#inspired by abstract (psychopomp)
a-little-unsteddie · 9 months
ok we all listened to Hozier’s new album, right? so we all know what comes next.
tw: hurt/no comfort, post-break up
wc: 1.1k || AO3 Link
Eddie groaned as he rolled over to check his phone, unsure who would be messaging him so early in the morning. Chrissy. Of course. He smiled vacantly, and then immediately frowned when the phone unlocked and revealed the message.
Eddie!! Watch this right now!!
Eddie clicked the link that was attached to the message and flinched reflexively when he saw the title of the video.
Exclusive!: Steve Harrington Opens Up About Last Relationship!
He instantly closed out of the video before it had a chance to start playing and messaged Chrissy back furiously.
explain to me why i should watch an interview that steve did? what do I care if he talks about our relationship? he’s allowed to.
Eddie chewed on his thumb nail anxiously as he stared down at the three dots indicating that Chrissy was replying. He was glad that she was, because he wasn’t sure if he would have been able to handle it if she didn’t. He thought it was fair of him to not want to watch an interview of Steve talking shit about him and their relationship, because there was no doubt in his mind that the interview could be anything but that. The relationship hadn’t ended particularly well, and Eddie knew that he was partially at fault for it. They both had their own problems, which eventually culminated in a massive fight that they couldn’t get past. The only thing that Eddie could really remember from the fight was Steve leaving at the end and immediately regretting letting him leave. He couldn’t even remember the reason of their fight — not that they really needed a reason to argue, near the end.
Eddie often replayed the memory of the slamming door and the following weeks spent isolating himself from everyone, eventually Chrissy had come barging in to drag him out of bed and into the shower and forcing him to be a functional member of society. Which, to be fair, was quite important given the fact that Eddie had a band to write for. Chrissy was the only reason he was functioning now, even. She was his rock through the aftermath of Steve Harrington.
Eddie was startled out of his thoughts by his phone buzzing in his hand, and focused on it to read the message.
I love you so much, and you *need* to watch that interview. Trust me.
Eddie swallowed thickly and tapped the link again. Steve looked amazing, because of course he did, his hair perfectly styled, wearing a yellow sweater that Eddie remembered being one of his favorites to wear. Eddie almost backed out of the video again, but it began playing at the timestamp that Chrissy had linked him to.
“So,” the interviewer began, a curious look on her face, “any new relationships?”
Steve let out a huff that could have been considered a laugh to anyone who didn’t know him like Eddie did, and he watched with a heavy heart as he answered with a gentle shake of his head.
“No, and I’m not looking for a new relationship.” Steve smiled crookedly at the interviewer, and Eddie’s heart pounded in his chest as he turned up the volume on his phone, desperate to hear more of Steve’s voice. “Still recovering from the last one,” he said, as if it were a joke, but Eddie was surprised to hear how genuine it sounded.
The interviewer leaned forward, “Oh? Eddie Munson, right?”
Steve nodded, fidgeting with his sleeves. “Yeah.”
“What can you tell us about that?” The interviewer asked, and Eddie held his breath as he awaited Steve’s response.
Steve shifted in his spot, and despite how uncomfortable Eddie knew he must be, he looked completely at ease with the interviewer. He looked contemplative as he seemed to mull over his next words.
“I think we were just…both in a really rough point in our lives. You’ve heard that saying, ‘right person, wrong time’?” At the interviewers nod, Steve continued, “Like that.”
“Did you love him?” The interviewer asked, quiet and open to the answer. Eddie blinked rapidly, knuckles almost white from how tightly he was gripping his phone. Steve looked sad, staring down at his hands for a moment before he appeared to gather himself and return his attention to the interviewer.
“Yes.” Steve paused, smiling sadly, “Still do.” Eddie paused the video to take a deep, shaky breath. He sniffled, and only then did he realize that he had started crying. It felt as though his chest was on fire. He took another deep breath and forced himself to press play.
“Can you remember when you first realized you loved him?” The interviewer asked as a follow up, which Eddie thought was a touch insensitive, but nontheless thankful that the interviewer was pushing forward, for no reason other than he wanted to know. Before today, he may have thought Steve would have scoffed and said no, but now he wasn’t sure.
“It wasn’t really.. one specific moment,” Steve started, “but the moment that I realized I wasn’t going to be able to do anything except love him was a rainy day. We were walking through the city, and we heard tires squealing and then Eddie was off,” Eddie was surprised to find he couldn’t remember the day that Steve was talking about. He sniffled and tried to focus on what Steve was saying. “Someone had hit an opossum,” Steve laughed, eyes shining with unshed tears but they didn’t fall, “and Eddie was devastated, and held it so gently. I just remember thinking I had no choice but to love him. He almost caused another car accident, but luckily the person driving saw Eddie dash into the road and stopped…Eddie held the opossum until it died in his arms.”
And Eddie knew with sudden clarity exactly what day Steve was talking about now, because Steve had been so scared that he could have gotten hurt, but all Eddie had been concerned about was the creature he had been holding, because he couldn’t let it die alone and scared. Eddie hadn’t realized that there was another car coming and was lucky that it had stopped in time. He remembered Steve berating him until Eddie looked up at him, tears in his eyes. ‘I can’t let him die alone,’ he had said. Steve had sighed, but smiled as he sat down to join him until the opossum died.
“Do you regret it?” The interviewer asked, “Loving him, I mean.” Eddie waited with baited breath for Steve’s answer.
“I am still glad to have been able to love him. The memory hurts, but does me no harm.”
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comfortablyunsolved · 9 months
I still love you the way you love your own roadkill, the deer you hit in the street at night in the woods, the childhood pet your dad accidentally backed over in the driveway (you never really forgave him). Any other iteration of my love for you, and yours for me, is too far gone to recover, but there is still a tenderness, a guilt-laden grief that pulls at my heart every time I see you. I yearn for us to know each other like we used to and yet I know the blame is on me and yet you hurt me too and yet and yet and yet. And like roadkill, I will pick up my love for you and carry it to the side of the road before it starts to rot. I will carry it gently, knowingly, softly, full of regret, but I will carry it all the same. I will place my love down in the wet grass on the side of the road, a soft resting place where it will tangle in the plants over time, and I will walk away.
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yeastymuffin · 23 days
I was made to sit in the shade of a willow tree. Watching as the leaves waltz in the wind beside me. In my ears the song of a distant Irish man, connected as we ponder the same; how resilient the fragility of life is
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bloodontongue · 9 months
I have not stopped thinking about Hozier’s Abstract (Psychopomp) from Unreal Unearth, and decided to write about how this song makes me feel. So here’s a little something.
It stared at the odd creature on its hind legs moving closer, what it could not know as hands outreached, closer, towards its limp body - the moonlight above, a halo shone as it closed its eyes.
As I reached forward with trembling hands into the dark illuminated only by the soft glow of the moon above, I noticed its soft pleading eyes almost glistening with the tears I had caused, a pain I could only hope to end mercifully.
And in those eyes I saw my own life like a mirror shattered on the ground. I saw my hands over my face as I weeped for the life I have always wanted, and for the life my parents deserved. I am walking hand in hand with my mother as she tries to give her child something to be excited about. My father’s hands are out and is struggling to stay afloat. The cruel world takes everything, it leaves you begging and a silent prayer is casted in the hopes that others will answer. They both survive and cling on to that hope, that I will grow to never face the harshness they had endured. Who am I to deny them an existence that is free from the cruel reality of the world, even if it means being trapped in moments that was not my own doing to begin with?
In those eyes I saw lips on my own. Hands intertwined in secret, bodies pressing and tears I would shed for months to come in hopes that the words will finally escape your mouth again. The pain that turned to anger has now diminished from my mind, as I look back into those moments of shared proximity and spaces from a distance I cannot understand to be my own. I cling to memories that shone and try to not detach my soul from something that shaped me into who I am. I am content with being grateful of the experience, and yet struggle to understand how two hands that fit well into one another can now feel like a speck of dust blown away by the wind.
In those eyes I see my whole life before me. I am stuck in moments I cannot relive. Beautiful moments I cannot remember and terrible ones I struggle to forget. Memories that hurt and healed, come flooding through my head as I kneel on the tarred road, soaking wet. The light from the moon still shines and whispers an embrace of comfort that gives me the strength to carry it off the ground. A new light blinds and my ears are filled with the threat of my life being taken away from me. I have so much to live for and once this memory ceases to matter, it will come again in pieces to remind me of why I needed to live like it didn’t. I choose to not let it suffer anymore and lay it on the side of the road, away from harm and away from the world. I wipe my tears with the sleeves of my bloodstained sweater as I watch it from my mirror. It finally closes its eyes, closed and finally free from this cruel world.
“Where am I?”
“You are with me now. Let me guide you. Come, come and see how it shines”
“But, I have to go home. They are waiting”
“I know, but it is time”
“No. I still have so much to live for. So much to see. To do. To give. It cannot be time, it’s too soon”
“It always is, dear one”.
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helloitsbees · 6 months
An open gash on the animal’s rear leg, glistening with blood, made it impossible for the deer to stand, but it shuddered as if it was trying to.
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kaye-kaye-kaye · 9 months
OK, who are the absolute fuck was going to tell me that abstract (psychopomp) was actually inspired by Andrew Hozier as a child seeing an animal, that’d been hit in the road and then watching a stranger stopping and getting out of a car and holding it in the persons lap as the animal died and comforted it in its last moment, who the fuck is going to tell me that!!! Jesus Christ I’m crying I’m losing my goddamn mind
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mychoombatheroomba · 5 months
All My Love and Terror (Leon Kennedy x Reader)
A dog is hit by a car and Leon runs into traffic to save it, and it forces a revelation on you. (Inspired by Hozier's "Abstract (Psychopomp)" and cross-posted from my Ao3)
Word count: 1,056
The dog lives!
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He doesn’t even hesitate. 
All it takes is the sound of a yelp, pained and sharp and like a knife through the heart. The sound of an animal in pain is one of the most heartbreaking sounds in the world, you think, and you hear it that day. You turn to face the street, and the car doesn’t even stop. It just keeps going, and you see a blur of tan fur turning over and over on the asphalt. It comes to a stop, then, and there’s silence for a moment. The conversation you were having dies as your eyes go wide, realizing what you’ve just seen. 
The dog lies there in the road, the leash that it had torn free from its owner’s hands splayed out around it, and you feel your body chill in the evening air. Hands going up to your face as you stand there, frozen, unsure of what to do. There’s a woman screaming on the other side of the street, and more cars passing . . . 
And then movement at your side, and a whole new type of fear seizes you as your friend rushes forward. 
Towards the road. 
Towards the dog lying there. 
“Leon!” You cry, reaching for him, but he’s already gone. Already passing the first lane of traffic, running for the animal that he doesn’t know. That might already be dead for all you know. And for a moment, as cars tear forward, heading right for him, all you can think is that they won’t be able to stop in time. That this gloomy day that he’d come to visit you from the police academy would be the last one you’d see him on. That you’re about to watch your best friend die. That he will join the dog on the pavement, and you won’t know what to do. 
And then you’re running, too.  
People are shouting at the two of you, but you don’t hear them. All you see is Leon, narrowly passing the second lane and missing the car that speeds past, its horn a blaring warning that would have made no difference, if Leon had been a second slower. 
And it occurs to you then that there’s nothing your presence really accomplishes. You cannot stop the cars and more than he can. You’re too far behind him to push him out of the way if one comes too close. There’s nothing to stop the two of you from dying there together, now, and you’ve never been more scared than you are now.
But you keep going. 
You keep going, feeling the wind rush by you as cars pass. 
And then you see it. Leon, kneeling in the road next to the dog. Even with everything around you, the tires against the road, the cars blurring past you, you see him in perfect clarity. Like the world stills so you can see this moment. 
You see the dog as Leon rests a hand against it, so gently your heart breaks. You see the animal shake, and then it looks up at Leon, and it stills. Blinks. You see the fear leave the dog’s body, and then you see Leon smile down at it, his eyes shining with tears. And his smile is so relieved and so beautiful you’re sure that you will never see anything more breathtaking in all your life. 
And you know then, as you rush between moving traffic, that you love him. 
You’re by his side, then, and he looks up at you, his expression becoming horror. He says your name, but you stand, raising your hand just as a car approaches. You stand between it and him and the dog, and you know you won’t be hit. Somehow, you know. 
It stops just in time, and Leon is up behind you, hoisting the poor dog in his arms gently. And you are his shield as the two of you make your way across the rest of the road, the cars finally stopping for you all as you signal for them to. 
And when you reach the other side, the woman who was screaming is there. The dog’s owner. 
The two of you stay with her as she calls a friend for help, Leon holding the dog as it whimpers in his arms, his hands petting it gently, soothing it. And you can only stare at him, trying to wrap your head around how stupid, how selfless he’d been. How he’d risked his life for a dog that wasn’t his, that he didn’t even know. 
The woman’s friend eventually comes, and you help load the dog into the back seat of her car. It was still breathing. With a tearful smile, the woman thanks you both, but you know the credit is all Leon’s. That he was the brave one. 
And you want to strangle him for it. You turn to scream at him when they’re gone, to tell him that he should never have done something so dangerous . . . but then his arms are around you, holding you close. 
He takes a trembling breath, and you realize that you weren’t the only one who’d been scared. 
It makes the fact that he’d run out into the street all the more incredible to you. 
And so, you hug him back there on the sidewalk, the two of you just breathing in the fall air, feeling realizations come over you both. Because this has changed things. For both of you. You can feel it in the way he clings to you, like he’s not sure you’re really there. And in the way you do the same, your fingers bunched in his jacket, holding him against you. 
And after a moment, he pulls away to look at you. “You went after me,” he says, in disbelief. 
You just nod. “Of course I did.” The words were spoken like they were the most obvious thing in the world, because you knew you would always follow him. Whatever danger he threw himself into, you would be right there by his side. 
There was no other choice. Not for you. 
And as he realized that much, as your words took root in him, you watched as a happier smile bloomed across his face. One that shined brighter than the streetlights around you, the lights of the cars . . . the sun itself. 
A/N: Just a little something from my Leon collection! Which, as of now, is just this and my 30+ chapter fic that I'm debating posting chapter for chapter here. It's been months and this man still has me in a choke hold, help.
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twilightjwy · 8 months
your hand in my pocket to keep us both warm
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wooyoung x reader
friends to lovers fluff <3 reader is friends with ateez, there are mentions of all of the members :)
summary: you go on a ski trip and become a lot closer with wooyoung than you expected
wc: 1.5k
notes: my whole inspiration for this was from the lyric (that i made the title) in the song ‘abstract’ by hozier <3333 that song is soooooo good
💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ִ
the air was cold and snow was falling as you rode down the mountain one last time. everyone was getting pretty tired and yunho suggested that they call it quits for the day and head back to the resort to watch a movie and relax before driving home tomorrow so you all raced down the trail to get to the bottom. you and the guys had decided to take a road trip up to a ski resort, which ended up being a real bonding experience (especially because you all had to work together to teach yeosang how to ski since he had never gone before).
the whole trip had been so fun with your best friends, but you and wooyoung had definitely been flirting with each other the entire time (and everyone could tell). you and wooyoung had been friends for years and you’d been in love with him the whole time. you always thought you would never tell him, but after this weekend you were starting to rethink it all. you two were glued to each other the whole time — racing down the mountain together, sitting on the ski lift together (so close to each other you practically left enough room for a third person to squeeze on there with you). you swapped jackets some days to see how long it would take the others to notice and then giggle about it to yourselves. hongjoong would just roll his eyes. “i definitely think there’s something going on between them,” he said to seonghwa.
tonight was the night that everything really changed, though. you had packed up all your stuff and left it in the lodge for you all to pick up tomorrow before heading home. the resort was just a short walk from the mountain but it was cold. your shivering increased with every step you took. you kept rubbing your hands together and blowing hot air into them to keep them somewhat warm since you didn’t have any gloves with you. wooyoung, with his giant warm winter jacket, was walking right next to you and noticed how much you were shaking.
“you cold?” he asked.
with his right hand he propped open his jacket pocket.
“put your hand in here,” he said as he raised his eyebrows at you and motioned with his head.
you slowly put your left hand into his pocket and you could feel as he rested his hand right on top of yours.
“there, now we can both stay warm,” he said.
“thanks,” you said softly, with a nervous smile to him.
wooyoung was a touchy person, so you’ve been close like this before, but something about this seemed different, more intimate. you could feel his soft hand on top of yours, suddenly every nerve in your body was on red alert. you’d never been so aware of your own hand before, how does he make you feel like this?
you kept walking along the path and you noticed mingi look back at you both from up ahead. he quickly turned back around and giggled with yunho, his hand covering his mouth. you turned to the side away from wooyoung and smiled to yourself.
after about 20 seconds of silence that felt like an hour, you felt his hand shift in the pocket. you noticed him moving his hand so that your palms were touching and then you felt him lace his fingers with yours. neither of you said anything but you felt butterflies in your stomach — did he really just do that? you walked the rest of the way to the resort, your hand in his pocket the whole time, only taking it out when you got to the suite.
the resort you were staying at had a huge apartment style suite with a living room, kitchen, and multiple bedrooms that you all were sharing. you sat down on the empty couch, hoping wooyoung would come along next and sit down right next to you. but san, completely unaware that something was going on between you guys, immediately took the seat next to you. he was acting so happy and excited with you to watch the movie that you didn’t have the heart to tell him you were trying to save his seat for wooyoung. wooyoung eventually sat down in a comfy chair right across from you. occasionally during the movie he would look over at you, make eye contact, and give you a cute, small smile. he was resting his head on his hand and the way he looked at you was so sweet it made you feel almost lightheaded.
eventually the movie ended and you all decided it was time to go to bed, since tomorrow was going to be a long day of packing and driving. jongho had already fallen asleep on the couch during the movie but no one wanted to wake him, so hongjoong just draped a blanket over him and turned off the lights in the living room.
the thing, though, was that you and jongho and wooyoung were sharing a room. and since jongho was on the couch it was just going to be you and wooyoung. you were starting to get a little nervous as you were getting ready for bed thinking about you and wooyoung alone. you were worried you might end up blurting out how you feel about him and then the whole friendship would be ruined if he didn’t feel the same. you tried to block the thought out of your mind as you slipped under your comforter.
wooyoung walked into the room, pajamas on and looking the cutest he ever has.
“our last slumber party of the weekend,” he said as he puffed out his lower lip, looking sad.
“i know!” you said, “we’re going to have to do it more often when we’re home.”
“i’ll definitely take you up on that sometime.”
he turned off the light, got into his bed and pulled out his phone. “i was going to finish one episode of the show i was watching before i sleep, do you wanna watch it with me?” he asked, hoping you would say yes.
“sure” you smiled. as you got up he lifted the covers for you to get in.
you crawled in right next to him in the dark, your bodies touching. you could feel the heat radiating from him, comforting as it was still so cold, even in the suite. he turned on the show and you leaned your head on his chest to see his phone screen better (which really was just an excuse to cuddle him closer). you wondered if he was feeling the same knots in his stomach as you were. he was invested in the episode but you started to feel your eyes closing and eventually you fell asleep. wooyoung felt the tension release from your body and the weight of your head above his heart, which he hoped you could not feel was beating a lot faster than normal.
you woke up suddenly when the episode ended as you felt wooyoung shift beside you to put his phone on the side table.
“sorry, didn’t mean to wake you,” he said sweetly as he laid down.
“it’s okay, i should probably get back to my bed now,” you said.
“you know you can just stay here if you want to, i really don’t mind, i’d actually kind of like it if you did,” he said shyly. “but totally no pressure,” he added in a hurry, his eyes wide.
you blushed and cuddled in next to him again, this time with his arm around you. you looked up at him and met his eyes in the dark.
“i really don’t want to ruin what we have now, but i really like you,” he whispered to you.
“don’t worry, i really like you too,” you held back, not mentioning how in love with him you have been since the day you met. that would be for another time.
he took his hand and ran his fingers through your hair, still looking into your eyes. you lifted your head to meet his and gently connected your lips. he kissed you back even deeper, cupping your face in his hand.
you pulled away and you both breathed.
“you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that,” he said as he closed his eyes and shook his head with a smile on his face.
“me too,” you said and pulled him back in for another kiss. eventually you went to sleep, your body on top of his, legs entangled together, his arms fully wrapped around you, and your head buried in his neck.
it turned out to be a pretty good ski trip — definitely a lot of bonding.
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unseededtoast · 9 months
See How It Shines | Spencer Reid x F!Reader
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Summary: You had left the Quantico office for what you thought was your dream job. However, you were quick to find out that you lost a lot more than you found. The love of your life walked away from you, but your love for him never waned. But you can't help but wonder if his soul yearns for you like yours does for him.
Cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3
Warnings: Angst, so much angst, pining. Poorly edited.
Word count: 8.2k
a/n: Howdy, this is the first time I've written for Spencer, and I can't guarantee that the quality is good. This is inspired by Hozier's song "Abstract". Here is my masterlist!
"So that's it then? You're just going to leave?" His voice cracks, and your heart shatters into a million pieces.
"Spencer." You whisper and reach out for his face to wipe the tears away, but he flinches from your touch. An overwhelming sensation of sorrow blossoms in you as you watch him shake his head and walk away.
A single tear drips from your face and lands on the floor. The love of your life walks away from you and you don't know if you'll ever see him again.
A steady stream of light rain surrounds you as you stare up at an all too familiar building, your nerves not allowing you to take another step closer just yet. Memories of the past float around in your mind as you contemplate turning around and finding some excuse of why you never showed up. But you know you can't just leave, you can't help yourself. With all the courage you can muster, you force yourself inside of the building, where the cold air hits your wet skin and leaves goosebumps all over.
Each step that you take towards the office, your heartbeat resounds in your ears and your stomach feels like it's been tied into numerous knots. This office used to be like your second home, but now it's like seeing a ghost, a place frozen in time, unchanged. You recall the first day you walked into this building, bright eyed and hopeful for the future which starkly contrasts the last time you left. That memory is tattooed in your mind, unable to forget despite giving it your best effort.
Your chest begins heaving with deep breaths as you find yourself just outside of the elevator and you have to find every last shred of strength within you to not get sick all over the floor. With a shaking hand, you press the button to call the elevator. You've been on this elevator ride more times than you can count, but that was back then, under different circumstances.
The doors close, leaving you alone in the elevator. In an attempt to soothe yourself, your clammy hands grasp the railing and you close your eyes, trying to calm your racing mind. Invasive thoughts crowd your head all at once, remembering who used to ride this elevator with you every morning and how you're going to have to face him once more after that last ride. Before you're ready, the doors open and you have no choice but to step out.
With each approaching step it feels like you're making your way through wet concrete, your feet feel like they're being tethered to the floor, not wanting to progress forward. Once you reach the office's door, it feels like every set of eyes is on you instantly. But perhaps that's just your paranoia.
Keeping your head held high in a faux display of confidence, you look around and see your old desk, still empty and unoccupied. And to your relief, his desk is unoccupied as well but you can tell there are files waiting for him. A clap on your shoulder breaks you from your mental downward spiral and you jump slightly from the contact.
"It's good to have you back, even if it is just for a few days." A familiar voice says from behind you, and you turn to see Derek Morgan with a wide smile on his face. A smile breaks out on your face as well and you embrace your old friend,
"It's good to be back." You say as he wraps his arms around your waist for a brief reunion. You step away from him and sigh, looking around for any other familiar faces, hoping to see all but one.
"He won't be here for another half hour." Morgan says as if he can read your mind. Without delving into that can of worms, you settle for nodding your head and changing the subject.
"Is Hotch here? He said he was going to give me the run down." You say, straightening your jacket to distract yourself from the intruding voice in your mind. Morgan nods his head and takes you to the briefing room, where you find two of your other ex-colleagues, both with smiles on their faces.
"It's good to see you guys." You force yourself to greet them first, taking note of the faltering smile on Emily's face. Knowing the reason for the fake smile, you turn to Hotch who extends his hand to you. Emily does nothing of the sort, and you can't blame her, you understand.
"Here's your file to look over. We'll be wheels up in an hour." Hotch hands you a brown file folder and you nod, opening the front of it to familiarize yourself with the case you'll be assisting them on. Out of the corner of your eye you notice Emily leaving the room, leaving you and Hotch alone.
You and Hotch had developed a close bond while you worked for the Quantico office and it seems that your departure did not interfere with his sentiments towards you. Closing the file, you meet his gaze and you can tell that there's a lot he wants to say, but you also know he won't go out of his way to gossip. Instead of making him suffer with the burden of professionalism, you break the ice first, trusting him more than the others to give you the truth.
"How bad is this going to be?" He knows your question isn't about the case, and he sighs.
"It'll be fine." His tone betrays the words coming out of his mouth, much to your dismay. He's trying to keep you on board with the idea, even if it means faking positivity.
"And you're sure I can't just stay here and help Garcia?" You try one last time to worm out of this assignment, knowing you didn't take it willingly. Hotch shakes his head,
"Sorry, no can do. Garcia is helping another unit and we need you there with us. You know it's easier to get immediate feedback." He strikes down your last attempt and you nod, knowing that he's completely right.
"Okay, see you on the jet." You defeatedly say and take your file folder with you out of the conference room. The uneasiness in your stomach only intensifies with each passing second, knowing that you're closer and closer to confronting your past.
Instead of staying out in the open office space, you find somewhere to hide for the next forty five minutes, like a coward. You find a quiet corner in the breakroom and sit at the table, spreading the contents of the folder out in front of you. Maybe if you fully immerse yourself in the case then this assignment won't be that bad, or at least that's what you're trying to convince yourself of.
The papers in front of you detail the unsub the team is going after. Being familiar with this unit, your brain automatically disregards the information that isn't pertinent to your job. You're not a behavioral profiler like the rest of them, and so the information about picking apart the unsub's actions isn't as important to your job. Instead, you focus on the details regarding the unsub's internet use and who has been targeted. In a way, you're profiling the unsub, you just do it differently than the rest of the team.
As an intelligence analyst, you're more concerned with known usernames, websites frequented, how the unsub uses social media, that sort of thing. You're more interested in establishing a pattern of online behavior that can give insight to an unsub's activity that might not be apparent from the crime scenes left behind. During your time at the Quantico office, this type of analysis has been helpful in over forty cases.
As you read on and mark specific details to help you, your mind reverts to what it knows best; the job. Your thoughts are no longer concerned with facing your past, and all you can think of is how to use the information provided to aid your search. Your dedication to the job is also what landed you in this predicament in the first place, but you try not to dig into what that might mean.
"Hey, there you are, we've been looking for you all over. Wheels up in five." Morgan says and you nod, quickly shoving the papers back into the file and clipping the pen over the front cover. You must've lost track of time, too engrossed in searching for the smallest of details.
Taking the familiar path to the unit's private jet is almost nostalgic, and you kind of miss being able to do this. The Cleveland office never deploys agents like Quantico does, but they offered the position of a lifetime, and you couldn't turn it down. But sometimes, most times, you wish you had. You found that you lost far more than you gained.
The rest of the team is on the jet by the time you and Morgan arrive, and you rush in, mumbling out an apology as you take a seat in the back, where you'll hopefully be left alone for the duration of the flight. As you take your seat and prepare for takeoff, you can feel everyone's eyes burning into you and your heart rate increases, knowing that the one person you'd wanted to avoid is definitely here. His presence is overwhelming and you haven't even looked at him yet. Your heartstrings tug with remorse and pain, remembering the last time you two were on the jet, when things were good.
Knowing you've already gathered all the information you can from the file, you open it again anyways and act like you're deep in thought. Though the profilers can probably see right through this, none of them say anything.
It's a demanding task to keep your eyes trained on the file for the majority of the flight, but after a while your neck starts aching from poor posture. You quietly place the file on your lap and stretch out your muscles, massaging the side to find some temporary relief. You notice that almost everyone has elected to take a nap until the plane lands, but unfortunately, one person opted to stay awake.
Your eyes meet his and it's like the entire world caves in.
His hazel eyes hold your own and you can't stop the racing images in your mind, they're all so vivid. You remember the first time you met him, how you two became so quickly entangled in one another without even noticing. Your feelings for him had encroached on you so subtly, that you didn't even realize how deeply and richly you loved him until you said goodbye.
You'll never be able to erase that moment from your mind. The day you told him you accepted the Intelligence Director job in Cleveland, and that you were transferring. Tears had been running down his cheeks, and you tried to console and comfort him, but there was nothing you could do, the damage had been done. And not a day has gone by that you didn't think of him.
Now that you're face to face with him again, it's like the poorly-repaired crack in your heart has been reopened. You want nothing more than to reach out and feel his soft skin under your fingertips one more time. Though you were the one who broke things off, you mourned the lost relationship with him. Things with him just fell into place, the two of you brought out the best in each other.
But now, looking into his eyes, you notice the spark behind them is gone and only a dull light remains. Your mouth falls open like you're going to say something, but he looks away before your mind can come up with anything to say. Not that he has to listen to anything you say, you understand if he wants nothing to do with you this entire trip.
Truthfully, you were surprised Morgan had welcomed you back so warmly. You knew that by leaving Quantico, and also the love of your life, that you had hurt the team. The team is so intimately woven together, that your departure had left a bad taste in their mouths. Of course some were more understanding, but there were also those who took it more personally. And you can't blame them, after all you broke the heart of the most caring, tender soul in the world.
Realizing you're staring at the side of his face, you tear your gaze away from him and your mind forces you to relive one of your most regrettable moments.
"I took the job in Cleveland. I leave in two days." The words tumble out of your mouth as the elevator door dings and opens to the main lobby. You had tried to find the right time to tell him, but the clock was ticking and time was running out. The hand intertwined with yours drops as the two of you step out into the lobby.
"What?" He says with clear exasperation and disbelief. You had mentioned four months ago that you were interested in the job, and he had encouraged you to at least apply. But that was before you two had become so deeply involved in one another.
"They called me the other night and said they would love to have me as soon as possible. I applied months ago and I didn't think they'd actually consider me for the position." You try to explain to him that you didn't do this after you had grown close. He shakes his head, and you see wetness gather in his lash line.
"So that's it then? You're just going to leave?" His voice cracks, and your heart shatters into a million pieces.
"Spencer." You whisper and reach out for his face to wipe the tears away, but he flinches from your touch. An overwhelming sensation of sorrow blossoms in you as you watch him shake his head and walk away.
A single tear drips from your face and lands on the floor. The love of your life walks away from you and you don't know if you'll ever see him again.
The plane lands and everyone grabs their belongings before filing out. You intentionally take a longer time to gather the few belongings you had brought along, and you're careful to make sure he's out of the plane before you leave.
You hang back from the team while they all get ready to head to the hotel to check in before going to the crime scene. They're all discussing their theories about the unsub and you listen in, but make no move to interject like you used to. Instead, you silently get into the SUV and keep your gaze focused on the moving landscape.
Once everyone is at the hotel and checked into their rooms, you let yourself drop the façade. The door behind you shuts and you slide down until you're sitting on the floor, the ache in your chest making it feel as if you can't catch your breath. You knew this was going to be hard, but you never thought it would feel this suffocating. It seems that while the world and the team had moved on, you remain stuck in the memory of what used to be. And you're not sure if you'll ever be able to truly move on. You're not sure if you want to move on.
A knock on your door forces you to stand back on your feet, and you hurriedly throw your things on the bed before returning and answering the door. Morgan stands on the other side, leaning against the doorframe. He smiles softly as he meets your eye and you're quick to put your front back up with a smile.
"Are we ready?" You ask and he nods. You follow him without another word, tucking the keycard into the pocket of your jacket.
"You know you don't have to act like an outsider, it's just us." He tries to soothe your obvious discomfort.
"It feels like I'm an outsider." You admit to him and he stops walking as he continues the conversation.
"None of us blame you for taking the job, it was good for your career. And whatever happened between you and Reid, it was two years ago." He says like the time makes things easier to handle, when in fact, the time just made your heart grow heavy with loss. You avert your eyes from him and nod, starting to walk back down the hall to avoid continuing this conversation.
Once you all had arrived to the scene, you hung around the back. You weren't really needed here, but the team likes to have you here so that you can be up to date with all the information they have. Once their assessment of the scene is complete, that's when you'll go back to the police station where you'll set up your work space for the remainder of the case.
The team and the local police discuss what's been found so far. There was a young male found deceased, gun in his hand with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot. However, there were a few details that suggested that this was not a suicide. The angle at which the bullet entered the victim's head was inconsistent with suicide, and the gun wasn't laying in the manner it should have given the bullet's trajectory. The victim's phone had gone missing in this area as well, but nobody's been able to recover it yet; maybe the unsub took it with them.
The behavioral analysts comb over the scene with intense precision, and you begin looking at things from a different perspective. Your mind begins constructing several theories about where the gun came from, what significance this place has, and where the victim's phone is. As your mind races, your hand scribbles messy notes so you don't lose your train of thought.
Feeling as if someone's looking at you, your gaze turns from your sloppy notes to look around. From the other side of the crime scene, those familiar hazel eyes look into your own, as if they can see into your soul. As soon as your eyes meet, he's turning away and back to the scene, where he points something out to Hotch and then goes on a tangent about the history of something.
You try your best to listen in, needing to hear his honeyed voice. In the two years you had been gone, your mind had failed you and forgot how sweet he sounds. From the distance between you, your ears only pick up bits and pieces and nothing quite makes sense because you miss so much information. But you were never listening for the content anyways.
You finish your evaluation quicker than the rest and so you take out your phone and try to do some preliminary searches. Within a minute you find the victim's social medias and begin combing through them in search of people regularly interacted with, patterns of life, and anything else that might stand out. With your notepad balanced unevenly on a tree trunk, you try to scribble down names to follow up on when a voice from behind you startles you from concentration.
"The rest of us are going to stay here for a while, but you and some others can head to the police station and get started." Hotch dismisses you from the scene and you nod, heading towards the car while still jotting down notes, not bothering to see who else is joining you.
Once your mind starts going on a case it's hard for it to stop, which is both a strength and a flaw. By the time you join the local law enforcement in their car, you're on a mental fast track. The notes you write are indecipherable to everyone but yourself but it all makes sense to you, and that's all that matters.
"So what all do you need?" The local police officer asks from the drivers seat. Your gaze shifts from the paper to the rearview mirror, where the older man is looking back at you with curiosity in his eyes.
"Not a lot. I'll need a computer, access to records, and some warrant forms to get started." Your answer is almost automated from having to answer it time and time again over the years. However, as you go to finish your notes, you notice someone in the passenger seat and your breath catches in your throat. How had you not noticed he was sitting less than two feet away?
The rest of your notes don't get finished. Instead, you're transfixed on the man in front of you. His familiar smell is almost enough to bring you to tears, he still smells like home. You remember spending nights in his apartment in the fall time, huddled under blankets that smelled like him. A comforting scent that let you know that you were safe, you were exactly where you were meant to be.
The police are quick to accommodate your needs and you thank them politely, but your mind is anywhere but where it should be. Instead of uncovering important intelligence for the case, your mind is preoccupied with the man in front of you. As the police set up a temporary workspace for you, Spencer stands right in front of you, but facing away, scanning over images from the crime scene. You know he's got the images committed to memory by now, he's just doing that to avoid you, and so you take the hint.
"Here you are ma'am." The officers show you to your workspace, and you fight back the urge to protest their use of "ma'am". It always made you feel old.
"It's Director, actually." Spencer corrects the officer, and your lips part slightly. Before you can say anything to him, he's already turned back around to study the photos.
"My apologies, here's your workstation, Director. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to assist." The officer then excuses himself. The tension between you and your former lover is thick, but you know that you're not likely to get him alone like this again, and so you force yourself to take advantage of the situation.
"Thank you." Your voice is soft and you bite the skin on your lower lip, a bad nervous habit he once told you. He places the photos on the desk and turns to face you.
"Of course." Is all he says before getting started on his duties. You should've known he was going to be here like this, it's how most cases with the team went. You worry that your preoccupation is going to hinder your investigation, but at the same time you're just thankful to see him again, even if he never says another word to you.
Later in the day, the rest of the team joins you two in the police department to catch everyone up on the information uncovered. The behavioral analysts have deduced that the unsub might be a woman, and you make note of that. Truthfully, your preliminary searches have not been as fruitful as they typically are, and you know everyone notices.
"I'm going to keep going though. I know there's something out there." You say as you admit to them you don't have any solid leads yet, a first for you. You don't miss the pitiful smiles people throw your way, and you bite your tongue to make sure you don't say anything out of line.
The rest of the day you search tirelessly for leads and before you know it, it's dark outside and everyone is gone. Without prying eyes, your shoulders slouch and you cradle your head in your hands. Your eyes burn from staring at the screen, and your list of leads is still too small for your liking. There's still a lot of work to be done.
The frustration with yourself grows and you almost resent your superior for sending you back here. He said that you were requested by name, and that there was no reason for you not to come. Though you could give him a reason, you're sure he would've just told you to grow up. On your way here you convinced yourself that you could do this job quickly but now that you're here, it's apparent that your distraction is going to be an obstacle to overcome. When lives are on the line, it's dangerous to have an obstacle that impairs your work.
But once the quietness of the police station settles in your mind, you find the will to keep working. Maybe without him being here you can actually get some work done. So that's exactly what you do, you work through the night and are thankfully able to come up with some solid bits of information that you think will be beneficial for the behavioral analysts to know.
Information is meticulously placed in an easy to read briefing document, which you print out and staple for everyone, just like you used to. Perhaps if you conduct this just like your other jobs, you'll start to feel more at home and comfortable.
A hand on your shoulder startles you awake, and your eyes blink wildly to try and acclimate yourself with the bright light that's now infiltrating the station windows.
"Did you stay here all night?" Hotch's voice causes your head to swivel to the front door of the station and you rub your eyes, realizing that you did in fact end up staying here all night. You try to downplay this and dodge his question, gathering the briefing documents you had put together and passing them out to the team.
"This is what I found out, there are still more leads to follow, but I think I'm onto some good things here. One person of interest stands out, and that's a girl he recently started interacting with. From what I can tell without getting into his profiles, they started interacting about a month ago, and it appears they were very in love with each other. But she's got some literal skeletons in her closet. Three years ago one of her boyfriends was found dead in an apparent suicide." You conclude your briefing with the most pertinent information. They can read through the rest themselves. You cover your mouth as you yawn, and stretch out the tense muscles in your neck. The agents read over everything and while they read, you turn the computer back on and prepare to do some more investigating.
"Take a break, you were here all night." Morgan speaks up this time, causing almost everyone's eyes to land on you. Every time you blink your eyes feel like they're being scrubbed with sandpaper, but you can't afford to take a break.
"I'll be fine." You offer him a smile, but it doesn't take a professional profiler to see right through it. Nobody says anything else, so you start going down more rabbit holes to uncover more leads about who the unsub might be.
As the agents go to interview people, it's just you and Spencer left at the station. He's taking care of the geographical profile for this case, like he usually does. The two of you work quietly, but you notice that you can't help but look over at him every few minutes with longing and fondness thick in your heart.
Today he's wearing a button up pushed to his elbows with a simple tie, and it shouldn't make you feel any sort of way, but it brings you back to your first day at the BAU. You remember in great detail seeing him for the first time, he was wearing something similar and you had convinced yourself that he despised you because he would never directly interact with you. After a while you had figured out that he was just unsure of how to approach you, he said that he felt flustered around you. But being paired together on cases helped break the ice, and without even realizing it, you had fallen head over heels in love with him. And you had never fallen out of love, not for one second.
Your eyes travel from his shirt to his hair, his chocolate curls still as soft as you remember them. Flashes of late weekend nights pop into your mind and you remember how he'd fall asleep with his head in your lap as you raked your fingers through his hair, lulling him to sleep. Then there were the mornings where his hair would be sticking up in random places from how restless he was the night before, and how you fought hard to tame the curls, but were never completely successful.
The coffee cup on the desk next to him catches your eye and you wish you had a strong cup right about now. When the two of you used to work together, you would take turns bringing the coffee. He always liked his with enough sugar to put anyone into a diabetic coma and he always perfectly made your latte every time. He had it down to a science. It's the simple things you miss the most about him, about your time shared with him.
No matter how much time or distance that was put between the two of you, you know that you have no choice but to love him. You love him still, with just as much passion as you did two years ago when you left, and you know there's not a single thing on this Earth that you wouldn't still do for him.
You're not sure if it's the exhaustion finally getting to you or what, but you find that you can't be in the same room as him any longer, suffocating from bittersweet memories. Abruptly, you stand from your seat and make your way to the station's bathroom, catching a glimpse of him as you pass and you feel the sob bubbling up in your throat.
As soon as the bathroom door is closed, the tears you had worked away from the plane, from the hotel, and from the crime scene come sliding down your face. Memories you thought were just painful are now harmful, evident by the deep ache that's taken residence in your chest. You tightly grip the sink in the bathroom and try to get a hold of yourself.
You make eye contact with yourself in the mirror and see dark circles under your bloodshot eyes. Tears gently fall from your lashes down your cheeks, but you make no move to wipe them away. As you stare down your reflection, you're forced to reckon with yourself, to confront what you've been running from for two years.
This is just the physical manifestation of how you've felt inside since you stepped off that elevator a couple years ago. Broken, in disrepair, suffering.
A knock on the door interrupts your meltdown and you clear your throat before wiping away the tears. Before you walk out you try your best to conceal that you've been crying, but you already know it's a lost cause. You're just thankful the rest of the team is out working the case so they can't be witness to just how pathetic you've become.
"Director, are you okay?" The officer from yesterday is waiting for you on the other side of the door. With a final breath, you open the door and plaster a smile on your face, seeing the look of concern he's giving you.
"I'm just fine, thank you." The crack in your voice contradicts your words and you keep your head down as you return to your desk and prepare to bury yourself in work for the remainder of the day. As you walk by, you can just barely see Spencer's head turn to watch you walk by, but you can't bring yourself to look back.
Hours later, the agents are returning from their field work and you've prepared more information for them. You took a deep dive into the girl of interest, the one you highlighted in the briefing, and found that she has had several relationships in the past few months. All of which ended badly, according to social media posts.
"One post in particular claims that she showed up at a previous boyfriend's house with a gun because she was convinced he had another girl over. I've been able to establish a pattern of erratic behavior from her, backed up by a few restraining orders." You yawn as you finish explaining the newly found information. The lack of sleep is most definitely catching up to you but you know you're so close to finishing this case; why stop working now?
The mission-driven part of your brain makes you sit back down to find more evidence of the girl's psychotic behavior, but before you can resume a hand reaches over and shuts the computer off.
"No. You've done more than enough. Go to the hotel." Hotch orders you with a warning look that tells you not to fight him on this. If your eyes didn't feel like a desert, you might have argued back but the thought of fresh hotel sheets, a warm shower, and a moment of rest is too appealing. Perhaps you had overworked yourself. 
Relenting, you nod and gather your things while the rest of the team continues discussing the case. You're sure if there are any major developments that they'll contact you, so you don't worry about missing anything major. After all, the case seems like it's coming to a quick close. Which is odd, this case has been strangely easy and straightforward. Why would they call in an intelligence director for this? 
The question floats around your head as you catch a taxi back to the hotel. As you shower, you try to come up with anything that makes sense. There are tons of FBI intelligence analysts in Quantico, but your supervisor said that you had been requested by name. This case wasn't particularly daunting, so why didn't they give the assignment to a junior analyst? Why would they specifically ask for you? It just doesn't make sense, there's no logic to it; and you don't like things that aren't logical.
After your shower, you flop onto the crisp hotel sheets with a huff. Your mind is still reeling with the question of why as you drift off into a restless sleep. 
"Would you like to come over and watch the movie? I rented it because I just finished the book. And I know the books are always better but I can't help it, I'm curious." You stop yourself from rambling too much, and look up at your coworker with butterflies in your tummy and stars in your eyes. His hazel eyes look back down at you, crinkling in the corners as he smiles. 
"You're probably right, the books are always better. But, um, yeah, sure I'd love to watch it with you." Faint redness brushes his cheeks as he stumbles over his words, which you've noticed he only does when he's nervous. It's endearing, you think. 
"Great, um, come over at 6?" You ask him, nervously biting at the skin on your bottom lip. 
"You know chewing on your lips like that is a bad habit, in severe cases it can lead to the development of fibromas. And yes, I'll be there at six. Is there anything I should bring?" As he finishes his sentence you immediately stop biting at the sensitive skin, making a mental promise to try and break the habit. With a shake of your head, you smile back at him, 
"Just bring yourself, that's more than enough." The blush on his cheeks grows redder and you turn on your heel, leaving the office for the evening, giddy with excitement of finally gaining the courage to ask Spencer to hang out after work. You had wanted to get to know him better outside of work, but you had never felt comfortable enough to do it until now.
Later that night, he knocks on your door at six sharp. You practically trip over your own feet as you go to the door, in a frenzy to make sure your clothes are straightened out and your hair is in place. Before you greet him, you take a second to gain your composure. 
Spencer is standing on the other side, with a bag of M&Ms in his hand. A sheepish smile adorns his perfectly structured face and you let him in.
"I know you said not to bring anything, but I know these are your favorite." He hands the bag to you and you thank him. A man had never taken enough interest in you to get to know what you like and don't like. But Spencer is different, and you knew that from the moment you met. 
"Thank you." A wave of confidence comes over you, and you lean up and place a soft kiss on his cheek. 
You awake with a  heavy, raw feeling in your stomach and you reach for your phone to check the time. It's eleven at night, and nobody from the team had tried to reach you since you left the station earlier in the morning. Setting the phone beside you, you get out of the bed and decide to talk a walk. There's no chance that you're getting back to sleep after that dream. The dreams about Spencer had stopped about a year ago, and it made life manageable; but now that they're back, and he's right here, just out of reach, it's like you forgot how to function. 
Tucking the keycard into your pocket, you step out of the room and quietly shut the door. You're not sure where you're even headed, but anywhere but inside that small room is good enough. As you make your way into the elevator, you rub the grogginess from your eyes. They're still sensitive from the improper rest and tears, but it's the least painful thing you're dealing with.
The elevator doors open at the lobby and you can hear that the hotel's bar is alive with energy. What better way to drown your sorrows? Your feet carry you to the bar and you take a seat at the end, ordering something strong from the bartender. With an unsteady hand, you swirl the liquid around in the glass as someone takes a seat next to you. 
"Didn't think I'd see you here." Derek's voice is smooth as usual. Looking up from your coping mechanism, you give him the best smile you can produce. His eyes dart from your face to your hand and he frowns. 
"Any developments?" You change the topic of conversation immediately, taking a large swig. He nods his head, 
"We got her. The information you found was enough to secure the warrant." He says and for the first time working this case, you feel happy. Catching an unsub before they can hurt anyone else always brought you great satisfaction. 
"Good. That's great, glad I could help." You say and finish off your drink, gesturing to the bartender for another. 
"The rest of us are over there, come join us. It'll be like old times." He leans up against the bar with a bottle in his hand. The bartender hands you another and you consider it. 
"We both know it won't be like old times." Your voice trails off and you stare back into your glass, wanting to look anywhere but at Derek. His plants his hand on your arm, strong enough to pull your attention back to him and behind him you can see the rest of the team taking their seats. You spot Spencer taking a seat next to Emily, remembering how it used to be you that he sat by. 
"Stop making excuses. After this who know when we'll see you again? Come on, we've all missed you." Derek has always had a way of getting to your soft spot, and it's almost impossible to say no. Your teeth find their way to the damaged skin on your lip and you look between him and the crowd of your former team, celebrating the arrest.
"Fine. But only if you answer something for me." You make a deal and take another drink. 
"Sure." He agrees. 
"Who requested me to be assigned to this case?" The question still hadn't left your mind. Derek's expression is unreadable, and he looks over to his colleagues.
"It was Hotch." It's not the answer you were hoping for, but you nod. Deep down you know you wished it was Spencer who had recommended you.
"Why? There are so many good analysts in Quantico." You take another drink, waiting for his reasoning. 
"There are good analysts, but none of them are you. Look, Hotch misses you a lot. We haven't been able to fill your position since you left, because none of them can live up to you. The team hasn't been the same without you." His words sting, and you feel even more remorse about your decision. You should've never taken the job. Your shoulder sag in defeat. 
"I wish I never left." You confide in him, trusting him enough to open up. He puts a comforting hand on your shoulder and gives a reassuring squeeze. 
"Well, you didn't hear it from me, but I think Hotch wants to talk to you before you go back to Cleveland." His words ignite a spark of hope inside you. For the first time since you started the case, you perk up. 
"Are you serious?" You can barely believe his words. After everything that happened, you were sure they'd never want you back permanently. You were keenly aware of how protective everyone was over Spencer, and when you broke his heart, you were sure that was the last straw. But maybe things can be salvaged, just maybe.
"Okay I gave you an answer, now come on." He drops the conversation and smiles, leading you over to the table, trying your absolute best to appear happy and not like every single emotion is running through your mind all at once.
"There she is! Our wonder girl!" Hotch's voice greets you as he pulls you in for a hug. You can't help but to smile, his embrace and nickname feeling familiar and comforting. Hotch had taken you under his wing from day one, and you're forever grateful for him.
"Is there an empty seat?" You ask and he nods, gesturing towards the one on the other side of Spencer. The smile on your face falters, but you don't want to make things weird for the whole team, so instead of making a deal out of it you decide to suffer in silence and take the seat.
Maybe a little part of you will enjoy being so close to him. Maybe you can find just a shred of comfort from his proximity. You don't miss the way his shoulders tense as you jump up into the tall stool and you take another drink quickly. The team goes on and on about the case and how the girl was insisting she was innocent while you spin your glass around on the table, mulling over Derek's words.
"This round's on me." Spencer's voice breaks you out of your trance and you look over at him, seeing his wallet opening. Your heart drops to your stomach when you see a polaroid still tucked inside the opening meant for a driver's license. You suck in a sharp breath as if it had just slapped you across the face.
You had almost forgotten about the photo, a moment frozen in time. The two of you smile widely, squinting from the flash. Your arms wrapped around his neck and one of his arms circling your waist as he took the picture. It was the first, and only, Christmas you had spent with each other, neither of you having families to spend the holiday with. The two of you had made it a point to make the other feel special. You had gotten him a new series of books he had mentioned and he got you a pair of rose quartz earrings. It didn't take you long to realize why he had chosen rose quartz.
Hearing your breath, he looks over and sees your eyes trained on the photo. You tear your eyes from the photo up to him, your heartbeat echoing in your ears. How can he be so close, yet so far? Your lips fall open as your brain tries to find the right words, but you come up short. While the others go to get another round of drinks, the two are you are stuck staring at each other, transfixed. 
"Spencer." You finally breathe out, eyes scanning his face for any indication of how he's feeling. Butterflies erupt in your tummy. His eyes look deep into yours and you wonder if he can see it, the way your eyes shine with only the deepest love for him. You feel tears well in your lash line, and you don't even care, all you want to do is reach out for him, to feel his arms around you, to have him back.
In that moment, you know you would get down on your knees in the hotel bar and publicly beg for his forgiveness if that's what it took to have him back. To lament about how you wish you had never left him. Confess how every single day you've longed for his touch, his love, and how you know you're undeserving of him. That no matter how many minutes have passed, your heart belongs to him and only him until the end of time.
"Why don't we take a walk?" He finally answers and you nod your head immediately. You jump down from the stool and follow behind him outside the hotel where a light drizzle of rain had started. 
He walks a few paces ahead of you, hands tucked into the pockets of his pants until he reaches a lone light post that's illuminating the raindrops. He turns to face you, the golden light reflecting off his smooth skin and you can see how his eyes dance over your face. It feels like hours pass before he says anything. 
"How's Cleveland treating you?" It's not at all what you're expecting and it takes you a few moments to process the question. 
"Cleveland is...well, truthfully, I hate it there." You decide to completely come clean to him. The raindrops begin clinging to the ends of his hair, magnifying the rich warm hues. 
"Sounds like you're doing some pretty good things up there. Hotch has been keeping us updated." He says, kicking around loose pebbles on the sidewalk as he speaks. The tension is reminiscent of your first few interactions with him, and you kick yourself for ever letting him go. 
"I'm just doing my job. But I hear Quantico needs a lead analyst." I bring up the topic, just to see his reaction. If he gives any indication that he doesn't want me to come back, I'll turn Hotch down without a second thought. Spencer lifts his gaze back up to you and nods. 
"We've been looking for one for a while." A gust of wind makes you shiver from the wetness of your skin.
"Derek told me Hotch is going to ask me to come back." You blurt out, not wanting to beat around the bush any longer. 
"They told me." He answers, looking away from you once more. You lick your lips and ask the question that will determine your decision.
"Do you want me back?" The question is loaded, and he knows that too. He stops kicking around the pebbles and just stares down at the sidewalk. When he lifts his head, your wide eyes meet his.
"Do you want to come back?" He answers your question with another. 
"More than anything. I've wanted to come back since the first day I left." You confess to him, taking a step forward. Before he can say anything else, you force yourself to say everything you've been feeling over the past few days, knowing that if you don't do it now that you might regret never saying it.
"I should have never left. That job was never worth giving up what we had. I was stupid, I was a damn fool for letting you go. You're all I've thought about every single day, my heart and soul are fractured without you. But I don't expect you to forgive me, I'm not worthy of your forgiveness. And if you don't want me back I'll tell Hotch that I can't take the position." The rain had picked up as you poured your heart out to the man you love.
You watch as he takes his hands out of his pockets and takes a step towards you. 
"I've hoped that you would come back every day. I waited for you to walk through the office doors day after day. And I'm sorry for just walking away, I didn't know what to do, the thought of you not being here anymore was too much. I shouldn't have just walked away." You hear his voice start to tremble, and you can't help but to close the distance between the two of you.
You wrap your arms around his neck and his arms wrap around your waist, holding you tight against his body. Tears fall from your eyes onto his shirt, and after what feels like an eternity, he pushes you back slightly, tipping your chin up so that you're forced to look into his eyes. His lips are parted, and he leans in and presses a sweet, tender kiss to yours. 
Your hands grasp the sides of his face, as if he would suddenly disappear if you let go. He clutches you with just as much passion, the two of you pressed together as you express everything you have felt over the last two years without one another. The pain, the longing, the love. Spencer breaks the kiss and leans his forehead against yours. 
In the soft amber glow of the streetlamp you can see it clearly, just how your love shines for one another.
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webweaving inspired by my sacrificial lamb oil painting
oil painting by me | post by @indiestarlight | Abstract (Psychopomp) by Hozier | The Last Days Of Judas Iscariot by Stephen Adly Guirgis | detail of the oil painting | Sacrificial Lamb by Frustrated Poet| detail of the oil paiting | post by @phantasyhalation | post by @lotusmusings | post by @rollercoasterwords | (couldn't figure out where it's from, sorry)
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stars-and-inkpots · 8 months
You are kind. You are good. You trust him. Astarion hates it.
Pairing: Astarion/reader
Tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, cuddling, Astarion-centric, mentions of Astarion's past abuse
Notes: Title is from Hozier's song Abstract (Psychopomp), a song I associate with Astarion a lot and have a lot of feelings about.
Ao3 Link: Psychopomp
Two hundred years. 
Two hundred years can change a lot about the way you think about the world. Two hundred years under the control of the most vile man- no, monster was a better word- in Baldur’s Gate. Two hundred years where he had no control, no agency, and no one to save him. 
Even so-called “heroes” that would consider intervening if they knew, Astarion knows that they would only see him as a vampire spawn. He would be killed, along with all the others- no different than Cazador. It didn’t matter if he didn’t want to do any of the terrible things that Cazador made him do, it didn’t matter if he was physically incapable of refusing. To the only people who could help him, he was just another monster. 
The nautiloid, the tadpole, everything that happened after, it was some sort of cruel joke. He could walk in the sun again, his mind was his own, he could finally be free… but he was at constant risk of turning into some disgusting, tentacled horror under the control of yet another monster. How ironic. 
Gods, life wasn’t fair. 
Nothing in life was fair. 
Two hundred years. 
Then there was you. You, who was so ready to help him even after just meeting him- even after he held a knife to your throat. You, who continued to help everyone that you met and expected nothing in return. 
You infuriated him. 
How could someone like you exist? Everything that he had gone through, everything he had endured until now, all of it proved to him that good people don’t exist. Heroes- true heroes who saved people for the sake of saving them- couldn’t exist, because if they did then why was no one ever there to save him ? Why would he meet one now, after he had already gone through so much? 
Watching you save stranger after stranger, turning down their offerings of coin as a reward, it made him sick to his stomach. 
And you’re kind to him. 
Even after finding out he’s a vampire, you still treat him the same way you treat the others. You even let him feed from you when he needs it, a generosity he thought impossible for a vast collection of reasons. You trust him. 
You are kind. You are good. You trust him. 
Astarion hates it. 
Astarion figured that you would eventually outgrow the naive hope you had for the world. He figured that soon enough, after witnessing all the horrors this world had to offer, that you would grow cynical and jaded just like the rest of them. 
But you didn’t. Even now, spending what could be your final night in camp, you had the gall to smile. You continued to shine that insufferable light despite the suffocating darkness of the shadow curse that plagued the land around you. 
And the worst part of it all, was that he realised he wanted to share that optimism. You made him want to believe there could be light in the world. You made him hope . 
Being back in Baldur’s Gate brought on a lot of conflicting feelings for Astarion. On one hand, he was relieved to be back inside the walls of a city, one he would even be bold enough to call home. On another, he was closer to Cazador again… and the city was sitting overtop a volatile Elder Brain. 
Regardless of the unseen threats, you continued to help people while the group travelled through the city. Even before the city, you did what you could for the refugees who couldn’t get inside. Astarion noticed that the sight of you talking with the children and handing a sizable amount of your own supplies over to their parents didn’t seem to inspire the same distaste as it would have a month ago. 
Sitting on a bed in the Elfsong Tavern, a welcome change to the admittedly uncomfortable bedroll he’s grown accustomed to over the course of your travels together, Astarion finally admits to himself that maybe you’ve grown on him in a way he doesn’t fully want to acknowledge because it scares him. You’ve changed him, and not in a way that's entirely unwelcome. He cares about you. He trusts you. Both things he hasn’t felt for someone in a long time. 
That’s why he finds himself standing outside your door. It’s late, and he knows that you’re likely already sleeping, but he has to at least try and talk to you now before he loses his nerve. 
Astarion knocks lightly, almost hoping you won’t hear it. 
Of course, you do. 
“Astarion? Is everything alright?” You ask, voice thick with concern. You look softer in the low light, gentle shadows cast across the room from the lamp burning on the bedside table. Without your armour, you look even more open, at ease, a look Astarion thinks suits you well. 
“Can we talk?” 
“Of course, come in.” You open the door wider for him, stepping aside to let him in before closing it quietly behind you. “What’s troubling you?” 
Astarion sits on the bed, staring at the ground. You continue to hover near the door, unsure of just how much comfort he wants. He’s silent for a while, but you’re more than okay to wait. 
“When I first met you, you irritated me to no end.” 
The admission doesn’t exactly surprise you. There were many times where Astarion had voiced his concerns about your actions, especially the ones that served no benefit to yourself. He didn’t like helping people the way you did, but you were stubborn. Of course that created some friction. You wait for him to continue his thoughts. 
“You’re nice to people, even people who don’t deserve it. You help people for no reason. You do so much and expect nothing for it- you turn down money when it is offered. Everything you do confuses me. I hated you for a time, because you were the first person I’ve ever met who was truly good.” Astarion still hasn’t looked at you. You move closer, sitting beside him on the bed. Even though the confession confuses you, you let him continue uninterrupted. “I thought people like you didn’t exist. I spent two hundred years learning that the world was only full of selfish people who wouldn’t hesitate to do anything they needed to get ahead. That there were victims, and there were monsters, and you could never escape being one or the other. But then I met you.” 
Astarion finally looks at you. He looks physically pained. You reach out and rest a comforting hand on his shoulder, happy when he leans into the touch and sighs. 
“I had a plan, you know. I was going to seduce you, make myself indispensable to you. I thought that the sex would make you want to keep me around. But every time the opportunity arose, I couldn’t do it. I spent two hundred years luring people back for him ; making them trust me, but I couldn’t manipulate you like that. I was worried for the longest time. I kept telling myself I had to make a move soon or else you wouldn’t want to keep me around, but you did. You protected me time and time again because you wanted to. You want to go kill Cazador because you want to help me. You want to keep me safe. I haven’t done anything for you. Do you know how infuriating that is?” 
You don’t quite understand. It almost hurts to think that Astarion thinks you need a reason to care about him. 
“Astarion, I don’t help people because I want the fame or the rewards. I don’t help people just so they might help me. I help them because it feels right. If there’s something I can do, then why would I not do it?” You pause, watching as Astarion’s eyes turn back to the floor. “I’m sorry that no one was there to help you before. You deserved kindness then, just as you deserve it now.” 
Astarion’s shoulder tenses under your hand. 
You know why your selflessness angers him, because you share a similar sentiment. You mourn those you couldn’t save; the people who died alone and scared. In a world like this, it was difficult to find reason in your actions. But even if only you could make the difference, then you would continue to do so. But gods, it was exhausting some days. 
For a moment you worry that you’ve misspoke. Then Astarion speaks up again. 
“Thank you.” He’s quiet when he says it, voice nearly threatening to break. 
You move to hug him, hesitating to give him time to move out of the embrace if he wants to, but he doesn’t. He wraps his arms around you tightly, clutching the fabric of your shirt behind you. He holds you like he’s scared you’ll disappear entirely. You bring a hand to his hair, running your fingers through it, and the tenderness makes Astarion almost sob. 
“I care about you, Astarion. That will never change,” you promise. 
He can’t say everything he wants to yet, but you know him well enough to know he means it all the same. 
The two of you end up laying down together, still holding each other, Astarion’s head tucked safely under your chin. It’s the first time he’s ever laid in bed with no expectations of anything other than this. It’s new, it’s daunting, but it’s with you. 
He’s with you and he feels safe. 
And that’s all that matters for now.
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 7 months
Band of Brothers as Hozier songs
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BLATANTLY inspired by @xxluckystrike 's Phoebe Bridgers post so if you haven't checked that out DO IT her takes are so real
Richard Winters - Shrike
I couldn't utter my love when it counted / Ah, but I'm singing like a bird 'bout it now / I couldn't whisper when you needed it shouted / Ah, but I'm singing like a bird 'bout it now
Lewis Nixon - Sedated
Any way to distract and sedate / Adding shadows to the walls of the cave / You and I, nursing on a poison that never stung / Our teeth and lungs are lines with the scum of it / Somewhere for this, death and guns / We are deaf, we are numb / Free and young and we can feel none of it
Ronald Speirs - Arsonist's Lullaby
All you have is your fire / And the place you need to reach / Don't you ever tame your demon / But always keep 'em on a leash
Carwood Lipton - Who We Are
You and I burned out our steam / Chasing someone else's dream / How can something be so much heavier / But so much less than what it seems?
Harry Welsh - Jackie And Wilson
She's gonna save me, call me 'baby' / Run her hands through my hair / She'll know me crazy, soothe me daily / Better yet, she wouldn't care
Buck Compton - Blood Upon the Snow
I've walked the earth and there are so few here that know / How dark the night / And just how cold the wind can blow / I've no more hunger now to see where the road will go / I've no more kept my oath / Than blood upon the snow
Eugene Roe - Abstract (Psychopomp)
I will not be great / But I'm grateful to get through / The feeling came late / I'm still glad I met you / The memory hurts / But does me no harm / Your hand in my pocket / To keep us both warm
Please let me know if you'd like to see another part with the other members of Easy!
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margumis · 9 months
⋆ ꙳ gn! reader x megumi fushiguro
notes: death of an animal, blood and handling of a corpse, selfship coded, heavily inspired by Abstract (Psychopomp) by Hozier (listening to this song is required not sorry)
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megumi had a habit of lying.
only when it came to small innocent things, silly white lies that could be dismissed with ease, but each time you ask him to recount how he knew he loved you; he couldn't help but gloss over the truth.
each time you asked, he gave you the sap soaked answer of "i've known since I first saw you" which had some truth to it, but the true moment was a dirty and blood sodden memory he didn't want to take you back to.
the concrete beneath your feet was wet as you trekked the empty city sidewalks, it was late after you had convinced him to walk with you to stuff your faces at the nearest convenience store. it was too late into the night for him to even think about eating but he would feel shitty if something happened to you, and maybe it was worth seeing your face light up after he said he'd tag along.
both of your bodies warm from the fullness your meal brought, hands dug into your respective hoodie pockets sharing a silence you'd typically find suffocating with anyone else.
you were counting the streetlights aimlessly when something brushed at your knees.
a dog. it had kind eyes. you turned face megumi, smiling softly as your combed your hand through its fur. you always hoped that city strays were house animals in another life.
"do you have any food from the store with you?" you asked hopefully as you caught sight of the dogs ribs. megumi nodded his head after checking his pockets.
you patted the strays head and smiled softly, "no food, I'm sorry buddy." you filed a mental note to start keeping some sort of treat on you when you walked through the city from here on out.
you watched quietly as the kind-eyed dog brushed past megumi and trotted into the street, crossing to the adjacent sidewalk.
it smelled like burning rubber when you heard a mechanical whirr and that ear piercing noise of a stuff tire on wet road. your eyes quickly scanned the sidewalk across from you, searching for the kind eyes and four legs.
you felt megumi's arm find home on your waist, eyes scanning along with yours, "are you okay?" you couldn't speak as the car pulled off, never sparing a second beyond making sure their vehicle was still operable.
the red of tail lights sheened on the wet road and illuminated the poor animal, lungs sputtering and eyes frantic. you don't remember moving to its side, megumi close behind you as you kneeled to check the severity. the blood pooling and shallow breaths told you everything you needed to know about the dog's condition.
tears welled up in your eyes, a heat similar to the blood staining the cold road. your hand found purchase atop the kind-eyed dog's head, delivering soothing scratches to what you assumed was an all consuming hurt.
the least you could do was make sure it didn't go alone.
megumi couldn't do anything but watch, still standing in case another car came along. it burned in his chest, watching the stray go like this. beneath that burn sat something foreign, something that felt wrong for this moment, a warm hum in his chest as he watched the dog's breathing slow as you helped it cross to the other side.
the moment felt eternal but was all within an instant, the light behind it's kind eyes vanishing, lungs unmoving behind its visible ribs. you pet it's head a final time, whispering some silent prayer that you hoped would carry it's soul to it's next destination.
when you stood, there was a pair of open arms awaiting you, despite the stains you bore now. you let the tears fall as he held you for a moment, small words of how you wish you could have done more falling from your mouth. one of your hands found its way to his pocket, searching for comfort as you started your way back home, red-eyed and sniffling.
and god he knew it was grim to figure it out this way, but he had no choice but to love you.
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sednonamoris · 8 months
the feeling came late (i'm still glad i met you)
Pairing: John Price x gn!reader
Summary: John finds that it's the little moments - frighteningly violent and achingly mundane - that define the life you've led together.
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, banter, canon-typical violence, depictions of major wounds, strong language, alcohol use/cigar smoking (brief mention), vague allusion to sex, not quite a warning but John Price POV, non-chronological time jumps/storytelling
Word count: 2,015
A/N: Veeeeery loosely inspired by Hozier's Abstract (Psychopomp) but that's really just the general vibe to get things started. Hound and Price have such a rich life and storyline in my head - hopefully this does it even a little justice. Thanks a million to the people who follow this series <3
Masterlist • AO3
Rain lashes outside - an average springtime evening in Ireland. The sky is dark and thick with cloud cover. Leftover winter chill hangs in the air. Lit by the soft glow of a reading lamp, you sit in John’s favourite armchair in his favourite corner of your shared flat, messing with his reading glasses and giving a dramatic read-aloud of the admittedly dry history book he’s marked. He sits dutifully on the sofa across from you and pretends it’s not as funny as it is. Your impression of him is spot on.
He supposes he should be grateful that you’re doing it here on leave and not in the barracks with Gaz and Soap and even Simon cackling away. Bloody comedians, the lot of you. Still, he wouldn't trade a moment of your antics for anything. Having comrades - family - that bring light and laughter to the darkness means more than he can put to words. And coming home to you at the end of it all? He’s a lucky man.
A few years ago, if anyone had suggested he’d end up settling here across the channel - with you - he’d have called them mad.
So much time wasted. So much love lodged in his throat.
Now he’s hoping this is what forever looks like.
Eventually you cop onto his faraway stare, and that familiar knot of concern stitches between your brows. It eases only slightly after careful inspection of his face; he must look as hopelessly in love as the feeling that glows from his chest. 
“You’re staring,” you accuse.
“You’re beautiful,” he says honestly.
That stops short whatever snappy retort you had queued up, and he laughs when you hide half your face behind the book. “Shut up.”
There’s no heat to it. He can feel himself grinning.
“Whyever would I when you fluster so nicely for me, hm?”
Your eyes narrow, but you’re smiling already. “You’re such a prick.” 
“Your prick, remember?”
Your anything, so long as you keep looking at him like that. 
It’s well past midnight in Vienna. His head is light and miles away, and he can feel the warmth leaving his body with the blood that pools in these moonlit neighborhood streets. He lies prone. The only thing keeping his guts in is the burning force of your hands over his and the shreds of his tac gear. 
John is going to die here. 
It’s a cold whisper in his ear, a shiver down his neck. Terrifyingly foreign. Frighteningly familiar.
“Oh, fuck, lad,” you curse when you move everything aside to take a proper look at the wound.
He’s going to die here.
The irony that you of all people will be the one to shepherd him to the other side is hardly lost on him. He named you himself. A bloody Hellhound. It’s not funny, but he wants to laugh. Blood leaks out of the corner of his mouth.  
He can hear your frantic radio for help and the crackled reply that you’ll have to wait. You both know you can’t. There’s a snarl in your accent and a fire in your eye when you warn him to not bloody die. Your hands, poised with needle and thread, slippery with the blood of the man who did this to him, shake. The pain is white hot and blinding. He trusts them even so. 
John isn’t entirely certain how you talked him into this. Now that he’s here, though, it’s hard to complain; All dressed up for him in the low lights of this Chicago bar, you are stunning.
It’s enough to make him feel like he really is meeting you for the first time. The circumstances are hardly comparable - the difference between chasing terrorists and a civilian’s night out - but you’ve always had this way of throwing his Atlas-held world off its axis. Even then. Even now. You lean across the bartop and flash a flirty look over your shoulder as he approaches feeling like the luckiest, silliest man in the world. 
“Come here often?” 
The look of fiendish delight on your face makes the shit line worth it. “First time in, actually. I’m after finishing a top secret mission - international security and all that. If my C.O. knew I was out tonight he’d have my head for sure.” 
“Oh?” His face is deadly serious but for the twinkle in his eye. “Maybe I ought to report back to him about your infractions.”
“Go on, then,” you lift your chin in challenge. “I hear he’s sleeping with one of his lieutenants.”
“Is he, now?” 
Your grin is all teeth. “Ghost is a lucky boy.” 
He can’t help the surprised laugh that bursts from his chest.
The pair of you dissolve into fits of giggles right there along the bar, the bartender flashing an unimpressed look when you can barely manage to order two glasses of whiskey - neat - between wheezes. 
The rest of the evening is a whirlwind of normalcy. 
Corny jokes and carefree smiles. Low lights filtered through cigar smoke. Kisses snuck in corner booths. Too many drinks and taxi rides home. Even later, as he fucks you into a too-firm hotel mattress, the sound of your breathless laughter and heady moans makes him feel like the rowdy youth he never got to be. He’s burning - invincible. The low burn of an ember turned wildfire.
He paces the sterile halls of a hospital in Verdansk. It was all they could do to rush you here in time; your leg dangling uselessly, your voice hoarse from screaming, blood pouring from the wound. His hands are still caked in it. He’s scared that if he tries to wash them it won’t come out. He’s equally scared that it will.
Simon is propped up against the wall, head bowed, dark eyes watching. Knowing. He’s worried about you, of course, helped carry you the whole way here, barked at the medics when they jostled you too much, but John is—
He cares deeply for every soldier under his command, but you—
You shouldn’t be different.
You aren’t, he tries to tell himself. But deep down, he knows as much as Simon does that you are. 
You were only meant to keep tabs on the situation here. When the masked soldier had asked for backup in Verdansk he could trust, yours was the first name out of John’s mouth. Now, a couple months and one failed infiltration later, your knee has been shot clean through and you may never walk right again.
A sinister voice in the back of his mind reminds him that you might not even survive this.
John has just about worn a hole through the tile by the time they allow him in to see you. The surgery was a success, they assure him, but it was a close thing. A long, hard recovery awaits you now, pending your transfer to an approved hospital in England. 
“Not England,” he corrects even as he’s pushing past the staff at the door. “Ireland.”
“Of course, Captain. Ireland.”
His breath catches in his throat the moment his eyes land on your prone form. You lie tucked into starched hospital sheets, still out cold from the drugs. Your face is slack and bloodless, just like so many corpses he’s seen before. His only reassurance is the steady beep of the machinery you’re hooked up to accompanied by the shallow rise and fall of your chest.
He pulls a chair over to your bedside and sits. Metal screeches across tile. He clasps your cold hand in his. Dried blood flakes onto the sheets; he’d almost forgotten it was there. 
Watching you lie in that narrow hospital bed drives every denial, every weak excuse and half-believed lie from his heart: he knows that he loves you. He’s put up a hell of a fight, but now? There’s no sense denying that the vice-grip squeeze of his heart in sync with your every breath is anything but what it is. Love. Brilliant, brutal, bled-out-on-white-sheets love. He’ll never tell you - something miswired in his brain, a bone-deep aversion to that sort of liability and weakness and wonder and joy - but when he squeezes your hand he hopes that you feel it.
I love you.
I love you. 
“Oh, fuck,” you groan, finally stirring. Your eyes open slowly. His heart constricts in his chest when the first thing you do is squint over at him. “Been a cunt of a day, Captain, I’ll tell you that.” 
His laugh is half sob, half relief. “More than bloody broken this time, Hound. Almost lost pieces of you on the way here.”
You mirror it with an exhausted huff of your own. “Sure look, the knee’s banjaxed, but you’re not mailing me home in a body bag. Could be worse.”
He gives you a stern look. “Could be better.”
“Yeah,” you squeeze his hand and close your eyes once more. “Could be better.”
He stays by your side until the hospital staff kick him out the next morning. Simon takes his place in the rotation, nodding his head in understanding as they pass one another in the hall. They fly you home the very next day. 
“D’you reckon there’s a policy for getting blood on nice rings like these?” Kyle wonders aloud. 
John cuts his eyes to him with a half-hearted glare. “Really, soldier?”
Kyle puts his hands up in surrender with a grin that’s anything but guilty. “Might need one is all I’m saying, sir.” 
He just might, at that. You’re not exactly afraid to get your hands dirty out there in the field. Maybe he’ll get lucky and you’ll string it ‘round your neck with your dog tags. Maybe. He sighs and looks over at the woman behind the counter with a mixture of resignation and defeat. Her smile is perfectly manufactured sympathy.
He and Kyle have been to what feels like every jewelry shop in London searching for the perfect engagement band. Something durable, but suitably delicate. Flashy, but not a bloody eyesore. The right type of metal. The appropriate hardness of gem. And damned expensive to boot, no matter how many clerks try to convince him he’s getting a bargain. Truly, though, he’ll pay any price to get this right. Can hardly afford to mess things up now, can he?
When John first brought up the subject of marriage, he’d hemmed and hawed and gone over the countless reasons you should say no. He smokes in the house. He drinks almost every night. He’s old. Scarred. English. Married to his work. Bull-headed. Hot-tempered— he could go on. He did, but all you said in reply was that you were his.  His. Just that. Simple, clear, direct. A little cheeky. You told him that weddings were nice, but you didn’t need one. That after all you’ve shared, all you’ve been through, having a hand to hold and a shoulder to lean on at the end of the world was enough.
Just about brought him to tears, that.
Of course, you also made it clear that if anyone was to propose, it would have to be him.
Bad knee, you’d explained with that wicked humor of yours glinting bright. Might not be able to get back up in my advanced age.
He’d scoffed, rubbing a hand through the greying hair of his whiskers. Forgot I’ve been shagging a bloody geriatric.
You tilted your head back laughed so hard you cried. He started ring shopping the very next day. If he’s lucky, that search will end today.
Then on to forever.
Kyle waves him back to reality, gesturing at a nearby display. “What about this one?”
John can feel himself smiling before the question is all the way out of his mouth.
“Yeah,” he says, already imagining the twinge in his knee when he presents it to you. Your delighted grin. The way it will sparkle on your left hand. The tears that will surely cloud his eyes when he sees you at the end of a church-aisle, all dressed in white. “That’s the one.”
On to forever.
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arcielee · 10 months
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[Banner by the wonderful, the talented @myfandomprompts]
Hello everyone. I have hit 1k+ followers and I am absolutely flabbergasted. Thank you all so very much, I am just so truly touched that your enjoy what I create. Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Anyway, to celebrate this [as well as the nifty new Hozier album] I thought I would extend a writing challenge that all my Tumblr kindred spirits are welcome to participate in.
The challenge is to select a song, a lyric, from Unreal Unearth and pick any Ewanverse character [Note: I am open to HotD, of course, or any TLK characters, because who am I to dictate the muses? Plus, those are my fandoms right now.] and the rest is up to you.
Create me a moodboard, a drawing, a drabble or pour your heart from your fingertips, I literally want it all. All I ask is to please tag me and use the tag "☆ arcie's 1k challenge" so I can create a masterlist of all your creations!
Please let me know what inspires you + your subject, and I will update this list! I would like to keep it no more than 2 per song.
De Selby [Part 1] De Selby [Part 2] First Time Francesca // theoneeyedprince I, Carrion [Icarian] Eat Your Young // evita-shelby Damage Gets Done // assortedseaglass Who We Are Son of Nyx All Things End To Someone From a Wam Climate [Uiscefhuaraithe] Butchered Tongue // annikin-im-panicin Anything But // itbmojojoejo Abstract [Psychopomp] // aemonds-fire Unknown/Nth // ewanrobertmitchell & bhxrdy First Light // ilikeitbetterangsty
This will go on until the end of September! I cannot wait to see what comes from this. 💜
☆ arcie's 1k challenge masterlist
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buckets-and-trees · 8 months
Aspen's Enchanted Birthday Festival Announcement
October first marks one hundred days until my birthday! So from now until my birthday on January 9th I'm hosting a writing festival!
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For this fest, I'm interested in seeing some mystical creatures we don't typically see, though you're free to adapt them and their lore however you see fit.
You do not need to follow me to participate (though it's appreciated). Details and guidelines under the keep reading/read more...
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REQUIRED: Feature at least one of the creatures from this list:
The creature could be the reader, the leading man, or a creature they encounter. You can go with strict mythology, or riff off the elements of the base lore.
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REQUIRED: Feature at least one of the characters from this list:
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Joaquin Torres
Nick Fowler
God the Bounty Hunter
Ari Levinson
Curtis Everett
Lloyd Hansen
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OPTIONAL: if you would like some melodic or lyrical inspiration, here are nine songs I'm floating your way:
“A&W” by Lana Del Rey
“Holocene” by Bon Iver
“Never Let Me Go” by Florence + the Machine
“The Lightning Strike” by Snow Patrol
“If I Say” by Mumford & Sons
“Fine Line” by Harry Styles
“Abstract (Psychopomp)” by Hozier
“The Moment I Said It” by Imogen Heap
“Daydreaming” by Rosa Pullman
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Writing must be an x reader story.
Minimum 500 words, maximum 9k words.
If part of an existing series, must be able to read as a stand alone piece.
Must be posted on tumblr between October 1, 2023, and January 9, 2024.
I will only read and reblog works that tag @buckets-and-trees and use the tag #aspensenchantedbday.
Stories MUST use a creature and character from the lists provided, but using song inspiration is optional.
All stories must be inclusive in nature.
No DD/lg dynamics, no pet play, no beastiality (if a monster cannot express consent, it is beastiality), no rpf (real person fiction), no scat play, no underage relations of a romantic or sexual nature.
Make sure to tag content and trigger warning appropriately and use a read more/keep reading cut after 300 words.
If you want to create something for THIS event that also aligns with other challenges or events, you can stack/maximize as long as that other event or challenge allows for it (doesn’t demand exclusivity).
I'm not obligated to read or reblog any works that fail to adhere to the requirements listed above.
If you're familiar with my library, you'll know I write a range of light to dark, fluff to smut, and so entries across the board are welcome as long as they meet the stipulated requirements.
May these creatures haunt your muse in the best way between now and January 9th!
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