#i was ready to quit during episode 15
nick-nellson · 11 months
home school is stressing me the fuck out!!!!!
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cozyforjate · 11 months
It surprises me when people say Chapel doesn’t have a trait, personality, or plotline other than being Spock’s love interest... Let me list all the things we know and have seen about this amazing character.
Christine Chapel is a nurse on The Enterprise. She is on civilian exchange from the Stanford Morehouse Epigenetic Project. She is also a part of Starfleet’s initiative to better observe alien cultures without contamination.
M’Benga treats her as an equal. Pike called her “doctor” in the very first episode which suggests that her medical knowledge and experience must be impressive.
She is an expert on genetic modification. She can mess with your genome and temporarily turn you into an Alien. And she makes it look easy.
She is also interested in archeological medicine. She is doing fieldwork, making discoveries, and writing papers on the subject while doing her other duties on the ship.
Long story short she is quite the genius!
She is outgoing, friendly, witty, funny, adventurous, strong, brave but also compassionate and emotional.
She doesn’t judge, she accepts people for who they are.
She is confident in her abilities. She doesn’t take anyone’s BS. “I don’t think the Vulcan Fellowship is ready for me”… No one, not even Vulcans can bully or make her feel insecure.
But when she was a kid she was bullied. Milo, her Malamute, bit one of those bullies. Good boy!
As it was implied in one of the episodes she is most probably bi.
She has a vulnerable side. She is afraid of commitment. Afraid of romantic relationships getting deep. Perhaps even afraid of falling in love. She uses humor when things get too serious or personal for her. There is a story waiting to unfold in time. And i can’t wait to know more of it!
She was in the Klingon War with M'Benga. They witnessed the ugly face of war and had to make some hard decisions. They used (perhaps even developed) an illegal serum that temporarily gives them enough power and stamina to survive against Klingons. This left a scar on her as much as it did on M'Benga. We will revisit this story in episode 8 (i guess).
She knows how to fight. She is a quick thinker during stressful situations. And she is a badass. For example, she can handle space pirates and all she needs is a hypospray! She can deal with baby Gorns and survive!
She is heroic. She would jump into space without an EV suit to prevent a war.
Oh and she is also Spock's love interest and it's a delicious relationship that enrichens both characters.
This is what we got in 15 episodes. I'm sure we'll learn more about her and she will get new storylines in the seasons to come.
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racinggirl · 2 years
no more secrets || max verstappen 1
words: 0.9k (finally a drabble under 1k words lol) I just want to thank you all once again for the requests! It means a lot to me! I hope you all like this cute drabble for Max. I know it took quite a while, but lately hasn't been the best time for me mentally. Also, I'm thinking of starting an actual series, like a bigger story with multiple episodes. Let me know what you think of the idea, I already have a small plot in my head :)
My 700 drabbles requests are closed, however, you can still send in regular requests through my askbox
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The man that has secured his second world championship. The man that won 15 races this season. The man that will get another trophy at this year’s FIA gala. And the man that stole your heart from day one.
You and Max had been together for almost a year now, you started dating right at the beginning of 2021, after being friends with his sister for 3 years. You were always supportive of him, cheering him on, basically being one of his friends as well. However, you did not expect it to become more than just friends, because neither of you ever showered interest in each other.
Abu Dhabi, 2021. It was one of the most intense races you or anyone in the Red Bull garage had ever seen. You were invited by Victoria, Max’ sister, because the two of you always got along great. You were holding each other’s hands as you watched the safety car enter the pitlane. Your heartbeat was going through the roof the moment Lewis sped up, Max going behind him like a lion going after his prey.
‘’He won! He, fucking, won!’’ You had your arms wrapped around Victoria’s neck, hugging her tightly as she jumped up and down, making you join her jumping. He won, and you couldn’t be prouder.
During the party you and Victoria were talking, and drinking, the latter being the reason for your actions later that evening as the two of you made the perfect plan to scare Max, in his hotel room. However, Victoria bailed on you as she went to her own hotel room instead, leaving you alone in Max’ room.
That evening resulted in you and Max making out, the both of you being absolutely wasted, and the next morning you discussed the things that happened, for as far as you could remember. The two sides of the stories of the things that you did know from last night creating the entire, completed story. You complemented each other.
Aside from your families and friends, nobody knew about your relationship, and that was something you’d like to keep that way. Not because Max wasn’t proud of you being on his side, no, the secret part of your relationship actually came from your side, since you weren’t ready to be in the public eye, yet. And Max respected that more than anything.
Whenever you went out, you remained his ‘friend’. But whenever you were out of the public eye, you were the cheesiest couple one could ever see. Holding hands, heated make out sessions or cuddles whenever you were with your friends or family were just a few of the many things you did.
You made up for the moments you weren’t affectionate in public was Max’ excuse whenever your friends told you to get a room. And you couldn’t agree with him more. The moments you were together with your friends or family were rare, especially with him being in the public eye almost 24/7. So, the moments you were able to hold hands, kiss, or be close to each other, you took. It made your relationship even more precious, because you always kind of stayed in that ‘first phase’ moment.
Now, weeks later, you were watching him get ready for his FIA gala. You had joined him, because what better city to be in with your loved one than Paris. You were walking towards your suitcase, the beautiful black sparkly dress with the open back appearing out of it.
Max looked at you through the mirror, a frown on his face as he tried to fix his bow. ‘’That’s a beautiful dress, lieverd.’’ He spoke. ‘’But why did you pack it?’’ darling
You simply smiled at your boyfriend before making your way over to him. He turned around, looking down at you as you fixed his bow for him. Your silence spoke louder than words, as it made him think twice.
‘’Are you joining me?’’ He asked with the widest smile the man could possibly give. You giggled, looking up into his eyes as you bit your lip slightly. As you nodded, Max laughed from happiness, picking you up which made you laugh as well.
‘’Max! put me down silly.’’ You giggled. ‘’I need to get dressed.’’
And that’s how your secret relationship turned out to be not so secret anymore. The two of you were the hot topic the moment the two of you walked on the red carpet, photographers taking millions of pictures of the ‘new’ couple.
Max also thanked you in his speech, a speech he had prepared and only hoped to bring out to the world rather sooner than later. And he got to do it, the smile on his face whenever he spoke about you could be seen from miles away.
The cherry on the pie came when, after his speech, he joined you back in the audience. As all eyes were on you, he simply did the one thing that confirmed it all. His lips pressed on yours for a single second, the both of you smiling as a bunch of lovesick teens.
‘’I love you, so much, and I can’t wait to show the world how lucky I am to have you on my side.’’
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novaksupremacy · 17 days
The Veiled Law of Affection- Chapter 1
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fic takes place during the events of 5.5 “Serendipity” just my idea of the episode could have properly showed the obvious initial tension between the characters.
angst, smut, pairing Casey Novak x Olivia Benson
(please be kind (but honest) I haven’t written fanfic in almost 15 years)
***(so what I’d really like to do is make this a continuing arc of my head cannons of how I think these characters dated throughout the series as well as how I think Calex would play out and a Cabenson reunion revolving around the episodes where Alex comes back in seasons 10/11 and “Sunk Cost Fallacy” as well as how I think Calex would’ve continued from that point, if that’s something people would be interested in. I also plan on doing quite a few Calex one shots on the side) ***
“The Veiled Law of Affection- Chapter 1”
by PKJ (@novaksupremacy)
word count: 4285
“What do you tell your boyfriend?” Casey scoffed from behind her desk, tossing a few case files onto its surface haphazardly.
Olivia dug her hands deeper into her pockets and dropped her eyes from the red head, she still wasn’t sure how to take her, so she wasn’t about to tell her something she hadn’t even told her squad, the people she trusted with her life.
“I don’t have one actually, once they find out what I do, the ones that don’t pull away immediately get too interested,” she shook her head and smiled incredulously, “and want to know all the sickening details.”
Casey tiled her head, resisting the urge to bite her lip.
“I guess it’s easier on the men’s side.” she shrugged, letting go of a deep stressful sigh. They’d only just met but there was just something about Detective Olivia Benson that set her apart from anyone she had ever met. She watched as the tall, brunette stepped closer, leaning her fingertips against the counselor’s desk, and bent towards the young ADA. “God Casey, quit looking at her hands, stop imagining her touching you with those delicate, strong fingers.” She snapped herself out of it and returned eye contact to Olivia.
“Well,” Olivia started softly, “Fin doesn’t talk about his personal life at work, Elliot doesn’t talk about his work at home, and Munch has just given up.”
She stepped back, pushing herself from the desk off her fingertips, and walked towards the door. Casey went back to shuffling through paperwork on her desk and Olivia lingered in the doorway looking back, finding herself distracted by the charming lawyer’s athletic build, muscles taut against the sleeves of her shirt. She put her hand on the door frame. “Goodnight, Counselor.”
The ginger looked up from her work and smiled, “Goodnight, Detective.”
Liv went back to her desk and straightened up, locking up her drawers and getting ready to go for the evening, “Night El, don’t stay here too late.”
Elliot waved without even bothering to look up from his burger.
Liv took the side entrance as she left the building. It wasn’t overly flooded with light but enough to see if someone was trying to sneak up on her. Casey was only a couple feet ahead of her, walking her bike towards the street. The young ADA turned her head to look back when she heard the door creak closed. She shot a flustered smile in Olivia’s direction. It was clear that behind that smile she was distraught over her recent conversation with Branch. She wasn’t cut out for SVU, her heart was going to be broken constantly and she wasn’t quite sure she could bear it. Her heartbeat picked up slightly, maybe there was a sparkle to cut through the darkness of working sex crimes, and maybe that sparkle was brilliant, brunette detective.
“Goodnight again, Detective.” She turned to face forward again so she couldn’t be seen blushing. She smirked and bit her lip as she began to start walking again.
Over the years Olivia had become an expert on reading people, their body language, their facial expressions, and she could see the pain behind Casey’s eyes, she’d seen it before, whenever there was a problem Alex couldn’t fix. She furrowed her brow; it had been a long day for both, and she couldn’t let Casey go home so disheartened.
She took a deep breath, “Hey! Counselor?”
The tall athletic woman was midway through fastening her helmet when she whipped around. “Be cool Novak, debonair not doofus.”  She smiled again, soft and hopeful.
“Yes Detective? What’s up?” internally she was an absolute wreck, but on the surface, she was charming, confident.
Liv shifted and dug her hands into her pockets again, a nervous habit when she didn’t know what to do with her arms. “Would you want to come get a drink with me? I’m not ready to go home yet and I figured you needed to blow off some steam as much as I do after this case. There's a bar a few blocks from here that’s pretty nice, even has a brand-new pool table.”
Casey, who had been keeping a very slow pace still moving forward towards the street stopped in her tracks, turned the bike around walking back in the brooding brunette’s direction. Without a word she locked her bike back up and removed her helmet and sauntered forward.
“I think that sounds like a great idea,” she rasped trying to keep eye contact until she couldn’t anymore, looking down and biting her lip and then running her tongue across it to soothe the irritation and her nerves. “Lead the way.”
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
                The bar wasn’t overly crowded, so it was easy to hear each other. They had been talking and laughing for about an hour, discussing mutual acquaintances, mishaps Elliot may or not have had on the softball field. They both had been laughing so heartily their cheeks were starting to hurt.
 Casey brought her glass to her lips and took a sip of the whiskey sour. As she brought the glass down onto the bar, she used it as an opportunity to lean closer to Olivia.
                “So, Detective,” she smirked and gave a nod of curiosity, “is this job really the only reason you don’t have a boyfriend?”
                Liv blushed and smiled nervously; her mouth agape but not able to make words come out. “This is really an inconvenient time to be having a stroke.” She laughed credulously, “Ahhh, not exactly.” She copied the redhead’s movement putting her glass down closer so that she could lean in. “I mean- I date men, just not exclusively and not usually. I just don’t really share that with anyone. Even the squad.”
                The two women were now leaning in, to the point where they were inches from each other’s faces. Casey quirked an eyebrow, the smell of Olivia’s perfume was intoxicating. She stood up from her barstool bringing her closer than she already was.
                She grinned, “Good to know. Pool?” She leaned across Liv to pick up her drink off the bar top using her free hand to hold Liv’s shoulder and steady herself.
                Liv caught herself holding her breath, she could feel the warmth of the liquor spreading through her body, but also the heat coming off Casey’s. She’d have to slow down on her cocktail, or her inhibitions might get low enough for her to try something. She couldn’t read the dazzling prosecutor and found that troubling. Was she flirting? Was she just trying to make friends and fit in with the SVU gang?     
                As Casey stepped back, she made sure to look at the compassionate cop directly in her deep brown eyes, hovering for only a second, her lips tingling as they ghosted past Olivia’s. “I’ll get some quarters,” she pursed her lips and tilted her head in the direction of the pool table.
                Casey racked up and grabbed two sticks off the wall, waiting for Liv to make her way over. She was still at the bar seemingly ordering fresh drinks. As Liv turned around and made her way across the room, Casey couldn’t help but bite down on her lower lip and pull it between her teeth, she felt her cheeks getting hot.
                “Jameson?” the older brunette smiled holding up two shot glasses of amber liquid.
                “Don’t mind if I do Detective,” the young redhead’s eyes sparkled with want, “and you…” She handed one of the pool sticks to what she was strongly hoping was her date for the evening, “are right on…cue.” Casey chuckled at her own goofy joke and then shot the Jameson without flinching. “Sorry for the dad joke,” she chuckled again, setting the shot glass down on the windowsill.
                Olivia walked around her to get ready to break, as she did, she stopped behind Casey’s ear, a grin spread across her face, “Whatever you say, Daddy.”
                It took every bit of strength Casey had not to let her knees crumple. Her body was on fire, and her arousal made her thankful not to be a man at that moment. The brunette’s breath on the nape of her neck made her entire body quiver. She managed to get out a small giggle as Liv made her way around her other side and lined up her shot.
                “So, the job,” Olivia started as she eyed the rack of billiard balls at the other end of the table, “it doesn’t get easier, and sometimes it gets worse, but I’d like to think...” She sighed and stood up and tried to readjust, “...for the most part we make a difference.”
                Casey caught herself mindless chewing her bottom lip again listening to the woman in front her, studying how she was soft and quietly intense at the same time. She quirked her brow again and chuckled to herself. “Don’t play pool often, Detective?”
                Liv dropped her shoulders in defeat and hung her head laughing, “That obvious, huh?”
                The ADA moved behind her, “Can I?” she queried, waiting for a nod before leaning herself up against the usually hardened police officer, who seemed to relax around her. She placed her arms over Olivia’s and her head atop her shoulder, “I’ve got you. It’s all in the wrist,” she ran her long slender fingers over Liv’s, “like this.” With that she pulled Liv’s arm back slowly and then pushed it forward, pushing herself tighter against the beautiful woman in front of her, the stick connecting with the cue ball and scattering the billiards on the table into various pockets.
                Liv felt her breath catch in her throat as Casey’s taut body pressed into her back, she inhaled, “bergamot and orange blossoms”, she was completely under her spell at this point. “Wow Counselor, your sway with a pool cue is almost as good as your skill swaying a jury.”
                The redhead chuckled into Liv’s shoulder, her lips close enough to the brunette’s neck that she could feel them even though they hadn’t connected yet, “Oh yeah, Detective? You should hear my closing argument.”
                Both women laughed, bodies leaning forward towards the pool table. Casey placed her hands against the table on both sides of Liv to steady herself. The brunette cop turned to face her, now pinned between the attorney and the table.
                Casey leaned closer, her hazel eyes glistening with lust, her smile melting Liv, tempting her to let her walls down. “Would you like to get out of here?”
                Both women raised an eyebrow, noses grazing as they both nodded, almost kissing but thinking better of the public show, and made their way for the door.
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
                The cab ride to Casey’s Upper West Side apartment seemed insufferably long, the two women sitting close enough to touch but refraining as if taunting each other, “touch me I dare you.”  The redhead reached into the inside pocket of her suit jacket and practically tossed the money at the cabbie, she wasn’t sure if it was a twenty or a hundred but either way it was more than enough. It was late, the door attendant was off duty, so Casey, ever the gentleman, opened the door and motioned Olivia inside, “After you, Detective.” At this point the way she said it, her voice raspy, sultry, only turned the officer on more.
                Once they got into the elevator Casey couldn’t wait anymore, she felt like if she didn’t touch Olivia soon, she might just die of anticipation. She pushed herself up against Liv, pinning her against the wall of the elevator, studying her lips for a minute, she knew they still had about ten floors to go. At first, she just brushed her lips against the olive-skinned beauty’s and then she kissed her, hard, and it was like the bomb that had been ticking all night had finally detonated. She bit Liv’s lower lip and then slid her tongue gently across it to soothe the bite and to wantonly ask for permission. Olivia sighed and opened her mouth slightly allowing Casey access which the redhead took full advantage of, massaging Liv’s tongue with her own. Olivia didn’t even bother to fight for dominance, just let go and let Casey explore, with her tongue and with her hands which were now roaming her body. One hand under Liv’s leather jacket kneading her breast the other wandering down her body, sliding her index and middle fingers through Liv’s belt loop pulling the cops hips closer to her own. She counted in her head, “Three, two, one.” On the count of one she let go and grabbed Liv’s hand as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, she pulled her down the hallway and fumbled with the keys.
                The minute they were behind a closed door again Casey threw her keys and pressed the brunette back up against the wall, biting her bottom lip hard, and pulled towards herself. Liv’s moans swallowed by the enthusiastic kisses the district attorney was placing on her with fervor.
“So, Detective…” Casey smirked beginning to kiss and bite down Olivia’s neck, Liv’s knees buckling against her. The redhead leaned harder against her and held her by the shoulders to steady her. She ran her tongue over the marks she was making as she slid the leather jacket off the other woman’s shoulders and letting it fall to the floor, “I know you’re used to being in control but so am I and, hm, I really, really, would like to tell you exactly,” She bit down hard into Liv’s shoulder and suckled for a moment, “what I want to do.”  
The brunette whimpered in pleasure at the bite, panting quietly in the dimly lit apartment foyer, completely succumbed. She nodded in response to Casey, she didn’t even want to fight it, she was tired of always having to be the one in charge, making decisions. She would gladly let the fine, young woman in front of her take the reins, at least for now.
“I need a verbal response, Detective.” Casey bit down again, this time a little higher up finding the brunette’s sweet spot.
“Yes,” Liv panted out, shaking her head vehemently, “god yes!”
“Good girl.” Casey smirked devilishly, as she unbuttoned and unzipped Liv’s jeans with her left hand, tracing small circles along her waistline enjoying the teasing torment she was inflicting as Liv’s skin jumped and twitched under her touch.
“Case...” Olivia whispered, she was so turned on by the ADA right now that she couldn’t even speak at a normal volume, “tell me what you want.”
“I want,” the redhead breathed in her ear, kissing and suckling on her neck every few words, “to take you into my bedroom, get you naked…” as she continued, she slid her knee in-between the brunette’s thighs and could feel the arousal from her heat against her leg even through her jeans. She let out a surprised sigh of delight as she felt it. Liv started slowly grinding against her as she continued talking, “and then I want to get you underneath me, taunt you,” she pulled off the stunning officer’s shirt and bit into her bare collarbone, as the detective let out a strangled cry of pleasure, “tease you, until you are so incredibly desperate that you beg me to fuck you.” She pulled one of Liv’s breasts to her face, pushing aside the lace of her bra to suck the nipple into her mouth. Between what Casey was saying and the sensation of her hot, wet tongue, pleasurably massaging her nipple, Olivia almost came from the sheer agony of needing Casey inside of her. The counselor continued, “and I will, I will fuck you until your eyes cross, and then when I think you can’t take anymore, I’ll give you permission to cum,” she kissed the brunette passionately before continuing, “preferably in my mouth.”
Olivia whose chest was already heaving, eager and hungry, letting out moan after moan (which Casey was relishing, trying to push aside her own wanton need to have the brunette inside her), panted heavily, “So then take me to bed.” As she said this, she took Casey into a deep, messy kiss, wrapping her legs around the athletic attorney’s waist and draped her arms around her neck.
Casey wasted no time carrying her new lover to the bedroom, only setting her down as they reached the edge of the bed. She stood there for a moment, trying to catch her breath, reveling in Olivia’s beauty, smooth tanned skin, muscular physique. She giggled slightly as she couldn’t believe they went from their awkward first meeting to this. The redhead tossed her blazer off into the corner and pulled her own shirt off. As she began to kiss Liv again, it became a race as they both hurriedly pulled each other’s clothes off until the two were stripped of everything but their panties. Casey grabbed Liv by her waist pulling her tight to her own hips, she wrapped her left arm around the brunette’s shoulder and let her right-hand slide into Liv’s already soaked black lace underwear. She let her index and middle finger slide through the folds, pulling wetness up from the bottom and rolling her fingers around Liv’s swollen clit. Her breath hitched as she slid her fingers back down, she stroked up and down slowly, the brunette trembling beneath her touch.
“All this for me?” Casey tilted her head, “I’ve barely even begun to touch you.” Her voice was sensual but also lighthearted, the ADA knew how not to take herself too seriously in any situation. She pulled her fingers back up and into her mouth where she sucked and licked them clean. She flopped herself down on the bed, laying on her side, propped up on her elbow. She patted the bed with her free hand and then lifted it out to Liv in invitation. As the brunette took her hand, Casey softly pulled her down on the bed next to her. She put up a good front, but the truth is the young ADA wasn’t as experienced as she was making herself out to be and didn’t want to do anything to hurt or scare away the hot, brilliant detective in her bed staring at her with lust in her eyes. She brushed the hair away from Liv’s face and cupped it in her hand, placing soft kisses on her lips, “I want you to tell me if there’s anything you don’t want, I want you safe and comfortable.” She blushed and looked down; her hand was shaking ever so slightly.   
“Counselor,” Olivia smiled softly, looking into deep hazel eyes that she hadn’t been able to get out of her head since they met, “is that nerves? I want you, all of you, whatever that may entail, and I’ll tell you if I’m not okay. Promise.” She giggled and bit her lip softly, “Come on, Daddy. Show me what you got.” She whispered in a jovial attempt to both be sensual and break the tension as she planted a deep soft kiss on Casey.
The minute she said this, it was like she had once again awoken something primal in Casey, who deepened the kiss, pushing Liv to the bed and straddling her. The brunette laughed and gave a small moan, “There we go.” She wanted the redhead six ways to Sunday and would take any way she was willing to give her.
Casey began marking little bites and kisses down Liv’s shoulder and in between her breasts, the detective surely would not be happy when she looked in a mirror tomorrow, as she trailed down the brunettes body she stopped once she got to her panties, nipping at hipbones and slowly pulling them down around Liv’s ankles using nothing more than her teeth, stopping every so often to leave a scattered trail of teeth grazes and small bites, tossing the panties to the floor and then moving her way back up. She began kissing the detective again with every ounce of want in her being, biting and pulling her lower lip, both women moaning into each other’s mouths, unable to help themselves.
“Case…” Liv whimpered against her, “I need…” she moaned again under the redhead’s touch.
“What? What do you need baby?”
“I need you to fuck me.”
Casey wasted no time and easily slid two fingers into the other woman’s heat to which a loud, languid moan was the response. She began pumping, slowly, teasingly, learning the geography. She slid her fingers along a ridge at the top and felt Liv’s body start to tighten around her, this was enough to cause her to start dripping arousal down her own legs as she continued to tease the brunette. She watched Liv’s face every time she stroked that particular spot, how she would whimper, moan Casey’s name, over and over, pleading, “mmm more, please more!”.
  The redhead picked up her pace, pumping faster and harder as the brunette ground down firm against Casey’s hand trying to match pace. She could feel Liv’s walls tightening around her, she knew it wouldn’t be long, and just when she knew Liv was about to come crashing over the edge, she held up for a second slowing down to a snail's pace. She ran the tip of her tongue up the length of Liv’s neck and then softly bit her ear, “tell me what you need,” she husked, her lips up against the brunette's striking jawline, nipping and kissing, “hmm, tell me what you need.”
“I need to cum,” Liv pleaded, whining and struggling to regain the friction lost from Casey pumping inside of her, “I need…to…” and before she could finish asking again Casey already had her face down in between her thighs and began fucking her hard, pumping faster and faster, fingers up against her ridge, now adding her to tongue to the brunette's clit. Long, hard swipes never picking up her tongue, so the pressure was constant. She felt Liv’s walls start to flutter, making her moan against her clit, the vibrations sending the detective into a spiral.
Liv grabbed for the headboard as she started screaming, “Oh god, Casey, ah yes! Fuck!” Her core grinding hard against the redhead's face, who quickly removed her fingers and pushed her tongue deep inside, wrapping her arms around both legs to make sure Liv wasn’t getting away as she tongue-fucked her through her orgasm.
“Mm mm” Casey looked up at Olivia, eyes glazed, full of arousal. She licked her fingers clean and then lapped up the mess she had made of the brunette until she had consumed every last drop. “You did so good for me and you taste so fucking good.” She planted a kiss on Liv’s clit making her shudder and then made her way back up until the two were laying face to face.
“That,” Olivia said trying to catch her breath, “was incredible Counselor.”
Casey chuckled, “Well, you’re very welcome, Detective.” She bit her own lip and ran her tongue over it.
“Can I touch you?”
Casey nodded longingly.
“I’m going to need a verbal response, Counselor.”
Casey grabbed Liv’s hand and slid it down into her boy shorts, “How’s that for a yes, Detective?” she moaned quietly, her hips bucking towards her lover’s hand.
Liv slid herself closer to the redhead and began to trace her fingers along her folds. Casey was already drenched, “Why ADA Novak, I do believe someone should do something about this mess you’re making,” She grazed her teeth against Casey’s neck as Casey bit her lip and nodded excitedly.
The brunette tauntingly slid one finger into her lover’s tight pussy, causing the redhead to whimper, “More.”
Never breaking eye contact, Liv slowly slid a second finger in, making sure the pads of her fingers touched the squishy ridge at the top. Casey’s jaw went slack with pleasure as she whimpered again, “More.”
  This spurred Liv on as she swiftly plunged a third finger in. Casey cried out in pleasure as she did this, bucking her hips against Liv, griding down on her hand and wrapping her arms under the brunettes and holding on to her shoulders. Liv wasted no time pumping deep and hard, keeping constant friction on the g-spot.
Casey rolled her hips keeping the furious rhythm, dragging her nails down Liv’s back. Strangled cries and moans escaping from the redhead’s mouth almost constantly until she started babbling, “Oh I’m already…I’m gonna…FUCK LIV…I’m…” Her body went rigid as the orgasm she experienced engulfed her whole body, screaming Liv’s name over and over again as she came down off her high and her body went limp. Her fluids soaked the bed and Liv’s hand. Liv moaned almost ready to cum again as she tasted the gorgeous litigator for the first time, licking her fingers clean.
Sweaty and spent Casey laid flat on her back and pulled Liv close against her chest. Olivia breathed in and out heavily, soothed by the sound of the redhead’s heartbeat. “That was,” she snuggled closer trying to find the words.
Casey kissed the top of her head, “mind blowing?”  
Liv nodded, tracing her fingertips across the redhead's smooth skin, flushed pink from the night's activities.
“Yeah Case?”
“Please stay? I want to fall asleep with you in my arms”
Liv draped her arm over her lover, “I’d love nothing more.”
They dozed off just like that, tangled in each other, skin to skin, intimate, no alarm, no calls, just sleep.
Part 2
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study-with-aura · 2 months
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Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Today went very well. I am glad that I was able to catch up on my posts during my break earlier. I am now eating my evening snack, and then I will get ready for bed before spending a bit of time with my parents until it is time for sleep.
I am not quite sure if I am a fan of statistics quite yet seeing as conditional probability took me a little longer to understand, but I do think I finally figured it out so it made sense in my brain. On the other hand, the book that I am almost done with is so good. They mentioned the father of taxonomy, who I only recently studied in Biology. Yes, I forgot his name, but it isn't important as he did a terrible thing by assigning value to a person based on their race and said that there were four races, and technically even five, and then he assigned them an order and why they were in that particular order. Apparently, that was one of the ideas behind race realism which is pseudoscience at best in which geneticists even say there is no actual scientific backing for despite how it is often displayed. Although, I am finding this out from this book, with what I know in general, I trust it. Sometimes non-fiction can be difficult to read, but when it's written like this, and because I like history, I don't want to put the book down. It's strange that I somewhat remember hearing about some of the events mentioned in the book, but I can't recall it perfectly. I was only 7 then!
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Learned about conditional probability + practice + learned to check for independence with conditional probabilities + practice + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Unit 23 vocabulary + read chapters 54-55 of Emma by Jane Austen and finished the novel + took quiz on Emma (12/10)
Spanish 2 - Copied and studied clothing vocabulary
Bible I - Read 1 Samuel 13-14:1-15
World History - Learned about Anne Frank + read some of Anne Frank's writings + learned about Nazi ideology
Biology with Lab - Completed virtual mystery "lab" story (14/15)
Foundations - Read more on thoroughness + took next quiz on Read Theory + read steps of Monroe's "Motivated Sequence" + read about the psychology of persuasion
Piano - 60-minute piano lesson + practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Built into coursework
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched Greatest Events of World War II in Color episode 3
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 323-376 of Accountable: The True Story of a Racist Social Media Account and the Teenagers Whose Lives It Changed by Dashka Slater
Chores - Laundry
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (2 Corinthians 6)
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful that my piano teacher was very proud of me today for having three of my pieces fully memorized and almost a fourth!
Quote of the Day:
Without music, life would be a blank to me.
-Emma, Jane Austen
🎧10 Pieces from Romeo and Juliet, Op. 75 - Sergei Prokofiev
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bks-blogs · 1 month
101DS Series Bible Commentary Pt. 1
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How's it goin', my dedicated pups? Danuki here! Later tonight, I'll begin the live-tweet of the official 101 Dalmatian Street Pilot Episode, stating by reading through the series bible first!😁
Hope you dedicated pups are ready!👏🥳
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So… Let's start by looking into the series bible! The first set pages doesn't really show anything special.
It basically gives us the rundown on what we know about 101 Dalmatian Street. But the concept art of the Dalmatians residence shows, how much the series had evolved during the first stages of production.
To sum it up, the house looks nothing like the Radcliffe's former residence with how the structure was designed and aligned with other buildings.
A first sign that the show originally may not have been planned to take place in the original 101 Dalmatians film from 1961. Or if it was still planned to be set in the film's timeline, maybe at a different location?🤔
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We were able to learn more about an unused plot element of Dodie Smith (The author of the original 101 Dalmatians book) being the eccentric owner of Delilah Dalmatian and living on a faraway island. Well... actually, not Dodie Smith, but the name of this unseen character is Dodie McDot. As the name suggests, McDot has a weird obsession with spots, and an eccentric artsist who makes his living off of spot-related art. But at the time when the art world grew bored of his work, he ended up broke. This unseen character is FULL of mystery, and I hope for the staff adresses his character in some shape or form in a possible Season 2.
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The series Bible gives us a little bit more info of what we know about the two parents of 101, Delilah and Doug.
We get more insight of how the recent generation of 101 Dalmatians came together: Each parent bringing 15 pups of their own, while rescuing 54 from the streets, pet shops and shelters.
My dedicated pups, I think this may probably be the most canon backstory if the writers of the show decide to go with it in a potential second Season!😁
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Nothing really new to know in the bios of Dylan and Dolly. Just basically gives us what we know about our favorite duo throughout the first season.
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The first page of the original 15 siblings of the Dalmatian family. Again, there's nothing new we know about the members, aside from what we know watching through the 52 episodes of the series. And apparently, the 15 siblings had a bit of a different color scheme. Triple D originally had different shades of pink, possibly to stand out more, Dorothy's collar was originally light blue, and DJ supposedly was planned to have a black ring around his left eye.
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2nd page of the original 15 siblings of the Dalmatian family. Again, nothing new to learn about, but we do know that the Dimitrios do get a mention among the some of the other 101 brothers and sisters, despite not being in the series bible.
So, it's very possible the Dimitris were given their own designs after the success of the pilot.
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Next up, we get a look at the early concepts of the Dalmatians residence, as well as a black-n-white (Get it?) ref of the final designs the Dalmatians', Clarissa's and Constantine's houses. As the houses are modeled after the buildings in the UK, the designs chosen for the buildings are quite obvious. Of course, we also get a look at the early designs of the pinpoints in Camden, like the Canal and the Barista!
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Now let's take a peak at the friends and Neighbots of 101 Dalmatian Street! Here we get a better clarification of Clarissa's friends, Prunella and Arabella. Apparently they seem to secretly enjoy the Dalmatians' antics unlike Clarissa. Also... I may be the only one here, but I actually kinda like Arabella's early design with the white fur, the black tips on her ears, and the pink accessory she was originally going to wear! Now, for Constantine! So, apparently in the Bible, aside from what we know about him in the actual series, Consantine is a YouTuber, making videos talking about meanings of life. We also learn why we never see his human in the show. He's a Russian Architect who travels the world as part of work, meaning he's almost never home.
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Going through the next batch of pages featuring Dylan & Dolly's friends and foes, let's take a look at the most obvious ones.
For starters, Fergus originally had red eyes in the pilot, and apparently those were still present in his final design before removing them altogether for the final product. I'm honestly glad they did it, cause I'm sure children watching the show would be asking their parents why Fergus' eyes are red.😂
Ignoring the red eyes though, Fergus' early pilot design definitely looks badass compared to final one, but I'm cool with either one of them.😁
We also learn that Roxy's pet human is a gamer girl, which my explain why our goofy rottweiler jumped at the opportunity to play Poodlewolf with Dylan in "The Perfect Match".🎮
Then there's Hansel, who was originally name Heathcliff. Apparently, he was originally supposed to be the leader of macho huskies, and Dylan and Dolly are too nervous to interact with him (Much like how Dylan was nervous meeting Roxy, I suppose). That concept was likely ditched in order to make Hansel a more sensitive, soft person with a cowardly personality. Which is what makes him cute, IMO!😍
Lastly, we get a look at a early concept design of Godfrey. Our Golden Retriever was originally going to look much younger in the early show concepts. We also learn that he's an overly cautious dog who senses danger possibly everywhere, which may explain his paranoid reaction to the mention of the fictitious Camden Kraken in "Long Tongue Day".😛
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We also get a look at one of Hunter De Vil's 2nd-to-final design alongside Cuddles! I honestly think this would actually make a great wardrobe for a reformed Hunter in a possible future Season of the show.
We also get a little backstory between Hunter and Cruella De Vil and how Cruella raised Hunter to hate Dalmatians through twisted bedtime stories. (Yeah, Best Aunt of the Year, am I right, my dedicated pups? LOL)
We also learn that Hunter is 12-years-old in the show, and apparently he takes from his Dad with his obsession with fluffy, spotted Dalmatians.
And… is it just me, or does Cuddles look a bit like Sgt. Tibbs at first glance? Maybe it's the early design, idk.🤔
To be Continued in Part 2!!
@disneytva @mandareeboo @msitubeatz @adrigummi @alioks-blog @aapaperbag @carlycmarathecat @cadpig101 @doglover502 @egonoidea @fenrisarts @ghostindeedee @higburger @incorrect101dalmatians @jayofthetrees @julie-ghouls @kit-c0re @notsoblackandwhite101 @polarpace @rahitoshi @rainbowchromatic @stoatfloat @straysketches @themilesfox @t00nified @versailercat @xfangheartx @samtheangelfox @cachicabra @chelledoggo @dramatic-disraeli @derektahki @aquarellewolf-blog @hyperaura @deadyoung45 @avalanchesparkgrenade @101dalmatianstreet @natedraws @retroartpup @julie-ghouls @mariakarmakova @mnmarsart @ratrrriot @marylikesstuff @marieecarlat @ninjaaa-go @pawreadingpup @sk4w-ro4r @aquarellewolf-blog @mel-toons @seisai1751 @egonoidea @triocat
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Saikhan Hc
Because he’s the closest thing to a friend Lin’s got.
The fan wiki timeline says he’s 10 years younger than Lin but I suddenly cannot read and he’s 47 start of show.
He’s married with five kids. His wife is Akira a nonbender. His oldest four are 24, 20, 19 and 15 and the youngest was a surprise baby who’s 6 at start of show.
He’s always the one who makes sure Lin gets a meal when they order meals at work and he sneakily asked Kya what Lin liked so they always got her a meal she would actually enjoy.
He’s gone undercover with Lin before and has had her back on more than several occasions.
When Mako and Bolin’s parents were killed he did his best to get them into a good foster home and when that didn’t work out had the papers ready to adopt them himself but the boys had run off before he could talk to them and with them joining the gangs he never found them again until they were middle teens.
He actually has Lin over to his place for dinner quite regularly and his wife is always trying to get Lin to come to her mothers’ group where she can do needle work or knitting or something.
He’s usually the first one into work after Lin and the last one to go before Lin leaves. Though there have been a few times he’s had to insist the chief goes home before he’s able to lock up.
He never lost his bending to Amon in B1 and it’s a point of strife between officers who had to go through that and who were lucky enough to not get caught.
One night in the small breath people had between B1 and B2 there was a knock on his door at an ungodly hour in the morning. It was Lin shaken from a flashback/ptsd episode. “I- I didn’t know where else to go.” She sounded lost and terrified. Saikhan hurried her inside and Akira got her tea and a warm blanket. Fool had wandered there without a jacket on with snow on the ground. Saikhan sat and talked with her for a while until he put her up in one of his kids old rooms for the rest of the night.
His house is destroyed during the mech fight of B4 and Lin lets him and his family stay at her estate while the city rebuilds.
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mr-stottlemonk · 29 days
1-7, 14-21 and 28-35
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gonna combine all of these, dears!
1. Who is the better cook?
Leland. Sometimes, Adrian doesn't quite manage to get the food ready on time. he doesn't like some spices and if he does like some, he only adds those lol. if one side is slightly burnt they'll go hungry xD.
2. Who gets up to cook at 2am?
Maybe Adrian?? maybe meal prep 🤔. Leland wouldn't wake up cook at 2am even if you held him at gunpoint lol.
3. Are they into PDA? Who initiates most?
Not particularly into PDA but they don't avoid it. I think they both have times where they initiate it but most likely Leland who initiates it. Adrian never stops blushing whenever he holds his hand in public and kisses his cheek grateful years later.
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
@s-misaki said cooking shows! and i went :0 gasp, agreed. Hell's Kitchen to be specific (it started airing in 2005). plus, i think Leland would love it and then Adrian would get drawn into it.
They could also watch Deal or No Deal + Who wants to Be A Billionaire :D. I think Adrian would love those shows.
5. Who is the cheesier one of the two?
Leland. He is so cheesy. But Adrian is cheesy too. All those cheesy apology cards, birthday cards, valentine cards 😭😭💕.
6. Who is always, always running late?
Leland. Comes with the job. He hates when he is cause he knows Adrian gets all nervous and likes people to be punctual. he makes up for it, though.
7. Who's clumsier?
Adrian. It's the anxiety 😔✊️.
14. Who falls asleep during a movie?
Both of them xD. i don't think they watch movies together very often cause they're tired. and when they do, they're so comfortable they fall asleep against the other.
15. Who's the first to cry during movies that don't seem sad?
Adrian. He can find the smallest thing and make it absolutely morbid...
16. Who hogs the covers?
Adrian. They each have their own covers though, honestly. Leland spends too many nights grumbling about having ¼ of the covers xD.
17. Who is more competitive?
They're both competitive but Leland has the streak more than Adrian does. Adrian does win a couple of times though.
Don't ever ask them to play scrabble.
19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?)
Oh this is loaded xD. I don't think they fight often. i think Leland has learnt that it's best to confront issues there and then - and since it's Adrian, he does.
i think they'd bicker and maybe get a bit irritated eg: when Adrian keeps tidying up Leland's office. Leland has his own system and he likes his office the way it is. it's his space.
Adrian would probably grumble about a few things like keeping the house clean and the carpet nicely vacuumed.
the biggest argument they might have is Adrian putting himself in harm's way during a case or Leland taking on too many cases all at once and thinking he can do it all on his own.
the biggest argument they HAVE had was definitely about Linda -> i think after that episode they took a while to get back to the usual flow.
20. Who randomly brings home a stray puppy/kitten to adopt?
Adrian rarely does. Leland would only do so once in a while. Because he kept feeding this little kitten on the way home... I like to think they eventually get a dog :3c.
21. Any routines one has that the other had to get used to (ex. morning, nighttime, sleeping habits)?
Leland has more nighttime routines than daytime. He likes to come home, occasionally have a beer which Adrian takes to restocking on often. before bed, he likes to read a book - he does so in the sitting room because he doesn't want to bother Adrian in the bedroom.
😂 there's a lot of routines Leland has to get used to for Adrian. garbage day, cleaning day, laundry day...
@s-misaki also suggested the days/times Adrian gets all the fire alarms in his house rechecked and re-installed xD.
28. Who always steals the other's food? How does their partner react to it?
Hm. I think Adrian might steal Leland's food - maybe some parts of Leland's food is perfectly done more than his. Maybe he just didn't feel like ordering and now that Leland is eating in front of him NOW HE'S FEELING PECKISH.
30. Pet names? Yes or no?
Leland for Adrian? yes.
Adrian for Leland? yes and no?
i've tried out 'dove' for Adrian a few times. i think it works best. i think honey could also work, ha. Adrian would probably call Leland -> 'Lee' :D.
31. How do they spend their anniversary?
Probably doing or going somewhere simple. if they go on a vacation its to somewhere they can both enjoy and offers things they both like. they just want to spend time together. without having to worry or think about a case.
maybe they go to the theatre. or they go out for dinner or Leland claims his free days and they stay home and enjoy each other's company and time.
32. Who's so affectionate they can't stop touching the other?
Both of them. They are both affectionate and affection seeking men.
Leland just doesn't hesitate to take it and reach for it. Adrian does, he sometimes takes it slowly because he isn't sure or he's thinking about something but eventually it becomes pretty natural.
They love leaning against each other. They're in each other's space often. Reaching and holding and pulling and- ahhhhhh.
another friend of mine said that Leland definitely has tiny cues as well -> grabbing a cuff, hand on his shoulder. it means a lot more than you'd think :3c.
33. What is their wedding day like?
quiet. small. just a few people. people they love; close family and friends. they cry at their vows. sure, Adrian cries more because he's finally in love again. but Leland cries too because he can love Adrian in all the ways and spend the time they have left
(╥_╥) oh.
34. How do they cheer the other one up during sad times?
Adrian plays a few songs Leland likes in the background. He records shows and games Leland misses. He pops over to the office with lunch or to get him to take breaks.
Leland talks to him. Lets him know he's always there to listen. He buys him these silly cleaning supplies even though Adrian has them. He keeps this little rock collection that he occasionally gives Adrian some of.
35. What are their tastes in music?
Adrian is definitely a classical music guy and occasionally soft jazz plus country. Leland is classic rock and roll :D!
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bizarrequazar · 1 year
GJ and ZZH Updates — April 16-22
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
04-16 → #GongJun and #TheRealZhangZhehan trended on Twitter.
→ Net-a-Porter posted a teaser video for their endorsement with Gong Jun.
→ Fresh posted a video of their 04-14 event that included some shots of Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted nine photos from the Go Fighting! episode. Caption: “Full of vitality and full of energy! Boss @ Gong Jun Simon has embarked on a journey of courage and is fully ready to meet #Go Fighting!# 💪🏻See you soon!”
→ 361º posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. 
→ Tiffany & Co. posted four photos of Gong Jun at their 04-15 event.
→ The first episode of Go Fighting! season 9 aired. [full episode (raw)]
→ Gong Jun posted a clip from the Go Fighting! episode where he talked about his mother enrolling him in art classes as a child. [subbed clip] Caption: “As far as I know... a talent in painting does not need to be observed at all!”
04-17 → #TheRealZhangZhehan continued to trend on Twitter.
→ Gong Jun posted a commercial for Net-a-Porter, announcing his endorsement with them as well as a livestream with them on 04-20. Caption: “Travel makes every day full of freedom and change; fashion brings me infinite inspiration and possibilities. During the new journey in 2023, I met a new friend. Excited to be the face of @ NET-A-PORTER!! ... New departure, quite special.” His studio reposted this with the added caption: “Where did boss @ Gong Jun Simon go? Let’s start looking for new friends @ NET-A-PORTER!”
→ Tiffany & Co. posted a video of Gong Jun at their 04-15 event. Gong Jun reposted this with the added caption: “Dazzling, enjoy the legend together. Follow me into #蒂蒙尼皮石奇境# to witness the brilliant miracle of @ TiffanyAndCo”
→ Net-a-Porter posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun and changed their Weibo header to the same.
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04-18 → Net-a-Porter posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ OK! magazine posted the three covers [1] [2] [3] of their May issue featuring Gong Jun, subtitled “Freehand Life”, “Quiet and Boundless”, and “Walking and Watching Calmly”.
→ #Gong Jun appears in the high-end villa area of Beijing to see a house# appeared on Weibo hotsearch, claiming that he was looking to purchase a 50 million RMB house. It’s heavily suspected that the hotsearch was bought as an attempted smear, aimed at his persona of having frugal spending habits. The photos the hotsearch are about were taken in March and had already been used once previously in another bought hotsearch, where it was claimed that he was meeting someone in the area.
→ BAZAAR posted a photo of Gong Jun from the Tiffany event.
04-19 → Net-a-Porter posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun [here] and [here].
→ OK! magazine posted a video from their photoshoot with Gong Jun. Caption: “I heard that you are all waiting for [OK! 11th Anniversary Special Best Friend] @ Gong Jun Simon’s new material? Don't worry, here's a preview!”
An hour later, OK! posted their full photoshoot with Gong Jun. Caption: “Along the way, the challenges and growth in the career, the peace of mind and relaxation in daily necessities, for [OK! 11th Anniversary Special Friend] @ Gong Jun Simon, it has never been a non-existent multiple-choice question, but a 1+1 superimposed win-win situation, which is a certain possibility that can live in it. It's a balancing game, and it's fun to play” His studio reposted this with the added caption: “The reunion of boss @ Gong Jun Simon with his old friends, listening to the flow of time in the same room. Happy birthday to @ 精彩OK!” Fan Observation: There’s a possible hickey in one photo, also visible in the douyin posted later.
→ The Center for Film & TV of the Supreme People's Procuratorate made a post about a short film Li Xuezheng was involved in, giving further evidence that there is no truth to the smears against him made last month. (For info about the incident see [here] and 03-23 and 03-24)
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a video of behind the scenes footage from the OK! photoshoot. Caption: “Bathing in the sun and feeling the youth. Boss @ Gong Jun Simon walks the old house and listens to the collision between eternity and the future.” BGM is Summer Over by Dylan Sitts.
→ Gong Jun posted six of the photos from the shoot to his personal Weibo. Caption: “Old house meets old friends, happy birthday to @ 精彩OK” He also posted eight to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “Let us be together  Happy birthday to our old friend @ OK精彩!” and eight to his Instagram, caption: “HBD bro~” Fan Observations:  -  He edited the Weibo post at 13:14 (kadian meaning “forever”) with the only difference being to resize one photo.  -  It was noted that this is the May issue celebrating the magazine’s 11th anniversary. (511 kadian)
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→ OK! posted another video. Caption: “The past and the present, the outside and the inside, the work and life are superimposed and juxtaposed, creating the infinite possibilities of @ Gong Jun Simon. ‘Having both’ does not necessarily stem from greed, and it is not impossible to go hand in hand. This time, let Gong Jun redefin the infinite extension of 1+1!”
→ Hogan posted two of the OK! photos, highlighting their shoes.
→ OK! posted another video of Gong Jun listening to music during the shoot. Caption: “It’s a showdown~ @ Gong Jun Simon’s private collection of playlists has been exposed! Let OK! see whose happy genes start to follow Gong Jun and move together?” BGM is Blinding Lights by The Weeknd, Twilight’s Chapter Seven by Jay Chou, and a cover of Reprise from Spirited Away.
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of “Zhang Zhehan” and a kid.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a douyin of more behind the scenes footage from the shoot. Caption: “Frame by frame, recording the afternoon memories of boss @ Gong Jun Simon.” BGM is Make It Right by BTS (feat. Lauv).
→ OK! posted another video. Caption: “There is no optimal solution in life, in the dimension of infinite extension, let’s follow @ Gong Jun Simon and walk boldly! Not too fast, maybe time will give you a satisfactory answer.”
→ OK! posted their interview with Gong Jun. [translation]
→ Net-a-Porter posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun advertising his appearance on their livestream shortly after. [full recording]
04-20 → Whalers started promoting a “concert” “Zhang Zhehan” is supposedly holding in Bangkok (see 04-10) on 05-11, with the promotional images showing prices going up to 16,000 baht ($465 USD / 3200 RMB). Tickets were said to go on sale on 04-22. Further Information / Fan Observations:  -  Someone who contacted the venue was told that there is an event booked for a concert on that day, but that the venue could not disclose who the event was for.  -  As a comparison, Suga from BTS recently had a concert with VIP tickets pricing at 6200 baht.  -  Some whalers posted on Weibo within hours that they had already bought plane tickets. A reminder that this is the third “live event” the brand has announced (see 22-11-16 and 02-09), with the previous two both being cancelled with no legitimate reason given (see 22-12-07 and 02-12). ([Here] is a recap thread I made this morning.)
→ WE11DONE posted two of the OK! photos, highlighting their jacket.
→ Another Zhang Sanjian “airport sighting”.
→ BesTV posted two extended clips [here] and [here] of Gong Jun from the first Go Fighting! episode. 
04-21 → Tiffany & Co. posted a teaser cut of a commercial featuring Gong Jun and Elaine Zhong (his costar from Rising with the Wind). A longer cut was released on their Taobao. 
→ BEAST posted a short promotional video spoken by Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a promotional image for an Earth Day activity.
→ 361º posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Tiffany & Co. posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Yang Yang, the host, posted three photos of himself and Gong Jun from the Net-a-Porter livestream. Caption: “Swipe right to see the walking dragon fruit (no wait) walking clothes hanger @ Gong Jun Simon”
04-22 → Tiffany & Co. posted their full commercial featuring Gong Jun and Elaine Zhong.
→ A music video was released for Rising with the Wind’s ending song, Three Lines of Poems to the Moon by A-Lin, focusing on Gong Jun and Elaine Zhong’s characters. [YouTube link] Gong Jun’s studio reposted this from the Rising with the Wind Weibo with the added caption, “Boss @ Gong Jun Simon (Xu Si version) sends a three-line poem. Poetry follows the heart, and the words are what they say.”
→ Deeyeo posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The World Wildlife Fund posted a promotional image for Earth Day, featuring Gong Jun and info about walruses. Gong Jun’s studio reposted this with the added caption, “From low-carbon travel to garbage sorting, your small changes may change the earth, and take action together with boss @ Gong Jun Simon to protect the earth!”
→ Tiffany & Co. posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun and Elaine Zhong.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a new promotional still featuring Gong Jun and Elaine Zhong.
→ The Instagram posted a promotional image announcing that tickets for the “concert” had gone on sale. Addition 04-25: Ranyi Music, the “publisher” of the Zhang Sanjian music, also posted a commercial to their own Instagram. Fan Observations:  -  The image used is an old one that is believed to have been a real promotional image Zhang Zhehan did for the concert he was planning before 813.  -  The Instagram post does not include any links to further info or for purchasing. As a reminder, posting links for purchasing is one of the things that makes Instagram actually check if a reported account is a scam.  -  At the time of this post, the event centre’s website does not include any information for this on its upcoming events page. Additions 04-24:  -  Within hours, Chinese whalers were making excuses for not being able to get tickets.  -  Some people reported that the tickets had sold out, but going to the purchasing page showed that seats were not available (ie. reserved) rather than sold out.  -  The concert’s production company is partners with one of CAPA’s executive units.
→ #ZhangZhehan and #ZhangZhehanBangkokConcert trended on Twitter.
→ Gong Jun posted a video of himself in the audience at a Li Ronghao concert. Caption: “Once A Thief!* Happy!” Five minutes later he also posted two photos from the concert to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “Once A Thief  Actually shivering from the cold” *The Chinese title of the album Free Soul.
→ #Gong Jun went to Li Ronghao’s concert# trended on Weibo hotsearch. Addition 04-24: There is some question about who the person on Gong Jun’s left who filmed him is. Gong Jun was there with him and two friends, the other of whom has been identified and was sitting two seats down.  Updates 04-28:  -  More footage, this time of the person on the left’s face, was posted by a fan showing that it was not Zhang Zhehan.  -  Quite a few of the accounts that were spreading this candy in Chinese fandom spaces are known plants, who were pushing it much harder than is customary for candy.  -  Gong Jun also confirmed during the Hogan livestream on 04-27 that he was at the concert with two university friends.
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Additional Reading: → Over the course of the week, QuelleVous, Bluebird, and Flora posted a series of threads about Zhang Peichao (aka Doc Creepy), the man who has claimed since at least Feburary 2022 to be Zhang Zhehan’s therapist and who is behind some of the Zhang Sanjian essays. I’ve collected the tweets here for easier reading: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] → A reminder of events being organized for Zhang Zhehan’s birthday: Harry’s video of well wishes (submissions close on 04-25) and Bluebird’s charity drive.
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This post was last edited 2023-05-23.
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she-karev · 15 days
Reuniting with Andrew (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev's Sister Angst)
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Two
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy/Station 19
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 16 Episode 19/Season 3 Episode 15
Summary: Amber continues to connect with Wren while Alex gives Andrew a special welcome back. Later she finds out that Jackson was shot while working the PRT. That night she gets a surprise visit at Jackson’s penthouse.
Words: 3441
The pit is less crowded than it was before with 12 of the beds occupied by first responders including Wren. Amber inhales to keep her emotions under control before going to Wren’s bed where she is still waiting for her cast.
“Hey sorry I was gone for so long I had an unexpected collision but I am here now and ready to put your cast on.”
Wren gives a knowing grin, “I remember where I know you from, it took a while but I figured it out while you were gone.” Amber looks interested while taking the supplies out, “The Outlier last week.”
Amber takes a moment before recollecting, “Ah! I remember that was the guy who choked on the steak frites. PRT was in the neighborhood and I had to do an emergency tracheotomy on site.”
“Yes!” Wren smiles, “My team arrived five minutes later, I was the driver but I saw you in the rear-view mirror throwing your gloves away like it was a normal day and you didn’t cut a guy’s throat open at a restaurant. I can’t believe how normal you acted after.”
Amber grins proudly, “Well you know I do tracheotomy’s here in a sterile room it only feels slightly weird when there’s a waiter next to you asking if a customer would like a drink. Plus, I got pretty used to operating inside a truck next to fires so this was just a walk in the park. Okay this is the part where you hate me, we gotta reset the wrist.”
Wren inhales and sits up, “Let’s get this over with.” Amber positions them to reset the wrist. Amber grasps the broken bone and counts to three before quickly snapping it in place causing Wren to groan in pain.
“I told you; you would hate me. The hard part is over now comes the fun part, putting your cast on.” Amber pulls out a sock for the first layer, “So the tracheotomy was fine by your standards as a paramedic?”
“Hell yeah, you handled that like a boss. The doctor at Seattle Pres told us you pretty much took care of half the work for them.”
Amber snorts as she puts the sock over the arm, “It wouldn’t be different from any other day doing their work for them. Don’t tell them I said that you know how fragile doctors egos can be, I’m speaking as one.”
Wren groans, “I know, I keep saying it’s a real coincidence their closed to trauma during a storm or a blizzard or a full moon.”
Amber chuckles, “Lucky were not a superstitious bunch then. Okay I’m gonna apply the gauze next you shouldn’t feel a thing.”
Wren lies still as she holds her injured arm out for Amber to wrap the gauze around, “So what was the collision?”
“You said you had an unexpected collision that caused you to be late, was it a surgery or something?”
Amber groans under her breath, “Or something.” Amber looks up and sees Wren giving a ‘tell me more’ look. Normally she would resist telling a stranger about her relationship problems but for some reason she feels safe enough to talk to Wren. Maybe it’s because for the first time in weeks she made her feel good about herself unlike Andrew who made her feel like crap. Plus it doesn’t hurt that Wren looks beautiful even covered in soot. Amber clears her throat to start, “I ran into my ex-boyfriend while he was visiting. It was the first time I’ve seen him since he had a mental breakdown, lashed out at me, quit his job here and left without so much as a call back.”
Wren winces from that story instead of the fracture, “Ouch and how did you react?”
“I told him I wasn’t gonna be around for him to use as a verbal punching bag and that if he came to his senses not to come crawling back to me. It’s safe to say I made an impressive scene.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Amber rolls another layer of gauze around the arm, “I’ve had some pretty bad relationships myself, not crazy like yours but ones that left me with a bruised heart. It sucks.”
“It really does especially when you bought an apartment together and he kicked you out.”
“Damn and it gets worse. Are you staying with someone?”
“My friend, he has a penthouse with more than enough room and thick walls so I can cry my eyes out. And I don’t care that he gets the apartment he could burn it down for all I care and he could be inside and I’m pretty sure I would jump in joy. Nope forward march.”
Wren grins, “That is very admirable, most people would be a mess for weeks after that disaster rollercoaster.”
Amber takes out the red fiberglass, “Well I’m not most people.”
“I can tell and I can also tell that guy is the biggest idiot in the world to let a strong, smart and badass woman like you go.” Amber looks at her touched by her compliment before taking the scissors out.
Andrew DeLuca walks down the hall rubbing his eyes and feeling worse after what Amber said. He’s letting it get to him and letting it sink in that a woman he loved is so angry at him she doesn’t care how she hurts him as long as he is. It makes him feel guilty but he ignores it as he heads down the hall to the library to figure out what’s wrong with Richard. He feels someone tapping his shoulder. He turns around and is met with a hard punch to the face causing him to tumble down.
“What the hell!” He looks up and sees that the person who punched him is none other than Alex Karev who stares at him with more fury than he did the first night he assaulted him. Andrew quickly stands up and looks both afraid and angry at Alex’s reaction.
Alex inhales and exhales before simply saying, “That’s for my sister.” Alex turns around and walks away from DeLuca who only looks on in shock before snapping out of it and heading to his destination with a throbbing left eye.
Amber snaps off the fiberglass and presents the red cast around Wren’s arm, “Voila!”
“Nice it looks cool; do you want to be the first to sign it?”
Amber chuckles takes out her sharpie, “Sure what do you want it to say?”
“Maybe a get well and maybe a phone number that’s real?” Amber looks at her startled and Wren catches on, “Oh god sorry that was way too forward. I just thought we had this connection while we were talking and I know you’re going through a rough time right now and I am not taking advantage of you I’m not. I just thought you could use a night where you don’t cry to death and maybe get a drink with a paramedic who thinks your super-hot and cool and should let you know that for once. And you can step in anytime to make me not look like a babbling fool.”
Amber grins, “Um…I can leave you my number on the cast and you can call me later once I’ve thought about it.”
Wren grins, “I will take that.” Amber smiles and writes her name and number on the cast unaware of Qadri and Casey looking interested from the station.
“How does she do that?” Qadri asks perplexed, “When I get dumped, I lie in bed for months with tubs of ice cream meanwhile she gets a hot first responder. I want a hot first responder.”
Casey snorts, “Me too.”
Amber walks to the station with a smile on her face getting scandalous looks from her friends causing her suspicion, “What?”
“Oh nothing.” Qadri answers with a grin, “We just can’t help but notice you getting cozy with that paramedic whose arm you patched up, who is she?”
“Her name is Wren and we were not getting cozy, I was just signing her cast.”
“With your phone number?” Amber turns to Casey who has a grin too, “Hey life is short and you deserve good things Karev I am not judging here. Let me know if she has a brother or sister.”
Qadri steps in, “Brother for me if you can or a cousin or rich, old uncle I don’t care.”
Amber chuckles, “Okay it was nothing she asked me out for drinks and I said I would think about it.”
“What is there to think about?” Dahlia asks, “She’s cute, she’s a first responder, she’s queer, ask her out.”
Amber groans at the simple explanation, “I am fresh out of a 2-year relationship that ended in an explosion that left me alone in my best friends’ apartment.”
Dahlia looks shameful, “Okay fair.”
Amber remembers something, “Speaking of which, where is Avery? He and Warren should’ve been here an hour ago with the guy who attacked that girl, Darcie.”
Schmitt hears her and goes to them with a remorseful face, “Um Dr. Warren called just now and told us that he lost a patient.”
“No big loss there after you tried to rape a girl.” Casey coldly states.
“Also, there was a possible GSW on the scene.”
Amber is so shocked she looks at him blankly and asks in a numb voice, “A what?”
Amber gowns up and runs to the ambulance bay with Schmitt and Bailey to attend to the GSW brought in by the ambulance. Amber is hoping it’s a random patient and not the guy who is pretty much the reason she is still standing right now. Her fears come true however as she sees Jackson inside the ambulance on a gurney with gauze around his leg that is covered in blood.
“Avery? You're the GSW?”
Amber asks them in a frustrated tone, “What the hell happened?”
“It's an extremely long story.”
Jackson dismisses Ben’s comment, “It’s really not that long. Junkie held us up for drսgs and then shot me.”
“With a gun?” Schmitt asks in shock, causing Amber to glare at him for his idiocy.
“Yes, with a gun, Schmitt.” Amber growls under breath following Jackson to trauma one, “Okay, my tourniquet's been on like 20 minutes. Page Dr. Lincoln and Dr. Hunt it’s a through and through on the calf.”
“Get him to trauma three.” Amber is still angry at Jackson and tears at him while the paramedics wheel him in, “One day I leave you alone for one day and you get shot! Are you trying to make me have a heart attack?!”
Jackson winces at the yelling and they enter the trauma room, “Your absolutely right Amber I should have thought twice before letting a junkie try and rob me before getting shot in the leg. How could I be so cruel to you?”
Amber gets angrier with his sarcasm, “Boy I am gonna kick your ass once you get that leg healed up.”
“As long as you don’t do it while we check his injuries.” Link tells her as he enters the room with Hunt, “What do we got?”
Amber stops and informs them, “GSW on the calf bullet went through. There was bleeding but a tourniquet was applied on the scene.”
Hunt looks at the injury, “No infection. Our O.R.’s are booked so we’re gonna debride in here.”
“My lucky day.” Jackson sarcastically says with Amber pinching the bridge of her nose still pissed at him.
Link catches on, “Hey Karev we got this how about you go out and take care of the pit and we’ll update you as soon as we can.”
“I’m not leaving.” Amber tells him with a frown, “I’ve barely made a dent in scolding this idiot.”
“Which is why you need to go.” Hunt points out sternly, “Now we need a quiet and calm space to work here and quite frankly you are the opposite right now so please leave.”
Amber inhales and exhales for a moment before pointing her finger at Jackson with a glare, “We’re not done talking about this.” Amber snaps off her gloves turning to the orthopedic and trauma surgeon, “Let me when I can visit him post op.” Amber throws away her gown and gloves in a huff returning to the pit leaving Jackson behind who looks at Hunt and Link with a pleading face.
“Any chance you guys can sedate her before she visits me?” Hunt and Link grin and get ready to debride.
After finally finishing her shift Amber was going to confront Jackson but decided to sleep on it with renewed energy for tomorrow. She walks down the hall to check on Dr. Webber and as she expected her brother Alex is at the station looking at his tablet in torment, no doubt anguished at seeing his teacher and friend in such a dwindling state. Amber sighs at the sight before approaching her oldest brother.
“Hey how’s it going on your end?”
Alex chuckles bitterly, “Oh just my boss and friend who was the main reason I evolved into a successful surgeon and decent human being from my first day as an arrogant intern coming back from the O.R. where his hallucinations almost caused him to slice open his own stomach with a scalpel. It’s just your regular Thursday.”
Despite his nonchalant tone Amber can tell that he is struggling the same way Meredith is but like her is trying to mask it. Meredith, Jo and Amber are the only people in the hospital who can see the pain behind his eyes and are the source of comforts he so clearly needs right now. Amber takes the initiative and puts her hand on his shoulder in a comforting notion.
“We’re gonna figure this out. It’s not a hope it’s a fact he’s got some of the brightest people in there working tooth and nail to get a damn diagnosis and fix him.”
Alex nods, “Yeah, I know. I just feel like I should be doing something, maybe I should’ve gotten into neuro or general then I would be useful.”
“Alex you’re a smart guy but you’re no Dr. House, there’s nothing you can do in this situation except be there for support. God knows he’s gonna need it.” Alex still looks tormented and Amber can guess where his head is at, “Nobody caught this until the conference. All of us thought he was depressed and the events of his life recently, strange behavior would be common. You can’t blame yourself for this.”
Alex sighs, “Jo gave me the same speech this morning, it didn’t work. I’ve known him for years and yeah stuff happened but he never reacted like this.” Alex’s face shifts to anger, “I wish I could yell at Catherine for leaving him and buying Pac North out of sheer spite. If that didn’t happen maybe we would question why he was deteriorating and catch this thing sooner before it caused him to make a scene in front of the whole medical community.”
“I don’t know if it’s good or bad you shifted from blaming yourself to blaming Catherine. We’re all frustrated Alex and yeah maybe if Catherine didn’t do those things, we wouldn’t be so quick to depression but what happened happened. All we can do is set the blame aside and help Webber, he needs that more than he needs you to point fingers.”
Alex looks at Amber in thought, “Look at you being the stable and wise sibling.”
Amber shrugs, “I have my moments like you, just like we both have moments of being volatile and punching certain residents in the middle of the hallway.”
“Do not expect me to apologize for that.” Alex quickly defends, “And don’t expect me to sit idle by while the guy who kicked my sister to the streets crying walks down the hall like he didn’t do anything wrong. You and I both know if it was Izzie or Ava or Lucy here today instead of DeLuca you would…punch them in the noses so bad they send Avery for a consult.”
Amber scoffs, “I…” She tries to defend herself but she knows as well as him how vengeful she can be, “would.”
Alex grins for the first time that day and chuckles while clarifying, “You totally would.”
Amber also chuckles, “Yeah I would.” They suddenly burst out laughing over that statement for a few moments before they calm down with both of them still smiling. Amber exhales in amusement, “We Karev’s really can pick them huh?”
Alex snorts, “If it makes you feel better, I raise your one crazy boyfriend with four girlfriends who left me, had a nervous breakdown or both.”
Amber pats his hand in comfort, “Thanks. It doesn’t.”
Alex sighs at his sister’s pain, “Are you okay?”
Amber clears her throat, “I’m fine I’ve handled worse nuclear explosions and learned how to walk away from pain I didn’t sign up for. Remember I did that with mom and you if you recall.”
Alex looks down in shame over his attempts to ignore his sister in her time of need, “Sorry I’m on that list kid.”
“Well, the important thing is you’re not anymore, in fact you, Jackson and Jo are pretty much my main tethers to sanity right now. And you don’t have to fight my battles for me, I can take care of myself.”
“Yeah, I know but my barbarian big brother instincts come out, I have no control over them like you have no control over your passive aggressive little sister tendencies.” They grin at their somewhat similar personalities, “Seriously kid if you need someone to give him a kick in the ass he deserves I’m here to deliver. Just tell me when and where chief.”
Amber chuckles, “I appreciate that but I don’t want you to go to jail and repeat that damn period of your life again. You wouldn’t survive jail and I wouldn’t survive your wife’s wrath when she realizes this goes back to me giving you the kill codes.”
Alex nods understanding, “Yeah Jo looks sweet but she is a killer. The offer still stands, let me know when you change your mind.”
“I will but for now I am going to change, head home, watch Law and Order reruns with some of Jackson’s expensive scotch and then hit the sack. Send me any updates on Webber and Jackson, I’ll see you in the morning.”
That Night
Amber slumps on the couch in Jackson’s living room ready to pass out before she can visit her friend once he’s out of the woods. She feels less angry now and more worried about Jackson. When she was told someone was shot in the PRT her mind went into overdrive imagining every case where Jackson was the one who was shot. Most of those scenarios ended with him dead on the scene and her being forced to grieve her best friend who gave her a home when she had nowhere else to go.
The thought of losing someone she considers a brother shakes her to her core and makes her want to strangle that junkie that shot him. The fact that it was a junkie makes her even more furious because that could have been her father with a gun, holding up an ambulance for drugs not caring who he hurts. It felt like her dad was haunting her from the grave wanting to make her suffer again. She sips the expensive scotch Jackson keeps locked away in the liquor cabinet. She can taste nutmeg and citrus in the rich mixture making her grateful Jackson doesn’t skimp on the drinks. She discharged Wren after the trauma room with Jackson and she left knowing Amber is in a sour mood and needs to focus on work. Amber is too tired to check her phone for messages from Wren because she is still conflicted on whether to take her out or not. As she is about to reach for the remote a knock on the door stops her up. She groans at the bad timing but gets up and goes to the door. She looks in through the peephole and the sight of who is on the other side catches her by surprise. A second knock snaps her out of it and she opens the door. April Kepner is standing on the other side with a smile on her face carrying Harriet in a stroller. Her smile drops quickly when she sees it was Amber answering the door expecting Jackson instead.
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mygainyear2024 · 19 days
Day 54 Porto to Douro Valley
Another game of tetris with the suitcases, but I get to leave most of my stuff at the next accommodation in another part of Porto, so I can travel more lightly to Douro for the weekend. Eva (Upwork) thought about this option and instead of carrying it all or paying luggage storage, I think it's inclusive, and it's so close to the train station I'll be able to "easily" get the train to Lisbon on Monday, however I do have the cobblestones to contend with.
The train is over 2 hours and I was prepared to make sure I sat on the right hand side to get the best view. The train was packed, standing room only! At least I got the window view behind the luggage storage area and a nice option to prop up the iphone on someone's pram, to watch the first episode of Bridgerton season 3.
I organised, ahead of time, lunch at The Bridge 1870, not sure where all the other tourists were but I was the only one of two diners. Not feeling particularly hungry I asked for wine first, a lovely glass of rosé from Quinta das Carvalhas, where I'm going on Sunday for a tasting.
A taxi is then required to make it to my accommodation in Valença do Douro, a fabulous B&B, Quinta Da Casa Cimeira. Eva found this gem and I highly recommend it to anyone coming this way. The taxi cost €15. Sandro, a guest, is in the carpark, takes my case and shows me the way. Miguel meets me outside and asks “are you staying?” God I hope so! I remind him about Eva, nope! I say I wrote to confirm. It’s ok. He rushes to sort my room and offers me a port while I wait.
The setting is fabulous, and dinner is served around a large table, so I got to meet the gorgeous looking Alex from Dublin (now living in Bath with his partner he left behind to unpack in their first home!). Alex is an avid motor bike rider/tourer and wine taster and works for a wine company, can't recall what his role is, but it's not tasting and touring. He kept saying the trip wasn't a work one, or a tax deduction, but I couldn't quite understand how he gets to do so much travel and still "work", even as a digital nomad. There was Sandro from São Paulo, the only other solo traveller, I think 3 younger guys travelling (biking together) and a couple from California, Canada, Germany and I forget where else. The meal was incredible, cooked by Miguel the owner. We started with a lightly sparkling rosé (I expect from the Vinho Verde region because of the very tiny bubbles) in one room, then moved to the darkened dining area and sat around a large heavy wooden rectangle table. We had a vegetable soup starter, a huge piece of cod on delicious baked potatoes, a passionfruit dessert and bread with olives and their own olive oil and as much red wine as we wanted to consume. Miguel describes every course. We then moved back to the first room and Miguel pours port from his own vineyard, I honestly can't remember what year. I think it was more than a 10 year old "Tony" (this is how I am hearing "Tawny" and at first I was wondering "who the hell is Tony!!) but I have one sip and I'm out. I could have finished it if I hadn't had so much already during the day!
In between lunch and dinner I booked a wine tour and tasting at Sandeman. This is a stand out name in the region. One of the oldest I think, now owned by Canadians, and they are located in a few countries, New Zealand rated a mention. In earlier correspondence between Eva and Miguel, it was supposed to be within walking distance. Miguel says it's too hot to walk so in 5 minutes I need to be ready and he would take me. I skull the port. Well we screamed down those windy streets in his car, narrow roads, braking, my motion sickness is reignited! He says if you want to walk back "we are in that village up there, ask here and they will tell you the path or ring". I do arrive in one piece obviously. I meet a lovely couple from Holland who walked up from the train station, one hour. Note to self, I could walk back down on Saturday, get some exercise in and get amongst the vines. We have a brief tour and then the tasting. I wasn't sure what I'd booked, but it was 5 tastings, starting with a 3 year old white, then onto another 3 year old, and then up to 10 years. They are all easily drinkable and sound even more delicious with the food pairing ideas given. The couple from Holland find me on the other side of the room, as they only had 3 tastings. They leave and so do I. The first exit was a failure as I was in a back corridor and tried to use a lift which went to three other floors and they were deserted. I go back downstairs and find the correct exit. I ask the tour guide about the path up to Casa Cimeira and he says there isn't one. I insist Miguel told me there was. So he says "I guess if you find a path you take it!" With stupid confidence I go up, up, up and then the path runs out. I load maps.me, there is supposed to be a path. I have 15% phone battery left and Sandeman closes at 6.30pm and it's around 5.45pm. I can see the next path but have no clue how to get to it. I decide to abort and turn around and then wonder what is the path back! I can see the building but I end up in thick weeds and know this is not the right path. If all else fails I'll need to commando under the vines to get down the hill. I had decided to wear a dress and ditch the walking clothes and backpack for the weekend, this could be interesting. Breathe!! After the third attempt I get on a path that takes me back and declare "you were right!" to the tour guide. He calls me a taxi, it's also €15 even though I'm a fair way from Pinhão, where I was earlier in the day. That's enough of an adventure for one day.
The Valley is stunning and unique.
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*** new pinned post ***
Hi, I’m a multidimensional queer fanfic writer who discovered Yuri!!! On Ice about five years after it aired, and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since and ended up writing a series of fanfictions about it that are set pre, during, and post canon.
This post gives you an overview of my works and what to expect from this blog. I will update it from time to time.
Regularly updated works
My series starts with an extended and detailed novelisation called Can You Hear My Heartbeat that includes everything I imagined to happen between the episodes (e.g. the summer of mutual pining) and features Viktor as a POV character in addition to Yuuri. It's cute, funny, steamy, and romantic, but also expands on Yuuri's anxiety and insecurities, and Viktor's mental issues. I've did a hell lot of research to write a canonically accurate story with properly depicted figure skating and Japanse culture.
Can You Hear My Heartbeat Chapters: 36/48 Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Series: Part 1 of A Dream Too Large To Bear Alone Collection: ADTLTBAverse
For more information and text snippets, please check the link or my blog archive. Updates every second Wednesday.
My prequel about Viktor that covers the time from the GPF in Sochi to boarding the plane to Japan to become Yuuri's coach:
Beneath the Shine of a Thousand Spotlights (Prequel to CYHMH) Chapters: 5/14 Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Victor Nikiforov & Christophe Giacometti, Victor Nikiforov & Yakov Feltsman, Makkachin & Victor Nikiforov Collection: ADTLTBAverse
Please note that I don't currently update this story.
Works in the making
I'm working on a series of sequels to CYHMH that narrate the story of Yuuri and Viktor beyond the anime, including lots of domestic Viktuuri, mental health issues, the 2018 Olympics, and figure skating drama (there is no figure skating without drama). These works are in different stages of writing/editing and thus not yet ready for posting.
Did My Heart Love ‘Til Now (“season 1.5”): narrates the rest of the figure skating season from Yuri!!! until World Championships and an important event thereafter. The current draft is 330k words long. Rating: mature or higher. Will be posted right after CYHMH. I'm currently looking for beta readers!
In Love and War (“season 2”): is about Yuuri and Viktor turning from husbands to rivals on the ice while training in St. Petersburg. Rating: mature or higher. First draft is at 66%
Tides of War ("season ?"): A short-novel sized fix-it story about the events of the Beijing Olympics and spring 2022 and how the YOI characters deal with them (especially Viktor). This story was my attempt to cope with these events. Unedited draft.
The Sorrows of Young Vitya (working title): Covers Vitya's childhood and adolescence. This story is the result of all the bits of backstory I invented from him while working on the abovementioned works. It's not a substitute for the movie. Draft at 50%.
More sequels will follow. Please check out my AO3 collection ADTLTBAverse, you will find in there all the stories belonging to my expansion of the YOI canonverse.
Other works (unrelated to my ADTLTBAverse):
A Song of Fiery Birds and Endless Winter Chapters: 15/15 Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont & Katsuki Yuuri, Christophe Giacometti & Victor Nikiforov Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont, Christophe Giacometti, Celestino Cialdini, Yakov Feltsman
This is my work for the YOI Daydreamer BB about alternate first meetings, in which Yuuri and Viktor meet at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.
Some stuff about me
I'm not new to writing and certainly not new to fanfiction, but this is the first time I’m writing for such a huge fandom like Yuri!!!, which is quite overwhelming at times.
My pseud is a combination of a book title of the YA fantasy series The Song of the Lioness by Tamora Pierce, which I adored as a teen, and my love for Japanese culture. I love analysing the things I obsess over, and I do this quite excessively, which currently applies to Yuri!!! and results in the occasional meta-analysis on this blog. The results of my meta posts are included in my works. Besides Yuri!!!, I have a secondary special interest in figure skating, and I do my best to integrate this into my fics accurately and correctly. Because of Yuri!!!, I've started learning Japanese.
On this blog, I post about my works, share the occasional snippet and write meta-posts when I need to get stuff out of my system. I also reblog other meta-posts, translations, fanart, and figure skating content. If this resonates with you, please consider giving me a follow.
English is not my first language, but I try my best.
I have less confidence than Katsuki Yuuri, so please be kind.
My ask box is always open. Please feel free to ask whatever you want to know!
You can find my socials in my blog header.
This blog is not a safe space for queerphobes, racists, haters of animation studios, and other kind of bigots. I do not support hate speech and hate campaigns in any form. Misappropriation of my posts for this purpose will result in a block.
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jesuis-melodrama · 1 month
Excuse me please, I have a question that I would like to ask. What do you think the Gabriel Agreste brand would look like in real life, or just in general? I ask this because I'm a newbie when it comes to fashion and because I want the fic that i'm writing, Émerveiller, to tid bits of fashion in it. I want to really understand how to talk about Gabriel as a brand and fashion in in my fics. I want to write a Gabriel who does Haute Couture and not Fast Fashion. How I write him will be up for debate, but the part that I really don't want to get wrong is the fashion aspect. I say this because fashion itself is an integral part of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir so for my Miraculous fic, I really want be close with my writing of Gabriel as the brand and other fashion oriented characters.
I ask this of you because when I read your fics you have seem to have a way with describing fashion that I really like. Especially when talking about the Gabriel brand or talking about the things that Lila and Adrien wear.
Sorry about asking this her, but I couldn't find the ask on your other blogs. You don't have to answer If you don't want to just wanted to get this out there.
Also this Regaluns_Imagination the who wrote Émerveiller if your wondering.
Thank You, Regalun.
Not, it's completely fine, I'm quite happy to answer any question related to fashion.
Opinion first: Miraculous Ladybug is a show centred on fashion, but I personally don't think it does so particularly well, because a lot of the fashion is abysmal and because fashionable character never get a chance to show their talent. Marinette, for example, makes one-off hats and honestly uninspiring unisex fashion lines and Gabriel, even though he owns a fashion maison, there's never any episodes devoted to his career. Adrien walks down the catwalk wearing the same suit in three seasons. Fashion isn't a focus in Miraculous Ladybug, it's a backdrop for the superhero business. In fact, I think fans are a lot more fashion-focused than the writers themselves, a lot of their designs do surpass canon.
Back onto topic: If you want to write haute couture, you should know that it's not just a fashion term to be thrown around, there's strict guidelines on what kind of fashion can be considered haute couture. The Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture is a French governing body who, alone, has the power to decide what can legally be sold as haute couture. Fashion houses has to follow strict rules such as:
Designs must be one-of-a-kind, and the buyer must attend up to five fittings.
An atelier that must employ at least 15 full-time staff.
50 original designs must be created during each biannual fashion season.
Not all luxury fashion is haute couture. Dior, CHANEL, and Fendi are haute couture. Bulgari, Loewe, and Acne Studio are not. A big thing about haute couture is that it must be one-of-a-kind. No buyer wants to spend around 25,000 euros on a dress only to realise someone else can wear it as well. All the dresses and suits you see on the MET Gala red carpet, for example, are haute couture made for that specific celebrity only. They now own the dress and its design, and no one else can ever wear something similar.
Haute couture is also, rightfully, accused of being Euro-centric. Because of its demands and Paris-based governmental body, most fashion houses considered haute couture are French, Italian, and Spanish. The only Asian haute couture designer I know is Yuima Nakazako.
Haute couture is different from prêt-à-porter, or ready-made fashion, where the clothes are mass-produced in general sizes such as small, medium, or large, and your favourite pair of Versace pink satin pumps can also be someone else's favourite pair of Versace pink satin pumps.
According to Thomas Astruc, Gabriel Agreste is as famous as Jean-Paul Gaultier, Yves Saint Laurent, or Michael Kors. But that statement doesn't give us an idea of how Gabriel designs, only what kind of fashion designer he's as famous as.
Personally Gabriel Agreste seems like the very classic Parisian, black-and-white chic to me. I also do think YSL when I see him, but only because Adrien would look amazing in Saint Laurent.
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In a lot of my fics, Adrien wears YSL's legendary smoking jacket and Wyatt harness boots.
I hope this helps and let me know if you need any more help :).
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positivexcellence · 2 years
‘The Winchesters’: Outgoing CW CEO Mark Pedowitz Is ‘The Other Winchester Brother,’ Says Jensen Ackles
Less than a day after the announcement that Mark Pedowitz would leave the CW, the cast and creator of The Winchesters took time to honor the chairman and CEO who championed their Supernatural spinoff.
“Jared (Padalecki) and I referred to him as the other Winchester,” said Jensen Ackles, the former star of Supernatural who is now EPing the spinoff. He will also reprise his Dean Winchester character as a narrator of the new show.
“Mark was one of the greatest champions of TV over the last I don’t know how many years, and was an enormous champion of Supernatural,” added EP/showrunner Robbie Thompson. “We had a note on the pilot and it was so granular that I thought it was from a convention. He watched every episode, every cut of Supernatural. He’s fully invested in the show. All I thought about yesterday [when the news about Pedowitz was announced] was how privileged I was as a writer to have such a smart leader. There was no panic. I felt proud.”
It was announced Monday that Pedowitz is stepping down as Chairman and CEO of the CW after eleven and a half years at the helm — one of the longest tenures ever in network television. The move comes as local TV giant Nexstar Media Group is taking over the CW, with its acquisition of 75% stake in the 16-year-old broadcast operation now completed. Pedowitz will be replaced by Nexstar board member Dennis Miller who was named President. His exit is effective immediately.
The Winchesters is an origin story about the parents of Dean and Sam Winchester, played in Supernatural by Ackles and Padalecki. The project is also EPed by Ackles’ wife, who recurred on Supernatural as Danneel, through their company Chaos Machine Productions. It premieres Oct. 11 on CW.
“This was obviously something that has been long talked about, how to expand this world,” Ackles told reporters today during the show’s TCA panel. “There have been two attempts prior to this that unfortunately didn’t make the cut. But here we are, we are very excited. It really came about as Supernatural was wrapping up. the pandemic hit, and my lovely wife and I were forced to sit together and figure out how to be creative in the confines in our house. This was one we talked about for quite a while. and that’s when we threw it to the studio and network. They were quickly very interested. I was not ever ready to kind of put this bed. I was ready to take a break, but not ready to put it to bed.”
Supernatural, which ended its 15-season run in 2020, followed Dean and Sam Winchester as they hunted demons, ghosts, monsters, and other supernatural beings. John and Mary were played on the show by Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Samantha Smith.
Ackles said it’s important that The Winchesters focuses on not rewriting history. “We don’t want the picture of Dean and Sam to be erased. “We are trying to preserve everything we can on the mother ship. Robbie and his crack team of writers have come up with a way of doing that.”
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scotianostra · 1 year
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John Kirk was born in Barry, Angus, near Arbroath December 19th 1832.
Another Scot that few of us will know, but his story deserves a lot more attention than it gets, he was instrumental in ending slavery in Zanzibar through his influence with the then Sultan.
Born the second of the four children of the Rev. John Kirk who was himself a keen botanist. He became interested in botany at a very early age since it was his father’s principal hobby. His father tutored him at first then he attended the local high school in Arbroath and he matriculated at the age of 15 and entered Edinburgh University in 1847 at that age first the Arts faculty then the Medical School. By the time he was 22 he graduated from the medical faculty, MD, LRCS. He was also a pupil of the famous botanist Prof. I. H. Balfour during this period
He first took a post as resident physician at the Royal Edinburgh Infirmary, one of his colleagues being Joseph Lister. The Crimean war had just started and like many other young doctors Kirk sailed for the area in 1855; there he stayed until 1856 being stationed mainly at Erenkevi in the Dardanelles and at Scutari. After the Crimean episode he collected plants on Mt. Ida and Mt. Olympus before returning to London in 1856. He was soon off again, however, this time to Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Italy arriving back in London once again in 1857.
From 1858–1863 he was physician, economic botanist and naturalist (and later chief officer) to Livingstone’s Zambesi Expedition. When Livingstone first approached him about this post Kirk is reported to have been so enthusiastic that he replied ‘be ready tomorrow’. Actually being a good Scot he was not quite that impetuous and wanted to have details of ‘the necessary expenses’. Livingstone’s classic reply of 4th January 1858 was ;
‘I am not quite clear as to what you mean with regard to necessary expenses. Suppose you shoot a buffalo there will be no expense incurred in cooking and eating it. There are no inns or hotels in the country. The lodging will all be free – expeditions of this kind cannot be successful unless all the members are willing to rough it and it will be well if we all thoroughly understand this before we start. The salary is £350 per annum.‘ 
Livingstone and Kirk got on very well and in a letter, Livingstone recorded his personal views as follows 
‘The Doctor has been I can assure you a most assiduous and painstaking collector – nothing ever deterred him from doing his duty and he did it like a man. If you can confer any favour on him you will never find a more deserving recipient – this I can say after five years of constant intercourse’. 
The reason Kirk remained friends with Livingstone when so many others failed is partly due to his outstanding qualities of forbearance and understanding and partly that Kirk was the only other member of the expedition with the physical toughness and the strength of will to match Livingstone’s own. His last association with Livingstone was to act as a pall-bearer on 18 April 1874 at Livingstone’s funeral in Westminster Abbey – the others included Stanley and Jacob Wainwright, one of the Africans who had carried Livingstone’s body to the coast after his death; a long and fantastic journey of 11 months.
From 1866 to 1873 Kirk was Vice Consul for Zanzibar and later Assistant Political Agent. In 1873 he was appointed Consul General at Zanzibar and under his influence the Sultan abandoned slavery in his dominions. In 1880 he was Political Agent at Zanzibar and was created KCMG in 1881. He retired in 1887 on account of ill-health. From 1889–1890 he was a diplomat for Britain at the Brussels Anti-Slavery Conference where his long association with the problem was of enormous value. He was created KCB in 1890. He was one of those many giants produced by the Victorian era and his great strength of character shows in the various portraits which exist.
He was very interested in the practical uses of plants and during the Zambesi expedition he made experiments with Strophanthus which was used as an arrow poison by the natives in the area. He discovered its effect on the heart and sent material back to Edinburgh for more detailed investigation. As a result strophanthinum was added to the pharmacopeia and a minor industry started in Central Africa. It is still used as a heart stimulant. He was quick to see the possibilities of an area and published a report on the natural products and capabilities of various areas he visited with Livingstone. He recommended the Shire Highlands for European settlement, the Manganja Hills for coffee planting and the Batoka Highlands for cattle ranching. Kirk fostered the Zanzibar copal industry, the resin from a leguminous plant important in the manufacture of varnish. He also developed the important india-rubber trade, the rubber being obtained not from Hevea (then not grown in the Old World) but from wild climbers of the genus Landolphia. 
John Kirk was also one of the earliest amateur photographers and certainly the first to take photographs of vegetation in the Zambesi area if not in tropical Africa. Wax negatives of the 1859 photographs are still extant and quite excellent prints taken from them. Many of these have been reproduced in Coupland’s fascinating book ‘Kirk on the Zambesi’ and by Foster in his "The Zambesi Journal and letters of Dr. John Kirk" and "The Zambesi Doctors".
Pics are of John Kirk, second is with his wife and daughter, the fourth pic is  Sultan of Zanzibar, Sayyid Sir Barghash bin Sa'id (ruled 1870-1888). Other pics were taken by Kirk during his years in Africa.
More about Dr Kirk and his time in Africa here https://www.abctales.com/story/angusfolklore/sir-john-kirk-and-end-slavery-zanzibar
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bonetrousle · 10 months
ok nobody asked but here are my feelings on good omens 2 (contains spoilers, obviously, though i doubt there is anyone on this website left who hasn't been spoiled.) but anyways. This gets a little long too haha I just have a lot to say
Well first off I just wanna say that it was so bad. So so bad. I honestly thought I'd come online after my spoiler-avoiding absence to find people posting about how terrible it was - not the case, it would seem! I was so bored and frustrated by the pacing, directing, editing, the score and the acting. Oh, and of course the writing. lmfao. There were multiple moments where we laughed out loud watching it because the edits/acting/directing were so bad. My general reaction was "that whole season was just like a fanfiction :/" and then I came online to find everyone saying "that whole season was just like a fanfiction!! 😍" like. I don't actually want my professionally-produced with a budget of more than $5 shows to be like a fanfiction, actually, thanks!!
The Beelzebub/Gabriel thing fucking blindsided me so bad and felt like it came out of nowhere. I hated it!!! I also hated the recast of Beelzebub! Like, no hate to the actor, but they were WAY too pretty to be playing Beelzebub. Why is it that they started a romantic plot with them and they also conveniently got more conventionally pretty. :/ Look how they massacred my boy!!! HATE!!!!!! This to me was the most fanservicey feeling part of the show, and I did not care for it :^) I could go on about this for quite some time in more depth, but I won't haha. all im saying is they did not do the mahi to get the treats. i'll leave it at that!!!
Sorry I hated the lesbians too. They were so annoying. Why did they have to be in every scene. shout out to neil for making me actively dislike a gay pairing, it's not easy to do!! Again, I could go on; I won't right now though!
TO THE POSITIVES: (spoilers ahead obvs) The last 15 minutes were genuinely so good, to me. So here's the thing. I was unwillingly spoiled for the fucking leaks by people posting on here about them without giving any warning at all. I had to unfollow a few accounts, but the damage was done. At least I didn't have any context for what was going to happen, but having avoided most promo, my assumption was this- there was only going to be a season 2, that was going to be the end, done and dusted. Aziraphale and Crowley would assumedly get together, and they'd all live happily every after, blah blah. Ok, fine! Great! I was super ready for that. My favourite experience of the show was the dawning realisation of horror during the most emotional part of the show that season 2 was not the end, and it was about to end on a fucking devastating cliffhanger. Like I was flabbergasted. In shock. THAT'S GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE!!! It also explained why the whole season felt like a bad movie 2 in a series of 3, in that nothing really fucking happened at all. Seriously. the plot felt so paper thin, there was really no need for every episode to be 45 mins +. Some tighter editing and it could've been 30 mins an episode. there just wasn't enough there to justify the run-time, to me!
Generally speaking of course, I loved all the aziraphale and crowley interactions, though some of them were unbearable (what was that shit with the laudanum in scotland, so cringe, auughh). In general I felt there could have been a bit more... subtlety in the acting and writing as a whole. It all felt very OTT, all the time. We went back and rewatched the cold open of season 1 episode 3 and it felt like it was emmy-winning in comparison in terms of pacing, directing, writing etc. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Anyway, the setup for season 3 was delicious, so I have higher hopes for that season potentially actually being good. But I'm not going to get my hopes up TOO high after that. General consensus to me is that that season was so bad, but no one cares/wants to acknowledge it because of the gay shit, and everyone's gonna pile neil up with applause and commendations, which he still doesn't deserve, imo!!! I'm a hater from the rave to the grave! he shouldn't have got in a twitter argument with my partner online!!! He made it personal!!! I'M IN YOUR WALLS!!!!!
Anyway, maybe after a rewatch I'll find more to enjoy. HAH! expect me to reblog gifsets about it anyway.
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