#i woke up from this dream and went “this is a great story idea”
sereneabyyss · 2 months
Cats Beat Zombies Any Day! Pt. 1
What is this? Me writing something original and not fan fiction? Crazy. Anyway here's this little drabble from a dream I had last night. It's separated into parts mainly because I cannot be bothered to write more words today. Anyway-
There were frogs in her bathtub. Frogs. Crawling all over her bathtub. Why frogs? She couldn’t help but wonder to herself as she continued to simply stare, transfixed as she took in the sight of a bright, lime green tree frog merrily making its way across the porcelain tub, tongue whipping out to catch the pesky fruit flies that had started making their homes inside with the start of the seasons changing. “Well, at least you're useful.” Were tree frogs even native to here?
Her eyes glanced over to the toad looking frog, all brown with green flecks, and noticeably larger than the tree frog. Maybe it was a toad. Was she assuming the species of this amphibian? Did that even matter? Why were there frogs in her bathtub for goodness sake?!
Like any reasonable person, she snapped a picture and sent it to her friends, wondering if anyone could explain to her the strange phenomenon occurring in her bathroom. All she had wanted was to take a relaxing bath! But there were frogs!
Ash (not) Ketchum: image attached
Ash (not) Ketchum: hey gang, is having your bathtub absolutely ransacked by frogs a normal experience? Pls answer quickly, otherwise i fear ill go into cardiac arrest. Thx.
Placing her phone on the sink, she continued to simply stare at the frogs. It wasn't like they were actively stopping her from getting her bath, right? She could totally coexist with the frogs. They were eating the fruit flies! Maybe this was her first gift from the heavens! Free frogs to deal with the absolutely terrifying fruit flies.
Nodding to herself, she shed her jacket, moving to do the same with her top before a loud crash followed by a startled yowl of a cat sounded behind her. Slowly turning, hands paused at the base of her shirt, she stared at the most adorable sight she had ever seen on the planet.
There were kittens! In her bathroom! And they were all dressed in adorable little outfits! Scrambling around on the tiled floor, trying to get their bearings! The poor things had probably fallen from the closet shelves, and now they were trying so desperately to reorient themselves. And it was super adorable and she knew instantly she would simultaneously die and commit the most atrocious of war crimes for these kittens.
Bathtub frogs completely forgotten, she crouched down on the floor, attempting to get a better look at the new show of pure adorableness. Having never been allowed to own a cat before, she wasn’t quite sure what kind each was. She was pretty sure the one with orange and black spots on white fur was a calico? That one wore a bright yellow rain jacket with little yellow paw boots and a yellow hat strapped to its chin. Batting at the maybe calico’s face was a black cat, wearing a white silky jacket with angel wings poking up from it, clearly meant to be an ironic jab at the stereotype black cats had. Or maybe not, considering the other black cat was wearing a matching outfit, except its theme seemed to be the devil with its bright red fabric and horns poking up from its tiny head band.
“Hey now, stop fighting.” She didn’t want to push the angel cat away from the rain jacket one, unsure if any of the kittens had any diseases that could be transferred if one of them decided they did not like her and decided to start batting their claws at her face. Still, it seemed now that they had reoriented themselves, the angel was choosing violence. Which, again, clearly whoever had dressed them up for super early halloween was laughing chaotically.
Before anything could escalate, another meow sounded, and three more cats appeared, another two kittens and a full grown adult cat. The two kittens were maybe tabbies? She was pretty sure the little mark on their forehead meant they were tabbies. One was a bright orange while the other was almost gray with little black stripes. The orange tabby had a black and white striped sweater with a red beret tied loosely to its neck. The white and gray kitten was dressed in a frilly pink tu-tu, a rendition of pink ballet slippers tied neatly up the length of its stubby legs. The adult cat was… well she was completely unsure what the adult was, but it was big and fluffy and oh my god it had a little monocle. A red neck tie was neatly collared around its neck and she was sure the only reason it wasn't wearing a cat’s version of a three piece suit was because nothing was big enough to contain the sheer fluff that was its fur.
The adult cat batted at the angel cat, stopping it from continuing to bully its… sibling? Were these cats related? Was it even possible for these cats to be related? Surely not. But what did she know about cat genetics?
Wait! Focus Ash! The cats were adorable, yes, but they couldn't just stay. Everyone in her household was allergic to cats. Well everyone except her. But, that didn’t matter. Hives would be breaking out and sneezes would take over the peaceful tranquility that never existed in their house in the first place.
“How did you guys even get in here? The frogs I was willing to let slide, but you guys? You’re too young to be from the neighbors cats, they were neutered years ago. Do you have an owner looking for you? Because I seriously don’t want to be accused of catnapping. And clearly someone cares for you, enough to buy you all matching outfits…” she muttered quietly to herself, perplexed as she observed each of the cats from a distance, still wary of potential scratches, or even biting. But, even still, she couldn't find evidence of any collar on any of them. Let alone any tags added to their outfits so their owners could be identified if they happened to wander off a bit too far. Maybe they had some fancy tracker? Something injected in them that connected to some app on their owner’s phone so that it couldn't be removed if a catnapper decided to pretend they weren’t the culprit? That would make sense, but not bothering to put tags on so some good samaritan could return the cats freely and being stuck looking like a catnapper was not cool. She would be having words with whoever this irresponsible person was.
“Well, no relaxing bath for me I suppose. Are you guys hungry?” Ears perking up, each of them turned with the biggest, most pathetic, kitten eyes she had ever seen. “Glad to know that’s at least universal,” she muttered, knees cracking as she stood from her crouched position. “Ok, you mongrels of utter cuteness, I shall attempt, as your most dutiful servant, to find something suitable for your palate. Excuse this lowly one as I have never had to feed someone of your caliber before.” She was tempted to bow, but honestly that seemed ridiculous, even if she had heard cats tended to treat themselves as if they were royalty. These weren’t her cats, so she could leave that sort of pleasantry to the owner, whenever they bothered to show up.
Exiting the bathroom, five kittens and one cat all trotted along behind her, meowing expectantly as she made her way to the kitchen. Maybe she could convince the owner to allow her to at least visit? They were seriously adorable, and hey! Maybe these cats wouldn’t spend half an hour straight trying to eat her shirt like the neighbor’s cat had!
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annymation · 5 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 1- The Intro
Our tale opens the same way many classic Disney movies did before, with a story book.
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The book opens, and we are presented with the illustration of a king looking down from his tower, and we listen to the narration of an elderly male voice:
Long ago, there was a kind and wise king, who wished that all his people could live the happiest and most fulfilling lives in his kingdom, and have all their dreams come true. "But how can I fulfill ALL their dreams?"The king pondered.
Then, he had an idea. Using his vast knowledge, the sorcerer king developed a new kind of arcane magic, Wish Magic. With it, the king granted the wishes of all the citizens in need of his help. And so, this became the tradition, in the Kingdom of Rosas...
But this is not his story, oh no no, King Eric was just the first of this loooong line of wish granting kings.
The pages of the book flip, revealing in each page a different king, each generation, and each one with their names written on the top of the pages, these kings are all named after the 9 old men, the famous animators that worked in the creation of Snow White. This is the first of many Disney references I’ll throw around in this rewrite.
Our tale begins with the birth of the 10th king of Rosas... Prince Magnus.
We see an illustration showing a young king Magnifico learning magic with his father, king Ward.
Young prince Magnus grew in power as quickly as the evening primrose blooms in the night. However, the young prince feared he'd never be truly worthy of following such a great legacy. With that in mind, the King and Queen decided that a... second option could be required in the future. And thus, prince Florian was born.
The two brothers grew into powerful sorcerers. But once it came the day to choose the heir to the throne, Florian was chosen, for Magnus didn't feel like he could be just as great of a king as the ones that came before him, he felt like there was something... missing in his life, something that would give him the confidence and strength he required.
And sure enough, that something, or rather, that someone arrived.
The most beautiful maiden Magnus had ever laid eyes upon. She was found by fisherman, passed out and floating adrift in a boat. By King Florian's orders she was brought to the castle, once she woke up, the maiden introduced herself as Amaya.
We see an image of young Amaya being found ashore by fisherman, she's dressed in a white dress similar to how Ariel was found by Eric in The Little Mermaid.
Amaya wanted to thank the young king for his hospitality, she didn't ask him to grant her wish, all she wanted was to serve in the castle as the king's personal alchemist, and Florian gladly welcomed her in his court. And as the days went on, Magnus and the mysterious maiden became hopelessly in love, and together, they felt as if they could do... Anything.
The narrators voice sounds confused with that last statement, like he doesn't know what's referring to. But he continues.
After a year of the kingdom prospering under king Florian's rule, Magnus, inspired by his new found love, decided to go on a quest for adventure, to leave the kingdom for once in his life.
We see an illustration of Magnus and his brother hugging each other goodbye next to a boat. It's a sunny day.
But every tale must have a tragedy, and Magnus faced the most painful tragedy of all once he returned to Rosas, and found out his dear younger brother fell ill and passed away while he was away.
We see an illustration of Magnus now back to Rosas, looking devastated, but one important detail is that he's now holding a staff with a green gem we haven't seen in any of the previous pages, it's a treasure he got from his quest.
But from this tragedy, Rosas reemerged stronger, with Magnus and Amaya as our new rulers. Magnus let go of his fears and swore to make the kingdom shine brighter that ever before, It's what his brother would've wanted after all.
Magnus changed the way that wishes were granted, instead of granting just a few per month like the kings that came before him, he granted dozens per week, by sending them up from the top of his tower, and making them float down to their wish makers as they sleep.
The kingdom was so happy and so grateful for their new king and queen that they started calling them by nicknames that reflected their magnificence and their passion. From then on, they were to be known as King Magnifico and Queen Amable.
The End
The book is closed by an old man's hand.
We now see the face of the man who was reading the story, Sabino, Asha's grandfather, looking ever so slightly younger than he was in the movie, but still very old.
He's laying on the bed with a smile, admiring the golden and flowery details on the book cover, and he says:
"I admire your interest in more sophisticated books Asha but ummm don't you think this one might be a bit too advanced for your age? hehe"
the man chuckles looking down to his side, where we see a little 5 year old Asha under the bed sheets.
"Yeah... I thought it would be better cause' the cover was so pretty, I wanted more fantasy, but its just romance... yuck" she makes a face of disgust sticking her tongue out.
"One should never judge a book by it's cover, what you got here is a history book." he tells her as he get's up from bed to put away the book and blow away the candles in the room.
"Sure doesn't explain things very well though, like where did queen Amaya even come from? And what's the deal with this staff the king found? And what sickness did his brother have? The book explains none of it." The little girl says frustrated with all these questions unanswered.
Her grandpa can’t help but chuckle, he's way too familiar to these unceasing questions of her's, Asha always had the habit of questioning everything.
"Well, 1. the queen is quite reserved about her past, it's best to respect that. 2. that staff is just a souvenir that the king got from his travel. And 3. sometimes bad things just... Happen, with no explanation, and there's nothing we can really do about it but to move on." The old man explains to her wisely "Now, it's time for bed."
"Noooo!" Asha interrupts before her grandpa blows away the last candle in the room "I want another story, this one didn't count because I didn't like it"
"And since when that was a rule?" her grandfather sounds amused by that
"Since now, I just decided" the 5 year old claimed proudly
"Hehehe and what exactly didn't you enjoy in this story?"
Asha thinks for a moment, but then she has an idea "Weeeeell for starters, romance is yucky, there was nooo villains, and I like villains in fairytales, and most importantly… it didn't have MY favorite king and queen in it"
(Ya know, I laugh to myself while writing this because not only Asha will grow up to live a romance in this rewrite, but also because there are indeed villains in that fairytale, it just so happens that the villains made themselves the protagonists.)
Sabino looks confused "... Your favorite king and queen? Now what do you mean b--" Sabino realizes who she’s referring to, and his confusion melts back into a tender smile "Oooh... hehe you mean THEIR story, huh? Say, didn't I already tell you their story this week?"
"And the week before that too, yes, but I just love it! Pleeease saba, then I promise I'll go to sleep, honest"
"*sigh* alright alright, but only because it's my favorite too"
Sabino sits down on his rocking chair next to the bed, no book required for him to tell this tale.
Once upon a time, there was a king, who traveled to a far away place with his son, his prince. They were looking for a place peaceful to make it their home, and they found it, a quiet house in the middle of the forest, not so far from a kingdom called Rosas. The prince was quick to meet the people that lived in the nearby kingdom, and among the people he met there was-
"Who's telling this story again?" Sabino glanced at Asha smugly
"Sorry sorry, hihihi keep going" she says hugging her pillow tightly.
So yes, the prince met a fairy, a fairy with the most incredible of powers, she could bring drawings to life! The prince was marveled by the fairy's magic, and hurried to tell his father, at first, the king didn't believe it "Drawings that move? That's absurd, son" but sure enough, the prince invited the fairy to their home, and she proved it to the king, she showed him her sketchbook and flipped the pages quickly, and all her drawings together seemed to move as if it was magic
"Because it WAS magic" Asha corrected
"Hehehe you're right, it was"
Years went by, and the love that the prince and the fairy shared only grew more and more. The fairy became an art teacher, sharing her magic and artistry, while the prince became a philosopher, passing on his wisdom and knowledge about the stars. And one day, they were blessed with the most beautiful little princess.
"That's meeeee"
"Yes, that's you" Sabino looks at Asha with eyes full of administration for the girl’s enthusiasm for such a simple story he only came up with to teach her about who her parents were.
And they lived ha--
Sabino interrupts himself before he finishes that phrase, he knows that's not how it went.
But he has to finish the story somehow, so he just says
And now that little princess is going to sleep, the end.
Nailed it.
"Very well Asha, a deal's a deal, good night now-"
"Saba! Look!" Asha points to outside the window with a huge smile "It's starting!" She jumps out of bed and runs to the window
We see countless wish bubbles floating out of the castle, like glowing lanterns filling the sky and making their way down to the people of Rosas.
"Huh, he started earlier today... Or rather, it's even more past your bed time than I thought, come on, back to bed mi nieta" Sabino rushes her back to bed, talking more sternly now.
Asha doesn't want to go to sleep yet though so she tries to stall some more "Saba, when I'm big, what if I wished to have magic like mama's?"
Sabino's eyebrows raise in surprise by the question "Y-you mean wish to make drawings move?"
"YEAH! I wanna be a great artist like her! I bet mr. King Magnifico could grant that wish pretty easy, right?" The little girl says cheerfully, her eyes shinning as she still looks up at the glowing wish bubbles in the sky.
Asha isn't seeing it, but her grandfather has a sad and conflicted look on his face, like he's trying to find the right words to tell her something really important.
"Heeey... You never told me what was YOUR wish to the king!" Asha realizes, turning back to the older man and walking closer to him on his rocking chair "What did you wish for?" She asks him curious with a big smile.
"... I don't know" He admits, trying to hide from her how sad that makes him feel with a forced smile.
"... Huh?" The girl tilts her head confused
"I was asked to give my wish when I moved to Rosas and... To this day I can't remember what it was... But maybe that's just how it works" He shrugs like it's no big deal. But it clearly is.
"That doesn't sound fair... He hasn't granted it yet?"
"... Could be…" Sabino admits what has been thinking for a long while, his eyes light up with an idea and he turns to his granddaughter with a serious expression "Asha, can you promise me something?"
Asha looks at her grandfather attentively and nods positively.
“When you turn 18… Oh never mind, you’ll probably not even remember this talk anyway”
“Yes I will, what is it?” She asks determined.
“… When the time comes for you to make your wish to King Magnifico, DO NOT wish for him to make you an artist like your mother, Sakina spent years practicing to master her craft… and I think she’d like you to do the same”
“Okay! I’ll practice everyday! To make drawings just as pretty as mama’s!” Asha’s joy returned with full force, she actually couldn’t wait to draw more in the the morning.
She jumps back to her bed, now ready to go to sleep since she has something to look forward to.
Sabino seemed pleased “That’s good to hear, thank you”
“But what should I wish for then?”
Sabino fell silent for a moment and just said simply “You have quite a lot of time to decide, I’m sure you’ll know by then... Now all I wish is that you'd stay in bed and went to sleep hehe” He jokes with a gentle smile.
He get's up from his rocking chair and goes to blow out the last burning candle in the room, but before he does so Asha says
"Saba... Do you miss them? Mama and papa?"
Sabino looks at the candle with downcast eyes.
"Yes... But it's alright, I still get to see them everyday"
"WHERE?" Asha exclaims, thinking her grandpa just casually admitted he sees ghosts.
"In you" Sabino tells her as he caresses her head "You have your mother's talent and beauty, and my son's intelligence and curiosity... They live in you, dear"
(Is this a Lion King Broadway musical reference? Yes, yes it is)
"You think I'll be able to make magic too, like mama?" Asha asks with a big smile
"If you keep trying, and never give up, you can do anything, my dear." He says calmly, looking at her full of pride.
"Okay... *yaaaawn* good night saba, I love you" She says while getting comfortable in bed.
"Good night mi nieta. See you tomorrow."
Sabino blows away the last candle, it all goes dark.
We cut to a sequence similar to the opening from UP.
(oh yes, it'll be that level of sad)
So as happy background music plays, with no lyrics, no lines, just visual story telling, we get a series of scenes showing some snippets of Asha’s life over the years.
We cut to the same little Asha waking up in the morning with a big smile on her face.
She's waken up by her grandfather, and she gives him a hug.
Sabino prepares breakfast while Asha draws on a sketchbook.
Sabino looks proud with Asha's doodle and hangs it on the wall.
Suddenly, they hear someone knocking, Asha goes to open the door and we see a young Dahlia selling sweets.
Sabino buys some, and as Dahlia walks away Asha notices she could use some help carrying all that food, since she's walking with a crutch.
Asha looks at her grandfather as if she's asking for permission to go, and he nods reassuringly.
Off she goes to help Dahlia, and the two quickly become friends
Asha get's back home after sunset, dinner is ready
she and her grandpa read some books together.
Asha went to sleep
This cycle would keep repeating during the whole musical sequence, and I don't want this to take too long so just imagine we see events similar to this repeating 7 times, each time we see Asha meet a new friend, and we see her grandpa become more and more senile and more dependent on Asha, as she gets older.
I'll just give a few more examples to illustrate it but if you're curious about how Asha met all her friends and in what order just read it here: Reimagining the 7 teens
We’ll skip the sequences showing how she met Simon and Gabo.
The music sounds slightly less upbeat
Asha wakes up, now looking more like a 10 year old
She’s ever so slightly less excited when waking up but still smiling
She goes to wake up her grandpa, who seems a bit lost at first but smiles once he sees her
She makes them breakfast
The walls of the house are covered top to bottom with Asha’s drawings
She helps her grandfather walk as they go watch a children’s play at the plaza, her friends Dahlia, Simon and Gabo are with them
Asha notices a young girl looking very uncomfortable on stage
Once it’s her scene, the bashful girl runs off stage
Asha goes back stage and we see her sit next to Bazeema and give her some words of encouragement
Bazeema goes back stage and plays the role of the queen perfectly with her eyes closed
Asha gets a new friend in her friend group
Sabino looks pleased
Asha prepares soup for dinner (remember she’s 10 here)
Asha takes her grandfather to bed, because he’s struggling to walk
Asha reads him some books
Asha went to sleep
We gonna skip to the last friend Asha made
Asha wakes up, now looking 13
She has a hopeful expression, it’s another day
She helps her grandfather get out of bed, he’s not smiling anymore, his expression seems distant
She makes them breakfast, and help her saba with eating it
There’s even more drawings on the walls, and they look way more detailed, showing Asha’s art skills improved
She and her 6 friends all go hang out for what was supposed to be a short walk
They spot a girl trying to practice juggling and failing miserably
Asha asks if they can help, but the girl just smiles awkwardly as if she says they can only help if they could make her a proper entertainer in the snap of their fingers
Asha indeed can’t grant that wish BUT she knows how to help her
Cuts to them all in Asha’s house, the 8 preteens all sit together on a round table and Asha brings in some papers, pencils and a book titled “Jokes and tales for jesters”
We see the whole gang now formed, as they talk and laugh together, helping Hal come up with jokes for her act as a royal entertainer
All is well until, Asha noticed her grandfather coughing on a chair right behind them
She rushes to give him some water and stays with him, while her friends watch from the table, with expressions of sadness and pity
Asha is hugging her grandfather when she feels a hand on her shoulder, she turns around and it’s Dahlia, with the other 6 behind, they all give her a reassuring smile as if to tell her it’s gonna be alright
Simon brings a blanket to cover her grandfather, Bazeema makes some tea, Dahlia prepares dinner, Hal plays some songs with her flute, Safi and Dario are dancing to it with Asha (as a reference to the “Silly Song” scene from Snow White where she dances with Dopey and Sneezy) and Gabo is just sitting there tapping his feet to the music.
Asha finally got a break, a moment to just enjoy herself
They all have dinner together, Gabo offers himself to help Sabino eat.
Asha waves her friends goodbye as they all return to their homes
Asha helps her grandfather go to bed, we don’t see his face much
Asha went to sleep
Asha wakes up, now 15 years old, she has an excited smile on her face just like how she had 10 years before
She shakes her grandfather to wake him up
He doesn’t move
She tries again…
No answer.
The music turns silent.
Her smile fades away.
We cut to her in Sabino’s funeral.
Asha is crying all alone, until she once again feels a hand on her shoulder.
She turns around to see all her 7 friends, all of them grieving with her.
They hug.
Asha wakes up, now in present day.
It’s her 18th birthday.
“… It’s another day” she says with a hopeful, but somewhat worried smile.
End of intro.
Chapter 2
Final Thoughts
And so it begins. This is just the first of a LOT of chapters.
This is my first time actually writing a story, in English no less (I’m Brazilian btw) so this has been a pretty big deal for me, please give me suggestions on how to improve if you have any, it’s really appreciated.
Asha and Sabino’s relationship hits really close to home for me, I think whenever we write something it’s inevitable that we bring a little bit of our own experiences into it, and here’s it’s not different, in my case I also had a really close relationship with my grandpa, and I grew up watching him develop Alzheimer’s, just like Asha I used to draw a looooot and my grandpa had a whole wall in his room dedicated only for my drawings, so yeah I got pretty emotional writing about that.
Rip Vovô Dudu
Anyway, what I wanted to accomplish with this intro was establish:
- King Magnifico and Queen Amable’s backstory… Or at least what the people of Rosas think it’s their backstory.
- Who were Asha’s parents and how they’re important to her and shape who she is.
- How Asha met all her friends, as well as who they are.
- How Asha is always going out of her way to help others.
- How her life went from being taken care of by Sabino to being his care taker, which in turn made her become more mature and hard working from an young age.
- But nevertheless, even with all the loss and pain she felt, she always remained kind and optimistic.
With all of that established, we can actually start this story, see you all on chapter 2!
Thank you for reading!
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kairiscorner · 10 months
Helloo, can I request Miguel with an artist reader who draws him a lot? 👉👈 Like the reader has a secret crush on Miguel and he inspires them a lot, without even knowing it. And maybe there's a Gwen-and-Miles-like-situation where Miguel by accident discovers the drawings of him in their sketchbook?
AAAAAAAA ANON THIS IS SO CUTE !! tbh i wanted to finish the miggy fic i had for ate @binibinileonara bc i wanted to connect these two together, BUT I COULDN'T RESIST, I'LL MAKE IT SEPARATE BC WHY NOT !! thank you for the lovely idea btw (i also had an idea like this actually in my notes) THANKS FOR GIVING ME THE OOMPH TO DO IT !!
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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you always had this desire to capture all that interested you in its full beauty, in its unbridled greatness. that was, to you, the essence of all your art pieces; they always reflected how you saw the world, how you saw nature, how you saw people.
you never believed people had one or two faces to them, you believed people were multi-faceted, that every person was a kaleidoscope of beauty, skills, quirks, flaws, fears, hopes, and dreams. you loved capturing every bit of people who intrigued you the best you could, and you hoped that if you stood back and admired the big picture that was them, going over the details and fibers that made each person their own–from the good, bad, pretty and ugly details–you would finally see the whole, uncut image of the person you were illustrating; who you were painting in the colors you saw them in, the colors that stuck with you and filled the empty canvas of your mind with all sorts of shapes and splotches of hues and shades that formed the image of them when their name would come to mind.
and for some reason... that person to you right now was miguel o'hara. you had a lot of things to say about him, even words that many would argue don't exist. you felt a myriad of feelings when you were around miguel, and you knew there was more than just the dictating leader miguel that everyone was familiar with. like all people, miguel, too, was an explosion of different kinds of colors to you–colors that only you could see, because when he was around you... he was more than just the cool, calm, and collected boss everyone saw him as.
he was much more caring, much more funny around you. his smile when you told him a funny story illuminated a bright yellow and a warm orange to you–his eyes would twinkle and you'd see the hazelnut brown in his eyes, and a shade of what appeared to be coffee brown at the bottom of his irises. he exuded a commanding aura, a dark, cool blue–but when paired with you, and only you, he exuded a bright red; a color of fiery passion, intimacy, and most of all... attraction.
he was the subject of your affections, you, the soulful and emotional artist that admired him and all that he was from afar and up close. you admired the way he held your hand when you were scared on a few missions, you admired how gently he held you when you two were caught between a rock and a hard place; and how soft and loving his eyes were when they gazed at you. you knew he might have felt a platonic kind of love for you, what with being so comfortable around you and all, but you felt a different kind of love for him–and you hated denying your creative side the indulgence of capturing him in all his beauty.
hence, you began slowly filling the empty spaces of your sketchbooks and notebooks, or whatever other papers lay around when inspiration struck you, with images of him and only him. you caught his face in moments where he was nonchalant, disappointed, angry, grumpy, and... smiling.
when you witnessed his smile for the first time when you met him, that image was burned into your retinas, into your mind, into your heart. you saw that smile from the minute you went to bed to the minute you woke up, the only thing that saddened you was that you could never hold that man who smiled at you and made your heart beat a little faster–you could only watch him and be with him at a distance. but art was the bridge between you two that'd close that distance you wanted to cover so, so badly.
you did, at times, believe what you were doing was... a little creepy. you refused to let anyone see your sketchbooks even before you drew him, and that was out of embarrassment at your drawings. but now, it was a new kind of embarrassment, a feeling adjacent to guilt and disgust at how nobody but he could fill your mind and have you wanting to keep him in your mind by feeding yourself, indulging yourself in putting him on paper and coloring him in; to be with him at a closer perspective than how you two were in the real world.
you had to admit it–seeing him constantly in your mind, wanting to let thoughts of him out on paper as you wanted to be through with imagining him, but knew you couldn't the more and more you portrayed him–it meant you... wanted him. you really, really loved him.
you knew nobody should know, nobody had to know about this little crush you had on miguel. you'd rather die than have someone peek at your sketchbook that was filled with all kinds of drawings of him. but unfortunately, the man himself bore witness to your caricatures and illustrations of him when you left your sketchbook at his office.
you ran as quickly as you could, praying he hadn't opened it out of curiosity. he was always asking you what you were up to, and you'd immediately shut your sketchbook and laugh awkwardly, claim you were merely doodling. you always left out the part that you were constantly drawing him, and only ever him; and now, he'd find out.
as you entered his office, scouring with your eyes for your sketchbook, a figure emerged from the darkness behind you and gave a slight cough. "this is yours, isn't it?" that low, fluid voice was none other than miguel's. you turned around in fear of what he was going to look like–would any of the faces you drew seeing him as be one of the faces you'd see?
to your surprise... no. he had a different, completely new face that you had never drawn him in; a flustered state. he was blushing, his angled cheeks and high nose bridge were covered in a pink-red hue–and he was grinning. he handed you the sketchbook with a now sheepish smile. "i'm sorry, i wasn't sure if it was yours. i had to... look through for a name. and, um... it was very–" he wanted to continue, but then, he saw you were on the verge of tears.
"i'm... sorry..." you muttered, feeling incredibly ashamed of yours and busted for having indulged in drawing him without him knowing. guilt stirred in your stomach and elicited tears to well up in your eyes. miguel smiled, and as his eyebrows curved upwards together to form a look of reassurance, he placed both hands on your shoulders.
"listen, you have a wonderful talent. i'm sorry if you don't hear that enough, but that changes today. i'm so... wow, i'm so flattered you thought i was good enough to be drawn that way. it feels... amazing, to know an artist sees me fit to be their, what would you call it?" he asked as he wiped a tear rolling down your cheek away from you.
"a... muse." you whispered, wiping the rest of your tears away. miguel chuckled. "right, a muse." he said as he inched closer to you, with the sweetest smile on his face. "i might sound really crazy right now, but... i want to be your muse. i really, really want to be your muse." he said, with emphasis on 'your'.
your face lightened up as the tears that welled up gave your eyes a glassy look, and you saw the blush on his deepen as you became more and more flustered. you smiled and wrapped your arms around his chest, pulling him in for an embrace you needed to release. "and i want to be your artist. only yours." you whispered, to which miguel reciprocated your hug. and it was here that you witnessed him in a new color, a pinkish, reddish hue that made you feel all kinds of happiness and excitement.
a love meant to be captured and painted in with bursts of emotion and care for one another.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck
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wizkiddx · 1 year
how do you do it?
oops so I may have had a new adhd ultrafixation and switched up to f1 the past year or so... so i might be back but i don't write holland/ marvel stuff anymore. here's a little fluffy drabble of Pierre gasly - but pls do not think he's my fave driver hehe that u gotta guess...
reader x pierregasly
Looking after Pierre's [fictional] nephew for an evening or two may just impact your life forever.
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Pierre loved you. He loved you like he hadn't loved anyone ever before. It felt different. Like everything had perfectly fit into place. 
Which is why, on his summer break, he wanted to be surrounded by all the people he loved completely. His parents; his sister and her husband and child; his grandparents and you. He rarely got time off, so when he did he was determined to focus on what mattered. And nothing mattered more than family. 
Or so he thought… until his sister saw the family trip away as a great opportunity for child care. Apparently she and her husband had ‘accidentally’ booked a romantic week away for the two of them just the same week. And just assumed that the family would babysit little Mateo. 
Pierre really should be disappointed in her - except he didn’t really mind. He absolutely loved little Matt and spending some quality time with him so closely - well Pierre didnt mind one bit.
Also his brother in law annoyed him incredibly - so he would not be missed. 
After Matteo was dropped off, the whole of Pierres family happily shared responsibility of the little boy. Pierre’s dad was in charge of dinner and his mum, Pacale, then set about getting Teo settled for the night.  but in fact, Y/n had made such an impression on the young tot that Teo asked her to read him the bedtime story that night. Pierre went to say goodnight, but stopped himself at the doorway, leaning on the frame. Teo was cuddled right into Y/n’s side as she read the cartoony book. 
Y/n awoke to her shoulder being nudged repeatedly, groaning as she tried to shrug it off - to no avail. The room was dark, lit only by a creak of light coming from the door… that she was sure had been shut when they went to bed. Her thoughts were sow as she blinked her eyes awake, trying to shake off the sleepy fog. And then she saw the dark silhouette standing right nect to her. In shock, she jolted upright, blinking rapidly to focus on the figure infront of her. It quickly became apparent she had no need to be scared, the intruder was tiny and with the same button nose as a little person she’d made friends with. 
“-teo?” Croaking, her eyebrows knitted together as she moved to lean up on her side - whilst doing as little to disturb Pierres arm that was still flung round your middle. “Could you not sleep?” He shook his head violently in response, before letting out a small sniffle. 
“had a-had a bad dream.” He pouted, his glassey eyes boring holes into your soul, even in the dim light from the hallway. 
“Oh Mattie” Y/n sighed sadly, sitting p so she could properly wrap her arms round the boy to pick him up onto her lap. Mateo instantly clung tightly to her body, his little legs and arms wrapped round her chest, face nuzzled into the crook of her neck. Not sure what to do, Y/n just held him close and softly ra her fingers through the little baby curls at the bottom of his scalp. “You wanna talk about it?” She whispered, and was answered with an indignant shake off his head against her chest. “Well I’m glad you woke me up Teo, this is what me and Uncle Pierre are here for.” He sniffled slightly, before arching back, sitting up on your middle and looking down at you and then at Pierre who was still softly snoring next to you. 
“Why aren’t you aunty Y/n? Why just Y/n?” 
Kids always had this ability to surprise. And you had exactly zero idea how to answer that. 
“Well kiddo, because your so special we have to earn the titles autny and uncle. Uncle Pierres known you since you were a baby! I’ve not known you that long so I’m not officially an aunty.” He crinkled his eyes, and appeared to look up at the dark ceiling as if in thought. 
“Who gives you the name aunty then?” This felt like a trick.
“ummm… your mummy and daddy and Uncle Pierre too. They’re in charge.” 
“If I was incharge I’d call you aunty Y/n.” Teo whispered for the frist time that evening, as if this was the secret part. Not the fact you were desperately trying to not let him disturb your slumbering boyfriend. He was still shattered from the first half of the season. He needed all the rest he could get. 
“Awh Teo!” You pouted and pulled him in for another hug. “That is why your so cool!” He giggled as you lightly tickled his top. “You ready to try and go back to sleep again?”
Suddenly he looked all shy, hiding his face behind his eyes. 
“When I have a bad dream at home…mummy and daddy let me.. let me sleep with them.” The cogs turned for a little bit, brain still addled by sleep, before you realised what he meant. 
“Oh! Do you want to sleep with me and Pierre?” He nodded shyly again, and you had to hide a little grin at his cuteness. “You know when I get bad dreams, your uncle Pierre holds me tight and protects me from them. Like my hero. Do you think he could be your hero?” You knew the little kid had a fascination with superheros, already owning batman tshirts galore. Superheros wer basically his second language. 
Instead of answering, Matteo just climbed off of you and into the middle of the bed, the space between you and Pierre. It took some adjustment, in fact Pierre huffed and squirmed in his sleep at the disruption, but Matteo ended up snugly under the covers, you mirroring Pierre on your side facing him. 
“Okay kiddo, now give uncle Pierre a big hug ‘kay?” He nodded as you pulled Pierres slightly limp arm round his littlle body, making sure it wasn’t squashing the little kid. Instinctively, used to wrapping his arms round you, Pierre squeezed his little nephew, before relaxing and sagging back into a deep sleep. 
“Night Aunty Y/n” Teo whispered, almost bringing a tear to yoru eye as you saw his little eyes poking out from Pierres arm to look at you. Of course he had said that. It practically made your heart melt. 
“Night night little one, sweet dreams.” 
It was Pierre who was roused from sleep first in the morning. The soft french light streamed through the little inlets in the blind, giving the whole room a cosy and warm bath of light. Letting out a long sigh, he blinked his eyes open a couple times, enjoying the non-urgency of the morning which he so rarely got during the season. He muffled a wuiet cough, not wanting to disturb Y/n, before properly focusing on his left. Because it wasn’t just his girlfriend. Apparently somebody else had wormed there way into the bed last night. 
Both were still slumbering away but a little brunette figure had stolen Pierres normal spot. Matteo was nestled up in the crook of Y/n’s neck his little palm resting up under her ear. 
Pierre had never ever felt love that strong than in that exact moment. 
After a few minutes just watching the two taking deep breaths, Pierre decided he needed to save this moment forever. As quietly as he could he leaned over the two to the bedside table, where his phone was. Apparently he failed miserably, as he had barely drawn the caemra before Y/n huffed, eyebrows furrowed together, as she blinked against the soft light of the room. She only scowled more when she noticed the camera in her face - before softening as soon as she realised the little boy pressed against her chest. Just this once she might forgive Pierre. Soon he too relaxed back down in the bed, and the couple shared the a silent but incredibly intimate moment, basking in there feelings for one another. 
Pierre was so glad he had this time this summer. The fact he could spend the morning in bed waiting for the kid to wakeup. He didn’t have a gym session to go to, a meeting or a pr thing. He could be in the moment, daydreaming of his future, with his beautiful girlfriend and his beautiful nephew. 
Later that morning, Pascale and Pierre where sat on the porch with a black coffee each, watching Teo madly chase Y/n and Jean round the expansive green garden. 
“I heard it was musical beds last night?” Pascale interrupted the comfortable silence between the mother and son, which had before only been interrupted by Teos distant giggles.
“Hmmm apparantly so, though I slept through the whole thing.”
“You do need sleep my boy, Y/n was only following my express orders.”
“Mama” Pierre chuckled whilst shaking his head, his mother forever being incredibly overprotective. “Teo asked me this morning if I could allow him to call Y/n aunty.” 
“Pourquoi?” Pascale questioned, switching back to her natural tongue. The whole Gasly family made a special effort to speaj English when Y/n was around - not wanting her to feel left out. 
“He was asking her last night. This morning he sat me down to have an ‘important conversation’. he said Y/n earned the name aunty Y/n.” Pascale laughed, putting down the coffee cup on the table. 
“That boy is older than his years.” Pierre nodded, and Pascale finally chose to ask the question. “You think maybe one day she will be?… you know, officially an auntie… a Gasly?” Pierre kept his eyes down on the garden, on the way Y/n spun Teo round when he ‘caught her’. But pascale didn’t miss the playful smile that grew on the corner of his mouth. 
“How do you do it maman?” Pascale acted innocent, only shrugging and asking what. Even if she knew exactly what. “You knew I was thinking of that.” 
“Maybe” Pascales smugness made Pierre scoff, before carrying on. 
“I’ve been thinking about it for a while… but this morning, waking up with her and Teo. I want that life with her. I want her to be the mother of my children. I think that shes the one. “
For the first time Pierre turned to properly look at his mum. And her extreme grin half made Pierre take back everything he said. Except he didn’t. 
“You know my boy, we’ve all been waiting for you to realise for months. Not just Teo.” 
“I love her. So does you dad and your brothers and sisters. So do all the kids. So do all your friends. And most importantly she has Teos complete seal of approval.” Pierre followed his mothers gesture straight ahead, till his eyes saw Teo and Y/n both sprinting towards the two of them, both of in fits of laughter. 
“What are you two crazies doing?” Leaving Pierre in a slight state of shock, Pascale pretended as if nothing had just happened, engaging with the two in front of her. 
“Y/n kept catching me! I was Ironman and she was Antman but she beat me!” 
“I thought yuou told me Iron Man was the best hero.” Pascale questioned, while the little boy clambered up onto her side. 
“No. Not anymore. Y/n is my favourite hero.” 
“I’m not a hero Teo. I’m just Y/n.”
“No you said to me Uncle Pierre is your hero. And you protected me from bad dreams last night. You’re my hero.” 
Y/n and Pascale just laughed at how the boys brain worked. The innocence of kids was just unbelievable. But Pierre didn’t, still reeling from the conversation with his mother. He sat with slightly glassy eyes, watching the two important women in his life with the cutest little boy ever. As Pascale excused her and Teo to get breakfast, Y/n looked over to her boyfriend, instantly her face dropping with worry. 
“Hey, whats going on?” She instantly sat next to him on the outdoor couch, arms wrapping round his back. “Talk to me Pear.” He wasn’t even crying but, Y/n knew him like the back of her hand, she knew the little glimmer in his eye which wasn’t normal. Letting out a breathy chuckle, Pierre leaned closer to her, allowing Y/n to lift his chin up to meet her eyes. 
“I’m just really happy.” He smiled, watching how her eyebrows furrowed slightly, eyes searching his for an answer. “Here with all the most important people. I’m happy.” 
Her eyes softened, the worry instantaneously flowing away, as a little smile tugged at her lips. 
“You really are going soft on me aren’t you? Oh wait - you’ve always been like that.” She teased, relaxing back into his chest a little as Pierre weaved his fingers through hers. 
“Only for you cherie… you think one day we coulod have our own little Teo running round?” Pierre noticed the way the breathing seemed to hit pause after he asked the question, as if he’d maybe said the wrong thing. But then she looked up at him, with the softest eyes and whispered. “I am ready whenever you are.”
She was in this deep too. Here for the long run.
With the biggest smile, Pierre pulled her lips against his, cradling her head in both his hands. It wasn’t rushed or heated, instead a calmness that emanated for the both of them. Because neither was worried. After a few moments, they pulled apart, Y/n settling leant against his body, her head resting on his shoulder as thye looked out at the beautiful view from the garden of the rented home. And thats when Pierre knew. He knew what he needed to o next. And suddenly he wanted to go to the ring shop right then because he simply couldn’t wait. 
“I got a few things I need to do first… but we will be a family soon cherie. I promise.”
lmk what u think and if i should keep writing f1 themed stuff!!! &lt;3
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eras-mus · 5 months
‡Further Down The Rabbit Hole‡
For: @libraryraccoon
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★Alice! Yuu
★libraryracoons Idea
Whenever someone asked Yuu how they had gotten here they never had a straight answer and the story seemed to change every time. This, of course, was not because they were lying or making it up but because it was all a splotchy blur. Though one thing always stayed they same: they saw a black horse-drawn carriage, blacked out, and woke up in a coffin.
"Do you remember anything from the carriage ride? Where it went? How it traveled?" Crowley had asked the night of Yuus arrival.
"No, all I remember is a strange dream, well part of the dream" They started, seemingly trying to recall said something. "I was following a white rabbit...Or maybe it was a black cat... There was something about blue fire- OH! And shouting! Someone was roaring...Or shouting something about heads...Or betrayal...Maybe even deals?There might have been a green dragon or a beautiful queen..."
Yuu doesn't remember much from that night...Or nights? But they remembered the way Crowley scowled.
As if being a human in a mages school wasn't hard enough, over the course of the year the were haunted by strangely nostalgic dreams about what Yuu learned to be the Great Seven.
The first few months were the hardest, Crowley would talk about how generous he is. "Like the Walrus to the Calms" he would say. When Yuu asked Trien about this weird analogy he just said that probably never Crowley never heard the real story but it was still strangely accurate.
And Trien was right. It felt as if Crowley would eat and eat away at Yuus energy, not giving them any time for finding a way out of the rabbit hole. Though Grim wasn't helping either, he only enticed Yuus curiosity, they felt as if they were chasing something that was running faster and faster, further away from home.
The dorms were just a strange. They all reminded Yuu of different things.
Heartslabyul was rather straight forward, a tyrant queen and a push over kings.
Savannahclaw was a bunch of new creatures playing tricks on you and humiliating you for their entertainment.
Octavinelle reminded them of a business man who uses his success to make you do pointless things, like running though water to dry, telling you you'll become dry like him.
Scarabia was a party with welcoming people you've never met, celebrating a strange event to cover up their problems.
Pomefiore was like a bunch of flowers, disgusted by the mer thought of weeds, except for the new blossoms who seemed to be closed minded in a different way.
Ignihyde like two twins begging for their attention and to just stay a little longer.
Diasomnia just felt like a strange cat that would disappear until the most or least helpful times.
Though Yuu found outliers to this rule, it only made this maze of a world that more intoxicating. From Sam selling things at his shop that seemed to make you grow small and large, to the teachers spilling nonsense like they were high.
Yuu became less entertained by the idea of going home until they were rushed by a wave of homesickness and wished to be back in their own bed.
Everyone noticed how sad Yuu seemed that day but no one could cheer them up. They were all eager to make up for all of the good advice Yuu had given them in the past or even encourage them to take their own advice from helping others when they had felt the same. By the end of the day Yuu had broken down in the courtyard saying;
"I give very good advice but a seldom ever follow it"
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flowerandblood · 1 year
My Best Friend (18)
[modern! club owner • Aemond x fem!reader]    
[warnings: mention of sex, fluff, swearing]
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[description: Aemond has his own club and often does business at the home of one of his business associates. There he often meets his younger sister, with whom he develops a deeper relationship through shared secrets. This is slow burn love story.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist    
After what he said to her, they talked in whispers for several more hours, kissing and touching. Aemond asked her to repeat everything Albert had told her. She told him everything, unable to stop crying. Aemond didn't interrupt her, just stroked her hair, kissing the top of her head once in a while. 
When she finished speaking, he explained to her, that he had no idea what Alys had said to him, because he hadn't spoken to her in months. He didn't want to go into the details of their relationship because Albert told her everything, but he said that the last thing he wanted was to share her with anyone. No threesomes or other relationships with women were an option for him. Not with her.
He told her about his fear that after the events of 8 years ago he had fallen into a trap and started sleeping with much older women to use them for his own purposes, just as he had been used. That he wasn't driven by any feelings, but by a desire to dominate, a sense of power over them that turned him on so much. 
He felt embarrassed when he told her about this, he stroked her hair slowly, trying to hide the trembling of his hands. She listened to him carefully, running her fingers along his back, calming down more and more. She felt relief. Relief that he didn’t want to duplicate his patterns with her.
After that their confession kept them from falling into a peaceful, deep sleep. They were too shaken by everything that had just happened between them. Every move or change of position that woke one of them made them start kissing and touching again, as if they both needed proof that it was all true, that they really had feelings for each other. 
This led to them having sex once more that night. Virtually unconscious, guided only by instinct, they were unable to withstand the tension they gave each other with their constant touching and kissing. Something snapped in both of them that night. They fell asleep soundly only when the sun had long since risen.
Aemond was awakened by a sound coming from below. He suspected that Klaus had been awake for a long time and was preparing something to eat. Aemond felt that he needed a shower to refresh himself not only physically but also in his mind. He wanted to wash away all the emotions he had felt last night before he went to bed with her. He gently disentangled himself from their embrace, trying not to wake her. He failed, however, her hand immediately touched his shoulder.
"Don't go yet." She said softly, still half asleep.
"I'm not going. I want to take a shower. I'll go downstairs to talk to Klaus and wait for you. Sleep." He said softly and kissed her hair. Y/N grunted in contentment and released him, returning to her dream. Aemond looked at her thoughtfully for a moment. He was afraid that if he confessed anything to her, he would immediately regret it. However, he was surprised to find that it was quite the opposite. 
He felt as if a great weight had been lifted from his heart. He told her he loved her, he told her about his past and his world didn't collapse. He knew her enough to know she wouldn't rush him or judge him, and that made him feel comfortable. The feeling that he could share what he felt with her, because she wouldn't use it in a way he didn't want to.
After a while he stood up, zipping up his pants. He picked up his things from the floor and quietly left her room, heading towards the bathroom. He turned on the shower and slid in, naked, even taking off his blindfold. He rubbed his hands over his face, the sound of the water calming him. The events of last night flashed through his mind. It was only the thought of losing her that made him feel like he wanted to open up more to her. Give her more. He felt that after all she had endured for him, she deserved it.
He wondered what to do with Albert. Yesterday, in that corridor, he really wanted to kill him, beat him senseless and strangle him. If Criston and Y/N hadn't been there, he would have done it. He thought they and Klaus always got the best out of him. Somehow, with them, he was a better version of himself. Maybe because they were good friends.
He briefly considered paying Alys a visit and warning her that if she went near Y/N, he would strangle her with his own hands. But he was afraid that this was what she and Albert wanted. Him to go to her place, so Albert could tell Y/N later that they were doing something different than what was really happening there. Aemond feared it was a trap. He exhaled loudly, deciding that now he had to focus on her, not the people he despited. At least until he comes up with something.
When he was done, he went down the stairs. He saw Klaus pouring his coffee. Klaus looked at him displeased.
"I asked you to let me sleep. Because of you, I kept waking up." He said frustrated, taking a sip from his cup. Aemond looked away, embarrassed.
"Sorry." He just said, not knowing what to answer. He suddenly remembered that Klaus didn't know anything. 
"Yesterday Albert pestered Y/N after she went to the restroom." He said slowly, looking at him again. "I smacked his face, but I suspect it won’t help."
Klaus stopped drinking and swallowed hard.
"Where the hell did he come from?" He asked nervous and disgusted.
"He came with Alys." Aemond replied shortly without even looking at him.
Klaus closed his eyes for a long moment.
"Fuck." He just said opening his eyes and staring at him. "Is Y/N..."
“He told her everything. That's why I wanted to stay with her last night. To comfort her." He said, trying to explain his actions somehow, but he had a feeling that it sounded worse than he wanted.
"Comfort her? By fucking her all night so she wouldn't accidentally ask unnecessary questions?" Klaus asked annoyed, putting his cup down aggressively on the counter. Aemond frowned and pursed his lips. He debated whether to say it or not. Klaus, after all, was his friend too.
“I confessed my feelings to her yesterday. I confessed that I’m in love with her." He finally said looking away. “I also told her about Alys and the other women. I told her everything.” He touched his tongue to his cheek, trying to escape the embarrassment that overcame him. He wasn't sure Klaus would believe him.
They looked at each other, Klaus staring at him intensely as if trying to decide in his head whether to believe him or not. There was a long silence.
"Did you really tell her that?" He asked after a moment, as if to make sure he understood correctly. Aemond sighed, tired of this conversation.
Klaus ran a hand over his face, taking a few steps back and forward around the kitchen. He took another sip of coffee, but the tension seemed to leave him. He sighed, shaking his head as if he couldn't believe what was happening. He changed the subject.
"What are we going to do with him? He’s is getting more and more cheeky. He's spying on her and you and me. He's probably going to get Criston's ass in no time." He said impatiently, looking to the side, thinking hard.
“I would like to meet Marcus, alone, in his office. Can you make us an appointment?” Aemond asked. Klaus looked at him surprised.
"I can." He said uncertainly. "For when?"
"For today."
Y/N woke up terrified. She wondered why she was naked and not in her pajamas. She looked around the room and slowly began to remember the whole of last night. She remembered his confession and their long conversation, or actually, his monologue. When she remembered what they had been doing next until the morning, she felt that her face was literally scarlet. And what he whispered in her ear as he thrust in her again and again.
"I love you."
She pushed the thought away as she got up. She wanted to get dressed as quickly as possible to see if he was really waiting for her downstairs or if she had just dreamed it. She wasn't sure what was real and what was her imagination anymore. 
As soon as she put on a shirt and shorts, she ran downstairs and peeked into the living room. Aemond and Klaus were sitting on the couch with coffee in hand, talking about something, when they heard her, they both looked at her.
"Hey, someone's finally resurrected. You left your classes today." Klaus said sarcastically as he stood up and walked over to her. He touched her arm, as if physically wanting to make sure she was okay.
The gesture touched her. She always thought in moments like this that her love for him was boundless. She looked pleadingly at him.
"Please, let me be. I'm a human wreck." She said squeezing his arm in response.
"I see. Will you eat something? I can make you some lettuce, tomato, and radish sandwiches.” He said calmly. He knew it was her favourite. She smiled warmly at him.
"Yes, please." He pinched her arm and went into the kitchen. Y/N sat next to Aemond, who watched them through the entire exchange. Before she even had time to say anything, he automatically put his arm around her, transferring the coffee to his other hand. Y/N, feeling exhausted, just laid her head on his chest, wanting some comfort. Aemond grunted contentedly and ran his fingers through her hair and back. They both closed their eyes, sitting in silence, hugging each other.
Klaus glanced at them as he was slicing tomatoes. He would never have expected Aemond to take an interest in his sister. Like the others, he thought he was only interested in older women. When Y/N told him about what they were doing the morning after his birthday, he was furious. He didn't want it to be some kind of experiment for Aemond, a test to see if he might enjoy screwing girls younger than himself as well. He resented him for choosing his sister, knowing how much he loved her and how close he was with her.
But watching them from the sidelines during time, he began to see that Aemond acted differently around her. He was calmer, his expression softened. Sometimes he even smiled. Then he began to think that maybe it wasn't quite what he thought. Now, as he looked at them, he felt at last at peace. He knew that if things didn't work out between them, at least what was between them now was sincere.
It took Aemond hours to get together, rushing to meet Marcus. He told Y/N that he wanted to talk to him about things associated with his club, but both she and he knew that wasn't true. Y/N was afraid he was planning to do something to Albert, and Aemond didn't want to admit that was exactly what he had in mind. He knew he would never let that son of a bitch go. But he didn't want to add to her worries after what she'd been through yesterday. They said goodbye at the door. Embracing her, he kissed her tenderly and warmly, her scent filling his nostrils.
"I love you." She whispered softly, almost inaudibly, looking at him with her big, bright eyes. Aemond smiled almost imperceptibly and kissed her forehead. He felt completely at peace.
He was driving through the city during rush hour, there were traffic jams everywhere. Marcus's office was in the center of the city, in one of the large office buildings that looked like his father's. However, he managed to get there on time. 
He went inside. The secretary greeted him with a flirtatious smile. She offered to show him the way, and he nodded. She was saying something to him as they walked down the hall, but he wasn't listening, deep in his own thoughts. When he saw a door with a sign with Marcus's name on it, he simply opened it and went inside, not paying attention to the fact that the woman was still talking to him. He closed the door behind him.
Marcus's office was impressive. It was big and spacious, you could feel your breath in it. There were lots of plants around him, and his desk was wooden and heavy. In front of it were two very comfortable looking armchairs. One of the walls was just big windows that looked out to other big skyscrapers.
"There you are. Sit down, please." Marcus said, putting down the papers he just had in his hands. “I was surprised by your sudden request and I don't have much time for you. What is it about? I heard Albert started pestering Y/N more directly?" He asked, immediately betraying that Klaus had told him about the whole situation so that Aemond wouldn't waste time on pointless explanations.
Aemond sat in the chair, crossing his legs. He tapped his fingers against the armrest. There were photos on the wall behind Marcus. Probably him and his parents, him and Klaus and Y/N's father, him and some pretty, smiling blonde who he guessed was Laura. There was also a picture of him and Y/N hugging and smiling, her head resting against his shoulder.
"I want to teach him a lesson. Once and for all. But I need your contacts." He said finally, glancing at Marcus. You could see in his eyes that he was serious. His face was stone.
Marcus looked at him for a moment, thoughtful.
"And who do you want to do this for? For her or for yourself?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
"For both of us." He replied dryly, glancing to the side impatiently. He thought Marcus was an intelligent man, but he didn't need lecturing right now. “He told me what new drugs he had started selling to the mafia. His people have to pick up the goods somewhere. I want to find out where and send the police on them." He finally said, glancing at him intensely.
Marcus sighed.
"If it had been about Albert himself, I would have helped you. But think of his less pleasant colleagues. They can do more to Y/N than poke in front of the restroom at a party. They know she is your weak point. They'll rape her and leave her outside your club. If you think you can protect her from them, you're wrong." He said shaking his head. Aemond swallowed hard at the thought.
"Listen to me." Marcus started. Aemond moved to protest and express his anger, but Marcus didn't let him speak. "Listen."
Aemond let go, exhaling impatiently through his nose. He looked at him expectantly.
"You don't have a monopoly on love for her. Klaus loves her. Me too. If you think I love her less than you, you're wrong." He said, something in his voice that made Aemond shiver. The mood in the room changed. "I've done a lot of bad things. I've helped a lot of bad people. Worse than you, Albert, or even his mob morons. These are fucking hurdles. Do you understand? They don't mean anything. But stir the water and the big fish will come out, and then you'll see what happens." He said, tilting his head to the side. Aemond swallowed hard. "Take care of her. Take care of your club. Realize at last how much you have to lose."
For all of you who were looking forward to their conversation after the last part. Kisses!
If you want to be tagged, just leave a comment. ~
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hygge-aika · 9 months
Shitto 嫉妬
Pick me..choose me..love me.
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note. reader has female pronouns.
sum. falling for an anonymous boy with sweet letters.
t/w. slight obsession. not proofread. bad story transitions.
w/c. I honestly don't know...
a/n. Hello hello! This is my first post..kinda. This is a semi collab with my best friend. Where we use a..bit of each other's ideas 👀. I'm using ayato because one. She stole my husband like omg 😒. (Check her out please, live laugh love @kzulemniii my pookie wookie bear) And second, because ayato is so amazing like 🥰. Anyways, just hope you could enjoy and have a great morning/afternoon/night!
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Here she was, her sides pinned to the wall by the student council president. His pretty eyes locked on hers.
"Why...why him."
"Im here..so dont choose him..choose me, love me instead."
He says as his brows furrow from jealousy and envy.
She was a sucker for affection and sweet words, maybe because receiving such things was like getting presents as a kid on christmas mornings. It was rare. So of course when she recieved the note that contained such sugar words. It was over. She was already head over heels for this anonymous guy she didn't even know a single thing about.
It was pathetic, honestly.
How could you fall in love with someone you don't even know?
But she didn't mind that, she tried not to. This all felt like a sweet dream she didn't want to wake up to. So she'll keep reading those notes even if the words turn out to be empty and meaningless. Even if this was all just a joke in the end, atleast she could feel the slightest happiness from receiving such sweet words filled with affections.
As days pass she couldn't help but wonder...
Who wrote all these letters?
Who was behind all of it?
Maybe it was a classmate? a schoolmate? a batch mate?
Who knows.
At first, she wanted to let things as it is. She was willing to wait the admirer reveal who he was. But then, one day, she accidentally finds out who the secret admirer was.
You woke up earlier than usual and thought to just head to school early.
While walking down the halls to your locker, you spot a certain blonde sliding a letter inside your locker.
Thoma? The student council secretary?
Your eyes widen in shock.
It was him all this time? But how? They've never interacted much, so it was slightly confusing to why he'd find interest in her. But hey, who's judging?
Before he could spot her, she hid inside an open classroom. You wait for a few moments to pass and check to see if he was gone.
You look around just in case before heading to your locker again, opening it just to be sure.
The letter was there with its usual contents. Sugar- coated words and an end that says 'sincerely yours'.
Her heart was beating fast as her cheeks glow with a pink hue to them. What was she going to do with this information now..?
What to do?
Should she make a move or no?
But, why didn't he make a move first.
Oh wait, maybe he's shy..thats why.
Well...you can help with that ;)
So for the next few days you try to make conversations.
At first Thoma got confused and suspicious.
Frequent greetings and hello's when you see each other on the halls.
Flustered expressions.
Constant pink cheeks.
Fidgeting fingers.
Well looks like he'll have to report this to a certain someone while praying to the archons that he could survive after informing such information.
It's been a few weeks since you've started making a move on Thoma.
And you were sure that you were being painfully obvious about it...so why isn't he doing anything?
You decided to confront him.
Maybe he was just that dense.
You try to look for the blonde, and after minutes of looking, you found him near the cooking clubs' club room.
You head towards him and he notices you.
"O-oh hey-!"
"Thoma, I wanted to ask you something"
"Sure..what is it?" This time he was the one with fidgeting fingers.
"You're the one sending me those letters..right?"
His face went slightly pale.
"Letters?" He laughs nervously
"What are you talking abo-" before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by a...certain someone.
"Thoma." He says with a stern voice.
The blonde turns around and spots the student council president. Ayato.
Ayato had his signature smile plastered on his face, but instead of looking friendly and approachable...it gave chills instead.
"Nevermind that, we'll talk later. Thoma."
Ayato walks to your direction and gently grabs your arm, dragging you somewhere else. Leaving the blonde behind.
And now..here you are. Pinned to the wall by a jealous student council president.
"(Reader). Why.."
You both lock eyes.
"Why...why him"
Your eyes widen. What is happening, why is he like this?
"I'm here..so don't choose him..choose me, love me instead."
Your heart starts beating fast. Nobody has ever been like..this to you.
"I sent you those letters, I'm the one who wrote them. Every single word in that letter is from me."
He takes your hand and kisses it before placing it on his cheek.
Your face starts to heat up and your heart starts to beat faster than before.
"I'm the one who loves you that much..so will you accept my love..?"
Your eyes start to water and you nod.
He smiles and quickly wraps his arms around you before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
"I love you" he whispers.
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Your octane story is cute! Could you possibly do a short story for Elliot? With maybe a non legend? 🥹
Thank you!! Of course! 🥰
Mirage/Elliott x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none! This is mostly fluff with a suggested smut. 💕
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You were going to photography school, it was the one thing you could see yourself doing for a long time without getting tired of it. Finally the end of the semester was nearing and your final was to go to a red carpet event for the Apex Legends. Get some good shots, which would prove difficult due to the sheer amount of paparazzi present. But you managed to not only get awesome pictures of the Legend Mirage but you got to interview him!
That’s how you two met. Now, somehow he was your boyfriend. Dating Elliott Witt was a dream, he would dedicate some wins to you and would always somehow bring up “my girlfriend y/n” into almost every interview. Nobody knew your face and you preferred it that way, you didn’t want that publicly.
It had been months since you lay saw him in person. The only interactions you got were calls, texts and FaceTime. Which were great but you missed his hugs, his cooking, his kisses, and the snuggles. You and Elliott hadn’t gotten intimate yet due to his boundaries. He was uncomfortable with the idea of having sex when you hadn’t been together that long, his heart couldn’t take giving someone that side of him if they were only going to break up. But you’ve been dating for 6 months now. Sure you haven’t been physically together most of that time but he’s visited you a handful of times.
Gosh you missed him, you decided to see when the next event was and maybe surprise him there. You found the dates and immediately booked a spot to be right next to the carpet. Getting excited you packed the moment it was final and headed out for the airport when it was time. You kept texting Elliott as if nothing had changed, saying you were doing projects and that you were gonna be a little busier than usual so replies might be slower. He didn’t mind of course, sending encouraging words and gifs, mostly of himself. You laughed and couldn’t wait to finally be in his arms again.
You landed and made it to your hotel, plopping onto the bed in your room. The event was tomorrow! You had to get on something he liked. White button up shirt with a little vest on to show your shape and his favorite jeans that you owned. It hugged your body and showed all his favorite bits. That was the perfect outfit. You could hardly sleep that night you were that excited, but you slept and woke up bright any early to shower and get ready. Everything was perfect, your hair and makeup were on and you made sure to use a lip stain so you didn’t leave little marks on his face, not that he would care. He’d wear them with pride.
You got a ride to the event, camera in hand to blend in and snag some pictures of the other legends on the carpet while you waited. Soon enough they began walking one by one down the way and you finally saw your man. Mirage himself. He was walking with a clone of himself and they were ‘complimenting’ each other before ‘noticing’ the paparazzi. “Oh! Hey! We didn’t see you there. How’s it goin’!” His clone vanished and he began to smile and pose for the camera. His iconic finger guns and winks. He was so handsome in his legends outfit.
“Mr. Witt! Can I get a shot over here?” You call out.
“Well that’s a fancy way to get my attenti-“ he turns to look at you and the moment you locked eyes his expression went from his usual expression for the camera to a wide eyed smile. “W-WHOA! It’s you! You’re here! Like actually here! Unless you pulled a me, but wait.. you can’t do that. Y/N!!” He rushed over to you and lifted you over the rope barrier and hugged you. The embrace was so warm and his musk was stained on the uniform he wore. You nuzzled into him trying to soak it up. He pulled back and kept his arm around you. “This is my girlfriend!!” He shouted proudly. You felt a blush creep onto your face and you looked up at him. “Isn’t she just amazing!!” He laughed and looked at you, not caring about the cameras for a moment and kissed you right there. You almost rested up when you felt his lips on yours. You were home. “Gosh I missed you..” you whispered and he smiled and pulled your hands up, kissing your knuckles. “I missed you a whole much.” Elliott was known for stumbling over his words but right now he was calm and he knew what he wanted to say to you.
Once the event was done and over with you reconnected and he introduced you to everyone. You were happily greeted by most of them, a lot of em teasing Elliott for landing someone so pretty and all he could do was agree with them. He took you back to your hotel and you guys ordered in, watched a movie and cuddled the whole time. You at one point started to kiss on him which of course turned into a makeout session on the bed. Straddling him as his hands rested on your hips. You could feel him get excited but you didn’t do anything about it, not wait to push his boundary.
He pulled back, catching his breathe and red on his cheeks. “C-could we. Uhm.. Yaknow. Do the thing..? O-only if you want!” There’s his stumbling. “Baby, are you sure?” You ask, making sure he was positive. “Yes! I’m so sure, very sure, extremely s-sure! I just I missed you a lot and I really want to be.. uh… closer?” Poor guy was a mess. You kiss him deeply and began to take off your clothes.
The rest of the night was filled with love and closeness between you two. Finally together again.
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the-au-thor · 1 month
Hi, I saw you are accepting requests, and I read A la Velocidad de la Luz, it was amazing! I was thinking about they as parents, maybe reader's dream about having those 6 Nuggets with Steve and traveling to California being real would be great? I mean I'd like to see all the story but with this idea i'll be super happy, only if you like it, of course!
This is a very cute idea! I kinda wanted to add some babysitting munson but I'm still not sure lol, I kept it simple tho. Hope you like this one!
Remember to read this content warning before reading.
First part here and second part here
A la Velocidad de la Luz (at the Speed of light) | Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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"Robin called, said she'll be in Malibu by the time we get there," you said, trying to fix your hair while the trailer was in motion.
"Yeah, did you tell her she'll be the official nanny for the next week?" Steve asked, flipping through radio stations.
You chuckled while starting to braid Alice's long brown hair.
"She's aware. She and Vicki can't wait to babysit and do auntie duties," you expertly finished your daughter's hairdo, and she happily went to her seat behind the trailer to start playing with her twin, Jo.
You and Steve started having babies more than a decade ago. It wasn't exactly planned; you just got tired of the pills. One day, after a year and a half of marriage, you woke up and broke the news to Steve.
"Mmhm," he murmured while sipping coffee from his mug.
Your sexy police officer husband was standing there with his hip against the counter and the paper in his hand.
" I stopped taking the pills, remember? You said whenever I feel ready, I just had to tell you? Well, I'm ready."
He took his eyes away from whatever he was reading and slowly moved to meet yours as he carefully studied you. In silence, he left his mug and newspaper on the counter and took his radio from the center table of your kitchen. He pressed a button without breaking eye contact.
"Central, this is Sergeant Harrington, do you copy? Over."
"Hey, Sarge Stevie, this is Jane Hopper helping out today in Central. Is everything okay? Over."
Steve smiled, and you copied his gesture. Jane started working at the central station during her summers when she graduated high school a couple of years ago. A way for Hopper to teach her the sense of responsibility and set healthy boundaries between her and Mike. It was a pretty good idea, to be honest.
"Hey El, do me a favor, could ya'? Tell your dad I'll be out of duties this morning for personal reasons. Imma explain to him later, over."
"Is everything okay? Over."
Steve combed his hair back and smiled.
"Yeah, honey, just a little thing here I need to take care of. Just tell your dad that, copy."
"Okay, just remember, friends don't lie. I'll tell my father, but he won't be happy, Mom's got him on a new diet, and it's driving him nuts, copy."
Steve laughed.
"I can imagine that. Thanks for the favor. See you soon, copy."
"10-4, have a great morning. Tell your pretty girl I love her. Out."
Then the line was dead, and as soon as the conversation ended, Steve quickly turned off the radio and took a couple of steps to get closer to you. You embraced his neck, standing on your tiptoes while smiling playfully.
"So, I'm guessing I'm the little thing you need to take care of?"
He caressed your back until his hands were on your butt and smiled back.
"Of course, mama, we need to fix this not-being-pregnant-yet situation," he finally said, taking you in his arms while you let out a giggle, and he started walking upstairs.
Nine months later, on March 12th, 1992, your first girl, Emma Chrissy Harrington, came into the world to be the protagonist of her father's worries and cares. She was now sitting in the back of the trailer with her headphones on, reading your old books while moving his feet covered in the combat boots her godfather gave her on her birthday. After one year of having her, you and Steve welcomed your first son James, who was born with his father's beautiful eyes and your hair. Steve often says he's gonna be a charmer, but you think he already is. You and Steve struggled a little to adjust to having two totally different babies in the house, and Steve got promoted to Captain, which was a big responsibility, so you decided to hold off on baby-making for a while. You enjoyed being a mother of two for that time; they were so different, with Emma being chaotic and creative, learning to play the drums before even being potty-trained, courtesy of his uncle Eddie, and James being the calmest and most advanced baby, talking, teething, and walking at a very early stage. He's now into photography and loves his uncle Johnny. When Emma was 4 and James 3, you and Steve welcomed Elizabeth. She was born prematurely and was a very delicate baby until doctors told you she was born with diabetes, so she has to follow a strict treatment. Other than that, she is a smart and strong 7-year-old girl who likes dresses and her piano lessons. By that time, you were a family of 5, and frankly, everything felt easier than with the first two babies. That made you both think that where's five, why can't be six, right? Just that in your next pregnancy, you discovered you were expecting your twins; Alice and Jo-Anne. They're just 5, so they are into bugs, drawing, and dogs.
They were very wild years, with Steve being promoted from Chief Assistant to Chief, with Hopper handing Steve the torch as he always wanted, and you with a little tour on the East Coast to promote your new novel and signing meetings. You couldn't take the vacation of your dreams until this year, once Steve got used to his new job and you just finished your last book so you could be focused more on the family time, he finally bought the camper you both always dreamed about and traveled through the country during the summer.
Uncle Eddie was waiting for you in his big-ass mansion that he was preparing to receive the whole crowd.
"Is he moving?" Steve asked while he moved his hand and placed it over your bump.
You smiled.
"Yep, he will be just like his dad; unstoppable."
He then smiled back.
"Uh?" you hummed starting to open a new book your editor recommended to you.
"Just… you look amazing."
"I'm bigger, Harrington. Bigger and swollen," you reminded him.
He moved his hand, caressing your bump.
"You get prettier with every pregnancy."
You rolled your eyes.
"And you get more delusional," you joked, looking for the right page to start your reading while your other hand took his.
You kept in silence while you could hear the kids playing in the back of the camper.
"Babe?" Steve repeated and let out a relieved laugh.
"Huh?" you replied with the same sound.
"We made it, babe," he said with pride coming through his voice. "The whole plan. You and me, The six nuggets. The camper. We are freaking parents of happy and cool kids. We won."
Yep, you did.
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theosconfessions · 7 days
You are super cool and awesome and neat, yay! Also do you want to share more about growing up in a haunted house? ;)
omg you are the sweetest!! i was just putting in some drafts for the week coming up and i seen this and was like I SURE DO. now my mom has more stories than i do. BUT one that i still have reoccuring dreams about to this dayyyyyyy and im in my 30s.. is the apartment we grew up in when we first moved out here with my mum [ my dad was there too at the time but not really so literally just my mum in this]. so heres the thing. me and my twin never discussed this with my mum and she never discussed it with us until a few years ago . so its like we all validated out own stories and it made sense to her why she kept having experiences in that place. so. when we first moved there me and my sister were super young.and to help paint a picture of the place there was an adjoining closet that connected both rooms. our bedroom and our mums bedroom. this had a wall seperating them but it was technically the same closet. the first night we spent there she told us she woke up to a man in the closet... with a fucked up neck if you get what im saying. i dont want tumblr to get me haha. she told him he wasnt welcome here and to leave [she is a nurse and she was used to seeing shit . especially working night shift so this really didnt make her flinch here] now cut to us dumb ass little girls in our bedroom .. i remember one day seeing a boy come to us. we invited him to play barbies with us. and we named him andrew. and we remember there was something wrong with his neck. even as we grew up and we stopped seeing him physically we sensed shit in that closet and also..there was weekly occurances of what we called 'the radio men' which really sounded like a muffled group of guys talking from the living room. like they were on the radio but really really low. needless to say we spent a good bit of nights in our mums bedroom growing up. i still have dreams either trying to get out of that place or get to it for some reason. and i actually live like a five minute walk from there and often wonder how the people who are there now are doing. i like to think that my grandparents keep me protected from whatever that was now. but it still is pretty strange that now in my 30s im still dreaming about that place. likei said though my mom has stories for DAYS. this is just one. also a super short one... this isnt a ghost story per say because hes not a ghost but we were always close to our grandparents.and at the time we were in middle school they lived in south carolina. we live in pennsylvania. so its a bit of a way. i remember we went to see my grandpa in the hospital about a month before he passed and on our birthday week [me my sister and my grandpa all shared the same bday within like 4 days. his wa son the 11th ours is on the 15th] he seemed GREAT for what he was going through and i see now its because we were there.when i say this man set a prescendence in how a man should treat anyone i mean it. i still hold what he says in me to this day. fr. dont accept any less. so back to the story we were TIGHT with him. ride or die . the day he passed away we had a volleyball game we had no idea he died. i remember looking over my shoulder and seeing him in the stands. i thought hmm.thats weird. hes in south carolina [and also had cancer ] my mum came and got us and when we got home she told us that he passed away. but clear as DAY. i remember seeing my poppop in those stands. the veils always been kinda thin on this end of things. i think i get it from my mom haha. but thats just some of them~ lemme know if you have any!
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lost-technology · 2 months
The Ballad of Rem Saverem So, brainstorming a bit with @somereaderinblue I got a fanfic idea about Vash hanging out in a bar somewhere and learning that it is not just he and Nai who know something about Rem! The idea for this is that someone's ancestor was on Ship 5 and was one of the lucky few who was ushered into an evac-shuttle and was among the survivors who saw the ship's navigator yelling at them to go and holding her post, and it's a story kept by this one little town out in the middle of nowhere. People there think it's just a legend, after all, what could one person have even done in something as horrible as the Big Fall? But they do like the story. So, for if I do this fic eventually, I wrote out this song that Vash hears a balladeer singing in a saloon that absolutely leaves him a blubbering mess and bothering said balladeer to no end after his set. Since I am not a songwriter and cannot come with an original song to save my life, I ganked the tune / meter from The Ballad of Lucy Gray Baird as preformed by Rachel Zeigler from The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. (No knowledge of the movie necessary to appreciate the song, but if you're interested, it's a revenge-song a character sings for her ex-boyfriend to hear). So, the Rem-version, sung as only Noman's Landers can: Before we began we fell down on the planet Before we woke up we were spent to the sands Through rough times and roughshod we kept on, goddamit Stubborn and cussin' as we settled the lands We started with dreams in ancient space, lonely Exiled from Earth to explore what was new The Keeper kept watch, awake one and only Her life was given for me and for you Remember her name, the brave Rem Saverem She who went back, destined to die The Great Fleet's error would have left us all condemned If she hadn't run back to be scattered to sky She ran through the flames and let loose the cages She sent out the signal and held fast to her post She stayed behind hopeless through hellfire's rages And out in the long run is forgotten by most But we'll not forget you, brave Rem Saverem It was not for nothing you died It may be to the hard sands we've been condemned But we stand here still as you were scattered to sky.
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rose-riot-johnson · 10 months
Well, my Tumblr Peeps.... If you like One Piece and Ussop, I definitely have a definite treat for you😁👍 Recently, I have been having this idea in my head and I ended up having an idea about how to write about Ussop, himself. Anyways, my Tumblr Peeps... Enjoy🪴🌱🌻🌺
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I Need Someone To Talk To ((Adult) Ussop x Any Gender Reader)
Genres: Nightmare Comfort, Hugging Mutual Confession(s), and Kissing (only on the forehead) (Warning⚠️: Only brief mentions of death without say the word death😅)
As the newest member of the Strawhats, you also became Ussop's love interest, in first sight. Well, despite of you being very unaware of it, you did develop a crush on him, as well. While he's more clueless about your feelings for him, than you are of his feelings for you, you really enjoyed his sense of humor, his stories, and his hobbies, as he also enjoyed your outer (beauty and/or handsomeness), your kindness for him, and your smile (obviously...).
The both you also enjoyed eachother's company and despite of this and the fact you and Ussop have alot in common, the both of you are also afraid to confess having feelings for eachother. You went to Franky for advice. Franky has made some cute suggestions for you to win Ussop's affection, even though Franky low-key already knows that both you and Ussop have mutual feelings for eachother. As for Ussop, he basically asked Tony Tony Chopper, if Ussop could have a private chat with Chopper, later on that night.
Speaking of later on that night, while you were in your room, you were getting yourself ready for bed, as you put on your favorite comfy pair of pajamas. You then, decided to lay in bed, as you drifted off into your own deep slumber. "I will be having sweet dreams, tonight...", you said to yourself, as you were going to sleep.
Inside your dream had Ussop and the location of his plants, which is on the Sunny (The Strawhats Pirate Ship). The dream was definitely great at first. Both you and Ussop were definitely gardening together, laughing together, and having a wonderful time. However, before you were able to confess to Ussop, there came Buggy and his crew.
The dream has been turning more and more into a nightmare, as Buggy and his crew managed to capture both you and Ussop, so easily, somehow. It's like the both of you were held hostage, as Buggy decided to destroy Ussop's garden that both you and Ussop worked, so hard on, then when Ussop tried to retaliate, Buggy somehow hit Ussop in his neck, as you fear you will lose him... You then woke up screaming, then began to realize you had a nightmare, however you're still traumatized from that nightmare you had, as tears rolled down your face.
Meanwhile, Ussop was having a private chat with Tony Tony Chopper, as Ussop was asking Chopper for some advice pertaining you. "Well, Ussop... I'm not an expert on love, however there's no need to try anything, except one thing..", Chopper mentioned. A confused, Ussop then asked, "What's this one thing I should do, Chopper?", as he's willing to do anything to win you over. Chopper then answered, "If you were paying attention to the signs, the only thing you need to do is confess to (Any Gender Reader Name), that you love (him/her/them), since ((s)he/they) is in love with you too, Ussop. So, to warn you, I also already know the both of you love eachother.", as he was smiling. "Oh. Really...", Ussop replied, then both Ussop and Chopper heard a scream from the other room (which was from your room).
"It must be, (Any Gender Reader Name)! I gonna check on (him/her/them) to see what happened.", Ussop said in concern. Tony Tony Chopper, then replied, "Okay, Ussop. I wish you good luck what happened to, (Any Gender Reader Name). Take good care of (him/her/them), Ussop.". "Gotcha, Chopper!", Ussop replied back before leaving his room to run their your room to check on you.
When Ussop, made it to your room to knock on the door, as he whispered, "Hey, (Any Gender Reader)... It's me... Ussop... I heard your scream and I wanted to see if you're okay and to see if I can help you with what might be going on... I promise I will do my best to try not to push you to tell me or anything...". As you recognize his voice, you opened the door and letted him in your room, as you said, "You may come in Ussop. I really need someone to talk to, anyways... Specifically you, Ussop...", while holding your head down. Before Ussop went in your room he replied to you, as he said, "Okay, (Any Gender Reader Name).", as he sensed that something's bothering you. After you letted Ussop in your room, you gently closed the door that leads to your room.
"Anyways (Any Gender Reader Name), I heard you scream earlier and you seemed to feel threatened, so if there's anything you need and/or anything you feel that's on your mind or heart or maybe both, I will always be there for you. Okay, (Any Gender Reader Name)?", Ussop said, as he gave you assurance. You nodded yes, then proceeded to give him a hug, as you started to sob on his right shoulder. Ussop, then out of instinct, hugged you back, as he said, "Everything is okay now, (Any Gender Reader Name). Whatever happened earlier, I will see what I can do to comfort you.".
You then hugged Ussop tightly and looked in his eyes, as his words felt very comforting for you, as you said, "Well, Ussop... It may sound silly or childish... It's just that... Earlier tonight... I had a scary dream...". Ussop was shocked to hear that you had a nightmare, however he still madesure to be there for you as he said, "Talk about it, as much as you like. No matter how silly or childish it sounds and/or will sound, I will listen to you.", as he started to pet you. You then said, "Well... The dream was good at first... You were in the dream...The both of us were gardening together...laughing together... It's like we were having a wonderful time, Ussop... Before I could tell you how I felt about you... This dream was turning into a nightmare...".
Ussop then encouraged you (without prying anything out of you), as he asked, "Would you like to talk more about it?", then he said, "And take as much time, as you need to, (Any Gender Reader).", as he continued petting you. You then replied, "Okay Ussop. Anyways... The dream actually started turning into a nightmare, when Buggy and his crew captured us and it felt like they're holding us hostage, as Buggy destroyed your garden that we worked, so hard on... The next thing I remember in the dream was when you tried to retaliate and make Buggy pay for what he did to your garden, because there was alot of principle behind it, and even if it wasn't, then still... Then he hit you in your neck, as you ended up passing away on me... I was so... Scared to lose you, then I woke up screaming, then I cried, because this dream, just traumatized me, so much that I don't know what would happen, if I lose you in anyway, especially with you passing away on me!", then you sobbed on the same right shoulder of Ussop's as you hugged him tighter, as he continued petting you and holding you. Ussop then said, "(Any Gender Reader Name). I understand how you feel.", then asked, "Would like to go outside for some air?", as he's offering you, to come outside with him. You then accepted the offer, as you went outside with him.
After the both of you went outside, the both of you were walking as you said, "Hey... Ussop... I'm sorry for hugging you, too tightly, if I did. I just really felt like aside from your your words and hugs... It's that I also felt better from hugging you, as well.", as you apologize to Ussop, as you felt like you hurt him, by accident, physically. He replied, "Its alright, (Any Gender Reader Name). Your tight hugs didn't hurt me at all. Infact, I have dealt with plenty of physically painful and uncomfortable hugs. So, your hugs are harmless. I do promise that.", then smiled at you afterwards. You then actually confessed to Ussop as you explained, "Anyways... I'm not sure, if you ever knew... I just figured I'd tell you this... I really loved, so much about you, Ussop and I really have been having feelings for you for some time... It may sound, too soon or crazy... I just really wanted to tell you this... I'm in love with you, Ussop and I have been longer than I remember to be honest.", then you started blushing. He replied to you, "I'm very happy to hear, (Any Gender Reader Name). I honestly feel the same way about you.". He blushed, as he just realized that the moment you confessed to him, Chopper was right about you about your feelings for him all along.
"Anyways, (Any Gender Reader Name). Would it be alright, if we visit my garden while we're outside?", Ussop asked, as he wanted to makesure you comfortable about first before going there. You then happily replied, "Ofcourse it would be fine, Ussop. I just know I will be safe here, right now, unlike that nightmare I told you about earlier.". Ussop then happily took you to his garden, as we wanted to makesure you're atleast alright with him taking you there first, before he does so.
After both you and Ussop made it to his garden, he then proceeds to hug you from behind leaning near one of your shoulders. As the both of you looked at the garden, as he said, "And you said and thought that it sounded too soon and crazy to tell me this, as you weren't sure, while you were wondering, if I ever knew you really loved, so much about me, and you really have been having feelings for me, then you confessed that you're in love with me and that you have been longer than you remember. Well, (Any Gender Reader Name)... Here's my confession for you... You see, eversince Luffy intoduced us to you and introduced you to us, I fell in love with you in first sight. I just always had my senses that there would be plenty to atleast really like about you. So, (Any Gender Reader Name)... I'm in love with you, too and I will makesure to nothing bad happens to you from now on and I will comfort, whenever you need someone to talk to and if something is bothering you. I will always be there for you, like you are always there for me and that's a promise, (Any Gender Reader Name).", then kisses you on your forehead. Eversince that night of mutual confessions for eachother, both you and Ussop have been together, eversince then.
The End
To be honest... My mind, emotions, gut, heart, and soul compromised for this fanfic. Until an idea popped in my head with working on a fanfic about Ussop, I wasn't expecting to work on a fanfic about him. While he's not 1 of my favorite One Piece characters, he's also 1 of the characters I never disliked nor hated, despite of his flaws. Aside from him being hilarious, I just have my reasons why I like Ussop and I'm sure there are other people who like him and would like to read about him. While I'm not gonna get over confident about this fanfic, however I just feel I made the right decision to work on a fanfic about him for sure. Anyways my Tumblr Peeps... I do hope reading this fanfic about Ussop, makes your day and/or night💭😴💤🌱🌺🪴🌻🌥️⛅🌤️☀️🌞🌙🌛🌝🎑
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OK, so this isn't just yeeting pasta at this point, this is me just writing because I want to put positivity in the world for a change.
Anyway, sample of an idea for a story I have involving a new OC I'm workshopping named Abuela Carla. It takes place in July of 2004 and I don't even know where in the numbering of 'Of Masks Mice and Men' this would fall. After the first, definitely, but the tidbit I last shared comes BEFORE this (and is the story where Carla is introduced). So yeah, this contains spoilers for other WIPs that haven't been posted yet, so whatever. It's rated G though and is as warm and fuzzy as they get.
Story Title (for now): Wishes Come True
Birthdays were... days. 
Sometimes, El Generico had great days. Days where everything seemed to go right. He would win his match, sometimes a couple, or he’d find a five dollar bill on the ground by the laundromat with nobody around who it might belong to. Sometimes, there were *really* great days, like the day he got his new apartment, that Generico didn’t even realize were the best days yet, they just had promise. Promises of better days to come, of better times to come. 
Some days just had a warm feeling to them like everything would be ok. 
But other days just... sucked. 
The day that Generico won the IWS title, a month prior, had qualified as one of those days.  
He’d been so happy. Finally, he was champion! Everything was going to be great! He would take the title home and put it on his TV tray to look at, and every time he saw it he would smile knowing he made it. 
He hadn’t even gotten it home. 
Kevin, beautiful, cruel Kevin, had stolen it from him moments later. 
Generico didn’t understand. How could Kevin be like that? Sure, they fought. That was what they did. And sure, there was that one time Kevin had given him a concussion on purpose, but still. Kevin had given him food. And, ok, so that was one time, but there was just something about Kevin, something that Generico couldn’t understand, he was so... so... 
Like a beautiful thunderstorm that would light up the night sky and make the flowers grow. 
But that night, Kevin had been cruel, taking his title off him before he could even really enjoy it. 
His Abuela had been at ringside.  She was proud, she always was. 
But he wanted to make her prouder. 
It was a bad day. 
There had been plenty of bad days since then and troublingly few good ones.  
So when Generico’s birthday came around yet again, in the middle of July as always, he wasn’t expecting much. It was another day and, considering when he woke up that morning it was dismal and overcast outside without any rain to go out and enjoy, he was expecting it to be a bad one. 
He was twenty. 
Twenty years old and, no, he wasn’t doing too poorly. He had his own apartment, which was amazing. It was the best feeling ever having his own place. But money had been so tight that he barely had any to send home.  
His poor family.  He’d come to Canada to give them a better life and, even with him pinching every penny and barely keeping enough to feed himself, there just wasn’t enough to send back home that would make a difference. 
Sometimes, when his Abuela would have him over to watch Raw and Smackdown, he would dream of being there, wrestling in front of thousands and making thousands, so much money that he could send home. Anything to keep his family fed. 
They deserved the world, his family, and he’d do anything to give it to them. He’d endure so many bad days if it meant they could have good ones. 
They meant everything to him.  Them and his Abuela.  His reasons to keep going, to wake up in the morning. As long as he had them, he would be ok. The sun would rise, and they would be there, wherever they were, to see it with him. 
And that was the best thing in the whole world. 
But there had been no sun to watch rise from his window that morning, so he wasn’t expecting much as far as birthdays went.  
So, mid afternoon when he heard his Abuela’s knock on the door, he was excited to see her, but not expecting anything special. 
“¡Little one!” She greeted him in Spanish, “¿Did you do as I asked?” 
Generico was confused. “What?” 
“¡The space! ¿Did you clear the space like I asked?” 
Oh! Right! 
The night before, Abuela had told him to clean the floor in the corner of his living room. He didn’t know why, so he hadn’t done so, but there she was asking if he had and he kind of felt bad about it. 
“No,” Generico replied, hanging and shaking his head. 
Carla looked past him into the apartment, then back to him. 
“¡Go!” she told him urgently, “Hurry. Go make a space. ¡GO!” 
Generico wasn’t going to argue, rushing inside and quickly cleaning up the corner where he’d tossed his gear from the weekend before in expectation of washing it as soon as he had the money. He picked up the comic books that he’d left there, well worn and loved. He didn’t have money for many of them, but the store down the street had the Undertaker ones from a few years back on discount and he’d treated himself to the first three.  
He set aside the empty boxes that he’d been saving – Generico always saved boxes, the really good ones made nice tables – and carefully moved the thrift store lamp that he’d set on the floor in the corner. 
When he was done, there was a nice open space for... well, whatever Abuela had in mind. Maybe she had gotten him some groceries? He was running low on noodles and chicken, and oooh, maybe she bought him one of those boxes of snack cakes? The ones with the chocolate? Those were amazing. 
There was another knock at the door, Abuela’s knock, and this time he hurried excitedly to answer it. 
“Abuela!” Generico exclaimed... and then stopped. 
“Apportez-le ici, les garçons,” Carla said to the large, bulky men standing behind her in the hallway. 
They looked a bit scary. The one had tattoos on his arms, and was tall, while the other reminded him a bit of Kevin. 
But it wasn’t their looks that stopped him in his tracks.  It was what they were holding. 
A table.  A dining table.  The most beautiful dining table Generico had ever seen. 
“¿Well?” Carla asked, returning to Spanish and startling Generico from his thoughts, “¿Are you going to let them in, or are you going to keep blocking the door?” 
Generico moved. 
Silently, carefully, as if he moved too much the promise of the day would be stolen from him like his title was. But, somehow, someway, the large men brought the table into his apartment with Carla following. 
“Juste là, dans le coin,” Carla added and, while Generico didn’t understand much French at all, his Abuela’s gestures to the cleaned-out corner, followed by the men positioning the table there made the meaning clear enough. 
So much promise. 
The day was so... so... 
Generico felt his whole body tense. 
It was too much promise.  There was no way it could be real but, sure enough, moments later the men left and returned shortly after with three matching chairs for the table. Those too went in the corner. 
His corner.  HIS CORNER. 
When the men left, and Carla closed and locked the door behind them, Generico was nervous. He didn’t mean to be, but something was wrong. Did the men steal the table for him? Carla was speaking French, they couldn’t have been anyone she normally helped, but the men were big. Maybe they had stolen it. Maybe someone was going to come and steal it back. 
There was no way he could ever own a table that nice.   He certainly hadn’t paid for it or earned it. 
But... it was certainly nice to look at in his corner. 
Slowly, gently, he ran his fingers along the hardwood top. It was smooth and and solid, nothing like his TV tray that kept getting knocked over. And there was a beautiful stain to it that reflected the dim overhead light, although, there... there was a scratch along the top, clear as day.  
He traced his finger along the scratch. 
It was beautiful.   But it wasn’t his. 
It wasn’t his table.  It couldn’t be.  But he could pretend for a bit at lea– 
“The table is yours, Generico,” Abuela Carla told him impossibly. 
Generico looked at her. She was speaking Spanish, but the words sounded strange. 
“What?” he returned. 
“Apologies that it only has three chairs. The fourth was missing when I purchased it. That’s *how* I purchased it, along with the scratches. It’s not perfect but, I was hoping that you could enjoy it anyway. You could certainly use a nice piece of furniture in here. Something besides your air mattress and stuff from curbside.” 
Generico began to shake. 
“Happy birthday, little one.” 
There were... tears? Welling up in his eyes?  
Generico was confused. Why was he crying? It was turning out to be a great day, so much promise, why was he sad? It didn’t make sense... 
He felt his knees begin to wobble but, before he could fall, there Abuela was, guiding him to one of the new chairs, oh, they were so solid under him and suddenly he was crying more... 
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Hi! Hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to say that I love your work! There’s not a lot of well written content about Caswen on Tumblr or Ao3, so finding your stories has been a treat for me!
If u don’t mind me asking, do you have an idea when the next chapter of I’ve Got a Second Chance to Fly while out? I know that you posted a chapter only about week ago, and I promise I’m not trying to rush you! I’m just rly impatient lol 😂. And rly invested in the story despite there being only 3 chapters. Which is a testament to the quality of your writing.
If u don’t want to tell or simply don’t know, that’s totally fine. I just wanted to ask. Keep up the great work!
omg hi!!!!!!! I'm sorry for waiting so long to respond I have no excuse I'm just a silly billy fjfkd
ilysm I'm glad you're enjoying my work <33333
ofc you can ask! I'm sadly working on a bunch of uni deadlines atm which is slowing my progress but this ask has really put me in gear djfjf I promise I'm not forgetting this fic and I will update the moment I can, it just might not be for a little bit, maybe by the end of May? if I could hazard a guess :)) I'm very happy that you're enjoying it so much under the readmore ill add a little excerpt of what there is so far even tho its not great fifjf :)) ty for the love <333333333
Ricky woke up with a smile, which was a nice change from waking up with one of those dreams. He rolled over and hit his hand on the wall he still hadn't gotten used to, taking a second to swear at himself before turning over and checking his phone. A message from Big Red wasn’t a huge surprise, especially not when it was about homework. He shoots off a response saying he also hadn’t done it, grabbing the textbook to add to his bag.
He was brushing his teeth when a text came through, making him freeze with the toothbrush still in his mouth.
EJ: Could we talk later?
Ricky slowly put his phone down and ran to the bathroom to spit and rinse his mouth, putting the brush away. This didn’t happen the first time. EJ never reached out this early on. He excitedly typed out a message.
Ricky: of course!
Then he deleted it with a grimace.
Ricky: sure :)
He smiled as he put the phone back down, and then all there was was pain.
Doubling over, his hands rushed to his temples. He suppressed the need to scream as he collapsed to the floor, his eyes starting to tear up. Then all his air disappeared in one go as everything went pure hot white for a second, and the pain ceased completely.
He slowly uncurled and wiped at his eyes. What the fuck?
For a second, he wondered if he imagined it, but just questioning it made his head hurt again.
Guess he'll be ignoring that then.
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tilltheendwilliwrite · 8 months
Chapter Four
Tumblr media
Master List / Real People Master List / Reflections Master List
Pairing: Mia MacAlsdair x Au Tom Hiddleston
Warnings: second hand embarrassment, Mia's a badass, confrontations, 18+ Minors do not interact
A/N: I apologize in advance should my Scottish/English interpretations be incorrect. I am Canadian playing in a world of my own making. Do not @ me.
**I do not tag. **To be notified of updates and new works, subscribe to me or the story on AO3 for email notification, or follow the library blog @tilltheendwilliwrite-library  with notifications turned on so you’re not missing out. An account is required to access my work on AO3. For more information on how to get your FREE AO3 account, see this post.
A month passed swiftly, and Mia settled into her new life with a gracious heart. She knew just how wrong everything could have gone and how blessed she was that it hadn't. The reality was, her blessing was so great, it was almost too good to be true, and for the first week at Ashwood Farm - the name of her grandparents' home - she woke every morning, opened her eyes to the wood and dab ceiling, and sighed in relief because it wasn't a dream.
Once, a very long time ago, the farm ran sheep, but in the last few generations, the MacAlasdairs had moved into acquiring business holdings instead. Still, there were a few horses, a flock of ducks and geese, and a coup of chickens along with Jasper and Eddie - the pair of farm dogs, a golden retriever and a border collie. They were very friendly, and every day, when Mia walked the border fence of stone, they went along with her. 
The dogs belonged to Henry, who looked after the animals and grounds. According to Cora, he was in his early forties and a confirmed bachelor. A little gruff around the edges, he wore his beard scruffy and a knit cap pulled low, taming his head of copper curls. He had the physique of a man used to hard labour, and if Mia hadn't recently come out of a disaster of a relationship, his deep voice and fit body might have given her pause, but as it was, she felt little in the way of attraction though the man was good looking. Hazel eyes watched her whenever Mia crouched to pet the dogs or stopped to stroke the horses' soft noses. 
He'd introduced himself that first day with almost an annoyed growl, stared hard at the bruises around her eye, then turned on his heel with a command to follow him when Mia asked about her grandfather's woodworking shop. 
She expected him to lead her to a quaint little shed, not a miniature stone cabin with big, bright windows. It had a great pot belly stove in the corner, long work benches, shelves, and miles of storage. Though it was currently covered in dust and wood chips, half the cottage seemed dedicated to a lounge area where her grandfather likely sat to read, drink, or spend time with friends in his 'mancave.'
The idea of it made her giggle, and Henry cast her a curious glance, before telling her he could assist in cleaning out the space if she wanted to take it over. 
Mia thanked him but ultimately declined. Her grandad's half-finished pieces would remain, though she would put them up on display, and until she knew what to do with them, his tools and extra pieces of wood could be packed up and placed in a corner out of the way. 
Within a few days, she had her studio set up between her grandfather's work benches and his sitting room. The long tables would give her a drying area, while the space in the middle had the best light.
Once she was all set and working again, Cora visited under the pretense of bringing her tea - they both knew she was snooping - but Mia didn't mind. But when Cora gasped and gushed over Mia's paintings, exclaiming at what she was seeing, Mia blushed. 
She knew they were good, having sold many at craft fairs and gained a few commissions from people she met, but the validation was nice. 
Mia painted portraits on mirrors sourced from auctions, thrift stores, yard sales, pretty much anywhere she could buy a decent piece of glass or a pretty frame. She called them Reflections for the care that went into the work, and it was a multi-step process to create. 
First, the outline of the portrait was marked, and the underside of the picture was painted. For commissions, she liked to talk with the person about their goals, hobbies, great loves, and the things that filled their soul. Those things were painted on the mirror, but backward, like window painters who created the outline first so the image could be properly seen from the outside. 
One had to peek behind the paint to see the inner reflection. 
Then, on a second piece of glass, cut to fit the mirror perfectly, she painted the portrait of the individual. She kept them as photo-realistic as possible but did so with bright colours. A portrait could be blue and pink and yellow, orange or green; it really depended on how she felt at the time of the painting or the requests made by the customer.
Then, the pieces were sandwiched together, creating a double effect. One had to look closely to see the inner understanding of a person's soul in the reflection. 
It had taken years for Mia to perfect her craft, and she still had to make sure she sourced the correct kind of mirror to give her the depth she needed. She would need to find new suppliers now that she was in Scotland, but there was an auto shop in town that did windshield repair, and upon finding out who she was, the owner appeared happy to deal with her. 
Now, a month in, she knew quite a few villagers by name thanks to the shopping trips with Cora, who gleefully introduced her around. 
It seemed Cora made bread, pies, and other amazing pastries for the farmers market that took place monthly. Much of the fruit and veg came from the gardens and orchards around the house. When Cora asked if she would still be alright with that, offering the same deal - fifteen percent of her earnings for using the kitchen and harvesting Mia's land - Mia agreed but knocked the price down to ten percent. Cora argued that fifteen was perfectly fair and refused to pay a penny less. Sighing, Mia relented but asked if Cora would mind her tagging along to the market. 
This was when Cora somehow convinced Mia to open a booth with her artwork beside Cora's. 
And thus, on a blustery May day, Mia - the proud owner of a new pop-up awning - was finishing setting up beside Cora.
They left up two walls on each tent to keep out the wind but kept the ones at the front and between their booths open, just in case Cora got busy and needed a second set of hands. 
Mia displayed what she could do around her booth, on tables and hanging from quickly sourced Amazon finds. Some paintings were full-sized in gilt frames, propped on easels, or hanging from hastily erected wire. Smaller paintings, those the size of regular printer paper, sat in cardboard boxes like old records waiting to be flipped through. And still more, pendants Mia painted with hyper-realistic flowers under glass hung from little stands.   
Henry hadn't seemed too keen on helping, but Cora browbeat him into packing the truck and getting them to the town square in Kelso early in the morning. 
It had been a long time since Mia exhibited, and though she was excited, she was also nervous. Most people now knew she was a MacAlasdair. Would they think she was cheeky for attempting to sell her art at a decent price when she didn't need the money?
Her fears were unwarranted when people began to trickle by. Soon, Cora was doing a hopping business, and Mia was busy talking about what she did and why. 
Throughout the morning, she found three people interested in commissions and eagerly handed out hastily made-up business cards. 
She just finished up with a woman wondering if she could do something similar to commemorate the loss of her husband's best sheepdog - to which Mia gave an enthusiastic yes, she would love to paint a dog - when Cora called her name. 
Friendly smile plastered on, she turned to find a stunning brunette, two young boys - their faces sticky from something sweet and chocolatey - and a tall, strapping man. 
"Mia, ye've not met the Hiddlestons of Highpark Castle. This is Emma Bruce, her lads Keegan and Calvin, and Kristopher Hiddleston."
She crossed to stand behind Cora's baked goods covered table and held out her hand to the woman. "It's a pleasure. I see your home every day on my walk."
Emma grinned, her blue eyes bright and sparkling. "I've heard so much about you already! The whole village is buzzing regarding our new Canadian transplant. How are you adjusting?"
Mia laughed and shook the firm grip, smiling at the boys. "Just fine for the most part. There's been a bit of culture shock and a steep learning curve, but I'm figuring it out." She leaned closer and stage whispered, "But if you happen to have a Scot's saying dictionary, I would like to borrow it."
"Ock! Yer fine. Ye always blink like an owl when ye dinnae ken something," Cora huffed. 
Emma laughed and winked. "Try being married to one. The brogue gets thick, and even I struggle."
"I did wonder," Mia chuckled, her accent very posh English. 
"That's what happens when a Scottish keep ends up in the hands of an English Lord," the man laughed, holding out his hand. "It's a pleasure, Mia. Please, call me Kip. Everyone does. And I must say, I adore what you're doing here." 
Hand firmly caught in his, Mia allowed him to tug her back into her booth, where he oozed charm and cooed over her work. 
"I would love to have one of these for my fiancée. She would adore it!" he proclaimed, causing Mia to frown. 
"Fiancée?" she murmured, glancing at Emma.
Kip snickered. "She's my sister."
"Oh!" Mia blushed. Emma said she was married to a Scot, and Kip was the upper crust side of an English accent, but she and Kip looked nothing alike beyond the bright blue of their eyes. 
Emma was short with a petite, curvy frame and dark hair. Kip was tall and fit, more like a runner than a lumberjack. His sandy blond hair had a touch of copper, but not enough to call it strawberry, just enough to make it shine with red lights, even with the grey and cloudy sky hiding the sun.
"Don't trouble yourself, love," he winked, his smile flashing straight white teeth. 
"Ignore him, Mia," Emma quipped. "He's just annoyed you're not fawning all over him."
Mia frowned. "Why would I?"
"Ugh! I'm destroyed. My heart will never be the same," the man pouted as Emma's boys laughed. 
They looked about seven and ten and immediately made fun of their uncle. 
"Looks like your fame hasn't spread to Canada, Uncle Kip!" Keegan snickered. 
"Yeah, guess you have to try harder," Calvin giggled. 
Kip huffed and playfully locked both boys in headlocks. "Bah! Perhaps Mia doesn't like movies, television, or theatre?" 
"I like movies," Mia muttered, still perplexed. "I also like TV."
The boys burst out laughing. "See! Not that famous!"
Kip pouted. "Mia, darling, come on! Throw a man a bone. The Essex Serpent? Crimson Peak? Kong: Skull Island? For pity's sake, woman! Thor Ragnarok?"
"Ragnarok?" Mia tilted her head. "You were in Ragnarok?"
Kip raised his hands, triumphant. "Yes! I played Loki."
She blinked, arched a brow, and scowled. "Oh, you're that guy."
"I beg your pardon?"
Mia sighed and thrust a hand through her hair, muttering, "Odin's one eye," before forcing a smile. "Look, no offence, but I prefer the other guy."
Emma squeaked and slapped a hand over her mouth, but her eyes danced with utter delight. 
"Other guy?" Kip asked, crossing his arms. 
"Yes, the one in the first two Thor movies and Avengers. I'm not great with actor names, which is probably why I didn't recognize yours, but I never understood why they replaced the other guy. He made an incredible Loki. I was impressed." As was the God he portrayed, though her Loki was still annoyed about the hair. "I thought he put real passion into the role and gave him such depth of emotion. Nothing was more powerful than when he confronted Odin about being a Frost Giant. The utter hurt and betrayal gave me goosebumps. And in Avengers, when he was fighting Thor on the tower, and that single tear trickled down his cheek at sentiment." Mia shook her head. "Magic."
Kip stared, mouth agape, while Emma beamed, and the boys giggled like they had a secret. 
"What? I know I can get a little passionate-"
"Tom!" Emma squealed. "It was Tom! Our brother Tom played Loki in the first three movies."
Heat burned through Mia's face. Talk about fawning like an idiot. And to his family, no less. 
"Gods, I'm so embarrassed," she groaned, slapping a hand to her forehead. 
"No, no, darling," Kip chuckled. "I agree. Tom was a better Loki than me. Would that he could have continued excelling as an actor."
"Unfortunately, our parents passed away unexpectedly," Emma murmured sadly. "The estate and responsibilities fell on Tom as the heir. He gave it all up to come home and take over as Lord of Highpark."
"And allowed me to rise under my own star," Kip smiled gently. "Had he stayed in the industry, I know many of the roles I've won would never have come my way. He put me forth to replace him in many of the parts earmarked for him, and when Ragnarok came up, it was because of our near-identical looks and voice that I was granted that opportunity as well. I owe my brother quite a lot," he murmured, staring at her curiously. 
Suspicion caused Mia to squint at him. "What?"
"Hm? Oh, nothing. Nothing. Now, back to my commission." 
He began talking about his fiancée, going on about how they just had a baby and how she was an actress rising on the Hollywood stage. He spoke about how they met doing Broadway and thought she would adore Mia's work. 
With her birthday coming soon, he wanted to surprise her with something unique and special, and Mia's art was right up that alley. 
Mia nodded along, making notes on her phone as they went, jotting down everything from the size he desired to her favourite colours to little tidbits Kip doled out about how great of a mom she was and how happy they were together. 
The love fest gave Mia a pang in her chest, but she didn't let her smile waver.
Mia handed him a business card and asked him to email her so she could send him her contract and questionnaire. She informed him her commissions were first come, first served, and if he didn't want to wait for his painting to act soon as she already had a few interested parties.
Kip snorted, pulled out his phone, and shot off an email as she stood watching, amused.
Mia's phone pinged. She pulled it from her pocket, read the subject line, and burst out laughing. "Do me first? You're lucky I enjoy a quirky sense of humour."
"I thought you might," Kip snickered, tucking her business card away with his phone before the boys tugged at his hands. "Speak soon, Mia!" 
She chuckled along with Cora and Emma as the obviously bored children dragged him away. 
"It was a pleasure, Mia. Come by the house one day. We'll have tea. I'd love to get to know you better," Emma smiled. "Any time, any day. I'm usually free."
"I'd like that," Mia agreed. "I'll let you know when Kip's portrait is finished. We can kill two birds."
"Lovely," Emma nodded, giving a little wave as she headed off. "I should rescue Kip before the boys convince him more ice cream before lunch is a good idea."
"Bye!" Mia waved, watching them go. 
She turned to face a smirking Cora and arched a brow. "What?"
"Familiar with our Tom, are ye?"
Mia's face burned, and she hurriedly turned away. "Stuff it, old woman."
Cora cackled and went to speak with a customer.
In a lull around mid-afternoon, Mia escaped her booth to walk around. Cora assured her she would hand out cards to anyone interested, and said she'd heard Mia's spiel enough times to give the speech herself if necessary but would call her to come back if someone wanted to speak with her. 
Mia walked the market with genuine interest, happily stopping to sample what she could where she could or stop and talk to the fibre artists, potters, and wood carvers when they weren't busy with other customers. 
She wound up the proud new owner of three gorgeous wool sweaters, a cute purple toque - though she confused the poor woman when she called the knit cap that - and matching mittens. She bought a pair of heavy mugs in a black glaze speckled with white and shot through with smears of colour. They looked like galaxies on clay, and she had to own them. And when she stopped at the wood carvers tent, a bowl of ebony wood with a high polish caught her eye, as did a matching carved raven. 
Mia headed back to her booth with her treasures in tow and belly full of samples. 
Cora chuckled when she saw her. "I told ye to take a few bags."
"I did!" Mia laughed, tucking her finds under a table out of the way. "I ran out of room. There are just so many talented artisans here. Between the food, the drink, and the art, this could be a dangerous place to come to more than once a month."
Cora chuckled, but her laughter died on a gruff, "Canna help ye?"
Mia rose and turned to see a man in his mid-thirties, with brown hair and eyes, his long black coat twisting around his legs in the wind. He was staring at her, his face a mask of unreadable granite. 
Something about him gave Mia the willies. 
"Ye want something, Benedict Campell?" Cora snapped. 
The man cast her a disdain-filled glance before returning his focus to Mia. 
"I came to meet our new resident," the man said, his accent thick.
"Nice to meet you," Mia nodded, even as Cora snorted. 
A squint came to his eyes as he studied her before he stepped into Mia's booth. "Yer younger than I thought."
Mia frowned. "Thank you?"
"Braw, too." He took another step toward her. 
Mia pressed backward. The man sent chills up her spine. 
The quorking of a raven gave her courage, and she straightened her spine. She'd worked in customer service and dealt with worse creeps before. "Is there something you want, sir?"
He arched a brow, amusement curling his lips into a cruel smile. "I was hoping ye would sell Ashwood Farm to me."
Mia crossed her arms and lifted her chin. "Nope."
The other brow joined the first in his hairline. "Surely yer not staying in Kelso?"
"I am, I can, and I will."
"Ye've had yer answer, Campbell. Aff wit ye!" Cora demanded, stepping between them, her brogue thickening.
He sneered at Cora before glaring at Mia. "Think about it. I'll give ye a great price."
Mia snorted. "Gods, no. Please leave."
"Yer makin'-" 
Mia stepped around Cora and into the man so aggressively he stepped back in surprise, and she walked him backwards out of her booth. 
"My sign is No. My number is No. My answer is No. You need to let it go! Bye-bye now!" Yes, she did just quote a Megan Trainer song. No, she didn't regret it. 
Mia wiggled her fingers, cocked her head, and sashayed back into the tent. 
"This isn't over."
"Yep. It is. There's nothing that will make me sell the last link I have to my heritage and family, so please, kindly fuck off," Mia smiled sweetly. "Attempt to harass me in any way, and I'll set my lawyers on your mangy ass."
Campbell scowled and stalked off.
"Ock, now ye've done it," Cora snickered. 
"Done what?" Mia asked.
"That's Benedict Campbell. He's a high-mucky muck property developer. He's been after Ashwood Farm for years, but yer grandad always told him to feck off, too. So good on ye, but ye may want to give Fergus a call and let him know Campbell's up to his shenanigans again. Fergus had to cease and desist his arse once already."
"I'll do that," Mia murmured, glaring after the asshole. 
"Just ken, his da is Kelso's mayor."
Mia sighed and rolled her eyes. "Joy."
"Not to worry. You own the building the mayor's office resides in."
The utter glee Cora took in that fact made Mia laugh. "Well, eviction is always an option."
Cora snickered before eyeing Mia appreciatively. 
"Ye stood up to him."
Mia shrugged. "Of course. He's just a bully and a chauvinistic pig."
Cora frowned and waved a hand in the direction of Mia's face. "I thought…"
"Oh. Yeah, no. That was a one-off, and after I picked myself off the floor, I threatened Colt with a lamp. I'm not a pushover, but five years of nitpicking beat me down. He was subtle and slow about it. It took taking the hit to wake me up. But no, I spent a lot of years in foster care. You toughen up quick."
"Mia," Cora murmured, pity crawling across her face.
She turned to fuss with the display she knocked over when Campbell caused her to retreat into the table. "It's not like I was abused, but you learn fast to be independent, and yeah, you figure out how to take a punch and throw one."
"Lord, love a duck," Cora muttered before grabbing Mia and yanking her down for a hug. "Well, no more. Ye've family in me now. Me and Henry. We'll look after ye."
"Thank you," Mia sighed. She didn't mean to upset Cora, but sometimes her filter… didn't. "I want you to know I'm really happy here, more so than I thought I would be. And I've met so many people. It's like I finally found… home."
"That's 'cause ye have, lass," Cora murmured. "Ye truly have."
Mia pulled back, her smile damp but still bright. "So… there's a booth at the end where the Anderson kids have a box full of kittens…."
Cora snickered and shook her head. "If yer getting one, get two. They can have a playmate. We'll train 'em to stay off my countertops, but they'll be good to keep down the mice."
"We have mice!" Mia hissed.
"In a house that auld? Of course, we've mice! But a couple wee kitties, and they'll solve the issue right quick."
Mia shuddered. "Yeah, okay, yeah. I'm getting two."
Cora chuckled. "Text Henry to come get ye. Ye can head to the store and get what's needed afore they close."
"I've always wanted a cat," Mia grinned and hugged Cora again. "Thank you, Cora!"
"Bah!" She flapped her hands, her cheeks red. "Tis yer house."
"But you live there, too, so if you didn't want them, I wouldn't get them."
Cora eyed her, bemused and shook her head. "Yer a good lass, a little strange but sweet. Now, gaun. Aff wit ye. There's a good dent in yer work, and mine, so packing up will be quick when yer back."
Mia giggled, nodded, and hurried off, pulling out her phone as she rushed to see if the kittens she fell in love with were still available.
As Mia settled down for bed that night, it was with a pair of furry bed warmers. The grey kitten with the black tiger stripes she called Tyr, and the white with the cinnamon mask, ears, tail tip, and toes she named Idunn.
They were wonderfully sweet, loving, and adorably affectionate. It surprised her how affectionate when they followed her around the house rather than running off to explore. 
There was no fear in the pair. She expected them to be skittish and hide under the furniture, but they didn't. They pounced along behind her, chasing her heels as she set up a litter box near the back entrance and a second in her bathroom. She wanted to keep the scamps with her at night for a while, just until they were comfortable, but she didn't need any accidents. 
Crawling into bed, she smiled when they scrambled up the bedding, jumped across the comforter, and climbed into her lap, where they snuggled together and began to purr. 
Mia smiled and stroked their soft fur as she looked around her room. 
Candles glowed on Loki's altar next to his new raven statue, a fire crackled in the fireplace, and fresh flowers bloomed on the mantle in a polished crystal vase. 
Beyond the windows, the night closed in around the farm. It was still overcast, so she couldn't see the stars, but there was hardly any light pollution on the farm. One day, she knew she would look up and see the glory of the cosmos again.
The night sky in Canada could be so majestic, but it was hard to see from the city. Out here, on Ashwood Farm, she imagined it would be spectacular. 
The presence beside her drew her from her musings. 
"Thank you."
Mia looked up, but there was no one there. Not physically at least. 
She smiled and held out her hand. The warmth of someone grasping her fingers filled her with peace, comfort and joy.  
"Everything. I know you had a hand in all this."
If I did, you deserve it. The hardships of the past have not soured your spirit. You make me proud, girl.
Mia blushed and pulled her hand away. "Thank you, Loki."
If you really want to thank me, you will read the good parts out loud.
Mia laughed at his teasing. "You're terrible."
You love it.
Yeah, she did.
Next Chapter
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adapembroke · 18 days
Taurus in the Age of Pluto in Aquarius
I had a dream recently about an old Episcopal Church with a burial ground attached. While I watched, the tombstones in the cemetery were removed by invisible workers and replaced with smooth river rocks. The bodies buried underground remained undisturbed, but the cemetery was transformed into a Zen garden.
I went into the church and looked for someone to ask about the changes. I found a curate dressed in high church clerical garb with the energy of a priest rushing to get to Mass on time. 
The curate was kind to me. They paused what they were doing and listened while I asked them about the garden. I told them that the decision to remove the tombstones bothered me. It felt like an affront to the dead. 
The curate assured me that they hadn’t just paved over a cemetery. 
“We’ve replaced it with this database,” they said. “Anyone can search for the location of the people who were buried here. All of the information has been preserved. It’s actually much easier to find now.”
I opened my mouth to argue with the curate, but I woke up before the words left my mouth.
I don’t keep a dream journal, but I was irritated enough about being interrupted that I wrote what I would have said down in my regular journal:
There is more to a cemetery than a list of names. There are stories carved in the stones. There are stories in the way the stones are arranged. The weathering of the stones is a story. The stone that has fallen in the mud and cracked is a story. There are ghosts who live in stones, reaching out to strangers when no one else will visit. With no anchor in the physical world, how can they speak? 
Even after I vented my irritation, the dream felt important, but I didn’t know why, so I filed it under “things to think about later” on my mental shelf and forgot about it. 
One of my great projects as a writer is learning how to be a better archivist. For years, I’ve known about the importance of keeping notebooks, indexing notebooks, and revisiting notebooks, but I struggle to put that knowledge into practice. 
I am a future-oriented person. I have always had a natural optimism that insists that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. I spend most of my time living on the bleeding edge between today and tomorrow, straining to reach as far into the future as I can. 
Most of the time, this works for me. I am good at coming up with ideas, and I can blissfully hop from one project to the next without retracing my steps. Occasionally, though, I find myself between projects and unsure what to do next. I’m learning to become an archeologist of my own work, seeing my creative past as something that is worth preserving. 
As I have become a better archivist, I have discovered that notebooks are like tombstones. Just like the act of picking up a pen and giving thoughts form anchors me in the physical world, the notebook itself becomes an anchor for the person I was in the moment I was writing. My notebooks are haunted by the ghosts of my past selves, selves that are gone (and worth remembering) just as surely as Margery Benet Blythe (1817-1902 “May she live in glory.”)
As I write this, I am in one of those in-between places. Realizing it had been awhile since I’d indexed my journal, I went to work. I opened my notebook to where I left off last time and found the entry about the cemetery dream. 
Once again, the dream struck me for reasons I couldn’t explain. Then I turned the page. The following entry in my journal was a collection of notes I’d taken on the book No Logo by Naomi Klein. 
This is the quote I recorded:
“Savvy ad agencies have all moved away from the idea that they are flogging a product made by someone else, and have come to think of themselves as brand factories, hammering out what is of true value: the idea, the lifestyle, the attitude. Brand builders are the new primary producers in our so-called knowledge economy. This novel idea has done more than bring us cutting-edge ad campaigns, ecclesiastic superstores and utopian corporate campuses. It is changing the very face of global employment. After establishing the ‘soul’ of their corporations, the superbrand companies have gone on to rid themselves of their cumbersome bodies” (196). (Emphasis mine)
No Logo is a critique of corporations who believe that physicality (workers, factories, physical products, etc.) is a liability. These superbrand corporations believe that people don’t buy shoes, they buy ideas. In the process, they conveniently forget all the customers who abandon companies whose boots fall apart in the snow.
The error of the superbrand corporations is the same as the curate’s erroneous belief that the physical world is nothing but an inefficient means of storing data. The natural end-point for this belief is attempting to upload a cemetery to a database believing that the only thing of value in a tombstone is the data carved in the stone.
(It’s ironic to me that the curate was dressed like a high church Episcopalian. It’s hard for me to imagine an Anglo-Catholic priest making that mistake.) 
These beliefs neglect all of the elements of physical experience that can’t be reduced to code. People, of course, can’t be reduced to code, and corporations can only neglect employees and customers for so long before the humans in the equation rebel, but human bodies aren’t the only ones that matter.
Anyone who has ever had the book they need leap off the shelf knows that matter has mind and a will of its own. Like the neglected humans in this equation, the soul of the world doesn’t suffer fools. It’s only a matter of time before the Ents march on Isengard. 
We’re in a liminal time in 2024. Pluto is in the early degrees of the air sign Aquarius. When a planet is in the early degrees of a sign, it’s new to that energy. Like a child learning to crawl and feed themselves, the planet is still learning the rules of how to operate in this new world. 
In the wheel of signs, Earth always precedes Air, and the jump from the physical to the ethereal is an especially difficult transition to make. More than anything, Air wants freedom, and Earth is like a pair of lead shoes at a hot air balloon party. It’s easy for Air to look at Earth and see nothing but limitations. 
In the early days of a new phase in a cycle, resistance to the energy we just left is natural. The longer the cycle, the more we are sick of the previous phase by the time the new phase arrives. We need to kick things off with a rebellion. It gives us the energy to launch into something new. 
At the same time, we can’t fully disconnect ourselves from the earth. Even when Jupiter and Uranus leave Taurus, we will need some people to continue wearing lead shoes. Some of us need to visit the cemeteries, keep the physical archives, and relish the smell of the good earth in spring. We need people who will remember that we need to eat physical food sometimes, that we can’t live on data and air.
As a Taurus, I suppose one of those grumpy, earthy people is going to be me.
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