#like her better thid way than what she was before
wampabampa · 1 month
Me when i look at one of my ocs and decide to make her a spiteful ass bitch just because i want too do a personality swap and draw my other ocs as bitchy
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Anyways this is so me when the dairy kicks in
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skyland2703 · 7 months
Write an ending without a beginning and Javelia? Possibly?
I was about to go down the lane of tragedy™️ for this one… and then I decided what better way to write my one true ending for Javelia—
“Feelings are… hard… Ollie.” Amelia smiled ruefully at the boy in blue hoodie, sitting next to her on the airplane seat, holding her hand.
He shrugged, and looked out of the window, a beautiful sunset had colored the sky in blue and pink hues, with a peeking golden in places, and clouds littering the horizon. It looked breathtaking, and if he were in this moment with anybody else— his mind wandered particularly to Aiyon, the Rafkonian loved the sunsets of Earth from the bottom of his heart— he’d have liked to share a kiss. But not here, not with Amelia. It wasn’t the time.
“Feelings are hard, Amelia” he nodded, a smile spreading onto his face.
“When did you know?”
“I’ve known for a while. Even if you’re here with me, you’re talking about Javi, thinking about Javi, or talking to Javi… your heart isn’t even here at all” he almost laughed, and then gently caressed the top of her palm, then looked into the distance, “I don’t blame you either…”
“You’ve been having feelings for someone else too, haven’t you?” Amelia asked, shaking her head, softly. She knew exactly who it was, she knew exactly how these things had happened— she and Javi had grown particularly close during such investigations, itself.
Ollie smiled, good naturedly, “like you said… feelings are hard”
Amelia closed her eyes, and rested her head on the extremely uncomfortable cushion of the airline’s economy class seat, and groaned. They’d decided to take this little “trip” to Hawaii so they could bond over, once again, renew their relationship, but it hadn’t even started, and they were on the verge of breaking apart.
“Did you ever… think of… cheating, Ollie?” The thought had crossed her mind numerous times. She remembered that time she and Javi had almost drunkenly fooled around, and stopped themselves just in time from the thought of Ollie. She wondered if Ollie had ever done something of the sort… that had been her very first doubt, what had caused her to enlist Javi’s help in her relationship, what had landed the two of them at such crossroads— with their best friend.
“I…” he frowned, “I’m not gonna lie, there were moments where it got dangerously close to that… but I never cheated on you, Amelia. I Never would.” He smiled, “even if I don’t love love you, I still love you. And I can never even think of hurting you that way”
She smiled, “I want you to know that I feel the same way, Ollie”
“I know” he smiled, “I just wish we had had thid talk before we got onto this plane… AND booked that honeymoon package.” He laughed.
“Hey” she punched his arm gently, “I’m teleporting back to Javi the second we land— and we’re getting Aiyon TO Hawaii after that. Just cuz we aren’t together anymore, doesn’t mean we can’t be happy” she winked.
“Does that mean it’s an official breakup?”
“It’s an official breakup. And it’s absolutely jot messy at all— Annnnd I’d thought it’d be so much messier….” She chuckled.
“You know… so had I— thank you for being so understanding. I thought you’d be all angry and irrational” be wriggled his eyebrows at her mischievously.
“Well, fuck you”
“Oh Aiyon will—“ his lips twisted in a sly smirk,
The flight had been awkward, really, really awkward, in a lot of places, but it was still better than it would’ve been had they not broken up, and continued in their now loveless, and even more awkward relationship. They were better off as friends, and with her stealing her airline issue cashew nuts in the small flight,
The Realisation that she had been in love with Javi for almost as long as she could had hit her repeatedly on her head, every time she thought about Javi— and she wondered why she had continued with Ollie for so long. Why was there a need to hurt the both of them, in the process, why was breaking up such a stigma, if it were this easy…
“Where are you, Javi?” She’d texted Javi as soon as she had gotten off at the Hawaii Airport, and readied to teleport back to where Javi was.
Javi’s reply was prompt, “hey Amm! All good? How was the flight?”
"Where are you"
"Still at the airport"
“Explain later. I’m coming back. Stay there.”
And then she had promptly ignored all texts he had sent her, panicking and asking her why was wrong, if everything was okay, if Ollie was coming back with her or not… Ollie must have texted Aiyon, but she wasn’t sure if Aiyon would tell Javi. They hadn’t particularly revealed anything to Aiyon either, but a part of wondered maybe he would know— maybe both the boys would be able to put two and two together.
She wanted to surprise Javi. She wanted to surprise him so bad. She needed to be in his arms, when she told him that she loved him.
Javi had stayed at the airport, sitting on one of the cool metal benches, where he had left Ollie and Amelia to board their flight at. The bright morning sun had faded into a dim glow, bathing the entire lounge in a yellowish-orange tinge, warm, soothing, and Javi's heavy heart told him that he should head back home... the girl he'd been in love with for three years, was long gone, and in another corner of the country, by now, with someone else... and why was he still there?
After the happy couple had boarded the flight, Javi had found himself sinking into one of the chairs, at a loss of words, not knowing what to do, feeling overwhelmed. And he'd sat there that way for who knew how long...
Until Amelia's text had come in... and then he knew exactly why he was still there. The Morphin Grid had set something up. She was coming back... there was something wrong, something that had happened, and she needed him right there.
He closed his eyes, his mind gently cascading over all the memories of him and Amelia together. There was something in the air, a little October chill, a little tinge of the fall, a little bit of warmth.
Then he heard the familiar whirring noise of a teleportation beam. It was distant, but Javi could place exactly what it was for... Amelia was here. She'd teleported to somewhere people wouldn't notice, and she was here... she was right here. His heart felt like it would come up into his throat.
He stood up, as he heard footsteps approaching him. There was a whole cacophony of noises around the world between them, but he knew her footsteps. He knew every rhythm by heart. And then, there she was... Standing in the same red jacket he had bid her goodbye in, a mere few hours ago, sunglasses pushed upwards, over her head.
Their eyes met across the distance, and he saw a blush move up her cheeks, as well as blood rushing into his own. Awkwardly, nervously, he raised a hand to wave at her. Just as awkwardly, she tilted her head, as if to take all of him in her, and keep the vision of him imprinted in her heart and soul.
And then she broke into a run. Javi had barely a second to process what was happening, and to brace himself, when she jumped into his waiting arms, wrapping her own around him, and he, while trying to maintain his balance, lifted her off her feet, and started spinning her around in the air, while still hugging her. He didn't need words to understand what had just happened between them— her expression, her gestures were enough to explain it all.
When he finally put her back onto the ground, he saw tears shining in her eyes, like a kaleidoscope, glittering in the evening glow.
"I love you Javi. I love you so, so much" she said, breathless, waiting for his reply.
"But Ol—"
"He knows." her smile was so wide, it could encompass entire galaxies, "It's you and me, now. You and me forever"
"No ifs and buts?" he asked, gently, her infectious smile was starting to spread onto his face too, and she shook her head, "I'm sorry for all that drama, but no, seriously, I'm all yours, baby. I promise"
He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against hers for the briefest moment. It was so gentle, so tentative that for a Amelia thought she had only imagined it— but then Javi was kissing her again, harder this time, passionately; her hair reached up into his hair, fingeres grazing through the soft locks, while his reached around to cup her face in his palms, frozen in time, and frozen in the moment... Nothing else mattered, nothing except the fact that they were together, together at last.
"I— I love you too" he croaked, gasping from breath from their kiss, and as they reluctantly broke apart, he placed his forehead against hers, and his fingers gently entangled with hers, "I've loved you from the beginning"
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valeskakingdom · 2 years
The Silent Bomber (part 24)
Time went by and a lot of stuff changed in Arkham. Almost everyone got thid certain electro shock therapy Hugo was talking about except Scarlet and a few others. It made them all change into harmless little retarded babies, who could do nothing but laugh, playing stupid games and being friendly in a childish - they were practically like infants. For Scarlet it was horrible. Not to mention she hated children, now she had to live with some - the worst thing though was, Oswald was one of them - her only, let's call him 'friend', the only one she could talk to. He was just gone! She tried talking to him but all he did was smiling at her and holding a speech why she should stop being so brutal towards others.
Helzinger was no option, he was just her little toy she used when she was bored.
Indeed she tried talking to the ones who haven't gotten the form of therapy, but they weren't her level. They just stared at her, awkwardly smiled at her, or asked her stupid questions like as if she has ever eaten human flesh. It was gross. She she tried to communicate with the guards. Every day she leaned against the grid and either seduced them - well she tried - or told thwm any jokes or did just small talk. She didnt care about whether they answered or not - just their attendance was much better than from the other inmates.
"So... Dave, right?" Scarlet pointed at one guard "Whats new in your life? We've talked so much about me. Now it's time to talk about you." Dave was one of the guards who talked to her, let's say they both got along well.
"I've heared a new criminal will arrive soon." He told her in a whisper, not everyone should become aware of that. Some would eventually start panicking or being too euphoric about it. The only reason he told her was, that secretly - and no ode of his colleagues should ever know that - he found her fascinating. He wasn't attracted to her, but the way she thought, the way she behaved, her acting - it was just marvelous. He wanted to learn from her, not the killing, but how someone could be that tough, how to give a fuck off everything. You must know, Dave wasn't the most popular guy beyond all his colleagues, so a serial killer as a friend would be such a good idea for sure.
"Oh really?" Scarlet became curious "Tell me something about it. Is it a he or a she? Is this person a killer? A cannibal? Or just a guy who's got insane through a traumatic past?" Of course, Scarlet knew that Dave wasn't her friend without a reason. She first thought it was simply sex, but it was not. When she heard about his interests she was fascinated and realized she could use him as a new toy easily. She didn't want to escape necessarily, she just needed information about people, about the asylum, about Hugo Strange. She wanted to be informed about everything before she could make any further plans.
"We don't know much about him." Dave told her.
"Oh, so it's a 'him'? What's his name?" Scarlet asked pleased. Secretly, her hopes became high through getting either someone who was like Jerome or even better. Not like she wanted to be in a relationship, but she needed a partner. Someone to talk, someone to make plans with...just to do everything together.
"We don't know. He won't say it." He shrugged "All we know about him is that he placed bombs on several parts of Gotham city to kill hundreds of people. Some already exploded, some stay hidden. The GCPD is searching for them everywhere."
"A bomber ...huh, he wants to be all mysterious, right? Ah, never mind, I will find a way to get some information about him. Breaking him won't be that hard" Scarlet said with a smirk "Did Dr.Strange plan something on him? Like with Oswald?"
"Not that I know of." Dave said "Why?"
"Good for me," Scarlet smirked "I can't stand being the only smart one beyond all these...whatever you call them. I need company. I need a friend in here. You understand me? Like how would you feel if you need to live with dogs together for weeks? As the only real human being?"
"I wouldn't feel any different than you do now" Dave admitted with a nod "I mean, just between you and me" Dave leaned his head a little closer to Scarlet "I'm the only good guy beyond all those assholes here"
"You see," Scarlet said with a nod "Lonliness is just gruesome, isn't it? Especially for people like me, or like us" Scarlet held tight on the grid and leaned her face in between - that was a part of her manipulation, she tried to sympathize with Dave that he would think that she'd be his real friend who understood him and who cared about him "We tend to overthink, we tend to become crazy...have you ever experienced that?"
"Oh I did, many times." Dave admitted "Basically every time my colleagues bully me or laugh at me because I'm not as clever as them. These thoughts I have," he paused "They depress me, they would depress everyone. Like I can hear my thoughts screaming at me. Have you ever experienced that? It's just awful."
"Oh, I know. I remember all the thoughts when my father abused me. Good that I chopped him!" Scarlet chuckled "You should do that, too. It can be fun! I could help you with that. I know many ways how to kill and torture people"
"No, I'll pass." Dave chuckled "I don't wanna end up in Arkham like you."
"But where are you now?" Scarlet frowned with a sarcastic smile. Of course, she knew he meant something different but practically it was still the same: He was in Arkham, not as an inmate but as a guard. Either being there through the job or as inmate, there was no big difference.
"Patel! Shut up and and move your ass away from the cell door!" Another guard suddenly yelled through the whole hallway when she saw the guards with another person being chained and dressed in the usual Arkham clothings - this had to be the new inmate.
"Dave, open the door!" The same guard yelled - and Dave did what he said. The usual horns were honking and the cell door opened - and here he came: the famous unknown bomber from Gotham city strolled over to the cell door. He was a real moster which seemed to impress Scarlet. He was tattooed, had scars on his face, he had some muscles, and the way he looked at people... gosh! He literally showed them all by eye contact that he was a beast. For Scarlet it was like a dream would come true, he seemed so perfect. He seemed to be perfect yet, he just needed to as intelligent as her now.
But that she will find out very soon.
Later that day, everybody was sitting on their banks, either talking, playing games like 'duck, duck, duck, goose' or else. Scarlet kept watching the new inmate for some while now. He was a quiet one, nothing really distracted him when he focused on some stuff like reading some newspapers. People tried talking to him but he avoided any kind of conversation. It was hard to talk to him, Scarlet needed to impress him anyhow. But with what? With her boobs? With her skills? What could impress a silent bomber besides bombs?
But of course, having no idea wouldn't stop Scarlet from trying. She had many ways to get people's attention or more: to become their friend.
The first thing she did was walking towards him and just staring at him. She didn't say a word. She didn't want to be like Jerome, so obtrusive and annoying in this case. No, silent people you had to treat differently. You needed to act cautiously as if they were helpless deers. You can't just throw them into the cold water. You needed to take care of them like a baby. You need to take their hands and conduct them - and that's what Scarlet was doing now. She took a seat in front of him and stared at him, examined him, his mimics, his gestures. Right now he was reading any book he took from the shelf in the back, he was extremely focused on it. Maybe he was a slow reader? Maybe this book was part of his interests? Presumably. Maybe if she read that book she would have a topic with him to talk about?Maybe with that she would get all his attention?
"Gimme that book" Scarlet bent over the table plate to grab it and tore the book from his hands "The Phantom Atlas," she said thinking while examining the book "Never heard of that. How's this book?"
But instead of an answer, the silent bomber just gave her a frowned look, pursing his lips and made his way to get the next book he could hopefully read in peace. He kinda seemed annoyed of her action. Like why did she need to bother him? He obviously showed that he wanted to stay a loner, that he didn't want to be a part of a stupid inmate team who tries to break out.
For Scarlet it became harder now. She really needed to think how to continue this all, so all she did was sitting and staring at him, looking what he was about to do now. But all he did was going back to the his seat with a new book, there was no further reaction, no further look at Scarlet - nothing. He acted like Scarlet's action has never happened.
"What for a book do you read now?" Scarlet looked at the cover kind of curiously, but it shocked her a little what she saw "The Bible? You don't really seem religious, or do you think God has spoken to you and told you to build the bombs to kill all the heathens?" Scarlet chuckled, but she immediately stopped when she saw he didn't even smiled but still ignored her "Jokes aside. The Bible is a disputed book in my eyes. You indeed can believe all the stuff that's written in there but that's far away from reality. Like a man who can split water? Please!"
The silent bomber looked up at her with a frown again as if he was about to say 'can you shut the fuck up?' Or 'What's your intention to talk now?'
"You're not much of a talker, huh?" Scarlet gave him a frowned look back "Wanna stay all mysterious that people mumble creepy things about you." Scarlet grinned. That all kinda reminded her of herself at her beginnings. She wasn't really different, well, she just talked a little more. But the attitude was the same, the demeanor was the same - it kinda was like she was trying to talk to her old herself.
As a reaction to her comment, he snorted with a slight laughter and shook his head while he continued reading. He was amused by her attempts to make him speak, but he also knew it wouldn't work. People who didn't interest him, weren't able to make him speak so easily. He was very stubborn in this case.
"Oh, wow you can react!" Scarlet let out a slight laughter, crossing her arms and leaning a little back "So you're not just a human stone."
"I can even speak if I wanna" The silent bomber gave her a cheeky answer with a sarcastic grin right before he went back reading. He just wanted her to shut up and leave him alone.
"What a surprise" Scarlet gave him a sarcastic grin back "Even more that you're a little snarky bitch. I thought you'd be a bit cooler"
"A bit cheeky for a teenager" The silent bomber clicked his tongue "Didn't your parents teach you manners? Oh, I forgot. Your dad preferred to abuse you. My bad" And so he kept reading his book. He knew he hit one of Scarlet's sensitive spots, so it was an easy thing to get rid of her.
"A bit insolent for someone who's not brave enough to kill people right away. Instead you're hiding anywhere in the back like a little baby and can't see what a mess your bomb causes."
The silent bomber kept being silent again. He kinda was impressed of her repertee - but this meant nothing. In his eyes, Scarlet was still an obnoxious brat with a big mouth.
"HAHA! Nice start for a conversation. But lets talk about the serious stuff," Scarlet looked around, making sure no one is listening "There's one little secret you should know" and so the silent bomber looked at her again. Not that he was interested, he just wanted to listen to what bullshit she had to say.
"Most of the people here are used as little toys for an experiment they used to call 'therapy'." Scarlet exaggerated a little to scare him, well she tried to. She wanted to give him the feeling that she was the save space in Arkham, that he needed to trust her and cope with her "I'm not lying. Every day they choose people to lead them into a room and torture them with electroshocks until they're debilitated little retarded kids."
"Hm, nice try" The silent bomber pursed his lips, being half convinced of her technique to show him she's the most trustworthy one here.
"Pardon?" Scarlet frowned. She didn't understand it quite right what he was meaning by that.
"I know you, Scarlet Patel. I know your father, your family, your murder stories," he leaned forward over the table plate that his head was close to Scarlet's "And I know your ways to manipulate people. I'm not like the others my dear. I don't fall for your stupid actions."
"I see, I've got quite famous over the time. What is said about me? I wanna know" Scarlet smirked amused. She liked to know that people were talking about her actions and behavior. She reached fame, a lot of fame apparently - good for her. So she knew she became a relevant figure in Gotham city - Someone no one wanted to deal with, someone who scared everybody, someone who had so much power that you wouldn't dare to try fighting them in any way.
"No one can trust you because you everything for your own good. You're an unfair player, and that's why no one wants to work with you anymore"
"But why should I use a warning for my own good? I just try to be friendly," Scarlet let out a slight laughter, she knew he was totally right - but - he shouldn't notice she was trying to manipulate now "You see my friend over there?" she pointed at Oswald who was now playing a game with others "Oswald Cobblepot"
The silent bomber looked over to Oswald and the others. He didn't seem to be impressed of him. How could he even? By hearsay, Oswald was a complete pinhead with a mommy complex and megalomania who never really managed to fulfill a plan or a mission.
"He's one of the few people who gets this certain electroshock therapy. Before we were sent to Arkham we both tried killing Theo Galavan together several times - you know the rest. We had so many plans, trying to fulfill them all... but now he's just a pathetic little worm who can be bumped off within seconds. He lost all his skills through this therapy." Scarlet sighed, looking at Oswald. He seemed so anxious now, so helpless like a deer. Every movement scared him off or outfaced him. He got easily overwhelmed with things like aggression, loud noises or upset. That was not him anymore. The real Oswald seemed to be gone.
"And now you need a new friend to boss around and benefit from." The silent bomber smirked amused, Scarlet was so pathetic in his eyes, she was so obvious and so easy to psych her. And she should be the most dangerous criminal in Gotham? Pffft, please!
"Now I need to friend who works with me on plans how to escape, how to pull all the inmates on our column to start a riot, and especially how to kill the head of all that - Hugo Strange."
"And why should I of all people help you now? Why not the big baldy in the back? He seems to be quite scary." And again he showed his cheeky side on Scarlet with a cheeky grin on his face, while he was pointing at Helzinger.
"You mean Helzinger? Nah, he's just my little boy toy if I'm bored. But what I need is a partner in crime, a partner who's a mastermind as I am, as brutal, as cruel, as chaotic as me. You understand? And I think you'd do a pretty good job as my partner."
"You're too cute, Patel," The silent bomber shook his head with a slight laughter "I decline working with a teenager, rather I'd work with one of these retarded bozos. And now stop wasting my time with your stupid babbling." And so he kept reading and ignored her attendance as if she was never sitting in front of him. He blended her out completely.
"Fine then," Scarlet stood up as if it was nothing "You'll see what you're missing" and so she went away.
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asgardwinter · 2 years
hey, bianca!!! I saw that you are accepting blurb asks and wanted to ask something!
it's for Joaquin Torres ( meu bebê ) and based on the song Idi0ta by Jão and the prompt "i could cry over how much i love you." from the 'sacred romantic moments prompt list'!!! I just think that thid song is basically him and it's so cute!
I hope this inspires you and also hope that you're doing okay!!! much love from a brazillian follower, beijão!! 💗💖
oiê, nonnie!! the first time i heard this song last year i thought of him (nosso bebê aksksak) imediatly and this request was just what i needed to make the dream happen!! beijão e espero que goste <33
Love You Like A Fool
summary | You were a fool for your best friend but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You could wait while he lived his life and if heartbreak found its way to you you’d deal with it. Joaquín was worth it.
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pairing | Joaquín Torres x fem!Reader
warnings | some angsty stuff, fluffy fluff (i can’t go full angst with my baby boy), implied smut, friends to fwb then back to friends to fwb again to lovers, some alcohol consumption
word count | 1,7k (i know i said blurbs but i went to edit and accidentaly added 1,2k of words, enjoy)
author’s note | this music… i hope y’all like this because i really enjoyed writing it! <3
i’m so sorry about the delay in posting (emergency meeting at my job and my glasses just broke ??? literally it happened while i was editing so i did edited without my glasses)
inspiration: idiota by jão + "i could cry over how much i love you" from the sacred romantic moments prompt list (bold lines are direct translated parts of the song and the prompt that was used)
Joaquín Torres Masterlist | join the taglist! | Main Masterlist
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You had no idea if it was his eyes or his hair. Who were you trying to fool? It was his whole pretty face that made you get lost just like you were. Your drink was forgotten on the table and whatever your friend Katy was saying became background noise. You could look at Joaquín Torres for hours and you wouldn’t complain.
“Girl, why do you keep doing this?” Katy asked knowing exactly what just happened by the zooned out look on your face. And that smile…
Oh, that was his smile.
“What?” You looked away from admiring your best friend from afar, not fully comprehending when the conversation changed from her new book to your little problem.
“Why do you keep giving your all into this relationship that is not really a relationship? I can see the lovey-dovey smile everytime he enters the room.”
“Because it makes me happy…?” It was the obvious answer to you, but not enough for Katy.
“And it’ll make you sad once it goes wrong.”
“I’ll take the risk.” You looked back at her, the words were even more serious than you meant for them to sound. “I…it might not be the ideal but what we have is enough. Is more than I even expected to.”
You looked back at where Joaquín standed talking with some of his friends. His eyes met his and he winked in your direction before going back into the conversation.
Katy might not have agreed with you but she knew better than to enter into a meaningless discussion. You’d already made up your mind months ago.
The first time you and Joaquín kissed was during a lazy night in that very small porch on your apartment. You had no idea how you managed to fit two of those folding beach chairs for you to just sit and drink, but there you were. It looked like a night just like all the others.
As you laughed a bit too much at something he said to you — so much you felt tears running down your cheeks — the atmosphere changed. Your eyes locked with his but it was different from the playful looks and suddenly you were so close you couldn’t measure the distance between you.
So close your lips were almost touching.
So close they did touch.
You weren’t sure if it was you or him that closed the space but in the end you were kissing and you didn’t want it to stop. It looked like Joaquín didn’t want to break it too, cradling your head between his hands to keep you there and suddenly you were sitting on his lap. The very few drinks weren’t enough to make you drunk but just the right amount to make you both forget that the folding chair wasn’t secure enough for you both.
The chair flipped and Joaquín hit his head on the floor and you hit your forehead on his. And then you both started laughing again and the cycle followed on.
It was a playful disaster just like your relationship was going to unfold.
Yet it was so funny and the way you felt when Joaquín looked at you with those hungry eyes made things worth it. The way you could feel how he cared about you in every touch and every kiss made it worth it.
Those memories made you forget the lingering pain on your heart when you remembered all you’d ever had was those little moments.
But you kept reminding yourself that it was worth it.
As much as you tried to keep your relationship with Joaquín as casual as you meant it to be, it hurt when he told you he was dating somebody else. Your heart was beaten up but you sat down and smiled, you said you were happy for him because as much as you wanted to be that other person all you ever wanted was to see Joaquín smile.
During nights out with your friends you’d look at the new couple and quickly look away. You had no idea but you kept the act, you kept denying to Katy that you were hurt and, after sometime, you almost convinced youself it was all right.
You’d wait while he was living in the hopes that he wouldn't forget about you both.
And Joaquín clearly didn’t forget about you both because one week after he and the girl he was dating broke up you ended up on his bed.
And you felt happy about it no matter how weird it could sound.
“Do you think it’s good for our friendship?” Joaquín asked you the second time it happened after that specific breakup.
“Always ending up like this.” Joaquín gestured to the bed, and the messy sheets and you could fully understand his point.
“I don’t know.” You confessed. “It’s been okay until now, right? But we don’t need to keep it like this if you’re not comfortable or…”
“I was worried about you not being comfortable.” He interrupted you, looking embarrased, slightly red cheeks only showing more his feelings. “I mean, how long haven’t you been in a relationship? I go away and come back and you’re always here.”
And I wouldn’t have it any other way, you thought sadly.
“Joaco, I have no problem with how things are.” You reassured him, your hand resting lightly on his cheek as you caressed his soft skin.
“Okay.” The smile he showed after your comfirmation made your heart swoon, but it quickly turned into a smirk, the one you knew was only a tiny hint of his next actions.
Joaquín came closer to your neck and started kissing softly, you went from giggling from the tingling to moaning as he got near your ear just to whisper. “I like how things are a lot actually.”
You turned your head searching for his lips, eagerly starting a kiss meant to lead on for more.
Yeah, you had absolutely no problem with how things were.
Well, it didn’t. And maybe you shoudn’t have been talking that near the man’s bathroom door.
The truth got out because of Katy.
Actually it was your fault for being so damn loud in one of your kareoke nights between friends but you were hoping Paula’s singing would hide your conversation.
But the next thing that happened was Joaquín giving you a ride home. A silent ride. It was so weird to not be talking or blating some cheesy music someone sang after kareoke night.
“Is anything wrong?” You asked him, the anxiety for his answer blooming on your chest.
“Nothing.” The smile he gave you was supposed to be reassuring, but the way it didn’t reach his eyes was even more preocupying.
“Joaquín, I know you.” You insisted. “What’s wrong?”
He parked the car on the side of the street just to look at you while asking it. His eyes were so serious and the speed of your heart could’ve easily overpowered a racing cart.
“Are you in love with me?” Joaquín blurted out.
“What?” The response was almost automatic. What did you do? How could he be aware of that?
“Are you in love with me?” He repeated his question, slower this time.
“Why would you think that?” You tried to play it off.
“I heard you talking to Katy about it today.” He explained and your blood went cold. He already knew the answer. “Is it true?”
Denying was the first idea you had, but if he listened to your full conversation there was no way Joaquín would believe it was just a joke between you and your friend. If everything was going to hell like that you might as well just say the truth out loud.
“It... it is true.”
He brathed heavily before carrying the conversation on. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because you’re my best friend?” It was so simple in your head.
“Well, best friends tell each other everything!”
“Usually friends avoid doing things that might end the friendship.”
“Our friendship hasn’t been so usual these past few years.” His point made something that was crystal clear in your mind turn blurry.
“I don’t know, okay?” You exploded and you were not proud of that. “In a way I just thought that this is all we can have. Joaquín, I could cry over how much I love you, it’s not a light feeling. I could keep going the way we were, it was somehow comfortable." You tried to turn all the mess in your head into comprehensible words. “I know you love me, just not in the way I love you and I could feel you cared about me in every moment we shared together. It’s more than most people have in any relationship in their lives. Why should I try to change that?”
His confused demeanor showed how he was trying to process everything you just said. “We stopped for me to start dating other people…”
“And here we are again.” Your smile had a different impact with the glassy eyes. “I can keep all those moments and you can have a safety net or…”
“Hey, you’re so much more than my safety net.” Joaquín stated firmly. “And…You don’t have to cry over how much you love me beacuse I love you too. Exactly in the way you thought I didn’t.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, I do. I just…You were so chill about all we did I tought it was really a casual thing, that there was no hope for more.”
“I guess I did a really good job at making it look like it. I was waiting for you to drop it at any moment.”
“I tried.” Joaquín confessed, remembering the failed dating attempt.
“I know.”
“I couldn’t.”
“I wish I knew this sooner.” You said thinking of all you could’ve had if you just taked this earlier.
“Well, now you know it.”
“Yes, I do.” You agreed, getting a bit closer to him without even realising. “I still feel like a fool though.”
You both laughed together, shifiting in your seats to get just a bit closer.
“Well, will you be my fool then?”
“I’ve always been.” You said, looking away from his brown eyes for a second just to see if it was real. “Will you be mine?”
“Forever if you let me.” Joaquín’s voice was getting lower as his forehead touched yours.
“I have no objections to that.”
“Great.” He whispered against your lips and kissed you deeply and lovingly before any witty comment could get out to extend the waiting.
And at the same time it was so familiar to the both of you it felt completely different with all those feelings out of their hiding spot. It was perfect.
Maybe you were a fool for that man, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Everything: @writing-for-marvel @ju5tyna20
Joaquín Torres: @1940sbuckybarnes @parkjammys @lovebyceleste @solitaszn
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch30 The Champion Cup P3
(WARNING: Character death mentioned and implied character death. If you need a visual on what Piers looks like with his hair down look here. Art not mine. Found it on Google. Also the backstories for the gym leaders are just for the story and not cannon as well. And Happy Valentines Day Everyone .)
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Went the sounds of the machine's living motherboard as it monitored the heartbeats of the living girl lying on the bed. The person groaning and shifting in her sleep. Her head slowly moving left and then right. Before slowly waking up. Your f/c eyes shifted from under your eyelids. What-....What happened? Everything was so, so dark. And your body felt so, so light. Like that feeling when you were just waking up every morning back and home. Groggy and almost impossible to wake up once you fell asleep....Is that what happened now? Were you fast asleep? Was this where you would finally wake up and be back home? Where your mother would yell at you to get up and scold you for your messy room and for being late again and how she raised you better than this and so on. Then what was that beeping noise? Your alarm clock? But you didn't remember it making a noise like that? Ever so slowly, your eyes opened and you woke up. The first thing you expected to see was the ceiling of your bedroom but that's not what greeted your poor eyes. Bright colors danced across your vision. So lovely and bright it was almost beautiful in a grim way. Smelled so clean too. One might've thought they'd died and went straight to heaven. Although ...you knew better than that, because heaven wouldn't give her such a strange sight. A hospital. What the-....What kind of crazy dream was this? You tried sitting up but stopped when the WORST headache you had ever felt before in your life sent a spike of pain through your body. You hissed immediately letting your hand shakily reach up and grab onto your sore head where you felt a goose egg. You...Must've hit your head or something. The pain in your body made flashes of pained white flash across yout face as if to match the white walls of the hospitals walls and ceiling, and everything else. White everywhere. And it smelt like too much cleaning supplies and lemon. That didn't compare to the sounds. The sounds of hospital staff running around outside the room, and the heart monitor keeping track of your heart rate to your left. It took you quite a while to fully wake and let your scrambled brain figure out where you were just staring around the place in total confusion, but you eventually did.
The memories SHOT back through you like lightning and you instantly froze. THE ETERNATUS BATTLE!! You would've sat it if your sore head let you. LEON!! HOP AND GLORIA!! AND VICTOR!! WHERE WERE THEY!? ...In fact..WHERE WERE YOU!? By the looks of it you can been taken to a hospital. Does that mean Leon and the others were taken here too?! The last thing you remembered was...was....Something hard hitting you. You hand tenderly rubbed at your head again. Well at least this explained why you were in the hospital, and you still hadn't gone home. But where was everyone else? Were they in the hospital too? Or were they back at home? You had no idea. You just hoped they were alright- CLICK! You jumped, hissing in pain a bit, and turned to the door as it opened, and your eyes widened as a middle aged blue haired man was in the doorway. He wore the typical doctor attire of a long white coat, glasses, and a stethoscope around his neck with a clipboard in his hands. He paused see you staring back at him from the bed but soon smiled.
"Ah! You're finally awake I see," he greeted before closing the door behind him and approaching the bed. "That's good to know! You were out for almost a week."
"A WEEK!?," you asked shocked.
"No. I said almost a week," he corrected you and hummed. "Miss.." He looked back down to the clipboard he held to read the name back on it. "Y/n L/n. Cause of unconsciousness was a heavy object slamming into you at a great force and speed, and yet no concussions or trauma. Other than some soreness or pain your body may experience, I don't see anything concerning except for perhaps how long you were out cold. You're very lucky considering, Ma'am."
"LEON!!" You shouted and tried to sit up but had to stop because your head shot out another pang of pain when you moved all of a sudden.
"Careful there. You still need to take it easy until we'll sure there's nothing's wrong."
"LEON!!", you interrupted him holding your head and opening one eye up at him, "I-..I was with some people b-before I got hit. Are they ok?"
"Oh. You must mean the Champion then," he said calmly going back to his clipboard, "He's still here, and he's doing fine. Just some bruises and scrapes. Nothing really too serious considering what he went through....." He glanced up over his glasses at you with narrowed eyes. "You both are very, very lucky to have gotten out unharmed."
"T-There was some others! Two kids! W-Where are they-"
"I can assure you they're all doing ok. But for now, I need to check up on a few things concerning you're physical health." And he took off his sethoscope.
You sat there and just let the doctor run through his tests. Listing to your heartbeats, testing your breathing, opening your mouth and saying 'Ah', shining that light in your eyes, having you follow his finger with just your eyes, checking your blood pressure, and some other basic things you've experienced before at doctor appointments. He seemed to be pleased with the results of it all and kept writing down notes on his clipboard.
"Are you experiencing any aches or pains anywhere? Or are you feeling strange in anyway?"
"My head hurts. A lot. But that's about it."
He nodded. "Then I shall send a nurse up with some prescribed painkillers. Everything seems to be checking out, but I want to keep you here for a few more days just to make sure. You can never be too careful."
Made sense, you were kinda still in shock over the whole situation. But there was still one thing that you had on your mind. You hand snagged onto the doctor's coat when he turned to leave causing him to look up at you. "Hey. You said Leon was here right? Well can you tell deliver a message for me? Tell him I'm alright. He's a friend of mine."
The doctor paused for a moment looking at you but he nodded and pulled away from you, letting the coat slip from your grip and your hand was still out in mid air as he left, and the door clicked behind him as he did. After a moment of just sitting there and staring at the door your hand slowly lowered back onto the bed and you laid back into that soft pillow. F/c eyes staring up at the too white ceiling like a giant white sheet over you. According to the doctor, Leon was ok which was good but what about everyone else? Were Hop and Gloria hurt at all? Was Victor alright? You hoped he listened to you and waited outside the city. Where was Silver then? You weren't worried about Victor and Silver too much. Victor had a good head on his shoulders and Silver could battle decently from what you've seen. They'd be alright. And you knew Leon was alright thanks to the doctor. But those two kids were the closest ones to Eternatus, they might've gotten hurt or something before Gloria managed to catch it like in game. But you were still worried they might've gotten hurt or worse. But no word of them showed up. You didn't know what time you woke up but it must've been around noon because a nurse soon showed up with lunch and those prescribed painkillers the doctor mentioned before. Thank goodness. You didn't stand this headache any longer. You tried asking the nurse about Leon or the others but she honestly didn't know anything and just made sure you took your medicine before leaving. Which didn't quell your worries but at least you got some food for your empty stomach. Compared to the other one time you were in the hospital for a broken leg, the food you were given wasn't that bad. It still had the kinda bland cardboard taste overly healthy foods in hospitals had, but you'd happily take it over the amount of trail mix and camping foods you were usual forced to eat on the road. After eating you again just laid there for...for...well who knows how long before noticing a TV and a TV remote just a little bit aways from you. Maybe some tv would help? HAHA!.....NOPE!! Every channel you flipped to had some kind of panicked news you would eventually change the channel away from.
"The Champion Cup interrupted by the giant red light luminating the sky-" Flip channel. "Chairman Rose has turned himself in confirming authorities' stories that he was behind the region wide attack-" Flip channel. "Investigations under way as Hammerlocke Stadium-" Flip channel. "The Unbeatable Champion hospitalized after-" Flip channel.....And you finally paused leaning back in your bed as a field of wild mudsdale was shown grazing in a field and someone hiding behind a bush with a cameraman spoke. "We've been following the wild herd for two days since the annual migration from the winter to the warmer fields near the oceanside. If you look over there the lead male of the heard dubbed Mountain has been stationed on the hill above the rest to observe the herd and keep on lookout for any possible outside dangers-"
You sat back and decided to watch the documentary about mudsdales and their annual migrations. Wasn't the worst thing to focus on and you could use something to clear your head. Plus, you liked learning about pokemon. Heh. If Hop was here he'd probably point out everything he knew about Mudsdales and what these people filming them were getting wrong about them....You shook your head and focused back on the mudsdales. You had to calm down. It won't help your headache unless you calmed your nerves and let your head rest for a moment. You weren't sure how long you laid there but it must've been for a good while because a nurse came back a while after to collect your lunch tray and delivered what you assumed was dinner as the sun set. Again you tried to ask about the others but the nurses either didn't know or didn't answer. Giving you your dinner as the dark approached. You ate dinner and fell asleep to the sounds of the nature documentary speaking bout mudsdales' eating habits. The next day you woke up to the TV still on, something about pokemon moves playing on TV, and the same things happened. This time a nurse and doctor came in with the nurse holding another tray of what must've been your breakfast and switched out the food trays as the doctor again through a typical check up and he seemed really happy not to find anything wrong with you thank goodness for that but that wasn't the first concern on your mind. You tried asking about your friends again but the doctor assured you the same things. Leon was fine and he didn't know of any child patients in the hospital, and of course the nurse didn't know anything. It frustrated you but on the bright side your headache was gone! So you could think clearly now at least. You just ended up watching more wild pokemon documentaries, this channel was called Pokemon Planet for a reason you guessed, and eating breakfast until around noon came and the door opened. You looked up expecting to see the afternoon nurse bringing your lunch but it wasn't a nurse. Or a doctor. Or any other hospital staff you knew of. Your eyes widened at who just walked in.
The Galarian Champion was dressed in those white pajama like clothes the hospital always dressed you in with some kind of slippers on his feet. His long purple hair tied up in a messy bun and his exposed skin covered in light bruises and scrapes and he had one black eye. He was....ALIVE!! A little banged up (which was expected from his encounter with that monster-) but ALIVE!! And he was right there staring at you with concern on his face, one hand holding onto the doorknob. After a moment of shocked staring you sat up.
"LEON!," you shouted a smile on your face as he sighed in relief and walked in. "Finally a familiar face! Boy am I glad to see you!''
He nodded as he shuffled on it a relieved look on his face now. "Same here. Things have been pretty chaotic this past week." He said while lifting a hand to rub his face.
You rolled your eyes. "Tell me about it! I've been stuck here wondering what the heck happened to you guys!" You paused-....Eyes widened as a thought struck you. Leon would know what happened to the guys! "THE GUYS!!" Leon blinked as you leaned forward suddenly worried stricken. "Where's the others!? Leon, what happened to Hop and Gloria!?"
"H-Hey, hey!," he tried to reassure you holding up his hands and leaning over a bit. "Calm down. They're both perfectly fine, so is Victor. They're with Raihan at the Rose of Rhondelands Hotel and his crew. They went there after the doc made sure they were all alright."
....You deflated with a long sigh back into the soft bed relief flooding all over you. "Thank GOSH." At least you finally got the answer you've been dying to have answered. "But what about you?" You looked up at him. "Are you alright?"
He nodded lowering his arms. "I'm fine, but I wanted to be sure you were too. You had everyone pretty scared when you were slammed to the ground like that."
You waved a hand. "I'm fine. I had a giant bump on my head and a REALLY bad headache, but they're both gone now. So don't worry. Besides the doctor said I was fine too anyways."
It was Leon's turn to sigh in relief as he breath and nodded. "That's good to hear. I was kinda worried you m-might've gotten hurt because of me-"
"Hey." You said cutting him off and making him blink. "I didn't get hurt because of you. Alright? You couldn't have physically made me help you. You didn't even know I was there in the first place. And we're both fine right? That's all that matter in the end. Isn't it?" ..You then scowled. "No one's to blame but the Chairman. What was that old windbag thinking!?"
Leon paused for a moment considering your words for a moment, before sighing and a hand came to rub the back of his neck. "Y-Yeah...I guess so. I just..I'm sorry about e-everything."
"Leon. None of this is your fault. You had no idea just like everyone else." You again paused...Wait. Speaking of everyone else. You rose a brow back at him. "Hey. What happened while I was out anyways? Is everyone else ok?"
Leon blinked for a moment before straightening his body and nodded. Crossing his arms. "Yeah. Everyone's as fine as they can be. The Vice Chairman's taken over and an entire investigation's been launched into looking into the League and Gym Challengers to see if anyone other than Oleana and her few chosen staff members were conspiring with him."
Your eyes widened. "..And...W-What was the result of the investigation?"
....He shook his head. "Well, a lot of the Gym Challengers and the League's family and staff was pretty quickly proven innocent as they are. It was....pretty scary for Hop and Gloria. But I think the fact those two saved everyone gave them some good credibility. The Gym leaders and I however ..took a bit more convincing but even the Chairman-..." He looked away. "Well...I guess Ex-Chairman Rose now. Even confessed we all had no idea. I think right now they're coming through that secret lap at Hammerlocke's powerplant for anymore evidence."
"What about that Rose guy?"
"He willingly turned himself into authorities. I don't know what sentence the judge will give him, but I know that any league staff and scientist who worked on Eternatus's resurrection with him was also arrested. But...I'm afraid Oleana managed to give Raihan the slip out of Hammerlocke. Don't worry. With Officer Jenny on the case I'm sure she won't get far."
You sighed. It.....It was over. Eternatus was captured. Everyone was ok. All the bad guys minus one were arrested. And you were still here. Which still confused you. Shouldn't you have gone home by now?? Or will you magically go home when the final battle of the Champion Cup is finally over? Or since the events are changed will you ever go home?? You still had no idea how you even GOT here in the first place!! By now you have accepted one thing. This COULDN'T possibly have been a lucid dream. Even if it was everything felt too real and, if it WAS, you would've most likely woken up by now especially after blacking out from that giant hit you took. So if this wasn't a dream...What happened to you? You weren't dead. Far from it. And you definitely weren't dreaming. So were you transported into a video game somehow? An alternate dimension? You didn't have the answers. Not yet anyways. You had no choice. You were going to have to wait until the final battle was over to see what would happen.
"That's good to hear. But what about the tournament?"
"The Vice Chairman already set orders for repairs for any damaged points Mr. Rose caused. The Champion Battle's been rescheduled for the beginning of next month."
Next month!? You were traveling Galar and were out long enough for an entire month to pass by into the next year!? "Already? Wow. You guys work fast!"
And for the first time since you've seen him today he gave a small smile and chuckled. "Yeah. Well it helps having a great Vice Chairman, and we can't let this just stop me from doing my duties as Champion. It'll help the masses calm and hopefully stop any panic."
That actually made more sense. You nodded. "....Hey. Where the heck are we anyways?"
"Wyndon Hospital. It's the best medical facility in Galar and for good reasons. As soon as I'm discharged I'm going to see what I can do to help with what's happened. Hopefully I can make sure no one worries too much." You didn't have any doubt he would too. Leon had a knack for being the fatherly big brother type that could calm anyone down. If he was out reassuring people then that'd be a big help. You blinked when Leon moved and when you saw his face, it looked...somber almost. Serious. But ..also genuine as he ended up looking at you again. "But beyond all of that, I did come here for a different reason." You blinked. "I-...Well, I-....I wanted to thank you for the everything."
Every- OH! He must meant when you got slammed by that giant roof tile. So you held up your hands. "H-Hey. No it's ok. I mean I would've done the same if it was Hop or Gloria-"
"No.." He shook his head before holding up his hands. "I-I mean yes! Thank you for that too! But I wasn't thanking you for that." he slowly lowered his hands. With a groan. "I-I mean I WAS but not JUST that. I-I was thanking you for. For everything you've done to help in general." You watched wide eyed as he gestured with his hands. "I-I mean helping out Hoppy and making sure the guys were safe a-and of course for the save back in Hammerlocke. And..you never asked for anything in return. I know there's not a lot of people who'd do that just out of the kindness of their own hearts." He smiled. "So maybe you getting chased our way by Corviknights wasn't such a bad thing after all. So..I mean it when I say thank you."
You stared at him silently for a long, long moment before smiling back at him. "Well thank you for all the help you gave me and the couple bucks that one time. How about we call it even between us and just don't owe each other anything, alright?"
Leon paused for a moment face scrunched up in thought as if thinking something over before nodding with a smile. "Alright then. Even. Man. I wonder what Piers is gonna say about this once he hears what you said."
Your head perked up at the familiar name. "Piers?"
He nodded. "Yeah. He was pretty banged up from that Max Steepspike attack during his and Raihan's battle. Then the whole thing happened between the Chairman and such and they kept him here until they could investigate the League. In fact I don't think they've discharged him yet. I'm still waiting for the ok from the doc myself before leaving. I'm pretty sure he's having Marnie stay with Sonia until he can leave too."
Hot Pink was here? How hurt was he from Raihan's battle to warrant a stay for over a month? Or maybe he was still being investigated or something as well? You didn't know. As long as you knew Marnie and Piers were ok that's all that mattered in the end.
"Mr. Leon." You both looked behind you and towards the door Leon had left open to see a nurse was there. In her hands was another lunch tray with food on it you assumed was for you. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's a very important visitor to see you."
"Huh? Oh. Alright. Guess I should head down now before I accidentally lose my way there too."
"You got lost again?"
He gave a nervous chuckle. "W-Well, I meant to chat with you this morning but on my way to your room I accidentally ended up in the cafeteria, bathroom, and the childrens' wing. Then the kids got so excited to see me I had to stay for a little bit to cheer them up before finally getting here."
....You sighed. Classic Leon. "Maybe you should just hand me the food and have the nurse take you there."
"Huh? Oh yeah! That's not a bad idea actually. I-I'll see you around ok?," he said as he turned, "And I'll definitely let the others know the good news about you being ok."
"Hey. No sweat. Just don't get on the roof again."
You waved to Leon and the nurse as she left and then left to you assume escort the guy to whoever the important visitor was after switching out your trays. Maybe it was Hop or Sonia? Those two seemed the most likely being his brother and crush- I mean best childhood friend. You however felt relieved knowing everyone was ok. At least you could relax for a little bit and not worry about anything for just a moment. The rest of the day was just like the last and so was the next day when Leon didn't show up. You had the impression he must've been discharged by now he was talking and with the important visitor. And continued the next two days as you sat there sometimes standing up to walk around and letting your muscles work but without the discharge you couldn't leave and with no visitors it was...Too quiet for your liking. But things would change the next day. The hospital was quiet that day today. Not like you weren't already used to this right now. You had lost count already of how much time had flown by with you laying in bed all by yourself and not being able to do much but just sit there staring blindly to the direction of the TV screen and as whatever you decided to put on played. The remote from the dresser next to you soon found a new home as it stayed in your lap now most of these days so you could change the channels and turn the volume up or down. You stared at the screen and watched as a woman explained how to properly care for any abandoned pokemon eggs you may find but you were more interested in the two baby purloins playing in the background behind her. Making you chuckle. It was the closest thing you'd get to funny cat videos anyways. Might as well enjoy it and it was cute. You were just watching the TV when all of a sudden- KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!!! Your head snapped over as your body leaned up and you ended up blinking at the door. What the- Someone was knocking at your door. ..And you were confused. Who could be knocking at your door now? If it was a doctor or nurse they'd just open the door and walk in, and you were just given breakfast so it couldn't be them. And Leon would've done the same thing as he did it before so....Who was knocking on your door? You jumped when the knocks came again louder and you blinked at the door again. Before raising a brow and a thought hit you. Leon said he'd tell the guys you were ok! Maybe one of them came to see you like he did! The thought made you instantly perk up and you spoke when the knocks came for a third time.
"Come in!"
You watched and waited with a smile on your face. Expecting Leon, Gloria, Hop, Victor, or maybe even Sonia. But when the door opened your happy smile turned into one of shock when you saw exactly who was on the other side. Who calmly opened the door and slowly stepped inside and closed the door behind him before you even got the chance to register who exactly showed up after breakfast. Who also walked right up to you as you still stared at the much taller man walking up to you. His shadow falling across the bed from the morning sun through the window. IT. WAS. PIERS!! Wha-....What was he doing here!? The taller pale man stood there silently staring at you and you stared back shocked to see him there. He looked...So different. He was wearing that same hospital clothes and slippers you had seen Leon wearing previously, but what was so different was the fact his left arm was all wrapped up in an obvious cast and sling around his shoulders, and his long hair which was normally style up in a ponytail was all down. And without all that hair gel you suspected he used to give himself that spiked hair look, it was all waving and very glossy and soft looking, like he took very good care of it, and it stopped at about his hips in length, his bangs covering up the view of one of his eyes. But by what you saw, the dark circles that had previously here were ...Well gone and while he was naturally pale skinned it seemed a touch of color returned to his cheeks. He looked...Well, really nice. Really, REALLY nice. ...Buuut that's not what your mind chose to focus on. It was the sling and cast decorating his left arm that drew your attention. You stared at it. Hey. Wait a second. Didn't Leon say that Piers got a little banged up in his battle against Raihan?
You blinked your attention back up to the man who still silently waited for you to acknowledge him. "PIERS!" You smiled and he seemed to perk up a bit at you addressing him. "I-..Wow! I haven't seen you in forever! Oh gosh. Are you ok!?" You said holding up your hands towards his arm but not touching him. "Oh jeez. That looks painful."
Piers slowly looked to his own arm before shrugging it off and finally talking to you. "I'll live."
"What happened?"
"Fractured my arm 'ere, but don't worry 'bout it," he assured you holding up his good hand as your eyes widened, "The doc said I should be good in about ten to twelve weeks. Considerin' I've been here for 'round four weeks now, 'm about a quarter of the way done healin' anyways."
...You did sigh a little bit from that, but still you didn't like seeing these guys hurt. "Well that's something good I guess. What are you doing here though? Shouldn't you be resting?"...Wait- "And where's Marnie-" You paused as a hand grabbed your shoulder.
"Relax," he said simply before letting you go. You blinked and watched as a loud scrape sound entered the air and Piers used his good hand to drag a free chair against the wall over towards the side of the bed and stopped before plopping himself down on it backwards and let his good arm rest across the back now eye level with you. "She's with Sunny. So don't worry about her. But ta answer your other question, m' here ta see how you were, and because 'm bored. Nothing here is really entertaining to me."
That made you blink. Not entertaining enough for him? Well for him you supposed that was true. Piers was both a gym leader and rockstar. For both jobs he was famous and would be in the public spotlight a lot compared to a normal person, so he probably was used to doing something related to either job compared to the quiet buzz the hospital provided. Not that you blamed him kinda tired of the quiet place yourself. So it was understandable he'd want to hang out with someone he kinda knew anyways and you were glad to have him! It beat just standing around by yourself waiting for the doctor to grant you a discharge from the hospital. And you were really happy to see him. Even if you didn't know why so much.
You smiled widely leaning back into the bed as he watched. "Heh. And you're hoping I'd do something that's gonna make you laugh again right?"
...He smiled. "I guess ya called me out for it, huh?" He shook his head making his long flowing hair shake. "Yeah. Marn-Marn can't visit all the time and I'd rather have her stay with Sunny than walk all by herself in these times to visit me. That way I know she's safe and sound."
"Sunny? Is that a member of your team?"
He shook his head again with a huff. "Nah. That's Sonia. Sunny's jus' a nickname I call 'er." Oh. So its one of his nicknames for people like Leo or Rai-Rai. He tilted his head at her. "But yeah..It's been crazy out there. Bloody Chairman and bloody Oleana doin' all this mess."
"Actually Oleana managed to escape from police,'' you said with a scowl and your hands gripped the blankets beneath you just thinking about it.
Piers however blinked at you interested. "Oh really?"
You nodded and he hummed. "UGH!! Now I wished I never apologized to her back in Hulbury!"
He paused...blinking at you for a moment before closing his eyes and shaking his head. And holding up his good hand. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Wait." He then pointed his good hand at you. "You met up with those two in Hulbury?" You nodded. "How? And what the bloody heck did ya apologize to those two for?"
You made a humming sound and rolled your eyes to look away from his intense curious gaze, chuckling nervously. "Ahehe. W-Well nothing TOO trouble. I juuust may have mentioned that...Well she was too skinny to throw her weight around like some head honcho a-and her heels made her s-so tall her head was in the clouds."
"SNRK!!" You ended up looking back to him and found yourself looking back to him. Piers's good hand was over his mouth again and you saw the telltale signs of his shoulders shaking slightly. You knew that look. He was about to laugh again- "PFFFT!! Ahahahahaha!!" Aaannnd there it was. But you weren't annoyed. You smiled seeing him happy and laughing again with that smile on his face. "Ahahahahaha!! Y-Ya really said t-t-that to 'er!?"
"As real as the black and white combo of your hair." You smiled wider as he continued laughing. Piers looked so different laughing compared to his usual default neutral look yet...he looked exactly the same as well.
"Hehehehehe. *gasp*O-Oh Arceus!" His good arm wiped at his face as he smiled and came down from his laughing fit. "T-That's what I needed! *sigh* I really needed a good pick me up. I swear you get yourself into the darndest of situations."
You nodded. "Yeah. You can say that again. Being chased by Corvinknight, nearly getting in trouble with the league multiple times, becoming a babysitter, chasing people half way across the country, got my shoulder hurt, and then getting sumo wrestler style slammed by something and ending up in the hospital." You paused as a thought hit you at the mentioned of you in the hospital. "...Crap." He watched as you flopped back into the bed and you groaned as your hands grabbed at your eyes. "I'm going to have a giant hospital bill after this! And I don't have anymore money!"
"Oh. That reminds me. Leo asked me to tell ya he already covered your entire stay here."
...Your hands dragged down your face until you were staring at Piers through your fingers. ".....Say WHAT!?"
He nodded totally casual. "Oh yeah. The moment he was released a couple days ago he came ta me an' asked me ta let ya know he'd already made arrangements to pay your bill as a thank you." You opened your mouth- "He also told me you'd try ta say something against it so he told me to tell you another thing. *ahem* 'Tell her that this makes us even steven and not to try to put herself in danger again. Paying her back for saving my life is the least I could do'."
You stared at him for a long moment before dragging your hands the rest of the way off your face groaning. "Yeah. That'd definitely something he'd pull. Well at least we're even now." And you wouldn't have to worry about having to pay a gigantic bill.
"Oh. He also asked me to tell ya not ta worry about your stuff or pokemon pal. They're takin' good care of 'em."
"Well at least I know Silver's ok. Where is he now?"
"Preparin' for the rescheduled Champion Cup Match two days from now."
"Two days!?" He nodded again. "Man. I know I said it before but again. You guys work FAST!"
He chuckled. "Well that's the reason we're still here but Leo isn't. No one's being discharged from the hospitals until the Champion match is finally over."
"Oh...I see." You turned back up to stare at the ceiling and Piers still watched you...but when you didn't look back to him his small smile slowly disappeared. "W-Well. Guess I might as well be able to see it."
Piers hummed tilting his head with a brow raising. "You don't sound too enthusiastic about seeing Leo and Rai-Rai battle. Did Rai rub ya the wrong way that much?"
"What?" You looked at him before immediately putting up your hands. "OH NO! No, no, no, no. Nothing like that. Yeah Dragon Boy can be a bit...much but he's not a bad guy and I don't hate him. It's just that...Well I ...." You sighed again looking away from him. "I...might have to go back home after the finals are officially over. "
"Oh. You mean all the way back to the Kalos Region. Leo mentioned you being from there. Hm. Long way aways from here. Bloody half way across the world over the ocean even. That's a decent ways o' travelin'." Again you said nothing as you continued staring at the bright white ceiling and he picked up on your mood change very quickly. "You don't sound too excited about that either."
"Because I'm NOT!", you retorted back your fists slamming harmlessly against the mattress as your face scowled. Piers merely raising a confused brow at your sudden 180 in attitude. "I-....I don't WANT to go back!" Realization finally hit you as you stared wide eyed at the ceiling. It took you a while to realize it but..you finally did. You didn't WANT to go back. At least not like this. Not now! "I'm happy HERE! Why can't I just stay HERE!?"
Why...Why COULDN'T you just stay here? This was the BEST year of your life you ever had. You got to DO things you liked! You got to make friends and actually celebrate holidays! You could travel where ever you felt like it and earn money and eat foods that wasn't the overly healthy or cheap stuff your mother made you guys eat! You didn't have to worry about expectations or stress or walking on eggshells around your mother! You could relax and not be so pent up all the time! You could actually talk to people and do things that you never got the chance too because no one was breathing down your neck twenty four seven anymore! For once you...You felt...You ...felt...
''.....M' pretty sure ya can." You blinked. Having forgotten Piers was there for a moment and he stared at you in a way that was...familiar. Knowing. And a look that you couldn't look away from. As if he..he KNEW what you were going through personally. He gestured his hand to you. "I mean yer an adult and you're not any wanted criminal or nothin' I'm aware of. You can chose to stay where you wanna can't ya?"
You stared at him still before sighing through your nose and looking down. "It's not that simple. My....situation i-is...*sniff* I-It's h-hard to p-put into words." Crap! Your hands flew to wipe at your face. NO! NO! You weren't going to make a scene in front of someone who didn't deserve to have your problems thrown at him again! White- Your eyes blinked as something white flashed in front of your face before you realized Piers was silently holding out the tissue box to you. Silently you took the whole box setting it in your lap. "T-Thanks.''
He nodded and silently watched giving you a moment as you grabbed a tissue and began wiping at your eyes to compose yourself. After about ten seconds he spoke. "Sounds like whatever it is it's really buggin' ya.....Do ya wanna talk about it?"
....You looked at him like he grew another head. "W-What?!"
"I asked if ya wanna talk 'bout it. It might help."
"Y-Yeah I heard what you said but....Why!? We barely know one another and it's...kinda personal to share."
He nodded. "True, true. But you've already shared with me n' sometimes it's healthy to just vent your problems to someone." He leaned forward. "....And....It's sounds like you could use a moment to focus on yourself and have someone help you out for once instead of worrying 'bout everyone else and their problems." You didn't answer. Piers sighed out his nose and held up a hand closing his eyes. "Ya don't have to if you don't want to...But you have my word not a word will be spoken ta the others if ya chose."
What tumbled from your mouth was- "Why are you being so nice to me?"
....Blue eyes opened and STARED into your f/c ones. A shock like cold steel pressed against your skin shot through you and it was as if you already told him from how he looked at you. And VERY. Seriously. Said. "Because it's not your fault. I mean it. You're seriously just doin' the best you can in a really difficult situation. Yeah things might not be the best now, but I promise you they'll get better soon. Because you're a gal who doesn't give up. Not when even things look bad." Did....Did he use the same words you told him months ago in Spikemuth? Your confusion must've shown on your face because he gave a small huff. "There's a possibility that I might know what you're going through but it's up to you if you really wanna talk about it."
You continued to stare at him before your face dawned an unsure expression. "Gee Piers. I d-dunno. I don't wanna just dump it all on you. Are y-you sure you're ok with that?"
"Sometimes the best help you can get is just an ear to listen to you. So don't you worry about me. Just vent away."
Silence continued between you two as you stared at one another before you silently turned your gaze back up to the ceiling. Could you really talk to him? You didn't want to just unload your problems on someone else but it would be nice to have someone listen to you for once and if Piers did go through something similar then he might be able to help you. But what if you still went back after the final match? You'd just up and disappear without a trace and just leave him there with your problems but at this rate with the monkey wrench thrown into your plans you weren't even certain you could return anymore. Heck! You don't even know if you would've returned anyways once the main story ended! It was just the best shot you had at getting home during that time....Well SCREW IT THEN!! You were tired and for once you were actually going to do something for yourself! Even if it means you might not stay. Piers was right....It might help things.
"......Hmph. Where should I start?,'' you asked still staring at the ceiling and gesturing with a hand.
"Anywhere you want 's fine," he replied casually with a shrug. "Maybe when things first went south with yer mum?" You huffed a dry chuckle and he rose a brow. "Well from what ya mentioned durin' the semifinals last year it seemed things aren't good between yas."
"They aren't. It's more like she's a live in teacher who also criticizes every single thing I do and never let's me have fun."
"Yikes! She sounds like a nightmare ta live with honestly."
"She..Well, no." You furrowed your brows. "She was always difficult to deal with but it wasn't always on such a bad level." He hummed at you interested and while you didn't look at him, you could feel his eyes on you as your eyes stared sadly at the ceiling. T-That's....That's right. For as long as you could remember your mother never really gave you any gifts and if she did they were usually cheap ones like soap or a $5 shirt from the clearance isle to name a few. Things she considered 'More useful than those stupid games rotting your braincells.' It was usually your dad or friends...When you had them at least. "She...never did a whole lot but things weren't bad until my parents divorced when I was around eleven or twelve. That's when things were hard."
"...Hard in what ways?"
You shrugged still staring at the ceiling. "It's...h-hard to explain. But it's like as soon as he left a switch flipped. Everything was...wrong. Anything fun was wrong. Anything..I l-liked was wrong." ..You shrugged. "B-But then again thing's weren't easy once Dad left. E-Everything was more expensive now. M-Mom had to work a w-whole lot to support us."
"Wouldn't let you do anything?...You mean like those holidays and the guitar lessons ya mentioned earlier," he mumbled mostly to himself good hand rubbing his chin as if pieces of the puzzle were being put together.
But you nodded. "Yep. Everything was 'too expensive' now but I-I guess it's ok. I had chores, and studying, and my own jobs to keep me busy. Y'know I started my first jobs at twelve." You huffed. "Looots of babysitting and walking dogs and mowing lawns and tutoring and shoveling driveways to help pay the bills."
"..... I'm sorry. What? You were working that young to pay your mother's bills!?"
"Hm? Oh. Y-Yeah. Mom sometimes had to take double or triple shifts so she said I had to help between school and chores." You finally looked at him and he stared back at you. ".....What?"
"Bloody heck, Y/n! That wasn't 'er makin' ya help!" He tilted his head at you brows furrowed in concern. "She was usin' ya as free labor! No kid that young should be forced ta work!"
"I didn't have a choice!," you scowled and countered back, "Things were hard then. Mom just wanted me to focus on school and make sure a roof stayed over our heads-"
"If you were earnin' that money then you should've been able to at least keep half of it for yourself then!," he countered back making you go silent as an expression you had never seen before lit up his face. Anger. Pure anger and it was so different from his happy or neutral face that you leaned back and blinked. Anger in those blue electric eyes. "Ya said she never let ya celebrate holidays right?" ...You nodded. "THINK!! Has she ever done anything actually helpful for ya?! N' I'm not talking about makin' ya study like your life depended on it! 'M talking about socializing and doing things for yourself! Makin' memories! On Christmas I saw how much fun ya had. It was ...n-nice but it was like ya never got out of the house before."
......You ended up shoving your head away from him again, gripping the blanket and feeling yourself threatening to cry again. Before shaking your head no. "No...And if I was I was grounded! I was always either s-studying or working to help her. S-She said It was s-stupid to get distracted by that kind of stuff."
"Bloody. Freaking. CRAP!!" He facepalmed himself in anger but he wasn't angry at you. "So you never went ANYWHERE!?" You again shook you head no as a small hiccup escaped you. He let his face drop in disbelief. "Ok. You said you were always busy with school right? W-What about fieldtrips? Or the Prom? What about your friends? Surely ya had 'em right? You at least went on a date before right?"
"NO! Mom n-never signed a-anything to let me go, and any friend I had faded off because I w-was so busy or m-moved after highschool! I never even THOUGHT about dating before." You hiccupped again and Piers paused hearing you sniffle. "I went to d-dances alright! But just as a volunteer clean u-up crew so I could have credits for my college applic-c-cation."
"....Bloody heck. You were boxed in." He mumbled in disbelief as if he just solved the entire puzzle at last. "What about your dad?! Where was he?!"
"I DON'T KNOW!" You yelled at him snapping your now crying head up and he feel silent. Not flinching, but definitely went silent. "A-After the divorce he ghosted us after a month! I don't know where he went a-and I never saw him again! All I e-ever knew w-was that I was a-always supposed to 'help' and 'take care of her' and 'never do anything that's bad for me'! So yeah! Maybe this is all news to me know but I couldn't help it!"
"....Why didn't you move out then once you graduated high school?"
"I-I didn't have any money leftover after my mom charged me lots of rent when I hit my e-eighteenth b-birthday."
"Hold up! So you've never celebrated holidays or your birthday since you were eleven n' on your eighteenth BIRTHDAY you're mum demanded ya ta start payin' rent!?", he asked angrily scowling. "On your BIRTHDAY without even-.....Oh my Arceus!" You jumped when his fist angrily slammed down on the back on the chair he was sitting backwards on with a deep glare. "That's NOT a mother! That woman's a bloody narcissist! She wasn't makin' ya help her cuz she was having problems! Y/n that woman used ya for free labor and money because she saw an opportunity to!"
"Y-You weren't there-"
"Yer right! I wasn't!," he cut you off pointing at you, "But it's one thing to need to work! If your mum genuinely needed help paying the bills and you had no choice but ta help then that would've been different! But this bloody leech literally made you! Ya wanna know how I know that? Because any mom tryin' ta provide for 'er kids would've at least celebrate holidays and make the best memories she could with you. Ya don't need material things ta celebrate! HECK! Bloody Halloween is FREE! Just slap on a cheap paper mask and go 'round with a bag for candy! No money what so ever there!" You jumped as he leaned over and grabbed your shoulder. "Y/n. I'm sorry but that woman never earnt the title of 'Mother'."
You stared at him wide eyed eyes shiny from tears welling up in them ...Before one fell and then another and then another. Before you started crying again and your lips quivered and a sob escaped you as you did. Eyes closed as more sobs escaped you until you were full on crying as you sat there on the bed. The silence of the room drowned out in crying sounds as you did and after a moment the hand on your shoulder was removed only to be replaced when an arm wrapped around your shoulders and grabbed onto your other shoulder. You felt the mattress next to you dip as someone sat on it and you were pulled against someone's side.
"Shh. Shh. There, there." A soothing voice calmly told you as you sobbed into his shoulder. "That's it. Let it all out. It's ok to cry."
Well then if he was offering- You continued to sob long and hard as he continued to rub your back and your arm. Sometimes offering a word or two of comfort or encouragement until eventually after ten minutes the sobs and hiccups died down until you were all cried out and just leaning against Piers's good side as he patiently stared down at you.
"Fell better?" You nodded and went to wipe your face with your hands. "No don't do that." You blinked eyes pink at something white and squared Piers held up the tissue box that had been left on the bed. " 'Ere. Use this instead. It's better for you."
"..T-Thanks." You choked out while taking a couple and blowing your nose and cleaning your face up to compose yourself.
"'s no problem. Fell better?"
"Y-Yeah...A..LOT better actually. Feels like a giant car was driven off me finally."
He nodded. "Like I said before. Sometimes you just need an ear to listen to you and a shoulder to cry on."..He looked a bit at his good shoulder. "Sometimes literally. But you feel better afterwards."
"Y-Yeah. .....Piers, thanks."
"Oi. 'S not a problem. So don't worry about it. ...But chin up! She's all the way in Kalos across the ocean n' you're in Galar. The best region in the bloody world!" He smiled and gave you a nudge making your sniffling face look up at him. "Ya got friends 'ere. You're a bloody hero. An' I bet with that spunk of yours you'd get a good job anywhere here! You don't have ta go back! How long have ya been travelin' anyways?"
You sniffed one last time. "I-I...I haven't seen my mom for about..f-fourteen months now. Not since last January when I first got here."
"Well there ya go! You can do whatever ya bloody want now. An' if ya ask me you're a pretty fun person ta hang around."
You were about to say thank you to him when you paused...blinking when you remembered something Piers mentioned earlier and rose a brow. "H-Hang on. Y-You said that you might've known w-what I went through personally...Why did you say that? Did.." You hesitated to ask the last part but Piers again cut you off.
"Did I have a mum like that too?", he asked back raising a brow. You fell silent and he sighed through his nose, closing his eyes and looking up towards the ceiling. "Ta be honest. I dunno. I barely remember her ta be honest."
"....She died." You froze there stunned at what he just casually said. Piers felt your body stiffen against him and he sighed. "Yeah. There's no gettin' 'round it. She passed away when Marn-Marn was jus' a baby an' I was really young. I...dunno why as no one really told me. But I know she was sick around the time it happened so maybe that'd had something to do with it." He shrugged. "That's life I guess."
"Wha-...W-What about your Dad!? I mean-..." Your eyes widened as you gestured with your hands between the two of you not sure what to say to Piers who seemed to be at peace with what he said and didn't even look at you. "...I just...HUH!?"
"It's alright. I already made my peace with it and so has Marn-Marn as far as I can tell. As for our old man..." He shrugged. "Dunno. Last time I heard o' him was from the old gym leader. Passed away in some accident after we haven't seen him in years. But it's fine. Like I said I already made peace with myself and what happened. I'm not the only one who's been through something like this after all."
"What....Happened?" You again asked but it was the only thing your whirling mind could think of to ask in that moment.
This time Piers did look at you very seriously. "Oh. Ya really wanna know?" You nodded and he seemed...surprised. As if no one had ever asked him that before. Before turning his gaze down. Not closing his eyes but looking at his lap. "...Well. How do I explain this?"...He glanced at you from the corner of his eyes. "Do ya remember the reason those tots came into Rai-Rai's care?"
You blinked confused but nodded. Why would be ask you about Raihan? "Yeah. Their parents were arrested for pokemon poaching and he took them in and began training them."
He nodded. "Well our situation was kinda like that too. The old gym leader of Spikemuth took us in and began trainin' me to replace him right away so he could retire as soon as possible." He shrugged. "So I was kinda forced inta the roll of Gym Leader."
Your eyes widened. He....was taken in by the old gym leader of Spikemuth? But then that meant-.."You were forced into being the gym leader. ...Weren't you?" He slowly nodded. "What!? How could that old geezer do that to you!? You were just a kid and you didn't have a choice!"
"Actually I did have a choice but I chose to take on the responsibility."
"Wha-....That makes no sense. If you didn't want to be gym leader in the first place then why did you accept in the first place?"
"Because I may have had a choice but Marnie didn't. She was...too young. And she needed me. S-She.." He sucked in a shaky breath. "I couldn't let anything happen to her as well." You remained silent as his gestured to the floor at nothing. "Being Gym Leader would mean I'd get an important role with a good job and good money. Livin' with the old gym leader gave us a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs. I could be homeschooled by the old geezer and I could make sure Marn-Marn was taken cared of too. It...Wasn't what I wanted, but as a big brother it was what I needed. And now I have the chance to make things better and give her a bright future as well. Unlike me she actually wants to be Gym Leader so I'll make sure she'll get that chance."
You still stared at him silently for a long moment before smiling. Piers blinked and looked at you again as you patted his good arm. "I was right. You're a good big brother Piers. I wish I had someone like you around growing up."
...He cleared his throat and reached his hand up to fiddled with the collar of his shirt in place of his choker. "W-Well....I-I'm not the only one who's had to step up to help their family within the league."
"Like Raihan did right?" He nodded. And remembering what Sonia said back in Hulbury you decided to ask. "And Leon too. Right?" Piers noticeably paused. "I've seen him doing so much for Hop and the twins but he's not even related to Victor or Gloria yet he treats them no differently than he does Hop. Why?"
"........If I tell you-," he turned to you dead serious, "-ya gotta PROMISE me ya won't tell Leo anything about what m' 'bout to tell ya. Promise me."
You nodded. "I promise. And I've never broken a promise."
Piers still stared at you for a long moment before sighing and reaching his good hand up to rub his face. "......Well ta start off I just hope in the end I don't regret tellin' ya this. Next thing I should let ya know that Leo's mum and those Postwick Twins' mum were best friends growin' up so their families was always close regardless. But...Leo's father passed away from some kind of farm accident when his baby bro was too young ta even remember 'em."
You stared in shock. That's what happened?! "Wha-...How!? What happened?!"
Piers answered you with a shrug. "Dunno. He never says anything and I respect his boundaries enough to never bring it up. But I do know 'round the same time the twins' old man left without any warnin'." He shook his head. "A man leavin' his own wife with two newborns. I never met 'er but I always felt sorry for that woman. Leo really shined through being a big brother ta the three o' 'em."
So THAT'S what Sonia meant when she said Leon was the closest thing to a father figure the three had and why the three of them looked up to him so much. He like Piers stepped up and decided to do the best job he could taking care of them all.
"Wait. You said there was others in the League too besides you or Raihan. Then who else did something like that? Allister?"
Piers shook his head. "While Alli does suffer from a tragic fate it's no secret what happened to his family but Bea has been pretty close to 'em n' makin' sure he's alright. But before I tell ya, ya gotta promise me you won't spill anything I tell ya 'bout the others either." You nodded and he hummed. " 'Ight. I don't know all the details 'bout the others either an' I never asked."
"I understand. Just...tell me what you can."
He hummed fiddling more with his shirt's collar before sighing. "...Milo's basically raising his lil bro. They were raised by a their uncle and Milo's running both the farm and the gym, an' on top o' THAT he's trainin' his own lil bro to take over the gym for him so he could help his uncle out more. With 'em being disabled from a tractor accident n' all."
"Oh gosh. I feel so bad for him now." Now you felt bad about getting mad his wooloo bowled you over. He seemed so happy despite his situation. "I'm afraid to ask about the others now."
He waved you off. "Nah. Don't be. Not all o' us have tragic family dilemma. Kabu 'n Nessa and Bea are actually from pretty decent...normal families. As is Opal. And Rai-Rai's parents are really proud of him. But I know Gordie's n' his mum had a tense relationship."
"Yeah. That info was already gossip around them."
"Uh huh. But he's actually apologized to 'er."
....You looked at him. "He did wot?"
he nodded. "Yeah. Said some lady really tore him a new one and made him rethink things over. Then next thing I know he's apologized and been trying to make it up to Melony. ...Maybe tryin' a bit too hard but it seems ta be goin' well. Everyone seems ta be doin' better."
"Wow. That's...a lot for everyone to take on."
"Well in the end we're all only human even with pokemon. But it's what makes us stronger and come together as family." he smiled again. "So chin up! Things make look bad now, but like you said, it'll all be good in the end. Right?"
....You smiled at him still leaning against him and nodded. "Yeah. You're right. No matter what things are gonna be fine. *sigh*.....Piers. Thanks. I didn't know I even needed a talk like this."
He stared at you still platonically leaning against him before looking away and clearing his throat. Pink rising to his cheeks a bit. "'s not a p-problem. One good turn deserves another."
The rest of the day went by pretty normally until Piers had to leave back to his room and he didn't come back the day after which you were a little sad about. But the day after that he did come back and to watch the battle between Leon and Raihan with you and you weren't as worried as you thought you'd be. Maybe because you had company to watch the match with. You two just chatting like old friends who'd known each other forever and speaking to each other before the match started and you took time out to watch.....Leon won. Not to say that Raihan wasn't strong too because he surely gave Leon a run for his money. But in the end Leon did win and thus the Unbeatable Galar Region Champion Leon remained just that. Unbeatable and still standing strong with his title. And you waited with baited breath after he did won but....Nothing. You didn't suddenly wake up. You didn't fade away back to your world. or disappear. You remained sitting on the bed with Piers next you sitting in the chair watching as everyone on screen cheered and Leon and Raihan went to meet in the middle of the field to shake hands. So.....You didn't end up going back home for whatever reason. Was it because the story of the game changed? Or maybe this wasn't the way you could've gotten home after all?...Oh well. You weren't sure whether to count it as a lose or not..but you were tempted to believe the latter. The rest of the time you two spent chatting and out of curiosity he asked you to tell the story of you running into Oleana at Hulbury a while back and you happily obliged. Hearing him laugh again put a smile on your face as your worries continued to melt away. Everything would be fine. And you had nothing else to worry about....Except one thing. And it literally came knocking on your door. In the middle of Piers laughing at you describing Oleana's reaction to what you said the door opened and a nurse was standing there. But instead of holding another lunch tray, she was holding something totally different. A lightly dirty old worn out hand bag that'd definitely seen better days and what looked like some kind of ID card or driver's liscence.
"Miss Y/n L/n?," she asked you and you blinked as Piers quieted himself down.
"Uh...Yeah. Is something wrong?"
The nurse smiled as she stepped in. "Not at all. I'm just here to deliver some of your belongings. Your friend stopped by to give them too you but sadly since it's past visiting hours she couldn't but I was given intructions by the Champion himself to give them to you."
You blinked. "Leon?"
She nodded as you two stared. "He also asked me to tell you that 'Sonia found them in the Slumbering Weild near the wild Corviknight nesting roosts' and that they were sorry they couldn't recover anything else besides your ID and purse."
You stared at her stunned. Say what? You shook your head and held up your hands. "W-What? There must be some mistake. I d-don't have any IDs."
This time the nurse was puzzled and again she looked back to the card. "You ARE Miss Y/n L/n aren't you?" You nodded and she rose a brow back to the card. "Your name and picture is on the card as well as your birthday, region, and town. You were born in the Kalos Region in Cerulean City right?" You sat there stunned for a long moment but before you could answer the nurse asked something else. "And your mother's name is [insert preferred mother's fake name here] isn't it?" You froze there stunned staring at her wide eyed as Piers looked back to you. How did she-....T-THAT WAS YOUR MOTHER'S ACTUAL NAME!! No WAY she could've been here with you! "She's listed here as your next of kin. I'm sure there was just a mix up."
She walked right in and without even asking you placed the old ID card and bag into your hands and what you saw stunned you. ...IT WAS YOU!! The picture on the card was also one you recognized! It was a picture your mother had taken of you and placed on the wall once you got your letter of acceptance from the local college you choice to go to. And your name and everything was RIGHT THERE on the card! The card itself looked a bit old with a few dirt smudges as if it had been discarded for a while but.....It was a legit ID card. Complete with your mother's actually name and everything. Stunned you looked to Piers who seemed to be a bit confused at your reaction. But you could only sit there with one realization flashing across your mind.
YOU...Had an identity in this world?!
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barricadebops · 3 years
okay so this is not exactly a title but I'd like to see what you think les amis would be like with eurovision taking into account only what you know about eurovision jsjsj
Oh my God, okay, with my woefully inadequate knowledge of Eurovision? Prepare to see me embarass myself with how little I know.
Read under the cut for Les Amis during Eurovision:
Enjolras- Avid fan. Enjolras LOVES Eurovision and he loves the way it brings so many countries together and how it gives relatively new and unknown people a chance, and this year he's there watching live because one of his best friends is the participant for France and he'll be damned if he doesn't scream himself raw cheering for him. But also, Enjolras has to admit to himself, one of the singers for Italy is really, really good looking and goddamn does he have a voice...
Courfeyrac- France's participant! Courfeyrac is an absolute fan-favourite because of how joyful, bright, and vibrant his aura is. His song was super upbeat and he was smiling all throughout it. He qualified for finals!! Everyone loves him, and he loves his two best friends, Enjolras and Combeferre, who both helped him write some of the lyrics to his song.
Combeferre- Much more of a fan than he'd care to admit. Normally he's all like "hm I have to study my mEdIcInE though" until Enjolras and Courfeyrac drag him to watch with them, but he's secretly a huge fan. This year there's no way he can pretend not to love it because THAT'S COURFEYRAC UP THERE AND HE'S SO GREAT.
Jehan- Avid fan!! They post a LOT about , but most of their posts actually focus on the outfits/costumes worn by the participant. Their blog has a lot of followers who eat up all the stuff they post about the fashion aspect of the show. Each year they declare which country had the best outfits, and true to their fashion sense, they end up picking the most outlandish one.
Grantaire, Joly, and Bossuet- Going to take a page out of @cumbercookiebatchs book and make Grantaire Italian, which means Joly and Bossuet are also Italians because they are participants! Normally, they're a relatively new band called "Two Bottles and a Worn Coat" and they're beloved amongst the Italian crowd even though they can't vote for their own country (is that right???) These three fools won the hearts of a lot of people in different ways. People love Grantaire's gritty singing voice, Joly's enthusiastic attitude, and the way Bossuet always seems to be laughing. They also qualify for finals!! (There's one thing Grantaire plans to do the day before the finale and that is to learn the name of the golden-haired man he's seen around performer France...)
Bahorel- Fan! Every year he makes bets with Enjolras and Courfeyrac about who'll win, but this year he doesn't because hello that is COURFEYRAC HIS AMAZING FRIEND up there. Also he happens to know a lot of the participants who end up performing, and Enjolras is always just like "How do you know all these people???" But he'll never say, just know that Bahorel's got connections.
Feuilly- Participant for Poland!! He is SO INCREDIBLE. His songs? Fire. His voice? Fire. His performance style? FIRE. He qualified for the finals easily and most people think he's going to win thid year. And he's so excited about that because what better thing than for Poland to host the next Eurovision? (That's the prize right???) His songs usually have to do a lot with social issues, and he's gained mass fan following for what he sings about. His original songs are just the best.
Cosette: Avid fan who attends live and makes mental notes because she wants to be the participant for France next year. She's got a FANTASTIC singing voice and is ontop of her game because she's already started writing her song.
Eponine: Fan of the fashion aspect of the show. She would really love if she could become the costume designer for France, she's got an incredible way with fashion.
Marius: The one who is completely clueless about Eurovision until Courfeyrac does the good deed of introducing it to him. This is when he learns that his father once won Eurovision in the past but his grandfather didn't approve of his song, so he never let his father meet with Marius again. This turns Marius against his grandfather forever and he instead hails his father as an icon.
Did I do okay??? Did I mess things up??? You gotta let me know.
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secretsickficsyo · 4 years
This can be read as a part two to the first Nathan with the flu fic but can also be read separately!
Elise rubbed Nathan's back. He spat into the toilet, gripping the seat when a heave wracked his body.
"You're okay, baby. Just get it out."
Nathan burped up some chunks. He cringed at the sight and tried focusing on his breathing. "I feel like shit."
"I know, love, but you'll be alright."
Nathan hacked up some more nasty goop. "Frug thid."
"Good job, honey." He leaned into her cool touch when she stroked his face. He probably sounded like a frog that was hit by a car. She rubbed his back some more and wiped his nose.
He took some deep breaths and swallowed. His throat burned and his stomach was clearly upset he dare swallow. He dry heaved, head dropping dangerously low. Elise propped him slightly by the shoulders and pet his hair. She wiped something from the side of his face and kissed his temple. "So," she said, "toast was a sodding bad idea."
Nathan sniffed. "Can we just get back in bed, please?"
He wasn't sure why he agreed to drink the water Elise had insisted he should. He regretted that now, upon realizing that it was only a matter of time before it comes back up. He buried his face between her jaw and collarbone. Elise rubbed his back in slow, gentle circles. "Feeling any better?"
Nathan groaned. "I feel like shit." He then lied, "Maybe a little less like shit. "
The universe then punished him for his fake relief and a painful cramp rang through him. He snuggled further into Elise's embrace and let out a disgruntled, whining groan. She rubbed his back a little harder, but not any faster. He wondered if she could catch whatever he had. Before he could entertain the thought further his stomach turned and made an awful sound.
"Oh, baby, that doesn't sound good at all."
"It doesn't feel good, either." Nathan made a miserable little 'hurp' sound and soon after he bolted into a sitting position. One hand on his stomach and the other pressed against his mouth, he whined. His eyes shut so aggressively that it hurt. He felt a hand on his back, then a hand moving his own from his mouth. He could also feel something plastic pressing to his chest. He was still holding it in. Breathing frantic and only out of his nose, eyes still shut and hand gripping a fistful of the fabric above his belly.
Elise pet the beck of his head and kissed the top of it. "Baby, you have to let it come out."
Then Nathan burped. He felt his fiancee's touch freeze, and felt his own body clench with anticipation. The room was silent other than his breathing. He convulsed with a harsh gag and leaned closer to what turned out to be a bucket. When did she get that?
"Nathan, please, breath."
He let a small breah escape his lips, and for a moment he thought it might have been a false alarm. Then his entire body felt boiling hot and as the heat subsided he slumped forward again, this time feeling ten times worse. His jaw went slack and his entire face felt limp and heavy. Nathan never thought he'd feel like being skinned was a better option to his current situation. His stomach made an unpleasant sound that bubbled up his chest and out of his mouth as a sick, wet burp. He made a dissatisfied 'ugh' sound before burping again. That second one really had something on him. Every muscle in his body clenched as the most violent torrent of sick he could imagine forced itself out of him. Elise rubbed between his shaking shoulders. He lurched with another wave, and with that one he could feel his jaw starting to hurt. His throat felt like he swallowed a cup of nails and then the glass itself and his nose burned. When he finally managed to stop it too him a while to catch up with his breathing and by the time he did he was too scared of throwing up again. He hung right above the bucket, drooling and dripping snot. He felt it getting dangerously close to his mouth and a small gag cooked up in his throat right before Elise wiped it away with a tissue.
"Angel," she paused and he could swear her accent sounded thicker with that one. "Nathan, are you okay?"
He couldn't nod. He couldn't even move. He could feel his stomach twisting and he didn't want to be sick anymore. He had tears running down his face and sweat soaking into everything that wasn't skin.
She moved wet curls from his forehead. "Sweetheart, I think we should go to the E.R." he almost moved to the sound of that one. She spoke again, "I think you might need an I.V."
Nathan's stomach groaned so loud that it made Elise rub his back some more. He burped ever so slightly and cut the string of spit by closing his mouth. His cheeks hurt as if he'd been smiling aggressively the entire time. Elise wiped his nose again and narrowly avoided the splash of vomit that came out of him. It took no effort. As if he held water in his mouth and opened it.
"Oh, angel..." she hovered over him, kissed the side of his head and wiped under his eyes.
Nathan finally leaned back, onto Elise's lap. "I'd feeb lige hit."
"I figured that one." She wiped his face some more and put the bucket on the floor. "I really think we need to get you to a hospital. The doctor really underestimated this thing."
"Noge, pdease."
"Nathan," her voice got lower. "I'm not taking the piss. I'm serious. You're probably way more dehydrated than we think. You need a doctor."
Nathan turned onto his side. "Bud-"
"No 'buds', Nathan. You could be in danger."
"Can I juzd dry one more glass ob wader?"
She huffed out a disgruntled laugh. "One more. If you get sick again I'm not asking anymore."
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xsecretblastsx · 4 years
1x18 Much I do about nothing
So, here it is the final recap for S1. Once again this one took way too long, but long story short I have limited access to a laptop I’m basically only able to do this on mobile, which is not the best.
I normally do the recaps in one sitting, which takes me quite a while and it’s hard for me to find the time to do it. So going forward I’m going to try to do it a bit differently and watch the epsiode in parts, I’m hoping that will help to have the recaps out there faster.
Anyway, here’s the recap.
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Thoughts I had while watching the episode
Serena calling after Dan all night... he isnt’t worthy of that but she loves him so there’s that
Rufus and Lily finally got their sexy time. Too bad is the morning of Lily’s wedding. Talk about akward.
This is one of my fave scenes of Chuck and Blair, there’s cuteness, there’s flirty banter and feisty Blair, what’s not to love.
I still want to know the story about him not removing that scarf. Just for entertaining purposes.
Nate and his dad running is a nice little call back to the early episodes of S1, which feels like ages ago.
And here we are with Dan and Georgina and Serena finally exposing her as a manipulative evil mastermind
Thanks Serena for reminding that Lily & Rufus can’t coexist with Dan and Serena 😪
That scene between Bart and Lily is actually good, he’s obviously making a point and letting her know she must make a choice, the good old days when Bart was actually a character and not a cartoon villian.
I remember thinking on my first watch while Dan and Blair are scheming, the show should make them snarky friends that would be fun. 😪
Seriously Dan and ‘Sarah’ have known each other for how long and they already have “their spot” guys are the worst
“Humphrey you’re a born liar” you don’t even know the half of it Blair
As much as I love Blair and this iconic line “haven’t you heard, I’m the crazy bitch around here” I still can’t believe that aftet plotting the whole night with Chuck their plan was just ratting her out to her parents.
Sorry Jenny but that dress Vanessa is wearing is awful. Actually I’m not a fan of Blair’s dress either. Anyway everything is a tad better with ‘Time to pretend’ playing in the background, overplayed as it was I still love it.
Also Blair and Chuck again with the flirty bantering, reminiscing a bit about that first time and Chuck getting kicked. Quality content all around.
I don’t know about Serena but luckily for Blair twenty years in the future she won’t be on her fourth husband
I always hated that “I didn’t sleep with Georgina, but I may as well have” like first of all what does that even mean. Second it’s so frustating because it feels like the show went through great lengths to keep Dan as the “good guy” on this particular situation, and that wasn’t fair to Serena.
Even though I know this is only the end of S1 and there’s more to come I’ll forever be bitter about Rufus and Lily not being together. I do like the bittersweet note of this particular moment though.
Rufly aside I have such a soft spot for the Van der Basses. Sure it was far from perfect but still.
That earlier bit between Nate and Chuck with the captain pointing out that whoever the girl they’re fighting about ain’t worth it and Chuck agreeing and Nate saying that’s the problem may seem like another of Chuck douchbag smarmy moments, but I actually like how it sort of makes sense later in the episode, because is only when Chuck admits the truth to Nate about how he felt about Blair, that Nate not only finally listens to him about the captain, but is also willing to have his friend back.
Poor Nate, always being let down by his father, at least he got to make his point, even if he had to punch his dad (again) to do it.
Even though Blair is on full bitch mode towards Vanessa, she ain’t actually wrong about Nate: endless family drama and never getting over Serena.
Nate and Chuck’s friendship isn’t as larger than life as Blair and Serenas, but is one I still love, and finally is back on. Also Nate’s amused and surprised smile about Chuck’s feelings for Blair is priceless. Chuck’s reaction too, how con someone be smug and shy at the same time?
Dan makes me want to scream like what bullshit is thid “i got seduced by a girl who was pretending to someone else and you knew” so somehow that’s Serenad fault? “I am the most understanding person in the world” Excuse me!!! In what universe, like honestly Dan just shut up.
The fact that this show actually has Serena saying “we are exactly we were at the Bass brunch when we started dating I wasn’t the person you thought I was and you can’t forgive that” and then Dan just sidetracks and claims a lot has happen... and we’re only on season one
Beside the fact that I love the scene of Chuck’s speech while he’s looking at Blair, this line is so spot on “in the face of true love you don’t give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to” the whole speech is basically the abreviated version of the Chuck and Blair story.
Serena’s is in her own cloud of missery and yet she still makes a face when she sees Chuck and Blair are kissing 😂
Chuck Bass is a romantic, and that’s all that matters 😉.
As much as I’m not sad about Dan and Serena breaking up, it is kind of sad watching them have a last dance with ‘the ice’s getting thinner” playing in the background (such a good song btw)
I had honestly forgot about Jenny for a bit here.
I feel so robbed because they just skip a week and we didn’t got to see any of it, like Chuck being a complete gentlemen? C’mon! Anyway Blair’s traveling outfit is almos customy, nevermind I still love it, it also helps how fears about helicopters aside, she’s excited she’s about the Tuscany trip,
I remember the first time I was like so that’s the end of Nate and Vanessa? How swift. Not that I mind because that scene between Nate and Serena was so promising about summer and the Hamptons... but that’s a rant for S2
The way Bart can’t help but messing up Chuck’s head, even if he doesn’t try to, though whith Bart one never knows. Fun fact: the first time I watched this episode when Chuck goes after Amelia I literally screamed to the screen: “NO!!!’ You idiot”.
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So that’s a wrap on Season 1! It was such a fun ride and I’m going to miss it. This last episode was really packed, it also felt quite long for some reason. It also ends with every major ship on the outs, which sucks a bit but it’s also a great set up for season 2.
First there’s Dan and Serena, who call it quits because for the last few episodes their relationship has been a constance struggle of secret and lies. One could make the point that their relationship was always dishonest by Dan’s secret identity as gossip girl, god knows I’ve been ranting about that the whole season particularly the last episode, because in principle is very hypocrital of Dan to be so mad about Serena’s lies when he’s keeping the biggest secret of all. But since she doesn’t know this the whole discussion is centered about her mistakes... Serena makes the very valid (and true) point that Dan can’t forgive her for not being who he thought she was, and this is something that’s going to keep being an issue for them the whole show, but for this particular break up the other big issue is lack of trust
Trust is the key point in a relationship and how can Dan trust Serena if she lies and hides stuff, they can’t have a relationship that way, even if she has come clean about her past who’s not to say if they come across another issue Serena will be honest this time and not hide and try to handle it on her own, truth is she most likely will, (she does act this way in future seasons) but what I would like to point out is that as much as Dan can’t trust her now, Serena actually never trusted him, not in the sense that he would spill her secrets but rather that she didn’t trust him not to judge her and she also didn’t trust that he would still love her if he knew everything about her. And in her mind he proves her right that’s why she points out they’re having the same argument they had at the Bass brunch and even so (sadly) Serena still wants to work through this and Dan is the one that says no, let’s break up. I don’t disagree with him is better for them to be separated but I ‘m petty and so I kind of hate he’s the one in his high horse breaking up with her, when he almost cheated on her with Georgina and even has the nerve to be like “i only did that because you cheated on me and you’re a liar and you let me get involved with a psycho” and it’s just hell no Dan! First of all no one force you to do anything, and also how long did he knew this girl Sarah and they already have “their spot” like that’s on you, and I’m not even mentioning how this argument of the psycho pretty much destroys itself when one remember he’s gossip girl so... who’s the most twisted manipulative one there. I would have issues with Dan and Serena even if he wasn’t Gossip Gilr, but the fact that he is... seriously he’s one devious guy.
Also not a fan of the show going out of their way to keep Dan’s nice guy image, they keep teasing his night with Georgina and then they decide to be light, well he didn’t actually slept with her, the intention was there, but he didn’t because he’s good Dan and sex is meaningful for him, so it’s a big deal for him, but still he was nice and faithful. Sorry but no, have him cheat, everyone else in this show makes questionable decisions and surely the UES changes Dan, so I would like for the show to embrace, they eventualy show it, but they had the space to start to show it much earlier, also just for the record sex with Dan was meaningful for Serena, it wasn’t something she had really experienced before, and it was pointed out earlier in the season, so sex it’s not only meaningful for Dan.
Other two relationships have a quick death this episode: Rufly & Nate and Vanessa. The later gets set aside almost like and afterthought which was dissapointing because it was like why bother then in the first place? Also I actually like their interactions and Vanessa while still judgemental makes and effort for Nate to be more understanding and in turn allows her to show different sides of her character and that’s nice. Then we have that scene between Nate and serena and it’s iluminatinhg, because at list at this point it looke like the show wanted to set something up there and it’s like finally! let’s unravel this (and then...😪 but that’s a rant for the next recap). Rufly on the other hand I like how it went, it felt natural and yet sad because basically they don’t take their chance because they feel that boat sailed a long time ago, it’s been 20 years, and they could have stolen moments, but more than that is just not possible, doesn’t seem like it could work at this stage of their lifes, and while it’s exciting to take the plunge I totally get why they didn’t here.
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Finally there’s Chuck and Blair, and me screaming into infinity. Don’t get me wrong I love this episode and even when I still was like No Chuck you idiot! In some ways it needed to happen. Or at least some version of it, but I’m getting ahead of myself. What I love about this episode is all their flirty banter, their chemistry shines through every single scene they have, and they truly make me think of much ado about nothing, i like the back and forth and the obvious subtext of how much they truly like each other, and one can also tell how this is exciting for them, these thing between it’s a first for both of them for him it’s the first time he wanted more from a girl, he yearns for her in a way he never has feel before, he feels, he’s in love, and to her is quite a heady experience to be so openly wanted by someone, she doesn’t even have to try, to force it like she did Nate whose eyes were always following her best friend, Chuck’s eyes follow her and no else. For a minute there they take the plunge, armed with having his best friend back and getting a family Chuck’s goes for it via a best man speech and an apology. He’s a romantic at heart and he wants her to know, and she can’t resist it and goes for it to.
We’re robbed from that week they’re together after that night and is such a shame because while I feel internally each of them have acknowledged they’re in love with each other, there’s a difference between falling in love with someone and actually loving someone, and I feel this is the time that while they obviously don’t speak about it, I don’t even think they fully realized then but they truly fell for each other to the point where it was never the same again. It’s a scary thought, and it’s Bart who brings those fears to the front of Chuck’s mind, the guy is scared to death, is not only because the change of going from womanizing playboy to boyfriend seems monumental for a guy like him but more importantly Chuck’s someone who believes the worst of himself, and it wasn’t a big deal for him, because to eyes of the person whose opinion matters the most to him he’s alreayd a failure and that’s not got to change, but Blair is his second thoughest critic, what she thinks matters and unlike Bart she actually believes he has it in him, to be whatever he wants to and Bart’s words make him think of the expectations Blair may have of him now, and the thought of proving her wrong, he doesn’t want her to see that, and sure he’s going to fail and she’ll hate him for it... and that would be it. So better to end it now, on his terms while he’s the one in control of the situation and put a stop to it.
Bottom line he ain’t ready for it at all, he actually won’t be for a long time, and because of this is going to take Blair a lot of time too to be ready for it. Is what I like about Chuck’s best man speech at first glance is his way to tell Blair he feels something for her and he wants her to give him, them the chance to be something. It’s a plight at heart. It also works perfectly as a summary of what their relationship will be for a while. That no matter what, they love each other, theirs is true love and even if it’s hard almost impossible at times, they can’t give up, and that when one of them wants to throw the towel there’s the other one to remind them of why is worth it in the end.
The game between them is really about to start, here we go S2.
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Random bits I’ve noticed:
Chuck lightly squeezing his dad’s arm when Lily’s almost at the end of the altar warmed my heart.
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Wee punk lets do thid and bring that troll of wabmnna be human you fuck called jodi i wanna see her suck you cock as i kill you. What no response hell i thought you hsd balls
Im easy to find but remember im a sharp individual i shoot straight to the hearrt if the mater and that makes me you fucin máster. So junior lets recsp sense illini idiots have comprehending issuesoh im sorgy too BIG a w___o____r__d 4 u. Figure that out snitch. Ook let r e c a p¡¡¡¡ so punk if you u n d e r s t a n d yoj either lett her go now to treatmentvwith proof shown to me or i come and take care of your problems im good st blood lietting like the days of yore o usuaññy dont leave scars but iiiill make exception in your case. So whatcha hhink buddy sound exciting rmto you your into role playing right. What your fucked up in the head you made an Enemy you understand there are in DSM motel i knew you would redpond and she wouldn't have been able to get out of there before I could get out of there and I would have to be able to get you to the house for the rest of the night if I could just leave you alone with me the whole day and then we were gonna have you all right after that night if you wanted to talk about it I was gonna have you back to the room for the rest and then you were gonna get the money and I would be able to get back on track again and then you could go on with my life in the future but you still can't believe I'm gonna be in trouble with the other guys and I want you to know that i'm not gonna be able to talk to the police about this incident but you still can't believe me but you know that I was just trying to get back on track again so I could have a better life than I did when I got home i thought I would be happy with my family but it was just a matter of time before I. Get out of there and get out of there and I would be happy to have you all on my own right now if you want me to be able to talk to you again tell me about your daily routine for the next few days and you will have to be able to get out and get the money out. I need you to get out and get the money. I am going to be in trouble now and i'm gonna get it. I think it's just the way I feel for you and I would like you to know that I am going back to the house and I would like to see you in ky life and I think you should have a better relationship than I was in that situation you know 8but you know that I was just trying for a good friend and then you were saying you want me but i'm not going back to the house and you will not let me go on with it I know you have to be in a position to do something about it but I don't think it's going anywhere but you still can't believe it and you don't want to do something about the fact that you have a lot of money and I don't think it's just that I have no idea why you are so much less likely to have the same experience with a good person who is more interested in you and I would like you to know that I am not the only one that has the ability to make the right choice but I love the idea of a better relationship to you and your family but it doesn't work that way I don't want you in
My kife
So ok anna and anna only vid chat now to verify right now or games over im waitng well ok then i guesz this partys gona get some bras shined up so every one grab your kevellar and how do they sai it in the illini sticks oh yea doooh see doooh lets fucjing rock boyz if she vid chats ti verify i get miney you ket her go all done otherwise well think yiu got it. Bye
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Thank you
2019 has gone an gone by like a blur, I don't remember anything after February which was my birthday lol must be the age. *please laugh at my attempt at humor*
Let's carry on then, 2019 has been a trying year for me emotionally and mentally so naturally I wasn't in the headspace to write as best as I could or at all. But new year new me, things are looking up. I've met so many wonderful people since I started thid blog in February, wrote some amazing stories, participated in many wonderful project as well. But before I leave 2019 behind I would like to thank each and every one of my followers and reader alike. You guys have kept me going and given me motivation when I had none left. So I will try my out most best to write more this year and complete all I have planned for this year. Here is a look at my Wip and those new stories I plan to bring to life.
1. Bound to you: 8/10 done *I'm sorry baby* I'm gonna gonna bring you the closure you deserve.
2. Equilibrium : 2/5 done I was excited for this story but I don't what happen 😭 I'll get it done though if it's the last thing I do.
3. Unnamed fic: 0t7 x reader. Where Bts are on a break from tour getting some needed rest or so their thought, that is until a strange girl materialize in the middle of their dorm room throwing their all ready chaotic world upside down. Friendships are born along the way as space and earth collide as they race against time to find a way to send her home.
4. Unnamed fic: Taehyung Yoongi and Hoseok x reader: I saw this gif of yoongi Hoseok and Taehyung doing a dancebreak I can't remember which one I think no more dream and thus this idea was born. This is basically pwp. Your boyfriends are back from tour and they're starving..... for you that is.
5. Waste it on me: Namjoon x black named reader.
Now this is my first fic where the Oc is gonna be named and ethnicities gonna be stated because it's a crucial part to the story. I had my qualms about writing this but you know me I said fuck it.
When Tiana moved to Korea to get away from the ghost of her past love wasn't on radar it was about survival and peace . One chance encounter at a coffee shop had her thrown into the path of a certain idol. Try as she might to stay away from the tall,kind and dimpled stranger she soon realized that's the thing about relationship you don't find it, it finds you.
Fics I haven't started on but the ideas in my head
Unnamed fic: *lol this is thing with me* Seokjin x reader this was suppose to be my first Seokjin fic but destiny had other plans anywho.
She was princess of the under world he was just and ordinary guy, human at that. But love blooms in the darkest of place and so her dead heart felt life again. But at what cost.
Unnamed fic : Jungkook x werewolf reader.
On a cold spring night Jungkook stumbled upon golden eyes in the shape of a beast staring back at him. What was suppose to be a myth suddenly shape-shift into a human before his very eyes. He shouldn't have helped the wounded creature especially one so beautiful and captivating. Adventure and danger awaits Jungkook as he helped the wolf find her sister who happens to be held captive by the devil himself.
Good Boy: the college au: The one where Taehyung is a known 'good boy' on campus who spends his days at his parents farm, you a known rebel wants nothing better than to taint his good ways.
And that's all I have planned for now Im hoping to get this done before I start anything new wish me luck!
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
Lemon and Ginger and All That
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@hannahs-creations very kindly provided a random four word prompt to make into a drabble. Thanks for the prompt! Sorry it took a hot minute to write <u<;; 
I hope you enjoy this little scene ^u^ Feedback is appreciated!
Prompt:  vitality, manage, fluster and gleefully
Words: 1768
Characters: Marcos, Whitney, Freddy (Briefly), and Mella
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          Chaotic didn’t cover the state of the 6pm Café. Freddy’s promotion idea went over so well last fortnight, people were practically lining up to see what they’d do to the menu this time. The apple and elder-flower brew did not disappoint. Perfectly refreshing in the warming days of early spring, with a gentle aroma that transported you to the countryside, apple picking with your gran. Light, crumbly, pastries and tiny finger sandwiches sold almost as quickly as they were prepared. Every time a happy customer left, two more would arrive. That may be a little dramatic. It certainly felt like facing the hydra of the food industry at least. Marcos and Freddy were run off their feet greeting customers, taking orders, brewing tea, selling dry blends, answering questions, transporting food, and trying to squeeze in spot cleans. Uncle Antonio hopped between the register and the kitchen, saving Leroy from the flood of demands.
          What terrible timing for Whitney to have to skip out. Although she complained about it, she lived for the busy days like today. She loved to get lost in the hustle, while still managing to find a sense of order and co-ordinating the boys. Marcos had never seen anyone more determined not to take a sick day. When the first thing Whitney did that morning was bolt to the bathroom to re-evaluate dinner, it was clear there was no avoiding it. Regardless of how it went down, the result was the same. Whitney was stuck at home while the boys played the service edition of the floor is lava. (Or would that be the customers?)
          Marcos’ mind was a blur of orders and customers, but he didn’t let himself lose track of time. As soon as the hour ticked over, he tagged out. Of course, he checked that Freddy and Uncle Antonio could manage without him first. Not wasting a second more of his lunch break, he slipped into the backroom, tore off his uniform, replacing it with a change of clothes he’d prepared earlier, and was gone.
          The walk to their house was made significantly faster by running. Marcos was at the painted off-white door in record time. The plan to catch his breath while he fiddled with his pockets looking for his key met a hitch when he couldn’t locate it. Briefly panicking that he’d left it at the café, Marcos tried to calculate how long it would take to run back to get it, would that take too long? It didn’t fall out while he was running did it?? He’d have to go and find it before someone else did. Should he just risk waking Whitney and asking her to let him in? Ah but she won’t get better if she’s no- wait a minute. There it is. False alarm. Fishing the key out of the depths of its fabric prison, Marcos let himself in as quietly as possible. If he was careful, he should be able to avoid the creaky floorboards.
          “I cab ‘ear ‘ou.”
          Never mind. He followed Whitney’s raspy croak to the living room, still mindful to tread lightly. She was huddled on the couch, cocooned with blankets and half draped over the arm of the chair. Mella, taking the role of mother hen, sprawled over Whitney’s tracksuit clad legs, incubating her just in case folding herself into cotton origami wasn’t enough. Fever was obvious, painted over Whitney’s sweaty face, interrupted occasionally by loose strands of hair. She hadn’t even bothered to tie it back. Even in illness, she was an over-achiever.
          “Were you asleep?” He tired to keep his voice soft despite its gravelly texture. Judging by the way the radio was on, but turned down to its lowest possible volume, she probably had a headache. He wondered briefly if she was resenting her rabbit hearing at the moment.
          Whitney shook her head, waving his worries off. “I was ju- uh- aacho!” Another balled up tissue in the over-stuffed bin. “I was jus’ dyin’g apparendly. No, I was listenig do the mid-day stories. Whab are ‘ou doin’g ‘ere?” Mella whined and wiggled closer to Whitney’s flushed face. She was supposed to be resting!
          Marcos shrugged. “I got you some tea. Give me a second, I’ll make it for you. It’s called, uh, ‘Vitalitea’ and it’s got lemon and ginger and all that. Should hopefully make you feel better.” It couldn’t make her any worse at least. Red eyes and streaming nose, it was almost painful to see her so far from her bubbly self.
          Whitney had always been good at reading people. Just because she was unwell didn’t mean she couldn’t see the crease setting into Marcos’ forehead. He was always so busy worrying about others. The demand he not pity her fell away to the realisation of what he’d said.
          “You cabe back jusd ‘o bake tea?”
          “No. I’ll get you some lunch too.” He wandered off to the kitchen to get started, entirely missing the touched shock he left her in. According to his calculations, he was still on track even after stalling to get into the house. The majority of making food was just waiting for the tea to brew. It took next to no time to make a sandwich or boil water. While the tea was brewing, he grabbed a brush and a hair tie, returning to the sick bunny.
          Seeing her face a tiny bit more flushed made his stomach twist. Was it really okay for her to stay here alone?
          “Can you sit up? I’ll put your hair up since I’m here.”
          Whitney sighed dramatically but wiggled her way to a sitting(ish) position, much to Mella’s disapproval. “Leab me here to die. I’b not lon’g for thid worlb.”
          “Nah, I think we’ll save ya Cottontail. You know Freddy and me’ll be lost without ya at the café.” He chuckled, combing the brush through her long, long, hair. She tried not to think about how his breath tickled her ear, sending tingles down her spine.
          “I tolb ‘ou nod do call be that.” She huffed. Her mock anger easy to see through. It she’d really wanted him to stop, he would have done so immediately. “You’re righbt tho. You do neeb me. Who else can stob Fred’dy frob gleefully bestering beople on dates?”
          “He’s not even here and you’re picking on ‘im?”
          “I’b allobed to. It’s by twind given righbt.”
          “Can’t argue with that.” Marcos’ hands worked quickly, twisting the strands into a roughly uniform braid. Whitney may have preferred a bun, but that just wasn’t in his skill set yet. As he worked, his own auburn curls wiggled loose. The ponytail must’ve come undone on his way over. He probably should just cut the shaggy mane, but he liked the feeling of it brushing his skin.
          Whitney released her arm from the blanket burrito to playfully tug a strand. “You’re kinba a bess. Whab did ‘ou do, rub the whole bay?”
          His steady gaze caught her off guard. “Waib, really?” Whitney’s pink cheeks shifted much closer to a shade of red, causing Marcos’ brow to furrow. It didn’t help that she only seemed to heat up more when he pressed his hand to her forehead. She must’ve been really unwell, even her usually pale rabbit ears were tinted rose.
          “Hold on. I think your tea should be ready.” He vanished back into the kitchen, retying his hair as he went.
          The butterflies in Whitney’s brain were certainly just sickness making her dizzy. Nothing else. Mella stared at her. Judgementally. It wasn’t her fault her dumb heart was fluttering. Her pop rock pulse was obviously not her buzzing with giddiness. Of course she didn’t have a crush on Marcos. It didn’t matter how thoughtful he was, or how he made her feel special and appreciated with no ulterior motive. His gentle presence was just a part of him being Marcos. Falling for that would just be… well, it would be… Okay. She couldn’t lie to herself. Frog toes. It wasn’t the plague she’d managed to contract that made her face glow when he touched her. His concerned expression flashed across her mind. The tiny tilt of his scruffy eyebrows, the amber that almost glowed against the dark lines that always seemed to line his eyes, the way he looked at her. Oh dear, she melted into a goopy mess. Stars Above, she had Feelings for the scraggly hare. She had to compose herself. Pondering whether he felt something for her too would have to wait until he was gone. Working herself into a fluster was less than ideal. Upon the realisation, Mella smiled at her, in the way dogs do. If Whitney didn’t know better, she’d think Mella could read her mind. Why was she being so cocky? As if she figured it out first! Whitney’s mental rambling was interrupted by Marcos bringing in her lunch.
          “Here. I put honey in the tea. It’s s’posed to be good for sore throats? Mum used to do that for me, honey and milk I mean. Should help you too.” His ears twitched self-consciously. Sure it was common knowledge that honey was a good soother, but he still felt the need to explain himself. Maybe because Whitney almost always preferred not to sweeten her teas and he hadn’t forgotten that. Whitney smiled, still too pink for his liking, thanked him and took a sip, evaporating his worries.
          “There’s some medicine if you need it, and a bottle of water for later, y’know, so you don’t have to get up again… I’ve gotta head now or I’ll be late back. You gonna be okay?”
          “I’b a big girl, I’ll be okay.” She took another sip. “Than’gs fo’ this. I abbreciate ib.”
          “Not a problem. Just focus on betting better.”
          “Oh byeah, before you go, there’s somb faze wibes in by roob. Take theb with you to geb rib ob the sweat. You brobably smbell.” To make certain she wasn’t being overly sincere, she poked her tongue at him.
          “’course I do. I’m healthy so I can still breathe through my nose.” Marcos grabbed the wipes and darted out of the door before he had to face her faux fury.
          It took a sprint, but he made it back to the café with just enough time to clean up and get re-dressed. He was tired as anything and had forgotten about his own lunch in the process of it all, but still found a spring in his step for the rest of the day. It was nice to think he might’ve made her feel a little better.
@inkovert and @snobbysnekboi
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masterpieceavenue94 · 5 years
Omg this week has been so exhausting!!!
My friends and I decided to be "fadder" thid year which is like being a mentor(?) to the new students of the career you're doing sort of. You explained to the new students how the career is, about the subjects, about you know the campus, places, etc. Plus you go out with them and party and well it's a way the university makes sure the new students feel comfortable around the first days of uni and I mean I guess here in Norway everyone is always trying to not leave alone anyone(?) So...by that way you foe sure have someone at uni you can be friends with(?) Idk sounds childlish, like you're an adult I don't need to tell you "go make friends" but it's actually really useful and no one is against that, somehow it helps to socialize between each others so yeah...
Well I don't regret to have had this exhausting week but omg I just really need to sleep like for 10 years.
So I know I jave to talk about what happened this summer and stuff but now tht this is more recent and I remember everything perfectly I'm going to talk about it. (And someday I'll talk about the last months)
So we started with Monday.
Monday was exhausting since the beginning, we had to wake up really early because we had to be at uni at 9 because we hade a breakfast of all the "fadder" group. In the group there was Lucas, Luisa, Alejandra, Elena (which is more friend of Lucas than mine), Thomas an Birk (also friends of Lucas, both of them are Norwegians but they speak really nice Spanish a d they're really friendly) and also Herman (a Norwegian boy which has a raspy voice that you can't understand what he's saying neither in Norwegian nor Spanish, but anyway...)
So we went to this breakfast, and there I met a boy who was my age and he's from Spain, his name is Alvaro and I found out he's going to be a teacher this year, I mean he will help the real teachers and stuff bt yeah...like he was doing some practices. He's actually fun and really open.
Then we went to welcomed the new students, we were in this big room and people started to come, at one moment I decided to be social and sat in a table with some new students and introduced myself. I started talking in Norwegian but then a girl said "sorry you have to talk in Spanish or English because there's this boy who can't Norwegian" and I was like "nice..." But yeah at the beginning was hard, they were quiet, shy, no one wanted to talk amd I was like "come on, this is harder for me than for you..." But anyway, I somehow made them talk and socialize a little bit, the sad and funny thing is that I don't remember the names of most of the people (specially girls). There we had also a little breakfast too with them, the professors and the consultant of the Spanish studies gave their speeches and we also introduced to them as the fadder group with who they will be hanging out these days.
After that we made a few questions about what they expect of this course, what are they afraid of and stuff like that. Then, we went around the campus and showed them the common places and after that we decided to do a game to know each other better.
Omg and there was this guy, his name is Kjetil, his my age, he's GORGEOUS. Like I don't know how but since the first minute I just fell for him, everyone fell okay? Like HOW WOULDN'T YOU? What a boy. But on this game of knowing each other where you asked "who is from Norway? Who is not? Who has traveled to Spain or Latin America? Blablabla on the question of "who has gf/bf?" Kjetil stood up and all of us where "shit." DAMN YOU. I mean I understand a boy like this if he's not in a relationship he would be totally gay. For sure.
Anyways, back to the game, we were surprised because there were only 4 persons who were from Latin America and Spain, in fact there was only one boy who was from Spain, and I think just 3 girls from Latin America. So it was kinda of shocking. There were Norwegians but also a lot of people from other countries (Persia, Somali, Finland, Poland) When I started I think there were more Spanish people and only two-three persons who were not Norwegian nor Spanish so it was shocking for us.
After that we talkt and had lunch together and there I met Arian who was one of the boys from Persia, he actually speaks really good Spanish. He is 21 I think and yeah we talk during lunchtime. Actually all these days I talked to everyone but I talkt more with the boys lmao.
Anyway, around 3pm we went to a ceremony of students in the center of Oslo. And after that we decided to go home and meet later to have "vors" (pronounced "fors") which is like a pre-party where you meet at a house and drink.
We decided to divide us so 4 fadders went to Elena's house and the other 4 went tl Herman's. Luisa, Alejandra and me went to Herman's. It was nice, I've never been in a vors before so I didn't know what to expect. At the beginning we didn't know what to do lmao so we just sat there listening to people tall, sometimes we made a comment about a topic but omg the first hour we were like.....(I'm tall about Luisa, Alejandra and me) The good thing is that Kjetil, the pretty guy, came so I could talk with him more HAHAHAHAHAH. I talked with all of them, I just remember a few names like Håvard who was this Norwegian guy and he was nice to talk to, I remember this blonde girl who was 19-20 and her middle name was Indianne (pretty name), I know Per (also Norwegian too) and there were more people but I don't remember. We played a game, no idea of what was its name but it was fun, by that way we all were somehow focused on the same thing, the vors started around 6pm, but I and my friends came at 7pm, we all left to Chateau Neuf which is a party-place which organized parties all this week. While we were cleaning the house we talked to more people, I talked with Kjetil and he speaks good Spanish too, he's so cuuuuteeee, and I don't know I just see good in him you know? Humble, friendly, caring, what a nice guy seriously.
We went to Chateau Neuf and I met Lucas there, and then I saw Arian and I mean we hugged, I hugged everyone that night, I wasnt drunt but I felt so happy. I know that on this party I saw most of the fadders except Birk and Luisa, but Luisa went to the airport around 10pm because her husband (yeah, husband and she's 26) came back from Bodø. Anyways, I talked with Simen, a new Spanish student, he's 19 and soooo cute like a baby we talked and he was so fun, I also talked with this guy from Finland. In fact he's half Finnish and half Nicaraguan, and yeah he's the one who can't Norwegian. He's handsome, and you know he goes to the gym because he has a strong back but he's short lol. Anyway, he's 21 and he was so funny, I mean yeah he was drunk but still...I remember he told me "you habe a nice tongue or mouth" but I didn't know if he meant that the way I speak was nice or that was a total indirect, now at this point (Sunday afternoon) I know it was an indirect.
Arian was also right next to me almost the whole time, I kind of feel like he liked me(?) He's nice but I don't see myself with him anyways... Actually that day was pretty good I really enjoyed, the only one who didn't hsve that much fun was Alejandra...
I remember that when I left I said bye to everyone hugging them and I remember that I went to say bye to Lucas and then Arian came hugging me first and I was like "yeaaaaah"
On Tuesday we had this meeting at uni at 9am, we were all dead, Arian joined us for a coffee but at the beginning we didn't talk. In fact, I was so tired I didn't want to talk to anyone. In the meeting I saw the Finnish guy almost asleep. After the meeting, we decidet to go around Oslo a little bit, Luisa and I talled with this girl who was half Spanish half Romanian (whose name I don't remember) and Erik, Norwegian guy who is 23 and has been studying one year Spanish via Yotube. And I feel a disgrace, because here I am 5 years in Norway and still have problems with the languange, damn you Erik. But seriously we were so tired that at 1am we were all home. At 4pm we had this karaoke thing and I was impressed because they all sang and it was so fun! I talked there also with Kjetil and Emil, Emil is also Norwegian, I don't know his age but I bet his my age or a year younger and it's so funny because when he uses glasses he looks like a total hipster (cute too), but without them he looks like these boys who loves surfing hahahah he's cute though, but doesn't speak that much Spanish.
After that we went to this place called Uhørt, where they drank beers and stuff, I actually didn't drink that day. At that place I met Armin, the other boy from Persia, this guy is 25(?) I think. And he speaks perfectly Spanish because he has lived there for 11 years. He's nice and funny too.
But yeah I left around.....9pm(?) Because I was so tired and I went to sleep at 10:30pm.
On Wednesday we had this game where they had to go around the campus and write answers, after the game there was pizza and we said which group won the game, whcih was a group of girl whose names I obviously don't remember. Well in fsct I think I remember one, Sofie but that's it.
Later around 7pm we had a quiz in the bar Union857, it was a cool bar actually and the quiz went great, I didn't know thst Norwegian were so interested in these games, but yeah they're fine. We finished st 10pm and Luisa and Alejandra decided to stay at home but I went out with these people and the rest of thw fadders because theh decided to go to a bar which was close to my house so yeah.
I sat with Kjetil (obviously), with Nikita ( a Chilean girl who is 19), Arian sat also in the same table and Emilie (I think it was her name, Norwegian too) later Thomas came and we talked too it was weird we talked a lot but he was tickling me and we even held hand a little but I mean to me it's normal(?) Like I could give the hand to someone and rested it there for a while lmao. Okay it's not normal, but for me it is. Then Elena came also and we talked too and also Simen talked with me a lot, Kjetil and Arian were in the same table talking too. Birk later came and seriously he was so nice, like what a nice boy I really like him as a friend. I feel like Kjetil, Thomas and Birk have this friend potentiy thing hahahsha I mean most of the boys I met this weel has it hahaha.
And well around 12:40 or something like that I just decided to go home because I had to work the next day. I hugged everyone, Arian hugged me even longer and I left Kjetil to the last minute, I actually did it on purpose. When I hugged everyone I stood up amd decided to move towards the door but then I turned around and said bye to everyone with the hand, and Kjetil looked at me like a pupoy and I was like "aaawee wait I'm coming" and I went to hug him hahaha. I said bye to Thomas too because by that time he was standing in the middle of the bar snd we hugged and I remember he kissed me on the cheek and I was like "okay! I'm going now" yeah what a nice goodbye hahahaha.
On Thursday I went to work, I seriously didn't want to, but yeah...I worked until 9pm, the good thing is that the plans with the new students weren't until 9pm so I managei to joind them around 10pm. They played bowling, I told my cousin Cristofer to join us. I introduced him to almost everyone. A Norwegian girl, Weselmøy, had a crush on him and at the end of the night she told me that if my cousin wanted she could be her sugarbaby or something like that, I was like....okay? But you know, you go girl! Alvaro, the Spanish boy has always been this week with us, he's so funny seriously and he confessed he was gay and I was like "whaaaat?" I mean I wasn't attracted to her at all but he didn't look like you know...gay. After bowling we went to Azúcar, a pub-disco and I don't know I gave all of myself dancing it was so fun, I was having such a great time there, when we wenteres I sat in a sofa whcih was a little bit higher than the other places, and Kjetil sat next to me, we didn't talk that much but you know he was there hahahaha we all danced there and while I was dancing like a diva in that platform where I was I realized I couldn't look at anyone because I mean I looked to the right and I saw the Finnish boy there looking at me smiling, then I looked at the left and saw Armin and Arian smiling to me too, damm it was so awkward lmao.
But yeah I had a really good time and actually my cousin got a long really good with Birk and Alvaro. And well we went home at...2-3(?)
The next day I had to open at work and I was dying but anyways! On Friday people had vors at 5pm but I decided to just come later to the party that it was at uni, it was... interesting. I don't know Arian and I didn't talk that much, I feel like he liked me but hest just giving up hahahaha I mean I like him as a person and as a friend but obviously I just don't see me with him, so the thing is that we don't talk that much anymore. Anyway, I saw Armin there but I didn't say hi at the beginning it wasn't until I went to another room wjere Alvaro and othe people were where I started to talk with him. It was, I mean, I was going down the stairs and he was behind me and I mean he hugged me but he also tried to kiss me but I kind of avoid him laughing looking to another place, but yeah, then when we were dancing he was all the time tickling me and hugging me, I mean he's nice but he's not my type I guess.
I got mad that night at Alejandra, don't know why but sje decided to hit me all the time (not hard but still) and even though I was like "the fuck is wrong with you" *joking tone* sje kept.doing it and I hit her back too she kept doing it until sje hit more my nose than my forehead and that's when I decided to be serious to her. Like I don't understand what happened to her honestly but I wasn't in the mood to forgive her at all, I even stopped talking to her for 30 min. Later we talked with Kjetil and Emil and omg they were so happy and sweaty hahahaha, after a while we all decided to go to a place called Mastermind, Alejandra at that time went home because she had to work, but I was fine with her leaving. Sje was being so annoying the whole night, even Albaro realized and told her. I remember she told me to not made up with Emil because it was hers but I was like "dude, you have a boyfriend so shut up" and then she said she wanted also to have boys hitting on her, but I was like YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT. And yeah it's true that almoy every time that we went out there were peopt hittit on me, but here I am. Single. The end.
Anyway, we went to Masteind, we went Kjetil, Emil, Elena, Birk, Thomas, Armin, Álvaro, a girl who was from Latin America (Gabriella), a friend of Álvaro (Ennis), Simen, and some Norwegian girls.
I remember on the way to this place I talled with Simen a lot. Then at the place I sat on this big sofa, to my left there was this Norwegian girl whose name is Linn and to my right Birk, then next to Birk Gabriella sat and the rest of the people sat around the sofa in chairs. Emil sat next to Linn and Kjetil next to Emil. Then there was Elena and Thomas maybe(?) A Norwegian girl, Simen, someone more, the Finnish guy, Armin, norwegian girls, and then Alvaro, Ennis and we ended the circle on Gabriella again. So it was actually pretty fine, we all talked, and had fun. It was also weird because I mean Birk jas a girlfriend and it looked like he was flirting with me but at the same time I guess he wasn't (?) Like before we went there he made a massage on my neck and I was like THE HELL IS GOING ON and the he also took my hand when we were sitting I don't know why, BUT THEN he started to tickle my neck and Somen and a Norwegian girl were looking at us and I was like "or Birk is too drunk or I don't know what's going on". Then Birk asked me about Thomas, if I liked him and I was like "what do you mean?" I like him yeah, but I don't know how much I like him, I just, I just feel like if he were taller I would be all around him , that's something I have to confess hahahaha. But yeah I asked Birk that and he was like "I saw you holding hands on Wednesday while talking to other people" and I was like "so? And you're taking my hand right now and like you literally kissed my hand a minute ago" like I was laughing at the situation so much, and I told him that I'm used to make some contact with people like holding hand but that doesn't mean anything. But anyway, I remember Simen went home first and when we were going to say goodbye, we hugged but he kissed me on the nexk and it was like a looooong kiss, like I mean for sure everyone saw that because we were standing there in the middle, lol. Armin after all he was the one who said goodbye the fastest, like I think he gave me a handshake(?). Funny. Elena, Birk, Kjetil, Emil and a few others went later and I remember Kjetil came to me to say goodbye and gave me also a kiss on the cheek and I was like OMG. And then, I don't know we went Alvaro, Thomas and the rest, at first Thomas said to me to wait for me, and I thought we were going in the same direction but obviously we weren't and also he met a few friends out of this place and started talking with them so I just say bye to everyone and headed home because I was freezing.
It was a great. I went to bed at 4am but I didn't worl until 12am so I had time to sleep enough.
Saturday I thought it was going to be like the best of the best but it was the most boring night of all. Kjetil didn't come, neither Emil. There were a lot of people who didn't come, Alvaro left also early, and I thought we were going to Chateau Neuf again but we didn't, and ended up in the same place we went on Thursday. But wven though I drank the same thing I did on Thursday and played the same songs, I wasn't in the mood at all. The oub was crowded and you couldn't even dance at all. I mean I talked to most of the people there but...yeah...I ended up going home at 1am.
But yeah the week in general was really good, and I'm glad I decided to be fadder. But anyway, no idea if I would be in a future fadder again, we'll see how is my energy hahahaha.
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bellagrundmann-blog · 5 years
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secret-rendezvous1d · 7 years
Harry and the missus getting papped and maybe they tell her nasty things like "another one Harry?" "it's gonna last more than a month thid time?" and these thingd
Oh, god… he’d be so upset.
What started off as a lovely date-day together, enjoying the heat and each others company whilst walking around London and sharing ice-creams and cosying up in Hyde Park and sharing kisses in the sun as it slowly disappeared over the horizon, had slowly transformed into a day that finished rather sadly. On their way to grab a bite to eat, in a delicious and hidden-away restaurant that Harry had booked in for a reservation, whilst minding their own businesses and chatting amongst themselves as they strolled down the darkened streets that were lit by the street-lamps dotted along the curb. Sudden flashes following them and startling them before their names were being called out.
“Jus’ keep a hold on me. Restaurant is only round the corner. We’ll be there soon and then I’ll call someone up to get rid of ‘em,” he mumbles, lacing his fingers through hers and holding her hand tightly, pulling her closer to him as their pace quickened, “you’re alright, yeah? Ignore everything they say and don’t pay any attention to them.”
“I’m fine,” she smiles up at him, looking down to her feet and seeing his trainers scuff the floor, “just a little nervous about this.”
“Don’t be. It’s all fine when you’ve done it more than a few times. You’ll soon be a master at walking through paparazzi mobs that you won’t need me to hold your hand,” he winks, nudging her arm playfully as he presses the button for the traffic lights and sliding his arm around her shoulders, “no, I’m kidding. I’ll always be there to hold your ha-”
“Is this your new girl, Harry?”
“She’s not like any model!”
“How long is this one going to last before you’re onto the next one?”
“I won’t be surprised if it ends before next month! Huh, Harry?”
“He’s a womaniser! You’re another to add to the list, yeah?”
“Are you happy with his lifestyle? How he’s surrounding by pretty women?”
“He’s always busy! Always with friends! Always out and about and flying places! How can you keep up with that?”
“How long have you known each other?”
His jaw tightens and his arm drops from her shoulder, his fingers slipping through hers, and as soon as the cars come to a stop at the red-light, he’s tugging her along the crossing and away from the group of paparazzi that seemingly, to him, had nothing better to do than insult a relationship and a woman of which he was happy with. His pace quicker as she tried to keep with him. The camera lights still constantly flashing behind them.
“Just, don’t,” he grunts, gently slowing down to turn the corner. The restaurant coming into view as he huffs out a heavy breath and turns on his heels, “what was said back there, you don’t be-”
“I don’t believe any of it. Harry, I’m not stupid,” she tugs his hands and pulls him to a stop, pulling him closer to her and wrapping her arms around his waist, “Harry, for goodness sake, I love you. You love me. You know I don’t believe any of the false stories made up about you because I know the real you. I know you’re a romantic with your relationships and I’m so lucky to be that girl who you spoil rotten,” she nudges her nose into the the dimple of his chin and smiles, “we’re a month away from being together for a year, Harry. I think I know more about you, I think I know the truth more, than what’s posted for the general public.”
“But they-”
“Nope,” she grins, pushing a finger to his lips, “shush. We’re going to have a delicious dinner date tonight and we’re going to have some nice wine and forget about what happened with the paparazzi. We’re going to kiss and have a nice night and we’re going to go back to your house and have more cuddles, preferably naked, and we’ll wake up late tomorrow morning because it’s a Sunday and this situation will be forgotten.” 
His lips pout and he presses a kiss to the base of her finger.
“I love you. I really, really love you.” xx
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“2 in 1″-Promo for 12x22 “Who We Are” and 12x23 “All Along the Watchtower” Some Last Spec on the Season Finale Alright, so here goes some spec for the season finale that no one needs, but when watching the “2 in 1″-promo I ended up having some thoughts - aside from wishing that any of this season was as good as this 1 minutes teaser. Anyway, I tried to put the sets above into like “categories” of what seems to be belonging together simply because I feel it’s much easier to to untangle the last two episodes that way. The following is basically what @lemondropsonice and me came up with when going through the promo frame by frame. First and foremost it seems that some of the episode(s) may take place in a different dimension or at the very least in some sort of “different times of being” or planes of existence, as in meeting in a sort of mental meeting point or something, which may be created also by the nephilim or Lucifer himself. But I’m going to go through this loosely in order of the edit sets, which starts with the Winchesters and Toni Bevell in the bunker. What we get to see seems to capture them trying to find a way to get out of the bunker with Dean looking at old maps and Sam and Dean trying to hammer their way out of there, but of course not being too successful, which is why they appear to work some ritual or spell. Maybe to summon someone/something (maybe Crowley or Rowena for example) - which also seems to be working at least partially giving the shaking table. It could of course be something entirely else they may try to summon. May crazy mind of course went to Michael, but of course that’s just wishful thinking. In any case it seems that maybe whatever they try won’t work completely in the end. However with their spellwork they may have opened a doot for sth else to come through as well... The second set to me implies that maybe Toni tells Dean that there may be a way for them to reach out to Mary and make her turn around and come to her sense,which is why we see Dean all wired up. I don’t think this will be a case of brainwashing or mind control here, but rather a try to communicate. And of course here again I also have to think of the fact how there is a direct line between angel and vessel and that one only needs to know how to dial, which yeah brings me back to Michael, which will be a recurring theme throughout this spec lol. But anyway, Maybe this try to get Dean inside Mary’s head (here we would have another variation of “2 in 1″ from the promo, because it would be two people inside one head, though one could also read the title as a nod towards Kelly Kline and Lucifer’s baby, who are also “2 in 1″ and of course last but not least it may be read as possession and in general imo serves as a nod towards the fact that we have seen so many characters mind controlled by something else, like Kelly nd Cas by the unborn baby or Mary by the BritMol, etc.) may also make Dean enter Mary’s memories in some proximity, which brings me to the fourth set, because in the promo we see multiple shots of what appear to be flashbacks or dream sequences that Dean may share with Mary and almost all of those seem connected to the old Winchester house in Lawrence Kansas. There’s the stairs that look exactly like the one in the pilot and there’s the sofa and tv set we also saw John sitting in sleeping the night Azazel came for Sam. And of course bringing in such flashbacks makes sense, because the nephilim storyline is basically a repeat of the Winchester origins. And whatever else happens in these scenes suggests that they are realy painful (or maybe the realization that they can’t escape their prison and that their mom’s pratcically dead) given Dean tears up. Now going back to set 2, it appears to be that Ketch returns to the bunker for whatever reason - maybe because they realized they had lost a bit of control over Mary, because Dean was able to reach out to her mentally? In any case it seems to me that Ketch’s return then will spark the ultimate confrontation between him and the Winchester and as the frame of Dean suggests Ketch getting to meet the “The Prisoner”-side of Dean. During that fight it appears to me that Ketch may bring the claw fist thing (the one we see getting cleaned later on in the promo) and may hurt Dean’s leg in the process. Long story short, in the end I think Ketch will die in this confrontation and his coming back will make their escape possible. Which then may make the Winchesters set out to take the BritMoL down once and for all, so they head out to their headquarters. In the mean time it appears that we may get to see further instructions for Mary to kill - yes, we have seen this all before, because Mary was essentially given Dean’s story, thank you so much, Dabb you are such a good writer! *sarcasm* - it seemed she killed some Lester, which yes only drives the point home even more how this is a repeat of Dean’s story given Dean killed Lester too when he was a demon and influenced by the MoC. She gets her next target, which is Jody Mills. However it appears that Mary may have also been sicced on Rowena as the hand we see holding a long strand of red hair in her hands looks more like the hand of a woman rather than a man - though I will say there’s also possibility to assume that the one playing with the strand of hair coud be Lucifer due to the colour of the jacket, but Mark Pellegrino doesn’t have such hands imo, but let’s pretend it’s Lucifer. Why would he go after Rowena? Possibly because Rowena could find a way to power down his son or also possibly, because he may think she may know her son’s whereabouts, becasue we all know that Crowley switched places this week’s episode (truly, it can’t get any more obvious tbh) with a rat. So... as we know the demons had to get Crowley’s body out of the way, I assume they buried him, which brings us to the “Lazarus Rising”-sequence, which I first had hoped would be Michael or John rising, but which I think is actually Crowley who switches places again and went back into his body and thus crawling out of his grave. Back to BritMoL HQ where the Winchesters are about to take down the full joint when they learn that Jody’s in their power as well. All hell breaks loose and in the process Mary is sicced on her sons, but she is unable to break through and hold herself back. In the crossfire Jody manages to shoot last woman standing Mrs Hess, but not before she - seeing that their plan has failed - kills Mary. Queue Sam’s expression in the third set. And in the end to wipe the BritMoL of the face off the U.S: Dean pushes to button to blow up the BritMoL HQ (though i also continue want to see the bunker burn to the ground tbh) End of episode 12x22 On we go with episode 12x23 where we switch to Cas and Kelly Kline, who seem to hide out in some small house near a lake (because Cas is always coded and connected to water, but also because it serves as a callback to Amara bringing Dean to the lake in S11). While Kelly seems to have settled on a name - “Jack”, it seems, yeah short for Jacob probably, because... well biblical name and all - and keeps it calm, Cas appears to find something off about the world around him, because it seems the way he points his finger the air may turn liquid there. Could be that it’s a case of the child further controlling Cas or Cas realizing that he’s being controlled. In any case it seems that later on Dean and Sam may end up there and Cas - touching Deam’s forehead either heals Dean or shows him something (maybe the kid’s idea of the future) or zapps him somewhere else, the other dimension maybe that I think will be played parallel to the narrative in earth time. It’s not shown but I assume Lucifer will track them all down and may hurt or kill Cas in the process - which may also be why he is in the other dimensions (that’s the thid possibility: all of them are dead and this is actually the Empty. I couldn’t picture a better Empty than a desert tbh - though Cas’ wounds could also be brought about by those claw thingies, though I don’t think Ketch will end up being in this scene. Which brings me to the last set, I’m gonna label that “plane of existence” limbo right now - and in between place like “King’s Cross” in Harry Potter. Meaning they all are on the verge of death or dead. Meaning Sam, Dean and Mary all died and Cas possibly too (unless suddenly angels can travel these planes of existence). I assume that they all may hae to fight for their life there again, kind of like in purgatory, but just when they all feel they can’t win mystery desert guy helps kill the rest of them and walks up to them. No statue wise it could be Mark Pellegrino, which would mean that Lucifer would possibly just enjoy to lead them on only to hurt them all some more after that - unless his child intervenes. I rather prefer however that this mystery person isn’t Lucifer, but someone else from the past. If this place truly is limbo or possibly the “Empty”, I think Billie would be a neat one to end up being the mystery person. However, given the expressions of all Winchesters, I personally would like it most if who saved them was John Winchester. I am not a fan of the character by a long shot but with how this season has been referencing the beginning of SPN it would make sense to bring him back - but if so I think probably rather in shape of Matt Cohen rather than Jeffrey Dean Morgan. And of course I have to throw this in one last time here, who knows, maybe it’s just someone looking like John, but actually being someone else *whispers* Michael. Revelation of whoever mystery desert guy is and queie title cards: End of S12.
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seven-for-president · 7 years
The last few steps (2)
Okay, so next week I´m on a trip with my class and I won´t have time to do any HCs....(๑´╹‸╹`๑)
But since I had really much fun writing the fanfiction I´m doing the second part today (ノ^∇^) and because I don´t have much time and it´s faster
I hope you´ll wait for me until I´m back with writing HCs for you, so till then CYA!!
Your first look went down tohis wrist and to your suprise you couldn´t see a bracelet. No one on the other arm either... He´s strange, you thought.
“Hi, my Name is MC. What exactly do you mean with Zero in your Name?”
He looked like he hoped for that question. At a closer inspection his eyes were bright yellow, the Kind of eyes you expected to see on cats, not humans.
“ Oh, you know....that´s just a Code” whie saying the word Code, he winked at you, way to obviously. He talked just like a Little kid and also acted like one. You then realized that he hadn´t had any clue about the bracelets and the numbers. You were free from destiny and a life bound to a stranger. You felt like crying tears of joy and thanked ever celestial being you ever heard of. Even if he was a strange guy you still felt a Connection between the two of you, not that you would do anything to explain it to him, but you could sense it.
“I guess you´re the Person I´ve been waiting for. Your hair is the reddest I´ve seen in all my life.”
You saw Resa being very confused next to you. It seemed she had noticed his missing bracelet too and that she wanted to tell him. But one look from you was enough to make her Forget this idea, which was more than stupid to you. This was your Chance of eternal freedom and no one would ruin it. You´d give him the envelope, he´d accept it maybe would stay for tea and ask for some directions and then you´d never meet again. As sad as thid was.... Wait, what? Focus MC, Focus!!
“Yeah, they gave me a photo of you and your dad, so I recegniced you right away.” He Held up an old photo in which you looked completly different from today. You needed this Change to escape your mom, but your dad looked exactly like the last time you saw him.
 He was way too high spirited for some sort of Special Agent... which you thought he was.
“Give me a minuite to say goodbye to my friend okay? We´ll go soon so don´t run of somewhere.”
Resa looked like she needed that talk like she needed Oxygen. So you dragged her, maybe a bit too forceful, to the next Corner and started to speak.
“ Listen, Resa. I don´t want anyone to know. Please, Keep quiet and jut Forget about it. You noticed he hasn´t got a bracelet right? So he´s not bound to me. He´ll leave tomorrow or the day after and then I´ll Forget about him. So don´t tell him. Let me retain myself and my freedom!” Resa looked worried and you wondered when it started to rain, since you felt something wet on your face.
“If you want that so badly I won´t say a Thing to him. But if it makes you happy to never see him again, why are you crying?”
So it wasn´t rain... you opened your mouth and tasted something salty, which you assumed were your tears.
“Trust me Resa, it´s better that way.” She looked sad but didn´t say anything else and just left. You felt a pain in your left chest, right where your heart was. You weren´t sick you knew it was not a pain caused by injurnies, you knew exactly what Kind of pain this was. It was the same Kind of pain you felt when your dad died.
You turned around, wanting to go back to your supposed to be Soul mate, but you bumped into him while turning. You were shocked, what did he hear? You feared that your new gained freedom would be shattered to pieces.
“What did you hear? Weren´t you supposed to be waiting over there?” You pointed at the spot where you left him earlier. He no longer looked cheerful or childish to you, but deeply hurt and a bit broken.
“ Not much, I´m sorry you lost your dad. It´s hard to lose a Family member who´s very dear to you. I shouldn´t have shown you that Picture I´m sorry. I guess it brought back some unpleasant memories. If you want I can give you the photo, so don´t be sad anymore.” He then did something you never would have dreamed of.
He hugged you, tight.
Your Body was even more on fire than it was before and you felt blood rushing throug your brain and cheeks. The Connection you felt before told you to never let him go. It was like a chain that was getting tighter and tighter, leaving no Chance for you to escape. It was like it pressed your free will out of you.
But your conciousness still had the upper Hand and you pushed him away, but not very forceful, which in the end seemed to be a signt for him to pull you closer and put a Hand on your head. A warm Sensation hit you like a car and made you feel almost too comfortable for your rational mind. The man who called himself the Defender of justice started to rub over xour back and whisperd sof words of comfort into your ears.
“It´s okay, I am here for you. It´s okay.”
  You started to sob and soon tears flodded down your face like a waterfall. It wasn´t because you thought about your dad, he had his share of your tears a Long time ago. It was because the idea of loosing him felt more and more wrong each passing second and you hated yourself for Feeling like this.You hated being weak and  succumb to the stupid number, like your mom was. You didn´t cry because of sadness but because of the treason your heart commited agains you.
“Do you want to go to your house? I´ll bring you if you want. Do you?”
Your mind told you to say no, told you to just give him the damm letter and never see him again, it screamed to just do as you were told and then Forget about him. But your mind was on the powerless side.
“Yes, that would be very nice of you. Thank you.”
You wiped your nose with a tissue he gave you and begann Walking in the direction of your house, cursing yourself for being weak again and bringin him there.
Little did you know that he kept a small pendant on a necklace underneath his Shirt. A Little pendant with a Display that showed the number Zero.
sooooooo, I hope you aren´t angry at me for posting a fanfiction, again and excuse my Absence for the next week (*≧▽≦)
If you liked it anyway please leave a like or comment, which would make me super-duper happy (*^▽^)/
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