
"Listen. Steve. I'm gonna... im gonna say something. Something i would never say. Not to your face. Or your... door. Hell, not even in your general vicinity. I wouldn't even say it if someone tossed me in a rocket and launched me into space. Not that anyone could hear me up there anyway cuz space is a vacuum so it would be-
"Right. Yeah. Sorry. Distracted." He lowers his voice, to a near whisper.
"What i was getting at is that... I've been- can you hear me?" He gets no response.
"Knock twice if you can here me. You don't have to talk. I just want you to hear me." Eddie waits. And waits. And then two soft knocks reach his ears.
"Okay cool. Good." He clears his throat, rolls his shoulders, and tries again.
"I just wanted you know that... i can't stop thinking about kissing you. And it has nothing to do with what you said 3 days ago. This was an issue I've been having since... doesn't matter. Its been awhile." He waves his hand next to his head, dismissive though steve cant see him.
"But then you said that. and you know how i am dude, my brain just goes and goes. And i know you've been avoiding me, and thats... fine. I guess. Unless it's... i mean unless you..." he frowns, shakes his head.
"I dont know. I just thought we could talk? In case maybe... you've been like... feeling things?" He grimaces. He really should have just brought the shit he'd written down, it'd be so much easier. He sighs, runs his hands over his face. Does a little spin and groan combo before facing the door again.
"Look i just cant stop thinking about what you said. And i wanted you to know that like.. it didn't bother me, or freak me out or anything. I just... i dont know man." He sighs again, drops his head heavily into the door before backing away a bit.
"Look man you're being awfully quiet, and clearly don't wanna talk to me. So im gonna go." He takes a step down the porch, still facing the door, his chest tight with hope that steve will answer it.
"I just needed you to know that i think about you sometimes." He laughs, shakes his head.
"All the time. Just, all the fucking time now. But i uh... I'll see you around... i guess?" He mutters the last words, his heart sinking as he makes it to the bottom of the steps with no movement from the door. He sighs, shoulders dropping as he scuffs his feet all the way back to his van. He yanks the door open, the metal creaking. And then
"Eddie!" He turns, Steve's standing on the porch,  his arms wrapped around his middle, eyes big and sad as he looks at eddie. Eddie stops, his hand still on the door of his van, standing wide open. He watches steve swallow. Swears he can hear it from all the way in the driveway.
"Dont go?" Its quiet, almost a whisper, and steve is all but fucking begging. Eddie stares for a moment and then slams his van door shut. He starts back toward the house. Watches steve turn and walk back inside before he gets to the porch. Steve steps aside, holds the door open for eddie and lets him pass. Eddie steps inside, watches steve close the door. Lock it. But he doesnt step away. His hand is still on the door handle. His head resting against the door as he breathes deeply. Eddie takes one small step toward him. Knows steve didnt see it, his eyes are closed.
"You okay?" Eddie asks, moving closer still. Steve scrunches his eyes closed harder. Shakes his head.
"I don't know what im doing." He says, eddie leans to the side, sees his lip caught between his teeth. He reaches out, his hand touching Steve's shoulder, he moves closer, nearly pressing himself to Steve's side, and smiles when steve sighs into the touch.
"That's okay." Eddie says, moving his hand across Steve's shoulders, soothing him. Steve shakes his head again and then moves, he turns, placing his back agaisnt the door, his hand moves to Eddie's hip, one finger dipping through Eddie's belt loop to tug him closer, eddie stumbles into steve and huffs a laugh.
"I mean it. I don't know what I'm doing with you. I've never... done this... with a guy before." He breathes.
"Girls i know. I know how to do that. But not this." He moves his free hand between himself and eddie, in the small space thats there. Eddie swallows, hard.
"I uh... i could be a girl. If you want." He winks, and it makes steve laugh, makes him tug on his jeans again, bump their hips together, but he shakes his head, smile fading, looking at eddie seriously.
"I don't want you to be girl. I just want you to be you." He says, and eddie thinks he might fucking cry. And Steve's eyes look shiny too. So eddie moves, his hands moving to hold onto Steve's arms.
"If it helps? I uh... I've never really... done anything... with guys either. Or- or girls. So just... nothing really. Over here on my end." He huffs a sort of sarcastic self depreciating laugh, and looks down, away from steve, his cheeks hot with his admission.
"I mean I've wanted too. Ya know? With guys. I mean i knew i was into guys. Not girls really so much. I mean they're beautiful, just... i never wanted them the way i did with guys. Never wanted them the way i- the way i want you." He whispers the end of it. Scared maybe he shouldn't have it said it that way, that maybe steve wasn't saying the same thing.
"Really?" Is all he gets from steve, making him look up.
"You've never- done anything?" Steve asks, his free hand moving to Eddie's side, the fingers curled in Eddie's belt loop move, cup his hip gently, Steve's thumb moves slowly against Eddie's shirt. Eddie takes a shaking breath, shakes his head just enough that his bangs wobble against his forehead.
"Nope. Just a big ol virgin. I mean i kissed Cathey Bartlet once in third grade but it was kinda gross and i didn't really want too. And she didn't really ask me. She just sort of... shovered her mouth on mine. Sort of a bummer of a first and only kiss really." He knows he's saying too much, but his mouth wont stop, never does. But steve is smiling soflty at him so he thinks maybe its okay.
"So yeah. Maybe you've never done anything with a guy, but... at least you've done things. Lightyears ahead of me. On all accounts, probably. I mean... i read things but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count. Having an active inner fantasy life doesn't count either I'm guessing." Eddie smiles awkwardly, his fingers trembling where they're holding Steve's arms. Steve nods at him, his fingers still moving gently over Eddie's shirt.
"That's not a bad thing. You know that right?" Steve asks. One hand moving up Eddie’s arm. Eddie shrugs.
"No hey, i mean it. It's okay that you haven't done stuff. I- um..." steve flushes, a deep red, and oh... eddie likes that, he sways forward, closer to steve.
"You what?" Eddie pushes, his hands moving to Steve's biceps, fingers pressing a little harder. Steve shakes his head, eyes avoiding eddie now.
"Tell me." Eddie moves his hand, his fingertips moving to Steve's chin, lifting his head so he can see his eyes.
"Please?" Eddie asks. Begs. And he watches steve nearly melt. He licks his lips, eyes locking on Eddie's.
"I just- i like the idea that I'll be the only person who's touched you." He looks away quickly after the words leave his mouth. But he doesn't stop there.
"I like the idea of learning how to do this with you. But mostly its the first thing." He scrunches his nose and looks back to eddie.
Eddie is smiing, his cheeks flushed. And then he fucking honest to god giggles. And fucking falls against steve. Steve just wraps his arms around eddie, instinctively pulling him closer.
"Why are you laughing?" But steve's laughing now too, can't help it. Eddie's laugh has always been so fucking contagious. Eddie shakes his head, stops laughing, moves, just a little, moves his nose up Steve's throat, his hands on Steve's hips, pushes him back into the door a bit and he says
"Steve harrington. You have a fucking virgin kink. Or should i say, your kink is fucking virgins?" Eddie's breath on his neck makes him shiver, at least thats what he tells himself. Eddie pulls back, stays close, looks into Steve's eyes.
"Dont you?" He asks, his fingers giving steve a squeeze. Steve squirms and shoves his hands up the back of Eddie's shirt, his warm palms moving against eddie skin, pulling him close. Eddie fucking melts into steve, a little whine leaving his throat.
"Maybe i do. Sounds like you might be a little touched starved princess." Steve shoots back, sounding satisfied, and the nickname goes right to Eddie's nerve endings, his whole body shaking. He's pretty sure his knees are about to buckle, but he can fucking feel steve holding him up, and that just makes it worse. He clings to Steve's shoulders and says the only come back he can think of it in his fuzzy headed haze.
"Princess. So you do want me to be a girl." He huffs into Steve's shoulder. Steve laughs then, his fingers pressing into Eddie's back before letting him go a little, so he can look at him.
"No. I still want you to be you." And he says it so earnestly. Eddie almost melts again, looking into his eyes, steve lifts a hand out of his shirt and tucks some hair behind Eddie's ear. Eddie licks his lips and frowns, wants to not sound too much like an idiot.
"So um... you wouldn't mind then..." he hesitates. Steve's eyes widen, waiting. Eddie grimaces a bit.
"Teaching me... how to do stuff?" He sounds insecure now. But the way steve softens makes him, not hate it. Steve shakes his head, moves his hand to Eddie's cheek.
"No. I wouldn't mind." His thumb moves over Eddie cheek bone and he leans into the touch like a cat.
"Good. Cuz i really wanna kiss you but I'm scared i might be bad at it." Eddie bites his lip, Steve moves his thumb down, sweeps over Eddie's lip until he lets it fall from his teeths grip.
"You'll do fine. I have faith in you." Steve breathes. Eddie's heart flutters.
"What if I'm bad at it? What if I'm like Cathey Bartlet?" Eddie asks, his hands clutching at Steve's shirt now. Steve shakes his head.
"No way. Not possible." Steve smiles, his eyes locked on Eddie's lips now. Eddie's clenched fists are shaking.
"You don't know. I could be terrible. Like kissing a wet mop or someth-"
"Eddie." Steve says his name softly, silencening him gently. Eddie gulps. Eyes widening.
"Can i kiss you?" Steve asks, eddie feels his breath ghost over his lips and his eyes flutter. Eddie nods, pressing his lips together nervously before releasing them again.
"Thank you for asking." Eddie says, smiling at steve as steve smiles at him, both of them moving to close to gap between them.
"Dont get used to it." Steve whispers, his lips brushing Eddie's and then he's kissing him. Soflty at first, letting eddie get used to the feeling. Eddie can feel him smiling against his lips, especially when eddie makes little noises. Steve breaks away, brushes his nose agaisnt Eddie's. Eddie nearly panting as steve practically holds him upright.
"Does that mean you're not gonna ask when you kiss me?" Eddie breathes, his forehead resting against Steve. Steve laughs into Eddie's mouth, kissing him soflty again and says
"Not always. You're mine now Munson. I can kiss you anytime i want." Eddie shivers as steve spins them, pushes Eddie gently against the door. He pulls back, his hands pressed to the door next to Eddie's head.
"That okay with you?" He asks, like he hadn't just fucking shaken eddie to his goddamn core. Eddie's hands scramble over Steve's shoulders, clutching and clawing at him, dragging him closer as he breathes
"Yes. Yeah. Totally good with it. Never stop kissing me." Eddie says, his eyes locked on Steve's mouth. Steve laughs, lets eddie pull him closer, desperately so, and kisses him again. And again. And again.
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brokenpieces-72 · 5 months
Task force 141! Gangster x Reader
Truth or Pain
This is part 3. Part 2
Leave a comment if you want to be tagged in future posts.
You’re hanging out with Soap again and he watches you work on a your newest piece. You enjoy moments like these. You feel like yourself, and like you aren’t forcing your part. Soap was impressed with your skill. You were very good with your hands, and your work was great demonstration.
“You want to try?” You offer Soap a brush.
“You think I can make somethin as good as you?” He asks taking up your offer.
“Try it.” You say. A small voice in the back of your head suggests getting him on vandalism but you ignore it. He takes the brush and adds a bit of colour to wall… in the form of a very crude doodle of himself.
You finally take a break with him, warming your hands on the hot cup of cocoa.
“So what exactly do you guys do? Like I’ve seen you guys work but… I don’t get it.” You say, breaking the silence.
Soap thinks for a moment before answering. “We do what needs to be done.”
When he looks at you to see your reaction he finds you silently asking for more details.
“The Los Voqueros sell medicines. Simple stuff that’s not easy to afford. Painkillers, allergy meds. Ya know Farah, woman that ‘elped ‘ide us when those cops tried to grab us? She’s a bit of a vigilante, keepin some big corporation from ruin’in her neighbourhood.
“The problems with the world canna be solved by cops and white collars. They don’a’ven want to. We do. We set the world right, and we ‘ven ave a little fun on the side.”
He gives you a soft elbow to the arm. You smile. But underneath there’s a few things going on you’re not telling him. He’s given you two statements. One that can be used on Farah Karim, for aiding two criminals. The other could start a hunt for the Los Voqueros and their shipments of drugs. It wasn’t what you had been sent to find but it was a start. You might actually be taken seriously at the precinct, people might actually start having faith in your abilities. But… Farah had shown you and a few others kindness and trust. Her neighbourhood was constantly being targeted for demolition and businesses. You knew how expensive medications and drugs could be, you had needed them before yourself. As you sat there continuing to sip your warm drink, you started to ask yourself if this was truly what you wanted to do. The cops were bringing down people who were just trying to help. Sure they clubbed and partied on the side but hell, who doesn’t take some personal time?
You decide to keep the information to yourself for now, after all, Graves would only ask for a report on Soap and Ghost. Farah and Alejandro weren’t the priority.
You think back to your father. He was trying to help too. But it got him killed. You couldn’t let a bunch of gangs run free just because they were trying to help. The man sitting next to you had killed people before. He beat up good cops, stole shipments of drugs, and made it difficult for businesses to expand and grow the economy.
The rest of the day goes by fairly casually. You don’t give Graves anything on Soap, because well, he hadn’t given you anything. Nothing you could prove. Graves is frustrated, but he’s honestly too tired to care and leaves soon after.
A few more weeks go by and try to keep tabs on everything you can. The Los Vaqueros approved of the artwork you came up with, and now they were deciding where they wanted it. Hopefully they would give you a chance to be alone to work on it and you could find more evidence. Soap had mentioned helping with recent shipments so maybe you could get something from there.
The location was an old and empty warehouse, practically deserted. Alejandro and Rudolfo went with you to the location to show you where they wanted it.
It was more like where they wanted you though. Next thing you know, Rudolfo has you pinned against the wall while Alejandro is yelling questions.
“What are you looking for?”
“The fuck are you talking about?!” You yell. Rudolfo holds you tighter by your jacket. “Why are you here? What the fuck you want?!” Alejandro is pissed, but you have to stay quiet. You can’t give them anything.
“For the fucking mural! You asked me to!” You choke out. Rudolfo is ordered to drop you and you hit the floor, coughing.
Alejandro is nowhere close to being done with you. A good man he may be, but with traitors? Few could tell you how that went.
You’re met with a boot against your ribs as a warning.
“Why are you really here… out with it.” He warns.
“I don’t kno-“ before you can finish you get the wind kicked out of you.
“You know damn well why you’re here…tell me now.” He orders. Rudolfo keeps an eye out while Alejandro continues interrogating you.
“What are you talking about?!” You manage after regaining some air. He holds up his phone and shows a photo of you… in uniform.
“What are you looking for?” He asks. There’s some lenience as he lets you get to your hands and knees. Alejandro helps you stand by grabbing you and pinning you to the wall again. You try to kick him off, your heart pounding in your chest and ears ringing in your head.
“Start talking!”
“I don’t know what you mean!”
“I know you’re a fucking cop!” He yells. “You’re undercover! I know you are, so start talking! Who else is undercover? What are you trying to find?!”
“Get off!” You yell back. At this point you’d have enough evidence for assault, but right now you were fighting to remain an assault victim.
“Not until you tell me who else is undercover with you.” Alejandro demands, you get punched in the gut making you cough. “Tell me and you walk away!”
“I…don’t…” another hit, this one to the face. There’s footsteps but you barely notice them. He grabs you by the jaw and gets close.
“Talk and I won’t tell Soap… you walk away and nothing happens…”
“…I’m a cop…” you admit. You were scared. You didn’t know how he knew. You weren’t supposed to say anything. When he brought up Soap though… Soap was the only one who seemed to put any trust in you. Losing that would hurt more than anything Alejandro could do to you.
“Where are your partners? Who are they?” Alejandro asks, his rage reducing a bit. Before you can answer though you hear a thick Scottish accent shouting and Alejandro pulled off of you.
You fall back to the ground and see Soap and Alejandro arguing with Rudolfo nearby trying to break them apart. You can barely make out what they’re saying, but eventually two hands grip your arms and help you to your feet just as Soap turns to you.
“Come on kid.” You hear a deep British voice say and you look to see Ghost is holding you, and lead you out of the warehouse while Soap follows not long after.
Ghost gets you to a car, telling you to get in the back which you do and you sit patiently for Soap to come along and sit in the passenger’s seat. They don’t say anything to you, just start driving.
As they get on the road Soap speaks up.
“Where we takin the cop?” He asks.
Your heart plummets when he says it. The way he says it tells you he’s pissed. With you.
“I’m taking Y/N to a hide out. The boss can deal with them.” Ghost said.
Soap looks back at you in the rear view and you look away. Not out the window, but more at the door. Your body was sore from Alejandro, and you were tired. You were too nervous to fall asleep.
When you get to the hideout, you sit up so Ghost can open the door. He jerks his head signalling for you to get out of the vehicle, and you do, keeping your head down. You can’t look at either of them.
Ghost leads you inside with Soap following behind you. He opens the door telling you to sit down, before stopping Soap from going inside and shuts the door.
“The fuck is this?” Soap asks annoyed.
“You’re emotional MacTavish.” Ghost tells him.
“Have fuckin right to be. We trusted ‘em and-“
“They were doing their job.” Ghost finishes the sentence.
“They used us.”
“You knew this was possible… like father like child.” Ghost reminds him. Soap is still pissed and kicks the ground hard in frustration. Ghost just folds his arms, and leans in front of the door frame letting Soap get his colourful Scottish phrases rattle off while tossing and kicking anything he could get his hands on.
You can hear them from outside and you consider running off, running away and not looking back. Soap and his men had given you a chance, a chance you had been waiting for. Soap was your friend, and he would defend you to no end. Any of his men tried to get handsy or get too drunk and go off he was beside you, jabbing back at them. He talked you up to Rudy and Al, assured Farah you were a good person, kept you close to his side… you start to wonder if it had all been for the case, or if you had done it because you felt like you were a part of something for once.
Ghost soon comes back inside, Soap is nowhere to be seen.
“You broken?” He asks. You fight your tears and shake your head.
“Take your jacket off and roll up your shirt.” He orders. You slowly stand and do as he says, showing a couple bruises. Ghost sighs and gets an ice pack from his freezer handing it to you along with a rag. You take it already knowing what to do, while he pulls up a chair and sits in front of you.
“What’s your name?” He asks.
“Y/n… y/n l/n.” You say shifting a little as you placed the ice pack to one of the bruises.
“…you’re a cop.” He says. You nod, despite the statement being rhetorical.
“Soap was aware that could be the case… given your father.” He says. You look at Ghost.
“We knew your dad. All of us, including the boss. Good man.” He said as if trying to end the discussion. You two sat in silence for a bit while you mulled over what he said. Your father was a cop, did he do the same thing? Go undercover? Did Graves know?
“Keep the pack.” Ghost says standing up. You follow him to the car and he takes you back to your apartment. Before you exit the car he gives you a piece of paper.
“Text this for a ride.” He says. You take it.
“Could you tel-“
“No.” He says. “Tell Soap yourself.”
You nod and leave the car and go inside to your apartment. It’s late, almost midnight and god knows how long Graves has been waiting.
You knock on your own door and Graves soon opens it. When you walk in you hardly pay him any mind as he’s demanding to know where you’ve been. He keeps asking even while you’re getting some painkillers for your soreness and now headache from Graves.
“Nothing happened.” You say.
“Somethin happene-“
“Nothing… got into a fight that was it.” You say.
“You start it?” He asks.
“Who did?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter sergeant, now start talking!”
“I don’t know anything!” You yell. Your whole body tensed as it felt like you were at the warehouse getting questioned again. You flinched when he got closer. You clenched your fists digging the nails into your palms.
“Sergeant this is getting ridiculous. I have half a mind to take you off this case.”
“Then do it…” you mutter. At this point you don’t care. You’re in pain and this case made everything you had started to care for fall apart. What had Graves honestly done except tell you, you weren’t ready and remind you of the expectations you had being your father’s kid? Soap knew your dad, and never once reminded you of living up to him.
“What?” Graves looks at you stunned.
“Do it. Take me off the case. It’s probably for the best.” You say shrugging. Graves looks at you pressing his lips together. He shook his head.
“Your fath-“
“I don’t give a fucking damn about my father or how I’m his disappointment of a kid okay? You’re right I’m a fucking joke being his kid.”
“I’ve given you a chance to prove yourself!” Graves argues.
“And what have I done? Nothing! I’m a glorified tagger that’s what you said right?! Fine! Then I’ll be one! You gonna arrest me then?” You’re staring him down now. He just looks back, hiding his surprise. If Graves was being honest, he was tempted to do so.
“…I’ll be back in the morning.” He says and leaves your apartment. As soon as the door closes your pain opens. You’re hurting, he can tell. Something happened that scared you and that’s all he sees. He doesn’t know what’s going on deeper. The act was working but on him. The act of joining a gang in order to get closer, but that wasn’t an act to you. Not anymore. You clean yourself up, apply ice to your bruises, and stare at your father’s badge. How much did he know? How much did any of them know? You keep asking questions the whole night.
Price is sitting at a booth in a restaurant going over some paperwork when Johnny strides over and sits in the booth across from him. Price finishes the sentence he was reading and looks up.
“You knew this could happen.” Price says calmly.
“Don’t fuckin remind me…” Soap grumbles.
“How is l/n?” Price asks. “Simon told me he sent her home.”
“He did… Alejandro got to her before I ever could.” Soap comments.
“Yeah well, from what you told me, she won’t be for long. She has my number and if she was talking cops would be knocking.”
“Now what?” Soap asks.
“We wait.” Price tells him.
Taglist : @H0n3y_L3m0n
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thefarminggoblin · 2 years
Cuddling with the Gotei 13, with visuals
I’ve been in a super soft mood lately so here are some soft headcanons for the captains and lieutenants of the Gotei 13.
This is a part 1.
In order, the to do list is:
- Lieutenants
- Seated officers
- Vizards
- Arrancar + defectors
- Karakura gang
No warnings. Just good ol’ fashioned fluff 🥰
🔥 Yamamoto
(platonic - are there any simps I should apologise to here?)
“Yes, what is-OH!” He’s surprised as you jump into his arms. He’s not sure if it’s appropriate for him to return the hug. If it’s a spontaneous friendly hug, he’d probably just pull away a little and ruffle your hair fondly or pat your shoulder, “While I appreciate the affection, I am not sure what it was you are seeking. However, you could be spending your time much more productively. Now, go and finish your duties.”
BUT! If you’re visibly upset over something he wouldn’t hesitate to give you a comforting bear hug. “There, there. Whatever is bothering you, you are strong enough to push through it. Until then, you have my ear.”
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🥷 Soi Fon
You wake up, unable to move. “Soi-chan?” No response. You try wriggling, but the more you struggle the more you become trapped, “Soi-chan, we need to get up.”
“Mmm… a few more minutes won’t kill anyone.”
“…you sound like Captain Urahara.”
You’ve never seen get out of bed so fast.
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💉 Unohana Retsu
Her sweet voice rouses you from sleep, “Good morning, my love.”
“Good morning, honey.”
She kisses your forehead. You move to leave, only to find yourself suddenly caged in underneath her, a twinkle of mischief in her eye.
“Shall we take advantage of these early hours?” Her voice has dropped a few octaves, and you find yourself unwilling to leave her embrace as she begins peppering kisses down your neck.
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🌸 Kuchiki Byakuya
You gaze into the beautiful slate grey eyes of your lover. His face is serene, his eyes half lidded and a tiny smile on his lips. You’re both still trying to catch your breath after your previous… activities. The tender expression on his face as he strokes your cheek ever so softly makes your heart ache. You adore him, and he adores you. You mirror his movements, hoping to convey the same emotion, brushing away some of the hair sticking to his damp forehead.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”
His eyes widen slightly, gasping so softly you swear you imagined it. “I mean it, ‘Kuya. You’re so beautiful it hurts.”
He takes your hand and kisses the palm, then your wrist. He shifts himself slightly to press a kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering on your brow.
“Beloved, it is you who are the beautiful one.”
You wriggle even closer to him, nestling your head under his chin as he draws you in. You fall asleep to the soft sounds of his soft breathing.
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🦊 Komamura Sajin
You treasure mornings like this. Mornings when it’s raining heavily, and the two of you are snuggled together. Gazing into each other’s eyes, stroking each other’s faces, tangled up in each other’s arms.
“Yes, dearest?”
“You know I love you right?”
“Of course I do-“
“In both forms.”
His eyes widen in disbelief.
“You don’t have to keep shifting for my sake. I know it takes a toll on you. Your appearance doesn’t change how I feel.”
His eyes tear up, but he can’t bear to expose you to his insecurities getting the better of him, so he buries his head in your chest and draws you to him.
His shoulders start shaking and you feel your heart break, “Oh sweetheart, no, it’s okay.”
“Are you certain you can love me in my other form?” His voice is muffled but you can hear it crack with emotion.
You cup his face and make him look at you, “It’s who you are. I wouldn’t change you for the world.”
He sighs and kisses your eyelids before gently pressing his lips to yours.
You grin, “And besides. You’re super cuddly either way, my love.”
Finally, he smiles, “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
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🍶 Kyoraku Shunsui
You’re suddenly tackled onto the bed, and Shunsui is merciless as he tickles your sides, “And just wheeeere do you think you’re going, hmm?”
You’re laughing so much you can’t breathe. “Sh-shuun- AHAHAHAA- st-stoooop-“
Brief, bristly kisses are placed up and down the column of your neck, “I will as soon as you tell me where you hid it.”
“I see.” He says gravely as he stops, sighing, “Tsk, I’ll have to resort to some other tactics then.”
“I-I s-s-suurrende-AHH SHUNSTOPPIT!!” He’s tickling again, this time blowing raspberries into your skin. “I GIVE UUUUP.”
He stops and pulls you onto his chest, pressing kisses against your scalp as he runs his hands up and down your back soothingly. He sighs as he runs his fingers through your hair, wishing the moment could last longer. But he had to leave before his lieutenant scolded him for his tardiness.
“So, a deal’s a deal. Where’d you put my hat, petal?”
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❄️ Hitsugaya Toshiro
You’ve caught him napping on his office couch again. A flash of annoyance runs through you; judging by the dark circles under his eyes, you can guess that he’s been pulling long hours, trying to pick up his lieutenant’s slack again. He’s likely spent the night in his office.
He needs real sleep. You try to gently rouse him, stroking his hair and face gently and calling his name.
“Mmm… whaaaa?” He eventually opens his eyes, blinking rapidly. They’re bloodshot from eye strain. You take his hand and give a little tug.
“Come on, honey. You need to get some sleep in a real bed. It’ll be more comfortable.” You make to pull him up again, but tugs right back, and you fall back onto the couch with a yelp.
Before you can protest, he readjusts the both of you, encompassing you in his arms and pressing a few kisses on your face. It’s surprisingly comfortable. He sighs, nuzzling his face against yours.
“I’ve got all the comfort I require right here.”
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🗡 Zaraki Kenpachi
You knew better than to ambush Kenpachi while he was doing his hair, but getting payback for him bumping your arm - on purpose - while you were doing your make up yesterday was far too tempting.
However, now you found yourself in the middle of the most intense pillow fight of your life. You’d managed to get to the bedroom faster than him, getting in 2 decent shots before you were unarmed.
In hindsight: this was a TERRIBLE idea.
“You’ve done it now, kid.” His face lights up with glee as he snatches the 2 offending objects from the floor and lobs them at you, which lands you flat on your back on the bed.
You manage to grab one and throw it back, but he catches it single handedly. He springs onto the bed, straddling you, the pillow raised above his head as he grins maniacally.
“Any last words?”
You did the only thing you could think of: spring up and throw your arms around his waist, putting on your best puppy dog eyes.
“Truce.” The pillow was thrown to the side, and suddenly you were laying on his chest, his strong arms wrapped around your waist. “I win, though.”
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🧪 Kurotsuchi Mayuri
In the blink of an eye, the book you’re reading is ripped from your grasp and thrown across the room. A split second later the air leaves your lungs as your lover’s head lands on your chest, his body crushing yours.
“‘yuri, can’t… breathe…”
“Mmmph.” He grunts, shifting his body so you’re not completely smothered and you take a deep breath. He huffs, burying his face in your chest.
“Bad day?”
“Failed experiment?”
“Poor dear.”
“Oh. Head rubs. Gotcha.”
He’s asleep in minutes, snoring softly. He may conduct countless experiments on himself to improve his stamina, but he’ll never be a robot.
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🍵 Ukitake Jushiro
Jushiro places a soft kiss on your lips as you slowly open your eyes, “Good morning, sweetheart. Sleep well?”
His soft smile is almost blinding, “Mmm, how long have you been awake?”
“Not very long.” He smirks, mischief suddenly gleaming in his eyes, “You had quite the look on your face.”
“…I was dreaming.”
“Oh, was it an interesting dream?”
You smirk back at him, you fingers tap dancing on his chest, “…possibly.”
He chuckles, “I see. Then, shall we make your dream a reality?”
You’re suddenly pinned underneath him, laughing as he peppers your face with kisses. It quickly becomes heated, all deep kisses and roaming hands and-
“You wrecked it, monkey brains!”
“No, YOU wrecked it, booger breath!”
-aaaand there they are. You huff, the moment ruined. Jushiro rolls off you, a frustrated groan leaving him as he pulls the sheets over his head.
“I’m not here.”
You join him. “Neither am I.”
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skz-streamer · 6 months
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Simptober Romance Tropes M-list
Pairing: Changbin (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, maybe suggestive idk just one mention of it (not rlly)
Notes: I wanted this to be a little open ended but I think its still cute :)
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately face claims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
You and your brother were inseparable
ever since childhood you two caused mischief
as the two of you grew older it was nice that you didn't really grow apart
obvi the two of you had your own separate life but it was nice to still be in good contact with him
for the summer you decided to stay over at his place
spend some quality time
you had a few friends who lived in that area too so you wouldn't necessarily be just w him
when you reached his house he showed you to your room, good he had a big apartment
a few hours later he invited a few friends over
he had told you about this and asked if you wanted in to invite yours but you said that you would probably be jet lagged so it was okay
you just wanted to stay in your room and chill
he promised that him and his friends wouldnt be too loud
you heard when they came over
it was hard to not hear them
your brother, Minho had a whole gang of crazy people as a friend group
you had briefly met some of them before, Han, and Jeongin you believe
but it sounded like a lot more then 2 people walking through that door
you had hoped to ignore the commotion and just stay in your room but a some point you developed a slight headache
you hopped in the shower but it didn't help
you decided to ask Minho for some meds
You threw on the hoodie you were wearing from earlier, to lazy to unpack.
you slipped on some underwear and headed outside your room
pulling your hoodie down your your hands while walking out
you felt all eyes on you as you closed your door behind you
Minho excused himself and asked if anything was wrong, he was so sweet at times
You said that you had a slight headache and just wanted some meds for it
he pointed out the meds cabinet and told you to just text him in you needed anything else, with that he squeezed your arms and plonked himself back on the couch
"my sister' he said
Jeongin and Han nodded to each other, they had seen you before
you smiled at his friends and introduced yourself
you wanted to wave but you felt that it was the safest to just keep pulling your hoodie down
walking around the island to the cabinet you thought about one of his friends
he looked so good
you wondered what his name was
he was wearing black hoodie, he had black glasses and had cute curly hair
and he was so fittttt gosh you wish you could just take a bite out of his muscles
you told yourself to just get the meds and get out
you grabbed the bottle of Tylenol and filled a glass of water
you swallowed the pill and waddled your way back into your room
your eyes once again stopping on the mystery man sitting next to your brother
Changbin watched as your eyes scanned the room and stopped on his, you had a brief moment of eye contact with him before going back into your room
he smiled to himself a little
you were cute
he felt chan nudge him
"you like her right??...ooooo you have a crushhh"
"shut up" changbin replied
Minho gave Changbin a look
He had talked about his sister, all his friends knew he was hellaaa over protective around you
He only showed his soft side with you, and that said alot
Minhos phone chimed and he picked it up immediately
You texted him asking if he could bring you a hair dryer, Minho told Chan to go run to his room and give you one but Chan protested and told Changbin to go smirking at him in the processs
Minho texted back, gotchu :) Changbin will give you one
Thanks you replied back
Changbin rolled his eyes at chan but when he walked away he was smiling to himself
he quickly grabbed the blowdryer, he had stayed at Minhos place before so he knew where it was
He knocked on your door
"come in!" you yelled
you hated sleeping with wet hair, it was a. gross feeling for you
Changbin pushed open the door and saw you standing in the bathroom
By now you had pulled a few random clothing items from your bag so you threw on a random shirt and some shorts
Changbin introduced yourself and you blushed
this was your guyyyy
You grabbed the hairdryer from him and thanked him
Before he left you asked if he could dry the back of your hair
you could never dry it so you always asked your roommate
Changbin seemed a little shocked but he grabbed the blower while you flipped our head over
He guided his fingers through your hair, making sure to the section properly
you felt tingles every time his fingers would brush against your neck
as he handed the blowdryer back to you you thanked him once again
"thank you I appreciate it!"
"oh! no problem" he shyly chuckled
"Hey umm, your pretty cute...can I get your number?" you couldn't believe you actually said that
dating your brothers best friend was a new low for you
You hoped he would say yes, otherwise it might be a little awkward whenever you see him
"oh uh yea! I actually was admiring you too :)" he giggled back
you felt like you were floating
he really said yes!
The two of you exchanged numbers while giggling and Changbin walked out of your room
"you were in there for a while" Minho said
"yea she wanted help drying the back of her hair"
"oh yea, she could never dry that section" Minho mumbled to himself
With that Changbin sat himself down on the couch and smiled at the new contact in his phone.
Would literally pass away the moment you give/call him by a nickname
Literally the cuddle king, he would just wrap your whole body and squeeze you
just a big baby at timess
imagine your pouting at him an the just pouts back, awhhh he would so just match your energy
Obvi when he convinces you to go to the gym with him he literally starts running laps around the house
would literally SPOIL YOU>
like shopping sprees are insane, and he dosnt care about the money
if its for you, he'lll get anything ;)
@anny-bah@eee5533@mixtape-racha@weedforthoughtz@ren0325@felixvsp@hwangrimi @sanriiolino @painstakingly-juno@herarcadewasteland@dabiscrustyfeet@kai-jilee@sungiesoonie@slvtty4channiee@revelaffee@buckys-pillow, @staygirl86 @chlodavids@jinnie-ret@bbygrlhannie@rebecca-johnson-28 @turtledove824@interstellarairwaves@yearofthetiger25@minhos4thkitty@fiqire@kpopmenace143@liknws@tinyelfperson@aaasia111@yangbbokari@hafsah-ali@sleepyleeji@skzhoes@yamaguchiwestad@leonswifesstuff@nappynapnaps
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smartycvnt · 9 months
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Title: Overkill Pairing: Red Hood x Reader Prompt: 12. "Whoa, who said you could bring a gun to the fist fight?" NR WC: 708
Jason was fuming as he sat back hidden and out of sight. Y/n had no idea what kind of men she was dealing with. The young woman was new to Gotham City, and while there was a good deal of crime in St. Louis, it wasn't Gotham City. Y/n had only been in Gotham for a few months, but she was already dipping her toes into the gang wars. Jason loved her, even if they only saw each other at night. He would chase her across every rooftop in the city if he had to in order to make sure that she was safe. She had told him what she was doing tonight, who she was meeting with, and what they were supposed to get done. Jason didn't know much about them in all honesty because it was a low level gang, but he had cleaned up the aftermath of a few of their "meetings" before.
"I hear you've gotten yourself a shadow. How do I know that Red Hood isn't waiting to ambush us with the rest of the costumed freaks?" Y/n laughed at the man's question. Jason being around would always be a possibility, but Y/n had made him promise to stay at least half a block away. Whether or not he actually did that was out of her control.
"You can't. Just like I can't count on you coming unarmed like you promised," Y/n pointed out. The man in the suit turned towards the two guys behind him and nodded. They took a couple steps back, which Y/n knew meant that if she didn't do what their boss wanted, she'd become their new target. "At least I tried to keep my end of the deal up."
"No hard feeling darling, but I find these talks go a lot better whenever you bring a little firepower with you. It's all a pissing contest," he said. Y/n crossed her arms over her chest to hide the press of her panic button that Jason had given her. "My terms for this are that you keep your nose out of my business, and tell your little boyfriend to do the same. I'd hate to have to see your pretty little face in the obituaries."
"I wouldn't count on that," Y/n said as she leaned back against a brick wall. Behind the man in the suit, Jason had both of his men in a chokehold. Y/n watched as the man lifted his fingers for his guys to raise their guns.
"You should have stayed in whatever shithole you crawled out of."
"I was thinking the same thing," Jason said. Y/n smirked as the man jumped up and turned around to face him. The man in the suit pulled a pistol out of his pocket, but Jason easily knocked it away. "Whoa, who said you could bring a gun to the fist fight?"
Y/n made her getaway as Jason started throwing punches. She stayed nearby, close enough to watch what was an incredibly one-sided fight. Jason called for the police to come and arrest the man Y/n had been meeting with before he chased after her. Y/n was in the process of taking off some of her gear whenever Jason showed up. He fell back into one of the lounge chairs. They had been meeting up on this rooftop for weeks now. It had been the place where they had seen each other's faces for the first time. Jason took his helmet and jacket off with a heavy sigh.
"Thank you for saving my ass," Y/n said. Jason brushed it off, as if he didn't think that what he had done was that big of a deal. Y/n thought differently though, if not for Jason, she would have ended up looking like a piece of Swiss cheese. "I owe you one."
"Eh, those guns were way too much for one person. That much firepower could have killed Batman." Jason tried to downplay his heroics of the night, but Y/n was having none of it. She moved into his lap and gave him a kiss, soft and slow. "I mean, maybe what I did was impressive."
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
Hale Pack Classification Headcanons
characters featured : Issac, Malia, Derek, Peter [moodboards for each character included]
find the mccall pack here & puppy pack here
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Issac Lahey : little — his regression is mostly used to vent or to try and indulge in the childhood he didn’t have due to his bad upbringing. He stays on the young side of things and is pretty quiet (unless Malia convinces him to play pranks on Peter & Derek), he’s very content with only a few people around. Derek & Malia are his favorite people while small but occasionally he sits with Peter or has Scott come over to watch him. His favorite color is blue which he didn’t think would be a big thing but as soon as he told Derek & Peter they were decking his room out with all types of blue things, most everything soft as comfort is a very big deal while Issac is regressed. He can always count that Derek, Peter or Malia will be able to help him with what he needs if somethings off or he simply needs someone to lay with him ♡
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Malia Hale : little — I debated putting her down as a flip but I think this fits better. Most times her regression is used as a way to relax and have fun but if she’s having a bad time while small she’ll ask Peter or Derek to build a fort with her, having a small space she can curl up in brings her immense comfort from how long she spent in the woods. Aside from that she’s a very curious little, always excited to learn about new things and try new games that Derek brings out or attempt to cook something with Peter when she’s feeling big enough. Playing tricks (or trying to) and small pranks on Derek or Peter is one of her favorite pass times, Issac joins in occasionally but she honestly has a better bet convincing Peter to help her play something against Derek. She only really stays around the Hales & Isaac when regressed although sometimes she gets dropped off at Lydia’s for the day, they’ve become quite close since Lydia’s started to babysit Malia when Derek needs ♡
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Derek Hale : caregiver — his main littles are as mentioned before, Malia & Isaac, but he’ll really watch over anyone that needs it! Though he has to admit, between Issac clinging to him and Malia & Peter ganging up on him, he has his hands full. Not that he’d ever change it, he adores watching the littles! He definitely knows he’s Malias and Issacs favorite caregiver, the amount of times they ask to be picked up in a day proves it, and it heals something in Derek, to be wanted and needed in such a caring and kind way. He doesn’t talk about it much but occasionally he’ll sit with Melissa and chat when picking up Malia & Isaac from a playdate or when she invites them all over for dinners ♡
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Peter Hale : caregiver — after everything that happened when he first got out of his coma, he tries really hard to be better than he was. This definitely results in lots of gifts, he’ll get the littles whatever they please, take them places like the aquarium or amusement park anytime he can find the time. Before the Hale fire and everything else, Peter worked as a chef briefly and now he uses those skills to make meals for the littles, allowing them to help anytime they want to, this also takes some stress of off of Derek so he does it as much as he can. He’s a good guy and having the littles around, who appreciate him and want him around, it makes him tear up a lot more than he’d like to admit. Especially when Malia or Issac (or both of them) appear in his doorway at night searching for comfort from the monsters hiding in the dark, he’d risk it all for those two! And when the McCall pack is around and Kira or Lydia come spend time with him he all but falls over from it, he’s so extremely happy to be accepted into their groups and to be seen as a trustworthy caregiver ♡
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queenofcats17 · 2 years
So, remember this post? I decided to write it.
So here’s all the Allison cutscenes with Sammy written in. I ran out of steam at the very end, but I think Allison would ask Sammy to rally the Lost Ones or at least thin out the crowd a bit.
Also, this is probably gonna be pretty disjointed. Apologies
“I wouldn’t drink too much of that if I were you.” A woman’s voice came from behind Audrey, causing her to gasp and drop the soup can she’d been holding as she whirled around to face the source of the voice.
Standing there was a woman, although she looked nothing like any woman Audrey had ever seen before. The woman had dark hair tied back in a ponytail, and with horns poking out from under it. It looked like she was wearing a headband as well. The woman’s arms were stained black, almost up to the shoulders. It looked like her dress was a part of her skin, at least on her torso. She wore a utility belt and a rope slung across her chest.
Behind the woman was a man. Or something that looked like a man. He was completely black, black as ink. Maybe he was ink. His face and head were completely featureless, save for two glowing golden eyes set deep in the smooth blackness. He wore a mask on the side of his head, a mask of Bendy. Like the woman, he had a utility belt. But he also had an ax, hold loosely in one hand.
“It helps patch you up,” the woman continued, smiling warmly as she approached Audrey. “But the aftertaste, it’s not so good.”
Audrey took a step back, her shoulders tensing.
“Calm yourself, little lamb,” the man said, approaching as well. “We mean you no harm.” His voice was low and soft. It was...beautiful.
The woman glanced back at the man before turning her attention back to Audrey. “He’s right. We’re not going to hurt you,” she said gently, reaching for Audrey’s arm. “Looked like you needed some help.”
“Don’t touch me!” Audrey snapped, wrenching her arm away and taking another step back. “What are you? What is this horrible place?!”
“We are the faithful,” the man spoke with quiet reverence, spreading his arms wide. “The chosen few who follow the path of the Demon. For he will set us free from these inky prisons we call bodies!”
The woman sighed, giving Audrey an apologetic smile. Did this happen often?
“The Demon?” Audrey echoed, her fear only building at such a response. “You mean that thing that attacked me?”
“No. That’s a Piper,” the woman answered, as though that was supposed to tell Audrey anything. “And he’s part of a gang so be careful.”
“As if my Lord could ever be mistaken for something so lowly as a Piper.” The man sounded genuinely offended.
Audrey felt like crying. None of this was answering any of her questions. She still didn’t know where they were, what had happened to her, or what these people were.
“I don’t understand any of this,” she groaned. “I can’t think. It hurts.”
“You’ll catch on pretty quickly, if you can stay alive,” the woman assured her. “Lesson one: Searchers don’t have legs and tend to swarm.” She mimed walking with her fingers, looking at Audrey with a hopeful smile. Was this her idea of a joke? When Audrey didn’t react, the woman’s smile dropped. “Look, it’s not good to stay in one place for too long around here. Keep moving and stay close to the shadows. Take my advice. Head to the upper levels. It’s...safer there.”
“The deeper into this place you delve, the more horrors you will find waiting,” the man said solemnly. There was no hint of the reverence that had been in his voice before, only a weary resignation.
“Can I come with you two?” Audrey asked. These two seemed to understand this place. If she could stay with them, maybe she’d be alright.
The woman’s face fell further, guilt creeping into her expression. “You can’t...I’m sorry. I have a wolf, Tom. He doesn’t care for strangers. He barely tolerates this one as is.” She gave a weak smile and gestured to the man.
“Your wolf is lucky we share a common enemy, else I would have separated his head from his shoulders long ago,” the man declared, eyes narrowing.
“A wolf?!” Audrey sputtered.
The woman couldn’t help but laugh. “Like I said, you’ll catch on. Good luck, I hope we’ll meet again.”
“Best of luck, my little lamb.” The man nodded toward her.
The two of them began to walk away, only for the woman to stop and look back. “Oh! And one more thing! Above everything else, stay away from the Ink Demon.”
“What’s an Ink Demon?”
“He is our Lord! Our savior!” The man proclaimed, gesturing grandly once more. “He will break the cycle! He will set us free!”
“He’s dangerous,” the woman said, an edge entering her voice as she glanced pointedly back at the man. “You’ll know him when you see him. He likes to smile and he kills anything that moves.”
“He won’t be dangerous if you don’t anger him,” the man muttered, folding his arms.
“Let’s not give the new girl ideas that are going to get her killed.” The woman grabbed the man’s arm, beginning to drag him away. She was stopped, however, by Audrey calling out.
“Wait! What are your names?”
The man straightened, pulling away from the woman to bow to Audrey. “I am the illustrious Sammy Lawrence, prophet to my Lord, the Ink Demon, and shepherd of the lost. She is the False Angel.” He gestured to the woman. “Or, one of them at least.”
The woman smiled in a way that indicated this wasn’t the first time Sammy had introduced her in this way and she still wasn’t thrilled about it. “Thank you, Sammy.”
“You are most welcome.” Audrey could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
“They call me Alice,” the woman said, turning to face Audrey as well. “I’m not very fond of it.”
“I’m Audrey.”
The woman smiled softly. “Well, Audrey, welcome to the studio.”
A rumble briefly drew Audrey’s attention away from the pair, and when she looked back...They were gone.
“Hello?” Audrey leaned into the strange tube. What on Earth was this thing?
“Audrey?” Alice’s voice crackled forth, her relief clear. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re alright.”
“The lamb yet lives!” Sammy’s voice came through a bit more distantly, as though he were standing behind Alice on the other end.
“Uh, Alice, I think you and I have very different definitions of “alright”,” Audrey laughed weakly.
“You’re alive and intact,” Sammy said, sounding surprisingly gentle. “That’s more than some can say down here.”
“I guess I should have said I’m glad you’re still alive,” Alice laughed. “Where are you?”
Audrey glanced behind her, reminding herself of her position. “Animation department entrance? But it’s locked up tight.”
“Good.” The response seemed to satisfy Alice. “That means you’re heading up. Look for anything you can use to break in. Maybe there’s a Gent pipe nearby.“
Suddenly, a rumble shook the studio, sending debris showering down from the ceiling.
“What was that?” Alice asked, a note of panic entering her voice.
“There’s something in here.”
“Audrey! Find that Gent Pipe now!” Alice urged.
“Keep your wits about you, little lamb,” Sammy cautioned her before the feed seemed to cut out.
“Alice? Are... Are you there?” Audrey clung to the strange pipe device, desperate to hear the other woman’s voice. “Alice!”
She almost cried from relief when Alice’s voice finally did crackle through the speaker.
“Audrey! Where are you?”
Audrey glanced back down the hallways she’d come from. “I don’t know. It’s dark... and I... I don’t know what to do.”
“Is that the lamb?” Sammy’s voice came through. “How goes her journey?”
Immediately, Audrey found herself overcome with rage. “You! You said the Ink Demon wouldn’t be a threat to me if I didn’t anger him!”
“I did say that,” Sammy confirmed, frustratingly calm.
“But he did attack me! I didn’t even do anything!”
“I told you that you were going to get her hurt,” Alice scolded.
“Well you must have done something wrong to earn his ire,” Sammy insisted. “He has a reason for everything he does.”
“I didn’t do anything!” Audrey yelled, hitting the side of the tube with her first.
“Just ignore him,” Alice said. “Wait where you are. I’m coming to find you. Just don’t move.”
Then the feed cut out.
“Are you alright, Audrey?” Alice asked as Audrey got back to her feet.
Behind Alice, Sammy had entered the room, along with a sour-faced cartoon wolf with a mechanical arm. Well, that wasn’t the weirdest thing she’d seen around here at least. The wolf gave her a respectful head nod to acknowledge her presence.
Sammy, however, wasn’t focused on Audrey, instead kneeling beside the body of the other Alice.
“I’m so sorry, Susie...” He whispered, reaching out to gently touch her face. For a moment, he almost seemed like a different person. For a moment, Audrey almost thought she could see a human there. Why did he look so familiar?
“Susie?” Audrey asked, briefly distracted from her delight at seeing her ally again. “Is that her name?”
“Did you say something, my lamb?” And just like that, the spell was broken, and the Sammy Audrey had met the first time was back.
“Uh...Nevermind.” Audrey decided not to dwell on it, instead turning her attention to Alice. “I cannot begin to tell you how good it is to see you, Alice!”
“It’s good to see you too.” Alice smiled as she sheathed her blade.
“And is this... your wolf?” Audrey asked, gesturing at the cartoon wolf, who nodded.
“Audrey, meet Tom.” Alice put a hand on Tom’s shoulder. “He’s my protector. My friend.”
“Your loyal lapdog,” Sammy said, getting to his feet.
Alice’s gaze snapped over to Sammy, her eyes narrowing in a glare. Sammy just smiled, his glowing eyes turning to crescent moons as he did.
Audrey got between the two of them, hoping to cut some of the tension. “You all got here just in time. Now I understand why you don’t like being called Alice.”
Thankfully, it seemed to work, as Alice’s eyes fell upon the other Alice again. “The machine creates many of the same forms, at least on the outside. On the inside, we’re all pretty different.”
Audrey wondered for a moment if Alice had known this other Alice. She could see regret in the other woman’s eyes. Regret and guilt.
“Well, from now on, I’m going to call you something other than Alice,” she said definitively. “It just doesn’t suit you.”
“We’re agreed on that front,” Sammy snorted. “She’s no angel.”
Alice gave him another disapproving glare before turning back to Audrey. “What did you have in mind?”
“How about... Allison?” Audrey suggested.
“It’s not bad,” the newly minted Allison murmured, considering the name. “Ok! I’ll try it out. But only if you can tell me what in Heaven’s name you’re doing in Wilson’s retreat!”
“Wilson!” Audrey gasped. “I almost forgot! I have to get back right away!” She started for the hallway, only for Allison to pull her back.
“Are you crazy?” She asked. “Wilson’s our enemy!”
“Do you even know him?” Audrey demanded, yanking her arm away. “Have you ever talked to him?”
“I’ve seen what he’s done.” Allison’s voice and expression were solemn. “That’s good enough for me.”
“His work certainly speaks for itself,” Sammy agreed.
“Look, it sounds like he has a plan to kill the Ink Demon. For good!” Audrey said, trying not to sound like she was pleading. “And I think he can help us all! I just... I just need to go back and hear him out.”
“Well, if it’s true, you’ll both need as much help as you can get,” Allison said, and Audrey could practically see the wheels turning in the other woman’s mind. “The Ink Demon won’t go down without a fight!”
“Have you gone crazy?!” Sammy exploded. “You can’t kill the Ink Demon!”
“Why not?!” Audrey demanded. “He’s dangerous! He wants us all dead!”
“He’s an integral part of the system!” Sammy snapped. “Something must take his place if he’s toppled and I would much rather have the devil I know rather than whatever that man is cooking up.”
“Just give him a chance!” Audrey took a step toward Sammy, ready to start swinging.
“Stop it, both of you.” Allison stepped between them. “Sammy, we can discuss this later. Audrey, Tom and I will gather some of our friends. Anyone who’s left.” She turned to Audrey, taking Audrey’s hand in hers. “Good luck, Audrey.”
“You too, Allison.” Audrey’s anger dissipated at Allison’s touch. It was going to be alright, she told herself as she pulled away. She was going to go home.
As she turned to leave, she was stopped once more by someone grabbing her arm. This time it was Sammy.
“Heed my words, little lamb, for I have seen this all before,” he said, voice low and ominous. “One man crowned king, standing atop a mountain of those sacrificed for his ambition. He does not care for the denizens of this place. He does not care for you. Whatever his plans are for you, I guarantee, they cannot be anything good.”
Audrey couldn’t help but shiver, pulling away. “I need to go,” she said.
“Keep your wits about you, my little lamb!” Sammy called after her. “Else you find yourself with your neck upon the chopping block!”
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Sissi and Laura -- the Same kind of Weird Besties
And this is my final post for my Code Lyoko friendship pairs series! The idea of pairing Sissi and Laura wasn't there in my mind initially, but as I got around to writing Aelita's and William's, I thought, "Why not Sissi and Laura?"
I hope you enjoy!
PS - I wasn't able to find pictures of Laura and Sissi because they literally have no interactions in the show, and I didn't want to use others' images, so you can google up images to look at while you read this, I guess.
Meanwhile, here are my other links!
Code Lyoko Masterlist
Friendship Headcannons for:
- Odd and Yumi-
Aelita and William-
Jeremie and Ulrich
Also check out Headcannons - Code Lyoko since I may use content about Sissi and Laura from those batch of headcannons for this!
(Note -- if links are not accessible, navigate to my blog to find my main masterlist from where you can navigate through everything!)
Sissi and Laura are very different people on the surface -- or so we think.
Listen! Both Sissi and Laura wanted to be a part of the Lyoko gang.
Both of them had an affinity and a rivalry with two members of the group (Sissi has an affinity for Ulrich and thus rivals with Yumi, and with Laura, its Jeremie ad Aelita).
Though I think Laura is bi with a greater romantic attraction towards those who identify as female (these are just my thoughts).
So, in evolution, Sissi is portrayed as a blonde. I fully stand by this, though I think its more likely that she dyed her hair for fun, rather than permanently.
In between where the original series stopped and when evolution began, Sissi must've had a maturing phase, where, after hanging out with the group like a normal person, she grew out of her insecurities regarding Ulrich and grew into her own person.
I think part of that growth was the need for a makeover, so she dyed her hair blonde and gave herself a new look.
And doesn't really pester the others as much anymore.
I also think that after the Lyoko intrigue faded away, and after the first time they shut down the Supercomputer and after Sissi kinda sorta hung out with the gang, she realized they weren't as cool as she thought they'd be (something like how you think a certain state of life is greater than it actually is, but when you get to it, you're bored) and that's when she sorta grew into her own person.
Now, Laura is highly intelligent and she figured out a way to specifically exclude herself from the Return to the Past program. Remember, Jeremie had to literally cut-copy-paste whatever program Franz Hopper had written down in the supercomputer to execute it, and Laura figured out how to modify the damn program with just a few minutes (max two hours) of system time!
But Laura lacks in empathy and emotional intelligence sometimes (somewhat similar to Sissi), because she has always just wanted to be included in something.
Push comes to shove, and evolution happens, and Laura is kicked out of the group because Jeremie and Aelita figured out how to make Return to the Past work for Laura again.
You would think that's how Sissi and Laura become friends, but nope.
Sissi would have already seen Laura for who she was -- someone who used to be exactly like her -- while she was slightly integrated into the group.
I think she'd have a soft pity-laugh to herself, because she understands that the Lyoko warriors are always exclusive to each other, and trying to mesh into that is tiring. You always get pushed out anyway.
But obviously, the real Return to the Past happens, and even Sissi forgets she was feeling those feelings for her.
However, Laura's memories would be really really altered and she'd have some time figuring out whether she was hallucinating or having deja vu with the gang, you know? You can't tell me that a Return to the Past specifically catered to erasing Laura's memories can't have specific side-effects for her.
I think she might end up at the infirmary for something while Sissi also happens to be there.
Then Sissi opens up about how she'd always try to find out more about the gang, only for it to be totally stupid stuff. And once she actually got to know them, she figured out that they were an acquired taste.
Sissi: Headache?
Laura: Kinda, yeah. I've been having a lot of migraines lately.
Sissi: Weren't you with Jeremy and his friends?
Laura: Belpois? It's... actually weird. I haven't spoken to them too much, but I feel like I already know them, though I can't quite seem to put it into words. It's weird.
Sissi: Oh yeah. I get that vibe from them too. Most of the time. Ulrich's like that, you know -- some days I feel like he and I have something unsaid in our friendship, and the next day, he's a total mystery.
Laura: Strange.
Sissi: Very strange.
They definitely bond over their weird dislike over the Lyoko gang.
Sissi: It all started even before, but it intensified after Odd's cousin Aelita showed up.
Laura: The one with the pink hair? I think she's kinda cute Laura is definitely bi and I think she definitely thinks Aelita is cute.
Sissi: Please, there are a few unwritten rules at Kadic. One, I'm the best. Two, every girl goes through Della Robbia at some point. Three, Jim would rather not talk about anything that happened to him before Kadic, and Four, Jeremie and Aelita are meant to be. Heck, I don't even like them that much but I never mess with either one or the other goes feral.
They're the kind of besties who bond over bitching.
Laura: You used to like Stern? He's not even that attractive!
Sissi: You have to admit, he's a little cute.
Laura: No. If anyone's good-looking there, it's Dunbar.
Sissi: The pretend-emo who's eternally in love with Ishiyama? Seriously?
Laura: He's tall!
Sissi brings out Laura's inner petty-feminine energy (in a good way) and Laura helps ground Sissi sometimes.
So even though they never saw each other coming, they became the unlikeliest of best friends because they just get each other.
Laura: We should form our own gang.
Sissi: No, they're all too dumb for me and too normal for you.
Laura: You realize you just classified yourself as not normal?
Sissi: Of course! I'm extraordinary.
Laura: *laugh* You have a point.
Sissi: AND smart! See, Laura, we lucked out and now we're best friends.
Laura: We're best friends? How sweet of you.
Sissi: Yeah, I think we're the same kind of weird.
Odd: Who would've thought Sissi and Laura would end up best buds?
Jeremie: Yeah, it's a bit shocking.
Aelita: I think it's nice. It's definitely poetic.
Ulrich: I can see that, kind of. Sissi was obsessed with me, Laura was obsessed with Jeremie. I think they just need someone obsessed with Odd for a trio. And probably someone obsessed with William too, though I can't think of any reason why.
William: I thought we're friends now, Ulrich?
Ulrich: I mean, mad respect for you, but rivalry is kind of our thing.
Yumi: Thank god you aren't incharge of maturity in this group.
Ulrich: Of course. That's all Odd.
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nabtime · 11 months
Our Empty Graves IX
Fandom: Danny Phantom / Batman: Under the Red Hood
Pairings: Danny Fenton/Jason Todd (Dead on Main)
Rating: Mature
Tags: batfamily, hazmat AU, Nobody Knows AU, Mute!Phantom, potential ghost king danny, slow burn?, DC means Disregard Canon, AU means AU nothing is exactly the same, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, more than canon typical violence, danny is a Halfa and also a Fetch, no beta we die like basically everyone
Summary: They say that Red Hood has a loyal mutt. The man rules his territory in Crime Alley with an iron fist and a guard dog at his side. They say that Hood calls him Fetch, sometimes Fetcher. No one's ever heard him speak. Anyone who's ever seen him says he looks like an experiment gone wrong, that Hood picked him up somewhere unspeakable. They say he'll do anything Red Hood asks of him and he'll do it well. That he's strong and fast and probably inhuman. The girls say he's sweet; quiet but charming in his own way. Rival gangs say he's vicious; that he'd sooner rip your throat out than let you go.
Jason just wants to help him.
Chapter 9: and I cant fix what was done to you (but ill shield you from the rain)
Chapter Summary: A few moments of calm before the storm. A little help goes a long way.
Chapter Notes: title from Small Hands by Radical Face Links: AO3 // Chapter 1 // Chapter 8 // Chapter 10 // Spotify
Nadi had never seen hair like Fetcher had. It wasn’t- hair- not properly. It was soft like fog, wispy like a cloud. And it moved like it was underwater, flowing and floating and altogether, frankly, a bitch to cut. But it needed to be trimmed, because it looked like someone had taken a torch to some parts of the poor kid’s skull. Chunks were burned off. She also wasn’t about to give up after all the trouble she’d been through to get little cujo to agree to this.
She’d walked ten blocks round trip to her apartment and back, Charlie huffing and puffing from just a simple folding chair and bag the entire time. Packed a sheet and all her usual hair-cutting tools. She knew her way around some scissors- a lot of the girls came to her for trims instead of paying for a full stylist. She used to be a barber, way back in what she liked to think of as her past life.
That time felt so long ago. Before she was Nadi, before she walked the streets of Park Row. She used to live in the nicer parts of Gotham, sitting pretty with a stable job, stable apartment, stable family. Then she transitioned and everything went to shit. Fired, evicted, disowned. The whole nine yards or whatever. No big deal, though. She liked where she was at in life now, despite it all. And most of the time she was genuinely happier here, working the corner as the woman she was always meant to be instead of suffering as the man society wanted her to be.
She’d found her people here, in Park Row. Crime Alley. The other cast-offs and has-beens. The others that didn’t belong. And this poor baby boy was yet another reject. A poor soul left for dead in the slums. He was such a sweetheart, and she wasn’t about to let him fend for himself so completely. Not if she could help it. And she could, if only a little bit. She would cut his hair, she would feed him, she would offer a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen. She wouldn’t let anyone else feel like she once had. Alone and abandoned. All it ever took was a small kindness, a tiny gesture of good-faith. She could do that. She’d move heaven and hell if it meant the sweet boy that had saved her, had saved many others in the Alley, wouldn’t be so skittish. So alone. Sure he was vicious, but only when he needed to be. Only to protect others. Boy didn’t have a mean bone in his body. She wasn’t completely sure he had bones in his body but that wasn’t important.
What mattered was getting his hair fixed.
She couldn’t do much for him. Couldn’t even begin to fix all that was wrong with him, all the wrong that was done to him. She could kill Hood for scaring her baby off. She didn’t know what he did but she was going to kick his ass for it. Crime Lord or no, he deserved it. She’d already kicked him where it hurt when she’d gone after him about Fetcher being missing in the first place, but he could do with a few more.
The boy was purring under her hands as she carded her fingers through his hair. Purring. That was goddamn adorable. How dare Red Hood do anything to upset him when the boy could purr.
She snipped away, gently brushing as she went. Thankfully, even with the singed edges, his hair still had a bit of length so even after she was done it would still hover around his shoulders. Literally hover. He looked good, fluffy like that, and she didn’t want to cut it any shorter than she had to. He’d already flinched once at the scissors coming close to his little pointed ears, she wouldn’t have that again.
“Almost done, mi vida,” she murmured, trimming the last strand and dropping it to let it float. “You doing okay?”
The purr rumbled like he was humming in agreement. Fuck that was cute.
She ran her hands through his hair a few more times, shaking out loose strands and fixing any tangles. Just enjoying the cool feeling- like mist and fog with only the slightest solidity- whirl around under her touch. Enjoying the purr it kicked up when she did it.
“All done, baby,” she said, reluctantly pulling her hands away and tugging off the sheet she’d wrapped him in, shaking it out to let the cuttings fall to the ground. They were, strangely, black. The moment she cut it away, his hair would turn black and solid like normal hair. She didn’t ask. It was none of her business.
She circled him and smiled. He looked a little goofy, still touch-drunk with his eye-lids drooping, all slumped into the chair like he was melting. His hair didn’t look half bad now, wavy and curling around his face, kissing his neck and cheeks as it swayed in an invisible wind. She’d done a pretty damn good job, all things considered. She wanted to coo at the sight of him, but she held it in. She didn’t want to spook him. They’d been doing so well so far.
She didn’t want to go. Didn’t want to leave him here. But she knew he wasn’t going to come, no matter how many times she asked.
“Do you wanna have a look?” she asked, moving to pull the hand-held mirror from the bag she’d made Charlie lug with them.
Fetcher’s gaze sharpened and he tensed in the chair, looking ready to flee. His purring had ceased. He shook his head fervently and she wanted to despair. What in the world had happened to him? What horrors had descended on her sweet, sweet boy?
“Okay,” she placated. “That’s okay.” She waited until he’d relaxed again, though not as much as he had been before. “You’ll just have to trust me when I tell you that you’re a very handsome young man.”
He rolled his eyes and she grinned.
“It’s true! You’re a pretty boy, and my handiwork only made you prettier.”
He stuck his tongue out and folded his arms.
She laughed. She wanted to stay. She wanted him to come with her. But it wouldn’t happen. Not yet, at least. Not until she could kick Hood’s ass and get him to fix whatever he’d broken here. She rummaged in the bag and brought out the thick blanket she’d packed and the bimbunuelos and gansito snacks she’d grabbed from the gas station for him.
She sighed and made sure she had Fetcher’s attention. “Alright, baby. I know I can’t convince you to come with me,” she said slowly. “I’m still sure I could smuggle you in and Hood wouldn’t say a word if he knew what was good for him,” she murmured vindictively, “but I can’t force you.”
He simply watched her as she handed the blanket and the treats over. “But, please,” she begged,” take care of yourself out here, mi vida.”
He gathered everything up in his arms and gave her a serious nod. She smiled at his solemn look, wishing with all her heart he’d learn to smile more instead.
“I’m going to head back to work now,” she said, backing up to give Fetcher some space. “But I’m going to visit again.”
She gave him a stern look this time. “So you better take care of yourself, baby. I’ll be disappointed if you don’t.”
He pouted, petulant, and huffed before giving her another quick nod and floating himself back up into the bough of the hickory he’d claimed for himself.
It was a small kindness, giving him that haircut, but she knew it meant more than that for the both of them. It was about acceptance. Accepting him as he was. About permission. Permission to seek comfort from her. Permission to see and be seen. She hoped he understood that.
Now, she had a Crime Lord’s ass to kick.
═════ ◈ ═════
Alfred Pennyworth had served the Wayne family for many years now. Seen and done more things serving Bruce than he ever had in service to the Crown. One would think being a butler would be less exciting than a top ranking M15 agent, but one was not often employed and trusted by The Batman as a butler.
Seeing Bruce grow and raising him were some of the most rewarding moments of his life. Seeing him grieve and break after every death that piled upon his shoulders were the most heartbreaking moments of his life. Seeing him obsess over the possibility that one of his wards, one of his ‘fallen soldiers’, had made their way back to the grave, was nothing less than harrowing.
Once again, Alfred was witness to Bruce passively trying to kill himself- ignoring anything and everything but the case he was working on. The facts in front of him. Solving it all like a puzzle that had pieces one could fit together in the first place. Getting frustrated when it didn’t all fall into place. Bruce rarely acknowledged that sometimes cases didn’t have all the pieces, couldn’t be solved by fact alone, because to do so would admit defeat in his eyes. He needed logic and sense and many times life was far too messy for that. People were unpredictable and murders and villainy more so. But his boy had never been comfortable with things he couldn’t predict.
Like Jason Todd rising from the grave.
Alfred knew in his bones that Jason had returned, changed and broken, but returned all the same. He wasn’t about to say so to Bruce, the man would never understand the certainty he felt without the facts to confirm. But he knew . And it broke him just as well. He was over the moon to have one of his wards back in the living realm with them, for him to be alive again. But to see him torn and angry like he was… To see him so full of pain and hatred… Alfred couldn’t stand it. Couldn’t stand to know that he’d had a hand in the boy’s death. Had a hand in the neglect he’d suffered upon his initial return. It might not have been directly, but guilt never cared degrees of cause, especially when one cared . And Alfred Pennyworth cared more than anything.
He was nothing more than a sentimental old fool.
But he would help where he could. He would stand vigil with Bruce, care for the man wherever he would allow. He would keep in contact with Richard and Timothy, check in on them as often as possible ( he would not lose another ). He would place another cup of coffee by the Batcomputer and lie in wait. Nothing would move Bruce from the screens, not even much needed sleep, so he would do what he could and bring him finger-foods- easy to eat while typing away and staring, staring staring.
He would receive cheeky letters from anonymous ( Jason ) persons and deal with his badly behaved Bat as best he could. Scolding the man for being unnecessarily cruel and letting his anger cloud his judgment. (And he would hope it would be enough for Jason, that his scolding would get through Bruce’s thick skull so that he might not make an ass of himself even more. That the crimes Bruce had committed against Jason would lessen rather than stack. That there might one day be a chance at reconcile. That Jason might one day come home .)
But for now he would do what he could. He would wait and he would serve, doing all the little and big things to help. He would keep the manor running even if no one but himself had set foot in it for some time. He would clean and sweep and cook and weed and dust and wash and do everything he possibly could to make the manor clean and welcoming and warm. All in the hopes that someday, someday , the family that had been so painstakingly built and torn apart here, might return. Rebuild.
That all his wayward children might call the manor home once more.
═════ ◈ ═════
Tim had come back to a mess. Alfred had warned him, greatly under-sold the mess- sure, but had still warned him. Bruce hadn’t said anything at all about what had recently been happening in Gotham, only that he needed help with multiple cases.
Bruce needing help with multiple cases was always a bad sign. But Tim had never imagined something like this.
His predecessor potentially coming back from the grave. And murdering people. And Bruce absolutely losing his mind about it.
It wasn’t all that hard, in Tim’s experience, to make Bruce lose his mind. He wasn’t a particularly mentally stable man in the first place. It’d been the whole reason he’d insisted so much about becoming Robin in the first place. Batman needed a Robin. A balance. Otherwise Bruce could so easily lose himself to his grief and get swallowed up in the darkness. He’d seen it first hand after Jason’s death. How he hit harder, cut deeper, and had less mercy for his rogues all around. An inexcusable use of excessive force- all in grief and anger and guilt.
Bruce liked to pretend that he had no emotions. The he had the control to shut them on and off at will. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. The man was made of nothing but emotions. Anger and grief and fear and, astoundingly, compassion . Yes, he was logical and could be cold, and he didn’t talk about his emotions very well. But Tim knew they were there, brewing under the surface.
Bruce could talk about detachment all he wanted. Talk about shutting everything off in order to make a deduction. But that wasn’t what made Batman a brilliant detective. It was his stubborn nature, his drive. His empathy. It’s what made him a hero .
And Tim admired that.
But it also meant cleaning up his messes sometimes, and Tim admired that much less.
He’d barely been given a ‘how are you, chum,’ before Bruce was racing off to find Ra’s and question him about Jason. Leaving Tim to investigate a possible new meta hiding out in Crime Alley. Working with Red Hood. Working with Jason. To puzzle out motive and power set. To find a way to neutralize him should he be a threat ( and Tim didn’t think about how callous that was, how cruel that would seem ).
And thus, Tim did what he did best. Chug a lethal amount of espresso and hack into every governmental database conceivable. He’d find something. He always did.
Except, hours later. He’d found nothing . Not a damn thing. No one outside of Gotham had any record of a glowing hazmat-clad meta that had green blood . He’d scoured any and all social media accounts across the world and no one had ever posted about it. No weird deep-web forum dedicated to sightings of the guy. No newspaper articles complaining about his presence. No tourist commenting about seeing him. Nothing. Usually with a meta like him, someone so conspicuous , there was something. A short video. A dedicated cult. A local news segment.
Anything about the guy was all from Gotham. All recent and none of it helpful. It didn’t explain where he’d come from . What he was capable of . Didn’t explain why he went by the name Fetcher of all things. Was he an alien instead of a meta? Had he been looking in all the wrong places this entire time, because they’d just assumed he was a meta when he wasn’t? Meta, alien, science experiment gone wrong. All questions and no answers.
Tim wanted to rip his hair out.
Bruce had said that it was definitely a hazmat suit, even if it was glowing and slightly customized. Customized to what conditions, though, was the question. Any lens footage had been corrupted so Tim could only rely on B’s overly detailed report for a description. A level B suit. So working with something that was a severe inhalation risk but less of a risk for skin contact. But the SCBA was described as something Tim had never encountered before. A lightweight tank connected to a full face mask and tinted eye-shield. Working with a substance that glowed ? Something that caused the glow that Fetcher let off? But the only things he could think of were either occult or radioactive, and if it was radioactive then he’d be wearing a level A suit. And the green blood. Bruce had described it as similar to Lazarus Water.
Tim shuddered.
What the fuck kind of lab accident might make you bleed death juice?
And then, miraculously, he found a lead. A pair of scientists that worked in hazmat suits that matched the description. He’d need confirmation from Bruce that they looked the same, but the tint to the eye-shield or goggles, despite not working with radioactive material was a big enough clue. The substance they did claim to work with didn’t make much more sense, though. Ectoplasm. From ghosts.
There was no way.
He refused to go down that rabbit hole without confirmation from Bruce. It didn’t matter how morbidly curious he was. He’d fall down that trail later if he wanted. For now he’d need sleep. He couldn’t go any further in his research and the lead he’d found was already slim at best. He felt like a failure, like he needed to keep going. But Alfred was already breathing down his neck about resting and there wasn’t much more he could do anyway.
He saved what he’d found on the Doctors Fenton and trudged up the stairs to his room in the manor.
He couldn’t do much, but he’d help where he was capable. Not with the main case. Bruce wouldn’t let him touch it. But he could look into the secondary one as much as possible on his own, he’d ask about the similarity in the suits and then keep digging himself. He didn’t want B to fall into the same spiral that he had before, to get lost in grief with no one to help. He would be the Robin to his Batman. His support. His balance.
What little help he could give, he would.
═════ ◈ ═════
Bruce would go to the ends of the earth if it meant righting his past wrongs. If it meant undoing the one mistake that weighed on him the most. If it meant bringing back his second ward, his second Robin. If it meant never having to go through the pain of having that little soul slip right through his fingers.
Nothing would ever change that though. Even if Jason was really back from the dead, it would not change the fact that he had died. That Bruce had lost him. Failed him. It wouldn’t change the pain that both of them had felt. The pain of dying. The pain of coming back. The pain of losing someone he never should have lost.
He’d made a promise . And he’d broken it. He was much more careful with those now. Much more careful with everything .
Except Ra’s’ skull.
He had the man pinned to the floor, unmerciful as he questioned the master assassin about Jason. About the sudden appearance of Red Hood. About Ra’s’ possible involvement in his resurrection and why he hadn’t done it sooner or told Bruce about it happening.
“You don’t have all the facts, detective,” Ra’s said, voice strained from the force of Bruce’s weight pushing him into the tile of his fortress.
“Then enlighten me,” he spat, knowing full well he was starting to let his temper get the best of him. He was better than this, but when it came to Jason- everything felt like it was too much. Like his anger and grief could boil over in an instant.
“The Waters cannot bring a person back from the dead!”
“That’s not a fact,” Bruce argued, trying valiantly to tamp down the fury that threatened to overcome him. “That’s a theory.”
“A well founded one,” Ra’s grumbled, indignant. Then quieter, “We tried to bring him back. Initially. Nothing was said about it because it didn’t work.”
Bruce lifted from Ra’s back and stepped away to give the man room to stand, watching intently for any sudden movements the entire time.
“The boy died,” Ra’s began, brushing dust off his robes as he stood, “partially at my fault. I should never have worked with that mad clown in the first place, and the little Robin paid the price for it.”
Bruce stood in wait. He knew all this. Ra’s working with the Joker is what allowed the villain to capture Jason. It was a solid rule in the underworld of Gotham to never work with the Joker. He could not be accounted for, could not be controlled. Ra’s found that out the hard way.
“So, in order to rectify the mistake, Talia stole the body and replaced it with a convincing replica.”
Bruce closed his eyes and held everything in. He would not break here. Not in front of Ra’s. He’d been so overcome with grief when he’d dug Jason’s small little body out of the wreckage, that once he’d finally let it go- he hadn’t had the strength to look at it again afterwards.
“We dipped his body in the Pit,” he continued flippantly, “and nothing happened. We kept the body monitored for a time and then switched it out again after a continued absence of life.”
“So you wouldn’t know about a possible connection between the deceased Jason Todd and The Red Hood,” he stated.
Everything was slipping from his fingers. All his leads were turning to dead ends that didn’t make sense . He knew that The Red Hood was Jason. That was his Robin , returned from the grave. He could feel it, and there were so many clues that led to that conclusion. But they didn’t add up. Nothing was adding up. He felt like he was going insane, trying to shove together pieces that didn’t fit to complete a puzzle he already knew the answers to. He wanted to believe, more than anything, that Jason was alive, but he couldn’t trust that he was (because the disappointment would hurt him more than anything else if he wasn’t) because he didn’t have confirmation .
“Now, I didn’t say that,” Ra’s said, back turned to face the window and the red of the sun rising over the horizon.
“Explain,” Bruce gritted out for what felt like the thousandth time. Always asking for an explanation and never quite getting what he needed.
Ra’s sighed. “Jason Todd was found wandering the streets of Gotham,” he turned to give Bruce an inscrutable look, dark eyes heavy. “He was more akin to a walking corpse than a person. Running on instinct alone. We did not alert you to his resurrection because he was still not himself.”
“You don’t know how he came back,” he said more than asked. This was the more important question. How Jason could walk among the living so long after his death when Bruce would have done damn near anything to bring him back if he could.
“No,” Ra’s answered simply. “But a second dip in the Pit waters after he shambled in with Talia brought his mind back. Which was rather more of a miracle than his initial awakening.”
“Could the first dip have brought him back, but delayed?” None of this made any damn sense. This is why he hated working with magic and mystical things. They never made any sense.
The other man stared, hard and unforgiving. Irritated. “I have worked with the Lazarus Pits for a very long time. And yet I am still no closer to answers for questions such as yours. Your guess is as good as mine.”
“You can’t confirm, definitively, the reason Jason Todd came back to life.”
“No,” Ra’s said with a sneer, body tensing to strike. Bruce had overstayed his welcome then. “That’s for you to puzzle out, Detective.”
Bruce turned and left. There was nothing else he could gain from interrogating Ra’s and inciting the man’s temper. Bruce’s own was on a hair-trigger as it was. He would begin his long journey back to Gotham, only partial answers acquired and more questions whirling in his head.
There was little he could do now. He needed to get back to his city, regardless of what was happening with Jason. Regardless of if he’d come back as the Red Hood or not.
There was little he could do to make up for all the ways he’d failed his second Robin, all the things he hadn’t done in time, hadn’t done when it was needed. But he’d do every small thing he could, now . As Batman, all he’d ever been able to do was small things. One criminal apprehended here, one rogue put back in Arkham or Blackgate there. But the city was still torn apart, citizens still ended up dead. Like putting a band-aid on a gaping chest wound.
He’d never fix everything, but he’d do damage control.
═════ ◈ ═════
Jason wasn’t much of a fan of waiting. Not when he was so much closer to executing the best part of his plan. He knew where the Joker would be soon. He had everything he needed ready. He would capture the crazy clown, beat him near to death with a crowbar to see how he liked it, and then set him like the spring in a trap. Bruce would be back from whatever jaunt he’d fled the city on and he’d be able to goad the big bastard into a chase.
Then he’d snare him and finally get the answers he’d so desperately been wanting.
Why hadn’t Bruce killed the Joker already? And what would it take for him to do it?
What would finally make the Big Man snap?
But first he had to catch the clown. He didn’t know what Harley was up to or what the party she’d mentioned was all about- and maybe he was being hasty in planning to just barge in guns blazing without gathering more information. But he was already antsy. He wanted this done already. He wanted to make Bruce choose . Either Bruce would finally kill the Joker or Jason would die by the man’s hand. Again. He would make Bruce suffer the choice, make him realize the severity of his decision to keep the mass murderer alive. Jason hadn’t been the only one killed by the clown, not by a long shot, and people would only keep dying if he was still free.
The Joker would find his end, one way or another. Jason would make sure of that- even if it had to be from beyond the grave again.
If Bruce chose to kill him instead of the deranged clown- Jason didn’t really know what he would do, but at least he’d have his answer. That Bruce had cared for whatever asinine definition of justice he had more than he ever had Jason. That Bruce cared more for his own personal morals than actually doing something to save the people of the city he’d sworn to protect.
He didn’t have confidence in which answer Bruce would choose.
Waiting also had the downside of giving him time to think . Something he currently didn’t want to do. Not when it made him reflect on his own mistakes. Made him reflect on the ways he’d hurt Fetcher so badly.
He regretted his actions in the dojo that day. But he knew he couldn’t take them back, couldn’t take back the tears he’d caused the other to shed. He was supposed to be better than that. To not let his paranoia get the best of him and allow him to hurt the ones he cared for, they way Bruce often did. It hadn’t taken very long for Jason to go back through everything that had happened with Fetcher and realize that he had severely jumped the gun.
He’d come to trust the kid way too fast, sure, but that wasn’t the other’s fault. He’d been desperate for an ally and he’d seen just a bit too much of himself in the poor soul he’d saved. He’d wanted to protect Fetcher from a fate like his, but all he’d ended up doing was hurt him.
But his eyes- the green- the sharpness there-
Jason paused where he stood in his kitchen, hands gripping the cast iron skillet just a bit too tight. He could hear the metal creak under his grip, likely to snap if he didn’t relent. The kid’s eyes had reminded him too much of the Pit- of when he’d died and come back. Of the torture of resurfacing to a new world he didn’t understand.
If Fetcher had been working for Ra’s he’d been doing a poor job of it. It took Jason far too long to realize that. No movement from Talia or Nanda Parbat. No whisper of activity from Ra’s. Nothing at all to indicate that Fetcher was one of their agents. Whatever mess the kid had gotten himself mixed up in, it wasn’t necessarily connected to the League. And Jason had yelled at him. Called him a monster. And all he’d done- was cry.
Jason was the monster here, not Fetch.
He was likely better off sulking in the graveyard Jason had found him in anyway. It would have only been a matter of time before Jason turned on him. Or did something else to get him hurt, get him killed. Like father, like son.
When Nadi had come to yell at him about Fetcher’s disappearance, it had been something of a relief. Even if she had kicked him in the balls, it was still good to see that someone cared about the kid. Someone good . Someone that could help him where Jason couldn’t. And when she’d come back a second time to demand that Fetcher be allowed back into Crime Alley, he’d reluctantly agreed. He couldn’t face the other after everything he’d said and done, but he wouldn’t banish him for Jason’s mistakes.
He hasn’t seen the other since then. But he knows that he’s in the area. Seen the faint glow of the other brighten a dark alleyway, trailing after Nadi like he used to trail after Red Hood.
Jason shakes off his thoughts and goes back to cooking. Only to realize that he’d made two servings.
Silently, guiltily, he packs it away. He’ll hand it out to the first person he sees once he leaves for patrol (no use in good food going to waste- even if his first instinct is to trash it). The sight of it made him sick.
He’d have to live with what he’d done and that was that. There was little he could do to fix things. Little he could do to help. But he’d keep his distance and let Nadi take care of Fetch where he’d failed so spectacularly. He didn’t want to face the other again, and it made him a coward- but he didn’t want to risk hurting the other more than he deserved. He’d already done enough damage.
( You’re too angry, Jason. You take it out on the wrong people. It makes you reckless. You’re going to get an innocent person killed one day because you couldn’t control your temper. This is not why I let you become my second Robin. You’re benched . Indefinitely. )
Jason was far from perfect and he knew that. But he’d take his imperfection and still try where he could. He’d fix the city, little by little. Build it up where Bruce couldn’t and clean it out where Batman wouldn’t.
Even if he died again proving his point to Bruce, even that little bit, would help in its own way. Make Bruce see where he’d gone wrong or else prove where Batman was failing. If the bastard was too stubborn to see that Jason was right about this, then Gotham had long been doomed anyway. His second death wouldn’t change that.
All he had to do now, was wait.
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laylas-dr-sideblog · 2 years
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Finally, the first spreadsheet for my Talentswap AU, Ultimate Wheelspin! I spun a wheel to change the death order, talents, story roles (Protag, Antag, etc.), and then I essentially said “fuck it” and made a bunch of manual decisions/respun multiple times.
Sayaka Maizono, Ultimate Photographer: The protagonist! Her dad gifted her a camera when she was six, and she would take pictures in the backyard and show them to him when he came home. It helped them bond, and photography’s been a comfort to her ever since. Leader type with a heart of gold; Think Kaede, but more logically oriented.
Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Moral Compass: I took some creative liberties, and now he’s basically an activist. Had his hope/despair epiphany at a much younger age, and now dedicates his life to making the world a safer, kinder place. Soft boi who believes in everyone, especially if they don’t believe in themselves. Sayaka’s childhood friend and ally/love interest! I love naezono so goddamn much—
Yasuhiro Hagakure, Former Ultimate Detective: Hiroko landed in debt when he was still in school, so he took up scamming to support her. Long story short, he conned the mafia don’s daughter, one thing led to another, he uncovered an underground conspiracy and Hope’s Peak scouted him. He joins Chisa’s friend group, and they all graduate and come back to the school as teachers a few years later. The cool teacher who cracks jokes and lets you do your own thing as long as nothing gets set on fire. Acts as a secondary ally (because if you think about it, every game has two allies—Sayaka/Kyoko, Chiaki/Nagito if you squint, Kaito/Maki).
Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Ultimate Clairvoyant: The incident with Toranosuke led to him having an identity crisis, which led to him getting super into spiritualism as a way to make sense of it all. He’s mellowed out (a bit), but thinks he’s more chill than he actually is. Occasionally slips back into being loud and intense. Autistic.
Mondo Owada, Ultimate Cook: Retired from the gang after Daiya’s accident and decided to get his life together, learned to cook for himself and something clicked. Eventually, he opened up a diner…and then his old gang started visiting regularly, causing him to question his decisions. Like Taka, he’s less intense now, but still aloof and insecure. Takes an anger management class.
Hifumi Yamada, Ultimate Mechanic: Played with legos as a kid, kept practicing until it morphed into general tinkering. Plans to realize mechs upon graduation. Makes significantly less perverted comments than canon. Never seen Pudgy Princess Piggles (and doesn’t care to). Also autistic.
Mukuro Ikusaba, Ultimate Team Manager: When she and Junko were younger, they were disowned by their parents and thrown onto the streets. They found a flyer for a tennis tournament with a grand cash prize and decided Junko would compete with Mukuro as her coach. They won, and the rest is history. Mukuro wears the pants here, but is as overprotective and clingy as ever. She’s also the antagonist, defying her talent and hyper-focusing on protecting Junko from everyone else. (Also last-minute retcon pretend that’s a 16 on her jacket)
Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Tennis Pro: Born with instantaneous reaction time, processes everything faster than the average person. Suffers from existential boredom and a lack of empathy, but her sister gives her a reason to try. If only she would stop smothering her…and acting out during class trials so Junko could carry them.
Sakura Ogami, Ultimate Traditional Dancer: Retired from martial arts with Kenshiro’s and her family’s blessing and shifted her focus to dancing. The internet gave her a lot of shit for it, deeming her “Cherry Blossom Ogre”. When Kenshiro fell ill, she decided she would go back into martial arts upon enrolling in Hope’s Peak. Pretty much the same, but more in touch with her feminine side.
Chihiro Fujisaki, Ultimate Adventurer: Took up hiking to get stronger. It gave Chihiro a good sense of perspective and finally they were like, “You know what? Fuck gender roles!” and are currently exploring themself, defaulting to they/them in the meantime. Still has low self esteem, but working on it.
Kyoko Kirigiri, Ultimate Cosplayer: Saw through Fuhito’s bullshit and started feigning incompetence at detective work so he’d let her see her father more…until she actually burned her hands mishandling evidence. Jin took her back and they never saw the fuckstick again. Kyoko got really into sci-fi and fantasy growing up, because the characters who outsmarted the villains and conquered their scars reminded her of herself and her dad, and she liked to dress up to feel more like these characters. When Jin took over Hope’s Peak, Kyoko decided to become an Ultimate to prove to Fuhito they were both better off without him, and started cosplaying professionally. Sassy and confident, loves the spotlight. Constantly name-drops her dad. Aroace.
Aoi Asahina, Ultimate Lucky Student: A lot of passion and energy, nowhere to channel it. Actively signed up for the raffle for a chance to challenge herself and figure out where she belongs. Pure bean who would die for you. Has ADHD.
Toko Fukawa/Mahou Syo, Ultimate Magician: Family was a theatre troupe, forced Toko to participate. They created Syo as her stage presence, and she became Toko’s alter and host. They write in a journal to fill in the blanks when they switch, and also to simp for Byakuya together. Syo believes her magic is real. All-mighty agent of chaos and merriment, self-proclaimed. Basically Spinel from Steven Universe. With Syo’s support, Toko is more susceptible to the idea that someone could love her.
Byakuya Togami, Ultimate Fashionista: Togami Corp is a fashion company. That’s. The only change. But as a result, this Byakuya wasn’t exposed to true crime stories at a young age, so he has the normal human reaction to seeing a dead body. On top of that, he’s more sociable and hedonistic, but he still puts a lot of effort into his designs and modeling work. Totally people-watches. Also aroace.
Taeko Yasuhiro, Ultimate Programmer: Wins quick money by hacking into the accounts of big-name companies. Makes her presence known online as ♦️♦️Queen-of-Hackers♦️♦️. Envies and loathes the rich, hypocritically shit-talks them at every opportunity. No filter in general; the only person she can convincingly lie to is herself.
Leon Kuwata, Ultimate Artist: Couldn’t go back to baseball, music was a bust, so finally he settled on painting and sculptures to express himself. Dense as hell, but strongly opinionated. Has ADHD.
As for the traitor and mastermind, I’m gonna keep that a secret for now~. ;) I’ll make the other classes eventually!
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xxlemon-chanxx · 2 years
Technically I wrote this on fathers day but just didn’t get around to posting it until today :P Enjoy 
Snake should have known something was wrong when he didn’t wake up the way he normally did: usually, waking up was a gentle, warm process that was full of soft fur and loving caresses. Today, however, waking up was cold and fast. Snake’s body jolted with a shudder and he used his tail to feel around for any sign of his warm-bodied boyfriend, and was disappointed and more than a little annoyed when he didn’t find him. Usually if Wolf woke up before Snake, he would take Snake with him out of the bedroom while he was still coiled around him, so it was strange for Snake to wake up alone.
Reluctantly, after a few minutes of laying in the cold bed waiting to see if his boyfriend would come back to their shared bed, the safecracker flopped his way out of bed and landed on the freezing floor with a soft bwap, and made his way to the larger room that was the gang’s shared living space.
Snake didn’t even have to open the door to his and Wolf’s bedroom to hear muffled laughter and excited talking from everyone on the other side. That perked him up a bit. Maybe they have something to do today other than sit on the couch and watch TV. Wolf was always coming up with clever little schemes and plots that were always so much fun, and Snake was looking forward to listening to this new plan. He was expecting Wolf to sit him down when he opened the door and go through the heist in mind-numbing detail. He was expecting Piranha and Shark to be laughing along, excited to be causing mayhem. He was expecting Webs to be pitching in technical details like blocking security cameras or jamming traffic to help them with their getaway.
What he did not expect was for everybody to shut up the second he slithered into the room. There were no plans scattered over the table, there was no nefarious plot that Wolf had cooked up, there was no more laughter. In fact, the gang shushed themselves as soon as they saw him.
Snake slithered cautiously over to the main table where the gang was seated. Wolf was the only one who would look at him, the rest of the gang had averted their eyes so they wouldn’t have to look at him, and even then Snake could see that Wolf was putting on some kind of confident facade. A fake smile that showed too many teeth and his shoulders were squared off in a way that gave away how tense the lupin really was.
“Uhhh… what’s—” he coughed to clear his throat since he was ninety percent sure his voice had cracked. “What’s on the— err… what’s on the agenda today, Wolf?” 
Shit, he hated how unsure he sounded. He didn’t like that voice at the back of his head telling him to be suspicious, that his friends were plotting against him. He looked at Wolf, wanting to give his friend a chance to tell him that this wasn’t what it looked like, that they weren’t just talking shit behind his back. A part of him was so sure that any second Wolf would break out laughing, followed by the others, and Snake would be let in on whatever was going on… but all Wolf did was straighten his lapels and strut around the table to meet Snake. 
“Honestly, I was thinking today would be a chill day. Relax and not do anything. We did a heist two days ago and the Chief is losing her marbles, so let’s not stress, buddy.”
There was no conceivable way Snake could keep his face neutral, he couldn’t help it. He’d never seen Wolf lie so effortlessly to his face before. He knew he probably looked hurt and confused, so much so that Wolf’s ears twitched backwards a small amount. It was such a subtle action that Snake had almost missed it. Wolf and Snake stared at each other for a few beats of silence. Snake desperately searched his friend's face for any sign that he was mistaken here, that he was misunderstanding this whole thing. When he didn’t find what he was looking for, Snake schooled his face back into its normal grumpy—WAY more grumpy than usual—expression. “Nah, don’t worry about it, pal, I’m gonna head into town. Grab some grub.” He pushed his way past Wolf, shooting the canine a glare when he tried to walk with him. He didn’t need this. He didn’t need to be made unwelcome in his own home. And as he pulled open the main door, Snake muttered “Don’t wait up.” And grabbed his hat off of the rack on the wall.
He hadn’t closed the door for longer than three seconds before the muffled talking could be heard. It was quieter, so he couldn’t hear full sentences, but he did hear his name muttered more than once. He pressed his head against the door, desperately trying to hear what they were saying. No, no no no no no no no. These were his friends, weren’t they? No, they were more than his friends, they were like his family. They wouldn’t turn their back on him. Wolf certainly wouldn’t… right? Deciding he wasn’t going to sit there and attempt to decipher what his ‘friends’ were saying about him, he finally started the process of actually leaving the hideout. But as he pressed the button that took the lift up, he couldn’t stop his mind from running wild, and midway through the journey upwards, the voice in the back of his head telling him to be suspicious, the voice that had saved him numerous times from countless dangers, was screaming at him to cut his losses and run.
When Snake came back to the base after a few hours of cooling off, things didn’t get much better. Webs was just gone and didn’t even bother showing her face, Piranha actively avoided him by keeping a distance of at least ten feet, Shark was borderline cold-shouldering him. He’d only give short one-to-two word responses to anything Snake would say to him, and Wolf… Oh Wolf… Wolf was treating him like nothing was out of the ordinary, he’d play dumb when Snake asked him what the hell his problem was, or straight up deny that anything was wrong.
So there he was, laying on the couch, miserably coiled up with his head barely poking out, and staring blankly at the TV, not having it in him to actually pay attention to it.
He heard Shark whisper something to Webs—(guess she finally decided to show her traitorous face.)—on the other side of the room, and Snake felt his mind fill in the gaps when he heard his name in the midst of it:
‘So when do we dump the old man, Webs? Snake is completely useless to the group. Nothing but a greedy, unprincipled, lying sack of filth…’ Snake felt his mood bitter even further when he heard Wolf’s name thrown into the mix, and he could imagine what Webs was saying in response. ‘I think Wolf said it’ll be tomorrow. We won’t have to deal with that lowlife monster anymore.’
Snake’s head retreated deep into his coils after his brain supplied him with the rest of their conversation, and the pressure of his coils against his ear-holes kept him from hearing anything else.
Snake guessed that after a while they left the room to go to bed. He didn’t know, he didn’t care. He just wanted to get OUT. He’d be thrice damned before he was going to stay in a place where he was going to be attacked by people he thought were his friends. 
Wolf was sitting in their bed reading a book when he pushed his way into their bedroom, and despite everything, despite the heartache, the distrust, the hostility he’d been facing all day.. He still just wanted to curl up right next to Wolf when he looked up from his book, gave him a warm smile, and patted the bed next to him. The voice was screaming at Snake to go, to take everything out of the drawers, swallow them so he could regurgitate them later, and never look back. He had been so sure that that was what he was going to do, too. But…
That smile. That damned smile Wolf was giving him. He couldn’t stop himself from inching forward, bit by bit, until his body collided with the foot of the bed, and he slithered under the blankets until his head came to rest on his pillow, facing away from Wolf. To hell with it. He was just so tired. He’d leave tomorrow morning, when he had the energy to do it.
“Hey, baby…” Wolf cooed slyly , setting down his book and running his paw along Snake’s side. “You finally decided to come to bed? I’ve been lonely without you.” “Shut the fuck up, baby.” Snake snapped and coiled in on himself, not letting Wolf wrap his arm around him and pull him into a cuddle. “Leave me alone.” He couldn’t see Wolf’s face, but he bet he probably looked shocked and more than a little hurt. He couldn’t bring himself to apologize or even look over at his boyfriend— 
Wolf, his mind corrected for him. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Wolf. Fortunately, Wolf seemed to understand that he shouldn’t push the serpent to say anything right now, and he simply turned off his bedside lamp and laid facing away from Snake.
Neither of them got much sleep that night. Maybe that was why Snake reacted so negatively when he was suddenly woken up by Piranha dropping a metal tray of pancakes on the table next to his head.
“Good morning, padre! I hope you like it! I made them with chocolate chips!”  Piranha shouted, jumping into bed between Snake and Wolf. 
Snake was none too pleased and angrily shoved Piranha over to Wolf’s side of the bed, effectively making Wolf fall to the floor with a yelp and a thud.
“What the hell is wrong with ya?! First you act like you can’t stand me being around ya, then you’re trying to bribe me with pancakes?! I swear I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m not— I’m… not…”
Snake’s eyes had finally adjusted and saw Shark and Webs at the door with a big sign that said “Happy Fathers’ Day!” In big, bold lettering
Wolf sat up from the floor, rubbing his head and tiredly looking at Snake with puffy eyes. Shark and Webs looked concerned for Wolf and turned towards Snake confused.
“What’s going on, Snake? Why are you acting like this?”
Snake was flabbergasted, how could they all not know. “What the hell are you talking about?! Yesterday! The talking about me behind my back, Shark giving me the cold shoulder, the other two refusing to even come near me! What the fuck was that if you… if… you…” Snakes anger began to fizzle out as he watched all of their faces cycle through a pattern of confusion, realization, then mortification mixed with horror as they realized what they had done. 
It was about that same time that Snake realized what had happened, and he felt whatever embers of rage he had left get doused by the revelation that they were planning a surprise party for a holiday he completely forgot existed.
“Ohhhh, you thought we were plotting about getting rid of you?!” Piranha gasped and catapulted himself into Snake’s side, wrapping his arms around the serpent. “We’d never do that!”
Shark and Webs ran to Snake’s side of the bed and encapsulated him in a hug. The serpent was not one for physical contact apart from Wolf, especially not this mushy crap, but he couldn’t bring himself to shove them off of him. Wolf was the last to join the hug, he slid into the space behind Snake and pressed himself up against him so that Snake’s head was against his bare chest.
“I’m sorry for scaring you buddy. I didn’t think about how it’d look…”
Snake didn’t want to cry, fuck, he really didn’t, but he was surrounded by his only friends in the whole world. He was being embraced after he was so scared he was going to be thrown out like garbage, and… Well… if anyone ever pointed out the single tear that slipped out of the safecracker that day, he might have to kill them.
He looked back at Wolf, silently apologizing for his behavior. Wolf only smiled at him, the wordless apology accepted with a nod.
They stayed like that for a while, not daring to end the moment until the hug got too uncomfortable to handle anymore. So there they were, all huddled around Snake.
Snake took a moment to collect himself, and once he was sure his voice wasn’t going to crack, or he wasn’t going to break down. He turned to Piranha and gave a weak laugh.
“The pancakes have chocolate chips, you say?”
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paigenoelchas-blog · 2 years
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Tales Told in the Dark:
The gang sits by the fire and tells stories. This is Phil's turn.
warnings: not so scary fireside stories.
Phil pulls his hood over his eyes and hangs his head low, posturing to create the illusion of fright. He begins, his voice is low and thick like syrup, the words clinging to his lips after he says them, "The night was cold and dark, one when the rain soaks through your bones and the fog hangs low in the sky. It was the kind of night where the impenetrable mist envelops your being and claims you for its own mysterious intentions.
I was working at the bar, closing. I had sent everyone home insisting that I would give them a break and finish up. The trash needed to be taken out, but our damn dumpster was temperamental. I should have only been there a minute but I had been wrestling with it in the alley when I heard a noise."
He lowers his body and his voice into a whisper that slowly loudens as he speaks, "tic tic toc tic toc tic tic tic toc tic toc tiC TOC TIC TOC"
Lily has buried her head in a blanket, all except her eyes. Hannah has cuddled into Thomas she is intrigued. Jake is even impressed with his storytelling, his eyes haven't stopped watching Phil since he started telling the story. MC is holding him tight.
The noise grew louder," Phil continues. "I turned around, but the alley was completely dark. Everyone had gone home, even the girls that hang out there had left to party somewhere else."
Phil began switching his head from side to side as if he was actually looking for the source of the noise.
"Out of nowhere, a tall man appeared. His teeth were yellow and somewhat pointy. His face was bloated and his skin was mixed with various shades of pink as if the sun had burned his face. He wore a top hat, but it seemed ironic like he was wearing it to make some sort of statement. All of his clothes were black, and his long leather trenchcoat completed the look. He was so tall that he had to hunch over," Phil leans in and speaks conspiratorially, "You would think that this made him thin, but under that trenchcoat was a mixture of blubber and muscles, the likes of which I had never seen.
The man began to speak to me," Phil continues, "and his voice was low and crackled like he had swallowed a package of rocks. "Hello there, boy," The man called out to me. I didn't answer him. Why he would be seeking me out? I tried to sneak by him. He grabbed my arm on the way past. "You would be wise, son, to answer when you are spoken to and never underestimate an opponent."
As Phil imitated the man, he hunched himself over and somehow made himself look taller and more imposing in the process. MC was amazed at Phil's acting skills. He was actually quite good at this.
"I looked at his face, I knew that I couldn't avoid him, so I'd better toughen up. I spoke to him with the most intimidating voice that I could muster. "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?"
" I am someone that you would do best to obey." He gave me a sardonic smile. I noticed his yellow pointy teeth and shuddered unwillingly.
I was now intrigued. "I don't obey anyone without a few questions," I say. I might be pushing my luck but I wasn't going to let this creeper push me around.
"I admire your spirit, so you may ask exactly three questions. Then you will obey me."
"Where are you from?"
"The future. It isn't a place where you would survive. It isn't a place that you would want to be." His voice was ominous, yet somehow, soft.
Right, I think to myself, this guy is wackadoo.
"Soooo, you are from the future, how did you get here?"
"For me to answer that would make no sense. Our civilization has advanced too far, and yet, we have not advanced far enough." I can tell that he is losing his patience.
"If I could ask you three questions, why don't you have to answer them?" I ponder.
"I never promised that I would." His answer was concise and factual.
"I want to know, why are you here?"
"Oh, now this is a question that I would love to answer as it will lead me to your compliance. You see, in the future, we have to have bodies to manipulate, we use them as soldiers to fight the great war and really, to do whatever we need. We control the soldiers' every move. They no longer have a life, they are merely living. I am here for recruitment. You must come with me."
"I am not applying for the job if that is what you are asking. I know a hacker who would love to join. I can tell you how to find him." I told the man, he didn't think it was funny." Phil makes eye contact with Jake and snickers.
MC leans in and whispers something in Jake's ear and he smiles, unplussed by Phil's attempt at an insult. Jake's lack of concern increases Phil's frustration.
"I do apologize for the use of the word recruit," The tall man says ominously as he leans into my ear. "I should have said we take."
In an instant, he wrapped his arm around my neck trying to hold me tight, but I managed to escape. I could hear him following me, his shadow on the wall looming over me, I saw his thick hands reach for me with fingernails as sharp as knives. He was getting close. I ducked through a side road and looked for anyone to ask for help. The man was fast and almost impossible to identify in the darkness of this night. He looked more transparent than real. I looked back and could tell that he was getting closer to me. I was just about to give up, seeing no way out, realizing that I smoke too much for this type of activity.
That freaky time traveler kept gaining on me. He looked desperate and angry, really angry, his eyes were turning red and he was gaining more speed. His long arms seemed to stretch out toward me. I.had to.think.of.something.fast," Phil was pacing his words so they sounded as though he was panting.
"I don't know how my legs kept moving, but they did. Then, I heard a motorcycle, flying through the night. I was hoping if I could get in their line of sight, they could save me. I ran toward the motorcycle. when I got close to it, I saw that it was Jakey boy over there"
"What?" he said, " I never knew. I would have helped you.'
"...and then what, I am indebted to you. No thanks," He glared at Jake.
"Once I saw it was Jake on the motorcycle, I turned away and continued running.
"You would rather die than ask me for help?" Jake interrupts. He is incredulous.
"Yes," Phil responds quickly disbelief apparent at the thought that Jake would even have to ask that question.
Phil shakes his head and returns to the story. He begins panting again. "Anyway, I was running and I started to hear it." Phil lowers his voice again then raises it to a yell when he reaches the end of the noise.
'tic tic toc tic tic TIC TOC tic toc TIC TIC TOC TOC TIC TOC'
Phil is now screaming TOC.
He lowers his voice, but the panicked tone returns. "I turned around, the man's hand had grabbed onto the back of my hoodie and he was trying to hold me. I bent down and snuck out of the sweatshirt. I was lying on the ground. The noise was getting louder. I had to hold my ears. I watched the man, my eyes focused on him, I blinked my eyes and the man was gone, he had just disappeared. I looked around the corner to make sure that I couldn't find him, but he was nowhere. He even took my new sweatshirt, dammit."
Lily was breathless and Hannah was holding onto Thomas's hand. Dan was even quiet, his eyes focused on Phil.
"See Cleo, that is how you tell a scary story. Look at these people, they are on the edge of their seats." Phil says, his cocky attitude has completely returned.
"Phil, stop it," MC chimes in. "We get the point. You are cool." she pauses as he shuts his mouth.
Then she adds, "I did really like your story. Who knew you are so good at spinning tales?' she winked.
He snarked and Jake huddled in closer.
Hannah looked at Thomas, "Thomas, honey, you should tell your story. The one about the band?"
Ok, I can go next, but I like to strum the guitar while I tell it, Is that all right with everyone?" they all nod.
Jessy says, "If you all need to take a break, now is the time. Lily and Hannah escort Jessy to the bathroom. Jake walks up to Phil. Jake holds his head down and asks, "Do you really hate me so much that you would rather die than let me help you?"
Phil responds, "It was just a story, man. I like to get under your skin. You make it easy. But if you don't watch out, I will take MC from you."
Jake begins to fume. "Stop your obsession with MC. She is with me,"
"See what I mean," he smirks, you are an easy target." He looks at Jake side-eyed.
Jake chuckles and gives in "I guess I am when it comes to her." He looks up as MC catches his eye. "Good story,"
The truth is it wasn't a story. but he knew that no one would believe him. Phil finds s chair and settles in. He sits next to Jessy and wraps one arm around her shoulder. "Good idea, sis."
"Thanks, man," she says leaning her head into his shoulder. "Be careful, you know they have a real love for each other. Not even your charm can break that."
"I know, I know," he sighs watching them kiss in the dim light of the fire. Thomas began to strum his guitar as Phil closed his eyes, trying to get the image of the two of them out of his mind.
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@glitchgaymer I'm so happy you asked!!!
I just speed run to finish my girl Scarlet's design!
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I did mention her a bit at times in 2 of my posts. One was a drawing of what she would look like if she was in an TMNT 2012 AU I was following and the other time was in an ask that asked what kind of girl Leo would like. Plus I mentioned her in my Rise AU where I made a design for her and yeah. I really wanna show her off more often and art of her and Leo together.
To give some info about her:
Scarlet was an orphan and grew up at an orphanage since she was 3-4 years old. She wasn't fond of the orphanage so when she was only 8 she attempted to run away from the place and try to find and start her own life. She then ran into a woman called Naomi Zhang who took her in as her own daughter. Scar ended up being raised by her and was trained to be an assassin and kill people. Naomi was a notorious criminal who has her own gang of assassins. There is no reason or an explanation as to why she does this. Though it's mentioned in the story that she simply just enjoys people's suffering.
Some extra background regarding Naomi is that she often recruited young children and would raise them to become assassins and kill for her. She ended up creating her own secret company of sorts. Scarlet ended up being one of them. And she was raised to do whatever Naomi told her to and to never question her antics or demands. So Scarlet just followed whatever her ''mother'' said. She killed whoever her mother said she needed to. Scarlet wasn't though really fond of it but got used to it overtime.
One day, she was out with some of the members of Naomi's gang to go and kidnap a few people so they can bring them to Naomi and potentially kill or torture them. But were suddenly encountered by a gang of 4 weird humanoid reptile creatures and they ended in a fight with them. However, unknown to Scarlet and the leader of those reptile like creatures, they would end up having a connection of some sorts.
For Scarlet's personality, she is actually pretty calm and quiet and just doesn't get into altercations often times. She can however be rebellious and sarcastic and even attempt to get into dangerous situations. Scar is also a huge flirt and has a thing for attracting many people. Mostly men, who she ends up killing because of again, Naomi. She is often seen as strong, serious, bold and wise beyond her years. However by season 3, her personality changes quite a lot. After Leo's accident where he was yetted thru the window (wonder how much April and Kirby had to pay for that window-), she was genuinely worried and concerned for him. She became more light-hearted and nicer. Even helping Leo out and even trying to help out the others. Her soft side was shown more and she acted like a completely different person compared to how she acted before. She still kept many of her traits and personality but, she showed a lot more care then before.
That's all I can really say when it comes to her character. Might change a few things here and there but this is what she is so far.
Some extra and small facts about her:
Scarlet has some french blood in her and has some french accent to her. She had some familiarity of her ethnicity so she got herself some french books to learn how to speak french.
On that note she ended up teaching Leo how to speak some french. Also in exchange Leo taught her something about Japanese (kind of headcannon that if the turtles were humans they would be Japanese in 2012)
Scarlet has a collection of swords and always has a sword by her hand. Mostly because she ends up breaking a lot of her swords after a fight. She is capable of using other weapons but prefers swords or knives just because.
She actually dies her hair a lot. Her hair was originally a lighter shade of red (kind of like April's. I'd say a mix of 2012 and 87's red hair). But she ended up dyeing her hair to a dark color of red. She has been thinking whether she should return to her old red hair or keep some lighter red in her hair.
The other guys just proclaimed Scarlet and April as the red team. Raph is kind of included in the team but since he is bald uh yeah-
I've had a lot of scrapped ideas when it came to Scarlet that I might share at some point if anyone is interested or something.
Her and Karai would take a long while to get along but once Karai joins the team and is on the good side, the two end up bonding a lot. Plus they showed empathy and even some sympathy towards one and other since they kind of went thru similar things in life.
Behind Leo's back, Mikey is her actual favorite turtle and laughs at his jokes.
Her and Raph, similar to Karai and Scarlet, took a long while to genuinely get along because Raph didn't trust the idea of Scar being an ally to them. Plus he wasn't fond of Leo crushing on a girl that is a literal assassin and has killed people. The two ended up being genuine friends when Raph saw that she genuinely cared about Leo and was willing to help out.
Whenever Scar has the urge to genuinely hurt or kill someone, she ends up stabbing a bunch of fruits or any kind of food to relieve her stress.
I'll possibly make another post regarding her and Leo and some facts about them together. Again if anyone is interested let me know.
I know this took me a while to respond to and that was because I wanted to make some art of Scarlet but I didn't wanna wait to post this so here I am finally. Apologies for taking years to respond to this- But here she is finally lol
While I haven't finished any art of Scarlet, this is like the only drawing I have of her and Leo together. So here~
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Also side views suck lmao. Also the design for Leo is kind of old since I changed his species of turtle in my AU.
Okay that's all. Have a good day and I think I'm gonna go now hang out in the Prison dimension or something-
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