#it was never brought up directly in comic before
ambrosiagourmet · 2 months
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I've seen pieces from this extra comic before, but never read the full thing until today. And holy shit does it hammer home just how much the story is about class.
Multiple times, when food comes up in this comic, it’s also in context of money:
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I've seen this last panel on the right brought up before in context of like, dungeon meshi's relationship with fat and eating, but in the full context of the comic it really hits how much adventuring directly consumes bodies for money.
As much as this has been part of the story the whole time, showcased as early chapters 19 and 20...
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It never fully hit me before how often adventuring comes down to having no other way to make money but to throw yourself into death repeatedly. To be used, whether it’s by individual selfish people (like the resurrection group that is happy to try and get Kabru's group to kill each other to get extra gold from them in chapter 32), or by the greater cog of the Dungeon Economy in general.
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Which, to be clear, is all too often how things work in the real world, too. So many jobs burn through the health and lives of workers. Dungeon Meshi just makes it literal in a new way: by making the healing and resurrection, a core part to the adventuring loop, directly use fat, muscle, and energy from the body being healed.
Imagine Amazon, but if you got injured at work, they could literally burn up some of your body to get you back to working sooner. And that was seen as an advantage of the job.
And then you have Laios, thinking about eating monsters:
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Not just because he likes monsters a lot. But because it would help. He says something similar in the actual manga too, during the chapter discussing his dream with the Winged Lion
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Laios wants to be able to make a home for Falin. He wants to give her a place where she never has to eat alone. And when he gets a party, he wants to give them a way to eat well. And when he runs a country, well…
He wants to ensure that everyone has enough to eat.
Food is political. Food ties into class, and money. What is deemed "proper" to eat, what is a luxury, what is crass… so much of it comes down to money.
Being judged for eating what's available, when what is “proper” isn't affordable, is already a thing that happens. People forced into work that consumes their energy is already a thing that happens.
Dungeon Meshi has a lot of fantastical elements, but boy is its examination of food and class very real.
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demonpiratehuntress · 3 months
hiii! it’s the autistic anon,, i hope it’s okay if i try requesting smth a little easier to write? i was thinking maybe smth like Law and reader aren’t dating yet, maybe reader joined the crew not too long ago and so is still quiet and shy around everyone. but one day Law notices her reading a comic book he likes and strikes up a conversation about it and maybe that leads to him finding out they’re really similar in some ways? like both have a coin and comic book collection, both love tattoos, and reader even wanted to be a nurse but just didn’t have the resources for it. Law kind of develops a crush from there and u can decide how he handles it and whether or not he even realizes he has a crush at first. and i don’t mind what format either, it can be headcanons or a fic or anything! and i just want to say thank u for taking time out of your busy schedule to write for us, i love your writing and look forward to your posts everyday! i hope your day is great!! <3
hello again! of course, i'm open to a lot of other ideas :) this sounds so cute and sweet, i can definitely write this! thank you for requesting again :D i chose headcanons because they're more fun to write lol. I hope you like it!
taglist - @kabloswrld
two peas in a pod
Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
summary - the cute scenario described in the ask :)))
warnings - none
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You'd always wanted to become a pirate, ever since you were little
So when Law and his crew showed up at your little island and stopped at your village to replenish their supplies - and apparently take down bandits that were terrorising you - you took the opportunity
At first Law was sceptical, wondering what you brought to his crew, but after your first venture with them he realised you could be useful, not only as a fighter but also another medic, one with more nurturing qualities and a softer touch
He would never admit it, but he was jealous of how the crew immediately went to you for help now
But after a while Law himself warmed up to you as well, and found himself seeking your company more and more often
He knew very well he could fix himself up, but chose to come to you instead just to have an excuse to talk to you and maybe learn more about you
Despite interacting with the crew for medicinal purposes, you were still shy and reserved, only speaking when you needed to
You were surprised when Law walked into your room one day, claiming that he needed your help determining what kind of sickness he was developing (he was not sick)
He caught you in your free time, so you were reading a favourite comic of yours, a secret you had managed to keep from everyone for so long - until now
"What's that?"
"Hmm? Oh, this? Nothing.."
You hid the comic behind your back, hoping Law would drop it and just focus on his non-existent sickness, but luck was not on your side today
His brows furrowed in concentration, before his eyes lit up in a way you'd never seen before
"I know that comic!"
"Wh-what? No you don't..."
"Surely you're not telling me I wouldn't recognise the cover of my favourite comic book, (Name)-ya..."
"O-of course not! I just didn't think..."
You trailed off as Law took a seat directly next to you, plucking the comic from your hands
He begins to flick through the pages with you sitting so stiff and awkwardly beside him
Eventually you relax and attempt to initiate a discussion about it with him
Which turns into a full debate over your favourite characters
You've never had this much fun talking about something before
And your captain seems so much more relaxed and at ease, and he's even SMILING as he talks
The conversation slowly goes from the comic to other shared interests between the two of you, such as his coin collection - he was visibly stunned to find out you had one too - and your desire to become a nurse, something medical-related
Law was surprised to hear that you wanted to be a nurse
Not because you didn't have the skills for it, you definitely did, but because you had chosen to become a pirate instead
When he asked what changed your mind, something weird happened in his chest when your answer was "i didn't have the opportunity or the resources in my small village...but also...you"
He didn't know what that feeling was, but he kind of liked it?
From then on, Law took every opportunity he could to talk to you about both your coin collections, your medical knowledge and your shared interest in that comic
He wanted to know why he was feeling this way, and hoped talking to you more would help him understand
But now he was just craving your presence, craving your voice and the way you passionately spoke about your interests
It wouldn't be a good day if Law hadn't gotten the chance to see or speak to you
And it was frustrating him that he couldn't figure out why he felt this way about you, and why he treated you differently to his other crewmates
Then Shachi and Penguin teased him about being in love with you
And suddenly it made sense
But for the first time ever, Law was terrified, because he didn't know what to do, this was not his forte
So obviously, he needed help, and since Shachi and Penguin were doing nothing but teasing him, he went to Bepo
You were completely oblivious to what he and Bepo were planning, thinking they were just planning the crew's next island stop
You were also oblivious to Law's feelings - mostly because he hid it well - but were completely aware of your own feelings for him
And you tried to hide it, you really did, but everyone could see the way your eyes softened when he walked into the room or spoke to you directly, the way your cheeks reddened when he complimented you or said something nice, the way you always seemed even more shy and flustered around him
Even Law noticed
But for a long time he debated whether or not to actually go through with his Bepo's plan to ask you out
He took so long that you almost gave up on him entirely
But when he did finally approach you, it was so worth it
He had planned a very romantic dinner in his room - candlelit and everything
He was so nervous the entire time, only slightly comforted by the fact that you looked nervous as well
"You look nice"
"Oh, um, thanks. So do you"
It is SO awkward for a few minutes, as you both just look at each other or the food
You decide to break the silence since it seems like Law never will
"If this is too uncomfortable, I can-"
"No!" He jumps to say, then clears his throat. "I mean, I'd like you to stay. I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this."
So you stay, and you're patient with him as he works up the nerve to tell you how he feels
In the end, you tell him you feel the same way, and like a movie, you close the date with a sweet, slow kiss - both yours and Law's pace
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melonteee · 8 days
I've seen many people complain that Oda in Post Time skip One Piece spends a lot of time worldbuilding and making up side characters on every island that distract from the main ones and the plot. While I can see where some people are coming from, as someone who reads comics from Marvel, I WISH the wordbuilding and side characters were that developed because most of the time, unless it's about space or magic or directly related to the plot, the world feels genuinely dead. Even the main setting of a story sometimes feels so dead, like for comparison
Around 2 years ago, they had an event where, at some point, an inhabited island got pretty much nuked. We spent 3 real life years on that island and the writers really couldn't make any readers care less about all the civilians (men, women, children and babies) dying as they wrote them as a single minded entity who didn't mind that fate if their government told them to do it so they used two of the "main characters" (the most selfish pricks imaginable who never even cared about the island and the people there as they are long-established villains + due to plot, were made part of the people who rule over the place and get the most privilege and best life there compared to everyone else), to pull the heartstrings of fans on how terrible it is for them to die this way and how tragic that these two had to die in this event... All because the plot hyperfocused on the island's government (not even interesting to read and full of what felt like highschool drama) instead of the people the government looks after and who would be the greatest casualty here. All of this didn't matter either because everyone on that island was brought back to life (that plot device was present even before the event so caring about anything was going to be hard from the get go) including the "main characters" that died.. Guess who got to come back to life first while many others were on a waiting list years down the line still ?
Now compare this to Oda and what he did with Lulusia. All things related to this island were mostly cover stories, many cuts back and forth in a "meanwhile in...", ... But once Chapter 1060 hits, we feel the tragedy and horror, we are at awe at how much destruction was unleashed on these people. That scene was made even more horrifying and sad when it was animated in Episode 1089...and then we learn the reason the island was obliterated had nothing to do with Sabo being there. Any island we knew who partook in a revolution could have been a target. We find out that even that was an excuse because the main goal was to test a weapon and nothing more. Oda is using a tool here called "less is more" for this island and it was sincerely enough for me to care A WHOLE LOT about Lulusia even if the main characters never set a single foot there and it wasn't part of the main plot. There wasn't even a main character who "died" there either to pull on our heart strings. We just saw these people triumphantly come out of a political crisis and enjoy their first hours of freedom after lord knows how long and then
They were all gone. Erased. And even if they didn't all see what was about to happen to them, they felt it. They died in fear
Oda is very very good at his world building, because he makes sure these islands are LIVED in, not just that they EXIST. It's all well and good to wipe out an island to show the political and immoral powers that be, but we don't feel the impact unless we SEE the people and culture existing on the island.
It's why now, with Vegapunk explaining the state of the world, we are getting reactions from EVERY corner of the globe. We are being reminded how big this world is, how lived in this world is, and how many people are suffering under the world gov. We CARE about this world, we care about the PEOPLE in this world, and Oda's spent years building his world up for THIS moment. It's really spectacular.
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eddens-the-reporter · 3 months
The one thing I never see get brought up is that by the time Jason Todd confronts Tim at Titans Tower, Tim is on his second go-round at being Robin.
Tim’s dad made him give up Robin. At this point, the Robin that came before Tim - the Robin that most recently died - is Stephanie, not Jason. (As an aside, I don’t think Jason knows this because I don’t think Jason cares about any tragedies that happened after him - as in I don’t think he can wrap his head around life really truly carrying on without him.)
And so Jason challenges Tim on whether he deserves Robin as though it’s something Tim has never had to consider. Jason thinks he’s playing mind games; he hopes Tim will come out of this with self-doubt and mistrust in Batman. Tim, meanwhile, very recently watched someone else take over as Robin - directly as a result of him stepping away - fuck up massively, and get herself killed. Tim had to have considered not only whether he wants to be Robin, independently of what Jack Drake and Batman seem to need, but whether he’s good enough to do the job. You could make the argument that Tim didn’t fully know what he was getting into when he first started; you can’t say that anymore at this point. Jason is interesting because surprise! he’s alive! but none of what he says or does is remotely new territory for Tim at this point.
It’s also important to me to note that Tim really loved and mourned Steph, much more than he cared about Jason. I don’t think this does anything to Tim’s belief that he’s better at being Robin than Steph was, but in my heart it does mean that he wouldn’t accept Jason claiming any special authority because he died as Robin; Steph did too.
(And on the subject of Titans Tower timing, in-universe we are maybe a couple months after Jack Drake’s dying words to his son being that he was proud of him for being Robin, so do with that what you will)
Idk, I think there’s some interesting stuff to consider in the way that this comic makes Jason seem stuck in a time period when tragedies were more shocking and faith in heroes was more groundbreaking. He doesn’t know how to challenge the Robin of the present, who’s so familiar with grief and uncertainty that it doesn’t faze him in the same way it would - did? - faze Jason. Like, would it have shaken Tim more if Jason had known to bring up Stephanie? If Jason had questioned whether Tim is honouring Steph and his father by being Robin, and whether Tim thinks it would get someone killed (again) if he stopped? Would it have thrown Jason if Tim brought up Stephanie?
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if Levi activated his Ackerman powers in the underground, then what was all that in no regrets when Levi looked like he was seeing god or some shit after Erwin gave him that speech? Like he already activated the Ackerman powers?
I’m glad you brought this up Anon, because we had a long discussion about this when we recorded the @youhearbiggirls podcast the other night.  The podcast will be out just as soon as @momtaku has finished editing it, so look out for that. 
Frustratingly, there has been endless confusion about the relationship between the Akermans extraordinary powers and their devotion to their chosen person, the so-called Ackerbond.  The Ackermans power stems from their clan’s unique ability to harness the power of the Titans in human form. This is the “by-product of Titan science” business that Zeke mentions in chapter 93. This power typically activates when their survival instincts are triggered but it seems that not all Ackermans have their power awaken. It’s not clear whether Kuchel and Mikasa’s father had Ackerpowers for example.  The Ackerbond is related to the Ackermans superpowers but is something quite different. Isayama explains this in the Answers book which was published in 2016, the same week as chapter 84, Midnight Sun, and goes a long way to explaining the Ackermans relationships to their significant other. 
—In the battle to overthrow the monarchy, in the relationship between Erwin and Levi too, subtle changes begin to appear! Isayama With the heroes of American comics, conflicts dealing with the situation “with great power, comes great responsibility” have been depicted. In Levi’s case, if he had no power, he would probably have been an ordinary person with no responsibilities but, as a consequence of having power, that he became a person excessively burdened with responsibility. Kenny talked about “everyone… was a slave to something…”, when he put the question to Levi “what is yours!?”, Levi himself too perceived it. That he himself too was a slave in regard to his own strength. The sense of duty that “I must become a hero”. …the same thing can be said of Mikasa too but…, for the Ackerman family, in the service of their master, there are many people who are able to manifest their power to its maximum. —Eh!? (surprise) About that, isn’t this information that hasn’t been talked about in the original story!! Certainly for Mikasa it’s Eren, for Kenny it’s Uri that is the lord/master-like existence… Isayama In Levi’s case, it’s Erwin. As the existence who surpasses him, he has acknowledged Erwin or how should I put it. That is the Ackerman lineage or rather, the instinctive part probably.
[Translation by @tsuki-no-ura]
This is the relationship that Eren mischaracterises as Ackermans being a slave to their instincts, which Zeke debunks in chapter 130.  Ackermans are free to choose who to follow and whether to devote their power to them. 
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Part of the Ackerpower / Ackerbond confusion seems to arise from the fact that Mikasa’s Ackerpowers awaken at the exact moment she meets her liege, so the two things happen simultaneously.  This isn’t the case for Kenny and Levi, who have already come into their power long before they meet Uri and Erwin. Some fans are also unaware of the existence of the Answers book, or doubt its veracity, which is weird because it comes directly from Isayama and is an official Kodansha publication.  Admittedly, Answers has never been published in English, though it has been published in German, and it’s widely available in translation.  @fuku-shuu, @ningen-suki and @yusenki all translated Answers when it was first published and @tsuki-no-ura has translated parts of it more recently and written several commentaries on the text.  
In Levi’s case, most fans assumed that his Ackerpowers had awakened before he met Erwin, as this would explain his skill with the 3DMG and his extraordinary fighting ability, we just didn’t know when.  Bad Boy confirms this.  The reason that Levi decides to follow Erwin is because he realises that he is fighting for a higher purpose; something that Levi himself doesn’t fully understand. Basically Erwin gives Levi a cause to fight for, enabling him to “manifest his power to the maximum”.  This is the revelation that we see at the end of the ACWNR manga, and which is made explicit in the visual novel, but is sadly missing from the anime.  
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What a man—Levi thought to himself.  When he'd gotten caught in the underground, he'd felt humiliated. He had thought that Erwin was brimming with an air of superiority as he looked down at his catch—but now, Levi knew that he'd been mistaken. That kind of quarrel about superiority or inferiority had never concerned Erwin even in the slightest. He was, after all, fighting a more important war against the titans—no, perhaps, it was against something even bigger than that. Fixing his sight on that something, he'd carried on fighting, trying his hardest to defeat it. Levi thought—he'd been obsessed only with his pride, limiting his horizons only to that, and had then lost important friends as a result—with his current self, he definitely had no chance at winning against this man. If that's the case— "All right… It looks like you have something that I lack. Until I know what that 'something' is, I'll go with you." Having made his choice, Levi stood up. And then, catching up to Erwin, he began to trod through the heavy rain that obscured everything before them— Towards the hope surely left somewhere in this broken world, he began to walk.
[ACWNR visual novel, White Flower Translations.]
Of course the alternative answer to all this is that reacting like you've seen god is a perfectly natural reaction to Erwin giving you a motivational speech 😂
Hope this answers your question Anon, I’ve answered loads of other asks about the Ackermans over the years, which you can find in my Ackermans and Ackerbond tags, and I also have an Ackermans Master Post, which includes every canon reference to the Ackerman clan, their power and their relationship to their masters. Actually, now I come to think about it, I'm going to have to update that master post to include the new information from Bad Boy!
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jflemings · 4 months
Prompt 1 w jflem plzz
— mine
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prompt: 1 “you are the best thing that’s ever been mine” from this post
a/n: my fav taylor song w jflem oooooo anon you are my best friend!!! also so funny that i was already working on a ‘mine’ fic for jess but that’s a whole diff thing xx
georgian bay glistens as the sun sets on the horizon, the last of it’s rays painting the sky with blues, oranges and pinks. jessie almost can’t believe her luck.
she’s got her arm around you as an attempt to fight off the chill breeze nipping at your faces, her nose turning pink from the cold. your face is tucked into her neck and both of you are holding one end of a blanket that’s wrapped around your shoulders. the scenery almost makes her forget why she brought you out here in the first place, the sight so breathtaking that it’s somehow distracted her from one of the most important things she’ll do in her lifetime.
jessie’s grip tightens on her end of the blanket as her heart rate speeds up, the sudden anxiety washing over her like how the waves would smother the rocks at high tide in burleigh heads. she thinks back to her time in australia fondly, but her thoughts always came back to you and how she felt sitting near the water watching the sunset with her arm around you, similarly to how the two of you are sitting in this very moment.
she doesn’t really know why she’s nervous because she knows your answer. the two of you had talked about marriage plenty of times before and every time you assured her that when she decided to ask, the answer would be yes.
you sigh and sit up “we should start heading back, i really don’t want to make your mum wait for us”
jessie shakes her head “i told her we had dinner plans. she’s not expecting us”
a puzzled look crosses your features “we have dinner plans?” you ask “you didn’t tell me that”
“spur of the moment type of thing” she shrugs before looking at you “we’ve got all the time in the world”
“i’d rather not be freezing my ass off in the dark, fleming” you say, dropping the blanket and standing. you brush off your bum and stretch your arms up before stuffing your hands in the pockets of your coat, admiring the view.
jessie takes a deep breath and runs over what she wants to say in her head, biting her lip and keeping her gaze focused on the water as she speaks to you “can you grab my waterbottle?” she asks.
you turn and walk three steps to where your stuff is, moving things around to find what you’re looking for. jessie knows you aren’t going to find it, it’s tucked into her side, but she needs at least forty five seconds to work the nerves out of her hands and get on one knee.
the midfielder shakes her hands out and puts one knee up, keeping the other on the ground, whilst she pulls the ring box out of her puffer pocket.
“jess are you sure it’s here?” you ask loudly “because i can’t find it, maybe you left it in the car” you exclaim, throwing your arms out and putting them on your hips before turning to face her.
your jaw drops almost comically at the sight of your girlfriend in front of you. her rosy cheeks are more flushed than usual, she’s wearing a nervous smile that you’ve never seen before and you can swear that her hands are shaking. sat in her grasp is a small black velvet box, the simple diamond ring occupying it catching the light.
“nope, no, you have to let me speak” she cuts you off, shaking her head
you nod shyly, bringing one of your hands up to cover your mouth “go on then”
jess let’s out a shaky breath “y/n i can’t count on my fingers how many times i’ve said that i’m going to marry you. i’ve said it directly to you, to my family, to my friends, anyone who would listen. everytime i’ve said it, i meant it. from the first time when i said it in that crowded bar in london, to two nights ago when we were in my childhood bedroom.” she says almost breathlessly, smiling when she realises that you’re tearing up.
“i have loved you longer than you’ve known” she says more quietly “i’ve had the privilege of watching you grow into such a kind and caring person. your compassion and ability to see everyone for who they are never fails to amaze me. everyday i wake up thankful that i get to spend my life with you so i’m asking, will you marry me?”
hey honey brown eyes are filled with hope and anticipation, leaving you to almost forget that she’s awaiting an answer from you. you shake your head and pull your hands off your face in borderline disbelief “of course i’ll marry you!”
jessie’s face breaks out into the biggest smile you’ve ever seen, tears welling up in her eyes as she carefully slips the ring on your finger. she grabs your face before she even gets off the ground and pulls you into a passionate kiss. the pads of her thumbs glide softly over your cheekbones before her grip tightens, pulling you impossibly closer.
you both pull apart from eachother so you can breathe but her lips still ghost over yours while she’s got her eyes closed.
“you are the best thing that’s ever been mine” she whispers against your lips before kissing you again, softer but with just as much passion as before.
you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with her.
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glorianamultistan · 5 months
Park Chanyeol x Male Reader
<Part 1> <Part 3>
'You are such a fine specimen y/n; no wonder Duke never turned over to look at us even when we flaunted ourselves voluptuously.' 'To deny the chance of becoming a consort to the crown for this, hmm, must be some witchcraft.' 'I never really liked visiting you all because of this, you might be the heir to the throne, and you might be beautiful, but that doesn't mean anyone would just let their guards down and be with you.'
'Forgetting all the manners are we now?' 'Not really Sohee, I rank as equal as you; you and Suyung both are princesses and I am a prince, I expect nothing but respect for the orders we represent.'
Meeting the princesses was tiring; the constant remarks and counter-attacks had y/n feeling as if he had himself trapped in a pathetic tragicomedy rather than a few days hosting at a castle.
Chanyeol was often out and about leaving y/n with the princesses, and it was getting hard to control his nerves as the days went by. One night, on his routine night visit Chanyeol found y/n sitting on the bed staring at the wall with dried-up tear stains on his cheeks and the yellowish pages of the book he had opened in his lap.
'I don't remember the palace being so ghastly as to push you to the limits.' He went ahead and sat where he regularly did, on the chair beside the dressing mirror, facing the bed.
'I am tired.' 'Your royal highness, I will leave at once if you say so.' He got up and almost left when y/n whispered 'Please, don't.'
Chanyeol turns, shocked, rather bewildered, and caught off guard. This was a new tone he was hearing; he looked over y/n still in bed, looking down at his lap, still as if he was a part of the whole furniture.
Chanyeol went back and made himself comfortable; at least he tried to do so; while y/n put the book at the side table and took a sip out of the glass that had been there for some time now.
'Are you not well? You can skip the gatherings tomorrow and rest; there is no need to over-exert yourself.' 'I am tired.' Y/n repeated, in an even lower voice than before. 'The princesses and their cousins are tiring; at least I had my brother before to accompany me so they were all mostly around him. Now, I am all alone and their remarks never stop. Is this why you brought me here? To leave me all day long to suffer through comments as if I had done something wrong. I never even wanted to marry you. You could have had the heir to the throne here. Why did you do this to me? And why do you never accompany me while I am with them?'
'I...' Chanyeol was at a loss for words; he never thought that the prince would break down in front of him like this. He never really wished for it too. He got up and slowly went to the bed as if approaching a sparrow in the wild; he knelt down on the carpet, near y/n while observing the younger.
'I am sorry. I had no idea that they were going to treat you like this. I thought that since you always visited the palace you all must be good friends. I have to attend the training of the main army heads daily here that is why I am never able to be here. I am sorry. And, I married you because I liked you, I never liked the princesses, I know my ways to procure you were rash, but morality never really worked in favour of love and war did it? I am really, deeply, religiously, devoted to you; if you command me right now, I will behead the princesses, their cousins, and all those who made you cry like this and run away with you to your home and fight if they come for you.' He was already standing with his sword in his hand and that was the moment y/n realised that this man was beyond understanding.
Doing so much harm, on one command of someone, no one should be allowed to wield such powers, yet here, in the middle of the night, in an isolated wing of a palace, y/n sat looking into Chanyeol's eyes directly after weeks, feeling a rush of emotions indescribable.
'You are not a very intelligent person are you, Chanyeol?' A comic relief, his name, uttered by y/n with a smile full of twinkling eyes. Y/n realised later that he called the other by name and looked down again, 'Sit on the bed, then talk, I feel uncomfortable like this.'
Chanyeon went on and sat on the opposite side of the bed looking over y/n with determined eyes, 'I am not joking, I will do it all if you want it and if that will make you leave your gloom behind.' 'You will do no such thing. Hearing such declarations are ghastly enough for me; you should know how much I hate violence.' 'Then what should I do!? Please your royal highness tell me. I will do it, just say it.' Chanyeol was eager and looked more like a big dog waiting for command than a general of the army.
'Take me home.' Y/n whispered looking up to meet Chanyeol's eyes. 'Okay, we can leave for your kingdom right now, I will take you and your luggage can be sent later.' Chanyeol got up and before he could move y/n said 'I - I meant Sandria, not that.' Y/n was trying to avoid the bulging eyes of the general and trying to calm the heat rising in his body. 'What!?' 'I meant take me to Sandria, I miss Lady Park.'
It took a whole awkward minute of silence for y/n to repeat it 'Can we go?' 'Yes!' Chanyeol almost screamed and shocked y/n, again, more happy dog than a general.
So they left, in the night, without their luggage, just the two of them on a single horse. It took them two days and in between Chanyeol stopped at grand inns and was welcomed warmly by the owners, but what surprised y/n was how kind they all were to him, often too kind and reminding him of Lady Park.
They took one room throughout the journey as they were married so to avoid any rumours they had to take such measures, but Chanyeol never slept in the bed; he was always on the sofa, half asleep, half guarding as the threat on the prince was ever looming.
When they reached, Lady Park was not surprised; she got the letter from the palace beforehand; rather she was inquisitive as to why they cut their stay short and why did they not take the train?
'Oh I am sorry Lady Park, I was just uncomfortable at the palace and missed this place so I asked Chanyeol to bring me back, and I never really had the chance to roam the country, outside the manors and abbeys and castles, so I asked him to take the horse, also there was no train available that instant.'
'Oh y/n, please do not worry, I am rather happy that you are back; it gets lonely here without anyone to talk to except the butler and the other servants.'
Chanyeol was shocked again to hear his name from y/n's mouth utter so casually; he did not want to point it out to the other but wanted so bad to ask him to use it more. On his part, he still could not muster up the courage to use y/n's name; it feels — ironically, after doing it all wrong — it feels disrespectful.
'I will go to the room and change up, then I will meet you in the library.' With that y/n was gone.
'Why did you not insist on waiting and taking the train!?' Lady Park asked his son with a bit more hint of anger than he thought he would be facing.
'I did! But he wanted to leave instantly. I had no choice.' 'What did you do now that he left the palace like this to come back?' Before Chanyeol could answer Lady Park led him to the library and motioned him to sit as if starting an official inquiry.
'I? How can I do something in the palace that would make him run away from there? And runaway back to my house? Make it make sense mother.' He should not be acting this sassy to her but he wanted to point out the absurdity of the blame.
'Then what happened? I am sure the palace was more comfortable than here.' 'Well, do not talk to him about it please, he will tell you if he would like you to know, but I guess you are so stuck up with rituals that he would not want to portray a bad image of your future queen to you.'
'What?' 'Yes, he was crying, apparently both the princesses and their cousins always passed remarks and comments about him and other stuff, you know, stuck-up royals. He told me his brother was good at handling them but he was more sensitive to all of this so it hurt him a lot. I asked him to command anything that could be done to make him feel better, and he asked me to bring him back, so on my word, I did, also dearest mum he said he missed you.'
"I cannot believe that such behaviour is sanctioned by our King and Queen. They must be doing it as a jest but if it hurt him so much then it is unacceptable." "Well, you know how they are still pent up about me not marrying anyone of them." "It would have solved so many problems and there would have been no useless war." "Mother, you make it sound like I marrying someone for such reasons will result in a long-lasting relationship." "What about you and the prince then? He married you to end the whole show of gore bloody circus you started! Do you think he is happy here and not half as miserable as you would have been!?"
There was an uncomfortable silence, Ldy Park had such a moment after months, Chanyeol thought she was over it, but all this talk flared her up again.
"Mom, you know..." "What!? You love him!? That!? Please, I am still so ashamed that my son really went out to kidnap someone, that too a prince, at the cost of innocent lives, all the facade which you have created around this seemingly happy, working-out relationship disgusts me to the very core. I am here only for his sake, as I cannot trust you to be with him alone here, otherwise, I would have left for the dower house months ago."
Now, Lady Park was not only angry, she was in tears, all of this built up inside her while the young couple was away. She has been keeping up her smiles around the prince but after getting to know about the incident at the palace and her son's justification for not marrying any one of the princesses, she was not able to control herself.
"Enough, I will have the rest of my life to be blaming you, we mustn't make a fuss over it all when he comes down, at least he should get comfort somewhere."
P.S.:- If you liked it, you can support me by buying me a coffee; link's on my page.
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ticklishbeans4 · 8 months
2D Beings Deserve Tickles To!
I've been wanting to write something with Prismo for awhile given all the art that's been floating around! And how could I not add Finn and Jake in there?
Jake and Finn were laying on the floor of Prismo’s cube, chilling out as they watched some other dimension stuff with the comic being. This had become a pretty common occurrence with the three, Prismo seemed to enjoy the company, and the two brothers were more than happy to provide it. Plus, it was super cool to see other versions of themselves.
“Oh this ones pretty cool!” Prismo gushed, “This one was made when someone wished that they could just live as a child forever. So I made a kid world! Aren’t they cute?”
“Awwww! Look at little Finn!” Jake cooed, “I forgot how cute you were!”
“Are you kidding? Look at puppy you!” Fin laughed, “You’re so tiny!”
“Not as cute as you!” Jake laughed, jumping on Finn and starting a wrestling match between the brothers.
Prismo watched fondly, this happened a lot when they came over, but it never stopped being amusing to see. It kinda made him wish he had a sibling, someone he could hangout with and talk to. A built in best friend, like Finn and Jake.
He was brought out of his thoughts by a sudden shriek, followed by a burst of laughter from Finn. Looking over, his eyes widened and he quickly looked away, if he could blush, he was sure he’d be red as Golb. Jake was tickling Finn.
Now Prismo was no stranger to the concept of tickling. Watching hundreds of universes with hundreds of people, he’d seen plenty of tickling. It always had a… weird effect on him. It made his guts feel twisty and fluttery, he couldn’t always look at it, but sometimes he couldn’t look away, sometimes he’d even replay those moments over and over. He didn’t really get why he felt like this, the only other time he felt like this was around Jake but… it was different. He knew that without a shadow of a doubt.
“HELP!” Finn cried, reaching a hand out to Prismo before he shot it back down when Jake scribbled into his underarm.
Prismo just tried to focus on the screen, not able to look directly at the scene. He wished he knew why he felt this way about such an innocent practice. He’d watched parents tickling their kids, siblings getting into tickle fights, heck! He’d seen babies in the baby dimension tickle each other! So it was just an innocent, fun, silly thing! Sure he knew it could be used in… other ways, but those didn’t make him feel all fluttery and twisty.
“Prismo, you good?” Jake asked, apparently having given Finn mercy.
“Oh! Uh, yeah! Yeah I’m good! Totally good! So good actually! Ha! Why do you ask?” he said nervously, moving from wall to wall with his jittery energy.
Finna sat up, rubbing his belly, “Dude, are you sure? You’re acting all weird.”
“Nope! I’m dandy as candy!” he laughed, “Hey! Let me show you the dimension where everyone is a stuffed animal!”
“Prismo…” Jake said, his voice sending shivers up Prismos back. “Are you ticklish?”
“Am I…” he thought for a second, was he ticklish? “I… huh, I don’t know. No one’s ever tried.”
“What?” the pair cried, immediately jumping to their feet.
“You’ve never been tickled?” Jake cried, “Dude it’s like, the best! How have you never been tickled!?”
Prismo shrugged, “Well, who’s gonna do that to the wish master? No one really does that kind of thing around here, ya know?”
The two looked aghast, which was a little funny. Till their faces changed with a single shared look, devious smiles spread across their faces.
Jake casually cracked his fingers, “Well… I guess there’s a first time for everything.”
Finn smirked, “I think it’ll be fun to be the first ones to try.”
Prismo felt that twisty fluttery feeling in full force. He didn’t know if he should run, or just let it happen. He did want it to happen, but also every part of him was saying to run. “I- uh- w-well!”
Jake chuckled as he stalked closer to the 2D being, “Don’t worry Prismo, we’ll be nice!” “For the most part.” Finn giggled, a distinctly evil sound to Prismo.
“N-now guys! Let's just chill! I-I mean, we can just sit back and watch some other dimensions and eat cheese crackers!” he rambled, waving his hands around animatedly.
Well it seemed the pair weren’t swayed by his incredible argument, as they pounced, scribbling at where his belly was on the floor. And Prismo was absolutely not prepared for the feeling. It was like… Glob he didn’t even know! He’d never felt anything like this! It was light, but scratchy, but it made him feel all tingly and light and weird!
Poor Prismo didn’t stand a chance against the feeling, especially since he’d never experienced it before. Immediately he burst into giggles, and shot himself over to the other wall. There was a pause, a moment where they all just looked at each other…
“Get ‘im!” Jake cried, and the two launched themselves at Prismo again. Prismo wasn’t fast enough to get away as they scribbled at him again. Finn targeted his belly, but Jake decided to try other spots. He stretched his limbs to scratch at his underarms and his neck.
Primso shrieked, a weird sound coming from him in his opinion, and fell into cackling laughter. He didn’t run this time, just flapped his hands and wiggled around in the room. Random things began appearing in the room as well, a feather duster, a pig, flowers, little glowy swirls, stars, and moons appearing on the walls. “Jake! Dude! His powers are goin bananers!” Finn laughed, picking up the feather duster and brushing it against Prismo’s side, making him screech and jerk away.
“NOHOHOHOHO! AHAHAHAHAAHAH! STAHAHAHAHAP!” he shrieked, not at all wanting it to stop. This was more fun than any wish granting, any dimension watching, it was even more fun than pickle making!
“Aw, you’re fine!” Jake teased, “You’re barely trying to get away! I bet you like it!”
“NOOOOHOHOOHO!” he lied, laughing wildly as the pair seemed to attack from all angles. They left practically no spot untickled, it was maddening, but also some of the most fun he’d had in his life! After what felt like an eternity, but also somehow didn’t last nearly long enough, Prismo had had enough. He zoomed just outside of the room, giggling as he caught his breath. “Prismo!” Jake called, “Where’d you go? Are you ok? We didn’t go too far did we?”
“No!” he called back, “I just… I needed a breather!” “We won’t tickle you again!” Finn shouted out, “You can come back!”
“...You won’t make fun of me right?” he asked, “Like, you promise?”
“We promise dude.” Finn answered.
“And we don’t break promises.” Jake added.
Prismo took a deep breath and came back in, looking flustered. “So… I guess that… happened.” “Yeah man! It was awesome!” Jake grinned, patting Prismo’s shoulder. “You took it like a champ! I doubt Finn could last that long with two tickle monsters!”
“I totally could!” the teen protested.
Jake smiled wickedly, “Oh yeah? Prismo, wanna help me out?”
Prismo grinned, moving closer to the kid, “I’m not usually one for revenge plots, but…”
Finn seemed to realize how bad he donked up. “Uh- h-hey now! Let’s talk about this!”
But there was no time to talk, as Jake jumped on his brother and pinned him down. Prismo only paused for a moment, he’d never actually tried to tickle someone, he’d only watched it. But… it couldn’t be that hard! He got his hands onto Finn’s knees, a spot he’d seen Jake tickle him, and began wiggling his fingers. Finn let out a hilariously high pitched scream before he fell into a fit of laughter. “NAAHAHAHAHA! PRISMOHOHOHO!” “What? I’m not doing anything!” he laughed, moving his wiggly fingers to the softer underside of his knees, making Finn scream again.
“Dang son! You’re a natural!” Jake praised, sending butterflies fluttering in Prismo’s belly.
“Awww, gee, thanks Jake.” he smiled sheepishly.
Jake grinned, before he joined in the wrecking, squeezing at Finn’s ribs, sending the boy kicking and shrieking.
“STAHAHHAHAAHAP FLIHIHIHIHRTING!” Finn cackled, which made Prismo splutter, before digging punishingly into the backs of his knees, getting a scream from the teen.
“We’re not flirting! Shut up!” There was no flirting! Jake was just a good friend! Nothing more! Besides, he had Lady…
Jake blew a raspberry on Finn’s belly, getting a loud squeal in return. “I’ll teach you not to make Prismo uncomfortable!”
Prismo laughed, “My hero!”
Jake flexed his arms, stretching them to look like muscles, which made Prismo snort as he giggled at him. Sadly this also distracted the pair from Finn, who promptly tackled Jake and scribbled into his belly. The poor dog immediately burst into bright laughter, his leg adorably kicking at the same time.
“NAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NO FAIR!” he cried, snorting as Finn attacked. Finn just grinned evilly and replied, “Too bad!”
Prismo hesitated for a second, but when Finn nodded for him to join, he decided to just go for it! He got his hands behind Jakes ears and began scribbling, making Jake bark in shock before falling into loud laughter.
“PRISMOHOHOHOHO! YOU TRAHAHAHAITOR!” the dog shrieked, kicking his leg and laughing loudly.
Prismo laughed at his friend, “All’s fair in love and war!”
“Especially tickle wars!” Finn agreed.
“YOU WAHAHANT A WAHAHAR!?” Jake cried, before stretching himself away from the pair and quickly attacking their bellies. “I’ll show you a war!”
Prismo shrieked with Finn as his friend tickled them to pieces. He wasn’t complaining though, this was fun! Probably the most fun he’d had in… forever! He never wanted it to end! He was definitely adding some tickle scenes in Fionna and Cake! And well… he’d probably ask Finn and Jake to come by a lot more often.
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flashfuture · 3 months
Since I've been on it I wanna talk about Hal's parents. Cause I've seen some dislike for Geoff Johns take on them. But they didn't really, Jessica especially, exist before then. I feel like some people read the comic where Hal in hysterical grief over Coast City made a construct of his parents and then went off to kill all the Lanterns and Guardians and said yep that is exactly how his parents were.
But let's get into it. Martin and Jessica Jordan. For further context, the sibling order is Jack, Hal, Jim Jordan. Three boys. And it was sort of implied for years that they were Jewish and got confirmed not too long ago that Jessica is Jewish and Martin is Catholic. Hal was a grown man in the 80s. His childhood took place in the 50/60s. And before that he was a grown man in the 60s meaning his childhood was the 40s/50s. That absolutely influenced the type of life he had. Vs the further in time we drag this out the less natural it becomes to have super strict parents.
So to begin the first physical appearance of Martin Jordan comes in 1989 in Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn #1. This is a post crisis pre zero hour story so any events in this particular time window are wildly subject to change
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Martin is a test flight pilot. He's Hal's hero. His plane goes down. Hal watches. This sequence of events stays consistent across every time line including Flashpoint which is you know fascinating.
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"Hal got fired today-- and he got his mom to call up and beg for him."
"Talk about my father again Biff and I'll rip your lungs out."
In this version of events, we get a mention of Jessica. She's not named and doesn't appear. So you can tell she was brought up purely for a 'Hal is so irresponsible he needs his mommy's help' bit. Hal and Jack get along though and are violently defensive of their father. Hal also catches a drunk driving charge after this.
Speaking of drunk I know there's a comic out there where Martin is described as a drunk which I could not for the life of me dig up again but that's mentioned all of once so I just ignore it. What's with making test pilots drunks???
Anyways Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn is definitely not my favorite Hal Jordan story and I'm glad it's been mostly retconned out minus the very beginning parts with Martin.
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(Green Lantern vol 3 #36)
"So you're back to flying planes, huh?"
"Dad's blood still runs through my veins, I guess."
This Christmas special in 1993 took place before Coast City exploded. Hal took Carol out to Jack's house to spend the holiday with the Jordan family. Hal directly attributes flying to his dad's influence.
Now Green Lantern vol 3 #48. Hal is standing in the ruins of Coast City not a soul left and he conjures an image of his parents. Reminder they are entirely Hal's imagination and again he is just about hysterical right now.
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"I looked up to you. I worshipped the ground you walked on, or flew over. I wanted to grow up and be you... which probably has a lot to do with who I am now. Growing up, though, I never felt like you... I don't know thought that much of me."
As we saw Hal's dad died when he was Maybe ten. His little brother and older brother didn't have real accomplishments in elementary school. Jack the DA and Jim helping the campaign and having a family that's all modern. Stuff Martin would have never known about. Martin the pilot getting on Hal's case for having his head in the clouds? Really seems like Hal is the one he could have related to the most. Martin getting on Hal about not saving the city just proves Hal is projecting his worries about disappointing his dad onto his dad and then because he's so hysterical with grief forces himself to rewatch his dad dying.
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Absolutely completely irrational state of mind he's in right now. At the end of this issue, he's going to fly off into space to kill all the Lanterns and the Guardians.
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And then he summons Jessica. Calling her mother instead of mom is just really funny to me like informal with his strict dad formal with his chill mom. Lmao? Jessica only speaks on Martin. Reminding Hal of the good times they had. She's Hal's memory which which means Hal heard the story of dressing up as Santa he remembers his dad's aftershave. Summoning your mom just to talk about your dad is crazy work btw
Again Hal was so young when his dad died. Not a teenager not even close. What was Martin disappointed about? Maybe Hal who can't keep a job a girl or half his friends (Barry died and all super friends ditched him basically) is projecting backwards into time. And assumes his Dad would be disappointed in him.
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"Personal gain? This is about personal loss!"
Personal loss and Hal's spent most of his time summoning his long dead father. He really never got over Martin dying and that's so apparent. Anyways this is where Hal decides to go into space and kill everybody. Seeing his dad taken from him one more time made him snap.
Hal is enamored with his father. Whether their relationship was tough or easy it wasn't necessarily the point. The point is Hal Jordan loves his father to Oa and back more than the rest of his family probably understood. He didn't just want to impress his father he wants to be him.
And Zero Hour royally fucked up Hal's family but like idk let's just say Infinite Crisis fixed it. That's two reality shattering events. Why not give Hal a little treat of being his dad's favorite. No one seems to miss when Jack, Jim, and Hal all went to the same college and the same fraternity and were besties
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roguelov · 11 months
I have so many things that I want to talk about regarding Dream (most of them not spicy). I hope you don't mind: Imagine finding out about Dream's past romances (5 of them according to the comics) from Desire who is just talking about it to be cruel. You bring up the subject with Dream and he's upset that his most disliked sibling told you about it before he could. Then you assure him that he can avoid making the same mistakes with you that he made in his past relationships if he puts in the effort as a way of comforting him.
No I don’t mind at all! I happily welcome them 🥰
God this idea has the type of angst I love 😩 with some sweet fluff on the end!
“Desire, did what?”
You sighed, dropping your gaze. “They told me of your past relationships and -“
“They had no right to do such a thing.” His anger was apparent, and rippled off of him in jarring waves. “Intruding into my life only to sow chaos, how unbelievably childish of them.”
“Dream, look, I know what -“
“As if it was their place to tell.” The anger wavered. No, it was never anger to begin with, it was sadness. A deep and profound sorrow.
“Hey,” you calmly spoke. You walked up to him, and cupped his face. He nearly jerked away, but your grip on him was firm. Instead, he casted his eyes away from yours. “Dream, look at me … please.”
Slowly, he peered up. His eyes were an engulfing sea of sadness, regret, guilt, and the flickering embers of anger.
“I will say it is very human to have failed relationships, it’s nothing unusual, okay? Although, yours are of course are still unique.” Unique was the kindest word you could think of in the moment. “But, all you have to do is learn from them and put your best foot forward.”
“… it is not so simple.”
You smiled softly, “It can be, I’ll be right here next to you. This isn’t a one person relationship but two.”
He stayed silent.
“Dream you are capable of change, everyone has seen it since your return. Relationships are hard, yes, but you are never alone. Just talk to me, and let me hold you when you need it, okay?”
Dream nodded.
“Good.” You dropped your hands from his face. “I’ll leave you be for now, you seem like you wish to be alone with your thoughts.”
You twisted around to leave when his hand caught your wrist. You glanced back, and he stared directly into your eyes. He slowly brought your hand up to his lips, giving it chaste kiss. “I’ll be with you shortly, my dear, I promise.”
You smiled, knowing he would keep his promise, “I’ll be waiting.”
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eggymf-archived · 11 months
of paper planes and wildflowers; 13
ft. ominis gaunt with f!reader (series)
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chapter warnings: nsfw, smut, porn with feelings, peeves (again), romantically feral(?) sex, cunnilingus, orgasm denial, p in v, doggystyle, just two idiots tryna bang and ended up banging in the end (noice)
chapter summary: for the sake of preserving your newfound relationship with ominis, you devised a solution that would grant you both joys of privacy: creating a hideout within a hideout.
word count: 6.9k (eyyyy lmao)
a/n: lacking the confidence with this chapter but i guess it’s kinda cute lmao. and wow those chapter warnings look kinda boring but it is what it is
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A life— a mere thread on its own; a crucial medium for an ongoing magnum opus. It was a fascinating concept that survived the ravages of time, representing every living being as a single thread that has been intricately woven within the never-ending textile that depicts the entire world. 
Like all tales that had been woven into existence by the unrivaled artisan of this fabled fabric, your story with Ominis was no different— a testimony to divinity's versatile cunning and vie in plotting one's destiny. 
It was all rather comical initially: getting involved in consecutive unsavory acts that resulted in both your voluntary separation, only to be brought back together by a sudden, random intrusive thought of sending a letter to a random person. One would never have thought of such a scenario to be the bridge that connects two souls together— to end up being in good spirits despite their initial prejudice against each other. In fact, nobody would've suspected that the two of you would fall in love in the first place. 
Needless to say, despite all the stacked odds, the both of you were undoubtedly an excellent match.
Oh, but what is a seemingly perfect love story without a little bit of conflict in the mix? Two people from opposing families falling for each other in the silliest way possible? That ought to stir quite the drama— a show that Ominis would've loved to eavesdrop on while sipping a cup of tea from the finest porcelain in his possession. Alas, it was a shame that he was one of the two who were directly involved in the problem along with you.
Fortunately, the solution for your current situation was simple enough: hide now, explain later. The oath of confidentiality was the shield of your relationship temporarily— at least until the both of you find a way to navigate through this sticky situation. Regardless of luck or whatever that was smiling upon your relationship, both of you had a part to play to preserve this bond.
It was a typical day in Hogwarts for the most part: just the usual students clamoring through their academics in preparation for their respective futures. Ominis was sitting in one of the few desks within an empty circular room that contained many globes and rolls of parchment tucked away neatly in the wall's built-in shelves. His hand was flipping through a particularly thick book on Herbology, while the other was scribbling away on a piece of parchment as he awaits your arrival.
It was an optional gesture, really. In fact, he should be focusing on his own essays, not jotting down summarized notes to help you speed up your process in this assignment. But then again, it was killing two birds with one stone: it would help him recall details for their upcoming exams, while also making your life a tad bit easier during these trying times— something that he'd definitely do for the sake of both love and efficiency.
At long last, his muse finally arrives.
Ominis was jolted right out of his focus, your familiar scent of peonies and freesias lingering faintly in the air as he instinctively ran his palm through his hair to smooth out any stray flyaways. 
“I have the books that we need. Goodness gracious, I've never seen the library so crowded before,” you whined, slamming a stack of books that you held on the nearby vacant chair. The first few books on your pile floated towards the lithe-framed male, putting themselves right beside his ink pot. He pointed his wand at the empty space beside his desk, conjuring another desk and chair for you to use. 
You gratefully allowed yourself to sit sluggishly at the seat next to him as you instantly slumped over the desk to rest your head on its wooden surface. You were visibly perplexed— a frown etched onto your features and your eyebags were becoming rather prominent due to insufficient sleep and countless workloads. 
For the past week, the entire batch of 5th years had been plunged into the depths of academic hell alongside the other upperclassmen within the school. There had been consecutive mock exams and quizzes to prepare students for the upcoming OWLs and NEWTs along with mountains of assignments that had your wits pulled taut, ready to snap at any moment.
Aside from the whole ordeal affecting your sanity in terms of your studies, it has certainly been taking a toll on your personal needs as well. Despite spending copious amounts of time together as study buddies with Ominis, there was no doubt that the warm embraces and discreet little pecks from each other were sorely missed. The both of you could only grumble at the darned invisible wall of responsibility that had cruelly separated the both of you apart, giving you no choice but to behave yourselves for almost a week and counting.
And boy, was it utterly agonizing.
Your visibly frustrated eyes scanned the circular room, and much to your quiet glee, it was just you and Ominis alone. 
Surely this time, there wouldn't be any interruptions, right? It was a peaceful Saturday with most students either going to Hogsmeade, staying in the library, or lounging about in the common rooms. Not a single soul was around, and there weren't any notably nosy portraits nearby that could potentially rat the both of you out.
Maybe it was time to try your luck.
The sound of quill scribbling on parchment halted the moment he felt the pads of your fingertips trace along the knuckles, seemingly in a thoughtless daze.
“... Yes, darling?” 
You bid your silent farewell to your proper decorum, scooting over towards Ominis and resting your head on his shoulder. He visibly tensed upon feeling the slight shift in weight before easing up as you shift your head to a more comfortable position.
“It's just the two of us, in case you were wondering,” you mumbled. “Give me five minutes and I'll continue studying.”
It was blatantly obvious. You missed him— a lot.
He smirks at this, snaking his arm around your waist to pull you closer. Suppressing a wide grin from making its way to your face, you press your lips thinly into a line, removing your head from his shoulder briefly to stare cheekily at his visage.
“Five minutes of what exactly?” he whispers into your ear coyly, placing his quill down. “This?”
He didn't give you a chance to even answer the question properly, a soft eek escaping your lips as he turned your body to face him. His palm was placed firmly against the small of your back, slender fingers tilting your chin up to look at him. His warm breath fanned against your reddened face while you held your breath, biting back an uncharacteristic squeal that threatened to escape your lips. 
Despite his calm exterior, he was, in fact, just as frustrated as you were— the only difference is that he was craving for something a bit more than mere hand-holding and butterfly kisses. And for you to fall right into his trap of agreeing to study in this desolate place? Voluntarily handing yourself over to him who desired nothing more than to savor you in every possible way? 
Maybe the both of you were on the same page all this time, merely hiding each of your intentions behind a veil of innocent nonchalance. Regardless of his raging hormones, however, he prided himself as a gentleman with morals— the final decision was always yours.
He could only sigh with pure adoration, feeling the supple skin of your face and the plushness of your lips against his fingertips. Your eyelids slowly fluttered shut at his soft caress as he leaned forward, his lips slowly reaching their desired designation.
A certain poltergeist emerged from the stone wall, immediately shattering the deliciously tense atmosphere between you and Ominis, much to Ominis’ sheer agony. The young Gaunt was absolutely seething at this point— if thoughts could kill, Peeves would've been decimated by the horrific, murderous intentions that Ominis had conjured up within his mind all in a split second despite the non-being's incapability of death. 
Of course, he shan't show how miffed he truly is with that insufferable amortal. There were many different ways of expressing rage and disdain, after all.
He responds to the situation in an eerily calm manner, shutting his books and putting away his writing materials neatly, walking over to your own stack of books and tucking it under his arm alongside his own. You could only stare at him dumbfoundedly as you tail after him out of concern. Before leaving the circular room, Ominis quickly swishes his wand casually towards a very cackly Peeves, the poor poltergeist's gyrating voice immediately muffled as his tongue gets glued to the roof of his mouth by Ominis' non-verbal jinx.
Oh, he was cross, alright. Very cross. The sight of your lover’s cold fury had shivers running down your spine— whether it is out of fright, attraction, or both, you had no plans on adding fuel to his stress-induced fire.
Merlin, all he wanted was at least a damn kiss and the universe seems to be forbidding him from getting one from you. What was the bloody point of allowing him to be with you if he couldn't even give you a smooch at least once a day? Unacceptable. How utterly outrageous.
But no matter— he had a solution to this entire problem, albeit his reluctance.
Perhaps it was time to divulge one of his many secrets to you. With Skylar and Sebastian out of the castle grounds this particular weekend, he could finally bring you to his hideout where the both of you could finally have some uninterrupted time alone. 
But even with his confident, anger-fueled strides, he had his own reservations when it comes to bringing you into the Undercroft. It was sure to be dusty, and messy— far from being a romantic spot since that's where he and Sebastian often practiced spells of varying kinds; specifically the more destructive and forbidden ones. 
It felt rather silly of him to be in jitters knowing that you've probably been through filthier places considering your knack for spontaneous outdoor adventures during non-winter months, but it doesn't change the fact that you're his lady now. There are certain things that he'd rather not let you see out of gentlemanly respect.
It was too late for him to back out now, though— the both of you were currently standing before the allegedly dysfunctional clock beneath the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom. You tilted your head in confusion, your line of sight darting towards the blonde-haired male.
“Ominis, darling. Why exactly are we standing in front of this old clock?”
The faintest of smiles graces Ominis' lips.
“You'll see.”
He flicks his wand towards the direction of the clock, its cogwheels, and mechanisms begin to click and spin before it halts with a distinct clang. Your brows raised in surprise as its face swung wide open, revealing a concealed passageway.
“Huh, would you look at that? Another dark, ominous corridor,” you peered curiously at the dimly lit stairwell leading down to an unknown area. “I think I'm sensing a pattern here.”
“Oh shush. Just go in,” he scoffs in amusement. You gladly obliged, eyes glimmering with excitement and wonder while Ominis follows suit, the door immediately closing behind him upon his entry. With his fingers finally intertwined with yours, he led you down the dimly lit stairwell slowly with the red blinking tip of his wand guiding you both. Upon arriving at the end of the stairwell, Ominis whisks his wand once again, the metal gates rising up to reveal a large room filled with crates, training dummies, and several spare tables and small blackboards.
Hogwarts truly never fails to surprise you with its plethora of hidden locations.
“Goodness, I never would've imagined there'd be a room all the way down here,” you mused, taking in your surroundings with great interest. “Is there anyone else who knows of this place?”
“It's… A Gaunt family secret, I suppose. But only me, Sebastian, Anne, and Skylar know of it. Also, we call this the Undercroft.”
You strolled around the relatively large room, taking note of several odd things that had piqued your interest: the blackboards that had several angry scribbles and notes written in Ancient Runes, Phoenician, Greek, Cyrillic, and Aramaic, the nearby blank stone wall that has faint golden inscriptions of magic circles and runes, and a triptych with two ripped-out canvases. 
“Seems like a perfect base for illicit little studies and spell-casting. I’m assuming Sallow has been studying the spellbook intensively in here?”
“Unfortunately, yes. I've been staying away from this place for that very reason,” Ominis sighed, scratching his nape sheepishly. “Honestly, we haven't been talking much ever since that day in the scriptorium. He's been fixated on that book, and it feels quite rotten to linger around knowing that your own best friend is studying the dark arts.”
You instinctively reached for his hand, rubbing small circles against his pale skin.
“Understandable. I still feel quite disturbed about what happened there, and I'm sorry you can't stay here as much. But that aside, it's not like we'd get much privacy either if we have our little cuddling sessions within this place,” you lightly joked in an attempt to ease the simmering tension. “For all we know, either one of them could walk in on us. I'd rather not risk it.”
Ominis chuckles mirthfully, much to your relief.
“And I’d rather not let you sit on any of these dusty crates or the floor, actually. Not the most romantic spot for a quick little kiss either,” he hums. “But I'd rather stay here with you than pop a blood vessel out of rage at every bloody interruption that occurs out there.”
You giggled in response at his words as the both of you sauntered towards the far corner of the Undercroft that had several barrels stacked atop of one another, pondering deeply on a solution. A nice little place for the both of you to relax in was certainly an enticing notion. Your eyes wandered towards a large, empty chest in front of you.
“Hmm. I think I might have an idea.”
“Oh? What do you have in mind?”
“A hideout within a hideout. Just for us,” you replied proudly, piquing his interest. “No one’s using this chest, right?”
Ominis traces his palm against the lacquered wooden surface.
“Good. This will do. Stand back,” you instructed. Casting a non-verbal spell, the fastenings of its metal band and any external locking mechanisms were lifted, the little bits of metal falling onto the stone floor with a distinct clink. Its dimensions began to extend slightly, making the chest slightly longer and wider.
“Capacious Extremis.”
The wooden chest began to rattle and shake as if something was moving within it. While the Extension Charm worked its effects, you cast more spells on the object: the Imperturbable Charm, Salvio Hexia, and several other security spells and additional charms. As soon as the wooden chest ceased its movements, you knocked a specific beat on the chest, prompting it to open while a flight of stairs materialized within the seemingly cramped, poorly-lit space.
“Shall we?” you grinned excitedly, clasping his hand. Anticipation was buzzing within his mind, ever so curious about what you had in store as you led him down the flight of stairs carefully. 
As you had anticipated, the small, empty space was unfurnished, the only light source originating from the opening where the both of you had entered. With a flick of your wand, wall sconces materialized out of thin air to illuminate the space, placing themselves in strategic locations. Several incantations rolled out your tongue, conjuring and summoning various kinds of textiles, a lot of pillows, and a large bed frame with a cushy mattress before arranging them all at the far end of the room. The little nook now resembles a neatly-made pillow fort that could easily accommodate two people— its opening framed by thick curtains that could be utilized if its user desires more privacy. 
Meanwhile, an L-shaped bookshelf with its own built-in table was slowly being pieced together on its own, and various books were floating about and sorting themselves while two chairs popped out of thin air, tucked neatly under the study table. The books that Ominis held flew out of his clutches, placing themselves atop the table. A Potions station was being constructed near the study corner: a small counter placed itself at the far corner while ingredients within glass jars lined themselves up neatly on the shelves. 
You pointed your wand at the vacant space at the center of the room, a fireplace embossing itself from the blank wall, and a small loveseat sofa materialized before it. The flooring changes from stone to marble, while the ceiling morphs into a glass dome, revealing the appearance of the artificial night sky that you could change at your own will. A large window also carved itself at the wall recess at the bed area, revealing a view of the moonlit landscapes of the Highlands.
While ornaments and decorations were slowly appearing and organizing themselves according to the vision within your head, Ominis roamed around the room, taking in his newly-made surroundings through his rapidly-blinking wand. The former staleness within the enchanted space now felt warm and cozy, the faint scent and sound of the crackling fireplace flooding his senses. Pointing your wand towards the entrance, the lid of the wooden chest slams shut.
You had devised everything in a way that was both functional and convenient for him to navigate through with little to no possible accidents even without his wand: no obstructions at its designated areas for foot traffic and sufficient room for him to comfortably move around. Even the spines of the books in the study corner had bumps embossed onto its surface, the text translated conveniently for him to Braille. 
Upon reaching the far end of the room, he immediately sat down on the plush bed, sighing at its comfiness as he leaned back against one of the fluffy pillows. Your eyes scanned the room as you approached Ominis, pleased with the outcome of your little impromptu project before plopping right beside him, removing your Mary Janes.
“This turned out quite well, didn’t it? A hideout within a hideout!”
Ominis chuckles. “That’s quite the understatement, my dearest. I believe you’ve outdone yourself this time.”
“I’ll gladly accept that compliment, thank you very much!” you chirped.
He could only marvel at your prowess in Transfiguration and Charms: successfully creating a special little place like this just for the both of you within such a short period with little to no sweat wasn’t an easy feat for a young witch such as yourself.
“You know, I’ve actually always wanted to do something like this,” you shared, crawling towards the pillows and hugging one as you leaned against the wall. “Seems quite oddly reminiscent of typical childhood memories, no? Pillow forts, a secret base, and just the two of us. It’s as if we’re playing house.”
The fondness within your voice made his heart hammer within his chest, his unseeing milky blue eyes containing a sense of gentleness within them. Kicking off his shoes, he sits beside you, smiling wryly.
“I've never experienced those memories for myself, actually. And I certainly didn't expect to experience it right now either,” he responds softly, much to your surprise. Ominis wasn’t the type who would usually get caught up in future possibilities, but the thought of you possibly becoming his wife has undoubtedly stirred something within his soul. 
He could definitely get used to the joys of domestic settings, but alas, inexperience has a nasty habit of planting the seed of doubt within wounded hearts. 
“Isn't it too early to come to that conclusion?” he thought, his serene expression slowly faltering.
It wasn't a pretty notion— the intrusive thought would most likely serve as a possible topic for him to overthink about for the remainder of the day. You, however, with elation brimming from your chest, beamed at his confession. 
“Well, I’m glad I’m the first! Let's make the most out of it, shall we?”
And with just that, the awful din within his brain was immediately dispelled.
One thing was for certain amidst the stockpiles of unfavorable circumstances— he loves you most ardently, and that's all that truly matters at this point. He'll always choose to be with you no matter what.
“So… Do you like it? I know you can't exactly see what it looks like, but I've arranged everything in— mmmph!”
Gone were his reservations and resistance to his urges, hastily planting his eager lips onto yours with a sense of direness whilst cradling your face within his palms. Desperation was laced within every single one of his movements, his hand trailing to the small of your back and the other to the back of your head. 
It was a hold that only he could pull off— an embrace that encompasses protectiveness and love all with a dash of possessiveness and lust. 
All for you. Only for you.
It has been far too long since your last exchange of physical intimacy with him, and the thought of what may transpire next sends a delicious little jolt right into your aching core. Your body clearly yearned for him, easily succumbing to even the slightest of his touch. 
Thus, you gave in to his unspoken request, straddling his lap whilst gazing into his eyes that rival even the most pearlescent of opals before kissing him once more, your tongues entangling themselves fervidly. He was just as needy as you were, his member throbbing and twitching beneath the fabric of his trousers, hissing at the delicious warmth that had been brought upon his most sensitive area.
The both of you soon parted, your lungs craving for oxygen after that heated exchange. Your hazy gaze drank his form, biting your lip at how gorgeous he looked.
Disheveled blonde hair, flushed cheeks, bitten-red lips, and misty blue eyes darkened with intoxicating desire— the sight of Ominis reduced to such a state made you swoon.
“You truly are quite the sight, my love,” you murmur against the side of his lips before partaking in yet another passion-ridden kiss, to which he appreciatively responds with a soft groan. “And to think that you're all mine… It is truly an honor.”
Never have you ever been so spellbindingly enamored towards a man, and the intensity of your romantic feelings only served to make you even more insatiable for him. Truth be told, he hadn't expected you to be so bold this time around either, but he relished in the thought that it was only he who is given the privy to have you in this form: greedy for his touch and deeply in love with him, just as he was utterly and irrevocably in love with you.
Words will never be enough to describe his precious feelings, and he intends to go the extra mile for the message to be conveyed to you with his actions.
“I hope you're ready for what awaits you, my dearest,” Ominis mutters against your ear hotly. “... Because we aren't leaving this place until you're thoroughly satisfied.”
The ribbon around your neck was slowly loosened as he tugged on its ends, followed by the unbuttoning of the first button of your blouse, then the second, teasingly halting at the third. A whine bubbled from your lips as he dove into the crook of your neck, assaulting the delicate skin with open-mouthed kisses and occasional licks.
Ominis softly croons your name, inhaling the dizzying scent of your perfume and musk that sends him into a euphoric state. You were an addiction; a drug he could never forgo— it was evident with the way he held you oh so possessively: holding you close to his torso with his mouth latched onto your slender neck, bestowing the expanse of your skin with purplish red marks all while battling the primal urge of sinking his teeth onto your flesh.
He hums with gratification upon feeling your dainty fingers raking through his scalp, your head thrown back generously to grant him better access to your neck. His sinful tongue had already disintegrated the remnants of your self-control at this point, and you wanted nothing more than to chase the desires of your own heated flesh. Your hips began to rock shamelessly, your shaky breath fanning across his ears at the pleasant stimulation. Ominis bit back a moan, his cock delightfully twitching at the sensation of your movements.
“Mmm... Yes… Keep going…” he gasps at the delicious friction of you voluntarily grinding your clothed slit against his concealed shaft. “Such a good girl for me…”
The strain in his pants was getting unbearable by the second, droplets of his precum slowly seeping through the fabric with every sigh of his name that spilled from your saccharine lips. The growl that rumbled from his chest only served as kindling for the ever-growing flames of your feminine pride, the side of your lips twitching ever so slightly into a smirk. 
It was only a matter of time before he finally abandons all remaining shreds of his self-restraint. Who would’ve thought that you could be quite the little tease yourself?
You were taking your sweet time— lazily undoing his tie and unbuttoning his vest and shirt to reveal his pristine alabaster skin beneath the layers of fabric. A pleasant shudder ran through his body as you dragged your tongue along the column of his neck. 
“Ominis… My dearest, Ominis…”
The way you uttered his name with such need had him whimpering, biting his lower lip as your tongue danced across the side of his neck once more. He gulped, letting out a harsh exhale through his mouth as the pads of his fingertips sank into the plushness of your bum.
“Gods... I can’t take this anymore.”
A gasp escapes your mouth as he harshly pushes you down the mattress. He was mindless at his point, panting as his hands began to haphazardly strip you from all articles of clothing— all of which ended up getting tossed randomly in the room in reckless abandon. You bit your lip as he began to shed all of his clothing one by one. 
You were visibly flustered at his tasteful display, witnessing every flex of his toned muscles while your hungry eyes feasted on his bare form. He wastes no time caging you within his lithe frame, lips swooping down to meet yours in a sweet, passionate kiss. It was the calm before the storm; the stark opposite treatment of what was about to happen during the remainder of this session the longer he remains in this dangerous state of unbridled lust. 
The overall experience so far was absolutely divine on his end: caressing your supple skin that was smooth to the touch, inhaling your heady scent as he buries his face into the crook of your neck, all while hearing your breathy moans as he slides his long fingers oh so languidly against your folds.
“So fucking drenched for me…” he hisses softly, before sitting up to lick his honeyed appendages clean. 
“Mine… All mine.”
He grabbed a hold of your ankles, pushing your spread-out legs up before pressing his palm against the back of your thigh to secure you in place. He loved it all— feeling his lips glide across your delicious skin before stopping at your entrance, his shaky breath fanning over your leaking pussy.
It was an obscene position— your legs pried wide open by his palms with your knees close to your chest. You were completely exposed to him, and his mouth was hovering dangerously close to your tight little hole. The scent of your honeypot worsened his unbearable urge to viscerally please you with his tongue; preferably until you were a screaming, quivering mess. He already knew you were going to squirm once his wet muscle landed upon your delicate flower, which prompts him to grasp your thighs harder.
“Stay still for me, will you?” he rasps with pure arousal. “I need to devour you right now.”
A tremor racked through your thighs at the lewdness of his request. Without hesitation, he licks an experimental stripe along your drenched slit, moaning at your delectable taste while you cry in delight, your pelvis bucking up to his face instinctively. 
Truth be told, you weren’t expecting him to be this ravenous— delving his tongue into your folds to collect as much of your juices as possible. But feeling the actual texture of his tongue once again had your brain turning into mush. He felt your thighs attempt to close themselves shut, but your resistance only spurred his mouth to do far more atrocious deeds upon your most sensitive area. 
He yanks you closer to him, draping your legs over his shoulders, his lips never parting from your core as it closes in at your little pearl. Air ceased to exist within your lungs as he flicked his tongue against the bundle of nerves, attacking it with gentle suckles and teasing little prods. Your hands were clawing haplessly against the sheets, gripping whatever it could land itself on as molten fire surged within your veins, your mouth running dry as you gasped for air. You were helpless, given no choice but to keep taking all that he was bringing upon your body, and you loved every single second of it.
It felt too good— how forceful he is, the merciless flicks of his talented tongue, and his fingers that pistons itself in and out of your twitching hole. A chuckle rumbled from his chest as he felt your thighs slowly breaking into tiny little quivers: a tell-tale sign that you were nearing your release. 
You were so close. So fucking close.
Until he stopped, ripping his mouth away from you. 
“W…Why did you— ah!”
He flips you over harshly, his palms hoisting you up by your hips: face down and ass up— just like how he had initially wanted. You felt yourself flush a deep shade of red at yet another provocative position, letting out a surprised mewl as he gave you one final lick from the tip of your nerve bundles all the way up to your dripping folds.
His cock was so painfully stiff: pulsating and leaking beads of clear liquid at the tip. Ominis guides the head of his hardened length on your entrance, teasingly swiping the tip along your well-lubricated slit before easing his way into you, gritting his teeth at the mind-numbing warmth of your slick walls.
“Ohhh, gods… That's it… Gods, you feel incredible…” he drunkenly moaned softly as he bottomed out, indulging in the velvety hold of your fluttering walls. The grip on your waist only tightens as he motions you to the rhythm of his thrusts. It was just like how he remembered— you being oh so utterly pliant to his debauchery and providing him the best sensations that he could ever dream of. 
But this time, it was different. Never had he felt such an array of emotions towards any other person in his entire life. He was young, yes— but he was positively sure that he had been ruined for anyone else. He could never want any other person after all of this. It will always be you. Only you.
The soft groans of your name sounded like a longing prayer as he murmured it onto your flesh, your mind buzzing out of sheer elation as he peppered your nape and shoulders with a flurry of kisses. You propped yourself up on top of the pillows, and you felt him hug your body closer to his. His lips trailed from your shoulder blade all the way to the back of your ear, nipping lightly at the sensitive skin.
Feeling you arch your back against him, he encases your neck into a gentle grasp, humming in satisfaction as you rub your nose affectionately against his cheek. 
“Gods, I love you. I love you so much…” 
You sighed fondly at his profession, claiming his lips with yours, whispering your response amidst the breathy exchange of heated kisses.
“I love you more.”
He couldn't have been happier, nuzzling a ticklish spot on your neck which you responded with a burst of giggles while smiling from ear to ear.
Ominis resumes his movements, his shaft gliding slowly and deeply within you in short strokes. Letting out a soft whine, you began to move your hips to meet his. He took this as a sign, and soon enough, his sense of restraint was thrown out the window once more.
Your stuttered moans were like music to his ears as he gradually started to pound into you, the sound of skin slapping against skin getting more prominent within the quaint little space that the both of you shared. Puffs of warm breath in accompaniment with whispered praises fanned across your ears while you mewled in response in a heady daze. His hands danced along your sides in silent worship; as if he's committing every dip and curve to memory within this moment— that it was he who had reduced you into nothing but a moaning mess.
Ominis grunted, feeling your gummy walls clench as soon as he finally hit the spot that had your eyes rolling out of sinful indulgence. Squelches were soon added to the ongoing symphony of concupiscence, clear slick trickling down your inner thighs as his thrusts quickened. Your head was thrown back, jaw slackened, heaving out gasps of intoxicated, broken pleas.
“Right there… Please, don't stop… Oh, fuck!”
You were close to the edge, and he felt it with his own body— the shudders that racked through you out of your own sensitivity, and the tantalizing constriction of your tight little pussy. This time, he would be more than glad to grant your sweet release.
A cry of surprise bubbled from your lips, the pad of his fingertips swirling around your pert nipples before twisting and pinching them gently as he continued to snap his hips against you. Electrifying shocks of pleasure flowed from your chest to the entirety of your body in a matter of seconds, your heated core gripping his pulsating cock. Your own trembling fingers reach for your swollen clit, rubbing languid circles as your mind slowly blanks out into oblivion. 
“Fuck, I'm close…” he spoke through gritted teeth, achingly trying to prolong his release. “Where do you want it, my love?”
You could only smile at the question deliriously, rubbing your pearl faster as you inched closer to your own high. “Inside… Please, cum inside me. Please…”
How could he ever say no to that?
Every single rock of his pelvis resulted in a delicious moan, spurring him to drive himself deeper and faster within your core to quell the ever-growing, scalding desire that pooled within his loins. The both of you were a complete mess— bodies clad in sweat, hair sticking onto damp skin, and your own juices trickling down your quivering legs. But regardless of this filth, it was all highly addictive— and the both of you would do it over and over again for as long as your bodies permitted.
“Yes… Take it…! Take it! Oh, fuuuuck...” he hissed, his fingertips sinking onto the flesh of your waist almost painfully as he aggressively pumped himself within you.
You let out a whimper, shutting your eyes tightly while clutching the pillows, feeling your walls throb around his eager cock. With a final thrust, his pelvis stilled, ropes of his virile seed spurting within your insides as your hole convulsed and clamped around him, a guttural groan rumbling from his chest. 
He embraced you against his damp skin as he was milked dry before pulling out, his cloudy, viscous liquid oozing out of you slowly. The both of you collapsed on the bed, heavily panting whilst being in a completely mindless daze.
“That was…” you trailed off.
“...Amazing,” he heaved out while you weakly glanced at him, a lazy grin upon your features after hearing his response.
It was a precious moment— just you and him within your own little bubble of pure happiness, basking in the comfortable silence together as the rush from your prior activities slowly dwindled from your system. Ominis drapes his arm around you while you reciprocate his tenderness, gazing upon his baby-blue eyes with your thumb trailing along the moles on his cheek.
As you were playing with the tips of his currently disheveled blonde hair, realization soon dawned upon you— your forgotten assignments. Your once serene expression morphed into one of sheer mortification, sitting up briefly and shoving a very confused Ominis off you out of panic.
“Oh no…” you whispered. 
Ominis' eyebrows furrowed, sitting up immediately upon hearing your despaired tone. 
“What's wrong?”
“We were supposed to be studying, you know! My Herbology essay—”
Ominis couldn’t help but snort in response, biting his lips as he tried to suppress his laughter. 
Merlin, you truly are adorable.
“Stop laughing! This is serious— an academic crisis!”
That agitated, Ravenclaw-like statement only prompted him to chortle out teasingly of pure amusement, much to your chagrin. He yanks you back into his embrace as he plops right back into bed, your head resting atop his chest. Slender fingers combed through your currently messy locks in an attempt to soothe your worries.
“Don't worry about it. I wrote out the summarized notes for you,” he chuckles. “I'm pretty sure you'll be able to finish it easily with that.”
You turned pink at this, both flustered and flattered that he would willingly go out of his way to help voluntarily. 
“Thank you…” you mumbled as he gave a peck on your forehead.
Ominis hums relaxedly, his warm palm thoughtlessly placing itself on your bum, giving it a firm squeeze. Your eyes widened as you felt a certain warm appendage turn stiff, twitching slightly against your lower belly. While softly groaning your name, you were suddenly pinned right back onto the mattress, your wrists pinned at the sides of your head as he swoops down to your neck.
“W…Wait! At least let me drink the potion first!”
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It was during the early hours of the morning, the enchanted window by the bed depicted the scenery of the sun almost peering out from the horizon. You had woken up hours earlier than usual to finish the remnants of your tasks while Ominis was on the bed, still sleeping soundly as you scribbled the last few words for your darn Herbology essay.
“And done!” you softly cheered, placing your quill back into its holder. You tucked the piece of parchment safely between your textbook along with Ominis’ notes gingerly, heaving a sigh of relief. Ominis was an absolute lifesaver this time, and you made a mental note to reciprocate his gesture as soon as you could. 
You glanced at your slumbering lover before scampering towards the bed, placing a tiny note beside his wand.
Grabbed some food for us. I’ll be back soon. I love you.
You gave him a quick smooch on his unsuspecting cheek, adjusting the blankets slightly before creeping to the entrance of your little base. As a precautionary measure, you slowly opened the lid of the wooden chest, peering through the narrow gap. 
You were about to push the lid completely wide open, only for a soft gasp of utter disbelief to escape your lips as you witness a certain Slytherin and Hufflepuff duo walk through the gold-inscribed stone wall, heading right towards the triptych. 
It seems that you and Ominis weren't the only ones that had some sort of secret going on within the Undercroft after all.
“...And now, for the moment of truth…” Sebastian spoke out while Skylar mounted a piece of canvas on one of the panels. You attempted to listen more closely, only to be halted as soon as you heard the muffled calls of your name, prompting you to quickly shut the lid soundlessly, descending down to the enchanted space once again. 
Ominis was sitting up groggily, his blonde hair sticking out wildly at odd places. You quietly giggled at the sight, scuttering towards the bed and sitting beside his rather adorable state.
“You're up already? Blast, I was planning to surprise you with some breakfast,” you chuckled nervously, only to be tugged back into bed by him, who was obviously still very drowsy.
“... No… Stay here with me…” he babbles. “... Need more sleep… You sleep too…”
A kiss was planted on his forehead, which caused him to grin cutely before slipping back into his dreamland within seconds. You smiled cheerfully, unclasping your shoes and letting them fall with a thump against the floor. You melded your body against him, nuzzling the crook of his neck.
But alas, you were unable to completely succumb to that pleasant state of ignorant bliss— not after you’ve witnessed two of your classmates walk through a bloody wall. The triptych, the wall, the Undercroft, a mysterious 5th year student with otherworldly magical abilities, and a young lad seeking the cure of an unknown curse— it was all a jumbled mess that even your mind was incapable of deciphering. You stared at Ominis’ peaceful face, thoughts running through your head before sighing in defeat.
“Oh well. I’ll find out about it soon enough.”
By the nameless artisan's own divine will, they have done it once again, weaving yet another fable within this realm with their own purposeful hands— a story born from an old tale that has yet to find its true ending: to end a recurring cycle of tragedy that has spanned for centuries. 
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< chapter 12: the art of subtlety
chapter 14: in plain sight >
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mounts89 · 1 year
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Second Date
Hi everyone, I love reading Mason fanfics here so I figured I’d try to write my own… Please let me know what you think. 🥺
Word count: 1.4k. Just fluff?
“I thought I’d never see you again” you heard as someone had positioned themselves directly beside you at the bar.
“Hey stranger” you smiled, without even looking at him, yet being able to recognize him by his voice immediately.
It had been about three weeks since you’d last seen him, since you’d gone on your first date with Mason.
“Well,” he began whispering in your ear as he had move dangerously close to you, “wouldn’t be much of a stranger if you finally agreed on a day for our second date.”
The truth was, you wanted to say yes to his relentless texts asking you out on a second date. But his life seemed to be so chaotic, and you weren’t exactly ready to bring him into yours. Between uni, work, and the Chelsea internship, you knew it was no use to try to fit someone into your schedule. At least, that’s what you told yourself.
“I know, I know, I told you I’ve been busy...” you apologized.
“I know, but regardless I’m very happy I’ve seen you again. You look just absolutely gorgeous.”
You turned to look at him for the first time that night, admiring the way he looked under the lights. His hair was more grown out and his beard was messier than the last time you saw him. And his smile. That damn smile that reached his eyes. You knew that if you spent long enough with him, and if you saw that smile long enough, you’d end up caving in and doing anything he’d ask from you.
“Thank you Mase, you look good too.” you smiled at him.
“Two gin and tonics please, my tab” he turned towards the bartender before resuming his conversation with you.
“So I must ask, Y/N. What brings you in here. You’ve been too busy to go out with me but you seem to have time to go out to the clubs in this little black dress.” he said half-jokingly, although you could sense a tone of hurt in his voice.
“It’s my best friends birthday.” you pointed towards your friend who was on the dance floor, dancing with a man she’d had her eye on the whole night.
“And-” you continued “believe it or not it’s the first time I’ve gone out since I last went out with you.“ you said in a serious tone as you pointed at his chest as you felt you were being interrogated.
“Alright, alright missy.” He chuckled before grabbing your hand that had been resting on his chest to interlace his fingers with yours. “No need to get so feisty, I believe you. I’m sorry if I came off defensive.” he finished as he brought your hand close to his lips, placing a gentle kiss.
You’d both been entranced in your own little world, you had not noticed the bartender had placed your drinks in front of you.
Just as you were about to resume your conversation, you were interrupted.
“Hi, you must be Mason. Nice to meet you. Sorry to interrupt but Y/N, I’m going home with Nathan. I’ll pay for your cab home. Don’t wait up, yes I’ll be safe. Love you bye.” your friend said all in one breath as she disappeared following the blonde who was leading the way.
You noticed Mason share a look with the stranger your friend was leaving with as he waved goodbye to both of them.
“So, you talk about me.” Mason smirked at you, getting a boost of confidence, knowing that you talked about him to your friends. Just like he did.
“Mason. You’re focusing on the wrong thing here. She’s going home with a stranger. A blonde one at that. And a short one, too. What if he’s a murderer? What if he kills her on her birthday? Surely no one is that twisted, right?”
He couldn’t help the laugh he let out as he let you rant and he looked at you amusingly.
“My friend’s death funny to you?” you questioned as you found nothing about the situation to be comical.
“The stranger.” he explained, “The blonde, short stranger is my best friend, Nathan. He lives with me. I promise you as soon as I get home, I will make sure your friend’s alive and well. And I will send her to yours back in one piece tomorrow.”
You felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you as you let out a laugh, too. “Oh. I’m sorry. I’m sure he’s lovely and to be fair she’s really short so she doesn’t need someone much taller.” you apologized.”
“I promise you she’ll be okay. Plus, I need to have a serious chat with her tomorrow.”
“Why’s that?”
“I need to thank her…” he begins, inching dangerously closer to your ear as he whispers “for finally letting me see you again.” he finishes his thought by pressing a kiss to your cheek.
Your rolled your eyes at him as you looked away while sipping your drink. You’d very quickly noticed that physical touch was his love language, feeling yourself get shy by the affection he was giving you. Your fourth drink in your hand not helping, as you felt the alcohol catching up to you.
“I gotta be honest with you. I’m kinda drunk right now and would love it if you walked me home. It’s about a 20 minute walk. Only if you can?” you said quietly, afraid of what his answer might be.
He smiled at you, giving you a look you couldn’t quite discern. “I would love to.”
You held his hand as you lead the way through the sweaty bodies on the dance floor. Wanting to let him know that you were okay with his touches without saying it out loud.
As you walked on the streets, you noticed it had began to lightly rain, and without saying anything, he places his jacket around your shoulders. Taking the opportunity to bring himself closer to you.
You two chatted as you lead the way, catching up on what you both had been up to since the last time you’d seen him.
Conversation flowed so naturally with Mason. You felt you could talk about anything and be yourself without fear of judgement. Somewhere along the way, it became clear to you that while you had, indeed, been busy, there was another reason you kept trying to postpone your second date with Mason. If you are honest with yourself, it was probably the main reason. You were scared of how much you liked him. You were scared of how easily you let your guard down with him. Especially with him, Mason Mount. Football superstar, Mason Mount, who surely could have anyone he wanted.
“This is me.” you tell him as you stop walking in front of your building.
“Well, Y/N. I had a lovely time on our second date.” he tells you as he gives you a quick hug and kiss to your forehead.
You stay there for a while, enjoying his embrace and taking in his scent.
“This was not our second date, Mount” you say just above a whisper looking down, afraid to look at him.
“We had drinks. We had a lovely chat while I walked you home for about,” he pulled out his phone from the pocket of his jeans “twenty seven minutes… I got you home safe and sound. And before you go up” he took a brief pause placing his hand on your cheek, forcing you to look at him. “I’m going to give you a quick kiss goodnight, if you let me. And that, miss Y/N, sounds exactly like a second date.
You couldn’t help the smile from forming across your face, blushing as you see him mirror it. Finding the whole thing silly yet endearing.
You both lean into each other as he places a chaste kiss on your lips. A barely there kiss, but just enough to keep you wanting more.
“Well then, I guess you’ll have to text me what to wear for our third date.” you tell him, after a few seconds of silence, as you’re about to give him his jacket back.
“I will see you. In less than three weeks this time. And you can give me my jacket back then. Thank you for another lovely date.” he tells you before you disappear into your flat.
Everything you had felt in your first official date with Mason. Hope, happiness, excitement, fear; you now felt times two.
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themattress · 7 months
The Top 5 Carmen Sandiego Adaptations
And by adaptations, I strictly mean mediums in which you as a player serve no function, you are only here to observe. Therefore not the computer games, nor the board games, nor the choose-your-own-adventure style books. Just the shows, chapter books, and comic books.
Honorable(?) Mention: The DC Comics Series.
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This only lasted four issues before being cancelled, and honestly? I can see why. I like the idea behind this series, which is compositing the various versions of Carmen Sandiego into one (the older games, the newer games, the PBS gameshow...had it continued we may have gotten stuff from the syndicated animated series.) The problem is that there is way too much going on in almost every panel. It's the equivalent of an obnoxious children's show that thinks constant movement and loud noises is the only way to keep its young viewer's attention. Beyond that, the main character Evan and his sidekick Bazooka Mel aren't that interesting or likeable, and Carmen herself barely shows up or does anything. It was a nice try, but it failed.
5: Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
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This PBS gameshow was the successor to Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, lasting for two seasons and a total of 115 episodes across 1996 and 1997. For comparisons sake, its predecessor lasted for five seasons across five years, with a total of 295 episodes. And that kind of says it all. I like things about this show - having people play historical figures and interact with the contestants is fun, the villains, also depicted by real-life actors, are a good balance of wacky and intimidating especially with the creepy effects around them and their willingness to attack the contestants directly, and much like its predecessor the final solo challenge is always exciting to watch. The problem is that it just doesn't feel like Carmen Sandiego. ACME is suddenly this hard sci-fi oriented group feeling more like the Federation from Star Trek than a detective agency, Carmen is a cackling supervillain out to make people miserable rather than a classy master thief, and while Lynne Thigpin's Chief is as delightful as ever, she and Kevin Shinick just lack the chemistry she had with Greg Lee....heck, Shinick himself is a major step down from Lee in just about every way. I think he was funnier in the Robot Chicken sketch about the show than he ever was on the show itself! I feel as though if this show was its own thing, totally removed from Carmen Sandiego, it would work better.
4: Carmen Sandiego
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The recent Netflix series has a wonderful two-part pilot, "Becoming Carmen Sandiego", that shows exactly how this incarnation is going to differ from previous ones - namely with Carmen being an anti-hero going against V.I.L.E with the help of "Player" rather than the leader of V.I.L.E who "Player" is trying to catch - and with a lot of interesting possibilities on the horizon, particularly with its somewhat darker tone and reinventions of characters from several separate past continuities. And it's all downhill from there! OK, that's a bit harsh, but as I've noted recently the show really did squander its potential more and more with each passing season, culminating in a finale that made it crushingly clear that the developers did just seek to keep Carmen an anti-hero the whole way rather than go through the villain origin story that was logically being set up. It never felt like it truly knew what it wanted to be, and almost every character and plotline ended up suffering as a result. It's got great visual style and superb voice-acting, and I appreciate the attention it brought back to the otherwise dead property, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone as a first experience with Carmen Sandiego.
3: The Carmen Sandiego Mysteries
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This series of juvenile chapter books had a total of six installments: two representing World, two representing USA, and two representing Time. And it's a shame that's all we got, because these were pretty damn good! Maya and Ben are likable leads, Carmen is a competent and even somewhat threatening villain while still maintaining her own personal code of ethics, and it does what a good adaptation should in keeping the feel and style of the computer games while also making allowances for the medium shift. I especially like "Take the Mummy and Run", which includes some legit emotional drama and a non-Carmen villain.
2: Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?
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Pretty similar to the Carmen Sandiego Mysteries books in that it features a young boy/girl duo of detectives hunting down a similarly characterized Carmen. But this being a syndicated animated TV show rather than a book series, it lasted longer - 40 episodes total, and even got its own spinoff computer game Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition. There's also more of an action-y feel to it despite the network censors preventing anything overtly violent from happening, siblings Zack and Ivy are even more charismatic protagonists than Ben and Maya, and the great Rita Moreno just is Carmen; her alluring voice probably sticks out in most people's memory when thinking about the character. I do question why an AI Chief was used rather than a human one, as that just feels weird, but thanks to Rodger Bumpass' voicework he gets a lot of laughs so I can let it slide. The one thing that drags this show down is the educational aspect, as it manifests in a lot of ham-fisted monologuing from characters that grinds the pacing of each episode to a halt every time. Guys, you're in a 22-minute TV episode, not Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors! You're kind of pressed for time here! It's the one thing I think the Netflix show actually did better, as while there were still lines here and there serving as educational the series usually focused on showing rather than telling as should be expected of the animation medium. However...this theme song goes way harder than it needs to, so maybe that balances things out. And speaking of stellar theme songs....
1: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
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This legendary PBS gameshow simply IS Carmen Sandiego distilled into a compact form easily transmitted via airwaves. It's got the thrill of the chase while learning more about the world down perfectly, it's got the old-school detective vibe and the quirky humor, and it's got a stellar cast of characters - not only is this the first time Carmen herself displayed any real personality, but we've got a truly memorable Rogues Gallery of V.I.L.E operatives serving her. And even if the different kid contestants opposing them each episode do nothing for you, we still have Lynne Thigpen as THE Chief of ACME, Greg Lee as one of the funniest and most energetic gameshow hosts you could ask for, and of course - ROCKAPELLA! It's easy to see why this show endured for as long as it did and while it's still fondly looked upon even now.
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kleefkruid · 4 months
How does the situation with the Rooftop Strays work? Like, do they hang out in your house sometimes, did you semi-adopt these cats? Just curiousity, your comics and pics are a delight
Yeah so the buildings of my block are squeezed together, and inside is a bit of leftover space that belongs to some of the huises, I'm talking in total smaller than the average garden outside the city. And there's a few second story balconies looking over it, like mine. And one of the patches of garden is neglected and overgrown. There is a bit of rooftop, like gray, flat, between the neglected garden + my neighbors garden and the two balconies above it.
When I started going on my balcony this thin, grey (grey as in dirty and dusty not naturally gray) would just sit on the rooftop 20 meters away and hiss at me. Everytime. It was a bit comical bc I never had a cat hiss at me so far of in the distance, but we soon figured out what was going on when someone, me or someone else moving my stuff I don't remember, spotted a kitten in the bushes below. She was basically going "Don't you dare think about it!!" While I didn't know what there was to think about.
This was Michelle, and the kitten is Kotelet. Michelle was clearly left behind by someone bc you can access (or leave) this middle part, and she had turned this space into her territory and I was. not welcome. However, she did welcome herself into my house when I was airing out the appartment and ate some kibble, desperate and hungry and feeding a kitten. And I let her do it and gave her some extra opportunities to do it. Eventually she met Oskar and Marcel, my actual kats, and she slapped at them but they're social and kinda stupid so they thought she was trying to play because nothing bad has happened to them ever. She also figured this out and just started treating them a bit like overgrown kittens, probably bc they're spayed and again kinda stupid and meow at other cats. So they become like a clique. The kitten still lives in the garden. I'm still not cool and not part of the gang no matter how much she sees the boys interacting with me.
A few weeks later, kitten becomes big enough, starts to climb on shit, immediately gets on the wall and falls off into the other garden. Now, my below neighbor has not moved in yet. So there is nothing to climb back out on and Michelle can't get to her. So I call my landlord asking if they're showing the apartment today and if not if it's ok I break in for a moment. They can't come so I got a ladder from neighbors by literally just asking at houses bc I didn't know anyone until this Maroccan family just gave theirs with mild amusement bc "I need to get a kitten out of a hole" is quite a sidequest. But I got there, got out the kitten (with much protest and yelling from the baby, who decided she was being eaten) while Michelle looked on, and when I got back on the roof I handed her her kitten back.
Since then, she actually started directly interacting with me so I guess I passed the commune check by getting her kid back to the nest, so to say? I don't know how much they rationalise that kind of stuff but there was a noticable change before and after. I brought food, took care of the kids (once) so I was allowed to not be hissed at any more.
After that it's all just slow socialising process, which I did for a bit at a shelter so it's a bit of a fun side project bc the shelter here is kinda shitty and weren't interested in taking them. So I'm slowely getting them used to everything, the newest thing is sitting inside with the door closed, they used to freak out when I tried doing that.
Michelle basically only needs to learn the litterbox so maybe Danny might take her when he gets a better set-up, we have a few loose options. Kotelet is more sifficult bc she's more feral and she refuses any cat food op untill this point. She literally gags when she smells it... which, same tbh. But she does make progress in other fields so I'll see how far I can get. She didn't start interacting with me until much more recent.
So yeah they're basically part time here, on the balcony or they wait by the door to be let in and hang out for a few hours. My entire childhood we always had about 3-4 cats that were ex strays so I'm kinda used to this happening. Cats will find you.
Anyways Michelle is white now and has a nice coat and kotelet is still fucking tiny bc you can't change that.
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hikennosabo · 9 months
trimax vol 10 random thoughts (ch 5-8)
part 1 here.
okay, time for part 2. i don't want to do this, i have a pit in my stomach.
chapter 5:
destroying razlo's punishers... a good strategy!
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getting leverage to jump by stepping on his leg, i love it
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you could say he. he was. *wheeze*... i guess you could say he was... ...disarmed... [a comically large hook drags me off the stage]
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wolfwood and razlo just met today (not technically but y'know), but he can read razlo so well already, taunting him like this.
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THIS FIGHT...!!! it's reminding me of vash vs knives in the finale of the 98 anime! one black gun and one white gun, and them being on even ground, making the same moves...
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they're an even match when they're just whaling on each other, but wolfwood has tactics that razlo doesn't. also this is an insanely cool move.
chapter 6:
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^ how it feels to read trigun maximum (said again)
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^ how it feels to read trigun maximum (said for a third time)
he knows wolfwood is dying. we know wolfwood is dying. he can't do anything to stop it. we can't do anything to stop it. (except for refusing to keep turning the pages, i guess)
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vash can't do anything to stop wolfwood from dying, but he can help wolfwood go out on his own terms...
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livio interfering... i'm not an expert but this is not how DID works. but sure. the drama carries it.
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razlo realizes very fast that chapel never cared. despite his verbal denial, i think he was realizing way before this.
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DESERVED!!! YES.... KILL!!!!!!
of course razlo can only attack. attack, like how he killed livio's parents. not that chapel doesn't deserve it, but this is the only thing razlo knows how to do.
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ough. livio apologizing... "i'm okay now"...
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so is razlo just gone now? like i said, i'm not a DID expert, i know re-integration(? not sure if that's the correct term sorry) is possible, but i don't know if this is how it works...
honestly, i feel bad for razlo. he only knew a life of violence, he was manipulated and indoctrinated by chapel, all he wanted was to be needed but his last experiences are finding out that chapel didn't care about him and then livio telling him he doesn't need him anymore. poor guy.
chapter 7:
oh, no, i don't want to read this chapter again. don't make me read this chapter again.
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the difference between this and tristamp... stamp had the orphanage much more directly tied to EoM, and a bunch of guys in suits came to pick wolfwood up. this scene is a lot more "normal," a lot less obviously suspicious. idk if i'd go so far as to say stamp!melanie was in on the whole thing, but she doesn't look happy about wolfwood leaving... i do wonder how stampede will handle all this... ANYWAY!
"six years"... lmao. now i understand what people meant when they said the timeline is confusing. it's killing me and i hate it, actually?! nightow ALL you had to do was NOT specify a number!!!
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the coins... i constantly forget about them and i find it funny whenever they're brought up... they were so clearly meant to set the ghg up as a shonen battle enemy-of-the-month type thing but then that got thrown off the rails when the magazine ceased publication and everything got turned upside down. yet the coins persist. what are they all for in the end.
also i'm sad. this is wolfwood's paltry attempt at pushing vash away. (also he's been carrying rai-dei's coin this whole time?! lol?! that's also sad... just waiting to give it to vash i guess...)
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"this is the way you want it? are you sure?" i'm just fucking inconsolable at this point.
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of course this attempt at sincere emotion is deflected. you boys are so, so, so, so, so stupid.
i can't do this man. i can't review the couch scene. i'm crying too much.
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the prayer. this especially is getting to me. we've seen wolfwood pray a few times, but now it's vash's turn to pray. we've never seen him do that. and while vash was there to answer wolfwood's prayer... there is no one to answer vash.
what if i climbed into the microwave right fucking now.
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ourgh. out of all the images in this chapter, this is the one that stuck with me the most. even more than the couch images. ugh, i can't even fucking write.
chapter 8:
i don't know where else to say this...? lol but livio's personality is different, he's cute now. is this because he broke out of the EoM brainwashing or because he integrated with(???) razlo? (once again: IS this how this works???) or is it both? either way he's a lot more expressive than he was before...
other people have already talked about how we didn't see the burial. i'm also thinking about everything else we didn't see. vash buried wolfwood, and he also cleaned up outside, brought livio in and laid him down, gathered ingredients and started cooking...
how long did he sit on that couch for before he moved. how much and how hard did he cry. we didn't see that either. we don't need to.
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knives. he's smearing blood on his face again.
his laughter... i don't think he finds this funny like "haha funny" necessarily, i think he's just losing it.
vash defends the orphanage and knives doesn't even push it. he just moves on. hmm, i'm trying to articulate this... vash's display of power used up more of his life, which knives noticed obviously, and vash is willing to go that far to protect the orphanage... knives still doesn't want vash to die, and... he's laughing out of disbelief, or something like that. i don't know.
vash and livio sharing a meal together is... it's nice. but vash is still clearly very angry. with livio, with razlo, with himself too probably.
i don't know. i'm not angry with livio or razlo at all. they were both victims of chapel same as wolfwood. this is all chapel's fault in my mind, lol.
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we're gonna see this in stampede too, aren't we. wolfwood will die for a third time and we're gonna see vash holding the punisher.
the fact that this volume doesn't even have the goofy author extra... we're just forced to sit with this. man. the book club wasn't kidding, it's so much worse the second time around. the first time i cried a little but i was mostly just taking it all in. the second time i was like actually heaving and sobbing. reading this volume twice within a few days was a BAD IDEA.
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noforkingclue · 2 years
Ignored Warnings (John Constantine x reader)
Summary: You tried to warn him, you really did. Too bad John didn’t pay attention to you until it was too late.
Author’s Note: writing for someone new so I hope this is ok! I’ve been wanting to write something John Constantine related for a while now, plus I’ve started reading Hellblazer again (easily one of my favourite comics!). The reader is a seer in this fic
DC tag list: @mxacegrey
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
It was raining. It always seemed to be raining in Newcastle.
You leant against the wet brick wall of the alleyway as you fumbled in your pockets for your packet of cigarettes. You didn’t want to be here, you wanted to be anywhere but here, but you had to be. You saw it happen and if you didn’t follow through with what you saw you were going to get an awful migraine.
“Looking for these?”
You closed your eyes as the sickeningly familiar voice cut through the night. The alley seemed to absorb the noise of the traffic, the drunken shouting becoming muffled against the expectant silence. A click of a lighter jolted you out of your thoughts as wet footsteps slowly approached you.
“You knew what was going to happen.”
“Of course.”
“And you didn’t think to warn any of us? To warn me.”
“You didn’t want to know.”
“Why don’t you say that to my fucking face.”
“You made your choice, Constantine,” you hissed, “I tried to tell you but you chose not to listen.”
In a flash John gripped your shoulders and slammed you against the brick wall. Your vision swum as the back of your head connected with the brick before slowly becoming clear again. You wish that it hadn’t. You wished that you were capable of magic and could disappear through the wall.
John blonde hair was stuck to his head, one of your cigarettes dangling between his teeth. You reached up and plucked it free and took a deep drag. You were surprised that he didn’t put up much more of a fight to retain it.
“You should’ve made me listen.”
“That’s your trouble,” you said, “You’re too stubborn. You never listen to anyone unless they’re agreeing with you.”
“You could’ve helped.”
“I tried,” you snapped, “But you didn’t want my help because I told you not to.”
“She was a child.”
“And you damned her to hell!”
“Don’t you think I don’t know that!”
The rain seemed to get heavier. John locked eyes with you before you quickly looked away. John sighed and rested his head on your shoulder. You tensed at the action as he muttered,
“You should’ve said what was going to happen. I thought we were… friends.”
“Y’know that isn’t true.”
John raised his head slowly as you took another drag on the quickly dying cigarette. You offered him it and tried not to shudder as his calloused fingers grazed against yours. You inhaled deeply as John blew a stream of smoke directly at you, not giving you the same courtesy as you gave him by trying to direct it away. For a second you had forgotten just how close the two of you were but that dragged you back into reality. John’s warm body pressing you up against the cold brick wall. For some reason the rain seemed to be avoiding you and you put that down to John’s magic. The sound of John putting out the butt on the wall brought you out of your thoughts.
“So this is it,” you asked, “Goodbye.”
“Has to be, love.”
After a moment’s hesitation John stepped away. Immediately the rain started up again and you glared at him. The corner of John’s lip twitched as he threw you the pack of cigarettes that he had stolen. Oh well, at least the bastard had the decency to re-fill them. Who knew that magic could be useful on occasion?
“Oh and y/n?”
You looked over at John who was walking back out of the alley.
“If I see you again, I will kill you.”
“Thanks for the warning.”
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