#lex de los santos
punkeropercyjackson · 20 hours
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Finally did my Pjo self-insert properly again for the new blog!!!!
@theautisticcentre @refrigeratedboombursts @nogender-onlystars @moonage-gaydream @kitkatperce @moonage-gaydream @cam24fan @floof-ghostie @desi-pluto @yukii0nna @angel-beloved @sarasanddollar @jellyfilledeyes @jellyjays @someallpowerfulforce @kyojurolover @punknicodiangelo @genderfluid-bat @9ragonmew @biandbored @thisismisogynoir
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jasontoddssuper · 6 months
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I've wanted this for years,i'm so fucking happy!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕This is my self-insert Lex de los Santos,they're a son and daughter of Demeter,the eighth demigod of the Second Great Prophecy and Percy's love interest♡
@leo-thecactus @cottoncandyspikes @cottoncandyteeth @c0tt0n-c4ndy-sw1rlz @peachyblkdemonslayer @panbelle @moonage-gaydream @insomniac-jay @julieemarine @floof-ghostie @crimgy @edityrhometown @notmonaca @writtenletterstotheworld @honeypotsworld @confused-wizard @angel-beloved @genderconfusedhellenic @theautisticcentre @million-golden-drachmas @maliagf @ Literally all my Pjo mutuals and you're welcome to join in even if we aren't moots!!Let's go to Camp Half Blood together!
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punknicodiangelo · 7 months
The oreos prompt from silly arguments + Perlex👀
I hope I didn't write either of them OOC!
“Percy, look, they have strawberry oreos!” Lex pulled on their girlfriend’s arm when they saw the cookies. The wrapping was hot pink, the cookie pastel, and the cream was red. In short, it was perfectly Lex. 
“I didn’t know they had those,” Percy responded, starting back toward the regular oreos.
“Percy, por favor?” 
Percy bit her lip, and looked between the oreos and her shopping list. “I want to stick to Mamì’s list. Strawberry oreos aren’t there. Maybe next time?” 
“Oreos are on the list. Did Señora Jackson say what flavor she wanted?”
“No, but she did say one box. We should get the normal ones.”
“Are they for one of her recipes?”
“No, just to eat.” 
“So there’s no reason not to get flavored oreos, Blue!”
“They’re more expensive.” 
“I can pay you back.” 
“Well, if they end up tasting bad we’ll be stuck with bad oreos and no good oreos.” 
Lex’s face fell. “Oh, that’s a good point.” They sighed. “Let’s get the regular ones.” 
Percy wrapped Lex in her arms and kissed the top of their head. “Lo siento, Bubbles.” 
Nico took a long, loud sip of his boba. Oh yeah, he went shopping with them. “Not to break up the love fest, but I can buy the strawberry oreos, sis.” 
“I don’t need them, I have Percy. She’s sweeter than any strawberry.”
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Perlex takes?As many as you wanna and you can include pics too!!!
They make strawberry jam together
Lex has a green thumb and they teach Percy to grow plants!!!
They're both therians
They LARP Warrior Cats together
Lex cracked Percy's egg
As kids, Percy tried to pierce Lex's ears
Then took care of petal when they, predictably, got infected.
Basically Nico and Hazel’s pseudo-moms
They go to protests together
Matching battle vests
Hold DIY nights in the Poseidon Cabin every weekend
The younger kids love them
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yourfavisblack · 2 years
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Lex de Los Santos from A Violet Shrinks Until You Give It Love, a Percy Jackson and the Olympians fic, is Black!
(link to creator's blog, link to fanfic, link to picrew used)
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jellyfilledeyes · 6 months
real Lex de los Santos shit!!!!
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(The Lps one is to match Percy!!!)
i want lex's aesthetic so badly also LOVE they both have the lil lps lipgloss thingy
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0xochitlsketches0 · 1 year
Here they are in a picrew!!
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Their name is Alexandria Xiá de los Santos and they go by Lex!!They're blasian(chinese dominican on their mortal parent's side and black on their godly one's)and a child of Demeter!!Their weapon is a sword called 'Rhodon' that was gifted to them by their mom and can turn into a hairclip with a heart on it for sakekeeping!
Personality wise,Lex is very shy,kind and softspoken but has a sense of humor that's a lot like Percy's and self-eestem issues caused by growing up being bullied and being an outcast with no friends as a consequence of being a demigod.Their interests are video games,dogs,boba and stereotypical 'girl' things(they are transmasc genderfluid!)and their story is about learning to love themself and becoming a hero!
Speaking of which,in their verse,the Second Great Prophecy called for 8 demigods instead of just 7 and they're one of them!!They became best friends with Percy in TLT(arriving at camp a month before him)and they're head over heels for eachother!!Other important relathionships they have are their strong siblinghood with the other Demeter kids,being best friends with Thalia,an older sibling figure to Nico and Hazel and a platonic connection with Reyna over their similarities(dw though,Lex does get the guy and Reyna gets a gf eventually!).
Final note:A big point in their story is that unlike in canon,Annabeth's constant mistreatment of Percy is adressed and called out!Lex themself is the catalyst by realizing it inbetween tlo and tlh and manages to make Percy do the same at the climax of moa which causes a Perc///abeth breakup and leads to an Annabeth redemption!!
I hope you like them♡
I love, love, LOVE the name Rhodon for the sword, does it have a rose design on it? 👀👀👀 👉👈
Also, it being a hair clip is a PEAK character design, I'm going mad just thinking about it
Since they're a child of Demeter do they have a fondness for any plant in particular?
Either way, I like the character, and I'm happy they have a strong connection with their siblings, that is something I wish the original books touched on more, and their relationship with the other characters seems sweet. I'm all for Thalia, Reyna, Nico, and Hazel getting more friends.
We also love an Annebeth redemption arc haha 🔥🔥🔥
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bharatanatyampercy · 2 years
Lex de los santos inspired makeup pallete for @summer-thee-kent
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moonchild-writes · 6 days
Alright, so some updates on A Single Black Rose -
As I said in a previous post, there's a new pivotal character. And some things have been shifted around story wise, so here's what I've got made up for this silly ass fic:
- ASBR takes place between 2007 and 2013, this is due to Issac being Niko's son. This means Niko was around 17/18 when Issac was born, and that also makes Issa the same age that Niko was when he was born. This means that the events of Bully takes place in 2011.
- There is no separate universes between the HD and the 3D games, they exist in the same exact universe, this meaning that Claude, Tommy, and Luis will all make - at the very least - minor appearances.
- CJ will be a major character in the latter half of the story for Alexi as she forms her own gang in Los Santos - the Serpientes de Marfil. CJ plays a similar role to Lex as Michael does for Franklin, only without the tons of crime and psychotic ex-friends showing up.
- Niko become sort of a surrogate dad for the entire gang after Issac runs away from Bullworth to meet him.
- Pinky is prominently featured in this fic with a major role as Issac's on-and-off-again girlfriend. They love each other, they're just too stupid to say it.
- This fic will now focus on Alexi and Issac interchangeably, but the title will still remain "A Single Black Rose" because I feel it fits both of them. The story will focus on two halves of the same coin basically; with Alexi growing up in the crime syndicate and Issac dealing with the trauma of living through some of the Yugoslav wars as well as the abuse he suffered at the hands of his mother. They're basically two representations of how some people may deal with their trauma; Alexi instead embraces it and becomes what she feared, while Issac actively tries to esacpe it and live a somewhat decent life with what little good he has yet is unable to truly leave.
Now let me make this clear (as how I do with all of my fics), I am not trying to write something profound or revolutionary. The topic of trauma and trauma responses have been explored through fiction for decades and this will definitely not add anything new to this topic. These are just OCs I care very deeply for, especially Issac as there's quite a bit of me in him, thus why he has a Medusa tattoo later in his life. I love Bully and I love GTA, and I just wanted to merge them because I felt it was something that worked so well together. I am sorry to say, but Jimmy won't be a carjacking, psychotic murderer in this fic. Those roles are reserved for Alexi and Gary respectively (Lex being a big name crime boss and Gary being a hitman). He's something more akin to Floyd Hebert in the sense that he's caught up in everyone's bullshit.
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amicidomenicani · 1 year
Pregunta Buenos días Padre Angelo, Leyendo el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica en la parte de Los “Misterios de la Vida de Cristo” se dice que: «La venida del Hijo de Dios a la tierra es un acontecimiento tan inmenso que Dios quiso prepararlo durante siglos. Ritos y sacrificios, figuras y símbolos de la "Primera Alianza", todo lo hace converger hacia Cristo; anuncia esta venida por boca de los profetas que se suceden en Israel. Además, despierta en el corazón de los paganos una espera, aún confusa, de esta venida» ¿En qué consistía esta “confusa espera” de los paganos acerca de la venida de Jesús?¿Hay signos históricos de religiones paganas que muestren la esperanza de un futuro Salvador? No lo he entendido muy bien. Desde ya gracias por la respuesta, una recíproca oración y los mejores deseos para su actividad en la web. Valentino Respuesta del sacerdote Querido Valentino, 1. sí, en la antigüedad pagana un poco en todas partes estaba difundida la esperanza de la llegada  de un salvador. Comenzando por lo más cerca nuestro, el documento mas conocido pertenece a Virgilio, quien en sus Bucólicas escribe: “La Última Edad, que anunció la Sibila, héla llegada: ya de raíz nace nueva una grande rueda de siglos.Vuelve la Virgen ya, a reinar ya vuelve Saturno; ya nueva raza nos es del alto cielo mandada.” (“Ultima Cumaei venit iam carminis aetas; magnus ab integro sanctorum nascituro orto. Iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna, iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto”, Bucólica IV, Ecloga 4). 2. También Cicerón manifiesta esta espera al escribir: “No habrá una ley en Roma, otra en Atenas, una ahora, otra después, sino una sola ley siempre eterna e inmutable regirá a todos los pueblos en todo tiempo” (“Nec erit alia lex Romae, alia Athenis, alia nunc, alia posthac, sed et omnes gentes et omni tempore una lex et sempiterna et immutabilis continebit”; De Repubblica, lib. III). 3. El historiador romano Tácito escribe: “Tenía más valor la convicción profunda  que lo contenido en los antiguos escritos de los sacerdotes, que justamente en ese entonces oriente habría mostrado su fuerza y hombres provenientes de Judea se habrían adueñado del mundo” (Pluribus persuasio inerat, antiquis sacerdotum litteris contineri eo ipso tempore fore ut valesceret Oriens, profectique Judaea rerum potirentur; Libro 5, cap. 13). 4. A su vez  Svetonio: “Todo el oriente creía, por antigua y constante tradición, que el destino reservara el dominio del mundo a gente venida de Judea en aquel tiempo” (Percrebuerat Oriente toto vetusta et constans opinio, esse in fatis ut eo tempore Judaea profecti rerum potirentur; Divus Vespasianus, libro 10, par. 4). 5. También en el extremo oriente, en China se pensaba en algo por el estilo. Confucio, que vivió 500 años antes de Cristo, respondió a un discípulo que le preguntaba si él era un hombre santo: “Yo, Khieu, he oído decir que en las regiones occidentales, habrá un santo, quien sin ejercer ningún acto de gobierno, prevendrá las alteraciones del orden social, sin hablar inspirará la fe. Ningún mortal podría decir su nombre. Pero yo, Khieu, he oído decir que ese hombre es el verdadero santo”. 6. El orientalista Wilford, refiriéndose a la antigua India, dice: “Allá se esperaba a un liberador universal. Tal expectativa a menudo es objeto de los Puranas (antiguos textos de la tradición hindú). La tierra se queja por verse sepultada en el abismo bajo el peso de las iniquidades acumuladas por el género humano; y Vishnú la consuela prometiéndole un salvador, un santísimo, que la librará del poder del mal. Le revela que nacería en la casa de un pastor y habría ofrecido un sacrificio y hecho reinar por doquier la justicia”. 7. Otro filósofo y orientalista francés, Volney, escribió: “Las sagradas tradiciones mitológicas de los tiempos antiguos, habían esparcido en toda Asia la creencia de un gran mediador, de un salvador, rey, Dios, conquistador y
legislador que vendría para restablecer la edad de oro sobre la tierra y liberar a los hombres del dominio del mal”. (Les ruines, p. 228). 8. Por fin Voltaire, filósofo, historiador y enciclopedista francés, dijo: “Desde tiempos inmemoriales, entre los indios y chinos, existía la opinión del sabio que había venido de Occidente. Por el contrario en Europa, se le esperaba desde Oriente.” (Additiones à l’historie generale, p. 15). No quedan dudas, pues, de que había una expectación generalizada. Con el deseo que tú acojas siempre más plenamente al Salvador en tu vida, te bendigo y te recuerdo en la oración. Padre Angelo
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Gus Porter is so book!Nico di Angelo-coded
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
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My selfships be like
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punknicodiangelo · 7 months
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The Loser Trio(Percy,Lex and Rachel)
This makes more sense than the last one lmao
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rodrigomora · 2 years
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Sí, orgullo de la nación que... ... fue cuna de dos grandes santos y fundadores, cuyas respectivas Órdenes, tanta transcendencia han tenido en la Historia de la Iglesia y en la Historia universal: Sto. Domingo de Guzmán, fundador de la Orden de Predicadores, y S. Ignacio de Loyola, fundador de la Compañía de Jesús. ... que expulsó a los moros y inmediatamente después descubrió más de medio mundo, ... que erigió el más benéfico y grande Imperio que jamás haya existido, ... que fue brazo armado de la Santa Fe, frenando la expansión de la herejía protestante y la invasión turca en Europa. ...que fue la primera en derrotar a Napoleón y que se enfrentó desde el inicio al liberalismo, causa de todos los males presentes. ... que ha escrito en la historia bélica páginas tan heroicas como inverosímiles, ... que dio los más grandes místicos de la historia y cuyos teólogos fueron decisivos en Trento... ... que después de un esfuerzo sobrehumano en la última Cruzada de Occidente, derrotó al comunismo en 1939 y se libró de la secta venenosa de triángulo y el compás... ...y que sin casi medios materiales se convirtió en pocas décadas en la novena potencia económica mundial, causando asombro y envidia a sus seculares enemigos. La gran nación que, por causa del poder en la sombra, yace ahora herida, pero no muerta, a la espera del cumplimiento de la profecía anunciada por Nuestro Señor al Beato Bernardo de Hoyos el día 14 de mayo de 1733: Reinaré en España y con más veneración que en otras partes. (Vía Lex de Santa María) https://www.instagram.com/p/CejKIUjODRG0a08EES5m5i0ih_bt-gSaNFJLi00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jellyfilledeyes · 2 years
Their full name is Alexandria Xiá de los Santos but everybody calls them Lex!!They're a child of Demeter and their weapon is a minoan rapier(a type of ancient greek sword)!Their personality is kindhearted and shy at first but they grow confident over the course of their story♡Their interests are dogs,makeup,bubble tea and nintendo and their best friends are Thalia,Hazel,Nico and Percy,the last of who is also their love interest💜
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tonymarias · 3 years
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alexandria 'lex' de los santos, child of demeter @bisexuals4dabi
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