#lich otherworldly
joesalotofthings · 1 year
Alphabetical listing of dragon types with descriptions.
All eighteen dragon types listed with image examples. All list similarities between all types.
Where the information was obtained:Translated from the books of Hallerion.  Hallerion was believed to have been a dragon that took on many forms during his 3,500 years of travel throughout the known Island Universe.  It is commonly accepted that Hallerion visited every solar system and habitable planet.  Some scholars who have been tasked with translating the books of Hallerion believe that he…
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kirkenovak · 10 months
I’ve watched the Dungeons and Dragons movie too many times for it to be healthy and I decided to make it everyone else’s problem.
Honor Among Thieves/Dreamling crossover?
The Endless exist in the DnD setting but they don’t concern themselves with the affairs of gods and mortals, they just ARE. They exist outside the planes and influence all of them, albeit in different ways. They aren’t worshipped and usually aren’t well known.
Dream and Death do their visit to the mortal realm and meet Hob Gadling, Dream and Death have their bet and Hob becomes immortal. Now, in the DnD, unnaturally long lives aren’t that unheard of. There are elves who had already been adults when Hob became immortal, who are still alive. Arguably, Hob could pass himself off as a weird half-elf hybrid and no one would be too surprised he’s been knocking about for several centuries. But a human that not only lives long but doesn’t die? At all? No matter the manner of death, no matter the damage done to him, he just gets up again and keeps on trucking? No. That’s not normal. That shit’s weeeeeird. You don’t want to be advertising that unless you want every evil wizard warlock lich sorcerer and whathaveyou knocking on your door. So Hob still has to hide.
He of course still meets Dream every 100 years in the inn (every paladin and cleric with divine sense in the area does a little >_>). He still pretends to be his own son. He still does hundreds of different things. He still has a fight with Dream that causes Dream to walk out on him. He still buys the White Horse and waits for Dream. Dream is still captured by Burgess, a mighty wizard who really REALLY wants to conquer death but doesn’t want to be an undead because yuck.
Meanwhile, Xenk Yendar has met Hob in his travels several times already and is absolutely not buying the “I’m his son, I’m the son’s son, I’m the son’s grandson” excuse but Hob seems harmless, commits no evil acts (that Xenk knows of *coughscoughs*) and doesn’t register as anything otherworldly or undead so Xenk leaves him alone. That is until he walks into The White Horse one day, sees Hob for the first time in years and immediately senses that this is a temple, the land is consecrated, this man is the priest. The problem? A priest of what exactly? Normally it’s not really his business but given that Hob is a bit shady to begin with, it just doesn’t seem right. He asks Edgin for help, after all, who better to charm and swindle his way into Hob’s good graces and get some answers than a professional conman/thief/ex-Harper/bard who just doesn’t do magic, no seriously, what’s the deal with that.
This is where Ilmater decides to intervene. Sure, normally he wouldn’t stick his Devine nose in the matters on the Endless but he is the god of suffering, and both Dream and Hob are suffering, albeit in different ways. He sends his favourite paladin a vision of Dream and Hob, who then confines in Edgin and his crew and so, the DnD version of the fishbowl heist is born!
Starring: Xenk, the hottest paladin in existence; Edgin the spell-less bard; Edgin’s barely concealed lust for Xenk; Doric the most OP wildshape in existence; Simon the Sorcerer (no not the game, the game is great tho. Available on iOS. Try it. Starring Chris Barrie of the Red Dwarf fame as the voice of Simon. It has a sequel too tho not as good); Hob Gadling, the immortal but he can’t reveal he’s immortal and also has no idea who Dream is or what his true nature or even name is… wow he’s kinda useless in this setting and nobody trusts him; and Holga the carrying everything on her broad shoulders.
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slowthypiglordblr · 7 months
Huntress Mononoke: Adventure Time Cast represented with Princess Mononoke Characters
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Finn the Human as Ashitaka
Finn's grass arm will probably be his cursed hand.
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Huntress Wizard as Mononoke Him/San
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Molto Larvo as Lord Nago
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Finn getting touched by Larvo's molten hand be like.
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Flame Princess as Kaya
While the english dub she refers to Ashitaka as "brother", she was actually meant to be his "Bride Elect".
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The Lich is represented through the Tatari-Gami/Demon Curse
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Marceline Abadeer as Moro-No-Kimi/Moro
Pretend that she can still shapeshift this time.
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Princess Bubblegum and Peppermint Butler are Lady Eboshi and Gonza respectively.
Iron town is the Candy Kingdom
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Billy as Okkotonushi/Okkoto
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Jake the Dog as Yakul
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Choose Goose as Jiko-Bou/Jigo
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The Lemongrabs are the Ape Tribe
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Mr. Pig and Tree Trunks are Koroku and Toki respectively
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The Penguins as the Kodoma
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There is literally nothing I can imagine from the Adventure Time Universe that quite matches the otherworldly nature and presence of the Shishigami/Forest Spirit/Nightwalker. So instead I'll just let you decide that one.
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bizlybebo · 3 months
jrwi pd season 2 ending spoilers? (but also no spoilers for me i just finished ep 38)
see dude i. i know ashe is coming back. it’s genuinely impossible for her not to because of all the buildup, the fact yakko did an ashe cosplay, etc.
but part of my brain is almost sad about it. i think it’s more abt the season ending and the fact that i’ll have to wait for season 3 but also. season 2 was a story about grief. it was about separation and it was about having to come together in the worst of times to save what matters most. the mystery surrounding ashe and the trickster and mark and david and bell tech and vyncent’s world and dakota’s past and william’s future,, all of it has been insane to experience over the course of two ish months. and idk i’m just. not ready, i guess, for this to end </3 like. with ashe back the group is gonna be whole again and they’re gonna get the peace they so greatly deserve but it’s gonna be left behind. they’re not gonna be flying a car chasing after an otherworldly lich anymore. there’s not gonna be vyncent jumping off s building for william, there’s not gonna be cantrip betting against him kissing vyncent. there’s not even gonna be a cantrip.
aughh i just. im gonna be stuck perpetually missing them all until season 3 now. i’ve never been so hyperfixated and emotionally attached to a piece of media before, except maybe 2020. this gay ass fucking podcast is so fucking evil it won’t ever leave my brain 👍
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probablyfunrpgideas · 6 months
Adventure Location: The Caustic Cataract
From the towering heights of a rocky peak, a waterfall of green slime cascades and roars as it falls into a pool below. Nothing can live on the cliff face or the nearby area, as the slime burns into vegetation and flesh with terrible force. A great place for a dramatic confrontation, a sinister experiment, a ritual resurrection...
Potential settings: if this is in some remote region of your world, it might be the blood or venom of some enormous subterranean beast! Pathfinder has the imprisoned god Rovagug who might spit up toxic bile through the earth - perhaps this place is congealing into an Immortal Ichor, a sinister ooze with divine power. Or maybe such a strange landform isn't found on the Material Plane at all! In Planescape or another otherworldly setting, the acidic slime pouring from the heart of this mountain could be an elemental or philosophical essence. Adventurers visiting this place might be seeking a portal to the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze or the soul jar of a lich, constantly bathed in pure evil.
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HORUS Sibriex
I don't have a HORUS bias, you do!
The HORUS Sibriex is an otherworldly frame scavenged from a particular iron fall (a phenomenon where "metal clumps" crash to the surface). Reusing the firmware ://absoluteSolver, the Sibriex has a mysterious control over reality.
The namesake of the Sibriex is a DND demon that resembles a bloated bag of flesh bounded by chains, it possesses both a poisonous bile and an ability to corrupt other creatures, I found it an interesting point of inspiration. Focusing in the idea of transmission, the Sibriex frame inherits it's namesakes ability to shape reality. This becomes the center of the frame's identity, reality warping and transmutation. Adding to this inspiration, I splashed in the alchemy, even some of the spiritual stuff.
As a form of balance for the implications of reality warping, the sensors of the Sibriex is minute (3). This forces the Sibriex into the role of a striker/controller, relying on hit and run to stay safe.
On a complete different note, I wanted to invoke the imagery of the chains hanging off of the Sibriex. Rather than having actual chains, I took liberty and reimagined them as being the metallic arms of the frame. And then I gave them more arms, and more arms, and more arms. The Sibriex is a size 2 in its space profile, but it only counts as a size 0.5 for engagement (in terms of stopping hostile movement) as 90% of its volume is dedicated to numerous spindly, puppet-socketed arms. Its body, in my mind at least, is vaguely similar to the Lich art just with thousands of basically spider legs popping out of its back.
These legs, represented in the game by the Thousand Legged trait, grants the Sibriex the following effects:
Above mentioned 0.5 engagement size for hostiles (it counts itself as size 2 when moving)
The spider climb esc ability of that one Death Head system
The effects of Stable Structure
Ignored difficulty terrain (long legs yk?)
All of its weapons have threat out to its sensor range (which is considered maximum length of the legs, sensor=3)
To counterbalance all of the free systems the Sibri gets, it is also fragile (spindly, fragile spider legs)
The Sibriex's reality warping is manifested best by its core passive, an action that allows the Sibriex to change itself or a target within sensors, each coming with a potential benefit or downside. These changes include but are not limited to stripping the biological tag from a target (causing temporary metallic growths within them), impairing the target but giving them resistance, becoming temporarily exposed but granting a free quick action, Slowed (unable to boost) but a bonus to base speed, becomes invisible but they trest every other character as invisible, and making them jammed but making them really good at the actions they can still perform and immunity to tech actions. With a high action cost, a bit of self heat, and resistable with a save, this Transmute action is powerful but swingy.
For its core active, Sibriex wields a black hole. It's basically a souped up Displacer shot without any heat cost.
(LL1) Modeler Talon - a sp costing main melee weapon that on hit allows you to choose 1 way to mess with your target. On crit, you choose 2 ways :). When used against an ally, you auto hit, it isn't an attack, and doesn't deal damage.
(LL1) Transmitter Drone - a drone with sensors, allies may use its Sensors for tech actions
(LL2) Sibri frame
(LL2) Transmutation Array - you strip your target of Fragile, Slow, Weak Computer, and Exposed Reactor, then give one of your choice to them. Useful to defensively boost an ally or offensively to make a character more vulnerable to something.
(LL2) Warped Munitions - it's a mod that basically gives variable damage
(LL3) NIDHOGG-Class NHP - an NHP that grants a protocol to basically coat weapon hits with a invade. You cant repeat Invade options using this physical form of data delivery.
(LL3) The Pursuit of Union - an alchemical reference that gives two invade options, both of which are debilitating. The first, Solar Blight, causes an escalated heat generation and burn by dealing 1 heat and burn as bonus damage when the target takes Heat. The second invade option, Lunar Punishment, slows the target and makes them take 1 AP energy damage when they gain heat (flash freeze and thaw causing problems). Target must waste actions to try to purge these viruses.
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rpgsandbox · 2 years
25 Magical Artifact Adventure Seeds
by Robb at readytorole.com
The Chaos Blade is said to be a sword forged in the fires of the world when it was still forming. The since ruined Temple of Order were the last known keepers of the accursed weapon but murmurs have emerged of many treasure hunters looking for it.
The rise of demons serving under the dark god has led to an increased search for the lost temple of the goddess of love. Her holy weapon, the maul Heartbreaker, is the only weapon known that could defeat the dark god, her former lover.
The Staff of Soulcatching has made its way into the hands of the mad queen and she is already abusing the powers of it. A rogue faction has been seeking adventurers brave enough to siege the castle before she siphons the souls of her entire city.
A pair of throwing daggers, Lionspride and Wolfspack, are entombed in a statue of two brother generals stabbing each other at their final battle. Many have tried to pry them from the statue but magic repels all but siblings from even trying.
A famous escape artist was once the owner of the aptly named Doordagger; a dagger that could carve a door into any surface. She and the crew of the ship that were detaining her met their end when she thought to carve a door into the bottom of the ship, not expecting to immediately flood the ship and drown with her captors.
Originally a gift to mortals by the god of nature, the Longbow of the Harvest can spread and speed up the growth of flora by being cast over any land. A group of misguided druids have gotten their hands on it and now spread briers and poisonous plants towards civilization as a way to make them atone for their perceived crimes against nature.
The Maze of the Laughing God is home to a few treasures and many a trap, but the only ones ever recovered were the Lockpick Bolts used to magically undo locks from a distance. After the last bolt was used by a notorious criminal they are said to have returned to the maze, waiting to be won again.
In the underground tunnels that run beneath the dwarven mountains the Stoneshield has fallen into the hands of the wretched trolls. While they are unsure of how to wield its power, their shaman king wears it as a belt buckle to mock those who once had it.
A shield known as The Tower is famous for its ability to house its wielder inside of a magical tower at a moment’s notice. However, after the last wielder refused to leave, many feared his death, and many more feared so after seeing and hearing signs of the undead coming from the magical tower.
The otherworldly Djinnplate, crafted by the efreeti and other djinn, was stored in a magic lamp much as they sometimes are imprisoned. The effects of this wondrous armor are not known to mortals, but that has not stopped dragons of terrible renown from fighting over the lamp that holds the relic.
The Crowfeather Robe has been the ire of many an adventurer who sought to slay the infamous lich of the wastes. Whenever his defeat is imminent he simply turns into a murder of crows, flying away and appearing at whatever crow is most suitable to him as he returns to his lair.
The Cloak of the Colorless once gave a mercenary power to best the most experienced swordsmen in single battle. Misconstruing the intent of the cloak, a dryad that lived inside of a painting lured the mercenary inside where he would be forced to live in color without a way out of the painting.
They say to be wary of old women gambling away magic garments on the side of the road to travelers. A hag is known to lose away the Twicehexed Mantle to those down on their luck, first bringing them great fortune and then having them lose it all and then some for the entertainment of the hag.
In the dungeon of woe lies a relic that is key to escaping through its mouse-sized hallways. The Belt of Shrinking allows the wearer to tighten the belt, growing smaller as they do so until they stop pulling on it, though loosening it doesn’t seem to make you grow any larger.
The tribes of the desert have a legend that says inside every shooting star is a ring that will imbue the wearer with the strength of the star itself. One recently crashed down in the desert and the tribes have been in conflict over it ever since.
On the wrist of a most loved king in an ancient tomb is the Bracelet of the Worldeater. The bracelet is said to have been the key to destroying the entire world and was given to the king as a way to stop it from falling into the wrong hands. The sight of skeletons stirring in the tomb has given way to a terrible feeling of despair around the world.
In the Hall of the Unseen is the Ring of the Observer, a ring which allows anyone looking through it to see any and all invisible matter. The irony is that the Hall of the Unseen can only be seen through the ring, but the ring itself is visible to any who approach the hall, unable to reach it through invisible walls and protected by invisible creatures.
The prince of the cloud giants wears the Sun Necklace as a bracelet around his wrist. In truth the necklace can command the sun stay where it is or call it in the night, but even when told the prince refuses to give it up or use its power for good.
A fanatical group of anti-magic crusaders have taken up the Nullmagic Axe as a way to stop the use of magic in the region. The axe has been able to slice through magical barriers and weapons with ease, and effectively cuts down those with magic in their veins.
Yesterday’s Orb allows one to scry into events of the past and get a true understanding of history. A cult of chronomancers have seen to taking and hiding the orb as they fear some might use its power to change the timeline of the world and alter history and future both.
Alongside many other banners outside of a dragon’s cave is the Stoneheart Banner. Simply being in the presence of the immaculate banner removes the fear from mortals in the face of certain death, which the dragon has come to appreciate as his meals become more frequent.
Underneath a landslide are the Boots of the Immovable. What is not immovable is the rest of the body of one wearing these boots, which was found bloody and flattened at the bottom of the landslide.
After the king was poisoned, it was discovered his chef had been using a mysterious Gemstone of Flavor that had the ability to mask or enhance the flavors of any ingredients. When asked why he would do such a thing to his king the chef replied that the gemstone told him to.
A thousand years ago, a crazed gnomish sorcerer created the Clockwork Cube of Destruction. It laid dormant in his workshop until recently when it was seen rolling around the countryside, slaughtering livestock by simply touching them.
The archmage has put out a discrete call for adventurers to retrieve a stolen artifact of his. He claims that a thief must have bypassed his magical securities to take his Bag of Portals, which can pull any creature from any plane of existence randomly.
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sageoffablesardowin · 4 months
Storytime with the Sage Part 3: The War of Sinew and Steel
Of all the mortal conflicts in Ardowin’s history, the War of Sinew and Steel may be the bloodiest of the unsung. I will spare the gruesome details in favor of historical events, but know that the battles were long and arduous, the casualties were enormous, and the implications, the world would later learn, could have changed the face of Ardowin forever.
During the winter of the year 4991 P.C., dark metal ships flying crimson banners emblazoned with crossed battleaxes dripping with blood arrived at the Northern coast of Whiskfeld. Any scholar will tell you the same. These ships appeared suddenly, quietly, and en mass, as is customary of the Red Fleet. They are the tip of the Blood Banner’s spear—deadly and efficient; ready to strike.
A bit of background: The Blood Banner is the name given to the goblinoid god Maglubiyet’s private army, and those living legions who devoted themselves to his cause. Legions of hobgoblins accompanied by allies of their kin whose tenacity for combat in life earned them a spot in Acheron’s most coveted army in death. The rank-and-file of the Blood Banner are no corpses, though; they are simply given new life, as well as an enhanced physicality through years of rigorous training on the cubes. What makes this army so potent, aside from their intrinsically war-bred culture, is their otherworldly nature. The army only ever becomes more deadly and efficient. When a soldier dies on the Material Plane, Maglubiyet judges them again, casting aside the souls of the weak and granting the souls of the strong a new place in the legions. They are a nigh unending force of death, stoppable only via mass defeat, as it takes some time for the spirits of the dead to manifest in Acheron and transport to the Material Plane.
The leader of the Blood Banner’s forces in 4991 was a zealous hobgoblin warlord named Grodnozud. His exploits in life were well known throughout the world. His own sect of the Blood Banner conquered swaths of land in Xeqash and Ashara, even once stretching into the great empire of Vrea and challenging the great city-state of Al’Sathir. He was finally defeated in the year 798 by Ka’Shah Anthuket, but that would only allow him to further dedicate himself to the God of Slaughter. With his new title of Blood Banner Imperator, Grodnozud would cement himself as one of the greatest threats Ardowin would ever face. And most would never lay eyes on him.
The Blood Banner arrived under cover behind the Winged Peaks, hiding the smoke of their ships in the mists and ruins strewn there by the remains of Fylac. They quickly spread throughout the upper regions of the continent, carving through the civilizations therein. Those who were captured were either put to work or put to the sword, as the societies in the North held no loyalties to the Southern countries and, as such, had no immediate protections from the Banner’s wrath.
Those countries, Eida, Nordac, and Siluma, known collectively as the Triumvirate, quickly moved into action when the Blood Banner’s war engines were spotted moving into their territories. As the forces closed in, the combined might of the Triumvirate’s legions pressed against them, leading to the creation of a battle line that would move only inches at a time for the next twenty-five years.
Some time around the year 5003, the Blood Banner uncovered the tomb of Tivor Valiant. The pact lich rose from his grave, offering dark aid to Grodnozud in exchange for territory in the Winged Peaks to finish his “work.” The Imperator agreed to his terms, and the Blood Banner would receive many years of aid from the mysterious members of the Black Order, an organization whose name had all but been lost to history by then. The might of the Black Order proved dangerous, but it would represent only a fraction of the terror to come.
As the conflict began, the dragons of Whiskfeld had entered a gentlewyrm’s agreement to remain uninvolved in direct conflict, for the sake of the landscape and the mortals’ lives. The battle was already so mingled and gruesome, any of their involvement would likely include a great deal of friendly fire. Thus, the Draconian Pact was signed, overseen by Thrakk Bahordraur, whose identity as a dracolich had not yet been revealed. In 5015, though, the Pact was broken.
During a massive offensive by the Blood Banner, Thrakk’s children descended upon the battleground in Eida. The red greatwyrm had evidently been intimate with the great Ilzinii, the Heart-Razer, another of Whiskfeld’s eldest dragons, and they had apparently given rise to three children. Kaldor, a terrifying beast whose scales were sharp as fangs and claws as wicked as blades, and Ragni, a lithe red dragon with an almost panther-like build and unprecedented speed and agility. The third child, however, was a product of Thrakk’s machination. The dracolich had cursed Ilzinii by implanting a bit of the Elemental Chaos in her heart, allowing for the reincarnation of Droga, the Living Volcano. Supposedly, this was done at the behest of Tivor himself, though that doesn’t align with the timeline of his tomb’s discovery, implying this bargain was made well before the conflict began. Indeed, these children were already hundreds of years old by the time they made their first appearance. Nobody believed they were Thrakk’s children until he claimed them at the next meeting of the Pact. He claimed that the bloodshed the mortals faced had far exceeded what might have been if the dragons had gotten involved from the beginning. So he broke the Pact and loosed his progeny on the fray. Only a handful survived that day. It would later be learned that he murdered Ilzinii during the final months of the conflict, as the Last Ditch infiltrated her home to try and obtain the sanction stone located in the lair and learned of her intention to betray Thrakk. The dracolich had been feeding the Blood Banner information and arcane secrets in order to bolster their forces, so that the Triumvirate might be weakened enough for him to swoop in and seize the land for himself.
Were it not for the Last Ditch, he might have succeeded in his plot. Fortunately, the adventuring party managed to infiltrate his volcanic lair in the Cinder Isles and narrowly defeat the dracolich before confronting the Tivor and the Black Order at the height of the Winged Peaks in the Battle of the Black Tower. It was there that they discovered only a small portion of the Blood Banner’s leadership was involved in the information trade with Thrakk, and that Thrakk had been working with the Black Order and Droga to attempt to return the Black Dawn to the world. One thing important to note about the Blood Banner, is that they are nothing if not stringent on their own rules of warfare. One of those rules is no underhanded warfare. They will happily fight with ferocity and bloodlust, but only by their own doctrines.
Thrakk and the Black Order had defied these doctrines time and time again, and to discover that their own leadership was involved was disgraceful to the Blood Banner at large. Grodnozud saw to the execution of several of those leaders himself, though some were present at the Battle of the Black Tower and were slain by the Last Ditch. The Blood Banner pulled its forces back after these revelations, and vowed to allow Whiskfeld time to rebuild before launching their next attack. They were sighted during a brief alliance with the forces of the Bane and the Abyss in Ashara, though it is believed that this was a small sect of Blood Banner exiles rather than the military itself, as their ships were not reminiscent of the Red Fleet.
Ever since, the world has waited on baited breath to see the Red Axes fly again, knowing that when they do, war will be only moments away.
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oldworldfantasyrp · 6 months
The skeletal envoy, a loyal servant of the great and beloved Tyrant King Settra, approached with an air of deference, the rattling of bones echoing in the majestic halls of the royal necropolis. His once-human voice, now an eerie rasp, resonated through the grand chamber as he addressed the mighty ruler seated upon the resplendent golden throne. The hushed speaking of various lesser tomb kings and their scions, Tomb Princes and Necrotects alike, died down as the messenger approached the dial upon which sat the great Tyrant himself.
Settra's form, once a mortal ruler, now transcended the boundaries of life and death. His decayed but resplendent regal attire draped over his skeletal frame, a stark contrast to the ethereal glow emanating from the golden circlet upon his desiccated brow. Lidless, immortal eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intensity, reflecting the millennia of wisdom and unyielding will that marked his undead existence.
"Most esteemed Settra the Imperishable," the messenger intoned with a deep bow, "I humbly bring forth tidings of envoys approaching the illustrious city of Great Khemri, seeking audience with your magnanimity."
In response, Settra, the cherished sovereign of the undead realm, commanded in a tone that brooked no dissent, "Ready a Legion of my Tomb Guard in regal attire. Instruct the revered Liche Priests to present themselves in a manner befitting our royal splendor. Let the living witness the opulence of our dominion, and may their hearts quiver in reverence."
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fyeahmeddy · 6 months
concept for that Lich possessed Marceline pic based on the fact that she still looks super chill and relaxed despite the Lich, unless deliberately acting the part, is at BEST distant and a little off, but her personality is intact, so consider the idea that she is literally SO chill that the Lich is able to warp her body but can't really affect her mind so she's a living jail cell for the lich. Also, the fact that she's half demon and thus technically an eldritch otherworldly entity that the Lich can't really affect might also have a role to play, but i like the idea that this is only 10 percent of the story. She's just so chill that the Lich gave up on trying to warp her mind, like the One Ring with Samwise
PB: "Marcy, what do you want for breakfast?"
The Lich: "The souls of the innocent!"
Marcy: "A bagel"
Lich: "NO!"
Marcy: "Two bagels"
BUT YEAH!!! Hunson is supposed to be the embodiment of Evil(tm) so Marcy should have gotten something from that. At the end, Marcy would probably end up being a waaaay too big of a vessel for The Lich to possess
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goldencruel · 6 months
1 + 2 +4 for both Tenet and Ahk'fete
9+8 for just Tenet Avern and 20 + 21 for just Ahk'fete!
( 🧡 -@zoneofsmites)
Thank you!
Tenet Avern
1. Why did you pick the race you did for your Tav?
Tenet is a Zariel teifling. I love the image of Zariel tieflings with their innate smite spells, there warriors of the Hells channeling otherworldly fury. I also wanted a protector of sorts for the grove tieflings, and to show a story of overcoming being almost destined to fail.
2. Why did you pick the class you did for your Tav?
Paladins are my favorite class. That's it. In all seriousness, I wanted a protector character that wasn't afraid to strike out and do what was right, consequences and hierarchy be damned. So I went with a vengeance paladin. Later, to sort of show their training with their love and joy Lae'zel, I added two levels of fighter.
4. How did you choose your Tav’s name, if you gave them a unique one?
Tenet is a virtue name, a common practice amongst tieflings in Faerûn, to show their dedication to upholding their oath and protecting others. Avern is a name they chose to show how they are unashamed of their heritage as a Zariel tiefling.
8. What deity, if any, does your character worship?
HELM HELM HELM! Helm is about being watchful, vigilant, never faltering. Tenet aspires to be as Helm, and trusts Helm to give them the power to protect those they love.
9. What is your Tav’s biggest priority or goal?
Before the events of the game, maybe reforming the Fist. Now, after the events of the game and leaving the Fist, their biggest goal is to aid their friends, rebuild Baldur's Gate, and protect their love and joy Lae'zel as she sends Vlaakith's head toppling from the lich-queen's shoulders into the Astral Sea. Freedom from tyranny for all, vengeance upon the tyrants.
1. Why did you pick the race you did for your Tav?
Ahk'fete is a Seladrine Drow. I wanted to make a character that was a romance for Wyll. So, I chose a drow that values art and life and the blade, a lineage usually seen as monstrous, yet one that is working towards the light.
2. Why did you pick the class you did for your Tav?
Ahk'fete is rogue 1, the rest is all eldritch knight fighter. I wanted to show how Menzoberranzan shaped him to be cunning and watchful, yet truly he excels in combat as a protector. Also, spellblade4spellblade with Wyll
4. How did you choose your Tav’s name, if you gave them a unique one?
Ahk'fete, if I looked at my Forgotten Realms Elven correctly, means the Fire of the Army, or the Army of Fire. A brilliant, passionate flame.
20. If you’re romancing anyone, why did your Tav fall for them? And why did that character fall for your Tav?
Ahk'fete fell for Wyll because Wyll appeared to be everything Ahk'fete wants to be! A charming hero, a spellsword, kind! And when Ahk'fete shows kindness and curiosity when Wyll transforms, I think they connect over being perceived as monsters, yet knowing they can rise above that.
21. If you’re romancing anyone, who fell first and who fell harder?
Ahk'fete fell first, the INSTANT they saw Wyll training those kids. Compared to the Horror that is life in Menzoberranzan, Wyll's compassion was... inspiring. I think Ahk'fete also fell harder, if just because finally he has something worth fighting for, family actually worth protecting, and someone that is earnest with them.
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dhampiravidi · 9 months
a laughing magician & a goddess walk into an otherworldly bar...
The Oblivion Bar wasn't Oraia's favorite place to get a drink. She wouldn't take a date there, but it was a great location to meet supernatural clients who demanded privacy. After all, the atmosphere stayed quiet, and only certain people could even find the entrance. The goddess, who was working in her capacity as an artifact dealer (and sort of a vigilante), had just been given a phylactery--an item which held the soul of a lich, to prevent the person from passing on. She was going to be the bait when a soul-devouring entity came calling. Then, using her death magic (for lack of a better term), she was going to free its victims and destroy the damn thing.
But no rush, because there was a scruffy, cute blond sitting at the bar. And she only walked away from an attractive prospect if she knew they weren't interested (or available). So she got up and took a seat right next to him.
"I'm sorry. I would've been here earlier, but I had business to take care of. D'you mind if I buy you a drink?" she asked, Classical Greek accent painting her words. It wasn't even her first language (more like her 6th or so). In her experience, though, people tended to think Greek sounded sexy.
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abyssfemme · 2 years
barb holland shouldn't have lived through what happened - she should've been revived after it happened.
she should've been pulled from the upside down screaming and spitting slugs, all too aware that she's known what's on the other side of our feeble lives. it should've changed her, let her give into the impulses she's held in her chest forever. she wouldn't have blamed nancy but she would've pulled away from her because nancy couldn't know what she'd been through. i think she would've pulled away from her family too, for the same reason. they'd smell the grave on her, think her a ghost under their shaking hands. i think she would've bonded with eddie, maybe tried pot, listened to music with him because they were both sort of strange by then. i think she'd have bonded with will, having been taken out of that terrifying place at the same time and seeing in his eyes a version of what she experiences - him with will and her with nancy. i think she'd have bonded with eleven, because el deserves a big sister who can show her cool music and hold her when she's scared. i don't know what her weapon of choice would've been, but she'd be bad at fighting. better at strategy. better at running with important things in her grasp - plans, tools, the kids. i think her eyes would've glowed like a cat's, a shine otherworldly. maybe she'd have had powers over the undead, like a lich since that's what she would've been. maybe she'd have no powers at all, save for her knowledge. i don't know who she would've been with if she'd have been with anyone at all. i know she would love with a fierceness she'd have never dreamt of. maybe she would've died again in a later season - fighting back russians or monsters or vecna or her own demons. maybe she would've made it out of that horrible decade and that haunted town. i don't think barb should've lived - i think she should've been revived, given a chance to change and grow instead of being cast into the void of the grave. that's what true justice would've looked like, i think.
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dorothea-jpg · 1 year
Fantasy Race Details Masterlist
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So these bios are my take on some classic and even some lesser-known fantasy and fictional races/species. For example classic races like orcs, elves and humans of course. Some lesser-known species and races might be Cecaelias and Dullahan though I'm not too sure haha.
Colour Codes:
Blue - Finished
Green - Started but unfinished
Pink - Not started
A Deep Dive Into Ceruleans (Original species)
A Deep Dive Into Mermaids
A Deep Dive Into Cecaelia
Giants/Native Earth People:
A Deep Dive Into Orcs
A Deep Dive Into Cyclopes
A Deep Dive Into Centaurs
A Deep Dive Into Humans
A Deep Dive Into Elves
A Deep Dive Into Werefolk
A Deep Dive Into Slime Humanoids
Ethereal/Born From Magic:
A Deep Dive Into Witches
A Deep Dive Into Fairies
A Deep Dive Into Elementals
A Deep Dive Into Liches
A Deep Dive Into Dullahan
A Deep Dive Into Object Heads
A Deep Dive Into Demons
A Deep Dive Into Angels
Mutants/Other Hybrid Affairs:
A Deep Dive Into Insectoids
A Deep Dive Into Avians
A Deep Dive Into Gorgons
A Deep Dive Into Goblins
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
So while looking for new monster x human movies one thing google recommended is Village which I remembered being a bit of a let down due to the truth behind the movie’s monsters. So I’m entertaining the idea of a rewrite so I can have some monster x human romance.
But while doing that I was curious where they are on the zero to tentacle scale as I never see anyone talk about them
Ah, The Village... Nowhere near as bad as Lady in the Water or The Happening, but definitely the first time that a lot of people had to look at M. Night Shamylan and go '...You're starting to push it.'
As for the 'monsters' from the movie
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So, there are some very interesting design-elements at work here. While the structure of the mask, particularly the snout, bring to mind an orc or a pig-demon, the wasting-away accents that the use of bone and the dry skin and hair would be something more seen in a Lich-like design or a ghoul.
Which, I mean, if you're trying to scare people into never leaving the boundaries of a village, good work.
I will say that the haphazard application of claws on the hands and boots do draw the eye in a negative way. Like 'I can not take you seriously, could you not have had someone help you glue these on straight?'
However, the overall size of these 'monsters', particularly how imposing they look when they're hunched over with the scarlet cloaks covering them does a good job in creating an otherworldly force to be reckoned with.
Just... Don't look too closely or too long for the sake of the illusion.
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leo-tauren · 24 days
Moon of Myugia prologue
The catacombs of Fort Bran were dimly lit, and the wind howled through the corridors. Several individuals wearing red robes walked in a procession toward a large chamber. The ritual was about to commence.
Filing into the room, Aydin brought up the rear. For years, he had waited for this moment, freeing the Lich Lord from his prison. The promise of a world without death usually made him ecstatic, but in these catacombs, everything felt wrong. Nervously, Aydin glanced around the room. Statues of different figures stood on each wall. It was too dark to make out who they were, save one.
One statue sat alone behind a small altar, sending shivers down Aydin's spine. It was a gaunt, bony figure with paper-thin skin, no nose, and empty black eye sockets. Most of its body was concealed in a cloak, and wings wrapped around it gave it an otherworldly appearance. This was the visage of Deld, Lord of necromancy and undeath. The statue's eyeless sockets seemed to survey the room in the dim flickering light, adding to the eerie atmosphere of the catacombs. Glancing at his comrades, Aydin saw their grim faces, the sweat trickling down their faces.
The metal clanking on stone echoed throughout the chamber as Lord Lucius entered. His heavy plate armor reflected little light, and the bones infused into the armor gave him a monstrous look in the dark corners of the chamber.
“Brothers,” Lucius spoke, his voice booming like thunder throughout the chamber. “ our time is at hand. The Lord of undeath shall soon be with us.” A roar of cheers filled the room. It was silenced by the raised hand of Lord Lucius. “This feat requires sacrifice,” Lucius continued. "Who among you wishes to volunteer?"
Someone approached the altar to volunteer. They lay on the altar with Lucius standing over them. With a swift thrust of a sword and a scream of agony, the volunteer's blood spilled out upon the altar. The lights flickered and dimmed as a shadow enveloped the statue behind the altar. It appeared as a giant humanoid shape with its arms spread at full length, and a voice filled the chamber.
"For this gift, I offer one of my own—a gift of pain and life."
A skinless body crawled out of the shadow's torso. As it entered the room, murmurs of confusion and disappointment bounced from person to person.
Aydin looked in awe at the body, examining every feature. Its muscles writhed like snakes, fangs protruded from its mouth, and its eyes darted around the room. This was not the lich god promised.
“You failed us, Lucius.” A voice barked from the gathering crowd. “Murdered our kin for nothing!” Shouted another. “Or perhaps this is a test of faith.” Lucius’ cold demeanor silenced the room. A laugh broke the silence.
The skinless body writhed with laughter, forcing itself to its feet. “A test,” it chuckled. Bones snapped, changing the body’s shape, and muscles broke free from its back, forming meaty tendrils." I am your reward."
This monstrous wolfman pounced on Lucius, blood spraying in the air. Mass panic ensued, and everyone rushed for the exit. Aydin stood paralyzed in fear. The wolf leaped from wall to wall, extinguishing each light in the room.
Aydin fumbled in the dark, clutching the stone walls. Screams echoed through the catacombs, disorienting Aydin as he ran through the maze of hallways. Slowly, the screams died out, and Aydin could only hear his footsteps. Shaking, he patted the walls in search of the exit.
The damp stone felt cold against his hands, and water dripped from the ceiling, calming him like rain on a sleepless night. With slow steps, Aydin navigated the maze until he could finally see sunbeams lighting the path. The doorway outside stood atop a steep flight of steps. Its radiant light illuminated the chamber and the mutilated bodies resting at the bottom of its steps.
Limbs were scattered throughout the chamber, and blood stained the stone floor red like wine. Something touched the ground behind Aydin. Its breath crept down his neck as it whispered in his ear." run."
Gripped with fear, Aydin bolted up the steps with his pursuer close behind. "I'm almost there," he kept repeating to himself. Stumbling on the last few steps, Aydin fell forward, feeling the warmth of the dry, sun-kissed stone beneath him. Eagerly, he gazed toward the sky, seeing the sun high above. He made it. He rose with a smile, basking in the warm light.
A tug came at Aydin's ankle, pulling him to the ground. A meaty tendril had wrapped around him, yanking him back into the darkness below. Pain radiated through him as bones broke, skin was torn, and limbs were lost. But what horrified Aydin the most was when he expected to die, for everything to turn cold and black, he didn't. He had been given what he wanted: a life without death and all the pain that comes with it.
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