#jason grace? more like jason grave
nicodiangelo-we-stan · 10 months
Me anytime Nico mentioned Jason in TSATS
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radiance1 · 9 months
Danny was haunting a place.
He never showed himself to anyone, didn't speak to anyone, didn't even make his presence known besides a slight chill, to all but one.
The Landlord.
You see, the current place he was haunting had very low rent, rent that he, a current homeless and looking-for-one-but-jobless guy, took to as his saving grace. Look, he loved his parents, but did he want to continue having to fight his goddamn food and have to worry about what failed invention of their would shake the house in the middle of the- therefore ruining his sleep- all the time?
No, no he did not.
And he didn't want to crash at Jazz's place, even though it was tempting at times.
Everyone else who lived thought the place finally got haunted, which wasn't incorrect, but did they care? No, not really. The only guy fully aware of his presence and what he looks like is the Landlord, and hell, the guy even made an example of him!
"If the goddamn GHOST could pay his rent on time, then so could you!"
So of course, when Danny was made aware he was getting a new roommate, he just shrugged it off really. Not gonna blame anyone for rooming up with him plus, the other roommates he's had were very nice!
Then, would you believe that some schmuck broke into his apparent and tried to steal his- no wait he has a roommate now- their stuff!? He did not give that person a chance.
Danny: Put em up.
Robber: Wha-
Danny: PUT EM UP!
Knocked the guy out cold, but still kept going. Meh, it's Gotham so they'll be fine.
Jason 'fresh out of the grave' Todd: [Walks out of the bathroom in nothing but a bath towel.]
Danny: [punches the guy one more time before dropping them onto the floor.]
Danny: Put em up.
Jason 'fresh outta the grave and got a whole lot of rage' Todd: [Cracks knuckles.]
So they got to boxing. Danny wasn't even using his powers; he just went full brawlin' with this random guy who he thinks is in cahoots with the robber who just randomly decided to use his shower.
Not aware that its actually his new roommate.
Was Jason Todd going to question what he heard from in the bathroom and saw when he stepped out of it in his knew apartment? No, no he was not.
He was however down and going to fistfight a ghost.
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Hi, can you make a request for Jason Grace and what would he be like as a boyfriend (headcanons) please? Thank you
⋆⭒˚.⋆ jason grace boyfriend hcs
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content: jason grace x gn! reader warnings: kissing (duh), romance-smomance author's note: i hope you like it!! i've been in a silly goofy mood lately and i got to use all of that here, bc that's what jason deserves!! wishing happy days to you all 😖🫶
literally, the softest boy
and now he's your softest boy??? yeah, you won.
okay, so we all know jason is not exactly the best at emotions (truama from a young age will do that to you), so i think he's more of a 'actions speak louder than words' kinda guy
has to be touching you like nearly 24/7
pinkies interlocked, check
hand in your pockets, check
arm lazily thrown over your shoulders or waist, check
wham bam thank you ma'am
also when he's holding your hand but talking with someone else, he'll send a little zap into your hand, just so you know he's thinking of you
if you happen to have a totally approved and allowed sleepover in the Zeus cabin, if you think you're not going to wake up to a six course breakfast, you are wrong
it will be a little burnt or undercooked, but that's just more love
he likes taking care of you
his favorite job fr 🫡🫡
he also definitely helps you train, but it always dissolves into a make-out sesh.
he just can't keep his hands to himself when you're looking up at him, waiting for reassurance or instructions.
wandering hands lead to wandering lips and that leads to-
he always pays, the gentleman in him would rather eat a grenade before he allows you to pay for anything.
oh, 80 bucks for dinner? put your card away, he's got this
did you want that shirt? no worries, he's shoving your cash away from the cashier and instead setting his own into their hands
iced coffee? he's slapping your card away, desperate to get his there first.
OH and he def has a photo of you in his wallet, purposefully flipping it open and basically begging people to ask about you with his eyes.
he loves an opportunity to yap about his fav person
he'd be giving strangers on the subway your whole life story, all your goals and dreams with no shame.
he's in love and the whole world needs to know fr
bro, where can i buy one? i'd like one, very much pls 🥲🥲🥲
author's note cont. : i'm actually growing to love doing hcs. it's just so carefree and i feel like there's less pressure lol. this was so much fun tho!! Jason Grace holds a space place in my heart as someone who didn't deserved a single thing that happened to him and i'll take that to my grave.
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Part 14- taking these wounds to their grave
"I'm battered and broken, my spirit's been stolen, but I'm taking these wounds to their grave. Surrounded by allies with fire in their eyes, for the past I don't need to deny." -Relentless by The Nearly Deads
Masterlist Part 13
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In all honesty, learning his girlfriend was a Queen Regent for a different realm wasn’t the weirdest thing to happen to him. Sure, being told that ‘hey, by the way, we forced this substance that tastes like pop-rocks and sprite down your throat to save you from dying again’ was on that list too, but Jason had fucking died. His death was brutal, no doubt, but the weirdest part was the fact that he had been a Revenant the moment he awoke in his coffin. 
A vengeful spirit unable to move on. 
Forced to wander the earth until their reason for clinging to the mortal realm is satisfied. 
It hurt his heart in a phantom reminder of what he had suffered the same day Joker had been brutally murdered, the pain off what had been his second death due to his ‘reason’ being satisfied. 
(It hurt more to realize that he had never needed Bruce to kill Joker.)
(It had all been for nothing.) 
Jazz was quiet where she was tucked up against him in the large medical bed the Yeti had treated him in, not yet asleep by her breathing but calmly existing with him in this space. 
It was everything he needed. 
Jazz was truly the other half of his soul, the one he was meant to find. 
(She avenged him.) 
(She saved him.) 
He would marry Jasmine Nightingale aka the Regent of the Realms aka Lady of the Acropolis, he would be her staunchest supporter as the world keeps turning around them. What else is he meant to do in the face of her overwhelming love for him? 
(She avenged him.) 
(She saved him.) 
They still had more to discuss and Jason would continue to swallow down the question that began with ‘Will you’ and ended with ‘Marry me’ amidst the others he needed answers for. They’d only been dating a month, so it would be a while before Jason was comfortable even allowing thoughts of matrimony to blossom from seed to full bloom. 
(He wanted everything with her.) 
(His Lady.) 
(The Lady to his Knight.) 
(Jason Nightingale had a nice ring to it.)
Jason kissed the top of Jazz’s head and pulled her further onto his chest before he fell back asleep, content with having his lady in his arms again. 
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Bruce wanted to laugh and cry in equal measure as he studied the pictures of his wayward son with his girlfriend, laughing, smiling, in love. Oh, Bruce could tell how smitten Jason was by how he looked so fondly at Jasmine Nightingale, the civilian his son had chosen to build a relationship with. On paper, they shared a common love of reading (Jason was classical literature, Jasmine was psychological thrillers), and an excellence at school (Jasmine had a 4.0 gpa), but there was little else to draw them together. 
Yet, despite this, the two were happy together. They were in love. His son was in love. 
And he was missing. 
(Bruce swallowed down the grief at Jason being dead…again.)
(He’d been missing before, he’ll turn up.)
It was worrying that the sub-dermal tracker stopped working while Jason was at Jasmine’s apartment, but there had been no immediate sign that they’d been caught in the explosion or remained trapped in the debris. 
Phantom had vanished almost as soon as he entered, no doubt on the trail of what had disturbed the spirit’s haunt so violently. It was concerning how competent the child ghost was at fighting, how angry Phantom became when there was a threat he had to face. Insult, demean, threaten him and the boy laughed it off with a casual grace that spoke of experience, but turn that attention to the people he claimed as his? No chance in the infinite realms that he wouldn’t find you. Constantine had been adamant to leave the spirit alone, to let him exist in his way, but the Magician often went out of his way to let others deal with his messes, so Bruce often took his advice with far more than a grain of salt. 
\B, Phantom’s back. He says Hood is fine./
Relief coursed through the big bat, untightening the knot in his chest. Jason was fine. He is fine. 
His eyes drifted back to the pictures splashed across the bat computer, the adoration in Jason’s gaze as he focused on his girlfriend was the common theme between all the candid shots Barbara had shared. Jasmine always leaned into his frame or held his hand, just sharing his space, body language comfortable and open. 
(He could have a daughter-in-law very soon.)
(Maybe even a grandchild.)
Bruce let a smile slowly stretch across his face at the idea of being a grandfather, of finally retiring from the cowl and WE to be doting on a granddaughter or grandson, spending time with his family while he was still able to in this life.
(A part of him squealed and clapped at the very thought of more family gracing these once-empty halls.)
But first, he had to talk to his son and meet his future daughter-in-law.
Bruce was about to activate his comms, to have Tim get more information about Jason, but an urgent message from Diana, demanding he’s needed in the Watch Tower. 
Constantine was summoning the Ghost King. 
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Phantom had in fact left the apartment building. 
Jazz’s familiar teal-tinted portal opened for him to step through while he investigated and he didn’t waste any time crossing over to the Realms to where Jazz awaited him. 
And there she was, arms outstretched and awaiting him to embrace her. 
“Thank the Ancients!” Phantom exclaimed, diving into her waiting arms to wrap around his big sister, their different temperatures ignored in favor of communicating his relief with chirps and trills. 
Worry. Safe. Concern. RELIEF. Protect? 
Jazz clutched him tighter to her, nuzzling his soft white hair as she chirped back. 
Safe. Relief. Guilty. LOVE. 
At least Jazz would never fail to communicate her love for him, even while trying to reassure him she was okay. 
Phantom’s core purred and Jazz’s Proto-core echoed it, albeit weaker in frequency. They stayed like that, hugging each other right outside the tribe’s boundary for a while before Jazz spoke. 
“Little brother, we have to talk.” 
Those words beginning a conversation often led to him being angry or upset, but Jazz hadn’t needed him to be so serious for quite a while.  
She shifted her weight a bit, readjusting her grip around Phantom’s form.
“It’s about Jason…I told him about me.” 
“As in,” Phantom began, pulling back from the hug, “you told him about Amity and…me?” 
Jazz puffed out a sigh, a wisp of breath in a mockery of his ghost sense hanging in the air between them. 
“I told him about us being ecto-contaminated, me being the most liminal being and all, but I told him I wouldn’t share your secrets.”
Phantom grinned, “Good because it’s about time I gave him a shovel talk.” 
“No, little brother.” Jazz got a pained look on her face for a moment as the frosty air grew tense. A summoning and a painful one at that. “Phantom-” 
“Go, I’ll talk to your boyfriend.” 
“Be nice, not bitchy nice.” 
“I’m always nice!”  
He only received a scoff before Jazz was dragged along by the summoning, a brief flash of her armor appearing signaling it was a serious situation. Phantom did not envy the idiot who tried to summon the Ghost King only to get the Regent instead. 
Speaking of idiots, Phantom had a Liminal to lecture and threaten. 
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“Hurt her and I’ll shove you into a thermos, mix you into a smoothie, and drink you for breakfast.”
With that out of the way, Phantom floated over to Jason’s side and poked his stomach. 
“You doing ok?” He questioned, concern for his fellow vigilante bleeding through. Sure, he cared about Jason the human, but Red Hood was infinitely cooler. 
“Yeah, kid. I’m doing good.” Jason shuffled a bit more towards the center of the large cot, “You’re Danny Nightingale.” It was definitely not meant to be an accusation, Phantom was sure, but it sure felt like one. 
The ghost kid nodded, “I’m a Halfa, half-ghost and half-human. When in ghost form, I prefer Phantom.” 
Phantom shrugged, “Close enough.” 
Jason snorted, “How’re you doing kid?” 
“I’m currently talking to my sister’s boyfriend about to give him a crash course on the spooky and ooky.” The halfa grinned, “I couldn’t be better.” 
“Was that a reference?” 
“Was what a reference?”
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To say Jason was horrified was a gross understatement. 
He was so far past horrified he was well into confused panic at the sheer audacity of what he was currently hearing... 
“You’re the rightful Ghost King, but you’re too young in human and ghost cultures to rule in your name so your older sister is acting as your Regent. Do I have that right?” 
“Pretty much, yeah.” 
(Wow, Jazz was a badass.)
“Wait, but she goes by Regent as a vigilante?” 
“It was easier than calling her anything else, a lot of the ghosts refer to Jazz as either Regent, Your Majesty, or My Lady so she’s grown used to responding to them.” 
“Hold up- Lady?” 
Another hum, “Jazz is the Lady of the Acropolis, a former student of Pandora, the Guardian of Hope and Ancient of Peace.” 
“Wow, my girlfriend is awesome.” 
Phantom chuckled, a soft pat on Jason’s shoulder, “And don’t you forget it.” 
Whatever face Jason made as he realized he was courting a Lady, an actual Lady with a title and everything, was hilarious enough to make Phantom burst out laughing. 
Whatever, Jason could take the mockery from Phantom as long as his family never found out about him dating a Lady. His brothers would never let him live it down, that he was living out his Regency fantasies. 
(Fuckers, they’re just jealous he got a badass with a sword.) 
“Where is Jazz?” 
Phantom cringed, “She, uh, had to deal with something?” It was phrased as a question. 
“Something we should be worried about?” 
“For Jazz?” There was a hint of hero worship in his tone as the Ghost spoke of his sister, “We should be worried for the poor idiot that summoned her.” 
(Hold up.) 
“Summoned, keep up.” 
Put a pin in that for later. “Why would anyone want to summon Jazz?” 
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s not like she’s Regent of the Realms Infinite.” Ok, yeah, Jason deserved that sass. He was still wrapping his head around the fact that Jazz, his lovely spitfire of a soulmate girlfriend had Regency over a dimension of ghosts because Holy Shit. 
(He was totally simping over her, he’s man enough to admit it.)
Somehow that seemed more of a staggering revelation than being told he had been a Revenant with corrupted Ectoplasm that had technically died for a second time when he had those severe chest pains, only to be revived by Jazz pouring pure ecto down his throat. 
(The same Ecto she needs to keep herself healthy.)
(He wondered if Jazz had felt the connection between them even then.)
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An unexpected summoning was a shard of ice in her spine, twisting like a knife of betrayal in the nerves, utter agony. Jazz had little warning, little time to brace herself before she was hooked behind her navel and yanked.
Thank the Ancients she wasn’t in the shower, because whoever dared to summon the Ghost King was not going to receive an eyeful for their trouble. 
Jazz allowed her armor to materialize, a slick sensation of water down her back soothed the lingering pain of the brutal summons, but her back plate soon settled firmly in place and irritated the nerves more so. 
Just as her helmet locked into place, sealing her fully into her armor, green smoke announced her arrival with a dramatic flair she couldn’t find humor in. 
Rested on one knee, head bowed, the Regent was quite an intimidating sight for the uninitiated. 
Her helmet, full coverage with a crown of green shards embedded into its pulsing ebony metal, only allowed the green tint of her eyes to shine through. Once her head lifted, the several shivers her gaze got proved how effective it was at unnerving others. 
With a breath, the Regent stood. 
And so we continue….
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If you're confused by the ending it picks up from Part 12, my special Jason Todd/Red aesthetic entry for the series. Part 12 to 13 takes place right beforehand, so we'll be entering into the endgame of the Anti-Ecto Acts being repealed soon.
Kudos and thanks to my beta reader @meditating-cat. Apparently I over use commas, who knew?
They had one thing to say about Jason in this part: SIMPPPP
I agree, I'm a totally dork for Simp!Jason and Loving!Jazz.
As for other news, I've been making a bunch of boards for The Regent (and my Revenant!Jazz prompt) while I've been sick, so there's that. I don't like many of them anyways.
A surprise poll will be included in an upcoming part, maybe not the next one, but it will come so keep an eye out for it because the answer will be included in the series.
Happy Holidays and best wishes from me to you!
-Love, the one strong with the sarcasm
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c-nstantine · 1 year
Warnings: cursing, Jason's insecure
Description: Meeting Dick, causes Jason to have some insecurities in his relationship.
Word Count: 0.5k
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Y/N furled her eyebrow at her boyfriend as they walked into the unfamiliar apartment building. He was quiet, and while Jason tended to be quiet around strangers, he was never quiet around her. Bludhaven was slightly less dingey than Gotham but Y/N was happy that the weather was nice enough for her to wear a sundress that complimented her skin tone.
"Jason?" Y/N said as they entered the elevator. Her hand brushed against his as she brought him out of his thoughts.
"Hmm?" He hummed in response. The gentle giant was worried about something.
"Are you nervous or something?" Y/N asked while grabbing his hand. His palms were sweaty and he looked like he was going to burst a gasket.
"Yeah," His words seemed stifled as if he wanted to keep them bottled up. If she knew Jason, that was most likely want he wanted to do.
"Why? I've met most of your family already. Dick is the last one, right?"She reminded him. Bruce and Damian were a breeze. Cass and Duke had more questions than Tim but Tim provided Jason with a file on everything that Y/N had ever done in her life.
"In all honesty, I don't want you to leave me for him," Jason let out like he was holding in a breath.
"I would never d-," Y/N turned to face him to defend herself. She wanted to be upset that he accused her of something, but she knew it came from a deeper place of insecurity.
"No, I know that but-. Never mind, it's dumb." Jason spoke softly. He didn't plan on having this conversation. Not now, not today, or not ever. He was planning on taking most of his feelings to the grave and that probably would've worked if he hadn't met Y/N. Oh, Y/N, his sweet saving grace.
"No, it's your feelings. They aren't dumb, Jason," Y/N said placing a hand on his chest. She wanted him to feel safe with her. She wanted him to know it was okay for him to be vulnerable with her. She knew he had his secrets and honestly, who in Gotham didn't?
"Dick was the first one to be adopted. He kind of set the standard. I know he's not perfect and I shouldn't compare myself like that. It's hard for me not to be jealous of him and I know how he is with women." Jason opened up and chose his words carefully. Y/N wasn't fully in on the family secret, so this was as close as he could get to the truth.
"Jason, you don't have to worry about that. I'm with you because I love you," She cupped the side of his face as the elevator doors opened and kissed his cheek.
"I love you, too," He whispered, but it was loud enough just for her to hear.
"Also from what you and Bruce said, he sounds a little like a whore," Y/N said as Dick opened the door. Jason snorted a little as he knocked on the apartment door but right before he could it opened.
"Who's a whore?" Dick asked with his eyebrows scrunched looking between Jason and his girlfriend.
"No one, bud," Jason said as he went on to introduce Y/N.
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ladytauria · 7 months
Trick or treat? :3
💜🧡💜 thank you fenris!!
so! this one is a snippet from my incbus!jason AU~ loosely based on a platonic batfam series (link), in which incubi feed on all emotions, but especially love/pleasure/etc. working summary:
Tim doesn’t let Jason touch him.
the basic set up is that the two of them are on an away mission, and Jason needs to feed~
it's actually almost done; i just need to clean it up / rewrite a few bits!
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“You need to eat.”
“There are other food sources. Pain. Fear. Anger.” He pauses. “Lust.” Never mind how using lust to feed made him feel, or what memories it brought to the surface. It would sate him until one of the others was available.
Tim’s lips thin. “Because submerging yourself in those isn't going to mess up your head."
Jason sets his jaw. “I can control it.” He wants to be angry, offended, at the mere idea that Tim doesn’t trust him—but those emotions wither at the sight of the scar on his throat.
Tim huffs, waving a hand dismissively. "I know you can." Both tone and gesture act as if the opposite is ludicrous. "I’m not worried about your control, Jason. I don’t want you to—put yourself through something you don’t have to.”
There’s a part of Jason that melts at that. “You shouldn’t either,” he says, softer than he means to.
“I’m not.”
“You are. You’re forcing yourself to do this, but—”
“I’m not,” Tim denies again, more forcefully. “There would be no point. You’d know as soon as you touched me.”
That—is true.
When an incubus opened a bond, there was no hiding from them. Every emotion was on display, and though they could be dulled, suppressed, they couldn’t be fully hidden. Not even Bruce, with all his training and shields, could hide from Jason when he was feeding from him.
If Tim truly didn’t want Jason touching him, Jason would know as soon as the bond opened.
Jason still argues. “Don’t. Don’t make yourself do this, Tim. Not for me.”
Not after what he did.
Jason could still hear him screaming in his nightmares. Could smell his blood, feel it on his fingers. The worst of it was the acrid flavor of his fear and pain; the way the insecurities and doubt had swelled under his thrall. Tim had defied him, determination humming in his blood all the way to the end. Jason had crossed a line Tim never could—and he would bear that sin to his second grave, and possibly beyond.
Getting to know him just made it worse. Tim was funny, and kind, with clever fingers and fine-boned hands. He never shied away from Jason’s death jokes. He liked a good explosion almost as much as Jason, and after a fight, when he was pink cheeked and wild haired, he had a triumphant smile that made Jason want to kiss the rest of the breath from him—
—and he couldn’t.
Because he shot himself in the foot before he even knew he wanted to walk.
And now Tim sat here, across from him, and asked him to feed from him like Jason hadn't once twisted his deepest insecurities and doubts against him.
“Jason… I’m not making myself do anything.” Tim’s face softens. “It’s okay. You’re not the person who hurt me anymore. You’ve changed.”
He has. He knows he has. He’s worked hard at it, ever since he woke up one day and realized he'd become something, someone, he'd never wanted to. And somehow, that had ended with him being back in the bats' good graces again. Mostly.
He will never follow Bruce’s rule. He will never stop believing that sometimes, people need to die, and if he ever gets the chance, he’ll put a bullet through Joker’s head without hesitation or second thoughts. But he’s done trying to force Bruce’s hand, and Bruce is done trying to change him. They still fight over Jason’s choices, sometimes, but ultimately; Bruce has learned to live with it. Has said he trusts Jason—has let Jason feel it.
But just because he’s changed doesn’t mean the damage hasn’t been done. They’re never going to be close again. He’s never going to be able to lean on him, like he once did, and he’s never going to trust him fully, to keep him safe.
“It still happened.” Jason can never fully trust Bruce. Tim can never fully trust Jason. Actions have consequences.
“It did. But I’ve forgiven you, Jason.”
Jason wants to believe it. He does. But Tim is a liar, and a good one. He’s seen him lie right to Batman’s face without so much as flinching—and watched Bruce believe him. He still believes him. Hell. If Jason hadn’t known the truth, he probably would have believed him too.
Tim smiles at him, then, small and self-deprecating, and Jason itches to smooth it away. “The Tower has nothing to do with why I haven’t offered to feed you before. It’s—” He shakes his head. “You might be the one who never wants to touch me again, if anything.”
Jason very much doubts that. To say so out loud, though, would reveal how very badly he does want to touch Tim, and he can’t have that. “Tim…”
“Jason.” Tim meets his gaze. He’s not fiddling with his shirt sleeve anymore. His hands are still. His shoulders are back. His jaw is set. He isn’t going to budge, Jason realizes. Even if Jason convinces him to give it up tonight—which is looking less and less likely—he’ll be back again tomorrow. And the day after. Until Jason gives in, or they go home. Hell, he might keep it up at home, too. Just to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
“Fine,” Jason says shortly. He’s smart enough to realize when the only way out is through. He plops down in his chair, so close to Tim their knees are almost touching. “Give me your hand.”
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timdrakesbussy · 1 month
thinking of stardew bachelorettes as classic iconic final girls…
(edited to add character desc)
Abigail as Sidney Prescott (Scream 1996)
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Tough, sensible, and resourceful. Sidney isn't going to lie down and die for some serial killer. While she's just as prone to fear as everyone else, Sidney has a natural survivor's reflex that allows her to navigate life and death moments with an impressive level of poise and grace. —CharacTour
Emily as Sally Hardesty (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974)
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Sally is a free-spirited young woman traveling across Texas with her brother and friends in order to investigate her grandfather’s grave after a series of grave-robberies […] However, early signs of resilience shows that she has more courage than most. Furthermore, Sally demonstrates an alertness that her companions seem to lack. —Ghouls Magazine
Haley as Nancy Thompson (A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984)
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But compassion is only one of her defining characteristics — she’s clever, resourceful, determined, and stunningly courageous, clever enough to not just survive through good luck, but defeat and outwit her adversary. —cinephiledaydreaming
Leah as Virginia “Ginny” Field (Friday the 13th pt. II 1981)
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She’s non-chaste, unconventionally athletic, and is not afraid to wield a weapon, be it a chainsaw, a pitchfork, or the killer’s own machete. Her keen perception makes her a formidable adversary for Jason […] It’s also through her earlier psychoanalysis that she’s able to penetrate Jason’s psyche. —dailygrindhouse
Maru as Ellen Ripley (Aliens 1979)
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Ripley’s main ability is her ability to think fast for survival. She’s very adept at computers, electronics, mechanics, biology and physics. She’s a good knowledge of medicine and general science. She can handle any type of vehicle like no-one else and is a master at handling assault weaponry […] Her inner strength just keeps her going on for hour after hour until the aliens are definitely out of the picture. —WriteUps
Penny as Jess Bradford (Black Christmas 1974)
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Perhaps it’s because she’s been accustomed to dealing with a strong personality like Peter’s that she’s such a determined fighter in the film’s final act. Jess compartmentalizes well, too. Black Christmas does a stellar job showing the bond among the Pi Kappa Sigma sisters, and Jess consistently shows up for her friends […] She’s doesn’t just have a good head on her shoulders; she’s kind-hearted, too. —BloodyDisgusting
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jankwritten · 11 months
JASICO WEEK DAY 3: Angst/Comfort
CW: major character death, grief
Nico runs his brush over the lettering on the face of the headstone, delicate despite the dirt worked into the cracks. He should be harder with it, he knows -  it’s not like he’ll be able to break it. The headstone is too new for that, not worn down with age like the others in the cemetery. The dirt around the grave is so fresh, weeds haven’t even begun to grow over it, not that Nico would let them. He’s gotten good at weeding. Pruning flowers. Anything, to take care of this spot. 
Jason Grace, the headstone reads. Beneath that, his rank, and years of service. The date he died. 
Nico brushes his thumb over the curves which mark Jason as seventeen on his day of death. One of the eldest in the graveyard. 
Back when he first heard, when Nico first felt the impact of Jason’s death like a saw blade through his gut, Nico couldn’t come visit the grave at all. Every reminder of Jason being gone was too much, the weight of loss sitting in him in a way Nico hadn’t felt since he was ten years old. He didn’t know what to do with himself, with his grief, except to cry, and cry, and cry. 
He’s glad to be past that stage. His heart still aches, every day is still hard, but Nico can breathe through it, now. He can clean the gravestone, and talk to Jason even if Jason doesn’t talk back. He can make sure this site is as respected as the man it honors. 
Nico adjusts the flowers Hazel brought last night, a bouquet of blue and purple and white. Jason would think they’re pretty. The smell would make him sneeze. 
His favorite color was yellow, though. Nobody ever brings Jason yellow flowers. Always blue, like his eyes, like the sky, like his father. 
Daffodils. Nico will have to bring him some daffodils tomorrow. And irises, and carnations. Maybe Persephone will help him put together a bouquet. She always had a soft spot for Jason, not that she’d ever admit to liking one of Nico’s friends. Whenever Nico would talk about Jason with her, she would listen with this look on her face, like Nico was saying the most interesting things. It felt good to know someone appreciated Jason in the same way Nico did. 
Maybe not the same way. But as close as someone else could get. 
“It’s been a good day today,” Nico says. He runs the brush over the crown of the stone again, gentle as before. “Things have been slow. Father hasn’t given me as many jobs this week, and there’s finally been a lull in attacks near the borders. Hazel and Frank are introducing a new bill to the senate tomorrow, which…well, I’ll tell you how it goes, then. I don’t want to jinx it for them.” 
A breeze blows through the valley. Nico leans back, tilts his chin up into it. 
He closes his eyes. He can almost imagine the wind in his hair is Jason’s hand, ruffling in a way nobody else has ever been brave enough. Easily affectionate, despite all the ways Nico threatened him, kept him at a distance. Jason was just like that, always eager to be there, to hold, to comfort. 
Gods, Nico wishes he could’ve accepted one more hug. Had one more conversation. 
It’s starting to rain. The temperature drops and the sky darkens and Nico can smell it, the dampness in the air. The first drops splatter across his cheeks and his nose, his lips. He doesn’t flinch. He’s used to sitting out in storms, now. 
“I love you,” he tells the sky. 
In return, the rain pelts harder, quickly turning from a drizzle to an outright downpour, soaking Nico’s hair to the root in seconds. His clothes stick to his skin. 
He still doesn’t move. 
“Don’t cry with me.” It’s silly, to act like the rain is Jason’s doing. Still. It helps Nico cope. Sometimes, if he imagines hard enough, he can still see memories of Jason’s grin, that scar on his lip, the tilt of his nose while the skies opened up around them, a display of power, a force of nature.
Nico never saw Jason cry. He supposes Jason never saw him cry, either. Just another thing they’ll never get to share. Another thing they missed. “You’re going to drown your flowers, at this rate.” 
The deluge does not die down. 
It’s enough to almost make him laugh, the sudden mental image of Jason scowling down at the flowers he doesn’t really like at all, the ones that make him sneeze and itch. Jason Grace, mighty son of Jupiter, champion of Hera, using all of his power to destroy a few flowers that have wronged him. 
Nico didn’t get to know that side of Jason very long, the side of him that was a young boy, the side of him who was a person. But gods, of everything they did get together, that is what he’s happiest to have had. The truth. Not the son of Jupiter, not the champion, not the praetor. Just the boy. 
Nico smiles, even as he cries, leaning back in a graveyard during a near-biblical rain storm. Nico smiles. 
Every day, it gets a little easier to. Every day, he hopes Jason is smiling back, from wherever he is. 
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daensan · 24 days
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: M/M Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Relationship: Nico di Angelo/Jason Grace Characters: Nico di Angelo, Jason Grace, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Percy Jackson, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Will Solace, Piper McLean Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Flashbacks, Amnesia, Getting Back Together, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Death - Freeform, but he's okay, more tags to be added as the story progresses Chapters: 1/? Words: 1,165
Nico di Angelo is twenty when he crawls out of his grave as the god of death and with no memories with the exception of a gorgeous boy's face. He then goes on a quest to find this mysterious man, encoutering a disgraced hero on his way and several flawed gods, having to face the cruel question of what it means to die – and, more importantly, what it means to live.
It's funny how this is the first fic I write for one of my biggest OTPs, but here we are. The idea is a little crazy, but I'm really excited about writing it. Hope you like it!
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You were born the son of Jupiter. That is all you know. You know no past before lupa. You’ve taken no breath not in new Rome.
They tell you who you are. You refuse. Join the worst cohort. Do the dirtiest chores.
That does nothing to convince them. You are the son of Jupiter. Your path is carved into your very bones.
Reyna is you, isn’t she? Your hand are entwined as much as your fates. You are unlovable, unknowable. You will love each other. You will know each other,
You are Jason. That is all you know. You bear a brand you can’t recognize. There are friends waiting for you. They have memories you can’t know. You have no past, no future.
You are Jason grace. Praetor of the twelfth legion. So your memories say. Memories can lie. You’re a different person now. Jason grace is dead. No one bothers to dig him a grave.
You talk to Reyna. You do not know her. She is a a stranger. So are you. You see her eyes fill with grief as she silently begs for you to be a dead boy. The canon fires.
You are at war. You’ve been at war before. Turned against the family that raised you. Why can’t you regret that? Why can’t you feel for these people? Why are they strangers?
You are no longer praetor. You are no longer Roman. No matter how much you say you are, the mother wolf never warmed your body. She never taught you to hunt. You’re not sure you ever were truly Roman.
The war is over. Jason grace is still dead. You have a new family. A Greek family. Rome does not harbor you more than she will harbor any outsider.
You plan temples so no one is forgotten. Not like Nico. Not like kym. Memory is what keeps you alive. Why do yours feel so empty?
You enter the burning maze. You or piper will die. Piper has never died before, she has never had to be formed anew. She will not know death for as long as you may give her. Jason grace died a long time ago.
You march off to your death. Like a good Roman. No matter how distant the memories, no matter how much your heart protests. The mother wolf once held you, even if she doesn’t recognize you. An unlovable hand once held yours, even if it would not know you.
You feel a sharp pain in your chest. You hear the snipping of threads. You are the son of Jupiter. Your fate was carved into your bones. Your vision goes black.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 10 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I went to Taylor's first México show, I'm a changed woman now. In other news, taglist has been updated, if you want to add yourself fill out this form -Danny Words: 3,338 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'do all my friends hate me?' -by Mckenna Grace
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III. Mom? Pick Me Up, the Kids Are Being Mean
"What's your story, Ara?"
"I was six when my satyr found me, Clarisse was his original mission."
"Clarisse was your roadtrip buddy? That must've sucked."
I look at Percy with a recriminatory glare. "She was younger and easier to scare... she kept it together for me, though."
"You've been brave so far," he points out. "Clarisse probably made it sound like a bigger deal."
"Ara's a coward," Annabeth says casually. "She's never wanted to go on quests, I'm surprised she agreed to this."
Percy scowls. "I told you not to come if it scared you."
"I'm not scared." 
The truth is that I'm okay, I have two older demigods looking after me. I don't tell him that though, I don't want to pressure him. 
"I mean it!"
"I'm glad you came," Annabeth admits. "I'll take you to my quest too. You're full of surprises..."
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"Thank Hades, I found you!" Lily seizes Ara's hand and pulls her in the direction of the Big House. "Piper fainted—Rachel wants to see you."
"Rachel's here?" Ara picks up her pace. "Thank Apollo!"
"Everything okay with the new guy? You didn't look very happy when he got claimed."
She shakes her head. "When we rescued this group, I got this feeling..."
"What kind of feeling?"
Ara dismisses Lily without explaining. "See you at lunch."
"You know where to find me," Lily's not pleased, but she doesn't show it. The girl squeezes Ara's shoulder before going away.
When Ara arrives, Jason's already there and Piper's on a couch, still unconscious. Rachel and Annabeth are standing side by side. 
"What happened?"
"We've got to heal her," Jason demands. "There's a way, right?"
"Of course there is, she just fainted," Ara frowns. "What happened?"
Chiron places his hand on Piper's forehead. "Her mind is in a fragile state. Rachel?"
"As soon as I got to camp, I had a premonition about Hera's cabin. I went inside. Annabeth and Piper came in while I was there. We talked, and then—I just blanked out. Annabeth said I spoke in a different voice."
"A prophecy?"
"No. The spirit of Delphi comes from within. I know how that feels. This was like long distance, a power trying to speak through me."
"Chiron, what happened back there—I've never seen anything like it," Annabeth says gravely. "I've heard Rachel's prophecy voice. This was different. She sounded like an older woman. She grabbed Piper's shoulders and told her—" 
"To free her from a prison?" Jason guesses.
Annabeth stares at him. "How did you know that?"
Chiron makes a gesture over his heart, then he looks at the blond boy. "Jason, tell them. Annabeth, the medicine bag, please."
Jason explains something about an old woman claiming to be his patron. "So does this happen often?" He asks after a brief moment of silence. "Supernatural phone calls from convicts demanding you bust them out of jail?"
"Your patron," Annabeth frowns. "Not your godly parent?"
"No, she said patron. She also said my dad had given her my life."
If someone knows about patrons, that's Ara. Her mind itches with discomfort, she has to tell them about what she saw with Leo.
"You said the storm spirit on the skywalk—he claimed to be working for some mistress who was giving him orders, right? Could it be this woman you saw, messing with your mind?"
"I don't think so. If she were my enemy, why would she be asking for my help? She's imprisoned. She's worried about some enemy getting more powerful. Something about a king rising from the earth on the solstice—"
"Not Kronos," Annabeth gazes at Chiron in alarm. "Please tell me it's not that."
He keeps his eyes on Piper. "It is not Kronos. That threat is ended. But..."
"But what?"
"But now we have a new threat coming," Ara completes, sort of grumpily. "Someone else decided to shoot their shot—"
"Percy's missing, and the camp's in danger. Ten minutes ago I saw that old lady Jason mentioned and—"
"You saw her?" Jason interrupts her. "Did she talk to you?"
"Piper needs rest. We should discuss this later," Chiron intervenes.
"Or now," The boy presses. "Sir, Mr. Chiron, you told me the greatest threat was coming. The last chapter. You can't possibly mean something worse than an army of Titans, right?"
"You told him what?" Ara steps forward. "You knew this was going to happen?"
"Oh," Rachel says in a small voice. "Oh, dear. The woman was Hera. Of course. Her cabin, her voice. She showed herself to Jason and Ara at the same moment."
"Hera?" Annabeth sneers. "She took you over? She did this to Piper?"
"And your father gave you to her?" Ara glances down at Jason's tattoo. "Like, as an offering?"
"I think Rachel's right," he seems slightly uncomfortable. "The woman did seem like a goddess. And she wore this—this goatskin cloak. That's a symbol of Juno, isn't it?" 
"It is?" Annabeth makes a face. "I've never heard that."
"Of Juno, Hera's Roman aspect, in her most warlike state. The goatskin cloak was a symbol of the Roman soldier."
"So Hera is imprisoned?" Rachel questions. "Who could do that to the queen of the gods?"
"Well, whoever they are, maybe we should thank them," Annabeth replies heatedly. "If they can shut up Hera—"
"Annabeth, she is still one of the Olympians. In many ways, she is the glue that holds the gods' family together. If she truly has been imprisoned and is in danger of destruction, this could shake the foundations of the world. It could unravel the stability of Olympus, which is never great even in the best of times. And if Hera has asked Jason for help—"
"Fine! Well, we know Titans can capture a god, right? Atlas captured Artemis a few years ago. And in the old stories, the gods captured each other in traps all the time..."
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"So Ares and Aphrodite—they have a thing going?"
"That's old gossip, Percy. Three-thousand-year-old gossip."
"What about Aphrodite's husband?"
"Well, you know... Hephaestus. The blacksmith. He was crippled when he was a baby, and thrown off Mount Olympus by Zeus. So he isn't exactly handsome. Clever with his hands and all, but Aphrodite isn't into brains and talent, you know?"
"Reason why I'm good for nothing," I huff. "Why couldn't she be the goddess of... I don't know, baking..."
"She seems to like bikers," Percy teases me. "Maybe she'd favor you if you become one."
Annabeth shakes her head. "You just need to find your thing and stick to it, Ara."
"Gee, how didn't I think of that!"
"Hephaestus knows about them, then?" Percy gives me a look that's it's clearly meant to shut me up.
"Oh sure," Annabeth replies. "He caught them together once. I mean, literally caught them, in a golden net, and invited all the gods to come and laugh at them. Hephaestus is always trying to embarrass them. That's why they meet in out-of-the-way places, like... Like that."
"The tunnel of love?" I snort. "A bit cliche." 
Grover and I stand to the side while Percy and Annabeth slip down the empty pool. I stare at the cupid next to me and the Eta that's carved on it. 
A net starts to close around them, Hephaestus's kids are good at building stuff, but this is a whole other level. Tiny spider robots encircle Annabeth and Percy, cameras appear, ready to broadcast the mess. 
"Guys!" Percy yells at us. "Get into that booth! Find the 'on' switch!"
I click and press but nothing happens. Then water bursts out of the tanks at Percy's orders. The cameras follow as they move at great speed toward the exit, they jump out and Grover uses his magical shoes to catch Percy and Annabeth.
I stare at the trap, a creation that's harmless but devastating to godly egos. I'm immediately drawn to the idea of making something with my bare hands that could hold this much power.
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"The gods need heroes to do their will down here on earth," Rachel says. "That's right, isn't it? Their fates are always intertwined with demigods." 
"But Jason's got a point," Annabeth counts. "Why him? Why take his memory?"
"And Piper's involved somehow. Hera sent her the same message—Free me. And, Annabeth, this must have something to do with Percy's disappearing."
"Let's not forget that son of Hephaestus, Leo" Ara points out. "He was with me when I saw Hera, and he saw her too."
The girls look at the centaur. "Why are you so quiet, Chiron? What is it we're facing?"
"My dear, in this, I cannot help you... I am so sorry."
"You've never..." Annabeth gapes. "You've never kept information from me. Even the last great prophecy—"
"I will be in my office. I need some time to think before dinner. Rachel, will you watch the girl? Call Argus to bring her to the infirmary, if you'd like. And girls, you should speak with Jason. Tell him about—about the Greek and Roman gods." 
Ara starts to follow Chiron out of the room, but she stops halfway. What's the point? Harassing her mentor with questions won't help, he doesn't look pleased about their situation either.
"I'm sorry," Jason mumbles. "I think me being here... I don't know. I've messed things up coming to the camp, somehow. Chiron said he'd sworn an oath and couldn't talk about it."
"What oath?" Annabeth frowns. "I've never seen him act this way. And why would he tell me to talk to you about the gods..." Her eyes land on something next to Jason. "Is this gold? Do you remember where you got it?"
"No. Like I said, I don't remember anything."
"Hang on..." Ara draws out her compass. "Annabeth, look!" The item has golden hues, the same color as Jason's. "The element we couldn't identify before... it's gold!"
Annabeth turns to exit the room. "If Chiron won't help, we'll need to figure things out ourselves. Which means... Cabin Fifteen. Rachel, you'll keep an eye on Piper?" 
"Sure," the redhead takes a seat. "Good luck."
"Hold on," Jason says. "What's in Cabin Fifteen?"
"Maybe a way to get your memory back," Annabeth raises a brow. "Ara, you're coming or not?"
"I've got no choice," she sighs, putting her compass away.
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"Why are you smiling?"
"That trap was really cool."
"You liked the trap?" Percy makes a face.
"I didn't enjoy what it did, though it was a great bonding experience," I joke. "I just... I have a soft spot for flashy stuff! The cupids and the cameras... it was breathtaking."
"Yeah, and it wasn't you trapped in it," he scoffs.
"Percy, there must be a reason why my Mom married him. I know what the myth says," I roll my eyes. "But no one can control love! Hephaestus never tried to, no one's ever been fair to him, so he lets her be free and in exchange, she doesn't ask him to be something he's not."
"Aren't you angry he humiliates your mother?"
"My mother is incapable of feeling that. Anger, perhaps, but not shame," I lean my head on his shoulder. "I'm just saying Hephaestus lives for his machines, so he lets my mom do her thing. That's cool."
Percy thinks Aphrodite married the god to keep Zeus off her back. He doesn't want to mess with my optimism at the moment though, so he keeps it to himself. 
I fall asleep.
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I'm walking through an ancient town, the road is busy with people."There you are!" An old lady talks to me in ancient Greek. "Arche, stop wandering!"
"But it's tiresome!" I complain. "Give me something to do!"
The woman huffs, looking skeptical. She gives me something to do anyway. 
"Hi!" The seller in the first tent I visit starts listing everything, but I can only stare at their warm eyes.
"I..." I gulp. "I am..."
"Agape!" A man yells.
The teen gives a start. "What!" They pout. "You said I could help!"
"You must excuse the child," the man approaches me. "Can't stay still."
"It's fine," I whisper hoarsely. Agape smiles, it's a sort of teasing, crooked grin. I don't want to go, but I don't know why I want to stay. "I'll see you..."
It was a promise.
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The trip to Hypnos cabin confirms only Hera can give Jason his memories back, but why did she take them away in the first place? 
Since Percy went missing, Ara's expecting to get disturbing nightmares, but all she's seen so far are snippets of past lives that give her zero answers. She hates dreaming.
She stands next to Chiron during the campfire, arms crossed and scowling. She's always sulking nowadays, even before her brother's disappearance. The old campers still treat her like before, and the ones who didn't know her look at her as if she could burst into flames at any moment, neither of those two options are good.
"...alive and with most of your limbs attached. In a moment, I promise we'll get to the s'mores, but first—"
"What about capture the flag?" 
Ara glares at the cabin five campers. "Yes," Chiron nods. "I know the Ares cabin is anxious to return to the woods for our regular games—"
"And kill people!"
"—However, until the dragon is brought under control, that won't be possible. Cabin Nine, anything to report on that?"
Nyssa stands up. "We're working on it." 
"How, Nyssa?"
"Really hard."
The kids start to complain and Chiron quiets them down. "We will have to be patient! In the meantime, we have more pressing matters to discuss."
"Percy?" Someone asks out loud.
Everyone is looking at her and Annabeth, the blonde girl is the first to speak. "We didn't find Percy. He wasn't at the Grand Canyon like I thought. But we're not giving up. We've got teams everywhere. Grover, Tyson, Nico, the Hunters of Artemis—everyone's out looking. We will find him. Chiron's talking about something different. A new quest."
"It's the Great Prophecy, isn't it?"
"Drew? What do you mean?"
"Well, come on!" She rolls her eyes. "Olympus is closed. Percy's disappeared. Hera sends you a vision and you come back with three new demigods in one day. I mean, something weird is going on. The Great Prophecy has started, right?" She looks at Ara. "And it's her fault."
"Not true," Ara replies through gritted teeth.
"You walked into Olympus demanding to be crowned—You're so selfish!"
"Look who's talking!"
Drew has charmspeak, but it isn't needed, plenty of campers share the same thought and they're less than happy to have a Daughter of Olympus amongst them. "Well?" Drew glares at Rachel. "You're the oracle. Am I right or not?"
Rachel steps forward. "Yes. The Great Prophecy has begun."
Ara opens her mouth to speak, but she can't.  A new prophecy? The war ended just a few months ago! Drew's eyes lock with hers again and there is disgust in them. What if she's right? Ara asked for this, but she didn't think it would bring the next big prophecy.
Rachels raises her voice. "For those of you who have not heard it, the Great Prophecy was my first prediction. It arrived in August. It goes like this: Seven half-bloods shall answer the call. To storm or fire the world must fall—" Jason stands up abruptly. "J-Jason? "What's—"
"Ut cum spiritu postrema sacramentum dejuremus," he recites. "Et hostes ornamenta addent ad ianuam necem."
This boy needs to stop talking about things he isn't supposed to know. Ara wants to dissect him and make sure he's not an automaton. 
"You just... finished the prophecy," Rachel gapes. "—An oath to keep with a final breath/And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death. How did you—"
"I know those lines," Jason holds his head and grimaces. "I don't know how, but I know that prophecy."
"In Latin, no less," Drew smiles. "Handsome and smart."
Ara's siblings laugh at Drew's remark, she remembers when she used to be just as careless. For the first time in years, she wishes she would've thought twice before stepping out of her comfort zone.
Jason sits down in embarrassment, Annabeth mumbles something to him while Rachel glances back at Chiron and Ara hoping they'll step in. The centaur doesn't move, so it's Ara's turn to speak. She's been dreaming about this... but it's not like she imagined. 
People doubt her, resent her, and her friends don't think she's got what it takes. Percy tried to tell her she wasn't built for this and she did it anyway. Why?
"Well," Rachel takes the lead when Ara finds herself speechless. "So, yeah, that's the Great Prophecy. We hoped it might not happen for years, but I fear it's starting now. I can't give you proof. It's just a feeling. And like Drew said, some weird stuff is happening. The seven demigods, whoever they are, have not been gathered yet. I get the feeling some are here tonight. Some are not here."
Once again, everyone looks at Ara. It's evident that even if she isn't, she has to join the quest, she can't turn her back on it, not that she would, anyway.
"Anyway," Rachel continues, "I don't think is Ara's fault. Something wants to take advantage of our situation. We don't know what challenge the demigods will face, but since the first Great Prophecy predicted the Titan War, we can guess the second Great Prophecy will predict something at least that bad."
"Or worse..." Chiron mutters.
"What we do know," Rachel resumes, glancing at the centaur with irritation, "is that the first phase has begun. A major problem has arisen, and we need a quest to solve it. Hera, the queen of the gods, has been taken..."
As she starts to describe what's happened, Rachel mentions Hedge died, and Ara's breath hitches. The campfire flickers for a moment, turning scarlet before it goes back to normal, no one seems to notice.
"Jason—Um... do you remember your last name?" Rachels questions. He shakes his head. "We'll just call you Jason, then. It's clear Hera herself has issued you a quest."
"I agree."
"You must save Hera to prevent a great evil, some sort of king from rising. For reasons we don't yet understand, it must happen by the winter solstice, only four days from now."
"That's the council day of the gods," Annabeth adds. "If the gods don't already know Hera's gone, they will definitely notice her absence by then. They'll probably break out fighting, accusing each other of taking her. That's what they usually do."
"The winter solstice," Chiron says, "is also the time of greatest darkness. The gods gather that day, as mortals always have, because there is strength in numbers. The solstice is a day when evil magic is strong. Ancient magic, older than the gods. It is a day when things... stir."
"Okay," Annabeth scowls. "Thank you, Captain Sunshine. Whatever's going on, I agree with Rachel. Jason has been chosen to lead this quest, so—"
"Why hasn't he been claimed?" An Ares kid shouts. "If he's so important—"
"He has been claimed," Chiron finally gives an answer. "Long ago. Jason, give them a demonstration."
Jason steps forward and Ara knows something big is about to happen. He pulls out the coin from his pocket and flips it, a spear materializing in his hand. Annabeth steps back and frowns. "Wasn't that... I thought you had a sword."
"Um, it came up tails, I think," he replies awkwardly. "Same coin, long-range weapon form."
"Dude, I want one!" A kid shouts.
"Better than Clarisse's electric spear, Lamer!"
"Electric," Jason mutters. "Back away."
The people closest to him oblige at once, he raises the weapon and lightning goes through the spear, redirecting itself toward the campfire. Jason puts his arm down, completely uninjured. "Um... sorry."
Chiron brushes off a bit of cinder, and he nods. Once again, he looks in pain. "A little overkill, perhaps, but you've made your point. And I believe we know who your father is."
"Jupiter," Jason answers. "I mean Zeus. Lord of the Sky." 
"Ah, fuck..." Ara complains quietly.
This is why she isn't having weird dreams, Jason must be swimming in them. 
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"You're a baby bird, that's all," Percy's quite proud of me, my charmspeak edged Crusty to let go of him so my friend could cut him in half. "Give it a few years, you'll be a grown dove one day—that's your mother's symbol, right?"
"It's okay if my life revolves around beauty and feelings only, I'm okay with that," I shrug.
"Then why did you join my quest?"
"I was bored," that's the answer I've been giving him since the start, but now it doesn't convince him.
"It's not safe to hang out with me," he raises a brow. "You could die, you know?"
"I'm not important enough to die," I laugh.
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Next Chapter ->
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lordkingsmith · 6 months
Trini Kwan canon children and oc children. Trini's fun. I find her interesting, and I love how even beyond Zack, she is the middle man. She knows how Billy speaks and how to explain it to Jason and Zack. She's a sweet girl with slightly creepy beloved dolls and hobbies. She's super enthusiastic but not in a way you'd immediately notice. I love Trini.
canon children:
unknown father;
Minh Kwan. I like Minh, she's awesome. Her shenanigans with the morpher made me laugh, and her getting to see memories of her mom? I was crying. I like how she's like Trini while also being her own person. But they could have done more. Her entire schtick is revenge and being a teenager. Okay. Well she's nice enough but what are her hobbies? Aside from fighting and visiting her mom's grave???? she...seems fashion oriented? She knows how to drive? she likes the jucie bar? we can do better. But, I do enjoy her character. It’s kinda weird how the dad was never revealed, bur I guess they couldn’t talk about Richie because his actor also died. Richie was meant, originally before cast changes required a change in plot, to be the red herring to who the white ranger was. He was Trini’s love interest and was going to be this mysterious new kid who may or may not be the white ranger before-surprise! It’s Tommy. I personally don’t know if Trini would have gotten with Richie in the end, but I ship it lol. I’m just suggesting him as a possible, but I do have kids for him in the non canon list.
my non canon children for Trini Kwan:
Kimberly Hart;
Xian Linh Hart, aged 16. Xian is the younger half sister of Minh and Olivia. When Tommy disappeared Trini did as well, however a few years after Tommy. She and Kim got close shortly after Minh was born, and later got married. Soon after they had a daughter of their own with the help of in vitro fertilization procedures. Trini later died in a freak accident fighting a villain, and Kim withdrew completely with her daughters. Xian’s a pink ranger to Olivia’s green and Minh’s yellow. She’s the one braincell in the sister group, and a fair balance of her sister’s personalities. Still figuring herself out, trying to do Kim proud while also struggling to figure out how to honor Trini’s memory.
Tommy Oliver;
During the incident where Zedd was twisting a neighbor girl of Trini’s into an evil princess on a magic island, Tommy went to help the girl, confident in Trini’s promise; she’d undo the spell on both of them and save them. When the spell took effect, Zedd was true to his word snd released the other teammates, and the evil duo of Green and Lavender debuted. “Prince Tommy” remembered little but the promise of Trini’s. He and the girl, Hallie, killed Drakkon and terraformed the planet into a nightmarish land of fairytale places. Treacherous mountains, terrifying forests, murderous deserts. Razing cities in their wake, making the planet in the image of Hallie’s twisted obsession. It’s not too different than it was, except that the different biomes don’t encourage cities very much. Each region now sentient to an extent. And willing to punish humanity for city building.
Trini and Tommy entered a strange adversarial relationship. Tommy’s obsession with Trini reaching a fever pitch after a few years. The promise and the hatred of fairytales he has twisting into an odd association with Trini. His saving grace, even if he can’t remember what from . They did have a few nights were no fights took place, and they have two kids, with “Prince Tommy” none the wiser that his “Huntress” often has their kids in tow. Bolin and Su are 16 and 14 respectively. Bolin knows who Tommy is to them, Su does not.
Bolin’s been raised his entire life with the resistance and the sole mission of finding the dumpster Rita’s still stuck in, or some other mystic who’d know how to undo the Venus Island spell. He learned about Tommy being his dad two years ago, after meeting David. It didn’t take a lot to put the pieces together with how much David looks like them and Bolin having never seen David’s brother without his helmet until Tommy confronted David and Trini, where he put Trini under a spell. Up till that point Trini co-parented them with Skull and Bulk, and Bolin likes Skull and Bulk as parents and mentors. An adept marksman with throwing knives. Skilled at potion making, and doesn’t know how to feel about Tommy and Hallie. Yes, it’s a spell, but…well. How many times can one take being nearly murdered by maddened tyrants. Considering joining the tyrant prince and princess’s ranks with Bulk to see if he can’t save them…if he can kill them. He’s not currently associated with a color, but he will be a Mastodon Knight, when he’s undercover. Bulk’s his captain and they’re both doing their best. Trini doesn’t approve when this happens, however when she becomes Tommy’s Power Huntress and right hand, it’s not really up to her.
Su is very much a product of her environment. She wasn’t born before nightmare fairytale world, and she can’t imagine anything else. Her logic hinges on magic, and people she knows. Bartering and being kind and clever and very very good with figuring out how to fight with limited space. She doesn’t get why her brother’s been so moody the last two years, and has been traveling with David and Billy to spread the word about Zack and Kim, who both died fighting Tommy, and try to figure out how to undo everything. She’s not sure if she wants to, this version of the world is all she knows but…it would be cool to meet Rita. A real live wicked witch? You don’t see one of those every day. She assumes Richie, who Tommy tortured and killed very early in hers and Bolin’s lives, is her dad. Is more and more motivated to get the curse on Tommy and Hallie broken in any case, just to get her mom, brother, and honorary uncle back. She misses them. Not associated with a color, nor is she going to be a knight of any sort. If she was, it’d be white.
Jason Lee Scott;
They got together in their teens after putty!Matt got them thinking about it, and after a short time apart, they got back together. Jason and Trini co-parent Minh, and have a kid of their own. Terry Scott is twelve and while deeply enthusiastic over everything, he's rather reserved. Fairly calm, and watchful. He's always pausing before talking. Definitely a mama's boy. However, he likes battle borgs with Jason, and they do watch each new season together. Terry's got no interest in being a power ranger. When Trini died, he had even less interest in it. Kid keeps Jason out of rangerdom, because how could he go back in when Minh's currently a yellow, and Terry's still grieving his mom. Terry and Minh's relationship has gotten really strained, and Jason's trying to keep the family together. Trini'd want him to try.
Billy Cranston;
Minh, in this reality, Billy is the unnamed father. Minh and a younger brother, aged 10. Hao and Minh go to live with Zack after Billy inadvertently gets their mother-his wife-killed. as of course, he tells them the truth. Even after, they don't forgive him, but Minh does somewhat reconcile. Hao, however, needs time. Nobody blames the kids for not being able to forgive, least of all Billy.
Laura (last name unknown);
Laura and Kim were both scout masters to their troop of Angelettes, and Trini got to meet Laura properly during something she’d been invited to help out with for badge earning. She’d met Laura briefly when she and Billy had tried dating, and had developed a crush. Had been relieved when Laura and Billy broke up, for a myriad of reasons. One of which was the crush on Laura, the other was that Laura and Billy’d both realized they were interested in the same sex, and broke up when they came out to each other. Trini still did ask Billy if Billy was ok with her dating an ex; that can be weird no matter the reason. Billy was supportive of the idea, more relieved both of them had a chance to be happy now.
Laura and Trini have two kids, and Billy and Zack are surrogate fathers. Billy wasn’t available or comfortable the second time (he’d just gotten married himself), and Jason was alright with offering. Tate, aged 21, and Linette, aged 15, are their kids. Laura works at the museum as a tour guide, and usually works with the school groups. She sees both her kids about twice a year at her job for the annual trips, but she’s never the guide for their school groups. They want their privacy after all, but she does say hi when she sees them. This had saved Tate a few times over the years; he’s very forgetful, and Laura can just covertly give him items like his lunch while saying hi. She’s gonna miss seeing her kids at work like this when Linette graduates. Trini’s love for doll collecting lead her to making her own dolls, and she sells custom dolls to collectors.
Tate lives as a regular space cadet type person. Literally. He’s going into astronomy as a chosen vocation. Because he’s often mostly concerned with the skies and what’s going on up there, he often forgets things. His homework, his lunch, his shoes once…the skies are just more interesting. However, Trini signed them both up for a cooking class during one of his college breaks, and he’s found making simple meals does center him when he’s spinning his wheels. Tate will make vast quantities of different types of ramen or burgers or soups if he’s studying for a test, and his entire floor of his dorm has learned that around the midterms and finals the best place to get food is Tate Kwan’s room. Is not supposed to be cooking. Everyone knows he is cooking. But you need to catch someone in the act or with pots and pans and the intention to cook, and…there isn’t even so much as a tea bag or kettle in his room whenever anyone looks. Not that anyone looks super hard; this is benefitting everyone. He’s on a scholarship and is doing his best, but best means A’s and B’s and his teachers like him. He’s pleasant, even if he is a little distant, polite, sweet tempered, and willing to explain things in simple terms to anyone who needs it. Given his sister’s aspirations, he has been helping her prepare for applying to colleges, and has been tutoring her in math when needed. Not associated with a color.
Linette, like Laura, is an Angelette. Kimberly is her Angel Leader, and she loves it. Her goal is to collect every badge in the catalogue before she turns 18. This will look good on her college applications. Linette wants to go into the computer sciences. She became fascinated when one of the tasks for a badge required programming a simple website. She went the extra mile and built a simple computer as well, to cover another two badges. She was hooked. She’s built her brother his computer, and Laura one. Either option as a career seems very fun. She’s been helping Trini make little automaton versions of her dolls. They do simple things like write little letters or play music or brush hair. They make people happy, and that makes Linette happy. She wants to be able to do this in a larger scale. A lot more organized and down to earth than her brother. He forgets everything; she forgets nothing. Not associated with a color
Violet Arias;
When Zack and Violet broke up, and then Violet and Billy, Trini had to wait for Violet to recover enough to want to date someone in that friend group again. Or at all. And then they both went to college on opposite sides of the country. They stayed in contact, but it wasn’t the same. Until they were video chatting on Valentine’s, and one thing led to another…and they were long distance dating, to both’s pleasant surprise. When they could finally meet again in person they had a trial run to see if they could be together as a couple, if this would work. It did, and now they have two daughters and run a paint your own pottery place, well, two. The first was so popular they opened the second one in a nearby town. Trini had Minh and was a single mom well before she and Violet got together, but Minh got used to Violet fairly quickly and adores her step mom. Billy offered to help them have a kid together, and they agreed.
Heather Arias-Kwan is eleven. She’s very spunky and opinionated. She likes painting and the pottery (she helped make the little kiln god that her moms use for their kiln when she was a lot younger-you can see her thumbprints in the little guy if you look closely). Trini loves how helpful Heather is, and Heather loves doing tai chi with her in the park each morning before going to school. She’s always scribbling little poems to paint onto cups or plates, and practicing drawing birds or flowers for her projects. She’s often getting into shenanigans when she sees something she wants to use for inspiration, the law does not apply when she wants to take a picture or take a leaf or flower.
Finster kidnapped her once. Nobody knows what he was intending because when they found them she was happily making clay figures in a corner and he was painting ones she’d finished. They only know he was going to do something as he said he’d changed his mind. This, rightfully, freaked out Violet. She and Trini are both a little worried that Heather might want to go back for the magic life giving clay. Not associated with a color. Kept a closer eye on than before after Finster. Hasn’t noticed this yet, she’s too busy doing other things. The attention has led to some friction between Trini and Violet, however. Violet still isn’t a huge fan of the rangers, and doesn’t like the fact this is putting their kid in danger. Trini understands and agrees to a point, but she had told Violet she used to be a ranger; Violet walked into this with eyes open.
Marge (last name unknown);
Trini, Billy, and Marge went to the same camp as kids, and became friends. This unfortunately resulted in Skull hating her. Trini never thought to ask why, until Marge had a lesbian awakening, and stopped trying to ask Billy to different dances. Trini confronted Bulk and Skull over the years long jealousy campaign, and got them to apologize to Marge, tagging along to make sure they did. Marge was having a hard time with her parents so the apology meant a lot. And the fact Trini got them to make the apology meant even more. They got together once Marge had found a somewhat stable place to live to finish school, and had worked on coming to terms with some things a little. After being mistaken for the blue ranger and being rescued by Trini, she loosened up a lot more, and started helping with Bulk and Skull’s podcast. Mostly script writing and holding the camera.
She realized she didn’t want to go to college for a career her parents had picked out for her, and got a vocation degree for plumbing, and then later a community college degree for business. She has a small fleet of plumbers, and Trini, and two adopted boys, and they’re all happy.
Tyar and Francis are international adoptions, Tyar from Indonesia and Francis from England. Tyar was adopted as a toddler, and Francis was adopted at ten. They’re seventeen and fifteen, respectively. Francis got to be ringbearer at his new moms’ wedding, which was cool, and Tyar was Trini’s “second best” man; Zack was official best man for her, to help Tyar with his duties while still letting him be important.
Tyar likes his new brother, though it’s taking some getting used to not being the only child. The adjustment has led to some friction between them, with the two having wildly different personalities. Tyar is the yellow ranger of his team, and this doesn’t help with the friction. He can’t just tell Francis, plus Francis doesn’t really like the insanity of the rangers and monsters and supernatural forces. So Francis is left with his own assumptions about Tyar and constantly disappearing, and Tyar’s just trying to keep everything balanced. He’s a huge horror movie buff, and works at the movie theater. To help the theater with extra income, Friday nights are Freaky Flic nights. They play a small selection of old classics, and a mystery horror movie. Given his tastes, only the really brave who know him buy the tickets to the mystery horror movie. He likes his horror gory and bleak. He’s very good in English class, and gym, and wants to be a screenplay writer one day. He’s already got one he’s working on. Everyone Dies At The End. A slasher comedy. The one thing he and Francis can agree on is their favorite band, Hart and the Bonez. Francis about lost his mind when he found out Kimberly Hart and the Skullovitch brothers were friends with their moms, and that’s definitely fun.
Francis is a livewire with a short fuse who doesn’t have any patience for the utter insanity in this new town. His new brother for the past year or so has been disappearing whenever monsters show up, monsters are a thing, space villains are a thing, hell is apparently a thing…that’s concerning…He’s trying to get a summer job, and is looking for something that doesn’t have anything to do with monsters or his brother. Considering working at the music shop. He knows a lot about violins, and music, and would love to work at the store and maybe tutor kids. He’s pretty sure Tyar is in love with one of the monsters to the point of embarrassment; why else would he disappear whenever the guy showed up? He’s trying to figure out a tactful way to set them up so maybe Tyar can stop flaking on other stuff in the name of his crush. As for Francis, he just wants a week without silly, please. It’s been hard acclimating to being a brother the last few years and this has made it harder.
Matthew Cook;
Trini smacked sense into him after the upteenth pity party. She also forced him to come along for a mission in space with the Solar Rangers. He wanted to be let in on the whole thing? Fine! They could do that! Welcome to space Matt, everyone you meet is going to die or kill you! Have fun!
After, he put the dagger up, and he and Trini actually talked about what happened on the moon. She also retired from being a ranger, and they focused on taking a page from Bulk and Skull; being helpful as civilians. Matt asked Trini to marry him, and Trini said no. They made a game of it for a few years before she finally did say yes, when they were both financially stable.
They have Minh, and do foster parenting. Currently fostering JJ Oliver, due to unforeseen events leading to both Tommy and Kat unable to care for their kid for the time being. It’s hard being s foster family, but it’s nice being able to see the kids go back to their parents or move on to hopefully better situations. Matt’s at peace, and Trini is too. Trini is a plane mechanic; Matt is a fireman.
Eugene Skullovitch;
He kept asking her out until she agreed to go out with him. And actually had a nice time. So she humored him again, and again, it was nice. They weren't seeing seeing each other though, and both of them had their kids around the same time. Skull had Spike, and Trini had Minh, and they liked each other fine and loved each other's kids. They had one more, together. August Kwan. He's thirteen, and a complete introverted social butterfly. He loves showing off and gushing about his interests but he hates dealing with too many people for too long. He's really into piano, like Skull. A composer for video game music sounds like a really fun profession, so maybe when he's older he'll work towards that. But he's thirteen, he's got time. He has a stuffed animal he's been attached to since he was two, is half convinced stuffed animal is sentient, and carries it around in his hoodie or backpack. He's not ready to let it go, and Trini fully understands, supports, and gets this. When he's ready, Banjo the seal plushy, will be put beside her own childhood doll Ticklesneezer. Skull's following along with the gentle parenting; he's a bit out of his depth but he appreciates and loves that their kids are being actively supported. He's working on it, and so far the kids aren't traumatized, so something must be working.
Farkas Bulkmeier;
in one au she's a surrogate mom for Bulk and Tommy, but in another, Bulk and Trini got together after Minh's dad left the picture. Bulk had experience with helping a single parent, and Trini was extremely grateful. Minh loved him, and loved when Spike came over. Bulk and Trini had one more kid together when Minh was around six. Rue Kwan. currently aged 17. Minh is going into law, and Rue is considering being a private detective. Or a rocket scientist. Both would be equally fun challenges. Rue's a quick thinker, and rather politely sassy. She's got a dry sense of humor but her comebacks are scathing and legendary. Rue's on the heavier side, and this leads to some self image issues sometimes, especially around valentine's or dances, though Bulk and Trini and Minh are quick to nip this in the bud as quickly as possible whenever it crops up. Rue knows her own mind, and her own opinions. She's been sent to the principle's office for getting into arguments with her teachers more than once. not associated with a color.
Zack Taylor;
They started dating in space, and it was nice. When Trini became red, it got more serious, and being with each other was always so safe, emotionally. They don’t spent a lot of time on earth, but they do have two kids. The two don’t see their kids much, Jethro, age 16 and Avery, age 15 are on earth and do school on earth. They see their parents on holidays when they can, but mostly live with Kim. They have very distant relationships with their parents, even if they wish their parents would retire. They partially retired until both of them were in Junior High, which makes it extra tough. It feels a little like an abandonment, even if it isn’t.
Jethro is not really open to his parents, and has a better relationship with Kim. He wants to be a DJ, and does DJ’ing stuff for school dances and parties. Annoyed by his parents, has a ton of friends, prefers his friends. He likes Kim just fine, and everyone else. He just thinks his parents are using their duties as an excuse to get out of raising their kids. Jethro tries to avoid talking about his parents and what they do. He’s got his own things to do, they have theirs.
Avery loves her parents. She misses them dearly and wants them to come home. She’s become a bit of a people pleaser, swallowing down anxiety or unhappiness so nobody worries. She worries about them, a lot, and wishes they’d just stay home with their kids, who love them. While she doesn’t get why her parents are always in space, she knows they are doing important work saving people, and thus, tries to be understanding and patient and not worry anyone. Not associated with a color.
Kiya Kyatyl;
Trini was able to head off Kiya’s ptsd breakdown in regards to Tommy Oliver by explaining as they got to earth Drakkon’s never get past being a green ranger, and their Tommy’s currently a white ranger. She has no idea if she’s telling the truth but Kiya clung to this as a lifeline and Trini let her. The two got very close during their time as teammates, and very very close during the Eltaran War. They got together shortly after and now, they have a kid.
Kyrok, another orphan from Khoodjah. They went back briefly to see if things had gotten better, they hadn’t, and there was a young boy in need of rescuing. Kyrok reminded Kiya of her brother, and a little of Trini. They rescued him at eight, he is currently 24. He hasn’t set foot on Khoodjah since, but they all live on Mirinoi.
Kyrok is a bit of an animal lover, and wants to specialize in veterinary for alien animals. His moms are fairly encouraging of the idea, and Trini has suggested he first start with earth animals as earth has some of the widest varieties of animals. Kiya is a bit apprehensive of the idea as, while she doesn’t want to put Tommy’s head on a spike, she still doesn’t fully trust the man. And he lives on earth. But, it would make Kyrok happy, and he knows how to take care of himself. He’s good at hand to hand combat, and lock picking. He can mimic voices fairly well as well as throw his voice (this was deemed as witchcraft on Khoodjah unfortunately, hence his needing to be rescued). Clever and smart and a bit introspective. He’s a bit shy, but he likes new experiences. Doesn’t like sweets, and loves thunderstorms. Not associated with a color.
Richie (last name unknown);
Trini kept falling for this mysterious guy. He was a new student, he was sweet, he always knew the right thing to say to make her whole day. And then Tommy got sick, and lost Green due to Lord Zedd. And suddenly Trini never noticed Richie where the new white ranger was. And when he came back after the fight, it was similar excuses to the ones she often used. Suddenly, it made sense why he worked at the juice bar as a second job. It was a favorite target and the favorite spot of the rangers. Plus, in the white server outfit, he could easily hide the fact he always wore white as part of his work clothes.
Trini confronted him, and he came clean; he WAS the white ranger, but it was only temporary. He was just helping out until Tommy was alright again. Trini was a bit mad he hadn’t said anything, though couldn’t really hold it against him. This was probably for safety reasons as Zedd wanted the white ranger’s power as well as the green. Richie eventually gave the white ranger powers to Tommy, and Trini gave the yellow ranger powers to Aisha. They started dating once they were no longer rangers. They have three children. Isolde, Tobin, and Kai.
Isolde is 27, and she runs a food truck. A little bit of a disaster person, but nobody can say no to her Vietnamese food truck with boba tea. There’s lines for it. She loves it. It gets her everywhere in town, she hears all the interesting gossip, and she can just go to where the people are instead of hope they come to her. Richie gave her the idea, and she’s never not going to be thankful to her dad over it. It’s just when she’s not running the food truck is when things go wonky. Everyone keeps mistaking her as the new ranger showing up in town and she really really isn’t. This is not something that’s going on. She’s not getting involved, no sir. She does, however, sell to any of the villains and rangers who want to get food after the fights. There’s a no fighting by the truck policy she holds to, and it has led to some…interesting scenarios. The spoiled rotten prince of the invading army proposed, as one example. She told him no. He suggested marrying his sister. While sweet even if he was thinking with his stomach…She had to explain what aromantic and asexual was and why she wasn’t going to just marry either of them-and yes lart if it was them attempting to invade earth-but gave them a special discount. This is bragging rights, in any case. Not associated with a color but everyone thinks she’s the Amber ranger running around town. Her parents worry, of course, bur she’s smart and resourceful. She knows how to stay out of situations. Or handle them if she’s in them.
Tobin is 25 and he is the Amber ranger running around town. He feels bad letting his sister get the eyes pointed at her, but it keeps the eyes off of him. It’s imperative he doesn’t let anyone know who he is right now, and so it’s easier if everyone thinks it’s her. He works at the radio station, and the Ranger Eyes program lets civilians call in to the radio to report sightings. He uses this to his upmost advantage. He’s helping a friend, and he’s not going to stop helping a friend. He’s pretty sure Richie has guessed but as his dad isn’t saying anything outright…he feels he’s ok. Calm, collected, charming, unpredictable in fights and doing his best to remain mysterious even though he’s the worst at keeping secrets. Has threatened the two brats attempting to take over the planet for “hitting on the nice food truck woman when she clearly isn’t interested”. That’s his sister, and he’s mad they even tried. However even if he could say anything she’d probably laugh at him, which he knows, but..still. It’s the principle of the thing. Is also trying VERY HARD not to think about how Isolde probably would have taken either two up on it if she wasn’t asexual or aromantic.
Kai is nineteen and is a complete book nerd. High Fantasy his preferred genre, and he runs a d&d group at a friend’s comic store. They’re playing a home brew campaign he’s like, eighty percent certain is based off the current exploits of the newest ranger team. Kai often has to be dragged out of his apartment to do things by siblings or parents when he’s not at the comic store, and he works for his sister at the food truck. He doesn’t have a lot of friends but he’s of the opinion of quality over quantity. Who needs a lot of bad friends when you can have one to three good close friends? Kai wants to develop his own indie video game one day; he just doesn’t know what to make it about. Yet. He’s confident he’ll come up with an idea, and soon.
In a tangential au, Minh is middle sibling, and Richie got Saba after Tommy got the dragon coin working again. Richie and Trini were both killed by Robo Rita. Trini trying to protect an injured Richie who couldn’t move from the spot due to a broken leg. Which leads to Zack and Billy protecting and looking out for and after four young adults with attitude.
In another tangential au, Richie isn’t a ranger at all, nor was he ever. He was confused when Trini confronted him, and it turns out it was Tommy all along. Trini apologies to Richie, who accepts the apology and is the reason Trini ultimately walks away from rangerdom for good. They have their four kids, are happy, and nobody dies.
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theslay3d · 2 years
Jason Grace x child of Apollo where they nurse him back to health and from then he’s just whipped for the reader and constantly stalks them/ follows them around unconsciously
Jason Grace x child of Apollo!reader
Gender:Gender neutral
Warnings: There is mentions of wounds and blood
Word count: 951
Y/C=your color
A/N ok listen this is gonna sound bad but there might be mistypes of his last name grace that turn into grave AHAHAH so sorry about that:) idk if there will be but i changed the ones i noticed
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Jason was dying. Well that might be overdramatic but he felt lille he was. He was on his way to Camp-Half Blood because he always tries to visit Leo and Piper often. On his way there he happened to get attacked by some monsters. Which wasn't uncommon for demigods but he didn't even know what they were but there were so many of them that they overran him.
Luckily when they finally got him cornered he was in the forest near camp and since he was making a lot of noise he hoped other campers would get there soon. The monsters stabbed him with their claws? Jason couldn't remember exactly all he knew was that it hurt.
He started to black out until there was a flash of bright yellow light that disintegrated the monsters. He saw someone with Y/C hair getting closer then he fully blacked out. 
You were panicking. This was Jason Grace, the son of Jupiter. You were new to camp so you hadn't met him yet but you knew all about him. You became fast friends with Piper so she told you about him plus he was a hero after all.
 Anyway you were going for a walk as you finished all your chores for the day until you heard something in the woods. It was probably dumb to go and see what it was as it could have been a monster but you did it anyway. You saw Jason Grace on the ground with about three monsters surrounding him and two dead on the ground.
You quickly used the powers you got from your father Apollo and blasted them with light. You ran up to Jason and kneeled down by his side and saw he was bleeding. You were a very good healer which you thanked the gods for and ripped the bottom of your shirt to press down on the wound. 
Jason was blacked out so you quickly yelled for some help. Some more campers came saw the situation and grabbed Jason to take him to the infirmary. Your brother Will was already there like always and you both quickly used your healing magic on him. You both got him banaged up but you had to wait for him to wake up to give him some ambrosia. 
“You got this from here? I'm going out with Nico soon” Will said as he cleaned up some of the supplies. “Yeah I’m good” You assured Will even if you were a little nervous but Will deserved to finally have a break. Will left after cleaning up some more supplies.
You sighed as you sat down in one of the chairs right beside where Jason was laying. He was kinda cute. I mean his glasses were broken but nothing Leo couldn't fix. His hair was kinda a mess and had leaves all in it but still he was cute. 
You decided to try and get most of the leaves out of his hair and started to pick them all out until Jason woke up with a gasp and sat up. He winced immediately and you pushed him back until he was lying down. “Stay down your injured” You requested. He turned his head a little to the side to look at you. 
“Hey your the one that saved me” Jason said as he got more comfortable on the cot. “Yep that's me” You replied back a little awkwardly as you said before he was kinda cute which made you a little nervous. 
“Thank you, did you heal me too?” Jason asked as he lifted himself up to lean against the pillows. “Yeah me and Will did” You said. 
It was kinda awkward for a few minutes until the door opened and in came Leo and Piper. “Oh my gods are you ok?” Piper fussed as she and Leo walked closer to the bed. “Ill uh leave you to it be back soon” You said while shooting finger guns as you walked out(me lol). 
Jason stared at the door you just shut when you left and thought back to you. You were cute but he didn't even know your name. “Who was that?” Jason asked as he turned his head back towards Leo and Piper. 
“Oh that's Y/N child of Apollo obviously” Piper said as she looked Jason over making sure he's ok. “Whattt got a crush on them” Leo teased as he sat on the chair next to the bed putting his hands behind his head.
“What no, I don't even know them” Jason stuttered out as a blush rose to his face. Piper and Leo both turned to each other and smiled like they knew something he didn't. 
Over the next few days Jason stayed in the infirmary he swears he couldn't leave any sooner but he totally could have he just wanted to see you. Anyway you did take care of him for a few days and checked up on him after he left the infirmary. 
It has been about two weeks since he left the infirmary and somehow he was always next to you. Not that you were complaining or anything, it was actually cute but he did kind of follow you everywhere like a puppy whether he meant to or not. He was kinda always there helping you in the infirmary and stuff. 
Jason didn't even notice he was around you so much until Piper pointed it out and Leo said he was whipped for you(which got him hit in the head with a pillow). He started to like you but he was fine with just following you around like a puppy until you guys got closer. Which you did.
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His Warrior Princess - Part seven
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Series Masterlist
Part 6
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You silently sat seated upon the makeshift throne alongside you father, he had insisted upon having you close to him after the long separation. Your concern for him growing with each cup of wine guzzled down in haste. It was quite clear that your sister's disappearance had gravely unsettled him. Rhaenyra... where in the seven hells are you?
Your father looks to you then and two of you share a smile, his attention then turns to your little half-brother where he was quietly playing, and you couldn't help but smile yourself at how adorable he was. Even though he was half Hightower, you couldn't fault him for that, he was still of your blood; the blood of the dragon and you would never have ill feelings toward your blood.
The moment was soon interrupted by a gentleman walking up to your father, by the golden lion sigil on his chest, you made him out to be a Lannister.
"Your Grace... I had this forged in the golden gallery in honour of Prince Aegon" the man presents an elaborate golden spear.
One of the servants takes it, handing it to your father then. "It is quite a thing..." your father remarks after having examined it.
The Lannister proudly smirks, "I hope it might provide the killing stroke against your White Hart."
Your father makes no remark, instead he looks to study it yet again.
"King of the Kingswood..." the Lannister remarks. "It is as if the seven themselves have blessed this day."
"Thank you for your generosity" your father replies, passing it back to the servant.
You remained silent throughout the entire exchange, carefully scrutinizing the man. There was something about him that you did not like, yet you could not place your finger upon it.
"I would be honoured to take the Princess Rhaenyra to wife, your Grace" the Lannister suddenly states.
Your father and you both frown at the sudden change of topic.
"What I offer you, the crown and your daughter; is strength..."
You found yourself seething by his remark. Did he believe your sister to be a prized mare to be auctioned off to the highest bidder?
"Do you think that House Targaryen wants for strength?" your father remarks, a dangerous tone to his voice and you could not help the smirk that slipped across your lips.
"If someone offered you more dragons, would you not take them?" the pompous ass confidently remarks.
"Do you have dragons to offer?" your father sarcastically remarks.
"Casterly Rock is a splendid seat" the fool replies, "Rhaenyra may take a place there, by my side and without shame, and feel herself well compensated for her loss in station."
"What loss of station?" your father scowls at him.
"If you were to name young Aegon heir, your Grace" the fool makes the mistake of stating.
"And when would I be doing that?" your father narrows his gaze upon him.
"I had assumed... as he is your firstborn son. Many of us have assumed..."
Finding yourself insulted on behalf of your sister at his remark, you sprang up from your seat, ready to defend your sister's claim, but your father halts you.
"Visenya... I will handle this. Perhaps you should go and see if your sister has arrived back."
Inhaling a deep breath as to calm yourself, "as you wish, Father..." you curtsy, making your leave but not before shooting the Lannister fool a foul look.
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During the entire preceding's, Harwin had been silently watching you. Truth be told, he had been watching you from the second you stepped back into the pavilion. Harwin had thought you beautiful before, but the instant you walked through the entrance; dressed in a lilac gown, and with a black armoured corset over it, you took his breath away.
"You should close your mouth, Brother... before you catch flies" Larsy had teased him at that moment, Harwin had simply brushed him off by choosing to ignore his comment.
When he saw Jason Lannister approaching the King and you, Harwin felt his fury begin to rise yet again. During the conversation between the King and Jason, Harwin found his interest peak up when you suddenly sprung up from your seat, looking as if you wanted to gut the Lannister fool where he stood. To say he was amused would be putting it lightly.
When you left the throne area, looking like the furious dragon that you were and headed to the entrance to leave, Harwin hastily stood up from his seat in order to follow you. What neither of you knew was that Lord Lyonel, Harwin's father had noticed his fascination with you, as well as when Harwin had followed after your trail.
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You stepped out into the evening air, shutting your eyes as you tilted your head back and inhaled deeply in order to calm your fury. This was one of the things that made you loath Kings Landing the most; the parasites of the court, always lurking about, looking for a way into the higher seat.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when hearing heavy footsteps approaching from behind you. Briskly turning around, your warrior instincts of not trusting anyone approaching from your back kicking it, you were caught completely off-guard by the mountain of a man standing in front of you.
"My apologies for frightening you, your Highness" the man bows in front of you.
"It is quite alright, Ser..." you faintly smile at him. "Is there something or someone in particular you are looking for?"
"No, your Highness" he replied with a smile. "If I must confess... I came out to make sure that you were safe and well."
Folding your arms against your chest, you stare at the man with a bemused look, "and pray tell me, Ser...?"
"Harwin, your Highness..." he bows again, this time with a faint smirk. "Ser Harwin Strong."
"What makes you believe that I am in need of a protector, Ser Harwin...?"
"A lady should never wonder alone unprotected outside, more so a princess..." Harwin answers with a faint smile.
"Mayhaps..." you sweetly smile at him in response, "yet I am not an ordinary lady nor an ordinary princess..."
"That I am quite aware of, your Highness... but it would make me more at ease if you had one."
You couldn't help but smirk at his persistence. "And are you volunteering to be it, Ser Harwin?"
"If it pleases your Highness..."
"Very well, Ser Harwin..." you finally give into his request. "I wish to retire for the evening, you may escort me to my tent."
Harwin, ever the gentleman, reaches his arm out for you to take hold of. With a faint smirk, you grab hold of it and allow him to lead you to the tent.
"You said your last name was Strong, that means you are the son of Lord Lyonel Strong?"
"His eldest..." Harwin responds with a smile. He could not believe that he was finally getting to speak with you. You were everything that he believed you to be and more, you were strong-willed, and twice as beautiful than he had first believed you to have been. The lilac shade of your eyes an exact match to that of your gown, it was the most beautiful colour he had ever seen...
Harwin was soon brought out of his smitten state when you suddenly pulled away from him, and that was when he realized that they had made it to their destination.
"Thank you for the escort, Ser Harwin" you stepped in front of him with a broad smirk.
"The pleasure was all mine, your Highness..." Harwin bows with an even broader one of his own.
"Mayhaps, we shall run into each other again, Ser Harwin..."
"I would hope so, your Highness..."
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After the heated conversation with not only Jason Lannister, as well as Otto over marriage proposals for Rhaenyra, the King found himself drowning deeper within his cups of wine as he watched the court going about merrily in celebration.
Lord Lyonel then appeared before him. "We sent out riders to find Rhaenyra, your Grace. Ser Criston went after her, so hope is that they are tighter."
"The girl is a heedless contrarian..." the King drunkenly remarks. "If I instead forbade her to wed a Lannister, she would have run off for Lord Jason out of spite."
Lord Lyonel merely gives a faint smile in response.
"A truly great Targaryen King, I am..." the King remarks. "Powerless over my own daughter of seven-and-ten..."
"King Jaehaerys ruled over half a century of peace while his children drove him over to the end of madness..." Lord Lyenol comments. "His daughters in particular... it is tradition, your Grace."
The King couldn't help but smirk at the remark.
"It is only the one daughter that is driving me up the wall at this instance, the other, surprisingly has brought some light back into my life. Visenya may be hot-headed but she is dutiful, I know I will not have any objections to marriage from her."
Lord Lyonel silently contemplates his next words. "Do you wish to hear my opinion on the matter?"
"Should I guess?" the King narrows his gaze then. "You believe that your son, Ser Harwin 'Breakbones', the strongest knight in the seven kingdoms, is the best match for Rhaenyra?"
Lord Lyenol faintly smirks. "You flatter me, your Grace... but no."
"You're right" the King nods, pointing a knowing finger at him. "He seems more fitted for my other daughter."
Lord Lyonel could not help the broad smirk that crossed his face at that instant.
"Is there something that you are not telling me, Lyonel?" the King stares at him suspiciously.
Lyonel grins then, "I must confess, your Grace... it has come to my attention that my son might have affections for the Princess Visenya."
"Is that so?" the King could not help but chuckle. "It makes sense for him to fall for her. She is a strong-willed woman, and a warrior at that too..."
"I will have a talk with him, your Grace" Lyonel replies.
"No" the King waves his wine cup in objection. "Let him be. If we interfere it might jeopardize his chances."
Lyonel looks at the King in confusion.
"I agreed to allow Visenya to choose her own husband, if Harwin manages to win her heart, and she wishes to wed him, I shall gladly give my blessing to it."
"Thank you, your Grace" Lyonel smiled broadly as he bowed to make his leave.
Part 8
Tag:  @missusnora  @alexandra-001 @green-lxght  @stitchattacks​ @evyiione
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scattered-winter · 2 years
tw: grief/mourning, alcohol
Wind whistled through the waving willow trees, sending brown leaves tumbling over the grass, catching on smooth slabs of stone before moving on. The chill of autumn made Dick's arms prick with gooseflesh, and he shivered as he leaned against the cold headstone. The bottle of vodka was warm, clenched in his fist, knocking against his shin as he tapped out an unsteady rhythm.
He was beautiful. His hair was longer, curling around his ears, rustling in the wind, glossy and dark and soft. His bare feet tucked into the yellowing grass, and his eyes were closed as he leaned against the stone.
Wally was sitting as close to him as he could; he couldn't touch anyone without dissolving from their warmth, but he was sitting right beside Dick. Right beside his headstone. It wasn't close enough.
Dick looked tired, too. His eyes were darkened with shadows, and his whole body seemed weighed down with weariness. The kind that dragged down shoulders and dulled skin and creased wrinkles into foreheads.
Well. To be fair, Wally had been dead for nearly a year now. A year of grief. Of coming home to an empty apartment, an empty bed.
In moments like this, Wally almost wished he couldn't see his old life. Watching the people he loved most grieve him while he was only a few steps away, helpless to intervene…Wally had never believed in hell when he was alive, but he did now.
He watched as Dick took another swig of vodka, Adam's apple bobbing with his swallows, the neck of the bottle sliding between long graceful fingers.
"Hey, Walls." Dick's voice was rough, barely audible above the gentle breeze and rustling of willow branches. "I, uh. Haven't stopped by in a while."
He closed his eyes, trying to think of something to say, perhaps. Wally couldn't do anything but wait. He couldn't feel the cold stone of his grave behind his back, or the prickly grass at his feet. But he could feel the sorrow, dragging him down as he watched Dick swallow down another sip and heave a heavy sigh.
"Things have been…batshit around here. Turns out Jason isn't dead anymore. I guess there's something to be said for little miracles." Dick chuckled bitterly, knocking his head against the headstone. "Guess it's too fucking much to ask for another one."
Wally tucked his legs underneath him, resisting the urge to lean into Dick. He wouldn't feel it anyway, and it would just make Wally feel even worse.
Dick lapsed into silence once more, taking another heavy swig and watching the dangling willow branches dance in the wind. He had nearly finished the bottle by now.
The cold sun was slowly dipping below the horizon, shadows stretching across the cemetery like wraiths.
Another swig of vodka. Then Dick took in a shuddering breath and the words came crashing out like the tide. "I was gonna ask you to marry me, you know."
Wally didn't have a heartbeat, but his blood froze all the same.
Dick let out a soft, bitter laugh and knocked back another gulp. "Didn't have a ring picked out yet, but I was planning on asking Barry for…for permission." His voice was quiet, but remarkably steady as he continued. "It was gonna be a small wedding, I figured. Just us and the people we love. Just…just us."
Now his voice was beginning to wobble, and the now nearly-empty bottle of liquor slid from his fingers and plunked into the grass.
"I didn't know what you would say," he whispered, "but I wanted to ask so badly. God, I wanted to marry you, Wally." His voice broke, and Wally felt something inside him shatter. He was so close but he couldn't do a fucking thing even though he wanted to scream and cry and stop being dead.
Dick squeezed his eyes shut, inhaled shakily, forced it out in a rush. The breathing technique Wally had taught him to stay calm after a nightmare. He picked up the bottle, pushed himself to his feet, wobbled, righted himself.
Wally rose with him, arms reached halfway toward him but wavering in midair because he couldn't even touch him even though everything ached and he hurt and he wanted to touch him more than he'd ever wanted anything.
Dick rested a hand on the grave, brushing fingers over the letters of Wally's name. "To the things we never had," he muttered before knocking back the last dregs of the bottle. And then he walked away, weaving between the graves, slightly unsteady but forging onward through the dry, dead grass.
And the willows danced on.
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calvins-dad · 10 months
I love this post. https://www.tumblr.com/drew-marsinvestigations/724745820429320192?source=share
I'm from the south, and I haven't listened to country music in so long because none of it feels authentic to my experience or beliefs. I listened to Tyler Childers for the first time today. I loved it. It makes me so nostalgic for the music I grew up listening to. Do you have any recommendations for more songs/artists with this type of music?
oh boy do i this is like one of my favorite things to talk about
putting this above the cut because they deserve the promotion:
Black Opry Revue is a collective of Black country and country adjacent artists that tours, offers artist residencies for Black artists, and generally does fantastic work promoting Black performers in a really white dominated industry. i've seen a set of theirs live and can't recommend them enough !! they are a great place to start for finding artists that fall outside the country mainstream :)
more specific recs below
i would say that tyler and zach bryan are two of the biggest stars of the country/appalachian revival rn and both deserve the praise they get
a tyler gem i would recommend is follow you to virgie live at red barn (really that whole album, there are no skips on it)
zach bryan's live version of revival on his all my homies hate ticket master red rocks recording never fails to make me want to go to a concert posthaste
orville peck is pretty big on tumblr and is a more country-western sound if you like that better! he has some incredible good music that handles topics like bisexuality and relationship violence with a lot of nuance and grace (he also has plenty of fun ones, but i like that he's not afraid to handle difficult topics too)
hexie mountains is one of my favorites by him because it deals with complications around home and distance in ways i love
ok now for some people who aren't as big on here but deserve all our love <3
adia victoria is FANTASTIC and has some really incredible music with a little bit of a darker, more gothic sound
stuck in the south is the obvious place to start
in the pines is also amazing and follows in the sacred country tradition of talking about the grittier sides of the south and trying to understand where you fit into all of that
valerie june is also a little bit less straight-country but she's doing some really cool stuff and she never fails to make me pull out my most exaggerated twang. her voice is amazing
astral plane is my favorite of hers
shakedown never fails to make me dance
i only recently discovered wyatt flores but i love the rasp in his voice on
please don't go
jason isbell has been around for a while and released music as a solo act and with jason isbell and the 400 unit.
morgan wallen (don't bother with him he Sucks) released a cover of his song cover me up that got a ton of press but the original is lightyears ahead of the cover
the nashville sound is no skips album from him
hope the high road off this album fulfills the niche for me i think this year does for a lot of other people
le siren isn't all county but i love her music
the banjo on yikes! Gets me as a country girlie
i saw kyshona live and her voice is UNbelievable
my own grave is my personal fav
the turnpike troubadors have plenty of bangers including
a long way from your heart which is another no skip album
some other bangers:
jersey giant - elle king
georgia to texas - leon bridges (the only reason he didn't get his own section is he's really more r n b but this song is about being from the south so it counts)
just let go - sturgill simpson (this guy's music is all over the place in the best way, and he produced some of tyler's stuff if you like that)
a life where we work out - flatland cavalry ft kaitlin butts
also everyone above is a modern artist but it goes without saying that classic country is full of people with interesting things to say that isn't the boot-licking-bro-country-sound folsom prison blues, harper valley pta, 9 to 5, the pill, cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other, etc are all classics for a reason !!
finally rainbow kitten surprise really aren't country, but they are a queer band from north carolina and everyone should watch their hide music video which is about being queer in the south and features several drag queens coming out to their families
in conclusion: yeehaw
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