#if you defend that creep
lovl3igh · 8 months
you have no idea how I despise those kind of snape's stans
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snape is not a good person. that's it. he was a outsider kid and people thought he's weird. there are plenty of those. however not every outsider kid becomes creepy blood supremacist with such an obsession on a girl to the point that he bullies her son, cause boy looks like his father.
snape was the one who told voldemort about the prophecy. "he would find out anyway" FROM WHOM? DUMBLEDORE? TRELAWNEY?
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doesn't matter if voldemort would find out from someone else. he didn't. he knew because of snape. he was the one who put large X on harry's back.
"he didn't know voldemort will choose harry" oh that's fine then. it's okay. snape put another infant in danger, but it's cool, because it means that voldemort would possibly kill alicia and frank instead of potters. he's innocent cutie patootie, all blame on peter, voldemort, dumbledore, james, sirius, anyone but snape. sure.
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bywandandsword · 1 year
It's interesting how Jonathan keeps equating himself with women, first with the gothic heroines of books, now "sitting at a little oak table where in old times possibly some fair lady sat to pen, with much thought and many blushes, her ill-spelt love-letter" and feeling the first bit of comfort in a while in what he identifies as a woman's room. I know tumblr keeps identifying Jonathan as the book's Damsel in Distress, but it's interesting that Jonathan is consciously identifying himself that way, rather than identifying with any number of the action heroes in books of the time.
I wonder what men in 1897 thought about it, and I wonder if it was a conscious decision on Bram Stoker's part
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leupagus · 1 month
Say what you will about Martin's writing style (and I've said plenty) but I do think he's got the White Walkers' mythos worked out for a future book and IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO NICE IF THE SHOWRUNNERS HAD DONE 1/100TH OF THAT WORK SETTING THEM UP
Gus: I am mad all over again that there was absolutely zero explanation given as to why/how the Night King operates or how his powers work or why he chose now to attack or ANYTHING ELSE
Gus: on the plus side it means I get to make up a whole subplot that, not to brag, I'm comfortable saying is at least as good as anything D&D could've made up IF THEY HAD EVER EVEN BOTHERED
Gus: but like - okay so craster's infant sons get sacrificed to the Night King, who them magics them into White Walkers as babies
Mardia: Yep yep
Gus: so does that mean there's a white walker nursery
Mardia: Omg
Gus: do they have to change diapers
Gus: is there a white walker daycare center
Gus: how does the night king TEACH his lil adopted monster babies
Gus: is there like storytime around the - well not fire
Gus: does the Night King remember what it was like to sit around a fire?
Gus: does he miss being a human and all his rage at the spell the Children of the Forest put on him to kill the First Men has curdled his brain?
Gus: what was he DOING for like 8 millennia, just hanging out?
Gus: did he get really good at ice fishing?
Gus: where the fuck do they get their snazzy outfits from
Gus: are there white walker tailors
Gus: what's the currency situation
Mardia: Lololololololol
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bimoonphases · 1 month
@wolfstarmicrofic May 5 - prompt 5: Awful First Meeting [word count 676]
Remus was having a bad morning. He already didn’t like early shifts, but that morning he had overslept, had ran all the way to the café because there had been no buses in sight, had grabbed the first apron he had found and had dived head first right in the middle of three whole field trip classes of teenagers and their caffeine-starved teachers. Then he had barely had the time to wipe the counter and register how hot the guy who had just pushed the café door open was, with his leather jacket with a pride pin on it and his bike helmet under his arm when then man had made a beeline for him, taken one look at his apron and had started shouting at him.
“My friend can very well defend herself, but I’m here to make sure you will never dare to creep on her or any other girl who comes here!” the stranger waved a finger in Remus’s face. “And you’re on the clock, what are you doing, using your paid time to creep up on girls?!”
Remus opened his mouth to say he was very, very gay and in any case he wouldn’t dream of being a creep to anyone, but the stranger was on a roll.
“When someone says no, it’s no, it’s a full sentence! There’s no ‘why’ or ‘but’ or whatever! If she ever comes back here I want you to stay away from her! Don’t talk to her, don’t look at her, don’t even breathe in her direction! Actually, you’d better not talk to any girl or woman who comes in here, am I making myself clear, Severus?!”
Remus blinked, staring at the hot guy who was now catching his breath, then he looked down at the badge pinned on his apron and groaned seeing it said Severus - Happy to help, which was quite hilarious since Severus had never been happy to help in his four months at the café.
“Well?” the stranger glared at him.
Remus removed the pin from his apron and tossed it in a nearby bin with a grimace.
“Sorry,” he said then. “I’m not him. He used to work here, but he got fired just yesterday and I must’ve gotten his apron by mistake coming in this morning.”
The guy frowned.
“How do I know you’re not lying to save your ass?” he asked.
Remus knew he didn’t have to prove anything, but even glaring and shouting the stranger was so insanely hot he would’ve kicked himself if he let him think he was a creep. So he reached in his back pocket and handed him his battered wallet, the pride pin on it well on display.
“My ID’s in it.”
The stranger shot him a puzzled look and had a look inside, his expression immediately turning from anger to horror.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” he handed back the wallet. “I looked at your name tag and thought it was you, I’m really sorry!”
“Don’t be, I was wearing the wrong name tag after all,” Remus smiled. “And you defending your friend was quite endearing. You can tell her Severus was kicked out when the manager caught him being a creep to his sister.”
“Good,” the stranger nodded. “So your name’s Remus then?”
Remus nodded, the guy smiled and he somehow became even hotter just like that.
“I’m Sirius,” he said. “When do you get off work, Remus? I’d like to buy you a drink as a proper apology.”
“Only as an apology?” Remus smiled.
“Well, not only that,” Sirius grinned. “When I saw the name tag my first thought was why are the hot ones always arseholes.”
“I’m off in an hour,” Remus laughed. “And I promise I’m not an arsehole.”
“I’ll wait right outside for you then. I have a spare helmet,” Sirius smiled. “And I can be an arsehole, but only when you’re mean to my friends.”
Remus kept smiling as Sirius walked out and he gathered empty mugs to clean. Maybe that morning wasn’t so bad after all.
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lightofjedi · 10 months
I wish people understood that a female character being written by a dude who objectify and sexualize her is not her fault but the writter's, and that going on about the importance of not sexualizing female characters while simultaneously using said sexualization as a reason to sprout misogynistic remarks about and dehumanising sexualized female characters just shows your hypocrisy and how little you actually care about women.
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juiceboxthief · 4 months
is there a single character that Charlie slimesicle has created that doesn't have some sort of chronic pain? and/or body horror? mostly both.
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theshadowrealmitself · 6 months
Me: Okay, gotta go to sleep so I can wake up early and continue stressing over finals, so I’m gonna think calm scenarios with low stakes to fall asleep to
Me: Like…an older captain having a crush on a younger crewmate that wasn’t even ranked high enough to be on the bridge, so the captain of course never said or did anything about the crush, staying completely professional the entire time, but now they don’t work together anymore
Me: And now the captain is wondering if they should pursue a relationship with them, because they aren’t currently working on the same ship anymore, but the captain is still ranked higher then them overall, and then there’s the issue with the age gap, it’s not really a big one, but it’s still There™️
Me: And several other crewmembers have joked about seeing the captain as a parent figure because they act so professional and competent and dependable and stuff that it just makes the captain come across as way older and oh god what if the crewmate is just horrified to find out the captain has a crush on them??
Me: And they’re wondering if they should just not pursue anything, especially since the crewmate has recently accepted to go on a date with another person, but they also kinda don’t wanna give up because getting to hang out with that crewmate more in non-work settings (cause most of the crew stayed in contact and constantly meet up to hang out) has made their infatuation grow, so they quietly and indecisively pine
My brain, for some goddamn reason: Mhm, and then, it turns out that person the crewmate agreed to go on a date with, is actually a huge creep trying to stalk their poor ex using the crewmate as a coverup (claiming to innocently be on a date, totally unknowing the ex would be there (lies)), so not only is the date really crappy, but because this creep isn’t actually listening to what the crewmate is saying, they tune them out about their deadly allergies
Brain: And then to seem like a good date to keep the coverup going, they stop by a flower shop (still stalking their ex, the crewmate isn’t aware of that, but is aware this date sucks and is trying to think of how to politely leave) rushes in, and then comes out and shoves a bouquet into the crewmate’s face as a “thoughtful” gift, and it’s the flowers they just mentioned being extremely allergic to-
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
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(BIG NOTE! : In the first draft, I thought that the author said "ACAB!" not "AFAB!" Sorry, the words looked extremely similar and I was having a hard time seeing it since it was early when I wrote this. Sorry!)
1. Real BLM support other BLM supporters. Not fake BLM that aren’t even black and supported blackface and uses bigoted stereotypes as a substitute for “comedy” like Vivziepop. (The evidence is in the past post im not going to repeat myself.) If you actually supported us, you wouldn’t automatically assume that she’s “innocent” just because of word of mouth or out of context screenshots from people who did little to no research.
2. True BLM doesn’t deny evidence of racism and play the victim while supporting racists just because they make you cartoon fetish porn.
3. REAL BLM doesn’t go “BU BU BU if you confront someone you’re a harasser!” (Wtf happened to fighting the system?! True BLM doesn’t kiss the feet of bigots like this. You’re clearly just another “PICK ME!” hiding behind bigots out of fear, to benefit off their platforms, and using our labels to get clout off of blm while doing so. -and i’d have full sympathy for said fear, if “PICK ME’S!” weren’t some of the most bigoted people known to man.) or use irl harassment towards innocent people as a strawman argument to support people with blatant anti- blackness that supported blackface and tried to hide the evidence of it, while being supposedly “anti harassment” people that harass other fans, including having harassed many black lives, as a meat shield to hide behind.
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Sick of all you “PICK ME!” folk who support racist creators, same for people who supported the looting or the rioting while making the rest of BLM miserable and getting in the way of progress by destroying black communities.
Vivziepop isn’t trans.
Vivziepop isn’t NB, in fact if you actually read the post instead of being stubborn and supporting her anyway just because she makes cartoon porn that you watch- she’s transphobic!
Vivziepop isn’t black. Supporting her and trusting her word of mouth to get clout off of her twitter level “progressiveness!” or because you benefit off of her cartoon softcore yaoi porn instead of actually caring about the black lives around you is just sickening. True BLM don’t support racists over cartoon porn or to get clout off of their channel. True BLM SUPPORT EACH OTHER! Not non-black racist people!
Also- Rebecca Sugar is a white passing person that had porn of literal kids! What’s with you and supporting white passing people instead of black folk?! Your entire argument just mentioned white passing or white people while vagueing about other blm members as a strawman excuse to support bigots when the evidence is so easy to find, the fact that you pulled this “I do my research!” crap and victimized yourself, blocked me, deleted the replies from people telling you to stop supporting racists is just sad to watch. So trying to use the violence ACAB and trans folk go through on a daily basis as a strawman to supported bigoted (not even black OR trans!) people to benefit yourself-
Makes this post entirely fake. Vivziepop is not BLM, she’s not black, she’s not trans, and she’s a privileged white passing woman that treats us like crap by hiding anti-blackness within her content, so the fact that you tried to play these games and denied/didn’t even try to look into the evidence just because you want to keep benefitting off of her is sickening.
Stop claiming to be BLM while supporting anti-blackness!
Im not even going to link anything since the evidence is literally on the post this person blocked me over after people started to share the evidence of what Vivziepop actually did. It’s on the other post, and im not going to waste my time giving people like this anymore attention since i’d just be repeating myself.
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velvetbunniie-archive · 6 months
“they don’t want people to know that their daughter is a monster” 1) look who’s talking, and 2) literally what did she DOOOO that was so unforgivable, except be a teenage girl that was kinda insane over her comphet crush and have access to spells. i jst think, in this fantasy world, aurora rlly didn’t even… do… that much…. like, out of all the actions she did, she mostly jst kinda handed ppl tools and then it was out of her hands. jacks fucking traded his heart to her willingly (for a protection cuff that didn’t seem to do that much for the end of the story, anyway). i’m an aurora defender, because you guys see one (1) female character that’s not perfectly feminine and submissive and you start screaming
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hooved · 1 year
sorry but so many of you (including ppl who claim to be sex-positive and/or make horny jokes literally all the time ?) get so unnecessarily mad about ppl having weird but otherwise completely harmless kinks. like just because it's weird to you personally doesn't automatically mean it's immoral lmao. get over yourself
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uselessnbee · 1 year
not to be an extreme Mike defender (i mean i am-) but i just want to point out that El's whole idea of a romantic relationship comes from tv and we all know how they are portrayed...the moment the guy and the girl confess they're making out and fucking. the amatonormativity in tv is strong, it's also why i had such a hard time coming to terms with me being aroace. when i was younger in my mind relationships=sex/making out because that's what television told me. so El probably thought the same. that now that her and Mike are dating they have to make out all the time. Mike took unhealthy relationships he sees in his life as an example (st*ncy who were kissing all the time) and El took tv romance as an example for their relationship (where there are romantic relationships protrayed as very sexual)
anyways i'm only talking about this because often when people talk about how Mike and El are unhealthy because they only make out all the time they kind of tend to make Mike into some asshole who took advantage of a naive innocent girl who didn't know better and made her think they have to kiss all the time and i just want to point out that they both were just kids and didn't know better and only took things they saw in other relationships as examples. they both are in this situation because of the heteronormativity and amatonormativity in this society so just...maybe let's not make Mike into such a villain...
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
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Up until this moment, I thought "breaking in a horse" referred to like. Muscular training to make riding more comfortable for both the horse and human. Like one would do with a new pair of shoes.
Embarassingly, I was in 4H club *and* helped care for the church horses growing up. Thank you for teaching me something I should have known much, much sooner.
Most people I have met in my local equestrian communities have abandoned the term completely, some others just use it colloquially nowadays to mean training an untouched horse, but you can still find people who still think traditionally breaking a horse with learned helplessness is a viable training method. Unfortunately.
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iiyarada · 4 months
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Triad of my favorite side characters (who double as my favorite overall characters)
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princessefemmelesbian · 4 months
Just saw this on Quora and wtf:
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I may not like Madoka Magica(and in fact anyone who follows me for long enough will know that I hate that anime with a burning passion), but even so that still doesn't make comments like this okay.
I am so tired of people acting like lesbianism(and non-straight identities in general but in this case we're talking about lesbians) is inherently sexual, deviant, and inappropriate. These are the same type of people who think that kids can't be gay or even be told about the possibility of homosexuality because it will groom their young minds or something, as if being gay is something you're groomed into being. And I am sick of people acting like a character can't be gay/lesbian because it doesn't fit their personality or because they're a child or because they're "innocent" or some stupid-ass shit like you're just reinforcing the idea that straight is the default and that straight is morally more pure and "normal" and acceptable than being gay. I bet Larry Koopa doesn't care if a kid the same age as or younger than Madoka(who is 14) is portrayed as straight, because to them that's not inherently sexual the way that being gay is. But a kid being gay? Now don't you think that's going a little bit too far?
This person definitely thinks that all lesbians are mean and hateful and bitter, probably because they measure a woman's level of decency in accordance to how attracted to men they are(which is how we got that ugly fucking "mean bisexual, even meaner lesbian" joke in the first place).
I agree with Peyton Peyons. Madoka is a lesbian, end of story, and nobody gives a shit whether you want to call her your waifu or not, because she doesn't even know you exist. Get out of her, dawg.
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conways · 2 months
btw ex mutual mask-off pedo supporter (pedo? self-identified unspecified paraphile) creep fancyson is on a tirade saying that people only hate paraphiles bc theyre transmisogynysts or whatever. as if hating child/animal abusers means hating trans women. like do you hear yourself?! talking about pedojacketing trans women while conflating pedos with trans women like get fucking real. it is amazing to me how people will be rightfully called out (not like callout but like. criticized. called out the real world meaning) on something genuine horrific and then point and say 'but look! this person is also doing something bad!' like okay yeah thats true but youre liking posts about how its awesome to be a pedophile. so.
disclaimer this isnt a fucking callout post phineas im ranting on my personal blog about how youre annoying and a genuine creep. if its okay for you to rant about how your creep shit is soooo cool then i can do this. fuck offffff
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