#i would pay good money for someone to draw that scene
cto10121 · 2 years
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This is the Toho’s explanation for how the town found out about RetJ
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crazyk-imagine · 5 months
Old Age and Fated Bonds
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Pairing: Felix Volturi X Hybrid!reader
Characters: Hybrid!reader, Alice Cullen, Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Demetri Volturi, Aro Volturi, Marcus Volturi, Caius Colturi, Jane Volturi
Warnings: Reader protecting themselves, fancast Felix is here to slay, Edward being a big dummy, reader butting head with the dumbass, reader teasing her mate, Felix teasing reader, the feeding scene, the feeding scene makes me feral, this became oddly sexual, these vampires know how to seduce someone, Felix gives baby sub vibes, Felix and reader are a power couple, I feel like I made the reader a little bipolar but-
Word Count: 2,496
A/N: I wrote the feeding scene before work, lost it and then had to back track before leaving. I was so pissed but it's good. It's exactly what I wrote but a smidge different
The Volturi forget reader is a hybrid even after Reneesme is born then they're like oh wait it can be true, we have proof
"Felix, take your dearest to your room. We still have some unfinished business to attend to with the Cullens and Miss Swan."
He moves from beside you, placing a hand on your back to guide you out of the throne room.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Are you scared?"
"That doesn't answer my question."
"You haven't answered mine."
You purse your lips, rethinking whether he was hot or if you're so lonely you're desperate for contact. You don't glance up at him to know he's smirking.
"We're going to my room where you'll stay until I'm finished."
You scoff, "I'm not a dog."
"No, you are not."
"Thank you."
"Dogs know when to listen."
Your jaw drops, gaze falling onto the door as it clicks shut. You roll your head, listening to the cracking of your neck; wondering what you should do to get back at him for his comment.
You sit, thinking back to the moment that led you to your current predicament.
You made sure not to be too far from Alice, knowing she’d be more helpful to you than Bella or Edward.
You keep the block up in your mind, so he doesn't hear how much of an idiot he is.
The guards lead you to the infamous throne room.
You inwardly hum, taking note of every nook, crack, everything really.
It's such a gorgeous room, shame it's used for more torturing people for whatever they see fit.
You knew the Volturi had money (they've been around for so long, naturally they were bound to be rich). But seeing it, completely different than what the Cullens told you.
You glance back at the three and rush towards them, not needing to get lost or discovered. Someone would have a fit if that ever happened.
You're not paying attention to what the odd king is saying, not until a body being slammed down draws your attention to the people in front of you.
You step closer to the vampire with a pixie cut, watching as the tall and lean, attractive vampire practically throws Edward into the ground.
The corners of your lips twitch, not entirely empathetic towards him.
He made his bed, almost literally, and now he must lie in it.
You take the time to lean forward, wanting only her to hear you. "You didn't tell me they would be hot."
Edward groans, for more than one reason.
"Who said that?" Caius leans forward.
Aro claps with excitement in his eyes.
"Oh, crap."
"Demetri," Aro calls for him.
The vampire doesn't know what to do when he can't sense you.
He calls for the guard again, smile widening at his struggle to find you. "Magnifica!" He claps his hands.
Alice stands still, shaking her head.
You realize why she told you to stay quiet.
"Show yourself dear. I'd like it if you could show me who holds a power such as yours."
You don't move, clutching onto her coverup.
Aro notices and gestures for Jane to use her powers; they don't work because she can't see you.
Caius is irritated and demands you show yourself.
"Before you turned, weren't you ever scared? What do you expect me to do? Roll over and do as you say."
"That is no way to talk to your kings."
Edward huffs, "would you stop delaying this and show yourself already."
They can't see you to see your sarcastic and menacing smirk, although the tallest guard can sense a change in your attitude.
"Excuse me for one second." You stand before him, opening your mind slightly so he knows where to look. "I am so tired of your shit Edward, and you've pissed me off enough today." You hit him in his stomach.
He removes himself from Bella (who screams for someone to help him); as he bends forward, holding it; you grab him by his neck.
You had yet to realize as you fight him, you're not using your power and begin showing yourself.
You lean close to his ear, "better hold on. Wouldn't want you to fall before I'm through with you." You lift him off the ground, his feet dangling (shocking everyone watching) and slam him into the ground.
Kneeling beside him, applying pressure to your grip, watching as the crack appears. "Next time, don't piss me off." You push yourself off the ground, brushing away the imaginary dirt.
You slowly lift your head, realizing they can see you. A shy smile breaks onto your lips, followed by a nervous chuckle, "hey."
Aro claps his hands like crazy, walking towards you with a bounce in his step.
An unmuted scent floods Felix's nose as he stares at you, somehow finding his way beside you.
You notice the way the silent king is gesturing for his brother. "I think your friend wants to chit chat."
He turns and reaches for his hand. "What a pleasant surprise and all thanks to the Cullens and Miss Swan."
You furrow your brows, turning around towards Alice. "Alice?"
She hums.
"I would remove yourself from my sight before I do the same to you as I did your brother."
Her eyes widen, this was not how today was supposed to end. "What? I-"
"Do as I say, they already have someone waiting at the door to escort you. I don't appreciate being lied to and I will not tolerate it. If you don't want your major to end up in a fight, I'd leave."
The three walk away.
You huff, crossing your arms before smirking. "I know you want to hurt me, blondie."
Her glare hardens.
You spin around and chuckle before finding the king’s eyes on you. "I feel like I'm missing something."
"A pleasant discovery has been made today. You are Felix's mate. How wonderful."
You stare at the weird king. "This is not where I saw today going."
He giggles, "I know, dear, but now you get to enjoy your new life within the walls of this castle."
"Is that supposed to persuade me?"
He merely smiles.
Some time passes and he's back.
"You haven't moved?"
"I have nowhere to go. No plans, no friends."
He removes his cape, carefully hanging it up.
"Aren't you going to be punished for not wearing a piece of your ensemble?" You chuckle.
He finds himself smirking, it was a good joke (or is he just saying that because of the bond, he doesn't care because you're all he cares about). "Funny."
"I know I am."
"Do you-" he struggles to find the words, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Talk about?"
"You know what I'm referring to."
You roll your eyes and chuckle to yourself.
He takes your chin between his thumb and index finger, turning your head to look at him. "I will not allow bratty behavior to come from you."
Your eyes widen.
The corner of his lip curves upward, "still think I'm hot?"
"You know I'm not afraid to fight you."
"I know, watching you take down the Cullen was," he leans in, nuzzling his nose underneath your jawline, placing a tender kiss there. "The highlight of finding my mate."
You melt under his touch before realizing the words he said. You push him back. "I'm sorry. What?"
"You're my mate."
"I heard that."
"It didn't sound like it."
"I," you push yourself out of the seat, walking past him; not noticing him drooling over you as you do.
His eyes never left you as you pace and unintentionally use your powers. He settles himself in the chair. "Where'd you go?"
"I'm still here," you tell him, standing beside him. "It's just- it's a lot to take in, you know."
He nods, "I understand."
"How are you so calm?"
"One of us has to."
You purse your lips.
He reaches for you, pulling you into his lap to calm you. "I know it's going to take a lot before we have a proper bond of trust built but believe me when I say, I'm with you. You are not alone."
You snuggle deeper into his embrace, eyes closing as today’s events took a lot of your energy.
He settles you into his perfectly made bed, watching over you for a few minutes before exiting the room, grabbing his cloak on the way out.
You wake, finding no one around.
It saddens you a bit, but you know that he is a busy man and just because he's found you doesn't mean his schedule is going to change entirely.
The burning in your throat returns, how long has it been since you fed? Apparently too long.
You exit the room and search for something, anything to satisfy yourself.
You know a feeding tour is going to happen tonight, they mentioned it earlier.
You wander through one too many halls and the faint scent of humans’ wafts through your nose. You follow and find a group being led into the room; you can only assume is the waiting room.
You manage to sneak in using your powers, giving you the advantage of pretending to be one of the tourists and the opportunity to pull one of the humans with you, sinking your fangs into their neck.
The others finish, but you continue, always being one to take your time making it more special (in case it was ever your last time or before you met the Cullens).
Demetri rapidly taps on his friend's shoulder.
Felix groans, tossing the person he fed on aside. "What?"
He turns in the direction of where his friend was pointing and finds a peculiar sight. "I think your mate is more than what the kings realized."
He steps away, ignoring the babbling as he makes his way towards you.
You open your eyes, giving whoever is petting your hair a fierce look.
How dare they interrupt your feeding until your eyes focus and you find your mate in front of you, his body blocking yours.
He removes his hand from your hair, reaching for the human's wrist, slowly sinking his fangs into their skin.
As you two finish, he tosses them aside, reaching for your chin.
He pulls you closer like he did earlier, his cold breath fanning against your warm and bloodied lips, sticking his tongue out, licking the last remains away; only he can leave marks on his beloved. "You have some explaining to do."
You nod as if hypnotized before yawning. "After a nap, I can explain everything to you."
He nods and lifts you up into his arms, letting you settle in before he starts exiting the room; ignoring the teasing looks he knows Demetri is throwing his way.
He debates on setting you in his bed or sitting in the chair and letting you rest on him directly. He pulls the covers over you and listens to your soft and calm breathing.
You wake to a dark room but know he's still nearby, turning to find your suspicions to be true.
He stays still, keeping his gaze on the book.
"It's upside down."
He tries to read a page and flips it over, finding it to be true. "No wonder I couldn't read it." He furrows his brows, "how'd you know?"
"I sold that book to an annoying man back in my younger days."
"How old are you?"
You lay on your back, staring at the ceiling. "You know, it's never wise to ask a woman her age."
"I can handle you, I'm not afraid to ask." You sped out of the bed, using your powers to gain the upper hand and yank him out of the chair, straddling his lap. Your hand on his neck keeps him hooked to the ground.
He stares up at you amazed by every way you move and think. His hands find their way towards your hips, grounding you to him as if you could sink further into his grasp.
"I'm old, honey."
"Yet you've never looked younger," he smiles up at you.
You roll your eyes and push yourself off him, "you're just desperate for my touch," you tell him with a teasing tone.
He watches you walk around the room before taking your place on the bed.
You cross one leg over the other and slightly lean back, letting your neck rest on your shoulder. "Do you plan on telling them or should I?"
He's quiet, not ready to share you with anyone else (you assume).
"We can wait till tomorrow."
He nods, preferring that option.
"If your friend can keep his mouth shut."
Felix rubs his face with annoyance.
"If he does blab, you should at least know... I'm a rare breed as they say."
"What does that mean?"
"I can survive on human food or blood. My father was a vampire while my mother was human."
"And... then you arrived?"
You nod. "Apparently, my father was, as some say, a man whore and fell for my innocent, virgin mother then their miracle baby arrived but when she died, so did he."
"They were mates, the purest of bond for mates."
"But you were left alone?"
"A doctor found me," a fond smile breaks out onto your face, "and helped the any way he could before he got sick."
"How'd you get involved with the Cullens?"
"I may have," you shrug. "Had to get them out of town before our kind was discovered."
He nods.
"How do you feel?"
"This whole mate thing. It was thrown upon you; you didn't really have a choice in this."
"I'm surprisingly, fine."
"Fine? Just fine? I'm kind of freaking out here again and- hey!" You tilt your head to stare into his eyes. "You licked me."
"That was hours ago."
"I- shut up."
He smirks.
You don't know when you fell asleep but find yourself waking just before sunrise. You push yourself up and look around the room, searching for the large man (you get to call yours).
"Looking for something?"
You tilt your head and offer a sleepy smile.
Felix raises a brow, clearly not believing a word out of your mouth. "I informed the kings of what you told me."
"And what they say?"
"Master Aro was pleased. Master Marcus was happy to inform me of our bond and it will become stronger with time."
"The blond one?"
"Master Caius is... it's hard to tell what he's feeling."
You open your mouth to call his name but find yourself drawing a blank. "What was your name again?"
"You don't know my name?"
"The weird one only said it once, what am I supposed to remember every name I hear? I'm a hybrid, not working at a place where I have to remember everyone's names."
He can't help but chuckle, surprised that you two didn't at least share this simple piece of information. "Felix. My name is Felix."
You smile and tell him yours in return. 
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akkpipitphattana · 8 months
i have so many thoughts and feelings regarding the apartment scene and the final scene, so i'm honestly just gonna break it all down here, so bare with me. putting it under a cut cause i had a lot to fucking say
ray barges into the room and the FIRST THING he says is "you pushed me to go to rehab because my dad hired you to, right?" it's exactly what he came here for and exactly what had him pounding on sand's door, and because of it there is no other way this scene could have gone. because of course after ray overhears them, this is the only possible conclusion he could draw. it's the same conclusion he drew in ep6 when he realized sand had manipulated him - that he was doing it all for money. and while sure, sand telling him that he wants money repeatedly in the past probably didn't help those assumptions, it's not ACTUALLY about sand or the fact that he needs money. it's about the fact that from EPISODE ONE ray makes it clear he feels his only value is in his money. he says outright that all he knows how to do is spend money, his friends push him to use his dad's extra property for the hostel. it's all right there from the jump that it's all ray feels he's good for, so of course when presented with the idea that maybe that's all sand did this for, he's going to believe it.
and the difference here and why it hurts here is because ray cares about sand and he thought sand cared too. he says it outright in the final scene, that he got so mad because he cares so much about sand. he feels like sand manipulated him, like all those happy moments they had together were nothing but sand trying to get him to rehab so that he could get his pay out. and again, that's easy to believe because sure, they were happy, but he's hard to love isn't he? ray believes himself to be a burden, he admits he's been nothing but an asshole to sand in the final scene. and yet sand still seemed to want him, still tried, still pushed him to get help, and that only makes sense to him if it was for that pay out. "everything was a lie, right?"
and sand tries to get through to him, to make him understand it wasn't just that, that he truly cares, but there is nothing sand could say at this point to make ray understand that because it was already hard enough for ray to believe that affection was real. now he has a real reason to believe it wasn't, so why would he listen to sand?
then there's this moment where sand asks ray if he really thinks he's a man with no dignity (did you mean it when you called me a whore? do you really think that of me?) and ray says yes. and immediately after that ray talks about sand tricked him into trusting him and he slept with him because he wanted his dad's money. and that line really got me because we knew from episode one that ray's relationship with sex was iffy at best with how casual he was about the idea that sand had drugged him, and then he offered to pay sand for it and called him a whore in episode six. but it meant something. for all of ray's denial that it didn't, them sleeping together has always meant something to ray. ray offered to pay sand and sand said if i want it, i'll do it for free and now ray thinks that none of it was for free. he was lied to, he was betrayed. because sand was someone he didn't feel like was using him, not for sex, not for money. sand didn't take advantage of him, sand didn't ask for money from him, but now everything is twisted because sand was taking money from his dad. so it was all fake, wasn't it?
and god, the way sand says ray's name after that accusation kills me. because he knows he fucked up, he deserves for ray to think that after he took the money from his dad and he says that it's fine if ray thinks that. but he still needs ray to hear him, that it wasn't because of the money, that it was because he cares.
and ray rightfully questions him, not only because of the money but because sand is selling alcohol out of his home. if all were to have worked out, if ray had gone to rehab and gotten sober, there was no possible way he would be able to avoid alcohol in those early days if he felt he needed to because sand has a wall of it in his fucking living room. and yes, it's a source of income, but doesn't that just reinforce ray's belief? if sand cared about him getting sober and wanted to keep him around, why would he keep the alcohol business, knowing it would just be temptation for ray? isn't that just more proof that sand doesn't care about ray but only about money?
then we have the line that we've been waiting for, that we've been dreading since the trailer. "you think my life would be better with you in it? it's only fucking going down to hell." and really, i think that line comes down to the fact that like ray says in the last scene, sand has made him so damn happy since he came in his life. he was going to rehab for sand. but now ray thinks it was all a lie. so how would that not cause just more pain? how would it not make him spiral more?
and then sand breaks the bottle and he does it for the reason i have been so sure he would - he does it for ray. because ray is right, if he wants ray to get sober, he can't have a wall of alcohol in his home, he can't sell it if he's gonna support him. and it says so much about the love that sand has for ray.
with the last scene, my biggest thing here is that ray is picturing sand in a similar outfit to the first day sand saved him. because all of the things he's saying, his apology, his thanks, all of it, has applied since the beginning, since that first day sand saved him. because sand cares, because sand is loving. he was always there for him. ever since he walked into ray's life, ray has been happy.
and i really do hope that even though it was mostly in ray's head, that sand does get to hear all of that from ray at some point. because he deserves that apology, that thanks. and he deserves to hear how important he is to ray.
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mamayan · 8 months
Hi Yan, congrats on the 500 milestone! I’ve only just found your blog today but I’m loving everything that I’ve read so far and I’m excited to read more of your work!
For the Russian Roulette event, would I please be able to request prompts 2, 27, 85 & 100 for NSFW Toji from JJK? He is giving me so much brain rot at the minute 😳😮‍💨
Thank you in advance!!
Bang! … No bullet was shot—
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Toji Fushiguro
“Keep crying baby, maybe someone will save you?” || Asphyxiation || Dacryphilia || Degradation/Humiliation
tw: NSFW • GN! Coded • Age Gap Implied • Dacryphilia • Throat Fucking (M) • Mild Exhibitionism •
wc: 676
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“I can’t tell if you’re just stupid or can only get off to dirty old men.” His tone is careless and cruel as he shoves himself deeper into your throat, sneering as he sees tears well up in your eyes from the burn. “Don’t go cryin’ now, you asked for this slut.” With one large palm engulfing the back of your head, he pushes you down on his cock, gagging you with it while he grunts in pleasure. He was more than a little amused by your bold proclamation that you could handle him, all of him. It was fine by him to shove you to your knees out back and work his dick in your mouth, really put the money where your mouth was. “I got a theory,” you can’t pay any attention, not with the way his heavy rod in your mouth was consuming all your thoughts. “You wanna hear it?” He’s speaking casually down at you, watching intently to how you struggle to take him even halfway. “I think you like mouthing off so I’ll fuck your throat,” he circles his free hand around your neck, applying pressure and causing you to panic and try to jerk back, but he only laughs and works his hips deeper. “You like running these pretty lips so I’ll split them open and fuck you full of my cum, isn’t that right?” He loves the cloudiness glazing over your eyes as you suffocate on his cock, the way your cheeks puff up and blood rushes to the surface of your face. He can feel himself slipping deeper as you choke and warble for mercy, tongue forced to caress the veins of his shaft as he fucks your face with a smirk on his own. “How does it feel getting used in an alleyway by this old man? I’ve been workin’ all day, ain’t showered yet either, you like the taste of my cock, cumslut?” You did like it, even as the tears finally fell and you soaked his lower half with more than just your saliva and his own salty pre-cum. He groans at the sight, enthralled with your messy image.
“Keep crying baby, maybe someone will save you?” He laughs, dark eyes filled with pleasure as he feels his balls drawing up tight as they slap against his wrist still locked into place while he chokes you inside and out, your weak attempt to push him away useless. “You’re nothing more than a hole for me to use like this, huh?” His cock jerks in your throat, your eyes rolling back as you feel the first spurt of his cum shoot straight into your belly. “Fuck, that’s it baby, take it all for me,” he moans, grin growing as the back door to the race house opens, and an old gambling buddy stumbles out drunk.
“Shit, you gettin’ head out here Toji?” The man grumbles, clearly jealous as he attempts to get closer, but stops smartly when Toji lets go of the back of your head to hold his hand up.
“Yeah,” his face twisting into a snarl as he looks behind to the man, your eyes blocked by his pelvis sunk as deep into your throat as possible, wiry pubic hair scratching your delicate facial skin. “And you’re about to lose yours if you don’t fuck off.” His tone is clear, eyes betraying his souring mood as he unloads himself into you. The man apparently wished to keep his pathetic life more than get a good look at the scene with you and Toji, running off to wherever as Toji finally slides out of your mouth.
“You good?” He asks a moment later, watching you cough and greedily suck in air, fingers curled tight into his sweats still pulled down to his thighs. He’s petting your hair soothingly while you calm down, lazily watching as you recoup enough to look up at him.
The look on your face and your next words have him hard again in an instant.
“Was that all you got?”
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Post dividers/@cafekistune
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pretty-idol-hell · 3 months
Okay, so, here is my PriMagi debut story!!
I arrived at Prism Stone Tokyo more or less straight off the plane, a full day of travel and less than three hours sleep, a complete disaster lugging a big suitcase behind me. It was literally my first stop when I got off the train from Narita (well, after the conbini for a pizza bun).
Upon seeing someone on the PriMagi machine, I decided to get in line for PriPara instead. I hoped the PriMagi machine might be free by the time I was done and I was right! Yes! I really didn't want anyone lined up behind me while I was fumbling through it.
As soon as I put the coins in a new person immediately lined up behind me (godammit).
It was basically an exact repeat of what happened to me during my PriPara debut!!! (Someone breathing down my neck as I clearly have noooo idea what I am doing. I mean... Took almost the full countdown to realize ITS A F*ING TOUCH SCREEN. Uuughgh.)
Also, first version Luna has pink highlights (as seen in the video) because I didn't know how to change it then.
Still, although embarrassing (I didn't even know how to scan the cards....) I guess it was kinda cool to debut at Tokyo Station Prism Stone! (Also reminiscent of my PriChan debut, which was at Prism Stone Nagoya.)
So after this, I checked into my hotel, showered and all that, and went out to find an arcade with more machines so I could work things out. And I did! A Taito station with like six or eight machines AND a recorder!!?! So I sat down, put in my money and realized.... I left my profile card back at the hotel....
So, I decided I would just play one game with Auru and then move on. But then this came out of the machine.
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Naturally I wanted my character to wear it immediately.
I thought about just making another one but... in the end, I decided no. NO. You are not abandonding initial PriMagi Luna! She debuted at Tokyo Station Prism Stone!
So, I went all the way back to the hotel, all the way back to the arcade, fixed my highlights, learned how to scan cards...
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And slowly began to work out the other mechanics of the game.
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I also learned that this game gives out URs like candy haha ha... (maybe because it's ending?)
So, first impressions.
I definitely don't like that it costs 200 yen. (All the previous games cost 100.)
But, after playing it's kinda understandable?
I mean just LOOK at these cards. These are actual printed cards from the machine!? How does that work. It's like... ma... magic... (you got me there).
PriMagi also feels like a more umm immersive experience than the previous games? It's LONG. There are a lot of scenes you can skip past, but if you actually watch all of them I feel like it takes at least twice as long as an average game of PriPara.
The rhythm game is kinda random and doesn't flow nearly as well as the previous games. Touch this, now touch that, now touch this. Also, I keep forgetting to select the harder difficulty and the easier one is super boring. Also, I can't figure out the PriMagi equivalent of Cyalume Change (like I mean the button mashing)... my PriPara/PriChan technique hurts my knuckles on the diamond buttons, and my Idol Land technique on the screen is no good either.
And shopping for coords right in the middle of the song? Yeah. HATE IT. I can't imagine ever getting used to that. Even my friend who knows nothing about Pretty Series who was watching over my shoulder was like WTF it's forcing you to pay more? And I was like..... not exactly forcing me...... but............
But the colors, the sounds, the characters. It's all very intoxicating and just designed to draw you in... for some reason 100 yen coins just keep falling out of my pockets... and into this game....
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find-roronoa-zoro · 29 days
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Roronoa Zoro X CisFem Reader
Christmas dinner had its usual moments of bickering and teasing among siblings and friends. Lots of curious glances were tossed your way as you and Zoro sat together his hand resting on your knee under the table. Your younger blond brother seemed to be acting quite smug all evening while your older blond couldn't seem to wait to corner and interrogate you.
"You don't think it's a little bit suspicious, yoi?" Marco asked taking the plate you'd just washed to dry.
"First of all, ouch," you looked at him ironically, "what's so suspicious? I didn't know you had such a big problem with him."
"I didn't mean it like that," he deadpanned and continued, "I don't have a problem with him. It's just your age difference and it's no secret that our family is successful and well off while he has been working multiple jobs to make ends meet, yoi."
"So you're saying he wants a sugar mama?"
"More or less, I mean who knows that could be it?"
"I guess I wasn't clear enough before." Zoro interrupted.
Marco sighed.
"Before?" you echoed.
"It's not a fetish and I don't need your money," he paused and flushed a little, "I happen to enjoy and appreciate your sister's company. We're both adults and don't need your permission."
Marco tensed and puffed out his chest, "If you ever -"
"You don't have to threaten me. I don't intend to."
You looked away flustered and cleared your throat, "I'm right here ya know."
"I need a smoke." Marco rumbled dropping the dish towel and marching out of the room.
"I'm really sorry about that." You turned back to the sink.
His arms made their way around your waist, "Don't be. He's allowed to be worried, I just don't appreciate the assumptions."
"It was still rude." you pouted.
"Well, a sugar mama would be nice." he breathed teasingly against the crook of your neck.
"S-shut up." you shivered, "Help me dry these dishes."
"Yes ma'am." he rumbled kissing the tip of your ear and moving beside you.
"Don't call me that." you nudged him playfully with your elbow.
"Well if you insist on calling me Tiger then you'll have to get an embarrassing nickname too." he argued quietly.
"Ma'am isn't a nickname, for one, it's something you say to your elder."
He smirked at you.
"Don't say it." you scolded.
"Ok, ok." he raised his hands, "I'll think of something."
After you and Zoro cleaned up everyone gathered in the den to play games and watch movies. Thatch and Marco had dipped out to smoke while you were helping Al and Nami destroy your younger brothers at Scene It Music. Zoro sat in an armchair next to Pops watching you laugh and talk shit to each other.
"You won't find someone with a purer heart." your father murmured.
Zoro sighed inwardly, he knew you lived with a bunch of protective men but if he was going to be threatened individually by them this shit was going to get old.
"I agree." the greenette nodded.
"Don't listen to these brats by the way," the old man chuckled, "they talk big but they'd never do anything to hurt her."
Zoro took a swig from the bottle of beer he was holding, "And I wouldn't either."
"That's good to know, lad." both men looked on as you turned and smiled at them still laughing at something Al had said to Sabo to make him pout, "She looks at you differently than the others."
"How so?"
"It's almost how she looked at me when she was little; like I could do no wrong. It's an infectious feeling." Pops glanced at the younger male.
"She makes you believe you can't." Zoro muttered taking another drink.
He really felt if you had a super power it would be your ability to draw out the good in anyone and make them feel supported.
"Cherish her, lad."
"Yes sir."
"Girls win!" you cheered.
"You guys pay the next time we go to the bar." Al affirmed.
"Sign this." Nami slid a small sheet of paper across the coffee table, "You won't be getting out of it."
"What are you two talking about so seriously?" you asked plopping down in the chair with Zoro.
"It's a secret." your father winked.
You gave Zoro a pout.
He smirked and flicked your forehead, "What a brat you were when you were little."
"Hey!" you protested grabbing his hand.
"I like this one." Pops rumbled.
Zoro admired you as you rested in his lap on the sofa in the den.
You'd spent most of the night awake with Pops who was too sick to move, and even if he wanted to his legs were retaining water and were puffy and stiff. He couldn't keep anything down which included his nausea medication, you wasted a few doses trying. The boys needed rest so they could get some work done and Marco and Thatch could start preparations.
So, your boyfriend of less than a week came by to help. He convinced you to lie down while Pops was finally resting and nap until the hospice nurse arrived. Once you got comfortable on his thigh you were out like a light. You snored softly as he ran his fingers through your hair.
Not even fifteen minutes into your nap the doorbell chimed sending Chopper into a frenzy and startling you awake.
The damn nurse was early.
"I'll let her in." Zoro murmured as you sat up rubbing your eyes.
You nodded and straightened yourself up trying to recall everything you needed to tell her in your sleepy haze. After giving her a run down of the night before she entered Pops' room and checked his vitals and gave him a few shots. He barely stirred during the examination.
"Are your brothers here?" the nurse asked stepping out of his room.
"Not yet, is something the matter?" your stomach dropped.
"It would be best if you contacted them so we can all discuss the next steps." she smiled empathetically.
It took less than an hour to assemble all five of your siblings.
You walked out on to the porch with Zoro adjusting the scarf around his neck.
"You don't have to go." you murmured nervously.
"It's a family moment. I don't want to upset your brothers." he brushed your hair behind your left ear, "I'll be nearby so just call me when you're done and I'll come back. Ok?"
"K." you pouted.
He swiftly kissed your lips and turned toward his truck.
"I'm going to have to suggest he be moved to the hospice center." Marcia, the nurse announced once you had all gathered in the living room.
"Why the center? He wanted to stay home." Sabo voiced.
"Yeah, you guys can just give him his treatments here anyway." Ace agreed.
"He's reached a stage where he needs around the clock care." Marcia explained, "We cannot do that here."
"How soon?" you asked
"There's a space available now. We can move him tomorrow." she replied.
"What does this mean? How long will he have to stay?" Luffy questioned from his seat next to you.
Marcia glanced at Thatch and Marco before turning back to the youngest as you wrapped your arms around him.
"Well, the hospice center is where people come to be kept comfortable in their final days."
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meiliarotten · 11 months
Team Fortress 2 Kinktober Time Two: Electric Boogaloo
Day 6: After Party (Hate Sex)
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Pairings: Medic x Fem!Reader
Summary: After Mann Co. is disbanded, you seek work among wealthy gala attendees, only to run into an all too familiar face.
Tags: Takes place after the mercs are fired/before Pauling finds them (comic timeline), riding, tension, teasing, rivals
Word Count: 4.3k
The Masterlist
The party was more immaculate than anything you had ever attended before, taking place in a massive venue adorned with expensive decor and buffet tables long enough to feed a small country. It reminded you of a ballroom straight out of a fairytale. Waiters wandered about in pristine uniforms, passing out hors d'oeuvres as if the buffet wasn’t enough. As for the guests, well, each one was more glamorous than the next, making it seem as if they were all trying to outperform each other, even as they made polite conversation among themselves.
In other words, you literally could not fathom anywhere you would fit in less.
You wore the nicest thing you owned, but even that seemed like rags next to the least opulent guests, at least in your opinion. You prayed that it wasn’t too obvious that you had forged your invitation to get into this place. The truth was, you were desperately in need of money ever since Mann Co. disbanded, and unfortunately murder was not considered a special skill on most job applications. In fact most employers seemed to consider it a felony. Who would’ve thought?
However, if there was one thing you learned in your years as a mercenary, it was this- the richest of society were often the most likely to want someone dead, and they most certainly had wealth to spare to hire someone to do their dirty work for them. Hence why you found yourself here, wearing a black knee length dress that you were almost certain you had only ever worn to funerals before, trying to figure out which of these pompous fools would be most likely to be in need of your particular brand of expertise.
As you scanned the crowd, searching for the most likely employers, your eyes were repeatedly drawn to the same person. You couldn’t say why- they didn’t exactly stand out, with their simple black suit and slacks- but something about them seemed familiar, his build, or perhaps the way he carried himself. It’s only when he turns around and you lock eyes that you finally put a name to the person. You’ve seen that face enough times to know it anywhere, especially since the sight usually preceded a scalpel being slashed across your throat.
The flicker of recognition in Medic’s eyes indicated that he had noticed you as well. Your initial panic began to fade slightly when you realized that causing a scene would likely get the two of you thrown out. God knows Medic most likely didn’t manage to get a valid invite to this party either. You would both need to act somewhat civil with each other, at least for now, lest you draw too much attention to yourselves. The wisest decision would be to stay as far away from each other as possible… which was why you were immensely frustrated when Medic proceeded to walk right up to you within moments of spotting you.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you whispered harshly once he was within earshot.
Medic actually looked taken aback by your hostility. “I assume I’m here for the same reason as you, fraulein. Hunting for higher pay, are we?”
More like hunting for any pay at all, but you weren’t about to admit that.
“You know, I could put in a good word for you,” Medic said. “I know how good you are at your job, given that I’ve been on the receiving end of your blades and bullets multiple times.” He laughed whimsically, as if he was recalling pleasant memories rather than recounting all the times you had brutally murdered on a daily basis. Respawn certainly was a blessing, one that you all took for granted.
“I don’t need your help, Medic,” you hissed. “Did you come over here just to taunt me?”
Medic sighed, as if he was talking to a petulant child. “Actually, I was hoping we could put the past behind us, but I’m guessing from your hostile attitude that this would be out of the question,” he said, now not even looking at you as he glanced over the sea of people. Well, if he wasn’t even going to look you in the eye then you weren’t going to humor him with a response. You walked off, deciding that trying to find some work would be a more effective use of your time than trading insults with Medic all night.
You planned to make the most of however many hours you spent here, and that meant getting comfortable with as many of these stuck up partygoers as you could, praying that at least one of them was homicidal enough to hire you. Medic went on his way as well, presumably doing the same. You tried your best not to let your eyes wander to him, but it was surprisingly difficult. Now that you actually recognized him he stuck out from the crowd. Shaking your head, you made your way to the opposite end of the ballroom, as far from him as you could get. You had employers to charm, and you weren’t about to let his presence alone get in the way of that.
You weren’t sure how you managed to find the small parlor that you eventually wandered into, but you were grateful for it. How long had you been at this damn party? Three hours? Four? You couldn’t even remember at this point. You collapsed onto a small couch with a sigh, placing your face in your hands. Whether or not you were even allowed in this room wasn’t important to you.
You had talked to guest after guest, but trying to gauge someone’s interest in putting a hit out on someone was surprisingly hard. As it turned out, most people don’t tend to flaunt their murderous intent. It wasn’t long before faces began to blur, conversations became repetitive, and you began to feel that if you couldn’t find a place to get away you would go mad. You just needed time away from the din of the crowd. The silence was a welcome respite.
“Not having much luck, fraulein?”
“God fucking damn it,” you muttered, not even bothering to lift your head to look at him. Of course Medic would just happen to wander into the same room as you.
He chuckled. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“Don’t you have some big shot employers to talk to?” you asked. “Or are you just here to boast?”
“Nein, there is nothing to boast about,” Medic admitted with surprising honesty. “Despite my attempts to convince them, these people are surprisingly uninterested in doctor assisted homicide.”
“So, we’re both shit out of luck then,” you said, sounding woefully unamused. Honestly, you just wanted to be left alone. The events of tonight were inevitably going to lead to you walking back to the crappy motel you were staying in with some stolen food from the buffet stuffed in your pockets. Of course, then you realized that your dress didn’t have pockets, and you sure as hell didn’t have a fancy purse you could use.
Medic laughed, seeming completely oblivious of your rapidly souring mood. “I suppose that is one way of putting it. I am happy to have found you, though.” You finally looked up at him, eyebrows raised in confusion. Medic sighed, leaning against the far wall. “Talking business is so tedious. I prefer company that is more on my level, so to speak.”
“And I’m on your level? ” you scoffed. “That isn’t exactly the compliment you think it is, doc.”
“There’s no need to be so confrontational, my dear. We aren’t on opposite teams anymore,” Medic said, putting his hands up as if to show that he meant no harm.
“We fought against each other for years. All that doesn’t exactly go away just because we got fired.”
“Hm, I suppose you're right. Besides, I do quite enjoy our little rivalry, whether it’s on or off the battlefield.” Medic smirked at you, and you despised the way that look made your knees go weak. You weren’t even sure when you had stood up from the couch.
Your fists were clenched at your sides as you glared at him. He was so calm despite having found no success with employment. He seemed so perfectly confident while you were silently fretting over how you were going to cover your next rent. And even with all those reasons to hate his guts, a part of you couldn’t help but notice how damn attractive he looked in a suit- no, more like how damn attractive he looked in general. It was that last part that pissed you off the most of all.
“It was hardly a rivalry,” you said, rolling your eyes. “You aren’t exactly much of a battle medic.”
“Oh no, not at all,” he admitted with a laugh. “But I can't help but recall you having quite a few run-ins with the blade of my Ubersaw.”
“And I can't help but recall more than a few instances where you were staring down the barrel of my gun,” you said, quick with a retort. “Funny how you never seemed to learn that your place is hiding behind your teammates, not charging headlong at me.”
You seemed to have struck a nerve. Medic’s smirk faltered slightly. “You would be wise to watch your mouth, dear.” He was close now. Incredibly close. When had he gotten so near? How had you not noticed? But you’d be damned if you backed down now. In fact, you took a step further towards him, the two of you now thoroughly in each other’s personal space.
“Oh? And what will you do to me? You don’t exactly have any weapons with you,” you said. “Besides, I’m just stating facts. You’re at your best when you’re behind your team's Heavy, practically using him as a human shield.
“I certainly hope you are not calling me a coward, fraulein.” Medic responded so calmly. It was uncharacteristic of him, which put you on edge, but your blood was already boiling too hot for you to keep your mouth shut.
“Maybe I am, unless you’re willing to prove me wrong.”
You didn’t expect him to do anything. You expected this to end just like every other confrontation you’ve ever had with him- although maybe with slightly less blood than usual. Honestly you thought he would simply saunter off, leaving you fuming in that parlor all by yourself.
But then he did prove you wrong. And he did so by pressing his lips to yours. Just like that, something snapped. Something that simmered beneath every insult you flung at each other came boiling to the surface, and you kissed him back. Medic pulled you flush against him, his arms wrapped around your waist. The action made you gasp, giving him access to your mouth. He gave a gentle, questioning flick of his tongue that you quickly reciprocated. Your hands ran down his sides then up again. You could feel the rise and fall of his chest every time you parted for breath.
Medic grew more forceful, almost sloppy, but it felt so good, fueled by years of pent up tension finally getting a taste of release. After a bombardment of lip bruising kisses and wandering hands you finally parted, panting heavily. Medic leaned in until you felt his breath tickle your ear.
“I could be inside you right now.” His voice was so low, a far cry from the shouts of victory or pain you heard from him on the battlefield. It was smooth and quiet enough to ensure no one would overhear, even though you were the only two in the room. “You want that, don’t you?”
You were undeniably flustered. Never would you have thought you would be so flushed over hearing your enemy say such filthy things. “I don’t think the other guests would appreciate that,” you finally managed to respond, miraculously without letting your voice shake even once.
“Then perhaps we should take our leave, fraulein.” That little pet name he had for you was usually an endless source of annoyance, but this was exceptionally different. For once it wasn’t spoken with hatred or spite. No, it was spoken with unfettered lust, and you found that you quite liked hearing it like that.
You didn’t expect gentleness from Medic. In fact, you didn’t even want gentleness, and you made that clear the moment the two of you stumbled past the door to his hotel room, a surprisingly nice hotel room at that. You couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy, especially since all you had to go back to was a dubious motel that smelled of cigarette smoke and dust. How the hell did he afford this while being unemployed? You decided it didn’t matter. There was no time to dwell on that.
You grabbed Medic roughly by the lapels of his suit jacket, pulling him into a kiss that was more teeth than tongue or lips. It was aggressive, almost animalistic in its intensity. You felt him groan into the kiss, shucking off his suit jacket the moment you released your grip on it. The moment it was off you got to work on the buttons of his undershirt. You had half a mind to simply tear it off of him, scattering the buttons to the far corners of the room. You just barely managed to restrain yourself from doing so.
When the shirt was finally unbuttoned you paused to run your hands up his torso, sliding over his chest and up to his shoulders. He was very muscular, something that you had never really noticed beneath his work uniform. It made sense. He had to carry around the Medigun, and it wasn’t exactly lightweight. You were briefly aware that all the supplies and weaponry Medic had to lug around with him on the battlefield probably weighed more than you did. That thought was confirmed a moment later, almost as if he had read your mind, when he leaned down and lifted you with ease, his arms hooking around your thighs for support. You wrapped your legs around him for some stability, but even so, you nearly lost your balance when his palm came down hard on your ass, a harsh smack being followed by your yelp of both pain and surprise.
“What the hell was that for?” you asked, not bothering to hide your annoyance. Your face was bright red at this point, which probably made your glare seem more cute than menacing.
“Is your threshold for pain really so low, liebchen?” Medic asked, grinning as he reached up to grab a fistful of your hair. You knew what was coming before he even began to pull. He was truly showing off his strength now, holding you with just one arm and the support of your legs around his waist. “Given all that we’ve been through, I would have thought such a little sting wouldn’t be a bother.”
His grip on your hair released after only a few moments and he made his way to the bed, still holding you. You knew Medic could have easily chosen to throw you roughly onto the mattress if he wanted to, but instead you found yourself being gently lowered onto the bed. A shiver ran down your spine as your bare back made contact with the cool sheets, and you realized that at some point he had undone the zipper at the back of your dress. This allowed him to remove it with ease once you were comfortable. You felt relieved to finally be out of the dress, no longer needing to wear what amounted to a cheap disguise meant to blend in with a bunch of rich assholes.
You reached back to unclip your bra, throwing it to the side with little ceremony. Medic busied himself with your underwear, taking the exact opposite approach. He removed them ever so slowly, inching over your thighs as if the garment was made of tissue paper and he was trying not to tear it. It was beginning to annoy you.
“Hey!” you said, getting Medic’s attention. You sat up, grabbing his hair and pulling him forward. The soft groan you got in response was very rewarding, but you couldn’t get distracted by that right now. You kicked off your underwear yourself and glared at the doctor. “You’re taking forever. Are we fucking or not?”
You tugged on his hair, hard, and he winced before quickly composing himself. “So bold, meine liebe. I like this side of you,” he said. You only let go of him when he began to unfasten his belt, and you tried your best not to stare or look impressed when you noticed the sizable tent in his slacks. You shifted back so that you were sitting in the center of the bed. It gave you a rather nice view of Medic when he finally removed the last of his clothes, but you barely got a chance to admire the sight before he was on top of you.
He paused there, seated between your legs, simply looking at you with an expression full of lust. You could feel how hard he was against your thigh, and a pang of need almost made you beg, but you caught yourself before you did. If he wanted you to beg, he’d have to work much harder for it. “What are you waiting for?” you asked, trying to sound as annoyed as possible, but the slight shake in your voice was evident.
“I’m just admiring the sight of you…” Medic began, leaning down to kiss your neck. “ Beneath me, right where you belong.” Those kisses turned into bites, making you gasp and arch against him. You heard his breath shudder as your body pressed against his.
That was when he finally thrusted into you . You were embarrassed by the moan that managed to tear its way from your throat, being caught off guard by the sudden motion and the jolt of pleasure that shot through your body like a live wire. It felt so amazing to finally be filled, to satisfy that empty ache between your legs that had been becoming more intense ever since you left the party. Still, you weren’t about to give Medic too big of an ego boost, at least, not until he truly earned it.
“Harder!” you gasped, dragging your nails over his back, leaving stinging, raised red lines in your wake. “Come on, don’t you dare be gentle with me now.”
Medic chuckled wickedly, barely reacting to your scratching. “Oh, I don’t plan on being gentle with you, liebe.” Suddenly, your arms were pinned to the bed, his hands wrapped firmly around your wrists. His grip was rough and likely to leave bruises, and he soon set a merciless pace.
You struggled to contain your sounds as he slammed into you, trying to roll your hips to meet his strokes, but it was as if he was purposefully trying to make that difficult for you. His rhythm changed every time you began to get used to it. You growled in annoyance, but that only got a sly grin from Medic, proving that he was indeed doing this on purpose. Still, you tried to grind against him, at least until he released your wrists only to hold your hips still, preventing you from bucking or squirming. Your clit ached, desperate for either his touch or your own, a sensation that would have you seeing stars within moments.
“Fuck, I’m close!” you moaned, writhing futilely in his grasp, hands gripping the bed sheets to keep from just giving in and touching yourself. You wanted to get him to do it, you wanted that small victory.
“Beg for it,” Medic whispered, pressing his lips to your ear. There it was. You knew it was coming, but if he thought it would be that easy, he was a fool.
“Fuck you,” you said, glaring defiantly at him while he simply chuckled, seeming to find your defiance more as a form of amusement than a true challenge to overcome.
“Oh, you are, liebchen. However, that’s not the answer I’m looking for.” Medic stopped moving completely and you wanted to whine, but resisted the urge. You never let him dominate you without a fight on the battlefield, and the bedroom was no exception. It seemed that whether the driving emotions were that of hate or lust, it was always going to be war between you.
With a scoff, you decided to finally take advantage of the fact that he was no longer pinning your arms. You latched onto his hair again, pulling hard, which caught him off guard. He was thrown off balance just long enough for you to switch your positions, now finding yourself seated atop him while he looked up at you. He seemed bewildered, as if he was trying to figure out what just happened, and you found it adorable.
“See what happens when you get overconfident?” you said before beginning to mercilessly ride him, not wasting any time. Medic gasped, giving you a look of what could almost be considered respect before sitting back and enjoying the ride. It was actually quite attractive to see you bouncing on his cock.
You weren’t as close as you were before. The pause in the action had caused you to lose sight of your climax, but now that you were in control, it was quickly beginning to build again. However, by far the most appealing thing about being on top was the view you had of Medic’s reactions. You saw how his gaze lingered on the steady bounce of your chest as you rode him, the way he bit his lip to stifle moans whenever you did something especially good with your hips. But the best part was how you could feel his body beneath you, the way he shuddered and tensed up in response to whatever you did to him.
Your hands were planted on his lower stomach to steady yourself, and you could feel the way the muscles began to tighten. It was a sure sign that he was getting close as well. Medic wasn’t quite as intimidating like this, and it only served to make you bolder.
“I wonder what your team would think if they could see you right now, letting me use you like this,” you taunted, grinding against him to emphasize your point.
“I could say the same about you, fraulein. How would your team react if they knew I was about to make you come on my cock?” Medic’s hands latched onto your hips with enough force to throw you off your rhythm. You gasped as he lifted you slightly upwards before slamming you back down. You almost screamed as he managed to brush against an especially sensitive spot. “Ja, that’s what I want to hear. Scream for me!”
With him essentially moving you up and down on his cock, you knew you didn’t stand a chance. You surrendered, allowing him to maneuver you. If anything, it was a welcome break for your thighs. Even so, you weren’t about to become completely passive. You continued to rake your nails down the front of his body, over those tense muscles that were beginning to tremble beneath your touch. You knew he was close to coming undone, and the thought filled you with a sense of pride, because you were doing this to him. Even though he was gripping your hips with enough force to bruise, it would still be you that would eventually make him come.
“You’re close aren’t you?” you asked between moans. Medic shuddered, stammering, as if he hadn’t expected the question, and the reaction made you laugh. “Oh, you definitely are. You’re so tense.” You ran your hands over his chest and down to his stomach before leaning in to whisper into his ear, delivering the finishing blow. “I want you to come for me. I want you to come inside me.”
“Gott, liebchen!” Medic moaned, bucking up into you even as he slammed your hips against his, filling the room with the lewd sounds of skin on skin. You leaned back, one of your hands sliding down your body until you could rub circles around your clit. You threw your head back, crying out as your orgasm washed over you. Medic followed almost immediately after, the feeling of you tightening around him finally driving him over the edge, letting out a low moan as he spilled into you with a few final, frantic thrusts.
When the initial euphoria subsided, you practically collapsed on top of him, completely unwilling to move. Your head came to rest on his chest and you could hear his pulse racing, along with the heavy rise and fall of his chest. Medic threw an arm over you, gently rubbing up and down your back. It wasn’t a gesture you expected, but it certainly wasn’t unwelcome either.
“God, I fucking hate you.” You said it out of pure habit at this point, but there was no real bite behind the words, not even a hint of malice. Medic actually seemed to take it as a compliment, reciprocating with a smirk.
“Likewise, liebchen.”
The irony of the situation was not lost on either of you, so casually declaring your hatred for one another while simultaneously cuddling up after a rough fucking. You weren’t sure which of you began laughing first, but soon you were both nearly in tears, the reality of how strange this scene was finally beginning to dawn upon you. But honestly, with all the other weird shit you had to deal with during your career as a mercenary, this might as well happen. Speaking of work…
“I hope you know that this doesn’t change anything,” you said, turning to look at Medic with a challenging smirk. “I’ll still fuck you up if we ever meet in battle again.”
You felt the vibrations of Medic’s laughter in his chest. “Of course.” He flashed a wide smile. It had just a touch of insanity to it. It was a look you had seen several times before, usually right before he plunged his weapon of choice between your ribs. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, fraulein.”
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zorasthoughts · 1 month
the reappearance of rachel price: my thoughts so far (spoilers)
my reading has been slow-going because i've also been busy with other life stuff, but i'm now at chapter twenty-one, and there's going to be a family dinner, which will probably involve some big drama, and secrets being revealed, so before i read that, i want to put down my thoughts and observations. buckle up everyone, this post is way longer than i anticipated
first of all, i love that holly used the surnames of the actors playing pip and ravi as surnames for two of the characters who are making the documentary in this book. a nice little easter egg that made me smile.
second of all, i can't believe i forgot to put duct tape on my predictions list!! (this is mainly a joke.) there's duct tape on the cover of as good as dead, and if you know, you know. then, when i read five survive, duct tape was mentioned, and gets used, but when i first read it, i was like, "omg, holly jackson duct tape universe". in chapter one, ramsey says something about taping down the wires, so i'm counting this as duct tape.
bel is a kleptomaniac. i don't know anything about kleptomania, but my guess is that in the case of bel, this is some kind of psychological compulsion: being able to take things from people because someone so significant disappeared from her life without her having any control/memory of it happening. my other guess is that it is a symptom of some undiagnosed medical condition (more on that later)
carter: this seems to be the person that bel is closest to, but there's a couple of years between the two, and being cousins isn't quite the same as friendship becoming family (unlike pip and cara or red and maddy)
when carter first comes on-scene in chapter three i thought she might have adhd (she was always moving somehow, never still. drumming fingers and jangling legs. p. 22) but that's been the only indication
charlie is suspicious as hell. firstly there's the fact that it is established how fundamental he is in bel's world, as a constant, as someone to trust. there have been adult characters in holly's other books that have been portrayed like that, only for it to be revealed that they're some kind of bad guy
also, charlie's comments about sherry's pregnancy during the family interview gave me the ick. is he just sexist, or is there some other reason that he'd be saying stuff like that to his sister-in-law?
jeff is also suspicious. getting up to leave the interview when charlie starts talking about his truck? and then the conversation between jeff and charlie later? something's going on, but i'm not sure what
also charlie's reasoning for the documentary is that he needs the money to pay for his father's medical care, but i wonder if there's some other reason
bel's teacher mr tripp: nothing to say about him, except that i'm suspicious (but i don't know what i suspect him of). it's a holly jackson novel, i'm suspicious of everyone
rachel coming back, and things not adding up delights and confounds me in equal measure. how does she know about bel's bracelet? why does she have that random baby sock?
who's the person that suggested the rachel price case to ramsey on twitter? it can't just be a random person, given that they only made this one comment
i like ash, but no strong feelings so far.
there are a lot of mentions of bel feeling left behind/having the feeling that people are going to leave her. it's understandable, given that she grew up under the shadow of always being known in relation rachel price. to everyone in her town, she's a curiosity, an object of discussion, rather than an actual person.
okay, let's talk about memory. in the family interview, ramsey brings up the point that in the time leading up to rachel's disappearance, she would become forgetful, and bel draws a connection to rachel on that score; bel is also forgetful. is this something genetic?
there's also the fact that bel observes minor differences between rachel's narratives/accounts of events, and even says something about being locked up for 15 years, when the tv news (right in front of rachel!!) said 16 years
most people (the police, charlie, etc.) attribute this to trauma, which would be understandable, but i then began to wonder if it is actually bel who is muddling facts. i'm pretty sure there's some kind of undiagnosed medical condition at work here, that seems to be affecting both rachel and bel but i don't know what that is
there's also the fact that bel's grandfather has vascular dementia. we've yet to see him interact with rachel, so i'm interested to see if her presence will trigger any memories (and reveal information). holly actually did this very sneakily in agggtm when pip and ravi go to the ivy house hotel and the old woman sees andie's photo and says that she had visited recently. we later learn that it was just someone who looked like andie (becca).
last thing, there's still not been any guns, but i think there could be in the future (holly has said that one of the benefits of setting her books in the us is easy access to guns). bonus points if it's during a scene where the documentary crew are also present because they're british (but hopefully none of them get hurt)
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writingwhimsey · 4 months
All's Fair In Love & War- Motonari
Here we are with the long awaited first chapter of the next installment of my All's Fair in Love & War series! Suitor this round is my number one husband, Motonari! I hope you all enjoy this first chapter! Hope you all enjoy this fic as much as you did Nobunaga's "route."
You can read the prologue here (parts 1, 2, & 3)
Chapter 1
It was the day after my alliance with Nobunaga became official. We would be attending a banquet later that night to celebrate. Until then, Sato, Jiro, and I were all checking out Azuchi castle town. Mitsunari had been kind enough to volunteer to be our guide.
“Wow, this town is quite amazing.” Sato said as she looked around. 
“The variety of goods here is truly amazing.” I said. 
“That is because of the policies Lord Nobunaga has enacted.” Mitsunari informed us.
It was then that I recalled that Nobunaga was considered a bit of a radical during this time. “I can tell that they are very effective.” I agreed. “While we’re here we should work out some trade with some of these merchants.”
“Oh, that would be wonderful.” Mitsunari said. “And I bet you could get Lord Hideyoshi to help. Everyone in town loves Lord Hideyoshi.”
“You mean he’s not suspicious of everyone?” I asked.
Jiro looked at me. “My lord, you do have to admit, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of suspicion and caution.”
“I know. I’m just saying I was invited here by Nobunaga himself. He should trust his lord.” I replied, rolling my eyes.
“Don’t take Lord Hideyoshi’s suspicion to heart, Lord Ava.” Mitsunari said. “He just wants to do his best to serve Lord Nobunaga and truly believes in his vision and wants to see it through. I am sure in time you will earn his trust.”
“I hope so. I find it irksome for an alliance to be healthy with such suspicion.” I replied.
The four of us continued to walk through the town. Mitsunari had decided to take us to a tea house to enjoy a nice break. We were all sitting down and enjoying the tea and a few sweets, Mitsunari speaking with us about Azuchi, but also asking us about my territory…and even discussing strategy with me. He was quite knowledgeable and very interested in what I had to say. He was particularly interested in the strategy I used to defeat the Ishihara.
We were having our nice little chat when it was interrupted by another patron in the tea house. “I will not pay that, especially for such swill!” A rather large man declared rather loudly. “Besides, I am a warrior. I keep the area safe for all. You should be falling on your knees to serve me!”
“I am sorry, but…well this is a business and…I do need to make money…” The proprietor tried to protest.
“Well, I don’t care. You should be eager to serve me. You should be happy someone like me would even come in here.”
“Uh-oh.” Jiro mumbled as he looked between the scene unfolding and back at me. He could see me seething.
“THAT IS IT!” I shouted as I stood up to face the man supposed warrior. “YOU need to pay this man for his FINE tea and most excellent sweets.”
The man turned to me, looking at me with a derisive snort. “You’re awfully fired up for such a little slip of a woman.” He said. “I won’t be paying this man. But I might consider paying you for a night in my bed.”
“Oh, he just signed his death warrant.” Sato murmured.
“I should say something…” Mitsunari said.
Sato and Jiro both shook their heads. “No. Don’t worry about Lord Ava. She can handle herself.” Sato assured.
“You’d only get in her way.” Jiro agreed.
I gave the man a look, deciding to look him up and down, as if appraising him. “Please, you’re not man enough.” I told him. “I doubt any woman could be paid enough to suffer a night with the likes of you.”
The man looked at me belligerent. “How dare you…I’ve had plenty of women walk away satisfied. I bet I could make you scream just like them!”
“From boredom right?” I replied. I was then drawing my sword and pointing it at the man. “Now listen, if you have enough that you THINK you could pay any woman to sleep with you, then you certainly have enough to pay for your food and your tea.”
“Oh, you think you know how to use that, little lady?” The man asked, looking at my sword, not at all threatened.
“I know my way around a sword better than you, of that I am certain.” I replied.
The man glared at me as he drew his own sword. “I am starting to get annoyed with you, you little bitch.”
“I’ve been annoyed with you from the beginning.” I replied.
The man lifted his sword ready to strike. I easily dodged the blow. It was clumsy and obvious. Of course, I also wanted to get the man out of the tea house. Away from the civilians. So I kept dodging his clumsy blows until I had led him outside.
Once we were outside, I kept dodging his attacks, studying his movements and waiting for my moment to strike. Men like him were so easy. “You quite running away!” The man shouted at me.
“Oh? You always have this hard of a time catching a woman?” I taunted.
He let out a growl as he lunged for in his next attack. I blocked his blow with my sword this time. He was already starting to wear out. 
“Look at you…is that sweat I see? If THIS exhausts you, I don’t see how you could ever last long enough to satisfy a woman.” I replied. “I’m not even breaking a sweat.”
“You little bitch!”
The man and I fought, me using his own momentum to block and redirect his blows. Once our blades were locked, I delivered a kick to his soft belly and then headbutted his chin. As he was falling, I gave him a few more blows before knocking him out with a blow from the handle of my sword.
By this point, we had drawn a crowd…which included Hideyoshi coming out of it. “What in the world is going on here?” He asked.
Sato, Jiro, Mitsunari, and the owner of the teahouse were all coming up then as they had come out. “I was just taking care of some riff raff.” I answered.
“What? You…you knocked this man out?” Hideyoshi asked, looking down at the fallen man. 
“Yes. He was trying to skip out on paying his bill and trying to intimidate one of your citizens.” I replied. I was then kneeling down and grabbing the coin purse off his waist and tossing it at the owner of the tea house. “I think that should cover his bill.”
“Thank you.” The tea shop owner replied.
“Lord Ava was truly amazing, Lord Hideyoshi. She stepped in before anyone else even had a chance.” Mitsunari spoke up. “I witnessed the entire thing.”
Hideyoshi was staring at the downed man, his eyes wide in disbelief. He then looked back to me. “Are you crazy?”
“Pardon?” I asked.
“That man was easily more than twice your size! He could have crushed you!” Hideyoshi scolded.
I blinked at him. “Wait…are…are you scolding me?” I asked, trying to keep from laughing.
“Yes, that is dangerous.” Hideyoshi replied.
I was smirking. “Look, I am a big girl Hideyoshi. I can take care of myself.”
“She really was quite amazing.” Mitsunari said. “She defeated him like it was nothing. That was truly amazing Lord Ava. Your technique for turning his own attacks against him.”
“Why thank you Mitsunari.” I replied.
“She’s always like this.” Jiro explained to Hideyoshi. “I’ve been trying to get her to cool it down for years…but well, there’s really no changing her.”
Hideyoshi sighed. “Well…thank you for standing up for my people.”
“Yes, thank you so much.” The proprietor said, bowing to me. “It truly means a lot.”
“It was nothing. Anyone else would do the same.” I replied.
Hideyoshi was calling some guards to come and take the unconscious warrior away before we were all returning to the castle together. Hideyoshi thanked me again before going to report to Nobunaga, while I headed to my room to get ready for the banquet.
A couple of hours later…
It was time for the banquet. I headed to the main hall with Jiro and Sato at my side. As soon as we entered the hall, a delicious aroma hit our noses. “Mmmm…smells amazing in here.” I said.
“I would hope so. I spent all day making this feast.” Masamune declared. “Now you better get over here and eat as much as you’d like. Can;t have all if this good food going to waste.”
“I would never waste a good meal.” I replied, moving to take the seat beside Masamune.
Sato and Jiro took seats beside Mitsunari and we were all soon feasting together and sake flowed. Though I did notice Masamune stuck with water. “So, lass, Hideyoshi and MItsunari told us all about your fight in town today.” Masamune said, eyeing me with his one good eye.
“Yes, I commend you on taking care of such a troublesome person in my town.” Nobunaga said.
I took a sip of my sake and shrugged. “It was nothing. He was an unskilled moron who just wanted to trample on those he thought were lesser than him. I just taught him the lesson that he wasn’t as amazing as he thought he was.”
“You shouldn’t sell yourself short like that, Lord Ava.” Mitsunari spoke up. “It was truly amazing what you accomplished.”
“It was reckless is what it was.” Hideyoshi said. “He was so much larger than you. He could have just sat on you and crushed you!”
“There’s a reason my lord is known as the Tiny Terror of the Yamada clan.” Sato spoke up.
“A name she has truly earned.” Jiro agreed. “She’s certainly been terrorizing me ever since she arrived.”
I just grinned. “I do strive to terrorize those who deserve it.”
“Are you saying I deserve it, my lord?” Jiro asked.
“Only at times.” I answered.
“I can’t believe we have another hothead who charges in.” Ieyasu grumbled. “Do you know how many more injuries that causes ME to have to tend to? I’m constantly having to treat this idiot.” He was gesturing to Masamune.
Masamune just grinned and threw his arm around Ieyasu’s shoulders. “Ah, now come on lad. You haven’t had to treat THAT many injuries on me.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Ieyasu. When I return from battle covered in blood, it;s not my own.” I replied.
“I never said I was worried about you. I just don’t want the inconvenience of having to look after you when you get injured.”
“That falls to me and Jiro.” Sato said. “Though just as my lord said, she returns uninjured.”
“Yes, Lady Kaede used to fret every time we returned.” Jiro said. “Lord Riku always looked proud.”
I had a bittersweet smile on my face recalling my parents. “They did indeed.” I said.
“I have heard that you are undefeated in battle.” Nobunaga declared, eyeing me over his sake cup.
I smiled, partially grateful for the change of subject from my parents, but also because I knew this was more of a test. Seeing about the truth of the rumors about me. “Indeed I am.” I replied. 
“I still don’t understand how someone as small as you can be undefeated like that.” Hideyoshi said. He appeared to have a couple of drinks in him by this point. 
“I may be small, but my mind is my sharpest weapon.” I replied. “I work my strategies and use my opponents' own strengths against them. My father taught me well.”
“I can see that in the way I witnessed you fighting that man today.” Mitsunari said. “Your moves used little energy on your part and turned his own momentum against him.”
“I’d like to see that in action myself.” Masamune said. He was then leaning in closer. “Lots of ways I’d like to see you in action, lass.”
I rolled my eyes as I shoved Masamune away. “I’d be happy to give you a sparring match, but that’s the only action you’ll be getting from me.”
Masamune chuckled. “You are going to be a fun one, lass.”
Sato, Jiro, and I spent the evening feasting and drinking with our new allies. There was lots of laughter and joking and teasing thrown around as well. This alliance seemed like it was going to be a pretty good fit. The Oda forces were an entertaining group for certain.
Meanwhile somewhere on the outskirts of town…
A maid from the castle had snuck out under the cover of darkness. She made her way out of town and to the edge of the forest, where a loan figure stood bathed in the moonlight, white hair practically glowing. “Ya weren’t followed, were ya?” The man asked, red eyes fierce as he looked at her.
The maid shook her head. “No. I made sure.” She answered.
“So, what news ya got fer me today?” He asked. “Better be somethin’ more useful than what Nobunaga had fer breakfast.”
“W-well…a new lord has joined the Oda forces.” She answered. “They’re having a banquet right now to celebrate the new alliance.”
“Who is it?” 
“The new Lord Yamada.” The maid answered.
Red eyes narrowed. “The hell that woman thinks she’s doin’ joinin’ Nobunaga?” He growled.
“So…you know her?” The maid asked, hesitantly her eyes wide.
“I know of lots of people.” He replied. “I’m Motonari Mouri. I know who all the power players are.”
“R-right…I’m sorry.”
“Get outta here.” Motonari replied, practically shouting in anger at the woman. “‘Fore I change my mind and kill ya.”
The maid didn’t say another word. She quickly ran off, heading back for the village. She wold run away and never look back.
Motonari raked a gloved hand through his hair in agitation. “How dare she.” He growled. He paced back and forth for a moment, thoughts swirling around in his head. Then he grinned as a new plan began to form in his mind. “This just might work…I can make this work to my advantage.”
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justatalkingface · 1 year
Wasn't Mt Lady a corrupt hero at first?
So, I'd like to start this off by apologizing to you, Anon. I did not intend to let this sit in my drafts nearly as long as it has been; I just haven't been in the right place to just sit down and type everything out until now.
The thing is with Mt Lady, or rather, early on Mt Lady, is she's.... corrupt, but she's not majorly so (though Stain would, of course, disagree). She is perhaps the most average person/hero we've had any informational development on. Most heroes we get a look at are upper case H Heroes, that don't match the corruption talked about in story, but Mt Lady is, or was, a view of that mundane hero who wasn't terrible, wasn't murdering people or beating their spouses, but wasn't good, either.
So the thing is the the first thing we see her do is kill steal, and oh, there is so much to unpack there, just by me saying that phrase and having it fit perfectly.
There are mountains of implications to not only that phrase, but the fact that it worked: to start with, it implies that this isn't unique to Mt Lady.
Kamui Woods had the man cornered, was posed to bring him down, and she steals the capture, and the glory, at the last minute. He doesn't protest this, or argue, or even say WTF, he's just depressed. In other words, this is normal, to some extent, this isn't just Mt Lady doing something unprecedented, and that 'stealing' this 'kill', AKA, capturing this villain, was something worth fighting over. Heroes are not cooperating, but are in fact actively competing with each other, for the resources that are criminals.
This is something that's actually genius with how it's presented to us, because it's understated, but this one scene just says so much about the society they're living in, and about heroic society as a whole, and how deeply fucked up it has become.
Mt Lady is developed more in the notes, and we find out she's so desperate for money to pay for the damages caused by her Quirk because, you know, she causes massive property damage all the time.
This is an understandable motive, and it makes her more of a real person than just some greedy asshole, yet this begs a question: should she be a hero, if she can't do it without causing thousands, if not millions, in damages everytime she uses her Quirk?
Mt Lady's Quirk is a powerful one, but it's something she can't actually control, is the thing: if she's using it, something is going to be destroyed, even if her costume is designed to mitigate it, because she just becomes that big and that heavy. In becoming a hero, she became locked into a vicious cycle of doing heroic deeds to pay the bills, which in the process of doing this causes more bills for her to pay which necessitate even more heroics from her. This cycle, destructive as it is, is apparently fuel for her to be a very active hero, which is the logic behind her being part of the Kamino raid (totally not because she's a hot woman that Hori wanted to draw more often), but we still have to ask: does she cause more damage than she prevents?
Fuck if we know, honestly, because that's a cost/benefit ratio we have no way to possibly answer, but the fact is there's nothing in story that implies that anyone has actually asked this question about her, or anyone else, for that matter. There is, from what we can tell, no actual accountability to heroes as long as they pay the bills or murder someone on national TV... and heroes are uniquely posed to pay these bills easily, and Mt Lady is a bit of an aberration in how much trouble she's having with them.
There's the money they make from their hero-ing, as little as that developed, but from that direction they apparently only make money from crime, only on commision. So, I get that just paying them to exist with nothing to ensure that they actually are working would be messed up, but you have to admit there are some.... perverse incentives to a set up like this. Every hero we've seen is improbably Good and Kind, but this is something that could be easily abused, and with the set up we have for this setting? Probably has been, and often.
Let me bring this back to what I said earlier, that heroes are competing with other heroes to capture villains. As a job, an actual, functional job, being a hero isn't about preventing crime, it's about profiting off it. Every villain we've seen, every crime they've committed, every building filled with people they've destroyed? To a hero, that isn't a tragedy, that's a paycheck. The other major way heroes make money as heroes is by saving people, and the people they save? Are endangered by villains. Technically, earthquakes and fires and the like would also qualify, but the thing is with that, though? Earthquakes don't happen on the regular, and heroes are paid on commision. Without villains to endanger people, there's no way a rescue hero could have any sort of stable income.
If there aren't villains, in other words, then a hero isn't going to be paid as a hero.
So now we look at the side jobs, the others ways they can have an income; modeling and commercials being the only ones we know of, though we can try and guess at others (does Gunhead have a dojo for his martial arts?). Then there's the merchandising. In the early chapters, which established a lot of the normal day to day stuff before Izuku became increasingly disconnected from an average person's life, hero branded products were all over, and if the pictures in the outmakes are legit? Both Midnight and Mt Lady have cosmetics (and there's something about Midnight, who's power puts people to sleep who smell her, having a perfume that makes me raise an eyebrow).
In other words? As long as a hero is popular, not even particularly active, but just loved by the public? The money can just roll in, and the system itself is seemingly designed to incentivize this behavior in them. There are technically consequences to destroying things, but as long as you're.... not Mt Lady, basiclly, these consequences are minimal, probably because there's some sort of heroic insurance or something to prevent a hero from being bankrupted, or they just make that much money.
If you want to be a hero, you need to find a lot of people to arrest, a lot of people in danger, or you need to become a celebrity. And as long as you can do these things successfully, you're going to end up with a lot of cash, and there's very little holding you back doing whatever you want.
With what we've seen about Mt Lady's motives, before she was whitewashed in Generic Hero #274, is that she wants to famous, that she's hungry for attention, adoration from the public, a classic corrupt hero. But with what we know about the system she's in, the way it is forcing her to act just to stay solvent, you have to wonder: is that why she wanted to be a hero? For the fame, for the glory?
Or did heroic society make her into that?
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artist-issues · 7 months
People don't seem to realize that every single decision a filmmaker makes is an intentional decision. There was nothing. Then the filmmakers created something.
That box in the background of a shot? They had to decide to put that there. The color of the wall behind the character? They had to decide if that was the right color. Whether or not a character starts a sentence with the word "Maybe?" They made that choice. Because without the filmmaker consciously making a decision to do one thing instead of another, there's no character saying anything.
Tumblr media
Now factor in time. And money. You realize that in the opening shot of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, animators had to be paid to hand-draw every single dove around her? So a filmmaker had to decide that doves were worth adding to the scene. Had to decide that they should be doves, not pigeons or squirrels. Had to decide how many there would be. For how long. For how many shots.
If something is in a movie, the audience needs to assume it was in there on purpose, because without someone making a decision, it wouldn't be there. Then, because you know that money and time are a thing, the audience member should say "not only did they decide this detail was in there; they decided it was worth being in there." Then you can start asking "Why was it worth it to the filmmaker? What does it add? What were they trying to say?"
And then you can stop all that crap about "well you can't really say for sure what a story is for, or what it's about. Everyone has their own interpretation."
Everyone might, but you know what? Your "interpretation" had zero influence when someone slapped a blank sheet of paper down in front of a Depression-Era animator and said "I'll pay you extra if you add doves in here; I need doves for this scene." Your "interpretation" did not cause those doves to get drawn.
Scratch that--the only influence your "interpretation" had was when the filmmaker tried to guess whether or not doves would make you think of the same thing it made the filmmaker think of--so that the filmmaker's point could be made.
It was what the filmmaker wanted to say that caused every single thing you see and hear to appear onscreen. And you want to sit there and put words in their mouth? After all that work they did and money they spent and ideas they rejected and edits they made? After all the decisions they had to pull the trigger on, you want to say their decisions never really mattered?
Watch it in good faith, first. Then say "I think I see what they were saying, and I just choose to ignore that." At least.
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sundaysplayzone · 1 year
Commonly Asked Questions.
I get asked the same 3-5 questions all the time, so I thought I might make this new lil pinned post to help everyone out! But first, I want to thank you all for visiting my blog!
Do you take requests?
No, I do not.
Are your commission open?
Yes currently! Honestly now a days they’re almost always open. You can check them out on my website HERE!
Are you okay with gift art?
Of course! I would be flattered! If you’d like, you can find most of my characters here on toyhouse (I promise to update it soon!)!
How do you get the retro/vhs effects on your art?
I actually made a tutorial on that here! But honestly at the end of the day it’s a lot of “I plug this picture into several different apps and video editing software.” I wish I could give you a simple answer, but there is no easy way to do it that’s the same every time. I rarely if ever do it the same way back to back. Some colors look better when edited in Photoshop, some in Photomosh Pro. I pay almost $100 a month to have access to all of the software I use to make these effects because it’s part of my job. But luckily you can find so many free tutorials and apps out there, you just need to be curious and try new things!
What do you use to draw?
Another vague answer whoo! Sorry, but I use so many things to draw! But usually it’s sketch/ink/color/shade in Paint Tool Sai, and then move it to Photoshop to add the background, effects and details. I also use Procreate and Clip Studio from time to time. When it comes to traditional, it’s usually standard cardstock or a mixed media sketchbook. Then I draw and color with microns, copic pens, jelly rollers/gel pens, prisma colored markers and copic markers. 
Did you draw the backgrounds in your art? And if you use screenshots, where do you get them?
In the majority of my pictures, I use screenshots from old cartoons. I get these screenshots from the shows themselves. My friend is kind enough to set up a program that takes snapshots hundreds of times during the show. Then when the episode is over, they send them to me. I then spend HOURS, going through thousands of images and delete all but the good pieces. A majority of the time they take a lot of editing to be usable. I have to clean them up, remove character and scale the images.
This isn’t always the case however! I do often draw my own backgrounds! If you ever want to know, feel free to ask!
As for the more aesthetic/abstract backgrounds, I make those myself! I spent far too much money buying licenses and rights to use tons of different patterns and vectors. With those, I love recreating authentic backgrounds in the style of those seen in the 80s and 90s!
I see you draw a lot of Transformation/Chubby/(insert common movie trope here). Are you a fetish artist?
No, I am not a fetish artist. Do I draw art that might be someone’s fetish? Do I take commissions from people with a fetish for this subject matter? Yes, of course. But people need to realize, furry characters alone are a kink to some people. For me the difference is in how it’s drawn. And I personally do not draw my art in a way that sexualizes the piece.
I love drawing transformation scenes, people being swallowed by a monster, extra big tummies, but not because it’s something that I find hot. I just like drawing fun scenes. I get bored of just drawing a character standing in place all the time. I like drawing wacky scenes! 
A lot of my love for these come from cartoons. Edmund getting turned into a cat in Rock a Doodle. Hercules getting swallowed by the hydra. Kaa hypnotizing... everyone xD It’s just a story telling tool and sometimes it’s fun to draw! I’m not into hypno but I do like drawing big, colorful eyes. I’m just whatever about tf but I love drawing the swirling magic effects and the character changing from human to animal. It’s just cool to me!
In short, when I draw these things, it’s like I get to draw scenes from cartoons and movies in my style. It’s so wonderful to attempt to emulate some of the effects and details they used in movies from my childhood. It’s not about the hand changing into a paw for me, it’s the magical sparkles and how it’s so bright and vibrant compared to everything else. Where you see it go from hand to paw, that’s what I love drawing about tf art! Or being able to exaggerate the body and make a character look weighty by making them really round. Getting to draw a comically big mouth, giving a fun and interesting perspective shot. I think that stuff is so neat! Because it’s art!
I don’t care if it is someone’s fetish. I’m not drawing it in a way that’s sexual. Heck, it even says I wont in my TOS! Everything is G-PG here in Sunday’s Playzone! I’m not here to make that kind of content. It’s okay if adults have fetishes, and so long as you and others aren’t sexualizing my art, all is well!
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mcalhenwrites · 2 days
A break from social media and how I use it has really been good for me. I need to be careful not to be sucked back in again. I should aim to mostly just post updates, but I do want to talk about my characters/writing as well. I will continue promoting my book, and ofc my Patreon and KoFi which are both "MCalhen" ;) I've been thinking about taking most (not all) of my fics and original works out of the private collection on AO3. I have a dilemma with one fandom (it's a nightmare circus of drama and several authors were chased out or hurt well before me), but I hope to eventually have the nerve to overcome that and say, "Too bad, you have to put up with the existence of my writing alongside yours. Get over it." Another thing is that Rascal isn't coming out of the collection. I plan to delete it. It's getting edited, I'm adding a couple of scenes I think would benefit the storytelling, and I'm publishing it. :) I'm on the fence about whether or not to release the original Seasons with comments closed, bc while it might be fun to compare it to the new one... so many things have been improved. Maybe it's also important to realize that if someone is that fixated on saying an earlier draft is permanent, that's a them issue and has nothing to do with me. A lot of my current WIPs are divided between if I'm going to publish them or post them on AO3. I have a few that I'm uncertain about either way. I want to share some work for free, and I have some stuff that's dark enough, self-publishing isn't much of an option right now. Note that when I promote my patreon and kofi, it's for original writing and art. No fanfic or fanart. The only link it has to AO3 is that I draw sketches of things from original stories posted to AO3. I will never post commercial links to the site, as that is against TOS. Seasons will always be free. Which leads to another thought: I wonder if I could get away with crossposting it to any sites? (I considered fictionpress.) I'm feeling better and want to keep sharing my work. I want to keep monetizing some of it. I want to be an author. I also really want to share things for free. Seasons is one of those stories that resonates a lot with people, and I know how badly I've always needed a story like that told. It's why I write, is to tell stories I need. But that one is... uniquely special and personal. I always want it to be accessible without any paywall. But I still need to make a living. So some books will be sold. Some will not. Just slap me if I ever get to be one of those big names who thinks I can do whatever I want, like those people on AO3 who say that they won't update their fics unless you pay them on patreon. (That's something you report to AO3 as a violation btw) I don't know where a good place to ramble about my stories is - probably here, since people can send me asks about characters and stories - but I'd like to do that, bc I enjoy doing it. :'D Anyway, I have my goals mostly figured out. Maybe someday I can post more of my work without hiding it away (yes, what you see is a fraction of what I write). Maybe I can also publish and make enough money to afford things I need, including a house with a yard and garden.
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denimini · 8 months
Why can't jk just say he ain't banging any of bts members???
For obvious reasons.
Shipping is a part of the idol world. Always has been and always will be. Part of any group's appeal in the K-pop world is the interpersonal relationships, not just the music. Fans have always enjoyed seeing their idols interact with each other. It adds to the fan-idol parasocial relationship because you are not only listening to this person's album, but it feels like you actually know this artist, on a personal level. We as human beings, are inherently curious and nosy creatures and always want to know how "something really is behind the scenes.", "the real this and that. " It's no wonder reality TV shows is so popular, even when we all know it is far from reality.
Entertainment companies know this, of course, and they use it like a powerful tool to draw more attention and engagement from the fans in the form of views, comments, and sales. This is why fan service exists. There are many performarive interactions in the idol world. I'd bet good money there are people who can't stand each other yet play the role of best friends for the camera.
With Bangtan, it isn't like that. They truly care for each other, and the friendships are genuine. Sure, they may amp up the "fan-service" on stage for the entertainment of the fans, but it isn't fake. It's them, but high on adrenaline and trying to keep up the energy during a concert.
Because BTS are actually really close to each other, and it shows, naturally, there are all sorts of shippers in the fandom. I'd go on a limb here and say that probably every other ARMY is a shipper in one form or another. Some are more casual, others more intense. And objectively, there is no bigger ship in this fandom, probably all of K-pop in recent years, than Taekook, neither in numbers of the shippers nor in the size of their delusions. Shipping has always been part of the K-pop world, but it was never intended to be the monster that the Cult had become in recent years. A lot of the people in this fandom are Taekookers. Some are vocal about it, others are in disguise. Even some of the biggest accounts are Taekookers. Jikookers, while marginally less delusional, are in second place in terms of numbers. Both ships are "passionate" in their beliefs, regularly engage with content "looking for clues" for their ship, and pay attention to everything the people they ship do and say.
Unfortunately for Jungkook, this means that a big part of the fan base, particularly *his* fanbase, is made of shippers. Some of them are truly dedicated. These are people who vote, stream, buy, run big accounts, etc. They are not just ingrained in the fandom, they *are* the fandom. Another part are there more for their ship, than anything else. But even if they are not always necessarily true fans, even if they don't stream, vote, or buy as much, they still talk, observe, and engage online a lot.
Like it or not, shippers, as nasty as they can get, significantly contribute to the attention an idol gets, and even bad attention is still a form of engagement. Jungkook knows this , which is why he doesn't care if someone is hating on him because they are still taking their time to pay attention to him.
Directly and undeniably shutting all shippers down and possibly alienating them could affect not only JK's sales and results but the whole of the group's. I doubt HYBE would be very happy about that.
All the members understand this, and that's why not one of them, neither Jungkook nor even Jimin (who undoubtedly have been suffering the most from shipping) have ever come out and outright denied anything shipping related, unless it majorly violated their boundaries. Sometimes shippers get reprimanded and reminded of their place,when they become too much and actually cross the lines directly in front of the idol. Ex. Tae saying "Get out of your imagination," and JK saying "Me? Living with Tae?!" But mostly shippers are left to their own devices. They may get a slap on the wrist or some tough reality check, from time to time, but they will never get the boot out of the fandom and the door shut at their faces.
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creamy-jam · 2 years
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hate drawing absolutely vile, also tobirama wears bell bottom pants all the time
the guy I referenced for this pose I think had long arms or there was depth my 2d brain couldn't handle lmao
anyway!!! I love doing modern au stuff and I haven't seen anything about ballet or other forms of dance, more thoughts beneath the bar on this
I don't think Tobirama started with ballet, but maybe started with fencing and swimming perhaps. I think the Senju family would have been relatively rich, probably what US citizens would consider upper-middle class in coastal states. (Its hard to pick a proper term for the tax bracket I'm thinking of, but generally someone who could have afforded a large home in a gated community in Arizona so something around ~500k - ~900k (to be fair these are also post-quarantine prices)) Anyway, fairly rich, a family that could afford to pay for sports/hobbies type things without worrying too much. Butsuma seems to be the type to be proud in being old blood, but doesn't necessarily care about honoring their lineage either aside from personal glory. Fencing comes from Tobirama's own interest in it and the fact that (rival old family cause teehee) has two sons also in fencing. Butsuma had Tobirama in swimming as part of being part of school sports. Hashirama would be in soccer methinks. Kawarama would be in flag football, but would have attempted soccer first. Itama is decent at most sports, but not excelling, his talents lie more in the arts. Itama managed to convince Butsuma to let him join orchestra or perhaps band where he would eventually join jazz band? Through Itama getting good at multiple instruments, he finds a passion for playing along with guided ballet performances to practice for long performances and passionate solos. Tobirama watches and finds a love for ballet. He first begins with doing katas to Itama's playing, and transitioning to mimicking the moves he saw on the tv. Because he's my amoral little meow meow, he stole money from his father (not like he'd actually notice, im not endorsing this kids) and Tobirama finds himself a mentor to teach him. I think it'd be funny if Izuna discovered this little secret of Tobiramas. Itama tries to convince Tobirama it doesn't matter, and that Izuna won't do anything. Next week, Tobis been paranoid stewing, and in a routine spar with Izuna. Tobirama gets too aggressive.
Cue the much less fatal and more just going against sportsmanship Izuna death scene.
Many thoughts on this, but I wish more people would consider dance for sports aus. I just think Tobirama has that kind of dramatic flair for ballet, but serious and lithe for an art thats so brutal but so delicate looking.
Ahhh, bit of a fan of ballet lol.
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riessene · 1 year
hi um. i was wondering if you had any advice on a beginner commission artist...who's been asked to do art for two separate projects except they've both basically said they don't want my art style. i'm hurt and a little confused by this being a reoccurring thing, and idk if i should just do it for the experience and payout or turn down good job opportunities because i don't want to conform to someone else's view of art ?
Oh man that sucks that it happened:'( Tho why would they hire you if your style isn't what they want? I feel like the commission scene isn't hurting for artists now.. Well anyways if the pay is good take it and communicate on what they want. Actually ask for More $$$ bc you'll be drawing something that is unusual for you.
One reason I can think of why a client would go to one artist except for the different one whose style they need is that they want to get much cheaper price so make sure you aren't being taken advantage of. But in general I'd take the work for good money even if I had to draw the opposite of what I usually draw.
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