#it cant be thay they are binary
xxc0mp4ctd1scxx · 4 months
I wish that who uses only "she/her" or "he/him" referring to Mizu kinda get the drip that Mizu isn't neither a man nor a woman.
That whoever is using only one of these pronouns is actually seeing that Mizu is kinda beyond gender shit, and any other category.
So when using those are all in a genderqueer/genderfuck way. When calling them girlfriend or man or bf is in an ironic way.
I really wish I'm not seeing people thinking Mizu is a woman just bc they are AFAB or bc "this trope is ant-women" terf's shit. Cuz I guarantee that Mulan (1998) and Blue Eye Samurai (2023) aren't being feminist in a simple "We Can Do It, too" way, but rather "See, gender roles are stupid and fuck you if you think that genderqueer people don't exist and people are only MAN or WOMAN."
Man, I really hate when people look at a genderqueer story and think only in binary. Adult Mizu could have been a woman if they really were one, cuz the point of they being perseved as a boy was only to be more difficult to find them as a kid, when their mom couldn't protect them with her hands or power, cuz she had none.
I think that when they were in the wife role, they weren't really performing it as a woman, but more like a duty commonly attributed to wife (more like my father being the cook in the house and a really good caretaker who is really considering and cute, and also being the dad figure, when my mom is in the finances business of the house and isn't the best caretaker of all times...) and for they mom respect and consideration, cuz they loved her and wanted to show their love, retributing by marry that guy.
But they were rejected by their mom and their husband, when being their own singular self. When showing they weren't the wife, neither the woman people thought they should be.
Yes, they suit a masc appearance and mannerisms, but it seem dehonest to call them a man. They really don't perform a man image.
Just like non binary transmasc or butches... We aren't really men just bc we are mascs. And we aren't really, by the book, women, solely by the fact we are AFAB.
Why? Cuz it is just like that. Gender isn't the binary we were thought and I wish everyone a really good search and thinking on genderqueer thesis and documents, already documented discussions and a read on "Butch Blues", a watch on "Tomboy", etc.
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mushed-kid · 6 months
just letting soemthj nc o ut
i’ve always thought everyone would accept me if i came out as trans, but i haven’t cause it’s so scary.
and i actually almost did come out to my mom one time it was terrifying but i didn’t actually. there was gonna be a gender swap day at my school and i said that i might wear a skirt, and i admitted that i sometimes felt like a boy (i can’t remember exactly what we said but basically). it was like five years ago now and it was scary so i didn’t fully come out, but i did bring the skirt and wore it for a little bit at school. i wasn’t out but my friends kinda understood i think, and i remember this kid in my class looked at me because of it (he looked kinda confused) and we just locked eyes, and i could tell he was about to say something but he didn’t. no one said anything idk if anyone noticed.
and i remember once my brother called me lil sis or something and i was just quiet and he continued with lil bro, and then he said or whatever. it was cute. (and awkward.)
anyways my point, i’ve always considered them pretty accepting. i know they’re not very accepting of weird people though, cause i remember my brother talking about someone in his grade who was trans and they wanted to be called Loki, and i got the vibe he didn’t accept it. i don’t think it was because they were trans but more that it was a weird name.
i have a non-binary friend so i know my sister doesn’t accept non-binary people, but she said she accepts binary trans people. she has also said that gender is what’s in your pant, and i think maybe she thinks binary trans people that get surgery is okay, i’m not sure what she thinks of people without surgery. my brother has asked me several times if i’m non binary, and complained when my sister said she doesn’t support non-binary as a gender because ‘now we’ll never know if mush is actually non binary, cause they won’t say’. i think he’s accepting as long as i’m not ‘weird’ about it. earlier i didn’t mean weird i meant outside of the usual and things they think of as weird. for me i think do what you want none of my business.
i thought theyd be pretty accepting and i’ve considered coming out A LOT but ive always chickened out. im scared that im wrong about it or that nothibg will happpen, and i don’t want to confuse my grandparents and stuff and id have to come out to my entire family like all my relatives and i couldnt be arsed. so anyways, my mom sent this instagram reel in our family groupchat, and idk if she agreed to it or if it was just because the video was funny.
because the text above said ‘this is why you cant let your kids decide their own gender’ which is kinda transphobic. and the video was a little kid (toddler, or younger i think) like a baby. and he’s given the option of i think a lot of money or a teddy bear or something i can’t remember. point is the kid OBVIOUSLY chooses the bear because wtf why wouldnt it? it doesn’t need money, it doesn’t know what money is, you know? but it’s put like all those videos, making the kid seem stupid because it chose the worse or stupid option (in their eyes). and maybe she just sent it because oh silly baby not choosing the money haha im a 50y/o mom i have thai kinda humor. or she agreed with the text, that you can’t choose your own gender.
my mom is pretty nice but i Know she is very judgmental and problematic. shes still my mom. but i was a bit shocked cause i didn’t expect it and im jot sure if she meant it or not. i hope not. point is i was so sure they wont care, or wont hate me for it, cause i’m not non binary and id be what they think of as normal about it. and idk.
i know my other sister is accepting. i know my friends are. my nb-phobic sister always says im such a dude, and she apparently doesn’t have anything against those who ‘actually change their gender to something that exists’. my little brother often tells me that i look like a boy.
me and a few of my friends took an online ‘do you have gender dysphoria?’ test and i scored super high so they basically know. i think all my friends basically know but i don’t say anything or reply. im too scared.
i honestly wish i could talk to some profesional about it, but idk how. i know my sister talked to someone and got a diagnose, but she only did a couple times and it was over. she didn’t have to wait or anything so it was quick and it wasn’t for her i think idk. but the point is that those kinda resources where i live have a reputation of being shit. people have to wait forever to get help and they dont get the help they need. this is stuff ive heard i know some get help.
and to legally be viewed as trans i need to idk get some diagnosis and i’ve heard that actually getting treatment (like hormones and surgery) can take forever and if you’re not ‘trans enough’ you won’t get help. again stuff ive heard. and there’s only one hospital you can get surgery at i believe.
it’s all to big of a risk. and i suppose i can live like this. i don’t want to come out and be wrong or nothin happens about it. id rather not. and anyways i can live like this. sure i will hate it but i’ve gotten so far gating myself that i don’t think it will be a problem. i’m too scared to die anyways. i’m scared of everything and i should probably talk to someone about it but i’m too scared to figure out how i should do that.
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this-blog-is-hell · 2 years
Heres my say on the whole 'KinnPorsche discourse'
There has only been one episode out so far and people are already not able to understand the phrase 'don't like, dont watch'. There was multiple trailers released, you knew what it was gonna be about.
The whole need for every 'BL' show to have some sort of wholesome meaning and fairytail ending is, whilst understanable, is unrealistic. There are so many Cishet shows with fucked up morals and upsetting endings, but no one ever turns around saying how it needs to be nice or whatever. It is only ever LGBTQIA+ shows that have this standered put on them.
Let 'BL's show messy, toxic love, let them show 'steamy' sex scenes. Why should LGBTQIA+ shows be basically censored while Cishet shows can have long ass, softcore sex scenes without people battng an eye.
For the love of all things good, acknowledge the fact the people can be things other than gay and straight. Bisexual and Pansexual people exsit and would love to have this so called representation (that you all just love to go on about) without having others jumping to the conclusion of 'oh their character is a cheater ' or 'they're only gay for them'. Just because you are not represented exactly, doesn't mean that other people aren't.
If you want a cute, innocent BL with a perfect ending there's so many out there, don't sit and whine because one doesn't.
And the whole 'two manly men being in love is showing gay love through a Cishet gaze' to me is kinda ridiculous. Growing up, I only ever saw feminine gay men being portrayed in media, so seeing shows such as Together with me was the first time I saw any 'manly men' in a relationship together. Everyone deserves representation, no matter who feminine or masculine they are. Once again just because you are not represented exactly, doesn't mean that other people aren't.
To sum it up, if you don't like it , dont watch it. Let people enjoy things that aren't morally perfect. Stop putting ridiculous expectations on LGBTQIA+ shows but then turning a blind eye on Cishet shows. And please give up on the narrative that 'only Cishet women watch BL's so thats who they are pandered towards'. Look around, and actually talk to some of the people who watch them. You may learn a thing or two about the community you're in.
Thank you and good night.
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
so like. is it common that you figure out that you want to change your name and suddenly your birth name just becomes completely terrible in your head or am i just like. strange?
also like is there any way to alleviate that without coming out or is it kinda just one of those sucky things to deal with? ;;;
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agusvedder · 3 years
I DON’T CARE if this doesn’t get any notes. I need to vent.
My name is Agustina, I’m 27 years old. I’m a nonbinary, queer, latinx person, parent of a 4 year old, non-verbal authistic child. I suffer from depression and anxiety.
I’m 9 thousand kilometers away from the woman I love.
I’m not a victim. I am a minority. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
I started watching Supernatural in 2015, you know, being a stay-at-home parent, who dropped her career and her job to live the first years of their child, there wasn’t much I could do in my free time but to watch a show. I caught a few episodes of season 11 on tv and then I decided to start from zero. I always acknowledged how problematic it was in terms of representation, but always saw small threads of light filtering in the message it sent, recognizing how its writers were trying to shed a little light, creating a jenga tower of storylines and new characters, only to be thrown away by poor, useless deaths and the erasure of said characters.
Since my first run on season 1 I related to Dean. I saw myself on him. (I will never be as brave and cool as him tho, never ever, but his personality traits, some of his family issues, his self worth issues, his loneliness, his unaddressed childhood trauma, his growth in a circle of violence, his reticence to address his feelings until he explodes?... Yeah. There are days where my girlfriend makes fun of me saying “Ok Dean”). I kept looking up to Dean in his geekiness, in his way he always put his life on the line to protect the people he loves and put them always first… even in the supernatural side of the storyline, he still was profoundly human and abnegated to the people in his life. Also because I’m deeply in love with Castiel but that’s another subject. Thanks to this show, I’ve found people in my own country who now I recognize as my family beyond SPN, who helped me accept myself the way I am, who are always there for me. My found family, my chosen family. Because family don’t end in blood, because family cares about you, not only for what you can do for them, because that’s what all of us have in common, and why this show resonated as strongly as it did for us. That’s why we found each other and ourselves in the process, in a circle of love, support, non-judgement and willingness to find a family in ourselves when our own blood relatives ignored us, abused us, refused to recognize us. We’ve found love and family. I’ve found the woman with whom I wanna spend the rest of my life with because of this show.
That’s the power of this story. I know my small circle is not the only one who lived this, who continues to live it.
I can talk about this forever, but there’s something I wanna talk about specifically here. When the ending aired.. what I felt was… like a bucket of cold water was thrown over my head. You know when your parents come home, or call you and give you the devastating news that someone you love died? that exact feeling. The adrenaline, the heartbreak, the feeling of loss. 
The whole season 15 and 15 years of storyline were completely overturned. The misogyny the writers tried so hard to erase, it was there again, in a faceless woman who was supposed to represent the person a lead chose to spend the rest of his life with, reduced to a lilac dress, a blurry face and a uterus. We never seen acknowledged the existence of Eileen Leahy, Sam Winchester’s romantic interest since season 11, his perfect partner whose disability wasn’t an obstacle for her to be a badass hunter. (BUT COVID!! <- No. Eileen Leahy appeared in two episodes this season without Shoshannah being on set: Last Holiday and Despair. If they wanted to include her, they would have. They didn’t because they don’t give a FUCK). Sam Winchester is an academic, a witch, a leader, a powerful hunter, a kind human being, and the ending that was given to him was living an unfulfilled life, dying at a ridiculous young age, having a son only to replace his dead brother? It was sad. Sammy deserved better. He always did.
My beloved Dean Winchester, who I love so deeply, who taught me a lot about myself, about life, love, family, about *ejem* VICIOUS CIRCLES and the power of breaking free from them, of learning to embrace one’s self, our real tastes, our real identity, to come out of a shadow of being reduced to someone’s caretaker instead of having an identity of our own, to spend life loving family the healthy amount.. well, he was killed in a ridiculous way, on a milk run of a hunt.  After being eager and ready to kill himself so many times. After all he’s been through, after saying he’s good with who he is, after considering retirement, after standing up to his dad, saying he already has a family, ready to cut the “I’m Okay” bullshit, address his feelings, his trauma, don’t letting those define him. He deserved better. He always wanted a family, he always wanted to break free from the version of himself he was created to be, “daddy’s blunt little instrument” (For fuck’s sake, he even said it in the same show 10’ before dying, man. If we don’t keep living, the sacrifice the people who died for us did, was for nothing). Are you telling me this man really would refuse his brother to call an ambulance? Refused his brother to get the first aid kit even knowing it was more serious than his brother thought? He was ready to live. He CHOSE life, and at the end his choice was stripped away from him. He clearly was a bisexual man and they never explored it.
Cas. The misfit. The fish outside of the water. Ambiguous gender and sexuality. Finally makes a homosexual declaration of love after all he’s been through. After being brainwashed, used, suicidal, isolated. After telling Sam and Dean he loved them more than once, that they meant everything for him. After confessing he’s been in love with Dean since he pulled him out of hell…. Was erased from the story. Erased, literally. Two emotionless mentions aren’t enough for a 12 year old family member who pulled both brothers out of hell, who died for them more than once, who until 2 seasons ago he didn’t even feel like he belonged there ‘cause he was never told he was loved. No one ever told him “I love you” back. Not Jack, not Sam, not Dean, not Mary. No one. Ever. And still, he died for love. And with his death, he was erased from the finale, being that the first finale Castiel wasn’t in since his appearance on the show. He deserved better. 
All roads lead to Rome and you know what we got at the end of that road? a bottomless pit of NOTHING. The building up towards a different end isn’t just in s15. It’s been there for years and years. And if you watch the show, you see it at plain sight.
Sam Winchester hurried to die to reunite with his brother in heaven EVEN WHEN HE SPENT 30 MORE YEARS WITH A WIFE AND A KID he only wanted to die to go back to his brother? it’s insane, it’s ridiculous. That’s not what the show has been about for seasons now. SEASONS. The road was paved towards a healthy brotherly bond, each brother living their future the way they wanted, finally breaking free from the curse John dropped on Dean that Sam’s destiny was in his hands. No no. What was that? Did it ever happen? Was it a fever dream? They really destroyed everything in 38 minutes of the finale? 
Representation is important, stories are important. They change lives. You know how it changed mine? After I saw Jonathan Van Ness coming out as non-binary, I started to realize how I never called myself "a woman, a girl" or anything like that, how my "female presenting" aesthetic changes drastically depending on how I feel when I wake up  how I always called myself a "person", no gender involved. I realized I was a non-binary person even after becoming a parent. Thanks to Jonathan Van Ness. Thanks to seeing a person like her being unapologetically herself. 
Representation matters. 
It matters. 
It helped my mom understand me when I was 13 and had a girlfriend. It helped my dad educate himself about trans identities. It helped my sister understand about her demisexuality. It helps break circles of ignorance and stereotypes. It helps people process what these characters wanna tell, and realize they're human beings above it all. We suffer, we laugh, we grieve. We love. We exist. 
Supernatural missed a chance to be a historical show in terms of representation. And it breaks my heart.  I cant believe they decided to erase Dean's sexuality, to erase Castiel after saying loud and proud he's in love with a man, to erase Eileen whose disability only was a disadvantage when they KILLED HER in the most ableistic way in s11, to never show Charlie and her girlfriend again, that they decided to make God bisexual AND a villain, thay they decided to turn the only regular non-binary character of color into the villain too (Billie).
I'm still grieving.
This is why "a stupid show" is so important for me, and for lot of people like me. Cause representation can change lives. Stories can change lives. It certainly changed mine, and I'm not the only one. 
Don't let anyone tell you you're just a butthurt fan because you're suffering this ending. Every one of us have a story and this is mine. All of us are valid, our feelings are valid. And we'll get through this eventually
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wooteena · 3 years
Oh mighty Tumblr user Wooteena, as non-binary individual I shall inquire what your absolute favorite food is and your favorite animal :D ur cool and poggers btw
mmmm i cant choose a single fav food but rly love thai green curry & pho atm n my favourite animal are marshmallow/honduran white bats
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dear-indies · 3 years
hello! would you be able to help me with drag queen fcs (who have content without being in drag) or actors who have content in drag in movies/tv shows? I'm desperate to play a muse whos a drag performer but I cant find an fc! thank you!
With resources at time of posting:
Miss Peppermint (1979/1980) African-American - trans woman.
Stacy Layne Matthews (1984) Lumbee - trans woman.
Nico Tortorella (1988) - genderfluid, queer and polyamorous - they/them.
Mark Suknanan / Priyanka (1991) Indo-Guyanese
Paul Jason Dardo / Violet Chachki (1992) Ecuadorian / Unspecified - genderfluid - she/they.
Ilona Verley (1995) Nlaka'pamux - two-spirit and genderfluid trans female - she/they.
Massey Whiteknife / Iceis Rain (?) Mikisew Cree - two-spirit.
No resources at time of posting but here are some more diverse queens who post in and our of drag on their social / have interviews in and out of drag!
Timothy Wilcots / Latrice Royale (1972) African-American.
Andrew Levitt / Nina West (1978)
Pierre Alexandre / Love Masisi (1978) Afro-Haitian - non-binary - she/her in drag and they/them out of drag.
Shane Gilberto Jenek / Courtney Act (1982) - pansexual, genderfluid and polyamorous - she/they while in drag he/they out of drag.
Alpha Mulugeta / Honey Mahogany (1983) Ethiopian - trans non-binary woman - she/they.
Kurtis Dam-Mikkelsen / Miss Fame (1985) Colombian and Danish - nonbinary - they/them.
Caldwell Tidicue / Bob the Drag Queen (1986) African-American - non-binary - he/she.
Sang-Young Shin / Kim Chi (1987) Korean.
Jerick Hoffer / Jinkx Monsoon (1987) Russian Jewish - non-binary and has narcolepsy - she/her in drag they/them out of drag.
Pan Pan Narkpasert / Pangina Heals (1988) Thai Taiwanese.
Megan Schoonbrood / Michael Alexander Schoonbrood (1988) Indonesian - partially deaf, wears two hearing aids.
Jaren Kyei Merrell / Shea Couleé (1989) African-American - non-binary - she/her in drag they/them out of drag.
Joe Black (1989) - he/him in and out of drag - has Tourette's Syndrome.
Kevin Bertin / Monét X Change (1990) African-American.
Tommy Hibbitts / Bimini Bon Boulash (1993) - non-binary - she/her in drag they/them out of drag.
Jovan Bridges / Yvie Oddly (1993) African-American, White and Unspecified Native American - has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 3 - any pronouns.
Juno Birch (1993) - trans woman.
Qween Farrazz / Desmond Josiah (1994) African-American - non-binary.
BOA / Ryan Boa (1995) - has ADHD.
Duc Tran Nguyen / Plastique Tiara (1997) Vietnamese - she/they in drag and he/they out of drag.
Sukun Dongnoi / Kandy Zyanide (?) Thai - trans woman - she/her in and out of drag.
Lewis Mandall / Ginny Lemon (?) - non-binary - they/them in and out of drag - has fibromyalgia.
C'est Kevvie (?) - trans woman - she/her in and out of drag - is autistic.
Dominique DeGrant (?) - trans woman - she/her in and out of drag.
Trinity Ice (?) Māori - trans woman.
J. Harrison Ghee (?) African-American - he/they - was in the musical Kinky Boots as the drag queen Lola!
Hey! Googling Drag Race (their Wiki even has a section for ethnicity) and finding people on there would be a good idea too, I don't mess with RuP*ul so I know nothing about that show and please be mindful as some queens on there have cultural appropriated!
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gamers-and-gaymers · 4 years
You being transphobic isnt going to stop trans people from being their true gender(ftm are Male, mft are female and non binary ppl are non binary) and not hating on people over stuff they cant control like gender. We dont give a shit if you have a genital preference,cool, understandable and we respect that BUT say, if you identify as a lesbian,you can not date trans men. Because guess what? You would litterally be a lesbian dating a man. So yeah, I'm sorry women are opressed but thay doesn't give you the right to attack trans ppl(especially trans women,who are other women)
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nonbinary-support · 7 years
Im worried that, because my dysphoria is variable + over 2 years of questioning I still cant find a term that describes my experience, I will never be able to work out my gender. I know that labels aren't important for everyone but I'm desperate to figure out my gender so I can think about transitioning + describing my experience to others. Have any of the mods had this issue - of it taking lots of time to figure out your gender? + any techniques for figuring it out? worried I'll never know :(
It took me a long time to pinpoint an identity. I started questioning at 17 and I finally secured a gender/labelfor myself that I'm comfortable with when I was 20 or maybe barely 21. I went from demigirl > agenderflux > bigender > genderfluidish > finally non-binary/intergender. It took a lot of self reflection and research to find an identity I could find my own- and I was lucky enough to have such a heavily influencing factor on my gender like being intersex.I wish I had more advice on thay self exploration, but my method was educating myself on different identities and reading stories and experiences from other nb people. -Mod Dave
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merrysithmas · 7 years
The twitter post on nonbinary gender that you posted....ever since you started specifically posting about nonbinary gender, I've been wanting to ask you its meaning because I had never come across it. But I was scared and embarrassed to ask you cause i thought you'd get mad at me. Sometimes I want to educate myself but then you don't know who to talk to or ask about things. And also thank you because through your blog I am learning so much about gender.
oh thank you!!! thank you so much for sending this and asking. i am always here for questions and thank you for having an open heart and a kind soul. i know sometimes it can be intimidating to learn – and it shouldnt be. we live in a very divided world right now, and i wish people would be more receptive to questions and bridge building.
it is my personal philosophy there is a difference between anger and hate – anger can be channeled into action and example and good. hate makes you have a commonality with all the other evil sectors in this world and i refuse to be a part of it.
as for nonbinary gender – basically this is an umbrella term which means “is not male or female”. nonbinary people are included under the T or “trans” letter in LGBTQ because their assigned sex (AFAB, AMAB assigned female/male at birth) does not align with their gender. however, many nonbinary people do not consider themselves trans and consider themselves simply nonbinary. but many do consider themselves trans. it is up to personal choice.
there are several nonbinary genders: agender (feeling like one does not have a gender at all, genderless), genderfluid (fluid gender which switches to more female or male depending), genderqueer (a catchall term for many of these identities or some combined), nonbinary (feeling neither totally male or female, or feeling both, or feeling both but one more than the other, or feeling a new gender which is male/female combined), Two Spirit (a term specifically for use only for certain people from various indigenous societies/cultures which describes a lauded subset of people who have two genders or a conduit between genders), demigender (feeling partially male or female), etc. the list goes on.
i know a lot of people will scoff at this and think - “oh that isnt REAL” “there are only two genders”. well guess what? it is real. it has been my life for literally as long as i can remember back into childhood. it wasn’t until a few years ago i discovered the term for it, and it wasn’t until last week that i decided i want to use gender neutral pronouns. i remember one day when i was in highschool i asked myself “am i trans??” i remember being so scared i cried for a day and repressed it so hard. i have never aligned or fit in in that way. i remember telling my mom as a kid i wasn’t a boy or a girl. i remember always struggling so hard trying to decide who to be. i remember doing a google search as a kid and reading about Two Spirit people of various indigenous cultures and thinking — my god. it’s “me”. it was the first thing i ever saw that spoke to an understanding of my identity, and i felt such immense comfort i cant even describe it to you.
but now, after coming out to myself and the world i am literally the happiest with myself i have ever been in my entire life. i finally feel like i am not living inside myself, that when people meet me they know exactly who i am because im not hiding it anymore. my whole life i always had this little voice in my head saying “the person they think they are meeting/seeing isnt the whole you and they will never really know you, no one does”. i am “out” to my family and friends who matter and i am so proud of myself. im not afraid of being visible. in fact, i want to promote it.
im a future doctor and i can tell you with 100% certainty there is biological basis for separation of gender and sex. whether it it hormone levels, chromosomal activity, genome structure, brain chemistry, brain physiology and anatomy, or likely an infinitely complex amalgamation of all that and more. but one doesnt have to be a doctor to have credit in saying this: i can tell you, just as me, a nonbinary person - i am real. and i dont want to hide or suffocate anymore. society’s rules and binaries are truly blind. they leave out so, so many people. and we are at a revolution in our culture right now that i hope is going to change that exclusion forever. i hope people will see other people free and realize the strictures and rules they were brought up to live behind arent all that exists.
i always say it like this: if you are cisgender (a person whose gender matches their sex at birth) it is not your job to “understand” a trans or nonbinary person. because you literally cant. you can’t pass judgment on something you literally cannot experience. a cisgendered person’s brain is not built with the chemistry/function of someone who experiences a nonbinary life. there is nothing wrong with that. but the job of a cisgendered person is to say: “i will never understand what that feels like, but i will -believe- it is real because trans and nonbinary people have the dignity of personhood, they are PEOPLE, just like me, and if they tell me this is how their bodies work it must be how it is working inside of them.”
and one more thing - gender identity has nothing to do with gender presentation. which means, a nonbinary person who dresses femme, wears make up and has long hair is just as nonbinary as a masculine presenting nonbinary or androgynous nonbinary person. a cisgendered woman who wears tshirts and baseball hats because that is what makes her comfortable is still a woman. a cisgenderd man who wears makeup is still a man. a trans woman who wears suits is still a woman. a transman who likes makeup is still a man. your gender is in your head, your sex/genitals are in your pants, and your aesthetic preference is just how you hapoen to like to decorate your body.
sexual orientation is separate from all of this, and is simply who you are attracted to. a cisgendered woman can be attracted to women: lesbian, poly, pan, bi. a nonbinary person can be bi, pan, poly too. a transman can also be bi, gay, pan, asexual, etc. a cisgendered man can be hetero or gay.
dysphoria is psychological and physical discomfort with ones sex/genitals/body/body function because it does not align with one’s gender. some trans/nonbinary people experience and many dont! so for instance as a nonbinary person i sometimes get intense dysphoria over my chest (breasts) and menstruation. more often than not i deal with it, sometimes im even proud of it, i am proud of surviving as a female-bodied person in this misogynistic world! im proud of the perspective it gives me on humanity. but if i could get rid of them would i? most days, most likely! ive always wanted to get rid of my breasts, i legit hate them. but some days i can deal. i console myself by saying all genitals are homologous to each other - male and female gentials are essentially the reverse of one another and so the same. they dont dictate who you are. if a woman with cancer gets an oophrectomy does thay make her not a woman anymore? of course not! if a man has his testicles removed is he no longer a man? am i a woman because i have a vagina? nope! gender isn’t one’s body. as a nonbinary pansexual person my identity is pretty firmly in the grey area lol. i consider myself an attractive androgynous. i am proud of who i am and what i look like, even when im not totally content.
i hope some of this helps and i hope you will spread acceptance! sorry this got so long but i wanted to give a real answer. always feel free to ask anything else, weird or not weird, i promise i wont get offended. :)
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hellish-oc-blog · 7 years
name: beelzebub incubus meaning: beezlebub is a devil name & incubus is a type of demon nickname: beez (only by godfrey) reason: its a cute pet name birthday: 14th feb; the year is unknown age: unknown how old they look: late teens, they often say theyre 16/17 weight: roughly 70kg height: 6 foot body build: thin face shape: rounded rectangle eye colour: none,, he just doesnt have any irises glasses etc: he sometimes wears colour contacts to fit in skin: lightish brown distinguishing marks: rounded horns & missing tooth predominant features: horns again & eyes bc all white hair: dark dark green hair type: messy floof with shaved sides & back horns: marbled pink & very rounded voice: smooth and fairly high attractiveness: v cute and occasionally can be hot af physical disabilities: none usual fashion: baggy jeans & hoodies with no designs fave outfit: these cute shorts, thigh highs & tank top they only wear for godfrey jewellery: 1st ear piercings on both ears good personality: really caring (esp abt godfrey) bad personality: theyre rlly fucking loud and never seem to realise it mood character most often in: hopeless romance or anxiousness it depends on whether theyre with godfrey sense of humour: self deprecating & dick jokes greatest joy: GODFREY greatest fear: new ppl why?: they always start worrying if the new person hates them already what event would turn life into turmoil: anything bad to do with godfrey most at ease when: watching tv & cuddling godfrey enraged when: people don’t understand rocks depressed when: his hair isnt floof enough priorities: passing their psychology degree & keeping godfrey happ life philosophy: to collect ALL the rocks if granted one wish: to not have anxiety why?: it makes life fuckin hard soft spot: ROCKS & GODFREY is it obvious: he cant tell (it is) greatest strength: his demon powers even though he cant control them fully greatest weakness: godfrey in thigh highs biggest regret: trying to cut off their horns bc they thought godfrey hated them (godfrey loves them) minor regret: blinding henri biggest accomplishment: learning all of the periodic table and impressing godfrey minor accomplishment: learning german past failures that are embarrassing: when he tried to help godfrey out of hell but messed it up completely why?: its embarrassing that hes supposed to be a rlly strong demon and cant fully control their powers darkest secret: his actual dad is an angel so hes not fully demon he just says he is does anyone know: only his 4 closest friends and godfrey motivations: to fucking defeat all the shitty ableist ppl immediate goals: get 100% on a psychology test long term goals: to control their powers how he plans to accomplish these: keep revising and practicing how other characters might be affected: someone might be blinded again like last time hometown: the outskirts of hell type of childhood: pretty lonely cause their mom was super busy and they were too anxious to make friends pets: they dont rlly like animals so they just had rocks first memory: accidentally blowing up his room cause he was messing around with his powers most important memory: being accepted as non-binary by their mom why?: because it means a fuck ton to him childhood hero: his dad even though theyve never met dream job: professional rock enthusiast education: top quality; still in uni rn religion: atheist finances: pretty damn rich current location: uni in some english speaking country living with: in a big dorm with godfrey, henri, kevin & the twins pets: henri has a german shepherd as a guide dog religion: atheist still occupation: bowling alley person finances: since they came up from hell; not too good mother: lamia incubus relationship: pretty good; beez comes back down to hell every so often to see her father: ambriel — relationship: hes never met his dad but looks up to him massively siblings: azarael incubus relationship: they used to be close but not anymore spouse: not married buf godfrey relationship: head over heels in love children: none favourites colour: the shade of green their hair is least fave colour: bright orange music: classical food: ghost chilli peppers literature: non-fiction (primarily rocks) form of entertainment: sexy times witj godfrey transport: trams prized possession: this bigg black opal azarael gave him hobbies: learning loads of random facts musical instrument?: nope sport?: lacrosse how they would spend a rainy day: cuddling with godfrey and watching netflix spending habits: they rarely buy stuff cause hes saving up but he cant remember why smokes: no drinks: sometimes drugs: no what do they do too much of?: crying what do they do too little of?: exercise extremely skilled at: anything to do witj school hes a highclass nerd extremely unskilled at: cooking nervous tics: shaky hands and bouncy leg, occasionally clapping usual body posture: completely straight mannerisms: they overuse hand gestures when explaining things peculiarities: he scratches his horns a lot optimist/pessimist: pessimist intro/extrovert: introvert daredevil/cautious: daredevil logical/emotional: mix of both disorderly/methodical: methodical working/relaxing: both; depends who with confident?: nope animal lover: nah how they feel about themself: better than they used to be but still not confident especially about him being a devil one word hed use to describe himself: nauseating paragraph hed describe himself by: a hopeless romantic with ugly eyes and horns that knows a lot about rocks and psychology damn i love godfrey what does he consider good personality trait: extensive knowledge of rocks bad personality trait: im not good enougj for godfrey best physical characteristic: probably my legs theyre fuckingg LIT worst: anything thay reveals im a demon how other characters perceive them: cute and precious MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS most likely to change about themself: demonic features opinion of other ppl: scary scary hide true opinions: not really character he hates most: he loves them all but doesnt really get along with henri since he blinded them best friend: KEVIN love interest: GODFREY character he goes to for advice: karen and he doesnt know why character he feels responsible to take care of: henri 100% character he feels awkward around: henri character he openly admires: godfrey character they secretly admire: susan
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