#i'm going to have this on loop for the next six hours someone tell me how i'm supposed to survive January
theinfinitedivides · 1 year
Besharam Rang is out and i am vacillating wildly between kicking my legs like a schoolgirl at the first tangible SRK feature since 2018 and throwing things at the screen like the thirsty ass hoe i am for one (1) man
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torchickentacos · 1 month
Ridiculous Study Tactics from the World's Worst Studier
Or: how I try to work with my ADHD brain instead of against it.
Set a timer for ten minutes. Every ten minutes, stop studying and listen to the dumbest song you know. Like, the most ridiculous, campy, or otherwise enjoyably unserious things you can think of. Just close your eyes and empty your head while listening to, like, Fergalicious or Stacy's Mom or something. It's really hard to have a stress related breakdown when you're listening to Low by T-Pain. I also recommend the Gen 3 Pokerap if you hate yourself.
Take step one a bit further and study while listening to a loop of a stupid song. My go-to for really bad study sessions is a one hour loop of the reese's puffs/misery/cpr remix. Chaotic enough to distract the ADHD demons but repetitive enough to be disinteresting after the 5 minute mark, and I can actually focus on my work with it in the back (this can be substituted with anything, but I find either videogame music/nonlyric music or really repetitive songs on loop to be best. Playlists distract me too much).
Eat a thing for every question you review/every thing you get right/every sentence written/whatever. Like, an m&m or popcorn or something. I'm sure we could get into discourse about using food as a reward, and I do agree that food is value-neutral and not something to be withheld or rewarded with, but let's not worry about all that on this post because it's not that serious in this context, and let's just take this at face value as a fun little reward for things.
Tell your friends to yell at you if they see you on tumblr/social media in the next 30 minutes. Find accountability partners.
Study with the lights out/only your desk lamp on/only computer light. This one sounds stupid and it kind of is, but I know for me, visual clutter is distracting, so if I just <3 do not see anything but the work in front of me <3 then I'm more likely to actually do my work. Alternately, study in a clean and tidy room, but it's probably easier to just turn off the lights.
This one's a normal study tactic and less about how to work with your ADHD, but the best way to check if you know something or not is to try to explain it to someone else. That someone else can be a lizard or a rock for all I care, but if you can explain it then you can probably answer a multiple choice question about it too.
Use your school firefox/chrome/etc account for studying. Less interesting bookmarks. Or, if that's not applicable, then clear out your cache/cookies. This way you'd have to re-log into everything to scroll instead of studying. Incredibly annoying, because in six months you'll be prompted to log into some website you can't remember your log-in for, but effective. Use with caution.
What not to do: make a tumblr post about studying instead of studying (joking, I wrote this out during a break, but still).
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witchcraftingboop · 11 months
Would you please recommend mangas?
I'm not gonna lie to you, baby, my tastes are trash. You can call me the garbage man because bish I'm swimming in that shit, scooping it all up and dragging it back to my lil apt-- or maybe the Grinch... oh well!
Anywhoville, here are the mangas I've read physical copies of since this all started back on April 13th:
Fangs by Billy B-something - BL - I like their take on modern vampires. Could do without the crazy dude randomly (coincidentally) escaping from jail
Kaiju Girl Caramelize by someone - Straight, Romcom (wtvr that is in manga genres), takes place in a high school - hilarious and I love it
SpyxFamily also by someone - Idk what genre this is honestly but it's funny and good and I love it
Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle - I have all 20 volumes because it is just a cute lil fun lil read
So I'm A Spider, So What - Okay, does the mc grind like crazy to level up? Yes but it's also hilarious and a lovely lil isekai about how a high schooler is reborn as a weak bb spider and becomes super op and challenges gods and demon lords ... 10/10, have every volume out rn and love it
Heaven Official's Blessing (light novels) - BL, Danmei - Listen. I love these lil fucks and I love how these are written -> Currently on book 2/5 in my lil shelf, six comes out in Sept I think
Given - BL - It's an okay series. I read it all (that's out), and it is amusing while reading, but ultimately probably won't read again
Fruits Basket - grew up on it, love it
Chobits - unfortunately grew up on it (why do I not remember how sexual this shit was like jfc did that throw me for a Loop lmao)
Savior's Book Cafe Story In Another World - Isekai (of a 30yo, not a teen for once), romance -- I adore this lil series. It's a cozy lil hug in a book
Uzumaki by Junji Ito - Horror - classic, love his art style and story telling, I don't find horror manga or anime scary though so I read it more like comedy tbh
I Want To Eat Your Pancreas - Tragedy(?), Romance(?), set in high school - I went into this expecting and knowing nothing and I enjoyed it a lot
A list of BL I read and enjoyed: I Didn't Mean to Fall in Love, There Are Things I Can't Tell You(💜), Sotus vol 1, Killing Stalking (??? is it BL idk,, it's B), Midnight Rain, The Flower That Seems To Truly Dance, Loved Circus, The Snake Who Loved A Sparrow (look out for anatomy oddities), Sasaki & Miyano, Secret XXX, Therapy Game
The Witch & The Beast
A Silent Voice
Fire Force, omnibus 1 (dunno about later ones cause this is the only series I didn't just buy complete)
My next reads are gonna be the series I just bought, so Demon Slayer, Ouran Host Club (again, childhood fave), Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Ghoul Re, & Choujin X.
After that, the next batch'll likely be: Bofuri, Arifureta, & Overlord (all isekai - or in Bofuri's case video game life). Which I can recommend watching in the anime forms as well.
But yeah those are pretty much all the series I like that I can name off the top of my hear rn. There are definitely quite a bunch I'm forgetting, but I cannot be bothered because this lil answer has already gone on for a long time and been interrupted 4+ times by my Boss' after hours inquiries into his own goddamn schedule I'm going to beat this man with a sandal
But yeah that's it, anon, pillage through my wares as you please!
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catgirltoofies · 2 years
Another Loop
this story is based on an ask, as so many have been of late. i thought it might be fun to try at something a little different from usual.
her eyes opened once more. everything was blurry. she slowly sat up, letting the heavy blanket fall to her waist. she blindly felt for her glasses on the table next to her, purely by habit, before stopping. she removed her ring, transforming it into the magical egg that was her soul, and held it up to her eyes.
the soul gem glowed, as did the violet of her eyes, and slowly the world came into clarity. shakily, she got up from the bed, and sighed. she took a deep breath, exhaled, and calmly said,
"I will save them all."
and so she set to work. each loop reset her entirely, so she would once again need munitions. she had a nearly perfect defense, but a magical girl can't kill witches without offense. she had long ago memorized how to make bombs, so first she would go to the military outposts and gang houses to steal their gear. whatever they needed it for was far less important than what she did. and if this loop worked out, she'd simply return them.
out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flash of white. she stopped time and went to investigate - and as expected, she found an incubator. she picked it up by the scruff and frowned at it. "Hey, put me do- who are you?"
"Akemi Homura. Answer my questions, incubator."
the incubator shrugged. "I might. It depends on your questions."
"It wasn't a request." she thought for a minute. she considered the timing of every witch fight in every loop prior. "Tell me the names of every magical girl in Mitakihara."
"Mami Tomoe is the only one, but there are a few with potential. And there are a couple watching from outside, waiting for a chance at prime territory."
homura paused. the incubator said a few; normally by the time she caught one it would have said a couple. "And who has the potential you're looking for?"
"The one we're looking at most closely is Madoka Kaname. Aside from her, we have eyes on her friend, Sayaka Miki, and a young girl named Nagisa Momoe. In fact, I believe there's an incubator on its way to the hospital to contact with Nagisa Momoe."
homura released the incubator, which fell about six inches before stopping in midair. she took a few steps back, then did a running punt to the little creature. it flew a few feet up into the air, then froze once again. homura resumed her walk to the nearest location with weapons, unfreezing time and sending the incubator flying through the air.
she smiled grimly to herself.
the infiltration of the Yakuza safehouse went according to plan. this time, however, homura did not set out for the military outpost on the edge of town, and instead went to the hospital. she shook her head, thinking of how cruel the incubators were for targeting the sick or infirm and forcing them into battle with deformed monstrosities that were once like them. each step made her angrier and angrier.
and finally she arrived. she walked right up to the reception desk, where the nurse looked up. "Oh, hello, Ms. Akemi. I didn't realize you were out. Do you need someone to help you back to your room?"
"No, thank you. I need to know about someone. Family name Momoe. Is there anyone like that here?"
"Hmm, normally I'm not supposed to tell anyone about patients they aren't related to, but... I suppose it couldn't hurt. There's a Mrs. Momoe in room 241. She has a daughter, a bit younger than you, who comes in pretty often. I think she'll be here today, probably..." she looked up at the clock. "in about an hour or so. Is she a friend of yours?"
So I'm early. Good. Maybe I can change something. "Yeah, Nagisa and I have known each other for some time. Thanks." homura did a short bow and walked off down the hallway. a few rooms down from room 241, she sat on a bench and waited. though she didn't much like sitting and doing nothing, she had little choice in this case. she kept her eyes open, looking at every person that passed by. each was an adult; so she knew none of them were Nagisa. finally, after an hour, a little girl in a polka dot dress and carrying a messenger bag walked down the hallway, quietly humming to herself. homura got up as she approached.
"Excuse me, are you Nagisa Momoe?"
nagisa sized up homura. "You don't look like one of the doctors or nurses. Are you a patient?"
homura chuckled. "Sort of. I got discharged earlier. What about you? You look like the picture of health."
"Yeah, I'm here to visit my mom. She's real sick." nagisa sat on the bench, resting her shoulder from carrying the bag. homura noticed it was full of packages of cheese. "That's awful. Now, this might sound a bit crazy to you, but-"
"Oh, no, are you one of those people with weird head injuries or something?"
"No, no, just-" homura sighed. "Have you seen a talking cat lately?"
nagisa raised an eyebrow.
she looked down the hallway, both ways. "I... may have spoken with something that looked like a cat, yeah. Called himself Kyubey."
"And have you made a contract with it yet?"
"No. We were looking for a mentor so I could learn more about what it is to be a magical girl..."
"Ah, excellent! Well, I have some good news." she brandished her ring, and transformed it into her soul gem. "I'm a magical girl already. And, what's more, I know the perfect person to be your mentor." the seed was planted, and now she only hoped nagisa would sprout the way she wanted.
"Hmm... Intriguing. Can you not be my mentor?"
"No, I have much bigger things to deal with than training an infant magical girl. Something is coming, and everybody needs to be ready, or everyone, including the humans, is going to die."
nagisa stood up and picked up her bag. "Okay. I'm going to visit my mom before this cheese all goes bad. Meet me outside the hospital and take me to this mentor of yours."
homura nodded and stood as well. the two girls walked in opposite directions.
twenty minutes passed, which homura spent outside. she began to worry that nagisa would just leave and not go with her. had she been too up front? was the threat of death too much? she wasn't sure. it had been so long since she had something entirely new to deal with. she breathed a sigh of relief when nagisa came walking out the front door, and approached her.
"Kyubey met me as I left. He tried to convince me to contract again, but even if I make up my mind, I don't know what to wish for."
homura's wish had been a pretty different circumstance. "That's not something I can really offer advice on. But it's definitely something to think about while you still have a choice in the matter."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, sometimes... kyubey contracts with a girl when she's in an inescapable situation. one which she might need magic in order to escape. In these cases, the girls don't get to choose their wishes in the way you have an opportunity to."
nagisa walked quietly along for a while.
"Did you get to choose your wish?"
homura thought for a moment. "My wish was... an exception. Not exactly bound by the normal rules."
"I don't follow."
"I don't really understand it myself. My contract was made under duress, but it is a wish I don't regret in the least, and which I would have made nonetheless."
nagisa nodded. "So what is it you wished for?"
homura smiled. "I wished to protect someone, instead of them protecting me."
"And that's why you're fighting so hard. I see. Are you recruiting me so you don't have to fight alone?"
"Sort of. It's a bit complicated, but if I can get you to join in the fight that's coming, I'll be killing two birds with one stone."
"Sounds like I'm important. Can you tell me anything about this person you're making my mentor?"
"Her name is Mami Tomoe. She's a little older than I am, and she's the senior magical girl in this city. I think she's been a magical girl longer than anyone I know."
"Was she your mentor?"
"One of a few, yes."
nagisa nodded thoughtfully. "I can't wait to meet her."
"Oh, but one last thing. She doesn't technically... know me. Yet. So you'll have to meet with her alone."
"Wait, but, if she was your mentor, how does she not know you?"
"Like I said, it's complicated. Don't worry, you'll love her, I promise."
homura walked nagisa to mami's door and gave her a short bow. "Good luck. I'll introduce myself to her properly tomorrow. Maybe I'll actually teach you something in the future." she smiled and turned, briskly walking away. as she left, she heard a knocking on the door. everything was in place.
time passed. homura did her best to train nagisa and keep her distracted from events at the hospital between preventing kyubey from contracting with madoka. she chose to allow sayaka to contract, figuring more allies against walpurgisnacht would be better. especially considering madoka wouldn't be helping, they'd need every fighter they could get. and, indeed, nagisa ended up contracting, but with her support net of friends, managed to fight off despair and did not become a witch. it ate through a fair few of homura's spare seeds, but it meant one more fighter against the greatest fight yet.
and so the team was assembled. homura, with her tactical knowledge and military arsenal. mami, with her powerful long-range ribbon-muskets and experience. sayaka, with her powerful regenerative abilities and hotheadedness. kyoko, with her extensive combat experience and substantial store of grief seeds. and last and also least, nagisa with her bubble trumpet.
it was the greatest fight homura had ever been a part of. they very nearly managed to defeat walpurgisnacht, but in the end, it proved too much for their combined magical powers, and homura, leaving behind a tear, began a fresh loop.
her eyes opened once more. everything was blurry.
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shadowsong26fic · 5 months
Asking the writer questions! 💖🫘🪩
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
Hmmm, good question, haha XD I'm still thinking about how I need to finish one of my goals for this past year (I have like six months worth of Year of OTP fills I need to finish in the next three weeks, lol...)
I do want to get The Other Battlestar actually off the ground; maybe get back to Precipice!Verse; keep up with original stuff; participate in a couple challenges (SWBB, pod_together, maybe write for GBB if we do it again, I've got a couple ideas...); pick P&J back up and write Provenance and Acheron...
I think probably the strongest of these is either TOB or the Les Mis stuff, but all of them are things I'm hoping I get to do this year!
🫘 Spill the beans. What's a new project you're doing this year?
Lol, technically none of them are new, they're things that have been in the pipeline for a while XD But a quick blitz through what I mentioned above:
TOB I've talked about here before; it's a giant sprawling Canon Divergent AU where Baltar ends up on Pegasus instead of Galactica. There's a couple OCs on the Fleet's side to fill in the plotholes he leaves; plus a handful on Pegasus to help fill the time until everyone connects six months later; this will probably be 200k+ even if I don't take it past that connection point, lol.
SWBB I'm probably going to resurrect the same idea I tried to make work last year but then ran out of time/steam; it was an AU where Anakin never ended up at the Temple, he and Ahsoka meet up during the Clone Wars and Bond.
pod_together will depend on who I get matched with, but I've had a lot of fun doing it the past three years.
The main GBB idea I have aka the BSG idea I have that's appropriate for that kind of challenge lol is a Zarek character study titled The Blood of Angry Men.
Provenance is a companion to P&J, telling some of the story behind the painting that Ari won't be able to uncover (because a Certain Someone decided to burn several years of correspondence that would explain A Lot. Ari is Very Mad About This XD)
Acheron is a Groundhog Day AU where Javert keeps looping the last ~36 hours of his life.
🪩 Do you have any "good" writing habits you want to cultivate?
It'd be nice to write more steadily, try and make it an actual Habit, instead of forgetting for several days and then writing like. a couple thousand the day before a challenge deadline XD
Ask me a question!
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papercupids · 3 years
past the happily ever after - wong kunhang
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pairing - wong kunhang x reader
genre - post breakup!au; angst; music producer! hendery;
summary - bumping into your ex reopens some unhealed wounds.
word count - 2k 
warnings - none that i could point out
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as you waited for the employee to wash his hands and get back to you to take your order, you glance around the shop a little more, quaint little wooden tables are lined up messily and on top of them, matching brown stands which are home to almost 5 spoons, forks and knives respectively per table. The sunlight coming in abundance right in to illuminate every nook and cranny of the corner cafe.
It’s not too crowded here, maybe because 3:00 pm is not exactly the definition of a rush hour. 
the bells of the coffee shop rang and scanning the whole room, just to feed your curiosity more, you turned back. And when you do, you really wish you hadn’t, because just in the span of a mere second, your heart is ripped out of the place its caged in between your lungs because all of the time you’ve spent thinking about this moment did not prepare you for when it’s really happening. You turn back quickly, after freezing in your place when you first see him, and you’re scared that anyone who looks at you right now, including him, can see right through you and feel the trembling in your knees. But more than fear and awkwardness it was a simple debate of feelings of love and hate both that made you freeze right now.
 Countless accusations, numerous insults, you had so many questions for him, so many secrets to spill, it had come to an extent where you would imagine him sitting next to you jst to calm your overwhelmedness.
But you had later come to a conclusion. If your love meant nothing to him, neither will your hate.
 And hendery was just as shook as he spotted you and your face registered itself into his brain.
 the smell of pancakes, the small noise of it crackling on the pan, the sun pouring in just like in the cafe, but a little dimmer, the morning version of it. from the small windows of your apartment, soft music playing at a low volume and you’re humming along to it.
“y/n,” he calls out and that’s your cue to know he’s already up and you flip the pancake and walk over to him still lying in bed, adoring the rising sun from his position on the bed.
“Why did you wake up so early?” He mumbles groggily. “It’s your holiday today, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” you make your way back to the kitchen, “i just had a craving,” the pancake is perfectly golden when you take it out and place the batter for the next one.
A few moments later you hear the shuffling of feet before a pair of arms wrap around your waist and a face nuzzles itself in your neck.
“goodmorning, dery.”
“Mmh,” he inhales your scent as if it was the very oxygen he breathes, and when he does exhale it tingles on your neck.
Turning off the stove, you turn to him and catch his lips in a slow and chaste ‘good morning, honey’ and ‘i want this forever’ kiss. 
“Hey, y/n,” hendery currently has his hands in his pockets and you can hear the awkwardness in his voice, someone who was ever so frank and comfortable with you. You can swear this guy grows more beautiful each time you see him. The last was almost a fat six months later after you broke up with him, on an instagram story of a mutual friend of you both. You muted his story after that and it took you two weeks to stop listening to taylor swift after that. And now, it’s two years later but you still love this man as much as you did the first time you ever said it to him.
“hendery, hey, didn’t expect to run into you,” you pray that he can’t feel the beating of your heart which in your opinion is vibrating enough for your body to shake visibly.
“Yeah, me neither, how are you though? Long time no see,”
“Yeeah, i’m fine, just a little over the place.”
“Oh, well.”
The employee behind you both could literally feel the tension between you both from where he was standing. Either way, he needed to get over both of your orders before any one of you messed it up and made the other leave. It could strongly affect the revenue of this small cafe.
“Miss, what would you like to order?” He calls out to you, causing you to turn.
“Oh, yeah. A caramel macchiato, please.”
“And, you, sir?”
“I’ll have an Americano, thanks.”
“So it’s a combined order?”
And the next few seconds is just you and hendery awkwardly communicating through your eyes asking if the other’s okay with having coffee together and strangely enough even against your best interests, you both are.
“Okay, i’ll have it on your table in a few,” and the man disappears behind the curtain, quite proud of himself. If this one couple made it together, if they were broken up right now, their kids would hear of this cafe. He giggled and went on with his work.
As for you, it was not at all like the time you had once imagined in the shower how meeting hendery would be like. There were no slaps, no “fuck you’s” and absolutely no drama unlike how you imagined it in the shower.
You sat opposite on one of the round tables, besides the glass panel.
“So how have you been?”
“Oh, good. Just finished an album I was working on, a week ago. And damn, I'm tired.”
 the music blasted through your ear and you hit the lower volume button as you rolled your eyes at hendery, if he continued to keep the volume this much, he’d end up losing his hearing, for sure. You try to tell him that, which comes across more as a shout than a normal tone to him because of your inability to listen to your own voice above the song. He nods carelessly, he’s just concentrated on your expressions as you listen to the track.
but it's just the way it was, life wasn’t always a happy ending, it was rough without any mercy. and you weren’t a fictional character, neither was this a fairytale.
You’re in his lab today, chocolate wrappers, guitar, papers here and there, the nightlife hours starting outside. And you are both sitting opposite each other, you’re sitting on hendery’s usual seat, a comfortable huge chair you loved to dominate whenever you’d drop by here and he’s sitting on a random stool that was lying outside, not complaining a bit.
“So, um,” you remove the headphones a few minutes later. And hendery listens in rapt attention, something you wished he did when you asked him to choose which dress he liked better on you,
“I hate to tell you this, hendery,” his expressions tighten as he tenses his jaw, “but, babe, you’ve nailed it this time around too!!!” You scream and envelope him in a hug.
And poor hendery is still shocked, but he hugs back as it soaks in his mind.
“This song is gonna be the shit people hear on loops, hendery, loops! This is a bop,” he pulls away.
“You really think so?” You nod your head.
He hugs you again, more tightly, “i love you,”
“So,” he drums his finger on the table after a long few minutes of awkward silence. The order still hasn't come. And you both have been looking at the other tables, there weren’t many people here.
“How’s life been for you, aside from your profession?” he asks.
“I don’t think I quite gave it much time, don’t regret it though, what about you?” your profession, for you, had been something of a coping mechanism in the past few years, it had been something you had given your everything to, and strangely enough it hadn’t packed up its bags one day and said, ‘we aren’t working anymore,’ and left.
“Oh yeah, no, i did try to make it work with someone, it’s going good for now.”
The last nail in your coffin. It takes up your entire energy to not flip the table over him and run away from not only the city, but the country and never leave a chance to ever bump into him again, because you see you did try to forget him.
But it never happened. It was just automatically that your hand reached over to the other pillow in your bed to ruffle hendery’s hair to wake him up to only be met with the cold side of the bed, and to take out two cups of ramen, only to quickly keep it back inside and to pretend it never happened.
“That’s nice,”
And thankfully, the cafe guy is coming over with your drinks.
And you sip on your macchiato as it gets awkward again. You can’t bear to look him in the eyes, no. It just cracks your very soul and you suddenly get annoyed with the fact that if he wanted he would have kept the girlfriend thing to himself, but he had to put it all in your face.
But your thoughts wander furthermore after this, does she get to listen to his songs firsthand? Does she get to eat the food he makes? gets to ruffle his hair first thing in the morning? gets to wrap her arms around him and feel his heartbeat?
 hendery slammed his hands on the steering wheel. He had fucked up. Big time. Plus the traffic wasn’t budging. He rested his head in his hands. The cars honked occasionally and the city lights hurt his eyes, an upbeat song was playing over the radio in a low volume and the car was warmer than the outside.
This was the third time in a row he’s done this. And he could feel the guilt build up in him, he wasn’t worried about your reaction to this.
You’d kiss him, tell him to not worry about it and go to sleep as it was probably late and he would be tired.
He was scared that this was gonna keep happening and he’s gonna wake up without you instead of you sobbing softly out in the living room. He was afraid he had messed you up too much. And what for?
The traffic clears as he presses the accelerator and lets go as fast as he can.
And back home you’re not disappointed, you’re just tired. You weren’t upset that hendery hadn’t showed up, but he hadn’t even texted you, surely it would take just a second.
But it was okay, he had work. It was important. You sighed as you slipped into your pyjamas and moved to the sofa to watch something.
And you hear the key turning then, signalling hendery was home, you stand up to greet him and as soon as he’s visible, a sympathetic look is plastered on his face.
“I’m sorry….” you hug him before he can complete and he hugs back with equal force.
“‘S alright, hendery, it’s fine.” And you rub his back.
And suddenly you hear a sobbing sound from him. A long and choked up noise and you pull away to get a good look on his face.
“dery?” You cup his face, “what’s wrong, honey?”
“Oh, babe, i’m not going anywhere.” You crawl close to him and wrap your arms around him. “I’m gonna be right here hendery, and things like these happen all the time, but that doesn’t change the fact that i love you, okay? I’m gonna stay. I’m gonna be with you as long as you want me to.”
“I messed up, I mess up all the time, why are you even here?” He’s sitting down now, crying in his hands.
He nods as his sniffles fade away slowly and you’re both just sitting on the floor, holding each other, knowing no one’s gonna go away. 
“And, um, y/n, i have to tell you something.” He finally speaks up. His body language tells you it’s been what he’s wanting to tell you since you met at the counter and you nod at him to continue.
“I wanted to apologise.”
You almost spit your drink.
“Why?” Even though you know the answer, you want him to confess his sins. Confess the fact that he threw a forever away in a matter of a moment, that he didn’t listen to what you had to say.
“I’m sorry for what I did, I truly and genuinely loved you and I made a huge mistake. Everyday I think about what could’ve been if I didn’t do what I did.”
But that made the two of you if he thought about it. It was okay now, now that you met him, now that he apologised to you, know that you’ll say “it’s okay,” to him, piece by piece it’ll start to get better. You believed it.
You’ll still love wong kunhang, but a little less maybe.
the silence in your home is biting. You can hear the low whirring of the air conditioner and the tick tocking of the clock. The text bell breaks the silence though, for a second, but it does.
“Coming home, give me 5 minutes.”
hendery wasn’t late. He just hadn’t came home for the entirety of last week. He has to work on this new album, he’d said to you when you called him this morning. Normally he had told you not to call him when he was working since it broke his link of working but it was out of hand now.
And he told you he’d come home today and talk.
You sighed as the lock clicked, and he closed the door behind him.
He throws a small smile at you, “y/n,” and he knows this is going to be hard when you don’t return it.
He sits beside you as you try your best to not let the tears fall, “what?”
“I’m sorry but this isn’t the way i want to see you, i want you to be happy-“
“Well, then damn, dery, keep me happy!”
“Will you let me complete?” You glare at him as you blink more to keep the tears at bay.
“Look, I realised that i want to see you happy, but i’m just simply, i can’t. So,” he takes your hand and grazes it with his own.
“So, i’m letting you go, y/n,”
“What the actual fuck ‘letting me go’?” Now there's no meaning in trying to keep the tears hidden, they come as fast as you stop trying to hide them.
“The thing is hendery, if you would’ve been sorry right now, i would have honestly had no problems in being here again and to end up in this same situation, i would go through it all again, but the fact that you just want back away is so disgusting,”
“Sorry would have meant that i would no longer do it again, y/n, and you know my work, I can’t keep promises,”
“So that’s it? We’re finishing this conversation and you’re taking out all the shirts from our wardrobe?”
His silence is a reply enough, and you can’t do anything but sit there as quietly as you shushing yourself and hoping this was someone else in min hendery's body and that tomorrow you’d wake up to him apologising and explaining how his body got swapped with someone else.
But it never did happen 
“It’s okay, hendery. You did what was best for both of us,” you take a sip from your drink. “I couldn’t see it then, but I do see it now,”
“You do?” He raises his eyebrows,
“Yes,” you nod gently.
And his phone rings. “Excuse me, i gotta take this,”
And he’s barely a few steps away from the table when he receives the call and says, “yes, babe, i’m coming i just met an old friend.”
And you smile. It was okay. You’ll probably cry yourself to sleep tonight but tomorrow will be better, and you will be better again.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
eve omg omg omg the jules fic was so amazing!!!! i'm so excited for the rest :))))
Here’s part two of Adventures in Babysitting! The editing was being finnicky, so I’m sorry for the wait. Hope you enjoy! Sweater Weather and Jules credit belongs to @lumosinlove!
“Are you warm enough?” Sirius asked as he swiped Jules’ bangs beneath the edge of his beanie. Jules nodded, still sleepy even at seven thirty in the morning. “D’accord, let’s get going. Re, did you let Hattie out?”
“Yep, she’s all set in the living room.” Remus kissed him as he passed, hauling his duffel up and resting his hand between Jules’ shoulder blades to guide him down the steps. “Careful, buddy, it’s slippery.”
“I know,” Jules mumbled. “D’you think it’ll snow?”
Sirius looked up—the sky was still fairly dark, but smudges of thick grey clouds seemed to be rolling in. “Probably.”
The drive to the rink was quiet and peaceful; a six o’clock wake up call was tough even on the best of mornings, when they didn’t have a third tiny person to worry about. Regulus sounded like he was waking as they left the house, and Sirius hoped he’d stick around long enough to say goodbye. Pascal’s house wasn’t far, but Sirius knew he would miss having him around.
“Morning, boys,” Remus called as they entered the locker room.
“Morning,” Kasey yawned, stretching his thigh out. “How’s the kid?”
“Big mood. He’s with Moody again today?”
“Yep. They’ll probably come watch again at some point.” Remus smiled to himself. “Thank you guys for showing off yesterday, by the way. He couldn’t stop talking about it the whole evening.”
“Who’s ready to win a game?” James whooped, barging in and looking far too awake for his own good.
Leo frowned. “Game’s tomorrow, Pots.”
“It’s never too early to get hyped, baby rookie.” James patted him on the head as he passed and Leo scowled.
“I’m not a rookie anymore! Loops is!”
“If I call Loops a rookie, he’s going to make sure I never have children again,” James laughed, throwing a t-shirt to Remus from across the aisle. “Here, I borrowed that a couple weeks ago.”
Remus gave it a tentative sniff. “Dude, you didn’t even wash it?”
“It’s something to remember me by.”
“You’re a walking nightmare.”
“Nah, you love me.”
There was a new intensity to their practice that morning—they had beat the Ravens before, sure, but that didn’t mean they were guaranteed to win this time. Even James centered himself, tapping a puck back and forth with Remus until it was nothing but a blur between them. Sirius didn’t see Jules or Moody at any point throughout their ice time, which left him a little disappointed when the timer went off and it was time to hit the gym.
They all did lighter workouts, more like cool down exercises rather than legitimate muscle-building routines. Sirius let himself fall into the rhythm of squats, pushups, and jump-roping until each beat of his heart aligned with the impact of his feet on the mats. The jingle of his ringtone finally signaled the end of practice and a collective sigh went up.
“See you tomorrow, gents,” Nado said as he stood and stretched his back. Sirius felt the mood change as the pre-game heaviness settling over them like a weighted blanket.
Remus wandered over and gave his shoulder a light nudge. “I’ll shower and get Jules while you finish up, yeah?”
“Sounds good. I’ll be quick.” Sirius pressed their foreheads together in lieu of a kiss before turning back to the rest of the guys as stretches began. “You know the spiel. Get some sleep, carb load, all that jazz.”
“Got it, Cap,” Leo said. He tried for a smile, though he looked troubled.
“The Ravens are a great team, but we’re better. We beat them before and we can do it again. Shake off the weird vibes, okay? We can do this.” We have to if we want to make it to the playoffs, he thought instinctively before reaching over to tap the strip of wooden floor that the mats didn’t quite cover. Nope. No playoff thoughts. Just the game.
Eight minutes and a dozen fist-bumps later, they arrived at the locker room in a jumble of bodies. Sirius paused at the end of the hall and heard more than one quiet ‘awww’; Remus was waiting outside, as promised, with Jules fast asleep in his arms. He winked when he saw them and held a finger to his lips, stepping out of the way so they could sneak past.
Moving over a dozen fully-grown hockey players through a small space was not the most stealthy of activities, especially when all of them lingered to get a look at the sleeping child—it was no surprise that Jules woke up partway through and blinked drowsily at them. “Hmm?”
“It’s okay, buddy, you can sleep,” Remus murmured, hitching him a little higher up. “We’re heading home soon.”
“But I wanna watch,” Jules said, pouting slightly. Kasey made a soft noise and put his hand over his heart.
“You can watch the game tomorrow,” James said in a gentle voice. It wasn’t baby talk, persay, but Sirius had definitely heard him use that same soothing tone when Harry started to fuss. Jules snuggled his face into Remus’ neck again with a hum.
Sirius showered quickly and grabbed his bag, barely checking to see if his stuff was all there before ducking out of the locker room with a final mock-salute to the guys. “How long has he been asleep?” he asked as he picked up Remus’ duffel.
“He was out cold on the PT table.” Remus laughed under his breath. “Moody said he was a firecracker for about an hour and a half, but he came back from the bathroom and found him all curled up.”
“That’s so fucking cute. Did you get a picture?”
“Already sent it to my folks.” Remus carefully set Jules in the backseat of the car and buckled him in while Sirius closed the trunk as quietly as he could. Once they were in their respective seats, Remus leaned over the console and gave him a proper kiss, nice and slow. It sent a buzz all the way down to Sirius’ toes.
The lights were off at the house when they arrived; Jules was fully awake by then and Sirius watched his face fall at the same time his own heart clenched. “Regulus left.”
“Yeah, I think so. It’s okay, we’ll see him tomorrow.” Sirius added the last sentence partly for himself—he tried to keep in mind that Regulus was an adult and had moved out ages ago, but they had settled into their routine so quickly. He didn’t want the house to feel empty again.
“Hey.” Remus’ hand was light on his elbow and he blinked, looking over at his smile. “You alright?”
“Yeah, all good. Let’s get some lunch.” He offered a smile that he knew was weak, but Remus linked their hands all the same and kissed his cheek before getting both their bags out of the back.
Jules was playing hopscotch with the checkerboard of ice patches on the sidewalk; it had snowed while they were at practice, after all. There was a faint bark from inside and Jules gasped happily, racing toward the front door with reckless abandon and pressing his face against the wood. “Hi, Hattie-girl!”
Sirius unlocked the door, bending slightly to absorb her impact as she tumbled into them both and covered Jules’ face in kisses, wiggling to pieces with sheer joy. She sprinted for her toy box and grabbed a knotted rope, trotting back to Jules for him to grab the other end and tug.
“Do we have leftovers from last night?’ Remus called from the doorway when Sirius headed into the kitchen.
“I don’t think so, but we have turkey. How does a sandwich sound?”
“F—uh, really great.” Remus grimaced as he walked in and dropped his wallet on the counter. “I have got to be better about my language. Mom’s still mad at me for teaching Jules to say ‘fuck’, and that was years ago.”
“You had no qualms about teaching Harry bad words.”
“And you had no qualms about being on a desert island without me,” Remus said coolly. “Yet here we are.”
“Touché.” Sirius turned around to construct the sandwiches and felt someone lightly slap his ass. He laughed, raising an eyebrow. “Hello.”
“Hey,” Remus grinned, stealing a slice of cheese from his small pile and hopping up to sit on the counter.
“I don’t know why you do that.”
“Slap your ass or steal food? I do both because I love you.”
“I meant sitting on the counter. You know, where we eat.”
“I like to feel extra tall,” Remus said, reaching for another slice of cheese until Sirius gently smacked his hand away.
“Fuck off.”
“That’s a bad word,” Jules said from the doorway with a smile. He looked quite disheveled from playing with the dog.
Remus sighed. “It is, indeed. Don’t repeat it.”
“I could.”
“But you won’t.”
“I could.”
“I’ll tell mom.”
“She’d blame you for teaching me.”
“I’ll tell dad.”
“He’d think it was hilarious, and then he’d tell mom and she’d chew you out.”
Remus rolled his eyes and scooted over to make room for Jules to hop up next to him. Sirius threw his hands in the air. “Both of you! What the hell? Who taught you to do that?”
They shared a glance and shrugged. Sirius was starting to understand why people thought it was creepy how similar he and Regulus looked. “It’s a side effect of being the wiry kids on the block when everyone else is taller,” Remus said, snorting as Jules flexed his skinny arms.
Sirius handed them each a sandwich and, with a heavy sigh, boosted himself up to join them. The marble was cold, but it was…kind of fun to swing his legs and get a few extra inches of height. “I think he likes it,” Jules stage-whispered to Remus.
“It’s not horrible,” Sirius conceded, taking a bite of his food.
“Come to the Dark Side, we have the best places to sit.”
Jules widened his eyes and wiggled his fingers at Sirius until they were all laughing too hard to actually eat, then fell into silence as hunger took precedence after not having anything substantial since breakfast. “Are you good with reading or watching TV for a bit while we take a nap?” Remus asked between sips of water. Jules nodded, still making his way through his sandwich.
“What’re we doing after?”
Sirius paused at the same time Remus stopped halfway through a drink of water. They made eye contact, and he knew they were thinking the exact same thing: oh, fuck, we actually have to do things with a child around. “Uh, we’re…going to the park,” Remus said.
Jules made a happy noise around his sandwich and swung his legs. “Cool!”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
“Okay, mom.”
The park was a winter wonderland, to say the least. Four inches of snow coated the grassy field and weighed down the branches of the trees lining the playfield, where about a dozen kids built snowmen with their parents. Hattie’s breath fogged the window as they parked and her wagging tail lightly smacked Jules’ forehead every few seconds.
Jules was out of the car the second Sirius turned the engine off, grabbing Hattie’s leash and leaping into the nearest snowbank with a whoop. Remus burst out laughing and followed him with a final glance over his shoulder to Sirius.
They were making halfhearted snow angels when he finally wandered over to the snowbank. They looked so peaceful, so content and happy.
Remus gasped when the first snowball hit him dead center in his chest. Jules laughed even harder until the next one landed in the neck of his coat and poured a veritable waterfall of snow down his front. They both stared up at Sirius in shock and betrayal; he grinned and tucked his chilly hands into his pockets.
“Go for the legs, Jules,” Remus advised as he scrambled up, keeping one hand on his beanie so it didn’t fall off.
Sirius barely made it three steps before Jules grabbed him around the shin and nearly tripped him. He did his best not to drag the kid face-first through the snow, but Jules didn’t seem to mind as he hooked an arm around his other ankle and Remus collided with his shoulder, sending all three of them to the ground in a heap. “Ugh.”
“Gotcha,” Jules said, clambering onto his chest with a breathless smile. Hattie, who had come over to see what all the fuss was about, began licking his half-frozen ear.
Remus sprinkled a handful of snow onto his face, slowly obscuring his view until everything was icy and white. “Vengeance is sweet, huh, buddy?”
Sirius wiped the snow away and blinked up at two pairs of amber eyes. “I surrender?”
“I should hope so,” Remus laughed as he stood up and brushed himself off, offering a hand to help him to his feet. He kissed his nose in consolation as Jules took Hattie’s leash and ran off toward the playfield, where he would no doubt make seven new best friends within the hour.
“Cute kid,” a middle-aged woman with a kind smile said as she stopped next to them.
“Isn’t he?” Sirius smiled as Hattie rolled onto her back for belly rubs from three different kids.
“How old?”
Her eyebrows rose and she looked at Remus. “You must have been young when you had him.”
“What? Oh, no, he’s my little brother!” he said quickly.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, you just look so similar,” she laughed, clearly embarrassed.
“No worries, it happens all the time. Which one is yours?”
She pointed to a giggling little girl on the swings, whose dark curls were braided back into a poofy bun. “Lena turned twelve yesterday.”
“Aw, happy birthday to her!” Sirius wrapped his arm around Remus’ waist and put his hand in his back pocket, pulling him close for warmth. They both waved to Jules when he looked over and beamed at them.
The temperature dropped rapidly as four thirty came and the sun began to set; soon, the fat flakes of snow grew smaller and icier as they flurried around the park. Lena and her mother left about half an hour before Remus started bouncing on his toes in an effort to keep warm. Sirius considered himself a decent fiancé, so he figured it would be best to not let Remus freeze solid.
Jules was damp and shivering with melted snow when they got back to the house and Hattie immediately laid down in front of the heater vent as he ran upstairs for a hot bath; Remus and Sirius peeled their soaked outer layers off and hung them in the bathroom to dry.
“If he gets hypothermia, mom’s gonna kill me,” Remus muttered as he shook Jules’ scarf out over the bathtub, though Sirius could see the genuine concern in his eyes.
“He’ll be fine,” he assured him with a gentle hip check. “We were only there for a couple hours and we left pretty quick after it got really cold.”
“He was shivering in the car.”
“Re.” Sirius set his coat down and took Remus’ face between his hands. “Jules will be just fine.”
“We would be really good parents.”
He blinked. “What?”
“Not now, obviously, but I think we’d be good parents.” Sudden nervousness shadowed his face. “Sorry, that was way out of the blue. Do you—do you not want that?”
“No, I do! I really, really do but…we’ve never talked about it before. Like, in depth.” I wouldn’t be a good dad. I barely know what a good parent looks like, aside from yours and the Potters.
Remus relaxed. “Oh. Well, I don’t think it would be a great idea to adopt kids while we’re still working full time playing hockey, but in the future…” He shrugged, the edge of his mouth ticking up in a smile. “I think about it sometimes.”
“Me, too.” There was a splash upstairs and they both laughed. “Well, I guess we’re about to have an indoor swimming pool.”
“I’ll get the towels.”
Sirius was almost done with the dinner dishes when he realized he hadn’t heard much noise from Jules’ room in quite a while, and yet Remus had yet to come back downstairs. He paused, listening to the muffled voices—no, not voices. Just one.
He rinsed the last plate and washed his hands, making a face at the weird soap texture and the ensuing dryness of his knuckles. There were few chores he genuinely disliked, but dishes were one of them.
The door to the guest bedroom was still open when he went upstairs, and a soft light shone out. He stopped in the doorway, a greeting dying in his throat.
“—‘hold it up!’ said Gandalf. ‘And look closely!’” Remus lowered his voice into a grumble as he read Gandalf’s lines; Jules was entranced, though he struggled to keep his eyes open for more than three seconds at a time. “As Frodo did so, he now saw fine lines, finer than the finest pen-strokes, running along the ring, outside and inside: lines of fire that seemed to form the letters of a flowing script.”
He glanced over his shoulder and smiled at Sirius, flushing faint pink. In the pause, Jules sighed softly. “Why’d you stop?”
“We’ll pick it up again tomorrow night,” Remus whispered, brushing his fringe out of his eyes. “Sleep well, buddy.”
“Sweet dreams,” Sirius added.
Jules mumbled and snuggled deeper under the blankets while Remus set the book on the nightstand and turned the bedside lamp off.
“That was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” Sirius said as soon as he had closed the door behind them and they walked down the hall to their bedroom. “Was that The Hobbit?”
“Fellowship of the Ring. It’s one of my favorites, and he picked it up this afternoon while we were napping.” Remus pulled his shirt off and sifted through their sheets for his pajama pants. “Did you do the dishes?”
“Thanks, baby. That was really sweet of you.”
“You were busy being adorable.”
“Shush,” Remus scoffed, though the blush returned to his cheeks as he curled up under the covers and made grabby hands toward Sirius. “C’mere.”
The bed was cold when he laid down, but Remus was warm, and soon they were tangled together as the moon shone through their window. Sirius drifted off to slow breaths and dreams of the future, where maybe—just maybe—their kid wouldn’t have to leave after four more days. 
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nikanndros · 3 years
I just want you to know that I think about From Eden at least once a week and I've lost count of how many times I've reread it. If you ever wanna share what comes next amd what other ideas you had for that universe i'm here to listen op 👀
Thank you, I love you! When I first wrote that fic, I had two other parts (at least) that I wanted to go with it, and since they’re partially written I’m happy to share those bits with you:
From Eden Part 2
“It’s just unfair, you know,” the girl said. Her words were slightly slurred. To be fair, they were in a nightclub after midnight. Everyone was slurring. “I was there for him, and I paid his bills while he went through college and now! He has a real job and he dumped me for his secretary.” She started sobbing.
Damen, who was six foot three, strongly built, and also carrying a loaded weapon, took her hands and made a sympathetic noise. “Lykaios,” he said, because he --unlike Laurent-- had actually listened when she’d introduced herself. “I think the best thing for you now is to forget about him. He didn’t deserve you.”
Lykaios sniffled. “You think so?”
“Of course I do,” Damen said. “I’ve only known you for a few minutes and I already can see that you’re incredible. Right, babe?”
“Right,” Laurent deadpanned. He glanced at his watch. “It’s quarter to.”
Damen nodded. Still holding Lykaios’ hands, he turned to Laurent. “Security?”
“Just the two.”
“Great.” He looked back to Lykaois. “Listen, doll, we’ve got to get down to business, but I want you to remember what I said, okay? You’re worth a lot more than that guy gave you.  And your mascara is running a little. Maybe you should go fix it up in the bathroom and wipe your tears?”
“Okay,” Lykaois sniffed. “Thank you.” She left.
Damen gave Laurent a grin, the crooked, teeth-baring one that appeared whenever they were about to do a job. “Ready?”
“You never call me doll.”
“Do you want me to?”
“Try it sometime and see.”
Damen yanked him in by the jacket and kissed him, slowly and bordering on indecent. “Alright,” he said, after he pulled back. “Show time.”
As Damen disappeared into the crowd, Laurent grasped his --still full-- drink, turned, and threw its contents at the roughest looking guy in the place.
“Hey, what the hell?” The guy squared his shoulders; he was intimidating even covered in lemonade.
“Fuck you,” Laurent replied. 
At this point, three months of travelling and stealing and, most importantly, Damen, Laurent had become pretty efficient at inciting fights. He didn’t need to see the punch coming to know that it was, he just sidestepped and let the man stumble into the back of another patron. It took less than thirty seconds before half the clientele were involved in an all out brawl.
The two security guards rushed in, and were immediately overwhelmed enough that the only bartender -- a youngish lad with a crooked nose -- had to join in to get everything under control. Laurent punched him.
Eventually, the fight got calmed down enough for fingers to point to Laurent and the lemonade clad man as the inciters, and guards hauled them both out into the parking lot.
“Let me go!” Lemonade guy yelled. “I’ll fucking kill him.”
“You can try,” Laurent said, a lot more willing to be subdued by the guard that had him by the arms.
“Don’t make us call the police, man,” his guard complained. “The both of you can go your separate ways, come on.”
The door behind them opened. 
“Sweetheart,” Damen said, chidingly. “I step away for two minutes and you get yourself into trouble.”
They go back to a motel after this and Damen reveals the money he stole from the tills while Laurent was being a distraction. Sexy times ensue. Damen eventually falls asleep and Laurent stays awake with the tv on. The news comes on and an interview is shown with Lykaios being interviewed about the robbery at the bar -- she gives a completely inaccurate description of what Damen looked like, and Laurent reflects on how easy it is for Damen to charm people to taking his side.
From Eden Part 3
Their most recent car was a much older model. The aircon was busted and they had to wind down the windows themselves, but at least the radio worked. It was hot, despite it being a couple of hours past sunset. 
Damen was singing with the radio. He wasn’t going to win any awards, but his voice was deep and he had a nice enough sense of the music. He grinned at Laurent. He was always happy. It was part of what made him so magnetic. 
Laurent smiled back. After two years with Damen, the expression felt natural.
Except for them, the road was empty. Damen reached over and took Laurent’s hand in his. 
“Watch the road,” Laurent said.
Damen laughed. “But you’re my favourite view.”
“I won’t be happy if you kill us in a car wreck.”
Obediently, Damen looked back to the road. And then, because it was Damen, the car sped up.
Laurent’s hair flew about chaotically, longer than it had ever been when his uncle had been keeping a hand of Laurent’s appearance. It needed a trim, but as much as Laurent trusted Damen, he didn’t trust him to do that. Damen had offered to take him to a salon, somewhere quiet where there was no chance he’d be recognised, but Laurent wasn’t fond of the idea of being trapped in a chair like that. He was too used to freedom by now.
“Left here,” Laurent instructed.
They’d had to slow down once the got near the town. It was best to avoid anyone’s attention for as long as possible. (An admittedly difficult feat when traveling with someone like Damen).
They drove a little way past the house, until they found an obscure little dirt road to park down. It wouldn’t do for someone to see the car. They grabbed their things, and looped back to the house on foot.
Quietly, Damen was still singing. 
“Stop it,” Laurent said.
“You love it,” he replied. “This is your birthday present, baby, at least look like you’re having fun.”
“This is literally the worst place we could get caught.”
“No it isn’t,” Damen replied. “I checked out the police station last time I was here. Breaking out of the cells would be too easy.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“There were no lights on when we drove by. No one is home.”
That was true. And they’d timed it perfectly, assuming schedules hadn’t changed in the last two years. The house was silent when they got to it, not a light in sight as promised.
Laurent took a deep breath.
“Chin up,” Damen said. “Let’s go rob your uncle.”
The spare key wasn’t where uncle used to keep it, so they went around the back and Damen fucked with the lock until it opened. It was almost hard to walk into the house, full of so many bad memories, except it had never truly been Laurent’s home and he could just tell himself this was another job. 
“The study,” Laurent said, leading the way.
They crept up the stairs together, torches on their lowest settings.
The study was a formidable room with the big, mahogany desk, and the shelves of books that existed solely to make visitors feel stupid. “Look at this,” Laurent said, pulling out one of the books. “War and Peace in Russian. He doesn’t even know Russian.”
Damen reached past him, and nonchalantly, tipped a stack of books off the shelf. They clattered noisily onto the floor. “Oops,” Damen said. He turned away. “Where’s the safe?”
“Under the desk,” Laurent replied. He was busy searching through the books, finding any early editions to pilfer. They’d probably be able to sell them to an antique store for a bit of quick cash. 
Damen worked away at the safe for a bit, guessing potential codes Laurent had told him about. “None of these are working, sweetheart.” The safe made a beeping noise. “Oh, wait. Got it. Wow, he really deserves to be robbed.”
“I’m sure he thought I’d never come back here.”
Damen made a vaguely angry noise. He didn’t like reminders of what had happened to Laurent in this house. He’d even tried to convince Laurent that they could just murder his uncle while they were here. Laurent wasn’t sure he wanted to add cold-blooded murder to their repertoire just yet though. However tempting.
Damen stood up, suddenly. Hands full of Laurent’s uncle’s emergency cash. He grinned.
“Happy birthday - to - you,” he crooned.
Laurent couldn’t help it. He laughed. “I love you, you beautiful fucking bastard.” 
Abandoning the books, Laurent moved in and kissed him. Carefully, Damen put the money down on the desk so that he could cup Laurent’s face in his hands. It was always intoxicating to kiss Damen. There was something about him that made Laurent forget himself until there was only the press of their lips.
“I love you too,” Damen whispered, pulling back a little. He’d stopped smiling; it was a moment of complete genuine emotion. He did that sometimes, always out of the blue, and it always made Laurent want to clutch him tighter and maybe cry. 
“Let’s finish up here,” Laurent said, “and then we can go find somewhere nice and fuck under the stars.”
“You always know just what to say to seduce me,” Damen said.
They bagged the money, and the books Laurent had picked, and then they made their way down the stairs again.
“Wait,” Damen said.
“I’m hungry.” He turned into the kitchen and opened the fridge. “Oh hey, chocolate.”
Actually, that was an idea. Laurent followed him into the kitchen and went straight for the pretentious temperature controlled wine fridge. “Pinot noir or Shiraz?”
“Whatever is more expensive,” Damen replied. He was adding strawberries and oranges to the bag as well. Cream?”
“It’ll go warm too fast.”
“I feel like we should unplug the fridge before we go, at least,” Damen added. “If you’re still against me putting bleach in the milk.”
“Wouldn’t that make it curdle?”
Damen shrugged. “I don’t know. I had a cement mixer in a bar once but that was lime juice.”
“You can unplug the fridge. If he dies from food poisoning, that’s on him.”
Damen started to look for the cord to the fridge.
“Wait,” Laurent whispered. “Did you hear that?”
They froze, listening.
There it was. The soft sound of the stairs creaking. Fuck. Silently, Laurent gestured towards the back door. Damen nodded. He was carefully reaching over to the knife stand.
“Renaud?” came a small voice.
A young boy, no more than thirteen, stepped into the kitchen. He was wiping at one eye sleepily in a childlike gesture. Less childlike were the bruises on his arms. Laurent knew he and Damen had matching expressions of horror.
The boy’s eyes widened as he took them in. “Who are you?” he said.
Damen’s expression was one of barely concealed fury. He looked at Laurent. “I’m not leaving until that man is in a shallow grave.”
“Don’t scare the boy,” Laurent admonished. He turned to the child and tried to look as non-intimidating as a late-night home invader could possibly look. “What’s your name?”
“Are you Renaud’s friends?” The boy asked.
“No,” Laurent said. “Definitely not. I’m Laurent.”
The boy was frowning. “You used to live here.” 
“Well,” he straightened up, suddenly hostile. “You’re not allowed to come back. He doesn’t want you anymore; I’m better.”
“Where are your parents?” Damen asked.
“We’re not giving him back to parents who-”
“They’re dead,” the boy said. He didn’t sound upset.
The boy is obviously Nicaise. They hear a car in the driveway and Laurent locks Nicaise in the pantry. Laurent’s protective instinct rears up and he insists they kill the uncle now. Damen is fully down for it. Murder ensues. They let Nicaise out and keep him away from finding out that the uncle is dead in the next room. They tell Nicaise to pack a back and discuss what to do with him. Damen suggests dropping him off at a hospital or somewhere like that where someone can get help for him (since they can’t exactly go to the cops). 
Nicaise overhears and says that he doesn’t want to have a new foster parent; at least his current one has a big house. Laurent hearing that feels too wary to risk Nicaise getting another bad household. Damen is like, well I guess we can keep him if you want??? Laurent agrees. They go get in the car and drive away. 
Anyway this AU was directly inspired by the film clip for Hozier’s ‘From Eden’, you should watch it bc that’s the story I intended to write 
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r-ahh-mi · 4 years
But Just Friends Don’t Look At Each Other Like That: Adventures In Quarantine
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photo credit: @permeate
Pairing: Rami Malek x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 5.5 k
Warnings: Smut with some sweet, sweet fluff added to the mix. 18 +
Summary: As talks of quarantine begin to be put into action, your best friend, Rami, asks if you’d like to spend your time indoors together under his roof to lessen the blow of no longer being able to freely roam about the streets of New York City for the time being. Let’s just say..the boredom starts to get to the both of you. 
Day one wasn’t too difficult, thankfully. Rami had expressed to you early in the morning via a phone call that he would much rather spend social distancing time indoors with you, one of his best friends, so he wasn’t shy about inviting you over to stay with him for the rest of time that remained of this quarantine. Surely, it seemed like a much better option than staying indoors all by your lonesome, so you agreed cheerfully and we’re getting yourself situated in the guest room in Rami’s home by the end of that day.
Day two also wasn’t too terribly horrid. Both of you spent the day creating a list of activities for your numerous days ahead. Board games, TV shows, movies, and documentaries you’d both wanted to binge watch, taking walks when the weather permitted; everything wasn't looking as dreadful as it certainly could be especially when you were spending it with someone you adored.
Day three, four, and five were all simple and pleasant. Not the most exciting of days, but certainly not as boring as the day to come. Your time was filled with blaring music around the apartment, baking, and watching the most engrossingly wild documentary either of you had ever seen. One nice little part of this living together thing was being able to get a glimpse into how the other one lived their day to day lives. The tiny habits they have: how Rami always left a mess of dishes on the counters after a meal and how you seemed to take the longest, most scalding hot showers out of any person Rami had ever encountered.
But then day six rolled on by and very slowly as a matter of fact. The both of you were finding it difficult to wake up in a timely manner by now; you were both early risers for the most part, but ten a.m. was the earliest your bodies would allow the both of you to even consider being conscious today.
That morning, you heard a light fist rap lightly against the door of the guest bedroom and after a second of no response from you, Rami creaked open the door the slightest bit. 
“I see you are having the same issue as I am,” Rami chuckled as he watched your tired body stay put in its position underneath the duvet, though your eyes were quite the opposite as they opened and moved in Rami’s direction.
“Don’t make me move. I refuse”, you mumbled against the white pillow case—Rami couldn’t help but admire your terribly tousled hair and raccoon eyes due to you not taking your make off the night prior. Last night you had insisted on doing a full face of makeup, just because, and also forced Rami to see what he looked like with mascara on. Not that Rami was a very willing participant.
Rami ran his feet along the soft carpeted floor and pedaled his way to the side of the bed you were occupying.
“Want me to make breakfast?”
Suddenly, your body seemed to grab a fistful of energy as you lept out from under the covers and proceeded to situate your feet within the comfort of your slippers.
“I’ll take that as a yes?”
The morning blurred into the afternoon and the afternoon sauntered into the early evening, but not without dragging it out for as long as possible. Breakfast soon turned into watching movies and meandering around the living room for the rest of the day. However, you were beginning to grow restless and you could tell Rami was as well after he pulled out his phone for the 4th time in the last half hour--a not so regular occurrence for him.
Rami nodded with a huff as he set his phone down on the coffee table in front of him. It wasn’t but two seconds, before his jaw slackened and an amused sparkle snuck into his eyes.
“I’ve got an idea.”
“Oh do you now?,” you questioned in amusement as you watched Rami practically skip off towards the kitchen.
The clinking of glasses being removed from the open face kitchen shelves and the ‘pop’ of a cork didn’t give too much mystery to what Rami was getting up to.
“It better not be red wine.”
With a slight close-lipped smile that oozed with his victory of grabbing the very last bottle of white wine he could find in his fridge, Rami placed the opened bottle and two glasses on the coffee table and ,not so gently, plopped down on the couch.
“Sure you didn’t steal a sip while you were in the kitchen? You seem a little too excited to be drinking a-”, you picked up the bottle, examining the label in your hand and before you knew it you were throwing on the poshest British accent you could fathom together at a moment's notice. “A rather splendid bottle of Barefoot Riesling dated 2019-How fancy!”
Rami rolled his eyes with a playful grin before snatching the bottle from your hand and pouring the contents into yours and his glasses.
“A toast!”
“Oh god Y/N, really?”
“A toast”, you enunciated to which Rami raised his glass, but not without a pinch of reluctance.
“A toast! To this frightfully cheap wine, Netflix documentaries, and the greatest company I could ask for while being stuck indoors.”
Rami shook his head with a fitting smirk on his face as he raised his glass up in the air with yours just before they clinked together and were brought down to either of your lips.
The sweet and bitter flavor made your cheeks hollow in slightly until your taste buds found comfort in the wine you used to freely drink out of the bottle while you were writing college papers back in the day.
“God, Y/N this is terrible wine.”
“Guess you haven’t had boxed wine before if you think this is terrible.”
The next hour carried on with free flowing conversation being talked over a TV show that Rami had thrown on as background noise. The bottle of wine was now empty--your glass was nearly a quarter gone and Rami had just taken the final small sip out of his glass before setting it down.
“Your cheeks get so red when you’re drunk.”
“I’m not drunk, I'm tipsy!,” Rami said defensively, but his slurred speech was a quick give a way to show just how un-sober he really was.
“Mhhmm”, you hummed before allowing the remaining liquid in your glass to slip past your parted lips.
You knew you were extremely drunk despite only having half a bottle of wine at most. You weren’t the biggest or most frequent drinker so your tolerance for alcohol was nearly non-existent--you were sure this was the most alcohol you had consumed in the past six months.
“God, i’m so hot.” You began frivolously fanning yourself as you unzipped your color blocked hoodie and slid your arms out of the fleece sleeves.
“Yes you are.”
“Rami!”, you squealed, chucking a patterned throw pillow at his face that, unfortunately, he was quick to dodge before it landed flat on the floor.
Rami continued laughing in a way that was much too excited and loud  for any reasonable, fully sober person, but you decided to let him be in his blissful, intoxicated stage. Of course, some playful mocking wasn’t out of the question either.
Before long you were letting out bellowing laughs that were louder than Rami’s which he saw as a challenge--he always was the competitive type even when it came to the most basic of things. His voice began to ring out with laughter louder and you followed suit by one upping him once again. This continued with the both of you practically screaming as your bodies flung around on the couch until your energy seemed to begin to wear thin and you both ended up facing one another with your bodies sitting sideways on the sofa.
Rami paused along with you to catch his breath from your prior antics, but his eyes seemed to latch onto your glowing, reddened face that he had to admit was quite adorable. Your eyes were glossy, your eyebrows were straight and relaxed, your cheeks were pushed upwards due to your contagious smile, and your pouty lips were just as glossy as your eyes due to your tongue peaking out and giving them a once over on occasion.
Rami would never deny that he was attracted to you both mentally and physically, but it was purely on the far end of the line--one side being romantic attraction and the other being a friendly sort of attraction where he seemed to find himself falling into. But these loving feelings for another person, whether they are a potential love interest or not, is sure to be fired up once paired with alcohol which is exactly what Rami was beginning to experience as his alcohol induced, tired eyes continued watching you.
Alcohol never ceased to make Rami flirty, but when it came down to it, he was never one to follow through with taking another human home with him to engage in “adult” activities--he was a master at chatting anyone up, but when it came down to committing the act, he was never one to let just anyone get to know him on that personal of a level. But right now was different because you weren’t just some random human and you weren’t someone he was trying to impress thoroughly. You were someone who he didn’t have to try too hard with and you were someone that came naturally when it came down to enjoying one another's company.
All these thoughts were making Rami’s already spinning mind keep going on a continuous loop until he just couldn’t hold it in anymore and moved his face across the distance between the two of you and pressed his lips to yours.
At first, your body's immediate reaction was to pull away due to shock of the situation, but you couldn’t fight off the urge to hold yourself there, in fact, you couldn’t stop yourself once Rami’s lips started moving with yours, so you simply  followed the lead. 
The both of you were still in your spots on the couch, but your hands couldn’t get enough of each other once they started to scramble all along the other's skin. Everything about this felt natural, which was scary, but pleasant because, again, it just felt like it was what both of you were built to do. Hands became latched together, fingers began sifting with clothing on the others body, and mouths were moving to explore other places besides just your mouths until your bodies quickly moved so Rami was laying with his back pressed against the bottom cushions of the couch and you were tucked safely in between his legs.
Your minds never thought to over think, you both merely just let your bodies grind against one another as Rami held your ass in both of his hands, giving it a squeeze any chance he could while your mouth was glued to his neck. You licked, kissed, and sucked, all along the thin, sensitive skin until he was wincing sharply below you.
Rami wasn’t one to hold back when it came to the words and noises of pleasure that he used freely when the moment called for it. He was vocal in praising you, which only made the prominent aching between your legs that much more difficult to ignore, especially when his hard on was pressing firmly against exactly where you wanted to feel him..minus the clothing, of course.
You felt a surge of tingles run up the center of your abdomen as Rami’s hand began to dip below the fabric of your shirt and caress the skin of your back. His touch wasn’t feather light or fragile, but it also wasn’t done without purpose and pressure as his fingertips pressed hungrily into your skin as they moved to grasp your hips and waist until he was lifting the fabric, inch by inch, up and off of your body.
As you sat yourself upwards to allow Rami to fully remove the fabric off of the top half of your body, your eyes looked into his for the first time since this new found sexual exploration started. You felt comfort when you looked into his orbs and never caught onto any sight of doubt or agitation--you were both wanting this just as much as the other was which was nothing short of assuring.
“Arms up,” Rami spoke with a voice that was grumbled as you smiled shyly and lifted your arms above your head.
As soon as the fabric was lifted off of your body, Rami’s eyes drifted to your bare chest and his hands were quick to move along the newly exposed, soft skin and allow his thumbs to  flick against your pert nipples.
“What about these?”, you asked while letting your hand shimmy through the light hairs on his chest, down his flexing abdomen, and just slightly underneath the elastic waistband of his sweatpants.
Rami stifled a moan at the feeling of your hands that were nearly able to touch the tip of his severely hard cock which made you smirk into his lips as he gave you a quick kiss.
“You can take off whatever you want, just please touch me.”
Cheekily you smiled and requested Rami to sit up on his knees so you could easily slip the fabric down his thighs until the fabric on his lower half was being kicked to the floor.
Your eyes never thought to look down and get a glimpse at what he was packing beneath all that fabric, but your hands quickly became familiar with his body as they moved to grasp his bulge which, you had thought would be covered in fabric, but you were surely mistaken as you felt the warm, smooth skin of his bare, hard cock in your palm. 
Rami freely and loudly moaned against your mouth as you began moving the precum along his shaft before you started pumping him in your hand. Your movements were slow at first and paid extra attention to his tip as you moved the skin up and down, all along the ridges and dips that made his hips stutter due to the sensitivity.
Rami whined as he moved his hips along with your hands movements which were now slicking up and down the full length of his cock. His lips pressed several kisses to your neck as you continued working him in your hand--not using the full extent of your pleasuring skills just yet. Better to hold off then to give it all away on the first go around.
“I want to touch you too,” Rami said as he gently wrapped his hand around your wrist and moved your hand off of his cock so that he could return the favor.
He began to roll the elastic of your sweatpants down and off of your body and, much to his amusement, you also had chosen not to partake in wearing undergarments under your clothes.
“No need for underwear if i’m not going outside,” you said, catching on to the reason for Rami’s happily stunned facial expression.
By now you could feel the floating feeling begin to simmer within you as the alcohol had begun to dwindle down through your system, making you feel much more sober than before. You were very quick to blame the alcohol for what was currently going on between you and your best friend, but now the excuse seemed obsolete as you both were completely nude with zero regret about how things had gotten this far.
Rami’s hand grasped your naked hip and began gently scraping his fingernails all the way down the dusting of hair covering your pubic area until his index finger dipped between your folds. Based on the guttural noise that rumbled through his chest, you could tell he was more than satisfied with how dripping wet you were to his touch.
You began pumping his cock in your hand again as you watched as Rami removed his fingers from between your legs and brought the digits between his lips to lick them clean.
“So sweet”, he moaned, closing his eyes as his lips enclosed around his finger until it popped out of his mouth.
Seeing his teeth dart out to dig into his moistened lips truly sent you further into a swirling puddle of pleasure as he returned his hand between your legs, this time allowing his fingers to rub slowly up and down your center.
Your body clenched as it ached for more of his touch while his finger teased at your entrance very slightly. He then moved his fingers up to your clit where he pressed down firmly, causing your legs to move in a spasm-like fashion that amused him.
“You okay?”
You nodded and smiled, almost letting a little laugh trickle up from your throat. “Just sensitive is all.”
“Mmm sensitive already?” Rami mumbled before he moved his lips to your ear and began nibbling on your earlobe and whispered, “I’ll go slow then.”
Just as promised, Rami’s two fingers began to move in a slow, circular motion on your clit and anytime he would feel your knees beginning to buckle, he’d move the attention away for just a moment, only to return with not as much pressure, but slightly quicker circles. You were busy pumping away at his cock as Rami sought to chase your rhythm while his hips pushed into your warm palm that surged waves of pleasure all along his shaft.
He almost couldn’t stop himself from finishing off his load right there in the comfort of your hand, but he wanted to savor that moment for something that he knew would be much, much more pleasurable than just your hand.
Rami’s hand guided your touch away to ensure he wouldn’t blow a load too soon, but he never ceased himself from working on you. He rearranged his finger placement so that his thumb took over the circular motion on your small pink nerve. As for his middle finger, it began to slip lower until it just barely pushed inside of you which caused a pant to puff heavily from your mouth. You leaned your head down to rest on Rami’s shoulder while he pushed the full length of his finger inside of you, causing you to clench around him.
Feeling your tightness around his fingers made his cock ache to be inside of you and to feel every inch of you, but he also wanted to take proper care of you before you got to that point. He was by no means a selfish, one sided lover.
“How many fingers do you want?,” Rami asked as he began slowly sliding his one finger half way out, only to push it firmly back inside of you and continuing the motion repetitively.
All you could respond with was a moan as you gently bit into Rami’s shoulder.
“Maybe..” he withdrew his one finger completely, only to return to your pussy with two of his thick fingers pushing into you slowly. “Two?”
You moved your right hand to rest on the couch for balance and the other situated itself on top of Rami’s hand that wasn’t preoccupied already.
“Fuck Rami,” you breathed as he began properly fucking you with his fingers as they worked you with a quick force.
“Yeah? You like that?”
“Rami-Rami--baby. Please don’t stop.”
You whined pitifully as he seemed to hit the spot inside of you just perfectly so that you were riding a fast approaching orgasm that had you grinding your body down into his hand as you fucked yourself along his fingers.
Rami watched you in awe as your nose wrinkled, your forehead creased, and your mouth parted as it drove moan after moan out while you chased every source of pleasure until the wave was beginning to calm. Seeing you in such a natural and beautiful state of pleasure and bliss kept Rami’s eyes fixated on you as if you were a captivating book that he couldn’t bear to put down. 
Your eyes lazily opened as you tried to keep your extremely relaxed body from collapsing onto the couch in submission to the weight of lazy that was threatening to wash over you any minute now. After all, this portion was just the foreplay, not that you were betting on anything further happening between the two of you, but that also didn’t mean that you weren’t hoping for it.
“You okay?”
You nodded, feeling the slightest bit bashful now that you were fully sober and much more aware of the very adult and very naked activities you were doing with your best friend-someone you’d never dreamt of this happening with, but that also wasn’t to say that you didn’t find him appealing in that way either. Rami was attractive and that wasn’t something that anyone, including yourself, really missed. However, this relationship you both shared had a strictly friendship sort of deal attached to it (well, before tonight at least), which you were perfectly content with as long as you could remain a part of his life in some shape or form.
Rami’s hand came swooping in as he swiped his thumb along your cheek. “Mascara.”
“Oh god,” you groaned with a giggle as Rami wiped the black substance onto his bare leg.
“So..how was that?”
Amazing. Fucking Brilliant. Standing ovation from me. 100/10 stars. Please do it again.
“It was great.”
You nodded again, but this time you were beginning to wonder if Rami was just doing what he always does. Soaking up all the awkward tension in a room and trying his best at casual conversation in order to keep things as comfortable feeling as possible. Him regretting what had just happened was a worst case scenario for you because who knows of the long lasting effects that could have on your friendship with him and you being in his life as a positive figure was of the utmost importance to you.
“So, how about we keep things going then.” 
Suddenly, Rami’s hand moved to the side of your thigh and slid all the way up until he was hitching your leg up to his naked hip.
Before you could properly catch your balance, Rami press his chest against yours in an attempt to lower your bodies so that he was situated between your legs with his naked, appetizing cock pressing flush against your inner thigh.
“You’re on the pill right?”
You nodded eagerly as you nearly forgot just how odd of a question it was especially when it was asked with such a level of certainty to back it up.
“How did you know that?”
“The alarm,” Rami nodded his head in the direction of your phone lying flat on the coffee table. “The one on your phone that goes off every night. I saw that it’s titled birth control and I guess I just remembered.”
In a single suave motion, Rami moved his body so that it slid against yours with a slow but firm purpose. His hand slumped down to your hair, moving it up and sprawling the locks over your head like a halo, before he lent his lips to a spot on your neck that sat just below your ear. His kisses began as pepperings all along your neck while his hips began moving in a bumbling and grind rhythm which you happily joined him in.
You were certain splashes of red would be sprawled all along your neck in the next hour or so if Rami kept up his acute sucking and licking and the best part was you had nowhere to be, therefore no need to hide them. But you didn’t let your mind wander too far into tomorrow, not that you were left with much of a choice to think of anything except for the way the tip of Rami’s cock was pushing against the swollen lips between your legs.
The pressure of him repeatedly grinding into you and making the slightest of grazing-like movements against your clit was forcing an aching hum of pleasure to come back with vengeance. If you thought you were turned on before, none of that compared to the nearly feral urge that you were feeling to grab his cock in your hand and forcibly bury himself deep inside of you. In fact-
Your hand had slithered between the both of your bodies before you could think properly through your actions—all Rami could manage to do was come to a gradual halt. He peered his head down and moved his eyes to where he felt your hands movements. Here is where he got a glimpse of your dainty, manicured fingers as they grasped his very hard, and very slick cock that had been adorned in a thin coat of yours and his wetness. The image alone was enough to cause his hips to subconsciously move further into the warmth of your soft hand until he was sliding back and forth--feeling every caress and flowing movement your palm sought to provide.
You gave him a few pumps in your hand and moved your eyes to look up at his face as it turned from relaxed to tense, but a good kind of tension that was clearly full of pleasure among other sexual desires. Rami caught on to your staring and opened his eyes so he was returning your look.
“Fuck, that feels good.”
Rami nodded before placing his hand on top of yours, “But I think I know what could maybe feel a bit better.”
“Oh do you?” you questioned comically with your teeth baring in a small, playful grin. 
Rami began to inch his face downward with a near replicated expression to yours until his nose was lightly brushing against your cheek which elicited a giggle on your part. Everything was playful and relaxed and terrifyingly natural. Surely both parties were one hundred percent sober by now, especially since Rami hadn't been overly buzzed to begin with, yet nothing felt off and awkward or forced in any form which is what you were afraid could’ve been a real factor. But instead, you and Rami were tangled together, pressing light kisses to the others faces and chuckling with one another over utter nonsense.
In due course, Rami’s teeth began pulling at your bottom lip as a mild growl ripped from his chest and from there his hands began moving down each of your legs until his palms came to the space between the back of your lower thighs and calves met. He held himself there, leaving several inches of space between each of your bodies, and glanced to the small amount of space that was situated between your pussy and his cock.
“Are you sure this is okay?,” Rami queried as his eyes flickered with a tiny sense of nervousness to his proposed question.
You, on the contrary, felt nothing but sure that this is exactly what you wanted so you nodded reassuringly in the hopes that it would make him feel all the more comfortable or at least as comfortable as you were with what was happening.
With that, Rami smiled with clear satisfaction to your response as he gripped the base of his cock firmly in his hand and pressed the tip against your core. Your wetness made it easy for him to slick himself all along your lower lips, making you squirm and grind in earnest for as much friction as you could get out of his movements. 
Then, with a gentle pressing motion, he edged the tip of his cock inside of you, making certain that he was giving you plenty of time to situate and stretch around him to your own personal comfort level.
“Keep going,” you urged with a touch of need in your voice that made Rami respond quickly as he let himself slide further and further inside of you--feeling every ridge and twitch and clench you had to offer that made his cock that much more sensitive and ready to rid himself of his load inside of your tight, dripping pussy.
Your fingers began to stroke up and down Rami’s arm as he continued pressing and pressing himself until he was fully enveloped by your warm, pulsating walls. He indulged himself some more as he began to pull out and then back in; repeating the motion slowly to begin with.
Rami’s hands still held your legs slightly up and apart as his eyes flickered between your face and the action of his dick disappearing inside of you. Your moans and gasps of pleasure were spurring him on to press faster and harder into you so he adjusted his and your body accordingly. He let your legs slip gently out of his hands and moved his body down so that he was completely pressed, chest to chest, against your body as he fucked himself into you.
His face crooned its way into your neck as he laced his hands with yours and propped them up above your head while his thrusting began to pick up to a good,even pace. 
“Fuck baby you feel so good.” Rami’s voice rang from deep down in his chest as if it were a rumble of thunder exiting the clouds and all you could manage to do was whine out in desperation for more and for it to be harder and faster. 
The message was received very clearly as Rami began moving his body incessantly; knocking his hip bones against yours as he fucked you deep down into the couch cushions while you freely let out whatever words or noises of pleasure that chose to leave your lips at that present time. 
Rami raised his head off of your shoulder, but never faltered his movements as he released one of his hands from yours. His thrusts paused for a moment as he lifted his body up slightly, just enough for him to slink his hand in between your legs so his thumb could begin rubbing rapid circles onto your clit. 
Very quickly, your body began to react and fill with a warmth in your belly that was making you clenched around Rami’s thick cock as he continued fucking you at a fast and hard pace--hitting a spot that was causing an electrified response from your body.
“I-i’m gonna cum Rami.”
He couldn’t help but smile down at you as he watched your face shift from “nearly there” to “fulfilled” as your body spasmed beneath him. Your legs began to shake around him as you grinded your body against his to meet in time with his cock thrusting in and out of your pussy while your mouth let out a cacophony of words and phrases.
“Oh Rami--fuck Ram,” fluttered from your lips as you felt your vibrating body begin to relax back down into the plush fabric of the couch.
You opened your previously squinted eyes to see Rami’s flushed, sweaty face looking at you as if you were a mythological creature that held such beauty and elegance; surely you couldn’t be real. 
Rami licked his lips as he looked you over from lips to breast. “Where do you want me to-”
Rami quirked his eyebrow, “A woman who knows what she wants.”
You smacked his arm in a fun loving fashion as he pulled out of you and began moving his hand quickly, up and down his cock. Watching him pleasure himself was a big, fat tease in your opinion, not to mention you were already missing the feeling of him stretching you out. 
Not more than a minute later, Rami was grunting and groaning until you watched the white liquid shoot out of his cock and splatter the warm cum along your stomach, just near your belly button.
Seeing his lips form into an ‘o’ shape and his chest rise and fall as he began to catch his breath was a true form of artwork that was nearly leaving your breathless as you couldn’t seem to pry your eyes off of his glistening body that was adorned in a fine layer of sweat.
Eventually, Rami began to feel the euphoric feeling leave his body which prompted him to begin swallowing slower gasps of breath in order to bring his breathing back to normal. His eyes peered open and locked onto your face which was decorated with the slightest hint of a smirk that couldn’t have been missed.
“Did I do this?” He nodded, bringing his hand up to your cheeks and pinching the excess skin that was left there due to the grin you were wearing.
Your face twisted up to an even bigger grin as you bit your two front teeth into your bottom lip and shook your head as the bashfulness grew into your reddening cheeks.
Rami moved quickly to pluck a nearby tissue from its box and clean off your stomach of his juices until you were properly cleaned off. 
“Well,” He started, giving your legs a light tap, “That was fun.”
Tag: @lovelymalekk @mezzomercury @amcquivey @sherlollydramoine @rami-malek-trash @ramimedley @rawmemalek​ @xmxisxforxmaybe​ @eightiesriot​
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends — Part 5
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.  
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually) 
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally. 
Series masterlist
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4
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5. LA, still.
The first thing Sofia asked after greeting everyone was where was his baby Dodger.
“Oh, he's running around in the backyard. Wanna meet him?” Chris asked her, still arm around her shoulders.
“Are you kidding? yes.” She said with an enthusiasm that makes Chris smile bigger, he likes it when they love Dodger.
Specially likes how she loves his dog.
Chris showed her the backyard, sliding a gigantic glass door open and the rescued big puppy come running.
“Dodger!” Sofía kneeled on the grass and the dog went straight running to her and started licking her face as she pets him and kissed him all over. “Oh my God!, he's so pretty!” Sofía screamed back at Chris making him let out a laugh as he sat down in the grass beside her.
“He is.” He agreed as she kept scratching his ears, Dodger had made his way into her lap and was sitting there, like a lap dog.
“I love you, Dodger.” She said hugging the dog and buried her face on his fur, with a smile she let him go do his thing and Chris was looking at her with a wide smile, heart fluttering and he had that weird ringing on his ears when his anxiety picked a little.
“Oh man, I can't believe I just meet him.” She said with a pout but a smile tugging her lips. “I miss my dog.” Sofía mumble feeling her throat constrict but the sudden emotion, she took a deep breath and push it all down.
Chris noted that, making him sigh at how Sofia never let any sudden emotion take hold of her, in all this time he had never seen her shed a tear for anything. It was a little frustrating, he had seen her mad, pissy, quiet, and really happy but he had never seen her sad and crying.
It's not like he wants her to be sad, no. He just wants to be there for her and for Sofia to know she had someone, besides Amanda, to lean on.
Chris justs wanted to her to open up.
“I'm hungry, let's eat something and watch that game of yours.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“So, you're Chris's friend?” Brad, one of LA Chris's friends asked sneaking up on the kitchen where Sofia was in pizza duty while they watched the game (which she couldn't care less).
“Yeah, I am. You're Chris's friend?” She asked not falling for the bullshit he was about to spill, she didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know where this guy was going with asking that question.
Brad let out a laugh and walk up the few steps that separated them, Sofia didn't even acknowledge him as she put the pizza the oven to warm for a little bit.
“You need something?” She asked crossing her arms and laid her hip on the counter.
“Um, maybe but I just want to check if you and Chris are fucking so I can ask you out.”
Sofía’s brow went up as he spoke and let out a laugh of surprise.
“That's forward,”
“I don't like playing games,” Brad's and licking his lips and Sofia considered, he was kind of hot… he had that frat boy douchebag thing going on. He was tall, not as tall as Chris. Brunette and hazel eyes… She would totally one night stand a guy like him.
“So, what?”
“Are you guys fucking?”
“I'm going to say no otherwise, you shouldn't bother man.” She smiled up at him, taking the pizza out of the oven.
“You don't want to go out with me?” Brad asked he was kind of surprised. Apparently, girls didn't say no to him.
“So you're fucking Chris then?” Brad asked, thinking that this would be the only good reason.
Sofia stared at him because she was in no mood to explain why she didn't want to go out with him.
“I don't understand how that had something to do with you asking me out?” She asked looking back at the counter and grabbed the pizza to walk back.
“I'm trying to know if you're off-limits.”
“Off-limits.” She laughed and shake her head. “I already said no, consider that off-limits.”
She walked off with the pizza in hand and put it on the coffee table in front of the TV.
“Man, I like your friend she brought us pizza.” One of the other guys said and Sofia let out a laugh. Chris laughed and grabbed Sofia and put his arm around her shoulders.
“Yeah, she's awesome.”
Chris ended up wrapping his arms around Sofia from behind and watching the game just like that. She kept whispering about how much Tom Brady was an asshole and how she would definitely fuck Julien enderman because he had a nice ass.
“I kind of see the appealing… a little.” She confesses in the midtime drinking a few beers.
“Now you like it? it's because of the hot guys?”
“Of course, why wouldn't you started there in the first place?” She told him with a wide smile and Chris shale his head with a smile.
“You had no idea how happy I am that this beer is going to be here,” Chris said with a smile enjoying the last of the six-pack Sofia had bought her.
The game had ended almost half an hour back and slowly but steady everyone leaves, leaving those two enjoying each other's company in the backyard, feeling the lukewarm air and the amazing view Chris had from his backyard.
“I'm happy that you're happy, should I talk with Ron and tell him that Captain America wants to sponsor them in exchange for a lifetime supply of beer?” She asked, kind of joking kind of not.
Chris looked at her, considering the offer.
“Will he accept?”
“His eleven-year-old is a fan of the Avengers. He's in the loop, so yeah. I would like to think so.”
“Okay then,” He laughed and Sofia took a swig of her Stella artroia. “Can you arrange it?”
“Of course.” She said and make him a face. “I feel like I should thank you.”
“I probably just got a raise, maybe a promotion.” She laughed. “Ron is gonna shit his pants.”
“He didn't know?” He asked. “About us, I mean that we're friends.”
“Nope,” Sofía said looking at the empty bottle. “I'm not that kind of person, I'm not your friend because you make movies. I'm not looking for something—” She said looking at him, feeling a little guilty about the whole sponsor thing. “Chris, you don't have to do anything, seriously. I'll still get you free beer. I wasn't setting you up, you know that, don't you?”
“Hon, it never crossed my mind. I know the kind of girl you are, Sof.” Chris said reaching up and grabbed her hand, he entwined his fingers with hers and kiss her knuckles.
“The phrase ‘kind of girl’ always makes me think about sexual things.” She teased as Chris smiled against her hand, his lips lingering there.
“Mmm… now, do I .” He said and Sofia let out a chuckle. Caressing his soft beard with the tip of his fingers.
“I'm probably that kind of girl.” She laughed. “Now that I think about, I'm the kind of girl that girls say… I'm not that kind of girl.”
“And what exactly that girl is?” Chris asked, brow raised.
“That's down to fuck, do casual sex. All that shit, you know.” She explained letting go of his hand and laid down on the grass and her arms behind her head.
“And?” Chris asked, looking down at her body. How her hoodie and shirt underneath, she laughed. “That's not a problem, Sofia. You're entitled to enjoy your sexuality.” He added taking his eyes off her for a second and smiled looking at the hills for a second.
“Well, thanks, Captain.” She said stretching her arms, with a suggestive smile.
“What's that?” Chris said after a very known deep blue shirt popped underneath her hoodie. Sofia laughed as she lifted the hoodie on. “Oh my, take it off. Take it off!” Chris reached out and started to pull out her hoodie with a smile on his lips when he saw the Patriots logo.
“It supposed to be surprised, I kind of forget about it.” She laughed pulling her hoodie off her and Chris gasped putting a hand over his crotch. Making her laugh even harder.
“How could you forget this surprise,” He said looking for his phone on his pockets. “Hold still, baby girl. I need photographic proof that this is happening.”
She laid back on the grass, putting one arm behind her head and blow a kiss to the camera. It was a silly cute photo, the thing that Chris wouldn't know if that he will come to cry looking at this in just some time.
“Imma put this as my lock screen,” He said lying down next to her and show her the picture. “Look how fucking cute you look with my Patriots shirt.”
The action was interrupted by an incoming call that someone he was avoiding at the moment.
“Isn't that you girl-ex?” Sofi asked peaking at the phone. Chris sighed and nodded, sending the call to voice mail.
“Mmm yes.” He said putting the phone away and stayed quiet, Sofia was staring at him.
“Do I have to ask?” she raised an eyebrow at him.
“I was at an event, she was there… I was feeling lonely and you know.”
“Oh, you regretted now?”
“Yes, I don't—we're not good for each other.” He said and gave her a wide smile. “But I'm used to her,”
“Like an old habit,” Sofía said.
“You need a new habit.” She shrugged like it was an easily fixable thing. “There's plenty of women, especially for you.”
“It's not easy for me to date anyone, I can't trust someone that easily.” He said, a little upset. “Some of them had ulterior motives.”
“Shit… I couldn't ever sell someone like that, much less someone I care about.” She said with a frown.
“I know,” He nodded. “I know that we are known for almost a year, but I trust you.” He smiled at her and Sofía smiled back and bite her bottom lip.
“That means a lot to me,” Sofía beamed and Chris laughed, she was endearing and Chris's stomach tighten.
Without much thought, in her semi-drunken state, she leans over and presses a firm kiss in Chris's mouth. He was taken back for a moment but he'd grip her waist and pull her close.
There we go!
Thanks everyone! ❤️❤️❤️
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vivithefolle · 5 years
Can you rec some Ronarry fics? (Preferably long ones?) Sorry if I'm annoying you.
You’re not annoying me at all, Anon! :D Thought I’m super frustrated because I’ve read one very long fic that has Ron searching for Harry, who has amnesia and ran away to America (and is gay but nobody knew that) and Ron realizes he’s in love with Harry and the fic has about 30 chapters and it’s on FFN but I can’t find it!! x_x
Sooo… I didn’t find that many long fics but I can give you a long list of them if you want?
Beautiful FriendIt took six years for Harry to learn something in History of Magic.This one. Oh my lord this one… it’s short, but it’s amazing. It’s full of lovely lively details and Harry’s description of Ron is… aaaww.
Life DrawingDean watches, and sees something unexpected.Again, the descriptions! My lord the descriptions, and also you will relate very much to Dean if you’ve ever worked with pencils.
Something They Can Barely SeeHarry has no idea how to tell his best friend he wants more that friendship. He’s pretty sure this would be hell of a lot easier if he knew for sure how Ron felt about him.This one is plenty cute. Ron is adorable and Harry… Harry’s trying his best. :’D
Our Inner BeastsLater, Madam Pomfrey would tell them that both Bill and Ron were going to survive. But she had no idea what the effects of a werewolf bite, when the werewolf was still in human form, could do to their behavior.Okay, who’s up for writing more Creature!Ron fics? Seriously. Someone do some more of those. Here we have Ron as a werewolf, aggressive, feral, self-loathing… doesn’t matter, Harry loves him.
Running with the Wolf, Loving the Mansnapshots of Harry Potter’s life with a werewolf boyfriendFollow-up of Our Inner Beasts. Someone heard our prayers and gave us more Werewolf!Ron, and it’s as wonderful as it sounds.
What HappenedThat’s just the thing, though. He doesn’t know what happened. He can’t pinpoint a single event where everything suddenly made sense. There was no epiphany or choir of angels or aligning of stars, or any of the other rubbish Parvarti goes on about in the Great Hall. There’s no one moment when he realized, “Oh.”Ron and Harry’s friendship, only it’s not just friendship. The last line will make you want to put on some epic music.
Follow The Butterflies“Why did it have to be spiders?” Ron moaned. “Why couldn’t we follow the butterflies?” Harry privately agreed with his best friend, but if there was anything Hogwarts had taught him, then that if he didn’t do something, no one would. “I promise the next time we have to follow anything, it will be butterflies.”Harry and Ron’s friendship again, with more butterflies thrown in the mix. It’s just as perfect as it sounds. If you don’t ship Harry/Ron, this fanfic might just change your mind.
Sonnets of Magical InterferenceHarry receives some strange notes about his love life, or lack thereof.By the end of that fic, you might just cheer for a very controversial character.
HeavenHarry’s heaven includes Ron.Features Ron being emotional over a movie, Chinese takeout, and Harry being a sap. What more could you ask for?
Harry Potter And The World That Went Bloody Insane“I know something you don’t know” is, apparently, the essence of Harry Potter’s love life. Harry’s certain that the world has been reading one too many romance novels, but then, Harry’s always been a bit oblivious.Featuring Protective!Attentive!Caring!Ron and Oblivious!Harry in their stinky flat and everyone shipping Harry/Ron. It’s awesome.
Check MateHarry questions his dreams, Ron has a scary one of his own, Hermione and Cho plot, and Seamus and Dean obsess.Harry’s subconscious has lots of funny ideas. Ron is ridiculously cute. Might be a bit difficult to read because of FFN’s shitty formating for line breaks.
On The OutsideHarry doesn’t think there’s much point to his being gay. He can’t have regular sex, he can’t have children, and he can’t tell his best friend he’s in love with him.Ron is utterly adorable, do I really have to say it? Why, yes, yes I do.
Newton’s LawFor every action, there is an equal and opposite reactionCheck out this author’s other Harry/Ron fics. I especially like Brass Ring; in the meantime, have a rather in-character reaction of Hermione and Ginny finding out about their ex-boyfriends dating. Hey, not my fault if JKR doesn’t know how to write strong female characters without making them abusive.
Sleeping BeautyThe most gen ever retelling of Sleeping Beauty.Who cares if it’s gen, it’s amazing. Harry sleeps, Ron is wonderful, and ants get colorful.
The Complexities Of Muggle MachineryHarry bought a refrigerator. Then it was a microwave. Then a blender. Thursday was the coffee brewer. Ron really liked that last one.Ron is absolutely, heart-stoppingly, adorably cute and pretty much just like I imagine him to be around Muggle things. Harry’s lucky.
After the cupcakesThey never really talked about it but they are each other’s world. And perhaps a lazy Sunday morning is as good a time as any to finally say something.Utterly sappy and fluffy and you know me, I was mostly there for Harry’s description of Ron. It didn’t disappoint.
Sing Your LoveThroughout the years they’ve lived together, Harry has always enjoyed Ron’s singing but lately he’s been picking up hidden messages in his flatmate’s song choices.Do you like Ron singing? Do you like Ron dancing? Do you like Ron crying his heart out over an emotionally oblivious Harry? Well in that case you’ve found the perfect fic!
Snakes & LaddersAfter the final battle with Voldemort, Harry intends to get on with his life. There’s just one problem; he was supposed to have died when he confronted Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest and now the Other Side is trying to collect him. But in the space between his ‘death’ and the victory celebrations, Harry’s fallen in love… and he’s not going to give up his second chance without a fight.A complicated premise, a complicated tale, a very worried Ron, a very determined Harry, an entirely unwelcome Severus Snape coming from beyond the Veil, all leading up to an epic confrontation in the Other Side. Who knew the afterlife had a court?
Now, it’s time for… TEH SMUT! D:Every story below this text will have MATURE CONTENT. Shoo, children, shoo!
Partners (last chapter gets NSFW)What if the girls hadn’t come in just then?  What course of action would Harry, in his desperate frame of mind, have latched onto instead?This fanfic made one of my most desperate wishes come true. For those who don’t know me, I’ll just tell you that Cinderella isn’t a matter of gender.
Scars (warning: mentions of self-harm)Ron is embarrassed of his scars, and Harry might be able to help.Ron is his terribly self-loathing self, but at least Harry is there to remind him of what we Ron-lovers know: that he’s loved and beautiful.
The Matchmaker (contains sexual mention)Sir Nicholas has never had a couple like these two…Nearly-Headless Nick ships Harry and Ron. So does the entire Gryffindor House. All in all, just what we need.
Exploring The Spectrum (NSFW at the end)Ron wakes up to find he can only see in a single colour.Very interesting mystery and clever use of a forgotten plot point. The resolution is basically “sex solves everything” but otherwise it’s a great story.
Hug! Hug! Kiss! (second-to-last drabble is NSFW)Ron loses Harry in a foreign land. In other words, Harry accidentally joins a Japanese boy band.This story is ridiculous, confusing, crazy, and absolutely hilarious. No existing celebrities were harmed.
Just Another Teenage Epoch - Ron Weasley, 1999 (NSFW at the end)Ron wants to be an Auror, and he wants to not grow up, and he really wants other people to stop kissing Harry.The classic mistletoe tale! Ron is not amused at all. It’s okay, we’re rooting for him (and Harry is, too).
Trapped in Winter (NSFW at the end)Harry and Ron have an argument. When Ron goes to storm out of the room, he’s frozen in time, and when Harry touches him to see what’s the matter, they’re both transported to a snowy winter wonderland.A surprising premise that leads to a confused, hurt Ron and a tight-lipped Harry, and of course, to Harry/Ron. Pretty nice!
That We Might Be Exactly Like We Were (warning: graphic self-harm, realistic depression, themes of suicide)'Everything just takes me back, to when you were there…’This author pretty much nails what depression is like. She also has several other Harry/Ron fanfics that are written just as expertly as this one, but be forewarned, they tend to deal with very upsetting topics as well. Sadly, I could see her version of Ron existing in the canon we know.
Slow Slide (get out) to a Better Place (warning: abuse and r*pe)Harry told himself that everything was fine in his relationship with Ginny, at least until he couldn’t lie to himself anymore. And by then, he thought it might be too late.  Fortunately, he has two very good friends who will always be there for him, one of whom might eventually be something more.Downside: Ginny fans should NOT read this story. Upside: contains Vivi’s most beloved ship, Romione + Ronarry.
Prelude and Fugue (NSFW in the middle)It took over an hour, from the time Harry arrived at work, for him to realise just how different today actually was.The “Groundhog Day” loop is wonderfully done, you can actually feel the weariness building as Harry wakes up and notices it’s still Monday, bloody Monday.And Ron is absolutely adorable - yes, I’ll say it every time!
Princes of Maine (NSFW at the end)Harry wakes one morning to find an abandoned baby on his doorstep. Little does he know that this is only the beginning of his most challenging adventure yet: parenthood.You want Harry as a single parent and not knowing anything about babies? You have it. You want Ron as a competent Healer who’s sick of Harry’s shit and determined to get answers as to why his best mate is a wreck? You have it. You want Harry/Ron? What are you waiting for, dive in!
Still looking for more? Take a look at this post!
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b34rg4r22 · 5 years
The Blonde Girl part 2
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I awaken to find myself and the kid on some middle section of a stairwell, very churchy looking, everything's made of wood and white paint, flowers and crosses on the walls and ledges, no windows, just a set of stairs up to the right and down on the left
I ask the boy if he's alright as I stand up and help him up, he confirms and seems fine from what I can tell, me as well, no scratches bumps or pain..
I'm very confused.. where are we? What happened to the woods.. were we saved?? I can't remember.. all I remember is falling and then.. nothing after that
I pause and just look around for a minute.. I decide to go down the stairs and look around, i ask the boy to go up and do the same, he looks at me terrified but agrees.
The stairs are built like a spiral, I go down and around a few floors, all exactly the same as the one we woke on, as I get down to about the 4th level down, I begin to hear foot steps coming upward toward the floor I'm approaching
My heart racing, scared to discover who or what might be coming.. but I continue down..
I reach the corner to the next set of stairs, I slowely pear around, and it's the boy I was with!? He glances at me in terror and begins to run the opposite direction
baffled I just stand there.. how is this possible?? He went up and I went down there is no way we should have ever met..
Moments later he comes flying down the stairs from the direction I came and grabs me freaking out telling me how he saw someone that looked like me, but it couldn't have been.. I tell him that i think I was me because I also saw him..
Both of us freaking out I try to come up with a plan.. I'm going to change something about the floor we are on and then continue down and see what happens..
I take a flower pot off the ledge and I place it on the ground, and we begin to go down, and sure enough, 6 floors down later.. there is the fucking plant.. right where I left it..
We begin to run down, an yet again, another six floors down, the damn plant.. again and again... Same outcome..
I begin to change things about every floor we pass.. every change I make, again and again as if we are on a loop..
We stop.. the boy starta freaking out, he sits on the floor eyes full of tears..
I think, maybe when we fell from the tree we died in that forest.. and we are now stuck in some sort of limbo.. I don't know what to do..
I calm him down and begin putting back the stuff I messed with, we decide to just keep going down, the rooms all back together again, all the exact same we just go around and around.. I have no idea how long but it felt like hours.
Down and down.. floor after floor.. hour after hour.. no change.. I'm beginning to feel weaker as we go. Stomach rumbling of hunger. Mouth so very dry.
at some point during our descent the boy stopped walking and is just sitting on the floor staring blankly into the distance arms crossed on his knees.. I keep going, passing him over and over..
After a while I realize something.. I haven't seen him in a while? but I keep going.. he's gone? 6 floor.. 12 floors, no one.. I double back up a bunch and shout for him over and over and nothing..
Confused I decide to continue back down... All alone now down and down.. when eventually I reach a floor that different.. there's a door where the next set of stairs should have been..
Heart pumping so hard in my chest, I reach for the knob but before my hand touches it, it opens slowely on its own.. there's no one on the other side.
It's a bed room.. a large bed against the wall on the right, another open door with a bathroom on the opposite side of the room, and an open closet next to that.. there are pink clothes on the floor and stuffed animals.. its a girl's room..
Looking around I notice there is a window near the ceiling in the bathroom so I rush over to look out, it's foggy.. so foggy I can't see even an inch out.. I go back to the bed and sit down on the corner..
Looking around I notice a picture on the nightstand, I stand up and walk over picking it I instantly know who's room it is.. the blonde girl id been searching for before!
Out of nowhere someone hugs me around the neck from behind "you found me I can't believe it how did u get here!?"
We chat for a while as I tell her about everything that happened, to my amazement she doesn't seem shocked at all by anything I told her.
She just looks at me smiling, her beautiful light grey blue eyes just gazing at me, I can't stop looking into them they are so beautiful.
There's a noise on the stares, she quickly jumps up and tells me to run and hide in the bathroom behind the stand-in shower and to not make a sound.
I run in and hold my breath with my hands over my mouth. Who could it be.. I can hear talking but not sure what's being said..
To be continued
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honestgrins · 6 years
KC: You're a pro figure skater and I'm taking my child/nephew/cousin for a fun session and you're just finishing up as I arrive and dear lord you’re hot
I’m so sorry this has taken so (so, SO) long, it’s gone through about six or seven major attempts to get it right. Unfortunately, I still don’t think I’ve nailed it. But I finished…something…so I’m calling it. I wish I could do your lovely prompt more justice, @nemesis729, you’re always so kind to inspire me in the best ways. For what it is, I hope you enjoy it, and please wish me better luck with the gift exchange.
Oh, and the next chapter of Delivered. Whoops.
Icy Hot || Klaroline
She’s pleasantly warm and comfy when her phone rings, and it takes everything in Caroline not to ignore it and burrow more deeply into the covers. Recognizing Kat’s ringtone, though, she snakes a hand out toward the annoying device. Her irritation at leaving her nest is only made worse by the fact her roommate was apparently too lazy to just knock on her door. But it’s not until her knuckles rap on the cold metal of an unfamiliar nightstand that she remembers - she’s not in her own bed.
Her eyes pop open as she clutches the fluffy white comforter to her naked chest. Caroline cranes her neck to peek at the similarly naked man grumbling in his sleep next to her. The memories are slow in catching up with her, but the deep pink lips are an excellent reminder of what had been an immensely satisfying night.
Klaus. His name was Klaus.
The wedding from hell had lasted an hour longer than Caroline’s immaculate schedule accommodated for, and she earned a stronger drink from the hotel bar, far away from demanding brides and their brand new mothers-in-law. Meeting a charming stranger made her relief all the sweeter, especially when he offered a more physical stress release. One night stands weren’t her favorite, but Klaus proved to be worth the deviation from her post-work routine.
Caroline silences her phone, figuring she could call Kat during her cab ride of shame. Looking around the opulent suite, she carefully edges out of bed to locate her clothes, discarded so carelessly the night before. Her nose wrinkles at the pile of fabric that used to be a pristine sheath dress, but at least her shoes are neatly gathered right next to it. The purse takes a little more digging, hidden underneath Klaus’s shirt she remembered tossing onto the dresser.
Glancing back to the bed, she chews her bottom lip, uncertain. Already late for work, she really didn’t have time for a proper goodbye - if he even wanted one. The uncertainty of one night stands was a terror for her habit of overthinking, so Caroline forces herself to make a quick decision. She pops one of her business cards from the clutch, grateful she carries them to all the weddings she plans. Scribbling her cell number along her name, she adds a quick note to the back, “This was fun, call me if you’re ever back in town.”
There, no harm done and ball squarely in his court. He had said he was in New York on business, and Caroline could get used to having a part-time fling. Shimmying into her clothes, she half heartedly fluffs her hair into a serviceable look until she could take a shower back at home. With a final glance over her shoulder, she slips out of the room, leaving Klaus to sleep in.
Her phone is already ringing before she can tell the cabbie her address, and she answers with a huff, “I’m on my way home, Kat.”
“Funny, I thought that was what you said last night,” Katherine drawls, unmoved by her friend’s irritation. “Then I’m waking up to a text from you that you met someone in the bar, without an accompanying photo in case you went missing.”
Caroline winces. It wasn’t like her to lapse on their safety protocol, well established since their college years. Still, she has been pretty distracted even sending that text while Klaus’s lips dragged down her neck in the elevator. “I at least sent the room number?”
“I’m just saying, he better have been hot.” Never let it be said that Katherine Pierce didn’t have her priorities in order. “But since you missed out on morning routine, I figured I should remind you that you’re on pickup duty today.”
Katherine was rocking the fierce lawyer/single mom combo, but as best friend, roommate and honorary aunt, Caroline did her best to help out where she could. It was usually easier for her to get away, given her more flexible work schedule during the day. Frowning, she pulls out her phone to check her calendar. Her brain had yet to catch up to real life; she was sure a part of it was still cozy in bed with Klaus. “Um, school or ballet?”
Amused at her uncharacteristic disorganization, Katherine snorts, “Four o'clock at the ice rink, her skating lesson was moved this week for-”
“-The Olympic exhibition, right,” Caroline finally remembers. “Sorry, you know I don’t function well when I’m running late.”
“Whatever, the agency will survive if you take the morning off, especially if half of what you told me about last night’s bride is true. Who even plans a Wednesday wedding?”
Her shoulders lift with a deep sigh. “Rich people who don’t have to get to work on Thursdays. Unfortunately, I’m not one of them.”
Kat’s tone is commiserating when she answers, “Then go to work, just please don’t forget to bring Nadia home from the rink. I’d hate for you to run into another hot guy and get distracted all over again.”
Laughing, Caroline smiles against the window, looking up at the hotel. “Don’t worry, I don’t think my luck is that good. Tell Nadia I’ll see her this afternoon.”
The cab lurches forward as she hangs up, and she feels oddly energized for the day. Caroline almost enjoys the thrum of anticipation under her skin. Maybe Klaus would call before he left town, just so she could finish off her week in a similarly good mood.
After work, Caroline makes her way to the sports complex where Nadia takes her skating lessons. Letting herself into the building, she shivers at the sudden chill in the air. The ice rink echoes with the scrape of skates and parents chatting.
Caroline settles onto the bleachers, quickly finding Nadia among the seven-year-olds watching their coach demonstrate a spin skill. The little girl waves, her curly ponytail bouncing excitedly behind her until she waves back. As the kids break apart to practice their own spins, she’s amazed to see how confident Nadia is on the ice. Cheerleading and gymnastics experience aside, Caroline’s agility and athleticism never had the added complication of blades strapped to her feet.
More impressive, though, was a man skating at the other end of the rink. Dressed in a sleek, black outfit, he effortlessly glided through a complicated routine. Loops, spins, jumps - each punctuated with a ripple of gasps from the kids and adults alike. Caroline assumes him to be the visiting pro skater, just keeping his muscles warm to show off for the next group. There was something familiar to the way he moved, but she could never get a clear read of his face to see if she recognized him from the last Olympics.
The coach clapped, gathering the kids together to end the lesson. In unison, they all cheer, “Thanks, Mister Mikaelson!” The man abruptly stops to give them a final nod, and the class is dismissed. Scattering off the ice toward the bleachers, they hobble toward their respective guardians.
Nadia grins as she scrambles over to Caroline. “Did you see? I got to skate with Klaus Mikaelson!”
“I did see,” Caroline answers, awareness slow to click in her head when the Olympian skates closer to the edge of the rink. He’s chatting with a man in a suit on the other side of the barricade, but he must feel her eyes because he turns to face her. His own eyes widen, surely reflecting the shock in her expression.
It seemed she would be meeting her fling sooner than hoped.
“U-um,” her voice stutters as she quickly focuses back on Nadia, an odd embarrassment itching at her skin. “Are you ready to go?”
None the wiser to Caroline’s nerves, Nadia is slow to unlace her skates. “Almost. It was so cool, Aunt Caroline! We learned how to toe pick a spin, even though we’re not big enough to do it while moving yet.”
She jolts at the warmth of affection in his voice, closer than she expected. Looking up, she finds him leaning over the wall, watching her reaction with interest. “Hi. Um-”
“Aunt Caroline,” Nadia shakes her by the elbow, whispering her awe loudly enough for him to hear. “Klaus Mikaelson is talking to you.”
His mouth tightens like he’s trying not to laugh, and Caroline narrows her eyes into an admittedly amused glare. “Put your street clothes on,” she orders gently, moving off the bleachers to meet him at the edge of the rink.
Klaus gives into his smirk as she approaches. “This is a surprise.”
“I’ll say,” Caroline rolls her eyes. “I didn’t know you would be here. I didn’t know who you were, actually.”
Shrugging, he leans closer toward her. “What’s important is that we know each other now.” His eyebrow quirks with suggestion, but he laughs when she lightly nudges his shoulder. “I was pleased to find you left your number this morning.”
She glances down a moment, trying to ignore the growing heat of her cheeks. “Does that mean you were going to call me?”
Freshly dressed and exhausted from practice, Nadia suddenly appears at her side. “I’m hungry, Aunt Caroline.”
With an apologetic frown at Klaus, she pats Nadia’s head. “Okay, sweetie. Get your bag, we’ll pick up a pizza on our way home. Your mom’s working late, so we can even order pineapple.”
Nadia gives a triumphant cheer as she goes to grab her things, leaving Caroline to face Klaus’s admonishing look. “What?”
“Pineapple on a pizza? The Italians would have your head.”
“Come and get me, Mario, but it’s delicious.” Crossing her arms, she barely resists the urge to fidget. “You didn’t answer my question. Would you have used my card?”
A whistle blows as the next class starts, and Klaus seems to deflate. “I suppose you’ll have to find out.” He drops her a nod with a cocky wink. “Maybe next time, I could convince you to stay in bed.”
He glides backward, turning with a flourish to greet the new group of students, and Caroline can’t help the dumb smile that pulls at her lips. Looking to Nadia, she takes a deep breath to hopefully calm her blush. “You ready?”
They walk out of the rink, Nadia chatting happily as she swung their joined hands between them. Grinning into the sunshine, Caroline was feeling pretty good about her week’s prospects after all.
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redditnosleep · 7 years
I'm A Search And Rescue Officer For The US Forest Service, I Have Some Stories To Tell
by searchandrescuewoods.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 (Final)
So I logged back on tonight and was blown away by the staggering amount of interest this seems to have generated. First off, I'll address a few things that you guys have brought up:
There's been an overwhelming amount of people mentioning the similarity between some of my stories and those of David Paulides. I assure you I'm not trying to rip him off in any way, I've got nothing but respect for the guy. He's actually what inspired me to write this, because I can verify a lot of the things he talks about. We do have a lot of these strange missing persons cases, and most of the time they aren't solved. Either that, or we find them in places they have no business being. I personally haven't been on many calls like that, but I'll share a few that I've seen, and a story my friend told me that relates to this.
There was a lot of feedback about the stairs, so I'll touch on that briefly here, and I'll also include a story. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, styles, and conditions. Some are pretty dilapidated, just ruins, but others are brand new. I saw one set that looked like they came from a lighthouse: they were metal and spiral, almost old-fashioned. The stairs don't go up infinitely, or farther than I can see, but some sets are taller than others. Like I said before, just imagine the stairs in your house, as if someone cut-and-pasted them in the middle of nowhere. I don't have any pictures, it's never really occurred to me to try again after the first time, and I don't really feel like risking my job over it. I'll try again in the future, but I can't really promise anything.
A few people expressed confusion about the guy who ran into the man with no face. Just to clarify, when the climber ascended and reached the top of this peak, he saw another man in a parka and ski pants. This was the man with no face. Sorry about the confusing wording of that story, I'll try to avoid that in the future.
Alright, on to the new stories:
As far as missing persons go, I'd say about half the calls I get are related to that. The others are rescue calls; people who fall down cliffs and hurt themselves, get injured by fire (you wouldn't believe how often this happens, mostly drunk kids), get bitten or stung by animals or insects. We're a tight team, and we have veterans who are excellent at finding signs of lost people. That's what makes these cases where we never find any trace of them so frustrating. One in particular was upsetting for all of us, because we did find a trace of them, but it just led to more questions than answers. An older man had been hiking alone on a well-established trail, but his wife called to say that he hadn't come home when he should have. Apparently he had a history of seizures, and she was worried that he hadn't taken his medication and had suffered one out on the trail. Before you ask, I have no idea why he thought it was okay to go out alone, or why she didn't go with him. I don't ask about that kind of thing because past a certain point, it really doesn't matter. Someone is missing, and it's my job to find them. We went out in a standard search formation, and it wasn't long before one of our vets found signs that the guy had gone off the trail. We grouped up and followed him, spreading out in a fan to make sure we were covering as much ground as possible. Suddenly, a call comes over the radio telling us to all head back to the vets location, and we come right away, because this usually means the missing person is injured, and we need a full team to help get them out safely. We meet back up, and the vet is just standing at the base of a tree with his hands on the sides of his head. I ask my buddy what's going on, and he points up into the branches of this tree. I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing, but there's a walking stick dangling from a branch at least thirty feet off the ground. The little strap thing on the handle has been looped around the branch, and it's just hanging there. There's no way the guy could have tossed it up that far, and we don't see any other signs that he's still in the area. We call up into the tree, but it's obvious no one's in it. We're all just sort of left scratching our heads. We keep searching for the guy, but we never find him. We even bring our canines out, but they lose his scent long before this tree. Eventually, the search is called off, because there are other calls we have to attend to, and past a certain point there's not much we can do. The guy's wife called us every day for months, asking if we'd found her husband, and it was heartbreaking to hear her get more and more hopeless each time. I'm not sure why this call in particular was so upsetting, but I think it was just the sheer improbability of it. That and the questions that were raised. How the hell had this guy's cane ended up there? Did someone kill him and toss that up there as some weird trophy? We did our best to find him, but it was almost like a taunt. We still talk about that one from time to time.
Missing kids are the most heart-breaking. Doesn't matter what circumstances they go missing under, it's never easy, and we always, always dread the ones we find deceased. It's not common, but it does happen. David Paulides talks a lot about kids SAR teams find in places they shouldn't be, or couldn't be. I can honestly say I've heard about this kind of thing happening more than I've seen it, but I'll share one of the ones that I think about a lot that I witnessed personally. A mother and her three kids were out for a picnic in an area of the park that has a small lake. One is six, one is five, and the other is about three. She's watching them all really closely, and according to her, she never lets them out of her sight at any time. She never saw anyone else in the area either, which is important. She packs their stuff up and they start to head back to the parking area. Now, this lake is only about two miles into the woods, and it's on a very clearly established trail. It's almost impossible to get lost getting from the parking area to it, unless you're deliberately going off the path like an imbecile. Her kids are walking in front of her, when she hears what sounds like someone coming up the path behind her. She turns around, and in the four or so seconds she's not looking, her five-year-old son vanishes. She figures he's stepped off the trail to pee or something, and she asks her other two where he went. They both tell her that 'a big man with a scary face' came out of the woods next to them, took the kid's hand, and led him into the trees. The two remaining kids don't seem upset, in fact she says later that it seems like they've been drugged. They're sort of spacey and fuzzy. So of course, she freaks out, starts looking frantically in the area for her kid. She's screaming his name, and she says at one point she thinks she heard him answer her. Now obviously she can't go blindly running into the woods, she's got the other two kids, so she calls the police and they send us out immediately. We respond, and we start the search for him.Over the course of this search, which spans miles, we never find a single trace of the kid. Canines can't pick up any scent, we don't find any clothing or broken bushes or literally anything that would signify a child being there. Of course there's suspicion about the mother for a while, but it's pretty clear that she's completely destroyed by the whole thing. We looked for this kid for weeks, with a lot of volunteer help. But eventually, the search peters out, and we have to move on. The volunteers keep searching, though, and one day we get a call on the radio letting us know that a body has been found and needs to be recovered. They tell us the location, and none of us can believe it. We figure it has to be a different kid. But we go out there, about 15 miles from the site where he vanished, and sure enough, we find the body of the kid we've been looking for. I have been trying to figure out how this kid got where he did ever since we found him, and I've never come up with an answer. A volunteer just happened to be in the area, because he figured he might as well look in places no one else would think to on the off chance the body had been dumped. He comes to the base of a tall, rocky slope, and half-way up, he sees something. He looks through his binoculars and sure enough, it's the body of a little boy, stuffed in a little opening in the rock. He recognizes the color of the kid's shirt, so he knows right away that it's the missing boy. That's when he calls it in, and we're dispatched. It took us almost an hour to get his body down, and none of us could believe what we were seeing. Not only was this kid 15 miles from where he'd started, there was no possible way he could have gotten up there on his own. This slope is treacherous, and it's hard even for us with our climbing gear. A five-year-old boy had no way of getting up there, of that I'm certain. Not only that, but the kid doesn't have a scratch on him. His shoes are gone, but his feet aren't damaged or dirty. So it wasn't as if an animal dragged him up there. And from what we can tell, he hasn't been dead that long. He'd been out there over a month by that point, and it looked like he'd only been dead for, at most, a day or two. The whole thing was unbelievably strange, and was one of the most disconcerting calls I've ever been on. We found out later that the coroner determined the kid had died from exposure. He'd frozen to death, probably late at night two days before we found him. There were no suspects, and no answers. To date, it's one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.
One of my first jobs as a trainee was a search op for a four-year-old kid that had gotten separated from his mom. This was one of those cases where we knew we were gonna find him because the dogs were on a strong scent trail, and we saw clear signs that he was in the area. We ended up finding him in a berry patch about half a mile from where he'd been last seen. Kid wasn't even aware that he'd wandered that far. One of the vets brought him back, which I was glad for because I'm really not good with kids, and I find it hard to talk to them and keep them company. As my trainer and I are headed back, she decides to take me on a detour to show me one of the hot spots where we tend to find missing people. It's a natural dip in the land near a popular trail, and people will usually move downhill because it's easier. We hike out there, it's a few miles away, and we get there in about an hour or so. As we're walking around the area and she's pointing out places she's found people in the past, I see something in the distance. Now, this area we're in is about eight miles from the main parking area, though there's back roads you can take to get closer if you don't want to hike that far. But we're on state-protected land, which means there can't be any kind of commercial or residential development out here. The most you'll ever see is a fire tower or makeshift shelter that homeless people think they can get away with building. But I can see from here that whatever this thing is has straight edges, and if there's one thing you learn quickly, it's that nature rarely makes straight lines. I point it out, but she doesn't say anything. She just hangs back and lets me wander over and check it out. I get within about twenty feet of it, and all the hair on the back of my neck stands up. It's a staircase. In the middle of the fucking woods. In the proper context, it would literally be the most benign thing ever. It's just a normal staircase, with beige carpet, and about ten steps tall. But instead of being in a house, where it obviously should be, it's out here in the middle of the woods. The sides aren't carpeted, obviously, and I can see the wood it's made of. It's almost like a video game glitch, where the house has failed to load completely and the stairs are the only thing visible. I stand there, and it's like my brain is working overtime to try and make sense of what I'm seeing. My trainer comes and stands next to me, and she just stands there casually, looking at it as if it's the least interesting thing in the world. I ask her what the fuck this thing is doing here, and she just chuckles. 'Get used to it, rookie. You're gonna see a lot of them.' I start to move closer, but she grabs my arm. Hard. 'I wouldn't do that.' She says. Her voice is casual, but her grip is tight, and I just stand there looking at her. 'You're gonna see them all the time, but don't go near them. Don't touch them, don't go up them. Just ignore them.' I start to ask her about it, but something in the way she's looking at me tells me that it's best if I don't. We end up moving on, and the subject doesn't come up again for the rest of my training. She was right, though. I'd say about every fifth call I go on, I end up running across a set of stairs. Sometimes they're relatively close to the path, maybe within two or three miles. Sometimes they're twenty, thirty miles out, literally in the middle of nowhere, and I only find them during the broadest searches or training weekends. They're usually in good condition, but sometimes it looks like they've been out there for miles. All different kinds, all different sizes. The biggest I ever saw looked like they came out of a turn-of-the-century mansion, and were at least ten feet wide, with steps leading up at least fifteen or twenty feet. I've tried talking about it with people, but they just give me the same response my trainer did. 'It's normal. Don't worry about it, they're not a big deal, but don't go close to them or up them.' When trainees ask me about it now, I give them the same response. I don't really know what else to tell them. I'm really hoping someday I get a better answer, but it hasn't happened yet.
This is another one that was less spooky and more sad. A young man went missing late in winter, when realistically no one should be going that far out onto the trails. We close a lot of them, but some remain open year round, unless there's a shit-load of snow. We did an op for him, but we had about six feet of snow on the ground (it was an unusually heavy snow year), and we knew it wasn't likely that we'd find him until spring when the thaw came. Sure enough, when the first big thaw came, a hiker reported a body a little ways off the main trail. We found him at the base of a tree, in a pile of melted snow. I knew right away what had happened, and it scared the living shit out of me. Most of you who ski or snowboard, or spend any amount of time on a mountain, will probably have guessed too. When snow falls, it doesn't collect as thick in the areas beneath the branches. It happens most with fir trees, because they have a sort of closed umbrella shape. So what you end up with is a space around the base of a tree that's filled with a mixture of loose, powdery snow, air, and branches. They're called tree wells, and they're not immediately obvious if you don't know what you're looking for. We put up signs in the welcome center, big ones, letting people know how dangerous they are, but every year that we get an unusual amount of snow, at least one person doesn't read them, or doesn't take the warning seriously, and we find out about it in spring. My best guess is that this young man was hiking and got tired, or maybe a cramp from walking in the deep snow. He went to go sit at the base of the tree, not knowing that there was a tree well, and fell in. He got stuck with his feet up, and the surrounding snow caved in around him. Unable to free himself, he suffocated. It's called snow immersion suffocation, and it doesn't usually happen except in really deep snow. But if you get stuck in a weird position, like this guy did, even six feet of snow can be lethal. What scared me the most was imagining how he must have struggled. Upside down, in the freezing cold, he didn't die quickly. The snow would have formed a dense, heavy pile on top of him, and it would have been literally impossible to get out. As it got harder to breathe, he would have known what was happening. I can't even imagine what he was thinking in his last moments.
A lot of my less outdoorsy friends want to know if I've ever seen the Goatman while I've been out on calls. Unfortunately, or I guess fortunately, I've never had anything quite like that happen. I guess the closest was the whole 'black-eyed man' thing, but I didn't see anything. However, there was one call where I had something kind of similar happen, but I'm not sure I'm willing to chalk it up to the Goatman. We'd gotten a report that an older woman had fainted along one of the trails, and needed assistance getting back down to the main area. We hike up to where she's at, and her husband is just beside himself. He runs, well, I guess more jogs, to us, and tells us that he was a little ways off the trail looking at something when his wife starts screaming behind him. He runs back to her and she's passed out on the trail. We get her on a backboard, and as we're getting her down to the welcome center, she comes to and starts screaming again. I calm her down and ask her what happened. I can't remember verbatim what she said, but essentially, what happened was this: She'd been waiting for her husband when she started hearing this really strange sound. She said it sounded sort of like a cat, but it was off somehow, and she couldn't quite figure out why. She went a little ahead to try and hear it better, and it sounded like it was coming closer. She said the closer it got, the more uneasy she was, until she finally figured out what was wrong. I do remember this next part, because it was so weird that I don't think I could forget it if I tried. "It wasn't a cat. It was a man, saying the word 'meow' over and over. Just 'meow, meow, meow'. But it wasn't a man, it couldn't have been, because I've never heard a man make his voice buzz like that. I thought my hearing aid was going out, but it wasn't, I adjusted it and it still sounded all buzzy. It was awful. He was coming closer, but I couldn't see him. And the closer he got the more scared I was, and the last thing I remember was a shape coming out of the trees. I guess that's when I fainted." Now, obviously I'm a little perplexed as to why a guy would be out in the fucking woods chanting 'meow, meow' at people. So once we get down the mountain, I tell my superior that I'm gonna go search the area to see if I can find anything. He gives me the go ahead, and I grab a radio and hike back to where she fainted. I don't see anyone, so I keep going about a mile more, and I when I head back I go off the trail, to see if I can figure out where she saw him coming from. It's almost sunset by this point, and I don't have any desire to be out at night alone, so I just sort of write it off and make a mental note to check it out again tomorrow. But as I'm headed back, I start to hear something in the distance. I stop, and I call out for anyone in the immediate area to identify themselves. The sound didn't come closer or get louder, but it sounded exactly like a man saying 'meow, meow' in this really odd monotone. As comical as it makes it sound, it was almost like that guy on South Park with the electrolarynx, Ned. I go off the trail in the direction I think it's coming from, but I never seem to get closer. It's almost like it's coming from all directions. Eventually, it just sort of fades out, and I ended up going back to the welcome center. I didn't get any further reports like that, and even though I went back to that area, I never heard that exact sound again. I suppose it could have been some stupid kid out there fucking with people, but even I have to admit it was weird.
So this kind of turned into a massive wall of text, and for that I apologize. I wanted to get to the stories my friend told me, and he does have some good ones, so I'll post those tomorrow evening. I also have a few more of my own I think you guys will like. I'm sorry to keep you all in suspense again, hopefully the stories here make up for it and help you get through the next 24 hours until I can post again!
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Instinct Pt.6
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader
Summary: Bucky has finally found the omega he wants for his own, but catching his prey may be harder than he first realized.
Word count: 1K
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, mention of violence, mention of blood, bit of angst,  mention of death
A/N: Okay. So this is way too short for how long it took me to update, but here's part six! I've had a bit of writer's block so I'm gonna try and come up with something exciting to keep this going for the next few parts. Suggestions anyone? :)
My lovely editor; @markiminhoo
pt.1 pt. 2 pt. 3 pt.4 pt. 5
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  As Bucky wandered his way up the stairs to your floor he wondered if he had any right in being as anxious as he was. He figured not. After all, you were the one waiting for an alpha-one that you weren't particularly close with, not to mention that he'd been something of an ass to you in the past- to find his way up into your personal space.
Omegas didn't exactly have fantastic rights back in the 40s. In fact,  they barely had rights at all. Bucky usually had to follow Steve around back then whenever the guy had to go grocery shopping or out to visit his mother to keep him from getting jumped in some back alley. Omegas were viewed as objects, possessions. Women had rights, but only if they were a rank above omega.
The 40s were around the time that people started standing up for omegas, forcing the greater public to start seeing that people instead of toys. Bucky was one of those people, he used to know other alphas that wouldn't hesitate to try and get in an omegas pants if they walked by them on the street.
While he found his way to you, Bucky felt defeated. He was tired and sore and god be dammed if he wasn't grateful for your help. However, he decided that after you said whatever you had to say to him, he would leave you be.
Knocking on your door gave him an incessant sense of meekness.Like, he was trapped in a corner, but not in an entirely threatened sense. He wasn't used to such a feeling.
Waiting for Bucky was almost neurotic. It felt like you were trapped under a blade, waiting for it drop on your throat. You could escape, but you'd only receive punishment for your actions later.
After fleeing from Wanda earlier, you had been sitting on the floor by a window when you were forced to come to a revelation by a sort of wrecking ball. That wrecking ball happened to be Natasha.
She quietly swept in on you moping and sat down next to you, crossing her legs underneath herself.
"What are you doing here, Natasha?"
"Wanda told me that you didn't take reeking like a particular alpha very kindly?"
"I was only helping him heal."
"I know, but I just don't see why you got upset about it?"
"It's just not like that, Nat! I don't want t to seem like that. I just don't want anoth-"
"I hope you're aware of how foolish and unreasonable you are being about this." She cut you off with a sharp tone.
"Excuse me?"
"I don't mean to be harsh, Y/N, but you need to stop and take in the big picture. You act like he's not suffering. I might not be buddy-buddy with the guy, but he deserves better than what you're giving him. I'm sure that Riley wouldn't want you to treat yourself or him this way."
You stared at Natasha in shock. Part of you felt like throwing up. The other knew she was right.
The two of you sat there in the quiet for a few minutes, staring out the window and then back at each other.
Natasha finally broke the silence in a voice so soft it almost didn't sound like her.
"You're not betraying Riley by falling in love again. You do know that, right? He was you first love, you'll always love him. That'll never change, Y/N. You're allowed to love again."
The silence lapsed over you again and as you Natasha's words looped in your mind, tears started to falling down your cheeks.
"I miss him, Nat." You whispered, scared that if you spoke any louder that your words would break in your throat."It hurts."
"I know. It'll hurt forever, but why not have someone to help you through it?"
You wiped the tears off your face, swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded slowly. You knew she was right. You knew what you had to do, as well. 
"Thank you, Natasha." You nodded finally.
The red haired alpha, smiled in a simple, understanding manner and stood up, leaving you alone on the floor again. It was almost immediately after she left that Sam wandered in on you.
"Hey Y/N, what-" Sam paused once he caught sight of you "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Sam started walking over to you "Are you sur- Why do you smell like Barnes? Did he hurt you? Did he-"
You cut him off  "Nothing happened, Sam, He got beat up last night so I stitched him up."
Sam paced in front of you "And you spent the night with him?"
"It wasn't like that, Sam! He needed medical supervision."
"Did you sleep next to him?"
"It was only to help him heal."
Sam nodded.
"You can't be pissed at me for that."
He huffed and you went back to being subdued.
"Could you get him for me please?" You asked softly.
"I want to talk to him."
"Please, Sammy. I'll tell you later."
"If he's hurt you-"
"Fine, I'm going."
When you opened the door, you and Bucky stared at each other in a silence. A sort of understanding fell between you. A quiet peace. It was a lot less terrifying an experience than you were expecting.
"Hey." You breathed.
"Hi." He smiled softly back at you.
You smiled back, brushing a piece of hair behind you ear. The two of you stared into each other's eyes, unfazed by the silent connection that had fallen over the pair of you like a thick fog.
"You like coffee, right?" You asked.
"Yeah, I like coffee."
"Do you want to come in and have some?"
And he came inside. And you made coffee. And for the first time in what seemed like forever, you laughed so hard you nearly cried. And you were glad you invited him in.
@sebseyesandbuckysthighs @buckyhawk @bovaria @you-and-bucky @mustangandthereaper @after-avenging-hours @writing-soldiers @xxchexchickxx @shieldagentofthemonth @melconnor2007 @bvckys-doll @gallifreyansass @chipilerendi @crazinessgraveyardsandcartoons @elitafuckingone @supernatural-fanfic @adrianabribiescacortes @elyza-jeanette @inside-lizzys-head @megasimpleplan4ever @theerikasanchez @saharzek @hawkeyethenerd @captainamylouise @beefthief247 @ursulaismymiddlename @mylittlefandomfanfictions @agentmarvel13 @38leticia @stone-met @thelovablesociopath-blog @livxmartinson @elisa-ramirez14 @almondbuttercup
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weirdoravon · 5 years
NoEnd House
Let me start by saying that Peter Terry was addicted to heroin.
We were friends in college and continued to be after I graduated. Notice that I said "I". He dropped out after two years of barely cutting it. After I moved out of the dorms and into a small apartment, I didn't see Peter as much. We would talk online every now and then (AIM was king in pre-Facebook years). There was a period where he wasn't online for about five weeks straight. I wasn't worried. He was a pretty notorious flake and drug addict, so I assumed he just stopped caring. Then one night I saw him log on. Before I could initiate a conversation, he sent me a message.
"David, man, we need to talk."
That was when he told me about the NoEnd House. It got that name because no one had ever reached the final exit. The rules were pretty simple and cliche: reach the final room of the building and you win $500. There were nine rooms in all. The house was located outside the city, roughly four miles from my house. Apparently Peter had tried and failed. He was a heroin and who-knows-what-the-fuck addict, so I figured the drugs got the best of him and he wigged out at a paper ghost or something. He told me it would be too much for anyone. That it was unnatural.
I didn't believe him. I told him I would check it out the next night and no matter how hard he tried to convince me otherwise, $500 sounded too good to be true. I had to go. I set out the following night.
When I arrived, I immediately noticed something strange about the building. Have you ever seen or read something that shouldn't be scary, but for some reason a chill crawls up your spine? I walked toward the building and the feeling of uneasiness only intensified as I opened the front door.
My heart slowed and I let a relieved sigh leave me as I entered. The room looked like a normal hotel lobby decorated for Halloween. A sign was posted in place of a worker. It read, "Room 1 this way. Eight more follow. Reach the end and you win!" I chuckled and made my way to the first door.
The first area was almost laughable. The decor resembled the Halloween aisle of a K-Mart, complete with sheet ghosts and animatronic zombies that gave a static growl when you passed by. At the far end was an exit; it was the only door besides the one I entered through. I brushed through the fake spider webs and headed for the second room.
I was greeted by fog as I opened the door to room two. The room definitely upped the ante in terms of technology. Not only was there a fog machine, but a bat hung from the ceiling and flew in a circle. Scary. They seemed to have a Halloween soundtrack that one would find in a 99 cent store on loop somewhere in the room. I didn't see a stereo, but I guessed they must have used a PA system. I stepped over a few toy rats that wheeled around and walked with a puffed chest across to the next area.
I reached for the doorknob and my heart sank to my knees. I did not want to open that door. A feeling of dread hit me so hard I could barely even think. Logic overtook me after a few terrified moments, and I shook it off and entered the next room.
Room three is when things began to change.
On the surface, it looked like a normal room. There was a chair in the middle of the wood paneled floor. A single lamp in the corner did a poor job of lighting the area, casting a few shadows across the floor and walls. That was the problem. Shadows. Plural.
With the exception of the chair's, there were others. I had barely walked in the door and I was already terrified. It was at that moment that I knew something wasn't right. I didn't even think as I automatically tried to open the door I came through. It was locked from the other side.
That set me off. Was someone locking the doors as I progressed? There was no way. I would have heard them. Was it a mechanical lock that set automatically? Maybe. But I was too scared to really think. I turned back to the room and the shadows were gone. The chair's shadow remained, but the others were gone. I slowly began to walk. I used to hallucinate when I was a kid, so I wrote off the shadows as a figment of my imagination. I began to feel better as I made it to the halfway point of the room. I looked down as I took my steps and that's when I saw it.
Or didn't see it. My shadow wasn't there. I didn't have time to scream. I ran as fast as I could to the other door and flung myself without thinking into the room beyond.
The fourth room was possibly the most disturbing. As I closed the door, all light seemed to be sucked out and put back into the previous room. I stood there, surrounded by darkness, not able to move. I'm not afraid of the dark and never have been, but I was absolutely terrified. All sight had left me. I held my hand in front of my face and if I didn't know what I was doing, I would never have been able to tell. Darkness doesn't describe it. I couldn't hear anything. It was dead silence. When you're in a sound-proof room, you can still hear yourself breathing. You can hear yourself being alive.
I couldn't.
I began to stumble forward after a few moments, my rapidly beating heart the only thing I could feel. There was no door in sight. Wasn't even sure there was one this time. The silence was then broken by a low hum.
I felt something behind me. I spun around wildly but could barely even see my nose. I knew it was there, though. Regardless of how dark it was, I knew something was there. The hum grew louder, closer. It seemed to surround me, but I knew whatever was causing the noise was in front of me, inching closer. I took a step back; I had never felt that kind of fear. I can't really describe true fear. I wasn't even scared I was going to die; I was scared of what the alternative was. I was afraid of what this thing had in store for me. Then the lights flashed for a second and I saw it.
Nothing. I saw nothing and I know I saw nothing there. The room was again plunged into darkness and the hum became a wild screech. I screamed in protest; I couldn't hear this goddamn sound for another minute. I ran backwards, away from the noise, and fumbled for the door handle. I turned and fell into room five.
Before I describe room five, you have to understand something. I am not a drug addict. I have had no history of drug abuse or any sort of psychosis short of the childhood hallucinations I mentioned earlier, and those were only when I was really tired or just waking up. I entered the NoEnd House with a clear head.
After falling in from the previous room, my view of room five was from my back, looking up at the ceiling. What I saw didn't scare me; it simply surprised me. Trees had grown into the room and towered above my head. The ceilings in this room were taller than the others, which made me think I was in the center of the house. I got up off the floor, dusted myself off, and took a look around. It was definitely the biggest room of them all. I couldn't even see the door from where I was; various brush and trees must have blocked my line of sight with the exit.
Up to this point, I figured the rooms were going to get scarier, but this was a paradise compared to the last room. I also assumed whatever was in room four stayed back there. I was incredibly wrong.
As I made my way deeper into the room, I began to hear what one would hear if they were in a forest; chirping bugs and the occasional flap of birds seemed to be my only company in this room. That was the thing that bothered me the most. I heard the bugs and other animals, but I didn't see any of them. I began to wonder how big this house was. From the outside when I first walked up to it, it looked like a regular house. It was definitely on the bigger side, but this was almost a full forest in here. The canopy covered my view of the ceiling, but I assumed it was still there, however high it was. I couldn't see any walls, either. The only way I knew I was still inside was that the floor matched the other rooms: the standard dark wood paneling.
I kept walking, hoping that the next tree I passed would reveal the door. After a few moments of walking, I felt a mosquito fly onto my arm. I shook it off and kept going. A second later, I felt about ten more land on my skin at different places. I felt them crawl up and down my arms and legs and a few made their way across my face. I flailed wildly to get them all off but they just kept crawling. I looked down and let out a muffled scream - more of a whimper, to be honest. I didn't see a single bug. Not one bug was on me, but I could feel them crawl. I heard them fly by my face and sting my skin but I couldn't see a single one. I dropped to the ground and began to roll wildly. I was desperate. I hated bugs, especially ones I couldn't see or touch. But these bugs could touch me and they were everywhere.
I began to crawl. I had no idea where I was going; the entrance was nowhere in sight and I still hadn't even seen the exit. So I just crawled, my skin wriggling with the presence of those phantom bugs. After what seemed like hours, I found the door. I grabbed the nearest tree and propped myself up, mindlessly slapping my arms and legs to no avail. I tried to run, but I couldn't; my body was exhausted from crawling and dealing with whatever it was that was on me. I took a few shaky steps to the door, grabbing each tree on the way for support.
It was only a few feet away when I heard it. The low hum from before. It was coming from the next room and it was deeper. I could almost feel it inside my body, like when you stand next to an amp at a concert. The feeling of the bugs on me lessened as the hum grew louder. As I placed my hand on the doorknob, the bugs were completely gone but I couldn't bring myself to turn the knob. I knew that if I let go, the bugs would return and there was no way I would make it back to room four. I just stood there, my head pressed against the door marked six and my hand shakily grasping the knob. The hum was so loud I couldn't even hear myself pretend to think. There was nothing I could do but move on. Room six was next, and room six was Hell.
I closed the door behind me, my eyes held shut and my ears ringing. The hum was surrounding me. As the door clicked into place, the hum was gone. I opened my eyes in surprise and the door I had shut was gone. It was just a wall now. I looked around in shock. The room was identical to room three - the same chair and lamp - but with the correct amount of shadows this time. The only real difference was that there was no exit door and the one I came in through was gone. As I said before, I had no previous issues in terms of mental instability, but at that moment I fell into what I now know was insanity. I didn't scream. I didn't make a sound.
At first I scratched softly. The wall was tough, but I knew the door was there somewhere. I just knew it was. I scratched at where the doorknob was. I clawed at the wall frantically with both hands, my nails being filed down to the skin against the wood. I fell silently to my knees, the only sound in the room the incessant scratching against the wall. I knew it was there. The door was there, I knew it was just there. I knew if I could just get past this wall -
"Are you alright?"
I jumped off the ground and spun in one motion. I leaned against the wall behind me and I saw what it was that spoke to me; to this day I regret ever turning around.
There was a little girl. She was wearing a soft, white dress that went down to her ankles. She had long blonde hair to the middle of her back and white skin and blue eyes. She was the most frightening thing I had ever seen, and I know that nothing in my life will ever be as unnerving as what I saw in her. While looking at her, I saw something else. Where she stood I saw what looked like a man's body, only larger than normal and covered in hair. He was naked from head to toe, but his head was not human and his toes were hooves. It wasn't the Devil, but at that moment it might as well have been. The form had the head of a ram and the snout of a wolf.
It was horrifying and it was synonymous with the little girl in front of me. They were the same form. I can't really describe it, but I saw them at the same time. They shared the same spot in that room, but it was like looking at two separate dimensions. When I saw the girl I saw the form, and when I saw the form I saw the girl. I couldn't speak. I could barely even see. My mind was revolting against what it was attempting to process. I had been scared before in my life and I had never been more scared than when I was trapped in the fourth room, but that was before room six. I just stood there, staring at whatever it was that spoke to me. There was no exit. I was trapped here with it. And then it spoke again.
"David, you should have listened."
When it spoke, I heard the words of the little girl, but the other form spoke through my mind in a voice I won't attempt to describe. There was no other sound. The voice just kept repeating that sentence over and over in my mind and I agreed. I didn't know what to do. I was slipping into madness, yet couldn't take my eyes off what was in front of me. I dropped to the floor. I thought I had passed out, but the room wouldn't let me. I just wanted it to end. I was on my side, my eyes wide open and the form staring down at me. Scurrying across the floor in front of me was one of the battery-powered rats from the second room.
The house was toying with me. But for some reason, seeing that rat pulled my mind back from whatever depths it was headed and I looked around the room. I was getting out of there. I was determined to get out of that house and live and never think about this place again. I knew this room was Hell and I wasn't ready to take up a residency. At first, it was just my eyes that moved. I searched the walls for any kind of opening. The room wasn't that big, so it didn't take long to soak up the entire layout. The demon still taunted me, the voice growing louder as the form stayed rooted where it stood. I placed my hand on the floor, lifted myself up to all four and turned to scan the wall behind me.
Then I saw something I couldn't believe. The form was now right at my back, whispering into my mind how I shouldn't have come. I felt its breath on the back of my neck, but I refused to turn around. A large rectangle was scratched into the wood, with a small dent chipped away in the center of it. Right in front of my eyes I saw the large seven I had mindlessly etched into the wall. I knew what it was: room seven was just beyond that wall where room five was moments ago.
I don't know how I had done it - maybe it was just my state of mind at the time - but I had created the door. I knew I had. In my madness, I had scratched into the wall what I needed the most: an exit to the next room. Room seven was close. I knew the demon was right behind me, but for some reason it couldn't touch me. I closed my eyes and placed both hands on the large seven in front of me. I pushed. I pushed as hard as I could. The demon was now screaming in my ear. It told me I was never leaving. It told me that this was the end but I wasn't going to die; I was going to live there in room six with it. I wasn't. I pushed and screamed at the top of my lungs. I knew I was going to push through the wall eventually.
I clenched my eyes shut and screamed, and the demon was gone. I was left in silence. I turned around slowly and was greeted by the room as it was when I entered: just a chair and a lamp. I couldn't believe it, but I didn't have time to well. I turned back to the seven and jumped back slightly. What I saw was a door. It wasn't the one I had scratched in, but a regular door with a large seven on it. My whole body was shaking. It took me a while to turn the knob. I just stood there for a while, staring at the door. I couldn't stay in room six. I couldn't. But if this was only room six, I couldn't imagine was seven had in store. I must have stood there for an hour, just staring at the seven. Finally, with a deep breath, I twisted the knob and opened the door to room seven.
I stumbled through the door mentally exhausted and physically weak. The door behind me closed and I realized where I was. I was outside. Not outside like room five, but actually outside. My eyes stung. I wanted to cry. I fell to my knees and tried but I couldn't. I was finally out of that hell. I didn't even care about the prize that was promised. I turned and saw that the door I just went through was the entrance. I walked to my car and drove home, thinking of how nice a shower sounded.
As I pulled up to my house, I felt uneasy. The joy of leaving NoEnd House had faded and dread was slowly building in my stomach. I shook it off as residual from the house and made my way to the front door. I entered and immediately went up to my room. There on my bed was my cat, Baskerville. He was the first living thing I had seen all night and I reached to pet him. He hissed and swiped at my hand. I recoiled in shock, as he had never acted like that. I thought, "Whatever, he's an old cat." I jumped in the shower and got ready for what I was expecting to be a sleepless night.
After my shower, I went to the kitchen to make something to eat. I descended the stairs and turned into the family room; what I saw would be forever burned into my mind, however. My parents were lying on the ground, naked and covered in blood. They were mutilated to near-unidentifiable states. Their limbs were removed and placed next to their bodies, and their heads were placed on their chests facing me. The most unsettling part was their expressions. They were smiling, as though they were happy to see me. I vomited and sobbed there in the family room. I didn't know what had happened; they didn't even live with me at the time. I was a mess. Then I saw it: a door that was never there before. A door with a large eight scrawled on it in blood.
I was still in the house. I was standing in my family room but I was in room seven. The faces of my parents smiled wider as I realized this. They weren't my parents; they couldn't be, but they looked exactly like them. The door marked eight was across the room, behind the mutilated bodies in front of me. I knew I had to move on, but at that moment I gave up. The smiling faces tore into my mind; they grounded me where I stood. I vomited again and nearly collapsed. Then the hum returned. It was louder than ever and it filled the house and shook the walls. The hum compelled me to walk.
I began to walk slowly, making my way closer to the door and the bodies. I could barely stand, let alone walk, and the closer I got to my parents the closer I came to suicide. The walls were now shaking so hard it seemed as though they were going to crumble, but still the faces smiled at me. As I inched closer, their eyes followed me. I was now between the two bodies, a few feet away from the door. The dismembered hands clawed their way across the carpet towards me, all while the faces continued to stare. New terror washed over me and I walked faster. I didn't want to hear them speak. I didn't want the voices to match those of my parents. They began to open their mouths and the hands were inches from my feet. In a dash of desperation, I lunged toward the door, threw it open, and slammed it behind me. Room eight.
I was done. After what I had just experienced, I knew there wasn't anything else this fucking house could throw at me that I couldn't live through. There was nothing short of the fires of Hell that I wasn't ready for. Unfortunately, I underestimated the abilities of NoEnd House. Unfortunately, things got more disturbing, more terrifying, and more unspeakable in room eight.
I still have trouble believing what I saw in room eight. Again, the room was a carbon copy of rooms three and six, but sitting in the usually empty chair was a man. After a few seconds of disbelief, my mind finally accepted the fact that the man sitting in the chair was me. Not someone who looked like me; it was David Williams. I walked closer. I had to get a better look even though I was sure of it. He looked up at me and I noticed tears in his eyes.
"Please... please, don't do it. Please, don't hurt me."
"What?" I asked. "Who are you? I'm not going to hurt you."
"Yes you are..." He was sobbing now. "You're going to hurt me and I don't want you to." He sat in the chair with his legs up and began rocking back and forth. It was actually pretty pathetic looking, especially since he was me, identical in every way.
"Listen, who are you?" I was now only a few feet from my doppelgänger. It was the weirdest experience yet, standing there talking to myself. I wasn't scared, but I would be soon. "Why are you-"
"You're going to hurt me you're going to hurt me if you want to leave you're going to hurt me."
"Why are you saying this? Just calm down, alright? Let's try and figure this-" And then I saw it. The David sitting down was wearing the same clothes as me, except for a small red patch on his shirt embroidered with the number nine.
"You're going to hurt me you're going to hurt me don't please you're going to hurt me..."
My eyes didn't leave that small number on his chest. I knew exactly what it was. The first few doors were plain and simple, but after a while they got a little more ambiguous. Seven was scratched into the wall, but by my own hands. Eight was marked in blood above the bodies of my parents. But nine - this number was on a person, a living person. Worse still, it was on a person that looked exactly like me.
"David?" I had to ask.
"Yes... you're going to hurt me you're going to hurt me..." He continued to sob and rock.
He answered to David. He was me, right down to the voice. But that nine. I paced around for a few minutes while he sobbed in his chair. The room had no door and, similarly to room six, the door I came through was gone. For some reason, I assumed that scratching would get me nowhere this time. I studied the walls and floor around the chair, sticking my head underneath and seeing if anything was below. Unfortunately, there was. Below the chair was a knife. Attached was a tag that read, "To David - From Management."
The feeling in my stomach as I read that tag was something sinister. I wanted to throw up and the last thing I wanted to do was remove that knife from under that chair. The other David was still sobbing uncontrollably. My mind was spinning into an attic of unanswerable questions. Who put this here and how did they get my name? Not to mention the fact that as I knelt on the cold wood floor I also sat in that chair, sobbing in protest of being hurt by myself. It was all too much to process. The house and the management had been playing with me this whole time. My thoughts for some reason turned to Peter and whether or not he got this far. If he did, if he met a Peter Terry sobbing in this very chair, rocking back and forth... I shook those thoughts out of my head; they didn't matter. I took the knife from under the chair and immidately the other David went quiet.
"David," He said in my voice, "What do you think you're going to do?"
I lifted myself from the ground and clenched the knife in my hand.
"I'm going to get out of here."
David was still sitting in the chair, though he was very calm now. He looked up at me with a slight grin. I couldn't tell if he was going to laugh or strangle me. Slowly, he got up from the chair and stood, facing me. It was uncanny. His height and even the way he stood matched mine. I felt the rubber hilt of the knife in my hand and gripped it tighter. I don't know what I was planning on doing with it, but I had a feeling I was going to need it.
"Now," his voice was slightly deeper than my own. "I'm going to hurt you. I'm going to hurt you and I'm going to keep you here." I didn't respond. I just lunged and tackled him to the ground. I had mounted him and looked down, knife poised and ready. He looked up at me, terrified. It was like I was looking in a mirror. Then the hum returned, low and distant, though I still felt it deep in my body. David looked up at me as I looked down at myself. The hum was getting louder and I felt something inside me snap. With one motion, I slammed the knife into the patch on his chest and ripped down. Blackness fell on the room and I was falling.
The darkness around me was like nothing I had experienced up to that point. Room four was dark, but it didn't come close to what was completely engulfing me. I wasn't even sure if I was falling after a while. I felt weightless, covered in dark. Then a deep sadness came over me. I felt lost, depressed, and suicidal. The sight of my parents entered my mind. I knew it wasn't real, but I had seen it and the mind has trouble differentiating between what is real and what isn't. The sadness only deepened. I was in room nine for what seemed like days. The final room. And that's exactly what it was: the end. NoEnd House had an end and I had reached it. At that moment, I gave up. I knew I would be in that in-between state forever, accompanied by nothing but darkness. Not even the hum was there to keep me sane.
I had lost all senses. I couldn't feel myself. I couldn't hear anything. Sight was completely useless here. I searched for a taste in my mouth and found nothing. I felt disembodied and completely lost. I knew where I was. This was Hell. Room nine was Hell. Then it happened. A light. One of those stereotypical lights at the end of the tunnel. I felt ground come up from below me and I was standing. After a moment or two of gathering my thoughts and senses, I slowly walked toward that light.
As I approached the light, it took form. It was a vertical slit down the side of an unmarked door. I slowly walked through the door and found myself back where I started: the lobby of NoEnd House. It was exactly how I left it: still empty, still decorated with childish Halloween decorations. After everything that had happened that night, I was still wary of where I was. After a few moments of normalcy, I looked around the place trying to find anything different. On the desk was a plain white envelope with my name handwritten on it. Immensely curious, yet still cautious, I mustered up the courage to open the envelope. Inside was a letter, again handwritten.
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