#ive been thinking about this so much because while he eats everything everyone has a pet peeve esp when it comes to food
ohmygraves · 1 month
simon doesn't have any preference when it comes to food. to him, it's more of "i just need to fill my stomach for now" instead of whatever it is people were yapping about palate and cuisine. he doesn't really care, food is food. that being said, of course certain things he will have to push away.
dairy gets him a little rumbly, unfortunately. not to the extend that he would be hurting madly, just enough to get his stomach rumbling. bananas are too mushy and tastes odd, but he'd still eat it (he will just shove it down as quick as possible, the case with yogurt too). he's not a big fan of garlic as well, but he'll eat if it's a little. something about a massive amount of garlic and his mask doesn't really mix well together.
still, of course, everything changes when you're cooking it.
he finds himself slowly getting better at... well, slowing down. you made food for him, taking the time to cook something you thought he'd enjoy. the least he could do is to just sit down and savor everything before shoving it down his throat.
simon loved your garlic bread. it stinks his breath because you used a lot of garlic, even rubbing some of the raw garlic on it because you loved it so much. he didn't mind, just means he'll have to brush his teeth really well. your pastas were also amazing too, and he'd have to make sure to brush his teeth really well before wearing his mask again every time you dropped it off for his lunch.
you made the tasties banana bread. just the subtle hint of sweetness that compliments his tea well. moist, just like the banana pancakes you make once a week. sometimes he even forgot that it has bananas in it.
simon didn't think that he's into soy milk, some smells a little funky if not processed correctly, but the one you made? he'd guzzle it down, maybe asking for seconds, especially after he knows how labor-intensive the process is.
he loves you, and the fact that you took the time out of the day to cook him something? of course it would be wrong to not savor it. and those things that he would normally avoid? he doesn't think about it much anymore. as long as you made it, he likes it.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 3 months
I’m gonna be honest I don’t understand how people can be hazbin hotel fans and just know everything vivziepop has done and dont care or they choose to pretend they dont know so they dont have to feel guilty about it. Shocking news, you can be INCREDIBLY critical of media you enjoy parts of. I enjoy parts of this show but I’m not going to go buy shit to watch it and support some random lady using a closed religion to make her tumblr sexyman character look “scary”.
I saw someone say vivziepop misgendering someone (allegedly on accident) after getting mad, was a “nothing sandwich” which 1. No the fuck it aint. And also 2. Are you actually off your rocker nuts. I don’t give a fuck if it was an accident heat of the moment thing. Sure you can apologise for that, not me who you misgendered so I cant accept it, but misgendering anyone is never a “nothing sandwich”. Same guy also said that vivzie demonising and appropriating vodou was okay because “Alastor can do it” That… doesn’t fucking matter? VIVZIE can’t practice vodou and neither can her weird red suited deer man, sorry to burst your bubble.
I think everyone thats scrolled even a few inches on my blog (cause really thats all I have) can tell I like Angel Dust. Lots of people like Angel Dust. But apparently half of those people can’t comprehend you can dislike aspects of a character while liking other ones. I mean this directed toward fans by the way. Id sure as hell prefer if he wasn’t fucking fetishised for being a gay man but its vivziepop so literally what can I expect from the lady that makes merch glorifying his abuse. “Yes vivzie! Id love to purchase merch of a traumatic situation ive also been in! Thank you so much for making it look pretty!” I will literally eat glass and drink battery acid before any of this shit actually comes outta my mouth.
It’s so fucking weird how her spin-off show has better representation, humour, writing, and more than her actual main show. Im super glad Helluva Boss is good. Im glad there isn’t any stupid racist representations in there or overly fetishised gay men. Fizzaroli and Ozzie are a cute couple thats written very nicely but even they have elements of vivziepops unsavoury interests that you can see sometimes, but oh my god. Put some of that care into your MAIN show. I am holding out so much hope that vivzie continues the good writing of episodes 7 & 8 so much I am not going to stop noting that, but I am also fully ready to crash and burn from those hopes and that is so fucking disappointing.
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humanpurposes · 1 year
My Heart Belongs to Daddy, part iv, modern!Aemond
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Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist // For fear that you'll find out, how I'm imagining you
modern!Aemond x step-daughter
Warnings: 18+, smut, cursed dinner party, toxic family dynamics, Targaryen men being the worst
Words: 5700
A/n: Also available to read on AO3. And I made a Series Playlist :)
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Over the last two months, finishing her thesis, taking exams, sending off masters applications and keeping track of a boyfriend has left little room in her mind for Aemond Targaryen.
For the last month or so she’s hardly even seen him. On the weekdays she gets up early and spends all day in the library. On the weekends she goes to Cregan’s place in central. He goes to the gym with Jace on Saturday morning and on Sundays he usually has a rugby match. Between that they watch movies in his room, go for drinks with his friends and sometimes she drags him around her favourite museums. 
The sex is good. For a bulky guy with a nose piercing and sleeve tattoos of wolves and weirwood trees, Cregan is surprisingly gentle. He makes her cum on his tongue, then he leans over to fuck her with his hands pressed into the mattress, looking between her eyes and the space where their bodies meet. He doesn’t say much, a few strained “oh Gods” and a grunted “fuck” when he comes. When they’re done he falls into the bed beside her, throwing an arm around her while he rambles about whatever happens to be on his mind, exams, internships, summer plans…
She’s happy to rest her head against him, listening to the humming of his chest as he speaks, letting it lull her as she slips into her own mind. Sometimes she still feels a little empty when it’s over and doesn’t have the energy to go for another round. She puts it down to stress. Or hormones. Or something. 
Now, being on the other side of everything she realises time is passing too quickly for her liking. 
Joan Jett blasts through the car speakers while Alys and Cregan go on about the season finale of some drama series she’s not kept up with.
Alys loves Cregan. Everyone loves Cregan because he’s a people person. He speaks to everyone he meets like they’re already lifelong friends and he has a remarkable talent for finding common interests. If she were cynical she would say he’s palatable.
The weather has been perfect so far, bright and sunny but with enough of a breeze that the heat isn’t unbearable. Ideal for the graduation ceremony.
She looks through the recent photos in her phone. She took a few nice ones of the Sept, the nave lined with columns and towering statues of the Seven watching over the cohort of students in red and black robes. She keeps swiping through photos of her and some of her classmates on the front steps tossing their hats in the air, a few of her and Joanna, one of her and Cregan, and one of her and Alys. 
Sometimes she thinks she looks nothing like her mother, but when they smile they look strikingly similar.
Everything had paid off in the end, the study dates with Joanna, the all-nighters, the last minute breakdowns crying over the kitchen counter with Alys. But she’s proud that she did it all on her own. Especially given how helpful Aemond had been last year. Just thinking about it makes her heart sink.
He’d been living with them for a few months by then. They were comfortable with each other, existing in the same spaces, eating dinner and watching movies together when Alys was out or working late. 
Sometimes he’d put his arm around the back of the sofa, letting her lean into him while they watched 90s thrillers, leaning into her every so often to make a joke or a profound observation. They could analyse movies forever, staying up late until their eyes were tired, leaning in closer and closer and never really realising it.
And then when exams came around, the stress just got to her. “It’s half the suffering,” Alys insisted, “you’re not doing yourself any favours, so don’t do it.” Easier said than done. 
There was one particular module on Conflicts in the Modern Era that was chipping away at her sanity. It was her last exam of the year and every time she went over her notes she just felt hopeless.
Aemond offered to help her study. He had loads of notes and old assignments on his laptop from his undergrad and his masters. They spent hours in the dining room, going over readings and practice questions.
He would sit next to her, leaning over every so often to read through what she was working on. Every hand on her shoulder, every reassuring “hmm,” or utterance of “good girl,” when she got something right sent shivers down her spine.
She knew it was wrong, but she didn’t exactly want it to stop.
The exam ended up going a lot better than she anticipated. She opened the paper and instantly saw that, by some miracle, there were a few questions similar to the ones she had done with Aemond.
She came home ecstatic. Alys was at work but Aemond was home, loitering in the kitchen. She practically leapt into his arms when she saw him, telling him every detail she could think of with a huge smile on her face.
Aemond’s hands settled on her waist. He leaned into her until all she could see were his bright, blue eyes. “I’m so proud of you baby,” he said in a voice that made her breathless.
He leaned in further until his lips were on hers, soft and warm, kissing her tentatively. She thought it might be over quickly, until she reached up, teasing her fingertips over the nape of his neck while his grip on her waist tightened, pulling her closer, kissing her deeper.
When they pulled away, both a little breathless, he rested his forehead against her and smiled. She smiled back.
But she snaps out of that trance when she realises they’re pulling into the driveway.
She looks across at Alys for a moment, laughing at something Cregan just said.
Her chest feels like it might crush under the weight of it all, but time presses on and things seem to be moving forward for the better. She’s happy with Cregan. Who wouldn’t be? He’s funny, smart, maybe a little over confident at times but she can forgive that. And she’s got the whole summer before she starts her masters. With Cregan in the picture she figured she might as well stay at KLU. He’s been trying to convince her to move in the flat with him. There’s no reason not to, it’s close to campus, his flatmates are nice and they seem to keep the place clean. She keeps saying she’ll think about it.
He reaches for her hand as Alys leads them through the front door.
The house looks immaculate and it fills her with dread. 
Alys has decided to use her graduation as an opportunity to host a family dinner. Maybe she’s intending it to be a grand offering of peace, maybe she just wants to show off, or maybe she’s just lost her mind because putting two halves of a warring family in the same room seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Not to mention she’ll have to introduce everyone to Cregan. 
The dreamy rhythm of a Mazzy Star song drifts from the kitchen. Aemond is leaning over the counter, in a black shirt with his sleeves rolled up, prepping a rack of lamb. She tries not to look at his hands as he takes pinches of salt, pepper and spices between his fingers.
Alys heads straight for the vodka, offering a round of martinis before the dreaded guests arrive.
She and Cregan both decline politely, and when Alys turns to Aemond he purses his lips. “I don’t drink vodka martinis.”
Alys rolls her eyes. “Thinks he’s so sophisticated,” she says to Cregan. 
Cregan chuckles and plants a light kiss to her cheek, muttering about taking a shower and disappears down the hall.
Her eyes meet Aemond’s for a moment. He smiles sincerely. He’s playing one of her favourite songs.
She tells her mother she’s going to get dressed, and feels Aemond’s eyes following her as she heads upstairs.
When she gets to her room she puts her graduation robes on a hanger and lies on the bed in the black slip dress she wore underneath. Something’s pressing awkwardly into her back, Cregan’s jeans and t-shirt. She tosses them across the room and falls back against the mattress, staring at the ceiling and listening to the hum of the shower.
Is it unfair to hate someone for listening to a song? Did he remember it was her favourite or was it a lucky guess? Maybe he was trying to tease her, or else it could have just been a coincidence, but that doesn’t seem like him. Aemond rarely does anything accidentally.
Cregan saunters in with a towel around his hips. He looks down at his clothes on the floor in front of the door. “Not where I left them,” he mutters.
She pretends not to hear him.
He gets dressed quickly, all he has to do is put on his jeans and clean white shirt. 
“How many people are coming tonight?” He asks, spraying some perfume on his pulse points.
She keeps her eyes on the ceiling. “Viserys, Alicent, Rhaenyra, Daemon, Jace, Baela, Aegon and Helaena.” Luke and Rhaena were going to stay home with Joffrey, and Daeron would still be in Sunspear until the end of the month. Just as well, there would already be too many people to keep track of.
“I hear some of the family stuff from Jace,” Cregan says, “sounds like a mess.”
She hums to herself. “Oh, you have no idea.”
She takes her hair out of its low bun and fixes it into a more casual look, leaving it mostly loose but out of her face. Her makeup has managed to survive the day pretty well. She touches up her blush and wipes away her lipstick, applying a sweet tasting cherry lipbalm instead.
When they reappear in the kitchen Alys is nowhere to be found but Aegon and Helaena have already arrived. 
Aegon and Cregan pair up nicely, swigging bottles of beer while Aemond pours out three gin and tonics.
She compliments Helaena’s patterned skirt and red boots. In return she admires her dress. “You two are matching,” she says, as Aemond hands them both their drinks.
He raises his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth are tight. “Happy coincidence.”
“Black’s not exactly a fashion statement,” she adds, taking a sip. 
Aemond hums in agreement.
She takes a breath to relieve the tension in her shoulders. ���How are you doing?” She asks Helaena, “didn’t get much of a chance to talk to you at the wedding.”
Helaena’s doing a PhD in Etymology at Highgarden, between that and her various art projects she seems happy, but something’s off. She’s never exactly been outgoing but she seems particularly timid, wide eyes darting constantly to Aemond and Aegon. She’s nervous, but in all fairness they all are. Or they should be.
While Helaena goes on about species of butterflies, she finds her attention almost completely on Aemond, his hand gripping his glass in the corner of her eye, the sound of his breath, those well timed hums and the smell of his aftershave. She takes another sip of her drink to steady her nerves, hoping neither of them notice her hand trembling as she brings the glass to her lips. 
Eventually Alys waltzes in with Rhaenyra, Daemon, Baela and Jace following behind her. That seems like a good opportunity to escape. She goes to hug Jace and Baela, and follows them when they go to stand with Aegon and Cregan. 
The tension is palpable, Alys having a stiff conversation with Rhaenyra, Daemon lurking at the edge of the room with a glass of whisky, and Jace stealing glances over her shoulder, at Aemond and Helaena.
She catches whispers of their conversation but nothing tangible. 
“What’s your problem?” Baela hisses to Jace. 
He tuts. “He’s staring daggers at me, fuck’s sake.”
Aegon’s lips thin. He excuses himself curtly and joins his siblings by the glass doors to the garden. 
Their little group falls to an uneasy silence. 
“Well done, dickhead,” Baela says, rolling her eyes.
Cregan gives her a confused look. She puts her hand on his shoulder and comes onto her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “I’ll show you the powerpoint presentation later.”
Somehow the mood only gets colder when Viserys and Alicent walk through the door. It’s almost pitiful, watching Rhaenyra and Daemon trying to win his attention while Alicent keeps her hand on her husband’s shoulder, muttering into his ear whenever she can.
Not speaking to Aemond has meant she’s mostly been out of the loop, but she can guess they’ve not moved past the dispute over Viserys’ will.
Helaena and Aegon both go to greet their parents. It’s cordial at best, light hugs and pecks on the cheek, and Viserys shakes Aegon’s hand like this is the first time they’ve met. Aemond doesn’t go near them.
The lack of warmth is only more noticeable when Viserys greets Jace and Baela with open arms and a pleasant smile. He hugs her too, congratulating her— after all that is why they’re here— and shakes Cregan’s hand firmly.
She catches Aegon’s eye over his father’s shoulder. He frowns, almost comically and goes to find another bottle of beer.
Before long Alys ushers them all into the dining room.
Alys and Viserys sit at the two heads of the table and the others fill in around them. When they see Alicent has taken the seat to Viserys’ right, Rhaenyra and Daemon move to the other end of the table. Helaena sits next to her dad and they both smile vaguely. Aemond, rather diplomatically, takes a central seat between Aegon and Rhaenyra. 
In an attempt to avoid sitting across from either of his uncles, Jace settles next to Alys, and once Cregan sits next to him, the only free seat is directly opposite Aemond. She sits down without a fuss.
Once everyone is a bit more settled, Aemond and Alys go back to the kitchen to bring in small plates of salad and seared tuna.
It starts off with smalltalk. Cregan and Jace are muttering to each other on her left, while Baela and Helaena have a friendly catch up to her right, leaving her to prod at her starter, waiting for an appetite to appear.
She doesn’t dare to look up past the space in front of her plate, or the pair of eyes she can feel burning into her.
Once they’re finished, the plates are whisked away and Aemond presents them with lamb chops, fondant potatoes and summer greens, while Alys pours out glasses of red wine. 
Viserys’ knife scratches against his plate as he carves into the meat. “Really excellent lamb, Alys.”
“Aemond did the food,” she says.
He pauses, looks down at his plate and carries on eating.
She hears Jace whispering something into Cregan’s ear and they both grunt in amusement.
“Something funny?” Aegon asks sharply, reaching for his glass.
She finally looks across the table. Aegon’s face is a dangerous mix of anger and anticipation.
“Just admiring Aemond’s culinary skills,” Jace muses, spearing a cut of lamb on his fork, “didn’t realise he’d gone domestic.”
“Jacaerys,” Rhaenyra hisses.
Aegon huffs but keeps his mouth shut with a stern look from Aemond.
Viserys’ attention suddenly latches onto his grandson. The rest of the table falls quiet while he asks Jace about his exam results. 65 average. Just a few marks off a first.
Aegon nudges his brother but Aemond doesn’t react. 
Their father seems to notice. “Jacaerys is shadowing me for the summer,” he says pointedly. 
Aegon finishes off his glass and immediately refills it.
“Not coming to Dragonstone, then?” Helaena pipes up in a brighter tone, leaning to look at Jace.
The ancestral home of the Targaryen family, a beautiful estate along the coast outside the city. It’s more of a castle than a house really, passed down the generations over centuries. They use it as a holiday home now.
She went with the Strongs one summer. Ten weeks of beach trips, reading by the pool and fresh seafood for dinner every evening. It was the first time she really remembers meeting the Targaryen siblings. Aemond seemed so quiet then, always with his nose in a book. It feels like a lifetime ago now. 
Cregan’s voice in her ear takes her by surprise. “You alright?” He asks, stroking his hand along the silky black fabric on her thigh. “You looked a bit lost there for a moment.”
She can see Aemond looking at her in the corner of her eye. “I’m fine,” she says, pushing Cregan’s hand away.
“We’re just a little busy at the moment,” Rhaenyra says, “work is… hectic.”
Alicent visibly bristles. 
“Might make it down for a few weeks, if the boss lets me off,” Jace says.
“I’m excited to have you,” Viserys says, “good to get him used to the order of things nice and early.”
“Yeah, amazing what you can do when you have everything handed to you on a silver fucking platter,” Aegon says, casually taking a long draw from his glass.
Alicent and Rhaenyra look horrified. Daemon and Viserys are both clenching their fists. 
“He says as if Otto Hightower didn’t have to buy him a place at KLU,” Jace retorts.
Aegon shrugs. “So what if he did? Got the degree, didn’t I?”
“And what have you done with it?” Viserys says in a scathing voice, “bought a flat with my money. Drank and screwed your way through life with no concern for your career or your family.”
Aegon tuts. “The fuck does that mean, family?”
“Leave it,” Aemond mutters and the table settles into an uncomfortable quiet.
“At least Jace has some direction,” Viserys says, breaking the silence. For a moment his eyes dart to his wife.
Alicent’s brown eyes are wide and glassy. “And my children don’t?”
She watches Aemond’s lips flicker into a sneer before he composes himself and goes back to staring vacantly at his untouched glass.
“That’s not what I meant, love–”
Daemon chuckles quietly. “And yet…”
Alicent slams her knife against the table with a jarring clatter. “Maybe they would have amounted to something more if you had shown even the slightest bit of interest in your own children!”
A chair scrapes against the floor and Helaena’s silver hair billows behind her as she leaves the dining room.
Baela grabs her wrist and pulls her to stand. “Excuse us,” she says sweetly. Not that anyone will hear her over the shouting match brewing between Alicent and Daemon.
They find Helaena in the lounge, on the sofa, picking at her nails.
“Hey,” Baela whispers, coming to hold her hands so she stops.
Helaena looks up at them with glistening blue eyes and a trembling lip. It’s the first time she’s really seen the resemblance between her and Alicent.
Raised voices echo from down the hall. By the sounds of things Aegon and Viserys have joined in too.
Helaena releases her hands from Baela’s and presses her palms to her forehead. “I’m sorry,” she says, taking a few shallow gasps. “I just don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
Baela hums in agreement.
Tears start to trickle from her eyes. “I used to love hanging out with you and Jace and everyone. I don’t understand… what did we do wrong?”
She isn’t sure what to do. She feels so helpless just watching Helaena as she starts to cry. Baela sits next to her and puts her arm around her shoulders.
And while the arguing persists, Helaena eventually starts to calm down a little, wiping her tears on her sleeve and leaning into Baela. “We missed dessert,” she sighs.
“We have ice-cream in the freezer,” she says, “strawberry or vanilla?”
And just like that her face lights up. “Both.”
“Noted. Baela?”
Baela smiles sympathetically. “Strawberry please.”
She catches fragments of the insults being thrown around the dining room as she walks past. “Hightower leech”, “spoiled cunt”.
She sees a figure in a black shirt through the frosted glass door to the kitchen. She holds her breath as she opens the door.
Aemond is leaning over the counter, fiddling with a packet of cigarettes. He looks up as soon as he hears the door. She lets it close behind her and leans against it.
He stares at her with a tight jaw, a sad little pout on his lips and a slight scrunch in his nose. Despite everything she can’t help but feel sorry for him. 
She tuts to herself and goes to place two bowls and two spoons on the counter, avoiding Aemond’s gaze.
Not my problem.
She goes towards the freezer and hears Aemond sigh heavily behind her. She hovers her hand over the handle.
Not my problem. Not my problem. Not my problem.
“Is it stupid of me to ask if you’re alright?” She asks, turning to fave him.
One of his wide plams is pressed against the counter, his legs crossed casually at the ankle. “No.” 
“And are you alright?”
His nostrils flare as he takes a slow breath. “I told her this would be a bad idea,” he says, tapping the box against the counter. “But what do I know, it’s only my fucking family.”
The way the light shines on his face makes the scar over his left eye seem like a shadow. She’s never asked about the details of what happened, but then he doesn’t like to talk about it. 
Two months ago she would have held his hand or pulled him into her arms when he was this anxious.
But things have changed now.
“Aemond, I–”
She whips her head round to see Cregan and Jace standing in the doorway. Guilt twinges in her chest and she doesn’t know why. A conversation is nothing to be ashamed of, surely? She hadn’t even heard the door open. 
“Baela and Helaena are in the lounge, right?” Cregan asks.
“Yeah,” she says, “I’ll be there in a minute.”
They both glare at Aemond before they leave. When she turns to face him, he’s looking back with a cold indifference.
“He seems nice,” Aemond says once they're gone. “Palatable.”
She starts to drag her teeth over her bottom lip but stops herself. Aemond’s eyes are so intense, glaring from across the room with a dangerous look of fury and sadness. That’s exactly how he looked at her, the night of the wedding, when they were in her hotel room. When he asked her about Cregan then she liked how it made him jealous. 
Her blood starts to simmer, a feeling that cuts deeper and hurts more than hate. “Is this it then?” She says.
His brows scrunch into a frown, but his wide eyes seem more bewildered than anything. “What do you mean?”
It’s like a switch clicks in her brain and something in her heart dies. These last few weeks, even with things going so well with Cregan, she’s carried Aemond with her, hoping that one day she’d wake up and things would have worked out differently. It’s what she’s been doing for the last year anyway, she just never managed to break the habit.
It has to end somewhere, the lying, the guilt, and the naivety that she meant something more to him than a pretty face and a convenient fuck. 
She needs to let go and she’s known that for a long time.
“Forget it. You’ve made your side of things clear,” she says, her voice starting to tremble. “This was never going to end well and I should have thought about that before I led myself on.”
She takes a step towards the door but he’s in front of her, keeping her between the freezer and the counter.
“Do you love him?” Aemond mutters, quickly and quietly.
She can feel her heart beating in her throat.
“Do I… what?”
He takes advantage of her hesitation. His hand clamps around her wrist as he moves to the door. It takes a few moments to realise he’s dragging her with him.
The door to the lounge is shut. She hears Cregan’s booming laugh on the other side as Aemond leads her further along the hallway.
And suddenly they’re in the downstairs bathroom. She stands in front of the sink, staring at her own reflection as the lock clicks.
She watches Aemond in the mirror. The room is small and narrow, even when he’s standing by the door he’s close. Then he starts to close the distance between them with slow, taunting steps until he’s standing over her.
She can feel him and smell his aftershave, the bitterness of gin and the sweetness of red wine.
There’s that dark look in his eye again, determined, and hungry.
“Did you really think I’d let you keep up this pathetic little act?” He murmurs, eyes fixed on hers through the glass.
“What act?” 
She lets out a little gasp when he places a hand on her hip and pushes his hips against her, grinding a growing hardness against her so subtly he might not be moving at all.
He leans into her but no part of him makes contact with her skin. She shudders at the heat of his breath running over her ear, neck and shoulders. “I said you were needy, didn’t I?”
Her shoulders flinch when a single fingertip touches the nape of her neck. He draws it gradually along her spine as she desperately resists the urge to cry out at the tingling sensation it brings, arching against him because her body has nowhere else to go.
“And so sensitive,” he says and stops just as he reaches her lower back. “It was all for me, wasn’t it? The crop tops, the staring, even Stark, you just wanted a reaction.”
She’s always been a good liar but when she opens her mouth to reply she finds she just can’t do it. She doesn’t want to, not when he places his hand on her side and traces over the curves of her waist, her hips, the pouch of her stomach and her thighs. It’s been so long since they’ve been this close, and it’s not close enough.
“You stopped wanting me,” she breathes.
“Stupid little slut,” he says, leaning his chin over her shoulder. He starts dragging both hands down her thighs, taking the hem of her dress with him as he moves back up. “How could I ever stop wanting you?” His voice is harsh and hypnotic all at once. Cold and unforgiving. It sets her skin alight and leaves her wanting more.
But it doesn’t make sense. He was the one who left the hotel room. 
“I don’t understand… this isn’t fair.”
“But you and I both know you don’t like to play fair,” he rasps, tracing circles over the tops of her thighs, occasionally brushing over the hem of her panties.“I just know these last couple of months have been fucking unbearable without you.”
She bites down on her lip to stop herself whimpering at his touch.
He groans as his head falls against her neck, hands still pawing at her legs and the dress hitched around her waist. “Let me fuck you,” he utters in that low voice that means it’s taking every ounce of effort to hold himself back. “I know what you need. Just be a good girl and let me fuck you.”
Anticipation floods her body. She can feel her self-control slipping. She can’t think straight, can’t think past him or a world beyond this moment.
She wants it too much to feel guilty, for now at least.
“Please,” she utters.
“Please what?”
“Fuck me.”
Suddenly his soft touches are gone and he yanks her panties down to her knees. One hand slides between her legs, prying them open enough so he can circle her clit with the pads of his fingers. The other snakes up her body and takes a gentle hold of her throat.
He finally brings his lips to her cheek. They graze over her skin as he mutters, “you said something to me, that night. What was it?”
She scoffs. “You’re such a cunt.” She can hear how weak her voice is as she says it.
“Mouth on you, baby,” he coos, “come on, I know you remember.”
She shakes her head fervently, hoping she can focus on the movements of his fingers, the pleasure building and building inside her. 
“I want to hear you say it, baby.”
She lets herself melt against him, clinging desperately on his arms, breathless but defiant as she meets his eyes in the mirror.
With a short huff he withdraws his hand, but keeps her against him by her neck. He easily undoes the buckle on his belt, bringing his trousers down just enough to free his cock.
She bucks her hips on instinct as he slides the tip through her folds, gathering her wetness, and smiling when he realises responsive she is to him.
“Have you always been this restless? Or have you just missed me?”
Her head hangs slightly as he teases between her entrance and her clit. She can feel how thick his cock is, how hard he is and she already knows it’s going to make her feel so fucking good.
The grip on her neck becomes firmer, demanding her attention back to the mirror. He holds her gaze as he slides into her tight, slick cunt.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he says, “look at how well you take that.”
He’s right. The sight of her pleading face and parted lips as he holds her and pushes deeper inside of her only adds to her arousal. 
He fucks her slowly, precisely, placing a hand on her stomach and pressing into her while the impact of his thrusts are muffled by fabric. 
“Can you feel that?” He whispers, “can you feel how tight you are? Can you feel how deep that is?”
“Ah— fuck, yes…” she chokes, savouring the burn and the stretch of his cock as he drags through her walls and hits her sweet spot. When his fingers come back to circle her clit it all becomes so light and perfect and deliciously overwhelming.
“I knew you still wanted me,” he pants between the gentle kisses to her cheek. “Say it.”
“No,” she manages to whimper.
“Say it.”
Her orgasm comes as a sudden burst of warmth and Aemond isn’t far behind, suppressing a grunt as his hips still and his cock throbs inside her.
A few moments pass and he turns her head towards him, keeping his eyes on her lips. He leans in to kiss her and she twists her head to the other side.
“Fucking brat.” 
Suddenly he brings her to face him fully, effortlessly lifting her by her thighs to rest her against the edge of the sink. 
There’s no teasing this time, no pretence, just need. He pushes himself into her in one cruel snap of his hips.
He’s too impatient to give her time to adjust before he starts to fuck her, fiercely and without mercy, hands digging into the flesh of her rear, pulling her in over and over again. He brings his forehead against hers, glaring into her eyes like he hates her.
But like this she can wrap her arms around his neck, hold him even closer and lose herself in just him.
“All you need to remember is you’re mine. You’re fucking mine and you know it.”
Tears well in her eyes and she can only take what he gives her. “Fuck… Aemond...”
Her climax builds until it’s almost excruciating, and then it tears through her, a release unlike anything she’s known for months. She keeps her arms tight around him, burying her face into his neck as her thighs shake and her whole body tenses and trembles.
Aemond doesn’t stop, fucking her through it until she’s writhing with the overstimulation.
“Too much,” she whines, “fuck it’s too much!”
He clasps a hand over her mouth to muffle her protest, dangerously echoing on the tiled walls and floors. He comes again, gnawing at his lip to keep himself quiet and spilling deep inside her as tears stream from her cheeks.
He admires the mess they’ve made as he pulls out, her cream on his cock and his cum leaking from her quivering cunt. His eyes flicker back to her face, his expression softening and his lips curling into a half smile.
Dazed and still desperate she leans into him, but her lips barely get to  graze his before he pulls away.
“Oh now you want to kiss me?”
She frowns, which only seems to amuse him.
By the way he grabs her jaw she doesn’t need to be told what to do. She offers him her tongue and swallows when he spits into her mouth.
A satisfied groan rumbles in his chest and her belly flutters in anticipation, as if he hasn’t just made her come twice, as if she can’t feel his spend starting to drip down her thighs.
He slips her off the sink and kneels down to pull her panties up her legs. Then he fixes her skirt, smoothing down the fabric with his palms.
“You’re going to be civil,” he murmurs, one of his hands coming to fix her hair. “You’re going to go back out there, kiss your boyfriend on the cheek, but I want you to think about me. Think about how good I make you feel. Do you understand?”
She nods.
“Words, baby,” he says as his hand comes to cup her jaw, stroking his thumb over her flushed cheek.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“That’s my good girl,” he says softly, leaning in to plant an almost chaste kiss to her lips.
She tries for more but he steps away, eyes roaming over her to make sure she’s presentable.
With a vague “hmm,” he carefully unlocks the door and slowly steps out. He shoots her a quick wink before he closes the door, his footsteps fading down the hallway back towards the kitchen.
Her legs almost give out underneath her and she clutches the sink to keep herself standing. 
That certainly wasn’t how she was expecting this evening to go.
She’s not sure how she’s supposed to show her face and go about pretending like nothing’s happened in front of their families. Maybe she’ll rediscover her ability to lie, kiss Cregan on the cheek and play the part of the sweet girlfriend, but what kind of person will that make her?
She looks at her reflection, at the glimmer of blissful tears and sweat on her face. 
A familiar laugh drifts down the hall.
How is she ever going to look her mother in the eye again?
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General Taglist: @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy
Series Taglist: @marthawrites @urmomsgirlfriend1 @aaaaaamond @boundlessfantasy @sahvlran @tinykryptonitewerewolf @arcielee @tssf-imagines @aemondsfavouritebastard @skikikikiikhhjuuh @queenofshinigamis @lost-and-founds @izzydlb @dc-marvel-girl96 @xcinnamonmalfoyx @padfooteyes @castellomargot @pet1t3
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Big Biggie
Request: from @itmejado
Could you write an imagine where Rossis daughter has an asthma problem and has to go to hospital for antibiotics and stay for a few days and the team comes and spends time with her, like playing chess with Spencer, penny makes cookies, she watches sports with Derek?
David Rossi x daughter!reader, Platonic!BAU x rossi!reader
Summary: reader with asthma finds herself in the hospital while her dad is away. The team steps in to keep her company.
A/N: I don't have asthma so I did research to try to get as accurate as possible. I hope this captures everything okay. If not, I am always open to feedback in order to make the next request better. Thanks!
CW: reader has asthma, minor swearing, hospitals, IVs, reader is sassy (as I'd imagine Rossi's daughter would be)
You hated frat boys
No. That statement didn’t cover it all; you hated frat boys that didn’t have the decency to cover their damn mouths when they coughed. Of course, not everyone had been raised in a mansion, but sometimes the level of common sense people lacked completely baffled you. After just one class of sitting next to a guy from Sigma-Phi-Disease-Factory claiming that he “just has allergies” you ended up with pneumonia.
No biggie, right?
Yes biggie. Big biggie.
Because having athsma made treating pneumonia far more complicated than taking a trip to the student health center.
The persistance of your wet cough and the burn in your chest as you heaved air in and out of your lungs became increasingly concerning. You weren’t sure if you had so much pain in your chest because you felt like you couldn’t breathe, or if you felt like you couldn’t breathe because of the pain. When your temperature skyrocketed and your skill chilled, you had your roommate drop you off at the ER.
It didn’t take the doctors long to decide you needed to be admitted, and immediately after finding out the pneumonia was bacterial, you were glad you hadn’t waited any longer than you did. Growing up with athsma meant you had been through enough treatments, seen enough specialists, and had enough infections to know that you’d be laid up in the hospital on IV antibiotics for at least five days.
Staring at the ceiling, you found yourself craving company, but you weren’t sure who to call. Your roommates were busy working and your dad was on vacation. Well, actually he was on his book tour, but that was the closest thing David Rossi got to a vacation. You didn’t want to bother him.
The problem with that- you were still on his insurance plan. You’d have to bother him some time before you got discharged. It was probably better that you did it now rather than later.
“Ah, if it isn’t my favorite girl," he answered after the first ring. “I was just about to call and tell you about this fantastic restaurant I went to last night. I think it’s the best carbonara I’ve had since your great-grandmother was alive.”
“That’s great, dad,” you managed to choke out.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?” Your dad said, his voice filled concern.
You wanted to sigh, but it came out as a cough. “I’m in the hospital,” you managed to say between heavy breaths. “Bacterial pneumonia. I have to be on an IV for a few days, but I’ll be okay.”
“I’ll catch the next flight home-”
“Dad, no.” You coughed, the speed at which you cut him off causing mucus to come up your throat. “There’s only one more day left of your tour. You deserve to have some fun every once in a while. I’ll be fine. Bored, but fine.”
You heard your dad hesitate. Rossi had raised you on his own. Every minute he didn’t spend working to catch the most dangerous criminals in the country, he spent taking care of you. The man deserved a break.
“Okay,” he said. “But if you need me all you have to do is call and I’ll be there.”
“Okay, dad.” Your eyes felt heavy. “I love you.”
“I love you too, kiddo.”
You weren’t sure how long you were asleep for, but when you woke up there was someone next to your bed.
“Who are you and why are you eating my jello?” You muttered, your eyes still only half open.
“Good morning to you too, (Y/N).” Derek chuckled. “How are you feeling?”
“Never better,” you replied, followed by a wheeze. “Why are you here? Let me guess, one of the nurses here is a serial murderer- wait no. Dr. Super Genius managed to get shot again.”
At that, Derek burst out laughing, nearlying dropping his empty jello cup on the floor. “You are your father’s daughter, aren’t you?” he said. “I’m here because I heard a certain Rossi told her dad not to come home from his book tour early and I couldn’t let the BAU’s favorite oldest kid be bored and alone.”
“I appreciate that, Derek, but you really didn’t have to. There isn’t much to do around here.”
“You didn’t let me finish,” Derek grabbed the remote for the TV. “The Commanders are playing the Bears today and there was no way I was going to miss an opportunity to watch my home team beat yours.” His smile turned cocky.
You wanted to back-talk him but you began coughing violently, mucus rising in your throat, chest heaving as you struggled for air.
“Let it out, kid,” Derek rubbed your arm softly. “Let it out.”
Just then another agent you knew all too well walked into the room, but this one was far less fun- Agent Hotchner. Though you had known him the longest of anyone on your father's team, he didn’t make for great company. Unless, of course, one considered filling out copious amounts of paperwork in silence a fun activity.
“Morgan, what did you do?” He asked.
“Nothing, Hotch!” Derek said defensively.
He was right- it wasn’t his fault your body decided that it needed to try to eject your lungs from your chest. But Hotch wasn't looking at you, instead, he walked over to the table with not one, not two, but three empty jello cups.
Your coughing subsided and Derek turned to look at his boss, who raised a suspicious eyebrow. “I might have participated in the jello.”
Hotch let out a small, rare smile and turned to you. “Your dad gave me the information to get your forms filled out so you don’t have to worry about it. I have to go, but you can call me if you need anything.”
“Thanks,” you managed to get out.
Hotch nodded. “Of course. Get some rest.” The interaction was short, brief, and to the point, but Aaron Hotchner leaving work to fill out medical forms so you didn’t have to do it later was his way of letting you know he cared.
“Now,” Derek said. “Where were we?” He turned up the volume on the TV just as the Commanders scored a touchdown.
“You’re going down.” You smirked at him.
“Ha! The Commanders win 14 to 7!” You cheered weakly. The antibiotics were starting to kick in, making the suffocating feeling in your chest far less painful than before.
Derek rolled his eyes. “Alright, alright, kid. But they only won because that ref made a bad call.”
“It doesn’t matter. They still won.”
“Who won what?” Penelope Garcia toddled into the room on bright pink heels. She was wearing a black and white polkadot dress with a cardigan to match her shoes. Sometimes you wondered if she had to bribe someone to get around FBI dress code.
“The Commanders beat the Bears,” you told her, smirking at Derek.
“Ooo!” Penelope squealed. She didn’t understand sports, but she understood enough to ask “So your team beat Derek’s team?”
You nodded.
“Do you know what that means?”
You shook your head. 
“It means that you get to pick out your cookie before he does.” Penelope smiled and pulled a box of cookies out from her purse, offering them to you. They were the good kind- the ones that she spent hours icing and designing to look like cartoon kittens.
“Penny, you are the best,” you told her. You picked out a cookie that looked a whole lot like Sergio and took your time enjoying the delicious treat. “So good.” 
Derek nodded in agreement as he finished off his first cookie and went to grab another one. Penelope swatted his hand away.
“I made one for each of us,” she said.
“But there’s one left,” Derek observed.
Before Garcia could reply, Spencer Reid made his way into the room and grabbed the last cookie. Derek looked defeated.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Reid said, putting down his satchel and taking a seat before starting on his dessert.
“Hey, Spencer,” you replied, then furrowed your brow in confusion. “You came in here without a hazmat suit on?” Spencer was known for having a slight problem with germs.
“As long as we stay five feet away we should be fine,” he countered. “Plus I want a rematch of our annual holiday game.” He pulled a chess board from his satchel and began to set it up on a small chair.
“Reid,” you started. “How are we supposed to play if I can’t even reach the board?”
“Morgan can move the pieces for you,” Spencer said with a mouthful of cookie.
“Penny can’t do it instead?” you asked, half to tease Derek and half because you were sure the guy had never played chess in his life.
“Hey, ouch!” Derek said, bringing his hand to his chest and pretending to be hurt. “But you are right. I think Penelope would be the better choice.”
“I’m on it!” Garcia got up from her seat to move closer to Reid, who had placed himself as far from your bed as possible. 
The game took far longer than normal, with Spencer having to guide Garcia through what moves you were asking for, and the match ended in a stalemate. You were about to start another round when a nurse came by, letting everyone know that visiting hours were up.
You said your thank you's and goodbye's to your father's team members. After that, it wasn’t long before you fell asleep.
“Yes, and according to Morgan, her and Reid’s chess match ended in a stalemate. I have a feeling he might not be able to wait until the holiday party for a second rematch,” Hotch told Dave over the phone.
“Thanks for doing that, Aaron,” Rossi said. “It means a lot.”
Before Hotch had a chance to answer, a flight attendant tapped Rossi on the shoulder. “Excuse me, sir. I’m going to have to ask you to put your phone on airplane mode for the flight.”
Rossi gestured that he just needed one more minute and put the phone back up to his ear.
“What time are you getting in tomorrow?” Hotch asked.
Rossi sighed. “Not till the afternoon at least. I forgot that layovers are a huge pain in the ass.”
“Well, try not to worry too much about (Y/N). Emily and JJ have something planned to keep her occupied.”
Rossi smiled. “I’m sure she’ll love it.”
“Well,” Hotch said, taking on a bit of a playful tone. “As Garcia might say, it’s no biggie.”
“Sir.” the flight attendant came back, this time looking far more annoyed.
“I’ve gotta go. Thanks again, Aaron.” Rossi hung up the phone.
It’s no biggie.
But it was. Even when he couldn’t be there for his daughter, his team- their second family- always would be. And that was a big biggie.
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effy-writes · 5 days
Hii!! I really love your writing and I saw that you're taking requests
WARNING up a head
I would like to know if you would be okay with writing a scenario involving Fizz and Ozzie with a reader (female or gender-neutral) who has epilepsy. The reader has been experiencing frequent seizures due to getting less sleep, stressing over work, missing a few doses of their medication (meds were pricey and they felt like a burden to them), and eating chocolate that was gifted by a coworker (they'd feel bad for declining), despite being aware that it's a trigger factor.
I've been going in and out of the hospital for the past 2 months due to high fever (after I fell off the stairs and hit my head) and seizure monitoring and despite being an adult, I feel like a burden to my parents because they have to look after me and pay for everything (and I try to skip a few days of meds to make them last a little bit longer) 🥲🥲🥲
And if you ever feel uncomfortable writing this, you can just ignore it! Mwah, have a good day/evening, loves!!
holy shit are you okay 😭😭 and thank you for requesting! and also thank you for the compliment!
also i didn’t know if you wanted one shot or HC so this is like a little bit of both i think
Fizz x GN!Epileptic! Reader x Ozzie HC
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•You haven’t been epileptic your whole life. It all started when doing a performance at Ozzie’s and fell off a platform and hit your head. Obviously, your polyamorous relationship with Fizz and Ozzie were worried sick about you. They took you to a hospital straight away (and since it’s hell, it was a pretty sucky hospital), all they said was that you had a concussion.
• Going back to Ozzie’s house they made you take things slow and refused to let you do things. It was killing you though. Everyone at Ozzie’s loved your performances and the customers paid lots of money to go see you, and because of your injury you obviously can’t perform. So, customers ended up not going.
• You felt extremely guilty for it, but Fizz kept reassuring you that him and Ozzie aren’t mad. They just want you to get better.
•Well, things got even worse. A few days later you had a horrible fever. You felt so weak to even talk and your skin was burning up. Ozzie was the first to notice this. He took your temperature and was horrified whenever it came out to 105° F, which is a deadly fever. He immediately got Fizz and they took you to the hospital yet again. Since you’re an Imp they didn’t care, but after Ozzie showed his true form they took you seriously and monitored you.
•That same day Ozzie had to go to a very important Hell meeting so he left Fizz with you. He realized you looked worse even though they gave you IV medicine. When he saw your body shaking and eyes rolling back he freaked the fuck out. He called out for some nurses or doctors and they quickly gave you seizure medicine to stop the seizure. Obviously you were “blacked out” for this, so you don’t remember much. Fizz on the other hand was hyperventilating and got worried sick. He couldn’t call Ozzie because of him being at the meeting, so he held your hand and told you it’s going to be okay while you’re asleep.
•After some very expensive days at the hospital they officially diagnosed you with Early Post Traumatic seizure. Basically epilepsy. The moment you got this information you broke down. Ozzie rubbed your back while Fizz squeezed your hand. It hurt them to see you like this. The doctors prescribed expensive seizure medicine to take daily to prevent more seizures.
•Finally you were able to go back home and hoped things would go back to normal. Ozzie paid for the medication while Fizz reminded you to take them. The next couple of months the seizures became less frequent and almost disappeared.
•You were still able to perform (after months of begging, but they soon gave in because they saw you haven’t had a seizure in a while). However, Ozzie made a deal with you. You can only perform on Friday and Saturday nights and made it “seizure friendly” (basically on those days they refuse to show flashing lights), and because of those seizure friendly days more people started showing up because they also have epilepsy!!
•Your polyamorous relationship anniversary is coming up and you wanted to do something special. And lucky for you, it landed on a friday. You’ve been preparing this for months, you wanted it to be something completely different and wanted it to be special. However, you could only practice the dance with the backup dancers super early in the day (like 4 am) so Ozzie and Fizz won’t see what you’re getting up to. You’ll sneak out of the bedroom and head on down to Ozzie’s and meet the backup dancers there to practice.
•Because you’ve been getting less sleep and you’re stressed out fixing up this anniversary present, your seizures have been acting up. The first incident was that you were walking from the bedroom to the kitchen (and you stood up too fast) and immediately fell back down as your body compulses. Ozzie was already in the kitchen making breakfast and once he heard something (more like somebody) and saw you shaking he took action and turned you on your side just in case if you throw up. He also grew in size and placed his hand underneath your head so it wouldn’t keep hitting the ground repeatedly. Ozzie kept it cool, but Fizz was hyperventilating (this dude worry’s so much because you mean everything to him).
•You didn’t know how much your medicine costs until Fizz pointed it out. He didn’t mean any harm, he just said “Damn, this shit is more expensive than the Demon Driller 5000.” And yes, that’s saying a lot. He meant it as a joke and didn’t know it made you feel guilty. You wanted to skip the meds, but since Fizz keeps track of it you had to come up with a plan for him to not helicopter you.
•It was actually pretty easy, you told him you wanted to do things yourself and he respected that boundary. You hid the medicine and only took it twice a week, which definitely didn’t help your case.
•Both of your boyfriends were worried sick about you and wanted to take you to the hospital but you always declined (you even got mad at them because of it. You meant no harm but because of the stress and having to deal with seizures just made you on edge).
•At work a coworker gave you chocolate because the anniversary was coming up soon. You didn’t want to eat it because you really didn’t want to have a seizure since they hurt so much. But, you’re a people pleaser and you ate it. Soon enough, you had a seizure 30 minutes later (not while performing because Fizz and Ozzie begged you to not perform once you’ve been seizure free for 2 months).
•After that one, things got heated between you and your boyfriends.
“Is everything okay, babe? We’re so worried about you.” Ozzie rubbed your back.
“I am. Just stressed and tired because of these seizures.”
Fizz laid his body across you and Ozzie, his head on your lap. “Is that all? Or is there something more?”
•You kept it a secret for so long and it sucks because the anniversary is this friday and you really wanted it to be special. So, you told them everything, including skipping meds.
“I haven’t been sleeping a lot and I’m stressed because I’ve been working for months on this stupid performance for our anniversary.” You huffed. “And I may or may not be taking my meds.” You winced.
“WHAT?!” Ozzie yelled, but lowered his voice, “What? Why?”
“It’s too expensive and I feel so guilty that you have to pay and I feel like a burden.”
Fizz shot up, “You’re not a burden! We love you so much and want you to be healthy!”
“Don’t worry about the money, babe. I got it.”
“And sorry for spoiling the surprise.”
“Eh, I figured you were up to something.” Fizz smirked.
“What? How?” You laughed.
“I know you. I knew you longer than Ozzie.” He kissed your nose. “I can tell when you’re keeping secrets. But I’m VERY pissed at you for not taking your meds.”
“I know, and I’m sorry.”
Ozzie combed through your hair with his fingers, “Don’t ever apologize, and don’t ever skip your meds. I’m flattered you wanted to do a special performance for us, but we also care deeply about you. You’re not a burden, you’re our lover.”
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hwnglx · 1 year
can you do a current energy reading for bang chan? i’ve been pretty worried about him for a while now, he’s been pretty open about struggling lately and now with all of this recent stuff going on i’m just wondering how he’s doing with it all.
bangchan's current energy ﴾ may '23 based on tarot, take it with a grain of salt
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10ofw&knofp, 2ofw&emper, 8ofsw, 5ofsw, 8ofp
the 10 of wands jumped out right away. chan can sometimes feel like he has the entire world on his shoulders. he's the type to make it look easy, but there's sooo much responsibility resting on him. i can really feel the weight of it while reading myself. however, combined with the slow, steady and stable knight of pentacles, i don't see the weight of it crushing him.
he's being patient. from this spread alone, i can tell that he exactly knows how to deal with burdensome periods, he's been through them many times before. he's experienced these type of struggles already, so it's nothing he can't handle.
he's a very wise, mature and assertive guy. he's taking charge of whatever situation is thrown at him, and is currently in the midst of carefully planning out his next steps. he's really saying "okay, this is what we're gonna do, this is what we are not gonna do." i even see his voice overpowering many higher ups. chan is definitely the main guy in not only his career, but also skz's careers.
you notice how i did not say anything about his mental state yet? that's because all the cards i got till later on, only show me his strength dealing with everything. i think, he has the toxic tendency to push everything concerning his own wellbeing to the complete background.
but, inside he's feeling some anxiety. honestly, i think this entire situation with ive made him overthink a lot. he feels like his intentions were misunderstood. he feels like there's this lack of power he has over people from the outside putting words in his mouth, it's causing a sense of hopelessness inside him. like, no matter what he says, he can't really win. chan being a double libra makes him soooo overly focused on being liked by everyone. he hates knowing that there's people who view him in a bad light now.
the eight of pentacles in the end is showing me, he's working hard. obv skz are preparing for their comeback, so i see most of his mind being there, but i can also see him at least trying to somehow work on his attitude towards situations like these. he's always focused on how to become a better influence on the people around him, so i see him working on overcoming these negative emotions he can hold on to sometimes.
something compelled me to pull out my moonology oracle deck and i pulled:
new moon in virgo: a time to give rather than take
-> he's overanalyzing things -> but gradual improvements are coming -> potential to fully restart in a clever and organized manner -> universe is telling him: "don't think about what others are doing to you, think about what you can do for them"
message that resonated most is: take care of your health!
he should eat better, have healthier routines, maybe seek out some therapy. i really see the universe telling him to get a counsellor, someone he can vent to freely.
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kingprinceleo · 1 year
Hello again! Hope you're doing well and I'm not bothering you. Putting this in a list to make it easier for you:
1. Your OC Silhouette. Does 1000 Years Bound Shadow see her as a daughter, or more of a Dark Arms spawn, and when did the latter cross into the former if so? Where did the needlemouse gene come from in her DNA? What's her personality, and her relationship to Shadow and everyone else around her?
2. Do you remember your Dial Up Tone AU with Silver and Shadow? Will you ever be expanding on that AU? It has potential for angst and comedy from both parties, the former more for Shadow who's been time-displaced twice already. Silver is in for a fun time (not) with this guy.
Drink water and eat regularly!
hi!!! its not a bother i love answering questions ehhehehehh 1. He views her strictly as a science experiment! refers to her as It and Thing for a long while. Valentine and Tails take on most of the raising and dealing with her because shadow is The Worst Dad In The World. thats all pre recovery arc though. Post recovery hes not even close to as bad as he used to be, but hes very strict and demanding of his spawn to uphold his pride. The child of the ultimate lifeform should be as perfect of a being as he is in his opinion. Needlemouse is just a combo name for hedgehog and mouse fbhdsh, but shadow will Not disclose where the mouse genetics come from hhhhgggg ive been thinking about it for a while but i dont really have a personality down for her yet! ive been kinda stuck in the Baby phase where she is just a little creature who can do nothing and everything wrong but i think she would absolutely take on Shadows bluntness and perfectionism. She loves valentine so much, val is so nice and sweet to her, and valentine is probably why Silo actually loves shadow in any capacity, bc vals undying loyalty for the old bitch rubbed of on her and she likes tails! tails is just good with kids its kinda impossible not to like him 2. The dial up post is ALSO 1000 Years Bound!! its just during the year 200 period (silvers lifetime) vs where the major plot is at 500 years
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related only bc its shadow being awful, but this popped into my head i thought it would be funny
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i-bring-crack · 2 months
Think about it:
A story about the national rank hunters and kamish in the og timeline
All the info we really got was a bunch of people die, 5 people live, and nothing else
We see 3 out of the 5 and one of them turns into a burnt stick instantly, another has a decent role, and the last one shows up in 15 panels max
Theres so many possibilities on what could’ve happened
Not to mention, it would’ve been a great way to showcase side characters
Im thinking about it and had so much time to think about it that i came up with a crisis about how much I want to talk to someome about SL Rag again.
For the sake of it I will put the normal ideas first(Thomas and Reed, plus a bit of Zhigang and some canon divergence ideas) and then seperate the info about the rest of the hunters from the sequel (Siddhart, Liu,) inside the brackets.
But dear god do I LOVE them. Ive tried to find everything about them as much as possible, and watched the same national rank video (of them being insulted but in espanolllll) for the nth time because it was the only national rank video that i had known about but ahhhh. I keep thinking that the author left them there bc he had expected to make some use of it but decided to rush the story instead, or just placed it to make the threat of thomas seem a bit more threatning. Either way I would have also loved to see not just the national hunters but also the way they inteeracted with their guilds and countries as well.
For Christopher Reed my main headcanon was to have his past be connected to the Kamish event, having not just ptsd from fighting the dragon but also having lost his family in that event. He seemed reserved and doesnt even like hunting as shown in the time he rejected going too deal with an S rank dungeon despite that being his main duty for it. I also think it would have been cool to have a hunter who didnt do this just because of survival or fame, but because he was forced from it from the start, by pretty much everyone: the society, the assosiation, and even the ones who gave him the power. of course he likes the power and fame either way but he would give it all up (prob) if he could just go back again to having his peaceful life. His past could also show the social pressure hunters go through, especially those with more power who are in that line between idols for the people and tools for the goverment (or even their own guild) while also showing the years prior to Kamish and how that devastation had reshaped society as a whole.
For Thomas Andre I wish we could have seen more of his background as well, and his development to being humbled towards others that began to deserve it. I like it in the manhwa but I just wish there had been more to that, especially for him to respect others that werent just Jinwoo, Thomas and Laura. I would be quite interested in Laura's dynamic as well, how did she come to meet him and how did she come to be one of the closests people as well. we dont even know what her rank is, just that she is pretty competent at what she does, and honestly that surprises me a lot bc for most of the guilds that we have seen, the ones who have the most authority are those with more power, yet not once do we see Laura needing to use that, and thats fun. It would also be fun if she is just a non awakened one or a lower rank, since it would be funny to see her boss other S ranks around (or her having so many S rank guard dogs by her side becasue she is the best guildmate they could ask for!). Oh right this was about Thomas haha-- I also wished to see more wholesome moments with Norma, the side stories indicated that he had fond respect of those who save him and also him eating her cookies or doing gardening just heals my soul every time I look at it!
The healer, we know jack shit. Well, we know one thing, that they are a healer. I did make an OC of them once, as well as trying to pin down the possible location of what country they might haave been from : Russian or France where the options since they have been the countries that alo dealt and cleared an S rank raid. My thoughts would range a lot on how I wanted to present the S rank, especally since they are the ones who probably carried the whole ass team throughout the entire fight. Also them being a megalomaniac in the same way healers are in games would have been funny, in accoun to the fact that they would have the same rabid cannot be tamed energy as the rest of the heroes. I hope we get to see something of them one day, especially when Ragnarok comes back (FOUR DAYS AH)
I dont need to say much in account of Liu Zhigang being the most beloved nd most infuriating character becasue of his whole wasted potential. Well, absolutely right I would have love me for him to have been the actual strongest or have some cooler fighting techniques that didnt just rely on the pure strength like the rest of the other national ranks. I would have also loved to see him and his guildmates a lot more, since it was hinted that there was a lot of powerful hunters which china kept hidden from other countries. Also he really seemed to be a guy coming straight out of a martial arts movie so i am glad i wasnt the only one who thought of him growing all hi life to perfect certain martial arts styles.
Siddhart Bachchan is perfect as he is in the SLRagnarok I have nothing more to say of him or about him :3
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Vet Harry rambles ?
Okay so first of all
Y/n loves his little hip chub ☹️ like ugh
The little hip chin he’s got from only surviving on eating whatever is the daily pastry (he’s literally giving mouthful of tooth pastry) at the bakery across the street
And she pinched at his little hip chub and bites it
And he just whines and giggles because it tickles but he secretly loves it :p
And he’s so the boyfriend who is balls deep in her but still asks “do you like me though???”
Like not to get all sad but I definitely feel like based on his personality and other random things that in the past people haven’t treated him the best so in relationships he’s very insecure about stuff like that
So she constantly has to reassure him that she really does love him, and then he apologizes for it but she doesn’t mind, she likes reminding him how much she loves him
And y/n’s family is obsessed with him
Anytime he is around her family it’s just hugs and smiles all around
The little kids love him because he shows interest in their games and asks if he can play, and because he knows a lot about animals
And the adults and older adults loves him because he’s so sweet and always there to have a conversation without there being awkward silences
And I KNOWWW I’m getting ahead of myself because this is not happening any time soon!!!
But I can’t stop thinking about how sweet Harry would be when she’s pregnant.
I imagine she probably moves in with him since he has a big town house, and maybe after their baby I’d a year or so old they move into a cute little house together
I can definitely see that same angsty trope we see a lot where y/n gets super insecure during pregnancy happening to them
But this time Harry also gets super insecure and he’s like “she’s gonna leave me because she’s got that amazing pregnancy glow and now she’s going to have a super cute baby by her side and everyone’s going to want her 😢”
And pregnancy sex kind of… absolutely blows his mind
He loves having the bump to rub and more hip chin to grab onto when needed
He especially liked how sensitive and reactive she is because sometimes he tends to get a little ahead of himself and get a little crazy and then he has her a whimpering pile of mush in his arms
And when she is working harry is SICK
Constantly calling her “remember to take breaks, don’t wear yourself out walking all over that hospital. Just stay with the babies today, don’t leave the NICU at all. Sit there and coo at the cute babies.”
And when she finally takes maternity leave he is so relieved oh god
But while she’s pregnant harry is always running out to the little bakery across the street
And he claims it’s for the baby so they can come out with a sweet tooth like their daddy so they can take little trips to the bakery together
But it’s really so he has an excuse to buy a bakers dozen of their raspberry lemon muffins
But he also loves going out to grab whatever y/n is craving
And she obviously knows a lot about pregnancy and babies since she is a NICU nurse
So she’s like “H, if I’m craving sugar I should probably just have some fruit. It’s really good for the baby, you know. I need to get my fruit and veggies in now more than ever.”
“I’ll get you a slice of apple pie! It’s mainly apples.”
And he is ALWAYS talking to her bump, constantly kissing it and rubbing it and singing to it and just rambling on about anything and everything
“And then when I was feeding Muffin today he tried to bite my hand because he thought I would pour the food into his bowl quicker but he was sadly mistaken because then I winced in pain for a couple minutes to make him feel bad just so he could learn a lesson and not bite his daddy.”
“Harry are you done?”
“No, my story isn’t over yet, petal. Then Muffin felt really bad. Maybe we should keep the names the same Oreo, Muffin, I think we should name the baby… jelly bean.” (That was random but it’s about to be Easter so that’s the first thing that popped in my Harry’s head)
And from then on they nickname the baby jellybean
They got so tired of calling the baby “it” or “they” with nothing else to call them because they have not picked out a name, and because it felt a little impersonal to them
So now the baby was “jelly bean”
“How’s the little jelly bean doing?”
“Did our little jelly bean keep you up all night”
“Wait, petal, you know what I just thought of? Now you have a jelly belly. Isn’t that so funny?… get it? Because a jelly bean brand is named jellybelly.”
And even once the baby is out they are still “jelly bean”
They hardly bother called the baby their real name, even though they picked that name for a reason and love it, jelly bean just felt more natural for them and it was the affectionate nickname they used for half a year
And once Harry has to leave to go back to work he’s so upset “why can’t I just take my jelly bean with me 😞 they can come see the puppies and the little kittens.”
“They have two huge puppies here. I’ll call you on your break so you can see her, I’ll send you photos, I’ll let you know all about the horrible dirty diapers and spit up I’ll have to deal with once you’re home.”
Okay that’s really all the thoughts I have 😩
Let me know what your thoughts too 🤭
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - February 12
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Hey friends, this week has been--really not good. I didn’t read much at all--I apologize for that. Hopefully we’ll get more next week. 
Submission Hold by Letterblade
"Tony," Steve says, somewhat gently. "So you're saying, what, that you like it when I hold you down?"
Sacrifice Play by Amonet
“I like you a lot actually,” Tony says because he can’t lie when Steve looks at him like that. “Maybe a bit too much.”
Tony hadn't expected to have to explain to Steve why he tries to save the Captains life every time he gets himself in danger because it isn't like Steve cared about him, right? Turns out, Steve wants to solve this problem right now and he doesn't let Tony make excuses. Misunderstandings ensue, get resolved and maybe they've both been wrong all along?
Open Your Eyes by missbecky
Steve and Tony's friendship finally appears to be heading for more. Now if only Steve could find the right time to tell Tony the truth. In which many things are resolved, Steve is clueless, there are Christmas presents and mistletoe and kisses, and oh yeah, Tony makes it snow.
I've Got Something So Sweet by Reioka 
Tony bakes when stressed, and the holidays are apparently some of the most stressful weeks for him. Steve reaps the benefits, even if everyone does give him the side-eye for eating so many sweets.
Folded Hearts by FestiveFerret
As if the box of ornaments Tony was unloading had read his mind, the next one he pulled out was a small, delicately folded, origami swan, the creases worn to white on the blue and red paper, its beak permanently crooked.
Tony's heart ached as he cradled the tiny bird. Steve Rogers. He hated to use the phrase "the one that got away," since he and Steve still texted regularly, but man, it sure felt like he was.
(Un)Fortunate Circumstances by lomku
Or how Steve wakes up from the ice in the SHIELD facility, runs into Tony, and kind of kidnaps him in his bid for freedom.
Flipping Through Channels by KandiSheek
When Loki hits Tony and Steve with an illusion spell during their fight, Tony is prepared for torture, nightmares, the whole shebang. What he's not prepared for is being trapped in a kitschy eighties rom-com with him and Steve as the protagonist and love interest.
And why the hell does Loki want them to kiss so badly?
There's a First Time for Everything by viklikesfic (v_angelique)
"What are you, Cap, some kind of masochist?"
Later, Steve will blame his response to Stark's quip on the heavy-duty painkillers Bruce is administering via IV in serum-resistant doses. He smirks, hissing just a little at the way the motion pulls at the cuts on his face, and looks at Tony dead-on with his one open eye.
"Buy me a drink and maybe I'll tell you."
the slowest runner in all the world by silkspectred 
Tony was pregnant in Siberia. Steve didn't know.
[This is the main story that frames all the others.]
oscillations by silkspectred
Steve and Tony rebuild their relationship.
Just For Now by complicationstoo
Tony and Steve have never gotten along, but when Tony lies to his mom about bringing his boyfriend to his cousin's wedding, he needs someone to play the part. Lucky for him, Steve agrees, and the two might just get a little more than they anticipated out of it.
Together by tinystark616
Carol has rescued Tony from space, and now he has to confront his feelings for Steve while processing the trauma of losing the fight to Thanos. Tony realizes that the Steve that came back to him isn't the same Steve he used to know, but that he has changed as well.
Tomorrow Belongs To Me by valtyr
Steve wakes up in the 21st Century. He doesn't think much of it, and it's dubious about him. He meets a Norse God, joins a superhero team, and feels terribly awkward about the whole monument at Arlington he's rendered obsolete by not being dead. Meanwhile, Tony is trying to make his mark on history by being the man who finally drove Nick Fury over the edge.
Sleep Sisyphus (Guard your Star) by Diomedes
Howard says Stark men are made of iron and this is not one of his lies.
Iron is useful: it can be forged into weapons and bridges and keys alike. Iron is blood and magnets and the spinning core of the Earth. It is fool’s gold, it is armour. It is the heaviest element found in the heart of stars but much too heavy for a boy’s heart to carry.
Tony will never forgive his father this inheritance.
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russellsppttemplates · 11 months
heyy girl!! i hope youre okay! ive seen so much tiktoks about pregnant women crying over silly stuff because of the pregnancy hormones. it give me an idea about george and his pregnant gf/wife crying bc he needs to travel for races or because she cant eat her fav sandwich from a starbucks. george would make fun of her but then he would see her pout and feel bad about laughing. ive wrote it kinda messy, but i hope you understand what i mean😭
have a great day/night xx
Tw: pregnancy
"Darling, have you seen my shorts?", your husband asked while you tidied some sheets away and tucked them into the drawer where they belonged, "it's raining, George, why do you need them?", you asked nonchalantly, "to bring to the race", and it hit you. Before you noticed it, tears were falling down your face as you tried your best to wipe them, "hey, hey, you're okay, darling, what's the matter?", your husband said once he heard you, "you're leaving tomorrow, because you're going to the race", you explained between some hiccups, "I am, I told you last week that I'd be travelling with the team", he tried his best to figure out what was going on, "I know you did, I think I forgot about it for a while and now I remembered it again", you said as you wiped the tears with the sleeve of the hoodie you were wearing, "and here I am crying my eyes out", you giggled and George seemed to finally calm down, "it's the hormones, isn't it?", he teased, "yes, and I am a mess. Cara called me today and our nephew said he missed me, so I sat in our bed and cried for a bit before I got up to make lunch", you slightly mocked yourself too, opening your arms so George could give you a cuddle.
"I was in a rush last night making all of these, but they all turned out okay, I think", George's mother, Alison, said as she set a cake in the table, "they all look incredible, mum", your husband complimented as everyone grabbed their plate to pick which dessert they fancied, "Sorry I couldn't make the lime cheesecake, dear", Alison said, "the limes in the shop didn't look that good and I ran out of time also". And that's how it began again, tears flowing as your nephew noticed, "aunt Y/N, are you feeling okay?", he said as he put his hand on your arm, "I'm fine, don't worry", you said in between tears as you felt everyone's eyes on you, "I was just really hoping for the cheesecake, but it's fine, don't worry", you comforted him before looking at George, who was softly rubbing your back while chuckling, "baby has a very sweet tooth, okay?", you pouted as Alison apologised, "it's been like this, and I don't want to sound spoiled or anything, it really doesn't bother me, but now I cry at everything really. George didn't have the polo I really like to see him on when we got in the car and I had to pout my way out of my misery", you explained while everyone chuckled too.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
thinking again....
pretty girl and h going to a halloween party with their friends and i don't really know what they'd dress up as, but they'd be so hot whatever it was and she'd get a little more drunk than him (he knew he was going to have to take care of her after the party because she just wants to have fun but ofc he won't drink as much he LOVES her) and it's such a safe atmosphere with everyone they know and so she feels okay to let loose a little and she's pulling him to dance with every song she hears that she likes, and only sitting in his lap no where else bc she will be >:( his pouty girl if she has to sit beside him and the later it gets the more clingy she is, holding his face and kissing him all over and they get tucked into a little corner of the house on a sofa while everyone is still partying and he's just entertaining her bc she's all giggly and her makeup is smudged from all the dancing they did and she's just drunkenly babbling to him about anything and everything and he never takes his eyes off of her, even denying grabbing another drink with one of his friends because she's got his hand wrapped up in hers, playing with his rings and trying them on and why would he leave her to get a drink ? she's literally his everything and he is more than happy to have her in his lap for three hours straight if that's what she wants, and after he gets her some food from the kitchen since it's been a while since she ate, maybe it's just a cute little halloween cupcake Tawny made, she's getting sleepy just yawning and curling into him and mumbling tiny cheers whenever she hears a song she really likes and he knows its about time to take her home before she actually falls asleep and the entire ride home she's just sleepily rambling about how much fun she had and "did you have fun honey?" and h is just melting bc honey ): and ofc he did and she makes him play cheesy halloween songs in the car and when they get home and he sits her on his bed to grab some makeup wipes and when he gets back (literally gone for 10 seconds) she's fast asleep in her little costume and he's ): bc she literally partied until she couldn't keep her eyes open and she'll have a hangover tomorrow but she'll still be his smiley girl bc of how much fun she had and GOD I JUST WANT HIM SO BAD - 🍓
stop I LOVE the idea of them at halloween but youre so right I have no idea what they would dress up as either:((((( like I could maybe see her being like a fairy or something but idk what he would dress up as to go w it:( idkidkidk but they look cute!!!!! and her being a mushy drunk:( ive only written her being a sad drunk in the main piece so I would love to do something soft and like actually give her a good night out sufshgfuhs but her getting so excited over certain songs and getting him to dance w her and twirl her around and :(((((( ON THE CAR RIDE HOME "did you have fun honey?" FHISFHSUFHSI BC:((((( EVEN THO SHES OUT OF IT AND SHE REMEMBERS THE NIGHT AS SO MUCH FUN SHE WANTS TO MAKE SURE HE HAD FUN TOO BC SHE WOULD BE SAD IF HE DIDN'T :(((( BUT OFC HE HAD FUN HE GOT TO SPEND THE WHOLE NIGHT W HER AND IM :((((( IN CONSOLABLE:((((((( but omg if he came back to his room seeing her all passed out he would def def def still follow through and get her makeup off her face and putting something on her lips so they aren't dry in the morning and getting her out of her costume as gently as he could before putting her in a big shirt of his and a pair of shorts :((( and ofc shes a little grumpy in the morning not getting up when he does like she usually does but when she does come down he can tell shes trying her best to stay in a good mood even though shes not really talkative and just wants to eat everything around her so it'll settle her tummy and when he pulls her not his lap is so sweet and "feeling alright pretty girl?" and she hums into his neck like yeah:( just sleepy and a little sick this morning:( but its so worth it I had so much fun last night h:) and hes :( so in love w her :(
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acaciapines · 7 months
Your nanowrimo pieces are soooo goooood they hit so hard fr fr. I’m especially LOVING today’s one with the owl & the collector even tho I don’t rlly know that much abt toh bc I haven’t watched it but I can tell that u LOVE IT & I can’t wait to learn more thru osmosis once the fic is poooosteeeed✨ (i WILL read it i PROMISE i SWEAR)
Anyways give us the thoughts, the tea, tell us how you make the words do that✨ anything u wanna give in regards to today’s bit!! We’re not picky!
Hope y’all are doing okay! Gal says hi :) Remember to eat and drink something, take breaks, and look after yourselves and each other! We love you! This has been a Daily Interaction Ask <3
he he :3 im glad youre enjoying!! its been really fun to pick out my favorite bits even when usually those are the ones w/out context lol. look at my owl and weep boy. firefly <3
YOU WILL LEARN SO MUCH VIA OSMOSIS....literally now that im also doing something for s1 its like. why watch owl house we have owl house at home (the owl house at home is a 1 million word daemon au) (<- 1 mil is not a joke btw idk if it'll hit it but itll at least come very close. no idk why i did this.)
as for today! hmmm...
its truly so fun to write the collector. like im not joking about him being my favorite owl house character despite his maybe twenty total minutes of screentime, so its been such a JOY to expand his role in this series!!
bc like. god. actually i think i wrote a whole like. bit of flash fiction/prose poetry type thing for them a while ago. probably in my files somewhere. but just. youre an immortal eight year old. you are in these years where you need to interact with other people for your own mental stability and health. to figure out the whole Being A Person thing. and you are trapped for like, centuries. trapped away from everyone and everything and DUST, which, in universe, in literally connection personified. you're cut off from all of this.
and you are, let me say again, eight years old.
truly the collector is just. hes had everyone he ever cares about leave him--his siblings the other archivists left him behind not out of any sense of cruelty, really, but because caring about people just isnt really a thing they do. quite frankly they live so long they didnt even notice. theyre far-away stars. not far because they're mean. just because thats what stars do.
and then king's dad (who um. doesnt have a name <3 this is why the collector calls him 'the big bully' its literally bc i never gave him a name--) was an adult the collector actually trusted and looked up to (he meshed REALLY WELL into titan society until the archivists started Doing A Murder since titans are the only beings that match them in power and they have very very different ideas about dust). like ive said before the collector is owlbeastkin but before that they never had a super stable sense of identity--in another world where they stayed w/ the titans they wouldve ended up a titan.
and then king's dad just. trapped him in a tablet forever.
and like, to be fair to king's dad he was reacting out of fear and the best knowledge he had (he assumed the collector led the archivists to the titans, and like, he did, but its not like he knew he was doing that, and, you know, poor guy had seen a huge chuck of his fellow titans killed including babies and eggs of which he had an egg to consider), but it still TRAPPED THEM. and then he died and so did all the rest of the titans so nobody could free the collector even if they wanted to.
and then BELOS, who manipulated and lied to the collector for so long and was also literally his only friend after being alone forever, so like, of course the collector just blindly went along with whatever he said. he was gonna free them!! he listened to them when they talked about stardust which nobody else ever did! he had no idea what the fuck a witch was! he just liked being able to see the stardust sometimes, and belos brought him to places with a lot of stardust. to destroy it, but like--you know. it was THERE.
but all these people were just USING them, and they never really understand that until king comes around. and king's also a scared eight year old!! but like. king's also not wrong. the collector did aid belos in destroying the entire isles. like no joke belos SUCCEEDS here. like not long-term obvi this has a happy ending but at the point we're in at for the future? it doesnt matter that the draining spell failed. all the palistrom trees are dead. witch society Cannot come back from that even if they did end up beating the collector. theyre doomed.
anyways what was i saying. collector. right.
so like, then they meet firefly/grr-click-growl/wings-across-night/the owl beast (king of having so many names i love her <3) and shes like, the first person who cares for them and ISNT using them. even king is using them!! but firefly has seen Some Shit. she sees the collector as a hatchling who was kicked out of his nest and is doing her best to be some sort of stable figure for him, but she doesnt Not see the stuff he's done.
the collector took over the world bc he's scared--all he's ever known is being used and trapped so he doesnt exactly trust most people easily. firefly would Love to not be in this world anymore. shes also got a loyalty to eda and king and luzmari. and, like, cool motive, still trapping an entire society of people.
but like. shes the one who is here right now and nobody else is trying to help this kid.
but the collector just. hes just an eight year old. a very, very old eight year old. but he doesnt understand things like "you can make the wrong choices and still choose to do better later" and "im mad at what you did but that doesnt mean i dont care about you."
he just sees someone upset with him. just sees another person who used him and doesnt care and is going to leave bc everyone leaves him and in a world where EVERY SINGLE PERSON comes in pairs, hes the only one who stands alone.
basically tl;dr: collector my beloved <3
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sensei-venus · 2 years
I wonder how would the boys deal with their wife reader giving birth I feel like hawk would go in panic mode
(If anyone wants any other characters feel free to send a ask and I’ll do them too.)
Miguel and Robby are the “silent panic” types. They both know about contractions, Water breaking,labor,active labor.
But in the moment their wives tell them causal “Oh yeah Iv been having small contractions all day, I think my water might break soon in the next few days.”
When their water actually breaks-
Robby is just silent, whether he was physically there when it happened or if his wife was calling him to tell him.
Cute idea that he was with Daniel when he got the call and Daniel had to take the phone from him and talk to Robby’s wife. Daniel has to literally push him into the car because they just like in shook and panic.
Robby is the best though out of all the guys during the actual birth. Robby knows how to shut up, he's giving words of encouragement, but knows to just be quiet when she's trying he best to push their baby out.
If it's a emergency C-section, he gives words of encouragement before she's wheeled away. He shuts down in the waiting room lobby. Just about everyone shows up to support him as they wait for news. But he shuts down. He clings to Johnny the whole time until a nurse comes and tells him that both his wife and baby are ok.
Miguel is the silent but energetic type. He stood in silence for a moment before he's scrambling around, grabbing the overnight bag, snacks, the baby carrier. He's ushering his wife to the car, basically pushing her in.
Won't shut up, he won't. He's trying to be helpful though his panic. His wife is done with him after 30 minutes of his none stop rambling.
“Miguel I love you so much, but if you don't shut the fuck up and let me push this kid out, I will make Johnny punch you in the fucking throat!!!!”
He's still rambling.
Emergency-C section, he's pacing. Johnny has to make him sit down. He's just quite the while time. He won't speak until he's told his wife and baby are ok.
Hawk is the open panic type.
He's been ready for this moment since the day his wife told him she was pregnant. He did all the research, did everything he could to be prepared for the moment she went into labor. But it really didn't help in that moment.
One of the worst things that he has to admit later on after the birth, is the fact he panicked so much he made his wife cry.
When her water breaks he becomes frantic and panicking.
Now his wife is hormonal crying, she feels gross after her water breaking, contractions are slowly starting, her back hurts, and now Hawk is running round the house trying to find the hospital stuff.
At the hospital he's telling her how proud he is of her, how great she's doing. Also betting that he's one of those guys who sneaks in food and let's her eat because, contractions.
“Got to have that energy to push that kid out!”
Emergency C- section, he knew that it was a risk, he just didn’t think it would happen. He’s on the phone with his mom the whole time, who is trying to get the the hospital. He’s ranting and rambling off stupid facts in her ear. He won’t stop until Miguel,Robby and Demitri show up. He’s sobbing into Demitri’s shoulder as the other two boys rub his back trying to comfort him. He starts crying even harder when he’s told that both his wife and baby are healthy.
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emmabebe0906 · 1 year
COME BACK I MISS UU😭😭 you shaped my childhood i found your works when i was 12 IM 17 NOW i miss slyth i miss YOUR OCSSS WE MISS YOUUU
im sorry to disappoint you, i cant draw as much as i used to. my body has severely deteriorated compared to when i was able to draw every day, back in... um.. when was it.. it feels like its been so long i dont really remember when it started. im gonna guess around 2020/2021 maybe?? i feel like it was before that but im not sure.
either way, i miss the days when i was younger too. youre not alone in that.
i have a lot of mental and physical problems i've been working very hard to fix, and ive been slowly but surely trying to get healthier. ive been to a lot of doctors and specialists and i even stayed at an eating disorder center for a while. i dont want to go into too much detail about my personal life but the past few years have been entirely focused on improving myself.
i also finished college, so im trying to find my place in the world on top of all of that. i really wanted to do animation/art as my career, i even got a degree in computer animation... but i dont feel like i learned much... and i cant sit in a chair long enough to actually get any work done. its so painful to draw, and even exist for that matter. im in a lot of pain, constantly. it sucks. ive been working really hard, but if i dont improve soon. i might need to pursue a different profession.
i do have a lot of art i havent posted here that i plan to post eventually, but ive been very preoccupied. on hiatus basically. sorry to everyone on discord i havent replied to (i have so many dms but no energy to keep up with this online identity T_T). ive taken a severe step back from the internet as a whole, and everyone on it, i guess. id like to create more original content... but because of everything that's happened, my creative juices arent flowing as much anymore.
i hope you all wont miss me too much. id like to come back some day, i hope i can get better soon. i love you guys, and thanks for checking up on me anon. it means a lot to me that people still care/think about me. heres a slyth doodle i made for you, he misses you too.
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macroglossus · 1 year
oh my fucking god. i washed all my clothes in the Great Carpet Beetle scare but i've been so extremely depressed that i havent been able to fold them and put them back into my room yet so theyve been hanging out downstairs. i was really hot today so i went digging for a tanktop. i thought i checked it but about an hour after i put it on i saw a carpet beetle larva on my laptop. i freaked out and didnt know how it got there but eventually i was like, wait, i just took something from the pile. and it's a HUGE pile btw. and i shifted some clothes and i saw an adult carpet beetle on the couch some of them are on :( and i know there's gonna be more in there. and i don't know what to do i literally want to burn everything! i'm going to have to rewash everything and i have no idea how much they bred in there i feel so nauseous. and i'm scared i infected the rest of the house because they've been downstairs for like a month, so i have to deep clean the room they were in. everything i read said washing would kill the bugs but i guess some eggs mustve survived and i'm so scared because that means that even washing them again and putting them in my room im at risk of them living and breeding in my room!
when i called pest control he said it wasnt a big deal at all and pretty much everyone has carpet beetles to some degree but people online have HORROR STORIES. i literally just sort of crossed the bridge into not worrying about them so much anymore and i know my parents will think i'm making a huge deal out of nothing but im so sick and scared and i feel like i've ruined everything! i don't know what to do i don't know how to fix this i don't know how to make them stop happening! they survived the wash! and it took so long to wash all my clothes first time and my mom wasn't happy because i kept them on the porch bc i didnt want them to crawl out of the dirty laundry and infect the house and she didnt want trash bags of clothes out on the porch and there's only one place in the house that i can keep the bags and that's the room theyre in and it's fucking infected and even if i wash them and bring them into my theres no FUCKING POINT BECAUSE APPARENTLY THE EGGS CAN SURVIVE!!! and then im back at square one!
and i cant talk to ANYONE about this because everyone in real life is so tired of hearing about it and they think im acting insane. i want to burn them genuinely but all my clothes are in there ALL of them and i don't have the money to replace them. i just fucking cant do this im losing my shit genuinely and paired with the fact ive been literally sick for a while and i'm scared bc im getting like physically worse but im so scared that i feel like im gonna get sick so i cant EAT and that's making that issue worse
i just wish my parents took me seriously about this and didnt think i was crazy! i love them so much but they think im insane for this and that i should stop looking things up on the internet which i guess is true but that doesn't make the stories i read on there less true and it also doesn't make it any less likely to happen to me. god i cant do this
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