#if you have any please feel free to add on
tadpolesonalgae · 2 days
Deal With The Devil[***]
Dark!Rhysand x Reader
a/n: Another little drabble to add to the Desk Pet series
warnings: Dark!Rhys, fingering, collar/leash, Court of Nightmares, smut, noncon
word count: 5,096
“Put this on.” 
You stare at the dress he has over his arm, unable to fully understand what you’re looking at. After having spent so long being denied your own clothing, for him to now offer it to you, no— order you to wear it…alarm bells are chiming in your head, body frozen as he throws off your habits, succinctly disrupting your routine. Rhysand raises a brow, free hand sliding into his pocket as his cruel lips curve, an amused glint in his violent gaze. “I would have thought you’d jump at the opportunity to hide yourself from me,” he drawls, and you swallow thickly at the implication, eyeing the dress warily—it must be a trick of some kind, but he never doesn’t have you backed into a corner. As usual, you have no choice when it comes to him. Hairs rise at the nape of your neck—you have to approach him. 
He enjoys playing mind games like this, the subtle manipulation of forcing you to come to him, to put yourself more at his mercy than you are already, naturally and through his own machinations. Steeling your spine, you keep the tremble from your fingers as you walk forward, every sense on high alert as you get closer, and closer…personal circles overlapping as you cross into his space, hastily reaching for the dress, practically snatching it from his arm before making to hurriedly get away.
Rhys grabs you, hand gripping your waist as he tugs you into him with a force you can’t resist, internally recoiling as the finely tailored fabric of his shirt grazes against the bare skin of your breasts, pressed flush to his upper body as he towers over you. You crane your neck, giving yourself no choice but to meet his intense gaze, to force yourself to look him in the eye with every ounce of hatred you can pull together. His lips curve, a look of approving amusement on his hell-hewn features. “I would tell you not to misbehave tonight,” he murmurs, lowering himself so his mouth brushes the sensitive shell of your ear, hand settling with revolting entitlement on the bare skin of your waist, able to feel every finger, every joint as they curl into you. “But I think you know I quite enjoy it when you try to be fierce. When you try to fight back.” 
You twist your head away from him, feeling as your hands begin to shake as you dig the heels of your palms into his chest, trying not to push him away but to keep him from closing the little distance there is left—not openly fighting back, but trying to preserve what space you have. The low drag of his chuckle sends a shiver down your spine and you wonder if he intentionally chooses clothing that’ll feel abrasive against your bare skin. “Now be good, and go and put this on for me, or would you like me to do it for you?” He muses, mouth lowering so his lips brush against the intimate slope of your throat, your breath hitching. “I can’t promise to keep my hands to myself—I’m sure you already know that, though.” 
Then he releases you, and you step out of his immediate circle, holding his gaze for a second before turning away. Any chance you have to show defiance, you need to take. But it’s difficult navigating your own emotions. At times you’re so tired, so worn down you don’t want to protest, want to fall into unconsciousness while he puts his harsh touch over your body, want to obey and please just so it might pass more swiftly—even if you know he would never let you get away with it. He would find a way to make it last regardless of how you act. It feels so pointless—even when you’re completely immobile, numb to him as you spiral he finds a way to wring pleasure from your body. It’s unfair. 
“You have two hours,” he says, both hands now settled in his pockets, and you’re unable to suppress the blink you give, the sign that he’s caught you off guard again. A cold feeling licks over your skin. What’s he planning?
But he only smiles slightly. “I’ll come and find you when your time is up,” he says, violet eyes gleaming with that almost constant hunger. “It’s going to be a long night.” 
You’re surprised by how claustrophobic it feels to have your skin covered, in spite of the lightness of the material, its thin breathability. He probably factored that into the dress’ design though, and you dislike the amount of thought he’s given. 
The neckline is wide although surprisingly not particularly low as it sits just shy of your shoulders, offering an elegant view of your collar bones while keeping your chest covered by the way the two pieces of fabric overlap when joined to the seam of the skirts. Another surprise there. The skirts are made up of four long, rectangular panels of pale fabric that also overlap, and while you’d like to think it’s to keep it from being too restrictive of your movement you know it’s made that way to facilitate his ease of use. It’ll be less trouble to get the skirts out of the way, if he wants.  
You glance over to the wardrobe, knowing it contains a full-body mirror on the inner door. You don’t want to look though. 
You don’t want to see how much you’ve changed. 
The floor has fallen out from beneath your feet, skin slicked in a cold, slimy residue as you recognise the darkness of these hallways. You’ve never been in person before—never had a reason to, nor has he ever allowed you to—but none of that prevents you from understanding where he’s brought you to. To the deepest part of his Court, rife with evil and oozing malice. 
Why are you here?
The sounds of voices grow louder, and your stomach drops, figuring out what will happen. He’s told you of the person he becomes here, what he’s like when he’s sat on that throne—with hindsight you know he doesn’t become anyone. The mask is simply removed. 
He rounds a corner, and you can see the double doors at the other end of the hallway, can hear the muffled voices from behind it, and fresh fear saturates your skin. You’d grown accustomed to the touches he’s infected you with, had grown used to his kind of inflictions that leave bruises aching within your body, teeth that mark and bite mercilessly for the sake of his own twisted pleasure. 
Your feet stop of their own accord, staring ahead to the doors, unable to make your body move like it should, like you’re commanding it to so he won’t figure out how terrified you are. He’ll only exploit your weakness, and he’s taken advantage of you enough, you can’t do anymore. You really might fall apart this time. 
Rhys pauses, glancing back at you with that look on his face that’s a mix between hunger and amusement. It feels like he already knows what you’re thinking, the desperation that’s rapidly taking over your body, overwhelming your mind, pulse increasing in frequency and weight as you look at those doors, then to him. “What’s…what’s behind there?” You ask, hating how weak you sound. 
“My Court,” he answers simply, turning so he’s facing you, cruel silver-ringed hands sheathed in his pockets. “Why…why are you—…” you choke on the rest of the question, unable to help the small retreating step, the way your legs tremble and your arms raise up to cross over your body as if it will serve any kind of protection. You can manage in solitude. When it’s only him who’ll witness your degradation. Your humiliation is kept secure within a vacuum, strange and out of context in the horrid privacy of his home. Between two people, there’s no real confirmation, no reason to believe one over the other. But if he takes you into that room…takes you in front of his court…you can’t fight against the beliefs of so many people. 
If they believe you to be his whore, you’ll become it. 
“I’m not…” you whisper, subconsciously taking another half-step back, fingers trembling as they curl over your shoulder, grip around your waist. “No…” you breathe, shaking your head. Violet eyes gleam, hunger deepening as he takes a step toward you. Then another, and another after that. He’s getting closer, long legs effortlessly covering the ground between you, and you can see as time slows the way his hand raises from his pocket, reaching to grab you. To drag you before his court, and shove you to your knees at his feet for everyone to see. To your knees…
It’s the only pathway you can find, one that might keep you safe, so as Rhys’ hand reaches for you, you lower your head, one leg bending at the knee before the other is following, lowering yourself into a kneel. Hands tuck into your lap, trying to calm their shaking as you keep your head cast downward, feeling humiliation settle on your shoulders, breathing shallow and uneven. “Please,” you whisper, brows pulled tight together in regret, ashamed you can’t summon the courage to fight him. That you have to beg. Yielding to the cage he’s been trying to put you in for…you don’t know how long it’s been. 
Dark leather shoes step into your vision, and your eyes briefly close, wanting to shut him out. “Please…what?” He asks, voice a touch fainter than you’re accustomed to. “Please, not in front of them,” you whisper, nails beginning to press into the tops of your thighs, not at all certain your gamble will even pay off. If it’ll make a difference, or if it’ll be all for nothing. 
Quiet pulls between you, Rhys remaining silent as you keep your head bowed. 
“How about a bargain?” He murmurs, but you’re so overcome with fear you make nothing of the lack of cruelty in his voice. “I’ll keep you to myself, no one will see you, and in return, you will do as I say, without complaint, for one night.” 
Ice filters directly into your blood, a cold sweat dripping down your back as you register the offer. But is there anything he could ask of you that he hasn’t made you do already? “As long as no one will know what you ask of me,” you whisper in reply, putting what little faith you have left into the Mother, trusting she will hear this final, desperate cry, and at last have mercy on you. “Then I agree.”
“Very well,” Rhys answers quietly, and you flinch as the bargain inks itself on your flesh. His hand comes into view, silver rings twinkling in the low light as he holds out his palm for you to take. You fight against the shaking of your body, but you tremble nonetheless as your fingers slide over his own, letting him pull you to your bare feet. 
His violet eyes gleam, and then he’s guiding you towards those doors at the end of the hallway, keeping your arm linked with his own. He’d said no one would see you, had felt the bargain on your flesh, and know he’d spoken true, and yet you can’t help the instinctive resistance as he guides you to his Court. 
The mouth that will lead you to the belly of the beast. 
Rhys had already explained how no one could see you, how he had worked his way into the minds of his subjects, and erased you from their sight, and still you doubt.
You suppress a flinch as his palm grazes up your waist, nerves on edge from being surrounded by so many people after having spent so long with just him. It’s almost overwhelming, in a way, and you have to wonder if he intended this. 
You’re sat on his thigh, hands in your lap to keep from having to touch him any more than you need to, shoulder perpendicular to his chest, head turned away from him to keep an anxious eye on the writhing crowd before you on the floor below the raised platform of the dais. Violet eyes brush over your cheek, his attention stroking over your exposed skin and you’re horrified you’ve become so attuned to him you can recognise when he’s watching.
His hand rises, knuckles brushing below your breast, and your breath catches, body turning rigid with apprehension as his hot lips graze your throat. “You’re still anxious, aren’t you?” He muses just shy of your ear. “They can’t see you,” he says, mirth clear in his voice as his palm moves slowly to cup your breast intimately. “You’re all mine.” 
You swallow thickly at the reminder, that he’s manipulated it into being you desiring only his attention, that he’s so gently twisting the narrative you can hardly tell what the original was. 
His lips curve, then his touch is receding, instead pushing you to your feet between his legs and you turn to look at him warily, distrust blatant in your eyes as they meet his own, amused set. 
“Go play,” he tells you, mouth quirked, brow raised slightly. “You can see for yourself—I don’t mind. Just don’t touch anyone.” The curve of his mouth shifts into a slow smile, barely restrained violence glinting beneath the darkness of his eyes. The threat is clear enough. It takes a few seconds before you’re turning away from him, slowly making your way step by step down the dais, slowly getting further and further from his presence. Nothing significant, though. You’re not sure if any distance would be significant enough to have you feeling safe. 
Gathering courage, you make your way over to a male who’s sipping on his drink, eyes wearily cast in the direction you’ve come from, glancing up at the High Lord who’s sat on his throne atop the dais. He doesn’t even look at you as you approach, and your throat rolls as you pause before him. Hesitantly, you wave your hand in front of his face, a few inches from him, and yet there’s not even a single sign he sees you, or is even aware of your existence.
“I told you,” Rhys’s shadowy voice calls from the dais, amusement clear. “Are you satisfied now, little lamb?” You grit your teeth, pulling your hand back to your body before turning to face him, the writhing crowd at your back as you look up at him on his throne. “Why do you call me that?” Rhys smirks, leaning into the support of his thumb and index finger, middle digit curved to slightly obscure the sinful quirk of his lips, as if trying to keep his amusement to himself. 
Your brows narrow slightly, resentment pushing through your features that you usually try to keep neutral for the sake of not stirring anything in him. He seems most interested in you when you’ll give him reactions of some kind. Not that being numb and expressionless, or even asleep has ever given him pause. 
His eyes run over you with interest, but you can’t quite regret the question. It wasn’t like he was going to bring you here without violating you in some way. Putting his defiling touch into your body with those cruel, elegant fingers. 
“Crawl to me,” he orders softly, that soul-deep hunger pinning you to the ground with its quiet ferocity. A starvation so deep it has your legs trembling slightly. You have to make a decision here, antagonise him further by refusing to do as he says, or undertake the humiliation of crawling back up the dais to him, where he’ll likely keep you knelt between his legs like a pet, occasionally running his fingers through your hair soothingly. As if to thaw out a beast. 
“I have to admit,” he says, drawing your attention, his silky voice cutting through the generic noise of his nightmarish court. “Out of everything I’ve had you do, every position I’ve put you in and every angle I’ve fucked you from, I liked it when you knelt for me. When you did it for yourself.” You freeze, staring at him, horror unspooling in your gut at the soft drawl of his confession. “I think it’s an avenue I’d like to explore with you,” he muses, and that cold sweat returns. 
His eyes close briefly, lips curving as he smiles to himself, offering you precious seconds to regain composure before they’re opening again, previous…something, gone, replaced by that familiarly cruel, cold glint. Hungry and merciless. “Now come here,” he commands roughly, and darkness shoves at the back of your legs, shoving you to your knees as it wraps around your throat like a collar. “I’ve given you enough time to work yourself up, so crawl.” 
Rhys’ fingers flex as a leash of darkness appears in his grip, a dark, shadowy band wrapped firmly around his knuckles as he tugs on it punishingly, forcing you to fall forward onto your arms. Fear springs up in your flesh, as you face what you’ll have to do. You swallow once, before regretfully bringing your knee forward, hands moving distantly as your body starts into resentful motion, movements forced to be somewhat exaggerated to avoid kneeling on the fabric of the dress he’d put you in, the cold, unforgiving stone biting into the bare skin of your palms. 
“I think I quite like it when you’re obedient,” he muses, tugging lightly on your leash, encouraging you to raise your gaze to meet his once you’ve reached the foot of his throne though he doesn’t allow you to sit upright, forcing you to remain on all fours as you look up from between his long legs. “I’m sure you do,” you reply, trying to keep your expression neutral but unable to keep the bite form your tone. “Does it make you feel better?” 
Rhys blinks, violet eyes running over you with a foreign look in his features—interested and…anticipating…? But it’s gone as quickly as it came, vanished in less than a fraction of a second, leaving you unsure if you’d even seen it in the first place. “You’re rather talkative,” he muses neutrally, gazing down at you. You hold his gaze, trying to remain steady without showing too much resistance, hold your ground without being too compliant. 
His lips curve, “are you in a good mood?” 
You’re a fucking piece of work, you think vehemently, not quite possessing enough restraint to muffle your thoughts. His eyes twinkle like he’s heard it, but makes no comment on it, instead pulling on your collar. “Up here,” he instructs, and your heart drops. 
He guides you into his lap, and you fight against the urge to squirm as he pulls your back against his front, then, with sickening tenderness, gently hooks your legs either side of his thighs, pushing them apart. It’s exactly as you predicted, and you watch from somewhere far off in your mind as his hand trails across your stomach, keeping you slightly slouched against him. “You know what’s so wonderful about this dress?” He asks idly, fingers trailing up between your breasts leisurely, like he isn’t actively violating your body. 
Violet eyes glance sidewards to you, your head resting reluctantly against his shoulder, feet hooked around his calves to keep from sliding down his body. You know he won’t let you back up if you fall, and you hate it when he uses your mouth. When he finishes down your throat. Coating your tongue. Sometimes your face if he’s feeling particularly perverse. “I’m sure you’re going to tell me anyway,” you mutter softly, trying to keep the shake from your hands. 
Rhys hums amusedly, pressing a small kiss to your temple, your body wishing to recoil at the twisted display of gentle affection. “Why don’t I show you, instead?” He asks, hearing the resigned sigh that breathes from your lips, eyes sliding shut briefly as you brace for his touch. His lips curve because they have to, and then he’s guiding the panels of your skirts to the sides so only one lays between your legs. 
Pressed so intimately against him, he can feel the slight flinch you give as his fingers dip down, running almost experimentally over your bare cunt, pressing lightly to your entrance. You grit your teeth, keeping your eyes shut as he drags them back up, settling over your clit, unable to help the way you wind your feet a little closer around his calves, to assure you of some kind of stability as your body becomes more rigid. 
“You should open your eyes,” he muses beside your ear, fingers leaving you to press up against your lips, pushing lightly against your tongue. “It’s not everyday you’ll get to sit upon a throne like this.” 
I don’t want to sit on a throne, you think, eyes remaining shut as he coats his digits in saliva before circling your entrance again with those delicate, teasing fingers. An image of you sat neatly in his lap close to how you are now except his cock is buried inside of you pushes into your mind, your eyes shut, lips parted and brows curved in needful pleasure, and you startle. Rhys’s arm bands across your waist to keep you from jerking upright, and you can hear his dark laughter brushing softly against your skin. 
His digits rub over your entrance lightly, before again raising to circle your clit, and you hate how heat is beginning to gather in response to his touch. The pads of his fingers circling lightly as the arm across your waist raises to grip your jaw, turning so your head is facing forward. “Open your eyes,” he commands lowly, digits continuing with the horrid movements. Trying to steel yourself, you follow the order, gazing across the crowd that has no idea you’re even up in his lap with Rhys simply feeding them an illusion of something else. Do they even know their High Lord is here, or has he removed himself from their minds too? 
“See all those people?” He asks, digits slowly sinking into your heat as your gaze follows his direction, scanning across the crowd. “All those people, and none of them have a clue what you’re doing.” 
“What you’re making me do,” you correct resentfully, but quietly. 
“Not for much longer,” he counters, lips parting in a secretive smile beside your temple, curling his fingers against one of those spots he’s become sickeningly familiar with. They scissor inside of you, and the image returns to your mind, how your back had curved, his hands on your hips while yours rested on his thighs, your legs spread over him as he kept you facing his court, forcing you to look at them—how oblivious they were to your suffering. 
He pushes you so you’re upright, and you swallow thickly, knowing his hands have moved to the ties of his trousers, working himself free. 
Rhys’ hands return to your hips, dark magic moving the back panel out of the way as he guides you against him, lining himself up with your cunt. 
“Sit down,” he orders quietly, and your hands tremble where they’ve settled on his thighs. Slowly, shakily, you settle in his lap, shuddering as he fills you up, spine curving a little as his cock pushes inside of you until you’re pressed tight together. 
Heat flushes your skin, head lowered at how good it feels to have him inside of you, how easy it’s becoming to fall into the pleasure just to escape from hatred and disgust. To give into heat and touch and physical stimuli in favour of waging this psychological war. You can’t help how you squeeze him, cunt tightening as you pant heavily, feeling as his fingers trace up the curve of your back—absently, idly, as if he’s waiting for you to adjust to him before he starts with his torturous ministrations. 
Teeth bite hard at your lip—why is it always him giving the orders, always him in control, always him surprising you and catching you off guard. You hate it. 
But earlier, when you’d gone to your knees, there had been a second there where he seemed taken aback. Even though it had been you yielding power, it had felt, for a moment, as though you had control. 
Rhys’ hands stutter over your skin as you raise your hips, then slowly settle back down. Repeating the minimal motions, the slight circles as you wind over him without him having said anything.
Violet eyes are glued to the sweep of your hips, the fluid movement of your spine as you roll against him, nails piercing into his flesh, hands nearly fumbling, overcome with an intense sensation in his muscles, like he’s paralysed as he watches you move of your own accord. 
At your back, you can feel his attention but his grip has lightened almost entirely, practically having fallen away and you wonder what he’s thinking, what’s going through that dark mind of his. You wish you didn’t spend so much of your time pausing on that, wondering why, trying to figure him out. It should be as simple as he’s evil—cruel, selfish, and utterly monstrous—but he’d managed to worm his way into your heart before he’d revealed his true colours, and you haven’t been able to entirely remove him since. The contrast between the male you knew and the male his is, is startling; jarring. Unresolvable. 
But why does it have to be about him? Why do you have to care about what he thinks of you still? He’s proven to be a monster—why should you care what a monster thinks of you? 
His cock touches a part inside of you, just grazing it lightly, but it’s enough to have you searching for it again, shifting your hips in attempts to have him rubbing against it, but—you’ve lost it. A huff wants to work its way up your throat, but you keep it down, head raising upward, eyes closed as you try to continue searching for it, rocking your hips over him, grinding against him, raising up and down…
Surprise filters through your blood as Rhys’ hands find you again, holding your waist as he directs you, and your eyes peek open, fluttering around him as he shows you where that spot is, a rich moan falling from your lips as satisfaction fills your chest. A pleased feeling improves your mood, and you follow the motions, lids tempted to shut again to bask in the sweetness of the heat. 
Why hadn’t you done this sooner? Ignored him entirely and just taken what you could get? A tiny part of you whispers her doubts at where those thoughts have come from, but the pleasure softens her too as she liquefies without much resistance, melting into the pleasured chambers of your mind. 
When Rhys guides your hips higher, you follow thoughtlessly, his grip sliding you up and down the thick length of his cock and your lips part on a sharp breath, chasing after the pleasure that’s swiftly building in your lower abdomen, breathing becoming shallow with every touch of his cock. His hips buck suddenly, and your eyes fly open from the sharp spike of pleasure. 
Thoughtlessly, you resign yourself over to him, and he wastes no time in taking advantage of your lapse in judgement, his grip tightening on your hips as he effortlessly leverages your hips, slamming you back down on him in a way that repeatedly knocks the breath from your lungs. 
Doesn’t this feel good? He asks into your mind, a shiver running down your spine at the low caress of his voice. Doesn’t it feel so much better when you aren’t fighting against me? 
I thought you liked that, you think, having no control over what crops up in your mind, the vulnerability not nearly as terrifying as it should be, though. And I thought you didn’t care what I liked, he replies, darkness gathering at your shoulders, pushing the overlapping panels of fabric away so the sleeves fall over your arms, baring your breasts to the cool air of the underground court. 
True, you think, unable to push him away but not really wanting to. 
True? He repeats, a strange note in his voice but you’re not really concentrating on him as darkness swirls at your breasts, grazing across your sensitive nipples. That you don’t care what I like, or that it’s better when you’re good? 
Rhys’ breath hitches, grip momentarily fumbling at the sharp belief of the word, but you continue, chasing the high you’re approaching, soft moans spilling from your lips and he feels his mask slipping, panic rising in his chest as the desire to turn you around, to take you away from this court, to take you back to the safety of his house in Velaris, grows with startling strength. 
Your eyes slide shut as the orgasm blossoms throughout your body, breath catching at the intensity of the pleasure. “Rhys…” his name flutters from your tongue, pouring from your mouth as heat swarms your mind, muddling your thoughts further, forgetting time and context. “Fuck, Rhys…”
The High Lord regains his control, slamming you down on his cock as he hears his name pronounced in your lovely voice, soft and delicate despite the brutality of his bruising touch. 
“Fuck, say my name again.”
Say my name again.
The command comes from both sides, external and internal, the soft order whispering up your spine as you shake and tremble in his lap, overwhelmed. 
He groans roughly, and you feel as he spills inside of you, touch softening ever so slightly as he shifts behind you, brow resting on the back of your shoulder, feeling as his breath fans across your skin. Your spine curves, darkness still lightly playing with your breasts, more soothing than teasing now.
You glance down at yourself, and catch sight of jet black ink in your skin, the bargain mark stamped between your breasts, and you recall, not entirely fearfully, the deal you’d made with him. 
He had forced you into a position of compromise, and as usual you feel you were manipulated into yielding more than him. 
An entire night, under absolute obedience. 
What will he ask for? 
general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @slut4acotar @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy @decomposing-writer @soph1644 @lilah-asteria @nighttimemoonlover
rhys taglist: @azrielshadows1nger
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nottapossum · 10 hours
Itty Bitty Sinners 2.1💖Whatever It takes 💕🩷
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This section is about Angel dust and Clara so there will be talks of PTSD, Death, Sexual assault, Bedwetting, Addiction, mental health issues, negative self image. And more. (Each chapter will have its own warnings)
Valentino is in this section...more than last time.
Diapers are also a major theme in this section. Be aware of that too.
If something is too triggering or just may be too much, you will see these emojis in sections to warn you.
⚠️: Assault happening in scene. (Probably won't be too major, but be weary)
🥀: Talking about assault.
🖤Dark themes like death
🟢: Addiction drug/Or alcohol.
⚡️: Injury.
🧷: Padding/diapers (sfw only but in case it makes you uncomfortable)
Then In the end note I will explain what happened in those scenes so you can skip them if you need to.
(I may use this in the future, because I know a some of people had to skip FKB and now I got to try and remember what happened so I can do a recap in the first chapter in MKB. Hopefully this works out and I can use it more) 
And if I need to add anything. Please Let me know. Feel free to suggest some emojis for any triggering themes for future fics.
⚠️Every trigger in this chapter is super mild. Probably have nothing to worry about. Only talks of getting assaulted, anxiety, delayed emotional response, self lothing, and injuries. ⚠️
“Okay, everyone! Let's get this trust circle started!” Charlie announced to the group with her normal overenthusiastic voice.
How can someone be so peppy all the time? It made absolutely no sense to Angel. They're in hell for christ sake!
The ‘trust circle’ She was referring to was more like a square since it was only Charlie, Vaggie, Pen, and Angel.
Husk was at the bar, cleaning some glasses, Niffty was running around bug killing, and no one could tell where Alastor was when he wasn't working! The guy seems to just disappear randomly.
“Who would like to start?” Charlie asks the group.
Pentious smiles and raises his hand. “Oh I would!” He says enthusiastically.
Angel tried not to roll his eyes.
“Pentious!” Charlie cheers. “The floor is yours.” She says, gesturing for him to step forward.
Pentious smiles and slivers closer to the center of the room so everyone could see him properly.
“Ahem.” He clears his throat. “I would like to share that these past few weeks have been the best I can ever remember. Since working with you two, I've felt happier, healthier, and I do hate myself a lot less. You both have provided a safe space for me here, and I couldn't thank you enough for that.” Pentious says, specifically to Charlie and Vaggie.
“Aw, Pen. I'm so glad things are working out so well! You've made so much progress! I'm so proud of you!” She says.
They said more… but Angel was so tired of hearing how great Pentious is all the time.
“Angel? Would you like to share?” Charlie asks.
“Nope.” Angel says simply.
“Come on, Angel.” Charlie says. “It doesn't have to be something big, it can be anything! Oh! How about your regression journal? Have you written in it at all?”
“No.” Angel answers, holding his crossed arms closer to his chest.
“Oh…okay.” Charlie says.
“Angel, come on. Please just share something?” Vaggie sighs. “You said you were going to start participating.”
Husk looks over at them, glaring slightly at Vaggie and Charlie.
“And you said this was optional!” Angel argues back childishly.
But Charlie interrupts. “It's okay!” Charlie says. “Trust can't be forced. It's perfectly okay if you don't want to share anything, Angel. It's not a requirement.”
That somehow made him feel worse than he already did…
“So, I have a project for you two to work on this week!” Charlie announces, changing the subject. “We have already talked about apologizing, so I want to focus a bit on forgiveness!”
“Forgiveness?” Pentious asks.
“Yup! I'd like you both to write a paper! It doesn't matter how long or short, it doesn't even need to be very good. But I want you to write about someone in your life that has hurt you, that you need to forgive.” Charlie explains.
“And what does this have to do with redemption?” Angel asks her.
“Redemption is working towards forgiveness for wrongdoings, if we can offer forgiveness, it's possible to receive forgiveness as well! So, think really hard about it, and you can share it with us next week.” Charlie says.
Angel felt a burning sensation in his chest.
How was that even possible here?
“Okay, you're both free to go until tomorrow.” Charlie says. “Let me know if you have any questions!”
Charlie and Vaggie collected their papers and stuff and started to put them away in the office.
Pentious grabbed a notebook to get started on the stupid assignment, but Angel couldn't think of a single person in his life who was worthy of forgiveness…
No one that he hasn't forgiven already at least.
Does she not understand the kind of people he has to see every day? They're not exactly the remorseful types.
Hell was full of the absolute worst kind of people whose motivation is focused solely on pain and suffering.
Why would anyone want to forgive anyone here!?
“Charlie! Charlie!” A small innocent voice asks.
Charlie smiles at the small bug-like sinner. “Yes, Niffty? What's up?” She asks.
“Can I do it too?” She asks. “I want to learn!”
Charlie and Vaggie smile at each other, then both back at Niffty.
“Of course, Niffty! Are you interested in redemption too?” Charlie asks her.
Niffty shrugs. “I don't know, I just want to be part of it.” She says. “It looks fun! I want to be part of the group!”
“You're always welcome to join us, Niffty.” Charlie says.
Niffty smiles as they continue to talk. She shows Charlie her regression journal and everything she has written in it so far.
And Angel’s remains blank. . .
So, even Niffty was better than he was at this.
Angel walks upstairs to his room to get away from them all…
It's not that Angel didn't feel happy for Niffty, he just didn't need to hear about how great it was that Niffty was going to get redeemed…
How great it was that they're gonna have another successful patron…
Now they have two…
How great was that?
It was so….so great.
Angel’s phone starts vibrating violently in his pocket.
He pulled out his phone and his heart sank at at terrifying all too familiar photo as the screen identified the caller:
Well, time to get back to reality.
~~~Past, Clara~~~~
Clara never knew how to react properly to things.
Her and Odette have always gone out during exorcisms to collect weapons for their mom, and they've always done it well.
They knew how to avoid angels, to remain unseen, and to act fast.
Well…they always knew…
But then they were cornered.
Clara remembered brief moments, only mere seconds of the event:
The shadow flying above them,
The angel appearing in front of them,
Their mother asks them if they're okay.
When recalling the events later, Odette remembered every detail, and explained it in every detail to their mother when they all made it home.
Her and her younger sister coped with stress and traumatic events the same way; Though they were very different, they were both age regressors.
Odette was a middle regressor, ranging from age 9-12.
And Clara ranged from 1-4.
Regressing was always so fun for them! Clara got to be the younger sister for once, got to relax, not worry about anything, and she wouldn't need to know all the answers to everythine all the time.
She can just be a kid! She can have some fun!
When they got back home, Odette immediately slipped, she hugged their mother tightly and explained how scary that was for her.
Carmilla, their mother hugged her and told her they were safe now and that everything was going to be alright.
Clara wanted to regress too.
She wanted to cry.
Wanted her mom to help her.
But she couldn't…
She couldn't react, no matter how hard her family tried to talk about it…nothing was processing properly!
She couldn't think about it, when they talked it just made her feel…less there.
She didn't feel much like crying.
She didn't feel like regressing.
She didn't feel anything.
Just…internally froze.
Like what she just experienced didn't happen…it wasn't…real.
She felt pain in her chest and she had an awful headache from the stress but…
No emotions whatsoever.
What's wrong with her?
She decided she'd just try and forget about it and help her mother with her sister instead.
Odette was a fairly independent little, being a middle regressor, but she always likes it when Clara was there, little or not.
They did some puzzles to keep their mind off the event, every time Odette or her mother said anything about it, Clara excused herself from the conversation, finding any excuse to do so:
‘I'm gonna get some water.’
‘I need to use the bathroom.’
‘I think I heard something outside.’
She felt so uncomfortable thinking about it…but she didn't know why.
Her mother asked her specifically if she was alright, and Clara simply nodded and brushed her off, avoiding any and all questions and conversations about it.
She focused only on working, social media, reading, anything really!
She focused on her sister, what she needed.
She just can't face what happened and how it affected her.
She just can't!
~~~Clara, Later:~~~~
The angel attack was a while ago, and Clara was fine.
Totally fine!
She doesn't stay up awake thinking about it…
Well, she didn't last night, so that was great progress!
The emotions are far more severe than before, but it's too late to react now!
She can't tell her mother she's scared of Angel's!
It was too late!
She hadn't even regressed since the attack, despite her mother's advice to do so, because she doesn't want to break down.
She can't regress until the emotions pass, and she's back to normal.
Odette was doing fine! She processed it fairly well, she's acting completely normal! Why can't she be more like her?
“Clara! Have you seen my squid? I can't find him." Her sister asks from the other room.
Well, normal for Odette at least.
“No, I haven't.” She calls back, not too loudly, only enough for Odette to hear.
Odette appeared in front of her sisters’ door to glance in her room. She hums and then walks away to continue her search. "Strange. I just had it..."
“I'm sure it's around here somewhere.” Clara says. “Did you check the kitchen?”
Odette blinks. “I was just about to.” She says in a way that told Clara that no she hadn't thought to look there yet.
She turns back to her laptop…
And when the bad emotions start to overwhelm her again, she closes her eyes and takes some deep breaths to calm herself down.
They're okay.
Her family is safe.
The Angel is gone.
And there's nothing to worry about!
Though angels continue to haunt her thoughts every day…
There's nothing to worry about, so she'll stop worrying.
🥀~~~Angel, Later:~~~🥀
The work day for Angel was relatively normal…
He didn't expect it to end any differently than any other miserable day.
He worked until 3:00 am filming Valentino's new film.
Something about a pizza delivery guy or…was it a mafia boss again? He's not sure.
Why do people like Mafia bosses so much?
Was it really that sexy? He didn't get it.
But maybe he's just biased.
But it doesn't matter.
It's all the same at this point…and he remembers them less and less as he keeps doing it.
With the mixture of dissociation and drugs…
It's like he's not even there anymore.
“That's a wrap everyone!” Travis announced to everyone in the studio.
“I expect everyone to be back here first thing tomorrow!" Val shouts. "Angel, did you hear that?” Valentino asks him.
“Yes, Valentino. I'll be here.” Angel promises.
Valentino smiles. “Good Boy. I expect you all to be here before noon or so help me-”
Angel didn't bother hearing the rest, he just walked out of the studio, eager to get back to the hotel to get some well deserved rest.
He was walking home tonight since he couldn't find a cab and didn't feel like calling one.
But it was fine. What's the worst that can happen?
He had a bit to walk, but it wasn't too far.
He was going straight to bed when he got back, that's no question.
If he even makes it to his bed, he may end up sleeping on the floor again.
It was a risk, but it might be worth it.
If he makes it back that is…
His eyes are already forcing themselves shut.
Normally when they're this late, he'll just stay with Val but-
He really didn't want to risk it tonight...
He'll make it…
He'll be fine.
Just keep….going.
Husk woke up to his phone going off.
Ugh! When and why did he set Angel's ringtone as this super annoying polka music?
"Angel?" Husk asks, answering the phone.
There was a delayed response: ..."Husk? That you?" He asks.
“Are you high? It's Five in the morning. Why are you calling me?” Husk asks.
Angel takes a bit to respond again. “Huh ...oh yeah, yeah I'm high. But also, I kinda need your help.” Angel says.
“What's going on?” Husk asks. "Are you alright?"
“Uhmm some guy jumped me. Idiot thought I had money, hilarious, right?” Angel asks him, chuckling.
“What? Can't you take a cab home?” Husk asks.
“Normally, yeah! That would be a great idea! Good for you but…uhm. I can't really move, my leg is sorta bending the other way, and I keep losing...ugh what's that word?" He asks. "It's like when you're not dead and aware of everything happening....Well, whatever it is, I keep losing that."
“Where are you? I'll come get you.” Husk says, getting out of bed and getting dressed as fast as he can.
“Awesome, fantastic.” Angel breathes out. "...that's great, Husk."
“Angel? Angel?” Husk asks, a little louder than his regular register but not quite shouting.
“What?” Angel asks.
“Where are you?” Husk repeats.
“Oh that! Yeah…uhm. I…” Angel breathes heavily against the phone, not giving Husk an answer.
“Angel…stay with me, please. Where are you?” Husk asks again.
“I was walking home.” He says. "From the studio...I'm not sure how far I got but..."
“Angel? Hey!” He called. "Can you hear me?"
…no answer.
Husk hung up the phone and practically flew downstairs.
Husk makes it to the main room where he runs into...of course, Alastor.
That's just what he needed.
“Husker? You're up early.” Alastor says to him with that annoying fucking smile. "Eager to get to work?" He asks teasingly.
“I'm not in the mood, I need to go get Angel, he's hurt somewhere.” Husk tells him, not caring to react to Alastor's mockery.
“Oh dear. Well, where is he?” Alastor asks, tone more serious now.
“I…I'm not sure. But I'm going to find out.” Husk says, grabbing the first aid kit Charlie always keeps in the lobby.
Husk starts to make his way to the door.
Alastor hums. “Well…”
Husk pauses at the door to hear what Alastor has to say...
“You're going to need better transportation then.” He says.
Husk doesn't know what Alastor means by that, but decides to let Alastor lead the way.
If he didn't care about Angel, he wouldn't be too eager to receive the radio demon's help.
But he seemed to have the right idea, so he followed Al's lead.
They walk outside and Alastor summons an old-looking car from the 1920s.
"Get in, we'll drive in the direction of the studio, keep an eye out for Angel." Alastor says, staring up at the car.
"Do you even know where it is?" Husk asks him, getting into the car as he was told.
Alastor rolls his eyes. "Believe me, I do."
Husk raises an eyebrow.
“Don't ask.” Alastor says.
They start to drive in the direction of the studio, Husk's head out the window to look out for the spider.
“There he is.” Husk announced after ten minutes of driving.
Alastor stops the car and Husk hops out of the car to run to Angel.
“Angel? Can you hear me?” Husk asks, pulling the spider into his arms. "Angel?"
Alastor hums, taking a look at Angel. "He's still breathing, that's a good sign."
Husk starts to argue: “But he's-"
“He'll be fine, Husker. Let's get him bandaged up to ensure he heals properly, then get him into the car.” Alastor says. “If anything else needs to be done we can always ask Charlie for help. Surely she knows a doctor, vet, or something.”
Husk agrees, setting the first aid kit next to Angel, focusing on cleaning the dried blood on his head…
He was still so beautiful…even while laying on the floor like this.
How could someone hurt someone else this beautiful?
The injury on his head wasn't too bad, he probably just hit it on the pavement when he passed out, the worst he had was a concussion if anything.
And that will heal itself in no time.
Alastor took one of Angel's boots off to wrap up his leg. “It's broken. It'll probably take him a few days to get this back in shape.” He says.
Husk nods, turning to what appeared to be his final injury… his stomach was stabbed pretty deep. “His head is fine.” He explains. “I think stitching this up may be a good idea though.”
Alastor nods. "Need me to do it?" He asks.
Husk shakes his head and grabs the needle and thread. "No, I got it...thanks." Husk stitches him up the best he can, no way was he trusting Alastor with something this important, not if he can help it.
Alastor smiles at him like he just did something absolutely hilarious. “Alright, you lift the top of the hin, I'll try and keep his legs straight.” He says.
Husk nods. The two lift the spider and try to get him in the car.
"Husk, you need to move right!" Alastor complains.
"I am moving right!" Husk says.
"My right!" Alastor says.
“We're facing the same way!” Husk says.
"Hey, some people are trying to get some sleep, Assholes!" Someone in one of the buildings shout.
Alastor makes his weird buzzing sound. "It's five in the morning, wake the fuck up already!" He shouts.
Husk sighs, feeling like this will never end.
They do manage to get him in the car though.
They may have hit Angel's head and leg, again, and dropped him once…but he's fine. (It was all Alastor's fault, Husk decided.)
And finally, without another word from either sinner, they headed back to the hotel with no issues.
Alastor and Husk carry the spider once again to get him upstairs and to his bed.
Alastor would probably use magic, but Husk thinks he might be worried about Angel too.
Which confused him to no end, he never thought Alastor would care about another man.
"Take him" Alastor says, handing Husk is legs.
Husk readjusts his hold on Angel so Alastor can remove the top sheets of the bed to fix it.
Husk is very careful not to move too much, he wouldn't want to irritate the spider's leg more.
Fat nuggets is woken up and starts oinking at Husk, probably just worried about Angel...or he was just being a pig, Husk wasn't sure how smart they are.
When Alastor was done fixing Angel's disaster of a bed, he moves the top sheet and blanket so Husk can set him down.
He takes off Angel's other boot, deciding to leave his sock on.
Alastor then gently tucks him in, making sure he was nice and comfortable. His broken leg was elevated over the blanket on top of an extra pillow.
Fat nuggets hopped on the bed and rested by Angel's arm, nuzzling him gently, hoping he'd wake up.
"Well, that should do it." Alastor says, summoning his cain again. "I will be off then." Alastor turns to Husk. "If you're so worried, you can take a few hours off to keep an eye on him. I know how scrupulous you can be when it comes to the damnned thing." He says, rolling his eyes.
Husk wouldn't normally comment, but he turns to Alastor before the deer could leave. "Hey…uh- thanks.” He says. "For helping me out there. I'm not sure how I would have gotten him home without you."
“It was my pleasure. I do help run this hotel, it's my responsibility to take care of our patrons after all.” Alastor says, fiddling with his staff.
Husk nods. “Sure. I appreciate it either way.”
Alastor hums, obviously not knowing how else to respond. "Of course. Well, Ta-Ta." He says before he exits through his shaddow.
Husk sighs and sits down on a chair next to Angels bed...
He does have this habit of worrying about people too much...he supposed.
Caring too much about them...
He promised himself he wouldn't do this again.
Get so protective of someone that he couldn't stop thinking about them, constantly worry about them.
But while Husk was disappointed in himself for letting him care... Angel needed someone to worry about him.
Heaven knows he won't worry about himself. 
'And I don't know what we might face
But I know I can't replace you
So I'll do anything to save you
And I will try to make your dreams come true
Whatever we go through
I know I, I'll be your keeper
I'll be your armor
Whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes
I'll make the mistakes
Whatever it takes.' ~Whatever it takes, Hazbin hotel.
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Possum: I'm feeling very anxious about this chapter...idk.
But I've been stuck on it and re-writing it for...what is it weeks? Idk. A while! So here it is. I hope it's better than I think it is.
If not, there's always the next chapter, which I can garentee will be better!
I'm pretty excited for it! I just had to get this one done and over with so I can keep going.
So...let me know your thoughts 😅
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @stormy-is-hyperfixated @attagirljessy @legeufygeuber100 @thatswhat24 @hinata-chan-utaitelover @babiegurlmuffin
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chamiryokuroi · 2 days
hi are you the one with the guacamole where you used every pepper you could find at the grocery store? if so, please i would like the recipe. if not, feel free to ignore this. thank you ! :3
Yeah that’s me, that guacamole post will haunt me for eternity.
Here’s the recipe
2 ripe avocados
2-3 cloves of garlic
1 tomato chopped
1 finely chopped onion
A bit of finely chopped cilantro
Juice of one lime
Salt to taste
Whatever chilies you can find at your grocery store.
Now for the chilies I used they’re the following (picture for visual reference attached)
Serranos (mild to high spicy depending on the season)
Jalapeños (mild)
Habaneros (high)
Güero (low to mid)
Caribe (low to mid)
Arbol (usually sold dry, mid to high spicy)
Tho if you can find piquin then you’re in for a treat! Those are really spicy!
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First you are NOT going to deseed any of the chilies, they’re usually the spicy part of it and you want this fucker to hurt badly.
On a pan on medium high you’re going to roast all of the chilies until they’re slightly charred (open up a window because this is going to hurt you, you will cough, it’s inevitable) once charred remove from heat and roughly chop them, they will be real soft so you don’t need to be too careful about the size.
Now I used a molcajete for the preparation, if you’re not Mexican you can use a mortar and pestle, if you don’t have one you can use a bowl, you will just need to finely chop the garlic beforehand.
On your molcajete/mortar drop the garlic cloves and salt (around a teaspoon worth, but tbh I measure that with my soul) if you use sea salt is better because of the size of the grains of salt it helps with grinding the garlic, but you can always use regular table salt.
After the garlic has been grated entirely then you will add the chilies, a bit at a time, we want it all to be grind into paste all together. Again if you don’t have a molcajete/mortar then you can just finely chop it all together.
Add the peeled and pitted avocado next, to make it easier to mix chop it beforehand. We want to make it a paste as well, you can use a fork for this step if you’re using a regular bowl.
Then you add your onion, tomato, cilantro and the lime juice, just mix it with a spoon, taste and add salt if needed.
And we’re done! Now you have a guacamole with more chilies than necessary!
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yaminerua · 2 days
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I’m offering pen-and-paper sketches in exchange for proof of donation to Palestinian gfm campaigns and/or donations to reliable organisations that will provide aid, esims etc.
The more we can help nudge up these urgent campaigns to help people the better!!
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For more examples of my pen-and-paper sketches check out my #nerua doodles tag
Here’s how it works:
🔴 Make a donation (whatever you can offer, any amount however big or small is better than nothing at all!!) to a Palestinian family’s campaign, or one of the many reliable organisations providing aid, e-sims etc.
A quick non-exhaustive list of useful links you can use to donate:
Operation Olive Branch - Spreadsheet of many, many gfm campaigns tracking how much is needed.
This Tumblr Masterpost - Lists a good number of fundraisers, some of which are close to completion, and others which need much more boosting
GazaFunds - If it’s overwhelming trying to choose who to donate to, this page generates a random campaign each time for you
GazaEsims - Buy an esim to keep Palestinians connected in Gaza. Be sure to send the QR code screenshot to their provided email address and don’t activate the esim yourself!
CareForGaza - A non-profit charity providing aid to Gaza. Donate to their PayPal
UNRWA - Donate directly to UNRWA to support their operations in Gaza
Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund - Donate directly to PCRF to support the children in Gaza
Gaza Municipality - Donate to help improve water, waste management and sewage treatment conditions in Gaza
(other Palestinian family gfm links I’ve come across will be added under a cut at the bottom of this post, please check them out too and feel free to add any others you have seen to reblogs of this post!)
🟢 Take a screenshot of the receipt/proof of donation you receive once you’ve completed payment to prove that you have paid your chosen amount
⚪️ Message me your screenshot proof of your completed donation/payment to whichever campaign/organisation you chose along with what character(s) you would like a sketch of (be sure to let me know the fandom in case it’s not one I’m familiar with. You can drop a reference image along with your donation screenshot to be sure!)
⚫️ I’ll draw up the sketch for you as soon as I can to thank you for donating!
All donations of any size will receive a drawing, but be advised smaller donations will be quicker and less detailed/refined than larger donations.
Donations below $20 will receive a bust or waist shot. Donations $20 and over will be full body
Up to 3 characters available per sketch at any amount
I’ll draw for most fandoms, but here are a few I’m pretty familiar with: Red Dwarf, BBC Ghosts, Good Omens, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, YuGiOh, Pokemon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cardcaptor Sakura (any CLAMP work tbh), Mob Psycho 100, Osomatsu-san, Naruto
I’ll also draw OCs if you send good references for them!
My usual commission/request limitations apply: No gore, NSFW etc
Bear in mind these function like character requests and aren’t as specific as full commissions, though I will try to honour general requests for what you would like from your sketch!
🚨🚨 Do NOT send ME your money!! Send it directly to the campaigns/organisations!! 🚨🚨
Please share and donate whatever you can if you are able to. And as always keep boycotting, protesting and talking about Palestine 🇵🇸
And remember to add your daily clicks too!
Some more gfm links below the cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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shaylogic · 10 hours
DBDA Season 2 Wishlist Part 2:
Seeing the inside of Charles' Bag of Tricks and learning more about the mechanics of it
Charles running into one/some of the bullies that killed him. They're much older now. Maybe he has realizations about them like Edwin did with Simon. Or maybe they're still scum attacking people, and Charles poltergeist-haunts their asses
Finding out more about how Edwin learned all these languages, magic tools, and supernatural creatures lore. Did he pick it up in Hell or after he got back from it?
On that note, what exactly went down with him in Hell? "--traded to a demon who traded me to another demon who traded me to something WORSE than a demon!"
Crystal family/ancestor tree realm and powers. I'd love to learn more about each woman at the table, like Avatar past reincarnation life flashbacks
Niko new character love interest?
Mission to help Tragic Mick. Maybe we get to see Sedna?! Crystal could potentially make that happen, since she addressed Lilith and the Forest Spirit.
The Dandelion Sprites/"gods"? become cursed to be mortals and now they have to figure out how to navigate the world as attention-seeking assholes. Maybe they work with Crystal's parents lol
Crystal and Charles really make a go at dating to see if those feelings can really go anywhere, but there ends up being quite a bit of conflict and difficulty. Still, we get lots of nice ship moments in the early half of the season.
Edwin has started accepting and leaning into modern gay culture and tries chatting up guys to distract himself from Charles and Crystal (trying to be a good friend to Charles, especially).
If they can get the copyright permission, please gods give us Edwin and Niko watching Heartstopper together. Charles happens to witness a bi Nick scene when he's walking through.
More Niko & Charles friendship development. They didn't get enough moments together in season 1.
More ghost possession! The Night Nurse is already well aware of them, so they're not alerting her. But of course she would not allow it.
Night Nurse refuses to be a secretary and forces the boys to do paperwork after every case. They've got homework now.
Also, in s1e1, there's a pregnant pause between Edwin and Charles talking about the dangers of possession. There's a story there, and I need to know it in season 2. What did Edwin do? Who'd he try to possess?
More clear explanation to the audience of how touch works between humans/ghosts and ghosts/ghosts on various planes (earth vs hell for example, so we can go back to scream and cry at s. 1)
Crystal and Niko girls' day sightseeing in England!
Now we're in London, we're back on the boys' turf. Where are their main hangouts, contacts, and magic shops? Do they have any place special to the two of them with nostalgic memories? It's been 30 years!!!
We've seen some Edwin culture clash (and I want more!) but also more Charles culture clash with modern times (charles: "😮‍💨 Can you believe they don't make mixed tapes anymore?" Niko: "🥰they do playlists online now. I'll make you one! " Crystal: "👀 You made mixed tapes, Charles?")
Cat King and Meowpheus interaction
Domestic friend fluff (core four all in a big bed together watching movies)
Feel free to add your own wishlist in the reblogs/comments! <3
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wittepain · 10 hours
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Hi friends! I don’t typically like to get too personal on Tumblr, but I’m opening up what I suppose you could call emergency commissions. I’m currently in the process of fleeing a toxic situation and my move-out date is fast approaching (early August), but after losing 2.5 weeks of work due to COVID and other personal issues regarding said toxic living situation draining my funds, my savings are looking DRY. I know I’ll end up having to take out a small loan to help with costs, but I’m trying to keep that amount to an absolute minimum, so I’m whipping out the side hustles!! Any commission purchases would mean the absolute world to me and go straight towards moving costs (gas, Uhaul, etc)/my deposit, but even if you can’t support just reblogging would help so so so much!! And as always, if you have any questions at all please feel free to ask!
General info not included on the sheet:
•Payment is accepted via PayPal once I okay the first sketch with you.
•I accept suggestions for tweaks and alterations all throughout the drawing process and will frequently send check-ins and progress updates.
•To add another character is +50% of the price of the first character.
•I will draw suggestive, but full NSFW depends on how comfy I am with the specific request.
•You can reach out to me on Tumblr or Discord (also @wittepain)
Here’s some other various pieces of mine for reference:
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Annnnnnd here’s my ko-fi as well! :)
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foolishlovers · 23 hours
Do you know any good GOmens Pride and Prejudice AUs?😭😭 (i love your fic recs theyre so thoughtful)
you're so kind, thank you 💜
i haven't read this one, but it's on my list:
To Conquer A Grand Estate by MrsCaulfield, angelsnuffbox (M, 84k) 'He fought against another thing as well. He fought against hope, the warmth and pleasing sensation of it, wanting to bloom in his chest. He took it and kept it within confinement, aware that it would no longer do him any service. A foolish thing it was, to realise how greatly and ardently he could have loved Crowley now, when all love was vain.' * Good Omens x Pride and Prejudice fusion that no one asked for i know this one is not exactly what you're looking for, but i really enjoyed it: Pride Month and Prejudice by TawnyOwl95 (E, 29k) They say that you should never meet your celebrity crush. Especially when you know what an absolute bastard he is. So, of course, Anthony J. Crowley's participation in a queer adaptation of Pride and Prejudice for Pride Month has nothing to do with the involvement of A-lister A.Z. Fell. Crowley is only doing it so he has some gossip for his column. He didn't mean to get cast as Lizzy Bennet, he certainly didn't mean to be acting opposite Fell's Mr Darcy. And to make matters worse, Fell keeps staring at him…
if anyone has more recs, feel free to add them here!!
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ivykim · 2 days
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— welcome to the video. thank you for clicking on it! today, I’ll be bringing you on a journey of various moments where jake is practically down bad for ivy
since everyone was doing their own thing and dancing to their song, ivy does the same thing. it was quite honestly a mini party. all of them were dressed in something quite formal due to having schedules in the morning/afternoon.
ivy was wearing this
she looked gorgeous. everyone single one of the boys had their jaws dropped when she walked into the room wearing that. one person though had their mouths way more wide open than the others.
“jake, close your mouth.” jay says. the boy listens but he’s still mesmerised by ivy.
“noona is so pretty…” jake mumbles. anywhere she went, jake’s eyes would follow her figure.
— here we have prime example of sim(p) jaeyun
vivi x jake vlog (spoilers??)
— vivi says the vlog will be uploaded eventually (belift I’m watching you🫵🏻) but she posted a snippet of it on weverse
IVY🌟 POSTED: who are you calling cute? you’re cuter jaeyun🙄 *video attached*
from what it seems, it’s just ivy and jake walking around the rented home’s mini garden. there, they spotted a cat and ivy gasps.
jake goes to film her as ivy passes the camera to him. she kneels down to the cat and allows it to sniff her. it easily gets comfortable with her and ivy happily pets it.
“jaeyun~ the kitty is so cute.” she says in a pouty voice.
jake’s heart tugs as ivy speaks in a cute voice.
“cute.” he mumbles behind the camera. which obviously was caught in the video bc Ivy wouldn’t have posted it if it wasn’t caught.
— aww the jaeun ship is sailing!
a compilation of behind episodes with jake and ivy
#1. “noona, please!”
jake loves asking for permission from ivy and ivy grew to love hearing the boys (who are younger than her) calling her noona. it took a while for her to accept it but she likes being called noona now!
“I want that one. please? can I have a bite?” jake says as he watches ivy biting onto her popsicle.
“say please.”
“noona, please!” jake pouts. Ivy turns to the camera and points to it.
#2. “noona, can I have a hug?”
jake loves hugs from ivy. no particular reason. she’s just the perfect height and size for him to hug. ivy does love giving hugs to all of them though. especially when they need extra energy.
she stands in the middle and everyone lines up. she gives each boy a hug. ni-ki hugs longer as he happily enjoys being in her arms.
“yah! it’s my turn.” jake huffs.
“no.” ni-ki says as his voice was a little muffled being in ivy’s arms. ivy pats the younger boy’s back.
“riki, it’s jake time. I’ll come to your room later to cuddle with you more okay? you big baby.” ni-ki grumbles before peeling himself off ivy. he walks away to tackle jungwon instead. clearly not done being clingy.
jake finally smiles, “noona, can I have a hug?”
“yes, you can.” she holds out her arms. jake happily jumps in her arms. his arms finding home around her waist and hers finding their way around his neck.
— love how the staff recorded this whole thing and captioned it “ivy’s hug service. free of charge.”
#3. “please, tell me there isn’t a ghost…NOONA I’M SCARED!”
as ivy is a psychic medium. she can see and feel ghosts. the boys don’t necessarily like whenever ivy mentions there is a ghost so she usually doesn’t say it.
but if something is off, ivy will definitely voice out.
“not to alarm any of you but excuse me while I just do this for a bit.” ivy stands up from her seat and starts moving towards the corner of the room.
“oh lord. she’s at it again.” jay sighs.
“the demon is back.” sunoo adds.
“please tell me there isn’t a ghost…” jake says as he watches ivy getting closer to the corner. the three of them watched her point in the top corner. she scolds whatever that is in that corner and tells them to leave immediately.
“okay, this guy is stubborn.”
“what guy. noona? please tell me…”
“just an 8ft shadow dude in the corner. it looks like those spiders but giant and has 2 legs like us.”
of course. there had to be engenes recording this part. it’s a concert! they had to perform. with them being in America, the managers were more chill. so jake decided to take advantage of that and give some appreciation for ivy.
everyone was hyped up. ivy had a solo performance at the concert that she prepared so the boys wanted to hype the engenes up.
“ENGENEs! are you ready for ivy’s performance?” they yelled. ENGENEs screaming out loud.
“I can’t hear you? ARE YOU READY FOR IVY?” jay instigates. the ENGENEs screamed even louder. the nod their heads in approval.
“THEN LET’S GIVE IT UP FOR KIM FUCKING HAEUN!!” jake yells. it causes ENGENEs to scream even louder as jake cusses just to introduce ivy.
safe to say, ivy was very hyped during her solo performance.
#5. “oh good lord.” *trips on his own foot*
it was comeback as per usual and ivy’s stylist wanted to try something new. her outfit had different cuts and holes to make it more sexier so ivy looked really good.
sunoo interviews her with the camera and was busy filming fun little contents with her. that’s when jake walks in. his eyes fell upon her outfit.
“oh good lord.” he says as he trips on his own foot while staring at ivy. sunoo laughs, zooming into jake.
“jake hyung, are you okay?” sunoo asks in between laughs.
“y-yeah! just tripped somehow.” he says embarrassingly, clearly he was caught off guard.
#6. “would you date haeun noona? yes.” *with no hesitation*
jake was live during one of the America stops and so he decided to read some comments while listening to some music.
many of them were basically asking where the other members were and just asking him to do aeygo. the typical thing. that is until one question caught jake’s eye
“would you date haeun noona? yes.” with not a single hesitation in his voice. he moves on from there it causes a whole ruckus in the fandom and shippers.
jake was always ivy’s biggest fanboy as shown in the past few videos. in this en-o’clock episode where they played sports, it even more obvious.
“whoever gets ivy noona on their team instantly wins.” jungwon says.
with the teams split with the usual decision of rock paper scissors, heeseung falls to his knees.
“no, this is unfair.”
“HAH! WE GOT IVY NOONA.” sunghoon points and laughs at the other team.
“now, what do you mean unfair.” ivy says as she stares right at the two tallest boys. “if anything, I should feel unfair.”
the games start. it felt like a war zone, each of the boys getting more and more competitive. as it was ivy’s turn, she holds up the bow.
“KIM HAEUN! KIM HAEUN!” jake cheers. the editors placed a quick edited pompom and puppy ears on jake as he cheers ivy on.
[PUPPY JAKE cheering on IVY]
#8. "10 facts you didn't know about vivi noona, she's not yours."
during this live, there were tons of ENGENEs talking about the fact that ivy looked so good in her new hair. this time, she decided to go all natural and dyed her hair dark brown, similar to jay's colour.
"ivy looks so pretty with brown hair." ivy reads out in english. "aww thank you, i bet you guys are prettier." she gives a small heart to the ENGENEs.
"ivy is so perfect, she's so pretty and she's mine." jake reads.
"aww, yes ENGENEs. i'm yours." she blows kisses. jake snorts and rolls his eyes playfully.
"ENGENEs, i have some facts about noona you didn't know. wanna hear it?"
ivy tilts her head, "tmi today?"
jake hums, "here are 10 facts you didn't know about vivi noona, she's not yours." jake smiles.
"now, jaeyun-"
[video bleeps]
#9. "why is everyone calling vivi noona a mother?" "i mean, yeah. you're right. she's the mother. the mother to our kids."
and yet another live from jake but this time, he was solo. he decided to go live after their concert. despite him being tired, he wanted to make ENGENEs feel loved so he turned on the live.
"where is ivy?" he hums. "i think she's sleeping. she was really tired after the concert. she almost slept with her outside clothes on so there's that."
"hmm? tmi? yeah, that's true."
"oh, you guys saw her outfit today at the concert? yeah, the stylist tried something for her."
he reads through more of the comments, "why is everyone calling vivi noona a mother?"
that is until he had a bright idea in his brain. "i mean, yeah. you're right. she's the mother. the mother to our kids."
#10. "sorry, you can’t have noona. she’s mine.”
at an offline fansign during dark blood era, fans were enjoying ivy’s outfit style and the fact that she got a solo part during the second chorus of ‘Bite Me’. which led to tons of ENGENEs talking about how they would like to marry her.
there were tons asking her one by one the same questions. “are you single?” / “haeunie, can I be your girlfriend/boyfriend?”
so since jake was after ivy, the ENGENEs would continue to talk about her to jake.
“jaeyun-ah, can I marry ivy?”
“mmm, no.”
"sorry, you can’t have noona. she’s mine.”
— okay, possessive boyfriend let’s go??
#11. “noona makes me feel safe. she knows when i feel anxious and nervous so she pays great attention to the little things.”
to end of the video, I would like to mention the interview where jake praised ivy. this was during one of their earlier days.
— “what is it like to have ivy on the team?”
jake reads the question. he hums, “noona…she’s just amazing.”
“despite, us thinking we would be just any normal boy group during I-LAND, seeing ivy noona and the many other girl contestants doing their best made me realise that we were all fighting for the same dream.”
“so when noona was announced, I wasn’t surprised. she’s amazing, heeseung hyung level of talent. what surprised me was that she cried a lot, she thought that she wouldn’t debut. she had a lot of doubts because they never announced other girls to debut with her so it was just her and us.”
“she started to feel down. worried that the fans wouldn’t like her but eventually, with a lot of encouragement and the positive comments praising her, she gained more confidence and started showing her true colours.” jake laughs.
“for me, noona makes me feel safe. she knows when i feel anxious and nervous so she pays great attention to the little things.”
“in fact, she knows whenever anyone feels down and tries to lighten the mood. she actually hates whenever it’s too serious when it’s not supposed to be. I remember her complaining about how all of us were too tense during practice and that we need to loosen up. true enough, when we loosened up, we did better.”
[video fades to black]
— thank you for watching ❤️
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seawolvesanddragons · 10 months
There was a beautiful era in the 90s/early 00s of fun, female lead teen movies that just hit different, were like this golden age of girls just being girls and celebrating that feeling, and no matter how Hollywood tries they will never replicate it.
I'm talking "She's the Man," "Bend it Like Beckham" "Princess Dairies" "St. Trinian's" "What a Girl Wants" "Clueless" "Uptown Girls" "John Tucker Must Die" "DEBS".....obviously there's probably a few I missed but you get the idea. Maybe the stakes weren't as high as saving the entire world, but they were important to the characters and had friendships and silliness and the goal was almost never to get the guy and you just don't get to see that anymore. Also almost all of them had banging soundtracks.
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revenantghost · 7 months
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I collect these like trading cards
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rroyalguarantee · 2 months
a ramble about arthur's relationship with dutch and hosea
haven't used tumblr in a while (let alone made an actual original post in who knows how long) but i can't stop thinking about that one interaction between dutch and arthur in lakay. specifically: "you sound like hosea." it breaks my heart, because dutch is right in saying that. as chapter six unfolds into the tragedy it is, arthur becomes more and more like hosea, and just like hosea, arthur tries and tries and fails to get dutch, stubborn and single-minded, to see reason.
one of my favourite journal entries, is where arthur says, "i love dutch like a father, but in many ways i love hosea more." arthur loved hosea. hosea saw arthur for who he was. knew arthur wasn't near as dumb as he liked to pretend he was. one of my favourite interactions between arthur and hosea is early on in chapter 3, very shortly after they get to clemens point. arthur walks by hosea sitting at a table, who calls out to arthur and asks what he thinks about dutch's plans. arthur's response is "you know me, i never did much thinking." to which which hosea says one of my favourite lines in the game, and it's a line that gives far more insight into arthur, hosea and their dynamic than you might first think.
dutch was arthur's father in a more abstract way. whether it was dutch's intention or not (and i believe, at the very least, it was later on), i always found his "you're like a son to me" comments to arthur to be very manipulative in nature, meant to reel arthur back in when he's concerned he's "getting away," so to speak. i have personal experience with men trying to get me on their good side by saying i'm like a kid to them, and maybe i'm projecting a little because of that, but the way dutch says that to arthur triggers the same alarm bells in my brain.
again: "i love dutch like a father, but in many ways, i love hosea more." say what you want, but hosea was arthur's true dad. he was his dad in all the ways that mattered. hosea knew arthur so well, he knew arthur was putting on "an angry moron act." in the video i linked, he sounds genuinely frustrated when he continues saying "but it's a thin enough veneer." he knows arthur is capable of more. is capable of being better, and i think hosea knew that things were doomed in the end, whether or not he would admit it.
arthur spent a lot of time, both early in the story and at the end, reflecting on what was happening, on himself, on the other gang members. i like to think he was unconsciously channeling hosea in chapter 6. honestly, the parallels are kind of painful. maybe that's, in part, why dutch was so adamant on not listening to arthur; because he reminded him, painfully, of hosea, his oldest and dearest friend. of course, that's not the only reason, but it makes sense, doesn't it? arthur is so much like hosea, and we see that more and more as the story progresses.
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sonntam · 10 months
I don't think I've seen a write-up on various fairy-tale and Russian sayings references in the English translation, so I'd like to make one.
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"Puddles make poor drinks" and "Gorkhon water will turn you into livestock": what's up with that?
There is a fairytale about a big sister and the little brother. They walk for a long time and the brother is very thirsty. His big sister keeps telling him to keep going and not to drink from the puddles, like a goat. Eventually the little brother drinks from the puddle.
And promptly turns into a goat.
Rest of the fairytale is about the big sister returning the little brother to his original form.
So, this is where the talks about puddles and water turning you into livestock is about.
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The Akela joke did not work at all in the translation.
It comes from Mowgli, which is well known due to the USSR cartoon. In the book (and in the cartoon) the elderly wolf leader Akela misses during a hunt... after which he promptly is deposed as a leader of the pack. Mowgli loses his protection and this is a Big Deal.
So whenever a boss in real life makes a silly mistake (say, throwing a paperball into the bin and missing) everyone thinks it's very funny to say "Akela missed!" implying that they will get a new boss now and the current one will get deposed for this mistake.
Here "Akela never misses" means that Khan being at risk of infection and coming into the nutshell does not diminish his importance at all and his dogheads are just as loyal as before, happily delivering loot to him.
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There is a saying: "Better a sparrow in hand, than a stork in the sky."
It means that you should treasure what you have, instead of preferring that which you can't get (so easily).
Lara Ravel references that she can't be happy with the little she has. She wants to help others and for this she needs more.
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"Maybe I could be useful to you" is a classic thing that various animals say to people in fairytales, once they are caught and plead for their lives.
I think, this is a popular trope in English fairytales as well, but the phrasing here is lifted directly from fairytales in Russian, so pointing it out either way.
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"Everyone's shirt is closer to their skin" is a well known Russian saying.
It means that your happiness and comfort is always more important to you than the comfort of other people. Hence: your shirt is closer to your skin, so you care about it more.
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"Silence implies assent" is another popular saying (it even rhymes in Russian).
If someone proposes a course of action and no one speaks out against it or for it, then people usually say "silence is a sign of assent" and consider the matter settled. (Or, more often, people then suddenly say that they disagree and you get a more lively and productive conversation.)
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I can't find another screenshot, but Dankovsky says something similar about "I wore down seven pairs of shoes getting to this town".
It obviously could be taken as a factual statement, but most likely it's a reference to fairytales.
In a lot of fairytales the protagonist will be given on a long journey seven pairs of iron boots. Once all of them break, the hero has reached his destination.
Same here: it's a fairytale way of saying that you had a long and arduous journey (or in Capella's case, ran around the whole town for years).
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"I'll just peek with one eye" is another popular Russian phrase.
"Can I look?"
"How about if I look with just one eye?"
Obviously, it's nonsense, but it's a typical thing to say if you REALLY want to look at something, so you just say "pleeeease, I will just look only a little".
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jamiethebeeart · 3 months
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Lineart by me! (extra info for colorists in og tags) I couldn't resist a dappled light variant on this. @green-with-envy-phandom-event
fun fact: this lineart originally had the actual lunch/picnic table ridges and then i realized that was too much, especially without access to the layers of lineart (personally, I would color the lineart for the table and then the support bars would be colored and the layer moved underneath the table top. I decided not to put colorists in a position to try to color it with one layer of lineart, but I did get quite far before making that decision)
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smallmightsupremacy · 16 days
Might i be bold and ask you for your fave bkdk fics?
Anon. Anon. I'm so sorry that I've taken forever to reply to this ask, but I hope you understand that this is one of the hardest tasks I've ever had to do I think for starters I'd recommend the 'big 3' bkdk fics. They're all popular for a reason, and if you're looking for something long and angsty, you can count on those to deliver. (Though, I will be honest here and tell you that I never finished twyutd, but from what I hear it's a super good fic!!)
As for specific recommendations, I'll try to condense my list of favorite fics wayyy down and then go on to name some authors that I love so this post doesn't go on forever So, after scrolling in a hot sweat through my bookmarks, here's the final list:
promises kept by gabstar The Night We Met by majjale
glowing skins and pleading fingers by mimisyum
All We Ever Knew by dynamics
warm hands by flowercafe
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing by maxisnotokay
Do Not Disturb by surveycorpsjean
headliner by passengerside
As for bkdk authors, here are a few of them whose works I adore and go back to read day after day: ladyofsnails
Happy reading anon <3
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isombaird · 10 months
*points at fictional traumatised middle aged repressed gay man* this bad boy can fit so much projection of my own problems in him
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
thinking of a cozy fic of Chef!Reader being the new hire in the Dawn Winery.
Diluc, who usually doesn't care what he eats as long as it's of refined quality (canon fact), praises you for great comfort food (can't get over his compliments in that one cooking quest)
Imagine baking late at night and you bump into him (who just did his darknight hero gig) and he admits that he's in the kitchen to look for a snack (because fighting is exhausting). I hc that Diluc is a big eater, the German stereotype of big dishes, giant sausages and steaks kind of thing.
Accidentally meeting at night (where you prep for tomorrow morning's food) when everyone's asleep is like your secret thing. It's a little childish but there's a sort of intimacy or friendship in it.
Imagine if he comes home injured. You're not a healer, but you sure can make healing food at least.
Lots of fluff potential, the angst would be trying to maintain a professional relationship though but I can imagine a chef would cause less of a scandal than the usual maid!reader!
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