#it's so frustrating when i KNOW id understand something and it would be like
You don't have to read this, but I've been thinking about ways to escape that situation. I would consider this a test run because we don't know their hunting strategies. Instead of focusing on running away, I would focus on understanding their patterns, as we know they are Mafia workers who search for people, and we don't know what kind of roles they have in their search. I'm considering whether or not to tell Dust about something, but I'm worried that he or my home might be bugged. If I do decide to tell him, I'll write a note explaining my reasons and wait for Horror to watch over us. While I wait, I'll inspect the garden for any weak points in the walls and observe the usual guard shift times. I might also pretend to have trouble sleeping and ask for some sleeping medication. I know Nightmare would attempt to help me, but he can't be available 24/7, and he won't be there every night, and I would ask for some sleep medication. And when it's Horror's turn I will dump the appropriate amount in his food or drink to mask the drugs when adding drugs to food or drink, I would use sugar to mask the taste and spices to cover up the smell. He is the main person hunting us down, and it's frustrating for Killer and Dust because they primarily used him to track us from the beginning. I will use the tough fabric of our curtains to tie knots and cut them to make a makeshift rope. Then, I will hail the nearest taxi, pay in cash, and instruct the driver to take us to the docks. I would take a boat tour to travel to the other side of the lake assuming that we live near one. They usually don't ask for ID, but I would choose a cheaper one just in case. I would be willing to pay extra if they do ask for it. Once I reach the other side, I would go to one of the destinations and start my new life without them.
An admirable attempt, to be sure. And there's a genuine chance you could get some distance away before they find you, which is no small feat. But there are some pitfalls you might have overlooked.
Guard shifts overlap. Nightmare has been in the game long enough to know the common breaks in armour. He's not just keeping you in; he's keeping his enemies out.
The boys might be dumb, but they're not stupid. They're incredibly observant. They would be able to tell that you're watching the guards.
Nightmare will be able to smell mounting anxiety about an escape attempt.
Where would you get the cash for the taxi? Additionally, you are really throwing the dice by getting a cab from outside Nightmare's home. Good luck finding a driver that isn't on Nightmare's payroll. In fact, good luck finding anywhere in the city where there isn't anyone loyal to Nightmare. There's a reason Dust was so agitated by Nightmare liking you... there's a reason he told you you can't leave.
You're gonna need a lot of fucking sleep meds to knock Horror out for any significant amount of time.
Horror is the fastest at finding you, sure. But if he's out of action, Nightmare will happily take his place on the hunt. And that isn't a good thing for you.
Also... perhaps the biggest issue.
You know food is sacred to Horror right? Incredibly sacred. To him, it's synonymous with love, with care, with connection. Food sharing in the Underground was how you told someone you valued their life. And accepting food was how you expressed the ultimate vulnerability. Horror doesn't accept food from just anyone.
Not only did you tamper with his food, you offered it to him under false pretences. You took advantage of the fact that he cared for you enough to eat/drink whatever you offer. I hope you realise you've absolutely shattered his trust.
He will never believe you, or let his guard down around you, ever again.
You monster.
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invisiblyvisiblejay · 4 months
god gave me executive dysfunction bc if i could focus for more than 20 minutes every two hours and switch tasks id be too powerful
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munamania · 7 months
something that makes me feel guilty is the fact that seeing that persons face rn literally makes me angry. they walked into class and i nearly winced. and in all fairness they were quite kind to me. outside of the several kind of odd red flags. girl whatever. to be quite frank i am a horny bastard and vocal proud etc but few people interest me enough to actually want to hang out with and get to know And i have deep seated intimacy issues so it's like. we really dont have a shot unless the circumstances r exactly right on a full moon perfect thursday of a month etc like. well and tbh i probably would have fucked around with this person but i dont... care... about some big relationship w them.. and i know i could be a relationship girl like eventually i have it in me to have a muse that's what im built for i think idc but not rn... rn i need to hang out with my friends and do my film stuff and have people that maybe wanna make out sometimes is that so much to ask for. for a lesbian at a bar to want to make out perhaps. ** for there to be lesbians at the bars to potentially make out with.
#and i am quite lonely yes thank u for asking. yeah someday id love to get to know someone again in the context of falling in love#what about it. so what now. i dont think im meant for our understanding of romantic love but boy do i crave it#why am i having this moment rn. well ok consider im on my period all i could think about this morning was [redacted] and both parties#of my dyke drama were back in class today. and the one gay person that i think has a crush on me but we dont see each other super often#so im just. guessing based on the way awkward lesbians communicate. idk#and i feel really just mean but i quite literally dont have it in me to pretend to be nice to this person anymore#i wasnt like. some villain for realizing we were acting really coupley and being like oh shit because i didnt want to hurt them#. and trying to communicate and put some distance between us when i thought they were probably in too deep. it's unfortch it took me a sec#but jesus christ yk i cant walk around and feel awkward about it forever. and im frustrated by the fact that we're just acting so odd#but again frankly i think it's largely bc they have an unhealthy relationship with dating. THROWING HORIZONTAL PUNCHES HERE.#OK. STONES FROM A GLASS HOUSE. IM AWARE. REAL RECOGNIZES REAL.#and YET. despite my past insanity. ive been kind. i can understand disappointment and a little awkwardness#but jesus would you rather i pretend to be in love with you for months and then really break your heart.#this is where i get mean and make a joke like well hey if we couldve had weird really mediocre sad angry dyke sex abt it#that would have been cool with me. but alas. we're here instead and it's fucking with my friendships too#and like we were kind of ok friends too. what now. its just u me and this brick wall u built between us bitch#now was EYE not answering texts for a minute. we dont need to get into it.#because the thing IS if i dont play things exactly right. and im not good at that without prior planning. i will accidentally say or do#something that i know. again. from being insane myself. would be just enough for them to hold onto hope#and im not trying to do that to them you know. i was trying to help with the detachment. shitty as it may be. i dont fucking know dude#this post is going to make me look kind of. well. whatever u guys have seen me at my worst. mostly. and post#ok one last thing sorry if this makes me sound like i have a giant ego. like wow heres this person who really liked me and im just shitting#all over them. not what im meaning to do but whatever
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confetti-critter · 1 year
I was upset at work when my coworker killed that wasp even though I was running over to her with a cup+ saying DONT KILL IT, and taking a shower I got upset all over again hhhhrgghhhhhhhggursugsgfggghhh <- me being upset
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vroomvro0mferrari · 2 months
LN4 | Panic at the Disco
Summary: When you call your brother to pick you up from the club, it's his best friend who answers.
Lando Norris x Fewtrell!Reader
WC: 1.3K
Warnings: Maybe slight panic attack, insinuated sexual harassment/assault
Part 2
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You rush through the club in a hurry, bumping into God knows how many people as you search for the exit. The hot, stuffy air makes it even more difficult to breathe as you keep pushing through the crowd. You can feel the wetness of your tears run down your cheeks as you reach the exit, nearly running into the bouncer checking IDs outside. You stand close to him as you wipe your cheeks and sniffle, trying to calm yourself down while you rummage through your purse in search of your phone. Taking a deep breath, you call your brother.
You wait impatiently as the phone rings. He doesn’t answer, so you call again. And again. Eventually, after three tries, the phone is picked up. 
“Hello? Max?” You say rushedly.
You hear some noise on the other side. In your frenzy, you don’t realise it’s not your brother, not from the mere grumpy hello the phone is answered with.
“Can you come pick me up? Please?” The sheer panic you’re experiencing is clear in your voice. Lando can even hear your sniffling through the phone as you wipe your hand under your nose. 
“Y/N? Is that you? Are you crying?” He asks, much more awake now as he sits up from his position on the couch.
“Who’s this? Lando?” You realise now that you hear him speak; it's your brother’s best friend – to your frustration.
“Why are you answering my brother’s phone?” You ask annoyed.
“We were just hanging out, he fell asleep and-”
“You know what – it doesn’t matter. Can you tell him to come pick me up please?”
“Where are you?”
“I’m not sure, uhm, it’s called Palace, I think.” You sniffle, “You’ll send him to get me?” You ask hopefully.
“I’ll come get you myself. I’m just putting my shoes on, I’ll be there in a bit.” He says, putting your brother’s phone on speaker mode and stepping into his shoes.
“Lando you don’t have to come, just tell Max to come pick me up, please. I need him right now.” You say, frustrated that Lando wants to come. He’s not who you want and need at this moment; you need someone who you can trust, who’ll protect you and make you feel safe after what just happened. You need your brother, a close friend, or maybe even your father, but not Lando. Why can’t he understand that? You can feel your tears welling up again in frustration.
Lando ignores you, however. “Are you safe right now? You should try to find a group of people or something, stick to them until I get there, okay?”
“Lan-” He cuts you off, in a rush to get to you. 
“Do you want to stay on the phone? I’m getting in the car right now, I’ll be there in, like, eight minutes.”
“Lando, just send Max, please.”
“I’m already in the car. Do you want me to stay on the line, or not?” You hear the car revving in the background.
You sigh. Nevertheless, you’re relieved he’s on his way and you don’t have to stay here much longer. “That’s not necessary, Lando. I’m with the bouncer right now. Just come quick, please?” You’ve given up on the idea that your brother might come, Lando’s very much set in his ways.
“Of course, I’ll be right there.” Lando says firmly before hanging up.
Although you and Lando aren’t the best of friends, you get along well enough. Regardless, you get caught up in discussions quite regularly; both of you are passionate and stubborn in your opinions – it rarely happens that you and Lando do not end up being separated by your brother or a mutual friend. However, that you know exactly how to push each other's buttons doesn’t mean Lando doesn’t care about you. In fact, the opposite is true. Although he would never admit it, Lando has liked you for quite a while and cares for you deeply, even though he doesn’t generally show his feelings. And so, when you call him (well, not him specifically, but that doesn’t matter) crying and upset, he worries about you. He could’ve woken up your brother, who you obviously would have preferred over him, but he wants to be the one who’s there for you. He wants to be the one who protects you and keeps you safe – better yet, the one who makes you feel safe, if he could ever accomplish such a thing.
Lando exceeds his own expectations when he arrives at the nightclub in under five minutes. Already spotting you standing with the big, bulky bouncer, arms wrapped around yourself in an attempt to keep yourself warm in the cold, late night (or early morning) breeze. He carelessly parked his car on the side of the road, barely turning on the hazard lights before exiting the car. 
“Y/N! Are you okay?” He jogs towards the club entrance, concern showing on his face.
You lifted your head at the familiar voice yelling your name. Quickly thanking the bouncer who kept you company, you rushed over to the familiar boy. You had never been so happy to see Lando.
He pulled you into his arms as soon as you were within his reach. Cradling your head and brushing your hair with one hand, while the other pulled you closer by your waist. Although you initially wanted your brother to come, this was good too – you’d even go as far as to say you were enjoying it. Despite your differences, Lando’s presence (more specifically, his strong arms holding you tight) made you feel at ease and calmed you down. He relieved the tenseness of your body and you relaxed in his hold. Hiding your face in his neck and fisting the fabric of his shirt, you nestled yourself comfortably in Lando’s body and exhaled the breath you had been holding.
He buried his nose in your hair on the top of your head, breathing in your scent and smiling at the feeling of you snuggling into him. It felt right, so right, to be holding you like this. He whispers, “Are you okay?” You merely nod your head, not wanting to leave his embrace. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” He questions further.
You stay silent, enjoying Lando’s strong hold on you. It makes you feel safe. Safe enough to share what happened in the club. “There was some random guy who thought he was entitled to my attention.” You mumble into his neck.
“He didn’t touch you, did he?” He continues, already fearing the answer.
You let a silence fall before answering, “He did,”
Lando squeezes you tighter at the revelation. He’s not surprised a man ruined your fun night out.
You continue quickly, “But there were some girls who helped me, and I think they kicked him out. I’m not sure though, I left as soon as I could. Then I called Max, but he didn’t answer, and now…”
“I’m sorry,” Lando says, a pained expression on his face. “Men are shit.”
You let out a small laugh and Lando can barely avoid shivering at the feeling of your warm breath hitting the sensitive skin of his neck. Nevertheless, he smiles in accomplishment when he hears the sound, glad he could cheer you up.
“You want to go home? To my place, I mean, Max is there…”
“Yes,” You say into Lando’s neck, sighing before distancing yourself from him.
He kisses the top of your head before letting you leave his hold, “Let’s go then.” He says, pulling you along to his car, still tucked into his side.
– – – – –
Part 2
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mrfoox · 1 year
Wtf is my fascination with this little freak.... Hes just a dude but I'm so intrigued, I'm tired
#miranda talking shit#Its been two years but i still dont understand him so im guessing thats why#Tbf we didnt become closer until a year ago or something so yeah. But since day one i just felt like it was something with him and now im#Frustrated. Hes literally just a dude. Yet my brain find him so fascinating. I know i in general am very interested in people i like#But this guy man... I think it might be because i can understand him and thus cant predict him? My brain does love a mystery.#I mean i had an fairly intense period of 3-6 months where i was super fascinated by fabian. I still kinda am but now i think#I understand how he works over all so i do not feel the intense need to ask him all kinds of things and analyze? Bc now i have an decent#Idea of how he works. Meanwhile this little freak is almost the opposite of me in everything and i just want to study him. I think in a way#He reminds me of myself at least in the way of 'dealing' with mental problems etc. Or rather my past self. So i want to challenge him to do#It differently. I dont think i have an savior conplex or something when it comes to him bc i do basically not... Tell him to change?#I dont think i could change him. So thats not what my fascination comes from... But holy shit i just want to talk with him about everything#Also probably why i like him that he will answer any questions i ask. No topic has been bad or too weird and i appriciate that in others#But nah. Never been this intrested in someone whos this diffrent than me ever. I always need to have something major in common for a strong#Intrest. But here its like... We are both introverts ... And both social actors/pretenders... Otherwise our similarities are pretty small#I really wish i knew exactly why my brain is so intrested in him . I think its my hyperfixation being activated unfortunately.#Technically he have a lot of things/traits i dont like? But still i dont find him annoying or something?#Many things i dont agree or have the same opinion as him on. But i just find it refreshing ? Maybe its bc i basically havent known anyone#Like him. Hes not the type of person i attract or even put my time into i think. That's why ive told him we'd not be friends if we didn't#Meet this way. I would probably not have wanted to talk to him and i cant see him wanting to talk to me. Especially if we met when younger#No way teen Miranda would not go near him iajdjfjskskd id like to discuss this with him but im scared to scare him and scared to learn#Something bad or him not caring for me or something. I know he doesnt care about many things so id not be suprised but#Fuck this guy. I wamt to obsess over a video game instead where there are wikis to read /:
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
I think one of the biggest issues I have is just assuming that Im a back up friend to everyone
#dgmw! its never been a big deal I dont care much and I understand#and this is gonna sound edgy but i find it difficult to feel emotion that isnt really intense? if that makes sense#so i dont think i realise how lonely i am a lot of the time ://#idk. its weird.#I see people at school I would consider myself quite close to because in reality i have like one close friend#and seeing them be so close to their friends hurts a lil yknow?#not mad at them obviously just. around them#Especially when theyre dudes. theyll never understand how jealous i am of them#or that one friend i really enjoy spending time with who admitted to ditching me for their other friends after lying and saying she forgot#again i wasnt mad at her because I understand but. i cant help but feel like Im doing something wrong#im glad she was upfront and honest with me because thats all i ask but i just. UGH#And all the popular kids at my school are actually friendly and nice and funny#But all I can talk about is how to train your dragon and stare for way too long trying to figure out what to say#Its frustrating because I know its not their fault and like. thats the worst part.#All the people at my school who talk to me Im genuinely flattered that they enjoy my company at least a little bit#When I hit the age of 8 and realised I wasnt good st making friends and stopped trying I just. god.#I understand what I'm doing wrong but I dont know how to change without being thoroughly exhausted#and id rather have energy than be liked but#I dont know. I just wish people liked me.#Again I GET that people my age are just assholes and thats part of it. thats why ive never cared abt no one ever crushing on me because#i have a belly and arm hair and a flat face and cellulite and no jawline and thinner eyes and leg hair and a resting bitch face#and I find some of those traits endearing but i know teenage boys wont#its upsetting. i dont know.#all it takes is not being accepted by one (1) guy to be back to being four years old wondering if my dad wouldve stayed if i were a boy#.#Idk. Ill unpack this later (lie)#oversharing on main#rant#vent#apollo says stuff
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amomentsescape · 6 months
I'm dead, its finals for the semester at my school. Could you do a different slashers x reader were the reader has finals and is burnt out, emotional, and overwhelmed and they hate to see the reader that way and maybe some even get mad at the school for causing this and do somthing about it like making it shut down for a while?
Slashers with Stressed! Reader During Finals Week
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! Please, make sure to take care of yourself during this time. I wish you the best of luck on your finals! :)
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Freddy Krueger
Anything but smiling is basically a no-go in his book
The fact that he also hasn't seen you in a while only makes him more frustrated
He's aware of the all-nighters you've been pulling recently
Your head buried in numerous books and pages
He decides enough is enough and shows up in your world instead
Your desk is a mess, and he can see the slight puffiness under your eyes from your most recent breakdown
Yeah, he needs to end this
He gives you a reassuring hug and disappears again
He finally comes back about an hour later, a smile on his face
"There won't be school for a while"
You look at him confused
However, all the lack of sleep was catching up with you, so you don't argue as he leads you to bed, tucking yourself under the sheets
The next morning, you wake up to several notifications on your phone, all of them saying that several students were found dead in their beds last night
The whole school was going to be shut down for a while as an investigation ensues
You could practically hear Freddy's laugh echo in your mind
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Michael Myers
He doesn't understand why you're so stressed out
It's just a few tests
If they're bothering you so much, just skip them
But as he watches your desperate attempt to explain why you have to take them and everything that's on the line if you don't, he finally gives up
He hates seeing you so upset about something so trivial
So he heads out that night while you're snoozing on the desk, having passed out on accident
You finally wake up a couple hours later, you eyes slowly adjusting to Michael in front of you
He's changing out of his dirty clothes, trying carefully not to wake you
However, when he notices you looking at him confused, he just walks over to you
In his hands, the bloody school ID's from every single one of your professors
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Jason Voorhees
Jason has been practically begging you to go to sleep or eat SOMETHING
But you keep refusing him, too overwhelmed at the amount of studying you have to do
You are hoping that by using every possible minute you have, you'll be able to at least pass these finals
But Jason feels like you're just torturing yourself
So while you're drowning out the world with your headphones, Jason is slipping out to your school
He somehow manages to destroy most of the campus's electrical supply
This gives you a couple extra days to prepare and actually take care of yourself
When you find out the news, you can't help but jump onto Jason
He's just happy to finally see a smile on your face
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Thomas Hewitt
You had to explain just what a final was and how it affects you by not passing
He understands why you're so stressed now, but it doesn't make the situation any better in his opinion
He tries to tend to you as much as possible
Drinks, food, back rubs, blankets, etc.
Literally anything that he feels would make you comfortable in the moment, he brings to you
Will stay up with you too, waiting for the minute you need something
He really enjoys taking care of you too, so none of it feels like a chore
As much as he would like to make dinner out of your professors for overwhelming you this much, he knows that it would only stress you out more
Plus, he's confident you'll do well on your finals!
You are the smartest person he knows, honestly
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Bubba Sawyer
He's also completely at your beck and call
He doesn't feel comfortable leaving home on his own, so he doesn't know how to help get rid of the source of your stress
But he's very much willing to alleviate it as much as he can
He makes you dinner, prepares some warm tea, and even gets the fireplace going for you
He also tries to clean and tidy up the area around you, hoping it will help you focus more
He's never taken an exam before, but he definitely knows it's important to you
And what matters to you, matters to him
He shushes everyone who walks by just a little too loud, earning a couple laughs from you
He does pull you away from the desk every once in a while though, making you lie down with him and cuddle
He assures you that taking breaks is good for you, but you're starting to think the cuddles are more for him than you
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Brahms Heelshire
Grades were pretty important to his parents growing up, so he understands the pressure
But taking 5 huge exams in the span of a week?
That's actually ridiculous
Will play some classical music for you, telling you that it always helped him focus when he was younger
Will be a little more lenient about you following the rules
But he still expects you to give him attention
If he feels you haven't given him enough affection in the past hour, he will be all up in your business like a neglected cat
He isn't helping your focus much unfortunately
But he eventually makes a deal with you to help you study
This way, you're still using your time wisely, and Brahms is still receiving your attention
Will ask you questions from flashcards to see if you're answering them correctly
Gives you a kiss every time you get one right
He honestly has full faith that you'll do great on your finals
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Norman Bates
Norman is trying his best to relax you, holding you tight while you explain your worries and frustrations
But the moment he hears your voice break and sees the tears running from your eyes, his memory goes blank
All he remembers is feeling an intense rage settle into his body
Not at you, but at your school for making you feel this way
He finally comes to a few hours later
It's already dark out, and he's standing over your sleeping form lying on the couch
He tucks you in quietly and helps tidy up your papers a bit
When you wake up the next morning, you have different notifications from your school and fellow classmates
You pull up a news report stating that the school was basically in shambles, and they even found a body of one of the professors in an empty classroom
This meant that your tests were going to be pushed off for a while until they sorted everything out
Norman looks just as confused as you do
"It's okay, dear. You should go back to sleep, okay?"
You simply nod and tuck yourself back in, thankful that you have some time to finally rest
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Billy Loomis
Billy has thought this through for a while
Because he's also needing to take finals with you
He kind of just shrugs them off, being fortunate enough to ace every test he's ever taken, with or without studying
But you on the other hand, were barely holding yourself together
You were basically surviving on just caffeine and adrenaline, the fear of failing being enough to keep you awake late into the night
Now, as much as Billy would love to kill off half the school's population, he knew better
Graduating was important to you, and he didn't want to risk prolonging that
So he went with plan B
He threatened the school
He did the second best thing he knew how to do, and that was making a phone call and telling the school that if professors or students showed up during the next two days, they were going to end up killed
This was enough to put everything in lockdown for a few days
How he managed to not get traced was unbeknownst to you
But you were still incredibly thankful, finally relaxing in his arms for the first time in days
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Stu Macher
Now Stu didn't really think this through like Billy had
He just went in for plan A
He didn't want to take these tests either!
But he also didn't want to put in a lot of work to prevent them
He just wanted to stay by your side as much as possible, hating to see you so worked up over these finals
So he did the "bare minimum" in his words
He went to school, killed a couple teachers, cut the phone lines and major electrical units, and went on his merry way
And of course, the school was immediately shut down as a huge investigation ensued
But Stu was happy with his decision
Now, he could spend the next few days with you AND see you relaxed for once
It was a win-win
Although murder may not have been your first option, you still gave him a big kiss as compensation
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Eric Draven
Of course Eric being Eric, murder is not the first solution in his book
He's taken plenty of finals in his day
He knows the pressure and the stress
And as much as he hated seeing you this way, he knew that the storm would blow over soon
But that's not to say he can't make you as comfortable as possible during it
He dug out an old heating pad and gave it to you, happy to see the wide smile you showed him once you grabbed it
He also lit a few of your favorite candles, trying to keep the atmosphere as relaxing as possible
He ordered take out for you both, got you your favorite drink, and even played some good studying music for you
He knew he wasn't going to be able to prevent you from pulling an all-nighter, so it only made sense for him to join you!
He ended up turning the whole night into one big study sleepover
He even helped you stay organized and provided a few study techniques that always worked for him
He's truly the perfect man to have by your side during this time
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cjrights · 4 days
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part one: over you - paige bueckers
previous ➔ next. blue masterlist
lyric: “id like to mean it when i say im over you”
pairing: paige bueckers x oc
warnings: language, small pain infliction, anxiety talk, (both for literally one second) pining, underage drinking
an: hey fam 😋 im so sorry this took so long, and this chapter is not the most interesting! i promise its going to make more sense later let me cookkk :) thank you for reading and enjoy — for context: caroline has a dog named murphy & paige is purple and calista is orange for the texting portions
word count: 2.1k
the radio softly plays as paige grips the steering wheel. i look over at her, laying against the headrest.
i hum along to the radio as i look at paige’s nose. it’s a perfect slope, and it takes everything in me to not reach out and trace it.
my eyes subconsciously move to her lips, which paige is chewing on, eyes fixated on the road.
i wonder what it would be like to… oh my god. stop it. that’s your best friend.
i wonder what’s going on inside her head. my head is really a sea of confusing thoughts. sadness, anger, confusion, exhaustion.
why is she perfect? why am i like this? get a fucking grip. hold it together.
“cali? you okay?” paige glances over at me, while still trying to pay attention while she’s driving.
“hm? yeah. im okay, just… tired.” i hope my pause wasn’t too suspicious, but paige is oblivious and nods. “i understand. do you wanna talk about it? i really wanna know what happened.”
i sigh and ball my hands into fists, stabbing my nails into my palms. this is something i do to help me calm down whenever my anxiety is high. paige doesn’t know about it.
“i… okay. let’s go back to the beginning.”
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december 15th, 2022 - 7:32 PM
“i love you more.”
“no, i love you more.”
“not possible. i definitely love you more.”
“can you guys stop? im trying to eat over here, you’re gonna make me barf.” i look over from my phone to shoot daggers at my roommate nia. she has a look of absolute disgust on her face.
“king, literally bite me.” you say before blowing her a kiss. nia sticks up her middle finger, smiling condescendingly. “bitch. you know… there’s a party tonight. i think one of your little boyfriend’s minions is throwing it.”
i shake my head. “nia, it’s like you don’t know me at all.” nia rolls her eyes and flops her body off of the couch. “you did that to me. just so you know.”
i sigh. “are you proposing something? or just whining?” nia chuckles. “you're coming with me to that party tonight.”
an objection comes from the person im on the phone with. “um, she can’t! she’s very busy dog sitting murph.” i purse my lips as i run my fingers through the ball of fur laying on my lap.
“baby, not anymore. it’s my last day with murphy. carol is coming to pick him up in about 30 minutes.” i take my lower lip in between my teeth. “maybe i will go. i mean, what’s the harm?” i see my boyfriend’s eyes widen through the phone.
“HELL YEAH!” nia squeals. “this is gonna be so fun babe. screw you cole.” cole scoffs through the phone. “whatever bro. im hanging up. king, when i catch you it’s on sight.” i giggle. “yeah okay. whatever you say.” nia comments sarcastically.
as soon as i hang up, nia takes my face into her hands. “calista, we gotta get you ready. you’re gonna look so fucking hot.”
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8:37 PM
“are you on aux? can i have it please?” i finger the aux cord between my pointer and middle finger, jutting my bottom lip out. nia covers her eyes. “don’t give me no puppy dog eyes. that’s not gonna work on me.”
i groan in frustration. “i don’t know your shit. im trying to get ready and pregame in peace. not in… whatever the fuck your music is.”
“bitch, my music is glorious. plus this is expanding your music taste. win-win for you cali.” nia pulls her goddess braids up into a half up half down. “what are you doing with your hair?” she throws her arms down In exasperation.
“yeah okay ni.” i cock my eyebrow. “i was just gonna leave it down. does it not look good?” i scrunch my brown curly hair, examining the minor frizz at the top.
“no, it looks good. i was just wondering because-” nia is interrupted by my phone ringing. the contact name:
“p 💗”
i smile and pick it up. “hi paige.”
“hey kiddo. i heard about the party tonight. can you please come?” she’s already begging. damn.
“im one step ahead of you. im going.”
i can hear and feel her shock through the phone.
“im sorry, what? you, calista elani hart, are going to a party? and i didn’t even have to ask you? who are you? cause this is not my cali girl.”
i snicker and lay back in my chair. nia is eyeing me menacingly. “put it on speaker.” nia mouths silently.
i roll my eyes and pull the phone away from my ear to put it on speaker.
“it’s me p. im feeling adventurous. it’s the holiday season. i feel like something’s going to happen tonight, and i am sure as hell not gonna miss it.”
paige chuckles. “okay, it’s definitely you. you’re my favorite fomo warrior. im here for you kiddo.”
“shut the fuck up paige. you’re mean. im hanging up.” paige whines. “don’t be like that. im just joking. hey, we pregaming at my place or what?” i look back over at nia. she shrugs and nods.
“yeah perfect. nia’s coming, is that cool?”
“sounds great. i know someone who really wants to see her.” nia must’ve forgotten that paige wasn’t aware of the fact she was on speaker, because she shrieks. “hold the fucking phone. who wants to see me?”
i smack my hand on my forehead and let it run down my face.
“wowwww. speaker phone? really? am i another one of your hoes?” paige sighs and pretends to start sobbing. “i thought you were different.”
“you’re annoying as fuck. we’ll see you at nine?”
“i love you too. text me when you’re on the way please.”
i hang up the phone and sigh, bringing my eyelash curler to my eyes. “what are you smiling so big for? nia sneers at me. she leans her body against my bed and crosses her arms over her chest.
“what? im not.” i laugh nervously. i definitely am. “okay girl, whatever you say.”
as im sitting at my vanity, i turn around in my chair to look at her. “stop making fun of me. it’s not nice.” “girl. im not making fun of you. i just think… hm. do you remember that one night? between you and paige?”
my stomach lurches at her comment. “nia, don’t. we were drunk. it meant nothing to paige so it means nothing to me. end of story.” nia throws up her hands. “alright. i understand. i just think y’all need to talk about it again. clear the air… you know?”
i frown. “i think that’s the exact opposite of what we need. we’re finally good again.” i lick my lips. “whatever. i don’t wanna talk about this anymore. im ready whenever you are.”
nia nods. “cool. im ready now.”
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8:49 PM
On my way!
Wow! You’re so excited!
LOL see you soon
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9:00 PM
i walk up the long staircase to paige’s dorm room. i have my black heels in my hand, so im barefoot.
“damn what floor does blondie live on? im tired from these stairs.” i chuckle. “she lives on the top floor. it’s only 4 flights nia, you’ll live.”
“will i? im wiped as fuck. maybe i need to take my shoes off too.” i shrug as we finally reach the top floor. i start to walk down the hallway, reaching her room. i let out a shaky breath and knock on the door.
“you good? what are you so nervous for?” i look over at her. “w-what? im not nervous! im fine.” nia raises her eyebrows in a “yeah OHkay” expression.
the door swings open and a slightly shorter girl stands in front of me. she smiles and god that smile. that stupid fucking smile. she glances down at my feet. “why are your shoes off kiddo?”
i giggle. “cause. i had to walk all the way up here.” i push past her and walk into her dorm, shivering at her stare. she doesn’t notice.
paige looks nia up and down, biting her lip. “hey nia. you look good.” nia rolls her eyes practically into the back of her head. “good fucking bye. you think you’re so funny bueckers.” paige smirks. “i am funny.”
“whatever helps you sleep at night.” nia says as she walks in behind me. paige shakes her head and shuts the door, grinning.
all of a sudden a head of curly black hair walks out of the bathroom. “oh hey! you guys are right on time.”
“hey azzi.” i beam. azzi is genuinely one of the prettiest and most kind girls ive ever met. her smile lights up any room she walks in, and there’s really something about her personality that makes her so easy to be around.
“hey cali.” azzi cheeses back. “you pregaming with us?” i ask, nudging her in the shoulder. before she can answer, paige interrupts. “she’s not. she’s a baby, im not letting her drink.” she sticks her tongue out at azzi.
“wow, very mature. you should definitely be the one drinking here. and im not a baby! im 20. you’re an asshole.” nia giggles. “clock her shit az.” nia then holds up a finger to paige’s face.
“hold on, by your logic i cant drink either. but you sure as hell don’t look like my mama, so im not listening to you.” paige scoffs. “well excuse me for looking out for you two.” she steps over towards me, slinging an arm around my shoulder. “me and calista aren’t your mommies. we don’t wanna be responsible if anything happens.”
i turn a horrifying shade of crimson red.
she’s so warm. even though she’s wearing that dumb blue crop top that covers none of her skin, she’s so fucking warm. why am i thinking about this? cole. your boyfriend. you have a boyfriend calista. this is your best friend since the sandbox. hell, since diapers.
“y-yeah.” fuck. i clear my throat. nia covers her smile with her hand. “we love you guys, but we aren’t babysitting you. or bailing you out of jail.”
azzi walks over to nia and mimicks paige, slinging her arm over nia’s shoulder. for some reason, nia seems to shrink in size. “we don’t need you guys to bail us out. me and king look out for each other. isn’t that right?” she smirks at nia, who is nodding ferociously. “we will be attached at the hip. y’all do not need to worry about us.”
me and paige look at each other. i cock my eyebrow.
“you’re seeing this right?” i say with my eyes.
paige nods, and i sigh.
“whatever. paige, pour us shots please.” paige removes her arm from my shoulder, and i shudder at the loss of heat.
“yes ma’am.” paige salutes as she walks into her kitchen. i roll my eyes and follow behind.
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9:48 PM
“kiddo, it’s pregame, you need to calm down.” paige puts her hand on my shoulder and furrows her eyebrows in concern.
i wipe my mouth after downing my 3rd shot. of tequila. “what? paigey im fine.” i brush her hand off my shoulder. “how many did y’all have?” “one.” nia and azzi say in unison, looking at each other and giggling.
i frown and look at paige. “i didn’t have any.” she holds up her keys. “unless you wanna walk?”
i purse my lips. “whatever. let’s just go please.”
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1:56 AM
paige pinches the skin on the bridge of her nose, leaning against the window. she has one hand on the steering wheel. “okay cali. as much as i’m loving the replay, i was there for this part. you still haven’t explained what happened. why were you crying?”
i groan. “god, you’re so impatient. can’t you see im building to get there?”
paige rolls her eyes. “im trying to be patient. you’re my best friend and you’re obviously going through something. but can we get to the good part?”
i pull my knees to my chest in the passenger seat. “the good part? my trauma is just a story to you?” i fake pout.
“you know that’s not what i- wait. are you not buckled?” i punch her arm. “shut up. is that really what you’re concerned about right now?”
she sighs. “i guess not. go on please. and buckle? im not trying to get pulled over with a drunk unbuckled girl in my car.”
i nod. “thank you. and ill tell MY story how i want to tell it.” i put my feet on the ground and grab my seatbelt. i pull it over me and shove it into the buckle until i hear a click.
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thank you for reading! with love, cj ᡣ𐭩
tags: @iminlovewithpaigebueckers @sunkissed-zegras @bueckersstrap @ijustlovepinky @xxloveralways14
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prosciuttoon · 2 months
Toshiro/Shuro is overhated
(mirror of my thread on twitter)
ever wanted to talk abt something so bad but u have so many thoughts so u cant even begin to organize a sentence. thats me abt shuro and its why i cant give my thoughts on him. i NEED to get this out of my system bc its takign up so much memory in my brain i need that space for thinking.
so i was really surprised to find so much hate for him even tho he seems pretty normal and rational out of the whole cast. ive deducted that its mostly abt his laios fight and that the ppl who hate him probably had bad experiences w social cues and relationships w neurotypicals bc of that. theres no way to avoid it bc its pretty much Right In Your Face that laios is ND. but thats not the only factor in why their relationship is rocky. its also the culture barrier. u have to understand toshiro was raised as JAPANESE NOBILITY ofc he would be a little conservative
also culture shock. idk if u know this but jp culture is very Mind Your Own Business like a lot of other asian cultures . ofc hes gonna be weirded out by a stranger invading his space. also his names not even Shuro. its just yt ppl not pronouncing his name right and settling for whats easiest.
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img src: fan translation by savaralyn2 , i think its from the adventurers bible Complete Edition bc i dont remember it in the old one
ok you get the gist of the culture aspect of it. lets go into the ND/NT clash aspect of it. yes i understand its pretty hurtful to never be told when youre acting inappropriately. i am autistic too lmao. but you have to understand that shiro is one guy and he even does realize that repressing things is one of his fatal flaws. again. asian culture. non confrontational. that sorta thing. but these are genuine frustrations. if i were him id be annoyed too but id speak out about it. set boundaries. bc im blunt. shiros not. he was taught crazy strict manners (hierarchies, respect, politeness, etc).
his problem isnt ableism its a culmination of culture barriers, how he was raised to behave, and terrible lack of communication as thing caused by "all of the above" plus he just generally keeps to himself a lot which means repressing frustrations that will explode leading to a pathetic fistfight while hes starved, exhausted, and dehydrated. also. if he was ableist he would hate laios. he doesnt hate laios. at the end of the day, they are friends. NT and ND ppl can be friends u know. there will be rifts (like their fight) but you just have to communicate misunderstandings. theyre gonna be fine lol
anyways that was my whole spiel abt it. i think i got everything out that i wanted to? my head still feels a little full so i may add more later when i remember something
also i think its a little unfair to rule out the possibility of laios and him just being 2 very different kinds of ND bc its very common for misunderstandings to occur even then. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT BUT WE NEED TO COMMUNICATE TO UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER! but for the sake of interpreting the Fight as a commentary on NT social rules and ND frustration, ill say toshiros NT. will we ever know? hes so far in the sidelines... youd really have to dig in the extra content to see the intricacies of his character.... please give him a chance
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hisaame · 8 months
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— ⧽➻Wanderer with a crush!˒˒ˋˋ
『its how i think wanderer would be id he had a crush,,, and this takes place obviously after he stopped being 'scaramouche'.』
╰ˊˊtw: soft wanderer (help), cursing, wanderers past trauma (kabukimono/kunikuzushi) its just a lil bit tho, spoilers.╎ + its a wanderer x reader type shit, so he falls for you!
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He thought it couldn't be possible, but it happened. he was already upset at himself for allowing himself to spend time with you. And with those soft and sweet smiles of yours, he'd almost always looks away—and what you wouldn't notice was his his blushy pink cheeks that would always fade back into his normal pale, color when he'd turn to look back at you, tilting his hat a bit to hide his own smirk.
The guy had even known you when he was once Scaramouche, you'd catch his eye from time to time, but he never really thought about talking to you. Back then he just thought of you as a 'pretty girl', then he'd scoff and turn away. He even wished he'd gotten the chance to have one chat with you before he deletes himself out of existence as Scaramouche. You always seemed to look at him with that cheerful smile. But he's glad he got a chance to befriend you, and now, as a normal person.
He didn't even think puppets could fall in love, nor did he think his porcelain face could turn red! But it began happening more often often the more he hung out with you. Being a wanderer made him not be busy—unlike his past self as Scaramouche who always had things to do. He despised that old part of him, but now he's a changed man alright. He's still vedy cautious and trying his best not to show any vulnerability, he wouldn't wanna remind himself of the rime he was a pathetic, dumb doll who allowed himself to be betrayed.
But he wouldn't let you betray him, no. You're stuck with him.
He didnt exactly understand the concept of „love“. He's seen couples in Sumeru and didn't quite get why they were so affectionate, prepping kisses on eachothers lips and always holding hands. He'd sometimes even cringe at it. Even imagining himself like that with you felt weird... Wait, whys he thinking of it in the first place!?
After finally accepting the fact he's in love after days of trying to convince himself he isn't, he began to think—would you feel the same? That thought made him anxious, if you saw him as only a friend. If he really wanta you, he'd try.
And he did.
He'd go to the library more often, looking for romance books and even looking arouns him to make sure noones looking. He doesnt wanna be caught reading something so embarrassing... He read a few stories, even some tips and tricks on how to flirt, which he found pathetic. Who would wanna say "did it hurt when you fell from heaven" to someone they like? Pathetic! But as he read some romance stories, short and simple, he just couldn't help but imagine how it would be with you... How soft your lips would feel against his, and they way your twos fingers would intertwine.
And then he tried some things out.
He has tried pinning you against a wall, fortunately getting a reaction od you having a small blush, but then brushing it right off and smiling like he didn't do anything. Then he even grabbed your chin between his indec finger and thumb to make u look up at him—and you didn't even have a reaction! Wasn't that something common people did to get people to be flustered!?
He was beyond frustrated, even ended up asking Nahida for some help, to which she happily recommended for him to write you a letter, if he was too scared to say what he wanted it in person. 𝖧𝖾 called it pathetic and stupis, and a waste of time at first, but then he immediately began writing one after.
It took him so many tries, so many crumbled up papers on the ground, to the point Nahida also helped him come up with words to write. At last, finally, he decided to be sneaky and put it in your mailbox, knowing you will be opening it soon. He was a flustered mess as soon as he was rushing away once he put the letter in.
He'll definitely be even more flustered if you tease him about the letter the next day... ♡
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leychin · 1 month
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Could be seen as a continuation to All of It, but the idea came from @tenkomura, bc when am i ever not thinking about something she said
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Maybe you hate your younger self for being so naive.
Perhaps its because you cling to the memories of before, when everything was so much simpler and All For One was commanding Shigaraki to act. When he messed up, or when you messed up, All For One simply caressed your heads in such a comforting way that the loss felt like nothing.
Oh, how you loved him. Everything was so much easier when it was him. Yes he was the future, yes you were the symbols of fear, but to you he was just Tomura. Its the silent understanding that you both had, that even though the entire world was against you and the cause it was okay because you were together.
He loved you, it didn't need to be said. Even when the league expanded, it was still just you and him. Not to say he doesnt care for the league, because that would be a lie. But the love he has for them pales in comparison to the love he holds for you in the crevices of his heart. Its heard in the blood pumping in his veins and its sung in the whispers of his calm breathing when he's with you.
But you're villains. Villains don't get an ounce of peace. So when the league has ended Overhaul's short lived reign, and everyone's stopped and caught their breath. You sit with him in silence on the side of a bare highway that you'd been walking.
Maybe its foolish, but you follow him like a dog. You watch as Shigaraki opens the case of quirk erasing bullets. He stares. Almost like he wants to test if it works.
You sit next to him, sat shoulder to shoulder now. He simply says "If I erased my quirk, we could be normal." And you don't need to be a genius to know what he means, he means if he didn't have decay he would have a home. If he didn't have decay he wouldn't be All for One's subject of interest, id he didn't have this damn quirk he could be normal with you.
Would there even be a you though?
"Hm, maybe." you supply "You wouldn't have met me though, and I would trade any chances of being normal if it meant i got to be with you." you say, and Shigaraki stills.
"I... I think I would too." he smiles, its a crackly smile that makes blood speck on his lips that you just want to kiss already.
"When this is all over, lets go on a date. Okay?" you ask, your eyes now gazing up at him with hope.
Shigaraki's eyes widen, and looks to the quirk erasing bullets and quickly shuts them. "You promise?" he asks almost eagerly, and you hold up your pinky "pinky swear!"
Oh you fools.
Which is what's left you to stare at Shigaraki's tube. His body floating in the liquid endlessly for whats felt like years, but you know its only been a month or two. You feel so naive for ever thinking it would just be over, because of course its never over.
He would be the new holder of all for one. Because fate stops for nothing and no one, not even love. You hate yourself for being naive enough to hope that you would ever get to love him peacefully. You hate him for not realizing when you did that All for One was using you both. You hate All for One for taking your lives away from you.
This would never be over, Shigaraki will never give pinky promise kisses again, and he'll never build redstone farms for you when you get too frustrated and rage quit. He's never going to reach out for you again, and you're going to spend the rest of your life reaching for someone who's never going to reach back.
You press your head to the glass and cry. The doctor is used to your sobs though ans has grown to ignoring them, which you suppose is a win. But it still doesn't soothe the ache in your chest as you wish for everything to be different, and you pray every night that this is a bad dream. You pray that this is a nightmare and that night Shigaraki did use that quirk erasing bullet. You pray for this to be a bad dream of his and he never developed decay.
Because you would never trade your life with Shigaraki for normalcy, but you love him too much to watch him do this. You wished he would trade you for normalcy because loving him through this and always is simply too much.
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owliellder · 9 months
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circling back to this finally!
i'm so sorry i wasn't able to do this sooner. i was gonna write it out yesterday but i was busy surviving a tummy ache on top of a 60 hour work week.
i tried to make this super duper sweet for you. forgive me, my sweet anon 💔
ID! Leon x Pregnant! Reader
MDNI 18+
Pregnancy was more than difficult.
Day in and out you hoped your pregnancy would be easy like your friends' had been, but of course you can't always get what you want.
Dealing with everything you didn't want to happen was more than frustrating, and for the first seven months, Leon was constantly being pulled away from you to work.
However, that man was incredibly helpful when he was home, doting on you as if you'd break at the slightest breeze. The most amazing person you could ever ask for.
Swollen ankles, strong food cravings, intense mood swings, horrible morning sickness which is not limited to just the morning, and the overall struggle to perform basic tasks was hard to handle, physically and emotionally. Everything would be so much better if you just had more of Leon.
Closing in on the eight-month mark, he was finally able to take leave, those months of stressing his need to be at home with you ultimately paying off in the end.
From there, you were taken care of. Everything you asked for, you got. You wanted a large pizza at three in the morning? No problem. Need help getting your socks on in the morning? You don't even need to ask. Can you get a back massage? Is that even a question?
You were never afraid to ask Leon for anything, expect for one thing. The need for this specific thing had been growing throughout your pregnancy and you weren't really expecting it to, hoping it would simply come and go. That thing that you were dreading bringing up to him was sex.
Understandably, it was a hard topic to approach, seeing as the man would treat you like expensive china. And no matter how many times he told you, that nagging voice in the back of your head was constantly whispering negative insults about yourself; you're overweight, you're too needy, you complain too much, etc.
Thinking about asking would always lead to you crying and that freaked Leon out, immediately rushing to make sure you were okay. That really only made you cry more. He was so unbelievably sweet and kind, how could you think so low of him to say no to such a simple request like sex?
You always refused to tell him why you were crying, brushing it off as hormones or maybe you just saw a video of the cutest kitten being rescued. You'd cried over similar things, so it was easy to excuse.
Though you'd been able to ignore the urge for quite some time, you couldn't ignore it forever.
The baby had you up at odd hours of the night to waddle into the bathroom, waking Leon in the process since the guy is the lightest sleeper ever. It never failed to make you cry, apologizing for waking him, to which he would just gently shush you while helping you to and from the toilet.
After one such bathroom trip, you couldn't fall back asleep, doing your best to ignore that feeling breaking away at your composure.
"Leon? Are you still awake?" You suddenly whispered, looking away from your phone to study him for any sort of movement.
"Mm.. mhm.." He breathed in through his nose as he rolled onto his side to face you, eyes squinting from the glow of your phone. "What's up baby?"
All you could do was stare, silently working up the courage to ask. Your need was too hard to ignore now, and that deep, sleepy voice of his wasn't helping. "I-... can I ask you for something?"
Leon nodded and slowly lifted himself up, resting his head in his hand as he propped himself up with his elbow. "You don't need to ask, just let me know what you need and I'll do it. Or get it."
"You have to promise me you won't laugh, okay?" You placed your phone down on your stomach, screen side down.
Leon pursed his lips, raising an eyebrow. "I promise."
"Is it-.." You paused, running one of your hands over the top of the other nervously. You didn't really think this far ahead, so forming the question was proving difficult. "Uh.. would it be weird if I asked for sex right now..?"
His soft laugh broke the silence and that only made you even more nervous. "You said you wouldn't laugh!"
"I know, I know! I'm sorry, I just think you're funny." Leon lifted himself up so he was now sitting up next to you, scooting closer in the process. "It's not weird to ask." His voice remained low and smooth, which did help calm your nerves. If only a little.
"Are you sure it's not weird? Cause I've been having urges for months and-" You were cut off by his hand suddenly grabbing yours, stopping you from fidgeting. "You've been having urges for months? And you didn't tell me?"
The question itself was definitely not meant to come off as mean, but regardless it was bringing you close to tears, bottom lip quivering as you tried to apologize once more.
"No- hey, hey c'mon.. I would never say no to you, sweetheart." He brought his hand up to stroke you cheek, wiping a stray tear away with his thumb.
"But-" You tried again only to be cut off again. "No buts. You're perfect, I love you, and I want you." He leaned over and kissed the tip of your nose before planting a tender kiss to your lips.
You gave Leon a weak smile before you let him take off your nightgown and lay you down, lifting up a bit so he could slip his pillow underneath you to cradle the small of your back. He triple checked that you were comfortable, running his hands along the swell of your belly.
Such tender touches, such sweet kisses. This man provided you with everything you could possibly want, how did you end up so lucky?
Your underwear hasn't fit you since month six and maternity underwear felt a little constricting, so you've been going without them for awhile. Leon definitely didn't mind that.
"Wanting sex for months and never asked..." He shook his head with another soft laugh, dragging his rough hands up your body to massage your swollen breasts which made you gasp. "I'll never be able to resist you."
He squeezed your breasts and pinched your nipples, letting out sounds akin to growls as he watched your milk-filled breasts leak at his ministrations. "Been wanting to play with these since you bought those pumps. Making me jealous of them."
His gravely voice was hitting all the right spots in your brain. "Leon.. please.." You whined, biting at your bottom lip in a poor attempt to hide your increased sensitivity.
"So pretty for me. Always so beautiful." He bent over you, careful of your stomach, to bring one of your nipples into his mouth. The vibration of his moan made you cry out, hands flying into his hair. He sucked and swirled his tongue around it, eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated.
Leon pulled off with a loud pop, swallowing with a sigh before moving over to your other nipple, repeating the process over. By the time he was done taking his fill of your milk, you were a crying, drooling mess. You gave up hiding your pitiful noises as soon as you started trying.
"Tastes so good.." Leon groaned, giving both of your nipples one last harsh suck before kissing his way down your stomach to your dripping pussy.
For a brief moment you were embarrassed at the fact that you hadn't shaved, you hadn't been able to since your stomach masked the view that you needed. Yet, he said nothing but the sweetest things as he stroked through your folds with his finger, bringing it into his mouth before quickly descending between your legs.
He groaned into your cunt, lapping at your entrance and clit like it was the last thing he'd ever do. You were soaked, he couldn't just pass up getting a good taste of you.
"Fuck! Leon- ah~!" You moaned as he sucked on your clit, making sure he paid extra attention to it. He sat back on his legs with a content sigh, giving your pussy a few extra rubs with his fingers before sinking the entirety of his middle finger into you. Before you knew it, he was stretching you with two. "Couldn't fuck you without giving this neglected pussy a little extra attention.."
He was so skillful with his fingers, stretching you out like it was an art, but you were desperate to have him deep in you, aching to your core. "N-no more-.. gah.. I need more.. please Leon..."
"Yeah? You need more?" Leon cooed, thrusting his fingers in you a few more times before slowly pulling them out. "Need my cock deep in that cunt?" Feeling him grind his dick against your slick folds was torture. He knew just how badly you needed it and he *still* decided to tease you.
"Yes! Please! God, please.." Your moan fell to a whimper as he carefully pushed the tip of his dick into you, pausing for a moment to rub the tops of your thighs as they trembled with your orgasm. "Poor thing, just feels that good huh?"
One of Leon's hands on your face brought you to open your eyes again. You didn't even realize you started crying until he wiped them from your temple. You could only nod, leaning your head against his hand as he sunk deeper into you.
Once he was flush against you, you both let out a sigh, sitting still so he could caress your body. His hands felt so good against your hot skin, eyes falling back closed as he massaged your breasts for a minute.
It wasn't long before he started to thrust into you, his slow place quickly frustrating you. "Faster, Leon- ngh~.. I-.. I'm not gonna break I promise!" You whined, panting in between words.
"You're perfect." Leon wasn't going to pass up a request like that, immediately beginning to pound your sloppy cunt once his hands settled on the barely visible divots from your hips. "Feel so good around me, baby~..."
You were incredibly sensitive from already having came once and his brutal pace was bringing you close to another. He knew just what angle to hit at and just what to say to get you right back to that edge.
You felt amazing with Leon taking care of you like this. Even as your body changed, he still made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.
"That's it, ohhh, there ya go baby~.. Fuck that's hot.." Leon grunted as you came again, your walls clamping around him. He leaned back a bit to watch his cock disappear into your cunt as he neared his own high. "Gonna cum baby, shit, I'm gonna cum-" He spilled his seed deep inside you with a long, drawn out moan, gripping onto you tightly as his thrusts slowed to a stop.
After catching his breath, he let out an airy laugh, bending over to kiss right above your belly button before pulling out of you.
"I promised I would take care of you, didn't I?" He whispered against your skin, and you nodded with a small hum. "Right. So the next time you want me to fuck you, please don't be afraid to jump my bones."
You couldn't help but let out a laugh of your own, placing your arm over your eyes. If you knew pregnancy sex would be this good, you would've asked him ages ago.
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chaconnehoonie · 8 days
Obsession-(follow up) L.HS
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✶ Heeseung X Fem! Reader
->This is a follow up to the first part, but you may read it alone if you please, reading the first part is just recommended to get the full story.
Synopsis- Your relationship with Heeseung proves that sometimes you’re forced to make commitments and sacrifices for those you love.
WC: 3.4k
Warnings: toxic relationship, cursing, insecurity, derogatory terms, smut, angst
Smut warnings: dub-con(?), oral(m) somnophilia, kissing, unprotected sex, spanking, rough sex, orgasm denial
A/N: I know I posted the first part to this a while ago but I felt so disappointed with it that I wanted to write something to follow up with. I’m also terrible with my writing schedule so hopefully this will get me back in the game, enjoy!
This is fiction and the scenarios are completely fake and from my brain, none of the characters are like this in real life, MDNI!
Heeseung was trying to be a good boyfriend. Sure, there are moments where he frustrates you or makes you question your relationship. But relationships are all about making commitments, right?
You’re committed to Heeseung- of course you’ll do whatever it takes to be with him. You’ll put up with his mood swings or his trust issues, accepting that he may just be a naturally jealous person.
He makes it hard, though, as he’s too jealous sometimes. He always has trouble believing you only have eyes for him, whether it’s when a stranger is checking you out at a party or you’re being too close for his liking with your best friends—who just so happen to be guys.
God, you love your friends, but it’s clear that Heeseung doesn’t. You don’t expect him to, of course, however you expect him to accept your close bonds with all three of them. They were existent in your life before him, after all.
You can’t bring this up around him though, as he gets quiet each time, stuck in his thoughts and fears of you leaving him. Being the understanding girlfriend you are, you decided to show him just how special he is to you.
Heeseung sits alone on the couch in your living room, mindlessly scrolling through Netflix in search for new movies or series to start. Since the beginning of your relationship, you both decided on having movie nights every Friday; cuddling up on the couch together with a warm blanket and a plethora of snacks.
You haven’t come home yet, sending him a quick message to let him know you’d be stopping by a grocery store for snacks, then you’ll speed home to see him.
He sits there and waits, grabbing a bag of chips to munch on, watches trailers for new horror movies with stupid plots and terrible actors, then waits some more.
What’s taking you so long? It’s not like you would stand him up, it’s not like you can stand him up—he’s in your house, anyways. Maybe the checkout line is taking too long. Maybe you stopped to buy some alcohol too, or what if that’s what you were planning but forgot your ID in the car?
What if he’s actually going the wrong rout and you had gotten into an accident? Or decided you didn’t like him anymore and wanted to sneak off with someone else before seeing him tonight- “Baby?”
Heeseung jumps at the sound of your voice, quickly turning around to see you shutting the front door, hanging your keys and slipping off your shoes. He had been so caught up in his thoughts, he didn’t even hear the front door opening.
Your face holds a concerned look, rounding the couch and placing your bags next to Heeseung before dropping to your knees in front of him. “You okay? What happened?” Your hands gently caressed his knees in hopes to comfort him, knowing he’s a sucker for physical touch.
He only shakes his head and pulls you to sit next to him. “Nothing, pretty. I just really missed you.” His voice sounds unsure, but you decided to accept his answer, knowing he hates being pushed to open up.
“I missed you too, cutie. I actually bought something I want to show you.” You peck his nose and his eyes light up in excitement. “I need to go prepare it in my room, but I’ll be back out before you know it.” You smile at him and he nods quickly. “I have to use the bathroom anyways. Perfect timing, I guess.”
You place a soft kiss on his upper lip before grabbing one of your bags and rushing upstairs while Heeseung makes his way to the bathroom. He takes a long look at himself, analyzing his features and taking note of how much better he’s been looking since he’s gotten with you. He’s taken care of himself more, focusing on eating healthier and getting haircuts more often, as well as doing some skincare and shaving his facial hair.
He really feels better with you, smiling to himself in the mirror when he realizes that he’s truly in love with you. He loves you—and he hopes you feel the same way.
After flushing the toilet and leaving the tap running for a minute, Heeseung makes his way out of the bathroom, pausing when he sees you wrapped up in your blanket, waiting for him on the couch.
Walking up hesitantly, he smiles anxiously at you. “What did you wanna-“ he’s cut off when you throw the blanket off of yourself, sat prettily with the most delicate lingerie adorning your body.
Black lace cups your breasts with thin straps hardly covering your shoulders, matching black lace panties sitting high and tight on your hips as the fat of your hips and butt jut out around the material.
Heeseung stands in front of you stiffly, mouth hung open and eyes locked on your figure. Siting up, you reach a hand towards his face and place it under his chin, gently forcing his jaw shut.
“Do you like it?” Your voice is soft and sultry, provoking him to finally touch you. He strokes your head, feeling your soft hair under his fingertips. He’s so in love with you— just that touch sends blood straight to the weight between his legs and he’s suddenly too weak to stand.
Sitting on the couch, he pulls you onto his lap without breaking eye contact. “I’ll take that as a yes.” You giggle and cup his cheek, pulling him into a kiss that only lasts a second as he’s murmuring against your lips. “Yes- fuck, yes.”
You gasp when he pinches one of your nipples through your thin lacy bra. Pushing his tongue into your mouth, he plays with your own in a mess of drool and moans, all while rocking your hips against his.
He pulls away to moan loudly, resting his head on the back of the couch. “I’m glad you like it.” You kiss his neck, licking his jaw slowly before sucking a mark into his skin.
“The boys helped me pick it out.”
His eyes shoot open at this, quickly sitting up and looking you in the eyes. “The boys?” He furrows his brows, confused, but also hurt. You let the boys-Jake, Jay, and Sunghoon, not only see you in lingerie but pick it out? For your boyfriend to see later on?
“What do you mean they helped you pick it out? Like you went to the store together and let them chose it? They seen you in it?” He sounds like he’s going to cry, voice cracking but there’s also a hint of anger.
You nod, eyes wide and worried. “Well, yes. I asked for their opinions because they’re also guys, you know? I thought that’d be the best way to figure out what you’d like…” you trail off as you take note of the irritation appearing on his face.
He finds no point in complaining, no reason to explain why he’s so hurt. Instead, he pushes you off of his lap rather harshly and you land on the soft cushions with a quiet ‘oof’. Of course he didn’t mean to be so aggressive, but with the way he stomps to the front door and angrily grabs his keys, slamming the door shut as he leaves, you can’t help but tear up at his angry demeanor.
Was he really that upset? Over your friends helping pick out a gift, for him? Sure, maybe you didn’t have to wear the lingerie while showing them but Heeseung should know by now that your relationship with your friends is nothing more than platonic.
Deciding you’re too heart broken after being left so alone and exposed, you head to bed early. Well, not exactly early if 11pm was anything to go by, definitely too late for Heeseung to randomly leave and expect you not to worry, but early enough for you to sleep off the mental pain and end up in a better mood in the morning.
You wake up as an odd weight hits your cheek, repeatedly tapping on your face as you feel the warmth radiating onto your skin. Your eyes open slowly, blinking a few times to fully wake yourself up.
It’s still dark, but you can make out the silhouette of someone standing uncomfortably close to you. Taking in a sharp breath, you turn to your alarm clock and note that it’s around 2am, quickly reaching to turn on the bedside lamp.
The light flickers on and Heeseung groans, quickly reaching his own hand to switch it back off. While he does that, you notice the way he’s fully clothed, save for his hard-on that’s currently face-to-face with you, peeking out from above his sweatpants.
“What-“ you’re cut off as he places a finger upon your lips, slipping it between them and into your mouth to tug your jaw open. You can’t tell what he’s doing with the lights off, but you don’t wonder for long as you suddenly feel his tip entering your mouth, sliding against your tongue.
You’re stiff, laying there in shock as he uses your mouth for his own pleasure, biting his lip with a groan. Heeseung has grown to be more comfortable around you, no longer trying to impress you in order to get you to like him, yet instead trying to impress you to get you to keep liking him—always outdoing himself to prove he’s worth your love.
However, he’s still shy at times, especially intimate times, so seeing him fully take control of you, take advantage of your sleeping figure, is new to you. It’s kind of arousing, but after what happened earlier you just can’t get yourself to enjoy it.
Especially with the way he grips the back of your head and shoves himself fully into your throat, holding you there until you gag and drool onto the ground. The position is awkward; he’s standing in front of you while you’re laying on your side, head hovering off the bed just enough to miss the sheets as your spit strings onto the wooden floor.
He lets out a deep moan, mumbling to himself about how wet and warm your mouth is, but not directly speaking to you. How could he speak to you after what you pulled earlier? Why would you deserve praise for going out and prancing around like that with your friends, basically slutting yourself out for them?
What you do deserve is the harsh thrusts of his hips as he fucks your mouth, pulling your hair harshly as he keeps your head in place while his cock suffocates you. You try to breathe through your nose, but you only choke and whine around him as tears blur your vision, not like you can see much in the dark, anyways.
He groans louder, thrusts harder, grips harder, all while you lay there and take it. He lets out a particularly loud moan as he pulls your head towards him, shoving your face far enough to touch your nose to his pubic bone, and then he’s cumming down your throat.
His hips are still as he twirls strands of your hair between his fingers, holding you in place as his release fills your mouth.
Finally pulling out, he breathes heavily before stuffing himself back into his sweats. He makes his way to the bathroom, situating himself before coming back to bed and wrapping an arm around you, pulling you close enough to be his little spoon. It confuses you, but you’d rather have this than have him stay angry at you.
“Thank you, pretty.”
The next day goes by smoothly, Heeseung acts completely normal when he goes to work for a couple hours, then coming home as you prepare lunch.
You’re glad he has work early enough for him to be done by the afternoon, but sometimes you wish he could stay in bed with you just a little longer than leaving at 5am, but at least he gets to come back at 1pm and spend the rest of the day how he pleases. You quickly learn though, that today he decides to use the day as he pleases by pleasing himself.
As you put ramen to boil and chop vegetables, humming a random song to yourself, you hear the front door shut. It doesn’t slam, so you know Heeseung isn’t angry, at least not enough to show it.
He walks up behind you, grabbing onto your waist and you smile, turning around for a kiss. He grips your chin, turning your face back to the counter and speaks lowly in your ear. “Keep chopping.” His voice is stern and you know he’s serious.
You hesitantly pick up the knife again, slowly cutting the vegetables as he pulls down your pants, panties going along with them, leaving you bare and exposed for him. It was only last night he was using you for himself, maybe he’s repaying the favor?
That idea is quickly shut down as you feel his tip prodding at your not very wet entrance, wincing at the stretch of the head doing its best to make its way between your folds. Of course you’ve both have had sex without foreplay before, but that was after a while of kissing and obvious arousal.
This time, he fills you up dry with only his precum coating your walls. You whine at the pain, stepping closer to the counter in an attempt to get away from him, but he only manhandles you back towards him.
Pulling out to the tip, he gives you a second to breathe before he pushes himself all the way back in, continuing with rough thrusts. He lands a loud slap to your ass, leaning forward and biting onto your shoulder. You cry out in pain, trying to take his cock the best you can while he uses you once again.
He’s fucking you, skin to skin, so that must mean he’s not upset anymore. You try to convince yourself as he thrusts harder, hands bruising your waist and hips as his knuckles turn white from holding you so tight.
He’s more vocal this time, moaning into your ear as you bounce between him and the counter top, knife now laying further away from you and vegetables roll off the counter, landing with a hard thud on the floor.
You moan as he picks up the pace almost inhumanly fast, wet sounds showing signs that you’re finally aroused enough, the slide of his cock against your walls is no longer painful.
He pushes your upper half forward more, fully bending you over the counter as he lands a harsh slap against your ass, echoing through the kitchen along with your high pitched moans.
His thighs slap against the back of your own, wet and covered in slick as you can’t hold back the squelching noises your pussy makes while being stuffed full.
“Oh God, Hee…” You whine but he’s tired of hearing you, placing his palm over your mouth to muffle your moans. “I don’t wanna hear it.” This confuses you, mainly because he’s always loved hearing your noises—proof that he’s pleasing you right. But now, he suddenly doesn’t want to hear them? Going as far as covering your mouth to shut you up?
Even with this hurt side of you, the pleasure is undeniable and before you can process it, you’re close to orgasm as Heeseung lands another harsh slap against your ass.
“Hee-baby, I’m gonna cum!” You pant heavily, inhaling a deep breath in preparation for your orgasm, only for it to be taken away from you. “No you’re not.” Heeseung slides his wet cock out of you, instead spreading your ass and pushing himself between your cheeks.
You scoff, now frustrated and in pain, wondering if this is what blue balls must feel like. You try to reach back and slide him back in, but he grips your wrist, pulling both of your arms back so your cheek lands harshly onto the counter top. Wincing, tears start pricking your eyes and you try to squirm away from him.
“Not letting you…d-don’t deserve to cum.” He grits through his teeth, pushing your butt cheeks together tightly as he thrusts, still keeping his fast pace.
Leaning forward, he rests his forehead between your shoulder blades, finally releasing as ropes of cum spurt out of his tip, landing across your back and staining your shirt, some reaching your hair to find in a sticky mess later.
You’re both panting, catching your breaths after whatever kind of rough, angry sex session that was. Still confused, you try to turn around, calling out to your quiet boyfriend. “Heeseung…” your voice is soft and comforting, and as much as he wants to accept it, he just keeps you turned around.
“Just- don’t.” That’s all he says before tucking himself back into his jeans and walking upstairs. The bathroom door shuts, still not slamming, but you can now tell that he is definitely still angry at you.
“So, what? He’s upset that we helped you and now you guys are having hot steamy hate sex?” Jake laughs to himself, taking a bowl of ramen from Sunghoon. A bowl of ramen you cooked for Heeseung.
You sigh, playing with your own ramen as you push it around the bowl with your chopsticks. “Yeah…I was cooking this when he came home and he just…did that.” You trail off at the end, not wanting to go into detail because no matter how good it felt, you were still hurt.
“Waitwaitwait.” Jay mutters with his mouth full, swallowing harshly before speaking again. “This ramen doesn’t have a special ingredient, right? His cum shot didn’t fly into here and now I’m consuming his babies?”
“Dude! What the fuck is wrong with you!?”
“Come on- I’m trying to eat here!”
“You’re actually disgusting.”
Sunghoon gags as he imagines the scene playing out, downing his glass of water to calm himself. You pat him on the back as he keeps gagging, mainly to piss off Jay who now regrets what he said.
“Okay, Hoon. You can stop now, I get it.” Jay rolls his eyes, picking up his beer bottle and taking a sip while sending glares towards his friend.
Your face drops to your palms, sighing again as you think about these past two days. “He left like an hour before I invited you guys over.” You speak up, eyes teary as you bite your lip. “He didn’t eat…didn’t say goodbye…he just left.” You break down, a sob escaping your lips at the thought of your boyfriend leaving you so alone and embarrassed.
“Do you know what this means?” Sunghoon places a hand on your shoulder, squeezing lightly to ease your tension. You shake your head no, confused as to what he’s implying.
He sighs, looking between Jake and Jay, then back at you. “This means you’re going to have to choose.” Your eyes widen, shaking your head more aggressively now.
“What do you mean choose?” You can’t believe they’d recommend something like this. “You know, choose if you want to stay with him. Let him treat you like that, let him get away with those things.”
He grabs your hand, keeping his eyes locked with yours. “Or you can choose to stay with us. Keep being our friend, let us save you from this disaster.” His words hurt, but you know they must be true. “He just…” you inhale a shaky breath, “He just needs time. We’ll figure something out.”
Yeah, that’ll fix it. You’ll figure out a way to keep Heeseung happy and stay close to your best friends. Hopefully, without cutting any ties or creating an awkward atmosphere. But you’ll do whatever it takes to keep each of your boys happy.
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vividvivy · 2 months
Heya^^ could we get some romantic headcanons about kaiser, shidou and isagi having a artist/painter prodigy s/o?
Of course you can exclude anyone if it's too much! Anyways I hope you'll have a wonderful day or night and don't forget to hydrate^^
Notes: Hellooo! First request, I'm so happy oh my gosh. I had some trouble so I'll do the rest in separate parts, hope you don't mind!! 41°C here it's so hot omg. You stay safe and hydrated too!! Also sorry it's messy, I'm still trying to improve and I hope you'll like this! 😭
Pairing: Isagi Yoichi x Reader
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Fluff, Romance
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Isagi Yoichi with an Art Prodigy S/O ♡︎
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He leaves you for the damn ball.
Would be the most understanding and considerate among the three. I'm not sure if Yoichi will actually understand, but he's still super supportive and would listen to you and assist you when you need any help or company.
Dates with him are so cozy and peaceful.
He'd stay in an art studio or any room at all and sketch and paint with you all day long. 
I think he'd be the type to try and draw you flowers or try to make you (+ him TOGETHER!!)
He'd be over the moon if you agreed to craft anything matching him. Something simple like paper rings, matching pins or brooches, and drawings of each other!!
Would put a drawing you made or a printed pic of you in his clear case.
His phone would be you-themed. Just you, him and your work.
Bonus: If you met as schoolmates or before Blue Lock, he'd try to make small silly doodles for you in class, and if you handed him any doodles, he'd sometimes cut them and place them in his ID case or hang them in his locker and use some of them as bookmarks.
Takes you shopping (would definitely randomly buy Art supplies that caught his eye and give them to you) or anywhere at all!!
His favourite place to stay would probably be in a café or restaurant that isn't too fancy, just somewhere with cute, homey vibes and a picturesque view.
He's TRYING to keep up with you when you invite him to paint together.. (Keyword: He's trying his best.) It definitely isn't the best thing out there but A for effort.
Tbh he always improves so quickly it's scary and makes you envious and proud sometimes..
If it bothers you and he notices, he'd act more clueless on purpose and would let you just guide him??
Made a little scrapbook dedicated to the 2 of u <3
He really REAAALLY admires you and your work.
In his eyes, you and your work are the best there are aside from soccer and being the best striker there is. He could stare at your papers and canvases hung up or scattered all day, admiring each stroke and line, even the finest ones, and looking at each shaded and highlighted area in awe.
His deep blue eyes shine so brightly when they meet your paintings and illustrations, yet no other sea of stars could replicate the shine seen in his gaze when completely in awe.  In awe of you.
When you're experiencing any artblocks or frustrations regarding it, he'd be your number one helper.
If it's a better environment and inspiration you need, he'd immediately try to take you places and show you works that you've made before for more inspo. Would try taking you to a soccer field or any open area outdoors too.
Barely knows what he's doing but he's got the spirit guys!!
During hard times, he'd be the first to go by your side and help you.
Would try to be the one to pull you out when all the stress and expectations swallow you whole (Again he's TRYING but all his attempts are most likely clumsy and slightly flawed..)
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darlingmbappe · 1 year
Revenge Gift | Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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— Click here for part 2! —
Summary: When Kylian leaves you high and dry, you decide on a leaving him a little revenge gift.
Warnings: Making out, sexy pictures, teasing, cussing, English is not my first language
Kylian was so happy to see you when you came over today. His face lit up the second he saw you, pulling you in for a long and deep kiss. You both had the afternoon off — a rare occurrence for your never ending clashing schedules — and these past couple of weeks have been especially busy. Working on a project in its preproduction stage comes a lot of late nights and even later mornings. Kylian turns in early and is up at the ass crack of dawn.
Besides the cheeky texts you’ve been sending back and forth, you two hadn’t had a chance to be intimate in a while. Quality time has been at an all time low, probably three weeks had passed since you’ve touched each other in that way. So, imagine how eager you two were when you quickly made it up to his bedroom.
“I fucking miss you,” he breathes between kisses on your exposed neck. You hum in response, too lost in feeling his bare chest against your skin to properly tell him you fucking miss him too. “You drive me crazy when you send me those sexy pictures.” Your hips grind against him while you sat on his lap, earning huffs and low moans from your boyfriend.
He played with the straps of your bra before losing them, following with a trail of kisses on your shoulder.
You huff out a laugh. “How do you think I feel when you send me thirst traps from the locker room, huh?”
Any other time he would deny that they were thirst traps and that you were just thirsty for him, but he only has one thing in mind right now. He reaches behind your back and begins playing with the clasp of your bra, a part he (shamefully) always struggles with. “Why don’t they use Velcro for these things?” He grumbled.
You giggle at him, reaching back to do it yourself. He sits back on the bed and prepares himself to just watch you, his eyes dark with lust and need. Just before you were able to unhook it, his phone starts ringing.
“Shit, sorry.” He reached for it on the nightstand. “Thought I turned that off.” Kylian looks at the caller ID and winces, looking up at you with I’m sorry eyes.
You shrug and drop your arms from your back, disappointed but understanding. “Go ahead, take it.”
“I’m sorry,” he repeats before sliding the answer button, immediately sounding annoyed with the caller. You crawl off his lap and make yourself comfortable on the open side of the bed, waiting for him to do something about the throbbing in your core. “What? Today?” He exclaims, jumping out of the bed and begins looking for his something to put on. “I thought it was next week, why didn’t you text me?” He pulls the phone down from his mouth and mouths another ‘I’m sorry’ before putting his clothes back on.
He ends the call with frustration, turning to you with the face of the guiltiest man alive. You roll your eyes and huff, but ultimately realize that this is something he has to do, or else he sure as hell wouldn’t be leaving you alone in his bed right before you were about to get naked. “Go.” You force a little grin out for both your sakes.
“You know I wouldn’t leave if I didn’t have to—”
“I know, Ky. It’s okay, go.” You’re used to forcing the good sport attitude. It was a package deal while dating someone like Kylian.
“Please be here when I come back.” He begs, putting a baseball cap on and a T-shirt.
You stand up, trudging over to him and wrapping a loose hug around his waist. “If you’re back before six…”
He hugs you back, kissing you sweetly. “I’ll try my best, amour.”
You kiss him quickly before shoving him toward the door, his gaze lingered on your bare body for a long second, tutting and cursing under his breath, then forcing himself out of the house.
Once he left, you put on some comfy clothes, made some tea, and began watching a movie in his living room. It wasn’t even two hours later when you phone binged — a message from Kylian.
Kyks <3: what’s the latest you can stay over?
You immediately respond back
You: No later than 6:15
You watched the three bubbles appear before his response.
Kyks <3: fuuuuuuuucccckkk :,(
You frown, realizing that your day with Kylian wasn’t happening.
Kyks <3: I’m sorry amour, I’ll make it up to you. I promise.
Kyks <3: I love you
You: I know you will
You: and I love you too
With a long huff, you stand up and decide to just grab your things and go to your place before you had to head out to work, maybe change into a less itchy bra.
As you walked around kylians room to double check that you grabbed everything, a small black and white object on his dresser caught your eye — his Polaroid camera.
He was obsessed with it for a couple weeks before completly forgetting about it, leaving it to collect dust in his room. Picking it up, you saw he had three photos left in it, and you had a plan brewing. A small form of payback, if you will.
Shuffling back out of your clothes, you propped yourself on his bed, the camera lying next to you. Kylian had yet to see this set in full, so you might as well let him know what he walked out on.
With a quick reposition, you laid down on his silk pillows, squeezed your boobs together to create more cleavage, putting your hand lazily near your mouth.
Next, you sat up on your knees, opening your thighs slightly to give him a better view of the black lace that was sewn on mesh at the middle, angling the lens downward at your body.
With only one more left in the roll, you decide to show him a little more skin. Taking off your bra, you toss it aside, covering your nipples with your arm. Once you figure out the pose, you snap the last picture.
You put the developing pictures next to each other and shuffle back into your sweatpants and tank top.
Damn, you thought when they were funny developed. You looked so hot. You displayed them nearly on top of his pillow. Now that your satisfied with your teasing revenge, you gather your things and head home.
Around 8:30, the writers room was very unproductive. Everyone had all hit a wall and was out of ideas for the time being. Bouncing off one another felt pointless and everyone was a little frustrated. Usually while at work, your phone was on focus mode so you didn’t get off track, but you had resorted to playing a racing game while hoping inspiration for the script would drop from the sky. Just when you were about to beat your high score, you got a buzz in your phone with a message from your boyfriend. Then another. And another…
Kyks <3: you cannot do this to me right now baby
Kyks <3: you’re evil
Kyks <3: fuuuuccckk bebe I need you to come over right now
Kyks <3: I’m serious. U fucking tease
You bit back a laugh, wishing you could see his reaction in person.
You: I take it you like the pictures?
Kyks <3: I will pay you double whatever you make today if you leave work right now
This time you giggle out loud, catching the attention of your co-writers.
“Sorry,” you said through blushing cheeks. As you were about to put your phone down, you got another buzz. Though you thought about ignoring it, you decided to take a quick peek.
Holy shit.
Your extremely sexy boyfriend had taken a photo for you and you had to physically stop yourself from drooling, your face flushing with color as you took in the picture on your screen. The phone was now held close to your chest just in case anyone was peaking over your shoulder and saw the filthy shot.
His abs we’re on full display — he snapped the shot from his perspective as he laid down in his bed, a white towel hung low on his hips. Your Polaroids were splayed out across his covered leg and his hand covered his groin, large fingers wrapped around his covered member, showing off his perfect outline.
Kyks <3: I’m I gonna have to take care of myself? :(
Without thinking, you wrote back.
You: don’t you dare.
“You guys don’t need me tonight, right?” Your voice cracked. None of your coworkers said anything, just looked at you with a face that screamed ‘seriously?’ “Pleeease, you guys? I swear I’ll come in on Monday with donuts from Azúcar.”
That promise was enough for them to be okay with you leaving early. You texted Kylian back as soon as you gathered your things.
You: be there in 20
He took no time replying.
Kyks <3: counting down the seconds
—Requests are open for Kylian Mbappé!—
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