#just in case my posts start unraveling more and more lol
stoned-eren · 8 months
just as a heads up!!! i might start posting more nsfw… it will be tagged… hope that is alright :3
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nakedmonkey · 29 days
i knew night country wasn’t gay but based on the gifs i saw i definitely thought the leads were exes lol even when i finished the show i never bought either woman as straight tbh. not just because the actresses are lesbian/bi irl the energy and chemistry between them screamed dyke drama lmao. anyway i watched the first ep of under the bridge expecting something similar but the main story and real life case are so harrowing and devastating i can’t finish. i almost wish cam and becca’s storyline was in a different show because based on the gifs the chemistry is wild.
oh man....Night Country...will keep this strictly a UTB post, but, yeah...
Re UTB, I get where you're coming from. I personally didn't know it was based on a real case until after the first episode when I started pulling up interviews etc. and I don't know why they made the creative choices they did with creating Cam for this adaptation and pairing her up with Becca, but they did! And they're here, having all kinds of on-screen moments, so i understand why people are gravitating toward them. They're very compelling!
I mean, look, add this to the endless list of tv shows and films based on real life cases with, some might say unnecessary, love stories and even graphic sex scenes, more graphic than what we've seen in UTB tbh, that have nothing to do with the actual case. I think we also have to keep in mind that the narrative this show is basing itself on is Rebecca Godfrey's, and her book. So, this show is a fictionalized account of HER life and her experience writing this book and yeah, True Crime adaptations can be sleazy, but I think the UTB team is (so far) taking great care in also propelling the story of Reena Virk's horrendous murder forward, and not just her murder, but the events leading up to it, of her family, her home life, the racism that lead to her murder, and I think that's great and necessary.
In my opinion, there are worse ways to get eyes on a show that is doing a great job at telling a story that could easily be overlooked.
All this to say, I get where you're coming from. It might be hard for some people to enjoy Rebecca and Cam, when we are also watching the events leading to Reena's death unravel, but the Rebecca x Cam of it all is just tumblr fodder. Reena's story is being told respectfully and with the backing of her family as far as I know, and i think it's still worth watching for that alone. If you ever decide to revisit it, at least up to episode 3, they're doing a great job.
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dandyshucks · 1 month
rambling about Guz under the cut hsdhgjkl, CW for abuse and (c)ptsd talk as well as discussion of racism
i've hesitated to say anything about his trauma-caused aggression and anger because i fear it'll be misconstrued by ppl (<- tags on that other post that i'm going off of bc i wanna ramble abt it)
he's not Scary or Violent or Mean. i mean maybe other ppl might view him that way, he might come across that way if you don't know him well, but like.... its trauma. if you were physically abused as a child... yeah. youre gonna come out of that with issues that won't be pretty. you're not going to be the Perfect Victim. you are going to have symptoms and reactions and whatnot that are ugly and difficult and upsetting and hard-to-be-around sometimes.
I am really aware and cautious of the stereotype where many men of colour (mainly black men, but this also includes indigenous men and some other men of colour) are portrayed as being Big and Aggressive, so I have avoided getting anywhere near that, especially since I made the decision to change Guz's skintone in my portrayal of him (which I'm not going to get into, at least rn, but that decision was carefully thought out as well for me). So I always get a bit worried that IF I show any of that side of his trauma, it is going to come off the wrong way.
When I look at him being angry and aggressive in any way, I'm coming at it from the perspective of "this is a man who was a child who was abused and beaten, and he's grown up being taught he needs to Fight, that he needs to be scary in order to be safe, and he is very afraid in a way that translates to anger because that's the way he learned to deal with that emotion." And then we (Guz and co) figure out how to work with that, how to start unravelling all the trauma that's packed into that behaviour, how to start unlearning those reactions and begin working on new ways of Being. He's got a safe environment now, where the people he's around genuinely care about him, where he doesn't have to scare the people around him in order to be respected and safe. Plumes and the squad love him, and Junebug loves him, and he doesn't want to hurt any of them. He also doesn't want to continue that cycle of abuse, doesn't want the grunts or anyone else to feel afraid of him like he was afraid of his dad, nor does he want any of the grunts to feel like they have to be aggressive to be safe in the world.
I'm also aware of the fact that I have white skin even if I am indigenous lol, and the little white-skinned partner appearing to be the "uwu soft niceys" one in the relationship with the big "aggressive" man with brown skin is uhhhh a really fucking awful look! really fucked up! And it's not something I'm interested in presenting to the world, even if it's just in this small circle of the internet. That's a really fucked up dynamic to be putting out there without context lmao.
Anyways, so even if Guz has that shit going on, I'm very careful with how I present it and aware of how it might come across, and if I ever step over any lines, people are more than welcome to holler at me and let me know I've fucked up!
Currently, I figure he was working on shit for a while before my self-insert came along (this is not a case of "i will fix you all by myself" because again... my white skin makes it look like white saviorism, plus I do not think thats a very interesting dynamic for me personally anyways lol, you gotta be putting in a bit of work yourself for me to stick around very long and help you out), and then Junebug showing up was just another motivational force to keep working on his shit. Guz has a good group of people around him and Junebug is just kind of a bonus in the situation. He'd be putting in the work either way, but they're just a little extra boost for him.
I think he’ll always have a bit of a tendency to react with the fight instinct rather than flight or freeze in situations where he is genuinely terrified and doesn’t have time to think through a reaction, but all of the rest of it improves. It’s amazing what a person can change about the way their brain is wired with enough time and effort and support!
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cq-studios · 11 months
So I’ve been debating back and forth whether or not to do this because I knew it was gonna be a lot of work. But you know what? Screw it!
Here’s a cohesive list and description of all, 2+ hours (I think…), of my KH (mostly KHUX) animation ideas
You know… in case someone cares lol
(Four things before we start)
(If you look at a script and there’s nothing there, try looking at the comments, chances are I’ll have notes on the side)
(If a idea has a script the descriptions will most likely be more vague. I need to save time somehow lol)
(Unless it’s Xehaqus or Soriku, shipping wasn’t the intent but if that’s what floats your boat don’t let me sink it)
(No pressure to read all of these descriptions and scripts or listen to all the songs or whatever. It is so much and I know that. I honestly appreciate that you even clicked/tapped "Keep Reading" lol)
Let’s start off with my…
Pre-UX Finale Ideas
These ideas tend to be a bit outside of cannon/outdated now but they still haunt me when the song comes on
This is also the most you will get of any non-UX character lol
Song: Ready as I’ll Ever Be
Character(s)/Game Focus: KH 1 (endgame)
Description: Varian’s sections are Riku pre possession (first part when he steals ‘Sora’s’ keyblade, last part him getting possessed by Ansem). Cassandra’s sections and the “I’ll save my home and family” is the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee doing things to help (what I presume they were doing before they just kinda, show up at Hollow Bastion), and Rapunzel and her dad’s(??) sections as well as the “prove they can trust me” are Sora and the Beast.
This idea is primarily lip sync and not really specific scenes. More so just a point in time
Length: 2:04 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, as an animatic (I don’t think my description did it much justice since it really is mostly lip sync, but there’s very vivid images of it in my mind)
Song: Meet Me in the Woods
Character(s)/Game Focus: Lea/Axel
Description: An animation depicting Lea/Axel’s life starting with him and Isa finding Subject X (the “journey to the unknown”). “The darkness getting ahold of them” is referring becoming Ansem’s apprentices and their eventual initiation into the Organization because of it. The music between verses is the early days of them in the Organization then shifts to Roxas’ early days there. “How long baby have I been away” is post-Castle Oblivion. The first chorus is the Sea Salt Trio kinda becoming a trio. “Yeah the truth is stranger than my own worst dreams” is him learning about Xion being a replica. Then right after is everything falling apart for the trio. The second chorus going into the wind down is Axel/Lea’s redemption and KH3 stuff (keyblade war too before it starts to slow down). Then at the end when it really slows down is the Sea Salt Trio’s reunion.
Length: 4:23 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: I want to say yes but chances are no, this one doesn’t even have a script but I might give it one for sticking around so long
Song: Unravel
Character(s)/Game Focus: Heart Hotel/Sortas (Sora, Ven, Roxas, Xion, Vanitas)
Description: First section is UX Ven. Post first drop to "that is where I'll live on" is Xion (just her story in Days). The section ends with her dying then switches to Roxas after her death for the 'angry part' (fighting Riku) then when the music chills out a bit he returns to Sora. Then when its the instrumental of the chorus we start Vanitas' section/BBS Ventus' section. The "breakable, unbreakable" back and forth is basically their talk before their big fight in Ven's heart, which starts at the "I won't let you contaminate me!" (from Ven) but the scene cuts before they start to fight. The next part is Sora in DDD. The part where they're repeating "Don't forget me" is when Riku is in Sora's heart talking to each Sorta (and Vanitas is there too I guess). Order is the same as in the game with Vani in there somewhere (unless Xion isn't last, she needs to be the last one). The part where they repeat the first line is the scene in KH3 where its 'revealed' Sora has other hearts withing him.
Length: 5:21 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Same as the previous, I love it but I’ve built it up so much in my head I don’t think I could do it justice, I'll make it a script eventually
Song: Don’t Make Me
Character(s)/Game Focus: Lauriam
Description: This one is definitely outdated. Like it pre-dates the update where Lauriam actually finds out that the NULs know his sister is dead (the script obviously has been updated since then but I think the fact that it is that old still kinda shows). But yeah Don’t Make Me is basically Lauriam slowly becoming more suspicious of everyone and really really hoping none of them had anything to do with his sister’s disappearance. Because if they were he might just end up being a villain in their story. Again really old, so my interpretation of events were kinda off since I hadn’t seen all the cutscenes a bajillion times, but I think it’d make a fun AU.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 3:10 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: I don’t think so, the time for it has come and passed… like almost 3 years ago now
Song: Help Me
Character(s)/Game Focus: Subject X (Skuld)
Description: Subject X is in her cell and is contacted by the ghosts of the Radiant Garden scientists’ previous victims.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 1:20 (0:00-1:20)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I decided to scrap this one a while ago
Song: Cold Feet
Character(s)/Game Focus: Mostly KH 3 and 4 (whenever it comes out)
Description: Patience is the game for this one. The idea is incomplete until Riku finds Sora but here’s my thoughts so far. Before the first chorus it’s a bunch of events from Sora’s story leading up to Riku’s sacrifice. The sacrifice is then the chorus (“cold, cold feet”, is Riku stepping forward etc etc). The drop is Sora reviving everyone and resetting the timeline and stuff and the rest of KH3 if there’s enough room. The “wherever you are I wish you well” to “they’re not ringing for me” is Riku being angsty about Sora’s disappearance, looking for him and stuff. The “couldn’t do a thing to make you stay” to “one hell of a story” is Kairi being angsty about it. The pre-chorus is the stuff with the Fairy Godmother and the Final World in MelMem and there’s the cut off. The rest I just gotta wait for I guess lol
Length: Full Song?? (Depends on KH4)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Unlikely but I’ll probably script it out to soothe my mind
Song: Stuff is Way
Character(s)/Game Focus: Vanitas
Description: Basically the animation meme, just Vanitas lip syncing for most of it. The second voice is Xehanort. The images behind would just be various flashes of his life.
Length: 1:36 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: As much as I want to, probably not
Song: The Other Side of Paradise
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Basically just the scene where Ven walks in on Lauriam attacking Brain and decides it’s a good time to confess to murder. The first two lines are just Ven lip syncing. Then Lauriam attacks for the next line two lines. Darkness leaves Ventus on “caught up in a grip when we where us”. “Fingers in a fist like you might run” is Lauriam tightening his fist around his Keyblade. And the last three lines are a shot of Darkness, and shot of the NULs, and then a shot of the two standing across from each other.
I could’ve sworn I had this scripted out somewhere but I searched all my google accounts and nothing… must’ve been on paper.
Length: 1:01 (3:39-4:40)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, this one is very vivid in my mind, but its been around for years, and I still haven't touched it so...
Song: I can Go the Distance
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Purely headcanon based on how I feel Ven’s character might go in the future. Basically about Ven (Post-KH3) going out and trying to find out more about his past. Find the friends from his dream. One of the ones he mentioned he had while while within Sora (“these people I didn’t recognize and weird animal creatures” which I assume are the NULs and Chirithies/Spirits). Mostly just him singing to himself around the Land of Departure (then other worlds he’s exploring during the second half of the song). Herc’s mom and dad are Aqua and Terra.
Length: 3:03 (Full Scene)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how whether or not Ven actually goes looking
Song: I’m not Fine
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Just UX Ven vibes really, I try not to think too much about it since I’ll never be able to go forward with it.
Length: 3:29 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, the artist prefers you don’t animate their songs without permission
Song: And the Day Goes On
Character(s)/Game Focus: Xion
Description: The song is kinda goofy and nonsensical but I think it actually really works with Xion's story. The first verse is her normal, missions and some identity issues thrown in for fun. The second is her going to Castle Oblivion. The first chorus is the trio at the clocktower. The third verse is the stuff with Naminé, DiZ, and Riku. The second chorus is her going back and fighting Roxas. The post chorus is her dying and returning to Sora. And the rest of the song is post KH3, just hanging out with her pals (and Isa lol).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:12 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Mayhaps, this one is one of my favourite non-UX ideas
Song: Graveyard
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Basically Ven's journey through BBS. This one would have the lyrics on screen. The chorus would be the pretty much the same every time. The majority of the chorus would be a looping run animation. The "they say" and "to the graveyard" parts being the variables. For the former the character to the side of the text 'speaking' changes each time and the later the location Ven ends up is different each time. Everything post "it's funny how the warning signs can feel like they're butterflies" is BBS' final battle.
Length: 3:13 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I don't think so
Song: Don’t do Sadness/Blue Wind
Character(s)/Game Focus: Lauriam and Strelitzia
Description: Lauriam after realizing Strelitzia is dead and singing down the streets about how he doesn’t have time to be sad, he has to be strong and stuff. Strelitzia’s ghost follows him trying to help him feel his emotions. Then at the end he cries and Strelitzia disappears.
Length: 1:12 (3:53-5:05)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, as an animatic, I actually tried to start it a few years ago (here) but if it do finish it I’ll remake it
Song: Revolution
Character(s)/Game Focus: Marluxia
Description: Marluxia in Castle Oblivion having some flashbacks because of Sora and Naminé and stuff.
Script Link
Length: 0:22 (1:21-1:43)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably not, its just old and I don't really feel like it anymore
Song: Empty Crown
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ava
Description: Ava during the Keyblade War right as Kingdom Hearts is summoned.
Script Link
Length: 0:26 (3:08-3:34)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: It’s done actually, here
Song: The Valley
Character(s)/Game Focus: Franchise Wide
Description: This one covers so much in a kinda disjointed way, if it described it here it’d be like twice the length of the others. I’d recommend just reading the script.
Script Link
Length: 2:57 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: It’s up on YouTube as an open MAP (here)
Song: Crazy
Character(s)/Game Focus: Luxu/Xigbar
Description: The first verse is mostly just shots of Luxu on the hill reminiscing about what MoM told him before sending him off, then the chorus is him still on the hill singing to No Name. The second verse and chorus is the scene where Ava confronts him. The “my hero’s had the heart to lose the lives I wanna live” to “ever since I was little x2 it looked like fun” is the Forteller’s in Keyblade War and flashbacks to Luxu felling left out and stuff. The “and it’s no coincidence I’ve come” is a transition to Xigbar. The rest of the song is the scene where Xigbar summons back the Foretellers.
Length: 2:59 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably not
Song Video: The Rain
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer
Description: So this one has been tweaked a bit. Before UX ended I was pretty positive Ephemer was gonna die, so it was originally centred around that. Now though its Ephemer in the Lifeboat, floating in the water, alone, questioning what he did wrong, why none of his friends are there. Which I think works better, honestly.
Length: 0:36 (Full Video)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, I like this one a lot and it’s quite simple but I think it may get beaten out by newer projects
Song: Youth
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs (Ephemer, Skuld, Brain, Ven, Lauriam)
Description: I think this song fits so well with KHUX, I like lost my mind when I made the connection. Like that whole first verse? So on the nose it hurts. The first verse, pre-chorus and chorus would focus specifically on UX, with the first verse being Ava talking about/to Ephemer, then it following Ephemer through the events of Union X. The next verse is Subject X (Skuld) having vague memories of UX. Then next the pre-chorus and chorus follows Ven through BBS. The following pre-chorus and chorus are Marluxia. And the last “pre-chorus” is Brain in Scala (I originally thought he was the founder so my original idea kinda holds up).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 3:54 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Despite how well it works, probably not, just doesn’t ensnare me like other ideas (I say after writing a whole paragraph about it)
Song: There Right There (Gay or European)
Character(s)/Game Focus: The LowerClassmen (Eraqus, Vor, Bragi, Hermod, Urd, Xehanort)
Description: 🎶Gay or an off worlder🎶
The LowerClassmen at various points in time arguing about whether Xehanort is an off worlder or gay because as soon as he showed up Vor gaydar went off. Bragi uses advanced tactics to try and get Xehanort to admit it. And when Xehanort denies it Eraqus comes in. Also the part where Urd says “Metro, hetero, jerk” I like to imagine she’s gesturing aggressively towards Bragi, who is just staring at her confused like “I’m not even straight??” (Urd has no gaydar, fight me lol).
The script is just which character is saying what
Script Link
Length: 3:28 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably, I try to resist but this idea will win out eventually, I can feel it
UX Finale Era Ideas
You’d think there’d be more since this was one of the peaks of my hyperfixation but I actually was just writing and drawing a bunch during this time, not listening to a lot of music lol (also Neo came out and stole my attention until Christmas because I watched Tennelle and Whitney play it as they were streaming it)
I also got really stuck on making the scripts look a certain way during this time and that led to a lot of them being incomplete
Song: Blackout
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX Endgame
Description: Literally the UX Endgame, starting with Darkness knocking Ven out.
Script Link
Length: 2:11 (1:30-3:41)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how many animations I make of the same events lol
Song: Choice
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX
Description: This one, like Stuff is Way is an animation meme, semi inspired by the one Blackie Sootfur made. "Love" is Lauriam and Strelitzia since that's what their stories revolve around (different types mind you). "Brain" is, uh, well, Brain, for obvious reasons. "Heart" is Ephemer and Skuld since it was the open space and they're also besties. And "control" is Ventus since he's lowkey possessed. The rest of the meme outside of the loop is centered around Ven's whole "oops murder" plot and his and the other's reactions too it.
Script Link
Length: 0:40 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Working on it right now actually
Song: Soldier
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX Endgame
Description: Starts with Luxu and MoM talking, then some glitches on the "Ooh"s , the rest is Chi trio during the finale
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:07 (1:38-3:45)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, a lot of my ideas have very similar scenes though, so it depends on how often I animate the same events lol
Song: Warriors
Character(s)/Game Focus: The Foretellers
Description: Kinda headcannon-y at the start, which is the MoM and the Foreteller's + Luxu when they were younger. Then on the first "Here we are, don't turn away now" it turns to them while leading their Unions and stuff leading up to the war. Then there's some Keyblade War stuff in the drop.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:17 (0:00-2:17)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I try my best to stay away from headcannon-y stuff since I already have so many canon animation ideas I need to choose between
Song: My Way (Minor Cover)
Character(s)/Game Focus: Luxu/Bragi/Braig/Xigbar
Description: This used to be very different but got a new coat of paint and breath of life once DR came out. But yeah, kinda just Luxu living his lives.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 4:37 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Either this one or one you see later (Dust Bowl Dance), I would like to do one but not both since they cover primarily the same events
Song: Mama Said
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Brain reflecting on his UX days after arriving in Scala, looking at Ephemer's statue, then lying to Sigurd lol
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 0:29 (1:54-2:23)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Its short, its sad-ish. Giving it a solid maybe
Song: Guillotine
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer and Skuld
Description: Skuld has a nightmare and Ephemer comforts her and then does a dance to try and make her feel better
Length: 1:08 (0:00-1:08)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, I started it then got possessed by the next one and lost interest, but now that I’m looking back at it I’m definitely tempted to try again (just as an animatic tho)
Song: Safe and Sound
Character(s)/Game Focus: Chi Trio (Ephemer, Skuld, and Player)
Description: Basically just the Chi Trio's part of the UX finale again. Geez, guess that scene really got to me or something.
Script Link
Length: 1:36 (0:14-1:50)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep, this one’s finished, but YouTube took the original version down so here’s the original version and here’s the YouTube version (I tried my best to find a cover that lined up properly but the original syncs up best)
Song: Oh Ana
Character(s)/Game Focus: Back Cover and UX
Description: The first section is MoM, the second is the Foretellers (telling the events of Backcover from Ava's perspective), the third is the NULs (telling the events post-glitches in UX).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 1:14 (0:28-1:42)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: If I can sort out the MoM part I'd like to
Song: Bugbear
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Just UX Ven vibes again, him feeling like an imposter and stuff (because he is)
Length: 2:54 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, not enough clear images and scenes in my mind
Post-ML Announcement Ideas
Less Brain centric than you’d think but I’m making this a separate section because of the way they’re scripted and the ideas behind them. I got much more lax about how the scripts look and started think more about Ephemer and Brain’s futures.
So basically a lot of “I miss my friends” kind of angst
It’s also after I started reading Dandelion Seeds so there’s definitely inspiration from that in here too
Song: Hey There Delilah
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer
Description: Ephemer after using the Lifeboat writing letters for the other Union Leaders. Each "different section of the song"hey ther Delilah" is a different letter (and point in time). The first and second ones are to Skuld. The third one I haven't decided yet. The forth is to Brain (I don't ship them, I just headcannon its a running joke between the two of them and Skuld that Eph and Brain are secretly madly in love. Skuld started it, Ephemer went with it, Brain is amused annoyed by it lol). Then "A thousand miles seems pretty far" to "and you're to blame" is just general, to everyone, just like a montage I guess, with some memories behind him. Then the last letter is to Brain when.
Length: 3:57 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I don’t think so, the idea isn’t fleshed out enough visually, but it breaks my heart to say that
Song: King and Lionheart
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs
Description: This one is very inspired by Dandelion Seeds, I wrote it after getting caught up to the update it was at at the time (just know that in the script every time I'm like "NULs helping the Dandelions" or "NULs having fun" there's a scene from Dandelion Seeds playing in my head there lol).
It starts off with Ava, but then pretty much follows all the events of UX.
Script Link
Length: 3:06 (0:00-3:06)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Very likely, I love this one so much. But I know for a fact that I'm gonna get stuck on making Maleficent look right in my style (which is gonna be the biggest game of trial and error ever)
Song: Uncomfortably Numb
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain, Ava (and Luxu for like 2 seconds)
Description: A split screen animation telling both Brain and Ava's (the masculine and feminine voices respectively) stories (its only split screen during the parts they're both singing though). During the chorus where the singers are going back and forth so are the characters through space and time (not actually but you know lol). Brain's sections would take place during Missing Link, whereas Ava's are during Backcover/Chi. Ava's section alone is the scene where she confronts Luxu on the hill.
Length: 4:11 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: I don’t think so, because a) it all depends on how Missing Link goes and b) it isn’t super set in my head yet (like I might just change the all Brain stuff to Luxu)
Song: Faded
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer
Description: Ansty animatic of Ephemer looking for his friends in the wreckage of his home with all sorts of water symbolism.
Length: 3:33 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, not enough actual images in my head just a vibe for a concept (kinda like Hey There Delilah I guess)
Song: Masterpiece Theatre III
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs and Luxu
Description: Start of the song to a bit after the second "I'll wreck this if I have to" is UX Ven focused. Mostly angsty stuff about him being possessed. "You get separated" to "you were a friend of mine" is Ephemer during the finale. You know the drill. Player gets 'possessed' and killed, oof. Alternitively if we get a bit headcannon-y it can be after UX and him rebuilding Scala, the "You were a friend of mine" referring to a possessed Brain. All the "'cause they don't know you like I do"s are Brain in Scala. Super angry rock part is Subject X/Skuld being upset about the scientists and being unable to return to the world she sees so vaguely in her memories. Then it slows down and turns to Marluxia until the last "getting better in the worst way". After which it switches to Luxu.
Length: 6:41 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: HAHAHAH NO. Way too long and not vivid enough for some characters. I’m sorry lol
Song: We are Stars
Character(s)/Game Focus: Sora and Riku
Description: Very stylized PMV. With black and white silhouettes and funky transitions. Not very specific scene-wise but references DDD the most. I don’t know how to explain it without just saying the script so, like, check out the script if your interest is piqued lol
Script Link
Length: 0:10 (0:21-0:31)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yeah, I was thinking about making it in PowerPoint
Song: Ocean Eyes
Character(s)/Game Focus: Stelitzia
Description: Basically Strelitzia’s little intro thing she has. She sees Player get ditched by Ephemer, low key stalks Player, gets told she’s a Union Leader, needs to know whether Player is a Dandelion if a war is coming, gets murdered. All to some chill music.
Script Link
Length: 1:06 (0:00-0:42 and 2:42-3:16)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Kinda working on it now? Have a few frames done but no storyboard yet
Song: Eyes Blue X Heather
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer and Brain
Description: First chorus is an older Ephemer remembering his friends and being upset that he just can't seem to remember their eye colours. Then it switches to UX Ephemer and continues to focus on him until "you played", where it switches to both him and Brain (the scene where Brain gives him the book and his keyblade). "Jack and Rose" it switches to split screen of them both at the computers at their respective versions of Daybreak Town. "But you sunk only you froze", Brain's side of the screen consumes Ephemer's as Luxu approaches him. "'Cause you gave her your sweater", Brin spins around and tries to summon his keyblade but can't. Black screen. Then the rest of the verses are Ephemer in the wreckage of his home and the last chorus is Brain arriving in Scala.
Length: 0:54 (0:00-0:54)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Ughhhhh, so tempted, but I don't think so, but I want to
Song: Lauren’s Interlude
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain and Ava
Description: Ava writes Brain a letter telling him that she has decided to fight in the Keyblade War.
Script Link
Length: 1:13 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep this one is made and up on my YouTube channel (here)
Song: Change your Mind (but a cover)
Character(s)/Game Focus: Isa, Xion
Description: Post-KH3 Isa singing this to Xion telling her that its okay if she doesn't want to forgive him and that he's willing to reconcile for his past actions, but if at any point she wants to actually get to know him, Isa not Saïx, she can.
Length: 0:55 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yeah, eventually
Song: Homeward Bound/Home
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs
Description: Similar to King and Lionheart just even more from the NULs perspective (and giving more focus to each NUL individually... except Brain... RIP lol)
Script Link
Length: 4:17 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep, this one I’m working on making an animatic of right now
Post-DR Update Ideas
Biggest difference here is that now Baldr is here and Bragi exists so we have them now lol
Song: Dust Bowl Dance
Character(s)/Game Focus: Luxu/Bragi/Braig/Xigbar
Description: Starts with Xigbar reminiscing a little in the Keyblade Graveyard post-KH3 ("the young man sits on the edge of his porch" to "given all it could yield"). Then does a full on flashback to UX, starting with MoM sending him off and ending with his confrontation with Ava, for "I've been kicked off my land" to "this same kind of remorse". The first chrous is him during the UX finale and possessing Brain. "Well you are my accuser" to the first "I am the only son" is Bragi getting threatened by Baldr then uno reversing him. The next two choruses are Braig and Xigbar stuff, all the way up until the end of KH3. Then the goes out of the flashbacks to where we left off in the first scene. He finds No Name summons and back the Foretellers.
Length: 4:44 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Like I said earlier either this one or My Way, but not both, they're too similar (but if I’m honest I lean towards this one)
Character(s)/Game Focus: Baldr
Description: Alright, first things first, this is another animation meme, please watch it first to properly understand my passion and description.
K. You back? I watched this meme once and had a vision.
The falling parts show Baldr’s victims at the point in time the animation is showing. The fact that that gives me a chance to do the sickest transition ever with Baldr summoning his keyblade and slashing his victims, turning them into the blood on his face. Ahhhhhh! The way I can end it with Baldr begging for his life and Xehanort being the one to say the last “I don’t really care now” thereby paralleling them and foreshadowing Xehanort’s future crimes. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I wanna ramble more but I don’t have any more words in me, just screaming.
If you only read one script please let it be this one I’m so happy with/proud of this idea (in case you couldn’t tell lol)
Script Link
Length: 0:54 (1:14-2:08)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes. Yes. 100 times, yes. I love this idea. I love they way it looks in my head. I just need to get a bit better at humans, and angles, and editing first
Song: Fine, Great
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Brain is having a TIME in Scala. Starts off with a bit of PTSD. Then some sitting at a board meeting where some people are complaining about the government (they want him to take over). Then Player shows up. Then I need to wait for ML to come out and fill in some blanks for me. Then it ends with Brain and Player being friends and having a conversation.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:32 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how Missing Link goes (need it to fill some of my ideas out more)
Song: Hell of a Ride
Character(s)/Game Focus: MoM
Description: Literally just Brain watching MoM (on his computer) singing about the NULs with little pictures of events behind him then it glitches at the end. Mostly a joke but it lives within me rent free.
Length: 0:15 (1:34-1:49)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably, it’s short enough
Song: When the Lights Go Out
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX Endgame
Description: Very slow dramatic retelling of the UX finale, starting with the big glitches in the sky right before Wreck it Ralph that turns to a very quick, still dramatic, retelling of each of the NULs lives afterwards that I need to edit in the script (the way its written there no longer lines up with the way it looks in my head) at the big final bit.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:46 (1:47-4:33)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, I made it simple enough up until the end that I should be able to actually finish it despite the length… but I might make it into a MAP instead if I can get enough attention from other artists for my sanity’s sake
Song: Love Don’t Go
Character(s)/Game Focus: DR
Description: Speaking of dramatic retellings. Lets change it up a little and do Dark Road this time. This ones a bit Baldr centric but it does have a decent amount of focus on what the other two active parties are doing as well.
Also in the script I say "V Gang" that's what I call Vidar, Vala, and Vali (and usually Vor but not in this case) as a group. Since, like... all their names start with V... and they work together... I dunno man lol
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:32 (0:00-2:32)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Not alone, way too animated in my brain to actually reasonably expect to finish it all by myself, even as an animatic. But I do also love it dearly
Song: Are You Satisfied
Character(s)/Game Focus: Intended NULs (Everyone minus Ven but including Strelitzia)
Description: First half of the song is Strelitzia being told she's meant to be a Union Leader, Ephemer living his life, and Brain having to deal with actually being a Union Leader + the end of UX. The second half is Skuld as Subject X, Marluxia, wrapping up with Strelitzia again, now finding Sora in Quadratum.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 3:19 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, but if I do I'll probably shorten it to just Ephemer and Brain's sections
Song: Goodbye to a World
Character(s)/Game Focus: Player and Ephemer
Description: Here I go again with the scene where Ephemer kills Player. There's a little more to it this time though, I swear. This one has a little bit more of "Ephemer built a future for his friend" flare!
Script Link
Length: 0:30 (1:44-2:14)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep, this one’s a WIP, I’m super close to finishing it (the YouTube WIP is old) but the Scala Fountain is making me procrastinate lol
Song: Skyfall
Character(s)/Game Focus: Chi Trio
Description: A really dramatic and slow animation depicting Player's sacrifice and the events before it
Length: 2:00 (0:00-2:00)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably not, I already have so many animations I want to do more with that one scene, and this one is looong
Song: Don’t Tell Your WIFE About This Game!
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Nope, this isn’t a joke, hear me out. The… drop?? meltdown?? of this song just really gives me Brain vibes, and a very specific image in my mind. I mean “you refuse to look at the guide ‘cause you think you’re way too smart”, this kid literally had the Book of Prophecies this whole time, and I mean sure, it was probably a trap but he didn’t exactly know that. And the whole video game motif fitting right in with data world stuff? Eating it up. Giving Brain a non-cannon breakdown moment? Necessary for that emotional high note (but also Brain should get to have a canon one *preemptively does vaguely threatening gestures towards ML*).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 0:40 (2:21-3:01)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, I was thinking this could be my project once we get a proper release date for ML (so I could release it the day it comes out)
Song: It’s about Time
Character(s)/Game Focus: Skuld
Description: This one covers all of Skuld’s story we know so far, minus the Subject X stuff (yes my money is still on her, thanks), with a twist. The song talks about being on a tightrope so why not put her on one. Like, she’s been through some pretty precarious situations. It’s symbolic. Also the I’d cut the song right through the middle. RIP first chorus and second verse, you didn’t fit in my vision.
Oh also this one has concept art
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Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:44 (0:00-1:07 and 2:09-3:46)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No clue, the concept art might’ve scratched my itch, but I also think it’s a fun idea, but I think all of these are fun so…
Song: Moonsickness
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Brain is upset with the way history is so muddled in Scala, has a flashback, then yells at the government
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 1:38 (3:52-5:14)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how much Missing Link fits into my current headcannons
Whoo! That’s all of them
Or, well… most of them… the ones I felt were worth mentioning.
Is this a cry for help? Definitely. Maybe.
Seriously though, thank you for getting this far into the post. Even if you didn’t read and/or listen to everything (I get it, it really is a lot). This took forever and I hope you found some enjoyment from it.
And hey, if any of these sparked your interest let me know. DM me, tell me in tags, what have you. I’d love to hear feedback
Especially if you were inspired enough to want to do a collab or have ideas for blank spots in scripts (I’ll love you forever if you want to help me /p /hj) .
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tezerenotameiki · 2 years
Hi, uh. I saw your post about the denpa-style C-ta horror game and. 1. your mind?? yes please, and 2. do you have any denpa classics recommendations because I've only played a few and love the aesthetic..
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ok. im working off the assumption ur like me and primarily play english vns but have relative familiarity with the, uh, quirks of the genre. just in case: denpa games are pretty difficult to recommend in general because of how intense, graphic, gorey, etc. they tend to be. i cant really get into content warnings with each one bc they would be literal paragraphs LOL but i'm going to try and provide a range of options (both classics + things that i personally believe fit the aesthetic). if you need more details on any game, just hmu!!
subahibi: i'll start off with easily the most horrifying game i've ever played (extremely affectionate). it's difficult to even talk about the plot of this game, other than that it's a fascinating spiral down a literal/metaphorical rabbit hole as you unravel the psyches of the most fucked up cast in the world. a read so brutal i have to take breaks from it to recover from it. i adore it so.
sayonara o oshiete: if you want a classic, this is one of the Defining games in the genre. it definitely shows its age, but holy shit is the atmosphere incredible. it's also... another really graphic game. there's an english patch that isn't particularly good, apparently, and got hated on so much it was deleted... but it's not hard to find (lol) and i've definitely read worse translations
shizuku: so this was a fun surprise! in researching this list i discovered someone who machine translated the OG visual novel and denpa game, shizuku, and uploaded it to youtube. it's janky, but a cool find, so i'lll be watching it later. shizuku's just got a neat aesthetic in general and it's good if you want to know about the classics - there's a lot written up about it.
totono: unfortunately, by its inclusion on its list, i'm spoiling that its not a normal dating sim… but it's a nitroplus game, that's a given! a protagonist convinced that he'll never amount to anything begins to connect with the two love interests in the game. from there… the game truly bends the narrative and uses its medium in stunning ways. it's as thought-provoking as it is horrifying. a must-read imo
higurashi: i'm assuming if you're at all familiar with vns you've played or at least heard of higurashi. if not. go play it. shakes your shoulders.
soundless -a modern salem in remote area-: this was actually my introduction to denpa games, so i have a huge soft spot for it! it's insane how much they tailored it to my tastes. a young girl caught in a religious cult is viciously tormented by the other members for her visions — until another member arrives saying that she can see the same things too.
chaos;child: more sci-fi than most denpa games usually are, but with all the focus on delusion, gore, the spiral of mental illness, etc etc i just have to put it on this list. watch this cocky newspaper club president try to investigate senselessly brutal murders across the city and become embroiled in a case beyond human understanding! fun!
^^ (as a sidenote, its prequel, chaos;head NOAH, is supposed to have a improved translation patch by committee of zero coming out soon! just based on the aesthetic, i think c;h is a little bit of a better fit, but i haven't played it yet)
milk inside / outside a bag of milk: two separate games, but mostly listing for the second one, which has a stunning art style that completely replicates that feeling of being disconnected from reality. short but stays with you.
hopefully there are a few on this list that seem of interest to you! i can always dive into my itch.io for more niche games i may have forgotten about lol
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lilyrachelcassidy · 2 years
Twists and Turns (Prologue)
A/N: Like, don’t kill me but - A NEW SERIES!!! lol. The moral part of me said that it was probably the worst idea i could have come up with but this iniquitous, the predominant part of me didn’t care about the unhandled WIPs on my blog. So, written on the spur of moment, here - something penned at 3am when my urge to write was just to strong to resist.
I want to specifically dedicate this chapter to my lovely, sterling friend @ecritactuellement​ who is such a support for me on this blog. if not for her, i probably wouldn’t have posted this fic on her, so extra gratitude for this queen!  
This fic is dark! As always, I will include more deets in the first chapter of this fic, seeing as i don’t want to spoiler the entire prologue. But if you wish to get the list of info about the series, do contact me privately:)
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: language and mmmmm..... well, one surprising twist which i won’t unravel for you, lovelies hehe
The sound of clinking heels drummed against the cobblestone street. It was frosty, excruciatingly frosty actually, to the point where you could admire your red-nosed face in the reflection lustrous of icicles that dangerously clung to façades.
You tried your best to ignore the fact that with each second your hands turned redder and redder as you strode through the pitch-black alley. It was a stupid, stupid idea to walk out of the house without any additional garments on; on the other hand, you wanted to be as far away from the place as possible after your already-third-this-week argument with Draco. And so you did, storming out of the Manor with a fully-fledged chagrin bubbling in you until you found yourself on streets with annoyed tears staining your way through.
But you didn’t care. Fuck it!
Not sure of your specific destination - maybe Daphne would be understanding enough to let you spend the night on the couch - you strode on, the sound of footsteps cutting through the silence of lifelessness. Uncomfortable it almost was to idle through the streets of London at night, lone and pregnable.
You desperately tried to push that thought away.
But suddenly it was quite hard to when you heard somebody else’s footsteps in the vicinity, the sound rendering you momentarily rigid as you abruptly picked up on the pace, desperately clutching the sleeve of your thin coat. And with all the bravery left in you, you slowly craned around - the dark-hooded figure was stalking just a few meters after you, their head downcast and both hands shoved in pockets.
At once, you deflated. Maybe it was just your head driving you mad, but a sudden fit of worst-case scenarios passed through your mind.
Don’t think about it, don’t think about it...
Subconsciously, your legs hastened in the movement which proved to be exceptionally hard in high heels. When you realized the Incognito behind you did the same, your mind started racing, your heart skipping beats, and breath coming out in agitated puffs. Quite literally, a feeling of foreboding was expanding in your chest and something in the back of your head told you, whispered, instructed, to run away with all the strength you had in your legs.
Without a second thought, off you went; and rather haplessly, so did the Incognito behind you. Tears began accumulating in your eyes out of impotence - it was unlikely for you to escape with those bloody shoes shackling your legs from moving any faster. Yet you run for your dear life.
But before you knew, the stubby fingers were gripping your wrist and abruptly halting your one-horse race. You turned to them, throwing yourself around and attempting to free yourself from the unyielding grasp. To that, the Incognito merely answered with an unimpressed chuckle, and only tugged you closer until you could feel their parched breath on your neck.
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’ the voice in your head started screaming when the Incognito drew a wand out of their pocket and brandished it just before your face.
“Well, well...” the voice drawled. You knew this voice from somewhere, you were certain... “If it isn’t our lovely Y/N.”
“What do you want?” you snapped, trying to obscure your absolute panic with arrogance. It didn’t work.
“Malfoy found himself a pretty pet, didn’t he?” He dismissed your question, picking out a few strands of hair and running his fingers through them. His face was still in great propinquity, his breath tingling the hair on your back, yet not enough to reveal his identity. He was almost whispering to your ear. “Vulnerable, naive, and stupid. You’re worthy of each other, aren’t you pet?”
When you didn’t answer him, he yanked the ends of your strands, hard, causing you to emit an unsurpassed gasp.
“Why are you doing that?” you asked, unnerved, which didn’t escape the Incognito’s notice.
“Some unresolved family business, you see. Back in the times of War, Malfoys made a line-up of mistakes that impacted my family in spades. And as much as they like to think their malpractice has been erased, there are still some people lurking to eventually bite their fuckin’ heads off,” he said that with such venom laced in his voice that you balked to say anything. As if on cue, he suddenly looked at you, took your chin harshly in between in fingers, and began stroking your cheek with his filthy thumb. “Then I thought to myself, ‘What would be a breaking point for Malfoy?’ He is insensitive, lacking compassion for anyone but himself. But then it occurred to me that’s not the truth entirely, is it? Because you are his weak point, you are his fuckin’ frailty, aren’t you pet?”
His thumb was still painfully pressing into your cheek whereas you squirmed and tussled laboriously, try as might free yourself from his solid grip. “Let go of me, you fu-”
“Oi, consider words before they leave your mouth,” he threatened, his thumb thrusting deeper and deeper into your cheek, making you eventually hiss in pain. “One word, bitch, and I swear I won’t be as merciful as now.”
You tried to think quickly, come up with a plan that could disenthrall you from this malicious deadlock. Your eyes swiftly scoured through the surroundings - not a living soul nearby. Riveting back to the Incognito, you noted that he was speaking again but his voice was muffled in your ears by the pounding of your troubled head.
No wand. No one to implore help from. Maybe you would try to make an escape in a way. But how?
Soon enough, however, it occurred to you what you have to do; taking a long, sweeping swing with your right leg, you aimed your knee towards his delicate parts which landed precisely where you wanted it to. To the Incognito’s dismay, he bent over in half, let out a disgruntled howl, and you taking opportunity from his lack of attention, arduously wrested your hand from the stubby fingers.
The Incognito slurred and murmured insults under his breath, but you were already too far away to hear them. You bolted, and bolted, at once very determined to get home back away to Draco, and with that thought buried in your mind, you hoofed it through the cobblestone alley.
Winded out, you were scurrying with your shoes absolutely sabotaging your feet. Your heart was acutely rattling against the ribcage, a part of you already accepting the hopelessness of the situation.
But that feeling was short until you finally, finally noticed a flare of dim light at the end of the street, making you exhale in relief. Against the pain of blisters on your feet, you impelled yourself to hasten your speed, even though it was already straining your fitness abilities.
The sound of soils stamping on the floor reverberated through the alley, and you were instantly keenly aware that the Incognito galvanized himself into hoping into the race too. What you were also keenly aware of was his panted breath which bestowed you with a slight flicker of hope at a thought that he perhaps may relinquish chasing you.
You were hastily approaching the front porch of the lit house. The heavy, toilsome steps were rounding closer and closer to you but somehow you were more fortified about your position - other people were within your reach just a few meters away.
With tears still specking your cheeks, you ran on the territory of the property, out of breath, with a lump in your throat, but heartened. You turned around to see a distance between you and the dark-hooded figure, and panic overcame your body when you beheld how close he actually was.
You launched yourself onto the stairway of the house, desperately, but before you were able to reach the oaken door before you were able to grab the lion-shaped knocker, the wheezing voice echoed again:
Limp, startled, and divested of energy, you collapsed.
And everything turned blank.
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halfusek · 2 years
Since the new Chris Portal documentary showed the true and nasty side of KB/Mike and TheMeatly, are you still gonna Say "we don't know the full story"?. We as a fanbase were treated as shitty as the employees they fired and abused, they don't deserve respect anymore.
uh i dont know where you've been but that video hasn't uncovered much new to me aside from some details from the two interviews near the end of the vid but like all of that stuff has already been known, it is just the first instance of someone compiling it into a coherent video (like the stupid games for kids said by mike we already knew in 2019 which i would not exactly say is the same as experiencing work abuse lol)
and idk why you're being so hostile at me, i've never been one to defend mike nor meatly but tried to find and share as much of the information as i could find about their wrongdoings, like dude i was fucking there pointing out that a lot of employees dont have "kindlybeast employee" in their twitter bios which then got screenshot and that post went on reddit where actual ex employees started sharing stuff (which freaked me out cuz i didnt want to have my "face" on the post dedicated to that) so like maybe turn that down a little
i feel like there's a lot of people new to some things unraveling in this controversy but as for me i've already made up my mind what i think of it, so i'm not so up in arms to scream about things that we already screamed about 2-3 years ago and that might make people think that i don't care or wanna brush it off which is not true
kindly beast / joey drew studios inc / mike and meatly deserve all the criticism aimed towards them, and on the day it was known about the lawsuit i laughed that karma finally got to them because i had thoughts "for all the shit they did to people, they deserve to fail and lose everything, to start over"
but i also think this is an opportunity for them to improve, learn and do better, sooooo i'm just kind of waiting for the next thing to happen i guess
in case they don't improve, welp, they can honestly fuck off
death of the author, whatever, it is anyone's personal call if they wanna keep on supporting some creators or not, and well as for me i think there's so much more and worse stuff that we (we as... gaming community... fandoms...?) tolerate that this seems just... small in comparison. i'm NOT saying it's not a big deal, it has me wishing lowkey that i just wasn't into batim lmao so i could just go. like for example i'm much more disgusted at sc/ott caw/thons wrongdoings cause they actually influence politics so i'm actively trying to keep myself away from engaging with fnaf or that one pirate gay show that i was like holy shit a cool gay couple but then read some yikes things about a character being based on actual real life guy who was a slave owner and that just had me nope out. i guess what i'm saying is i try not to support problematic things but if i were to suport only those purely unproblematic thatd kinda leave me with nothing idk society capitalism something something so you know i just try to weigh if something is actively harmful to people or if there is something that happened that i absolutely cannot forgive and based on that i get into something or not
does that make me a hypocrite? maybe but if i focus on boycotting what matters in the grand scheme of things and indulge a little in indie game fandom that's rapidly losing popularity i think i can personally live with that
sorry for going off about this, truth be told there's a lot of things happening in the world right now that put me in a very doomer mode lmao i mean we all see whats happening, shits pretty fucked and it was hard for me to even spare some focus on this, its really not good to get so desensitized so i also apologize for the harsh tone but yeah
anyways, i agree that we should make them feel like they need to apologize and do better, meatly still havent said a word publicly about anything that has happened and that fucking sucks
i still do not like harassing them over releasing batdr, thats part of crunch culture and all that jazz and i think we shouldnt lower the standards for that for anyone because [insert that image of you doing something bad to someone you dislike but it deflecting into someone you like]
but we should keep them on their toes and not let them think that we will just forget and let them get away with it because wow they've been massive assholes
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easy-revenge · 1 year
you’re a himeno supporter too!! agghhhh that makes me so happy. I keep seeing everyone shit on her character and it’s so upsetting bc I love her!! I still have yet to fully unravel why I’m so drawn to her (I just started the manga) but with what I have now I think it’s bc of her devotion to Aki and how she carries herself. I’m just so happy to see someone else who loves her as much as I do, so hi friend!! 🤍
hello friend !!
himeno enjoyers are always welcome to this blog. this is a safe space to appreciate a very messy and imperfect character!
good for you for starting the manga, it's really a great choice. hope you enjoy it and good luck ~
honestly there is sm to unpack about himeno as a character. it took me a long time to feel like i knew what she was about enough to feel a connection to her. ppl tend to reduce her to being a villain and oversimplify a very complex character.
ive talked at length about her and her relationship to aki in previous posts. both analysing the source material (if u can even call it that lol i just rub my two braincells together) and my own interpretation of them.
her devotion to aki is what pulled me in as well. it's always jarring seeing a character that seems carefree being so dependent on someone else. in himeno's case you can see that the dependency is bordering on unhealthy and the potential for angst makes a great marketing point for me hehe
as for how she carries herself, you worded it so well. it's the reason i thought about kinning her very early on in the manga. i always like characters like that and himeno specifically goes against a lot fo stereotypes for female characters right off the bat and i loved that immediately.
here to talk about her infinitely more (as u can tell). my asks are always open thank u for this <3
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blobofcolour · 7 months
Recent CNovel reads post
Reading now: 《诱宦》 再枯荣 (BG)
I'm only about 10% in the novel but it's a refreshing and different setting from the period cnovels that I typically read. It's a love story between a eunuch and a prostitute, like an ACTUAL eunuch and prostitute, not them pretending to be one and turning out to be a manly man and a pure woman to fit into the usual protagonist stereotypes. They have both been beaten down by the harsh realities of life but still struggle through day by day in the hopes that life could one day give them some grace. Looking forward to see them help each other heal the deeps scars within.
Completed: 《求生倒计时》 木兮娘 (BL)
I really enjoyed this one for the court politics and while Zhao Bai Yu definitely had a lead character halo, it didn't get too out of hand and his character growth was a good read. The weak part of this novel was the relationship between the two male leads. Like... they just fell in love in the early part of the novel and Huo Jing Tang became this convenient weapon in ZBY's journey. I mean, I kinda get ZBY deciding to give himself to someone that has his back after struggling by himself his whole life, but it seemed to be a snap decision on their wedding night and they went from almost strangers to love-of-my-life overnight.
But still, I do recommend this if you like court politics novels with a touch of romance in the background.
Dropped: 《大撞阴阳路》 木兮娘 The Great Collision of Yin and Yang English translation (BL)
The supernatural stories are an ok read but it doesn't keep me engaged cos the supernatural incidents are standalone and after I finish one I don't feel compelled to continue. Similar to 求生倒计时 the main couple's relationship is just there. When the story starts the main couple is already married, only that Chen Yang does not know he married the big lord of the underworld so there's zero romantic tension or progress. Also when the novel starts Chen Yang is already rather skilled in dealing with supernatural beings thanks to hubby's support so I don't even have the character growth arc to draw me in.
If you like a supernatural BL story 《新时代 新地府》 (New Times New Hell English translation) is a wayyy more fun read. If you are a scaredy cat like me, this novel describes the after life/supernatural in a very fun and light hearted way so no worries about reading it even at night lol.
If you like something a bit scarier (by my standards anyway), 《判官》 (Pan Guan English translation) is a really good one. I couldn't read this one at night lol. Unlike The Great Collision of Yin and Yang where the goal is just to find and get rid of evil beings, the cases in Pan Guan reads like a mystery to be unraveled and more often than not, the human heart and emotions are the source and solution to these cases. I definitely cried more than once while reading this! The only meh thing for me was the (supposed to be kinda tragic?) relationship between the 2 male leads. There's an overarching plot between Wen Shi / Xie Wen that threads through the cases that leads to the final big reveal but I was mehhhh. I guess I just don't have a thing for the master/student set up. I almost didn't read the final arc cos I couldn't be bothered if they ended up together or not lol.
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parttimeghost · 2 years
Hiya Taylor, name's Midnight and nice to meet you!! Please, tell me more about both of your WIPs!
Hi Midnight, it's so nice to meet you! <3
I know you're probably referring to the two WIPs I have in my pinned post so I'll talk about those first. But I've also got a couple of other WIPs that I'm currently working on/thinking about and I just haven't gotten around to updating my pinned post so I'll chuck a little bit about them on the end as well for a bit of fun!
An Ode to the Destined is my main WIP at the moment; I just started rewrites for the second draft which I'm super excited about! It's an Arthurian-inspired fantasy told from the perspective of Morgan of Avalon, the twin sister of Prince Arthur of Camelot. The story follows Morgan as she attempts to stop King Uther's purge and prevent the veil between the worlds from unravelling, whilst also dealing with the prophecies of Taliesin (who believes she is destined to fall to darkness) and her own seer dreams, the lines between reality and vision blurring as the events of her visions draw nearer.
The magic system of AOTTD has to be one of my favourite things that I've ever come up with! The basic concept is that reality is set out like a weaver's loom, right? The warp is everything that provides the structure to reality, things that cannot be changed (like the rising of the sun, the phases of the moon, and the seasons of the year). Whilst the weft is everything else, everything human. It helps to explain the way Seer visions work in AOTTD, where the future is possibilities (the different ways in which you can weave), whilst the past cannot be changed (as it is already woven).
I'm definitely going to be posting about this story over the next couple of months: here's an excerpt from the opening that I posted for HU7U!
This is probably the WIP that I've been working on for the longest. I started writing about these characters in 2020 for my HSC English Extension Two major work (basically I elected to take a course for my final year that meant that I got to submit a major work, which in my case was a short story) (they didn't like it very much lol).
It follows the lives of Bran Wren, Clancy Culpa, and Melissa Kennedy (though it's mostly told from Bran's point of view) as they navigate life as newly initiated superhero-vigilantes in the city of Wrenwood.
It's very much a slice-of-life superhero story; it's told in a non-linear fashion where each chapter of the collection is based on that counting crows nursery rhyme (One for Sorrow, One for Mirth, etc.). And I'm thinking about adding a couple of 'bonus stories' in the second draft (shorter stories based on alternate versions of the nursery rhyme, maybe told from Clancy and Melissa's point of view?). It's just really fun to write and the characters are so dear to me. Here's an excerpt from one of my favourite chapters so far.
I'm currently working on the second (?) draft so I'll post some more excerpts as I get into that (and when I finally stop procrastinating).
I haven't actually posted a lot about this WIP so far so I'll give a brief overview. Vignettes of a Life I Never Lived Vol. One is a collection of short stories I wrote in early 2021/22 about being unsatisfied with the direction my life was heading but being uncertain about where exactly I wanted it to go. It's a work in progress and I'm adding little vignettes every so often when I think about different lives I could've led (some of them are realistic, others less so). I'm currently writing the story in a kind of weird possible-future-tense (I'm not sure how to explain it) but it makes for a really interesting structure and reading experience.
It's more of a love letter to all the people I could have been than anything else; a way to mourn them and say goodbye. I might have to finally get around to writing up a WIP intro for this soon...
Don't Pay the Ferryman is my most recent WIP. I started it for Camp NaNoWriMo back in July, but uni kicked my ass that month, so I only managed to write a little bit. It's about Thea, an Afterlife guide, who ferries unmarked souls (those without religious belief) through the afterlife and is looking for a way to escape, to find her own peace in an afterlife (any afterlife really). The only way for a Ferryman to retire, and that is to get an unmarked soul to take their place by paying them before the journey is over (based on that Chris de Burgh song of the same name). So when Thea receives her first charge, she believes herself willing to do anything to reach retirement. That's when she meets Adriana. So it's a road trip romance novel but with a fantasy (and philosophy) bent.
Thank you for the ask! Have a lovely day (and lmk if you want to know anything more about any WIP in particular)! <3
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thewritingginger · 3 years
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Welcome Day 3! Two posts in one day how fun lol
Thank you @cams-poop​ for the request!
I did draw a bit of inspiration from this Evios post & also a bit from the feelings I felt the morning I wrote this oop 
Fandom: Blood of Zeus Pairing: Evios x Fem! Reader Word count: 2.2k+ words Warnings: 18+, Modern au, Pet names (Sweetheart, Princess), Daddy Dom, Begging, Spanking, Slight brat taming, Slight degrading (use of slut), Taunting, Slight praise
Enjoy ~
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Your eyes flutter open, mind spinning and body aching, waking from your midday nap. In that time you ended up having an unsatisfying sex dream that left you feeling frustrated. You hoped that maybe you could fall back asleep and finish it but alas the dream was gone.
Crawling out of your shared bed you threw on one of your boyfriends hoodies before leaving the room. Squinting your eyes at the change in lighting you see Evios sitting at his desk doing work. He must have heard the bedroom door open or your shuffling towards him because without looking over he greets you.
“Well good evening, Sweetheart. Did you enjoy your nap?”
“Mhm.” You nod your head with a yawn. Walking over you turn his chair so you can sit on his lap. Evios lets out a chuckle as you begin to straddle him, arms wrapped around his shoulders, your face buried in his neck.
“You okay?” His large hand strokes your back tenderly. You just nuzzle into him more.
“Yeah, I just want to be with you.” You say, your words muffled by his shoulder. He kisses the side of your head in acceptance and goes back to his work on the computer.
As time ticks by your drowsiness fades away but the unsatisfied need in your belly only grows the longer you rest against your lover. His masciline scent filling your nose, his toned body holding your weight and the feeling of your core pressed against his manhood with only a few pieces of clothing separating you two.
If only they weren't there.
If only you could feel him against you, skin to skin. To move against him with him inside you. You want to unravel on him and for him as well.
These thoughts really aren’t helping your case.
The more you try to push it away the harder it becomes. You know he has work to do but how can he work at this time?
Doesn’t he know you’re in his arms, needy for him?
Needy for a release?
But you keep it to yourself.
Instead of saying anything you adjust your position slightly, feeling his jean button rub against you through your thin sleep shorts. It felt so good your hips unconsciously mimicked the movement. Soft breaths leave your lips, eyes squeezed shut trying to grasp any kind of relief from the subtle friction. But that was short lived till you felt a hand holding your hip.
“Whatcha doin there, Princess? Hm?” Evios’s hot breath hits your ear. His knowing question paired with the pet name he calls you when he’s playing makes you shudder.
His hand runs up your back to tangle in the hair at the nap of your neck. You tremble at his touch and gasp when he lightly grips your locks to pull you away from his neck to look at you.
“Cause if you ask me it feels like you’re rubbing yourself on my lap like a needy little girl. Would I be correct in assuming that?” His question makes your face heat up. You just humm in response but that's not good enough for him.
“Use your words, Princess.” He brushes your lips with the pad of his thumb of his free hand.
“Yes I was…” You trailed off flustered, looking down.
“Aww what’s wrong? Does my girl need me?”
“Uh huh.” You nod your head looking through your lashes, face and ears on fire with heat and embarrassment.  Evios lets out another chuckle at your state. Running his fingers back through your hair, cupping our cheek.
“Well Princess unfortunately Daddy is in the middle of working right now. So you’ll have to wait. Can you do that for me?” You nod your head before tucking it back into his neck.
As time goes on you’re starting to get frustrated, even more so because you know he knows what he is doing to you with that crooked smile he has plastered on his face when he is fucking with you.
He loves it.
He loves how easy it can be to make you like this. Stuck at the mercy of him. Having no other choice than to be forced to wait for what you really want.
You hate it but you bend to his words. Resting against his chest, his head resting on yours. Each minute feels like an hour and it’s painful. The ache in your belly is increasing with every hot breath that leaves his lips and hits your ear. Every hum that vibrates your chest. Every subtle shift of his legs. It all just leads you closer and closer to the end of your rope before you snap. The more your body heats up the more your breathing becomes a soft pant.
You’ve waited long enough and you are at your wits end. You might lose your mind if you don’t receive any kind of release. You began to rub your hips on his, tightening your grip around his neck. Then you feel his hand on your waist, you might cry if he stops you again.
“Please- Daddy I need you. Please.” You plead, uncaring of how you may sound, you don’t let up. “I need your help.” He hums. Pulling back from his work he straightens you in his lap to look at him.
“Help with what, Princess?” He smiles but his eyes are full of mischief. “Use your words.”
“I need you to make me feel good. If you don’t I might go crazy.” You whine. The desperation in your voice makes Evios grunt before standing up, carrying you to the couch.
Flopping onto the couch you lean in to kiss him, your hips starting to move once again. But he stops you with a tsk.
“Not so fast, Sweetheart. Don’t think that I will reward you after interrupting my work.” You can tell he is taking a lot of enjoyment in how you must look. All flushed and doe eyed. Pink lips parted in a pout, eyes begging him to not stop.
“Stand up.” He commands. You obey.
He turns you around, lifting the hem of his sweatshirt to grab the band of your shorts. Ripping them down to reveal your bare ass. His large rough hands stroke your hips and supple flesh a few times before a palm comes down on one of your cheeks, leaving a red mark behind. You let out a yelp at the sudden impact. His palm rubs the sore spot before coming down again and again. His other hand has an iron grip on your hip. Your yelps and cries fill the air after a round of spanks.
“Now, now, Sweetheart, come here.” Turning you back around, he takes a moment to stand up and take off his pants, now sitting in just his black boxer briefs - with a clear semi growing beneath them. Spreading his legs he gently pats his thigh for you to take a seat.
“No, no. You are going to straddle it.” He redirects.
With one leg on either side of his one you rest your naked heat onto his warm skin. The still contact alone was enough to elicit a small moan from you.
“Oh, Princess. I can feel just how wet you are for me. Are you really that needy for Daddy’s cock?” He asks, gently rubbing your thigh.
“Yes.” You sigh. “I want your cock deep inside me.” Shaking his head, Evios kisses his teeth.
“Such a needy little, slut aren’t you. Well unfortunately for you Princess, I only give my cock to good girls and you have not been anything but bad.” You whine, trying to protest but he grabs your face, his fingers squishing your cheeks.
“Shh, shh. No buts. If you were good and let Daddy finish his work he would’ve filled that pretty pussy up just the way you like it. However, you’ve interrupted and forced Daddy to stop. Now tell me, does that sound like what a good girl does?” His hand releases to cup your cheek, leaning into your face awaiting your response. You shake your head.
“No…” You look down then back up through your lashes. “I just needed you because I had a dream about you and woke up before it finished.”
Your admission makes him lay back against the couch, cocky smirk playing on his lips.
“Really? So you made Daddy stop work because your dream made you all horny?” You nod your head shyly. “Tell me about it.” Your eyes shoot up to him, which only makes his grin bigger.
“You want me to-”
“Yes. Come on, tell Daddy what was so important that you made him stop working.” He looks so prideful yet so relaxed with his arms resting on the back of the couch, knowing exactly how squeamish he’s making you feel.
Clearing your throat, combing your hair behind your ear you begin coyly.
“Um well-” He cuts you off again.
“Oh don’t act so shy, Princess. I assure you no matter what you say I would never laugh at you.” One hand comes to your thigh, coaxing you to relax.
“Well it started with you touching me.”
“How was I touching you? Like I am now?” His hand brushes your thigh tenderly. You shake your head.
“No, you had your fingers inside me and it felt really good.”
“Yeah, and then what?” He asks with a smile.
“And then I got on top and started to ride you.” You looked away from his stare when you saw a wicked twinkle in his eye.
“Oh really? Can you show me how you did that right now?”
“You mean on your -” You didn’t even have to finish your sentence.
“Yes, right here. Right now. On my thigh.” Leaning forward he pulls your face in by the back of your neck.
“Just because I won’t give you cock doesn’t mean I’ll just leave you in the state you’re in. What kind of Daddy would I be if I did that?” He punctuates his question with a quick kiss on your lips before returning back to his relaxed position.
“Now show me how badly you want my cock inside that sweet pussy of yours.” He taunts.
You don’t even know how long you’ve been hopelessly grinding your wet folds against his leg, searching for your release that feels so far out of reach. You let out cries of frustration.
“Aww what's wrong? Can my Princess not get off by just rubbing her needy cunt on my thigh?” You shake your head. “No? Well that’s just too bad, huh? Cause you still haven’t proven to me how much you want me to fill you up.”
“But, Daddy, I can’t!” You cry. At this point you couldn’t care less about how pitiful you sounded, you just wanted to cum and that wasn’t happening.  
“Yes you can, just try harder. Maybe you need some help.”
Before you can respond Evios grabs your hips with bruising strength and begins to assist you in your movements. Pushing you down onto his, now sopping wet, thigh. Making the friction between your clit and his skin so much greater. Your moans fill the room like a symphony.
“Just look at you. All pathetic and dripping down Daddy’s thigh. Crying like a needy slut in need of a good filling. Is that what you want? To be stretched out by my cock?”
“Y-yes, Daddy -ah- please! Fuck me. I’ll be a good girl I swear!” You beg, he just chuckles darkly.
“I bet you will, Sweetheart. If you really want Daddy to fuck you stupid then you’ll need to work for it. If you cum for me then maybe I’ll consider it.”
Your head is spinning, you don’t know what to believe. He could be fucking with you but all you can think about is the possibility of getting what you want. Getting to feel him inside you and use your body like a toy. Getting to cum around his cock.
Your thighs are burning from the repetitive motion. Your nails dig into his shoulders you’re holding on to for support, he hisses.
You’re so close you can taste it. Your whimpers only get louder, with your mind falling apart your sentences come out broken and jumbled.
“I’m-ah- going to- please-” You can’t even finish one sentence before it is pulled into a tornado inside your brain, sweeping away any coherent thought. The only thing you can think about is him and your impending end and the immense desire to reach it.
“Come on, Princess. Come for Daddy.” Smacking your ass, his hands continue to help you hump his thigh.
His encouragement and unrelenting aid in your movements inevitably leads you over the edge.
“I’m going to- ah!” Before you could utter another word a wave of euphoria washes over you. Crashing into you, your legs shake as Evios keeps you moving, overstimulating you.
Once you’ve ridden out your orgasm you fall against your boyfriend’s chest. Gasping, trying to catch your breath.
Evios retracts his stern grip on your hips and softly rubs your back.
“You did such a good job, Princess.” You sigh in response, feeling content and finally relaxed. However that new reality was soon shattered by Evios’s next statement.
Just four little words.
“Now it’s my turn.”
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Hope you enjoyed that! If you did let me know :3
Kinktober Masterlist
💛 ~
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speechlessxx · 4 years
In The Rain. (Chris Evans x Reader)
Summary: Can a classic case of miscommunication be solved before the rain puts out the flickering light of love? 
Warnings: trash. lmao. this is better than my radio silence, so... lol... fluffy, angsty (you know the drill)
Word Count: ~2k
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The lights flickered for only a second when the bright streaks that painted the sky were followed by deafening claps of thunder that shook your house. The rain was heavy as it pounded against the windows and the harsh winds were no kinder, but they were nothing compared to storm brewing within you.
A deep sigh escaped you as the blanket around your shoulders slipped off and pooled around your waist. You had a warm coffee in one hand and a book in the other while you sat at your reading nook watching the dark sky. It was a collection of poetry with several multicolored Post-It flags sticking out from its pages. Each color represented a feeling a poem elicited, and you found yourself flipping to those with a dark blue flag – the color of sorrow, heartbreak, sadness. In all honesty, it was self-pity.
You weren’t sure why you lingered for so long. Nothing but history and memories were keeping you in his life. The amicable breakup left you detached yet still attached to him. And what made everything worse was that you were still in love with Chris.
The breakup shocked those closest to you. You and Chris were – well … – the most unsuspecting perfect match. You were two completely different souls that balanced one another out. You complemented one another – hell, you completed each other. You were two independent entities that pushed the other to become a better version of themselves. The energy shared between you was radiant and the love was consuming. It was pure and unfiltered. Passionate. You weren’t one to believe in true love – in soulmates, or even twin flames – but then you met Chris and everything changed.
But like all matches – like all flames – they burn out.
You blamed it on anxiety – on expectations. You never had a long-lasting relationship. Chris was the first man you ever felt a true connection to – and that scared you more than you let on.
He was nearing 40 – the ripe age to settle down, to have a family. Although you were certain you wanted that with Chris, you weren’t sure if you wanted that now. Your reluctance had you absentmindedly push him away. You began to untether yourself to him. Untangling the beautiful, strong bond you once had until it was nothing but a single thread.
Although it was you that started to pull away, it was Chris who vocalized his unhappiness. It was Chris who instigated. The night you broke up, he refused to listen to your worries and your reasons for your sudden aloofness. “Do you even love me?” He asked you, but he didn’t wait for a response. You already blamed yourself – and it hurt twice as much when he blamed you, too.
It shocked you when you found out he told friends and family the breakup was mutual… because it was Chris who severed it … The supposedly mutual breakup kept an open door of communication for your families. While your family never bothered Chris or his kin, Scott constantly reached out to you, as well as his mother. They’d often invite you to house parties, dinners, karaoke nights… When you’d decline – finding it was a bit of a territory breach – they’d always claim Chris wouldn’t make an appearance but he always did.
Although you were broken up, you were forced to remain friends. You were forced to look at him across a dining table as if you didn’t know his deepest secrets. You spoke casually as if you never spent late nights unburdening your souls to one another. You acted as if you were friends that were never completely in love with each other.
You remembered the phone call from Scott this morning. He relayed a message from their mom, asking you to come to dinner. When you declined, Scott demanded for a reasonable answer. He often found, “I’m your brother’s ex-girlfriend” a useless excuse.
“I still love him, and it hurts because we’re pretending like we were never together.” Your voice broke. “I’m trying to pull away – trying to move on – but I don’t know if it’s me holding onto hope, or if it’s just....” You couldn’t finish your words – you weren’t sure how to. You felt guilty for confessing this to Chris’s brother of all people. You knew it wouldn’t confidential – that he’d tell Chris – but you just had to say it out loud once.
You heard Scott sigh over the phone. Taking pity on you, he decided it was probably best that you kept your distance from Chris – which was the opposite of the goal of him constantly inviting you out. “A storm’s coming tonight,” he mentioned. “And I know how rain helps calm you.”
But it did anything but that.
Chris had some idea of where it went wrong. The night it all ended, he blamed you. He knew he was in the wrong for that.
The night of his outburst haunted his memories, keeping him up all hours of the night. The image of your tearstained cheeks, reddened eyes, and pure heartbroken expression was burned into his mind. He saw it every time he closed his eyes. He remembered how you barely got a word in because every time you opened your mouth to speak, to reason, to argue, he spoke over you with such a heated, rage-filled tone that he didn’t even recognize.
He was afraid to lose you and because of his own arrogance and stubbornness, that’s exactly what happened.
You were unraveling your bond slowly, tactfully while he tore it to shreds.
And he regretted it every single day.
“Is (Y/N) coming?” He asked as subtly as he could while he and Scott set the table. Scott simply shook his head. Chris placed a plate onto the placemat as thunder shook the house, the glasses rattling slightly. “Do you know what she’s doing tonight?” He asked, trying to stay casual though everyone saw right through it. Scott’s brows were furrowed as if contemplating and his mouth was pressed into a firm line. Knowing him for all his life, Chris knew when his brother was hiding something. “Scott.”
“I can’t tell you!” Scott finally answered. That answer pulled at Chris’s heart – were you with someone? Is that why you weren’t here? “She’s just… she just needs a night.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Chris frowned. An upside to this “amicable” breakup was having his family constantly pull you back into their atmosphere. He wasn’t sure if they did it for him (they did), but he was thankful for all the nights you walked into their family home, gracing him with your presence even if you barely spoke. His brother remained silent and Chris called his name again.
“She’s just upset, okay?” Scott revealed. Chris’s frown deepened as he cocked his head to the side in confusion. “She just needs some time to think and heal.”
“What does that mean?”
Scott sighed. “I can’t tell you. She told me not to – Chris… do you plan on getting back together with (Y/N)?”
“Of course.” Chris answered with no hesitation. “I love her.”
“Then, why’d you break up with her?” Scott asked.
The question caught him off guard. Of course, he planned his apology. He planned his dramatic way to woo you back into his arms – to make you fall in love with him again. He didn’t quite know how to execute it – should he have been a cliché with a boombox, calling your name outside your window?
“I… I guess I felt like she was pulling away… and so, I felt like I had to beat her to the punch,” Chris cringed. It was a childish sentiment… But perhaps it was because his ego couldn’t take being broken up with? Or perhaps the thought of losing you clouded his judgement so much and consequently, his fears came true.
Scott scoffed at his brother, rolling his eyes for effect. “You’re an asshole.”
“Yeah and I feel bad about it, but every time I try to talk to her, she closes up.”
“I wonder why.” Chris groaned annoyedly at his younger brother, slapping the palm of his hand to his forehead. “She told me before that she felt as if she didn’t belong with you because you’re ready to start a family and she wasn’t.”
“When she say that?”
“A while ago…” Scott scratched his chin.
“But I don’t… I don’t need a family right this second. I just need her.”
“Does she know that?” Scott asked him. “Because all she knows is that you had enough of her.”
“I didn’t really give her a chance to talk…” Chris confessed. “I just… I kinda just ranted at her.”
Scott sighed disappointedly. “In all honestly, brother, I think you need to have an actual conversation with her… Not just a I’m-gonna-yell-at-you …”
Lightning flashed through the windows as the rain steadily poured. It didn’t look as if it were going to let up any time soon. Chris glanced at the clock. It was early into the evening – if it hadn’t been storming, then the sun would be painting the sky a beautiful orange sunset. Instead it was dark, gloomy – uncertain like your future.
Without much contemplation, Chris rushed out of the dining room, cutting through the kitchen. His mother gasped when he barged through the doors and walked to towards the front. “What are you doing?” She called after him. “Dinner’s almost ready!”
“I’m getting my girlfriend back,” Chris told her. His mother’s worried expression melted into one of pride as she cupped her chest with her hand and gave him an encouraging smile.
“Go get ‘er.”
“Love you, ma,” Chris called before walking out the door and braving through the storm.
The doorbell startled you from your nap. You hadn’t even realized you began to drift to sleep. With little regard about your appearance, you drudged towards the front door, wondering who could be at your house at this hour – especially with a storm like this.
“Chris?” You gasped, eyes widening as your ex-boyfriend was shivering from the rain. He was drenched, standing at your front porch. “Why are you here in the rain?”
“We need to talk.” You felt the blood leave your face. The last time he said those words to you, he left you crying and heartbroken. Thunder rumbled as you stared at him. “Scott told me.”
“Of course he did,” you rolled your eyes with frustration. “Chris, I don’t want to talk –“ You tried to close the door, but he easily overpowered you, keeping it open.
“No, we need to talk about this,” Chris snapped before sighing. “(Y/N),” you always loved the way he said your name. “I don’t want a family right now… I just want you… I just need you.”
You stared at him. Chris was never one to lie. He was terrible at it. His eyes always gave him away. Much like they did tonight when they revealed he was being truthful.
“I’m sorry,” he told you. “I’m sorry I’m an asshole that night. I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to you – that I didn’t even try to listen.” He paused, waiting for you to butt in, but you never did. You just stared at him in silence as you processed. “You’re the only one I want to be with… and I understand if that’s not what you want… You can close the door and we’ll pretend this never happened. We can go back to whatever we were… But I’m not going to ignore this.” When you remained silent, he said, “please, please say something.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t truthful,” you finally said. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about me doubting myself – that I started to push you away because I was afraid of what a serious relationship with you meant…”
He took a step towards you, hands reaching for you. One hand found its home at your waist, the other cupping your cheek. “It’s not your fault…” He said. “I love you and I always will. Please, take me back.”
“I love you, Chris,” you muttered before your hands wrapped around his neck to pull him towards your lips.
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rainbowsky · 3 years
More on the Fan Fic issue
I have a few more asks about the issue raised the other day, some of which are long and go into detail on the 'wars' that have been happening on Twitter and AO3.
Sorry for grouping these but I wanted to put it all under a cut because these are long, and also in case people don't want to dig into these issues (which would be understandable).
Anonymous 1 asked:
"I am very strongly of the opinion that the BJYX term is still a fandom umbrella term" I agree. Mainly because Bjyx is the most popular. Many antis always say bjyx, and have no idea the others. So sometimes it's easier just to say bjyx instead of explaining all three. I myself more like "who cares as long as they happy." So I enjoy Yizhan in all contexts. Many bxgs I know also like that, mostly ibxgs. I think deep down all bxgs (no matter which position they prefer) just want Yizhan to be happy
Not sure we can be so certain about that last part, Anon (I think for a lot of people GG and DD are just characters in a smutty story they have in their heads), but I agree about the term being popular regardless of the type of fans people are.
From what I can see the BJYX term seems to be used 80-90% umbrella, 10-20% dynamic in both international and c-social media (for every 10 times you see the term used, only one or two of those usages - probably less - are referring to a dynamic). This is my totally unscientific estimation, but I think even 10-20% dynamic is being generous. The number of people who are fixated on a sexual dynamic aren't nearly as large as they'd like to believe.
Anonymous 2 asked:
about the promptfests - i’ve been on twitter since early 2020 and what i’ve noticed is that this influx bjyx-only promptfests started gaining speed once lots of rational voices started leaving the fandom recently either because a) new interests have caught their attention or b) the toxicity of the popular bxg circles on twitter have become too much to handle.
gdgdbaby was usually the organizer of dynamic-inclusive events, and she’s received lots, and lots, and lots of backlash by bxg, sometimes even by accounts with thousands followers, for using bjyx as a catch-all term. and as her interest in yizhan has since waned—hopefully for reasons unrelated to fandom toxicity—many of the people who were attracted to the welcoming environment she created distanced themselves as well.
zsww/lsfy fans have become an outnumbered circle who try their best to create exclusive events to avoid the “is bjyx a catch-all term” discourse, but never seem to gain as much traction as gdgdbaby (who has a sizeable following) or those who host bjyx-only events (who also have sizeable followings).
meanwhile the dynamic war has only become more and more hostile and bjyx is clearly the more populated group… ao3 is simply a battlegrounds, if i may dramatize the situation a little for the sake of humor, and the promptfests are a reaction to this irritating t/b discourse that has made bxg twitter completely inhospitable for me…and lots of other fans too.
(i’ve also noticed a huge reinforcement as of recently where ppl will call gg laopo, a milf, an omega, etc even outside of rpf (i.e. posting pictures of him at events and saying he looks pregnant or he’s going into heat) and it’s just… uncomfortable.)
(also please note i have a biased account of all of this drama bc many of my friends were harassed over it, and anyone who disagrees with my take may feel free to interject.)
I took the liberty of adding paragraph breaks because they are pretty important for some readers, particularly ND readers like me.
It's sad to hear how fucked up everything has become, but I'm not even remotely surprised. Toxicity leads to toxicity, and the whole idea of dividing up a RP fandom by sex position was misguided from the outset - no matter why it was done or how good the intentions might have been.
And yes, like I said, these people aren't just framing things this way for fan fic. This is how they talk about IRL GGDD.
I had written a lengthy essay here about homophobia in the fandom but deleted it all. Perhaps I'll post it separately at some later point. Suffice it to say that this stuff creates a climate that's often hostile for queer people. So much of it is deeply homophobic, whether people are aware of it or not.
It's really sad to hear about gdgdbaby being mistreated in any way. Anyone who steps up and sticks their neck out to help organize and coordinate activities that benefit a broader group of people should be celebrated and supported, not run out of town by an angry mob.
I've read some of her stories and even have one or two on my rec list. And here's someone who is not only writing good works, but also supporting others to write more good works. Such a shame.
Anonymous 3 asked:
Hello Mr. RBS! I think I can chime in a bit about the fanfic topic as I’ve watched this all unravel on twitter (where a majority of authors/readers are). I apologize if this gets long but it’s been something that’s also been on my mind.
I want to preface this by saying that I’m not a fan of the distinctions of dynamics as, like you said, the supposed line between real life and fanfic is long gone, so I’m not trying to be biased against one group over another.
Short answer to the question of, “is this retaliation?” : I do believe it is. (From here onwards I’ll be using bjyx as the dynamic term just for the ease of simplicity.) To understand why, I’ll have to explain with a bit of background info. On twitter, I’d say that there’s a quite large divide between bjyx and zsww/lsfy. That itself isn’t really a problem because people are free to like what they like and associate with whoever.
However there is a big problem where bjyx people are not just bjyx but also anti-zsww/lsfy. To the point where I’ve seen people say that they feel physically ill when they accidentally read zsww. I don’t think this type of behavior should exist in any dynamic bc in the end GGDD are real people with a real relationship behind this content and it’s just a gross fetishization at that point.
With all this happening, zsww/lsfy people have gotten more outspoken on how GG is often portrayed in those types of scenarios, mainly the over-feminization of him, bc it’s not just done in the context of fanfic but regular discussion of GGDD at this point. This tension between the dynamics kind of boiled over when the pregnant xz fest was announced, as you can take a guess at how that went over with zsww/lsfy people. lol.
But around that same time, another zsww/lsfy event was announced (I’m not sure if it’s the one anon was talking about) but the creator of the event suddenly got a ton of backlash for excluding bjyx, with the reasoning that bjyx is technically a part of lsfy. But the event was done to highlight zsww/lsfy (as all specific events are) bc the community and content for these dynamics are much less than bjyx.
Which is how we come back to the starting point of, is all this recent bjyx stuff retaliatory. I believe so bc the events (preg fest, dark event) are very specific prompts that target exactly what zsww/lsfy people have been outspoken against.
As to the point anon made about trying to drown out the tags, keep in mind that zsww/lsfy content is very minimal compared to bjyx and has only just recently started to gain more traction. I think most people would love to just peacefully exist in their own circles but I don’t see this problem between dynamics disappearing anytime soon.
Like I said with the above Anon, I've added paragraph breaks for ND readers.
What a mess.
I have absolutely nothing useful to say here about the fandom on AO3 and how it's managed by community members, but I do think it's unfortunate that people choose to be war-like rather than make space for diverse voices, and I think it's a real shame that some people have been essentially run out of the fandom because of this garbage.
Thanks for giving some context for how/why the major shift in tone of fan fic lately. I had no idea any of this was going on.
I urge people to work hard to give space for all voices and perspectives, and not just the ones they favor. I'd also urge people to reflect on how their thoughts, behavior and actions in the fandom might affect queer people in the fandom.
As always, we have no control over what other people do, say or think. All we have any control over is how we respond to what other people do, say or think. Hopefully we'll chose the path of peace and try to avoid fan wars or fights that only ruin the experience for everyone.
I guess one thing I'd ask any of the Anons who have written me about this issue - or anyone who has thoughts about it - is, what can we as readers/fans who care about diversity of voices and perspectives do to support that here and on AO3, without getting involved in any kind of war?
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yeet-noir · 3 years
I wanna hear your thoughts about Truth :D
Oh boy do I have thoughts.
Overall I really enjoyed the episode and cannot wait for Lies which is the episode that corresponds with this one. There is two things about this episode that stands out which is the implications of where the ladynoir dynamic is and where it’s going and Luka’s arc. To spare a long post I’m just gonna talk about Luka, but if anybody wants to me to write about the other I will haha
I want to start off that some who follow me might know that Luka is not my favorite character (I sometimes make it very obvious and sometimes not lol but lets be real it’s more like the former) and Lukanette is a ship that I am very adverse to because of how the salty side of the fandom tainted those concepts so that’s my disclaimer in case somebody doesn’t like those perspectives haha. 
HOWEVER, this episode offered me some of what was missing with Luka which was more depth. I know people say that Luka does have a personality and character, but to me it has just been he exists because of Marinette and he has nothing else to offer. And I wanted him to offer more I was intrigued by his introduction in Captain Hardrock, but the rest of the episodes he was in he was just so flat. This episode was a bit of a game changer for him because it stepped out of that pattern a bit more. 
So of course the episode starts with Luka being with Marinette. Makes sense they got together at the end of season 3. It was the same he was just too okay with being forgotten and was just waiting around for Marinette. When he was akumatized because of being hurt from Marinette it was very understandable. I felt bad for him because he was being stood up constantly and no I do not think Marinette is a bad person. 
The episode shifted though when it unraveled his insecurity about his absent father of who he didn’t know the identity of. We got to see more about a personal struggle of his and how that possibly contributes to how he views relationships. The fact that he went to look for Marinette, but ended up probing her friends and family who gave him the same answer and he was not surprised that his girlfriend loved another man and showed no bother was interesting, but I wished he cared just a bit more. Aside from that he sought out his father after his mom told him who it was. That was a nice scene because it showed us there was other important answers he wants to inquire that is more personal.  
His akuma had an interesting design and I enjoyed how he worked with the sentimonster which was still a relatively new concept for us. It is interesting how both times Luka was akumatized it made Ladybug struggle with her voice and what she can (or cannot) say and it made Chat Noir step up in leading the strategy.  
So overall with the plot of this episode it was good. I enjoyed we got more of Luka, but I still think there is plenty of growth needed for him outside of Marinette still. While I don’t like lukanette, I am shocked it ended so soon and I personally think it could have stayed a bit longer just cause season 3 really built up the love rivals only to take them down right away. But it is a show about the love square so it’s understandable. It is silly that Luka once again said he will wait for Marinette so I am hoping that later on Luka comes to the realization that he has to move on. 
Hopefully that was cohesive enough and I have many more things about this episode, but to me that was one of the biggest takeaways. Thanks for asking!!
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boonki · 3 years
Obikin prompt #1
A little 1.8k ficlet brought on by the prompt: 
“When the hell did you get here?!”
“I got bored of waiting around for you to kill me so I wanted to see what you were doing.”
This is pre-slash, post Mustafar, about five(???) years after Anakin’s fall. I haven’t edited this, so... please tell me where I’ve made mistakes lol. 
And send me prompts! My inbox is open for ideas :)
It had been years since Obi-wan had seen the inside of a ship, let alone the glistening and polished interior of a star destroyer. Being voluntarily isolated on a desert planet limited the number of interactions he had with the Empire, for which he had been immensely grateful. His humble living space was already littered with memories, knick-knacks, and repressed feelings; he had long since abandoned the idea of using a mirror, not wanting to see his own measly reflection. 
The Empire was the last reminder Obi-wan needed of his own failures. 
Obi-wan twisted Anakin’s padawan braid around his fingers, one of the few things he had let himself be sentimental about in the years that followed Anakin’s fall. He had to hold onto the good memories, be reminded of the years that he had practically raised the boy. The hair was still golden in the braid, memories still golden in his head. 
The tractor beam of the star destroyer pulled him in slowly, and it gave Obi-wan a moment to sit in peace, his fate pulled too far towards his own demise to change the course now. He knew he wouldn’t walk out of here alive. 
The thought brought odd comfort. 
He pulled his force signature into himself, stifling it down to the point of discomfort and pulling up his shields as sturdy as they would go, not wanting Darth Vader to notice him before he was ready, though he knew that there was only a slim chance Vader wouldn’t recognize him immediately. They had known each other almost better than themselves, or at least Obi-wan had thought, their force signatures so entwined sometimes it had been hard to tell where one began and the other ended. There had been secrets between them, of course, truths too hard to bear witness to, but there had still been a level of trust he had never been fully able to comprehend. But now, having lost the regular, calming presence in the back of his head that he had grown so accustomed to, he didn’t want to feel how tarnished Anakin had become, how void of life, how lonely. If Anakin was even in there at all. He didn’t want to even touch Vader’s mind. 
Yoda had tried to bring him semblances of comfort during the years after Anakin’s fall, claiming the man he had known and loved had died on Mustafar, replaced by Vader. That the man in the mask was only an empty shell. And for years, Obi-wan readily believed this, desperate to find solid ground in the sinking sand his life had disintegrated into. 
But he knew better. He had years to mull it over, meditating on what he could have done differently. He knew Anakin had not simply turned to the dark side one day, that it must have been a gradual descent, and if it were gradual, it was done by putting one foot in front of the other. Anakin had walked away from him, and that stung. 
No, not stung. It was the worst thing Obi-wan had ever endured. 
His ship landed roughly in the hangar, jolting him out of his own head. He stood, bending backwards to pop his lower back, and let out a hefty sigh, shutting the ship down and popping the cockpit open, lifting an eyebrow at the small gang of troopers that had gathered outside of the ship, all pointing their rifles at him. The dim white lights of the hangar reflected off of the tops of their helmets, making them glow a bit. 
“Hello there,” he started, swinging his legs over the hull to stand on the ground, landing only with a slight twinge in his knees, which he met with an imperceptible grimace. He wasn’t used to flying long distances anymore. “Is Vader around?”
“Halt!” One of the stormtroopers commanded, taking a step towards Obi-wan, holding his rifle steady at Obi-wan’s chest. “State your purpose.” 
Obi-wan cocked his head, smiling patiently, tucking his hands into the sleeves of his long, tan robes, the ones Anakin used to hate for their beigeness. “I thought I just made that clear. I’m here to see Darth Vader, unless he’s busy at the moment, in which case I am more than happy to wait.” 
The peaceful sentiment seemed to disorient the trooper, who glanced back towards the group wordlessly. Judging by their lack of reaction, none of them quite knew what to do, didn’t have any protocol to follow. Obi-wan guessed Vader didn’t get many visitors. None that came voluntarily, that is. 
“State your name.” The stormtrooper continued, never moving his rifle away from Obi-wan’s chest. 
“Obi-wan Kenobi. You’ll find our friend knows me very well, if you wouldn’t mind passing along my greetings.” 
Obi-wan wasn’t entirely sure where they had been trying to escort him to, as, after turning through a few nondescript hallways that dripped in black and white monotone, Darth Vader made his entrance, and Obi-wan had to hold back the small smile at how the menacing figure never lost his dramatic streak: some part of Anakin lived on, even if it was the part of him that had given Obi-wan premature grey hairs. His black cloak billowed behind him as he had turned the corner, and after letting the amusement pass through him, shock and horror crept up the back of Obi-wan’s throat. 
This was what he had done to Anakin. 
No- this was what Anakin had done to himself. 
They came to a stop, meeting in the middle, leaving a good distance between themselves.
Obi-wan lowered the hood of his robe, knowing that Vader already knew who he was, but letting him get a better look at him. Letting him see the wrinkles and sun-spots that had peppered his face in the past five years. 
Silence stretched in the gulf between them, tense and unwavering, almost palpable. Obi-wan took in every inch of him: the long black suit that gave him a few extra inches to his already tall stature, the dark helmet that glared hatred back at the viewer, the life support panel strapped to his chest that allowed for the heavy, static breathing. Obi-wan thought of Anakin, his dear, beautiful boy who loved open, free spaces, trapped forever inside this hulk of metal. 
Vader lifted his eyes to the stormtroopers that flanked Obi-wan, and to his surprise Vader sounded a little unsure of himself, as if genuinely taken aback. Maybe Obi-wan had hid himself better than he had thought. “Leave us.” 
They did so without hesitation, leaving the pair alone in the hallway, letting fate take its course. 
Obi-wan swallowed, trying to push down the lump in his throat. “Hello there.” He sounded old, heartbroken, and strangely tinny to his own ears. 
“When did you get here?” Vader asked, genuine confusion lacing the hatred of his tone. 
Obi-wan considered the truth, and landed on a joke to cushion it instead. “I got bored of waiting around for you to kill me, so I wanted to see what you were doing, old friend.”
Vader rushed forwards, grabbing Obi-wan by the throat with a snarl, the force swirling with darkness around him. “I am not your friend. You were merely a pawn stopping me on my path to greatness.” Anger hung on every word, even through the raspy vocalizer the words had to filter through. 
Obi-wan grasped Vader’s forearm, not trying to push him off. “I was only a pawn?” he tried to laugh, but Vader’s hold on his throat was too strong, “you were everything to me, dear one.” He rasped out, his windpipe slowly being crushed by Vader’s firm grip. 
Vader pushed him away, sending Obi-wan stumbling backwards in a coughing fit, righting himself through the force, and even through his shields he could feel the surge of fury seep into the force at the endearment, and wasn’t at all surprised when the room glowed by the light of Vader’s lightsaber. 
Obi-wan had come prepared to die, but the glimmer of red bouncing off the edges of Vader’s suit solidified what was happening. It didn’t seem real until then. 
A small part of Obi-wan had hoped Anakin wouldn’t have been able to kill him, that whatever had been between them would be enough. It hadn’t been in the past, Obi-wan thought bitterly. 
Obi-wan watched Vader take a steadying breath, twirling his saber around like Anakin had always done before deciding the best plan of action. 
“I have dreamed of killing you, Kenobi. Of letting you burn and suffer the same way you let me suffer. I’ve had dreams of cutting off your limbs one by one until you had nothing left.” The words were cruel, frightening almost, if Obi-wan hadn’t been able to hear the small, scared child underneath the wrath. 
“Bit dramatic don’t you think?” He answered, hitting the k hard at the end of the sentence, readjusting his robes from where they had slid sideways with Vader’s shove. “Well, get one with it then. I said I had been waiting.”  
Even through the suit, Obi-wan could sense his hesitation. “Aren’t you going to fight?” Vader asked him, as if challenging him. 
Obi-wan drew in a long suffering sigh, like he always did before diving into a lecture. “No, Anakin,” Vader’s body flinched at the name, “I don’t think I will. We fought before, and it didn’t quite work out for either of us. I’ve accepted that I failed you as a Master, as a… friend. I’m sorry you didn’t feel that you could trust me. You deserved better than what I had given you, and now I am here to atone for it. I’m ready to be one with the force.” Obi-wan exhaled, pursing his lips together. That was probably the most words he had said in one go in a long time, and something in his chest loosened, unraveling with the confession. 
There was a lull in the conversation, as if Vader needed a moment to consider what Obi-wan had said. To be fair, Obi-wan thought, this was probably not how Vader thought his day was going to go. 
“You came here… to apologize?” All of Vader’s anger had fled, leaving only sincere distress. 
“Well,” Obi-wan smiled, mirth creasing the edges of his eyes, “I didn’t quite think I’d make it this far. But yes, I suppose I did, in a way.” 
Vader drew back in his lightsaber, the hallway descending back into darkness, only the dim lights of the walkway illuminating their faces. 
Obi-wan wanted nothing more than to let his shields crack just a little, just to reach out and see what Vader was thinking. But as soon as a tendril of the force brushed up against Anakin’s mind, he was thrown back into his own head, sharp and dangerous. Vader clearly wasn’t ready for that. 
“Come.” Vader ordered, turning on his heel and marching into the depths of the ship, not waiting for Obi-wan to follow him. With only a twitch of the eyebrow to betray his bafflement at the change of heart, Obi-wan followed.
Anakin had once left him like this, step by step into the dark side, going to a place Obi-wan could never follow. He could only hope these new steps lead somewhere different, somewhere brighter, somewhere they could meet in the middle. He supposed he’d have to start walking to figure out.
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
come morning light
another shadowhunter au oneshot time lol 🤪 this is directly related to my last one “and you knew what it was” (takes place before it) but you don’t necessarily need to read that first (it might make this one make more sense tho there’s like more background i guess kinda lol 😋)
kinda angsty mostly hurt/comfort-y and it is a shadowhunter fic so there’s a little bit of description of violence and injury but nothing graphic
title from “safe and sound” by taylor swift
also as always lmk if anyone wants any shadowhunter things to be explained :]
the full fic is under the cut and also on ao3!!! :DDD ahhh the first new fic i’m posting on tumblr and ao3 at the same time lol 🤪
“I’m fine,” Tina manages to say, teeth clenched and hand pressed to her side.
“You’re very much not,” Kurt says, all but dragging her over to a corner alley, out of the way of demons. “Don’t even try to pretend.” 
“What are you - I need to be out there - ”
“Getting yourself killed is not going to help Quinn,” Kurt hisses, but not unkindly, gripping Tina’s arms -- not too tightly, he hopes. He feels the tension in her muscles give in under his hands and then a sob bursts out of her like she can’t control it, and her hands shoot up to cover her mouth. The sobs tear out and part of Kurt’s mind thinks, finally, because, fuck, Kurt knows.
He recognizes this, recognizes it in Tina, but also recognizes it because he’s been so close to it himself lately. He’s been there. 
He helps Tina stand up against the wall, scribbling a quick iratze below her collarbone and watching for the demons because, by the Angel --
“Now is not a good time for this, babe,” he whispers gently, mostly to himself. He adds an amissio rune beside the iratze just in case; he didn’t get to see how deep the cut went, or if there was poison or anything, in which case it will be a much bigger problem. Thank the Angel that his rune-drawing has always been perfect, even when he’s barely looking and just scratching them out as quickly as humanly possible. 
“Stay here,” he says, and he knows Tina would object if she could, but Kurt really just needs to get rid of these demons as soon as fucking possible because there are fucking mundanes nearby and it’s so hard to keep track of everything when he feels the same, when he feels like he’s unraveling and has been for the last two days --
But Quinn is okay, he has to remind himself before he can start spiraling too. The parabatai bond doesn’t lie. He can feel it.
So the demons. 
Luckily, it’s a relatively common, relatively mindless brand of demon -- Kurt never knows the species off the top of his head, doesn’t care enough to memorize them except for the really dangerous ones -- and he’s able to surprise them, taking two out right off the bat. The other three give him some trouble, and he very nearly misses what would’ve been a more than somewhat painful strike but he gets away almost unscathed. A check on his Sensor that there aren’t any more demons in the immediate area, a check around him to make sure everything was well-glamoured and no mundanes saw anything of note, a quick iratze while he’s doing that and he’s back to Tina, who doesn’t look much different.
It’s not the first time Kurt’s had to help Tina calm down when the stress -- the everything -- gets too much and it just bursts out. It is the first time it’s happened in a situation that was so high-stress itself, so that was a little harrowing, but since that part’s over now, thankfully… 
He talks to her about their newest design ideas, which had screeched to somewhat of a halt because of Quinn, but they still float around in his head and he takes them out at night, modifies and deletes and creates and designs until he can fall asleep, so he catches Tina up on what he’s been doing with them. He talks about dumb stories of himself and Quinn when they were younger, training together to be parabatai and sparring when neither of them knew how to spar and they nearly killed each other, whether from incompetence or later, from overcharged feelings and tension during arguments. He talks about everything and nothing until Tina’s sobs have turned into slow breaths and an air of defeat.
Kurt takes her hand and stops talking. He’s not quite on the level of Mercedes or even Quinn in being able to tell what Tina needs right now, so he just waits. They have time; he assumes she probably wasn’t planning on getting much sleep tonight, anyway. Neither was he.
Tina calms down and opens her mouth to speak, taking a little breath, but Kurt interrupts, “If you’re about to say ‘sorry,’ forget about it.” Tina freezes and he smiles a little. 
She ducks her head with a breathy laugh. “Okay,” she whispers.
Kurt stands up and offers his hand. “Come on,” he says. “Let’s get some food to eat while watching a dumb cheesy movie instead of sleeping to take our minds off of the shitshow that is life as a Shadowhunter.”
“That sounds nice,” Tina says with a wince as she gets up, hand hovering back over her injured side that Kurt all but forgot about until now. Before she can say anything, he draws another iratze by the faded scar from the first one. 
“Better?” he asks after a moment, already prepared to immediately have to either draw another or pull out his phone to call Mike or the Silent Brothers. 
Tina nods, shooting him a grateful smile. “Thank you.” Kurt can hear the weight of everything she’s including in the statement; he smiles back at her.
#there is an annoying lack of mercedes in my fics 😔 annoying to myself#idk what to do about it apparently i've gotten into writing this trio most often lmao#not even as a trio really just a pair of them and then always thinking about the other one lol#what even is my writing why does this just start in the middle of nowhere and end in the middle of nowhere#why is that lowkey all i know how to do XD#this was also started during my fucking tumblr break laskhgufhdgjk like late at night and i just#dumped a bunch of words#apparently nothing gives writing inspiration like being on a tumblr break when ur addicted to tumblr and bored in the middle of the night#also i have a comment on my doc: 'lmao beth harmon who' as in from the queens gambit#bonus points if u guess where i left that comment 😂🤪#i should leave myself comments more idk why i don't bc then also i can remember the ~thoughts~ i have lol#anywayyyyyy i think that's it lmao#quinntina#my ficsssss#glee fic#glee#i don't remember how i tag these lol#this starts almost exactly like my klaine shadowhunter fic ..... idk how to write anything else apparently lmao just ~ignore that~ 😂#ew now if i edit after posting which i Often do i also have to edit it on ao3 ldksghljsdf#i was really nervous to post this earlier and now i'm not.... don't know if that's good lmao#this is like on a much smaller scale ofc something i've done before like i just break down crying when i'm stressed which is funnnnnn#especially in class during a socratic exammmmm two years in a rowwwwww and my brain still likes to embarrass myself with that memoryyyyyy :D#memories plural 🥰 lmao anywayyy
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